#the simmering anger! the dialogue! that scene at the end!
semperintrepida · 1 year
A chapter in which Kyra struggles to keep her anger under control while Deimos recuperates enough to leave.
Now that your fever has broken, you spend the day deep in slumber, catching up on the rest you didn't get in delirium. The hut thrums with the threat of your presence. I keep my eyes on you and a hand near my knife whenever I have to be inside.
It's dark when I return from closing up the barn. You're still asleep, and stay asleep even as I put together a meal of chickpeas mashed with fennel and a pinch of salt, eaten with a handful of dried figs and the last chunk of bread. I wash the bowl when I'm done, tidy up the shelf of dishes and tools, then bring the whetstone down and begin sharpening my knife.
My arm moves, the blade slides and hisses for a long while, but then a quiet sigh from the bed pulls me out of rhythm. Your head turns, slowly, in time to watch me test the blade's edge against my thumbnail. Sharp enough to cut to the bone if I need it to. I set the knife aside and bend down to the pot warming on the hearth. Fragrant steam rises when I tip its liquid into a clay cup, the sharp scent of laurel slicing through the earthier willow bark. Your eyes follow me as I bring the cup to the bed.
"I mean you no harm," you say, sitting up to receive it. Our fingers don't touch. You cradle the cup in your palms, hunching over with your face within its vapors.
"If you truly meant that, you wouldn't be here." I sit on the bench, my guts boiling, and heat rises through the caverns within me, chest, mouth, the space behind my eyes where the pressure likes to build. I pick up the whetstone and manage not to hurl it. "How did you know where I was?"
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gemmahale · 3 months
WIP Wednesday (6/26/2024)
Fandom: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reboot
Working Title: Don't Go Down Easy, Sunshine (Part 1 of Museum Muse)
Pairing: John 'Soap' MacTavish x OFC Darlene 'Daisy' Houghton
Rating: E (Canon compliant violence, blood, language, kink and BDSM, sex)
Part 1 Synopsis: Fix-it for the tragedy that is the end of MWIII. (This can stand alone, but sets everything up for the later story.)
Story Synopsis: An online friendship blossoms between KelpieTinker96 and IrisOfTheLake when they keep finding themselves active in the same online forums - especially a few spicy ones. Shy flirts become outright come-ons, and a tentative relationship blooms.
On the other side of the screen, John MacTavish (KelpieTinker96) is adjusting to a major shift in his work-life balance after a life-saving surgery. The 141 continues mopping up the mess left behind by the Russian Ultranationalists that followed Makarov. Soap's indefinitely benched, stuck working intel with Laswell until further notice. His therapist suggests art classes to keep himself sane and find an outlet for his pent-up energy.
Darlene Houghton (IrisOfTheLake) is struggling with the mundane life of a museum curator, looking for something more. When Terry invites Daisy to pose as the nude model for their "Bodies in Art" live drawing class, she tentatively agrees. She's taken by the handsome Scot that limps into the studio. He's kind and supportive and makes her feel the same way Tinker makes Iris feel - desired and cherished.
Tinker and Iris eventually decide to meet at a coffee shop in person - but can their relationship survive the shift to IRL? Or are they in for the biggest surprise of their life when face to face with reality?
AKA: I fix the bullshit in the tunnel (yes, I'm pulling dialogue from the scene). Soap's healing post-mission is rough. Daisy's in dire need of some lovin'. Both learn to be loved their own ways through art and kink. (yes, puppy play happens 😉)
Divider by @saradika-graphics
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Soap follows his Captain to the large yellow door that marks the entrance to the service tunnel. The warring emotions inside his heart solidify, compressing into next to nothing as he focuses on the work ahead. The grip of his pistol feels familiar in his hands, his mind stilling as he listens for Price’s commands. The beast inside of him roars.
“Bravo-6 to Watcher, we are on the X. Going for Makarov.” Price grins at Soap, blue eyes glinting in the light.
“Solid copy. Go get him, John.” 
Soap can’t still his tongue as Price reaches for the door handle. “This bastard won’t go down easy, Sir.”
Price studies Soap’s face, dropping his guard for a moment. Soap sees the anger, the rage, the simmering emotions he’s shoved away for now clearly reflected in his Captain’s face. He knows he’s not alone in this - they share the same burden.
Makarov needs to die.
“Neither will we, Sunshine.” Those emotions disappear from Price’s face, replaced by stone-cold logic and determination. He pats Soap on the shoulder twice, shifting his rifle in his arms. “A’ight. Come on.”
The yellow door swings open, a yawning maw to what Soap knows is going to be a bloodbath. Hopefully it means the end of this terroristic regime Makarov is seeking to build. The bloodthirsty, revenge-seeking monster surges out of his chest, intent on settling the score.
“On you, sir.”
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marierg · 8 months
Of Light and Darkness: The Rising Darkness pt.4
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Pairing: Obi Wan Kenobi X Reader
WARNINGS!: (IF YOU ARE NOT IN A GOOD PLACE MENTALLY DO NOT READ THIS PART!!!!!!!!) ANGST!!! Depictions of induced (reference Sith induced horror and mind shards) PTSD flashbacks, death, injury, near death, threatened death, battle scenes, blood, pain, regret, longing, anger, self loathing, foul language, SNAKES!.... Yeah if I missed anything let me know. Needless to say not light reading.... (Why'd it have to be snakes!)
note: if Italic indicates mental telepathy etc.
A/N: I take no credit for the movie dialogue that is all the work of the wonderful Mr. Lucas!!!! THIS IS A LOVING WORK OF FANFICTION!!! With that said I did take more than a few liberties but I tried to pull from the film and meld it into a cohesive piece. Much love to all the prequels and the folks there in!
Ok folks I will fully admit this one has been taking quite a while to cook because well... It took a hell of a lot out of me to do this one. I wanted it done just so and I didn't want to let it out to the tumblr verse otherwise. AGAIN please heed the warnings!!!!
Yes our reader is a badass (Her master is Mace frickin' Windu!) but even she ain't enough to take on a Sith. I also will reiterate that I believe that there are limitations to all force abilities.
If you have never seen Sir Christopher Lee fence in other films (actual swordsman really!) go watch some of his other works, they are amazing! I referenced the 1970's four musketeers specifically for the fight here, lot of fencing terms are used.
Picture/ GIF Credit: @92-guy, @supererick911, Lucasfilm & Pinterest
Words: 8456... (Holy moly!)
Masterlist Next
Dooku had always favored games of strategy as a child. Dejarik, Nexu and Hounds, Weiduk were all child's play compared to his game board now. It had been a long strategy, years of moving all of his pieces into play and now... now was the time to finally begin his endgame. Every forfeit and feign leading to this point.
“Senator Amidala won't you have a seat.”
Dooku observed as the Geonosian guards brought the young Senator and her companion roughly to the table. He restrained his annoyance at their... crude method of capture. Fortunately Fett had stepped in and salvaged the situation. Viceroy Gunray may want the woman dead, but she still held value. Killing was often the simplest answer to a problem, but it may not yet be the correct one. Patience often yielding the better option in any given situation. Given the difficulty of her capture he could see why she was a useful thorn in his Master's side.
Padme stared dispassionately at the Count, “I am here to discuss the Jedi Knights in your custody. If they are released immediately I am willing to overlook the assault of myself and Jedi Skywalker.”
“I'm not.” Anakin muttered under his breath.
“I'm afraid that I cannot allow that. You see Masters Kenobi and L/n have been convicted of espionage and sentenced to execution.” Dooku watched the young woman's face turn pale, her young protector closing rank behind her. The boy held his temper, but Dooku could feel it simmer just below the surface.
How very interesting...
“They're representatives of the Republic on an investigatory mission. You of all people should recognize that.” Padme gripped into the arms of the chair to ground her emotions. The Count pursed his lips and tilted his head sympathetically, but there was no honesty to the gesture.
“We do not recognize the Republic here, but if Naboo were to join our alliance,” Dooku's lips turned up in a kind façade, “I would gladly hear your petition for clemency.”
“And sacrifice my peoples rights to your charlatan council, I think not.” Padme's voice dripped venom, well remembering the causalities of the Trade Federation Blockade. “This anarchy must end Count, release the Jedi and I will see to it that you have appropriate representation when you are brought to trial.”
“A very kind offer Senator Amidala, but not one I think that you will be able to deliver on,” Dooku laughed in his chest. The girl still thought she could win, how quaint. Ah to have that youth and the ideals that once came with it. Dooku knew the true power and way of the galaxy that only came with age, it was a shame that this young woman would not live long enough to see for herself. “I'm afraid that given your own activities here, you and your Jedi compatriot have been found guilty of the same charges. I'm so very sorry my dear.”
Jango watched as the prisoners were led away, a dark feeling settling over him. The Jedi welp wouldn't have come on his own and that meant that there would be more on the way. Starting a war was a messy business, fighting one was not in the contract. Keeping a casual air he moved to speak with Tyranus. “I've been contacted about a bounty near Concord Dawn. I should leave within the hour, if I'm finished here that is.”
Dooku glanced at the hunter, feeling the unease in him though he hid it quite well. Fett would never be foolish enough to defy him, but he was just smart enough to see the likely trouble coming. Smiling at the man he rose, walking towards the hallway. It would be easy enough to let the hunter go about his business, but if Fett was uneasy then it was all the more reason to keep him close. “Of course my friend, I would never want to interfere in your dealings. I had hoped that you would join us for the execution, after all Boba seemed very excited when the entertainment was being brought in earlier. But if you must go...”
“It would be rude not to accept,” Jango kept his tone light, uncaring. He could see the man was testing him. He was a cagey one Tyranus, but not the first that Jango had delt with. Raising an amused brow at the older man he gave a half smirk, “Wouldn't want to disappoint the boy.”
Dooku smiled back, “Of course not.”
Of all the ways that you thought that you would die a gladiator arena hadn't even made the top ten. Your personal hope had been a clean death, nice and quick. Or maybe in your sleep. But as the chariot carrying you and Obi Wan approached the columns, seeing the deep tooth and claw gashes, cold dread washed over you. Dying wasn't frightening to you, but the thought of seeing Obi Wan suffer because of your failure... it was your very worst nightmare. Grasping at straws you fell back to dark humor, “Well at least the sun's shining.”
“A better show for our hosts I imagine,” Obi Wan gazed at you, sarcastic smile quirking up.
You snorted, “Glad to see you're optimistic at least.”
Obi Wan knew that tone, the resigned look. He had long prayed to not see it again, yet he too knew the grim reality of their situation. If by some miracle Anakin had sent the message on, a rescue may not reach the two of you in time. If escape were to happen it would be on their own skill to do so. “Just remember the plan and stay close, together or not at all wee one.”
“First round at Maffa's is on me.” Shaking your head and taking a deep breath you tried to smile.
“This day is not our end Y/n, I promise.”
As the guards finished securing your hands to the post you couldn't help the bitter tone of your reply, “Don't make promises you can't keep.”
The ship had dropped the rescue team as close as possible without being detected. It had taken considerable patience and negotiation to keep the civilian crew from joining the Jedi, one in particular had tested Mace's will. He had finally pulled Yalvaberg to the side, explaining that if the situation turned truly south that he was relying on her and the others to get them out quickly.
The girl had argued, yelled, begged to go. In the end Mace had asked her what you would do. It was a testament really, the loyalty and care of the gathered rag tag group. Glitch had handed him a comm and then squeezed his hand around it tightly, bidding her gods to guide them. Her last words to him and the others echoed in his ears even in the catacomb halls.
“Victory or Valhalla.”
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Anakin's emotions swirled about him like a raging torrent. Despair, anger, hopelessness, and disappointment kept barely contained. He had failed his mother, he had failed his Masters, and now he was about to fail the woman he loved. It wouldn't even matter that she could not love him back, but that they would die together because he couldn't follow a simple order.
He felt so kriffing useless.
Anakin tried to find the calm within as you had taught him, to make peace with himself on the walk to the staging area. As Master Obi Wan often reminded him, in failure there is opportunity and from opportunity victory can yet be achieved.
“I'm sorry Anakin, I should have listened to you.” Padme swallowed as the guilt rose. Her hubris had led to this, thinking that these demagogues could be reasoned with.
“You have nothing to be sorry for Padme.”
“Yes I do,” She pursed her lips desperately trying to find the words.
Anakin glanced at her drawn face, finding the focus that he so needed. He would get Padme to safety even if it killed him. Putting on a confident face he tried to give her a reassuring look. “Don't be afraid.”
“Oh Anakin... I'm not afraid to die.” Padme shook her head with a somber grimace. “I've been dying a little every day since you came back into my life.”
Anakin winced, “What are you saying?”
She couldn't lie any longer, not to him and not to herself. If one could not be truthful in the face of death then how could they hope to see the other side of creation. Padme looked into those blue eyes, begging forgiveness for the deceit. “I love you.”
“You love me?” It was as if the whole of the Force had calmed his turmoil at her words. Anakin wanted to whoop and crush her to himself, but the shackles not withstanding he was still hesitant. He could feel the roll of her emotions within and as badly as he wished to believe Padme, Anakin remembered the bitter sting of her words from a few nights before. “I thought we decided not to fall in love. That we would be forced to live a lie... That it would destroy us.”
“Our lives are about to be destroyed anyway.” Turning as best the restrains would allow, Padme let go of her control. Tears pricking at the corners of her eyes as her voice trembled, “I know how I feel for you. As much as my mind begs me to stop, my heart won't obey. The moment that I saw you again I felt whole, not knowing that I was incomplete.”
“Padme I...” Anakin tried to reach for her, to reassure and comfort. He cursed and struggled against the chains.
“Ani please,” pressing her shoulder to his, Padme huffed a breath out, “I cannot control this love for you and I don't wish to anymore. I truly, deeply love you Anakin Skywalker.”
Anakin moved, desperately stretching to finally kiss her. Unable to do more than give the lightest pressure, he tried to put every bit of what he felt into the gentle melding. For once he dropped his own walls, wanting to feel more than just this sweet affection. The dazzling way her signature flickered as they kissed, the heat that rose in her cheeks. If Anakin could freeze time he would have this moment last forever.
It was a bittersweet kiss of love and regret, of time squandered. Maker he wished that she had simply told him the truth before now. He wanted to be upset with her, but the salt of her tears easily swept that away. Anakin would move the orbits of the stars to never see Padme cry again. Feeling the stutter in her breathing he tried to find the words to say. “My heart has always been yours my angel. When we get out of this...”
“WHEN we get out of this I will show you just how much I love you.” He kissed her again before she could speak. He wished he could stop the wheels of the chariot, to beg the galaxy a few moments more. Their lips parting as the vehicle exited the portal, Anakin's resolve was firm. The two of them would survive this. Padme loved him and he would not lose her now.
Not today nor any other.
Obi Wan shouldn't have been surprised to see his wayward Padawan, he shouldn't be surprised to see the Senator with him. None of that kept his temper from flaring the minute the two were transferred from the chariot and chained to the posts with the two of you. “I was beginning to wonder if you gotten our message.”
“We re transmitted it just like you asked,” Anakin replied with a forced an easy tone, “Then we came to rescue you two.”
Obi Wan glanced at the shackles on all four posts then back to Anakin, “Good job.”
“Padme, what happened?” Glancing to the younger woman you saw her face fall and felt a coldness within Anakin. “She's gone isn't she.”
“Now's not the time wee one, focus.” He narrowed his eyes at the far portal. “I do believe that the executioners have arrived.”
“I have a very bad feeling about this,” Anakin's stomach dropped.
The karks had chosen well. You watched as the Acklay, Nexu and Reek started stalking towards the posts. There was also movement below the sand, something causing a wavy movement in the grains. Whatever it was headed towards your post, hidden below the surface. “Yeah no kidding.”
“Just relax, concentrate.” Obi Wan bit out, surveying the area, “Try to get yourself free.”
Closing your eyes to focus on the shackle lock the danger crept ever near. The cuffs loosened finally, just enough that you could squeeze one hand out. Glancing at Padme you saw her already climbing the post. Copying the strategy you began your ascent when the pillar shook, almost knocking you to the ground.
Glancing down you saw as the triangular head of the creature emerged from the sands. Green and orange scales shimmering as the fans and spines on its back sprang out, serpentine figure rising to a staggering height. Using the Force you pulled yourself up the pole glancing down at the beast. “What in the ever loving kark?!”
“Stay away from it!” Padme screamed as she hit the pouncing Nexu with the chain again. “A Rawl, very dangerous.”
“No kidding,” you snarked back. Free of the last cuff you searched through your robes. The dagger wasn't very large but it was better than nothing. If you made it out of this you would owe the Hunter a great favor. Taking a swing you cut at the serpents nose as it came close to strike. Laughable attempt really, the creature could have used it as a toothpick after consuming you.
Gunray and the others were distracted by the spectacle as was Boba, who practically leaned over the parapet of the box for a better view. Jango had told the boy to be on the alert, his sense of unease was building. Dooku was chatting with his council as though this were a speeder race and not four beings fighting for their lives. The prisoners were doing well actually, Jango had to give credit to them. Sparing a glance in your direction he saw the concentrated look and then a faint smile.
Obi Wan was still trying to deal with the Acklay, his attempt at spearing the creature only resulted in angering it further. Anakin was having better luck with the Reek and the Nexu was now neutralized. Two down but where were you? Then he heard it, the joyous cheering in the crowd and Anakin's pain ripping through the Force. Glancing up he saw just as your boot disappeared down the serpent's maw. “No!”
Anakin charged with the reek crushing the Acklay and retrieving Obi Wan. Then the Rawl slithered towards all of them. Padme held onto him tightly as the creature reared up readying to strike again. Anakin squeezed her arm, “Don't look angel.”
But the creature stopped. Pausing mid slither, beginning to writhe.
Hacking and sputtering unable to draw breath the beast let out a series of angry hisses. Shaking its head and straightening up before a large wound began bursting from just below it's neck. It fell dead to the ground as the wound got larger, blood and viscera spilling on the sand. Then a hand poked out.
“Uh, Obi Boy if you aren't too busy out there... A LITTLE HELP!”
“Wee One!” Jumping down, Obi Wan reached through the mess to pull you up. Hugging you to his chest in relief he wanted to yell at you for scaring five years off his life. “Have I told you how beautiful you look today, because you are absolutely resplendent.”
Glancing at the approaching destroyer droids you gave him a quick hug back. “Later sweet man, escape first.”
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Dooku felt the stirring in the Force before he heard the lightsaber ignite. Turning he was not at all surprised to see the glaring Head of the Jedi Counci. “Master Windu, how pleasant of you to join us.”
Jango glowered at the Jetii. He knew he should have left when he had the chance. Waiving at his son, Jango didn't want him getting mix in this. “Udesii Boba, Pare!”
Mace narrowed his eyes at the former Jedi. An enemy who had tried to kill his Padawan and grand Padawan. The righteous need to see the man brought to justice nearly clouding his better judgment. Still the disdain rolled through him and took hold in his voice, “This party's over.”
Multiple Jedi began to emerge around the arena, moving quickly to the four prisoners aid. Dooku grinned, how very noble... and predictable. Subtle amusement showed in his tone, “Brave, but futile my old Jedi friend. You're impossibly outnumbered.”
Mace heard the clanking of the droids coming. Glaring at his former college, pure venom in his words, “We'll see about that.”
Jango set loose his flamethrower just as the droids had the Knight distracted. He fell over the parapet but landed on his feet. Another appeared trying to cut down Tyranus, a few shots took care of that one well enough. His boss nodded thanks as Jango reholstered his blaster. Turning to his son he pulled the boy into the vom, “Boba get down to the ship and get ready for take off. Stay hidden and stay away from the fight.”
“But Dad!”
“No buts son, now go.” The boy ran down the corridor, pausing to look back at him. “Go on Boba, I'll be there shortly.”
The arena blurred as the Jedi charged to meet the droid army. You lose sight of Obi Wan and Anakin. The Geonosians bring in sonic cannons blasting indiscriminately, bodies and debris flying everywhere. All around there was pain and death rippling in the Force. No time to think, only to act. Your temper rose unbridled at the suffering surrounding you. Anger boiling over for the Knights and Padawans dying and injured.
Anger at Dooku for his betrayal.
Most of all anger at yourself.
For being too weak, for getting caught...
Reaching out to lift the crumbled column pieces and you began to fling them at the droids. No where to run, no where to hide for either side. Over and over, block after block you crush your opponents. “Come on you pieces of mechanical crap!”
You loosing the rocks across the floor of the arena, bringing others up to help deflect bolts meant for you and your comrades. Shots whiz past your head and you know at some point you will be hit. But there's just no time to be afraid and you are well acquainted with pain already. A steady presence in the Force draws near, like a warm blanket in the cold of a storm, calm and anchoring.
“Young Y/n.” The familiar modulated voice of Master Plo Koon floats through the air. The old Kel Doran stood beside you, surveying at the battle and he starts to direct your shots. “Aim for those cannons.”
Giving a nod you close your eyes in concentration, willing the Force to raise the largest of the pieces to the air. You channel everything you have into rocketing the marble chunk into the weapon. It explodes in fantastic fashion and you raise another to careen into one of the portal entries, blocking it so more droids cannot enter there.
“Well done,” Plo continues to deflect bolts as you work at the stone. The older Jedi knows though that their small group is being herded to a kill zone. He has fought many wars, knows that their position is untenable. “We need to evacuate.”
“Wounded to the middle, form up!” You cried out above the din. Looking around you feel your heart clench. So many dead Jedi, so many wounded, and for what? You had all fallen into Dooku's trap.
You looked to the senior Jedi around you, “What do we do?”
The booming voice of the Count echoed through the arena, “You have fought valiantly Masters, worthy of recognition in the Historical Archives...”
This was all your fault... this was all your fault... if you hadn't been caught!
The guilt races through you like a raging river to swallow you whole. But a hand gently grips your shoulder, one that has never really left you. Glancing up to Master Windu you can see that even in the face of disaster he will never yield. No, even if it were only him left, Master Windu would never cede the field of battle to the enemy. He squeezed and a calm settled over you once more and that very first lesson ran through your mind, “Not Today.”
“...But now it is finished. Surrender and your lives will be spared.” Dooku looked down imperiously upon the rabble below. They were foolish and idealistic as he had once been, never seeing the true power at work. Still they would serve their purpose in the grander plan, for the future his Master so desired. An offered sacrifice for the grander glory of the galaxy.
Order from chaos.
“We will not be hostages for you to barter Dooku!” Mace kept his temper and emotions barely in check. Glancing to the sky he prayed that the signal had worked. Just a few minutes more.
“Then I'm sorry old friend.” Dooku raised his hand ready to give the order to fire.
“I love you Obi Wan.” Closing your eyes you reached your signature to his, holding tight. You glanced at your apprentice, “Anakin it has been my honor to be your Master.”
Obi Wan glanced to you, readying for the fight. “I love you Y/n.”
Just as you were sure that the droids would start to fire there was a rumble through the air.
Padme glanced up, “LOOK!”
“Listen you armored pain in the ass, I don't give a Kark! Just get us down there and stay outta my way!” Glitch's temper reigned. She would not lose you or the other two space wizards that had become as close as family. She'd fight and die if it was called for. “And give me that thing, you'll hurt yourself.”
Deek saw the girl take hold of the Z-6 as if it weren't twice her size and could knock her square to the ground. “Damn it Glitch our objective is the wounded! Stick to the Maker damned plan!”
“Fine!” Glitch held fast to the cannon, “Oiy bucket brigade, make sure we got all the wounded on board before we lift.”
“Maker Kriffing Damn it to Hell Glitch!” If Deek wasn't flying the bird he'd kick her ass.
The troopers were also less than pleased by the woman's antics, “Ma'am it would be better...”
“Kark better!” The ship made a sharp descent and the mad woman gave a sheik. “The gods smile and fly with us today. Now get those wounded aboard and let a Valkar fight.”
The gunships began to circle around the Jedi as the droids began their assault again. You could hear a faint familiar tune and saw the nose art on the little bird as it came around. Looking over at Master Windu your face was incredulous, “You didn't?!”
He shrugged, “They insisted.”
Shaking your head you could hear the high pitched cackle above the din, “Glitch?!”
Mace shook his head as the two of you worked in tandem to block more shots from the droids. “She was quite insistent.”
On another transport Master Yoda directed the inbound craft. He had seen many battles but this, this was murder most cruel. His own apprentice, a boy he had taught and mentored, had caused such destruction. And now it fell to this weary Master to set things to right. First by recovering his knights. “Around the survivors a perimeter create.”
The old Jedi would give these clones credit, they were fine soldiers. The gunners coordinating their fire to take out whole swathes of battle droids. Upon landing the troopers instantly took up positions so that the Jedi could quickly evacuate. Yoda's heart broke at the sight of so few left.
The troopers started to grab the wounded from the arena floor, able bodied Jedi also moving to cover them. A cry familiar and haunting rose through the air sending a chill down your spine. Glitch had let loose such cry on one other occasion, on Norte. She gave it now as you watched her blast into the droids with her rifle. A bone chilling and ancient sound, the cry to war for her people. You shook yourself and organized the wounded onto the craft. “Deek get the wounded out of here!”
“Not without you and Glitch!” The old pilot's face was anguished at the thought of not taking you back. He had made that mistake once and dank ferrik he would not do it again! His heart couldn't bear the thought.
You felt the fear within him. You'd had this conversation many many times. At the end of the day, the needs of the many outweighed anything else. Looking at him softly, knowing that you needed to be strong for your friend, you gave the slightest push with the Force. “We'll get another one. I'll meet you on the flight deck old man.”
“Good Hunting.” There were tears in the old pilot's eyes as he lifted off. He knew you were right, that the troopers and the wounded Jedi on this craft needed him to fly. Deek prayed to whoever was listening, “Please not again, please bring them back.”
There was little time left and none for hesitation. Running across the sand you grabbed Glitch by the scruff of the neck, “MOVE IT YALVABEG! ASSHOLES AND ELBOWS, WE ARE LEAVING!”
Glitch turned to you with a smirk even as she surveyed the area one last time. “Boss you never let me have any fun!”
“Kid I swear I'm gonna refer you to psych again!” Both of you dove into the last transport with Masters' Yoda and Windu. The LA-AT was no little bird, rising so quickly you could feel the fillings in your teeth being pulled by the G forces.
Glitch did a double take looking a the small green being next to her. “Oh, hello again little boss!”
You chuckled to the unamused, bewildered looks from Masters Mundi and Plo. “Glitch focus, need you on the door gun.”
"Yeah yeah yeah. So bossy!" The young woman stuck her tongue out at you even as she took up the position, “You know you're getting boring in your old age.”
“Smartass!” You gave her a playful kick as the ship made another sharp turn and began taking fire. “Shit, hold on!”
“If Dooku escapes, rally more systems to his cause he will.” Master Yoda accidentally clacked his staff on Glitch's foot startling her. “Apologies young one.”
“Not at all Sir.” Glitch couldn't help to like this little fellow, he was calm and confident in command. Wise and not arrogant, reminded her of someone very dear. “You have a mighty heart little Master, Gods be at your side.”
“My ally is the Force, but all assistance will we accept.”
“Where will Dooku go?” Glancing to your own master, “How do we hunt him to ground?”
“I have a feeling that our adversary will make his presence known in time.” Mace gazed upon the battle in progress around them, control of the ground needed to be reestablished if there was to be any hope of victory. “Pilot land at that forward assembly area. Y/n, stay with Master Yoda and track down Dooku.”
Ships were being blasted out of the sky around you and though you could feel Obi Wan and Anakin you weren't sure where they had gone. Looking at your Master, you gave a quick nod. “Yes Sir.”
“Holy Shit! The boss lady listens to somebody?” Glitch winked at Master Yoda, who gave a restrained laugh of his own.
“Pot and Kettle,” Rolling your eyes the LA-AT as it took off for the forward observation post. Upon arrival there was a static transmission from one of the other ships, Dooku had been spotted and they were in pursuit. Commandeering a speeder, you prayed the Force you were fast enough. “Glitch, stay with Master Yoda.”
“No, I'm going with you! We just saved your ass no way are you...”
“Damn it Glitch,” Glaring at the girl you clutched her shoulders in frustration, “I cannot lose any more of them or you.”
Glitch had tears in her eyes silently begging you to take her too.
“Protect them for me, please.” Pleading with the young woman, you needed her safe.
“Y/n, don't.” Glitch so rarely called you by name, always Boss. Some part of her wanted to keep you all at a distance, didn't want that pain again if she lost another friend. But that would be a disrespect to all you had done and how close you'd grown. “I can help, please!”
“You are Tyra,” tucking a stray hair behind her ear, you climbed on the speeder bike. “Listen to Master Yoda as you would me. It'll be alright.”
Yoda watched as you departed, coming to take Glitches hand, “Come my young friend, your wisdom and strength do I require.”
“I doubt there's anything that I have to offer you sir.” Glitch laughed bitterly.
Yoda hummed, “A different foe have I for you, one of greater importance. Come.”
“I don't care, land the ship!” Anakin's mind screamed at the sight of Padme laying motionless on the sand.
“Anakin I need you, come to your senses!” Obi Wan pleaded with the boy. Stars knew he understood better than anyone, seeing the woman he loved injured and thought killed. He knew the gut churning pain, but he also knew his duty. That as badly as it hurt there was a job to do. “What would Padme do were she in your place? What would Y/n do if it were us?”
Anakin searched the Force for his angel, she was alive. Maker he wanted nothing more than to go to her but as Obi Wan's questions sank in he also knew that answer. As hard as the truth was, as harsh as the situation was he would not make the same mistake twice in a day. Scrunching his face in frustration and anguish he looked to Master Obi Wan.
“They would do their duty,” Taking a deep breath Anakin tried to focus, “I'm sorry Master...”
“It's alright, calm yourself.” Obi Wan reached over to squeeze the boy's shoulder. “When this is over I owe you a long talk and a strong cup of tea.”
The craft dropped them on the landing platform, exploding almost immediately as it pulled away. Anakin's eyes went wide as yet three more lives flickered and faded into the greater Force. Why must death be so cruel, why? But there was no time to contemplate such things as he and Master Obi Wan ran into the cavern.
Malevolence enveloped them almost immediately, the air growing thicker the closer they drew. Dooku stood at the controller with his back turned, uncaring that he was trapped with the two Jedi. Anger and grief rolled through Anakin once more, his tone graveled and angry, “You're going to pay for all the Jedi you killed to day.”
Dooku turned slowly to regard the welp, scrawny and overconfident. All the arrogance to befit the grand Padawan of Windu and Dalincort. He gave the two a sickening smile, “And I presume that you have claimed the honor of bringing me to justice... youngling.”
“We'll take him together,” Obi Wan could see that Dooku was attempting to draw Anakin into the fight alone, “You go around...”
Anakin saw the sneer on the old man's face, remembered how he watched as the Jedi were slaughtered in the arena. Then the bastard started to laugh, LAUGH!
Anakin was done being patient. “I'll take him NOW!”
You could hear fighting the minute the speeder landed on the pad. The very air hung heavy; darkness, pain, anger... Hate. Running as though the hounds of perdition were upon you, stomach dropping to your boots. Obi Wan was sprawled on the floor in pain, Dooku had wounded him. Anakin was battling the old saber master, but it was obvious that the Count was toying with the young man. Blocking and parrying several over powered strikes Dooku made his move, turning and efficiently amputated Anakin's arm.
“NO!!!” you screamed.
Dooku grinned, extending his hand to fling the foolish boy across the room. The boy landed at Kenobi's feet with a pained whimper. He would have relished in the sight of his victory more if it weren't for several rocks that came flying at him. Deflecting them away with a brush of his hand, Dooku finally acknowledged your presence. “I see that Windu send his little pet after me.”
“Get. Away. From. My. FAMILY!” Biting out the words you couldn't care to cover the fury in your voice. Extending your arm you pulled the injured men closer to the entrance. The air practically crackled around you, pebbles floated and clattered from your rage.
He had injured Obi Wan....
he had cut off Anakin's arm...
he had killed so many good Jedi today...
“Young y/n, perhaps it's time for another lesson?” Dooku taunted you, tutting under his breath with a sly grin. “Then again you always were a poor student.”
There was a moment where Anakin looked up and he didn't recognize the woman striding across the room. Logically he could see that it was you, but it was as though your body had been possessed by a foreign spirit. A cold dead look of fury... it was terrifying. “Master?”
“Y/n,” Obi Wan tried to reach out to you but your walls were firmly in place. A shot of dread ran through him, bile rising. He had not been present when you had killed the Neimoidian, but he well remembered the fight against the cartel on Talenza. That same detached look, clinical almost if not for the anger in your eyes. Merciful light protect you, “Wee one...”
“I will not let you kill another Jedi today Dooku.” Without turning, moving only to raise your hand catching the saber hilt as it rocketed into your grip from the floor, you glared down the former Master. These feelings within were beyond anger or disgust or sorrow. When you looked at the man you felt nothing, seeing only the shadow of evil that was trying to destroy all around you. A cancer that needed to be excised. Raising your blade you coolly addressed the debauched soul, “Surrender old man.”
“We both know that I won't come willingly.” Dooku threw your own words at you. He couldn't help to admire the tenacity, foolish as it was, “You're outmatched girl.”
Your feet shifted to a starting position, “I have all that I require.”
“So very naïve,” Dooku gazed haughtily at you. “It appears then that this lesson is over due.”
You didn't reply, twirling the blade raising it to ready. There was no urgency in your step, nor stiffness to your body. Slowly entering the enemy's domain, closing space and circling. The air crackled around the room as Dooku extended his blade, red as the blood that stained his hands.
He feigned, beating the edge of his blade against yours trying to provoke you to action.
Tilting your head you slid the edge of the beam along causing sparks, giving a beat in return.
Force for force, blade on blade.
Dooku made the first move sweeping up then countering low. You didn't try for anything fancy simply deflecting and redirecting the move. Again, he thrust the edge of his saber, only for you to twist and block the move. He kept baiting and prodding, yet you would not do more than defend and take more ground. “Come now girl, certainly you can do better. Surely you wish to destroy me for what I've done. You'd like that wouldn't you?”
Another hard blow coming down from above as you felt him probing your mental barriers. Your walls were beginning to fray, and you could feel the cold clutches trying to wreak havoc on your mind. Blocking his saber again you gave a great push with the Force to throw the man across the floor.
“Would you not like to see me humbled before the Council for the harm done to your Padawan?” Dooku landed on his feet, less than gracefully but still in form. He watched to see if his words would add to the storm. He continued to project the most awful of things to your mind trying to break your will. Mental images of your Master dying, of Kenobi dying, of your apprentice crying for help as he too died. All of that which you feared most. A little further he thought, only a little more and the girl will crumble. Dooku shot lightning at you, laughing as he reveled in your cries of pain. “Or have you finally found that you are not what you believe yourself to be?”
“Aaaaahhhh!!!” You screamed in pain and frustration and the barrage continued.
Smirking he set the bolts loose again. Oh yes this did brighten his day to see you suffer. “You are no Knight, you are nothing but a weak little foundling! A cur allowed among the ranks of better beings because of one Council head's attachment.”
“Don't listen to him Y/n!” Obi Wan screamed from across the room, the lightning was so bright that he could barely discern your outline.
“Obi Boy...”
He took in a sharp breath feeling your signature wrap tightly to his. “Wee One?”
“Hey Slemo!”
Dooku paused the electric charge hearing your words. There you stood looking at him defiantly through the pain. How was this possible? Then he realized you hadn't fully taken the shock, channeling it to the ground through your body. Anger rose within him, not the least of which was directed at his own hubris. “So you HAVE learned something...”
“And you have forgotten,” Raising your saber again at the old man, charging forward with a swift low swing at his knees. One two three times blocked to come up for a high cross body strike. You glared over the light of the blades, “You've forgotten who you were! Whom you were supposed to defend! You were a Jedi, you were Qui Gon's Master.”
“You are not worthy to utter his name!” The old man matched your venom at the mere mention of his former apprentice.
So the old man still grieved. Good you thought, two could play at this! “Would he recognize you now? To see what you have become?”
Dooku charged and swung harder this time aiming for your shoulder and neck to silence you. “Qui Gon should still be alive, but instead you two unworthy children...”
“Qui Gon died defending the galaxy from the evil that you embraced!” You parried and kept backing him towards the edge of the cavern space. The old Sith continued to bash at your mental shields continuing his two front assault. You could feel him clawing in, feel yourself weakening with each minute and blow. The dark thoughts that you kept at bey so long rising at his bidding. You would not yield this battle though, giving a scream. “If Qui Gon had lived he would stand against you now! Since he cannot then we will!”
“You and Kenobi are nothing! That boy is nothing!” Dooku had to pivot quickly to avoid the quick footwork and precision of your thrusts and swings. Damn you using his momentary lapse to begin taking ground. Dooku wasn't out of the fight yet, using the Force to hurtle crates at rapid speed while blocking and advancing back at you. “The power of the dark side shall rise to bring order to the Galaxy.”
“Not so long as there is one Jedi left to defend her still!”
Slicing through the crates you continued to fight your way to the corner. Just a bit closer to the power conduit on the wall. Keeping your eyes on the Sith as you got within range. Tipping over a chemical container near the wall, then yanking out the high voltage cables.
“Anakin look away!” Obi Wan tried to cover his eyes as the pool of chemicals sparked off.
There was a flash and a wave of heat as the fumes ignited around the Count, driving you back. Please let this work, sweet merciful Force...
But then the world crumbled around you, nothing but swirling darkness.
You felt as though transported, floating through the coldest void of space until suddenly your body dropped to the ground.
No... this couldn't be?
You were back on Talenza... back to that day. Swirling ash and fire surrounding you, the stench of burnt flesh and death. The bodies of all the Jedi you had ever know strewn about your feet, blood raining from the sky.
Sightless eyes staring at you, mouths moving in tandem....
Why didn't you save us? Why didn't you save us?
Closest to you was Obi Wan and Anakin, again the same words.
Why didn't you save us?
“NOOOOOOO!!!!!” This wasn't real, this couldn't be real, DEAR SWEET MAKER STOP THIS PLEASE!
Pain erupted in your back and head momentarily breaking the hold Dooku had on your mind. The briefest of pauses from the horror. Thrown into the cavern wall to fall to the floor, flung into the rocky surface again and again like a ragdoll.
“Foolish child,” the Sith tutted as he strode closer, untouched by the flame. Raising his hand to continue the scourge. “Did you really think that would work? That you could defeat me so easily...”
The images kept flashing over and over in your mind, until all at once they stopped. As though the light had reached through and pulled you from the depths of the dark. Warmth slowly creeping back into you along with the pain. A familiar voice rang in the cavern as surely as a meditation bell in the Temple, steady and calm.
“Release her.” The paced clacking of a walking staff came to a pause, voice raising again. “Release my Knight!”
Dooku sneered, “Master Yoda...”
Your body crumpled to the floor, blood pounding in your head. The wise old Master looked to you, raising a hand that would stay you from acting further. Not that there was much convincing needed. You reached your signature out to Anakin and Obi Wan, injured but alive. “Obi Boy...”
“I'm here Wee One.”
“I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...” You succumbed to the pain, vision blanking into unconsciousness.
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Yoda looked upon the man before him, twisted in mind and spirit.
No longer the boy he had taught...
No longer the Knight and defender...
“Count Dooku.”
“You have interfered with our affairs for the last time,” The Sith pried and flung multiple conduits from the wall to crush his foe. When that did not prove enough he brought the ceiling of the cave upon the small Jedi's head.
With an nonplussed waive of his hand Yoda deflected the debris. “Our affairs is it? Then truly fallen you have.”
“The dark side has shown me the truth of the galaxy. And my Master has taught me so much more than you ever could.” Dooku glowered at the small being that he had once held in such esteem. One who had held him back and treated him like a child, well no more. He would end his former Master once and for all, “I have become more powerful than any mere Jedi... Even you!”
Lightning arced through the air at the small Jedi but to no effect. Dooku tried again, but with each attempt Yoda deflected or absorbed the volts, appearing unimpressed by the attempt. Similar to when an initiate threw a tantrum in the creche, the old Master kept his countenance calm. Dooku knew better though, that the still waters ran deeper than the ocean worlds.
“Powerful you have become Dooku,” Yoda straightened his posture to more squarely look the man down. "but not wiser."
“How is this possible?” Dooku glared at the small being. Sidious had trained him well, Dooku should be able to defeat the old man easily. He was more powerful, smarter! Anger and fear flashed within him as Dooku continued to reassess his strategy.
“Your ambitions and plans, like leaves in the wind they are,” Yoda's ears turned up as he glared down at his opponent, “Much to learn you still have. Clouded is your mind, to your senses return.”
“It is obvious that this contest will not be decided by our knowledge of the Force, but by our skills with a saber.” He raised his blade, cool anger flashing in his eyes, “Unless you feel unequal to the challenge.”
Parting his robes Yoda drew his saber, “Do you?”
Across the floor Obi Wan was unable do much while injured, Anakin was semi conscious on his leg. They needed to get out of the cavern, there was no hope of lending assistance to Master Yoda in their condition. Concentrating on you signature Obi Wan tried to wake you, “Wee one?”
You face twitched in pain, but still not rousing to consciousness.
“Wee One I need you,” He focused harder, “Please wake up love, please.”
“Obi...” One eye blinked painfully open as you took in a deeper breath. You could hear the clash of sabers beating, glancing over you witnessed something not seen in a very long time. Master Yoda had drawn his lightsaber and was fighting the Count. The normally peaceful and patient Grand Master was beating the fallen Jedi, giving no quarter. Glancing at where Anakin and Obi Boy were you also saw the bleak look in his eyes. “Are you alright?”
“We need to get the boy out of here, can you help pull us over.” Reaching out with the Force Obi Wan moved to where you lay. You were shaking and unfocused, you were scared. Raising a hand to your battered face, Obi Wan's voice shook, "I'm sorry love, I'm sorry for all of it."
"Me too," Leaning into the touch you wrapped your signature to his, at least you were together.
The tears in your eyes begged to set loose, but you refused. For all their sakes you had to hold back, as much as you wanted otherwise. Fortunately the saber had cauterized the wound, but you doubted there was any way of reattaching the arm successfully. The boy was in shock and you did your best to try to ease his pain. What little strength you had would not allow you to do much. Placing your hand to his head you tried to give him peace, projecting that day at the beach on Dantooine, a good memory instead of the fear of now. “It'll be alright Ani-man, just hold on... just hold on.”
Yoda clashed his saber with Dooku's again and again, each blow and move made to disarm his foe. Dooku was strong, but his emotions clouded his judgment. It had been one of the many reasons that he had been denied a seat on the Council. His arrogance and air of superiority over his fellow knights had also been a thorn in many of the Jedi's side. Warning signs seen too late or ignored due to rank? Blocking yet another crippling blow Yoda struggled to hold his guard, “fought well you have my old Padawan.”
“Kind of you to notice, but I think that this contest is soon to end.” Forcing the smaller Jedi away the Count raised his hand to rip the largest of the ducts on the wall away. With all of his might Dooku tried to bring it down on the injured Jedi.
“Y/n!” Obi Wan grabbed your head trying to shield both you and Anakin with his body.
Bounding back from Dooku, Yoda raised his arms in concentration. Even as the Sith laughed and ran to his ship Yoda held the large metal beam fast and with great effort flung it away. Turning just as the portal to the ship closed the old Master glowered. “Finished, this is not!”
“No,” Dooku's voice boomed, “it is just the beginning!”
Udesii, Pare- Easy, Wait
Taglist: @meshlasolus @the-rain-on-kamino @a-rose-of-amber @aquaamethyst96 @stanny-uwu @just-dreaming-marvel @nurseytypechick @in-a-mellow-tone @acatalystrising @pickleprickle @iambored24601 @songoficecreamandfireworks @misscamptl @purplepandora666 @obiknights @moostresskenobi @the-going-merry @ginger-swag-rapunzel @iabrokengirl @lovelyxlily @annasun13 @foxperifoto @supernaturallover2002
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yourheartonfire · 2 years
A few folks have asked about how to establish distinct character voices in dialogue. I'd say for me there are three key things you need to decide that help distinguish voices: 1. Your character's primary value, 2. Your character's main strategy in how they speak to others, 3. What your character wants in this moment and how they intend to get it.
And since everyone's talking about Goncharov (1973) right now, let's do a little scene study and look at the bedroom scene before the poker party. On the surface level the dialogue is simple, even trite. But it's the subtext that reveals character.
Here's a line by line breakdown, dialogue in bold, my comments in italics.
This scene of course immediately follows the involuntary revelation from Andrei that Goncharov knew something about Katya's father's death, a sequence that ends when Goncharov barges into the bedroom and asks:
GONCHAROV: Have you seen my braces?
He doesnt wait for an answer, strips off his shirt and starts putting on a clean one. Katya's thrown off her rhythm, as are we. After all the buildup of Goncharov as this unstoppable force of nature, this is... silly. It's disarming, it's intimate, it's human. (It's also sexy.) Goncharov meanwhile is distracted, doesn't notice Katya's expression in the mirror. It's not until he moves towards her dresser, where the gun is hidden, she says:
KATYA: On the chair.
Because of course she knows where it is. She knows Goncharov so well, yet not at all.
GONCHAROV: Thanks, love.
A rote endearment and a rote kiss on the cheek as he squeezes past her vanity. Such a great bit of physical business - that little squish and the face she makes. Katya puts down her make-up and watches him dress in the mirror. Does she directly confront him? Haha no.
KATYA: Must we really do this?
She presents this behind a bored sigh, as if her real concern were social. This is her strategy: hide her intelligence and fear behind this pouty, playful, spoiled persona, walking a fine line between demanding respect and not being taken as a threat.
GONCHAROV: Eh? Hurry up, we're going to be late.
Goncharov's strategy - ignore what he doesn't want to hear, bull his way forward. With a side of deflecting his own error - his lateness - onto his wife. It's gasoline on Katya's simmering anger. She stands, spoiling for a fight.
KATYA: I said, must we really do this? Why not stay home? Why do things that make us miserable?
I mean, there it is. There's Katya's real question and it flies completely over Goncharov's head. He cannot hear what she is asking him because they are speaking different languages. He assumes she's being a brat and again, brushes her words away.
GONCHAROV: We don't have time for this. What's the matter with you?
If he'd actually meant that, actually took a minute to hear what was wrong... But he doesn't. Vest still unbuttoned, he grabs her and steers her out the door. She lets him, still complaining as he frogmarches her down the hall.
KATYA: Maybe I have a headache. Maybe I need to pin you to the bed and make sweet love to you all night! Stay home and find out.
MARIO AMBROSINI: I'd understand if you take her up on that.
The Russians pull up short. Mario Ambrosini stands (beautifully framed) in half shadow in their living room beside the open door.
Goncharov immediately releases Katya, slips into character as Il Straniero.
GONCHAROV: Mario, my friend, I did not know you were meeting us here!
He embraces Ambrosini, who is notably less comfortable with physical affection than Andrei. Ambrosini prefers to be the one needling people.
MARIO AMBROSINI: I did promise to take you for a ride in the new auto. If you are still coming?
Goncharov turns to Katya.
GONCHAROV: My dear. Do you really have a headache?
There's a sincerity there under Il Straniero's charm. He is offering her the chance to stay home. Katya tightens her lips.
KATYA: I'll get my bag.
She marches off. Goncharov and Ambrosini are left awkwardly together. Goncharov shrugs with smarmy smile: "Women, amirite?". Ambrosini does not smile back.
MARIO AMBROSINI: What if she really wanted to fuck you?
Before Goncharov can answer, Katya returns, purse under her arm and fastening her watch (!) on her wrist.
KATYA: Are we going to a party or are we standing around with our dicks in our hands?
She flounces out the door, Ambrosini jumping to offer his elbow like a gentleman. Goncharov takes a deep breath and follows them.
So there you go. Goncharov's value is establishing his business/power base, his strategy is dismiss/ignore, and what he wants is Katya to fall in line and do what he says. Katya's value is relationships and safety, her strategy is to hide her real concerns behind this big, outrageous persona, and what she wants is to make Goncharov slow down and think. And then of course Ambrosini is a mystery, but I'd say his value is to defend his Naples power base, his strategy is to needle at people's insecurities, and what he wants is to throw Goncharov off his game.
Hope this is helpful to those looking to learn from a great script and a great movie!
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land-under-wave · 2 months
A behind the scenes look at no map to follow
As always, feel free to ask any questions
I started this fic back in November 2021. I actually finished most of it way earlier, but the penultimate scene, where Red has his mini-panic, took a lot of time and revisions. There’s probably half a dozen versions in my drafts. I only got the tone shift to a place where I was happy with it a day or two before I published it (thank god! Was really worried I wasn’t going to make it for a bit). If it’s still feeling a bit rough, that would be why!
This was actually just supposed to be a short fic about Green swanning in and being a jerk and (unfortunately?) developed something resembling feelings in the middle.
The title has three meanings. 1: the very literal idea that Red didn’t provide his specific location, so Green has no map to get there. 2: Red feels like he doesn’t know what to do with himself, so he has no map for adulthood/his future, 3: no map to follow as in “to come afterwards,” as in even after he’s made the decision to come down from the mountain sometimes, that doesn’t make it any easier or tell him what to do with his life. I liked how that shows a future focus.
A couple of the titles I contemplated had to do with The Bear Went Over the Mountain and She’ll Be Coming Around the Mountain (mountain and children associations felt fitting). I ended up looking at some mountaineering vocab and free-associating.
The whole fic spun off my attempt to salvage some of the funny bits of dialogue I wrote for this AU. I thought I’d try to convert it into a series of banter ficlets, wrote part of the last section, and things snowballed from there. Still can’t believe it ended up 6k.
I don’t actually know that much about how charging works and I don’t think I ever saw any delicate-thing charging by Electric Pokemon canonically? But just slot the timing of this in the appropriate place in Pokemon history if so.
The sad interpretation of Green’s particular viciousness in certain places is that he’s afraid to admit he misses anyone because he spent so much time missing his extremely busy and often absent grandfather when he was younger, and it just made him feel powerless and weak. The happier interpretation is that he’s just particularly pissed at Red and so really in top form. Lots of pent up aggression and also wandering for hours on a snowy mountain.
Didn’t want to mention this in the fic because it’s pretty lighthearted, but well. A year with absolutely no communication on a mountain that’s not known to be forgiving, and your mind gets to wondering. Green was generally confident in Red’s survival skills, but there was a faint, niggling fear in the back of his head that he might be looking for Red’s corpse. And another reason he focused on the anger was that if it’s Red’s fault for dropping out of contact, that means Red is alive and deliberately didn’t do it.
The big reason Green’s behavior in the penultimate section is so far off normal is less that he’s changed a lot and more that there hasn’t been any precedent for it in their relationship! Green has really complex feelings about Red in that moment, and they’ve never had any conflicts that lasted long enough for things to get so weird before. It’s a mixture of a long simmering but faded resentment with annoyance that Red’s been super inconsiderate, both of which died down when he got genuinely concerned that Red might’ve died up there, and there’s also a new dose of maturity that Red just isn’t familiar with because he’s used to Green being super bratty and willing to air out grievances immediately. He has basically no precedence for Green actively trying to not to be a dick and trying to get over his pettiness.
Basically, he’s never seen Green try to beat down his worse impulses instead of just being super honest about them, and that plus the unusually complex mixture of emotions on Green’s side ends up putting Green in quiet unreadable mode for once and makes Red go ???
(I feel like someone might say he did end up airing out those grievances — not quite! While he did do it in a not-very-adult way, Green was trying to only air out Red’s “objective” wrongdoings and not his personal concerns. Red’s just used to seeing through him)
What cracks me up is that Green’s perspective of that scene is him losing his temper and ranting like crazy while Red looks at him like an inscrutable hermit and then just cuts him to the root with a single simple sentence. Red seems so infuriatingly cool from the Green version of things while Red was having an internal panic of WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE?
Notice how Green’s visit ends up throwing Red for a loop? That’s a little bit of a tie-in to pyrography, something Red says at the beginning. The thing that Green has always brought to their relationship (even when he was a massive brat), is startling Red out of his complacency and making him realize what he’s been missing on.
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butterflydm · 2 years
wot on prime rewatch: 1x7 the dark along the ways (part 1)
spoilers through the end of season one of the wheel of time. I will do a reblog of this soon after I post it, with additional book-related spoilers.  
1. This cold open and next episode’s cold open are tied for my favorites. This whole scene with Rand’s mom (not mentioning her name because it was never said on-screen) is just so emotional and epic. What a fantastic introduction to this moment in time and I love the way the episode sets us up with most of the scene and then gives us the last bit at the end, when Rand is admitting the truth to himself. Love how much is communicated in this scene without any dialogue.
2. They have set the bar SO high for, ah, this kind of character in the future. The fighting is great and all the emotion we see on the character’s face is great too. She is SO frustrated. She is just trying to give birth here! 
3. After the credits, we’re back in The Ways and Rand started heavily feeding my newly-minted Cauthor shipper heart. He’s so frustrated and passionate about not wanting to abandon Mat. Nynaeve is also insistent on not abandoning Mat and I really love the way that the show has gone with the Mat & Nynaeve relationship. 
4. Rand and Nynaeve are, by far, the loudest voices in saying that they need to open the Waygate back up and get Mat again. Egwene argues that they don’t have the skill or the knowledge, while Perrin stays quiet. Moiraine & Lan have straight-up just walked away to let them argue it out (though I’m betting they wouldn’t have walked too far if the ta’veren hadn’t followed them. It would have been SO pointless to show up at the Eye of the World with no potential Dragons at all). I just love what Josha is choosing to do with his face here as Rand fights against the idea of leaving Mat behind.
5. And we start the first of our Emond’s Field interpersonal conflicts here, between Rand and Egwene, as Rand (who has gone from frustrated to simmering anger to forlorn) says that they can’t leave Mat, and Egwene says that Mat’s the one who left them. And it’s clear how upsetting that is to Rand. 
6. Perrin takes over Mat’s normal peacekeeping duties by trying to pull Rand and Egwene out of their potential fight and get them to re-focus on what their choices are - they can’t open the Waygate themselves, they can’t guide themselves through the Ways... following Loial (and thus Moiraine) is their only choice.
7. The thing that finally gets them moving is Nynaeve promising to Rand that when this is over, they’ll go and find Mat. So, yeah, the show is setting up some narrative promises here that I definitely hope we get some payout on in S2. Rand or Nynaeve finding out about the Red Ajah going after Mat on Moiraine’s word would create SUCH dramatic fireworks, and feel like a very natural way to break any element of trust that might have been built through that point. And I do notice that, for all that Perrin and Egwene are both arguing to leave, they don’t walk off and leave Rand and Nynaeve behind. Again, this is kinda me going back to that original fight between Rand and Egwene where Egwene DID start walking away (saddling her horse, etc). Not sure if the difference here is in Egwene’s feelings about the situation or if the difference is because now she’s arguing against both Rand and Nynaeve, not just Rand. 
8. Even with that, Rand by far takes the longest to actually walk away from the Waygate itself. He stands there and just watches the closed Waygate while everyone else turns and walks away.
9. Moiraine believing that Mat has an inherent darkness in him. :-( But this conversation does set up what Moiraine does in Fal Dara really well. She’s going there knowing that she’s likely going to die. If Mat IS the Dragon, she genuinely believes that the world would be better off without him capable of channeling, so she is trying to fix that in the only way that she believes that she can. It’s misguided in... several ways, and narrative irony demands that it bite her in the ass in S2, but it makes sense, from a ruthlessly logical perspective. And, much like how Rand, Nynaeve, and Mat’s mistrust of Aes Sedai/Moiraine makes complete sense given what they have generally known about Aes Sedai; Moiraine does not know much about Mat! The viewer is in a place of privilege in knowing what these characters are like when they can truly be themselves -- we’ve seen Mat risk his life to save his sisters but Moiraine didn’t see that. We’ve seen what Moiraine personally gave up to continue this fight, but the EF5 haven’t. The viewer is almost always going to know the characters better than the other characters know them.
10. “The one thing that we cannot afford is for the Dragon to turn to the Shadow.” I feel like this is going to get play in future seasons. They’ve definitely already set up this idea as a big theme of the show, and I’m here for it.
11. We get a tiny taste of history about the Ways from Loial, as he mourns the changes that have come over the Ways. We do also get the note that there’s a bottomless pit if you fall off the path.
12. Lan tries to lightly tease Nynaeve to make her feel better and, when that doesn’t work, he straight-out just reassures her that Mat is safer staying in Tar Valon than coming with them.
13. Perrin sees Really Well in the darkness here, which Rand notices. <3
14. Time for a rest break! Loial examines the damaged Guiding while the rest of the group rests (and Lan keeps watch). Resting notes: similar to 1x2, Rand is already lying down and Egwene joins him (though he’s still awake as opposed to before). This time, he welcomes her in for a snuggle as they rest instead of pushing her away. Perrin is watching them, and Nynaeve is watching Perrin watch them. 
15. Interestingly, in their sleep, Egwene and Rand move apart from each other. And time for a Trolloc attack! Impulsively, Rand Egwene channels the Trolloc off the path and into the endless darkness. But channeling means that they’ve drawn Machin Shin to their location and they need to leave the Ways ASAP. 
16. Attack of the Black Wind! I do think that the change from whispering body horror to whispering psychological horror works well, because it gives us some nice insights into where everyone’s head is at, culminating in another big power burst from Nynaeve which I really like because it’s the first time the Two Rivers’ kids have seen her channel. Nynaeve, Moiraine, and Lan work as a team here (not entirely intentionally) in order to save everyone else.
17. I do have some thoughts on the specific fears we see. For Moiraine: she has been given much more visible doubts in the series than she had in EotW -- at least that she ever showed us ‘on-screen’, as it were. This fear here definitely leads right into her trying to confirm the Dragon’s identity with Min and then placing the gauntlet down in front of the Two Rivers’ crew about how this is a suicide mission for any non-Dragons, in hopes that it would make the real Dragon step up and help keep the rest of the kids alive. 
Moiraine has gotten into a place where she is uncertain of the prophecies that she’s been chasing for the past twenty years, where she’s locked into maybe never seeing the person she loves until/unless her personal quest to find the Dragon gets resolved. She’s also had control of the situation yanked out of her hands multiple times already -- with being helpless because of the Trolloc poison, then the situation with Logain trapping her into a place with Aes Sedai politics where she ends up needing to get herself exiled from the Tower, and then one of her potential Dragons just straight-up not coming along. It’s been a rough time for Moiraine.
18. Egwene: impostor syndrome!  From what we saw on-screen, I think Egwene genuinely, whole-hearted believed that she was the most likely Dragon Reborn... right up until the Amyrlin Seat called Nynaeve ‘the most powerful channeler in a thousand years’. So this fear that Machin Shin throws at her really plays off that recent moment that we had with her in the last episode, I think.
19.  Perrin’s is going to go into the spoiler-reblog.
20. Nynaeve and Lan are both having big internal conflicts about wanting to protect the people they care about and feeling like they’re going to fail. They really do have so much in common!
21. Rand’s first fear that we see expressed here is about his fear of abandonment. Something that I feel like it’s kinda implied that the show is really going to dig into in the future. And it does dovetail well with his second fear that we learn later in the episode -- he has to admit to himself that he’s the Dragon. There’s an emphasis there on how he can’t escape his fate. Those two fears are joined tightly for Rand at this point -- that HE is trapped and that he will be left behind because of that trap. Other people will get to escape the trap of prophecy but the jaws will close around Rand and never let him leave. 
22. EVERYONE comes out of the Ways deeply affected by what they heard in there. And Moiraine tries to reassure them but... once again, she gets caught by her inability to lie (curse those Oaths, lol). She can’t actually tell them that what they heard isn’t true, because she’s worried that what SHE heard is true. That she’s leading them all to their deaths. So she has to shift gears and tell them to try to forget what they heard instead.
23. Fal Dara looks cool and I like it. Those are my Deep Thoughts. 
24. Lan’s arrival is treated as a ‘welcome home’ but the reception is somewhat colder for Moiraine and the rest. Lord Agelmar assumes that his sister wrote to the White Tower to ask for aid, aid that he says they do not require, but Moiraine clarifies that she’s not here to help him specifically, and only warns him that the Waygate are being used to transport Trollocs. But before anyone can be sent to guard/watch the Waygate, we have the arrive of the distinct figure of Padan Fain.
25. From the conversation between Lady Amalisa and Moiraine, it sounds like Lady Amalisa visits Min for advice (”The Seer”) and her brother disapproves. So when Min talks about people bothering her for viewings, she’s definitely talking about Lady Amalisa, at least in part. This conversation between the two of them also reminds us that Aes Sedai are meant to be loyal to the Amrylin Seat, as Lady Amalisa points out that, as someone who was not powerful enough to become Aes Sedai, her loyalties lie with Fal Dara. This is another change that I feel like gave the show an opportunity to share information with the audience in a way that wouldn’t feel too randomly expositive and would feel more like it is coming out of natural character interactions.
26. This is also when Moiraine (privately) tells Lady Amalisa to send a message to the Aes Sedai in the White Tower to hunt down Mat Cauthon. I wonder, actually, if this is going to come as a surprise to LAN in s2? Maybe even a moment when Lan redraws some of the lines of his own loyalties more towards Nynaeve and her people? Because he was concerned about Mat too (shown both in his conversation with Moiraine and then with his reassurances to Nynaeve later), and he knows how deeply Nynaeve cares about her people.
27. Wow, the scene of all the characters in the streets of Fal Dara actually shows how closely Rand and Egwene’s clothing matches. Their shirts are different shades of blue but the entire outfits vibe together very well -- reddish-brown trousers, something darker covering the hips, blue shirts. And the deeper blue of Rand’s shirt is closer to Moiraine’s jacket, while the lighter blue of Egwene’s shirt almost matches Moiraine’s (hidden until now) shirt underneath her jacket. But especially comparing them to Perrin and Nynaeve right behind them and the differences are glaring! Definitely appropriate! But very interesting!
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Something something mirrors foils etc. Also, Egwene does a good job making Rand look as tall as he’s supposed to look. lol, it cracks me up that he sometimes doesn’t look as tall as he should because Perrin and Mat’s actors were also hella tall. Also, by making Egwene’s belt Very High and putting Rand’s Somewhat Low, they’ve put them around the same waistline level, despite the differences in their actual heights. 
28. Egwene’s first guess for what’s bothering Rand is that he’s still worrying over Mat. Aww. And only second does she guess the Wind.
29. Perrin super-senses moment #2 - he spots Padan Fain. Nynaeve tells him that it couldn’t be Fain, because he died when the Trollocs came. And I think I will wrap up here, before we get to Min and her viewings. 
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bettsfic · 2 years
IMO the problem with TCW is that Anakin is that he's not really movie!Anakin but a 'combination of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo' (which is what Filoni advised Matt Lanter to give during his audition). I tend to think of it as TCW!Anakin is a bro but movie!Anakin is a nerd.
i have.......a lot of thoughts about this.
for the first few seasons of tcw, anakin being ooc really irked me. but i thought about it and it really seems like instead of expanding on anakin skywalker of the prequels, filoni instead expanded on darth vader of the original trilogy. sometimes it seemed like instead of trying to add to the story of the prequels, he was trying to fix the prequels.
that's my kind interpretation. my less kind interpretation is that he took everything traditionally feminine out of prequels anakin. the prequels, to me, have always been a story for gifted girls: you have a character whose emotions are constantly being repressed and invalidated by systemic forces, who is so naturally talented that those systemic forces are terrified of him and try desperately to keep him obedient and compliant. at no point does prequels anakin care about the plot; he cares about the people he loves. tcw anakin, however, is all plot and no feelings. aside from the rush clovis storyline, it's like he and padme don't even know each other. obiwan is just a coworker. tcw was decent at developing individual character arcs but seemed to completely disregard the idea of relationships as something that could develop conflict. obiwan fakes his own death and anakin is mad about it for all of like, half an episode. there's barely any emotional consequence to anything.
it's interesting that you say filoni directed lanter to sound like luke and han, because prequels anakin has an extremely unique vocal cadence, and that above all other things made him ooc to me. prequels anakin nearly always speaks in couplets, and his language is often stilted and rigid. many people mistook this as bad writing, but his dialogue is written the way darth vader speaks. and to just completely disregard that is so sad to me, because prequels anakin is so carefully wrought and so unique as an action movie protagonist.
not to mention, you know, anakin spends most of attack of the clones afraid his mom is going to die and submitting to padme. there's a whole scene where he gets all weepy and begs her to love him. he offers to do anything for her. tcw anakin might as well not be married for all it impacted the story. (and that pisses me off so bad, like...secret marriage?? it's such a delicious trope??? and he did NOTHING with it.)
in all 3 movies, anakin's emotions are always simmering below the surface. he's dramatic. he's whiny and immature. he has absolutely no control over himself. he's always in a state of inner conflict and turmoil, because he's always in an environment in which he feels he has to perform the role of jedi. hayden's performance is so brilliant. every time i watch the prequels, i'm really in awe of what he managed to accomplish emotionally while maintaining the wooden vader dialogue.
tcw anakin has no conflict except the story arc of the episode he's in at any given time. nothing that happens affects his emotional trajectory. even when ahsoka leaves the order, he's just like "aw shucks" and moves on. his hair is the only thing that grows.
near the end, tcw anakin does get angrier (and larger) but it's still not the same anger of prequels anakin. prequels anakin is desperate and terrified and honestly a little pathetic. tcw anakin is just a kind of an asshole.
and obiwan...you could replace obiwan with nyan cat in every scene and it would have no effect on the events of the story. he feels one (1) emotion and that's when satine dies, but that emotion has no plot consequences. in other words, the great failing of tcw for me is that the plot affects the characters, but the characters don't affect the plot. plot-driven characters, not character-driven plots. and even though i feel like my personal tastes are pretty wide, i'll just never enjoy stories that prize plot over character.
by the end i liked the clones and ahsoka's development. i loved how often bad guys had to go up against bad guys (the fight between sidious and maul...i was screaming). but for me to get there, i had to totally divorce it from my interpretation of the prequels and look at it for its own merit, the way i do with fanfic.
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
Do you remember the Anime Cutscenes from Ultimate Custom Night? The ones with Samurai Freddy and Foxy? There's a theory that its a parallel to Michael and Evan. It had me thinking. What if Evan, somehow learned/knew how to fight, and fought Michael, only for Michael to defeat him everytime. What do you think?
People are gonna get sooooo sick of me talking about this au, but. Silent protector au, the good ending. That really makes me think of Evan-- Evan, who is sick of being hurt, Evan who is a scared little kid with (ghost) powers that respond to his fear and anger and make him stronger than is safe for any little kid. Evan, who despite all this power, can't stop Michael from possessing Fredbear and can't hurt or scare Michael away once his soul wakes up. There's definitely a several week-long (if not longer) period where Evan is desperate to get rid of Mike, trying to use everything he's learned from the night guards in how to scare/hurt people to force Michael away, but nothing works. Michael is a ghost now, not a living person. No matter how hard Evan fights, he just can't get anywhere. He can't save himself or his new friends.
Even outside of that au, there's just something so haunting about a little kid trying to stand up against his abuser (lets be honest, that's exactly what Michael was when they were kids, even if Michael wasn't aware he was taking it that far) but getting knocked down again and again, further and further each time.
I read the actual translations of the dialogue from the cut scenes once, and I remember that a few of the lines made me think of Evan, though I don't remember which ones exactly. That being said, I'm not sure the cut scenes work as an *exact* one to one parallel, at least not while Evan is still alive. While alive, Evan was still so small and timid, and I can't see him "fighting" in ways other than small, quiet acts of rebellion. Buut, I really do think it could work in terms of Evan being a ghost who was left to simmer alone in his own fears and agony and learns to fight back. Especially if you view golden freddy in fnaf 1 as being Evan's spirit rather than Michael’s hallucinations-- then you have direct evidence to point toward Evan being violent (jumpscares).
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outlaw-baby · 5 months
okkkaaayyy here's another little something. i just watched all of the bear, probably inspired by the dream i had (yk the one where i felt an intense crush towards carmen from the bear mixed with a professor I TAed for its whatever). here is how i want season three to start:
first off it opens with gay sex. thats fucking right carmen?? carmy?? he's fucking a man [salute emoji]
there's basically no context at first but jeremy allen white is acting his fucking ass off getting into this sort of fumbling, messy gay sex. there's some typical awkward dialogue, carmy is a little self deprecating, it's a little tender. they stumble through carmen's spare apartment, trip on some jeans idk. for a minute he's a little relaxed
that's right bisexual reveal ep 1
NEW YORK appears on screen
yes it is a sort of prologue, no fucking context on opening night bby but guess the fuck what? we do know carmy is biSEXUAL INNIT. and odds are good they'll pull some shit like this just watch (too cowardly to make carmen bi ofc)
i imagine the first sex scene has a funky song playing in the back and when we transition from "NEW YORK" to, ya, the kitchen there is a jarring lack of noise.
there is only the subtle clicking of silverware and the lightest sound of carm breathing as he's hovered over a plate with tweezers arranging things just so
the breathing, controlled steady, juxtaposes ofc his breathing during his gay sex
side note i will accept now that carm is bisexual and maybe there's something happening with sydney but also maybe jeremy allen white shouldn't be allowed to kiss ayo, have we considered that? so he can pine infinitely as she realizes she deserves better :)
Back to it, capital C Chef is revealed to be hovering over carmy's shoulder insulting him etc etc
i imagine much of the episode is a sort of day in the life at this restaurant, close up shots of elaborate food, finnicky plating, the ever looming presence of this guy who fucking seethes with hating carmy
during a smoke/panic attack break in an alley carmen is confronted with Chef who like pushes him against the wall, stands uncomfortably close and whispers insults into carmy's ear. carm only replies with yes chef. there are some uncomfortable seconds as we are so close up to jeremy allen white's face (is it just me or can u just like not look too close at the guy for too long?). anyways noise wise the chaos of the city (since it has been silent save for breathing and dialogue) slowly creeps in more and more and more until it is overwhelming and becomes piercing white noise
quick cut to the quiet, clicking calm of the kitchen
i imagine the actual running plot is that carm is being blamed for a kitchen related problem (he is verbally abused for his lack of focus by Chef). something along the lines of a new gelatin thing has to be made bc they can't find the old one and things are running late but it is the eerie calm of simmering anger.
"You fuck up everything," hisses chef. click, click, click and the kitchen runs on
The reveal will be the gelatin thing was behind something the whole time. the viewer definitely sees it but carmy does not. i think it is implied that either a) Chef did it or b) another lower case c chef did it bc of a sort of toxic jealousy within the ranks (despite carmy being abused) or c) and perhaps most interesting is that it was someone else's over site, just an accident, a mislabel but we see the correct label on the back or it just fell to the ground and carmy meanwhile blames himself
but it is mostly atmospheric, meant to hypnotize, meant to get you into the rhythm of this kitchen that is almost soothing, so cool and clean and finessed as to be sacred only for this toxic, leeching presence to ruin any sense of calm
the guy carmy fucked texts again, a scene at night with carmy in his apartment, but carmy throws his phone, screams and crumples to the floor.
cut to carmy crumpled on the floor similarly in the fridge still
Episode ends with carmy's inglorious release from the fridge and who is it but a handsome refrigerator repair man named terry?
The season arch is all abt carmy re-embracing his bisexuality after repressing it due to the toxic homoerotic work place abuse he faced which makes sense thematically IMO as the s2 ending shows him falling into a spiral abt how he can't have relationships and love
In typical bisexual fashion he awakens his relationship with hero terry while also realizing the deepness of his feelings for sydney but too bad she is Not interested but he can experience that ig and in the end his respect and love for her allows their platonic relationship to be stronger
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aomine-ryo · 3 years
I can't think of a specific scene, but I just want some angst with Tatsuya please!! Thank youu ❤️
Haha it pained me to write this,, I might’ve cried a bit while typing out some of the dialogue lmao idk why I went so hard with the angst 😭 it’s so long as well ajsjsk
Anyways, I hope you like it!! xx
Scenario: Himuro moving away
gender neutral reader
All good things seem to come to an end. All your life, you were painfully aware of this fact. You tried making some exceptions, but they just proved you wrong in the end. So why did you think Himuro was any different?
You and Himuro clicked almost instantly ever since he moved into town and into the house right next to yours. It was your typical cheesy boy next door love story, but it still filled your life with colour.
The two of you began as friends, spending an awful lot of your time together— walking to and from school, study sessions and just plain hanging out. But by far, your favourite thing to do with Himuro was climb up to the roof of your house and stare at the stars together. You’d think that with the sheer frequency of your visits to the roof that either of you would get tired of it, but you never did. The stars never failed to fascinate you. Moreover, you had memories attached to the place. This was where Himuro confessed to you for the first time. You remember it like it was just yesterday.
“... and then I slipped on one of the steps and landed on Atsushi and everyone looked horrified,” Himuro recounted his awful experience that day as you tried to hold back your laughter.
However, the imagery of it only made you laugh even harder, “How are you that clumsy?” you said between laughs, clearly mocking him.
Himuro clicked his tongue in annoyance and slapped your arm lightly. “Stop laughing. I could’ve really gotten hurt, you know,” he said, not taking his eyes off of you for a moment, even after you had simmered down and looked back up at the sky.
“Sorry, sorry. I’m glad you’re okay. But you’re just really stupid sometimes,” you smiled, meaning every word you said.
Himuro just rolled his eyes as a response before a silence fell between you two. It wasn’t awkward nor uncomfortable, the two of you just embraced each other’s presence like it was second nature.
“Hey, Y/N,” Himuro said, breaking a five minute long silence after fighting the nerves by himself.
“Mhmm?” You hummed, looking over at him and realising that he seemed unusually on edge.
“What if I told you that I liked you?”
You felt your heart skip a beat at the sound of those words before your rational thinking came into play. “Well, I wouldn’t be surprised because you’re supposed to like me. You’re my friend, after all.”
Himuro visibly hesitated for a moment before deciding to go for it. “No, I mean more than in a friend type of way.”
You felt yourself freeze up as you tried to process what you had just heard. “Oh,” was the only thing you could muster.
A few seconds of silence passed as Himuro grew more and more nervous. “Should I have not said anything?”
You still didn’t say anything as your mind tried to come to some form of coherent thought. “What if I told you I liked you back?” you finally said, so nervous that you were unsure if he had even heard you.
He certainly did though as his eyes lit up and a gentle smile fell upon his face. He didn’t plan this far ahead. Now that he had gotten his answer, his mind was in a frenzy. “Can I kiss you?” he asked you softly since it was the only thing he could think of to do at that moment.
Without missing a beat, you nodded your head yes. And on that roof, under the stars, was where you and Himuro kissed for the very first time.
Ever since that night, the two of you would be all over each other. Of course, the change in titles was a bit awkward at first, but for the most part, the way you acted around each other wasn’t all that different. You’d still argue over your favourite tv show characters, you’d still laugh at each other’s jokes and you’d still meet up on that roof together. So really, nothing changed except that the two of you would hold hands and kiss every now and again.
It was perfect to you. You both really did love each other to the point where you could barely imagine a world without the other in it. Everything came so naturally with Himuro that it was so incredibly easy. You’d really never felt this way with anyone else before.
No one else around you was surprised when the two of you started dating either. When Himuro told Murasakibara about it a few days after you two got together, he even said, “Oh you two weren’t already a thing? Congrats, I guess.”
A little over a year had passed since you two began dating and things were going smoother than ever. Well, that was until one evening when the two of you were walking home after school.
“Hey Y/N, I kind of have to tell you something,” Himuro said, his voice softer than usual, making you stop swinging his arm playfully out of concern.
“What is it?” You questioned.
“Um, well, it’s kind of hard to say this, but I’m moving,” he said, avoiding eye contact out of nervousness.
Your heart sank as you stopped in your tracks, forcing Himuro to stop too. “Moving? Where?” you asked, bewildered.
“Back to America. My dad got transferred again, so we gotta move,” he explained, hating how pained your expression was.
You felt tears prick your eyes as you processed the fact that this was actually happening. “When are you leaving?” you asked, praying that it was a faraway time like next year.
“Next week.”
You felt everything shatter around you. The wind that blew your way draining the warmth out of you entirely. “But they can’t just move him away so suddenly! Surely there are documents and other processes he needs to sort out,” You argued, trying your best to convince yourself that you could keep Himuro for just a little longer.
“No, it’s all confirmed. Most of the stuff at home is even packed up,” Himuro said, trying to fight back tears of his own as he brushed his hair out of his eyes in frustration.
“Oh,” your voice cracked as tears streamed down your face. “So how long have you known?”
“About a month now. I was just trying to figure out how to tell you—“
“A month?” You exclaimed, raising your voice ever so slightly as you felt a wave of anger flow through you. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
“I didn’t know how. Plus I knew you’d get all sad and I didn’t want our last few days to be spent with you crying,” he explained, reaching his hand out to your face so that he could wipe the tears away.
He was quickly shut down by you swatting his arm away though, making him furrow his brows in confusion.
“How do you think this is any better?” You snapped. “I thought we told everything to each other. Now there’s no fucking time to do anything, do you realise that?”
“I do, but—“
“Save it, Tatsuya,” you cut him off as you wiped your tears away with the back of your hand. “I just need some space.”
Just like that you stormed away, deciding to walk back home alone and leaving Himuro behind, confused and hurt. He knew that you weren’t actually mad at him. He knew that you were just lashing out your frustration onto him because there was nothing else you could blame. He knew that. But why did watching you walk away cause an ache in his chest?
Himuro let you have the rest of the day to yourself. He did send you a few texts asking how you were holding up, but they got no response. In any other situation, he would’ve just walked right over to your house and checked for himself, but something told him that he was the last thing you wanted to see, despite the time crunch.
Himuro didn’t see you nor did he get a reply from you the next day either. By the time the evening rolled around and he had heard nothing from you, he decided that it was enough. If he didn’t do anything now, the last memory he’d have of you would be your anger.
The raven haired boy walked over to your house and knocked on the door. Your mum let him in with a smile, not thinking too much of it since she was so used to having him over. When Himuro entered your room, he found you simply just laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling with a blank expression.
“Y/N, are you just going to ignore me until I leave?” Himuro asked without even greeting you first.
You immediately sat up at the sound of his voice and stared at him from across the room. Now that you had run out of tears, you had slowly come to terms with the fact that he was actually leaving and you couldn’t really blame him. Your anger was uncalled for, but you didn’t want to admit it, not that Himuro was expecting you to anyway.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, voice raspy as though you’d just finished crying.
Himuro sighed as he felt his tension simmer down. He came in here expecting to tell you off, but it seemed like he didn’t need to do that after all. “You don’t need to apologise,” he said calmly as he walked over to your bed and took a seat next to you, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “Would you like to go up to the roof?”
A small smile fell upon your face for the first time in a while at the comforting words as you nodded in response.
Himuro took your hand and held it tight as the two of you headed up to lie down at your usual spot.
There was a full moon that night. Of course, the stars seemed inferior to the sheer brightness of the moon, but the night sky was still as gorgeous as ever. The two of you laid in silence for a moment to fully take in the sight. As you finally felt comfortable again, you noticed that you ended up matching your breathing with Himuro’s without even thinking of it.
“Do you really have to leave?” You said, directing your focus to your boyfriend, who was now more important to you than all the stars in the sky.
“I’m afraid I do,” he answered, squeezing your hand tighter.
“Can’t you just live with me? I’m sure my parents won’t mind. It seems like they love you more than me anyways,” you suggested, tone dead serious.
You watched as Himuro laughed at your idea. You could never get tired of his laugh. It was so soft and lovely that it made you want to capture it in a bottle and keep it all to yourself. “I wish I could, but my parents would kill me if I even tried asking them now. They’re so stressed about the move and I absolutely do not want to interfere,” he said, the moonlight making his dark eyes sparkle.
You took a deep breath as a moment of silence passed you by. Every part of you hurt to be with him, knowing that you weren’t going to see him again. It was a surprise that you could even talk to him normally without bursting into tears.
“Do you think we should call this quits?” You asked him, your fingers fiddling around with his.
“Call what quits?”
“Us. This relationship,” you clarified, looking at him with wide eyes. “There’s no way we can do long distance, especially after being so used to seeing each other every day.”
Himuro went silent for a second as he thought it over. This really fucking hurts. He hated thinking about it but this was the reality. “Yeah, I guess it’s for the best,” he said.
You were fully aware that you were the one that suggested it, but now hearing him say that triggered the tears all over again. “Cool,” you croaked as you did your best to fight back the cries. It was useless though, because you quickly became a sniffling mess next to Himuro.
“Hey, come on, it’ll be okay. We can go back to being friends. I’ll text you,” Himuro paused to wipe away his own tears, “I-I’ll text you every day. And we can call, and play video games, whatever you want.”
Himuro shifted over and rested on his elbow so that his other hand could wipe the tears off of your cheeks. His tender touch sent butterflies to your stomach as you felt your heart ache. His hand moved up to brush through your hair, bringing some form of familiar comfort which slightly calmed you down.
“Promise that you’ll still be my best friend?” you asked him with your shaky voice.
“Of course. Who else is going to tell me that I’m stupid every day?” he joked, making you laugh through the tears.
“Can I ask you for a favour?” You said softly.
“It’s not going to be to stay, is it?”
You giggled once again as you shook your head. “No, it’s not,” you said as you sat up.
“Alright then, shoot.”
“Well, I know we’re back to being friends now, but can you kiss me? Just one last time?”
Both of you hated the finality of those words, but that was simply the reality of the situation. Himuro smiled and nodded, “Of course.”
He leaned in, pressing his familiar soft lips against yours in the softest way possible. He could feel the hot tears trickling down your cheeks. His hand moved to wipe them away as your fingers wandered into his silky dark hair. You didn’t want this moment to ever end. The feel of his lips against yours, the way he held you so carefully, the taste of the chapstick he applies to combat the coldness of your town— you didn’t want to say goodbye to it. You didn’t want to say goodbye to him.
Eventually, he had to pull away, knowing that the longer it went on, the more difficult it would be to end. “Satisfied?” he asked you with a smile, wanting to move away from the seriousness of this situation.
“I suppose I am,” you said with a sigh. “First and last kiss on this roof, huh? How poetic.”
“Hm, I didn’t even think about that,” Himuro said, realising how absolutely bittersweet that kiss was.
Another silence fell between the two of you. You didn’t need to say anything to know that the other was savouring these last moments together.
“Hey Tatsuya,” you said as both of your gazes were fixated on the sky once again.
“Yes, Y/N?”
“I’ll miss this.”
“Me too,” he muttered before the two of you went quiet again.
“Hey Tatsuya,” you spoke again after a few minutes.
“Yes, Y/N?” he replied, your name rolling off his tongue in the same sweet way as it always would.
“I’ll miss you.”
Himuro took a deep breath and ignored the break in his heart. There was nothing else he could do.
“I’ll miss you too, Y/N.”
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captainelliecomb · 3 years
WIP Wishlist Round Six
Themes in this list: Jaime/Brienne and my masochism when it comes to old WIPs. I blame the J/B fandom as always. Why did you punish me like this?
Round one, two, three, four, five
The Queen's Godswood by the1before (13,028 words, last update 05 June 2018) Summary: "Hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works." - Unknown. Brienne holds the difficult position in navigating between the two...especially with Jaime Lannister next to her.
Things I love: Queen Brienne (first as Robert's wife and then as queen by her own right), Brienne the (at least somewhat) secret Targaryen, her love for and care of the Godswood at the Red Keep, the love and anger and desire that simmers between her and Jaime, and that cliffhanger in the last chapter. I want more of this but I also want to read so many different people's takes on that setup, the cliffhanger is that good.
The Adventures of Brienne & Myrcy by the1before (6,978 words, last updated 14 Aug 2018) Summary: No summary.
Things I love: Brienne turns into a dragon. Literally. Into a dragon. I need no other reason to love this, but she also has a delightful protective friendship with Myrcella. (There is a short, complete sequel to this in as much as it is the season seven Dragon Pit scene turned on end because Brienne was sworn to Myrcella for so long, stayed with the Lannisters after, and TURNS INTO A DRAGON. Did I mention that part? Zaldrīzes buzdari iksos daor. Summary: A dragon is not a slave.) I also want to read different takes on Brienne literally turning into a dragon. (Possibly she is a dragon that turns into a human, but either way. Brienne becomes a literal dragon.)
Heart That Matters More by dancinginthecenteroftheworld (306,320, last updated 27 Aug 2021) Summary: What if Westeros were an adorably twee small town where nobody died and all problems were resolved in a happy way? If you read my November prompts and Advent fic, this is that universe. Will included re-written/expanded prompts in chronological order plus new content.
Featuring vets Asha and Brienne, Sansa the matchmaker, dumbass Robb Stark, Rickon and Shireen's amazing chemistry, Dany the crazy lizard lady AND MORE. If you want realism and complexity, don't come here. If you want to pretend we're not all living through a dumpster fire of a timeline and see characters you love be happy with mild angst that gets resolved so everyone's happy again, read on.
Things I love: That this updates so frequently, which is a little bit cheating to include it on this list. Brienne slowly building friendships. Rickon and Shireen's actual amazing chemistry. Ridiculous festivals, lots of gossip, and warm and loving friends and families.
To Reach for Spring by Kadi219 (173,394 words, last updated 01 Jan 2020) Summary: Picks up near the end of 8x04 and then becomes decidedly AU. The army of the north heads for King's Landing to save the realm, rather than burn it.
Things I love: The writing style, the pacing and word choice, the dialogue, the characterisations of pretty much everyone, Brienne the secret Targaryen (I love that premise every single time I see it), a strong answer to why Selwyn Tarth never leaves his damn island, better battle plans and politics than we saw in S8 in particular and throughout most of the show, really, Brienne, Sansa, Arya, and Danaerys coming together to change the world, women supporting women, and the plain fun of it. Kadi219 has engaging writing and storytelling styles.
it's not much (but my money's on you) by jellyb34n @nossbean (47,399 words, last updated 09 Sep 2021, 9 chapters posted out of 18) Summary: Brienne knocked again. Then she leaned on the bell.
Inside, faintly and getting louder, “For the love of the fucking Seven.” Lannister threw the door open. He blinked, tipped his head up to meet Brienne’s eyes. He was in loose plaid pyjama bottoms, and was still tugging down a white t-shirt. His hair was mussed, his stubble a golden shadow against his tan skin, and he blinked again at her blearily under his frown. He somehow still looked good, damn him, and it only served to make her feel even more irritable.
“Mr Lannister,” she said crisply, and she waited not a beat before shoving past him, right into his home uninvited. She hadn’t ever been so pushy, with a representative or otherwise, and it made her feel twitchy on top of everything else. But from their brief meeting, she suspected pushy was the only thing Lannister might respond to, so she’d steeled herself for it. She said over her shoulder, “We have four hours to prepare you.”
“Ms — Tarth, is it?” Lannister said, snide, behind her. “Please. Do come in. Make yourself at home. In my home. It isn’t like I was sleeping. It’s just half fucking five in the morning. On a Saturday.”
Things I love: Behind the scenes for politics, the friendships, particularly Jaime, Elia, and Rhaenys, Brienne's characterisation and voice, Jaime's sharp humour and intelligence set against his soft heart (he is made for love), the incredible sexual and romantic tension between Jaime and Brienne, Lyanna Mormont in all her glory, Missandei's intelligence and wit and competence, Pia's role -- everything, pretty much everything.
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spookyswhore · 4 years
What You Gonna Do When They Come for You? (Oscar Diaz x Reader)
Summary: Creating a new life from Freeridge may have been more of a nightmare than a blessing. After a life altering decision, what you gonna do when they come for you?
Word count: 2.7k
Author’s Note: this is a request from @tinnadh7 , hope you like. Sorry I’ve been away for so long between graduating and going to college everything has been stressing me out lol
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Freeridge still looked the same as it did before you left. Shit, it even smelled the same too. Cigarettes, alchohol, and 15 years later, you were now back in town after your move to New York. Right after your high school graduation, you moved out of state to New York to pursue your dreams of becoming a detective. Watching crime shows like The First 48 and Cops (and singing very passionately to the theme song) only put that final nail in the coffin and cemented your decision to become a part of the police force. Now here you were sitting on your older sister’s couch, a glass of wine sat chilled in your hand and you were clad in a sweater and some sweats with your hair in a ponytail. She lived in Brentwood, maintaning the life you were struggling to build, on your end. Her huge house, quiet neighborhood, and peace were all some things you wanted to acquire at some point in your life. That point is just not now.
"What are you doing here?" Your sister asked. By the tone of her voice, you could tell she wasn't exactly the happiest to see you. After you left, you lost contact with everything and everyone that was involved with Freeridge, which didn’t really sit right with her. After all, family was everything.
“I need somewhere to stay…” You said. You silently hoped that she would let go the grudge she held against you for the last 15 years and not be petty enough to not accpet her sister into her home. You both were raised on ‘Family First’ and you had no idea whether she was going to go against all that you were raised on.
“I’m not going to stay here forever. I just- I just need somehwere to lay low for a few days. I’ll find an apartment. I did something bad and not I’m in some shit that I can’t really explain right now..” You said as your pleas began to fade. You so badly wnated to fill your sister in all of the stuff that happened in the time that you were gone but right now you had no idea what to do and you didn’t want to put her or her newborn in jeopardy.
“Aren’t you some cop or something. Do that stuff that you guys do and you’ll be fine.” She said, completely dismissing you.
“It’s not that simple. I know you don’t really like me right now but just, please, can I stay here? I won't be in your way. I just need a little bit of time to figure this shit out.” You teared up as your voice broke. You hated the unknown and you were really scared of the shit you were caught up in and you didn’t know if you were going to make it out alive.
Your sister took a deep breath. You could see her internal dialogue spread across her face as she tried to decipher whether she’ll let you in or not. After a hot second, she shook her head of her thoughts and looked at your distraught state.
“Yeah. Sure. But I swear if you bring this shit to my home-.” You cut her off.
“I’m not. Thank you.” You got up and hugged her. “Now..” you smirked at her. “Can I meet my nephew?”
She laughed at your question. “Yes you can.” You followered into his room and never seen or experienced anything so heartwarming. The way his little beady eyes gleamed at you and the way his tiny little hand wrapped around your finger just melted your heart completely. She then showed the extra room she had, where you’ll be staying you thanked her again, bringing her into a teary eyed hug.
You woke up at noon with a sweat. The events that led you to your current state plagued your mind and your dreams as you slept and only left you a wet mess, breathing heavily in anxiety. You threw the covers off of your sticky body and trekked youself towards the bathroom and noticed your sister set you up with a fresh set of clothes throughout the night. Silently thanking her, you made a mental note to get a job and save up enough money to get you a whole new wardrobe, seeing as you literally had to get up and go and you were going to be in Freeridge for a while. Once you finished showering, you threw on the fresh set of clothes. In the middle of doing your hair, your stomach made the iconic sound that everybody loves and knows to be a whale call, indicating that you have eaten in the last 36 hours. Between spending money for transportion and paying for food at any diner that was closest to you, you were flat out broke. You began to walk down the spiral staircase, taking note of the white marble and planning to put it in your “future house items’ list. Only hearing the sound of your footsteps as you drew closer to the fridge, it was only right that you assumed you were the only person awake right now, not knowing that your sister’s husband had to get up this early too. Only difference was… he had a job. Rummaging through the fridge with a piece of toast after what seemed like two minutes, at least to you, you were startled by a deep voice.
“Excuse me? Who are you?” He said. You moved your eyes quckly side to side, trying to conjure up a response good enough to not make you look stupid.
“Uh, who are you?” You said, straightening up from being bent over in half, with a gallon of orange juice in your hand.
“I...” he said as he took a few steps closer, “...am Melissa’s husband. Now again who-”. He got cut off by the deadpan tone of your sister’s voice.
“Sean, who are you trying to intimidate now- oh.” Your sister’s words get cut off as her eyes land upon the situation she was absolutely dreading between her sister and her husband. She thought she would be able to put it off and hide her sister long enough to come up with a reasonable explanation to explain to her husband as to why there’s an extra person in this house.
“Yeah. Oh. Who is this?”
“This is my sister.” She said, taking long strides to stand next to you.
“Sister? You never told me you had a sister.” You stood there very awkwardly looking between your sister and her husband. Melissa started fiddling with her fingers and you saw the gears start rotating in her brain. So, calling onto your sisterly duties, you decided to relieve your sister of the stress and explain the long story yourself. After a lengthy 5 minutes, a dark grey cloud of silence loomed over everyone. For a second, you saw a look of pure rage engross her husband’s face but maybe it was your paranoia. Your sister and her husband looked at you, eyes wide in disbelief but you didn’t stay long as you turned and and made your way out of the door. You needed some fresh air anyways. Your legs took you farther and farther away from the house as you made your way towards somewhere that wasn’t the cringey feeling that encapsulated your sister’s home.
Great apprehension crept up in your body as you grew closer and closer to a home you’d never thought you’d see again. The memories you made with the Diaz residence when you were younger flooded your mind. The sexual thoughts you held sacred in your mind about Oscar had gotten interrupted by Oscar’s tall frame standing in front of you. During the time that you were friends, you developed a bit of a crush that only you knew of. It was imperative that you, in the name of the wellbeing of your family, would never get romantically involved with Oscar. With him being this infamous gang leader, it would just end very badly for every loved one in your life. As much as you saw through his machismo exterior and saw him as the loyal, caring, protective man, all of that had to be thrown out of the window as you stood in the present.
“What are you doing back over here?” He nodded. Not being the shy, little high schooler you once were, you sized him up, matching his intimidation. But don’t get yourself wrong, the rapid beating of your heart and the throbbing in your core was almost enough to have you start seeing wedding bells.
“You know, I REALLY don’t think that is any of your business. Bold of you to question me, isn’t it? Got a problem?” Your cop instincts kicked in as you and Oscar stood with your eyes locked with each other. His eyes faltered for a bit in defeat then darkened with what you assumed to be lust. It was then that he didn’t respond but let off but a smirk, small enough for you to see, as he walked away. Shaking your head of your thoughts, you noticed Cesar and the rest of the Santos burning holes in the side of your head. Offering a quick smile and a wave to Cesar, your face dropped as you mindlessly wandered, again, around the streets of Freeridge.
Day turned into night as you made your way back “home”. As you opened the door, the scene that laid out in front of you. There were broken items everywhere. The table, the vase that sat on top of the island in the kitchen, basically anything that can be within arms reach. Then, your eyes jolted to your sobbing sister on the floor, surrounded with the shambles of the house that once was.
“Melissa. What the hell?”
Her head shot up in shock and the mascara-laced tears that so deplorably ran down her face left you in utter shock. You immediately ran to kneel beside her and took the bottle from her hands. You proceeded to ask her what happened during the time that you got some air. As she told you what transpired, everything in the room started to turn red. Anger quickly simmered inside you like some meat in a pressure cooker as the maroon-colored richness that only resembled blood made it’s way into your pupils. Never in a million years would you have believed that life would put you in a situation where your sister is in some deep shit and you would be there by her side. But this was the card that you were dealt. You didn’t have much info on what was going on but you definitely knew you and your sister had to get out ASAP. Something told you that something, or someone rather, is bad. Thoughts on the many ways you were going to kill your sister's husband flooded your mind as you helped your sister up. You told her to wait outside for you while you went to go get her baby to make sure he was safe.
"Yes, baby, it's okay. Shh." You cooed. Your nephew was starting to awake from his sleep and you knew it was a matter of time before he would begin to cry. You grabbed as much stuff as you could--the essentials--and made your way to join your sister outside. The cool night air hit y’all as you came to a dreadful realization.
"What?" Your sister asked.
“We have nowhere to go.” You replied, swaddling the baby on your chest. You racked your brain trying to figure out who the hell in Freeridge was going to accept two random adults and a baby at this time of night. You couldn’t exactly go to certain parts of town because of the Prophets and 19th street. They would chew you up and spit you guys out, just loving the fact that you guys are in a vulnerable position. Your options were limited but they all pointed to the safest one. Oscar.
“Fuck.” You groaned.
“We gotta go to Oscar’s.”
“Oscar. No. We are absolutely not going to that bastard’s house.” You sister said as she crossed her arms in retaliation.
“Well do you have a better idea. Because quite frankly, we don’t have anywhere to go and Oscar is our safest option right now. We also have to get a move on before Mr. Incredible Hulk comes back.”
“Fine. Alright. Let’s go.” Your sister huffed. When you arrived at Oscar's place, you knocked on the door until you couldn’t anymore.
“Yo are you crazy?” Oscar said as he threw open the door in frustration. But I mean, could you blame him? You and your sister showed up at an ungodly hour with a fussy baby in your arms and let’s not even get started with the way he was dressed which honestly made you feel some type of way. The way his tank top sat on his body and the shorts sat oh so perfectly on his hips sent a blissful sensation to parts down below.
“We need somewhere to stay for the night.” Your sister spoke.
“What does that have to do with me?”
“Oscar can you not be a dick for 2 seconds and let us in.” Melissa said, obviously irritated.
“Melissa,” you started. “Oscar can we just spend the night, please. There’s a lot that has to be explained but there’s nowhere else in town for us to stay. Please.” You were pleading with Oscar at this point.
“What’s in it for me?” He smirked at the suggestive tone of his voice.
“Oscar, now is not the time. Are you going to let us in or not?” The longer you stood there, you yourself also began to grow frustrated.
It took him a minute to make a decision as he went silent. He looked around to make sure nobody was watching or lurking in the shadows and mumbled a silent “come in.”
You set foot in the house and all of the air left your lungs. Memories of you and Oscar began to drown your thoughts, again. The laughs. The movie sessions. The food. The study sessions that led to him giving up because he was lazy. Everything. You put your nephew down in Cesar’s room to go back to sleep and made sure your sister was okay before making your way back out into the living room. Oscar sat there with a mug, casually sipping whatever liquid was in it. You let out a large breath of relief as you finally got to sit down and relax after the day you’ve had.
“Long day?” His deep voice grumbled.
“Major understatement.”
Soon after, you felt a presence beside you and a dip in the sofa letting you know that Oscar is now sitting on the couch with you. With the interaction you encountered today with your sister’s husband, a little inkling told you something was up. Although you had just met him, you would have never began to think that he would manhandle your sister like she’s same ragdoll and honestly, the reality that it became had the anger inside you boil over. On the other hand, reality also hit that you didn’t have your job or your badge had been confiscated so there’s really nothing much you two can do but run and never look back. In deep thought about your next steps, you feel a hand on your shoulders and it starts to rub the day’s tension away.
“You’re tense.” His deep voice boomed.
“Yeah, well can you blame me?”
“What’s wrong?”
The room becomes quiet as you try and decide whether you want to tell Oscar everything that has happened in the past 15 years.
“Everything I know is gone…” You whispered.
“What?” Oscar replies.
“I thought escaping from Freeridge and trying to create a whole new life was gonna fucking help but it’s obviously not.” You said, beginning to tear up.
“What are you talking about?”
“Goddamnit, Oscar there’s people coming, “you said with a warning tone. “I fucked up. I did some shit that I can’t take back and now-“
“Hey hey shh.” Oscar soothed. He took you in his arms and tried to calm you down as you cried your eyes out. The weight of trying to protect your sister, her child, yourself and everyone around over a senseless decision you made on the other side of the country, was coming down on to you entirely, bearing no mercy. Now the question is, what are you going to do from now on to ensure the safety of you and the people around you?
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Hey! I am drunk on your amazing gifsets and your detailed answers ♡♡♡ I was wondering who you would cast in an american/english versiln of IPK and a Turkish one? (If you watch turkush dizi!) Thankyou!!
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Oh this is a difficult ask! I don’t have much idea about american/English actors but I’ll try my best! Also, I don’t watch Turkish shows (sorry!) so I won’t be able to answer the second half. 
Honestly the reason why this is difficult is because they casted excellent actors in the original version. So I’m trying to find people who can emote as well as the original cast did. 
Also do check out @tellywoodtrash‘s list - she answered this question some time back :D She has Lakshmi, yes Lakshmi, perfectly casted so I'm not touching that! 
I hope you like the following set below! The actors I have chosen are based on their acting capabilities as opposed to looking similar to original IPK characters :)
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Adam Driver as Arnav Singh Raizada
Why: This actor aces simmering rage, anger, fear, pain, cries, loss, sadness, love and his eyes speak volumes. He. Can. Stare. Arnav is one of my favorite characters because he’s so beautifully essayed by Barun - that man can layer expressions like no one else. So in my eyes, another actor I’ve been completely enamored with off late for the same reason is Adam Driver!
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Ana de Armas as Khushi Kumari Gupta
Why: Knives Out. Firstly, I have actually watched very few American/English things and so far Ana struck me as an actress who can toggle between innocence, vulnerability, steadfastness, strength, joy and be an absolute sunshine! Sanaya was brilliant as Khushi and I can see Ana’s variety coming on as strengths. 
Also, just the below scenes struck me as Khushi during a downpour :)
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Yep. Rabba Ve Khushi, with that barely there touch and eye lock.
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John Krasinki as Akash Raizada
Why: If Akash’s role ever expanded, we might have gotten a character that was steadfast, a bit shy, someone with dry humor and an antitheses to his cousin. John certainly masters the role of a character who can give quiet quips that can steal a scene! Anyone with the last line?- It’s actually him. Remember Akash’s dialogue “Now who’s this woman who dented Arnav’s mind instead of his car?” Yup - if that Akash was expanded - this is who I see :)
P.S: I would TOTALLY have loved to see Akash’s perspective of his brother falling in love and working with the ‘ASR’ (something tells me Akash takes his brother’s anger with a pinch of salt).
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Gemma Chan as Payal Gupta
Why: I loved her in Crazy Rich Asians. I think she can nail the loves-everyone-and-is-highly-practical Payal brilliantly. Payal as a character is graceful, slightly shy in expressing her emotions until someone (ASR) pisses her off that she can launch and murder the person in front of her. She kills with kindness and logic though. The whole sequence between Astrid and her useless husband in Crazy Rich Asians gave me BIG vibes of how Payal - if extended - could be as a character. 
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Natalie Portman as Anjali Jha/Raizada
Why: Anjali, in my eyes is the epitome of beauty, grace and perfection. She seems so delicate, but gorgeous. Her smile radiates the household and she is the pillar of the Raizada's. But when she breaks down, when her world comes tumbling down - it caves a hole deep enough to reach hell. There’s so much love, empathy, compassion and heart in Anjali that I see someone like Natalie fit the bill :) 
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Oscar Isaac as Shyam Manohar Jha
Why: Here’s your handsome, intelligent, smart, diplomatic lawyer who suits up well enough to hide his intent and actions. Oscar can easily carry a character who oozes charm, wit and diplomacy with hidden motives. It’s easy to believe his smiles and deep eyes. Given Abhaas’s greatest strength was the simmering yet hidden sinister ideas, I would love to see Oscar play Shyam cause I think he’d do the character justice. 
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Naomi Scott as Lavanya Kashyap
Why: Stunning, powerful, a bit suppressed but when given room to feel, she ultimately has a heart of gold. Lavanya as a character starts off as someone who’s a bit standoffish but is actually a bit naive, incredibly lovable, emotionally mature and has the heart of a sixteen years old! Which is why I always ship her with NK (who can love her with all his heart) and why I think Naomi balances childishness, maturity, naivety and power pretty well. 
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Andy Samberg as Nandkishore/NK
Why: COMIC TIMING! He’s one of the best I’ve seen of late. And someone who can be charming, kind, obnoxious, silly but can steal your heart under your nose. Also, this one actor can swiftly switch between humor and something serious which is necessary for our adorable NK.
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Dame Judi Dench as Nani/Devyani Raizada
Why: I’m taking a lead out of @tellywoodtrash​‘s list (do check it out!) because Dame Judi Dench would absolutely the role of a strict matriarch with a touch of softness in her heart. Also, Nani has some sass.
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Catherine O’Hara as Manorama Raizada
You know she’s gonna walk into Akash and Payal’s wedding wearing the below;
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Also, we don’t see this much of this in the show but she would ace in the hate to I-love-my-bahu really well. 
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Eugene Levy as Mahinder Raizada
Why: Supportive, kind, in love with Mami and kinda gives into her whims until it endangers the happiness of his son. Again, watch Schitt’s Creek. I will not separate this on screen chemistry - this is Mami Mama in reality!
BONUS:(Mama and Mami dancing)
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And now to the rest of the Guptas,
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Meryl Streep as Madhumati/Buaji
Why: Bua ji is dramatic, intense, extremely loving - so much so she kinda destroys Khushi’s life before learning how to become a better maternal figure to Khushi. Also, Bua-ji is plain hilarious. She might be hard to love but once we know her, we just love her. She’s an excellent, difficult character. If expanded, Bua-ji could’ve been one solid matriarch who would gladly kick Arnav for not just forgetting Khushi’s birthday but much more. Who better than the iconic Meryl Streep? Also... I can’t stop laughing at the ‘war’ of dancing between Catherine O’Hara and Meryl Streep - I’d die laughing.
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Tom Hanks as Shashi Gupta and Laura Dern as Garima Gupta
Why: Again, I’m borrowing them from @tellywoodtrash​‘s amazing list because they’re just perfect that way. Tom Hanks would perfectly capture the wise Shashi and I think Laura Dern would totally kill the whole Garima-had-affair-with-Arnav’s-dad track. Also, in this version Shashi would recover from paralysis and we’d have a great track on that, as opposed to Mrs Ind- let’s not talk about it.
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Look! He has a ring ready!
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Hello Henry Golding!
Phew! With that it’s an end to this - thanks for asking :) 
Much love, 
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IPK Rewatch: EP 03; Urs
Yesterday's highlight, the pearls scattering and then Gupta's uttering the words of Khushi being a foster child, an adopted child in the family started with Khushi asking Arnav, "Aap ki didi ke bare mein koi aise bole, toh aap kya bolenge ge!"
Yesterday, Arnav simply threatens by showing her the destruction he can cause when someone even utters the name of his sister with the idea of malice or ill thoughts. Today, the reason for Arnav to truly scatter Khushi's life begins.
We see the episode opening with Khushi recalling the harsh words she's heard the night before and preparing to light something on fire. I absolutely love the inclusion of Arnav's taunt of status and wealth in the recollection. Arnav made an impression on her and as much reason Khushi has to dislike him, their is no denying that like the magnetic pull Arnav felt towards the girl whom he refused to let go until she removed her hand from his collar, Khushi also felt his pull towards her. Arnav is here to stay in her mind.
The implication that Khushi might take a drastic step aligns with how every single action of Khushi can appear more exaggerated than it is only because of who Khushi is. In this instance, we see the unraveling of Khushi to some extent. She doesn't claim to be put together, and we slowly begin to understand that how Khushi's strength lies in her ability to embrace her vulnerabilities and mistakes. The moment she hides something is when she becomes weak.
While making jalebis, there are I believe prices next to food items on the board. 16, 7, 10. I can't read Hindi so I won't go much into it but every single shot in IPK to include numbers, colours, and even ambiguous dialogue had something layered behind it. I absolutely loved the metaphorical alignment the script used.
I also loved the shape of Khushi's jalebis. With unfathomable amount of ruckus caused, the jalebis reflect her inner turmoil. We later see the significance of it when she ends up writing Arnav's name in jalebis. The growing pile of it is also reflective of how much distress she finds herself in and feels responsible for.
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Returning to Lucknow hasn't been fun for Arnav's PTSD, however for now he's able to think clearly enough to know that the news of his show being ruined shouldn't be coming out to the masses. For someone who is private, hard to reach, only shows up in selective events, and keeps a close circle, a major company event being ruined with his presence there, and him being involved is a scandal for AR and can tarnish his own reputation at being a perfectionist. Funny, how few words of Khushi completely eat away at any semblance of brain for whatever time-being she is present.
Anjali is still lurking around, and she's a catalyst in us understanding Arnav outside of ASR. His anger is fake. A shield. Being ASR for the world protects him in his own eyes. Also bitwa eating oats when he's on his own but indulging whatever his family puts out on the dinner table whenever they are around shows that even if he disagrees, he respects their choices. At her insistence, and prioritising her comfort, Arnav agrees to go to the dargah in her place. Unintentionally it is Anjali and Shyam who bring Khushi and Arnav closer to each other. Yesterday's mishap included alluding to Anjali's presence by Khushi. Today, Anjali who only wishes for her Chotte's happiness has sent him on the way to meet the girl who'll be his world for the second time. Shyam's relevancy doesn't find its footing without Anjali being the reason for Arnav's wrath unleashed on Khushi.
Back here Khushi betiya has been in full swing with Jalebi Everests. There are three stacks in sight.
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Khushi strives to make things right for her family. Even on the two occasions when they remind her of her orphaned status, she truly doesn't give up on their love and acceptance and finds a way back. It's symbolic of how Khushi as a person rarely gives up on love when it means something to her. She is willing to do anything which translates into her rather crooked moral compass which is also ruled by what bring happiness to those she loves. After all, the internalised message is "Khoon ke rishte se, Dil ke rishte bare hote hain!" Shashi assures Khushi of the blessings in disguise. I love his validation of her intentions. It is clear throughout the series, that if Khushi walks with her head high even after some of her decisions appear misplaced, it's because of Shashi's upbringing that she finds herself confident in her own ability to manoeuvre because she believes in the purity of her intentions and hopes that Devi Mayyian is able to understand the reasons behind her actions just as much as she does even if no one else does so.
I find that besides Shashi, occasionally Payal, the only other person to truly understand Khushi for her intentions is Arnav. While he eventually goes on to find the chaos she leaves behind her amusing, his respect for her cements through his understanding of how her moral compass is governed by love and intentions to do good for others rather than herself.
If Arnav is Anjali's Chotte, then Khushi is Shashi's Chutki. Ah, how I wish Shashi would've manage to recover somewhat by the end of the show. His and Khushi's relationship is a beautiful one.
The support of their neighbours seems to put Garima and Bua ji at ease a lot more than earlier when people were gossiping about the returned barat. One of the old ladies in this scene is also present in Bua ji's Laxminagar and kisses Arnav on the forehead. Ah, ipk truly had it's moment with recycling of background actors.
Khushi tends to stand behind people who support her when she is being vilified or attacked from all sides. She moves behind Garima when the goons try to come after her. In this scene with the neighbours, she stands behind Shashi. The only other person she seeks protection from besides her parents is Arnav.
Gupta gang on their way to the urs have their car stalled whereas Arnav directs his driver to drive faster. A contrast in the way the Raizadas and Guptas world works.
As Khushi steps out of the car, a red chunni flies on her face. Blessings all around.
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Arnav on the other hand, I think, he sensed the difference. He even goes onto remember the dupatta on his face. This episode is the first instance of Khushi nicknaming Arnav, Laad Governor.
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Throughout the entire Dargah sequence, the lines "muramat kardo muqadar ki maula!" repeat over the two when they are in the same frame. Their fates intertwined are going to find solace in each other, find their ability to heal with each other. Poetic!
Also, as they both are walking towards the shrine, they are offered blessings which Khushi readily accepts however Arnav rejects. It's an interesting juxtaposition from Khushi rejecting a lot of Devi Mayyian's signs of accepting Arnav as her protector and companion where as it doesn't take Arnav long to understand the effect Khushi's had on his ability to think since the very first moment.
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Also, it's hilarious how she's asking to be able to see him once again so she can make him realise how wrong he'd been and all the while he's sitting right across from her. 
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While Arnav sits silently, making no prayers, Khushi prays for her sister's happiness. But it's after this moment that their journey really starts. For now, it's been the divine stars, the blessings, the coincidences. With this confrontation between the two, Arnav turns the coincidences into a string of events he begrudgingly has to take credit for. Of course Devi Mayyian aided in these decisions, but ASR wanted to play god as well, so here we are;
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He recognises her voice. If it's wishful thinking on my part that he sensed her presence and her dupatta, then this one is no wishful thinking. Bitwa is finely attuned to betiya's voice and presence, and he realises that his sense beforehand weren't betraying him. He isn't surprised to see her, she IS.
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Khushi's who just vowed to make this man realise his mistake runs after he tells her to throw the mannat ki chabi he dropped. We all can go on and on about the significance of this key because it plays such a huge role in Khushi's ability to practice her Haq and ownership over whatever simmers between them but most importantly I found this scene as a foreshadowing of how Arnav treats his happiness. He goes to the mazar on the insistence of his sister. He trusts his feelings about Khushi later onwards using his sister's words as a backdrop except that once Khushi falls from his eyes (Shyam & terrace), he begrudgingly ties her to himself mostly because even in pain he finds himself to be the only one to have the right to hurt her. And here he doesn't care for whatever the key might hold. Khushi who doesn't give up when it come to love whether of family's, or his', holds on to the love just like how later onwards, Khushi holds onto the love that was between them whereas Arnav does his best to to remove memory he possibly could.
Arnav Singh Raizada, running 10-15 mins late to his meeting stops for this girl when we just saw him a day earlier walking past people he didn't care to answer. But he stops here. Arnav stopping to listen to this girl, heaving and panting with her hair falling off pins goes to show how important Khushi has become.
Also, god, Khushi truly does come as a storm. Rushing past she tells people she'll come back to apologise. 
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jimmymcgools · 4 years
Kim and Jimmy going to Jimmy's place after the disasterous Christmas party to Jimmy asking Kim what they are in chapt 15 for the ask meme we are refusing to let die.
♥️♥️♥️ i saved this one for last so that they’d be in chronological order!! 
fic commentary meme and my answers
if anyone else still has any scenes or moments from my fic they’d like commentary on, let me know! ❤️i love answering these so much. 
Kim’s music sounds discordant tonight, the lyrics inaudible and the guitars harsh and jangled.
jimmy voice: some sorta dang shoegaze yet again!!!
He can feel the white hot anger beneath his skin, and he wonders if Kim can feel it too, burning through his shirt.
a little angry subversion of the wording at the end of chapter 7 when he thinks about kim feeling his heartbeat through his skin outside the dog house. 
He thinks he can sense her breath on his shoulder, thinks he can sense the presence of her behind him like a weight in the space. 
“weight in the space” is an odd turn of phrase, but it’s another tonally-different return of something jimmy’s thought before. here it’s the “He can feel Kim beside him even though he’s not touching her, a weight and a warmth to his right.” from beginning and end of chapter 10. 
Kim strokes her thumb back and forth again, up and down over the curve of his lower back, the movement making a soft noises on the fabric.
and we’re back at our old kim-using-sex-instead-of-talking thing here. 
i mentioned it in an earlier answer but i had a few reasons for why kim does this here -- the first is just that part of her has always been attracted to that darkness in jimmy, and right now she’s gonna let that part have what it wants. and there’s the other selfish layer to it, which is the idea of her almost using him here, just to prove to herself and the imaginary ghosts of those HHM associates that she’s not like them. 
but i also didn’t want this scene to be completely devoid of the love/care they both feel, so it is also her trying to offer jimmy what she thinks he needs. what she thinks he needs.
they’re both angry, mostly at the world and at other people, though certainly part of jimmy’s anger is directed at kim. i don’t think he’s consciously taking it out on her in this scene, but there’s a definite lack of warmth and connection here, a kind of resentment that after all this time and waiting THIS is how and when she decides to cross the line in the sand. fuck if he isn’t going to take what she’s offering, but there’s a kind of gross entitlement there in his thoughts that kim somehow owes him sex. 
Kim stares up at him intensely, eyes boring into his. She’s so close he can see the flecks of white in the blue of her irises again—the streaked, paintbrush clouds.
our old friends the abq paintbrush clouds. i always picture this look as the one she gives him in 4x09 after their argument. 
“You okay?” Kim asks, moving to kneel beside him, her brows folded with concern.
again wanting to make sure this scene didn’t become so cold and angry that there was no care or concern between them.
He opens his eyes and stares at her and he thinks—you never met this guy, Kim. You wouldn’t like this guy.
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She trails a hand lazily over his stomach, back and forth, stoking him, studying him right back. After a while, she pulls her hand away, and just kneels there, staring at him. 
kim does this a couple of times in the scene, where she just waits, offering herself to jimmy. well, offering herself to him physically, at least. 
Kim lifts her palm to his cheek and holds him like that for a moment, scrutinizing him. He thinks she must be looking for something. He doesn’t know what to show her. He breathes out harshly through his nose.  “Fuck them,” she says, crisp and precise
i always thought of this as kim looking for her own feelings in jimmy again, looking for that rage. i dont think she’s looking to see care/love in his eyes in this moment. she’s looking for an affirmation of her own anger, her own choice of side here. 
and then her dialogue -- there was no “them” involved in the dynamic when these two slept together previously. they’re each in some way using this sex to express how they feel about everyone else at the christmas party, not how they feel about each other. so that’s the fundamental lack of connection, i think. and they’re certainly less connected afterwards, especially if you think about how they were in the phone call or the playful flirting in the parking garage. 
He rubs his palms up the side of her thighs and over her waist, pausing to dig his thumbs into the little dips of her bone for a moment.  Kim hisses into his mouth and he laughs, pressing his thumbs down tighter.
they both know from last chapter this is where kim had bruises last time. but it’s kind of cruel here. i think this is the only time either of them laugh in the scene, and it didn’t feel like a very nice laugh when i wrote it. 
“Shh,” Kim says against his mouth
again denying connection -- she shushes him a few times. very different from white sands.
The water makes a steady hiss, and he can see the shape of her moving behind the frosted glass.
jimmy looking at obscured shapes/patterns yet again. here it’s kim who’s the world-on-high he wants to belong in but he can’t understand. it’s also (“the shape of her”) dehumanising her a bit, leading into: 
“Listen, I’m okay with it,” he says sharply, and the figure in the shower stills again. Something simmers in him, pushing the next words to the surface: “But what are we doing here, Kim?” More silence, and he can't stop himself now. “You just wanna fuck every now and then and otherwise forget about it?”
and he’s the entitlement again. this is just so horrible from jimmy. kim at her most vulnerable, basically cornered. has anything good ever followed someone saying “Listen,”? i dont think so. jimmy’s here is obviously a blatant lie, and kind of manipulative, too. 
It sounds like static. Like a dead channel. 
“dead channel” i took from neuromancer: “The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.” 
that simultaneous nothingness/everythingness of a dead channel seemed the perfect accidental answer to jimmy’s question. 
and also @the-parallax-of-rain​ killed me with her comment on this chapter, so let’s add it here too, for posterity. 1-800 emotional terrorism. 
I just love the thought of static so much, like how it's always there in the background and you never know it's there until you really pay attention. Like as I'm typing this, I just realized there's a static sound coming from the humidifier (it's super dry here lol), and also the background humming of my laptop...and the idea that this is the way that Kim might perceive - or might have to perceive - their relationship as kind of on the backburner, either because she doesn't know what she wants yet or because she's too busy with school
When she does, he drapes an arm over her, and she pushes her back against him and reaches for his thigh, pulling his legs up to fold closely behind hers. Jimmy stares into the curve of her shoulders and watches her breathe. 
and they’re finally connected again physically, but emotionally distant. felt very “something stupid” to me. i didn’t want this to feel warm at all.
i was so happy and relieved at the reception this chapter got when i published it ♥️♥️♥️ and it’s been awesome to work my way through it again with this commentary. 
again, if anyone still has scenes they’d like to hear thoughts on, drop me an ask! i live for it 🙏
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lastbred · 4 years
temper, what’s the thought process and why can he be so calm at other times? ( I don’t know if this counts or if you’ve done it yet but anyways howdy! )
send me a topic to write a meta about my muse on
Howdy there! I haven’t done a meta on this topic yet, so you’re good! I feel like this is a multi-layered answer that will require several paragraphs at minimum, so grab a snack and let’s get into it. I’ve been trying to tackle Butch’s temper in my head for quite a while now; it’s multi-faceted and his rage can be enormous at times ( poor Frank ). I feel like the best way to tackle the topic of Butch’s temper is to dissect it in scenes from the movie and in threads I’ve written here, so let’s take it from the top.
The first instance we see of Butch’s temper is the infamous heart-eating scene. Note that in this scene, he’s not as traditionally angry as he is in other scenes, but boy, is he pissed. Butch is in a calmer state here than most scenes, and with good reason. He is in a position of power here, a position long since desired against Dan; please note that Butch is VENGEFUL, and patient. He has waited potentially years to get back at Dan for the sweatbox episode, and now, finally, at last, he gets his revenge. He could be truly angry at Dan here, ranting and raving, but Butch greets him, and even makes a crack at him ( ‘you’ve looked better’ ). He even smiles when Dan makes a return crack back. If one didn’t know better, they could almost be old friends; at the very least, they have known each other for a long time, but that’s beside the point. Butch kneels down, and says what I think is the most conclusive Butch dialogue in the entire film: ❝ You take somethin’ from me, be damn sure, I’m ‘on take somethin’ from you. ❞ HIs rage is icy, long-lasting, and filled with an anger not often matched by other Dis.ney villains. 
But, you may be asking, why is he so calm here if he’s angry? Again, Butch is in a position of power here. Literally, the camera angles are pointed up at him ( traditionally used to give a character a feeling of power, command, etc. ), and Dan’s camera angles are pointed downwards ( traditionally used to make a character feel smaller, less powerful, etc. ). Butch is finally getting his long desired revenge against Dan, and now that he has it he is savoring it. His traditional ranting anger has long-since dissipated into cool methodology ( but make no mistake: Butch is still very much as angry at Dan now as he was when he was first tossed into the sweatbox ). Butch is nothing if not smart, and knows he has only minutes at most to confront the dying Dan. At any rate, he knows his taking of Dan’s heart, eating it, and his words are more than enough to get his rage across. 
The next scene we see an example of Butch’s temper is much more classic: ‘The Valley of Tears’ scene. Rebecca is the first to make him traditionally angry by slapping him, and what does he do? He pulls a knife on her. Frank inadvertently comes to her rescue, but he ends up not much better. I’ve touched upon this scene before in THIS HEAD.CANON, but I will reiterate it here. Frank comes in and verbally chastises Butch, essentially saying he shouldn’t have done what he did to the Rangers ( kill them and eat Dan’s heart ). Butch literally points his knife at him, asking Frank to ‘talk straight.’ This can be taken literally as a warning: ‘Make sense or I’m going to hurt you.’ Frank, unfortunately for him, continues, acting like he knows much better than Butch. You can watch Butch’s body language get progressively angrier as he gets closer to Frank, but he hasn’t attacked him yet. Why? Because he’s letting Frank talk, to see if he will finally start making sense. 
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I could go on about how Butch is particularly snake-like here, but I’d digress. Anyway, Frank makes the big mistake of saying ❝ You shouldn’t have done what you did. ❞ Boy, does that threaten Butch’s power role in the gang, saying he did wrong and that he shouldn’t have done it. Butch doesn’t take that lying down, no, instead he lashes out, grabbing Frank and tossing him to the ground. Frank is shown who’s boss in the gang, who makes the commands and who sees the job through. He has reclaimed the power role by being physically and verbally aggressive with Frank. The gang knows they cannot mess with Butch due to his temper, cannibalism aside. 
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The next scene with Butch’s temper is the mining scene. Skinny is shaving his face, and despite a peek backwards to make sure he’s not trying anything funny, Butch doesn’t mind it.... Until Skinny accidentally cuts his cheek, and Butch lashes out again, snagging and gripping his wrist. This is kind of like a ‘how dare you, do you remember who I am?’ moment, to remind Skinny Butch is not a man to be fucked with. 
The next bit is when Butch wants Frank to go into the mines. He yells ❝ I have to ask twice?! ❞ when nobody moves to go. Frank states essentially that they are already rich from the silver they have, and they should go. Butch creeps closer while he’s talking ( keep in mind he did the same ‘getting closer’ move before, during the ‘Valley of Tears’ scene ). This is a dangerous moment for Frank, since he could easily get hurt again. Also keep in mind that by this point in the scene, Butch is angry that he’s suffered the pain of having his face cut ( he doesn’t care that it was on accident ), and that nobody is following his orders. Now Frank is saying to leave the silver they don’t have in the mine, the silver Butch has waited over twenty years for. 
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Butch retaliates, pelting Frank with the silver and finally aiming his gun at him. Butch’s rage is on full display now. His rage has simmered from the beginning of the scene to full-blown threats of further murder and death. Butch ends up very much not being calm in this scene, but starts out his conversation with Frank in a subdued manner. Of course, this doesn’t last long with what Frank says and what Butch has already experienced. Butch is already irritated from Skinny, and now is having his wish for as much silver as possible ( read: all of it ) overturned by Frank’s desire to leave. The years of waiting and wanting are not going to be undermined by an underling’s want to leave with what they have. This bit is also exacerbated by Butch’s greed, but that in and of itself is a whole other head.canon. Side note: there’s something to be said about how Butch is so easily able to manipulate John into revealing that he isn’t a ‘spirit’ via manipulating John’s jealousy/anger, but that’s another head.canon itself and this one is already getting much too long. 
That’s the last scene from the movie, but I have also touched upon Butch’s temper in threads here on Tum.blr. The one I can specifically recall off the top of my head is THIS THREAD, where Butch eventually ends up grabbing Red’s wrist for something, much like he did with Skinny. There’s no power role here like in the traditional sense, but Butch still considers himself the lead in their relationship. He wants his orders to be followed ( like always ), and his suggestions aren’t always such. Keep in mind that by this point the reasons for Butch’s rage is that he almost died, and now Red wants to leave him alone when he doesn’t want to be. Ergo, he lashes out yet again, simultaneously stopping her from leaving and giving form to his anger by grabbing her wrist. 
With all this explained, I think the thought process Butch has in regards to his temper is this: he can start out calm, but others irritate and prod to the point where his rage boils over and he lashes out. Butch repeatedly let Frank talk, only to get closer and strike out like a rattlesnake. It’s a combination of his own innate rage and what others are doing to both inflate that rage ( not that it’s an excuse for what Butch does, at all ) and make it boil over into action. Let me repeat it again: Butch wants his orders to be followed ( like always ), and his suggestions aren’t always such.
TL;DR: Butch has a temper, and a rather short fuse. 
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