#the softest angel
giasfclfubrehber-ice-e · 10 months
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You see this buck sort-of balloon? Well, imagine it's a real animal : same proportions but furry and so tiny you can hold it your hand.
Now here's my last night dream : Aziraphale, crouching next to this lovely being. It is going to die but to appease it, Aziraphale, with loveliest and most tender voice you have ever hear, promises it it will go to heaven. And if heaven does not accept it, then he will build a proper deer's heaven with vast plains and luxurious forests.
That's it. That's my dream. And I found it too soft to keep it for me.
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purrvaire · 1 year
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they're so in love im gonna throw up real quick
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liam-summers · 6 months
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Angel: Help! I've fallen and I can't get up! Buffy: *sigh* *goes over to pick up her giant of a man, once again*
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rikisprincessa · 3 months
Princess treatment : 니키୨ৎ⋆.˚
PAIRING : Niki x hyper feminine Reader
Warning : reader wears skirts, reader gets spoiled, idk what else to think of but if any suggestions lmk! 
Word Count : 223 (not bad lmao) 
Author's note : riki brain rot help. Also, this is my first post; so feedback would be GREATLY appreciated! thank you & enjoy babies <3 (this was hugely inspired by @boyfiejay & @angel1kisses! Go check out their writings <3)
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Princess treatment with riki is literally the best fr. to me personally I just feel loved when I get treated like a princess. 
100% will refuse to call you by your name. Only will call you “princess” or “love”, etc. 
He just finds anything you do cute. Ur crying? ADORABLE. Ur laughing? ADORABLE. 
You both have completely different aesthetics; but he loves it when you wear your skirts & knee socks (anything cute & pink tbh)
Ties your ribbons on his biceps (lmao I had to)
As we all know alr, that man is a GIANT. He finds the size difference so cute. 
He's not great at pda, would be afraid to get teased by his hyungs 
Has so many polaroids of you. (& maybe 2 or 3 of you guys together)
Made a personal playlist for you to listen to <3 
Will only do ageyo for YOU. literally noone else (maybe engene)
Does your hair exceptionally well. (he has sisters, so he has experience.)
Loves when you touch or stroke his hair
lap= seat. He always lets you sit on his lap. Especially when he's playing games with the older members.  
Expect many sanrio plushies,cute skirts, & jewelry when he comes back from a tour. Bro will literally spoil you to death.
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courfee · 4 months
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So this is it, that's how it ends I guess there's nothing more romantic than dying with your friends
ah yes, the happy soft vibes for the @sillylovesongsfest, you get it... based on the assigned prompted song Till Forever Falls Apart by Ashe and FINNEAS, as well as this
for an even sadder and bloody version look under the cut <33
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iamdefinitelyreal · 2 months
Feeling down, so I thoughr I'd make a compilation of my favorite Aziraphale momentsv
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Maybe I just like his little wiggles
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bunny-is-cute · 3 months
🦌🪽 Osian Morningstar 🐥🔥
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I made a Moodboard for my new favorite little guy 🧡
⚠️ MAJOR Spoilers for “Angelic Fertility Potion” Fanfic series underneath along with MATURE content warning. ⚠️
He’s Lucifer and Alastor’s son.
He was conceived when Lucifer accidentally came into contact with a potent fertility potion made of angel blood…and because of how the potion was created, Alastor (purposefully) got pregnant. However because Lucifer feared for the safety of the baby and Alastor’s plans to sacrifice the baby for his freedom, Lucifer takes the baby and implants it into himself, becoming the pregnant one. Lucifer is fighting to keep his baby safe from those who want to harm them.
Art of Osian Morningstar by @iwillstealyourfamilycutely
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amhrosina · 11 months
posting the softest frank castle fic ever later (including but not limited to: a weekend getaway, frank being obSESSED with reader, frank only being soft to reader and no one else, cozy cabin vibes, giant bathtub festivities, soft SOFT smut, and more!)!!!
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clairenatural · 6 months
standing by my angel!cas endgame truth while also kicking my feet and giggling writing cute domestic human!cas post-canon fics. a woman can do both
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fairyhaos · 7 months
oh he is just so PRETTY pretty isn't he
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angeloflife · 8 months
rentry inspo (*о*)
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url is /halloweenromantemp please keep the credit
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klayr-de-gall · 2 years
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Day 3 - Blush
Angel Wings can be quite sensitive.
Michael always used his wings as a shield or a weapon. Having someone tenderly care for them is a very new experiance.
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hunterbloodknight · 10 months
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The way he holds his hands 🥹
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liam-summers · 4 months
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Bangel + Forehead Touch
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radiomagdalene · 4 months
Listen the reason Hail the Sun is my favourite band is because they're always saying things to me such as This song is about my overwhelming paranoia. My apathy is tearing me to shreds and I cannot even bring myself change anything. I don't love you enough to leave you. I watch you cry in my dreams and I wake up shocked that you're not dead. I am standing alone at your funeral and I am mad that I never got to beat the shit out of you. Here is a song about fighting in the kitchen like we're waging a war. Here is a song that's like the Tell-Tale Heart if it was gay and math rock. Here is a song that might be about police brutality. All of these songs are about god. I am exhibiting symptoms of ADHD
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notagoodlad · 6 months
I love that most fics show Crowley being the most romantic, mushy fool... but only where Aziraphale can see. It's him at his most vulnerable. He would be beyond embarrassed and flustered if anyone else were to acknowledge he's capable of such sweetness. He would combust.
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