#the top one is spike during season 7
mcgnagallsarmy · 6 months
Top 10 Spuffy fics I’ve read (Dec 2023)
56 Hours by Soulburnt [NC-17]
After months of wishing for one more minute with Spike, Buffy is offered hours… by Giles, her less than trustworthy former Watcher.
Art Therapy by scratchmeout [NC-17]
What happens when two broken people find each other and begin to heal from their newfound friendship?
Christmas With a Vampire by RavenLove12 [NC-17]
A Hallmark-inspired Christmas special with a Spuffy twist.
Like Old Times by MillennialCryBaby [NC-17]
Angel had no idea how he got here, but what was one night for old time's sake? Established Spuffy and well…Angel just can't stay away from these two.
Meant 2 B by Spikelover4ever [PG-13]
What if Buffy and Spike hadn't broken up after all during season 6? What if they had talked things out and found a way forward where they could explore what they truly meant to each other? This one-shot explores how that could have gone for these two silly blondes as a partial episode rewrite/fix it.
Muddle by Holly [PG-13]
Spike tries to go home to Buffy for Christmas, not knowing that Buffy has decided to go home to Spike.
Screwed by Holly [NC-17]
The good news: the resources the Council provided might actually contain a solution to the whole Glory problem. The bad news: it involves ritual sex with a vampire. Buffy has never been more screwed.
That was then, this is now by Julikobold [G]
Two little Spuffy snippets on Christmas Eve in season 6 and 7. A little bit sad, as it wasn’t the best of times for our beloved couple.
Truce or Consequences by the_big_bad [R]
In the summer between Seasons 4 and 5, Buffy and Spike learn to put aside their differences for the protection of the Hellmouth. In the process, they learn that they have more in common then either realized.
Your Laughter by cawthraven [NC-17]
Buffy and Spike spend a lazy morning together.
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thepunkmuppet · 9 months
a comprehensive list of all the Implications (TM) of the WishVerse that were never explored. enjoy.
so in case you forgot: buffy never came to sunnydale in season 1. the master took over sunnydale and made xander and willow his deranged vampire sidekicks. buffy fights the master and her, cordelia, angel, willow and xander all die. almost all these points are going off the branching timeline where giles didn’t destroy anya’s pendant and the wishverse kept going.
larry is a “white hat” working with giles, oz and nancy. he has dyed black hair. I think it’s safe to assume that larry is out in this universe, and apocalypse or no apocalypse I love the idea of these three being a found family friend group just like buffy and the scoobies. also love the idea that oz and larry were in love but that’s just because I am insane lmao. anyway larry is out as gay and friends with oz with surrogate father figure giles… yeah that just makes me happy. I would love to see his season 1-3 growth in coming out and becoming a better person / not a bully similar to cordy. and shittily dying his hair black.
were spike and dru there during the season 2 period? did the master kill them? did the white hats kill them? did they leave? WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM????
the mayor, adam, glory and the first would likely still happen on top of all the vampire apocalypse stuff. the trio could be dead or vampires and dark willow obviously would not be able to happen. does giles fight these threats, collecting various child fighters over the years?? no idea. do they succeed?? no idea.
dawn doesn’t exist because buffy is dead. I wonder who the key would have taken the form of, perhaps she would be faith’s sister…???
what’s the status of jenny calendar?? joyce?? tara?? amy?? no one knows!! I just hope they didn’t meet too grisly of ends. the idea of leather-clad apocalypse vampire versions of all these badass women intrigues me though…
did anya remain a demon?? destroying her necklace would reset the timeline back to normal, so I guess she must have done. my anyiles heart says giles thought “I could fix her” and fell in love with a vengeance demon who doomed reality but that might just be wishful thinking (no pun intended).
angel investigations simply doesn’t exist. angel and cordy are both dead.
connor would not exist because darla would not be brought back (I wonder if jasmine would find some other way to bring about her birth??)
lindsey would have both hands intact and he and lilah would likely stay at wolfram and hart, and neither would die unless they were caught in the crossfire of vampire apocalypse stuff.
gunn would stick with his crew in LA and would likely fight the master at one point, not to mention even more vampires than usual, and without superpowers would likely die eventually.
angel investigations would never run wolfram and hart, meaning illyria would have to find a different host body. if it was lindsey or lilah that would be awesome.
pylea would stay the same and suck forever because cordy would never go there.
lorne is flourishing and loving life running caritos. he’s probably better off for it tbh. the wishverse says gay rights!!!!
in terms of wesley, faith and doyle, I recommend this amazing fic. it really speaks for itself, it’s awesome!!
its unclear as to who would be called after buffy. is it a person to person thing or simply a timing thing?? would it be kendra, faith, or someone else entirely? as I said this is explored in the fic I linked, but still interesting to discuss.
season 7 would be very different. we don’t know what slayer is currently around and we don’t know if that would change the first’s plan or the ending with all the potentials becoming slayers. no idea. kennedy would not be important thank god.
fred is still in pylea.
if you can think of anything else, please do share in notes!!
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Dragon Slayer Hcs because these fuckheads living in my brain
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Birthday is November 24 (♐️), he and Freed share a birthday
Igneel didn’t know his birthday, so it was always celebrated on January 1 with the new year
Genderfluid, uses He/They/She/It
Red scales with a orange gradient where his scales have been damaged and light red undersides
Black scales along spine that help him absorb sunlight, which energizes him
Scales along knuckles, spine, cheeks, top of firearms/shins, and side of his thighs
Fangs and claws are wide and slightly curved to devour/control fire
Stronger sense of smell than the others
Eyes are green, but turn orange when using magic
Sclera are yellow
Elongated ears angled up
Early riser, needs heat and sunlight, up with the sun
Tongue is rough like sandpaper
Body uses more magic in colder areas
Energized by heat and sunlight
Extremely high body temperature
Can sense heat signatures
Burns things on accident a lot, he’s a walking fire hazard, needs to be kept away from furniture
Fire fucked up his tastebuds at a young age, needs flavors to be extremely apparent or he can’t taste it
Hair deepens in hue in Dragon Force, almost red
Birthday is April 15 (♈️)
Identifies as Greysexual
Transman, He/They/Neos
Blackish/silver scales that are as hard as iron
Scales along arms, legs, hands, face, and back/spine
Piercings aren’t just there for looks, they spike up when scales fold over skin, making little spikes
Can shuffle his metallic scales around his body as needed
Two sets of fangs, one behind the other because he’s eating metal, large and strong fangs
Eyes are red, sclera are yellow
Elongated ears angled down
Night vision, got even better after eating Rogue’s shadows
Always more of a night person, after eating Rogue’s shadows he became more nocturnal than before
Tongue is covered in scars from scales on roof of his mouth, as well as eating metal
Extremely thick skin, literally, hard to break and leave scars
Had trouble with his sense of feeling, especially in his hands, textures are almost nonexistent in his fingers
This means he can be extremely hurt without noticing, like grabbing hot metal and burning his hands without knowing
Lungs are extremely hard to listen to thanks to the metal outlining them, sounds like he’s barely breathing
Hair turns silver-ish in Dragon Force
Almost always bites through silverware when eating regular food, he can’t help it
Extremely heavy, weights a ton because he’s covered in iron
Birthday is January 13 (♑️), yeah, i think wendy was actually older than sting and rogue before tenrou (by months but still)
Ace Lesbian
Transgirl, She/They
Most dragonic looking of main seven(7) for reasons you’ll have to find out in my rewrite
White scales with pale blue undersides
Scales across cheeks, hands, arms, thighs, and back
Tuffs of white feathers behind ears, and on her joints
Digigraded legs below knees into four-toed talons (feathered)
Wings mixed with scales and feathers
Her feathers can stand up, which helps her know where to direct her magic when healing others
Smaller fangs than the boys, more towards the back of her mouth so that she can more of a direct air flow, very sharp fangs to slice through the air
Stronger sense of taste than the others
Nictitating membrane like a lizard
Eyes are golden yellow, sclera are a more pale yellow
Elongated ears angled down
Thrives in high places with thin air, hates humidity
Healing ability is even more accelerated than the others
Lungs filter oxygen faster than usual
Dangerous to be around during allergy season, powerful sneezes
Hair/eyes turns magenta pink when in Dragon Force
Birthday is April 5 (♈️)
Demi Gay
Transmasc Demiboy (They/He)
Dragon Lacrima works a bit differently in my rewrite
Dark gold scales
Light blue scales down his spine
Scales cover forearms, spine, and shins
Tuffs of grey feathers on joints
Long fangs/claws to help conduct electricity
Eyes are orange but turn electric blue when using magic
Sclera are yellow
Lightning is constantly stuck in the back of his throat, tickling the scales in his mouth and making him cough and clear his throat regularly
Lacrima keeps him healthy, if he uses too much magic it’ll make his immune system plummet
Elongated ears angled up
Gives off static electricity even without meaning too
As technology advances without the need of lacrima, Laxus short-circuits pretty much anything electronic he touches
Can create thunderstorms when feeling intense emotions
Birthday is November 2 (♏️)
Demi Bi
Transman (They/He)
Dragon Lacrima works a bit differently in my rewrite
Deep maroon scales with bright yellow along spine
Scales on forearms, spine, and shins
Thick but hollow fangs and claws full of poison, very brittle and easily broken
Stronger sense of hearing than the others
Eyes are purple, sclera are yellow
Drinks the pollution in the air
Elongated ears angled up
Split tongue like a snake
Can take any medicine when sick, nothing works on him unless it’s magic based
Birthday is March 30 (♈️)
Demi Gay
Transman (He/They)
Dragon Lacrima works a bit differently in my rewrite
Shining, shimmering, slightly illuminating (in the dark) white scales
Scales along arms, legs, hands, face, and back/spine
Tuffs of white feathers at joints
Large and curved fangs, also hollow and can suck the white out of things (vampires in adventure time)
Eyes are blue, sclera are yellow
Has night vision, but his is the worst of the group, luckily his scales slightly glow
Early riser, needs light, up with the sun
Energized by the sun/light
Scales absorb sunlight
Elongated ears angled up
Birthday is October 31 (♏️)
Ace Bi
Nonbinary (They/Them)
Dragon Lacrima works a bit differently in my rewrite
Gradient dark grey to black scales
Red scales along spine
Scales along arms, legs, hands, face, and back/spine
Feathered black scales on shoulders but no tuffs
Short and wide fangs towards the back of his mouth
Eyes are red, sclera are yellow
Practically nocturnal, the sun is his enemy
Has the best night vision of the group
Elongated ears angled down
Colorblind, sees mostly in black, white, and dulled-grey like colors
Hates eating shadows of people, says it feels almost like cannibalism
Also refuses to eat Frosch’s shadow
Birthday is September 15 (♍️)
Pan Ace
Genderfluid, Any pronouns
Dragon Lacrima works a bit differently in my rewrite
Scales unfold almost like a rainbow thanks to his eight dragon lacrima anal beads (rust orange, medallion gold, bright gold, sage green, sea blue, silver, white, and black)
Scales on forearms, spine, shins, and tops of feet
Peacock like feathers on joints (medallion gold, bright gold, silver, white, and black)
Extremely large and thick fangs/claws
Eyes are blue but change color based on what element he’s using
Sclera are yellow
His body honestly doesn’t know what the fuck it’s doing
Usually goes barefoot because of his Cavern Dragon Slayer magic, resulting in extremely calloused feet
Elongated ears angled up
Muscles tense after being still for too long, sounds like something is breaking when he starts to move again
His lungs are a mess, you can’t hear anything if you tried to listen to them
Birthday is September 3 (♍️)
Greysexual Lesbian
Genderqueer, Any Pronouns
Can switch between her true form (dragon) and her human form at will, but being in her human form for long periods of time will inevitably begin to transform back into a dragon
White undersides with crimson red scales, if left unaddressed
Tuffs of red feathers on joints, if left unaddressed
Thick and wide fangs/claws
Originally had brown eyes but after turning into a dragon her eyes are a pinkish-red, sclera are yellow
Body is mostly numb
More comfortable in her dragon form than her human form
Elongated ears angled down
Only looks psychically her age because of stress and pain in her human form
Ten (10) pairs of ribs instead of 12 to help expand lungs for breath attacks
Claws are strong like bone and grow out of nail beds
Multiple sets of teeth ready to grow in within days of loosing teeth
Teeth always grow back stronger
Faster healing compared to other magic types, especially god slayers
Extremely heightened senses, though some of them have better senses than other
Extremely mobile on all fours, almost like that’s the way their body wants to be shaped
Scales on the roof of their mouths and down their throats as well
Elements begin to grow in their lungs and need to be expunged
Night vision
Age extremely slowly and will outlive all of their loved ones unless death comes unnaturally
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linkspooky · 1 year
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BUFFY SEASON 2, EPISODE 7: Lie to Me Thoughts
Hello this is part of a new series I'm working on where I plan to cover all of my favorite Buffy episodes through all seven seasons, and the deeper themes and character ideas hidden within.
Buffy is a special kind of show. I'm far from the first person to write essays trying to cover the content within it. It is a show I'm so passionate about that I have repeatedly forced my closest friends to watch through the series on me. One thing I've noticed is during every watch though, my friends will experience a moment where they cross the line from being entertained by the show, to deeply invested. Which episode "Hooks" them depends on the person, but for me personally Buffy crosses the line from a fun adventure of the week style show with the neat little idea of having the protagonist be a blonde, peppy high school girl who would usually be the victim of the vampires rather than what they fear.
Season one is obviously entertaining, and it doesn't coast on that premise by the end it's already started to dig deeper into the ideas of the show. However, there's a marked change between season one and season two where the writers become invested in creating an overarching theme for the entire season that not only digs into the genre of the show, but also continues on a lot of ideas from season one. I've told my friends that season 2 is "nothing but the hits, baybee" and I think it speaks to the strength of the show that some of the series best episodes happen already in season two.
Tvtropes defines a Myth arc as being like a story arc, but spanning the entire season. The term originated with the X-FIles, whose writers used it to refer to the alien conspiracy that stretches the whole series. As X-Files is a show divided into one-off episodes where they search for big-foot, and plot episodes where they advance the conspiracy.
I'd tweak this definition for buffy, because while there's no conspiracy the characters are chasing that spans all seven seasons as each season has a standalone story arc, there is a theme which ties into every season. The overall theme is the fantasy retreating from reality.
Summarized by Spike in one song lyric in the widely acclaimed musical episode.
Life's not a song; Life isn't bliss. Life is just this. It's living You'll get along The pain that you feel You only can heal By living You have to go on living So one of us is living.
Life is just living. A lot of people expect life to play out like a story or a song, beucase as people we want to feel like the main characters of a story. However, reality will always trump the fantasy. No matter what fantasy you try to build out of life, in the end life is just lived day to day. You have to live in reality, because a fantasy doesn't really exist that's what makes it a fantasy. A fantasy is no different from a lie.
What makes "Lie to Me" such a standout episode is it's the first episode where this theme is solidified. It's literally in the title "Lie to Me." It's about how fantasies are ultimately just lies we tell ourselves, or lies we tell other people, but on top of that people actually want to be lied to, because some lies are comforting and inviting rather than facing a harsh reality.
Lie to me, is an episode where several characters are liars. What makes it so nuanced is it's not just the villain Ford that's lying, Buffy, Angel pretty much every important character is either lying to themselves or telling a lie to someone else. They're all avoiding an uncomfortable truth that they'll be forced to confront either this episode of later in the season.
1. Buffy
Buffy Summers is the protagonist of the show. In normal narratives, the entire narrative and the world crafted tends to center around the protagonist, their thoughts, and viewpoints for simplicity's sake with other characters being side characters.
When you say someone thinks they are the "protagonist of reality" it's usually a joking about a person who is self-absorbed they think everything revolves around themselves. Buffy is someone you could make the argument that she is the literal protagonist of reality, because the universe marked her as "the chosen one" and she is the only one slayer.
Buffy is a heroic selfless character, but I'd argue she's not the "hero" of the story. In BTVS's efforts to deconstruct the myth, the show goes to great lengths to show the person behind the hero. Buffy's a normal girl, who has been destignated a hero by some otherworldly forced that marked her as the chosen one.
In a way she's forced to be a hero, both by moral obligation if Buffy does not slay vampires they will kill other innocent people, by situation sometimes these villains will attempt to destroy the world and you know Buffy lives here. Finally, she is pressured by the people around her into acting like a hero, all of her friends who have been saved by her on multiple occasions tend to call her a hero, and idealize her. In fact it's one of the unhealthier aspects of the Scooby Gang dynamic, that her friends have such an idealized image of her that when Buffy shows human flaws they tend to be overcritical of her.
Buffy sees herself as the hero of the story, as a way of coping with both the harsh reality of being a slayer, and the various pressures it applies to her life. Not only that she is also a teenager, and teenagers are naturally prone to black and white thinking because they are not emotionally mature.
All of this to say, during the episode itself when Buffy accuses Ford of pretending that everything is just a movie in order to justify his actions, she's guilty of doing the exact same thing. BTVS as a show shines because it's capable of being just as critical as its protagonist as it is of its villains. Especially in early seasons where Joss has stated on multiple occasions that the vampires are metaphors for the struggles of teenage life. The vampires weren't originally meant to be nuanced characters, so the character drama has to focus on the flaws of the protagonists because most vampires in this show are chaotic neutral demons with no souls. It goes into the mythos of the show itself, that vampires are not the people they formerly were, they're corpses that are ressurected by placing a demon inside of them.
So, following Buffy throughout the episode and the lies she is struggling with, we start right away with her witnessing the encounter between Drusilla and Angel.
Drusilla: The slayer. Your heart stinks of her. Poor little thing. She has no idea what's in store. She stops -- actually sensing Buffy watching. She glances at the girl, smiling to herself. Angel: This can't go on, Drusilla. It's gotta end. Drusilla: Oh, no, my pet... She leans in for what looks to Buffy like a kiss, whispers in Angel's ears: Drusilla: This is just the beginning.
The big lie Angel tells Buffy in this episode is his relationship with Drusilla. While Angel is actively lying to Buffy by concealing information, Buffy is also lying to herself on some level which is what makes it easy for her to fall victim to the lie.
Drusilla's statement "she has no idea what's in store" seems at first brush to be just a generic ominous statement a villain might say, but it's strong foreshadowing for the mid-season twist. Season 2 is a pretty well structured season in terms of foreshadowing and payoff, the first half indicates several times Buffy is deliberately blinding herself to Angel's true nature leading up to the mid-season twist. "She has no idea what's in store" in this context means that Buffy is completely blindsided to Angel's true nature, partly because of the fantasy she's constructed about him.
Which is where I say that Buffy is lying to herself. The thing is Buffy's initial reaction to this scene is not horror that Angel may have some connection to the series villains, but romantic jealousy. In a way, Buffy gets insecure and sees Drusilla as some sort of a love rival. In the halloween episode, Buffy sees a portrait of a woman who heavily resembles Drusilla and assumes that it's Angel's "type." The scene is written, and Buffy talks about it with Willow later, like Angel's seeing another girl behind his back.
So, this lie distances herself from Angel, and shotly afterwards Ford walks back into her life.
Ford as a character almost seems like a retcon. Hey, here's a guy from my old school that I've known since childhood, used to have a crush on, who knows me better than all of my current friends that I never thought to mention until now.
The story however, uses the abruptness of Ford's appearance in its favor, because the very first lie that Ford tells Buffy is his reapparance back into her life. He's not actually transferring in, he only came to Sunnydale to become a vampire. That's one of the first things they dig up about him that clues the main characters into how shady he is.
However, the lie this scene represents is also how inviting it is for Buffy who has difficulty opening up in front of others because of the parts of her life she has to keep a secret, have this friend who's known her for so long she doesn't HAVE to open up.
Xander: "This is ford, my bestest friend of all my friends." Jeez, didn't she know any fat guys?
And, then how convenient is it that Ford spots her slaying a vampire at the Bronze, but oh she can avoid that awkward conversation because it turns out Ford already knew even before she left Los Angeles.
This is where we get into the Ford and Angel foiling, because both of them are in this episode important men in Buffy's life who lie to her because they want to use her on some level. Angel, because he wants to use Buffy as a comfort, this is something he admits out loud in the Christmas episode. Ford, because he is literally using her as a part of his scheme to be a vampire.
Then, there is Buffy who falls for these lies easily, because she has this romantic desire for someone who can share the darker parts of her life with. As she believes in episodes like "Never kill a boy on the First Date" that she can't really date, or connect with normal people because either they'll be in danger, or they won't be able to understand what she is going through.
Part of the appeal of Angel to Buffy, is that as a vampire he can survive the danger of her lifestyle, and at the same time he will understand the slayer part of her because of the connection between Vampires and Slayers. You could say that part of the reason Buffy keeps going back to Angel even when it's clearly not working, is because she doesn't want to give up on the comfort the ideal of Angel brings to her, that he's someone who she can talk to about this part of her life and she'll just get it.
When she starts becoming suspicious that Angel is holding secrets for her, she immediately retreats to Ford, because he represents the same idea. Sure, he's not a vampire but unlike Angel who there's a pretty significant age difference and Buffy is constantly at odds with the fact she doesn't know anything about his life, Buffy knows everything about Ford, except that's not true either.
However, Buffy's personal failing to see through Ford and Angel's lie doesn't just impact her. Other people are put in danger, because Buffy fails to see through them in time. Jenny even dies later on in season as a direct result of Buffy's inability to slay Angel on time, something Xander blames her for and he's not... totally incorrect.
Buffy both fails to see what is suspicious about Ford in this singular episode, and for the first half of the season is unable to see the dangerous aspects of Angel, because she's caught up in her romantic fantasy of who she wants him to be, rather than who she is.
Antoher big part of the second season of Buffy is deconstructing romanticism. A lot of people have told me they don't really "get" Angel's character, until the end of season 2. Which is in part due to the fact in season one he's just a guy who shows up, gives information and then leaves. The writers were clearly figuring out his character as they go along, and his season two characterization goes with the deconstruction of Angel as this sympathetic, Anne Rice vampire who's lived a long life feeding on other people, but he's really sorry about it guys.
Which is where we get to Buffy's confrontation about Angel lying to her about his meeting with Drusilla. Once again, Buffy approaches the conversation seeing Drusilla more as a romantic rival than like a dangerous person that Angel clearly is associating with. I mean, as a slayer her first priority should probably be that Drusilla was literally about to kill children, and while Angel protected the children he also let her go rather than slaying her on the spot.
Then we get to the real meat of why Angel is lying.
Angel: I did a lot of unconsciouable things when I became a Vampire. Drusilla was the worst. She was... an obsession of ine. She was pure, and sweet and chaste. Buffy: You made her a vampire. Angel: First, I made her insane. Killed everyone she loved, visited every mental torture on her I could devise. She eventually fled to a convent and the day she took her holy orders I turned her into a demon.
The information she hears immediately destroys the romantic fantasy of Angel as a vampire, with a soul and a troubled past. Angel didn't just feed on people, he went out of his way to twist the knife in the most horrific way possible. Buffy knows Angel has killed people, but she's never had to see one of his victims. She doesn't know the details, and Angel clearly intentionally keeps these things from her because he wants Buffy to like him.
By not ever truly confronting the fact that Angel is capable of doing these horrible things, things that stand out even from other vampires, she's ignoring the danger both to herself and others.
Drusilla in this scenario is a clear foil for Buffy. Angel's feelings for Buffy stem from the purity and innocence of her, she's a teenage girl who he pretty much developed feelings for her on the spot, much like he immediately took an interest in Drusilla. When he loses his soul, his obsession with tormenting Buffy is a clear parallel to what he did to Drusilla. Angel is also positioned as an older man, taking advantage of someone who is young and innocent in Buffy the same way he did to Drusilla, heck even before he loses his soul he often lies to her or uses his age to talk down to her.
Age difference is a thing in vampire novels, which like you sometimes have to just look past because it's a romantic fantasy, but in this case the story deliberately draws parallels to real life where they refer to Angel as a "College Boyfriend" and "Older Man" and Buffy's way of telling her mom about the situation with Angel is that after dating him he turned out to be someone she didn't expect him to be. They're making it out to be a situation where Buffy is groomed by an older man, who after sleeping with her, reveals his true nature. Heck, the way he treats her the morning after losing his soul has some clear parallels to how Parker treated her the first few episodes of season four.
Not only is there a strong foiling between Buffy and Drusilla. They are both people with prophetic dreams, in fact Buffy and Drusilla even share the same dream at one point with Drusilla aware Buffy is there. They are both women who are victimized by Angelus. There are even fan theories that Drusilla's power of prophecy might have come from the fact she was a potential slayer who was vamped before she ever was activated. Later on, they both share a connection to Spike. There's even a bit of a love triangle, one of Drusilla's primary goals in the season is to get Angelus back from Buffy so she can reunite her family.
You could even make the argument that it's Drusilla who's the main villain of the season, not Angel or Spike. There's the captain and tonille monologue after the piano organ falls on Spike where it speculates that Drusilla was the one pulling the strings all along. As crazy as Drusilla seems, in her more lucid moments she's clearly capable of manipulating both Spike and Angelus by pitting them against each other.
Most important of all, I would say that Drusilla is the only character with a real reason of wanting to unleash a demon into the world at the end of the season to turn it into a hellscape. Spike doesn't want to destroy the world, he's all talk, he likes the world. Angelus doesn't really care about destroying the world, he only wants to remove the sword from the stone because it makes him feel like he's chosen and special. Drusilla is the vampire with a tragic backstory, she's the one stuck as an insane, evil thing. She has the most compelling reason for wanting to unleash chaos, because it will either end her life, or make other people suffer for what she's suffering.
Drusilla has a personal motivation against Buffy too, because like I said she views Buffy as having stolen Angelus away from her. Angelus is the father of her family which is the only thing that brings any sense of stability in her life.
Not only does Buffy not see anything she has in common with Drusilla, she also just completely ignores the fact that Drusilla is also a victim of Angel. There's a few little moments where she deliberately ignores the humanity of Drusilla. Such as when she takes Drusilla hostage, and Spike completely drops everything because Dru's safety is more important to him than anything. Which directly contradicts Buffy's view that vampires are incapable of love.
She also, doesn't want to see Ford as a victim later on in the show when forced to view the truth of his situation.
Ford: Okay, well, you try vomitting for twenty four hours straight because the pain your head is so intense, and then we'll discuss the concept of right and wrong. These people are sheep. They want to be vampires because they're lonely, miserable, or bored. But I don't have a choice. Buffy: You have a choice. You don't have a good choice: what's behind door number one there is pretty mcuh a dead fish but you have a choice. You're opting for mass murder here and nothing you say to me is gonna make that okay. Ford: You think I need to justify myself to you? Buffy: I think this is all a part of your little fantasy drama. Isn't this just how you imagined it? You tell me how you've suffered and I feel sorry for you. Well I do feel sorry for you, and if those vampires come in here and start feeding I'll kill you myself. For a moment, Ford betrays an entirely genuine affection. He almost smiles, and quietly says: FORD: You know what, Summers? I really did miss you
Which leads to Buffy's struggle in this scene. The tension between the natural empathy she feels for Ford, but also the fact she has to shut her emotions down and do her job, because people are going to die. Buffy sounds pretty unsympathetic here, but if you watch the clip rather than reading the script Sarah Michelle Gellar's acting really drives home this struggle, Buffy's tearing up as she's saying these things.
Buffy's accusation of Ford treating this like it's all a movie, is also hypocritical on her part because it's something she does too, she just assigns herself the role of hero rather than villain. Which doesn't sound bad, because she does save people, she's in general someone with strong morals, in fact it's her moral obligation to protect people that makes her shut down her sympathy for Ford.
At the same time, Buffy later goes on to apply this Black and White thinking to characters who aren't as clear cut as Ford. The biggest example is Faith, which I will cover in depth later, but before Faith even did anything wrong Buffy was desperate to see her as "The Bad Slayer" to make Buffy herself look like the "Good Slayer." To the point where she was practically waiting for Faith to screw up, and when she did jumped on her. Buffy's victim blaming of Faith in her time of greatest need is some pretty callous behavior, especially since her ousting Faith played a role in what drove her to the Mayor in the first place. Buffy is a middle class kid, who has a stable circle of friends, a supportive mom and a school life and in addition to that a watcher.
Faith is a poor kid, a victim of abuse, someone who lives in a motel, and has no stable watcher and Buffy refuses to see any of this and is quick to jump to the idea that Faith just had these violent tendencies to begin with.
So, Buffy will villainize people besides Ford, and refuse to extend sympathy to them before they really do anything wrong and this has consequences. In this situation she's morally right and justified, but Buffy will continue to do this as time goes on and her inability to see herself as anything but the hero will cause her to not own up to it when she is behaving badly.
Buffy: You mean life? Giles: Yeah. Does it get easy? Giles: What do you want me to say. Buffy: Lie to me. Giles: Yes, it's terriby simple. The good-guys are stalwart and true. The bad-guys are easily distinguished. by their pointy horns or black hats and we always defeat them and save the day. Nobody ever dies.. and everybody lives happily ever after.
However, she has a sympathetic reason for doing this, and it's because Buffy's life is hard, and she wants a comforting story to tell herself. She wants to do this because her life is very hard. In a way, she also parallels Ford even further.
FORD: A couple more days and we'll get to do the two things every American teen should have the chance to do. Die young and stay pretty... BUFFY: I may be dead, but I'm still pretty.
Buffy, like Ford is faced with the prospect that she is probably going to die young, and in a gratuitously painful way, so in that situation who wouldn't lie to themselves?
As mentioned above, a lot of people have told me they do not get Angel until they watch Becoming and then it clicks for them. This is actually understandable, because not only does Angel lie to Buffy throughout the whole season, but Angel himself is kind of not a person.
In the Christmas Episode in Season 3, Jenny / the First draws attention to the fact that before Angel became a vampire, he was just a drunken disappointment to his father. Angel is someone lacking in any identity, and because of that he leans into the role that Darla offers him as her soulless partner in crime because at least that's something.
The duality between Angel and Angelus is that when he is Angel, he's a mostly boring and stuff brooding vampire who doesn't want to socailize and is at best emotionally distant even to someone like Buffy who he claims to passionately love, and when he's Angelus he's almost cartoonishly evil, but this split means neither of them are really a fully fleshed out person.
Angel is someone who is at the same time questing for identity, and also someone who doesn't want to form his own identity, because to do so he'd have to live in the world the same as anyone else and he doesn't want that.
Angel and Buffy are foils, because they both see themselves as the protagonists of reality. However, unlike Buffy who longs for a normal life and to live in the world, Angel wants to be the champion of his own heroic myth. Which is part of his attraction to Buffy, she is the chosen one, and by his association with her he's also special. As much as Buffy wants to lean into the Romeo and Juliet tragic lovestory aspect of their relationship, Angel wants that too because being the special someone in Buffy's eyes uplifts him.
Before seeing Buffy and making the decision to change his life, Angel was eating rats in an alleyway for more than 100 years. Buffy is the inspiration for him to actually make an effort to be someone. In worlds where he does not meet Buffy, and does not meet Cordelia, the isolation eventually drives him insane, he's being tortured in Anya's wishverse, and in the world he doesn't meet Cordelia he's an insane prophet who's constantly chattering nonsense like Drusilla.
Here's where I'll give Angel the benefit of the doubt, I don't believe his initial reasoning for trying to be a part of Buffy's life was to groom her to have a romantic attachment to him. I do think he sympathized with a teenage girl and wanted to help make her life easier by being an ally. Angel's capable of being a sympathetic guy when he lets go of his various issues, just look at his much stronger platonic relationship with Faith. However, Angel's intention became mixed when he developed romantic feelings.
Angel: Because I wanted to! I want you so badly. I wanna take comfort in you and I know it'll cost me my soul and part of me doesn't care.
Not only is Buffy unaware of the danger that Angel presents to her, Angel is lacking self awareness on the unhealthier aspects of his relationship to Buffy. As I said Angel doesn't have a fully developed sense of self, and his compromise on this is to try to become important in Buffy's life rather than working on himself. IT's why Angel's character development doesn't really begin until he gets his own series and is forced to separate from Buffy and build a life outside of her.
Angel is all too happy to play along with Buffy's romantic fantasy of him as the brooding tortured vampire, because it provides him comfort. There are two lies Angel tells Buffy this episode. The first is when he begins to sneak around and investigate Ford behind her back.
While this doesn't seem too bad because it's done with her best intentions, Angel's not treating her like a person with agency. He doesn't come clean with her and talk to her about his suspicions, he goes behind her back and just does it. He doesn't have respect for Buffy's opinions on this situation because his will trumps hers. If it were a one time instance it would be one thing, but Angel constantly either goes behind Buffy's back, or talks down to her like she's a child and he's an adult therefore taking the high ground in their relationship.
Angel: Buffy. May I come in? Buffy: Sure. I thought once you'd been invited you could always just walk in. Angel: I can. I was being polite. Buffy: Oh. Angel: We need to talk. Buffy: Do we? Angel: It's about your friend Ford. He's not what he seems. Buffy: Well, who is these days?
There's a lot of double meaning in this statement. Starting out with the fact Angel asks Buffy for permission to come in the house, and Buffy highlighting the fact he usually doesn't do this. Which is something he should do, you know as a boundaries thing. This becomes darker later on in the season where he breaks into her house to leave drawings on her bed, when earlier the idea of him coming into her room to watch her sleep is romanticized. Even Angel asking Willow for permission to enter her room late at night, allows him to break into her room after losing his soul to kill her fish and leave yet another direct threat to Buffy. Things that seem minor or even romantic early on in this season, turn to violations of her boundaries.
Which also supports the idea that as much as Angel wants to deny it, him and Angelus are the same person. Even before losing his soul again, he was clearly walking all over Buffy and not treating her well it just became obvious when Angelus started putting the screws to her.
Angel says Ford is not what he seems, when he himself is deliberately presenting a false image to Buffy. He wants to tone down his greater crimes, because Buffy loving him is a comfort to him and he fears her rejection. It's something he even deliberately asks for when we get to his second lie, his concealing of his relationship with Drusilla.
Angel: Sometimes the truth is worse. You live long enough, you find that out. Buffy: I can take it. I can take the truth. Angel: Do you love me? Buffy: What? Angel: Do you? Buffy: I love you. I don't know if I trust you. Angel: Maybe you shouldn't either. Buffy: Maybe I'm the one who should decide.
So, to put aside the topic of whether Angel is deliberately grooming Buffy here even before he becomes Angelus, the very fact he needs to confirm her love for him before telling the truth speaks of his priorities. He's not telling this lie for Buffy's sake, but for his own.
Just this conversation is a pretty manipulative action, whether or not you think in a broader context that Angel approached Buffy to begin with having the intention of manipulate her. Buffy even points out that it's up to her to decide whether or not she trusts him. Angel wants to take this choice away from her, because he's afraid of that rejection. He pretends that he is lying to her for her own good because she can't handle his darker nature, but it's Angel himself who can't handle or come to terms with what he did in any real way.
Which is what Whistler says to him way way later in Becoming, that the best thing to do for him would be to try living in the world the same as everyone else, in spite of what he's done. Angel here is choosing the romantic fantasy Buffy has on him and trying to preserve it, rather than just admitting what he has done and letting Buffy decide for herself how she wants to judge him.
There's also small moments in this episode, where Angel playing up to vampire tropes is pointed out. They're played off as jokes, but like I said Angelus whole identity is just "evil vampire", because if he's not evil then he's just a loser.
Angel: Things used to be pretty ismple. A hudnred years just hanging out, feeling guilty. I really honed my brooding skills. Then she comes along... [...] Angel: These people don't know anything about vampires. What they are, how they live, how they dress. THE same moment he says that a club member walks by in THE EXACT SAME OUTFIT that angel is wearing. Angel looks sheepish for a moment as Xander and Willow eye him sardonically.
So you have two lampshades, number one Angel making himself out to be the brooding vampire who falls head over heels in love, number two the vampire worshipping cult dresses exactly the same as Angel the broody vampire who dresses in all black and wears leather pants.
This is an episode that commentaries on the pop culture idea of vampires in general, because as I said, there's a vampire worshipping cult of people who have this idealized image of vampires as tortured and lonely souls when according to the lore of Buffy, they are demons who are possessing corpses.
BUFFY: I got a newflash, braintrust. That's not how it works. You die. A demon sets up shop in your old house. It walks and talks and remembers your life but it's not you.
Which again speaks to Angel's lack of identity. It's ambiguous later on if who you are as a vampire is the same or different from who you were as a demon. Drusilla believes that you remain the same person. Angel believes that soulless Angelus is an entirely different person than him, while Angelus insists the opposite. Spike after being souled, develops a conscious and the ability to self reflect on the morality of his actions but pretty much acts the same.
Angel however, has three identities. Liam was a loser. Angelus is a soulless monster. Angel is someone who wants to be neither of these things, but fails to form an identity of his own. Angel clearly believes that being a vampire he cannot be human or a person in the world in any way that counts and uses this fact to separate himself from others which further inhibits his ability to form an identity.
Which is the foiling with Buffy coming back in again, they both fall into the Vampire and Slayer forbidden love, because in theory it should work. There's some things about Angel's life that only Buffy would understand because she is a Slayer. At least Angel believes so. Angel who thinks he's incapable of connecting with normal people tries to form that connection he's lacking with Buffy. Also, as I've said I do believe Angel WANTS to be there for Buffy, and WANTS to be the person she can confide in. It's just his lack of identity makes it impossible for him to be those things, because he can't set healthy relationship boundaries.
He's in love with Buffy as the hero, just as much as Buffy is in love with him as the brooding vampire. Which is why Angel has the much more selfish angle of wanting to get into the relationship because it uplifts him and makes him feel special. It's no coincidence that when Angel is granted his wish of being human again, he immediately goes back in time to undo that fact when he finds out he's not as strong in a fight against Buffy. There are other characters who are just normal human beings with no powers like Giles and Xander who support Buffy just fine, but Angel can't do that.
Angel believes Buffy is a special person in a way that he is not, and this is a big part of his attraction to her. He literally says as much in Halloween, the previous episode.
Angel: I hated the girls back then. Especially the nobelwomen. Buffy: You did? Angel: They were just incredibly dull. Simpering morons, the lot of them. I always wished I could meet someone... exciting.
Angel pretty much says he likes Buffy because she's "Not like other girls" which sort of misses the point, Buffy is exactly like other girls, and what she longs for his normalcy.
It's not an insurmountable obstacle in their relationship, because Angel could make an effort to learn the person who Buffy is behind her role of the hero, but he doesn't do that.
In fact, idealizing your partner isn't healthy, but Angel goes a step beyond that. His latter half of season two actions with Buffy are a direct parallel to what he did to Drusilla. He was similiarly obsessed with Drusilla at first sight, and he went out of his way to cultivate her into what she is now. He saw Drusilla as special, and then twisted her around his finger.
Angelus obsession with Buffy, mirrors the way he saw Drusilla. In a way he almost wants to knock her down from her pedestal, because that's what he did to Dru. He made Drusilla into a vampire like him, reducing her to someone on his level.
Even as Angel, he constantly takes the higher ground on Buffy in his relationship with her, asserting that she is a kid, and he knows better on a few occasions. In a meta-sense, it's almost like he wants to take the role of hero away from her. In a standard narrative b/c most narratives are male centric, Buffy would be the love interest, and Angel the hero.
This is a joke in the Jonathan episode of season four, Jonathan is made into the special hero who everyone else revolves around and despite being the Slayer, Buffy is reduced to a more weak-willed and unconfident version of herself that needs to go to Jonathan for advice. Angel's so desperate to be a champion he's almost going out of his way to supplant Buffy's role as the main character.
He does it passively as Angel, by just being manipulative and not respecting her, and then actively as Angelus by literally trying to tear her down. Which is another thing that Angelus wants to go out of his way to punish Buffy BECAUSE he made him love her. Angelus like Angel is a non-person, and part of the reason he goes out of his way to be especially cruel is because of his rejection of human emotion. When a ghost possesses his body and makes him feel love, he literally starts scrubbing himself in the shower until his skin goes raw.
Angel plays the brooding hero on a mission of redemption, Angelus plays the villain, neither of them are at this point in their character arc making an effort to just be a person. Which is what really sabotages his relationship with Buffy, because Buffy DOES love Angel and wants to know who he is as a person. If Angel could just let go of the fantasy romeo x juliet aspect of his relationship with Buffy they could make an attempt at having a real relationship, but he can't.
3. Lie to Me.
This episode is essentially where it all starts. At this point it's like Buffy is locked into the tragedy that's going to hit her in the latter part of the season. Her decision to ignore the clear warning sirens that Angel is giving off here, is what makes his turn to Angelus blindside her so hard.
That's also what's interesting about Buffy as a show in general, because as much as this episode seems like a one-off standalone, it contributes to the myth arc. Buffy doesn't stop lying to herself at the end of the episode. She still keeps lying until the reality slaps her in the face. The themes of this individual episode carry on for the rest of the season.
Which is what makes the final quote in the show between Giles and Buffy so meaningful, because she asks him to lie to her, and being confronted with those harsh lies Buffy doesn't really have a revelation she goes back to the lie because she can't let go of that comfort. The fantasy is peeled back and we're shown reality for just a moment, only for Buffy to retreat into the fantasy again, something she will continue to do for almost the entire show until the very end when the chosen one myth is deconstructed fully.
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jvstheworld · 9 months
The Buffy Re-watch: S2E22 (part 4)
Becoming: Part 2
I swear this is the last part. It was not my intention to do this many post but I got sick.
Luckily it's the end of season 2, and I'm going to be taking a break from Buffy so I can catch up on watching it.
Here we go:
Xander catches up to Buffy as she marches on to meet Angelus, and Xander fails to do the one thing that Willow asked him to do. HE HAD ONE JOB! Tell Buffy that they are redoing the curse. But his own selfishness got in the way and he will never see any consequences for this. Not even in season 7 when it's finally revealed to Willow what Xander actually said to Buffy. How does he keep getting away with this shit?
If Buffy knew about Willow trying to curse Angelus then her game plan would have been different, because without a soul it wouldn't matter as much if Acathla awakens, she can just stab Angelus and job done. Her soulless ex is gone, and she saves the world. Two birds one stone. However, if she knew about what Willow was trying to do then she would have made more of an effort to keep Angelus away from Acathla so she wouldn't have to kill him.
Spike coming in as backup and then getting wailed on by Dru.
Yeah Giles, I wouldn't want to imagine Xander either.
Acathla is waking up, now have an badass sword fight.
When Buffy is knocked to the ground the first time during her fight with Angelus, did they reuse an earlier shot of her on the floor from when she was fighting the vamp flunkies? Because they looked the same.
Willow's first experience with powerful magic. I hope this doesn't go anywhere bad.
Spike just shrugging and leaving with Dru when he thinks Angelus is going to kill Buffy is peak mortal enemy behaviour. That attitude only lasts a few more seasons though.
One of Buffy's most badass moments. One her own, fighting her ex and it's down to the wire, the only person she can rely on is herself to get through the fight. It's not about her being alone, it's about how much belief she has in herself to get the job done. The time and engery has put into her training, her resolve to fight until the end. Whatever her flaws as a person, she comes through when the chips are down.
The spell worked. Angel got his soul back. While he has no idea what's going on, Buffy realises what she has to do.
With one final kiss, Angel is gone and Acathla is asleep again.
Sarah McLachlan knows how to do sad, poignant music. A lot of her music was used on the mid to late 90s show Due South to great effect. One other time her music is used in Buffy, that I can remember off the top of my head, is the last episode of season 6.
Buffy packs up and leaves. She watches her friends from afar recovering and getting back to school. Goodbye Sunnydale. Second saddest ending, the first being season 5.
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yessoupy · 5 months
"your top 15 favourite tv shows can say a lot about your personality!"
i've been tagged by @plavoptice and @aimmyarrowshigh and boy are y'all in for a ride. in no particular order:
diagnosis: murder -- first live action non-soap that was appointment television for me. it ran from 1993-2001 on cbs and i've seen every episode. dick van dyke plays a doctor who helps his son (played by his actual son barry) solve crimes.
the simpsons -- my dad loved this show while we were growing up and we watched every episode until i was in high school.
the young and the restless and all my children -- abovementioned soaps. these are the soaps my mom watched. she would record them on the vcr (they ran back to back on different stations) so she could watch them later without commercials. i have been watching shemar moore since i was 7 years old.
survivor -- for DECADES i watched every episode. i was in 8th grade when season 1 aired. the last 4 or so seasons i haven't bothered watching, though. when people who hadn't been alive when the first season aired started being cast i just couldn't. :|
band of brothers -- since i met a couple of the surviving members of easy company in 2004, bob has held a special place in my heart. it took like 14 years for me to latch onto the show in a fandom capacity. between 2004 and 2018 i would most often view it as i napped on the couch while it ran on spike tv or something as a marathon over memorial weekend, the fourth of july, or veterans' day.
grey's anatomy -- watched a bunch of this in college because some girls on my hall freshman year were superfans. <3 please note i began college during season 1.
the walking dead -- i found the first 3 episodes online in fall of 2010 after a friend on livejournal had tagged it as potentially interesting due to the casting of norman reedus. i didn't know who he was. i don't regret starting the show, but i do regret staying on past season 6, even though there were 2 episodes in season 10 that were like ... exquisite.
deadliest catch!!! -- i fly southwest mostly and there's always a couple of episodes available to watch for free. i just ... idk, it's cold and wet and super dangerous and the captains are so fucking catty with each other. i just like it (still).
law and order: svu -- my comfort show. i have probably seen every episode.
pitch -- we got one season, and were robbed.
chicago fire -- while i watched med first, and i'm currently flying through pd, fire is ... well, it's something.
rescue me -- speaking of fire ....
big love -- i've re-watched just once, it might be time for another.
the wire -- my first watch was later than it should have been.
lost -- of course. the first couple of seasons were amazing, and then i learned that the creators didn't have an end in mind and uh... by the end of season 3 that was very, very clear. i still don't understand the finale.
i'm taking the cheap way out and tagging anyone who wants to. please tag me if you choose to complete this!!
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Christmas in July Chapter 13
Day 13! give it up for Day 13! Today brings us Who Spiked the Eggnog? It’s a little longer than normal since I reworked some old works of mine and smashed them together since they were my favorites. Hope you enjoy!
TW: alcohol and getting drunk
AO3 link here!
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“Everything’s set for tomorrow?”
Virgil nods as he studies the shelf. When he isn’t met with any other conversation, he remembers that Kayo can’t hear him over the audio only option. “Who do you think you’re talk to?
“So sorry for ever doubting you.”
“So long as no missions come up, is it going to be the usual crew?”
“If by that you mean you, me, Smother Hen, Space Case, and the Terrible Twos, then yes. And I think if we can drag Brains and The Mechanic up from the deep dark depths they’ll stay for a bit.”
“I’m really hoping we don’t keep Grandma up like last year,” Virgil says.
“How we managed to wake a half-deaf woman through sound proof doors is a mystery to me. I want to try it again, but…”
Virgil pauses as he listens to Kayo, looking at the holiday themed cookies. Maybe just one pack of Oreos…
“Oh man, this will be the first year Dad’s back too!”
“I don’t think he’s stayed awake past eight PM in the past four months. Which may change tonight”
“Maybe we can lock both him and Grandma in the infirmary for the night.”
“Strongest soundproofing. I like the way you think.”
They wrap up the conversation with final minor details. It was decided (assumed) that Virgil will make the eggnog like normal. Lucy had a special recipe; and entire Tracy family is convinced it was the best, even better than the most expensive store brand you can find in a grocery store. Virgil’s pretty impartial to it to be honest, but it’s one thing he can make without screwing up that’s not coffee.
There’s noise on the other end and Kayo ends the call abruptly. Virgil hangs up his communicator and tosses it in the shopping cart’s top holder. The joys of being on call 24/7. Out of the list of main ingredients he needed, the island didn’t have a single one. Not even any eggs. Gordon made sure of that last night with his midnight craving for scrambled eggs and black olives.
He lets out a sigh. Grocery shopping is low on his list of favorite activities.
Cloves, vanilla, nutmeg, and cinnamon are spices not often used on the island. White sugar, they always need around the holidays with all of the failed recipes Grandma tries to make. Eggs, Gordon. Cream, why would they ever keep that around if not for a specific reason? Virgil has made the recipe enough that he has the recipe memorized and keeps his mental list ready. The real challenge will be if they’re in stock or not.
All Virgil wants to do is crawl out past the crowd in the grocery store and fly home in Tracy One. Now he finally understands why John hates groups of people. It’s the day before Christmas Eve, so really, he’s done this to himself. This has always been the busiest day of the Christmas season. Tomorrow will be spent with a few hurried shoppers looking for gifts, but most people had already arrived home for the holiday. Today is the true last-minute shopping. And it’s not that Virgil is doing things last minute because he forgot. People simply find themselves in need of his ‘Bird’s assistance more during the holidays.
Realizing he doesn’t have anything in his cart but Christmas themed Oreos, Virgil wanders down to the dairy aisle. He scans all the choices of cream to pick from. Most of the cream is heavy, but Mom preferred light cream, so Virgil prefers light cream. It makes the eggnog coat the mouth less. The only light cream Virgil can see in sight is pushed to the back of the top shelf.
Well, here’s to hoping there’s two cartons up there. He steps up as close as he can to the shelves and semi-blindly feels for the carton. Virgil curses out Scott and John for taking all of the height for themselves, leaving Virgil to need to stand on his tiptoes to reach the cream.
His prayers are answered and Virgil’s fingers brush past a second carton. He hits the second carton forward with the other. Now that the Oreos aren’t the lone item in the cart, Virgil’s feeling a bit better about the emergency shopping trip. Close by is the milk. He pulls out two gallons and dumps them into the cart next to the cream.
Two dozen eggs, cloves, nutmeg, and a nasty glare to the woman who tried to take his cinnamon later and Virgil has everything for the eggnog. He finally reaches the checkout line, placing the ingredients on the scanner so the overly tired teenager working the kiosk can scan them. Virgil pays for the food and leaves as quickly as he came.
Another successful mission in the bag.
. . .
“Hey Virge! Watch, watch me!”
Virgil ignores Gordon’s screeching in favor of ensuring the eggnog is just right. Everyone’s been filling their glasses to the brim with the drink. The spices are warmer than usual, and Virgil has to pat himself on the back for this season’s.
“Virgil look, I’m a weathervane!”
Scott steals another round of eggnog. He brushes past Virgil to get to the counter.
“Hey Virge! Watch, watch me!”
Gordon’s voice fades into the chatter. Virgil spares him a single glance.
“Virgil look, I’m a weathervane!”
Why do little brothers have to be so weird? Virgil downs the rest of the eggnog in his cup; he’s been chatting too much with Brains to even finish his first glass. It goes down easy. Gordon burps loudly from where he’s positioned on the tip top of the kitchen island, arms outspread.
“Virgil I’m a weathervane! See?”
“Just indulge him,” Scott whispers with a nudge to his ribs. The engineer rolls his eyes with a smile on his lips. Scott hands him a new glass. The nutmeg hits his tongue just right and he has to smile. He downs the drink in one smooth go and gets a third round.
“Virge. Virgil. Virgy. Look at me! I’m a weathervane, get it?”
No, Virgil does not get it. He eyes Alan to make sure he doesn’t get any ideas. The kid’s nineteen now, halfway through college, and eager to enter in the adult stage of being brothers. Sadly, that includes mimicking Gordon as if they were five again. He scans the room for the now second tallest brother (leaving Gordon, Virgil, and Scott to be bitter about the astronaut’s genes). Luckily, Alan is over talking with John and gesturing wildly with his arms. The resident space case is surprisingly letting Alan go on his rant without throwing in his two cents every other word.
“Virgil! I’m a skydiver!”
And that’s his cue. Virgil shoves his glass into Scott’s hand and manages to catch Gordon on his way down. Falling from the counter and cracking his skull open does not sound like a great way to spend the holidays. Gordon’s dissolved into a fit of giggles as he rests unhurt in Virgil’s arms.
“Safe!” Alan whoops with a wide sweep of his arms as Gordon pops back up. Grandma and Jeff check to make sure no one is actually hurt before returning to their round of dominoes with Parker and Penelope.
Virgil, on the other hand, is much slower on the uptake. Scott lends a hand to help him clamor up off the floor. The fish pays him no mind as he wanders off to help Alan set up the holoprojector for a movie. He rubs at where his shoulder checked the hardwood.
“You good?”
“I’ve had worse.”
It’s not an answer to the question, Virgil knows that Scott knows. The engineer nods his head in the direction of Gordon. His cheeks are flushed as he hops from one side to the other of the den.
“He’s drunk.”
“Or he’s just excited everyone’s home.”
Virgil snorts. “Nah, he’s drunk drunk. Go smell his breath.” Scott still doesn’t believe him but wanders over to the Tinies anyways. (Can they even call Alan a Tiny anymore? He’s topped six feet and is still climbing. Virgil certainly doesn’t want to be the second Tiny). Scott asks a seemingly normal-volumed question and gets a seemingly loud answer. Scott’s nose wrinkles up and he shoots that look to Virgil.
He takes another swig of eggnog and the room spins in. Considering he didn’t hit his head on the way of catching Gordon…
Someone’s spiked the eggnog.
His revelation is voiced to the supposed responsible Grandma and Dad.
“You’re a bit slow on the uptake, aren’t you Virge?” Jeff jokes. “I could smell the rum from a mile away.”
“Why’d you think we each only had one glass?” Grandma adds with a wink. Parker snorts and makes a point to take a swig of the eggnog.
“But… isn’t Alan underage here?”
“We’re in New Zealand territory, not American.” Jeff peeks over to his youngest son. “And he knows, he already asked if he’s going to be arrested if the police show up. You’re the last one on the uptake.”
This is going nowhere. Virgil finishes his tirade with a sigh and leaves the proper adults to their dominoes game. Looks like it’s up to Virgil to play detective to find out who ruined his perfectly made eggnog with rum. Not that it tastes worse, Virgil thinks as he grabs another serving. He leans against the counter with close access to the petit fours courtesy of Scott and his previous France mission.
With a lemon flavored petit for in hand and a raspberry one in his mouth, Virgil surveys the room for the culprit.
Alan? He’s currently talking animatedly about something happening in the animated movie on the holoprojector with red cheeks. Based on the questions he asked their dad and just barely being legal it can’t be him. The kid probably doesn’t even know where to get any liquor beyond gas station beer.
Scott? Well, the eldest is corralling a rowdy Alan and Gordon to the seating area of the den and keeping an eye on a half-passed out Brains. He’s bordering drunk if the mild amusement he’s having at the situation is any give away. Honestly, Scott rarely drinks anything that’s not whiskey or bourbon. The spike can’t be from him.
John? The astronaut approaches the bowl of eggnog at the counter with a stumble. Virgil knows how it goes. The drunker his ginger brother gets, the more he’s convinced he’s not drunk and alcohol is a rip-off. Combine that with John being the single most frugal person to walk this Earth and Virgil can’t see it being him.
Gordon? From the swan dive to the ground earlier, Gordon had no clue the night was going to be so fun. Gordon would’ve said something about making the party “better”. Albeit in Gordon-speak, that could have a lot of connotations. But for once, Virgil is positive it’s not Gordon bringing the booze.
Kayo? Not even possible. She avoids alcohol like it’s the bubonic plague and she’s a 1400s peasant woman with five children she has to take care of. Her body reacts poorly to the stuff. And she’s late to the party. Virgil waves as she trots down the stairs in a fresh pair of jeans and one of John’s old cardigans.
She joins Virgil by the snacks to watch the chaos unfold.
“So, who spiked the eggnog?”
“Welcome to Virgil’s Mystery Corner,” Virgil jokes. He taps his empty glass against the counter. “I’ve had a couple and even I’m feeling it. I’ve got no clue how Thing One and Thing Two aren’t passed out.”
Virgil recognizes that look on Kayo’s face. It’s her “I don’t want to admit I’m feeling a little sad so I’m going to be mature instead” face. She really was looking forward to the eggnog this year. There’s nothing Virgil can do but knock her shoulder with his in sympathy and offer up a tipsy smile. As if her brothers haven’t learned how to see directly through her ruse.
She slides on her socks over the hardwood until reaching the drink fridge at the end. So long as no one has drunk any of her special orange pop, there won’t be bloodshed tonight. But she pauses, her face screwing up in confusion.
“What’s up?”
Kayo pulls out a glass screw top water bottle. It’s filled to the brim with eggnog, all the spices settled out on the bottom. A piece of scotch tape with “Kayo’s: no booze :(” written in Sharpie is slapped on the side of the bottle. Kayo removes the lid; taking a sniff, she can’t help the smile as there’s no smell of alcohol in the drink.
After she pours herself a glass, Virgil snatches the bottle. He squints at the handwriting. None of their handwriting is great- a downside of no longer using paper- but this worse is better than average. It’s small and light and as if the person’s mind is five steps ahead of their hand. It’s written just like that brother speaks.
John comes over to the duo.
“You find the eggnog?” he asks Kayo as he graciously refills his drink. A bit splashes out onto his hand and he makes an uncharacteristic noise of despair.
Virgil looks between the handwriting and the swaying astronaut.
“It was you, wasn’t it?”
John freezes in his tracks. And then smiles.
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Late Season Melting in Greenland In September 2022, vast areas atop the Greenland ice sheet melted. Some scientists think the widespread late-season melting—the most on record for any September—could have implications for the ice sheet next year. Greenland’s melting season typically runs from May to early September. The 2022 season started slowly, as lower-than-average air temperatures in May and June culminated in the least amount of spring melting in a decade. Melting continued at a modest pace throughout the summer, with a surge in mid-July. At its peak on July 18, surface melting spanned 688,000 square kilometers (266,000 square miles) of the ice sheet. A late-season warm spell brought a substantial melting event from September 1–6. At its peak on September 3, melting occurred across 592,000 square kilometers of the ice sheet—the second-largest melting spike of the 2022 season and the largest for any September since the start of record-keeping in 1979. Melt events of this magnitude are unlikely in September because seasonal temperatures usually drop as the hours of sunlight decrease. But unlikely does not mean impossible. The melting in September 2022 was the result of a weather system that brought warm, wet air over the ice sheet. The map at the top of this page shows how air temperatures from August 30 through September 5, 2022, compared with temperatures from the same period in 2020, when melting was more typical. Temperatures in some places soared 15°C (27°F) higher than in 2020. At the National Science Foundation’s Summit Station, temperatures were reported to be above freezing (0°C/32°F). The map was derived from the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) model and represents air temperatures at 2 meters (about 6-7 feet) above the ground. Modeled data, which uses mathematical equations that represent real-world physical processes, offer a broad, estimated view of a region where ground-based weather stations are sparse. About 1.7 million square kilometers (656,000 square miles) of Greenland is covered with ice—the planet’s largest ice sheet outside of Antarctica. The ice gains mass through the accumulation of snow and loses it through surface melting and runoff, iceberg calving, and melting at the bottom of tidewater glaciers. As air and water temperatures have risen in recent decades, ice losses have outpaced gains, contributing to sea level rise. According to Lauren Andrews, a glaciologist with NASA’s Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, melting events like the one in early September 2022 can affect current and future ice losses. “When the melt season extends beyond its typical duration, the total amount of mass lost during the melt season obviously increases,” Andrews said. “But what isn’t so obvious is that a longer melt season also delays surface snow accumulation. This can, in turn, impact the initial intensity of the subsequent melt season.” Less snow accumulation in winter means the snow can melt away more quickly in spring and expose large swaths of comparatively dark, bare ice. Compared with bright new snow, these darker surfaces absorb more solar energy, which amplifies melting during the Arctic’s long sunlit days. NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, using GEOS-5 data from the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office at NASA GSFC and data from the National Snow and Ice Data Center. Science review by Christopher Shuman (NASA GSFC/UMBC JCET). Story by Kathryn Hansen.
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Top 5 shows?
Sure! This one is a little tough, since I don't watch shows much anymore, but I'll go with ones that have been most influential to me over the years, as well as the ones I've been interested in recently. ^-^
(Just a note, but I'm going to have this list be only live-action shows, not cartoons, since that would be too difficult to decide if I had that in the mix. Let me know if anyone wants to know the top 5 cartoons, though!)
Ask me my “TOP 5/TOP 10” anything!
5. Hm... I guess The Witcher should be on here, since it's one of my favorite recent TV shows. It's not super influential to me over all, but I do really enjoy it and want to see where it's going. ^-^
4. Hmmm... this is harder than I thought, oof. It also doesn't help that I always forget every single show I've ever seen when people ask me my favorite shows 😅😅😅 Ahh, but I guess Umbrella Academy? Though that one may be lower than Witcher, not above, but honestly whatever. Umbrella Academy is a good show, but it's definitely got its flaws. Incest anyone??? Oof. I did really like how they handled the whole Viktor thing, though. Obviously I don't know how respectful it was overall, but to someone who is cis, it seemed like they let Elliot say what he wanted to say about it, which is refreshing.
3. Our Flag Means Death. I ADORE this show. I love it when shows genuinely do representation and it was such a good romance that was written out. I sincerely hope that season two has a canon asexual character, maybe even aro/ace (though showing a relationship between an alloromantic ace character and someone who is not ace would be amazing too). But even without that, any queer representation brings us one step closer to all queer representation, which is a win for everyone really.
2. Supernatural. Now, this doesn't mean that I necessarily like Supernatural (SPN). I mean... I do like parts of it, but SPN is hella rough. I likened it to a soap opera in the end, where it just keeps going and elevating far past where it should have ended. However... it definitely was influential to me growing up. Even still today. I learned about GISH (The Greatest International Scavenger Hunt) because of SPN, and that's how I met most of my friends. It also did have some good moments, and the first few seasons with Cas are legit my favorites. Seasons 4-6, really. After that, the only thing really keeping my attention in the show was Cas. I did stop watching the show around season 10, but picked it back up three years later with season 13, since I was just curious as hell as to what was even happening anymore. The last season (and especially the last 2-3 episodes) were VERY rough, but it was... decent enough.
1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, easily. I was absolutely obsessed with this show when I was a preteen-teen. I watched the episodes on my little DVD player when my family was technically homeless for a month when I was 10 (we had to leave our last apartment abruptly since the landlord used mold killer on some mold and it made my mom [who is disabled and has bad lungs] extremely sick, leaving us without a home for a month while my dad tried to find us a decent apartment that we could move into quickly. Luckily, my grandpa has a lot of money and paid for us to stay in a hotel for that month, and then agreed to pay rent for us to live in a nice, somewhat expensive apartment, but it was still stressful for a 10 year old), which was a comfort. I didn't finish the series then, since I didn't have season 7 (my dad didn't like that season and so never bought it), and only had some of the DVD's for the early seasons, but I still enjoyed it. However, I got really into the show again when I was a teen, watching all the episodes religiously when I was about... 13, 14?? I ADORED Spike, since I always liked the ''redeemable bad guy'' character type. Which is one reason I like Mondo, ha. But it was just a show that was there for me when I needed something to focus on. I had health issues during those years, so anything that helped me escape was appreciated. SPN was similar, though I got into that show when I was older, like 15-16. I watched every episode (after season 3, since I HATED Angel. Still do, when he's on Buffy at least. On Angel he's fine, but the whole ''old vampire in love with a teenage girl'' thing was not it for me. At least Buffy was an adult when Spike began taking an interest in her) multiple times. Also, one of my earliest memories is of Buffy. I vaguely remember watching the episode "Once More with Feeling" when I was like... 3 or 4, eating gum on the floor of my old apartment while looking up at the old TV, no context for the show but enjoying the music. Also, yes, I meant eating gum. I knew you weren't supposed to swallow gum, I wasn't stupid, but I thought if you just ate little pieces at a time it would be fine. I liked the concept of gum, but disliked the strong mint flavor, so biting off small pieces and then swallowing it was a manageable amount of mint. I was an... interesting child.
Well, that's it! Hope y'all found my rambling interesting, ha. ^-^ Thanks for the ask!
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Best Practices for AC Repair in Dallas: Tips from Industry Experts
As the temperatures soar in Dallas, the demand for efficient air conditioning systems becomes paramount. Ensuring that your AC is functioning optimally is not just about comfort but also about cost efficiency and system longevity. Here, we gather insights from industry experts to guide you through the best practices for AC repair in Dallas.
1. Regular Maintenance Checks
Prevention is better than cure, and this couldn't be more true when it comes to air conditioning systems. Regular maintenance checks are crucial in identifying potential issues before they become serious problems. Industry experts recommend scheduling maintenance at least twice a year, ideally before the major heating and cooling seasons. This not only ensures your AC runs efficiently but also helps in reducing your energy bills. During these checks, technicians can spot issues like refrigerant leaks, faulty wiring, or worn-out components, which are common problems in AC units.
2. Choosing the Right Technician
When it comes to AC repair, the expertise of the technician plays a significant role. Dallas residents should ensure they choose certified and experienced professionals for the job. Look for technicians who are certified by recognized industry bodies like HVAC Excellence or NATE (North American Technician Excellence). These certifications are not just pieces of paper; they signify a technician's ability to handle complex repairs and installations proficiently.
3. Using High-Quality Replacement Parts
One of the top tips from experts is to never compromise on the quality of replacement parts. While it might be tempting to opt for cheaper alternatives, quality parts not only last longer but also ensure the efficiency and reliability of your air conditioning system. It is advisable to use OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts whenever possible, as these are specifically designed for your model and make of AC unit.
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4. Addressing Repairs Promptly
In a busy city like Dallas, it can be easy to delay AC repairs. However, procrastination can lead to bigger, more expensive problems down the line. Experts stress the importance of addressing any signs of malfunction immediately. Whether it's unusual noises, weak airflow, or a sudden spike in energy bills, getting these issues checked out quickly can prevent the need for more significant repairs or even a full system replacement.
5. Understanding the Impact of Dallas Climate
Dallas's unique climate can take a toll on air conditioning systems. The city experiences extreme heat during the summer months, which means your AC has to work harder. Experts recommend considering the local climate when planning maintenance and repairs. For instance, checking the insulation and sealing of your home can enhance your AC’s effectiveness. Additionally, installing a programmable thermostat can help manage your cooling needs more efficiently without overburdening the system.
6. Upgrading Your System Wisely
Sometimes, repairing an old AC unit might not be the most cost-effective solution. If your air conditioning system is over 10 years old, consumes a lot of energy, or requires frequent repairs, it might be time to consider an upgrade. Modern AC units are more energy-efficient, come with advanced features like smart thermostats, and are more environmentally friendly. Consulting with a professional can help you determine if an upgrade is necessary and what type of system would best suit your needs.
7. Educating Yourself About Your AC System
Finally, having a basic understanding of your air conditioning system can go a long way in maintaining its efficiency. Knowing simple things like changing the air filters regularly or recognizing the signs that your AC needs professional attention can help you manage your system better. Many HVAC companies offer basic training or guidance sessions for homeowners. Taking advantage of these opportunities can save you time and money. By following these expert tips, Dallas residents can ensure that their air conditioning systems are prepared to handle the relentless Texas heat efficiently and effectively. Remember, a well-maintained AC unit not only provides comfort but also improves the air quality of your home while keeping energy costs in check.
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lassowond · 3 months
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The 7 Best Air Purifiers for Allergies in Spring
The arrival of spring marks a joyous occasion for many, signaling warmer weather, blooming flowers, and more time spent outdoors. However, for over 50 million Americans who suffer from various allergies, springtime can be miserable. As trees and grasses produce pollen, and conditions become ideal for mold growth, allergy symptoms spike for many unfortunate folks.
Some common allergic reactions during spring include sneezing, runny noses, watery eyes, coughing, sinus pressure, headaches, and fatigue. For those with severe seasonal allergies, these symptoms can be extremely disruptive to daily activities.
Luckily, an effective solution exists air purifiers. Air purifiers improve indoor air quality by using filters to capture tiny airborne particles like pollen, mold spores, dust mites, and pet dander. By removing these common triggers from the air, air purifiers can drastically reduce allergy and asthma symptoms.
With advanced HEPA and carbon filters, today’s air purifiers are highly effective at trapping the microscopic allergens that cause springtime allergy misery. They provide a clean, filtered indoor breathing environment for better comfort and health.
This article will explore the seven best air purifiers for allergies in spring. We evaluated dozens of top-rated models to select the ones most capable of alleviating seasonal allergy symptoms caused by spring pollen and mold.
Key factors we considered include the air purifier’s HEPA filtering power, clean air delivery rate (CADR), coverage area, noise level, additional filters, smart features, and overall performance for capturing airborne allergens. Read on for the top 7 picks for banishing spring allergies with clean indoor air.
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landscapeinsights · 1 year
The Super Bowl – The Televisual Event of the Year
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Figure 1 All eyes will be on the Super Bowl again this year Ted Lasso and Succession may have scooped the awards at the Emmys at the end of last year, but there is one show that always tops the television ratings – and it is coming up again soon for fans in the US and across the world to enjoy. Sports betting in California will be busy and there will be football fans from coast to coast making their predictions for the biggest game in the sport. The Super Bowl will be played at the start of February and millions will be tuning in to watch who will follow the LA Rams and become champions. It is the sports TV event of the year and is a guaranteed rating smash. Global Audience The NFL has become a global game. Although there are no teams operating outside the US, there are fans on every continent. They will all be watching the Super Bowl again this year, no matter what time in the morning or night the game starts where they live. It is estimated that around two-thirds of the American population watch the Super Bowl each year, meaning approximately 200 million viewers. But that is just in the US. Although claims by the NFL that a billion people worldwide watch the game are probably a little bit of an exaggeration, it is hugely popular globally. The audience has been growing since the 1980s when the NFL first started being shown outside North America. Even just the domestic ratings would be like gold dust for any of the Emmy-winning TV shows, so there is no doubt it is the most watched TV show in the US. Halftime Show One of the reasons why the Super Bowl is so popular is that it has transcended the sport. Even people who have no real interest in football throughout the regular season will watch the big game. It is seen as entertainment in the same way as any HBO or Netflix show. The halftime show is surely the pinnacle of that entertainment. It starts with the rumors about who will be headlining and performing and then social media explodes when the official announcement is made. Online activity then spikes when the actual halftime show is happening. The biggest musical stars in the world guarantee more viewers and the Dr. Dre, Eminem, Snoop Dogg and Kendrick Lamar celebration of Los Angeles last year was a perfect example of how much thought is put into one of the most watched music events of the year. Ever since Janet Jackson’s ‘wardrobe malfunction’ viewers have been waiting for something memorable - and the Super Bowl halftime show rarely disappoints. Figure 2 The big companies pay big money for a Super Bowl ad Multi-Million Dollar Ads Another aspect of this televisual spectacle that differs from any other show is that the ads are almost as eagerly anticipated as the action. Obviously the ads played during the most popular programs will cost the most – but the Super Bowl blows everything else out of the water. For a 30 second ad during the 2022 Super Bowl, companies were expecting to pay in the region of $7 million. That works out to about a quarter of a million dollars for every second of airtime. But the advertisers know that they will be talked about as much as the game – and see the cost as worth the exposure. There have been famous ads over the years for the likes of Coca-Cola and McDonalds, to name just two. Last year’s halftime ad break was dominated by betting and cryptocurrency companies in a sign of how the world operates. No other TV show can demand so much for ad time – and that is just one of the factors that make the Super Bowl such a unique television show. For anyone still questioning whether the Super Bowl is the biggest TV show in the US - last year’s game had the biggest ratings of any program in the last five years. And what was the program that it beat to take that honor? Super Bowl LVI. Read the full article
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landscapeinsight · 1 year
The Super Bowl – The Televisual Event of the Year
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Figure 1 All eyes will be on the Super Bowl again this year Ted Lasso and Succession may have scooped the awards at the Emmys at the end of last year, but there is one show that always tops the television ratings – and it is coming up again soon for fans in the US and across the world to enjoy. Sports betting in California will be busy and there will be football fans from coast to coast making their predictions for the biggest game in the sport. The Super Bowl will be played at the start of February and millions will be tuning in to watch who will follow the LA Rams and become champions. It is the sports TV event of the year and is a guaranteed rating smash. Global Audience The NFL has become a global game. Although there are no teams operating outside the US, there are fans on every continent. They will all be watching the Super Bowl again this year, no matter what time in the morning or night the game starts where they live. It is estimated that around two-thirds of the American population watch the Super Bowl each year, meaning approximately 200 million viewers. But that is just in the US. Although claims by the NFL that a billion people worldwide watch the game are probably a little bit of an exaggeration, it is hugely popular globally. The audience has been growing since the 1980s when the NFL first started being shown outside North America. Even just the domestic ratings would be like gold dust for any of the Emmy-winning TV shows, so there is no doubt it is the most watched TV show in the US. Halftime Show One of the reasons why the Super Bowl is so popular is that it has transcended the sport. Even people who have no real interest in football throughout the regular season will watch the big game. It is seen as entertainment in the same way as any HBO or Netflix show. The halftime show is surely the pinnacle of that entertainment. It starts with the rumors about who will be headlining and performing and then social media explodes when the official announcement is made. Online activity then spikes when the actual halftime show is happening. The biggest musical stars in the world guarantee more viewers and the Dr. Dre, Eminem, Snoop Dogg and Kendrick Lamar celebration of Los Angeles last year was a perfect example of how much thought is put into one of the most watched music events of the year. Ever since Janet Jackson’s ‘wardrobe malfunction’ viewers have been waiting for something memorable - and the Super Bowl halftime show rarely disappoints. Figure 2 The big companies pay big money for a Super Bowl ad Multi-Million Dollar Ads Another aspect of this televisual spectacle that differs from any other show is that the ads are almost as eagerly anticipated as the action. Obviously the ads played during the most popular programs will cost the most – but the Super Bowl blows everything else out of the water. For a 30 second ad during the 2022 Super Bowl, companies were expecting to pay in the region of $7 million. That works out to about a quarter of a million dollars for every second of airtime. But the advertisers know that they will be talked about as much as the game – and see the cost as worth the exposure. There have been famous ads over the years for the likes of Coca-Cola and McDonalds, to name just two. Last year’s halftime ad break was dominated by betting and cryptocurrency companies in a sign of how the world operates. No other TV show can demand so much for ad time – and that is just one of the factors that make the Super Bowl such a unique television show. For anyone still questioning whether the Super Bowl is the biggest TV show in the US - last year’s game had the biggest ratings of any program in the last five years. And what was the program that it beat to take that honor? Super Bowl LVI. Read the full article
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naturallyobsessed · 2 years
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I posted 108 times in 2022
94 posts created (87%)
14 posts reblogged (13%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 83 of my posts in 2022
Only 23% of my posts had no tags
#hsmtmts - 33 posts
#lab rats - 29 posts
#lab rats elite force - 26 posts
#chase davenport - 19 posts
#ej caswell - 14 posts
#bree davenport - 11 posts
#adam davenport - 9 posts
#villains of valley view - 7 posts
#ricky bowen - 6 posts
#disney xd - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#either tim listened to sour while writing this season or he told olivia his plans for the show so she could write songs based off of it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Please tell me anyone on here watched the new villains of valley view episode because that ending omfg I was not expecting that. Usually Chris and Bryan reveal the important things near the end of seasons. THIS IS THE FIFTH EPISODE AAAAAAAA
74 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
what would've made the portwell break up SO much better is if we saw Gina actually be a "maybe" to ej.
The whole season we saw ej trying his hardest to be with her, even before the letter from his dad. It's not like he didn't want to be with her, he definitely did. ("A perfect show is how I stay with you.") But Gina was barely trying to help. Ej said to miss Jenn that he was underwater with the show and didn't want the others to know. But was anyone helping? No. Even his girlfriend who loves theater just as much and maybe even more as him? No. She saw the rcosl thing as a chance to make ej jealous instead of talking to him. Do I think Gina was obliged to help him? No, definitely not. But I feel like she should've recognized his stress earlier and talked to him about it.
She was never a maybe to him. Ej always tried his hardest for Gina, even when it meant skipping out on fun camp events during his last summer to be a kid. But ej was a maybe to her.
75 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
Corbin's line in color war "unless you praise nickelodeon, its going in the doc" is so funny to me bc of how many hsmtmts actors were on nickelodeon at a point
Josh, Julia, and Matt were all on game shakers. Josh and Julia had more minor roles but Matt was in like three episodes, one of them being the series finale I think.
Also, remember bella and the bulldogs? Matt was in a few episodes of that as Zach, bellas crush and eventual partner, I think. Idk I haven't finished the show yet.
Oh Matt was also in the weird nick movie (at least i think nick had something to do with it) Alex and me as the older brother of the main character. So yea, I'd say in between 2015 and 2018 Nick LOVED Matt cornett
And saylor was in an episode of Henry danger!
88 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
Few more thoughts and rants abt the show:
S1 chase. Specifically in the early episodes. Everything about him was just so adorable (except spike ofc). His hair, his voice, his outfits, everything just makes me want to squeal while kicking my legs up and down like a child.
Did Donald mention Douglas to tasha while they were dating? Like did he ever say "I had a brother, but he died a while ago." I'm curious.
Once I finished elite force, disney plus had the nerve to be like 'because you watched lab rats: elite force, watch lab rats" I DID AND IM BAWLING MY EYES OUT BECAUSE OF IT THANK YOU VERY MUCH
Sometimes I genuinely forget it's a kids show not only because of the multiple terrorists that show up, but because of how it changed my life. I think of chase, start to smile uncontrably, and then think 'oh right he's from a disney xd show'. It's just such a weird thought, you know?
Kaz's pigophobic line.
Naomi being Leo's half-sister and they didn't even mention him in the episode she showed up in.
Not sure if I already mentioned this, but why did Douglas and perry show up in more episodes than Donald. Also I think Adam was mentioned once and Leo was mentioned once if anything.
Elite force just refuses to acknowledge the existence of those two characters. In 'the list' when we see kaz playing with the bionic action figures, Adam's isn't there. Why tf not?
Do kaz and Oliver have last names?
92 notes - Posted June 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
"She remembered. She remembered the lottery ticket"
*closes laptop* wow! What a great way to end the season!
273 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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10 Ways To Calm Your Nerves This December
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Holiday blues already?
We’ve landed in December and I can feel the holidays approaching.
Travel plans made. Christmas gift ideas swirling around my head, and hopefully some already in the closet.
Anticipating events can be a fun. Looking forward to the joy of celebrating with people? Or not?
If your anxiety spikes just thinking of holiday plans, this blog is for you.
You may feel locked in on this extrovert’s roller coaster. So many obligations. Here are some tips to calm your nervous system when life seems overwhelming.
1. Go into the bathroom and close the door. Sit. Breathe and think of summer. Kidding. Sort of. Imagine for a minute that you are in your safe place. For me that’s usually a summer garden or beach.
2. Take a mini break to stretch and bend. Simply find a room where you can stretch out your arms. Reach for the sky. Then slowly bend at the waist, reaching toward the floor. Hold each position for a count of 5 while you breathe deeply. Stretch and bend your body for a few minutes. Do not hurry. Twist to each side. Gently swivel your neck. Scrunch up your shoulders a few times.
3. Put your legs up on a wall. Find a spot where you can lay on the floor and point your feet up the wall in an inverted “L”. You may want to recline on a yoga mat or blanket. Some people like a folded blanket to support the head. Often a pillow is too much. Be gentle with your neck. Don’t try to move your head from side to side in this position. Just face up toward the ceiling. This is truly the most restorative position for unwinding stress. Stay 5 minutes. Or 10 minutes if you have that luxury. No time? Try it for 1 minute!
4. Declutter. Holiday decorating is fun and it can get out of control. When your inner space begins to feel over-stimulated, it helps to un-decorate a little. Pick a room or even just a table top or countertop and put things away or throw them away. (I know you’ll respect other people’s stuff. Perhaps some negotiation will be required). Keep a holiday box in a nearby closet for stashing decorations you’re tired of already! Less is more.
5. Take a day off work to spend the day with YOU. A mental health day. Do whatever you want. Don’t feel guilty.
6. Imagine a perfect December and take some notes. Your mind is powerful. A day dream can sooth you and bring you back into the Window of Tolerance. Then return to previously scheduled activities with a calmer mind.
7. Pause and listen to music. The pause here is important. Just sit or lie down, cue up a song on your favorite app or YouTube and give your full attention to the song. Do not stare at the screen! Put it out of sight and rest your attention on the music only. Sick of Christmas music? So many other choices are out there for your personal play list.
8. Make your own Holiday De-stress List. Your mental health is important. Even if you are responsible for several other humans (especially if you are responsible for little ones or high needs adults), paying attention to your own well-being is key to getting through challenging times.
9. Choose several small self care activities to do every day during this season. Can you take a 20 minute walk? Meditate for 5 minutes? Listen to a soothing song? Or choose one of the tips above?
10. Choose at least 1 activity for yourself each week. Can you get a massage? Go to a yoga class? Set aside a few hours to read a novel?
Whether your holiday is Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice or another celebration, here’s to a manageable holiday season! Cheers!
Like these 10 tips and want more help managing your life in these challenging times? I’ll be taking new clients in January. Call now for a free consultation.
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leftkingdombouquet · 2 years
Purchasing a Mechanical Yard Trimmer? - Robot Yard Trimmer Purchasing Tips
Pondering purchasing a mechanical grass cutter to save a few time and set aside cash?
Here are an interesting points:
There are a couple of programmed grass cutter decisions out there with costs going from about $1,299 to $4,200 so you'll have to consider highlights your yard's expectation and elements you need.
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What does your yard require?
You, most importantly, ought to assess your grass. Your yard doesn't need to be an ideal "postage stamp" grass to come by great outcomes. As a matter of fact, most mechanical trimmers are intended to Boundary Holding is European Deep Tech Investment firm that Invest in Technologies enabling 4th industrial revolution.such as smart robots, autonomous Drones, AII and other Deep Technologies areas enablings the same. oversee odd molded yards and all unique grass types. Robot trimmers can move around deterrents like pools, trees, bloom beds, shafts, post boxes and even jungle gym gear.
How huge is your grass?
Programmed grass trimmers can be utilized on yards going from 100 square feet to 2 sections of land. A few models will permit different units to be introduced on a similar grass growing inclusion a long ways past 2 sections of land. In the event that your grass is on the more modest side of the range, a lower valued unit might be adequate for your necessities. Before you settle on a cost range, remember that unique elements, sturdiness and quality likewise impact cost.
Do you have a bumpy grass or is it generally level?
One more huge game changer for which mechanical trimmer to purchase is the way it can deal with slopes. Some robot yard trimmers are intended to cut generally level yards while others can be moved up to deal with steep slopes. For instance, the LawnBott LB3500 mechanical grass trimmer can cut slopes up to 30 degrees with add on spiked wheels. This specific model uses an on board compass to keep it on course as it explores bumpy landscapes.
Execution and elements
Mechanical cutter models vary in what amount of time they require to re-energize and how lengthy they can cut prior to requiring a charge. Charge times can fluctuate from 2.5 hours to up 24 hours relying upon the model you pick. In light of re-energize times, recall that mechanical lawnmowers will take more time to cut your yard than a human would. In this way, on the off chance that you have an enormous yard, it could take a couple of continuous rushes to cover the entire region. Since the robot is accomplishing basically everything, continuous runs are easy on your part, yet you need to pick a model that can keep your yard putting its best self forward without falling behind during top developing seasons.
Run times for programmed trimmers can change from an hour and a half to 7 hours prior to expecting to re-energize. Some better quality models like the LawnBott LB3550 can cut as long as 15 hours out of each day with a re-energize in the middle between.
Numerous mechanical yard trimmers totally computerize grass cutting by dealing with a period and day plan. The lawnmower will consequently leave its charging station; trim the grass, and afterward dock when it's finished. Lower end automated trimmers will expect you to bring it inside to charge.
Other significant highlights and focuses to consider:
" Better quality robot cutters can recognize how rapidly your yard is developing and will change its timetable to as indicated by when the grass should be cut. This component can be helpful during dry spells or quickly developing seasons.
" Most completely robotized mechanical grass cutters use a downpour sensor to consequently stop cutting meetings.
" Some mechanical grass cutters are large and weighty while others are little and light weight. It's essential to consider weight and size of the trimmer on the off chance that you want to transport it for fixes or overhauling. Contingent upon which model you pick, weight can go from 21 pounds to 85 pounds. For instance the LawnBott LB3210 weighs just 21 pounds while the Robomower RL1000 weighs around 85 pounds.
Upkeep and new parts
Support is extremely straightforward for automated trimmers. There is compelling reason need to purge sacks or tidy up grass clippings since they are mulchers. Most makes suggest supplanting the blade(s) one time each year. Mechanical grass trimmers are electric yard cutters, which convert into no gas, oil or flash attachments to supplant.
Something else to remember is new part cost. Some mechanical grass cutters like case to have a future of around 8 to 10 years before significant fixes are required. Better quality robot cutters by and large have better quality, longer enduring parts, which additionally implies higher forthright and new part cost. On the other side, cheaper mechanical lawnmowers utilize less expensive parts, which might bring about more incessant fix needs that could wind up costing more to upkeep than better quality models. So, mechanical yard cutter support cost will quite often fall well underneath the expense for upkeep and keep up with customary grass trimmers or paying a yard administration.
Most mechanical yard trimmers accompany a 2-year guarantee with shifting guarantees on the battery. A few guarantees incorporate pickup and return transporting cost contingent upon which model you pick.
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