#neptunian moons
quiltofstars · 10 months
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Uranus and its moons (left) and Neptune and Triton (right) on November 25, 2023 // Rob Lyons
I believe the Uranian moons featured are from left to right: Umbriel, Ariel, Oberon, and Titania.
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(01.05.2024) Happy Birthday, Nereid!
“I still don't understand this concept of 'day births', but thank you for the thought. Maybe someday I'll decide to celebrate with Neptune and the others... maybe not. Depends on my mood.”
Nereid (Neptune's moon) was first discovered on 1 May 1949.
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neptuneslure · 4 months
women with misogyny magnet placements need to hear this more often than anyone. i want every 1H lilith, moon square mars or pluto, sun-lilith, neptunian/plutonian/pisces/scorpio/12h/8h dominant woman to see this
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truevedicastrology · 7 months
Your Cosmic Selfie
Planets in the 1st House
Ever wondered what your astrological fingerprint might be? Look no further than the 1st house, your cosmic selfie in the astrological chart! 🪐 This house reveals the essence of your personality, including aspects of your appearance. Let's explore how different planets paint a picture of your unique self.
Sun in the 1st House: ☀️
Imagine someone who lights up a room with their confidence and charisma. They naturally have a bright aura and take pride in their appearance.
Moon in the 1st House:
Picture someone with a youthful and approachable face. They often have round features and may be mistaken for being younger than their actual age.
Mercury in the 1st House:
Think sharp and inquisitive features, perhaps with a touch of elfin charm. They often touch their face when thinking or communicating.
Venus in the 1st House:
Imagine someone with stunning symmetry and a flawless complexion. They naturally exude beauty and grace, captivating everyone around them.
Mars in the 1st House:
These individuals may have unique facial features like dimples, birthmarks, or a tendency to blush easily. Their boldness and energy shine through their appearance.
Jupiter in the 1st House:
Picture someone with larger-than-life features that exude optimism and warmth. They are often considered highly attractive by many. ✨
Saturn in the 1st House: 🪐
Imagine a face with defined features and sharp angles. They may have a mature and serious demeanor reflected in their appearance.
Uranus in the 1st House: ⚡️
These individuals possess a quirky and unconventional beauty. They may have striking features that set them apart from the crowd.
Neptune in the 1st House:
Picture someone who embraces change and transformation. They often experiment with their appearance, making it difficult to pin down their "look."
Pluto in the 1st House: ️‍♀️
Imagine someone with a magnetic and mysterious aura. Their eyes may be deep and captivating, attracting attention with an air of intrigue.
Remember, these are just general interpretations, and the nuances of your cosmic selfie will depend on the specific planet, its aspects to other planets, and the overall context of your birth chart.
Follow our Facebook page Mage Magic Touch for personal consultations https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61565561190268
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esoteriamaya · 11 months
Neptune Placements and Subconscious Manifestation
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Neptunians have a calling in their souls path that utilizes the subconscious prowells of the underworld and higher realms of reality.
Everything is subconscious before it is materialized, so neptunians have a great understanding of this at birth. The beauty of this is that once they learn how to stay afloat in a reality that tries to force them to be grounded, they will be able to use their brain to conquer the reality they wish to receive in this lifetime.
With that being said, let me explain how everyone with neptune placements can utilize their gifts in order to receive the reality they want for themselves, as well as knowing how to appreciate the things their subconscious mind is able to do and magnetize to them.
I will say that nothing is impossible, because with the mind all can be possible if you just believe. Neptune rules the higher heart, it allows us to see the beyond of something we believe as impossible to be possible. With the use of our pineal glands (neptune/uranus) we can see more of anything in the horizon even if its not able to be seen first hand, with effort and practice.the world can be ours.
Sun/Neptune - When it comes to your subconscious mind, it has much to do with the way you express yourself into the world. If you want a dancer, a lawyer, a scientist, etc. Before it materializes you must act it out BEFORE it can arrive to you. Think of the law of attraction (which neptune rules over) and think about how you'd be if you were these things already. Your brain doesn't know the difference between you having this thing or not, it responds to the nature of doing something and receive information on how to expand the consciousness on that desire. Being your true self helps you get into alignment with the thing that you want.
Pay attention to how you act when you are around others because this is reflective of your imagination, not theirs. With neptunians it is easy for people to take in people’s projections of them and it can mess with your imagination, however, we still have control on we’re our subconscious reality goes.
Moon/Neptune is reflective on your emotional state. For example, you want to feel joy, right? What happens if you never felt joy ever? You would have to force yourself into that roll. It might sound goofy at first but with practice you will realize that energy doesn’t lie, and our emotions are connecting to energy.. good bad and neutral.
The beauty with this placement is how well these individuals can alchemize their emotions and transform it into something that they want in the material/physical reality. So if I want more joy and I never felt it before but I know it’s a form of happiness, Im going to “pretend” to be joyous and when I keep doing this it’ll begin to reflect into my reality therefore REAL joy can come into fruition. It just takes time n effort. And with said effort of mastering the alchemy of my own emotions, I could then create a reality out of this energy (our emotions are = energy) thus moving me into a vibration of more joy where I can attract what I want into the form of whatever it is I desire. I just have to seek out joy.
With this placement though, a lot of times what you want to create doesn’t have a actual look, mostly a vibe. So sometimes you have to reflect on the feeling of it and not just the look. “Follow the energy” would be my final word to you all.
Neptune/ASC has a lot to do with shapeshifting yourself into the reality that you want. It also has a lot to do with being consciously aware of the choices that you are making, and making moves toward the direction of your desire. I’m going to use miss Marilyn Monroe as an example. Monroe, a neptune/asc in leo had a vision that she would be a star. Before we knew her as Marilyn, she was norma jean with brunette hair and a pretty smile. Once she transformed her look, hair, and character it was at this moment she would be the world famous superstar of our time. She talked about how she used her mind and pretended she was already the star she wanted to be and with time it moved her into the direction she wanted for herself. Another example would be you want a house or a car, but it’s not just any car or house it’s a luxury! Your subconscious doesn’t know the difference so you would have to consciously make yourself act as if you have it because the external reality responds to the vibration of your internal self (conscious and unconscious) first, external after.
Neptune/Mercury the power is in the voice! One of the few placements that can will what they want for themselves with the power of the tongue. The truth of the matter is that you must pretend and then focus on the energy that is being presented when willing it into your reality. These are the type of people who can be prophets in their life and utilize this ability with any talents in writing/singing/rapping/visuals etc. The use of the hands here is a gift as well. Scripting and creating stories of their own life before it happens is something they could be pretty good at if they listen to their intuition. The mind responds to what you believe is real , like for example you say "Im ugly" a hundred times, the universe will attach that feeling to your reality. If you say "im pretty" eventually your mind will believe this as true, so then you end up being in situations that show your true nature. YOU control the mind and what comes out of it. Just be you!
Neptune/Venus the power is in your sensuality and the way you express your love for yourself and all around you. Beautiful placement, how you will what you want within reality is by going with the flow. Dreams can come true but with venusian energy we have to relinquish our control! These two planets together deal with the heart, so what we believe wholeheartedly can come true we just have to embrace it with our minds and the way we feel life with our sensual nature. Beautiful placement, i'll say it again.
The love you have for yourself will reflect back in your manifestations. Deservingness is a theme for people with this placement.
Neptune/Mars - Your drive. Your endurance levels and what you believe is possible is how strongly this placement will be. If youre not confident in whatever it is you want than mars energy here will be a pretty low since its dependant on the subconscious. I see people with this placement having to embark on a lot of psychological transformations as mars/aries rules the head so the mind will always be something worth having to overcome. Building up confidence and working up a sweat is actually a good way to help your manifestations come through quicker! Neptune/mars can rely on getting into the root of something to heal the wounds of the subconscious so that their conscious reality can mirror the internal feelings of what they desire in the process.
Neptune/Pluto - Okay so at this point i want to start of by saying that any planet that isn't a luminary (Uranus/Neptune/Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto) does not have much of a affect in the physical, but mostly internal and spiritual. Neptune and pluto together are a powerhouse baby! Because its dealing with the unconscious and the subconscious and its usually something that lays hidden. With the luminaries, we can consciously see what are reality is like versus our imagination. With this placement its tricky because if pluto wants to stay a secret, thats what itll be. The goal here is to see and feel what your imagination is trying to say to you. You may be dealing with blocked manifestation abilities with this placement so it'll take some sort of 'shadow work' to get the bottom of any issues as to why manifesting something isnt as easy.
Now here is the part on how it can be easier. Since pluto rules the unconscious, you must be aware of your dream state especially since neptune is the ruler of dreams. Sometimes what you want may not come thru you but through others, as pluto is a magnet of getting other people to do what it wants. So with that being said, connecting to your inner self via meditation and thru dreams would help you see the best manifestation method for you. Neptune/Pluto together shows me that their are a lot unlocked gifts that you may have to work to get a chance to use them. Pay attention to how you feel and what you say when manifesting. Start with a sentence on what you desire, pay attention to your imagination, what comes up? does it feel good or bad? if it feels good feel the vibration of it and thats when you'll know how to receive it because its thru a certain emotion (and emotions bring power WHEN used correctly). If it feels bad, why? go deeper on the subject, because it could either be blocking you or protecting you. A lot of times the unconscious like to hide because maybe when you were younger something 'forced' it to lock away certain gifts. Your subconscious/unconscious self holds great awards, and the more you go inside to see the more you will become the magician of your own reality!
Neptune/Saturn - Grounded. Material. Discipline. Staying Focused. 4 things to note with this placement is that saturn will reward you with the effort you take to move into it! The original law of attraction placement. It focuses on bring our dreams into material reality. With you guys, meditating on what you want and then creating a blueprint for it is the best way to see thru an idea and allowing the universe to present it to you the way it sees fit. We may not know all the answers but thats the point, we're not suppose to know everything we're just suppose to do it.
Now with you guys focusing on the task and putting all your energy on that goal is how saturn will push you forward to that thing you want to manifest. I need yall to dream big here because saturn whats you to create something with a long lasting foundation so theirs no playing small here. We start off with some baby steps and we move on to the bigger picture but saturns energy deals with the dark stuff nobody ever talks about. Hardwork pays off but the amount of effort you put into changing your mindset and going in with the challenge is the kicker.
Creating the vision is easy with neptune but putting in the work is sometimes the hardest. How bad do you want it? That's a saturn proverb here. We gotta get use to things not being as 'easy' as we may like, and thats the lesson saturn brings with this placement.
Neptune/Jupiter - This placement counts on your belief system so the higher your beliefs the stronger the outcome of the manifestation. This placement has no room for small, shorthanded beliefs because you'll eventually will have to learn how to expand your horizons. Jupiter rules luck, so a risk will be necessary on receiving what you desire. Do you wish to travel? Then you must believe that you can fly. New look? You must believe that you will look great in whatever you put on? Don't trust yourself to swim ? Gotta change that narrative, just say you're a mermaid without gills ;) jk. This placement can not be still and you will go through many journeys in life whether it's through the mind or across the world. Believe in MORE and you will receive it.
Seriously though, this placement is built on your belief system and it can get stronger immediately once you go towards more optimism in your life.
Neptune/Uranus. Think think think! The power is strictly in your consciousness. With manifesting what you want, it may be more unconventional than you'd think. As a person with this placement (this is a generational placement from like 1993 to 1999) I've noticed that this placement requires you to look beyond what you see in front of you. This generation so far is creating a new era of dreams no one never seen coming. Ive seen people manifest their dreams as being a rapper and even if their not super famous or in hollywood they've built a lifestyle for themselves that we've otherwise never seen possible. I'd say their more on the independant side which I've seen a lot of so far. But the reason I used that as an example is because you have to let go and let the unexpected happen. Our dreams are possible to achieve we just have to know that it may be different and most likely ahead of its time!
I hope you all loved my observation list on neptune and the other placements! Stay tuned for more to come. Maybe you can manifest what i do next ;) hehe, bye!
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kaleidoru · 6 months
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Nereid and Doppler
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astropookie · 1 year
I’m feeling like a fcking egoist so I’ll roast myself
I’m the best at it😄🥰
aspects of my birth chart I blame -don’t do that-
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Picture from Pinterest
TW: it could turn deep
*basically aspects in my birth chart
Moon square Venus
I’m fucking rude. I always seem like Idgf. When I liked someone, unless I want them to know, in the past, they have told me that they haven’t had a clue I like them. It’s like I have a mask but really on the inside I’m sensitive and I’m scared of being hurt and not having the reaction I expect. Attachment issues. That’s the thing. I HAVE SUFFERED A LOT in past relationships, any type. Why? I’ve been too attached to the point I begged the other to stay or if don’t I…had a incomprensible fear OR I’ve been too cold and lost what could’ve been friends bc of my anxiety of being hurt/rejected/judge, etc. I HAVE SUCH A HUGE PROBLEM that’s not being able to show myself at the fullest or to struggle to be myself and i’ll adapt to what others would like. SCARED OF BEING JUDGE. I feel that I’m a burden, being me. Showing my real intentions and emotions to the ones I love the most. To be the cause of their problems. That’s my phobia -jk-.
Ascendant conjunction Neptune
As much as it costs me to mention it. Yes, neptune causes addiction or SPECIFICALLY and ORIGINALLY a necessity to escape, to avoid what’s in front of your eyes. The effect neptune gives is insane, the sensitivity someone with neptune energy is on another level. A level that make you wish to disappear or to go to another dimension. The need can’t be put in words. But oh darling, as much as you wish, you scream, you can’t go bc you’re sensitive and that makes you an emphatic. you feel what others feel: you can’t decide. How others would feel? So you hide it. You’re good at it or that’s what you think. “It’s for your own good and for the others, it’s the best”, that’s what you’d said.
Sun square Chiron
A truck hits you every time. Or -a example that’s more family friendly- when you start doing bars, at first you get blisters and it burns but you have to do the work anyways bc you’re not gonna wait an eternity so the blister can heal -another’s gonna appear in the process-: you kept going and finally your skin becomes indifferent to the rub between your hand and the bar. in other words, sun square chiron have passed and pass lessons that are really deep, specifically in the past by being invalidated for being them. They can feel insufficient and that you don’t have the right to be, to show your passions and expressive side (being creative and unique). They repressed you, they thought they had the right and you believed them. Honey, you become stronger each time. Your inner strength is incredible. Accepting yourself, being recognized by you is what matters and what’s going to make you reach your potential.
Lilith square Mars
AAAAAAAA THIS ASPECT. why do I have to have such a AAAAAA aspect? I HATE IT FUCK. You know how many times I’ve changed hobbies? How many times I’ve left a competition bc I was afraid of not winning? What if my full potential wasn’t what I expected? What if I wasn’t the best? If it was the case I preferred to leave, to die -how dramatic- instead of knowing I had competition and that I wasn’t the only one there that wanted to give her best. I changed hobbies every time bc I got bored: in reality I was afraid and stressed bc things didn’t go the way I wanted, I didn’t full my expectations and I was afraid of not doing it if I really tried. At the first try I expected to it to came out like I was an expert. I have to make a mistake, what I was most afraid of, to learn about it, to understand that I’m human. I HATE IT. That’s why I’m feeling like shit. The other day I exploded without of nowhere and a friend that I love obviously got offended and I tried to covered it by telling it was a joke -she still told me she didn’t like it- but then I apologized and cleared everything. Now, add those previous 3 aspects: I feel like fucking shit. -there are other things-.
incredibly, first time I don’t use emojis
❀ Based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
❀ English is not my first language.
❀ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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httpstes · 1 year
istg what is it about pisces risings that are just so pretty?!? two of my closest friends are pisces risings and i just sit there staring at them all day in class, bro y’all are magnetising and gorgeous, now pls stop casting spells on me my pisces moon is getting scared
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coldgoldlazarus · 1 year
It's genuinely so hilarious to me that the supporters of the IAU Pluto reclassification, act like they're standing up for scientific integrity in the face of elementary school nostalgia. Like, I get it, reclassification and adjusting our understanding in response to new developments is a necessary part of science and something the public should get more comfortable with... but this really ain't it, chief.
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ninepentz · 2 years
When you're going through your house placements-
Like for example, on astrotheme (link below) they give you a section for houses specifically. Make sure to check which planets are in those houses too bc it changes everything. You can't just look at the 7th house in Pisces and think okay, their-
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Love life/partners may be dreamlike, idealistic, self sacrificing, spiritual.
The 7th house is on the moon, jupiter, and neptune. So we see the 7th house relating to matters of the home, woman in their life, their comforts/early upbringing. With jupiter in the 7th we have certain morals-
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Beliefs of how our partners should be, we may even be looking for partners who are completely culturally different from us, who live at a distance.
7th house neptune- looking for spiritual compatibility in relationships/goals, may be too trusting, overlooking bad qualities, not seeing situations for what they are. 7h neptune basically is the same thing as pisces in the 7th house, so to me it exaggerates the existing qualities even more.
Another example, we have aries in the 8th house in chiron.
Aries in the 8th house
A deep, passionate, impulsive individual. Unafraid to be their most authentic self, no matter how intense.
Possibly enjoys being powerful and in a leadership position.
They may even be sexually attracted to independent people, aggressive, dominant, pure, fiery personalities.
Chiron in aries
Our deepest wound is our independence, identity, and self-expression. This person could feel that their entire existence is a problem. They often feel unworthy, unable to express their wants and needs. Maybe growing up, they were taught to do as they are told. They were trained to always be there for others. Due to this, they may struggle with not knowing who they are, unable to be selfish, and feel guilt when doing so. With this in the 8th house, I feel like they are constantly needed and wanted for what they can provide, but when they need others the most, no one is there. So they basically feel like a working horse for everyone else. Bc of this they end up constantly proving themselves, and it would sometimes come across arrogantly to those who don't know their back story.
At their healthiest state, they wouldn't have to prove themselves. To be worthy of someone's love, respect, attention, desire, and priorities.
They wouldn't even need to consider anyone's approval but their own, this transit is actually happening right now as we speak. So it could be something we're all dealing with atm.
So in this case, the 8th house being connected to chiron directly shows us a personal issue in the chart.
Chiron aspecting someone's ascendant on a different note, generally would mean they may have a disability of some sort in their appearance/personality and the house placement of chiron shows you where/what.
So to sum it up, that's why you should check all planets/aspects involved, it gives you the whole picture.
The houses are just a glimpse, but are very important bc it's showing us what's happening exactly at this moment.
Houses are dependent on the ascendant, which changes signs hourly. Unlike daily/monthly transits. Moon is a daily transit (2.5 days), sun/mercury/venus/mars monthly transits depending on retrogrades.
Outter planets, saturn/uranus/neptune/pluto move slower so they can take months to years.
✨️Nine of Pentacles✨️
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theneptunianmind · 2 months
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quiltofstars · 1 year
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Neptune and its moon Triton on July 24, 2023 // Fábio
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Hi, I just wanted to say I really love your art style, I just think it looks amazing and keep up the good work, Btw are there any moons or dwarf planet candidates you plan on drawing in the future?
Thank you very much!! Took me some time to develop an art style I'm fully comfortable with, so I'm glad to hear it.
As for moons and dwarf planets, I'm planning to! I think I have very old designs of the moons many years back when Heliosphere wasn't a serious project. But as for other dwarf planets like Sedna and Quaoar, I'll have to make them from scratch.
Here are some designs I've made back in 2014 that don't have redesigns yet! (save for some like the Galilean moons, Miranda, Triton, Nereid, Charon, and Kerberos)
Please take note that some of them are due for redesign. Despite changes like hair style, clothing, or skin tone, I often still take many elements from their prior design so they still feel familiar.
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astro1derland · 2 months
In today’s transits, the Sun ☀️ at 27° Cancer ♋️ 36’ 13” forms a trine with Neptune 🔱 at 29° Pisces ♓️ 51’ 3”. Our sense of illumination aligns and works well with our mysticism in a sensual yet cautious manner. See your dreams in a new light today. Look for illumination on the unconscious today.
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truevedicastrology · 10 months
Cosmic selfies planets in 1st house
Imagine your astrological house as your cosmic selfie—revealing your personality and how you look. Let's peek at how different planets throw their own party in your first house:
Sun in the 1H: Some people have bright eyes and big smiles, and they're full of confidence. They really care about looking good.
Moon in the 1H: Picture faces that are round and young-looking. People might think they're younger than they actually are because they have this forever-young vibe.
Mercury in the 1H: These folks might have small or kind of "elven" features. And guess what? They often like touching their faces a lot.
Venus in the 1H: Imagine someone who's always known for being beautiful. Their face is super symmetrical and smooth, making them stand out.
Mars in the 1H: People with this might have cool birthmarks, dimples, or they blush easily. Their faces have interesting features that catch your eye.
Jupiter in the 1H: Think about having features that are bigger or more standout than others. These folks are pretty attractive to lots of people.
Saturn in the 1H: Faces with angles and geometric shapes. It's like having a face made of cubes. Pretty unique, huh?
Uranus in the 1H: Imagine faces that look a bit unusual, like they're from another planet. These folks really stand out and don't look like everyone else.
Neptune in the 1H: People who might get confused for others because they like changing their looks often. They're into trying out new styles.
Pluto in the 1H: Picture someone who gives off a mysterious vibe. Their eyes might look a bit like a snake's, and they like dark and cool stuff—dark makeup, clothes, and more.
So, each planet throws its own flair into the mix, making everyone's first house unique and interesting!
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esoteriamaya · 2 years
I just had to mention the fairies bit in my neptune/Pisces/12th house bit cause out of every sign this sign loves the idea of fae creatures and the mystical lol and they be on itttt.
Neptunian energy has a lot of connection to myths. It’s very interesting because they are able to see that other beings outside ourselves exist. And as crazy at it may sound, there is so much that we can not explain and these placements cover that.
They don’t care how crazy they seem their is wonders out there that is being blocked from being uncovered and they usually be the first to find out the hidden secrets of the universe.
Their very private about a lot of things their interested in because most people don’t understand the world we live. What’s going on in the mind, dreams, experiences that we can’t explain but are deeply felt, the need to follow the energy and discover what it is that the energy is trying to show & tell them.
Neptunian/12th house/Pisces energy is just a different feeling.
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