#sometimes she likes being with neptune but there are times she wants to be alone
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(01.05.2024) Happy Birthday, Nereid!
“I still don't understand this concept of 'day births', but thank you for the thought. Maybe someday I'll decide to celebrate with Neptune and the others... maybe not. Depends on my mood.”
Nereid (Neptune's moon) was first discovered on 1 May 1949.
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11hedonistic · 9 months
Astrology Observations 🌴
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air venus/air mars are usually the type of people to fall for the friends or find nothing wrong with having a fwb (friend with benefits)
venus touching the ascendant (no matter the aspect) can manifest a beautiful appearance (same with mars but with mars, i would say this gives more of a sex appeal vibe)
scorpio moon/mars definitely wins the title for holding grudges the longest/being the most unforgivable if you cross them
i realized that a lot of aries mercury people don’t really think before they speak😂
taurus mercury people are those type of people to repeat what they already said just to make sure everyone understood
my gemini mercury people.. i know how hard it is for you to stay focused. you’re doing great reading this sweetie
cancer mercury people have craaazy intuition
if you’re looking for someone to tell a good story, find you a leo mercury!! these people are such good story tellers 😂
virgo mercury people can be brutally honest people when giving advice, which can hurt people in the process but that’s not their intention most of the time!
if you need a mediator during an argument, find u a libra mercury. they’re always looking at both sides of an argument
scorpio mercury people can become very rude/disrespectful if they feel annoyed or bothered. especially if they have sag/cap placements.. scary
sagittarius mercury people almost always come off as too blunt
capricorn mercury people, how often are you put in leadership positions? 🤔
aquarius mercury people and their way of coming up with ideas no one else could think of >>
pisces mercury people.. you and that imagination of yours. always in your head. i know you enjoy living in your imagination dont you (my neptune 3rd house can relate so you’re not alone lol)
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taurus moon + scorpio venus lovers >>
the best omg this guy that im talking to right now has this combo and he’s always spoiling me with gifts, mind you we’re not even dating 😂 and they’re SO observant. like i play my music around him sometimes and yesterday he literally surprised me with a playlist of my favorite songs & his favorite songs (he’s moving away so he made it for me to listen while he’s gone when i miss him 💔) but wow. if you want real love, these people are it
pluto 4th house people.. how’s your family/home life?
pluto 1st house people.. how many times has it felt like you killed your old self just to make a new one? coming back stronger and stronger each time of course
im soo tired of this gemini venus slander and saying WE CHEAT! we dont cheat we just lose interest fast if you’re boring or fail to keep our brains stimulated. just dont be monotone/boring, make us laugh & we’ll be willing to work on the connection 😁 its also just that we dont really deal well with a bunch of intense emotions being thrown at us. give us time
capricorn moon people.. are you ok? and dont lie to me
scorpio suns.. how is your relationship with your father?
i saw someone say how saturn in 1st house people hate the inverted filter & they were nott wrong. my sister has this placement and she despises it. always picking at every single flaw she has whole time she looks fine lol
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ukiyowi · 1 year
Note: These are my observations if it doesn't resonate scroll xx
Masterlist || Tip 🍯
𐂲 I've recently noticed, whatever sign your mars is in and whichever body part that sign rules, can often result in getting accidentally hurt or random in that part. (Example, Mars in gemini = getting hurt on arms/hands, in Capricorn = scalp/knees/teeth, in Aries = head/sometimes cheekbones, etc)
𐂲 One thing I've noticed about Virgo risings is how much they underestimate themselves, they also usually have trouble with anxiety and overthinking
𐂲 Mystic rectangles give a lot of balance to a person but it can also come with multiple internal hardships and conflicts (in forms of insomnia or mental illnesses) and they often need external help to reach their full potential
𐂲 Pluto - Neptune hard aspects especially squares bring into consideration the back and forth between transformation versus illusion, what I mean by that is they have trouble distinguishing patterns in their cycles and may think they're imagining changes rather than believing that it's real (I hope this makes sense I've been trying to word it for the past 5 mins)
𐂲 I know we talk a lot about Leo Risings having great hair but imo Pisces rising have such luscious hair, like they have sm volume and shine to them?? They also look like a waterfall, just flowing, it's so pretty <//3
𐂲 Saturn in 4th/5th/11th house can overshare on the internet about everything going on with their lives
𐂲 Pluto in 6th house feel powerful only when they're working, so they never stop and even when they feel burnt out, they feel their sense of self and self worth is only tied to what they can give, therefore they may face guilt when they try to rest.
𐂲 This is simply a personal observation/theory but I have noticed that people who have a lot of degrees that are higher in number like 20+ often feel more comfortable with people older than them especially if those degrees sit in Pluto or Saturn
𐂲 I've noticed Aries mercuries also have very heavy footsteps, you can hear the thump 😭
𐂲 12th house Pluto are their own best friend and worst enemy, they may enable bad habits for others and justify the same for themselves, HOWEVER once the natives know how to harness the power of Pluto and understand it better, they can be really influential because a lot of people may be subconsciously attracted to the power they possess.
𐂲 Can we talk about Leo risings and how good their self concept is? Like... Please teach me tysm
𐂲 LIBRA PLACEMENTS IN GENERAL HAVE SUCH A HARD TIME WITH HEALTHY BOUNDARIES I'LL CRY- I have a friend with Libra venus and she can never say no to someone especially if she starts liking them :// and it's so hard to see ppl just take advantage of her, I also have friends and relatives with Libra in the big 3 and not only are they complete givers, they also have such a hard time taking, they feel guilty.
✓✓✓ Going to be mean to some of my placements/aspects now
𐂲 Venus conjunct Mars are so fucking clingy but ALSO so flighty🤨🤨choose ??? Do you want to be in this relationship (platonic/romantic) or do you not, stop being so hot and cold (it may help if I tell you both of these are in gemini for me)
𐂲 Chiron - moon placements have mommy issues or wounds related to their mothers/maternal figures in their lives
𐂲 Jupiter virgos can be such doormats at times, just because you want to help people doesn't mean you keep emptying your cup to fill others'.
𐂲 Mercury in 1st have their self worth TIED to their intelligence, like stop flaunting your knowledge, low-key looks insecure.
𐂲 Jupiter opposition Uranus has such rebel without a cause energy, what are you going to "rebel" against now, please sit down for a second
𐂲 Mars Square Ascendant, people with this aspect are always ready to fight, feel like everything is a personal attack, and are terrible at being alone
✓✓✓ Back to your regularly scheduled programme
𐂲 Something I've wanted to say to each stellium I've met so far:
𐂲 Aries: You have a lot of life in you, hand some over🤲🤲🤲, seriously though you guys look at everything with such wonder and curiosity, you're also kinda impatient but that's fine with me :")
𐂲 Sagittarius: You're so cool, I want to be like you, introspective, self aware, your humour is a little concerning at times but you teach me so much all the time, you're the guide I've always wished for
𐂲 Leo: You're a born entertainer and at times I can be a bit envious because of how bright you shine, leaving me in the shadows, but I love you and your love for life regardless, you're a star
𐂲 Gemini: You are so stealthy in everything you do, sometimes you slip through the cracks, a trickster (affectionate), I love how you can be mischievous one second and completely serious the next
𐂲 2nd house: You're just so understanding and make me feel like home, it's like you are home personified, very warm and comforting, also so abundant in everything it's crazy
𐂲 8th house: Stop making me talk about my feelings I'll cry >:(( no but seriously, you guys have something about you that just makes people face what they're avoiding, and you are so good at empathising with them.
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limi-strology · 2 years
Astro observations II
Decided to make a part 2, didn't expect the first one to get more than, like, 50 notes 😅
Based on just my personal experience, might not be true for everyone! ᵔᴗᵔ
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ Contrary to the stereotypes, I don't think I've ever met a two faced Gemini. They honestly seem pretty cool people, they have so many friends and they just know how to communicate, you know? Their relationship with their partner looks really wholesome to outsiders too (but could be just me viewing it this way, lol). If anything, I think they just stand out more, which makes it a bit more difficult to approach them. 🤷‍♀️
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ Gemini sun girls also have something aesthetic about them, like my cousin has a nice academia aesthetic going on in her life and a classmate from uni has this high-end fashion sense, she looks really pretty everytime (For some reason, when I think of Geminis, I'm envisioning luxury parties with champagne and brands like YSL and Louis Vuitton, that's the vibe I get) ✨
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ People with Sagittarius in their big three (sun, moon, rising) are some of the most outgoing people I know. They have so many connections and, once their schedule allows it, they start planning coffee dates, hangouts with their friends, clubbing etc. A friend of mine can literally NOT stay at home the entire day, he just HAS to go out or meet up with people for at least 2-3 hours. 🏙️
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ To the fellas with Moon opposition Neptune; How do you guys deal with moments in life that don't live up to your expectations? You know, when your imagination goes wild and has a very idealistic scenario of a certain situation, only for it to happen in a much different way and lowkey dissapoints you? Also, do you have dreams that kind of warn you or prepare you for something that will take place in the future? Because I feel like we kind of build our own world and the universe has to remind us that life isn't always perfect, lol 💭
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ My dear Aquarians, why the pessimism? Rather than overthinking everything and imagining the worst scenarios possible, how about you try focusing more on positive things? Even if it's just something small each time, it helps you view your daily life in a better light :)
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ Speaking of Aquas, I've noticed that most of you guys also don't really like being alone for too long. Sure, you want to have your me time (it's fine, we all do) but you also can't stand not having company around. Like, you'll randomly decide to stay in and spend some time alone but then you'll get upset and start calling your friends and family. A friend of mine cannot stand being alone for too long, even if we spend the whole day together, he hates being home on his own, to the point where he sometimes straight up takes the bus back to his hometown. It's wonderful that you enjoy spending so much time with others (I could never, lolll) but try picking up a hobby when you don't have the chance to be around people as much. It'll kind of distract you from loneliness and give you the chance to have some quality time with yourself 🧩
Thank you for reading, hope you have a wonderful day 💙
Edit: Bonus Observations
So a lot of you guys commented that Aquarius actually prefers solitude and could easily pass time all by themselves, so I looked into the charts of the social Aquas I know irl and see what it is that makes them so outgoing and talkative;
(I didn't include houses because I haven't gotten to confirm their birth times)
• My friend has Saturn in Gemini, which can make people talkative in any situation (I also have this placement and, although I see myself as an introverted homebody, I am surprisingly pretty chatty and enjoy going out with people that make me happy). Truly, he always gives something to talk about with everyone he knows, sometimes he'll start a conversation with another friend of his while I'm standing there not knowing what to say or do in the meantime, like 🧍‍♀️?
• He also has Mars in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Leo; energetic, lively and outgoing, thrives when surrounded by people. He almost never gets tired of hanging out with people, my low social battery could never 😅
• Other than her sun, my mom also has Aquarius in her Mercury, which makes her friendly and likeable, plus she enjoys conversing with people.
• Another thing about my mom, her placements are a bit contradictory; She has Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Virgo, and Uranus and Pluto in Libra - These indicate shyness, independence and introversion. Truly, she prefers doing things on her own most of the time and doesn't open up to just anyone. She also used to be very shy around my age (probably because of Virgo moon?). However, she also has Jupiter and Neptune in Sagittarius, which make her more adventurous, outgoing, charming and humorous. So that would probably explain this whole 'outgoing yet independent yet still can't be lonely' vibe she gives me.
Hope this explains a bit better why I had this image of Aquas at first, thanks for sharing your thoughts in the comments!
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princessjojo-x · 1 year
PiscesVenus ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
💝 romantically, he’s very elusive, turbulent & mysterious. he changes his mind frequently abt what he wants, causing him to randomly contradict himself & act distant towards his partner, only to return like it never happened. sometimes he’s hard to read, other times he’s easy to read. the benefit of this is, unlike other water venus signs, pisces venus is not possessive.
💝 he tends to play around with multiple women at once due to his love of romance. however, he will be confused if this behaviour upsets & offends any of these women. his affection for others is innocent bc infinite love is his default nature. even if he loves you very much, he can love someone else the same way. he’s just following his heart, if it leads him into the arms of multiple women, so be it. however, once his heart is set on someone, he is is not going anywhere.
💝 his deep need for comfort & fear of loneliness can often triumph over his partners obvious red flags. this causes him to wear rose coloured glasses & avoid confronting rxship problems. he can be overly forgiving & easily manipulated. consequently, his rxships often start well but end dramatically with an emotional life lesson.
💝 however, he idolises his partner & takes her granted simultaneously. he expects his tendency to avoid red flags to be reciprocated. he wants his partner to forgive & tolerate all his behaviour.
💝 men with pisces placements will try to get you alone & have lil one-on-one time with you to ‘vibe’ & ‘connect’. they’re always trying to make your rxship seem deeper than it is quite quickly. you had one ‘deep’ convo with them & now they think you’re twin flames; eg they’ll say things like: “crazy how you were in my dream last night”.
💝 he spends too much time dreaming of his perfect woman whilst not even working on himself to become someone that woman would even want.
💝 he tends to attract partners that project their guilt, misery & insecurities onto him.
Turn On’s & Off’s:
💝 he values emotional depth, compassionate bonds & intimate moments. he wants to emotionally connected & cherished with a partner. it’s important she is in tune with her emotions bc he loves talking abt feelings. he may be attracted to those who seem helpless, fragile, soft & need a lot of emotional support (tell him a sob story). he wants a woman who’s feelings he can read & who can understand him without words (someone who will feel bad for him).
💝 he dislikes you making him feel left out & unwanted. for example, being too busy to see him, ghosting & ignoring him, refusing to take his feelings into account. (same for all water venus)
💝 to impress him, wear cooler or light colours, especially light blues & sea-foam greens bc pisces is ruled by neptune which is ruled by the sea. dress romantic, sweet, delicate (lace, satin, flowy fabric). dress somewhat modest as pisces is a very imaginative sign.
💝 he’s extremely imaginitive & he gets lost in his imagination so it’s hard to turn him off. but you will lose him if if you consistently confirm that what he imagines abt you is not the reality.
💝 he dislikes rude, loud, bitchy, frigid, temperamental, detached, hostile, close minded & indifferent women. being hyper critical, especially telling him he’s sensitive & over reacting.
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lunalilith19 · 1 year
Tessa Virtue 34th Birthday Chart 5/17/23
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Tessa's birthday chart this year has change as a theme and the question of what comes next? how to move forward? it has a Balsamic moon, which can mean nearing the close of one chapter but having no structure yet for where you're going. 5-6 planets in fixed signs can mean changes can be viewed as if they're all or nothing and feel intimidating, but having faith rather than acting from fear or stubbornness will help you not feel stuck.
this chart is heavily earth and water and lacks fire and air: material issues, work/job are emphasized. you may be more sensitive emotionally and feel overwhelmed, but intuition is also heightened. a time of gaining experience and gathering info, working with your immediate needs rather than long term plans. you might feel inexperienced and sometimes low energy or enthusiasm. it can take trial and error and following your gut rather than your head to find your way
there's what's sometimes called a minor talent triangle between the Sun, Mars, and Neptune in this chart which looks positive:
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The combination of Sun and Mars in sextile gives you energy for accomplishment. you have the ability to be a team player, other people don't get in your way, and you find that the tools you need will be available to you. The Neptune piece of this can start out as confusion and uncertainty about your direction, making it necessary to move forward without knowing the details. but it also connects you to intuition and sensitivity which help you gain awareness. helping others brings good things to you. it adds up to being able to function productively even when you're unsure.
Mercury in the chart can be your thought process, and it's conjunct the North Node, emphasizing mental energy and communication - Mercury sextile Saturn - at least one major decision to be made. a tendency to be cautious or conservative because you're looking for options that will give you stability. this can be about planning, organizing. completing a major project (she still has a capstone project to finish on this masters degree this summer)
Venus is about relationships, finances, values - it's trine Saturn: possibly adding more structure to a relationship- could mean buying a home or marriage. she's going to have a similar aspect in 2024, though, so this applies next year too. without a birth time, it's hard to see which area of life this is about - it may or may not be either
Mars in a solar return (bday) chart can be about where and how you spend your energy. It's opposite Pluto: control issues. conflict or lack of balance between two areas of your life. or your needs and wants are in conflict with those of someone else. the unconscious motivations that drive you can be raised to awareness. habits and attitudes that hold you back might come up to be dealt with
Jupiter is conjunct the North Node: good sign for new opportunities and growth. It's also closely square Pluto: you're driven by wanting success. need to stay balanced ethically and find balance between your personal and professional lives or your relationships suffer. this energy can be success but at a price. it might show you where you need to modify your goals and to figure out your true values
The big transit of the year is Saturn in the sky transiting and squaring her Gemini stellium- Tr Saturn square her Mercury (May, July-Aug 2023, Jan-Feb 2024): your viewpoints may be challenged if they've become too fixed or out of date, feeling alone because others don't share your ideas Tr Saturn square her Venus (May-July 2023, Jan-Feb 2024): tension in relationships. your need to be yourself is greater. relationships that don't work with your true self might need to change or be left behind. loneliness. a time of clearing out - your sense of freedom and individuality might be tested by relationships Tr Saturn square Jupiter (Mar-Apr 2024)- you might feel like your freedom of action is limited or that you're not free to take opportunities you want. a time that tests how well you put your life together, especially in your profession. feeling extreme restlessness and a drive for freedom
And finally, she is in an 11th house profection year: good luck or advantageous things come to you from your networks or friends. a year of greater social interaction, of exploring your hopes and dreams
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softxsuki · 1 year
Hii can i request Obey me, Tokyo revengers and jujutsu kaisen romantic matchup? I liked your event so i decided to participate.
I'm female she/her pronouns, I'm fine with any gender.
My mbti is intj 5w4 548; my horoscope is Sun:leo Moon: libra, Rising: Capricorn, Medium Coeli:Scorpio, Mercury: leo, Venus: leo, Mars: gemini, Jupiter: Sagittarius, Saturn: leo, Uranus: Pisces, Neptune: Aquarius, Pluto: Sagittarius, Lunar Nodes: Pisces, Lilith: Scorpio, Chiron: Aquarius
I'm ambivert,I'm very laid back and prefer to go with the flow of life but sometimes come off as ego-centric and domineering. I have to admit I’m a lazy person who prefers having a leisure more than anything else. But once i find my motivation I'm actually pretty hardworking, I won't stop or take breaks until i completely finish what I started. I mostly spends my time as a stoic and a calm person and i might even come off as apathetic towards the world around me [even tho I’m not]. I’m usually perceived as being insensitive because i generally prefer to deal with emotions in my own head rather than openly [and somehow I'm still well liked?!] tbh I often think I’m above others, yet I am always willing to acknowledge that I’m a total piece of shit [very rarely tho] Sometimes i have fantasies and ideals that I want to start creating or becoming but i give myself a reality check and let the dream fade away. I’m very innovative but still choose the practical route a lot. It’s easy for me to create goals and envision the end results but it’s ridiculously hard for me to remain committed to the process. I have a very big ego but one word alone is enough to destroy it. i Will never admit my wrong, unless internally. I'm playful around people i like [friends, family, classmates] and if I believe I'm right I'll passive agressivly fight you to prove my point [even if I'm wrong]. Like i said i have hard time committing to something i loose interest, motivation and get bored rather easily. If I'm stressed about something i bottle everything up and worry about it alone. Not because I don't want to burden other or anything simply because my pride and ego is getting in my way. I'm not really a jealous person and even if i get jealous i keep it to myself and try my best to hide it. I care about what others think of me [more like what others think of my parents] so towards strangers and people that know my parents I'm very polite.
I like horror genre [movies, books, analogue horror and etc], watching movies, listening to true crime, reading books and listening to music. I love indie and alternative rock, gothic novels, Victorian and vampire goth aesthetic, grunge aesthetic. Researching and learning more about myself. I love reading greek mythology and Japanese urban legends, reading about horror/supernatural creatures such as vampires, sirens, wendigos and etc. I'm interested in psychology and prehistory [especially prehistoric religions even though I'm not really religious person myself]. I wouldn't really consider this as a hobby cause i do it once or twice a year but i also play volleyball and piano.
I value honesty and loyalty, I'm more attracted [romantically or platonically] to people who are confident in themselves and their abilities. I also value partner/friend that isn't overprotective and allows me my independence and let's me do things my way.
I don't think i have a specific type i just want my partner to keep me entertained as i tend to get bored rather easily.
i love colour red, i sometimes even gatekeep it.
i want to get pet snake in the future
i might not have a best relationship with my parents but I value and respect them a lot.
i might act as a mean older sister most of the time with my siblings but I'm willing to get agressive if someone besides me or my parents upsets them.
i went to music school for 6 years, art school 2 years [with completely different teachers] and i went to dancing classes for 2 years, 1 month and 5 days [with four different teachers]
i speak three languages [English, Georgian and russian] and I'm planning to learn greek.
them reaction to their partner showing cute aggression.
Like when i find something cute or Adorable i want to pinch their cheeks & squeeze them to death lovingly and kiss and bite all over them.
1000 Follower Event Matchup #18
This event is CLOSED. You can see the masterlist here.
Note: Hey! Sorry for the delay on your matchup, life has been crazy. Hope you enjoy :)
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I match you with RAN, ASMO, GETO
No runner ups, these are literally perfect for you :D
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(I don’t write for him so I don’t want to edit a pic so here’s a gif instead lo. Enjoy him and his brother 🫠l)
I’ll be honest, I struggled a little finding your perfect match but then Ran came to mind
I’ve seen him in only a few manga panels, but based off what I’ve seen I think he’s everything you’re asking for
He lets you do your own thing so long as it isn’t blatantly dangerous, then he’d have to step in and try to reason you out of doing it, but he loves the way you carry yourself
Others may misunderstand you and your intentions but Ran knows you like the back of his thumb
How does he react to your cute aggression?
He’s obsessed with it and kinda craves to see it
Honestly he finds any aggression from you very attractive and might go out of his way to bring it out of you 
Not in a bad way ofc, but he’ll wear something he knows you’re crazy about just to get a reaction out of you
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I feel like his aesthetic is the complete opposite of yours, but opposites attract, right?
I think you’d both bond over being misunderstood
Everyone thinks he’s nothing more than a pretty boy who only cares about himself, but he too also cares deeply about his family and you and would do anything to make sure they're safe and happy
The other brothers are so overprotective, but Asmodeus is more carefree about things
Obviously he’d make sure you’re accompanied whenever you want to go out, because the Devildom can be dangerous for a human like you
But you can dress and act however you please with him–he encourages it all
How does he respond to your cute aggression?
Another one who is obsessed with it
He responds similarly when he finds something cute, so you both have that in common
Bite his cheek in excitement, he likes it lol
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(Again I don’t write for him so enjoy this gif)
I don’t know much about him, but he gives off “i don’t care” vibes along with lots of confidence so…I think it matches
As for your fantasies that you just brush off, yeah, Geto works to make those fantasies become reality for you
You’re his queen and probably the only person he’d take orders from, so literally whatever you want, he’d make it happen
You won’t have to work for anything with him around (unless of course, you’d want to. He won’t stop you)
Literally doesn’t care what you do, he’s backing you up all the way
He keeps things exciting for you so there’s never a dull moment with him
How does he react to your cute aggression?
He doesn’t get it really
What’s so cute about that thing?
But as long as you’re happy, he doesn’t mind it
Might like to see you react like that to him one day…even if it is only once, he wants to know what he feels like to be on the receiving end of your aggression
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Posted: 5/25/2023
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lovingcollectivepeach · 2 months
Lilith in Leo
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Marilyn Monroe listens while smoking at Costello’s restaurant in March 1955 in New York. Born with Lilith in Leo.
Lilith, the Black Moon, a mysterious moving mathematical point, has a primal potency that spreads its roots and feelers beneath the surface of things, erupting upwards sometimes in a rustle of dark leaves or a flare of gunfire.
We each hold this potential — more or less — in ourselves. It shows somewhere in your birth chart and mine. Those with Lilith Rising or on the midheaven cannot help but embody her more obviously to the rest of us, naturally, but there are other ways and places that the Black Moon makes herself felt.
(For astrologers: I use “mean” Lilith but may note the space between mean and true.)
Lilith moves with the same clockwork timing as the two Lights — strictly forward, with no retrogrades. Lilith takes about nine years to move through the zodiac, nine months to move through a sign, and about nine days to move through a degree — a satisfying number of near completion for numerologists, a period of gestation.
According to legend, she was the first wife of Adam, banished to the outer wastes for having the temerity to want to satisfy her own desire. It’s said that she wanted to straddle the first man during intercourse, and when he refused she left him. In the wastelands of the Red Sea, or thereabouts, she lived as a demon, kidnapping babies — and doing whatever she liked one supposes. Which is actually not true but the church tried to diminish her . She was denied giving birth after leaving the garden of Eden as punishment for disobeying Adam as both were created equal and she refused to be degraded under him. That is why she also used as a symbol for feminism movement.
Astrologically, her significance is still the subject of some debate or dispute. She has been used by European astrologers since the 1920s — especially in France and Germany — but the English-speaking world is catching up. Like everything in astrology — planets, signs, angles, points, fixed stars — Lilith has both positive and negative effects.
From my experience, Lilith relates to: love-triangles and infidelity, being the other man or woman, sexual allure and attraction; both feminism and misogyny; abortion, miscarriages, infertility; adoption and lost children; outsiders, wildness, taboo-breaking, rule-breaking, sheer outright craziness; wild beauty, wilderness itself and being cast into the wilderness; both inability to love and fierce desire; aloneness; witchcraft and magic; natural power; abuse and retribution. There is more, but suffice to say, I never disregard Lilith when looking at a chart.
Here is an example of Lilith in action. This is Carlos Santana’s chart. He made the song Black Magic Woman famous. Lilith is in the 9th house of broadcasting, opposite his Mercury (words) in Cancer, and she is the only thing above the horizon. Without that beautiful, wild Lilith energy in performance would there be Santana?
What of Lilith in Leo?
Leo is a sign associated with childhood and its delights. I have observed though, that people with Lilith in Leo, especially when Pluto is involved, may have actually survived some form of sexual abuse or in some other way had their childhood stolen. A couple of famous examples are Marilyn Monroe and Rihanna, both of whom had pretty traumatic childhoods but then turned that Lilith in Leo into scorching charisma, another attribute of Leo. Monroe’s Lilith is in her first house, making a conjunction with Neptune, the planet of the silver screen. Where Lilith works, we can have astonishing allure. Leo is also a sign of kings and queens: Elizabeth II, JFK, Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama all have Lilith in Leo. And arguably, they — along with Rihanna in particular — show a kind of unboxed regality.
So what do we make of Lilith as she travels through the Zodiac? How do her transits work? 2022 year’s transit through the sign of mothers and the USA, Cancer, certainly chimed with the overturning of long-standing abortion rights and the subsequent public pushback in the US. But this year, we’ll be seeing Lilith in the sign of high drama — also hair: it’s a Leo thing! The women of Iran have already demonstrated the power of hair, but they were cutting it. What if we all grow giant manes?
Leo is also a highly creative sign. Paula Rego, who painted a series on abortion, had Lilith in Leo, and so did Virginia Woolf (opposite her Mercury and sextile her Mars in Gemini), who broke all the rules about what a novel actually is, and, of course, wrote A Room of One’s Own, on the Lilith theme of aloneness and the creative process. So we may expect art around Lilith subjects — female power and disempowerment, outsiders, unbridled desire, black magic women….
Quote : Christina Rodenbeck
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thelizaxlevin · 1 year
When: Sunday, September 3rd
Where: Esme's house/Liza's house
Who: Liza Levin and @wesxevans
Notes: After Wes tells Liza that Asher kissed him, they spent the night apart. The following morning, they talk it all out and decide on some important things. Continuation of this thread
Wes Evans Wes let his eyes searched Liza’s face, even if every feature shone a sadness that he couldn’t quite stand to look at. And it was all his fault. Sometimes he thought that he should have just left her alone. That night he’d seen her waiting for her dad at the bar in Neptune, he should have just walked away, shouldn’t have continued to come around her, and that she would have been better off not knowing him. Wes nearly pulled his hand away from her, almost like he was worried if he was holding her in any way it would be harder for him to have this conversation. But instead, he let her lace their fingers together. “I don’t want it either.” His voice was so small that he wasn’t even sure she heard him say it. “But I don’t want to keep hurting you .”
Liza Levin Last night and into this morning had easily been one of the worst chunks of time in Liza's life. And it also made her realize just how much Wes meant to her, and how much she really did mean it that she couldn't--and that she wouldn't-- want to be without him. She needed him. And sure he'd messed up, but god, she did too. She regretted every second of it. She was still scared that things would be ruined but...maybe (hopefully) in the end, this could make them stronger? Because now they knew how precious and how fragile things could be. And they knew how much it could hurt to be without the other. Now they really could know just how important they were to one another and how important their relationship was.... She just needed to get Wes out of his head first. It was a step in the right direction when Wes didn't pull his hand out of hers and once she was fairly sure he wouldn't pull away, she loosely tangled their fingers together. "You're not.." She murmured softly, taking another little step into his space. "Wes...the only thing hurting me right now is that I was stupid a..and sent you away. I shouldn't have done that.." Liza shook her head, looking down at their hands. "The only thing hurting is how much I missed you."
Wes Evans "Liza," Wes closed his eyes when he said her name. Liza was a breath of fresh air inside Wes' lungs, she was the very thing that helped him get out of bed in the morning, and waking up next to her felt like a dream. And that's something he often worried about- Liza being too good to be true. He loved her so much, completely fell for her over time, and all he wanted was a life with her. But he felt like he was failing at giving her what she needed and even wanted. And all of this happened so fast, with dating, Elise on the way, and their engagement. What if this wasn't even what he wanted but he was trying to convince himself it was? No. "I missed you too. I always miss you. I've always been told I would become this terrible thing or that I'd never be anything good... and I never felt like that with you." Wes paused, longer than he intended to, wondering if being honest was really worth the anxiety he was feeling in that moment. "Until last night. A-and I don't say that to make you feel bad. It's just... I- I should be honest with you. right?"
Liza Levin Liza swallowed again, still looking down at their hands. She'd grown so used to him calling her Lizzie that anything else just sounded wrong. He'd been the only person since her mother that she allowed to call her that..it made it special... He was special.. Liza did look up again though as he continued to speak, his words making her eyes water because god, she hated herself for doing that to him, For making him feel that way.. "Wes, no..." She took in a slow, shaky breath, telling herself to just keep it together as she nodded, "Y-Yeah. Yes, I...I want you to be honest with me." she agreed quietly, but she just held his hand tighter then, more securely, and she looked up at him. "I hate that I made you feel that way.. but Wes, I swear I...I do not see you that way. You are good. You...god, Wes. You are the best thing in my life. Y-You are the single most important thing to me... M-More than my job, o-or my friends, even myself. You're more important to me than everything.." Liza didn't care about the tears that slipped down her face now as she moved their hands hand, bringing her other up and holding his hand in both of hers between them, holding his hand to her chest. "A-And I just...I am so sorry that...that I made you think otherwise. That I made you feel like that.."
Wes Evans “It’s okay.” Wes told her softly, though he was still pretty hurt by it. He knew it hurt Liza too, so he felt his feelings were a bit invalid anyway. “I don’t want to hold you back. So… if you want me, you can have me but..”
Liza Levin "No, it's not..." Liza shook her head again, quiet for a few moments before she just let out a sigh. "Wes. You are not holding me back...I...how can you think that?" She frowned deeply as she looked up at him, watching him. "I do want you. I only want you. I-I told you, I was stupid. I got scared a-and all these stupid hormones and--" She closed her eyes for a second before she ducked her head down and pressed a kiss to his knuckles where she was still holding his hand to her chest and she kept her head down, her mouth moving against his fingers as she spoke. "I love you so much. I need you so much. I....I don't want to lose you, I don't ever want to go another night without you..." her words started wavering as she spoke, a tear slipping off her face and soaking into his skin. "I-I'm so sorry, Wes.."
Wes Evans Wes watched Liza for a moment before he gently tugged his hand out of hers so he could cup her cheek and make her look up at him. “I said it’s okay. I don’t want to lose you either. We’ll be okay.”
Liza Levin Liza felt panic flood through her when Wes pulled his hand out of hers, fear dousing over her like ice water because she felt then she'd truly ruined everything for good and he was going to break up with her after she'd just made one (big) mistake.... But then he was cupping her cheek instead, making her look up at him, and Liza swallowed hard as she met his eyes, her own full of tears. "W..We will?"
Wes Evans Wes let his thumb caress the soft skin of her cheek as he pulled her closer to him so he could rest his forehead against hers. “I want to be. I can’t lose you. I can’t lose our baby. You are my life and I need you to even breathe.” He huffed out a small laugh as he felt a dampness to his eyes. “I forgive you but please forgive me too. I’ll be more honest, I’ll try to work through everything, I’ll be here more often, I- I can show you what you mean to me. We can get married right now if it’ll just make you understand how serious I am about you— about us. I never meant to hurt you, Lizzie—“ Wes paused for a moment before adding, “I- I can still call you that?”
Liza Levin Feeling Wes' fingers moving against her cheek, Liza finally lifted her own hand up and she wrapped her fingers around his wrist, her eyes closing as she leaned into his touch, feeling a relief rush through her so heavily that it nearly made her lightheaded. She kept her eyes closed as Wes pressed his forehead to hers and she just sniffled quietly, not letting go of his wrist the entire time as he spoke. Liza let out her own watery little laugh then, her lower lip wobbling as she nodded, wholly in agreement because Wes meant everything to her. "O-Of course.." She breathed, finally opening her eyes and pulling her head back just enough so she could look up at him, her other hand moving to cup his face too, "I hate you calling me Liza.." She gave him a little smile then, not caring about the tears slipping down her face. "A-And god, yes. Yes, I..I forgive you. I overreacted and I-I'm so sorry Wes.." She stroked her thumb over his cheek. "I never want to be apart from you. You a-and our baby... You're everything to me.."
Wes Evans “Then I won’t call you Liza.” Wes laughed before trying to dry his eyes, because even though he wasn’t crying, the tears were still there and he didn’t like for Liza to see them. “I’m sorry though. I should have told you sooner. I was just scared of hurting you because I know how awful it was for you when Jackson… I’m sorry.”
Liza Levin "Good." Liza smiled slightly still and when he tried to wipe his eyes she moved her own hand then, gently wiping under his eyes to clear anything away. "I know....Wes, I know that...that you're not him. I know you wouldn't do that to me. I-I just...I just got scared, a..and you've been so off recently, and I just..." She trailed off, swallowing as she shook her head. "I got scared. A-And I got in my head...And I'll try to never do that again, I promise..." Liza felt her eyes watering again then and she sniffled again softly, letting out a heavy breath. "I..I was so scared I'd lost you. Th..That I'd ruined the best thing to ever happen to me... I don't ever want to feel like that again.."
Wes Evans Wes leaned into Liza's touch when she began drying his eyes for him. Her touch was something he craved at all times. He was starved of that kind of affection his whole life, so any touch from Liza- one he knew would be so full of love, meant so much to him. "I was scared I'd lost you too. I was afraid you never wanted to see me again. I- I was letting my mind run wild with--" Wes huffed out a small, watery laugh, afraid that maybe he was still right and maybe even trying to push aside the worries about Liza not responding to him wanting to marry her sooner than they originally planned. "I- I was scared I'd be stuck seeing Elise only on the weekends or something." God, the mere thought of that nearly killed him. He wanted this little family more than anything. He would do whatever it took to keep it. Even if it was so painful to tear open the wounds from his past or to finally face the things he'd been running away from. Liza and Elise were everything to him. He couldn't lose them. "I- I love you so much, Lizzie. And I love our little girl even though I haven't met her yet." Now he really had tears pooling in his eyes, because the thought of losing this love, meant losing everything.
Liza Levin Liza immediately just shook her head again, hating that she'd done this to him--to them. She let her insecurities and her fears get the better of her, and it almost cost her everything. "Wes, no..." seeing the tears on his face, Liza tried wiping at them again before she finally moved, leaning up a bit so she could wrap her arms around his neck and finally, finally hug him again, holding him as close as she could. She felt her own tears soaking into him and she didn't care as she sank a hand into the curls at the nape of his neck, holding him close. "I love you, I love you. I'm so sorry.." Liza just tightened her hold on him, swallowing down the little noise that wanted to escape her. "You're never losing me.."
Wes Evans Wes was relieved when she hugged him, giving him affirmation that they were okay and that she still loved him. He didn’t even let himself feel guilty for needing so much affirmation either. “I love you more every day and I don’t know what id do without you”
Liza Levin "You won't ever find out." Liza told him softly and she swallowed before she turned her head and pulled him back enough to press a kiss to his jaw, letting her lips linger there for a moment before she pulled back. "You will never be without me." Liza moved her hand to his face then, stroking gently over his cheek. "C...Can we go home? Please?"
Wes Evans Wes leaned forward to press a kiss to Liza’s forehead, letting his lips brush against her skin as he told her, “I want nothing more.”
Liza Levin Liza closed her eyes when Wes kissed her forehead, feeling a warmth and a relief spreading through her before she finally let out a soft sigh, the tension in her body slowly, finally fading away. "Okay." She agreed, pulling back again to look up at him and she gave him a soft little smile, holding her hand up for him to take so they could leave.
Wes Evans Wes took Liza’s hand in his and told Esme they were going to leave, in which she gave them both a hug goodbye and told them she was glad they’d worked things out a bit. It wasn’t long before they were on their way to Liza’s, and it didn’t take long to get there either. It wasn’t until they were in Liza’s room that he realized just how tired he was after such a terrible night.
Liza Levin Liza tried to not tug on Wes once he agreed and slid in hand into hers and she just tightened her hold on him, holding his hand securely in hers as they walked the few minutes back down to the Levin house. She was glad Sterling wasn't home at the moment either, because she knew right now Wes was (again) on her shit list, and she admittedly didn't want to hear it. She immediately brought Wes up to their room and once inside she let out a sigh, looking at her bed, untouched since yesterday. "I.....I-I didn't sleep here last night..after everything. I went to Sterling's room and I..I guess I cried myself to sleep after a few hours. But it didn't last long.." Honesty was what they were going for right now after, right? "I just, I...I couldn't sleep. After everything. After what I'd done to you.."
Wes Evans Wes turned his gaze from the bed to Liza and frowned. "You don't have to pretend it was your fault. I fucked up and I wasn't here for you or honest to you. I couldn't sleep last night either." His frown only deepened as he wondered if Liza had nearly as horrible thoughts that he did that night. "It's over now, though. We're okay. W-we can just put it behind us."
Liza Levin Liza sighed, shaking her head, "I'm not pretending anything." She told him softly before turning to face him fully and she reached for his other hand, lacing their fingers together as she stood in front of him. "I...w-we both messed up." She offered, squeezing his hands. "But...but we both..forgive each other? And yeah..let's put it behind us." As she said it, Liza toed off her shoes and then stepped in closer to him, holding his hands still. "Lay down with me? She missed you too." As Liza said it, she brought one of ther joined hands over, resting it against the side of her stomach.
Wes Evans Wes nodded because he did forgive Liza. Of course he did. He didn't even fully see anything she'd done as wrong anyway. Was it hurtful to be kicked out and spend the whole night wondering if he was going to have to worry about custody with his daughter or if liza would ever want to be with him again or if he'd royally fucked up the best thing in his life? Of course. But he couldn't help but feel he deserved that. "And I missed her." Wes let his eyes travel down to their hands on Liza.
Liza Levin Liza kept their hands pressed against her side and she even pushed down on Wes' fingers, pushing against her belly and like she'd hoped, Elise kicked back against the spot a moment later, making Liza let out a breath and she smiled softly, keeping their hands there for a moment more before she finally tugged for Wes to move with her so they could go to the bed and within seconds, Liza was climbing in and arranging the pillows so she'd be comfortable on her side before she held her arms out towards him, giving him a hopeful little smile because right now she just..really wanted to hold him and feel him against her.
Wes Evans Wes smile softly at the feeling of Elise against him. He loved his baby so, so much. It hurt him so deeply that he thought he might would be losing her to some degree along with Liza. “I can’t wait to meet her.” He told Liza quietly, letting go of her so she could move into bed. Wes followed suit, though he laid on his side so he could face her. It’d been the way they’d been sleeping together since Liza needed to sleep on her side now. Except they would always hold hands throughout the night.
Liza Levin "Just a few more weeks. We're almost at the end now." Liza mused softly, and once Wes was laying down she shuffled closer to him, her stomach snug between them once more. Instead of reaching for his hand though like she usually did, Liza's hand moved up to card through his hair and then she cupped his cheek, just...looking at him. She thought she'd lost him, lost this...... She never wanted to feel that again. She thought back again then to what he'd said just a few minutes ago, back at Esme's then... "Wes. I...--before you...you said something.." Liza swallowed and she shifted, resting her weight up on her elbow as she looked down at him, her hand still on his face and her voice soft, tentative. "You said that..you'd marry me right now....Did you mean that? Really?"
Wes Evans Wes closed his eyes and let himself feel Liza’s hand in his hair. He always loved when she did that to him. It was calming and so affectionate, somehow making him feel so loved by her. “Yeah?” It was almost funny how his heart instantly began racing again, afraid she was going to bring up something else he’d done wrong. Instead, he felt his cheeks grow warm when she brought it up again. “I meant it.” He told her softly, letting his eyes search her face as he kept his head against the pillows. “I’d marry you in an instant.”
Liza Levin Liza kept her hand against his cheek, her thumb gently tracing back and forth even as her heart was starting to pound. But she didn't look away, and as Wes spoke and reiterated the words she felt her heart going fast, but she felt a fluttering inside herself too, a nervous-excitement starting to spread inside her. "S-So I..wh-what if...what if I said...we should do that?" Liza swallowed, her eyes searching his. "Wes, I.....I never want to feel what I felt last night again. I never want to feel that fear of..of not being with you. I want to be yours. In..every single way. A-And I don't... I don't need a fancy wedding, a bunch of people. All that. I..I just need you. I just want you..."
Wes Evans The breath was torn right from his lungs as she spoke and Wes’ heart was racing. He pushed himself to sit up on the bed, looking down at her as his eyes continued to search her face, almost like he was looking for any tell that she didn’t actually mean it. “Y-you mean that? Because I- I want you, Liza, I— you mean just… run away and do it?”
Liza Levin Liza let her hand drop as Wes moved to sit up and she fully did as well then, biting her lip as she gave him a tentative little smile. "Yes?" she offered, her insides flipping and her heart starting to pound but...yes. "I mean...not at this second, I haven't even washed my hair.." She offered it with a laugh, trying to ease the tension. "But...but yes. I...I want you, Wes. So...what are we waiting for? When have we ever gone along with 'normal' timelines." She even made little quotation marks in the air with her fingers, another little nervous laugh escaping her. "I want it. I...I want you. I want to marry you, Wes. So let's...let's just do it."
Wes Evans Wes felt this strange mix of emotions as Liza spoke, but ultimately he had a huge smile on his face. “Where? In Aurora Bay? And when?” He breathed, wanting this so desperately
Liza Levin The adrenaline rush Liza felt in that moment nearly made her head spin and she just let out a breath, a smile pulling onto her lips a bit wider now that Wes was smiling. "O-Oh I mean..I guess?" She offered with a laugh. "I've never exactly been anywhere else." She tacked on with a little shrug. "Unless you had something in mind? And..anytime. Whether it's next month, or next week...I just...I-I want this."
Wes Evans Wes' breath hitched in his throat when Liza asked if he had anything else in mind. He did. He'd immediately thought of Salem when she said it. God, he missed that place. He only left to finally be with his siblings again and to just get the hell out of his father's house, but he missed the town so much, especially with fall approaching. "I- I was thinking... well, maybe--" Wes huffed out a small laugh, almost embarrassed to suggest it. "what if we... what if we went to Massachusetts? Got married there?"
Liza Levin Liza watched Wes in that moment, practically seeing the cogs working in his head, thinking something out. And when he finally spoke (and tried to even laugh about it) Liza just perked up, a surprised look on her face but it quickly ebbed off into a smile-one happy and excited because she knew how much Salem and his home meant to him--and Liza did want to experience all that... She reached over then, both her hands coming up to cup his face, making him look at her as she nodded. "Let's do it." She agreed, a smile on her lips again as she kept her eyes on him. "We met in my home. Let's get married in yours."
Wes Evans "W-wait... really?" Wes breathed, and there was a bit of relief that overcame him. He'd been so homesick, especially now at this time of year, and he really didn't expect Liza to have agreed. Despite bad memories coming from him actual home in Salem, the town itself was something Wes loved. He learned about Wicca there, he had a job in a crystal shop and learned all about it, and he just loved it. He loved the cool winters and the warm summer, and he desperately wanted to go back-- maybe even move back some day if it was something Liza would want. "I- I really want to. I really want to go back and I want to marry you, and I want to put all of this shit behind us. I want to be good for you. I want you to see that even though I've fucked up so badly, I will do anything to make it right. I love you so much, Liza. I- sorry... Lizzie." Wes huffed out a small laugh, knowing moments before she told him she hated when he called her Liza instead. "When should we go? C- can you even travel right now?"
Liza Levin Seeing the way Wes got so excited made Liza's smile grow even more. She'd marry him right here in the middle of their bedroom if it's what he wanted, she didn't really care about the where--but seeing how much this clearly meant to him, well, safe to say Liza really wanted it now too. "Really." She agreed before she listened to the rest of what Wes was saying, and with her emotions being as fragile as they still were, Liza felt her eyes beginning to water again, but her smile just grew as Wes spoke and instead of replying, she finally just leaned forward and kissed him- realizing as she did it, that she hadn't kissed him since the morning before when she'd left for work. Before their fight. It'd been the longest they'd gone not kissing in months. She never wanted to go that long in between again. "I love you too." She murmured against his lips, kissing him once more before she pulled back and she nodded. "I think so, yeah? I can call my doctor and make sure. A-And we can plan everything? God...I've never been on a plane before." It was her turn then to let out a nervous laugh, grinning at him. "But...but yeah? We're doing this? We're getting married?"
Wes Evans Wes’ eyes brimming with tears wasn’t the reaction he’d expected from feeling Liza’s lips on his again. Her touch made him feel the most loved and seen by her, and he hadn’t felt her on him since the morning before he’d fucked everything up. “Kiss me again.” His breath brushed over her lips as he pulled her back in, completely ignoring her question for the time being. He just needed to feel her again. “I- I do. I want to get married. I want this now. W-we can plan and book flights and all that. I just… I know we’re both vulnerable right now, though, so I don’t want to take advantage of that. But I know I’d mean what I say at any time. I want you. Desperately.”
Liza Levin Liza let out a breath, shaking her head. "You're not taking advantage of anything." She promised it softly, her other hand moving to come up and come through his hair as she held him close and she nodded. "We'll plan it a-and we'll figure it out." After all, she knew they needed to figure out flights and marriage licenses and a place and god, what was she going to wear seven months pregnant-- but Wes was asking her to kiss him again, and right now that was more important. Right now that was the single most important thing to her when twelve hours ago she thought she'd lost this forever. "Always." The murmured before she leaned in to kiss again, more assured this time, practically feeling the last dregs of tension slipping out of her body as she pressed her lips to his.
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Leo female Pisces male
The Pisces man Leo woman love compatibility is an unusual combination of the water element and the fire element, which seems pretty interesting.
The Pisces man represents the water element which makes him adaptable in nature. It also makes him swerving and wavering in his essence, just like water. The Leo woman represents the fire element, which makes her courageous, aggressive, bold and spontaneous in nature.
The zodiac sign Pisces man is ruled by the planet of Neptune, which is also known as the God of the Sea. It is asscoiated with dreams, spirituality, psyche, delusions and perplexion.
On the other hand the female Leo is ruled by the gigantic Sun itself, which signifies one’s higher self, the will power and a sense of vitality.
He is creative, sympathetic and kind in his Pisces zodiac characteristics. He often indulges himself in intuitions and tends to believe in it. Apart from being very empathetic and sentimental, he has a very helpful nature.
She is warm hearted and a generous person who is ambitious, determined, adamant and staunch as well. She does not give in easily and loves being appreciated and admired by people around her.
Thus, the Pisces man Leo woman compatibility, through their respective characteristics, will be an amazing union of the dreamy Fish and the fiery Lion.
Pisces Man And Leo Woman: The Love Affair
It is really peculiar for these two, to not be able to get along that easily inspite of being the most lovable sun signs in the field of Indian Vedic Astrology, creating a kind of disbalance in the Pisces man and Leo woman love compatibility.
The Pisces man is someone who is most likely to quickly impress and woo the Leo woman than anyone else from all the sun signs. He has this calm, composed and an affectionate persona which can be charming for her.
He also has this quality of being an adept listener as he is always there to hear her out and this is something that she really appreciates. She always wanted someone who can listen to her talks and contemplate with her which makes her feel good.
The Leo woman is also very generous, and if there is a situation where he does something terribly wrong for which he repents, she will easily forgive him knowing the fact that he really felt bad about it.
Both are as compassionate, and they may not take much time to express their love and care through small actions that display great amount of fondness for one another.
If they trust each other, and try to be as passionate as the other, they will have a great time in having an intimate relationship as well.
Pisces Man And Leo Woman: Level Of Understanding
Both Pisces male and Leo female have a good amount of understanding, especially when they tend to know each other, their likes and dislikes in general. Thus the Pisces man compatibility with Leo woman may fumble in the beginning, but once they know each other well, there is no looking back.
The Leo woman zodiac does not refrain from showing her more tender and gentle side to the Pisces man, who tries his best to cope up with her excitement and energy.
If she recieves the type of respect she desires for from her partner, she will turn out to be really lovable, warm and kind hearted individual.
The male Pisces has a very helpful and sensitive nature, and thus is able to pamper her, praise her and adore her for what she is, which she really appreciates. This helps them grow a stronger bond in the relationship.
They may start seeing the differences between them, after the wave of romance has gone. He sometimes likes to be alone for some internal reflection needed for himself, and she tends to speak a lot.
On the other hand, it becomes a bit troublesome to control the fiery Leo woman, where she often looses her mind over heated conversations. It also requires a lot of efforts to attain peace after such situations.
Pisces Man And Leo Woman: Benefits And Challenges
The Pisces man and Leo woman compatibility will work wonders, if they work on themselves and their flaws rather than pointing out the mistakes of the other partner.
She has to realise that she does not expect too much from him, which may create an imbalance in Pisces Leo relationship, as he requires to put in a lot of efforts and go out of his comfort zone to settle things down.
He should also keep into consideration, the fact that he should show her more affection, care and admiration, which will turn her aggressive nature to being kind, warm and gentle.
The male Pisces also has to make sure that he does not indulge himself into being secretive, and should openly share all the information with her. If he keeps things confidential, she will try her best to get it out, but as he is very good at it, she may often be furious about not being able to.
Both of them have qualities to nurture each other and share a beautiful relationship, if they take care of things that the other partner does not approve or like, which is called understanding and is important in a relation.
Otheriwise, the compatibility of Pisces man and Leo woman will bloom like a flower.
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whatsupbomb · 2 years
🥺 Neptune is responsible for sensitivity 🥺
Neptune is exalted in Aquarius which means that people with planets in Aquarius are sensitive to their surroundings and choose their friends very carefully
I've already said in another post that Aquarius is also responsible for clairvoyance:
SUN in Aquarius natives can take on the energies surrounding them, especially, if it's fear or anger. It's hard for Aquarians to express themselves because they already know how people will react. They're great at giving advices and guessing what you've gone through recently. Everyone wants them to be their mothers or fathers. They can manipulate people with their kindness and empathy. I feel like The Beldam from "Coraline" is an Aquarius dom
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MOON in Aquarius natives tend to run away from problems or people because they can't handle stressful situations and overreacting people. They'd rather stay alone than experience love and affection. Moon in Aquarius doesn't know how to treat people. But she surely knows how to benefit from them and then get away with it
MERCURY in Aquarius natives might be autistic, i. e. sensitive to movements and sounds. They're always alert and might live in a dangerous household, especially, with Rx Mercury which only enhances their instinct of self-preservation. Mercury in Aquarius reminds me of meerkats who're on the watch of predators 24/7
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VENUS in Aquarius natives are sensitive to criticism and people wanting to help and give them an advice. They know a lot about fashion trends and like to keep up with celebrity news. Secretly they want paparazzi to chase after them. They'd like to be on the cover of a fashion magazine someday. I think that Justin Suarez from "U*ly Betty" might have Venus in Aquarius
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MARS in Aquarius natives are sensitive towards money and recourses where they can get them. Literal gigolos. They don't mind dating a much older partner just to have a house and a stable income like pension lol. They want their partner to be a self-made billionaire. Reminds me of A$AP Rocky, Rihanna's partner
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JUPITER in Aquarius natives are sensitive towards controlling people who force them to do something against their will. They're very independent-minded and their views differ from their family members. They hate when their parents think of them as children, set rules and boundaries and oppress their will. They even boycott their parents just to reach their desired life. Britney Spears reminds me of Jupiter in Aquarius. She says what she wants and doesn't like to be restricted and controlled
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SATURN in Aquarius natives are sensitive towards people who try to get their approval by being their slave. They don't except any gifts rather than cash. They leave people who hurt them to boost their ego. They don't need a man. They can caught you lying very easily
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URANUS in Aquarius natives are sensitive towards talented people who can become great stars later. They appreciate all the work people go through to get where they're now. They can predict who you'll become in life and put you in your place if you exaggerate your capabilities. Reminds me of Simon Cowell and other strict judges like Gordon Ramsay. Sometimes they'll question your abilities to activate your achieving mode
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NEPTUNE in Aquarius natives are sensitive towards their own mind. They're the most closed-off people because they live in their own fantasy world. But at the same time, they're very creative and open-minded. Their ideas might shock everyone. Their looks vary on the daily based on their mood. They're music lovers because they get inspiration from people telling their story. They're great at writing books and producing documentaries. Richard Castle reminds me of Neptune in Aquarius
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PLUTO in Aquarius natives are sensitive towards people who show them their love and affection. They prefer not to get excited and hide their feelings. They might be aggressive towards the opposite sex because they prefer not to take responsibility for the hearts of their lovers. They have a great fashion sense, but prefer not to show off in their style. They want to blend in with public. Nobody knows how they live behind the curtains. This placement reminds me of Christian Grey
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CHIRON in Aquarius natives are sensitive towards war topics and news generally. They prefer not to watch TV and know nothing that happens in the world. They're happy-go-lucky people. Reminds me of Betty Suarez
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That's it for now 😚
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bridgyrose · 3 years
Alright, time for the post that no one asked for! Which ship had more development between Bmblby and Blacksun!
Gonna preface a few things first: I dont particularly ship either ship, so I'm going to do this with as little bias as possible.
This is only over the first 3 volumes, so anything after the fall of Beacon isnt taken into consideration right now.
And the rules are as follows:
First, winking will not be considered. Since people keep saying a wink isnt inherently confirming of a relationship, I'll ignore any winks and judge the scenes based on the content.
Second, scenes will be judged by whether or not you could replace any character and still get the same effect. (the more you can replace, the better in my opinion)
And lastly, since I keep seeing this coming up as well, the only evidence I will consider for absolute confirmation is of any sort of kiss in the first 3 volumes. Although, its going to feel a bit rushed and out of nowhere since the first 3 volumes takes place over 4-6 months at best.
Without further ado... everything will be under the cut.
Starting with Vol 1, after re-watching, there really wasn't any build up to either ship. Which, doesnt surprise me considering that Sun doesnt show up until the end of Vol 1 and the entirety of that volume is centered around introducing the characters, the world in which they live, and just general ideas on what it's like being a huntsman academy. But there are still a few scenes to note in vol 1:
Initiation: Its a quick blur, but you can see Blake rush across the screen once we see Yang walking through the forest. At that point, its safe to assume that Blake had already made her choice on who she wanted, which is further implemented with Blake helping Yang out with an Ursa.
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Its safe to assume that between talking with Ruby the night before and seeing hearing how what she thought of Yang didn't quite match her thoughts.
Our next scene comes to Sun and his infamous "slow-mo wink introduction." As per the rules, I'm ignoring the wink and going straight off the content of the scene itself. Which, doesnt leave much. We know he pinpoints Blake as a faunus very quickly and he has some sort of infatuation with her, but the scene alone doesnt give us much.
However, that one does lead into the end of the Vol: Blake runs off from her friends and takes her bow off to finally show us her ears. At which point, Sun comments that he knew she'd look better without it. So that already shows that 1) Sun definitely pinpointed Blake being a faunus early on, and 2) he wanted to talk to her and this provided the right opportunity. Or... so he thought. Especially since the next scene opens up with him half complaining that they've spent 2 days together and all she's done is make small talk.
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Which is all pretty on par for Blake. She then spends the next bit talking about her past, how she was pretty much born into the White Fang, stayed with it after it went from peaceful protests to more anger filled, until leaving Adam just a few months ago. After all of this, Sun asks if she's told her friends, to which we can assume she answers no to, you know, since she ran. Overall, it ends up leading Sun into going a bit gung-ho about helping Blake with the White fang.
Overall, Vol 1 did well to start putting together dynamics between Blake and her friends. Sun and Yang both make different impressions on Blake, both of which she ends up seeing as friends... for now.
Vol 2, is a bit of a strange one. Our first introduction to Beacon is Sun basically telling Neptune how cool team RWBY is, emphasizing a bit on Blake. Which does end up bringing us to the meat of the first half of vol 2: Blake worrying over the White Fang. Now, because of this, we dont see any build up between Blake and Sun or Blake and Yang while they go around town to figure out what the White Fang and Torchwick are up to. Sun makes a good point that Blake shouldnt go to the rally alone, and the two pair off while Yang goes to the club with Neptune.
Once the dance arc comes along, that's where things take an interesting turn. Sun immediately asks a sleep deprived Blake to the dance, in probably the most awkward way since he's trying to say the dance is lame, but would be less lame if the two of them went together.
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Sun definitely cares about Blake and actively tried to help her calm down a bit. Which, ultimately, she never says no, just that she doesnt have time for a dance. So, I give this one a +1 in points for build up.
Then, we get to the burning the candle speech. Which, a lot of people seem to write off as either pointless or not build up. Personally, it gets a +1 in points on build up for me on this. First, Yang is absolutely worried about her partner, seeing her go down the same path she did when she was much younger. She immediately starts by telling Blake that she doesnt want her to stop, just to slow down and take a breather. And she ultimately makes a strong point: slowing down isnt a luxury, its a necessity.
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This also end s up being the first time we see Yang open up and drop the party girl demeanor that she's had. She talks about her mother, someone that she doesnt talk to many people about, and just how much it hurt her to find out that Raven left shortly after she was born.
After an emotionally charged discussion, we finally see the point that Yang had been trying to get Blake to see:
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And it finally does work. Blake slows down, takes a rest, and ultimately enjoys herself at the dance. Which, in her own words, she technically goes with Sun.
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Overall, the dance arc in general gives great build up to both ships. Which ultimately is the end for the Black Sun build up.
Bmblby doesnt get much more build up in vol 2, the only other notable scene being the campfire where Yang, Blake, and Weiss start opening up a bit more to each other to figure out why each of them are becoming huntresses. Which absolutely gives a bit more foundation to the friendships they have.
Vol 3 ends up having most of the build up between Blake and Yang. The first major scene being after Yang was disqualified for breaking Mercury's leg. When Yang finally asked her team if they trust her, Blake is the only one who doesnt immediately say yes, instead, saying she wants to. Leading us to this face from Yang:
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(yes, I know, captions are a bit off, deal with it.)
But Yang ends up being distressed by her own partner saying that she wants to trust, but doesnt yet. Blake ultimately ends up opening up about Adam, telling us how she used to trust him... until accidents started piling up. Eventually, she looks at Yang and asks her to look her in the eye and tell her she didnt do anything wrong. When Yang does, Blake allows herself to trust Yang.
Which then brings us to the biggest piece of buildup between the two: Adam. When Adam shows up, he starts using words like "my darling", hammering in that at one point, the two had something going on. He decides immediately he wants to hurt Blake just like she hurt him by leaving. But what really hammers in Blake's feelings for Yang, is the fear she had on her face when she heard Yang's voice not so far away... and right where Adam can hear her. It doesnt take long for Adam to look down at Blake, notice the fear, and then look in the direction of Yang, ultimately stating that he'll destroy everything Blake loves, starting with her.
Now, I know a lot of people will dismiss that as "it could've been anyone. If Sun had shown up, it would've been the same." And honestly, yes, it would've. This moment here is what solidifies who Blake ultimately cares about. Had it been Sun to come around, no doubt she'd show the same fear. But it wasnt him. Instead, it was Yang, who immediately found Weiss and asked where Blake had gone. And we further see her feelings for Yang cemented by the way she blames herself that Yang got hurt. The way she stays close, gently reaches for Yang's hand, the emotion of the entire scene after they get to safety.
Sun does ultimately care about Blake, and helps out where he can, but at least in vol 3, he had his own priorities of making sure everyone could make it to safety.
TL;DR: Both ships had a bit of build up in vol 2 and 3, although, the build up that Bmblby had outweighs the buildup that Blacksun has. Blake definitely had feelings for both, but ultimately, it took until Adam was a threat for her to realize the feelings that she had for Yang, and even then, she still wasnt entirely sure what they were until later in the series. At this point, the only reason anyone can say that Bmblby has little build up is due to either a higher bar for f/f ships (because, lets face it, everyone takes the wink from vol 1 as absolute confirmation for blacksun because its m/f) or they continue to deny that sometimes, there are multiple ways to show buildup between two people for a relationship and the slowburn route usually takes an emotional route over a physical route. And look, Blake has two hands. Take that as you will.
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cooltmoney95 · 2 years
Meet my Woolandia OCs
Hey ya'll! T-mack here and I just wanted to share some of my Woolandia OCs with ya'll. I managed to get their mini-bios done (Which is great for me. Because Summer classes are coming up. And I'm trying to get as much done as I can.). I got a couple more OCs in the works that I'm gonna share with ya'll at some point. But these four are all I got atm. So I hope you'll all like at least one of them.
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Jonas Harry (18)-Jonas Harry is the youngest son of Cotton & Velvet Harry. His family is known for being among the strongest and most feared warrior families in all of Woolandia & he is determined to live up to those standards himself. Growing up as the youngest of five with four older brothers, he had to fight for his voice to be heard and to be taken seriously. He's a bit rough around the edges and has trouble adapting to his new life as a prince. But he's willing to learn thanks to a certain prince of Mirat helping him. Jonas comes off as cold and intimidating on first impressions. But will show a more kind and compassionate side to him once he's around people he's comfortable with. He has doubts about forming an alliance with the mirrorfolk due to their history. But is willing to go along with it for the sake of his people.
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Chalice Mirrorshards (18)-Chalice Lucien Mirrorshards is the only son and eldest child of King & Queen Mirrorshard. As heir to the throne of Mirat, he is seen as the emblem of his people's future and has a lot of high expectations thrust on his shoulders. Yet despite being the destined king of Mirat, there is a part of him that secretly hates the position and feels trapped having to carry himself as the "Perfect Prince" all the time. But he doesn't have the courage to say this to his parents. Especially his father. He is quite polite and chivalrous. But is a total neat freak and can be a bit vain sometimes.
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Clarity Mirrorshards (16)-Clarity Mirrorshards is the only daughter & youngest child of King & Queen Mirrorshards. She is the sweet and loving princess of Mirat, the home of the mirrorfolk. In the presence of her parents, fellow royals, and the people of Mirat, she comes off as a rather quiet and reserved young lady who is always kind and respectable to those around her. But in her more private moments, (Ex: Whenever she's either alone or with her close friends.), she shows a more adventurous, fun-loving, and free-spirited side of her who loves to explore the outdoors and meet new people. Clarity will often follow traditions by the book and will do anything she can to be the quote-unquote "perfect princess" that both her parents and (supposedly) her kingdom wants. Secretly desires to become queen of Mirat, but knows that her parents are in favor of her brother Chalice taking the throne due to him being the first born son. So she stays on the sidelines. Despite knowing there's little chance she'll become queen, Clarity tries her best to live up to the standards of both her people and her family.
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Aquamarine (16)-Aquamarine is the daughter of Neptune & Pastoria, the leaders of the Asrai, an aquatic Woolandian-native race that populate the majority of Woolandia's oceans, lakes, rivers, etc. After breaking up with her emotionally abusive boyfriend, she decides to take some time away from the dating scene to self-reflect and reconnect with herself. A sweet and compassionate girl who struggles to unlearn some of the toxic lessons she internalized from her parents. She is close friends with Princess Clarity of Mirat. And the two have been growing very 'close' recently.
So that's about it so far. I'm actually thinking of using them for a potential story idea I have that's set primarily in Woolandia (Although I do want to bring them to both Earth & Mewni at some point.). But I'm a wait until I get my current plans for Oswald The Spy & Junior Spies stuff done first. Since that's my main priority as far as ToM/Callyieverse content goes.
Anywho, that's all I got for now.
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polyghostfacehours · 3 years
Back to bother you BUT how about some nsfw and sfw hc’s for my little meow meow randy 👀👀 the tatum one was <33
HAHA OH YES. For you? I will always indulge in Randy stuff! NGL, he's not on my writing list but I had SO much fun with these, especially the SFW ones!
General Randy Headcanons:
Randy is a huge Star Wars fan and goes to conventions. He doesn't cosplay, but he brings his camera and camcorder.
Speaking of which, Randy has a passion for photography. He loves taking pictures around campus, and will literally spend half an hour trying to get the perfect angle with the perfect lighting. People on campus just keep seeing this guy laying on his stomach, then, crouching, then standing then kneeling on a bench and when they come out of class this motherfucker is still doing it.
His favorite things to take pictures of are cool buildings or structures.
He's been in love with Sidney since they met in 6th grade. When he met Billy in 8th grade along with Sidney, he immediately didn't like him. But also he still hung out with Billy sometimes? It was weird, because they were so similar but so different at the same time.
They were basically frenemies. Up until mid junior year, when Billy got weirdly antagonistic towards him, even more so than usual.
He almost threw himself off the second story window when he heard that Billy and Sidney were dating now.
Like fuuuuck, when will the nerd win.
NGL, but it's the 90's. Randy definitely had a bit of some Nice Guy Syndrome lol. It wasnt like, too bad, and not to the extent of most guys, but he did find himself hetting a bit bitter when he, the nice nerd guy, didnt get the girl.
OKAY OKAY super hot take lol, but I see Randy as heterosexual. However, I also like Pan!Randy a lot.
OKAY I know I said it for Sidney, but I genuinely think Randy would also identify with being non-binary. Or at the very least, not minding any pronouns.
Randy does not smell, ever. Like he just doesn't have any BO. He has that gene that makes body odor non-existent. He always smells fresh or like nothing, even when he sweats.
Randy has a matching shoes and shirt combo for every color.
SO Randy's fashion sense actually comes from Tatum. Once he got to high school, Randy was looking forward to a new beginning - a new him! He wanted to to get rid of his glasses and start caring more about how he looked! SO he asked Tate for advice, and she helped him pick out a wardrobe the summer before Freshman year began.
Speaking of Tatum: her, Sidney, and Randy are the best of friends. He used to be embarrassed by having girls as his best friends, but he quickly got over that because those two are his ride or die.
He and Stu actually hung out a good amount alone. I base this on their banter and how casually they interacted at the video store in the movie. It just seems like they were genuine friends. Maybe not super close, but generally liked one another.
Honestly, Stu's betrayal genuinely hurt. Like Billy's? Yeah nah, fuck that guy. You can tell by how he badmouthed Billy in 2 that he really hated him by that point, but the way he badmouthed Stu was far less vitriolic.
Randy internally is just like: Maaaan. How could he? I knew he was Billy's lapdog but murder??? JFC.
He thinks middle parts look stupid.
As much of a movie buff that he is, he gets celeb names mixed up all the time. Like he'll mix up their first and last names.
His favorite Final Girl is Nancy Thompson. He loves Laurie Strode too, she's played by the Scream Queen after all, but Nancy is his favorite by far.
Randy likes anime. He's watched all of Evangelion, can recite all the lore of Trigun, and don't even get him started on how great Yu Yu Hakusho is.
He also likes Sailor Moon and his favorite is Venus because she remind him of Tatum!
He has a crush on Mars and Neptune tho.
Randy's room is actually very neat. He makes sure to organize everything well, and is very meticulous. He has a certain place for everything in his room, and he doesn't like it messed with.
He and Martha get along well, but weren't like super close siblings. He loved her a lot, and was protective of her, but their interests differed a lot, so they tended to do their own things.
Randy argues with customers at the video store about movies and movie opinions, and that's why he kept getting fired lol.
Wanted to be a Horror Film Director when he grew up :(
He watched all the behind the scenes stuff as a kid, and that's what got him interested in video production in the first place.
He built forts out of cardboards in his backyard and you cant tell me otherwise.
he was also the kid in the park who tried to get all the other kids in the park into a group to play pretend, usually something fantasy or sci fi inspired.
Randy loves Halloween. Like the holiday. It's his favorite time of the year, and it's one of the few things he shared with Billy and Stu. They'd grab a couple of beers and go scaring little kids for funsies, though Randy would always stop Stu or Billy from going too far, it was always just in good fun for him.
Total Switch. Subs at first, but as the relationship progresses he can dom just as easily.
His fingers are magic. I don't know what it is, but they're just very deft.
Could be because Randy is a quick learner in the bedroom. Like he genuinely listens to his partner and asks things like "That feel good?" or "This angle alright?"
Very communicative in bed after the initial first time together. During the first time, he's far too flustered.
Is super into body worship. Like he loves worshipping his partner's body like the holy grail.
He moans a lot in bed. Not as loudly as Stu does, but he gets pretty vocal.
He's an ass man, through and through. Boobs are nice, but the way a butt curves so perfectly? Nut.
he prefers more romanic and inimate positions, but he'll never say no to doggy style for...obvious reasons 👀
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flickeringart · 3 years
In this post I’m not going to go over in detail what interceptions are or how to spot them in the natal chart but I would like to share how they show up in my own life experience.
(Only relevant if you use the placidus/quadrant system of house division)
I have a Gemini-Sagittarius interception in my 11th and 5th houses. Simply put, this means, according to the psychological explanation behind interceptions, that the environment or climate that I grew up in didn’t allow these signs to rule over any domain of my life. Instead, these signs ended up being swallowed and lost within a house ruled by another sign. In my case, Scorpio is the ruler of my 5th house. I’ve always dreaded “having fun” and going to birthday parties growing up because I felt emotionally threatened and isolated. It was not pleasant, yet I forced myself to go because I felt pressured to. My parents didn’t help with this either… they felt that it was necessary for me to go because otherwise I would “miss out” or risk being “alone”. Of course, the fear permeated the whole situation in typical Scorpio 5th house fashion and I felt more alone than ever. I have never felt comfortable going to parties because it makes me extremely drained and I actually end up hating everyone for having a good time. Long story short, I was told that “this is supposed to be fun” when it never was for me – and I felt like there was something wrong, that I had to explain myself. I can, sometimes, get glimpses of the Sagittarian freedom in some situations that are not as pressured and planned. This particular house has a little bit of a lose-lose energy to it – I can’t have fun because I’m too aware of the dominance game and need for survival.
Having Sagittarius intercepted in the 5th means that my way of exploring and intuiting meaning was not able to have a legitimate place, for whatever reason. I’ve always been searching for “the truth”, but it’s something that doesn’t have its own “natural place” in my life. I have to justify it because the environment doesn’t support it. It’s crammed in awkwardly and people don’t understand it. They almost feel sorry for me, which I hate. Pluto is intercepted here as well. I pursue knowledge on my own with intense stubbornness, yet it’s somehow lost… as if I’m doing it despite my surroundings. With Pluto here, I don’t give up, I don’t bend to other people’s wills in this sphere of life, but sadly, this power seems to be “misplaced” because it “doesn’t matter”.
As for Gemini intercepted in the 11th, it would seem that I’ve not really had the easiest time expressing my thoughts and opinions on collective matters. It was never really received well by my parents because they’ve always seemed to think that it was too unreasonable or odd. I have Taurus ruling my 11th house, which makes me a bit lazy in keeping up with world events – I don’t really “care that much” unless people get to know me better and uncovers my Gemini side that has a lot of opinions and thoughts on what is taking place on a larger scale. It takes someone special to be able to listen because people generally think that I have not thought about anything concerning collective issues – that I don’t know what I’m “supposed to know”. I know a lot of things, but it’s not the kind of information that people deem relevant. It seems like intercepted signs has a way of not coming through because they're working outside the box of what the environment allows for.
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(Buy products with my art)
My sister has an Aquarius-Leo interception in the 2nd and 8th houses. Capricorn consequently rules her 2nd house and Cancer rules her 8th house. She has always wanted to earn her own money and to have her own money to spend. She’s very aware of the amount she has and aims to be strategic about resources. However, Neptune and Uranus are intercepted in Aquarius. Although it might not seem like it to people who don’t know her well enough, she is quite generous with her resources – she spends her money freely – which isn’t always the best thing to do. She gives in order to get back in equal amount. Possessions are important to her but she doesn’t really appreciate them in the physical sense. Growing up, she always wanted more things - she was never satisfied, which is quite typical of Neptune in this house. She can help people out financially because she sympathize with them. She considers other people's lack/abundance of money as her own, although it might not be in her own best interest to do so. While Capricorn makes her calculating in this sphere at first, she’s very carefree with money when it comes down to it, which our parents never liked. She’s not opposed to lending people things and giving freely because “I will just make more money” as she says – and she’s right. Capricorn on the cusp of the 2nd actually makes her capable of this.
With Cancer ruling her 8th, her approach to other people’s resources and value seems to be through expressing and noticing a need for care. She really is the needy baby that becomes sad when people don’t live up to her expectations and give her what she needs. She becomes whiny and moody with things that she can’t control. If the food that was cooked by someone else isn’t to her liking she’s genuinely distressed or when someone of our immediate family didn’t tell her about something she would throw a typical Cancer temper tantrum (she’s a Libra Moon after all with very sensitive taste). She still does this. When asking for money, she would always become very sweet and caring, trying to connect to the other person through a mutual feeling or emotion. Of course, it would seem a little bit manipulative. It’s only in later years that I’ve seen the intercepted Leo coming out a bit more. She’s able to take another person’s value as her own which is a beautiful thing. There’s no competition or one-upmanship going on. She has the capacity to genuinely gain a stronger sense of self through validating and confirming someone else’s value. “The better things are for you, the better they are for me” is the statement. This attitude, however, was not really encouraged growing up, there had to be a mutual feeling component – a “closeness” and emotional neediness in order to get anything from our parents or anyone else for that matter. Having Leo and Aquarius intercepted in this way generally means that value based on her own unique contribution to society and her own sense of self importance wasn’t easily accessed. It wasn’t possible to simply confirm one's own rights and other people's rights in her pursuit of value (material and emotional) because it wasn’t deemed appropriate or wasn’t easy to express.
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yashashveeroy · 3 years
Hey hey hey, friendo I'm here as quick as I could be lol
Libra Sun
Pisces Moon
Scorpio Rising
Have a great day friendo and hugs 🙈🤗🤗😂😂😂
Hello my dearest @the-cosmic-gentle-giant Friendo!! 🤣🥰💜✨ (you really ate up the opportunity I must say💀🤣✋).
Please read the Rules regarding my “Asks/Big 3 interpretations” here before reading this piece of work.
Note: I often write intuitively for these interpretations. Not everything has to resonate with you. I may come off blunt or mean as well but I have no intention to do so.
Libra Sun:
Tell me Ruan, do you often feel like an alien in your own surroundings? Do you often find yourself looking for something but you yourself do know what it is? I somehow see that you have a lot of love to give but you have to remember to only give it to those who are deserving. Your sense of solitude is quite different. Every time you may want to spend some alone time, you might end up thinking about calling someone to spend that alone time with you. But you know, because you are so different, people want to know you. Some may try to come in contact with you just to take advantage of the goodness in you. Funny thing is, sometimes you fail to understand that there’s something bad in people too. After all, when Venus meets the sun, she blindly sees beauty and opulence in everything. You’re not the typical libra sun, you might love to socialise but it has to happen within your limits. Things have to be done your way. Do you have chosen family? I ask you this because I sense that you feel better about yourself around those who are your close knit friends or who think just like you do. And oh my, you certainly have a pull to you. Now I’m not aware of your sexual preferences but I will say this, your looks aside, people of many sexual identities may be attracted to your heart, your character.
Pisces Moon:
Pisces moon, a beautiful placement to have, at least according to me. Since it’s rulers are Jupiter (traditional) and Neptune (modern) it works quite well with the energies of the Moon. I’ve always viewed the Lunarian and Neptunian energies as similar in nature. Both rule intuition, creativity, empathy, emotional growth etc. I see Pisces moon being very harmonious with their spirituality. I mean, coming from from a Vedic Pisces moon herself, I can guarantee it. It may have taken time for you to realise that a few things that happened during your childhood, had a major impact in your spiritual growth and beliefs in your later years. Coming face to face with the occult may have been uncomfortable at the beginning but eventually you fell in love. I somehow see that your spirituality also influences your creativity, especially with the energies of Jupiter guiding it along. Eroticism or Erotic Arts maybe of your liking. When Venus (libra sun) is paired with Neptune (Pisces moon) there’s an itch to make the private, public. After all, the world to you is a facade in itself, isn’t it? So you might often think to yourself “why is there a need to hide such normal, human thoughts and behaviours? we are all sexual in one way or the other!”. Are you a hopeless romantic as well? Confirm it for me. Venus along with Neptune gives you this unusual power to romanticise things when you’re at your worst. It helps you in a way. And it surely makes you optimistic when it’s most needed.
Scorpio Rising:
Now I will say this, the moment I saw that you have Libra and Scorpio in your big 3, I fell in love. I admire this combination so much. I’ve said it a countless times before and I’ll say it again, to have Libra and Scorpio placements in one’s natal blue print, gives them the power to create and destroy & to love and hate. Somehow for you I sense that these powers are used in your personal transformation. For you, your there’s no such thing as being “consistent” or even being the same person you were yesterday. But you see, that’s the irony, because it’s where you are most “consistent”. Transformations are a part of you, they’re unavoidable. It’s something you are known for. You get what I’m saying? Ohhhhh and I will say, you never do anything half heartedly. Because of this deep rooted devotion in whatever you do, you also strike luck (Pisces Moon ruled by Jupiter(traditional)) in your work or findings. Are you into the fine arts? Confirm it for me. Venus, Neptune, Jupiter and Pluto are all indicators of an artist to me. One may question me and ask “why Pluto?”. Think of it this way, art is very transformative in nature and it can be dark in many ways. People often fail to see this Plutonian side to the fine arts. Our style of painting, drawing and designing has transformed and changed so much compared to the old days. Ruan, are you a big softie? Something tells me you are. Now obviously you might hide it but when you do reveal it, it makes you full, a complete version of you. It’s so adorable oh my gosh!!! I’m guessing you sometimes give good advice as well. This came to me out of nowhere but I had to write it: Remember, in this lifetime, you are learning lessons through yourself. You’re responsible for it all. Look deep inside yourself, your soul. You will always find the answers you’re looking for. Yes it can be tough but being self aware is the greatest gift of all. And karma is always about give and take. Learning to accept will take you far. But this doesn’t mean that you accept the bits that hurt you too. Use your voice.
I hope this interpretation resonated with you and that you also enjoyed reading it! Leave me feedback through comments!🥰💜
Love, Roy.
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