#the time it takes for her to revolve around neptune is roughly the same time earth revolves around the sun
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(01.05.2024) Happy Birthday, Nereid!
“I still don't understand this concept of 'day births', but thank you for the thought. Maybe someday I'll decide to celebrate with Neptune and the others... maybe not. Depends on my mood.”
Nereid (Neptune's moon) was first discovered on 1 May 1949.
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luvdsc · 6 years
neptune’s atlantis.
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Never underestimate a lady.
pairing :: jung jaehyun x reader genre :: fluff, action / pirate au word count :: 3,099 words warnings :: mentions of blood author’s note :: due to @winetae asking me for a jaehyun fic for months and then a pirate au last night, this finally happened. my knowledge of pirates is limited to peter pan and potc, so this is not historically accurate ↳ originally titled: “argh ye a fine swashbucklin’ lad” / “the jeffery roger”
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The Vin et Gateau is your home.
After saving enough money to buy the small, but sturdy, beautiful ship, you set sail with an eager crew in tow and have not returned to your hometown ever since. And why would you? The sea welcomes you far better than any dusty and old village with equally dusty and old traditions that only offered you arranged marriage and childbirth, making you into another perfect cookie cutter wife.
The sea offers freedom, independence, and passion for you and your crew who also desired to escape the lackluster future you were all branded with simply because of your gender. The sea is now your hometown. The spray of salt tousles your already tangled hair and greets you every time you take up your rightful place at the helm. The water rocks your ship back and forth, the same way a mother rocks her child in a cradle, lulling you to sleep at night with the crashing of waves. The overhead cries of seagulls serves as a reminder of land refuge nearby, and the stars are your bright compass.
But the sea is also unpredictable. It is what drew you into its embrace in the first place. You thrive in the eye of the storm, seeking out the thrills that come hand in hand with navigating through tsunamis and hurricanes. And right now, it was a little too calm, too still, too pristine. You almost expect, anticipate even, what is about to come next.
The sudden, unnatural crash of water that rings in your ears notifies you of an incoming raid. Yerim had called down to you earlier from the crow’s nest, warning you about a spotted ship: Neptune’s Atlantis. You remember hearing about them in your most recent venture on land, finding yourself in an obscure bar and listening carefully to the words of the madame working behind the counter. There was a new group of pirates in the waters from the east, who were deadly and calculating, succeeding in every one of their endeavors and maintaining their status as one of the wealthiest crews around. Armed with immense skill and dangerously handsome faces, they left behind a trail of broken ships and broken hearts wherever they sailed. Descriptions of many crews like this were commonplace and merely bar gossip. However, there was one tidbit of information that caught your attention.
The captain has never been seen.
Many tales have been spun surrounding the man who is an enigma himself. Stories of him being a ghost pirate, of him being so ridiculously scarred he could not show himself, that he has a claw for an arm and a gaping hole in his left eye socket, amongst other ridiculous speculations and wives’ tales only spurn on your own interest in this new ship and its mysterious captain. Only his name was known, of which people only dare to whisper in passing.
Jung Jaehyun.
Perhaps you may never say it aloud, but you are very eager, almost embarrassingly so, to uncover the truth about this man who appeared from nearly nowhere and molded himself into a legend.
You snap back into action when heavily saturated cherry pink smoke rises up from where the cannon had landed near your ship: a telltale sign of Neptune’s Atlantis. Immediately, you order Seulgi and Sooyoung to take charge below deck and position the cannons along with other members. They are to fire them after the third cannon from the rival ship.
Striding over to the railing of your ship, you look out, squinting in hopes of seeing the infamous ship. Your lips curl into a wicked grin when you finally spot them. After all, you are about to be reminded what the best part of being a pirate is. Other ships have learned long ago to steer clear of you after they were taught why you were called the most feared, ruthless captain with the only all female crew of equally vicious members. Dubbed as the Sirens by many of your defeated foes, you proudly hold onto that title. But, it gets a little bit too boring and mundane out here when no one dares to challenge you anymore.
Two more cannons from Neptune’s Atlantis are fired in rapid succession, and with that signal, your own cannons go off, the roaring shouts of your crew accompanying the loud booms. Your stomach flutters as the thrill of a new challenge tingles up your spine. It really has been too long. Your first mate, Joohyun, has taken charge of steering the ship towards your rival as you plan out the quickest and most efficient method of attack and plunder, gauging the upcoming looming ship and mapping out various scenarios within your mind. The ships meet all too soon, and soon, planks are roughly thrown across to connect them as unfamiliar, unwelcome faces swarm onto your ship. 
Immediately, you draw your weapon when someone—who looks more like a young boy than a burly pirate with his large innocent eyes and baby face, somewhat resembling the cat you used to have—brandishes their sword a little too close to your liking. You block his attack with a small grunt, slightly straining against the amount of force he administered. In a few moments, you easily overtake him. He seems to be a newbie, you observe, and his hands shake as he clumsily pulls out a small revolver. You make a small noise of disapproval, quickly jabbing the tip of your sword through the loop of the trigger and fling the gun over the ship’s railing.
“Now, that’s playing a little unfair, isn’t it? You with a gun and me with a sword?” You pout, backing the pirate against the railing as your sword comes dangerously close to the center of his chest. “And I don’t like guns. It makes all the fighting happen a little too quick, you know? Anyone can shoot a gun. It might take a few tries, but they’ll hit their target. Swords require so much more finesse and technique, don’t you agree?”
You drag the sword’s tip across his shirt, making small slashes into his shirt until your initials are completed. He is shaking now, standing before you, and you sigh, “You’re no fun at all, not fighting back. Lucky for you, you aren’t the one I want. So leave before I change my mind.”
He takes off the second you drop your sword to your side. The rest of your crew is preoccupied, the sound of metal clashing against metal and battle cries are all that you hear. Your eyes flit across the new persons, searching for the one who started it all. Your instincts tell you that he is not here. You look towards Joohyun, who gives you an almost indiscernible nod, as she fights a ridiculously pink haired pirate. She now takes command of your ship, and you nimbly begin to make your way across one of the planks.
Another man blocks your entrance, and you exchange blows, ending with him making his journey into the ocean, his echoing screams ringing in your ears. With a sigh, you continue to charge on against two men at once. These men have become a bit of an annoyance to you with their fights that last only seconds, merely acting as flimsy obstacles in your path. You easily parry your way through the remainder of enemies in your path. And once you reached the other side, to your utter surprise, Neptune’s Atlantis is eerily empty. Several large splashes are heard behind you, and you look over and see that they have all infiltrated your ship, the planks joining the two now cast off and abandoned.
Unsettled, you cautiously make your way around the deck, hand resting firmly on the hilt of your sword and prepared to unsheathe it at any moment. You see nothing suspicious, and at last, find yourself in front of the door to the captain’s quarters. Reaching out, you harshly twist the doorknob open and enter, swinging your sword around in all directions in fear of ambush. However, nothing happens.
You are merely greeted with the sight of a tall man, dressed in a simple white loose shirt and tight dark pants tucked into his worn boots and a sword hanging by his waist, with his back facing towards you. And you just know. This is the captain.
He turns to face you, and your breath hitches in your throat, eyes widening a fraction of an inch. With porcelain skin without a single blemish, sharp dark eyes that easily pierce and haunt your soul if you still had one, equally dark hair styled in a way that only a few strands fall on his forehead, and lips molded into a smirk that holds far too many secrets: Jung Jaehyun is nothing like the stories you were told.
And that is when you finally understand how dangerous he really is.
“Welcome to my humble abode, Lady y/n.” His lips quirk into another one of those smiles that has you nearly reeling. He strides towards you, and you shift in your position, your grip tightening around your sword’s hilt.
“It’s Captain y/n.” You hold the weapon in front of you now, making no move to lower it as he comes even closer. You have backed yourself out of the room as he advances and are standing on the deck by now. “Stand back.”
He pays no heed to your words, and in less than a millisecond, your sword comes down, swiftly cutting through the laced threads holding the front of his shirt. His chest now exposed, he finally stops, giving you merely an amused look. Your eyes harden as you step forward, toe to toe, face mere inches from his, and press your blade into his skin, but not nearly hard enough to draw blood.
“Next time won’t come with a warning.”
His eyes flickering down to your lips for a fleeting moment, Jaehyun laughs mirthfully. “Oh, sweetheart, I have to admit, you’re much more interesting and far prettier than the others I’ve encountered. It’s a shame you still fell into the same trap. Curiosity and greed have never failed to lead to a pirate’s downfall.”
He quickly pulls out his weapon, engaging you in a sword fight within seconds, and you quickly fight back, parrying his every move. And immediately, you know this fight was different from all the others you participated in. He fights the same way you do, with the same fire, the same passion, the same raw eagerness. And to your utter dismay, he is better. His attacks are just as calculated and nimble as yours, but they are stronger. He retains a force much stronger than your own. And you know you already lost, but he refuses to hand you defeat so easily. Because like you, he enjoys playing with his food, playing mind games, toying with his opponent until they beg for their end.
His eyes sparkle as the two of you move back and forth, almost as if in a dance for two. In moments, you are almost left breathless, fighting back every blow with one of your own as nimbly as you can. Grinning and looking quite relaxed, he then continues where he had left off, casually blocking off another attack from you.
“You see, the myths cause enough curiosity for any pirate to abandon their own ship and search for me themselves. And boasting a vast amount of wealth simply seals the deal. Curiosity brings them onto my ship to find me, but greed makes them abandon that search and look for the gold. And that is when I strike.”
His sword hitches into the hilt of your own, and he successfully pulls the weapon out of your hand, haphazardly tossing it aside where it lodges itself into one of the crevices between the wooden boards. He comes even closer to you, and this time, you do not waver, standing your ground with your chin held high, as he circles around you, poking you with his weapon, like a predator and its prey. Coming to a full stop in front of you once more, he reaches out and traces his finger against the curve of your face before twirling a loose strand of your hair between his fingertips and then tenderly, almost romantically, tucking it behind your ear. Gazing at you, he leans in impossibly close, lips mere centimeters away from yours, and once again, you nearly forget to breathe. He can hear the erratic thumping of your heart trapped within your rib cage, and he leans back at last, a satisfied expression making its way across his face.
“But you,” his eyes twinkle as he grins at you yet again. “You went straight to me. I must say, I haven’t had a fight like this in ages, and it is quite refreshing. I’m sorry it has to end this way. Alas, a crew cannot function without its captain, and a ship without its crew is a ship for the taking. But do let me take a small token to remember you by.”
His sword is suddenly thrusted dangerously close to your face, almost slicing your cheek, and you know he could have easily marred your skin but chose not to. A lock of your hair falls into his palm, and he tilts his head, staring at you with such a delicate, soft look in his eyes, one entirely different from the expression he held mere moments ago in the heat of the fight.
“It’s a shame,” he hums, “Perhaps, in a different time, at a different place, I would have mistaken you as the treasure instead. But nevertheless, it’s best not to dwell in such fleeting thoughts. We’re here in this place in this moment. Now, would you like me to accompany you to the plank, Lady y/n? My mother taught me that I should never allow a lady to walk home alone.”
With the tip of his sword pressed into your back, his question is no doubt redundant, leaving you with no choice. You walk forward, reaching the start of the plank. You halt, hiding a small wince and gritting your teeth when the sword harshly digs through the fabric and into your skin. Shame, it was one of your favorite shirts, too. You turn to him, smiling sweetly and innocently, ignoring the scraping of the blade across your skin.
“Oh, but please, I’m still a lady, am I not? So dear kind sir, would you oblige to giving me one kiss goodbye?”
The familiar look of amusement and interest appears in his eyes as he lowers the sword ever the slightest. “Well, if the lady insists as her last dying wish, who am I to deny her?”
You look up at him through your eyelashes coyly, tongue darting out to wet your lips. His eyes quickly follow the movement, and you force yourself to hide a sneer threatening to form. Your hands grasp onto the silk front of his shirt you had ripped earlier, pulling him closer to you. With one hand still clutching the sword positioned diagonally across your back, Jaehyun places his other hand under your chin, tilting your head up slightly before pressing his lips to yours.
His lips are surprisingly soft and warm, crashing against yours in the very same way the ocean crashes onto the shore. You are sighing against his mouth, hands wandering as they explore his skin beneath the tattered shirt, and his tongue swipes at your lower lip to which your mouth willingly parts to allow him entrance. His eyes flutter shut as he cranes his neck to deepen the kiss even further. You kiss him back harder as the kiss becomes more passionate, yet delicate and gentle. You become lost in his embrace, and the clattering of his sword on the ground is faintly heard as he finally brings his other hand up to cup your face, his mouth ravishing yours.
In an instant, you reach down to grab the short knife hidden in your right boot, this time twisting around to pull him into a chokehold and pressing the blade against his neck with enough pressure for a thin line of bright crimson to show. You kick away the sword over the plank where it flies across the scratched surface and into the plunging waters.
“Never underestimate a lady, Jaehyun. Better yet, never underestimate a lady captain and her crew.”
For the very first time, his eyes betray his true feelings as they dart around in confusion and panic when you face him towards the ship deck. There, your crew stands, smirking, with a few mock salutes towards him. You grin, raising one fist up in the air as your members follow suit, raising their swords with loud shouts.
“You see, you really were one step ahead, I’ll give you that. But unfortunately for you, we were two steps ahead.
“We had already hid our treasure before we set sail and removed any anchors from our ship. My members jumped off as soon as yours threw the planks overboard. They made their way to your ship and waited patiently for the right time to show, while your crew is floating somewhere on my abandoned ship as of now.”
Jaehyun only stands still, silent, as you grin triumphantly. Joohyun and Yerim step forward with a coil of rope, tying the defeated pirate’s hands behind his back. You stand back, watching with satisfaction and carefully tucking your knife back into its original position. Your crew mates unceremoniously dump him into one of the life boats tightly tied onto the side of the ship’s hull.
“So, thank you, truly, for allowing me to become the new captain of Neptune’s Atlantis. I’ll take it as a small token to remember you by.”  You begin to stride over to where he sits, his dark eyes now burning holes into your figure. Reaching out, your fingers wrap around your abandoned sword, once wedged between the floor boards, and pull it out with flourish. Twirling the sword in your hand before pressing it against the ropes anchoring the life boat in place, you lean over the edge, smiling mockingly at the glowering man before you.
“But, oh, sweetheart, I have to admit, you’re much more interesting and far prettier than the others I’ve encountered. It’s a shame you still fell into the same trap. Lust and pride have never failed to lead to a man’s downfall.”
With one sharp stroke, you cut the ropes.
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