#the video v clearly shows the beginning of the chanting
linogram · 2 years
pissing me off
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moonlight-seraph · 8 months
[Video ID: Immediately as the video begins it's filled with the deafening sounds of the horrific, cr-crack-crack-crack of bones breaking, and Valtr's digitized hyperventilating. The video only shows the sand, bleached white by the flashlight and dyed sanguine by blood that drenches it in a vast spray pattern.
The horrific noises continue for moments longer, feeling like they stretch forever, backed by Valtr's terrified breathing and whispered chant of 'what the fuck', before a sort of wet squelching noise, not dissimilar to plunging your hands into ground meat, rings out, and the cracking ends with something a little like knuckles popping, though too many to ever feasibility be the hands of a human being.
Suddenly there's rustling, and Valtr shrieks in terror. The camera hitches violently, jerking away and roughly swinging up to picture Draka, lying at the center of the blood spray. She's covered in blood, clutching a red-slick quick ball in one slick hand, but most importantly, she's moving.
Draka rolls onto her side, then her front, further into the blood puddle, and while her bloody and sandy hair hanging lank thankfully obscures her face, the rest of her body visibly lurches as she gags. It sounds almost painful for a moment, before she heaves again and it's just wet. Liquid floods readily from under her head, spilling out and soaking into the sand, and it's a marbled mixture of blood and something sticky and black and something thin and silvery.
She gags again, but it's dry save for her spitting out anything in her mouth, before she looks up at Valtr's hysterical gibbering, squinting against the flashlight. Her chin and nose and eyes are all leaking blood and the black and the silvery liquid, and against her white eyes and pale skin she's a nightmare. Like she's inches away from lunging like a rabid thing.
But all she does is cough out a wheezy, wet, "V? What are you... what's wrong? What happened?" in a thin voice, words lined with a clearly French, or, for the Pokéverse natives, Kalosian accent.
Valtr terrifiedly whispers, "Draka? Izz that you?" while Draka, squints harder, coughing and spitting into the puddle under her.
"Why wouldn't it be?" She asks back, voice clearer- less thin and trapped in her lungs.
Valtr gets even quieter, somehow, and returns, "You died. I saw your corpse."
Draka blinks her squinted, moon white eyes, then looks down at the bloody sand under her like she's just now noticing it, and mumbles something unclear and unknown.
The video ends abruptly.]
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artemissarrows · 6 years
The Most Beautiful Moment In Life: #BTSxCitiField
Wow. I’m home back from New York, where I had the amazing gift of being able to see BTS live on their Love Yourself world tour. I’m literally out of words to describe it, but I’ll try.
I saw in someone’s post about seeing them on the Wings tour that they were sad for a week after and I thought to myself, “it’s just a concert! How the heck would that happen?”
...and here I am, having cried a bunch of times in the last two days (though none of them actually during the concert, there was too much adrenaline), now I am living it.  I really feel it in my body. I’m exhausted. My voice is destroyed from so much cheering and fan-chanting. But I’m also sort of happy about that, because it’s a marker of having gone through that experience and I want to hold onto that. I was off work Monday and spent the entire day at my house watching Bon Voyage and Run episodes (didn’t realize they were only 20 minutes!!) to console myself.
I’m sad the concert’s over, and I’m also sad that the Love Yourself era is also basically over too, some additional concert dates notwithstanding. This era really encapsulates everything I love about BTS: their positive message, their incredible songwriting and producing and music in general, and their growth as artists. I have complete faith in our boys that whatever comes next will be fantastic and that they’ll keep growing, I just desperately hope this isn’t their peak. But regardless, I’m glad I got to see this show because it felt like such a special one—their first sold-out North America stadium show. And it seems like BTS felt like it was special as well.
I’m also feeling intense love, because love is at the heart of it all. BTS’ love for ARMY and their earnest and sincere desire that we love ourselves, and be our best selves (see: Magic Shop, etc). And ARMY’s love and deep appreciation for BTS seeing us and our struggles, and believing in our ability to succeed. I was a little leery of calling myself an ARMY before this concert, mostly because of ARMY’s reputation on the internet as being kind of a crazy and intense fandom, but I fully embrace ARMY-dom now, because I understand that it’s really all about love.
So to recap, I’m going to do some best-ofs and link to Twitter and Insta pictures and videos. My phone camera is the literal worst, which is why I unfortunately don’t have any of my own!
Best deep thought: RM, our leader, always and forever. Sometimes I forget that he’s a literal genius because he’s also so derpy and cute, and then it’s moments like this that I re-remember that he does absolutely nothing related to their music or public presentation by accident or without forethought.
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Via @mimibtsghost
He—and all of them, really—understand so well their role in our lives and our role in theirs. ARMY loves BTS, and BTS loves all of us so much, and truly wants us all to be happy and to live our best and whole selves. RM literally said this in his UN speech (which he also mentioned). When he says Speak Yourself, I think what he means is a combination of “Tell your story,” “Speak out,” and “Speak your truth.”
Best bias wreck: Jimin
Now I’m one of those people who legit loves all the members almost the same (except for Jin, I don’t love him quite as much) and my biases are Suga and V, but only by a little. But oh my goodness, Jimin was such a bias-wrecker in this concert. His solo set was ridiculous, he was wearing this beautiful sparkly top and did his amazing lyrical dance moves. So many eyebrow quirks and hearts. I’m completely dead. The friend I was with is a Jimin stan, and I think they were like, “how did it take you this long???” I now have three coequal biases. Here’s a good one, and this cutie pic.
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Best corny-yet-adorable moments: J-Hope and V
J-hope’s Trivia: Just Dance stage was J-Hope being a major hype-man for the entire concert. And oh man, did it work. He’s such an exuberant live performer and the perfect choice for the second song. That white suit?? And his joy and enthusiasm is completely infectious. Hope World was my favorite of the three rappers’ mixtapes, and I was happy that his Trivia song was very much in that style, lots of old-school rap vibes. His joy is just so pure.
Also, Taehyung’s sign-off for ARMY at the end of the show: “You are the brighest stars in my universe.” Corny, but sweet and touching; also poetic because the ARMY bombs really do look like stars to the performers on stage, and we are orbiting around them, pulled into their gravity. Ah, V, so poetical as always <3
Unexpected song I liked live: Epiphany
Jin’s not my favorite member (see above), and I’m honestly a bit mystified by why people seem to like him so, so much. I’m also not a lover of ballads, usually, and the Epiphany video was fine but not one of my favorites. But I really liked this song live, way more than I was expecting to. Jin does have a really great voice, and it’s a bit less breathy than Jungkook’s in particular (still love you, Jungkook, you also sound great live!) He really gave a powerful vocal performance, and I’m going to put Epiphany back in my listening rotation…..after I listen to Suga’s I Need You x Seesaw remix another 15 times, sorrynotsorry.
Best gay/ship moments: Vkook, Suga
Vkook showed up again at this concert in force! One moment I saw myself, one I missed and found later on Twitter.
1) Tae hopped onto Jungkook’s back for a piggyback ride. It was super-brief but I know it happened because I distinctly remember thinking, “huh, usually Tae hops on Jungkook’s back, but Jungkook hopped on Tae’s this time. Interesting!” Turns out I was wrong and Tae hopped onto Jungkook as usual! Here’s a still, via @harchu2
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2) Apparently, Tae also gave Jungkook a little kiss and/or nuzzle on the neck at the end. I completely missed this myself, but hey, it’s there on the video. Vkook, you’re being so loud <3
Suga’s Seesaw performance also pinged my gaydar in a major way, I’m not even sure why myself. He started off lying on this white couch. And he’s just so sassy. And this sparkly red top with a sash that he was wearing. Suga, you’re the best. Here’s a really nice pic, via @maggiejslg + Seesaw clip
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Best PSA: RM
Three separate times, RM said that we shouldn’t shove one another for our safety. Our boys are so considerate and want everyone to have a good time!
Most impressive stunts: V, Suga
V’s Singularity set was fcking amazing. He’s really the most stellar performer, such a true artist. It seems positively unbelievable that he’s only 22 (what the heck was I doing when I was 22??). His little video before his solo stage (all members had them) was him surrounded by dark flowers and a pane of glass that frosted over. The hand-in-the-coat dance, and his backup dancers with masks that moved with him…the visuals of his set were stunning, and his singing was really stellar live (well, truly, everyone’s was). Here’s a clip.
In Suga’s Seesaw performance, he did this slick little stunt where he slid down a lit white long prop bar, like a seesaw. It looked really cool. I love the song Seesaw, it really shows how versatile Suga is, and his performance was a giant f-you to everyone who thinks he can’t sing or dance.
Best surprise songs: Dope and So What
Dope has always been one of my favorite songs. It’s so clearly and lovingly descended from 90’s American boy band stuff, but updated and, frankly, better. It’s got the killer hook and the great dancing, and is almost always the first video I show someone when I’m trying to explain why I love this K-pop band so much. I thought there was next to no chance of their playing it, but they did!!! I can die happy now. It was part of the medley in the middle, including Boyz With Fun, Attack On Bangtan, Fire, Bapsae (another one I was thrilled to hear), and Dope.
So What is also lowkey my favorite LYS: Tear track (though like the members, really only by a little on what’s a phenomenal album overall). I knew there wasn’t a dance for it so I didn’t think they’d play it, and was so, so thrilled when they did! It was like having a huge party with BTS and ARMY at the end of the show.
Best emotional vulnerability moment: Jimin
Jimin did some excellent crying at the end of the show, when they all came out in black t-shirts and addressed ARMY directly. Oh my goodness, it was so cute and sweet. They’ve really come so far; Yoongi tends to respond through bravado and celebrating their accomplishments, and Jimin cries. I just love so much that he’s modeling being emotional and vulnerable, and everyone just wants to give him a big ol’ hug.
Such beautiful crying.
Best Jungkook moment: End filming
At the very end of the concert, right as they were about to sink down into the floor, Jungkook grabbed a camera and started filming ARMY. I was just like, “wow, they want to remember this night just as much as we want to.”
Favorite fanchant: DNA
There were so many fun fanchant moments. My only regret is that I didn’t learn the words to Seesaw better (@StanningBTSpod, you did warn me, I should have!) But DNA has the name bit at the beginning, and BTS! BTS! BTS! in the chorus, it was just super fun. Toward the end of the concert honestly there was so much screaming and such that it was hard to even hear the fanchants. That was fine too! 
Happy me success moments 
Met the wonderful @daftlolita waiting in line to get into the venue, it was super great to hang out! 
I made this jacket, and got a bunch of compliments! My entire goal was to find other queer ARMYs and I think I pretty much succeeded. 
I also gave out most of the pins I made (made a bunch of extra ones precisely for that purpose). I don’t love Twitter that much and much prefer interacting with people in person, and generally feel like I succeeded on that front.
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I kinda wish I’d gotten at least a little merch, but honestly the ticket was expensive enough. I also kinda wanted an ARMY bomb, but also, see ticket price. I tried to go to the BT21 store in Times Square on Sunday before I left and it was an hour wait so….no go on that one, I’ll get back to New York soon though.
At the end of it all, I cannot tell you how indescribably proud I am to call myself an ARMY. Although our fandom has its flaws for sure because we live in a broken world, to me, being an ARMY means co-creating a better world with BTS. A happier world.
A world where we love ourselves.
A world where there’s no stigma attached to mental illness and we can ask for the help we need
Where we take care of one another and are mindful of others (no shoving!!)
Where we celebrate and embrace difference
Where all young people have the resources they need to thrive
And where people of all races, genders, and ranges of life experience come together to express joy. I’m tearing up again as I write this.
Arundhati Roy has this beautiful quote that I’ve seen around activist spaces. It goes, “Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”
I saw a small glimpse of that world at #BTSCitiField. Janelle Monae will lead us through the narrow places into that world. Or, as BTS have it, from the desert to the ocean. And BTS will be there to make sure we drink enough water and are good to one another while we’re moving forward.
Suga, you said you’d be back. I’ll hold you to that promise.
And please, wear that red sparkly top again. It was absolutely killer. I purple all of you beautiful, special, luminous men who are making our world better, one song at a time.
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ask-beacons-finest · 6 years
A Memorable Birthday
(The majority of characters within this post belong to @neopoliitan while the post itself is made to celebrate the birthday of Irving Hawthorne. The depiction of these characters is obviously not canon to the Team RAIN storyline, and any drastic additions/changes are merely creative liberty that I personally have taken.)
The hall falls silent to the sound of three taps of a silver spoon upon a crystalline glass. The once rowdy crowd is now intently focused on the source of the sound, Robin Lincoln. She stood tall at the center of an elongated table at the back end of the hall. She had gained much experience over the past few years and it showed through the long scar adorning the right side of her face, however, with all the eyes digging into her she stood frozen in place; it wasn’t until Marron, who was seated at her side, place a reassuring hand on her arm that she relaxed.
“Thank you,” Robin spoke in a hushed whisper to Marron before addressing the crowd, “I would like to thank you all for coming. Each and every one of you being here means the world to us, whether you’re family, fri-”
Robin’s speech was cut off by a nearly instant set of shouts and hollers from the Lincoln clan, the wild cheers echoed throughout the hall as fists smashed rhythmically among the tables. Robin helplessly watched as her face glowed beet red, Marron could only laugh at the sight.
“Thank you,” Robin spoke out again once the clan calmed down enough to be spoken over, though her voice was stern it was betrayed by the smile resting on her face, “Thank you for that. Ahem, whether you’re family, friends, or family that has yet to be connected.”
Robin’s eyes scanned throughout the hall, spotting the friends and allies she’s collected over the years. Mostly old Haven students, though the occasional Atlassian jawline and upright posture, along with the rough and tumbled sight of a Vacuo native, break through the crowd here and there. Robin could even spot a Valen crest on some guests. Her eyes lock on Marron’s parents, sitting comfortably in a corner table close to their own. Marian sat with her hands clasped together, a loving expression on her face as she looks up to her daughter, who was speaking off to the side to a mutual friend of her and Robin. Bruan, who has since lost the color to his hair over these past few years nodded in approval, a kind smile on his face.
“I would like to especially thank some friends,” Robin continued, “I understand some of you may have rivalries with those from other schools, or maybe even rivalries on a more personal level. But the fact that you all came together today to celebrate with Marron and I means the world,”
“And of course,” Robin’s posture slumped, a smirk spreading across her face, very reminiscent of her old ways, “We can always settle those rivalries today, it’s not a Lincoln party without any sparring involved.”
The room burst into cheers again as the Lincoln clan exploded with excitement, butting heads and starting to chant an old war song. Even the Hunters and Huntresses got involved, Robin could’ve sworn she even spotted Braun rotate his shoulder and smile, clearly prepared for an arm wrestling match of a lifetime. Robin couldn’t help but laugh as Marron grumpily chastised her for causing such a ruckus, and how her pleas to the crowd went unheard due to their excitement. 
“And to finish it off,” Robin spoke as the noise died down, regaining her serious demeanor and picking up her glass in a toast, “Enjoy this, it is rare that Remnant gets to see such merriment. Rarer still that such a group comes together to partake in it. So I ask you, to enjoy every last drop of this moment. For our sake.”
“Our dear Robin has certainly grown,” A woman clad in a beautiful red dress speaks to her companion over the clapping crowd from the furthest edge of Robin’s side of the table, “Wouldn’t you agree, Irving?”
“Mmm, Akane,” Irving answered only with a nod, looking over at the waving couple, “To think, it would be Robin to marry first. I had assumed it would be you.”
“Oh hah,” Akane scoffed, though her smile acknowledged his humor as she took a glass of wine to her lips, “Being the youngest captain of the Mistral Council Guard puts a bit of a wrench in the way of romantics, people tend to find me intimidating. Besides, fewer distractions the better.”
Irving could only laugh, Akane had hardly changed over the years, though he must admit he feels the same too. He begins to scan through the crowd and hall alike, intently searching for a familiar face within the mass of people. It wasn’t until he spotted an open door along the side of the hall that he stood up from his seat, causing Akane to follow his trail of vision as well. She held no surprise when realizing just what he was looking for.
“Go,” She waved her hand dismissively as Irving stepped out from behind the table, “I suppose you only have a few moments alone before Robin bombards you both.”
“You’re saying that as if you won’t do the same,” Irving glances over his shoulder with a grin, one that Akane could only roll her eyes at. 
The crowd made it slightly difficult to get to the side door, several people even stop Irving to speak with him for a few moments. His patience had thankfully made incredible progress over the years and many were understanding when he said he wished to speak to someone specifically. Despite all that, it still took several minutes to get out the side door and on to the balcony it separated from the hall. The noise and banter was muted out here, and after closing the door was surprisingly nearly silent.
“Knew exactly where to find me,” A petite woman with shoulder-length black hair spoke from where she stood leaning over the balcony railing, a pair of dog-like ears flicking up from the top of her head, the left one bore a V-shaped cut along its edge, “Huh Irving?”
“Well,” Irving turned from the door and stepped over to her side, resting his heavy arms on the railing as well, “You were never much for crowds, Nyssa.”
“Hmph,” Nyssa let out a small chuckle, looking down to her hands with an almost embarrassed set of eyes, “Yeah, I suppose I haven’t changed too much, is that a bad thing?”
“I don’t think so,” Irving turned his head to look at his old teammate, the once adorable Nyssa Noirette was now someone whose beauty was arguably the greatest he had ever seen, “I think you’ve always been wonderful. From then, to now.”
“How could you say that,” Her voice nearly trembled, the suddenness of this taking Irving by surprise, “After I left you guys to the Braiths, and even after RAIN reconnected the way I treated you was just-”
“Enough, Nyssa,” Irving’s voice was calm, gentle enough to make her relax from her sudden outburst. He watched on as she slumped over the railing, intently watching the land below. He had long since forgiven and understood her reason for leaving the team during the time they were dealing with the Braiths, and even after RAIN finally split to go their respective separate ways they occasionally found themselves working together, throughout these meetings Irving realized the longing sensation in his heart wouldn’t be resolved without her, “You treated me the way you felt I deserved. Hell, in all honestly I think I deserved it too.”
“Have you met anyone,” Nyssa’s question was nearly inaudible, there was an aching hollowness to her voice as the words fumbled out. Irving stood there, shocked at the fact Nyssa would ask such a thing.
“Hmmm,” He thought for a moment, the silence between them seemed to drag on for an eternity, “I have.”
Nyssa stood up straight in an instant, her hands gripping tightly to the railing of the balcony to the point of nearly turning white. Despite the attempt to hide her face away from him, Irving could see her lips nearly trembling as she made several attempts to speak. It took a moment until any success came about. 
“Oh,” Her voice was hardly a squeak, it trembled as bad as the lips it came from, “Is she nice?”
“She’s wonderful,” Irving placed a hand on Nyssa’s shoulder, the small dog faunus looked as if she had seen a ghost, her ears on high alert, “I met her years ago. I failed at my attempt to treat her properly then, but.”
Nyssa turned to face Irving, her eyes drifting upward to lock into his own, a glossy coat of tears turning them into shining diamonds in the sun’s warm setting rays. Irving quickly became speechless as he looked down into her face, which has withstood the test of time and remained as kind and innocent as it was all those years ago.
“But,” He continued, slowly leaning down, inching his face closer and closer to hers, Nyssa’s lips parted as she clung to every word, “I feel as though I have another chance, and I intend to do good on i-”
The pair quickly jerked upward and stepped apart as the door to the balcony was kicked open, the loud booming and cheers from inside becoming as clear as day now.
“Ay, you two know the party’s in there, right?”
“I’m sorry Irving,” Akane stepped out onto the balcony, joined by Marron and Robin, “I did give you fair warning. Hello Nyssa.”
“Akane, Robin,” Nyssa folded her hands over her chest and smiled at the sight of old friends, giving off a small laugh at Irving’s muttering, “It’s wonderful to see you, you as well Marron.”
“So,” Robin carefully shut the doors, and joined her teammates in leaning against the balcony, “You missed it, we got a video call from the new Beacon Headmistress and her assistant, we got a ~personal~ congratulations.”
“Amazing,” Irving commented, apparently now forgiving their intrusion as he turns to face the sunset off in the distance, “How’d you manage that one?”
“Well, let me start with,” Robin began with a smile, but her excitement died down after a stern look from Marron, “Ehh...ahem, story for another day I suppose. Long story short, Marron and I fought some Grimm on behalf of Beacon while they were rebuilding. Big favor, you know?”
“You’ve fought Grimm?”
Nyssa’s eyes widened in amazement, even Akane was quite surprised. Marron only smiled and raised her hand, a ring shone magnificently in the sunset.
“Of course I’ve fought Grimm,” Marron gloated, though no one minded, Robin rested her head upon her newlywed’s shoulder, “I’m a Lincoln now. We’re a tough bunch.”
“That you are,” Irving spoke out with a hearty laugh, “That you certainly are.”
The lot of them stared off the balcony for quite some time in silence, mentally reminiscing among themselves times long past, wondering what new adventures will approach them after this. Be it protecting the Council, their new family and blood-right land, or even going simply where the wind takes them, RAIN understands they’ll always have a connection with each other. That was an agreement each one made in their mind.
“Happy birthday Irving,” Nyssa gently placed her hand over his, he looked down at it in a shocked silence, “What? Did you think I would forget?”
“No...no,” Irving shifted his hand over and slowly closed his fingers around Nyssa’s, “I just, I hadn’t even thought about it. My birthday doesn’t mean too much anymore since all those years ago when the Braiths took-”
“We had our wedding on your BIRTHDAY,” Marron’s voice cried out and interrupted all trains of thought around her, her face red with embarrassment, “Oh no oh no I’m so sorry I didn’t know! If I did I would have made sure to pick another date so it wouldn’t have conflicted with anything and and and and-”
“I’ll just,” Robin shook her head as she pushed Marron back towards the doorway and into the hall, she spoke looking over her shoulder back to her old friends, “Take this little mess out of here.”
“I’ll join you,” Akane stood up from the railing and followed suit, “I believe they’d like to resume a moment anyway.”
Both Irving and Nyssa watched as their old teammates disappeared into the chaos that is only befitting of a party full of Lincoln blood. The two stood as a warm breeze flew by them, signaling the days end as the sun says its final goodbyes.
“So,” Irving tries his best to play it cool, though his face is blushed as much as Nyssa’s, “Where were we?”
“Oh for goodness sake,” Nyssa shook her head and reached up, placing her hands firmly on the sides of Irving’s face, gently pulling him down to eye level, “Shut up and kiss me you oaf.”
And so they did.
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thinking-ji · 5 years
[Part 1] Tracks 3-7 of Love Yourself: Tear
I’d planned to post about MAMAMOO some time ago, but after watching a ton of BTS videos, I can’t help but feel like I need to know what they’re all about (lol).
RM from BTS recommended a very specific listening order for this particular album and emphasised that there’s a story from tracks 3-7. So here goes. I’ll be listening to the songs first without referencing the lyrics, then I’ll go back and look at the lyrics in Part 2 of this instalment. Here, I’ll just ramble about any interesting musical choices I find. Post continues under the cut.
Track 3: The Truth Untold
I’m already feeling feelings. There’s a very interesting progression from a lower to higher vocal register from the first verse to the chorus. Singing “show you me, give you me” and “I still want you” with that desperate feeling is gut-wrenching. Second verse: Jimin’s voice stands out, and in the bridge between Verse 2 and the chorus, I can quite clearly hear who I think is V. The contrast between the light and dark tones of both Jimin’s and V’s voices is very very fascinating! I’m wondering what that high-pitched ‘boop’ sound is. (I’m also trying to remember which artist uses a similar effect quite often in their more ‘broody’ songs. Troye Sivan? I have to go back and check.)
Ah! When the instrumental layering arrives, it’s glorious. It’s not too overpowering but just enough to make you feel emotional. The drop at the end is an interesting choice. It probably would’ve ruined the mood of the track if it came earlier, though. Ending with “I still want you”. Stop tempting the waterworks, man.
Overall, a pretty subdued song. Emotional, and probably super sad. I don’t understand Korean, though. So they could be singing about happiness, satisfaction and redemption or something and I wouldn’t even know, lol. Title says otherwise.
Track 4: 134340
What do the numbers mean?!
OH that intro is cool! It reminds me of those lo-fi hip-hop playlists people listen to, just to chill. Or elevator music! From the get-go, it sounds slightly... sultry? Suga’s rap (? I think?) is always a jolt. The sudden low register adds to that sultry atmosphere, actually. LOL. I like the flute in the background a lot. It lends this song that jazz vibe. Verse 2: That fade in contributes to this old-style vibe too.
Again, the contrast between high and low tones is interesting. And the wave sound with J-Hope’s (???) rap. Trippy. I’d totally chill out with this song playing in the background. I’m trying to remember (again!) what artist this vibe is reminding me of. But I’ll update the post when I do remember.
Oh, the song is over. That was abrupt.
Track 5: Paradise
Same lo-fi hip-hop vibe as before. I’m really enjoying the percussion in this song. The beat is trippy! Verse 2: I’m really enjoying the rap! Amazing flow.
This song sounds like it’s in a major key but for some reason, I’m getting minor key vibes here. *checks*: F major. This sounds like one of those songs about longing, maybe? Like someone’s trying to get the other person back LMAO, but like, in a cool way. (Hi, Harry Styles.)
Again. The bridge is here. I love Suga’s rap. So cool. This track closes with a lot of English...? Fan chant alert. Is this a crowd favourite? Hahaha.
I’m realising that these songs seem really short. Do they tail off at around the three-minute mark? *checks*. Oh, they don’t. But then why do these songs sound so short?! Am I hallucinating?
Track 6: Love Maze
BTS seems to really like vocal distortion and making voices sound distant. The guitar riff that starts in the middle of the first verse is really reminiscent of some other songs I like! The vocal transition is smooth. Whoever’s coming in with those high notes in the chorus is doing a great job.
Judging by the key, this sounds like one of those dreamy love songs, lol. Reminiscing about young love or something.
The beat is coming really naturally to me. I can’t help but snap my fingers to this. I’m realising here that they’re levelling up the vocal layering with each song. In the third track, there isn’t much vocal embellishment, which gives it that raw emotion... But here, the layering makes this seem like a serenade. Which gives me warm fluffy feelings. Moving on!
Track 7: Magic Shop
I love the guitar plucking. Arpeggios, anyone? (I haven’t touched a piano in ages and this is giving me flashbacks.) TwT AND THE HIGH NOTE IS AMAZING, listen to that damn SMOOTH change in register! Woah!
I find it interesting that the chorus always seems to be placed very high in terms of tone. Is this to cater to majority-female fans? (Is that offensive?) Either way, it seriously shows off the vocalist’s skill.
The very beginning of the second verse is interesting. It sounds choppy, so there’s a sharp contrast from the chorus. Also, I’m enjoying the vocal-rap-vocal-rap sequence here. It’s very obvious where in the chorus the fans are supposed to sing lmao.
As for the bridge. Pretty standard house music-style beat progression. And I’m really enjoying that high-pitched thing that comes before the vocals! Again, gives this song that dreamy vibe haha.
And that’s it. That’s tracks 3-7 of the album. Overall, I’d definitely listen to these songs just to chill (and Magic Shop to hype up, but not too much, you know?). It’s a welcome deviation from what seems to be BTS’ more popular, hype songs. Do they listen to a lot of R&B?
In terms of the presence of any... musical storyline, we seem to go from sad, to sultry, to more upbeat and then finally a freaking stadium hit or something. I guess if this is a love story, things get better as the story progresses.
Anyway. Next post will be about the lyrics to these songs. We’re finally coming to what RM is actually talking about. It’ll probably take some time for me to break it all down, though. /loud sigh
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cbwalive · 6 years
Event: Overcast Date: Friday, July 20, 2018 Location: Sears Center in Hoffman Estates, Illinois Capacity: 11,500
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Roley Poly Ole v Jimmy Del Ray
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Ole is all business coming to the ring, meanwhile Del Ray is doing the “Gigolo Belly dance” down the entrance ramp.
The bell sounds and we are underway.
Del Ray is stalling big time. He grabs the mic and challenges Ole to a dance off.
The crowd starts chanting, “Dance Ole Dance!” The old curmudgeon looks to the crowd on the left side...then on his right. Ole smirks and agrees to the dance of.
We see the same old belly dancing from Del Ray. Now its Ole’s turn.
He starts to do the “Superbowl Shuffle” but immediately attacks Del Ray.
Ole clearly doesn't have time for these shenanigans and starts working on the arm. Ole delivers a shoulder breaker, into an armbar but Del Ray is too close to the ropes and breaks the hold.
Ole then starts stomping mudholes in Jimmy.
The ref tells Ole to back off. Del Ray is trying to get up but Ole hits him with a running knee to the side of the head and pins him. 
Ole gets the win!
WINNER: Ole Anderson
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Bobby Blaze has ran into the ring.
He isn't scheduled to compete tonight.  
He calls out The Real Naturboy.
He says everyone saw how Naturboy screwed him over at the last ppv, and that he wants and deserves a rematch.
Real Natureboy walks through the entrance way. 
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He accuses Blaze of being a inbred cousin of Roberto Gibson, because it’s clear that Blaze can’t think straight.
Naturboy states his  MEGAOVER United States Championship main event match later tonight is clearly more important than dealing with mullet wearing jabroni redneck from Kentucky.
Blaze tells Naturboy he is proud to be a Kentucky redneck and at least he isn't a rip off gimmick.
Naturboy is clearly angry with that comment from Blaze.
Naturboy then tells Blaze if he wants another piece of the Natureboy then he’s got it!
Natureboy says he has to go to the back to change into his gear and he will be right back out for the match. The crowd erupts! Blaze is getting warmed up in the ring, when the music hits and out walks….. 
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Natureboy Paul Lee??!!!!!
Can you believe this?!!!
What a swerve by The Real Naturboy!
Blaze seems to not care and does a flying plancha over the top rope taking out Lee as he makes his entrance. Blaze slings him into the guardrail. Blaze jumps off the ring steps with an axe handle smash on Lee.
Blaze rolls Lee back into the ring and continues the offense. Blaze goes to the top rope and jumps off hitting Lee with the Jaw Jacker. Blaze then hits Lee with the Northern Lights Suplex pin. Blaze gets the victory! Blaze grabs the mic.
He tells The Real Natureboy that he can keep playing these tricks and mind games but eventually they will come face to face and there will be hell to pay!
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Overcast Handicap Match Sliphouse Boys v Bogota Bam Bam Gordy
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Great to see the Sliphouse Boys back in action!
The crowd is really into them as a video of them working out in speedos and bow ties to the sounds of “Only the Lucky Ones” by Loverboy play on The Ultimatron.
What a surprise!!!!
Gordy is being led to the ring by none other than MR. Fuji! Gordy has no time for the SlipHouse Boys and quickly attacks both of them!
Gordy hits them with several extreme lariats a piece.
Sliphouse Steve is thrown to the outside of the ring. Gordy gives Sliphouse Stan a piledriver. Meanwhile on the outside Fuji has cheap shotted Sliphouse Steve with his cane.
Back inside the ring Gordy gives Sliphouse Stan a sidewalk slam followed by a running splash.  Gordy signals for the Oriental Spike and applies it to Sliphouse Stan.
Stan goes out pretty quick and its an impressive victory for Bogata Bam Bam Gordy with his new manager Mr. Fuji!
WINNER: Bam Bam Gordy
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Arabian Giant & Harley Davidson w/ Slick v The New Rock n Roll Express w/ Ricky Morton
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Shane Morton comes to the ring alone. Once in the ring he announces that Bobby Gibson was injured at the last PPV and is still recovering. 
Morton says the show must go on and this won’t stop him from performing tonight, because he has a partner. 
Morton points to the entrance way...out walks Marty Jannetty with Sherri!
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The match begins with Morton running circles around Davidson. Davidson is clearly embarrassed and tags out to Arabian Giant. 
Giant begins to pummel Morton.
Giant press slams Morton with 1 arm!!
Giant then throws Morton over the top rope into the crowd!!!! The crowd begins to crowd surf Morton around the Charlotte Coliseum chanting, “RocknRoll! RocknRoll!”
Marty Jannetty takes the opportunity to make himself the legal man and attacks the Giant, but is does nothing and Jannetty goes flying across the ring after a single clubbing blow from the Giant.
Jannetty gets up and comes right back at Giant but Marty just crumples to the ground after running into the brick wall that is Arabian Giant. Giant picks Marty up and delivers a devastating power bomb.
Giant then lifts up Marty and choke slams him through the ring! OMG!!!!!!! Match is ruled a no contest because referee stopped the match due to the ring breaking and Marty being unresponsive under the ring somewhere. 
Godbold runs out to the ring to assess the situation.  Godbold takes his headset off and grabs the mic.
He tells the crowd that the ring crew will need to repair the ring before the ppv continue. 
Godbold directs everyone's attention to the Godboldtron where he announces an up and coming metal band, Wally’s World, that has recently signed to his record label will be performing for the crowd live from Los Angeles via satellite!    
After the bands performance the crowd is chanting, “HARVEY! HARVEY! HARVEY!”
The camera gets a close up shot on ring crew member Harvey Updike finishing up fixing the ring. 
Harvey has become a fan favorite here in MEGAOVER but for reasons we are unsure of.  
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Lex is slowly making his way to the ring. He has requested some mic time to clear the air. He asks ZZ and Juanita to come to the ring. They do but they are hesitant.
Once in the ring Lex says he wants to apologize for his actions at the Turmoil PPV.
Lex says he has been doing alot of soul searching in the past couple of weeks and its time to make things right. Lex extends his hand to ZZ. Juanita wants ZZ to accept but he is showing resistance.
Eventually ZZ agrees and shakes Lex’s hand. Lex then pulls ZZ into a massive clothesline! Lex throws ZZ against the ropes and hits him with a flying forearm.
Lex then corners Juanita who is backpedaling and begging on her knees! Lex grabs her by the hair and lifts her up into a torture rack! He only has her in the hold for a few seconds when ZZ recovers and attacks Lex.
Lex exits the ring quickly and runs to the back. ZZ signals for the MEGAOVER medical personnels to get to the ring fast. Juanita has to be stretchered out of the ring. The crowd is in a stunned silence.     
TOMORROW NIGHT: CBWA IMPERIO #Salvation Pay-Per-View live from Arena Bogota. 
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MEGAOVER World Tag Team Title Rematch
The Megapowers w/ Jimmy Hart (c) v The Rocker Express
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No time is wasted as The Rocker Express attack the champions before the bell. Michaels clotheslines Macho over the top rope while Eaton is hitting Hogan with one haymaker after another! Michaels and macho continue to brawl on the outside while Eaton continues the offense on Hogan. 
Hogan goes for the thumb to the eyes of Eaton then rakes his back.
Hogan turns the tide of the match in the ring. Meanwhile outside Michaels has macho set up in a folding chair, and dives onto him off of the ring apron, crashing him through the chair! 
Hogan is taking it to Eaton in the ring however Hogan is wasting too much time posing and playing to the crowd. 
Michaels jumps Hogan and they start to brawl.
Michaels gets the best of Hogan in a series of punches and dropkicks. Michaels hits an elbow off the top rope on Hogan. 
In runs Macho and he has a chair! The ref stops him before he can do any damages and threatens to disqualify him. This gives Michaels a chance to tag out to Eaton. Eaton comes in with a series of kicks and punches to Hogan.
Eaton slings Hogan into the ropes and gives him a high backdrop. Macho appears on the outside of the ring behind Michaels. 
Macho must have climbed under the ring to get there. 
Macho attacks Michaels from behind and the two start fighting on the outside of the ring again. This naturally distracts the referee.
Eaton goes to the top for the Alabama Jam, but Jimmy Hart jumps onto the apron and pushes him off the top rope back into the ring! Hogan recovers, drops a leg on Eaton and pins him!
WINNERS: MEGAOVER World Tag Team Champions, The Megapowers!  
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Megaover GM Godbold and Assistant GM Mini Godbold are in the ring. 
Godbold announces that the next match is the finals of the Megaover United States Title tournament.
He also reminds everyone that this match will unify the CBWA North and South American titles as well as the MRW World Heavyweight title to become 1 championship.
Godbold then presents to the crowd the new MEGAOVER United States Championship belt as it sparkles and shines off the arena lights.  
Megaover United States Title Tournament finals: The Real Natureboy vs Duke the Dumpster
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The two are face to face in the ring. Natureboy is running his mouth and poking the chest of Dumpster. Dumpster shoves Naturboy to the ground. 
Natureboy is shocked but gets up and the two tie up. Naturboy goes for the headlock takeover.
Natureboy is wearing down The Dumpster with headlocks, headscissors, and hammerlocks. Natureboy then gouges the eyes of the dumpster. Natureboy goes for the running knee drop followed by a swinging elbow drop. This is truly a one sided affair! Natureboy signals that it's all over and applies his patented figure four leg lock.
Dumpster tried to fight it but he can't and gives up. 
The winner and NEW MEGAOVER United States Champion, The Real Natureboy!  
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Godbold and Mini Godbold enter the ring to present Natureboy with the new United States Championship Belt. 
Natureboy takes it but then asks for a mic. Natureboy shakes the hand of Godbold and thanks him for the opportunity to wrestle for Megaover.
However Natureboy quickly changes his tone and tells Godbold he has no respect for wanna be midgets in the business! 
Natureboy gives Mini Godbold a stiff shot with the title belt to the face! 
Naturboy escapes before Godbold can get to him.
Mini Godbold is bleeding profusely! Godbold signals for the medical personnel to get to the ring.
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"There is more than meets the camera" I don't know, when I started to hear this from V it changes my preferences in watching a concert. I just want to see it with my own eyes coz filming it will just take your attention with the beauty in front of you. So to be honest, when you are not a warrior PURPLE ticket i got is not suitable for you. When will the story start, here it is. I wanna thank all the Indonesian ARMYs that helped me even if they are really trying to talk to me in English. I appreciate them helping me with everything I asked and of course they helped me get a ticket for the concert. Even though it took me long to get it i still got the ticket and watched the concert. Why I watched it in INA coz I will not be around in WINGS TOUR in Manila and my friends are going to watch it so I will not let that happen 😂. MENT - The only english ment they had was their introduction then all their ments are in bahasa so i cannot understand. At that time I was moving around finding better spot to see the boys. I ended up being near in the extended stage. There are too many Armys that are passing out during the concert so it was so hard to see because your attention was focused in the guards bringing up the people who were passing out, hope they are okay already. The concert started with NOT TODAY i didnt know the line up I thought it will be BME but no. The beats are out and all the people in the area were jumping up and down. Then their solo stages came and my most awaited part of the whole concert. BEGIN was of course amazing when i watched it I feel like Jungkook is not a baby anymore, with superb steps and his feet is so fast. LIE my goodness Park Jimin is so sexy especially when he put that blindfold and took it off one of the best times of course when he hit that high note AMAZING. FIRST LOVE and haba ng VCR ni kuya mo, I super love the sincerity in his face when he raps so serious felt goosebumps all over. REFLECTION was a touching performance of RM the audience were chanting WE LOVE YOU and KIM NAMJOON I think RM was touched that he is saying something in the interlude but i cannot understand. STIGMA i cant explain the feeling hearing V singing this song he is soooo good especially when he hit the high note i was like all of BTS members are vocalist but seriously V can hit lowand high perfectly. AWAKE he was so magical when Jin said the like 'maybe I can never fly' the stage went up and down with an orchestra beside him it seriously felt magical that time. MAMA, jhope was so cute, handsome, talented, and super charming performing that song I wanna watcg it again. He is always winking in the camera and showing his charming side that made me scream I just cant keep up with hobii (I might change my bias, well im always a hobi biased during concerts) he really knows hope to woo the crowd. The boys san their unit songs CYPHER pt 4 (hype too but not like pt 3) and LOST the boys look so cute in red and thank you extended stage for that. Then SAVE ME happened the fanproject was successful the boys do see the banners and the take it to fans on the encore stage. The medley of their song before was happiness because the boys was just playing around with the fans and of courae that was the time they are in the extended stage so i tried my best just to get noticed. Im so happy all of the members went to our area and waved to us. Sadly cant video shoot it because I was bring so many things in my hands and I just waved at them diligently. Im so happy because I saw them again upclose the venue was small compared to MOA so i can clearly see them. They are too handsome for my sight, i missed them so much. Then the last song before encore they sang BST and Im WOW its diferent watching the perf live. Then encore Im so happy the whole encore they are on the extended stage so I can see them and JM always go to our side and my side was on the right. They sang the supplementary song ver so it was very fun the boys are just playing in the stage and that JinMin moment I saw they put their foreheads together like they will be kissing but nah! Of course those who are always on our side is TaeJin im happy I got a TaeJin moment this time I dont want to sya that Jin and V looked at me (HAHA) Jin gave flying kiss to everyone. He stares at them then he will give us flying kiss, it made me giddy. Taehyung was making fun of the fans who are crying and i found that funny. Jungkook that kissed that fan placard with a photo of him (so lucky) also he got those derp faces of Jin and Jimin making fun of both guys! Rapmon always waving at ourside and super handsome as always he also try to give flying kisses and winks to the fans. Suga who looked super cute doing kkaepjjang everywhere. Jhope who took the banner and the flower fanprojects make the fans scream because he noticed the project. Jimin the heart machine always throwing hearts everywhere any type of hearts he will do (I remembered my heart on show champ mnl). I just thanked the boys for never disappointing me in every concert they have. This may not be my best (no one can top Epilogue it has high touch) but it is still very amazing because i get to spend time with them again. Im happy they are more interacive now. I want to watch this again if given a chance. Until next time boys. Will be your forever WINGS. [Edit] I forgot to say about the ment where Jin pulled out something in his shirt and it is a paper/tissue I thought it his copy of the ment then after the paper formed a heart. So cheesy. And it is so funny that the boys are trying to speak in bahasa even though the prompter is in front of them. 😂😂
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