#the reason shes not in her original outfit & is in some swimsuit type thing is cuz i had no clue how to draw her outfit ToT
p0th · 5 months
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cant decide which one i like more so both r gonna be posted!!!
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fixinglitg · 7 months
So Season 3 boat party, the last thing we would see added onto the old all before the game changed apps and started the proper downfall of quality.
I've played through it once before with Aj as my partner, and got back with her in the end. And it felt so unsatisfactory. Were any of the issues resolved? No. Did we really talk about it? No. Did it feel really anticlimactic? Yes.
So I decided I wanted to play it again, after years of not touching it, to see if I could make it good. Which meant not only doing something a little different, but also changing my whole original idea when I remembered that the route I'm doing currently was possible.
So let's get into this! And for once, I'm not even bothering with a disclaimer. Oh and there's multiple parts since I'm probably gonna use more than ten pictures so lmao.
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
We start off the boat party with the usual questions and all, like who was your partner, did you split the money, are you living together, and what's your job.
And then you do a bit of customisation and pick a name.
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Love this bitch.
Then, we get into the scene. It's raining in London, with a bit of a thunderstorm, and we're doing Lottie's personality quiz or something. I actually never read what it is, but I know I got meek mermaid. Whatever that means.
Then Lily enters with dinner, and things are going as good as they can momentarily (Lily was chosen because she's my least favourite LI so I wouldn't really feel much later on). And then, Lily and Gabriella start arguing.
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I usually try to avoid conflict, so I go for the last option, but it ends up turning into the first anyways. It doesn't really solve anything anyways, because then the argument gets worse, until Lily leaves and doesn't make a sound for weeks.
Note: if you wanna see someone try and justify the reasons between the LIs conflict and why it's bigger than we think, go to this post by u/melaniekingswife
Then we get Nicky and Elle's text saying how they've got a surprise vacation (not so much a surprise anymore) planned out for them.
Gabe (since I cba to type out Gabriella every time) takes that as an opportunity to enjoy a break from the possible misery she's in, and packs her things. You then choose what swimsuit and fancy/everyday outfit you want before going to the yacht.
Now this part is really vague and all since it's the exact same for everyone's playthroughs, so I'm only really going into it when we get to the main attraction.
Finally, we're greeted by your best friend of the four options (I chose Elle) and you briefly say how things aren't going swimmingly well, but you're interrupted by Nicky saying how we need to get on the boat. Then you'll have three groups of people you can go see, I have no idea how relevant any of them are, so I won't go into that.
Soon enough, Gabe is approached by Nicky and Elle (Nicky shortly leaves again though) and they talk about the issues between Gabe and Lily.
And then we go to the cabin and come face to face with Lily.
During this whole segment, I try and choose the options that agree with her (mostly) since we're on holiday and I don't really have the time for some petty little arguments again. Lily mentions how she's going to find another cabin to sleep in, I say that that's cool, and then we get changed for the health and safety talk.
After that, we talk to Elle about everything properly, before we finally have everything off our chest, and ask how she is instead
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Specifically wanted to add this in case no-one realised who I was talking about, currently I cannot for the life of me remember how to spell her name, and neither does my keyboard.
But then Nicky explains how we're going paddle boarding over the intercom, and we quickly switch to that scene.
And the more interesting stuff. See, though this side romance character you choose is the same for everyone (as in it's coded in the same way probably, I actually don't remember) it always feels different when you're with someone you actually like. And that's how the boat party could possibly actually be good. If we don't go back to original LI, and go to this new LI instead.
See most of the arguments at the beginning are pretty silly to turn into something massive. I think it's said that only Tai and Rafi's make sense. And I think that if you're going to have an argument like that? Over dishes? Or not being listened to? Or working out too much? Yeah, no. Any mature person would sit there and talk it out, not argue.
Back to paddle boarding though.
Lily partners up with Iona, slapping Gabe's thought of possibly partnering up out the window, so instead we have to choose another islander. Bill, Tai, and Ciaran aren't an option because they all have a partner (Bill and Miki, and Tai and Ciaran) but I was going with Aj anyways.
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I totally wanted to say how much I just wanted her to steal me away instead, BUT I decided that I wanted to be respectful for an episode or two before properly starting the romance.
After a bit of a paddle board tutorial, we then finally get on the actual board itself, have some moments with Aj
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Like I said, wanted to keep things respectful for this episode so I chose all the options that were mostly friendly.
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Then there's a little moment when Aj says that this is romantic, and that we'd probably rather be with Lily right now.
And I think the best option here is to say "I don't want to compare" because you really shouldn't. Sure, you can take things that you learn from your previous relationships, but you shouldn't be comparing person A with person B. They're someone new, so take it that way.
And I think what Gabe says is correct. We're with Aj right now, we're enjoying ourselves, nothing else should really matter in that moment in time.
Though it's nice how considerate she is.
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Then we race Nicky and Elle. I just wanted to add the second screenshot because I find it funny how Gabe looks like she's just came up with a master plan, but it's the most simple thing ever.
Anyways, juicy stuff continues in part 2! Once that's added, I'll link it at the bottom, along with parts following that. This was basically just the base storyline with a little interesting stuff at the end for the people who have never played this.
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lime1991 · 5 years
Nessa is NOT oversexualized.
You know, in fact, Nessa is not sexualized at ALL. I am so tired of seeing this:
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(credit: gghero)
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(credit: ilyvbs)
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(credit: joxterlesbian)
I will preface this by saying: I am black. I am female. if you tell others “listen to black/female voices on the matter” then here one is. here is a black female voice. listen to me.
The thing most people say is that Nessa’s outfit is too revealing. Well, my question is, why isn’t Misty’s? Or Jessie’s? I mean, there’s even more examples, like Shauna from Hoenn, or Gardenia. What about Shelly’s original design from the R/S games?
Let’s start with Misty,
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We are now finished with Misty.
And, well, I shouldn’t have to bring up Jessie, but I will anyway.
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Woah! Do you see that? Her top is- is so TIGHT! and her skirt? Oh jeez, and her BOOTS? She’s practically a hooker! this isn’t safe for kids! That was all sarcasm. This is how you sound when you bring up this double standard for Nessa. You know what, let’s just take a look at Nessa vs Jessie right now.
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Alright so we see that their tops are... basically the same thing, except for the fact that one is a shirt and the other is, you know, a bikini. for swimming. because she is the water type gym leader. Oh but let’s not forget that she’s showing oh so much SKIN! It’s about the same as Jessie give or take some inches due to the angle of Jessie’s picture vs Nessa’s.
And as I will likely say many more times in this post, Nessa’s top covers her thiddies because she is wearing a bikini. thats what bikinis do. they cover the bare minimum of your body in order for you to legally be in public while also enjoying the water. Should also point out that she’s wearing swimming shorts, so in a way, she’s more covered up than most people who wear bikinis, Misty included.
Finally, for this section of the argument, Shauna, Shelly, and Garden Girl.
Shauna (or Tessa, or whatever), from Hoenn, looks like this:
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Pretty revealing clothing, huh? Well what if I told you, this ALSO is not oversexualized? This is an outfit used for the ease of fighting. She is a Battle Girl, a character with no real personality within games, but is an actual character within the anime. Minor, but a character nonetheless.
Now just take a good look at her outfit. Dang, it’s kinda familiar, isn’t it? Oh yeah, that’s because it’s the exact same outfit Nessa wears.
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I shouldn’t have to go deeper into this, but I will for just a second.
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Garden Girl (Gardenia) she wears a weak ass poncho over her shirt that, even though it’s long sleeved, is not at all a SHIRT. you can see exactly where it ends and, would you look at THAT!
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She’s a little small, not my fault she’s from Ruby and Sapphire. This is Shelly. No, not that ORAS Shelly. This is the original R/S Shelly. and she’s well- she’s just-- WEARING NOTHING! you see cleavage in a KID’S game! This is just baffling, fellas!
Now I’m just as tired talking about other scantily clad anime girls as you are, so why not move onto our second section.
“Nintendo is always sexualizing their darkskin/black characters!!!!”
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Sooooo sexualized! Oh, you didn’t mean JUST pokemon characters? Well this has no fucking reason to even be considered an argument when we’re talking strictly about pokemon, but ok. I’ll address it.
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You people are just choosing to be stupid.
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magireco · 3 years
ive never played/watched magireco but do you think the large cast is a part of iroha just being seen as “madoka 2” ?? ive never touched the thing because from what i know its much darker than the original anime, but i do know there’s like 20 thousand megucas in the game and each of them has their own story, so there’s plenty of characters that could be seen as more interesting. theres also the fact that a lot of people dont like gacha games (and magireco, other than being one, is sexualized quite a bit so that probably makes people steer away from it as well, but that’s another topic) and magireco NA no longer exists anyways so it’s harder to actually understand the new content, plus as far as i’m aware season 2 of the magireco anime has not been confirmed to be planned? correct me if i’m wrong on that though
hi!! i have a lot to cover with this ask, so i’m going to answer your questions as neatly as i can in a fun little numbered list. read under the cut!
1. what do you mean by large cast? if you’re talking about how there’s more characters in the game/anime than in the original series, then i don’t think that really has anything to do with iroha. it might just be to garner fans’ collective interest since the original anime hit it off so hard. also, it’s just really hard to please huge collectives of people, especially really critical anime fans... *shiver.*
2. i think iroha bearing a similar resemblance to madoka was used to draw old fans back in, as well as living up to the tradition of all “main character” magical girls having pink hair. iroha and yachiyo were probably meant to resemble madoka and homura at least design-wise, and also seeing iroha, madoka, and homura together in one image is visually appealing; the colors and the familiar faces next to a new face are nice to look at.
3. magia record is not nearly as dark as the original series! in the anime, there are no main-cast deaths. this does not inherently prove that a show isn’t dark, but literally, the only onscreen death is of yachiyo’s friend from her original team, and that was in a flashback... rather than slowly losing characters as the story goes on, it starts off with iroha alone, then she meets other magical girls and they form a team, etc. i go on about this on my blog bc, once again, in my opinion, magia record has much more hopeful undertones and actually gives the girls a chance to, well... live. it’s an alternate timeline(that madokami can’t interfere with, there’s lore to that) wherein glasses homura is the homura featured(she actually gets a lot of character growth in the game), the main quintet is all together, the mikazuki villa crew really are just the found family trope combined in a little package. 
4. there are a few reasons for there being a lot of characters in the game, one of them being that they literally adapted every spinoff into the game. oriko magica, tart magica, suzune magica, kazumi magica... all those characters are there. then they added a bunch of side characters, which, i dunno? there are some side characters i really like and others i just kind of don’t really care about. but they really grow on you! .... most of them. 
5. yeah, blegh. the game certainly has its flaws(the whole series does, but that’s another ask for another day). the anime is much, much less fanservicey though! i have my gripes about the designs and i certainly have my gripes about the way the characters are drawn sometimes (looking at you, swimsuit mami artist), but with me being an experienced gacha player (unfortunately) that was just something i decided to put up with in exchange for a fun story. i can see why people might get the misconception that the anime is just as sexualized, though. i don’t like the main characters’ designs that much, honestly... they all show too much skin, so i agree. weird.
6. season 2 was confirmed! 
7. NA was discontinued right after the first arc of the series. disappointing (oh, i could go on), but we got to see a lot of iroha’s character development in the story.
8. what i was really trying to get across with that post was really just to gripe about in-fandom stuff. there are plenty of other characters that could be seen as more interesting than iroha, especially considering the mikazuki villa girls are all so varied, but that’s kind of how it is with every series, honestly. there’s always going to be one character that seems less interesting compared to other ones. i just kind of realized that iroha gets the short end of the stick compared to the other girls. not only because of her resemblance to madoka, but because of her perceived blandness and the lack of people who care to analyze why she might act that way. her pink motif and gentle, kind demeanor translates as “madoka copy” in people’s heads, and, y’know, it translated like that in mine the first time i saw her, too. but, when you actually think about her arc aside from her resemblance to madoka in several different ways, you get a really interesting and special character; just as special as the others! there was a similar issue with madoka, honestly, with people brushing her off because she wasn’t as “emotionally deep” as the rest of the quintet, even though that’s not true at all. i think it’s unfair that people will brush off a character just because they’re nice; that they’ll reduce characters like iroha and madoka to their cuteness and kindness only and not analyze the rest of the details that they have intentionally(or sometimes unintentionally, y’know how anime writing can be) been written with! 
...but then again, i’m biased in my own way, admittedly. i relate to iroha (i really just made that post because i was thinking about how i’ve never seen someone touch on how her memory gaps affect her), and i just wasn’t seeing any coverage on it, so i thought, someone has to do this! i also just... don’t see people who coin themselves as “iroha fans” very often? she’s one of the characters who is there, but usually not deemed interesting enough for someone to be a superfan of. i’m probably hypocritical, considering homura akemi is my favorite character and she’s pretty popular in the fandom, but what i said is more of an observation than an accusation anyway. i had similar feelings with madoka, but i haven’t gone on a proper ramble about that yet. 
...these characters also aren’t real people, so i’d say i probably shouldn’t go on such long rambles about them, but i really do feel like they reflect a lot of real life experiences sometimes. like, me connecting to iroha’s struggles is something that connects her character to an actual experience. however, like i said in my original post, i am very much an overanalyzer, and i tend to take concepts and just run with them, especially when something stands out to me. this is also just a magical girl show, so i’m really not taking anything that personally. 
also, to clear anything up, the original post wasn’t meant to come across as me being angry, per se, at people who think iroha is boring, it just kind of ticks me off that she’s brushed off so quickly in the larger fandom because of her demeanor. this doesn’t really apply to people who aren’t into the series at all yet, because i’d literally also think “okay so we have madoka, and madoka with a hood” if i were in your shoes! also, people are allowed to dislike characters for no reason. i’m just silly and go on long defensive rants over the sad magical girls, and would probably be sad if people didn’t like iroha because of the reasons i mentioned. 
all in all, i do reccomend magia record very much if you can get past the sexualization of the gacha cards and the, um... poorly designed outfits. because the NA server has been shut down, there are channels on youtube that graciously upload videos of the in-game stories as well as side stories! in the game, there are sometimes entire side stories for characters’ outfits. because it’s a gacha game, there are events and such, and the event stories i’ve seen and/or read (most of the ones i’ve read have to do with homura though) are a lot of fun. i reccommend checking out muffinrecord’s channel if you’d like to read any of the stories (hopefully you’re the type of person who can sit and watch live2d models move around with boxes of text on the bottom for 25 minutes like me). they have everything sorted into playlists in that section of their youtube. of course, i also reccomend watching the anime, if you’re interested! the animation is polished and nice, even if the story is a little hard to follow at times. but if not, that’s okay too. 
thank you for the ask, and i hope i could clear some things up for you!
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Graceless Heart Fic (Spoiler) Notes
These are notes for my 80K Fire Emblem fic “Graceless Heart.” These notes are full of SPOILERS! Please read the fic first! Beware at your own risk!
The notes will be under a Read More. Mobile users, if it doesn’t work for you, I’m so sorry.
Sumeragi was at work while Corrin was saying goodbye to the Hoshido family. He already said goodbye to Corrin that morning. That’s why he doesn’t appear here.
Xander texting Inigo back a heart emoji: I don’t see Xander as an emoji person, but I think Inigo is definitely the type to use a lot of hearts and whatnot when texting. Xander would not do that on his own, but if you look at his phone, you’ll see his most used (and only) emojis are the heart ones that Inigo sends him. Because Xander is willing to mimic how Inigo shows his affection for the sake of mutual reciprocation. Plus he got made fun of for being so stiff and formal when he writes.
Dock Fight with the Trio: Owain is genuinely embarrassed and Inigo really is going to tease him with those memes, but they’re all friends. This is not a serious fight. Severa and Inigo are not being deliberate assholes here. They’re all having fun.
The book Leo is reading when Owain asks is The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker.
Everyone’s swimsuits are based on what they wear in FE Heroes as summer units or their outfits in the Beach Brawl DLC, minus Corrin, who wears a swim t-shirt on top of whatever bathing suit you imagine for them.
In a real situation where someone is drowning, you should probably not grab them the way Corrin grabs Inigo. A drowning person is very likely to harm or hinder their rescuer due to panic. I just wrote that scene a little less realistically in the fic because I didn’t want to deal with that and, like I say in the notes, I’m functioning on action movie logic. Action movies aren’t realistic.
When Corrin tells Inigo that they’ll keep his almost drowning a secret so long as he lets them know if he has health problems later and Elise tells Inigo to let them know if he has bad dreams, what Elise is actually saying is “Hey, if you start to get PTSD over this, let us know so we can help you.” But she doesn’t want to be so blunt, making this be the type of thing Inigo keeps to himself and suffers through alone, so she says “bad dreams” instead to phrase it with less stigma.
You’ll notice after Inigo’s near drowning that I mention how exhausted he feels when he’s having a freakout on the floor of his cabin, how tired he is the next morning before, during, and after the shopping trip, how he leans heavily on stuff and people, etc. His fatigue can be explained by stress and other normal things. However, it is also a result of the lake water being genuinely bad for people! Most people who go to the lake naturally get this vibe and don’t swim too far out into it/tend to visit the lake in groups or pairs so the chances of drowning decrease. (I almost wrote some of this into Anankos’s dialogue but it felt wonky and didn’t fit.). Corrin also feels this same exhaustion in subsequent scenes, although it’s emphasized less.
Likewise, when Owain and Corrin are stranded in the middle of the water, they also grow quite exhausted rather quickly because (a) the closer to the center of the lake, the more powerful the Bad Vibes that drain your energy and (b) there’s so much rain and water everywhere that as they swallow, they’re also growing more and more tired. Also, fear takes a lot out of a person in general.
Similarly, when Corrin’s foot gets grabbed on the docks, I mention a few times that their legs feel heavy, etc. This is all related to Evil Lake Energy. Severa’s almost drowning is the same deal as Inigo. Everyone who gets in the water (especially if they swallow any) experience this same lack of energy. It’s worse if you actually swallow some water right out there in the middle of the lake and you’re just more susceptible to that kind of bad magic like Anankos unfortunately was. Corrin has been through the wringer at the end of this fic because of constant exposure. They’re on nothing but bedrest for a good number of days after the end of this fic. Lots and lots of sleep for them. Owain is only mildly better in that he doesn’t have to be admitted to the hospital but does need A Lot of sleep. Rest assured that they do eventually recover though.
Elise “lying to Xander and Camilla about stuff all the time” — A reference to in-game canon about how Elise regularly ditches her retainers and goes around to the poorer parts of the city where she is explicitly forbidden to go. She’s surprisingly sneaky and has no problems not telling her siblings about this.
I paraphrased some dialogue from in-game between Leo, Niles and Owain when the latter are trying to convince Leo to swim because it mimicked a Beach Brawl DLC scene.
“Pot, kettle” = a reference to Niles canonically reminiscing about the past in his and Leo’s support. He likely does that in this AU on occasion as well.
Camilla’s SUV has 3 rows of seats because she loves the extra room for bags/extra passenger space.
Some of Camilla and Xander’s interactions and some of Xander’s narration referencing her is also a direct reference to their Supports in Fates also. In this fic, Camilla’s jab at being surprised Xander would ever notice how she felt about Severa because he’s always so busy is more a jab to get him to back off than a pride thing like in canon, but the pride is probably still there too.
Severa lives! She lived because I wanted her too (and because I cannot stand any character death in fics that isn’t like “The Villain Died Forever Ago And Maybe There’s Danger But Everyone Else Is Fine”), but it is a sort of miracle. Camilla did not do proper drowning rescue procedure here. Nobody did. I’m sure you picked up on that from the panic and flashbacks and whatnot. Everyone did their best at handling that rescue, but it wasn’t great. There is too much Panic™ to remain calm, although in real life that’s absolutely what you should try to do in an emergency. Camilla’s one (1) exchange of air is not usually going to save the life of somebody who is really in danger. The only reason it worked is because (a) Severa wasn’t really dead, although she sure looked like it and (b) this is fantasy fiction. Please call emergency services in a situation like this irl or immediately drive to the nearest hospital if there is no cell service and it’s safe to do so.
Xander’s last conversation with Inigo in this fic directly stem from his fear of (a) not being in control and (b) not being strong enough to protect those he cares about.
Originally Elise was going to be the one who figured out Anankos drowned, but somehow while writing it just didn’t work that way, mostly because she ended up stuck by the cars. Whoops. You’re the real hero in my heart, Elise.
Owain’s insecurities stem from his Felicia and Severa supports where Owain reacts very negatively to being called weird. Also from the hc that growing up in modern AU with public school would probably emphasize that insecurity too, since kids can be real bullies. I very much picture him as the “Weird Kid” in class who was in his own little world and other kids whispered about him for it. Which is unfair, because he’s really just having fun :( By middle school/high school, he’s likely learned to tone this down a little, but only after a series of Bad Memories that make him develop a fear that everyone is just barely tolerating him or is making fun of him behind his back. It’s an infrequent insecurity because Owain is pretty good at not really caring what others think, but it’s one that exists all the same. He’s known Niles and Leo for a year or maybe two at this point, but when Leo admits (like in canon) to hating Owain when they first met, it triggers those insecurities again and sets back the progress the three of them had made in working up to a relationship together.
Corrin has a peacemaker type personality in Fates and always wants to believe the best in everyone to the point where they only seem to learn their lesson of “trust but have a backup plan” near the end of the Revelations route. I think I was mostly true to that character of Corrin in my other horror fic Dark Things Grew. And I think I was mostly true to that version of canon here until the part where Corrin and Owain are stuck in the middle of the lake together. (If you think Corrin was 100% what you expected all the way through, yay! But if not: ) Perhaps Corrin is a little more freaked out or snappier than some of you might have expected. However, I am taking some liberties with the fact this is a modern world AU here. In Fates, magic is real. Dragons are real. Ogre monsters that you can summon out of thin air to do your fighting for you (i.e. Faceless) are real. Some things are less likely than others, but there’s a whole realm of magical possibility that doesn’t exist in our reality. So when you find out that the lake your mom used to visit all the time is possessed (huh????) by a demon (?????) whose voice you are hearing in your head (???????) and also who is not a demon but actually your ghost dad (????????) who is trying to kill you and all your friends you guess (????????) but you’re not really sure what’s going on still except for the fact that oh, Ariana, we’re really in it now, aaaahhhhhhhHHHHH—
Well, you, too, would probably be a little upset. Corrin is the same at their core. They’re just allowed to go “Yo, what the heck” now. (I almost had Corrin say the F word in just their narration once and I couldn’t do it :/) They go through a lot of feelings in the climax of this fic, actually, and I hope they felt at least somewhat reasonable reactions to you, the reader, since the situation Corrin finds themselves in is so unprecedented, stressful, and wack.
Also, this is true for all characters! They’ve been mildly adapted into modern counterparts. This means some experiences that shaped them in Awakening/Fates didn’t happen here or were adapted into modern equivalents. (For example, Inigo is a little less able to run face first into battle than in Awakening/Fates bc he didn’t experience the terror and necessity of having to fight the Risen as a young kid. He still grew up shy and is a (self-admitted in Supports) crybaby who tries to hide those facets of himself, however. Hence why he feels the need to put on a brave face after Bad Things Happen. He still feels like he needs to be a pillar of support for people, although he’s a less steady than his more hardened counterpart. Similar extractions can be applied to other characters throughout this fic.
I often write Severa/Camilla as a very doting, established relationship. A lot of the time the conflict in my stories comes from some outside factor—a dragon, a war, magic, etc. I don’t write a lot of interpersonal conflict, and it’s something I thought I should try my hand at least once. Camilla and Severa’s dynamic here specifically draws from Camilla’s habit of keeping her true feelings close to her chest in her supports. In canon with Selena, she very obviously gives noncommittal answers to Selena’s demands that Camilla praise her for being the best. With Xander, Camilla lies by omission—when he guesses her favorite food wrong, she pretends he’s right for the sake of (presumably) not embarrassing him and proving he doesn’t actually know his siblings better than she does. I’m sure there are other incidents where Camilla hides her true feelings too. I’ve always wondered about these events. Emotionally, Camilla is a very interesting character to me. She has a lot of thoughts and feelings, but she seems to keep a lot of them to herself. I wish that was explored more in-game.
Here, I combined Camilla’s natural tendency to keep her true feelings to herself with her canonical childhood loneliness. She canonically felt bereft of maternal love as a child, and that’s why she tries to shower so much on Corrin. In this fic, Camilla is afraid of opening herself up to love from others. She can dole it out because she doesn’t want to deprive anyone (specifically Corrin, who was isolated a lot via Garon) of that same love, but in turn she never wants to actually be vulnerable with anyone. Family gets special privileges, but even her siblings don’t get to see everything. She has romantic feelings for Severa, but she’s afraid of opening herself up to potential hurt and having that love thrown back in her face later. So Camilla does herself the favor of not allowing herself to be vulnerable in the first place. There’s some part of her that really does want to openly love and be loved by Severa, however. So that’s the yo-yo affect Severa is dealing with throughout this fic.
Camilla knows, factually, that Severa likes her too. But she also has this defense mechanism she’s used her whole life. She wants the best of both worlds; she wants to teeter on the edge of romance/intimacy she and Severa both crave while still keeping Severa at arm’s length so she never actually has to face the danger of being potentially vulnerable with Severa and therefore hurt. Which, you know. Is shitty. (Sometimes the people you love can do shitty things. Sometimes you can do shitty things. I think Camilla’s character is more complex, realistic, and interesting here because of it. I hope you think the same.)
And Camilla keeps it up until she realizes losing Severa is still a very real possibility whether or not she admits her feelings. It’s too late to pretend otherwise. She’s already vulnerable to that hurt she wanted to avoid. The shock of that revelation, the fear of losing Severa, and also McFreaking Water Ghost is enough to get her to admit her feelings and change her behavior. It’s not all peaches and cherries from here on out for them, but it’s a start. They’re taking it slow.
Camilla isn’t a villain here, which I say because I worry some people may think I wrote her to be villainous. Sometimes the people you love have baggage. Severa has it too. So does everyone else in this fic and in your actual real life. That’s natural. Sometimes we do shit things because of that baggage. It happens. Does that mean you get an excuse for your actions? Absolutely not. Apologize. Do better. Camilla is trying. They’ll go from here.
I was trying for a lot more nuanced, complex approach to these two this time around rather than the zero interpersonal problems approach. It was new for me too. I hope it payed off.
Anyway, love wins.
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 I am so sorry for the quality of this, lmao
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duhragonball · 4 years
[FIC] Luffa: The Legendary Super Saiyan (119/?)
Disclaimer: This story features characters and concepts based on Dragon Ball, which is a trademark of Bird Studio/Shueisha and Toei Animation.   This is an unauthorized work, and no profit is being made on this work by me. This story is copyright of me. Download if you like, but please don’t archive it without my permission. Don’t be shy.
Continuity Note: About 1000 years before the events of Dragon Ball Z.
Previous chapters conveniently available here.
[9 April, 233 Before Age.   Planet Travigar.]
Luffa needed help.    Seltiss just needed to get her to admit it.    
It wouldn't be easy, but nothing worth doing ever was.   Their people, the Saiyans, were a stubborn lot, and Luffa was a Super Saiyan, which probably made her even more stubborn than most.   Seltiss was a princess of the Rehval Dynasty, which ruled the Saiyan kingdom.   Luffa came from a family of anti-monarchists, and she bore a personal grudge with Seltiss' father.    
But the war changed all of that.   The Jindan Cult, led by the mysterious Trismegistus, posed a threat to the Saiyan species, as well as the rest of the universe.   As powerful as Luffa was, she couldn't defeat them all by herself, and neither could the Saiyan Free Company, which Seltiss had formed in opposition to her father's kingdom.   Their only chance was to join forces.    Luffa hated the idea, but couldn't deny the reasoning, and so she allowed Seltiss' mercenary bands to operate within Federation space.    Seltiss had set up a base of operations on the Federation world of Eetii.    
Most of the fighting took place along the frontier of the Federation, as the Jindan strategy was to invade planets along the borders to spread the defenders thin.   Eetii was fairly close to a group of worlds near one end of the periphery, and Seltiss had kept an eye on things there while Luffa handled things on the opposite front.   And yet, some new offensive had forced Luffa to approach Eetii.    Early reports had said something about a "rock creature" that kept appearing on one planet after another.    Whatever it was, it had led Luffa on a merry chase along the border worlds, only to vanish after being defeated on  Planet Travigar, less than twenty light years from Eetii.    Luffa sent a subspace transmission on a Saiyan Free Company channel, for Seltiss' eyes only.   The message was simple: "Need a lift.   Come alone."  
It was a perfect opportunity.    Seltiss had hoped to spend some time with Luffa, to forge a peace between them that could ensure the survival of the Saiyan Free Company beyond the war.   Seltiss had plans, and none of them would amount to much if Luffa could swoop in and topple them without warning.    Her father had tried to manipulate and destroy Luffa, and failed.    But a little soft power-- friendly gestures, kept promises, healthy respect-- could go a lot further than brute force or palace intrigue.    Even if a lasting peace wasn't possible, Seltiss could hopefully convince Luffa that the S.F.C. could be useful in the future, and therefore worth keeping around.  
Besides, Seltiss enjoyed traveling alone.    It reminded her of the stories she read about space exploration.   There was no beguiling outer space.   No negotiation or manipulation.    There were the laws of physics and one’s ability to work within them.    As she descended through the Travigarian atmosphere, Seltiss quickly located the starfighter Luffa had been traveling in.   The scanners confirmed that the vessel's engines were inoperable.   Her ship's sensors could detect Saiyan life readings well enough, but it was simpler for Seltiss to handle that part herself.   Seltiss was an average fighter by Saiyan standards, but she still knew how to sense the battle power of other strong warriors.    In Luffa's case, it was hard not to notice Luffa’s mighty ki signature.   All Seltiss had to do was focus on that power and follow it like a beacon to Luffa's location.    She was mildly surprised to find that she wasn't with the ship, but Luffa was the restless type, and the little starfighter was useless to her in any case.  
Instead, Seltiss found Luffa on a grassy plain, surrounded by soldiers.   Seltiss didn't recognize their uniforms, and her sensors only indicated that they were molluskoid aliens.   She landed in an empty space nearby and flew directly to Luffa.  
She looked terrible.  
"It's about time you showed up," Luffa said.    "What the hell are you dressed like that for?"
The alien soldiers probably had no idea that Seltiss and Luffa were of the same species.    Luffa had a long tail covered in brown fur, which was now matted with blood and grime.    She normally wore a black sleeveless shirt with baggy yellow pants that were tucked into black combat boots.    These were now so badly torn that they now barely qualified as clothing.    The left pant leg was shorn off completely, leaving a rag hanging out of the rim of her boot.   The right leg wasn't much better off, as only a strip of fabric ran all the way down from the waist to the ankle.    Luffa's modesty was mainly preserved with various bandages and medical tape, most of which had been scorched or stained with blood.    Her short black hair was ringed with a strip of fabric around her head.
Seltiss, on the other hand, had no tail, as her father had it surgically removed at birth.   The only evidence that she had ever had one was a hint of scar tissue mostly covered by the waist of her pink-and-black checkered sarong.  Her heeled boots were Montalban originals imported from Camelia, and her black bandeau had pink straps that wrapped around one shoulder and criss-crossed down the length of her arm.    Her hair, piled in a messy beehive style, was dyed a vibrant shade of pink, which matched her eyeshadow, nail polish, and lipstick.
"Excuse you?" Seltiss asked, forgetting the greeting she had rehearsed to try to curry Luffa's favor.  She had put a lot of thought into her appearance, after all.      
"Never mind," Luffa said, pointing at the soldiers.   "These guys are from Planet Oat," she explained.     "Thousands of years ago, they were at war with Travigar, back when it used to be called Planet Bob.     Something about soy milk, I didn't follow that part of the story."  
One of the soldiers started to speak up, and Luffa held out her hand to stop him from explaining their backstory.    "Look, let's not go over that again.    We'll be here all day."    
"Luffa, what does this have to do with that rock creature you told us about?" Seltiss asked.  
"Not much," Luffa said.    "These Oatians got trapped in a mystical fissure during the Oat-Bob War, and they've been in suspended animation the whole time, until the Jindan cultists came here and summoned that rock creature.   My guess is all that magic disrupted something and set them free.   But they still want to conquer Travigar, and that's where you come in."  
"Me?" Seltiss said.    
"Yeah, I told them it was pointless to fight an all-out battle from an old war, but they have their pride, so I offered them a contest of champions.    Their best ten guys against my handpicked warrior."    Luffa pointed at Seltiss, then jabbed her finger at Seltiss's chest.    "And my hand just picked you, little girl."
"Wh-why?"  Seltiss asked.   "Are you hurt?   I mean, I've got Saiyans working for me on Eetii that are totally stronger than I am, but your message said to come alone, so...?"
"Hah!" Luffa scoffed.   "Your idiot father always ran his mouth about how he planned to breed the Saiyans into a mightier race.   I thought his own brat would have a little more confidence in her skills."
"Is that what this is?" Seltiss asked.   "Like, a test?"
"It shouldn't be," Luffa said.   "I think you can handle ten of them without too much trouble.    I just want this to be a decent fight.    These guys have waited long enough to see some action.   Do a good job, and they might even agree to join our side in the war."
Seltiss sighed and began limbering up.    In spite of everything, she was a halfway decent fighter, at least for her power level.   "Okay, okay.  I'll play along, I guess.   Just promise me something, will you?"
"What's that?" Luffa asked.  
"When we get back to Eetii," Seltiss said between leg stretches, "you have got to let me buy you a new outfit."
[9 April, 233 Before Age.   Planet Eetii.]
The Eetiians had a near religious regard for plant life, so they allowed it to grow freely throughout their cities.    Their shopping malls weren't all that different from others Seltiss had visited, except that the view from every window and skylight offered the same view of a thick tangle of weeds.  And yet, the Eetiians seemed to genuinely appreciate this.    Passers-by would often stop and stare out the windows, as if they were gazing out upon some majestic mountain range.
What mattered was that their clothing stores had the right colors and styles to approximate Luffa's signature look.    Seltiss would have preferred to give Luffa a full makeover, drawing upon fashion resources from the rest of the galaxy, but there was a war on, and Seltiss had to work quickly with the resources that were on hand, before Luffa was called away to another battle.    As it was, Seltiss barely had time to assemble a new outfit for herself, to replace the ensemble she had worn into battle against the Otians.   She would miss that sarong, but she liked the black sequined pants and pink suit-coat she had found to replace them.    Seltiss would have preferred to wear something very revealing under the jacket.    The models in the magazines always did this, teasing their bare skin from underneath the crisp angles of the coat.    But a stern glare from Luffa had persuaded Seltiss to go with a white blouse instead.  
As for Luffa, Seltiss had found a black racerback swimsuit to serve as the top of her outfit, and a pair of nylon windbreaker pants for the bottom.    Luffa normally wore fingerless gloves, but there had been  no sign of these on Travigar, and Seltiss assumed they had been lost.    The best she could find in the mall were black gloves that had fingers, although Luffa made a approving grunt when she tried them on, so Seltiss supposed they would do.  
"You look amazing!" Seltiss cheered as Luffa stepped out of the fitting room.   "Way sleeker than the old gear you used to wear."
"What did you do with my boots?" Luffa asked as she began looking around the room.
"Oh, those.   I threw them out," Seltiss said.    
"Okay, first of all, I’m on your side, so chill out," Seltiss said,   "Second, I took one whiff of those old clogs and yuck," she pinched her nostrils shut for effect.    "I tried holding them upside down, but that actually smelled worse."
She reached into a shopping bag and produced a pair of black cleats.     "So I found these while you were changing.       You don't have to keep them, but you can at least wear those until we find something you like.    Preferably something in the non-barfing section of the store."
Luffa took the shoes and examined the thick treads that stuck out from the soles.   "Hmm," she said.   "I could get used to something like this..."   She took a seat on a bench and began to try them on.    
"So what's with the yellow pants, anyway?" Seltiss asked.    "The black I get, black goes with everything and it never goes out of style, but the yellow..."
"It's a family color," Luffa said without looking back at her.   "My mother liked it because it wasn't royalist blue.     Isn't that why you wear pink?   To piss off your old man?"
"Well, not exactly," Seltiss said.   "At first, it was to stand out as my own person, separate from the royal bloodline, but then it became kind of my thing, you know?"
"Then I guess we have something in common," Luffa replied coldly.
That should have been a good sign, but something about Luffa's tone was less than encouraging.    Seltiss wasn't sure what to say that could improve the situation, and then Luffa stood up and started kicking into the air.    
"Yeah," she said as her left leg moved almost too fast for Seltiss to follow.   She switched sides and did the same motions with her other leg.    "Yeah, the balance is good.   Nice traction, too.     Not so sure about leaving my ankles exposed like this, but I can deal with that.    Let's go."
She started walking straight for the exit, not even waiting for Seltiss to settle her bill.    Seltiss groaned and went to the register, figuring that it was enough to have Luffa on Planet Eetii.   It wasn't like she would be hard to find.
Seltiss eventually found Luffa standing on a mesa overlooking one of the S.F.C. encampments on the planet.    Below, Saiyan mercenaries ran through training drills, while Federation technicians provided maintenance to their ships and weaponry.    They occasionally glanced up at the mesa, each of them well aware of Luffa's presence, even though they couldn't see her.    Seltiss was grateful that she had told her officers about Luffa's visit in advance.    As it was, there was still a chance her troops would panic, but at least they had been given a fair warning.  
"I was hoping to give you a tour of our camps," Seltiss said as she alighted beside Luffa.    "I'm sure you could provide some valuable insight.    From what I've seen of the Federation's military, I can tell you run a tight ship."  
"The Federation military runs itself," Luffa said.   "Well, Marshall Booth runs it.    I try to stay out of their way."
"Oh.    Well, I guess that's a good call," Seltiss said.    "They're a very efficient operation.   My generals have already learned a ton from them."
"That's not too surprising," Luffa said.   She uncrossed her arms and waved one hand toward the camp below.    "Saiyan mercenaries aren't exactly known for their discipline.   Must be like herding cats."
Seltiss made an insincere chuckle.    "It's, ah, it's a major challenge, that's for sure."
That was an understatement.   Seltiss had inherited her father's talent for statecraft, and she had a galaxy-class education to fall back on, but most of her ideas and plans were founded on textbook theory, rather than real-world experience.   Her followers weren't used to working within such a large and diverse group, and so they incessantly came to her to solve all their organizational problems.   She suspected that the only reason they weren't pestering her now was because they were so unsettled by Luffa looming over them.  
In a way, Luffa’s visit made for a pleasant distraction.   It was another challenge, perhaps even more difficult, like rolling all of the unruly Saiyans under her banner into one.   But at least it was a change.   Luffa's grim silence gave Seltiss a moment to enjoy the warmth of desert sun on the back of her neck, and the slight odor of her new suitcoat as it mingled with the scents of the native flora.  
"I'm curious how you got this many Saiyans together without my finding out about it," Luffa finally said.    
"Oh, it wasn't that complicated, really," Seltiss said.    "I set up a base of operations on an obscure planet, and then I started contacting embassies, mercenary contractors, and all the other usual places you'd go to find Saiyan activity.   I also had some copies of, like, my father's records.    He had a lot of contact information.    E-mail addresses, subspace comm frequencies, stuff like that."
"I tried searching Rehval's embassies," Luffa grumbled.  "I never found anything useful like that."
"Um, duh, that's because all you had to offer anyone was a violent interrogation," Seltiss said.    "I didn't go anywhere in person.   I just sent messages with an offer of safe haven.   I got a lot of takers, but I made it a rule that you had to contact at least one other Saiyan before I let them join.   They didn't have to get the next guy to say 'yes', but it helped spread the message quickly and quietly.    Turns out, there's a lot of Saiyans out in the galaxy who wanted an alternative to running from you, or waiting for my father to come out of hiding."
Luffa shrugged.    "Serves me right.  Maybe I should have taken a more subtle approach."
"Well, it's not really your style," Seltiss said.   "Besides, the Saiyans who joined my group never knew anything about my father's whereabouts.   Even if you had found them all, they wouldn't have been able to tell you anything."
"Still, to hide a whole population of Saiyans from me... that's something," Luffa said.   "That must be a really backwater planet you found.     I’ll bet it’s tough for you to maintain supply lines."
"We manage pretty well," Seltiss said.  
The truth was that Seltiss' base was on Planet Shenia, an inhabited planet she and Xibuyas had conquered several months ago.   The S.F.C. lived quite comfortably there, as they relied on the Shenian people to serve their needs.     Seltiss considered herself a benevolent overlord.    The Saiyans generally stayed out of the natives' way, and Seltiss permitted the Shenians to live and work mostly as they had done before her invasion.    As long as their leaders provided the food and materials she ordered, she would leave them alone.  
But Luffa didn't need to know that.    Seltiss knew very little of the Super Saiyan's personality, but it was clear to most observers that she had a soft spot for aliens.    Luffa had liberated numerous planets in her career, and she seemed to go out of her way to defend weaker peoples from aggressive powers.    Seltiss doubted that Luffa would actually turn against the S.F.C. over an insignificant planet like Shenia.    Their alliance was too important to jeopardize over a backwater planet full of weaklings.  Even so, there was no need to strain their relations by bringing it up.    The less Luffa knew about it, the better off they would be.
"Must be difficult wrangling all those Saiyans without anyone revealing the location of your headquarters, though," Luffa said.  "They seem to respect your authority well enough."
"They know my father is no longer fit to rule," Seltiss said.    "They also know what a massive control freak he is.    I knew if he ever found out about what I was doing, he'd try to meddle with it, one way or another.     A lot of my guys only want refuge, either from your or from my dad.   They like the secrecy even more than I do."
"Sure, but it's a big universe," Luffa said.    "Plenty of ways to hide without turning to a teenage girl for help."    
Seltiss smiled.    "True, but most of them know that the Saiyan people need a ruler, and as the heir to the throne, I'm the best candidate."  
"Is that right?" Luffa asked idly.
Seltiss began floating into the air, and she waved for Luffa to follow her.    "Come on," she said.    "I want to show you something."
There was a palpable tension in the public areas of the Saiyan camp.    The mercenaries did their best not to show it, but Seltiss could tell they had been on edge ever since Luffa arrived on the planet.   Now that Luffa was walking in their midst, Seltiss could practically feel their discomfort like the heat from a radiator.   Even so, they went about their business, milling about, swapping tall tales of past battles, arguing about repair work for their ships, and giving lessons to their children.
"They're usually more enthusiastic than this," Seltiss said.    A little Saiyan boy ran past them, and they could hear his mother yelling for him to stay away.     "Well, I guess the kids are about the same," Seltiss added.   "Everyone's just nervous because..."
"I get it," Luffa said.    "They were like this on Planet Saiya, only there's a lot fewer of them here.    If I decided to play with them a bit, they wouldn't stand a chance, and they know it."  
"Okay, then why are you, like, enjoying it so much?" Seltiss asked.   "I tried to calm these guys down, and you're grinning at them like you want them to be afraid of you."
"Oh, please," Luffa said.   "You've spent time around aliens.   Don't tell me you've never gotten a kick out of being strong enough to defeat them all in a heartbeat."
"Well... yeah, sure," Seltiss said.   "But we're not aliens... unless you..."
"Oh, I'm as Saiyan as the rest of you, little girl," Luffa said.   "But we're not equals, so don't pretend a few chromosomes put us on the same level.   When I was your age, I was a lot weaker than you are now.    Pretty sure if that Luffa was standing here today, you wouldn't even give me a second look.   I didn't ask to become this strong, but now that I am, I won’t pretend I'm not just to make you feel better about yourself."
Seltiss nodded.    "Like, fair enough, I guess.     We're just not used to being so low on the pecking order."
"And that's what's wrong with our whole species," Luffa said.   "Most of us are chumps who think they're a big deal just because they can knock over a planet.    We call ourselves warriors when most of the time we're just bullies who don't know what to do when someone stronger comes along."
Seltiss took some solace in the word "we".   A lot of Saiyans claimed that Luffa was an alien posing as a Saiyan.   To Seltiss, that just sounded like a crackpot conspiracy theory.    And yet, despite Luffa's outward appearance, there was something very unnatural about her.    Seltiss could finally see how the 'alien' rumor got so popular.    The truth was perhaps more horrifying: that Luffa used to be a normal Saiyan and somehow evolved into something... else.    At last, Seltiss finally understood why Xibuyas was so worried about the possibility of being her son.   But at least Luffa still considered herself a Saiyan, even if she looked down in disapproval at her brethren.
Seltiss led Luffa to the command center, which was constructed out of a special material Seltiss had discovered during her occupation of Planet Shenia.   It resembled cloth, but when connected to a device Seltiss didn't really understand, the fabric stiffened and became like a thick sheet of strong metal.    The Shenian military could carry it easily and set it up like a tent, but then activate it to make a shelter strong enough to withstand a bombardment.  Seltiss expected Luffa to take an interest in the building, but she never said a word.     Perhaps she had seen something like it on other planets.  
She introduced Luffa to some of her generals.   Each of them was a Saiyan man at least fifty years of age.    They briefly discussed their own impressions of the ongoing war, but all Luffa was concerned about was tracking down the Jindan Cult's base of operations.    None of them could offer any solutions to that problem.  
Seltiss then took her to the mess hall, and barely managed to convince Luffa not to go into the kitchen and "help".    
"I guess it would be dishonorable to just barge into their place and take over," Luffa said as she gnawed on the barbecued rib of some large animal.    "It's just that I live with aliens, and it forces you to get very protective of cooking spaces.   You can't trust them not to make a mess of things.   But these guys here, they seem to know their stuff."  
She passed a bowl of stew to Seltiss's side of the table.    "Here, try some of this," she said.    "It'll put some meat on those arms of yours."  
Seltiss shook her head.    Like all Saiyans, Seltiss had a ravenous appetite of her own, and her side of the table was stacked with her own share of animal bones and empty plates.    Even so, she didn't seem to eat enough for Luffa's liking.    Seltiss wasn't sure if this was some sort of motherly instinct, or flat-out body-shaming, or something else entirely.    
"Your, ah-- your wife," Seltiss asked, desperate to change the subject.    "Is it difficult to cook for her?   When you had me over for dinner on your ship, I only ever saw her eating from one plate."
"Oh, you have no idea!" Luffa said, still chewing on a piece of bread.    "She *says* she's a survivalist, but she hardly eats at all.   Honestly, I got used to her eating small portions.    What's *creepy* is how she doesn't even act hungry at all for *hours*, even though she barely ate anything.   Like, how does she do it?"
Seltiss relaxed a little.    For the first time, it felt like Luffa was opening up, however slightly.   She was worried that her alien wife would be a sensitive topic, but it looked like she had been dying to talk to another Saiyan about it.  
Luffa pointed a fork at Seltiss and raised an eyebrow.   "As far as cooking goes," she said,  "the trick is to remember that you only have one shot, so you need to make it count."   She reached into the pile of bones next to her and pulled one of them from the bottom of the stack.    "Now this one was a little overdone, but so what?    You cook this much meat all at once, you're bound to have a few pieces on the fire too long.    It happens.    But for some aliens, this one rib might be enough to feed three people, so you have to get it right, or they'll think you don't know what you're doing."
"I see," Seltiss said, not sure if she actually understood.    
"You have to focus your effort on very small portions.   And you can't just serve one dish and call it done.    Aliens have to eat some vegetables, just like the rest of us.   So the portions have to get even smaller so you can serve more than one in the same meal.   So you end up spending all this time and energy on something a normal person would gulp down without even noticing."  
"That sounds way challenging," Seltiss said.
"It is, but my senses got sharper after I--" Luffa held her free hand next to the side of her head and waved it upward to signal what she meant.    "That helped, believe it or not.    There was a time when I couldn't handle a spoon without bending it in half, but eventually I managed to control my other form enough where I could cook that way.     Then I got to where I could make those improvements work in base form.    Now, it's kind of fun to cook at microscale."    
"That's great," Seltiss said.    She had no idea what sort of alien Luffa's wife really was.   She looked humanoid, with blue skin, green eyeballs, and blood-red hair.   Seltiss half-suspected that the creature didn't need to eat whatsoever, and only played along to salve Luffa's culinary pride.    But Seltiss certainly wasn't going to suggest that out loud and spoil the mood.    
So instead, she tried to steer the conversation towards her own agenda.    "You know, what you're talking about feels a little like what we've been trying to do with the Free Company," Seltiss said.   "I'm hoping that this war will be a chance for us to show the galaxy a different side to the Saiyans.    This might be, like, the only shot we have.   Like those meals you cook for aliens, we only get one chance to get it right."
"Yeah, I figured that's why you said you wanted to show me something down here, Seltiss," Luffa said.    "What was it you wanted me to see?"
"Uh... really?"  Seltiss had to fight to suppress her frustration.    She had hoped that she wouldn't have to spell it out, but it seemed that Luffa hadn't even been paying attention.    "I mean, you saw everyone outside.    Working together, respecting the Eetiian population.   A lot of the Free Companions still have their tails, and they brought their children along to train them for full-scale wars.    I'm not forcing them to assimilate or put their embryos in tanks like my father, or anything gross like that."
"You want a medal?" Luffa asked.    "I didn't turn this camp into a smoldering crater, but I don't see anyone throwing me a parade."
"You met my generals," Seltiss said.   "That proves something, doesn't it?   That I'm not just some ditzy teen playing leader.   They wouldn't have joined me if I hadn't earned their respect."  
"They joined you because you have something going for you," Luffa said.   "Generals need troops to command and kings to give them authority.    You might have some credentials, but let's face it, this is just a convenient arrangement for all of us."  
"Doesn't it feel even a little comfortable to be around other Saiyans?" Seltiss asked.   "I know they're all afraid of you right now, but we can work on that.    You don't have to be alone--"
"Your old man tried to make the same pitch last year," Luffa said.     "Then he tried to kill me."
"Yeah, I know," Seltiss whined.    "I'm trying to show you that I'm not like him."
"I've noticed," Luffa said.   "You've been very eager to impress me, Seltiss," Luffa said.  "Why is that, exactly?"
"I need your support," Seltiss replied.  "A lot of Saiyans have joined me because they want to get away from my father's oppressive policies, and because they don't want you harassing them to get at him.  If I can get along with you, it proves that I'm a leader who won't make more trouble for them."
Luffa sneered.  "Spoken like a true politician."
"You saw me fight those Oatians," Seltiss said.  "Are you telling me I lack passion, just because I'm pragmatic?"
"You fight like you talk," Luffa said.  "Very precise, very calculated.  It slows you down, though.   You think too hard about what you're going to do before you do it.  When you finally commit to a course of action, it's a smart play, but it slows your reaction time."
Her words stung.    Seltiss had always prided herself on her ability to stay cool under pressure and examine the situation.    She had assumed that Luffa made her fight the Oatians just to see what Seltiss could do.    She had tried to end it quickly, so she would have fewer chances to make any mistakes.    And yet, in that short battle, Luffa had not only analyzed Seltiss' entire fighting style, but had deconstructed it.
"I... no one's ever told me that," Seltiss finally said.  "I usually get complimented for my quick reflexes.  Xibuyas even called my style 'poetry in motion'."
Luffa snorted.  "Katem is a teenage boy," she said.  "He'd probably watch you slip on a fruit rind and tell you how  graceful you are.  The worst part is, he would  probably mean it."
"I guess you're right," Seltiss said.  "But I thought that his speed would allow him to notice flaws in my moves, and if he couldn't see any, then..."
Luffa pointed at her own eyes.  "He's fast, but I'm faster, kid.  Take my advice.  Sometimes you have to let your instincts take over.  A hasty punch can be more effective than a well-considered one."
"Heh.  All right.  I like you, Luffa.  Not many people are willing to be so direct with me."
"Good, then I'll keep going," Luffa said.  "I think you're a walking example of why monarchy doesn't work.  People follow you because they're fed up with your father, and yet they still think you're qualified just because you're his daughter.  That's ridiculous.  You're a child.  I don't care how smart you are."
"That's another reason I want to impress you, Luffa," Seltiss said.  "I have a lot to prove.  If I can convince you I know what I'm doing, then I can convince anyone."
"And then what?"
"Let's say you succeed.  You become the Queen of the Saiyans.  What would you do with that?  Where would you go from there?"
Seltiss was beginning to realize that Luffa was an even greater challenge than she had ever dreamed.   She was used to her followers accepting her vision very readily.   But then, what choice did any of them really have?    Even Xibuyas, for all his power, had nowhere else to go.   She cleared her throat as she tried to think of some way to make her dream as compelling as possible.   Then she gave up, as she knew Luffa was too straightforward for anything less than direct honesty.
"I'd want to shape the Saiyans into a nation, just like my great-grandfather wanted," she began.  "But I'd want to undo the failed policies of my father.  The secret police, the cultural reforms.  His obsession with you.  The strange experiments... Why are you laughing?"
"Because you don't get it," Luffa said.  "Did it ever occur to you that all that of your father's dirty tricks were the only thing keeping him in power?  That without all his backstabbing, his precious kingdom would have flown apart a long time ago?"
"Are you saying I have to embrace his wicked ways to hold power?" Seltiss asked.
"No, I'm saying the Saiyans can't be united under a single ruler," Luffa said.  "Not for long, anyway.  Not without abandoning what makes our kind great.  You and your dynasty are just spitting into the wind."
"Then... then I'll never convince you that I'm a great leader," Seltiss said.   "At best, we can only agree to disagree."
"Now that's the most mature thing you've said all day," Luffa said.   She rose up from the table and began picking up the dishes.  
Seltiss wasn't sure what to make of that, but she hoped it was a good sign.   She had hoped to get some sort of truce with Luffa, some kind of formal promise that she wouldn't intrude on Free Company affairs, but maybe this was good enough.   She might not believe in Seltiss now, but if she was willing to give her a chance, if she was prepared to wait and see, then that was something.   At least it implied that Luffa would back off and let Seltiss run things without interference.    
She was sure Luffa would confront her about her base of operations.    But she didn't seem to know about Shenia, and there was no indication that she had any interest in finding out.    As long as the occupation was a secret, then there was a chance.   There was only one other loose end she needed to tie up.    As she considered how best to broach the subject, Luffa had dropped off all of their dishes at a receptacle on the far wall of the mess, and she was already heading out the door.    
"There was one other reason why I wanted to impress you," Seltiss said as she caught up to her.      "I'm, uh, dating your son," Seltiss said. 
Luffa made a mocking show of surprise.    "You don’t say?" she asked.    "I had no idea..."
Seltiss ignored her sarcasm.    "Depending on how things go, you and I could wind up as in-laws, right?"
"You're sixteen," Luffa grumbled.  
"I like to plan ahead," Seltiss said with a smile.   She needed Xibuyas, not for any romantic reasons, but for his power.    He was probably the strongest Saiyan in the universe after Luffa.   The problem was that Luffa claimed to be his mother, and he vehemently denied it.    She needed to find some way to keep that conflict from exploding in her face.   One of these days, Luffa might come to take custody of Xibuyas, or he would take it upon himself to kill her, or die in the attempt.     Neither outcome was favorable to Seltiss.   She needed to get a handle on Luffa's intentions towards the boy.   Would she even allow him to marry?   Would she let him be his own man?    Her entire timetable depended on having loyal Xibuyas wrapped around her little finger for at least another five years.    Unfortunately, Luffa was more concerned with the short term.  
"Can you cook?"    Luffa asked.    "Because I can almost promise you he can't."
"Why does matter if we can cook?" Seltiss asked.
Luffa threw her hands up in the air.    "What do you two lovebirds plan to eat?"
"We'd have servants for that," Seltiss said.    
Luffa stopped along the path they walked and turned to face her.   "Hah!    You actually think it's that simple!    Just get someone else to cook the meals?    Launder the sheets?   That's no marriage, girl.    That's a stay at a hotel.   What do you have to offer a mate, besides your title and bloodline?"
"Well, Xibuyas finds me attractive enough..."
Luffa shook her head.    "Useless.    Boys his age... There's a few hundred million women in the universe who'd turn his head the same way if he ever saw them."
Seltiss couldn't help but admire Luffa's ruthless appraisal.    As much as the young princess prided herself on her detachment, she supposed that she had let Xibuyas' flattery go to her head.    Around him, it was easy to think there was something special about herself that he could never find in anyone else.    He probably believed that, but she couldn't risk letting herself believe it too.  
"Let me ask you this," Luffa went on.  "What do you see in him?"
"He's very sensitive," Seltiss said.    "Well, he puts up a lot of barriers, but he lets them down around me.   I'm the only one he can truly confide in."    
These were facts, although they didn't actually answer Luffa's question.    Seltiss had long ago crafted a response for what she liked in Xibuyas.    It sounded a lot better than saying: "He's easy to manipulate, and he's nice to look at."
"So what?" Luffa asked.    "That isn't practical at all.    It sounds to me like you're in love with being in love.    That won't get you very far.   Trust me."
Perhaps, Seltiss thought, her pat answer needed workshopping.    
"Then you're saying all that matters is doing chores?" Seltiss asked.
"Marriage is a partnership," Luffa said.   "It's one thing to share the pleasures, like sex and war and listening to the same music.    But what really counts is being able to take care of the little things.   The boring parts where no one else is around.    If you two can handle that, then you don't really need my approval, or anyone else's."
"So I should learn to cook,"  Seltiss said.   "Is that what you're telling me?"
"Hell no," Luffa snorted.    "Get him to cook.   He'll be better at it, since he should have inherited my talent for it.    When's he coming back here?"
"Tomorrow," Seltiss said.   "He had some mopping up to do on Penticede, but his last transmission said he'd be arriving on Eetii in the morning."  
"Fine.    I need to fill him in on the rock creatures.    He should be strong enough to defeat one on his own, as long as he knows where to strike."
"Oh!   Wow, that’s a relief.   I was wondering why you hadn't told me anything about the rock creatures until now," Seltiss said.   "I was starting to think you didn't trust me."
"I don't trust you, Seltiss," Luffa said.    "You keep trying to get on my good side, like we're buddies or something, but you keep your secrets, don't you?"
"Secrets?" Seltiss said.    "I... I don't know what you're talking about.     If you mean our home base, that's a matter of security.   I can't just--"
"I'm not talking about Shenia, kid," Luffa groaned.   "I already know how you took over the government so you could use it for your own plans.    Federation intelligence tracked it down for me three weeks ago."
"You... you knew?" Seltiss suddenly felt her throat going dry.  
"You'll order your forces to withdraw from the planet immediately," Luffa told her.   "If you don't comply, my spies will report that back to me.    The jig is up, Princess."  
"Now hold on!" Seltiss said, her voice sounded a little higher than she would have liked.    
"Don't get me wrong.    I don't like having all these Saiyans of yours operating in Federation space, but I have to admit that Marshall Booth was right.   We do need this alliance to hold off the cultists.    But you personally?   Well, that might be another story.
Seltiss couldn't believe this.   How could it all go so wrong so quickly.    "You knew, this whole time?" she sputtered.    "But you let me go on and on, trying to be friendly towards you... Why?"
"I'm no diplomat," Luffa said.   "Ask anyone on the Federation Council.    They'll tell you that I negotiate like I fight.   And there's nothing quite as satisfying as letting your opponent waste their energy while they think they have a handle on the situation.   Then you tell them how things really are, and you catch them off balance."
Seltiss took a step back from Luffa, and nearly stumbled.    "You can't be serious.   You'd kill me over Shenia?   You've never even been there!     I made sure to pick a planet you've never been to."
"What difference does that make?" Luffa said.   "I've seen enough planets conquered by invaders.    I think I've got a pretty good idea what it's like.    You want me to believe you're some kind of genius leader?   Stop acting like a pirate.   Try building a country from scratch, instead of on the backs of someone else.    Or I can kill you here and now.   Your choice."
"Now hold on!" Seltiss gasped.    "You can't kill me.   You just said you needed our alliance.   Without me, the Free Company falls apart!"
"Maybe," Luffa said.    "But something tells me a lot of your guys might decide to stick around and see the war through without you.   Once they get a look at those rock creatures, they'll see things my way."
"What do the rock creatures have to do with it?!" Seltiss demanded.    
"Your daddy's face, that's what!" Luffa shouted.  
Her outburst was loud enough to be heard by Saiyans who were passing nearby, though none of them could have understood what it meant.   But Seltiss understood.    The shock of it was like a chill through her entire body.   Her knees gave way, and she nearly sank to the ground.
She surely would have, except Luffa caught her by the arms and held her upright.  
"No, that won't do," Luffa said, looking down on Seltiss with wide eyes.  "You're the Princess of the Saiyans, aren't you?   The iron lady should face this on her feet, shouldn't she?"
"T-trismegistus..." Seltiss stammered.    "The alchemist who trained my father.   He could just be using dad’s likeness to--"
"Get real, Princess," Luffa said.    "Rehval is Trismegistus.   He stole the real guy's name, just like he stole the name 'Rehval' from your uncle.   Did you know about that?    Nobody knows your dad's real name.   Not even you.   He thinks it's cute or something that no one knows."
Seltiss wanted to say she couldn't believe it.    That wasn't true.    She didn't know the full extent of her father's machinations, but she knew enough about him.    Jindan, the cult, the war, the rock creatures.     Was any of it truly beyond his abilities?     There was no escaping it.    Unable to retreat into denial, all she could do was look away from Luffa's steely gaze.    
"Huh.  You really had no idea, did you?" Luffa said.    "I thought if I played along, let you talk long enough, you might betray yourself, give me some clue that you were secretly in league with the cult.    But no, the tears are real.    Maybe you did know about all this, once, but your old man altered your memories."
She wanted to angrily deny this charge, to insist that her father had never used any of his mind-altering potions on her.    But... how could she ever be sure of that?    If he was behind the Jindan Cult, enslaving his own people, then was there any depth he wouldn't sink to?    
"I so wanted to believe he was dead," Seltiss said.   "It would have easier that way.   So much easier.    I could lead the Free Company into war and avenge him, instead of trying to compete with him for however long it took for dad to realize he was obsolete."  
"Avenge yourself, girl," Luffa said.   "Your father is the lowest kind of scum, but you can restore your honor by helping me find him.    But first, you withdraw your soldiers from Shenia.    You'll never rise above your ancestors by wallowing in the same kind of filth."
There was something oddly comforting about Luffa's grip on her shoulders.     Seltiss vaguely wondered if this was the sort of thing she had missed out on from her own mother.    Brutal as Luffa's words were, there was a ring of truth to them.    
"I'm not with him, Luffa," Seltiss said angrily.    "I don't expect you to believe that, but I'm saying it anyway.    I'll do, like, whatever you ask, but I have to see this through.  I can't rest until he dies."    
Luffa smiled.   "Very good, Seltiss," she said.    "My father betrayed me once, too, you know.    Maybe you'll get a chance to kill him, the same way I killed mine.    And then... Well, we can have something else in common."
She shoved Seltiss to the ground, then turned and flew away, leaving the daughter of the Rehval Dynasty to wish that she could be anyone else than who she was.  
NEXT: Method to the Madness.
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selenecrown · 6 years
Persona 3 - Arisato Siblings AU
Alternate Universe where Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki and the FeMC from Persona 3 Portable are actually twins and both children do not die in the car crash that killed their parents. Unlike what I believe happened in Persona 3 Portable. 
Also I'm probably going to add more later if I think of any during or after PQ2. Or just in general.
In other words, that AU that is accepted by the fandom but not canon. But it should be Atlus you cowards!
I will refer to these two as Minato Arisato and Minako Arisato. 
If you prefer Makoto Yuki, then FeMC's name is Hamuko Yuki (Sorry, I wasn't sure what other me to use for this.) Or, if you prefer Sakuya Shiomi, then FeMC's name is Kotone Shiomi. 
- Minato is the oldest by two minutes. Minako says otherwise, but it's a lie and the two of them know it.
- When they were young they actually were pretty close, as most twins are. Only, their personalities were different. For one, Minako was more shy and reserved and Minato was much more friendly.
- But, after the car crash that killed their parents, Minato became more apathetic towards others excluding his sister who he became even more protective of. In response to Minato shutting away other people, Minako became much more friendly (and sassy) to step up for Minato. Originally, she just wanted him to smile again so she always tried her best at being nice and funny towards Minato and others, but this later became a part of her personality. 
- The twins kept moving from family member to family member as the two kept getting kicked out because of Minato's borderline suicidal actions and apathetic words, because Minato became extremely apathetic towards others minus his sister (who also started picking up his actions and also became somewhat depressed) family members would keep them until they couldn't take Minato anymore and, because Minato refused to leave his sister, both of the twins would move onto another family member. 
- Minato really stoped caring and even on trying to get to know his family members. Minako actually is thankful most of her family would take them in, but often forgets the family members who took them in, since they never stayed longer than a year.
- Until they came to the dorm. Then, things changed. Minako and Minato started to like being in the dorm. They met people that they liked and agreed: They actually liked it there. They wanted to stay.
- Minato was actually happy to be there. His apathy seemed to change into him just being reserved towards people. This, delighted Minako. Because for the first time in years, he wasn't acting like a cold-hearted asshole all the time to other people. 
- Minato and Minako are still field leaders, they just trade off every full moon. The other comes with the party, but it just a normal attacker. 
- Minato is quiet, but reliable leader. He's the type of leader that is very aware of his teammates despite him not acting like it. He maybe laided back and doesn't really give his opinion on the situation at hand, but he certainly shows an example of a leader. 
- Minako is like the cheerleader. She often encourages the group to do their best and get things done fast. But, like Minato, looks after her group. Despite her picking odd clothing choices and sometimes really crazy missions, she does these things (mostly) to help her team get stronger.
- Both of them have the Wildcard ability and both Elizabeth and Theodore look after both of them. Elizabeth is supposed to look after Minato, and Theodore is supposed to look after Minako. But the two Velvet Room Attendants mostly just share the two twins.
- Which, is really amusing. Imagine Elizabeth going out with Minako and Theodore is stuck with Minato. What happens between the four are actually super funny and often times really cool in retrospect.
- Get ready for cute siblings fights as leaders. Like, 
"Minato! What about this outfit? It would look cute on Yukari!"
"Yes, but she'd kill you if you asked her to wear it."
"Not if you asked her to wear it!" 
". . . Fair point."
"Minato! Look at this shirt! It'd be perfect for Koromaru!"
"That's a good shirt. +10 agility, not bad. . . Minako, we don't have that kinda money."
"But it's cute!" 
"We need to buy something for Junpei! His armor is falling apart! If we don't get something better for him, we came here for no reason!"
"Oh my gosh you're right. I almost forgot!"
- The Twins teasing each other about their harems. That's it. That's the headcanon.
- Both Minato and Minako can be pranksters. Like, they do good pranks. One time, Minako asked Minato if they could play a prank on both Yukari and Junpei because both of them had gotten into a fight and wouldn't even talk to each other. And. . . Let's just say, Mitsuru, while amused at what the two did and pleased at the twins got Yukari and Junpei to start talking again, was not too happy at the mess they made.
- While both Minato and Minako live in the same dorm, they sleep in separate rooms, for obvious reasons. Which, Aigis is not too happy about since she want to protect both of them and it's hard to watch the both them sleep at the same time if they are in different rooms.
- Honestly they probably help one another with Social Links. Yukari's Social Link reversed? Minako is willing to try and help out Minato in fixing it. Akihiko being a little too reserved with Minako? Well, Minato will give it a shot to try and help.
- Speaking of which, Minato can actually make Social Links with his male teammates! Even Koromaru! He can't date them, but he still has the Social Links.
- Running into each other going to Social Links or when the other sibling is hanging out with that Social Link are awkward as heck. 
- "Minako, you hog. Let me hang out with Shinjiro! I wanna taste his cooking!" "Well, then, let me hang out with Mitsuru! You're keeping her all to yourself!"
- Minato and Minako have weird things they do as siblings that S.E.E.S. has somewhat picked up on. Like when Minako is down in the dumps, Minato will stay close to her and comfort her if need be. Now, EVERYBODY knows when Minako is upset and often will track Minato down to give her that comfort and they actually try and make her happy until such time as Minato arrives. And when Minato is down in the dumps, be prepared for the whole team, lead by Minako, to do the stupidest crap to get him to feel better. Like beat the Reaper in swimsuits and videotape it while doing some werid dance. 
- Also, twin jokes everywhere. Even Mitsuru will pull out those jokes. It's great.
-Overall, great shenanigans in the dorm with these twins around.
- Then crap went down. As in, Strega and Shuji Ikutsuki came and screwed everything up. Majorly. Minato closed himself off again, and often wouldn't let Minako do too much with others either in favor of keeping her close to him.
- Because of that, the two got into a huge fight. 
- Minako, who finally found people she wanted to stay with, refused to let her brother mess up the one place both of them agreed they wanted to stay in. Not like he did the last few times, Minako was not willing to give up her time with S.E.E.S. to Minato's apathetic nature. Minato, who after remembering the warning from Pharos, was not willing to lose his sister to fate. 
- And, the two drifted apart. Worse, S.E.E.S. could do almost nothing to fix the problem since they were having their own problems to deal with. Well, then Ryoji came into the picture. Ryoji, after being confused with the distant twins, got the two of them to make up temporarily. But then Ryoji figured out his true nature, and while it brought the two closer and got them to fully make it up to one another, got the two of them to become depressed again.
- Then they had to make a decision as to kill Ryoji or not, and after lots of thought, the two came to the same conclusion. And so did everyone else. 
- And so, they fought Nyx. And the two became the Great Seal. Minato became the Great Seal of Nyx, while Minako became the Great Seal of Time which prevents her brother's Seal from being messed with through timelines, as well as protecting other timelines from Nyx. Which, makes Elizabeth just a bit more miffed at the amount of power she needs.
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instagram-money · 6 years
BEST 57 Two Piece Dresses for women '' NEW ''
BEST 57 Two Piece Dresses for women '' NEW ''
TOP Two Piece Dresses for women 
Hello, before watching the Two Piece Dresses I recommend you first watch this video
To buy the Two Piece Dresses click here please
Two Piece Swimwear Choices Differ by Your Age and Your Modesty Level
Two piece swimwear for the most part known as a dip two-piece is to a great degree prevalent among ladies everything being equal. Not all females are open to wearing a two piece swimming outfit since they in all likelihood are not satisfied with the state of their physique.Q 
Hence, loads of ladies wind up feeling extremely uneasy in two piece bathing suits and imagine that they simply don't look average. This inclination is be that as it may, basically a thing they think and may not genuinely be the situation. All things considered a lady is her own particular most noticeably bad pundit! 
Each time a lady wears any sort of two piece swimwear, she opens her shape to different people out in the open. By and large the main event a two piece swimming outfit is generally worn by a develop lady (beyond twenty one years old) is setting off to the shoreline on warm summer days. Only one out of every odd female is alright with uncovering her build and as an outcome many are not by any stretch of the imagination quiet being wearing a noteworthy two piece swimming outfit yet will pick a one piece swimming outfit or even a bridle one piece bathing suit. 
Regardless of being fundamentally the same as, there exists a distinction between a two piece bathing suits and a swimsuit. The key distinction including these two contrasting composes is the amount of materials in making each. The swimsuit requires a lesser measure of material though a two piece swimming outfit covers more skin than the two-piece. The swimming two-piece is typically grouped to be a generally little bathing suit, that uncovered even more a female's aggregate body and isn't regularly wore by females more than 40. 
There are various sorts of two piece swimwear you can discover and you'll effectively discover one, that you like, and one that compliments the body too. Everyone is molded diversely and subsequently requires a particular style of sun attire. Since two piece swimsuits will regularly be worn at late spring swimming or shoreline parties, numerous high schooler young ladies truly need to display increasingly and inspire the teenager young men. Anyway for more seasoned ladies who still want to look youthful however never again have the teenager body, inventive originators are today creating sorts of women swimming outfits which normally looks trendy, yet remains in position and is more unobtrusive. 
Here are well known composes to consider when buying a two piece bathing suit for any young person. Swimming two-piece finish coordinating with board shorts, various types of kid shorts, fashionable person two-pieces, tankinis and two-pieces with avoided bottoms are a portion of the well known two piece bathing suits that are hot today. 
Since mothers and fathers are generally not very enthused about enabling their little girls to meander the shoreline brandishing uncovering swimming outfits, the outlines expressed prior are sure to keep the two guardians and adolescent substance. Two piece swimwear is typically picked from an extensive variety of hues and outlines, for example, blooms and polka dabs. Splendid shades like yellows and pinks have turned out to be in vogue in the late spring and look awesome too! These are accessible online likewise for your benefit with ease value ranges.
Two Piece Bridesmaid Dresses
At the point when is a dress not by any stretch of the imagination a dress? When it is two isolates that frame the look of one dress. Two piece styles are regularly more complimenting than a one piece dress, and they are a standout amongst the most well known thoughts for bridesmaid dresses. 
Ladies today are more circumspect of their bridesmaids than they used to be. Most ladies comprehend that their companions need to look appealing at the wedding, and are attempting to discover arrangements that will make every young lady feel beautiful in her dress. It is less about having every bridesmaid resemble a clone of the others, and more about letting the individual magnificence of every specialist radiate through. 
It is an uncommon dress that looks similarly complimenting on four or five distinct ladies. Every lady has her own most loved body parts, and additionally those that she wants to cover up. Furthermore, numerous ladies are an alternate size on top than on the base, which makes it elusive a dress that fits well. The standard answer for bridesmaids with this difficulty has been to arrange up a size and afterward spend a fortune having the dress changed - not a perfect answer. 
These are the reasons why having bridesmaids wear two piece dresses has turned out to be so mainstream. As opposed to attempting to make the bridesmaid fit the dress, ladies are enabling their bridesmaids to pick the styles that fit them. All things considered, if your orderlies will be burning through many dollars on an outfit, they ought to in any event feel great wearing it! 
Try not to stress that isolates will influence your bridesmaids to look uneven. Most organizations will offer various cuts for tops and skirts in a similar texture and shading. You should simply pick the texture and shading that you need, and after that let every bridesmaid choose her particular pieces inside that structure. To additionally bind together them, you can set different rules, for example, floor length skirt and sleeveless best. 
Indeed, even inside those parameters, every bridesmaid will have numerous incredible figure complimenting alternatives for her isolates. For example, if your sister has a little chest however a vast tush, she may like a spaghetti tie top combined with an A-line skirt. Another bridesmaid may like a more thin segment skirt worn with a bridle top. A third young lady could run with an entire A-line skirt with a strapless best, et cetera down the line. As should be obvious, there will be a mix beyond any doubt to satisfy each bridesmaid. 
To tie the look of your whole marriage party together, go for some consistency in their embellishments. You may determine open or close toed shoes (in spite of the fact that it is best to give every young lady a chance to pick the specific match that feels best on her feet). Another incredible thought is to give them coordinating bridesmaid gems sets. You can arrange sets of bridesmaid gems that are made from a similar shade of precious stone or pearl to provide for your orderlies as endowments. 
When you give your bridesmaids some contribution to their outfits for the wedding, they are unquestionably going to be more joyful. Picking two piece bridesmaid dresses is an extraordinary method to host a brought together looking marriage get-together while as yet permitting every orderly some flexibility of decision. Bridesmaids that vibe lovely in their dresses will add a note of euphoria to your big day.
Two Piece Swimwear - The Bikini's Rise From the Beaches of Australia to the World
It was the 1940's and the center of World War II when Australian planner Paula Stafford, confronting a lack of materials devised the possibility of two piece swimwear. It had little to do with style and more to do with sparing the restricted texture accessible. The two piece suit at the time was an outrageous proposal, and really did not uncover itself until the mid 1950's when Paula wore the two-piece herself and showed up on the popular Surfers Paradise shoreline on the east bank of Australia, stunning and tempting the shoreline goers. 
Things truly took off in 1952 when Sydney demonstrate Ann Ferguson wore a Paula Stafford creation on Surfers Paradise shoreline. A shoreline reviewer disclosed to her he thought her outfit was excessively concise so the following day she returned with 5 of her companions in indistinguishable two piece swimwear and tipped of the media, starting there on the prevalence of the swimsuit couldn't be ceased. She had 65 staff filling in as much as 18 hours regular to supply 400 stores in Australia. 
Regardless of the cases that two-piece atoll and the French presented the two-piece, it was Paula Stafford at Australia's vacation capital that acquainted the world with what has turned into the best upheaval to ladies' swimwear, and improbable ever to be outperformed. Begat the two-piece, the style has turned out to be synonymous with stunning shoreline darlings, sun doused shoreline occasions, unwinding and enlivened numerous date-books, mold title pages and shoreline rivalries. The two-piece is the embodiment of summer. Who might have suspected that two minor pieces of lycra could catch the wide creative ability of the world that it in certainty has. 
Yet, after about 60 years, the two-piece, in style continues as before, anyway configuration has changed with the contemporary requests of form and architects are outlining swimwear that is fun, astounding and coy and celebrates everything that is summer, meeting the desire for the cutting edge young lady searching for a mold articulation as much as a reasonable and useful article of clothing for the water. 
As of late the absolute most acclaimed two-piece minutes have originated from the Sports Illustrated logbooks or from paparazzi shots of your most loved superstars skipping on their private shorelines. Be that as it may, for whatever is left of us insignificant mortals the two piece bathing suit is impossible ever to drop out of design, as ageless as the little dark dress the two-piece is an absolute necessity have for any young lady in their mid year closet.
Swimwear For Girls: Whole-Piece VS Two-Piece
Swimwear for young ladies can be fundamentally separated into two gatherings. The bathing suits that are made across the board piece like a leotard and the bathing suits that are made in two pieces like clothing and a bra set. The two piece sets of swimwear for young ladies might be meager and demonstrate relatively all aspects of the young lady's life systems, or they might be bottoms like undies that have tops that cover the whole midriff of the young lady. 
Most guardians have unmistakable conclusions on the swimwear for young ladies that they will enable their little girls to wear. A portion of these assessments depend on the age of the tyke, the body state of the youngster, and the religious convictions of the guardians. 
Entire Piece swimwear for young ladies is thought to be the more unassuming decision for young ladies to wear. The vestments fit near the body and they demonstrate the full outline of the body, however most guardians feel that an entire piece bathing suit is more humble than the two piece suits are. 
A two piece suit can be extremely meager and cause numerous guardians to scrutinize the suitability of enabling their little kids to wear things that display their sexuality and potentially draw in the consideration of pedophiles. Most guardians tell their girls that they can't wear the meager two piece suits until the point when they are more seasoned. 
This reasoning is somewhat imperfect. Albeit one can comprehend why the parent would not need their little kid to dress too provocatively, the parent ought to likewise consider that when their tyke is more established, and has completely built up her grown-up figure they won't need her wearing a bathing suit that makes men pay heed to her. The discussion over when to enable a young lady to dress in a two piece suit seethes on along these lines. 
Most young ladies basically need swimwear that is agreeable. The pieces of clothing must fit rather cozy or when they get wet they will extend and could fall off of the tyke, uncovering them improperly. The tank-kini is the two piece suit that has a best that achieves the highest point of the under jeans, and in some cases the best stretches out sufficiently far down the body of the youngster to cover the bottoms totally. These suits appear to be proper for most ages and they are simple for the youngster to take off and set back on when they need to utilize the bathroom.
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Seven Lessons That Will Instruct You All You Had to Understand about party.
event Has The Answer To Everything.
As one reads Ocala, one instantly associates it with the steed country for obvious reasons. Place 8 lots of meringue on a cooking sheet lined with non-stick paper as well as bake for 2 hrs. So, obtain your pith safety helmet on, and be gotten ready for a crew of stampeding youngsters wanting to have a wild time at your youngster's safari party. Welcome them and also ask them to wear their favorite swimsuit in order to appreciate the sun and also the sand at your celebration. The murder enigma is excellent to play as a halloween party game since the offered styles such as mobsters or '50's offer themselves extremely well to costumes. An invitation ought to be sent 4 weeks beforehand so that you could obtain the comments early as well as get to recognize who isn't really going to the party. If you are having simply a causal family members gathering event and also if you have actually not picked the event motif, you can utilize period themes for celebration table decoration. Ultimately I would claim that allow your youngsters take pleasure in the party industrious as well as the parents ought to treat them this moment without either of the twin worries of sweat and stress and anxiety. If you're not experienced at hosting social events, a little event may appear much less frightening. Over The Moon Celebration Invitations: Hey Diddle Diddle or The Cow Jumped Over The Moon is a prominent baby room rhyme. After you figure out where, when, as well as what type of celebration to have the guest list could lastly be done. Along with the materials for the food, you might likewise have the ability to find other Dora themed things, such as piñatas, balloons, and even small celebration prefers that you could offer to the guests at your child's celebration. If the celebration is a slumber party, after that maybe it will be a quick supper, like a pizza, and some snacks for later while they play words games. Provide on your own a break to a hot make over this period as well as make waves at your next party. Both groups will certainly enjoy their little ghost Halloween event decors that double as celebration favors. Conserving loan on invites, decors and event favors can be as straightforward as acquiring in advance or doing off-season. And also they could remember the event after a long period of time the fun and pleasure they had in the party. And also, she artistically supplies information on party prefers, party preparation giveaways, activities as well as celebration materials Use her pointers as well as ideas for a remarkable party. Certain, possibly you believe it's a lots of hooey, however, for the right crowd and celebration psychic is fantastic entertainment. Paper umbrellas can color your visitors from the sunlight during the brightest parts of the daytime hrs. Word video games, such as word shuffle and also word find are fun for all ages, as well as you could locate them inning accordance with the ages of the ladies that will be at the event.
7 Reasons People Like celebration.
These tasks and video games together with event materials as well as decorations will certainly all add to the Under the Sea celebration party games that are discovered online can also be printed ahead of time and also utilized in a variety of ways for the event. For even more parlor game, be sure to take a look at 5 Fun Party Gamings for Children for both outside and also interior ideas in order to help maintain the kids entertained at your following event. Consequently, preparing age associated slumber celebration games and activities for your guests will make your slumber event a success.
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Having your ideal buddy's stag party city hours dallas (next) at a strip club is a tried as well as true means to offer a terrific dispatch. This would certainly be an excellent halloween event suggestion, yet it might in fact be an enjoyable outfit party that might be planned for any time of the year. Just choose from a few of the many Mickey Mouse party materials readily available to help you complete the total theme. Making an Under the Sea party materials checklist should be just one of the primary steps to intending an event and also it must include numerous party materials that consist of designs such as shells, corals and fish. So you ought to absolutely plan a few interesting Thirtieth birthday event online games for your friends and family participants. Remember the very best wedding event shower celebration favors are things the guests will certainly wish to maintain, as well as on top of that, products that could aim them back to the wedding and folks that the product honored. You consent to indemnify, defend and hold harmless ABC Post Directory site ©;, its officers, supervisors, staff members, representatives, licensors, distributors and any kind of 3rd party info companies to the Solution from as well as versus all losses, damages, expenses and also costs, consisting of sensible attorneys' fees, resulting from any kind of offense of this Agreement (including negligent or wrongful conduct) by you or any other person accessing the Service. Originally from River City before kicking around Atlanta, the sulking serenader gained momentum after hitting the trail as visitor performer on the 2010 Aqua Teenager Cravings Force Live tour and 2013 Eels scenic tour and also making unique looks at Seattle's Teatro ZinZanni and also New York City's Rest No More. SECTION 3 - College graduation Party Decorations: These totally free college graduation flag as well as cupcake mattress topper template downloads will certainly help you stretch your budget, because you can print them in the house. The host merely invites an array of individuals as well as supplies a lot of food as well as liquor.
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Episodes 17-20
The reason why Pikachu runs through the random Lass' legs in the theme song is because of a mistranslation of the theme song where the original says something along the lines of "under a girl's skirt"
Can Gyarados use Dragon Rage solo or does it always require 5 of them?
Krabby decides to just pinch the fuck out of Jesse and James' thighs while they're stuck head first in sand. Mouth foaming, they didn’t forget <3
Jesse got Ekans for her birthday last year and James got Koffing for Christmas? Is that a normal thing? Who did they get them from? Did they not have Pokemon before that? How long have they been trainers and how long did it take them to become villains?
How did Pikachu just know these were Ash's Pokeballs? Could it smell the Pokemon inside again like it did with Caterpie?
I fucking love Slowpoke.
Did they just leave the Pokeballs on the beach? If so, can you just put a Pokemon you own in another Pokeball if you lose the first one?
Why are Ash's Pokemon intelligent but Ekans and Koffing talk in "You not master, master is master" types of speech.
There are no bad Pokemon only bad trainers is one of my favorite ideas from this entire franchise.
Bulbasaur is such a Debbie downer, fuck that guy.
Are these fruits or berries from Gen 2 forward?
Giant Rhydon is unexpected.
Did the giant Zapdos know Ash and co. were under it or was it just shooting lightning for the yolo?
Giant Moltres shot fire at Jesse and James like it knew they were there but just kept going anyway? I'm confused on the motives of these giant Pokemon.
Why is there a ramen shop in the middle of this forest ran by a Slowbro?
Bulbasaur is sloshed and yelling at Squirtle.
So Giovanni's voice is always distorted for some reason?
Are Ekans and Koffing portrayed that way because they're Team Rocket's Pokemon or because they're poison-type, or?
These giant Pokemon are awfully hostile.
Bulbasaur is such an edgelord, holy.
This singular rail cart is able to drag the massive Kabutops without even slowing slightly.
Now it's dragging Kabutops and giant Pikachu with it, what is this rail cart made of?
It's dragging all of the Pokemon now. This is the most powerful force in existence.
Giant Pokemon are all machines so are they programmed to be aggressive toward bystanders?
Giovanni owns Pokemonland, makes sense.
The sexualization of Misty in her bathing suit is weird as she is 10.
Ash, Misty, and Brock steal a boat and then ram it into Team Rocket, crashing the boat into a dock. What a bunch of hooligans.
Whoa, creepy old guy gets perv blush when he sees Misty in bathing suit and says "you remind me of my granddaughter" that went over my head when I was younger.
So the Team Rocket vs Ash and co. in this episode will be over the restaurants they're working at.
Brock thinks Jesse looks hot in her waitress outfit. Pretty sure she's like 14. This series is weird.
Someone got paid to use the word twerpateria.
These are the most effective banana peels of all time.
Why does Moe owe Brutella so much money?
Oak is here with Ash's mom? Get you some, Prof!
How did Brock become the announcer for the beauty contest if he just learned about it the same day?
Oak and Ash's mom talk an awful lot for just platonic homies, just saying.
Starmie can just float apparently.
Holy he just called Ash out for literal no reason.
What is this rivalry even based off of? What did Ash and Gary do to even become rivals?
Why does the Gyarados submarine have tank treads?
This episode made negative sense.
Ash's mom has a nice butt.
Horsea ink spurts art of Tentacool and Tentacruel and Misty can only think to catch it.
How can Staryu and Starmie fly?
Nastina brings up eating Pokemon again, so I have to assume that this is a real thing people do. All meat must come from a Pokemon in this world. How do you find out if a Pokemon is better for battling or for eating? Do you sometimes do both?
When did they get the Horsea and put it in this random pool with Pikachu? Why was that done offscreen?
Nastina and Brutella are the same person but in one of those weird anime kind of ways not the same person.
The undersea horde of Tentacool is actually frightening to think about.
The stun sauce somehow made this Tentacool evolve into the world's largest Tentacruel for reasons.
Tentacruel is known as the gangster of the sea...but how?
I wonder if Godzillacruel and Godzillanite ever meet up and talk about what it's like to be 10x larger than the rest of their kind.
Tentacool and Tentacruel do the "tentacles on head to communicate through the vessel" thing from Independance Day.
Do Pokemon inside Pokeballs see what's going on around them? If not how did Pidgeotto know where Horsea was when Ash sent it out with only the command, "Catch it"
So Bulbasaur had to wrap vines around Butterfree to be carried but Zubat with no appendages is able to carry Squirtle just fine?
Why is Goldeen even ever sent out? It's more useless than Magikarp so far in this series.
The Staryu and Starmie kind of gripping Tentacool and throwing them into the water looks so disturbing.
So what makes guns acceptable in this episode and not the Porygon one? Where is the line drawn?
Nastina blasting of agaaaaaaaaaaain.
Nastina and Brutella are cousins it turns out.
Brock feels me on swimsuit season.
Misty keeps being called scrawny and honestly she dumb thicc for a 10 year old.
Holy shit that painting is over 2,000 years old? It held up miraculously well.
Oh wow, there's a bedtime curfew for Pokemon Trainers? Why is that a thing?
Jesse does a solo rendition of Team Rocket's Motto and this might be the saddest moment of the series so far.
Anti-Ghost Stickers, aren't these just charms or seals? I guess that was too occult for a kids show?
Jesse shot a bazooka at a ghost. This is a thing that just happened.
Gastly as a giant mongoose wearing a gas mask stepping on Koffing is an image I didn't think I'd ever see tbh.
Venusaur and Blastoise fusion dance into Venustoise, hmm.
So Gastly can only pull this act once a year? Why? He says he hates the sun but there's night literally every night?
So the ghost of the maiden is real and Gastly just pulls this shit so no one forgets?
Misty looks so much better with her hair down.
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