#the thing is even if you're stuck with a job you hate or can't find a better one
violettierre · 1 month
I : majored in english, has a masters degree in it, studying philosophy, and have been an English teacher/Junior translator for almost a decade now.
My grandma : there is our future doctor <3
#i still to this day don't know if she's in denial or thinks what i'm doing is a hobby#it gets funnier every time#especially today#i was like 'mimma i just came back from work i'm so tired' and she was like 'i make food right now for our future doctor'#like ???????#grandma i love your food pls don't give it to someone else#who doctor ? doctor who ?#me ??????#that is so NOT my career#my already existing one that i fought my entire bloodline for put aside#i can never be a good doctor let alone willingly choose it#1) i suck at biology and science and those pure memorization shit#2) i'm really sensitive to blood or injuries i might faint at just the mention of certain stuff (surgeries are crossed off i would DIE)#3) it's just not meant to be and that's okay#as a society we can't survive with one or two careers all of them are important in their own way#an exercise i would usually tell my students to do at this topic#is everytime you feel like someone's job is useless to close your eyes and imagine a world without it#if i managed to convince them hurray to them#if i didn't i ask them to imagine someone they care for work hard then get told their job is useless#(that on usually does the trick)#the thing is even if you're stuck with a job you hate or can't find a better one#there's still some impotance to that job in a way like they offer service or blah blah#yet it will suffocate you because it's not the career you were meant to have#that summed up means the work environment/pressure/nature are what we really define as useless because they can be unfair#but not the work itself#when we delete those previous stuff off the definition all careers are equally important#i hope i was clear#and i also hope my grandma remembers that too#story time
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kishibe-kisser · 7 months
"I like to think Yuji is ours in another life." Your words were soft and gentle, speaking so quiet almost in fear that Nanami heard it. It had been plaguing your mind since you had met the boy, how he sparked that parental instinct in you both. However the last few weeks it was all you could think about when him and Nanami were out on a job.
You felt relief thinking the boy had someone like Nanami to look up to and that Nanami had someone to dote on. They both deserved it, the happiness of a family. Yuji only had his grandfather growing up and Nanami yearned for nothing more than a family. It was only natural that when you packed and extra lunch for Yuji that the thoughts crossed your mind.
You watched Nanami shift, turning his head on your chest to look at you. He looked tired, with slight bags under his eyes. The stress was from work, not Yuji. If anything the boy made him feel younger again... he reminded him so much of Haibara.
"They're all just kids. They need someone looking out for them." He replied shortly... wrapping his arms around you tightly, feeling the sheets around you shift. You mussed your fingers through his unstyled hair, nodding in agreement. "And Yuji..." He trailed off, his eyes looking past you rather than at you. He didn't like talking about him much, out of anger and out of sadness for the boy's inevitable fate. It upset the sorcerer more than he wanted to admit. He loved and hated the boy's sunny disposition despite it all.
"He's a kid, put into a position where he can't be one." You trailed your fingers over the lines on his face, sighing at his words. He too was just a kid once, him, Gojo, Geto... Haibara, all just kids in unfortunate positions. You would have been lying if you said you hadn't shed a tear thinking about the things Nanami had went through, the things he had shared at least. It was clear the topic of Yuji struck him deeply.
"It's silly of me, I know. But I sometimes imagine what he was like when he was a child." You smiled, trying to make the conversation lighter. "Boys like him are always such a handful as kids. So curious." You added on and Nanami stifled a laugh. "I imagine with Yuji's personality. He definitely got into trouble." Nanami surprised you, not thinking he would indulge this fantasy of yours. He tended to be the realist between the both of you, but even a realist needs to dream every now and again.
"He probably got into everything he wasn't supposed to because he still does." He laughed and you felt a weight sit on your stomach. It was a combination of joy and sorrow for both Nanami and Yuji. "It's good to dream." Nanami said, taking note of your sudden somber expression. His hands finding your face to wipe away tears you didn't even know had slipped.
"It is." You agreed and released a shaky breath. He never realized quite how much you had thought about this or how much he had. "He's a good kid..." You laughed, shaking off how ridiculous you were being and wiping the tears away. "He is." His laugh was sympathetic, maybe towards you or maybe towards Yuji, maybe even to himself. "You're working together again tomorrow right? I'll pack him a lunch too." You said, feigning a smile as Nanami stroked your hair.
It was indeed good to dream and for kids to be kids, he'd protect them to the best of his abilities. For their sake and the sake of himself, because he too was young once.
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A/N: I'll get over Nanami soon (no i won't) and I'll write less for him (no I won't) eventually. No but seriously I'll write something else soon, it's just that this is stuck in my head so it's easy to put down on paper. I don't have time lately to write alot because it's exam season the next weeks. But after that! I will try my best to update my lists!
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animationmovieshipps · 8 months
Stay with Me (Opla Luffy x Reader)
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You let out a long sigh, leaning over the edge of the ship and feeling the salty sea breeze ruffling your hair.
With so many thoughts surrounding your mind, you couldn't sleep even if you wanted to. When had things gotten so complicated in your life?
As if before you met Luffy it wasn't already.
It had all started when your parents died, when you had barely become a teenager. You knew it wasn't their intention, but they left you alone in the world, not knowing how to support yourself.
Having no other choice, you packed your bags before you were evicted from the house where you lived your entire life and went to the city's brothel.
Being young and pretty, you were quickly accepted to work there.
You hated more than anything having to sell your body to brute men who didn't care about anything other than satisfying their own needs. But you had to resign yourself, there was no other way for you to be able to eat.
Until one day, you couldn't take it anymore.
Trying to defend yourself from the attack of a man who wanted to have you at any cost, you pierced his throat with a shard of glass and he fell dead on the floor.
Horrified by what you had just done, you fled out the window before they found out what happened and ran to the port. After what you had done, you could no longer stay on that island.
Without seeing clearly what was in front of you out of desperation, you ended up bumping into a boy wearing a straw hat.
He didn't know your name, or who you were, but seeing how desperate you were, he allowed you to board his ship and left the island with him and his crew.
You ended up finding out that his name was Luffy, despite some of the pirates being suspicious of you and your intentions, he seemed to trust you completely.
From what you knew of men there was only one reason why he had agreed to help you.
Without waiting for him to try something, you snuck up on him first at the first opportunity you two were alone. However, to your surprise, he rejected you.
Confused, you asked if that wasn't what he wanted for saving you. He just laughed and explained that he only saved you because he saw that you needed help and didn't expect anything in return.
That day, something changed in your heart. You no longer saw him with the same eyes as before. And that was what you least wanted to happen.
From the beginning, your plan was to stay on the next island where the ship would dock and start a new life.
You had to forget about him, but it was practically impossible when you were stuck with him on a ship for days.
You were taken out of your thoughts when you heard a familiar voice coming from behind you.
"Hi." You smiled, like you always did when you were in his presence. "Can't sleep either?"
"No." Luffy replied. "I always get anxious before arriving on an island I've never been to before."
You chuckled, not saying anything else. You looked at each other in silence for an exaggeratedly long time.
"So tomorrow you're really going to leave?" He asked, finally breaking the silence that followed.
"Yes." You answered. "I've bothered you guys long enough."
"Stop it, woman, you don't bother us at all." He laughed. "But what are you going to do when you get to the island?"
"I still don't know." You sighed. "I can get a job somewhere there, I just know I'm not going back to the life I used to live."
It was clear to everyone that he was very worried about what would happen to you after you left the ship, in addition to being upset with the fact that you two would probably never meet again after the next day.
You continued to look at him, noticing that he was slowly approaching you. You knew you had to move away, but his gaze seemed to have you trapped.
You tried to say something, but the words seemed to get stuck in your throat, your heart was pounding in your chest when you had him so close to you.
"What can I do to make you staw with me?" He asked in a low murmur.
You were caught off guard, not expecting him to say that. You had to admit it was tempting, but you didn't want to be dead weight.
"W-what are you talking about?" You asked, failing to try not to stutter. "What would I do here? I'm useless."
"No, don't say that." He said. "We can find something you can do, but what can I do to make you stay?"
You smiled, happy to realize that your feelings for him were reciprocated.
"I want you to say you love me." You asked in a sweet tone of voice, trying to contain yourself as you looked at his lips.
He moved even closer and wrapped his arms around your torso, continuing to look into your eyes and approaching his face from yours.
"I love you." He whispered, without waiting another second, he kissed you lovingly.
You kissed him back and wrapped your arms around his body, looking like you would never let him go.
After what seemed like an eternity, but not long enough, you broke the kiss, almost in the same second hugging him and laying your head on his chest.
"I love you too."
You weren't going anywhere the next day, you had finally found your place.
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thepenultimateword · 4 months
Sugar and Spice
Henchman dusted the flour off his hands and gave the spiced apple mixture a quick stir. Looked like the juices were releasing nicely with the sugar. This should be a perfectly gooey filling once he finished the crust.
He set out the first pie pan and had just picked up the dough when the double kitchen doors shrieked open. "Henchman, you're needed in the weapons room for cleaning."
Henchman barely gave Other Villain a glance. "Um...no?"
"Excuse me?"
He pressed the pie dough into the pan and took up a knife to trim the excess. "I'm supposed to finish 12 pies before dinner. If I leave the kitchen, I won't meet my deadline. Besides, weapons isn't my department."
"You're department is doing what you're told."
"And if Supervillain doesn't get his pies for the dinner tonight are you going to take responsibility?"
Other Villain's whole body quivered, and the next sentences came out through gritted teeth as if holding herself back from exploding. With her combustion abilities, she just might be. "The weapon's combat team failed another mission. They've been entirely dispatched. If you don't want to follow in their footsteps, I suggest you listen to your superior before I report you for insubordination."
Henchman sighed heavily but set aside the trimmed crust and ran his hands under the sink faucet, scalding away all the crusted flour. He hated it when people pulled the "villain" card. As if the title meant anything more than their abilities being active rather than passive. But until big bosses like Supervillain stopped treating combat abilities as the bar for worth, Henchman couldn't do much about the system's power dynamics. "Can I expect help? I can't spare more than an hour."
Other Villain gave a self-satisfied smile, quickly followed by an annoyed glance at Henchman. "I'll attempt to siphon help from a few other departments, but it may take some time."
Henchman sighed again. "Of course." He placed the bowl of apples in the fridge, pulling his apron over his head and hanging it on the wall hook on his way out the door.
Luckily, all the dough and the fillings were finished, and the oven could fit several pans at a time. He didn't have much faith in Other Villain finding him help--she'd always looked down on the culinary department's contribution even while happily scarfing down booster gelatin before each training session--but perhaps if he gave the weapons room the bare minimum he could make it back before dinner.
That hope disappeared as soon as he entered the weapons room. It was like no one had cleaned it once since the organization was established. Pockmarked targets and half-crushed practice dummies strewed the room. Weapons stuck into walls or laid discarded on the floor. Some were even dispersed throughout the tiered seating area. Henchman scooped up a scimitar by its hilt. Tsking as he twirled it in his hand. They didn't even properly clean--Was that blood?
Henchman dropped the weapon with a loud clatter. His insides chilled as he took in the rust-colored flecks spattering the flat of the blade. Not so much like a weapon that had met flesh as one that had tasted the aftermath of its owner's demise before it could even defend them. Similarly colored smears decorated the walls and flooring.
Other Villain's comment about the latest weapons team's fate rang through Henchman's mind, and suddenly the mess didn't seem so much their fault. Henchman didn't want to think about what actually went down here, and even if he did he shouldn't dare.
Ok, Henchman. Get in, get out, bake your pies.
First thing first, collect all the weapons dispersed throughout the room. Henchman picked up a pair of spears, wrenching one out of a thick practice mat with a spray of foam. He sighed. More mess.
He threw down the spears against the wall and moved for a half-crumpled metal shield. Did Supervillain come personally? No, don't think. That wasn't his job. As much as he hated Other Villain's attitude, she wasn't entirely wrong. His job was to do what he was told, with as little inquiry as possible.
He found an empty quiver at the top of the bleachers, the arrows scattered in tiny pieces among the seats. He'd have to get a broom for those later. But where was the bow? He ducked down to peer under benches but other than a snapped bow string and some close-up splatter that was definitely blood, he found nothing. Maybe it got thrown to the bottom when Supervillain...did what Supervillain did to "parasites."
Henchman skipped the steps two at a time, picking up a dagger teetering haphazardly over the edge of a bench along the way. He jumped down to the training mat with a loud POFF! Loud enough that he didn't notice the sound of the door opening until the flame-haired figure was almost right in front of him. Her hair was pulled into its usual thick braid crown, wound and wound like an endless coil of rope. Meanwhile, she stood on edge, a dog ready to attack, double-colored eyes flicking rabidly around the room. Finding Henchman the room's sole occupant, they eventually settled hungrily on him.
Henchman's heart skipped a beat, clutching the dagger in both hands, tip down, in front of them. "Sir? Er, Ma'am? Villain?"
The green eye looked ready to skin him, while the brown one spun webs of thought.
"Did...Other Villain send you?" Henchman could cringe at the ridiculous question, Villain outranked Other Villain by about a quadrillion stations, but he couldn't think of any other reason why she would be here.
"You're a henchman, right?" she said.
Her gaze flicked to the dagger in his hands, and she turned on heel back toward the door. "Come with me."
Henchman blinked. What was up with villains being bossy today? Well, he took pissing off Villain much more seriously than Other Villain. Maybe she had further instructions for dealing with this mess. Or maybe he wasn't supposed to see this mess, and she'd been sent to deal with him. In any case, he couldn't say no, so he trailed numbly after her into the hall.
She didn't stop there, leading him around several bends, all the way to the stairwell, and down several flights of stairs. When they emerged they were on ground level.
Henchman scrambled to keep up with her stride out the door and into the parking lot. "Um, eminence," Henchman panted, finally remembering the correct title, "do you need help carrying some things upstairs? I could call you a couple runners if you need."
Villain popped open the passenger door to a steel blue coupe. "Get in."
Henchman obeyed on instinct. "Um--"
Villain closed the door on his question, circling around the front of the vehicle and sliding into the driver's seat. She jammed the keys into the ignition and roared the engine to life.
"Wait, are we leaving?" Henchman exclaimed, jolting out of his dronish obedience. Cleaning the weapons room was one thing, but leaving the building to who knew where was another. He really didn't want to be killed for completing neither of his responsibilities today.
"We have somewhere to be," Villain said, eyes fixed straight ahead as she wove through the lot. As she turned out on the main road, the car went from 10 to 100 in a matter of seconds. "A mission."
"But I have work!" Henchman yelped, the acceleration pressing his back into the warm leather seat.
"Not anymore."
"But Supervillain--"
"Has different orders."
Henchman tried to unravel that statement. Supervillain had never wanted him on a mission. This had to be some sort of mistake.
"You're sure?" he said. "Supervillain wants me to go with you?
"Because you kind of made it seem like you didn't know who I was?"
"I don't, I'm working off descriptions."
"Henchman?" Henchman offered. "Did he say Henchman?"
Villain lifted one hand off the wheel, pointing at him with a little knowing tongue click. "That's the one. You're my support."
"Oh." Henchman took a few quiet moments to swallow that. Support made more sense. Maybe this was some sort of away mission. Henchman's bakes didn't pack as much oomph when they were stale, so maybe Supervillain had sent him along for optimum power. It must be something really important if that were the case. But then why didn't anyone inform him? Did Other Villain send him to the weapons room out of spite, hoping he wouldn't be told in time? "What's the mission?"
"Hero agency infiltration. One of the big ones. We're going to have fake identities, safe houses, everything."
Henchman frowned. That sounded like a mission with lots of planning involved, not a spur-of-the-moment run-out-the-door sort of thing. "Is it far?"
"Very far." Villain turned sharply onto the highway's entry ramp. "And top secret. So you can't call anyone."
Henchman's insides twisted. He didn't get this far in a villain organization without being able to feel when something was off. But he also didn't get this far by asking too many questions.
Villain didn't say anymore after that. Henchman half pondered asking if he should turn on some music but decided against it. He leaned his head back against the seat rest, taking in the rumble of the engine and the muffled whip of the wind along either side of the car's sleek body. Villain breathed from her side of the car, but he tried not to think to hard about that. He'd barely interacted with her more than a handful of times, and only ever in passing or with a group. None of which he expected her to remember. Supervillain knew who he was because he knew how to utilize him. Villain didn't need to know any of that to do her job, which was to be the most lethal weapon in Supervillain's arsenal.
Henchman struggled against heavy eyelids, the soothing glide of the car and the exhaustion of the day hitting him all at once. He'd been prepping those pies for hours before Other Villain interrupted him. The apples were going to go bad if he wasn't back in a couple days. He couldn't even call one of the other chefs to finish them for him with this no-call rule, not that they'd have full effect without him doing each step anyway.
He yawned widely.
What sort of things...did Villain...like...?
Henchman didn't remember dozing off, but when he came to, the sky was dark and his face was pressed up against his window.
"I'm going to make you clean that glass," Villain said.
Henchman raised his head drowsily, squinting at the drool smear for several long seconds before shooting up completely straight in his seat.
"I'm sorry!"
Villain rolled her eyes. "You don't need to grovel about it." She pushed open her door and stepped out into the night. "Anyway, we're here."
"Here?" Henchman said, quickly getting out after her.
Villain nodded at the building with its glowing red overhead sign: Azure Inn. "Hotel."
"This is our safe house?"
"This is on the way to the safe house," Villain said, then shooting him a glare. "Stop asking so many questions."
Henchman bit his lip to stop from asking how much further they had to go tomorrow or where they even were now. He simply trailed her into the office as she purchased their room--two twin beds--and then continued after her to room 109.
Everything was blue. Curtains, bedspreads, carpets; it was no wonder how the hotel got its name.
Villain headed straight into the bathroom and Henchman plopped down on one blue bed stretching his long legs to the end with a soft groan as his thoughts wandered once again to the kitchen. This time to the pie dough, sitting in the open air in its tin. It was probably dry by now. His eyes flicked to the wall clock. 12:20 a.m. Supervillain's dinner was over by now too. How did they manage?
The bathroom door creaked, and Villain stepped into the main room, long hair loosed on her shoulders, framing her face in a thick, kinked mane.
Henchman's heart skipped a stupid beat.
As if hearing it, Villain's eyes whirled in his direction, pinning him to the mattress like finely whetted blades. "What are you doing?"
Henchman slowly pushed himself upright."Going...to bed?"
"You're support; you need to keep watch."
"For what?"
"For heroes, moron!" she snapped.
Henchman flinched. "Oh. Right. Um. They know we're coming?"
Villain stormed across the room, yanking back the covers and throwing herself violently onto her mattress. “We don't know, but it's better to be safe than sorry. You already slept in the car, so just stay awake until morning.”
“Right.” Henchman watched Villain snuggle beneath the covers locks of hair fanning like licking flame across her pillow. He cleared his throat. "One more question."
Villain sighed. "What?"
"What do you expect me to do if a hero does show up?”
“Fight them?” she said in a tone that reeked of suspicion that Henchman might actually be stupid.
“Ha, yes, that would seem obvious,” Henchman replied, attitude sneaking into his own tone. “If I knew how.”
Villain shot upright. “What?”
“Combat isn’t my speciality.”
“But you’re a combat henchman!”
Henchman furrowed his brow. “Nooo.”
"What do you mean? You were in the weapons room!”
"Yeah, because Supervillain killed them all! And apparently there was no one else around to clean up the mess!”
“He…?” Villain drew up her knees, leaning her elbows on the caps and rubbing her thumbs hard into her temples. “No, no, no, no. He’s further ahead than I thought. Has he already…? No. Maybe…”
She jerked her head sharply toward him. "What do you do?"
Henchman wet his lips, the sheer contrast of Villain’s expectations, of this entire mistake, hitting him all at once. He looked down at the mattress sheepishly. “I bake."
Part Two
Master Taglist:
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atxxzist · 7 months
sweetest lies | c.s (01)
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prologue // next // series m.list
pairing: choi san x f!reader
word count: 3.6k
warning: nothing i can think of
you can't help but to be annoyed as you shove through the crowd, the blasting music and odors of party people something you were once familiar with, but now only serving as a reminder of the person you used to be.
you weren't gonna come, initially--stuck at your job until the evening and your boss incredibly hard to convince, having made sure to tell yunho beforehand there was a chance you weren't gonna make it.
but afterall, it is yunho, and you were most likely gonna do anything, promising your boss you'll work overtime tomorrow if you have to, if he just let you off this once.
it was the fastest you ever got ready, your hair barely done, makeups too light for your liking, and dress thrown on sloppily, but you still look good.
you know you still do by the amount of eyes and heads hurled your direction while you attempt to free from the overwhelming crowd, relieved to finally find a space where you can breathe even for a second.
you turn and sneak glances past many strangers' heads, hoping to catch at least someone you recognize and knows about yunho's whereabouts, considering the text you sent him fifteen minutes ago went completely unanswered.
something you always hated about parties, whether when you were still into them or not, was that you didn't know more than half of the people that showed up, and this one is no exception--despite being held by yunho at one of the smaller estates owned by his family, everyone either looks like rich kids living a double life or three years younger than you.
yunho usually isn't one for parties either, but he needed something different; something new from dinners and sweet smiles with his parents and people twice his age.
"fancy seeing you here," a voice from behind makes you snap around, finding hongjoong with a cup in his hand and something amusing in his eyes.
"thought you got too good for this kind of setting."
the roll of your eyes is apparent, and you don't bother to hide it.
"i'm not here to get high or whatever, i'm here for yunho."
"of course you are," he snides, the tone and attitude all the evidence that you're just wasting time talking to him, and that even after all these years, hongjoong still holds a little grudge for you.
you cross your arms, leaning to one side to show the impatience.
"so it will be nice if you just tell me where he is," you add.
hongjoong shrugs, taking a sip of his drink nonchalantly, speaking in a dull tone, "haven't seen or heard of him since i got here."
"why the hell do i even bother," you mutter under your breath, about to bring the search somewhere else when he speaks up again.
"why don't you ask the one person that would actually know where he is? or are you too good for that, too?"
you squint, confused, until he nods his head another direction and you follow, landing right into the view of the kitchen and to someone you know all too well just from the back.
his hands on some poor girl's waist and lips running along with hers as her grip tightened at his disheveled hair, his body pressing her forward onto the counter, the both of them making out like there won't be a tomorrow.
"no thanks," you dismiss, managing to reframe from an eyeroll, pushing past hongjoong but not before you catch the smirk on him.
you're only here for one thing, and the fact the place's already starting to become suffocating due to hongjoong's jabs alone, a run-in with san will just be one more reason to leave.
you persist through the smell of cigarettes lingering the hallways, couples making out, and people who's entirely not in their right minds, for the next ten minutes--by the time you realize yunho's still yet to reply, you're already upstairs and so sure he won't be in any of these bedrooms as well.
you love yunho, you really do. your heart full of respect and admiration for him, but something that always bothered you is his bouts of silence.
periodic times where he'd just disappear and wouldn't tell you the reasons why, except some quick assurances about the pointless need to worry about it.
you're sure sooner or later, he will make an appearance and you'll both go through the routine all over again, but it's getting a tad ridiculous having to look for him at his own party.
where exactly would a sophisticated and proper man like yunho who doesn't engage in any of the crazy party shenanigans be at?
not downstairs where mostly everyone is, neither is he in the hallways or any of the rooms upstairs, which leads you to the last option of having to look outside in the late november weather that pierces your skin, making you flinch from the cold breeze.
you're more so agitated by the uncomfortableness, the fit you have on not suited for the season at all because you thought you'd be spending most of the time in the house.
so busy being annoyed and bothered, you don't even comprehend it's the backyard you've found way to with a swingset at the corner, your attention finally pulled from the shivering at the sweet sounding feminine laughter.
nothing could've prepared you for what you're about to see.
your face drops immediately at the sight of yunho, who's able to habitually bring a smile out, but your expression stays cold, watching as the man you dedicated almost your entire life to loving, tuck a strand of hair behind someone else's ear, the giggle from her almost too familiar, you don't even want to believe it.
"yunho?" you let out, his name slipping before you can even register, your voice full of hurt and disbelief.
he shoots to the direction of the call, the lovesick expression turning into all kinds of panic and horror, realizing you've been standing there and probably saw everything.
everything he's been hiding, and things that if you had just given him a bit more time, he would've told you... eventually.
"what the fuck?" you continue, unable to read your own tone if it is said out of pain or anger, but you just know that whatever you're feeling right now is a mixture of both.
and just when you think it can't get any worse, your suspicion of the voice and frame turns out to be right as your sister turns head your direction, and if that's guilt in her eyes, you don't believe it.
she knows about your feelings for yunho, and if there's anything she shouldn't touch or mess with (amongst other things she already did), is getting inbetween you and him. yet, she still did.
still chose to get close to him and do whatever the fuck they just did right now.
it feels like every other instances where you lost to her, whether when your parents would flaunt her or when anyone else would ignore you in favor of her.
you wish to say the loss is new, but the only thing different about it is that it's yunho this time.
"y/n, i--"
"--can explain?" you finish for him, one eyebrow raised and anticipating of what kind of lies he'll come up with on the spot. "because it looks like you ignored me all this time because you were too busy with my own sister."
he opens his mouth to say something, but you already very clearly saw the scene for what it is, now backed against a wall with nothing left but the truth to say.
truth he doesn't get to tell because you're already turning your back on them with an unbelievable sigh, yunho knowing how you are and the tendency you have to avoid your problems. run from them and mask them under the pretense of something else.
you want him to come after you, apologize and show even the smallest of guilt that it was a mistake. choosing your sister was a mistake and something he would never do, especially because he knows how you feel about her.
but he doesn't. the only footsteps out in the night are yours heading back inside, and at the small call of his name by your sister, it breaks your heart how comfortable and perfect it sounds coming from her.
once again, you lost.
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you can count on two fingers the crushes you've developed over your lifetime, the count stopping shortly when yunho came along--someone who's too perfect in every way, you wonder how someone else is gonna ever beat him, because it truly feels like you'll never get over him.
you were used to disappointment and regrets, but you've never experienced a heartbreak before. that soul crushing feeling almost like grief, going through all the stages of denial and anger, unfortunately still yet to come to acceptance.
that all this time, yunho is seeing your sister behind your back.
you can't even begin to think of how it happened, or the extents they went to in order to keep it from you.
that yunho of all people, the one person you thought could never hurt you, is the one causing you to go through the most painful betrayal right now.
because he knows you and knows that some of your biggest insecurities has to do with your sister.
after running off with yunho nowhere in the line of sight behind you, you wind up at a nearby bar, attempting to drown your sorrow the only way you knew how... by indulging in old addiction and habits.
though you've quit smoking, alcohol is still something you struggle trying to keep away from, a drink way too easier to give into, lying to yourself that it'd be just a few sips until suddenly, you're hazed in the mind and can barely recall where you're at.
but this time, you don't care how much you're drinking as long as it's numbing the ache in your heart.
the bartender's refusing to give any more given your state--head buried inside your arms as you groan into the bar counter with a few passersby lasering you weird looks from behind.
it's probably not very smart, out alone and mind not in the greatest state in such an environment where you could most likely get taken advantage of, so you stay somewhat alerted for that.
just in case anyone tries anything innapropriate, because you know all the tricks by now.
so when you feel a presence slowly taking up the space next to you, the plop as they sit down on the bar stool, your fight or flight is activated, picking your head up expecting to tell another guy to fuck off, only for your jaw to drop slightly at who it is.
"san?" you question, eyes squinting at the same time because you can't think of any reasons why he of all people is here.
if he saw what happened back there, then he's only here to make fun of you for it. insult you and take jabs because it's what he's best at.
san can't possibly give a shit about you.
"yeah?" he answers as he just stares you down, almost like he takes pity on your situation.
"why the fuck are you here? don't tell me you followed me."
"i followed you because i knew you'd do something stupid like this," he says, taking a $100 dollar bill out of his pocket and shoving it toward the bartender because you most likely haven't paid. "now get up."
his command is met by a series of protests, your other hand quickly trying to release the hold he has on your arm attempting to get your butt off the seat, but you're unfortunately not as stubborn and snappy under the influence, unable to hold your ground against a sober san.
your entire body falls forward immediately when on two feet, san catching you with his arms, pressing you against his chest as a smirk creeps onto the corner of his lips.
he knows where the lack of reaction is coming from, but he still can't help but to be smug, seeing you so powerless and weak when you were usually the opposite, opting for yelling about how you want nothing to do with him the normal.
he guides you by the small of your back, fingers on your bare skin that ignites something in him, and trying to exit the bar against your stubborn feet that won't move due to the sleepy state you've somewhat slipped into along the way.
"give me your car key," he says once at the parking lot, watching as you whine groggily while one of your hands dig at your purse in search for the key, passing it to him and almost dropping it in the process.
everything after that is a blur, more so than what already is, only recalling the bits of san settling you onto the passenger seat.
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you wake up with a throbbing headache, able to tell right away it's from the drinks you had last night. but other than that, you can't remember anything.
how you got here and where you're at, the place completely unfamiliar, you don't think you've ever been here before.
"oh, good. you're awake."
but the recognizable voice snaps you to his figure sitting at a desk just right beside the bed and on his laptop. it's then that some recollection starts flooding back, all the overwhelming emotions trying to overtake each other.
hurt, betrayal, confusion, and anger.
yunho and your sister for the first half, and san for the other because you can slightly recall speaking to him at the bar before he did whatever he did.
"where the hell am i?" you ask, sitting up to glare at him and checking the room out once more. you suppose it's quite tidy and nice.
your outfit is the same but just slightly washed out and wrinkly, and if you had a mirror, you can already picture the smeared mascara running under your eyelashes.
"my condo," he replies casually, eyes refusing to move from the laptop.
a quick silence passes before a horrible thought comes over, blurting it out the instant it sinks on you.
"did we--"
but the sheer horror in your voice has san turning so fast just to cut you off with a "no", following by a deep, sarcastic chuckle.
"seriously, y/n. what kind of monster do you think i am?"
well, excuse you for assuming because he's given you every reasons to. every single encounter and run-ins, he never missed the chance to throw stupid innuendos about getting in bed with you.
"whatever," you dismiss, yanking the blanket off and scooting to the edge of the bed, making san raise an eyebrow in return.
"where are you going?"
"leaving," you hiss, at the same time pushing your feet into the heels that are found sprawled all over the floor and stealing a quick glance at the alarm clock on the nightstand that brings out a sigh.
"i'm already late for work and everything seems to be going to shit, so i don't need any of this right now."
san scoffs and you try to not let it bother you, finishing up the last bits of your heels before standing up, so close to leaving the room when he starts talking again.
"a thank you would be nice, you know."
he says it so casually but you know that he's hidden a smirk and satisfaction under all the pretense because he loves it when he has even the smallest of hold over you--whether when he's right or succeeded in convincing you to feel indebted.
"i didn't ask for you to take me home," you reply, arms crossed and turning around, something sharp and meaning to hurt in your delivery.
his attention is no longer on the screen of his laptop and has shifted to you completely, figure walking up to peer down with a look that might intimidate you if this isn't a scene that's already happened one too many times between the both of you.
"if i didn't, something could've happened to you. you were shitface drunk."
you smirk before blowing off the concern with a scoff.
"well maybe i prefer the alternative than to have come home with you."
during university days, all of yours and san's friends were so sure that all the squabbling and jabs at one another was just an outlet to release all the suppressed sexual tension.
though you will admit he's attractive--a fact you've seen him use to his advantage many times, there was simply nothing more to it other than the fact you couldn't stand him and still can't.
"ridiculous," he huffs under his breath, a rare instance of annoyance crossing his expression.
he enjoys bantering with you to some extent, often times intrigued by the outrageous things you'd say because it gets him off in some weird, messed up way.
but it's not fun anymore when you take it too seriously, and especially when he does something genuinely (which he doesn't often) and it still doesn't seem to faze you.
as if you've already built an image of him and refuses to change it no matter the depth he goes to--often times leading to a cycle, because he can get impatient and frustrated.
instead of snarking back, your voice actually drops to a much deliberate tone, the words not wanting to spill because it's still all too painful, but it does.
"if you followed me yesterday, then you most likely already knew what happened at the party and why i ended up at the bar. so if you will just let me leave in peace."
considering you promised your boss to make up for the time yesterday and still haven't even shown almost an hour into the shift, you'll be lucky if he lets you off with a warning.
but it doesn't look like san takes pity on your situation, something shifting in him as he stares at you with a gaze that makes you just slightly nervous.
he clears his throat.
"let me ask you something seriously," he says, taking a step forward that makes you swallow a lump. "did you actually believed that this entire time, yunho wasn't seeing anyone?" he ends it with a head tilt that conjures the lump back.
because you did. the entire time, you really fucking believed he wasn't seeing anyone.
"did you not ever questioned all the times he'd disappear or make excuses? and did you ever stop to think about the improbability that someone of his age never had any interactions with other women?"
the sinking realization is unlike anything you've ever experienced before, and if you thought seeing yunho with your sister back then was awful, this pain can almost kill you.
all this time, you were nothing but foolish and delusional.
san can see both the stages of denial and anger in your face, some tears threatening to get out but you manage to hold them back in. you don't like crying because the last thing you want to be seen as is weak. san knows that.
"if he was fucking other people, then why couldn't he just tell me himself?"
"because he didn't want to hurt you," he unveils, much to your stunned reaction. "he knew you'd lash out and act exactly the way you did when you saw them back at the party."
you can only blink in confusion, like all the information are new and unbelievable. the fact yunho really thought so low of you, one you're not sure how to feel.
but a fact more surprising and intriguing than that, is that the entire time... san knew.
"so you knew about him and my sister and whoever fuck else, but still chose to keep it from me? lie to my face and play along with your brother?"
“you followed me?”
“of course. i heard the conversation at the table. you know, if you’re going to get married off to my brother soon, we might as well get it over with; go into one of these rooms. we might not get the chance ever again. i’ll make it quick, and this will just be between you and me.”
san retracts from the sudden accusation that now all of a sudden, he's become the main culprit. he can't help but to feel some sort of way about it, opting for speaking his mind although it often ends up in destruction.
"it's not like we were ever on good terms and you would've listened to me. but i also don't owe you anything because you never see me in a good light anyways."
he always find himself being hot and cold with you. one second filled with regrets for the terrible things he'd say, then the next, he's spewing some more, and you just so happen to be the only other person just as horrible to say even worse things in return.
"but if i knew your girlfriend was fucking someone else behind your back, i sure would've told you," you spit, eyebrows pinched in the whole time.
"it's not my fault you couldn't get the hint that if yunho actually wanted to ask you out, he would've a long time ago."
san regrets it as soon as he finishes the sentence, but it consumes him completely when the anger on you is no longer but trails of hurt and sadness.
"--fuck. you," you cut him off, not sparing another second before you're already out the door.
and if san thinks he saw what looks like a tear, he convinces himself it isn't, because you won't cry in front of him, and you definitely won't cry because of a comment he made.
but he did try to make things right the best he knew how; even then, it's never good enough in your eye.
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jo-harrington · 4 months
Developmental Achievement (A Store Manager Verse Story - Steve Harrington/Reader)
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Previous Part: Incremental Planning
Pairing: Steve Harrington x HawkTheaterManager!Reader
Summary: Steve messed up and now he needs to fix things if he wants to win you back, hopefully for good.
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. November through January 1986, Steve and Robin work at Scoops (OR DO THEY?), Reader works at The Hawk Theater (formerly at Dippin' Dots AND Wicks and Sticks; you job hop...it's a thing), Relationship Break, Hopeless [Romantic] Steve, Tie in with the Store Manager Verse
Note: So this is the end of our Steve saga of the SMVerse, kind of wrapped up in a neat little bow. Is it the best? Probably not, but it's silly and corny and cheesy and I needed all of those things yesterday and instead of RELEGATING IT TO MY FIRST FAVE...I'll inflict it upon Stevie. Tagging @dr-aculaaa and @loveshotzz because COME AND GET HIM. (@deathbecomesthem ...and a possible Easter Egg?)
You can find my masterlist here for more fics featuring pretty much exclusively Eddie Munson content but also a little Steve.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
Steve Harrington fucked up.
Ok. Ok. That’s not right.
Steve Harrington really fucked up.
If he was being honest, he always seemed to fuck up when it came to you, his...well...he could really only call you his ex now, couldn't he?
From rivals in ice cream where he missed every sign that you might like him, to sickeningly-sweet dates around Hawkins because he was being too boring of a boyfriend, and finally to Thanksgiving Dinner with his parents where he absolutely stuck his foot in his mouth.
He thought making a joke about your job-hopping was funny--from Dippin' Dots to Wicks and Sticks to KB Toys, it's lucky you decided he was worth sticking around for--but it only put you under his parents' scrutiny.
He got an earful as he walked you to your car after dinner was over. You stayed a few steps ahead of him until you got to the driver's door and turned to him with tears in your eyes.
"That was embarrassing, Steve," you said through clenched teeth.
"I'm sorry, I..." he was at a loss for words, especially making you cry. As strong as you were, you never seemed to be flustered at all; what was happening? "I thought it was a joke. We always laugh about it. I’m gonna work at scoops forever and you’re gonna work everywhere else."
"But it’s meeting your family, you shouldn't joke about...about what a huge flake I am that you're lucky I don't jump from boyfriend to boyfriend just like I go from job to job. They're never gonna look at me the same way again. You only get one first impression."
"You shouldn't worry about what they think about you. I've stopped caring about what they think about me too."
It went back and forth before you threw your hands up and got in the car.
You didn't even kiss him goodnight.
Then sometime during Black Friday weekend, you stopped by Scoops before your shift and broke up with him.
"It was nice, Steve," you said, barely able to look at him. "But uh...I don't know. I need to know I'm with someone who doesn't think I'm some kind of joke."
He chased after you, even with his manager screaming that if he left he'd be fired, and begged you to reconsider.
You didn't.
He watched you ride up the escalator to head to your shift.
And when he got back to Scoops, he was actually fired.
What a great day.
Of course, Robin quit as soon as Steve was fired.
"Can't stick it out without you dingus," Robin announced as she approached him in the parking lot shortly after, tossing her hat at him. "And you can't have Scoops without...Stoops. Get it? Because you're stupid. Scoops? Stoops? Stupid. Why aren't you laughing?"
It was pretty funny.
But Steve was heartbroken.
Unemployed and heartbroken.
Robin insisted that she could land them both jobs at Family Video--
"Keith hates me. Pretty sure he calls me Sleeze Harrington."
“Well he loves me. I can vouch for you, come on."
--but Steve was sure that he would have a better chance at winning you back if he kept working at StarCourt.
What an epic bust that was.
Not the job part.
Well, that too.
Most of the stores near the toy store were done hiring seasonal help, and the best that he could land was a temp job as a Mall Santa.
On the upside, it meant that he could walk around the mall on break in his Santa suit and watch you with you none the wiser until he could beg you to take him back.
"It sounds creepy," was the unfortunate response from Steve's newest friend and personal relationship expert, the Claire's Store Manager.
He stopped by before his shift to pick up some of his lucky strawberry lipgloss to make sure he was very pouty and puckery for the moment you realized you'd made a mistake...and after effectively getting it all over his fake beard, the Manager decided to take pity on him and listen to his woes while helping him clean up.
"I'm gonna need to start charging you for advice," she laughed and wiped him off with tissues from the ear piercing station. "You seriously need it if that's the idea you came up with."
"You're a real Lucy Van Pelt," Steve deadpanned. "I'll buy you cookies one day just...please...help me."
"Have you tried just talking?" she questioned. "Wasn't that your problem in the first place? Way back when? You didn't communicate."
"But they're mad at me, they don't want to talk. And I need to fix it."
"Then give them some space, and try again, ok? Give it a week or two. They probably just need time to cool down, sounds like you really hurt their feelings."
"And if they can't forgive me?"
"Then you move on," she sighed. "Sometimes things just don't work out and even though it doesn't make you feel ok, you have to be ok with it."
So he waited a week.
A week was long enough, right? His own personal Lucy said so.
He chose a day he wasn't scheduled at Santa's workshop and waited for you in the food court where he knew you'd seek refuge during your lunch break, just like the two of you had taken your breaks together. He wore his best polo, made sure his hair was perfect, applied some of his lucky lip gloss and waited.
And waited.
And waited.
But you never showed up.
Not during your usual break. Not an hour later. Not even at the supposed end of your shift.
Maybe you were working a double?
So as much as he told himself he wouldn't follow you because it was creepy, he ran up the escalator two steps at a time to KB Toys where you would surely be.
Or not.
"They don't work here anymore kid," your former manager sighed after he asked about you. "I'm sorry."
"W-well where did they go?" he asked frantically, pathetically.
"Didn't say, not really my business to ask. Put in their notice...right after Black Friday, actually. Right before the Christmas rush too."
If he was heartbroken before...his heart was just gone now. Obliterated. Non-existent.
Along with any hope of trying to win you back.
Steve stuck through the rest of the holiday season at the mall; you could call him many things but a quitter wasn't one of them. However, come the new year, he needed a new job again, and he took up Robin's offer to butter Keith up and get in at Family Video.
He was offered an opening key shift, a decent employee discount, a better paycheck than both Scoops and Santa's workshop combined, and unlimited access to choose the movie playing overhead whenever he was in charge.
"You're lucky the other person I was about to hire bailed," Keith said after his first week. "Got a job at the Hawk or something. Can't blame 'em. Free popcorn and all that."
The distraction helped the heartache.
Surprisingly, he got a few phone numbers. Nothing ever came of them, nursing a broken heart the way he was, but it was nice. He'd been tempted to call you, several times in fact, but in the end he just decided fate knew better. Still, he denied himself the role of Hawkins' resident heartthrob.
"Are you hearing yourself right now?" Robin scoffed at him as he scrubbed off yet another phone number that had been written onto the palm of his hand by one customer or another. "Resident Heartthrob. Seriously? Ok Cassanova."
"What else do you wanna call it?" he asked, holding his arms out helplessly. "They can't resist the Harrington Charm, even when I don't want to use it."
"It's because you keep putting on sappy romance movies when you're here. Girls like that shit, a guy in touch with his feelings."
"First Nancy and then..." he trailed off, thinking about you sadly. He had to let you go.
"Are you kidding me?" Robin hit him upside the head and shoved him out of the way so she could start processing returns. "You can't even say their name? You need to get over it."
"It's hard."
"Were they your soulmate or something?"
"Robin, all men must...have someone who will never take advantage of a love bright as the sun."
"Someone to stand beside them."
"You're quoting the Monkees now."
"They were the one," Steve lamented. "And now they're--"
He trailed off as his eye landed on something outside the window.
"They're what? On the Last Train to Clarksville?" She made a buzzer noise. "Try again."
"No they're walking in right now, act casual," Steve announced and started typing away at the keyboard of the computer.
The doorbell chimed as you set foot inside Family Video and Steve glanced up to get a look at you for the first time in weeks.
Ok, so maybe he was being a little pathetic with this heartache.
Maybe it wasn't that bad for him.
It was pretty bad.
But when your eyes met, Steve could just tell...it had to have been just as bad for you too.
Because he knew you by now. How many months had you been dating? Dates and lunches and breaks spent together. Was it love? Maybe. Probably. Even if it wasn't, it was damn near close to it. So he knew the way your eyes lost their sparkle a little bit when they landed on him, knew the way your shoulders sagged, knew the words that refused to escape your lips when you saw him.
Stevie Stew. Pookie Bear. Dumb dumb. All the pet names he missed too.
Robin greeted you with an exaggerated lengthening of your name and a pointed glare shot directly at Steve.
"Hey Rob," you cleared your throat and offered a strained grin. "How are you? Didn't know you were working here."
Your eyes shifted to Steve and then back to Robin.
"Either of you."
"I've been here since before Christmas," Robin leaned against the counter as you approached and thumbed over her shoulder at Steve. "And of course dingus over here just couldn't stay away."
"You're the dream team, of course," you nodded. "Scoops Troop. But, uh, not anymore I guess."
"We're workshopping a new name."
The two of you laughed and then you excused yourself to peruse the shelves for a new movie. Robin even offered to show you some new tapes with a low pull it together hissed at Steve as she rounded the counter to show you a new display.
Steve willed himself to say something, Do something. Anything. Say hello, walk over and suggest a new movie, say that it was good to see you, that he missed you.
Communicate, god damn it.
But he was frozen.
Even more when you and Robin returned a few minutes later debating which John Hughes flick you should get: Sixteen Candles or Weird Science.
"You could always get both," Steve suggested, the words rocketing out of his mouth violently as you reached the register.
"Uh, yeah, actually..." you nodded. "That's a good idea, I think I will."
Steve typed in all the information and got your rentals rung out, and as he asked if you wanted candy or popcorn, you laughed.
"You know what, I'm actually all candy and popcorn'd out," your smile faltered when your eyes met again. "I'm...uh...you know."
"Know what?" Steve asked dumbly.
"I'm over at the Hawk," you nodded. "New shift manager and everything. I was...I was actually supposed to work here when Mr. Phillips offered me a dollar more at the theater. And the popcorn didn't hurt."
"I didn't know that," Steve shook his head.
You and Steve stared at each other for another long, drawn out minute.
You opened your mouth to say something--
"Can we ta--"
--before Steve, idiot that he was, pushed your tapes across the counter at you and practically shouted at you.
"Your rental's due back on Friday by 2pm, enjoy."
Robin gave him the silent treatment for the rest of his shift.
"Do I show up with flowers?"
"What's that voice, you don't like flowers?"
"Not really."
There he was, back at Claire's the following day, sitting in the chair at the Ear Piercing Station as the manager restocked the jewelry wall. A bag of fresh chocolate chip cookies from the food court sat on top of the station and the two of them periodically reached in for a treat as Steve regaled her with his tale.
"I know they miss me, I just know it."
"Then why did you freeze up?"
"Because I'm an idiot. Help. Please."
So far, the manager hadn't really been able to offer him much advice outside of a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear. Especially now as he planned a way to win you back.
"Everyone likes flowers," Steve argued skeptically. "You're telling me Munson hasn't gotten you roses or something?"
The shop bell rang, a chain rattled, and leather squeaked, and instead of the manager answering with a gentle tone and an eye roll like she'd been doing all day, Eddie Munson himself chimed in.
"If I was a jealous man," he started with an exaggerated glare at Steve. "I would say you're here flirting with my girlfriend."
Eddie "The Freak" Munson was somehow the Dad to Steve's reluctant Mom when it came to the ragtag gang of Freshman that they shared role-model-ship of, and because of that their previous animosity had been turned into some kind of...agreement.
Could Steve say Eddie was a bad guy? No. Was he still wondering why the kids liked him so much? Yes. Could the two of them get along? Up for debate.
Which was why Steve wasn't so concerned when the metalhead was feigning some kind of intimidation tactic; they had an agreement that went from unspoken to shaken on come the new year: No fighting in front of the kids, no making fun of each other's hair, no stealing Eddie's girlfriend.
"What are you doing here?" the manager laughed at the two boys antics and crossed her arms over her chest. "Don't you have school?"
"I came to ask you a very important question," Eddie smiled a lovesick smile at her, Steve momentarily ignored. "But imagine my surprise when someone else is sitting in my spot."
"It's not your spot. And I'm giving him advice."
"He's hopeless, apparently."
"I'm right here," Steve exclaimed and got to his feet, ready to leave. "I didn't come here to be made fun of. I actually need help."
He didn't like the way Eddie clapped him on the shoulder, or steered him out of the store, or gave him a patronizing smile.
"Listen," Eddie started once they were out of the store. "I know you're having some issues but seriously, you need to get your act together."
"And how should I do that Munson? I've thought of everything and your girlfriend keeps telling me that my ideas are stupid."
"I'm sure they are stupid," Eddie nodded. "I trust her judgment."
"What would you do to win her back? If you fucked up?"
"I wouldn't fuck it up, Number one," Eddie smirked. "Even at the risk of jinxing myself there. Rule Number One in the Munson Relationship Doctrine, don't fuck it up."
"Well that page is missing from the Harrington Relationship Doctrine, because I clearly went and did that."
"Rule Number Two," Eddie continued, ignoring Steve. "Is by making a grand and personal gesture. Didn't you ask Nancy Wheeler to Junior Prom by having the cheer squad perform a routine just for her a few years ago."
"Yeah that took a lot of begging," Steve nodded eagerly, already formulating a plan. "But I could do it again if I--"
"I heard she hated it," Eddie shot a sour expression. "So no, not that."
"Then I'm out of ideas," Steve admitted.
Eddie threw his head back and groaned, and Steve was sure he heard him say something along the lines of and Buckley called him Hawkins Heartthrob.
"Listen," Eddie recovered, tightened his grip on Steve's shoulder with one hand, and jabbed him in the chest with the other hand. "Don't ever say that I didn't do anything for you ok? Where does your friend work? The Hawk?"
"How do you know that?"
"News travels fast when you're friends with 5 freshmen and Robin Bigmouth Buckley ok?" Eddie shook his head. "Now listen to me. Your friend works at the theater? Showing movies right? And what are movies made of?"
"Sure. And the kids...Dustin...what club is he part of at school?"
"Uh...Hellfire Club. Chess Club..."
"AV Club," Eddie insisted with an exaggerated nod. "And where do you work?"
"Family Video."
"And what is in a vid--you know what?" Eddie groaned. "I don't have time for this. How are you not putting two and two together Harrington?"
"I don't know what I'm supposed to be putting together."
"What they all have in common?"
Steve took a second as Eddie leaned closer expectantly, as though trying to transmit his idea through osmosis because Steve was just not getting it.
Until the osmosis was successful and Steve had his lightbulb moment.
"There you go!" Eddie's face stretched with a feral grin. "I see the wheels turning. Ladies and Gentleman, I believe a plan is underway."
It took a little more than a week, the combined efforts of the AV Club and Hellfire Club, and a good chunk out of Steve's paycheck for supplies and to bribe them all and the projectionist at the Hawk.
But the plan was in place.
Steve found out your schedule, bought tickets for a 5pm show of Hey there, It's Yogi Bear.
There couldn't have been a worse movie to choose, but it was the only one he could buy out the theater for.
He showed up to the Hawk promptly at 4:30, got his soda and popcorn, and hung around the lobby impatiently. He was pretty sure he'd ruined his hair from the number of times he'd run his hand through it.
Slowly his friends started to filter in: The Sinclair kids and Max, Mike Wheeler and Will Byers with Nancy and Jonathan in tow--that wouldn't be nerve-wracking or embarrassing at all if the plan didn't work out. At some point, Eddie's van pulled up in front of the Theater and Dustin, Jeff, Gareth, and Dave all walked in bickering about nachos and sour worms, before Eddie and the Claire's Store Manager followed suit, Eddie telling his friends to shut up.
Steve was beginning to sweat at 4:55 when Robin ran in, hand in hand with a new girlfriend that he'd seen waiting for Rob when he dropped her off at school in the morning.
That he'd been maybe a little too in his own head about you to hear Robin rave about for the past few months. He really did feel bad about that.
"Thought you were gonna be late," he accused Robin.
"Me? Late?" she beamed. "Never. Do we have time to grab candy?"
"Just go," he waved them off, then shot Robin a secret thumbs up as she pointed to her crush excitedly, then got nervous when he spotted you across the lobby, talking to one of the ushers.
You faltered when you locked eyes with him, waved back when he sent you a little hello, and then you scurried into the box office.
He allowed himself one more moment of heartache. Then at 5 on the dot, Steve entered the theater and sat in the back row, as close to the projection window as he could get.
The previews started, and for a moment, Steve looked at all his...well, they were all his friends now, weren't they? Here to support him on this hare-brained endeavor. He suddenly felt loved in a way that he didn't think he'd ever felt before, not like this.
The only thing missing was you.
Suddenly the projection started skipping, and he could hear his accomplice in the projection booth shuffle around, then a door opened and closed.
"And so it begins," Eddie said dramatically a few rows ahead.
"Shut up, you're gonna give it away!" Dustin shouted at him.
Everyone started chattering until Steve sent them all a shhhhh when he heard the projection booth door open and shut again and your voice, clearly irritated, started speaking.
"What do you mean it isn't working? Did you try...I don't know...unplugging it and plugging it back in? Re-roll the film and try it again...here let me see..."
Steve felt himself shake with anticipation as the projector started up again, but the images on the screen were decidedly not Yogi Bear and Boo Boo.
"What the hell?" you exclaimed.
On the screen were pictures of you and Steve, all the polaroids and film strips from the little Photo Booth at Starcourt that you'd taken together over the months of your relationship. The ticket from the aquarium that he'd saved. The note you'd pinned to his back one morning when you hugged him before his shift that said "Steve Harrington is a loser."
He heard your snort as the scene panned up to a shot of himself sitting at the desk in his room writing a letter, shot on the Wheeler family's camcorder. The Steve on the screen looked up into the camera and startled.
"Oh," he laughed. "Didn't see you there. It's been a long time, hasn't it? I uh...I really wanted to talk to you and figured there wasn't a better way than writing a letter."
"Nerd," you called through the projection window, garnering laughs from his friends.
The scene faded to Movie Steve in a turtleneck skipping rocks at Lover's Lake in a very artistic shot that Director Dustin was apparently "proud of."
"But a picture is worth a thousand words so I'm pretty sure a video is worth a million." Movie Steve said your name sadly and looked deep into the camera. "I messed up, I was an idiot and a jerk and only took my own feelings into consideration when I made that joke to my parents. I don't care how they felt about you because I'm past the point of caring how they feel about me. My screw ups.
"And unfortunately I made the biggest screw-up of my life that night. I might not care what they think about me...but I care what you think about me."
The scene changed once again, Movie Steve leaning over the counter at Family Video filling out a form on a clipboard.
"There are a million better movies out there than this one you're watching right now Honey, but none of them are able to show just how truly sorry I am, and how much I miss you. I know that we still need to talk things out in person but I hope this shows how much I'm willing to put in the work so you'll forgive me."
A few rows ahead, he could hear Eddie speak along with Movie Steve, he leaned into his girlfriend and said "I wrote that line. Pretty good, right?"
"Uh huh," she pushed his head away from her. "Sap."
Eddie turned back to look at Steve and shot him a thumbs-up.
The scene changed one last time to a panning shot of Steve walking out of StarCourt mall towards his car.
"This is your chance to decide now. I wouldn't blame you if you chose never to talk to me again. I'll wait outside once your shift is over, but I'll respect your choice either way. I miss you Honey, and I love you."
Movie Steve got in the car and drove away into the sunset, only for the camera to pan over to Corroded Coffin playing a sweet ballad that Steve knew was your favorite.
The screen faded to black and the audience erupted into applause before the real previews resumed and the eventual movie.
Steve listened intently for some sign of life from the projection booth, but aside from a few footsteps and the door opening and closing again, there was nothing.
After the movie was over and all of his friends went their respective ways, Steve sat by his car until the end of your shift. When the last lights of The Hawk marquee finally turned off and the employees all started filing out, he knew he was holding his breath.
The last person out of the building was you, and as you turned around and spotted him, you stopped in your tracks.
Just like the other day at Family Video, it was a standoff between you and Steve, and although Steve wished that you would just come running into his arms to kiss him, insisting your forgiveness, he knew things were never that easy.
"That, uh...was something," you finally broke the silence.
"It was, wasn't it," he agreed.
"Was that your idea?" you asked. "Pretty sure those were all your friends in there."
"Yeah I bought out the whole theater."
"You bought...seriously?"
"I wanted to make sure you weren't embarrassed...in case anyone else saw."
"And I wouldn't be embarrassed by your friends?" you scoffed.
"Well they all helped me make it so I think I was more embarrassed asking them all for help than you." You let out a long sigh and put your face in your hands and Steve started talking rapid-fire. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I know that sucks when...when I already did. But I promise I'll do better. I'll be better. I'll be anything you need me to be, I just...I need you back."
You said something but it was muffled by your hands.
"I said," you pulled them away and looked up at him with watery eyes, and he felt his heart drop again. "Do you really love me? You said so...at the end of that...whatever that was."
"I mean...yeah I guess I do."
"You guess?" you laughed.
"I do!" Steve said with more confidence this time. "I do love you. I'm...sorry I didn't say anything sooner."
"I'm sorry you didn't either," you muttered. You closed the distance and grabbed the lapels of Steve's jacket in your hands, as though you were about to shake him. "Do you know...the real reason I was upset?"
"There's...a real reason?" he asked.
"Why I broke up with you."
"Oh. Uh...no."
"I mean," you took a great breath of confidence. "Yeah I was mad because you made me seem like a joke to your parents on Thanksgiving, and I know...I know their opinion doesn't mean that much to you. But after I left it got me thinking...what if you made a joke like that...because I was a joke. And maybe thats why nothing was ever coming of our relationship because it was just...you didn't care about me. You didn't...love me, the same way I loved you."
Steve felt the invisible hand clench around his heart; it was like Nancy all over again.
"Loved?" he whispered weakly, the sense of deja-vu undeniable. "Honey..."
"So I had to end it. To protect myself. And I took a long hard look at myself when I got to work. The what? Third job I had since I started at StarCourt? I realized that maybe...I was a joke. Maybe you were right, that I was...this job-hopping, unreliable...thing and that's why I quit. And I started looking...for a management position somewhere so I could be better."
"But you were already great," Steve assured. "Can we get back to that...loved thing?"
"Let me finish."
"And you know what I found out since I've been here?" you asked. "I...kind of hate working at a movie theater. And I need to leave again. I'm...I'm a free spirit. I can't be tied down to one kind of job. I saw an ad in the paper for an arts and crafts instructor at the Park District and I sort of wanna quit before applying, I would be great at that."
"You would," Steve laughed, still unsure of where this was going.
It was always a bit of a rollercoaster with you though, and it was another thing about you that he loved.
"So...tonight seeing all of that," you waved an arm behind you at the theater. "Seeing you...realizing that you loved me all along...I don't know. I don't need your love to keep being who it is that I am, it's just nice to know that you love me, the same way I love you."
"Love me?" he asked hopefully.
He whispered your name desperately and then cupped your face in his hands.
"I love you Honey."
"I love you too, Steve Harrington."
You pulled him into you and smashed your lips to his. The heartbreak faded away from both of you, and in its place, undeniable love and affection for each other.
Steve Harrington might have been many things, he might have fucked up.
But he was happy to say he was someone who could fix it.
With love.
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tarjapearce · 10 months
Bad Teachings (Pt. 5)
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Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader
WARNINGS: Strained relationships, friendship starters, piercings, awkward truths. Slow Burn.
Summary: Relationships are weird. And truth isn't always kind. At least, you might have a friend.
(Might feel a bit boring, but we're building something here. 🥹)
Pt. 6
"OK. I've got one for you." —
"What's the scariest plant?" —
You almost giggled into the reply in your head. It was another ridiculous joke, silly but science-y that upon reading it on a blog, you instantly thought on sending it to Miguel.
In the meantime while he replied, if he ever did that is, you kept on working in a new project. Despite the previous client complaining initially on the low numbers on her beauty product line, the numbers were making small changes in other states, giving a glimpse of hope in the team.
Your job itself at this marketing company, Searchbloom, was to make the briefs, office automation of said briefs and of course help prepare new campaigns for approved projects and important clients  such as celebrities, big companies, influencers and anyone with enough money to afford a complete market investigation.
Your phone buzzed as you finished another brief from a client.
—Red Tide or Algae Bloom. Really bad for marine ecosystems.
You blinked and shook your head at the little fact that you'd probably forget in the next hours. The giddyness of your comeback taking over once more.
Interesting. I thought it was the BamBOO!—
—Ever thought in going out more?
Campy jokes were scratched off your list of things. You could picture in your head the reaction, dead, boring and possibly judging.
I'd need real friends for that(?) —
—Not a bad thing to be on your own, y'know?
Swallowing at the dryness of your mouth, you finished the little brief, digitally signed it and sent it to another coworker in the other side of the office cubicles.
I know. But doing things on your own isn't always fun. I mean, I'd really love to go shopping, hanging out for lunch and the like with other people.—
His eyes squinted at your words on his screen
I mean we are social beings by nature, sadly, and as much as I'd like to keep doing things on my own, the making friends fever has taken over. —
—Trust me, don't rush things. They'll come to you in the right time.
Your brows arched in surprise at what you just read and pursed your lips in a tight smile.
I mean, I could ask you to hang out but I know you are a busy man. Plus, I gotta step a bit more out of my comfort zone, ever since I got out of college feels like the right time to start making little changes, can't be socially inadept forever, I guess? —
And I'm not sure if you'd actually be interested in such things, you're a workaholic, so yeah. Sorry for the long ass message. —
He hummed and his lip curled faintly upward
You should try it as well.—
—Got enough to live by. Thanks.
You actually give these "Leave me alone" sorta vibes 🤔—
—That pretty much sums it up.
                                      I see—
Your heart gave a wobbly and doleful beat, eyes stuck in reading that sentence over and over again. You gulped laboriously the lump that had just formed in your throat.
He wasn't asking to be left alone, was he? Maybe he was actually hinting that you should leave him alone.
Oh no. No, no.
You hated assumptions. But he was pretty clear about the meaning of the message, right? Right?
Closing his chat log, you put your phone away and tried to pour yourself into work to little to no avail. Your brain felt like split in two, blooming headache biting at the back of your head. Week had just started.
You tried. You tried with all your might to keep the harrowing-thoughts at bay, but over thinking you ever old friend only made things trickier than intended. You barely wanted to look at your phone, cause what would you find there but implicit rejection? Even though the other part of you wanted to reach out, at usual.
Another cold realization. You were the one that always sparked the small and sparse conversations you had.
"... Fuck." Seeing your log of messages with him, offline, just made you cringe at how precisely you were acting and wanted to avoid be seen as. Clingy and desperate.
Gulping down, you pressed on the trash bin icon. Breath stilled for a second as you tapped on the 'Yes' confirmation button. He hadn't replied since yesterday.
Why would he anyways?
Question ghosting over your mind.
It wasn't that hard to process.
His words seemed to make sense now. The palpitations in your heart only made themselves clear further the more you thought about it.
God knows how long he had been waiting to say such things.
You grunted at your thoughts. The noise and unkind thoughts reverberating in your head, made your migraine to simmer to a higher level. You had barely slept as the whole situation was breaking piece by piece the little functionality you had left for the day.
But, tasked yourself with one thing, to not look at your phone through the day. A rather easy task since you only used it to check your little social media, watch funny things or videos that caught your interest.
The knitting and crocheting stash of videos in your gallery weren't enough to keep you distracted. So you had added a new category, city wandering for new spots. And four pm sounded like a good hour to actually start. 
And if wandering the city alone, after work to keep you busy from over thinking probable assumptions wasn't considered a hobbie, you certainly didn't know what else to call it.
So you finished work, clocked out and adventured yourself in the arts of local wanderlust. But of course traffic fucked throughly all chances of doing so. You went to the supermarket to grocery and toiletries shopping.
The situation had made you so oblivious to the fact that you needed to replace some basic stuff at home. Shampoo, toothpaste, conditioner, exfoliants.
You couldn't help but notice the coffee and grain aisle full of new products. Hazelnut lattes, cardamom and clove blends, brands you didn't even know that existed, some cheap, other expensive, and of course you took one in between. A small international sample blend.
Your card surely had died a little when you slid it to pay. Almost a houndred bucks in beauty products and another houndred and a bit more in groceries.
The groceries and toiletries were checked from the expenses list. To your little solace, Mr. Landlord was waiting for you with a man and another door.
You let them work, as you unpacked your things. At least you had a new door, a prettier yet still sturdy like the previous one.
Still, no message from Miguel.
On Wednesday you tasked yourself with the same endeavor as yesterday. Not checking your phone. The videos in your "To watch" list were boring and annoying. Political propaganda, movie recommendation spams, mysoginistic stands ups, reactions to bizarre videos.
Nothing worthy to wasting your time on your lunch break. At least you would have the chance to wander the city on your own. You had noticed some work you had slacked, finished and other projects advanced. A perk you didn't think possible in the admist of chaos.
But why would you even congratulate yourself for doing something that was expected from you?
You clocked out and once more you went to the city. This time no traffic was there to stop you. Parking in a lot, you took your tote bag and walked. Getting comfy shoes to walk after work was added as a mental note. You stopped on a sidewalk.
Streets bustled with people walking like they were probably late to an appointment, Neon signs begun flashing their lights, adorning the streets with their different colors, different sort of aromas filled in your lungs. Pee, trash, hot dogs, sweets and bakery, perfumes, cigars, gas, weed somewhere.
An overwhelming start. You walked in the bakery's direction. To your surprise when crossing the street it was just a little mobile kiosk with choux pastries. Even though the products looked esthetically pleasing, the prices on the whiteboard underneath, made you turn in the opposite direction. And just then you found your first treasure.
Tea Bar. But not a gentrified-looking tea bar with over the top foliage decor with expensive furnace that charged you for just breathing their air. More like a tavern-esthetic sort of Tea bar named Julien's Potions.
Spices, herbs, and other pastries, rested within funky shaped glass containers, the clerk was also into a sort of role-playing that added a little charm to the place. Hand carved wooden tables and chairs littered strategically the small local. Six tables max. The art on the walls was minimalistic, yet still added to the overall layout in the place.
Prices were significantly much more affordable and the little treat you got, a red berries cold brew tea and Mango muffin, we're exquisite. It gave you enough energy boost to return at the parking lot. Of course you took some pictures of the place.
You felt proud. Your first solo adventure had been wonderful.
On Thursday you had ran into a little fancy liqueur shop. Ironically as it was, alcohol and you didn't get along, but the different labels, the shape of the bottles, the year of brewing, the array of sizes and prices, the origin place, made it all too pretty for you to ignore. There were bottles that surely would  cost at least five months worth of your paycheck.
Friday was a busy day at work and of course you just went home. On Sunday you had found a well hidden treasure, a bakery. This time, you took more pictures of the different pastries you had never seen before. Petit fours intricately adorned with such precision you wondered if they had a special machine for it.
Puff creams, chocolate croissants, pain au chocolate, Buttery buns that made you salivate. It kinda brought you back to the baking school sales, your mom's peach gallete and strawberry tarts were popular, and  the only two recipes you knew by heart. The rest, long forgotten and replaced with new hobbies' knowledge.
A week and a half had been exactly gone by, and not looking at your phone had been easier than you had thought. You had discovered a few more places to add to your personal list. A crystal and esoterism shop, where you bought lavender incense. A little thift shop where you got a lovely and fashionable champagne colored trench coat. And today, you kinda wondered where you'd take yourself on a Friday evening
This time you hoped to find a knitting shop. Starting a new hobby meant to invest in it. And your cheap wools had ran out as you were learning the basics of knitting. After work, you'd park your car in a spot of the parking lot, but to your surprise it was closed early. So you drove until you'd find another, nearby the thrift shop you had found. Open 24/7.
You walked east, the bustle of the city wasn't as loud in some parts of it. You gave the thrift shop's clerk a brief smile before continuing down the street. To your surprise there was a Tattoo and Piercing studio. A.F.A.U.'s Emporium. Sid Vicious' voice reverberating through the place the closer you approached.
Your eyes widened upon seeing none other than Hobie on the front desk, organizing a bunch of guitar cords. The place was divided in two. To the left there was the tattoo artists and piercing cubicles. To the right, apparels and other handicrafts were neatly displayed before anyone that actually took the time in looking.
Walls painted in jet black, with a dim white grunge texture as a decor. Pictures of protests, famous singers that made a significant impact on society through their subversive forms of expressions were hung on the wall.
Jello Biafra, Kathleen Hanna, Patti Smith, David Vanian, to name a few, along some bands logos spray painted in some spaces.
A stark contrast with your well dressed for the system-look. Hobie arched a brow at you and chuckled.
"Got lost in the way, birdie?"
You shook your head as you kept looking around.
"I was wandering the city, actually found this place by mere coincidence. Looks pretty cool."
"You work here?"
He sneered and shook his head.
"I owe it. Me and many others, actually. I'm just the face fo' it."
"What does... AF..."
"Anti Fascist Artist United." He sniffed as his lip twitched.
Your eyebrows rose and you glanced over the piercing cubicles.
"So ya just... wander in the city and see what happens?"
"Uh, yeah?"
"Cool. But dangerous."
"I never go too deep in the city just... the outsides. Don't want to fuck around to find out what's in store for me." you chuckled, Hobie followed.
He tucked his hands on his pockets and walked over you, he motioned to follow him.
"How come every time we met you turn cooler?"
He shrugged and took you to the handicrafts.
"You did them?"
"No. My work's on the other side. These are made by local artist that are involved one way or the other in tryin'to get mo' spaces for people that actually bring a change into community."
"So all of this Merch..."
"Ain't free, that fo'sure."
You giggled
"No, I mean, You just rented this place to give other people a space to offer their art and goods without charging them?"
"Nah. they do pay a small quota, meaning, they can come and clean up, organize shite. Government pays the rent, they get full profit of their thingies. Everyone's happy."
"And the tattoo part?"
He smirked and shrugged.
"Government pays the rent, so... puttin' that to good use."
Your eyes widened slightly and you just nodded.
"Might need a bit of that smart for myself."
"You gotta shape it, birdie. Anyways, what brings ya here besides, yer 'wanderlust'?"
You sighed and shook your head.
"Been wandering the city on my own to try and distract me from something that is messing me up. Just glad I found a familiar face after almost two weeks of random strangers."
"Life's a bitch, innit?"
You nodded and went through the merchandise. T shirts with trippy designs, Pottery in fruit shaped bowls, handcrafted watercolors and painting supplies and of course, knitting tools. Your grabbed a couple of  wools and paid him to take  the small bundle with you.
"So what yer' here for?"
You looked up at him and sighed
"I'm trying to make friends on my own."
"How's that going?".
You shrugged and a humorless laugh came out your mouth.
"I mean... ever since college... way even before that, actually-" You looked up and scratched your neck awkwardly when he gave you his seizing stare.
"Sorry. Don't wanna bore you with my ramblings."
"Haven't said nuffin'" He sat across you and looked at your fumbling hands. The music had died down a bit.
"Saw yer door being replaced."
"Oh yeah. I'm glad I'm not getting stuck anymore." You looked at him and chuckled.
"Do you always stare at people like you're judging their choices?"
"Yeah. Makes it funnier when they get all squeamish. Like ye."
"I'm not squeamish."
He arched an eyebrow and you both chuckled.
"Can I ask your age?"
"So ya can feel a Lil'more glum for what you might have or haven't achieved so far?"
"My thoughts exactly." you shrugged with a silent laugh.
"Ah, yeah. I can already feel the disappointment."
"A too well dressed disappointment"
"Is that why you call me... uh... runway girl?"
"No. Glam life, glam dressing, glam job. Runway sort of shite, so runway girl. Been there, done that. Not fo' me."
You didn't know whether to feel offended or laugh at his assumptions. Everyone was assuming lately.
"My life is anything but glam, Hobie. Just work enough to keep appearances. Something that my job also requires from me."
"That's why the name is perfect for ya"
"It's boring."
He pursed his pierced lips in mild derision
"Graduated uni?"
you nodded.
"Found a job of what you did study for?" Again, you nodded and sighed.
He chuckled.
"Still, you're just assuming. My life is boring. Really. One would think that working in branding companies offers you alot. But it's just another fancy way to say you're-"
"Another workforce for da capitalism?"
You chuckled and shrugged.
"Yeah, I guess. And people think I actually hang out with celebrities-"
"You don't?" He snorted and you frowned
"See?! You were assuming things! And no. It's rare when I actually meet someone famous. I basically make resumes of what they want, how they want it and make it come true. And if I ever meet them means no good. And still I have to dress up like I'm interviewing someone important."
" A wish maker, then. Might call ye Fairy."
" Sounds less brash than Runway girl actually."
" So lemme get this, you graduated uni, are working on something you actually prepared yourself for, dress up like an expensive doll, but... ya wander the city alone tryin' to make friends? "
"Sounds a bit more depressing and pathetic when you put it that way." He tittered at your words.
"Sounds like you're just living by."
"Yeah. That's been a recurrent feeling, even before college."
"What do ye want?"
"Uh... what?"
"Like, yer acting like yer living the life some dream of, but have the life some hate. That leaves ye in the middle. What do ya want?"
"Right now? I'd like a hug and be told everything, at least up here" You pointed at your head, "Will be fine. But since life is a bitch, I wanna get my ears pierced actually."
His smile was satisfied.
"That's a start innit?"
"Yeah... just realized that ever since college, I... didn't get the chance to do a lot of things."
"Uni seems like the dementor of people's dreams. Even worse if it's private." You chuckled and nodded. He motioned for you to follow to the front desk.
"Both ears?"
"Nah, just my right one for the moment."
"A'ight. Pick one, it's on me."
You looked at him with excited eyes, he just smiled.
"This one. It looks soo cool and it's stylish." You went for a triple helix hoop in your upper lobe.
"Golden, silver or colored?"
"Uh... golden."
He prepared his working area. Your chest felt a bit less constricting.
The first thing you  did when coming home, besides giving Hobie a ride and greeting his mom on the hallway and getting a random invitation for afternoon tea, was to look at your new body modification on the mirror. Golden 6 mm hoops adorned your ear. You couldn't help but feel giddy and a little sore. Hobie was careful, and he was a pro at it.
Your phone had been buzzing nonstop hours ago. You made a quick dinner for yourself out of the left overs. You then took a shower and changed into your pjs, TV remote on hand, The Diary of Bridget Jones ready to play for the third time, when the notification sound dinged. You groaned.
Your thumbs padded and scrolled through the logs. Some were from the work's group chat reviewing the week's assignments, others from your social media announcing new videos for you to watch, your ex college classmates uploading new photos, and something more unexpected.
Miguel's name on the bottom of your notifications. It was almost comical how you had to rub your eyes and make a double take to confirm that it was him. He had messaged you. Your heart skipped a beat. Your thumb hovering on the unread text, like if reading it would make the room to suddenly explode.
You pressed on it and all you could do was blink almost stupidly at it's contents.
—If you're done giving me the silent treatment drop by on sunday. Need your help.
@yeyrpp2 @zaddyskye69 @gejo333 @bigbassbug @daddylorianisastateofmind @namjooningera @d1lf-loverrr @amb3rrz @xantic0101 @niyanispunk
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merakiui · 6 months
I need to hear your Jamil thoughts omg
Omg there are so many thoughts in my head,,,
✧ naga!Jamil is at the very forefront of it all....... thinking about you and Jamil being the last two nagas left in existence and so they bring the two of you together in hopes that you'll mate, but rather than love at first sight it's hate at first sight. >_< he can't stand you because you're interrupting his perfectly peaceful solitude and ruining his chances of escape now that he has to account for you. Maybe the two of you decide it would be easier to pretend like you're a compatible match so the researchers won't try to force you together anymore than they already have. The hate sex will be so vicious and brutal. orz maybe it's more of a hate-love at first bite situation........
✧ Jamil obsessively tracking your fertile window because he is not leaving you alone with Kalim during that timeframe. T_T Kalim cannot be trusted to participate in safe sex practices. But also,,, Jamil refuses to lose yet another thing to Kalim.
✧ hypnosis therapist Jamil................... and he's abusing his power as a licensed professional to turn you into a dumb cockslut for the hour he sees you for each weekly session.
✧ rom-com enemies to lovers plot where Kalim gets kidnapped yet again and you and Jamil go to rescue him. Throughout your journey, you're both tolerating each other and coping with this situation through morbid humor: Is Kalim even worth the effort? He's got, like, a village of siblings. And you go from disliking each other to realizing, oh, they're just like me fr. And then you kiss hehe. <3
✧ dance instructor Jamil for an idol darling. >:D
✧ something something yan!Jamil who hypnotizes your lover into inevitably committing suicide and you're absolutely devastated, which allows him to slyly slide into that empty hole in your heart to comfort you and gradually help you heal. You'll never know he's the reason for your anguish or your lover's demise, and he intends to keep it that way.
✧ oooo maybe a plot in which you also work for the Asims, but maybe you find work elsewhere and you get to leave. And Jamil just can't have that. >:( if he's going to be stuck here, never knowing freedom and always serving the Asims, then so will you. Because you're the only one who makes this job a smidge tolerable.
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m4k4yl4 · 6 months
Office Party(🔥)
Day 4
Summary: When y/n best friend drags her to the christmas office party at their workplace, they didn't expect to get stuck with her annoying coworker, Mr.Hwang..
Content warning: arguing/yelling, public sex, office sex, making out, trapped in closet, oral sex(f!receiving), hair pulling, almost caught, name calling, doggy style, Unprotected sex
Skz 25 days to Christmas fics🎄☃️ series
Posted: 11/04/23
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This is not how y/n wanted to spend her Christmas Eve but somehow her coworker, supposed to be best friend, dragged her into coming to their Christmas office party when she could've been at home drinking wine and watching Christmas movie but now she's stuck here.
Not to mention her annoying coworker, Hwang Hyunjin, who just can't seem to stop bothering her. "Well, look who actually showed up to the party. Thought you would've stayed home."
She sighed, turning to meet eyes with the man black hair pushed back and in a more casual outfit than she's ever seen him in. "What do you want, Mr.Hwang?" She answered in a monotone voice as she pours herself some eggnog.
He gives her a condescending smile as he goes to get a cup of eggnog himself, "I just wanted to make sure I was seeing the ghost of christmas past or something. Thought you hated office parties."
"Yeah, well Kim wanted me to come so she wouldn't be alone, so here I am." He turns behind him, looking at Kim chatting with everyone else smiling. "She doesn't seem very lonely," he looks back to y/n, "You on the other hand.." She turns her body now face to face with the man.
"Is there anything important you need from me, Mr.Hwang, or are you here to just run your mouth and talk my ears off?" She gives him a deadpan face. He put his hands up in defense, "No need to be so pissy y/n."
"That's enough from you." She glares at before before walking past to find a seat with the others as hyunjin watches her walk away.
As the night went on, y/n sat, in basically silence as she watched her friend mingle with everyone. She sat on her phone playing any games she could find to distract herself til they left, until she felt eyes on her.
She lifts her head up, making eye contact with hyunjin from across the table. "What?" She asked, raising an eyebrow, hyunjin copies her leaning on his hands. "Nothing, just watching you sit like a lonely puppy over here."
She scoffed him off, "Says you. You're doing the same thing. Don't try and pitty Mr.Hwang." She goes back to her phone as she hears hyunjin move his seat closer so he's sat right in front of her.
"Oh. Baby, I don't pity you I could give less of a fuck if your friendless or not. I just like to see you bury yourself in it." He smiles at her like he didn't just say that shit. Y/n looks at him, giving a disgusted look.
"We ran out of paper towels! Ughh!" One of their coworkers groaned as they turned to see him standing, eggnog dripping on the table. "I'll go get some!" Y/n announced getting up to get away from hyunjin.
Y/n enters the supply closet, putting down the door stop as she looks in a cabinet for the paper towels. "Shit..it's too high." She stands on her tippy toes, trying to grab it before another pair of hands comes grabbing before her.
"Can't even just grab some paper towels, is doing your job that hard y/n?" She turns her head to meet face to face with hyunjin. "Hwang! Why did you follow me in here?! How long had you been standing there?"
She pushed him away from her as he rolled his eyes, "Because you were taking to fucking long, takes you this much time to get down some paper towels? Really?"
"Well blind ass, if you didn't see just earlier, I couldn't reach it, so if you don't mind, I'll be taking that and leaving." She tries reaching out for the paper towels before he pulls them back. "You can take them if you can reach them, that is."
He raises his hand with the paper towels in them, making her reach out more. Hyunjin continues to back into the stumbling a bit as his foot hits the door stop.
"Shit! Hyunjin!" She watches as he falls back into the accidentally shutting it. "Are you stupid! The fucking door.." She pushes him out the way as she starts twisting the door handle.
"Calm down y/n geez.." She sighs, "it's Ms.l/n! And no, I will not calm down! This door has been broken, the whole reason we put the door stop is so it doesn't lock up in!" She continued to pull on the handle before getting desperate and starting to bang on it.
"Heyy! Can anybody hear me?! Help us, please!" Hyunjin groan as she continues to bang on the door before grabbing her wrist and pulling her away, "Hey! Hands off!"
"Oh will you shut it for once, the music out there is too loud for them to hear and they're to far away, the most we can do is wait for someone to notice we're gone." He sighs, letting go of her wrist as he leans against the wall
Y/n crosses her arms, "Can't believe I have to be stuck in here with you. And it's all your fault, not to mention." He glares, "my fault?"
She walks up to him, "Yes! Your fault! Cause you decide to be dumb and mess with me for no fucking reason Hwang! You just can never sit down and shut. Up!"
He stays silent as he comes closer to her, almost chest to chest with her, "it's Mr.Hwang, and if I'm so talkative, then why don't you shut me up.."
Y/n feels the mood of the room change as she takes in how close they were smelling hyunjin perfume on his clothes. "Since you want it so bad, I'll shut you up." Without even thinking about it, she puts a hand on the back of his neck, pulling him in to connect their lips.
Hyunjin places his hands on her waist, pulling her in more, slipping his hand into her pants as he squeezes her ass. Y/n separated from his lips, already feeling dazed as her hand trail down unbuttoning her pants.
"What're you up to?" Hyunjin said, muffled as he kissed down her collarbone hand, moving up to cup her breast. She finally gets her pants off her underwear coming off with it.
She places her hands on his shoulders, pushing down on them, "get down. On your knees." He looks at her and eyebrow raised as she smiles at him, "you said to shut you up, and I don't plan on back down from it.."
He laughs as he drops down face to face with her wet pussy, clit already swollen as he slides his fingers between her lips making her throw her head back.
"Mmh, so wet already y/n, you like fucking your cowworkers?? Bet you've done this with the other guys too right? Love just being a slut." She covers her mouth trying not to let out a moan.
"You liked that, didn't you?" He smirks at her, "just shut up and put your mouth to good use already. Why don't you." She threads her fingers into his hair, pulling him into her pussy feeling him already start licking strips up her cunt.
He lifts up her leg onto his shoulders making out with her pussy as his tongue flicks her clit suck it into his mouth until she's whimpering. "God, who thought you could actually do something good with that mouth of yours."
He groans into her cunt lifting his head back up, "Such a sweet fucking pussy for someone with a sour attitude, maybe I need to fuck it out of you." She smiles at him as he goes back to eating her out.
"Well, you can try, but I don't think you have the authority to do that right now. I'm not the one on their knees eating pussy like it's their last meal." She says breathy moan Inbetween.
"Okay, this is when I go and shut you up since you can't just stand there and take it. Maybe you should just lay there instead." He pulls her down with him, laying her down on the floor. "On your knees." He commands.
She turns over as she gets onto her knees, ass in the air as she hears hyunjin undo his pants, his hands sliding up to her hips after as he rubs his cock against her slit. "Hyunjin, just put it in- ah!"
Y/n yelps as she feels his hand in contact with her ass, "it's Mr.Hwang Sweetheart.." He smiles at her as she rolls her eyes. He looks down lining his cock up with her hole slowly pushing in.
Y/n head falls down, as she gets stretched by his cock, "aw look at you now all I've done is put it in and you're already quiet! Is this all if took, get your pussy ate and some good dick and you're silent. Maybe I should just keep this up, yeah? Fuck you whenever you need to shut up, you'd like that right?"
Y/n couldn't answer as hyunjin's pace sped up. Her hole spasmong around him sucking him in more. He moans leaning down to bite into her shoulder, "God sweetheart can't get enough if this pussy. It's already so puffy just from a little playing. Aw wonder would happen if we go for another round after this.."
She whines at his words as she feels him put a hand into her bad, arching her move, "Just like that arch it. Fuck!.." hyunjin feels like he's losing himself in her as she pushes back fuck herself on him.
If the music in the office wasn't so loud, all that would be heard from outside the door would be skin slapping and hyunjin dirty words as they both get closer to falling over the edge.
"Sweetheat..I'm gonna come, want you to come with me, okay? Can you do that for me, baby?" She nods quickly, letting her head fall down before she has a hand pulling it back up.
"No to fast sweetheart, wanna see your face while you come on my cock. Got it?" She could only answer with a moan her hand sliding down to play her clit.
"Hyunjin, I'm coming, wanna come, can I?" He tosses his head back at her whiney voice begging, "shit, so fucking hot begging like that baby. Of course you can, cum on mr.Hwang cock baby.."
With that sentence she falls apart on him, arms giving out as she falls forward more giving hyunjin more access to her while he continues to fuck her sopping pussy.
"Yeahh, sweet girl, let go. Gonna cum in in you okay? Make this pussy mine. Mine to fuck at work whenever I want to." Ge rambles as he finally releases fucking his cum into her.
He slowly takes his cock out of her watching his cum slip out as he brings a finger to push it back in the sensation make her push her ass back into his fingers. He laughs "got my cock and mouth and still can't get enough.."
He removed his fingers as she turns over. He leans down, kissing her again, and she lets out a breath. Why didn't we do this sooner?" She jokes as he kisses around her collarbone again.
"Because we're stupid." He answered. She smirks, "So you finally admit that you're stupid?" She gasps as she feels him nip at her neck, "I thought I fucked all sour attitude out you? Do I have to do it again?"
She giggles, "Maybe if you're up to it.." Her hands sliding down his chest down to his cock again until, "hyunjin? Y/n you over here?" The two eyes widen as they hear their coworker Kim call out for them.
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A/N: I'M SORRY THIS WAS SO LATE- I've been busy, so the fanfic will probably come later than usual🤧🤧💔
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youryanderedaddy · 3 months
(I love your work by the way, gives me the fuel to spitefully plan all those bastards demises. This is a compliment)
TBH Adam is terrible and I am not making any excuses for him. BUT HERE IS HIS SAD BACKSTORY (any excuse to talk about his emo ass). Basically him and reader grew up in a very poor area, both stuck in abusive households, and for a while they were each other's only support. They were best friends, and eventually escaped home at 16. They lived in motels for months, running small errands for a while to save enough money to move in together. Eventually they managed to rent a run - down flat (it's a start), but then little by little Adam started becoming more and more paranoid, from over - protective to possessive to boderline abusive. Reader escaped, found new friends and managed to find a normal job, which Adam learns of, and it just gets worse from there.
His deal is that he feels like he only has Reader - he has no family or friends, he has no social skills, he's very rough and hard to talk to, so if he can't be with Reader, he feels like he'll be alone again. He had some sadistic tendendies even as a child, hurting animals and getting into street fights, but as an adult it just got worse. Especially since Reader used to balance his bad side out - and now it's been left unchecked for a while.
The other thing is that he hates the idea of Reader moving on and starting a clean sheet. He knows he can't do that. He can't work a normal job, he can't act like a real adult, he feels totally disconnected from his surroundings. He has no actual skills, just trauma and skillduggery that he picked up from his father. Anyways, he's subconsciously envious of Reader, since she manages to move on from her past and start anew.
Adam is also prone to depressive episodes and unpredictable mood swings. He thinks that if he feels like shit, everyone should feel like shit lol. The grave story is him trying to say "You're not going anywhere, you're staying with me until you die." and in his head it sounds romantic, but irl Reader thinks she's getting murdered (which fair enough I would too lol).
But yeeeah overall he's like a time bomb and living with him is basically living on eggshels. Just a very dangerous and unstable character, you never know what you'll wake up to lmao. If it makes you feel better, in my headcanon he dies at 27 because he smokes and drinks waaaaay too much and Reader just takes all his money (which is not much lol) and leaves, and hits the lottery or something xDD
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onyxbird · 1 year
OK, the idea of a soulmate au where you can't look anyone but your soulmate directly in the eyes was not done with me yet.
Leverage version:
Sophie knows all the tricks for faking full eye contact. For a third-party observer, it's nigh-impossible to tell that she's not quite achieving direct eye contact short of using cameras with very good eye-tracking software. Trying to fool a mark into thinking she's their soulmate via “eye contact” is tougher, but on a mark who hasn't met their own soulmate (and thus has never experienced true full eye contact), Sophie still has a pretty good success rate. Every member of the team has been drafted as her fake soulmate on a con at least once. Or, at least, Sophie has tried. Parker failed to pick up on any of the hints Sophie was able to drop without blowing their cover, so Sophie had to switch tactics. Hardison tried valiantly to hold the near-eye-contact, and they pulled off the job, but he was struggling and his resulting nervous blather did not help the illusion at all. Eliot picked up her cues and pulled off the illusion flawlessly… and hated every second of it. The first time they faked prolonged eye contact, he ducked away to Nate's bathroom the second they got in the door, and Sophie (slightly insulted) wondered if he was going to throw up. He didn't, just practically boiled his skin off in the hottest shower he could stand. Nate is by far Sophie's most frequent “soulmate” on the job… None of the rest of the team are entirely sure whether the eye contact is fake or not, and neither Nate nor Sophie is telling.
Parker has never had any interest in making eye contact, and was genuinely unaware that this was a serious thing people actually believe in. (Sure, people talk about finding their “soulmate” through eye contact, but people also talk about summoning Bloody Mary through the bathroom mirror. That doesn't mean it's real.) The first time she looked directly into Hardison's eyes was both accidental and jarring. She averted her eyes and assumed they would never mention this uncomfortable situation again. She was not expecting Hardison to suddenly want to have an intense, excited conversation that was clearly loaded with some meaning she wasn't picking up on, and she definitely wasn't expecting him to do so while trying to eagerly stare into her eyeballs. When Eliot happened to walk in, she latched onto him like a spooked cat, demanding he do something about Hardison; there was something wrong with him, like he's possessed or something; make him stop!
Eliot has habitually avoided even the possibility of eye contact with anyone since he was in high school. (He certainly wasn't trying to lock eyes with people even before that, but, well, he and Aimee had tried once, back when they were young and naive and thought maybe they were meant to be. They weren't.) In his line of work… it was better not to know. There was just no way that would end well. He doesn't have anything against other people finding their soulmates, though. Really. So he's not quite sure why there's such a bite to his words when he snaps at Hardison to knock it off—that “soulmates” is no excuse for trying to look someone in the eye when they don't like it. But he's sure he can feel a headache forming as he's stuck between Parker's “'Soulmates'! Ha! …Oh, come on. You're kidding, right? That's not real” from one side and Hardison's horrified “Oh my god, I'm sorry! Parker, I am so, so sorry—I was just so excited, you know? I didn't realize—” start of what was clearly going to be a long and heartfelt apology on the other.
Hardison thinks soulmates are very romantic, and he's always hoped, you know? He tries not to talk too openly about it—dreaming of finding your soulmate was deemed “girly” and “wussy” by the popular boys at his high school, and he had more than enough targets on his back for bullying as a kid without drawing attention this one. He's always kind of thought he'd probably never find his, if he even had one. He did so much of his socializing with like-minded people online, and you can't make eye contact—not real eye contact—over a webcam. There have been some near misses that made his heart flip (Hell, back during that first Dubenich job, when Eliot had taken out all the Pierson guards and then given him that smug little smirk, for an instant—just for an instant—Hardison had almost thought their eyes met directly. He must have imagined it, too caught up in the incredibly sexy and unexpected display of competence on display in front of him to avoid a split second of daydreaming about what it would feel like to look straight into those incredibly blue eyes. Anyway, it had never happened again, and after working together for so long, they surely would have looked each other in the eyes by now if it were possible.), but no dice. Until now. Parker, though… Even while apologizing (he should have realized to be more careful with Parker), Hardison could barely keep the absolutely giddy smile off his face. There had been no mistaking that, and god when people talked about “getting lost” in their soulmate's eyes… Wow, they weren't kidding!
Nate will expound at length about how the concept of “soulmates” and consequently the act of making eye contact have been exploited and commercialized for all of recorded history, the absence of any scientific evidence that the rare ability to make eye contact with another person actually correlates with any real measures of relationship compatibility rather than being a random biological quirk that has been superstitiously fetishized, and (if the person who brought it up isn't desperately trying to escape the conversation yet) whether the concept soulmates is compatible with Catholic theology. Very few people last long enough through his disparagement of the entire concept to notice that he has skirted around ever actually saying whether or not he's ever made direct eye contact with another person, and even fewer are willing to risk touching off another lengthy tirade to press him on the matter.
Thanks @soulmate-au-bargain-bin for the fun idea!
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 5 months
Stuck Between a Jock and a Metalhead
Summary: Nancy, on a whim, decides to visit Steve at Scoops Ahoy, which leads to her overhearing confessions from Steve that leads her to think about the decisions she's made. A few days later, she decides to come back. She finds him being hit on by the town freak. What's a girl to do? Oh, get stuck in a freezer with the both of them.
Warning: Very Anti Billy Hargrove. Lucas talks about his feelings on the subject like he deserves, too. Angst all around as the kids talk about their feelings.
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine - Chapter Ten - Chapter Eleven - Chapter Twelve - Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Nancy paced in front of her boyfriends and Robin nervously. The piles of notebooks on the table seemed to be staring at her. They all stood in Steve's mostly clean apartment. There was still a lot of work that needed to be done, like getting a new AC unit and appliances for the kitchen as well as new furniture. In order to do all that, Steve needed a new job. He was managing to cover most of it with the compensation money, but most of it was going towards the furniture. Steve was going to have pay for the AC unit and things for the salon downstairs, which meant getting a job, something he was looking for with Robin.
"Whatcha thinking about, Nancy?" Eddie asked.
"Steve," Nancy replied.
"Aww. Me too. He is looking particularly handsome today," Eddie cooed at him. "Look at those pretty pink lips. I think somebody put on their lip gloss today. Our boyfriend is insanely hot. Stop it, Steven. Distracting Nancy like that. Can't you see she's trying to think?"
"I'm sorry. Next time, I'll put a bag over my head," Steve said sarcastically.
"Well, that's a bit dramatic, but now you're thinking ahead, baby," Eddie said.
"No," Nancy laughed. "I was trying to stop myself from overthinking this whole thing with the kids, so I started thinking about the things that need to get done around here."
"Did it help?" Robin asked.
"I don't think so. Do you think we're doing the right thing here? What if they hate us?" Nancy asked.
"I think what they're going to see is us trying our best to help them get through this," Steve said. "They're probably going to be little assholes about it at first, but they'll come to their senses."
"I hope you're right," Nancy said.
"You're doing the right thing, Nancy," Eddie said. "These kids need people to talk to."
Before they could say anything else, they heard the sounds of footsteps, and then there was a knock on the door. Nancy opened it, and one by one, the kids came in. The only one who was missing was Max.
"No Max?" Nancy asked Lucas.
"Uh, Billy's dad skipped down, so she's helping her mother pack up," Lucas said. "They're moving to Forest Hills."
"That is where we live," El said and smiled before frowning.
"Yeah, kiddo," Eddie said. "Don't feel bad about being excited about seeing your friend more. You're allowed to be happy."
"Okay," El said softly.
"It's going to be right across from you guys. Your uncle is helping them," Lucas said and paused. "Even if that wasn't the case, I'm not sure Max wants to see any of us right now."
"That's understandable," Nancy said.
"Why have thoust summoned a council meeting, milady?" Dustin asked.
"I can see why he's your favorite," Nancy heard Eddie whisper to Steve.
"I thought we should touch base and see how everyone is holding up. We went through a lot of shit recently, and I know it hasn't been easy for me. I just wanted to let everyone know that we're here for you if you need to talk about anything. This is a safe space," Nancy said.
"I'm fine," Mike shrugged.
"You're fine?!" Eddie asked, his eyebrows raised. "Nancy, I think your brother might be a psychopath. I am so sorry you had to find out like this."
"Okay, you don't have to talk about it, but there's no way you came out of it fine," Nancy said, rolling her eyes and ignoring her boyfriend.
"Okay, I don't want to talk about it," Mike said.
"That's okay. Like I said, no one has to talk. We're going to talk, and if someone wants to speak up afterward, then that's okay too," Nancy said.
"I'll go first," Steve said.
"Are you sure?" Nancy asked.
"Yeah," Steve said. "You know, most of the time, I can't sleep now. It was bad before, but never this bad. I lay awake, wondering if the Russians are going to break into my house and come for me or if they're going to come for Dustin and Robin. . . Just everyone I care about. And when I can't go back to sleep from the most God awful nightmare, I go out in my car and drive down everyone's street, just to make sure you guys are safe. And the nightmares. . . I dream that they come for me, and they take me away to a dark place where they take me apart piece by piece. Sometimes, it's the Russians. Sometimes, it's a demogorgon, and sometimes, it's my parents. When I wake up, I have to go out and make sure we're all still here."
"Holy shit, Steve," Eddie muttered and placed a comforting hand on his back, leaning heavily against him.
"I don't know how to make it all better except when I see all of you guys again, and I know you're safe," Steve said. "I know I complain a lot about doing things for you guys, but the truth is I love doing them. You're my family, and my biggest fear is that something will happen to you. I can't let that happen," Steve said.
Dustin suddenly threw himself into Steve’s arms, hugging him tightly.
"It's my fault you got hurt, Steve," Dustin said, sniffling. "I should have left the Russian transmission alone, and you wouldn't have gone down there."
"That's dumb, I made my own choice to go down there, and if we hadn't gone down there, then the others wouldn't have known where to go to shut off the machines," Steve said.
"Hopper died," Dustin sobbed.
"He made his own choice, too," Steve said softly. "He chose to save Hawkins. We wouldn't have made it out of a lot of situations without you."
"Yeah, but we wouldn't have gotten into certain situations if it hadn't been for me like when I tried to keep Dart. What if he had killed my mom and not my cat?" Dustin asked.
"But he didn't," Steve said.
"Sometimes, I have nightmares about him eating mom, my friends, and you. Now, I also dream about the Russians hurting my older brother," Dustin said. "I don't know what I would do if you died because me."
"You are not responsible for what happened. The Russians are and the mad scientist who started all of this," Steve said softly and clutched him tightly to his chest.
"I know it doesn't look like it, but I question myself all the time, and I wonder if I'm making the right decisions," Dustin said.
"We all do that, Dustin," Nancy said softly. "You're not alone in that."
"Even you?" Dustin sniffled.
"Especially me," Nancy said. "I've made decisions that could have the cost the lives of this entire town. I know what it's like to feel responsible for the decisions you've made. The minute you realized that you messed up with Dart, you tried to fix it. I mean, you did it by yourself, and he ended up escaping, but you did try. You ended up reaching out for help, and in doing so, you got a big brother out of it. Sometimes, the only thing you can do is take responsibility and do better rather than stewing in the regret of the decisions you've made. It took me a while to even realize that I messed up. Even longer than you. I still feel like I have so much to make up for. You're not alone in feeling like that, and you're not alone in feeling like everything is your fault either. Just because you were responsible for one thing doesn't mean that you're responsible for another."
Dustin moved from Steve’s arms to Nancy's and hugged her tightly. Nancy sighed and removed his hat to kiss the top of his curls. She put his hat back on his head and pinched his cheeks. Dustin scowled and sat back down. He cracked a smile as he adjusted his hat.
"I feel small," Robin blurted out. "Like, I saw everything, and I just felt so much smaller now that I know what's out there. I just feel like everything in my life doesn't matter, or at least that's what I think, but then it's like maybe it matters even more now, to live your life the way you want to without anyone's expectations bringing you down. Just when I think that I'm going to do that, the feeling of being small comes back, and I think about all those people stuffed inside that fucking monster. It honestly scares me that your life can just be snuffed out like that. If that makes sense."
"It does. On one hand, you want to be true to yourself, but on the other hand, you're afraid that your truth might scare the people you care about most away," Will said. "Even if you know that they wouldn't care, there's still this irrational fear that they might be carrying that secret like the secret you carry."
"Exactly," Robin agreed.
"And at the end of the day, you have to risk trusting them because you want the people in your life to know you," Mike said. "Because you never know, they might understand more than you think."
"And you just have to decide if they're worth the risk," Robin said, smiling at Steve. "It's all about perspective."
For several moments, no one said anything until Lucas started sniffling and shaking his leg.
"What's up, Lucas?" Steve asked.
"I just - no, it's too awful," Lucas sniffed.
"Hey, safe space here," Nancy said. "We're not going to judge you."
"It's just that I'm glad that Max isn't here, that she broke up with me because I'm not sure if I'd be able to look at her if she knew what I was thinking," Lucas said. "There's a part of me that's glad. . . That's glad that Billy is dead because at least he can't hurt anyone anymore. The monsters, they're scary as shit but Billy scared me more than anything else because he wasn't a monster from another dimension. He was just a person who targeted me because of the color of my skin. He held me against the wall, and he threatened to break me. I still have nightmares about him holding me there, and what if Steve hadn't intervened in time? What if he held me to the ground and beat me until I couldn't wake up? Then I dreamed about him going after my dad, my mom, and my sister. He makes me watch and tells me he's going to break us, that we don't belong. . . then I'm back at the Byers again, and he's holding me in the air, threatening to break me as Steve lies dead on the floor. Billy scared me more than anyone or anything because before he got possessed, he was a real monster, and there's more people like him out there who wanted to see people like me dead. It scares the shit out of me. I feel like I should feel bad, though, that he's dead, but I don't. I only feel bad for Max."
"Lucas. . . You're not a bad person for feeling the way that you do. Billy Hargrove was a terror, and you're right. He was a monster. You had every right to be scared of him, and you have a right to be relieved that he's not around to hurt you anymore," Nancy said softly.
"He scared the crap out of me, too. Remember when he tried to run us over and he almost killed Steve? I am super glad he's not around to hurt my friends anymore. Do I feel bad for Max? Yes. Do I feel bad that Billy's gone? No. In my book, that's another bad guy who's not around to hurt our family anymore," Dustin said.
"I felt sad that his father was so mean, and that his mother left him alone, but that does not mean he should act like Papa. I am sad for Max, but I will be glad that he will not be around to hurt Max or any of my friends," El said. "He will not be missed, which is sad, but he made his own choices, and he chose to be bad."
"I'm glad he's gone even more now that I've heard what he's done to you kids. He was a psychopath. You could see it in the eyes. He definitely had it in for my friend, Jeff, which is further proof that he's a racist shithead," Eddie said. "Fucking sexist too."
"See? You're not alone in feeling that way, Lucas. It doesn't mean you're a bad person," Nancy said.
"Then why do I feel bad about not feeling bad?" Lucas asked.
"Because you're a better person than he was," Steve said.
"He saved us, saved El," Lucas said.
"A bad person can do one nice thing his entire life, but it will never make up for all the shitty vile things he's done. . .that takes constant work," Nancy said. "It took El digging in his head to pull out the one shred of decency that he had buried deep inside."
"You can either end the cycle of abuse your parents' beat into you, or you can pass it on. Billy chose to pass it on, man," Steve said. "He had every opportunity to give Max the older brother she deserved, but he waited at the very last minute to do the bare minimum. You're not a bad person, Lucas. Billy was, though."
Steve got up to hug the crying Sinclair, but Erica had beat him to it. She threw her arms around his waist, hugging him tightly.
"You're my brother, and you can be such a dumbass but I love you. I'm glad he's not around to hurt you anymore either," Erica said softly.
Lucas sniffled and hugged his sister back just as tightly. Everyone fell quiet as they watched the siblings hug. They sat back down, and the silence continued as they let Lucas mull over what's been said. Nancy pulled out a box of tissues and laid them on the table. Lucas gladly helped himself to some.
"I don't want to move to California," Will blurted out.
"Have you told your mom about that?" Nancy asked.
"No. I know how much she wants to leave, and I get it. She was put through hell here. We all were, but this is our home, too. All of you are here, and what if something happens again? I also don't want to be the one to make my mother miserable here," Will said. "I just wish I had a choice like El did. I want to stay here too."
"I think maybe you should tell your mom that. I think she'd understand about you wanting to stay," Nancy said. "I think she'd be happy with whatever choice you wanted to make."
"I mean, it's not like we'd never see each other again if we did move to California," Will said.
"I don't want you to move either," Mike blurted out. "You're my best friend. You're our best friend. Why does it have to be all the way in California? I mean, can't it be somewhere closer? First, we lost Hopper. Now we're going to have to lose you? You have to lose us? It's not fucking fair?! It's not right! And what about us? What if something happens again? We're just on our own again?! It's not fair!"
Will stood up and pulled Mike into his arms, squeezing him. Mike sobbed and hugged him.
"I'll talk to my mom, okay. I'll talk to her," Will said softly.
Lucas stood up and joined the hug. Dustin soon followed, and then it was El who joined the hug after them. Dustin cleared his throat and looked over at the others. Nancy moved with everyone else, and soon, they were all holding onto each other. They all stayed like that for a while until Dustin let out a gaseous cloud that dispersed them immediately.
"Oh my God! Steven! What are you feeding that child?!" Eddie exclaimed.
"I'm sorry! So many things were released today! What's one more toxic thing?!" Dustin exclaimed as everyone gagged.
El started giggling, which set off a chain reaction that caused everyone to laugh. They laughed harder when Robin dramatically threw open the windows. They didn't stop laughing until they all collapsed on the ground.
"I have to ask though, what's with all the journals?" Lucas asked as they all stood up.
"I got those for all of us to write our thoughts, feelings, and dreams down in," Nancy said.
"I do feel a little better now that I got some stuff off my chest," Lucas said.
"And I got stickers for you to decorate your journals with," Eddie said.
"Why are there so many My Little Pony stickers?" Mike asked.
"The question is: why isn't there more?" Erica asked.
"That's all they had in the store," Eddie said. "I LOVE My Little Pony."
Nancy and Steve shared an amused look as Eddie got into a heated debate over My Little Pony with Erica and Dustin. It had been a good idea to do this because it was another step forward to moving on and receiving the proper healing that they all needed. Nancy only hoped that they could keep this up. She knew that there were still hardships ahead, but as she gazed at them all, she could feel hope on the rise.
Chapter Fifteen
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ghostlykeyes · 5 months
Hello. I like your Heartsteel writings c: I just got my wisdom tooth removed today so can I ask a hc or anything for Aphelios taking care of an s/o? 😊
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HEARTSTEEL APHELIOS / SICK READER ♡ Gender Neutral ♡ No TW's ♡ Quick note that I don't usually write for Aphelios (requests aren't open for him) but who am I to turn away a recovering patient??? (Hope you're feeling better/healing well my dear!)
When it comes to taking care of a recovering partner, Aphelios has learned from the best. He thinks back to the last time he had the flu and uses Alune's three-day-nurse-stint as a blueprint. Whatever you need, he's ready to silently offer it. Cold cloth for your head? Done. Pain meds? He's got your dosages measured out and your favorite drink on hand to wash it down. Cuddles? Don't even mention it. He's already in bed, cocooning you both in fresh-washed blankets still warm from the dryer. And, if worst comes to worst and one of your requests stumps him, he can always text his sister to come in as backup.
Aphelios doesn't cook often, but when you're bedridden and in need of a good, comforting meal he comes in clutch. He makes a mean galbitang, and he'll even spoon-feed it to you if you give him your best puppy eyes and whine, "pleeeeeeeease, Phel, I'm too weak to eat by myself." (Not without an affectionate eye-roll, of course.) Besides that, he makes sure the freezer is well-stocked with popsicles and other cold, easy-to-digest food that will soothe you. Making sure Sett and Kayn don't eat it all, well, that's another issue entirely...
Aphelios hates to let a good prank opportunity go to waste, but if you're sick or recovering? You're safe. He wouldn't dream of harassing you while you're feeling less than your best (even if it's all in good fun). Expect to be teased extra when you are feeling better, though!
Keeping you clean and comfortable is a top priority for Aphelios. One of his most-hated things about being stuck in bed is how quickly he starts to feel grimy, so he's sure to help keep up on your hygiene routine. If you're up for it, Aphelios runs you a warm bath. He helps you out of your pajamas and eases you into the bathwater. While you're relaxing in the tub he takes care of your hair for you. Gently, he works a generous handful of shampoo into your scalp, massaging soothing circles against your skin as he goes. He hums, sometimes. A rare treat he gives when his vocal chords aren't as painful. This alone relaxes you more than any bath ever could (though of course, you aren't complaining about that part). Whatever your regular routine is, he'll see to it—face masks, body scrubs, he'll even shave your armpits for you if you ask. When you're ready to get out, he has a warm towel ready for you (what a wonder ten minutes in the dryer can do). Aphelios has fresh clothes on standby, too. He really does think of everything, and he doesn't let you back into bed until you feel fresh and rejuvenated.
While you're recovering, Aphelios strings together a few soothing instrumentals to help you relax. It's nothing fancy, just a simple beat to break the silence and lull you to sleep.
Aphelios isn't known for going easy on his gaming rivals. That completely disappears when you, bored out of your mind and desperate for something to do, challenge him to Mario Kart or Mortal Kombat. Kicking your ass while you're already down doesn't sit right with him, so he lets you bag a few wins. That stunning smile when you beat him, like you can't believe your luck, makes it all worth it. Fuck, that smile makes his knees weak.
Normally Aphelios can be a bit stingy with his cuddles. He just isn't overly physically affectionate. But if you need extra love? Say no more. He's glued to your side, snuggling you like it's his job. Your limbs are tangled together, your head finds a permanent pillow on his chest, and your bodies share a comforting heat. He will never tell you no if you're not feeling well, especially if you need more attention.
Aphelios sends you tons of memes throughout the day as-is, but if you're recovering from something? He's practically blowing up your phone. If you don't mute your notifications you will never know peace. Mainly, it's because he doesn't want you getting bored. He's also thinking about you a little bit extra, though, and what better way to express that than through a string of unhinged Tik-Toks?
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insidethejob · 11 months
What about yandere!platonic!father rand Ridley and yandere platonic sister Reagan with their genius!daughter/sister y/n who works for incognito and is dating yandere Brett
OH! That's fun...
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[Reader had feminine pronouns, such as She/Her]
Rand is very disapproving of you dating Brett
He truly believes no one is good enough for his daughters, especially his youngest
Reagan doesn't hate Brett, at least not because he loves you, but mostly because he's taking her job
Though when Brett tells her that he's in love with you, she punches him. He pretty much took her job and now he's trying to take her sister?
"If you touch my sister, just remember I know where you live and I will kill you"
Brett is so giddy with you and Reagan's yandere tendencies are just for her to see you happy. She wants you to have the life she never had and she would be willing to give anything for it
Now Rand on the other hand doesn't care. He hates Brett and he makes it known to everyone, especially Brett
"I think your dad hates me"
^ "Nooooo... He's just... Difficult"
"Dad tell Brett you don't hate him"
"Why? I do hate him"
"You're not good enough for my daughter and no matter what you do, it'll never change my mind. If you really loved her, you'd leave her because she deserves better"
Rand and Reagan are opposite yandere. Reagan wants you happy, even if it's with the idiot Brett. But Rand is so stuck in his own world, that he thinks you're too smart for some guy. Rand wants to keep you trapped in a box, especially since he's realized he's losing Reagan
Rand sees Brett as a threat to his control over you
Rand, unlike Reagan, doesn't care about you being happy
Brett does take you away for a while, to hide from the rest of your co-workers
Brett's biggest passion is making you happy and would do anything for you
If you ever need anything, he's willing to drop everything to help you
He wants you to love him- No, he NEEDS you to love him. He wants you to need him. He just wants to be everything to you
Your father does everything to stop you guys. He doesn't care if he can't ever sleep, as long as that man is never inside you spreading his stupid genes with you
He'd rather have no grandchildren, than having half-Brett Grandchildren
Though Rand can't always watch you, much to his displeasure
Brett always finds a way to be with you and nothing could stop him
Brett wants to protect you, just like your sister, but there are some things you won't even let him know [Much to his displeasure]
Reagan will help you get away from Rand, by distracting him
Though, even though Rand hates Brett [and Brett knows this], Brett still tries to impress him, because he loves you so much and wants your father to like him
But it's never going to happen, no matter how hard he works
Because like I said before- "No one will ever be good enough for my daughter, not even you Dog Boy"
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atsumwah · 1 year
lucky encounters
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featuring : bokuto koutarou
includes : fluff ! this started off as a vent bcs i had no one to tell tbh so if the part w the manager seemes a bit personal, it was. anwuas stan bokuto foreva and allways <33
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working in a convenience store isn't the best job to have. your manager nags you a lot for the pettiest things ever, you always always get the day shift so opening up at the crack of dawn all alone is exhausting oh and favouritism is a thing among you and your coworkers seeing as how differently your manager treats them and you (you're pretty sure she's just jealous you naturally attract people anyway.)
but you still get paid at the end of the day and job hunting is a pain in the ass so you're stuck with this for a while.
okay, it wasn't so bad. most of the time when the manager leaves for the day, you get to relax and blast out songs in the middle of the store. you get to have small talks with the vendors that come and go everyday so that cures your boredom.
the sound of the bell ringing caught your attention and immediately went into your customer service mode, yelling out a chirpy "welcome!" with your ever so easy fake smile. you never really expect a reply so when the customer yells a very energetic "good morning!", you couldn't help but look up. 
and boy did you not regret it.
this guy, man honestly, is just— well you had eyes and there's no sugarcoating it.  he's hot. like, extremely ridiculously hot. you can't help but let your eyes trail his well built physique and to his multi coloured hair that you're sure no one can pull off except for him. white with black streaks? if it were anyone else you're pretty sure they'd look like an old man— but he looked far from it.
you had to stop checking him out when he finally made his way towards the counter.
"hi," you croaked, cursing for it slightly, "is this all?"
"yep!" he says with a cheery smile, almost too cherry for a dull sunday morning.
good god even his smile is contagious. 
you ring him up as you usually would for any customer and if your cheeks were red then you could blame the humid weather. "thanks, have a nice day."
"you too!" he says, giving you a small wave before exiting the store. 
suddenly, you don't hate morning shifts.
your days definitely gets better when he comes in.
you don't know his name (and you don't want to come off as a creep to find out) but he's becoming a regular at the store since last week. he has white blackish hair and always wears a fitted t-shirt that hung in all the right places and a pair of shorts. you assume he jogs in the morning judging how he always comes in a bit sweaty and always always buys at least two bottles of water. 
not that you keep track of what he buys or anything. it's just, he's nice eye candy to have around, alright?
and he's so friendly. over the time he's come in, he's always the kind of customer that initiates small talk. most of the time you hate it seeing as you like to keep to yourself but his aura is so inviting you can't help but talk to him when you get the chance too.
but it's not like you like him or anything. not like you haven't a crush on a customer that treats you like any guy who was raised right should. 
but then again was it so bad if you did? 
ugh. yes. yes it was.
this guy could have a girlfriend for all you know and you're here ogling him like a snack. (which he is— no— stop looking at him!)
his voice caught your attention and you realized he had just come through the entrance, precisely at 8:30 am like usual. 
"good morning." you gave a smile, a real genuine one than your default customer service smile. 
you kept yourself busy by arranging the pens in the holder even though it'll just spiral into a circle in the end. 
you saw him grab what he needed and walk towards the counter, mimicking his movements from behind it so you'd both get there at the same time.
"ooo what's this?" he said, pointing to the display of chocolates right on the counter.
"ah, it's a buy 1 get one free deal. since, you know, it's valentine's day and all that."
"oh, that's right." you saw his eyes widen slightly. 
is this your chance to finally know if he's going to buy something for he's maybe significant other?
"there's also a lot of selections behind you, special price just for today," you continued, pointing at the rack behind him. he followed your gesture and began looking through it. 
so he did have someone. right? why else would he get chocolates if it weren't for someone he liked?
"which one would you get?" 
"well a lot of people have been buying the one with nuts or fruits so—" you started but 
"do you like it too?"
"me? not really. I'd rather get the plain ones for myself." you answered. 
"plain, huh?"
"yeah, a boring choice but i like it simple." you defended.
"nah, i don't think that's boring at all." he says, almost enthusiastically. he grabs two plain chocolate bars and sets it up on the counter.
you ring him up as usual, and as he grabs the bag you packed his stuff in— he takes out one of the chocolate bars and hands it to you.
"happy valentines day." he says with a beaming smile, before waving you goodbye and exiting the store.
you don't see him after that. 
he doesn't come in when he usually does and your morning shifts honestly got a little boring. 
it doesn't seem as lively as it was and you curse yourself that every time the front entrance rings out, you're kind of hoping it was him.
and besides you didn't get to thank him for the chocolate properly! granted you did splutter out a thank you after composing yourself from blushing too much a little, but by then he was already out the door and out of earshot.
sighing, you chose to distract yourself from feeling too bummed mr hottie didn't visit yet again today and drag the box filled with— snacks ? candies? honestly you didn't give a damn— and settled yourself in front of one of the empty shelves.
you sat cross legged on the floor and tried your best to restock the shelves before you. and maybe tried to reorganise things that didn't even need to be organised, it was a long shift, sue you for wanting something to do. your manager was at the front so you didn't have to worry about paying attention to the cashier so much.
you were in the middle of organising, moving things to your entertainment when you felt a pair of eyes looking at you from the left. you turned your head and— oh. it was him.
he was peeking, rather cutely, from the aisle and looking at you as if he wanted to say something. 
"hi," he settled for instead.
"hi there, " you say, a little dumbstruck. "um, are you looking for something?" 
"no, not really. I just, I didn't see you up there." he says in an as a matter of fact kind of tone. 
damn it, why did he have to say it like that?
"oh." because that's all that was going through your brain now. cmon, say something else! 
"chocolate! thank you…for the chocolate the other day. I didn't get to tell you that." 
" 's'not a problem!" he says in his cheery nature. "I actually never had those so really I should thank you for letting me give it a try too!"
so it wasn't for someone else then?
but then again maybe he's just being nice. yeah, nice. he's just a really nice guy.
"of course. you didn't have to. i mean i could just get those for myself anyways. "
"i know but iwanted to. i hoped you didn't mind.” he said, then raised his eyebrows at you. “i hoped no one else minded too?"
you're lucky your brain caught onto his double meaning. 
“oh no, i didn't mind it at all. I think it was sweet.”
the smile he gave you was so bright you're sure it could cure anything. 
“great! I mean, uh, that's great.”
before you could continue—  someone clearing their throat broke your little trance and you could almost see the disapproving glare your manager was throwing at you. 
"ah,i have to get back to work."
"no worries. I'll catch you later?"
"sure thing." you said automatically, feeling the excitement of seeing him again rise inside of you.
the weather was hot when you exited the store and normally you'd retreat back inside the air conditioned space, but that didn't affect you today when you saw him again at the end of your shift. you heard him call out for you so now he was running and you slowed down for him on purpose.
"if i didn't know any better, I'd say you were stalking me." you teased.
he immediately panicked. "I'm not, I swear! I was picking up my mail when I saw you so I wanted to catch up with you." he said sheepishly, walking in step with you now. "I just moved to that apartment and well, you're in my morning jog route now."
ah, that explains it.
"I'm glad I caught you actually. I wanted to see you before I go." 
"oh, you're going somewhere?" 
"oh, uh, it's game season now so i have a few joint practices away from home." 
"oh, you're an athlete?" that makes a lot of sense. if he wasn't you'd just assume he was another gym guy because good god look at his body.
"yep! i play volleyball for the jackals." 
"wait, you mean MSBY Jackals? that jackals?"
"yeah, that's the one!" he says proudly.
now that you think about it, you've heard about his team once or twice on the TV playing in the background of your workplace. can't believe one of them actually lives so near you.
"i have some time left before i have to go and i was wondering if you're free after this," he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, "would you maybe want to grab a cup of coffee with me?"
he might be a big shot in the sports world but standing beside you now, he looks nothing more than a guy in high-school asking the girl he likes out. you can't help the teasing smile that makes it's way to your face. "i will if you actually tell me your name."
"I never told you?" he says, mostly to himself than to you. "my name's bokuto koutarou!
"so can i call you kotarou?"
"you can call me anytime, honestly— I mean— ANYTHING—um—i'm good with anything." 
you couldn't help but giggle. he's so cute. 
"It's a date then."
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Lookism Shopping headcanons
Thinking about the spectrum of shopping hc - my quad of Johan (hates), Gun (tolerates), Jake (likes), Goo (loves)
Warning: shop with this guy at your own risk.
Absolutely does not enjoy it in any way shape or form. You wouldn't find him shopping on his own and god knows why he wanted to come with you, guess his clinginess won out.
Sulks the whole time, acting like a kid forced to follow their parent for the day.
At least with children you can placate them with toys or ice cream. Even your presence or attempts at bribery doesn't get him out of this funk. He has no interest and zero money.
Doesn't just steal people's shoes and coats, everything is up for grabs after a fight. What's the point in shopping and using money when it's all just there for free?
Very light-fingered even if it doesn't involve a brawl. Turns out he wasn't completely brooding the whole way round, he did notice your interest in that little something or other. Just don't ask how he acquired it.
If time is money, then he prefers not to waste both.
Gun knows the importance and power of a well fitting suit and dressing for status but shopping isn't a process he particularly enjoys. Especially not when there's fights to be had and successors to be found.
Executive assistants at HNH and premium personal shoppers take care of shopping and tailoring for him.
It's not a bad job, he has a pretty distinctive style and he's got a great body so he wears most clothing well. But if something isn't to his taste, expect either a pile of discarded clothing on your desk or for it to be just binned. Brand new, with tags - yes even that limited designer shirt.
Grooming and hygiene products are the only things he dedicates more than a passing thought to. High-end clothing is one thing, it's all the same after a while, but this is too personal to leave to others. Once he finds what he likes, very rarely changes it.
Doesn't mind shopping with you, eventhough there are other things he would prefer to be doing. Don't push it though - you're really stretching his patience if you insist on trying on everything.
Eh, money. It's not that he doesn't have it, he just... doesn't have a lot of it. And any that he does have spare, he prefers to keep in a rainy day fund for Big Deal. (Too bad it has been pouring for nearly the past year.)
If he's with you though, then it becomes infinitely more enjoyable. Another chance to spend time with you rather than the activity itself.
Doesn't allow himself to indulge in gratuitious purchases. If he needs something, he would find it on clearance. Otherwise, he can just do without.
Guilty that he can't treat or spoil you the way you deserve. He still tries to get you small things here and there but Big Deal finances takes priority.
Makes mental list of things that he would like to buy one day. Oh that shirt would suit Brad. Jerry would like that backpack. Jason could do with a new pair of shoes.
Only luxury is giving himself a small allowance to keep himself groomed. Cologne, hair products, skincare. Big Deal No.1 does have appearances to keep up, y'know.
What's the point of making all this money if you can't spend it? You can't take it with you, right?
Loves to look good and feel good. And what better way is there to remind Goo of his success than with some retail therapy. Having store assistants wait on him hand and foot gives him a kick too.
Treats clothing as an extension of his status, and also his personality. So what if that shirt is loud and garish? He's loud and garish too, and it also enhances his already buff shoulders? He'll take it!
Cologne for every occasion and mood, and then some. Need to flex on his inferiors? Sniff sniff. Yep this one. Going to be stuck in the car all day with Gun? Oh this one will definitely give him a headache!
Shopping trips with Goo are almost always fun and he's generous to boot. Asks for your opinion but if he likes something, then it doesn't really matter what you think.
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