#the stars are projectors
autoneurotic · 1 year
you’ve got the harder part, you’ve got the kinder heart and it’s true I’ve got the easy part, I’ve got the harder heart ain’t that true? The right wing, left wing, chicken wing it’s built on finding the easier way through, well God is a woman and the woman is an animal that animal’s man and that’s you
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s-olarium · 9 months
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I think this sketchbook has mould in it so here's the only thing I drew in it and now I'm throwing it away 🙏🏽 #mouldexposure
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jesdays · 10 months
“It’s all about moderate climates, you gotta be cold and be hot for sure.”
Earth is able to sustain so much life because of its temperature. Venus is very similar to Earth, but because the atmosphere absorbs heat and does not release any of it, it’s far too hot to carry life. Most other planets are too far from the Sun and therefore too cold. Our Earth had a “moderate climate,” ideal for creation of life. So it all goes back to the creation of the Universe and life, and how it all connects.
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dreamxeyes · 1 year
My bedroom right now
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die-rosastrasse · 5 months
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he's a stargazer, an astronomer✨
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midnightectosnack · 6 months
Ecto-Implosion 2023
Happy to finally show my piece for the @ecto-implosion!
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I was playing Hades a lot when I signed up which left me itching to read a crossover between these guys, and this was the result on my end ^.^
My partner for the event was @half-deadmagicperson and she did an amazing job crafting a story with these characters! The story is up on AO3 and you can read it here: How Danny Broke His Favorite Star Projector. It's an incredible feeling to read something inspired by your art, and more so in this case since Magic put everything I asked for and much more in it! 💚
I'm so happy to have decided to join in another DP event, a big shout-out to everyone who also participated and a huge thank you to the mods for hosting!
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daydreambonsai · 2 months
you are my home
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cyareclones · 1 year
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Locks and Uru canonically have a bouch
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citronellals · 1 year
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left to a home away from home
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teaforce-steph · 1 year
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Trigun, but make it Sky: Children of the Light (I'm just doing whatever I want now)
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avedoodles · 2 months
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boiledegghole · 5 months
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new guy ive come up with
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s-olarium · 4 months
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and it's all about the moderate climates
you wanna be blessed and be cursed, for sure
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jesdays · 10 months
“God is a woman and the woman is an animal that animal’s man, and that’s you.”
You are your own God? That could be one interpretation, but from the feel of this album, and modest mouse in general, I take it more to mean that God is a part of you. That everything is one.
He doesn’t seem to believe in God as its own entity, as evidence in “Third Planet” where he critiques the idea that people will meet God when they die, like God is it’s own separate thing from existence. In and of itself, is Godly.
This is reinforced in another song, “never ending math equation” where he says “and the plants and the animals eat each other, and the plants and the animals they are one.” Meaning we all exist in the same framework of reality, we are all connected by that, part of the same whole—we are all just a piece of the same existence. No one or nothing that exists, doesn’t exist.
I don’t think he would agree that each person is “their own God” but rather everything in its entirety is God in some respects.
Not just the physical and tangible things in existence, but rather the whole phenomena of existence is God. All the things we can perceive, and all the things we can’t. Even the things beyond the understanding of our finite minds is somehow connected and relevant to us.
What I am saying sort of relates to the idea of stars being connected to our lives. Had one star in our Universe been located a million miles away from where it is, that could have completely changed the impact of how existence is as we know it right now.
We are connected to everything.
There are things that we can’t see or know about or likely even understand that are responsible for our existence, responsible for this song ever being made, and responsible for us discussing it.
Things would be different here had things been different elsewhere.
That interconnectedness is perhaps “God.”
Existence is self-sustaining in a way. Everything has some impact on existence, however minuscule or significant.
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shelovesplants · 5 months
In my smoking room, dabbing and enjoying the northern lights🌈✨️🩷💨
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aurosoulart · 4 months
suddenly realizing that it’s actually fucked up that I can just……. make a functional flashlight. that doesn’t exist. wtf
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