#the rosewood glitch
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I dozed peacefully on a mossy riverbank lulled by the murmur of the lapping water.  Lying perpendicular to my companion, my head was lovingly cradled in the midriff of the other, a long finger gently circling across my forehead.  My eyes lazily followed the pillowy clouds floating above, in between fleeting winks of sleep. 
Contented. . .only to be startled awake by a loud, shrill, staccato tone. Blindsided by the sound, my eyes sprang open.  I was confused and disturbed by a crimson world pulsating around me.  The companion – gone.  As if pulled by an unseen tether, I arose.  My fingers plugged my ears to lessen the painful blare.  I stumbled forward into the stand of trees lining the bank, drawn to a red light flashing in sympathy with the intense sound. When I reached a clearing, all turned to black.
I violently shook my head trying to banish the insistent beep ringing in my ears. 
Shit!  The alarm.
Yawning, my hand searched the bed covers for the phone to end the obnoxious sound.  I groaned finding I was still dressed from the prior evening.  My fists twisted against closed eyelids to dispel the muzziness in my head. 
Ugh. . .jet lag. . .Fuck, fuck, FUCK!  What time is it?
I sprang from the bed and beelined to the kitchen focusing on the cell screen.
Okay. . .Seven. . .I can do this. . .
I hastily slapped a filter into the basket, dumped in the coffee and turned on the machine. Leaning low to the counter stretching my back, forehead on folded arms, I waited for the machine to stop gurgling, trying to wake up.  A competing sound – insistent and close by - drew my attention.  Turning my face to peer at the living room’s glass doors, a deluge curtaining the patio made itself known, raindrops bouncing high off the bricked deck. A grimace in resignation at the unexpected glitch spread across my face.
Of course. . .  
Standing by the patio doors sipping the much-needed coffee, I rethought my attire for the meeting in light of the uncooperative weather.  The reflection of my unruly tresses ghosted in the rain-greyed glass.  I mulled over options for taming them into something more professional looking than the spawn of Medusa.
My hair and rain just do not mix. . .
I sighed and wandered back to the bedroom closet, coffee in hand, sliding each hanger along the polished wooden rod selecting pieces to fit my mood.
Almost everything I brought is black. . . how appropriate. . .Black it is, then.  Professional. . .yes. . .but perhaps just a bit off center.
Selecting straight-legged pants and a soft, silky tunic from the hangers, I threw them on the bed. Still not satisfied, I spied one of my more durable vintage pieces – a velvet cape-like jacket with a burgundy and gold paisley running through it – and gently placed it with my other choices. The 40’s spectator pumps completed the outfit.  I rummaged through my accessories to locate the final pieces – two large, carved rosewood hair combs and dangling garnet earrings.
This will do nicely.  All black with a splash of red and a bit of gold.
After finishing my ablutions, I quickly slipped on the outfit, before tackling the hair situation.  I gathered the long spirals into a thick ponytail and fashioned a twist, secured with the two combs; two strands liberated at each temple.
Too poufy. . .but it will have to do. Ha, ha! Gibson Girl to go with the jacket. . .If I had more time. . .fuck!
I thought that glamming up a bit might distract from failed hairstyle.   Make-up was not something that I ever cared about, even though I did own some basics.  I chose to follow my usual path of foregoing any addition, other than a swipe of lip gloss.  A bit of scent was called for, though, and I dabbed drops of musky patchouli oil on my wrists and behind my ears.
I think that’s the best I can do, considering. . .
Slipping on the jacket, I checked my phone.  It was 8:15. I topped off the coffee and sat nervously on the edge of the couch – waiting.  Promptly at 8:30, three metallic taps clacked on the front door.  Through the peephole, I observed a pleasant looking middle-aged man slightly rocking back and forth under a large golf umbrella.
I unfastened the chain and opened the door.
“Good morning, Ms. Mott,” he nodded through the streams of water dripping from the tips of the canopy.  “I’m Mr. Page’s driver, James.  Do you need a few minutes?”
“Hi. . .Yes, just a minute or two.”
He stepped back slightly from the door.
“No – please come in, come in.” I waved him inside.  “This weather - ugh.  I’ll be quick.”
He moved to just inside the door, leaving the open umbrella resting on its handle on the doorstep. “Typical for this time of year, I’m afraid.  Don’t rush, we have time.”
I started to collect my laptop, papers and keys but stopped to turn back to him, puzzled.
“Wait – how does that work?  You’re James, right? And he’s James.  Ever become a tad confusing?”
“Not anymore,” he said with a toothy smile.  “I’m James; he’s Jim or Jimmy, mostly.  I’ve been with him for a very long time so it's worked out just fine, but we do have a few laughs about it now and then.”
“Huh. Okay.  Ready.” I followed James out the door, under the shield of the huge umbrella, hastening up the stairs to the waiting car.  Sheltering me from the downpour, he opened the door and I slid across the back seat.  He quickly threw in the umbrella and dove into the driver’s seat to avoid being drenched.
“Not the best welcome for your first full day in London,” he commiserated, glancing at me in the rear-view mirror. “I’ll leave you to your thoughts.  Just tap on the glass if you need anything.” The partition closed between us.
James took a route that passed some of the iconic sights of the city. I leaned my head against the window, taking in the London scenery through the raindrops.  Hyde Park’s greenery loomed to my left and as we skirted between the boroughs of Mayfair and Soho, Marylebone and Fitzrovia, I wondered what the day would bring.  The grandeur of Regency Park and its wrought-iron gates appeared through the rainy mist. 
I dug out my Blackberry to confirm that it all was, indeed, real.  There it was – the photo – Jimmy hovering at Perry’s shoulder with a sweet, goofy grin and mischievous eyes, silver-white hair loose and flowing. The date and time stamp revealed it was snapped just hours after I ended my January call with “Mr. Hudson.”  Its greeting flashed from my phone when I awoke the next morning.
Mmmm. . .that was. . .indescribable. . . And here we are. . .
James cracked open the partition.  “We should be arriving shortly, Ms. Mott.”
“Great, thanks, James.”  I took a deep breath and nervously bit my lip catching his eye in the rearview. Resting my head against the chilly leather seat, I was lost in the possibilities to come as the car halted at 12 Oval Road, Jimmy’s manager’s office.  Thankfully, it seemed the rain had passed.
I started to open the door, but James was quicker. “Ms. Mott, allow me, please.  I’ll be waiting here when you’re done, okay?”
“Oh, thank you, James.”  I scanned the façade, sighing deeply, “Okaaay. . .here we go!”
“You’ll be fine.  See you shortly.”
Perry was waiting just inside the doors.  “Jane.  How are you this morning?”
“Nervous, Perry, for some reason,” I creaked.
“No need, no need.  We’re just on the next floor.”
I followed him up the carved, mahogany stairs admiring the 19th-century features blended into a very contemporary design.  “Interesting mix of periods here. . . wow!”
“Yeah, it’s a converted warehouse.  They tried very hard to keep what they could.” He swung open a door to reveal a large conference room.  A dark-haired woman sat at a long table, flipping through a few papers.
She rose and walked the length of the table to greet me.  “Jane. So happy to meet you.  I’m Angela. . .Angie, Bill’s staff attorney,” holding out her hand.
“Angie, hi, likewise,” using my most professional handshake.  “You’re American.”
“Is it that obvious?” she laughed.
“Well, yeeaah, it is.  New York?” I teased.  She nodded. Following the normal greeting when attorneys meet for the first time, I continued, “So, where did you go to school, Angie?”
“Uh. . .Columbia, then here for a bit.”
Hmmm. . . I know that tone. Ha!
“Please have a seat, Jane. How about you?”
“Georgetown. . .” I slid into my seat at the center of the table opposite her. 
God, I hate that ass-sniffing ritual. . .very tiresome.  She seems to hold it in the same regard, though.  Ha.  Good.
“If you have time, I’d love to talk to you about your school experience in Britain while I’m here.  Very interested.”
“I’d love to fill you in. I’ll give you my card. . .Umm, Perry. . .you have everything?”
“Yeah, yeah, I do.”  He scrambled to take his seat at the table.
“Okay, why don’t we start with the non-disclosure?” She queried me over her reading glasses.
“Alright.  No changes from the final draft?”
I shook my head.
“Great.  Here are two copies.” She placed each side by side in front of me.  “Please sign each one.  I’ll do the same as Mr. Page’s representative. Perry will witness.  We each will have an original execution.”
“Perfect. . .but, uh, can you give me a few minutes?” I unzipped the case and grabbed my laptop.  “I just wanna. . .you know. . .not that I don’t trust you or anything, but – “
“Right, understood, of course. . .Perry?” She nodded to the far corner of the room and stood up from the table.
“Oh. . .okay.” He joined her.
“So, what is the plan for. . .”  Their conversation quieted as they moved to the end of the table.  My focus centered on the screen, comparing it to the documents before me.
What the hell are you doing? This is not at all necessary. . .I know. . .I know. . .it's just a formality. . .but I don’t want any surprises. . .
Once satisfied there were none, I called out to the corner.  “Okay, all good.”
The couple retook their seats.  “The pens are right there.” Angie indicated a small, ornate box in the center of the table. 
I opened it to find crimson fountain pens nestled inside.  Unscrewing the cap, I circled the gold nib across a spare bit of paper. 
“This is a lovely touch.” 
A deep, rich, aquamarine-colored liquid flowed smoothly as I scribbled.
“Very, very nice pen!  Definitely no problem recognizing the originals,” I chuckled, “. . .interesting shade of ink.” 
I signed and dated each of the agreements and slid them to Perry for his witness.   After Angie scrawled her signature, she waived around one of the documents to dry the ink.  She folded the papers and slipped them into an envelope, pushing it across the table. I reached to return the pen to the box.
“No, no!  Please keep it – a memento.  Perry will discuss the remaining details with you.  I’m staying on just in case there are any questions.”  She turned her focus to Perry.
“Right. . .Jim. . .uh - Mr. Page. . .is currently at Sonning-on-Thames. It’s about an hour’s drive west.  He thought it would be an agreeable place to meet. . .it's a little village.”
“It sounds great!” I bubbled like a thirteen-year-old, much to my embarrassment.  “Sorry. . .go on, please.”
“We arranged lodging for you at The Bull Inn – lots of history there and Mr. Page would very much like to absorb- “
“Uh. . .Nope, Perry.  I believe we discussed this, did we not?  This is on my dime. . .or. . .pound or whatever, right?  Now, we don’t need to sign something, do we?”  I fluttered my eyelids, smiling sweetly.
“Yes, we did and no, we don’t,” he laughed. “I had to try.  Soooo, in that event, the innkeepers have offered a very nominal rate for your stay.  James will ferry you to Sonning and then back to London in a few days. That will give you a chance to enjoy the village."
I glared at him with somewhat feigned displeasure.  “Perry. . . now how is that any different??  Offered and nominal? Isn’t that still – what did you call it – absorbing?”
He remained silent, expectantly, brows raised.
I resisted a bit longer, really not wanting my adventure to be subsidized by Jimmy in any way. But. . .I gave in. “Okay, okay. . .deal.”
“Alright, good.  You haven’t made any firm plans as of yet, right?” I nodded. “Mr. Page was hoping that you would arrive later this afternoon, get settled in, and meet with him tomorrow.  We’re unsure of the exact time as he has some business calls scheduled.  I’ll figure that out and ring you with the time.  Is that to your liking?"
“Yes, that is absolutely to my liking.  What happens now?"
“James will pick you up around mid-afternoon and get you checked in at The Bull.” He stood, followed by Angie.
Apparently, we’re done.  Very painless.
“God, Perry, I am beyond excited!” I hastily stuffed the envelope, the laptop and the pen back into the case, zipping it closed.  “Thank you both for everything. Angie, I look forward to our chat and thanks for the. . .uh. . .memento.”
As Angie walked me to the door, her hand grazed my arm as she slipped her business card into my hand. “Jane, that is a great wrap! Is it original?"
"Oh, thanks. Uhh. . .I have a thing for antiques."
"Mmm. . .Beautiful. There are some great shops to check out then while you're here. I'll give a list to Perry for you. I have no doubt you going to have an interesting experience.  Have fun.  Please do call me when you get back.”
“I will.  See ya, Perry.”
James was waiting, as promised, as I flew out of the building’s entrance and down the marble stairs. 
“All good?” He asked with a knowing look. 
“Way more than good.”
I couldn’t suppress the thoughts of the "interesting experience," as Angie put it, looming over the next few days.  Gazing out the window, I saw no landmarks only the possible scenarios I was conjuring.  When we arrived at the flat, James and I set the time for the trip to Sonning. 
“Thanks, James.  See you soon.  I can get this - really – don’t get out.”
I sprang out of the car, rushed down the stairs and through the door, hooking up the laptop in record time.   Draping the jacket over the back of the chair, I started a quick internet search, googling The Bull Inn, Sonning-on-Thames.
Historic is right, 16th century!  Regardless of how it goes with Jimmy, this is gonna be extremely cool.  Ha! Like everything so far.
I excitedly investigated the village and environs, finding that Deanery Garden, Jimmy’s home, was right up the road from the Inn. I grinned. 
Okaaay then.
After the laptop was back in its case, I twirled to the couch and flopped enjoying a delicious prickly excitement. 
I have a few hours to kill. . .may just a tiny shot. . .What the fuck, Jane? . . .It’s only 11 o’clock- in the morning!. . .Yeah, well, it's afternoon US time. . .I definitely need to mellow out or I’m going to go insane. . .I'd kill for a joint. . .Ha!
Reasoning that food would take away the guilt of alcohol mid-morning, I searched the fridge for something appealing.  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a blue and white something on the counter. A basket had appeared in my absence, covered with a checkered cloth with a note on top:
Jane – sorry to barge in while you’re out.  I dropped off linens and a little treat. Please enjoy! I forgot to mention that Rob and I will be away for a bit.  We have friends visiting while we’re gone, so don’t be alarmed if you hear knocking about upstairs.  Just in case it’s needed, there is a spare key to your flat in the urn by our front door – a little key box mixed in with the greens. We’ll see you in a couple of weeks.  Dinner when we return?    Emily
I folded back the corners of the cloth to find fresh scones, clotted cream, and homemade strawberry jam.
Wow. . .so nice of her!  And just what I needed. . .ooooh. . .they’re still warm.
I put on the teapot after deciding it was too decadent to pair the scones with whiskey at mid-morning.  The late breakfast was divine.  As time was becoming short, I hastily poured a shot topping it with a splash of water and sauntered to the closet. I carefully placed my most treasured pieces into the waiting suitcase and bag, along with the deep red velvet tarot bag slipped in among the folds.
Precisely at three, the familiar rapping sounded and I threw open the door. 
“James, come in.  I’m ready.”
“Ms. Mott.”
“James. . .It’s Jane, please.”
“Right.  Let’s get you to the car, Jane,” he said as we grabbed my bags.
Once on our way, he called back through the open partition.  “There's lovely countryside along the way.  Let me know if you have any questions or want to stop, we’re not on a set arrival time.”
“Thanks. I think I need to do some reading to. . .uhm. . .stay calm, you know.”
“Jane, you’re not going to an execution!  Just tap the glass if you need me, okay?” he said as the partition slowly slid shut. I saw the amusement in the eyes looking back at me in the mirror.
I forced myself to focus on the new client prospectuses crammed, last minute, into my laptop bag.  Plugging in the flash drive plucked from the first folder, rhythms and melodies raced from the computer through my ear pods.  I gazed out the window as we sped by patchwork fields and hedgerows, listening to a sample from the short sets of three new bands seeking representation. They were all good – raucous and driving, but I kept returning to the tight grooves of the yet unnamed southern rock band.  “. . .heavy. . .somewhat complex. . .definite blues undertone. . .singer - a plus,” I wrote in the band’s workup.  I rewound their set to hear it in its entirety.  The opening number’s distorted low-down licks chimed with the cowbell intro of Honky Tonk Women, rough and gritty, followed by the unmistakable opening riffs of Custard Pie.
"You-are-fucking-kidding me," I snorted with laughter, apparently loudly.  I looked up to see a chuckling James glancing back at me in the mirror.  Grinning, I shook my head, shrugged my shoulders, and resumed noting my impressions of the bands.  In no time, the car slowed to a crawl.  The Bull Inn, a sprawling dark timber-framed country inn with white-washed walls and gabled, latticed windows came into view. We entered to find a warm and inviting atmosphere - a small reception desk to the right with a cozy bar visible thru an arched entrance in front of me.  Peeking into the room's entryway, I found a lovely brick and marble bar lit with stained glass lanterns near a massive brick fireplace with yellow-white flames dancing in its center. The sweet scent of birch wood tinged the air. The only other illumination in the room was the sunlight beaming through the row of tall, paned windows set into the exterior stone wall.  Sparkling motes of dust danced in the space between the windows and the tables in the shadows.  I was transfixed. 
“Jane?” James called from reception.
“Oh, yeah, sorry,”  I said as I slowly backed out of the bar, not quite ready to leave, and returned to the desk.
“This is Moira. She and her husband Kirk are the innkeepers. She’ll handle the registration, then I’ll get your bags upstairs.”
“So glad you’re joining us, Jane.  Just sign here, after you read thru, and then I’ll take you to your room.”
As we navigated the very steep and very narrow staircase to the next floor, Moira chatted about the things to do and see in Sonning.  I turned back to see James attempting to maneuver my large suitcase and bag up the stairs.  “God, I’m so sorry, James. . .I didn’t take into account 16th-century stairways when I packed!  Can I take that bag??”
“Ha!  Not a problem, Jane.”
With bags deposited and the low-down on Sonning received, I closed the door and explored my second temporary residence in as many days.  A couch and coffee table were tucked away in an alcove.  The bathroom contained a walk-in shower and a very roomy clawfoot tub.  As I lifted my suitcase onto the bed, I noticed an ecru-colored square propped against the dark blue pillows.  “Jane” was very neatly printed on the front in a now familiar color of ink.  I plopped on the bed, grabbed what I realized was an envelope, and turned it over.  There I found a dark red imprint.  My fingers traced the small dragon raised in the wax. Utterly amazed, I lifted the seal, as sparks of anticipation swirled down my spine.  Tucked inside was an ecru note card matching the envelope. As I pulled it out and flipped it over, I found a Gorey pen-and-ink overlaid on the front.
Wow! How could he possibly know that?
Gorey was a favorite of mine. Many of his books were tucked into my bookshelves at home. On the face of the card was drawn a woman, adorned with a wild hat of large snaking black lilies, dancing through a maze of tall drapes with a man garbed in white. When I opened the card, flowing penmanship in the same rich aquamarine was revealed.
Hello, Jane~Let’s meet tomorrow at half noon, shall we?  The Inn’s Hidden Garden is quite a lovely place to chat.  Moira or Kirk will show you the way.  We will have the garden to ourselves for your “brain-picking” session. I look forward to meeting you.
Till then ~ J.
Collapsing into the pillows, I giggled until I was breathless unable to contain my joy! I was certain it could be felt by everyone in the vicinity.
Oh my god. . .he is too much!!  He took the time to write me himself.  . .and the ink! Ha! I must ask about that! And Gorey - what the fuck? But how very sweet and so very. . .personal.  Not typewritten on JP letterhead!  And the seal. . .my, I think it's. . .definitely going to be an adventure.
Unbeknownst to me at the time, in the bar directly below, the writer was secreted in a far dark corner.  He had decided to observe my arrival from afar and now pondered the possible effect of his note in the room above.  Sipping his tea, he glanced up at the beams.  As a slight shiver twitched across his shoulders, he half-smiled into his cup; my mirth apparently had sought him out, found him, and made its presence emphatically known.
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[BTW - I don't profess to be an artist - so my apologies to those of you who are 😊 And yes, Jane does have hands and facial features 😁]
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CHAPTER LIST https://www.tumblr.com/letmewanderinyourgarden2022/701210499738714112/chapter-list-let-me-wander-in-your-garden?source=share
@firethatgrewsolow @foreverandadaydarling @laluxea @lzep @sassybouquetrunaway-universe @jimmysdragonsuit13 @jenyj89
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happy-chaos-kid · 6 months
Project #6 [RRA.pg]
Day 1
Yay! I'm freaking happy! This thing still works I'm glad Uncle $^&8 didn't buy an expensive one...
Oh this is so cool I made my character wait...there's code?!
After reading a book about coding...and messing with a few things she's complete Ruby!
Okay here data!
Ruby Rosewood Author.Program
Age:12 10
Personalty:Kind Helpful Sort of a prankster creative can be stupid but smart and insane!
Day 15
The animation is going really well nothings wrong just a bit glitches!
Well except my Uncle didn't tell that it has characters but I can't look at them the damn thing crashes each time I press one of them!
Day 65
Okay...my fucking creations are alive! I have no idea how this came to be but one of those characters that I couldn't see killed Ruby! I had to draw her again which somehow made her alive again....?!
Day 134
Okay....um I made a deal with a demon...I'm a god to my creations...I've met deleted characters Tiffany and Cory.....and well I keep creating more..
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hopelascl · 2 years
The sims 3 cc tumblr beach house
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I only used three pieces of CC which are also included in the file (the Corner Shower by DasMatze a smaller cabinet (Maxis match) by omegastarr82 and a modified UL window made by me (turned the 1x1 window into a 2x1 one)) Claire by awesims on the marked lot in the last picture^^ Of course, you can also delete the basement and turn the 2nd bedroom into a child’s room or something^^ I put it in St. Therefore, it features 2 br, 2 ba, a basement with two workrooms, a garden and a garage. My sister asked me to build a house for her again :D It’s meant for two siblings (boy and girl) who just moved out.
spli-level house cape-cod sims the sims 3 download one plumbbob Let me know if it works or whether there are any issues :) Enjoy! Please don’t reupload it or claim it as your own. (I’m not sure whether I used this one so if you have another one you can try that one, too :D) It features two bedrooms and one bathroom, costs 58.575 § and is built on a 20 x 25 sized lot. You’ll need all EPs and APs except for Katy Perry, Mastersuite and Diesel Stuff for it to show up properly.
I had to edit the lot a little bit but now it only requires free CC. The Split-Level House (for the lack of a better name :D)
READ THE README!!! I mean it! Also please post pictures and tag Rockwood Island! Download World Download Lighting Mod Thanks to all my testers and all the others, and a special thanks to amanda for cloning all the EP CC to make this base game compatible, you are awesome with basketball and football field where the yellow boulders may need to be deleted as sometimes they prevents sims exiting the lot!.This is a BETA so there will still be some routing issues!.The cafe has a glitch where sims like to use the water taxi to exit it, a library file of a fixed Cafe has been included, please replace the lot in game!.This world has its own lighting mod, so please remove any lighting mod you use or download the lighting mod if you want it for other worlds, its a realistic one!.BG Compatible: EP CC is included if you are missing an EP but some objects may still be replaced by statues (very few).Fully built up but no interiors to houses.Town hall, festival ground, cafe, bar, playground, community pool, park, basketball field, school, football field, grocery store, beach community lots included.around 20 tiny houses, most do have at least 2 bedrooms!.This world is an EDIT of Hylewood by the amazing credit for terrain and plant placement goes to them! Built up by a few members of Rosewood, Rockwood mimics its big sister, just in a bite sized way! When life gets too loud in Rosewood, Rockwood is place to go! Only a few miles off the coast, this tiny Park addon sprouted a cozy community of individuals who like to live life a little slower.
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harkeetsingh07 · 2 months
My name is harkeet singh ,student id #A00314925
i selected hotel rosewood hong kong , which is situated in Hong kong
there are many reasons why this hotel is popular in the world
firstly, it Organise MICE events very successfully which involves a coordinated effort from several key players:
such as
Event Planners ,Hotel Management ,Catering Teams
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secondly ,it offers a variety of elegant and versatile venues for MICE events:
Conference Rooms ,Ballrooms ,Outdoor Areas
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thirdly, it hosts a wide array of meetings and events, including:
Board Meetings, Conferences ,Exhibitions ,Incentive Trips
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Moreover, Organizing MICE events comes with its own set of challenges, such as:
Logistical Coordination ,Technical Glitches ,Dietary Restrictions
Furthermore ,SWOT Analysis
Prime Location ,Luxury Facilities ,Experienced Staff
High Costs ,Space Limitations
Expansion of Digital Offerings ,Sustainable Practice
Economic Fluctuations ,Competitive Market
Comparing the management of MICE operations at Rosewood Hong Kong to a cafe's operations reveals both similarities and differences in control mechanisms and competitive strategies
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Control Mechanisms ,Competitive Advantage
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Rosewood Hong Kong exemplifies excellence in MICE practices through its luxurious facilities, dedicated staff, and strategic location. By addressing challenges proactively and continuously seeking opportunities for growth, the hotel maintains its status as a premier destination for MICE events.
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does it not get so tiring holding onto all that anger and resentment in your heart?
The red Ender grinned a fanged smile, eye glowing slightly brighter in the dim light of the cave. It seemed like they got some sort of... thrill from the thought of their own rage, something most saw as an iron ball around their ankles.
"Oh darling anon. Do you really think I would see that as heavy? No. My anger is righteous. I have devoted my second chance to slaying those who have wronged me. First, I will destroy that fledgling deity and everything he claims to love. Then, I will devour the haunting that banished me. Of course, Nightshade will be an amazing help in all of this, given their affinity for potions but it wouldn't be my hardest task." They all but purred, tails curling in delight as one glitched out of existence for a mere moment.
A strange looking enchanted spear glitched into their hand: the shaft a swirl of polished rosewood, heel of bone holding a shard of an ender pearl, and point of an unknown blue-grey metal. Without warning the spear was thrust forward into the anon's chest, slamming them to the stone floor of the cave.
Looks like they had dinner as well.
[6/10 Asks Remain]
0 notes
anosci · 1 year
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(317-331 albums etc that I’ve listened to this year, copied from twitter) (now with art. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23])
names and thoughts below cut
317/ (all music entries from Assembly Summer 2023) all over the place etc. only a few standouts for me. i think my fav is "pedigree". its a rly good synthy (poppy? dosky?) romp. "line of the dead" is a fun cool change of pace. also: more d fast! "romanza"!
318/ (all music entries from Function 2023) not much rly worked for me here actually… :( top 2 tunes are alrite. the best tune was in UFDD's demo… luv u slyspy
319/ Savant - Vybz (2016) "Boss" immediately bangs woahoah after that its peaks and valleys imo "Worship" big highlight imo!! "Siluette" is another big highlight for completely different reasons also shoutout to "Zombie Cats" for a fun double retro romp
320/ Planetary Assault Systems - Arc Angel (2016) vast atospheres. some of these are beautifully hypnotic. others are rather annoying. many overstay their welcome… hilights: "Max" is a rinse! still overstays tho… "Message From The Drone Sector" hits good. hypnotic.
321/ Sakuzyo - Glitched Universe (2023) this took a while to set in for me.. i still have some mixed feelings. something about the sound design doesn't quite hit me right. highlights are either "Conversion" or "Distorted Fate". the latter feels like all the elements work together
322/ Varien - My Prayers Have Become Ghosts (2016) initially just "p alrite" but it picked up for me! "The Pink Killing Floor" reaches into some BT vibes, but, ykno. 2016 monster. (this is cool.) "Dawn Will Bring Us Death" second fav track
323/ Autechre - 2008-04-04 Echoplex [replication by ios & digit] not enjoying this as much as i thought i would. it kinda leans into the parts of the 2008-era-ae that i didnt dig as much that said: track 4 and 5. the ae-dnb in track 7! that iteration of IO!
324/ VA - Commodore Trilogy (2016) surprised at how well "Short Bossa" holds its ground. vic20 what! possibly fav of this batch is "Never Succeed" and its sunshine field vibes second fav is "antimod". it just hits rite.
325/ caro♡ - wild at ♡ (2023) incredibly light and fluffy and poppy. it doesn't quite work for me, though a few songs still stand out to my ears. (the ones with numbers lol) "in2u" is biggest soundout i think. its kinda ballad even, but. yeah it works for me.
326/ Lapix - Flying Method (2023) mostly high intensity bangers here! "Primitive Vibes" has a wild energy, god damn. "& Intelligence" makes me want to use that headphone emoji. what was it? d-_-b "Glitch Angel" stuttery intensity, beauty <3
327/ (all the music entries at Nordlicht 2023) sadly, I didn't really get into these for the most part. :\ my fav was actually "Train Station Candy Shop Shuffle Bop" it's a bit cheesy but i really really admire what Triace pulled from the pokey here.
328/ (all ocremix posts in 2016) yeah im grouping these by years now. obviously it's a huge grabbag and a crime to only pick 3 highlights. nonetheless, for twitter: "Battle Against a Malignant & Repugnant Opponent" !! som "Thick Jams"! "Lucre"!! "Dancing in the Jungle"!!
329/ Bibio - Sunbursting EP (2023) EXTREME lazy afternoon vibes. soft sunshine ykno. tbh it doesn't rly grab me. bibio is hit and miss for me sometimes. it's a bit meandery but I think "Rosewoods" is the highlight here.
330/ イルマ - ソレユエ (2023) this is actually a little outside of my taste but it has a few tunes that really really work for me: "∴" has a touch of prog energy to it, which i enjoy despite the odd vocals and then "アイマイソウメイ" goes ham with those guitar licks! ez hilite
331/ Ryuichi Sakamoto - async (2017) not what i was expecting! lots of ambient stuff that appeals to me in varying degrees. "disintegration" has a cool spooky sound to it that appeals to me. very tangible. piano. loving the swirling "stakra" thats abt it tho…
next page...
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forgotten-elves · 1 year
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100 Berry Baby Challenge: Gen 1: Part 2
Gecko aged up into a toddler! He is, in fact, a spellcaster. Rattlesnake and Rosewood had another baby after him, a little alien girl named Watermelon. She's going to be the last baby until Plumeria moves out, because I made the unwise decision to adopt two dogs. I don't regret it at the moment, because honestly a little break from babies would be nice.
Something I noticed is that Plumeria and Watermelon, both aliens, don't have the weak bloodline trait. I don't know if that's an oversight by the Sims team or a glitch, because all offspring of spellcasters are supposed to have a bloodline trait, even if they aren't spellcasters themselves. I've always gotten those traits before, even if I ended up with a normal sim or a vampire baby. Idk, I'll have to research and see if I can find out anything about it.
In the second collage, the first picture is of Shortcake as a toddler. The second column is of Gecko as an infant and a toddler. The third is Watermelon as a infant and her disguise. The last is Plumeria as a child and her disguise below.
Previous: Gen 1: Part 1 
Next: Gen 1: Part 3 
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teddywancurlobi · 6 years
pretty little liars [04]
grade: A  B  C  D  F
it’s quite literally the highest c i can give it. it was so close to a b minus.
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favorite episode:
episode 21: she’s coming undone
almost solely for the reason for aria’s trashing of ezero’s apartment. i liked other scenes, but that scene was incredibly beautiful.
most disliked episode:
episode ten: the mirror has three faces
it was gonna be episode five because of some of the catty bullshit, but it made more sense than this one to me.
favorite episode gif:
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ashleighssims · 4 years
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Eileen Love -> the architect
workaholic / irresistible / bot fan / no sense of humour / photographers eye
Noah Love -> the athlete
adventurous / good / clumsy / loves the heat / genius
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gruesim · 2 years
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Rockwood Island - BETA
When life gets too loud in Rosewood, Rockwood is place to go! Only a few miles off the coast, this tiny Park addon sprouted a cozy community of individuals who like to live life a little slower. Built up by a few members of Rosewood, Rockwood mimics its big sister, just in a bite sized way!
This world is an EDIT of Hylewood by the amazing @nilxis, credit for terrain and plant placement goes to them!
Way more pictures HERE!
Tiny Map
around 20 tiny houses, most do have at least 2 bedrooms!
Town hall, festival ground, cafe, bar, playground, community pool, park, basketball field, school, football field, grocery store, beach community lots included.
Fully built up but no interiors to houses.
BG Compatible: EP CC is included if you are missing an EP but some objects may still be replaced by statues (very few). 
CC is included but its quite a bit!
This world has its own lighting mod, so please remove any lighting mod you use or download the lighting mod if you want it for other worlds, its a realistic one!
The cafe has a glitch where sims like to use the water taxi to exit it, a library file of a fixed Cafe has been included, please replace the lot in game!
This is a BETA so there will still be some routing issues!
Issues with basketball and football field where the yellow boulders may need to be deleted as sometimes they prevents sims exiting the lot!
The industrial Strength Doors by Cyclonesue and the Scania doors may mess up. You will just need to replace them for your sims to access the lot.
As this world is a Beta and I made it mainly for me, so if you have issues please tell me but I am not planning on fixing small things unless they really mess up. I am not really active anymore and this is just being uploaded because people asked :)
READ THE README!!! I mean it! Also please post pictures and tag Rockwood Island!
Download World
Download Lighting Mod
Thanks to all my testers @simsoddball @mspoodle1 @nonsimsical and all the others, and a special thanks to amanda for cloning all the EP CC to make this base game compatible, you are awesome <3
2K notes · View notes
Jade Tech Raptor Dye Glitches
So..... I was looking at how the new Jade Tech raptor dyes, and uh. Turns out, some of the exclusive dyes are a bit....... Funky with it. I’m like 99% sure most of these are glitches because wow they do Not Look Right.
EYE STRAIN WARNING FOR UNDER THE CUT (Also pretty image heavy)
There’s some that look nice, admittedly, if a little odd....
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Ominous Yellow
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Bloody Red
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Enameled Emblaze
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Deep Jade
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Bloodstone Indigo
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Then there’s the ones that just are Not The Colour They’re Supposed To Be
Ember Red
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Bloodstone Dark Coral
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Abyssal Sun
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And then there’s the just... OH GOD MY EYES category :’)
Electro Pink
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Abyssal Depths
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Cherry Vanilla
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mercityart · 3 years
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I am so proud of this- Tim Wright has been stalked by the operator for his entire life, and the reason for it is far more complicated than what meets the eye. The operator needed a purpose, a reason to be in this dimension, he had tooken notice of a mentally ill young woman who was mourning due to having lost a child thanks to fertility issues. He took this opportunity and began an experiment, he placed a piece of his DNA within the woman's womb and when she became pregnant again, the child she would bear had a part of him attached,giving him further access to this dimension as he was bound solely to Rosewood and parts of Germany and New Jersey as well as a field forest in Russia. Once the child was born he had full access to this dimension, being able to travel anywhere, anytime, however, he does have limitations. He can only be around electronics for a period of time as the electrical waves interfere with his energy, he is essentially a glitch to this universe. A parasite. Tim, in a way, is the Operators first born child, however, he also is a part of the Operator. This gives the Operator partial control over Tim when he is in a state between consciousness, hence his masked state when he has seizures. This isn't exactly not Tim, however a primal part of him that is allowed to be unleashed, the part of his DNA he inherited from the Operator. Tim was the very blueprint in the creation of the Operator's proxies
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Can you give me a link to the list of every single character that you made please? I have to scroll for a long time to find it...
((I constantly add new characters to my list, so just because you don’t see your AU or character on this list doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go ahead and request the character! I’m always excited to add new things! So, go ahead, and ask for characters that might not be on here!))
* Sans/Undertale Sans ‘ The Judge ‘ -
* Papyrus/Undertale Papyrus ‘ The Liar ‘  -
* Gaster/Undertale Gaster ‘ The Forgotten Scientist ‘ -
* Grillby/Undertale Grillby ‘The Bartender ‘ -
* Toriel/Undertale Toriel 'The Caretaker' -
* Asgore/Undertale Asgore 'The Previous King' -
* Alphys/Undertale Alphys ' The anxious scientist ' -
* Undyne/Undertale Undyne ' Captain of the royal guard ' -
* Flowey/Undertale Flowey ' The soulless monster ' -
* Bratty/Undertale Bratty ' The friendly crocodile ' -
* Catty/undertale Catty ' The chatty cat ' -
* Lady/Snowdin shopkeeper ' the cheerful shopkeeper from snowdin ' -
* Chara/Undertale Chara ' The vengeful ghost ' -
* Asriel/Undertale Asriel ' The crybaby heir ' -
* Frisk/Undertale Frisk ' the monster ambassador ' -
* Mickey/Undertale Monster Kid ' The Undyne Fan ' -
* Ginger/Undertale Burgerpants -
* Red/Underfell Sans ‘ The Sentry’  -  
* Boss/Underfell Papyrus ‘The Guard Captain’  -  
* Aster/Underfell Gaster ‘ The Failed Scientist ‘ -
* Firefly/Underfell Grillby ‘ The Cold Flirt ‘ -
* Ursa/Underfell Toriel 'The Caretaker of the Catacombs' -
* Tenor/Underfell Asgore ' The Tyrant' -
* Laguna/Underfell Alphys ' The mad scientist ' -
* Currant/Underfell Undyne ' The cruel captain ' -
* Dessy/Underfell Chara ' The demon who brought despair underground ' -
* Daffodil/Underfell Flowey ' The frightful flower ' -
* Fawn/Underfell Frisk ' The genocidal freak ' -
* Penny/Underfell Monster Kid ' The moody teenager ' -
* Tuscan/Underfell Asriel ' The obsessive prince ' -
* Lucky/Underswap Sans ‘ The Manipulator’  -  
* Stretch/Underswap Papyrus ‘ The Puppet ‘   -  
* Dings/Underswap Gaster ‘ The RiverMan ‘ -
* Peachy/Underswap Grillby 'The bubbling bakery owner'
* Pepper/Underswap Mutter ' The quiet Bartender' -
* Cinnamon/Underswap Chara ' The Two-Faced savior ' -
* Tawny/Underswap Asriel ' The friendly town guide ' -
* Buttercup/Underswap Frisk ' The lost princess ' -
* Periwinkle/Underswap Monster Kid ' The current monster prince ' -
* Razz/Swapfell Sans ‘ The Lord ‘ -  
* Mutt/Swapfell Papyrus ‘ The Wild Dog’  -
* Ebony/Swapfell Toriel ' The unstable Queen' -
* Marigold/Swapfell Asgore ' The Unstable Caretaker' -
* Fuschia/Swapfell Alphys -
* Rosewood/Swapfell Undyne -
* Pitch/Swapfell Chara ' The Cheerful ambassador ' -
* Cobalt/Swapfell Asriel ' The quiet town guide ' -
* Chartreuse/Swapfell Frisk ' The domineering prince ' -
* Peacock/Swapfell Monster Kid ' The prideful princess ' -
* Blackberry/Fellswap Sans ‘ The WannaBe Guard ‘ -
* Patch/Fellswap Papyrus ‘ The Loyal Pet ‘ -
* Sunny/Fellswap Grillby ‘ The Poisonous Bakery Owner ‘ -
* Mahogany/Fellswap Chara ' The temperamental fallen human ' -
* Flaxen/Fellswap Asriel ' The bored town guide ' -
* Canary/Fellswap Frisk ' The good-hearted Lost Spirit ' -
* Jade/Fellswap Monster Kid ' The frightful princess ' -
*Merlot/Fellswap Gold Sans ' The bad wine expert wannabe ' -
*Mochaccino/Fellswap Gold Papyrus ' The coffee addict ' -
* Hickory/Horrortale Sans ‘ The Butcher ‘ -
* Tatters/Horrortale Papyrus ‘ The Cannibal ‘ -
* Lilac/Horrortale Toriel - 
* Vile/Horrortale Grillby 'The starving bartender'
* Trigger/ Horrortale Undyne ' The Fallen Queen ' -
* Widow/Horrortale Muffet ' The Black Widow ' -
* Toffee/Storyshift Chara ‘ The Guard ‘ -
* Plum/storyshift Asriel ‘ The Captain’s Son ‘ -
* Pebble/Storyshift Frisk ' The one who will free them all ' -
* Moss/Storyshift Monster Kid ' The village boy ' -
* Cantaloupe/Storyshift Papyrus -
* Skyblue/Storyshift Sans ‘ The King ‘ -
* Delta/Asylumtale Sans ‘ The Maniac ‘ -
* Daisy/Asylumtale Alphys 'The therapist' -
* Sam/Overtale Sans 'The Boy-Next-Door' -
* Audrey/Overtale Papyrus 'The eccentric mascot' -
* Sapphire/Overtale Frisk ' The friendly goat monster ' -
* Oliver/Overtale Monster Kid ' The curious neighborhood teenager ' -
* Bumblebee/Outertale Flower ' The worrisome flower ' -
* Midnight/Outertale Sans ‘ The Star Fanatic ‘ -
*  Marrow/Outertale Papyrus ‘ The Earth Fanatic ‘ -
* Kris/Deltarune Kris  -
* Susie/Deltarune Susie  -
* Sugarberry/Trickstertale Swap!Sans ' The eccentric Trickster ' -
* Glitch/Error! Sans 'The destroyer' -
* Palette/Ink! Sans 'The creator' -
* Night/Nightmare! Sans 'The bringer of nightmares' -
* Starry/Dream! Sans 'The bringer of gentle dreams' -
* Sansy/Fresh! Sans 'The parasite' -
* Coral/Shattered Dream -
* Iris/Fresh! Chara -
* Fern/Mafia!Dream  ' The Optimistic Detective ' -
* Onyx/Mafia!Nightmare  ' The Pessimistic Detective ' -
* Sangria/Mafia!Ink  ' The soulless detective ' -
* Chiffon/Mafia!Error  ' The guilty Detective ' -
* Berry/Strawberry Nightmare ' The positive nightmare ' -
* Arctic/Snake!Dream!Sans ' The positive snake protector ' -
* Anchor/Snake!Nightmare!Sans ' the negative snake guardian ' -
* Sky/Outcode Underswap Sans ' The last star sans ' -
* Coral/Shattered Dream -
* Raven/Killertale Sans -
* Blueprints/Error! Underswap Sans -
* Tortilla/ Pup Bitty -
* Denim/Sansy Bitty ' The lazy bitty ' -
* Pistachio/Sansy Naga Bitty ' The peaceful snake bitty ' -
* Jam/Edgy bitty -
* Navy/Baby blue bitty -
* Echo/Echotale Sans ‘ The PlayBoy’  -
* Heather/Echofell Sans -
* Juniper/Echoswap Sans - 
* Green/Echotale Papyrus ‘ The BookWorm’  -
* Solaris/Dusttale Sans ‘ The Murderer ‘ -
* Hound/Dustswapfell Papyrus 'The feeling addict' -
* Yammy/DustJar Papyrus -
* Bronze/Disbelief Papyrus -
* Sandstone/Dustbelief Papyrus -
* Squash/Dustswap Papyrus -
* Fog/Dusttale Papyrus
* Carob/Dustshift Asriel -
* Rust/horrorfell Gaster 'The man who speaks in screams ' -
* Carnal/Horrorswapfell Gaster ' The Pathetic RiverMan ' -
* Teddy/Horrorfell Sans 'The dusting butcher' -
* Cranberry/Horrorswap Sans 'The backstabbing maniac' -
* Bell/Horrorfellswap Sans 'The incompetent little helper' -
* Knight/Horrorswapfell Sans 'The Try hard protector' -
* Garnet/Horrorfellswap gold sans -
* Rottenberry/Horrorfell Papyrus ‘ The Mute ‘ -
* Pine/Horrorswap Papyrus ' The creepy Con Artist ' -
* Cedar/Horrorfellswap gold Papyrus -
* Umber/Horrorshift Asriel ' the broken down sentry ' -
* Soot/Horrorshift Chara ' the protective Butcher ' -
* Spice/Underlust Sans ‘ The Lover ‘ -
* Cotton/Lustswapfell Sans 'The Authoritative slut' -
* Candy/Lustfell Sans -
* Teal/Swaplust sans ' The innocent slut ' -
* Sugar/Underlust Papyrus ‘ The Friend-With-Benefits ‘ -
* Lavender/Lustfellswap Papyrus 'The Affection seeker' -
* Marmalade/swaplust Papyrus -
* Cerulean/Lustfell Grillby 'The flirty bartender'
* Sepia/Lustfell Toriel - 
* Orchid/Horrorlust Toriel - 
* Eros/Altertale Sans 'The gentle giant' -
* Nebula/Alterswap Sans 'The benevolent ruler' -
*  Azure/Dancetale Sans 'The dancer' -
* Puffy/Danceswap Sans ‘ The Happy-Go-Lucky Dancer ‘ -
* Lyric/Danceswap Papyrus 'The jokester dance fanatic' -
* Tangerine/Dancetale Papyrus  -
* Comet/Outerswap Sans 'The Curious human fanatic' -
* Pluto/Outerfellswap Sans 'The strength fanatic' -
* Perseus/Outerswapfell Sans ' The rule follower ' -
* Cygnus/Outerfell Sans ' The eccentric dreamer ' -
* Cherry/Shiftfell Chara ‘ The Pet ‘ -
* Majesty/Shiftfellswap Chara ‘ The Captain Of Pride ‘ -
* Caramel/Storyswap Chara ' The friendly sentry-to-be ' -
* Brash/Storyswapfell Asriel 'The absent minded sentry' -
* Ivory/Storyswap Asriel ' The laid-back sentry ' -
* Bloodbath/Shiftfell Papyrus ‘ The Catacombs Caretaker ‘ -
* Riffle/Mafiatale Sans ‘ The Mobster ‘ -
* Riggs/Mafiafell Sans 'The failing underling' -
* Slate/Mafiaswap Sans ‘ The Two-Faced ‘ -
* Mal/Mafiafellswap Sans ‘ The Malevolent Boss ‘ -
* Casanova/Mafiaswapfell Sans ' The Angry Boss ' -
* Grim/Mafiahorror Sans ' The Devoted follower ' -
* Rose/Mafiatale Papyrus ‘The Right Hand ‘ -
* Whip/Mafiafell Papyrus ‘ The Boss ‘ -
* Slim/Mafiaswap Papyrus 'The blind follower' -
* Rus/Mafiaswapfell Papyrus ‘The Jack-Of-All-Trades ‘ -
* Slim/Mafiaswap Papyrus 'The blind follower' -
* Toots/Mafiafellswap Papyrus ' The kind follower ' -
* Dreary/Mafiahorror Papyrus ' The cowardly follower ' -
* Syrup/Mafiafellswap Gaster ‘The Spy ‘ -
* Chompers/Mafiahorror Gaster ‘The deceased Don’ -
* Admiral/Mafiafell Gaster ' The brutal Don ' -
* Basiliscus/Mafiatale Gaster ' The Collected Don' -
* Apricot/Mafiaswap Gaster  ' The cheerful informant ' -
* Sable/Mafiaswapfell Gaster ' The strict Don ' -
* Dove/Mafiafell Chara  ' The Apathetic heir ' -
* Sage/Mafiaswap Chara   ' The two-faced sweetheart ' -
* Ardor/Slavetale Sans 'The catalyst' -
* Roxxy/Slavefell Sans  'The lovable pervert' -
* Ditzy/Slaveswap Sans  'The savant slave' -
* Wisteria/Slaveswapfell Sans 'The perfectionist' -
* Azalea/Slavefellswap Sans 'The housekeeper' -
* Mortis/SlaveDust Sans 'The loose canon' -
* Cassiopeia/SlaveOuter Sans 'The perfect prey' -
* Jaws/Slavehorror Sans 'The starving slave' -
* Viper/Slaveswap Papyrus 'The skeptical slave' -
* Rogue/Slavefell Papyrus  'The reluctant slave' -
* Pup/Slaveswapfell Papyrus 'The perfect puppy' -
* Foxglove/Slavefellswap Papyrus 'The perfect lover' -
* Frank/Overfell Sans 'The flirty mechanic' -
* Tommy/Overswap Sans 'The friendly donut shop owner' -
* Pierre/Overswapfell Sans 'The justice obsessed officer'
* Theodore/Overfellswap Sans 'The temperamental nurse'
* Flynn/Overhorror Sans 'The veteran'
* Angelo/OverLust Sans 'The insane cat gentleman'
* Daniel/OverOuter Sans 'The passionate astronomer'
* Tony/OverMafia Sans 'The typical dark backstory ex-mafiose'
* Russel/Overswapfell Papyrus 'The child-loving kindergarden teacher'
* Tobias/Overfellswap Papyrus 'The helpless romantic'
* Whitley/OverLust Papryus 'The damsel in distress'
* Willow/OverMafia Papyrus 'The friendly rival'
* Spurce/Beasttale Sans ' The territorial Alpha ' -
* Shamrock/Beasttale Papyrus ' The Friendly Beta ' -
* Charcoal/Snaketale Sans ' The chubby snake ' -
* Leather/Snakeswapfell Sans ' The territorial snake ' -
* Grease/Snakefell Sans ' The aggressive snake ' -
* Aquila/Outersnake sans ' the dreamy snake ' -
* Walnut/Snakeswap Sans ' The cheerful snake' -
* Crow/Dustsnake Sans ' the homicidal snake ' -
* Lapis/Altersnake sans  -
* Seafoam/Sirentale Sans ' The human-hating siren ' -
* Ocean/Sirenswap Sans ' The selfish siren ' -
* Seaweed/Sirenswapfell sans  -
* Hades/Reapertale Sans - 
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kaaramel · 4 years
Do you have a favorite out of the flores/microfiction pieces appearing in Nobilis or Glitch?
in glitch... everyone loves the fucker eliminator and its for good reason. also fond of the infusion one with “not him, his cell phone.”
from nobilis 3e.. asking the imaginary friend if they’re real sticks w/ me, and the phasael passage from diary of deceivers probably doesnt count as a flore but is probably at least microfiction-adjacent and it’s good
nobilis 2e i confess i havent sat down to do a cover-to-cover read but i searched out specifically the hugh rosewood ones once out of curiosity and i’m fond of the storyteller trying to bargain w/ him
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heavensdog · 5 years
I don’t recall if someone has asked this before, and if someone has then feel free to skip this. I have yet another angsty ask. How would the ROs handle themselves if MC broke up with them for real this time? What would the aftermath be? How long would it take for them to move on?
OOooh. . . . 
Well, Iriel won’t handle it well, that’s for sure. They’ll um. Try. They’ll try really  hard -- and it’ll be easier if the MC has someone else that they’re falling for (as long as it’s not Lapis again) -- but they’ll probably do a complete 180 personality wise. . . becoming more distant and aloof and also acting a bit more impulsively on things that might not be the safest. They won’t beg for the MC to come back or anything, but . . . they clearly don’t know what to do with themselves when the MC is gone. Or maybe they do know what to do with themselves, and they just don’t know how to do it. . . . After breaking up with them, the MC would find that they didn’t really know them to begin with.
Lapis has already had this experience, and they could probably handle it again because what else is there for them in life anyway? They can’t relate to anyone outside of this conflict, and it’s not like they don’t kind of deserve it. They’d probably been hesitant about getting involved with the MC a second time, but they look at a second break up with a resigned kind of acceptance. Why would things be different a second time around?
Rosewood is the one who copes by binge-watching bad movies (they might even ditch the horror movies and watch a lot of I Love Lucy or other such classics) and eating way too much ice cream. They don’t know how to act around the MC after that and if clinging to Abaddon is an option they will cling to Abaddon. There are lots of tears and awkward moments where they need to re-learn how to be friendly without falling into over-familiarity.
Abaddon is like “Oh, okay.” and seems to be done with it, especially if they can fall back on their relationship with Rosewood for some sense of stability. It’s not like they ever stopped watching the end of everything approaching -- but how they were impacted would probably be more obvious in their relationship with Rosewood -- they’d keep their partner at arms-length in a way they hadn’t before, as though they were suddenly reminded of something unpleasant. (Rosewood understands why and is pretty good at bringing Abaddon back to the present, but if the MC asks them about it no, they will not explain.)
Nymbostratus seems to care the least though, honestly -- it’s not like they should have been in love with the MC anyway, and the MC was always going to be part of a different sphere of influence than they were. In some ways, it’s actually a relief -- whatever glitch in reality caused that to be a thing is over, and they can get back to what really matters. That gnawing feeling in their chest isn’t going to go away any time soon anyway. So what if it’s a little bit stronger now?
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amosbrittany · 5 years
Shattered Chapter 1
Disclaimer : I don’t own Transformers Animated or any characters for that matter.
Notes : I haven’t done fanfiction, let alone TF based, in ages. And never for TFA, So I don’t really know what the hell I’m doing but what the hell, I’m going for it. lol I took quite a few liberties, pulling bits from various continuities to build this sucker.
Warnings : I have a tendency to put characters through hell. Violence and character death this chapter. Eventual Optimus/Sentinel, Megatron/Ultra Magnus, Bumblebee/Blitzwing, Jazz/Prowl and Ratchet/Pharma.
Summary : The road to hell is paved with good intentions, but Sentinel’s latest stunt might just kill them all...or worse.
The Fringes had to be the worst possible place to put a space bridge. On the very edge of Autobot territory, it took a regular beating from the Decepticons and even anti-Cybertronian organics. Crews came and went during its construction and maintenance, at times never making it back to Cybertron at all. For the most part, the disappearances were blamed on the Cons. It was a dangerous assignment that wasn't helped in the slightest if the crew assigned were full of incompetent or delinquent workers,  which was typically the case as no one with a whole procoessor would settle for the post.
Sentinel Prime knew Alpha Trion  sent him out here in particular as punishment, pure and simple. After the unmitigated fiasco Megatron's trial had been, he'd not only lost his position as Magnus but as second-in-command as well. He was bumped all the way down to repair duty with a group of fools and sent off to the Fringes. Naturally, he was angry. He was angry with the Decepticons for living up to their cursed name, at Alpha Trion, and at Optimus for not only upstaging him with the Powermaster armor but for taking his job afterward. He was humiliated and bitter. His team didn't help make the situation much better.
There were four other bots on the large rockbound base with him. Broadside was one of few triple changers in their ranks who could turn into a plane and a sea craft...but he was deathly afraid of both heights and water. Sentinel had no idea how that was feasibly possible, but he imagined the bot would have a spark attack on Earth when the rain came. Second was Landfill, and despite being a decent soldier and overall nice guy, he lived up to his name. Quite literally. Sentinel had no idea where the stench was emanating from on the mech's person and it was almost insulting that the mech couldn't pick it up himself. The whole team kept a wide distance from him at all times. Sentinel knew he could be whiny at times himself, but Huffer took the oil cake. He took the oil cake and complained the whole time he ate it at that. He avoided literally everything difficult, whining about it for good measure and he was the most likely bot Sentinel was going to throttle one day.
The only member of the team worth anything was the medic and truth be told, Sentinel had major concerns about the mech. Dark rumors from Delphi on Messatine followed this bot after his experimental jet upgrades following the success of the twins. Pharma had apparently glitched in the processor and hard from the procedures, not only setting a plague loose on the facility, but sawing a Decepticon defector that recently joined their ranks in half. Length ways. After some orbital cycles under intensive therapy, the doctor was cleared for limited duty and shipped off with him out to the Fringes, away from the good people of Cybertron in case he lost it again. There were a few times the Prime caught his medic giggling in an alarming manner and even talking to himself, so Sentinel wasn't entirely comfortable with his presence. But Pharma was the best in the field, so he prayed it panned out well for them.
"Can you not figure out why Landfill stinks so bad? What kind of doctor are you?" Huffer whined, shaking Sentinel out of his thoughts rudely. They stood gathered at the base of the space bridge, surveying the damage recently wrought by an agitated Deception that had attacked in passing.
"Last time I checked, it was my job to make sure you don't offline and continue to function optimally...Not help you smell like fragging rosewood." Pharma hissed, brandishing an inactive saw in place of his left hand at the minibot. "And if you don't shut up, I will ram this up your tail pipe and turn it on!"
Sentinel snorted. At least he didn't have to babysit the doctor.  He glanced up at the patchwork space bridge, the south pole smoking the hit and run. It happened frequently and it was damned annoying. "Could you all just pipe down so we can fix this and get it over with?" He scowled at the rest of the team.
"But...But that's so high up..." Broadside frowned.
"Oh for frag's sake..." Pharma rolled his optics, hands thrown in the air. "You have a plane alt-mode. What is your malfunction?!"
"At least it isn't as bad as yours-" Sentinel could appreciate Huffer's brave attempt at snark, but the screaming that followed it as the jet transformed and proceeded to run the minibot down in retaliation just ground further on his nerves.
Landfill called from a few yards away. "Permission to come closer?"
"Permission denied." Sentinel grumbled. "Go, I don't know...Scout the area or something, make sure the Cons don't set anything unwelcome up."
"SIR YES SIR!" Obviously happy to have his orders, the truck changed forms and drove off to scout around. The asteroid was sizable, so it would almost be a mega cycle before he swung back their way.
After knocking Huffer violently into a hole that would likely take him a few cycles to climb out of, Pharma returned to the pair, gracefully transforming as he dropped down. If the slagger wasn't so crazy, Sentinel would be tempted to talk him into a casual frag or two. He was quite the piece of optic candy, the only piece available really. But the jet prattled on in the worst way about Ratchet of all people, so he doubted he would have much luck. "Enjoy yourself? Because we have work to do." Sentinel grumbled.
"I'm a medic, not a mechanic." Pharma groused back, examining his fingertips.
"It's the same damn thing." The Prime held up his hand as his comment almost earned him a scathing lecture about the differences. "I don't want to hear it. Get this scaredy-bot up there somehow and take care of it while I get Huffer! And that's an order if you need clarification!"
He ignored as Pharma acted like he asked him to move the moon, turning away in favor of fishing Huffer out of his hole so they could get to work at the base of the structure. Beyond the upkeep of the space bridge, which would be their way home in case things went south where they were, he couldn't be bothered with improvements to the troops. They were good soldiers, for the most part, but personality flaws were a pain in the aft to try and work over. Besides, he didn't necessarily mind so long as the work got done, his mind was elsewhere anyway. All he could think about were his recent failures and how he was going to get back up in the ranks, at least enough to get positioned back on Cybertron. It was glaringly obvious Optimus would be following in Ultra Magnus's footsteps and he doubted the golden mech was going anywhere any time soon.
Sentinel sighed to himself, crouching at the edge of the hole for a moment. He was finding it hard to stay angry at Optimus, at least a little. Of course, the business with Elita-1 was always at the heart of his ire, but somehow seeing what she had become and the horrible things she was out there doing like what happened to Wasp had tempered it. When Optimus had taken Megatron down and brought the remaining Decepticons back to Cybertron, he had to admit his old friend looked like he had been dragged through the slag pits. He found it hard to imagine what it was like in that battle and he sometimes wondered if he would have had as much mettle to duke it out with the tyrant in the fragging air as he had. The disgraced Prime wasn't exactly a slouch in combat simulations, but he wasn't nearly as battle-hardened as Optimus. His optics flickered thoughtfully, coming out of his musings when he realized he wasn't absently listening to Huffer complain. "Huffer?"
The hole was empty. Turning on his headlights to examine the small pit better, it looked to turn into a tunnel that dipped down after a solid foothold. He could even see where Huffed had hit the edge and likely slid his way deeper into the asteroid. Sentinel let out a long, suffering sigh. Now he had to go searching for the little pest.
<Good job, Pharma. You knocked him Primus knows where.> Sentinel scowled as he climbed down into the hole.
<Well, I say good riddance.>
<That tower better be patched by the time I drag him out.> His threat was answered with some mild grumbling. After reaching the foothold, he slid down into the tunnel, sliding for several yards before he was struck by an odd sense of vertigo. His HUD exploded with warnings on a somewhat muffled and unknown energy reading that was turning his systems on their head. Sentinel grimaces, digging his fingers into the rock to stop himself. 'Woah, that's not right...' His knees shook as he tried to collect himself. He noticed there were spidery veins of glowing violet embers visible in the cracks and further down, there were large chunks of what reminded him of raw crystallized energon that grew in abundance deeper in. Tank churning, Sentinel hurriedly climbed his way back out, thankful that getting topside cleared up his readings.
"Ugh..." Sentinel shook his head, glancing back. <Pharma, what the hell is underground in this rock?>
<How am I supposed to know? I'm a doctor. DOC-TOR. Not a digger. Landfill is the geologist specialist. Why?>  After Sentinel explained what he ran into, Pharma sounded far too fascinated for his taste. <Odd. I don't suppose you brought a sample back out with you, did you?>
<Frag no. You think I want to touch that stuff?> Sentinel made a face. Of course, now they had a new problem. <Huffer, come in.> There was silence from the minibot. <We can't leave him down there...Whatever is down there.>
<Well, I'm not going down there and getting my circuits fried. They're already bad enough as it is...>
The Prime ran a servo over his face, sighing. No, he didn't need Pharma going postal on them. Resting his elbow into his servo, he gently tapped the knuckles of his free servo against his chin as he considered what to do. There weren't many reports on the innards of the large asteroid they were on, the ones there were mostly belonged to the teams who never survived their assignment and even then, there wasn't much to them. The reports got progressively more erratic prior to their stopping completely. Given what he felt when he was down there, Sentinel mused whether the energy from the crystals had been a bigger problem than realized. It was a suspicion he was going to have to put in his report.
Pharma and Broadside returned to him. "...Well?" The medic crossed his arms, head tilted.
"...I guess we're leaving him down there." Sentinel frowned. It wasn't a great call, but he didn't want the whole team to be the next crew to go MIA. That wouldn't look good for him. "If he's all right, he'll find his way out."
"And if he's not...?" Broadside didn't look pleased.
"Then...we'll...send a report he went missing. If we find him, we find him...But I'm not sending anyone down there and don't even think about arguing with me about it. I don't know what the frag is down there and I don't really want to. It felt all kinds of wrong."
"But you're just going to leave Huffer down there?" The triple changer pressed before he glowered at Pharma. "And what about him? This psychopath was the one who knocked him in there in the first place!"
"In my defense, I thought it was a simple hole." Pharma sniffed.
Sentinel shook his head. "No one is going down there till we have more information, now let's deal with the rest of these repairs. And Primus willing, the Cons will let us call it a solar cycle."
Sentinel returned to the Axalon after sending Broadside and Pharma out to hunt for Landfill when the truck never returned to the post. They'd never had an issue with someone patrolling around alone until now. It left the Prime uncertain if it was at all connected with Huffer's disappearance...or those of past crews. It was possible the bot could have been picked off by the Decepticons, but then Sentinel was sure Landfill would have called for backup if that were the case. He went digging into the base's old files as he compiled his own report, pausing when it sounded like company had joined him. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw Pharma.
And only Pharma.
"...Please tell me you didn't kill Broadside." Sentinel muttered flatly.
The medic gave him an offended look. "No. I did not. He ran off on his own, thank you very much."
"And why did you not stay with him?" He demanded in exasperation.
"Because the daft fragger decided to take a cave tunnel down to go look for that idiot Huffer. That's why." Pharma scowled back at him. "I started to follow him in, when I started to feel what you described and heard voices so I decided to backtrack and report in. This infernal rock is probably layered with particular metals and stone that keep the underground contained below because he wasn't responding to his infernal comm-link after I backed out of the cave."
Well, that explained why Huffer hadn't answered him. But something was bothering him about this situation. Something was putting a bad twist in his tank. "...Lock down the Axalon." Pharma gave him a perplexed look before he shrugged and the two of them set about doing so. Once the ship was sealed off, he felt only somewhat better.
"What is with you...?"
"Not sure...I just have this feeling there is something weird going on and it's bugging the hell out of me."
Pharma frowned, scratching his chin thoughtfully. He supposed his Prime had a point. There was something unsettling about their team's disappearances. He had a feeling even a brief exposure to whatever was below ground had helped unnerve them. "You know..." Pharma began thoughtfully, looking out the bridge window. "The Decepticons never really touch down here or properly engage. It's always passing aerial strikes. Do you suppose they are wary of the asteroid?"
Sentinel's optics flickered with surprise at how he had never considered that. "That...would make sense. I mean if anyone would know these parts...It would be the Decepticons. But..." He frowned. He didn't want to try and communicate with a Con again. It would look bad, especially after the last time he had struck a deal with one. Of course, losing three of his four team members was pretty bad too. But maybe he could get answers without completely damning himself. He pulled up the communications array and started to ring up Cybertron. Pharma gave him a curious look but stayed quiet as the line was opened with high command. Sentinel sighed as he found Optimus staring back at him.
"Sentinel...?" The SIC seemed a little surprised to be hearing from him since all of his reports were in file format and he generally let Pharma deal with the talking. It was hard enough just looking at him and seeing just a bit of the Elite Guard badge on his shoulder.
"I'm going to cut to the chase, Optimus." Sentinel completely skipped over pleasantries. He hadn't wanted to make this call but he had little choice. "Earlier this solar cycle, one of my men took a tumble down a tunnel. When I attempted to retrieve him, my systems were assaulted by a strange energy source, so the retrieval was aborted. Landfill who was sent out on a scouting assignment has not returned. I sent Broadside and Pharma to look for him, but they found nothing and Broadside decided to venture underground to find Huffer. Pharma attempted to go with him, but was assaulted by the same queer energy and reported back. We can't contact them and they've-"
"Oh look, there's Huffer!" Pharma piped up cheerfully.
"Uhh..." The Prime's faceplate heated up as he glowered at the jet, paying the amused look Optimus gave him no mind. He stood to look over the console, seeing the minibot. But his gait was...off and he had an odd, distinct violet glow emanating from his biolights. Pharma took his pedes off the console and leaned forward for a better look himself.
The SIC called to them. "Sentinel? Is it Huffer? Is he all right?"
"Well, he looks kind of funny-" Not that he wasn't built funny for a minibot to begin with but something was quite off now. But neither of the bots had much time to contemplate the differences as the short mech launched himself into the air and threw himself into the windshield. Pharma shrieked, falling back out of his seat and Sentinel staggered back in shock. Huffer's faceplate was twisted in a ghoulish visage of hateful rage as he proceeded to pound on the thick glass, quickly causing the material to crack under his blows. The Prime cursed as he accidentally dented his leg on his chair to get back, drawing his shield and lance out while engaging his face visor. "Pharma, behind me!"
"SENTINEL! What's going on?!" Optimus looked alarmed, unable to see anything but their panicked faceplates and their defensive positioning.
Pharma scrambled to get behind him as he backed further along the bridge. The windshield gave out under the minibot's assault. Sentinel tensed as the small fragger charged them, faster than he thought Huffer capable, if that even was Huffer. As the minibot lunged at him, mouth open wide with gnarled denta, the Prime struck out, driving his lance straight in. The smaller bot went rigid and twitched, speared through on the energy lance, momentarily stunned. Sentinel relaxed slightly before tensing anew as Huffer tried to drag himself towards him along the lance, as if it was a mere inconvenience at worst. The roar of a chainsaw made him jump as Pharma darted forward and pressed the saw into the minibots's head, tearing the helm apart. Violet goo spattered everywhere as the body finally went still, limbs dropping. Sentinel threw his lance down, stepping back from the speared body in horror.
"Good lord..." The medic murmured, his plates shaking. He turned off the saw, shaking off the foreign fluids. They looked over at the communication array where Optimus was just gaping at them in shock. Pharma turned to Sentinel. "He broke through the bloody window..."
That blatant observation jarred him out of his stupified state. "YA THINK?!" Sentinel sqawked back at him.
"What the hell did I just see..." Optimus's optics flickered.
Pharma crouched by Huffer, nudging him onto his back for a better look. Shards of violet were embedded under several cables, his denta were shattered as if he had been chewing on something hard and volatile, and violet goo oozed from the wounds they had inflicted to his frame. He could, however faintly, pick up on that same wrong energy they had felt from the caverns below. That feel of unease returned anew. "I don't know, Optimus Prime...But I think you should send us back-up. Immediately. Because I have a feeling Broadside and Landfill might be returning much the same way very soon."
It looked for a moment that he had lost his ability to process let alone vocalize, but Optimus regained his wits as he nodded grimly. "Understood. We'll be there asap!"
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