#the rain didn't come with soap lmao
stupidfuckingwindow · 6 months
Driver WIP fic
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Content/warnings: Driver jerks off in his car while thinking about you. Little bit of a scent kink. Abrupt ending; I had no idea where to end this one.
Notes: I've had this one in the drafts for so long and just need to put it out there before I go nuts. Sorry I haven't been writing much 😭. Not proofread. This might not be good LMAO
Word count: 850
Driver thought a lot about you, didn't he? From harboring the idea of possibly finally settling down with you, to wondering if you were alright when he was away, Driver constantly worried about you. So much so that he found himself breaking into your apartment and leaving traces of himself while stealing bits of you that he'd return later. This time, he'd left his gloves in exchange for the shirt in your basket. One you hadn't washed yet, but had meant to.
It still smells like you. Your skin and your soap, from the previous night. Grabbing the article of clothing had been risky, and Driver was almost caught when you had come home early. He'd been forced to duck under your bed and wait almost an hour for you to leave.
Now, he sits in his car, not too far from your apartment. The engine turned off, and your bedroom window directly in sight. Already, it's dark out. Light rain on the windshield, orange street lights on, and your silhouette in the shutters, pulling clothes off your form while he watches. He feels dirty, doing so. Driver knows it's wrong, but can't stop himself. Too busy trying to imagine your bare skin under him, wondering what you look like. He can vividly see himself holding your wrists together to keep you still- Pressing kisses along your torso while you squirm and buck.
Before he knows it, you're gone from the window and his jeans are uncomfortably tight, much more than they were before he started daydreaming.
Driver chews at his inner cheek, and the point of the toothpick between his lips is lightly poking at his tongue. Uncomfortable, but not painful. His hand drops from the key where it's slotted perfectly inside the ignition, but not turned. His gloved palm rests on his thigh, the back of his head pressed against the seat's cushioning. Warmth escapes the soft porous brown leather and settles over his leg, hard to ignore. Faintly, he can smell the leather conditioner he uses- Pine tar and mint filling his nostrils. It's earthy and pleasant, and Driver can't help but wonder if you'd like it.
Internally, he debates with himself for a minute. If it'd be right, to deal with his arousal in your parking lot, when you might just come out and finally catch him fucking his fist like a teenager with his first crush. The thought doesn't exactly deter Driver, like he'd hoped it would. No, he wants to be caught. Finally be given an answer and settle his thoughts. What if you want him? If you weren't repulsed by his habit and thoughts of you. He isn't sure what he'd do if you said yes, taken the toothpick from his lips and pulled him into a kiss. Then again, that's another fantasy. He's sure he'd figure something out if he actually were caught.
Driver doesn't plan on that happening, however.
Slowly, he tugs his zipper down and shifts forward in his seat. His legs instinctively spread as he sits back and forces himself to relax. Driver's eyes flutter shut when he works on pulling off his belt, and open again when it's off, tossed into the passenger's seat beside him. They find themselves back at your window, and he silently hopes he'll see you again tonight, even if through closed blinds. That maybe, just maybe, he'll get to watch you dry off from the shower and get dressed.
Long, calloused fingers finally draw his cock out of his boxers and relieve the pressure against the head. Driver faintly sighs, brows knitted together as his attention drifts down.
He wraps his right hand around his erection, hissing at the cold air on his newly-exposed skin. A strand of hair falls from it's usual neat spot, distractingly getting in the way of his eyes. He forces himself to ignore the slight inconvenience, starting himself off with a couple lazy strokes to warm up. The rough texture of his gloves against his cock is one he's familiar with- Just one more way for Driver to pretend he's with you, instead of alone.
His hips shift forward in the seat, chasing what little pleasure he finds, and Driver squeezes his eyes shut. A shuddering breath leaves his throat, followed by a soft hiss when he squeezes himself a little too harshly. His fingers ball up the fabric of your shirt tightly, dragging it close to his face and deeply inhaling. Your scent clings to it, drawing a soft moan from Driver as he revels in the closeness. God, the idea of being this close to you.
The imagines pulling it off your form, slow and deliberate as he reveals more skin. Tracing your scars with his thumb and nipping at your thighs. He wants to suck at your flesh, lap the blood from your cuts and fuck you with his fingers while teasing you.
Driver groans at the thought, hips bucking against his hand before he stops himself short of an early orgasm. Quietly, he pants, cursing himself out in the deepest pits of his mind.
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hottiehiei · 2 months
Howdy! Um I was wondering if you would write team Uremeshi scents. (Colognes, body washes, whatevs😘) Whenever you get the time to write Thank you so much
Hi !!! <3 Interesting! I've never considered this before, thank you!
Side note: I only write for Hiei, but I didn't make that known; sorry about that! I decided to do the entire team anyway though because why not lol
Team Uremeshi Scents
sfw, just silly headcanons to make you laugh :)
𓆩⟡𓆪 Hiei: I’d say a mix of various earthy scents!
He spends quite a lot of time outside, so it’s easy for different forest smells to latch onto his skin and clothes, like wood, pine, grass, rain, etc.
Whenever he decides to visit the ocean shore, you'll catch a whiff of salt and sea breeze too!
Hiei often resides in the demon world, so there’s a small tinge of blood (iron/metallic smell)
After using Darkness Flame, a slight burning smell surrounds him— like burnt flesh (the smell was incredibly strong when he used it during the Dark Tournament)
When bathing, he might visit a quiet hot spring or small lake. Hiei is petty enough to refuse body wash simply because it's a human made product. He mostly prefers a plain bar of soap without any strong fragrances or chemicals.
Hiei isn’t a cologne guy either, but if he happens to come across a scent he particularly likes, he might snatch it.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Kurama: Well, Roses, of course.
This man is a walking bouquet. He naturally smells like a freshly bloomed rose on a spring morning.
Floral scents all the way. Floral body wash, floral perfume, floral lotion, you name it. He is the KING of skin care. Organic products only. Cruelty free. Vegan. Recyclable. The list goes on and on. He certainly doesn’t need any of these items but he enjoys collecting them anyway!
Kurama uses homemade soap bars made from various flowers and leaves, and he likes to take bubble baths with rose petals in the water!
Even on his worst day, after a life or death battle, he still smells the best out of everyone in the group. You would’ve thought he’d just taken a stroll through a garden rather than fighting for his life.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Yusuke and Kuwabara: There is no nice way of putting this. They're stinky asf.
Just kidding-!!
These two get into so much trouble. By the time they make it back home, they're covered in sweat, dirt, and traces of blood. Luckily, after a shower, they smell much better.
Think of the most basic men’s body wash. That’s their smell range. (Musk and spice scents are most common) Kuwabara may pick up shea butter here and there because he’s fond of sweet smells. Yusuke grabs whatever smells decent and moves on.
There’s also a good chance you’ll smell their hair gel if you get close enough.
As for cologne....AXE BODY SPRAY.
lmao okay seriously, if they actually buy cologne, they would pick the most masculine-smelling scent and spray the hell out of it. You will smell them coming from miles away.
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stitching-in-time · 3 months
Voyager rewatch s3 ep8: Future's End pt 1
Yay I'm so happy to get to this one! I love time travel stories, and this is so much fun. The weird thing is, I remember very well when this first aired, thinking it was so exciting to see a Star Trek crew in a modern setting, but looking at it now, I feel ancient, because it's a period piece now! It's 1990s a-go-go! I'm forcibly jolted back to watching this in middle school, and remembering my room full of Beanie Babies, listening to the Spice Girls, changing from my school backpack to a much cooler, tinier backpack to go with my friends to the mall, and talking to my one friend who watched Voyager about how cool this episode was, and what did we think would happen in the second part, and didn't the observatory girl from this episode have the cutest daisy belt?!
There's just so much silly, fun, fish-out-of-water comedy in this, it never fails to amuse me. Time paradoxes are great, and the blending of finding technology from the Federation's future in the past is clever, but honestly, this episode is about Starfleet characters interacting with 20th century pop culture. Janeway in her white Hilary Clinton-esque pantsuit! Neelix and Kes getting hooked on soap operas! (They are so bored on that ship, I swear they need some community theatre or orchestra or something like they had on the Enterprise to keep them all from going insane.) Tom being a nerd about history, and getting things adorably wrong! (Though I would argue that his use of 'groovy' was actually cool in '96, since all things 60s were experiencing a revival, and I distinctly remember my friends and I decorating a supply box at school with little flowers and peace signs and the words 'peace & love' and 'groovy'. Clearly, the Voyager writers had not caught up with tween girl slang, lol.) But actually, I love that Tom gets to impress a girl with actual science, rather than just hitting on her like a jerky dudebro. It's very sweet, I'm so proud! (And we learn he majored astrophysics at the Academy, which somehow surprised me- he has such strong 'just some guy' energy that sometimes it's easy to forget that he's actually smart!)
Tuvok and Tom being sent on an away mission together is such a great odd couple combo, Tuvok is basically babysitting the kid with adhd in that situation, and watching him attempt to keep his cool is also funny and adorable. I love how Janeway just enables Tom too- when she told him to do what he had to do to get to the observatory, it's like um. Captain. you know you just gave Tom permission to steal a car, right?? And then he totally does steal a car!! They are such chaos gremlins! Tuvok truly does not get paid enough to wrangle his crewmates. (Also, how does Tom know how to drive?! Sure, he's studied cars and all, and might understand the general idea, but like, how does he know what the actual road rules are?! Has he ever driven a car in an actual city before?? There's no road signs in space, he would have no idea what, say, a no turn on red sign means! And they're in LA traffic, no less! And why would Rain give him the keys to her van when they're being shot at?! They met ten minutes ago! She should have been driving!! And how does Tom know what a test drive is?? They don't have cars in the 24 century! Unless maybe they have shuttle dealerships?? Can you test drive a shuttle?? Are they like 'yeah, you can take it as far as Saturn to get a feel for how the impulse engines perform'? lmao I guess Tom's amazing driving skills are just one of those things we have to just go with!)
And Harry gets left in charge of the bridge!! Baby's first command!! When Janeway comes back and tells him he did a good job, his little smile is so sweet!! Dammit Harry, you're too cute!!
One of the few things I thought didn't work was having Janeway and Chakotay clutching their pearls over seeing people with mohawks and pink hair on the boardwalk. Really?? They're in Starfleet, they see actual alien species all the time! They literally have people who are straight up blue-skinned on their ship, do you think they'll be shocked by regular humans with dyed hair?! Are they seriously trying to tell us everyone dresses conservatively and wears beige in the 24th century? Please! Starfleet Headquarters and the Academy are both in California- don't tell me Californians aren't still weird in the future! They'd have seen people dressed like that before, c'mon.
But anyway, the villain being a self-centered, thieving corporate exec is still timely, and it's super funny seeing Voyager get caught on someone's camcorder flying over Los Angeles, they did a good job making those effects shots look authentic. There's just so much good stuff, I'm enjoying the hell out of this one, and excited for part 2!
Tl;dr: A fun, fast-paced fish-out-of-water time travel story, with lots of comedy and great character moments.
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mistydeyes · 1 year
hiya!! i know you’re probably SWAMPED with pairing requests right now, so if you can’t get to this please do not sweat it ^^. i just binged all of pharmacist!reader and i’m obsessed lmao.
personality !!
get ready for this to read like a crappy tinder bio ahshdgd. i’m definitely an extrovert, with my personality type thing being enfp! although, i used to be /painfully/ shy so i feel for people who hate social situations. apparently i come off as flirty? i think i’ve just got an offbeat sense of humour— courtesy of growing up in scotland— and i tend to just show a lot of affection to anyone, even if it’s simply platonic. 
interests ?!
i love to make things, like writing and illustration (which is what i’m working on a degree for)! i’m currently working part time at a florist store though haha, i got my certification in high school instead of studying for math. i try to embrace the small things and leave crappy little post-it poems and silly doodles at my friends’ places. my main attitude towards what i do is very punk? if that makes sense? apart from the fact that i love punk and heavier music (xray spex, death, pinkshift, big joanie, etc.), i’m a big believer in being relentlessly loving of yourself and others- self love and supporting your friends is the ultimate rebellion!! :D. 
appearance ?? (if it matters)
i’m on the taller side, about 5’11. damn my genes for perpetuating scottish stereotypes, but i’ve got green eyes, freckles, and a propensity to sunburn. i’ve got black hair with sections of it dyed really light blonde (this has reminded me to go fix my roots later whoops), and it’s a sort of veronica sawyer type bob? my hair is really thick so i’m struggling in the summer heat lmao.
thank you again <333
Johnny "Soap" Mactavish (a/n anon you're living out my dream like I WOULD love to drop out of pharmacy school and work at a florist shop! so happy you enjoyed my pharmacist series though!)
How you met: Civilian Working in a florist shop in a busy part of the UK meant you had a good flow of customers. From old grandmas to boyfriends making up for forgotten anniversaries, you've seen it all. You were finishing up on a large bridal order when a young man walked in. He made sure to shake off his umbrella before entering. "It's pitchin it douwn 'ard out 'ere" he said as he approached the counter and you could see it was monsooning outside. Before he could translate, you replied to his exclamation. "A fellow Scot!" you said enthusiastically and his face beamed. "I'd recognize that accent anywhere," he responded and you soon fell into a conversation about growing up in the Scottish countryside and missing home in the rainy London climate. "So what are you here for?" you laughed as you set your elbows on the counter. "A houseplant, bonnie," he responded, "thought this was the right place." "Well Johnny, I have a fair share of options, but I think," you began to say as you walked around the counter and towards your collection of houseplants. You finally found the perfect one, a medium sized fiddle-leaf fig plant. "I think this wee lad is your new best friend," you smiled and handed him the potted plant. "How much do I owe ye?" he asked before you shook your head. "It's on the house, pleasure to make you a new plant owner," you replied. He smiled widely before exiting into the pouring rain. "Hope to see you again!" he waved and you hoped he kept his promise.
A peek into your relationship: "I don't think I'm doing this correctly," Johnny said as you felt the cold hair dye coat your scalp. "You're doing a better job than I could, babe," you joked underneath the pile of your hair. Having a boyfriend meant you didn't have to struggle bleaching and dying pieces of your hair when it needed a touchup. You couldn't even imagine how you used to do this. "You should just cut if off," he joked and you pretended to be shocked. "And have an ugly mohawk? I would never," you responded and you could hear him chuckle behind you. "Careful now, I might just dye your neck," he countered and you knew his threat was an empty one. "I'll kill your darling houseplant if you do, Mactavish, don't push me," you replied and that shut him up. After a few more minutes, he finally finished applying the dye to your bleached roots. You lifted your head to see his smiling face, hands coated with the bleach and his ratty shirt adorned with plenty of stains. "Thank you," you smiled happily and kissed his stubbled cheek. His ears tinged pink at your actions. "Now just have to wash this off in the shower," you said as you walked over to the bathroom. "Can I join?" he enthusiastically asked as your laughter filled your flat and he followed you like a puppy.
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papirouge · 2 years
the french dub of Call of Duty MWII is so FREAKING DISGUSTINGksdzpdzp
why does Soap sound older than Ghost????
Graves sounds too young and amateur - bad acting
Alejandro and Gaz are good though (Gaz french dub still has that sexy pitch of Elliot Knight voice lol)
Ghost is meh...but ok...just not Samuel Roukin. Like, when Ghost is talking I LOVE how you can feel dude is not really here - almost on autopilot, and lowkey insane. His intonation, the way of breathing his words.... French dubbed Ghost is just some dude with a medium deep voice and doesn't sound nearly as deep as the original one
PLUS, in the "Alone" campaign, when Soap is seething in scottish about how hard it's raining and Ghost replies "English, McTavish." (bc as a British Ghost doesn't understand Scottish), the french version makes Soap speak some weird slang or dialect (is that breton??) and Ghost replies in french what translates as "Translation?" which is lame bc Ghost being British and Soap Scottish is an important aspect of their dynamic!!!!!! I mean, at some later point in the campaign, when Ghost is joking about making them some tea when Soap lands in a bar, Soap drags him with "Fucking British!" lol I understand those specificities cannot be translated in another language, but the result was awkward still... BUUUUT I KNOW that the french translation team didn't even try because after Ghost asks Soap to speak English (about the rain situation), Soap replies (in the original version) "It's raining fucking hard!!" (and many fans love that line bc of how pissed at Ghost he sounds lmao) and in the french dub they just made him plainly translate in french "It's raining a lot" .....when his emotion/anger would have been more faithfully conveyed with "C'est une putain d'averse!!" (with the same cursing) I don't understand why they made the dialogues more clean than they are in the original version 🤔
Oh and Ghost famous "Open hearts and minds with it, Johnny" line when Soap finds a shotgun is very poorly translated. Ghost twisted psychotic humor does a clever play on words to come off like it was figuratively/emotionally (when DUH, we all know shotguns are made to burst skulls & chests wide open) but in the french dub they just translated so bluntly (minds = crânes ?????), the original subtlety of Ghost joke just flew through the window. Even the dubbed delivery is off ; too straightforward and blunt, while the original is said in a soft-spoken laconic (almost creepy) way à la Ghost. Meh.
TL;DR: Ghost french dub sucks butt. I should be paid to translate things.
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goodplace-janet · 3 years
some kinda general zombies run! thoughts. no actual spoilers, only the most vague meta comments on seasons/story arcs over the years.
i'm thinking about stories where the writer has a plan for the end and is able to wrap everything up in a satisfying way (the good place, leverage from what i've heard?) versus stories that get canceled before they can do that (pushing daisies) versus stories that drag on so long that they go WELL past the shark-jump stage (fucking supernatural)
and as much as i love zombies run! and wish it could go on forever... if i'm being completely honest, i feel like it's already fallen into the gone-on-too-long category, for me?
seasons 1-3 were a solid, coherent arc. i LOVED s5 and had problems with s4 and s6, but if i look at them as another arc i can appreciate it as a whole. s7 and beyond... i'm not really enjoying it as much anymore, and i can't pinpoint at this moment exactly what is missing that i feel the story used to have, but yeah. i can see where they could have ended on a good note after s6, instead of carrying on past that.
I'm not a confident writer lmao but i wish i could write a little like, post-s6 series finale that addresses all the characters and settings and how they're doing and how they're moving on after the events of the story, how they're looking towards rebuilding the uk and finally reaching out to other communities around the world. and then i would just hang onto that as my own personal headcanon while we lowkey slog through the rest of whatever the fuck is going on with actualcanon.
[sorry this is so very negative, and truthfully, I still love zr and it would take something extraordinarily egregiously offensive to make me ever quit it.]
another option would be for them to end abel township's story, but tell stories from other communities? like the hebrides season and the tunisia season with the red fungus arc could have been a separate thing that didn't involve abel, because shoehorning these characters into these situations has led to breaks in continuity? (mostly in s9, to be clear.) maybe that doesn't make sense, especially factoring in the listener perspective character, but idk. I'm just thinking out loud at this point in the post.
i do feel like the app is switching focus to the new adventures, which is a shame (for me personally lol) because i don't actually care for those.
I don't know how to end this post... i will end with a disclaimer that i don't hate zr lol. I'm just noticing my feelings about it and how they've changed over time.
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noirapocalypto · 3 years
can i have 7, 8, 16, 30 for the calm asks pls?? 💖💖💖💖
Absolutely! Thank you!! 💕💕💕@jsilverhvnd
From this ask game.
7: Do you listen to ASMR?
Yes and no 😆I don't actively seek it out, but when I see a video in my suggested feed, I'm probably check it out. I like visual stuff more, though. I used to follow an IG account that uploaded videos of them just cutting through blocks of kinetic sand and the crunch was [insert pacha just right emote]. But with the visual stuff, I watch this soapmaker make soap (its a hobby of mine too lol) and package her orders and she just mutes herself and plays soft music to it, and it's probably one of my favorite channels.
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle?
Rain storms for sure 💕It's very relaxing to me, especially when it's at night or early in the morning when I'm still in bed. I could do without the power outages that come with them though.
16: What’s a language you’d like to speak?
I've always been very fond of Portuguese! Italian, as well. And lately, since I've been hyperfixated on my French corpo OC, add French to the list.
30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?)
There's two. One year, I dressed up as Slash, the guitarist. It was a quick costume that I didn't plan for because I wasn't planning on dressing up until my sister told me I had to because she was throwing a party and I had to attend (lmao). So I was like "Fuck, I already have the hair, lemme just throw a quick outfit together" bought a hat from a thriftstore and borrowed a guitar. It was actually pretty dope lol
Another year, I went as a Catrina (Day of the Dead). Simple black dress, the full face paint done by my sister, and one of her big sunhats that I attached roses to.
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fandom-blackhole · 4 years
I love that you established that Paz and Din are practically a family because now our au can work in many ways!
Like social worker!reader x kindergarten teacher!Din with cameos of chef!unclePaz and vice versa.
So we need to connect Boba with the boys in our set up. My head is kinda empty in this deparrment. Boba financially supporting Din's school perhaps?
So as I was lurking at your earlier asks now we can have social worker!reader x mob Boba babysitting Grogu for Din??
Also your expansion on Paz's being eco friendly and all about educating younglings!
He is w o k e king we don't deserve but we all need.
Random thot, Paz of course is a sweetheart but he still represents BDE. He is not about any macho shenanigans so picture this:
You and Paz on lazy Saturday evening, drinking matcha made by our chef, obviously, spilling the tea about his workers. He is throwing a shade left and right sassy king (of course no ill will because he is a teddy) and all of that while you both are using those cute, korean face masks. Can we agree that he is a skincare king?? Like after leaving the army, he taught himself that practicing self-love is really important! Also back to Boba, he doesn't really talk with you about his ''work''. I know communication is the key, but maybe he thinks you are too innocent and selfless doing all that social work, that even though, as you mentioned, he has morals, he won't talk with you about what he'd done to that afwul person from the rival family. Another thing for Boba, he is filthy rich but he does not flaunt his money? Like, of course, he gets you the best of the best gifts just because but deep down he is a simple man.(Jango didn't come from the wealth, he was a self-made man and taught his son the importance of hardworking). He'd rather spend his evening with you, watching the sunset in his penthouse (okay we need to keep this kind of boujee for him) than going to any fancy parties.
Sorry, my writing is all over the place but I feel so pumped up. I love creating this universe with you! - 🐣
God don't be sorry because I can and will jump around as well! I love this little world we are making too and im just super excited...
Ok ok, thinking about how to tie Boba into all of this, what if because he donates so much, Boba is also like an elected official like on the school board for the city?
That way he has a tie to Din, and as for Paz, Boba supports and donates to Paz's eco friendly organization he's started to help clean up the city
And Boba just kind of take both boys under his wing a bit because they both remind him of himself a little
Because Boba is like an big brother to the boys, when Din is super busy he does occasionally ask Boba to watch Grogu
Which always results in a disaster, because Boba always teaches him things he shouldn't, like naughty words, rude gestures, and how to hurt someone
Now as for his money, Boba doesn't flaunt it, but he also uses the money, he isn't just going to let it set there
So he has a nice house(s) in, and out, of the city, he has nice cars with great paint jobs, and as you said spoils you with nice gifts
He also always has the nicest tailored suits, and beautiful watches and tie clips, but his cuff links were his fathers and he wears them all the time and refuses to get new ones
You don't spend much money, wanting to keep it safe for emergencies, so you kind of off handedly comment about something and it shows up at your house, with a note that just says, "for you princess. -B"
Boba very much does like to keep you in the dark about his work, not only for plausible deniablity with law enforcement, but also because it is refreshing to have someone so 'innocent' and untouched in his life
Ok so PAZ, our boy, (first off I LOVE matcha, and I am like the only person that orders it at our local coffee shop, the barista has even told me that lmao)
So he is so into self care, once he left the military he dove into self care because it helps his spirits and it was something he could enjoy while he was away
He always buys the absolute cheesiest masks he can find, and he always looks silly with them half covering his beard (because he has one and I will fight people who say he doesn't)
Also also, so Paz is super economical so what IF he lives in a tiny home?!?!? Like they are better for the environment because they are smaller, and he doesn't use as much energy, though he also has solar panels at his house, and he showers with rain water
God just imagine him, a huge giant, living in a tiny house
He likes how small it it because it means more room for his garden and handful of animals
He owns a clutch of chickens, a goat (he makes his own goat cheese and goat milk soap), and he has a small pond with geese and ducks
(Send me THOTS!!!!!)
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