#the space cowboys are my favorites by far tbh
bearlytolerant · 1 year
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stevie-petey · 11 months
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episode one: the vanishing of will byers
Steve nods, as if you almost getting hit by his car makes perfect sense to him. When you walk over to your bike and inspect it for any damage, he follows after you.  “So,” he whistles, trying to pretend that this is all a completely normal occurrence. “You, uh, need a ride?” Honestly you don’t know why you’re surprised he hasn’t noticed the clear signs of you crying, your swollen eyes and red nose. Not only is he a boy, but he’s also Steve Harrington. It’s a miracle he even stopped to make sure you weren’t dead.
summary: jonathan smuggles you free food in exchange for friendship, will goes missing the one time you listen to jonathan, hopper doesn't really like you, and steve harrington almost hits you with his car as you're sobbing like a damn baby (in a cool way).
rating: general, although there's plenty of cursing and slight innuendos, so fair warning.
warnings: cursing, fem!reader, and use of y/n.
words: 7k
before you swing in: hello ! this is the first chapter of my come home series, where i plan on rewriting the entirety of stranger things because i really love a good rewrite fic and this is me just indulging in my ideal fic fantasies tbh. before we start: this is a steve x reader fic, however there will be some slight feelings between the reader and jonathan, but it doesn't at all get in the way of steve and honestly just adds to the angst because i love a good tragedy. also, reader is dustin's older sister, but i tried to write her as neutral as possible in terms of physical features, so let's all just play along. that is all ! i'm very excited for this series and i hope y'all enjoy her as much as i do :)
November 6th, 1983
Your shift at Bookstrordinary ends at 8:30 tonight, so as soon as you’ve organized all the books within the store and cashed out the last customer, you say goodnight to your boss, Mrs. Waters, and clock out. Today had been a longer shift, and it didn’t help that you had to deal with a particularly eager bookclub mother who insisted that you had the latest copy of some obscure novel that she needed for her club. After several attempts to inform her that no, you really didn’t have some novel about a cowboy falling in love with a rodeo girl from Michigan, nor would you ever want to read that, the mother angrily walked away. 
You’re happy to finally be free from work though, excited to see Jonathan to tell him about the book club mom because you know he gets a kick out of those suburban middle class mothers that terrorize Hawkins. He works across from you, at The Hawk theater, and it’s one of your favorite things about the bookstore. Besides getting to be surrounded by books all day and reading Spider-Man, you get to be across the street from your best friend and share frequent breaks together. 
A bell signifies your arrival at the theater, alerting Jonathan to look up from the concession stand and smile at you. He looks tired, which you can understand. It’s been a particularly long school year so far with Jonathan having to work more shifts than usual to support his family. 
“Welcome to The Hawk, can I interest you in our specialty popcorn and candy corn mixture?”
You make a face, “No, thanks. Candy corn freaks me out.” 
Jonathan laughs, knowing you’d say that. It’s been a running joke between the two of you for as long as you can remember. You’re not picky with most foods, but candy corn? The bane of your existence. “Tough crowd, then.” 
You laugh as well, now standing in front of the counter, and you learn against it so that you’re in Jonathan’s space. After being friends for so long, personal space doesn’t exist between the two of you. You’re the only person that Jonathan lets get this close to him on a regular basis, which you’re secretly proud of. 
“So, you almost done so we can pick up our idiotic brothers?” Tonight, as usual, Will and Dustin are at Mike’s house playing DnD. They’d biked over as soon as school let out, while Jonathan drove you to work, so he was your ride back for the night. 
He shakes his head at you, wincing, “I picked up an extra shift tonight. Stacy called out sick, and it’s good money…”
You nod in understanding. He doesn’t have to explain himself to you, which he’s always relieved by. 
“It’s okay. Is my bike still in your trunk?” 
“Yeah, I can get it out for you since I’m kind of ditching you tonight.” 
You wave him off, already reaching across the counter to grab his keys from his coat pocket. “No need, I’ll get it out myself so you don’t get in trouble with your boss.” Jonathan’s boss is an older guy, extra scary. “I’m assuming that I’m taking Will home tonight?” 
“It’ll be late by the time you get the boys, and you’ll have Dustin. We only live a couple blocks apart, you can just bike with Will until you get to your street.”
“Are you sure? I know he’s scared of the dark.” 
“It’s fine, Y/N. You’re already doing enough being there for most of the ride; I’m sure Will can survive the last five minutes alone.” 
You give Jonathan an unsure look, but you don’t argue with him. He’s his brother, he knows Will’s capabilities, and it’s an unspoken fact that you baby Will a bit too much. He’s just so much tinier than the other boys, softer in a way that you want to protect. He’s special. 
Jonathan sneaks you a large peach lemonade and hot dog from the concession stand when you return with his keys. You’ve parked your bike up front, and you accept the food gratefully. You hadn’t had time to eat your usual dinner during your break due to the bookclub mother fiasco, so you inhale the food quickly and give his hair a ruffle. 
“You’re a lifesaver, bee.” 
Jonathan lightly hits your hand away from his hair. “Consider it your payment for dealing with Will and Dustin on your own tonight, bug.” 
Bee and bug were the names the two of you had given each other years ago. Jonathan had started it with bug, stemming from the fact that you love Spider-Man so much, and you had struggled to come up with your own nickname for him. Then it came to you: bee, or B, for Byers. It was perfect, and you’re still incredibly proud of yourself for the creativity, honestly. 
After your quick dinner, you say goodbye to your friend and head off. It’s late now, nearing 9, and you hope that Mrs. Wheeler and your own mom won’t be too upset with you for being late for pick up. You know they prefer to have the boys in bed by a decent hour, but in your defense, Jonathan did skip out on you.
You arrive at the Wheeler’s in a short amount of time and knock on the door. Your cheeks are flushed from the early November cold, and you’re regretting that you only put on a thin sweater and jeans this morning.
Mike answers the door, giving you a dirty look. “Did you have to come early?”
“I’m actually later than usual,” you sidestep him, making your way into his house; you’ve become used to Mike’s attitude. “I take it the campaign is still ongoing?”
“See, mom? Even Y/N understands how long a good campaign can go on for!” Mike waves his arms at you, as if to signify to his mother the importance of your understanding. 
Mrs. Wheeler ignores her son to greet you kindly, albeit a bit exasperated. “Hello, Y/N, please come in.” Then she turns to Mike, giving him a stern look. “Mike, why don’t you tell Y/N how you boys have been playing for ten hours? I’m sure she’ll be understanding then.” 
“You guys have been playing for ten hours?”
Mike looks down in embarrassment for a second before turning to his father for help. You laugh a bit at his enthusiasm and see a faint smile on his mom’s face as well. Quietly you excuse yourself to go downstairs to find the other boys, and Mrs. Wheeler wishes you luck. 
Everyone always acts like the boys are some giant pain; truthfully, you enjoy them. Sure, they can be a handful, but they’re just kids; it’s hard for you to ever stay mad at them. Plus they like you, so it makes dealing with them easier. 
Lucas, Dustin, and Will are running around the basement when you get down there, frantically searching for something. You hear Lucas inform Will that if Mike doesn’t see something, then it doesn’t count. The urgence in his voice amuses you; you’ll never fully wrap your head around why they take DnD so seriously, but you love that they can enjoy it with each other. 
Dustin is the first to see you. “Y/N!”
The other boy’s heads turn to you and they greet you with enthusiasm as well. Will rushes towards you for a hug, which you gladly accept. When you break apart, Lucas gives you a high five and asks about a comic you’ve put on hold for him at the store. 
“Any luck?”
“Sorry, Sinclair. It’s still sold out, but the second it’s restocked I’ll smuggle one for you.” 
Dustin walks over, now in his coat and holding a pizza box. “Want a slice?” 
You decline, informing him that Jonathan snuck some food for you. At the mention of his brother’s name, Will asks where he is. You tell him that Jonathan had to cover a shift and that you’ll be taking him most of the way home tonight. 
As you all make your way upstairs, you notice that Dustin continues up to the second floor. Lucas notices too, and the two of you share a knowing look. 
“Still have a crush on Nancy?” You ask, already knowing the answer. 
“Yup.” Lucas responds, smiling in disappointment. 
You wait for your brother outside, helping Will with his coat and listen to Mike’s rambling about the campaign. Lucas is already on his bike, ready to go. 
“There’s something wrong with your sister.” Dustin declares when he finally returns.
Mike looks at you, then at your brother, confused. “What are you talking about?” 
“She’s got a stick up her butt.” 
“Dustin!” You berate. Nancy isn’t your favorite person, but she’s always been nice to you the few times you’ve interacted. You guys used to be closer when you were younger, but high school has a way of distancing people.
“Yeah,” Lucas now speaks up. “It’s because she’s been dating that douchebag, Steve Harrington.” How the hell does Lucas even know about that? You didn’t even know about that until just now. 
“Lucas! Language!” 
“Yeah, she’s been turning into a real jerk.”
“Dustin, I swear to God-” 
The boys ignore you, which you’re honestly not surprised by. While they may like you, that doesn't mean that they listen to you. On a good day they maybe listen to you 25% of the time, but tonight was clearly not a good night. 
Mike finally cuts in, “She’s always been a real jerk.”
“Hey, she’s your sister. Give her some credit-”
Dustin is now the one who cuts you off. “Nuh-uh, only you get the sister leniency, Y/N. Nancy used to be cool, now she isn’t.” 
“Remember that time she dressed up as an elf for our Elder tree campaign?” Lucas asks, almost reminiscent. 
You shudder at the way he says it, and you shudder more when you see the dreamy look in your brother’s eyes. “Yeah, I remember…” 
“Gross,” you huff at your brother, now hopping on your own bike. 
Lucas and Dustin begin to pedal away, and you call after them to wait up. Will is still with Mike, and you promised Jonathan you’d get him home. You give the boys a bit of space, waiting a few paces ahead. Will has always been shy around Mike, something that you’ve tried not looking into too much, but to be safe you give them some privacy. 
Faintly, you hear Will say, “The Demogorgon, it got me.” 
Lights flicker a bit, but you’re too focused on the slight unease you feel by Will’s words. Before you can think too much about them, he joins you. “Race you up to Lucas and Dustin?”
“You’re on,” you tell him. 
Will beats you to the boys (which you let him do), and you’re out of breath. The four of you bike in silence for a bit until you reach Lucas’s turn into his neighborhood. 
“Good night, ladies.” He says, and you don’t need to be a psychic to know what your brother’s response is going to be.
“Kiss your mom ‘night for me.” Bless him.
You and Will giggle together, and Dustin smirks at the two of you, proud. He sits in the praise for a few moments before challenging you and Will to race home with the promise of a comic for whoever wins. 
“I call last year’s Black Cat issue of Spider-man!” You call out, already biking away from the boys. 
“We didn’t say go!”
Dustin and Will call after you as they try to catch up, and within a few seconds the three of you are speeding down the hill towards your home. You laugh gleefully, enjoying the way the wind whips through your hair and the way Dustin, though annoyed by your early start, laughs alongside you with Will. 
Somehow Will is the one who wins the race, which you’re impressed by. He may be small, but he’s surprisingly good at winning when it comes to a competition. Dustin shouts at Will that he’ll kill him, which makes you send a warning look at him. 
“I’ll take your X-Men 134!” Will retaliates, still flying through the street. 
You and Dustin are now stopped at your mailbox and you take a moment to catch your breath before shouting at Will, “Be careful, please! Stay safe!”
“I’ll be fine, I promise!” Will’s voice is distant, now a few yards away, and you stand outside for a few more seconds to watch his figure disappear into the night. Dustin has already gone inside but you wait to follow, only going inside when you can no longer see Will, hopefully home safe and sound. You feel fear creep upon you, but you chalk it up to your usual worry when it comes to the boy. 
He’ll be okay, Jonathan should be home within the hour. 
The next morning you’re frantically biking to school, pissed off at Jonathan. He’s your ride every morning, or everywhere, really, and for the second time in 24 hours he’s bailed on you. Dustin left for school ages ago on his bike, so you’re thankful he doesn’t see you embarrassingly sweaty and gross as you race to school. 
It’s not that you’re pissed that Jonathan bailed again, you’re pissed because he didn’t even have the nerve to call you ahead of time to warn you. Now you have only ten minutes before the first bell rings, and your sweater clings to you uncomfortably as you sweat. 
You make it to school with a few minutes to spare, so you quickly make your way over to your locker to grab the necessary books for the day. You’re still sweaty, and you don’t want to even think about what your hair looks like right now. You look down the hall towards Jonathan’s locker, still not seeing him, and you begin to worry a bit. Maybe he overslept after last night’s shift? 
A body crashes into yours, sending your notebooks spiraling to the ground. Steve Harrington looks at you sheepishly, only saying a small “whoops!” before continuing his fast pace towards the girl’s bathroom. You scoff, now even more annoyed with your entire morning, picking up your stuff as you see Nancy enter the same bathroom a few moments later. 
“In a public school bathroom?” You mutter in disgust, collecting the last of your things and heading to class. 
You decide to give Jonathan until second period, sophomore English which the two of you share, before you freak out. You know you have a problem with over worrying about the people you love, so you try to calm yourself down. While Jonathan has never been the type to cancel without at least calling first, you reason with yourself that everyone has a bad morning. He simply slept in too late. When he wakes up, he’ll come to school and he’ll be sitting in the seat next to you in English. 
Except Jonathan isn’t in the seat next to yours when you enter the classroom an hour later. Now you officially let yourself begin to worry. Something about this doesn’t feel right. 
You’ve never skipped class before, school has always been important to you. You’re the top of your class with hopes of running away from Hawkins with Jonathan to a big city with an even bigger university. However, you don’t even hesitate to flee the classroom and find the nearest phone in the school to call the Byers’ residence. 
Jonathan answers after a few rings, and the words that leave his lips change your life forever. “Will is missing.”
You feel all the air in your lungs be knocked out of you. You can’t breathe and you sway a bit as your knees threaten to give out. This isn’t real, this can’t be happening. 
“Will, he-he’s gone, Y/N. We can’t find him and-” 
You don’t hear whatever else Jonathan says. You struggle to get air back in your lungs. Will isn’t missing, you just saw him last night. Mere hours ago Will laughed next to you, face alive with joy, he hugged you and joked along with you. 
“He didn’t come home last night-”
“He didn’t come home?” Jonathan’s words catch your attention and you feel bile rise in your throat. Will didn’t make it home last night. You were the last one to see him, and the realization crushes you; it’s all your fault. 
“Mom and I just searched the woods, and there’s no sign of him and-” Jonathan is rambling now, his own fear and despair clear in his voice. 
“Jonathan,” you force his name out, now needing to be there for your best friend. You can worry for Will in your own time, right now Jonathan needs you. “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” 
“Y/N, you don’t-”
You hang up before Jonathan can argue with you and stumble towards the exit. Your limbs feel heavier than normal, and your ears are ringing. Will is missing. He’s so small, he’s scared of the dark… You left him alone in the dark. 
The bike ride to the Byers home is a blur. You don’t remember much, your body going on autopilot the second you hopped on your bike. You’re running on pure fear and adrenaline right now, too worried for your boys to focus on anything else. 
You don’t bother to knock when you arrive, instead you let yourself in. Joyce is on the phone, arguing with some woman named Cynthia. Your eyes find Jonathan’s, who is sitting on the couch hunched over something. You walk over to him and sit down beside him and your stomach lurches when you see the words “have you seen me?” he’s so neatly printed out on a piece of paper.
“Bee…” you exhale, voice cracking a bit. 
Jonathan doesn’t say anything, but you know him as well as you know yourself. He doesn’t want comforting words right now. You take his hand into yours and lean your head against his shoulder. Worry has made his muscles tense, but you feel him relax into you a bit as he rests his own head against yours. The two of you sit like that for a moment, taking in the comfort you bring each other. 
“Bitch!” Joyce slams the phone down, causing you and Jonathan to jump apart. 
“What?” Joyce is a mixture of both rage and anxiety, and you feel awful looking at her. Her son is missing, you can’t imagine what she must be feeling right now.
“You have to stay calm.” Jonathan tells her, his voice firm but kind. You know it’s taking everything in him to be as stable as he is right now; he’s putting on a front for his worried mother. You squeeze his hand, hoping it conveys the support and love that you need it to.
He squeezes back, and you see Joyce finally recognize that you’re there as well. She sends you a weak wave, which you return, before she goes back to dialing and trying to reach Lonnie. Jonathan gives your hand one last squeeze and lets go, now returning back to the posters. You immediately understand that he’s doing this to distract himself, so you do the same and wordlessly help him.
You begin writing your own “have you seen me?” when Joyce once again slams her phone down. The sound makes you flinch, inadvertently messing up your writing, which you sigh at. Before you can ask Jonathan for another piece of paper, you hear a car pull up. 
Jonathan stands up to investigate, alerting his mom that the cops are here. You follow after them outside, your heart dropping when you see Will’s bike in the Chief’s hand. He ushers everyone inside, informing Joyce that he found the bike lying in the road.
“How far was it from the house?” You ask, your voice frail. 
The Chief looks at you, his nametag informs you that his name is Hopper, and raises his eyebrows. “And can I know who is asking?” 
You clear your throat, nervous under his scrutinizing gaze. “I’m Y/N Henderson. I’m close with the Byers, I biked with Will home,” your voice catches in your throat, snagging onto the guilt that has been clawing at you ever since you found out Will was missing. You clear your throat again, determined to continue. “I was with him last night. My brother and I live right off Mirkwood, a few blocks from here. He only had a few more minutes before he would’ve been home.” 
Hopper stares at you. “Mirkwood?”
“It’s where-”
“Yeah, those moron kids explained it to me. I just didn’t think someone your age would call the street that, too.” Then, as an afterthought, Hopper adds, “The bike was found a block from here.”
His words sting, but you ignore it. If the bike was found only a block from the Byers’ home, then that means that something had to have happened to Will only minutes after you last saw him. You feel the familiar churning in your stomach, wracked with guilt. 
“Did it have any blood on it?” Joyce now asks, and you’re thankful she’s taken the attention off of you. 
Jonathan sees your distress and grabs your sweater so that you fall back a bit from the cops and Joyce. “Do you need a minute?”
You can only nod, afraid that if you open your mouth you’ll either cry or throw up. He gently guides you to his room, closing the door. Once you’re alone, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you in tight. You’re shaking harder than ever now, Will’s happy and shining face from last night keeps flashing through your mind. 
You were the last one who ever saw him.
You’re the one who was last responsible for him. 
“It’s not your fault,” Jonathan whispers, his voice muffled by your hair. You’ve always loved how you fit perfectly in his arms, your height difference being just enough that he always rests his chin against your head when he hugs you. 
“I’m the last person who saw him.”
“Y/N, I was the one who asked you to only bike him halfway-”
“No,” your voice comes out louder than you intend it to, and you push Jonathan away. He lets out a confused noise as you grapple at him, forcing him to look directly at you. “I should’ve been with him, Jonathan. It’s your job to support your family, and it’s my job to help you. I have to… I have to be the one who helps you.” 
You’ve always been fascinated by psychology, and you remember reading in one of the journals about codependency; the term was used in relation to addiction, specifically alcoholism, but it had caught your interest. To love someone to the extent that their actions make you feel responsible for them, to selflessly take on their burdens to a debilitating extent, well, it reminded you of your relationship with Jonathan. 
You’ve always taken on whatever Jonathan has had to deal with, ever since you were kids, and it’s always come so naturally to you. He’s never asked you to, and sometimes the extent to which you carry his weight angers him, but it’s how you love.
It’s who you are. You’re always the one who helps, it’s what you need to be able to do. If you can’t help the ones you love the most, then what good is your love for them?
Jonathan may not know about codependency, but he knows how hard you love those closest to you. “Bug, listen to me.” He grabs your face, almost aggressively, in order to cut off your rambling. “My mom, she-she’s already spiraling and I can’t… I need you. I need you to be here, with me, right now. If I lose you too, then I-I don’t know what I’ll do.”
His words cut through you like glass. He’s right, you know he’s right, and you feel another wave of guilt wash over you. This guilt is different from the guilt surrounding Will. This is mixed with shame for allowing yourself to spiral so far and forcing Jonathan to take care of you. Joyce is clearly unwell, you can’t fathom how much he’s had to deal with today. 
You gently remove Jonathan’s hands from your face and take a step back. If you’re going to help him, you need to collect yourself. From here on out, you have to be a wall for him to lean on, a shoulder to cry on, someone who will listen to him. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Jonathan shrugs at you, now allowing a hesitant smile to cross his face. “If it makes you feel any better, it took a lot less pleading to get through to you. I’m still working on my mom.” 
The joke is foul, one that should make you feel even worse than you already do, because what sixteen year old has to plead with their mother to remind her that he’s there, too? The joke is horrible, and it’s exactly what you need to find yourself laughing, and Jonathan joins. 
Codependency can be a bitch, but Jonathan understands you in ways that no one else can. 
“You think the cops are gone?” You ask, wiping away the remaining tears. 
Jonathan listens for any sign of them and shakes his head. “No, I think we’re all clear.”
He walks out the room first and you follow after him. Joyce is standing in the kitchen, staring at the counter with a far off look in her eyes. You and Jonathan look at each other and you motion for him to go talk to her. He nods, and then you motion to the living room to indicate that you’ll continue working on the missing posters. 
Carefully writing on the posters soothes you, in a way. It’s rhythmic, providing a sense of lull that you readily embrace. You faintly hear Jonathan talking with his mother, then you watch as he leads her to her bedroom and shuts the door. When he returns he sits next to you on the couch and begins to work on the posters as well. No words are needed. 
You work on the posters in silence for a few hours until it nears 3pm. Dustin will be getting out of school soon, and you have to be there for him when he’s home. While Will may be Jonathan’s brother, he’s also your brother’s best friend. You get up and head into the kitchen, long familiar now with its layout and usual contents within the fridge, and quickly prepare the ingredients for spaghetti. It’s a simple meal, but Jonathan and Joyce need to eat. Once it’s all laid out, you return to the living room and tap on your friend’s shoulder. 
“Hey, I have to head out now to check on Dustin, but I just put a pot of water on the stove along with some noodles on the counter. I also cut up some vegetables and put them in the fridge for the sauce. Start the meal whenever, I laid everything out for you.”
“Thank you, really,” Jonathan exhales, relief evident on his face. He hadn’t even thought about dinner, which you figured he wouldn’t. 
You bend down to kiss the top of his head. “Anytime, bee. I’ll call you tonight, okay?”
“Just…” you linger at the door, not fully wanting to leave him all by himself. “Be careful, please.” 
“Go, Y/N. I’ll be fine, I promise.” Jonathan reassures you.
“I’ll be fine, I promise!” Will’s voice is distant, now a few yards away, and you stand outside for a few more seconds to watch his figure disappear into the night.
It’s brief, but the flashback punches you in the gut. You close your eyes, holding onto the image of Will’s face in the moonlight last night, and when it fades you take a deep breath and force yourself to leave. 
The second you’re on your bike, pedaling away from the house, you let the sobs that have wracked against your throat all day out. It’s messy, the tears coming down your face faster than you can wipe them away. All the fear you’ve felt is now able to freely come out. It’s not the safest way to bike home, but you know that if you hold the tears in any longer you’ll collapse. You do your best to still be alert, but apparently you fail because a BMW honks at you to avoid you hitting it. 
“Fuck!” You yank your bike to the right, having no idea that you had been on the left side of the road, and topple over. The fall isn’t anything bad, but it definitely is your final straw for the day. You lay in the ditch you’ve landed in, staring at the November sky, and let the pain from your skinned knee serve as something to ground you to reality. 
“Holy shit, did I hit you?” 
Steve Harrington stands over you, a horrified look in his eyes. 
“Unfortunately not, otherwise I’d be able to sue you and get money out of it.” 
“Uh… okay?” He offers you his hand, although still very confused. “You didn’t like, happen to hit your head or anything, right?” 
You accept his help, albeit mostly because you have to, and brush yourself off when you’re up. “I’m fine. I just wasn’t paying attention, sorry.” 
Steve nods, as if you almost getting hit by his car makes perfect sense to him. When you walk over to your bike and inspect it for any damage, he follows after you. 
“So,” he whistles, trying to pretend that this is all a completely normal occurrence. “You, uh, need a ride?”
Honestly you don’t know why you’re surprised he hasn’t noticed the clear signs of you crying, your swollen eyes and red nose. Not only is he a boy, but he’s also Steve Harrington. It’s a miracle he even stopped to make sure you weren’t dead. 
“No,” you say, now repositioning your backpack so that you can get back on your bike. “Thanks anyways, Harrington.” 
Steve continues to follow you, even after you’ve started to pedal away. “You’re welcome, random girl I almost hit!”
You’re a bit further now, and you still feel like utter shit, but his words somehow make you laugh a bit. For a brief moment, you forget about everything, so you call behind, “It’s Henderson!” 
“That’s an odd first name!” The boy shouts after you, still following from a distance. 
“Y/N Henderson!” You’re fully yelling now, a good yard away, but you can tell that Steve hears you based on the way he begins to wave eagerly, finally stopping next to his car. Faintly you understand the boyish charm that makes him so loved by all the girls in the school; you understand why Nancy Wheeler has fallen for him.
“Bye, Y/N!” It’s faint, but you swear you can hear a smile in his voice.  
The good mood that Steve Harrington inexplicably puts you in vanishes when you near your house. Nothing has changed, yet it feels as if something has shifted. Will had been here only hours ago. You spot Dustin’s bike laying on the grass, haphazardly thrown as usual. 
Dustin is just taking off his coat when you enter, immediately running over to him to pull him into a bone crushing hug. 
“Y/N!” he squeaks in surprise. 
“Are you okay?” You know you’re squeezing your brother harder than you need to, but God. He’s safe, in your arms, and you’ve now learned that not everyone can say the same about their own loved ones. 
Dustin wiggles a bit, trying to break away from the hug, but you only pull him in tighter. “Geesh, no one died.” 
Normally you’d berate him, but you embrace his snarky comments. They’re what make Dustin so unique, his humor one of your favorite parts of him
When you don’t respond, Dustin stops wiggling around and finally accepts the situation. “I love ya too, sis.” 
You giggle a bit, now pulling away. “At least mom isn’t home right now. The minute she hears about what’s happened, we’ll be on lockdown.”
Dustin’s eyes widen. “Shit, you’re right.” 
“Language, I know.”
You ruffle his hair, now feeling a bit better. Dustin is still Dustin, so maybe everything will be okay. You and your brother go into the kitchen for your post school snack, and you call your boss to inform her that you can’t make it to your shift. The words “family emergency” catch in your throat a bit, and Mrs. Waters is kind enough not to push it.
Dustin catches you up on his day, informing you about Hopper questioning him and the other boys. 
You scrunch your nose at that. “Is that even legal?”
“Unsure, but it was awesome.”
“Will went missing, Dustin. It isn’t ‘awesome’.”
Dustin tilts his head at you. “Well, I bet Will is going to have a blast hearing everything when we find him.” 
His words are so matter of fact, as if he already knows that Will will be found after all. His naivety worries you a bit, but you also can’t help but indulge in his hope as well. Then you think about what he’s just said. “Wait, who’s ‘we’?”
Your brother pretends he can't hear you, miming at his ears. “Dustin-”
“Dustin, you and the boys can’t just-”
“I can’t hear you!” He’s running to his room now with you quick behind his heels. 
“Dustin, I swear to God-”
“I gotta do homework, Y/N, bye!” He slams the door in your face. 
You sigh. There’s no getting through to him, years of being Dustin’s older sister has taught you that, so you go into your room instead. You might as well get started on the assignments you missed today, and you have a huge chem test tomorrow, so you’ll focus on that and keep an ear out for Dustin. Whatever he’s planning with the boys, you won’t let them do it alone. 
After a couple hours of silence from Dustin’s room, you decide to call Jonathan. The line rings for a while with no answer, and eventually you give up. It makes sense that he’s not answering, he’s had a long day. You hope he’s asleep, but you know him better than that. He’s probably holed up in his room, trying to distract himself like you are right now. 
A loud thud from Dustin’s room breaks you from your thoughts. Then you hear a quiet “shhh!” that sounds suspiciously like Lucas, and you immediately throw on your shoes and a jacket and march outside. 
Dustin is halfway out of his window when you arrive, and Mike and Lucas stare at you, caught red handed. 
“Guys, I think she can hear us.” Your brother says, breaking the silence. Mike scoffs at him and Lucas groans. 
You eye the three of them, unamused. “Your best friend just went missing, what the hell are you guys doing out here so late and alone?”
Dustin awkwardly finishes his descent down, finally landing on his feet with a thud. He secures his hat back on his head and goes to grab his bike. You block his path. 
“I’m serious, one of you needs to start talking, now.” 
Lucas and Dustin look at Mike, who is their unofficial leader of the gang, and he huffs. “Look, Y/N, I like you-”
“How thrilling.” You say, voice monotone. 
The boy ignores you and continues to talk. “But Will is missing, and we aren’t just going to sit around and wait. He’s our friend, we have to do something.” 
You open your mouth to speak, but Lucas interrupts you. “You’re definitely our favorite sister in the group, so you’d be even cooler if you let us go.” 
Again, you try to respond, but this time Dustin beats you to it. “Yeah, you’re like, totally cool already. If you pretend that you never saw us, that’d be great.” 
“And don’t give us a whole lecture about safety. That’s all bull.” Mike says. 
“Boys!” You scream. They all fall silent, not used to you ever raising your voice at them. You’ve only ever yelled at them once or twice, preferring to be the “cool” sister whenever you can, but right now they’re seriously pissing you off. 
“Let me speak.” When no one says anything, you continue. “I’m not going to stop you guys from looking for Will. In fact, I support it-”
“You do?”
You shoot Mike a death glare, which promptly shuts him up. “Yes, I do. However, I’m not letting you guys go alone.” 
The boys all groan at this, acting as if it’s the worst thing in the world to have you tag along with them. You ignore their complaining and head over to where your bike sits against the porch. You zip up your coat, the chill from the night making you shiver a bit. 
“No arguing, or I’ll call all your moms. Ours included, Dustin.”
“Why me?”
“Look, guys. I’m proud of you for stepping up, but I’m coming with. The last time I let one of you boys go off into the woods alone…” 
The boys shift uncomfortably now, realizing how heavy the guilt weighs upon you. After a few beats of silence, Mike finally gives in. 
“Fine,” he says, pointing a finger at you. “But the second you start to freak out, you’re gone.” 
You salute Mike, hopping on your bike as you all begin to bike away. The ride doesn’t take long, since you live just off of where Will was last seen. Thunder rumbles when you all approach the crime scene, and you shudder a bit. 
“It’s going to rain, guys.” You inform them. 
Dustin looks up at the sky with uncertainty. “I think maybe we should go back.”
Mike is quick to shut down the idea, urging the others to keep going. You admire his loyalty to Will, and you figure it’s why the two of you butt heads so often. Out of the entire group, you’re the most similar to him. 
Lucas and Mike go under the caution tape first, and Dustin hangs back. You place a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “We can go back, you know.” 
He clenches his jaw, jutting his chin out a bit. “No, Will needs us.”
Your brother puffs out his chest and follows after his friends, leaving you to take up the rear. More thunder rumbles and the rain begins to come down. You flip your hood up, thankful you remembered to grab a hoodie when leaving. 
Mike guides the way with his flashlight, then Lucas, then Dustin, then you in the back. You make sure to keep your eyes on the three boys, scared that the second you look away they’ll be gone. The woods have always creeped you out, but you push your fear down to keep them safe. 
“Will!” Mike calls out, the rain now pouring down on you guys. 
“Will, little bee!” You call out as well. He never liked when you called him that in front of the others, but tonight was an exception. 
“I’ve got your X-Men 134!” Your brother bribes, unintentionally making you laugh a bit. If Will is nearby, he’ll surely come out to claim his prize. 
Your foot catches on a tree log, and you slip in the mud before just barely managing to catch yourself. It’s getting hard to see given how dark it is and the rain surrounding you. Dustin voices his concerns, only to be called a baby, and you bite your tongue. If you defend him, he’ll only look more like a baby to his friends. 
“I’m just being realistic!” He retaliates, which you commend him for. 
“Dustin’s right, guys. It’s getting really bad out here. We’re surrounded by a ton of trees, don’t they attract lightning?” You ask, now paranoid that you’ll be struck down any second. 
“You guys are being sissies.” Lucas taunts, annoyed as well. 
You try to argue, but Dustin voices a thought that’s been at the back of your mind. “Did you ever think Will went missing because he ran into something bad?”
You think back to how Hopper seemed worried when he investigated the Byers home. From what you can recall, he suspected that Will had been running away from something, explaining why he’d abandon his bike.
“And now we’re going to the exact same spot where he was last seen, and we have no weapons or anything?”
Maybe Dustin’s right. This definitely wasn’t your best idea, and you’re regretting letting them follow through with their plan. For someone who claims to want to keep their loved ones safe, you really suck at it. 
“Dustin, shut up.” Mike voices, though he now looks a bit concerned as well. 
“He’s right, Mike.” You speak up, stumbling a bit in more mud. Your shoes are definitely ruined, now. “I was at Jonathan’s when Hopper showed up, he thinks Will was running from something.” 
The boys go quiet now, and when you’re about to suggest going home, you hear rustling in the bushes. 
“Did you guys hear that?” Mike asks. 
Your heart stops as the rustling continues and you all start to twist and turn, looking for the source of the sound. The rustling gets louder, almost as if it’s getting closer, and you tighten your hand around your flashlight, ready to use it as a weapon just in case. 
Then, the light flashes upon a little girl, drenched in an oversized yellow shirt, shivering. Her head is shaved, but her small stature suggests to you that she is indeed a girl. You all stare at her, no one saying a thing. She stares back, a terrified look on her face that breaks your heart. 
“Holy shit,” you whisper. 
Her eyes land on you; something about her reminds you of Will, and  you know that nothing will be the same again.
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takeshitakyuuto · 1 year
Trigun Book Club reading update volume one
This is my first full experience with Trigun, and I am participating due to my civic duty as a tihylttw fan. よろしく~
What I know about the series already:
Space western! (+)
Vash is a twin? with someone named Knives?
Something about gods that I don’t understand and don’t want to
Kitty :3
I am infamous far and wide for my loquacious book club participations, so from here on out will be under read more. Spoilers for volume one of Trigun only
My usual file reader was glitching out so I had to find a new one to read this volume and oh my god the text is so tiny. why. thank god for zoom (and furigana)
Ch 1. Okay Vash’s fit is fire. Fashion icon
I really like the world building we get right off the bat. The little sign showing the day’s crimes was funny, clever, and really establishes what we’re dealing with.
Vash’s “death” chapter one? oooooo I really like where we’re heading with him...
He gave a child a pistol?!?!?!? childcare king tbh
So far my favorite character is the blonde lady with the huge gun (Milly?)
Ch 2. The appearance of The Cat!
Are these... human cars?
Freckles asking the questions I’ve had all along! I’m excited to see what Vash’s “quest” is and why it would put such a big bounty on his head, especially since he seems like a guy with strong morals.
*Gets “KISS MY ASS” tattooed on my hand* no you don’t understand, its a Trigun reference. So you know the genre space western? Hey, why are you walking away, I’m not done yet!
Ch 3. Does this place have a government???
Jack pot!!
Yaoi proportioned Vash
Oh the lesbians are from the government
I love Vash realizing the power of lesbians
Ch. 4 Vash the Stampede: impervious to bullets, but not to grate corners
Is this chapter 5 now? Bad Lads Group is an absolute top tier name for a terrorist organization
Oh boy the introduction of Rem. What a great introduction, I can’t wait to see what relationship she had/(has?) to Vash. Based on that little dream of his, I don’t think she’s alive anymore or at the very least has no contact with Vash
Ch 6. チビスケwwww
I might just be because they’re both space westerns but this is also giving me more and more Cowboy Bebop vibes in the way of I never know who’s going to be a recurring character or just in it for the chapter. I’m sure as the series goes on though we’ll start seeing more overarching plot and less “Vash Gets Himself Into Sticky Situations”
Also, this dude loves jumping out of windows
Ch 7. A Chapter called Rem? Excitingggggg
Ya’ll weren’t kidding when you said that the art could be a little hard to understand... I thought Vash got shot but it was someone else’s blood 🥵
Vash calling the group understaffed and then immediately opening a door to see a horde of grunts... the comedic timing in this series is impeccable
Oh look, おわり!
Final thoughts: I thought this was a solid first volume! It’s very out of my element- I don’t read much shounen and I read even less action series. It took me a while to get used to the shounen style of Japanese (unexpected yet happens every blue moon that I decide to pick one up) and the action vocabulary was also difficult, as I never see any of it. Okay enough about language learning, we’re all here for the plot. I still feel like I’m not completely sure about what the plot is, but I also know that that’s fairly typical with manga. I liked the recurring characters that we were introduced to and it opened up plenty of questions to be answered later. As for Rem, she seems like some sort of God character (as opposed to a god character). As for my favorite characters from the volume, it stays Milly and ohmygodijustforgothername Meryl. Let’s see if I stay on track with the reading or if I decide to read ahead :3c
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pimenita · 2 years
It's been ages since I reviewed anything, so apologies if this comes off a bit rusty n_n"
Copious amounts of rambling (and spoilers) under the cut:
First I will talk a bit about my operative (and his choices) since I think that's a good starting point: Crux is a cis guy, he's bi, passionate, hard-headed, and a smart-ass. He's basically a space cowboy, just your stereotypical sci-fi hero (the two types of sci-fi hero: emotionally constipated mr. man, or wise guy himbo)
Chapter 1:
On that first mission, he did as much property damage while quipping as he could, and it pissed Nash off. Crux was defensive about it.
He backed Nash up in front of the Director. He dearly misses the friendship they had. He also wants to kiss them so bad.
The Bar. Rohan is a guy in my playthrough. I chose not to be touch-averse (in fact, Crux would be on the opposite side of that scale; he's the sort to get very physical very fast)
Tacky, but I'm into it, should be tattooed on his forearm tbh in mine too. Was all over Rohan from second one since he tends to not think things through most of the time, but after getting scolded by Nash and the Director, he was feeling downhearted. Toxic coping mechanisms ftw!
(As a side note, I love that you give us the option for casual sex to be something our operative doesn't indulge in, indulges in consistently, or indulges consistently just not with Rohan n_n Even if it doesn't come up again, it's a small piece of character lore that makes the operative feel more relatable, more mine)
Sex scene <3 Look at my Crux being bossy and Rohan being into it (I think?) Also, WET/HARD? Don't mind me stealing that for my next project ;)
The removal of IVI is *chef's kiss* The utter helplessness; we can't do anything to stop it and it's terrifying. Probably my favorite scene so far.
Once Crux could stand on his feet, the first thing he did was unholster his gun and go looking for Rohan. That Dancer#3 was so fucking dead.
He finds Joia and tries to make himself look non threatening—as non threatening as a guy carrying a gun, with blood running down his torso, and half high on anesthetics can look—before gently persuading her to come with him.
His first interaction with Rhaxa was to yell at Leanna to shoot it and skedaddle. His second meeting with Rohan had him trying to choke him to death. So, an all around great first impression on the crew xD
Chaper 2:
Nash asks about his history with Rohan, and Crux would rather eat glass than speak about it with the person he's crushing on.
He tells Nash he's going to kill Rohan (as if) and lets them talk him out of it for now. Crux does try his best to play nice in front of Joia, not even looking at Rohan.
Crux doesn't trust Rhaxa at all, and isn't afraid to speak his mind. He's also more sarcastic than usual when discussing Leanna's plan, but I get it; the poor guy just had his friend removed from his skull and is still trying to get a smidge of control.
He decides to go with Leanna, but before that, he realizes he still wants to screw Rohan's brains out. 'It's complicated' doesn't cover even half of his feelings. I do wonder if Rohan feels the same odd pull. Maybe they just happen to have amazing sexual chemistry together.
Flirted with Leanna and found out she isn't into guys.
I love the operative's relationship with Joia. I just want to keep her safe.
Chapter 3:
Tense chat with Rohan and Nash. I really liked this one.
I like that Leanna calls out Crux for being an ass. I'm not sure what her lingering looks mean tho.
Another tense chat with Rohan. I love that he brings up Nash and says that this could've happened to them, and the operative is like, "Do NOT talk about them." Yes, keep their name off his mouth. Love love love.
Rohan's slip of the tongue. He truly thinks Crux is an absolute dimwit, doesn't he? He keeps forgetting the guy is like a super soldier or something. Good >:)
The "It was... cruel," and the "Yeah, it was," made my heart twist. I love it so much.
Of course Crux sent a signal to the Project, and the entire scene with him pushing the barrel of his gun against Rohan's chest to make him back off kicked so much ass. The operative is so cool.
Of course he tried to kiss Rohan an instant later, and Rohan turned him down. We still have the option to tell him, "fuck you" which I'm so happy about (and his reply made me grin) Their relationship is so complex, I really can't get enough of it.
Chapter 4:
Captain Lance is an asshole xD The dick measuring contest between him and my Crux was so fun to read.
Nash saying, "How threatened are you?" was amazing.
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Aw Crux, you aren't jealous, are you?
He lied to the Director to spare Rohan.
As I commented on that ask the other day, Crux is so lucky he decided not to trust these guys. He can be so naive sometimes.
The fight in tight quarters kicks ass too. Nash and Crux are a great team.
Crux knocked MacCready out instead of killing him.
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My operative went to find the others instead of looking for IVI. And Joia's reaction when she saw him again. Ah, my heart. Also, Leanna calling Crux 'doll', is yes.
I knew trying to pry IVI from Rohan's hands would be useless, so I let him keep her for now.
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It is.
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It's a horrible feeling, isn't it?
Rohan jumped on the soldier's back, hah! Amazing.
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Crux's so cool, I genuinely love him.
General thoughs:
I've noticed itchio games tend to be more booky than interactive-fictiony, but I will comment on a few things just in case you find something I say interesting. OC these are just my thoughts, not trying to impose, or tell anyone how to write their games.
I think there's a bit too many pages before we are introduced to the first choice. Your writing is engaging tho so, personally, I don't think the lack of player input at this point is too bad. You did grab my attention and kept me reading after all.
I'm not sure why our operative doesn't just punch Rohan in the face and takes IVI back. I understand that for plot reasons he has to keep her on him, but on a story level, it doesn't make a lot of sense. I mean, the bag is right there, just punch the twink. Maybe if we had the chance to corner him or something and demand he gives us IVI back, snatching the bag and turning it over only for Rohan to be like, "You don't really think I would be walking around with it on me, do you? You can't be that obtuse." So now the operative knows trying to kill Rohan would result in probably never finding IVI again.
The chat with Leanna in chapter 3 would tie everything together too.
So, back when CH3 was the newest chapter, I was able to kiss Rohan. My question is, was that a bug? Did you change it on this chapter? Does he still kiss the operative in another route? The way he reacts points to Rohan wanting to jump my guy's bones, but he's still holding back, and as long as I see interest I'm going to keep pursuing him. I'm a simp like that.
I don't understand why the operative tells the director about Rohan? I thought lying to her would mean also lying about his name and appearance, just in case Lance sent her the IDs of the people on the ship, you know?
My canon route is calling the project instead of Rohan's contacts, but I did take a look at the other route. I think my favorite part is being able to discuss our families with Nash since I had already headcanoned the only family Crux has left is a drunk father he despises. I wonder if we'll have the chance of having this chat in the future if we don't contact Rohan's people?
There's a part where Rhaxa turns violent and we try to calm them down by putting a hand on their shoulder, which reminded me of that ask someone sent you wondering if they could be less responsive towards Joia. I had a hard time picturing Crux touching an angry alien—if anything, he would have scooped Joia and kept as far away from the sharp hissing creature as he could.
I think having a bit more say in the way the operative reacts to their companions would add to the story, however I recognize this is a work in progress and you can always add stuff later on, so I'm not all that worried about it.
(I also recognize I've been thoroughly spoiled by HG and how interactivefictionity it is. You might stick to a more book-like approach and there's nothing wrong with that. Different strokes for different folks)
Anyway, this game is super solid and I'm excited to see what happens next :3
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keplercryptids · 4 years
Have you read Jade City? Cause it’s my favorite series and it has left a whole in my little heart and I can’t seem to find anything as good until the third book comes out. Do you have any recs? Make it queer (preferably mlm cause my brother wants the rep) I loved Anden.
jade city has been on my to-read list foreverrrr! i hope to get to it soon but I'm drowning in books i want to read lol.
queer recs! you know i got em. most of these are SFF cuz that's what i read, and tried to focus on books with mlm rep!
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas. YA fantasy, mlm. main character is trans brujo teen who falls in love with a ghost. very sweet!
Winter's Orbit by Everina Maxwell. scifi, mlm. princes in space get arrange-married for treaty purposes. i'm about halfway done with it and am loving it so far.
The Last Sun by K.D. Edwards. fantasy, mlm, big dnd vibes. also the main relationship in the book is platonic and deep and utterly fuels me. (big trigger warnings for sexual assault, child abuse etc in this one so please look up trigger warnings if you need to!)
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. mlm, 10/10 would cry again. achilles retelling from patroclus' pov. obviously has a sad ending but if you're a Sad Boi (TM) like me, you'll love that.
The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune. fantasy lite, mlm, found family x10000. just a warm cinnamon bun of a book, really. a warm hug. a nice cup of cocoa. good shit.
The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin (and the entire Broken Earth trilogy tbh). this is my all time favorite fantasy series. dark and haunting and owns my ass, basically. queer rep although romantic relationships aren't really the focus. look up triggers for this one too probably if it's a concern!
River of Teeth by Sarah Gailey. alternate history novella, what if america had cowboys but with hippos? characters are casually queer and there's an nb/m relationship.
The Vanished Birds by Simon Jiminez. scifi space opera, gorgeously written, one main character is a mlm teen.
okay I'll stop here lol
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nako-doodles · 3 years
30 Questions Tag
tagged by @jiminslight @jihopes & @jinbestboy 🥺🥺 thank you darlings 💖✨
name/nickname: shirley
star sign: scorpio
height: 5’7
birthday: oct 26th
favorite band: as of this moment: my ankle band (and i guess epik high, bts, dreamcatcher, day6, one ok rock, shinee, wondergirls)
time: 11pm
favorite solo artist: lee hi, sohyang, suran, sunmi
song stuck in your head: ngl still hung up on jin's avengers moment. gonna be dangling there like his chokers for the rest of forever. catch me replaying his prechorus vocal run from now to the end of forever.
last movie you watched: the babies demanded that i play happy feet today for our last class before summer
free space! *dances around like a fool* love you 💖💖
last show: asobi asobase aka the funniest most chaotic anime about 3 girls trying out-do each other in games
when i created this blog: 2018 methinks but ive had tumblr on and off since....2011?
what i post: the occasional pixel art i guess?
last thing i googled: when did turkey move its capital to ankara? bc i was teaching istanbul and the bosphorus to the kids and they asked. its 1923 for those of you wondering. after the fall of the ottoman empire.
other blogs: no idea how yall do it w that multi blog nonsense
do i get asks? im a teacher. fielding asks is basically my job.
why i chose my url? been space cowboying since 2019 but bass boosted now w ptd jin
following: 323 (back again w my palindromes)
followers: ive had a couple toddlers follow me around the school does that count?
average hours of sleep: doing my darnest to get at least 8 bc im old and need the zzzs to have the stamina to follow children around all day
lucky number: 11
instruments: mad white board marker compass wielder. i guess i also know the piano and flute.
what am i wearing? white puffy sleeved embroidered croptop, black grid high-waisted lounge pants, baby pink sneakers
dream job: get paid to do absolutely nothing fuck capitalism
favorite food: all manner of warm hearty soupy things....nabe, hotpot, soup dumplings, noodles, curry, stew.....
tea or coffee: depends on what im eating tbh
nationality: *sigh* american
favorite song: according to my itunes: epik high's here comes the regrets ft. lee hi and day6's i would
last book i read: the last book i finished (and cried over) was paul kalanithi's when breath becomes air and one more read through of the phonebooth in mr. hirota's garden for the kids (yes its a picture book but its still one of the most incredible books ive ever read). i just started reading laura van den berg's i hold a wolf by the ears (so far reading very much like having a conversation with a upper middle class white suburb millennial) and frances cha's if i had your face (a woke youtube video analysis on east asian modern society). if someone has books to rec me pls hmu. im struggling.
top three fictional universes i would like to live in: a world where i dont have to wear a mask in 40 some degree weather many thanks 💖💖
tagging: @cafejoon @stargazingjin @taemaknae @mintagust @loverjimin @jung-koook @taee @taejinnies @tae-bebe & anyone who wants to ✨
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hexedmaiden · 3 years
Unofficially tagged by @kaijuscientists ❤️ How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
18, not included my original work The Mandalorian (TV) The New Legends of Monkey (TV) Kingsman (Movies) Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types Hannibal (TV),  Adam (2009) Charlie Countryman (2013) Bloodsucking Bastards (2015) Scream (Movies) Stranger Things (TV 2016) King Arthur (2004) In the Flesh (TV) Die Hard (Movies) This Is Where I Leave You (2014) Wonder Woman - All Media Types Prospect (2018) Deadwood Touched by an Angel
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
This Is The Way - DinCobb
I Left A Part Of My Heart On Tatooine - DinCobb
Cursed - Geraskier
Counting Bodies Like Sheep - DinCobb
See You Space Cowboy - DinCobb prompt/drabble collection
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I respond to every single one or at least 99% of them because I want folks to know I appreciate them even if it’s an emoji.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Perhaps In The Woods Somewhere which was for The New Legends of Monkey fandom I was in briefly. It has a sort of hopeful ending. I really don’t do angsty endings I’m soft.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I’ve not done crossovers, but most of my older fics were Hannigram Adjacent fics (Spacedogs my beloved) and now I’m doing the same with DinCobb.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not hate, but I’ve gotten unsolicited concrit. My favorite one was telling me when thermoses were invented on my Victorian werewolf fic.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I feel like most of my fics are smut tbh. I always go for sweet/soft emotional kind
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Visions, my sweet little DinCobb fic with matchmaker Grogu was recently translated to Russian and I cried lol
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, a long time ago.
What’s your all time favourite ship?
Hannigram with DinCobb becoming a close second. Because it boils down to not just the ship themselves but the fact that I have made such amazing friends because of it and that makes them special.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
So far, knock on wood, I don’t have any WIPs that I don’t think I’ll ever finish.
What are your writing strengths?
I feel like I’m good with dialogue and interactions.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I feel like I’m not great with pacing out a story, I wanna get to the bigger scenes I’m more excited to write.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I’ve definitely done it in both older and newer fics. I at least run it through different translator apps just to make sure Google didn’t mess me up.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
I swear it changes every time I answer this type of question in these type of tag games. For now I’m saying Ravenous, I don’t know why I love it so much but yeah it was fun to explore some werewolf!Cobb which is fun (more of that coming soon)
I’m tagging: anyone who wants to do this!!
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iamdangerace · 4 years
Tagged by both @justmakesuresheeatsthemouse​ and @138skulls​ to respond to written interrogatories. Cheers to you both. These do, as you said Mlle Mouse, have a slumber party feel to them. Haven’t been yet, to a slumber party, but I’m not discounting the possibility that I may yet.
1. Have you had a good day so far today? So far, it’s been frustratingly groovy.
2. What’s something you wish you could tell your younger self? I would tell me that real love (the joined at the hip, can’t keep your hands off each other, love everything and wouldn’t change a thing about each other, sex like a spiritual awakening kind of love) never lasts. Enjoy it while you’re in it. Let it go when it’s over. Stay close afterward because you still love each other. You’re just not in love with each other. And you can have that again with someone else if you have a high threshold for pain. Like, on the other hand, does last. And sex with a close friend you care about may not be magic, but it is nice, and as good--just different.
3. If you could share one song with someone for them to understand you, what would it be? Vagabond Dog by Naked Raygun from their Understand? album.
4. A song people maybe wouldn’t expect you to like but you do? Same Old Fucking Thing by Elastica. Brit Pop, I know, but I like the whole Elastica album. The songs are slightly shoegazey.  Somewhat punkish, in the rhythm, if not the melody. Annie Holland is one of my favorite bassist. Her basswork on the album is the most interesting part of the music. I own the record album and 2 copies of their songbook from 1995. One copy is in mint condition and kind of valuable. I can, or at least could at one time, play all of the songs on the album.
5. Describe your go-to pair of shoes? Like those who tagged me, I love my Doc Martens. I have two pair of originals, 8-eye and 14-eye, from when they made them in England.  They are the most comfortable and best footwear I own. But I only wear them to live music shows, indoors–about 2 or 3 times a month.
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I have a pair of grinders and some jump boots for outdoor music festivals and riding my bike. I have lots of cowboy boots for cowboying. A pair of Italian pointey-toe zip ups if I want to look like John, Paul, Ringo and George, or one of the outsiders. But what I wear almost everyday are canvas high tops. I have a lot of those too.
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6. Do you have a picture/poster in your room? What of? This is another long explanation.  I have a house, but not really a room. A number of people live with me from time to time. Where I sleep often depends on who’s here. I have one room filled with clothing racks, like in a store, that hold all my clothes, jackets, shoes, whatever. Tbh, most of the decorating has been done by other people, and if I like it, I keep it. My housemate now is an artist/shamanic-witch/grammar school teacher. She has her artwork up all over. And fetishes.
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The lower level is mine though. It’s where I work and practice. I’ve been doing a self-renovation of the space for a long time, and plan to hang things I’ve collected when I’m done. I go to Comic Con a lot and usually buy from the artists there. I have some Crow artwork I bought from James O’Barr and just a lot of comic art.
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I also recently bought many, many paintings from an artist in France who paints underground music themes. So I guess my answer is no.
7. What’s your favourite software? Audacity. The best sound mixing software money can’t buy.
8. Do you own nail polish/fave colour of nail polish? No. But my fave color is hers. Especially on her toenails.
9. Favourite herb/spice? Melange. The spice must flow.
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10. Do/can you lucid dream? I used to. I even dream walked once during a high fever. But I got into too much trouble.
11. Summer or winter? Summer. I like the water.
12. If you could relive a day of your life, would you? When? Mid 90s. Surfing near San Diego. Beach party. Sleeping on the beach and watching the sun come up.
Or, a night not too long ago. Catching a show at the Metro by a lot of great bands. Going to the after hours next door with some of the people from some of the bands. Catching a really great electronic show. Dry ice mist up to your knees. Have to wear sunglasses because of the lasers. Rubbing elbows with creatures of the night. Riding to the beach and watching the sun come up.
13. Favourite historical era? The 80s/90s. Very cool music. Beat-to-shit, torn up clothes were in. Everybody had a good time, pretty much all the time. Everything before was all back of the bus, barefoot and pregnant and die young killing yourself working for the man. Music was boring too. Maybe not some jazz, blues and blue grass, but still kind of boring. Too far back and people had very poor hygiene practices.  Right now basically sucks. The future is Blade Runner, if we’re lucky, and a dystopian post-apocalypse wasteland if we’re not.  Again, people with very poor hygiene practices. The music might be interesting though.
14. A common misunderstanding people have of you? I guess my education. Not so much Tumblr people, who don’t know shit about me, but people irl--the ones I can really fail to impress in person. I have a doctorate.
This took me a real long time. I apparently have way too much spare time. 
I tag. @artemisia-absinthium-x​ @queenofnots​ @sage9991​ @lizardcreep​ @daydreamsofanafternoonany​ @girlslikemereadsassy​ @cantgetyououttamymind​ @torn-paper-doll​ @neverwillyoufindmehere​ @suicidniv​ @makp01​ @shadowanndeath​ @marlsborohaven​ @grimoirael​ @vivaladee​ @fior-di-pelle​ @bruuubs89​ @alesitablackplanet​ @vagabundusdesdemona​ @punkinpie​ @hotelmade​ @shikauso​ @lotusgurl​ @zombienicole​ @electric-wizardress​ @kneipho​
some of whom may have fun doing this.
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ambivalent-auguries · 4 years
✩ for old gays or apocalypse twinks
Send ‘✩’ for the following:
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Adrian would never, but neither Kazuma but maybe Kazuma lol Who threatens to leave but never actually does? They are above that lol But Adrian would be the one to take a time out, I feel Who actually keeps their word and leaves? Adrian has a tendency to bury his head in the sand, but he’s getting better at that Who trashes the house? Kazuma, but not during a fight, just while trying to cook lol Do either of them get physical? Nah Adrian is a giant teddy bear and Kazuma is would never use his powers for evil  How often do they argue/disagree? Rarely, I feel  Who is the first to apologise? Both, they take it on the chin if they’re in the wrong and move on like adults
Who is on top? Mostly Adrian Who is on the bottom? Mostly Kazuma Who has the strangest desires? Probably Kazuma lol Any kinks? Marriage lol Who’s dominant in bed? They both are, Kazuma is a power bottom let’s not kid ourselves lol Is head ever in the equation? Yeah, Adrian has a worship kink lol If so, who is better at performing it? Kazuma tbh lol Ever had sex in public? Does leaving the curtains open count?? Who moans the most? Kazuma lol Adrian mostly GRUNTS Who leaves the most marks? Adrian, unintentionally lol Who screams the loudest? Uh neither? Lol they not that wild lol  Who is the more experienced of the two? I’d say they are kinda at the same level?? Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? MAKE LOVE (fuck at first tho ngl lol) Rough or soft? Soft, usually  How long do they usually last? LOOOOL The first time they do it?? 3 mins tops, they get better after that lol Is protection used? When it’s available lol Does it ever get boring? Adrian is boring lol  Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? Uh back patio lol Keeping close to home tho lol
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? YES AND GRANDCHILDREN ALL THE KIDS  If so, how many children do your muses want/have? They each have one and they’re both looking forward to grandkids lol Who is the favorite parent? Kazuma, always lol Kyo adores him and Jess is happy her dad found a prince to marry lol Who is the authoritative parent? Kazuma does more of the disciplining, because Adrian is a weak man with his kids lol Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? ADRIAN lol Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? Kazuma because Adrian would cook instead lol Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Both, what do you mean?? They are both supportive parents lol Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Both, they play good cop, bad cop lol  Who changes the diapers? Both Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Both, but Adrian would do it more because he loves his husband lol Who spends the most time with the children? Kazuma because of his job and Adrian is a busy detective, but Adrian would make sure to get in quality time in with the kids Who packs their lunch boxes? Adrian lol Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Kazuma Who cleans up after the kids? Both, they work as a team lol Who worries the most? Adrian, I feel lol Because he knows how fucked up the world is  Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Kazuma because he has words and nobody wants the kid’s first word to be ‘yeehaw’ lol
Who likes to cuddle? Both, but Adrian seeks it more  Who is the little spoon? Does it matter?? But Adrian gives all encompassing hugs and Kazuma likes that Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Kazuma lol Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?  ADRIAN lol Especially when buzzed lol How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? What is uncomfortable?? Who gives the most kisses? Adrian, thirsty bitch lol What is their favourite non-sexual activity? I think reading together or spending time with their kids Where is their favourite place to cuddle? The couch, watching TV after a long day of wrangling kids lol Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? Kazuma lol He will cup a handful of man boob any time lol How often do they get time to themselves? Not that often because the kids are around lol
Who snores? Neither, but Adrian has nightmares oop If both do, who snores the loudest? N/A Do they share a bed or sleep separately? Share a bed ofc If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Adrian’s arm falls asleep every night because he insists on holding Kazuma close to him lol Who talks in their sleep? Adrian :( What do they wear to bed? I wouldn’t be surprised if Kazuma wore a fucking kimono to bed lol But Adrian wears joggers and a t-shirt  Are either of your muses insomniacs? Nah, but Adrian and sleep don’t always get along Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? Sometimes, for Adrian  Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Depends, but I feel more often than not they don’t completely suffocate each other lol Who wakes up with bed hair? Kazuma lol  Who wakes up first? Adrian? Both? They are both early risers  Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Adrian, we don’t let Kazuma near the kitchen  What is their favourite sleeping position? Adrian on his back, Kazuma resting his head on his shoulder/chest, Adrian having an arm around Kazuma, maybe they even hold hands, who knows lol Who hogs the sheets? Adrian unintentionally cause he’s a big guy lol Do they set an alarm each night? They don’t really need to lol They’ve gotten to the point in their lives where their body mysteriously wakes them up when they’ve had enough sleep - you know, adulthood lol Can a television be found in their bedroom? Nah neither are that big into TV watching - Kazuma probably reads before bed, where Adrian looks over work cases. They have a TV mostly for the news and cartoons for Jess  Who has nightmares? Adrian  Who has ridiculous dreams? Kazuma lol I can see having an active imagination lol Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Kazuma lol But he can’t take that much because Adrian is just big by default and occupies a lot of space lol Who makes the bed? Kazuma, I feel  What time is bed time? They old men, probably 10pm is their bed time, after they’ve put Jess down and checked in on Kyo lol Any routines/rituals before bed? Praying and checking the doors are locked for Adrian, Kazuma checks things are good for the next day and makes sure to tell the kids goodnight Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Adrian, he needs a coffee before he can function lol
Who is the busiest? Adrian, but they both lead busy lives Who rakes in the highest income? Kazuma probably charges some fat fee for the honour of being taught at his dojo lol Are any of your muses unemployed? Nah, they are stable adults Who takes the most sick days? Neither, they push through lol Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Neither, I feel they are both stupidly early lol Who sucks up to their boss? Neither and Kazuma is his own boss lol What are their jobs? Kazuma is a martial arts teacher and Adrian is the captain of the homicide department uwu  Who stresses the most? Adrian, his job is stressful and at times dangerous Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? Hell yeah  Are your muses financially stable? Yeah
Who does the washing? Adrian  Who takes out the trash? Kazuma during the day, Adrian at night Who does the ironing? Kazuma while flicking through a novel lol Who does the cooking? Adrian Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? KAZUMA  Who is messier? Adrian lol Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Adrian lol Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Adrian  Who forgets to flush the toilet? Adrian is not THAT messy lol Who is the prankster around the house? Kazuma teases lol Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? Kazuma  Who mows the lawn? Adrian and Kazuma enjoys watching it from the shade lol Who answers the telephone? Adrian mostly  Who does the vacuuming? Adrian, he’s used to getting glitter out of the carpet lol Who does the groceries? Both uwu  Who takes the longest to shower? They’re both pretty quick  Who spends the most time in the bathroom? Uhh neither? 
Is money a problem? Nah How many cars do they own? Adrian owns one Do they own their home or do they rent? They own Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? Suburbs basically, good neighbourhood for their kids Do they live in the city or in the country? Outskirts of city Do they enjoy their surroundings? They do What’s their song? In my mind, THIS What do they do when they’re away from each other? Work lol Where did they first meet? Kazuma’s dojo How did they first meet?  Well, let me tell you a tale of Adrian taking some classes to improve his reflexes and get some exercise in and ya know, Kazuma was the cute teacher that my cowboy was entirely too shy to approach lol Or something like that lol Who spends the most money when out shopping? Kazuma, Adrian has a poor person mentality lol Who’s more likely to flash their assets? Neither ew They show off their kids lol Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? Kazuma loool Adrian just gets worried lol Any mental issues? Adrian has PTSD and has struggled with depression Who’s terrified of bugs? Neither  Who kills the spiders around the house? Neither, they catch the spider and let it out of the house Their favourite place? Either home with the kids or the amusement park with the kids lol Who pays the bills? They both chip in Do they have any fears for their future? NO GRANDCHILDREN lol Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Adrian uwu Who uses up all of the hot water? Adrian lol he likes his showers hot  Who’s the tallest? Adrian  Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? Adrian lol Who wanders around in their underwear? Adrian and Kazuma just enjoys it lol Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Adrian lol What do they tease each other about? Adrian teases Kazuma about the dirty novels, Kazuma teases Adrian about his stern face and the princess outfit lol Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Neither, they are fucking oblivious lol Do they have mutual friends? Their kids uwu lol Who crushed first? Adrian, let’s be real lol Any alcohol or substance related problems? Adrian struggled a bit but he’s good Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Adrian after a night out with his team lol Who swears the most? Adrian, but doesn’t make a habit out of it 
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aja154ever · 6 years
GRANRODEO LIVE 2018 e-ZUKA Tokamachi Gaisen Rodeo Gottaku - 05/20/2018
Just a quick very personal write-up about this Sunday’s live because I’ve been sent to paradise again. I need to let my feelings out.
Set List
Pierrot Dancin’
Can Do
move on! イバラミチ
Urban Sweet
Snow Pallet
少年の果て (Acoustic)
Deadly Drive
modern strange cowboy
delight song
Infinite Love (Acoustic)
The Other self
Go For It!
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And ofc special tag @ikiyou Congratulations on overcoming the culture shock of a GRANRODEO live! How about the muscle pain the day after? 😂😂
So first of all, wow. I really went all the way to Niigata prefecture this time, which took like two and a half hours by bullet train + local train + walking, just to see GRANRODEO live. Is this the start of my “I’ll follow you wherever you go, Kiiyan” love story? (But hey, Niigata is actually e-zuka-san’s home lol)
It was my first time going out of Kanto region, and thus my first time to ride a bullet train. Luckily, ikiyou was able to go with me yayyy though we both were clueless most of the time during the whole trip lol.
When we got off at Tokamachi station, we were like, “Oh.” We were literally sent in the middle of the mountains and the rice fields, “Where the hell are we?” It was nevertheless very refreshing and calming to see Mother Nature for a long time.
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Tokamachi is supposedly the nearest station to the concert venue but it was still more than a kilometer away so we had to walk our way there. Because of the tight schedule, unfortunately we didn’t actually have the time to go around the town for sight-seeing or smth. So the walk from the station turned out to be our only chance to see the place. It was kind of shocking as the place looks very rural, far, far from the metropolitan that Tokyo is. There was not a single convenience store in the area (which is really weird because hey we’re in Japan) and for some reason we do not know, almost all the stores were closed. Aside from fellow Rodeo girls/boys heading to the venue, there were almost no people walking on the streets. But anyway, speaking of the streets, oh my gosh. They were playing GRANRODEO music on the town streets’ speakers. 😭😭😭
It was a wonder that a concert venue actually exists in that rural place. When we arrived at the venue, finally we got food yey. They were selling some GRANRODEO-themed food like the curry which recipe is made by e-zuka-san’s mom, crepe, and even bottled water.
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So we went inside and apparently the venue was smaller than I expected so our seats which are on the far right in the 7th row turned out to be closer to the stage than I imagined.
I’ve heard most of the songs in previous live concerts, so I’m not gonna talk about each song here.
SEED BLASTER - I am still wondering why they chose this song as the entrance for the two days. I’m not complaining but I was just not expecting it. 😊
Y.W.F - e-zuka-san made us dance the YMCA steps. Takita-san and Shin-kun also joined.
マジカルストーリー - This is magical. Kiiyan was so cute the whole time I don’t even know why
Urban Sweet - Just wanna say that I always like Kiiyan’s vocals for this song
Snow Pallet - OH MY GOSH. My inner self was crying. This is one of my favorite GR songs and finally, I heard it live! And we got to dance the cute steps with them. Gosh. I didn’t really expect this dream to come true this night. Me looking at Kiiyan’s big smile and biceps as I dance along with him while listening to him singing it. “Back-up dancers” in cow kigurumi costumes came out on stage to dance with us.
HAPPY LIFE, delight song - They are indeed happy songs. Also my first time hearing them live and they do sound better live!
少年の果て - Acoustic. Tbh I’m not a fan of this song but hey, it’s acoustic. Kiiyan was definitely shimmering akin to the flicker in my eyes as I looked at the source of the most beautiful sound in the world.
Deadly Drive - Oh my oh my oh my. It’s right there. My life. Bungou Stray dogs and GRANRODEO. I’ve been blessed.
NO PLACE LIKE A STAGE, カナリヤ, modern strange cowboy - Classic favorites for live performances. Always. Also, the main cause of post-live muscle pain 😂
Infinite Love - Acoustic played and sang by e-zuka-san as requested from his birthday last February. I really like this song in acoustic but I doubt if I’d ever have the chance to hear Kiiyan sing this live, so it’s actually remarkable that I heard it instead from e-zuka-san. And wow, it was definitely good! He was shining huhuhu and he even hit the high notes yeyy
Go For It! - IGPX will always be fun. Takita-san called out the Rodeo girls, Shin-kun the Rodeo boys, Kiiyan the swimsuit girls, and e-zuka-san playing around with Tokamachi locals and people not from Tokamachi which occurred for God knows how many times. And finally, IGPX 10 times with everyone!
Other notes:
Is it just me but Kiiyan’s biceps look bigger this time?? Or maybe I just missed them wait what are you saying I was not staring that much okay don’t judge me asdfghjkl but we can talk about it all day Anyway Kiiyan appeared in a hot red coat the first time aaaaahhhhh but ofc he had to take them off after two songs because he’s it’s hot
e-zuka-san talked a lot during the MC parts. I mean, A LOT. I didn’t understand most of them because he was speaking so fast (in Japanese ofc) and at times he even forgot what was he mainly talking about since new topics continued to branch out. One of the main talks was him talking about people he knew who came from Tokamachi who also got successful in music. It got too long he even suggested for Kiiyan to go take a rest backstage for a while lol
In the morning, Kiiyan and e-zuka-san walked around the town. Kiiyan found the place to be really beautiful (as seen in the photos he uploaded on Twitter). The first time he went to Niigata was last winter for Odorodeo, so back then it seemed like everything was pretty much covered in snow. Moreover, yesterday was raining and so it was only today that the weather turned out to be the best. He was like, “Ah so there are also other colors here aside from white.”
Meanwhile, Shin-kun and Takita-san shared that they really liked the food in Tokamachi like the soba, e-zuka-san’s mom’s curry, and the fresh vegetables.
In one of the songs (om I don't remember which), e-zuka-san went around the audience area on the first floor, from left all the way to the back then to the right 😭😭😭
Kiiyan gave us a special bonus when he walked all the way on both sides of the extended stage during Go For It!. On our side, he stopped in front of the farthest right seat on the sixth row so he was almost in front of us. I couldn’t handle it, I slapped ikiyou’s back a bit too strong and maybe I was squealing way too much. 😂 I really hope he saw us because hey it’s easy to spot foreigners in the crowd. Anyway two other blessed girls got to high-five him OMGeeeeeeeeeeeee
While Kiiyan always does the last jump at the end of every live, he made e-zuka-san jump this time. Our ojisan was so cute! He was definitely the star in this live!
Photos/Posts from Official Accounts:
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Oh my, I missed writing fan reports here! I did go to other events but I haven’t been feeling of writing them on tumblr. But this event is totally special being my first live outside Kanto, and also as GRANRODEO’s first full live this year. I definitely missed this feeling!! (Oh yeah including the muscle pain the morning after lol) Furthermore, venues with seats really provide a good space for a lot of movement. I am given the freedom to move and groove as much as I want compared to all-standing venues where we all squeeze and smh hurt one another, though that kind of fun is also special in its own way. But the good elevation of seat rows really gave us a good view of the stage the whole time.
Now, what’s next? Kiiyan’s birthday celebration in Yamaguchi? I absolutely want to but I still don’t know if I can afford to go there! Argh, it pains me to think about  it. Actually, it’s kinda sad that GR doesn’t seem to have a national tour this year. Anyway, no matter what, there’s still G13 in December! Time to go to Osaka yeyyy!
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Thoughts on each Toonami show?
 Oh boy. I’m only going to focus on the series currently airing on the lineup, which I’m assuming is what you meant to begin with.
Dragon Ball Super- I’m liking it, moreso this year’s episodes than last. The Zamasu arc has been a particular highlight (Future Trunks was always my favorite DB character), and I’ve been enjoying the past couple of filler episodes, definitely more than the earlier extended movie adaptations. I waited for it to air on here since I’m so used to the dub VAs that I couldn’t imagine watching it subbed, and I don’t think I made a bad call thus far.
My Hero Academia- This is another series that’s mostly new to me. I watched the first episode a while ago, but despite enjoying it, never went further. I’m glad it’s airing here so I can give it more of a shot. I’m really liking it so far, although Bakugo can go away and my enjoyment would only rise.
FLCL- I’ve gotta be honest, the original did nothing for me, so I’m passing on the new seasons. With the mixed reception and my continued ambivalence, I don’t regret my decision.
Pop Team Epic- I tried the first episode as it aired, but I couldn’t get into its sense of humor. I’ve heard that the first episode isn’t a great representation of the series, but I haven’t been compelled to stick around. If this is representative of the non-action series Toonami wants to try, I wish they got Mr. Osomatsu instead tbh
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure- This, however, I am a fan of, and I’ve actually seen it before subbed (I haven’t read the manga past Part I, though, which side note, flows better there). Stardust Crusaders isn’t my favorite, however- Jotaru is my least favorite protagonist to date, and there’s a surprisingly high amount of disposable episodes here. I much prefer DiU, and I’m excited to watch it again in a couple of weeks. I will probably also watch Golden Wind as it’s released this fall.
Hunter X Hunter- Another one I’ve seen before subbed. I really admire Togashi- YYH is my favorite classic Toonami anime- and I think this is a strong follow-up series. Although my heart belongs to the previous adaptation of it, which was cut short and didn’t get to adapt the last few arcs this series got to. I feel that one had better pacing and a fresher style to keep it unique to this take and the manga, however. I’m recommend trying any out.
Black Clover- Nah. I tried the first couple of episodes, but I hated Astra, and left it for dead. If you’re a fan, then that’s cool, but it’s not enough for me.
Naruto Shippuden- This is another pass for me. I’ve never been able to get into Naruto. I find him only slightly less annoying than Astra, and Sasuke only slightly less insufferable than Bakugo. Plus, they’re way behind!
Space Dandy- I watched the series as it first aired, and enjoyed it. Some episodes more than others. I don’t really feel the need to catch repeats of it, though.
Cowboy Bebop- One of the best anime series ever made, with an insanely high rewatchability factor. If you haven’t seen the series, I can’t recommend it enough.
Lupin the Third- I liked this take, but it’s not my favorite take on Lupin. I’m currently watching the newest series, which I’m enjoying more. It’s doing storyarcs better, and gets to do more with the characters. I didn’t like the da Vinci story in Part IV, and wished for more heist of the week plots, which this one is knocking out better imo. But I think The Woman Called Fujiko Mine is a better series to introduce to Lupin newbies.
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survivorfillory · 5 years
Tribal Council #6 - Clownie
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You should take it as a sign of just how much I hate Alice Quinn as a character that I’ve decided to break the 4-4 tie for the tribe name in favor of a literal demon...
Welcome, Clownie Tribe, to your first merged tribal!
You were all asked questions, but I had zero interest in coming up with 11 game-related questions for y’all, so this is what happened instead!!!
Colin - If you could change Ten (10) Seasons of Survivor to make it so your favorite from the season wins, but in exchange, Cirie Fields was never on Survivor, would you do it?
I dont even think I've watched 10 seasons of survivor tbh and I love Cirie so uh I'm gonna say no???
Dani - What song does the viewing lounge need to know about RIGHT THE FUCK NOW?
Dean - Which Harry Potter character got the worst translation from book to movie?
that would easily be Ginny "waste of space" Weasley. Who literally was reduced to Harry's love interest - even Katie Bell was more interesting than Ginny... where was all the character development? The building of a strong, independent character in her own right? No, let's take everything meanigful about Ginny and make here this boring character who is only concered about Harry and what Harry thinks of her.
Dennis - What’s your most embarrassing childhood memory?
I had an older cousin who I overheard say she was going to be a porn star one day. I had no idea what that was (9yrs old). One day we went to the mall with her parents and a kiosk was selling license plate holders. One said "#1 porn star". I very loudly said "look Angie! #1 porn star!! For you!!" The look on her parents face....
Jacob - You’re at a karaoke night and you have to sing a song. What’s your go-to track?
recently i would go for space cowboy by kacey musgraves too but supercut and dancing queen is my long term brand
Jess - Congrats on immunity! Assign a Buffy the Vampire Slayer character to each tribe member, but don’t give any reasons why you chose them.
Colin- Spike
Dani- Buffy
Dean- Angel
Dennis- Xander
Jacob- Rupert
Jess- Faith
Kage- Riley
Lily- Dawn
Maynor- Oz
Nicole- Cordielia
Kage - How old were you when you found out Santa wasn’t real? What was the last straw in your belief?
No answer...
Lily - What Disney movie makes you cry the most?
Ah Sweet, Drewie. This is the best tribal question you have asked me all season. Tbh I don’t cry at movies often in general...but I bawled on my 2nd viewing of Up. I don’t want to get into the details but damn. I was real sad. Not sure if I can watch it again.
Maynor - What obscure Pokemon should be the star of their next animated movie, and what would the story be?
i want to see a movie on Delibird. Have a female shiny amd a normal living in the snowy mountains. Where they are going to have to save xmas because a gengar and an alakasam stole the ice heart from their village. And alakasam n gengar live in a cave up the mountain. So they have to travel up and face some of their hencemen (gastly haunter abra kadabra onix hypno drowzee) while the final battle gengar takes down shiny female delibird and she falls into a cave hole not to be seen ever again. Then normal gets emotional and defeats gengar and alakasam. Looks for shiny deli and cant find her. Goes back to return the heart. Articuno comes in thanking deli and reveals that the shiny deli fell on articuno where it was sleeping.
Nicole - What’s your biggest unpopular food opinion?
bitch I love Brussels sprouts idc what anyone says
Stevie - What is the best Emma Stone movie, and why did you pick Easy A?
The best Emma Stone movie is in fact Easy A. First of all, who doesn’t love a good coming of age movie? Especially one shadowing The Scarlet Letter that most people probably had to read in high school. The cast was just great. Penn Badgley? Amanda Bynes pre total meltdown? Aly Michalka? Stanley Tucci? Lisa Kudrow?! ICONIC CAST. And we can’t forget Patricia Clarkson, the reformed slutty mom who brought her husband back to the Hetero life from his stint as a gay man because she is THAT bitch. Their family dynamic was fun to watch in every scene and I needed more of it. “Spell it with your peas!” So she didn’t say “Twat” in front of her little brother is one of my favorite moments. And shortly following the black brother talking about him being adopted and their dad saying “Who told you?!” Is still one of my favorite lines because they are a white family and it’s obvious that they did not have a black baby naturally. Every scene with the family is just filled with jokes and I love it all.
Next we need to talk about Amanda Bynes. The Jesus freak purity cult leader who clearly just needs to get laid. She goes from 0-100 REAL QUICK and down to -100 in a blink of an eye and I feel she did it so well because that’s her in real life. Having a boyfriend that was sleeping with the guidance counselor, who was 22 or something and still in high school, and got chlamydia whilst being in the Jesus purity group was just wild. Honestly thinking in depth about it, this whole movie was just wild. Amanda Bynes’ character was the antagonist that you love to hate and she definitely made the movie.
Seeing Aly Michalka in action again was truly a blessing. The nostalgia of seeing her alone from her Phil of the Future days was enough for me to love her character throughout no matter how much of a stupid bitch she was in the movie when she turned on Olive. Speaking of this, we need to talk about the root of that happening. When Olive gets a card from her grandmother in the mail and it sings “Pocketful of Sunshine” by Natasha Beddingfield. ICONIC SONG. And Emma Stone opens the card and says “ugh I hate this song.” Then proceeds to spend the entire weekend jamming out to the song (FROM THE CARD, NOT DOWNLOADING OR STREAMING) until she wears out the card and it dies. Then she lies and says she visited her older brother at college and lost her V card to a guy at his college. Which I think might be community college? I don’t remember fully. What later on in the movie SENT ME was when her phone rings and her ringtone is Pocketful of Sunshine. I was DEAD.
Most importantly Woodchuck Todd was my favorite storyline. He didn’t believe the sluttiness of Olive because of what she did for him from spin the bottle in 7th grade. I shipped them the whole movie and loved how cheesy all of it was. The most exciting part was the musical number of knock on wood at the end during the basketball game. Stellar performance, so extra, and Emma Stone killed it. So yeah these are all the main reasons why I love this movie and I could easily talk about every single thing that happened and dawn over how much I love it all but I will keep it to these fave scenes.
La La Land was a great movie but this was just so entertaining and funny and a great story. And honestly all of it was a bit ridiculous but not too ridiculous that it went to far. It was the right level. Another honorable mention would be Crazy, Stupid Love because that was also a stellar cast, really funny, and overall just great. Had a great reveal in the end. Easy A was just one of the most memorable movies I’ve seen and I love it equally as much, if not more, every time I see it. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
If anyone has a power and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so!
Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.
I’ll read the votes.
First vote: Stevie
Second vote: Kage (self-vote)
Votes 3-11, and the sixth person voted out of Survivor Fillory and Further,
Kage, I’m sorry, and I hope you’re doing and continue to do better, but the tribe has spoken.
0 notes
ckcz · 8 years
100 questions ask game
I was tagged by @mysmoldarkfictionalsons <33 I tag @surelance @spacemcclain @k3ithkogane @bobaphichit and @angst-in-space and all my mutuals/followers :D!! You don’t have to do it but seems like a nice way to know ny’all better :’) 
1: When you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? more cereal!
2: Do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? what is a wintery day all I feel is humidity and tears
3: What random objects do you use to bookmark your books? random receipts 
4: How do you take your coffee/tea? Coffee- cold!!! with a like 2 spoons of cream and a LOOT O sugar 
5: Are you self-conscious of your smile?
My laugh mostly but I guess they’re similar?
6: Do you keep plants?
Yess my home balcony has many 
7: Do you name your plants? No??
8: What artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? Drawing drawing painting but not digitally? like sometimes I just take a watercolor paper and attack it with a paintbrush to vent
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? I can’t hum! idk why so I singgg
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? stomachh
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? A beach potato flew around my room and a skeleton wants to bone me
12: what’s your favorite planet? ....earth...??? But I guess the next would be Saturn <3
13: what’s something that made you smile today? This little boy bumped into me and I went ‘ouch’ and he did this little gasp and held my hand I wanted to steal him
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? I have a feeling it would be really warm and fuzzy and a cupboard full of ready made soup powder cause I love soupp
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! If a baby was to be born in space, it would probably be born all deformed 
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? ??? I’m uncultured
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? red and brown highlights just tbh but If I was allowed to be crazy, dark purple <3
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. well I apparently spray painted ‘sex’ in neon orange in the school bathroom in my old school and I once did this complicated dab dance in front of the class nobody lets me forget it 
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? Oh yes I have a lovely black faux leather book and I just write random things that happened in the day or fanart ideas!! surprising amount of matt holt doodles
20: what’s your favorite eye color? Light brown or grey ugh I could melt 
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. I don’t really have one?? but I do have this samsung laptop bag that has literally been with my like everywhere
22: are you a morning person? YES i love four am
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? drink cold coffee, lie on the bed and send stupid selfies to my friends
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? yes <3
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
In my old school there would be the fourth floor where people aren’t allowed to go and I was just curious okay and I looked inside and a shitload of mirrors??? i have no idea
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? this weird ass pink sandals that say new york city on them
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? strawberry I guess?
28: sunrise or sunset? SUNRISE <3
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? This one girl randomly uses her pointer finger to just *flipflopflipflopflipflop* the tip of her nose and then she like blinks twice its so fucking cute okay
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? No 
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. they succ. no? NO!?? yes. socks are weird even the word is weird I dislike them
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. not much to say sadly but this one time on a sleepover we got bored staying awake so we went to the neighbouring 24/7 store and got icecreams and then fell sick it was nice
33: what’s your fave pastry? I guess a.. brownie? I’m not that into baked stuff?
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? didn’t have many wasn’t attached to them...
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? yeS YES YES
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? I think? U2 for some reason
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? clean... :( but im weak
38: tell us about your pet peeves! people not closing the door
people stopping your music to talk to you
people putting a babY ON THE PHONE TO TALK TO ME
39: what color do you wear the most? greyyyy i love wearing grey
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? i have this one pretty crystal pendant that i bought on a roadtrip i love it 
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? simon vs the homo sapiens agenda
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! the starbucks at the mall? Its ceiling is covered in pipes and stuff for the electricity or heat or whatever but it has really comfy couches i love it
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? My dog.. but a person? I guess this girl in my apartment who I sometimes just roam around with
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? last summer
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? No not really I seem to think about consequences a lot more lately but if I’m feeling it, yES
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. what’s up? - The ceiling.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? tomatoes. die
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? leaving for college. No
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? idk i dont
50: what’s an odd thing you collect? bookmaRKS i have like 200 of them
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? never come back again by austin
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? cowboy hat!
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? I don’t really care too much?
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? my mom
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? yell ‘kavya is a bich’ into the school on the third floor 
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? when it’s people i LIKE? them
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? that song was my childhood so I love thhsdkjhsjkd just sang along
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? I’m wine mom! S is vodka aunt bc it just fitss
59: what’s your favorite myth? apollo and hyacinthus
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? I guess? I like phenomenal women 
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? I gave a potato and received a small mirror that said -u r bootiful- on the back
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? nahh
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? my bookshelves are BEAUTIFUL ilovethem and I just have my music playlists so??
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? pastel blueee
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? yes
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? white flowers <3
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? aweSOME i have a special playlist for days like that
68: what’s winter like where you live? its rainy
69: what are your favorite board games? TERRA MYSTICAAAA and jenga
70: have you ever used a ouija board? nahh
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? I don’t really drink tea?
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? YES OMG
73: what are some of your worst habits? my hands always get too excited so I fiddle a lot and tend to tear the edges of pages
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. the most reflective pretty eyes I’ve seen. has the best heart in the whole word. literally the embodiment of good and pure
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? writing an exam tbh it doesn’t count though
77: pink or yellow lemonade? pink I had it once I liked it a lot
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? *walks away* don’t include me in your shenanigans
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? So I was about to leave my old school right? last day was over, finals were done, and the reality that I would lose all of them was just settling in. so I think my mom noticed I was depressed and she called up ALL of my friends in my group of pals and they came over even though they live all so far away and I was editing percy in a video and they just hugged me from behind I laughed and yelled i miss them
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? everything is purple I have purple wardrobes and walls and doors and yes. I did choose this color? Because I wanted blue but I also wanted pink at that age so I mixed them in and decided on purple!
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. water at zero gravity
82: are/were you good in school? Yesss
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? I love michl’s art? And Eden’s 
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? Maybe two! Idk I’m just a young potato I’ll see to it later
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? I guess! I love asterix&obelix and tintin and I love omg check please and sharp zero 
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
I listen to some of my dad’s so pink floyd’s I guess
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? The lion king movies and Fantastic Mr. Fox
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? Im too asleep for this 
89: are you close to your parents? yeah
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. I LOVE KUALA LUMPUR its’adjabjkabkjadsbjaksd
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? NO WHERE i’m going to get a 10 cgpa and kick school in its ass
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? CHEESEEEEEEEE
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? two pony tails!
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? this old friend of mine
95: what are your plans for this weekend? study for finals 
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? pretty quickly
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? INJP, capricorn and I’m a slytherin!
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? last summer with my family and yeah
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. any Eden song tbh I just scream and now that Jo reminded me I’m crying to little wonders 
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? five years into the future I’m just too scared to go through everything that happens in the next five
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seeing-thesun · 8 years
All even #❣️😘
Thanks girl!! 💕
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Super shy until I get to know someone and then I tend to be a little more outgoing 
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I try! I can be really needy tho lol
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
All kinds! 
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My mom, earlier today
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
How Far I'll Go- alessia caraBurning love- Elvis Wild horses- birdy (Sam feldt remix)Church on Sunday- grace That's what I like- Bruno mars 
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
probably idk 
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
no, not for a few years now 
20. Do you like your neighbors?
yeah, most of them. 
22. Where would you like to travel?
Greece 😍😍😍
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
makeup every morning 
26. What do you do when you wake up?
snooze all 20 of my alarms lol
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
bff Amelia 
30. Do you ever want to get married?
yes! I've wanted to get married since I was five 
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Rihanna and nick offerman
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
I played soccer as a kid, but quit when I got to high school 
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Yeah, I've had a few crushes that I didn't talk about lol 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
A bit taller than me but not too tall, cute, sweet, fun to be around, caring, spontaneous
40. What do you want to do after high school?
well I'm out of high school, doing hair for a living, so that I guess 
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
it could be anything tbh lol
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
bottom of the ocean! 
46. What are you paranoid about?
Being annoying or being a shitty person or people getting tired of me. I literally need constant reassurance lol
48. Have you ever been drunk?
yeah lol
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
maroon and white 
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
be less needy lol I'm such a baby
54. Favourite store?
old navy! Or target 
56. Favourite colour?
58. Last thing you ate?
mashed potatoes 
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
62. Been arrested? For what?
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
I was a freshman in high school and he was my first boyfriend lol
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
my two tumblr friends are my real friends lol 
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
I like both, but it depends on my mood 
70. Names of your bestfriends? 
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
one, but there's like 6 on my bed 
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
I saved one or two from when I was a kid 
76. What colour is your underwear?
black and lacy 
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Smores 😍
80. What colour pants?
82. Favourite movie?
it's a wonderful life 
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
mean girls!!
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
88. Last person you talked to today?
90. Name a person you love?
92. In a fight with someone?
Nope! Annoyed but not fighting 
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
like 4 but I think only one is actually mine 
96. Favourite actress?
Emma stone 
98. Do you tan a lot?
lol noooo I'm way too pale. I just burn and I'm back to being pale 
100. How are you feeling?
tired and stressed bad no more than usual 
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
yeah, a few things 
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
I seriously doubt it lol 
108. What should you be doing?
taking off my makeup and going to bed 
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
I don't think so 
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
lol Amelia when we went to see that dog movie 
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
yeah, a bunch of times! 
116. Are you listening to music right now?
no, watching my 600 lb life 
118. Do you like Chinese food?
yes, but I'm super picky, so I only eat certain things from certain places lol
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
yeah! I sleep with a nightlight 😂
122. Is cheating ever okay?
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Sort of! 
126. Are you currently bored?
128. Would you change your name?
my last name for sure bc it reminds me of cowboys lol but I like my first name 
130. Do you like subway?
yeah!! Love it 
134. Can you count to one million?
if I tried yeah, but I don't have time for that 
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
curly on myself or curled but I look 12 with straight hair 
140. Summer or Winter?
both! Summer for activities but winter for the temperature 
142. Favourite month?
September and October 
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
milk usually 
146. Was today a good day?
yeah, my family got some bad news, but other than that it was good 
148. What’s your favourite quote?
I don't really have one 
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first lineThere's no books in this room lol
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ryleejaybyrd · 8 years
Jesus christ Taylor XD Nobody cares but here I go!!!!!!!
lol like how I tried to play it off cool but I’m actually super stoked rn
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
Yes and no... for like the first day of winter when it’s all pretty and pristine but when it get’s to the point of ‘fuck me do i still have toes?’ I’m over it.
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
I like my coffee with french vanilla creamer and lovingly call it my princess froofroo bullshit drink. On the tea side of things I like herbal without anything added becuase I feel like a fairy drinking flower water.
6: do you keep plants? 
I love thinking I could, but the only plant I haven’t killed is the one that I keep in my papa’s sunroom where I’m never anywhere near it because everything I touch dies screaming.
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
Is internal screaming a viable medium? I like to think I can write, but that’s still under investigation
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
I’m all over the place, you can usual tell by my hair tho. Seeing as it sticks straight up on whichever side I sleep on.
12: what's your favorite planet?
Jupiter!! It has all those awesome moons that are v cool.
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?Hmmmmm, it’d probably be a homey mess of books, fandom knicknacks and random coffee mugs with random socks laying everywhere. (there may or may not be a smiley face painted on the wall that is outlined with bullets.. crazy night..)
16: what's your favorite pasta dish?
I’m very uncultured so spaghetti is how imma roll
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
oh god, you mean every other moment I’m in their presence? My shining moment would probably be when I had a minor stroke after getting v excited about making cinnamon pancakes for @klskipper13​ and I stuttered so bad I said “ Cinininamonon pancancancakes” 
20: what's your favorite eye color?
Probably green! 
22: are you a morning person?
HAHAHAHA. that’s cute
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
Honestly I’m a pretty open person? I’ll tell anyone anything, especially if I think it’ll make them laugh.
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
YOU MEAN THE ONES THAT JUST BROKE AND I’M STILL GRIEVING OVER. They’re brown combat boots that go to just under my knee with laces all the way up. I lovingly named them my Katniss boots, may they rest in peace.
28: sunrise or sunset?
I like the idea of sunrise. There’s just something about beginnings that make me all poetic and shit
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
Yup, 100% when my friend and I got busted after drinking at her mormon grandmothers house. In retrospect, probably should have done it elsewhere.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
At my 13th bday party my friends and I were staying at a house on a golf course and we streaked nude up and down the 18th hole. Till this day I wonder if they had surveillance cameras.
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
It was a doe deer beanie baby named Whisper. She was that stuffed animal that went everywhere with me. At age 12 I lost her somewhere at my cousins house and am still sad about it till this day. She had one eye and a pink nail polish stain on her chest. Bonus story: my oldest friend @haleygalik​ had that same beanie baby and gave it to me since I was so upset about losing mine. I still have Whisper 2.0 till this day
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now?Right now? Uuhh, I’m not sure tbh. I’m kinda feeling serene so something celticy. I’m also uncultured in music.
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
Dogs that beg when you try to eat. My dad passed that down to me. I will literally stare a dog straight in the eye and eat slowly. Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs more then humans, but that bothers me. I also get very twitchy when a computer desktop is just full of icons (yes I’m talking about you Tay.)
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you?
I have this wedding band set that I found when my great grandma jay passed away. I think it was her wedding rings, but I never knew for sure. I wish I knew their story more then anything.
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
There’s a shop that’s in our town called grump monkey. Its small and kinda modern themed but still comfy.
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?Hmmm, probably when I was swimming in the ocean last November. The ocean is my home.
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
The fact that Barbara Dunkelman from Rooster Teeth is so bad at puns she gave herself the title Barbara Punkelman....
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
Being abducted by one of the aliens from Signs. Well duh.
50: what's an odd thing you collect?
Tbh I don’t collect anything really... but I do have a thing about small intricate boxes and bottles. I don’t usually keep them long tho. I move a lot.
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
The only one I’ve noticed is the thing with the cowboy hat. I’m not the most observant
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
I just saw a friend of my mom’s who’s brother passed away, that was rough.
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
It is so great when people talk with their hands more and more as they get excited. The best story tellers look like they’re being pulled around by a drunk marionette person.
58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
@brigadepuppy​ is probably the wine mom, and @klskipper13​ is the vodka aunt who doesnt really drink but has a bottle thats filled with water so people wont nag her to drink with them.
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
Robert Frost is my main bitch. His path diverging in a yellow wood will always be my fave. tho in english class we once read this poem about a lady who kept one of her lovers locked away in a hidden room and continued to sleep by the body even after the person died... to this day i cant find it anywhere. had something to do with roses. creepy as fuck but great.
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
Orange is the bomb!
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
a black satin canvas speckled with the iridescence of millions of different cosmic lights
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
Oh! I really like colorful leaves and vines instead of flowers.
68: what's winter like where you live?
A mythic bitch. #upperleft
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
Fuck to the no. I like not being haunted thank you. Tho, I am 100% convinced a ghost named Tina haunts me. I’ve had flickering lights, random bangs, and things falling off shelfs happen every once in awhile. I’m surprisingly calm about it mostly.
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it?
Absolutely. Helps keep my mind clear too. If i write it down it’s not swirling around in my brain and distracting me. Once its tangible its easy to toss aside.
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
I have only two friends
Friend 1: My lil Asian
Friend 2: Lil Bitch
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't?
Oh for sure. I should be buying a ticket from Florida to New York, researching my trip to New Zealand, and double checking my bills are payed. HAHA NEXT QUESTION
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
I’m a fanclub! I have a lot of love for people I’ve never met
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
White, sadly. I didn’t, like I said. I move a lot.
82: are/were you good in school?
100% was a fly on the wall. Put in minimum effort and left with a 3.5 GPA cuz our school system is a joke.
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
Yas!~ I want to do my Harry Potter house with my friends and something to do with space/the ocean or mythical creatures
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
Uh sure, I totally know what those are and they’re great...
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
The lil animatic videos people are doing for musicals! I love them so much!!! For example @galactibun​ and @raythrill​ do some really neat ones! (or at least I’m pretty sure they do??? I always see them blogging that style anyway)
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.
Austin! Mainly because Rooster Teeth, but also it was such a vibrant place! I would like to live their someday.
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
All the cheese. It’s cheese with a side of pasta. I love cheese.
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
My Aunt Kelly!
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? 100%  procrastinator. They take forever.
98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
Way to long... uh probably last summer with a friends dog! Of course! Being outside is always cathartic
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
I’d go into the past! I’d miss so much if I were to skip ahead that I’d feel anxious I think. 
Here you all go, XD thanks Tay, I appreciate you booboo
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chamaree · 7 years
It’s no longer TMI Thursday but I’m bored at work...
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?
“I thought you lived in Brazil?”
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
Absolutely nothing
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?
Nope! Unless it’s something crazy like heroin or opioids
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?
Nope, 6 letters exactly.
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
7. What does your last received text say?
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
9. Where was your last kiss at?
Karaoke bar
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?
this morning
11. What do you drink in the morning?
12. Where did you sleep last night?
in my bed
13. Do you think relationships are hard?
yeah because no one likes to put in effort and the always end up being one sided. when the main person who puts in the most effort stops being the one to text, schedule hangouts, etc all of the time, the relationship slowly dies off.
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
none at all
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
sunny. rain just makes me sleepy
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
nope because my mom made it up
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
black jeans
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
probably not
20. Does anyone like you?
not that I know of
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?
no i haven’t
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?
gay? no. queer? yes
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
i can’t stand a lot of people but i’m losing any sleep over it
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
i’m currently designing one and i just need to stop being a scaredy cat and go get it done
25. In the past week have you cried?
yes because i am proud of how far one of my faves has come
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?
the last dog i saw was my own dog and she’s a shih tzu
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
out of the shower. but i don't really dry off per se, i just chill around the house in my towel until magically i’m dry.
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?
29. Do you think you’re old?
nope and i feel a lot younger than i am until i have to pay my annoying bills
30. Do you like text messaging?
yup! it’s my preferred method of talking. either texting or dming is fine.
31. What type of day are you having?
i’m having a pretty chill day
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
umm yeah. i currently have my nose pierced so i guess the answer is yes.
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
warm weather. one day i’m gonna move to california because i need sunshine and warmth to be happy.
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
not really lol
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?
relationship but flings can lead into one.
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?
37. What song are you listening to?
genesis by dua lipa
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?
always. i never apologize if i don't mean it.
39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?
yeah 40. What made you start liking the person you like now?
i don’t like anyone
41. When did you last receive a text message?
2 seconds ago
42. What is wrong with you right now?
i’m bored
43. How well do you know the last female you texted?
not that well but we’ve known of each other since 2012
44. Does anyone disgust you? lots of people do. donald trump being at the top of that list
45. Would you date someone right now if they asked? yeah
46. Are you in a good mood right now?
47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
my grandma
48. What color shirt are you wearing? black 49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear? nope 50. Anyone you’re giving up on? yeah a few people 51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?
no i don't even remember who that person is no shade. when things happen to you as a teenager you honestly think the world is gonna end and that it’s against you and then you grow up and suddenly you can’t remember who was involved or why you were even so upset.
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?
all of the time. i just hate seeing people waste their potential by not even trying.
53. Do you like rain? nope it makes me sleepy
54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks? no because i drink
55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
56. Do you like to cuddle? yeah
57. Are you shy? no 58. Do you get along with girls? very well 59. Have you dated the person you texted last? no 60. What do you carry with you at all times? my phone and wallet
61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months? yeah 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship? no 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute? it would've been cuter if my forehead wasn’t sweaty
65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?
the list is way too long
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
early to late 20s
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?
i do my nails by myself all of the time but i’m not against paying   68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?     i’m not a fan of animal print so neither
69. Do you have any stickers on your car?     i don't have a car
70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?     both
71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?     iphone
72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?     pizza hut is fucking gross
73. Do you like diet soda?     why bother?
74. What color are the walls in your room?
cream 75. Are you 16 or older?     older 76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?     no, i watched the first season in high school and A had me shook and I never watched again
77. Do you have a job?   
78. What are your initials?     C.T.M 79. Did you ever have braces?     yup in middle school/early high school. which sucks because i lost my retainer and my teeth slowly spaced back out an now i need invisalign
80. Are you from the south?
nope, i’m from boston, massachusetts but my grandma was born and raised in alabama
81. What does your last status on facebook say?  
chile idk i haven’t been on facebook in months 82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? 
nope i don’t even remember who it was  83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?     mom 84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?  
yup i’ve done both at various time of my life 85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters? 
Get Out  86. Do you smoke?     nope 87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?     depends on the event but flip flops all the way
88. Is your phone touch screen?     do they still make non touch screen phones besides landlines?
89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?     curly
90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?     no...
91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?     pool. 92. Have you ever made out in a car?     yeah 93. …Had sex in a car?     hmm 94. Are you single or in a relationship?     single
95. What were you doing last night at midnight?
   crying with the girls in my group chat over 5H finally getting the respect they deserve despite the industry working against them
96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?     last night. I live in the hood which means we don't need a special occasion for fireworks.
97. Do you like the camera on your phone?     again, are they still making phones without cameras?
98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?     lol
99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?
no i can handle my liquor   100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?
i don’t care for anyone on facebook tbh  
101. Name your favorite Kesha song:
tik tok, your love is my drug and blow 102. Do you have any tan lines right now?     yeah 103. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?
i worn this exact outfit before  
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