#the skin details yesss god
simphic · 6 months
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Think this is one of my top fav renders I've done this year.. it's so good. I tried to mirror backstage at the Mirror Palais show during NYFW.
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
Dr. Laufeyson
Chapter 19 - At long last
Warnings etc: Loki x female reader au where Lokis a therapist, therapy, flashbacks, smut, swearing, mentions of past trauma later in the fic including abuse both physically and sexually - not explicit detail, 18+. PLEASE tell me if I ever leave anything out x
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“Oh my god” you groaned feeling your walls stretching to accommodate Lokis hard cock as he entered you painfully slowly. Your eyes teared up as he settled inside of you, breathing bated as he looked down at you. You had imagined this moment before, of course you had but you didn’t expect Loki to, well, be so, big. That night in your kitchen, you were sure Loki had an erection but it seemed it was only a semi.
“Are you alright?” He asked, concern evident in his tone as he tried to stay as still as possible. You felt like a virgin again. Nodding your head, you smiled faintly. It wasn’t that you weren’t warmed up, Loki ensured you were, it was that you just wasn’t expecting this.
“Kiss me.” You requested breathlessly.
Reaching down, Loki pressed his lips to yours, kissing you slowly, passionately as his tongue slipped passed yours, entering your mouth. He moved to your neck, kissing you there before you felt him nibbling your earlobe, licking the shell of your ear.
“Do you want me to move?” He asked, kissing your ear. All you wanted was for Loki to never stop whatever he was doing with his tongue. Wordlessly you nodded, eyes closed as you revelled in the feeling before Loki began to move, a breathy call of your name leaving his lips. Unlike when you were a virgin, instantly, his movements felt amazing. You could feel every vain of his cock gliding past your walls as he fucked you. His lips found yours again as they moved against one each other sloppily. You were quickly bucking your hips upwards to meet his as you loudly moaned his name. The sound of your combined moans as well as his balls slapping against your skin filled the room. As your back arched off of the bed, Lokis hand found your back as he pulled you upwards, knees bent on the bed with his legs open as he pulled you on top of him, helping you to position yourself above his cock. The new angle quickly had you gripping his shoulders as you bounced on top of him, legs wrapped around his torso. Your chest was against his as he wrapped his arms around you, holding you flush against him. You felt so close, so connected.
Your head fell backwards as Loki continued thrusting up into you, holding you so tenderly. This felt overwhelmingly intimate, almost unfamiliar. The pleasure had exceeded simply lust, this was rapture. In this moment you felt so safe, so worthy, so loved. This felt like love. Something sacred between two soulmates. Lokis hands roamed over your body, it felt warm. This was it, this was the feeling you craved, the intimacy your body yearned for, the affection your soul sought.
Your lips found Lokis again, kissing him fiercely as if you were thanking him, claiming him. This was a feeling you wanted, no, needed again and you only wanted to experience it with him. You felt yourself quickly growing closer towards your climax but you didn’t want this to end.
“Are you close baby?” Loki spoke against your lips, feeling your walls clenching around him as your breathing became even more ragged, movements disoriented.
“Yes, yesss.” You cried out “donttt stoppp.” You begged.
Loki helped guide your movements as he took you to completion, reaching his own orgasm in the process. Watching you come undone was euphoric in itself. He wondered how one being could be so seraphic. He continued holding you as you wrapped your arms around his back as if hugging him, legs still around him. He didn’t want to pull out of you, too content with both your positions. This was perfect. His eyes closed feeling you peppering kisses across his neck from where your head rested, nestled into it. No, perfect was an understatement.
When you finally raised your head, Loki held your chin as he looked into your eyes for a few moments in silence. You looked back at him, watching as his eyes darted across your features as if mapping your face before he smiled.
“Are you alright?” He asked softly.
“Yeah.” You replied, matching his smile.
“Would you like a shower? I left out some cloth—”
Cutting Loki off, you kissed him gently, his hands finding the sides of your face as you did, kissing you back.
“I’d love a shower thank you.” You smiled once you broke the kiss.
When you both finally broke apart, it was only to reunite in the shower where Loki made you cum again before you cleaned one another. Loki wrapped you up in a fluffy towel before you exited the shower. Handing you one of his shirts, he decided on wearing some pyjama bottoms, strategically placing them very low down his v line as he noticed you checking him out.
“Like what you see?” He winked.
“I prefer what’s underneath more.” You grinned from his bed causing him to laugh.
“Mmm.” You hummed.
“What would you like to eat?” He asked, walking towards you.
“I can’t say you can I?” You giggled. “I really don’t mind. Noodles?”
“I can cook you know.” He stated, leaning down to kiss you “I’m a great cook.”
“Alright, surprise me then.” You smiled against his lips before kissing him again.
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@michelleleewise @lokisprettygirl22 @mischief2sarawr @eyesbluelikethetitanic @lokiprompts21 @howdidurhammergrowchris @consistentreader578 @mcufan72 @lokixryss @jaspearl31 @lucylaufeyson3 @emma-laufeyson @deathlydelusion @multifandom-world8 @lulubelle814 @ppartridgee @geekwritersworld @kats72 @123forgottherest @lokisninerealms @lokisgoodgirlbackup @mochie85 @vickie5446
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just-1other-nerd · 11 months
Good Omens live blog ep. 7
The engine starter thing he held in the season 1 finale when he stopped time and Aziraphale held the flaming sword was something he had the whole time as the architect?! I love this detail!
The way Aziraphale was so irritated when Crowley only had eyes for the universe, he's like "I thought you were talking about me", like we, the fandom, decided that the Blitz was the moment Aziraphale fell in love but you can't tell me he didn't have a crush right there
The consistent character of Crowley being like, "If it ends in 6000 years, what's even the point of it?" when it's said in season 1 episode 1 that he hasn't got anything against Armageddon in general but doesn't actually want it to happen, just to actually take part in saving everything all. But I also see his rebellious spirit in the opening sequence. And the callback/foreshadowing of the "I only ever asked questions" bit is great
O my God! Crowley did the wing thing first! Losing my mind!
Aziraphale renting the shop to Maggie is so sweet (and I love that "You don't own me" is playing in the background)
The bit about the government people meeting in this park just keeps coming back, I love it
Crowley is wearing a snake belt!
That hug made my skin crawl
Imagine just having a normal day and then you open the door and your naked ex-boss is standing right in front of you, what a nightmare
Funny how objectively Crowley is a loser who lives in his car but it still feels like he is having the upper hand when he's talking to Shax. Also, how schadenfroh he is about Gabriel is in trouble, at least for now...
What is up with that fly in the box?
Crowley knows Aziraphale so well, and he likes to brag about it
Strings version of Bohemian Rhapsody playing, yesss
The way our demon immediately offers his help
Nooooo, Maggie made a move, but Nina has a partner
The way Crowley just wants to be safe and together with Aziraphale... and they argue like a married couple
He tries so hard to control himself and to be not so impulsive, but Aziraphale just makes him too emotional, so he can't...
Isn't the pub on the box of matches the one from the "everyday" thing? Btw, Michael only waited for Gabriel to be out of the way, I just know it
"Extreme sanctions", that's so clever of the writers and the marketing team! Also Beelzebub is a vibe
I relate a lot to Maggie. Also, Lindsay sounds toxic
Queen song!
They even apologise like husbands! The dance kills me, also I guess the angel knows more than just the gavotte
Husbands plotting, slay kings, slay
Noooo, they know!
Imma go watch the next one...
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vixenpen · 4 years
Okay but like..... hawks as a body piercer or tattoo artist
Babyyyy!😩 Hawks with tats and piercings?!!?
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That’s TOO much flavor. Like things are getting too spicy for the pepper ma’am.
Tattoo Shop AU (Hawks x GN Reader)
Your friend had recommended this place to you. Fierce Wings Piercing and Tattoo. And since all of f/n’s body work was dope, you trusted their judgement.
What kind of name is Fierce Wings?
You wondered as you checked out the artwork of intricate red wings etched on the glass door.
Ah well. Inside, the shop gave off a cool industrial vibe; with it’s brick walls, exposed pipes in the ceilings, and cool light fixtures.
You marveled at the beautiful pictures of artwork that must have been done on previous clients hanging in various picture frames from the walls.
A rock song you didn’t recognize pumped through the large shop and the front desk sat unoccupied.
The shop seemed to be empty from what you could gather.
“Umm, hello?” You called out, peering around the corner which was sectioned off with a crimson red divider
“Yo, yo!” A deep, lazy voice called back.
The voice, it turned out, was attached to the most beautiful man you had ever seen in your entire life. A man with tousled ash blonde hair emerged from the back. He was a bit shorter than average, body lean and rippling with muscle that looked like it came from actual manual labor rather than a workout routine.
His skin was a tapestry of patterns and designs. A colorful sleeve of Japanese art climbed his left arm, a geisha and an oiran on his right. The beautiful colors popped even more against the black tanktop he wore. He had a small gold hoop in every hole in his ear from the lobe to the cartilage and a barbell in his left brow.
But the real draw were his eyes. They were like nothing you had ever seen on a human being. A sort of liquid amber like a cats or more precisely like a hawk’s...
A slow smile spread across the man’s face. Those beautiful golden eyes ran over you—as if appraising your appearance.
“Hey there, welcome to Fierce Wings. What can I do for ya?”
“I wanted to get some new ink.” You explained.
“Well you came to the right place. Got anything particular in mind?”
“Oh, yeah! Here.” You handed the man your phone.
Hé whistled. “That’s beautiful, kid. That’s gonna be fun, but first things first. If I’m gonna be mutilating your skin for the next several hours, we should probably get acquainted first, huh? My name is Keigo, but everybody knows me as Hawks. How ‘bout yourself?”
“Y/n.” You answered.
“Well, y/n, if you’re ready we can get started. Follow me to the back and let’s get you prepped.”
As you followed Hawks to the back of the shop, you noted that all the stalls were indeed empty.
“I hope I didn’t catch you at closing or something. I saw on your site that you guys take walk-ins.”
You said as Hawks ushered you into a booth in the back.
“Ah, you’re good, kid. Funny story, all of my other artists quit on me except one. My boy, Dabi.”
“Holy shit, really?”
“Yupperdoodles.” Hawks laughed.
“During co-vid, everybody found it more fruitful to go off and do their own things. I can’t even be mad at ‘em. After that shut down and with us not knowing whether or not we’ll have another one or not, everybody’s just searching for job security. So we’ve had to adapt.”
“How has that been?”
“It’s been chill,” Hawks said as he cleansed your skin. “Less people, less drama. Unfortunately that means we’ve had to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps around here, but hey,” he shrugged, “I’m used to it. I go hard in everything I do, ya feel me?”
He winked and you felt your cheeks burn. Was that...an innuendo?
“Well, your work is amazing. My friend, f/n, recommended I come to you all.”
“Ah yeah, I remember f/n.” His face brightened at the name. “They’re good people! Tell ‘em I said: hi and thanks for the referral, when you see them again.”
“Will do.”
You settled back on the chair as Hawks went to work stenciling the design you’d chosen on your skin. His long tongue occasionally ran over his lips as his amber eyes narrowed in concentration.
Holy shit. His tongue is pierced too. Fuck that’s hot.
“You trying to commit my face to memory or sum’n, y/n?” Hawks asked, startling you.
His hooded gaze never left the work he was doing on your skin, but an amused half smile danced on his face.
“N-no, I was just thinking how amazing it is that you only saw that picture once, but you’ve got it down to the detail.”
Hawks chuckled. “That’s my gift at work. I have photographic memory. As soon as I get the information, it’s locked in. Came in handy in flight school.”
“Flight school?”
“Yeah, studied to be a pilot back in the day.” He tapped his index finger against his temple and glanced up at you. “This quick brain of mine made me a beast in the cockpit.”
“Is that how you got the name Hawks?” You asked.
“Cute and smart. A dangerous combination kid.”
You bit your lip, heart fluttering a bit at the compliment.
“Alright, y/n, I’m gonna get started now. How’s that look?”
You admired Hawks’ handy work. It was stunning. Every detail was accounted for.
“Perfect. Ohh it’s gonna be so dope!”
He grinned at you. “Sure is, kiddo.”
In a matter of minutes, the humming of the tattoo gun filled the air as Hawks worked. His handsome face was scrunched in concentration. He was moving quickly, but carefully. Obviously a master at his craft.
“There you go sizing me up again, kid.” Hawks piped up out of nowhere.
You bit your lip once again—caught and embarrassed.
“Like what you see?” He asked. His gaze flicked up at you, lusty and half-hooded, a smirk settled on his face.
Your throat went dry.
“Ye-yeah. Um, the tattoo looks amazing...”
“The tattoo or the tattooer?” He teased.
Fuck it. If he’s gonna tease me to death, I might as well throw it back at him.
“Por que no los dos?” You shot back.
Hawks laughed, surprised. “Both is good, kiddo.”
You smiled in response, glad the flirtatious cutie hadn’t thrown you too far off your game.
“So, Hawks, did you choose the name Fierce Wings because of your time as a pilot?”
“You bet. Fitting for the fiercest former fighter pilot in Japan. It was also my codename.”
“Damn, how many names do you have?”
“Hmm, let’s see, there’s: Keigo, Kei, Takami, Hawks, Fierce Wings, Wings, Big daddy, master, lover boy-“
You laughed, covering your face a bit at Hawks’ antics.
He let out a deep chuckle in response.
“But my favoriiite,” he said, dragging out the word as he tilted his head to look over your tat; “is; Oh God, yesss.”
His tone dripped with silent suggestiveness. Fingers gently brushing your skin as he examined his work thus far.
Your neck and face burned at the implications of his statement.
Hawks looked up at you once more, pierced tongue dragging across his full bottom lip.
And suddenly, neither of you were laughing anymore.
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jayisgay · 3 years
I am so worried for this season finale
Tim is gonna die isn’t he
HOLY SHIT circus music I am not liking this
Oooohhhh no no no no
That is NOT Tim Jon please come to your senses
I do not like how these monsters are posing as people’s friends but at least Daisy had the sense to hurt one of them
This plan is going horribly wrong 😀 so much for blowing up the ritual
No it can’t be her this is another trick (but how is her voice there?)
Jon teary voice 😭
OHHHH her skin that’s how her voice is there
OHHHH NO the ritual is coming to a close??? I cannot see how they can stop it now I am WORRIED—
Wait Sarah like the Sarah who stapled her skin back that one time? That makes sense actually- how did I not see that before lmao
Yeah he’s gonna die fuck
Ok next episode~
Haha~ I’m afraid 😀
Excuse me? Jon is not okay?
I spoiled this for myself already lmao but I’m still shocked and not happy with this
Weird-ass dreams
Is this the dude from the anatomy students episode?
Hmmm so these dreams are a regular thing?
Wait that’s the lady from the Sergei Ushanka episode-
Breekon and Hope?
Ooh do we finally get to see what’s in the coffin?
The coffin is a Buried thing right? And it led to another Buried thing
I spoiled for myself that all the people who give him statements directly get these dreams but it’s interesting to get more detail
Can you physically hurt an entity? Anyway I want to physically hurt the Eye for hurting Jon and I also want to physically hurt the Stranger for hurting like, everyone
Elias fuck you and fuck your plan for Jon’s growth
Tim AND Daisy died?? Fuck
Yessss hell yes get arrested you crusty capitalist homophobic gay man
I hate that Elias underestimated Martin but also thank god he underestimated Martin
HAHAHAA YESSS so glad Elias got presumably kicked in the stomach or something
Peter Lukas? Fuck no stay away from Martin I have vague spoilers and I’m worried
... oh fuck this is bad I do not trust this man
Unnerving how he’s being nice
Great things? I do NOT like the sound of that
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pynkhues · 3 years
☮ and ♒ for Shiv please.
Yesss, thank you, anon!
☮- friendship headcanon
It’s not that Shiv doesn’t have friends, it’s not, god, she makes them faster and easier than anyone in her family. Clicks instantly with girls at mixers and the guys in boxy slacks on the political circuit. Knows her way around them to scope the crowd and pick the ones that suit her then, there, and the ones that might be - - mm, not functional. Shiv doesn’t like to think about friendships as functional, but y’know, she’s not like Ken who’s friends pretty much amount to someone he latched onto when he was in metaphorical diapers and their dad’s best friend, or like Roman who only cares if someone’s like, shiny or whatever.
Shiv likes a crew she can call up for a good time, and she likes a crew who have something to offer. Political advantage or career inroads, it doesn’t really matter. People just the right type of - - potentially useful. She figures it’s honest, mostly, like, at least she’s not pretending she doesn’t see the advantage, and it’s not like it’s not returned. She’s been perfectly aware that people have seen her as an opportunity before anything else since she saw Jessica Martin’s dad pointing to her on the playground back in grade school.
Besides, she knows who she is, and she’s not Connor, who’s apparently happy giving the woman he pays for sex intimate details of the family, and she’s certainly not Kendall who doesn’t even realise he’s paved the way for his bff to try and take their family legacy straight from their hands until he’s laid the final brick. No, Shiv likes her friends where she can see them, and where they can be useful – either as a means to a party, a fuck, or a good deal – and hell, she can be the first to admit that the best friends she’s ever had – Nate, Lisa, Mandy Menkle – have offered her all three.
(It’s not that she’s lonely, it’s not. She just knows what people do, and she’d much rather use them before they can ever use her.)
♒- cooking/food headcanon
When Shiv was little, she used to like watching dad’s chef’s cook.
He always had them around, so much that most of the time Shiv figured they were a part of everyone’s house – came with it, so to speak, like the wallpaper and the garden. After all, they were different house-to-house – it was Jose in the Upper East Side Mansion and Sally at the Summer Palace, Roger in the Maldives holiday house, or a rotation of Ian’s, Margaret’s, Paulette’s at the Collingwood Estate just outside of London.
The faces varied, and the particular delicacies, but beyond that, it felt the same – Shiv would skip off the jet, hand clasped in her father’s, straight into the car, straight into wherever they were staying, and the smell of breakfast, lunch, dinner would be there to greet her. A perpetual reminder that all of this was hers too, no matter how long the trip had been, no matter how long she, Kendall and Roman had been left alone in the front of the jet for while Dad spoke harshly in the compartment behind them with Frank and Gerri and sometimes mom too.
Still, she knew there was something different about it even then. Before Beast’s palace, Belle did her own cooking, and moms usually cooked in all her Babysitter’s Club books, and she guesses their mom does sometimes, but it’s not like - - it’s just - -
It’s different.
So Shiv waits until dad’s on calls and Kendall’s speech therapist shows up (because recently one of those has been there when they arrive too, just like the cooks) and Roman’s holed up in the playroom with the Super Nintendo mom got him just because, and Shiv steals into the kitchen and she watches the cooks, well, cook.
Gets swept up in it a little – the flurry of activity, the smells of spices mom tells her she must remember the names of (ladies need a varied palette, you know) – paprika and cumin and star anise that curls in her nose like liquorice. She watches pots boil and knives dice and slivers of vegetable skins peel like her sunburn after too long in the pool. Feels something in the creation of it all in front of her even as the chef stumbles around her and the porter tells her to go play with her brothers.
They can’t move her though. She knows that already too (remembers, once, the acid on her father’s tongue the time one of the doormen had told her off for getting in the way), so she drapes her arms over the counter and pokes at the raw chicken and drags a finger through buttercream icing, and she thinks this must be what Belle feels like once she’s a proper princess. Watching Mrs. Potts and Lumiere come to life around her, eager to impress her, and it’s not that it becomes a habit, but maybe she goes down more often, and maybe some of the chefs grimace, faces pulled, every time she does, but one night Maria, the deputy chef, gestures her over, says:
“You know how to make shortcrust pastry, sweetie? The type for pumpkin pie?”
Shiv shakes her head, watches Maria's rough hands work.
“You want to learn?”
And no, Shiv realises, glancing down at her own small, delicate hands, just like Princess Belle's.
She really doesn’t.
Ask me about some headcanons!
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thearcana-junkie · 4 years
ALRIGHTY! @genderless-plant-likes-thearcana Requested this a long while back, and while i did in fact finish the request; an error or something happened and i lost all my progress. Thankfully SOME of it saved (Albeit i can’t access it) they were a complete doll and sent me screenshots of what saved so i could finish it!! I want to sensearily express my gratitude for them helping me and being so patient! Thank You! Now after SIX times of writing this for it to all get deleted for stupid reasons— ONE HEADCANON COMING UP!!!
Main Six With An MC Who Can Do Great Impressions
It took her aback when she heard you do a snooty impression of the chamberlain. For two reasons— One; You ever normally remarked anyone or showed obvious anger or agitation towards someone. Two; You did a near perfect impression!
“Darling that’s amazing! Do it again for me? I do believe my ears are deceiving me.” Nadia hummed.
You blushed at her compliment but nonetheless granted her request. “Oh I’m the chamberlain!! Oh, countress Nadia!! There’s a disaster that requires your imidient attention during this very unconvient time!” You dramatically threw an arm across your face as you leaned back in you chair, only dilaing back the drama when you heard Nadia giggle from across the table. “I do see what you mean my dear.”
From then on you’d do dramatic impressions of anyone who interrupted the two of you durning the day once they left the room, if for nothing else to make Nadia smile throughout the day.
Then she got curious— Could you do an impression of her?? Of course you could, in fact it was even better then the others.
She thinks of your impressions as impressive party tricks.
Julian found out in a rather bizzar way.
He was trying to teach Malak how to say new phrases, of course the bird refused to cooperate with the doctor. Both of their paients running thin in the kitchen while you sat in the living room listening in. You had to admit in some cruel way it made you crack a smile.
“Malak, Please I’m begging you. SAY GOOD AFTERNOON!!”Julian yelled at the bird who was tossing his plastic toy cups off the counter into the floor. “NO!” Malak yelled back at Julian who yelled in frustration. Juan’s yelling just made Malak even for frustrated; “SaY GoOD AfTErNooN MaLAK!” Malak taunted Julian while he picked up the cups the raven had thrown about in his fury. “Oh har har, Is that supposed to be your impression of me? That’s pretty low even for someone as low to the ground as you.” Julian huffed. “I’M jULIan I’M DrmAtIc AnD NeEd AtTenTiOn!!” Malak squawked. “I do not sound like that!! Who taught you that anyway!?” Julian hissed in defense.
You had moved to stand in the kitchen to watch the circus not long before Malak started doing impressions of Julian. “(Y/n)!!!” Malak cawed cheekily. as quickly as you came in you were trying to discreetly return to the livingroom, until Julian glanced at you. “Hold it right there!” Julian called, when you turned you had the biggest shit-eating grin on your face. “Yesss?” You giggled. Julian crossed his arms and leaned against the counter, his eyebrow cocked up in a playful manner. “So— You do Impressions of me with Malak when I’m not around??” He questioned. “Mostly when I’m mad because your late for dinner— but yes. Yes i do.” You cheekily smirked. “Do it then.” Julian mused.
In a matter of moments you had your hands planted firmly on the counter behind him to pin him in, You were trying to reenact a very specific scene where the roles were reversed.
“Oh. If we had the time, the thing’s I would do... Who know’s if we’ll get another chance? I want it all now. Ugh, How I’d like to ravish you...”
You quoeted Julian in his voice— The same julian who was a blushing and laughing mess above you. You had to admit you had to cover your mouth to keep your giggle fit away. “When have I ever said that??! And i most certainly DON’T make that face.” Julian barked with laughter. You did dramatic exaggerate the face you remembered him making. “Oh no you deffinately did. remember, we were in the library and you shoved us into a sight corner because a bird scared you.” You recalled with a smile.
Julian’s face dropped to a smirk as he leaned in close. “What else have I said before?” He hummed.
Let’s just leave it at; Julian deffinelty enjoys it.
Asra remembered you used to do goofy impressions of people way before you ever died and lost your memories. In fact it was something you both used to do together; A customer with a dramatically-fancy hat would come in, or A very grumpy client would come in. Either way when they’d left you and Asra would crack jokes and do stupid impressions of the person. It made the day feel less long, after all everyone talked about people behind their back it was just a normal thing humans do.
But after you died and came back he had to teach you everything all over again— granted he’d forgotten about those happy moments in the shop mainly from the lack of it. That is until the day you once again started commenting on goofy people who’d just left the shop, then the bitter sweet memory of laughter and stupidly inaccurate impressions came flooding back to him.
He eventually got up he courage to ask if you could do impressions or if you remembered ever doing them with him. He knew it was a long shot since even though you got your memories back you’d told him before it was very fuzzy and had hardly any details before you died, but he couldn’t just not ask even if you didn’t remember and he’d just be hurting himself he wanted to at least have a solid answer so he wasn’t speculating. You knew the basics from before your death— You remember doing the impressions of people but not any specifics other than that.
“Could you try?” Asra asked softly. “I don’t know who I’d do an impression of.” You laughed nervously. “You could do me!” Asra seemed to solve all the problems you had.
After he gave you a line to say you granted his request if for nothing else then to smooth his aching heart, your aching heart.
Asra laughed. That was a good sign. He even cried a little, “It’s even better then i remember!! Fantastic!!” He smiled.
Now— Just like before, You and Asra do impressions of outrageous people who come into your shop throughout the day.
To say Asra was happy is a giant understatement. You could feel your shared heart lighten with happiness at the fact that though you cant remember everything, there’s still a chance things could be like how they were before you died.
He caught you in the act.
He walked in on you talking to Inanna about something (He really wasn’t paying attention to what was being said) when you started answering yourself with a voice you used for Inanna— officially making it a two party conversation. Inanna didn’t seem to mind, in fact, she seemed pretty interested.
“...Inanna doesn’t sound like that...” You jumped out of your skin at Muriels sudden appearence. You figured he’d think you were crazy but instead he was more concerned with the face you got her impression wrong. “Well what does she sound like the? I can’t exactly hear her talk.” You hummed after a moment. Muriel thought for a silent second.
Both him and you sat there for almost 10 minutes, he tried his best to describe Inanna’s voice to you while you tried to copy what he meant. Eventually he was happy with the results.
Now that you had Inanna’s voice down to a T, you sat behind her and outstretched her arms to Muriel while waving them around. “GIB ME CHICKENNNN!” You whined in her voice. At the mention of food her tail wagged, selling it all the more. Muriel just rolled his eyes.
Suddenly you were behind him, his arms outstretched like with the wolf habeen before. “NO! YOU CAN NOT HAVE THE CHICKEN!!!” You mimicked Muriels voice so well his brain had to take a second to process that he himself wasn’t saying it but you instead. “Your pretty good at that...” Muriel said quietly.
He did think you were really good at it! But he had To ask you stop, it made him feel uncomfortable; Like a doll being voiced. After all impressions could be dangerous when you could make literally anyone say what you wanted them to.
This didn’t mean he didn’t like you doing them, The opposite, Muriel enjoys when you make Inanna talk, or tell a story about the day you spent with your friends and did impressions of them to quoet.
Portia LOVES doing impressions! She’s claimed the crown of the ‘Impression Queen.” Her’s are so good (So she says.)
Now its not secret that when Portia gets excited she tends to repeat herself or even forgets she told you something. So being told the same stories a hundred times is something your used to. Enjoy even! You remember every detail of every story she’s ever told you because she has told you so often.
One day she was telling you a story she had told you already 30 times in the past month so you knew the story fairly well. In fact she was coming up to your favorite part. “Oh! I remember— And then you said ‘Ilyushka you have less brain cells than a plank of wood with a face drawn on it by a child’s crayon.’” You said word for word what she had said that day while also dong an impression of her.
Portia stopped in her tracks. “OH MY GOD THATS SO ME!” She exclaimed
Now she brags on you to the staff and your officially known as the new “Impression King/Queen”
Much like Julian, Lucio found out from his bird. “Oh I’M LUcIO AnD I hAve MorE ImPorTanT ThiNgS To DO ThEN HaVe DiNNer WiTh My PatNeR!!!” Cameo copied, “Who taught you to say such a thing!! Who dare imply i don’t love my belov—“
“(Y/N)!!!” Cameo Ratted.
well then.
Lucio confronted you in your bedroom in a slightly agitated way. “So a little birdie told me you do impressions of me.” He grumbled. “Once or twice, why?” You hummed as you remembered the latest; Lucio had canceled a dinner date you and him had set that morning to have late meetings with the courtiers. Of course you were mad and did an impression of him on the balcony to make yourself feel better before promptly going to bed without him. Apparently Cameo over heard.
You cleared your throat. “Oh I’m lucio and I have more important things to do then have dinner with my partner, like galavant around with an alcoholic and his minions.” You huffed out in Lucio’s voice while finishing what Cameo had not. Lucio couldn’t decide if he should be mad or impressed. He chose the latter.
“Do another one!” He smiled, you rolled you eyes and continued on doing impressions of him and the courtiers.
Now whenever there’s some party, he pulls you out to do Impressions as a party trick. It’s become very popular AND you get to let out some of your anger by making people sound stupid.
He also doesn’t skip dinner dates anymore, if he has meetings he simply tells them he cant make it. Your the most important thing to him— Plus the thought of you being able to use his voice against him keeps him in his place.
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chilling-seavey · 4 years
Family beach day blurb with the pics of Daniel on the paddle board as inspo!!
Bro…my literal favourite kind of ask yesss 🧡
For those living under a rock, or have yet to follow me for my daily Seavey updates, these are the pictures used for inspo:
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Thursday, July 22, 2032
I’ll be working on another ask about more details of this little vacation (now that I kind of have my inspo for a vacation I can answer that one that’s been in my mailbox for ever lol) but basically what you need to know is Daniel often was sent on weekend/three-day business trips to LA once in a while – maybe once or sometimes twice a year - just to work with the main office down there and some other clients. So when another trip lined up with summer break, Florence and Daniel took that opportunity to pay extra to stay an extra week and bring the whole family of five down to LA.
Daniel had to work for the first bit of their trip – they arrived on the Sunday morning and he worked Monday-Wednesday – and then the rest of the week they all had free. LA heat was no joke compared to Toronto summers and the family hit the beach all together as soon as they could.
Clementine was thirteen and was more than ready to show off her brand-new bikini to the California guys. Daniel would have stapled a cover up on her if he could have. Penelope and Lucy were just excited to go swimming in the ocean. They set up their stuff in an empty space of sand on the beach, laying out towels and their bags and passed around the sunscreen.
Penelope hated sunscreen and she had the hugest cringe on her face as Daniel slathered her up, making sure to get her shoulders and nose until she was squirming away, “Okay, okay, okay, that’s fine!”
“I wanna lick it.” Lucy giggled, sticking her tongue out and trying to squirt a bit of sunscreen out from the bottle.
“Oh my gosh, do not do that.” Daniel laughed, snatching the bottle from her. “Hair up.”
Lucy scrunched her hair up off her shoulders to let him apply her sunscreen, nearly bouncing on her toes with excitement. At freshly eight-years-old, she felt like a whole grownup and the idea of swimming in the ocean without direct parental supervision was revolutionary to her.
Clementine had put her own sunscreen on and dropped her cover up incredibly dramatically, making her parents glance at each other as they held back their laughter at their barely-a-teenager.
“Turn.” Daniel said, the youngest doing a little spin to face him and she scrunched her eyes closed to let him apply sunscreen to her face. With a poke to her nose she was done and Daniel tossed the bottle of sunscreen onto the towel, wiping the excess cream from his hands onto himself.
“Can we go now?” Penelope asked, trying to rub off the sticky sunscreen from her skin.
“We have something planned first.” Florence said.
“What?” Clementine frowned, having already secured her spot on the towel to ‘tan’.
“You and your underage self are going to do some paddle board yoga with us.” Daniel said with a smirk at her glare.
“What’s that?” Lucy asked as they made their way down the beach.
“It’s like a class where they teach you yoga on the water!” Florence explained, taking her hand as they walked.
“So…like…something for old people.” Penelope mumbled.
“Not really.” Daniel snorted. “I have not seen a single old person doing this.”
“Your dad did it once.” Florence said.
“A while ago but, yeah, I guess you’re right.” Daniel laughed. “So, yes, I have seen an old person do this.”
They got checked in at the booth, the parents signing a few forms first before they got their boards and the girls waited impatiently with them. Florence slipped her arm around Daniel’s back and rested her chin on his shoulder to whisper a little, “Why do you always have to look so hot?”
His little smirk made her smile and he passed the clipboard back to the lady at the stand and then looked to his wife, pulling her close by her waist with a soft, “Wondering the same thing about you, baby.”
“Can we get a move on?” Lucy grabbed Daniel’s other hand before he could even lean down to kiss his wife and pulled him off towards the water.
They all got their boards and paddles and the instructor led them out into the water. The main goal was to not fall off the board which honestly was easier said than done and as Florence already had fallen off twice just trying to paddle out to deeper water. Honestly Penelope was no better and she could barely get standing without wiping out.
Daniel was doing just fine and Clementine managed to get standing beside him on her board with reasonable ease, Lucy standing on wobbly legs with her arms outstretched and bum stuck out to try not to fall.
“With your arms raised, we’re going to balance on one foot, like so.” The instructor imitated the pose from the centre of their little circle.
“Yeah, no, that’s not going to happen.” Florence snorted to herself, making Daniel laugh from her left as he adjusted the board with the paddle.
“Gotta try, Flora.” he said, raising his palms together above his head. “Trying new things today.”
“Come on, Mommy!” Lucy grinned, shaking like hell on her board with her terrible form, looking more like an excited puppy wagging its tail than a calm yoga student.
“Lucy-” Clementine laughed just as the youngest sister completely wiped out with a huge splash and the board nearly went flying.
“Oh my God, I’m gonna pee my pants!” Penelope shrieked with laughter, barely able to catch herself before she was stumbling into the water too, making Daniel wobble a little through his own laughter before steadying himself.
“What is with you guys?” Clementine whispered through her concentration, her hands above her head as she slowly raised her right foot to her opposite knee.
“Geez, Clem, look at you.” Florence said with a small applause.
“Why are you making it look so easy?” Lucy grumbled, climbing back onto her board, her blonde hair plastered over her face and shoulders with sea water.
“Because it is easy.” Daniel whispered through his perfect pose.
The group held it for a moment before the instructor moved onto the next pose, “Now carefully get on your knees.”
Daniel glanced over at Florence with a cheeky smirk as he sunk down, “Come on, baby. I know you’re good at this.”
“Daniel James.” Florence gaped, throwing a wave of water at him.
The instructor continued, “And you’re going to anchor your hands on the side of the board, spread your weight between your arms and your head and push into a handstand.”
Daniel took a second to watch the girls try first; Lucy getting too excited and doing a complete back flop right off the board and into the water, Penelope being too nervous to even push herself up with enough power to make a solid handstand. Clementine managed a little but her legs were off and she ended up falling sideways into the water, pulling herself back out with heavy coughs.
“I inhaled sea water! Bleh!” she pushed her hair out of her face as she climbed back on the board.
Daniel could only laugh at his sweet girls trying their hardest.
“Your turn, Daddy.” Penelope said.
“It’s not easy, thank you very much!” Lucy added.
He could only smile to himself as he set his hands tightly on the side of the board and leaned forward, carefully and slowly raising his legs up to keep his weight centred before finishing in a perfect handstand on the board.
The four girls simply gaped at him.
“It’s perfectly easy, Luce.” Daniel chuckled, his form earning a round of applause from the rest of the group as well as the instructor.
“Show off.” Clementine nudged his board with her paddle enough to get him to topple over into the water. His impact splashed Florence completely and nearly took her down with him, the whole family erupting in laughter as he surfaced again with his hair plastered over his forehead.
“You look like an egg, Daddy!” Lucy shrieked, laughing so hard she fell off her own board again.
Even the rest of the group laughed at the eight-year-old’s comment and Daniel ruffled a hand through his hair to try and give it some sort of volume.
“Not gonna work, baby.” Florence teased. “Not until it dries a little.”
“Come here.” Daniel swam a few paces over to her board where she sat with one leg on either side. He grabbed her arm and puckered out his lips for a kiss.
“Go away!” Florence laughed as he tried to pull her down to him.
“Pull her in the water!” Clementine said.
“No! Don’t you dare! Daniel!” Florence shrieked as he pushed himself out of the water just enough to wrap an arm around her waist and yanked her right off the board. She tried to stay on by linking her thighs tighter around the board, pushing her hand against his chest to try and keep him away from her. “Daniel James-!”
He cut her scream off by just flipping the board with her on it, taking himself down with her, submerging them both under water. Daniel pulled her to the surface, arms tucked around her waist to keep her from getting away, pressing a strong kiss to her lips as she pushed her hair out of her face.
“Oh my gosh, baby.” Florence flushed with embarrassment as the rest of the class looked on, her arms around his shoulders and their bodies pressed up tightly together in the water, but he just hid his proud smirk into her neck, leaving kisses over her wet skin.
“Oh my gosh is right.” Clementine rolled her eyes. “Get a room.”
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rhinkthreeways · 4 years
“Forget it.” (Extended Smutty Version)
Congratulations again to @enterthetadpole for winning the 200 follower giveaway! She requested that Laika expand the “Forget it.” smutty ficlet:
Three words: Sultry AF. Broody and sensual and yeah cold shower was needed. Laika needs to stop doing these before my phone has permanent scorch marks. Just give us more because we are thirsty.
Rhett had grown comfortable with his own nudity. And with sharing that nudity with Link. He wouldn’t have believed it possible, even a year ago, but he has now found that he’s more than comfortable with the way that Link’s hungry gaze devours his naked body. His depthless blue eyes roaming over Rhett’s skin as if there were anything there left for him to undress with them.
Rhett knelt at the bedside of Link’s twin bed in the creative house, resting his head against Link’s thigh. He rubbed his unkempt beard over the rough denim of Link’s jeans, sighing happily when Link raised his hand only to bring it down to lovingly pet Rhett’s hair with soft, slow, even strokes.
Rhett was a big man, everybody knew that, but Link’s hand still felt quite large to him. Large, controlling, and safe. Rhett felt at home under those strong hands. And in love with what they were capable of.
They had been sitting this way for about a half hour. They were quite capable of staying like that comfortably for over a full hour. Rhett savored the time that he was able to spend at Link’s feet, feeling secure in his nakedness, allowing himself to be vulnerable with Link. He didn’t let himself exist in this way in front of anyone else. And Link… Well, Rhett imagined that there must be something about the way that he gave himself over to Link in this way that gave him a sense of control that Link did not always feel in his day-to-day life. Where things never played out to his exact specifications; and he found himself fighting an exhausting internal battle over whether he should annoy people with his desire to micromanage toward perfection, or to give the people in his life some peace and let his compulsion to reform and optimize every last detail of every blessed thing eat him alive. A life where anxiety pried at the edges of every interaction. Was the intent good enough? Was the outcome good enough? Was he good enough?
But Link didn’t have to worry when they were like this. Like this, the world was however Link wanted it to be. Down to the last detail. And it was Rhett’s absolute pleasure to make it that way for him.
Rhett began to subtly squirm in his keeling posture.
Link instinctively tightened his hold on Rhett’s long, wavy hair. He tilted his head back to meet ice blue eyes. Link had always been able to read Rhett better than Rhett knew himself.
“What do you need?” Link lowered shaky, yet confident, fingers to stroke the skin beneath Rhett’s bearded neck. As often as they played at this type of power exchange, Link always kept his voice low. The unstated fact that he didn’t have to raise his voice to demonstrate his hold over Rhett was enough to make Rhett hard and aching in his lap.
Rhett cleared his throat. He trusted Link. Implicitly. But he was still working on asking for what he wanted. It didn’t come easy to him. It would have been so much easier if Link would just give Rhett what he wanted, without making him admit that he had had needs in the first place. Having to confess aloud that he was not this magically perfect and whole creature, wanting nothing from nobody... It left him feeling infinitely more laid bare than his nakedness ever could.
He supposed that was the point.
Rhett nodded in response to Link’s question. He felt a distinct thrill at having the full intensity of Link’s attention focused squarely on him. It made him giddy with desire. He knew that Link would be able to see the light sheen of sweat budding on the surface of his face; and how full, flushed, and leaking his cock had become. But could he see through to how close Rhett was to humping his clothed leg, and begging shamelessly to be spanked?
Link tilted his head curiously, waiting patiently for Rhett to find his words.
“Oh,” Link responded evenly. “I absolutely mind.”
“Just… Forget it.”
“Hm. You really think that I’m gonna forget the sight of you naked on your knees, fumbling for how to tell me what you would like for me to do to you?”
Rhett decided that it might be easier to just show Link what he wanted. He crawled away from Link’s feet, moving to prop himself up on the edge of the bed, leaning down against his elbows and allowing his spine to lengthen and decompress. He lifted his tailbone and boldly wiggled his exposed cheeks. He buried his blushing face into the sheets, and awaited Link’s reaction to his wordless, albeit vague, offer.
Rhett felt the bed shift beneath his upper body as Link rose to his feet, leaving Rhett softly whimpering before he felt a reassuringly gentle touch on his freckled shoulder.
“Goodness, Rhett. Quite the gift you’re presenting me with. What am I s’posed to do with it?”
Rhett growled into the mattress as he silently weighed his options. He knew how this worked. While Link had the final option to say yes or no, understanding that he did have that ultimate power tended to make Link very generous with what he would ‘allow’. In other words, Rhett had found that he could pretty much ask Link to do anything and Link would do it. That being said, there was still the mental hurdle of asking.
Rhett took a deep, steadying breath before actively shaping his lips in the form of a question.
“Would you spank me? Please.”
Rhett couldn’t see Link’s face in this posture, but he would have bet anything that Link would be smiling from ear to ear.
“Thank you, Rhett,” Link said in a tone that managed to be rough and smooth at the same time. “The fact that you can share what you want with me makes me… very happy. Almost as happy as punishing this beautiful, perfect skin is gonna.”
Rhett’s breathing immediately began to stagger as he felt Link’s hands cup his ass and begin to caress the flesh. Kneeling the muscle, and subtly spreading him; making gentle sounds of adoration as he did.
Rhett wiggled happily, and pushed his hips back toward Link. Desperate for him to proceed.
“Yesss, please.” He practically begged as a fine tremor of anticipation worked itself through his body. The traveling chill left raises hairs in its wake. Rhett curled his toes, pressing them into the floor as Link hovered over him.
“You gonna stay still for me?”
Rhett nodded once. The quick gesture made his long hair bounce, and he shivered for a fraction of a second, his body was electric with expectation of the heat that had been promised.
Link’s hands were warm against Rhett’s skin, as he resumed his reverent stroking of Rhett’s supple skin, teasing it with light touches.
“This isn’t exactly a punishment, y'know. But I would love to make you feel it for days afterward...”
“Yes,” Rhett quickly clarified, he hoped that Link would hurry up and touch him in the way that Rhett yearned for him. “You know I’ll tell ya if it’s too much, just—”
Link chuckled quietly, and somehow dangerously, at Rhett’s impatience. “Careful, Rhett. You wanna start trying to order me around, and this can become a punishment real quick. And not in the way you’re likely hoping. In other words, I won’t whoop you at all.”
Rhett cringed. Link didn’t make idle threats. He did not like Rhett testing his dominance within this setting. He would proverbially turn this car around and go home rather than suffer the effort of brat-taming.
Rhett could feel his cock leaking as his hips began to shift toward Link again. His cock a friction that it would not find. He bit his lip and summoned every ounce of self-control to stay patient as he waited for the sharp stinging kiss of Link’s hand on his skin.
Link did not keep him waiting.
He brought his hand down with a sharp smack, and Rhett couldn’t help yelling at the hot pain on his backside, while pressing backward for another blow.
Link indulged him with a flurry of slaps.
The sound of Link’s strikes rang around the sparsely decorated room, combined with Rhett's grunts and moans. Rhett shivered at the contrast of the heat on his ass with the cool air of the room, a bloom of pain tingled across his skin.
He felt feverish, needy, ready to be fucked; but all he could do was squirm and futilely thrust his hips against the frictionless air before him. His weighty cock bobbing sadly.
“You can touch yourself,” Link mercifully informed him.
Rhett hadn’t consciously realized that he had been waiting for Link’s permission. The thought of acting without Link’s blessing hadn’t even entered his mind as a possibility. But now that the wish had been planted and granted in the same breath, Rhett silently thanked god as he seized the opportunity - and his dick in hand.
Link delivered a particularly harsh wallop that sent Rhett lurching forward into the mattress. The delicate contact of his sensitive skin against the rough cotton sheets was enough to send Rhett over the edge. Or at least blessedly close. He rubbed his neglected and and desperate cock against the side of the mattress, allowing the friction to coax his orgasm from him. His climax was accompanied by an embarrassingly high pitched mewl of a whine before his body went limp.
He felt an odd combination of being both refreshed and abandoned. Like a man consumed by heat, elated to find himself flung overboard into the cool and revitalizing sea; only to realize that he was lost, stranded and alone.
His life line, his buoy, came to him in the form of Link’s hands. They soothed his abused skin, skin that would be warm to the touch and bright red. The touch anchored him and kept Rhett from drifting off.
Link’s whisper almost came out as a growl. But there was a glimmer of humor lining his words that made Rhett smile, even as he was being made aware that their game was ending for the night.
“You fuck up my sheets, McLaughlin?”
Rhett’s shoulders shook with laughter made silent as it was swallowed up by the bedding that he was still burying his upper body into. “Uh, yeah? Seems so.”
He pushed himself up off the bed, turning to look at Link for the first time in what felt like forever. His eyes looked electric and alive. He never looked so beautiful as when he was satisfied. And he just didn’t look satisfied nearly as often as he should, by Rhett’s estimation.
“Good boy.” Link’s eyes sparkled. “Let’s get you, and my freakin’ sheets, all cleaned up.”
Rhett let Link help him to his feet. After his orgasm had subsided, he found himself feeling a little more aware of his nakedness. Especially in contrast with Link’s clothed state. It didn’t feel quite as sexy as it had even moments ago.
Brains could be fucked up things.
Link acted, yet again, like Rhett’s own personal mind reader as he handed Rhett a robe. Rhett cloaked his insecurities, his vulnerabilities, in fluffy soft charcoal colored cotton. It fit his body perfectly, but it smelled like Link. Rhett fleetingly wondered how Link had accomplished that: simply washing it with his own clothes? A more elaborate scheme involving him sleeping in it? All Rhett knew was that it was very comforting, no matter how the feat had been managed.
Link guided him to the bathroom, and began to draw him a bath. There was an ice bucket with a few offerings sticking out over the rim. Rhett could make out a bottle of champagne, and a couple of cans of LaCroix. Link had dimmed the lights, and lit a few candles to set the ambiance.
It seemed like a little much to Rhett. And now that they were no longer ‘playing’, he was tempted to make a joke about it. But he immediately second guessed that impulse. Why did he feel the need to say something silly to break the spell that Link had clearly gone to so much effort to cast for him?
Rhett easily appreciated the gesture, perhaps he just wasn’t so sure that he deserved it. However, he decided to keep his mouth shut, and give Link the opportunity to show him otherwise.
Link added bubbles to the hot water and allowed the bath to fill. He stood behind Rhett and placed his hands over Rhett’s covered shoulders, gripping the cottony seams.
“May I?”
Link slid the robe slowly down Rhett’s shoulders, and Rhett was certain that at his height, he had no right to be made to feel so delicate and cherished.
Rhett offered a loose affirmative somewhere between a shrug and a nod. It seemed that the ask was low-risk enough that Link accepted that as a Yes, without making him consent more clearly that it was okay for Link to literally disrobe him.
“How are you feeling?”
“Doesn’t sting much,” Rhett answered honestly.
“I got aloe here, some types of lotion? Ice might feel good..”
“Ha, well. I appreciate that and all. But it’s not like it was a cane, or... a flogger or anything.”
Link paused, noticeably. “Do you wish it was more like that?”
Rhett had to think about that.
“You can get back to me on that,” Link said with a wink and sly smile, before easing Rhett into the bath.
Rhett sighed at how good the heat felt on his skin. It radiated to soothe his muscles, and relax his mind.
Rhett nodded.
Link cupped a handful of bath water, and allowed it to slip slowly through his hand to trickle onto Rhett’s skin. His blue eyes watched in awe as the water landed, beaded, and slid down Rhett’s body.
Rhett longed for Link to be as slick as the water droplets, sliding down his body… He could hardly believe that he was already getting all worked up again...
“I’m going to rinse your hair.” Link was telling, not asking. But Rhett understood that he still would want an answer.
Upon Rhett’s subtle nod, Link palmed one open hand over the top of Rhett’s head, and slowly submerged him completely beneath the water. When Rhett resurfaced, it was almost in slow motion. Water danced and dropped down his beard, catching in places and sparkling in the candlelight like stars peeking out to twinkle in the early evening sunset.
It seemed Link could not resist bringing his fingers to Rhett’s wet lips, and sliding a couple digits past them. He sensually fingered Rhett’s mouth, and Rhett happily lapped and sucked at the welcome intrusion. Rhett thought he felt Link shudder as he somewhat reluctantly withdrew.
Link took a washcloth and brought it up to rinse and massage his upper back and shoulders, places that the water wouldn’t reach once Rhett was sitting fully upright.
Rhett closed his eyes to focus on touch alone.
Link eventually abandoned the cloth, and moved to massage him with the wetted heels of his palms and his fingertips.
Rhett sighed, and even moaned a few times he felt so loose and at ease. He leaned forward to allow Link to work the muscles in his lower back and hips.
Link then repositioned himself toward Rhett’s front, leaning over the edge of the tub to touch Rhett’s knees - which were poking out well above the waterline, compressed as Rhett was in the tub. Link’s hand worked down from the cap of Rhett’s bent knee, down his thigh to sink beneath the water and rest to wrap loosely around his cock.
Rhett whimpered gently despite himself, once again at Link’s mercy.
“You hard again, Rhett?”
A silly question really, coming from a man who was now stroking his erection.
“Uh. Yeah, looks like it.”
“Then maybe you could do something for me now?”
Anything, Rhett thought.
“Okay?” Rhett said.
“Wait for me on the bed, honey. And I’ll be out when I’m ready.”
Link helped to lift Rhett out of the tub, making sure that he was adequately dried off and not at risk for slipping on his way into the bedroom. Rhett flinched when the soft cottony towel brushed over his oversensitized cock, as Link closed the robe around Rhett’s front.
Rhett tried not to feel awkward as he walked on wobbly knees with his erection bouncing beneath his modest covering. It was helpful to know that Link wasn’t watching. He was behind the closed door, ‘getting ready’ for whatever he had in mind next.
Rhett walked over to the bed, and let his robe fall to the floor. He crawled up into the center of the California king bed and lay down onto his belly. His erection pressed into the soft cushiony fabric of the comforter. It felt nice to find a bit of relief in the pillowy contact. He folded his arms and rested his head face-first into them, unable to resist subtly rutting his hips into the mattress. Barely perceptible, just enough friction to keep him from aching as the minutes passed.
In addition to his own nudity, patience was something else that Link had helped him to grow comfortable with.
Normally, waiting drove Rhett crazy. He was always uneasy. Whether he was in a waiting room for an appointment, navigating an airport terminal for a flight, or even between shooting episodes of GMM. He would always grow antsy trying to figure out exactly what he should be doing with himself in order to optimize the outcome of whatever came next.
But it wasn’t like that when he was with Link.
Rhett knew that when he was with Link, he didn’t need to worry about what happened next. Link was driving, and Rhett didn’t have to think about a thing. He was safe to let his mind go completely blank, and drift away to comfortable and secure places that he never seemed to be able to find under any other circumstances.
Rhett had no idea how much time had passed before he heard the sound of a door opening, and imagined that Link must be walking through it to join him on the bed. This suspicion all but confirmed once he felt the mattress give slightly under the new additional weight of Link sitting down next to him.
Wordlessly, Link encouraged him to turn over onto his back, and Rhett’s jaw fell open as Link’s hand gently massaged his cock.
Rhett moaned at the smooth and controlled movements. The sensation was near breathtaking as Link gradually tightened his grip, making Rhett clutch at the bedding and his eyes rolled up into his head.
“You feel good in my hand, Rhett. But that’s not where I wanna be feelin’ you.”
Rhett nodded. He had hoped that this was what Link had in mind, and he was starting to get restless - wanting Link on his dick as soon as possible.
“Tell me that you want me.”
“Always want you,” Rhett said, honestly.
“That’s sweet, honey. But I need you to tell me how you want me. Not in general. Right now.”
Rhett swallowed the thick lump of need in his throat. “Want you to hold me down, and ride my cock.”
Rhett could’ve sworn he saw Link’s breath hitched; but aside from that small tell, Link maintained his cool exterior.
“That sounds nice, Rhett. But holding you down is gonna be tough, you’re such a big man, aren’t ya?”
Rhett blushed and felt his cock grow impossibly more hard.
“But I’m gonna do my best,” Link said, a quick wink accompanying his grin as he positioned his palms over Rhett’s large shoulders, and propped himself up.
One of Link’s legs glided across Rhett’s broad body to straddle him, and it felt like satin brushing over his midsection.
“You shaved,” Rhett commented.
Link’s eyes lit up at Rhett’s attention. “You noticed.”
“Feels nice on my skin.”
“I did some other stuff that might feel good on ya, too.”
To accentuate his meaning, he reached down to guide Rhett’s cock to his entrance. Rhett watched as Link’s face went slack and his eyes fluttered. Plump lips slightly parted as he slowly sank down onto Rhett’s engorged cock.
Link whimpered as he took his time adjusting to the not unfamiliar feel. He sighed when he felt he’d taken it all.
“God you’re thick, honey. Feel the way you stretch me and open me up for you. Unreal.”
“Feels pretty real to me,” Rhett muttered as he nodded, and brought his hand to Link’s hips. “You want me to...?”
“No. I don’t want you to do a thing. Your hands are fine there. But I wanna fuck myself on your big dick, and I don’t want you to do a damn thing ‘cept tell me how good I look as I do. Until I’m done. When I’m done, and no sooner’n that, I want you to shoot me full of come.”
Rhett had to grit his teeth and use every mental tool in his arsenal to keep from coming right then.
Fuck, this man was sex incarnate.
Rhett held tightly to Link’s hips as he began to move. He was already so soft and slippery from the time he’d taken before coming into the bedroom, and Rhett was grateful. There was nothing like the feel of Link’s tight heat squeezing and massaging his cock.
Link started out slowly, like he was getting used to the feel; but Rhett reckoned he was just enjoying himself. He elongated his truck as he stretched and writhed on top of Rhett. His body so long and lean, now beginning to shimmer with a thin sheen of sweat. His cock was hard, his nipples erect. He looked like he was carved from stone, and Rhett didn’t think he’d ever get over how gorgeous he was like this.
“Fuck, Link… You look incredible. You feel even better.”
Rhett didn’t feel that he had found exactly the right things to say, but he knew Link would want him to say something.
Link picked up his pace a little at Rhett’s praise. He began to twist a bit as he rode, making sure he hit just right. Every once in a while causing himself to tremble. He shifted his weight further back into his hips and lifted his hands from Rhett’s shoulders and onto his own body.
One hand wrapped around his cock, not stroking. Merely holding and squeezing. His other hand ran up over the front of the body, from the soft trail of dark hair up to his navel, up his stomach and over his chest. He fingered at his nipples, teasing and pinching himself to his own delight. Rhett could feel Link’s body responding to his own touches as he clenched and quivered around Rhett’s cock.
For Rhett’s part, he tried to keep his hips as still as an inanimate toy. But he hoped that Link wouldn’t object to his hands roaming a bit. He could not resist gliding his fingertips over the silky smooth skin of Link’s toned legs. Feeling the flex of the muscles in his thighs as he fucked himself on Rhett’s cock.
“God, you’re sexy,” Rhett told him. “You look so pretty. I wanna see you come. Wanna watch your pretty body fall apart. Feel you shiver and shake on top of me. Wanna fill this tight little ass with my come. You’re so fucking hot, I don’t know how long I can last with you looking this good, Link. Are you close?”
“Such a good boy, Rhett. Tellin’ me all the nice things I wanna hear about m’self.” Link began to move faster. With intent. He shimmied his hips and began to pump his cock in his fist. “I’ll come for you, honey. I’ll make a big ol’ mess for ya… all over your body. Nnnngh, you’re so good to me, letting me use you like this…”
Rhett’s dick ached for release, his thighs felt numb. All sensation pooled and isolated his groin, pressure building as he watched Link contort. Link threw back his head as a satisfied groan - that was music to Rhett’s ears - ripped out of his chest as Rhett felt his stomach sprinkled with Link’s warm come.
Rhett's next words came out as a desperate plea, “Can I come?!”
“Fill me, daddy!” Link moaned.
Link squeezed himself around Rhett’s girth and Rhett gratefully emptied his load inside of him, going completely lightheaded and giddy. Sighing and giggling in his post-orgasmic high.
Link gingerly lifted himself off of Rhett and collapsed into the mattress next to him. Eyes shut, and lips naturally curled into a soft smile.
“What do you wanna do now?” Rhett whispered into Link’s sweaty mess of hair.
“Whatever we want.”
Rhett smiled and kissed the top of his head. “I do love how we keep uncovering additional layers of that.”
“‘Whatever we want.’ We found a way to express ourselves creatively by doing whatever we want. Made a career and built a business around doing whatever we want. Decided to finally love by doing whatever we want. Now we’ve even turned it into some kinda… therapy or something. It’s just… unreal.”
“Feels pretty real to me,” Link said with a dreamy smile.
Rhett’s stomach growled.
“I’m gonna rinse off,” Link announced. “Why don’t you order us some food to calm that roaring stomach of yours?”
“Sure. What should we get?”
“It’s your turn to choose,” Link said, winking as he returned stark naked to the bathroom. “I’m done callin’ the shots for tonight.
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go--ask--alice · 3 years
And So It Begins: Part I
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[Author’s Notes: This is a direct continuation from the last post, It Started With A Kiss]
🃏 Joker
👑 Alice
🃏 *I hoist you up by the waist and effortlessly place you onto the bed. The room is enormous with lots of rich details in typical gaudy Joker fashion. There is an abundance of black, white marble, and gold.* Welcome! I hope it’s comfortable enough for you. *Crawling onto you.* Is there anything else I can do to.. *Grabs your thighs.* ..make you more at home?
👑 *I take a moment to survey the room.* Mr. J this is beautiful. *I look up at you hovering over me.* But what’s right infront of me, that’s the sight I’d like to drink in.
🃏 *Yanks your legs open suddenly and dips down between them, inhaling.* Ohhhhh no Alice… It’s my turn to have a drink.
👑 *I run my hand down your jaw.* Well by all means sir, who am I to deny you anything?
🃏 *I smirk and then begin nibbling on your inner thighs close to your core but not quite there yet, teasing you as I work around to nibble on the other side.*
👑 *Looking down my body and seeing your green head bobbing between my thighs is almost more than I can take.* Fuck… Mr. J, I can’t tell how many times I’ve fantasized about this very moment…
🃏 *I pick my head up and prop it on my palms.* Really? Tell me… what was it like? I’m all ears. *I air bite at you.*
👑 *I exhale a laugh.* What was it like? Heaven? *I’m blushing again, how I can feel nervous speaking when I’m already so exposed to you is beyond me.* Your cool metal teeth on my hot skin. Your tongue teasing and exploring my body? Yup. Heaven.
🃏 *I revel in seeing you blush.* Like this? *I start nipping lightly on your clit with my metal teeth.*
👑 Yes… god yesss.. *My hands fisted in your hair, urging you to continue.* Please J.. please make me cum. I’ve thought about this for so long. I want to watch you devour me.
🃏 *I look up at you and speak through my gritted metal teeth.* Such a good girl. So fucking polite. *I dive down and extend my tongue onto your sex lapping you up as I stare into your eyes.*
👑 *My eyes rolls back as you speak. I force my gaze back to you, your stare boring into mine.* Make me cum… Daddy.
🃏 *I pull you to me so that your pussy is flush with my mouth. My eyes are locked with yours as you implore me and my eyes squint in response. I start lapping my tongue around paying special attention to circling your clit.*
👑 *The feel of your hungry mouth is driving my crazy. The look in your eyes should scare me but it doesn’t, it just fuels the burning fire building deep inside me.* You wanna be my Daddy Mr. J?? *I try to continue but you hit a sweet spot and my words dissolve into unintelligible moans.*
🃏 *I laugh against you as your words become moans and I pick up my head to answer your question.* Doll face… I’ve been your Daddy since you walked into my club. *I dive back down and begin darting my tongue in and out of you as I grip the backs of your knees.*
👑 *I can’t even form a clever response as you resume your assault on my pussy.* Oh god Daddy… I’m so close! Please, please.. *My eyes plead with you even if my mouth can’t, my body is a coiled spring that desperately needs released. With one hand still gripping your hair tightly, the other wanders back to my hard nipples. I take turns pinching and teasing each one. I can’t get enough stimulation, my body is about to crash as my orgasm nears even closer.*
🃏 *I pull away from you and wipe your juices from my mouth, watching as you touch your breasts.* Ask me again Alice. Ask Daddy to let you cum.
👑 *I pause, look you dead in the eyes and whisper.* Daddy.. will you please, please let me cum?
🃏 Awwwww that was adorable! But you can do better than that. *Stands and looks down at you.*
👑 *I can only imagine the look on my face as you pull away and stand up.* Better? *I sit up on my knees and crawl towards you, getting as close as you’ll allow.* Daddy that was very mean.. *I reach toward the waistband of your silk boxers and pull you close, my hand running over your hard cock.* Daddy if I promise to make you feel good, will you let me cum?? Pretty please Daddy! I need you and I need you to make me cum, make me scream your name. *I place small kisses along your torso, kissing each letter of your name spelled out before me.*
🃏 *I cackle* I’m the Joker sugar tits. I’ve got “mean” running through my veins. *I lean down and grasp your chin.* Give me a bit of Malice. *I pull my out cock, which bounces out explicitly. Precum oozes out of the tip.*
👑 *I shuffle off the bed and settle on my knees infront you.* Is this what you want sir? You want to feel my lips wrapped around you? You want me to take you in deep. *As I speak I inch closer and closer, til my lips brush your head.* You wanna fuck my mouth Daddy? *I eye you with a bit of caution and lick my lips as I finally get a look at your thick hard length.* Oh Mr. J… You look good enough to eat.
🃏 *I roll my head back hissing.* Do it.
👑 *I grin wide and nod up at you.* As you wish sir. *Grasping you firmly with my left hand I guide you to my parted lips. My tongue sneaks out to lick the underside of your cock.* Yup, just what I thought. Delicious. *I look up and make eye contact with you as I take in as much of your length as possible, my lips forming a seal around you.*
🃏 *I clench my fists and moan as my eyes roll back.* Fuck baby…..
👑 Hmmmm? *I hum around your cock, the look on your gorgeous face just spurring me further on.*
🃏 *I grab your hair and pull you onto me further* Ohhhhhhhh I’m so glad you came into my club Miss Malice! Having your sinful self and your very sweet Alice side around is going to.. *Clenches as you hum.* ..be a treat.
👑 *I pull back just enough for you to leave my mouth.* Why thank you Mr. J. I think I’m going to enjoy keeping you company. *I flick my tongue over the head of your cock before sitting back on my heels.* You.. my good sir, look like you want to cum. Is that true?
🃏 *I grit my teeth as I answer you and my face turns into an evil snarl.* How thoughtful of you to ask, why yes I’d like to cum. *I pull you up by your throat and slam you onto the bed. I press the head of my cock against your dripping pussy and push in slightly and I lean in to growl my next words.* I want to cum deep inside your tight little pussy.
👑 *The moan the tears from my mouth is bordering on frantic. My body aches to feel you fill me up.* Oh god J. Fuck me! Fuck me so hard.
🃏 *I plunge inside of you slowly, as deep as I can and then pull out of you entirely. I repeat this slow teasing several times enjoying the look of desperation on your face as you buck your hips up to me.*
👑 *I’m bordering on tears as you fuck me at a painfully slow pace.* Daddy? Please.. I still need to cum. *I wrap my legs around your waist in an attempt to keep you buried inside me, the smile on your face is twinged with evil as you watch me suffer, desperate for release.*
🃏 I think we both know why you’re not a doctor. *I say with a grin as I pick up the pace.*
👑 *I dig my nails into your shoulders as you finally pick up speed. I’m panting barely able to speak, my head pitched back as you push me further back to my edge. I’m struggling to keep my composer, my will to please you and not cum without permission is fading fast.*
🃏 *I like the feeling of your nails digging into my shoulder. The pain compliments the intense pleasure I feel as I pierce into your body. Seeing you become incomprehensible is scintillating. I lose myself inside of you and I begin my own decent to the brink of orgasm. My pelvis becomes jerky as I thrust into you. It makes a distinctly graphic sound as our bodies slap together at a rapid speed.*
🃏 Daddy’s *thrust* little *thrust* flirt *thrust* is getting *thrust* fucked *thrust* hard *thrust* like a naughty *thrust* slut! *THRUST*
👑 *I let go of one of your shoulders and bury my hand in your hair, I pull your face down to me as you pound mercilessly into my body.* Daddy! Please… *I’m barely phased as you call me a slut, for you I am.* Cum with me.
🃏 *My body spasms as I begin to release. I close my eyes and speak through my teeth.* CUM… CUM WITH DADDY… CUM ALL OVER ME…. FUCK!!!
👑 *I finally let go, tumbling over the edge as my orgasm rips through me. I scream out and cling to you, afraid I’ll shatter into tiny pieces if I let go.* Oh.. Oh fuck… Daddy!!! *I feel you fill me up and we both finally start to come down, I’m breathless, every little move you make sparks another aftershock through my body.*
🃏 *I stay moving inside you for a few moments after we cum together. The feeling of you erupting all over me as I released myself into your core was warm, slippery electricity. I enjoyed hearing you screaming “Daddy”. I almost feel myself becoming aroused again at the thought of it. I can tell already that this interlude won’t be our last but I count this one as a memento. It’s a collector’s item. I don’t get sentimental but I like my keepsakes. I look at you and grin. I take a mental snapshot.*
👑 Aww Mr. J… you look down right, dare I say, happy. *I pull your face to mine. The kiss was meant to be sweet and chaste but we both know there is nothing chaste or innocent between us, not anymore. I pull your bottom lip between my teeth and bite down slightly.*
🃏 *My heart skips as you bite my lower lip and then I pull away feeling a little too exposed. ‘She just said I looked happy and I wasn’t telling a joke.’* Don’t get carried away Alice. *I start to snarl but decide not to. I enjoy our new dynamic too much. You make me feel powerful. But I don’t know what to do with this persistent lust for you besides fuck you to death. It doesn’t help that your mind interests me as well. You are quite witty.* You know, you never asked me to explain myself when I said you wouldn’t make a good doctor.
👑 Hehe you’re right! I didn’t. I apologize, but I was rather distracted at the time. *I roll my hips up to you, revealing in the contact between our bodies.* So Mr. J, why wouldn’t I make a good doctor??
🃏 *I’m distracted by you rolling your hips up to me. I’m staring down at you taking in your eyes, your hair, your lips, looking at the form and curvature of your breasts. I find myself wondering if I’ll need to break you in anyway or bend you to me. You have been very good so far but girls like you have curious minds. This will be interesting.*
👑 *You look lost in thought, I tap you on your temple.* Hey.. anyone home? You still haven’t answered me.
🃏 *I snatch your hand.* Hmmm… yes. *I bring it up to my lips for a kiss.* It’s because you don’t have any patience. Get it? Patients… Patience? *Bites your wrist.* Someone was pretty eager to cum. *I grin as I pull out and land next to you on the bed.*
👑 *I can’t help but laugh at your silly joke. You seem so much more relaxed than before.* You think you’re pretty cute don’t you?? *I turn towards you and poke at your chest.*
🃏 *I wink at you.* What was that? You think I’m cute? Go on tell me more. Pour it on you little minx.
👑 *I prop myself on an elbow, I push your messy green hair off your face. I can see the tension start to creep back into your body language, I’m definitely pushing my luck touching you in such a tender way.* You’re just fishing for all the compliments aren’t you?? But yes Mr. J, I think you are quite cute and dangerous and.. *I start kissing your chest between each word.* ..powerful *kiss* ..sexy *kiss* funny.. *My tongue runs over your nipple.* and very.. very talented with that metal mouth of yours.
🃏 *I bare my teeth and find myself torn between snapping at you and kissing you. Sure, I’ve fucked girls and had flings but I haven’t let any this close and certainly not into my home. I flip you over onto your stomach.* I might have to restrain you if you don’t stop all of this… softness towards me.
👑 *I shake my head, knowing I was pressing my luck. You are not a normal man, certain things just won’t fly with you.* Sorry sir.. I just can’t help myself when it comes to you. I have this strong urge to always be touching you.
🃏 *Even the sound of your apology is perfect. I wonder if you are aware of your own seductiveness and then I recall that there is a bit of a bad girl underneath all of that sweetness. I quickly bind your wrists behind your back with my hand.* What were your true intentions waltzing into my club? Was it really just to get in a quick bang? *Finger gun with my free hand. My mind is beginning to play tricks on me.*
👑 *You’re making me a bit nervous as you hold me down.* I just wanted to meet you sir! Honestly I came there with only good intentions. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect my night to end in your bed. Mr. J… *My voice begins to waver.* Why did you think I came to you??
🃏 *I release the vice grip a little and start looking at your ass. I give it a little smack.* Curiosity killed the cat didn���t you know that Alice?
👑 Yes I did sir. But it was a risk I was willing to take. You can’t honestly tell me I’m the first one to wander my way into your club and seek you out.
🃏 *I grab the globes of your ass and kneed them gently.* You are not. But, I like you… *SMACK* *I watch as your ass jiggles.*
👑 *I jump as your hand connects with my ass.* You like me sir?? *A giggle bubbles out of me.*
🃏 *Fuck she’s a giggler! Literally perfection.* *SMACK* You have a lot of questions Alice.
👑 I’m sorry sir. Does that bother you? I could back off a little if you wanted. *I wiggle back and forth below you.*
🃏 *I trail my fingers gently over where I’ve smacked and up your back slowly and methodically.* Does it matter? It’s in your nature to ask.
👑 That’s true, but I also don’t want to bother you or bore you either. Even someone like you deserves a bit of happiness.
🃏 Bother me? Perhaps *Chuckles* Bore me? Never.
👑 *I melt into your touch.* Oh my god.. you make me feel so good.
🃏 *I roll my neck around when you say the words then my phone rings. I look around for it and I’m very annoyed when I can’t find it.* Alice…. bring Daddy his phone.
👑 *I sit up.* You have ears like a hawk sir, I can barely hear that. I bet you left it in the kitchen. *I crawl off the bed, turning back to you I see you’re serious and you want me to find your phone. I plod down the hall trying to remember the route you took getting here, I was upside-down at the time. I push open the kitchen doors to find the terrible mess we made earlier. Clothes, pie, utensils strewn everywhere.* Oh god. If he makes me clean this all up. *I finally find your phone peaking out of your discarded pants. I pick it up but the call has already gone to voice mail, I quickly retrace my steps and sprint back to your bedroom.* Here you go sir. *I hand you the now silent phone.* Sorry I didn’t get it back to you fast enough.
🃏 *I grab the phone from you and I’m even more annoyed that there is a smudge of Blueberry on it. I make a disgusted face and look for something to wipe it off with. I stand up fully naked and pull something randomly out of a drawer to wipe the phone with.*
👑 *I reach back for the phone.* So sorry sir, let me get that. *I run my finger over the smudge, wiping it clean.* There you go! All better! Shame that pie wasn’t blackberry.
🃏 And why is that? *I snap as you say it.*
👑 Blackberry.. smart phones? It would have matched. Ahh sorry. It was alot funnier in my head!! *I finally realize you’re standing naked infront of me. very close and very naked.*
🃏 *I stare at you with a confused look and then I double over in laughter. I shake my finger at you as I laugh and tears form in my eyes.* Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Blackberry!!!!! Smart phones! *I have to catch my breath.* That was an excellent joke! *I stop and pull out a small notebook and jot down the words “blackberry” and “smartphone”.*
👑 *I cross my arms over my chest and huff.* Jeez Mr. J.. It wasn’t that funny. *A cheesy grin spread across my face. I love that I can make you laugh.*
🃏 Wrong. *Stern face.* It was hilarious. *Breaks into a soft chuckle.* Now, I suppose I should see who the fuck it was that called me.
👑 I didn’t peek! I promise. *I return to the bed, sitting in the middle, I pull a blanket around me. It finally dawns on me that I just ran through your house practically naked, I’m slightly mortified. I burrow further into the plush blankets while you take care of your business.*
🃏 *I start looking through missed calls.* Telemarketer-Telemarketer Ugh, Frost. *Calls Frost back.* WHAT! *I stand with my back to you.* No… No it’s not necessary just fucking take care of it! *Hangs up.*
👑 Everything alright sir?
🃏 *Turns to face you and my face becomes slightly softer.* Sorry about that I need a secretary. *Chuckles*
👑 Yeah? I think you do..
🃏 Are you volunteering?
👑 I was thinking more personal assistant than secretary. *I bite back a giggle.*
🃏 *I crawl back into the bed and under the covers with you.* Hmmmm…. tell me more about that.
👑 Well its obvious that you are well equipped to take care of a large business. But I think you put so much effort into that, that you don’t think about yourself. That kitchen doesn’t look like anyone’s used it ever. What do you eat? Do you have any staff here?
🃏 *Looks at you intrigued and smirks.* My staff…. It’s hard to find good help around here, I eat a lot of take out.
👑 Hah it would seem that way.
🃏 Usually I just have Frost hold up… ahem order up Italian. But now that you have that pretty little apron.
👑 Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not jumping to be your maid or anything, but I’d love to be the one who helps.. *Mumbles* take care of you…?
🃏 *Leans down and kisses you as you mumble.* You sure you don’t want to be my maid? I think I can dig up a pretty little French maid outfit.
👑 Heh yes sir. I’m sure. I have to draw the line somewhere!
🃏 Really….?
👑 *I push you down onto the bed and crawl into your lap.* Plus, isn’t there some kind of stigma about sleeping with the help??
🃏 *Gives into you pushing me down.* Wouldn’t you want to clean up after all our messes? Replaying how they got that way in the first place?
👑 *I place my hands on your chest and sit up, straddling your hips.* Mr. J, I feel like you might be trying to take advantage of me.
🃏 Me? Taking advantage of you? I guess I’ll just have to convince you. *Feigns shock.* I’m so offended. Weren’t you just skipping through my home in the nude? I have quite the surveillance system Alice, I forgot to mention that. I’ll have to review the footage later.
👑 *My eyes widen in shock.* Oh you are devious.
🃏 *Cackles and leans back to fluff the pillow. When I pick it up a gun slides out. I quickly pick it up and slide it under the bed.* Occupational hazard. I hope you aren’t squeamish. *Raises hairless eyebrows.* Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe. Just don’t cross me. *Pulls you back to make eye contact with you.*
👑 *I extended my hand for a pinky promise.* I promise. Cross my heart.
🃏 *I am taken aback by your sincerity. I didn’t think that earnestness still existed. I pull your pinky into my mouth and suck on it.*
👑 *I close my eyes and sigh as your lips close around my finger.*
🃏 Are you always this sweet?
👑 I try.
🃏 *I take another finger into my mouth and suck.*
👑 *I rake the nails of my free hand down your chest.*
🃏 *I moan with your fingers still in my mouth.* Tell me a secret. Tell me something that no one else know about you.
👑 *I lean in close, my lips brushing your ear.* No one knows I came to see you tonight. Not a soul other than you knows where I am right now.
🃏 And who should know? Do you have family or friends that are worried about you? Have I stolen a sweet piece of fruit from its tree? *I run my hands over your body.*
👑 Oh you haven’t stolen a thing. I gave it all, very willingly. *I roll my hips into you.* They needn’t be concerned with my whereabouts anymore.
🃏 You’ve given yourself to me? Like a little fucking present? *Bends down to kiss your nipples.*
👑 *I nod, blushing* That is, if you want me sir? *My head lolls back as your lips touch my nipples.*
🃏 *I cup your breasts and press them together staring at them hungrily. I tug your nipples roughly between my index fingers and thumbs.*
👑 Ohh.. Mr. J! How do you make me feel so good?
🃏 Mmmmm…. *I answer you by taking one of your nipples into my mouth and sucking on it as I roll the other between my fingers.* Your body is so responsive Alice.
👑 *I arch my back, trying to get as close to you as possible. I wrap a hand into your hair, holding you against my flesh.*
🃏 *I laugh against your body as I switch and take your other nipple into my mouth.*
👑 Mmm Daddy… do you have any idea how wet you make me.. just touching me? *I wiggle my hips, trying to gain a bit a friction between my thighs.*
🃏 *I smirk at you and lick my lips. I continue my assault on your breasts and press my erection into your thigh.*
👑 *I pull back causing your mouth to leave my skin. Positioning myself above your hard cock.* Such a tease Daddy. *I slowly lower myself down, my thighs slick with arousal, your smooth head barely touching me. I tease myself, rubbing you against my throbbing clit.*
🃏 *I growl and snap my teeth at you. Wet again for Daddy J?
👑 Mmhmmm always Daddy.
🃏 Give Daddy a taste.
👑 *I run my index finger across my clit, dipping down into my dripping pussy. I finger myself for a moment, a moan falling from my lips. Before I get too carried away I bring my soaked finger to your lips, running it across your bottom lip before pushing it into your eager mouth.*
🃏 *My eyes roll back into my head as you push the finger inside my mouth and I grab your wrist sucking hard not letting you go until I’ve tastes every drop of you. I pull you to my lips and kiss you, lapping my tongue around yours exploring your mouth.* Can you taste your sweetness on my lips?
👑 Mmmm yes Daddy.. we taste delicious together, don’t we?
🃏 *I hoist you up over me so that you are sitting on my chin with your sex less than an inch from my tongue* Give me more. *I stare up at you and grip your ass hard with both hands.*
👑 It’s yours Daddy.. take it. *I stare down at you, trembling with anticipation.*
🃏 Such a good girl. My tongue dips out of my mouth to flick at your clit, teasing it.*
👑 More.. Daddy.. Please..
🃏 *I run my tongue up and down your slit.* More? *I squeeze your ass hard and smack it.*
👑 Mmm yes. More. I want everything you’ll give me. I crave your touch.
🃏 *I make little wet circles on your clit.* Say “pretty please Daddy”.
👑 *I struggle to form the words* Pretty pretty please Daddy.. *The words turn I to soft moans.* Please…
🃏 I love how you moan for me Alice. *I start darting my tongue in and out of you.*
👑 *I reach down, holding you to me, my head falling forward so I can watch your every move.*
🃏 *I wrap my arms around you pinning you in place. Every time I feel you grind against my tongue it makes me want to devour you further.*
👑 *I’m panting, breathless. Unsure what is turning me on more. Your actual actions or just watching you devour me.*
🃏 *I reach up and slowly run my hands up and down your sides as I continue licking.*
👑 Daddy? *I whimper.* I’m so so close… may I please cum? I want to watch you drink me in. I wanna see your mouth dripping in my release. *I grind my hips into you again, desperate to feel you. A shiver runs through my whole body as you touch my sides, I’m far too lost in pleasure for it to tickle but it feels incredible none the less.*
🃏 *I smile against your pussy and begin sucking, kissing and licking at full force.* Cum Alice. *I say it against your pussy and breathe hot air onto you before diving back in.*
👑 *I barely register your command, it would have happened regardless of your permission. My head pitches back and a string of moans and obscenities fly out of me.* Fuckkkk Joker!!! Oh.. oh god… *I choke back a sob, my body convulsing around your tongue.*
🃏 *I grip you as you cum and form a strong suction. I swallow every drop of your sweet release. As you cum I spank your ass hard with both hands.*
👑 *I slump forward, hugging your head to my body.* That.. was.. incredible…
🃏 You said a couple of bad words there Alice. *Smirks* Maybe later after you clean up the kitchen you can wash your own mouth out with soap. *Cackles*
👑 *I blush scarlet * Mr. J… I was unaware a few dirty words would bother you. *I giggle, letting my body slide down your chest til I’m able to wrap my arms around your broad shoulders.*
🃏 *I pull your face close to mine.* Look at this fuuuuccckkkkiiiinnnngggg blush on you! *I lean in to kiss you tenderly.*
👑 *I shake my head and pull away from your sweet kiss.* You know it’s all your fault, my blushing that is.
🃏 Is it now? *Grabs your hand and pulls it to stroke my massive hard on.* And who is responsible for that?
👑 Mmmm that is something I’ll gladly take responsibility for. *I grip your hard thick cock, my hand slowly stroking you up and down.*
🃏 I glare at you and my lip twitches. I clench my fists. It feels fantastic.*
👑 Something wrong Daddy? Don’t I make you feel good? *I continue pumping my hand, pausing to run my thumb over your head.*
🃏 *I try to restrain myself. I’ve already lost myself inside of you once. I am fascinated with you but it’s not like me to get this comfortable with someone right away. I’m thinking with my dick. I growl and try to pull away but it feels so good.*
👑 *Your body language is tense, I’m unsure if I’ve done something wrong. Airing on the side of caution, I release my hand and scoot over to sit next to you.*
🃏 *I pull a blanket over my erection trying to hide it and failing miserably.* All of this touching. You have to excuse my conflicting emotions about it, I am not meant for attachments. I am a nightmare. *Snarls*
👑 You are a nightmare wrapped in a daydream. *I say softly, mostly to myself.*
🃏 *I stand abruptly and the blanket hangs onto my cock unexpectedly. I make an annoyed face and throw it off as I storm into the on-suite bathroom.*
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cjxkpopxwriting · 5 years
SINDAY DRABBLE: Happy birthday, Jagi
Author’s Note: this is a Drabble written specifically for Raquel @gloomyoongs for her birthday! Jin’s coming for you. 😍💋😈 I Hope everyone can enjoy it too.
It wasn’t like he hadn’t celebrated Westernized birthdays ever before. Even after their exposure to other types of celebrating, the guys had made it a thing to celebrate on their individual birthdays as much as the big one on the 1st of the year. But this was his princess. His queen. His Jagi. And he had to go all out.
The mood was set. The whole room was perfectly cleaned, organized, the table tuned to just the right angle. He’d made sure candles littered the room in the sappiest way he could imagine. Rose petals on the floor. On the table cloth. Two place settings with gleaming silverware and plates and perfectly folded napkins that had taken him hours to do. In the middle of the table was placed a dish full of her favorite pasta, complete with decoratively twisted breadsticks coated in garlic butter.
Of course he’d not missed a detail. He had his hair perfectly combed, a full suit on. He wore his best cologne, and had a dazzling smile as she texted him that she was almost there. Fussing over the food, he made sure it was still hot, accidentally blew out a candle, and had to relight it, w text that she was here. The door opened and she gasped, making him jump and turn to look at her.
“Ahhh, Jagiya! You didn’t text!” Raquel shook her head, eyes wide. “Oh yes I did! Jin... did you do this... is this for me?” Jin blushed brightly, his smile soft and then quirked to the side as he closed the door and took her hands, tugging her gently to the table. The surprise wasn’t necessarily ruined, but the whole serenading her bit was out. “It’s your birthday. I didn’t forget. And... I know it’s not going out and being crazy. But sometimes a night in is good.”
His eyes turned to her, drinking her in, and he sighed. “You are so beautiful... so so beautiful, princess.” She has been invited over under the guise of movies, pizza, and maybe a quickie. But with everyone gone, he had been able to plan something wonderful. “Come and sit... I’ve made your favorite.” Her eyes shot open in surprise at the pile of pasta and chicken coated in a lemony garlic sauce that smelled absolutely divine. He grinned victoriously as she beamed back up at him, and pumped his arm. “Oh yeah. Team Kim Seokjin for the win!”
Jin quickly served the two of them plates of pasta, salad, and breadsticks, feeling accomplished. She smirked at him. “What?” He finally asked, and she shook her head. “No entertainment? Kook and Jimin aren’t gonna jump out to sing for us?” Jin scoffed. “You want singing? From them? What am I, chopped cabbage? Hello! I can sing!” She giggled back at him, his face looking more perturbed. “And I’m worldwide handsome! Are you not entertained woman?! Seriously? Fine!”
Getting on his knees beside her chair, in a suit that could easy match the price of one of those little box cars, he began to serenade her with Epiphany. Shoving him lightly, she shook her head. “First, there’s no rain you dummy! And second, that’s not even close to romantic.” Jin grumbled and sat in his chair, shaking his own head. “You are impossible to please! And to think I was going to share Japanese style cheesecake with you!”
It was her turn to pout and he threw his hands up. “Yah! Impossible! Fine! I’ll share! Only because it’s your birthday!” The dinner between the two of them was interrupted by a video chat where Jungkook and Jimin did actually sing to her and everyone wished her the best night ever. While she finished her video call, Jin served up the dessert for them, and slid the plate with one lit candle in it in front of her. “You idiots quit yammering and sing again!”
Letting her blow out her candle, the guys finished singing and cheered when she silently made her wish. “Go find someone else’s date to crash, you savages! Bye!” Hanging up on them as they laughed, he sat back down and took a bite. “Mmm, try it!” Jin looked like he was on pins and needles as she began to bite into the cheese cake. Oh please be the right slice. Finally she scooped up a large bite and stuffed it in her mouth only to sputter for a moment and spit out whatever was hard and cold and... “oh! Is that a ring! Jin!”
That was a massive rock. Holy shit.
The man was on his knees again (sorry, Gucci) and he met her shocked gaze with a lopsided grin, trying not to giggle. “I waited all dinner to watch you nearly choke on that 5,000 dollar engagement ring...” he began, making her swat at him, which he easily dodged, catching her hands to hold them. “Will you make me the handsomest, smartest, most talented, happiest man alive? And marry me, Jagiya?”
Tears filled her eyes as she tackled him to the floor, cheesecake covered ring forgotten on the table as she kissed him. Cradling her against him, he laughed and rubbed the back of his head. “So is that...” “yes you idiot! That’s a yes!” Jin shouted victoriously, scrambling from the floor to dance around for a second. “Oh... my Jagiya. My baby. My princess...” he began, kissing all over her face, and she added “fiancé” between kisses, making him laugh. “Mhmmm. Fiancé. God I love you.”
The kisses began to get more desperate and hungry, the tiny woman pressed against him shoving him back towards the room he shared with Yoongi. “I’m so glad they’re not here... that means I can be as loud as I want.” Jin was wide eyed as she undid the buttons on his jacket and shoved it off, tugging his shirt out of his pants too. “Hey! Take it easy! This is quality stuff! I swear if you...” He added as a button popped off, and then growled at her. “Oh that’s it. You’ve ruined my suit. Now you pay!”
Squealing as she was lifted and promptly body slammed (gently) into the bed, Jin finished the shirt off by ripping it off Superman style. “Always wanted to do that for a girl. Yesss.” Her hands slid up his abdomen and chest and across those wide shoulders, lips finding his neck as he climbed back over her. “I love you so much. Gotta make love to my fiancé on her birthday... yesss.” She giggled, but the sound shifted to something wild as his hand slid into the front of her dress, shoving it higher.
“Oooh. Lace. Very nice... what color is it... mmmm.” The black lace hugged her curves, contrasting her skin perfectly and he bit into his fist, nodding. “I knew there was a reason I wanted to marry you. Yes!” As she sat up he peeled her dress off and allowed her to strip his shirt off his arms, her fingers flying to his belt right after. “Slow down baby. I have all night.” Her chuckle made his lips pout out and she nodded, explaining, “I know we have all night but if we get the crazy, clumsy round out of the way I’ll get at least two really good ones.”
Gasping, he covered his chest. “How dare you? Ya! You’re not getting any unless you say every round is the best round, you monster!” Giggling again, her lips found his. “Ok, I’m sorry. Every round with Mr. Worldwide Handsome, my fiancé, is AMAZING.” Looking satisfied, ego thoroughly stroked, he preened and nodded. “Good girl.” Standing up, he pulled his belt off. “Birthday spankings... now. On your knees.” Obediently turning over to expose her lace clad ass to him, she gasped when the sharp sting of his belt met her flesh, arousal turning over her senses to him. “Again, Jin. Please.”
He let her have two more swats so she got three total, and nodded in satisfaction. “You’re overdressed.” He added, and she agreed, shoving his pants open and down his hips. “So are you. I need these off. And I need you inside me.” His fingers slid around her back to fight with her bra, and after a few tries, he finally got it loose. “Black lace... god I love it. Jagiya...” Plush lips wrapped around a nipple, sucking hard while his fingers found the other, twisting teasingly and then kneading the entire breast.
“So beautiful baby. I am so lucky. You have no idea. Everyone will call you Mrs. Worldwide Handsome... because you look so good. Like me.” His lips wandered down to kiss right above her navel as he tugged the lace off her lower half and slingshotted them across the room. “I have no idea where those landed. I’m sorry.” Being yanked down for a kiss, he was quiet again, her hands deftly working his boxers lower. Freedom. Oh it was so good and-
Her fingers wrapped him and pumped slowly, his jaw falling slack as he leaned down to kiss along her jaw and neck. “Yes baby... mmm.” She was slow, teasing him with each pump of her fingers. “You’re so hard and ready to go baby. Eager to please me?” Jin gave her a playful grin and nodded. “Perhaps. Yes... ok god, I want it. I’ve waited all day..” Her eyes met his, so full of love for the mess of a man over her and she knew this was it. This was the love of her life. And now she would be his forever very soon.
Jin kisses her passionately, lips eager but gentle and slow, parting her thighs with his body and sliding close enough to take her. Finally where he wanted to be, he gripped himself, stroking a few times, soft wines leaving his lips. “Condom? No condom? How do you...” But she was already dragging him closer, reminding him of her use of birth control in a whisper against his lips. Not needing to be told again, he connected their bodies with a single stroke of his hips, jaw dropping when he bottomed out.
“Always feels like the first time, baby.” She nodded in agreement, having briefly forgotten how big he was, body flexing around him to accommodate his girth and length. Having been together for over two years, there wasn’t a thing Seokjin didn’t know about her body, and quickly put that knowledge to work, hoisting her leg higher to bury himself deep. Maintaining even strokes and grinding with each one, he already had her maxed out.
One orgasm. Two.. could he get a third?
“Jin... oh my god are you on something? Jesus...” Jin kisses down her throat and chest, slowing as he had to back himself off of his own release. “Just high on your love, baby. Please, take one more?” Nodding, she kissed his lips slowly, deeply, passionately, only breathing between when he did it so good she couldn’t help it. “Jin... I’m so... close... please don’t stop.” He managed a hiss in response, hips jerking harder as he fought to stay in control.
Her face scrunched up, eyes rolling back in her head, and he knew that was it. Hearing her cry his name out into the echo of the empty house, he tumbled over the edge with her, slamming himself as deep as possible to keep everything inside. Her fingers slid up his back and shoulders and into his hair, keeping him close as they both panted to catch their breath. “I love you.” He stares back into her eyes and she smiles back, heart melting in her chest as she cradles his face in both hands. “I love you too.”
Jin is already getting off, running out of the room and she’s left confused and dripping and staring at the ceiling. “Jin!” He quickly returns with the ring and a paper towel, drying it off after he’d quickly rinsed it off in the sink. “I have to make it official. I just realized your hand didn’t feel right. Come on.” Sitting up, she offers him her left hand and he quickly slides the ring on her finger, cheering at the perfect fit. “I love you so much, baby. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Happy birthday, Jagi.” And with a snort, he begins round two.
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angelhummel · 5 years
will you do your top five santana outfits please?
Yesss of course. Again, another favorite wardrobe of mine (although I feel like I say that about half the characters… Oh well). Also I’m gonna do my best to give a variety of looks because, like most everyone else, Santana’s wardrobe suffered from “a lot of the same” in later seasons and I don’t wanna have like five body con dresses listed lol
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5) Her green and black striped Come See About Me dress. I’m gonna use it to represent all her skin tight little dresses lol. Not saying there’s anything wrong with showing some skin, but like a good 90% of those dresses looked like they barely covered her vagina. And they still had her in those dresses in the winter. In New York. It’s just not practical, honey. But anyway, this one is my favorite of those types of dresses. It’s got the strips of fabric that wrap around her, so it’s not just a plain striped dress. I think the long sleeves are interesting. The vest is cute, and I love the knee highs and boots she’s wearing with it. Seriously, these Glee girls can rock some knee highs. Also I absolutely adore Santana’s little bun. The majority of the time, we just see her with her hair up in her Cheerio high pony, or down and all over the place. So it’s nice to see her with a cute little updo 
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4) I think this is a cute Santana look that we didn’t get to see much of. The fit and flare cut is more Rachel or Quinn, I think, but this dress still manages to be totally Santana. She had a couple more flared dresses, but this has got to be the most interesting one, pattern-wise at least. It’s the perfect dress for twirling and flouncing around to Valerie. And the heels are more toned down than her usual fucking six inch stilettos and boots she usually wears, and I think they’re adorable. And Rachel might’ve written a song about headbands buuut I think Santana rocks them the best. Not sorry about it 
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3) There’s a lot of outfits like this that I love, where she’s wearing a relatively simple top and a pretty patterned skirt. There’s the pink look she’s wearing at the start of Brave. The off the shoulder royal blue top with the blue and white skirt she wears in 5x04 (bonus points bc she and Kurt totally coordinated before they left the apartment). But I’m going with this one. I think the skirt pattern is crazy pretty and interesting and something that I don’t think any of the other girls could easily pull off. Plus the teal of that top with Santana’s skin tone is just perfection. Oh, and let’s not forget the leather harness detail on the top. What’s not to love about that?
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2) Oh my good god damn, Santana could rock some gowns. Like… she was always stunning in them. She’s another character whose prom looks I’m not totally gaga about, but she more than made up for it with her other fancy formal looks. There’s the black and gold gown from Brave, and that gorgeous teal Elsa-looking dress she’s wearing while Kurtanchel is singing in the shop window. And her gold gown during How Will I Know is a close second. But I’ve gotta give it to her At the Ballet dress. Because I just. Wow. There’s no glitz, no shine, no sequins. Because Santana is the only jewel you need, baby. Also the soft lilac color?? Not something Santana wears often. But it looks amazing on her. It’s got that interesting draping or wrapping or whatever up top, and fits her beautifully. She just looks stunning 
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1) Oh yeah, I’m going with the overalls. I hope this doesn’t seem anticlimactic bc this look is just pure fire. Like peak lesbian fashion lol. There are a few more good denim looks Santana had going on in s2. There’s her blood orange shirt tucked into some light wash flared jeans and like, clogs?? And I also looove love love her outfit after the party in BIOTA when she’s wearing a total seventies get up with her floral shirt tied over more flared jeans and I just. It’s such a good look. But I’m going with the overalls and candycane striped bustier because it’s my classic fave thing of “It shouldn’t work, but it’s Santana so she makes it work”
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Day one, Apartment one:
The GPS sounded their first spot of the evening. The first listing for a small one bedroom, one bathroom, and a common room place with a small amount of amenities. The place was in a silent little part of town, a street lined with painted houses and well-worn stores. The small place was in an older part of the neighborhood and was most likely a mother-in-law suite turned apartment.
“The owner is an elderly woman,” Sho commented, opening the car door on his side to step out. His hand reaching back in for the blonde who only waved it away...complaining softly that he needed to help, that he was just ready to get into the place and look.
Toshi pulled the keys and stepped out, long legs going first as he bowed the rest of his body like a hunting bow to get out. “Looks cozy from the outside at least. Clean streets and sidewalk, only about a ten-minute walk to the school gates.”
“But it’s kinda far from the street I need to get to Katsuko’s school.” Bakugo soon mentioned, closing the car door behind him as Toshi pressed the button on the fob to lock up.
“Oh? You’re started to pick him up from school? That’s kind of you. I think the bus stop at the end of the street goes straight there.” Toshi was quick to counter back, giving a small improvement to the issue.
The three men’s attention was caught by surprise next. Sho jumped first, feeling the bush aside him ruffle and fan to each side, “GAH!!”
“HELLO!” A little tiny old woman popped out, her skin flickering with the colors of the bush she was pushing aside. Owner of a camouflage quirk. “You must be the boy that contacted me on the apartment? Yessss? YESSS?”
“Dear God.” Bakugo gasped.
“Evening ma’am.” Toshi was quick to spit out and grab Sho’s shoulders before he froze or fried the poor woman. “Indeed we are, This is Todoroki. Behind me is Bakugo, and you may call me Toshi...we’re grateful you made time for us to see the place.”
“Don’t worry, don’t worryyyy! The place is good, GOOD. Good for young people. You come see, come see, COME SEE.” She rattled at them, motioning with her hand for the three to follow as she crawled out of the bush and down the pavement to the door.
“...Can I just make my choice now?” Bakugo wasn’t impressed, more like creeped out by the display. Sho wasn’t do put off, seeing the older woman’s actions as something kinda charming in their own way. At least you knew what she was saying...she repeated it enough.
Key in the door and swung open the small group came inside to inspect, shoes off and slippers used. Though...the pair provided were too small for the retired hero. Not really an issue. The place was clean from the first glance, if outdated. Just passed the entrance way was the small kitchen area, sorely lacking for Katsuki’s standard. “There’s only one burner…”
“Oh OH?” The landlady spoke up fast, patting the stove top with a fond smile almost. “You cook, cook COOK? But you just boy, just child, you no cook. I cook, I cook, I bring. No use burner.”
Katsuki gave Shoto a look as soon as this old bat was finished, Sho could only shrug. Oh dear. A hand went to the back of Bakugo’s neck, rubbing as he followed along. There was no fridge, no mini-oven, no rice maker...nothing to cook with. All would have to be brought in. He leaned toward her as she shuffled along the stone floor. There was no flooring? “Are we allowed to bring anything in ta cook on or with?”
Before his question was answered there was a yelp, Toshi failed his arms as he managed to trip over something...looking like nothing. The floors were uneven. “No no, no cook. I cook, watch step, watch step, watch step. Floors old, floors original. Floors good.”
Again, Sho was given a long unhappy look. He couldn’t do anything about this! But the place was looking...questionable by the second. The listing online stated none of these things! It listed a small place with old world charm. “Pardon me but, the listing online stated…”
“My son! My son, he made the list. Made the list! Said all good things, good things, good good. This was his place before he marry. Marry good girl, have good child, good grandma!”
“Did you cook for your son?”
“Cook, yes. And clean, clean clean clean. I’ll do for you too! New sons! New boys! Brothers?”
Toshi wanted to snort but was able to get a hand to his mouth before a toothy smile formed. He stepped forward to speak up. “Not quite, these two are my students. Their well behaved but there is one important detail.”
“Detail? Detail? What detail?”
“They are lovers.”
“Is that an issue, granny?” Bakugo fired it out before Sho could stop him, he could see from the other’s face that he was feeling slightly heated. No stove, can’t bring anything in. No decent floor, old excuse. Awkward as fuck old woman...his buttons were being pressed. “Well?!”
“Lovers? Lovers? As in, like boyfriend and girlfriend? So you are woman? Homely looking but…” She was motioning to the blonde. Sho had to swallow his own tongue. They would need a more...progressive area to live in.
“I think we’ve seen enough.”
“But through here is bathroom, is not western toilet. Like proper Japanese toilet in floor. Good for woman’s back. Yes yes yes?”
“So is not woman?”
“...No. Thank you for the tour but I think we’ve seen enough. I’ll be in contact, thank you for your time and hospitality.” Toshi turned to take off after the boy storming out, knowing in his gut how the kid must feel. Insulted, his questions dismissed...misgendered and called ‘homely looking’. He caught up just as Bakugo’s hand met the car door handle and he started to tug.
“Young Bakugo, calm down a moment. Take a breath.”
Sho was at the blonde’s side pretty quickly as well, trying to avoid the little old woman standing in the apartment kitchen they were not going to rent. He had to admit, he was upset too...but holding it together for the sake of Katsuki still yanking at the car door handle. The next place had to be better, it had to be.
“Gorgeous, I’m so sorry. If anyone is the woman between...I’ll take it, gladly.”
“....You’d make an ugly girl.” There was a beep and card door finally opened. 
“Says you, I think my hair would make me more charming to the boys!”
“Idiot...can we please see the next one? And pray it’s not awkward? Or a dump or...?” “It won't be, I promise.”
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