#the society of the snow
lacharapita · 2 days
ᴇɴᴢᴏ ᴠᴏɢʀɪɴᴄɪᴄ
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Inspirado em
Miranda Kassin & Andre Frateschi
(Link da música tá ali em "dê" lindas)
{Mas confesso que escrevi mais pelo vídeo do Vladimir Brichta recitando essa no ouvido da Adriana Esteves [cliquem aqui porque vocês não vão se arrepender]}
"𝐃𝐞 𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫
𝐃𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐱𝐚𝐨"
— Os corpos enrolados um no outro, as cobertas floridas espalhadas sobre o colchão que sustentava os dois. Enzo e Lúcia dormiam tranquilamente naquele nascer de manhã de outono. A temperatura agradável o suficiente para permitir que os dois continuassem agarrados como se fossem um. Enzo abriu os olhos suavemente quando sentiu um feixe de luz iluminando o quarto pintado em azul. Lúcia ainda dormia um sono gostoso em seus braços, sua respiração fraca e quente chegava em seu peito, fazendo com que Enzo se arrepiasse por inteiro. Ele não se atreveria a acordar ela. Não agora. O olhar dele demonstrando amor, demonstrando paixão. Demonstrando tudo, tudo que ele sentiu, sentia e sentiria por ela.
"𝐃𝐞 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚
𝐃𝐞 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚"
— Lucía chorou baixo quando as investidas dele dentro dela ficaram demais. Pediu por favor, com desespero em sua voz, para que ele deixasse ela atravessar aquela enorme onda de prazer. Suas mãos seguraram a parte de trás da cabeça de Enzo, onde os cabelos levemente molhados com o suor estavam, puxando-o até que os lábios úmidos dela chegassem perto, até demais, do ouvido dele. Sussurrando, implorando, a voz fraca e dengosa fez Enzo vacilar em seus movimentos. "Dentro de mim." Ele choramingou. Os olhos escureceram. O quarto ficou mais quente. As mãos adornadas com anéis de Lucía acariciaram os cabelos dele enquanto as mãos dele buscaram segurar o corpo dela ainda mais firme. Com uma última investida profunda, ele lhe deu o que ela havia pedido. "Dentro de você."
"𝐃𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐞𝐫
𝐃𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐠𝐨"
— A lixa de unhas que ela usava foi jogada no chão do banheiro. Talvez estivesse debaixo da pia, talvez perto do chuveiro, não importava. Enzo, vestindo apenas uma toalha branca enrolada em seus quadris, se mantinha ajoelhado entre as pernas de Lucía. A morena de cabelos rebeldes gemia, o prazer oral que lhe estava sendo proporcionado era demais. As mãos seguravam os cabelos escuros de Enzo, pedindo de forma silenciosa para que ele nunca saísse daquele lugar. Enzo era a chama que derretia a tinta da pintura extraordinária que ela era. O calor do banheiro tornava a pele de Lúcia levemente úmida e avermelhada. As mãos grandes de Enzo deslizavam pelas coxas torneadas dela, puxando-a o mais perto que ele conseguia. E parecia que ele sempre conseguia deixar mais perto. Os olhos dele estavam sempre no rosto dela, observando cada detalhe do que ele estava fazendo ela sentir. Os lábios entre abertos, olhos fechados, pele tintada em um vermelho suave, respiração pesada e um leve tremor em suas pernas.
"𝐃𝐞 𝐮𝐦𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐚
𝐃𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨"
— A luz fraca do sol de fim da tarde iluminava os dois. Sobre a canga colorida, Enzo e Lúcia, deitados olhando para o céu, ouviam o barulho das ondas. Os silêncio não era constrangedor, era confortável e tranquilo. Para Lucía, tudo com Enzo era confortável e tranquilo. A brisa suave fazia com que pequenos e milhares de grãos de areia se juntassem com seus fios de cabelos. Enzo preferiu olhar para sua visão favorita: Lucía. A moça parecia encantada com a cor que o céu ficava, um amarelo alaranjado de final de tarde. Logo o olhar dela encontrou o de Enzo. Um sorriso bobo surgiu nos lábios dos dois e de repente eles estavam sozinhos no mundo.
"𝐃𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐦
𝐃𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐨
𝐃𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐨"
— Lucía tinha as maçãs do rosto vermelhas. Os risos que escapavam dela eram incontroláveis e únicos, e faziam Enzo rir ainda mais. Ele continuava a contar a história hilária de sua infância, mas se desconcentrava em algumas partes porque seu olhar se perdia em Lucía. - "Mas sabe, apesar da desgraça, foi nessa história que conheci o amor da minha vida."- O sorriso bobo que surgiu nos lábios da moça fez os olhos de Enzo brilharem. Fran olhava para eles com carinho. - "Ai babaca, tão lindos juntos!"- Fran diz, o tom de deboche carinhoso em sua voz faz Lucía rir ainda mais e acaba fazendo com que Enzo a admire ainda mais.
"𝐃𝐞 𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫
𝐃𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐚"
— O olhar desesperado de Lucía assustou Enzo. Elevadores, o maior medo da moça uruguaia. E naquele momento era a única opção para subir todos aqueles andares. – "Nena, tudo bem?"– Enzo perguntou. A apreensão em sua voz enquanto Lucía encarava as portas do elevador. Ela acenou com a cabeça e entrou no elevador o mais rápido que pode, com Enzo seguindo-a. – "Vem aqui. Vou te proteger, te prometo."– Os braços esticados indicaram o caminho que Lucía deveria seguir. Segurando os corpos com firmeza, o rosto de Lúcia estava colado no peito coberto do namorado. Os olhos fecharam com força e a respiração ficou pesada quando o elevador começou a subir. Enzo segurava o corpo menor com força enquanto sussurrava as palavras mais carinhosas que poderiam sair de sua boca, querendo demonstrar segurança para Lucía. Quando as portas do elevador se abriram Enzo deixou um beijo no topo da cabeça dela, indicando que o medo tinha chegado ao fim.
– "Te amo, nena."–
– "Te amo mais."–
"𝐃𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐚 𝐧𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚
𝐄 𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐚
𝐃𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚
𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚"
— Enzo agarrou os quadris de Lucía com força. A mão descendo a curva da cintura até o quadril repetidamente. A respiração dele abaixo do ouvido dela tornava o sono da moça mais leve. Enzo, ainda meio dormindo, podia ouvir os murmurinhos suaves de Lucía, aqueles que formam palavras, especificamente o nome dele. Os olhos da uruguaia se abriram tranquilamente, sentindo-se cheia de Enzo, como se ele estivesse dentro dela. Foram poucas horas de sono, menos que duas com certeza, então ela ainda estava com a mente meio lesa, talvez de tesão, talvez de sono, talvez de Enzo. O uruguaio abriu os olhos devagar, sentindo a movimentação leve de Lucía. – "Bom dia, nena."– O sussurro foi acompanhado de beijinhos doces sendo deixados na lateral do pescoço dela.
– "Bom dia, meu amor."– Lucía diz baixo. O corpo cor de bronze se vira suavemente na cama, fazendo os rostos de ambos ficarem próximos. Lucía pensava que a qualquer momento ela podia morrer de Enzo Vogrincic. Sabe? "Ai, morreu de quê?" "De Enzo." Acompanhado de uma carinha triste. Nos pensamentos bobos do cérebro recém ligado ela pensava sobre como ele havia amanhecido dentro da cabeça dela. Como pode um homem ser o primeiro pensamento matinal de uma mulher? Lucía riu boba com seus próprios pensamentos, mas logo foi tirada de seus devaneios, sentindo o peso corporal de Enzo sobre ela. O sorriso no rosto dele juntado com o feixe de luz deixa a cena fantasiosa para ela. Nem ela conseguia acreditar o quão lindo ele era. Os fios de cabelos pretos e rebeldes adornavam o rosto dele enquanto ele olhava para Lucía, fazendo a moça levar os dedos quentinhos para colocar aqueles cabelos atrás da orelha de Enzo. Os lábios dele se aproximavam do rosto dela para deixar beijos por lá, em seguida descendo para o pescoço e colo do peito. A risada abafada dele fez cócegas em Lucía, fazendo-a rir leve. De repente Enzo se levanta da cama. Puxando as pernas nuas da morena uruguaia até que ela estivesse na beirada da cama, ele a pegou no colo rindo e olhando em seus olhos azuis. As risadas bobas dos dois foram seguindo por muitos minutos, talvez até horas. Quem liga?
Nada mais importava.
Tudo que Enzo precisava era Lucía.
Tudo que Lucía precisava era Enzo.
Nós mulheres lobas que temos um medo do caralho de elevador🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️
Quase chorei escrevendo esse pq eu daria muita coisa pra ter um relacionamento assim, tipo, confortável sabe?
@imninahchan loba, lembrei de você quando escrevi esse😭😭
Sejam solidários comigo e me digam o que vocês acham da minha escrita pq sou muito insegura com ela, beijos manas💋💋
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kiss-me-muchoo · 3 months
𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐮𝐬 || 𝐄𝐧𝐳𝐨 𝐕𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐜 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲_ you are the girl who does the makeup effects for the society of the snow and you fall for el pendejo de Enzo (no te creas, papi tkm💋). But you start avoiding him because it’s not correct to fall in love with someone like him.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬_ AGE GAP (I’m turning 20 in March, let me live my fantasy), angst, fluff, Spanglish fic (I’m Mexican American, I know what I’m writing), reader is in denial and speaks Spanish, idk misunderstandings?, happy ending (irl Enzo nunca nos va a pelar)😭
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞_ I hate Spanglish but how can I keep both mi gente latino and my RAHHH🦅🇺🇸 people happy? With a Spanglish fic. I let go all my frustrations y lo ardida que estoy con cierto uruguayo.
♪ ♫ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝟒 𝐄𝐧𝐳𝐨 𝐕𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐜 ✰𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱
@kissmemucho on X // @_hannia.k on instagram
「 𝐃𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚_ para todas mis Enzo-motomamis del grupo que ya las quiero un montón y para Juani, que el hijodesuputamadre nunca me ha likeado ni topado. Me volví el joker y ahora soy hater (igual tkm jUaNi) 」
One day, you started hating going to work. It was half work, half practice for college. Still, you started hating it. From moving some months to Spain to work on the makeup team for a movie, to spending hours with each actor to do their makeup.
That wasn’t the issue though. It was just that… uh… gosh.
You had developed a crush for that man called Enzo. It was so cringe to admit. And it tore apart you because he was significantly older than you. He would never turn to look down at you. That was the most honest thing about the whole thing. Only that you were even depriving yourself from being his friend.
But god, his pretty nose and deep eyes. His soft hair and perfect smile. The way he was so kind to everyone and to you. Soon you learned he was single too. It was so damn much that it made you so mad. He was perfect. Gorgeous in every sense.
And that’s exactly why you now hate going to work.
Sometimes the aura around the team seemed to be heavy due to the context of the movie. You had seen how every actor started to lose weight and prepare for the role. Which was a little tough. Anyways, everyone in the cast believed you were a burst of sunshine at least. Who seemed to make the hours spent seated on a chair with makeup and prosthetics being placed a little more fair.
“¡HEY!…GUAPA, VENÍ PARA ACÁ!” You heard as soon as you entered the workplace. Once you spotted the little circle of boys, you rolled your eyes and giggled.
“¿Y ahora qué se te ofrece Juani?”
“Que confirmes si vienes a cenar con todos” you looked at the others. Matías and the others were exchanging looks, with none other than Enzo. You don’t even look at the man, you can only focus on the boy with annoying blue eyes.
“Cómo jodes, chico. Ya veré si voy o no, tengo mucho que hacer” that was true, you had a lot to do. But mostly, it was because you believed you had nothing amazing to share with them.
“Podemos esperarte.” Enzo said, which immediately made your stomach flutter and your chest to get congested. He was wearing some t-shirt and those damn Adidas joggers he liked to repeat on a daily basis.
The fact that he suggested waiting for you to go out and have dinner should’ve made you blush, but it only made you nervous, increasing your eagerness to run away from the little circle of men.
“No pasa nada, váyanse ustedes. Que se la pasen bien…” and poor Enzo, he watched how you disappeared through the hallways with your big bag full of makeup and brushes.
“Ya va a caer…”
“Pero ni me gusta” everyone giggled. Enzo knew you were younger, of age, but younger. He also knew you were from a little too far away from Uruguay, that you were bilingual, that you were passionate about writing and other arts, that your eyes were lighter than expected in the sun, that your hands were very soft and that you were so extroverted with everyone except with him.
“Sos idiota, si no te gustara no te hubieras quedado como mogólico viéndola irse”
“Pero es una niña…” he tried to reason.
“La veinteañera universitaria que trabaja aquí en producción y anda sola por la vida” everyone laughed again. You were certainly an adult. Yeah you still acquired toys, listened to silly music and watched Barbie or Bratz movies. But you were legally an adult.
Which led Enzo wondering if he could ever have a chance with you. You had seen a lot of people, with how many times you had travelled to Los Angeles, the heart of Hollywood and everything, sometimes he doubted you could be interested in him.
But no… he definitely hadn’t caught an eye on you.
It was a Friday. A week from the day you rejected dinner with your workmates. Nothing serious happened after that. Juani made fun and exposed you with random tweets like a bully. He was laughing his ass off of you, so shameless and stupid. However, you on the other hand… were dying out of embarrassment. Especially after seeing how many people started following him. Then gifting him with an army of girls starving for shitpost around the internet.
“Si no estuvieras por grabar una escena tan desgarradora, te ahorcaba en este preciso momento, Juani '' you wanted to kill him. He had posted online two videos of you dancing like the proudest stripper, a picture of you rolling your eyes that looked extremely silly and dorky. Two audios of you cursing in Spanish and saying how much you hated capitalism. And he even made his own stickers of you to pass around the group chat of the cast.
“Eso te pasa por ¡RIDÍCULA!” The tone he used, extremely mocking you was enough to make you laugh along with him and caught the attention of everyone surrounding you two.
“Pues nunca te conseguiré el follow de los ex-One Direction” he stopped laughing, knowing you had made him remember his humbling twitter posts.
“¡Qué boluda… y pesada!”
“Okay, pinche ardido” one of the design team members from the movie appeared and handed you a little paper. It was the list of your schedule. Juani snatched it and opened it before you could even blink.
“UYYY… te toca todo el día con Enzo” he started teasing you like a child. You rolled your eyes in annoyance.
“Pero la boluda y pesada soy yo”
“Pues si” you finally read the paper and yes… 3 hours with Enzo.
“Well… it could be worse” you admitted sighing, accepting that you would spend three hours swallowing your pride and pierced feelings.
“Dejáte querer…” you frowned confused at the boy beside you.
“What?” You asked laughing, but he only shrugged.
“Nothing, dear” once again, you rolled your eyes.
“De verdad eres medio insoportable” he batted his ears, acting innocent. Deep down, both of you were actually friends.
“Te quiero” he responded, making you laugh once again.
“Si, yo también. Mi pendejito favorito”
“No, ese debe ser Enzo” this time, you blushed.
“Como chingas con meterlo en nuestras conversaciones. ¿Te gusta o qué?” He laughed, helping you out with your heavy bag full of brushes and capes and everything.
“No. ¿Y a vos? ¿Gustas de Enzo?” You remained quiet, pretending you hadn’t heard him.
You opened the door of the little room, surprised to see Enzo already there. So you grabbed the bag from Juani and started closing the door.
“Adios, naco perdedor” and just like that, you closed the door on his face.
You sighed, closing your eyes, before staring at the plain door for some seconds.
“Hola…” you heard his deep and sweet voice. It was just… that you had to be a big girl and leave aside your foolishness for that grown ass man. He was just a crush… a simple mortal at the end.
“Hi…” you replied awkwardly. You had seen the following section of his instagram, the most pretty girls, very different from you. Which made you feel… like it was auto-sabotage. But before you could start feeling depressed again. You decided to keep working, the only reason why you were in that room in the first place.
He would think you kinda disliked him. Every time you entered to work on his makeup, he would be smiling and trying to talk to you. And while you were polite and smiley too, you remained very quiet, always avoiding his cute eyes.
“¿Cómo estás?” He would ask, looking at you through the mirror in the room.
“Pues muy bien, gracias.” You would reply, turning to open the boxes with prosthetics and other special effects makeup. And he sighed, already feeling a little disappointed.
“¿Me permites tus manos?” You ask him. He shows you the palm of his hands with another smile, which you reply quickly. Your heart started pounding as soon as he walked into the room.
“Perdón si estoy fría.” You admit with a blush, knowing the tips of your fingers were freezing.
“No pasa nada, linda” he had to be joking. He couldn’t call you “linda” just like that? However, you do your best to ignore it.
So you start making little lines of the paint samples you had taken. Until you noticed which one was identical to his skin.
“Okay, I got it.” You speak to yourself, out loud though. Sometimes Enzo questioned if you weren’t fluid in Spanish, but he had heard you talk and talk with other people in Spanish. Your accent was so clean, so different to the rest of the crew.
“¿Te molesta si pongo música?” You ask him, grabbing your phone.
“No, para nada.”
“Nomás no me vayas a juzgar” you giggle without looking at him, scrolling through your playlist.
It was the first time you attempted to joke with him. And he wouldn’t risk the opportunity.
“Jamás podría…” you only thank him before starting to play some music.
He was used to your touch now. You had small and soft hands compared to him. Every time you had to pick the right tone that matched his skin, brush his hair and work inches away from his face. It was insufferable for you. And to him… it only built more intrigue.
He listens to how you barely mumble some songs.
“¿Quién es ella?” He asks at the song.
“Nelly Furtado” you reply, concentrating on his hands, starting to draw the fake wounds. Promiscuous was a great song to feel empowered while trying to beat the feelings for the man who was extremely close to you.
Some minutes passed and then Madonna came with Dress You Up and Enzo barely got it right. You sing very low and he tries to hear you with precision.
“¿Y esta?” You ask him when gorgeous started.
and God, that damn song was like a curse and blessing at that very moment.
You're so cool, it makes me hate you so much
(I hate you so much)
You've ruined my life, by not being mine
You're so gorgeous
I can’t say anything to your face
'Cause look at your face
And I'm so furious
At you for making me feel this way
That was you. That was how much you hated your feelings for him. Because he would never be yours.
And somehow, Enzo got the message. He wasn’t sure but he felt how you changed the way of singing and avoided his eyes.
“¿Y esa quién es?” He asked once again.
“Esa es Taylor Swift”
“No la conozco” you giggle, ignoring the song a little bit.
“¡Enzo, por Dios!. ¿En qué mundo vives?” You found it very hard to believe he didn’t know half of your musical taste.
“Pues en Uruguay…” for the first time, he makes you laugh and talks to you so fucking much that you have to stop spreading the fake dirt on his face.
You're gorgeous
You make me so happy, it turns back to sad
There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have
You are so gorgeous, it makes me so mad
You’re so gorgeous
“¿Por qué nunca sales con nosotros?” He asks suddenly, and it takes you aback. That you end up looking straight at his face.
“Tú tampoco sales, prefieres quedarte en el cerro” he laughs, feeling a little too comfortable under your touch on his cheeks and chin.
“He salido dos veces con ellos. ¿Y vos? Cero…”
“Estoy ocupada.” You simply reply.
“No es cierto. Por ahí me dijeron que te la pasas viendo películas y escribiendo fanfiction” you blush, but you keep working.
Actually, last Saturday was the first weekend you cried because of him. You couldn’t even stay at a local bar. You left your friends there to go home. New addition to your routine.
“Maybe… ¿pero a ti qué si no voy?” You ask giggling, hoping he would drop the issue. You pause the music and slip your phone inside your bag before returning to him. Scared of his possible answer.
“Pues… porque te quiero ver” your hands start shaking.
“¿A mí?”
“Si. A ti, linda” he senses how taken aback you are. And he realized, that he had adapted some of your slang words from all the time he spent with you.
“¿Por qué yo, Enzo?” He smiles, and you want to kill him. He made the gesture like you had been so oblivious for ages.
“Porque…” slowly, he grabbed your wrist, preventing you from keeping working on his face. He touches you with such gentleness that it makes you finally start shaking.
The way he looks at you. It must’ve been a dream, two pairs of eyes deeply connected. He was silently revealing he liked you. Once you get it, you shake your head, his eyes giving you some confirmation.
“No..” You brush away from him.
“Si… tal vez suene raro o no me creas… pero, vos me gustas. Por eso quiero verte y busco tus bonitos ojos cada vez que trabajas conmigo…” you sigh, dropping the brush and paint a little too violent.
“¿Y por qué yo entre tantas diosas que están a tus pies?” You are fighting against the tears already forming on your eyes. He remains quiet, and to you… that’s an answer.
He doesn’t like the way you are being too negative. But you don’t like having that conversation at all. You are shocked, and you don’t feel in love at that moment. You feel panic and stress.
“Fui al bar el sábado pasado y te vi con la chica rubia. Si te gusta alguien no dejas a la chica rubia hacer ni un movimiento. No te encuentras en redes a las chicas a las que les das reacciones” maybe you had no right to be so angered. But it had been two months, and everything had worsened. At that point, your eyes were already red and crystallized.
“Nada de eso significó algo”
“Si fue algo. Fue tu cuarteada en lo que buscabas la manera de acercarte a mí. Por si no te resultaba la cosa conmigo…” again, he remains quiet.
“This is bullshit. Mira Enzo, he estado aquí desde hace dos meses y nunca te acercaste. No te salió el amor por mí hoy” you spit with anger, grabbing your paint and makeup, hurrying to get out of there.
“Me has gustado desde la primera semana cuando te conocí. Pero tú no me quieres, y por eso te evado. Aparte del dilema de nuestra age gap, que podría ser un problema” you explain putting your coat on and grabbing the bag.
“Y eres una persona hermosa, Enzo. Sé que eres el amigo y novio perfecto. Pero mi intuición me dice que me vas a lastimar” he steps between you and the door. The proximity worsens everything, he wants to end it all for once with a kiss to make you feel the way he does.
It was already difficult for him. He had felt slightly depressed while filming, he felt weird, in company but alone at the same time. And he believed you were the right burst of sunshine to lighten his weird mood swings.
But you believed he was lying. He honestly felt hurt that you were mistaking him for some womaniser and asshole.
“No te vayas, por favor” he pleaded, shocked to see your teary eyes. So he started questioning what you said about being hurt.
“Ya acabamos, no te preocupes.” You manage to slip beside him, opening the door and leaving him alone.
The dramatic moment culminated in Enzo feeling more depressed and giving a sadder performance for the movie. For you, it gave you a reason to cry in the shower and stare at the balcony of your place for hours, contemplating the sky and feeling so damn weird.
You have flashbacks of seeing him laughing and letting the blonde girl at the bar whisper in his ear. His honest smile and how he admitted he liked you a day ago.
You wished for weeks, now months that he confessed his feelings for you. But the moment he does, it feels wrong. Like it wasn’t meant to happen. Because he’s older, he’s got more experience, he had a very extended long-term girlfriend once, he is too much unlike you.
Maybe it wasn’t meant to happen and this is how it was supposed to end.
With you bursting out in tears and anger. Him believing you were crazy, but you had a point.
He never made a move. Just trying to talk, but he never invited you to do anything with him, or just to stay with him during the free days. It seemed unreal that suddenly he liked you.
And maybe you’re just scared of falling in love, because he could unintentionally but potentially break your heart.
Nonetheless, on the second day you want to distract yourself, it’s Saturday again and you go out alone to jog, then to buy some new clothes and you are about to prepare your dinner when the pain in the ass of Juani asks you to go out for some tapas.
You agree because you really need to distract yourself from thinking about the whole cringy issue with Enzo.
Probably everyone in the production already knew. But you would shut your mouth just to let the rumours die.
You start your walk towards the restaurant when he sends you the location. It’s a few blocks away, and you frown when you see what type of restaurant it is.
“amiguito, pero creí que querías tapas. Este es un restaurante vegano” you send him a voice message. And he replies immediately.
“Ay pues para ser fitness un día nada más, chica. ¿Ya vas para allá?” You roll your eyes, not that you didn’t like vegan food but you wanted tapas.
“Si, morro meco. Ya estoy a un par de cuadras” you send back, putting on your EarPods and route.
You realise how much you like wearing sneakers, long dresses and coats with matching purses. Perfect for the weather and your silly thoughts of walking on the streets along some cool music playing in the background.
Until you arrive at the restaurant and you don’t spot Juani. But maybe he was on his way. So you order first, grilled tofu with vegetables and tangy sauce.
It’s a cute place, and by the time you find a table, it’s already dark. The restaurant has candles everywhere and quality music playing.
When you start closing your purse, you look up and you freeze. Because you see Enzo entering the place, with a tiny bouquet of flowers on his right hand and a water bottle on the other.
He was wearing jeans, a random buttoned shirt and dark sunglasses.
Oh, fuck him. Of course he knew he looked gorgeous.
Quickly you change from your seat, giving your back to him, hopefully becoming invisible.
Your fingers rush to find the contact of Juani and send him a violent voice message.
“Oye, ¿por qué carajo no has llegado? ¿Y por qué Enzo Vogrincic está viendo el menú ahora mismo?” You send and he starts writing.
“Es que él es vegano…” he writes in text, which boils your blood.
“¿Y eso a mí qué chingados me importa, Juani? Ven ya y sácame a escondidas o te juro que me voy a colgar del primer poste de luz que vea” you silently scream, lowering your voice.
“No puedo” that’s it, you’re going to die in a vegan restaurant while Enzo Vogrincic orders food.
You are about to stand up when he literally appears on your table.
Qué hijo de puta, y todavía te sonríe y todo.
“¿Y el Juani ya viene o no?” You ask, trying to sound confident.
“De hecho no va a venir” right, pinche Juani idiota, qué gran amigo y todo.
“That’s it. I’m leaving!” You mumble sighing, standing up from the table, when Enzo grabs your forearm and makes you sit again.
“No, vos te quedas. Mira, te traje estas” he hands you the flowers, yellow tulips.
“Yo nunca le he dicho a Juani… ni a Matías cuáles son mis flores favoritas” you frown confused, grabbing them.
They’re beautiful.
“Tuve que buscar por mi cuenta” he admits, and you frown deeper. Until you open your eyes in shock.
“¿Me zorreraste mi Instagram?” Enzo starts laughing, and you blush. He takes a seat and drops the receipt of his order on the table. You read it, chickpea pasta with arrabiata sauce and zucchini.
You read his order just to avoid looking at his eyes.
“Dejáme explicar todo…” slowly, you look at him. You are still on time to ask for the food to be to go, you can leave and just let this strange issue wash away.
But a waitress appears with your tofu and the pasta. You awkwardly smile and say thank you as well as Enzo.
“Pues ya que…” he smiles, thinking your eyeliner was so perfect. Your dress was cute and the coat made you look elegant and fine.
“Vos sabes quién te engañó. Le pedí que te hiciera venir a un lugar para encontrarme” your roll your eyes. Unbelievable how childish was the whole situation.
“Yo quería tapas”
“Dale, ahorita te llevo por tapas” Enzo says with a giggle. You simply mock him with a gesture and proceed to eat.
“Lamento no haberte dado señales desde el inicio. Creí que con hacerle plática cuando me maquillabas era suficiente.” He confesses.
“Con todos sos un amor. Y conmigo… siempre seria y pues… llegué a pesar que no te agradaba” you shrug, eyebrows rising and avoiding his eyes once again.
“Todo lo contrario…” you admit.
“Ya veo. Entonces hace unas semanas, los chicos empezaron a sacar el tema. Que debía invitarte a salir o hacerte venir con nosotros a comer para ahí verte”
“Y ayer me atreví. Pero temo que tu reacción no fue la que buscaba” he says with many pauses, not wanting to disturb you.
“Tú declaración tampoco fue lo que esperaba.” He nods, calming you.
“Ya lo sé, hubiera sido mejor esperar a estar en un lugar… como este”
“Quizá” you reason with him.
“Incluso desde antes de admitir que vos me gustas, no me he visto con nadie. Así que solo sos tú… nadie más” you nod, looking back at the tulips.
“Están preciosas, gracias” you say lifting the boquete. Enzo smiles. So you know it’s time, you sigh.
“Yo también lo siento por juzgarte sin saber. No tenía derecho de ponerme celosa, ni nada. Es solo que me da miedo dejar que esto, fluya…” you say, not wanting to repeat once again that your intuition said he would break your heart.
“No te voy a lastimar, nunca. Dejáme quererte, linda. Por favor….” he pleads, accepting he was nervous and desperate. He really longed for someone in the upside down moments of his days.
“Yo solo quiero sentir lealtad, confianza, pasión y seguridad. ¿Me puedes dar eso?”
“Te voy a dar todo, pero más lo que vos quieras. Y si lealtad, confianza, pasión y seguridad es lo que querés…. Así será, linda” you smile, finding his hand on top of the table, intertwining your fingers with him.
“Entonces todo bien, lindo” he smiles more, ending in a sweet laugh.
He helps you pick the rest of the food, both of you also order ice cream cones. Him with chocolate and you with pistachios. And soon both of you are walking together in the streets. Spring is near and it’s your favourite season. You feel happy feeling his warm touch outside of the job. And now being inches away from him feels like a new home.
“¿Si vamos a ir por las tapas?” He starts laughing again, and when he leans, you can feel what’s coming.
“Te voy a besar…” he warns before grabbing your cheeks and smashing his lips with yours.
“Te quiero” he spills, and you only smile on his lips, deepening the kiss. Feeling the silly butterflies in your stomach and intense tears of happiness. You almost drop your cone due to that.
“Yo también te quiero” you reply, swiftly bumping your forehead with him. He then takes your hand and suddenly you don’t feel wrong about it.
Now it feels perfect. Like destiny changed and finally it was meant to be.
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earstwo · 3 months
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Enzo Vogrincic at the San Sebastian Film Festival screening of "La sociedad de la nieve / Society of the Snow'', September 2023
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imninahchan · 2 months
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⌜ 𝑨𝑽𝑰𝑺𝑶𝑺: gangbang [declaro oficialmente aberto meu período fértil slk], fwb, diferença de idade, bebida alcoólica, cigarro [cuidado com os pulmão preto], dirty talk, degradação, elogios e dumbification, oral masculino, dacryphilia, bukkakke(?), breast/niple play, um tapinha na bochecha e um ‘papi’ [me perdoem eu não me controlo], dupla penetração, anal, sexo sem proteção [no puede no]. Termos em espanhol — guapo (bonito, etc), dímelo (me diz), díselo (‘diga a/para’), porfi (informal pra ‘por favor’) ˚ ☽ ˚.⋆ ⌝
꒰ 𝑵𝑶𝑻𝑨𝑺 𝑫𝑨 𝑨𝑼𝑻𝑶𝑹𝑨 ꒱ me perdoa se eu sou uma p****
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— Vai me dar uma carona? — reitera, embora já tenha escutado a oferta diversas vezes antes, durante e agora, no pós do rolê. Sempre pegava carona de moto com o Recault.
Ele, sentado no outro sofá, adjacente, não desvia a atenção do maço de cigarro, capturando com os lábios uma unidade. Uhum, murmura, e quando risca o isqueiro, você estica a mão pra roubar o pito, guardar de volta na embalagem. Aqui dentro não, alega, vai lá fora com eles.
O olhar do argentino segue em direção à sacada do apartamento, onde os homens conversam enquanto fumam. Poderia, sim, de fato, se levantar e participar do assunto facilmente, afinal é a opção mais favorável pra narizinhos tão sensíveis quanto o seu e de Romero, porém um pensamento diferente do desejo de pitar toma conta da mente.
— E sobre eles... — Volta os olhos pra ti. — Já vai embora mesmo? Não ia... sabe?
Um sorrisinho ameaça crescer no seu rosto. Sabe exatamente a que ele se refere.
— Não sei... — mas prefere fazer chamar, encolhendo o corpo. A barra do vestido justo se embolando no seu quadril.
— Ah, qual foi? — o garoto devolve. Se inclina de leve, chega mais próximo pra poder ir sussurando. — Não vai me dizer que tá tímida... — E você cobre parte do rostinho com a palma da mão, respondendo perfeitamente às expectativas alheias. Matí sorri também. — Ah, vai, eu e o Fran ‘tamo aqui... Não precisa ter vergonha de nós, não é como se não tivesse dado pra gente antes. E eles... — espia os outros dois, entretidos demais na conversa que têm pra poder perceber que são assunto da discussão vizinha. — Eles são de boas. Vão te tratar feito uma piranha, que nem você gosta.
Você verga o pescoço pra trás, tenta encarar Romero, o qual bebe um gole da cerveja na garrafa.
— Fran, o Matí me chamou de piranha...
Francisco coça a nuca, cogitando as palavras pra responder, e acaba sendo o mesmo abusadinho de língua venenosa de sempre.
— E ele mentiu?
Tsc, você resmunga. Não é que queria ser defendida nem nada, não se pode esperar outra resposta senão essa mesmo. É só pela manha, pelo suspense que vem fazendo desde um certo momento, desde que vieram pro apê de Romero depois de sair. Encontraram com dois amigos dos garotos num bar e estenderam o ócio pra mais algumas horas no conforto dos sofás largos e da madrugada quente.
Tudo muito calculado, você tem certeza, assim que Matías menciona, com a cara mais lavada possível. Já é contatinho fixo dele, Fran entrou no meio mais tarde, trazendo sua personalidade atrevidinha e melosa. Agora, os outros dois...
Quer dizer, são um colírio pros olhos. Esteban, retraído, tem um olhar que beira o poético, um sorriso de lábios finos e uma fragrância tão agradável ao olfato que quando o abraçou naquele bar, cumprimentando, quis que ele não te soltasse nunca mais. E Enzo, igualmente mais contido, ostenta um charme old hollywood, com os cabelos espessos, acumulando atrás da orelha, mas casual também, de pulseirinhas no pulso.
E, sei lá, só o fato deles serem mais velhos que você, Matí e Fran ao mesmo tempo, os faz mais saborosos ainda.
Morde o lábio, discretamente, os observando. Esteban joga o pescoço pra trás, soprando uma bufada de fumaça no ar, e volta a atenção pro Vogrincic. A cabeça pendendo pro canto de leve, atencioso.
Enzo apaga a bituca no cinzeiro apoiado no parapeito. Corre os dedos pelos cabelos escuros, ajustando as mexas atrás da orelha, gesticulando com as mãos de dedos longos, que parecem mais ásperos, grossinhos. Pô, imagina só dois dentro de você, vai valer por três, nossa...
Alterna o foco entre ambos, fantasiando consigo mesma. E quanto mais alimenta seu lado carnal, mais faz a ideia de ser dividida essa noite parecer um final de festa plausível.
— Son muy guapos, ¿no? — Matías comenta, como quem não quer nada, ao flagrar seu olhar nada casto em direção aos amigos dele. — Eu só ando com gente atraente que nem eu.
— Eu admiro seu narcisismo, Matí. — Fran murmura, levando a garrafa à boca, porém para no meio do caminho quando percebe ah, então eu sou bonito também, e ri.
Mas você nem se dá conta do bom humor, nem percebe, pois a cabecinha está voando longe, com a ajuda dos olhos. Mordisca a pontinha da unha, divertindo-se com a perversidade da própria mente. Porra, o Esteban parece ser aqueles tipos que faz carinho na sua cabeça enquanto você mama ele...
— Ah, é isso que você quer? — Se assusta ao perceber que falou alto demais, e agora o Recault tem consciência dos seus desejos lascivos. Antes que possa detê-lo, no entanto, o argentino rapidamente se vira para o outro e dedura: “Kuku, a gatinha aqui quer que ‘cê faça carinho na cabeça dela enquanto ela te mama!”
Merda, você tem vontade de enfiar a cabeça numa panela quente quando a atenção da dupla recai sobre ti. Vê Esteban apagar o cigarro no cinzeiro, e fica mais inquieta conforme ambos deixam a sacada pra se aproximar de vocês três na sala de estar.
Enzo senta no mesmo sofá que o Recalt, abraçando uma almofada sobre o colo. Na face, tem um sorrisinho de lado, diferente do Kukuriczka, que vem com a expressão mais neutra na sua direção.
Esconde as mãos no bolso da bermuda de algodão, te olhando por cima. O que foi que disse?
— Diz pra ele, princesa — Matías te encoraja, sorrindo, canalha. — Diz.
Você perde a postura porque Esteban está perto. Ele tem um jeitinho tão acolhedor, tão doce, e é justamente por isso que você sente vontade de desaparecer no colo de Francisco por tão manhosa que fica. A vontade é miar feito uma gatinha no cio e se oferecer como um pedaço de carne, nunca ficou tão suscetível.
O mais alto sorri, tranquilo. Levanta as suas perninhas, pra se sentar no sofá junto contigo, e as pousa sobre as coxas dele. Acaricia a região do seu tornozelo, afetuoso.
— Sabe... — começa — ...Matí é um pirralho chato, não liga pra ele. Você não precisa fazer, ou dizer, nada que não queira, cariño. A noite já está sendo muito legal só por ter te conhecido.
Caramba, dá pra ficar mais desejável que isso? Meu Deus, o calor que você sente dominar o corpo parece querer te colocar em combustão. E quando ele te olha com a nuca deitada no encosto do estofado, aquelas íris castanhas brilhando, docinhas igual um caramelo. Quer gritar me come me come me come de tanto tesão.
Não aguenta, então. Rapidinho está no chão da sala, abandonando os braços de Fran de qualquer forma, só pra se colocar sentada sobre o piso, entre as pernas abertas do mais velho.
— Fode a minha boquinha, Kuku — apoia o queixo no joelho alheio —, porfi.
Esteban entreabre os lábios, mas sem saber bem o que dizer. A sua falta de vergonha pra ser baixa com as palavras o pega desprevenido, o que, nem de longe, é algo ruim pra quem tinha topado uma dinâmica tão plural feito a escolhida pra esta noite.
— Eu disse, viu? — Matías fala. — Não vai negar pra ela, né, cara?
O homem te olha. Deita a lateral da face no punho fechado, cotovelos no braço do sofá, feito te admirasse. Com a outra mão, toca no seu rosto, contornando o maxilar até erguê-lo e segurar no seu queixo. Pra uma menina tão lindinha, diz, é difícil falar ‘não’.
— Mas eu quero um beijo primeiro — é a única condição, e você prontamente se apoia nos joelhos para selar os lábios nos dele. Esteban sorri entre os selinhos, a boca vermelhinha com o seu batom. Te tocando na nuca, indo e vindo com os dedos na sua pele, entre os seus fios de cabelo.
Está desabotoando a camisa ao passo que as suas mãozinhas inquietas se encarregam de abrir a bermuda. Aquela maldita expressão tão calma, nem parece que vai ganhar um boquete neste instante mesmo. Te dá tanta ânsia que crava as unhas nas coxas masculinas, na espera ansiosa por recebê-lo na sua boca.
E quando o tem, porra, só de vê-lo cerrar os olhos por um segundinho ao arfar profundo, já te faz rebolar sobre as próprias panturrilhas, excitada.
Ele te ajuda com os cabelos, com tudo que pedisse na verdade. Se quisesse que o mais velho surrasse a ponta da sua língua com a cabecinha gorda, faria sem pensar duas vezes. Mas você gosta de se lambuzar nele, não? Deixa um filete de saliva vazar de entre os lábios pra escorrer pelo comprimento já molhado, duro na palma da sua mão, pra subir e descer com a punheta lenta. Caridosa, empenhada. Alheia a qualquer olhar lascivo dos demais na sala de estar, ou quaisquer comentários sarcásticos que eles possam estar murmurando entre si.
Daí, Fran tem que agir. Ardiloso, se senta no chão, pertinho de ti. Apoia o peso do corpo nas mãos espalmadas no piso, pendendo as costas pra trás ao te encarar bem bonitinha no que faz.
— Sabia que eu falei pro Matí que ‘cê ia dizer não? — comenta, sem mesmo esperar que você fosse parar de encher a boca pra focar em outro alguém. — Mas olha só pra ti... — O rapaz exibe um sorrisinho ladino. — Não posso esquecer da putinha indecente que você é. Fica fazendo dengo, mas é uma garotinha sem-vergonha, não é?
E você ronrona, de boca cheia. Francisco se inclina pra perto, aproveita que você deixa Esteban escapar pra recupar o fôlego, apenas punhetando com as mãos agora, pra sussurrar ao pé do seu ouvido. Posso te dedar enquanto você mama ele?
— Você aguenta, não aguenta? — Beija o seu ombro. — Hm?
— Aguenta, sim — é Esteban quem responde por ri. Toca no canto do seu rosto. — Olha como faz tão bem... Merece um agrado enquanto está sendo tão boa pra mim. — Com o polegar, limpa o excesso de saliva que escorre pelo seu queixo. — Vai aguentar, não vai, cariño?
Você faz que sim. Mesmo se ele propusesse a maior atrocidade, você faria que sim igualmente. Quer agradar e, agora, também não se importa em ser agradada.
Francisco impulsiona o seu corpo pra frente, precisa que seu quadril esteja mais elevado para que o ângulo permita subir a barra do seu vestido e arredar a calcinha pro lado. E você se esforça, o plano é se esforçar ao máximo, porém no primeiro toque dos dedos no seu íntimo, estremece.
— Poxa, já tão molhadinha... — Fran comenta, naquele tom de voz que faz tudo parecer zombaria. — E tudo isso só porque ele tá fodendo a sua boca?
Matías ri, soprado, o que você esperava da nossa vagabundinha preferida pra meter?, e leva um golpe na face com a almofada que Enzo segurava no colo. O Vogrincic aperta os olhos, seja mais cavalheiro com as palavras, pirralho, repreende.
Já Francisco beija o seu ombro mais uma vez. Dois dedinhos vão fundo em ti, deslizam com facilidade. Acariciam por dentro numa região propícia a te fazer ver estrelas. O polegar, por fora, pressiona outra área mais sensível ainda.
Você engole os choramingos, usa as mãos em Esteban quando necessita arfar, respirar fundo, pra controlar o desejo. Mas não aguenta, não consegue dar conta das duas tarefas. O quadril empinadinho se empurra contra os dedos, remexe lentinho, no automático. Porque foca tanto no estímulo que recebe, cega nisso, aparenta se esquecer que não pode simplesmente deixar a boca cheia pra sempre sem respirar.
Engasga, então. Umas duas vezes. Tosse, com os olhinhos vermelhos e marejando. Um fiozinho transparente te prendendo à cabecinha lambuzada, ao liberá-la da sua garganta quente.
Esteban te ajuda a se recompor, todo carinhoso.
— Calma, mi amor, respira. — Limpa a lagrimazinha que ameaça correr pela sua bochecha. E sorri, terno. Te acha mil vezes mais formosa aos olhos nessa forma vulnerável, fofa, que tem vontade de te pegar pela nuca e ele mesmo encher a sua boca de novo.
— ¿Qué te pasa? — Fran espia por cima dos seus ombros, flagra o seu olhar de coitadinha. — Awn, não aguentou... Pensei que fosse aguentar, princesa.
E essa é a deixa pra te oferecer mais ainda. Mais fundo com os dedos, mais rápido. Mais pressão por cima do seu clitóris, circulando o local. Você passa a servir somente, paradinha, aí sobra pros dois a função de tomar as rédeas. Segura nos joelhos masculinos, levando pela frente e por trás.
É preenchida em ambos os buraquinhos quase que no mesmo ritmo. O rosto vira uma bagunça molhada, uma mistura devassa de batom vermelho manchado, saliva e porra escorrendo pelo queixo, gotinhas no pescoço. E a mordida que recebe na nádega, sem pudor, te faz lamuriar, manhosa. Fran se diverte com o som dos seus gemidinhos, o barulho ensopadinho da sua garganta sendo fodida. Não controla a reação de enfiar a mão por dentro da bermuda pra tocar a si próprio.
Você goza sem refrear. Incapaz de prender o tesão que retém, a situação erótica na qual se colocou contribuindo absurdamente. Uma descarga elétrica percorre o corpo dos pés à cabeça, feito um arrepio. Os músculos dormentes, doloridos. O peito pesando e a mente tão, mas tão fora de si, doente de prazer, que deve revirar os olhinhos, tola.
Nem pensa direito, vazia de raciocínio, só houve a fala de que eles querem se derramar na sua boca e se põe sentada no chão outra vez. Separa os lábios, língua pra fora, como Fran demanda. Os jatos morninhos acertam a sua bochecha, o nariz, lambuzam a face. É uma conjuntura que envolve tamanha submissão da sua parte que os suspiros e as palavras chulas que ecoam de ambos se torna comum pros seus ouvidos.
Francisco senta de volta no sofá, recuperando o fôlego. O calor do próprio corpo o faz puxar a camisa, apoiar a nuca no encosto do estofado. Esteban, porém, permanece à sua frente mais um pouquinho. Também respira mal ainda, quando toca o seu queixo, admira o estrago que fora causado em ti.
— Muy bien, bebê. — Pousa a mão sobre a sua cabeça, acaricia. — Perdoa se eu não te fiz carinho antes, igual você queria. É que estava tão bom que eu me esqueci. — Se inclina, deixando um beijinho na sua testa.
Você tem vontade de choramingar de novo, se debater no chão enquanto lamuria e diz perversidades obscenas. Por que ele tem que ser assim?! Te faz ter vontade de oferecer comida, casa, buceta e roupa lavada. Só manha, porém, com os olhinhos caindo junto dos ombros, o observando sentar no sofá outra vez.
Enzo sorri, te olhando.
— Vem aqui, vem. — Estica o braço. — Chega de ficar nesse chão frio servindo esses dois.
Você cambaleia, engatinhando até poder ser tomada nos braços e subir pro colo do uruguaio. Olha o que eles fizeram contigo, aponta, analisando o seu rosto. Um grande ‘gentleman’, quando puxa a própria camisa para usá-la na limpeza da sua pele manchada. Matías, também no estofado, ri, balançando a cabeça negativamente, incrédulo com tamanha cortesia.
Bem melhor, Enzo escorrega o indicador na ponta do seu nariz, amoroso, ao finalizar. Não se importa com a peça agora suja, joga em qualquer cantinho mesmo. Pode arrumar outra emprestada com o Recault, mas não poderia deixar a gentileza passar — ainda mais porque percebe que você se derrete toda.
As suas bochechas queimam, retraída. E o calor da palma da mão dele soma-se à quentura do seu corpo quando toca o seu rosto. Só que desce, não esquenta só ali. Caindo pelo canto, rodeando rapidinho no seu pescoço, e desviando pra lateral. No ossinho da clavícula, até contornar a curva do ombro, levando consigo a alça do seu vestido.
A timidez some logo, porém, mesmo com os seios expostos dessa forma. Talvez seja o olhar ambicioso, banhado à cobiça, que te acende o íntimo, te manipula a ansiar por ele de volta.
Lembra do meu nome?, ele te pergunta, com a voz rouca. E você, que vinha no esquema de só sentir, e não pensar, demora a ter a iniciativa de uma resposta, apesar de saber muito bem o que dizer. O homem sorri, pousa o indicador no seu lábio como se quisesse orquestrar o movimento que deveria ser feito ao ele mesmo responder — Enzo.
Você repete, igualando o balançar dos lábios com os dele. Quase hipnotizada, boba. Ri, quando ele ri também. Se ele quisesse falar um milhão de coisas pra você ficar repetindo assim, feito um bichinho de estimação, repetiria sem pensar duas vezes. Só quer se entregar total pra ele e curtir todo o deleite que tem certeza que vai sentir nas mãos do uruguaio.
Fran e Esteban também sorriem, julgam adorável a forma com que o amigo parece te domar por completo, tão suave na dominância. Matías, por outro lado, estala a língua, de braços cruzados.
— Tá sendo muito bonzinho com ela — alega. Tomba pra perto, só pra poder te encarar. — Conta pra ele — encoraja —, conta pra ele a putinha que você é. — E você ri, virando o rosto pro outro lado. — Conta que gosta quando eu falo sujo com você, no seu ouvidinho, pego forte no seu cabelo pra te comer. — Estica o braço pra alcançar a sua bochecha e dar um tapinha, chamando a sua atenção de volta pra ele. — Hm?
— É verdade? — o tom do Vogrincic é aveludado, baixo. Pros desavisados, soa complacente, mas quanto mais você interage com o uruguaio mais percebe que ele é tão canalha quanto o Recault é, a diferença é que mascara com o charme. — Gosta quando Matí faz essas coisas contigo? — A mão grande sobe pela sua nuca, afunda os dedos na raiz do seu cabelo e retém os fios, firme. — Que te pegue assim? É? — Inclina pra frente, próximo com a boca do seu ouvido. — Que fale o quê? Que você não vale nada, que vai te comer forte? Ou pior?
Qual foi a palavra que o Matí usou mesmo? Mira na direção do amigo brevemente, mas nem precisa de uma resposta, porque volta o olhar pra ti mais uma vez, sorrindo, ah, sim, ‘putinha’...
Você o envolve, escondendo o rostinho na curva do pescoço dele. Mas o homem não te deixa recuar, as mãos escalam pelo seu torço, te empurrando de leve pra trás, pra encontrar o olhar no dele novamente. Cobrem por cima dos seus seios, só que apenas uma das mamas ganha uma carícia. Os dedos enroscam no mamilo durinho, aperta um pouquinho.
— Gosta dessas coisas, nena? — reitera. — Hm? — Do nariz erguido, pra te encarar, abaixa o olhar e roça a pontinha pela região do colo, curvando lentamente a sua coluna para que possa com a boca umedecer a pele. — Dímelo. — Beija por entre o vale dos seus seios, de estalar os lábios. Você segura nos cabelos dele, suspira, de olhinhos fechados. — Díselo a tu papi.
E você derrete só com o uso do termo. Admite que sim, gosta dessas coisas, que, às vezes, é ainda pior, por isso não abre mão do Recault, muito menos de Romero, pois pode encontrar o que procura neles. Mas, também, se defende. Matí é muito provocador, né? Curte tirar do sério, implicar. Você é baixa, danadinha sim, porém o argentino gosta de degradar mesmo.
A boca quente toma um biquinho, a pressão em volta dos lábios suga, cruel. Língua umedece, lambe. Você arqueja, permitindo que te devorem os peitos, enquanto se força pra baixo, encaixando o meio das pernas sobre a ereção.
Matías se levanta do sofá. Se posiciona atrás de ti, puxa de leve os seus cabelos pra te fazer pende a cabeça e mirá-lo.
— ‘Cê é tão cachorra... — caçoa, com um tiquinho de raiva por ter saído como o ‘vilão’, porém com mais desejo do que tudo. — Quer meter nela, não quer, Enzo?
Enzo levanta o queixo, os cabelos bagunçadinhos o deixam mais atraente, em especial quando sorri ladino, cafajeste. Vamo’ meter nela junto, a proposta do Recault faz o uruguaio morder o lábio.
Toca o seu rosto, amoroso.
— Consegue levar? — pergunta, numa falsa preocupação. — Não vai ser muito pra ti? Eu não acho que vai dar. Mal aguentou o Fran e o Esteban ao mesmo tempo, e olha que eles nem pegaram pesado...
Você une o sobrolho, quase que num desespero. Não, vai dar sim... E ele parece imitar a sua expressão, caçoando, óbvio.
— Tudo aqui? — Com os dedos, toca no seu ventre, com a sobrancelha arquiada. Alivia as linhas do rosto, abrindo um sorrisinho. — Ah, acho que não, nena...
Você até ia choramingar mais, insistir, embora tenha plena consciência de que ele só está tirando uma com a tua cara. Acontece que Matí beija a sua bochecha, aquela risadinha de moleque no pé do seu ouvido pra tranquilizar ‘relaxa, se ele meter aí, eu posso te foder aqui por trás.’
Vai deixar ele fazer isso, bebê?, Enzo continua provocando, com o mesmo sorriso na face. Deita atravessado no sofá, com a cabeça no braço do estofado, para levantar o quadril e retirar as roupas de baixo. O Recault se despe também, a pausa entre se livrar da camisa, e antes de se ocupar com a calça, sendo ocupada com as mordidinhas perto do lóbulo da sua orelha.
Você fica de pé apenas pra empurrar a calcinha pernas abaixo, logo vindo por cima do uruguaio outra vez. Verga pra frente, de joelhos no estofado. Alinha a ereção entre as pernas, desce devagarinho, toda meiguinha, com a boquinha entreaberta.
As mãos de Enzo seguram na sua bunda, apertam a carne. Quando se empina para que o outro possa te tomar junto, resvala a ponta do nariz na do Vogrincic, o qual sorri mais, acaricia a sua bochecha. Matías utiliza a própria saliva pra molhar o caminho, bem devasso, esfregando a cabecinha de cá pra lá, instigante. Ao forçar pra dentro, arranca um resmungo seu, um lamúrio doce que é facilmente calado com o selar nos lábios de Enzo.
Queria poder saber descrever a sensação. Deveria ter se acostumado, quando tem uma referência de já ter experimentado com os seus contatinhos, mas, sei lá, porque é com alguém diferente, tudo aparenta mais intenso. A completude. A fadiga. Ambos jogam o quadril até ti, ocupam tudo no seu interior quase que ao mesmo tempo. Matías torce os fios dos seus cabelos no próprio punho, a mão de Enzo envolve o seu pescoço, o geladinho do anel prateado dele contra a sua pele ardente.
Se sente não só passível, mas conquistada, deliciosamente domesticada. Leva o olhar pro sofá adjacente e flagra os outros dois capturados pela cena sórdida. Fran com a cabeça descansando no ombro do amigo, e Esteban com tamanho amor nos olhos que você não dura muito tempo.
Quando Enzo continua metendo depois do seu orgasmo, procurando pelo dele, é ainda mais gostoso. Te inunda por ali, te dá tudo de si pra te deixar pingando. E Matías faz o mesmo, claro. Enche o outro buraquinho, orgulhoso dos jatos de porra abundantes, quentes, que te faz reter.
Você desmonta sobre o uruguaio, exausta. O corpo não aguenta mover ao mínimo, pesado, espasmando. Com a lateral do rostinho no peitoral suado, até cerra os olhinhos, tentando regular a respiração junto com ele.
— ¿Estás bien, cariño? — Esteban se ajoelha pertinho do sofá, de frente pra ti. Acaricia na altura da sua têmpora.
Uhum, você responde de volta, a voz tão frágil e doce que ambos riem. Enzo beija a sua cabeça, afaga os seus cabelos.
— Te odeio, Matías — Fran resmunga, pegando uma almofada pra abraçá-la. — Olha só pra esses filhos da mãe... Já tô sentindo que vamo’ ter que dividir ela com eles de novo...
Matí sobe a calça, abotoa de volta. Com um sorrisinho de canto, oferece um olhar para os amigos mais velhos, que agora parecem fazer parte dessa dinâmica casual.
Abre os braços, e se curva, vaidoso. De nada.
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strawdae · 1 month
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🍨 happy b-day gentleman! ⋆˙⟡
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the talented sunshine is having a birthday 🍰♡༘*.゚
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˚♡ post apretiation for Enzo's birthday ><
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mrkspo · 2 months
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❝ We're kissing in the bathroom girl, and, uh I hope nobody catch us But I kinda hope they catch us, anyway. ❞
𖥔 ₊ ֗ actress!reader x actor!enzo, enemies to lovers, pequeno age gap [leitora tem entre 23-25 anos], smut, public e mirror sex, sexo sem proteção [ não pode 🙅🏻‍♀️], pet names, spanking, hair pulling, um pouquinho de espanhol, a reader tem descendência brasileira [ tipo a neta da atriz brasileira Maria Gladys mas sem ser nepobaby ], reader não é nada modesta, uma pequena referência a daddy issues
𝓪/𝓷: primeira vez que eu tô escrevendo com alguém fora do kpop, espero que gostem meus amores 🤭😘 revisado mas pode conter erros
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Era para ser mais uma premiere, sua segunda premiere na verdade.
Falavam que era a nova revelação de Hollywood, depois de atuar em alguns filmes independentes e finalmente estrelar em uma grande produção todos queriam você e sua atuação impecável. Você definia seu próprio trabalho como impecável.
Quando chega ao tapete vermelho, na frente do teatro que assistiriam ao seu mais novo trabalho, as câmeras não demoram a apontar para a sua presença. Na internet as pessoas comentavam, sobre seu vestido Valentino vintage, sobre sua aura, seus momentos em que falava em português e também sobre o seu parceiro nesse novo filme. Novo queridinho das garotas com problemas com o pai, você particularmente não via nada demais em Enzo e ele também não ia tanto com sua cara.
As gravações do filme não foram desconfortáveis, não é que tinham pouca química, mas tinha algo no homem que a incomodava, talvez fosse o perfume amadeirado que odiava, o cabelo espesso e escuro que o davam um certo charme ou até mesmo o jeito que sorria sapeca. Na verdade nada aquilo a incomodava, até gostava desses detalhes. E isso te fez perceber que toda a química que todos juravam ter visto entre vocês dois foi totalmente sua culpa, talvez assim como sua personagem nerd estereotipada que odiava o popular da faculdade, seu coração amoleceu mais.
Não estava apaixonada, definitivamente não, mas sentia uma certa atração, um certo desejo toda vez que via ele.
Enzo por sua vez te desprezava, sabia da atração que você sentia por ele e a desprezava muito por isso. Era uma garota mais nova, uma novata boba e arrogante mas com talento. Mas ele também não podia negar, sentia muita atração por você. Pelo seu jeitinho despreocupado, não se importando com nada ao seu redor, como você se achava a maior. Era extremamente atraente para ele.
Enzo chega ao tapete vermelho, os fotógrafos gritam para poder fazer uma foto de vocês dois juntos. Ele se aproxima o suficiente para fazerem as fotos que tanto pediram. "Mais perto Enzo! Está fugindo dela?" um dos fotógrafos grita e todos ao redor soltam uma risada. O uruguaio solta um suspiro e abraça sua cintura, ele sorri para as câmeras e você faz o mesmo. O atores coadjuvantes se arrumam ao lado dos dois para a foto conjunta do elenco e ele aproveita a bagunça ao redor para sussurrar algo no seu ouvido; "Me encontre no corredor do banheiro antes do filme começar, quero conversar com você nena." Os fotógrafos não perdem a chances, os cliques e flashes pioram três vezes mais com essa interação.
Você sorri, mas no fundo está um pouco nervosa com esse homem ao seu lado.
Quando as fotos no tapete vermelho acabam você praticamente corre para dentro do teatro, curiosa para saber o que ele queria fala tanto com você. Não vai de primeira até o corredor, para um pouco antes dele para respirar e controlar o nervosismo mas Enzo já estava lá, ele conseguiu te ver do ponto onde estava. Os olhos castanhos dele escurecem, te hipnotiza, te chamam para perto.
– Você veio, realmente estava torcendo para que você viesse. – E porque eu não viria?
Ele encosta as costas na parede e coloca o indicador no queixo, como se estivesse pensando. – Talvez porque eu te deixo nervosa.
Você ri, "isso é um ridículo!". Quer negar até a morte, mas se até ele já percebeu imagine as outras pessoas, o público. Prefere se manter calada.
– ¿Que pasó bebé? Te chamei aqui para algumas dicas de português mas parece que te deixei sem palavras, certo? – Ele se aproxima de você, perigosamente perto demais de você, com o deboche presente em tudo que fala. Quer cometer uma loucura, gritar com ele, beijar-lo ou algo do tipo, você só não aguenta reprimir mais aquele desejo. – Tengo muchas palabras en mi vocabulario, vagabundo 'sin vergonha. – Abrasileira ao máximo o xingamento no final da frase, sabe que ele não vai entender o que disse e prefere não falar mais nada então vira de costas para ele e sai.
Ou não.
Ele segura o seu pulso antes que consiga avançar pelo corredor, te trás para perto dele novamente. Uma mão na sua cintura, a outra no seu rosto. Sorri da forma mais cafajeste possível e te beija, mas não é qualquer beijo, não, é "o beijo". Aquele de cinema, tirando o fato de não ser falso e muito menos romântico, mas era tão gostoso que ignorava a sensação de não existir uma "paixão" ali. Ele te leva até o banheiro feminino, não perde tempo, olha para você buscando aprovação para o próximo ato. Enzo te vira de costas para ele, faz você encarar o próprio reflexo no espelho daquele lugar, "Você gosta disso não é? Garotinha suja", passeia com as mãos pelo seu corpo e sobe o seu vestido até a sua cintura. Você só consegue sorrir, como se estivesse chapada, mas realmente não passa mais nada pela sua cabeça. Está boba, bêbada de tesão e só quer um pau para poder se aliviar.
– Enzo, por favor, por favor! – Ele sabe que o seu apelo é para poder enterrar o pau nela, mas ignora, fingi que não ouviu sua voz fininha implorando por um pouco de pica. Ele segura a sua bunda com força, observa a pele morena ficar vermelha com o aperto. Então um tapa é transferido em uma das bandas.
– Você sabe que não me dou bem com vadias como você. Mas só eu sei o quanto você me provocou. Mesmo que você não fizesse nada, era uma provocação para mim.
Mais um tapa. A esse ponto você se debruça mais sobre a pia, empinando a bundinha para receber os tapas direito. – Você é tão suja nena. A mão grande do uruguaio brinca com sua entrada por cima do tecido rendado da calcinha, "você é quente, até demais".
Você ouve o o barulho do cinto sendo desfeito, consegue ver pelo espelho como ele pega o pau que parece tão pesado e bombeia. Sente as mãos dele novamente passeando pelo seu corpo, parando na barra da tua calcinha e descendo ela devagarinho, sensual. Ele provoca sua entrada, pincela um pouco do pré-gozo, misturando sua excitação com a dele. Só faz colocar a cabecinha gorda para dentro, sua boca já abre em um 'O' perfeito, "tsk, está agindo como uma virgenzinha, nena.", ele brinca. Você não demora para levar tudo, até o talo. Então ele começa a estocar, devagar e fundo, nesse ritmo torturante; você pede por mais, ele ri e diz que vai te dar mais. Vai aumentando a velocidade, os dedos brincam com o seu pontinho sensível. Desiste de todas as tentativas de fechar os olhinhos, "Quiero que veas lo sucia que estás, puta." ele te degrada. Enzo só aumenta a velocidade das estocadas, sabem que o filme já está passando então não se preocupam se alguém vai ouvir os barulhos molhados ecoando do banheiro feminino, mas no fundo você até queria que alguém aparecesse ali e vissem vocês dois naquela situação. Não demora muito, você começa a tremer, se debruça mais ainda naquela pia buscando o próprio ápice, fecha os olhos novamente mas logo é impedida. Enzo puxa o seu cabelo, te fazendo encostar no peitoral dele. – Já esqueceu o que eu te disse nena? Fique de olhos abertos, putinha. Você já começa a se contorcer, o melhor ápice da sua vida chega e ele descarrega tudo em você também. – No no no, déjalo como está. – Ele se refere ao líquido escorrendo pela sua perna, ainda bem que o vestido longo vai esconder essa bagunça.
Você escuta alguém chamando o seu nome do lado de fora, era sua gerente, ela pergunta o quê aconteceu para você ficar tanto tempo no banheiro, inventa uma desculpa, "estava vomitando, acho que comi algo ruim antes de vir para cá." ou algo do tipo. Mas você sai dali, trocando os pés por causa do orgasmo recente, sabendo que Enzo Vogrincic ainda estava escondido naquele banheiro. Você ri, no final das contas, alguém realmente quase pegou vocês "se beijando" no banheiro.
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iconsfinder · 3 months
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pondysselth · 3 months
Así de caluroso || Enzo Vogrincic
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El sol del mediodía caía a plomo sobre las calles de Montevideo, convirtiendo el asfalto en un espejismo humeante. El miércoles transcurría como cualquier otro día de verano, sofocante e implacable. A pesar del calor agobiante, una chica caminaba con paso ligero por 18 de Julio, alejándose de la facultad. El pelo se le pegaba a la frente, sudaba a chorros y el agua de su botella se había convertido en un caldo tibio. La libertad después de un largo examen era la recompensa que la impulsaba.
Cada paso era una lucha contra el calor. La chica apresuraba el ritmo buscando la sombra esquiva, deseando escapar de las fauces de la ciudad que tanto amaba.
De pronto, un leve malestar se apoderó de ella. El sudor se intensificó, la respiración se volvió dificultosa y un mareo familiar la amenazó. Se detuvo, tambaleándose, con la vista nublada y puntos negros danzando en su campo visual. Ignorando las señales de alarma, bebió un trago de la repugnante agua tibia y reanudó la marcha. Su única meta: salir de 18 de Julio. A duras penas, avanzó unas cuadras más, luchando contra un nuevo malestar que se instalaba en su cuerpo.
Allí mostrándose casi burlona detrás de esa inmensa puerta de concreto que se alzaba sobre la calle Juncal se encontraba uno de sus deleites visuales favoritos, Sarandí. Ella no sabía por qué, pero esa calle siempre la llamaba a explorarla. Aunque ya la había recorrido tantas veces, siempre encontraba algún tesoro nuevo. Se debatió si debía pasar por lo que ya era el desolado calderón a fuego ardiente de la Plaza Independencia para llegar a ese oasis visual que le abría paso a Ciudad Vieja o simplemente ignorarlo e irse a casa.
La exuberante calidez de la tarde le gritaba a la chica que debía ignorar el llamado a la exploración. Sin embargo, una fuerza interior, una mezcla de aventura y algo más que no podía nombrar, la incitaba a seguir adelante. Como diablillos en el infernal ambiente, sus deseos la empujaban por ese camino que solo le estaba trayendo malestares. Ignorando las señales de su cuerpo, que no estaba preparado para resistir más tiempo en esas condiciones, se decantó por seguir la incitación diabólica y entrar en el paraíso que era la calle Sarandí.
Arrastrando los pies como si una cadena de acero los uniera al suelo, se adentró en ese rincón de alegría que tanto la llamaba. Caminó unas pocas cuadras, disfrutando del pequeño oasis que se abría paso en el desierto de calor que se había apoderado de Montevideo. De repente, un golpe seco: su corazón aceleró a un ritmo desbocado, su respiración se volvió jadeante, su visión se nubló y su cabeza comenzó a dar vueltas. La conciencia se le escapaba de entre los dedos. Así se sentía: una bajada de presión producto de su insensato deseo de continuar un camino que no debería haber tomado, en un día en el que el mismísimo señor de los infiernos parecía haberse apoderado de las calles de la ciudad. Su destino: caer desmayada por su imprudencia.
—Tranquila, que te tengo.
Esa voz no era producto de su imaginación. Los brazos que la rodeaban eran demasiado cálidos y sudorosos, evidenciando que el desconocido también sufría las consecuencias del avasallante calor que emitía el asfalto. A pesar de que la conciencia se le escapaba, de que sus ojos se cerraban y dejaban de transmitir luz, la sensación de estar en los brazos de un extraño la obligaba a volver a la realidad, alerta ante un posible infortunio. Cuando el instinto de supervivencia se apoderó de su cuerpo y abrió los ojos con miedo, se topó con un ángel. El calor se disipó de su cuerpo al contemplar sus ojos color avellana, la sensación de sudor se olvidó con solo una mirada a sus labios, el mareo se ignoró por completo al observar su rostro como un todo. Enzo Vogrincic, en todo su angelical ser, la sostenía para evitar que cayera en la fogosa calle Sarandí.
—No te preocupes que te ayudo a sentarte.
Su voz me sacó de mis pensamientos, esta vez infinitamente menos agónicos. Me tomó con delicadeza y me llevó unos metros hacia atrás, hacia unas sillas de plástico rojas, no muy cómodas, con el logotipo de una conocida marca de bebidas. Estaban fuera de un local llamado Zabala. Solo allí me di cuenta de la distancia que mis pies, que ya se podían haber fundido con el asfalto, me habían llevado. Estábamos cerca del Registro Civil y a unos pocos metros del Implosivo Artes Escénicas, la escuela de actuación. He ahí esclarecida la aparición de mi inesperado ángel salvador. Con mi mente retornando de su estado de inactividad coherente lo primero que atiné a decirle a mi salvador fue.
Una simple palabra, tan tonta que parecía fuera de lugar. Sin embargo, así me sentía: avergonzada de haberlo desviado de su camino. Posiblemente le molestaba ayudar a una desconocida que caminaba imprudentemente bajo el sol abrasador, con la única compañía de una cartera que contenía sus documentos para el examen, una tarjeta de transporte y su fiel botella de agua, que ahora parecía más una sopa por lo caliente que estaba.
La risa de mi nuevo acompañante me confirmó lo tonta que había sido mi respuesta. Doblemente avergonzada, lo miré a los ojos. Solo vi diversión por mis palabras y preocupación por mi extrema palidez y mi inminente desmayo.
—¿Cómo me vas a pedir perdón? ¿Te sentís mejor ahora sentada? Te voy a comprar un refresco y un agua fría, porque estoy seguro que te bajó la presión.
El hombre se irguió, enderezando su espalda, y se dirigió al restaurante con paso firme. Su objetivo era claro: conseguir las bebidas que me ayudarían a reponerme. Al cabo de unos minutos, regresó con un refresco y un agua fría. Se agachó de nuevo junto a mí, ofreciéndome el elixir que mi cuerpo, agradecido, absorbió con avidez.
—Muchísimas gracias, y te pido perdón por las molestias. Seguro tenías otras cosas que hacer más que asistir a una pelotuda que se desmayó.
Dije con pena, mirándolo a sus ojos marrones. Sentía cómo me ardían las mejillas. Solo entonces, al contemplar mi alrededor, me percaté de la bicicleta olvidada en el piso. Probablemente se había bajado de ella al verme en mi estado.
—No me agradezcas, solo hice algo que cualquiera haría.
Expresó mientras se giraba para buscar la bicicleta. Al levantarla, se regresó hacia mí y me dijo:
—Me llamo Enzo. ¿Y vos?
Le dije mi nombre con más confianza al ver que no parecía molesto ni apurado por irse. Le señalé el refresco, aún sin abrir, ofreciéndoselo.
—Eso es tuyo, no me lo tenés que devolver. Si yo fuera vos, también tomaría de ese. El azúcar te va a ayudar a recuperarte, todavía estás muy pálida. Si me permitís.
Con esa simple petición de consentimiento, acercó su mano a mi rostro apartando algunos cabellos que se me habían pegado por el sudor, aquellos que mi peinado no había podido contener y ahora se posaban rebeldes por donde ellos deseaban. Luego de poner mis cabellos en orden, su mano se quedó allí, posada en mi cuello. La sensación de tener aquel pesado miembro cerca de donde se medía mi pulso me inquietaba. ¿Y si podía sentir el acelerado ritmo al que iba mi corazón? Su rostro tan perfecto no era lo único que me embobaba; su amabilidad y sencillez con la que estaba allí delante de mí me estaba dejando el cerebro aún más atrofiado que cualquier síntoma debido al infernal clima.
Tomando otro largo trago de agua para disipar los efectos que él estaba teniendo en mí, tomé valor, lo miré a los ojos y le dije:
—Muchísimas gracias otra vez. Siento que te lo estoy diciendo ya muchas veces, pero de verdad estoy agradecida con tu gesto. Pudiste haberme ignorado y dejarme tirada en la calle, y no lo hiciste.
—No tenés nada que agradecerme. Decime, ¿vivís por acá? Así te acompaño y me quedo tranquilo de que llegaste bien.
Me respondió aún con su mano posada delicadamente sobre mi cuello, dejándole leves caricias y sus ojos mirándome fijamente, entre preocupados y con algo parecido a ternura.
—No vivo por acá, ni cerca. Solo vine porque acabo de dar un examen y quería recorrer. Iba super bien hasta hace unos momentos.
Ya dejando un poco de lado la vergüenza, le respondí un poco más animada y sin tanta timidez. Tanta, ya que tener a alguien tan bonito enfrente de ella solo hacia que se pusiera nerviosa.
—Ok, sin ser muy invasivo, ¿dónde vivís? Tal vez te puedo llevar o algo. Me preocupa que te vayas sola después de que casi te desmayas. Si querés, llamamos a alguna amiga o alguien que te venga a buscar.
—Vivo en Manga, así que un poco lejos de acá. Y mis amigas en estos momentos...
Dije entre risas, diciendo donde vivía y luego chequeando la hora: 16:04. Para saber dónde podrían estar alguna de mis amigas para contestarle.
—Mis amigas están todas trabajando, así que no queda de otra que irme sola. Quedate tranquilo que no me va a pasar nada.
Le contesté intentando calmarlo y asegurarle de que todo estaría bien y no me volvería a pasar nada.
—Te invitaría a mi casa, pero siento que para un primer encuentro es mucho. Me conformo por ahora acompañándote a tomar el bondi.
Volviendo por la calle Sarandí, por la tan calurosa Ciudad Vieja. Ese tipo de calor que hacía que el asfalto derritiera el calzado y definitivamente el tipo de calor que hace que se te baje la presión y encuentres a Enzo, quien ahora te tiene montada en su bicicleta mientras ambos ríen y disfrutan el pequeño aire que les llega por la velocidad con la que conduce el antes mencionado. Ese era el tipo de día caluroso que hacía aquel día en Montevideo.
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moonlightwavez · 3 months
“difícil eso”
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cherubimcore · 2 months
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pairing: enzo vogrincic x reader
warnings: none!
genre: fluff ♡
author notes: it has been a while since i have written something so please patient with me while i rediscover how to write ^_^
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Ever since you were a kid you were determined to never fall in love.
During your childhood you saw many relationships in your family fall apart and hearts being broken left and right, sometimes not even time could heal it.
So you made a promise to yourself to never fall in love because sooner or later everything would come crashing down and you would be left alone to pick up the pieces.
And you were doing fine like this for 20 years of your life.
But then you met him.
It was a dreary day, it had been raining non-stop for the past week and a half, you were sick of staying inside your apartment so even with the thunders and the heavy rain you decided to at least go to the bookstore and buy something new to read.
Especially because your TBR had probably surpassed your life expectancy and it seemed like it wouldn’t stop growing any time soon.
So with your cute umbrella and your favorite raincoat you left the house.
It wasn’t a long walk from your apartment to the bookstore but still your shoes were soaking wet by the time you arrived.
That uncomfortable feeling suddenly vanished when you entered the bookstore feeling at peace.
You smiled at the bookstore owner who was used to you always stopping by, the old man smiled back at you and you walked to the YA fantasy like always.
You didn’t know when you became aware of his presence.
One minute you picking books you would buy and the other you couldn’t stop staring at the man next to you.
It was like he came out of a fantasy story, like he was some sort of prince from a fantastical land who was in a love triangle with the princess he was supposed to marry and the assassin designated to kill him but actually fell in love with his charm and lovely personality.
OK… maybe you were reading too many books.
While creating a fantasy story in your mind the man actually looked at you and smiled, you turned your head quickly in shame and cheeks burning red.
And he was coming to talk to you.
“Hey” he said.
‘Even his voice sounds prince like’ you thought ‘No wait stop (y/n)!”
“Hey…” you managed to answer without stuttering, it felt like a win.
“I’m new with this whole reading thing and you seemed like a pro so i wanted to ask a recommendation”
You turned your head slightly to the side wondering how he knew that, the man understood your doubt and looked down at your hand.
You hand that were holding 5 different books to buy and still picking more.
Maybe that’s how…
“Yes of course!” You said maybe too enthusiastically but when you saw how he smiled at your excitement you didn’t feel weird about it “I actually love this question! What do you enjoy the most? Maybe horror?”
“Oh no!” He frowned, “I don’t have the stomach for that kind of stuff, I still can’t even watch Coraline!”
You laugh but the next second you put your hand in front of your mouth and widen your eyes asking yourself if it wasn't rude.
“It’s ok you can laugh, even my 4 year old niece watched that movie without getting scared”
“Sorry…” You murmured “It’s funny because Coraline is one of my favorite movies!”
He rolled his eyes scoffing.
“It’s true!” You laughed “I always watch on halloween”
“Every year?”
“Every year!”
You both continued to chat for a while, after finally understanding his taste you pretty much gave a list full of books to him that you think he might like.
“I didn’t ask your name…” You mentioned when you were walking through the bookshelves putting a book on his hand once in a while for him to read later.
“I’m Enzo”
“I’m (Y/N), nice to meet you Enzo The Guy Scared of Coraline”
“Not scared of Coraline… Her other mother give me the chills”
“Maybe you need the right company to finally watch it”
“You’re right…” Enzo stopped and you stopped with him, you turned your head towards his face and noticed he was already looking at you, when you met him his entire face caught your attention for looking like a prince, but now looking directly at his eyes you realized it was your favorite part of him “Do want to watch Coraline with me maybe?”
Now it was his turn to be red.
“Sure I would love that!” You smiled “Maybe you will fall in love with horror and I can finally recommend Stephen King for you!”
“Not a chance!”
“C’mon! First step is Coraline and the next you are watching The Exorcist and sleeping like a baby at night!”
While talking with Enzo you suddenly had a thought you never had your entire life.
You were absolutely sure you were falling for him, falling for this stranger who could break your heart in a second but you wouldn’t mind having your heart broken by him.
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kiss-me-muchoo · 3 months
𝐈𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 || 𝐄𝐧𝐳𝐨 𝐕𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐜 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲_ have you seen the MV of wildest dreams? If not… you play the romantic interest of Enzo’s character in a movie and the sparks begin behind cameras too. But he turns you down and finally sees you years after that, realizing he missed you and now he’s jealous.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠_ age gap, angst, fluff, Enzo is a little bit of an asshole, Enzo’s ex is NOT specified, okay? Definitely not trying to imply anything by that, Spanglish, ANGST AGAIN. We have a Mexican carne asada here y soporten. BIEN CRINGE ESTA MADRE
𝐀/𝐍_ people from Uruguay and Argentina can correct me all they want about the accent, please start listening Cedar, then Widest Dreams for this… BOTH SONGS IN MY PLAYLIST FOR ENZO.
♪ ♫ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝟒 𝐄𝐧𝐳𝐨 𝐕𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐜 ✰𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 (+fics here)
Your character was close to his. They were lovers. So you had to spend a fair amount of time with him consequently. Enzo was a humble and kind man. He was so random and yet so peaceful. Which facilitated the connection.
In the beginning, you thought it was weird that the production of The Society of the Snow had decided to keep more than 50% of the cast for a short film that would promote the movie and create speculation. You didn’t say no because it meant flying to the shores of Spain and enjoying more time with the boys.
So you give in, you take the director’s advice to stick to Enzo and build a connection.
He’s older than you, more mature, more experienced in many ways, but yet you seem to be able to make him laugh.
“Tenés que estar bromeando,” he says laughing.
“No es joda, de verdad me multaron y se hizo un desmadre” you explain giggling, drinking at your water bottle.
Both of you are having a little moment on the beach. It was warm, and it was a free day. The rest of the boys decided to spend the afternoon playing video games and you were not willing to melt watching a TV.
“Recuérdame jamás salir con vos” you roll your eyes.
“Ay vete a la verga, todos saben que soy el alma de las reuniones y fiestas” he shrugged, eating from his sandwich and smiling.
“Si, tenés razón quizá”
“¿Quizá? No, no mientas, Enzo” finally, he laughs loudly.
“Bueno está bien, lo acepto”
“Así me gusta, obediente, mi niño” he blushed. And it made you blush too.
The sound of the waves swiftly colliding makes you feel at peace. It’s been great so far. Filming an action short film, playing the damsel in danger who turns out to be the villain, and having lots of fun with your workmates.
“¿No extrañas tu hogar?” he asks, and you sigh, looking at the sea.
“Trato de no pensar en eso. Dependo mucho de casa, de mi familia. Me cuesta el cambio, pero me adapto rápido” he nods, smiling, and you hate to admit you like how good he looks with his hair slightly shorter.
“Eso es bueno… adaptarse. Aunque cueste… creo que al final es bonito el cambio” you start laughing. Because you remember his Instagram captions and the pauses he always wrote. But he’s think that you are also very pretty, not only the change he mentioned before.
“Si, es bonito el cambio” You keep laughing, and he shouldn’t be smiling so much at you. But you were so funny, you always had something to share and talk about. Enzo was very close about sharing things about him. But with you, he could make an excuse.
So you also stare at him, and you feel your heart start beating faster.
You can’t fall in love with him. But you’re miserably failing.
You look at yourself in the mirror. Your character had a disguise moment, where she had to pretend to be a dancer to get information. So there you are in a bejeweled attire with feathers.
“No mames, qué buena me veo,” you say laughing. Loving how your waist looks and how your hair looks so fluffy. The costume department did an outstanding job of making you look hot
“Como que si… ¿eh?” The annoying twink of Juani had to be there.
“Ponme la de perdió este culo de la Bad Gyal, por favor” Juani starts cackling, already filming you for some random tweet.
“Pero si vos tuviste un ex hace siglos, ya no queda” you roll your eyes, checking on the glitter decorating your eyes.
“Ay, pero no por eso, Juani. Nomás por mamona lo digo” There’s a knock on the door and you turn to see who’s standing there.
“¿Y esa diosa?” You blush, smiling at Fran being the person who knocked at the door before.
“¿Dónde que no la veo?” Of course, Juani had to be an idiot and ruin the moment, but soon he blows you a kiss.
“No es cierto, linda” You roll your eyes and turn back to see Fran giggling. You give him a sweet smile and scratch the back of your neck. He helps you get your robe so you won’t have to cross the whole building with your exhibitionist outfit.
“Tenés escena conmigo” Fran says offering you his arm, which you gladly take.
“Adiós, naco perdedor,” you say to Juani, who starts laughing loudly. As you start walking with Fran across the hallways of the building, you start feeling your heart beat faster. You were going to have a heated scene with Enzo, which made you cringe a lot. First, you appear with Fran’s character in the club which ends with your character tangling up with Enzo.
“¿Nerviosa?” You shake your head, sighing.
“I don’t know…Digo, no lo sé” he nods, as you two walk out of the building to get going towards the set. The shores of Spain were beautiful, Cádiz was warm and it suited your overwhelmed mood.
“Va a estar bien. Que igual si no, nos vamos a dar la vuelta en la noche” that immediately makes you smile. You nod, hugging him.
“Eso me encantaría mucho, Fran” You are on set now. There’s no way back, and when you turn back, you see Enzo, and he’s already looking at you.
You blush, and offer him a little smile before turning away so rapidly. The whole action is watched by Fran and he has his own opinion.
“Has pasado mucho tiempo con Enzo…¿No crees?” You shrug, greeting the makeup staff who are going to retouch your look.
“Teníamos que conocernos a fondo para que esto resultara” he nods again.
“Creo que si se ha dado lo de la conexión” it was weird, because you knew it was true. you had developed a special connection with Enzo. Hours spent talking and having long walks across the beach. The days you decided to cook for the boys and he always was the first to arrive and try to help you set up everything.
“Si se diera la oportunidad… ¿Te quedarías con él?” His question makes you wonder. It took you aback, and while you have full trust in Fran, you don’t know what to answer.
Well, you do know what to answer… but you are afraid to admit it.
“Si… aveces siento que si es con él, Fran. Me hace muy feliz… pero, no creo que Enzo sienta lo mismo” you confess. He smiles, taking your hand.
“Tenés que decirle. Se llevan un par de años, pero… se ven tan bien juntos” he says looking at Enzo.
“De verdad… ¿Tú crees?”
“Es que ve cómo te mira, y/n” In disguise, you turn to your side, and you confirm Enzo is still looking at you.
“Decíle… anda” you smile, a warm feeling growing in your heart. You feel loved, you feel like it might be meant to be. So you plan something.
“Hay que hacer una carnita asada” Fran laughs.
“Pero vos le pones mucho al asado. Jamás había visto uno así” you laugh. Since your type of asado was a northern Mexican carne asada. They all believed it was a great change of style of cooking.
“No lo niegues, Fran. Mi asado es grandioso” he tries to deny it but at the end, he smiles nodding.
“Ey… ¿estás lista, linda?” Enzo asks, appearing with a gorgeous smile. He was wearing a dark suit, his hair looked amazing, very hot.
“Creo que si…” you let him know. After some brief exchange of words with the production, you take your position along with Fran to start filming. And you never miss the way Enzo was looking at you.
Maybe he felt the same.
You started the carne asada before taking a shower and getting ready. Now, everything was ready. The big patio that connected the apartment complex was decorated with a table that Juani and Matias helped you set, with chips, salsas, guacamole, beans, and agua de tamarindo that you had to mix with some alcohol.
Everyone is having fun, and you have helped to serve the food to everyone with Blas. It seemed to be going well, you have a sundress and sneakers on the feeling of the alcohol has you tipsy and you can’t wait to make yourself some tacos with the asado.
You feel someone hug you from behind, and when you turn back, you end up caged around Enzo’s arms.
“Hey… you made it!” You cheer after seeing him, trying to ignore the blush on your cheeks. You hoped nobody had seen the interaction. Or else they would start with cheesy rumors.
“No me lo perdería” you smile, offering him a glass of agua de tamarindo.
“Hice verduras asadas y queso fundido para ti” he wanted to hug you so tightly again after hearing you say that. You had thought about him and cooked specifically for him. Enzo had been in some dilemma, where he questioned if you could be the one. Although, he still had many obstacles to get to you. And he didn’t know yet that those obstacles would draw him apart from you.
“Ehh.. y/n linda, ¿hay más mas cubiertos?” Agustin asks you suddenly.
“Creo que hay servilletas y popotes en el cuarto de lavar. Voy a ver” you say laughing.
“Te acompaño…” says Enzo, which makes you blush again.
Both of you walk inside the building, and the laundry room is very near, so in less than a minute he opens the door to let you in. With the distance, you finally are able to distinguish the song playing on the patio. You hum along trátame suavemente playing in the background.
No quiero soñar mil veces las mismas cosas
Ni contemplarlas sabiamente
Quiero que me trates suavemente
Enzo can’t help but think you look so adorable. He remembers the way he had to touch you for the scene earlier. Half of him hated himself for feeling that way about you, and the other half questioned if it could possibly be correct.
“Enzo… no alcanzo las servilletas” When he turns back, he sees you trying to climb the washing machine to open the drawers.
“Así no, chiquita.” He laughs and stops you, making you sit on top of the washing machine while he grabs the bag with napkins and straws inside.
“Ay, si… humillame pues” you complain crossing your arms. He drops de bag beside you, and then gives you a silly smirk, which makes you laugh.
“Nada de eso, sis vos sos bien linda así” You cross your arms, avoiding his eyes. This was the closest you’d been around him. It feels alright like having him close to you was normal. Making you realize, you could get used to his aura being so damn close to you.
I like him…
“¿Tú crees?” You let yourself play a little dumb, pretending innocence. And you have the excuse of being under the effects of alcohol.
Te comportas de acuerdo
Con lo que te dicta, cada momento
Y esta inconstancia, no es algo heroico
Es más bien algo enfermo…
you keep humming the song as you try to keep the conversation normal with the man.
“Si… muy linda vos” The outrageous side of you let your arms get tangled around his neck. And it caught him by surprise but he let himself feel the moment. He shyly placed his hands on your hips, and you squirmed.
“¿Qué estamos haciendo?” He asks, accepting that he was getting lost in your eyes.
“No sé” you admit, feeling how his chest was touching yours.
“Bésame, Enzo…” you close your eyes, and seconds later, you know he’s kissing you. Your fingers trace his hair and it’s so soft that it makes him groan in pleasure.
You let his hands caress the plush skin of your hips and legs as you keep pushing him towards you.
This is it, you are falling in love with him.
It’s one of the last days of filming, but for the past two weeks, you have been spending a sickening time with Enzo. He spent two nights with you, he even agreed to go out to the city just for you. You could say the feeling of falling in love was growing very rapidly.
He made you feel safe and every smile he offered was enough relief for your days. He held your hand once while walking through the crowded streets to not lose you and it felt right.
And you hadn’t seen him in two days because he had different scenes to film.
Until now, where your character holds hands with him as she confesses she’s the villain. You feel the air shift, you feel the distance he’s making and you wonder if it was because of the scene or if he was actually being cold to you. The setting is on one hill with a gorgeous sunset in the background, making the scene very dramatic and tragic for the romantic partners.
“Dime que me amas y me entregaré. Por favor…” your character says. Enzo looks at you, and the look he exchanges with you is sad, making you confused on camera.
“Yo te amo, pero sabes que no podemos estar juntos” his character had to say. And for some reason, you felt like Enzo was actually saying that to you.
“CORTE!” The director said. Everything keeps going on. But for you time stops. You look at him, hoping to find some sense of tranquility. That nothing had changed.
Slowly, Enzo dropped your hand and after a brief look… he walked away.
You spend the afternoon collecting shells. You are confused and slightly sad because filming is coming to an end. You don’t know if Enzo actually wanted to give it a try on distance. Because after the kiss on the carne asada, none of you had given status to the relationship.
But it’s not necessary to keep thinking about it, because you see him walking towards you, and your immediate reaction is to offer him a smile.
“Ey.. te perdiste todo el día” you try to sound calm.
“Estaba ocupado.” He says with both hands inside his hoodie. His hair looks disheveled and he seems tired.
“Volví a hablar con ella” There’s no need to address it, you know who he meant, his ex-girlfriend. You don’t say a word, opting for hearing him before talking.
“Hablamos mucho. Quedamos de vernos cuando vuelva a Uruguay” you gulp, each word hurting you more.
“¿Entendés, verdad? Vos sos más joven que yo, somos de lados muy distintos… no iba a funcionar” your eyes get watered immediately. Rage invading you and sadness flooding you.
“Decí algo, por favor. No quiero lastimarte…” you laugh, shaking your head. There are some seconds of silence. You need to choose the right words.
“Alguna vez me miraste, sonreíste y pensaste que… tal vez, ¿tal vez pudo haber sido conmigo?” He sighs, looking away, at the sea.
The longer he remains quiet, the more you have the answer. He never felt the same as you, but he never tried to stop you either. He played along.
You just start walking away, hand on an extremely tight grip, the shells and sand irritating the skin on your palm.
“Nunca quise hacerte daño” he yells as you have walked a fair amount of steps away.
“Si nunca sentiste algo por mi, nunca debiste haberme dejado encariñarme contigo.” He lowers his gaze and you feel even more enraged.
“No puedes ni levantar la cabeza. Fucking shame on you…” you spit with disappointment.
“Y jamás debí haber aceptado conocerte tanto” you finally say. Walking away at once and fighting the tears as you try to pass the boys who are playing video games again.
“Ey… ¿estás bien?” Juani asks and you nod, but he follows and once his hand touches yours, you can’t help but collide on his chest, letting the tears fly away silently. Juani doesn’t say anything, not yet, he just hugs you tightly.
The next afternoon, Enzo goes to find you in your room, but he’s surprised by the fact that you’re gone.
“Filmó su última escena y se ha ido a casa” Santi told him.
“¿Cómo?” Enzo is in shock, he just sighs, closing his eyes.
“Se quiso ir antes…”
“Le dijo… muchas cosas a Juani y a Fran” Santi adds, and Enzo can tell what had happened. And of course, he accepted being guilty.
“Necesito hablar con ellos” and with that he lefts.
But the talk didn’t help a lot. He just realized you were gone by the time he was able to be alone in his room again. Enzo was confused and tired and he also just wanted to go home. But as he understands you’re gone and he won’t see you in a long time, he feels a little lost. And empty…
A lot of things change. You grow, you forget, you change. You go back to your normal life, college goes great, and everything is normal until it’s time to give a promotion to the movie and the short film. You kept a lot of contact with Fran, Juani, and Matias, but it won't be the same as if you didn't end up on good terms with Enzo.
About him, you learned he didn't make it with his ex-girlfriend. He was single and apparently good. You don’t hate him, but there’s a lot of resentment. And as the premiere was around the corner, rumors had appeared on the surface of social media. Rumors of you and Enzo, and all the drama. You didn't pay attention to those, but you were expecting at least one question regarding the issue in the upcoming interviews.
You were offered to be dressed by some perfect designer who had similar ideas to you. He made a silk dress in a champagne color for you. With tiny crystal beats and a gorgeous skirt. You loved the dress, it suited you so well too.
So at the beginning of the night, you don’t think about anything but making a good impression on the cameras. All that mattered was the promotion of the movie.
As soon as you arrive at the gala, you start shivering because of your nervousness about seeing your friends again. You were the last one to arrive so you weren’t able to greet them.
And that’s when you see Enzo. He seems fine, in a completely dark suit and his stupid perfect hair. When he finds your sweet eyes, his heart beats faster, you look so perfect. Your hair, your brows, your eyes, the pink lips, everything seemed to make you look so perfect. And he can tell you look older, your childish and plush cheeks are gone, and your short hair too. He remembers all the good memories he made with you and he feels sadness taking over. He missed you so bad after going back home. And he wasn’t able to hear anything from you because he didn’t dare to ask Juani or Fran for example.
“Te ves preciosa,” says Agustin hugging you. You smile at him and thank him. All the boys want to greet you and all is being recorded. The only one you don’t greet is Enzo, who stays afar posing for the cameras. Until most of the photographers keep asking to take a picture of you and the man who broke your heart.
“No te acerques si no querés” Juani advises you, whispering in your eye. You sigh, looking at how Enzo is getting closer.
“Creo que ya no tengo de otra…” you whisper back, pretending to have a big and honest smile on your face.
Enzo exchanged looks with you, and he was able to sense how awkward you were feeling, which didn’t soothe him. So he pretended to place his hand on your back but he never touched you, and you didn’t even glare at him a second the flash hit your face. You ignore the growing pain of having him so close but being so far away at the same time.
They want you to do a little interview with him. So you get close to the cameras to answer some questions.
“Entonces y/n… ¿qué crees que fue lo mejor de grabar el largometraje?” You giggle, easy question.
“Definitivamente que pude volver a estar con los chicos. Fue mas sencillo y podíamos divertirnos con mayor libertad” the woman nods, assuring that she was recording your answer.
“Y Enzo… ¿fue difícil grabar estando en una relación?” You know he didn’t like the question, and you suddenly felt worse or awkward.
“Eh… no. La verdad es que llevo rato soltero.”
“¿Hay alguien que podría llevarte a dejar de estarlo?” He laughs and you just want to run away. You really don’t care, and you don’t want to know the answer.
“Hubo una chica con la que estuve en Cádiz hace casi dos años. Nos la pasamos muy bien y las cosas no se dieron, mi culpa. Me gustaría hacer las cosas bien por ella…” it must be you, and it can’t be. You don’t believe him, you just turn around and look for any of your friends. So when you see Matias making you a sign to join im, you take the opportunity.
“Me llaman por acá. Un gusto, y gracias…” you thank the woman with a smile and leave quickly, knowing Enzo has eyes set on your back.
You won’t cry, but you can’t help but feel so weird about everything. You had been great without him. Seeing him back made you go back to that summer in Cadiz and how great it was your life at the time. But that is gone, and so are the memories you made with him.
Everyone knows you disappeared after the projection of the movie and the short film. You don’t like feeling his eyes across the dark room. You can’t rest knowing the party that followed the projections was going to be very painful. By showing clips of the behind-the-scenes, everyone saying words to each other. You are not in the mood for that. And it’s all because of him. Because he had to be an asshole and not think clearly. You couldn’t even call yourself stupid because he gave all the green lights that actually looked like green flags.
And as you question everything in pajamas, looking at the open balcony of your hotel room with red swollen eyes when there’s a knock.
You drag your feet to the door, and once you open it, he’s there.
The suit is still on, but he has a specific gesture on his face.
People often said looks said more than words, and Enzo was the perfect example.
You tilt your head, reading his face. His face says that he’s sorry, he feels sad, and he’s desperate to have you back. And he frowns after seeing your sad face. Your red eyes and look that said how confused and hurt you were.
So both of you stare for a little longer, literally glorifying each other faces. Remembering the soft touches, all the things you talked together. How happy you made each other.
“Podemos arreglarlo…” he finally says.
And slowly both of you smile, sad and broken smiles.
You open your arms and he immediately goes to hug you. His hands find their way to your waist, his face hidden in the warmth of your neck.
“Tú recuerdo jamás me dejó” and you smile again, closing your eyes, letting your face get comfortable on his chest, letting more tears fall.
“Si es contigo…Siempre fue contigo” he admits, knowing he’ll never let you go again.
Antes de que me digan que que pendeja esta la y/n por perdonarlo tan fácil, pues en mi cabeza cuando Enzo la fue a ver a su cuarto fue como muy fuerte. De esos momentos donde la tension es mas fuerte y no se necesitan tantas palabras para saber que la persona está literalmente a tus rodillas suplicando so…
I already have an idea for a new fic with Enzo that it’s going to be AHHHHH. hint? Everyone loves you, that’s it
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slyscoutess · 1 month
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summary: where Juani noticed some new gossip that was going around Twitter in the name of one of his favorite singers and his co-worker
paring: enzo vogrincic x fem!singer! reader [ no faceclaim ]
writer: Just the reader sticking to the vibe of every person in the world since the release of the movie and the rise of the current internet boyfriend
( tradução para o português )
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liked by juanicar, havanaroseliu, lilymhe and 4.636.585 others
yourusername the female urge to write a song about a guy she saw an edit on tiktok
view all 32.075 comments
havanaroseliu OMG! Okay, it´s happenning!!!
yummyyourname Everybody stay calm!!!! yncliquee what's the procedure everyone? what's the procedue?
miniynln the last photo, is that the latino guy from the airplane movie???
havanaynluvchild thank u random hot man for making mother do her job
vongriciccunt I understand her at a certain level of depth, I also wanted everyone to hear my love for him after an edit
liked by yourusername and 289 others
bottomsburner "let's make all the tiktok girlys freak"
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story responses in instagram dm
havanaroseliu Be fr right now
niamhhccormack_ same.
yourusername he is a hot girls thing for sure
reneerapp shame on you putting things like this on my face
themaddieep are you lauching??????
yourusername girl, I WISH
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first story responses in instagram dm
havanaroseliu beg your pardon??? delete this, i have a reputation and another place to be
ynthinker love your friendship with the Bottoms cast.
havanaynluvchild MAMA & MOTHER TOGETHER
reneerapp invitation?????
kikaroseliu i loveeee her so much
juanicar the pretzels look fake
second story responses in instagram dm
chuuyn IT'S COMING
nigvtmares THAT'S A WRAP??
juanicar need this song right now
yourusername boy, it's coming calm down juanicar Could an old fan know more about the song? yourusername that depends, old fan, send me your number
third story responses in dm
reneerapp I had hoped you'd be turning into a real person
niamhhccormack_ girl
yourusername sorry mother, for i have sinned ( it will happen again
juanicar I feel like I shouldn't be seeing this
yourusername welcome, juanicar, to enzo vogrincic secret fan page yourusername You should think twice before sending me your number and making friends, you have released an intimacy never thought of
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liked by franromerofran, havanaroseliu, juanicar and 5.768.307 others
yourusername "Older" is now up for you people to stream . . . and the secret is out, the song is about juanicar
view all 42.560 comments
juanicar oh well . . . secret is out
yourusername gonna tell them we are now lauching? havanasennot WTF???
ynthinker gonna be my number 1 song fr
havanaynluvchild she's making new friends ooooown so proud
liked by yourusername and 127others
franromerofran He came to my house with Blas, Matias and Pipe to listen
kukuthinkeer wait, the song is not about Enzo?
yourusername no 🥰
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vogrincicenzo has followed yourusername
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first story responses in dm
juanicar girl . . . i think u should check on something
lnroseliu WHAT IS THIS?????
alicuntrival Y/N????
second story responses in dm
ssavannahsmithh horrible day to post one story after another hun
juanicar the gc IS GOING NUTS RIGHT NOW
havanaynluvchild is this my new step father, then??
themaddieep So you just decided to hard lauch? Good for u
third story responses in dm
vogrincicenzo i mean, it's a very nice music
vogrincicenzo i do have somenthings to talk about it, maybe give you more inspiration over a cup of coffee
vogrincicenzo Counting that you won't get me arrested during the conversation for now
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239 notes · View notes
imninahchan · 3 months
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⌜ 𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮: strangers to lovers, my poor spanish skills, casual and unprotected sex [you can't do that, c'mon!], readerʼs a brazilian woman, some portuguese words, dirty talk, age difference, finger sucking, male oral, manhandling, light pussy spanking, ʽpapiʼ, dumbification, dacryphilia. ˚ ☽ ˚.⋆ ⌝
꒰ 𝑨𝑼𝑻𝑯𝑶𝑹ʼ𝑺 𝑵𝑶𝑻𝑬 ꒱ sooo never thought about posting something in eng but @femmechaotic (thx baby) showed me her translation and i gave it a second chance. This was originally written by me in portuguese, thatʼs why the reader is brazilian. Eng is not our first language, sorry for any mistakes, just posting for the fun of it♡
You realized this from the moment you laid eyes on him for the first time. Sitting a couple of tables away from his, on the balcony of the hotel lobby.
You simply couldn't help but notice it: the thick strands of dark hair, how his hands run through it, as the gentle morning wind blowed. The basic white tank top, a coat hanging over the chair next to him at the table. His big and pointed nose, his eyes hidden mysteriously behind the lenses of the fancy sunglasses.
He's definitely not Brazilian. You could tell just by the food he chose from the buffet on his plate. Youʼre just so genuinely intrigued by the whole set of ongoings, obsessed with watching him, that you forgot about your own — boring — breakfast. The buns were cooling next to the black coffee in the porcelain cup.
You wanted to open the messaging app on your phone and send a sassy comment to your best friend, saying something like: “omg u won't believe how cute is the guy i just saw”, but you didn't even have time for that. The man raises his chin, with his attention shifting from the phone device in his hands to noticing your presence ahead.
You look down immediately, feeling as if you had committed a crime and you've just been caught in the act. You bite your lip, trying to hold down a childish smile, like a vicious little girl. Your palms starts sweating; suddenly cold. The intention was to keep yourself busy with the porcelain cup in the short meantime, trying to deal with the awkward sensation of being caught.
Itʼs not working, of course. You didn't know whether to drink or not, sometimes you try to sip the hot liquid, but you give up halfway through, lost like a robot in a breakdown. And when he raises his eyes once more, in the same direction as you looked for so long, the man's gaze meet yours again.
It feels, apparently, like youʼre going to faint, to actually die, Jesus! You've never felt so embarrassed in your entire life and you insist on thinking about how you're never gonna be able to eat, think or breathe while being in this crime scene — also known as the balcony of the hotel lobby.
“Get up, then!”, you think to yourself. You pick up on a couple of the cold buns from the plate, taking a sip of the — now cold — coffee, and walking towards the lobby. Like, damn, youʼre not even dressed up, maybe the clothes are not so bad but you donʼt even have any makeup on or hair done the way you liked it so much (and did it religiously every day).
But there is an actual explanation for you not being ready. The plan, initially, was just having breakfast and enjoying the view for a short period of time, so you could visit the downtown in Madrid afterwards. Now, you are running away like a criminal, with your mouth full of bread heading towards the elevator.
When you finally thought that the closing of the gray automatic doors would mean freedom, your heart has one more reason to flutter, as soon as the man steps into the cubicle before he could lose the sight of you.
You decide to chew more quickly, hiding the other roll of bun between your hands. Standing next to you, he takes off his pair of glasses, holding his coat and a crossbody bag.
He looks at you.
— Enzo — he says, and from the way he announced his name, you can tell by his accent that he speak Spanish. You swipe the back of your hand over your mouth, wiping away any remaining crumbs.
— Oi... hmm — You stammer the response in Portuguese, automatically panicking again for a few seconds when realizing that your brain couldn't think of a greeting, even in your first language. After some quick struggles, you tell him your name.
— ¿Eres de aquí? ¿de Madrid? (Are you from here? From Madrid?)
— Ahm... — You stutter, again (unfortunately). — Brasil!
He smiles.
— Ah, sí. Brasil... ¡Es un lugar magnífico! (Oh, yes. Brasil... It's a wonderful place!) — and praises. But his gaze turns sharp, he needs to know: “Entiendes lo que digo, ¿no?” (Do you understand what I say, right?)
— Sí, sí! (Yeah, yes!) — you return with a wide smile back at him, almost hyperventilating.
Your desperation is pathetically noticeable, itʼs cute actually. He watched you, smiles softly, almost like a chuckle. The curiosity gets into your nerves, you wanted to ask more questions, extend the conversation, but the elevator reaches your floor, and you leave, too withdrawn to say anything.
“Shit”, you curse at yourself, it wasn't so difficult to have a decent small talk, you should've said something, anything. You brood all day long, thinking you're such a dummy for missing the opportunity. Why did you have to act like a stupid teenager, huh? Then, after what happened, not even the museums — that you were so excited to visit — were fun anymore, no place in this goddamn city could take away that little thread of regret from you.
In the next day, however, you go down for some coffee at the same time as you did the other day, with the foolish intention of trying to see him again, and thatʼs it, it worked; like a freaking miracle. The man was sitting in an armchair in the lobby, it seemed like he was waiting for you too, what were the odds?
You can even feel your legs wobble.
— ¡Buenos días! (Good morning!) — he greets you. — ¿Cómo se dice ‘Buenos días’ en Brasil? (How do you say ‘Good morning’ in Portuguese?)
It takes a few seconds for you to think and say it back, ‘Bom dia’ (Good morning), you respond. He smiles.
— Es muy parecido (It's pretty similar) — he comments, awkwardly. Then, looks at the buffet, “¿Vamos?” (Shall we?)
Although he sometimes used terms that you completely donʼt know the meaning of and have to ask him to explain again, the conversation is, apparently, going very well. You discover that he is older, Uruguayan, and not Spanish as you immediately thought he was. You tell him a little about the country you come from, and he gets enchanted by the way your accent pronounces his name. Enzo. Paying attention to the ʽzʼ sound, unlike the pronunciation in Spanish.
it was with his company that you explored the city. The both of you went to a small square together, had some ice cream, met tourists hotspots, then chatted while exploring a little shop nearby. You hated to admit it but the situation was indeed romantic. Later in the afternoon, you were taken by him to a bar.
There, the conversation extended even further, including the beer you guys shared. When you didn't understand anything he said, (what was quite often in the conversation) you just laughed, your cheeks getting really hot and red from smiling that much. Honestly, you could leave him talking to himself for hours, just because you loved the husky sound of his deep voice and his pair of brown sparkling eyes.
It didn't mean that you were in love or anything, right? Besides, there was no way you could fall in love in such a short period of time.
But the heat you felt emanating from your own body definitely meant something. It could be because of the dark blue button-down shirt — these pieces never fail to be attractive, right? —, or the silver ring that caught your eyes every time he articulated with his hands in the air. Even his perfume... ah, the perfume! A fragrance that filled your lungs, woody but with a slight sweet note. Projecting all day long, torturing, practically inviting you to bury your face in the curve of the moreno's neck.
At nighttime, he takes you back to the hotel: his excuse was that he wanted to help you with the shopping bags, as if you had bought all of Madrid. And it was supposed to end there, at your hotel room door, simple as that. He hands you your things, and the most he does is lean over, slowly, as if he is silently asking for permission, and so, he places a small kiss on the corner of your mouth, millimeters away from touching your lipstick-painted lips. But you hold his hand, before the man walks away down the hall, you donʼt let him escape.
He approaches you again, his other hand touches the corner of your face. Warm, affectionate. ¿Qué te pasa, nena? (What's wrong with you, baby?) The focus of his brown eyes are on your mouth now, the question is whispered, seductive. The touch of his fingers bypass your jaw until it gets on your chin. ¿Quieres algo más que un beso? (Do you want something more than a kiss?)
Youʼre not sure which words to use, which command to prefer. In fact, you donʼt even want to be thinking. You want to shut your brain, to be so dissociated so that only your body can enjoy the moment. You wrapp your arms around him, your face can finally hid in the curve of his neck, breathing in the intoxicating scent of his. You hear the sound of his chuckle, feeling his big hands being placed on your waist. ¿Qué quieres? Dímelo. (What do you want? tell me)
You look up to him, shy. The tip of your nose rubs against his, creating a friction that, just because of the absurd proximity, makes everything even more tense, burning erotic.
— No Brasil — you say, trying to hide it by biting your lip —, se diz ‘foder.’
Enzo's smile grows, almost in slow motion. “Foder” (fuck), he repeats the word in a whisper. Again, you donʼt even have to think much to understand. Everything sounded similar, and it seemed that your mind was connected to his by a chaotic carnal desire.
The Uruguayan's lips meets yours; his hot tongue brushes against yours. Your bodies take on a life of their own. Little by little, the main setting stopped being the hotel hallway and became your room. The door gets closed with a gentle push from his feet, while the chosen path is towards your bed.
His hands moves up from your waist to grab your blouse and take it off from your warm body. When you lay on the mattress, supporting on your elbows, itʼs the cue the man needeed to messily pull down your shorts.
— ¿Quieres ponerte de rodillas? (Do you want to be on your knees?) — he asks, as he unbuttons his own blouse. The sharp look he gives you, bathed in desire, delirious. On his lips, you notice the smudged red of your lipstick. — Correrme en tu boca... (Cum in your mouth...)
Maybe itʼs your mind lost in urgency, because you donʼt process what was said to you. You keep your eyes still, your mouth half-open, taking in air, panting. So pathetic that all he does is laugh at your face, running his hands through his hair instead of going straight to the belt of his shorts.
— ¿Qué? ¿No lo comprendes, no? (What? you don't understand it, do you?) — the tone used with you bordered mockery. And contrary to what you would normally feel like, it gives room to a sick feeling, butterflies in your stomach, you feel even more horny, stimulated. He leans in close. — Mira. (Look)
And as if you were learning something for the first time, you imitate him when he parts his lips. You let the man's thumb drag over your lower lip, and then his middle and index fingers together slide over your tongue, until they occupy your mouth. “Así” (like that), he pushes and retreats with his hand, in a slow, sensual movement, “Metértelo en la boca.” (Put it in your mouth)
Ah, now you understand him well. Your face burns, the wet way the fingers come out of your mouth, a little strand of saliva kept resisting in the distance, itʼs wanton. You nod, kneeling on the wooden floor, eyes glued to him unbuckling his belt until you could have his erection in full view.
You part your lips once again, as you were ‘taught’. He fills your mouth, up to a point where your nose touches his crotch, and comes back, completely wet. It allows the Uruguayan to control the pace, to catch the corner of your face. You raise your gaze to his, surrendered not only by the lasciviousness of what you were doing, but also by the beautiful view you had of his face from that angle.
Enzo uses the index finger of his free hand to run down the curve of your nose, affectionately.
— Qué ojitos más bonitos... (You have such beautiful little eyes) — he praises you, with a smile. At that moment, you could swear your heart felt like it exploded. — Eres tan bella, nena. Preciosa. (You are so beautiful, baby. Precious) — he sighs, his head falls back, then to a slide side angle. He looks at you in such a mischievous way that you avoid returning the look. — Me encantaría correrme en tu boca... pero prefiero guardarlo todo para dentro de ti. (I would love to cum into your mouth... but I prefer to keep it all inside you)
You get taken back to bed, easily manhandled by him when you silently gave up control of the situation. He comes over, dangerously close, unlocked the front fitting of your bra, getting lost between your breasts as soon as he releases them from the tightness of the piece. You hold onto his hair, restless under the delicious sucking of his tongue, the wild bite of his teeth. You gasp, having to move away from the black threads of his hair while his mouth travels down your belly.
He releases you from the last piece of underwear too, the wet kisses were loud and pornographic, crackling on your skin. The tip of his big nose rubs lightly over the area where he knew your sensitive clit was. His palm run through your wetness, the chill of the his silver ring sliding across your boiling skin.
He clicks two, three slaps in a row that makes you shudder, whimpering softly. Enzo smiles, he didn't need to, but he returned to that mocking tone from before, of someone who had to calmly spell out the commands so you could understand.
He brings his hand to your lips, gave a little tap on the top, de aquí, and then went all the way down again, leaving a wet trail until he gave your pussy another tap, a aquí. And itʼs these little details that makes everything even better. It makes you feel so dumb, foolish, but itʼs so strangely good...
When he puts himself inside you, you lock your legs around his waist, wrapping your arms around him, feeling him dominate everything in you. He, however, insists on eye contact, lifting his torso, resting his forearm against the mattress, to look you in the eye. He smiles, panting like you; moaning low, hoarse. At first, slow, but soon he surrendered to the speed, to the sharp sound of your moans with each stronger thrust.
And there where so many thrilling impulses, fuck it... You want to cover your mouth, close your eyes to try to contain yourself. Itʼs the nasty noise of your bodies in shock, his deep voice, the scent of his hot skin. Youʼre so sensitive that your eyes get wet, a little tear runs down your cheek.
— Oh, no... Perdón, perdóname, cariño. (Oh, no... I'm so sorry, honey) — he stops, his thumb wipes the tear from your face.
'En—', you even started to want to call his name, but the frustration of no longer receiving the same thrilling sensations and to the same extent was such that you only knew how whine; your mind melting, finally murmuring “Dale, dale, papi.” (Give it to me, please, daddy)
Enzo smiles again. He leaves a few kisses on your lips, repeating your words between the kisses, as if he was making fun of your desperation and also the term you used to refer to him.
— ¿Más rápido, hm? Más duro? (Faster, hm? Harder?) — he turns you over on the bed, putting you on all fours. The dirty talk makes you smile, dumb with lust already, clinging to one of the pillows. The Uruguayan's body lead over yours, bringing his mouth close to your ear. — Tranquila, nena. Te daré todo lo que quieras. ( Calm down, baby. I will give you everything you want.)
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florinaranja · 2 months
Holaaaa, primero que nada escribes INCREÍBLE, me encanta tu redacción, cuando encontré tu blog mori por qué quería leer más trabajos tuyos y no encontré, ánimo.
Y segundo quería pedirte algo con pipeeee, es un golden tiernon, no sé, se me ocurre algo como una fiesta post partido de fut y que Pipe sea medio reservado, pero por estar tan feliz, no pueda esconder el PDA y se la pase buscando contacto físico inocente y al final no le importe nada estar sobre, mostrando afecto frente a sus amigos.
Espero con ansias leer todos los trabajos a futuro que escribas. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
afición de enamorados ; felipe otaño
pairing: felipe otaño x fem!r
summary: ¿qué hay mejor que pasar un día muy futbolístico y amoroso con tu novio pipe? exacto, nada. 1.6k.
warnings: none!! puro fluff como debe ser
n/a: muchas gracias por el request! siento la tardanza, los exámenes me consumen viva. espero que te guste muchísimo y de verdad muchas gracias por el apoyo y tu mensaje😢 me ha hecho super feliz y motivado un montón!! love u!!! also esto creo que es obvio, pero soy española así que siento que no tengan el habla argentina🙏 i'm trying
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nunca hubiera pensado que se emocionaría viendo un partido de fútbol, pero ahí estaba ella: gritando a puro pulmón cada vez que la pelota recaía en los pies de su novio. ahora entendía la euforia que sentía felipe cada vez que veía un partido de river, equipo del que era hincha hasta la raíz, y este ganaba. 
alegrarse por su novio no cambiaría el hecho de su poca afición futbolística, pero de vez en cuando era divertido pasar la tarde gritando como una loca apoyándolo. es un tipo de orgullo explosivo, eso era indiscutible. 
no era más que un partido entre amigos, una forma más de pasar el tiempo. pero felipe estaba corriendo decidido hacia la portería contraria, esquivando con agilidad a los contrincantes y con el sudor de un ganador corriéndole por la frente; y maría, desde su posición de espectadora, tenía los puños apretados y se iba levantando poco a poco de la grada hasta que felipe marcó gol. la chica pegó un salto emocionada, aclamando el último punto que le daba la victoria al equipo de su novio. 
bajó corriendo las escaleras hasta llegar a las vallas que la separaban del césped, esperando a que todos los amigos de felipe acabaran de felicitarlo. en cuanto terminaron, el joven se escabulló y dirigió directo hacia su novia, como un perrito que regresa a traerle la pelota a su amo. maría lo recibió con una amplia sonrisa. acunó su cara entre sus manos y comenzó a llenarlo de besos sonoros por toda la cara, casi pareciendo una madre orgullosa. 
—¡has estado increíble, cariño! eres bueno en todo lo que haces, que lo sepas —pipe rio acalorado, bien por el cansancio y el calor del verano o por las palabras cariñosas de la joven—. además me hace tan feliz verte disfrutar así, como un niño pequeño… 
maría se encontró con sus ojos azules, melosos. jugaba con los piquitos ondulados que se formaban en la nuca de su chico con una sonrisa tonta y felipe no pudo aguantar más sin sentir sus labios contra los suyos. se inclinó por encima de la valla y cogió firmemente una de las mejillas de la chica, entremezclándose en un beso de simple amor. 
los silbidos de los amigos de pipe no tardaron en llegar, como era lo normal. pipe cortó el beso y se giró hacia ellos, sacándoles el dedo. —no se cansan de joder ustedes. 
volvió a dirigirse a su novia. —esta noche los chicos y yo pensamos en celebrar la victoria y ya de paso ver el partido de river. ¿qué decís?
ella entrelazó sus manos. —si dijera que no a pasar tiempo contigo estaría loca. 
llegó la noche y la pareja estaba lista para la larga celebración que les esperaba en casa de uno de los amigos de felipe. lo primero que hizo su novio al entrar en la casa fue tirarse en el sofá, ansioso y con los colores rojo y blanco de su camiseta vibrando más que de costumbre. no era lo mismo que verlo en el estadio donde el ambiente estaba cargado de los gritos de los aficionados, pero si estaba con su chica cualquier cosa era extraordinaria. se giró por encima del sofá a mirarla, estaba charlando con otra chica y, cómo no, estaba radiante. cada vez que la veía, le era imposible no pensar que era todo lo que necesitaba con él, la chica de sus sueños. se acomodó bien, de nuevo enfrentando la televisión, mientras se mordía el labio intentando reprimir las ganas que tenía de besarla allí mismo. 
nunca habían sido del tipo de parejas que están pegadas todo el rato, uno encima del otro, sino que guardaban los momentos más íntimos y cargados de emoción para la mera presencia del otro. no es que no se mostraran cariñosos en público, siempre paseaban con las manos entrelazadas y se robaban besos cada vez que podían, pero el verdadero sentimiento que se tenían se daba en la soledad de su hogar.
el partido comenzó a las nueve en punto. fue acompañado por pizzas y fernet, las risas de los amigos (entre las que maría siempre destacaba la de felipe) y la pura afición que solo el fútbol conlleva. cuando su equipo marcó el primer gol, los bramidos se escucharon por todo el vecindario. felipe no cabía en su felicidad. buscó con la mirada a su novia, quien ya se encontraba mirándolo y le hizo una seña con el brazo mientras gesticulaba “vamos”. con ese simple acto, se le llenó el pecho de una alegría abrumadora. incluso llegaron a subírsele los colores y a cosquillearle la barriga, como si fuera la primera vez que hablaba con la chica que tanto le gustaba. 
le recorrió la necesidad de cogerla, apretujarla y dejar el partido de lado para susurrarle al oído y oír sus risitas en respuesta. pero lo único que hizo fue darle una sonrisa en respuesta y volver a sentarse en el sofá cuando el ambiente ya se había calmado. 
hasta que marcaron el segundo gol a favor de su equipo, el chico echó en falta algo, o mejor dicho alguien. de vez en cuando se le colaba por el rabillo de ojo la imagen de su novia charlando con uno de sus amigos —desde el primer momento se llevó bien con todos ellos y es que, ¿quién podría no hacerlo?— y en su mente solo podía pensar en tenerla cerca. así que, aprovechando la nueva emoción, felipe pegó un salto del sofá y se acercó a la chica. le tendió la mano y esta la aceptó gustosa aunque extrañada. la condujo hasta el sofá y miró a los dos chicos que lo ocupaban.
—échate para allá, dale. 
su amigo lo hizo, no sin antes lanzarle algún que otro insulto cariñoso y burlarse de él. ahora, con maría a su lado la noche de felipe solo había mejorado. no quería hacer tan obvio que estaba anhelando el tacto de la piel suave de su novia pero falló irremediablemente. mantuvo sus manos entrelazadas y acercó su rostro al cuello de ella, descansando en su aroma a lavanda. 
la joven rio por lo bajo por las cosquillas que su pelo le hacía y llevó su mano libre a su cabeza, acariciando cada mechón de pelo castaño.
—¿y este repentino cambio tan amoroso? —el chico suspiró.
—siempre puedes volver a irte si quieres, amor —siseó juguetón felipe, para luego dejar un casto beso en su cuello. 
por nada del mundo la chica se iría de ahí. se acurrucó contra él, intentando tener el mayor contacto que podía. estaba disfrutando esta muestra pública de cariño como la que más, era un hecho. 
sin embargo, las cosas comenzaron a complicarse para los rojiblancos. el equipo contrario había remontado acabando en empate, teniendo solo quince minutos de prórroga para ganar. el ambiente en el pequeño salón se notaba preocupado. felipe apretaba la mano de su novia con fuerza cada vez que veía un gol cerca aunque terminara en nada. cuando ya quedaban cinco minutos y todo los chicos habían aceptado la derrota, un jugador de river marcó, dándoles la victoria. 
todos los amigos que se habían reunido aquella noche saltaron exaltados, incluso maría se alegró por los vencedores. los chicos comenzaron a corear mientras saltaban, con unas enormes sonrisas plasmadas en sus caras y la joven esperó que felipe se les uniera. en cambio, fue sorprendida por un agarre brusco que la hizo girar para encontrarse con sus labios estampados contra los de su chico. correspondió a su beso, brusco y desaliñado por la emoción del momento, con su agarre fuerte en sus caderas derritiéndola por completo. 
al separarse, maría cogió una bocanada de aire jadeando. tampoco le dio tiempo a mucho más, porque pipe la tomó levántandola del suelo y girándola por el aire. la sala se inundó de sus risas.
—¡pipe, bájame! voy a vomitar la pizza.
el joven obedeció sin mucha resistencia y le plantó otro beso y otro y otro y así hasta que un carraspeo los interrumpió. —no bueno, si queréis nos vamos y os dejamos solos.
felipe reaccionó como hacía apenas unas horas: le mostró el dedo del medio. nadie le dio mucha importancia y la celebración continuó. maría alcanzó la mano de su novio y le sonrió. 
—quiero pasar toda mi vida contigo, cariño. acompañarte a todos los partidos de fútbol solo para verte así de feliz, a todos los castings que quieras… no sé, no puedo imaginar no estar a tu lado. es algo raro para decirte justo ahora, pero es que me lleva rondando la mente por un tiempo, quiero que sepas lo mucho que significas para mí. 
—nena, algún día de estos vas a matarme —le regaló un beso en la mejilla—,  no puedes ser más perfecta. no puedo esperar para que pasemos juntos toda la vida. 
la joven se colgó de su cuello y esta vez fue ella quien inició el beso: lento, saboreado, rosado. 
y así continuaron el resto de la madrugada, más melosos que unos recién enamorados, siempre a menos de cinco centímetros el uno del otro. al final, ni siquiera ellos podían escapar de la necesidad de sentirse cerca, no importaba el público o la situación. y qué decir que después de esa noche, maría comenzó a ver los partidos de fútbol con más cariño.
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agroupiewhore · 3 months
Some random headcanons about what it would be like to date Enzo and a little imagine with him. I haven't wrote anything in ages so apologies if this is shite. Please no hate but let me know if you like this etc. I am always welcome to feedback/ thoughts/ comments/ concerns. Sorry in advance for grammar and spelling and punctuation
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*Disclaimer: This is my own work and my own self-indulgent ideas, none of this is based in reality. And warnings for making out etc, nothing too explicit (PG-13)
✨️ There is no way you ever have to carry your own bag. This man is rushing in to help you. Whether that's your handbag on date night or all of the shopping bags after your weekly grocery shop run. And yes, he refuses to make 2 trips to the car.
✨️ Speaking of weekly shops runs, Enzo is that boyfriend who always pushes the trolley/ cart.
✨️ Matching Adidas trackies. Never quite knowing whose joggers/ t shirts/ jackets that belonged to.
✨️ Wearing his boxers after sex to go down and make a fresh batch of coffee.
✨️ Is always entertaining you with unusual facts and information about Uruguay and is keen for you to learn and embrace his culture and he is keen to learn more about yours.
✨️ Matching your nail varnish to his bow tie/ tie/ shirt colour etc.
✨️ Midnight beach walks where you tell eachother all your hopes and dreams and desires, all the 'deep stuff' you feel you can't tell eachother when it's daylight as it seems to real.
✨️ This man can dance. He has so much natural rhythm and is such a natural. He'll always be the first one up on the dance floor at parties and cast parties and would much rather spend the time on the dance floor with you rather than talking. Also at home will put on whatever dance music he wants and will just start dancing with you.
✨️ Dressing up as Kylo Ren and Rey for Halloween. "Well I mean... I think we should go as them, it would look good" "Fine"
A Perfect Day
You went to open the fridge to find the pouring cream for your iced coffees but were distracted by the note attached to the front, wrote in Enzo's beautiful cursive handwriting. You smiled to yourself as you read it. He always left the most beautiful love notes and this one was no exception. It simply read "You're my happy place". You took the note off the fridge and folded it neatly and placed it in your dressing gown pocket. You were saving them all, for what you weren't sure, but you pictured a future for you and enzo, maybe one day sticking all the notes down into a scrap book and passing it onto your daughter. To show her how much she should be loved by another. You smiled at the thought and opened the fridge, finally, to find the pouring cream. After Enzo had finished filming, touring and surving the awards season the two of you finally had some time and moved in together. The first thing he had done was gone out and found the most fanciest coffee machine. You guys hadn't even bought a bed yet at that point. You finished making your drinks and went back upstairs. Enzo was sat up in bed, shirtless.
"Well damn, it's hot this morning." You laughed as you sat back in bed next to him, being careful not to spill anything. "Here my angel." You passed him the iced coffee. He carefully took it from you and took that first heavenly sip.
"Hmm, perfecto." He said closing his eyes with a satisfied smile on his face. "I do not know how I survived without having you around, only you can make my coffee right."
"I'm sure there is someone else who could, I could always teach them, it's not too hard. There aren't any crazy secret ingredients." You replied "I just make it with love, I think that's why it's so good." Enzo leaned over and kissed you. "I love you so much, mi amor." He said as he took your hand. "What would you like to do today?"
"We need to go shopping to get a couple things and I was thinking maybe we could have a go at making our own pizzas for dinner?" You suggested, admiring him.
"You always have the best ideas, I have a couple more things to add to the list so please don't let me forget my love." Enzo said as he got out of bed. It would never get old seeing how beautiful he was. It was like he had been sculpted by the world's most incredible artist whose attention to detail no one was able to match. You felt so lucky to not only be with one so handsome but to also have discovered someone with a soul that was equally as beautiful. Enzo gave all of his love and time to you. He was always there, his strength and resilience gave you strength. He was so honoured and humbled to have been given such an important role in the film and the sincerity in which he handled his part was inspiring to you. He never got angry when you would call him in the middle of the night due to the time differences or when he had come home to see that you had used his entire bottle of his most expensive cologne. You had missed him a lot while he was away filming so decided one night to spray a little of it on to the pillow next to you, then a little onto your wrist; just to make it seem like he was there with you, however next thing you knew you'd unintentionally sprayed the entire bottle around the house and it was now empty. Enzo found it to be a most romantic gesture and when he left again to complete filming took a pot of your lip balm to apply each night so it could feel like you'd just kissed him. You heard the shower turn on and got up from the bed again to decide what to wear for today. It was a simple errand day so you grabbed a pair of Adidas joggers and a black long sleeved top.
"Wow, you look so beautiful." He said staring at you.
"What? These?" You laughed. "It's a step up from pajamas."
"You look perfect, I love it so much I will also wear mine." He said as he began looking in the wardrobe.
"Maybe one day you could surprise everyone and wear Nike." You laughed. You admired him once again as he got dressed and then you both finished your coffees. Ofcourse Enzo insisted on driving and you sat in the passenger seat and played DJ. Enzo was a cautious driver, especially whilst you were in the car. He could never understand men who drove dangerously to try and impress their partners. How could he risk your life? He couldn't live with himself if anything happened to you, especially if he was the cause of it. You thought is was sweet how he was always so gentle and careful with you. He parked up outside the supermarket.
"I can get my door." You said quickly, opening it as soon as he turned off the ignition. A few times Enzo had managed to run around to open your car door whilst you rummaged around for your handbag or wallet. He was always the gentleman.
"You know I love opening it for you." He said sweetly as he linked his hand with yours. "I'll push the cart."
"I wasn't even going to try." You laughed. Enzo had to push the trolley. He just had to, it wasn't an option for you ever. It made him feel helpful and supportive. You took the list out of your pocket as you walked in with him and began looking down the aisles.
"We have to get these crisps, you'll love them." You said, standing on your tip toes.
"I got it baby." Enzo said, barely having to extend his arm to grab the pack. There were times when his height came in handy and this was certainly one of them. One time the two of you had a fight that had started off as a result of something so small and petty and then seemingly didn't stop and just kept getting worse and worse. It was the first night the two of you went to bed without apologies or saying how much you loved one another. The next day you didn't say a word to him, you'd returned from work and Enzo had moved all of your favourite snacks and drinks to the top shelves so you had no choice but to talk to him.
"And can you get those ones as well, my love. That flavour looks good too." You said pointing to the packet next to it.
"Anything for you." He said, grabbing everything you asked for. You carried on walking through the supermarket getting everything you needed to make pizza later.
"I'll get this." You said, putting your card on the card reader first.
"No, no!" Enzo insisted. "Baby, we talked about this".
"I'll pay." You said "It's fine honey". Enzo muttered in Spanish about how he should be the one paying. The two of you walked back to the car and together loaded the shopping into the back of the car and drove back.
"Are you going to let me carry any of the shopping?" You asked.
"Not a chance." Enzo laughed and leaned over to kiss you. You kissed him back and gently tugged on the back of his hair to be able to kiss down his beautifully structured jawline.
"I love you so much." You said, between kisses.
"I love you so much more." He said. He kissed the tip of your nose and rested his forehead against yours. His soft eyelashes gently brushing your skin. "I got the shopping, don't worry." You got out of the car and opened the door for him. Enzo grabbed all the bags and followed you in.
"Baby, one day all the bags are going to break and I don't know what you will do." You said as you began putting everything away. "Leave the pizza ingredients out, my love."
"Anything for you, I will cut mine in to a heart shape." He said, doing as you asked him. You smiled at him.
"I might try and do a star or something, I don't know." You said. "Maybe the shape of a coffee bean."
"You know me so well." He said smiling as the last of the shopping was put away. The sun was beginning to set and the sky was turning a beautiful pink colour. You went out onto the balcony and looked out. The view was beautiful, just like your life now. You heard the doors slide open and Enzo stepped outside. You continued to look out as you felt his strong arms wrap around your waist and pull you closer. He kissed your neck gingerly taking in the smell of your perfume and moisturiser. The two of you fitting together perfectly, the final missing piece of the jigsaw to your life.
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strawdae · 2 months
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˚୨୧⋆。Enzo in the Oscars! 🍸
🗯️fav or reblog if u save ♡
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