#but people started messing with him well before that
sukunas-wife · 3 days
I wonder how would Yuji react to the news that he is going to be an older brother. Also, I'm just picturing little Yuji being protective of momma the entire pregnancy. He wants to look after his mom like big daddy Sukuna.
It took a while- and I mean this as in this ask was from January 😭 and I hate when I actually become active, my life decides it wants to pick up also
But 🤍🤍🤍
Yuji is confused but excited when you sit him in your lap and tell him, “Yuji, I have good news.” He just smiled up at you with starry eyes hoping you’ve gotten him another pet. “Yes?” “You’re going to be an older brother.”
His smile drops and he pouts for a second, “No pet?” You have to tell him no and explain what you mean by he’s going to be an older brother. The moment he learns his brother or sister is in your stomach he’s quick to stand between your legs pressing his ear to your stomach trying to listen and see if he can hear them.
“I don’t hear anything… it’s empty.” He pats your belly lightly with hand before saying “hellooo.” You have to hold back your laugh as you run a hand over his head brushing back his hair. “You won’t hear anything for a while. Maybe when they get bigger you’ll get to feel them kick and you’ll know they’re there.”
He nodded his face with a serious look holding his little fists, “They gotta get bigger.” You couldn’t fight back squeezing him in a hug and he laughed hugging you back just a tight.
Of course he forgets your holding his sibling captive in your stomach. Until, you’re out on a walk to the village and a man runs right into you and your swollen stomach while holding a heavy crate of fruit.
All he remembers was his dad holding the man by his neck with one hand, threatening to cut the man alive with the nails on his other hand and telling him since he felt generous he’d let him live for now.
After taking the man’s crate of fruit that he abandoned, you were already scavenging through it for something. Stopping only when you felt your husband stare and you smiled sheepishly at him. “What? The baby’s hungry.” Sukuna sighed, “But is it well?”
Of Course when you stood up holding a mango and patting your stomach, “Just excited, it started kicking the moment you yelled at that man. I get the feeling it’ll come to be another replica.” You scoffed with a smile before holding the mango to him, “Will you please?”
That’s when it kicks into Yuji, “I GOTTA MAKE SURE NO ONE HURTS MOMMY!”
He’s the incarnation of this c:<
Now that he’s seen his dad do it, in the palace the servants beware of Young Yuji. He once saw a male servant walking towards you with a knife, and with all his might ran at the man and tackled him screaming.
The servant man cut his own hand while falling, profusely apologising to Yuji for getting blood on his suit and for dirtying your fruit knife. You were shocked, staring at the scene before you dismissed the servant telling him not to worry about it and to tend to his wound while you sat Yuji on your lap. You couldn’t help but smile and hug your boy while he rambled on about how he showed that man not to mess with his mom.
After a stern talking too and explaining he needed to watch people before just running at them full force he understood his assignment. Even more when his dad called on him to “speak” with him alone.
In all honesty your beloved husband dropped a heavy hand on his head in a prideful way, his massive hand shaking Yuji’s head around while showing his affection. Yuji, who was used to it, was happy and smiling big. Then came his dad’s serious face. He sat Yuji infront of him on the floor. It was his father but he was still an intimidating man when he became serious.
“Yuji, I need you to understand that I may not always be around. As my son, my only son, my first born child, I’m going to trust you to take care of your mother and your sibling. You’re young, but I know you are more than capable of putting a few petty fools in their place. I need you to understand that I’m trusting you, not only with your mother, but my wife. One of the few things I would risk everything to protect, even more when your sibling is in its way. I don’t want you to think that I’m putting all of this weight on you, but there are very few in this world I trust, and I’m trusting you. Please understand how important this is to me, and how important it should be to you. Your burdens are mine to carry, your mothers are mine to carry, I won’t push my own onto either of you, but now I wouldn’t ask you to do this if I knew you weren’t capable or trustworthy.” Yuji sat there staring up at his dad, who was staring down at him. Yuji smiled brightly out of nowhere before tilting his head to the side. “Taking care of our family isn’t a burden.”
It was interesting for Yuji the more your stomach swole. He watched his dad kneel in front of you pressing his ear to your stomach tapping on it like it were a melon listening to see if it were good. Yuji became curious and wanted to listen also. It led you to laugh when he felt it moving.
He was scared, saying it felt like a snake moving around. And just like his dad he was smiling like a fool when your child would give a strong kick to their hands for tapping and bothering them so frequently.
Yuji thought it was funny how sometimes his dad would stand behind you and lift your stomach with his lower set of arms. And you’d always perk up and be happier. So, one day when he noticed you complaining and whining while rubbing your stomach and back he did his best to stand in front of you and push your stomach up so he could lift up some of the weight.
Of course you cried and let him panic, almost dropping the entire weight of your stomach, until you placed a hand on his head smiling at him with teary eyes. His scared face fell into a soft smile, you couldn’t fight back squishing his cheeks. “My sweet boy, you’ve been helping me so much.” Caressing his face with a soft hand he can’t help but smile wider, shrugging his shoulders up as he let out a giggle. Of course not being as well built as his father he was caving in the first five minutes which made you laugh as you sat down only to have him tuck a pillow under your stomach to try and help you. He stood there looking at you hopefully.
He was smiling big when you smiled down at him, placing a hand on his head, ruffling hair in a far more gentle manner. He loved your little head pats and head rubs, they always made him feel loved when neither of you could find the words.
It was a humid spring day, and you were currently curing your husband for not getting you pregnant in the spring so you could at least have the comfort of the cool winter on your skin when you were laying on your bed more than anything else in your final days.
Laid out on your back you had felt your child shift a while ago. The movement had disappeared not long after that, but you were certain you were going to be prone to peeing yourself if it didn’t stop pressing against your bladder soon. Still, here you were, hands in your stomach feeling your intestines grumble as the little bit of fruit you ate started to move and settle.
Yawning and stretching while arching your back relieved you a bit before you slid down into your bed further. The blankets and sheets had been thrown over to the side where your husband was just laying before he got up to bring you cool water. The sun was setting but the rainstorms had left the day and night humid in an incredulous manner. You cursed your husband for being a man who could walk around without a shirt in this heat.
To think all those months ago at the summers peak when you complained that you couldn’t and he stripped you saying of course you could, was the same day he had actually gotten you pregnant upset you more. You refused to listen to his reasoning as you laid there in your thin white under robes.
You remember Yuji’s birthday, a woman was killed that day because she was too eager to see your husband and you were walking around like a badass with contractions for 8 hours. Now look at yourself, whining at the heat as you struggled to sit up, Yuji not only had softened you but also his father who was currently walking in yawning while holding a clay pitcher topped with a cup. “I brought it.”
He sat beside you placing the pitcher on your night stand as he helped lift you up to sit. You both sat in silence as he watched you drink your water and whine about wanting to stand and get out of that hot room.
He helped you up supporting your weight on his side as you waddled the cold floors of your shinden zukuri. You both came across Yuji’s room, you laughed quietly as you heard him snoring through the door. “He’s tired, he’s been with me everyday for the last month doing everything now.” Sukuna hummed, taking your hand and squeezing it, “That’s our son.”
You smiled up at him, you saw the shift in his face as he smiled at you which quickly changed when yours did. It felt like the wind was knocked out of you when you heard that heavy trickle of water. Both of you looking down, you knew well enough what was coming next.
—- —- —- —- —-
It didn’t take long for your daughter to come into the world.
It took longer for a frightened Yuji to walk in and see his sister. He slowly walked into your side as his dad nudged him forward.
You cooed at your boy squeezing him into your side and rubbing his shoulder and arm in a comforting way. He leaned against your shoulder and stared at the bundle in your arms, pink hair, pale skin, little angry fists and pout as she whined. “She looks just like dad….” You laughed, accidentally jostling the child in your arms. Yuji smiled at you before turning to smile at his dad who had the same angry pout only directed at his words, “I DON'T look like that.”
You smiled and kept rubbing Yuji’s arm, “Do you want to hold her while she’s sleeping?” You tried to shuffle your way up the bed to sit before Yuji held your arm down, “I’ll take care of her mom, so you can sleep.” His bright eyed smile warmed your heart, as you did your best to guide him on how to hold his sister.
Sukuna was right there with Yuji watching him as you leaned back into your bed feeling the exhaustion weigh over you. You wanted to rest a bit only to hear Yuji’s small voice, “‘m gonna take care of you, I’m your big brother, I'll always protect you.” Through squinted eyes you could see Sukuna place a heavy hand on Yuji’s shoulder smiling down at him, Yuji was cooing and smiling at his little sister Anya.
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Tag list: @sad-darksoul @satorisgirl @bontensbabygirl @lupita97lm @queen-luna-007 @venus-seeks @bofadeezs @shytastemakerthing @sakuxxi @mercymccann @certainduckanchor @najiiix @bakugou-katsukis-wife @amitiel-truth @souyasplushie @mylovelessnightmare @ynjimenez @dolliira @princessluvz @furiousblacktiger @anyaswlrd @shytastemakerthing @alialucille
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Aventurine and morning wood and you
He wakes up and looks over at the clock. It reads 6:20AM. 10 minutes before he needs to get up.
He exhales, running his fingers through his bangs, noticing the ache in his pants for the first time. He palms his erection, feeling the stiff morning wood with his free hand and lightly flexing his hips.
Tedious, he thinks. But it'll go away faster if he takes care of it.
"And I guess I have time." He mutters to himself.
He pulls his pants down just enough for his length to spring out, looking at the dot of precum on his pink tip.
He sighs and lets his head hit his pillow as he strokes himself.
His mind is already racing with all the things he has to do today: people he has to meet, paperwork he has to submit, calls he has to make. His most challenging task, though, is you. You have intel the IPC needs, and Aventurine has been tasked with getting it from you.
His grip tightens.
But no matter what he does, you elude him. You're immune to his well-timed compliments, his lavish gifts, his intimidation. It's like a game of cat and mouse but he's not sure who's who. He's never been so frustrated by someone in his life.
His pace picks up, sweat starting to dot his brow.
What would it take? How could he break you? Everyone has something, something that they desire or something they would do anything to avoid, and he was determined to find what yours was.
Cum leaks down his shaft, his breathing picking up in time with his slippery strokes.
He's never met someone who resists him so easily, who thwarts his every calculated move. As irritating as it is, he can't help but also be intrigued by you. It almost seemed as if you were the antithesis to his famed luck. He became an ordinary gambler in your presence, losing more often than winning. He'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the game a bit more this way.
He felt a familiar tightening in his core as he got closer to climaxing. His strokes growing sloppy.
But why you of all people? What made you special? Why was it in you that he met his match? Was it your subtle cunning and intelligence that let you see through his schemes? Your way with words that had him tripping over his own? Your confidence that overshadowed his intimidation? Your looks that had everyone turning their heads, including his?
His release came suddenly, coating his stomach and hand, a light grunt leaving his mouth. Thoughts of you continued playing through his mind as he came down from his orgasm.
He sighs as he feels himself soften, glancing over at the clock to see it reads 6:45AM.
Aventurine's eyes go wide and he scrambles to get out of bed, tripping over his lowered pants in the process and falling face first onto the floor.
"Damned woman isn't even here and she's already messing things up for me." He grumbles, rubbing his head.
He gets up with another sigh, pulling his pants with him and heads toward the shower, wondering what else you had in store for him today.
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neos127 · 18 hours
— ENHA and their idol s/o
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enha boys x gn!reader; genre. fluff, established relationship + headcanons cw. none
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heeseung — your group and enhypen were at music bank. both of your groups up against each other for winning an award. you and heeseung had made a bet on who would win and it seemed as if you had lost about 20 bucks when the mc announced your boyfriend’s group as the winners. heeseung gave you a smirk when he saw the surprised look on your face, causing you to shy away and blush. of course since the show is recorded, netizens plastered the clip all over twitter to analyze your relationship with heeseung. your relationship wasn’t revealed, but people could tell that you two definitely seemed to know each other well.
jay — it was well known that you had been a fan of enhypen before your debut. being under the same company (and dating one of the members), you had been living a fan’s dream. you had decided to attend one of enhypen’s concerts in seoul with two of your other group mates, wanting to see your boyfriend in his element. the other members wanted to surprise jay with your presence and pointed out you and your other teammates after they had performed one of their songs. you waved dramatically when the camera panned on you and jay couldn’t hide his smile. fans online noticed his flustered he looked and started to come up with all types of theories about your relationship with him.
jake — he will play your groups’ songs during his livestream and quietly sing along to the words. your group’s fandom freaks out due to jake knowing the words and wants a collab immediately! jake is happy to participate in a tiktok with you when your group made a comeback. it’s hard to act like the two of you are simply aquatintences, jake wants to kiss your head once you two finish the dance but he keeps his distance. netizens notice the eye contact between you anyways and debate over wether you and jake are a little more than friends.
sunghoon — he’s good at hiding his emotions but when it comes to you, the man is practically twitching when he sees you walk past him in public. when sunghoon is one of music bank’s mcs, he ends up interviewing your group who recently had a comeback. there was a cute interaction between you two when you messed up your small speech and sunghoon helped correct it. you both shared a small smile, sunghoon’s bigger than yours and fans caught on instantly.
sunoo — one day he decides to recommend your group’s new song on his livestream which had made your fans very excited. but when he let it slip that he knew you quite well, the rumors began. people were hoping to catch the two of you out together or even begged you to mention sunoo or enhypen during one of your lives. you didn’t want to outwardly talk about it, but you played one of their songs during ur livestream and mentioned how good it was with a small smirk. everyone could tell you were teasing which only made them more curious.
jungwon — jungwon was very careful not to make any mistakes that could hurt his group’s image. he rarely acknowledged your group on camera, unless if the two of you ever did a tiktok together during your comeback. he even made sure to schedule your dates late at night so there was less of a risk of you two getting caught. unfortunately, some engenes had the same idea to take a nighttime walk and were shocked to see jungwon and y/n out together. they took a picture of you two side by side with your arms linked and uploaded it online. the photo blew up, causing people to speculate. your fandoms tried to defend the both of you claiming that you were just friends— if only they knew.
riki — the two of you had kept your relationship under wraps pretty well. it surprised both of your groups considering you and riki were both young. he had gotten pretty good at keeping a straight face whenever you were near and there were cameras/fans around, but sometimes he couldn’t help himself. you had looked so pretty at the award show and your group was about to pass his on stage. as soon as you came into his view, riki mumbled out ‘pretty’ in japanese, knowing that you would know that it was directed towards you. it was one of the first words he taught you since he used to call you that all the time. you smiled at the boy, feeling flustered when he flashed you his pretty smile. unfortunately, the interaction was recorded from higher up in the crowd and it left fans wondering if he really did call you pretty.
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permanentswaps · 3 days
The Cursed Hunk Pt. 6
Read Part 1 and Part 2 by @manswaps and Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5 by me.
Jared’s POV
I tore through the club, my heart pounding as I dodged between dancing bodies and flashing lights. The relentless bass pounded in my ears, but my only focus was on finding Derell and the cursed body he had taken. The chaotic swirl of people made my search feel almost impossible, but I couldn't stop. I had to find Derell before things got even worse.
"Derell!" I shouted, my voice lost in the thumping music. My eyes frantically scanned every face, every figure, but there was no sign of him. Frustration and desperation gnawed at me. Where the hell could he be?
Bursting through a side door, I stumbled into the cool night air, gasping for breath. I rounded the corner into a dimly lit alley, hoping for a clue.
My heart skipped a beat when I saw "Derell" in the alley, pressed against the wall and deeply engaged with a hot, muscular guy. The man was pinned firmly against the bricks, and "Derell" was thrusting into him with a raw, primal intensity that left no room for subtlety. The scene was jarring and intense, making me hesitate for a moment.
"Ohh fuck, I want you, I want all of you," "Derell" groaned, his voice a mix of desperation and ecstasy. His body shuddered as he teetered on the brink of climax, biting his lip.
Seeing my chance, I shouted, "I want to be you too!"
"Derell's" eyes snapped open in surprise, and in that instant, he climaxed. The force of his release seemed to trigger the swap, and I felt myself being ripped from my borrowed, older body. A dizzying rush pulled me back into the hunk's body. The transition was immediate, overwhelming, and familiar, as I reclaimed the muscular form.
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Gasping, I steadied myself against the wall. This time, the feeling was different—there was a profound sense of release and a wave of endorphins washing over me. The intense horniness that had plagued me was gone, replaced by a clarity I hadn’t felt in ages. I felt grounded and fully in control.
Meanwhile, the man who had been in the cursed body—now in my borrowed older form—stumbled back, looking disoriented. The muscular guy who had been against the wall turned around, eyes wide and confused.
"Jared, is that you?" the muscular guy asked, recognition and relief in his voice.
"Yeah," I replied, relief flooding through me. "Thank God I found this body again. Wait, are you Marcus? What happened to Seth’s body?"
Marcus—now in the bouncer’s incredibly good-looking, muscular body—looked down at himself, a grin spreading across his face as he admired his new form. He flexed his arms, appreciating the smooth, olive skin and well-defined muscles. "Yeah, it’s me," he said, as he started to put his clothes back on. "Some random guy took it. I thought it was still you in there, so I asked him to swap."
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A sinking realization hit me. "Shit, that’s Derell," I muttered. "We have to find him."
The guy who had been in the cursed body—now in my borrowed older form—looked completely bewildered. He glanced at his hands, then touched his face, clearly disoriented. "What the hell just happened? Who are you people?"
Marcus turned to check himself out in a nearby window. His reflection showed a chiseled jawline, piercing eyes, and smooth olive skin that glowed under the alley lights. "He was the bouncer who helped me earlier. He didn’t really believe in the swap powers until like 10 minutes ago."
The bouncer, now in Derell's former body, looked utterly panicked. He kept touching his face, as if trying to make sense of it. "This is insane," he muttered, his voice trembling. "I didn’t think it was real. I thought you guys were messing with me, and now I’m... I'm this?"
"Yeah, it’s real," I said, glancing between them. "We need to sort this out. But first, let’s swap you two back."
Marcus, still enjoying his new, incredibly handsome and muscular body, shrugged slightly. "I guess we should," he said, though his voice lacked urgency. It was clear he was savoring every moment of his new form.
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Facing Marcus, I focused on initiating the swap. "I wanna swap with you," I said.
"I wanna swap with you too," Marcus echoed, but nothing happened.
We tried again, and again, but each time, nothing. The swap wouldn’t trigger.
"What the fuck?" I said, a wave of panic creeping in. The realization that we were stuck hit me hard, and I couldn't hide the anxiety that started to gnaw at me.
The bouncer, eyes wide with fear and bewilderment, shook his head. "This can’t be happening," he murmured, his voice shaky. He looked at his muscular arms again and then back at me, his panic evident. "This isn’t right!"
Marcus, on the other hand, seemed to be trying to hide his satisfaction. "Guess we’re stuck like this for now," he said, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "C’mon, lets go find Derell."
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jenscx · 2 days
[02] tumblr girls — hopeless
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it was cliché; being in love with danielle marsh, the straightest girl on earth. you thought your feelings were hopeless, until you discover her tumblr blog.
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you toss and turn on your bed, messing up your duvet cover with your indecisiveness. danielle had said she would text you, but should you text her first since she hasn’t? or was it a little weird? would danielle find you desperate or weird? you let out a pathetic groan, throwing your phone away onto the other corner of your bed.
minji and hanni had offered no help and were entirely useless when you told them of your dilemma. after all, keeping your crush a secret from them was increasingly harder each day. might as well just tell them and maybe you would get some help. you were wrong.
“you’re asking us? we’ve spoken to like, 5 people our whole life, including each other,” hanni had said. minji, naturally, nods her head, agreeing.
your phone suddenly dings. eyes widened. hands instantly reach for the phone, fingers hastily scrolling to find danielle’s contact.
no new messages. you flop back onto your bed, feeling pitiful at your own self. if anyone saw you like this, desperate for a girl’s message, what would they say? your friends would definitely make fun of you.
staring at the ceiling, your eyes wander around your bedroom walls, filled with photographs of memories in school with your family and friends. the photograph pinned in the centre of it all, a class photo from last year. you had cut the photo out from the yearbook. you were near the side, smiling with arms tossed over minji and hanni’s shoulders. yet, right in the middle, danielle’s grin is even wider and is it strange if the sight of her immediately brings a smile onto your face?
your phone dings again, then it starts to spasm with notifications. you don’t even bother checking it, knowing it was probably hanni blowing up your phone about how minji was playing with her feelings again. god, maybe you should focus your energy on helping your best friends get together instead of being a sad, pitiful girl yearning for someone out of her league.
hanni, apparently, doesn’t get the hint that you’re ignoring her messages on purpose, and decides to call you. you let the phone ring for a bit before reluctantly picking up.
“y/n, i swear, can you please knock some sense into minji? i don’t care how you do it, like you could even punch her or slap her—”
“shut the hell up,” you groan, “she’s your best friend, you do something.”
“she’s yours too!” hanni retorts.
“okay but i’m not hopelessly in love with her!”
hanni scoffs. annoyance starts to seep in.
“what do you want, pham? what did minji do this time?” you ask. hanni wails loudly, “when you left to go find the love of your life, you know jake from chemistry? yeah, he came up to me and started asking for the homework. obviously, i told him and then minji started being all sulky!”
“sounds like she was jealous.”
“that’s what i’m saying! but maybe it’s the demons in my head and you’re just deluding me. anyway, i just let her sulk until when i get home, she texts me and asks if i’m dating jake? like girl, do i need to bash your head with a rock?” you wince at the increasingly loud tone of hanni. she seemed incredibly agitated.
you bring your phone’s speaker further away from your ear. “i wouldn’t go that far, but what did you say to her?”
“told her that i am not dating jake, we’re just friends because we’re lab partners. and then she was like, asking me if i was dating someone, i would tell her, right? but she’ll do all that, get jealous and shit, and then not look me in the eye the next day?” hanni whines. you feel a semblance of pity for your best friend. maybe minji was just struggling with coming to terms with her feelings.
“god, she’s so annoying. i hate her so much! she thinks she can tell me to trust her when i would literally murder someone for her.”
your best friends were stupid. maybe that’s why you were so drawn to becoming friends with them.
“hanni, you would murder someone for fun,” you frown.
“if you can’t tell, i’m rolling my eyes right now. and yes, i won’t deny that but—” a notification pops up.
danielle [9.47pm]:
hi yn! :))
“hanni, i’m hanging up now.”
“wait, what—”
you instantly press the hang up button, fingers rapidly scrolling to danielle’s chat. meanwhile, hanni blows up your phone, demanding you to answer. hesitating for a moment, you don’t click into her message. you didn’t want to seem too desperate or like you were waiting for her to text you (you were, obviously).
danielle [9.48pm]:
sry 4 the late text :(
just wanted to check
are u free tmrw?
for the project !!
before you could even stop yourself, your fingers start to type a response.
jeon yn [9.48pm]:
i’m free!
what time?
danielle [9.49pm]:
9 in the morning?
i heard our brains work
btr early in the morning :D
meet @ the library near sch!
you internally groan, hoping to sleep in during the weekend but anything for danielle, right?
jeon yn [9.50pm]:
yeah sure!!
see u then
danielle [9.51pm]:
see u xx
see you. with kisses. your phone nearly drops onto your face. does danielle say that to anyone? or just you?
xx means kisses right? you weren’t going crazy? maybe you were. terribly deluded and indulged in danielle’s kindness, mistaking it for affection. god, you were a mess. why couldn’t you be some suave casanova who could actually talk to your crush without stuttering? seriously, was it just a danielle thing? you could easily converse with others on the daily (not that you did), but still!
the more you think about your situation, the more pitiful you feel. it’s only because of the project that danielle is even talking to you. maybe you should take the chance to show her your charming aspects, and not freeze up every time you see her. yes. that is exactly what you’ll do!
confident and determined, you start to search the common attractive features of someone’s personality. surely a girl like danielle would want an independent yet caring partner. she would need someone to take care of and take care of her. someone that she could rely on but still be emotionally open to talk. your determination starts to disappear when most attributes consist of masculine, strong and manly. right. she would want a man.
you go to sleep with a heavy heart, not bothering to close the tab. maybe it could be a constant reminder that the girl of your dreams is straight.
was this all hopeless?
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your dreams, or nightmares, had been haunted by a blurry figure of a man standing next to danielle at the altar. a stretch for sure, since you were both still in high school, but just seeing the truth laid out in front of you was heartbreaking. clearly the contents of last night stirred you greatly. no way danielle was into girls, and if she was, she wouldn’t be into you. she’s a cheerleader, for god's sake, why would she entertain someone like you?
groaning, you quickly get out of bed. of course danielle was a morning person. she was sunshine itself. maybe that’s why she has so much energy and her skin is so luminous… you slap yourself gently, if you wanted to stop this deluded narrative of danielle liking you back, you had to prevent yourself from worshipping danielle like a deity.
taking one glance at your closet, you groan. why was it that on the day you were meeting danielle, all your clothes seemed horrendous? whatever, not like you had to impress her anyway. you throw on a white cropped button up with jeans. at least it was comfortable and breathable. not like you were gonna breathe anyway since you’ll be staring at danielle—
you curse your mind.
staring at the time, you finally decide to head out. even if you arrived early, you wouldn’t mind waiting. it was better to be early than late, you wouldn’t want to make a bad impression. and it was common decency! not like you wanted to portray yourself in a better light or anything…
ugh. you were pathetic. letting yourself be distracted by anything other than danielle, you start to make your way to the library. you hated it there; the librarian, mrs kwon, was not very fond of you after you had caused a domino effect with a bunch of books stacked up. honestly, it really wasn’t your fault. hanni and minji were just so annoying that you became fed up with them. a small cat fight had broken out, if you could really call it that, but hanni had shoved you into the towers of books. needless to say, you spent the rest of the afternoon helping mrs kwon.
you were kind of glad that living so closely to school meant you only had to ride a ten minute bus ride to the library. it was rather convenient. not convenient when your best friends came to your house unprompted and disturbed your peace and tranquillity.
maybe since you were already on the way, you could slip in some alone time and admire the seasonal changes. spring was beautiful. more butterflies and insects flying about. more flowers blooming. could anything be more perfect than spring? (danielle).
you put on your earphones, sighing comfortably as you watched the everchanging view. mere minutes later, you had arrived already. with fifteen minutes to spare, you quickly found a place to sit in the library. since exams haven’t begun yet, there was not a student in sight, only some little kids attending a book reading contest. you smile at the cute children who struggled to pronounce hard words.
a tug of your earbuds pull you out of your reverie. at first, you think that mrs kwon was going to scold you for coming back after the mess you had caused, but the small giggle let out made you realise it was danielle.
“what are you listening to?”
watching danielle with wide eyes, you struggle to formulate a response as she puts your left earbud in her own ear. her lips twitch with delight at the melody that fills her ears.
“clairo? i like her too,” danielle whispers. you swallow your saliva, “you do?”
“yeah,” danielle sends an award-winning smile, “i like sofia the most. do you like sofia?”
if you weren’t so caught up in your own delusions that danielle was the straightest girl alive, you might have eaten up the piece of meat she had left, deeming that girls that liked clario were devastatingly gay.
“uh, yeah.”
“i’ve never met someone else who likes clairo,” danielle confesses, “most of my friends are into rap.”
“rap’s cool too i guess… uh, what do you normally listen to?” you build up the courage to ask. danielle’s face lights up drastically.
“ariana grande, the beach boys, oh! bruno mars too.”
you raise an eyebrow, “a pop lover?”
“yeah! pop just makes me feel happy,” your heart clenches at the sight of her smile. was god drunk when he made danielle? this wasn’t good for your heart.
danielle continues rambling about music, which is the cutest thing ever, not that you would say that out loud. you just wear a smile on your face, genuinely happy to listen to her voice. it was so soothing and relaxing. if danielle told you to jump off a bridge, you would do it instantly.
“oh— sorry, did i say too much?” she asks nervously. you’re immediate to reassure her, “no, of course not. i was just mesmerised.”
danielle stares at you, confused.
“by what?”
“mesmerised by what?” she repeats. your mouth turns dry. mesmerised by the way her curly hair falls against her face. mesmerised by the way her eyes light up with happiness and glee. mesmerised by the way she actually sparkles under the sun.
“you have good music taste,” you say instead. danielle’s smile doesn’t falter.
“really?! i think you have better taste than i do though,” you don’t disagree. liking danielle is the pinnacle of good taste.
she turns to you, beaming, “could you recommend some songs to me?”
caught off guard, you hesitate to reject her. “uh, sure. i can make a playlist.”
“thanks! just send me the link and i’ll listen to it immediately!”
you nod, tempted to run out of the library to hide from the intensity of her stare. danielle, unknowing of your inner dilemma, only pulls out her laptop and stacks of notes.
“so! we have a project to do about human attraction!”
may god bless your soul.
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jeon y/n [5.17pm]:
did u get home safe?
danielle [5.18pm]:
thanks for buying me coffee too!
i’ll repay u next time :)
jeon y/n [5.18pm]:
next time?
danielle [5.18pm]:
next time we meet up!
we still have more to do
jeon y/n [5.19pm]:
ah… right
by the way
i added u on the playlist
danielle [5.20pm]:
oh my gosh
WAIT i have to listen now
you wait patiently for danielle’s reaction. the playlist was handcrafted with your own music taste and danielle’s revealed preference. coincidentally, there were a lot of love songs, not that you intended there to be. it seemed rather intimate to share your love of music to someone else, but danielle was the kind who would appreciate it.
it had almost been more than an hour until danielle finally texted back.
danielle [6.42pm]:
i love it omg
superior music taste.
jeon y/n [6.43pm]:
haha really?
i just put in songs i thought u would like
danielle [6.43pm]:
spot on.
please add more :D
jeon y/n [6.43pm]:
of course!
rest well
danielle [6.44pm]:
u too!!! <3
you too. with a heart. like a lovesick fool, you fall asleep with a smile on your face, unwilling to be rid of.
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masterlist | next
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mrhyde-mrseek · 2 days
A little message from me and Hermes:
And yes, there is a story to go along with it below the cut.
Basically what happened is I was doing my daily tarot session where I go around and ask each of the gods I work with what message they have for me today. I also have a job interview on Friday that, until this day, my cards have been hinting will go well (and I really hope saying this doesn’t jinx it).
Today, however, I kept getting the opposite; basically they were telling me that the interview would turn out poorly and I wouldn’t get the job. I was obviously surprised, but before I could fall any further into an anxiety spiral, I asked the cards if someone was messing with them. Turns out it was none other than our favorite prankster, Hermes, fucking with me again.
I don’t think he meant any harm by it. He was just having a bit of fun. But unlike when I gave him his candle, this joke wasn’t funny. I need a job before college, and I REALLY want this one to turn out well, so his messing with the cards scared me and made my anxiety spike.
I told him that his joke wasn’t funny and I wanted him to stop. I then put out a rule to all the gods I work with that they are not allowed to mess with the cards like that again. I got the sense that they all agreed, even Hermes. I forgave him, but I was still upset.
Later, I started to feel guilty for being angry with a god of all beings, and I tried to apologize to Hermes and make it clear that I had forgiven him. Just then, I got a VERY vivid image of him gripping my shoulders and telling me that it’s okay to be mad and I didn’t need to apologize for it. HE was in the wrong, not me. It’s okay to set boundaries as to what’s okay and what’s not within your practice when people (or gods) hurt or upset you.
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Cause of Action 6
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note: this is a bit of a longer chapter so thank you for waiting! Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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You find your clothes on the bench at the end of the bed and dress. You can hear Andy below, a reminder of your displacement and your poor judgement. Still, there’s a needling thought at the corner of your mind. If he didn’t want you to get drunk, why didn’t he stop that man from feeding you shots? 
Well, it’s like he said. He was just trying to get what he need for the case. You have a lot to learn about the law it seems. You’re starting to wonder if it’s for you at all. The grim office, the sleazy clients, and the questionable cases. 
It might not even be your choice. You made a fool of yourself. The first chance you get and you screw up. Your mom was right; you’re not smart enough for all this. 
You sit on the bench and teeter indecisively. You wonder if you should go down and apologise again but you’re too dizzy to move. You slump onto your side and hug your skull. You feel like trash. After last night, you are trash. 
Andy’s words reverberate in your head. You crawled into bed with him, nearly naked. What is wrong with you? Why would you even do that, drunk or not? He’s good looking but he’s above your age range. And divorced. And definitely not into you. Not that you’d put much thought into that. You don’t date, you already have enough to worry about. Maybe that’s why you got a bit dumb. 
“Hey,” Andy startles you and you turn your head to see above your arm, “got you some coffee. Regular, no hazelnut.” 
He nears and you push yourself up with effort. You thank him with a croak and accept the tall white mug. You stare at the brim. 
“What kind of coffee do you like? I’ll order some for the office,” he sits next to you. 
You blow over the dark brew, “that fine. Thank you, Mr. Barber, I think...” you groan and brace your forehead as it throbs again, “I’m real sorry about last night.” 
He’s quite as he considers your apology. He surprises you as he snorts lightly, “I can’t lie. I was kind of flattered.” 
You’re reassured that he’s not as upset as before. That edge is gone from his voice and the tension between you isn’t strangling. You nod and taste the coffee. 
“It’s good,” you say, “thanks.” 
“Yeah? Well, you look like you could use it. You’re welcome to stick around, get some sleep. You’ll feel better if you lay down.” He flicks his thumb nail against his index, “I could order some food. Something greasy.” 
“Really, Mr. Barber, it’s fine. I’ve already messed up the whole day.” 
“It’s fine. I sent an out of office email.” 
“Still,” you rub your neck, “I feel bad and I don’t wanna impose any more than I already have.” 
“I wouldn’t offer it was a bother,” he shrugs, “but I won’t keep you. You probably got a boyfriend waiting on you, huh? Probably curious why you didn’t call last night? Or come home.” 
You blink and shake your head. You take another swig of the delicious caffeinated delight, “no.” 
“No, he isn’t worried?” 
“I don’t have a boyfriend,” you roll your eyes, sending a thrum through your skull. “I should go get myself together so I can work tomorrow.” 
He hums and nods, his fingers running up and down his pant leg as he thinks, “you’re a hard worker. That’s good.” 
“Right? You still think so, after last night?” You scoff. 
“Yeah, I do,” he says softly, “look, earlier, I know I was... a bit... tense but you gotta understand, if anyone at the practice found out, it wouldn’t look good. We’d both be in trouble.” 
“I got it,” you look down guiltily, “you know, it wasn’t me... I’m not like that. I don’t even remember but I don’t... I don’t just you know... crawl into bed with people.” 
He chuckles, “hey, none of my business, right?” 
You smile and wince, relieved that he isn’t mad. You put the mug to your forehead and sigh at the soothing heat. He puts his hand to your back and rubs, “hey, why don’t you at least take it easy before you go running off? You’re hungover.” 
“Mmm,” you drone flatly, “yeah, maybe...” you pull the mug away and look inside, only a mouthful left, “you got any more coffee?” 
“Sure,” he stands and offers to take your cup. You finish the last little bit and hand it over. You offer a weak smile. 
“Thanks again,” you mutter. 
He leaves you and you glance around, fingers twiddling restlessly. Where’s your phone? You crane to see over your shoulder, searching the night tables and the dresser and the slim desk against the opposite wall. It’s not in the bed either. 
You turn slowly and use the bench to push yourself to your feet. You walks stiffly to the door and stare down the hallway. You don’t recognise anything. You cautiously wade forward through your hangover and peek in each doorway. 
You stop in the doorway of what appears to be the guestroom. The bed is made and the curtains are drawn. There’s nothing disturbed in there. He must have tidied up after your drunken antics. Still, you don’t see your shoes or your bag or your phone. 
You turn down the hall as you hear a creak and Andy appears at the top of the staircase. He gives you a curious look, “bathroom’s in there.” He nods to his left, both hands full as he holds two mugs. 
“Oh, uh, thanks,” you near him and accept a cup from him, “actually, I was hoping for my phone.” 
“You were? It’s downstairs by the door with the rest of your things,” he explains. “Want me to grab it?” 
“Uh, no, it can wait, I guess,” you back up, “coffee’s really good.” 
“Thanks,” he grins proudly, “since my divorce, I’ve mastered the medium roast. Got the whole set up; grinder, frother... I turned into a real old man once I signed those papers. Oh, and had to learn how to use the oven again.” 
You nod at him, overwhelmed by his ramble. He’s much different than the man who’d given you such a rude awakening. Like he said, you’re moving past it. Still, you don’t think you’ll ever forget your stupidity. 
“Ah, yeah, I’m more of the microwave type,” you utter, “or Mr Noodles. Cheap and quick.” 
“Mm, yeah, I don’t miss those days,” he says, a glean of condescension in his voice. “You wouldn’t believe it when I was in college. I ate in at the 7-Eleven most nights. Probably why my cholestrol is through the roof. That or the stress.” He chuckles and nudges you back toward the bedroom, “I mean, you met my client last night. Some of the people you gotta deal with give you chest pains.” He follows you down the hall, “girl like you, kinda wonder what drew you in.” 
“Oh, well,” you take his direction without a thought. You don’t know the house very well so you can only go back and sit at the end of the bed, “my guidance counselour said it would be good.” 
“Right,” he squints and hovers his glass before his mouth, a skepticism in his cheek. You want to cringe. You don’t sound very committed to the practice. 
“I mean, I took some law classes in high school so...” 
“Hey, you’re young,” he shrugs as his cheek dimples, “you never know where you’ll and up.” 
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honeyjars-sims · 2 days
Chapter 3 Prologue: This Must Be the Place
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Johnny’s eyes were fixed on the mirror as he clumsily attempted to knot his tie. “Ugh, I can't get this right,” he mumbled.
"Let me help.” Solomon took the ends of the tie from his son's trembling hands.
“Feeling nervous?”
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“A little,” Johnny admitted. “I don’t know why, though.” The feeling was more similar to excitement than anxiety but he was still surprised at how jittery he was. “It’s a big day!” David interjected. “I think everyone gets a bit nervous when they get married.” “I know I was a mess!” Solomon laughed at the memory. “Remember how I could barely get any words out during our vows?”
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“I do." David placed his hand on Solomon's cheek. “You were so cute.” “Well that makes me feel better.” Johnny was relieved to know he wasn’t alone in having pre-wedding jitters. “You have nothing to worry about, son." Solomon smiled. “You’re about to marry the love of your life.”
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“Everyone decent?” Chantal’s head appeared around the door frame, her hand shielding her face. “As decent as we can be! Johnny replied. “I was told to give you this." Chantal handed him a letter.
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“Who’s it from?” Chantal rolled her eyes. "The President." “Oh, great, I was hoping he'd get back to me.” Johnny recognized the print on the envelope as the same one used for the wedding invitations, which he knew wasn't by accident.
He and [redacted] had squabbled over which design to go with for weeks before Johnny finally relented. "Fine, you can have your boring-ass white invitations if you want them that bad!" He'd yelled, and after a few seconds of silence they'd both dissolved into fits of laughter. Who could have imagined he'd be so passionate about stationary of all things? It was such a silly disagreement that it became a recurring joke anytime they had a difference of opinion during wedding planning.
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“We’ll give you a moment,” Solomon told Johnny as he and the others exited the room. Johnny began reading the letter:
John, my love, Words can’t express how excited I am that today is our wedding day. When we first met I never would have imagined that we'd end up here, but now I can't picture anyone I'd rather have standing by my side. We've both grown so much since then and I know it's because we bring out the best in each other. There's so much more I want to tell you, but I'm saving it for my vows. I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to use this envelope one last time! With all my love, [redacted]
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“Johnny.” Solomon leaned against the door frame. “It’s time.” As Johnny made his way to the ceremony, he couldn’t help but think back to how it all began. How he had gone from one of the lowest points in his life to the highest in what seemed like such a short amount of time.
He wasn’t the same man today as he’d been back then, but he was grateful for where the journey started. He didn’t know it then, but all of that pain led him right here where he needed to be.
To the one he was meant to be with.
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This Must be the Place (Naive Melody)--The Talking Heads
Home is where I want to be Pick me up and turn me round I feel numb, born with a weak heart I guess I must be having fun
The less we say about it the better Make it up as we go along Feet on the ground, head in the sky It's okay, I know nothing's wrong, nothing
Hi yo, I got plenty of time Hi yo, you got light in your eyes And you're standing here beside me I love the passing of time
Never for money, always for love Cover us and say goodnight Say goodnight
Home is where I want to be But I guess I'm already there I come home, she lifted up her wings I guess that this must be the place
I can't tell one from another Did I find you, or you find me? There was a time before we were born If someone asks, this where I'll be, where I'll be
Hi yo, we drift in and out Hi yo, sing into my mouth Out of all those kinds of people You got a face with a view
I'm just an animal looking for a home, and Share the same space for a minute or two And you love me 'til my heart stops Love me 'til I'm dead Eyes that light up, eyes look through you Cover up the blank spots Hit me on the head
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Cryptid Biology Season 2: Something Special
[Previous entry in this series: Here. The ghouls participate in a time honored tradition in celebration of the summer solstice... or Dew has an encounter with Special in the woods.] Below the cut.
Dew can feel his heart beating in his chest as he runs through the darkness, ducking and weaving to avoid branches and thorn bushes that appear just inches away from him before disappearing into the black surrounding him.
He curses, feeling his muscles scream at him to slow down, to stop, but if he does, he'll get caught.
Breathing heavily, Dew stumbles over a root, but manages to keep his footing... only to trip and fall over the next one, landing upon the ground with a heavy thud that would hurt a whole heck of a lot more if not for the bed of decaying leaves on the forest floor.
He groans and attempts to scramble to his feet, but when a boot against his back keeps him from rising right away, he relents, flopping back down with an angry huff.
"First you failed to outrun me during the Imbolc hunt, then you ran into me at the one for Ostara, and don't get me started on that pathetic attempt to hide from me during Beltane... and now here we are again." the ghoul above him chuckles, eyes glowing red, face just barely visible with Dew's lackluster night vision, "I think you're getting in my way on purpose, Tadpole."
"Stop calling me that, Special, you prick..." Dew grits out, "Maybe you're the one chasing after me, huh?"
Special hums and grinds his foot down.
"Mn, no, I don't think so." he says, crouching down, "I'm not much of a hunter, you see, I've always been more of a scavenger; I take what the others leave behind, so normally I'd wait and see who's left..."
He moves to press his knee into Dew's back, applying more pressure as he leans forward to whisper into his ear, "You're too much work, so for me to catch you, either nobody wanted you this time, or you're deliberately making it easy for me, because after our first encounter, you've been aching for more..."
Special brushes the hair from his neck and presses a kiss there, "...Haven't you?"
"Shut-" Dew starts to shout, but can't as Special's jaws lock onto his nape, it stings, both from the act itself, and from the toxin dribbling into his wounds from the ghoul's mouth, "Uh-huunh..."
"There's a good boy." Special coos, licking Dew's blood from his lips, swiping his tongue over his teeth for good measure, "Feels better than when a quint fucks your mind, doesn't it? I know it does... It's such an instant relief."
His hand comes down the massage the wound, grinning as the skin heals over from his touch, while also aiding in spreading the venom faster.
"There we go..." he says, finally lifting himself from Dew's body and flipping him over onto his back, "Well, look at you~"
Dew's whole body feels flush, and his breathing has yet to settle from his mad dash through the forest, so he has to look like a sweaty mess, but Special doesn't seem to agree, reaching down to cup his cheeks with his hands, shaking his head teasingly back and forth.
"Aren't you just the sweetest thing?" he grins, then pats his face lightly, "Hm, guess we should get this show on the road then, huh?"
Dew mumbles something and raises his arms slowly, wiggling his fingers, and Special blinks at him for a moment before snorting, "Oh, poor baby, can't take your shirt off yourself? You need me to do it for you?"
"Feeeel allll... wiggly..." Dew supplies unhelpfully, giggling as Special hooks his fingers under the hem of his shirt, pulling it up and over his head in one fluid movement, "Umph!"
"The venom's making you a little silly, isn't it?" Special squishes Dew's face again as he wads up his shirt and tucks it under his head, "That's good, you always seem so uptight..."
He spreads his fingers over his chest, thumbs poised beneath his nipples, "You know..."
"Most people come to these hunts so they can do nasty, freaky things in the woods without consequence." he says, teasing the small bud, "But you, and pardon the joke, are something special, huh?"
"You just wanna be loved.... adored, taken care of..."
Dew mewls as Special descends to nibble at his neck again, fingers rolling his nipples around in soft, slow motions.
"Are they not treating you right, sweet thing? Hm?" Special asks, "Should I talk to that water ghoul you like so much and tell him he doesn't need to be rough?"
"I like... I like rough..." Dew replies meekly, eyes shutting, "S'okay..."
Special makes a disappointed little noise and pulls back.
"You know I don't like liars, Dewdrop." he chastises, "But if that's what you want-"
Dew's eyes widen as Special's hand begins to wrap around his neck.
"Do you want this?" he asks, applying pressure to his throat, "Or do you want me to treat you like you really want?"
Dew groans and kicks his legs slightly, squirming under his grasp.
"...Don't wanna say it..."
Special pouts.
"But I want to hear it, c'mon, baby, when you're with me, what's your name, huh? How do I treat you?"
"You're a prick." Dew cackles, and Special sits back, rolling his eyes.
"You may be easy to catch, but you're hard to break, I'll give you that." He sighs, "But I'll be damned again if I don't love picking you apart."
The multi-ghoul slides down and begins undoing Dew's pants, but the zipper refuses to open and he gives a frustrated noise.
"Just pull 'em off..." Dew says, struggling to move his legs around from under Special's body.
"I have a better idea-" The ghoul tugs Dew's pants down to about mid thigh and leaves them like that, the dense, folded over fabric restricting his movements, "-that's much better."
Dew wriggles, trying to slide them down further, but he can't get the leverage and gives a defeated hiss.
"I could just..." Special pushes his legs back towards his chest, "Yeah, I can work with this."
"H-Hey now-"
Special cranes his neck at him, "What? Suddenly you're embarr-Oh. Oh-ho-ho-ho~"
Dew's ears have flicked back, the tips almost as red as his face.
"What do you think? Should I take you like this, or perhaps I should lay you on your side? What is my princess thinking now, hm~?"
A stick snaps and Dew goes stone stiff, whereas Special lowers himself over his body, territorial, a growl emanating from his throat, wholly unexpected from such a usually jovial, prankster type like him.
What or whoever was approaching seems to get the hint and approaches no further, but the ghoul above him remains locked in his protective stance, glaring out into the darkness.
After a minute passes, Dew can finally hear the sound of retreating footsteps, and not even a second later, he feels something prodding at his entrance, causing him to tense and squeak.
"How annoying..." Special mutters, hastily working Dew open, not giving him any time to adjust, forcing a series of involuntary chatters and chirps to escape his mouth, "We'll have to rush things a bit now, I'm sorry."
"Who was-" Dew tries to lift himself up to look around, but Special pushes him back down, "Hey-"
Special clicks his tongue.
Dew furrows his brow.
"The siblings-"
"Not them." Special hisses, then tilts his head back, letting out an annoyed groan, "Dammit..."
"Then who? The gardener-"
Dew forces himself up onto his elbows, wobbling as Special helps him tug his pants back up.
"Careful now, don't want you falling down again..." Special chides, wrapping his arm around his waist as they stand, "...Fucking, of course, those bastards would sneak around on a night like this... I bet they're running back to the other side of the lake now."
"We should go after them-" Dew starts, but the second he tries to pull away from Special, his head starts swimming, "-Fuck, Phil, how much venom did you give me??"
"I wasn't expecting our little rendezvous to be interrupted by a pack of mortal morons, so I gave you a little more than last time..." he pinches his brow, "We'll have to inform the other-"
A loud cracking sound startles them both, making Dew stumble, but he is quickly captured by Special, who narrows his eyes in the direction of the noise.
"Do you think that was the trespassers or..."
A second, louder crack echoes through the woods followed by a chorus of human screams.
Dew cringes and Special begins to make a clicking sound, a common distress noise among ghouls, neither of them is sure what's going on at this point, and the lack of any other sound once a third crack sounds sounds has them both on edge, until...
"You better run, you fuckin' little shits! I have more where that came from!"
"...Bea, I think they got the point, put the bb gun down-"
Mountain heaves a heavy sigh, taking the gun from the gardener, who looks positively miffed, even in the lowlight cast by the lantern in the earth ghouls other hand.
"Give that back-" the hotheaded woman starts, but instead of giving her back the gun, Mountain scoops her up and jostles her around a bit before tossing her over his shoulder and lumbering back off into the forest, "YOU BITCH!"
Special and Dew watch the retreating pair in silence, looking at each other after the two are gone from sight again.
"...I'm getting too old for this..." They both sigh in unison.
"Still though, how did they get passed the barricades?" Dew wonders aloud and Special shrugs.
"They could have swam to this shore for all we know." he remarks, "It's happened before, so I expect the next budget meeting will involve putting something in place to prevent this from happening again..."
"We can't just magic some shit in place?" Dew questions, "Like with the woods along the main road?"
"People getting turned around in the woods is one thing, because they usually make their way back out, if we turn them around in the water, they could drown..." Special reasons, adjusting his grip on Dew, "...Not that they wouldn't deserve it with all the signs we have posted about these kinds of things. They've probably learned their lesson for now."
Dew hums.
"...Now that they're gone-"
"...You know what I'm thinking?"
Special looks him up and down.
"...That we should track them down and eat their bones?"
Dew pinches the bridge of his nose.
"No, I-"
"-want to get railed within an inch of your life to make up for that frankly unnecessary distraction?"
"...You really are a prick."
"And you happen to like them very much, so it's a win-win situation for us all, isn't it?"
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evilkitten3 · 3 days
Mutual, I'm lowkey obsessing over your tags about akatsuki Tsunade, can you elaborate more the basic timeline? Like how this would affect Tsunade's arc in classic and such
tbh i hadn't really thought about it lol
but.... let's say it happens during the search for tsunade arc? orochimaru and jiraiya are both gunning to get her on their side but you know what? the shark man said please. get your shit shizune we're going with these guys if you poison the little red-eyed shit on the way no judgement (kisame: maybe don't though?)
jiraiya is pissed, orochimaru is torn between being amused bc wow and being in agonizing pain bc his arms still don't work, naruto keeps trying to get her to come heal lee (and now sasuke) but she's having none of it so she just throws a file of miscellaneous notes at his head and tells him "find someone with good chakra control and pray" (sakura: omg i have good chakra control!!!!)
weirdly the member of team seven affected most by this is sasuke bc sakura has absolutely no fucking clue what she's doing at first and it takes her like an extra month to wake him up, so he needs to get back on his feet before he can decide if he wants to run off to orochimaru or not. lee is.... kinda sol, frankly. sakura works really really hard to help him out, and she's eventually able to get him to a place where he can do a few things, but by the time she's good enough to really be able to help him it's way too late. fortunately he's adapted somewhat, and being lee he's surpassed what anyone thought he'd be able to, but he's never going to be what he could've been. gaara feels terrible about this ofc but lee isn't the sort to really hold a grudge, even if pretty much everyone agrees he'd be perfectly justified in doing so. gai never forgives tsunade, though, not really.
concerning tsunade's role in the akatsuki.... the thing is, it's her own grandparents who started the whole jinchuuriki mess. and she's seen with her own two eyes what konoha did to places like amegakure; she was part of it. she doesn't like that the jinchuuriki die post extraction, so she starts looking into how to make that not happen, but if she does succeed, it isn't until after the gaara debacle, so chiyo still dies. her biggest motivation here is naruto - she doesn't agree with him, but he reminds her of nawaki, so she really doesn't want him to die if at all avoidable. she doesn't get too involved in the actual jinchuuriki capturing process tho; she's more useful patching people up after.
having said that, she doesn't fully agree with pain and konan's plan, she just can't really think of anything better. tobi tells sasuke about itachi while tsunade is patching him up, and since it's her family that led to this, she's pretty on-board with the whole "fuck this stupid baka village" thing (ofc she's been heading down that path since joining the akatsuki, so this isn't like canon!tsunade suddenly making this call; there's a couple years of character development first), so.... she's effectively on team sasuke at this point, and once he splits from the akatsuki she does as well.
iirc, post danzou, sasuke spent about eight and a half volumes just kinda adjusting mostly offscreen to his recent ert (eyeball replacement therapy), before skewering og white zetsu and fucking off to go accidentally reunite with zombitachi, but aside from decking itachi through a few trees on sight, idk how much about all that would change. immediately after, when sasuke brings back orochimaru, they have an awkward reunion, followed by yet another awkward reunion when orochimaru brings back the four dead hokage. she's both very happy to see her granddad again, but it's hard for her to tell him (and hiruzen, for that matter) that she deserted the village completely, even if she doesn't regret her decision.
now you may be wondering: weren't shizune and tonton also around? yes! but when sasuke went after danzou, they stayed behind, leading to shizune finding and managing to save konan after tobito killed her. there's a potential romance subplot there as well but i accidentally ruined it for myself by saying aloud "two girls one pig" and then regretting my whole life.
the other survival is jiraiya; he becomes hokage instead since it's either one of the sannin or one of the elders, and as much as he doesn't want the job, he really doesn't want them to have it. this in part means he can't go spying in ame himself, although he very nearly does after orochimaru's death gets reported, but instead he sends someone else. that person dies, but manages to get the information back to him (it has to be someone important to naruto, and it can't be kakashi, so maybe iruka? but idk how he'd be in espionage. maybe one of naruto's classmates did spy training offscreen? it's entirely possible with jiraiya as hokage instead of tsunade but idk). since jiraiya isn't a healer, he'd either need to be injured badly enough for danzou to be able to step in without him being able to object, or sasuke would just need to have his fight with danzou somewhere else (so the raikage's arm might survive also).
the final thing is that, unlike in canon, this version of tsunade never got naruto therapy'd, so while she does eventually get over the hemophilia somehow (maybe just existing in the relative vicinity of hidan did the trick), she never really dealt with the grief that caused her to leave konoha in the first place, so that's still very much there. however, i think maybe this could work to the story's advantage - instead of just naruto vs sasuke, it could be naruto and sakura vs sasuke and tsunade. tho in this instance sasuke really isn't alone, and isn't really trying to be by that point. it's more a battle of "do we try to fix the system from within, or do we really need to start from scratch for things to improve in any meaningful way", but ultimately the winner is the realization that four people from konoha not only shouldn't but honestly can't be the only ones making this call. if the world is going to move forward, it can't be dragged by a single person, or even two people. it's gotta be a group effort. idk if the story should go into the details of what they decide on, bc i'm definitely not politically savvy enough for something like that, or just have an open ending leaving whatever happens next up to interpretation.
(sorry this took so long lol i kept having to do things XD)
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vinylfoxbooks · 2 days
June 17 - Dust | @jegulus-microfic | wc: 1210
“Jamie, what are you doing?” Regulus asks, walking into the main part of the tent. James has his wheel out and Regulus has watched him run back and forth then give up several times, “It’s past rehearsal time.”
“I know but…” James sighs, “Everyone’s getting new tricks for the season and I feel like I should be getting something new but…”
“You’re scared of your new trick?”
“I’m more scared of transitioning into it and the way to get into it and back out of it.”
“Tell you what.” Regulus hums after a couple seconds, “What if instead of doing this, since you’re hesitant about it, we figure out a new trick together.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean,” Regulus hums, walking over to the rig that holds his lyra hoop and getting ready to release it, “We’ve been wanting to find a way to combine our acts for a while, what if we find a way that I can pick you up and we can do something on my hoop together then you get back into your wheel.”
James hums and starts messing around with a couple things on his wheel, trying to figure out the logistics of the trick.
It takes a lot of practice and talking to Mary -- who also helps with all of the rigging and controlling -- they eventually get together, a trick that no one other than the boyfriends and Mary know about.
“Alright,” Mary claps, watching as the guards near the entrances of the tent close up the flaps and nod to Mary, “Remember the order, I go out, Lily comes out behind me as I’m walking away, then Remus and Sirius, Marlene comes out and sets Remus’ whips on fire and starts doing her tricks, you three walk off, on comes Dorcas and Nimean come out, after Dorcas it’s Pete and Pandora, then Evan and Barty, and finally Regulus and James. I’ll be out with those two so after James rolls off, I’ll end the show.” Everyone nods, “Then we’re ready!” One of their workers says something on his headset to let the lighting coordinator know and the show begins soon after. 
The crowd roars when Mary comes out and her voice echoes the tent when she finishes her statement with, “Let the show begin!” As Lily comes tumbling into the scene, the crowd cheering at every unique trick she does. 
“Why are you going last, Regulus?” Pandora asks, watching her girlfriend with a fond smile, “You normally go out with Lily.”
“I’m doing my act with James this season.” Is all that Regulus says, “And since James does his act last, we’re doing it last.” They watch as Lily finishes up and Remus walks out with his whips coiled up. He meets level with Sirius, up on the tightrope and they begin working their way across the ring doing their own tricks -- Sirius doing his flips and dangling from the rope because he’s stupid and Remus whipping at objects -- before Sirius grabs the ropes that he uses to get down and meets Remus at the end, moving back and forth and allowing Remus to whip at him while he twirls out of the way. Marlene meets them halfway through, lighter in her hand and sets Remus’ whips alight before starting doing her fire juggling while hula hooping with a ring of fire. 
When Marlene is done, Dorcas walks out with their lion, Nimean, and has her do all of her tricks.
“Things are going really well.” Mary remarks as she does the thing where she magically appears behind people, scaring James, “which is good. I was worried since we’ve got so many new things going on.”
“The transitions are going smoothly considering we didn’t start rehearsing them until last week.” Regulus remarks, watching as Dorcas guides Nimean back to her cage and Peter and Pandora take her spot. The two take turns bringing people down from the crowd, reading their future and doing magic tricks on them and probably telling them about their tents outside the big top for them to find after the show. 
“Let’s just hope that Evan and Barty aren’t in a fight right now.” James jokes, watching as Barty rolls Evan out on a target just behind Pete and Pandora. When the two finish up, Barty places his boyfriend in front of him and starts to throw. Eventually, they switch places and finish by both of them standing in front of targets and throwing knives at the same time, landing each of them in relatively the same place on each other’s targets. 
However, Regulus didn’t see that, because he’s working his way towards where his hoop is rigged.
“You got this James.” Mary smiles, her hand on his shoulder. They walk towards where James has his cyr wheel propped up and James starts to roll out as soon as Mary gives him the cue, watching and guiding him so he goes in a straight line -- after all rolling through the dirt is rather annoying and it can get hard for him to see through the dust that he tends to kick up.
The two of them do their own tricks for a while, with Regulus behind almost immediately above where James is twirling around before Regulus’ hoop starts to lower and James starts to slow down his spinning. 
As soon as Regulus is close enough, he transitions from his previous trick to holding onto his hoop with his knees while dangling upside down. James twirls himself so he’s got one hand and one leg keeping him to his wheel and one hand and leg being grabbed by Regulus. Mary takes the wheel from James as Regulus and James get hoisted further into the air. They do their tricks after Regulus is able to help James grab hold of the hoop and eventually, the hoop is once again lowered right above where Mary is holding James’ wheel steady for him. 
When they’re low enough, Regulus holds James by the ankles and allows him to grab onto the top of his wheel, letting go and letting James spin around his wheel before getting his feet stable on the edge of the wheel. 
With that, the two of them finish the last of their act and Regulus allows the rigging of his hoop to take him away while James starts spinning away, doing the last few couple of tricks before Mary takes over and starts saying their goodbyes, informing the crowd that they’re more than welcome to talk to the performers once they’re out of the tent. 
As soon as Regulus and James are back to the backstage area and James is slightly dizzy -- rolling on and rolling off can be very dizzying despite all his tolerances to spinning around -- they’re being ambushed h=by their friends. 
“What the fuck was that?” 
James shrugs, “Our new act. We wanted to try something new as well.” 
“You’re a ground acrobat!” Sirius shouts, flabbergasted, “Since when have you ever wanted to become airborne?”
“You do realise that’s not the first time that James has been on my hoop with me, right?” Regulus asks, pulling James back towards him with a hand around his waist, “It’s just the first time that you’ve seen it.”
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httpiastri · 2 days
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genre: angst, fluff, comfort, etc.
word count: 6.6k
warnings: more heartbreak but that's probs it
author's note: hello again !!! i've been meaning to post this for several days now but never found the strength to proofread it all. decided to fit melbourne and imola both into one chapter because they were kinda short on their own, and they are about a lot of similar stuff so i think it made sense. hope you enjoy, thank you for all love on this <33 monaco chapter is like maybe halfway done so it shouldn't take too long !! (& i like that one more hehe)
series masterlist
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"ollie, put on your sunglasses," dino tells his friend, doing the same with his own reflective sunglasses before flipping his cap around. "let's look tough and cool."
you roll your eyes, shaking your head at the boys in front of you. ollie does as he's told, both of them crossing their arms over their chests as they lean their shoulders against each others. "is that really the pose you're going for?" you ask, and you're instantly met with a string of protests from the impatient swedish man, making you raise your hands in defense. "as you wish..."
you lean back slightly to fit the whole wall behind them into the frame, all works of graffiti apparently important to include, according to your friend. you're glad that you were quick to press the button to take the picture since, of course, they can't keep the pose for more than a few seconds before breaking into a fit of laughter.
you may be complaining a lot about having been dragged around melbourne the entire day, taking photos of your friends, and being forced to socialize. but really, you're thankful for this opportunity to take your mind off everything that's been going on. during your entire break since jeddah, you've been mourning your feature race and dwelling on everything about paul. it's easy to get stuck in your head, to only remember the bad things. and in those times, you're glad to have people around you to pull you out of the darkness.
melbourne will be different. that's what you've been telling yourself ever since you got out of the car in jeddah. you got your first f3 win here last season, and despite how it's still a fairly new track to you, you have a lot of confidence driving around it. you have faith in your car, and you know you have the skills to perform well. you just need to actually score some points again to keep up in the championship.
"can you two losers stop laughing already?" you huff, slipping your phone into your pocket. "i'm starving, and i refuse to have dinner in the f2 hospitality before the race weekend has even started."
"blah blah blah, you're just picky," dino says as he strolls up to you, one of his hands coming up to mess up your hair. you shoot him a glare. "whatever, let's get going. i'm really hungry myself, actually."
you rake a hand through your hair to fix the chaos he caused, before hurrying to keep up with the long-legged boys who've already started walking away. as you squeeze in between them, ollie reaches for your hand, fingers slipping between yours. you let out a content sigh; not only because you're finally getting some food, nor because of the way ollie squeezes your hand.
like this, it's like you don't seem to have a single care about anything in the world. like you've just flown across the world to hang out with your best friend and your boyfriend, to just have fun and relax in the sun.
dino and ollie pick up on the change in your mood, too; it's hard not to. though you haven't spent any time with them during the break, with the trio split up between england and italy, your slump has been so palpable that they could tell even from so far away. so seeing you this lighthearted and happy makes them satisfied, too.
the calm before the storm, as they say.
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"and you said i was the picky one?" you ask as dino sits down at your table in the hospitality, nothing but some plain pasta and some kind of meat pie on his plate.
"you're not much better now, are you?" he asks back, glancing down at your empty plate and then up at your face again. the little baguette you've already eaten was not nearly enough to fuel you for the upcoming qualifying session.
you sigh. "i miss the fish and chips we had yesterday..."
"that was definitely not a part of our diet plan."
a scoff passes your lips and you shake your head. "maybe it wasn't the best possible food for my performance," you start, looking over your shoulder at the long buffet table. "but at least it was edible. my muscles may not have grown, but my heart sure did. isn't that important, too?"
dino chuckles as he chews down some pasta, shrugging his shoulders. "speaking of your heart," he says before taking a long sip from his water bottle. "i was surprised to see how lovey-dovey you and ollie were yesterday."
you raise an eyebrow at him. "aren't we always like that?"
"yeah you are, that's the thing."
you pause for a long moment. "and what's that supposed to mean?"
a sliver of regret makes its way onto his face, so slight you almost don't pick up on it. "well..." he tries his best to play it cool, even pulling his phone out of his pocket to check his notifications, but you see right through him. "i may have heard something, but it doesn't mat-"
you can't stop yourself from cutting him off. "tell me. now."
now it's dino's time to let out a sigh, pulling a hand through his hair. "i heard that you and ollie were having problems. but clearly, that's not the case."
"and who told you that?"
"well, here's the thing, i-" dino's voice cracks just like it always does when he's nervous or when he's lying. he takes a second to clear his throat, and you intervene.
"it was paul, wasn't it?" you ask, and he doesn't answer. the fact that he doesn't immediately deny it, along with his blank expression, gives it away. "that idiot! oh my god..." dino is just about to speak up again, to explain himself or make up an excuse, but you give him no space. "why are you listening to him and not me? why would you not ask me if it's true before assuming something? is he really more reliable when it comes to my relationship?"
"y/n, you know i'm stuck between you three. you're all my best friends, and..." he drags a hand down his face, shaking his head. "how should i know who to trust and who to talk to? i can't even mention him around you."
when his words kick in, your expression softens from the infuriated frown you were earlier displaying. you understand what he means; it must be hard for him to be in the middle of this ongoing cold war. "i get it, i get it," you finally say with a dismissive hand gesture. "just... tell me the details. tell me exactly what he said."
to be fair, the things paul had said to dino weren't as bad as you had expected. it had just been a tiny comment, something along the lines of how paul wasn't sure if you and ollie were still as comfortable around each other since you weren't spotted with him in the paddock in bahrain.
a full-on lie, but not the worst thing to ever happen.
though, what dino then tells you about, is the fact that paul wasn't the only one he heard about it from. kimi had confided in him, too; just like gabriel and dennis.
kimi's story had been pretty much the same as what paul told dino, but dennis said that he had heard that you and ollie had broken up already. and according to gabriel, paul has been telling people that you and ollie are only dating for publicity.
what a joke.
the weight of the rumors sits heavy on your shoulders, but you refuse to let them break you. and despite how much you loathe the thought of even looking at him, your body is bubbling with the need to confront him. this can't go on.
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how are you supposed to not think about paul and ollie all day, every day after that?
when you know your ex-boyfriend has been spreading fake rumors about you, how are you supposed to look at his stupid smile when he's walking through the paddock and not punch him in the face?
you manage to restrain yourself, with some help from pepe subtly grabbing your arm to hold you back whenever he notices that paul is near. the negative thing is that it means you don't get an outlet for your emotions.
you have yet to find any positives to it.
you were always told to not mix your driving with romance. now, you understand why. you're so distracted that pretty much everything gets messed up your entire weekend. you aren't able to prepare well for your sessions, so you end up with a weak 15:th position in the qualifying, along with one dnf in the sprint, in what's probably one of the fastest cars on the grid this weekend.
not even the feature works out for you. after a lucky start with five positions gained, you were finally fighting for points again. though, stalling in the pit is apparently not the most optimal thing to do when looking to climb the ranks, which was something you learned the hard way.
the worst of it all is the fact that of course paul ended up with yet another podium. where's the karma in that?
just when you've gotten out of your car and made your way back to the paddock, you spot him. he's on his way to the podium from the cooldown room, climbing a staircase and loudly chatting with zane maloney about the race.
this time, you can't hold back. he ruined your race; he deserves your anger.
"you're a complete idiot, you know that, right?"
your voice startles zane, who looks at you with a guilty expression for a moment until he takes in paul's reaction, realizing that he's not the one you're mat at. "yeah?" the estonian chuckles.
"yeah, you are!" the volume and intensity of your voice rise by the second as you make your way to the foot of the staircase. "where did you find the audacity to run around spreading false rumors about me and my boyfriend?!"
zane slowly steps away, not wanting to get caught in this crossfire, and ascends the steps towards the podium. paul's amused expression doesn't change at all. "what false rumors?"
you gawk at him, completely dumbfounded by his entire way of acting. "that we're having issues."
"well, you are."
"we are not!"
"come on," he starts shaking his head as you take a quick couple of steps up the staircase. "it's easy to see that you're not happy with him."
it doesn't take long for you to reach the landing he's standing on, and for the first time ever, you find yourself hating how tall he is. the way he looks down at you only furthers your aggravation – it's like you're smaller, like you matter less, like you aren't as strong. "and how would you know that i'm not happy?"
he sighs, as if he's completely uninterested in this entire conversation. like your anger doesn't affect him the slightest. "because i know you." he shrugs. "you don't smile like you used to. ollie isn't right for you."
"oh, but you were?!" you scoff, not believing your ears. "you're so conceited, holy shit! you just ruined my weekend, you ruined both of my races, just- leave me and ollie alone!"
when you turn around to descend the stairs again, you notice the crowd that's started to form below you. great. you haven't exactly been subtle, and you wouldn't be surprised if your yells could be heard all the way back to the campos garage. the sight should scare you – any other day, you would've been so embarrassed you'd want to melt through the floor. but right now, you're too full on anger to care.
"maybe you would be driving better if you were still with me."
paul's voice stops you just as you're about to walk down the first step. you slowly turn back to him, mouth gaping wide and eyes blown up.
"something about being with him is clearly bothering you. you weren't like this when you were with me." you're at a loss for words, which he notices and takes advantage of. "you're prioritizing him over your own racing. you did it in bahrain, you did it again in jeddah. it's not good for you."
"maybe what's not good for me is you, have you ever thought about that?" you walk up to him, a finger pressed up to his chest as you stare up at him. "maybe the reason i'm distracted because you won't leave me alone! you keep on spreading these stupid rumors about me and-" you have to pause for a moment to force down the tears that threaten to spill from your eyes. "i can't take it! just back the fuck off!"
you feel like you could explode any second – if that isn't what you just did – and the fact that paul still looks like he doesn't give one single fuck about this makes you want to give him that beating he so deserves. but you hear pepe's voice in the back of your head, reminding you of how the fia wouldn't appreciate having a driver on the grid who gets into fistfights, and so you back off. with one last shake of your head, you turn again, storming down the stairs.
the sea of people at the end of the staircase splits open for you and you hurry away, not taking any time to see if you notice anyone you know in the crowd. you hear a familiar voice call out for you, one you can't quite identify, but you continue running towards your truck.
paul is an idiot – there's no denying in that fact.
but why was there more passion in these two minutes of fighting him than you've had in your entire relationship with ollie?
he can't be right, you decide. you really are in love with ollie, but not in a way that makes you compromise your racing. it's a great relationship, no matter how different it is from the one you had with paul. he may not believe it, but you will make it work.
he can't be right. you won't let him.
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ollie heard about the fight between you and paul just minutes later. of course, there are people around the paddock who loves to run around and gossip – and how could they not tell the story of this huge fight to the man who was the topic of it?
in hindsight, he should've come to you instantly. he thought that the wise thing would be to give you space, to give you a few moments to breathe before he came in with all kinds of questions.
but then, when you finally come out of the campos truck over an hour later and make your way over to where he is waiting for you, he can't say anything. he sees the redness of your eyes and hears your heavy sighs loud and clear, and he knows you won't want to talk. he's too late; the wound may still be far from healed, but he still doesn't want to rip off the bandaid you've so carefully applied on yourself.
all he can do is wrap his arms around you, let you rest against his chest and kiss the top of your head, hoping to bring you at least a little bit of comfort.
next time, he will be quicker. he will be there for you right when you need it.
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ollie sleeps soundlessly next to you when you pull out your journal from the bedside table. he hasn't had the most flawless weekend either, but at least he scored his first points of the season, which is a great start.
you usually can write paragraphs upon paragraphs about paul. any other day, you're jane austen and nicholas sparks both in one body. but today, there's only one thing that comes out of you.
paul aron is an asshole.
after a few seconds of just staring at your blank journal, another sentence comes to you; one you just can't bring yourself to write down.
but what if he's right?
maybe what you have with ollie isn't true love.
but maybe it's enough.
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yourusername not the best weekend race-wise, but alright off the track. we will come back stronger, thank you to the team for all of the hard work :)
show all 54 comments
user keep pushing y/n!! don't let this weekend affect you ❤️
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user .....what is pepe doing in the last slide?
→ yourusername wish i knew 🤷‍♀️ he sure looked silly doing it, that's all i know
→ user ollie and dino then?
→ yourusername 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
user pretty embarrassing weekend tbh
→ user send your hate somewhere else
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
user did anyone else hear those rumors... about her and paul....
→ user omg what rumors
→ user check your dms 😘
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melbourne was not a good weekend in any possible way, and having it be the last weekend before a long break? not exactly what you had hoped for.
in times like these, you do the one thing you're better at than anyone; distracting yourself.
hours upon hours in the red bull simulator, mornings and evenings at the gym, rewatching old f1 and f2 races all night. anything to get your mind off your love life. pepe is a lifesaver too, since he's good at picking up on the little hints about your current mood and he understands which of your buttons not to push when you're like this.
though ollie understands why you're behaving the way you are after melbourne, he still doesn't enjoy the fact that you're much less open and harder to get hold of. there's a long period of time where you don't answer his texts as often as you usually do, where you cut your face time calls short for random reasons, and where he just can't get through to you. and it hurts him so much more since he's several hours away in italy, not able to properly talk to you about it.
that's why he was overjoyed when you arrived in imola a few days earlier than you needed, just so the two of you could spend some time alone before the weekend started.
it's currently wednesday night, and you just need to swing by your hotel room before heading out for dinner. "i'm to be really quick," you say as the light on the door blinks green and you enter, shuffling over to your suitcase. "i just need to find my purse..."
ollie strolls around for a few moments, almost as if inspecting the room, before just standing to watch the sun set over the city through your balcony door. eventually, you hear his voice from behind you. "what's this?"
when you turn around, you find him staring down into your open duffle bag on the floor – and on top of all your clothes lies your journal.
"it's... nothing."
he chuckles. "it's clearly not nothing. it looks like it's been used quite a lot," he says, eyes moving over to you. "is it a novel? a calendar?"
you turn back to your suitcase, pretending like it's no big deal, that you're just much more interested in finding your purse. "well, something like that."
"something like what?" ollie frowns, bending down a little to take a closer look at the outside.
"found it!" you reach for your handbag, pulling it out and holding it up in the air as you step away from the suitcase. "we can go now."
"why aren't you telling me? is it secret?"
ollie is stubborn; it's one of the things you like about him, one of the things that makes him the person he is. without his determination, he would've never made it to f2 nor the ferrari driver academy – and he wouldn't be your boyfriend. so, you aren't surprised that he's not letting go of your journal.
he can clearly tell it's a big deal for you, despite the fact that you try to hide it, and he can't help but feel a bit of worry creep into him when you don't answer him instantly. he regrets pushing you for an answer, but he's also immensely curious – and he's a bit tired of you still keeping secrets from him, despite the fact that he would never tell you that.
after a few more moments of silence, he takes your hand, leading you to sit down on the edge of the bed with him. and with the way he's looking at you, there's no way you can hold back from telling him.
you tell him about when you first bought it, that rainy day back home in cambridge and that little bookshop near your elementary school. you tell him about how it just called for you, begged for you to buy it, how the dark blue color felt like it was chosen just to attract attention from your eyes and your eyes only.
and you tell him about your therapist and the amount of time you've spent trying to work out all of your issues. you tell him about how when she suggested that you find an outlet for your emotions that's more easily accessible during race weekends, your mind instantly wandered to the little journal you'd bought but found no use for yet.
but you make sure to leave out all of the details, only filling him in on the major issues. you don't tell him about just how bad your performance anxiety gets, or about how close you've been to just quitting racing when your imposter syndrome thoughts cloud your mind. you can't let him know too much, get too close.
you try to brush it off as something casual, like it's no big deal; but you also make sure to tell him how extremely secret it is and about the many ways you would kill him by if you found out he'd read in it. your tone is one of levity, of course – but in reality, you weren't really kidding.
paul knew about the journal, too, and you knew how much he longed to know more than the color of the wrapping. you'd often find him with pleading eyes as he watched you write, tiny pout on his lips and a joking comment along the lines of "you're not cursing me out in that, are you?".
but despite how curious he was, paul never overstepped his boundaries. he would never – and you trust that ollie won't, either. he's far too good for that, too kindhearted and empathetic to go against your wishes. especially with how fragile and vulnerable you look to him in this moment.
he makes sure to listen to every word that leaves your mouth, nodding understandingly and letting you finish pouring your heart out before he speaks up.
"you know, you could also use me if you want to,” he starts, a gentle hand coming up to caress your cheek. "to talk to, i mean. or rant, or anything. if you think being vocal about it instead of writing could work."
of course he would try to find a way to help you out. to him, it's a win-win situation – if venting to him works for you, then that's great, but it would also mean that he could maybe finally work himself past that wall you've built up around yourself. if you start telling him about your feelings for your own sake, maybe he can finally get to know you better and get closer to you.
but that's the thing. opening up means being vulnerable, letting your guard down. you do trust him, you really do; so why can't you just do it?
ollie smiles at the little nod you give him – it's not a promise, but it's a good start. you've started talking to him, and he thinks that maybe the momentum will keep you going.
you realize that he's still holding your hand when he gives it a soft squeeze, standing up from the bed. "enough of that now," he says, trying to ignore the slightly somber expression taking over your features. "let's go to that restaurant, hm?"
you intertwine your fingers with his and rise next to him, slinging your purse over your shoulder with another nod. "let's go."
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seven missed calls.
that's the sight you're met by when you scan over your phone notifications after your post-qualifying debrief with the team. you don't even need to check who they're from; you knew your dad would be dissatisfied with your results from the second you stepped out of your car halfway through the session.
before today, you hadn't spun out in a qualifying session since your karting days – but apparently, there's a first time for everything. another qualifying outside of the top ten means that yet again, you will be starting in the lower ranks in both races. missing out on the reverse grid always sucks, but it sucks a little extra when you know you could've, and should've, performed better. with pepe's third-place finish, you know your campos car was good enough to end up in the top of the timings. if only you'd kept the car on the track, maybe you could've proved something.
proven that you're capable, proven that you belong here. proven that you actually can handle the pressure.
if you know your dad right, he's definitely not calling to give you his condolences or cheer you up. it's not exactly his style. chances are, he's not just going to criticize your performance, but also compare it to a certain someone else's.
ollie managed to snatch that second place for the starting grid on sunday, which is something you should only be happy about. but as much as you adore your boyfriend and wish him all of the joy in the world, it's upsetting that he needed to perform so well this weekend. it's like the fuel to your dad's "you should've gone to ferrari"-fire he wanted so badly.
pepe knows that look on your face by now; he's been a first-hand witness to your fights with your father too many times to count by now. his hand on your shoulder gives you a quick squeeze after he's watched you flip your phone upside down on the table with a sigh before slumping further into your seat.
"did someone die in here or what?" sebastian's voice spreads through the room when he walks into it and catches a glimpse of you. the air is so thick with tension that he fears he will choke on it if he doesn't try to lighten the mood a bit.
"nothing except my weekend, i guess," you mumble back, not giving into his attempt that easily. what's he so happy for, anyway? his result of qualifying 25th isn't exactly something to celebrate, either.
"hey, cheer up," sebastian says. "we'll have an overtaking party this weekend!"
when you stay quiet, pepe says something quick in spanish to sebastian who just nods, eyes flickering between you two. you let out a groan – it's ironic, really, since you're a driver for a spanish team, but you hate it when people speak spanish around you since you can't understand it. especially when you know they're talking about you but not with you.
pepe apologizes instantly, but the smile on his lips never falters. not even your behavior is enough to stop him from beaming over his own qualifying results. for the first time in a while, he is actually happy after a session – and he won't let you ruin it.
"okay, come on. i have the perfect plan to save this night," pepe starts. your phone buzzes on the table with what you assume is another angry message, and you're just about to open it when he interjects. "and that starts with giving me your phone."
"that seems pretty suspicious…" you say, though you understand immediately why he does it. pepe knows you far too well already.
you reluctantly place your phone into the hand he holds out for you. "i promise to let you know if ollie or anyone on the team texts you. but i think you need to stay away from this for a while." he nods toward sebastian, whose eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "could you run out to get some kind of candy? anything that could work as poker chips is good enough."
"and i suppose that means my deck of cards is needed, too?" you ask, not able to hold back from smiling anymore at your friend's silly attempt to cheer you up.
"you bet."
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call it childish, but your poker session really did serve its purpose. it ended up being the first time you've been able to properly relax and just have fun in months. it didn’t matter that none of you three got a lot of sleep – just getting to enjoy the moment was good enough.
however, the next day, it was all back to square one again.
the sprint race was indeed an overtaking party, as sebastian had suggested – but six overtakes from p20 is still not enough for any points, not even when about five drivers crash in the first lap. despite all that, you still had some hope for the feature; even more laps to work your way up the ranks and the possibility of having a good strategy were the only two thoughts on your mind.
but yet again, you left the race having scored exactly no points. and to your biggest annoyance, the winner was the one person you prayed would not get the win. one pretty much no one had expected.
just like spa last year in f3, paul was insanely lucky with his choice of strategy. with a perfectly timed late pit stop when the safety car came out, he came out in the front of the field on his new option tires. pretty much the entire field behind him had opted for the opposite strategy, which meant he soared away at the safety car restart and took the win quite easily.
at least, now the championship can't possibly get any worse, can it?
celebrations are always due when paul wins, and this weekend is no exception. you honestly wanted nothing more than to stay back in your hotel room and forget about the weekend even happening. but after some combined begging from ollie, pepe and jak, all saying something about how "you're no fun anymore" and "it's been so long since you partied with us", you finally gave in.
"and i promise, you won't be left alone for even a second," ollie whispers into your ear as he wraps his arm around your waist, guiding you through the door to the club of the night. "i'll be right here, and all of your other friends. okay?"
your answer comes in the form of a hum and a quick nod as the loud music floods all of your senses the second you step into the club. your boyfriend gives you a squeeze, just about to speak up again, when he spots pepe waving at you both from a table a few meters ahead.
"you actually made it!" he exclaims when you join him, reaching over to give your shoulder a gentle squeeze before letting his hand drop to his side again. "and you look great. i was scared you'd show up wearing your race suit or pyjamas just as a form of protest."
"trust me, i wanted to," you tell him with a shrug. "but someone stopped me. said it wasn’t appropriate."
"what, i was just supposed to let you make a fool of yourself?" ollie scoffs from next to you. "isn't that why i'm your boyfriend? making sure you don't embarrass yourself in public?"
"of course, what else?" you say back without missing a beat, giving him a pat on the top of his head. you then turn to greet dennis, zak and gabriel, who are also standing by the table. the discussion around the table easily falls into a race debrief, before morphing into a debate about the f1 race of the night. but it doesn't take long until the group is split up, with pepe and gabriel deciding to go for a round of dancing on the dance floor, and dennis and zak both running off toward the bathrooms.
you have to confirm to ollie about five times that you indeed will be alright standing alone for a few moments as he walks the twenty meters away to the bar to get you both a drink before he actually goes away. the way he's treating you feels somewhat strange; like you're some kind of fragile glass sculpture, like even the slightest hint of turbulence will make you break.
but then again, maybe you've earned it. your recent months definitely haven't been making you any stronger, that's for sure.
you don't really mind it at first; the slight tipsiness you already feel from the shots dennis had ordered for the table and the throbbing bass from the random house song playing on the dance floor doing a good job at drowning out your thoughts. except, that's only until something out on the dance floor catches your attention from the corner of your eye.
paul has been gone all evening, busy celebrating his win probably, and your heart flutters momentarily at the sight of him out there. but when you turn your head towards him to take him in fully, your heart drops instead.
he's with someone. and not just anyone – a girl.
a girl who's got her arms draped around his neck, while his hands hold her hips close to him.
the smiles on their lips can be spotted from miles away, and you can hear the sweet sound of paul's laughter ringing in your ears when you see her lean in to whisper something in his ear.
who is she? what's she doing with her arms around him? why is she-
your thoughts all go silent when paul places a hand underneath her jaw, leans down, and gently presses his lips to hers. it's like the entire world goes silent; like everything else is just a blur of blinking lights, but the spotlight is on the couple on the dance floor. your eyes can't help but follow their lips, their hands caressing each other's bodies...
goosebumps spread across your skin in an instant and an eerie feeling passes through your body. you finally manage to pull your gaze off paul and the girl – who is she, anyway? – and you turn away, making a beeline to the restroom. thankfully, a woman exits through the door just as you arrive, and you're quick to lock yourself in.
once you're inside and pressing your back up against the wall, it's like everything that's been building up in you is let loose. the walls are broken down, and every thought and emotion you have comes crashing down onto you. rivers of tears are flowing down your cheeks before you can react, and you slide down the wall, knees coming up to your chest as your hands come up to cover your face.
there's this strong, heartbreaking feeling spreading through your chest. is it jealousy? is it disappointment? regret?
what you do know is that this aching feeling in your heart is stronger than ever.
is this how paul feels when he sees me with ollie?
it can't be, you think – it just can't. paul can't be in this much pain...
does this mean that you still love him? does this mean you still aren't over him?
you know you should be over him already. you've tried so hard, put so much energy into your relationship with ollie. and yet, you still feel like this.
it's not fair. not to you, and especially not to ollie. he cares about you, respects you, supports you – hell, he's probably out there right now looking for you and wanting to make sure you're okay. he really likes you, and he thinks you like him too. but here you are, crying about another man.
when you're all out of tears, you use your last piece of strength to push yourself up from the floor, standing up and leaning over the sink. wearing non-waterproof is both a blessing and a curse; the trails down your cheeks are straight out of a nightmare, but they're also easy to wash off with a little water and some paper towels. the redness in your eyes isn't as easy to erase, unfortunately, but it'll have to do. you hope to be able to blame it on being tired, or having too much to drink.
you take a deep breath before stepping out of the bathroom and making your way towards the crowd on the dance floor again. the music is just as loud as it was before, and the crowd is just as sweaty and chaotic as a packed summer festival. thankfully, you don't see paul anywhere, but you find ollie quite easily. he's standing by a high table with gabriel and dennis when you approach, eyes lighting up when he spots you.
"there you are!" he exclaims, throwing an arm around your shoulders. "i've been looking for you–" ollie cuts himself off, his eyebrows furrowing a little. his voice lowers a few notches. "what's wrong?"
he noticed. in hindsight, how could he not? he's always been extremely attentive. "it's nothing, i..." you start, looking down at your feet. "i'm just exhausted from the day."
but he isn't stupid. he knows, he understands. even if he doesn't know who or what caused it, it's easy for him to tell that you've been crying. he nods, arm dropping from your shoulders to hold you around your back. "okay," he says, hand giving your waist a soft squeeze. "let's leave."
you look up at him again. the last thing you want is for him to have to cut his night short just for you. "no, i can go alone-"
"i don't mind. we came together, so we're leaving together." and before you can interject again, he's already said his goodbyes to the boys and pulled you along through the crowd.
the cab ride back to the hotel is mostly silent. you play the "exhausted" card, while ollie plays the "naive boyfriend" card. but just because you're both quiet doesn't mean your heads aren't absolutely buzzing. your mind is racing with the memory of paul's lips on that girl, kissing her and holding her like he used to kiss and hold you. but your thoughts are also clouded by the guilt you feel for being this much of a mess, and making yourself so unavailable to ollie.
ollie, on the other hand, isn't exactly rolling his thumbs, either. it takes his everything not to push you into telling him what's wrong; he wishes you would tell him because you want to, not because he's pressuring you. he's so worried about you, but at the same time, he hates the fact that you won't confide in him.
what's he doing wrong? why don't you trust him?
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ollie is fast asleep next to you in your hotel bed when you pull out your dark blue journal from the bedside table.
the journal is not a secret from him anymore per se, but you still waited until this moment. the guilt of writing about another man when ollie is the one in bed with you is too big to face with his brown eyes looking up at you, so you'd rather do it like this.
yet another round of the championship, yet another bad weekend. no points, bad results as always – and that's not even the worst part.
paul was with another girl. someone i've never seen before. but he was acting like they were attached by the hip. like they've known each other forever. like i wasn't even there.
he must've known i would see. and yet, he had no issues kissing her like his life depended on it.
is it only this painful to see paul because we haven't spoken in weeks?
or is it going to be like this forever?
and just like in melbourne, there's one more thought that springs to your mind that you just can't find in yourself to write down.
i wish it were me.
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yourusername a weekend to forget, focusing on monaco instead. thanks for your support. ❤️ #foreversenna
show all 47 comments
user you did the best you could 💙
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
user honestly what is she doing?
→ user bad results over and over even though the car is on fire, what even
→ user awkward
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
user are she and ollie even a couple anymore?
→ user just because she doesn't post him, they've broken up? 🤨
→ user no no it's just because i've heard things... 😶
→ user omg pls tell me
→ user she'll delete the comment probably 🤪 but lemme dm you
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41 notes · View notes
graciegoeskrazy · 2 days
if i believe u
matty healy + daughter!r (ft. gabbriette, charli, and george!)
warnings: angsty asf but what did u except, matty says he regresas being a dad, step moms(???), queen gabbriette, shitty matty, lying, yelling, a curse word or two, just general family angst, longest one if written in awhile, george n charli
a/n: first matty daughter r in awhile but 5 SEPERATE PEOPLE ASKED FOR THIS so i had to do it obvi. btw im not hating on gab she’s actually the hero of this story i will not tolerate gabbriette slander only matty slander eheheh. ty to my lovely anons who requested it makes me happy🤭
r is about 13 ish
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Your dad said him and Gabby were going out to dinner while you were at your end of the year dance. It was an event for middle schoolers, nothing crazy, but they figured they’d take advantage of a couple hours to themselves by having a romantic dinner out. He said they’d be home well before you ended your night, and to just text when you got home.
“I’m home!”
You were met with no answer. You didn’t think much about it and went to your room, starting to take off your jewelry from the night.
“Hey, dancing queen.” He said, appearing in the doorway.
You smiled at his comment, looking back at him. “How was dinner?” You asked.
He cleared his throat before speaking. “Good…really really good.”
You thought his response was interesting, but didn’t look to much into it, just taking off your heels from the evening.
“Where’s Gabby?” You asked.
“Bedroom. Thought i’d talk to you in private for a second.”
You turned back suddenly. “About what?” He chuckled when your face turned to worry so quickly.
“Nothing bad. Don’t worry. No one is dead.”
You smiled back, crossing your arms. “Then what is it?”
He looked down at his hands, specifically one finger.
He rarely wore new rings, always sticking to the same ones. You quickly noticed he was grazing over a new one.
One that laid on a certain finger.
You already knew your answer, but you asked anyway, “What’s that?”
He showed a coy smile, while examining the ring on his own finger. “An engagement ring.” He said, smiling.
A part of himself couldn’t believe it. You definitely couldn’t believe it either.
“You’re engaged?” You asked, voice quiet.
“Yeah,” He said, with a faded breath. “Yeah honey, I am.”
Your voice became quiet. “To Gabby?”
“Yeah.” His smile wouldn’t go away. He hasn't smiled like that in so long. A part of you wanted to take a picture of it. Another part of you wanted to wipe it off his face.
“Wow.” was all you could say at the moment.
You spoke after a second of silence. “Are you sure about this dad?”
“About what? Marrying the love of my life?”
He started to get defensive right away. “I mean, Dad, I don’t know her.” You let out a short laugh and smile, as if that should’ve been obvious. “Yeah, she’s been nothing but nice but, you haven't been dating for even a year? And now what? She’s gonna move in with us?”
You saw his face turn. “No, we’re moving in with her.” He said quickly.
You couldn’t believe it. And the fact that he said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world made it harder. “Wh-what about London?”
He started to look anywhere but at you. “We’re gonna move to the states, baby.”
He can’t be serious.
You blinked at him, unsure if this was a dream. “So…I get zero say in this?”
He scoffed. “God forbid I try and give you some stability in life- a family.”
Your blood started to boil. “She’s not even old enough to be my mother.”
“Y/n Healy!”
“And what stability? My life has been a faltering mess since you’ve opened your mouth!” Your voice was now at ten, his not far behind.
“Do not talk to me like that young lady.” He stood straighter, in full authoritative dad mode.
“Don’t talk like what? Don’t tell the truth?” His eyebrow quirked. “You know full well the reason people dropped me, or the reason I had to switch friend groups is because of the stupid shit you’ve said.” He sighed, he knew you were right about that one. “Dad, it’s not that you’re getting married, it’s the fact that you didn’t even think to tell me!”
“I thought you would be happy! This is good news!”
“What about this conversation we’re having screams ‘happiness’?” You said while gesturing between the two of you.
“Oh, so you hate Gabby?”
You rolled your eyes. “I don’t hate Gabby- I never said I did!”
“Oh so, you just don’t want me to marry her. You don’t want me to be happy.” He started to get protective, voice full of venom.
“I never said that ethier!” You were growing tired.
“Then what is it?”
You felt that it was painfully obvious, but clearly not. “Dad, my whole life is here. My school, my only friends, my home, and you’re just gonna take that away from me in an instant? Without any warning?” He started getting angry. You kept going.
“You didn’t even think about asking me!”
“I wouldn’t have to think about asking if you weren’t here!”
And there it was. The truth. The thought you’ve been dreading to hear since the moment you found out your existence wasn’t exactly planned. The straw that broke the camels back. The words you knew were always true, but never thought you’d actually hear him say.
Your world went blurry after that. Gabbriette stormed in, yelling “Matty!”, and shielding you from your father and any other personal or verbal attacks he might make, but the truth was that he recognized his mistake right after he said it.
He promised himself, right after you were born, he would never make you feel like a mistake. A burden. He wouldn’t be one of those dads. But here he was, frozen. Standing in front of his fiancé while she hold his baby girl, sobbing, because of his words. Because he made her feel that way.
You cried into her. She held you close. Your father slowly became aware of his mistakes and what he had done. Gabbriette looked at him, still holding on tight to you. “Get out.”
He swallowed. “I didn’t mean-“
“Get out Matthew.” She said sharply.
He walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.
It felt like the weight of the world came crashing down on your shoulders. The truth, finally free, so heavy that you couldn’t keep up anymore, you came falling down with it.
Gabby knew he didn’t entirely mean it. But, her focus was on the task at hand. And that was getting you back to feeling safe. You sobbed and sobbed into her, the cries getting more violent over time. “It’s alright, i’ve got you.” She brought you to the bed, soothing you and kissing your head gently. “I’m right here.”
Matty woke up the next morning with a raging headache. He turned to find his fiancé’s side of the bed empty and cold. He sighed.
The knocks wouldn’t stop. He begrudgingly leapt out of bed and to the front door. When he opened the door he was met with Charli and George, standing side by side. Both still in lounge clothes but Charli wide awake, compared to George who looked half asleep.
“What did you do to your daughter now?” She asked, crossing her hands over her chest, voice full of power.
Matty tried rubbing his eyes awake, but it was no use. “What?” he asked, voice full of sleep.
Charli ignored him and flew past him through the house. “You think my kid was really capable of keeping her mouth shut? Baby?! Auntie Charli is here!!!”
George, still in his sleepy state, met his friend, closing the door behind him. “What did you do man?”
Matty sighed, putting his hands over his eyes to block out the peaks of sun coming in as he made his way to the living room. “I messed up.”
George rolled his eyes, “Well clearly because Charli wouldn’t wake me at 7am if it wasn’t important.”
Matty groaned and leaned back. “How did she even know?”
George shrugged, “Your girl must’ve texted ours.” Matty hummed. “She swore to y/n she wouldn’t tell us, but she was worried about what you said to her. Came crying to us this morning.”
George patted him on the shoulder and started to leave the room. “I’m making coffee. Go put pants on and then tell me what happened.”
earlier that morningr - 4am
You only left your bed once after the fight and it was only to change out of your dress from the dance and into pjs Gabbriette gathered for you after much convincing that you’d be more comfortable.
She brushed your hair back and into a ponytail. When she tried to leave after you finally settled, you begged her in your sleepy state to stay.
So she did.
Come 4 am, you were wide awake. Unable to get your fathers words out of your mind. “Are you awake?” You said.
“Yeah.” She said.
It took you a second but she spoke. “I’m sorry, Gabby.”
She opens her eyes and turned to face you, grabbing your face softly with one hand in the process. “You have nothing to apologize for, y/n-”
You started crying at the gesture. “I don’t hate you! I swear I don’t! He’s lying-“
She shushed you. “I know you don’t, sweet girl. He’s just trying to get in your head after everything.”
You slowly nodded and she sighed. “You need to know that you did nothing wrong. Ever.”
Your cries turned to sniffles. “Yes I did.”
“What did you do?”
“I existed?”
She knew this is how you really felt, and it hurt her so much to realize that the person who was supposed to be the love of her life did this to his own daughter. He made you feel this way. Nothing or no one else. “Honey, that’s not true.”
“Yes it is. He said it!”
“Well what he said was wrong.” She said frim, yet caring. “No doubt about it.”
The sniffles slowly softened even more over time. After a minute or two in comfortable silence, you spoke. “I hope you still love him though.”
She laughed, not expecting your honest remark. “Unfortunately, I still do. With all my heart.” She didn’t miss the smile that danced on your lips. “Go back to sleep. I don’t need him clouding your thoughts when you’re trying to get your beauty rest.”
You closed your eyes, snuggling closer to her, hand quickly grazing over hers in the process. “Damn girl, that’s a big fucking rock.” You said.
She laughed and smiled.
She explained everything to Chali when she woke them up the next morning. You hid in the bed, crying. You had thought so but she did confirm that she was eavesdropping the entire time. You didn’t mind though. She had your back and that was all that matters.
Matty sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the framed picture he held in his hands. Your bright, innocent smile seemed to mock him, reminding him of the days when you would run into his arms after school, eager to share every detail of your day, no matter how mundane it was.
He thought about how you stood by him, through it all. It didn’t matter if it was family issues, band drama, or even his drug addiction. He loved the fact he didn’t have to pretend to be someone for you, not a rockstar, a perfect son or friend, just Dad, your Dad. And for a very very very long time, that was all you needed.
The house felt colder, quieter. He took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair, and stood up.
It was time. Gabbriette had left for some errands earlier that morning, making a point to look your father dead in the eyes and telling him to ‘man up and do it.’ Truthfully, he couldn’t let another day pass without trying to bridge the gap between the two of you. With determined steps, he walked down the hallway to your room. He knocked gently on the door, the sound echoing louder than he anticipated in the silent house. “Baby? Can we talk?” he called, his voice wavering slightly. No response. He knocked again, a little louder this time.
“Baby girl, please. I just want to talk.”
Still nothing. He sighed, leaning his forehead against the door. “I’m coming in,” he said softly, turning the knob and pushing the door open.
You were sitting at your desk, your back to him, headphones on, absorbed in a sketchpad. Your long curly hair, nearly identical to the ones Matty used to embrace, cascaded down your back, slightly hiding your face from him. He took a step inside, the creak of the floorboard announcing his presence.
“Y/n?” he tried again, his voice barely above a whisper.
You didn’t turn around. He could see your shoulders tense, though, and he knew you heard him. Guilt twisted in his stomach, but he pressed on.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. For everything.”
There was a flicker of movement; you paused your drawing but didn’t remove your headphones. Matty felt a pang of desperation.
“I know I’ve made mistakes. Big ones. And I know I’ve hurt you,” he continued, his voice cracking. “I was so caught up in my own problems that I didn’t see how it was affecting you. And for that, I’m truly sorry.”
He watched as your hand gripped the pencil tighter. It was a small reaction, but it was something. He took another step closer, now standing just a few feet behind you.
“I miss you,” he said, his voice barely audible. “I miss our talks, our laughs. I miss my daughter.”
Slowly, you reached up and removed your headphones, placing them carefully on the desk. You didn’t turn to face him, but your silence spoke volumes. Matty took it as an invitation to continue.
“I don’t expect you to forgive me right away. Or even talk to me. I just… I just needed you to know how sorry I am.”
There was a long pause. Matty felt the weight of the silence pressing down on him, each second stretching into an eternity. He opened his mouth to say something else but then closed it, unsure of what more he could add.
Finally, you spoke, voice barely a whisper. “You can’t just say sorry and expect everything to be okay.”
Your words, though quiet, felt like a punch to his gut. He nodded, though you couldn’t see him. “I know,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “I know.”
“It’s not that simple, Dad,” Your voice broke slightly. “You hurt me. A lot.”
He felt tears welling up in his eyes. “I know I did. And I hate myself for it. But I love you, darling. More than anything in the world. You know that.”
You finally turned around, eyes red and filled with tears. You looked at him for a long moment, searching his face for something—truth, perhaps, or sincerity. Your dad held his breath, afraid to move, afraid to break whatever fragile connection you had in that moment.
“You said you regret having me,” you said, voice trembling. “That you wished I wasn’t here- How do you expect me to forgive that?”
His heart shattered at your words. He knelt down beside your chair, looking up at you. “Darling, I was wrong. I was so wrong. I was overwhelmed and stressed, and I lashed out in the worst possible way. I didn’t mean it. Not for a second.”
You looked up, blinking away the tears streaming down your face. “But you said it. You can’t just take it back.”
“I know,” he said, voice breaking. “I know I can’t. But please believe me when I say I didn’t mean it. I love you more than anything in this world. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
You wiped your eyes with the back of your hand. “It doesn’t feel like it.”
Matty felt desperation clawing at him. “I’ve been a terrible father, y/n. I let my own problems cloud my judgment. But I want to change. I need to change. For you. For us. That’s why maybe this whole engagement thing isn’t a bad idea?”
You sniffled again, giving a serious look, “I don’t hate Gabby.”
He sighed, “I know you don’t-“
“You really hurt me, Dad.” Your eyes were filled with pain and tears.
He nodded, tears streaming down his face. “I know, sweetheart. And I’m so, so sorry. I’ll do whatever it takes to make things right. Just… please give me a chance.”
You looked down at your work, fingers tracing the lines you’d drawn. Matty watched you, his heart aching for a sign of hope.
“I don’t know if I can forgive you,” you said softly. “Not yet.”
Matty nodded, his heart heavy. “I understand,” he said gently. “I’m not asking you to. I just want you to know that I’m here. And I’m not going anywhere.”
You looked at him, eyes searching his face. “Do you really mean it?” you asked, voice small. “That you’re sorry?”
Matty met your gaze, his eyes filled with tears, and smiled. “With all my heart,” he said. “I’m so, so sorry, my love.”
You held his gaze for a long moment, then nodded, a single tear sliding down your cheek. “Okay,” you whispered. “We’ll see.”
Matty smiled through his tears, a small, hopeful smile. It was a start, a glimmer of hope in the darkness. And for now, that was enough.
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hey dillo! earlier i saw one of your posts that was talking about a deaf!reader meeting the gang because they're ponyboy's friend and i would LOVE to see some headcanons on the boys meeting them! - 🇰🇷 anon
A/N: Thanks for the request! Hope you enjoy it!
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So as the ask says, this set of headcanons is going to be for a Deaf!Reader, I’ll probably start with a little about you being friends with Ponyboy, but that won’t be overly crucial to the ideas here, just in case you’re not too fond of Ponyboy for any reason-
But let’s get started, yeah? Let’s get to work!
First and foremost, I’m not deaf, but I do know people are partially and completely deaf, so I know a little bit about what I’m talking about-
But anyways-
Your introduction to the gang starts with Ponyboy, you guys end up in the same class or something
Ponyboy’s not overly popular, a greaser who’s too smart for his own good sitting in a class of mostly Socs, and you, who’s kind of on the outs anyway because nobody is really good at making accommodations to help you out-
But you two end up together and kind of sort of hit it off and have a little bonding moment-
And as always….y’all end up working on a project together, which means you end up at the Curtis household
But before that, Pony drags you over to eat lunch with him at school, making sure you wind up sitting at their little rag-tag table of him, Johnny, and Two-Bit when Two decides he wants to attend school
Y’all hit off almost immediately and once you meet the rest of the boys, things go swimmingly as well and it’s honestly a really good time all the way around!
So let’s talk about all the boys, shall we?
Let’s give everyone a little love and attention, Lord knows they all deserve it and more-
Two-Bit’s not put off by your lack of hearing in the slightest- the first ever interaction he has with you, after knowing you’re deaf, is him asking you to teach him all the bad words you know in sign language
Whether you end up teaching him or not…that’s up to you, my dear friend, because teaching him is going to keep him quiet for about a half an hour and then he’ll be using his new vocabulary on those around him, and someway or another, you’ll probably get in trouble
Dallas, the softie, refuses to let you walk by yourself, especially not after it gets dark, he’s adamant that somebody go home with you, and though he’ll complain up a storm, sometimes he’ll even walk you back
He’s also the first to throw a punch when someone wants to say something about you; all the boys are willing to defend you, their pal, but Dallas really won’t hesitate, homeboy will start swinging the second anything negative is said about you
Darry picks up quickly on flashing the lights in a room you’re in, he’s very good about tapping or getting your attention in ways that work for you, but they become such habits to him that he starts doing them for everyone else
The first time he does it to Ponyboy, Pony just kind of raises an eyebrow and is like, “Ya know I can hear you, right, Dar? You ain’t gotta do all that.”
Johnny’s probably the best at signing, out of all the boys he’ll most likely be the one to retain the most vocab and be the smoothest with his speaking-
Mainly, I have a feeling he or Pony would be your interpreters? At least till the rest of the gang catches up on communicating with you in whatever way works the best
On the flipside of that, Sodapop is absolutely egregious at signing and forgets half the words you’ll teach him
Most of the time, he’ll just rely on your ability to read lips or he’ll try to fingerspell things out to you but his fingers are flying so fast it really just turns into a whole mess
Steve is always bugging you to come sit in the garage with him and help him out with the cars, mostly because you can never complain that all the loud noises bother you
This leads to a lot of him wheeling back and forth beneath the cars so he can let you know what he needs and make sure you’re doing alright while he’s working on everything else
Ponyboy’s probably the best at communicating with you though, mostly because he’s the one who got to know you first, and he’s honestly really good at making sure he’s signing or you’re able to read his lips at all times so you can keep up with what’s going on
So yeah!
That’s what I got!
Hope you liked it!
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serialadoptersbracket · 17 hours
Round 4, Match 8: Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu vs. Xie Lian
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Submitted kids:
Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu: Zhang Chengling, Gu Xiang, Liang Jiuxiao, arguably also Cao Weining and Gao Xiaolian
Xie Lian: Ban Yue, Pei Xiu, Lang Ying, Lian Qianqiu, Gu Zi, Lang Ying
Propaganda under the cut!
Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu:
1: “Wen Kexing- the man has his entire life planned around an evil revenge plot yet somehow while becoming the Ghost Valley Chief he manages to take Gu Xiang (who must of been a young girl at that point) under his wing. Sure the woman in the unfaithful manor probably helped him out with her, but still she manages to come out of the Ghost Valley probably the least messed up out of anyone. Also he goes total protective dad the second Cao Weining starts courting her, literally nitpicks everything the man does, yet in the end he gives them his support in the marriage and even holds it on his turf, opening up the Ghost Valley to normal (warrior/cultivating) people for their wedding. His positive interactions with Zhang Chengling are to a less extent, especially as the boy is so embroiled in his revenge scheme, but none the less he teaches him and treats him decently especially as the spend more time with each other.
ZZS- He gets tangled up in WKX’s whole revenge plot because he promises to protect and escort the boy, Zhang Chengling, to the safety of one of his martial uncles, and yet before we even hit the halfway point in episodes (at least I think it is) he’s taken the boy under his wing as what is essentially a disciple, even though he is the last member of his sect and was ready to let it die with him. Not to mention the fact that his whole plan was to waste away mostly unnoticed and yet he somehow gets dragged into the biggest drama of the decade and repeatedly puts himself in harms way to save the kid! And he planned on passing over the legacy of his sect to him! His relationship with Gu Xiang is less intense, but if I had to describe how they act it’s a constant back and forth, he annoys teases her and she gets all frustrated. She spends the first couple episodes literally thinking he’s a weird old man, cause their whole relationship is just like that. He’s also much more sympathetic to Cao Weining’s continuous courting struggle though that’s not to say he doesn’t pull a fast one or few on him.”
Link to the rest here!
Xie Lian:
1. “a several centuries old disgraced god who keeps somehow getting mixed up in things that have nothing to do with him and taking in random kids in the process. Got dragged into being a soldier in a war between kingdoms he's not even from? suddenly single dad to these two random kids caught up in between. dealing with a malicious ghost who has been killing brides? boom, now he has a ghost son whose previous guardian was killed by the malicious ghost. psychotic ghost cousin posses the body of a man with a young son and continues being a piece of shit? well i guess your taking care of that kid too now (i know guzi is technically qi rong's kid since he's the one possessing his actual dad but if it weren't for xie lian intervening when he did the kid would be dead so he kinda counts too)”
2. “Xie Lian saves a young LQQ from being kidnapped, returns him home and end up becoming the/his grand tutor(which was NOT his original plan at all). He literally teaches the boy everything for years, raising him to become the best ruler he could ever be. The XL ends up accused for killing his family (because of a lot of different things) what is important is that he was not the perpetrator but he did kill LQQ’s father in an act to save the boy from making a horrible decision/outcome and also dealt with the actual perpetrators but kept it a secret cause he knew it would break LQQ’s heart to learn his dear friend planned to kill him and his entire family. LQQ took this betrayal by XL so hard he buried him after staking him through the heart when he was still alive. 300 years later when XL returns/is revealed LQQ is still not over it to the point he wants a FAIR duel to settle the score. FAIR with the man he still thinks killed his entire family!
Banyue and Pei Su are connected. XL took BY under his wing while he was a soldier in the army. He did his best to protect her and get her fed as she had pretty much no one. He also talked with her about his younger selfs dreams for the future which was so inspiring to her that not only did she remember it over a century later when they meet again in very different circumstances but she also apologized for essentially not being able to live up to the ideals he had accidentally passed on to her. While he didn’t have as much direct contact with Pei Su, the boy was BY’s only friend and so while XL was around he did also interact with the boy. However this all came to an end when in an attempt to save BY (which succeeded) he through himself in between two armies and was trampled when they began to fight. When they meet again (as I previously mentioned) XL takes BY under his safety until he is not safe and then sends her off to a safe place where she reunites with PS, who for all XL doesn’t give the same amount of attention to, XL does actually approve of some of him (not all his actions) and seems to find it cute that PS is courting BY.
XL meets Lang Ying first when he helps the boy burry his proxy sister, LY ends up running off after XL reacted with shock to LY’s uncovered face, but XL keeps a constant search for him. XL next saves him from getting beat up by ghosts and ends up taking him to live with him in the shrine he lives in. He does his best to take care of both LY and Gu Zi at the shrine and keeps his good treatment up even knowing LY’s a ghost it only ends when (spoilers for non book people, feel free to look up if you want to know).
XL takes in GZ mostly as his ghost cousin (whom he arrested) has taken over the body of the boy’s father. While I’m not sure how much this one counts, especially since by the end his cousin ends up caring for GZ, but he still does the best he can to feed and care for the boy as his entire life changes.”
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dollhouseirl · 3 days
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((These are early palette choices being mulled over for the character "Bucket Farce" by the highly super talented and incredible @lotus-start!!! This is his first game apparently??? I can't believe that. Everyone ever ask this wonderful person for help except leave space for me to do so sometime okay???
Bucket Farce is the OOC of Plot Twists and will be appearing for the first time in Purple Prose. He can be considered to be a kind of trickster or chaos god.)) """"""Hi hi hi hi hi hiya!"""""" Whammo. Got 'em in one, heh heh. Never let 'em predict your first move, that's what I always say JUST KIDDING! Pow! Got 'em again.
Six of me at once. Some people would call that a crying shame (like <a certain famous funnyman voice> mY wIFE) but you know you love it or, plot twist for ya, you're gonna. 1: "So which one of us is gonna take the lead?" 2: "I dunno, I thought you were." 3: "HE was? But I thought it was gonna be ME!" 4 (They Call Him...Mister Blue): "Pretty sure it's gonna be me and all y'alls are gonna frighten off the ladies. 5: "Pretty sure it's 'hoes' around these parts. Y'know, scaring the hoes, not good." 6 (Call Him Mister Less Blue): "Don't call them hoes! In this house! We! RESPECT WOMEN!" This could've gone on for a while if I wanted it. You guys don't really get it. I'm good at this kinda thing. Too good, even. My buddy ol pal ol friend always says, "Bucket, my good best buddy in the whole wide world," (imagine he says it but sadder, my pal, he's gotta get more Vitamin D), "you're too good at this. People do not like it. You should be singular like me." I'm singular. I'm lookin' to mingular, if you catch my drift. 4: "Okay but seriously. They're looking at us funny. This is too much. Humans, they don't like staring down at six different flavors of dude." 3: "Well it sure isn't going to be you, 4, aren't you an unlucky number?" 4: "I am? Where?" 2: "A beautiful country of some kind. Am I the only one who's done any of the homework before manifesting?" 1: "Mmmmmmmmmmmaybe." ^_^; 5: "I hate to see it (homework)." -_- 6: "Uh, wait, but guys, in fact, I shouldn't even be saying guys-" 4: <looking like he's starting to either see or be a bit of a snack> Is anyone else thinking of walking cheeseburgers? Or is it just me? I also just really, really think this is my color. What do we all think? 1, 2, 3, 5, 6: ............................................. I stood around in a circle, in formation, ignorant of you guys watching me because, to be honest, like, I'm a funny little guy, aren't I? If I'm not amusing you yet, I will. I'm just bein' a little silly. I clean up the mess I've made without blinking an eye or having a thought. I'm me. My nature is discerned precisely as I wish for it to be. I have a secret fundamental to the universe itself and they tell me it's a real doozy! Six of one, half dozen of the other, ultimately ultimately though... 4: <after a long silence> Yep. Just a silly little guy. We can call me...Mister Blue, no no no wait, I say in response to a withering glare and sigh from my friend, my buddy, the OOC of Endings you can't see him he's off camera. That guy is always being so serious, sigh, I get it. 4: Let's take this from the top! Hiya hiya hiya cuties! How's it going! My name is Bucket Farce! With that, I take a bow, deep down to the floor. I form my adorable face into the most profound expression I have observed on my way towards this weird little place with so many weird little people to do weird little things with. 4: Let's have fun together! :3 I promise nothing weird will happen at all!!! ------------------------------------------------- Kind of a rough idea. Still experimenting with how it feels to be around these guys. You'll all see some of that in the finished VN. Bucket Farce is someone for whom physicality and form are suggestions. He is a shapeshifter. The only rule he follows is that he must always have a head and that head is always covered in a bucket. I'll leave to your imagination what all that could mean but it does mean it is as nothing to him to be six people at once and to just as quickly be just one person.
He identifies as a 'he' but it is a shorthand and matter of convenience. In truth, he could be anything under the bucket and has just chosen to identify as a silly little guy as opposed to something boring or profound or difficult to explain. He is a cute character with some amazing sprites in store. I believe one inspiration was Dimentio and that Lotus has spent time in Sonic fan spaces as an artist. I believe that all shines through clearly here for a character I hope will be memorable when you all meet him. ^^ As always, stay tuned. I share as I get things to share and we're really picking up on the way towards the July 1st deadline for the jam.
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