#the valinor elves all collectively get sick when they touch down in middle earth
Ok, but like, valinor was “perfect” right? As in no hunger, no diseases, no fighting.
But middle earth? Man, that place has given up trying to be dignified, starvation, disease, war, etc. in most places.
So. When the noldor arrive from yonder shores, especially those born in valinor?
They all almost die bc they do not have the immunity to survive the shock to their immune system due to the dozens of new diseases introduced to them when they step foot on beriliand.
It’s not morgoth that’s the danger, it’s the goddamn germs.
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finrad · 4 years
Keeping Secrets - Haldir x Reader
So you are Lord Elrond's child in this oneshot just so you know.
Warnings: none
You were eating your breakfast with your family one day when your father, Lord Elrond announced that you were going to be visiting family in Lothlórien.
"Perhaps a nice trip to the forest will lift our spirits." he told you and your siblings. "Besides, your mam and dâd will be pleased to see you all in good health."
"I do believe that I'm up for a trip." said Arwen, your older sister. Your brothers, Elladan and Elrohir nodded at what the fair elven lady stated.
Then, you nodded. A trip to someplace other than your home would help you relax and create good memories. The last time you went to Lothlórien was long ago, before your mother sailed into the west.
"Pack your bags then, for we must part soon." your father said. "Go on, as we are leaving tomorrow morning."
In your bag, you packed several outfits, some hair ties, a few snacks for the journey, a brush, and a copy of your favorite book. You weren't too sure how long you were going to stay in the elven forest, so you just made an assumption that it was going to be for about a few weeks.
After you finished packing your stuff you went to where the rest of your family was to discuss the trip. It was so weird that you were going to go on a sudden trip, and you needed some plans. Plans would help you prepare for the stay.
"My children, we will remain in the forest for around sixty days." your father announced. Sixty days seemed to be a lot, but you knew that they were going to pass quickly. That's what always happens when you have a good time anywhere. Time flies.
Soon came the day that you first set off from Imladris. There was to be a long journey, and you hoped that no orc would attack you. It's unfortunate that Middle-earth is growing darker, but it's happening. In fact, the reason why your mother needed to sail to Valinor was because she was attacked and tortured by orcs.
As you went through the Pass of the Caradhras, your stomach felt sick. This was the place where your mother was attacked by orcs. The cold air stung your skin as you moved along, and you felt horrible. You knew that everyone else felt bad based on the looks of their faces. This terrible place gives you all terrible memories.
After many days of journeying, you and your family finally made it to the borders of Lothlórien. There, you were formally greeted by some of the marchwardens. One of them stood in front of them. He was handsome, and you were instantly interested.
Back at home, your father had been considering putting you in an arranged marriage. You didn't like it, but you listened to your father. He could make the right choice. Then you saw that one marchwarden. He had enchanted you.
The marchwarden began to speak to you and your family. He did that while staring at you. It made you blush heavily. His facial expressions as he spoke looked cool and calm. The elf seemed to be a pretty collected guy. He had to be, as he was a marchwarden. Keeping calm under pressure was something that he needed to do on the job.
"Welcome to Lothlórien, my lords and ladies." said the marchwarden. "I am Haldir, and I shall be leading you to the lord and lady of the forest." Even his voice was great. Valar, you wanted to be with him. You couldn't say that you were in love, but you were attracted to him.
Haldir had lead you and your family to Caras Galadhon. It took a while to get there, so you decided to get the guts to finally speak to him.
"Mae govannen, Haldir." you told him in elvish. "Goheno nin, ach lín gar thîr maer. Lín farthacened nin." You then began to blush madly, due to the words that you said.
"Hannon le, hiril nin. Eithro hirlín bain." Haldir told you. This made your cheeks turn redder. "Cí boem minnameleth rhû. Mein, man i eneth lín?" You then told him your name, and held his hand. His hands were cold, and so were yours. As you had his hand in yours, you tried to make sure that your father wasn't looking.
"Haldir, we need to hide this. My father cannot learn of this." you warned. "He's been thinking about putting me in an arranged marriage, and I don't think he'll like us."
The elf nodded sadly. "That is fine. As long as we can grow a relationship, we will be fine." he said quietly, letting go of your hand and walking away.
You now realized how you didn't want to marry for power or status or anything of the kind (although you never did). Right now, you wanted to marry for love. Obviously you didn't love Haldir, but you were developing an infatuation for him, and it was slowly growing stronger.
As you all slowly walked to Caras Galadhon, you continued to speak to Haldir. That elf had a voice that you could listen to all day. Hopefully, the others wouldn't notice you sneaking a little smile to Haldir and maybe brushing your fingers against his.
Finally, you all made it to Caras Galadhon. There were tall trees and plants everywhere. You were being lead to your grandmother and grandfather, Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn. They were very old and wise, for they lived during the Elder Days.
When you stood before the lord and lady of the forest, Haldir whispered into your ear, "Meet me by my home tonight. I'll be standing outside, waiting for you." You nodded, feeling a little excited for tonight.
Your grandparents began to talk to you and your family, welcoming you to the forest and telling you how much they missed you. Truly, you loved them. Sometimes, they would tell tales of the First Age and you were so fascinated by them.
The lord and lady told you that you were free to explore the place. That was when Arwen walked up to you. She had a sweet smile on her face.
"So, I saw you with that warden earlier." she teased. You gulped, realizing that she watched the handholding and the loving gazes. Hopefully, she was the only one who noticed. "Have you already began a love affair with him?"
Instead of lying, you decided to tell her the truth. "Well, sort of. It's not complete yet, and we're only trying this thing out to see if it works." you confessed. "If it does, then I'll consider courtship."
Arwen gasped. Of course, she knew that your father planned to arrange a marriage, meaning that he most likely wouldn't be too happy if he found out that you wanted to marry Haldir. "Courtship? What will ada think of it?"
"I don't know." you plainly stated. "That is why I am trying to keep it a secret. Do not tell anyone. Not even Elladan and Elrohir." Your sister nodded. She was trustworthy, so you knew that she wouldn't let a single word slip.
Later that day, you looked around Caras Galadhon in the dead of night. Everything looked to be silver, and the sky looked a very dark blue. Haldir must be waiting for you in his home, so you looked around until you found an elf sitting outside of a little home, all by himself.
There he was, sitting in a chair. As soon as he saw you, he smiled. Goodness was he the cutest. You ran up to him and greeted him. While he greeted you, you were lead inside his home. It was a neat place, with everything organized. Nothing out of the ordinary.
"Welcome to my home." Haldir told you. "I do hope that it is to your taste. You are a lady of Imladris and Lórien, so I suppose that this isn't as nice as your home."
"It's lovely." you said, looking around. "I love how tidy it is. So, where shall we go?"
"Perhaps we should sit on my little seat over there. There is enough space for the two of us to sit together comfortably." Haldir sat down in a soft couch. You then sat next to him. Your arm touched his. The elf's skin was cool, and you liked it. This was comfortable.
There was a moment of silence as Haldir began to pull you to his laps and braid your hair. Braiding hair was an elvish custom that can show love and adoration. Gently, he split your hair into three strands and began to twist each one beautifully.
While he braided your hair, he grabbed some gems from a little box and placed them in your hair. He was proud of his work. Nobody spoke as he braided your hair. You just sat there waited for him to finish. When he did finish, he stood you up and showed you your reflection in a nearby mirror.
You looked nice. "Wow... I love it." you muttered, giving Haldir a smile that he believes can outshine the Moon and the Sun. Slowly he was falling in love with you, and you did the same for him. "Now, let me braid your hair."
Haldir sat on a chair while you stood up and braided his hair. It was so soft, like all elves' hair, and you just wanted to mess with it all night long. With each twist you made, the more of a connection you felt with Haldir. As if you and him were destined to be together.
During the night, the two of you stayed together and chatted. You hadn't realized that your father was wondering where you were while you sat with Haldir. You were too busy having a wonderful time with the elf that you were now in a relationship of some sort with.
"Maybe we should do this every night." you said, giving Haldir your hand to hold.
"Yes, we definitely should." Haldir replied.
The next morning, you left Haldir's home after giving him a quick peck on the cheek and went to see your father. Based on the look of his face when he saw you, he seemed concerned.
"Where have you been?" your father asked. "I haven't seen you since yesterday afternoon."
"I was... exploring the forest all night." you lied. He couldn't know about you and Haldir. So you had to lie. "The thing is, I lost track of time."
"Alright then..." your father muttered. "As long as you come see me every morning, you can do whatever it is you do at night."
And so you took your father's advice. Every night, you would go into Haldir's home and spend the night laughing with and talking to him. Some nights you would flirt and grow to love one another. At one point, you two shared a quick kiss. No, it wasn't full of passion and desire, but at least it was a kiss. At least it was something.
You tried to spend every second that you can with Haldir before you had to go home. Sixty days with him was amazing. He taught you a lot about love and what it meant to feel it. That is because you ended up falling head over heels for him. He became the one elf that you are to love.
Then, there were only two days until you had to leave Lórien. You really didn't want to leave Haldir. Because you knew that if you left him, you would possibly never be able to see him ever again. And that would be a massive dagger to the heart.
So, that night, you decided to walk to his house for what you hoped wasn't the last time and saw him, happy to see you. You walked inside his home and the two of you sat on the floor with your legs crossed.
"Haldir, I understand that we have been in this relationship for many days now," you nervously began. "so I now believe that I can say this. I love you. And now I don't want to leave you. But alas, I might have to leave you, for my family and I are departing soon."
"I love you, too. And it is upsetting that you must leave." Haldir responded. "But, you said that we must keep this a secret. And if we must go separate ways to keep this hidden, then we have to do it, no matter how much we hate it."
You sighed. No longer did you want to hide this. You had to tell your father that Haldir was the one for you, and you wanted him, no matter what he says.
"What if I don't want to keep this hidden anymore? I don't want to keep secrets just to keep you, Haldir." you told him. "If I had to choose between keeping things secret and being with you, I'd always choose you."
Haldir then leaned in closer to you so his cool breath hit your lips. "Then we shall tell your father." He then grabbed the back of your head with one of his hands and brought you in for a kiss.
This kiss was full of passion. Your hands went to his hair, and you played around with it. His scent was of trees and flowers, which was one that you loved very much. The taste of his lips was one that you couldn't describe, but you liked it nonetheless. You and Haldir soon had to separate just to get some air.
"Wow, I never knew that you were a good kisser." you breathed. There was a feeling of butterflies in your stomach as your lips were on his, and a feeling of joy in your veins.
"What can I say, I am a natural." Haldir joked. You giggled at his remark with pink cheeks. "Now, let's go tell your father that we're in love..." He looked at how dark it was outside. "...in the morning."
Tonight, you decided to cuddle with your lover. Right now, you were a little nervous. About what your father would think of this. Well, you did, until Haldir distracted you by kissing your nose.
Then, morning came. It was time to tell your father the truth. With your hand grabbing your lover's hand, you ran to where your father was to tell him the news. You were so scared, but you needed to do this if you truly wanted to be with Haldir.
As soon as he looked at you, he noticed that you were holding hands with Haldir. So, he began to piece things together and realized what you were going to announce.
"Father, I have fallen in love." you confessed. "Haldir, a warden of Lórien, has taken my heart, and I might marry him in the future. I understand that you planned to arrange a marriage for me, so you may be upset, but I love him. And I want to marry for love. I'm sorry if I disappointed you, ada."
Your father had glossy eyes. His little elfling was all grown up now, and he could hardly believe it. "There is no need to be sorry." he said. "If you truly love him, then you can marry him. I would never stop you from marrying the one you love. I want to see you happy."
You let out a sigh of relief. "So, I suppose that I'll have to stay here." you said. "I'll miss you, and Arwen, and Elladan, and Elrohir. I'll miss home."
"I'll miss you, too." your father told you, with tears beginning to roll down his cheeks. "But if you're happy with him, then I am happy. And believe me, I'll try to visit you as much as I can. We all will."
Mae govannen, Haldir. Goheno nin, ach lín gar thîr maer. Lín farthacened nin. = Well met, Haldir. Forgive me, but you have good looks. You satisfy my eyes.
Hannon le, hiril nin. Eithro hirlín bain. Cí boem minnameleth rhû. Mein, man i eneth lín? = Thank you, my lady. I also find you to be beautiful. Perhaps we should enter a love affair. First, what is your name?
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