#the semi helpful advice this boy brings lmao
some random things about my stranger tanger ocs bc i feel like it
-Dee and Danny both tend to call everyone by their last name, since that’s common in military spaces, and they’re military brats. Eddie likes to joke that he knows he’s in trouble with Dee when she uses his first name bc of it, at least at first. it becomes more of a “i know you’re being serious when you use my first name” thing, and once they start dating, Dee only calls him Munson when they’re joking with each other.
-both of the Davis kids also listen to a wide variety of music, Dee especially. Danny’s favorite is easily loud and heavy music like punk and metal, but he listens to most genres of music. Dee listens to a little bit of everything, she loves music in general and she’s just as likely to listen to punk or thrash metal as she is to top 40 radio, or even old 20′s and 30′s era crooners(her dad is a huge fan and it’s something they’ve bonded over before), as well as classical music. Eddie and Dee like to tease each other about their musical tastes, and Eddie and Danny have a (mostly)playful rivalry about if punk or metal is a better genre.
-Dee has a unique relationship to Hopper compared to the other Hawkins cops. Unlike Powell, who she doesn’t care about, and Callahan, who she hates and thinks is an idiot, she can see Hopper is more perceptive and just, generally better at his job than the others. That doesn’t mean she likes him more(at first anyways), but she knows she has to really watch herself around him. The first time they meet, it’s so she can pick Danny up after being arrested for vandalism. Mr. Davis(the kids’ dad) is busy at work, so Hopper arranges for her to come get him. They have a brief conversation about Danny’s behavior, and Dee, seeing Hopper’s bracelet and semi-correctly assuming he has a daughter, plays up the “dutiful but quiet daughter and sister who just wants what’s best for her family” shtick she does to cops, in order to keep Hopper from putting Danny’s arrests onto his permanent record. It works, and Hopper agrees(so long as as Danny doesn’t do anything especially bad, like hurting people) so that he can get into a good school and eventually become an EMT. Hopper is in for a rude awakening come season 3 when he finds out how Dee really is lmao.
-Dee gets a temporary job at the town arcade at some point, and immediately becomes good friends with Max Mayfield, with both of them being girls in groups of mostly boys who love video games. She’s very protective over the younger girls in the Party in general, taking Max, Eleven(for the brief time they know each other), and Erica under her wing when the others are treating them differently or unfairly. she also tries to give them life advice when she can.
-Dee knows the Hellfire boys fairly well even before anyone from the Party joins them. She knows Eddie well enough as-is, since she buys drugs from him, but it’s not until Danny comes to visit Hawkins and meets Eddie, and subsequently joins the group, that Dee really gets to meet them. It’s a long-running tradition among the siblings that Danny is the more extroverted one, and that he always brings Dee along with his friends, regardless of if she wants to or not. Gareth, Jeff, and the others are of course nice to her, but mostly they’re intimidated by her, since she’s always very terse and short with everyone, making it clear every time she’s dragged along that she doesn’t want to be there. Eddie, of course, knowing how she really is, sees through it, and both he and Danny are glad she’s having her version of fun with them. She’s also been forced to sub in on a few dnd sessions, but she’s not good at the game and it’s never gone well. they try not to force her to play if they can help it.
-Danny plays a lot of different instruments, including guitar, drums, bass, and piano. He teaches Dee how to play bass so he always has someone to have a jam session with. Eventually, once Eddie and Dee start dating, he starts teaching her how to play guitar, using his dumb acoustic “This Machine Slays Dragons” guitar. He eventually gets her a guitar of her own, planning to gift it to her for her birthday or a holiday, but the events of season 4 happen before he gets the chance. The guitar survives said events, having been hidden in the backseat of Uncle Wayne’s truck, since if it was anywhere in the trailer, Dee would have found it easily. Wayne gives it to her after she and Dustin break the news to him about Eddie’s death. (Thanks Tara @chadillacboseman for this extra-sad one!)
-i’ve mentioned it a few times, but Eddie is the first friend Dee makes in Hawkins, and really one of the only friends she has that she’s made on her own, outside of Danny’s attempts to help her on that front. She’s very reserved at first, being used to being on her own, but Eddie’s incredibly good at breaking down other people’s walls and adopting them into his little cavalcade of freaks and misfits. the moment where he really starts to break through the walls she has put up, is during the events of s1. Dee is secretly a big, emotional softie, and seeing that there’s a kid in town that’s missing makes her very upset. She also sees Jonathan putting up missing posters for Will, and it hurts her heart, makes her think about how she’d feel if it were her and Danny in that scenario. She joins the scouting teams to try to find him, and when the news breaks that his “body” is found in the quarry, she cries all night. Eddie sees her at school the next day, looking visibly miserable, and pulls her aside, basically insisting that she comes over to hangout after school, so they can smoke and drink and listen to music to try to make her feel better. It ends up working, and Eddie finally gets a glimpse of her real personality underneath, which makes him happy too.
-During that same hangout session, Eddie mentions that he and Uncle Wayne rarely do anything for the holidays outside of simple gift-giving. This bothers Dee, and she decides to bring them Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners for each respective holiday. She swears it’s not a big deal, she’s used to making enough for four + leftovers anyways(she always cooked the holiday dinners, since both her parents are disasters), so it’s easier to just make it the same as usual and bring them the extras. Both Eddie and Wayne are super touched by the gesture, and it ends up becoming a yearly thing.
-Danny is gay. prHe’s pretty closeted about it, being a teen in the 80′s and all, but Dee knows and accepts him as he is(she’s bi but doesn’t realize yet). He ends up getting a boyfriend at some point in the later seasons! i need to do more with this.
-Dee, despite being kind of plain fashion-wise and not being very popular around town, has had a  few guys try to hit on her before she ends up with Eddie. Billy, when he firsts moves to town and before he really gets a feel for the social hierarchies at the school, tries to start up a conversation with her after seeing her wearing a t-shirt of a metal band he likes(much like how Eddie and Dee bond when they first meet), but Dee is not interested, being able to sense the douchebag energy he radiates lmao. Keith also tries to ask her out while they both work at the arcade, and she’s at least a little nicer when turning him down. As well, Fred Benson, member of the school newspaper and eventual victim of Vecna, once asked her to a school dance. Dee is incredibly confused every time it happens, considering she’s never shown interest in any of them.
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deerixiie · 4 years
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-> headcanons on what facetime with the hq boys would be like!!
pairings: iwaizumi x gn!reader, tanaka x gn!reader, nishinoya x gn!reader, kita x gn!reader
warnings/genre: fluff, some language, mentions of being drunk
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—iwaizumi hajime
facetiming you is actually one of iwaizumi’s favorite thing to do!!
he likes being able to see you and talk to you even if it’s not in person
it becomes a routine to facetime while you do homework during the week or before you go to sleep on fridays
he listens in on all your rants and even gives advice sometimes
he’s a Team Mom so he has all the tea, will 100% spill it to you half asleep at 1 in the morning
it’s mostly just him ranting about oikawa lmao
he’s also the one who’s like “go to sleep” when his eyes are half closed and he’s obviously the one about to pass out
doesnt take that much screenshots, though he will if you laugh really hard or make a cute face
but he would also insult oikawa to make you laugh and then take a quick screenshot (it becomes his lockscreen)
constantly scolding you about “being too loud” or “staying up too late” when he’s doing it too 😐
he’s probably the one that falls asleep first though when he isnt he takes a bunch of screenshots and sends them you with captions like “you fell asleep dumbass” or “told you you should’ve slept”
if he’s feeling really soft he’ll send a picture of you asleep with smth sweet like “you look cute” or “❤️” he’s trying i swear
since he gets sleepy he will definitely just say random bs and it’s so funny!! but but that also means he will get soft and tell you he wants to marry you and raise a family (he wants a son and daughter SO bad okay)
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—tanaka ryuunosuke
he uses every opportunity he gets to talk to you
he will text you “hey babe wyd wanna ft?” and then facetime you 30 seconds later without waiting for a response
constantly taking screenshots. you never get a good view of his face because of it
most excellent listener on earth. need someone to rant to? turn to him. have a speech you’re practicing? have him listen. need advice on what to wear to your aunt’s wedding? he’ll rate every outfit for you.
occasionally he’ll ask you for advice, though it’s pretty much him asking you for help on homework 💀
will definitely pull an all-nighter with you even though his body is begging him to sleep. hypes you up the entire time
if you’re doing smth independently and he’s not talking and it’s silent for a sec, he’ll just blurt out a random compliment out of nowhere like
you: ✍️✍️✍️
tanaka: hey babe you’re cute lol
sometimes he’ll be talking and he’ll go on a little tangent and have the audacity to apologize for ranting
consensual king so he asks before he posts his screenshots, when he does he puts smth like “ft with bae 😍” as the caption. it’s very concerning but he’s trying his best <3
plots his entire future w you... especially if he’s tired and his head is a little blurry. deadass will pull out a google doc and plot how your wedding will go, where you go for your honeymoon, where you live, baby names, all that jazz. he will get so embarrassed if you bring it up later but he is dead serious about it
if you’re doing homework there’s a good chance he’s not so he’ll just be scrolling through his fyp on ft with you... will randomly burst out laughing and send the tiktok to you begging you to watch it
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—nishinoya yuu
facetimes you whenever he likes and it’s usually at the ungodly hours of the night
he just straight up calls you out of nowhere at the most random times. 8/10 it’s at 3 in the morning on a school night and he’s bored so he wants to talk to you
he’s really good at carrying a convo so he ends up talking with you for hours?? and it’s about the most ridiculous things too
asks you to teach him a tiktok dance at 1 in the morning and will do it for you.
KAROKE!! he knows the yarichin theme by heart and will sing it for you pLEASE
he loves ur smile sm so he tries his hardest to make you laugh and takes screenshots
his favorite thing to do other than talk is play truth or dare... he always picks dare and sometimes always breaks 😭
sometimes he’ll go quiet randomly and you find him just staring at you, then he’ll say he loves you in that voice of his (SBSSHSHZJ HES SO HOT)
the ft calls usually end when he tires himself out and falls asleep mid-sentence. just stay on the call anyway so you can hear his morning voice so he can say gm to you <3
i have no idea how he does it but somehow nishinoya wakes up before you and sends you screenshots of you sleeping with captions like “ur so cute when you sleep baby” or “sleepy baby :(“
a picture of you sleeping is ur new contact photo and lock screen and he brags about it
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—kita shinsuke
facetimes you every night to check on you
he expects these to be very quick but ends up on call with you for hours
semi-talkative, will ask you questions like if you’re eating okay and hydrating or if you need help on your homework
he just loves being around you, especially if it’s just quiet time existing together
will help you with your homework 100%. walks it through with you and regularly checks to make sure you’re getting it. he’ll say he’s proud of you if you get a question right!
has a sixth sense when you need to vent. if you’re quiet and like doing hw he’ll just say “love, is everything alright?” and suddenly you’re spilling everything and he’s nodding along and giving you advice
LOVES HEARING YOU LAUGH!! especially if you’re the type that gets giggly when it’s late!! you’ll catch him smiling so much
he secretly loves it if you fall asleep on ft!! will say a soft “i love you, sleep well” and then he texts you a long paragraph about how he loves you and is proud of you and that he hopes you rest well (marry!! him!!)
if he wants to take a screenshot he’ll take it and then ask you if he can keep it. consensual king we stan 😤‼️
okay i headcanon that kita gets rlly talkative when he’s really sleepy (or drunk but we aren’t talking about that shh) so if he’s still on ft with you when he gets sleepy he just talks. tease him about it in the morning he’ll get so blushy
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fukurodianthus · 4 years
Cotton Candy Kisses
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Synopsis: Let’s get one thing straight, confessions aren’t Ushijima Wakatoshi’s cup of tea, and the same goes for you when it comes to dealing with rejections. But then, your crackhead friends (who are done with watching two emotionally constipated fools pine for each other for two years) decide to take matters into their own hands. 
 Its a recipe for disaster, topped off with cherry coke and cotton candy.
Genre: Fluff, (a light sprinkle of angst thrown in), friends to lovers AU, mutual pining
Trigger warnings: Just a smol makeout scene lmao (not explicit), swearing(meanwhile, my mom: *disappointed brown parent noises*)
Pairing: Ushijima Wakatoshi x fem! reader
Word count: 3k+
Author’s note: I planned to release this on valentine’s day, but my exam schedule said “no❤️”. N E ways, didnt get time to proofread it, so excuse the painful amount of errors it may have. (More unnecessary rambles notes at the end!)
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“Toshi, Terushima asked me out on a date.”
“Terushima as in Terushima Yuuiji from Johzenji? The one with piercings?” Ushijima sat on the gym floor, busy tying his shoelaces.
He sat facing away from you, so you had no way of telling how well he was taking this news.
Not like it mattered anyway.
For the last two-years, you had kept dropping subtle hints that you liked him. Hell, if baking heart-shaped red-velvet cookies for him every valentine’s day hadn’t given him the slightest hint that your feelings for him weren’t exactly platonic, probably nothing could make the stoic ace aware of your feelings.
Unless you directly said it to his face.
Wakatoshi, I like you.
Four words. There were just these four words standing between Wakatoshi and your undeclared feelings. Four words could free you from the shackles of this unrequited love that had been weighing you down for the past two years.
But what was the point anyway? He’d reject you, just like he rejected Ririka. The Ririka Hirai, captain of the girls’ volleyball team, the ace who wielded magic in her hands. Let alone the guys from Shiratorizawa, even boys from other prefectures were totally whipped for her. He didn’t even bat an eyelid before a firm ‘No’ rolled off his lips. She hated crying in front of others, but the redness in her eyes and her swollen eyelids made it obvious that her spirit had been crushed by the rejection. Her previous outgoing, warm and friendly nature had vanished within a few seconds as she withdrew herself into her shell.
If this is what rejections did to people, then you were fine with being crushed under the weight of unrequited love. And you didn’t have a Semi Eita in your life like she had, so there wouldn’t be anybody to help you out of your wallowing self-pity.
Your mind wandered back to your interaction with her yesterday, how she had pulled you into the locker room, firm hands wrapped around your wrists with no intention of letting go. You were reminded of her disastrous plan, and how you’d stupidly agreed to go along with it.
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(𝟐 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐠𝐨)
“You love him, don’t you Y/N?” she asked you, cocking her head to her side as she twirled the green roots of het bubblegum colored hair. Why was she so oddly insistent on dying her hair like a meth-addicted oompa loompa? And the bigger question was, how the fuck did she look so good?
“I don’t know, Riri.” What did she expect to hear? How could you say that you weren’t half as brave as she’d been? You’d rather tend to the wounds that unrequited love caused than deal with the empty-black void of self-loathing, insecurities and embarrassment that rejection left behind.
“Y/N, I’m not a fool. I can see the way your eyes light up when he’s around.”
“So what? What the fuck should I do? Confess my feelings and get rejected? I’d rather wither under the weight of my undeclared feelings than have my soul crushed by a rejection from my best friend, thanks.” You knew you were wrong; you knew you should let go of these useless, painful feelings by confessing. Hearing him reject you would put the nail in the coffin of your one-sided love and you’d finally be free.
But you didn’t want to be free. Cowardice had this odd feeling of comfort attached to it, and you’d gotten used to it.
“Y/N, I’m not here to fight with you over a stupid himbo of a guy. It just hurts me to see you go through the same pain I had gone through. I’m just here to look out for you. I’ll give you my advice whether you want it or not, and its up to you if you’ll take it.”
You looked away. You knew that whatever she was going to say would probably make sense, she was such a smartass after all. She was never wrong, as much as you hated admitting it. Why was she such a good friend, why did she have to be so nice? It pissed you off.
“Ushijima is bad at this entire thing of love and friendships, its probably not big news to you, is it? His parents’ divorce ruined his faith in love.” She cleared her throat, trying to hide the tremble in her voice. “He doesn’t know how this entire thing of love and feelings work. Loving him is difficult, it’s like expecting an iceberg to provide you with warmth. But…” her voice trailed off.
“But what?”
“I think he likes you. He’s never looked at anyone the way he looks at you. He never saved a seat for me at lunch the way he does for you. He acts...weird around you.”
“That’s bullshit Riri, he does that stuff for me because I’m his team's manager, you know?”
“You’re just as dense as him. Perfect! You’d make a great couple” she giggled, fluttering her long, black lashes.
“Why did you confess to him if you thought he liked me?”
“Oh, I was coming to that. You see, I was a hundred percent sure he wouldn’t like me back, so I thought I might as well get these stupid feelings of my chest and move on, you know? It still hurt a lot for a few days, though. Rejections sucks, that’s nothing new. And I kind of liked Semi, so it felt like I was emotionally cheating on him if I still liked Ushijima. So, I finally confessed to him after getting rid of my feelings for Ushiwaka.” She pressed her lips together and looked away, a faint blush blossoming on her cheeks.
“You and Semi are…”
“We’re a thing now, yeah.”
“I’m so happy for you Ririka!” you practically squealed, squishing her reddened cheeks.
“We had a talk yesterday and we decided that we can no longer bear to see you two emotionally constipated dummies pining for each other anymore, so we’re taking matters into our own hands.”
“What?” Your stared at her with widened eyes, praying she didn’t come up with any stupid plans to make the situation worse.
“Do you know Terushima from Johzenji?”
“Yeah, kinda, that tongue-piercing dude with an undercut, right?”
“He’s my friend and he has agreed to helping us.”
“Oh hell no.”
“I don’t take no for an answer, I’m sorry. Babe, you can come out now.”
You choked on your own spit as you saw Semi climbing out of Ririka’s locker.
“How the fuck did you even fit him in there? Was he there the whole time? What made you think sneaking your boyfriend into the girl’s locker room was a good idea?”
“Honey, that’s too many unnecessary questions, I ain’t answering them. And there’s nobody around. So, I don’t think we’ll get in any trouble as long as you don’t snitch.”
“I’m not going to snitch.”
“That’s what I thought. Now babe, tell her about our plan.”
Semi went over with the details of their plan.
Needless to say, it was a recipe for disaster, you were sure of it.
Having an affinity for all things disastrous, you agreed to their plan.
*flashback ends*
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(𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭)
“Y/N, you there?” Ushijima was done with tying his shoelaces a while ago and now stood in front of you, his tall frame cowering over you.
You snapped out of your trance.
“Yeah, I was j-just busy thinking about some stuff.” You smoothed out your skirt and gripped your bag tightly, and looking down at your feet. You could feel his gaze on your face, but you couldn’t bring yourself to look him in the eye.
“Stuff as in…Terushima? Were you thinking about him?”
You were taken aback by his uncharacteristically direct question and looked into his eyes. His gaze flickered between your eyes and your lips; his brows furrowed together in…concern?
Your imagination must be getting better of you.
“Yeah, I was thinking about our date, tomorrow.”
His eyes seemed duller than usual, lacking its usual lustre.
“He doesn’t have a reputation for being loyal, you know.” His words seemed long-drawn, forced, painful. As if it physically hurt him to get these words to roll of his tongue.
He ran his fingers through his greasy olive-brown hair, his gaze still fixed on you. You became painfully aware of the silence in the empty gym room. Why was your heart beating so loudly? Was his heart beating just as loud?
His breath hitched as you stepped closer to him. You noticed the way his sweat-drenched shirt clung to his body, highlighting his well-built frame, the way his lips glistened when he licked his lips, the way his tousled hair stuck to his forehead. You almost brushed those stray strands off his face. Almost.
You spoke in a low tone, almost in a whisper. This moment seemed fragile, like treading on thin ice. It felt as if you both were in a trance and any loud noise would snap you back to reality. You wouldn’t mind being stuck in this trance for a few eternities. “Terushima is a player, a heartbreaker. You think I don’t know that? Maybe I just want to have my heart broken, Toshi. Isn't it better than loving someone who will never love me back?”
He stared at you with a blank, unreadable expression. You noticed how his adam’s apple bobbed up and down when he gulped, his neck and collarbones glistening with sweat.
He had no business being this hot, godamnit.          
“I just remembered, Coach Washijo wanted to have a talk with me-“ he took a step back, breaking eye contact with you.
“Coach Washijo is on a sick-leave for a week, Toshi.”
“Ah okay, right.” He turned on his heels and stormed out of the gym, the tips of his ears covered in a faint red glow.
How long will you keep running away Wakatoshi?
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(𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲)
“Yeah, chocolate will be fine.”
Terushima handed you the ice-cream cone, flashing his iconic toothy grin at you.
This park of the amusement park was quieter and calmer than the other parts. You were seated on a bench beside a  mermaid shaped fountain. Behind you, far off in the distance was a Ferris wheel, lit up in pink and red neon lights, a classic decoration that was put up in this park every valentine’s day.
“Want anything else, babe?” He sat down beside you on the bench, wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
“Dude, you don’t have to put on such a show, you know? You don’t have to make it so realistic.”
He threw his head back and let out another one of his irritating laughs. It was pretty cute, even though you’d never admit it aloud.
“Y/N who said I’m pretending? When Riri asked me to take you out on a fake date to make lover boy Toshi jealous, I thought this would be a pretty good opportunity to score a date with a cute girl, it doesn’t matter if the date is fake or not.”
“You even bought a couple’s ticket, huh?”
“This amusement park has a special valentine’s day offer for couples, fifty percent off for each ride, aint that crazy? I was just saving my coins princess.”
“I swear to god, call me that one more time and you’ll find my foot up your ass-“
“Ooh, kinky!”
It physically hurt you to not punch him and wipe that cheesy grin off his face. “I can’t handle you Terushima-” You hungrily bit down on the ice-cream, gobbling it up in a matter of a few seconds.
Terushima's nose scrunched up in disgust. “The fuck Y/N, who bites ice-cream like that! Are you a caveman or something?"
“Aw babe, didn’t you know? I’m not like other girls.” You dramatically flicked a stand of your hair, as your pretentious, catty tone drew a chuckle from him.
“C’mon now, fake date or not lets a have a good time! I’m done sitting around on this bench, we’re in an amusement park for fuck’s sake Y/N!” He took his black leather jacket off, flinging it around his shoulders, his white shirt clung to his skin. He looked like a stereotypical bad boy out of a wattpad book written by a 16-year-old. You bit down the urge to make a sarcastic comment about his appearance.
“Get up now, you lazy butt.” He offered you a hand.
You slapped his hand away and stood up, brushing the small remnants of the ice-cream cone off your plaid yellow dress.
“Damn, you feisty.”
“Serves you right, pisshead.”
He was about to make a snarky retort when his eyes suddenly landed on someone standing in the crowd beside the ferris wheel. “Looks like lover boy is here.”
“You sure its him?”
“A hundred and twenty percent ma’am! Now go get your man!” He pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead before winking at you. “That’ll get him riled up enough.”
“You’re such a little shit-”
“Shut up, he’s coming here, go talk to him.”
You turned around on your heels to see Ushijima making his way towards you.
“Hey! What you doing here Toshi?” You tried putting on a surprised expression, but after seeing how Terushima snickered at you, you understood that you probably overdid it.
“Uhm, did I interrupt your d-date?” Ushijima looked painfully flustered. His eyes searched your face, looking for signs of annoyance or anger.
He was surprised at how happy you looked. Didn’t girls get annoyed when someone interrupted their dates? Ah, women, such complex creatures, all mysteries of the world seem irrelevant when compared to the mystery of a woman’s psyche.
“No, not at all! Do you want to tell me something?” You cocked you head and batted your eyelashes at him playfully.
But he remained silent, lips tightly pressed together as his eyes kept flickering between Terushima and you.
“Hey Yuuji, I’d like to talk to Toshi in private, maybe you could…you know-“
“Ah that was stupid of me! I’ll leave you two to yourselves. I’ll be at the Haunted Mansion if you need me, a friend of mine works there as a part time zombie.” He pointed finger guns at you and winked. "See ya later sweet cheeks!" You saw his silhouette fade into the distance.
It was only you and Ushijima now.
The golden glow from the setting sun and the faint pink lights from the faraway Ferris wheel illuminated his face in a rose-gold glow. He sported a red flannel shirt, more specifically the one you had bought for him while shopping with Tendou last summer.
He looked ethereal.
You cleared you throat. “Toshi? You wanted to tell me something, right?”
He looked started, unsure of himself. You looked at him with anticipation, your heart almost leaping out of your ribcage.
“Y/N, for the next match Yamagata will replace Akakura as the libero because he twisted his ankle in in the hallway today.”
Unbeknowst to you, Ririka and Semi hid behind an ice-cream truck in the distance, keeping an eye on you both. They could hear small excerpts of your conversation. So, when they heard Ushijima saying something about ‘match’ and ‘libero’, they let out frustrated groans. “That dense fucker messed up yet again.” they whispered under their breaths in unison.
Disappointment flashed across your face. Was he serious? How dense could a guy possibly be?
“You came this far, interrupted my date to tell me this, Toshi? You could just have messaged me, you know?” Your voice trembled, vision blurring with tears.
So much for love.
You felt stupid, you wanted to slap yourself across your face for being naïve enough to believe that Ushijima Wakatoshi could ever reciprocate your feelings.
Stupid, stupid, stupid!
You started to walk away, wiping your eyes with the sleeves of your dress, when you felt a strong arm coil across you waist.
Wakatoshi pulled you close, and in an instant his lips were on yours. You didn’t spare a second thought before kissing him back, your lips hungrily melting into his. You grazed your tongue across his lower lip as he pushed you against the fountain, one hand placed on the small of your back pulling your body closer and the other under your dress, grazing your thigh. Your fingers aimlessly hovered over his chest before gently tugging him by the collar of his shirt.
When he finally pulled away, you both stared at each other, panting breathlessly, hair drenched from the light spray of water cascading down the fountain. The warmth of his lips still lingered on your mouth.
The sound of his voice snapped you out of your dreamlike trance. “Tendou and Semi told me that I wasn’t worthy enough of being Shiratorizawa’s ace if I chickened out of professing my feelings to the girl I’ve liked for two years. How could I sit back and watch that guy from Johzenji steal you away? I like you Y/N, and I'm tired of pretending that I don't."
You were about to respond when Semi’s voice rang out from behind the ice-cream truck.
“Oh my god Riri! Did you see that? They kissed! I’m so proud of my miracle boy-”
“Keep it down you dimwit, or they’ll hear us-“
You let out a soft chuckle and took Ushijima’s hand in yours. “Wouldn't it be very surprising if Semi and Riri suddenly popped out from behind that ice-cream truck, Toshi? But that's totally impossible right? Not like they'd ever eavesdrop on us-"
Semi and Ririka slowly made their way towards you, eyes downcast with guilt.
“We didn’t mean to intrude-” Semi started to explain.
“Shut your trap, you shitheads, we wouldn’t be together if it weren’t for you.” You chirped, drawing them into a tight embrace.
“What do you mean Y/N?” Ushijima stared at you, confused. You stifled a chuckle.
“Well, we actually made a plan…” Ririka started explaining.
After Semi, Ririka and you explained your entire scheme to him, he stared at you, confused, open mouthed.
“You could just have told me, you know? All this to get me jealous?”
“I was scared of getting rejected, Toshi.”
“I’d never reject you!”
“And how the fuck was I supposed to know that? You never showed any signs of recognition at my hints, how was I supposed to know you liked me? You huffed.
“Well, I suppose I…nevermind.”
“No, finish your sentence!”
“Would you like to ride the Ferris Wheel, Y/N?”
“Thought you’d never ask. But first, buy some cotton candy for your lady love.” He took his hand in yours, interlacing your fingers with his. "Anything for my girl."
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Ushijima’s lips softly grazed you neck, his hot breath fanning across your collarbones.
The soft pink light from the Ferris Wheel lit his face up.
Wiping a piece of leftover cotton candy from your lips, he suddenly asked, “Why do you love me, Y/N?”
You thought of the times he saved extra bento boxes for you after lunch when you refused to eat properly, how he’d stayed awake, sitting in your bedside chair, taking care of you as your body burned in fever, how he’d laugh at your stupid jokes even though they weren’t anything close to being funny, or how he’d show up at your door with cotton candy and cherry coke whenever you were under the weather.
You pressed your lips against his before whispering,
“What’s there to not love, Toshi?”
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Author’s rambles notes pt. 2: Ririka Hirai isn’t a very well-known character, but I decided to add her anyways because the girl’s volleyball team characters deserve some love too! You can find more about her here (if it very isnt obvious already, I find her character absolutely adorable!)
N E ways, I hope you enjoyed reading this fic(which has absolutely 0 grammatical errors and i totally didnt write this while overdosing on an unhealthy amount of coffee at three in the morning)
Reblogs would be highly appreciated!
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241 notes · View notes
kimnjss · 4 years
capital h | pjm + jjk
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⇢ pairing: jungkook x reader x jimin ⇢ genre: smut. ⇢ word count: 7.6K ⇢ theme: established relationship | threesome.  ⇢ rating: explicit. ⇢ warnings: cursing, dirty talk, slight nipple play, oral (f/m receiving), threesome, semi-public fingering, humiliation kink(?), slight dom!jimin, slight switch!jungkook, slight sub!reader, voyeurism, exhibitionism, penetrative sex, unsafe sex (wrap it up, loves!). a hint of jikook at the end. ⇢ summary: after learning of the activities your boyfriend and his best friend use to partake in, you can’t help but what to be apart of them. everyone always says, two is better than one, right? ⇢ A/N: this has been in my drafts for about three months, lmao. finally, i finished it and posted it! im lowkey excited because this was a lot of fun to write, and i’ve never written anything like it so! alright, yeah... let me know what you think x.
Your damp locks laid sprawled against your boyfriend's muscular thigh. Warm fingers twisting the wet curls between his fingers. Movements slowed due to the toe-curling, orgasm-inducing, mind-blowing tub sex you just shared. The last thing you had wanted was to get out and brave the cold air, but laying here, wrapped in his sheet with nothing underneath, you didn't want to be anywhere else.
 Being in Jimin's arms was a rare occurrence these days, moments like this becoming cherished treasures that you looked forward to. Excitement was the easy way to describe how you felt when he and his six best friends were pulling up in front of your house, inviting you to spend their day off with them.
 Of course, it was all Jimin's doing, you wouldn't have met any of those guys if it wasn't for your chance meeting with the handsome dancer. They liked you enough, though. Each showed you that they accept your relationship in their own way.
 Seokjin, the oldest, had become something of a big brother to you; oftentimes taking your side on the rare occasion that you and Jimin argued. Never failed to give you insightful advice after the fact. Yoongi didn't really pay you any mind, but he thought you were cute and often times found himself cooing at you. You were closest to Hobi and Joon, becoming fast friends due to your like personalities and sense of humor. They thought you were hilarious, Jimin didn't see it.
 As for the two youngest... despite you dating his best friend, Taehyung didn't really show much interest in you, neither did Jungkook. Yet, Taehyung did put in the effort to make conversation and make you feel included, unlike the youngest male. You had been convinced that he didn't like you, until a few weeks ago when his blatant staring began.
 He'd be quick to look away whenever he knew he was caught, but he wasn't that sneaky. You never missed the cocky grin he'd try to hide or the knowing look he'd shoot in Taehyung's direction. There was definitely something up and it definitely involved you.
 “What do you think of Jungkook?” The question was falling from your lips and you had your never-ending thoughts and overthinking to blame. 
 Jimin let out a snort of a laugh. “Jungkook? My best friend, and teammate? The guy that's been like a brother to me for the past 7 years? I guess he's alright,” Sarcasm dripped from his words and you rolled your eyes, lifting your head from his lap.
 Your hand met his shoulder, gently pushing him back against the headboard. “I'm being serious. What do you think?”
 “So am I. He's like a brother to me, why?” He found this sudden interest in the maknae odd...? Especially for you. It was obvious that the two of you didn't really socialize, so why were you asking about him all of a sudden? “What do you think of him?” Jimin prompted when your answer didn't come fast enough.
 Taking a moment, you debated whether or not you should even bring this up. As he said, Jungkook was like a brother to him... what if calling out his weird behavior ended up rubbing Jimin in the wrong way and now you were without a boyfriend.
 Jimin wasn't the type for dramatics, though. Everything was comfortable with him, not many things reaching his 'serious business' radar, so this should be fine, right? Right. “He's fine...” You buffered, teeth chewing at your lower lip.
 Jimin pinned you with an expectant look, hated whenever you, or anyone, beat around the bush when there was obviously something on their mind. Taking this, you urged yourself to go on. “...I've just noticed like lately he's been... checking me out?” Mentally, you flinched, hoping the news wouldn't upset your boyfriend.
 His chest rumbled as he barked out a laugh, head cocked back as the sweet sounds left his plump lips. Pillow soft punches met his stomach as you tried to get him to focus. “I'm being serious, Jimin! He's always staring at me with that stupid face,”
 You imitated Jungkook's seemingly signature facial expression, eyebrows raised and tongue pushed into the inside of your cheek, eyes tracing over your boyfriend's body hungrily like Jungkook had done to you many times before. Another laugh left his lips at the sight of your face and you were scoffing, pushing him back again.
 “I don't know why this is funny to you. I just told you one of your friends has been mentally undressing me, you should be livid!” You were quick to silence the insecure thoughts that his lack of reaction had floating around your mind.
 It was no secret that Jimin was a jealous guy. What's his, is his... you were his! He should be enraged that some guy was looking at you like a piece of meat, he was the only one that was supposed to look at you like that. So why was he laughing?
 Seeing that you were obviously upset, Jimin was reaching for your arms, uncrossing them from your bare chest. His hands held loosely on your wrist as he pulled you toward him, landing a soft kiss to your lips. “I think it's funny because it's not a big deal. Me and Jungkook are boys, he's not gonna try anything with you.” He assured you, another kiss landing on your lips.
 “Okay, but, I heard him and Taehyung talking and-” You weren't even able to finish your sentence because he was sitting up, squinted eyes finding yours. “Taehyung was talking about you?”
 Oh, now he wanted to be jealous? Scoffing, you pushed him back against the headboard. “Yes.” You couldn't help the roll of your eyes. “I was trying to tell you. Not only is Jungkook always checking me out, but I heard them talking about you and us... and something about an H?”
 Jimin's expression softened, eyebrows relaxing as his cheeks tinted a few shades light of red. “Oh.” Crooked teeth worried his lower lip as he reached a hand up to push his hair back on his forehead.
 “Oh? What does H stand for, Jimin?” Obviously, he knew exactly what they were talking about and it was making him... blush? “It's nothing.” He answered a bit too quickly. “It's something.” Your words chased his, a slight bite in your tone.
 His eyes widened. “What are you gonna get mad if I don't tell you?” Laughter laced his words, but it wasn't the 'Ha-ha so funny' type of laugh, it was a type of nervous laugh he let out when he felt like he dug himself in a hole.
 You were nodding your head simply, shoving the blanket from your waist. “Yup!” Hopping from the bed, you began searching the room for the jeans you had ditched the second you were entering his bedroom. Jimin was sitting up quickly, voice stopping your movements just as you got your jeans over your thighs. “Alright, alright! I'll tell you. Come sit back down,”
 A triumphant smirk spread across your lips, as you crossed the room back to his bed. You sunk back down onto the comfortable mattress, crossing your legs underneath your bum as you awaited his explanation.
 “First of all, this was before I met you so you can't hold this against me,” He prepped and you nodded your head, gesturing with your hand for him to go on. “A while ago... with my exes, or just like girls that hung around us... Jungkook and I would, you know...”
 You had pretty a good idea what he was alluding to, but you weren't the type to graciously take a hint. “No, I don't know... you would, what?” He was rolling his eyes at the smirk on your lips, hands pushing his hair back out of habit.
 “Share them, our girlfriends, the groupies... It was fun, you know? Capitol H doesn't stand for anything, it's literally what our bodies do,” He let out a short laugh and you picture the way an H looked. “...So I'd be the middle part?” You clarified, your words making Jimin's eyes snap up to you.
 “Who said...” His words trailed off, brows furrowing as he visibly went through the thoughts bubbling in his mind. You didn't blame him. Despite the occasional interesting position or location, you liked to keep it pretty vanilla.
 Well aware that Jimin was more experienced than you, you didn't want to disappoint. You always thought vanilla didn't technically mean boring... at least it didn't to you. But after hearing that he use to partake in regular threesomes you couldn't help but wonder what else the other girls he's been with let him do.
 Just the pure fact that you were considering this, putting yourself in the situation was enough to baffle your boyfriend, confuse him enough to convince him that you were just fucking with him. A laugh slipped past his lips as he shook his head. “Come on, Yn. You wouldn't be into that.”
 “How do you even know?”
 “Well, because I know you. It was a long time ago, Yn. They were just talking shit, you don't have to-” Annoyed, you were cutting him off.
 “I might want to. I could be into it, you don't know. Jungkook is cute and...”
 His face was twisting, and you were afraid you had said the wrong thing. Sure of it when the words left his lips. “Are you saying you want to fuck, Jungkook?” Thankfully, he didn't exactly look angry... just a little bit put off?
 A hand reached out for his, easily lacing your fingers together. “Listen, I know I'm not that... adventurous, when it comes to sex... but if it's something that you enjoyed doing or if you just want to, I'm just saying... I wouldn't be against it.” Your thumb soothes over the back of his hand and enjoys the smile that pushes onto his lips.
 His eyes soften again, staring up at you lovingly. The confusion of whether or not you had just admitted you were into his bandmate gone and forgotten. “I promise, I like the sex we have just fine, don't worry.” He was leaning forward, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, his arm wrapping around your waist to pull your body into his.
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 Four days passed since your conversation with Jimin. More and more time was spent around their dorm, soaking up as much time with him as you could before he was jetting off to his next schedule. Being around him all day, though, meant that you were around his friends all day too.
 It wasn't a big deal, these guys were cool. At least, most of them were. In the past days, Jungkook had become bold, to say the least. Not looking away when he's caught staring, instead of waiting for you to be the one to break. On top of that, it was like the kid never knew when to shut up, always coming up with a snarky comment or undermining you but at the same time calling you 'Noona' with that boyish grin of his.
 Jimin no doubt told him all about the talk that you two had if those boys were sharing girls... there was no way they weren't sharing secrets. You don't know what you knowing about their sexcapades did for him, but it clearly had gone to his head. It'd be best to just ignore him, you decided. No matter how undeniably attractive he was, there was nothing there for you. You didn't want him. Didn't need him, no matter the dampness that ensued whenever he smirked. And of course, you didn't ever notice the size of the bulge that constantly pushed against his pants. Was that boy always hard, or something!?
 Like right now, just walking across the lawn in search of the ball he had been playing with, but right there fighting against his swim trunks... a huge boner! You cursed the moment Jin suggested a pool party would be a fun way to spend the afternoon.
 It had sounded fun at the moment. Yoongi said he was going to barbecue and you were even more convinced when your boyfriend was making his way down the stairs shirtless in his swim shorts. The sexy one-word tattoo on full display, ripples of his abs seemed to glisten, the single trail of hair below his belly button disappearing underneath his waistband.
 Yeah, you'd definitely enjoy this afternoon. So sure of it, until you were catching sight of the man that followed him down the stairs. Jungkook, of course, who else could irk you just with their presence?
 A lot taller and more muscular than your lean boyfriend, black shorts hanging loosely on his hips, giving you a perfect view of the well-worked on V-line that acted a huge fucking arrow to his dick. Gentle lips found the top of your head, a strong arm wrapping around your waist. “You look pretty,” Jimin mumbled into your ear, and you grinned, leaning into his chest.
 Jimin was always very vocal when it came to the things that he liked to see. You showing some skin? Definitely at the top of his list. Took that into account when you picked out your swimsuit for this gathering; a red triangle string bikini, lacy black flowers decorating your breasts, and hips.
 It was obvious that Jimin thought you looked good, could tell with the lingering glances in your direction as you laid on your back trying to soak up some sun. What you didn't account for was the slight chance that his friends might think the same. And by friends, you meant Jungkook, of course.
 Poor kid couldn't take his eyes off of you, not even for a second. Which explains his constant need to get out of the pool and retrieve the ball that he kept failing to catch. The situation almost funny, if the sexy flex in his arms as he pulled his body out of the water didn't always catch your attention. If your eyes weren't automatically trailing over every ridge and bump of his muscles.
 He'd smirk when catching you, toss his long wet hair before slipping back into the water. Wouldn't even wait to see the annoyed roll of your eyes, not as it mattered – he had already caught you staring, more than once. Acting as if he didn't affect you was a waste. And to make matters worse, Jimin was always right there observing each and every one of your interactions with the kid, face giving nothing away.
 Not angry, or annoyed. Just watching, as if he was curious to see what you'd do. How you'd react. As if he had put this whole entire thing in motion earlier and was observing the aftermath. 
 By the time Yoongi was announcing dinner, your body was buzzing with annoyance. Or was it desire? Either way, you were about two seconds from ripping your hair at the roots. Jimin sat beside you, the first time he was within arms reach the entire evening. He grinned, wrapping a strong arm around your waist and pulling you close engulfing you with his sweet scent. 
 Stupidly, you found yourself relaxing in his arms. Head falling on his shoulder while a hand lifted to press against his stomach. He was warm but still a little wet from the pool. You felt the movement of his head but didn't bother with lifting your head to see who he was speaking too. Stupid, because seconds later the spot next to you was being taken up.
 Guess who.
 Of course, Jeon Jungkook was slipping into the space beside you, a cocky grin playing on his most likely soft lips. His eyes flickered over to Jimin's before he was dropping his focus back onto you.
 “We've got burgers and hot dogs, and Jin is coming out with the chicken,” Yoongi called out, stepping toward the table with a tray of meat in hand. The second the food was in reach, the boys were hurrying to load their plates.
 Like the ever so dotting boyfriend, Jimin loaded up your plate as he did his. Comfortable conversation surrounded the table, voices overlapping and thick strings of laughter falling from their lips. You weighed in where you could, beaming when you were able to make a few of them laugh along with you.
 It was fun. Talking to them, getting along. Despite the fact you had been dating Jimin for a while, conversations with most of his friends were surface level at most. It didn't really bother you, but it was a good feeling knowing that if needed, you could get along with these guys.
 “No, yeah... if you're into old-time movies, you should definitely check out...” Taehyung's words were fading into the background, your attention slipping from what he was saying and to the warm hand on your thigh. Jimin's. An unsuspecting smile on his lips when you looked up to catch his gaze. 
 Just barely catching the title of the movie Taehyung was referring to, you turned your attention back to him. “It's good? I should check it out.” He nodded, all at once losing interest in the conversation, Jin's story catching his ear.
 There was a mischievous glint in Jimin's eye as he spread your legs apart, tips of his fingers trailing up your bare thigh. His head tilting until his lips were able to reach the skin of your neck, leaving a wet trail of kisses down the length.
 You felt your body melting into him. Ready to succumb to whatever he had in store for you, the tingle of anticipation rushing through your veins. A familiar heat spreading throughout your body, lips curling into your mouth as you waited. The press against your left side had your eyes snapping open, darting to the cool tattooed hand making it's way up to your thigh. Jungkook.
 His fingers inching up your thigh, closer and closer to your core while Jimin held your legs apart, fingers tight against your flesh. “If you don't like it, tell him to stop.” His words are hushed against your ear, and you're nodding quickly, hearing the sincerity in his voice. 
 Jungkook wastes no time, callused fingers finding your clit through the fabric of your bikini bottoms. He presses down, fingers moving in circles as your body jolts at the sudden friction. “She's sensitive,” He speaks as if he's taking notes rather than trying to hold a conversation. You hold your breath, legs spreading slightly. Jimin's lips fall from your skin, cheek resting against your shoulder so he can see.
 Never did you think you'd be the one to have such a penchant for something as risky as public foreplay, but here you were growing wetter by the second, the thought that either one of his friends could catch you with a simple turn of their heads. It had you unbelievably turned on, mixed with the fact that your boyfriend was watching you rather than doing it definitely added to it.
 Jungkook laughs beside you, but not at you. Delved in a conversation with Namjoon across the table as if his fingers weren't pushing your bottoms out of the way underneath the table. A long finger lazily traces over your wet folds. Jimin's chuckle covers the gasp that leaves your lips when Jungkook's fingers graze over your bare clit.
 Jin is smiling appreciatively in his direction at the support of his joke. You were going to get caught. The thought and the consequences weighing heavily on your mind, causing you to shift attempting to close your legs. “It's fine,” Jimin assures you with a whisper, strong hand holding your leg in place.
 The moment you're relaxing, Jungkook's hand is reaching down to grasp your other thigh. Easily lifting it to hook over his own, giving him total access to your throbbing pussy. It's not lost on you how hot it feels to be exposed like this, but you're not given any time to analyze what it means as soon as Jungkook traces his fingers over your entrance.
 The tips of his fingers take their time with gathering the wet arousal that had accumulated between your legs before they're moving back up to tease your tight hole. Teeth digging into your plump lip as the tips of his fingers slowly begin slipping into your core.
 Trying your damnedest to keep your face from giving away what was going on underneath the table. You force yourself to concentrate on the words coming from Namjoon's mind, although they're just words... not coherent enough to follow the actual story.
 Slowly, Jimin is reaching his thick fingers down between your legs, using his middle and index fingers to spread your lips further apart, giving him a better view. You gasp, Jungkook's fingers pumping shallowly in and out of you. 
 For a moment, your body stills, afraid you had been too loud just then. Calming when you realize none of them were looking in your direction, not even Jungkook who was the cause of all of this. No, he was seemingly wrapped in conversation with Taehyung, a teasing smirk on his lips that you guessed was meant for you.
 Jimin was the only one look at you, watching Jungkook's long fingers bury themselves deep inside of you. He's flexing them, curling and uncurling as the pad of his thumb fingers your needy clit. He's basically drooling at the sight, wet lazy kisses landing on your shoulder. His hand resting over his covered crotch, palming himself through the fabric. 
 A louder, desperate whimper is falling from your lips. This time catching the attention of Taehyung. Words coming to a halt as his eyes dart between the three of you, a wide smirk slipping onto his features. “Are you alright, Yn?” There's a teasing glint in his eye, letting you know he's not at all asking if you're alright. No, he knew exactly what was happening underneath the table and he was making it all of his business to tease you about it.
 Plastering a tight-lipped smile onto your lips, you muster all the strength you can to nod your head. “I'm fine,” There's a strain in your voice, giving him enough reason to pull a look of concern, his head tilting to the side.
 “Are you sure? You look a little flushed,” His brows furrow, topping off his fake worry and you're suppressing the urge to roll your eyes. The encounter is catching Namjoon's attention beside him, his gaze lifting to study your face. “Oh, yeah. You don't look so good.” He weighs in, actually looking worried about you.
 Jungkook takes this growing attention as an invitation to speed up the movement of his fingers. Hand tightening on your thigh, keeping you from snapping your legs shut. Two fingers plunging deep inside of you, tips brushing against the spongy spot inside of you. Jimin's domineering gaze watches your face, waiting for your response.
 However, it doesn't come. The thrusts of Jungkook's fingers, mixed with the relentless strokes of his thumb on your clit has a moan falling from your lips. It's loud and breathy, and definitely recognizable even if all attention wasn't on you. You see Jungkook's eyes widen from the corner of your eye, but he's being really careful about not looking directly at you.
 You do, actually, see him steal a glance in Jimin's direction... almost as if he's asking for guidance, but he's being ignored, Jimin's lust-filled eyes never leaving your face. “Take that kinky shit upstairs,” Yoongi speaks flatly, bored expression on his face as he stares at you.
 Jimin's hand is quick to reach between your legs, adjusting your bottoms as Jungkook withdraws his fingers from inside of you, pushing your thigh from his. You ignore the way your walls flutter at the sudden emptiness, snapping your legs shut as embarrassment reddens your cheeks and dampens your pussy.
 “Let's go.” There's no room for protest with the way he speaks, excusing himself from the table as he looks expectantly between you and Jungkook. The younger male is quick to stand, watching you as he pushes his glistening fingers into his mouth. Your heart pounds as he slowly sucks your juices from the digits.
 The other boys have turned their attention from you three, still, your body felt hot. Cheeks flushed and pussy pulsing with want. Need. You needed them, both of them. Need to have both of them on you, around you, inside you. With a breath, you're standing, following them into the house and up into Jimin's room.
 Jungkook shuts the bedroom door, flicking the lock as Jimin turns to look down at you. “You still not against this?” Eyes much softer now, gentle hands finding your hips in order to pull your body toward his. You're nodding without a second thought, want buzzing in your veins. No way were you backing out now.
 Despite the grin rapidly growing on his plush lips, Jimin was still asking: “Are you sure?” Your words chased his, hands reaching up to land on his jawline. “I'm sure,” Your lips found him, instantly being parted by their thickness. His tongue twists and tangles with yours, a single hand reaching to grasp your jaw, holding your head in place as he licks into your mouth.
 Suddenly, he's pulling back, soft eyes tinted with a dark desire. He's turning your head with the grip of his strong hand, your eyes finding Jungkook who had moved to stand directly behind you.
 Jungkook is quick to capture your lips with his. Soft lips tasting heavily of cherry, you kiss him back, body turning, melting into his as the erection between his legs brushes against your lower belly. He bites into your lower lip, tugging it slightly and pulling a whimper from his lips.
 You feel his smirk as his tongue slips past your parted lips, mapping out every inch of your mouth while his hands drop to your scarcely covered ass. Hips pushing back, involuntarily surrendering more of your ass to his. Jungkook's lips are falling from yours, hands sliding underneath the fabric of your bottoms to cup your bare ass.
 “Jungkook,” You gasp out when his hands squeeze down hard on your ass, grip pulling your body tight against his. With little to no effort, Jungkook is lifting your body off of the floor, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. He walks the two of you to the bed, laying your body onto the soft mattress.
 When he had moved was lost on you, Jimin now sitting comfortably on the chair adjacent to the bed. Hard cock straining against the fabric of his swim trunks, his hand resting over it as he watched you with his best friend.
 With your legs hanging loosely from his hips, Jungkook leans down to bury his head in the crook of your neck. Sucking wet hickeys into the skin while his large hands trail down the gentle curves of your body, fingers finding the tight bows on either side of your hips. Your breaths come out labored, rapidly losing yourself in the way he's tonguing at your skin, teeth grazing its sensitivity.
 “Fuck,” He groans, hips pushing into yours. The sound of his voice nearly startling you, with how quiet he has been since the start of all this. “I never thought I'd have a chance to have you like this,” He sighs softly against your skin. Only a second was spared for you to wonder just how often he thought about having you like this. If Jimin knew.
 Jungkook's hands were quickly traveling up your back, a single tug on the string of your bikini had it loosening around your chest. He wastes no time with discarding it, tossing it somewhere behind him before leaning down. Hot tongue connecting with your hardened bud, rolling it around in his mouth. A soft moan slips past your lips, head falling back just enough to catch sight of Jimin.
 Teeth worrying his plush lips, a hand-dipped into the front of his shorts as he watches you. Hooded eyes find yours and you swear you see his cock twitch in his hand. Your fingers tangled in Jungkook's hair, holding his head against your chest as he grinds his covered cock against the flimsy material of your bathing suit.
 Your legs tighten around his waist, pulling his closer as you lift your hips. Jimin's groan mixes with the sound of yours, Jungkook's head lifting only for a moment to catch sight of his older friend, only to drop back down mouth latching onto your neglected nipple.
 “Make her cum, Kook,” Jimin speaks hastily growing impatient with how slow Jungkook was being. How he seemed to be taking his time, reveling in each moment he had with you. Allowing himself to memorize every inch of your body while he had the chance.
 The sight demand has Jungkook's body jumping to action, teeth grazing over your nipple as his hand travels down the front of your body dipping into your bottoms and covering your pussy without pause.
 Your legs squirm while his fingers toy with your bundle of nerves a wet trail of kisses, creating a line from your breasts down the middle of your body. You're sprawled out beneath him, legs wide as you wait for what you know is coming. It's not long before his head is between your legs, looking up at you with the sexiest pout and you feel as though you could cum at the sight.
 “You're soaked,” His head is tilting slightly, licking along your slit in one click motion and you're moaning out. “I've always wondered the sounds you'd make having your cute little pussy eaten.” His thumb is covering your clit, stroking it gently as your core flutters, from the growing smirk on his face, it's safe to say he noticed.
 Strong hands holding your legs apart, Jungkook lunges forward to press his soft lips against your folds. He sucks kisses against your damp lips, tongue stroking against them slowly. You're whimpering, can feel your pussy dripping as you reach down to tangle your fingers in his soft locks.
 He's quick with the up-down movement of his tongue against your slick pussy lips, tracing over each ridge and cure but avoiding that one spot he's sue would have you falling apart instantly. Instead, kept his thumb pressed against it still, motionless.
 Your hips lift, rocking into his face while his tongue lowers to tease your wanting entrance. Large hands curling around your hips to grasp the cure of your ass, pulling your body tighter against his mouth. “Fuck, Jungkook!” The shout falling from your lips as he ups his speed, the tip of his nose nudging against your clit.
 Jimin's breathy groan sounds from behind you, the familiar fap of his hand working against his hardened cock filling your ears and egging you on. His thumb slowly plays with the head, spreading the precum leaking from it. Having him watch you, turned on by the sight of you moaning his friend's name, turned on enough that he was jerking himself off at the sight. It made you feel hot, an unexplainable rush of desire coursing through your veins.
 Jungkook is pulling his tongue from inside of you it quickly being replaced with two long fingers. He pushes all the way to the knuckle, curling them to press deep inside of you. You feel the coil in your stomach slowly tighten as he continues his movements, your orgasm approaching.
 A silent scream leaves your lips the moment his lips are wrapping around your neglected clit, sucking softly as his tongue teases it. Hips lifting and rolling, body convulsing as your orgasm begins to wash over you. Jungkook's grip tightens around your shaking thighs, holding your legs in place as he pushes another finger inside of you.
 His lips suck down harder, head tilting to the side to twist your clit along with it. That paired with the new stretch of his added finger have you cumming hard all at once. His name leaves your lips in a desperate mewl, grip tightening in his hair as your back arches off the bed.
 Jungkook's pulling his fingers from your body, letting up on the suction around your clit relaxing into gentle licks of his tongue. His strong hands cover your ass, holding your body against his mouth as you ride out your orgasm. He laps up every bit of your wet cum, ignoring the sensitive twitch of your legs until he's finished. Until he's satisfied and sitting upon his knees, licking your arousal from his lips.
 He's staring at you with so much want, lust, lips slightly swollen and very red. His hair sticks up messily around his head from the grip of your fingers, chest heaving with heavy breath as he watches you.
 Jimin stands from his position behind you, hands tugging his shorts the rest of the way down his legs before he's taking slow strides in your direction. With much effort, you're lifting your body until you're seated. He grins down at you, a hand wrapped around his length while the other reaches for the nape of your neck.
 “I want you to suck me off while Jungkookie fucks you open, how's that sound?” He's wearing such a sweet smile on his face, a direct contradiction to the words that fall from his lips and the vulgar things they convey. You're nodding your head quickly, either way, leaning into his touch as his hand travels to rest against your jaw.
 Jungkook has stood from the bed, discarding his shorts in the process. He's rummaging on the other side of the room, but your focus is not on him. No, your attention is stuck on the man in front of you. His soft thumb brushing against your lower lip, your mouth falling open. He grins.
 “You made me so hard baby. Loved seeing you cum on Kookie's tongue, did it feel good?” You're nodding your head, eyes snapping up to find his. He chews on his lower lip, tracing the curves of your lips with the tip of his cock. You try to move your head to coax his cock into your mouth, but he's having too much fun teasing you to let that happen.
 Pushing your tongue out, you manage to slide it over the underside of his cock. He groans, head lolling to the side as he gives in, slowly guiding his cock past your lips and into your mouth. Your lips latch onto his dick and quickly begin licking and suckling at his length. His teeth dig into his lip as he watches you, hand reaching to grasp your hair.
 “Your mouth feels so good, baby.” He pants, rocking his hips forward slightly. Your body warms at the praise, sucking harder and speeding the bob of your head. His lower belly tightens, both hands tangled in your hair and tightening to hold your head still. Mouth widening, you allow him to push his hips forward, taking more of his cock down your throat. 
 You let him gag you, spit gathering around your lips as tears brim in your eyes. Hands braced on his hips as if that'd be enough to slow his movements. With the fucked out look on his face, the grip in your hair; it was obvious he didn't plan on letting up any time soon. Not like you even wanted him too, anyway.
 Jungkook was coming to crouch behind you, large hands finding your hips. The palm of his hand is slapping against one of your cheeks, forcing your body to jolt forward a muffled moan leaving your lips. The movement pushing you down further onto Jimin's cock, the head hitting against the back of your throat causing a cough to fall from your lips.
 Reluctantly, you pull back, a thin string of saliva connecting your lips to his length as heavy coughs shook your body. Jungkook let out a loud laugh, hands on your hips positioning your body onto your knees. Jimin's unmistakably gentle hand rubbed at your back, attempting to soothe your coughs as he lined his cock with your lips once more.
 You were taking him into your mouth once more, sucking with much more fervor this time. He chuckles above you, eyes flickering up to Jungkook who's fingers caressing your wet pussy lips. “She's so wet, Hyung. Think she liked choking on your cock.” He comments, fingers lazily stroking your pussy.
 Warmth spreads through your body at his words. Jungkook was much different from Jimin, sexually as well as everything else. Where Jimin never mentioned how much he knew you liked to suck him off, Jungkook was more than willing to voice his revelation that you were particularly dripping. As if he got off on the thought of embarrassing you, and it should annoy you, but it only made you want him more.
 Wanted to prove to him that you didn't so easily wither, that it would take a lot more to make you shy away. No matter the blush the took over his cheeks every time he was crude.
 His hand reached for your hair, tangling in the soft strands and slowly pulling you off of his friend's cock. Your back was soon pressed flush against his chest, a strong arm wrapping around your waist. You can see Jimin clearly now, muscles glistening with a thin layer of sweat as his palm stroked his wet cock.
 Jungkook's dick is pressed firmly against your ass cheek and your hips slowly rock back, rubbing against it. He bites back a groan, hand dropping to hold your hips in place. “You want me to fuck you, Yn?” His mouth is right by your ear, but he's speaking loud enough for both you and Jimin to hear. “Want me to make you cum, again? But this time on my cock... make you fall apart while your boyfriend watches, you'd like that, huh?” Rough fingers find your clit, flicking and tugging at it. And you nod frantically, spreading your legs wide from him and avoiding the lust-filled gaze of your boyfriend.
 He reaches for your chin, lifting your head so you're looking directly at Jimin. Jungkook moved behind you, shifting his hips until the tip of his cock nudges your awaiting entrance. “Say it,” He hisses into your ear. “Tell him,” His lower lip drags over the shell of your ear, fingers dipping lower to spread your lips for him.
 “I want-,” You feel heat growing in your chest, Jimin's expectant gaze making you feel small. He's stroking his cock much slower now, waiting on labored breaths. Jungkook's fingers pinch your clit and pleasure shoots through your veins, body twitching. “Don't be shy, princess. He can take it...” His fingers rub figure eights into the bundle of nerves.
 There was no telling how you looked right now, fucked out and panting. Desperately trying to wiggle your hips in hope to steal away more than he was letting you have. Lips are swollen and cheeks tear-stained from having Jimin's cock down your throat moments before. Your back arches against his chest as he drags the length of his cock over your slit, teasing you.
 “I want!” You shout, an electric shock of pleasure fueling you, “Jimin, fuck... watch me. I want you to watch me when Jungkook fucks me,” You plead, crazed eyes staying trained on your boyfriend. “Want you to see him make me cum.”
 “Fuck,” Jimin groans, at the same time Jungkook is pushing inside of you. His thick cock spreading your folds and breaking through your walls. You let out a loud whine, pushing back against him welcoming each inch of his length. He's groaning only when he's bottoming out, hands falling to your hips, body dropping onto your knees again.
 “She's so tight,” Jungkook sighs, pulling his hips back until the tip of his cock is catching on your pursed entrance. He pushes forward quickly, pulling a wail from your lips. Repeating the action until he feels your walls loosening around him.
 He's soon falling into a steady pace, hips snapping against yours as his fingers bruise your hips. Your legs spread wide as you fist at the bedsheets below you, whiny moans leaving your lips as you move back against him. Jimin steps back, no doubt taking in the sight in before him. The way your eyes continue to roll, flushed cheeks and mouth open wide. How your back curves into the globes of your ass the ripple with each strong thrust of Jungkook's hips. “Fuck, baby. You're taking his cock so well,” Jimin praises with a proud look on his face. 
 His soft hand brushes your hair out of your face, holding it back in a makeshift ponytail. “How does it feel, baby?” Weakly, you lift your gaze to look up at him. “S-so good,” Voice hoarse and breathy. Jungkook grins behind you, angling his hips to slide deeper inside of you.
 “Such a good girl,” Jimin's free hand wraps around his cock. And your mouth is opening before your mind can register what he wants, warm cock filling your mouth, your lips wrapping tightly around the base.
 He's sliding down your throat easily, your head bobbing in time with the slow thrusts of his hips. You reach your hands forward to grasp his balls, hands massaging against the velvety skin and his pants. Incoherent mumbles of praise fall from Jimin's lips as his head falls back.
 He looks so hot, even from this angle. The veins of his neck prominent with the clench of his teeth. Collarbones thick and on full display, housing his well worked on pecks and the tight ripples of his abs. His hand lifts to grasp your hair, holding your head in place to thrust shallowly down your throat.
 “S-shit, I'm cumming.” Jungkook whines from behind you, hips pressed flush against your ass while his legs tighten. You feel the familiar expansion of the condom around his cock as the sounds of his whiny moans fill the room. Jimin lifts his head, a chuckle leaving his lips as his eyes find the pink-cheeked man in front of him.
 “That was quick,” Jimin teases, pulling his hips back until his cock is falling from your lips. Jungkook does the same. Your body shocked instantly with emptiness, you whine in protest, hips wiggling in search of your release.
 “It's been a while,” Jungkook defends, slumping against the mattress, arms lifting to cover his eyes. Desperately trying to slow his breathing, not paying any mind to the cum that leaks the condom in thick globs painting the sheets underneath him. “Did Kookie even make you cum?” Jimin's words are directed to you and you're quick to shake your head.
 He tsks, hand reaching for your thigh and flipping your body onto its back. Your legs spread as he lowers himself between them, cock easily pushing its way deep into your pussy. A moan falls from your lips, hips lifting to meet his thrust. “Let me show you how to do it.”
 Jungkook is removing his arm from his eyes, turning his attention to yours and Jimin's bodies. He watches as Jimin's firm ass lifts and drops into you, each powerful thrust pushing your body up. Watches as your nails mark up his smooth back. Listens to the way his groans mix with your whimpers.
 Your eyes catch his for a moment, and you're soon realizing that he's not watching you. Mouth parted and eyes dazed as he stares. But not at you. Jimin's reaching his hand down, fingers finding your clit as he pushes you toward your nearing orgasm. Eyes screwing shut, you let yourself feel it.
 Toes curling and back arching as your release washes over you. Jimin hisses from the way your walls clench around his cock, his thrusts becoming sloppy, untimed. Jungkook watches as he cums, filling you up. Your name falling from his lips in a breathy moan. Your legs tighten around his waist, holding his body tight against yours.
 Minutes pass before Jimin is pulling out, rolling onto his back with a huff. He grins wide down at you, lips catching yours in a loving kiss as his hand moves between your legs, pushing his escaped cum back into your pussy. You can't help the giggle that leaves your lips from the feeling.
 “You did so well, baby.” He's complimenting you after his lips are releasing yours. You smile wide, eyes shifting between him and Jungkook. “It was amazing, thank you.” Jungkook nods his acknowledgment while Jimin presses another kiss to your lips, before standing from the bed.
 “I'm gonna go run you a bath,” Jimin grins, kissing the top of your head gently before disappearing into the bathroom. The second he's gone, Jungkook is standing from the bed. His cheeks are flushed, hair messy, and he looks out of breath; but nevertheless he's moving as if he couldn't get out of there fast enough.
 You let him. Don't bother to ask him why. You know why. And now that you knew, all the little things surrounding were starting to make sense. As if a neon sign had been flashing the warning from the beginning, but you had chosen to ignore it. Explained it away as Jungkook being a protective best friend, but you were wrong. You were so wrong. Realization was hitting you all at once and you wondering how many of their conquests found out the exact same thing.
 Jungkook was in love with Jimin.
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kitazura · 4 years
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it’s the thought that counts, tendō satori
1.6k words of fluff; gn!reader
synopsis: tendō doesn’t understand the excitement surrounding valentine’s day until he decides to celebrate it with you.
notes: i haven’t finished the manga but i’m making timeskip content :D thank u rissie (@sugas-cookie) for beta-ing mwah <3
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Tendō’s come to learn that Valentine’s day brings waves of purchases made by eager youth preparing to confess their affections, frantic lovers who’d completely forgotten about the occasion, and other last-minute shoppers looking for gifts to give their loved ones. This year is no different; the orders pile up so quickly he can barely keep up with them.
He’s not complaining—not when his bills are getting paid—he just doesn’t understand why everyone lets themselves get carried away by the Valentine rush. At the root of it all, it’s blatant commercialism, another scheme by society to run your bank account dry through obligatory benevolence, so why play into it? Well, as long as it keeps him in business, he supposes he’ll keep his critiques to himself.
“Don’t you think you’re being a little cynical?” you say when he shares his thoughts, the gentle smile on your lips showing you mean no harm. “I think the idea behind Valentine’s day is charming.”
He brushes his thumb over your cheek, humming in response. “Why’s that?”
“Isn’t it sweet when someone puts time and effort into something just for you?” you gush. Tendō watches your gaze turn dreamy as your mind wanders off into the clouds. “Like making chocolates for the person you like.”
“That’s what I do for a living, darling.”
“You like all of your customers?”
“Of course; they give me money, after all.”
You laugh, swatting his arm lightly. “I guess it’s hard to romanticize something you do as work.”
You’re not wrong. At some point, it’s expected for your job to lose its magic, no matter how passionate you are about it in the beginning. Chocolate has long lost its allure to Tendō, and now he spends day in and day out pouring it into molds and hurrying to shape it before it hardens beyond salvation. It’s become a chore for him, and even just catching a whiff of a candy bar sends his brain into the stress of work mode.
“What do you think about when you make chocolate, Satori?” you ask, interrupting his thoughts.
“What an odd question,” he remarks, clicking his tongue like a fussy mother hen. “I think about what I have to do to make it look presentable, of course. And then I count down the minutes until I come home to you.” He beams, proud of his response.
But pride turns to dismay when he catches a glint of disappointment in your eyes. His expression falls as he pulls you closer. “What’s the matter?”
You shake your head. “Nothing, nothing. Would you ever make me Valentine’s day chocolates?”
He tilts his head in surprise, then kisses your forehead. “I’d make you chocolate any day; all you have to do is ask.”
You seem to drop the matter, although he swears you sigh, “It’s not the same.”
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He spends the next couple of days convincing himself he’d only imagined it, but something about your tone and attitude makes it stick in his brain. Whether you’d said it or not, there was clearly something behind your first question.
He asks you about it over dinner: “Is there a reason you want Valentine-themed chocolates in particular?”
“You’ve been thinking about that?” You laugh a little, surprised. “It’s not the Valentine theme I want; just the knowledge that you’re thinking of me on that day.”
He pesters you to elaborate—he’s always thinking of you, don’t you know that?—but you dodge his questions, leaving him in the dark once more.
Since you won’t give him any answers, he’ll just look for them on his own.
He texts Ushijima that night: “Why do you buy chocolate for the one you love?”
“Because they like it,” comes the reply. It’s simple, straightforward, but it’s not what he’s looking for.
He texts Semi the same question. The response is the length of a school essay, explaining the motivations of love in depths only a poet could reach, but it’s still not enough.
At work, your question echoes in his mind: What do you think about when you make chocolate, Satori?
What was he supposed to think about aside from the process? His customers?
He looks again at the order he’s making. It’s one he expects every year—it comes a week before Valentine’s, by a man whose wife adores chocolate covered strawberries. Tendō remembers it not only because of its consistency, but also because it’s always preceded by an order by the aforementioned wife, who asks for milk chocolate filled with raspberry créme that her husband is so fond of.
He wonders why they order the same thing at the same time every year. There’s no surprise in it, so what’s the point? Had he been in the husband’s place and you in the wife’s, he’d make sure to buy you something different every year, each present more extravagant than the last. He’d make sure that you’d always have something to look forward to in your married life.
A cheery little tune takes form beneath his breath as he pictures a life with you: silver bands around your fingers, lazy mornings on your days off, walks along the Seine.
He sweeps the excess chocolate off the molds in one clean stroke, sighing dreamily. You would buy a bigger, better apartment once you’d saved up enough, or even move to a quiet little cottage in the countryside.
His thoughts wander through the clouds as he mindlessly flits from one project to the next, forgetting to count the hours until his duty for today is through.
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Lately, some of Tendō’s usual customers have been dropping by to say the same thing: there’s something different about his work these days. It’s not negative; on the contrary, actually, the quality’s spiked. But he can’t figure out what he’s been doing differently for the life of him.
It weighs on his mind from the time he clocks in to when he clocks out. He’s been using the same ingredients, the same equipment, so what was it?
His answer arrives in the form of the Chocolate Strawberry man, on the very eve of Valentine’s.
The man enthusiastically shakes Satori’s hand and thanks Him for his work, his hands warm and clammy from excitement despite the biting Parisian air.
“My wife would have liked to come along as well, but she’s preoccupied with the baby,” the man explains. “She wants you to know how much she enjoys your work, though. We look forward to it every year.”
“Then why not buy it off-season, when it’s cheaper?” Tendō asks. The man looks surprised, prompting him to continue. “With all due respect, you order the same thing every year, anyway, so why wait?”
The man laughs at the sincere look of curiosity in the chocolatier’s eyes, patting him on the shoulder, like a father to his son. “Why wait until birthdays to buy a cake? Why wait until Christmas to exchange gifts and set up the tree? It’s old advice, but it’s good: it’s always the thought that counts.” With one last pat on the back and an affectionate chuckle, the man wishes Tendō a good night—“Enjoy tomorrow with your loved ones.”
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The stores are packed with the usual extremely last minute rush on Valentine’s morning, and for the first time, Tendō Satori is part of that crowd.
His arms are filled with the goodies he’d woken up early to buy: heavily discounted candies in tacky packages, a cheesy card, a bouquet, an offensively pink stuffed bear, crumpled foil balloons. (He’d made chocolates for you too; those were waiting in the fridge at home.) If it was an authentic Valentine’s experience you wanted, he decided, then it was an authentic Valentine’s experience you’d get.
He’d sent you out to pick up a cake across the city just before he’d left that morning, so the apartment is still empty when he returns. He checks his watch—only half an hour at most until you’d come back. Setting the bear on the counter, he gives it a determined grin.
“Think I can set everything up in fifteen?”
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He’s just barely managed tying the balloons closed when he hears the knob on the front door jiggle as you unlock it.
“I’m home!” Your shoes thud to the floor, joined by Tendō’s footsteps as he hurries to help you with the cake. You thank him when he takes it out of your hands and leads you to the dining table while you chatter away. “Boy, did you see how many people are out there? It’s like all of Paris decided to run their errands this morning. It’s a miracle I got the cake here in one piece—what’s all this?”
Tendō grins, proudly motioning to his handiwork. The bouquet sits in the center of the table, surrounded by neatly arranged dishes of your favorite foods. The plush bear sits at the head, the card and candies tucked into its paws. Balloons reading “Happy Valentine’s” are tied to your chairs, gently swaying to and fro in greeting.
“Do you like it?” he asks. “I figured you wanted to do something for Valentine’s, but all the restaurants are booked so I had to improvise—”
You cut him off with a kiss, and another, then another. “I love it! I love you and I love”—you wave at the room—“all of this.” Another kiss to his cheek. “Thank you for thinking of me, Satori.”
He laughs as you hug him, squeezing as tight as you can. He thinks back to the strawberry man’s remark, “It’s the thought that counts.” And maybe, just a little, he’s starting to understand that there’s more to Valentine’s than business.
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As you prepare the cake and gush over the bear, he pats the pocket of his jacket. The pretty little velvet box would have to wait until after lunch.
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postscript: heyyy <3 i stopped writing for like three months srry LMAO but im back in business baby !! if i try hard enough and school stops kicking my ass maybe i’ll start posting twice a month ahaha ... unless?
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ak8shi · 4 years
Jobs that the HQ Boys would have in college
a/n: I’m tipsy and idk what this is.,,,,many thots head full
ATSUMU: oh my god… he would work at Lulu Lemon and also be a campus rep for the brand, he looks really good in the clothes ig,, 🙄his manager fucking hated him for the first month of working there because they put him on the floor thinking he would attract people with his athletic build and good looks but he was so judgmental towards the customers, they had to put him behind the cash register LMFAO😔😭, he’s still judgmental behind the counter about the colors people pick for things but he knows he has to stfu to keep the job.. when dudes check out and have anything longer than 5.5 inseam shorts he always mumbles under his breath about feeling bad for the dude’s girlfriend 💀
BOKUTO: ALSO a Lulu Lemon rep but more of a floor/customer service person lmfao, HE SELLS things like CRAZY, people just listen to him and his expertise when it comes to the apparel because he’s so enthusiastic about it and looks so good in it, he’s the type that has 5 million different random jobs here and there : I can see him working at the campus gym as an instructor or just someone who oversees the machine area, LMFAO he’s the one who organized recreational games and sometimes referees rec volleyball!! He loves it and people ask him for advice all the time. He also stands outside of hollister shirtless on Black Friday LAMAKISKSMS, He ALSO is sponsored by one of those companies that delivers snack packages directly to college dorms HE IS SO CUTE PLEASE
SUNA: He has a job at his college campus’ library! He literally loves it because he doesn’t really have to talk to anyone besides the elderly ladies who work with him and the occasional lost underclassman, and he can do his homework on the job. Girls go to the library that he works at specifically to stare at him, and the twins come in to annoy him often too (that’s the only way they would be in a library setting) GIRL he has to KICK them out for being so loud god. He also gets the occasional offer from the campus’ student ran fashion magazine to model but he’s too embarrassed and knows he would get absolutely CLOWNED if he accepted🥺. He also ubers on the weekends sometimes and he as a 5 rating because he’s hot and never makes weird conversation with his passengers
FUTAKUCHI: MAN he would work at the mall at one of those hair kiosks LMFAOO Listen, he’s honestly the perfect person for the job because he’s pushy, confident, and h*t… when people would usually object on getting their hair done by some random at the mall, they usually say yes to him because…. Its him ugh I hate him ALSO HE’S ONE OF THOSE SKETCHY PEOPLE ON FACEBOOK THAT SELLS SCAM BEAUTY PRODUCTS (“hey girly,” PLEASEMDMF)
OSAMU: He would work a typical bus boy job in college tbh, you usually have the start from the bottom in the restaurant business and he likes the fact that the hours are pretty flexible, and that he can show up hungover as fuck and still do an okay job. Occasionally his friends will pay him to cook a meal for them, or bake something that they can impress a girl with (sometimes he purposely burns the baked goods 😭LMFAMDM) Works late a lot of times and you can catch him downtown in the parking lot scarfing down his dinner at 2 am
SHIRABU: I have no idea why this one was so obvious to me but he 100% works at a Starbucks on campus lmao, his pre-med self is just always stressed and needs coffee to stay awake, and honestly he kind of enjoys being a cunt to all the students he encounters as an outlet for his frustration (sir…💀), He’s constantly screaming at Goshiki behind the counter, and he honestly doesn’t have the patience for any Karens or those girls who complain about their order because they ordered something they didn’t mean to. He’s genuine and friendly to his regulars though and if you tip he’ll put an extra shot of espresso in your order😙
KUROO: Also another obvious one for me, he’s giving me paid lab member by day, bar tender by night vibes from a million miles away. He honestly gets offered the job in the lab because of his grades and immense understanding of chemistry in his classes and labs, and he loves it!! God.. he’s really so nerdy and you can’t tell me this man doesn’t get published multiple times in academic papers bc he DOES! The lab is great and everything but he’s only there for a few hours per week, so he seeks out a nightlife job at a bar, let me tell you that’s where he cashes out,,, 🤑 like he gets tipped really well because he’s good at conversation while not being creepy, he’s HOT as FUCK, and he makes the drinks actually strong. Truly everyone and their mom’s favorite bartender !
ARAN: THIS MAN,,, he’s so photogenic and good looking there’s not doubt in my mind that he would be an influencer on campus (Atsumu really wishes he was him lmfao💀), he has ALL the sponsors and also a huge social media following. Fashion nova men, skincare brands, athletic programs, he has so many sponsors and basically most of his Instagram is payed placement , He also promotes a lot of campus merch and bars!! Like there are definitely pics of him popping bottles with his boys on his insta and he looks so good please😈
SEMI: he would work at a piercing or tattoo salon, and honestly it happens unintentionally ?? He went in for a tattoo and he was looking at the jewelry on display and was like??? this would be so cool to be able to pierce someone!! SO he apprenticed with a worker and had a lot of his friends who wanted piercings come in for practice, also he’s the type of dude that is great at calming/reassuring people who are nervous or anxious before getting a piercing or tat, loves to play his guitar quietly in the background when he’s not busy helping a client🥰 also volunteers at the animal shelter a few times a month bc he loves animals 🥺
SAKUSA: this one is making me laugh because he would definitely work a teleprompter job thinking it would be fine since he doesn’t have to touch or interact with anyone but he ends up hating it because of how rude the people are 💀😭 he somehow gets stuck with the most obnoxious and rude clients he really can’t take it, (the way he has to repeat himself forty times... no) he brings a huge thermos of coffee to the office when he has to work and he leaves with a huge headache every time
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CONGRATS AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL CLAIRE!!! I hope Ran always come to your dreams every single night 😌💖 We should discussing our fantasy about him again soon 😌
And here is me! (I edited this so I can give you a complete description about me)
I'm 8w9 INTP sp/sx sun: Leo moon: gemini, my height is 153cm and I have a petite body. Mentally ill? Yes, I am bipolar and having anorexia (more like relapsing again after surgery). When I am at my manic episode, I almost kill my family at the car-crash because I got too irritated that I pulled my sister's hair while she was driving—luckily she's a good driver or I am gonna be in jail rn 😩 When I was a kid, I used to get into some fights with boys (I won ofc) but since my father died, I tried not to get into fight ( I don't want to deal with my mother's dramatic and victim-mentality ass ) and I (gladly) never fight again after that 😌 That's why I really good at sport ( as a female I always got the highest point—even when compared to the male, I still on the top 5 on sport ) I really good on art ngl that's the reason I am at uni rn because I got scholarship (I won several art competition)! Also, I did english debate competition back then, but we were this 🤏 close to get into semi-final but bruh we defeated by 0.20 point! 🥲 I can do all those things by self-taught!
When I feel sad or miserable, I punish myself by starving myself lmao. Or I will usually get quiet and cut people around me. 
My social skills? Fine I think. I weirdly get along with a lot of people (everyone kinda knows me) but I never talk to them first. Even though I have a lot of friends, I only have one close friend ( tragic right:") )
My personality is rude—blunt in the rude way(?), I do whatever I want to because I seek freedom of expression, LOVE debating about certain issues, and surprisingly I'm quite a wise person. But, I have no jam. Right, I couldn't make any jokes since I usually use the wrong tone in my voice :( I prefer to keep my joke inside my imagination or write it down somewhere. I always try to dominate my man, but I want my man to dominate me too ( do you get what I mean here? 😭 ) I love to be alone too. I HATE loud voices, reptiles, and crowds. I'm not the type of person who easily shows my love to anyone. I think because I have a really high pride *sigh. I felt like my kin actually is Rindou Haitani. But when I took the quiz I got Kazutora, Getou, Mori, Eren, and Dio Brando (that's the funny one)
I'm working as a graphic designer. Which somehow makes me currently don't have any interest. But I love listening to music (pop-rock and r&b ) . I love watching wwe/mma and hate romance anime/movies.
I'd like JJK and Haikyuu match up, please🥺  NSFW and I want male!
—Sorry for long ask :(
Hey my sweet plum, I read your request thousand times, let me say that I got worried and a bit sad hearing what you had to face in your life. I hope your mental health, despite your bipolarism, it isn't too messed up, lot of genius such as Michelangelo suffered bipolar disorder and see what he was capable to create! Ran woke me up this weekend, he wanted company 😁
Anyway, here your escort for my birthday party:
Jujutsu Kaisen - Megumi Fushiguro
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Babe it was him or Nanamin, I opted that Megumi could be better since he has more patience than Nanami for your bratty attitude.
Megumi has the sharp mind to get through your facade, to understand your struggles and cope without problems with your rythm.
When you're manic episodes appear, he knows how to support every idea you get, even the strangest one. The first times he was worried to see you this active and in the mood to do things but now he got used to it.
Talking about these episodes, he enjoys when you're in the mood to debate with him or others.
He often suggest to watch some educative documentaries or biopic movies especially the ones that involves human rights. You get in a fiery mood when you watch it and try to explain why the things that the characthers had to endure are atrocious and illegally and how we should fight to eradicate them from the society.
Going to the other facade of the your personality, the depressive episodes are quite difficult to handle, you stay a lot in bed, you don't want to do anything.
He always brings you a cup of tea and cuddles you for hour, sometimes he gives you a paper to let you draw.
He hates when he needs to get you up for work, he knows you struggle and sometimes even cry but in the end when you get a grip you feel a little bit better.
In these cases, he brings you out for a jog or just a walk with his divine dogs or the little bunnies ready to pet.
Overall Megumi has a lot of patience with you but he's repaid when he sees the portrait and the things you cook for him, the struggle worths the prize in the end!
Haikyuu - Daichi Sawamura
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I decided you definitely need a calm but strict man in your life and Daichi is perfect for this!
In Haikyuu universe you definitely play in the female team and you met Daichi during a combined training! You're a middle blocker in your team and you can't get me think otherwise!
You are strong and Daichi is astonished to see this, but when Nekoma came for the second time in Miyagi and Kuroo got on you, to give you some advices for a better tecnique, that's where Daichi got really jealous! He saw you for first and he definitely doesn't want, that roosterhead to hit on you!
"Marv go out with me!" it wasn't a question, it was a statement "I guess asking isn't in your knowledge, but Daichi there are proper times when to ask me out. Not when I'm sweaty and in a middle of a training!" you say with sharp eyes, Kuroo laughed at your bluntness and went away, but Daichi reply "Yep, sorry I got carried away and I felt to say it know" you smirk and say "Jelous are we? Ne Daichi don't blush!".
Your relationship is pretty natural, your dates consist in training and homemade dinner
You're pretty active and energetic in Daichi's mind, that's why when you went in one of your depressive episodes he got really worried.
As Megumi he took a lot of care of you, but the difference is that he prefers that you recover from yourself, also, if you have a therapy it's really difficult for you to take it in these moments and he obliges you to eat something and help you bring down the pill.
Normally you would hate these moments, but Daichi knows really well how to handle them, comfort foods such as pizza, tacos, ice cream, sushi are there for you to help you improve your mood and somehow it helps.
When you get a bit better, you can't go out training but you definitely draw or play sports with the Wii at home, this is definitely quality time for him.
Overall it could sound strange but Daichi doesn't hate these episodes, because he can see that you can do chores or just have fun, and this is definitely a proof of strenght for him!
He definitely loves Marv the warrior girl!
I finished! Babe hope this wasn't too sad for you, but I figured out that seeing you needed fluff and comfort, thanks for opening up and join the event, if you want to help me with a little gift here this is my Ko-Fi!
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
Hello luv! Can I request headcannons for daichi, kuroo, and the Miya twins (if this is too many you can just write kuroo & daichi) with a crush who has never been in a relationship before or done like anything slightly romantic or sexual & they r just kinda more enamoured with her bc of it🥺(if you’re comfortable with it maybe adding that they just kinda wanna *ehEm* ruin her innocence now😳) Thanks for reading this request🥺
Kuroo | Daichi | w. An Innocent & Inexperienced Friend That He Wants To Sexually Destroy (Slight NSFW)
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A/N: I love this req!!!!! I’m taking the liberty of combining this request with this one because they are very similar! I’m definitely comfortable with nsfw so request it to your hearts content :) just see my rules first and you’re golden. I want some smutty/teasing/sexy requests!!! Also I only wrote for Daichi and Kuroo because they are long. If you both still want the Miya twins & Sugawara just request again when my requests are open :)
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Daichi Sawamura
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Dadchi’s dream girl would be one he can show the ropes to
He loves feeling needed and in charge of situations
It’s his love language
He loves when people look up to him and need his guidance and advice
That’s why he’s a cop now lmao (I won’t even say anything)
Yours and Daichi’s entire friendship consisted of him doing anything to help you: fix your sink leaks, spot your squats, massage your hair, pick you up so you wouldn’t have to step in a puddle, the whole nine yards
His best friends Suga and Asahi were convinced he was literally infatuated and enamoured with you, and he kind of was
So even though you were Daichi’s best friend and he had a big “little” crush on you since he hit puberty ..... it skyrocketed when you asked him for sexual advice and tips to prepare before getting out there in the dating world
You had no ulterior motive, you didn’t even know that you could get attached. You’d never done a single thing with a guy before so you didn’t know and wanted to be prepared
so you decided to ask your best friend
Daichi said no.
But not because he didn’t want to help
It’s Because he wanted to show you everything, not just tell you
And if he showed you, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from wanting to show you again and again again.
You were too good-looking, too nice, and you resembled his inexistent dream girl too much. How would he be able to resist?
And he damn sure didn’t want you going out in the dating world. Fuck that.
So maybe him saying no will stall you a little
Hopefully, for a lot
It didn’t. Instead, you just searched videos and articles on the subject around him.
You knew your best friend Daichi was a control freak and if he heard or read any information over your shoulder that he deemed wrong, then he’d have to tell you instead, just to feel in charge
So, One day....
You two were home alone in his apartment
You were watching a “how-to-kiss” video on your laptop
Your laptop was on his kitchen island and you were lazily leaning over to watch, putting all your weight on your elbows
You were lazily picking away at a bowl of strawberries as the YouTube video playing detailed the best ways to practice kissing... one being eating strawberries very slowly
It would help in pursing your lips, controlling the wetness and opening and closing your mouth for a kiss
Daichi had been studying for a test in the next room, not knowing what you were doing until his stomach started grumbling aggressively
He sighed, getting up to walk down the hall to satisfy his craving
While you leaned on the counter you were unintentionally sticking your ass out in Daichi’s direction as he made his way to the kitchen.
He had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop himself from groaning at the sight of you
You were too innocent to know that those booty shorts you wore were basically lethal weapons of mass destruction
If ‘destruction’ meant giving Daichi a boner
Whoever gets to see Y/N’s ass naked for the first time will be sooo lucky, he thought to himself
Deciding not to taunt himself more, He walked past you and started searching the fridge for food
He could hear the silly instructions of your video now.... a ridiculous video about teaching someone how to kiss and he laughed quietly to himself
What a stupid video, he thought to himself before finding a sandwich in the fridge
He closed the fridge door, already opening his mouth to make fun of you when he was struck by the amazing image before him
He stood there slack-jawed as your eyes were glued to your screen—so concentrated that you didn’t even notice him watching you
Daichi could swear he was seeing in slow motion when you picked up another strawberry with your manicured hands and placed the sweet fruit between your red lips. You pressed your lips down around it and sucked out the juice that dripped out, refusing you let a single drop hit the island just like the video said. You slowly bit down on the strawberry, using only your lips and not your teeth. When you got halfway, you repeated the motion again and again to finish the strawberry as closely to replicating a real kiss’s repetitive movements as you can.
Watching this, Daichi dropped his sandwich
He thought the absurdity of you learning how to kiss by using of a fucking strawberry was the most innocent and sexy thing he’s ever seen in his life.
And the man was hard
Why are you doing this to him even though you have no idea that you’re doing this to him?????
The poor boy
He wanted to be the strawberry.
’Daichi The Strawberry’ headass
He stood there watching you sexily devour about 3 strawberries before our poor Dadchi couldn’t take it anymore
You looked up at him with a strawberry still in your mouth. “Hm?” You didn’t know why his eyes appeared so dark all of a sudden. Shouldn’t he be studying?
Daichi groaned because your eyes had such sinless, pure intent behind them. The curiosity in your eyes would be the death of him and he knew it. Because you needed him to show you how it’s done. Even though you looked like an amazing kisser when you did that to strawberries Daichi’s eyes, however, showed the opposite of purity, even though you couldn’t read them. He thought it was almost unfair how badly he wanted to bend you over and pound into you from behind while he rubbed that same strawberry in your mouth around your pert nipples. Fu-uck.
“Hm?” You repeated, wondering why he’s acting so strange.
Taking a deep breath, Daichi stepped over his fallen sandwhich and shut your laptop closed.
“No more videos. I changed my mind. I’ll teach you how to....kiss.”
Surprised, you smiled widely at him and celebrated. You closed the distance between you two.
“Really? Yay! Thank you, Daichi! Will you be teaching me how to do the other stuff, too? I want to learn before I start dating—“
Daichi groaned, closing his eyes. You just tilted your head, perplexed. You had no idea that the thought of you potentially wanting him to teach you how to touch him, how to touch yourself, how to sink down on his ready cock—was killing him. But it was the end of your last phrase that troubled him more.
“No. Dating.” Daichi ordered sternly. The assertion in his voice almost frightening.
“But—“ Sawamura interrupted you by grabbing the nape of your neck and bringing your lips to his. He kissed you incredibly softly, taking your breath away before forcing his strong tongue in your mouth and claiming your tongue by sucking on it. It felt so good! You moaned loudly. His kiss became the greatest thing you’ve ever felt in your life but just when you were about to really get into it, Daichi pulled away. You whimpered at the loss.
“No. Dating. Other. Guys.” He repeated and you nodded automatically. If he kept kissing you like that you didn’t want any other guys. Panting, you wrapped your fingers into his shirt, pulling him closer trying to get more. You needed more, but Daichi wasn’t letting you.
“Okay.” You stated between wanton pants. “No other guys.”
Daichi smiled inside before leaning down again, rewarding you with another deep kiss.
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Kuroo Tetsurō
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“Kuroo, could you stop taking pictures of me?!”
Kuroo smiled down at his phone, quickly hiding it out of sight from you. “I can’t. You just look so cute right now.” He scrolled.
You rolled your eyes at your friend who managed to somehow look good in his gear. You were currently wearing an oversized jumpsuit that had so much extra material the sleeves almost skimmed the floor. Your red goggles and silly helmet almost fit, though.
You were gearing up to go indoor skydiving with your friends including Kuroo, and you two were waiting alone in a tiny windowless room before entry, waiting for Kenma and Hinata who went before you to finish their turn.
“If you post those anywhere I will kill you. What is wrong with these people anyway? I didn’t say extra large.”
��Maybe they just knew you’d look extra cute, Y/N.” he gushed at you semi-jokingly. His expression reminded you of how sweet old ladies looked at newborns in the supermarket.
“I can’t go out like this, I need another jumpsuit. I can probably fit in Kenma’s or Hinata’s.”
“Awwwwww.” Kuroo smiled brightly.
You wanted to knee him in the balls.
“What’s ‘awww?’”
“You probably didn’t specify your size properly because it’s your first time. You’re just so innocent! You’ve never done anything before and I just love seeing your mistakes and reactions to all this new stuff.” He pulled up his bucket list that he made in your honour on his phone. “I mean, you’ve never rode a bike, swam in the ocean, or gone to a party?!”
You sighed. “I had really strict parents growing up, not my fault.” You swung your hand up to point at Kuroo’s bucketlist to say something, but you forgot your hand was lost and had been swallowed by the sea of material in this XXL jumpsuit. You looked like a baby octopus with broken tentacles.
Kuroo bursted out laughing, literally falling over by how hilarious you looked. “So....cute!” He barked between stomach-aching laughter. Tears sprang at the corner of his eyes. “You....look....so.....sm-small.!” He was laughing so hard that he couldn’t even breathe. He forced himself to catch his breath but when you tried to cross your arms in resilience, the long sleeves got bunched up and disallowed you to. Kuroo fell right back into a deeper fit of laughter.
imagine ku-baby’s hyena laugh in IMAX
That’s now
He literally might as well have been on laughing gas, he couldn’t stop
Red and exasperated, you shouted: “Screw you Kuroo!” And stomped your foot. Kuroo literally thought you were the cutest, most innocent thing in the world and he just wanted to keep you in his pocket forever. You are adorably funny and you made him happy. Only, he couldn’t tell you that now because he couldn’t stop laughing.
Having enough, you huffed. “I’m taking this off and getting a new one.”
Without another word, you took a second to find your actual hand under all of that sleeve and used it to zip down the giant zipper on your front. When it was far enough down you slipped your top half out of the suit before realizing that the zipper was stuck. You’d be fine, you just had to remove it in parts. Pulling down the zipper trying not to break it, you pushed the jumpsuit material down past your torso next. Returning to the zipper, you used enough force to slip it down even further so it reached your hips. You tugged it down your hips, jumping to do so, and finally you were able to step out and be free.
Stupid jumpsuit! You thought as you picked it up and threw it at the windowless wall. You never wanted to see it again.
You turned back to Kuroo, expecting to see him now laughing at you for throwing the jumpsuit in the midst your mini tantrum, but instead you find him in the same position on the floor, a deep blush coating his cheeks. You could have sworn you saw a bit of blood trickling from his nose, too.
Why, you ask?
Well, maybe because:
Kuroo found himself completely unable to continue laughing at your cuteness when you were wearing a sports bra that was a size too small for you and mini spandex shorts that were also too small, under that jumpsuit.
He was drooling
It didn’t help that it took you a while to get out of the material too, because the movements of your tugging and jumping meant that your boobs were bouncing in that small bra.
It also meant that when you attempted to take off the bottom part of the suit you bent over and the side-view of your ass and legs looked absolutely delectable to him
You went from ‘Pebbles Flinstone’ to ‘Betty Boop’ REAL quick
His change in emotions toward you switched so fast that his head spun
How could he even call you cute when you were actually soooo fucking hot?
He wished it was just as appropriate to snap a picture of you dressed like this
He could really use it to help him ....uh.....de-stress..at home
You removed your goggles from the top of your head and then your helmet.
Kuroo was met with the full picture of your mouth-watering shape in action as you threw the suit across the small room
‘Damn Y/N is a baddie, especially in action’, he thought dumbly
He was suddenly beyond grateful that his jumpsuit was so loose around his groin area.
Tetsurō checked you out unashamedly, wondering how he’d ever be able to go back to seeing you as the small, innocent and adorable new friend that he saw you as when you two first stepped into this indoor skydiving facility
He realized now that: Innocent? You were. Adorable? You were not.
At least not now.
You were going to definitely be the new star of his fantasies when he’s in the shower pumping his hard and leaking member ...... and that new star could never be described as ‘adorable’
“What’s with you?” You asked Kuroo, only 10 seconds gone by since you threw the jumpsuit. “Lost your stupid laughing-stock material because I took that off, Kuroo? Anyway, they’re done so I’m going to grab Hinata’s suit and goggles. Be back in a sec.”
When you left the room, Kuroo let out a big sigh. He wiped a hand across his face, finally getting up off the floor.
“Sexy. As. Hell,” he muttered to himself, shaking his head and staring at the floor. He couldn’t stop thinking about adding “ride Kuroo’s dick” onto the bucket list he made for you.
Just then, you poked your head back in the room, startling Kuroo.
“Oh, before I go.... your nose is bleeding.” Said Y/N with a slight glint in the eye. You used the tissue you had retrieved to blot the sweat off your cheekbones, neck, and top of your cleavage. Kuroo froze. You then tossed him the pack of tissues you’d taken, a teasing smirk gracing your lips.
“Wouldn’t want that getting on your suit, so that you’d have to take it off too.” You winked and left him in the room alone again.
Kuroo shook his head rapidly, adjusting his suit in a futile attempt to make himself less hard. He was dealing with a menace. An innocent girl who knew how to flirt. A HOT innocent girl that knew how to flirt. It was every man’s nightmare and dream.
I shouldn’t have laughed at her, Kuroo thought agonizingly.
Now I’m definitely in for it.
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hatsukeii · 4 years
I just squealed in my living room because I got a songfic idea and I AHHHHHHHH my mom thinks I have a problem lmao sorry madre
I’m gonna make it up to you with some pure fluff.
No angst, no mental issues, no tragic event, just fluff.
And it’s also not a request because I’ll do those later lol procrastination
And for once I’m giving you a non depressed Tsukishima so cherish the moment while it lasts because depressed Tsukishima is gonna be back
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Frozen// Tsukishima Kei x Reader
Word count: 2000+
Warnings: Mild to no swearing
Summary: It’s fluff hours
Your entire body feels hot, as if everything inside of you is burning up. Your nose is tinted red as a blush spreads through your cheeks, a snowflake floating down and landing on the tip of it. Thank god it’s pitch black at night, or you would just dig a hole and crawl into it out of embarrassment. The coat that is draped around you only adds to the effect, warming your body up like a radiation heater. It’s a pretty big coat, considering the fact that it belongs to someone who’s a whole foot taller than you. You hug yourself under the thick fabric, taking in the scent as you snuggled into it. It’s snowing like crazy in the empty streets of Miyagi, and the only thing keeping you somewhat warm is this huge ass trench coat that Tsukishima was nice enough to borrow to you. “Dude, are we there yet? It’s cold as hell out here. I came to sketch flowers, not let you haul my frozen body back home as a statue.” You scoff, letting out a dry chuckle. “No one asked you to give me your coat. And just hold on, we’re almost there. Just take your coat back, I don’t want you getting sick.” The blond rolls his eyes, his face breaking into that iconic shit eating smirk. “You look like you’re getting pretty comfy with it.” “Shut up! I’m trying to be nice over here!” Tsukshima’s fingers fiddle with each other in his pant pockets. Just a few minutes ago, when he saw you start shivering, he didn’t hesitate to take his thick coat off and throw it at you. He would rather die than admit it, but he felt like a million butterflies hatched from his stomach, and made their way all the way up to his chest as well. Under the dim moonlight, if you pay enough attention, you should be able to notice the beet red in the tips of his ears. Although it’s negative two degrees out, he only feels slightly colder than usual. He’s wearing about three layers, not including the coat he gave you. A tight fitting long sleeved shirt, a slightly thicker shirt, and a wool sweater is enough to keep him warm. In addition to that, he’s also extremely flustered, his entire body tingling with warmth. He’s trying his best to flirt with you, teasing you and poking fun at your tiny figure who is now making sweater paws with his coat. His heart is thumping so wildly that he’s somewhat nervous about you being able to hear it. In his bag, a camera, a notebook, his phone, and his pencil case make occasional shuffling noises. Maybe that’s why you can’t hear the drums hammering in his chest, threatening to reveal themselves.
“Right ahead, they start blooming right under that bridge.” You point to a wooden bridge, a field of moon flowers starting to bloom in the pitch black night. The moon reflects off their surfaces, letting them illuminate the area around them a beautiful hue of maya blue. Tsukishima’s eyes sparkle in the moonlight as he stares at the flowers in awe. “Wow, they’re really pretty.” You chuckle, glancing back at him cheekily. “I told you, they look awesome don’t they?” The blond ignores you, completely mesmerised by the blooming moon flowers as he wanders onto the bridge, you trailing closely behind him. He grabs his bag, and sits down, back pressing against the railing. You take a seat next to him, hugging yourself in his coat. He reaches into the relatively large laptop bag, pulling out a camera case. You watch him fiddle with the settings, more so observing his face more than anything else. You watch as his eyes squint slightly as he tries toggling a knob, before bringing the camera up to his face and testing it out, before pouting slightly, continuing his toggling. Finally, he stands up, walking to the edge of the bridge as he snaps a photo of the moon flowers. He walks back to where you are, plopping down next to you as he pulls the picture up, blowing some snowflakes off of the camera. His lips curl up into a rare smile as he stares at the photo. “Nice.” You try your best to stay calm, but deep down inside, you’re about to squeal like a crazy fangirl. You didn’t think he could get any more handsome, but Tsukishima Kei looks like a whole ass god in front of you right now, the cold hues of the night complimenting his looks perfectly as tiny snowflakes make their way onto his lashes. The peaceful smile on his face is soon replaced by a sly smirk. “Enjoying the view or something?” If you knew better, you should’ve been able to tell how much he enjoyed the fact that you were staring at him. He doesn’t care if it’s just some random person that admires him, but when it comes to you, everything matters. You snap out of your tiny trance, going beet red. “I just dozed off with my eyes open, don’t get cocky idiot.” The boy chuckles, pulling his pencil case and notebook out of the bag. He takes a look at the photo, before starting to sketch. You sit there, not knowing what to do. Here you are, alone with the person you’ve liked for a solid two years, sitting in peaceful silence as he sketches moon flowers. This is everything you could possibly ask for, except you’re terrified to say anything. You hold your words back, not wanting to jeopardise the close friendship you managed to form with the cold middle blocker. You rack your brains, desperately trying to think of a way to interact with him.
“Hey Tsukki?”
The blond glances at you, pencil still in hand.
“It’s sad boy hours, wanna rant?”
He leads his eyes back to the semi-completed sketch, continuing to swipe tiny strokes on the paper.
“You want me to start?”
You nod, hugging yourself tighter.
Tsukishima sighs, glancing at you once more, before looking down. He contemplates his options. Should he rant about a real issue that had been bothering him forever, or a random thing that happened during school? He weighed the options, comparing the stakes.
“Sad boy hours are the best. I get to rant to you as much as I can. I’m gonna get it out there and just tell you this. There’s this girl that I like a lot.”
Your heart drops, but you play it off and wiggle your eyebrows at him.
“Ooooh Tsukishima salt lord Kei has a cruuuuuush~”
The blond rolls his eyes, feeling his cheeks go warm.
“Shut up and let me talk shortie. There’s this girl I really like, but I can’t tell her anything because if I do she might stop being friends with me. I can’t afford to let that happen, so I stay silent, but it hurts knowing that someone else can swoop in and take her any day. I- damn, she’s just amazing. It’s hard not knowing what she thinks about me. She might hate me, or she might like me back. I wouldn’t know until I ask, but I’m too scared to do that. It’s been bothering me since last year and quite frankly it won’t get out of my head.” He goes silent, waiting for your response.
“Dude, same. I feel you. I’ve liked someone for years, and yet I still haven’t confessed to him. Honestly it bothers me too, but I don’t know what to do myself. I can give you advice, but I won’t act on it because I don’t know how to. The risk is too high and I can’t lose another close friend.” You stop, playing with the hem of the thick coat as wind blows around you two.
“What do you think I should do then?”
You huff out, a puff of steam coming out from your mouth.
“You should totally just tell her. She would understand if she was a real friend. If your feelings end up unrequited and she stops being friends with you because of that then it’s just immature. To be honest she probably likes you too, I mean who wouldn’t? You’re literally top tier boyfriend material, there’s no way she hasn’t fallen for you yet.” Pointing at him, you wave your index finger in circles around him, hyping him up. Although you’re slightly disheartened by the fact that Tsukishima already likes somebody, you’re still determined to help him get to whoever this girl is. As long as he’s happy, your issues can wait.
The blond chuckles dryly, his mind racing.
“It’s not that easy you know. Are you sure this is gonna work?”
You slyly smile, nodding your head furiously. You’re all here for Tsukishima confessing to the girl of his dreams even if it hur-
“It’s you.”
Wait what?
Your mind goes blank for a second, trying to process the words that just came out of his mouth. His statement echoes through your head loud and clear. Your mouth slowly drops, hanging open as it curls up into a wide smile. You start to laugh until you grab your stomach and double over. Tsukishima stares at you in confusion. “What?” You wipe the tears in your eyes, continuing to laugh your ass off while you shake your head. “No way, there’s no way you like me. Never in a million years. Dude stop joking around and call your crush, I wanna see her reaction! Plus, I’m not good enough for you, you’re literally the definition of perfecti-”
You shut up as you feel a pair of lips on yours, and a hand pulling your chin in. You gasp in surprise, not knowing how to react. It’s like you’re suddenly hypersensitive to everything around you. The glow of the flowers seem more vibrant than when you first got here. The wind felt colder than it should have. The moon is blindingly bright, like a flashlight in a cave, illuminating everything. You can feel every single snowflake that lands on you, tingling your skin. Feeling the grip on your chin that loosened, you pull away slightly, eyes agape and face dusted red as you stare back at Tsukishima’s eyes. Those goddamn eyes that get you every time. His permanent frown is now a tiny, but slightly melancholy grin. 
“Does that prove it?”
You don’t know what to say. Your composure is completely broken. The thumping of your heart is heavy and you can’t hear anything apart from that. Your face is completely red, warming you up better that his coat ever can. You try your best to make a clear sentence. “Kei I- I wa- Tha-” Giving up, you do the only thing you can think of to show him how you feel. Grabbing his sweater, you pull him into another kiss, this time squeezing your eyes shut as you appreciate the moment. You know that the moon flowers are still blooming, the snow is still falling, but you don’t care. All you want is for time to be frozen for this. You wish for this moment to last forever, although you know it’s impossible. Just you, and Tsukishima, pouring out your feelings for each other in a field of glowing flowers and silence in the darkness of the night. His hands find their way to your cheeks, cupping them tenderly as he smiles. This is the best he’s ever felt in a really, really long time. It’s as if a weight had been removed from his chest. He no longer has to hide his emotions. This is enough to show him everything. His notebook lays next to him, the pencil rolling off of it and onto the bridge. The half finished two page drawing is made visible by the moonlight, and it isn’t just a drawing of the flowers.
It’s you. He was drawing your expression when you saw the field of flowers, along with the blooming wonders in front of him.
The two of you stay in that position, lips connected, until you feel your lungs give out. Pulling away, you give out an audible gasp, giggling to yourself.
“Well that felt nice. You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that.”
The world might’ve still been spinning, and everyone might’ve still been sleeping soundly in bed, or they might’ve been doing whatever they were doing as the world moved on.
But just for a few moments, you swore that time was frozen for the two of you.
Frozen by Sabrina Claudio
Lyrics from Frozen
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Wow for once Tsukishima is happy on this blog lmaooo
Have fun reading this thing that I spent like hours on
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I feel as though I will get to or motivate myself to finish my little series of the crossover I made. So here are some things that would've happened
- Bonnet asking Ironbeard if he's a good captain. Ironbeard lies that he is so that he won't ask him again. Bonnet having an underlying feeling that he was indeed lying.
- ePiC fight scene between Octavia and Sao. Sao wins.
- Fleance trying to flirt with BEN and BEN ends up hurting his feelings with his sass.
- Cletus and Erik playful bantering with each other and might end up being possible frenemies.
- Bonnet and Haggis fist fighting
- Bonnet deciding to let Haggis live after beating the heck out of him. Lol he shouldn't have done that.
- Davy Jones cameo
- Billy and Islay knowing each other from being apart of an old crew, where they were once friends. Sorta implication they liked each other then but Islay was too emotionally closed off to start a relationship.
- Baozhai trying not to be a creep towards Flint so that he could actually like her back
- Flint slowly liking Baozhai as a friend.
- Baozhai and Flint sharing cute moments together
- Flint denying he's in love with Baozhai, even though he kinda is.
- Baozhai sharing her past with Flint. Flint kinda gets uncomfortable after she carefully describes how she murdered two families that ruined her life and mental state.
- Flint sharing a bit of his own past with Baozhai.
- Islay slowly letting herself open up emotionally.
- Islay and Billy having some of their own romantic plot line going on. Baozhai poking fun at Islay.
- "awww did someone get bit by the love bug or are you feeling all of that on your own? 😏" - Baozhai
- "oh shut up!" Islay
- The squad coming across an abandoned village. They see skeletal remains of the villagers that once lives there. Sends chills down some of their spines.
- A large beast attacking the four. Billy gets pretty messed up when trying to fight it. Islay and Flint trying their best to kill the beast. Baozhai is the one to slaughter it if it weren't for the help of her friends.
- Islay patching up Billy and they end up sharing a rather tender moment with each other.
- Baozhai having a mental breakdown about how she hates being insane and wishes she wouldn't have thoughts about wanting to hurt other people. How she misses thinking like a regular person. Flint trying his best to comfort her. It works and she's all okay again.
- Flint and Baozhai cuddling together ლ(◕ω◕ლ)
- Flint worrying he's getting too attached to Baozhai.
- Islay and Billy getting caught making out lmao
- Bonnet sharing with Leonid that he was once apart of a war. After he left said war, he made a promise to himself he wouldn't kill another man ever again. Makes it clear why he couldn't bring himself to kill Haggis in the first place.
- Leonid suggesting he may or may have not been apart of the Russian mafia.
- Erik getting revenge against Leonid for kicking his ass by cutting off his hand.
- Noëmie having to solve puzzle with Sao while they're stuck in some sort of death trap that's causing the room to get smaller. They survive and both swear to never speak of helping each other.
- Baozhai and Flint weirdly acting like a couple. You know like hugging, semi flirting, and laughing
- Archie after spying on Flint and Baozhai, finds out that they're getting too close with each other. He doesn't know what to think so he tells someone about what he saw. Archie telling Cletus about what he saw. Cletus then telling Noëmie, Noëmie then telling Fleance, Fleance than telling Leonid, Leonid telling Ironbeard, and Ironbeard telling Bonnet. It comes off as a rumor which Bonnet doesn't care too much about. He thinks Baozhai isn't truly in love with him and that its just a short-lived crush.
- Haggis on the other hand, hearing through the grapevine goes: >:O
- "One of MY crewmates was caught flirtin' with one of Bonnet's BASTARD crewmates??? Oh I'm gonna teach that boy a lesson alright >:(("
- Baozhai acting less insane and bloodthirsty.
- Her obsessive thoughts of wanting to be with Flint actually turn healthy.
- Baozhai and Flint sharing a tender moment underneath the stars.
- "I know this is going to sound weird but.. when I'm around you.. I feel sane." Which means a LOT coming from Baozhai.
- Baozhai and Flint damn near kissing only to be interrupted by Islay and Billy walking in on them.
- Islay sharing a story about how she was almost killed by Warden.
- Baozhai sharing some of her own stories and pieces about her own personal life.
- Baozhai daydreaming about being married to Flint and sailing the eitherium.
- Flint knowing he's too far in with Baozhai and doesn't know wether to back out or not. Tries to get advice from Billy but he's unfortunately stuck in same situation except it's with Islay.
- They all arrive to the cave that holds the lost treasure of the Paititi. Just as they do, so does everyone else. There's plenty of treasure but not nearly enough for two pirate crews to share it. Everyone starts fighting. Again. For like the third time.
- Bonnet getting his ass beat by Haggis again and this time Haggis almost kills him instead.
- Flint and Baozhai fight even though they don't really want to.
- Baozhai doesn't want to hurt Flint, causing her to confess that she loves him. Everyone gasps in pretty surprised and stop fighting. Flint already knew because it was damn obvious from the start.
- Flint doesn't know what to do. Does he choose a girl he's been with for a few days or possibly getting his ass beaten to death by his captain. As much as he would like to be with her, he knows he can't.
- He ends up stabbing Baozhai in the chest. It doesn't kill her but it's symbolic of him breaking her heart. (I like symbolism ok aksskskkw)
- Haggis's crew wins and take all the treasure for themselves. Bonnet's crew get beat the fuck up and head back to the ship to get their wounds patched up.
- so basically Haggis: 2 Bonnet: 1
- Octavia manages to fix everyone up then save the lives of Baozhai and Bonnet. even her own. (Goddamn she's a great doctor someone give her an award..)
- Baozhai doesn't talk or interact with anyone for a few days. She's very emotionless and empty from what happened.
- "Christ, she's never been this way before. You think she'll be okay?" - Cletus
- "Who knows. That heart break sure must've messed her up real bad, poor thing.." - Noëmie.
- "Well, it was the first time she's ever been in love before. And I guess this makes it her first heartbreak as well." - Octavia
- Bonnet now laying in his bed must of the time because of how fucked up he got by Haggis. Although he does try to be a leader for his crew. Even if it hurts for him to stand up.
- Meanwhile...
- Haggis chuckling and patting Flint on the back. Essentially congratulating him for manipulating that "little harlot" aka Baozhai to get to the treasure.
- Flint getting drunk off his ass to get rid of his guilt for betraying Baozhai.
- Billy not knowing what's the future of his and Islay's relationship going to be.
- When Bonnet about to go to sleep, the twins tell him an eerie prediction.
- "Don't you think an iron plate would go well with your slumber..?" - Liliana
"Yes, to protect oneself from the demons that lurk in the shadows of your room or in your mind?" - Lenny
"It certainly would, especially when the clock hits at twelve." - Liliana.
- "uh.. no..?" - Bonnet
- "You'll bring a dark omen upon this eitherium if you don't." - Lilliana and Lenny.
- Bonnet slowly enters his room, paying no mind to what the twins told him. He never truly believed in their predictions...
- when the clock struck twelve at night, Baozhai entered his room and stabbed him to death.
- In the morning, none of crewmates couldn't find their captain. He wasn't anywhere on the ship or in his office. It wasn't until Baozhai told them of his fate, all while she laughs her ass off with her back turned to them.
- Fleance immediately wants to have Baozhai killed or thrown overboard for betraying their captain. In response, Baozhai punches him and stabs him in the shoulder with a dagger. She holds the same dagger against his neck.
- Fleance ends up getting to have a good look at her face. It's covered in many scars and damn near mutilated.
- Baozhai tells Fleance to never disrespect their captain again or he'll be the one thrown overboard.
- She tells everyone that she's had enough of this crew getting their asses kicked and that things are going to start changing now that she's in charge.
- How they'll overthrow the monarchy and make the eitherium a better place for all..
- Baozhai then demands them to get back to their stations as she walks back to her new office.
- Stunned with this revelation, the crew do as their told to not upset their new captain.
- At night, Islay is on the deck trying to smoke her pipe then Baozhai comes to join her.
- "Islay, just the person I wanted to see. Mind if I smoke with you?" - Baozhai, pulling out a cigarette
- "Um, sure." Islay says uncomfortably.
- "You know I didn't really except for myself to take over the role of captain. It just sort of happened."
- "You stabbing Bonnet to death just sorta happened..?"
- "Yes! It did. After feeling empty for so long, I couldn't help but feel a strange combination of rage and bloodthirst take over that night. I just had to put my hands on something. Anything. And watch the life drain from it's eyes. It could've been Noëmie, Leonid, or even you. Heh, yet I went with Bonnet.. He was a weak link of the crew anyway."
- "I mean I guess he was.."
- "... I just wanted to tell you something."
- "What is it?"
- "You were right. About everything."
- "... About what-"
- "Love. It is truly a terrible thing. First you feel that high of dopamine and the butterflies fluttering around in your stomach then the next.. the guy you like breaks your heart. Quite literally."
- "Bao, I know what I said but don't take that it first awful experience-"
- "First? Heh, you really think I'm going to go through that again???"
- "No, I'm just saying that-"
- it's takes a moment for a Baozhai to calm down but when she does. She laughs for moment before telling Islay goodnight and heading off to sleep.
- Islay was a little shaken up by that. She tries to smoke her pipe to calm down then she sees the twins.
- "This is only the beginning of her madness..." - Liliana and Lenny
- "..."
- "Fuck my life." - Islay
So yeah that's what happens! Pretty sad but I wanted to keep that rivalry of Baozhai and Flint lmao. I wanted to write this stuff out but I never go the energy to do so. I didn't want to leave the series on a cliffhanger so I made this instead. I'm sorry that I couldn't finish it. But maybe I'll end up having the motivation to do so. Someday.
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kheta · 4 years
3 for 1 AU’s
Hikaru no Go shizz.
Three au’s I probably won’t write, but need to get the ideas out.
1) Sai a Paediatrician with Anxiety™ and Hikaru, who will pull him kicking and screaming into the world of Professional Go.
A) 23 year old Sai’s strict but loving family, who had pressured him into being a medical student, he tried to negotiate being a nursing student but they wouldn’t have it, so now he's doing his first year of work following graduation at the hospital his parents own shares in, because he likes helping families out. He’s passionate about his career and is happy enough to leave Go to the side. After all, Go is just a hobby, he’s not even that good, right? (WRONG! WRONG ON MANY ACCOUNTS!)
Sai learnt Go from his Uncle and was unreasonably obsessed with the game, studying kifu and tsumego for hours and going to Go salons when he had free time all his life. He’s never been as passionate as anything as he had been about Go, but succumbing to his parents pressure he gives up his dreams of playing Go professionally, instead dedicating his life to helping people and making his parents proud.
Hikaru is a 15 year old kid with a badly broken leg that he soundly ignored for much too long, which finds him in the very hospital that Sai is working in. Sai gets attached to Hikaru and because the kid can’t do much but play video games (on the console that everyone shared in the Play Room) and board games (that are mostly missing pieces and tattered) he finds himself drawn into playing Go with his Grandpa and Sai, the nice but whiny doctor who likes to hang around work and interact with the family’s there during his spare time. 
When he learns how to actually play and make sense of Go, Hikaru stops calling Sai nice, because the guy was an actual monster when it came to Go, soundly thrashing both children and adults unlucky enough to ask for a game, even his Shindou-go was reliant on the fact that his students saw what paths he’d create for them.
After a year in hospital and three surgeries later, Hikaru is out of hospital with the unfortunate news that he can no longer play soccer competitively, despite being other wise healthy. He then just slams himself into the world of Go, becoming just obsessed as Sai. 
Both Sai and his grandfather want him to consider going Pro, especially considering the improvements he’s made in a few short months, but he resolutely refuses, even when he becomes flushed with challenges on Net Go. His reasoning? He won’t become a pro unless Sai himself can honestly tell him that he’s happy with only playing Go in his spare time. If he’s happy with the few games he manages to play.
On the flip side of this verse, no one knows who the mysterious and infuriating hikaru is, nor do they know who he studied off of, after nearly 15 straight losses on Net Go however, hikaru suddenly starts winning more and more of his games, able to go toe to toe against some of the known Professional players online, even if he himself was obviously still learning the game. Yoshitaka Waya knows only one thing, whoever this brat is, he’s gonna regret the day he called him an ‘over aggressive know-it-all with poor defence.’  2) Hikaru the Soccer Player.
Hikaru is the cheerful, popular first string midfielder for his school’s soccer club, and Akari is their team manager. Together the duo have helped their middle school and high-school team reach the national winter soccer festivals three years in a row. Despite being a calm, calculated mid-fielder and being captain of his Middle School team, Hikaru has never been invited to any J.League tryouts, mostly because scouter’s say that he plays a relatively risk free game, with a low risk-low reward steadfastness that doesn’t reflect his competitive mentality.
Akari is one of the best managers at her school, an excited, cheerful girl who always knows what to say to bring her team out of a slump, matched with above average intelligence and insane training plans that her Coach is absolutely in love with, Akari’s love for the game was one born from her wish to understand her best friend that much more. In everything she does, Akari only hopes for the best for the boy she thinks of as her brother. After being voted as Vice-Captain for his school team, hitting a slump in his skills and nearly losing their team’s placing in the Summer tournament over the span of two weeks, Hikaru walks into a Go salon near his school to unwind, hoping to maybe win a few games like he did whenever he visited the Go club that Akari is also apart of. Unfortunately, he has the displeasure of running into one Ochi Kosuke there and while the other teen is surly, arrogant and infuriating, he’s undoubtedly a much better Go player. With the rest of his summer being amounted to three more soccer games and two one week training camps, one at the very beginning and one at the very end of summer, he finds almost half of his summer break is spent playing Go toe to toe with the arrogant teen.
In his hunger to win, Hikaru comes up with some unorthodox and risky Go plays to use against Ochi, plays that become integral to his team’s development as he finally utilises his analytical skills to their fullest capabilities, gaining the attention of some of the best under-19 clubs.
Meanwhile, Ochi knows that Hikaru is a famous soccer player at his High-School, but witnessing the insane improvements Hikaru makes in his Go skills in the span of one summer has him questioning if this teen really is just a soccer-idiot like the rumours say he is. After all, an idiot wouldn’t be able to lose against a Professional Go player at an even game with only a two moku difference. As he watches Hikaru improve, he has a faint, eerie desire for his (somewhat) friend to really take up his favoured game. Playing against Akira Touya has been what Ochi’s dreamed of for the past year he’s been a pro, but he can’t help but yearn for a true, all or nothing game against the jock who just won’t leave him alone. 
in other words, a sports anime fanfiction with a lil bit of go because soccer player Hikaru is an absolutely amazing trope lmao. 
lil fax about this au:
a) Ochi has a crush on Akari that only develops after he plays her in a game of Go, while she isn’t anywhere near as talented as her friend, she has three years more experience in the game and an uncanny intuition that makes her an amusing opponent. added to that she’s very pretty and since Ochi’s default emotion is crush them until it stops mattering, he manages to annoy the manager in a way only Hikaru has managed before. will this be a ship? no clue my dudes.
b) Sai is quietly alive, and is the neighbour to Hikaru’s grandfather, a sickly man who can rarely leave his house because of his frail constitution. After Hikaru coerces his grandfather into teaching him about Go following a week of straight losses against Ochi, Sai offers to teach the younger kid. Unfortunately Sai is no teacher and while he very much enjoys the game against the young teen, his only advice comes in the form of mercilessly ripping all of Hikaru’s strategies apart until Hikaru can pinpoint where exactly he first messed up and how he can recover from it.
c) Hikaru and Ochi become (begrudging) friends, only because Hikaru stubbornly refuses to stop bothering the other teen, if only until he can beat Ochi by a 8 moku difference, the same difference that Ochi had during their first game against each other. Ochi grouches and glares and puts his nose up, but is internally embarrassed at this new, affectionate and loud teen who always manages to say endearing stuff with a casual, relaxed face. (Who the heck says “One day I’ll catch you and force you to look only at me” with a serious face?????)
d) after discussing some plays in front of him and enthusiastically (on Hikaru’s side) teaching him the rules of soccer, Ochi offers valuable insight to the Hazeko soccer team. Akari hates it and hates him with a passion when she sees how good his analysis of the game is. It took her most of elementary and their first year of middle school to show any worthwhile game plays and he offers some barely two weeks into learning their plays? All the while with his nose in the air???? Hate.
e) before Shindou and Fujisaki showed up, Shindou with his swift observation skills and hard borne techniques and Akari with her spartan training methods, Haze High’s soccer club had little to no presence. With the two present and having just barely lost their semi-finals placing in the summer tournament, Hazeko returns to the Winter Kokuritsu determined to prove that their summer performance was no fluke. Now, if only they knew what the heck being stars meant and why Shindou suddenly developed a God Complex... Also who is the brat that Fujisaki is trying to crush and why the heck do they have to prove that with her guidance (re:torture) they’re better than that four-eyed brat? Why are first years so weird?
3) Akari the Pro and Hikaru who’s kinda just there until he very much isn’t 17 year old Fujisaki Akari leaves the Go world in an uproar after the former model enters the Pro exams as an outsider and wins with a spotless record.
Claiming to have started Go at 12, everyone in the Go world becomes curious about the young teen, especially when she manages to lose her Shodan match against Gosei-Ogata by a three moku difference. They all wonder the same thing, how did this model get so good and if she has been playing Go casually for five years, then why is it only now that she’s decided to become a Professional? At the peak of her modelling carer?
Inversely, Akari became a Professional Go player to honour her late mentor Sai, a kind neighbour who taught her and Hikaru to play Go while babysitting them for a week when the two were 12, despite them both thinking it an old man’s game, the competitive kids continued playing the game hoping only to defeat their teacher, who urged them to continue on the pro path after discovering that the two were great students.
The duo entered their middle school Go club and by their second and third year, they managed to win against Kaio, the best middle school Go club in Tokyo.
At 14, Akari loses interest in the game having never won against Sai and losing against Hikaru for the better part of the year, and she can’t help but feel like Hikaru will leave her behind when he considers becoming an Insei. Then, the unthinkable happens, Sai passes away while playing against the duo.
For the next year neither teen speak of Go, hanging out like normal until Akari gets offered a modelling contract that keeps her from school and in extension keeps her away from her childhood friend and Hikaru starts hanging out with delinquents.
Fed up with Hikaru distancing himself and finally realising that he was leaving her behind like she had feared years ago, Akari slowly begins to play Go again, relearning the game as she went to Go salon’s and using her old NetGo account. After nearly a year of being reacquainted with the game, she takes the pro exams with only one thing in mind, to play the coveted Kami no itte that her mentor sought after. If she’s already lost two of her closest people, then she’d learn to love the game that she used to fear, to keep the one thing that still tied them together, their style of Go.
plot points:
a) Sai was an up and coming former professional who was one win away from gaining his first title, Kisei, when a politician accused him of money laundering and fixing his students games. with this scandal, his students abandon him hurt because they assumed he didn’t have faith in their Go abilities and his opponents no longer face him with their all or with respect, thinking him a cheater and a disgrace to the Go community. after a win in the Kisei tournament that he knows was gained because his opponent was distracted by the rumours, Sai ceases to play Go competitively, having given up on his family’s approval and name for the game and lost seemingly everything that made the game worthwhile. He meets Hikaru and Akari almost nine years later, despite his personal misgivings and anxieties, he finds himself entranced with these young, talented children, gaining a lost love for Go.
b) At 29, a random park visit with the kids prompts him to face Touya-Meijin, who had been at the park playing a game against his student. Faced by his old rival who had continued to soar in the Go community years after his departure, Sai plays what he announces to be the most beautiful game he’s ever played. The two battle it out on the board for nearly three hours, when Sai finally beats the Meijin by a half a moku difference. Only three people in the world viewed this match, though the Kifu became sought after and studied long after it happened. The viewers? Ogata Seiji, Fujisaki Akari and Shindou Hikaru. Ogata has no clue what happened to the bright, but fearsome child who accompanied the strange Sai and bulldozed his way into the post match discussion, but he knows that where ever Fujisaki wondered, her friend would no doubt follow, no one that talented and that enthusiastic about Go could ever truly give it up.
c) Akira has no clue who this Fujisaki is, having not payed much attention to the Professional Exams considering his own preoccupation in the Honinbou tournament, but when he sees her kifu he has only one question, who is her mentor and is it the elusive man who managed to convince his father to give up his titles and become an amateur? If so, where is that mentor now? And how can Akira convince them to face him on the Goban?
d) Hikaru just wants people to stop spreading rumours about him and Akari, because the buddying model really doesn’t need all the flack people give them. If it means distancing himself to save her reputation, then he doesn’t care, ‘cause hell if he’s gonna let people be convinced their dating and it’s gross that those rumours even exist. It comes as a shock then, when after a campaign that makes her the face of popularised clothing franchise and a new perfume scent made for her, she decides to quit modelling and forces her way into the Go world, against her agency and her parents wishes. Watching his best friend take the Go world by storm, Hikaru can’t help but be angry at Akari for taking up Go again, all the while aching for the game he used to play and wondering, if maybe, Sai would be okay with him playing their game without him. Is it truly okay to play Go without Sai? And if so, when can he trounce Akari? Because she’s gonna get an ego if only upper-dan’s could beat her, and no way was she allowed to be better than him in the game! He refuses! Now if only he could remember how to get good at reading other people’s hands again, because now he could barely read ten moves into a game before getting lost. Also, why didn’t they play good stones like Akari and Sai? Everyone kept playing shitty stones and he can’t read their moves if they use such sloppy hands, jeez!
e) Waya has no clue who Shindou Hikaru is, or why he’s convinced he can beat the newest prodigy Fujisaki Akari when he plays like a clumsy beginner, but he’s determined to keep playing the fascinating teen, especially when he reveals his NetGo nick to be hikaru, a player who dominated the NetGo server nearly four and a half years ago and who hadn’t been seen since a year after he started playing. While Shindou definitely has some untapped potential, he can’t help but wonder why the teen can’t play with the breathtaking speed and monstrous traps like he used to.
f) Hikaru and Akari made each other’s NetGo accounts bc they’re brats like that, so Hikaru’s name is hikaru because Akari couldn’t think of anything else and it wasn’t taken and Akari’s is Fuji-Brat, because Hikaru is an ass like that, a lot of Go players would watch as the two matched each other stone for stone, surprised by how little these mouthy kids knew about the pro world, despite playing at insei level.
g) Sai just doesn’t mention things about the pro world bc he’s used to not talking about it and so, when Akari and Hikaru enter the professional Go world, they’re clueless about everything. They have no clue what dan is, but they know what a Title is, even if they only know the name of two of the titles and they still sometimes forget about the timer and why do they need oteai matches so often, also aren’t those creepy old men kinda weird, i don’t care if they’re important they’re staring and that’s rude/annoying. The Go world is predictably affronted by the duo’s lack of knowledge and it’s the cause of a few minor problems and scandals.
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session 15 notes
Ok true crime as in my new addiction is true crime podcasts specifically about serial killers
Back to the session
 After getting a bit of a reality check from durnan about the supposed strength and power of the xanathar guild…
Protected our home w glyphs of warding
Last day of our contract
Spell is set to fade soon
Asyna is feeding ot
Ot looks at asyna like he's a cornered animal
"ot here's some meat"
Why is krystal roasting me about my lover
He wants poison
Ot is calling his jailers idiotic
Oh no aerana might be spilling beans
I really shouldn't be allowed to play games
Because I will always turn to the chaotic evil character
Aerana isn't giving anything up
Theo tells us about the plumbers who came over last night
Aerana is going to typ, rest of party is staking out house
Shifts to watch ot, adam takes front, asyna tower lookout (it's foggy tho so perception check at disadvantage, 9; city looks a little eerie in the fog)
Cel puts immovable rod across cellar door
Ot is suspicious whenever cel comes in
"you cannot fool me xanathar"
Cel making theo a new cloak
Ot asks cel when he'll turn him into dust
The xanathar can turn ppl into dust
Flare ?
Is flare the brain boy ?
I don't like the energy we've created around the word "enlightenment"
Cel rolls 18 insight check
Ot doesn't think cel is cel
Cel is gonna just vibe witth him
Sorry didn't mean caps but too lazy to fix
Everyone else
Adam in front hissing at neighbors and cats, 7
Hears pavement scuffle, someone approaches and reddish gtray beard person w non-descript gray cloak approaches; trench
Doesn't remember cellar and plumbers guild coming by night before
Trench says he can help
Help get bar open
Used to drink there a lot
Gets parchment and quill with ink
Rolls insight to see if bar was only thing he wasd interested in, 13, trench seems v interested
Works in surveillance, protection
Gives him cel and theo's name "5 copper please"
Gets 5
Adam picks his nose
Theo patrols entrances
13 for perception
Overlaps path w adam's
Aerana to typ
Afternoon when there
Similar pattern to those there; frequent patrons
"if I'm making up words, it's not really hitler"
8 perception
Place feels open, not as packed as it usually is
Still feel sensation of cold from the well
Wizard w pointy red hat a regular
You see goliath wizard talking to a dwarven woman
Aerana sees an elven man (bard) w "ugliest guy you've seen in your goddamn life" dom says but only after we point out he looks like legolas, tuning a lute
Sense you've seen him before
The wellllllllllllllllll
It is better told by a bard
Some patrons old and strange, others just like to drink
But ritual in the storytelling
Durnan built
Talking in elvish
Place formerly not too populated
But one of durnan's ancestors came over to build upon it and discovered the well
Network of tunnels underneath
20 for history check
Familiar with some of what he's saying
Parents would throw you into the undermountain if you were bad
Undermountain = stirs weird memory in your head
Being told as a child stories of undermountain
Deep dark fearsome place
Mt waterdeep wizard came here once named hallister the black cloak
Hallister - ppl don't know where he was from / if he was real but legendary
Brought apprentices trained in magical arts
Tunneled on peak of mt waterdeep
Legend of undermountain could not be verified as truth
Durnan's ancestor came to typ
Climbed into well
"I wouldn't bring this up around him" - doesn't talk abt
When ancestor returned was fabulously rich
Split money with best friend
Built typ
Occasionally engages in ritual of going
No one truly knows what lies in undermountain but there's something there bc some return but most do not
"it might just be the sewer" - "but don't tell anyone I said that"
Differing renditions
Some say durnan was the one with magical powers and killed everyone in there, or more nuanced speaking only of tragedy of those who return who come back fearful or returning with smaller parties; others talk more of hallister and argue over his life; every night a different story
Ask if he knows anyone who's come back
Gestures to half-orc in corner playing variation of solitaire; great celebration when he returned, he came back with riches
He is a regular
21 history check
Familiar name
"Deepest dungeon of them all"
When sewers were built many passages abandoned bc other halls + passages found, many teams from cellars and plumbers guild died during construction of the sewers
Prisoners often thrown into "undermountain"
Says even tho he's here most days there's still stuff he doesn't understand about it; new community reforged every night
At some point durnan talking to wizard and having a conversation which is odd ? Eventually wizard looks at aerana (old man) skinny pointy red hat
Wizard squinting at aerana then turns back to conversation
Try talking to half-orc
Interesting plated beard almost like that on dwarves wrt ornamentation; jewelry running through it
Wiry half-orc
Not skinny but muscled
Weird tattoos covering one side of his face looking like they change a little bit
Balanced a little precariously
Ask if he wants to play a two-person card game bc he's playing solitaire
Ask for his favorite game, Skipper (slapjack)
Dexterity check
5, 20, 10
First round you lose, his fingers have strange looking rings beautiful but rough-worn bands of steel or other heavy metal
Second you win
Third round he takes
"say not many people can beat me in that game"
"luck favors the bold"
In the well
Hell but now look at him can gamble all he wants
City of balder's gate
Large city rough place to grow up
Turned into rough child living on streets
Says his name is Sand
Balder's gate warlords make life difficult so he decided to leave
Was found in youth by someone who turned his anger into smth holy
Ran into thieves and plunderers of forgotten relics, became brother and sister and decided to take on deepest dungeon of them all
Horrible things - asks if you've heard the song
The yawning portal song
Not many people know the full tale
Was taught to be skeptical (it's in his nature or maybe his name)
Not sure how long he was in there or didn't know when he was in there
No light
Tunnels are confusing and without it would've been lost; found room with throne with snakes for arms
Great hallway with ancient trap
Living things also in there; all manner of beasts and creatures; ppl don't come back bc of those
Killed goblins down there but after the things he's seen and after the things he'd had to do could've gone with killing a few more goblins
Advice ? Some will sell maps of what they found or what they think they've seen; anyone can tell u abt beasts down there
Durnan wouldn't lower us down
Durnan doesn’t send ppl to their deaths
Durnan lowers people he deems worthy
Strong brave smart fast bold enough or some combo
But even then not everyone comes back
It's a place of death
Not buying him lunch lmao
Has broken into dangerous old elf dungeons like in the ones up north and would do it again if he could unsee some of the things he saw down in the well
A place of death but things move in the shadows w tombs down there and tunnels for miles hallways great and tall, treasures, beasts keeping it for themselves
Ask about tattoos
Gift from master
The person who saved him in balder's gate
Steeped in magic of shadows
Powerful bc he is strong but qi is stronger still
Aerana gets back home but starts to rain heavily
Ppl still patrolling
Sees drow ? W purple colored eyes silver-ish hair hiding weapons under his cloak steps up and says "pardon me" and asks if adam's seen a cat
Large cat - would've know if saw it
Adam sends drow to trench
Adam gives him good up and down look, can he see weapons ? Carrying two cinotaurs ??? Sinotaur ???? Adam rolls insight for cat
14, seems like he's talking abt a cat
Heads off to trench
Asyna in watchtower guessing ppl's names
Cel and theo switch
Theo says hi to ot, ot curled up in corner
Whispers "hey ot what's up"
Says he should've gone with his gut on the day theo arrived
"dark elegance" "the way you glided into the room" - ot on theo
Ot says he knows how the xanathar pays theo
"I guess seeing you was a realization of my deepest fear" a fear he couldn't name or place or knew he had but out of the darkness theo stepped forward
"I'm curious . How long do you leave your victims like this"
Ot starts to cry and says he would beg her to keep him in this place
"this voice you're using I find it sweet"
"I just don't want to wake up before the end"
Theo is gonna get him food
"the poor dead tiefling told me yesterday"
7 insight
Theo does not know what's happening
Says the water theo gives him looks real
Looks at the wall drinks some water
"and it tastes real"
We kinda fucked ot up LMAO OOPS
"I know that you don’t have a heart… but if there's any chance that anything I've ever said or thought about you could take root in your soul"
Theo says she'll consider his request
Sits there for a half hour then asks if that's her real name
"nithlur" or smth like that
"where'd you hear that"
In his head lmao
What if this is like
A tapeworm
In his head
"what does knowledge taste like"
Asks if it's a feeling or a thought
Theo says it's a feeling
Ot says whatever knowledge is it's valuable to the right thing
Wonders if he can take a nap
Gonna take a nap
Adam forgot he made ott think he was dead
Aerana is taking over for theo
Adam takes first watch
Perception check, 22
Raining ohp so at disadvantage gotta do it again
New roll, 12
Rain is still falling
Hears a weird noise coming from outside the house
Uses thaumaturgy to boom voice saying "wake up"
Everyone sleeping wakes up
Goes toward sound
Hears weird growling noise
Goes semi-toward noise w pyrotechnics prepared; darkvision does he see anything
Sees shape
It's not the cat
Unfamiliar, looks like it's flying but more like it's floating
Bobbing up and down in air
Creature w large glassy eye and sagging mouth w lots of sharp teeth
Sticking out from form are eyes attached to a slug protruding off it w glassy eyes hanging off it
Intense stench making icky moaning noise
Adam shits his pants
It's big
The size of its mouth is human size
I've been listening to serial killer podcasts all day
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jakeohfficial · 6 years
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oh man, let's hope i'm not getting in over my head here because to say that i am severely lacking in musical know-how would be an understatement. ask me about my roll in elementary music lessons, it’s sure to disappoint but hopefully it’ll make you laugh too
anyways, my name’s ryland and this is jake oh; resident life-of-the-party night owl and bassist of crashing corners. you can find his stats page right here and i don’t have a plots page yet (since i’m terribly unorganized at the moment) but feel free to hit me up on discord @ rysharona#1361 for some plots because i can't keep track of tumblr dms to save my life lmao
(JAEBEOM “JAY” PARK, CISMALE, HE/HIM) meet JAKE OH, the BASS of the band CRASHING CORNERS. the 26 year old is definitely FREE-SPIRITED and JOCULAR, but can also be kind of IMPETUOUS and JUVENILE. i hope he finds success with the band. after all, it’s not easy to make it in the music business these days. (RYLAND, 20, HE/HIM, EST)
⎯⏐⎯ вacĸgroυnd
jake was born and raised in la (both his parents are second-generation immigrants)
he has one older sister, age 29, who just recently finished law school
his sister was always the better of the two academically, but it never really bothered jake and it got to a point where his parents finally gave up on holding him to his sister’s standard and let him do things at his own pace more or less
he discovered his love for guitar in high school when he needed to take a mandatory arts credit and enrolled in a music class
he wasn’t really thinking that he’d get anything out of it, since he’d had piss poor luck with other, more orchestral, musical instruments growing up but found that he actually liked learning to play the guitar
started out with electric guitar, and eventually moved onto the bass once he started college
didn’t attend college for anything music related, since he felt school might kill his passion for it
his parents divorced a few months after he started college since he wasn’t living with them any more and it kinda just gave them more time together and brought to light a lot of issues they couldn’t keep ignoring
he dad ended up moving back to korea for job-related opportunities afterwards, and jake will sometimes go visit him if he gets the chance but he’s a mama’s boy through and through and mostly just glad his mom didn’t feel the need to leave la
⎯⏐⎯ perѕonalιтy
a real wild child who likes to just do things as they happen and not put too much thought into it
which, y’know, has the tendency to land him in some shit from time to time but he’s fine rolling with the punches so to speak
never really had to grow up so he sometimes has difficulty balancing his needs with his wants, his responsibilities with all the fun things he’d rather be doing
hates conflict and will do anything in his power to avoid it, walk across the street, look the other way, serpentine, all that jazz
it’s cause he’s pretty immature and doesn’t like facing real adult issues™ and real adult feelings™ because he quite honestly doesn’t know how to handle them
feel free to hit him up at ass o’clock though if you’re in need of some help or wanna pull off some shenanigans, odds are he’s probably already awake and raring to go
⎯⏐⎯ oтнer
has a car and is actually a semi-decent driver but will never voluntarily sign up to be someone's dd
he'd have to owe you his life or something to miss out on his chance to party
gives shitty advice but will 110% make you mac and cheese at 5 a.m. in an attempt to make you feel better
scott pilgrim is his bassist claim, fight me on it
ѕoмe вaѕιc ploт ιdeaѕ тo jυмp ιnтo тнιngѕ wιтн
someone who’s always crashing at his place (on his couch or in his bed, who knows?)
ride-or-die bestie
frenemies/love to hate each other
good influence & bad influence
platonic life partners (give me that good shit)
maybe a roommate? crashing corners baby
and a million other things; hit me with your best (or worst) ideas and we’ll make something outta them
ғυn ғacт: i was originally gonna bring in taka from one okay rock but ya boy got a wee bit impatient making gif icons, so! if any of y'all love oor feel free to slide into my dms and kick me in the face or something for some bonus lovin'
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its-love-u-asshole · 7 years
Fic Writers Week Day 7: Rec Time!
Yay! This is the day I was looking forward to the most honestly, I love spreading the love for fics I read! Please also check out a few underrated recs I did for day 2 here! For this post I’m mostly going to be listing all time favorites, as well as the fics I’m currently subscribed to (in no particular order)! I imagine this post will get freakishly long, so as always, it’s going under a read more. 
This week was amazing, it’s so lovely to see all the enthusiasm and support for fic writers <3 I hope this trend can continue way past this week as well ^^ 
Please also refer to my bookmarks! Everything I have bookmarked is quality and surely won’t let you down, but I could not include every single one on this list (it ended up being too long as is lol) but I definitely encourage you to give them all a read! 
Alright, let’s talk about some fics! 
Ride or Die (Iwaoi, E)
For an esteemed racer, intended for the big leagues, owning a garage and racing on the streets should have felt like settling rather than a dream. But Oikawa Tooru is as happy as he can be, as long as he's behind the wheel of a car; until a misstep lands him a heavy fine, and a crumbling future.
Having grown up in one of the roughest neighbourhoods in Tokyo, Iwaizumi Hajime is no stranger to the mob life. But establishing himself as a separate entity has always been his goal. He's a man of action, someone who does what he's asked without any questions. But when the people he's tried so hard to distance himself from come knocking at his front door, he realizes that he finally has to establish a side: his own.
Iwaizumi wants Oikawa's expertise: someone who can both drive well and knows his way around cars. And Oikawa wants absolutely nothing to do with gangs, the kind of people that lit a fire to his life. Everything changes when two people who live very different lives realize they're both fighting for the same thing.
Alright, so I’ve been following this fic since chapter one, and ahh @oiivkawa​ does such an amazing job with it! It’s the fast and furious AU that the fandom needed tbh, each chapter has me on the edge of my seat. The drama, romance, and fun are all evenly balanced and I can’t get enough of iwaoi’s dynamic in it! It also has the hints of an OiKuroo friendship that I love, as well as some kurotsuki thrown in, not to mention Semi even has a role?!! It’s everything I’ve ever wanted, so please go check it out! 
galaxies, within you (Iwaoi, T) 
Hajime and Tooru move in together at the start of university. Too bad they’re stuck with the two gremlins that haunt their apartment.
I read this fic just this week, so all the beautiful emotions and details are still so fresh in my head ; ; The writing in this was so gorgeous, as were the characterizations! If you love pining and happy endings, this is for you! Oh, and also funny af Matsukawa and Hanamaki shenanigans lol. The emotion and the humor compliment each other so well in this fic, one minute my heart was aching, and the next I was dying from laughter. It’s just a lovely iwaoi fic all around, so please give it a read! And make sure to follow @skiecas​ <3
Wicked Games (Kurotsuki, Iwaoi, Bokuaka, E)
After years of being one of the many faceless foot soldiers in the ranks, Bokuto gets a much-deserved promotion. But with the new job comes great responsibility. The job is easy enough. All Bokuto has to do is look after the Boss's mate: The Boss's beautiful, intriguing mate.
Tbh if you like hardcore mafia aus, then this is the fic for you. @caelestisxyz​ is like...a master storyteller, her plots are so well developed and original, idk how she does it! Every chapter is also packed full of romance and nail biting drama, so it’s not for the faint of heart, but if you’re not scared of the angst which comes with this kind of au, then I would seriously recommend it. It’s incredible and features all my fav pairings in such a badass setting! 
A Place to Call Home (Iwaoi, Bokuaka, E) 
Oikawa Tooru doesn't need an alpha. He's doing fine all on his own. And the past four years of being a single mother have proven that this is exactly what he wanted from life.
Of course, life has a way of not always going as planned.
This is another fic I’m currently subscribed to! I will admit I don’t usually read kidfics, but @madamemalfoy21​ has such cute plots and stellar characterizations that I can’t resist her works! Everything about this fic is heartwarming, and every update brings a smile to my face. Oikawa as a single parent trying to figure out how to love again is such a treat to explore, and with the other pairings thrown in, it makes the fic such a pleasure to read <3 
Let it Linger (Kurotsuki, T)
Kei has loved Tetsurou for years.
Tetsurou has loved Keiji for years.
Keiji is marrying Koutarou.
Alright, hold the phone y’all, this fic right here is extraordinary. It’s one of my favorites I’ve ever read, omg, the character growth and reflection is so powerful in this fic AND the slow burn is wonderful. I usually avoid angst like the plague but I can’t really resist @rhealmobsidi​ and her works, I’ve been reading her stuff since I was but a smol lmao and she never disappoints. This fic right here is so heart-aching and heart warming at the same time, I can’t get enough. Please read it if you have not! 
cookies and cream (Bokuaka, E)
Some people might tell Akaashi that he couldn't bake his worries away.
But some people haven't dated Bokuto Koutarou.
Alright, so I’ve been on a bokuaka binge these past few days, so the next few recs will be for them! This fic is so funny lmao, the idea of Akaashi stress baking was just super interesting to me. But not only that, the fic was super touching and romantic jsdnfk I love domestic bokuaka so much, and this delivered! 
Corpora Permutavere (Bokuaka, T) 
“Akaaaaashi, you gotta make a wish after you blow them out!” Bokuto was leaning across the table so far that the candle flames danced in his eyes, turning them to molten metal. And while Akaashi found himself appreciating his teammate’s birthday fervor in a way that was soft, foreign, and somewhat unexpected, Bokuto should still have known that this level of spectacle was neither Akaashi’s preference, nor something he was entirely comfortable with.
Under such pressure, he blew out the candles. Then, as requested, made a wish.
I wish Bokuto-san understood the perspective of someone other than himself.
Bokuto and Akaashi switch bodies. It goes as well as you might expect.
I assume most people have already read this fic and I’m super late lmao?? But in case you haven’t, you need to! It’s just a great story dealing with romance, mental health, and character growth. I tore through this fic, it was so amazing and beautifully written. So many great, though provoking lines/scenes had me thinking about this fic days later, and even writing this I feel like rereading fff. Please go check it out so you can fully understand how A+ this fic is. And please follow @silvercistern​ !!!
bitter (Bokuaka, G) 
He accepted his classmate's chocolates gracefully, then declared his lack of interest with as much dignity as he could muster. She deserved the courtesy. At least she'd acknowledged that Valentine's Day was all about her, and not about him in the slightest.
Because if any of these girls had taken the time to actually get to know him, they’d quickly realize something even more important than his lack of interest in girls.
And that was that Akaashi hated sweets.
This is another one by @silvercistern​ because I am addicted to their bokuaka characterizations lmao. The way Akaashi is written is so amusing and complex, and the bokuaka dynamics are lovable and cute fff. The awkwardness of Akaashi’s love life and his hatred of Valentine’s Day made for a wonderful read, so I can’t help but share this fic as well! 
5 tips to get your guy (Bokuaka, G)
Second-year Bokuto gets fantastic dating advice from his sister’s magazines
This fic was so damn adorable, that’s all I have to really say about it lmao @mooites​ did a great job of making this such a fun read! I loved the inclusion of Bokuto’s sisters and how their trends benefit him lmao it was just really cute to see him use magazines to act on his feelings. I loved this fic, so please check it out if you haven’t! 
Behind Bricks (Bokuaka, E)
Akaashi has always had a good idea of what his future would look like.
Becoming a prostitute hadn't been part of the plan.
Bokuto Koutarou wasn't part of the plan, either. Akaashi meets him by chance, and is drawn in by Bokuto's optimism and authenticity. He's never met anyone like Bokuto, and despite his initial reluctance, Akaashi finds himself getting a little too attached.
Alright, last bokuaka fic lmao but another amazing one no less! @worthlesspride​ writes some of the best and sweetest bokuaka there is, so I recommend all their fics (not just for bokuaka, but all pairs!). I don’t wanna spoil much about this fic, but please read the tags before diving in! You won’t be disappointed, the plot is A++ and the nice mix of angst and romance is to die for <3 
walls (Kurotsuki, G)
Kuroo is the best sparring partner that Tsukishima could ask for, but that doesn’t make him any less annoying of one,
So @ohoholyshit​ wrote a BNHA AU for kurotsuki, and I’m still not over it. Just...please read it, it’s so lovely and funny and just kljsfjdssjkd I live for kurotsuki being awkward boys with their poorly concealed crushes lmao. Also the quirks they’ve been given are so fitting and creative, I was so into this verse fff. 
Angels in the Snow (Promptis, E) 
On a snowy morning, the wolf Prince Noctis discovers an intruder, a fox boy from Niflheim, playing in the snow. Though they quickly become best friends, everyone knows Prompto Argentum does not belong in the Lucis palace, and Noctis can only protect him for so long, especially when Prompto isn't exactly what he seems.
Okay so this is the only non-Haikyuu! fic on this list, but it’s still amazing and if you like FFXV then you need to read it. It has everything from angst, to cute romantic moments, and ofc, omegaverse. I love @emeraldwaves​ and her writing, and she’s really outdone herself with this fic! 
Alright, so those were all the fics I’ve read recently or that I’m currently following, down below are links to some of my all time favorites! All these fics are gorgeously written, with plots that captivate me with every read. These are the fics I have saved, downloaded, and that I reread again and again. Please give them a look! 
I sure hope that guy gets fired (Iwaoi, T) ---all time favorite, like...shit idek
silver tongue (Iwaoi, E)
Mind Reader (Iwaoi, E)
you’re looking like you fell in love tonight (Iwaoi, T)
Sing For Me (Iwaoi, E)
Add New Contact (Daisuga, G) 
Requiem for the Moon (Kurotsuki, M) 
Police Dog (Kyouhaba, E) 
Being Gross (Kurotsuki, E) 
to the beat of my heart (Kurotsuki, E)
In Defense of Reptiles and Other Gross Things (Iwaoi, T)
Provocation Expert (Kurotsuki, M) 
And finally, I want to list a few authors here where yes, I recced a few of their individual fics, but honestly, all their fics are amazing. Like. They all need to be consumed. Read all their fics. They’re all top notch, all quality, you won’t be let down ever, I’m certainly not. The writing is incredible, the humor is there, and idek what else to say. I freak out for these authors and so should you! 
Ivyfics @ivyfics (I’m subscribed to like...way too many of Ivy’s fics, which is why none are mentioned above, but just know that I’ve read everything and constantly am dying for more, mmkay, thanks) 
timkons @90stimkon (A God for Every Season and Principles are some of the best fics ever, you can fight me on this) 
realmSpinner @rhealmobsidi (Everything. Like. Everything. I’m so excited for all the December fics that Kiko is going to post ffff) 
caelestisxyz @caelestisxyz (Again, everything. Amazing plots, heartbreaking angst, awesome endings)
EmeraldWaves @emeraldwaves​ (MY BETA AND MY BFF who has the best ideas and one of the loveliest writing styles) 
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ts-crossroads · 7 years
Episode Two - “Tumblr Survivor Don’t Want Me To Live” - Julia
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A legend DIED today wtf. I miss Rhone and we weren’t even on the same tribe. I know last confession I was like oh Rhone didn’t vote for me in Themyscira he can go to tribal bye but NOW I feel HORRIBLE!!! He actually went home!!! I didn’t think he was gonna go home!!! Fuck!!!
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OMG WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT RHONE ALWAYS GETTING BAD PLACEMENTS !!! 1 rip my baby and 2 I’m a fucking fortune teller, future predictor, queen of the past and future castaway
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Rhone getting voted out? Fucking fantastic! One of the stronger vets coming into this, in my opinion, and also probably one of the only few people I didn't get to speak to, at length, during One World. Bye Bye Rhone! 
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Okay so like bitch. I really am tryna not be a messy bitch already butttt Rebecka is being one so its triggering me to be one. Like girl i ain't got time for that bs. Not to mention she and Rhone wanted to flip on me? Good that their asses aren't a thing anymore lmao! But anyways, pray bc im tryna not be a mess
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Thanks to my strategy, we dominated the first Immunity Challenge. When Optio realized that Fatum and Imperium had teamed up, it was too late for them to do anything about it. I'm not crying, though- the only person on that tribe I felt a connection with was Jake, and he survived Tribal. In addition to allowing us to win, my strategy revealed a lot of interesting information. For instance, before I could even mention working with Fatum specifically, Bryan had ALREADY begun talking to Emily about teaming up. https://imgur.com/cd5ebDW First of all, this shows me that Bryan feels very comfortable with Emily- who isn't even on our tribe- and also that Emily was playing me. Hard. From talking to Autumn and Chris, it sounds like she's dominating Fatum with her social game, and she tried to work her charm on the rest of us, too. Someone that manipulative is going to be dangerous down the road, and make it more likely that Bryan will flip on us when we swap. Autumn, Chris and I seem to be on the same page, and Chris and I are working on convincing Dane that Autumn is a non-entity so he'll be more open to her working with us. Dane thinks the trio is himself, Chris, and me, but in reality, he's the loose 4th number that I won't hesitate to cut if necessary. The working alliance name is Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys. That's important. https://pictures.abebooks.com/isbn/9780671502904-us.jpg At this point, I feel pretty good about the way things are going. I've got a total cross-tribal bromance with Johnny going on (#FratBrosAlliance), a solid threesome-plus-one on my tribe, and it doesn't sound like Sam or Bryan have tried to form an alliance at all. They better pray we win immunity, because this game is heating up.
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WOW OKAY. FIRST OF ALL....... Icon me getting an automatic bye in the semi finals of the reward challenge, by simply doing nothing, and then losing horrifically on my first go at the challenge. It's okay! I showed I'm a team player by not playing for the storyteller for next round, and our tribe didn't win anything for reward in particular, which didn't bother me at all, because that means that no one on our tribe looks particularly good, and we all are on a level playing ground, which is good strategically from my perspective. Now, heading into post reward challenge, which is the more ICONIQUE part of my night..... I go to search for the idol, and it's the first round, so very meh, the odds of finding ANYTHING are typically not in my favor... rt? NOT RIGHT!! NOT RIGHT AT ALL!!!!! [12/13/17, 11:11:39 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): You open the book to the marked page. The prologue has ended, and you turn the page. “Chapter One,” it reads, “At Castle Crossroads.” Immediately, the world around you shifts. You find yourself standing in a dimly lit hallway. Lit torches line the walls, and surrounding you are two large doors. What would you like to do? You can… 1. Continue down the hall. 2. Take the left door. 3. Take the right door. 4. Take a torch from the wall. 5. Cry out for help. [12/13/17, 11:17:19 PM] ~~Johnny~~: hmm [12/13/17, 11:17:53 PM] ~~Johnny~~: I really wanna see what happens if I choose option Five [12/13/17, 11:18:03 PM] ~~Johnny~~: But the SMART version of Johnny is telling the dumb version of Johnny not to choose that option [12/13/17, 11:18:11 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): do whatever you want :) [12/13/17, 11:18:17 PM] ~~Johnny~~: watch crying out for help mean an idol gets put in my hand [12/13/17, 11:18:18 PM] ~~Johnny~~: fuck it [12/13/17, 11:18:20 PM] ~~Johnny~~: it’s round one [12/13/17, 11:18:22 PM] ~~Johnny~~: it’s all luck [12/13/17, 11:18:25 PM] ~~Johnny~~: I’m gonna cry out for help [12/13/17, 11:18:44 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): Your calls are soon answered by the most handsome man you have ever seen in your entire life! “Hi,” he says. “I’m Sir Nestor.” What’s your name? You introduce yourself, and he grabs your hand, shaking it firmly. “What did you come here for?” You have two options - profess your undying love for this beautiful man and claim to have come here to woo him and take his hand in marriage, or, try to play it cool and make him jealous, claiming you are here for the Ball, and a chance to meet the Prince. [12/13/17, 11:19:09 PM] ~~Johnny~~: oof [12/13/17, 11:19:20 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): I know [12/13/17, 11:19:20 PM] ~~Johnny~~: one will probably mean that he grabs me tight and gives me an idol [12/13/17, 11:19:27 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): that's what I said when I saw sir nestor too [12/13/17, 11:19:27 PM] ~~Johnny~~: Another would mean that if I play it cool, he might say fuck off [12/13/17, 11:19:48 PM] ~~Johnny~~: So I think the safer option is to profess my undying love for this beautiful man [12/13/17, 11:19:55 PM] ~~Johnny~~: as if anything that I’m saying makes any logical sense [12/13/17, 11:20:01 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): gdgdfsgd [12/13/17, 11:20:03 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): one sec [12/13/17, 11:21:02 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): Sir Nestor is flattered. “I’m sorry, but my heart belongs to another,” he discloses. “But I owe you for the piece of your heart I have stolen.” He grabs your hand again and presses something small and wooden into it. “Take this for safe keeping.” He winks at you and walks away, into the darkness. [12/13/17, 11:21:19 PM] ~~Johnny~~: uhm [12/13/17, 11:21:21 PM] ~~Johnny~~: excuse me? [12/13/17, 11:22:55 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): Sir Nestor has given you half of a hidden immunity idol! This half of Sir Nestor's heart can be combined with any other idol half to make a hidden immunity idol. These halves can be obtained in numerous ways - you will have to find them! [12/13/17, 11:23:03 PM] ~~Johnny~~: OMG [12/13/17, 11:23:04 PM] ~~Johnny~~: STFU [12/13/17, 11:23:07 PM] ~~Johnny~~: I found a half of one? [12/13/17, 11:23:09 PM] ~~Johnny~~: I’m dying LISTEN READERS!! I KNOW THAT'S A LOT TO READ, BUT FFS PLEASE READ WHAT JUST HAPPENED. I chose "Cry for Help" and "Profess undying love for strange man" and got half an idol! THIS IS FUCKING FANTASTIC!! Now... on a serious note. Having half an idol is huge for a lot of ways. For starters, I am definitely not telling anyone I have this half of an idol. I learned last season from my Steffen incident, and I know that there's no chance in hell I can share this information with anyone. I am, of course, going to try to go for the idol every single round, in hopes of finding the other half, but I now, more than ever, need to play a super strong social game, but not delve into strategy talk (Thanks Andrew for that piece of advice) and just keep it purely social, and let people bring up things like "I trust you" and "I get good vibes from you" so that way they can maybe feel more comfortable telling me about the idol. This gives me a lot of leverage early on in the game, and I'm pretty stoked, but I've gotta keep it cool. As for not participating in the immunity challenge. I see there being no upside to competing for several reasons. First off, I said over and over I'd compete if someone else wanted to sit out, which shows that I'm willing to compete, and also, if we win, I'm immune and didn't have to do much work for the challenge, meanwhile if we lose, there's likely going to be a member of our tribe who didn't do as much, and it's going to be easier to divert attention on that person. I'm thinking I'm safe if we lose, but I honestly don't believe my connections are as strong as they can be, so I'm going to really have to pick that up the best I can, but I do feel confident in my relationships with Ryan, Haley and John. I know Haley likes Emily, so that can maybe give me an in there. I see Nicole being first out of our tribe. She doesn't seem the most active, so I've got faith in that being the vote if we lose still. I know I keep talking about who I would vote over and over again in these confessionals, but it's always a thought in my head, and rightfully so, because eventually this game is going to pick up entirely, and it's going to be chaos.
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I have 2 scavenger hunts in 2 games this week and I just want rhone back what the actual FUCK I was so excited to meet/play with rhone
Anyone who disagrees with me on Hanukkah is racist CONFIRMED 
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Not to be that bitch but if my tribe loses after I drank jelly, jam, maple syrup, and Olive Garden dressing all together I’m going to McFreakin lose it! Also I did 30/36 things? If my tribe doesn’t pull their weigh I’m going to scream. Like I’m screaming. Some of them are talking about only having like ten things done and I’m like ????????? WHAT
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Sooooo we lost the challenge, which is exactly what I was anticipating. I knew that this challenge was going to be one we were going to lose, because our tribe didn't give a half of a shit in terms of effort, and it kinda pisses me off, but now we're headed to tribal in the second round, and I think i'm partially ready for it. I knew that Ryan, John and Haley have all been pretty tight, and it should've been pretty simple in knowing that we were going to choose between Emily and Nicole, but then the LOVELY twist of the best scoring player from our tribe bringing a member from the winning tribe to tribal council is NOT bueno. Emily decided to bring over Bryan, which was an interesting choice. Honestly, I don't think Bryan being here or not being here will make an impact on tribal council, and I know the conversations I'm having right now with him are pussy footing around almost, and I'm trying not to make it seem too casual, because I can tell he's fed up with the small talk and wants to know what's happening with tribal council. APPARENTLY, according to Haley and John, is that Emily has admitted to both of them that she enjoys talking to Ned and Bryan more than she spoke to us, so like BUH BYE BITCH!! I tried to bring up the counter argument that Nicole is probably going to be detrimental in challenges when it comes to effort, compared to Emily, because Emily seems to care a lot more, but in a smaller cast, with an inevitable swap coming very soon, we can't keep around Emily, when she has way closer relationships on the other tribes, and we'll almost rather take a loss in a challenge with Nicole, than a few wins and bringing Emily into a swap, where she might screw us. On top of all of this, I know my social game couldn't possibly be as strong as it could be this time around, considering Emily didn't trust me with the information of her talking to other tribes more than us, which she did tell John and Haley, so this means I've really just gotta watch out and make sure my name isn't the name that is being brought up today for the potential vote from Emily. I think Nicole is going to be on board with voting with us too, to get rid of Emily, so I've gotta do a bit of talking to her today to make sure that Nicole feels some loyalty to me, and will feel closer to me after this vote, than hopefully the other people on our tribe, and then I've gotta talk to Emily and just make sure that my name isn't the name she plans on throwing out there. I think she's going to throw out Ryan's name, but who knows. Only in due time of tribal council will we find out.......
SOOOOOOOOO an alliance was made called the "The Stoners" which is actually my favorite alliance of all time, and I couldn't be happier with the title of it. The title alone just makes me want to trust them whole heartedly until the game is over. jkjkjk on a serious note NOW So the alliance is pretty damn perfect if you ask me. I have the three people I trust most in the game so far, and that's Ryan, John and Haley, and being in an alliance with them is good. I trust them, and I'm always pretty nervous going into a tribal council, but I do think we'll be fine this round, and I'm just going to try to make my name not come up at a tribal. My social game could be better, but i've gotta make it stronger with nicole and emily. AS FOR THE IDOL SEARCH THOUGH: Last time we spoke about my idol searches, I FOUND, check that out, FOUND half an idol on my first try, and I was like HOW DID I DO THAT WTF!! So then I decided to search again, and I ended up going down the main hall, and down the stairs, and I found a witch, and she asked me to play a game! [12/15/17, 9:51:18 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): You walk down the stairs and find yourself in a dark, damp room - presumably the dungeon. You hear a noise up ahead - it seems to be a chain dragging along the ground. Cautiously, you walk ahead into the darkness, and come upon a jail cell. Inside is a tiny man dressed like a jester. “Hello,” he says, surprised to see you. “My name is Mervyn. I’ve been down here a while… Would you like to play a game?” [12/15/17, 9:54:47 PM] ~~Johnny~~: Hmmm [12/15/17, 9:54:54 PM] ~~Johnny~~: Do I have to say yes or no? [12/15/17, 9:55:18 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): fkjadshjf yeah [12/15/17, 9:55:32 PM] ~~Johnny~~: Okay. I'll say yes [12/15/17, 9:56:08 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): ok so here is what will happen [12/15/17, 9:56:15 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): “Excellent!” Mervyn exclaims. “It’s been a long while since I’ve had some entertainment. Here is how this will work: I am hiding a coin in my left hand or right hand. If you can guess the correct hand three times in a row, you win! I’ll give you three attempts. Understood?” I lost the game, unfortunately, but IMAGINE if I won, it may have been the other half of that idol, and I would've been tripping my balls off, but I didn't find it, so I decided to try to gain some favor, and this may have been a HUGE mistake, but I get this feeling that this makes Haley, who is playing the game pretty hard, trust me more than she trusts John and Ryan. So I told her the exact path I took, and I told her that she had to play the game, try to win. I alsooooooo may or may not have decided to tell John too. I think this level of transparency that I can have with John and Haley this early is good. I'm definitely going to have to tell Ryan too, in hopes that one of them gets the half an idol, and tells me. At this point, I'm giving them a huge piece of information in this game, and I think they'll be thankful later, and maybe even secretly tell me that they found the other half of the idol that I'm looking for, that they don't know I have. I know this may be a flashback from Japan, but I've got a pretty decent vibe from these three, and at least knowing that Emily doesn't have it is just a step better than anything else, so I'll take that as a moral victory for now, and hope I'm the one who beats the game to get beyond the "Win."
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ummm so wow thank god we won this challenge i was so nervous with bran literally ghosting like the fuck??? so after tribal bran told me that he wanted to get close with rebecka, and ended up making a chat with me, him and her. and then the next day brandon made a chat with me, him, and julia. Lmfao king of being in the middle?? well maybe im boo boo the fool and don't know! but...I don't trust Rebecka? She literally just voted me. So Bran isn't thinking that much, plus he told me he doesn't trust Brandon, who literally saved my ass.,.,.ok. Brandon told me the TEA which is that Julia was talking to him A LOT about saving Rebecka if we lose. It seems like she's close with her, prob bc they're both girls and that worries me. Like this heaux literally tried to send my ass packing obv if she wanted to target someone it would be me again so she can get less blood on her hands. She worries me, she went HAM in the immunity obv to get back into our good graces, so I'm kinda nerv. Also bc if we survive to a tribe swap and end up on the same tribe she'd prob try to throw me under the bus so fast LMAO. I told Brandon that he was my ride or die, I trust him the most. I rly hope he doesn't try to fuck me over in the future. I'm also worried about the idol cus if everyone's being honest then me, Brandon, and Julia don't have it. If Becky has that gaddamn idol then im fuckd. 
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YAYYYY, I’m so glad my tribe won the immunity challenge! We are really doing that! And Emily brought me over to her tribe for the vote! That’s awesome! I get to expand my social game too now and be more prepared if a tribe swap were to happen. The thing is. These people are so boring. I have not heard one fucking name the whole time I’ve been here. And I’ve literally been asking for one. They all say everyone is so nice. And they don’t wanna vote anyone off. Pft. Whatever AutumnI’m so blessed/ this tribe is amazing!!! It all came together and we did that. Also shoutout to Ned cause he killed it and wow what a lad #thatsmyally . Meanwhile I got into Athena All Stars so guess who gets to flop in yet ANOTHER scavenger hunt 🙃 I have neither the time nor the WiFi to pull off all these fucking photos and videos. I had 10 points worth of stuff that just never submitted because WiFi but I’m on Imperium sooo I’m nervous though because I feel like we’re literally the Healers tribe from Season 35 and I think we’re only gonna lose 1 person before merge, especially if we keep winning. Basically I need us to start losing so Opossum and Fart don’t take us out in the merge simply because we’re Impartial lol
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Okay so Ned, Chris, and I formed an alliance and I’m really happy because I need numbers so badly in this game. However, when I went on call with Ned I noticed he was very hesitant to talk game with Chris and I so I’m scared that he’s playing both sides. Also we’ve all been working together to map out the storybook but I feel like I’m the only one that actually gives them step by step instructions on what I did and it’s pissing me off because I really want to get an idol. Now, for the rest of the tribe. During the one world interactions and the first immunity challenge Bryan and Emily formed a bond and that’s why our tribes teamed up on Optio, but I’m starting to get real sketch about him since she also picked him to come over and view their tribal council. Whenever I talk to Bryan he’s so boring and I think it’s because he doesn’t think that I’m useful to his game and that he’s only going to be super friendly whenever he needs me. But with that being said if he feels comfortable on my tribe then he thinks he has the majority and thats why it ties back into Ned. I really think Ned and Bryan are low key working together but I’m not going to let my paranoia get the best of me in this game. I just have to really work on Autumn and get closer with Chris. 
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Me when I’m about to get blindsided hard. Just an observation. omg if I got 17th I’d quit the community SORRY SORRY. Mini mental breakdown that i get from people not communicating with me and me just going all NFJKDLSNVJKDSFNJLKVSDNFJKLNSDVFJKLN Okay I’m having a good conversation with Emily. She won’t target me. cool tbh I’d rather Nicole go a bit now, but I don’t wanna sound indecisive in my confessional, or ruffle feathers with my tribemates, so I’m just going to go with this and hope for the best, even though I'm sounding pretty indecisive now. Rip Emily, she seems like she wants to be here pretty bad too. This is not what I wanted. Haley wanted this, and that little lady is playing very hard for a rookie, which is fine for me partly, but also a bit concerning because I don't want her to be in the position to just call the shots and me potentially be a shot she's calling, but I'm hoping for the best for the future and thinking this may be a decent move for me EEK IDK
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And the winning streak continues! The reward challenge was great. We decided to split the challenges with 3 of us playing for Storymaster and 3 playing for immunity advantage. I was put into the Storymaster challenge (Knight Moves) with Chris and Autumn, and our only competition was Julia... who left before the challenge even started. So we played amongst ourselves and had Alliance Bonding Time (TM), where Chris eventually won. Also, Bryan won the advantage for our immunity challenge, which we didn't really need because everyone put in a ton of work and we won in a landslide (even with Chris's disadvantage from the Storybook as well as him being sick all day). The alliances are going great. Chris and I have an alliance with Dane (called Wassup Homies) and one with Autumn (called Mystery Inc. I'm Fred, Chris is Shaggy, and Autumn is Daphne). Now Chris and I need to work on stealthily merging the two alliances into one, but it's looking like we're in a good spot at the moment. In addition, I found a challenge advantage in the Storybook, which Dane tried to convince me to play last night. Dude, try to make it a LITTLE less obvious when you want to flush my advantage, because now I'm not sure I can trust you. Dane, keep that hug *boop* for me. Cuz it wasn't real. http://oi53.tinypic.com/vg6kcn.jpg Now here's where Bryan screwed up. Again. Because Fauna lost immunity, the person on their tribe who scored the highest gets to kidnap someone from another tribe, where they will cast a vote but be immune. The winner of this advantage happened to be Emily, and it was no surprise who she chose: Bryan. https://media.giphy.com/media/xT0xeQ3Qqmf2ZZ9rQk/giphy.gif So Bryan's obviously going to get pulled into Emily's alliance, where he'll learn ALL about the relationships and goings-on at Faulty, which will set him up REAL nicely for a swap or merge. If he doesn't spill all the Faculty secrets as soon as he gets back to camp, I'm strongly considering throwing the next challenge to vote him out, because letting Bryan reach a swap is a risk I'm not willing to take. SamanthaI’m glad I’m on a tribe that keeps winning but that makes me nervous bc there is little strategy going on, and if we merge without having a tribal, we are fucked. I may be getting ahead of myself with the merge thing, but my tribe is kicking ass. I sat out of this comp though so I really can’t take much credit. I am nervous about how close Bryan and Emily are. Bryan was the one who talked to Emily about having our tribes work together and then she won a reward allowing her to borrow Bryan for their tribal. If they’re both around when we merge, that is definitely a duo to split. I also love Chris. We snap all the time and he’s so funny and kind! I think I want to work with him. And we were talking about people on the tribe and we both think autumn is on the bottom. I haven’t talked to autumn since the first night which is not good at all hahaha. I really like Ned, we have a lot in common. I didn’t realize that in our previous game, and I know I have Dane. We have been friends for so long. I think we can easily work together. Autumn and Bryan are the only ones I’m worried about, but overall I think theyre fine for now. I’m really interested to see what happens at tribal. I wonder how the other tribes see us. I know fantum probably hates us but oh well :) I want to do a lot of idol searching this game. I’m tired of never having idols, I get them so rarely, I’m determined this game.  
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So Emily can't talk to me. She will ask John "how's Ryan doing in the challenge" etc etc all this shit. Like my PMs are OPEN. Haley and John both told me I was being targeted by Emily for tribal which idrc. Nicole said "I haven't heard anything" after we agreed to not vote each other and I think she's being a lil FAKER. But the stoner alliance of Haley/Me/John/Johnny should HOPEFULLY stick together and get Emily out.... 
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Yay we won woohoo im still fuckin pissed that bran failed to complete a single scavenger hunt number???? How did we not lose like whatever i can't I'm just glad I'm safe this week !!! 
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At the beginning of the round Haley and I finally went on call and we really clicked once we were able to really talk to one another. One of the things she brought up was that if we lost she thinks Emily should go first because she had so many connections to the other tribes, which she has openly admitted to. She said she wanted an alliance with me and Ryan, and a few days later a chat was made with myself ryan Haley and Johnny. We lost by just a few points on the scavenger hunt which definitely stings a bit, but what is even worse is that Emily killed it for our tribe on that challenge. Haley immediately threw Emily's name out in our alliance chat, and everyone seems to think it's the best thing to do for us going forward. If we swap we don't know if Emily will be more loyal to us than to the others. Bryan being on the tribe makes it complicated as he is deff close with Emily. He's automatically taking her side and trying to get ryan to be the person voted out tonight. Nicole seems to be on the fence at this point, I can't tell what she wants to do. I really want to keep nicole close in this game as I love her but I'm worried she won't agree with this decision. I originally wanted to work with her and ryan together but will she vote out Emily? Who knows. A girls alliance was made by Emily once we lost the challenge, but nicole immediately told me about it. Haley then came to me as well. I feel like people trust me at this point and I don't want to lose that trust. I feel horrible about it but I feel like ryan and Haley are both better for my game going forward. It just stings cause I really like Emily too and would like to continue getting to know her. It's messy but hopefully whatever happens it happens smoothly.
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My confessing game is really low I’m sorry. So basically everyone was SKIRTIN around bringing up names and I just casually mentioned that I hadn’t spoken much to Ryan to Haley and she seemed to not be opposed to voting him. I did the same sort of thing to Johnny then he added onto that saying that Ryan is a WINNER and I was like ? Oh! LOL! I’m a winner too but not in a main so I guess it doesn’t count I’m gonna pretend like I’m scared of Ryan just so we’ll go for him and not me :0! And then I talked to Nicole and she also seemed good with voting Ryan and Nicole said she’d talk to John! So everything is good and if things go according to plan, Ryan will be the first boot of the Fatum tribe. I think people are already starting to um? Look at me like a leader? Or a threat? And I’m a bit nervous? But also, they can fear me all they want. Don’t vote me out because I’m big and scary!!! GRRR!!!
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This whole cast is cancelled bring back rhone pls 
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my social security number is 372-83-1938
0 notes