#the survivors of the flux
kiraoho · 11 months
Doctor Who: One Small Change to Flux
This idea has been bugging me for two years now, so now you have to see it. Imagine:
e01: Halloween Apocalypse The Doctor has a vision, we don't see what it is. Naturally, she doesn't tell Yaz anything. Since that vision she starts acting strange: says random things, starts running away, calls Yaz an Ood a couple of times. At one point she urgently, like her life depends on it, sonics at... nothing (I imagine this particular shot taking place on Dan's street). It's not a burst, it's a gradual thing throughout the episode. It ends when the Flux finally hits the TARDIS at the end of e01.
e05: The Survivors of the Flux Swarm and the Doctor have a huge discussion about morals.
Swarm: But then again, you wouldn't understand. How could you? How could you possibly comprehend the raw force of time?
The Doctor: I'm a Time Lord. Try me.
Swarm: (laughing) Time Lord... Your people, for all your talks of timeys and wimeys, are still such *linear* creatures. I wonder what it'd be like for you to truly experience time. Just... a touch...
He lightly touches the Doctor's temple. She screams in agony.
e06: The Vanquishers The Doctor is in... the TARDIS?
Yaz: Doctor! Doctor! Have you seen this? It's like the TARDIS is... leaking.
We've seen this already.
The Doctor sonics the leak fluid -- suddenly back she's on the Division station, soniccing around. No signs of Swarm. The station is falling apart.
The Doctor: What? Where is he?
She gets up and starts running sporadically, looking for an exit or a way out.
Yaz: Doctor! Where are you going? What's going on with you?
They're in Liverpool.
For a chunk of this episode (and e01) her timeline's folded on itself. She's experiencing two periods of time simultaneously.
For the rest of the episode, we see her irregular behavior in e01 make sense in e06 events. If the crew decides so, the two episodes could be timed just right in the editing so the episodes can be watched side-by-side, synchronized.
Maybe she's getting hints on what to do in e01 from the e06 events. This does require serious planning, and maybe one day I'll delve into writing it.
e06 epilogue. The Doctor and Yaz finally have a heart-to-heart. The Doctor has her hands behind her back, casually leaning back on the console.
The Doctor: I want to tell you everything.
Yaz: I'd like that.
Yaz leaves the console room to show Dan around.
The Doctor makes sure she's alone, then looks at her hands. She was right -- it's already started. Faint golden glow. She doesn't have much time.
She shakes her hands until the glow is gone. She won't tell Yaz until it's too late.
Also I feel setting this inevitable timer sets a better tone for the specials. Maybe the Doctor's initially happy to be stuck in a time loop with Yaz until she realizes what's going on.
Plus, the time itself wearing the Doctor down is an infinitely cooler cause of regeneration than the Master randomly shooting her.
Bonus: The Power of the Doctor
The Master: I'm going old school, Doctor. A tribute to our elders. Do you remember the ultimate sanction for breaking our laws?
The Master: Forced regeneration. They even did it to you once, didn't they? Well, maybe more than once, who knows? Not you.
The Doctor: You don't have the technology. The power requirements alone would be... colossal!
The Master: Oh, absolutely. Even a whole Cybermoon wouldn't cover it. Unless! The subject is on the brink of regeneration already!
The Doctor looks terrified. The Master is studying her reaction closely.
The Master: Yes. You know I'm right. I can see you doing the calculations in your head already. Don't bother. Already ahead of you.
And now the whole plot happens because the Doctor was too stubborn to regenerate. It's her own character flaws biting her in the ass! Like fiction is supposed to function!
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karotka · 2 months
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“I'm probably worried for you, if you're hearing this. And I'm sure I miss you.”
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evviejo · 1 month
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thirteen's era appreciation: 439/?
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chinzillas · 9 months
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"You never even knew her," called the Kin from the Void "She was a kid," said the Doctor. "Pure potential, like every kid everywhere" NOTHING O'CLOCK, TRIGGER WARNING - Neil Gaiman
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doctorwhogirlie · 1 month
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Doctor Who - Survivors of The Flux
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sapphichymns · 2 years
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ohmerricat · 7 months
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this is really the perfect way to build up to the resolution of the timeless child arc because this offer, this choice tecteun gives her is the ultimate test of character: is “the doctor” what remains of her forgotten past, her lost and buried memories — or are her real memories and real friends, the twelve lives she’s lived in this one and precious universe, the only identity she’s ever known? there was never a question, really. she’s tempted, of course she is. but she’s not the timeless child anymore, she’s not an agent of division. she’s the doctor, and the doctor fights for the universe they live in, not for a hypothetical future experiment at the cost of leaving everything behind. they love our universe because it’s their only home. the entire universe. all of it.
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halflifebutawesome · 2 months
debating whether or not to put Alyx in the. Thing au. Cos like on one hand it's Alyx and I fucking love her and I want to include her in everything but also. On the other hand. Famously everyone meets a terribly horrible fate in The Thing.
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Survivors of the Flux (TV: 2021)
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13thdoctorposts · 6 months
Yaz's Survivors costume is always on my mind, she wears it so well AND the costume department for Chibs era was especially great at making costumes that really felt like real clothes and didn't look/act like something only made for an episode, which is a common issue with period accurate costuming imo. But yeah that episode makes me really want Mandip in a period drama.
Ray Holman did such a great job in Survivors of the Flux not just putting Yaz in a a great period piece but a badass period piece. He made 1901 Yaz look like a complete boss when normally what we get is pretty, elegant, elaborate dresses that are completely impractical. Ray found an interesting peace to base his costume off of and Mandip wore it like a badass adventure queen, who was totally in charge.
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thirddoctor · 1 year
sometimes when I see people talk about the Chibnall era it truly feels like we watched completely different shows. I think there's genuinely stuff to praise but some of things people are seeing in there just baffle me
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rachelbethhines · 10 months
Speed-running Doctor Who - 13th Doctor and the Fugitive Doctor
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A quick and dirty guide for those who want to get into the show, but don't want to watch everything from the beginning.
For Those Who Just Wanna Get An Idea of the Era
Kerblam! - S37E7
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A good outing for the 'Fam', everyone has something to do and the plot is typical of the era. Politically aware, but perhaps not as left leaning as people would like. Features striking but understated design and has call backs to past stories with out being too continuity heavy
Plot Important Episodes
Entrances, Exits, Enemies, Lore Drops, and Character Development
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The Woman Who Fell to Earth - S37E1 (first story to feature the 13th Doctor. Introduces Gram, his grandson Ryan, and Yaz. Also features the recurring villain Tzim-Sha, who becomes Gram's nemesis after he murders his wife Grace)
The Ghost Monument - S37E2 (the Doctor goes on a quest to get her Tardis back and the Fam have their first off-Earth adventure)
Arachnids in the UK - S37E4 ( we meet Yaz's family and are introduced to Robertson, a minor reoccurring antagonist)
Demons of the Punjab - S37E6 (character development for Yaz)
It Takes You Away - S37E9 (character development for Gram and Ryan)
The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos - S37E10 (Gram plans to kill his wife's murder, Tzim-Sha)
Resolution - 2019 New Years Special (Ryan dead beat dad turns up after years of being gone, oh and the Daleks are back)
Spyfall - S38E1&E2 (meet the Dhawan Master, oh and Gallifrey is destroyed again after just getting it back 🙄)
Fugitive of the Judoon - S38E5 (The start of the Fugitive Doctor arc, the return of Captain Jack, and foreshadowing for the season finale)
Can You Hear Me? - S38E7 (character development for everyone and the return of the Eternals)
The Haunting of Villa Diodati - S38E8 (introduces the Lone Cyberman and leads directly into the season finale)
Ascension of the Cybermen/The Timeless Children - S38E9&E10 (ending of the Lone Cyberman arc and introduces the controversial Timeless Child theory into the lore)
Revolution of the Daleks - 2021 New Years Special (Jack break the Doctor out of prison, Robertson joins forces with the Daleks, and it's Ryan's last episode)
The Halloween Apocalypse - S39E1 (start of the Flux arc and we're introduced to Dan, Karvanista, Vinder, Claire, Dan's girlfriend Diane, and the show's newest villains Swarm and Azure, who want to destroy the universe)
War of the Sontarans - S39E2 (The Sontarans have used the Flux disaster to alter time and conquer Earth, we also meet Vinder's wife Bel)
Once, Upon Time - S39E3 (The 13th Doctor regains some of her missing memories and we see how the Fugitive Doctor first defeated Swarm and Azure while working for the Division)
Village of the Angels - S39E4 (we find out what happened to Claire and meet Professor Jericho, the Doctor is captured by the Division)
Survivors of the Flux - S39E5 (the Doctor finally meets the leader of the Division, Tecteun; one of the founders of Time Lord society along side Rassilon and Omega. Tecteun claims to be the Doctor's adopted parent and the inventor of reintegration but the Doctor doesn't remember them. Tecteun is then killed off before the Doctor can discover the truth, meanwhile the Sontarans are still messing with time and working to undermine UNIT in the future)
The Vanquishers - S39E6 (The end of the Flux arc, Swarm and Azure are defeated, the Sontarans are overthrown with the help of UNIT, Karvanista is the sole survivor of his people and leaves the Doctor, blaming her for his misfortune, Vinder and Bel are reunited, Jericho dies, and Claire is returned to her proper place in time, and the Doctor decides that she doesn't want to know about her past anymore)
Eve of the Daleks - 2022 New Years Special (we get are first overt confirmation that Yaz is in love with the Doctor)
Legend of the Sea Devils - 2022 Easter Special (Yaz finally confesses her feelings for the Doctor, who returns them but says she's not interested in starting another romantic relationship and they agree to remain friends)
The Power of the Doctor - The BBC's Centenary Special (sixth multidoctor story, the return of Gram, Ace, Tegan, Kate/UNIT, and Vinder, Dan and Yaz both leave the Tardis, last episode thus far for both the Dhawan Master and Fugitive Doctor, and the 13th Doctor regenerates)
Personal Favorite and Least Favorite Stories
Because one man's trash is another man's treasure and vice versa
Favorite for 13: Rosa - S37E3
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Favorite for Fugitive: Power of the Doctor - The BBC's Centenary Special
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Least Favorite for 13th: Orphan 55 - S38E3
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Least Favorite for Fugitive: Ascension of the Cybermen/The Timeless Children - S38E9&E10
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(disclaimer: no spin-offs or extended universe stuff was considered when making this list)
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evviejo · 2 months
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thirteen's face appreciation: 97/?
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doctorwhogirlie · 2 months
Doctor Who: Tigmi
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Favourite Episode: The Vanquishers
Home Planet: Unknown
Scary Factor: 0/10
My Personal Rating: Look, I'm just gonna say it, I'm not a fan of babies in any form, so I'd rather take on a Weeping Angel than even think about having a baby monitor type thing :)
(Please don't take these too seriously, it's just a bit of fun)
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ohmerricat · 7 months
ykwhat i still kind of hate the timeless child plot for the way that it ruins the master/doctor dynamic as being two sides of the same coin that grew up in identical conditions, but i’ve grown to enjoy what they’re doing with it in flux. and same with the division: it could have just been the cia (especially with the discovery that they removed their centre of operations from the boundaries of the universe. just call it the celestis you cowards. convinced ‘division’ is nothing but an alternate name) but apart from that i don’t dislike the idea that the pre hartnell doctor was a division agent who went rogue because of their moral compass. seeing them meet tecteun is really interesting to watch and in general i’ve been having a lot of fun with series 13. go figure. i also LOVE everything that yaz has been doing and the central strain on her relationship with the doctor (who clearly doesn’t trust her enough to tell her everything despite making yaz believe she’s her closest friend and confidante. who knows. maybe tecteun is right when she accuses the doctor of treating their companions as experiments)
tldr i like the flux serial sorry for awful taste
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