#*gasp* kurosawa my beloved!!!
coquelicoq · 2 months
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lady and the tramp are to a single spaghetti noodle as office workers are to a row of data in a table print-out
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daughter-of-royalty · 2 years
[ What was she doing here...?
She should know better. She shouldn't be here. She can still turn around and go back home like this never happened...
All those kinds of thoughts were running through her mind as she stands in front of the door of Kazuha's house. She didn't know how she came to the conclusion that this was a good idea, but she just... She just can't help it anymore. She can't stand it anymore, and she needed to just... Uhg! She doesn't even know herself!.
It all happened when she was just laying on the bed of her room while listening to music and reading her first entrance on her diary about Kazuha as her girlfriend. It all felt so wonderful until she got into the parts where she wasn't able to understand why she was so cold towards her. She even placed in purple in two pages that "she needs to understand". Shoma knew what that meant, but... But why?
Why does it keep hurting her? Why does she tremble at the thought of her girlfriend's father? Why does she panics at the thought of Kazuha doing that, again and again, with no signs of ending...?
Shoma got out of her thoughts shortly after thinking of any answers, and she realised that she lifted her hand as if she was going to knock on the door. She quickly pulled her hand down and looked down once more, doubting...
Was she really worth it to Kazuha's eyes, or is she just... Playing?
No, no! She could never do that. Her beloved made sure to made her feel safe around her and much more! She couldn't... ]
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... Right?
[A sudden shudder spiked up the hair on the back of Kazuha’s nape. Her hand halted the quill from dancing over the document and her head snapped up. Even a gasp managed to escape right out of her mouth.
This drew Mystic’s attention away from the pile he had offered to help with as oddly requested by Aimer a few weeks ago.]
[She ordered quietly and stood from her chair in a panic, spilling the ink from its glass, but she didn’t care. Her nose twitched as if she were picking up on a scent.]
I do not care what you have to do—keep my father occupied.
[Leaving Mystic behind and unable to ask what the hell was going on or what she was talking about, Kazuha bolted out of her office and towards the main entrance.
If she had sensed that presence from the other side of the castle, then the rest of their family—including her father—must have as well.]
(No… no, no, no! What are you doing here!?)
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[The few Familiars panicked upon seeing Kazuha sprint past. She never ran. Not even in situations of absolute chaos. Something terrible must be happening!
With this thought process, a few large felines and canines followed behind.]
—Haa, haa, haa!
[Kazuha finally turned to the corner towards the entrance hall.
It was empty. She breathed a sigh of relief.
Mystic was really doing a good job distracting he father… either that, or nobody had bothered to come out to identify the arrival of presence at their front door.]
[She pushed the door open, only enough to let her look outside, but held it close enough to make sure she could shut it, just in case.
Though her mood instantly brightened a hundred times more simply by seeing Shoma standing in front of her, her worry was much greater. This translated as a pair of knitted brows.]
Shoma, wha—what, what in the hell are doing here? [She scanned the area, specially behind herself.] Where are the Kurosawa? Did you come here on your own? Have you gone mad?
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kurosawa-family · 2 years
Scenario idea nobody asked for but allow me to say it cuz I had a thought and 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
Due to conflicting schedules, Aimer is just getting ready to go to work only to see Mystic walk into the room, give him a kiss and wish him well before immediately collapsing into bed in exhaustion. Viceversa at the end of the day Aimer comes back 🤸‍♀️✨
All Worth It. || Aimer Kurosawa ft. Mystic Tsukinami.
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Fixing his tie, Aimer left a heavy sigh out of his dry lips. A frown showing on his face, he wondered why did he feel like this, so lonely, even when he clearly wasn't... Although, he knew what was going on deep down. It's been, what?, perhaps weeks since he last saw his husband. Maybe even more...
Don't get him wrong, he knew the difference of schedules was going to be a little problem if they wanted to spend time together as a marriage. He knew whay was he getting into when he thought of proposing to Mystic, but... Now that he was working under Kazuha...
Aimer shook his head at the thought. No, no it wasn't her fault, it was nobody's fault. She's the queen of Founders now, and both of them have a lot on their plate as it is. He can't blame anyone in this situation but himself for feeling that way and bottling it up inside him...
He just missed Mystic, even if they saw each other almost every night just for a few minutes...
“Haah... You stupid idiot...” Aimer mumbled to himself, looking into the mirror. When did those bags under his eyes appear, he didn't know. He looked tired, but it did not matter. The exam period was about to be over, so only then, he'll be able to rest and maybe contact his psychologist about this to handle these problems of his...
In that moment, when he was about to turn around to grab his briefcase, a slam on the door opening startled him, making him turn his head immediately towards it. And there he was, his exhausted beloved, looking at each other in the eyes.
“Ah—— Mys...” A soft smile appeared on the second-born Kurosawa, leaving his briefcase on the bed for a few minutes to walk up to the half-Founder, helping him to take off part of his uniform in the way. “Long day, huh—?”
No audible answer, just a nod. Aimer just sighed.
Just how long has it been since they talked...?
Guiding him towards the bed, Aimer getting ready to just grab his stuff and leave without any other word, and——
“I missed you...”
... Huh?
Aimer's golden eyes turned to Mystic, wide open in pure surprise. Mystic, on the other hand, didn't change his tired expression looking at him. It was like his hands moved on his own, cupping his face and kissing his lips so gently. The tan man couldn't help but kiss him back in the same way. Shit, was his chest about to explode? How come this gremlin had the same effect on him after so long? How?...
“Mha...” A gasp, ever so desperate and needy from the eldest. Looking surprised still at him, he noticed Mys was now slightly fixing his tie.
“Have a nice day... Love you.”
Mystic fell into the bed. Aimer was left there with his whole being utterly destroyed in the most marvellous of ways. A silly smile on his face, he tucked his beloved in and walked out... Forgetting his briefcase, of course.
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Mys looked himself into the very same mirror, frowning slightly. Uhg, he felt like shit, but it was almost time for him to go and work for his cousin, his queen, so he can't complain. Not now... Nor ever. Fuck.
The door opened gently, but Mys did not turn around, he knew it was Aimer walking up to him.
“I... I left you something on the fridge. Same as ever, don't wait for me——”
“How was work, puppy...?”
Mystic snapped his neck around to look at his now tired husband, smiling all silly and looking at him like he was some sort of treat? Maybe a reward? Whatever, it didn't matter... But the red on his face said otherwise. He looked down in the little shame he had, and noticed a little black tupper on his hands. Aimer noticed, and talked.
“I made you a little something...” The Kurosawa man gave him it, Mystic feeling it warm... He just made it, didn't he? “Good luck at work, hun...”
And his lips were sealed, not because of himself, but because Aimer gave him a long, long kiss, an innocent one. All before Aimer sighed after breaking the kiss, and went into bed.
“... Oh, lord.”
Mys mumbled under his breath, trying to stop his smile. Heh. No matter how much they try, there's no way they just run out of love, huh?
“... Maybe Kaz might give me a little break...”
He whispered to himself. A vacation to a place they both love might be a nice spot to relax.
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oumiyuki · 3 years
Always A Special Day
Summary: Honoka visits Dia on New Year’s Day to celebrate her girlfriend’s birthday. With a big surprise planned that Dia would have never guessed.
 Pairing: Honoka x Dia
Genre: Fluff and Romance
Read me at fanfiction.net or AO3 too~ ^w^
Author Notes
HonoDia for the New Years!! :D
May we all enjoy~ >w<
Honoka visits Dia for New Year’s and most importantly for her girlfriend’s birthday! With a huge, wide, classic Honoka smile, she greets Dia’s parents and was invited in warmly but with watchful eyes as the Kurosawa parents made sure their first daughter was in the right hands.
Ruby was surprisingly the first Kurosawa daughter to greet Honoka. With a sheepish and excited smile of her own, “O-Onee-chan is getting dressed, H-Honoka-san.”
“Honoka-chan will do, Ruby-chan~” Honoka encourages and the redhead ducks her head lower with a shy and quiet “pigii!”.
“H-H-Honoka…chan.” Ruby does her rubesty and Honoka stands to pat the adorable little sister.
“You’re so cute, Ruby-chan!”
“Pigyaa…~” Ruby sounds; loving the headpat from The Kousaka Honoka and also because she loves praises.
“Ahem.” The sound of someone clearing their throat catches both girls attention in an instant.
Honoka bounded over to the kimono-clad black-haired beauty who sported a blush at the sight of the energetic gingerhead rushing towards her – pearly whites gleaming to her and just her, blue eyes brighter than any full moon and-
“Dia-chan!!!” Honoka threw her arms around Dia despite the protest and warning that she would mess up the kimono that Dia painstakingly took the time to get in.
Dia’s heart fluttered like the wings of a hummingbird. Her hands wrapped around her girlfriend.
“Dia-chan. Dia-chan. Dia-chan~ Dia-chan!!” Honoka calls repeatedly as she rubbed her cheeks against the taller girl.
“H-H-Honoka-san!” Dia scolds, her cheeks growing redder with every second of warmth filling her heart and passing through her bloodstream and her skin.
“Aww~ Again with the ‘san’. Even though you sang not to in “MY LIST” to you~” Honoka pulls back and shakes her head at her girlfriend.
“I didn’t sing-” Dia opens her mouth to retort but Honoka was faster.
“Even if you didn’t sing those exact lines. I’m super sure that it was written just for you!” Honoka giggles as she spins out of Dia’s hold.
“Honoka-san!” Dia called exasperated but a sad pout not going unnoticed by the gingerhead from Honoka leaving the embrace.
“Am I right, Ruby-chan~?” Honoka reels in her ally and Ruby quickly nodded.
“I think so too.” Ruby smiles apologetically to her older sister who wore a shocked look that her very own sister has betrayed her. “Honoka-chan is right.”
“Ha! See that!” Honoka’s expression could not be any smugger.
Dia huffs defeated but stubbornly. “Honoka…”
Honoka threw her hands in the air with a silent ‘yay!’ and took Dia’s hands in hers. “Shall we go on our date, Dia-chan?”
Dia made a mysterious noise as she turned her head as far away from her girlfriend smiling cutely and charmingly at her, nodding her head as an answer, knowing she can trust that her voice would betray her if she spoke.
Honoka looked to Ruby and the smaller girl nodded enthusiastically, leading them to the door. “Happy birthday, onee-chan. And enjoy your date!”
“Thank you, Ruby…” Dia opened and closed her mouth several times as she accepted Ruby’s earnest and simple wish for her to enjoy her date. “And you enjoy your new year.”
Ruby giggles and puts up a stern voice, mimicking her sister. “And I expect you home before it turns dark.”
“I’ll be sure to bring your sister home in one piece!” Honoka chuckles.
“I certainly would like to return in one piece,” Dia commented on those word choices.
Honoka only laughed again, which was just so contagious as Dia laughed quietly too. They waved goodbye to Ruby and went on their way.
 “So…” Honoka leaned closer, tiptoeing to whisper into her girlfriend’s ears. “I didn’t say this earlier but…you’re really beautiful in your kimono.”  
Dia clenches her fist and breathed in hard, doing her best to calm her heart and not combust from being injected with so much love and cuteness on the morning of her birthday.
It was only until they boarded the bus and it started moving that Dia squeezed Honoka’s hand holding hers, the gingerhead looked over patiently. “Thank you…”
Honoka beams. “It’s the truth.”
 The couple reaches their stop and Honoka leads the way, always replying with a wink and “You’ll know when we get there.” each time Dia asks where they are going.  
They soon reach the end of the street, facing a nameless store. “Here we are!”
“And where exactly-”
“C’mon.” Honoka opens the door and Dia is greeted with a simple setting.
There was a singular table and two chairs in the store’s space, closer to the front where there were a small stage and a mic. A grand piano sat beside the stage. And with only one curtain at that corner, Dia assumes is where the staff would come out from.
“What are we doing in a place like this?”
Honoka leads Dia to their seat, even pushing the seat in as Dia sits as a gentleman would; Dia would have never guessed that Honoka trained to do it! “It’s my birthday surprise gift to you~”
Dia was done scanning the room and she looks to Honoka, the gingerhead returned a reassuring smile. “I know you’ll like it.”
Dia smiled wryly; worried about what surprise could come her way as she was fully content with just having Honoka smiling beside her and spending the day together. “It’s not a jump scare, right?”
“I didn’t know you liked jump scares. I’ll plan it-”
“I don’t. I…don’t. I was just worried.” Dia quickly explained; not wanting any jump scares in her foreseeable future.
Honoka sighs in relief. “That’s good! Now…are you ready?”
Dia did not notice three people appearing from the curtains and taking their places. But at Honoka’s lowered volume and the lights dimming, Dia looked up to see the spotlight on the tall figure in a hat, hands on the mic.
The moment she spoke, Dia’s jaw fell agape not believing her ears.
“Dear Dia. This is from your beloved girlfriend, Honoka and…I guess you could take it as a gift from us too.” The figure raised her head, and threw her hat to the side of the stage, her long blonde hair flowing in her signature ponytail and electric blue eyes smiling.
“A-A-Ayase Eli- How- I-”
“May you enjoy.” Eli nods to Honoka and nods to the pianist.
Dia barely kept her voice down as she gasped, “Nishikino Maki!?”
Honoka squeezes Dia’s hand and with the first few notes playing from the piano, Dia had her attention back on stage where Eli sang “Happy Birthday” to Dia.
Usually the song would only take 10 seconds, maybe a little longer, a full rendition might be 3 minutes with all the additional well wishes sung in the song. But Dia felt like it was an eternity, she wanted it to last forever. Having Honoka holding her hand, having THE Ayase Eli, her idol, sing to her, and THE Nishikino Maki playing the piano…
Dia only returned to Earth when she felt a gentle finger brush under her eyes. When did she start crying?
“You’re beautiful even when you cry.” Honoka smiled sheepishly; knowing that was way too mushy even for a birthday.
Dia laughed-cried. “I can’t believe it…”
“Oh, you better believe it~” A new voice floated to Dia and emerald eyes landed on the purplenette who wore a grin from ear to ear. She walked up the stage and without missing a beat – cupped an equally surprised Eli’s cheek, winked at Dia, and kissed Eli.
Honoka’s chuckle was cut short when Dia short-circuited and fainted in her arms.
“N-NozoEli…is real…” Dia said as she was held by Honoka.
“Nozomi!” Eli chided her girlfriend for causing the birthday girl to be rendered somewhat unconscious.
Nozomi giggles unabashedly. “It’s her birthday gift~”
Maki rolls her eyes with a smile where she sat.
Honoka shrugged as she smiled lovingly at Dia who wore a silly grin in her “fainted” state. “Happy Birthday, Dia-chan.”
Author Notes
Dia is a diehard Ayase Eli fan. No way Honoka was not going to gift that to Dia! XD hahahaha
I hope y’all all enjoyed this!! And happy new year to all of you!!
Leave a comment if you like~ ;D (Dia will be awake again to read them with Honoka and everyone who came to surprise her! XD hehe~)
See you next story~!! :D
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broadwayitbitch · 5 years
The Talent Show
For @andi-simstoons!!! I’m glad I was chosen to give your gift!
You can also find this on AO3 at The Talent Show!
“Here it is. The night of their talent show. Their night to finally promote that they had something to present. The whole thing was TJ’s idea, wanting to show what he had for the drama department.
And their act? Singing La Vie Boheme from RENT. “
Here it is. The night of their talent show. Their night to finally promote that they had something to present. The whole thing was TJ’s idea, wanting to show what he had for the drama department.
And their act? Singing La Vie Boheme from RENT.
Alongside TJ was Cyrus, Buffy, Andi, Jonah, Marty, Walker, Iris, and Amber. It was all part of Metcalf’s new tradition that on the first day of June, kids would be allowed to do talent shows with no restrictions, minus anything sexual, which meant that some of the lyrics of La Vie Boheme had to be censored.
They were the grand finale. Metcalf said their act was perfect for the finale.
The GHC and Co. were backstage, running the number last-minute in case they forgot their choreography,
“Ready?” Cyrus asked TJ. He and Cyrus were Angel Dumott Schunard and Tom Collins, respectively.
“I’m nervous,” He replied, adjusting his mic a bit.
“We’ve been working on this for months, Teej. We’ve got this.”
TJ nodded.
“Lastly on the stage, we have the GHC and Co. performing La Vie Boheme from Jonathan Larson’s RENT,” Metcalf said into the microphone, gaining a huge round of applause.
The stage hands brought the tables out from backstage, along with the chairs the GHC and Co. had asked for the week beforehand. Once the props were set, the GHC and Co. walked on stage, taking their places (minus Andi, who stayed backstage until her cue).
Everyone started reciting their lines.
“Hey, hey, no,” Iris said her line. “You can’t be here, we have an important customer,” She pointed to Marty, playing Benny Coffin. “And besides, you never buy.”
Walker, who’s playing Mark Cohen, scoffed. “Liar, I had a tea on Wednesday.”
“You couldn’t pay,” She countered.
“Oh, yeah…”
On cue, the others and him sit at the table, some of them crossing their legs.
“Benjamin Coffin the third. What brings you to the Life Cafe?” Cyrus asked in a teasing manner.
“I’d like to propose a toast to Maureen’s protest. It went well, but how many tickets did you sell?” Amber stuck her middle finger up at Marty in response.
Jonah stood up from his chair. He was playing Roger Davis. “Why did Muffy-”
“Allison,” Marty corrected.
“Miss the show?”
Marty straightened the lapels on his jacket. “If you must know, there was a death in the family.”
TJ gasped. “Who died?”
Marty cleared his throat. “Our akita.”
Walker and Jonah looked at each other with wide eyes. “Evita,” They said at the same time.
The music started with a piano riff.
“You make fun, yet I’m the one attempting to do some good. Or do you really want a neighborhood where people piss on your stoop every night?” Marty sang. “Bohemia, bohemia is a fallacy in your head. This is Calcutta, bohemia is… dead.”
Walker stood up from his seat, slamming his hands on the table. “Dearly beloved, we gather here to say our goodbyes,” All of the girls cried dramatically. “Here she lies, no one knew her worth. The late great daughter of Mother Earth, on this night where we celebrate the birth.” Buffy, who was playing Mimi Marquez, imitated a baby cry. “In that little town of Bethlehem, we raise our glass. You bet your ass too… La vie boheme!”
Walker jumped off the table, and the ensemble began to sing.
“La vie boheme… La vie boheme… La vie boheme… La vie boheme!”
“To days of inspiration, playing hooky, making something outta nothing, the need to express- to communicate!” Walker sang out. “To going against the grain, going insane, going mad. To loving tension, no pension, to more than one dimension, to starving for attention, hating convention, hating pretension. Not to mention of course, hating dear old mom and dad!”
The ensemble began hitting their hands on the table to the beat of the music.
“To riding your bike midday past the three piece suits, to fruits, to no absolutes! To choice, to the village voice, to any passing fad. To being an us for once instead of a them!”
“La vie boheme!”
Andi walked onstage, going to Amber, who stood from her seat.
“Is the equipment in a pyramid?” Amber asked.
“It is, Maureen,” Andi replied with a sigh.
“The mixer doesn’t have a case. Don’t give me that face!” Amber said, kissing Andi’s cheek. Marty cleared his throat in protest. “Hey, mister, she’s my sister.” She said as Andi walked off stage.
Iris walked to stage left, a notepad in her hand. “So that’s five miso soup, four seaweed salad, three soy burger dinner, two tofu dog platter, and one pasta with meatless balls.”
Jonah cringed. “Ew.”
“It tastes the same,” Cyrus argued.
“If you close your eyes!” Buffy added, gaining laughs from the audience.
“And thirteen orders of fries, is that it here?” Iris asked.
“Wine and beer!” Everyone yelled.
Buffy and TJ got up on the table, starting to dance.
“To hand-crafted beers in local breweries, to yoga, to yogurt, to rice and beans and cheese! To leather, to latex to curry vindaloo!” They sang together. TJ thought that Buffy was the perfect choice for Mimi, she had the best voice out of all of the GHC and Co. “To Huevos Rancheros and Maya Angelou.”
Buffy and TJ got back in their seats as Amber and Cyrus get on the table.
“Emotion, devotion, to causing a commotion. Creation vacation-”
“Mucho masturbation,” Walker interrupted, gaining even more laughs.
Everyone in the audience seemed to be having fun, including the GHC and Co.
“Compassion, to fashion, to passion when it’s new,” Cyrus and Amber continued their portion of the song. “To Sontag, to Sondheim, to anything taboo.”
“Ginsburg, Dylan, Cunningham and Cage,” Jonah and Cyrus sang together as well. “Lenny Bruce, Langston Hughes!”
“To the stage!” Amber yelled.
“To Uta, to Buddha, Pablo Neruda, too!” Everyone sang out.
Buffy got back on the table and Walker got on all fours on the stage floor. “Why Dorothy and Toto went over the rainbow? To blow off Auntie Em!” They high-five, and Buffy laughed.
“La vie boheme!” They all sang again.
Andi walked back on stage to Amber. Amber wrapped her arms around Andi’s neck with a sultry smile.
“And wipe the speakers off before you pack,” Amber instructed.
“Yes, Maureen,” Andi relented, about to walk away.
“Well, hurry back!” Amber called, and she began to kiss Andi passionately.
“Sisters?” Marty questioned.
“We’re close,” Andi and Amber said in unison.
Andi walked off stage once again. The entire ensemble began breaking out into their own dance.
“Bisexuals, trisexuals, homo sapiens, carcinogens, hallucinogens, men, Pee-Wee Herman!” They sang out. “German wine, turpentine, Gertrude Stein, Antonioni, Bertolucci, Kurosawa, Carmina Burana! To apathy, to entropy, to empathy, ecstasy! Vaclav Havel, the Sex Pistols, 8BC! To no shame never playing the Fame Game!”
Cyrus pretended to smoke a joint. “To marijuana!”
“To sodomy, it’s between God and me! To S & M!”
Marty stood up from his table, angrily walking off stage.
“In honor of the death of Bohemia an impromptu salon will commence immediately following dinner,” Cyrus spoke to the beat of the music. “Mimi Marquez, clad only in bubble wrap will perform her famous lawn chair handcuff dance to the sounds of iced tea being stirred!”
Jonah stood next, pointing to Walker. “And Mark Cohen will preview his new documentary about his inability to hold an erection on the high holy days.”
More laughing from the audience.
“And Maureen Johnson, back from her spectacular one-night engagement at the eleventh street lot, will sing Native American tribal chants backwards through her vocoder, while accompanying herself on the electric cello, which she has never studied,” Walker pointed out.
Marty appearing stage right with Buffy with him, and he put his hand on her shoulder. “Your new boyfriend doesn’t know about us.”
Buffy repulsed, smacking his hand away. “There’s nothing to know.”
“Don’t you think that we should discuss?” He asked.
“It was three months ago,” She countered.
“He doesn’t act like he’s with you,” Marty began to argue.
“We’re taking it slow.”
Marty huffed, not believing her. “Where is he now?”
She turned around, trying to find Jonah. “He’s right… where’d he go?”
Focusing back on the rest of the ensemble, Jonah had an electric guitar in his hands.
“And Roger will attempt to write a bittersweet evocative song,” Walker sang. Jonah began playing a tune, for about two measures before Walker stopped him. “That… doesn’t remind us of Musetta’s Waltz.” Jonah flipped Walker off as a joke, setting his guitar down.
“Angel Dumott Schunard will model the latest fall fashions from Paris while accompanying herself on the 10 gallon plastic pickle tub.”
TJ strutted on the table, acting like a model. “And Collins will recount his exploits as anarchist, including the tale of the successful reprogramming of the M.I.T. virtual reality equipment to self-destruct, as it broadcasts the words-”
“Actual reality, ACT UP, fight AIDS!” Everyone finished TJ’s lyric.
Marty ran off stage, yelling “Check!”
Focusing on Buffy and Jonah, they’re alone on stage as the rest of the ensemble is on the other side of the stage.
“Excuse me, did I do something wrong?” Buffy angrily sang to Jonah. “I get invited, then ignored all night long!”
Jonah, with a sad face, looks to Buffy. “I’ve been trying, I’m not lying. No one’s perfect. I got baggage-”
“Life’s too short, babe, time is flying. I’m looking for baggage that goes with mine,” Buffy sang with confidence.
“I should tell you…” Jonah sang sweetly.
“I got baggage, too-” She interrupted his verse.
“Wine and beer!” The ensemble said before the music slowed. Then a light beeping sound began to ring.
“AZT break…” Buffy said, taking out a pill bottle.
“You?” Jonah asked.
“Me,” She nodded. “You?”
Jonah’s lip trembled. “Mimi…”
While this was acting, Jonah always said that he would act the same way Roger did; astonished. Astonished that a friend would keep this sort of thing a secret from him. But remember, this is all acting.
“Are we packed?” Amber asked Andi, who looked to have an exhausted look on her face.
“Yes,” She replied. “And by next week, I want you to be.”
Amber gasped. “Pookie!”
Andi ignored her, going to her own line. “And you should see, they’ve padlocked your building and they’re rioting on Avenue B!” She exclaimed. “Benny called the cops!”
“That jerk!” Someone in the ensemble yelled.
“They don’t know what they’re doing. The cops are sweeping the lots,” Andi’s solemn face turns into an amused one. “But no one’s leaving, they’re just sitting there mooing!”
The ensemble cheered. “To dance!”
“No way to make a living, masochism, pain, perfection, muscle spasms, chiropractors, short careers, eating disorders!” Andi sang, beginning to dance on the table herself.
Walker stepped up to the table as well. “Adventure, tedium, no family, boring locations, dark rooms, perfect faces, egos, money, Hollywood and sleaze!”
TJ, along with Cyrus and Amber, get up on the table. “Food of love, emotion, mathematics, isolation, rhythm, feeling, power, harmony, and heavy competition!” TJ’s dress gets snagged, but he keeps dancing.
Cyrus and Amber start pumping their fists up in the air. “Revolution, justice, screaming for solutions, forcing changes, risk, and danger, making noise and making pleas!”
They jump off of the table, landing on their feet.
“To homos, lesbians, cross-dressers, too!” They sang out. “To people living with, living with, living with, not dying from disease! Let he among us without sin, be the first to condemn!” They all took a breath, preparing for the next verse. “La vie boheme! La vie boheme! La vie boheme!”
Walker ran to center stage. “Anyone out of the mainstream? Is anyone in the mainstream? Anyone alive with a sex drive? Tear down the wall! Aren’t we all? The opposite of war isn’t peace! It’s creation!” He exclaimed, spit flying out of his mouth.
“La vie boheme!”
The music stopped, and the spotlight was on Walker.
“The riot continues. The Christmas tree goes up in flames. The snow dances,” He recited. “Oblivious, Mimi and Roger share a small, lovely kiss.”
Buffy and Jonah, who are still on the other side of the stage, kiss gently. Buffy looked like she was disgusted, but she continued.
The music started once more for the last time.
“Viva la vie boheme!”
The audience applauded loudly, some standing up (which were their parents).
And the GHC and Co. did what they do best.
They took a bow.
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kurosawa-family · 3 years
(NSFW) can you please write a little scenario of Aimer being spanked by his boyfriend 🙏
|| Jthfgfg Okie dokie uwu And sorry in advance if it's shitty, I'm bad at this :')
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You sure as hell had a death wish that beautiful night, trying to get him all submissive by doing such a thing, but let's be honest, even Aimer himself knew that you loved his ass, he just never cared until now...
Let's rewind a bit; You just found your boyfriend working himself up until unholy hours of the night. It was the fifth time that very same week you told him to go to sleep, and once again, he ignored you completely. Now, let's be fair, he was a teacher and his students were idiots, so it was kind of obvious that late nights were on the table, but almost every night? It was unacceptable, and even if Aimer knows that, you had to interfere. You thought what to do as you placed yourself in the door frame of his office, thinking what to do. The Kurosawa second son didn't notice your wicked smile, nor when you walked away to grab a little something.
“Hey, babe...?” He heard your voice a few minutes later, and without looking at you, he answered.
“Yes, petit amant?” He asked, still working on those, not terrible, horrendous exams. How could a fucking 22-year-old young man forget how “moon” is spelled?!
“Remember when I told you to—”
“Sleep early, yes, I remember, just... Let me finish these...”
“You always say that.”
He could hear your steps, you walking towards him, and then, nothing. When he turned in a sigh to face you, his eyes opened wide when seeing you, his beloved, dressed as a general... And with something behind his back.
“... Is-Is that Convoitise's—”
“Silence.” You said with a stern voice, and when you saw him stuttering, you grabbed him by the throat, getting close enough to his face to touch noses. “Now, seeing that my little brat can't catch a hint, I think you will understand the hard way~...” As soon as he looks at you, offended, and opens his mouth, you talk before he does. “Brats do whatever they want, even not going to sleep like a normal living being.”
Aimer felt his boyfriend guiding him, still by the throat, to one of his coaches, and before he knew it, he was already in the wheelbarrow position, still with his clothes on. The tan young man's face was red and a little bit in shock before you heard him growling like a beast. Not gonna lie to yourself, that was kind of hot.
“[Y/N], I swear, if you even fucking touch me— Gah!” He felt the palm of his lover smacking his behind, making him jump in his place. “[Y/N], what the—?!”
“Aimer, I think you're not understanding what I'm saying here.” Another smack, and you hear him grunt. “Right now, yes, you might kill me—”
“I might?”
“Silence, bottom.” You hit him again, not really being able to contain your wicked smile when a gasp comes out of him mouth. “You might kill me afterwards — please, don't —, but I have no idea how else I can make you go to bed!” You know Aimer can't help but feel, at the very least, a little bit bad about that, and he's not the only one. You know damn well he works hard, not because of pressure, but because he himself wants to be a competent teacher. And him? He knows you worry, he knows he shouldn't be ignoring those warnings, but what else can he do? He has two hundred students per school at least!
“I...” Since you still had your hand on his bottom, you felt his body relax a bit. “I know, my dear...” He sighs as you rub, biting your lower lip. “I know it's no excuse, but I just... I can't help it. I want to think that the sooner I get over it, the better.”
“Yeah, it's true.” You spank him again, and this time, you hear him whimper. You blush, trying as much as you could to not get hard. “But now, how about we get this over with, eh?” You said as you groped his ass, and started smaking again a few more times.
Hearing Aimer whimper and whine was already a bit of a surprise for you, since he never really allowed himself to show other faces around him. And, even as his boyfriend, he never showed you many of them, so, yes, you can bet that these little cute noises of him were a surprise. As for Aimer, he was closing his eyes tightly, feeling a little bit amused at the hits. He never really expected you to do that, let alone let that happen, but he felt it was the least he could do for you, it's been a long time since you both spent time together. Still, his eyes opened wide again when feeling your erecting cock against him, making him blush.
“M-My dear...!”
“Stop.” A smack, another gasp. “Fucking.” Another four smacks as you pulled down his pants as you heard him moan softly. “Talking.” You finalized your sentence and pulled down his boxers, too, finally seeing his slightly pink bare bottom. You smiled to yourself, since the fun just started. “Ready? This won't be over until your ass is as red as I want it to be, but be grateful, your Master is gonna make this short thanks to a little friend...”
Aimer screamed as soon as the paddle touched his skin, and his eyes got a little bit teary. Still, his little friend said otherwise, and you noticed.
“I'm-I'm sorry, ok?! I promise you that I will go to sleep!” You heard him yelp as soon as you lifted the paddle. “I'm... I'm going to be good...!”
... Yeah, both of you were enjoying this.
You acted like you didn't hear him, and you hit his bottom with the paddle agsin, and again, and again. His ass was quickly turning into a brick red, and you smiled as you heard his moans.
“Heh. Hold yourself together, my love. This punishment might be soon to be over, but you better fucking bet that I'm going to rearrange your insides~!”
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