#the secondhand embarassment was real
violetsquare111 · 2 days
spoilers for green's short video that was literally just uploaded lol
damn i was actually a little bit annoyed at all the people commenting asking about purple because i figure they're probably not gonna respond to that but now i'm kinda disappointed green didn't see one of those lmao. i wonder if they deliberately took that out of the list to make this, because i'm pretty sure there is at least one comment about purple in the actual video's top comments
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cough cough.
hhhhgkkkk i kind of don't want to see how awkward that q&a and/or house tour is going to be. bc you know it's going to be so awkward and a little sad
...hey why DOES he have a microphone
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windrunner · 4 months
not abt anyone here just a lil ramble. so i don’t spontaneously combust
inch resting to me how i’ve had more than one person reach out to me with like. “Correct words” platitudes. If that makes sense. Messages which have the direct vibe of that one “i am at emotional capacity right now” tweet where the whole thing reads as very performative/detatched. Who then get brutally uncomfortable and disengage the second I say “actually i’m not doing okay. i’m still struggling but it means a lot that you reached out thank you”
Maybe i’m too autistic and i’m missing something here but why would you go up to a dude who’s clearly a little miffed At Best abt the whole thing and then go “OH MY GOD HE’S ACTUALLY SAD???? Ew”. Why did you ask me. What.
(Also what’s up with the one guy who’s trying to be really buddy buddy with me but also trying to get me to be more of an asshole in a bad way. I’d kill for literally anyone else but him to but he’s in my dms like “hehehe here’s a cringe video.” You are 22. I am 23. Can we talk about Minecraft or something I don’t. Care. That’s not a hobby)
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cometapollo · 6 months
i drew a cock and now i wanna throw my phone away
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dakogutin · 1 year
fkinghell i watched an ep of sexed to distract myself from the overwhelming pile of anxiety that is my unfinished projects and emotionally draining interactions
the episode's events worsened my anxiety.
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damnfandomproblems · 5 days
Responding to 3 anons in #5796
"I agree with this tbh. Like adults are the ones making things unsafe for minors in fandom spaces. YOU are the ones who approach minors unprompted. Minors are just minding their own business in fandom, then you all come along and bother everyone."
Predators that are adults are not synonymous with all adults in fandom. It's not the fault of the vast majority of fandom that kids purposefully bust into adult spaces and arbitrarily believe the creeps saying they're "safe" adults. It's the fault of your parents for not reaching you worth a damn and the predator. And yes, kids do fucking barge into adult NSFW spaces. None of the the ones that say they mind their business actually do.
"I agree with this post, cause like... the ones doing the most harassing are adults. I am a minor, and it makes me feel unsafe in fandom spaces. Especially when I see adults drawing nsfw of characters who are MINORS! aging them up does not excuse that gross and creepy behavior. Just stop and give us a space where we don't get pushed into a corner and called annoying. Leave our fandom spaces!"
It's gonna be really funny when you age out of your favorite characters and have a moral dilemma over the fact that you don't stop thirsting over Bakugo or whoever the fuck the minute you're older than him.
And aging up is...how time works. That's like saying no one can view anyone sexually, fictional or real life, because they were once a child. Do you realize how stupid that sounds? If you don't want to be sat at the kids table, learn how to behave rather than screaming at the main table because Aunt Milly told an off color joke and Grandpa Joe has a naked Princess Peach tattooed on his arm.
"I see people getting mad about Fandom Problem #5796, but that kind of is just proving the point? You all act like the minors are the biggest problem in fandom, but you are the ones constantly inserting yourselves and making it about you.
I see adults say things like:
- "Fandom wouldn't exist without adults."
- "Who do you think created fandom? Not minors!"
- "Minors wouldn't have content if it weren't for adults."
All are ignorant of the idea that minors are the foundation to fandom. Fandom would not exist if it wasn't for minors being interested in it and starting groups for people to join. Often times, the best artists and writers in the fandoms are THE MINORS.
Adults make the space uncomfortable by inserting themselves and putting NSFW fics and art of minor characters. Then they get pissy when a minor points out it makes them uncomfortable and go "stop invading our space!"
You are the ones trying to push minors out when we just want to have fun! Just leave us alone!
-A minor"
Minors aren't the biggest problem, no. But by food are they the loudest. You say you just want to have fun but minors have on mass harassed people that were leaving them alone simply because they didn't understand the concept of dead dove don't eat.
And no, you are not, nor have you ever been, the foundation of fandom. It has always been adults, from the very beginning when Sherlock Holmes novels gained an international fan club unlike the world had ever seen to the 1960s housewife Spock/Kirk shipping Trekkies starting conventions, mailing lists, having coalate parties for zines, and laying down the foundation we have today. Adults were the ones that got sued my lunatic writers in the 90s, and they're the ones that, 90% of the time, are buying the services or media for you to consume in the first place.
And I'm sorry, but the best artists and writers in the fandom are never minors. Exceptionally talented minors are exceptional for a reason. The rest of you sit somewhere between "average and has potential" to "would make My Immortal hide its face in secondhand embarassment." Art and writing are skills, and anyone under the age of 16 likely hasn't been writing fiction long enough to run with the heavy hitters. Considering the state of the US education system, this is an even more laughable stance.
Many minors have great potential, but acting like your the best in show when you just made it out the gate is the height of hubris.
Posting as a response to a previous problem.
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forthegothicheroine · 4 months
How Other Great Detectives Would Solve the Riddler Murders
A series I do sometimes. This is based on The Batman (2022). I will be assuming that none of these universes have already established superheroes and supervillains unless it's also in that canon.
Sam Vimes: The Watch as a whole might solve the case, but Vimes is going to be in the wrong headspace. Carcer was bad enough as playful serial killers go, but a serial killer who liked Sam Vimes and wanted to be his best buddy? I think that would make Vimes need his own stay in Arkham.
Sam and Peter: This one is my favorite, it works so horribly well! The Riddler, having been a huge fan of American Vandal, addresses his messages to these two teenage goobers (and it is in fact in the form of vandalism.) Selina ends up saving their lives due to secondhand embarassment when she sees them trying to interview Carmine Falcone about whether he was on any Gothamite subreddits. (Oswald Cobblepot was happy to talk to them about it!) It all comes down to whether the pressure of stopping a serial killer causes the boys to bloom or break, and I'd like to hope it would be the former.
Phryne Fisher: I totally get why the Riddler would fixate on and write letters to Phryne, she's a very good person to fixate on and write letters to! (I've often said she's like if Catwoman were Batman.) Phryne sleeps with Selina and gets surprisingly flirtatious with Oswald. Having already taken down a cocaine ring, she knows enough to honeypot her way into the lower floor of the Iceberg, and very narrowly avoids death at the hands of Falcone. She can solve riddles easily enough, though I don't know if she'd put them together in time to stop the flooding of the city. I'll call this success with a similar casualty rate to Batman's.
Sammy Keyes: This one is a real dick move on the Riddler's part. Addressing your serial killer messages to a tween girl who'd been involved in catching other criminals, thus revealing she's living in an apartment illegally and potentially getting her taken away by social services? It's absolutely something he would do to make a broader social point, but still it's a serious dick move. I think Sammy is way out of her depth here but I want her to succeed because I love the idea of subsequent Sammy Keys books having recurring characters that include the one cop slightly sympathetic to her, the junior high mean girl, and the serial killer who sends her cryptic letters from incarceration.
L: I just know that somehow this is going to involve Edward Nasthon, Forensic CPA, being on the team to catch the Riddler and him and L having a vaguely but unconsumatedly homoerotic dance between friend and enemy. I don't think he'd want to kill L, though, since he'd rather have him alive to acknowledge him as the smartest coolest guy ever, so I'll give L the edge here.
Jane Marple: No matter how I twist it, I just can't see a scenario in which the Riddler would send serial killer messages to Miss Marple. Instead, I think Edward Nashton would just meet her at a tea shop, they'd have a friendly conversation about the novel she's reading, and then she'd call up the police and tell them she's found the Riddler.
Columbo: This isn't a great setup for Columbo, since his method of detection is all about catching people in their lies, which is hard to do with a killer who is a nobody and who keeps to the shadows. He would definitely put Falcone away in the course of the investigation, but I don't know if that's enough to stop the grander scheme in play. If he does catch him, though, he would stop the flood because Edward Nashton would be SO vulnerable to casual conversations about hypothetical approaches to crime.
Philip Marlowe: I think Marlowe would kind of work his way backwards here. He'd get deep into the grime of Gotham, end up stopping a plot to flood the city, follow that up by an investigation into the mob and unconsummated sexual tension with Selina, just barely escape getting murdered by Falcone, get hit on the head by Cobblepot and have hallucinations involving penguins with umbrellas, then finally catch Edward Nashton, the petty little nobody who killed people to make himself feel like somebody.
Dale Cooper: This is a good case for Cooper, lots of subplots that lead into other subplots, nothing overtly supernatural but a vague general feeling of curses and doom. He would find deeper meaning in all the coded riddles that pointed to dark truths about the universe, topped off with dreams of cats and penguins doing his taxes. I sure hope the Riddler is willing to wait for all that before flooding the city, because Coop works at his own damn pace.
Hercule Poirot: I can see Poirot fitting in to the art deco Gotham of the animated series, but the modernist urban grime of the 2021 film is viscerally unpleasant to imagine him in. He could solve the riddles and aid the police, certainly, but more than any of the other detectives, my mind is rebelling against my attempts to imagine these people in the same room at the same time.
Sam Spade: Selina Kyle hires him to help get her friend out of a jam at the same time as Cobblepot hires him to get a few murders discreetly solved before the cops get too nosy, and then Falcone tries to have him whacked when he gets too close on both accounts. The Riddler would take him completely by surprise, but I'm having so much fun imagining Edward Nashton looking up at him with big Peter Lorre eyes and babbling about what crime really means that I'll allow him to at least stick around for that. I think he can get out of this still alive, but it would be a close call.
Kinsey Milhone: Why her, she wonders? Sure, she's a detective, but she's hardly a household name. She goes through all her files to see if this could be connected to anything she's ever worked on, and lo and behold, back when she was an insurance fraud investigator, they always worked with a forensic CPA named Edward Nashton. Now, what could have ever become of that guy...
Sherlock Holmes: Sherlock Holmes either immediately solves this or fails utterly, and it all comes down to how quickly you think he could decode things using a computer.
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bonefall · 11 months
I’m not sure if you talked about it, but what do you think about A Thief in Thunderclan? I actually liked it, though it definitely had a few ehhh moments
Eh, honestly? Im kinda disappointed that James Barry had to go out on such a low note. I did not like it, it felt like a waste of time.
It wasn't like... offensively bad but I have very little good to say about it. It was fine. If you want to see more ThunderClan you can check it out?
(A lot of Thief in ThunderClan critique below the cut, I didn't like it much)
First of all, the mystery was just bad. I'm sorry. An owl? Swooping in at night for dead animals and leaving perfect scores in the dirt? It felt like a real "running out of ideas" type plot.
Brightheart was NOT fun to follow. She was uncomfortable for most of the story and secondhand embarassment is an emotion I really don't enjoy. Even moments that were supposed to be thought-provoking (like the Brambleclaw name confrontation) just felt like cringe because they were written so poorly.
Like, seriously? "Firestar why did you name Bramble after his father who disfigured me?" "Oh its because i uhhhh wanted to remind ppl of it so they would stop being reminded of it eventually" WHAT? That was a brainless enough choice when it was FIRST made, you can't fucking tell me any cat with a brain cell would go "wao... really makes you think... hngsociety"
I disliked the fact they decided to give Brightheart serious suspicion towards people like Longtail and Brambleclaw, I strongly disagree she would be like that. She feels so much to me like someone who would feel awful for doubting people she logically knows are innocent, and express to Cloudtail that it makes her feel like a bad person, but she CANT help it. She is such a kind, loving, and self doubting sort of cat... or, was, I guess? Or maybe it was never there at all and I'm the fool.
On that note? Her character arc was a mess. As much as I hate Shadow in RiverClan, I can say that Feathertail's arc was a competent *story*. Brightheart is having nightmares, suspects Bramble and Long of treason, is trying to figure out this mystery, trying to help train Rainpaw, the fact she resents not being his mentor is mentioned and dropped, she is pregnant... so much shit is going on and it feels absolutely unfocused.
And even worse, because it's overlapping with the beginning of Firestar's Quest, we end up having to Show Off The Continuity instead of telling a cohesive story. Oop Willowpelt died and Rainpaw is kind of sad about it! But wait we have to say bye to Firestar, make sure to squeeze in the Brambleclaw name confrontation before he goes! GO BACK Longtail has been blinded!! ALSO THE OWL! HERES WHY THE OWL WASNT MENTIONED IN FQ!!
And DUDE if there's anything that's a SERIOUS problem, it's Brightheart's stupid ass cutesy "look who's being USEFUL in here!" When blinded Longtail is helping out in the medcat den
First of all fuck you for the wording of that line! Second of all, GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD that disabled people shouldn't have to find a way to be "useful" to belong to their society.
The fact we're getting a book from Bright's perspective as a disabled person and the whole thing is chock full of "useful" language as she struggles with PTSD makes the fact this is COMMON in WC sting so much more.
Anyway back to just, normal critique and not frustration with ableism in wc.
I feel like they really wasted Brightheart's family. I enjoyed finally getting Cinder and Bright hanging out as sisters, but we got a MENTION of Frostfur, and barely anything with her brothers. It's already a mess so why not go the whole way?
Ashfur also has his post-TBC personality retcon which absolutely kills me. Why do we need this shitty "foreshadowing"? Why do we need him to have been so obviously controlling and argumentative? Why are these writers fucking allergic to having a villain that people thought was nice and normal once?
NITPICK: if i have to see another cat gently picked up by a large bird of prey without at LEAST getting a cracked rib I will shapeshift into 10,000 crows and fly away forever
I have some good feelings towards it though, and I have to be clear, this is actually Ambivalent Bones. I'm only mad at the "Usefulness" rhetoric, the rest is just my normal amount of whinging lmao.
I do really like Cinderpelt and Brightheart finally getting some interactions. It's long overdo lmao
I like Cloudtail and Brightheart as a ship so it's nice to see them hang out.
Uhhh this is a bit of a backhanded compliment but I liked how she was upset at not getting one of Whitestorm's children to mentor? I don't like how it bodes for the wider narrative though, because we know this ends in her getting shafted FOR YEARS and unable to get an apprentice. But I liked the plot setup of her having resentment for Cloudtail because of this. I thought that would make a really good plot point for putting a wedge between them to work through. Like, stop being cowards, LEAN INTO Firestar making some very serious, insulting, short-sighted mistakes, and it interfering with Brightheart's ability to heal. Kill your darling.
There were some nice lines. I do remember Ashfur's lame "greedyclaw" insult, which was funny.
I enjoyed the cute moments between the cats in ThunderClan. Ferncloud chasing after her kids, Brightheart convincing people to help her investigate, the Willowkin being upset about their mom. It's a mess but there's some nice stuff in that mess, y'know?
Overall, my memory hasn't been kind to it. I think I was giving it a 6/10 when I first saw it, but it's dropped down to a low 5/10. Not (very) offensive but too messy and pointless to revisit.
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stanleyl · 6 months
noooo why are so many in the fandom so delulu like he did give a great performance and it's good to have some hope but we...
Is it delulu to be hopeful for Tom???? Even if you are right and let's say he has no chance, why are you so mad??? This industry is about connections, so him campaigning for an emmy allows him to talk to people he hasnt spoken to before. The best episode was 8, and if Tom is proud of his work on that episode and wants to campaign, let him be. Alit of ppl loved Barbie, whereas I thought it was boring, but it didn't stop Margot robbie campaigning it a whole yr despite it not winning any awards outside its box office.
the worst is in the scenario where he doesn't get a nom and fans make a big deal on twt further embarassing him/us...
I'm sorry, Anon, but maybe you are chronically online because how does him not get a nom a direct perception of you a fan? How are you feeling, secondhand embarrassment because of a few tweets from losers. Unless you are in the comparison wars that only exist on Twitter, that's the dumbest, main character opinion I've read in a while. Tom is doing what any actor does for their project. He's not the first actor to promote his show with low critical reviews, and trust me, he won't be the last. His performance as Danny was deeply grounded and amazing, and you are entitled to your opinion, but to call fans delulu for acknowledging his work is crazy I'm sorry.
Also Twitter is not real fucking life!!!! I'm sick of you fans that are on that app and then come here to cope becaue you saw a tweet that offended you from strangers online. I rarely have that experience because I pick and choose to care, and trust me, he's not the only actor to have projects that don't pan well. Paul Mescal had Foe come out last it was panned critically, but I didn't think his fandom online felt embarrassed because of it. They didn't internalised and then project . Paul also had all of us strangers and was filming gladiators next. He literally got that role because a casting director saw him on stage in A Streetcar named Desire. Filmtwitter loves him and yet he hasn't even achieved any boxoffice success yet...
Also, I don't think anyone cares unless you search for tweets about it. Maybe you are frustrated with Tom's pace of work and I can understand the frustration but at the end of the day, he's gonna do with his career what he wants to do, without any input from you, unless you have his number lol😭😭😭😭
Nobody is mad but you, sorry lol. The other person literally just said it's good to have some hope, but in this case we need to be more realistic, he was only nominated for a critics choice, he was snubbed twice after that. You're the one writing a whole essay for no reason. The "embarrassing" part is when fans keep crying and yelling how he was robbed, when it was never that deep.
And since you mentioned Paul...
He is an Academy Award nominee and has been recognized for being an indie darling in acclaimed projects. Why would his fans care about one single project with terrible reviews when their favorite isn't constantly being the target of comments about his career choices, how his agents are bad, people (including so-called journalists & 'critics') diminishing him to uplift others, and downplaying/trying to erase any career accomplishments he has achieved. Yeah, if I was a Paul fan, and I was chronically online, I wouldn't give two shits about Foe RT scores either 🤷🏽‍♀️. That was terrible example if you ask me.
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 months
see if ness was a real person I would never hate him, but because he's a manga character and he subjects me to second hand embaressment he needs to be despised accordingly
idk why i think its because ness is so pathetic but he doesnt subject me to that much secondhand embarassment he's just so miserable in his own way i feel bad like thats pookums... idc what he did fr
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llycaons · 3 months
yayyy mdzs donghua rewatch. 1x01, 1/2
the animation tends to be jerky and the cgi sticks out, but the landscape scenery and music are truly spectacular
opening on wwx mid-sunshot is extremely effective. and it's so fucking cool to see him do real necromancy
oh HERE'S the gossipy intro. the written exposion does help I imagine
watching him blow up is NOTHING on watching him dissolve into tears and then throw himself off a cliffm cql will always have that emotional edge. I feel like
this is so stunning I wish my phone camera was better
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and the opening that looks like ink paintings...wow
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oh shit the opening is drunken dream
jc is so...glamorous in the donghua. he's fancy in cql but angrier and physically much sturdier. like the donghua designs are so bizarre. people in my notes are calling wrh daddy and saying they'd fuck him. why does he look so young 😭
this bit where wx is fighting on bichen is really neat
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in terms of animation I really only have a few compmaints. I think it's beautiful, creative, and appropriate for the setting. the people and animals just look like shit tho. mostly the animals. and as I said some of the action scenes are jerky. but there really is a lot to appreciate about it
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a very appropriate line for the novel/dongua romance. lmao
they made it very clear what mxy did to being back wwx which is nice. like in cql that shit was so baffling
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aw, wwx recognizing tbat mxy was unhappy. would have been nice to see that in cql
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wwx never escaped that stigma huh...also super helpful of this mo guy to give sommuch exposition while beating him up. very well-crafted here
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his little giggle....I love him in any version
here and in the novel, little apple has so much more personality than you can get in a live action. she's got expressions! character! opinions! she's so fun <3
since it's not live action, the secondhand embarassment is far less potent. also I think it's a little less ableist
more fatphobic tho
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damn mxy, your core strength...
oh ugh I'm out of allowed pictures. OKAY
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hils79 · 1 year
Hils Watches The King's Avatar - Ep 14
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Aww she figured it out! I thought that was going to get dragged out for way longer
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I mean she basically blackmailed him into working for her for free for a period of time, and gushed to him about her crush on him multiple times. I'd say that matters. I'd be mortified.
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Well, that's probably healthier than what she was doing before
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Ah, there we go. She remembered the blackmailing. Also, you're not fooling me with them having two beds in their room
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I mean he deserved that one
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Poor Tang Rou now has to listen to her girlfriend giggling over a boy
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Yeah, it was hilarious
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Tang Rou also thinks it was hilarious
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She's going to be insufferable until she gets over this and realises her idol is actually a dork who just happens to be very good at one specific video game
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That can't be legal
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Also, it's irking me that when he calls her 'laoban' the subs say 'Ms Chen'. That is not what he's saying!
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LOLOL! He put a mask on so the journalist would 'accidentally' recognise him
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Oh I assumed he already knew this guy was Sleeping Moon but apparently not? Also, everyone seems to be finding out his real identity quite early on. I'm not even halfway through yet! What is the rest of it going to be about?
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And she's back! Thank god. The secondhand embarassment was real
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Thank god Tang Rou is there to be the voice of reason
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Oh no
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I mean, to be fair, if he has access to food, a bathroom and has a computer so he can play Glory he probably would be happy. I had to quarantine in my bedroom a couple of weeks ago for nearly a week when I was sick and I had my computer so I was fine (apart from being sick)
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HAH! Yes, I literally just said that
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I can almost guarantee that is not what she's about to suggest
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Oh no this is going to be painful
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hellbubu · 4 months
I had fun, yes. It's not something grand and like, formal or anything, we just gathered around to throw a friend a surprise lil bday party (i found out later that the people she chose to celebrate with -it's common in argentina to have several groups of friends so you kinda celebrate several times throught your bday week lmao- never showed up and didnt even tell her! so im glad we did this little thing) and drink tea/coffe and eat facturas and chipa and cookies, etc. I'd LOVE to have an actual garden tea party someday, with fancy dresses and the like xD
The main character alright xD Stole the spotlight straight from the P4! Actually, he was pretty much *handed* the spotlight with a bouque of flowers lol
The secondhand embarassment is real tho. Like, imagine, your one and only chance of having the queen actually *look* at you and you end up almost drowning in the filthy river.
Yooooo, I remember this!!! I remember the manga scene more than the movie (the english sub of the clip took me out, ngl, i'm SO used to listening to the japanesse with subtitles lmao), and this scene gave me the chills. Idk why but it felt more malevolent in black and white. I just love the fan-made translations...all the details they added, the little notes and additional info....I miss those times *dries a tear* It's a shame the movie its not on crunchy!! I wanna watch it again now
Oh, you don't know!!! I can't believe nobody spoiled this for you xD I'm not gonna do it either, but let's just say...the arc after the GWA is very *musical* lmao
(I think if Finny was in on it, the whole 'blue house needs to win the tournament so ciel can meet the headmaster' shebang he would *totally* fail on purpose. I remember the chills I got when they shot him in the head and he got up like =D )
That's still nice tho. Where I'm from most of the time you only celebrate once (with family and friends), sometimes you have two celebrations (one with family, another with friends).
I can tell you that no one on that boat will ever live that down. I bet Bluewer's sisters will bring it up very often to tease him. Perhaps Ciel won't be reminded of that, but that'd be because he's kidnapped every other week or he's undercover/murdering someone as often.
🙈🙈🙈I tried finding that scene on YouTube but couldn't (no idea why). And by some stroke of luck, I managed to find it in TikTok (even if it's the dub).
Teeeeellllll meeeeeeee. Now I might just go to the wiki and spoil the GWA and the arc after it because I don't like not knowing 🥺😞🥺😞🥺😞
Lol. Maybe it would. But Ciel is not above cheating anyway. He'll win no matter what. He'd probably find a way to distract Finny or maybe he'd get Mey-Rin to hit Finny with very small stones to get him off his game. I'd love to see how Ciel makes sure he wins when he's against someone with super human strength and he can't use Sebastian.
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hidekomoon · 6 months
secondhand embarassment is real and it's stored in the lauren & jonathan flashback video montage
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Fake Akagi/Yukio is my little barbie doll
More like a punching doll cuz no one in existence ever treated this man with kindness lmao 😭💀
Honestly he’s a fun character to dissect, his psychological turmoil from being constantly compare to the real Akagi is delicious but at the same time every action, every word coming from this man makes me cringe internally from secondhand embarassment
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memecage · 1 year
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the secondhand embarassment is real
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i couldnt think of any other way to get across how interconnected these secondhand embarassment scenes are. its about the pushpull, the subversion of expectations on how the underdogs are to navigate high society. and how no matter how they start off, be it with humility or bravado, theyre always pushed on their back foot. the passive agression. putting words in ppls mouths. the offers you cant refuse. the reframing and subsequent denial of desires and resentments through the other.
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