#the untamed translation
cardvngreenbriar · 2 months
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wangxian-the-zhijis · 5 months
For those who want to see the full translation of Lan Wangji’s invitation letter to Wei Wuxian at episode 31, here you go.
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Written letter:
魏嬰今日安否 金氏子軒公子與江氏之女喜得貴子 將滿百日 金氏設宴金麟臺 眾親朋來賀 嬰當以禮赴之
To submit
Wei Ying, are you well today? Young Master Zixuan of the Jin clan and Lady Jiang have been blessed to have a son, who is about to reach a hundred days. The Jin clan will hold a banquet in Jinlintai (Koi Tower). A lot of relatives and friends will come to celebrate. According to the ritual, Ying should attend.
Lan Wangji
The lovely thing here is that, lwj started the letter with, “are you well today?” showing his concern to wwx in the most formal way, telling him ‘I’m here, I’m still by your side. Are you okay? 🥺’ He even dropped wwx’s surname and directly called him ‘Ying’ 😭 If this was wwx, he would 100% call lwj ‘Zhanzhan’ or ‘A-Zhan’ 😭
Detailed explanation of the letter under the cut—
送呈 - submit
送呈: submit; to give to whomever is going to read
魏嬰今日安否 - Wei Ying, are you well today?
魏嬰: Wei Ying; Wei Wuxian’s birth name
今日: today
安否: safety; welfare; well-being
金氏子軒公子與江氏之女喜得貴子 - Young Master Zixuan of the Jin clan and Lady Jiang have been blessed to have a son
金氏: Jin clan; Jin Family
子軒: Zixuan; courtesy name without the surname
公子: young master
與: and; together with
江氏: Jiang clan; Jiang Family
之女: daughter; lady
喜: happy; delighted; pleased; blessed
得: get; obtain; gain
貴子: son
將滿百日 - almost fill a hundred days
將: be going to; be about to; will; shall
滿: full; fill; complete; reach
百: hundred (automatically means one hundred if there are no numbers written before)
日: day
金氏設宴金麟臺 - The Jin clan will hold a banquet in Jinlintai
金氏: Jin clan; Jin Family
設宴: hold a banquet/celebration/festival
金麟臺: (place) Jinlintai; Koi Tower
眾親朋來賀 - A lot of relatives and friends will come to celebrate
眾: many; numerous
親朋: relatives and friends (親屬: relatives; 朋友: friends)
來: come; attend
賀: celebrate; congratulate
I have doubts with the last sentence [[follow the colors to see which translation goes to which]]
嬰當以禮赴之 - Ying should be treated with courtesy if he will attend // According to the ritual, Ying should attend
嬰: Ying, Wei Wuxian’s birth name without the surname
當: ought to; should; must; treat as; regard as
以: with; by means of; according to
禮: courtesy; politeness; ritual
赴: go to; attend
藍忘機 - Lan Wangji
藍忘機: Lan Wangji; courtesy name
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korpikorppi · 1 year
Guys, I just now noticed one more interesting little detail in the Untamed!
You know the names of the buildings in the Cloud Recesses: the lecture room/hall Lanshi (兰室, Lánshì, "Orchid Room"); Yashi (雅室, Yǎshì, "Elegant Room") – the reception room/hall; the spirit-summoning room/hall Mingshi (冥室, Míngshì, "Underworld Room" or "Room of Darkness"); Hanshi (寒室, Hánshì, "Frost Room") - Lan Xichen's residence; and Lan Wangji's Jingshi (静室, Jìngshì, "Quiet Room"), right?
The character used to write the "shì", room, in the names is 室, here seen in the Lanshi and the Yashi (the names are read from right to left):
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As a side note, the Lan seem to use the traditional rather than the simplified characters, so the "lán" in the Lanshi is written with 蘭 rather than 兰.
BUT. Not so in the Jingshi! Instead of the 室, a slightly different character is used for the "room":
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My trusty dictionary did not know the character in question, so I started to look at what was different:
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As such, the character 凶 (xiōng) means act of violence, murder, evil. An evildoer. A murderer. And as Lan Xichen told Wei Wuxian, we know who lived in the Jingshi before it became Lan Wangji's residence: "It is the place where our mother lived in the Cloud Recesses".
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So, it seems that when the house became Madam Lan's prison, the character was changed to reflect her crime, denoting the place as the quiet room of a murderer. Accentuated by the reversed colours of the sign:
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This has probably been quite self-evident to anyone who actually speaks and reads Chinese, but was quite an oooff! to me as I realised. One more killer detail in CQL 😟.
And while I was at it, I just had to check what it says above the gate (seen here when LWJ returns home with the Emperor's Smile):
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As far as I can read it, the characters are 影竹堂 (yǐng zhú táng), which I freely translate as "Bamboo Shadow Court". An apt name for the place.
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Hopefully it offered some solace to Madam Lan.
And oh, I just have to add! As Hanshi is the Sect Leader's residence, Lan Xichen is living in their father's house, while Lan Wangji is living in their mother's. And the two houses are more or less identical, down to the furnishings (just check the scene where Lan Xichen confronts Wen Chao and his muddy boots in ep8 vs. The Wangxian Scene in ep43). So did Qingheng-jun have the house built for his wife, identical to the house she was not allowed to live in? That is quite plausible, in universe. Out universe, they probably had only so many buildings to shoot in :).
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criticalrolo · 1 year
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finally finished some designs for the nie parents!!
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preservedcucumbers · 2 years
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“Hanguang-jun, touch me. Do you feel my heart beating?"
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symphonyofsilence · 9 months
I was going to yell at people for accusing Jiang Cheng of being classist until I saw some people accusing Mu Qing of being classist...
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qpjianghu · 9 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook moments that make me insane, 2/∞ : Li Lianhua's soft, genuine smile in response to Fang Duobing's "I love you just the way you are. Now sit down, shut up, and eat this food I made you."
1/ FDB: “Do you think I’ll regret [going against Shan Gudao]? The more clearly I see it, the more I know which path to take. I’m glad that I’ve seen all the facts.”
2/ FDB: “I rarely cook. You’re lucky today. Come, sit down! Eat while it's hot. What are you waiting for? Eat before it gets cold. Come! Sit down, help yourself.”
3/ FDB: “No one is perfect. Neither was he. There are shadows wherever there is light. Yes, maybe Li Xiangyi was too proud. But he established the Sigu sect to make the martial world a better place, where the strong didn’t prey on the weak…”
LLH: “If Li Xiangyi knew that someone would understand him so well ten years later, he’d be very glad.”
4/ LLH:“It’s a pity you’re not a cook.”
FDB: “Ha! This is just one of my knacks.”
5/ FDB: “You and I have already been honest with each other. There’s no need to show every inch of ourselves to each other. That’s how people get along well.”
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xcziel · 2 months
Grave Robbers' Chronicles ·Ten Years' Appointment
盗墓笔记 ·十年之约 | Daomu Biji: Shí Nián Zhī Yuē
(2024 August 17 Rice Festival Theme Promotion Song)
performed by Liu Chang and Li Changchao
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sweet-cynicalstrain · 5 months
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And an alternate version:
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The Untamed + @unhelpfultarot (Part 4 of Untamed x Unhelpful Tarot memes)
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mikuni14 · 3 months
Poll Tag
tagged by @my-rose-tinted-glasses thank you! 😘
Challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
The challenge seems impossible, just the thought of choosing only 5 characters made my brain overheat and shut down lol. That's why I chose them at random, because otherwise I would have sat on it until tomorrow and probably died (without even choosing anyone 😭).
(I know Beyond Evil isn't technically BL, but I think we can all agree that yes, it actually is).
The choice was VERY HARD, especially in situations where I really like both characters and choosing between them seems unfair (like Love For Love's Sake, Our Dining Table, To Sir With Love etc.). Also, some characters were my favs only in part of the series, like Tharn (The Sign) or Sprite (Twins), but in these parts I loved them dearly. Other characters I wanted to add: Charn (Laws of Attraction), Shin Da On (Light on Me), Yamato (I Cannot Reach You), Rain and Phayu (Oh My Sunshine Night), Mr. Tiwson (MSP), Jang Jae Young (Semantic Error), Im Han Tae (Sing My Crush), Fighter (Why R U), Yoon Tae Joon (ULS) AND MANY MORE 😭
Tagging @italianpersonwithashippersheart @shannankle @pickletrip @miss0ataeand @silverraes @pinkkop @listeningwithearphones @whenisawthemoon @callipigio @whiteorangeflower @benkaaoi @befuddledcinnamonroll @braininanotherdimension @poetry-protest-pornography @negrowhat @maxescheibechlinichacheli @nozunhinged (sorry if I missed anyone). Anyone who sees and want to play consider yourself tagged by me and please tag me if you do it 😘
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thisonelikesaliens · 3 months
if you don't see me for the next few weeks this is why
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isogashiro · 2 years
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I wonder if they will be able to meet each other again? ✩
[ep 19 / ep 39]
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wangxian-the-zhijis · 10 months
So I rewatched the confrontation scene between Wei Ying, Jiang Cheng, and Lan Zhan in the Jiang Ancestral Hall.
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In the novel, Jiang Cheng mocked the fact that what Wei Ying and Lan Zhan have for each other is romantic and not just that of friends. And people kept saying that this scene in the novel has more impact etc etc… because Jiang Cheng really insulted them that they’re in love. I’m not going to invalidate that… but I’m just going to explain why this scene in the drama has a great impact too.
In the drama, Jiang Cheng insulted their great friendship. I haven’t seen people point this out… but what Jiang Cheng really said didn’t mean the usual “friendship.” He could have said “友誼” or “交情” which means the type of friendship we’re all aware of.
But Jiang Cheng didn’t say any of those! He said “知己 (zhiji)” or “confidant” or “soulmate”— the very word that both Wei Ying and Lan Zhan say lovingly to each other (in the drama).
Jiang Cheng said: “为什么要道歉?为侮辱了你们这段伟大的知己之情吗?”
为什么 - why ; 要 - will (I) ; 道歉 - apologize ; 为 - for ; 侮辱 - insulting ; 了 - indicates past tense ; 你们 - your (plural) ; 这段 - this ; 伟大 - great ; 的 - of ; 知己 - confidant/intimate friend/soulmate ; 之情 - feeling/emotion; 吗 - indicating a question.
If we translate Jiang Cheng’s words directly, it would say, “Why will I apologize? For having insulted this great soulmate thing of yours?”
Note that 知己 isn’t commonly used in spoken language. It’s mostly seen in written texts only. But Wei Ying and Lan Zhan made 知己 their endearment for each other. Jiang Cheng used that very special and emotional word and tarnished it with his acrid mouth. He wasn’t just insulting their love but he insulted what they are to each other— the very nature of their relationship. (He wasn’t insinuating that they might be in love. He was outright attacking them for what they are.) He even emphasized the insult by adding 偉大 or ‘great’ sarcastically.
That’s why Wei Ying immediately lashed out. Because how dare Jiang Cheng ruin that special word he has with Lan Zhan?!
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dontmind-thismess · 2 months
VERY literal translations of *some* MDZS locations
Yunmeng 云梦 = Cloud dream
Qinghe 清河 = Clear river
Lanling 兰陵 = Orchid hill
Qishan 岐山 = the 'Qi' used in Qishan is actually almost exclusively for Qishan, but it has another meaning: an alternate form of 歧 (Qi), which has one translation of forked road, so Qishan = Forked road mountain (?)
Gusu 姑苏 = Lady's tassel (really not sure about this one, both characters have many meanings)
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korpikorppi · 1 year
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Lán jīa jīa gūi
Lan Clan Household Rules
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Yúnshēn Bùzhīchù nèi bùkě yínluàn.
Sexual promiscuity is not allowed in the Cloud Recesses.
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|| Next rule
云深不知处 - Cloud Recesses
内 - inside; interior; inner part or side
不 - [before a verb, adjective, adverb] no; not; won't; not want to
可 - can; to approve; to permit
不可 - cannot; should not; must not
淫乱 - (sexually) promiscuous; licentious
Alternative translations:
One must not be sexually promiscuous inside the Cloud Recesses.
Sexual promiscuity is not permitted in/inside the Cloud Recesses.
No fucking (lit.) around in the Cloud Recesses 😁.
Any mistakes in the translations or in the characters are mine, and if you spot any, please let me know 🙂.
The chosen images:
The Spring Book Incident™️, of course.
So, there are about 100 of these, let's see if I'm able to do them all 😀.
And yes, there is a seal script hand writing project on the way, as I just bloody love that script 🩵.
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240209 Ji Li update by WE画报 weibo
He won the Most Stylish Artist of the Year (2023) award🥳
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