#the sonic I’ve been missing for years
fishyartist · 6 months
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So mad about me just realizing the color pallet despite being in Sonic mode for the past like week
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angelfrogs · 2 years
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Day 17. Don’t ask me what this is I don’t know.
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star-scrambled · 2 years
blaugghhhh i need better Tumblr tags and i need to figure out my themeeeeee
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milolunde · 6 months
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Always thought it was interesting. I don’t actually think I heard anything about the game before buying it, I just knew that it was a Sonic game. yippee!!!
Immediately after my initial whimsy wore off I started treating it like all my favorite media: a project to be rewritten to my liking. That was maybe five years ago, when I was gung-ho on the angst factor of the story above the Sonic factor.
After watching through the game’s Japanese dub and realizing the simple differences in word choice single-handedly enhanced the story, I started rewriting it AGAIN…. Here’s some of that <3
I’ve drawn Sonic after escaping Eggman “giving him hell,” and NOT after torture (I want to know the translator/script writer who thought that was a good idea, by the way), worse for wear, but excited to be free and stick it to the Freaks who thought they could kept him locked up and take over the world.
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After Sonic narrowly escapes the Death Egg in the Slow-Down Shoes (you can clap) and finds Gadget (or “Buddy”) they head to the Arsenal Pyramid… after a change of shoes and a bite to eat, of course.
Sonic continues through the game in a set of spare shoes which make his in-game boost gauge deplete faster. His shoes, as well as his fatigue, keep him from winning out, leading to his partial-victory against Infinite, and landing him and Silver on the sidelines. Gadget takes on missions with other resistance members at his side while Sonic recuperates with Silver.
Tails hears the news Sonic is alive and quickly arrives to the HQ to reunite with his brother. He supplies Sonic with a pair of his iconic shoes, an extra set from the supplies he was able to grab before Eggman took over his labs. Officially recuperated enough, by his standards, Sonic and Tails are officially back in it and ready to get back to the fight.
You know… I don’t think I’ve ever shared my “rewrites” anywhere but with my friends. Sometimes it gets so complicated in my head it makes it really hard to get everything on paper. A lot of my “Forces rewrite” is handing the characters differently and how that changes the story.
In general, Forces is a… fine enough idea, but SEGA has a reputation for floundering good ideas and for forgetting you can appeal to a young audience while also allowing older kids to enjoy it without making a flat story.
Hearing the difference of “they’ve been torturing Sonic,” (ENG.) and “they’ve been giving him hell,” (JAP.) and “Tails has lost it,” (ENG.), “Tails is still missing,” (JAP.) I realized a lot of what I didn’t like- what I was rewriting- was the tone. It’s one of Force’s biggest issues: it doesn’t know what it wants to be. The Japanese dub seems to have an idea, but that can’t save it from the fact Infinite is A Big Loser and Sonic actually has no reason to be afraid of him, especially if Infinite wasn’t present during his time on the Death Egg… So I’m doing it myself
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virune · 2 months
If you still want prompt ideas, I’ve got one:
Shadow comes home from a really long G.U.N. Mission and expects Sonic to be right at the door, really excited to see him, but goes into the house to find the blue blur cuddling a lavender-scented pillow on the couch, fast asleep
Based on a post of yours I saw a while back
The apartment was dark and quiet when Shadow stepped inside.
A year ago, this would not have struck him as odd. He used to live alone, after all. But even as exhaustion seeped into his bones, worn and weary from his long, arduous mission, Shadow found himself waiting in the hall for Sonic to greet him like he always did.
The absence of his… well, Shadow supposed they were boyfriends now, as Sonic had insisted on it just before Shadow left a few months ago. The thought made his chest flutter, even now. He still wasn't used to it.
Shadow realised then that he'd forgotten to tell Sonic when he'd be back. Of course, then, it could only be expected that his apartment was empty. Sonic must be sleeping at Miles' workshop. With a yawn, Shadow ambled forward tiredly, wanting nothing more than to sleep. He'd get some rest and contact Sonic in the morning.
If it weren't for his night vision, Shadow would have missed the fuzzy blue head of relaxed quills visible from behind the couch. Shadow rounded into the living room with muted surprise. Green eyes shut, a tan muzzle was squashed against the pillow that Sonic was cuddling with both his arms and legs, much in the same way he would cuddle Shadow whenever they slept.
Shadow allowed himself a moment to appreciate his boyfriend's sleeping form. Rarely was Sonic so calm and still. He looked peaceful, as though comforted greatly by the pillow's plushness against him. He did not stir, not even as Shadow knelt down on the carpet beside him and carded fingers through his short fur.
A familiar scent caught Shadow's nose. The pillow was coated in his favourite lavender cologne to an almost nauseating degree. But he'd been away long enough for his scent to fade. Did that mean that Sonic had sprayed the pillow in his absence?
And did that mean… Sonic had missed him? Enough to stay, to sleep in his apartment, even while he'd been gone for so long?
A strange, new sort of fondness soared up from Shadow's chest and he leaned in to place a kiss on Sonic's forehead. Carefully as he could, he gently snaked his hands beneath Sonic's body to pick him up, leaving the cologne-scented pillow behind. Sonic still did not wake, but he seemed to lean into Shadow's warmth as he was carried to bed.
Forget the pillow, Shadow thought, I'm here now, and I missed you terribly.
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imaginethathaikyuu · 2 months
pls spare streamer kenma rambles🙏🙏🙏
i have so many streamer kenma hcs......titles i think kenma would name his streams:
-"winning mario party by any means necessary" (hes a cheater)
-“super sonic racing (wholesome) (nice) (not clickbait)” (he rages)
-“speedrunning tetris” (and hes actually so good at it)
-“road to becoming a chess grandmaster. get in here” (??? girl ur elo is 1200 ...)
-“cooking stream?!?!?!?!???!!!! jk valorant”
-"teaching olympic athletes valorant" (fting hinata yaku and bokuto) (which then turns into his most viewed series of streams)
anyway heres a drabble thats been in the drafts for a year
kenma who lost a bet and has to do a drunk stream, and in the middle of his giggle fits and sleepy yawns, calls you because you wont leave his mind.
he’s smiling at the sound of your voice. his response echoes yours, though a hiccup punctuates his word.
“what’re you doing?”
“streaming,” and he pouts, “you aren’t watching?”
“i was earlier! am i on speaker?”
he holds his phone up to the microphone so it picks up your voice. “you are now. did i wake you up?”
“no, i’ve just been watching a show.”
he hums, and his eyes are totally focused on his chat scrolling almost too fast to keep up with.
“why’d you call me?” you ask, and you’re giggling, and his chest feels tight at the sound.
“i don’t remember.” its a mumble that makes you laugh harder. “wait, wait,” and he’s laughing too, “no, wait.”
with a couple clicks on his screen, he mutes his microphone.
“what, kenma?”
“do you want to come over?”
“to be on your stream?”
“to take care of me.”
“ken -”
“i’m muted!”
you laugh. “oh, okay. good. you miss me?”
“yeah.” he’s smiling so big he has to turn away from the camera. “you could spend the night. we can get a big breakfast in the morning.”
“that sounds really fun.”
“yeah,” you say. “and maybe we could sleep on the couch again?”
“are you asking to cuddle?”
“maybe. only if the answers yes.”
“we can do that in a bed, you know.”
“fine. hurry up and end your stream.”
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pretzlforpresident · 25 days
Finally I’ve gathered my thoughts enough to write a synopsis!
AKA explaining the context of Amnesia in Alloy, enjoy :>
Metal Sonic doesn’t quite remember why he wants to be the one true Sonic. He’s been destroyed and rebuilt so many times that those memories have escaped him years ago. For a long time it never really bothered him; it was part of his programming after all. But one day during a battle, Sonic asks for an explanation. Unable to answer, Metal short circuits. Waking up still in his cold metal body and alone at headquarters, Metal feels like something is wrong. Not with his programming, but something else. Someone else. Someone they used to be.
Tania Parlouzer went missing 7 years ago, and ever since Sonic has been searching for her. The only thing left behind from her disappearance were her favorite pair of earrings, and ever since Sonic has held onto them in hopes that one day he can return them to his little sister. As the years go by and he makes new friends(and enemies), being a hero became the main priority for him. He never did stop passively looking for her though, even as her face has largely faded from his own memory. 
Little does Sonic know that she’s been hiding in plain sight, still looking up to him just like she always has. 
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sturniozo · 9 months
Tutor Part Eight
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“I can’t comfort both you and Chris.” Nick says as he runs his fingers through my hair. My head is laid on his lap and I cry. It’s been like this for hours. It’s only been a day after that whole incident over the phone.
“Chris is-“
“A dick, a douche, a dumbass, I know. But besides the three d’s he’s also my brother. And I know he’s liked you for years.”
“Then he shouldn’t have acted like that.” I sob.
“That’s just Chris.”
“I don’t want him if that’s who he is, Nick!” I say through my sobs.
Nick sighs. “I know. I know honey.” He runs his fingers through my hair once again.
I let the tears run down my cheeks for a while longer before deciding to sit up. I lean my head in Nick’s shoulder and sniffle. “I hate to… to ask this but… Chris…”
Before I could even ask my question Nick answers, knowing what I was going to say. “He cried for hours that night. Neither me or Matt could calm him down. He locked himself in his room and almost tore everything apart, mom and dad were so concerned he’d hurt himself by throwing shit he- He really does care about you y/n.”
“Then why didn’t he show it? Why was he always with other girls? Why would he never say anything?”
“That’s just not Chris.”
“Stop. Stop saying that!” I begin to sob again. “Of Chris really wanted me to be with him then he wouldn’t have done that shit. Period. That’s it.” I swallow the lump in my throat.
Nick sighs once again. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me in closer. “It’s gonna be okay, I promise.” He mumbles as he holds me close. “I’ll talk to him for you.”
“No!” I sit up. “I’m done Nick. I’m done with him. For four years I’ve liked him. For four years I’ve watched him flirt and sleep around with other girls. For four years he’s messed around with my feelings and strung me along and led me to nothing. I’m done. I don’t want you to talk to him I want to never see him again!”
“Nick I can’t do it anymore.”
Nick looks at me with understanding eyes before nodding. “Okay.” Is all he says as I lay my head back down on his lap and cry more.
I must have fallen asleep because I wake up in my bed, alone, hours later. I sit up and rub my stuffy eyes. I look around my room for any sign of Nick leaving, but his bag still sits in the chair that Chris always sits in. Sat in…
I sit up fully and as I do so, Nick walks into my bedroom. He seems surprised I’m awake as he says “Hey, you’re up!” He sits next to me on my bed. “I was waiting for you to wake up so we can order some food.”
“I’m not hungry.” I mumble and hug my knees to my chest, closing my eyes.
“Come on, y/n you gotta eat something.” Nick insists. “I’ll buy you Subway, I know you love Subway.”
I shake my head. “Not Subway.” I mumble. Subway would remind me too much of Chris.
“Oh, right. I forgot.” Nick looks down. “Sonic then?” He suggests.
“I’m not hungry Nick.” I groan and lay back down on my bed. Nick pulls my back up by my shoulders.
“You need to eat something.”
“Chris isn’t work starving yourself over.”
I stay silent and lean my head back. My breath gets shaky and I feel tears start up again. “Let’s go.” I whisper.
Nicks face lights up and he quickly stands from my bed and pulls me up. I walk with him down the stairs and sit at the island counter in my kitchen. Nick finishes his DoorDash order and sets his phone down on the counter.
“Are you hoping to see Brandon?” I ask Nick. Brandon is the guy who usually picks up Nicks DoorDash orders, a guy Nick has a thing for.
“Does or doesn’t, I don’t care.” Nick shrugs but there’s a faint blush on his cheeks.
I giggle and pick up my phone from its charger. 14 notifications from missed calls from Chris, along with 32 text messages from him. The smile fades.
“Well that didn’t last long. What’s wrong?” Nick asks. “Is it Chris? He called you didn’t he?”
“Fourteen times.” I nod.
“Just listen to me before you interrupt me.” Nick says as he stands up. He walks over and stands next to me. “The day I introduced you and Chris to each other he wouldn’t shut up about how he met the love of his life. He kept asking for days after when he’d be able to see you again.”
“You already told me all this. He did it for a while and then he-“
“He never stopped. You just assumed he did. It’s just been getting more and more this last few months. To the point where he begged me to get you to hang out with him somehow. That’s why I asked you to tutor him.” Nick takes a breath before continuing. “Chris has a fear of relationships. He thinks if you two got together he’d be a nod boyfriend to you.”
“So he sleeps with every other girl?”
“Chris wants to be with you.”
I pause to gather my thoughts. “I can’t.”
“Why? What did he do that was so bad? Threaten a guy because he wanted to date you, so what?”
“You do hear yourself right?”
“Y/n, please. Think about this. What did he do?”
“He had the audacity to claim me and tell me I couldn’t be with anyone but he can sleep with any girl he wants! It’s a double standard!”
“If you would tell him how you feel he’d stop, I know he would.”
“Chris wouldn’t stop sleeping around for anything.”
“You don’t hear the way he talks about you when he comes home from your study sessions. He really does like you. I’m forced to hear about it.”
“Nick, you’re my best friend you’re with me all the time.”
“But I don’t want to hear about how much my brother wishes he was with you in his bed.”
“Oh wow so that’s the shit he says about me.”
“No- y/n I’m not- That’s not the shit he says I’m just saying… I don’t want to hear about how much he’s into you. You’re my best friend and he’s my brother, I don’t want to image you two together like that.”
“You’ve spent the last fifteen hours trying to get me to forgive him and get with him.”
Nick groans. “Stop being so difficult.”
“Never.” I tease.
It’s silent for a bit as I look at Nick and think about what he’s been telling me. Suddenly I don’t feel so bad. I don’t feel like crying so much.
Tag list : @freshloveforthefit @sturniolo14 @sturniolosreads @bethsturn @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @dwalk41202 @blahbel668 @sturnioloenthusiast
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wolffwish · 2 years
More Than Just A Short Time
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Warnings: Distressed reader, miscarriage, mentions of anxiety, panic attack, soft!Toto x reader,
A/N: Personal experience used here, so please be understanding. 2022 was the worst year of my life, losing a baby and my fiancé within 3 months of eachother. I’ve been wanting to write something for months, to try and help me cope with my emotions. This hasn’t been spell checked, I literally have finished it and pressed post. So please bear with me if there’s any mistakes or it’s not that great, or sonically cohesive. It’s literally a coping mechanism. I’ve also tried to incorporate Taylor Swift’s “Bigger Than The Whole Sky” as that song has bought me a lot of comfort. Thank you so much for reading and I hope soft Toto brings you comfort if you need it ♥️ my inbox is open to anyone if you need to talk about anything.
It’s been a long 5 days without Toto, and your physical health was declining by the hour. Your period was the heaviest it had ever been, but you didn’t want to tell Toto, because everyone has periods and usually, they’re nothing to worry about.
Toto knew you were struggling physically, and had been the ever-supporting husband that you could’ve dreamed of. Virtually working instead of heading into the office, skipping races and rescheduling meetings or holding them online— to the point where he’d be sitting on the bed with his laptop perched on his lap on Zoom with people at Brackley, with you sleeping next to him and him not taking his hand off of your head once, constantly stroking it to ease your pain.
He was away in Bahrain for first race of the season and it was the longest amount of time he’d been for a few months. You hadn’t been feeling that great in the lead up to him leaving, a bit run down and not your usual self, extremely tired and incredibly nauseous. You just assumed it was your birth control playing up again.
It was Sunday. Race day. You were feeling rough, and after yesterday’s ordeal in the ER followed by a strict instruction for bed rest and preferably someone with you, all you wanted to do was curl up on the couch, watch the race and wait for your man to come home.
You hadn’t been contacting him much over the past 4 days, mainly just good morning and good night texts, as you knew he was going to be flat out busy with media, meetings and all the other stuff that goes with the job he’d worked so hard for.
11am. You heard your phone ping, with his specific text tone and notification lighting up your screen.
💬 1 New Message: Toto🐺♥️ — Liebling, I have a free half hour. Can you talk? We need to talk.
“We need to talk”? You read it three times, making sure you were reading it right. Need? Panic sets in. Usually, when anybody receives a message of “We need to talk.”, ending abruptly with a full stop, that’s never a good sign, right? Right.
Before you could even start typing, he was ringing. Accidentally, you pressed the green answer button, steadily putting the phone to your ear.
“Hello?” - your voice broke as you awaited his response.
🐺 “Schatzi? Is that you?”
“What do you mean, is it me? You rang my mobile?”
🐺 “Oh. Thank god. I had a missed call from the hospital, they left a message asking me how you were after yesterday. I didn’t— what happened yesterday, I didn’t know you wen—“
“Oh my god, are you kidding?! They rang you?”
Anger that started in your stomach was slowly making its way up your body, flushing your red cheeks and making your hands grip the phone tighter. You were checked into the ER yesterday after having what you thought was a 3 day long, heavy and extremely painful period. You had to call the ambulance because you were bleeding so heavily you couldn’t control anything, and started to feel dizzy and weak. With nobody around, and Toto working, you had nobody to call.
🐺 “Come on baby, talk to me. Why did you visit the ER?”
You paused. You didn’t know what to say to him, but neither did you want to lie. You knew as soon as the ER nurse asked if you’d had any morning sickness or previous experiences of dark red heavy periods that this wasn’t just a period. You were having a miscarriage, not even knowing you were pregnant.
🐺 “Liebling? Whatever it is, you can tell me. It doesn’t matter that I’m here, ok? You are my priority, just let me in.”
“I can’t tell you over the phone, Toto. I’m sorry. Just concentrate on the race, and I’ll see you later. I love y—“
🐺 “No Schatzi, baby please, I can’t concentrate unless you tell me what’s going on.”
You knew that he wasn’t going to give in. Tears started filling your eyes and the pit of your stomach started knotting. Emotions got the better of you, your breathing started to get shorter and faster, even though you were trying to disguise every bit of it, so you didn’t make him panic even more. But you just couldn’t do it. You fell apart. You needed him, now more than ever.
“I’m sorry, Toto. I didn’t know. You know I’m on birth control, it was just a heavy period, and then the nurses started asking all these questions about morning sickness and the colour of it and they rigged me up to the machine and started doing all these scans and I was really scared and I didn’t know what to do and then they kept apologising to me and I was in such a state I didn’t know what they were talking about until they— until they said it wasn’t a heavy period, and I’d lost—“
That was it. Uncontrollable tears streamed from your eyes as you relived the worst day of your life all over again, for the millionth time. Hysteria creeping in and your adrenaline winning, you began to shake. You’d been reliving every second of it since you got home, and it took a lot of persuasion for you to the nurses to let you home on your own. But they all knew your situation, they all knew Toto and who he was, so they made an exception. You didn’t think they’d call him.
🐺 “Oh my go—, baby, I’m so sorry. Shit. I should’ve been there, I knew you weren’t right when I left, but I had no idea it could be this—“
“Don’t apologise Toto please, it’s not your fault, I just, I can’t wait to see you later. Please try and just do the race and I’ll be here when you get home.”
🐺 “I don’t care about the race Schatz, baby. I’m coming home now. I’m walking to Rosa right now, she’ll get me on the next flight darling. Hold tight for me, ok?”
You didn’t want to ruin his day like this, especially the first race, but you were done fighting with yourself.
“Ok.” - through tears streaming and sniffles of your nose to try and control your breathing, a simple ‘ok’ was the last thing you said to Toto before dropping the phone on the bed. You’d almost been in denial about the whole thing, and saying it all out loud made it more real. You pulled your legs to your chest, your body still screaming in pain from miscarrying, back pains so intense you feel like your spine is on fire and a headache strong enough to make you squint at any view of light.
You could hear the television in the background, the race build up had started and you began watching it hoping it would distract you from everything that was happening in your head at that very moment.
The grid walk started, and Martin Brundle was desperately searching around for Toto to ask him where he thinks the two Mercs’ we’re going to finish today’s race. He eventually came across Shov, who was ready for an interview.
MB: “I was hoping to talk to your boss, any idea where I can find him?”
AS: “He’s had to rush off, personal matter, so won’t be able to watch the race today, but I can answer any questions you may have - just not with as much Austrian flare as he does!” he tried to laugh and distract from the situation- but you knew social media was about to blow up.
A few hours passed, and the sheer emotional state you were in made you fall asleep at some point during the race. You woke up as the podium ceremony started, that damn Dutch national anthem again. You flicked over the channels and started watching some random nature show about birds. Anything but that damn podium.
Anxiously waiting for Toto to arrive, you kept drifting off to sleep, losing track of the time, until you heard a key in the door and footsteps running up the stairs.
“Schatzi, where are you baby? I’m ho—“
The bedroom door swung open and there he was, still dressed in his white button down shirt and black trousers, so damn handsome. Your man was home.
“Toto, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Tears streaming, you sat up on the bed, trying to adjust your body to a position you weren’t in pain.
“Baby, it’s okay. Come here, little one.” Toto softly sat down in front of you, cupping your face in both hands and softly brushing the tears on your cheeks away with the pad of his thumbs. “I’m so sorry, baby. I’m so sorry.” He brought his lips up to your forehead, pressing the most gentle kiss just above your left eyebrow, muffling the words “Let go baby, I’m here now. Just let it all out.”
The reassuring words from Toto meant every single emotion waved over you like a tsunami, and you fell apart in his arms. The tears came streaming down your face as you leant forward into him. You adjusted your body so you were sitting side aways on his lap, legs resting on the bed and head resting in his shoulder. His arms wrapped around you like he was protecting the world, his gentle touches making you feel safer than you’d ever felt.
“Let’s get you into bed properly, baby, get you more comfortable.” Without hesitation, Toto stood up with you in his arms as he gently walked around the bed, making sure not to walk into any furniture or make any sudden movements. He slowly leant down, to lay you on his side of the bed. He grabbed a blanket, took his shirt and trousers off, walked round to the other side of the bed and got in with you.
“Are you comfortable? Do you need to move?” He asked as you started rolling over as he got into the bed beside you.
“I can’t get comfy, it’s so frustrating, everything hurts and I can’t move without feeling like I’m making a mess everywhere, it’s horrible.”
“Hey hey baby, it’s okay, don’t cry. It doesn’t matter if there’s mess, we can clean it up, okay? Come here, lay here.” He perched himself up on the headboard, his bare chest gleaming in the night light that was the only light on in the room. The smell of him just felt like home. Lightly tapping his torso, he helped you lay your head on his chest, right on his heart. You moved your arm over his toned tummy, slightly tapping your fingers over the grooves of his muscles.
“There we go baby, you just lay there and relax now. It’s okay, I’ve got you my girl.”
A few minutes of silence passed as Toto gently run his fingers through your hair, up and down your back and over your shoulder.
“Yes, baby? What is it?”
“We’re never gonna meet her.”
You didn’t know if it was a girl or a boy, but your initial thought was it was a girl. You don’t know why. It’d been playing on your mind all day whenever you caught yourself thinking about what would’ve been, what could’ve been and what should’ve been.
A deep breath came from the pits of his stomach as he saw your heart break in front of him.
“I know darling, I know. But look…” he pointed out towards the night sky, a sky full of stars. A sky so beautiful, that you would’ve thought you’d made it up.
“She’s up there. She knows you’re looking at her. Hey, she’s that really bright one, look” he points to a specific star, that is, quite literally, the brightest one in the sky. “She’s bigger than the whole sky, isn’t she?” he looks down at you, as you’d cocked your head to see the star he was talking about. Making eye contact, one side of his mouth turned into a slight smile, as he leant down to kiss you on the lips. “I love you, little one.”
You kissed him back, finally feeling like a weight had been lifted off of your shoulders now he was home.
“I love you too, Papi.”
He smiled down at you again, bringing his hand up to the side of your face and gently guiding your head to lay on his chest. You heard him snuffle, and felt a teardrop on hairline where your hair meets your forehead.
“Toto?” You looked up at him, tears in his eyes as he looked out of the window.
He responded immediately. “It’s okay, baby. I’m okay, I’m just so sorry I wasn’t here.”
“Don’t be sorry, I’m sorry for not telling you when it happened. I just didn’t want to pull you away from work and—“
“Baby listen to me. You are my world, ok? Nothing is more important than you. I would sail the seven oceans to be with you in a heartbeat. Don’t ever think anything is more important than you, Schatz. I love you so much it hurts.”
He looked down at you again, kissing the top of your head and stroking your hair. “You can rest now, baby. Daddy’s got you.”
You closed your eyes and felt your entire body relax into the indentation of his body, and sunk into the bed with him. The soft strokes of his hands over your arms, hair and back brought you more comfort than you’d ever felt before, and the sound of his slow controlled breathing meant your breathing started syncing with his. You both drifted off to sleep, holding each other close. His arms wrapped around you, you laying on his chest.
This was home. He was home. He is your home.
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Bengiyo's Queer Cinema Syllabus
For those of you who don’t know, I decided to run the gauntlet of @bengiyo’s queer cinema syllabus, which is comprised of 9 units. I have completed four of the units (here is my queer cinema syllabus round up post with all the films I’ve watched and written about so far). It is time for me to make my way through Unit 5- Lesbians, which includes the following films: The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love (1995), Bound (1996), Water Lilies (2007) [Skipping for now until I can get access to it], Saving Face (2004), D.E.B.S. (2004), Set It Off (1996), The Handmaiden (2016), Carol (2015), Imagine Me and You (2005), Two of Us (2019), Rafiki (2018), and The Color Purple (1985).
Today I will be talking about
D.E.B.S. (2004) dir. Angela Robinson
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[Run Time: 1:31, Language: English] [Content Warning: there is one use of the r word] Summary: Plaid-skirted schoolgirls are groomed by a secret government agency to become the newest members of the elite national-defense group, D.E.B.S.
Cast:  -Sara Foster as Amy -Jordana Brewster as Lucy Diamond -Devon Aoki as Dominique -Jill Ritche as Janet -Meagan Good as Max ___
This write up will not be very long because this movie is not working with substantial, in-depth, layered messaging. BUT HOLY SHIT IT WAS SO MUCH FUN. This is a shitty little cult classic that sees a paramilitary agent (who was recruited from some secret questions in the SATs) and a supervillain falling in love and running off into the sunset together. 
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So, I’ve seen low budget films that have quite a lot to say and know it can be done, so I was curious about how in-depth this film might go into discussions of law enforcement, mostly because in the evil lair there is a sign that says The Only Good D.E.B. is a Dead D.E.B. But this is a light hearted comedy piece so though we do get Amy literally saying she’s a cop, there is not a whole lot of like anti-cop sentiment or anything in the film. 
The premise is a spy and a supervillian literally crash in to eachother, have some level of instant connection, the spy has her queer awakening and runs off with the supervillian, is rescued essentially mid coitus, and the supervillian is inspired to start returning all of the things she’d stolen over the years in an effort to get Amy to leave D.E.B.S. and just be in love with her. It’s riddled with hilarious sound effects, forcefields made of plaid, and a SECRET TUNNEL! 
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What it does is show that the world’s most wanted supervillian is pretty chill, very gay, and has maybe been portrayed as more ruthless than she actually is (yes that is in fact Madam Super Villan dancing with her henchman in the gif above). What it does show is that little Miss Perfect Score on the secret spy test does not want to be a spy but felt obligated to do so because she was good at it. I did enjoy the repeated questioning of standardized testing, Lucy asking what the spy test tests for and Amy realizing that she doesn’t know and never bothered to ask yet that test was deciding her entire future. 
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But again this was SO. MUCH. FUN. to watch and I would recommend it to many people even as just like a silly little wind down film if they were in need of a quick pick me up.
Also there was lots of gay kissing, which I feel is important to note. 
Favorite Moment
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My favorite moment was Lucy breaking in to the D.E.B.S house to see Amy the first time. What an iconic piece of comedy: the plaid forcefield around the property that matches their school uniform, Lucy cutting a hole in the forcefield with what legitimately looks like a sonic screwdriver from Doctor Who, jumping over laser detectors on the grass that are also plaid, and climbing up the wall with those like hand-held suction cup things with the most hilarious and incredibly incorrect popping motion every time she sticks the suction cup to the wall. 
Favorite Quote 
“Yes, well, the poster child doesn’t know it yet but she’s into me.” 
I love when queer people recognize queer people, and appreciate that because Amy is young and was just getting out of a relationship with her boyfriend that she might not know her own sexuality yet or have a full understanding of what she is feeling. But Lucy Diamond is an established, adult, queer woman who definitely sees the way that Amy is acting around her and understands immediately what is happening. 
For this moment alone
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THAT SAID. I do feel the need to justify this scoring. I tend to score things by what they put forth, so a show with campier premises and executions like this one would be scored almost exclusively by vibes. Things like The Miracle of Teddy Bear, for example, which takes itself incredibly seriously, has multiple layers of messaging, and incredibly realistic depictions of queerness, homophobia, and domestic violence is something I would score with a number of actual story telling factors in mind. 
This gets a 10 for vibes, I don’t think I had a single critical thought in the entire hour and a half watching it and I was having a fucking BLAST.
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Sonic is the perfect person to give Shadow the "give the humans a second chance " speech in sonic 3. Of all the fluffer puppers, he has the most experience with the humans. His experiences with humans were a mixed bag. He saw both good and bad in the humans, just like how the original speech mentioned both good and bad aspects of humans
Sonic spent 10 years silently observing the humans like a living ghost, unable to truly interact with them, out of fear of exposing himself and getting exploited for his power by greedy assholes , then he was chased by asshole Robotnik who apparently wanted to use him as a guinea pig/power supply slave forevermore. He was also almost made into barbecue hedgehog by hostile locals in that Siberian cabin (now granted they warmed up to him after pivonka but still) . He got locked in a cage by GUN.
But on the other hand he had so many wonderful experiences with the humans. A whole ass town of humans banded together to stand up for him against the stinky egg. The people of green hills seem to genuinely like him. Hell his adoptive parents are humans and love him (and his siblings) more than anything. Jojo seems to admire him as well.
I wholeheartedly agree, my dear.❤️✨
This is a conversation that NEEDS to come from Sonic, not from Amy Rose. If this conversation doesn’t come from Sonic in the film, I’d be very disappointed. It would be a missed opportunity.
I’ve had this thought since 2022. I’ve even shared this again back in May. Sonic will have a better understanding of what Shadow is going through in this continuation. He has first-hand experience of what the humans are like. He’s seen the good and the bad. And he’s quite capable of having this conversation without being demeaning. The “Sonic” that we saw with Knuckles on the roof in the miniseries is the “Sonic” to expect for the third film. He’s matured quite a lot since the first film.
Please understand that this is NOT a hate post towards Amy Rose. Not at all. I love Amy Rose very much. What I’m saying is that this moment would NOT work with SCU! Amy Rose. It worked well in the games because A). We’ve grown up with her (we know her beginning point and her now), and B). She was at the right place at the right time and happened to say something that triggered a memory within Shadow. Those that want Amy Rose to give the humanity speech in the film are expecting an exact copy of SA2. It’s been stated multiple times that this is not Sonic Adventure 2: The Movie. Even if Amy Rose does appear in the film, we don’t know if she would be the same version of the one that we know from the games. Remember: these versions of our beloved game characters are younger, as well as come with new characteristics that handle different situations.
So what would that mean for Amy Rose? It would mean that the humanity speech was not for her to give. And that’s okay. Give her a newer moment that outshines SA2. She is much more capable and deserving than that. I would very much love to see her shine in new light and bring something new to the table.
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Reputation to Midnights and Final TPD Predictions
With 4 days until the Tortured Poets Department and two lines of lyrics we have so far, here are my thoughts on how we got here over the last 5 albums and final predictions for what's coming on Friday:
2016 changed the game - reputation era and long-term bearding
Many people might disagree, but I think the year 2016 changed a lot of things for Taylor. Without going into detail about snakegate, a possible failed coming out and scrapped album and the presidential election, her music has had a different tone ever since reputation (and I don't just mean sonically). As someone who writes a lot about love and relationships, the way she was writing about them changed from fairy tale love, pining and heartbreak to forever/long-term love, commitment/endame, 'us against the world' sort of love. And I do think she wanted to put that album out in 2016 but can't really do that when you're newly single and writing about wanting forever with someone... so in came Joe Alwyn who became the free pass for writing songs about long-term relationships, marriage and kids for the next six years. But LWYMMD (the song and the mv) made it pretty clear that this was not her first choice. Whatever happened, she had her agency taken from her, and she was mad about it. She may have made one hell of a comeback, but rep Taylor was on a revenge mission, and she has been ever since. Now, add to that the very same people foiled her coming out (possibly) a second time in 2019, I can well imagine the tortured poet that Taylor became during the pandemic with all that built up anger and misery pouring out into the folklore and evermore albums. And my guess is that with the plan to re-record the first 6 albums came an idea of how she could possibly get her revenge after all, which brings us to Midnights and TPD.
Midnights and Tortured Poets Department - Reflection and melancholia
Midnights had a similar tone to me than what we have seen of TPD so far: introspective, sombre and looking back on happier times and missed opportunities (hence the whole '13 nights throughout my life' concept). There is a lot of wondering about what ifs and regrets and always with a sense of vengeance in the background, which shows how Taylor clearly holds a grudge and has a hard time letting things go that have hurt her. And this continues in the two lines we have seen from TPD so far. The 'full eclipse' gives me love blackout vibes and this line
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is so similar to many folkmore and Midnights songs where she talks about not being able to move on from a traumatic event (failed coming out *cough cough*). So, this album clearly continues the theme of reflection, regrets and vengeance, but with an additional touch of reckoning or impending judgment. I've seen some people say it seems like Taylor is putting someone (else or herself) on trial, and both the evidence file esthetics and the legal language she has been using in the hidden words puzzle on Apple Music have been feeding that theory:
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She told us back in February she'd be entering all of her defenses and her muses into evidence, so is she the one being trialed and we are the jury? Or is she presenting evidence in her defense and accusing someone else? I initially thought the former, but now I'm thinking it could be either or both.
The songs will tell the story of the most painful times of her life and we will be able to decide if she chose her suffering or if the context/industry is to blame. My favourite swifties pointed out this morning that the ‘un-recall’ lyric is a parallel to CIWYW “I recall late November”. So what is she trying to forget? The 2016 election. The start of the love blackout. Much like the ‘full eclipse’ lyric. They almost had it all but then her plans got foiled and Tr*mp was elected which forced them underground. And where did she run off to? London. And what’s track 5 called? So long, London…
So, a lot of this album so far gives 2016 vibes. And I’ve said in a previous post (here) that the visuals seem very rep-inverted. Black vs white and the half yin-yang ☯️ in the logo. It’s looking likely that this is going to be the reflection on that time where her vendetta originated before she goes for revenge. And I’m not trying to clown but the rep parallels haven’t stopped:
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This QR code mural in Chicago is very rep-cover coded and leads to a website that has the same 321 error message as the TS website the night of the Grammys. The message then was red herring. And not to sound too crazy, but I've said from the start that something feels off with this album. The absence of proper promo or merch is still weird. And would an entire album as a red herring be too crazy? Probably. But is she a crazy woman? Definitely! 😉
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chaoxgardens · 8 days
An In-Depth Analysis of Sonilver in Sonic 06 (with some other media sprinkled in)
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Sonilver is a pairing very near and dear to my heart, but exclusively when it comes to their “rival era” of sorts. (Aka earlier iterations of Silver, primarily Sonic 06)
I believe that they shine best when they have their own goals and either 1: clash heads or 2: team up, depending on if their goals align or not. But we’ll get to that in more detail later. Let’s get to it, shall we?
There’s a real irony to their dynamic in this game that I’ve never seen discussed online before. As we all know, Sonic is pretty much the main force or “bringer” of justice in the Sonic universe. I’ll go into more detail about Sonic himself at a later date, but regardless the universe would probably be utterly fucked without the blue blur.
Silver has no prior knowledge of Sonic’s achievements or ideals because he’s from 200 years in the future, and Sonic would be long-gone at that point. (In any canonical sense at least) All he knows about the guy is what Mephiles has told him, that he’s the Iblis Trigger who must be killed to restore peace to his future. Silver then convinces himself it’s okay to kill Sonic because it will bring the justice that his future deserves, even if he has to kill a man (hedgehog) to do it. Ironic, huh? Silver must kill the blinding blue light of justice himself to get the justice he wants for his future.
Even as he meets Sonic in person and gets glimpses of his true nature, (through his own confrontations with Sonic and his allies that defend him) he doubles down and gets more aggressive, believing he MUST be right.
I believe Silver’s sense of pride and stubbornness tends to get overlooked and people instead cling onto the term Naive like a lifeboat, but that’s for another time.
When Silver learns the true story of Mephile’s deceit and Sonic’s nature, that pride and stubbornness prevents him from a proper apology, and he instead pulls the “Circumstances have changed” card. (I love that aspect of his character by the way)
Sonic isn’t the kind of guy to hold grudges, so he quickly forgives him and they become allies. Despite my love for their rivalry, I think this shift to allies works well in 06. Their mutual respect and Silver taking the initiative to carry on when Sonic “dies” is really heartwarming and contrasts well with their earlier interactions. Now, since this is Sonic 06, none of this actually happened technically, and they forget about they had ever met. The angst is real and I love it!
Maybe I’ll go more in depth with the Sonic Rivals series at a later date but I’ll give the basics to further my point. Sonic rivals continues their rivalry (hence the name) and has them meet again having no prior knowledge of eachother. The two butt heads as they both try to find Eggman Nega individually, but they eventually set aside their differences and work together when it suits the situation best.
The same thing happens in Sonic Rivals 2 despite their prior team up and their rivalry becomes more competitive than antagonistic. I think this shift between rival or allies depending on the situation is the pinnacle of Sonilver (as is any other pairing in Sonadilver). It highlights their individual ideals and goals while also showing their similarities and sheer ability to thrive as a team.
Unfortunately as the years have gone by their rivalry has been watered down to a more palatable allyship with some occasionally teasing. This is mostly due to IDW, but I’ll be here for hours if I discuss all my gripes with that comic series.
Instead, I’ll just say that while I find the teasing endearing, I missed their initial resolve to solve things on their own before working together when they must. I just feel like there’s a lot more flavor and intrigue to that angle that compliments both of their characters better. Regardless, there’s nothing I can do about that. I’ll just continue to wish for my Sonilver beef on a silver platter without an expectation of change.
Now you may be asking, okay we get it. They have a cool dynamic, but how do you think a romance between the two would play out? You see, the funny thing is that I don’t want them to become romantic. Sure they might have some hidden not so platonic feelings that they will continue to suppress for eternity (I’m more a queerplatonic shipper myself) , but to try to force them into the standard romantic relationship would absolutely destroy what makes their dynamic so interesting in the first place.
Of course, if you do enjoy romantic Sonilver all the power to ya’, (Sonic and Silver characterizations are so consistent from game to game anyways that it’s nearly impossible to be wrong.) but I personally just don’t see the appeal of putting them in that sort of relationship considering the dynamic I enjoy best.
Feel free to comment or DM if you have anything to add, I’d love to hear your opinion regardless if you agree with me or not. Let’s just all be civil, alright?
Also as a little addition, I’ve added a song that I think fits my ideal Sonilver dynamic to a T.
- Jay🦔‼️
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Sonadow Incorrect Quotes 🖤💙
Sonic: I like your new pants!  Shadow: Thanks, they were 50% off!  Sonic: I’d like them better if they were 100% off. *winks*  Shadow: The store can’t just give away clothes for free.  Sonic: Thats’s… not what I meant.  Shadow: That’s a terrible way to run a business, Sonic.
Sonic: Hey, I’m getting in the shower. Wanna help me out?  Shadow: ...Have you never taken a shower before?
Shadow: What do you want to be for Halloween?  Sonic: Yours.  Shadow: Shadow: …yeah, that would be pretty scary.
Sonic: Listen, we’re done, we’re over! Okay?  Shadow: Whatever bitch, you ain’t never gonna find no one like me.  Sonic: Yeah, that's the point shithead!
Shadow: When you said 'Magic in Bed', I wasn't expecting this...  Sonic: *pulls out card from deck* Now, was this your card?  Shadow: Holy moly-
Sonic: Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me the truth, Shadow!  Shadow: You can’t expect me to look into your eyes and be straight.
Shadow: Look, last night was a mistake.  Sonic: A sexy mistake.  Shadow: No, just a regular mistake.
Sonic: There are 20 letters in the alphabet, right?  Shadow: Nope, there's 26.  Sonic: Ah, I must have forgotten U, R, A, Q, T.  Shadow: Aww, that's cute, but you're still missing one.  Sonic: You'll get the D later ;). Shadow: …
Shadow: Well, it finally happened. Rouge and Omega: *gasps, shocked expressions, etc.*  Shadow: That's right... We kissed.
meanwhile with sonic:
Sonic: Well, Shadow and I finally did it!  Tails, Amy and Knuckles: *gasps, shocked expressions, etc.*  Sonic: That's right... We fu-!
Shadow: I don't know how to tell you this, but... I love you.  Sonic: That's great, Shadow. Especially considering the fact we've been married for 6 fucking years.
Sonic: Hey, wanna take a shower with me?  Shadow: I have a gun in that nightstand beside the bed. If I ever say no to that question, I want you to take it out and shot me because I’ve obviously gone crazy.
Sonic: How do I tell Shadow that I want him to yell at me like he’s Gordon Ramsay and I'm a poor little chef who just ruined a crème brûlée?
Shadow: Sorry I’m late, I was doing things.  Sonic: Hi, I’m ‘things’.
Sonic: Are you trying to seduce me?  Shadow: Why, are you seducible?
Sonic: Are you sure Shadow's even gay? He’s only looked at me for 5 hours.
Sonic: Smart is attractive. Educate me on something I don't know!  Shadow: The mouth of a jellyfish is also an anus.  Sonic: Stop.
Sonic: Shadow is playing hard to get.  Sonic: Little do they know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Shadow: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.  Sonic: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely*  Shadow: That one. I want that one.
Shadow: We both look very handsome tonight.  Sonic: You know, if you'd just said that I looked handsome, I would have said, "So do you."  Shadow: I couldn't take that chance.
Sonic: Shadow and I are no longer friends.  Shadow: SONIC THAT IS THE WORST WAY TO TELL PEOPLE THAT WE’RE DATING!
Waiter: What would you like?  Sonic: Bring a milkshake with two straws.  Shadow: ??? Sonic: *puts both straws in his mouth* Watch how fast I can drink this!! Shadow: I am married to a man, with the brain of a 5 year old child.
Shadow: Wow, they really hate us.  Sonic: Yes, perhaps they’re homophobic.  Shadow: But we’re not gay, Sonic.  Sonic: Shadow: Sonic: We’re not?
Shadow: Wow, Sonic, you want to hold my hand before marriage? How awfully lewd of you.  Sonic: We literally slept together yesterday.  Shadow: That's NOTHING compared to the lewdness of holding hands.
Sonic: *Laughs* Babe, you had a crush on me? That’s embarrassing—  Shadow: We’re married.
Shadow: How much did you spend on this date?  Sonic: $1400. But all of it's on credit cards, so it's like $5 a month for the next 2,000 years.
(thank god shadows immortal then 💀🙌)
Shadow: *angrily presses Sonic against a wall* WHERE'S THE CHAOS EMERALD?!  Sonic: ...  Sonic: Are we about to kiss-
Shadow: Go fuck yourself.  Sonic, smugly: Sure, but only if you watch
Sonic: My hands are cold.  Shadow: Here, let me hold them.  Sonic: My lips are cold too.  Shadow: *covers Sonic's mouth with their hand*
Sonic, throwing his head into Shadow's lap: Tell me I'm pretty!  Shadow, lovingly stroking Sonic’s quills with a demonic smile: You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are.
Shadow: I feel like doing something stupid.  Sonic: I’m stupid, do me.
Sonic: This date is boring!  Shadow: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.  Sonic: Then why did you invite me?  Shadow: I didnt, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you Shadow I'll do whatever I want!
Sonic: You look good in that hoodie.  Shadow: You know where else I'd look good?  Sonic, zero hesitation: My bed.  Shadow, at the same time: By your side- wait, what?
*Sonic comes home absolutely drunk, undresses, and stands in Shadow’s bedroom.*  Shadow: Babe, are you.. coming to bed?  Sonic: No thank you, I’m sure you’re lovely but I have a boyfriend called Shadow.  Sonic: *Lies on the ground and falls asleep*  Shadow: ... Why do I do this to myself.
Sonic: Shadow and I are no longer dating.  Shadow: Sonic, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
Sonic: I think I just figured something out. I got to go.  Shadow: Aren't you forgetting something?  Sonic: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Shadow's forehead before running out.*  Shadow: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
Shadow: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night?  Sonic: It was autocorrect.  Shadow: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."?  Sonic: Yes.
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sonicboomseason3 · 3 months
Sonic Boom - Theft
NOTE: Here you guys are, a random excerpt from the larger Sonic Boom Season 3 project I've been working on! If people like this one, then I'm down to share more in the future as well (but only occasionally because I don't want to clog up any of the tags). But yeah, I'm not usually someone who's super confident in my writing, but I genuinely did like how this one ended up, and I want to test the waters with this so. lol.
Some context for this: Shadow has a part-time job at Meh Burger. and it's a running bit for Sonic to have a shitty time every time he tries ordering from him, but people who have been on my blog long enough already know about that particular lore. Also, sometime before this, Meh Burger replaced all of their menus with thin slabs of steel with words etched into them due to Reasons. Don't worry about it. Smiles.
“Uh…” Sonic faltered when he noticed that Shadow’s expression was visibly stormier than it usually was. “You… okay?”
“Where are my gloves.”
“Come again?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, hedgehog,” Shadow snapped. He pointed an accusatory finger right between Sonic’s eyes, causing him to go cross-eyed. “I haven’t been able to find them since this morning, and so I’ve had no other choice but to wear a backup pair provided by Meh Burger. Where are they.”
It took Sonic another moment to register the words coming out of Shadow’s mouth. Indeed, the latter was wearing the standard white gloves that everyone else wore instead of those weird gauntlet things. Aside from the golden rings clamped around his wrists, Shadow’s whole look was suddenly looking very, very plain.
“I… don’t know?” Sonic slowly replied, pushing Shadow’s finger back towards its owner. “What makes you think I have anything to do with that?”
Shadow scoffed and crossed his arms, clearly not believing him. “Because you are the one who would gain the most out of stealing from me. You want my gloves to enhance your own gear, which will in turn make your battles more efficient.”
“Are you serious, Shadow? I don’t even know where to begin with any of that,” Sonic said, beginning to get annoyed at all the hoops Shadow was jumping through just to blame him for his personal problems. “One, if I really felt like upgrading anything, I would’ve just asked Tails instead of going through all that trouble. Two, I have a perfectly good pair of gloves that I’ve been wearing for years, and I have zero problems with them. No holes, no chafing, no nothin’. I don’t even see what makes your gloves so special.”
“Of course they’re special. They’re the only pair in existence, unlike your inferior ones.”
Sonic’s eye twitched. “Yeah, well, at least mine don’t make me look like I’m wearing a couple of toilet plungers on my hands.”
Honestly, Sonic didn’t really think that Shadow’s gloves were that bad, but he had his limits to how much he would take lying down before dishing right back. While he was definitely getting better at the whole ‘ordering Meh Burger when Shadow was on his shift’ thing, there were still times when he lost his patience. This was one of those times.
“Hey, can you exchange insults somewhere else?” Dave, showing up out of nowhere to stand next to Shadow, whined. “I’m sick of doing overtime cleaning up after your fights.”
Sonic supposed he should feel some semblance of gratitude towards Dave for preventing the fistfight that had definitely been about to happen, but he was still too irritated at being falsely accused. “Dave, tell Shadow it makes no sense for me to steal his gloves.”
Dave turned to Shadow with an eyebrow raised. “Your gloves are missing?”
“Since this morning. And if it truly wasn’t Sonic who took them—”
“Dude, for the millionth time, it wasn’t.”
“—then I will hunt down this unknown thief if it’s the last thing I do,” Shadow finished, completely ignoring Sonic. “And they will pay for daring to steal from me.”
“Wow, it’d sure suck to be them then,” Dave yawned, raising a hand to cover his mouth. The other two immediately took notice of the fact that he had on a very familiar red, black, and white gauntlet. “Too bad I don’t know anything.”
Sonic stared at Dave’s hand shielding his yawn, and then stared at his other hand hanging by his side. Sure enough, there was Shadow’s other glove. “Seriously?”
“David,” Shadow ground out through clenched teeth as he reached for one of Meh Burger’s steel menus.
To Dave’s credit, he didn’t even flinch at the realization that he had been found out. Instead, he closed his eyes in acceptance right as Shadow smacked him in the side of the head with the menu, the CLANG resounding throughout the entire restaurant. He fell to the floor, out cold.
“What’s wrong with you, Shadow?” Sonic asked in exasperation. “You’ve been here with him for hours at this point. How in the heck did you not notice until now?”
Shadow didn’t reply, only gazing down at Dave’s unconscious form with open disdain. Something else in the corner of his eye caught his attention, and his scowl deepened. “Sonic,” he snarled, his mood worsening even more. “My air shoes are missing.”
“Come again?”
Shadow, growling like a wild animal and possessing more flexibility than a limp pool noodle, kicked his leg high up in the air and slammed it down on the counter for Sonic to see.
Thankfully, he had socks on, but Sonic still could have gone on with his life without the increased proximity to Shadow’s unshod foot. “Oh my god, dude, don’t—”
“I said my air shoes are missing,” Shadow repeated dangerously, his leg still resting on the counter. The counter where food was supposed to be served. “If you have something to do with this, say so now.”
Sonic threw his hands up in the air. “We’ve already proven I didn’t steal your gloves, so why would I steal your stupid shoes?! And again, how do you go around not noticing this stuff?!”
Shadow opened his mouth say something, but the sound of an evil laugh coming from above cut him off. They both looked up at the sky and saw Eggman hovering in the air… with some newly acquired footwear and not his Eggmobile. Sonic slapped a palm to his forehead as Shadow’s eyes narrowed into slits.
“There you are, Sonic! Behold, my greatest plan yet!” Eggman announced smugly, descending to the ground and striking a pose in front of his foe. He was trying to look cool, but the effect was slightly dimmed by how he was clearly in pain despite all his gusto. Of course he was, given that Shadow’s shoes were a few sizes smaller than his own. “I’ve figured out a way to match your speed, and now I can finally defeat you, thanks to my new roller skates! Don’t even try to stop me—”
“Trust me, I don’t have to,” Sonic sighed, hand running down his face.
“Wait, what?”
“They’re air shoes,”came three menacing words from right behind Eggman. Eggman barely had the chance to realize that Shadow had teleported from his spot at the counter before another CLANG even louder than the last one rang out. Down the street, a few villagers in their homes opened their windows, poking their heads out in confusion.
“This pathetic island is populated by trash and trash only,” Shadow sniffed. He threw the menu off to the side and bent down to take his shoes back. When he couldn’t remove them so easily, he growled again and resorted to yanking on them with so much force that Sonic was surprised that Eggman’s feet didn’t pop off with them. Putting them under one of his arms, he stomped back over to Dave’s body to do the same with his gloves. With all his gear now back in his hands, he glanced over his shoulder at Sonic. “I’m out of here. You can go get your swill elsewhere. Or starve. It makes no difference to me.”
He teleported away to who even knew where, leaving Meh Burger completely unmanned by anyone still lucid.
Sonic stood quietly for a second before looking down at Eggman, who was face down on the floor with his butt in the air, his toes red from being crammed into ill-fitting shoes, and his hands covering the rapidly forming bruise on the back of his head. “You okay, Egghead?”
“Mombot…” Eggman whimpered, dazed. “I want Mombot…”
“Yeah, I dunno how you thought that could’ve ended any other way, to be honest.”
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nashusglasses · 1 year
1. sweet, sticky, thick and pretty
(note: I can't stop listening to Bruno Mars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! technically the title is from silk sonic but anywho :3) note 2: Not to be too anecdotal, but I was a loser all my 4 years of university. Don't know why I always have the urge to write about messy college experiences when all I did was make one singular friend. I also only ever went to *one* official frat party! Absolute Loser behaviour!! What I'm saying is I'm projecting hard and LOVE writing about hot asshole men!!!!!!!!! Oh boy!!
PAIRING. gojo/reader SETTING. college au WARNINGS. alcohol and drug consumption, player!satoru but in the sexiest way possible. suggestive content SUMMARY. It's too late for this.
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Satoru’s got his white shirt dirty with grass stains. You don’t know what kind of roughhousing Suguru put him through before you got here, but all you know is there’s a keg outside in the backyard and Satoru’s hair is mysteriously wet. You get your answer when he tries to stick his tongue down your throat and he smells too much like beer.
“Absolutely not.” You block his mouth with a hard hand. “Can you please move? I just saw Natsume here.”
“I don’t fucking care. Kiss me.”
“Or what?”
Something coy flashes in Satoru’s face. He probably thinks he’s got you trapped. Hopeless in the dark corner of this hallway, and if you strain your ears hard enough you think you hear weird squelching noises from the room behind you. But all you feel is the annoyed urge to push him back till he stumbles off, embarrassed. There’s nothing more insistent than a drunk Satoru. There’s also nothing you want to punch more than a drunk Satoru.
“I called you. Thirty six times.”
“It was twice, and I was napping after my exam.”
He rolls his eyes. “Pish posh. Listen. Come over tonight.”
“No.” You shove at his shoulder. Except it’s a little rougher than you anticipated, but it’s still nice to see him lose balance. He won’t get angry. Not when he’s horny out of his mind. “I’m finding Natsume now.”
“What if I said pretty please?”
“Then I’ll shove you harder till you eat shit,” you snort. But you don’t get very far when you try to walk on ahead. Satoru’s strong when he wants to be. He’s got a hot hand wrapped around your wrist, a cement block for weight when you try to pull back.
“Stop ignoring me,” he says. “I told you I wanted you.”
“And then I told you I never wanted to see you again.”
“Sometimes I hear things and then I choose not to understand them,” he explains. He closes the distance again. You wonder how many girls have fallen prey to this tactic. Using his height for advantage, the way the corner of his mouth lifts when he wants to look needy. You know he’s grasping at straws, though. His contact list is heavy with the chance to get his lap wet whenever he wants, and even though you’re not sorry for being the additional number, you’re angry that he ever thought you’d be the easier lay.
“Okay. I’ll say it one more time. Just for you.” You tiptoe up to his ear, make sure your every breath lands hot where it’ll make him shiver. “I don’t want you to call me. I don’t want you to look at me. And I want you to leave me alone.”
Satoru’s placid. No expression to dissect when you stand back down, and his grip is lax now. Natsume’s probably halfway done with that first pre-roll she told you she had. You’re almost greedy for the heat in your chest that blunt promises. Sitting on that scratchy couch while your head gets light enough to reconsider Satoru’s proposition. 
You won’t. Even if you do miss the way he feels under you. A part of you wants to say that it’s only out of self-respect, but it’s funny seeing him so desperate. You’ll gloat about it later when Natsume asks you where you’ve been.
Something in Satoru clicks, and he’s grabbing your wrist again. “There’s just–something about you.” 
“Satoru, you’re drunk. We’ve been over this. I know I’ve got godly legs and a tight pussy but you’re just–”
“A man whore,” he finishes for you.
You nod sympathetically. “I’m glad you get it. Do you want me to find Suguru for you?”
“I want you to kiss me,” he complains. “Holy fuck. I’m–I’m fucking drunk. And I told you I wanted you, and I told Akane that she has great tits but not as great as yours, and she slapped the shit out of me, and I told you I wanted you but you don’t want me back.”
“Why the hell would you say that?” You’ve seen her before. Linguistics 202. She’s smart, has killer fashion sense, and Natsume hates her because her eyelashes are long and curled and not fake at all. “You’re so goddamned stupid. I’m going now.”
“I know. I know I’m stupid. Just–before you go.” You raise an eyebrow. “Don’t block my number. Please. That’s all I’m asking.” 
You’ll give him points for begging. The door to the room with mysterious noises opens, and two girls with messy hair filter out noiselessly. No witness to Satoru’s groveling. But you’re kind, so you leave him with a wet kiss to his cheek just to see his eyes go wide. 
“Tell Akane you’re sorry. Then come find me when you’re sober,” you say. 
When you turn around, you text Natsume to find where she is. 
You don’t notice Satoru squeezing his eyes shut, cheeks burning hot, half-hard from the feeling of your mouth on his skin.
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