#the rendog effect I guess
dying-acc-idk-man · 2 years
Hiya AK! I love your art as it ever so gradually turns me into even more of a bisexual mess /pos
I was wondering if you've ever drawn Rendog, though I fear the effect Rendog's visage in your style may have on me, I can't help but crave it all the same
... I don't know why I'm talking like this tbh, I thought you'd find it funny, I just searched rendog on your blog and didn't find any art, sadly, so I was wondering if you've never post any or if it's just tumblr messing up
KNGAEKON thank you!
and oh! well try renthedog tag instead, i tried searching and it seems thats my tag for ren! ^^ I've drawn him 3 times i guess?!
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
Ren flops onto his conveniently placed throne, throwing himself across the armrests with as much drama as possible. It’s enough drama, in fact, to make Bdubs stop what he was doing and turn to look at Ren expectantly.
“Bdubs. My loyal partner. My kingmaker. My right hand,” Ren starts.
“Yes, my king?” Bdubs says.
“Am i not good enough?”
“Yes,” Bdubs says automatically, before pausing and realizing what he’s said. “Wait, I mean, no! You’re worthy! Why else would I pick you for the crown!”
Ren huffs and throws a hand over his face. “Do I not create quests for the people? Do I not help create roads, and jobs, and beautiful portals no one would have finished without further motivation?”
“You do, my king!” Bdubs says.
“Am I not a fit ruler? Have I not been lenient with my crown? Have I—seriously, dude, I actually haven’t done anything but stick my head around everywhere, I haven’t made any claims I hadn’t already made, man. I just—Bdubs,” Ren says.
Bdubs gets the sense he’s just supposed to be smiling and nodding at this point. “Yes?”
“Bdubs, Bdubs am I just—just that unlikable? Am I… an ugly dog?”
“What?” Bdubs says, baffled.
“Am I just—an inherently untrustworthy dog? Am I just too easy to make fun of? I don’t understand,” he says.
“No,” Bdubs guesses the correct answer is.
“Then why are so many people defying me!” wails Ren. “I hadn’t actually run out of money yet! I haven’t done anything to defy! Seriously, even you’re doing it!”
“What? No! I would never,” Bdubs says in what he hopes is a very convincing voice. The fact Bdubs still has several of Ren’s diamonds in his inventory is immaterial.
“You have, though, Sir Bdubs!” Ren makes a pitiful whine. “I hadn’t done anything yet! I’d just said no one else could use my quest system! Why?”
He looks at Bdubs expectantly. Hesitantly, Bdubs starts: “Well, sir, I definitely don’t think this, but, uh, it’s possible. That people see you as easy to mess with. Sir.”
“What? Easy to mess with? Me? I’m far from easy to mess with! I have sharp teeth and fast reflexes! Nothing phases the dog, my dude!”
“…of course,” Bdubs says after a long moment of staring at where Ren is still flopped over his throne like a Victorian maiden with consumption. “Nothing phases you at all.”
“Easy to mess with. Why, I should make it a law. A King’s Decree: Ren is not easy to mess with, and should not be treated as such!”
“Great idea. That will show them all exactly how unbothered you are, my King,” Bdubs says.
Ren starts wagging his tail. “Of course!” he says. “It will become law on the morrow!”
“It will be done,” agrees Bdubs, and he wonders how much earlier he can enact the part of the plan where he just takes over entirely.
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redwinterroses · 3 years
Hi red, I just wanted to let you know that you are a huge inspiration to me and my writing. As a smaller fanfic writer I often struggle with getting feedback when I post things and was curious if you had any advice on that front. Not getting feedback doesn't effect my motivation to write but when I put effort into something it's still nice to talk about it.
Awwww... you're so sweet. *passes you plate of cookies* <3
Honestly, though -- it's hard to get feedback as a fic writer. (as any kind of writer, really; any of my published friends will say the same.) People just... aren't good about giving feedback. I average a comment for about every 60-70 hits or so. One out of every 60 readers actually bothers to say anything. Kudos are a bit more common, but they don't mean as much, ya know?
So yeah. I get that. It can be pretty demoralizing to post something you're really excited about and then like... two people comment or reblog with anything in the tags. (This is why I never reblog anything without saying something about it in the tags, and I very very very rarely leave kudos on a fic that I don't also comment on. I know how much it means to me, so I do my best to give that to other creators.)
I guess my biggest advice for that is a) don't be afraid to talk up your own stuff. It can feel a little... mmm. Egotistical? Possibly? But if you're excited about your story, talk about it. On the one hand you'll get to toss some of that excitement into the world instead of letting it stew in your head, and on the other, excitement can breed excitement and you might find more people interested in interacting if you give them more than enough playground to venture into.
And b) turn about's fair play. Be deliberate about interacting with other people's writing. Reblog with tags. Comment on fics. If someone I regularly see in my notes posts a story, you bet your last golden carrot I'm going to at least check it out, if for no other reason than returning the favor. Fic writing is really a communal activity, and deliberately building a great community around you that you can support and that can support you? That's super important.
I'm so glad that the motivation to write doesn't hinge on interaction for you. That's incredibly healthy, and something I constantly have to fight. (Frankly, the reason I write fic instead of editing the like... four manuscripts I have sitting around collecting dust is because I don't get constant feedback on manuscripts. It's addictive and I have a problem.) Writing, at the end of the day, really is and should be about you as the primary audience. Write what makes you happy, and treasure those little gems of interaction when you can get them.
And to anyone else reading this: I double-rendog-dare you to start leaving comments and tags on fics. (Make that a triple-rendog-dare if you're the kind of person to put "reblogs over likes!" on your art lol.) It doesn't take much. A "I loved this!" is worth a hundred kudos. An "oooooh my heart!" is worth about 6k. And if you're a Shadeswift or a Fearthefuzzybear or an Antykreatywna or a Mothervvoid and you leave paragraphs in the comments? You have my entire heart and love forever and you should know that my delight in seeing those comments is immeasurable. <3
...Anyway, anon: I hope that was in some way helpful, even if just in the solidarity. I wish you the best of luck in both writing and in cultivating an audience, and hey -- if you ever want to shoot me a link or anything (assuming I'm not already reading your stuff) feel free. :)
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i can’t stop writing!
“Fundy? Are you in here?” Iskall called out. Rendog landed next to the redstoner, weapon drawn as a precaution. 
Fundy did speak, but not as a response to Iskall. “No! Tubbo don’t!” From nearby, Tubbo jumped at the other pair in a panic to defend himself. Ren blocked the attack and disarmed Tubbo quickly as he wasn’t fully prepared for a battle. “Tubbo, they’re on our side!”
“They are?” Tubbo asked, refusing to look away from Iskall and Ren.
“Yeah.” Iskall spoke up, making sure to hold his hands up and hold no weapon. “I’m friends with Fundy. I’ve helped him in the past with his redstone.”
Tubbo hazarded a glance towards Fundy who gave a reassuring nod and Tubbo relaxed just a little bit. “Tommy’s told us about you. Said you’re best friends?”
Tubbo looked back to Iskall. “He said that? But I exiled him! I didn’t even visit him when I could have.”
“Tommy doesn’t blame you for that.” Ren spoke up, making Tubbo jump a little at the new voice. “Maybe he did when he first got here, but he gets that it was more Dream’s fault then yours. You should see his place.”
“Oh yeah!” Iskall said, lighting up a little. “He’s not far from here. Tommy set up his tower between Grian and Ren in the mesa. Refused to let any of us help. He grew up so fast.”
“Then can we go over there? I want to see Tommy and talk with him!” Tubbo was nearly bouncing around at the thought of seeing his friend again.
“Well, we can go over there, but Tommy’s probably in the middle of the fight.” Ren responded. “Though I’m sure he’d want to keep you safe.”
“And I’d rather not get Fundy mixed up in everything if he doesn’t have to be.” Iskall added. Though Fundy seemed to disagree.
“If Tommy is out there fighting, we want to help. He’s our friend.”
Iskall and Ren looked at each other, having a silent conversation with expressions before Ren sighed. “Alright, fine. We’ll take you back to the shopping district and-”
There was a large crack of thunder and Tubbo was left trembling. Ren and Fundy covered their ears from the sudden noise while Iskall looked for the source. When he saw the cloudy sky above with a purple glow in the distance, he knew what was going on, having seen the same scene once before. “Oh no… Grian…”
Rendog’s ears were ringing a little too much for him to hear Iskall, so he yelled a ‘what?’ before seeing the sky as well. “That’s… not good.”
Fundy recovered enough to comfort Tubbo and then turned to Iskall. “What’s wrong? What’s going on?”
“Change of plans. We’re staying here. Everyone else is in the shopping district, so if things go wrong…” Iskall trailed off.
“Then we’re the recovery team.” Ren finished the thought.
Tubbo, who was still rattled by the sound, still managed to push himself mostly past it. “Wh-what do you mean? Is T-Tommy going to be okay?”
Iskall, who had the most experience with Grian’s trouble with being a Watcher, seemed hesitant about his answer, but did give it. “Well, I think Tommy might actually be the safest one out there, though it’s still dangerous.”
“Then we need to go help!” Tubbo said, giving no chance for anyone to stop him as he ran out of the tree. Fundy quickly followed, and Ren and Iskall after him after they unfroze from their surprise. 
“Ren, Fundy, how about you two stay behind. We should have at least someone as an emergency team. I don’t want Tubbo going alone and I doubt we can do anything to stop him. I’m also not letting him head out there alone and I’m the one who knows the most about this.”
Ren Tried to argue, but Iskall shut him down. “Right, Fundy, let’s stay back.” The fox looked sadly at Ren, but relented and stayed back with him. Iskall started getting his wings ready to fly, but saw Tubbo had none of his own, so instead they headed to the nether portal.
Hermits surrounded the crater, weapons drawn. They created a wall of armor that protected their previous enemy. Mumbo took a risk and slid down to try and pull Technoblade away, but the piglin warrior refused to budge. With that out the window and no easy way out, Mumbo tried to reason with his friend. “Grian, calm down, you saved Tommy. You don’t need to be a Watcher right now.” Murmuring came from the opposing army. A few of them had heard of Watchers but never seen one. 
Grian cocked his head to one side, staring Mumbo down with all but one of his eyes, the last one continuing to watch Techno. Mumbo tried once more to move Techno, but he stood firm, causing Mumbo’s foot to slip. The sudden movement and noise made Grian’s feathers ruffle and Mumbo froze completely. Grian then moved his hand toward Tommy and Techno jumped to attack with a new weapon, only for it to shatter as well. The Watcher started to stand up only for the Hermits at his back to first arrows at him. He screeched in pain, focusing on his attackers and turning away from Techno and Mumbo.
Techno moved first, getting to Tommy’s side and starting to pull him away. Being so close Grian immediately noticed and attempted to attack, but Mumbo moved in front of the warrior and put his shield up, deflecting the attack. The expression on Grian’s face almost looked hurt as Techno escaped with Tommy and climbed up out of the crater with one hand.
Tommy started to wake up just as Techno reached Phil. The former king took his son from Techno’s arms and held him close. Dream smiled down at Tommy, glad to have his pawn return to the board. As a Watcher, Grian saw it all. He flapped his wings, using his Watcher magic to strengthen the effects and create a windstorm around him and everyone nearby. 
Scar and Cub were blown away by the wind as they still sported their vex wings which caught the wind easily. Philza also had to be held down for the same reason. As the wind whipped around, Grian flew into the air and launched himself at Philza and began to parrot Techno once more.
“How dare you defile the Blood God!” Techno yelled, ready to defend his family. But Grian didn’t stop, landing next to them. He looked at his father and brothers, noting one was missing.
“Someone’s missing” The Watcher hissed out. “And we saw he isn’t dead anymore. Your admin revived him.”
Tommy stared up at what Grian had become. The six purple eyes were now accompanied by a mouth full of pointed teeth and his hair has seemed to have turned into feathers. He was also taller and his feet were changed into talons. Tommy wasn’t sure how much was just how Watchers looked and how much was an emphasization of Grian’s avian self, but no matter what, Grian’s current state was terrifying.
Tommy tried to escape his dad’s arms, but Phil refused to let him go. Dream moved to stand between Tommy and Grian which made him even more upset about being unable to move. “How about we leave while we still can. We rescued Tommy. Let these Hermits deal with their own problems.”
Phil nodded and was starting to move before Tommy writhed in his arms. “No! I don’t want to go back! I need to help Grian!”
“Tommy, they just kept you trapped here and wouldn’t let you see your friends and family. Tubbo lifted your exile and I did everything to find a way to give you a path home. Don’t you remember all the time I spent with you? Think of this as paying me back for-”
“You’re not my friend Dream.” Tommy cut his former admin off, finally escaping Philza’s arms. “You never were. And if you were, I wouldn’t need to pay you back for just being with me. And you!” Tommy looked at his brother. “I kept trying to trust you, tried to get my brother back, but you won’t stop listening to the voices. And dad…” Tommy looked at Philza, but couldn’t get the words out. “I… I... “
Philza was knocked down and pinned under Grian’s foot. “No more Empire for you. Ice and snow don’t really fit with birds anyway, now do they.”
Philza grabbed the foot on his chest and tried to push it off him, but instead the talons just dug deeper into his chest. “Leave my son alone!” He gritted out, just making Grian laugh.
“Leave him alone? Like what you did? Abandoned him out in the middle of nowhere? I guess Techno really was the favorite. Or will you lose him as well?”
Philza managed to pull out his sword and slash it against Grian. It didn’t break, but the durability fell a dangerous amount. Angrily, Grian pushed his foot down harder on Philza, making the man wheeze. When others tried to step forward to help, corrupted parrot wings pushed them away.
“You abandoned one son, let another die, and lost the third to time.” Grian taunted and Philza’s face went white.
“Thi- y-you know what happened to-?”
“The Watchers had plenty of fun with him.” Grian answered, not directly answering that he was the third child and not giving up that he was still alive.
Techno’s eyes blazed with fury and attacked Grian. “You took him?!”
Grian just laughed and dodged the attacks. Tommy realized the avian was just toying with him. It reminded him of what Dream did. In a panic, Tommy put down his shulker box. A number of SMP members looked at it greedily, even amongst the current chaos. Tommy opened it up and pulled out two things, a jukebox, and a music disc. Tommy didn’t know if it would work, but he hoped that based on how Grian was acting, there were enough parrot instincts in there that he would listen.
He placed down the jukebox and inserted the disc, remembering it was one of Grian’s favorites. Erupting out of the speakers of the jukebox game was a laugh of a certain hermit which immediately pulled the Watcher’s attention. The jukebox then proceeded to play one of the songs for Mumbo’s mayoral campaign, and Grian stopped what he was doing and started dancing to the song.
Immediately Hermits raced towards Grian, pulling leads out and tying him up. He almost escaped when the song ended, but Tommy quickly put in the second of the two songs. After switching between the two a few times, the Hermits were able to completely tie Grian up.
Tommy put his jukebox and discs away and then picked up his shulker box before trying to go to Grian, but was grabbed by Philza. “Tommy, stay away from him.”
Tommy tried to argue, but then there was another shout. “TOMMY!”
Tommy turned, looking for the shout. “Tubbo?” Before he could notice his best friend in the crowd, Tubbo tackled him. There was an angry noise from Grian and he attempted escape, but stopped when laughter rang out from the reunited pair. “Tubbo I missed you so much!”
“Are you okay? Fundy took us to a friend of his here and then there was an explosion. They said you would be in the middle of it.”
“Don’t worry, I’m fine.” Tommy gave a small laugh. “No way Big G would hurt me.”
“Big G? Did you replace me?” Tubbo looked genuinely hurt until Tommy hugged him.
“I would never. You’re my best friend and nothing will change that.”
“That’s wonderful!” Tommy froze as Dream spoke, fully remembering the situation he was in. “Now that everything is sorted, we can go back home.”
“Not a chance, green bitch.” Tommy half growled at his old tormenter. “I’m staying here.” He almost pulled out his weapon, ready to attack when he noticed something else. “Tubbo, do you have seeds?”
“Uh, yeah, Fundy and I went through a jungle and it was a pain to get through all the foliage. Why?” Tommy held his hand out and Tubbo handed him the seeds.
“Hey G! Look what I got!” Tommy shouted and then held up the seeds. Since the music worked, he assumed this would as well. He was right when Grian’s eyes landed on the treat and seemed to light up. Nearby, Philza wiped away just a little bit of drool and shook his head, still recovering from nearly being crushed to death.
“Well would you look at that Dream, I can control the Watcher. And not just any Watcher, right?” Tommy gave a smug smile, having heard the play by play of Grian becoming the Dreamslayer many a time.
A few of those from the smp gasped as Dream actually dropped his weapon and surrendered. It was something no one thought would happen, especially at Tommy’s hand. Tommy put the seeds away and behind him Iskall and Mumbo started to work on calming Grian down. 
After he started down Dream a bit longer, Tommy grabbed Tubbo’s hand and pulled him over to Grian. “Big T, meet Big G. He doesn’t normally look like this though, but he does look pretty pog right now.” Tubbo asked if Grian really hadn’t hurt Tommy. “Of course, he’s too much of a charrot and is super protective of me.”
With Tommy’s back turned, Dream tried one last time to grab him. The second he started to move, all the leads snapped and Grian moved to the same point. He brought down an axe and hit Dream in the face, shattering the mask he wore. “I don’t think I got any blood yet.” Grian smiled. Tommy was scared for a moment of losing his brother more, but actually noticed him returning back to normal. “Blood for the Blood God and all that.”
The changes stopped for a moment as purple energy swirled around Dream. He covered his face, expecting to be slain, but no death arrived. The energy dissipated and then Grian finally turned back to normal and collapsed to the ground laughing weakly. “I’m… so glad I kept tabs on you guys.”
Tommy tried to hug Grian but he was beaten by Mumbo getting their first. “Okay! Fine! I get it! Best friends over family.” Tommy joked and then hugged Tubbo. “I can do that too.”
Philza and Techno attempted to approach Tommy, but Grian opened a wing and then pulled Tommy and Tubbo to his side. “Don’t hurt him.”
“Dad, I just explained this to Tubbo. He’s not gonna hurt me.” Tommy complained with a bit of a whine.
Philza wasn’t convinced. “Tommy, I heard what he said. He’s a Watcher, and they killed your brother.”
“He got better!” Tommy retorted immediately, not really thinking the response out. Grian doubled over laughing at it.
“It’s not some joke!” Phil said sternly, making Tommy freeze. Grian stopped hugging Mumbo and stepping in front of Tommy. He was unsteady on his feet and feeling exhausted, but nevertheless, he stood there.
“Xelqua lives.” Grian spoke, making Phil’s eyes widen. “Only thing the Watchers did was mess with him. Then they gave him an offer to join them. Oh, he also changed his name to Grian.”
Philza looked Grian up and down, trying to see if he was lying. And then the words actually registered in his brain. “Xelqua?”
“Hey dad.”
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prismarine-parrots · 5 years
Tree of Life Pt.5 (1)
Originally posted: 20 Mar. 2019
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Part 3.5
Part 4
Part 5 (2)
"What is Doc doing again?" Mumbo asked out loud. His phone had been vibrating in his trouser pockets consistently for the past two minutes, most of the messages being from Doc, who had been doing something or another.
"Setting up a beacon on the roof so that there's regen up there for when we try to heal Grian. Most of the other trees have beacons around them and Ren went to go make sure those had regen on them too." Jevin replied, not taking his eyes off the brewing potions.
"He sure is chatty then," Mumbo grumbled and slipped his phone out of his pocket.
<DocM77> Guys, there's phantoms up here
<Rendog> you got it man? I'm too far to help
<DocM77> yeah I think I'm good
<Iskall85> tell me and I'll head back to help
<joehillssays> don't lead them into the base! We don't need any more catastrophes to plague our misfortune
<DocM77> ok maybe I don't got it
<DocM77> he
DocM77 was slain by phantom
DocM77 died.
Mumbo stared at the message on the screen.
"Doc is gone too," he said blankly.
Jevin looked over from setting up the next brewing stand. "No way!"
"Phantom got him," Mumbo informed. Jevin's shocked expression hardened and he silently glared at the potions with a misplaced fury.
There was a disparaging silence throughout the base as this fact set in.
Mumbo sighed wearily and looked out at the night sky over the ocean around Grian's base. He had stayed behind after the first deaths, both of which happened within the first twenty-four of Grian's. TFC has been in his bunker when he died, so no one had thought that he might have been in trouble until the death message appeared on their phones. Jevin had come in panicked halfway through a serverwide meeting saying that he was late because Wels had fallen ill and wasn't waking up, and just as soon as they got back to the medieval/industrial district border, their phones went off. False hadn't seemed to have been affected at first, but as the hermits were gathering supplies to go on a journey to look for a cure she had fallen to the ground, dropped dead. After that the remaining hermits had left across the ocean and Mumbo had been left to watch over the others. It had been depressing, watching his phone, because at any moment there could have been another death message meaning that they had lost another hermit. Zedaph and xbCrafted, who had joined the server randomly, both died as well. When this finally happened with Scar, Mumbo had been crushed, because then all the optimists were gone and it seemed like a hopeless mission. Soon after, Cub returned to Mumbo's base and the redstoner had been attempting to comfort him as well as keep and eye on everything else going on while the rest of the server was away. There were death messages for Tango and Python, and while that had been the last of it, Xisuma was now ill after Evil X (WHY did they decide to work with that guy?) died and the glitch started working on him as well.
Now the travelers had returned and they were all waiting around Grian's base, as it had the most space and was closest to the center of the server AKA the shopping district. They were occupying the upper floors of the wedding cake, as no one could bring themselves to disturb Grian's pale and still body on his bed among the shulker boxes, laid to rest there until they figured out if they could heal him or not and then bury him properly.
The strange bubbling noise from the first brewing stand stopped.
Mumbo and Jevin, the two operating the potions, looked to each other then to the brewing stands.
"They're done!"
"They're done?"
Jevin nearly bounced to the stands and took one of each of the two types of potion in his hands. A potion of harming, and a splash potion of regeneration. The other stands taken from Cub's war store were still bubbling away, but the one set was all they needed for now. The slime man slowly slowly turned with a soft smile and the first hopeful look Mumbo had seen in a while.
"We need to try this ASAP."
Mumbo nodded firmly. "Grian. I'll get the others." He jumped through the hole in the floor to the layer below. "We have something!"
"Have you tried it yet?!" Xisuma immediately demanded. He was slouching against one of the three pillars, helmet off and his skin was clammy and pale, but he was still alert and concerned.
"X, save your strength!" Joe scolded. X rolled his eyes and pushed against the wall, groaning but still able to move.
Mumbo helped X stand up and allowed him to lean on him and they made their way over to the water elevator as Joe called to the others on the other floors and flew up to the aviary as well.
Everyone was gathered around the tree.
"I think Grian's looks the worst of all the ones that I've seen..." Ren sighed worriedly. He had been flying around the server, checking on everyone's trees. He had returned just before Mumbo and Jevin has finished the potions with his report: that most the trees were at various stages of decay. It was only a matter of time before everyone on the server faced this same fate as well. What he found strange though, is that some of the trees of the dead hermits were healthier than some of the living. Zedaph's tree was healthier than Xisuma's, but X was still alive while Zed was not.
Joe was looking spooked. "I can't believe Doc got taken right at the resolution..." he murmured. "What a tragedy this has become, a massacre with no murderer, a-"
Ren huffed. "Joe. Now isn't the time for poetry. Do I look worried? No! When this works on Grian I'm going to go straight to Doc's base and fix him up as well. Everything will be a-okay."
Joe didn't look quite convinced, but stayed silent. There was an awkward moment of quiet as the survivors looked to one another, unsure of what to do next.
"Do we just try it?" Impulse asked.
Cleo shrugged. "I guess so."
Jevin kneeled down next to the decayed red maple and uncorked the potion or harming. The process they were using was basically the same as purifying a zombie villager- use something to weaken the tree, then something to heal it. Instead of a golden apple they were using the healing effect of a beacon and the most powerful regeneration potion they could make.
"I hope this works..." Stress murmured with Iskall nodding beside her.
There was a painful hiss as the harming potion hit the roots of the tree. The entire tree immediately shriveled, although there wasn't much left of it as it was. A few more discolored leaves fell off the barren branches.
Jevin backed up and handed the healing potion to Mumbo.
"I think you should," the slime man explained. Mumbo looked down at the potion before nodding.
"Alright then," the man in the suit uncorked the frail bottle and prepared to throw it. Mumbo looked determined at his target, but paused.
What is this doesn't work? What if it's too late for Grian? What will happen then? What will happen to the others?
"Mumbo, you alright?" Joe asked. Mumbo shook his head.
"Yeah, just... never mind."
The mustached man threw the potion and backed up, not wanting to take any of the effects of the potion. The potion shattered against the truck of the tree, dark pink liquid splattering into the crevices in the bark and the particles erupting from all over. They mixed with the dark red particles and quickly changed to a black, which made the gathered hermits panic, before they changed to a brilliant gold.
Just like that, life returned to Grian's tree. The hermits watched in fascination as brilliant red leaves bloomed from nothing on the branches and the peeling bark healed. The large branches that had fallen off started to regrow, although they also had the rings of scarring that trees had when a limb was cut off. The dead materials still littered the ground, but with joyous relief the humans' forms relaxed at the magic worked.
Where's Grian? Mumbo thought to himself in concern. This is for nothing if Grian isn't back. Please, let him be okay, I just want my friend...
At sea level, someone lurched into a sitting position from their bed and heaved in huge, panicked gasps of air. It felt as if he had been drowning, yet he last remembered nothing of the sort.
In fact, what he last remembered concerned him greatly.
Without hesitation he leapt onto his bed and bounced slightly, just enough air to launch a firework and shoot through the layers of his base.
"Grian?" Impulse was the first to say the name everyone had been thinking.
"His tree is revived, he should be too," Ren said uncertainly, "and so should every one else. They have to."
Please, please... Mumbo pleaded in his mind. If there is SOME power out there that has caused this, please let it stop. Let Grian and everyone else be alright.
A quiet whisper.
A blur zoomed past through the hole in the roof before disappearing for a moment and diving back down.
Mumbo held his breath, knowing who it was, but still scared that his eyes might be deceiving him.
"Guys! I'm here, what happened?! I remember being sick and then my tree was sick and then you guys- well, some of you- were there and then-"
"GRIAN!" Iskall and Mumbo yelled at the same time and the Swede hugged the builder. Grian laughed and returned the hug and quickly clasped Mumbo on the back.
"I'm here, but can SOMEONE explain to me what happened?? I'm very confused," he announced.
Ren was whooping and Jevin and Xisuma both looked relieved. Cleo hugged Grian as well and Joe was jumping around him, reciting fancy words excitedly so that while no one understood what he was saying, the emotion got across.
Impulse marched over and punched the builder in the shoulder.
"Ow!" Grian yelped, now gripping his shoulder and glaring at Impulse. "What was that for?"
"One, for pulling this on us. Two, to make sure you were alive. And three-"
"Why wouldn't I be alive? I'm standing right here!"
Impulse clapped Grian on the back with a smile. "Glad to see you alright, man."
"Explain to me please?!"
"I'll explain," Mumbo offered, now smiling from ear to ear, "the rest of us, go grab some potions!"
"Already gone! See you on the other side!" Ren yelled joyfully and dived into Grian's base before shooting up only a few seconds later. The rest of the hermits weren't far behind him, rushing to grab the medicine to help their friends.
"Mumbo, what about Cub?" Iskall asked as he was heading out.
Mumbo gasped. "Right! I'll help him. He's going to be so relieved!"
"What's up with Cub? And Scar? They do everything together?"
"I'll explain on the way, Grian. We're heading to the Country Club."
"We going to go play golf?"
"Nah, I'm heading with the girls to go get False," Iskall informed the other two Architechs, "good luck with Cub! I hope he'll be alright when Scar is back!"
Grian gave Mumbo the most befuddled and mildly concerned look.
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rendiggitydog · 6 years
A fanfic: In which Joe is very much a dad.
“Hello Stress! Can I assist you in your vegetation ventures?” Joe strolled across the lawn, setting a sign aside.
Stress stood to meet him. “Maybe. What do you think about the bush right over there?”
“Hmmm…” He rubbed his hands in contemplation. “I think it looks delightful, but you could try mixing in different leaves if it ‘leaves’ you wanting more.” He suggested.
Her face lit up as she giggled. “Thank you Joe, you’re always such a help!”
“Think nothing of it! I’ve got a meeting with Iskall64, but give me a ring if you need anything.” Just as Joe unfolded his elytra, a fireball landed at his feet, nearly singeing his eyebrows.
“Oh, sorry Joe! Just a misfire, my bad!” Impulse flew past, making a beeline for the malfunctioning machine.
“No problem, I’ll tidy this up!” Joe splashed water out of the nearby stream, but as he went to stamp out the remaining embers, his boots broke. “Okay, I’ll get new boots, and then meet Iskall.”
“woaaAAAHH!!!” Python’s outline could just be seen in the distance, followed by the outline of a cow, falling down the side of his skyscraper. His items exploded all over the place, along with the remains of the cow.
“I’ve got you Python!” Joe sprinted over to the tower, quickly stowing all the items he could hold in his pockets. Python’s enchanted axe and boots, along with some quartz, were left on the floor as Joe sprinted to the shopping district. “Chest, chest, chest..”
He bolted around a corner, only to stop short after running into Rendog. “Hey man, what’s the rush?” He chuckled.
“Python.. perished.. his items…” He waved Py’s pickaxe, gasping for air.
“Dude, that’s so cool of you to get his items! But, uh, what’s the rush? It looks like you’ve got most of it?”
“Axe. Boots. Quartz.”
Ren’s brow furrowed. “Oh. Do you want a chest?”
“Yes please.” Joe quickly jammed as many items as he could into the box and booked it back to the Pyscraper. “Still time, still time!”
“Time for what?” Mumbo poked his head out of a shop as Joe passed by.
“Py- Py-!” Joe doubled over, gasping for air.
“Joe, slow down!” Mumbo trotted over and grabbed his shoulders. “Deep breaths. In… Out…” After a couple rounds, Joe pulled away and started ambling off. “Joe, what’s the hurry? Surely I can help?”
He gestured vaguely. “Python. Items.”
“Oh! You wait here, I’ll go get them!” Mumbo began running, but Joe kept pace.
“Where you two headed together?” Iskall laughed as he flew overhead. The distraction was all Joe needed, as he tripped over his own feet and passed out on the cement.
“Oh you’re awake, thank goodness! Everyone was getting nervous!” A fuzzy outline that vaguely resembled Xisuma danced around the edges of Joe’s vision.
“You must have overdone it doing something. When Mumbo and Iskall brought you in, you were dehydrated and fainted from overexertion!”
“Iskall…” Joe needed to see Iskall and apologize for missing their meeting.
“Iskall left a while ago, but he left you some "water” and a raw mutton.“ Xisuma chuckled. "Nearly everyone has visited- you’ve got quite a few goodies now.”
There was a soft rapping at the door to the dirt hut. “Hullo?”
“That must by Python. I’ve got to go, but don’t strain yourself!” Xisuma nodded to Python as they passed in the doorway.
“Heya bud, how ya feeling? Thanks for grabbing my items for me!”
“But I lost some..”
“Helping isn’t worth your life man! So, what kinda gifts do ya have over there?” Python quickly changed the subject.
“Dunno, Iskall brought somethin.” Joe sat up, grabbing the bottle. A sickly sweet scent drifted from it’s mouth. He cautiously took a sip, and nearly dropped the bottle out of nausea. “Gouuhhhh…”
“Not water huh? Typical Iskall.” Python chuckled as he stepped towards the door. “I gotta bounce, but I can get Iskall if you wanted to see him?”
Joe nodded vigorously. He needed to apologize. —
“Wassup dude? Heard you wanted to see me! How’re you feeling? Did you try my water?” Iskall laughed.
“Sorry for missing our meeting, I was helping Stress, and then Impulse, and Python needed help, and-”
“Chill out dude! You really are a dad, huh?”
“What do you mean?”
“First of all, lay down. You’re as pale as a skeleton. Point B, do you hear yourself? You’ve been helping people all day, every day, even if they don’t need it! It’s nice bro, but you’ve got to take care of yourself! If you’re busy, just say so and we can meet another time. You don’t need to please everyone twenty four-seven to be a good friend!”
Joe sank into bed silently. “…I just wanted to help.”
Iskall sat at the end of the bed. “And you did. But we’re not children, we can take care of ourselves! Usually. You don’t need to stop helping people, because that’s the JoeHills Difference! But remember to rest, too.”
“…I guess you’re right..”
“How about a toast to your health?” Iskall lunged for the bottle on the table. He downed half the liquid in 2 seconds, before the effects began to set in. He swayed slightly, giggled, and stood up slowly.
“Love you daddy! Have a good nap!” Iskall blew a kiss as he ran directly into the doorframe. Stuttering, he found the opening and made his way out.
Joe pulled the covers up to his chin, ready for a nap. He was the dad of the server, and loved taking care of his friends, but he learned his limits the hard way. Now, even if his friends were dying right outside the door, he could rest, because that’s the JoeHills Difference.
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