#the thing about cherry magic is even including the movie it's only like. 7 hours long? solidly miniseries length
coquelicoq · 5 months
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lady and the tramp are to a single spaghetti noodle as office workers are to a row of data in a table print-out
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crookedbigbang · 4 years
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Artist Sign-Ups: May 22-August 7 
Artist Claims Open:  August 6 
Final Check-In: August 30 
Final Drafts Due: Sept 18 
Posting Begins: September 21
One of the unique aspects of a big bang challenge is the combination of fic and fanart. Artists are welcome to create art in any medium they choose, including but not limited to: mixes, videos, podfics, gifs, drawings, paintings, graphics, edits, comics, physical crafts. Art is impossible to quantify, but we do ask that artists put in a significant effort in recognition of the work that the writers are doing on the fics. Authors will be writing their fics all summer and will be expending significant time on the project. A good benchmark for artists is about 15-20 hours of work, including brainstorming and planning.
The final product should be a collaboration between author and artist. What that collaboration looks like is a highly individual process: if you get a clear artistic vision, run with it; but you should also feel free to ask your author any questions you have along the journey. Artists and authors should share drafts with each other as they go so that when the final products are posted, they complement each other well.
We have 5 wonderful Big Bang fics. Click the Read More for their summaries!
Fic 1: Take Me Out to the Ballgame Tentative Title: (not the title) take me out to the ballgame Pairing(s): Jon Favreau / Tommy Vietor Characters:  Jon Favreau, Tommy Vietor Ao3 Rating: E Warnings: No archive warnings apply Additional Tags: Baseball AU ; Coming Out ; Bisexual Characters ; Dating ; Alternate Universe - Different Meeting Summary: Jon and Tommy meet playing baseball in high school and start to fall for each other, then Tommy moves away. Their epic love story continues when they end up on the same Minor League baseball team. The big question is, will they end up with a World Series ring or an engagement ring? Fic 2: Spirits that I’ve Cited Tentative Title: Spirits that I've cited   Pairing(s): Tommy/Lovett; background Emily/Jon, Alyssa/Erin Characters: Tommy, Lovett, Favs, Emily, Alyssa, Erin, Dan Ao3 Rating: tentative M (for psychological horror and possible sex) Warnings: a non-consensual kiss under the influence of possession might happen, this scene is not yet written Additional Tags: paranormal investigators, slow burn, reluctant colleagues to friends to lovers, mutual pining, angst, hurt/comfort, accidental internet stars, bed-sharing, coming-out, road trips, witches getting married, demonic possession, ghosts, mythical creatures, Monster of the Week, psychological but non-graphical horror, slightly unreliable narrator, intoxication, magical mind control, themes of bodily and mental autonomy, (past) abusive relationships (not between main characters), possession induced mental health problems, worldbuilding, happy ending Summary:  It’s a cold day in November when Tommy meets Lovett and his life turns upside down. Which shouldn’t be the worst thing, looking at it objectively. 
Because, objectively, Tommy’s life already sucks. He is lonely, depressed, and Crooked Medium, the agency for paranormal investigations he co-owns with his ex-boyfriend Jared, is falling apart. Besides the shitty fact that he and Jared broke up, they constantly operate in the red, despite their best efforts. And it’s just the garbage cherry on top of the dumpster sundae that Jared and their only other core member, Jon, hate each other’s guts. Jon is Tommy's friend, but more importantly, he is Crooked Medium's exorcist par excellence, and for a former priest Tommy thought he might be better at the whole 'turn the other cheek' thing. He supposes that probably explains the 'former' part. So of course he panics when Jon unexpectedly buys out Jared’s shares in the company and offers Lovett a one-year apprenticeship as a medium and buys Jared shares of the agency. Suddenly Tommy’s faced with training a person who is not familiar with magic in one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, instead of relying on the experience Jared had. Despite the help from magical professors Alyssa and Dan, witch and shop-owner Erin, and their whole team—to Tommy it feels like Lovett’s credentialing next November is ages away. However, after a bonding experience involving ghost mice, Tommy slowly but surely discovers that Lovett isn’t an inconvenience at all. He is charming, attractive, hilarious, and way more talented than Tommy originally anticipated. Even their business improves, especially when they become an overnight internet sensation due to a malfunction. Instead of operating only in Boston, people across the country are now booking them to handle their mystical and paranormal problems. With each new case, Lovett learns more—and Tommy learns more about Lovett. This is unfortunate, given that Lovett is technically Tommy's intern, and the last thing Tommy needs is a harassment scandal. Tommy, naturally good at ignoring things, decides to ignore it. Which works out fine, thank you very much. At least up until Alyssa and Erin’s magical wedding in the woods. Or up until Lovett has a life-changing experience with a mirror. Or maybe even up until Lovett (plus Lovett's friend/household spirit Spencer) moves in. And just when Tommy thinks falling in love with his employee is his biggest problem, it turns out much more nefarious forces are at work. Fic #3: The gentle outline of the country we are building Tentative Title: The gentle outline of the country we are building  Pairing(s): Jon Favreau/Jon Lovett/Tommy Vietor, Jon Favreau/Jon Lovett, Jon Favreau/Tommy Vietor, Jon Lovett/Tommy Vietor Characters: Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Tommy Vietor, Dan Pfeiffer, Alyssa Mastromonaco, Cody Keenan, Michael O' Neill, Spencer Wong, Andy Favreau, Tanya Somanader, Travis Helwig Ao3 Rating: E Warnings: No archive warnings apply Additional Tags: DC era, LA era, pining, wrong number AU, polyamory, threesomes, jealousy, slow burn, friends with benefits, angst with a happy ending, getting together, smut, fluff, blowjobs, anal sex, rimming, dirty talk, sexting, drinking, marijuana, sex under mild influence of alcohol, friends to lovers.  AO3 (working) Summary: It takes spending the night in one room with a king-sized bed for Jon, Lovett, and Tommy to finally get it right after nearly a decade of trying.  AKA A story about Jon, Tommy, and Lovett getting together, aided and abetted by Jon’s technological ineptitude, misunderstandings, love, friendship, and longing.   Expanded summary: Jon and Lovett embark on a charged, text-based flirtation without knowing the other after Jon texts the wrong number during the 2008 general election campaign. It feels like a summer fling that wouldn’t end, just like those times Jon had slept with Tommy back in Chicago. But both of them do end, but at least Jon’s going to the White House with a new speechwriter and his best friend in tow. Jon thinks, not the right time then with Tommy, not the right time now with you, Lovett.   They write speeches and policies and learn lessons on how to build a country and a friendship. The first summer at the White House, Tommy starts taking Lovett to bed almost every night. Two years later, he stops, because Lovett knocks on his door one day and says, “I am leaving.” Not quite the right time for you and me.   Lovett spends his days in LA writing things very different from what he used to but thinking thoughts about Jon and Tommy that aren’t all that different. Jon and Tommy skype him from Chicago when his show gets canceled, and Lovett thinks about how right they look together on the screen, like they belong to each other. Jon comes to LA and doesn’t leave. Tommy moves closer, but not close enough. They lose everything when November 2016 dawns and then build an empire from the ruins, and over the next few months, they think, maybe it wasn’t the right time then, and maybe we did not do this before because we were always meant to do this together. All of us.   Fic 4: Loving Him was Red - Azure Title: loving him was red - azure Pairing(s): Jon Favreau/Dan Pfeiffer, background Michael/Elijah Characters: Jon, Dan, Tommy, Lovett, Alyssa, Michael, Elijah Rating: E Warnings: No major warnings apply Additional tags: alternate universe, actors, hollywood, tabloids, love at first sight, BDSM, like lots of BDSM, spanking, flogging, humiliation, painplay, safeword use, failed scene, alcohol, alcohol abuse, drug use and abuse, divorce, bad at communication Summary: Rising star Dan Pfeiffer meets grown-up child actor Jon Favreau on the set of the movie that just might be their big break. It's a good old-fashioned Hollywood story. Boy meets Boy. Boy falls head over heels at first sight. Boy marries Boy. Boy ties Boy up and fucks him til he screams. But the Hollywood lights hit every dark shadow too and as the tabloids stir up gossip; as Jon spends more and more time at the club; and as Dan starts to wonder what comes next, the faultlines widen and their marriage falls into the abyss This is the first of a three fic arc chronicling the beginning, end, and re-beginning of an epic love story. Fic 5: Invisible String
Tentative Title:  Invisible String Pairing(s): Jon Favreau / Tommy Vietor Characters: Jon Favreau, Tommy Vietor Ao3 Rating: Explicit Warnings: NO WARNINGS   Additional Tags: affection, holding hands, chase sequence, shaving (face), mention of pod sponsors, wills & estates, cartoon villains, clothes sharing, Boston, plane flights, current day/LA era,Summary: Human boatshoe Tommy Vietor discovers he can claim a huge inheritance if he can prove he is married. If he does not, the $40 million fortune will go to the National Rifle Association. Best friend Jon Favreau steps up to help Tommy out. The NRA hires investigators to find information in order to break the will, chasing our boys all over Boston at one point. 
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 7 years
I was tagged by @aconitum-napellus Thanks! Sorry for the delay....
**WARNING: I always write too much! Feel free to skip!**
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing people you would like to get to know better.
Name: Stephanie Wolfe Yeah, I know. You weren’t asking last name, but I like it enough that as a little girl I wondered how I could find a guy to marry that wasn’t related but had the same last one. I assumed you HAD to get rid of it when you married and I liked it too much to give up. I was so relieved to find out you don’t have to just cause you’re a girlie thing! Then I never got married anyway. LOL
Nicknames: Mom calls me “Flower”, it was “Little Flower” when I was growing up. Pop would call me, when I was upset or whatever, “Teffy Weffy” (usually accompanied by a pat on the shoulder, back or head) My family sometimes calls me “Steffy” 
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius 
Height: Good question! My driver’s license has always said 5′ 10″ BUT this has never seemed quite right. I expect thick soles on my shoes for that first license. I suspect 5′ 9″ or even close to 5′ 8″
Orientation: Ah, see I naturally rebel against labeling. I REALLY hate it! This especially the case for something where limited experience makes it hard to be certain about you reaction to all circumstances. So far it has always attraction to males, and males where I found the personality attractive. The personality informs my asthetic judgement, but I can’t be certain it is males because of anatomy  or “masculine” type personalities. My social circle has been small enough in my rural life I can’t say I’ve been “tested” enough to be proven 100%. 90% maybe? Ok, 80%. And while I am sure there catagories for what I feel, I honestly don’t care! LOL
Ethnicity: I’m an American. How about that? Good enough? I don’t really feel any allegiance, only historical interest, about my distant ancestory. I would check “white” on forms, because the relatives I know would call themselves such with ancestory mainly of the Scottish/English/French/Irish/etc. Still I KNOW I have a great great whatever grandfather that was Jewish (and the relatives that try to deny it, he has a star of David on his grave so shut up!) and a Cherokee great great whatever grandmother. But the truth is, who can tell what mix of genetics go into all of us? The human race isn’t made of pure breds but good ol’ mutts! 
Serious question though....how long does the USA have to exist before we get catagorized by that instead of where our ancestors came from 400 years ago? (No really, some of my non English ancestors got the land I live on in the 1600s) I love diversity in culture, traditions, race, etc.....I just don’t get using ancestral homelands as a main identifier. 
Favourite Fruit: All! LOL I gobble up blueberries and cherries like I can never stop. I love raspberries but they are too expensive to get often. This year I discovered a service berry tree in the woods, so I tried them for the first time. They were incredible and really did have hints of almond flavor like I read. At only five reachable non bird eaten berries I don’t think I can call it my favorite yet.....
Favourite Season: Autumn, though all of them are nice.
Favourite Book Series: I dunno! The fact is I’ve had far too little time to read for years now, so most the books are stand alone. Actually, even as a kid I’d usually not finish a series. (see my mini-me rage when I figured out what the Narnia books were REALLY about). For whatever reason, series where I’ve read every book are very few. I think I have a four book limit! (except Harry Potter since I had to read them aloud to my parents) I always end up ready to move on to something fresh, too busy or just disappointed around that point. I was loving the Thursday Next books, but then I got so busy that the last two ended in the “to read” pile.  
Favourite Flower: ooh, tough! I have had an obsession with poppies, but my utter inability to grow them has gotten to me. I adore so much about how dandelions make magical seed heads, grow absolutely anywhere, are completely edible....but they are just so darn yellow, unfortunately. Pretty much it’s whatever flower I’m looking at right now! LOL
Favourite Scent: These are so impossible!! Wisteria flowers in full bloom, the smell of crushed dog fennel, the spices I mix to bake cookies at Christmas, the smell of the wet ropes on our boat at the river, baking bread, (this is really specific) the way it smells on our mountain smells in autumn when it rains...you know I could go on! LOL
Favourite Colour: red, but particularly the rich dark shades like burgundy
Coffee, Tea, or Cocoa: ALL! It depends on my mood, and if I can get Mom to not make endless pots of coffee. Decaf coffee, btw. I really have to be careful about caffeine. 
Average Sleep Hours: Not enough!! LOL I always had been an 8hr person, but the last few years have been a mess, 3 hrs one night, 7 the next. I guess 6 is the most common amount. 
Cat or Dog Person: BOTH! With six dogs and around a dozen cats I am sooo not picking favorites.
Favorite Fictional Characters: Geez, too many! I have different ones in every book, movie and other fandom, like if you asked favorite Doctor Who character I’d give you about a dozen! LOL Growing up Alice (in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass) and Pippi Longstocking were the two characters I most related to on a primal level, so let’s not turn this into an endless list and go with them. 
Dream Trip: An open ended round the world trip with no schedule so you can explore as long as you feel like wherever you go. And not just other countries but some deep sea travel and Antarctica too. A dream trip with offworld travel included might be too much I guess. But whatever, having to ever come back must merely be options and NOT required! LOL
Blog Created: May 2015 (While I was sick with the flu, and clearly too feverish for good judgement! LOL)
Number of Followers: 1,771 but a LOT of them aren’t real. About a dozen of you ever click on anything I post, so I kind of ignore the number.....
I’m supposed tag people. You DO NOT have to do this!!
@runningbarefootthroughtheforest @theramblingrogue @kimikokat @whitexblackrose @omegadalek @lzbarnabas @awesome-beatles-fan
You know what? I’m starting to feel an anxiety about tagging people. Like suppose I tag someone and they hate these things? You never can tell how people will feel. One Christmas I gave blank journals to all my family, carefuly selected to have covers to the taste of each and with a note saying they could tear out the pages and use them for their grocery list if they didn’t want to write/draw in them. So what happens? My irate cousin rants at me that she’s sixty years old, she never kept a diary and has no damned intention to start now. She held it against me!! 
Anyway, I’ll leave the ones I’ve listed (and may tag the same ones on this other game I’m answering) but you do NOT have to do either of these!! 
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barbecuedphoenix · 7 years
200 Followers: 11 Things About Me
So I was re-tagged a week ago by @eldarya-scenarios. (I had no idea I tagged you twice, dear. ^_^ Having two aliases is awfully sneaky.) 
If you’re a little curious on who your friendly fan blogger is behind the Leiftan icon and the barrage of text-winks, feel free to read on. Watch out though: it’s a long post like everything else I write... 
And if not, please continue to enjoy this blog’s smart-assery and the text-winks. ;)
1) Why did you name your blog the way you did? ...Because that’s the screen-name I use for my main Eldarya account. I’m not very creative with names. :( Not to mention that it’s probably very politically-incorrect to say ‘Barbecued Phoenix’ in the faery realm. Huang Hua would not be amused. And my blog is guaranteed to be politically-incorrect as far as folklore and faeries are concerned. ;) My screen-name is actually homage to a Neil Gaiman short-story called ‘Sunbird’, which is still one of my favorites from its double serving of dark humor and culinary catastrophes. And it sounds really funny when you say it out-loud (at least that’s my opinion).
2) What was your last meal? *checks bowl next to laptop* Eh… a fruit salad I scraped together from some Rainier cherries and leftover cantaloupe slices. It’s summer here, and I enjoy my fruits. :)
3) Jeans or skirts? …I must have at least nine different pairs of jeans in my closet, half of which I don’t even wear most days. And just one pencil skirt. Because at least once in my life, I’ll need to go to a court room. So there’s your answer. :)  
4) What’s your favourite letter of the alphabet? In the English alphabet, ‘L’ is my favorite. It just rollllls off the tongue so nicely. :) 
5) Favourite fandom/shipping? I’m a mercenary crack-ship writer. Anything goes so long as characters are in-character. ;) *cough* Truthfully, I haven’t shipped anything in a fandom since I was eleven or twelve, and that was waaaay back when the cartoon series Avatar the Last Airbender premiered. I think that experience has inoculated me to serious shipping. So now, while I enjoy seeing a well-developed, well-paced canon romance (because it means the creators have really thought the story through), it’s never a huge concern for me who’s paired up with whom. Romance isn’t actually the selling point for me for a lot of stories; it’s individual character development and plot direction that counts.   And anyway… fan shipping is really a fabrication. With a bit of imagination, effort, and tactical writing, functional relationships can be spun between anything and anyone, and unraveled in the same way. Even when keeping all parties in character. So why blow a gasket over shipping? To each their own dirty little fancies. ;)
As for my fandoms… they’re a patchwork quilt of games, books, movies, TV shows, anime from a lot of different sources, and it changes every year. For the sake of time, I’ll give a rundown of just the fantasy/supernatural genres I’ve been following for a while (translating some of the titles to English when possible):  
Games: the Dragon Age series, Folklore (also called FolksSoul), Uncharted, the Persona series 
Books: Discworld, His Dark Materials, the Dr. Siri Paiboun series, the Temeraire series, The Tiger’s Wife, Brisingamen, pretty much anything done by Neil Gaiman… the list goes on. With a few rare exceptions, I’ve shifted from being a high fantasy lover (those tropes get old after a while) to an acolyte of more low-key genres like magical-realism, fantasy-historical-fiction, and satirical-fantasy.  
TV Shows: Supernatural  
Anime & Cartoons: the Fate series (even though my fanfiction ends up making fun of it 95% of the time, it’s still a really intricate universe), the Avatar series  
Movies: Practically anything done by Studio Ghibli and Tomm Moore, ‘Coraline’, ‘Corpse Bride’, ‘Therapy for a Vampire’, ‘Let the Right One In’, ‘Groundhog Day’, the very first installation of ‘The Hobbit’   
6) What’s your favourite sport? (You don’t necessarily have to play it) Favorite sport I can’t do, but love to watch: Surfing. Forget berserk football matches; give me a crazy Australian riding a tunnel wave any day. :D  Favorite sport I can do: Bicycling. I’m no Tour de France candidate, but my bike regularly takes its share of unreasonable hills and descents in the city where I live. Personally, It’s a great way to get around. ^_^
7) What’s your idea of a perfect day? Getting everything on my list done with minimal coffee and hair-pulling.  -_- Sorry… I’m still listening to the robot half of my brain. Switching over.  Start the day by making a difference and sharing a good time with both the students I see where I work, and the odd friends and colleagues I do have. Attend a really good lecture. Then take a quiet bus ride to the beach or an aquarium, where I can watch all the wildlife shenanigans I want. Tourists included. Cook something awesome for lunch or dinner, and eat it to discover that it’s still more awesome. End the day with a good book, an avalanche of blankets, and a conveniently-rainy night. And maybe a quick Skype/phone call with my dad.  ;( Oh there I go, listening to the sappy half of my brain. Switching over.  
8) What animal do you hate with all your soul? The logical part of my brain tells me I have no cause to loathe any animal for existing. But the cave-woman part of my brain still gets creeped out by a few of them…. Geckos especially. Because the house where I grew up was infested with them (like a typical equatorial house, actually). The geckos could be found on absolutely any flat surface, even the underside of the table and on the ceiling, so we always had to check right before sitting down that something cold, bug-eyed, and squirmy wasn’t going to drop on us in the middle of dinner. And they also liked to appear in other surprising places: like in your shoes (as my father found out one day while rushing to work), inside drawers, inside trash cans, crushed between door hinges, trapped in the kitchen sink, and inside the refrigerator a couple of times (worst idea ever, for a lizard).      One of the best things that happened to me on moving to this corner of the United States: no geckos anywhere. I can clean my apartment with an easy heart. \o/    
9) Can you dance? Besides some lingering muscle memory from my early days doing classical ballet... no. :(  I’d really like to take up Spanish Flamenco though. Generally, I do better with choreographed dances rather than impromptu club-dancing. As all my friends have told me. I’ve given them so many priceless memories on the dance-floor… 
10) What’s the name and age of your favourite character? (OC or otherwise) I can’t decide on a ‘favorite’ character in media; there’s too many of them. So how about a favorite OC instead? ^_^   Right now among the Eldarya OC cast, my favorite would have to be Zephania ‘Zee’ Tantiango because she’s a magnet for trouble as a protagonist very dynamic heroine to work with. (She’s 23, in case you’re interested.) Zee is actually the latest incarnation of the ‘funny-but-unlucky action heroine’ archetype I’ve spent years working on, and I’m happy with how she’s turning out so far. On one hand, she’s the typical small-town heroine who’s sharp, plucky, energetic, and more than a little kooky herself; the story never stops moving once she starts improvising in a tight situation. :) But there’s a strong undercurrent of tragedy in the way she continues to isolate herself through her pride and her decisions, especially because she’s allergic to either admitting that she’s in real trouble, or cutting herself some slack for her mistakes. There’s a lot of sadness behind that finger-snap smile. I’m still debating on whether to give her a good ending, or a bitter one. :(  No, that was not a spoiler for the fan-fiction that’ll one day hit this blog.
11) What got you into your favourite activity?(i.e how did you start?) Favorite activity? Like… a hobby?  Well the longest-running hobby I’ve ever had is writing (no guesses there). And it was more-or-less self-taught. As a kid, nobody could take me anywhere without a book in my hand, or some other adventure happening inside my own head (which made it awfully inconvenient to get my attention in a mall… but hey, I never wandered off). And writing short stories was always the most entertaining school assignment for me.  But it wasn’t until I started home-schooling at thirteen that I found the time and need to write something for myself, putting to paper those increasingly-complex sagas and fan-fictions that lived in my head (because my short-term recall just couldn’t keep track of all the dialogue and plot twists anymore; I needed to start recording my stories to make sense of them.)   And I haven’t stopped since. :)
Uh-oh. Here come… my questions. For @mentacomchocolate, @areyntheheartseeker, and @the-irish-hoor​. 
Why did you name your blogs the way you did? ;)
What would your honest personal reaction be if you accidentally stepped into a fairy ring, landed in a strange place, and got threatened by a fox-lady wielding fireballs?  
What’s your dream job in this life?  
Is there anyone you have a crush on that you’re still really embarrassed to admit? Would you like to mention them anyway? ;)  
If there’s only one book genre you could spend the rest of your life reading, what will it be?  
What are the top 5 things you geek out over? (Today, at least. ;) )
If you’ve been given a 24-hour advance warning that the world is definitely going to end (i.e. via Death Star), what will you do?
And if you’ve been given an exclusive two-person escape pod during above scenario, what/who would you bring with you to escape the planet? Would you want to?
If your friends can agree on one thing about you, what would it be? Do you agree with them? 
What’s the most embarrassing thing that happened to you this past week?  
What do you remember as your most incredible feat of endurance to date? Physical, mental, and/or social?
*looks up* ...All right, those are some weird questions. I won’t blame you at all if you ignore them. 
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tenshinokorin · 7 years
Running Down a Dream: The Definitive Guide
So. Back in January of this year, when I was about eh, twenty hours into FFXV, I started a fanfic on Ao3. I thought it would just be a nice place to sock away little drabbles or short fics, here and there, that might be inspired by my playthough. I had no intentions of doing more than maybe ten of them, and I thought they'd all be too small to be stand-alone fics. So I made them chapters, though they weren't really meant to tell any kind of overarching story. I called it Running Down a Dream, because too many things were already called Life is a Highway, and I liked the Tom Petty song better. I didn't expect it to amount to much, really.
...The current collective word count for my FFXV works on Ao3 is 106,074 words. (My FFXV game save is about two hundred and thirty hours.) Slightly more output than I planned. Probably more than anyone expected when reading the first chapter of this five months ago! (The fact that this comes after two years of painful block following the publishing of my first novel is just the cherry on the sundae.)
So, I realize that some people might not have read RDD, because the main fic and the B-sides are marked as unfinished. That's because they're a collection of stand-alones and the whole thing probably won't be finished ever-- I want to leave it open so I can go in and write something whenever. Someday, I may go in and mark them as finished. Probably about thirty minutes before the Earth crashes into the Sun. But each 'chapter' of RDD and the B-sides is complete as is, and while there is some continuity from chapter to chapter--mostly in the form of in-jokes and relationship status--you can still go in and read any one of them, at random. But who wants to plunge into a thirty-chapter mess that's part of a series which also has multiple-chapter fics and some of them are marked finished and some aren't and there's a crossover?? and what? Especially since this Tenshi no Korin person never puts in summaries that actually tell you anything and it's always a song quote or obscure movie quote I mean, the hell?
Don't worry. I've got you covered. Because I'm here with the......
DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO TENSHI NO KORIN'S RUNNING DOWN A DREAM FFXV ARC SO FAR (as of 5/12/17). With links. Buckle in. Here we go.
Running Down a Dream: Ao3 Series Page
Running Down a Dream: Main Fic: The start of all this mess, as described above. Note: While this series is generally fun/funny, I take maudlin turns without warning. Here to help you avoid or seek out what you will is the following code:
(~) this fic is lighthearted (~~) this fic is somewhat serious (~~~) this fic is thoughtful and/or melancholy (!?) this fic is utter crackpanties; your neighbors may call the police.
1.Sunburn: Prompto wants to put the top down, but Ignis pays the price. (~) 2.Garnish: Ignis Scientia: Wild Edibles Expert (~) 3.Lure: Prompto asks Noct about fishing. It's a mistake. (~) 4.Arson: Gladio gets on like a house on fire. (~) (very short) 5.Rain: Insomnia falls. Noct grieves. Prompto offers what comfort he can. (~~~) 6.Ebony: Ignis' poison of choice. (~) 7.Knickers: There's a strange pair of underpants in the hotel bathroom. (~) 8.Plume: Prompto takes a bad hit in battle. (~~) 9.Shield: Gladio meditates on his role, and on bacon. Prompto lands a big catch. (~~/~) 10.Vacancy: Saving the world is messy work. Deciding who gets the shower first is messier. (~) 11.Neon: Prompto and Noct on the hotel roof. First kisses and confessions. (~~) Noct/Prompto 12.Gourmand: Ignis thoroughly enjoys his hobbies, to the dismay and delight of his companions. (~) 13.Ink: Prompto asks about Gladio's tattoo. (~~~) 14.Laundry: Ignis steals his quiet moments where he can. Gladio steals more than that. Noct wants to know where the hell his pants are. (~~/~) Gladio/Ignis 15.Delirium: Noct falls into some dubious mushrooms and finds himself in some even more dubious DLC. Utter crack with no apologies. This is the most popular chapter of this entire series by a country mile. (?!) 16.Manners: Ignis attempts to make his party behave while they escort Iris. It's a lost cause. (Sorry, Iris.) (~) 17.Balladeer: Tomb of the Rogue, without Gladio. Noct sings. Lucian history in verse. (~~~) 18.Trim: Noct gets a haircut and nobody enjoys it. Except maybe Gladio and Prompto. (~) 19.Quicksilver: Prompto saves the day. (~~) 20.Carnivore: Concerning the habits of Chocobos. (~) 21.Poet: Noct and Prompto are up too late and everything is funny. Especially Gladio's hobbies. (~) 22.Phobia: Ignis and his worst fear. No, not brown shoes with a blue suit. Leeches. (~~) 23.Valentine: The most original fic premise ever: It's raining. They don't have spare clothes. The hotel only has one room. It's the honeymoon suite. (!?) 24.Spelunker: Prompto has a panic attack in the caves under Daurel Springs. Gladio offers his jacket and his shoulder. (~~) 25.Specter: Putting relics of the old war to rest. Wondering who will bury their dead. (~~~^100) 26.Payday: Gladio explains what he was doing while he was gone. Noct spies an opportunity. TW: tequila, body glitter, ornamental spoons. (?!) 27.Rations: Gladio's protein bars are terrible. Ignis can do better. (~) 28.Storage: Noct attempts to carry everything in his Armiger. That's how you get ants. (!?) 29.Crimson: The story behind the red soles. (~~~) 30.Bubbly: Gladio takes a hit for Noct, Noct finds a suitable reward. (~) 31.Talent: Something Ignis isn't good at. (~)
Running Down a Dream: The B-Sides: For some reason I made RDD a T+ rating, and then I wanted to write things that were out of the loose timeline that was developing in RDD, and also I just wanted to write M-rated smut. This was meant to be a place for both! Instead it's just the latter. Stories run parallel to the main RDD fic, but! You don't have to read the RDD fics to read these. NSFW (i.e.: #2) to ///desperately/// NSFW (i.e.: #5) 1.Poolside: Noct/Prompto. The Leville's rooftop pool. First time. (~) 2.Adult: Pit stop at a roadside porn store. Gladio shops the sale. Prompto works up his nerve. Ignis offers advice. Noct wishes he were dead. (!?) 3.Turnabout: Prompto/Noct. The King of Lucis takes it like a man. (~) 4.Stealth: Gladio/Ignis. Gladio and Ignis try to get a little on the down-low. Ignis thinks about the first time. Then he thinks about his king. And that's a problem. A good one. 5.Lucky: OT4. The infamous lucky man conversation. Prompto makes a boast, and then makes good on it. Prompto/Everybody
Running Down a Dream: Tyrants & Kings: Okay, so I really need to write about the second half of the game, I thought. But I didn't want to bog down RDD with all that, plus, I want to still be able to write lighthearted road fics (and let people keep reading them), and avoid major game spoilers. Tyrants & Kings is where I deal with the events from Altissia onward to the end of the game (and after). It's also actually complete, unlike most of the rest of this. All fics (~~~) at least. 1.Departures: Leaving Altissia, on the train to Tenebrae. Prompto does what he can. Ignis is grateful. 2.Armistice: Ignis has had quite enough of everyone's bad behavior. Gladio and Noct work it out the only way they know how. 3.Princess: Prompto gets rescued; Noct apologizes. 4.Crystal: Noct dreams about his memories, including how Prompto got his beloved camera. 5.Retreat: Gladio, Ignis, and Prompto head back to Lucis, and try to come to terms with what to do now. (Prompto/Ignis/Gladio) * 6.Regroup: Prompto and Ignis talk about the future, their lives, and about Noct. Ignis gets a phone call. 7.Reunion: The boys are back in town. Noct asks Prompto for a favor. 8.Requiem: The Astrals and the Aftermath. Carbuncle lays down the law. The end of the road. 9.Sunrise: The end of this story, and the beginning of all the others.
* Running Down a Dream: Coming for to Carry Me Home: A stand-alone fic that chronologically slots between chapters 5&6 of Tyrants & Kings. Ignis worries about Prompto, who's having a hard time coping with the turn their lives have taken. And, as it turns out, the things that happened to him in Gralea. Hurt/Comfort. (Please note fic warnings.)
Running Down a Dream: One Other Year: Everything that takes place after the events of Tyrants & Kings. (Wait, I hear you say-- If T&K is the END of the game, how can you have a fic about what happens after? Well. You'll just have to read it and find out.) Unlike RDD & B-sides, his is actually one fic published chapter by chapter, NOT a collection of stand-alone fics, and also not finished, though I try to update it regularly. 1.Picnic: Luna admits something to Prompto. Gladio makes a discovery. 2.Lineage: Ignis tells a story about the Rogue Queen, and about the Kingsglaive, and Galahd, and Royal Magic. 3.Dreams: Noct and Gladio talk about Iris, and about Lucis. Luna makes do. Ignis makes breakfast. 4.Vantage: Noct tries to come to terms with this Prompto Argentum. (Noct/Prompto) 5.Recap: An unknown enemy, an unexpected reunion. Prompto barely avoids causing a cross-cultural incident.
Persistence of Memory: The FFXV/FFVIII Crossover, that doesn't take place in the same timeline as RDD (or DOES it?? :D). Though I will always hold up FFIV as my favorite (and the first one I played myself), FFVIII was a huge catalyst for a ton of fic that I wrote along with my wife, in a continuity that eventually came to be known as the Infamous FF8 ARC. (For approximately two months in the year 2000 I think I was a BNF, but back then it was both an easier rank to get to and also one that you really would never ever want.) Even though we probably wound up writing more for FFVII--and these days are probably more remembered for our Turkfic than for our FF8 stuff, I will always adore those idiots. Playing FF15 felt like playing FF8 in a lot of ways, and putting the two together just made more sense the more I thought about it. So I did. Like One Other Year, this fic is continuous in that it's telling a single story and the chapters are not stand-alone, and also it takes longer for me to write the chapters for it. So while it's unfinished now, it will actually be completed in the future (unlike the RDD fics), but if you don't want to get involved in something till it's done then this is the one that you'd probably want to wait on.
SO THAT'S IT SO FAR. Hopefully if you haven't read any of it yet, you'll find something to try! And if you have, maybe this'll make it easier for you to find old favorites. I love getting Ao3 comments and I promise I try to reply to all of them, though sometimes it does take me a while. Now I'm off to write another installment of RDD, because there's never enough counter space in the hotel bathrooms.
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I have a bunch of those11 questions meme behind so I guess I’ll just mass post the answers here.Sorry I’m not actually putting in new questions but it took me 1 hour and a half just doing these and I kinda have to study
Tagged by @therandommeerkat
1) If someone wrote music about you, what genre do you think it would be in? Be as specific or as vague as you want. Not necessarily a style you favour, but one that would suit you (though these will probably align, but maybe not) Idk maybe I'd be some kind of folk song? I'm not even a big fan of folk but I feel like it would suit me somewhat
2) A place that, ideally, you'd be most at peace. Don't be afraid to be mundane A nice cozy room with a fire and me buried under a ton of blankets. The TV is on as almost background noise and I have a cat on my lap
3) Describe an artwork you'd like at your house. Maybe include a picture. And/or a story. Why that artwork? It doesn't have to be deep I'd like to have one of those Escher drawings that make your brain stop working like it's a room that expands forever but it also inside itself. I think they look really cool
4) If you could create your own social media site, what would it be about? Or your own webthing, more widely speaking Dunno. Maybe some sort of forum for people with common interests but I'm not sure what kind of mechanics I'd put in
5) A pet peeve, something that just gets on your nerves. The more pointless, the better I have this teacher who doesn't have any sort of accent at all, except for one word. The word “libro” (book). She says it like “libbro”. And doubling the b's is like a common accent in some areas of the South but she never does it on any other word than that. If she had an actual accent it wouldn't bother me but this is terrible. It's like if someone with a perfect English accent used y'all'd've
6) If you could spend a day somewhere in the past an no one would question your presence, where and when would you go, and what would you do? I could give a thought-out, serious answer to this but I'll just say I'd like to see a dinosaur
7) Describe a sensory feeling or memory of meaning to you I don't remember the name but there are these sort of cherries that are very bright red and they aren't sweet but kind of sour and my grandma used to have a tree of those and in spring me and sometimes a friend would try to take as many as possible of those while being too short to reach most of the branches and unable to climb up on the actual tree. Good times
8) Do you keep a diary? No. Never really seen the point
9) Do you have a collection of anything? If you had unlimited funds, would you start one? The only collection I have are the Pokemon cards I used to buy in elementary school and if I had unlimited funds I think that's what I'm most likely to start collecting again
10) If you could specializa in literally anything, like, on a college level, what would it be? ...but what about a degree in Pokemon
11) And last, and most morbid, how would you like to be remembered when you're gone? On a physical and an intellectual level There is a monumental tomb in an old cemetery. It is made of strange, black stone. Some being that could be an angel if angels were raffigured as they are in the Bible is on top of it, looking down on humanity with empty, eerie eyes, too many eyes. No one knows who let that thing be built. There is no picture of me, only my initials carved in a corner. No one is sure what my real name was. No one is sure who I was, or how I died. There are multiple legends going around, including that I was the spawn of an eldricht being that came from another reality and that the statue is in truth a representation of my real form, and that it comes to life every second Thursday of the month, to find those who blemish the existance of pizza with pineapple and turn all of their socks into sentient creatures
Tagged by @morganalefan
1) Post-apocalyptic universe, fantasy world, hyper technological future or anywhere and anytime you want in the past: which do you choose? Hyper technological future where we also developed magic and found aliens so it's some sort of futuristic fantasy instead
2) If you knew a ghost was haunting your home, what would you do? I would be terrified but also not enough to be bothered to do something about it
3) Whitches: do you think they are valid, do you not share their beliefs but still respect them, or are they just some delusional airheads? (answer sincerely. Don't worry, I'm bound not to harm anyone with my craft ;3 ) Oh well I don't really believe a lot in this kind of things but I see no reason to not respect other's beliefs
4) Let's talk about food: does it make you happy? Is it just a mean to survive? Do you have an unhealthy relationship with it? Food is fucking important to me ok
5) What's your plan for the zombie apocalypse? Do you even HAVE a plan?? ...I'll figure it out when the zombie apocalypse comes. I'm shit at sticking to plans anyway
6) Think any given race an any given class of any given rpg you have ever heard of. Which do you choose? You must stick with it forever! Well Pokemon is an rpg too so yeah I'm going to be a Pokemon trainer. You have awesome pets and travel around and get paid a fuckton of money for everything you do
7) You are given an unlimited amount of money and no restrictions to create your own tv series! What is it about? Do you both write and direct it? Do you call famous actors you like to starr in it or do you cast some promising aspiring actors the world had never heard of? I was hearing a while ago this idea of making a tv series of the Silmarillion and yo. I would fund the fuck out of this. First season is all about the Valar and Melkor arguing and repeatedly fucking shit up and then we have like a lot of other seasons for the real thing. Because let's face it if we gonna do this we have to make things a lot less fast paced than that book because it would be a mess. Well I'm fine both with new and famous actors. I mean for Galadriel I'd still probably want Cate Blanchett because I can only see her that way now but maybe also another actor for when she's younger
8) What's comforting to you? Knowing this Friday and Sunday school's gonna be closed. Very comforting
9) Do you fear climatic change and natural disasters? Yes
10) I want you to feel good about yourself: tell me something you like about yourself. It could be a personality trait, a physical feature, a specific talent you have, something you did you are proud of... Aw thank you. Well the other day I was at my aunt's and she has this cat who is kinda shy around people and I managed to get close to it and pet it and I felt really accomplished
11) And now, tell me something about one of your passions! Anything! (I can't think of any other questions...) (kiddin', I care about you) I love writing. I really love it. It's beautiful how stories just come to life under your fingertips. I adore writing. I don't have about 50 word documents with maybe one sentence written absolutely not
Tagged by @thxstral
1) What TV/book/movie character do you think you're most similar to? What character to do you wish you were more like? Most similar to... I don't know. I'd like to be someone more like Clint Barton. Not the strongest person around and overall pretty chill but willing to lend my help when there's need for me
2) What was the first career you wanted as a kid? I'm not really sure... Maybe superhero or something
3) Would you rather have magic in an ordinary world, or be ordinary in a magical world? Ordinary in a magical world would also kinda imply I would still have some sort of magic so I'd go with the second one. On the other side, I could actually be a superhero if I went with the first one. Mmm
4) If you could live in the world of any music video for a day, what would it be and why? Do anime openings video count as music video for the song because I might just throw myself in a random YuGiOh opening
5) Who was your childhood enemy? (or frenemy) I wasn't cool enough to have an enemy tbh
6) If you could gain any skill with no effort on your part, what skill would you want and why? The skill of remembering things perfectly after having read them once. Why you ask? I'm a student that's why
7) Can you speak any languages besides your native language? Well my native language is Italian so. I mean. Yeah
8) What was the last book you read cover to cover? Ugh I haven't had time to read a lot of things recently. I can tell you what the last book I started was (Licia Troisi's new book) but I'm not sure I remember the last book I actually finished reading. I think I reread the first Harry Potter a while ago but
9) Would you rather be roommates with a ghost or an alien? Depends on the ghost, depends on the alien. Like if it's vendicative murderous ghost vs Spock I'd say Spock. If it's the ghost of Oscar Wilde vs Alien then I might prefer the ghost of Oscar Wilde a little
10) What do you think your superpower would be vs. what would you want them to be? I mean probably I'd have the power to turn invisible because of course I'd have something that can't actually be useful unless I do something like going around butt naked in the middle of winter. What I'd want is probably just some good old super strength. It seems damn useful both as a potential superhero and in my day to day life
11) Someone offers you a briefcase full of cash in exchange for you faking your death and going completely off the grid. Would you take it? GIVE ME THE MONEY
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obliviousswampqueen · 7 years
200:My crush’s name is:Ya’ll don’t get to know that but he is a mutual.
199: I was born in: Idaho
198:I am really: Comfy
197:My cellphone company is: AT&T
196:My eye color is: Blue-green
195:My shoe size is: 7
194:My ring size is: I don’t really wear rings so I’m not sure
193:My height is: 5ft1
192:I am allergic to: SO MUCH STUFF Big ones are tho are bees, cats, and red onions
191:My 1st car was: 2001 Chevy Malibu
190:My 1st job was: Shelf stocker
189:Last book you read: 5th Wave?
188:My bed is: Big and cozy
187:My pet: Cute and wonderful
186:My best friend: @leeminlimer hes a really good cook but hes lonely so if you’re a cute girl hit him up lmao
185:My favorite shampoo is: Cherry Blossom
184:Xbox or ps3: I’m so bad at video games it’s not even funny
183:Piggy banks are: Cute and unreasonable for me
182:In my pockets:Probably a receipt from the grocery store 
181:On my calendar: Work and a doctors appointment on Friday
180:Marriage is: Sounds pretty cool to me
179:Spongebob can: Get really annoying but I also love it
178:My mom: She’s crazy and I love her
177:The last three songs I bought were? OK- Being as an Ocean
                                                                  Humblest Pleasures- Turnover
                                                                  Hum- Tigers Jaw
176:Last YouTube video watched: A bathroom remodel thing
175:How many cousins do you have? Cousin alone like 10? Including their spouses and kids like 18 I think.
174:Do you have any siblings? Three all older.
173:Are your parents divorced? Nope, they’ve been married for 30 years.
172:Are you taller than your mom? No -.-
171:Do you play an instrument? I used to know how to  play the guitar really badly.
170:What did you do yesterday? Helped replace the bathroom cabinets and clean.[ I Believe In ]169:Love at first sight: I guess so why not.
168:Luck: Yeah
167:Fate: Maybe?
166:Yourself: Eh
165:Aliens: HELL YEAH
164:Heaven: Yeah
163:Hell: So I think so but I have some conflicting feelings as to how I was always told we are all Gods children and he loves us and has a plan for us all but if you don’t believe in him you’re going to hell even if you’re a good person but if rapists and murders believe in God they’ll be forgiven and live eternally in heaven.
162:God: Yeah
161:Horoscopes: Nope
160:Soul mates: Yess
159:Ghosts: oooo yup
158:Gay Marriage: I like how this is in the same category as God and magic and ghosts. But yes.
157:War: Yes? I mean it happens?
156:Orbs: Like circles or ghost orbs. Yes to both.
155:Magic: Nah, I don’t think so.[ This or That ]154:Hugs or Kisses: Hella miss being kissed rn
153:Drunk or High: High, only pot tho
152:Phone or Online: Online
151:Red heads or Black haired: I look better with red but probably black hair on other people
150:Blondes or Brunettes: Brunette
149:Hot or cold: Hot
148:Summer or winter: Summer
147:Autumn or Spring: Autumn
146:Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
145:Night or Day: Night, love me some starry nights
144:Oranges or Apples: Oranges but only if theyre tart
143:Curly or Straight hair: Curly on me
142:McDonalds or Burger King: Neither?
141:White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Neither? they make my stomach hurt
140:Mac or PC: PC
139:Flip flops or high heals: Flipflops 
138:Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: I’m already ugly and poor :/
137:Coke or Pepsi: Neither
136:Hillary or Obama: Obama
135:Burried or cremated: BURN ME
134:Singing or Dancing: Horrible at both but singing
133:Coach or Chanel: Neither I just said I’m poor
132:Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: I don’t know who those people are
131:Small town or Big city: In the middle
130:Wal-Mart or Target: Target
129:Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Staying loyal to Night at the Museum, Ben Stiller
128:Manicure or Pedicure: Neither, I don’t like strangers touching me
127:East Coast or West Coast: West
126:Your Birthday or Christmas: Birthday
125:Chocolate or Flowers: Flowers
124:Disney or Six Flags: Never been to either
123:Yankees or Red Sox: I don’t know anything about sports[ Here’s What I Think About ]122:War: I think that people fight for what they believe in at all costs but a lot of innocent people die along the way and it would be nice if people could settle differences without fighting but thats a fairys and rainbow daydream that won’t come true but on the other hand some people are incredibly shitty and need to be held accountable for their actions
121:George Bush: Jet fuel doesn’t melt steel beams
120:Gay Marriage: Lettem get married
119:The presidential election: It was a shitshow and now look where we are fucktrump
118:Abortion: It’s a womans choice
117:MySpace: I made one in 5th grade and had no friends on it but I felt so bad ass
116:Reality TV: I don’t watch it
115:Parents: Mine are pretty alright
114:Back stabbers: Why do people have to be so mean113:Ebay: I’ve never used it
112:Facebook: It’s alright
111:Work: I touch strangers fr a living and as I said before I don’t like people touching me so I have 40 hours of personal hell.
110:My Neighbors: They  have really cute goats
109:Gas Prices: TOO HIGH (im poor)
108:Designer Clothes: SO SPENDY (im poor)
107:College: SO EXPENSIVE (im poor but need a degree)
106:Sports: I’m bad at them
105:My family: They’re bat shit crazy
104:The future: Hopefully it’s good[ Last time I ]103:Hugged someone: Last night
102:Last time you ate: I’m eating applesauce atm
101:Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: Today I saw a doc I used to work with
100:Cried in front of someone: Not sure
99:Went to a movie theater: Ummmm 7 months maybe more?
98:Took a vacation: December 2015 and that was my only vacation
97:Swam in a pool: A few years ago
96:Changed a diaper: When my nephew was a baby so fourish years ago
95:Got my nails done: Two years ago
94:Went to a wedding: Four years
93:Broke a bone: Never
92:Got a peircing: Had my nips pierced for a while about two years ago
91:Broke the law: A few days ago
90:Texted: Like 25 minutes ago[ MISC ]89:Who makes you laugh the most: Depression memes
88:Something I will really miss when I leave home is: My dog
87:The last movie I saw: Zodiac
86:The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: Moving out
85:The thing im not looking forward to: Being in clinic
84:People call me: Sarah
83:The most difficult thing to do is: Have strangers in my personal space
82:I have gotten a speeding ticket: Nope
81:My zodiac sign is: Cancer
80:The first person i talked to today was: My mom
79:First time you had a crush: Four or five?
78:The one person who i can’t hide things from: My therapist
77:Last time someone said something you were thinking: Last night “ That’s so gross”
76:Right now I am talking to: No one
75:What are you going to do when you grow up: Be a teacher
74:I have/will get a job: Have
73:Tomorrow: Work
72:Today: Work
71:Next Summer: Be less chunky
70:Next Weekend: Go on an adventure
69:I have these pets: The best dog in the world
68:The worst sound in the world: Cutting Styrofoam or it rubbing together
67:The person that makes me cry the most is: Myself
66:People that make you happy: All my friends
65:Last time I cried: A couple weeks ago
64:My friends are: Pretty sweet
63:My computer is: Really loud
62:My School: I’m a adult
61:My Car: Is really REALLY sad
60:I lose all respect for people who: Are rude to waiters/ waitresses and children
59:The movie I cried at was: Marley and Me
58:Your hair color is: Dark brown
57:TV shows you watch: Stranger Things, The OA, Criminal Minds, The 100
56:Favorite web site: This hellhole of a site
55:Your dream vacation: Some place with lots of fun hikes and good food
54:The worst pain I was ever in was: The time I quit my job to go to the ER because my cramps were so bad I wouldn’t stand and I was crying and it was bad
53:How do you like your steak cooked: I don’t eat steak
52:My room is: Covered in dog hair
51:My favorite celebrity is: Jake Gyllenhaal
50:Where would you like to be: At a happier place in my life
49:Do you want children: Yes!!
48:Ever been in love: Nope
47:Who’s your best friend: Liam
46:More guy friends or girl friends: It’s even
45:One thing that makes you feel great is: Taking a shower
44:One person that you wish you could see right now: Any of my internet friends
43:Do you have a 5 year plan: I’m just trying to make it through the day
42:Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Kinda
41:Have you pre-named your children: I like the name Zena for a girl
40:Last person I got mad at: My sister for being an ass
39:I would like to move to: Washington maybe
38:I wish I was a professional: Adventurer [ My Favorites ]37:Candy: Sour patch kids
36:Vehicle: 1970 Chevelle SS
35:President: Shoutput to Roosevelt for making national parks a thing
34:State visited: Washington
33:Cellphone provider: AT&T
32:Athlete: ????
31:Actor: ????
30:Actress: ???? theres to many options and I don’t remember names
29:Singer: anyone who sings sad songs
28:Band: Being as an Ocean
27:Clothing store: A lot of my shirts are from target
26:Grocery store: Fred’s is the closest so thats where I go
25:TV show: Criminal Minds
24:Movie: Pacific Rim
23:Website: Here
22:Animal: Elephant
21:Theme park: I’ve only been to Silverwood
20:Holiday:  HALLOWEEN 19:Sport to watch: Soccer I guess
18:Sport to play: None I fucking suck at them
17:Magazine: National Geographic specifically any issue on space
16:Book:I really like the Shannara Chronicles 
15:Day of the week: I really don’t mind Mondays
14:Beach: I loved the ones in Maui
13:Concert attended: I’ve never been to one :/
12:Thing to cook: Pancakes
11:Food: Fried Ravioli
10:Restaurant: Jewel Lake Pizza and Chinese Food
9:Radio station: I don’t really listen to it
8:Yankee candle scent: ??? probably apple orchard or something like that
7:Perfume: Tuscan Blood Orange
6:Flower: All of em
5:Color: Yellow
4:Talk show host: Not sure
3:Comedian: Not sure
2:Dog breed: Muts
1:Did you answer all these truthfully? Yeah
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pjscribble · 8 years
A couple of questions... what is the first thing that I would say someone wanted to help me.. damn fucking right.. and how is a blah-g deactivated.. do you need to ask.. and what you think I asked for that started all this after the first hours.. yeah it isn't good.. some of you ran a lot of you are nasty I think about this all the time.. some others popup and even more steal and hurt and are always there and there are the ones that pose and the ones that have died and the ones that never give back.. and more and more and more till it is a circus tent filled with a bunch of undesirables.. they think that the things that they have done deserve immediate attention and a lot of urgency comes to this whole country you feel it.. you feel a lot of things.. do you feel what I am saying because.. I have done a lot including think about you and I can show up and influence many many things.. yeah I come by... and I see what you are.. but most of all I see what you have done here... you have a status with me.. barely human.. to like barely insignificant.. and stupid.. well you got stupid .. when you got in line... I have seen what you can do... most of all that you don't really have any feeling.. you can never bring what I brought.. but the nonsense.. you have brought a lot of nonsense... all around this country... some of you just pose.. with your sister.. or .. some other.. nonsense.. that barely brings it... hey.. ran.. I deserved more ... I got in line.. yeah fuck it.. but you got stupid... what can I do with that.. its like that one movie... like leave you at the 7 eleven.. this country should get smart because with the trench going and this here.. there is just nothing really happening .. except for posing.. hey.. Okay.. I dont really care because I know who you are... and moreover.. what you can do... take that chick with the big eyebrows.. yeah .. well.. popup... its just like a circus sideshow... one with maybe a magic asshole on a clever donkey troll prick it seems that you talk to people here.. its all about pulling something out your ass... well... its hard to talk to someone.. like that.. I find it is mostly nonsense and isn't well thought out at all.. really dont care.. uh.. people came when I was five... I was really something..  but I dont care anymore since then... I see that you are nasty... selfish.. arrogant and mostly one way assholes.. I did somethings and now after so long you are setting out to do them posing as children... I was what you pose as... I left this here I helped design and planned some of the biggest buildings here.. including the ones I had to get people to buy... I named some companies.. okay I put that.. anyway since then I have made a life for myself... and I live okay..  but I dont want to be influenced by you .. and I want two things.. and I will want more and I will talk to people like jack welch and Obama and bush and write letters to others or call them.. maybe ask for something or drop by.. they know what I want.. some are doing things for me all the time and it probably will stop now that I bring it to light.. but it isn't good.. hey... a billion cherries and you brought chicks with a dick.... and I really had a better plan... I mean a real plan.. but you know what I decided that you should have something more violent because of the way that you treated me.. yeah I could take it because I didn't care ... but at one time I did care.. I had to like get you out of the house.. for some privacy.. and I had to wait for you to pop out after they showed me the elevator and tunnels and a bunch of other stuff... I was nice up until you started in with the nasty then I learned... that it made you happy.. it was part of the greed.. and the ability to not give back and always take... it was about the only part.. you used it for everything including to build yourself into something that I already was... well anyway someone will listen.. somewhere in common time.. I will be free of you .. you realize I asked... for what I wanted no strings.. and you brought nonsense.. I was happy with it by then.. and you showed me more and more...
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