#the rest of the top 10 are 3 stars predictably
supremenadeem · 9 months
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kissies are so popular right now
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ribombeee · 2 months
star wars and star trek for the ask game?
reverse unpopular opinions
star wars:
I LOVE LUKE SKYWALKER. truly one of the most well written transitions from idiot baby teenager in a stupid hat to the guy with the most responsibility in the world galactic legend Luke Skywalker or whatever. u would hardly notice he’s changing but if u were to finish return of the jedi and loop straight back to a new hope he’s so changed….. i love u luke mwah
also star wars original trilogy has some of the best set/costume/prosthetic/puppet design of all sci fi. extremely immersive worldbuilding that no star wars since has been able to capture. i feel like a lot of sci fi reeeeally struggles with the type of environments star wars thrives most in, which is like. normal people settings. rural farming towns. random ass bars. etc. as opposed to super epic or grandiose or technologically impressive places. the people of the original trilogy seem very integrated with the technology they use. 10/10
star trek:
if ive said it once ive said it a million times i love when star trek characters stare directly into the camera and say shit like if ur racist ur not only evil but also stupid and embarrassing urself. the extremely earnest bleeding heart social justice warrior snowflake nature of star trek is so crucial 2 its nature and i love it and its great. i love the optimism but also thoughtfulness and caution of star trek. there’s a lot of work being put into conceptualizing a future earth society that has vastly improved since our time, but also a lot of discussion of ways that society might be limited or its failures and downsides. no matter how fanciful or dreamlike a piece of tech is they almost always consider the kinds of new problems it could cause (take the elevator and come out two people etc etc)
as for TOS i love the campiness the experimentality and the creativity. yes there are many episodes of TOS that are batshit insane and notttt in a very good way. but thats because almost no two episodes of the show are the same/similar. dozens of sci fi writers contributed to this show that was, timeline wise, still pretty early on in the existence of our modern definition of sci fi. they were throwing shit at the wall and seeing what stuck and thats why it ended up creating so many foundational sci fi concepts!! and also. wheeeee shapes and colors. they had a ton of plywood some felt an eyebrow pencil and a dog in a hat. and a dream. and it looks so beautiful and silly. nothing will ever top the TOS mini golf course ass planets
as for TNG i do genuinely like that every episode has like 17 simultaneous plots. they never ever take the easy way out with TNG plots and most episodes end in a way u could never have predicted from the first 15 minutes. as a show its very averse to simple solutions and easy answers and i like that the characters are frequently making decisions that are difficult-to-impossible. but mostly i like all the silly outfits they put them in. now see them as detectives now see them as cowboys now see them in macbeth. a dozen 45 year olds that all value amateur improv more than their own lives. now see them play poker. now see them ride horses. these people genuinely work like 3 hours a day and spend the rest doing fuck all i love it. re: a society that has vastly improved since our time. we should all be doing tons of improv basically
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april tc challenge (days 1-30 one shot)
April TC Challenge by @morethanwords0475
done this back in may, don't know why i didn't post this but it's updated to passion fruit!
Day 1: Happy April Fool's! Have you ever pranked your tc; if so, how did they react?
nope but ive surprised him with a birthday present and he was so stunned
Day 2: What is the earliest thing you can remember about your tc?
i was walking around with some seniors and saw him and back then i was like year one so i didn't know who he was and my seniors were like oh that's passion fruit, he's super scary but he's a good teacher
Day 3: Do you like your tc's subject? Do you consider yourself to be good at it?
MY FAVOURITE SUBJECT!! i used to be the top of his class
Day 4: How do you feel about your age gap?
i don't even know our age gap
Day 5: Have you ever said anything to you tc that showed you favored them? Have they said anything like that to you?
HELP ME last saturday i went back to my high school for their 100 year anniversary musical and somehow ended up telling him that he's my favorite teacher before running down the stairs :' he's called me his star history student and apparently bragged about me a couple times before
Day 6: Have you ever noticed any small habits they have? If so, what comes to mind first?
he paces a lot while standing up and his resting position is hands behind is back. he never buttons his shirts to the max, there's always at least two buttons undone unless he needs to wear a tie, and he'll run his hand through his hair absentmindedly, and he talks softer when he's one on one, or when he's giving instructions to me, and he'll always say "come on lah" in the same tone, same facial expression, same pronunciation. when he doesn't remember a particular detail about the chapter, he'll wave his hand around in the same way, and he will always lean to the side and shift his weight around whenever he's talking, he just can't stand still :'
Day 7: What gift would you like to be able to give them, regardless of if it's realistic or not?
i'd like to gift him my book, like be able to dedicate it to him in the dedications because he's the muse and main character of my book, but it's still in process
Day 8: Does your tc ever talk about what it was like when they were still a student?
yup, he was telling us once how he used to play truant HAHA
Day 9: Does your tc have a significant other? If so, what do you know about them, and how do you feel about them?
he has a wife and three kids, i don't know anything about his wife but his kids i know some stuff about, and ive seen his youngest son a lot because he goes to the middle school that's affiliated with my high school
Day 10: What is the longest time you've gone without seeing them?
maybe a month or two? i try my best to go back to my high school every now and then
Day 11: What do other people usually think of them?
those who have been in his class say he's super funny and his predictions for the national exam topics are eerily accurate, those who haven't been in his class say he's scary looking, they think he's a gangster LMAO
Day 12: Do you often make up excuses to speak to them? What kinds of excuses do you like to use?
OH FOR SURE i go back to school in hopes of seeing him, i ask him questions when i was still a student, i did so many practice papers for him to go through with me
Day 13: Other than the subject they teach, what are they really passionate about?
i feel he's passionate about family, he always seems so gentle around the topic of his family and he's really a compassionate and understanding person, he values family and kindness a lot and i that about him, he's also big on knowledge in general and also feel he's passionate about his looks LMAO he always dresses really cool and he always wants to look good and stuff and it's kinda cute
Day 14: What is a skill you really wish your tc had?
i wish that he would sing more, he has such a good singing voice but he doesn't sing out of teasing us :( i also wish he wrote poems or books or short stories or anything really, he looks like he has a really interesting perspective on life and just looks so poetry coded please and why does he look like such a guitar player...
Day 15: Which MBTI personality do you think they are? (If you don't do MBTI, which Hogwarts House do you think they'd be in?)
he's definitely a slytherclaw, not sure about his mbti but i would KILL to know his mbti
Day 16: if you could go back in time and choose, would you still choose to develop feelings for your tc?
I WOULD SLAP MY YOUNGER SELF how could i have been so blind??? the most perfect man (him) was right in front of me and i stupidly chased after mango... i regret my entire prom man i could have made so many memories with passion fruit :'
Day 17: If it was the last time you would ever be able to see your tc, what is one thing you would never leave without saying to them?
would tell him that he's built my confidence and self esteem up and never brought it down before, something that nobody has ever done before and he's taught me not to be afraid to put my opinions out and that I'll never know if I don't try, so he's given me the spirit of curiosity and trying no matter the circumstances and the odds and that he's genuinely my favorite teacher and that i do love him :'
Day 18: When was the first time you cried because of them?
never cried cause of him before <3
Day 19: How well do you think you know them?
i definitely only know like 30% of him :'
Day 20: Do you ever lie to them? About what?
i hardly ever lie so nope
Day 21: What is the longest time you've spent with them?
one on one maybe around forty minutes or so, in a class/with people maybe an hour plus
Day 22: If you have had other tcs in the past (or right now), how are they similar to or different from your current (or primary) tc?
mango vs passion fruit: I guess the difference between the two of them is that they're polar opposites HAHA
Day 23: Have you ever seen your tc in clothes they don't usually wear? Casual clothes if they wear formal attire or the other way around?
he always wears a dress shirt and dress pants 24/7 but during photo takings/formal events he wears ties and I'm like woah okay, and ive seen him wear our house shirts or just polo/soccer team shirts and it looks quite cute on him, ive seen him in shorts before and ive died before
Day 24: When was the last time they made your heart thump?
every. single. time. i. see. him. especially when we make eye contact ajajsjdgfdks
Day 25: How do you think your tc would react if you confided in them that you felt sad or stressed or anxious?
i think he would show me so much care and concern that it would physically wrench my soul, he's always so sweet and he is the kind of person to check in on you if he knows something's up, or follow up with you and he would definitely reassure me that he has full confidence in me :'
Day 26: What is the best dream you've had of them?
i dont knowww unfortunately i dont dream a lot about him but there was one time in a dream he initiated a photo with me
Day 27: What is the saddest/scariest dream you've had of them?
glad to say that I haven't got any dreams like that regarding him before
Day 28: Does your tc ever bring you up to other students/teachers that you know of?
oh definitely, my friend from another class told me he praised me in front of them 😭
Day 29: Do you see them as being a romantic person? Are you?
HE WOULD BEEE hes so tender and thoughtful and really really really sweet and he takes the initiative and hes just so wonderful hes definitely romantic... im a hopeless romantic enough said
Day 30: How have they changed since you two first met? How have you changed?
hes played around with his hair more and the way his beard outlines his jawline is insane now, hes more casual and comfortable around me and hes also able to joke with me more hehe. im more confident in terms of speaking my opinions out, im more comfortable with being myself around him, and i think because of them, im more thoughtful and i put in more effort in studies and gifts and my wardrobe too HAHAHHA
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alexbutrandomthoughts · 5 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Boy oh boy where do i even start. Honestly it's always hard to pin down my favorite characters across all the fandoms cuz I've consumed a LOT of media,but I'll try to name the current ones (warning, i am such a basic bitch this list is gonna predictable afffff. Probably.)
10. Ai Hoshino (Oshi no ko)
Ngl if you ignore most of the weird shit that happens in oshi no ko, it is such a goddamn captivating story, Ai in particular. Idk i guess i really like the idea of this "ultimate idol" who is a pathological liar (due to honestly unfortunately circumstances) having to maintain this picture perfect image, to the point where people don't even perceived her as a real person. And it's really tragic considering all she ever wanted to is to actually say "i love you" and mean it for once.
9. Killua Zoldyck (Hunter×Hunter)
Was he start of my obsession with white haired characters? Nah, but he definitely contributed. Honestly, sassy brat with a soft spot that can absolutely fuck shit up? Yeah there was no way i wouldn't have been obsessed with Killua the second he got introduced. Honestly i like Gon almost as much, but i prefer moodie baddies to sunshine characters. I would genuinely dedicate another 10 hours minimum to talk about him, but i don't think ppl will care enough to read so yeeah
8. Sunset Shimmer (MLP)
I wasn't really in the mlp fandom, so i have no idea how Sunset was perceived initially (i would assume negatively, but then again idk) so i am going off of the fact my lil sisters used to haTE on her in the first movie, but MAAAAAN I LIKED HER BITCHY SELF EVEN BACK THEN. The former star pupil of princess Celestia???? That left to another world cuz of her own hubris???? AND SHE'S PUNK ROCK???? I mean she got redeemed and joined the main six and all, but overall, probably my favorite mlp character (still mourn the bitchy attitude tho, in that regard i prefer Starlight but i digress)
7. Sans Undertale
I mean. Yeah. I already said I'm basic as fuck but like. At least i don't wanna fuck him. Anywaaay, i guess it's the air of mystery to this seemingly chill guy, who just hangs around and tells bad jokes and somehow aware of the timelines more than the rest, probably related to Gaster in some way, and maybe he's not even a monster cuz monsters don't bleed and he fucking does, what does this all mean TOBY FOX I NEED ANSWERS- and he has arguably the best fight in the entire game, so yknow. Cool guy
6. Gwen Stacy (Spiderverse)
I liked her in "In to the Spiderverse" but i absolutely loved her in ATSV. Her struggles and mistakes felt so real and I'm so glad they decide to focus on her this film (the opening sequence dead ass my favorite scene in the whole movie) and explore her backstory with Peter's death and her father, it's just adding the depth to a character that was already great just UGH chef's kiss
5. Tooru Oikawa (Haikyuu)
God he has such a slappable face, i love him. I knew from the second when the fangirls screamed, i would either hate him or love him. Every scene he was in, he served (pun intended), he slayed and made me cry. I know decent junk of the fandom are avid Oikawa haters but they can honestly suck my dic-
Anyway yeah he is my boy
4. Osamu Dazai (Bungoe Stray Dogs)
Goofy ass detective with a dark past, homosexual rival and who's also a suicidal maniac? Yeah this was tailor made for me. Can you tell i have a type because i definitely do. I just really like mfkas with slappable faces. I am a sucker for redeemed bad guys, who are now try to be good cuz 💫reasons💫. AND i am also weak for mentor apprentice trops (Atsushi/Dazai shippers back off, i bite and definitely have rabies)
3. Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Speaking of my obsession with white haired guys. Yeah, I'm not sure what can i even say that haven't been said abt this guy and reasons to love him (fuck u gege) honestly will i ever stop loving side characters who are often silly mentor figures, with lots of baggage, a gay rival and too much angst? I can only say one thing.
Nah I'd win
2. Maomao (The Apothecary diaries)
BSODGWOWBSHSOSNS9WHSOSBISGWJWVSVDIWJWJEJIEHEIEHJEBEIS. Ahem, okay so hands down my favorite female protagonist of all time. God she is just perfect. Istg all u people who never watched Apothecary diaries I BEG U TO WATCH IT PLSSSS IT'S SO GOOD. Even if you don't watch anime, i promise you this show is absolutely worth the time. Maomao is what happens when you write a good no, GREAT female character without the whole anime bs. Like???? She has her own strength and weaknesses and she doesn't need to be physically strong (full offense, marvel) or be "not like the other girls" to be great.
1. Kaveh (Genshin impact)
So uhhhh, you can really blame Will Stetson for this one. I genuinely couldn't have cared less about genshin or this random blond if it wasn't for "Writing on the Wall". It started with a banger ass song, and ended with arguably my favorite character in all of media ever. I think one of my favorite things abt Kaveh, is that compared to some of the other characters in genshin, he's really just a guy. Like bro missed the entire archon quest, mfka was just minding his own business. He is tortured architect and honestly bro has taken so many Ls in life it's kinda crazy. And well the fact that he has "a roommate" just adds more to him. Gay rival and all
Aaaaand that's 10 characters. Honestly i wouldn't call it my top 10 favorite of all time. I probably forgot some of the characters that i used to be obsessed with at some point. I just picked the ones that came first to mind :3
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signor-signor · 2 years
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I posted 70 times in 2022
40 posts created (57%)
30 posts reblogged (43%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 59 of my posts in 2022
Only 16% of my posts had no tags
#wander over yonder - 48 posts
#savewoy - 18 posts
#kid cosmic - 16 posts
#woy season 3 - 15 posts
#star force enforcement force - 12 posts
#save wander over yonder - 10 posts
#predictions - 9 posts
#craig mccracken - 9 posts
#the powerpuff girls - 8 posts
#foster’s home for imaginary friends - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 35 characters
#foster’s home for imaginary friends
My Top Posts in 2022:
June 27, 2022.
Six years ago, The End of the Galaxy (the SECOND SEASON finale) premiered. We viewers were on the edges of our seats wondering what would happen to the main four and the rest of the inhabitants after Dominator seemingly laid waste to the galaxy. Of course, we found that Hater triumphed and put an end to her onslaught once and for all. He’s the hero in the eyes of those who joined in the fight against Dominator (and perhaps those who simply sat it out), but that’s not to say he had no intentions to conquer the galaxy afterwards like he and Peepers mentioned earlier. Plus, he still denies being Wander’s buddy, so his journey to becoming a full-fledged ex-villain like Major Threat is far from over. And who could ever forget the elephant in the room that is the downed space pod with green lightning and simian screeching in the end credits? This is clearly indicative of unfinished business. It’s enough to motivate me to take action and also to make me ask Disney time and again, “Are you sure 2 seasons are enough for this show?”
Three years after the show got kicked to the curb, Lord Hater already had it with more popular shows getting all the love and with the fact that the show from which he originated didn’t get enough love to compel Disney to give it a third and final season. So what did he do? He tried to escape with futile, yet humorous, results. Today, he has gotten more bitter every time a show that came after Wander Over Yonder exceeds two seasons. If he had one reason for letting the show get one more season, apart from getting the chance to conquer a galaxy of recovering planets, it would be so he could rub it in the faces of the other villains, especially Emperor Awesome, all of whom never appeared in the season finale. He’d be more than willing to give Disney’s higher ups a piece of his mind for giving shows like Star vs. the Forces of Evil, the Tangled series, revamped DuckTales, the Big Hero 6 series, Big City Greens, and the recently concluded Amphibia at least 3 seasons in the streaming era regardless of their premiere ratings and failing to do the same for WOY.
Let’s scope out what’s going on inside the DTVA vault, shall we?
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For those who are completely unaware, Craig McCracken and his WOY crew made a pitch for S3 in early 2015 (around February, I think). Craig knew exactly what was planned, as did @suspendersofdisbelief, @benbalistreri, @owner-of-wendys, @atalkingmagpie, and more. They were excited about it and so were the bosses of DTVA and Disney XD. Apparently, the love WOY got from its fans, including me, just wasn’t enough to convince the “higher up bosses of bosses of bosses” there was a need for a third and final season, so they rebuffed it and decided to cancel the show one week before S2 premiered.
Furthermore, the new characters who make up Star Force Enforcement Force remained under proverbial wraps for years until Craig mentioned them when he talked about Earth Force Enforcement Force from S1 of Kid Cosmic. The team name and the number of characters (3) are known, but not their appearance, which is why I depicted them covered in sheets. You probably don’t know how long Hater’s wanted to do away with characters from popular/lucky shows, including Paul Rudish’s take on Mickey and his friends. Fortunately for those characters, SFEF are there to keep him in line while WOY is still incomplete. If there’s something I learned from being part of a fandom, it’s not right to blame popular shows for the misfortune of other shows. It’s not their fault.
The takeaway from my comic: Don’t attack other shows no matter how popular they are and be knowledgeable like Peepers (without the pessimism) and persistent like Hater (without the violence). Believe you me, Hater would not have violent tendencies if WOY had that third and final season. That, and Peepers would burn the book by Phan “Dizz” Gnee, We’re All E.A.R.S. (Executives Against Reviving Shows).
Also, here’s my portrayal of SFEF in case anyone missed it.
See the full post
41 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
Wander fans will have to wait again because Craig is now revisiting two familiar shows at his alma mater. What he said earlier is true. Studios want pre-existing IPs. Still, even if he doesn’t return to Disney for WOY’s 10th anniversary, we fans will support his work all the same and we’ll have more time to keep sending the message to Disney until we get the answer to the 6-year-old question: What is S3 about?
More details here (the author foolishly misspelled Wander in this article, but you get the idea):
47 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
Welp, this is the week when Kid Cosmic returns and comes to an end on the same day.
To all you Wander fans out there, unless you have comments that have NOTHING to do with bringing back WOY, you’d best keep your mouths shut. We wouldn’t want anyone whose hearts are in the right place to be pelted by flaming sacks of can’t do-do, now would we?
If the finale has any Easter eggs like @owner-of-wendys said, we’ll just analyze them.
56 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
*Please disregard this post*
As previously established, Kid Cosmic’s third and final season comes to Netflix this February on Thursday the 3rd.
Don’t think Craig McCracken will have WOY’s third season on his mind after KC is over, ‘cause the faith he had in the show’s return probably got pounded out of him in the past few years. It happened to Craig Bartlett and Genndy Tartakovsky, but look at what happened to Hey Arnold and Samurai Jack after years of negligence.
What I’m saying is, now that Craig is all done with Kid Cosmic (third and final season comes out on February 3rd), let’s take this opportunity to bombard Disney with politely-written letters and emails convincing them to let him work on that third and final season of Wander Over Yonder (or maybe just a TV movie) exclusive to Disney+ so he can finally wrap it up the way he and the crew intended.
Sure, he may already have recently pitched a number of projects to Netflix, but there’s probably a small likelihood that Disney will ask Netflix to borrow him for just a short while before the next Netflix project gets put into production, in which case it couldn’t hurt to send messages to Netflix. Besides, Wander’s 10th anniversary is next year, and since it takes 15 months to make an 11-minute cartoon, somewhere between February and May would be an excellent time to put the plans for S3 into effect.
This is where we make our stand and let Disney know there IS still a need for just a little more “sunshine banjo face.” After what this country and the rest of the world have been through in the past 22 months, we Wander fans deserve to know what happens after S2. One more season or TV movie is all we ask for. To see the show have its cliffhanger resolved. To let Craig reveal what he planned for S3. To get a sense of closure. That’s the gist of SaveWOY.
65 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
As of today:
The Powerpuff Girls: 100% complete
Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends: 100% complete
Wander Over Yonder: 70-75% complete
Kid Cosmic: 100% complete
162 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
How about that! Even numbers!
Now, you’re probably wondering why I keep talking about Wander Over Yonder. It’s still both underappreciated and incomplete story-wise. Also, if I gave up on talking about it, who will keep it from being pushed further into obscurity by overappreciated shows? Basically, Wander without Star Force Enforcement Force’s introduction or Lord Hater’s history is like Kid Cosmic without Papa G’s past, Fantos’s fate, or (spoiler alert) Mo’s Oasis Café becoming a hot spot for the visiting extraterrestrials. KC, by the way, won two Emmy awards - one for background design (kudos to @skulptduggery) and one for character design. Craig McCracken himself couldn’t be any prouder. I’d tag him for the character design part, but for some reason he stopped using Tumblr years ago.
This coming year will see not only Craig continuing to develop the revival of The Powerpuff Girls as well as a retooling of Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, but also the 10th anniversary of Wander Over Yonder (talk about a missed opportunity). To those of you fans who are still sticking around and those of you who gave up and moved on, I realize the SaveWOY campaign’s efforts have been nothing short of fruitless, but we don’t want the higher ups to think we stopped caring and we don’t want to give them the impression that WOY is better off stopped after two seasons, not while that cliffhanger is still unresolved. Still, I suppose it’ll take Craig about 2-3 years to finish his CN shows, and if that’s the case, we should have a shot at persuading Disney to let Craig finally end WOY his way. If that happens, we’ll probably have to find replacement voice actors for those over the age of 70, including June Squibb (Stella Starbella), who is a NONAGENARIAN. April Winchell and Tom Kenny are currently in their early 60s, but we don’t know how much longer they have to live, so time is of the essence.
This year, we must do what we can to acknowledge S3’s existence and make Disney and social media more aware. Remember, when the 10th anniversary comes up, go big or go home.
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lilpadlibrary · 2 years
𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸 : 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥/𝘊𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘚𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘚𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴
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The Addicted/Calloway Sisters series by Krista and Becca Ritchie is an amazing line of work. This is the longest series I’ve ever read and easily part of my top 3. Devil’s Night by Penelope Douglas is my all time favorite, but Addicted/Calloway definitely gave it a run for its money. Overall, I couldn’t get enough of this series. I originally was only going to read the first book. When I kept seeing the rest of the series all over my TikTok, I decided to read books 1-3. Once I closed the 3rd, I knew I was in it for the long haul. I was terrified to commit to a 10 book series. Looking back, I’m so grateful that I gave it a chance. When people ask me for recommendations, Addicted/Calloway is one of the first titles out of my mouth. 
Below I’m going to talk about my individual ranks of each book, in the reading order. Please be careful, I tried to remain spoiler free, but please be cautious.
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This Series as a whole is an easy 5 stars! Continue down for reviews of each book :D
Addicted to You│Addicted, Book 1 - 4 Stars
I liked addicted to you, but I unfortunately started this series while waiting for Kill Switch by Penelope Douglas to arrive at my house. This was a book that I was really looking forward to, therefore Addicted to you became a filler read. Looking back, I wish I would have read it as its own long term project. After finishing it, I lacked a desire to continue on, but I obviously picked it back up eventually. Overall it was an easy, quick read that I did enjoy. I’ve never really read a book that didn’t have this moment of clarity that everything will be ok. Lily and Lo were constantly fighting an uphill battle, as a reader I couldn’t have predicted how things would shake up. The problems they faced cannot simply disappear overnight. I loved the contrast. Addicted to You was made to show that their life isn’t a fairy tale and that hard things take time to fix. As I said, I was more invested in another series when I picked this up, but there is something magical about these people. I eventually did find my way back to the series. 
Ricochet│Addicted, Book 2 - 4 Stars
It took me 2 months to finally pick up Ricochet. Not only was I not convinced that I really wanted to continue on, but a lot of people would say Ricochet is their least favorite book in the line up. Not only am I confused at why they hate it, but I’d rank it above Thrive. The lack of Loren definitely wasn’t my favorite, but seeing the journey of Lily Calloway over those 3 months was something that we couldn’t skip over. It needed its own book because it was one of the biggest trials that the series faced. Obviously we want the fluffy, sweet romance that Lily and Lo have, but their story simply isn’t pretty. That’s the honest truth. It is a shorter book, so we don’t have to commit to 500 pages of Lily struggling, it’s a perfect 250 pages. Just long enough to make us feel what she’s feeling and truly get excited for Loren’s return. 
Addicted for Now│Addicted, Book 3: 5 Stars
When I finished this book, I knew I was in it for the long haul. We get to see Lily and Lo reunite, which is great, but now there are new challenges that come along with reuniting. The way they fight for each other and are each other's safe place is something I haven’t seen in a book before. As of October 27th, I’ve read 63 books this year. I have yet to find another book or series that contains a couple like them. They are so resilient throughout all of the trials and tribulations they went through together. Absolutely loved this book. 
Kiss the Sky│Calloway, Book 4: 5 Stars
Richard Connor Cobalt ladies and gentlemen. I’m in love with this man. He’s my favorite character in the whole series. His intelligence, his looks, the way he speaks, the way he treats Rose, and some much more. Everything about him is just perfection. Don’t get me started on him and Loren’s bromance. It’s everything. Then there's Rose. She’s everything. She is such a strong, independent, beautiful woman. I’m in love with the two of them together and separately. I loved the whole concept of this book being about their reality show, it was so fun to read but I wanted to bash my head into the wall at times. But that’s what a good book does! It makes you feel all sorts of things. Overall, this book is a masterpiece. Cabollway is my favorite couple hands down. 
Hot House Flower│Calloway, Book 5: 5 Stars
Where do I even start? Daisy and Ryke have my whole heart. Cabollway might be my favorite couple but Hot House Flower is my favorite book of the ten. I know some people are ify about this couple, but I’m obsessed with them. When Ryke was arrested, the screaming match between Loren and him nearly killed me. When he ran for 3 miles to the hospital with Daisy in his arms. Stop it right now. He never checked her pulse. He just ran. It ripped my heart out of my chest. It is disgusting how much I love them. I’d say the majority of people would claim that Long Way Down is the best Raisy book, but Hot House flower just has a special place in my heart.
Thrive / Addicted│Book 6: 3.75 Stars
I have mixed feelings about Thrive. I loved Kiss the Sky and Hot House Flower, but I feel I read Thrive pretty fast. I skimmed a lot of extra banter, but there are several moments that live in my head rent free. When they found Loren in the kitchen, that was gut wrenching. When Lily and Rose found out they were both pregnant at the same time. I was scared but so excited for them. Overall I’d say that thrive is a good book for people who enjoy reading novellas. You know the story that we’re following already, but here’s a new perspective and some extra information. I didn’t not enjoy reading it, it was just the one I skimmed the most. I would still recommend reading it if you want the full experience. 
Addicted After All│Addicted, Book 7: 5 Stars
I was so excited to read this book. We would finally see Rose/Connor and Lily/Lo become parents. It was so fun to watch play out. Rose having Jane in the limo and Connor delivering her was a moment where you find yourself gasping for air when it’s over. You don’t even realize that you’ve been holding your breath the whole time. I was gutted to close this book for the final time, knowing that Some Kind of Perfect would be the last time I read from Lily and Lo’s perspective. This book was so amazing, there are no perfect words to describe it. 
Fuel the Fire│Calloway, Book 8: 5 Stars
Ugh how I missed Cabollway. I loved Fuel the fire so much. For so many reasons. Let’s start off with the fact that Connor deserves the world to be outed the way he was. It was so hard to see Rose and Connor try to stay strong but at times lose their bearings. They tried hard to cover it up, but knowing that the world is trying to prove that you don’t love your partner has got to be the most intense heartache. It broke my heart to watch them cry and hold each other in the closet, trying to hold it together. They are such strong people, it was so hard to read. This book reminded me how much I loved them. I never forgot, but Fuel the Fire only cemented them as my favorites. 
Long Way Down│Calloway, Book 9: 5 Stars
DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED. Long Way Down and Hot House Flower are easily my top 2 out of 10. This book freaking gutted me. Between Daisy having fertility obstacles and Adam’s accident, this book was the one that choked me the worst. I nearly cried finishing it, the line about Daisy being able to sleep for 10 hours really got me. The core six watching the sun at the end all together was so beautiful. They all truly got what they deserved. Raisy are truly soulmates like Cabollway and Lilo. Daisy and Ryke are the definition of the grumpy sunshine trope, and I’m here for it. I’m here for it all day long. All year long. For the rest of my existence honestly. Such an amazing book.
Some Kind of Perfect│Calloway, Book 10: 5 Stars
For some reason this book took an entire month to get to my house, BUT IT WAS SO WORTH IT. The amount of babies born in this book has got to be some sort of record, but it was so wholesome. Getting to watch everyone with their families and watch all the kids grow up was so precious. Watching all of the kids' personalities mature and come to light was so fun to see. They truly are all the perfect combination of their parents. Closing this book hurt, but I can’t wait to read the Like Us series. :D
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swgohgamer · 2 months
WEEK 36: As far as farming, the good news is that I got enough shards to 7-star Dengar, Mando, & Greef. I also unlocked Vader’s TIE & Bistan’s U-Wing.
The bad news is, the Naboo raid has completely derailed my farming plan.
The previous raids that we’ve done in this guild were Sith Triumvirate & the Endor speeder bike raid. In each of those, I wasn’t anywhere near the top scorers in our guild, but I was able to contribute. In the speeder bike raid, I got up to the first 5 tiers of personal rewards. I assumed I’d wind up somewhere around there with this new raid. I didn’t have an amazing squad or anything, but I had unlocked Artoo & Grand Master Yoda through the journey guide, and I had a fair amount of the required units at 7 stars just from passively farming when I had extra currency in whichever shop they’d pop up in. My Mace Windu was Gear 10.
I quickly learned when the raid started that I was woefully underprepared and would not be able to score a single point. My guild mates were largely in the same boat. We wound up with less than 5.5M points, and the first reward crate was at 10M. We got absolutely nothing.
If Capital Games is playing the long game, this is pretty devious. They sold that Lightspeed Bundle a couple weeks ago of Jedi who would pretty much only be useful for the purpose of this raid. Then they release the raid, and the difficulty is tuned up so high that that team becomes really appealing. Except it’s no longer available for purchase. So I imagine, when the next raid comes around, they’ll have another raid-specific Lightspeed Bundle, and we’ll be falling all over ourselves to get it, because we’ll still be smarting from this one. Well-played, CG. Well-played.
Our guild officers are talking about tentatively going back to the Endor raid for a week or two, & are asking everyone to farm up 1 to 2 viable teams for when we go back to the Naboo raid. (The reason Naboo is so desirable is because the Mk 3 raid currency is now exclusively available there.) I’m generally not very chatty in the guild Discord because I’m on the low end in terms of pure GP, so I kind of try to just contribute in-game as much as I can and keep my mouth shut in the chat. But in this case, since we all got so thoroughly trounced on Naboo, I chimed in to share a Reddit comment I found extolling in detail the virtues of a Luminara-led Jedi team and a B2/Nute team. Others seemed to be on the same page, so my hope is that enough guildies follow through that we can go back and do some damage.
Which does really change the course of my farming plan. At the moment all of my resources are going into the Luminara team: I’m doing Lumi, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, GMY & Qui-Gon. Of those, Kit is the only one who’s not yet 7 stars, so he’s getting Cantina energy. Qui-Gon is the only one at level 85, so all my credits are tied up in getting the rest leveled up. Because I keep running into level gates when putting gear on them. I’m using my squad arena currency to buy credits, & using mod energy to buy 4 dot mods & sell them. People are saying you only need to get this team to around Gear 12 in order for them to work in the raid, but I figure I can take Qui-Gon & GMY further into relics if needed, and I can justify that because I’ll need them there anyway for the JMK GL. And it’s not like this team will be totally useless outside of Naboo; I could still use another G12 team for GAC. I’m tempted to put an omicron on Qui-Gon’s leader ability and put that team on defense - I actually think that would serve me well. I was saving my omicron mats for Wampa, but this might be more expedient at this point.
After team Lumi is in fighting shape, I’m tempted to go back to my actual farming plan, but the predictions I heard were that we’ll be stuck with this Naboo raid for another 6 to 8 months, so I do think I’ll be doing a Nute/Sidious/Maul/MagnaGuard/B2 team as well. Again, I’ll need almost all of those at relic levels later on anyway for GLs.
Tough week elsewhere for the guild as well; we lost TW again and we’re wrapping up a Light Side TB that looks like we’re getting all of 5 stars in. One of the guild officers rightly complained about low participation. I wish everyone was at least deploying each phase, but I don’t feel like I’m in a position to rock the boat too much.
I dropped to #17748 in GAC overall, but moved up from #42 to #41 within my guild. Conquest started back up at the beginning of the week, and I believe last time I made it to the 5th crate, so this time I’d like to at least exceed that, even if it costs some crystal refreshes. I was focused in the first sector on getting some of the feats done, but I think what I learned is to not bother unless the required toons for a given feat are guaranteed to survive. Better to go for the clean 3-star win, and if there’s time to go back for the feat later, great. Because I was going for these feats with underpowered toons and the rest of my team would get the job done, but these weaker ones would die.
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ajentmm · 1 year
JUNE '23 Refine Review
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This pic My predictions
Nagi: We got that DR and self-healing, but the rest is great. Dragon Wall, Def/Res penalty nullification (for those pesky daggers), and Atk/Res-10 on foe. Now the reduced Res on foe wouldn't help when adaptive damage kicks in, but it will help with double Dragon Wall, for 56% RD. This weapon isn't that powerful in a vacuum, but with the new premium dragon / armor skills, it's incredible for a far save tank.
Tanya: We got a magic bow that actually uses adaptive damage, and Spd% true damage, in the 3/4 star pool. Niles and Nina are in shambles. What's more, she has foe's penalty doubler to counter L!Robin, on top of just competing with stats of foe’s. Spd/Def Menace is perfect for her. This weapon seems pretty outstanding, until you remember, she has lower BST than Igrene, despite coming after. First Valbar, then Tanya, as the 3-4 star with lower BST then their 5 star allies, keep getting better perf weapons that make up for their short comings.
Va! Rudolf: I forgot Duma, the God his kingdom worships, had Atk check damage reduction. So he has that, along with healing after combat, prevent follow-up, Accelerate Special, Atk/Def-11, makes him great. But the cherry on top, he increases the Atk difference between him and the foe, based on 50% the highest total amount of bonuses on him or an ally (one within save distance). His Threaten skill with gives him 6. Rallying Spd/Res+ can give you another 6. If the foe negates his bonuses, a buffed up ally can provide the 6. So, if we combine the Atk bonuses and Def penalties, he can have about 23 more damage and less damage taken. 25 if he had +7 on all stats. It would be pretty busted if there was a way to buff a unit with +8 visible buff to two stats. 😑
Brunnya: I called the third condition that will give her effects, even when she has no penalties active. After that, she isn't inflicting -Atk/Res based on her Res, but based on the foe's Special Cooldown (lower score is higher penalty). We've seen this before on mages and it's great to deal with these "1 cooldown time pulsers", right Fir? And of course, the guaranteed follow-up is locked to support partner interactions. Boss Aether Raid Brunnya getting nerfed, Ewan is winning.
Igerne: I did a last minute call on her wordy complicated double spd check would get changed, now she only needs the "start of combat" spd check during enemy phase. Then it's Spd% TD, Null-Guard, Lull Spd/Def, and 30% DR. An incredibly offensive bow for a unit stacked in Atk/Spd. You just need to Deadeye her foes, or upgrade her Special Spiral to 4 and get +5 special damage and DR negation.
Next let's talk new skills
Armored Beacon / Armored Floe: These skills were definitely added since IS thought Hardy Fighter was the best Fighter skill for tanking, and there was no point in having another Fighter skill with an offensive Special. These are also a oxymoron. The damage reduction counts as a Special DR (like Pavise) which means it can't be pierced by Deadeye or Lethality, but it's also triggered by unit's attack to boost damage, meaning it isn't pre-charged by Shield Pulse or Hardy Fighter, and can be effected by Atk/Res Scowl. Oh right.
Atk/Res Scowl 4: A simple Enemy Phase Standard way of getting Atk/Res+7, but then, you get to uncharge the foe's pre-charged special before they can trigger it, if you met the Res check. It's similar to the effects that the last three Tiki's had as well as Halloween Duma. And apparently, these stack, so lower your foe's special by 2 if you like. This is available to all Dragons and is a supreme skill that lets you still have Dragon Wall, and use the D. Distant Counter seal. This and Armored Floe are the skill I meant when discussing Nagi.
Savvy Fighter 4: Speaking of tanks, didn't expect this to come so soon. Instead of just "Dodge"+ Phantom Spd, the unit needs more than opponent's Spd -10, in order to get 40% DR on the first hit (not all hits). Since you have NFU, should out Spd, and have extra BST to put in Atk/Def/Res, you should only be hit once for a little bit of damage. This won't help them combo with Spd Smoke, nor complete with Dodge + Phantom Spd foes. You could use AS Pavise to tank a second foe's attack, if you hit the foe twice to charge it.
SD Rein Snap: So this explains why Guidance 4 was so busted. They really are giving melee fliers +1 movement, giving it to melee infantry/armored allies, while still having Rein. Granted, melee fliers can inherit Odd/Even Tempest. Also, the movement bonus isn't granted to Singers or Dancers. Thank god.
Wings of Mercy 4: Oh, okay. I guess we can all be F!Lilith now. I predicted they put Canto in this skill, and I was off, it's going to be 2 tile radius wrapping if any ally is less than 60%. Add +4 damage and a 3 tile radius warp to adjacent tile when ally is under 100%, and you got a skill that's overkill if you were going to give it to a dancer/healers.
Null-Follow-Up "4": And finally, they made Null-Follow-Up 4. Well, it's actually, it's two different skills. Phys. Null Follow inflicts Spd/Def-4 ( and is exclusive to physical attacking weapons), while Magic Null Follow inflicts Spd/Res-4 ( and exclusive to Magic attacking weapons). On top of that, you get 50% DR reductions. That's two ways infantry units can pierce Hardy Fighter, Dodge Tanks, Dragon Wall, or just Remote Sparrow. I really like these skills, but I now need to rewrite some upcoming theorycrafts.
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laocommunity · 1 year
Unleashing the Fury: Our TYR vs KS Dream11 Prediction, Fantasy Cricket Tips & Playing XI for Match 2 are sure to set social media on fire!
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Unleashing the Fury: Our TYR vs KS Dream11 Prediction, Fantasy Cricket Tips & Playing XI for Match 2 are sure to set social media on fire! Unleashing the Fury: Our TYR vs KS Dream11 Prediction, Fantasy Cricket Tips & Playing XI for Match 2 are sure to set social media on fire! Cricket has always been more than just a sport in many parts of the world. It's a passion that brings people together to share in the excitement and thrill of each game. And when it comes to fantasy cricket, the stakes are even higher - every move counts, every decision can make or break your team's performance. In this article, we'll be taking a look at the upcoming match between the TYR and KS teams and providing our expert predictions, fantasy cricket tips, and playing XI for match 2. TYR vs KS: A Brief Overview of the Teams Before we dive into the predictions, let's take a moment to get to know the teams that will be competing in match 2. The TYR, or the Tirana Dragons, are one of the top teams in the league, with a strong track record of wins and a roster of skilled players. They're led by captain Edwynn Llumbetari, a seasoned player who brings both experience and leadership to the field. Meanwhile, the KS, or the Kukes Stars, are a newer team, but one that's quickly made a name for themselves with their explosive style of play. They're captained by Bajram Gudja, a rising star in the world of cricket who's quickly gaining recognition for his agility and strategic prowess. Predictions for Match 2: TYR vs KS So, what can we expect from these two teams when they face off in match 2? Both sides are eager for a win, and there's sure to be plenty of tension and excitement on the field. In terms of our predictions, we believe that the TYR has the upper hand due to their more experienced players and well-rounded team dynamic. Look for Llumbetari and his teammates to take charge early on, building momentum and setting the pace for the rest of the match. However, the KS are nothing if not unpredictable; with their energetic play style and aggressive tactics, they may surprise us all and come out on top. Fantasy Cricket Tips for Match 2: TYR vs KS For those participating in fantasy cricket, it's crucial to have a solid game plan in place. Here are some tips to help you make the most of match 2: 1. Look for players with a proven track record - players like Llumbetari and Gudja, who have demonstrated their skill and consistency on the field, are less likely to let you down. 2. Pay attention to the pitch conditions - factors like humidity, temperature, and wind can all impact gameplay, so make sure you're aware of any environmental factors that could come into play. 3. Consider bench strength - remember, you're not just picking your starting XI, you're also choosing substitutes who can step in if needed. Look for players who have a strong record and are poised to perform well if given the chance. Playing XI for Match 2: TYR vs KS Finally, let's take a look at our recommended playing XI for match 2. Keep in mind that these are just suggestions - ultimately, it's up to you to decide who to put on your team. 1. Edwynn Llumbetari (captain) - TYR 2. Bajram Gudja (captain) - KS 3. Kemal Gjoka - TYR 4. Fazli Krasniqi - KS 5. Shkelqim Muça - TYR 6. Dibran Rakipi - KS 7. Klaudio Sadiku - TYR 8. Jirim Tbelin - KS 9. Hilal Ahmad - TYR 10. Guri Krasniqi - KS 11. Glenn Teli - TYR With this well-rounded team, we believe that the TYR has a strong chance of winning match 2. However, as we mentioned before, the KS are a force to be reckoned with, and anything could happen on the field. Regardless of the outcome, we're sure that this match will be one for the books, with plenty of excitement and drama to go around. Conclusion Whether you're a die-hard cricket fan or just dipping your toes into the world of fantasy cricket, there's no denying that match 2 between TYR and KS is sure to be a thrilling ride. From our expert predictions to our recommended playing XI, we hope that this article has provided you with some valuable insights and tips to help you make the most of the game. And who knows - maybe our predictions will come true, and we'll be the ones setting social media on fire with our accuracy and expert knowledge. Only time will tell - but until then, we'll be eagerly awaiting the start of match 2, ready to see what unfolds. #SPORT Read the full article
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lostnloveco · 1 year
Top 20 Apex Legends Players: A Guide To What Makes Them The Best With Smart Strategies
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Apex Legends has overtaken the gaming world with its intense and thrilling battle royale gameplay. Certain players have risen above the rest within this competitive landscape, showcasing exceptional skills, strategic brilliance, and a deep understanding of the game's mechanics. Computers that support gaming are key to playing the game exceptionally well. In this detailed guide, we will explore the top 20 best Apex Legends players who have significantly impacted the game and its community. From mechanical mastery to tactical genius, these Apex legend pros have solidified his positions as best.
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Who Are The Top Apex Legends Players & What Makes Them Stand Out?
With the fast-paced action and intense gunplay of Apex Legends, it's no surprise that countless players are drawn to this battle royale game. The pro apex players worldwide have honed his skills with countless hours of practice and strategy. Also, they are seen to exhibit a unique play style and approach. Whether it's his lightning-fast reflexes, expert map knowledge, or incredible teamwork, these elite players stand out with his exceptional gameplay and ability to win matches quickly. Also, to do so you need computers that are designed for gaming. With so many talented players out there, it can be hard to pinpoint precisely who reigns supreme. But one thing is sure; these top Apex pro players are a force to be reckoned with. Click here to learn about the game if you are a beginner.
Top 20 Apex Legends Pro Players And The Different Roles They Play
If you're a fan of Apex Legends, then it's essential to know the top players who dominate the game. Below-mentioned 20 Apex players are some of the best and brightest stars in the Apex Legends community. Each Apex Legend Player plays a unique role that makes them stand out from the rest. Whether they're the aggressive, fragging-type players or the more strategic and patient support players, they've all carved out his place in the game. So, let's take a look at these incredible players and the roles they play. Who knows, maybe you'll pick up a few tips and tricks from the pros and step up your own Apex game. So put on those headphones and prepare to enter the gaming world. Player 1 - "ApexMaster" ApexMaster stands out as one of the most dominant and highest ranked Apex players in the Apex Legends competitive scene. Moreover, ApexMaster consistently delivers awe-inspiring performances that leave opponents and spectators in awe. It is due to its unmatched level of mechanical skills. His ability to make split-second decisions, execute precise shots, and seamlessly navigate the ever-changing battlefield with gaming keyboard and mouse that sets them apart from the competition. It is noteworthy that the ApexMaster's list of achievements and tournament victories speaks volumes about his prowess as an Apex Legends player. Player 2 - "LegendHunter" LegendHunter has carved a name in the Apex Legends community through its strategic brilliance and exceptional game sense. He is one of the top 10 Apex predators. Precisely speaking, LegendHunter possesses the uncanny ability to predict enemy movements, anticipate his strategies, and position themselves advantageously. Also, its exceptional skill of analyzing the battlefield is worth-mentioning. Moreover, this player's tactical awareness and precise decision-making make them a formidable force to be reckoned with. LegendHunter's versatility with different legends and weapon load-outs ensures they can adapt to any situation, making them an invaluable asset to any squad. Player 3 - "ApexChampion" ApexChampion stands head and shoulders above the rest regarding consistent performance and dedication to mastery. This Apex legend pro’s unwavering commitment to improving his skills. Also, an understanding of Apex Legends' mechanics have catapulted them to the top echelons of the game. ApexChampion's exceptional teamwork and communication skills make them a natural leader within his squad, facilitating coordinated attacks and successful engagements. His ability to adapt to different team compositions and make critical in-game decisions sets them apart as true crazy raccoon apex. Player 4 - "KillerInstinct" If there's one player who exemplifies the term "aggression," it's Killer Instinct. He is renowned for his relentless playstyle. Moreover, he is known to be the best Apex predator who strikes fear into the hearts of his opponents with his lightning-fast reflexes and unwavering determination. This is one of the Apex legends who thrives in close-quarter combat, effortlessly outplaying opponents with precise aim and calculated movements. KillerInstinct's ability to make clutch plays in the most intense situations makes them a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. So, whether securing kills or turning the tide of a battle, KillerInstinct consistently delivers impressive performances that leave a lasting impact. Player 5 - "ApexSniper" When it comes to long-range engagements and precision sniping, ApexSniper reigns supreme. His mastery of sniper rifles and uncanny accuracy allow them to eliminate targets from a distance with surgical precision. In addition, ApexSniper's presence on the battlefield is about delivering deadly shots and providing valuable cover fire and information to his team. His ability to control the game's pace through well-placed shots and intelligent positioning makes them an invaluable asset in any squad. Player 6 - "TacticalGuru" TacticalGuru's name speaks for itself as they bring strategic brilliance that leaves his opponents dumbfounded. This player possesses an innate ability to strategize and adapt to various scenarios within Apex Legends. TacticalGuru's deep understanding of the game's mechanics and exceptional map awareness allow them to outmaneuver opponents easily.
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Whether setting up ambushes, flanking enemies, or executing well-coordinated team plays, TacticalGuru's tactical genius is awe-inspiring. Player 7 - "ApexWarrior" ApexWarrior embodies the true spirit of a warrior on the battlefield. His aggressive playstyle and unyielding determination make them strong opponents in any engagement. ApexWarrior fearlessly charges into battles, utilizing his prime aim and quick reflexes to overpower his adversaries. This player's ability to maintain composure and deliver high-pressure gameplay consistently makes them a force to be reckoned with. In short, his relentless pursuit of victory and unwavering focus set them apart as a true Apex legend. Player 8 - "TheStrategist" TheStrategist is a mastermind in planning and executing complex strategies. With an analytical mindset and meticulous attention to detail, this player excels in identifying and exploiting opponents' weaknesses. Also, TheStrategist's ability to adapt his approach on the fly and make critical in-game decisions sets them apart as true tacticians. His knack for outsmarting opponents and turning unfavorable situations into advantageous ones make them valuable assets to any team. Player 9 - "ApexProdigy" ApexProdigy has swiftly risen through the ranks of the Apex Legends community, leaving a trail of awe-inspiring performances in his wake. Despite his relatively short time in the game, ApexProdigy's exceptional mechanical skills and quick thinking have propelled them to the forefront of the competitive scene. Moreover, his dedication to constant improvement and eagerness to learn from more experienced players make ApexProdigy a player to watch in future tournaments. They continue to solidify his position as a true Apex prodigy with every match. Player 10 - "ApexVeteran" ApexVeteran's extensive experience in the game is evident in its gameplay. With a deep understanding of legends' abilities and weapon mechanics, ApexVeteran can make the most out of every situation. His game knowledge and decision-making abilities allow them to outsmart opponents, leading to consistent success on the battlefield. ApexVeteran's wealth of experience and invaluable insights make them highly respected in the Apex Legends community. Player 11 - "ApexTactician" ApexTactician is known for its strategic brilliance and ability to plan and execute complex strategies. With a deep understanding of the game's mechanics and exceptional game sense, ApexTactician consistently outmaneuvers opponents and secures victories for his team. Also, his tactical approach to engagements, combined with his ability to adapt strategies on the fly, makes them formidable opponents on the battlefield. ApexTactician's calculated decision-making and ability to exploit enemy weaknesses are testaments to his skill as a true tactician. Player 12 - "ApexProdigy" ApexProdigy is a rising star in the Apex Legends community, showcasing exceptional mechanical skills and quick thinking. Despite his relatively short time in the game, ApexProdigy's natural talent and dedication to improvement have allowed them to make a significant impact. Additionally, his ability to make split-second decisions and execute precise shots sets them apart as a prodigy in the game. ApexProdigy's consistent performances and eagerness to learn from more experienced players make them a player with immense potential. Player 13 - "MasterStriker" MasterStriker is known for its aggressive and calculated playstyle. With exceptional aim and game sense, MasterStriker excels in securing kills and applying relentless pressure on opponents. Precisely speaking, his ability to make clutch plays in high-pressure situations often turns the tide of battles in his team's favor. MasterStriker's strategic positioning and unwavering determination make them a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Also, his consistent performance as top strikers sets them apart as a true master of the game and for a consistent performance you need a high end gaming device.
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Player 14 - "ApexAssassin" ApexAssassin is a player who thrives on stealth and calculates approaches. With a focus on flanking enemies and maintaining a low profile, ApexAssassin strikes fear into the hearts of opponents who are unaware of his presence. Please note that his ability to navigate the battlefield undetected and deliver precise strikes from unexpected angles gives them a distinct advantage. ApexAssassin's mastery of positioning and ability to exploit enemy vulnerabilities make them formidable opponents in any engagement. Player 15 - "ApexMVP" ApexMVP is a player who consistently delivers exceptional performances and carries his team to victory. Known for his unique game sense and leadership qualities, ApexMVP's presence on the battlefield inspires his teammates to perform at his best. Plus, his ability to make critical decisions under pressure and adapt to changing circumstances sets them apart as true MVPs. ApexMVP's consistent performance as a top player has earned them respect and admiration within the Apex Legends community. Player 16 - "ApexWraith" ApexWraith is a player who has mastered the art of outmaneuvering opponents with the legend Wraith. His ability to utilize Wraith's tactical skills to gain an advantage in engagements is unparalleled. The exceptional game sense of ApexWraith and quick reflexes allow him to make split-second decisions, escape dangerous situations, and reposition themselves effectively. In addition, his strategic use of Wraith's portals and void abilities make them a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Player 17 - "ApexStriker" ApexStriker is known for its aggressive playstyle and prime aim in close-quarters combat. His ability to maintain composure and deliver high-pressure gameplay consistently sets them apart as top strikers. Also, ApexStriker's lightning-fast reflexes and precision shots make him a formidable opponent in one-on-one encounters. Moreover, his relentless pursuit of victory and unwavering focus make ApexStriker a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Player 18 - "TheSniperQueen" TheSniperQueen is a player who excels in long-range engagements and precision sniping. His mastery of sniper rifles and exceptional accuracy allow them to eliminate targets quickly. However, TheSniperQueen's ability to control the pace of meetings and provide valuable cover fire for his team sets them apart as a top sniper. His strategic positioning and ability to deliver deadly shots from a distance make them formidable on the battlefield. Player 19 - "ApexEngineer" ApexEngineer is known for its exceptional ability to utilize the Engineer legends to his fullest potential. With a deep understanding of the game's mechanics and the Engineer's abilities, ApexEngineer excels in setting up defenses and creating advantageous situations for his team. His strategic placement of traps and practical, tactical skills make ApexEngineer a master of the Engineer playstyle. Also, his ability to control the battlefield and provide valuable support to his team is awe-inspiring. Player 20 - "ApexLegend" Last but certainly not least, ApexLegend is a player who embodies the spirit of Apex Legends. With exceptional skills in various aspects of the game, ApexLegend showcases versatility and adaptability. His ability to excel with different legends and weapon load-outs makes them a formidable opponent in any situation. ApexLegend's consistent performance and unwavering determination best set him apart as a true legend in the Apex Legends community. Check out this controller gear Apex Legends, you’ll love it!
Unique Strategies Employed By Each Player That Make Them Successful In The Game
Success in any game is all about strategy. When it comes to unique strategies players employ, the variations are countless. Some players are more aggressive, while others take a more defensive approach. Some may use cunning tactics, while others rely on brute force. It's all about adapting to the situation, and each player has a unique style of play that helps them come out on top. Whether it's a tactical mastermind, a fast-paced shooter, or a patient planner, each successful player in any game has his own set of skills and strategies that enable them to dominate the competition. Familiarize yourself with some tips and tricks to level up your game.
An In-Depth Look At What It Takes To Become An Elite Apex Legends Player
Becoming an elite Apex Legends player is not just about being good at the game. It takes dedication, practice, strategy, a good machine, and a lot of patience. To compete at the highest level, you need to deeply understand the different Legends, their abilities, and how they work together. You also need to communicate effectively with your teammates and develop a cohesive plan of attack. But perhaps the most important factor is practice. You need to spend countless hours honing your skills, learning from your mistakes, and constantly trying to improve. Also, just know that anyone can become an elite Apex Legends player with the right mindset, hard work, and determination.
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The top 20 Apex players legends highlighted in this guide represent the pinnacle of skill, strategy, and dedication. These players have shown their ability to outperform and outwit opponents on the battlefield. Whether through lightning-fast reflexes, calculated decision-making, or exceptional teamwork, each player brings unique skills and contributions to the game. As Apex Legends continues evolving and new players rise to prominence, the competitive landscape will undoubtedly change. However, the players mentioned in this guide have left an indelible mark on the game and inspired aspiring Apex Legends players worldwide. Read the full article
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All Stars 5 (2020)
And I continue to be disillusioned by the All-Stars series! The main issue with AS3 and AS4 was the twists and the controversial finales, but the casting was solid enough to elevate their rankings. AS5 doesn't have those issues. Instead, the cast just doesn't feel like an All-Stars cast, no disrespect. I was pretty meh on Cracker and Mayhem during Season 10, and somewhat neutral on Blair as well. Meanwhile, India only had one memorable on Season 3, and it wasn't even her moment. Mariah was also an unexpected pick, but she's underrated. Still, she was an early out again. I was hyped to see Ongina back after all these years, but she bombed every challenge. Derrick could've been the villain again but she was out first. Which just left Shea, Jujubee and Alexis to root for. IDC about Cracker's track record, she was beyond annoying. The season felt uneventful too? AS5 was lacking in iconic, memorable moments. Alexis got into drama with multiple queens, Derrick and India had a fight, and Jujubee talked about her cats. That's about it really. The premiere and the Snatch Game are the best episodes; the rest were forgettable. The final 4 was so boring after Alexis was gone. And Untucked was pure filler. Mayhem/Juju/Blair talking about their addictions was a nice moment though. But yeah, AS5 saw the return of Untucked to All-Stars, which seems unnecessary because the deliberation scenes in the main episodes ARE Untucked. AS5 just didn't feel like a high-stakes competition either? There was literally two quitters. No shock eliminations. A predictable winner. And the final 3 was predictable too, since they were only 3 to win a challenge aside from India. The lack of a returnee competition also contributed to the uneventful feeling. Although having said that, there was no reason to bring Ongina, Mayhem or India back into the game, so maybe it was for the best. So AS5 introduced the All-Stars new format, because of how poorly the Naomi voting Manila incident was received. From now on, everybody casts a vote, and there will be one challenge “winner” each week. Said challenge winner will face a mystery Lip Sync Assassin. If the top All-Star wins the lip sync, they individually decide who goes home. If the LSA wins the lip sync, the group vote reigns supreme. But aside from Yvie, the LSAs weren't really trying this season. The lip syncs wouldn't have changed any of the outcomes either. And aside from Alexis and Mayhem voting Shea that one time, the votes were cast fairly this season. Side note: some of the LSAs must've been for storyline reasons, like Morgan during Mayhem's elimination, and Vanjie when Alexis almost got out. The other major twist introduced this season was that, starting from the final 6, if you're not the challenge winner, you're up for elimination. Which is both ridiculous and unfair. Episode 7 also ended with a twist, where Ru got a phone call, which segued into the eliminated queens hiding behind a glory hole in the finale. As for the challenges, they were mostly lackluster. I'd say the girl groups were the best one. The Snatch Game top 3 made me laugh so much; but the bottom 3 and that awkward almost kiss between Ru and JBC... yeah. And what annoys me about the Talent Show judging is that they reward self-referential jokes, callbacks, and catchphrases. I want to see unique talents. Moreover, nobody was funny in “SheMZ”. The hotel challenge was boring - it was a failed attempt to recreate the clubs challenge from AS4. The Ball was okay, but I've never really liked those voiceovers. The stand-up routines could've been stronger. And the “Clap Back” Ru-mix was missing something too. They didn't even show the queens working on their verses... I heard this season was supposed to have a New School vs Old School theme, since the cast is evenly divided that way. But we never saw that rivalry. I kinda wish we had. Instead, we had Derrick vs India (which I enjoyed but it only lasted one episode), the Cracker vs Blair/Mayhem stuff (which was whatever), and the Alexis drama. Her and Shea having to work together was funny. And India's accusation against Alexis became a huge ordeal. It even spilled into the next episode, after India was gone. It cost Alexis a potential finale spot. And we didn't know which side to believe until the finale. I'm glad the eliminated queens returned to give that closure.
Queens Ranking: 10. Miz Cracker Cracker had THE most forced confessionals: the constant screaming (ugh), the props, the heavy breathing, the mind blown effect, the twerking, the unnecessary body movements, the corny lines, the “I hate her” about Shea. Cracker was trying WAY too hard. She even screamed in the Werk Room during the sewing challenge. It's like she wanted to avoid her Season 10 perfectionism so bad. Plus she was so concerned about avoiding a negative perception with the girls. But, like Mayhem said, it didn't come off sincere. And that negative perception persisted anyways. Blair/Mayhem didn't like working with her. She felt misunderstood. One episode, Cracker announced she was up all night because she wanted to write Ongina's name in whiteout, as if this was some hardship for her. And she proceeded to lecture Ongina about believing in herself. Like WTF? All she did was made Ongina feel bad. Then she guiltily changed her tune upon seeing Ongina give up. While next episode, Cracker said her intentions were good, it just came out wrong; while Alexis called her out for apologizing too late and calling it a mistake. Then, after Cracker listed off the queens she respected, Alexis asked why she was omitted, and Cracker rephrased what she meant. Next, Cracker accused Blair of plotting to get her out because of Alexis's comment. And lastly, she sounded like an asshole when she sabotaged everyone in the stand-up order. Cracker was so unenjoyable to watch this season. In the competition: I kept Cracker's Ball win - she had the best construction, and the second best country cousin character. But not the other two. In “SheMZ”, she had the pill bottle, the Photoshop and the slapping jokes. While in the stand-up routine, she started slow saving the best jokes for the end (“humility and love”). But Cracker's comedy was too stiff and calculated for me. Otherwise, she went for self-referential comedy in the Talent Show. She did sexual innuendos for her “I'm In Love” verse, featuring tight choreo. She had the phone bit in the hotel challenge. She showed her identity in “Clap Back”, but sang too fast. And of course, she gave the driest and most unfunny Lady Gaga impression in Snatch Game, and mistakenly responded to Alexis's prompt. Two of Cracker's lip syncs were forgettable as well, and “Make Me Feel” didn't match the vibe of the song. She had the head poke thing in “Where Have You Been” I guess. Her best runways were the 3-in-1 cocoon and the plague doctor pre-reveal. 9. India Ferrah We're stretching the term All-Star here. India probably had the most to prove, but she pulled a Roxxxy Andrews without the fun Rudemption arc. Her confessionals were bland. She snapped in that episode 3 deliberation. And while she did bring the drama, she came off too smug; like her energy turned me off. First she corrected Derrick (I was fired! Your partner did an act mocking me! My insult wasn't directed at her!) Then she informed Shea of Alexis and Mayhem's “campaign” and stuck to that story despite Alexis's denial. But the truth finally came out at the finale, where Mayhem backed Alexis up, and India admitted the “campaign” happened after the votes were cast. So basically she misrepresented the situation. India's timing was too convenient and no one backed her up on it. She told Shea when she was about to be booted. All it did was ruin her friend's chances. Otherwise, India copied someone's entrance look again (shady production). She wanted her celeb crush to be her fiance lol. She made Alexis the choreo leader when Alexis didn't understand why. She talked about her shoplifting past. And she apologized to Derrick in the finale. In the competition: India gave it her all in the Talent Show with the choreo and she made a funny reference to the Mimi incident. No one was ever beating Yvie in that lip sync though. All of India's subsequent bottoms were deserved. Her “I'm In Love” lyrics were basic and that “I felt very attacked” scream was unpleasant. She barely talked in the hotel challenge, except for an awkward golden shower joke. Then in “SheMZ”, she licked a donut and peed broken glass... yeah. While in Snatch Game, she gave one creepy impression of Jeffree Star. Also, her 3-in-1 look was just one look. I didn't like her camo runway either. 8. Mayhem Miller Mayhem “The Drama” Miller lacked fierceness and boldness for me. Sure, she kept giving facial reactions in confessional, and her confessionals weren't bland (“but somebody HMM wants it her way”). She was in generally good spirits too (“I'm still here bitch *screams*”). And her impersonation of Ongina was funny. But she was so passive about leaving. She refused to campaign against India and ultimately voted herself. Only for India to throw her under the bus next episode. Mayhem was so loyal to India for what? Otherwise, Mayhem wanted to rectify playing it too safe on Season 10. She gleefully accepted an alliance with India. She was floored and took it personally that her friend Juju voted her. She got annoyed at Cracker during a team challenge. She didn't believe Cracker's reasoning on the Ongina thing. She voted Shea because she thought that was the plan... lol? And she had an emotional Untucked moment about her drinking, and later talked about her arrests. In the competition: Mayhem had a rough start. She went soft in the Reading, then mumbled during her Talent Show song. It was my least favourite performance of the night. But after that, her “I'm In Love” verse was about Mr Rogers, which was funny. She was also in the top for the hotel challenge. And I didn't think Mayhem was that bad in “SheMZ”? She paused at one point and I didn't understand the whole licking thing, but I thought she gave more effort than others. Still, Mayhem's runways were basic this season. Her 3-in-1 look lacked variety. Weird, since she was one of the top fashion queens of Season 10. 7. Blair St. Clair Falls into the bland/neutral feelings tier. Blair showed she had Nerve towards the end, but she lacked Charisma for me. I also kept forgetting she was on the show. Her confessionals were sometimes whiny (“I promise America I'm not a young bitchy girl I'm fun”; that groan before Snatch Game). Or kinda forced (“Mr cameraman show me my mark; hold my hand and guide me gently”; that cough at Cracker's running order). Or she said confusing things like “what if we're going to voting polls?” Alexis also called her entrance cocky. In Blair's intro, she promised that “I've finally gone through puberty... well almost” and that she's a “strong independent bitch” now. Later on, Blair pitched to the final 4 that wins shouldn't matter (lol). She also talked about her DUI. She mimicked the choreo during the finale, as if she was still competing lol. And she had some tensions with Cracker, calling her difficult and questioning their friendship. Blair tried to smooth things over with Cracker during the plotting accusations though. But she was later upset when Cracker considered her bottom 2. In the competition: Blair was the most forgettable in the Talent Show, but she impressed the next 2 weeks. She had some cannibalism wordplay in her Hannibal Lecter “I'm In Love” verse, and her choreo stole the spotlight. Then she was a solid actress in the hotel advert, even if her room wasn't my fave. Blair struggled after that though. Her “SheMZ” character was annoyingly whiny. She seemed awkward as Ellen DeGeneres in Snatch Game (“Squawk to keep warm” HUH?). Also, her country cousin jokes weren't that clever, and her second look was just some fabric draped over her. Then she kept flipping her notebook during the stand-up routine. Blair was one of the top runway queens this season though – her magenta skin, her 3-in-1, her camo butterflies, and her gender-bending prom queen. 6. Ongina Finally Ongina returned!... and it was a disappointment. She completely psyched herself out after the Reading challenge, worrying if she could still compete in the modern era. The nerves got the best of her. And I think Cracker's unwarranted “lecture” got to her too (“and 3rd there's no 3rd because just STFU already!”) Then Ongina broke down during the episode 2 deliberation, saying she deserved to go home. She even voted for herself. Still, Ongina was having fun in the premiere. She kept giggling at herself. She joked with Derrick: “are you talented enough to do it”. And she was nosy about the India/ Derrick drama lol. In the competition: I didn't understand the point of Ongina's Talent Show act... it was just some basic dancing and reveals to a RuPaul medley. She had an amazing entrance look though, and I liked her feathery runway. But Ongina's “reads” in the Reading mini-challenge weren't reads or jokes. And her “I'm In Love” verse was lacking, but she was sick while recording it. 5. Derrick Barry Derrick leaving first was a misstep by production. The India drama was the best part of the premiere! Derrick went all-in on India during the Reading challenge. Then she gossiped with Ongina and Juju about it. Then she fought with India (India was fired! She called my partner “a pig in a wig”!) Then during deliberation, she acted fake nice to India to stay. Derrick was also delusional, telling the girls “I could've slayed it as Britney and won”, while crying in confessional about how hard it is to not be seen as Britney. Derrick came back wanting to prove she can do more than Britney, but that entrance was Britney. Still, Derrick was funny in her one episode (“maybe she's all good with giving fake hugs”; “you were also quick to finish on your season”; “I think you being here is going to make you feel more validated”). While at the finale, she “relicked” in the drama. In the competition: Derrick's multitude of Talent Show impressions were cringe. The idea was better than the execution. Her finale dress wasn't Britney though! 4. Alexis Mateo Alexis's inclusion benefitted the season. She came back as a confident veteran aiming to win (“it's Alexis world and the rest is f**king parking”). And she was brutally honest. She told Derrick “I thought you were doing Britney the entire time”. She criticized Cracker over the Ongina thing. She continued to poke at Cracker with “so you don't respect me?” and "it's easier for you to just talk there". Shea thought Alexis was unnecessarily butting in, but Cracker was being shady listing off the queens she respected. I'm also not sure if Alexis meant to imply that Mayhem/Blair were plotting against Cracker. Anyways, Alexis's main drama came from voting Shea. Her reasoning was to save her friends, but India claimed otherwise. Alexis gave a logical counterpoint to that, saying a campaign can't be 2 people, and the edit never showed her campaigning. Because of these events, Alexis felt betrayed by India, and gave a frosty voting confessional: “you're a liar and this is why Derrick don't like you”. I mean, this stunt ruined Alexis's game, and with the new twist, her only path was to win challenges. It didn't matter who was right, the doubt was in people's minds. Otherwise, Alexis had fun moments like: wanting Daddy Yankee to grab her like a microphone; “this bitch is into eating people? And she's that skinny?”; not knowing what camo is; blurting out “gosh I need to have sex” to break the tension. That said, it did feel like Alexis was giving others a hard time for things. In the competition: Alexis did well, but not enough to win. She came off as a professional entertainer in the Talent Show, but I'm over these dance numbers. Her Daddy Yankee verse in “I'm In Love” was great, but she barely moved.  She was fine in “SheMZ, but talked over Shea. She was hilarious in Snatch Game, especially when she roasted Cracker and India. It's probably my fave Alexis performance ever. But she kept repeating “you didn't see that one coming”. Her kiddy pool Ball look was ridiculous, but her character wasn't the best and the look was basic. She also played off that spray can mishap well in the hotel challenge. My fave Alexis runways were the camo and prom queen ones. Least fave was the circus 3-in-1. 3. Mariah Paris Balenciaga Mariah, with her many surnames, provides an underrated presence: “I wish I could've done this [vote] to a jackass”; “is she doing the Finding Dory whale call?”; “I coulda went out there in lizard skin, girl who is pu**y pink?”; “I know y'all spent the coin but I spent the mint bitch”; “my tear ducts have turned into raisins”. I also laughed when she ruined the other team's paint job. And when she took her fanny pack and left. And when was displeased at Mayhem quitting for India (“girl you just met this hoe”). Her TV persona came off natural. She was pretty honest with her opinions. And she told Cracker that she enjoyed working with her, when some other girls were getting on Cracker's case. I don't like Cracker, but that was a nice moment. In the competition: Mariah should've won the Talent Show – she voiced an important message and communicated it in an artistic way. But I guess dancing to your catchphrases is what the judges prefer. She also "went there" in the Reading challenge with the rose petals. Unfortunately, Mariah couldn't stay at that level. She looked “out of it” during her “I'm In Love” performance. Then in the hotel challenge, she made jokes about rattan furniture and girthy meats that didn't land. She also talked over Cracker at one point. Her 3-in-1 look wasn't my fave either. She looked pretty in the skin runway though. 2. Shea Couleé We all knew Shea was winning All-Stars from the second she agreed to it. It's Chad and Alaska all over again, who I don't agree were “robbed” on their seasons, but Shea lost to a new twist. Speaking of, her main storyline on AS5 was about how the rose petals affected her. Even though Juju was my fave, Shea outdid her in the finale, so I'm fine with it. Sure, Shea was hoping to cruise straight to the crown, and she acted like Alexis had such AUDICITY to vote her instead of India. She also took Cracker's side during the Cracker/Alexis confrontation (“bitch who was talking to you?”). But I get why Shea felt bitter and uneasy towards Alexis. Alexis based her vote on friendships. What if she kept doing that? And India was just playing into Shea's paranoia that was already there. I loved when Shea threw Alexis's remark back at her though: “So you didn't think that I worked hard?”. Otherwise, Shea had chances to play it strategically this season (like keeping Ongina or booting Alexis), but kept it fair. She was charming (“I know you've all missed me but it's okay”; “but were you surprised? Haha”). She helped the other queens during the sewing challenge. She had emotional moment with Ru about her dad and sister's passing. And she didn't take India's tea at face value, she had a group chat. In the competition: Shea had her ups and downs. She brought some pole dancing to the Talent Show. She ate with her “I'm In Love” verse. She was hilarious as Flavor Flav in Snatch Game (“roses are red, buses is yellow”). And her stand-up routine was consistent. But Shea was flat in the hotel challenge (“picture it”). And her “bitchy” character in “SheMZ” was whatever. Her wedding dress in the Ball was rough-looking too, but her country character had that “She Already Done Had Her Chips” joke. In the finale, Shea's “Clap Back” verse wasn't her best, but her choreo slayed. And she definitely won the “Make Me Feel” lip sync with her robot thing. Between that and her dance moves in “Neutron Dance”, Shea redeemed herself in the lip syncs. “Open Your Heart” was forgettable though. As for her runways, the skin one was a wow moment. I also liked her camo watering can. The colourful 3-in-1 was a lot though; as was the rose petal prom queen. 1. Jujubee “Gimme the crown RuPaul can I have the crown please?”; “I am the pu**y staircase”; “RuPaul what the f**k?; “If I put $20,000 in an IRA Roth, do you know how much money that is? $20,000 in an IRA Roth”; “John Stamos ahh ohh Greek yogourt”; “second language my ass”; “I could vote for Shea to leave ooh is this strategy bitch”; “what's going through my mind right now is ohh I miss my cats, they don't judge me, they do, but they have to live with me”; “it's like a Juju sandwich with two pieces of white bread... I'm aroused”; “WTF is backyard eleganza? I don't have a backyard”; “how do you unregister to vote?”; “her eyes... where do I buy eyes like that?”; “hey Ru it's Juju are you there? are you still gonna make us vote?”; “surprise! you gotta take a pink pill and a shot in the butt”; “I would wear it to the supermarket and shop for canned beans”. Juju's confessionals served stoner thoughts energy and I was living for it. I mean, she'd ramble about her cats while choosing a lipstick. She showed her cat pics in confessional at one point. She darted her eyes back and forth during the Cracker/Blair conflict and called it hot. She started a pillow fight at the final 3. She wanted an Alaskan themed hotel. And she fussed over not getting an India note. But on a serious note, Juju's sobriety story was a nice moment. And she came off perceptive. In the competition: Maybe it's just me, but Juju should've pulled a Ben/Manila. She was my fave in the Reading challenge. Her Talent Show singing was passionate. Her “I'm In Love” verse was smooth. She 1000% won the hotel challenge – the grandma mentions, the live mosquitoes, the "exotic" fruit. Her and Cracker were the only good ones in “SheMZ” (the Laganja pic!) She was hilarious as Eartha Kitt in Snatch Game (“sensually walk to the thermostat”; “... pick my cuz I love you”; “I am convincing you”). She had my favourite country cousin character (“Amberrrr”) but the watermelon outfit cost her the win. I didn't think her stand-up was that bad either; it was just the shoulders joke that didn't land. Her “Clap Back” verse felt generic and lacked bite though. And her “Juice” lip sync was disappointing for someone who survived 5 lip syncs previously. My fave Juju runways were the skin one, the prom queen, the freak, and her finale outfit. Favourite entrance look: Ongina Challenge ranking: 1. “I'm In Love” Girl Groups 2. Snatch Game Of Love 3. Talent Show 4. Backyard Ball 5. Stand-up routine 6. “Clap Back” (Ru-mix) (Shea > Cracker > Jujubee) 7. Hotel design (nearly fell asleep) 8. “SheMZ” (Improv) Lip Sync ranking: 1. India Ferrah vs Yvie Oddly ("Livin La Vida Loca") (Yvie is insane) 2. Miz Cracker vs Morgan McMichaels ("Where Have You Been") 3. Shea Couleé vs Alyssa Edwards ("Neutron Dance") (Shea was solid/Alyssa could've done more) 4. Top 3 Lip Sync ("Make Me Feel") 5. Miz Cracker vs Roxxxy Andrews ("One Last Time") (Roxxxy's reveal is the only memorable part and it didn't even match the lyrics) 6. Shea Couleé vs Vanessa Vanjie Mateo ("Open Your Heart") (Shea underwhelming/Vanjie shaking too much /cool camera work though) 7. Jujubee vs Monét X Change ("Juice") 8. Miz Cracker vs Kennedy Davenport ("Fancy") Those last 3 are all pretty boring. While the first 3 are the only ones where everyone involved was trying... Season ranking so far: 9 > 5 > 6 > 11 > AS2 > 4 > 10 > 2 > 7 > AS3 > AS4 > 3 > 8 > 12 > 1 > AS5 > AS1
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villamiral · 2 years
Baking a spiral sliced ham
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Serve with the remaining glaze.Īdapted from "The New Best Recipe" by Cook's Illustrated (America's Test Kitchen, 2004). Bake ham in oven at 275 12-15 minutes per pound, depending on the size of. Remove the ham from the oven and let it rest in the baking dish for a few minutes. Place ham in a roasting pan, cut side down. Keep the ham in the oven until it reaches 115 degrees, 20 to 30 minutes longer. Cooking A Ham In A Roaster Oven Ham Cooking. Transfer to the oven and roast until a thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the ham registers 130 degrees F, about 2 hours, 30 minutes (about 15 minutes per pound). Pour 1/4 inch water into the bottom of the pan. Pour half of the glaze (see recipe below) over ham and in between the spiral slices. Put the ham, flat-side down, on a rack in a roasting pan. For a thinner glaze, apply immediately after. Thus, a 9-pound spiral ham cook time would range from 90 minutes to two hours, depending on the oven temperature. Bake the ham at 10 minutes per pound at 325 degrees Fahrenheit, or 10 to 14 minutes per pound at 275 degrees. Cover securely with heavy foil and place the ham in the oven. Heat the glaze for about four minutes then apply to the ham using a brush. Place the ham with the flat side-down in a heavy roasting pan. Approximately 30 minutes before the end of ham's cooking time, remove ham from oven and let stand for two to three minutes. Return to the oven for 15 minutes, then repeat the glazing process. Instructions Preheat oven to 275 degrees. A 7-pound spiral sliced ham would cook for about an hour and a half. Spoon the glaze on the ham and brush it all over. When the ham hits 100 degrees, carefully remove from the oven and cut open the oven bag. Add the honey, preserves, pepper and salt and cook, stirring occasionally, until the mixture is thick, syrupy and reduced to about 1 1/4 cup, 5 to 7 minutes. While the ham is warming, prepare the glaze: In a small saucepan over medium heat, bring the port and star anise to a simmer and cook until reduced to 3 tablespoons, about 4 minutes. Place the ham in a roasting pan lined with orange slices and with cup water. Bake the ham until the center registers about 100 degrees on an instant-read thermometer, about 3 1/2 hours (about 14 minutes per pound if using a plastic bag and about 17 minutes per pound if using foil), depending on the size of ham. Baked Beelers Spiral-Cut Ham Recipe Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Allow approximately 2 hours for a half ham and 3 hours. Heating the ham in an oven bag traps juices, creating a moist environment that efficiently heats the ham in less time and leads to juicier meat. Heat the ham for about 10 to 18 minutes per pound at 325 degrees Fahrenheit, according to. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees with the rack in the lower third. Warming the ham in a 250-degree oven guarantees that the interior and exterior of the meat heat gently and evenly. Let stand at room temperature for 1 hour 30 minutes. Alternatively, place the unwrapped ham cut-side down in the baking dish and cover tightly with foil. Set the ham cut-side down in a 13-by-9-inch baking dish and make 4 slits in the top of the bag with a paring knife. Place the ham in a plastic oven bag, pull tightly for a close fit, tie the bag closed and trim the excess plastic. Here, interior designers from around the South share their predictions for what's trending in kitchen design for 2022 and beyond.Unwrap the ham and discard the plastic disc covering the bone. We're turning away from big-box stores and toward vintage items-first, out of necessity due to supply-chain issues, and now, for design reasons-to add charm and character to every room in the house, including the kitchen. Heat at 250 degrees Fahrenheit for 13 minutes per pound. Thus, a 9-pound spiral ham cook time would range. Heat to Serve - Place ham on rack in roasting pan sliced side down. An overall trend toward celebrating the history and originality of our homes is displacing ultramodern aesthetics and sharp lines as we all look to create cozier, colorful, more personalized spaces that better suit our lifestyles. Bake the ham at 10 minutes per pound at 325 degrees Fahrenheit, or 10 to 14 minutes per pound at 275 degrees. 16 Kitchen Design Trends Southern Designers Predict Will Be Everywhere in 2022 There's no denying how the pandemic fundamentally changed the world-including how we live (and work) inside our homes. 1 (7.0-pound) precooked spiral-sliced ham 1 cup grade B maple syrup 1/2 cup orange marmalade 2 tablespoons orange juice 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4.
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literary-illuminati · 2 years
Books I Read in May
(Because I’m trying to get back on this wagon after missing April.)
18. The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer by Siddhartha Mukherjee
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This is probably not my favourite piece of pop science writing, but it’s really got to be up there. The history of how cancer’s been understood and treated through the last century is just absolutely morbidly fascinating (my roommate has placed a moratorium on any unsolicited ‘fun facts’ since I started reading this book).
But beyond a) an incredibly visceral understanding of what Leukemia is and b) an appreciation for the public health advances of the early/mid-20th century, my main takeaway was that the book was actually just weirdly hopeful? Like, compared to, well, everything (except consumer electronics) the degree to which cancer treatment’s have actually just kept getting better over the last decades gives you back a bit of the old faith in Progress.
Also just both very readable and downright poetic at points (and just. Incredible title.)
19. Light From Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki
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Hugo nominee novel number 2!
I was, honestly, not particularly impressed. Like it’s not bad – really extremely readable, really – but just, eh? 6/10.
It was above all just so very sentimental – believe in yourself! Love conquers all! Happy endings for absolutely everyone! Good bread tastes like home, even if you’re an alien! - which I suppose I’m just allergic to, and so will restrain myself about because it’s just a matter of taste.
Katrina was a good protagonist, entertaining internal monologue, well executed if incredibly predictable arc. But Shizuka and Lan...for the sheer amount of the book their romance took up, it still felt like the romance subplot thrown in as an afterthought in some blockbuster? They fell in love at first sight because the story tells us they do, and then they spend a bunch of scenes together,  so clearly they’re a love for the ages! Never mind the palpable lack of chemistry or real connection between them. (And the less said about the rest of Lan’s family the better, character-wise. Though I mean Shirley was just an embodied cliche but it’s a cliche I like so she gets half-credit).
And yeah I could bitch about this book for ages but that just seems meanspirited (also I already spent like two hours doing so with @toasthaste​) so. The evil violin repairwoman was fun?
20. She Who Became The Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan
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Hugo nominee novel number 3!
Or, as the friend who lent me it described it, ‘the one with the lesbian fisting in it’. (This wasn’t an exaggeration. Despite the jokes I was not expecting to get a scene of, like, actual porn 300 pages in.)
Anyway, no, this was good! ‘Low fantasy/mythologized retelling of actual historical events’ is a conceit I really love when it’s pulled off well, and Parker-Chan absolutely pulls it off well. Even if ‘If Anyone Finds Out I’m A Girl I Won’t Be Able To Found The Ming Dynasty!” sounds like something an automatic light novel series generator would split out.
Though really at least half the book’s best scenes are the whole revenge melodrama going on with the Mongol prince and general whose names I’m blanking on and aren’t mentioned in the Wikipedia article or goodreads summary. Just gloriously operatically angst-filled self-loathing and obliviousness and killing the only man you love for the sake of vengeance.
Not that Zhang as a protagonist isn’t great, too. I mean partially I just love the whole trope of ‘scheming, manipulative bastard constantly working every angle they can, who hides it all under an act of humble piety/devotion/loyalty and pretending all their successes are just luck/providence/divine favour, and no one’s quite sure how full of shit they are”. But also, you know, got to love any hero dedicated enough to making their own destiny and carving their own place in the world that they just straight-up murder the ten-year-old messiah to make sure there’s no competition at the top.
21. Hero of Two Worlds May: The Marquis de Lafayette in the Age of Revolution by Mike Duncan
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Possibly the most middle-class-American-dad-ish book I will ever read (unless I ever get really into WW2, I guess?). Before reading it I had essentially zero interest in the Marquis de Lafayette in particular, but I really like the Revolutions podcast, and I do love reading about the French Revolution, so.
Honestly after reading the book I’m still not particularly interested in the Marquis de Layfayette – beyond a grudging respect for not changing his political opinions one iota after losing control of the revolution and spending four years in an Austrian dungeon after fleeing the country ahead of the tribunal, I suppose – and on the whole I found the book a lot less interesting than The Storm Before The Storm. Though that’s probably mostly just because I went in already knowing a lot more about the Age of Revolution than I did about the Late Roman Republic. (I did learn a bunch of military minutia about the American Revolution that I assume Americans all get taught in elementary school).
Probably because of that, by far the best parts of the book (imo) were the ones describing life in the Ancien Regime and post-Restoration. The latter, especially – the whole early 19th century milieu of revolutionary secret societies forcibly suppressed by foreign arms is just worldbuilding inspiration catnip, really.
The whole thesis of the early French Revolution section (and it’s repeated often enough that I’m pretty comfortable calling it that) about how the ‘salon revolutionaries’ were only ever able to extract reforms and concessions from the King by using the energy and threat of the angry mobs on the streets and the direct, violent, insurrectionary actions does have a certain unsubtle subtext, also.
22. A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers
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Hugo nominee novella number 2!
A book I would not have picked up on my own, honestly – three Wayfarers books have taught me quite clearly that Chambers is not for me, no matter how much normal people seem to love her – but she got nominated twice this year, and a friend already had this borrowed from the library.
I think the best way I can describe this is ‘a solarpunk art book, in prose form’. Like, there’s (exactly two) characters and (ostensibly) a plot, and there are themes (my god does the book want to make sure you know there are themes), but, like, in terms of wordcount and detail and enthusiasm, the animating passion is pretty clearly just detailing the society and physical infrastructure and general feel of day-to-day life in the post-post-apocalyptic solarpunk future. And that’s really very well done! It’s a good prose art book! Personally I don’t really care for the whole rural idyll pastoral aesthetic and the whole implicit ‘life being too easy is bad, actually’ thing, but, like, totally see the appeal.
23. Machinehood by S.B. Divya
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And Hugo nominee novel number 3!
This was a slightly odd reading experience, honestly. Like, the best way I can put it is, like, some airport fiction technothriller (Robert Ludlum or whoever) except set a bit farther in the future and also woke? Not, like, didactically so or anything, but the genre and plot formula make it more surprising that the supportive CIA handler is a trans guy or one of the sympathetic showboating mercs/bodyguards is nonbinary or whatever. Or, like, the combat cyborg protagonist whose entire squad got killed in a black ops mission into ScaryMuslimLand when the President pulled the rug out from under them is an atheist latina woman and it’s her (male) partner that is constantly nagging her about staying safe and starting a peaceful life together somewhere new, and etc. Not a complaint about the book in any way, honestly, just really struck me reading it.
But weird politics aside, it was a fun read! The worldbuilding was actually pretty great – near future and familiar enough to seem plausible-ish, but still really alien, and still feeling, like, genuinely future-ish? Also it wove it’s weird supertech politics into a legacy/context of, like, actual modern politics, which I appreciated.
It helps that it’s my favourite sort of future – better than the present in a thousand different ways, but with horrifically dystopian touches here and there that everyone’s long since just shrugged and accepted, and also still just weighed down with the shittiness of life under exploitation and scarcity but, like, somewhat ameliorated. (But really, ‘everyone has access to biotech labs in their kitchens! Which is good, because you need to download the specifications the ministry of health puts up for your daily booster every morning to keep up with all the engineered superbugs” is just a great bit of worldbuilding imo).
Honestly my main actual complaint is that – for all the entire plot of the book is centred around paranoia about the emergence of strong/free-willed AI, and the bad guys treat the bots aboard their space station as persons, it’s just...never really clarified how those bots feel about it/if they feel anything or are too limited to care at all? Like, this is important!
Still, fun read.
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Here to Misbehave (Finale | S.R.)
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Series Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Finale |
Summary: It’s Halloween, and there are a lot of things on Spencer’s mind.
A/N: Here it is, everyone: the end of the story. Thank you so much to everyone who’s read this far. I greatly appreciate all of you, and I hope you enjoy it!   Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader Category: Fluff/Smut (NSFW, 18+) Content Warning: Penetrative sex, light D/s, mostly fluff! Word Count: 7.5k
Autumn has widely been considered the season of change. It is an understandable characterization; from the shifting hues of the leaves to the wildly fluctuating temperatures, few things stayed consistent in the fall. Perhaps that’s why someone who loathes change, someone like me, finds the season so thrilling.
It’s like the Earth and the Sun made a pact to make changes more predictable in their own unique, chaotic way. The breeze becomes biting and the days become shorter, but for these downfalls, we are granted a beauty and calmness that can’t be rivaled by any other season.
But she wasn’t a season, and when it came to my attention and appreciation, there were few choices that were easier to make.
“Spencer. You’ve got to be kidding me.”
(Y/n)’s face was half covered by the cup she held tightly with both hands, but I could picture the hidden expression perfectly, regardless.
“What? We don’t have to agree on everything.”
The truce was received poorly, her response a heavy scoff and a shake of her head. I tried to follow along with her suddenly heated words but couldn’t contain the stars in my eyes that often accompanied my daydreams. If she did notice, she stubbornly ignored the adoration to continue, “I understand you’re a genius or whatever, but I think your opinions on cider and cocoa are... wrong. They are wrong.”
It was my turn to feign displeasure (I hoped hers wasn’t real, anyway), clutching tighter to my own drink that I found myself defending on a park bench with dozens of strangers as an audience.
“An opinion can’t be wrong!” I chirped, only hating the way my voice jumped a little bit. After all, it was hard to hate it when it made her giggle. But despite how much sweeter the liquid seemed when I drank it in the presence of her smile, I also knew that she wouldn’t appreciate my immediate agreement. So, I pushed back just a little, “It can be misguided or ignorant but not outright wrong.”
“Unless it’s yours, on this topic,” she shot back without hesitation.
I tried to flash her a pout, hoping that maybe it would work for me like it did for her. It did not. Her eyebrows shot up and her jaw dropped open with another laugh, and I decided that I preferred that outcome, anyway. The longer my bottom lip stuck out, the wider her smile got. I waited to stop until her eyes closed and turned away, just long enough for me to let the full force of my affection show before she noticed.
She saw it, anyway, in the form of a similar smile spread over my face when I softly admitted, “Fine. You’re right.”
“Oh, I know.”
Her tongue peeked between her lips, and I found myself thinking less of cider and cocoa and more about how unbelievably lucky I was to find someone that I never felt the need to prove anything to. A person that didn’t care if I held all the answers.
I might’ve continued down that sappy train of thought, but it was hard to do while she had hoisted herself halfway over the table to try and grab hold of my cup right as I went to drink from it. Of course, she had failed to take into account just how big the table was, and just how close I was willing to come to falling before I let her drink from my cup right after she’d criticized my preference of fall flavors.
For a second, I really thought she might climb onto the table to win, but the judgmental looks from the parents in the park must have beaten her desire to win. As forlorn as humanly possible, she fell back into her seat with a loud “Hmph!” which really only managed to elicit an equally immature giggle from me.
“Shut up,” she laughed before shoving my paper plate further into my chest, “And eat your stupid pie.”
All I could think as she grabbed my fork and stabbed the middle of the piece to try to lift the entire thing at once, was that I was right about one thing: Autumn, in all its vitality and beauty, could still never compare to her.
That thought persisted through the pumpkin patch, growing in intensity as she skipped through the vine-laden path like a regular fall fairy. It was much easier to get lost in her there, crouched and inspecting foliage. Her arguments regarding gourds were much less spirited, with her watching me wide-eyed and curious as I explained the stages of pumpkin growth and all the different uses for the fruit.
I still let her make the final choices, opting to analyze her selections and tease her for them later, instead. That was the plan, anyway, to continue the competitiveness lest she gets bored with me before the day was over. When she walked past me holding open the passenger side door, I thought it might’ve already happened.
But then she just placed the pumpkin into my hands so she could open the back door. Before I could even move, she carefully removed it from my arms again and placed it in the seat.
“What are you doing?” I said through a very amused chuckle.
She was decidedly not entertained by my confusion, stopping to turn to me with a bored, frustrated expression. “I’m buckling him in,” she explained slowly, like I might need the help. Then, to add insult to silly injury, she added, “Duh.”
I was too distracted by the details to tackle the absurdity of it all.
“Him? It’s a boy pumpkin?”
“Obviously. Look at him,” she snorted, finally clicking the seatbelt in before tenderly petting the top of the lucky little gourd. Once she was convinced it would be as safe as she could make it, she allowed me to begin to escort her into her proper seat.
“You know it’s safer on the floor, right?” I asked before she’d slipped past me. I wrapped an arm around her, pulling her away from the car so I could enjoy the warmth of her before it was replaced with the dry air of the engine.
“How dare you,” she balked with an open mouth that was just begging to be kissed. By the time I got close enough to try, though, her hand fervently shoved my cheek away. I tried to laugh, but she used the same hand to cover the noise, trying and failing to convince me she was being serious.
“Why don’t you just hold him?” I mumbled against her palm.
That was enough for her to abandon my embrace altogether. With a scoff and a roll of her eyes, she pried my arms off of her and finally made her way to my passenger seat. I didn’t fight her too hard, even taking the time to shut her door like my mother always insisted.
The mercy was not returned, with her eyes narrowed into a playful disbelieving glare that I hadn’t seen in some time. My mind was brought back to the first time she ever let me know she was jealous, bickering over blondes and preferences while she sat in the very same place. And, just as before, she was still wearing the same raggedy old sweatshirt of mine.
“If this is any indication of how you’ll be with a human baby, I have dramatically overestimated your competence,” she droned, obviously unaffected by the stars that appeared in my eyes every time I looked at her.
“The one and only time you’ll ever be able to say those words. I hope you enjoyed it,” I joked. A funny enough joke that she couldn’t help but smile through her facade.
“Don’t worry,” she chuckled, “I did.”
The day could have ended there, and it would have been enough. Honestly, I couldn’t think of a single thing that wouldn’t be better with her there. In a way, I think we were trying to prolong the high of ‘hooky,’ finding even the faintest interest in an activity as enough of an excuse for a detour.
… Which was probably how we found ourselves in our third park of the day. After all, I loved any autumnal vision, so how could I decline an opportunity to let them serve as a backdrop for watching her? And that was an accurate description of how I spent the day. It might sound boring, and if it were anyone else, it probably would have been. But no matter how often I saw her, I found myself learning new things about her every single time. Each freckle and scar became a part of the high-definition collection of memories that I would never let myself forget. The most beautiful images that kept me sane in the face of evil and filth.
“Do you see that?”
For a moment, I thought she might have read my mind. But then I realized that her eyes were still fixed forward, stuck on the horizon ahead of us.
“See what?”
“That,” she pointed, “Right there.”
My eyes followed the line, finding nothing but an area of carefully manicured, yellow grass and trees already set to rest for the season. It must have been clear to her that I was lost, because her pointing became more animated and her voice rose as she shouted, “Right there!”
“The giant pile of leaves?”
Then, in all of my obliviousness, I just sort of stared. Even when her hand grew tighter around mine and her feet started to move faster, I didn’t put two and two together until it was too late.
“What about— No! (Y/n)!” I shouted, cutting off my own train of thought and only barely letting go of her in time to watch her jump straight into the collection of fallen foliage that some poor landscaper had obviously worked hard to gather.
I have to believe that even if that unlucky, underappreciated individual saw what she’d done to their hours of work, that they would forgive her. It was hard to feel anything but joy at the sounds that came from the pile. Yet I approached her cautiously, with both hands in my pockets to avoid the urge to throw myself into danger with her.
“You’re a terror,” I said, settling for a crouched position in front of her. Still able to see her but far enough from her grasp that she had to crawl through a wall of leaves to come nose to nose with me. “This is literally the scariest thing you’ve done all season.”
“Come on in, the water’s fine,” she purred.
As enticing as the offer was, my mind was too preoccupied with statistics of spider and snake bites, not to mention the possibility of ticks still scouring the landscape for any last second hosts. The answer was easy.
“Absolutely not.”
With another exhale of pure displeasure, she threw her body back into the leaves, burying herself into a mess of yellows and reds that somehow only made her look even more beautiful. The chaotic scene matched her energy well, and the harm she was doing was minimal considering I was absolutely going to search every inch of skin for any marks later.
The only thing that was more appealing to me than watching her make an absolute fool out of herself in a pile of leaves was the intense urge to tease her about it. So, taking a regrettable seat on the grass, I sighed, “I think I’m going to have to arrest you for trespassing.”
There was a loud gasp from the center of the pile, followed by a scuffle of flailing limbs among the foliage.
“You don’t own this leaf pile! I do! I am queen of the leaf pile!” she screeched.
“Alright Princess,” I subtly corrected, “whatever you say.”
As promised, I didn’t put up a fight. Even when she finally got a hold of my hands and dragged me into the madness with her. I followed her no matter what nonsense she demanded, just as she had with me so many times. Granted, my desires weren’t nearly as dangerous or strange. They were pretty much just a collection of foreign films and reading that always lulled her to sleep.
But that day there was no sign of her energy waning. The early sun faded and we kept going. I’m not sure how, but she managed to enjoy herself in the D.C. landscape of bars and blaring car horns despite not being able to indulge in anything herself. Although she did half-heartedly attempt to trick me into buying her drinks in several different establishments, I think she was honestly proud that I avoided the drinks altogether. It was a nice reminder that sobriety could be something enjoyed between the two of us, regardless of the environment. However, we didn’t let that stop us from jumping into a crowd of very drunk women who had insisted we join their haunted tour of the city.
“Are you scared?” she whispered into my ear. The feeling of her warm breath against my skin caused a shiver to run down my spine, ruining any credibility I had in my response.
“No. Why would I be scared? It’s just history.”
“Are you sure?” she asked again.
“Yes!” I insisted with the worst possible timing. Because just as soon as the word had left my lips, I felt the distinct sensation of fingers running down my neck and arm opposite to her. I was so convinced that’s what it was that I even spun around with a yelp, crashing into at least three different people just to find a very startled woman with the worst hung scarf I’d ever seen.
(Y/n) had already put two and two together and was lost in an absolute fit of laughter. There were already tears forming in the corners of her eyes as she doubled over, barely able to stand through it all. Because there I was, her 31-year-old FBI agent boyfriend, screaming over a scarf.
“Laugh it up,” I droned. And she did. She kept laughing through any attempts at a response, and after the initial embarrassment wore off, I couldn’t help but join her.
“I hope you know you chose me. You chose this man!” I shouted, gesturing to the people around us who had already forgotten about our shenanigans, “And everyone knows it!”
“I’m sorry I can’t—” she wheezed, pausing to take a necessary breath that was all lost with another bunch of giggles “—You’re a fucking FBI Agent!”
“Well I can’t shoot a ghost, can I?” I mumbled through the hit to my ego. But any suffering was quickly dealt with as she threw dramatic arms around my waist, pulling me close and protecting me from any other errant scarves that might show up.
“I love you so much,” she said.
“I’m glad you’re having fun,” I returned with a quick kiss on her forehead. And even if I implied otherwise, I think she knew that I was having just as good of a time as she was. In fact, it was one of the most relaxing days of my life, which was saying something, considering how much walking was involved.
But no matter how tired we both were, I still had one last place to take her. It took her a while to figure out why the route felt so familiar, but I wasn’t ready to ruin the surprise. I wanted to watch the realization dawn on her. She didn’t disappoint.
“The Mayflower?” she asked with a bit of a bashful laugh before looking up at me through narrowed eyes, “Feeling nostalgic, Dr. Reid?”
“Yeah, a little bit. Thought it was more romantic than the club,” I offered, trying to shrug off the nervous butterflies that burst through my stomach. “Not by much, mind you.”
Although I got the feeling that she didn’t know, or perhaps just didn’t remember, that wonderful night from almost a year ago was one of the most important days of my life. I knew it then, too. From the second I set my eyes on her from my pitiful place against the bar, I knew that she would ruin me.
“Nothing screams high end romance like an alley and a little light law breaking,” she sighed. I almost missed it, too preoccupied with the way her arm tugged me tighter so she could rest her head against my shoulder.
“I can take you home if you’d rather.”
“Hmmm. Depends,” she hummed. Then, turning her head up to me with that playful look that always turned me to putty in her hands, she purred, “How much longer do you think you can wait before you just have to have me?”
I sucked in a sharp, sarcastic breath, eyeing her just long enough for her to start to fume, I let out all the air with a defeated sigh, “I guess we’re staying.”
That serene sort of teasing continued past the reception desk and all the way up the elevator. If there were other people there, we didn’t bother noticing. We were too busy watching one another to even look away long enough to find our room. Doubling back through the dizzying hallways until we found the elusive number, we finally settled into the only vaguely familiar layout of beige and tan.
She was much quicker at it than I was. Before I’d even finished washing my hands and checking exposed skin for bugs that I was convinced had hitched a ride from the leaf pile, she was already stretched out on the bed in nothing but a tiny piece of lacy cotton and her favorite sweatshirt. The sight made me stop, lost for breath and logic of how I was lucky enough to be there with her again.
“See something you like, Dr. Reid?” she teased through giggles, no doubt recalling the same memory as me.
My answer didn’t need to be said, but I said it, anyway. She deserved to hear it.
With arms outstretched, she sleepily begged, “Come here.”
But I couldn’t.
“Not yet… I just… I want to look at you like this a little bit longer.”
How could I move on from this moment, when it was the best I’d ever felt? So overwhelmingly safe and at home despite being in a strange, sterile room. I had no desire to move any inch of me if it meant that this image would persist for the rest of my days.
“You getting all romantic on me?”
“Always,” I chuckled. Her usual disgust for my sappy behavior didn’t show itself, overpowered by the gentle curve of her lips and hands that were becoming more and more insistent to be held. Eventually, I had to move, knowing that it was the only way to hold her.
My body reacted the way it always did when it found her. All of the tension dropped from tired shoulders, desperate to touch her more. To feel the imprint of her body pressed against mine, a mess of heat and need and love.
She was the one to kiss me first, and for a moment I let her do it without reciprocation. I wanted to feel how her touch became softer and shier as she realized what I was doing. That I was spending all of my energy memorizing the way her lips parted as she tried to hold back a giggle against my almost-still lips.
“What’s happening in that big genius brain of yours?” she murmured with eyes half open but still containing universes.
“I’m just thinking of all the things you’ve done to make me fall in love with you.”
I thanked all of the gods in every pantheon that made her too tired to tease. Instead, she just laughed, playing her part in bringing us back to that night we met.
“Like quote Picard?”
“We still haven’t watched Star Trek together,” I whined.
The sound must have stirred something new in her, because she rolled us over to take her seat on my lap. She hung over me, looking down at me, hopeless and breathless at the feel of her thighs under my hands. My heart started to race, but I didn’t know why.
It wasn’t until she spoke the words that were already running through my mind, “We’ve got time. Picard can wait.”
Everything about it was effortless. Our bodies had fallen together and mouths found each other exactly like every romance novel has ever tried to tackle the metaphor of gravity.
But if we were an orbit, it was not a binary like the traditional notion of two equal souls. Despite the nickname I’d chosen for her, nothing about her soul was small. And even though she burned bright, she wasn’t anything like the fiery combustion of a star.
She was a home. A thing so full of vitality and life that I would love to watch for whatever time I had left. I was just a moon, loyally following her and trying my best to shield her from whatever might try to harm her. To protect her when she needed rest and to lead the tides to kiss her when she wished. I would be her shadow, shining a light onto her even in the darkest time. All that I asked for in return was a spot beside her.
‘One day,’ she had said before, ‘if you will have me.’
But it was never a question. Not for me. And if she really needed me to answer it for her, I was happy to give her that. I hadn’t been waiting for even a year, but it felt like a lifetime.
“Yeah, he can,” I repeated, quiet and with such a heavy waver that I’m surprised she could understand the shifting inflections. Even if she didn’t, she knew that something had changed in those few seconds of silence.
“What’s up, Spencer?”
I didn’t know how to answer. How to explain what I was feeling. But I grabbed hold of one hand, clinging desperately to her and guiding her to the heart that felt dangerously light. The rapid pace of its beating still not enough to alert her of the true cacophony of my thoughts.
“Are you okay?”
The answer was yes. Because no matter how loud and chaotic the sounds inside my head were, they all lead me to the same conclusion.
“Picard can wait, and we have a lot of time,” I tried to explain through a dry throat that was only growing tighter with the unwieldy weight of the feeling.
“Yes…” she mumbled back, just as trepidatious and nervous as I was.  
Just like I was. Because we were. We were connected by some force, whatever you want to call it. Whether it was a chemical or psychological or heavenly connection, I didn’t care. I wanted her to know how I felt. To know that there was nothing that would ever tear me away from her.
“But I don’t… I don’t think I want to wait.”
After a couple more seconds of silence, she answered with a knowing stare, “… What?”
From my position underneath her, I was able to reach over just enough to grab my jacket. Of course, it helped that she moved with me, clearly curious and terrified of the possibilities. But a good kind of terror… I hoped.
My confidence grew as her legs gripped tighter around my hips and her hands shot up to cover her chest with balled fists pressed against one another. I heard the friction of her skin as her body started to shake in a different way, with an adrenaline that I hadn’t seen from her in even the most dangerous situations.
But when I pulled a small velvet box from the internal pocket, everything stopped. She became completely still. Her eyes were wide and frozen on the object in my hands, only to look away when she heard my voice.
“Where did you get that?” she asked like she hadn’t just seen me pull it from my jacket. The same jacket that I wore every time that I was with her. The wool fabric that she’d swaddled herself in on a number of occasions, none the wiser of how much heavier it was for me when I wore it.
“I know this is really random, a-and to be fair, I wasn’t expecting it, either,” I said through the most awkward laughs I’d ever produced (which was saying something), “I mean, I knew I wanted to marry you, I’ve known that for quite some time, hence the ring.”
I paused, but got nothing in response. Nothing except her lips quivering from their parted position, and her nose twitching as she tried to settle on just one expression. But it didn’t matter how she contorted her face; they were all exactly as they should be. Because they were all her.
“But today, with you… I-I’ve never been that happy in my life. Jumping in leaves and fighting over fall flavors and I—“
Her eyes stopped bouncing, settling with my gaze and robbing my lungs of all air. She made up her mind, deciding to leave everything exactly as it was. The honest truth of the overwhelming storm of every emotion that had been experienced in the little time we had shared together.
The knowing that everything had happened exactly as it should have to bring us here.
“I love you so much,” I whispered, careful to make every word as genuine as they were, “And I know that we have all the time in the world left with one another… but I don’t want to wait any longer for you to be my wife.”
“Ask me,” she answered immediately and abruptly.  

“Okay,” I laughed, endlessly entertained by how she could sound so aggressive even when we were both at our most vulnerable, caught in the nexus of our love.
“Um… Will you… marry me?”
There was no hesitation. No worry, no fear, and no doubt.
“Yes, you stupid old man!” she outright screamed, throwing arms around me even when it meant we both slammed against pillows and the headboard. She didn’t stop squealing even when she kissed me, struggling to find more of me to hold onto.
After she decided that tugging on my hair was the best way to express her affection, I managed to break away just long enough to shout, “Wait! I have to put the ring on you!”
“Then put it on!” she yelled, thrusting her hand in front of my face and practically slapping me in the process. But none of the pain mattered. Nothing was even recognizable outside of the feeling of her sweaty, shaking palm resting against my fingers.
I noticed for the first time that I was also trembling. I took the time to focus, slipping the ring over her finger. But once it started to safely slide into place, my eyes returned to watch what I knew to be happy tears fall over her cheeks. I wiped them away, but they were replaced with the wetness from my face when she brought us together again with a long, gentle kiss.
A calmness came over the room like the feeling following a storm. A clean slate with soil enriched for growth. A hope for a future forever changed.
“What do we do now?” she asked, biting her bottom lip and holding tight to my hands.
The answer seemed clear enough.
“Whatever we want.”
 Is this really happening?
I stared at the diamond shining back at me with a clarity that had to be a metaphor for my heart. In the vague reflection of yellow light and us, I felt a warmth that doesn’t normally accompany metal. My finger’s new companion felt so comfortable in its new resting place. A constant reminder of the man I called home.
Then I turned back to him, unsure how I was supposed to move on from this moment. I never wanted to leave, but I also needed to move. I compromised and settled with my face against his chest, listening to the heartbeat he’d just dedicated to me. In that peaceful quiet, I heard him speak so softly I wasn’t sure I was meant to hear it.
But I did.
“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” he said with fingers dancing through the ends of my hair, “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
And for once, the thought didn’t feel like a burden. In fact, it felt like freedom. I was finally free to be who I was without worry that I would be alone. Without worrying that I would be too much or too little to please him.
I was enough.
“I love you,” I said, tasting salt from tears I hadn’t even noticed were falling.
Curiously, and in a rare role switch, Spencer was the one who took a blatantly affectionate display and turned it into something else. Pulling me away from his chest, he dragged me up until he could drag his lips over my jaw.
“Don’t cry, little girl,” he cooed with what I could only imagine was a wicked grin, “I haven’t given you a reason to yet.”
Something about that gruff rumble in his throat caused my skin to ripple with goosebumps. Every inch of me burned with flames that could only be put out by his touch. I chased after his lips with my own, but he was insistent on trailing down my throat. He knew I would be powerless to him. I wouldn’t be able to argue when my hands were knotted in his hair and my hips were already rocking helplessly against his erection.
“I want you to fuck me,” I seethed. My blood was boiling from the heat I felt within, and before he could even answer I was already working at the buttons on his shirt.
“Oh? You don’t want me to make love to you?” Spencer laughed. As if that had ever been our style.
“No, I want you to take what’s yours.”
He responded to the demand by pushing me from my seat, forcing me onto my back on the other end of the bed. I wasn’t going to complain, either. The new position allowed me access to his belt, which I unbuckled before he even had time to laugh.  
“Are you really challenging me right now, little girl?”
But despite the taunt, he did nothing to stop me. His hands were also busy removing my clothes. And just like before, our nakedness was reciprocated. With each lost layer, I should have felt lighter, but I didn’t. I felt so powerful, so aware of how our bare bodies twined together.
“Here, of all places? Do you remember what I did to you that night?”
How could I ever forget?
“I’m not the same girl you had in your bed then,” I purred. We both knew it was true, although not in the way I was implying.
Because Spencer had changed me. Irrevocably. He taught me so much — not just about physics, literature, or criminology, either. He taught me about kindness, softness, and vulnerability. He taught me how to trust that someone could hold me without the intention of letting me go. More than anything, he taught me that I didn’t have to learn these things alone. Even the smartest man I’d ever met needed help with them sometimes.
Then again, something told me that Spencer wasn’t in a very humble mood. Perhaps it was the fact he’d pinned me down again, with his hands clumsily gripping hard enough to leave crescent moons in my forearms.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” he growled with a small, chaste kiss, “You’re still just a fucking brat.”
I wasn’t feeling bratty then, though. Especially not as I felt the head of his cock pressed against me, just hard enough to feel the resistance of my body. He waited there, no doubt taking pleasure in the way my whole body squirmed underneath him. My hips bucked, but he managed to keep a cruelly steady distance.
“You’re so precious when you’re needy,” he mumbled. And although I stubbornly avoided looking him in the eyes out of protest, he forced my face towards him again, anyway. “Go on. Say please.”
“Fuck off,” I whined through a prominent pout that did me no favors.
“Say it.”
I managed to make eye contact, but it was fleeting. As soon as he thrust forward into me, my back arched and I lost myself in the pillows. My hands found him, though, leaving angry red welts over heated skin. If Spencer was at all affected by the pain, he made no showing of it. His pace continued, steadily forcing our bodies together until I trembled in his hands.
He would hold me there, at my limit but not pleading for him to do anything different. With tender hands, he would fuck me until I swore bruises would follow. But I never felt unsafe; I felt cared for and cherished in a way I’d never known. I trusted him to know my limits better than myself.
I trusted him with all of me because I had already seen that when given the chance, he would do whatever he could to protect me.
The love I felt must have shone through my eyes because his hips got slower, drawing out each movement. My hips rose in tandem with his, allowing me to feel every inch of him inside of me.
“This body belongs to me now and forever,” he whispered.
It always has.
“You belong to me.”
And I felt it. The undeniable string of fate that tied us to each other. I could feel his every emotion as his fingers brushed over my throat. I melted under his touch, completely consumed by the love he felt for me. The kind of love that people spent their whole lives searching for only to come up empty. That powerful thing that drove gods to war and men to madness.
The only feeling that could tear down every wall that had been carefully crafted to protect myself. Because I didn’t need them anymore. Spencer’s arms would take their place, holding me through the storms that might follow the same way he had carried me through the ones that led us here.
“Yes,” I breathed, “I’m yours.”
For forever and whatever comes after.
The words were truer than they’d ever been before, and Spencer took it as permission to let go of any remaining hesitation. The slow, gentle thrusts became faster and our moans echoed in the small room without a second thought to the poor patrons in the rooms surrounding us. Because if they felt what we did, they would understand. Spencer still tried to hush the sounds, crashing his lips over mine in a sloppy, frenzied kiss.
I was suddenly reminded of every romantic story I’d ever heard. They all spoke of feeling so close to someone that they felt like an extension of yourself. I wasn’t sure if it was completely true, but there was no denying how at home our bodies were. The way our tongues wrapped around one another and how our noses bumped so gently in the chaos was unmatched by any meeting driven by lust or need.
His hips met mine over and over again, no matter how hard I tried to keep him closer. Even when my hips chased his to be held longer, Spencer was persistent in the ruthless pace. Because like me, he was lost in the euphoria. I knew it from the sound of his whimpers and the way he bit my lip just a little bit harder.
“Tell me what you want, little girl,” he begged. Not ordered. Begged.
“You,” I answered without any doubt, “I just want you.”
His response came even faster, even more desperate and scratchy as it came through his lips into mine.
“You have me. For the rest of my life and whatever comes after, I will take care of you.”
There was nothing left to say. I could feel the truth and force behind the words as he fucked me harder, eliciting one more quiet cry from me in the sound of his name.
When he returned the call, though, it wasn’t with any name I’d heard from him before.
“So you better get used to this feeling,” he said through a smile that I felt on my lips before he drew back. He looked me in the eye as he buried himself in me, tensing to hold himself back just a few seconds longer. To see the look on my face and let that be the feeling of us giving in to each other for the first time in our new story.
“Because I’m never going to grow tired of this, Mrs. Reid.”
Mrs. Reid.
That was going to be my name.
Mrs. Reid.
That was the only thought running through my mind as I felt the coil in my gut snap and all of my muscles tense around him. There were no whorish sounds left in my lungs, only little whimpers and whines as I tried to claw him closer. Spencer gave up his visual in exchange for kissing me while he finished. My walls held him so tightly that I felt each pulse and every place where his release filled me. But nothing was more compelling than feeling the way his lip quivered between mine as his body fell onto mine with no grace required.
Spencer could act hard all he wanted, but I felt the way he craved softness. Safety. Love. All things I was happy to give… for a price.
“Say it again.”
“Say what again?” he replied sleepily but animated enough to have a healthy dose of snark. Snark that earned him a rough nudge of my elbow into his ribs.
“You know!”
But naturally, the genius had to play dumb. With a happy little hum, he snuggled closer to me, burying his face into my neck so he could mumble against the skin, “You’ll have to be more specific.”
“Please,” I sighed, “for me?”
He seemed to contemplate the plea for a little while longer, with wiggling toes I felt against my shins and a happy sigh that breezed over my neck. I tried to take in those small things while I waited, knowing that while I had a lifetime to learn them, this moment would never come again.
“Fine,” he finally settled, propping himself up to give another soft kiss followed by the most beautiful sound in the world.
“Only for you, Mrs. Reid.”
 ——  The Next Morning ——
 Waking up next to Spencer with a ring on my finger was literally waking up to find my dream come to life. And sure, his light snoring and constant wriggling under the sheets he continued to pull off of me weren’t perfect or picturesque, but they were real. The same way that he chirped when he felt my legs wrap around him in his sleep and only woke when he heard me giggling.
His eyes fluttered open, taken aback by something that he saw. Although I would blame it on the sunlight filtering through the curtains, I was sure that he would give me all the credit.
“Good morning,” he slurred.  
“Hi,” I answered with a smile and an attempt to pull him closer. But my hand was stopped by his, squeezing my palm between his fingers before dragging my knuckles to his lips. From there, he laid a gentle kiss over the diamond he’d placed there the night before. Although it was strange to be outshone by a rock, I let it go for now.
“I know you shouldn’t sleep with it on, but it’s so nice to see it’s still there,” he said with a heavy breath before lowering our still joined hands to rest against his heart. I could feel the way it beat a little bit quicker as I came closer, and I wondered if this was really what it would be like forever.
“I couldn’t resist wearing it.”
“You know you can still change your mind, right? We haven’t told anyone.”
“I haven’t changed my mind,” I replied unlike every time before. There was no teasing, no joke or anger or sadness. Just a pure, unadulterated joy.
… Of course, the question did bring up an entirely new anxiety. It did feel a bit silly, but it needs to be expressed.
“Have you?”
“God, no,” he laughed. Like he’d only asked the question to see the way I might panic. But as soon as I heard his assurance, I knew it was the truth.
My mind started to drift back to that first morning we spent together. It felt like a lifetime ago, but everything still felt so very much the same. I wondered if there were things I would change if given the chance. It wasn’t until after I ran through the laundry list of things that we would have been better off without that I realized I’d asked the wrong question.
It wasn’t a matter of what I would have changed, but what I would have kept the same. And the answer was simple. No matter what I would face in my life, I just wanted it to be with him. Everything would be okay as long as I had him.
However, when I tried to kiss him, Spencer still seemed hung up on the things he would have changed. Our lips didn’t connect for even ten seconds before he broke apart, happily laughing through the words, “This is so much better when I’m not hungover.”
“Old man.”
He didn’t argue back, wiggling under the sheets until our chests were pressed together. I took it as a very poor attempt at a power play, because instead of craning my neck to look up at him from my spot, I simply climbed his lanky figure until our noses were pressed together.
“Your old man now,” he corrected, followed by my own clarification of, “You were always mine, Dr. Reid.”
“But now you get to show everyone.” He grinned, letting go of my hand to roam over the curves of my body. His daily attempts to memorize each version of me he held. After a few more moments of silent reverence, I asked the question we’d have to face eventually, lest we face even more awkward, embarrassing moments with the team.
“Who’s gonna tell everyone?”
He barely even considered the options before he shrugged.
“Let’s just… wing it.”
I paused, certain that I’d heard it wrong. “You, Spencer Reid, would like to ‘wing it?’” I repeated, barely able to get the words out without laughing from the absurdity of it all.
But he was quick to assure me, “Yeah, I do.”
“Alright. Whatever you say,” I sighed. I figured that it wouldn’t be worth it to plan right now, anyway. It wasn’t exactly our style. If anything, we would find the perfect time completely by accident.
“You know what we should do first though?” I excitedly announced to the best audience a girl could ever ask for.
“Coffee,” I drawled. To which he quickly answered, “I love you an ungodly amount.”
Taking full advantage of that admission, I shoved the poor soul who’d shackled himself to me forever away as I ordered, “Go turn it on. I am craving shitty hotel coffee in bed with my fiancé.”
“Fine,” he resigned with a smile while rolling out of the bed, “Spoiled brat.”
“Your spoiled brat!” I shouted back from safe under the covers that I could finally get back in his absence. They weren’t as good as him, but they would be enough for now. I buried my face into his pillow, snickering as I heard a very tired Spencer call from the bathroom, “Forever mine!”
Just as the sounds of running water filled the room, I lifted my head at the distant sound of familiar chiming beside me.
“Is that my phone?”
I didn’t answer, paralyzed in my place as I felt the most intense sensation of deja vu I’d ever experienced. Right there on the nightstand, I saw the name Hotchner.
Spencer was quicker this time to leave the bathroom, but just as he turned the corner, a thought must have stopped him. Because he paused, staring at me with hotel sheets gathered around me and his phone against my ear.  
He didn’t try to fight me for the device. In fact, he didn’t move at all, watching from a few feet away with a smile I’d never seen before. The kind that I felt so deep inside of me that I realized this was what they meant to share a soul with someone.
 “Hello,” I spoke softly and filled with love, “this is Mrs. Reid.”
 The End.
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natromanxoff · 2 years
This tour had one big hero - Roger Taylor. Not only he seemed to be happy to meet the fans and give autographs (what a difference compared to the 2005 tour!) but he was also in TOP form, drumming like a GOD!
The setlist was changing A LOT at the early gigs which was great, we got some very nice surprises (for example Time To Shine or The Stealer) but in the end it became boring and predictive as always. But we have forgiven them - after all, we were entertained for 140 minutes in average! The biggest mistake of this tour was the intro. Surf's Up... School's Out which has become the favourite track of most fans, was used as the intro track at 10 gigs and it worked great. It's a great pity Brian didn't like it and the band decided for Hammer To Fall instead.
So let's get to the tracks themselves. Surf's Up was almost always played as the intro (until the scream) - and was followed either by a shortened version of the same song or by also shortened version of Hammer To Fall. Fat Bottomed Girls had a short White Man intro. I Want It All was played as the single version (without the instrumental middle part). Surf's Up was later moved before Seagull and got longer and longer... by the end of the tour the whole song was played. '39 became as a duet of Brian (guitar + vocals) and Roger (bass drum + tambourine) but Brian always stopped and invited the rest of the band (minus Paul) for a full version of the song. The bass solo was performed by Roger who was playing bass with his drumstick. A great drum solo followed while Nigel (the drum technicial) was building the kit around Roger on the B-stage. I'm In Love With My Car followed and in Zurich Roger surprised us with a brilliant version of A Kind Of Magic (which was a boring song when sung by Paul but became really popular with Roger on vocals and drums). Say It's Not True followed - Roger in the first verse, Brian in the second verse and finally Paul in the finale.
Now the concert was in its second half and it was time for big hits. First something from Paul's career - mostly Bad Company and Feel Like Makin' Love which was however later replaced by We Believe. From time to time we got some surprises, for example Time To Shine or Shootin' Star but only scarcely. The guitar solo often included some interesting bits, depending on the country, and always was followed by Bijou with Freddie's studio vocals and live guitar. Now we all knew what to expect when the end of the gig was approaching. Radio Ga Ga (Paul kept forgetting the words so in the end the song had to be shortened!), Crazy Little Thing Called Love (which had a great guitar solo by Jamie at some gigs but apparently Jamie himself decided he didn't want to be in the spotlight and the song was shortened), Show Must Go On and BoRhap (once again with Paul and Freddie sharing the vocals; this time they used the live track from Montreal 1981).
Encore - an incredibly rockin' Cosmos Rockin' :-) The final line was always changed in respect to the city where the band played, for example "We got Rotterdam rockin'". And then the usual ending... All Right Now (a much shorter version compared to 2005), WWRY and WATC. Then the band saying goodbye and Roger throwing his drumsticks to the audience...
Queen + Paul Rodgers live at the Elstree Film Studio in London, UK - September 3, 2008
This was basically just a short promo gig for 50 international journalists.
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tobi-momo · 3 years
The Best Feeling
PAIRING: Kageyama Tobio x Reader
GENRE: Romance | Fluff | First Kiss
WARNINGS: gets a tiny bit spicy at the end | suggestive | implications of anything resides to the reader at the end | this is so goddamn soft idk why its just BRAINROT | NOT PROOFREAD
A/N: hihihihihihihihhihihihihihihhiihiiiii I'm ored so I wrote this uhh the settter's help should be up tonight!! also! I'm 10 followers away from 600! I'm excited ! I'm gonna do an event I just don't know what to do 😭
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It was the best feeling: laying your back against the warm sheets on the soft bed that was the most comfortable even if it wasn’t yours. He lays next to you, your index fingers linked together loosely as your attention falls on the plain ceiling above you. Your eyes find purchase on the different shapes and faces made from the texture of the ceiling, and you smile when you feel the gentle skin of his fingers glide against your palm when his other fingers come to wrap themselves around yours.
It was the best feeling when you turned to face him, your bashful cheeks puffing out when you look at the redness of his ears, his nose, his neck, his cheeks. You felt hot, but you hoped it would go unnoticed as you duck your head down an inch closer to the boy’s head. Although he was turned away from you, you could tell he knew exactly where you were by the shadow that cast in front of him. He gave a tiny chuckle and tried to hide his silly grin once he gave in, sitting up and finally allowing his head to turn to you.
His eyes were something beautiful to behold, you’re grateful that you get to see them every day. The light reflected off the different shades in his iris’s perfectly- you thought you were looking at the stars every time you stared off into the abyss of his pupils. You only caught yourself this time because his palm had traveled to your jawline; it was obvious he was just as infatuated with you as you to him, it just seemed as if he wanted more than to just watch your beauty.
Your head’s stutter as you let your hand rest on his wrist, the presence of his thumb stroking your cheek comforting your nerves when you try to continue your journey. Every time you took a small glance towards his eyes, you found they were stuck on your lips, although you couldn’t say you weren’t doing the same thing as you let your head float a little closer.
The best feeling was when your eyes accidentally met at the wrong time, creating little laughs as you held each other close, centimeters from your destination. Your eyes flicker once more to his, then to his cheeks, where your hand eventually slid up to, the tingling sensation still left on his arm from the delight of feeling your hand on his skin. When his eyes flutter to the tiny details on your face, he silently thanks whatever god existed for giving him permission to be able to see this every day. He was satisfied with his hand against your cheek, yet he wanted more. He guessed wrapping his arm around your waist was the solution, as it did bring him the best contentment.
The most amazing feeling in the universe: scooting your heads toward each other lightly, the excitement yet fear consuming the blood flowing out of your heart not succeeding when it tries to stop you.
No- no. This. This was the best feeling.
Your smooth lips meeting with his in a shy embrace, only to grow bold and passionate when you breathe into it and let your body lean into his. You never predicted how good it felt; his head pushing yours back as his mouth moves in sync with yours. It was slow, but the moment he laid his lips on yours was the moment you knew you were addicted.
You forgot how he ended up on top of you, but you weren’t mad; a hand of his sneaking past your hair and tugging on it lightly, and his thighs pushing against the back of yours lightly as he leans down towards your swollen lips that he just needed to taste one more time. The subtle noises that spilled from your throat rewarded him, the grip your fingers had in his hair telling him to continue as he moved his lips lower.
This is the best feeling.
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here ya go! sry for any mistakes its not proofread ;-;
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