#the royal heir corgis
storyofmychoices · 1 year
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SpreadJoy #753: spreading positivity with quotes and @playchoices characters.
Quote in edit by me
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peonyblossom · 11 months
okay what is with TRR’s weird obsession with corgis???? i don’t like it
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bluerosefox · 5 months
[2023 Prompt List 1][Previous] [2023 Prompt List 2][Here] [2023 Prompt List 3][Next]
|The MANY Bloodlines of Constantine (Its by pure dumb luck Danny is crowned Ghost King before his 18th, because he learns his biodad had sold his soul, its void now, and not just his but also his half-siblings as well... Constantine is getting decked.)  (Psst read the reblogs, everyone had fun adding to this one) |Daughter of Phantom, Lady Gotham. (Lady Gotham, is Danny Phantom’s daughter) |No Longer In Service (Ghost King Danny has an idea how to get summoners to stop summoning him) |Overdue Payments (Ghost King Danny finds Ra’s al ghul’s overdue payments and a request to repossess it) |For Them (Danny uses his ice to save Dani (Ellie) from melting and does so in front of one Dr. Victor Fries, aka Mr. Freeze) |In A Single Night (Vlad is taken down by either Selina or Tim in a single night due to being a creepy creep) |Assassin Heir? Crime Fighting Furry? NOPE NO THANK YOU! (Danny wakes up in a DC version of himself and tries to nope out of the Assassin lifestyle and avoid becoming a crime fighter. Now if only the others understood that) |Playing Dead AU (Danny is the dead body for those Murder Mystery parties and gets a gig for the Gotham elite. I strongly suggest reading the reblogs, they get amazing for this) |Of Godsons, Fruitloops, and Lois ‘I will drag all secrets out into the sun’ Lane (Lois Lane is Danny’s only godparent, Vlad better watch out) |Recluse Owner, Bookshelf Gremlin, and the Cute Cafe Guy (Danny and Dani have to leave their home dimension behind and decide to open a cafe with Ghostwriter whose been wanting a way to get new books without having to go out and deal with people. Jason is sus of the new bookstore that opened up overnight) (Very hinted Dead on Main) |Cujo is.... Trying (Danny gets hurt, Cujo and him are yeeted into the Gotham, and Cujo... Cujo is trying to do his best even as he’s chased after a sword wielding bird boy)  |Tim, buddy, what do you mean you might had accidentally made a Love Child?! (Danny learns is the love child clone? of Tim and Kon that Tim accidentally made during his bad year of losing everything and Danny gets deaged and tossed back into his home dimension. It was due to Clockwork that he never noticed the life he created (cause villain Tim timeline was nearly on set) but finds out what he created when said love child shows up at a Gala wandering around just after he announced he’s dating Kon) (a TimxKon story where they try to raise their clone love child) |Bellatrix Star ( a TaliaxDanny idea. Queen Talia and Ghost King Danny) |Joker Messed Around and Found Freaking Out. (Joker messed with the wrong person when he took a visiting class hostage) |Fenton Ethics and Test Tube Babies (Jazz and Danny aren’t Fenton’s but are half-siblings and cousins (basically same mom, different dad’s)...The Fenton’s have some... questionable ethics and moral) |Timelines, Red Robins, and Kings (dont ask about the title, it was only thing I can think of) (Tim crashes in on Danny’s ghost King lesson’s during his Red Robin run. Clockwork is excited for this timeline cause he gets to have some fun) |Beloved Beyond Time (Due to weird time-traveling, Ghost Prince Danny is summoned and mistaken as King by the LoA. There he meets a smitten young Damian al Ghul who proclaims they will marry... Later Danny finds himself cornered by a year older Damian when he returns to his own time) |Over Tea (Gotham gets a sudden and strange weather that shakes it to its core. The Batfam is trying to find the source, meanwhile a young Ghost King and Lady Gotham are discussing things over tea. |Good Doggos Give Hope! (A self-indulgant idea of Cujo wanting to help his fav ghost boy and meeting a very special ring wearing Corgi) |Taking a Chance (Good!Mom Talia! DannyxTalia (Royal Errors) and half-siblings Damian and Ellie (Danielle). Talia discovers Ra’s future he set out for Damian and is at the ends of her ropes, she is given a chance to leave in the form of a cryptic time being. Meanwhile Danny needs someone to become Danielle’s mother before she completely destabilizes)
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bornitereads · 10 days
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The Mongol Empire - John Man
Read: Feb - Mar 2024
This was an interesting read. The Mongols are such an interesting topic. The way they spread all over Eurasia is still very impressive. So I was intrigued to learn more. I should have paid more attention to the tag line however, because I was mildly disappointed when Man kept his focus on China. Truly in terms of scale the Mongolian Empire was so vast and disparate that it would be hard to cram it into one book. But I definitely thought I was getting a more overview of it all situation. Instead we got the humble beginnings, which are always relevant, and actually it's kind of wild how little we do know about said beginnings. Man's discussion on sources made it abundantly clear that there are things we just will not know, despite the Mongols importance to history.
Some surprise amount of mystery around Genghis's life and death. More than I would have thought, especially considering Kublai was Emperor of China and China had the tools, resources, and learning to have an history written. Which to be fair, one was, but it's just surprising that it's the state propaganda one. Like I'm lowkey annoyed that there's not more material written about it. Sorry, annoyed that more wasn't found/survived. I'm sure there was reams written about the new invaders, alas, most seems to be gone. Historians are really piecing it together from all the weird pieces left and making a narrative of found facts and educated guess work. Still no amount of guessing will produce the grave of Genghis, unfortunately. Gods, could you imagine someone finds it by accident? That would be so funny, but also so juicy, and I'm sure politically fraught.
Anyways back to the book, after Genghis we spend time with his heirs and especially Kublai, who founded the Yuan Dynasty. As an aside: my personal folk etymology for dynasty, is because royals often die nasty. Anyways Man takes us through Kublai's life and then, the book is wrapped up at warp speed. Only whispers of the rest of the dynasty and then a brief account of its fall. Barely a word about what happened to the more western parts. I wanted more. Which of course I can presumably find elsewhere, I'm just being silly expecting Man to do it all. In any case I learned a lot reading this and it was totally worth it and so interesting. Man definitely is not a dry history writer, so it was easy to be brought along.
Info: Corgi Books; 2014
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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By Charlotte Hodgman | Published 12 May 2022
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“1992 is not a year on which I shall look back with undiluted pleasure... it has turned out to be an ‘Annus Horribilis’,” said the Queen, now famously, in a speech marking her 40th year on the throne. Indeed, 1992 had proved difficult for the royal family, with the breakdown of Prince Charles’ and Prince Andrew’s marriages, Princess Anne’s divorce, and a fire at Windsor Castle high on the list of unfortunate events.
B is for... BIRTHDAYS
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Thanks to the unpredictability of the British weather, the Queen celebrates two birthdays every year: the day she was born (21 April) and the second Saturday in June. The two-birthday tradition began with George II in 1748 – his November birthday was deemed to be too cold for al fresco celebrations, so he decided to attach his birthday celebrations to the Trooping the Colour ceremonial parade held in the summer.
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‘Poulet Reine Elizabeth’ – better known as coronation chicken – was dreamt up in 1953 by florist Constance Spry and cordon bleu chef Rosemary Hume. The dish is said to have been inspired by the ‘Jubilee Chicken’ recipe that was created in 1935 for George V’s Silver Jubilee, but, in an era of postwar rationing, coronation chicken is unlikely to have been on the menu of many street parties in 1953.
D is for... DOGS
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The Queen’s love of dogs, specifically the corgi breed, is well-known; she has owned more than 30 corgis since her accession. Perhaps her closest canine friend, though, was Susan, the Pembroke Welsh corgi who was given to the-then Princess Elizabeth on her 18th birthday. The pup even took part in her wedding to Prince Philip – riding in the state coach (hidden under a blanket) and travelling with the royal couple on their honeymoon.
E is for... EMAIL
In March 1976, the Queen made history when she became the author of the first royal email. Distributed using ARPANET – a forerunner of the internet – from the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment in Malvern, Worcestershire, the message announced the development of a new programming language. It was sent from the Queen’s – rather predictably named – personal email account: HME2.
F is for... FATHER
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When Princess Elizabeth was born in 1926, her father was still Prince Albert, Duke of York, but in 1936, life changed dramatically when Albert took the throne as George VI, meaning that Elizabeth was now heir apparent. Elizabeth’s preparation for queenship began almost immediately and father and daughter developed a close bond as he trained his eldest child for her future role as monarch.
G is for... GIFTS
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Queen Elizabeth II has received countless gifts throughout her reign – some precious, others... more unusual. Several live animals have been presented to the Queen, including a young Nile crocodile from the People of Berending on the Gambia River and two Aldabra giant tortoises from the Government and People of the Seychelles.
H is for... HATS
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The Queen is known for her vibrantly coloured coats with matching headgear, but just how many hats does the royal wardrobe contain? While the exact number is not confirmed, Her Majesty is rumoured to have donned more than 5,000 hats over the duration of her reign.
I is for... INTRUDER
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Several intruders have been apprehended in the grounds of royal residences over the years, but none have made it as far as Michael Fagan, who, in 1982, broke into Buckingham Palace and found his way to the Queen’s bedroom. Since trespass was then a civil offence, Fagan was only tried for burglary (having helped himself to half a bottle of wine), and spent several months at a psychiatric hospital.
J is for... JUBILEE
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This year, the Queen marks her Platinum Jubilee, becoming the first British monarch to celebrate 70 years on the throne. She will follow in the footsteps of other famous monarchs who have celebrated milestones in their reigns, including Edward III (r1327–77), who is said to have celebrated his Golden Jubilee with a magnificent procession from the Tower of London.
K is for... KENYA
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It was during a stay at Treetops Hotel in Nyeri, Kenya, on 6 February 1952, that Princess Elizabeth learned that her father, George VI, had died. She and Prince Philip had been enjoying a short break in the African country during the first leg of a Commonwealth tour, but flew home immediately, landing in London the next day.
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Fourteen US presidents have come and gone over the past 70 years, but only one failed to meet the Queen face to face. Despite corresponding by letter between March 1964 and July 1967, neither Queen Elizabeth II nor President Lyndon B Johnson issued invitations for the other to visit.
M is for... MOTHERHOOD
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Assuming the throne with two small children – Prince Charles (3) and Princess Anne (18 months) – meant juggling monarchy with motherhood from the off, and long periods of time away from family while touring. Two more children (Prince Andrew and Prince Edward) followed in 1960 and 1964 respectively, ensuring the continuity of the Windsor line.
N is for... NICKNAMES
Despite her dignified demeanour, the Queen is said to have a number of nicknames within the royal family, including ‘Gary’ (bestowed by a young Prince William who had confused the word with ‘Granny’). Princess Charlotte is said to use ‘Gan-Gan’, while the late Prince Philip often called his wife ‘Cabbage’ – perhaps from the French term of endearment, mon petit chou (my little cabbage).
O is for... OBEY
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When the future Elizabeth II married Philip Mountbatten in 1947, eyebrows were raised over the choice of wedding vows. The word ‘obey’ had been removed from the Church of England service in 1928, two years after women were permitted to own property on the same terms as men, but Princess Elizabeth chose to include the word in her vows, promising to “love, cherish, and to obey” her new husband.
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The Queen and Prince Philip enjoyed a 73-year marriage before his death in April 2021. The pair were introduced in 1934, and met again five years later at the Royal Naval College in Dartmouth when Elizabeth was 13 and Philip was 18. It was here, reportedly, that Elizabeth fell in love with her future husband, a man she described on their golden wedding anniversary as being her “strength and stay”.
Conventional schooling is a fairly recent choice for the British royal family, with Prince Charles the first heir to the throne to have received a formal education and attain a university degree. Both the Queen and her younger sister, Princess Margaret, were home-schooled by a governess, with the young Elizabeth also receiving lessons in constitutional history after she became heir to the throne.
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The future Queen made her first public address on 13 October 1940, aged 14. Joined by Princess Margaret, the speech was broadcast at the start of Children’s Hour on the BBC World Service, and was aimed at children who had been evacuated from Britain to America, Canada and elsewhere.
You can listen to the recording via the BBC Archive: bbc.co.uk/archive/childrens-hour--princess-elizabeth/z7wm92p
S is for... SWANS
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The Crown has claimed ownership of mute swans (a particular species of swan) since the 12th century, when monarchs liked to tuck into the white waterbird at feasts. A ‘Swan Upping’ ceremony, led by the Queen’s Swan Marker, takes place in the third week of July each year on a particular stretch of the River Thames, and any swans found are checked over – for health reasons, rather than as a potential meal.
T is for... TOURS
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During her long reign, Elizabeth II has travelled more than a million miles (1,032,513 to be precise) and visited 117 different countries, despite never owning a passport. In 2015, having flown the equivalent of 42 times around the globe since her accession, the Queen finally hung up her boarding pass and retired from overseas travel, making a trip to Malta her last foreign tour.
U is for... UNCLE EDWARD
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At her birth in 1926, baby Elizabeth was third in line to the throne, behind her uncle Edward (later Edward VIII) and her father (later George VI), and seemingly destined to be pushed down the line of succession by the births of brothers and male cousins. But on Edward VIII’s abdication in 1936 her future took a new direction and her path to queenship began.
V is for... VE DAY
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In 1985, the Queen confessed in a BBC interview that, on 8 May 1945, she had secretly joined in the public celebrations that had followed the announcement that the war in Europe had ended. Dressed in her Auxiliary Territorial Service uniform ( see next box ), she and Princess Margaret snuck out of the palace and joined the celebrating crowds on London’s streets, all without being recognised.
W is for... WORLD WAR II
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Aged 13 when WWII broke out, Princess Elizabeth was evacuated to Windsor Castle with her nine-year-old sister, Princess Margaret. As the conflict progressed, Elizabeth joined in with the war effort, tending her allotments as part of the Dig for Victory campaign and eventually joining the Auxiliary Territorial Service. She is the first female royal to have joined the armed services as a full-time active member.
X is for... X-RAYS
From tea towels to teapots, royal memorabilia is a massive business, but not all collectibles have received the royal seal of approval. In 2011, 18 dental X-rays of Elizabeth II’s teeth, together with those of her mother and father – taken between 1942 and 1946 – were withdrawn from an auction in Gloucestershire. Lawyers for the royal family cited a right of privacy for medical records and the lot was pulled from sale.
Y is for... YACHT
Now a popular visitor attraction and events venue in Edinburgh’s Port of Leith, HMY Britannia served the royal family for 44 years, travelling more than a million nautical miles. But in December 1997, the yacht was deemed too expensive to maintain and run, and the huge vessel was decommissioned. The Queen is said to have shed a tear at the ship’s decommissioning ceremony in Portsmouth.
Z is for... ZAMBIA
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The Queen is expected to remain politically neutral, but she has, on occasion, been a target for the decisions of her governments. In 1979, during a visit to Zambia, some Zambians waved banners in protest against the UK government’s plans to recognise the controversial political regime of neighbouring Zimbabwe Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), led by Abel Muzorewa.
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“The occupations of a constitutional monarch are grave, formal, important, but never exciting,” wrote the British journalist Walter Bagehot in his 19th-century work on the English constitution.
If that’s true, no one appears to have told King Charles III.
The British monarch, who will formally be crowned king in a coronation ceremony this weekend, is perhaps the least non-exciting royal alive.
Quite aside from his position as the head of the British royal family — a role that he automatically took over following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, in September — Charles’s life has always been under the spotlight, from his fairytale wedding to Princess Diana in 1981 to his falling out with his youngest son in 2021.
What distinguishes Charles from his mother, as well as most other members of his family, is his vast array of interests and hobbies.
Many Britons could probably name something about the king that most would find eccentric or odd: His love of red squirrels, for example, or his passion for British hedgerows.
There’s also his disdain for cube-shaped ice. Virtually everyone in the country, if not the world, knows how he feels about leaking pens.
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“He’s quite quirky,” Sally Bedell Smith, author of Prince Charles: The Passions and Paradoxes of an Improbable Life, tells TIME.
Quite unlike Queen Elizabeth II, who had a reputation for keeping her personal views on everything beyond corgis and horses private, Charles has always been outspoken about his views and interests.
The one that he is perhaps best known for is his passion for environmentalism, a cause that he took up as early as 1970 when, as the Prince of Wales, he issued a prescient warning about the “horrifying effects of pollution.”
On related issues such as organic farming and sustainable fashion, Charles was ahead of his time.
So committed is he to the cause of conservation that he purportedly still wears a pair of shoes that he bought in 1971 and drives a classic Aston Martin that runs on bioethanol made from cheese and wine.
He has since issued more urgent calls for radical climate action.
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But the monarch’s interests don’t end with the planet. Among Charles’ other noted pastimes is architecture and, in particular, how it has been stained in the modern era.
He once described a proposed addition to London’s National Gallery as “a monstrous carbuncle” and even likened London’s contemporary landscape to the Battle of Britain in World War II.
(“You have, ladies and gentlemen, to give this much to the Luftwaffe,” he once told attendees of an event marking the Royal Institute of British Architects’ 150th anniversary.
“When it knocked down our buildings, it didn’t replace them with anything more offensive than rubble. We did that.”)
A living embodiment of Charles’ architectural worldview can be found 130 miles southwest of London in Poundbury, a town featuring pastel-colored houses, abundant courtyards, and signless roads that was designed by Charles as an experimental planning project in the 1980s.
Due to be completed in 2025, Poundbury has been hailed as a model for new, livable urbanism. To critics, however, it’s seen as more of a feudal Disneyland.
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That Charles has so many passions — to say nothing of his interest in philosophy, homeopathic medicine, and Islam — is, in many ways, a direct consequence of his extended stint as heir to the throne, a period in which he had both the time and the resources to pursue his interests.
His time as Prince of Wales “was not, by any stretch of the imagination, a life spent in waiting,” Bedell Smith says, noting his work with more than 400 charities, many of which were directly tied to his interests.
“He was very busy; he was a man in a hurry.”
“He has a fogeyish side, there’s no doubt about it,” says Richard Fitzwilliams, a longtime royal expert. “But he’s also an extremely hard worker.”
This perception can get lost amid Charles’ more peculiar idiosyncrasies, from his reported preference to travel with his own custom-made toilet seat to his apparent unwillingness to administer his own toothpaste.
It’s little wonder that one of his biographers, royals expert Christopher Anderson, dubbed him “one of the most eccentric sovereigns Great Britain has ever had.”
Since becoming sovereign, however, Charles had to scale his own personal views and interests back.
In his first address to the nation following his mother’s death, he conceded that, as he takes on his new role, “it will no longer be possible for me to give so much of my time and energies to the charities and issues for which I care so deeply.”
For many observers, this was an essential step in ensuring the continuity of the royal family as a unifying force in the country.
“A monarch simply cannot go out and make pronouncements on issues that could very well alienate some portion of the British population, and for that matter the population in those nations that remain realms over which the British monarch is a head of state,” Bedell Smith says.
“One of the most important roles of the monarch is to be the binding force in British society and to do anything that runs counter to that threatens his position.”
Charles has found some ways of maintaining his individuality, though.
While the monarch was reportedly blocked, for example, from attending the COP27 summit in Egypt last year, he did host a reception for others attending the summit to discuss the issue of climate change.
And while he may still be the “defender of the faith,” as the supreme governor of the Church of England, Charles has also dubbed himself the “defender of faiths,” reflecting his desire to be more inclusive.
And while Charles’s coronation will be steeped in religious symbolism and tradition dating back centuries, there will still be elements of the celebration that are unique to him, if you know what to look for.
The design of the ornately illustrated coronation invitations, for example, features a hedgerow border in an apparent nod to the monarch’s love of horticulture.
The ceremony will also feature Greek Orthodox music, in a tribute to the king’s father, the late Duke of Edinburgh, who was born in Corfu into the Greek and Danish royal families.
(“He was always interested in Eastern Orthodox thinking and practices,” says Bedell Smith)
The inclusion of religious leaders representing the Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, and Sikh traditions in the coronation underscores Charles’s efforts to reflect Britain’s diversity, as well as his own interests in non-Christian faiths.
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bridgertonbabe · 1 year
Okay so based off of this clip of the Swedish Royal Family trying to take a family photo, here’s a little look at the Bridgertons gathering for a photo in the Royals AU (where naturally chaos ensues);
“Let’s take an official family photo, they said. It’ll be fun, they said.” Eloise muttered under her breath beside Sophie. 
Ten minutes ago the whole Bridgerton clan had descended from Aubrey Palace and into the gardens for the annual official family photo. Violet was to be the central point of the photo with all her children, grandchildren, plus her son and daughters-in-law surrounding her. The set up was straight forward enough; Violet would be sat in the middle of the garden bench with her two eldest grandchildren, Amelia and Belinda, sat on either side of her and with her two youngest children, Gregory and Hyacinth, on the other sides of their respective niece. The rest of the family would be gathered around the bench with the remaining five grandchildren being held by their parents. It was all quite straight forward, really - except for the fact that there were seven young children involved. 
For a second it seemed like the photo would be achieved miraculously quickly as everyone assembled swiftly and without fuss; however, just before the photographer could snapshot the image, Belinda squealed in excitement as Newton trotted past and before either Violet or Gregory would grab a hold of her, she had upped and bolted after the royal corgi. 
“Belle!” Amelia whined before anyone else could call out to the little girl, and she too slipped just out of reach of her grandmother and Hyacinth’s grasp to chase after her younger sister. 
“Oh, here we go.” Colin had smirked as everyone watched on in amusement as the two girls and dog ran amok around the garden. 
“Belle! Amelia! Come back, sweethearts!” Daphne called after them in a gentle voice, hoping she wouldn’t have to use a sterner tone than that. 
“Newton!” Anthony called to the distracting dog and tried whistling to get the corgi to return to them in the hopes that his nieces would follow after him. 
“Oh, like he’s ever responded to you.” Kate snorted. “Newton!” she raised her voice as she beckoned over her dog, ignoring her husband’s pinched face of annoyance. “Come here, boy!” 
As soon as the queen had called for him, Newton did a u-turn and pelted back to the family, grinding to a halt at the front of the bench and flopping down to pant with exhaustion from his little run about. However, whilst Newton was no longer being chased around the garden, his chasers in question hadn’t trailed after him. Belinda was now simply running away from a disgruntled Amelia, who kept shrieking her sister’s name out in frustration. 
“Girls!” Simon tried this time. “Girls, come back over here!” 
The pair of them had just disappeared out of sight behind a hedge when suddenly one of them let out a high pitched scream. Simon groaned as he put down Caroline and marched off to sort out his two oldest girls.
“Newton! Newton!” Edmund called out in delight to his pet dog and began wriggling in his father’s arms to try and get to the corgi. 
“Ed, stop squirming.” Anthony said as he repositioned his son in his arms. “You can say hi to Newton after the photo’s been taken.”
Another scream emitted from behind the hedge and Simon rounded it and out of sight to sort the commotion out. 
“I mean, we could be here a while yet.” Kate remarked, inclining her head in the direction of the Basset girls. “You can let him see Newton for a second.” she reasoned. 
Though Anthony was reluctant, Edmund kept on trying to wriggle his way out of his grasp and so in the end he let his son go and watched as the little heir to the throne ran over to Newton - and immediately threw himself down on the ground right next to the dog.
“Edmund!” Anthony sighed in exasperation, knowing his son’s light Bridgerton blue clothes would immediately have a grass stain on it. 
“Newty! Newton!” Edmund giggled as he bumped noses with the dog, who then licked the little boy’s nose and caused another squealed giggle out of him. “Mummy! He licked my nose!” 
Meanwhile, David was fussing in Daphne’s arms, grumbling and moaning in spite of her attempts to calm him down.
“It’s alright, poppet.” she tried to assure him.
“Dada!” David suddenly sobbed. “DADA!” 
“It’s okay, poppet, it’s okay.” Daphne tried bouncing him.
“DADA!” David continued to cry out and then began furiously trying to get out of his mother’s arms.
“Let me go help him.” Colin offered and went off in the direction of his brother-in-law and nieces. 
“Carrie, darling? What are you up to?” Violet asked.
Out of the Basset girls, Caroline in general caused the least amount of problems, almost as if the toddler already possessed the understanding that her two chaotic older sisters were enough of a handful without adding to the bedlam. After being put down by her father she had calmly watched him march off in search of her sisters and when she had seen Edmund cooing by Newton she had gone to join her cousin and the corgi. Before she reached them however she noticed the photographer and his equipment and instead opted to stroll over to him. The photographer gave her a warm smile as she peered into the bag his camera had been carried in and then began inspecting all of the pieces he had brought along with him. 
“Camera!” Caroline responded to her grandmother and pointed to tripod it was set up on. 
“Yes, that’s right!” Violet enthused. 
“Amelia!” Colin called out from across the garden.
Belinda had once again taken off from behind the hedge, followed once more by her older sister as she tried to hunt her down. The girls’ father and uncle appeared from behind the hedge but before Simon could try to rein his girls in, David screamed out and began swatting at his mother to put him down. Colin redirected Simon back towards the family, quickly informing him that David wanted his father and his father only in that moment, before Colin hurried off after the rambunctious little girls.
David’s squawking didn’t stop until Simon retrieved him from Daphne’s arms and as soon as he did David immediately settled, sniffling with relief into his father’s shoulder. 
“Girls!” Daphne now called out, her voice breaking with bubbling frustration due to her children’s antics. 
As the girls got closer to the group, Benedict called out to Belinda and began to approach in the hope that between him and Colin they could herd the pair up. 
A sudden clatter drew everyone’s attention to where the tripod now lay on the ground as the photographer scrambled to put it back up.
“Oopsie!” Caroline said, looking genuinely apologetic. “Oopsie!” she repeated as an alternative to an apology.
“It’s okay, no harm done!” the photographer insisted as he quickly gave his equipment the once over to ensure that there truly wasn’t any harm done. 
“Mwah!” Caroline kissed a leg of the tripod. “Kissie make it all better!” 
“Mummy, mummy; look!” Edmund cried out cheerfully as he rolled over on the grass, copying Newton, who was now trying to scratch his back by wiggling against the ground. “I’m a doggie too!” 
“Shot in the dark, but we don’t have a change of clothes for him, do we?” Anthony addressed the stylist loitering nearby, who gave an apprehensive shake of the head. 
“Shush, shush, shush, it’s okay, Milo.” Kate said as now Miles began to fuss in her arms. 
“Amelia!” Daphne exclaimed as she watched her eldest smack her younger sister. 
The grand duchess then furiously marched off in the direction of her daughters, and yet in spite of the three against two ratio, the little girls both managed to dodge their mother and uncles and continue to run about the garden.
“Jesus, it’s like herding cats.” Eloise remarked in Sophie’s ear. 
“Eloise, why don’t you go try and help instead of making unhelpful comments?” Violet tightly asked, having turned around and lowered her voice so the staff couldn’t hear her. 
“No?” Eloise pulled a puzzled expression. “I’m not a parent to any of these children. Daph’s got to face the consequences of her own actions.”
“Eloise! How could you be so critical of your own sister’s parenting?” Violet hissed at her.
“I never said anything about her parenting!” Eloise pointed out. “I merely inferred that Daphne’s made her own bed so she can lie in it without my assistance.”
“Oh, for the love of - Edmund!” Anthony called out as Newton took off, followed by his son who was galloping after the corgi on all fours. “Get back here!” he bellowed before marching off after him. 
“Carrie! Come over here, Carrie!” Hyacinth beckoned to her niece, who was still nosing around on the other side of the camera. 
“Eloise, could you at least help out one of your siblings with their children?” Violet asked in an imperative tone.
“I am helping!” Eloise scoffed. “I’m helping Sophie with Charlie.” 
Violet tutted - her youngest grandson was causing the least trouble of all the youngsters. Ironically before they had gathered for the photo Sophie had been fretting that her four month old would cause the biggest fuss and had braced herself for him to cry and disrupt proceedings. It’s why she had fed him prior to the photo, in the hopes it would be one less reason for him to cry; but on the contrary, Charlie had been as good as gold in spite of the chaos descending around them. The adorably chubby baby had been comfortably cradled in his mother’s arms the entire time, sucking on his own hand occasionally but otherwise fully settled and content. 
Before Violet could order her second eldest daughter to actually be of any use to anyone, Kate had passed Miles into his grandmother’s arms before she went to help Anthony fetch Edmund. 
“Oh, finally!” Simon sighed as Colin made his way back with Amelia in his arms, followed by Benedict with Belinda in his, and then Daphne marching after with a couple of flowers secured tightly in her hand. 
When they reached the bench the two girls were placed back down in their original places on either side of their grandmother before Daphne shoved a flower into each of their hands, which both girls cheered in response to. 
“Please, please keep a hold of them.” Daphne pleaded with Gregory and Hyacinth, both of whom didn’t have to be asked twice as they wrapped an arm around their respective niece. “Thank you.” Daphne huffed with relief before returning to her spot. 
Just then Newton came scampering back and plopped himself by Violet’s feet, panting heartily as Anthony and Kate returned with Edmund.
“Thank you so much, Violet.” Kate puffed as she took a now settled Miles back from her mother-in-law. 
With six out of seven grandchildren safely in position, all that was left was Caroline to get back into the frame. It was Francesca who rounded the bench, caught Caroline’s eye and without saying a word, bent down and opened her arms wide. Caroline lost immediate interest in the equipment and flew straight into her aunt’s arms before Francesca carried her back to where she had been standing.
“Okay, everyone ready?” the photographer.
“Please, just take the picture!” Anthony asked desperately through the plastered smile on his face. 
And somehow, in spite of the pains and lengths that had just occurred, every last person, children and corgi included, smiled for the camera as several flashes went off to capture the one big happy family altogether. 
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hilarychuff · 2 years
OMG I just thought of another "The Princess Diaries", sometimes I still think of Sansa who waited for Jon and him never showing up. My poor baby😭
ok i knew i wanted to do this jonsa princess diaries au scene almost immediately because a) frankly there aren't that many actual mia michael scenes in the movie and i don't have my copies of the books at my apartment and b) it's cute!! cute before the heartbreaking moment where jon accidentally stands her up!!! you can imagine the ensuing angst for yourself on this one ❤️ also i thought about waiting until the morning to post this but whatever fuck it i’ll just shameless self reblog later
Oh For Fork’s Sake
“Um,” Sansa says suddenly, the slightly higher pitch of her voice grabbing Jon’s attention as they walk side by side to school.
She’s been talking practically nonstop for the last five minutes, rambling really as she fills him in about her day yesterday, how Sister Mordane gave her a solo in choir, how Robb’s band practiced the same song for forty-five minutes straight at their uncle Benjen’s garage last night. He doesn’t mind. He’s liked just listening, actually. Well, not exactly listening. He’s getting the gist of what she’s saying he’s pretty sure, and he’s been responding appropriately (or at least he thinks he has, nodding along each time she glances over at him at least), but mostly he’s just been enjoying walking next to her.
It’s rare that it’s just the two of them like this — usually Arya is nearby, or Robb, even her little brothers Bran or Rickon — but when he’d rang the Stark family’s doorbell that morning, she’d been the only one who’d answered, opening the door almost immediately and then snapping it shut behind her. Arya was running late, she insisted. Too late to wait for. She’d overslept, told Sansa they should go ahead without her, that she’d grab a ride with Robb instead. So they’d left, and Sansa had seemingly made it her mission to fill the silence for every moment since.
He doesn’t mind. Lately, his head has been so full of stupid prince stuff, packed to the brim with names of long-dead relatives and Valyrian family crests and edicts the Targaryen line had issued over the last 300 years. Daenerys has been drilling him on them relentlessly, insisting he’ll be an embarrassment of an heir if he doesn’t figure out how to get this all down. She’d lost her temper with him last night when he’d mixed up his oyster fork and cocktail fork, and he’d been so frustrated he’d shoved away from the table, so desperate for a break that he’d nearly knocked his chair to the ground. Instead it had only wobbled for a moment, then slammed back down onto all four legs, loud enough that it had startled one of his aunt’s vicious little corgis that had been crowded around her feet under the table. Drogon had lunged, snapped at his ankle, and Jon was certain he’d been on the verge of starting an international incident once he’d finally managed to shake his pants free of the pup’s clenched teeth.
Daenerys had banished him for the rest of the night after that, commanding him to get out of her sight, and he’d stormed straight out and walked the 15 blocks home without stopping. Only Ghost had been able to help him calm down, but when he’d fallen asleep later that night, his dreams had been plagued by royal rules and family trees and he’d woken up stressed all over again. So hearing Sansa just babble on about her day as they walk the half mile from her place to school — well, it’s been kind of nice to pretend at least for a few moments that everything is still normal. That he’s just a regular high schooler like she is.
Now, though, she’s like a record that skipped the track, a few sharp little intakes of her breath punctuating the silence that’s fallen between them even as she keeps her strides steady.
“Um, so I was wondering,” she finally manages, and is she… nervous? Is that what the babbling had been about? She’s a little flushed too now that he thinks about it, both of her thumbs hooked into her backpack straps instead of swinging loosely at her sides. Did Arya tell her about him? Does she know? Is that why she’s suddenly acting weird around him?
“Do you —” she starts, then lets out a huff of a laugh, shaking her ponytail as if that’ll reshuffle the words she’s looking for into just the right order. When she finally gets them out, they’re not at all what he was expecting. “Do you have plans already for Saturday night?”
The question takes him entirely by surprise. Is she asking what he thinks she’s asking?
“Why, is Robb’s band playing somewhere?” he says by way of answer. “Did he recruit you to find him roadies again?”
“Oh, no — Well, I mean, yes,” she says. “Robb managed to convince some café by Dacey’s house that they’re definitely good enough to be playing public gigs, but I, um —” She hesitates again, just for a moment. “I was thinking maybe, if you wanted to, we could do something else. The parts for your mustang came in, and Uncle Benjen gave me my own key to the garage just in case I ever need it, and I know he wouldn’t mind if we wanted to work on your car after hours.”
She’s blushing a little more now, biting her lip, and he can’t believe for a moment that this is really happening. He’s never imagined it like this, her asking him, so nervous that it makes him feel more confident than he ever has in comparison.
“If we wanted to work on it?” he teases, grinning.
“OK,” she says, rolling her eyes, but he can see her fighting her own smile even as she looks straight ahead instead of at him. “If you wanted to work on it while I watched. And maybe —” She hesitates again, sneaks a glance at him, but his smile seems to reassure her. “Maybe we can even order pizza. And M&Ms. And put it on the company card. Uncle Benjen still owes me from that time he accidentally spilled transmission fluid on my math homework.”
He nods along, waits for her to finish, and then shoots her mock-suspicious look.
“You know,” he drawls. “If I didn’t know any better, Sansa, I’d say you were trying to ask me on a date.”
She laughs, finally releases her iron grip on her backpack straps so she can give him a playful shove.
“Shut up. Do you want to or not?”
When her arms drop to her sides, they’re close enough that his knuckles brush against the back of her hand. Suddenly, he feels like he could correctly identify a thousand stupid little forks, recognize the minute differences in each one by touch alone. “OK,” he agrees. “Yeah, Saturday. Let’s do it.”
His knuckles brush the back of her hand again, his fingers flexing, hand open just in case she wants to slip hers into it — and then Arya is bursting between them.
“Um, hello!” she demands, just this side of panting, her school uniform rumpled and ragged where Sansa’s is pristine and pressed. “Didn’t you two hear me shouting your names? And why didn’t you wait for me? I told you I just needed a few minutes!”
He shoots Sansa an accusatory look, and she has the good grace to at least seem a little sheepish. Still, to think that she purposely went out of her way to get him alone? If you put a family tree in front of him, he could fill out every single fucking name, date, and formal title on the damn thing.
“Sorry,” Sansa says. “I thought you were just getting in the shower, not getting out.”
If she were paying attention, Arya would see that for the obvious lie it is, but she’s not looking at them anymore, instead looking down the street past them.
“What’s going on at school?” she asks, and she’s right, there’s something, a crowd hovering around the front steps.
The whole area is buzzing, people milling around with microphones and cameras and tape recorders, reporters and photographers loitering as if they’re waiting for something. There are some students out front too, Joffrey and Margaery and Loras all at the top of the steps — and then Joffrey is leaning out over the railing, pointing, shouting something and, almost as if as one, the whole mob turns to look at Jon. Fuck.
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Review: Falling Hard For The Royal Guard by Megan Clawson.
Love is in the heir in this royally good rom com debut releasing in Spring 2023 – perfect for anyone who likes relatable heroines (with great hair), hot and aloof book boyfriends (with great hats), near misses, almost kisses and a corgi or two.
Having followed Megan on tiktok and hearing about this book, I was really looking forward to reading this as it seemed like a fun read with a lot of detail about the tower and this book certainly didn't disappoint it what was an enjoyable read based in the Tower Of London.
From the beginning of the book how this author frames what is her home is really brilliantly done, the imagery and scene setting is incredibly done with a richness that really allows for this story to come to life where it is set and it makes me want to go and visit as soon as possible? Like I really want to go to the Tower of London now.
The plot is fun, cute and has all that you want from a romance, but the history woven into this story is just, it hit right for me and I really had a great time reading it and hearing about what it is like to live a private life in a very public space.
Thanks to Avon and Netgalley for the ARC, I can't wait to read more from Megan, this is such a cute debut.
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mercerislandbooks · 2 years
Short Take: The Drowned Woods
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You could say I have a fascination with Wales. It began when I picked up Sharon Kay Penman’s Welsh Princes Trilogy as a teenager and devoured them. Historical fiction set in 13th century Wales filled with romance, royal machinations and more than one prince called Llewelyn. Totally hooked. Then I finally read Susan Cooper’s outstanding The Dark is Rising series. The last two are set in Wales, complete with a short primer on Welsh pronunciation, and I ate them up. It was in the final book of this series, Silver on the Tree, that I first heard of the Drowned Hundred, a mythical kingdom swallowed by the sea. When I caught sight of The Drowned Woods by Emily Lloyd-Jones, a YA historical fantasy, I couldn’t help but wonder if there was a connection. Indeed, it is set in Wales and involves a heist, so I was definitely in.
Merirad (Mer) is just trying to keep her head down and escape the notice of Prince Garanhir, the man who bought her off her family when it was discovered she was a water diviner, a human touched by the fae and able to manipulate water. He raised her to be used as his weapon but when Mer couldn’t live with the damage she’d inflicted any longer, she ran. Trouble comes looking for her in the form of her old mentor, the Prince’s spymaster. Renfrew offers her the opportunity to get free of the Prince forever with one last job. Together Mer and Renfrew assemble a crew, including a young man touched by Death, the heir to the Thieves Guild and a corgi called Trefor who may or may not be a spy of the “other folk”. Their aim? A magical well on a remote island guarded by an otherworldly boar said to protect the Prince’s kingdom by holding back the sea. Plus all the treasures the well contains. Ruin Garanhir and finance their new lives all in one fell swoop.
Of course nothing is straightforward when magic and spies are involved, and the nonstop action kept me riveted. I listened to The Drowned Woods on audio, a bonus because for once I heard all the Welsh names and places as they are supposed to be pronounced instead of making my best attempt based on that long ago lesson Bran gives Will in The Grey King. Lovers of historical fantasy and fans of Six of Crows will find this a good fit. Lloyd-Jones balances tension with humor, because nothing beats a corgi that sneezes when magic is in play. And for those who have series fatigue, this is a stand-alone. Though if you want more of Lloyd-Jones’ historical fantasy Wales, you can also pick up her previous YA, The Bone Houses. A perfect escape for the end of summer!
— Lori
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miniwolfsbane · 1 year
This is long, go get a drink and a snack!!
Legend (for those not in this fandom):
MC=Main Character/you
TRR=The Royal Romance
TRH=The Royal Heir (Sequel books)
Not that anyone cares, but I've been playing Choices on my phone for like a year. It was like my comfort game when my mom was passing away. Not every book in Choices is something I would support or read for myself, but The Royal Romance, Distant Shores and Perfect Match are a few of my favorites. I'm sure I'd write them a bit differently and I won't get into the hows or whys here, but I would.
I got suuuuper into The Royal Romance, so here's headcanons for my game and random crap, just because it's a niche fandom and no one talks about it except for like here and Reddit. (I only lurk on Reddit.)
I don't think the early character designs are THAT bad. (Saw a post really bashing into them once.) One that could use some work is Maxwell's. Oh, and the actual blonde Liam the book wants you to use is ewww (to me anyway). Yeah, I'd change him up A LOT! I believe this was one of Choices first books they put out, so that explains it.
Liam is named Vincent for me, and since I adore hot Asian men, I picked that face. ((Purrs)). Gonna get a button of him off Pixelberry's tiny TRR selection in their store sometime. Maybe that cuters corgi phone case if it fits mine or my future phone.
Naturally, I got to the point of madness and started using Taylor Kitsch's voice in my head for Drake, since he looks like him. (My first thought in my first play was "LOL, he looks like Gambit!") So, looks like Gambit, acts like a more romantic verison of Wolverine and loves his whiskey. Vincent has him one upped for being a Prince/King. Drake and I's daughter will be named Morgan. Simple, but fitting as Drake is no frills and I've always loved that name. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_OmNBXes3k
I felt bad for Vincent, so instead of doing my usual "take 30,000 years to pick a name" rigamaroll, I let him choose Elanor for our daughter. Maxwell's baby is named Baylana, because that's actually my top pick if I ever had a girl. (It's pretty to me, can be shortened to Bay and nicknamed Bayleaf, like the Pokemon...or the spice.)
I don't know where my brain pulled Vincent's voice, but it reminds me of a gentler, softer sounding Cyclops from X-Men:Evo, but not exact. If I ever hear it anywhere specific, I'll let you know. (1) X-Men: Evolution Jean and Scott favorite moments - YouTube
Since Maxwell starts off the immature, fun one, I got it in my head he should sound like Iceman from X-Men Evo. I think it fits. https://youtu.be/wtoQjM8eX3A?t=79
Hana's voice is another one pulled from some obscure part of my brain. It's pleasant sounding, but not from any specific character. Closest would be a sweeter sounding 90s Sailor Mars, probably after SMR, because she didn't do that whole "grr-ing" shrill (??) noise with her voice that the earlier one did. And voice file not found!
Bertrand sounds like a smarter, slightly deeper version of Nigel Thornberry, who was voiced by the awesome Tim Curry. Gen Z, go look that crap up about The Wild Thornberry's, it's great! I just saw him and thought "butler"! Hence the voice. (I know he's NOT a butler, but he looks like one.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vr-CFZCphjM
It was soooo stupid, but with Vincent's baby in TRH book 2, I picked the Mexican/other looking baby because I thought it was the cutest. Looks TOTALLY out of place in the pictures with the family together, so in my headcanon, she's lighter. Probably should've just gone with the Asian looking baby, but I wanted her to look more like me, because the book didn't already have enough narcissism. (Kidding!) Edit: Bahahaha! I'm not the only one who said "That one single white brown-haired baby we get is ugly, I'm picking this one!" (3) Pinterest (But really, picked her for my Maxwell route and she looks TONS better smiling!)
My heart lies with Vincent and his stability, even if he is a bit bland and straightforward with a fun/smexy side, but my hormones want Drake, as explained above. Maxwell is the bestie who I really thought was super sweet in my first play-through, but I probably wouldn't go for usually (in fiction or real life because I've almost never fallen for the funny, goofy guy), but I gave him a shot. He's the personality of the three and has a lovely character arc.
Hana is great, a good friend, but I would've given her more character flaws besides "my parents controlled me and I had no friends before you guys, so I'm insecure in my decisions and have low self-esteem/self-confidence." All the characters could use more flaws, but I guess that's why they're games and not a TV series or something. At least they're fleshed out, fully realized (whatever that means) and mostly well-written. MC is a bit naive or something though.
Savannah should've been less bland in personality. (again, an issue.) There's literally nothing that makes her stand out. It's reeeeally hard to see why she fell head over heels for Bertrand. I know the book explains why, but...I don't see it? IDK, maybe she would've looked better as an auburn brunette or another redhead besides Olivia. Maybe more like this? Look-Alike Face Models/Women - 2018 | Choices: Stories You Play Wiki | Fandom
Also, this is Savannah: Savannah Walker | Choices: Stories You Play Wiki | Fandom
Likewise, it's hard to see why Bertrand falls for her because of her personality. She's a bit fiery and outspoken, and she's a nice girl, but that's about it. What the heck? Missed the mark with her. She could've been Drake's complete opposite; Tough looking but shy and introverted. (Or would that be beautiful, but tough on the inside? Crap. Well, you get it.) Just SOMETHING INTERESTING!!
Olivia is awesome, like, super awesome, but sure goes on about smiting her enemies a lot for someone who's never canonically killed someone. Not that I want a bunch of gore and violence, but a bit more drama like she accidentally killed but got off on a technicality or it was never proven. Edit OR...or something lighter. Don't know why I went so dark, sorry. Maybe she accidentally stabbed a few awful people or something in her mis-spent youth, lolz.
*Shrugs* Like, if you're gonna make your character all...light violent (she talks about having knives all the time, but never stabs anyone, thankfully)...at least give us some kind of thing to chew on to finalize her mystique, her personality, give it some weight. Make her satisfying for us so it makes more sense. Committ to how you made her, Pixelberry! Hope this makes sense. Also, as much as I love Hana, I'd trade her straight across for Olivia as the there-all-the-time best friend. She doesn't quite avoid or subvert the action-girl trope, but at least she's equally feminine. That's not always the case.
VARIED BODY TYPES ALREADY!! I knoowwww the art is hard enough to create with just skin/hair colors alone, as I draw for a hobby, never mind objects and those killer, stellar animated backgrounds, but they already re-use characters to make it easier. I'm a sad panda that TRR (and all other books) can look mostly like me, but don't have my body type. I would DIE HAPPY if Drake/some other man were drooling over me as me and not skinny-minnie-Mary-Sue-esque-Main-Character-body-number-five!! (No offense to skinny or average weight people, but we don't all look that perfect.) Come to that, more skin types and vitiligo like Disney Dream Light Valley graciously put out would be awesome. They wouldn't have to give us moles and whatever, but some more variation would be beyond lovely!! Dear gawds, could you imagine seeing even side characters with vitiligo in a Choices game?!?!
Edit: I'm not saying EVERY book should be re-tooled to have chubby/really skinny MCs, but maybe just a handful of books that are popular or proven to have done well. Then go on to do that for newer books. If you're gonna have 5 faces and one body type and give all this time and attention to the details, just go whole hog and put the body types in there too! Giving us even one big girl and one waif-like one would be a major improvement. I can play as a girl two sizes bigger than I actually am, no complaints. We're just not all shaped the same and by now, Choices should really try and reflect that, even if it's a small change in one or two books to start.
I wish the VIP weren't the price it is, but I find it's worth it and it's painful waiting for more keys.
WHEN ARE WE GETTING A MERMAID BOOK?! THAT IS NOT 17+ glorifying abuse or whatever...stuff? (Not my cup of tea, thank you.)
I just want more fantasy books, dagnabit!!
My stupid dipstick self thought my Drake route for TRH couldn't POSSIBLY be that far along even though every book saves your stopping point if you leave, so I restarted the book. I AM AN IDIOT!!...But I'm not complaining too much because it's a bit nice doing the book all over again with my other favorite fictional hubby. ^_~
If there's TRR fan fiction, I probably need to find it. I want more of this series.
Okay, getting all these feelings out was kind of tiring. And it's only Thursday. 0_o Hope you enjoyed reading this insanity.
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stacyalesi · 1 year
New #bookreview: FALLING HARD FOR THE ROYAL GUARD by Megan Clawson, a very British romcom with all the feels! @meganambxr @avonbooks @HarperCollins #HappilyEverAvon #ReadAvon #FallingHardForTheRoyalGuard @NetGalley #royals #mustread #romcom #booktwitter
CLICK TO PURCHASE A new and royally good debut rom com for Spring 2023, perfect for anyone who likes London, laughing out loud and love From the publisher: Love is in the heir in this royally good rom com – perfect for anyone who likes relatable heroines (with great hair), hot and aloof book boyfriends (with great hats), near misses, almost kisses and a corgi or two. Despite living in an…
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jlpplays1 · 5 years
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🐾The Royal Corgis... more like the Royal Cuties!! 💓💓...but I think everybody’s interactions with them were even cuter 💕😭💖💖...I mean come on!!! ((Drake wins my heart over every time,..every chapter💓💓😭💖..))😅
~~Psst check out @jlpplays1editsroyalromance for more corgis 😉 collages inspired by my favorite characters, quotes and moments❤️~~🐾
@jlpplays1royalcorgiadventures 🐶
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Hey! 🐾 Chance here! I’m going to be borrowing @jlpplays1 ‘s tumblr from time to time because I need to show off my beautiful family 💕~So keep an eye out for me and my silly antics 💓 Let me know if you want to be tagged in my adventures ☺️ so you don’t miss them 🐾
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~~And check out @jlpplays1editsroyalromance for my wonderful humans’ because they were featured in original collages inspired by the best our book! 🐾
((Ps..just making you all aware-all of these are pictures I found from Pintrest)) 💕Wish these cuties were mine though!! Lol
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lorirwritesfanfic · 3 years
Pause in my writing to share that I was playing TRH3 (because I missed Liam) and I forgot I had another super adorable reason to finish this series
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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By Royal invitation Inside Prince Charles & Camilla’s London home
Australian Women’s Weekly NZ | Published 17 July 2019
Standing outside the “Birthday Gates” of Clarence House, it’s impossible not to be reminded of the Queen Mother. As a child growing up in England, I remember crowds gathering every year outside these big black gates in Stable Yard Road, hoping to greet the former Queen Elizabeth who would step outside her front door on August 4 to receive birthday wishes from the people. It was one of those peculiarly British rituals which underlined the public affection for the royal family and started in 1970, continuing until Her Royal Highness’s final birthday at the age of 101. The custom resulted in the current moniker for the gates, and as The Australian Women’s Weekly is welcomed inside for a privileged private tour of the house and gardens, currently the London home of Prince Charles, his wife, the Duchess of Cornwall, and a privileged swarm of London’s bee population, I can’t help but notice reminiscences of the Queen Mother everywhere.
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Clarence House, nestled in a perfect oasis of calm just behind The Mall, is a unique royal residence which I suspect holds a special place in the hearts of all the family who have lived here. It was built in the 1820s for the Duke of Clarence, who later became King William IV, and has been altered and refurbished over the centuries for seven very different royal occupants.
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Prince Charles became Heir Apparent to the British throne at the tender age of three when he was living at Clarence House, and all of a sudden his childhood was turned upside down. Together with his sister Anne, their cosy world moved across Green Park to the vast corridors of Buckingham Palace. His mother was no longer a princess, but Queen Elizabeth II, at just 25.
It must have been quite a shock, for even though Clarence House is an historic royal residence next to St James’s Palace, the one-time principal residence of the monarch, it has the warmth and aura of a family home, which for a time Princess Elizabeth, The Duke of Edinburgh and their two children enjoyed immensely. It’s easy to imagine Prince Charles learning to walk here, toddling along the corridors and into the gardens with the corgis scampering through.
His grandmother, the Queen Mother, lived here for 49 years after her daughter became Queen, and for some of that time Princess Margaret – before the Princess married and moved to Kensington Palace – lived here with her mother. There were glittering cocktail parties and picnics on the lawns, and the Queen Mother was a huge patron of contemporary art, much of which hangs on the walls. Then, following the Queen Mother’s death in 2002, Prince Charles moved back in with his sons, and in 2005 was joined by his wife Camilla.
Today the residence, which is one of the last remaining aristocratic town houses in London, is not just the Heir’s London home, which he and his wife live in for around 70 days a year. It’s also the brains trust for his court, with offices for the Prince’s household. The Prince and Duchess have private rooms upstairs, while the downstairs living areas are used to entertain heads of state, foreign royalty and guests from all walks of life. Here the Prince of Wales recently hosted President Trump, and past visitors read like a who’s who of world figures, including the Dalai Lama, who calls the Prince, “very close, best of friends” and wandered hand in hand with HRH around the gardens. The magnolia spectrum that the Dalai Lama planted in 2008 still holds pride of place.
Part of the appeal for dignitaries, I suspect, is the homeliness of Clarence House, for even though it is filled with intriguing historic artefacts, furniture and paintings, and is the home of the future King of the United Kingdom, you really do feel you are being invited into a family sanctum. There are family photographs everywhere, especially of His Royal Highness’s sons and grandchildren, and behind every book, every object, is a story that is very personal.
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I start my tour through the main front door into the entrance hall, where there are wooden toys that Prince Charles and Princess Anne played with, including an old-fashioned baker’s trolley and a wheelbarrow. But I can’t take my eyes off an extraordinary pedestal clock. This magnificent eighteenth-century piece with three painted dials plays tunes and features hands with crowns on their tips. It was a wedding gift to Prince Charles’ grandparents – the then Duke of York who became King George VI and Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon – from the citizens of Glasgow in Scotland.
As I soon discover, the house is filled with gifts and many are from Australia. Some are permanently on display, like the four paintings in the Lancaster Room – first room on the right – and other items Prince Charles has kindly brought into the house today from the Royal Collection or Buckingham Palace, especially for my visit. The paintings are by Melbourne artist Norma Bull, who came to England in 1939. “She was an unofficial war artist in London and would just walk out after bombings and literally draw and paint what she saw,” a member of the royal household tells me. These were particularly poignant for Queen Elizabeth, who with the King defiantly stayed in London throughout the Blitz, personally visiting the capital’s bombed out streets. “In 1947 there was an exhibition of Bull’s paintings and Queen Elizabeth bought nine, among them these four. Norma Bull then gifted another two.”
The royal family’s connection to Australia is deep-seated, and the Prince was particularly keen for The Australian Women’s Weekly readers to see a very special pair of booties, which usually sit in the nursery corridor in Buckingham Palace. They were made for his mother when she was baby and presented to his grandmother, then the Duchess of York, by Indigenous Australians in Victoria when Her Royal Highness toured in 1927. They’re made from shells, velvet and sand and are exquisite.
Another souvenir from that visit is a small rock studded with gleaming nuggets of gold. The Prince’s grandmother’s handwritten note has also been saved: “Gold Bearing Quartz from Ballarat 29.4.27”.
In honour of my visit there is a display of Australian native flora in the dining room, and the air is rich with eucalyptus. Suitably, the silver wine coolers either side are a wedding gift, “to the Duke of York (later King George VI) on his marriage to Lady Bowes-Lyon, April 26, 1923, from Australians in London.”
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When Prince Charles hosts dinners here, I am told he likes to sit in the middle rather than at the head of the table so he can talk to everyone, and he also likes to face the stunning painting of his grandmother as a young queen that hangs above the fireplace which is lit in winter. The painting is by Augustus John and is actually an unfinished work. “When he was asked to come to Buckingham Palace to paint Queen Elizabeth he was overcome and couldn’t look Her Majesty in the face, hence the detail on the dress. They provided him with a drink and even had a string quartet play next door to try to calm him down, but it really wasn’t working. When the Blitz started, they decided that they would finish the sittings because it was too dangerous. The artist rolled up the canvas and took it back to his studio. Then in the 1960s, there was a retrospective of his work and the Northern Shipping Line bought the painting as a gift for the Queen Mother as she was then, who was launching a ship for them. She absolutely loved it.”
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The Queen Mother was a fan of preparatory sketches, finding them often to have more vibrancy than the finished work, and there are many throughout the house.
Each of the downstairs rooms has its own unique personality. The pale blues of the Morning Room reflect the Queen Mother’s racing colours, while the rich reds, golds and greens of the Garden Room echo the colours in a fine wall tapestry given to Queen Victoria by Emperor Napoleon III. There are small doors beneath the windows in this room, which I’m told were opened to let the corgis run into the garden.
But most notable are two musical instruments – a golden harp made especially for the Prince of Wales which is played by the royal harpist, and a Steinway grand piano which used to be in the Royal Lodge in Windsor and on which Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret learned to play. Noël Coward regularly played on this piano and was a frequent visitor to Clarence House. On top is one of his songbooks, in which the legendary playwright and composer has written, “To Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, from Noël Coward”, and an indication of the sort of parties held here is a wine glass stain on the opening page!
One room which very few visitors see is on the third floor and holds special significance for Australia. It is called “The Quiet Room”, panelled in jarrah wood, a wedding gift to the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh from the Australian people. As I walk into this room there is a rich smell of the wood, and on the wall is a painting by James Ranalph Jackson of Australian bushland, presented to the Queen Mother by the government and people of NSW in February 1958.
The gardens at Clarence House have been remodelled by Prince Charles, adding a formal area in memory of his grandmother, laid out to His Royal Highness’s own design by members of The Prince’s Foundation School of Traditional Arts. The trees in the formal part of the garden have been topiaried into the shape of the Queen Mother’s parasol. While elsewhere, the Prince has introduced long grass where wild orchids grow and a vegie patch, which serves the house. On my visit crops of kale, spinach, carrots, broad beans, runner beans, leeks and lettuce burst through the soil.
In 2017 the Prince installed two beehives, and honey is harvested from the hives at Clarence House once a year. There is also a bee hotel, a curious collection of bamboo tubes fixed to the wall. “Beehives are for colonies but not all bees are in colonies, a lot of them are solitary and in the winter they find it quite difficult to find somewhere to be warm,” explains a household spokesperson. “The bee hotel has bamboo shoots with nooks and crannies for bees and insects to shelter and have a home.”
The gardens are also used for medal ceremonies and parties, including the Elephant Family masked ball to raise funds for the foundation, set up by the Duchess of Cornwall’s late brother Mark Shand.
And every year the Duchess invites children from a children’s hospice to decorate the Clarence House Christmas tree. “It is a lovely event that really sums up the joy of this house,” says a member of the household.
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From Down Under
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