#the theirin family
videogame-ocs · 2 months
My DA Canon Worldstate family trees #1- The Cousland /Theirin family tree
I thought I’d share my (slightly headcanoned) family tree for my canon Worldstate, The Shattered Crown.
I plan on doing this again for my canon Hawke and inky at a later date because it was so fun making this. Anyway here’s the family tree and some explanations for some of the information:
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In my head Bryce Cousland was younger than Eleanor by a year.
Oren can’t be more that 5 years old at the start of the game hence my headcanoned birth year of 9:25.
I headcanon Fergus to be 10 years older than my Cousland.
Maric dying in 9:38 Dragon is from the Silent Grove comic series set in biowares own canon, I treat these extended universe stuff as canon to my Worldstate but with some differences (similar to how BioWare treat canon in the games). But obviously he goes missing in 9:25 and is assumed dead, it’s actually Alistair who finds him along with Isabella and Varric (it’s a great comic series).
I couldn’t fit Eamon, Isolde, Connor and Tegan on there, but given they’re not Alistair’s biological family it doesn’t matter so much on the tree as I’m mostly looking at the direct line.
Ardal Cousland isn’t stated to be Bryce’s grandfather but going from his death defending King Vanedrin Theirin in the Battle of Lothering, we can presume he’s William Cousland’s father and therefore Bryce’s grandfather.
I forgot to add the Mac Eanraig family on there, I do have a head canon that Eleanor has at least one niece from her fathers side I mean she’s got three siblings but the Cousland children only met that side of the family once or twice and never met them on the Storm Coast due to how dangerous it can be.
Why Anora doesn’t have a updated image from DA:I unlike Alistair and Morrigan- she didn’t appear in DA:I unless you make her queen. Hence the origin image. She’s not queen in my canon because my Cousland Amelia basically was like ‘look no hard feelings and it’s not your fault but you can’t be trusted on the throne after all that’s happened with your father and you willingly trapping me in a dungeon to be killed even if you apologised for it’ and put Alistair and herself on there instead. I do have a headcanon on what happened to Anora in my Worldstate that I’ll get into at a later date (it’s not bad, because I do like Anora because she a) didn’t know the whole truth for most of the game and b) she was just doing what she needed to survive as a strong minded woman and new widow in court but I find her a bit frustrating).
Updated image note: I found out how old Anora is so I updated the image. According to Eamon’s letter to Cailan found in the royal chest in the Return to Ostagar DLC, Anora is approaching her 30th year, making her 29 when this letter was sent presumably not long before Ostagar, so she has to be at least 29 at the start of the game and 30 by the time the Landsmeet happens. Anyway this age gap actually helps explain why Anora never met my Cousland, despite attending some of Eleanor’s parties, and despite her father presumably knowing Bryce as the only other Teyrn in Ferelden, as she is 11 years older than her so Amelia wasn’t old enough to attend when Anora was attending her mothers events and Loghain canonically kept Anora at home most of the time when she was growing up anyway.
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shannaraisles · 1 year
While You Were Sleeping - Chapter Three
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“I’m not engaged,” Inara insisted. “I’ve never even spoken to the man!”
“But downstairs, you said ...” Bethany’s frown went from confused to mildly censuring. “You said you were going to marry him.”
Inara’s mouth dropped open. She couldn’t deny that, she had said it. She just hadn’t expected anyone else to hear it, much less take her literally.
“Oh, nugstuffers .. I was talking to myself,” she admitted, running a hand through her hair once again.
Bethany winced in understanding.
“Well, next time you’re talking to yourself,” she suggested, “tell yourself you’re single and end the conversation.”
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vaamiel · 3 months
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Little group picture!
I think I'd like to do one of these for DA2 and DAI romances as well 🤔
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brennacedria · 8 months
Dragon Age players, especially players who marry a Cousland to Alistair:
Do you think your Warden's status strengthens or weakens Alistair's claim to the throne? I ask because of how high Cousland's status would influence much of the Landsmeet. Many of the nobles might see it as a strong family supporting the royal family... but many others, I feel, would see it as a way to seize power from that Theirin lineage.
Oh, before I forget: We are not discussing any other characters potentially weakening/"stealing" the throne for their own family here. I do not want to see comments in the notes about similar arguments with other characters even though male Couslands could easily face a similar argument as female Couslands. This is about bastard princes only.
ANYWAY, I repeat my question, because thoughts and headcanons about this are something I really am curious about:
(If you haven't played Origins, please use the "non-Cousland player" options the same way someone who primarily plays another origin would.)
All reblogs are appreciated, especially with ideas and headcanons about Alistair and the Cousland Warden. Reblogs with commentary as tags or in the body of a post are both great in this situation, I think.
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kinloch-warden · 1 year
Anyone else think Alistair and their Warden might've gotten some separation anxiety after the Blight 🥺
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libartz · 11 months
NOOO THIS CHAR HAS DIED (there was so much potential)
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I usually keep my Teagan nonsense to tiktok but I do consider this to be my magnum opus
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jacklyn-flynn · 1 year
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At Alistair's wedding, everyone in the palace eats the good stuff.
“Majesty, that’s simply too much food!” Alistair’s distressed head chef was trying desperately, for the third time, to explain how carefully he’d calculated the amount of food needed to feed everyone on the guest list. He waved the piece of parchment with each food item and serving size. Circled at the top, in large script, was the number of nobles on the guest list who were expected to attend his wedding. 
“Listen to what I’m telling you, it’s not enough food for everyone! I’m not just talking about the ones attending the wedding who have never had an empty stomach. I want to feed everyone,” he said, drawing out the last word with an emphasizing gesture. 
“And I assure you, your highness, that the staff meal will be made as it always is. We’re discussing the food for the wedding.” The poor man was starting to sweat. 
“I am too! Okay, let’s start over, Tomas.” Alistair took a deep, calming breath and gestured for the chef to do the same. Unsure, but wanting to keep his job, he took two more deep breaths with the king though he found them significantly less soothing.  
“The wedding food-the filet mignon, the roast duck, the shrimp, the salad, even the fancy Orlesian rolls-all of it will be served to everyone in the castle. The guards, the maids, the stable hands, even the poor bastards who empty the chamber pots. Everyone,” he emphasized again. The chef opened his mouth, but Alistair threw up his hand. “Uht! Nope. Listen to me. Everyone gets fresh, hot meals. Not scraps, not food that’s less seasoned or lower quality than anyone else’s. We’ll put tables and buffets in some of the meeting rooms and send carts with plates around to people who can’t leave their posts.” 
“Majesty, I don’t think you understand-” Tomas began again. 
“I do, but I don’t care. I understand exactly where they are. I understand what a hellish day it’s going to be for everyone. There’s so much work to do and so many people to look after and I’m going to look after the people looking after all those people. There are four kitchens in this Maker-damned place. I’ll hire you all the cooks, sauciers, garde manger and pastry chefs your need and then some. Everyone eats the same, Tomas. Got it?” 
Tomas’s shoulders slumped and he sighed. “Yes, your highness.” 
“I’m not kidding, Tomas. I’ll be taking my, and my future wife’s plate, from one of those carts or one of those staff rooms and you’ll never know which, when or where, so they had better be good enough to serve the king and queen. It may not be what’s proper, but it is what’s right. It’s my wedding day, dammit. I’ve been dreaming about this since I was a little girl. Make my dreams come true, Tomas.”
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vigilskeep · 1 year
my favourite thing is when my posts abt my canon worldstate breach containment out of my followers and people are like haha what a crazy worldstate who would ever choose that. or that’s such an evil worldstate. hi it’s me op i literally live here u are talking abt my house?
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konkonvt · 1 year
Sometimes I think about how Alistair really was just a child chewed up and spit out by people and a system that did not care how much it hurt him.
He was punished for existing, for being a bastard who did not chose to be born, but even more than that he was punished for being a bastard who's parentage had to be hidden. Isolde hated him because she thought he was her husband's bastard and Eamon let her treat him like shit for it.
He let Alistair be shipped off to the chantry just to keep the peace with his wife instead of standing up for the literal child in this situation. And Alistair suffered there, he was lonely, he was bored, he did not adjust well to Chantry life.
And then when he's older, but still young he's lied to and verbally abused by a woman who he's told is his sister but she does not know his mother, and yet she berates him, and Alistair just- Takes it.
The irony of course being these people aren't his family, but they all kept the fucking secret at the child's expense. No one, not a single adult with the knowledge to understand they were hurting him for knowledge he did not possess, thought it was unfair and stopped, no one protected him.
The ultimate irony of course being Fiona has been alive this whole time, has worried after her son this whole time, she could not take him with her because she was a warden and she knew what that life did to people but could not know what it would do to a child, but she would not have wanted this! Would never have let anyone treat her son like this and would have torn Marric apart if she'd known what he was going to do to their son.
And Alistair still doesn't know!
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librastrai · 2 months
rereading the stolen throne goes so well when it opens with this gut puncher
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luddlestons · 2 years
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George and Alistair are gonna figure out how to stop the Taint just so they can create a family of All Boys.
the kiddos are named Duncan (left, soft lad, very charming but sneaky because of it) and Kestrel (right, agent of chaos, he also wants a sword)
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shannaraisles · 1 year
While You Were Sleeping - Chapter Four
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“You’re Cailan Theirin’s fiancee?”
Frustrated, sleep-deprived, and desperate to escape, Inara gave up.
“Okay,” she conceded, getting a better grip on the box. 
“Teagan Guerrin,” he introduced himself. “Colleague of Cailan’s from Calenhad, Cousland, and Fink.”
She nodded as though this meant anything to her, and pushed back against the elevator door trying to close on her. 
“Okay, well, I have to go now, so -”
“He’s a great guy,” Teagan said, stalling her escape with chattiness. “He’s had a tough year. You know, with the accident and all.”
Sighing, Inara kicked the elevator door again and looked this man directly in the eye. 
Teagan looked momentarily nonplussed.
“Well, of course it was an accident,” he said, suddenly growing heated. “Did he tell you it was my fault?”
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queenofbaws · 5 months
merry christmas queenie!!!! grateful i get to spend another year as your mutual <3
quilllllll!!!! you're so, so sweet!!!! <3
i hope you have an amazing holiday yourself, and pleaseplease know, from the bottom of my heart, the feeling is (ahem) mutual ;P you da best!!!!!
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tavtiers · 8 months
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A hypothetical god tier aspect for Ferelden from Dragon Age: Breath
The Breath aspect pairs with its opposite, Blood, in the category paths, drive, and passion. It is defined by freedom. (x) It is symbolized by pneuma, wind, wings/flight, and bubbles. (x) Breath players dislike commitment and rise to ascension on the wings of fireflies. Their denizens include Zeus (God of Thunder) and Hermes (the Messenger God). (x)(x)(x)
True Canon:
"Those bound to the aspect of Breath are, above all, expansive. Flexible and driven, they leave an impact wherever they go. Like the breeze itself, they are able to sweep others up to carry along in their wake, but also like the breeze, they can be difficult to catch hold of or tie down. Although Breath-bound do make very good leaders, breath tends to be a very personal aspect. Often, heroism comes along as an offshoot of them pursuing their own personal stories. They lead by example, and will routinely be surprised that others look up to or feel inspired by them. They have a tendency to underestimate themselves, and not always out of poor self-esteem. They were just doing their own thing. At their best Breath-bound are motivated, adaptable, and forward thinking, but at their worst they can be volatile, avoidant, and gullible."
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amatres · 1 year
Another interesting thing I noticed from my warden Alistair sacrifice post that is despite me originally writing it with the friendship dialogue in mind and is referenced as such in the post, many of those engaging with it in the tags does so with a romantic lens. Not upset by that, I just find it interesting.
I still think it's interesting to keep in mind though that Alistair loves the warden deeply as a friend too, and is devastated by their death to the point he leaves Ferelden because the Grey Wardens no longer felt right without them. He, in my mind, puts them at the same level as Duncan as in they are family to him . For a man who wanted a family so bad a demon traps him with the illusion of one and his personal quest is about finding the woman he believes to be his sister, the warden as Alistair's friend is no less impactful on him, especially if they die.
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