#but that doesnt suddenly make it not rude to interrupt someone like that
linogram · 2 years
pissing me off
0 notes
triptychofvoids · 10 months
Autistic medic gives me life ❤❤. Any random hcs for him? /nf /pos
of course! autistic medic is canon to me
ive already talked a bit about him being autistic before so a few of these maybe be things ive already mentioned but ill say them anyway
this is already obvious to everyone already but his special interests are surgery and medicine! anything medical really. hes also very interested in anatomy and pigeons (specifically pigeons. he probably couldnt tell you a lot about parrots for example, but if you want 100 facts about doves then hes your guy). and of course hed have a bunch of other hobbies and interests but those are the big ones
hes more prone to shutdown than he is to meltdown. not that meltdowns would never happen, theyre just more rare. usually a shutdown would come first and on the occasion hes pushed past that then a meltdown would follow, and after a meltdown then hed have a second even worse shutdown. thankfully situations like these are rare
like ive said (and drawn) before his main stims are rocking, hand flapping, echolalia, tensing up and hand wringing, and biting. a few other less obvious/not as common that he has are sparkly/flashy visual stims, he also loves both feeling and seeing anything gorey, he likes petting his birds, certain noises would be very pleasant to him like his doves cooing or coins clinking together and the sounds of the mediguns. hed love the smell of coffee and isopropyl. hed have a few others stims too but theyd be more rare and very situational like hitting himself or toe walking.
hes weird about his gloves and his coat. as in he would put them on for a specific reason but once he gets used to having them on he would absolutely hate taking them off. he has to keep them on for the rest of the day no matter what. and vice versa, if hes not wearing his gloves or coat then he cant just?? randomly put them on?? no no its all or nothing theyre either going on for combat and then staying on for the rest of the day or not at all
hes very excitable and loves to talk and if hes engaged in a conversation or excited about something then his voice will gradually get louder and louder and he'll keep interrupting or talking over people. he wont even notice it until someone points it out to him
you cant take him to the store because hes going to touch everything and then very quickly regret it when hes suddenly overcome with the overwhelming soul crushing need to wash his hands and theres no sink around. its so over :[
bad at left vs right and identifying north, south, east, and west. nothing else to say here, its not that he gets lost easily, he can find his way around just fine its just that hes awful at directions
very strict about his routines and lists. he cannot stand it if he makes plans and they get postponed or canceled. he hates it if he makes a list of things to get and then cant get everything on the list exactly correct. hes actually more than willing to do things on impulse in the moment but only if hes already mentally planned to do that or if it doesnt interfere with something else he has going on
hes very blunt and direct. he says exactly what hes thinking and answers questions very honestly and directly. people often find him to be rude for this but he doesnt get why. speaking of him being seen as rude, he used to get in trouble for always rolling his eyes or talking back to people because for the longest time he didnt realize that trying to stretch your eyes or avoid eye contact or staring could all somehow be considered 'rolling' your eyes. or rude. and talking back... isnt that how a conversation works? hes never been very good at knowing when he is or isnt supposed to reply to statements.
ive said it before but i will say it again. he has little to no empathy. every autistic person is different of course and not all autistics have low empathy, but im tired of low enpathy being seen as a bad trait. im tired of people with low empathy (autistic or otherwise) being seen as evil and uncaring. having low empathy doesnt make you a bad person. he has very low empathy and often struggles to connect with and understand others. he frequently will have the wrong emotion for the situation and may sometimes come off as uncaring when he is not as sad about something as they are, etc etc etc but he is not some horrible evil monster for it and i do not want to see anyone saying that because its just completely incorrect. hope this helps
anyway!!!! theres some autistic medic!!!! i hope you like him as much as i do!!!!
71 notes · View notes
Paring: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 1216
Warnings: French kissing??
Posted: 30/01/2021
Based on this Ask
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It had been months, you had dropped every hint you could to show you had liked him. You had used every ounce of your patience. He was blind to your flirting. So you did what anyone else would. Make him jealous. You thought of ways to do it, there was a party coming up. But that was too obvious. So you thought you would use your best friend instead. Walking to his door, you gave it a knock before hearing him on the other side.
"Come in" It was faint but you had heard it. Opening the door you smiled and made your way to sit on his bed. Bucky was at his desk writing a report for his latest mission.
"What do I owe the pleasure?" He placed his pen down, crossing his arms, giving you his full attention.
"I need a favour" His face dropped in confusion.
"Whats up doll?"
"I need you to flirt with me" He cocked his brow in your direction, puzzled by your request.
"I’m sorry can you run that by me again" He leaned forward placing his elbows on his knees.
"I mean when Loki is around." You knew he didn't like Loki, but he had heard you gush about him for months. He knew you weren't changing your mind. But he stayed silent, obviously opposed to the idea.
"Please Buck, if you do this I'll stop talking about him around you" This intruigued him, he never liked the so called God of Mischief. But being his best friend meant he would listen to whatever you had to sasy, whether he liked it or not. He pondered for a moment and knew he needed to get something out of this too.
“I’ll do it on one condition”
“Name your price, Barnes”
“Give me your friends number.” The cheeky smirk on his face showed his enjoyment. You had avoided giving him her number since she came to visit you, he had flirted with Meghan but you had intervened. You didnt exactly want two of your best friends dating, but you needed this favour, so you would risk it.
“Fine, but only if the flirting is succesful.” You crossed your arms to stand your ground on this one. Bucky wasnt getting Meghans number if you got nothing out of it.
“Loki is clueless, do you really think me flirting will finally get him to grow a pair.”
“I’m hope it does. But if it doesnt, I’m just gonna tell him straight up.”
“Getting bold are we?” He held a playful look on his face, teasing your determination.
“Shut it before I steal your arm and shove it up your ass”
Bucky had kept his end of the deal. Whenever you two were together, and he knew Loki was nearby. He would flirt with subtle touches, petnames, wrapping his arms around you. He did everything you had asked him too. Loki had walked out of the room multiple times, discomforted by the way you two were acting around each other. You knew it was working, but it pained you to see how hurt he was by your actions. So you decided to speak to him. You had found him in the library, which wasnt really surprising. He spent most of his time there when he wanted a quiet space. He was sat in the corner by the window, reading silently. You knew reading calmed him, you didnt want to interrupt him, but you had to speak to him. Slowly, you made your way to him, grabbing a book from the shelves in the process. You sat across from him, keeping silent, trying to find a way to start up a conversation. But Loki had beat you to it.
“You and Barnes seem closer now.” He kept his gaze on the book he held, turning a page as he spoke.
“I mean yeah, he’s my best friend Loki-”
“No I mean, are you- nevermind” His curiousness of your relationship gave you high hopes.
“We arent dating if thats what you’re asking”
“I wasn’t-”
“You really are stupid for a God”
“Excuse me?” He finally met your gaze, placing his book down.
“You really are dumb you know-” He got angry at you, for questioning the knowledge he thought you enjoyed. You always listened to his stories, but maybe he was wrong.
“I have extensive knowlage you couldn’t even dream of. I have had millenia to collect the knowledge I possess I-” He stopped, hearing the giggle escaping your throat.
“I never said that you weren’t smart and knowledgable. I just meant that you are so clueless” You took his silence as permission to continue.
“You really havent caught on to anything I've been trying to tell you, albeit silently. But most people would catch on by now.” He slammed his hands on the table, standing abruptly.
“Well I’m no Midgardian, I dont understand any silent conversations you said you had with me-” Raising your voice you finally confessed.
"Why are you so blind? Don't you know that I love you." Loki stayed silent, his face contorted into one filled with confusion, hope and fear. Noticing this, you stood up and walked around the table to stand in front of him.
“You dont have to return my feelings, I know how difficult life was for you in Asgard. I dont expect anything. But that whole thing with Bucky was to make you jealous. I noticed that it worked though” Loki scoffed as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“I wasnt jealous” His reaction made you laugh before you placed a hand on his chest.
“Well, since it didnt work. I guess I have to find someone else~” As the teasing tone left your lips, he suddenly gained more confidence than he previously had. He backed you up against the shelves that were conveniently placed behind you. The force he used caused several books to fall to the floor. The mischievous smirk returned to his face.
“Well, since you went through the trouble, it would be rude of me not to accept your confession” Not letting him win you moved your body closer making sure your noses touched. He took that as consent as he placed his lips on yours, it started slow, and sweet. But in your confident state you deepened the kiss, letting your tongues intertwine, tasting every bit of his as you could. His hands moved to your waist as yours hooked around his neck, pulling him even closer. It felt like hours before you finally parted for oxygen. You kept hold of him, keeping his body close for a few seconds before you heard Bucky in the doorway.
“Told you! Sam you owe me 10 bucks!” Sam grabbed his wallet handing the note to his cyborg friend reluctantly.
“And you missy owe me a phone number” Rolling your eyes you separated from Loki, walking towards the exit. Taking a piece of paper out of your pocket you slapped it against Bucky’s chest letting him grab it before dropping your hands.
“You hurt her I swear to god I will do worse things than Hydra” You looked back to Loki gesturing him to follow.
“You coming?” Loki elegantly followed you to your room so you could finish what you had started.
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7wanderingpaws · 4 years
He Loves Love (3/3)
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Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
Genre: solo singer! AU
Word count: 4K+
Warnings: none! just a playful Baek!
--- Please make sure to read the the notes at the end! ---
tags: @iloveagain​ @buttercupbbh​ @wooya1224​ @baekberrie​ (sorry if I left out someone? its been ages since i updated and I didnt know if its okay to tag those who commented on chap. 2 :( didnt want to be rude ><)
1 <<< 2 <<< 3
It was the day of the release. The release of his magazine cover.
The PR went… mad.
“Listen, sweetie, editor, I don't think we will have enough pieces. The damn thing is literally going to be sold out in a matter of hours.”
You received this call before lunch time. Lunch time was very early on in the day. So why was Baekhyun's magazine cover about to be sold out in the entirety of Korea on the same day of the release date?
“Erm, yeah about that. I am an editor, just like you said. You need to call the-”
“I know, I know,” she interrupted but there wasn't an inch of impatience in her voice. “What I am trying to say is - congratulations! You did a great job!”
It took you a moment to realize what she was saying, because she was right. Your participation in this issue was big; after all you took care of the props and settings and you were looking over his pictures during the photoshoot. Out of nowhere, your heartbeat sped up. “Oh, thank you! That's very kind of you, but I still need to improve a lot-”
In that moment, the happy ding! that never failed to make you all trembly and nervous, sounded on your desk.
Waiter: miss editor am I seeing correctly????? wowow ihavenowords
Waiter: did you just make me sell out your magazine?????? ihavenowords
Waiter: did you save yourself at least one piece??? huhuuhuhuuu ihavenowords ><
Waiter: i think someone just made themselves a good name in the mag industry ^^ congratulations!!!
Waiter: does that mean i will get to see you? hmmm maybe to give a congratulatory bouquet of flowers???? 🤭🤭🤭 🌹💐🌺
Biting your lip quickly to suppress the happy grin, you quickly attended to the phone call, chatting a bit more with the PR lady. Honestly, you didn't like to talk to them much as they were all over the place, too demanding and didn’t have a great understanding of a creative mind. Thankfully, you didn't have to deal with them too often.
It hadn't been that long since your last meeting with Baekhyun. His kisses on your cheek and one kiss on your forehead seemed to be still burning on your skin, sometimes making you drag the pad of your index finger over the mentioned places, needing some sort of closure from him that you had yet to receive. 
Texting now was a full on habit between you, causing you to become sad, disappointed and even anxious if he wouldn’t reply that soon, worried he changed his mind about you, and his feelings towards you. Because even though you admitted to him that you liked him, he was being still very cautious, still very polite with you, as if there was some sort of invisible line between you two that he was scared to cross, for some reason.
Trying to look at it from his point of view, there were many risks of him wanting a relationship with you, and you couldn't not agree. If anything, you were being thankful for his thoughtfulness and carefulness, for if he messed up even the tiniest bit around you and your secret meetings of a blooming start of a relationship, he would not see the end of the hate, and neither would you. Heck, his career was on the line.
You managed to reply to his playful messages that went on and on, before you would have to dive into another cover magazine plan that you had to start thinking through.
Me: I think I should congratulate YOU! the most wanted man in Korea it seems ;)
Me: these days i have some important meetings… an upcoming cover… im definitely doing overtime today :( when is it good for you? I will try to arrange my schedule with yours
Waiter: ohoh the most wanted man you say? i wonder if the one i want wants me just as much…….???
Waiter: i would like to see you more often before my album drops, you know i will get quite busy and not seeing you for too long doesnt seem to work well with me anymore ><
Waiter: sooo… i will come pick you up from work tonight just shoot me a msg *^
Just as his messages could make your heartbeat go into a crazy overdrive, it seemed he could also make it completely stop. Or so you thought. His flirting and now his proposal to pick you up gave you a huge shock. That would be a first for sure.
Me: sure! have your phone with you Mr Korea
Me: I wonder too if that person wants you as much ;)
You decided not to pay him any more attention after that as much as you were tempted. Your belly was levitating along with your body, feeling high on vitamin Baekhyun. Pressing down the urge to tease him, you put your phone away, your hands slightly trembly from the attention you kept receiving from someone like him.
If your predictions were even close to correct, you wanted to tell him: yes, the one that he wanted, wanted him just as much.
You were fast to leave your work that day. Excited butterflies were eating your insides away, and the only way to make them calm down was to finally meet the person who always made their wings flutter.
Baekhyun was already parked in the underground parking lot, his car the only one with the motor on - and the only car of his class. You spotted him sitting in his car in his white jersey shirt, his left elbow propped on the windowsill as his index finger was stuck between his teeth, gnawing at it. When he saw you, he took a double-take and quickly changed his posture which made you giggle.
Baekhyun was following you with his eyes, going even to the length of leaning in over the passenger seat so as not to lose sight of you until he reached over and opened the passenger door for you so you could slide in.
“Why, thank you,” you smiled cheerfully as you sat down. You closed the door and put your bag down in between your legs.
“My pleasure,” he said back with a pleasant smile. “Hand me the bag, I'll put it in the backseat.”
You quickly did as he asked and then reached for your seatbelt.
“How was work today? We should celebrate!” he exclaimed as he put the car into drive and made his way out of the parking lot.
You hummed, gnawing on your lip. “That would be wonderful,” you said but hesitated about offering anything further. It was difficult to read the situation; you wouldn't know what you could afford to do with him and what not; what would be stepping over the line and what wouldn't. But Baekhyun said he liked you. In fact, he even told you to look at him like at any other man. That meant you shouldn't doubt all the possible hang-out ideas you had, right?
“I think it is you who deserves a gift,” you murmured and stole a look at his concentrated face. You reached the outside now, the dark evening slowly changing into night, the light of passing cars illuminating your faces.
“Hmm, I think so, too. Something in lines of - I can pick whatever I want, huh?”
Hiding your smile behind your hand, you nodded. “Yes, I can grant something. But don't make it expensive. Even though you sold out our magazine, it doesn't mean I will get a pay rise right away.”
“Oh, it won't include any monetary value,” he promised and turned to look at you when he stopped at the red light, the line in front of you seemingly going on for at least a mile. “It would be something you can and should be able to do freely.”
Despite the darkness of the car, Baekhyun could still spot that gorgeous, astounding blush colouring your cheeks. He really grew to love it; to make you so flustered you couldn't help but grow all red, just for him. “What do you think?” he asked quietly, still observing you with a small lopsided smile.
First you looked at your connected hands in your lap and then looked up at him through your lashes. “Depends what it is, but I owe you, so…” you trailed off.
He chuckled quietly, causing your heart to skip a beat before he started driving again, the line in front slowly moving. “Wonderful.”
Within forty-five minutes, you found yourself seated in a Korean restaurant, both yours and Baekhyun's shoes left at the entrance. Baekhyun, knowing the owner, asked for a separate room where people usually held business dinners, to ensure you would have full privacy and could enjoy each other.
It was a bit mind-blowing how much he could just do. His authority was admirable but at the same time it reminded you how you could hardly compare. If you would have asked the owner to give you a separate room, you might have had to fight for it or give him some money. Baekhyun seemed to walk in like a prince, confidently talking to people as if it was so natural.
“Can you give me a moment?” he asked suddenly, already standing up. “I forgot something in the car. Choose a meal until then.”
You nodded and saw him shuffling towards the door. Quickly going through the menu, you were thankful it was just an ordinary Korean restaurant that specializes in noodle soups and wasn't pricey. Picking the one that seemed the most special, you put the menu away just in time for Baekhyun to return back. His right hand was behind his back, obviously hiding something.
He had a sheepish smile on his face as he stepped towards you and handed you a beautiful bouquet of colourful flowers, the smell of which instantly hit your nose. You felt your mouth stretch into a wide smile as you stood up to your feet.
“Oh my god, what is this for, Baekhyun?” you asked, looking up into his eyes just to find them sparkling with anticipation.
“I know I never asked you out on an official date, so I might not be dressed up to my best potential, but I really wanted to give you something and today, as I said, I wanted to give you a bouquet. Please, accept it,” he added breathily, watching you with bated breath, nudging the flowers out to you.
You giggled and he smiled right away as you took the bouquet in your hand, careful as to not hold his fingers that were still curled around the stems. “Thank you.”
As you wanted to pull back, he leaned in, grabbing your wrist gently that was holding the flowers, bringing you closer. His lips hovered over your cheek and he eventually pressed them there. “Good job on your first cover,” he murmured and leaned away the slightest to watch your surprised reaction. Your eyes were watching his mouth and he had to restrain himself from going any further. He didn't want to cross the line. Not yet.
Unfortunately, you had to separate when the doors opened and the waiter came in. She was taken aback for the slightest of moments when she noticed you and Baekhyun backing away from each other but both of you recovered quickly and sat down, ready to order.
“This Vietnamese noodle soup is my favourite,” mentioned Baekhyun, looking at you. “So that is your gift to me - eating my favorite food with me.”
It was late June, the beginning of the most humid weeks of the year with the monsoon season around the corner.
Baekhyun became so busy with the release of his album back in May, that you rarely got to see him afterwards, although he made sure to see you a couple of times per week even if he was on the verge of falling asleep. Besides meeting, you were always chatting on the phone, him updating you about his daily schedules while you would mostly talk and send pictures about the same old stuff - your office, your computer screen or your late lunch. Or a selfie. You were on that basis now, despite a first kiss never happening.
It made you think sometimes if you were the one who was supposed to make the first move. If you grew eager to finally feel him in that way, then he must have also had some similar feelings, right? You had been dying to kiss him since the first time he said he liked you. And it was late June now.
Late June meant that the music awards show was happening just this particular night. Baekhyun had been texting you eager messages to double-check that you would really be attending like you told him you would.
While you quickly looked yourself over in the mirror in your office - you worked even today, a Saturday - you checked your phone's screen, seeing the previews of his messages.
Waiter: finally our schedules overlap ❤️ Waiter: i cant actually believe it  Waiter: huhuhuhu missy are you done with preparing? im curious to see.... Waiter: its just that it would be difficult to do so without it…
Hastily checking your earrings, you read the previews with a large smile. It would be an exciting night.
When you arrived at the event along with your colleagues, you couldn't help feeling clammy from the excitement. The possibility of spotting Baekhyun was making you sick with anticipation. It wasn't even the amount of people attending the event, it was just him; just the idea that he was somewhere there and hopefully he was looking for you just like you were looking for him.
Your colleagues hurried to sit down as the ceremony was about to start. Since you were busy in the office, you ended up leaving the headquarters much later than planned, but there was nothing you could do about it anymore.
The lights dimmed just when you made yourself comfortable, making it too difficult to look around and recognize faces. Deciding to quickly check the messages you didn't have time to look at before, you finally saw what Baekhyun was bombarding you so much about.
Waiter: finally our schedules overlap Waiter: i cant actually believe it Waiter: huhuhuhu missy are you done with preparing? im curious to see how you look so you could send me a selfie and so then i can recognize you at the event hm? without having to stare everywhere and become suspicious Waiter: its just that it would be difficult to do so without it sooooo ????? Waiter: yah!! where did you go?? Waiter: ex...excuse me? ehm ehm!!! Waiter: wow okay… Waiter: Y/N … disappeared... Waiter: i guess you are busy >< im arriving at the venue soon update me so i know where you attttttt okiiii??? ㅎㅅㅎ
You hid your smile behind your hand and quickly typed him a message to update him like he demanded. You couldn't send a selfie anymore because of the silly lights and your superiors being at the same table, you couldn't afford to be on your phone all the time. Hyeri, as much as she was kind, didn't like it when the job was not done properly, so you made sure to pay attention to the performances while you felt your phone vibrate with messages most probably from Baekhyun.
You bit your lip to keep in the smile, your heart fluttering. How was he able to be this… gorgeous even through messages? How was he able to make your heart beat frantically even when he was not around you? Unknowingly, your desire for him grew by tenfold, the sudden urge to meet him almost overtaking your actions, but one strict stare from Hyeri and you stopped squirming in your chair as you realized you did with a horrified look. Wow. You had to do something about this, and it had to be very soon.
To your big misfortune, you never spotted Baekhyun until it was his turn to overtake the stage. As much as you expected something huge, it was anything but that. No props, just a simple mic stand and then, a Baekhyun in a ready-to-go-for-a-date look, plus four dancers and he was able to fill the huge stage to the brim with his presence. That was it. Simple as that.
You inhaled his entire performance, the loud screamings of crazy fans not enough to pull you out of your reverie that consisted of Byun Baekhyun and Byun Baekhyun only. His movements, so sharp yet so smooth, his flirting with the camera, his lip bites, and that crazy happy smile; all of it. He was changing images from lethal sexy, through lazily suggestive, then sweetly gorgeous until becoming cute and ready to pet on the head. Without anything more to add, he had each flavor of a candy to offer and you had never been this addicted to candies in your life.
You met him accidentally when you were leaving the toilets that were meant for the VIPs. Closing the door behind you, you felt its cold surface press to your bare back when Baekyun appeared in front of you, freezing momentarily when he recognized you.
He smiled instantly, happy to finally see you, before he let his eyes wander. Finally, he let you know that he was looking. Oh he was. Your dress was revealing on the back, which he had yet to witness, but the front was completely covered, hugging your chest and waist, telling Baekhyun that there was something to look at for sure. The long, wavy skirt that stopped just above the floor was bunched up in your hand, showing sparkly high-heeled shoes that were the cause of the pain in your ankles.
None of you said a word as you took a note of his fancy suit, the simple stage outfit now gone. It was fully black, but once again you couldn't comprehend how broad his shoulders and chest were despite his shirt that was tucked into his pants being black, too.
“Good performance,” you broke the silence finally, meeting his somewhat eager gaze. “I have to admit, I was swooning with the other girls, too.”
That got Baekhyun's attention. His eyebrow rose in question and he stepped closer but not before making sure there were no prying eyes in the small corridor. His body covered yours from anyone, were you to be disturbed. “Oh, were you, really?”
You nodded, your smile teasing. “Yeah.”
He smiled gently, his gaze running over your features that were touched up with make-up. “I'm glad. If I wanted to impress someone, it was you.”
“You did that a long time ago,” you admitted shyly, averting your eyes so he wouldn't catch you shyness.
You heard him letting out a laugh through his nose. “So cute,” he muttered, stepping even closer. “I have to run back but let me drive you home tonight.”
His words made your head snap up though you weren't that much smaller from him anymore thanks to the heels. His words ignited something inside of you. “You came with your car?”
“I asked my friend to bring it over to the venue,” he said. “I am not going back to my company after this. I finally found you here and-” he sighed softly, shaking his head as he looked at you, “I want to spend some time with you. Alone.”
Your breath hitched in your throat, his look making you all itchy and needy. Without much thinking, you found yourself nodding a tad too eagerly which made Baekhyun smile. “Alright,” you whispered, “text me. But I can't leave before my superiors do.”
“Can I just steal you?”
Giggling, you shook your head and suppressed the need to hold his hand. “I'm afraid no. But I will try my best to get out of it quickly.”
His smile was so gentle as he nodded slowly, closing his eyes for a second before stepping even closer, his fingertips running over your clothed forearm in the most feather-like way. “Okay. I'll be waiting for you,” sweetheart.
The car came to a complete stop in front of your small apartment building. Audi had quite the silent engine anyway, but now with it being turned off, you felt like silence had a physical form and was growing in on you, making the tension between you and Baekhyun the more difficult to withstand.
Given his silence, you knew that you should say something, and you also knew what you were supposed to do. It was now or never. “Would you maybe… like to come in?”
He glanced over, checking your expression to see if you were serious. He parted his lips but hesitation stole the words away from him. You chuckled when he opened his mouth again and smiled abashedly. “'I’d love to.”
Oh my god, you thought as the both of you made your way towards your apartment. In panic, you tried to quickly think over what state you left your flat in exactly, but it seemed that your mind was clogged up, unable to come up with anything that could possibly explain what was happening in that very moment. Byun Baekhyun, the superstar, was coming inside your apartment. And he seemed to be rather quiet.
Was he overthinking this? Maybe he would realise this was all a mistake and that you weren't good enough for him. Maybe you did something off-putting today?
As you were typing in the code to your house, you felt his strong presence behind you, his gaze on your naked back, and you swore the tension just grew even more when you let him enter your little safety den first. Surely, it was no luxury like he must have been used to by then, given the many years of singing career, but you could only hope it would be enough.
You had been far too gone for him. If he were to dump you, you might end up hurt and heartbroken. 
Letting the door close behind you, you wanted to follow him only to see him standing just a couple of steps ahead of you, looking into the apartment but not moving further inside. “You can enter, Baekyhun.”
“You look so beautiful tonight,” he said softly out of nowhere, catching you off guard with his honest words. Letting them sink in, you bit your lip, feeling your heartbeat accelerate again. It wasn't possible to get a heart attack, right? 
He was standing in front of you while your back was pressed to the front door you just closed behind you. “Thank you,” you whispered, matching his intimate tone and feeling like you were about to combust. “You look really handsome tonight.” And everyday.
He smiled, which you couldn't see as he still had his back on you. Just then, he turned and with that pleasant expression on his face made those separating two steps towards you until he stood right in front of you, causing you to look up. “Thank you.”
You nodded, feeling the terrible blush creeping up into your cheeks. Actually your entire body was suddenly on a heat wave, feeling the prickles of sweat to form under your dress as he stared at you affectionately. God, you wanted him so much it was really becoming unbearable.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“You just asked one,” you replied mischievously, grinning, just to be rewarded with a wide smile from him as he stepped even closer, your heart clenching painfully. Was it the chemistry that was so painful?
“Cheeky,” he whispered, his breath almost hitting your cheek. You kept his eye contact before you nudged him with a go on.
What, do you want to kiss me on the cheek again? you desperately wanted to ask, to tease him. Or would this finally be it? Would he finally just... kiss you? 
“May I kiss you, sweetheart. On the lips.” His intonation was far from that of a question. He was so hot, goodness. And your knees were suddenly jelly-like as you couldn’t stop staring into his eyes when you nodded.
He let out a breathy laugh when he almost pressed his body into yours. Almost. “You don’t like to confirm things out loud with me, do you, beauty?”
“Yes, you may kiss me, Baekhyun. Please, just finally kiss me.”
It was almost as if he wouldn't wait for your approval anyway, as he was leaning in before your words even left your mouth, his hands coming to gently rest against the door; caging you in, yet making you feel even more safe. He was carefully watching your features as he pressed his lips to yours, one hand coming to cradle your face gently before he finally captured your upper lip and you melted. 
Closing your eyes, you sighed as you let your hands slide up his toned chest and around his neck when he pressed himself into you just a little bit closer, a very much satisfied hum coming out of his throat that sent shock waves down your body. That deadly hum. It could really do anything to you, it was that attractive to you.
You dared to run your fingers through his hair that had gel in it, but still felt so cutely soft under your touch. You played with his pillows, prolonging the gentle sucking as you dragged his lower lip towards you, feeling the wetness of his mouth. He leaned in as you separated for the slightest of moments, tilting his head to the other side, unconsciously making one step closer so you felt him on your chest and the surface of the door on your back.
Smooch after smooch, you soon realized he was a loud kisser that liked the licking sounds and the responses from you as you breathed out softly while his thumb caressed your blushed cheek.
Another loud smooch, and this time he was the one who dragged your lower lip towards him with his teeth, as he bumped his nose with yours, tilting his head to the opposite side again while both of his hands cradled your face with utmost care.
Eventually, he kissed you one last time, ending it with him pressing his forehead to yours, not opening his eyes just yet. You didn’t either, relishing in the lingering feeling of him around your mouth as his warm pants pushed in through your parted lips. Slowly, he nuzzled your nose and you giggled softly which prompted him to open his eyes to meet yours already on him.
“That was better than I could ever imagine,” he whispered and smiled handsomely.
You blushed even more, if that was possible. “Ditto.”
His eyes widened and he leaned away a bit. “Don’t tell me you fantasized about kissing me?”
You shrugged but didn’t meet his eye. “How could I not? I’m a human, aren’t I? And you know I like to be straightforward.”
He smirked, knowingly nodding to himself. “Oh yeah, right. The straightforward business.”
You chuckled. “You’re too good of a kisser.”
“Only the best for you,” he winked and those words made you feel things. Before you could reply, he blurted: “Can I be your boyfriend?”
Smiling widely, you nodded, feeling absolutely elated. This was really happening. “Yes, you can be my boyfriend, Baekhyun.”
He sweeped you in his arms, bringing you in for another kiss. “That means,” he murmured between the kisses, “that I can kiss you just like that. And I can finally call you sweetheart,” he breathed the nickname before opening his mouth and devouring you, showing how passionate of a kisser he could be.
You never doubted him, of course, but in situations like these, reality was always better than your poor imagination, for your brain could never produce the exceptional feeling of having Byun Baekhyun’s lips on yours, feeling the moisture and his playful tongue, his creativity of teasing you with it astonishing. No. Nothing could ever compare.
There was only one Byun Baekhyun and he was a superstar. Off-limits to almost everyone. But not to you. Not anymore.
--- --- --- --- ---
A/N: And that is the end! This is the final part, so with this, I am also saying goodbye to this story that made my heart flutter a wee bit... ^^ Thank you to whomever sent me support via comments/reblogs, dms, I was glad this story could bring something enjoyable to the table! ❤   
--- As you know, these 3 chapters were supposed to be about how our characters met and became a couple. So I hope I delivered well! I know I put the M sign in the beginning way back in May, but while plotting, I realized it wasnt suitable for these 3 parts. It would take me more chapters to write to bring it to that point (hint: if you request it as a standalone oneshot later, I am willing to write it but otherwise it would need more relationship building). 
I hope this explains it! 
Thank you again!
Please let me know what you thought, it would mean a lot and its free!
CuriousCat Ask box is also open! Or comments!💕
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shortprince-cos · 4 years
The Woes Of An Emo
Summary: Virgil realizes how short he is (and also gets his crap together), and Patton finds out that he has a thing for intimidating guys.
Warnings: Swearing, intimidation, breakup. Tell me if I need to add anything else!
{Masterlist} {Previous}
Chapter 4: I Guess We're Going With This.
It was at the end of the school day when Virgil had found Patton again.
He had seen Patton's bright blue cat sweater from within the herd of students, and practically swam to get over to Patton's locker.
"Patton!" Virgil exclaimed, though, it was pretty hard to hear over the entire school in one hallway.
Patton turned away from whoever he was talking to, and immediately hugged Virgil.
Virgil stood stiffly for a moment before awkwardly hugging back. He didn't quite understand why Patton was hugging him, but he didn't mind too much. Though, he would never admit that.
Patton eventually pulled away from Virgil with a concerned look on his face. "Virgil! How did it go? Did Roman take it well?"
Oh. That's why he was hugged.
"Um, about that..."
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but, Roman did not take it well." The person who Patton was talking to before Virgil suddenly spoke up.
"Oh no! Virgil, you did let him down gently, didn't you?"
Virgil looked behind Patton to see the taller figure, who was wearing glasses similar to Patton's, with a NASA hoodie and matching galaxy converse shoes. Ah. A geek.
"Well...I didn't let him down...at all." Virgil confessed slowly. Patton had a vaguely confused expression, and the NASA nerd behind him looked...upset?
"Oh, Virge! What happened?"
"Excuse me," Loser, Geek, Whatever interrupted. "What is this talk about letting Roman down?"
Virgil suddenly recognized who Pocket Protecter was: Logan Barry. Roman's best friend. And they were just talking about breaking up with Roman in front of him.
Virgil was screwed.
"It's...a personal thing, sorry." Virgil mumbled, and he suddenly felt very small compared to the tall -and apparently, very intimidating- Logan.
"W-Well, what were you talking about, Lo?" Patton jumped in, possibly saving Virgil from being squashed, even though Patton was a flea compared to both of them.
Logan sighed and pushed up his glasses; possibly a nervous habit? "The lead. He didn't get it, and is absolutely devastated. He'll probably never stop complaining about it."
Virgil was immediately shocked. Roman didn't get the lead? Roman always gets the lead! How did Virgil miss that?
Ah, right. He missed it because of his internal panic in fourth period.
"Is he ok?" Virgil suddenly asked.
"Most likely. All he did was complain about it, so I doubt there's any actual 'sorrow in his heart'." Logan used air quotations, meaning he was probably quoting something that Roman had said while complaining. "Now, back to what you were saying, Patton?"
Damn, seems like Logan wasn't going to let this go. Guess he's super protective over Roman.
Patton shifted uncomfortably. "Well, like Virgil said, it's kinda personal..."
"Not if you two are going behind Roman's back." Logan's voice was suddenly a lot more hostile, which made Virgil shrink in his hoodie.
"Listen Lo, we-"
"R-Right... Well- um- it really is- um-" Patton's entire face was burning a fiery red. Yeah, Virgil was going to have to step in to save Patton here.
"Do you know where Roman is right now?" He interrupted Patton's stammering.
Logan looked to Virgil with an indecipherable look on his face, before sighing again. "Probably in the chorus room, getting his script."
"Great, thanks." Virgil started to venture towards the chorus room before turning back to face Patton and Logan. "See you later, Patton."
"Good luck, Virge!" Virgil was going to ignore the blush on Patton's face; that was a question for later.
Virgil eventually made it through the crowd without getting trampled, and found himself in the chorus room.
He kind of hoped that Roman wouldn't be in here, but if he wasn't, that meant he would have to call the date off over text, and that was just rude. Even when breaking up with someone, you have to have standards.
Virgil walked into the chorus room, and sure enough, Roman was over by the table with the scripts.
"Roman?" Roman immediately jumped, obviously not expecting anyone else to be here. He brought a hand up to wipe off something on his face before turning to look at Virgil.
"V-Virgil! Hey!" Roman's make up looked a little smudged, but Virgil didn't think much of it.
"Hey." Virgil walked to the table where Roman was before putting his hood up. "Um...I need to talk to you."
Roman's expression turned a little more serious. "About?"
God, this was hard. "T-The date. I don't...well, I just-" Virgil's eyes shifted towards the floor instead of the actor in front of him. "I...can't go on a date with you."
Roman looked confused for a moment. "...We need to reschedule?"
Virgil realized that he did not want to see Roman sad at all, but this was for the best, it had to be. "N-No, I mean that I can't go on the date with you because...I have feelings...for someone else..."
"...Oh." Virgil finally looked back up to Roman, who had an unreadable expression on his face. "Well, why didn't you tell me yesterday? When I asked?"
"I um- I sorta panicked, and I wasn't thinking when I said yes to that...I'm really sorry. But I was thinking that maybe we could still go as-as friends? I-I know you wanted-"
"Yeah, of-of course! Though, if we're going as friends, we should invite more people! Like maybe Logan and his cru- uh- Patton!"
"Oh y-yeah, definitely! S-So, see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah!" Well this wasn't awkward.
"Ok...um- bye?"
Virgil walked out of that classroom as fast as he could without running. God, that was a nightmare, but at least it wasn't a date anymore.
As soon as Virgil got out of the school, Princey messaged him.
princeofyourdreams: the date was called off, he doesnt like me
AHHHH I'M SO SORRY THIS IS LATE!!!!! I just completely forgot about it!!!!!! And its my favorite chapter so far, so that even worse!!!!!!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter nonetheless, it's a good one, I think!
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kiyo-yoon · 5 years
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Hes already bored of watching everyone fawn over valentines day so he's probably spent all his time listening to music. Yamaguchi has been oddly quiet all day and anytime he speaks, he won't shut up about the event. He thinks a quiet Yamaguchi is an annoying Yamaguchi and eventually breaks when they're walking home after practice.
"Why do you look so depressed?"
"Umm...I'm not, it's just...Daichi and Suga were really affectionate weren't they?"
"Well they are boyfriends and its valentines day. Are you blaming them or something?"
"What? No! No! No! No! It's just...we're boyfriends and...we don't really do that...umm, but I'm not trying to hint that we do more stuff, just pointing out and observing! Ahh! But not in the creepy way! Just th-umm?"
Yamaguchis rambling would be interrupted by Tsukkishima suddenly placing his headphones on him. He would get to listen to some metal band playing for two seconds before the blonde would lean over and kiss him.
"Valentines is about love isnt it? I love music so...so take what I love. Here, J-just listen and shut up..."
And he would walk away with a blush on his face, but never allow Yamaguchi to see it! Meanwhile, Yamaguchi is literally dying on the spot, face red and hands shaking and lips tingling. Plus he's got to listen through Tsukkis headphones which is a bonus!
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All day, he's been watching couples get together and give each other gifts and cards and even kisses. During breaks between classes, he cant help but point out a new couple that's gotten together, or even someone who's been kissed or hugged...
They had a short practice of volleyball today, but he couldn't even concentrate because he's been busy admiring Suga and Daichis affectionate teasing and behaviour. He's totally jealous, but doesn't show it and as a result, realises that his own boyfriend has actually forgot what day it is. They all leave Asahi and Noya to lock up and on the way home, Tsukki finally breaks and asks him what's up.
He explains and then totally freaks out when Tsukki thinks hes not happy for Suga and Daichi. His freaking out disappears when Tsukki gives him headphones and a kiss and...that's enough for him, really.
"I can't believe Tsukki just-oh my g-!"
"What did you say? Something wrong?"
"No! Sorry Tsukki!"
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Considering that they're already a couple, Daichi plans out the perfect day for them. His parents are away on holiday for a week, so he's pretty keen to get Suga at his house. He's been admittedly more lovey dovey than usual and after giving Asahi a pep talk for later, he takes Suga out of practice and out to town. He takes him to a cake shop where they would have cake and whilst he's ordering, Sugas waiting at the table.
Daichi is totally known for his jealous nature and when he returns to the table and spots some drunk delinquent high schooler, with an arm draped around Suga, he politely tells the guy to...go away.
And of course when he doesnt, Daichi would provoke him until the delinquent ends up trying to start a fight. The cake shop owner ends up kicking all three of them out and Daichi storms away in a mood because everything's been ruined until Suga stops him and grabs him into a hug.
"Sorry...I guess I just wanted today to be...perfect..."
And after a bit of reassurance from Suga, a cheeky innuendo, they end up sharing a smooch and head back to Daichis.
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Suga would be the type to constantly tease Daichi for not getting everything right, it's in his nature to be cheeky. He succeeds in making Daichi blush when he lies and says he's upset for not getting flowers. Where's his kiss and hug? He didn't even get him a card? Heartbroken...
Still, Its cute that Daichi is dedicated anyways. Suga would probably be the type to leave a longing kiss, enough for Daichi to remember long in class. He's been listening to his boyfriend mumble their plans to himself and he's totally flustered with that because that's just adorable.
At the end of practice, they walk towards a cake shop, hands joined together and Suga sits down at a booth whilst he's waiting for Daichi to come back with cake. Suddenly theres a weight on his shoulder and he realises it's a teenager, maybe his age? And...yep, definitely drunk and now rambling about anything and everything.
After a few attempts of trying to get this guys arm off him, the guy is refusing to budge and Daichi is standing there and then the pair start arguing and before they know it, the owner of the shop has kicked them all out. Suga ends up chasing Daichi down the street when he storms away in a huff.
"Oi wait up! Daichi! Oi!"
Daichi rambles on about how he wanted today to go perfectly and then Suga pulls him and hugs him again.
"Today was more than perfect. You were pretty perfect too"
Suga would bring his face down for a kiss and then squeeze Daichis hands and grin and hint that they should probably go back to his place because Daichis parents arent in and the rest is up to them.
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All day today, his new boyfriend of one week, Kageyama has been in some sort of weird mood. It's their first valentines together, so Hinata had done some research and bought Kageyama chocolates. Unfortunately for Hinata, he didnt know Kageyama is...allergic to nuts and therefore couldn't eat it.
Practice was short that day so Kageyama decided to use the special date as...their official first date together. Hinata is still wondering why the heck his boyfriend is in a bad mood until he spots an arcade poster and teases Kageyama that he would beat him in all the games.
Challenge accepted.
They head to the arcade and after constant arguing about the other somehow cheating, they go to the coin slot machine because...its impossible to cheat on that game. Hinata spots an adorable keychain of a nose with kawaii eyes and tries his best to get it. He fails, watches Kageyama get it and when Kageyama does, Hinata has to scream at him that the keychain is not ugly, it's cute!
On their way home, Hinata is about to split ways from Kageyama when Kageyama gets all sad and moody.
"I'm not just saying it though! I'm serious!"
Hinata would nod with a smile.
"This is my favourite day with you!"
Kageyama would surprise him by tossing the nose keychain over and after listening to Kageyama have some sort of weird battle with himself, Hinata would try something they've never done before.
Except...they've never done it, Hinata doesnt know how to and he's too short to reach Kageyama. Kageyama leans down because Hinata is making some weird face and Hinata pushes himself up on his toes and kisses Kageyama on the cheek.
The lips are too far for their early stage relationship right now.
But his face turns scarlet and he cycles away home and turns around and laughs when he sees Kageyama wobble in his steps. Not bad for a first valentines.
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So as soon as he wakes up, Kageyama NEEDS to plan out today since he and Hinata just got together last week. Only problem is...he's utterly clueless. What's he supposed to get Hinata? Flowers? Chocolates? Those are normal...if you're a girl.
Still, he's unsure but decides to just let today go with the flow. At school, Hinatas been commenting on his 'scary' face which, rude, it's the face he was born with. Hinata tries to give him chocolates but...hes allergic to those specific ones..oops.
He's still pretty much clueless, decides at the last minute that maybe he should do extra volleyball practice because Hinata likes that, only for Nishinoya to explain that he and Asahi are locking up instead. They havent been on a date yet so...maybe a date would be pretty good for today?
So on their walk after school, thankfully Hinata finds something for them to do! He finds a poster for a new arcade that's opened and he literally just called him a loser...
Challenge accepted!
Hinata somehow wins the air hockey game three times in a row, cheating obviously, until they both settle on a coin slot game. No way Hinata could cheat on that...
He doesn't, but now Hinata has a new motive and that's to get the most ugliest nose keychain in the world...it even has kawaii eyes on it, as if that'll make it look cute.
In the end, Hinata doesn't win the keychain, but he does instead. He keeps it for a while because...is he supposed to give it to him right now? Later?
They end up walking to a certain path that they'll split ways when Kageyama finally decides to hand over the ugly stupid keychain that makes Hinata smile so much.
"Yeah, just keep it, or throw it away, or keep it..."
And then Hinata would surprise him by making some sort of...weird face by widening his eyes and suddenly theres lips on his cheek and...wow, they technically just kinda kissed in some sort of weird way...
Before he knows it, Hinatas cycled away and he needs to walk home and...wow, his legs are so wobbly right now.
Thank God Hinata can't see his embarrassing smile right now.
Hopefully valentines will be the same next year.
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She's not really bothered about valentines to be honest. She's just getting right into her studies and managing the volleyball team etc...
During school, she spots several couples acting all loved up because of the day and...well, she just passes by. She's not one for poking around in anyones personal business, even if it is just something silly like receiving a box of chocolates.
Her only thought right now is...why is she the manager of a ridiculous childish volleyball team?
Because it certainly looks like Tanaka is proposing to Nishinoya and the libero is hiding some sort of letter behind his back. Oh. Tanaka is using his girl voice...isnt it usually the guy who proposes?
Still, she cant help but let out an adorable giggle which attracts Tanakas attention and suddenly, he's bounding over towards her with his face flushed red. He shouts her name loudly, once exactly and then suddenly retracts and spins around and sprints out the hallway.
What...just happened?
Later, at practice, Kiyoko ends up getting a call from her mum, warning her that it's still quite dark at night so she was to be careful.
Tanaka, being the loud person with a heightened sense of hearing, decides to shout and declare that he'll walk her home and...well, maybe a bit of company would be nice?
Maybe she should put Tanaka out of his misery already...
Nah, she's way too playful like that.
"Maybe...maybe you can walk me home?"
And Tanaka? Well, he does his usual adorable cheer that he does and they're on their way! She refuses to let him hold her bag though, shes self independent that way.
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Its decided as soon as the clock struck midnight and its valentines, but he decides that he wants to make today a day that Kiyoko will remember!
Obviously he'll get the bro advice from Nishinoya since he has also asked for some advice. So, he ends up heading to school, bumps into Nishinoya who is...screaming about a letter that was posted through his door that morning and Tanaka can only snort at the original poem that's been written inside.
He advises his bro that he should totally just let it play out, be all romantic and even does a simple drama performance for him to follow. And then...Kiyoko is standing there looking perfect as per usual and she blinks twice and suddenly, his feet have left the floor, ready to shout for Kiyoko to hear his confession!
Hes supposed to be all suave and romantic, especially on the most romantic day of the year. So he stops, clears his throat and spins around and sprints out of there, embarrassed! He was totally NOT cool!
Later at practice, he hears Kiyoko mention that they'll be finishing up soon and then answers her phone. Tanaka just so happens to be standing nearby and hears Kiyokos mother mention how dangerous the streets are because it's still quite dark. This could be his chance!
He could totally walk her home, right? At least occupy her?
"Oi! Kiyoko! I can walk you home if you want!"
For a second, it seems like shes gonna just ignore him again, but then she gives him the most adorable tiny smile ever and nods ever so slightly.
"Maybe...maybe you can walk me home?"
Then hes ready to run away because Kiyoko ignoring him is pretty hot but-hang on, she just said...
"Spending valentines with Kiyoko!"
She smiles again and he notices her bag and holds a hand out.
"I'll carry your bag!"
"No thanks"
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Where to begin?
Asahi ends up having a nightmare of a valentines! Hes spent every single day of being in Nishinoyas presence, debating whether he should confess to him or not. He ends up asking for Asahi and Sugas advice over the phone for several nights before he finally comes up with the idea.
A letter? That's pretty basic and even Nishinoya should understand the concept behind that. So he wrote one out, maybe the original poem was too much but he had too many things to say and a poem sounds like it should be enough to express his feelings.
He slides it into Nishinoyas foot locker and sprints away before the said boy comes in and catches him. Now he just needs to wait.
So naturally, in class, he cant concentrate. He cant focus on any of his schoolwork and Suga ends up flicking him on the back of the head with a rubber during class because he can literally see Asahi shaking that much...
Why did he ask Nishinoya to stay behind after practice again? Why did he write that? Nishinoya probably wants a different valentines. What if he rejects him? What if he decides that he just...oh god. What if he quits the team? Never speaks to him again? Could he be reading all of Noyas signals wrong?
Something hard hits the back of his head again and he turns around and theres Suga again with his criticising look. The teacher yells and he turns back around with an apology. How embarrassing.
Later, at practice, he's ready to freak out again because Kageyama asks Nishinoya if he and Hinata could lock up. They'd recently become a couple...what if Noya said yes? Asahi wouldnt be able to give his confession...
Thankfully, Noya says no with an apology and then a short explanation that he and Asahi would do it instead. Then Daichi is running over and patting Asahi on the back with a calm 'Try not to freak out. Dont worry, just worry about Suga if you do end up chickening out' and then hes away again!
When it's just the two of them, they clean up together, quietly until Nishinoya finally pulls out the letter from his bag and looks up at Asahi.
"This letter..."
And of course...he freaks out.
"Umm! Oh! It's just...you dont have to read it, well even though it looks like you already have, but it's not worth reading, I suppose you could just look at it as a joke if you want to, but even though it's real...I'm sorry if it wasted your time!"
And to his surprise, Nishinoya only laughs and wiggles the letter in his hand.
"It didn't waste my time, but...are you serious? About your feelings...about you liking me since I was a first year?"
"Mhmm! Of course! I just...sorry, that probably sounded creepy!"
"Eh? No! No of course not!"
"But it's the truth! I'm completely honest! You...you're the best person to have ever come into my life so...so please hear my confession! I...I love you Noya!"
He's pretty sure he hears Noya chuckle for a bit and he wishes he could see him, but suddenly tears are building in his eyes and the thought of rejection from Nishinoya of all people is enough to make him cry.
His body is suddenly falling forwards, Noya is falling backwards because hes grabbed onto him but Asahi is fast, so he loops his arms around Noya and straightens them up so they're standing. Noya grins and then pushes forwards for a hug and presses his forehead against Asahis forehead, his blonde fringe pushing against the aces headband. Asahi can only sigh in relief because thank god...he couldn't imagine going on in life if this turned out differently.
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He's never really thought about valentines to be honest. He's always had one person in mind and he's pretty sure that's rude to try and confess to your upperclassmen. Sure he plays along with Tanaka to protect Kiyoko, but its more of a...let's protect the girl because guys are creepy predators kinda thing...
Anyways, he heads to school like a normal day, changes shoes and...is that a letter?
It totally is!
Someone just...this is definitely Asahis handwriting! This was a dream, right? If so, please dont wake him up!
He reads the inside, smiles at the cute poem and when he realises theres a message asking to stay behind after practice so they could talk, he fist pumps the air and rushes to find Tanaka.
He shows him the letter, asks for advice and all Tanaka does is simply tell him to let the day play it out, just like a volleyball game. He even gets down on one knee and pretends to propose, as if that'll happen today.
Still, he keeps it in mind, not for...future reasons...
He watches Tanaka sprint over to Kiyoko within seconds and then run away and remembers that he and Tanaka were on the phone last night. The future ace had declared that he wanted valentines to go perfectly for Kiyoko, so he would act like the perfect gentleman!
Still, he waves to Kiyoko and heads to class.
The rest of the day, he doesnt see Asahi which isnt much of a surprise since they're in different years. He has caught sight of Suga and Daichi kissing at some point and frowns.
If he and Asahi were to get together, there would surely be a lot of looks. People already mistook him as an elementary kid and Asahi as a grown man who is also apparently a delinquent. But hey, when was he to care about looks?
He looks away from Suga and Daichi in the distance and lightly pats his burning cheeks twice before shaking his head. He liked Asahi, no, he loved Asahi! He'd admired the man from day one!
So when it comes to the end of practice which is cut fairly short, he has to quickly explain to Kageyama that he and Asahi would be locking up instead. Kageyama looks slightly annoyed but hey, he always looks like that. He ends up showing Asahi the letter and of course, the big ball of anxiety starts to flip.
But in the end, Asahi confesses properly...reveals that he's liked Noya from day one and...
"I love you too you big baby! Oi! Why are you crying?! I accepted your confession! Baka!"
And then he lunges forwards to try and grab Asahi into a hug but they end up staggering for a bit and...god, he wishes Asahi would just stop crying! He does though, and they hug and Noya really wants to kiss him right now, but hes pretty sure the ace would faint if he did it right now. So he settles for a forehead touch, just so he can reassure Asahi that he's there and...he's not planning on going away anytime soon.
He's there, he's not disappearing and even when Asahi graduates, he knows they'll still be together, no matter what obstacle they face.
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simplygojo · 5 years
killer queen - chapter eight
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Series summary : Y/n, a native to London England, gets asked by the legend himself, Freddie Mercury, to help manage the band. Obviously she accepts, and it ends up being the best decision she has ever made. Quickly she becomes close with each member of the band, Roger Taylor specifically…
Chapter Summary : Queen has a meeting with EMI records to discuss Queen’s second album. Afterwards y/n goes back to Roger’s house for some tea.
Word Count : 4.6k
Pairings : Ben!Roger Taylor x Reader 
Warnings : Swearing, SMUT,
a/n - Sorry it took so long to update! This chapter is MUCH longer than usual, but that's because so much shit is about to go down… 
            “You’ll always have a chance with me!” You said to Roger, completely serious. This was one of the biggest emotional risks you have taken recently, and you could feel yourself getting more and more anxious about it. Roger slammed the car door and walked over to you, power in every one of his steps. You stared at him, frozen in your place. He stopped in front of you and just stared into your eyes for a moment, looking into them as if he was searching for something. You could feel his breath on your face, only slightly though. You noticed his eyes flick from your eyes to your lips. “Always?” He asked cautiously. You nodded in response. “Always.” You told him, not quite sure how this was going to play out. He leaned forward, and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. “I’ll see you later y/n.” He said as he began to walk away. You watched him get into his car and then you let out a huge breath, which you did not even know you were holding in, and watched him drive away. You walked back into the studio to grab your jacket and purse, then proceeded to get in your car and drive back to your flat. As you walk into your flat you immediately notice that Scott had already moved out. Your heart dropped when u realized this. The whole flat was missing something, but it wasn’t just one thing, it was the dishes that Scott would leave out, his jumper he would forget on the couch, his shoes laying in front of the door. Although you knew that ending your relationship with Scott was for the best, you did miss him being around, it felt lonely without him. You pushed those feelings away and put the kettle on as you began to get ready for your meeting with the record company. You put on the most sophisticated outfit you owned which was a white blouse and a pair of suit pants. You opened up your bathroom cupboard and grabbed the perfume from Paris. You stood in front of the mirror for a bit contemplating if you should change or not, maybe change your hair. As you stared at yourself, you glanced at the clock on the wall and realized that you would soon be late. You frantically grabbed your purse and ran down to where your car was parked. Turning the keys you heard your car roar to life, without hesitation you began to speed towards EMI Records, praying that you would not be late. You made sure that any emotions you were feeling about the situation with Roger were pushed aside for this meeting, you wanted it to go perfect. 
          After what felt like an hour of driving you finally got to the record company and got out of your car. You began walking towards the glass doors until you heard Brian and Roger talking amongst themselves. As you turned the coroner both of their faces, and Deaky’s came into view and you shot them all a small smile. You saw Roger look you up and down, trying to be discrete, but you simply ignored it. All three of the boys were wearing jeans and a dress shirt, but only Brian andRoger has ties on.“Well well well, y/n, I didn’t know you cleaned up this well!” Brian joked causing you to roll your eyes and push passed him. “Come on, lets go inside now. Our meeting starts in…” You paused to check your watch. “In 10 minutes. We don’t want to be late.” You told them as you pushed the front door open, the three boys following closely behind you. “Y/n, Fred’s not here yet.” Roger told you and you sighed. “Why am I not surprised?” You responded. You saw John Reid standing in front of the elevators and he smiled as the four of you walked overto him. “Where’s Freddie?” Reid asked and you just shook your head. John knew that Freddie liked to be extra, and that he would probably be late. “Alright then, upstairs we go.” He said as the elevator door slowly opened. Once the five of you got upstairs, a man with reddish-brown curly hair greeted you. He had a thick Scottish accent and wore dark sunglasses even though he was indoors. “Alright, let’s go, I’m Ray Foster, we’ve only spoken on the phone, but I believe it’s time to start busines-.” He paused as he looked around the five of you standing in front of him. “Where’s the main one?” He asked. “Uh, he’s not here yet.” You told him. “Who the bloody hell are you?” He asked, giving you a rude look. “I’m y/n y/l/n, Queen’s as-” Roger interrupted you “Queen’s secondary manager.” He said, looking over at you with the side of his eyes. He knew how much you hated saying you were someone’s assistant, how it made you feel small. “Right, well let’s take a seat.” Foster said as he walked into a room, the five of you following him. The room was bright, awards hung on the walls and Ray Foster sat behind a desk, with windows covering the wall behind him. You sat down on a couch in the middle of the room with Roger on your right, and Brian and John on your left. Reid stepped outside for a moment and then came back into the room with another man, they both remained silent. 
          After 10 minutes of this awkward silence, Freddie finally entered the room. “Hello.” He said as he shut the door behind him and waltzed over to the empty chair in the coroner. ‘You’re late.” Foster said to him. “Am I?” Freddie countered. “Saved you a seat.” “Lovely.” You all sat there while the two of them bantered. “Okay, so now that we’re all here, uh, Jim this is Ray Foster, Ray this is the band’s lawyer Jim Beach.” Reid stated, ensuring that all of you knew that your lawyer was present. “Oh we must stop calling him that.” Freddie groaned has he took a  cigarette out of his pocket. “Fred, that’s his name.” You old him, in hopes to shut him up. “No we can not keep calling him Jim Beach,” Freddie lit his cigarette. “No that’s absurde, not to mention unspeakably boring.” You all sat there in silence, dumbfounded that Freddie was attempting to change their lawyers name. “Miami. From now on I dub thee, Miami Beach.” Luckily, Jim Beach was a man with a sense of humor, so in response he just let out a soft chuckle. “The sun always sets behind you, doesn't it, on Miami Beach.” He responded, causing Fred to give a small shrug. Although you and the band all enjoyed a good banter, obviously Ray Foster did not. “All right, now that every has an acceptable name, let's get to it.” He said adjusting himself in his chair. “Look, we just really need something special, more hits, like ‘Now I’m Here’ or ‘Fat Bottom Girls’ only bigger.” He said almost pleading the boys to just simply recreate those songs. Roger lifted up his hands “It’s not bloody widgets we’re making. We can’t just reproduce ‘Fat Bottom Girls’.” Roger said as Freddie stood up and walked towards the record player near Foster’s desk. “No,” Freddie said has he placed a record on the machine and let it play. “We can do better.” You glanced at the boys to your left, both of them having a confused look upon your face. Suddenly opera began to play, the confusion not leaving your body, but you knew to always back Freddie up when it comes to music. Roger and Brian both had a soft smile of realization, and gently nodded as they both realized what Freddie was wanting to do. “It’s opera.” Foster said, evidently not pleased. “Opera!” Reid chimed in. Deaky chuckled and nodded. “Yeah there seems to be an echo in here!” He said over the loud woman singing. You looked over at Roger, who had a peaceful smile on his face as he looked at Freddie dance around Ray Foster’s desk. Freddie dramatically hit the desk along with the music, ever so often startling Foster, only making him more confused. Freddie tossed one of the small records off the desk, however Brian caught it and threw it back. Freddie walked back to the record player and turned down the volume. Within those few seconds that the opera was playing, All four of you knew exactly what Freddie was trying to say. “You see, we don’t want to keep repeating ourselves, the same formula over and over.” Brian said as an attempt to explain what Freddie had just tried to do. “Formulas are a complete and utter waste of time.” Freddie said standing beside Ray’s desk. “Formulas work. Let’s stick with the formulas, I like formulas.” Foster said. “We’ll call the album, a night at the opera.” Freddie said, ignoring Foster completely. Foster let out a frustrated sigh and looked at Freddie. “Are you aware that no one actually likes opera?” “I like opera.” Miami said. “Do you?” Foster asked. “I do!” Reid said holding up his hand. “Now, don’t misunderstand darling, it’s a rock and roll record, with a scale of opera. The pacos of greek tragedy, the wit of Shakespeare. The unbridled joy of musical theatre.” You looked at Freddie, realizing how much of a genius he really is. There is no better songwriter than him, no one more creative or intuitive. “It’s a musical experiance, rather than just another record. Something for everyone, something, hm, something that will make people feel it belongs to them. We’ll mix genres, we’ll cross boundaries, we’ll-we’ll speak in bloody tongues if we want to!” Freddie snickered. “There’s no musical ghetto that can contain us.” Roger quickly added in. “That's it.” Freddie pointed at Roger. “No one knows what queen means-” Deaky started and you added in “Because it doesnt mean one thing!” You said, a smile creeping onto your face. You all looked at Foster, the anticipation eating you alive. “What do you think, John?” He finally said. John shrugged in response “I...agree with the band.” He said with a hidden smirk. Foster looked like he was defeated as he said, “Of course you do.”  Under his breath. “How about you, uh-” “Miami-,” Freddie chucked. “Fortune favours the bold.” Miami said, giving his support to the band. You stood up and walked over to Freddie while Ray Foster thought silently. You opened your hand, asking for the cigarette in Fred’s hand, and you took a long pull, allowing the smoke to flow from your mouth as you walked over to Fosters desk, placing both your hands on it. “Surely a man of your...unique taste, isn’t afraid of a little risk.” You said almost challenging him. Foster shook his head and looked at you. “Please don’t make me regret this.” He said, a smile immediately appearing on all of your faces. Freddie pointed at him and smiled. “You’re fun.” The group of you all shook Foster’s hand and calmly walked out the door, minus John Reid who Foster wanted to talk to privately, and downstairs to the lobby of the building. 
            As soon as no one could see you, the lot of you you all erupted into laughter. “I can’t believe that worked!” Brian said. “Darling have I ever failed you?” Freddie said taking his cigarette back from your hands. “That was awesome.” You said with a big grin on your face. Moments later reid came back down the stairs and clapped his hands together as he walked towards you. “Alright, he isn’t the happiest about his decision...but he wants to send you guys to a farm not too far from here, so there are no distractions from the production of the album.” He said, all of you still smiling. “That’s great Reid!” You said and the boys nodded along. “When do we leave?” Deaky asked. “Very soon, tomorrow at 4:30am to be exact.” Reid said, causing Roger and Freddie to groan. “The bloody sun won’t even be up yet!” Roger said. And you rolled your eyes at him. “Oh relax, you’ll be fine.” You said. “Alright, everyone get their bags packed and set your alarms. We can meet at the studio around 4:00? Mr. Foster has gotten you a large van to drive to the farm in, there will be six of you so you won’t all fit in one car.” Reid explained. “Wait hold on, six?” Brian asked, as if on cue Paul Prenter waltzed out of the elevator, causing you, Rog, Brian, and Deaky to sigh. “Nevermind then.” He said, rejecting his previous question. “One of you will have to drive there, I don’t want any pit stops.” Reid said and you nodded. “I can drive it, I don’t mind.” Roger chimed in. “All right then it's settled. See you all tomorrow.” Reid waved bye and left with Prenter by his side. You began to chat about how excited you were and what song ideas everyone had as you all walked towards your cars. “Alright then boys, I’ll see you tomorrow.” You said as you began to walk to your car. “Hey y/n, can I catch a ride with you? Deaky drove me here but he’s going to his girl’s place so he doesn’t have time to drop me off.” He explained casually, leaning against your car. You hesitated, as you mind drifted to what had happened just hours earlier. “Yeah sure. Hop in.” You said shortly as you opened up the drivers door and got into the car. You began to drive towards Roger’s flat, the two of you not talking as the radio softly played classical music. “You listen to classical?” Roger questioned. You gave him a dirty look and hen focused back on the road. “Yes I do, it helps me think clearly. Have a problem with that?” You said your eyes not leaving the road. “Not at all.” He chuckled. “I think it’s interesting.” He said as he watched you drive. The both of you just listened to the enchanting music flow from your old car’s staticy speakers until you arrived at Roger’s flat. “Come in for a cup of tea?” He insisted, although you just looked at him. “Please love, just like old times.” He said again, causing you to sigh but nod, as you turned the keys to turn off the car. The two of you walked up to his flat, it looking exactly the exact same as it did before. “I’ll put the kettle on.” He said as he began filling it with water. “You know, this flat has a beautiful view Rog.” You sai as you walked over to the large window that overlooked the small town they were in. “I’m actually selling it.” He said from the kitchen. You were shocked. “What why? This flat is ten times nicer than mine, I would kill to live somewhere like this.” You explained walking a couple feet over to the couches. “I have more money now, so I want to get a nicer place, something closer to the city.” He said as he cautiously walked over to where you were standing between the two brightly coloured couches with two white mugs in his hand. You reached out and grabbed one of the mugs. “Thanks.” You said before you took a sip and sat down on the red couch to your right, Roger sitting down beside you. “Plus, I want to get rid of all of this kiddish furniture, I’m an adult now, not some 18 year old kid who just moved out.” Roger laughed as he looked around his apartment. “Well I think this furniture suits you.” You said with a slight smirk as you looked at him. “Oh does it?” He bantered back at you. “And why is that, might I ask?” You laughed before taking another sip of your tea, the mug half empty now. “Well, it’s very flashy and preposterous, just like you are.” Roger chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Preposterous? The bloody hell does that mean?” He said taking another gulp from his mug. “Ridiculous, absolutely wild, just like you can be.” You said teasing him, then taking the last sip of your tea and placing the empty mug on the coffee table. “God, y/n, you’re so well spoken.” He admired as he also finished his tea. 
            “Hey Rog, why did you actually invite me in. I know that it wasn’t just ‘for old times’, I want the real reason.” You said as you looked him directly in the eyes. He took a moment before he responded. “I just missed us.” He admitted. “As friends obviously.” He said quickly after. “Of course.” You agreed as you stood up. “Alright well I should get going. I have to pack my bags still.” You said as you went to walk to the door, Roger close behind you. “Yeah, I suppose.” He agreed. “Y/n?” Roger asked, just as you were about to open the door. “Yeah Rog?” “What did you mean when you said that I’ll always have a chance with you?” He asked, looking directly into your eyes. Looking into his eyes made you never want to look away, they were enchanting. “I meant exactly what I said.” You told him, with a straight face holding the intense eye contact. You could feel you heartbeat get stronger as the silence went longer. Roger took a step closer to you and placed his hand on your cheek, his hands feeling rough but warm on your soft skin. You waited to see what he was going to do, when it came to Roger Taylor, you never knew. Not more than half a second later, he leaned forward, placing his other hand on your waste and pulled you in for a hungry kiss. You closed your eyes and wrapped both your hands around his neck gladly kissing him back The kiss was soft at first, almost as if you were worried that this longing kiss would ruin everything, but that thought quickly left your mind when you felt Roger wrap his index finger around your belt loop to pull you in closer. Your hands began playing with his hair as he backed you up until you were pressed flat against the door, making the kiss more heated. His hand moved from your cheek softly down to the hem of your shirt, just playing with it, teasing you. “God Rog, don’t be such a fucking tease.” You said pulling away for a second and he looked at you, his eyes glazed over with something you haven’t seen before, pure lust. “You’re so fucking hot.” He growled as he moved his hands to your thighs, picking you up and pushing you harder against the wall. Your legs wrapped around his waist and your hands remained around his neck. Roger began sucking hungrily on your neck and you gladly let him. Your head rolled back to give him better access and your eyes subconsciously shut. A soft moan came from your lips as he finished kissing your collar bone. “Why don’t we take this to your room?” You suggested, out of breath. Roger put you down, the glaze leaving his eyes as he looked at you. “Y/n, are you sure?” He asked, making you a bit confused. “Since when do you ask that?” You laughed resting your hands on his chest, he looked you dead in the eyes as he said, “Since I got a chance with you.” He said, your heart feeling as if it was doing backflips. “Aw Taylor, you’ve gone soft.” You teased, faking a pout. This remark immediately made his eyes glaze over once again. “Oh baby, you ain’t seen nothing yet.” He said as he picked you up just as before, one leg on either side of him as he carried you over to his bedroom. He laid you down on the bed and you grabbed his tie, pulling him on top of you as you kissed him yet again. Your hands roamed his body as his roamed yours. You slid his black blazer off his shoulders as he undid the buttons on your blouse. You unbuttoned his shirt watching the white fabric flow off of his body and onto the floor. His hands went to your face as you continued to kiss passionately, your lips fitting perfectly together. You pulled his head closer to yours as he laid you back, your lips never parting. You reached for your pants zipper but felt Roger’s hand grab yours. He pulled away and began to slowly unzip your pants, feeling the heat between your legs grow stronger. He gently slid your pants off your legs as he admired your body. He looked at you as if you were a goddess; as if he was worshipping you. You gave him a playful smirk and sat up to kiss him once again. You undid his belt buckle and he quickly slid his pants off. You went to get on your knees when he chuckled and pulled you back up. “Love, you’re a Queen, you get it first.” He smirked and slowly pushed you so you were laying on your back. He slowly trailed sloppy kisses down your neck, then between your breasts, then down your stomach, and then to the place you’ve wanted them the whole time. You felt his lips on your inner thigh placing soft kisses, being a fucking tease. His index finger hooked around your thong and slowly slid it down your legs, then tossing it to the side. You let out a small gasp as you felt him quickly insert two fingers into you. He began pumping them in and out, his thumb gently rubbing your clit as you leaned your head back in pleasure. “Fuck Rog.” You exclaimed as he began to move more aggressively. You began to squirm beneath him but he quickly placed his free hand on your stomach and roughly held you down, this only bringing you closer to your finish. You grabbed his bedsheets in a fist and rolled your head back as you came to your finish. You had a layer of sweat on your body now, but you haven’t felt that good in years. Roger came back up to you and kissed you roughly. “Your turn.” You said smirking as you went to get up, but Rog stopped you. “No y/n, I need to fuck you, now.” He said, the glaze over his eyes almost getting darker. You simply nodded in response as you began kissing him again, while simultaneously taking off his boxers and letting them fall to the ground. He was already hard as a rock as he laid you down again and stood himself at the end of the bed. His hands wrapped around your ankles and pulled your body to the end of the bed, your legs falling to either side of him. He entered you slowly but wasted no time with thrusting. He moved in and out at an even pace holding you still from your hips. You sat up and his hands moved from your hips to the small of your back, pulling you closer with every thrust. You kissed him again, every kiss sloppier than the next. His thrusts got faster and faster as he began kissing down your neck again. “Fuck y/n!” He yelled as he finally finished, you surprisingly finished again seconds after him. The two of you laid down on the bed for a moment, just catching your breaths. You began to think of the consequences that might come with what you just did. This would forever change your relationship with Roger, and you didn’t know if you’d become just one of the girls he brought home and fucked. Roger looked over to you and let out a chuckle. “That was fucking amazing.” He said, placing a kiss on your temple before he sat up and put on his boxers. You rolled your eyes at him and began getting dressed, which was difficult when you have just had sex and had a layer of sweat covering your body. Once you were both fully dressed, you sat back down on Roger’s bed and looked at him. The dark glaze over his eyes was gone, and you were just looking into his gorgeous bright eyes. “You know I have to go now.” You told him and he looked at you confused. “I have to pack still, as do you.” You stood up and began to walk over to his front door. “Woah woah woah, you’re just leaving like that?” He said, obviously a bit mad that you were just going to go home. “Yeah, isn’t that what all the other girls you hook up with do?” You asked him casually as you put your shoes on. “Are you joking? Y/n, you aren’t like any other girls, you’re different. I would never do that to you.” He said. You looked at him, this was one of the first times you felt like you were someone's first choice, you were wanted, maybe even needed. “Well in that case…” You stepped forward and gave Roger one last kiss. “I’ll see you in five hours.” You smiled wide at him and he smiled back. You shut the door behind you and walked over to the elevators, the grin not leaving your face. Roger walked into his bathroom staring at himself in the mirror. His smile was wide too, and he felt happier than he had in years. “She’s the one.” He said to himself before walking into his room to pack his bags. You finally got back to your flat, quickly throwing together some clothes and toiletries into a duffle bag, you laid down on your bed and passed out.
            The next morning, your alarm went off at 3am and you could already feel the exhaustion take over you. Your eyelids felt too heavy to open, and getting out of bed felt like the hardest thing to do at the moment. You eventually got up, brushed your teeth and hair, got changed into grey joggers and a comfy jumper, made an extremely large coffee, and went to get into your car. You sat in the driver's seat and adjusted the rear view mirror, that’s when you noticed the three massive hickeys on your neck. “Well fuck.” You said as you ran back up to your flat in hopes that your only turtleneck is still shoved at the back of your drawers. You found it after five minutes of digging and slid the tight black shirt over your body. You ran back down your stairs and finally, began driving to the studio. Once you get there, you saw that everyone was there except you and Freddie. You got out of the car and apparently your concealer didn’t cover up your eye bags. “God y/n, you look exhausted.” Brian exclaimed. “Rough night?” Deaky said with a chuckle. “I stayed up way to late.” You said, looking at Roger through the side of your eye, who was smirking at you. “Alright y/n, where’s your bag, lets load her up.” Roger said, walking over to your car and grabbing the duffel bag from the back seat. “What a gentleman.” You said sarcastically as Roger carried your bag over to the large van. Soon Freddie arrived and after loading his four suitcases into the trunk, you were all ready to go. Roger sat in the drivers seat with you in the passengers, everyone else squished behind. Although you could hear some bickering between the boys happening, you couldn’t help but drift off to sleep. About half an hour into the drive, Roger looked over at you and a warm feeling engulfed him when he saw you peacefully sleeping. You really were different to him, to him you were the one.
Series Taglist : @triggeredpossum @toger-raylor @antoouu  @s-e-l-e-c-t-i-v-e-listener @creativedogs @wvnhedas​ @rockyroadthepastryarchy   @coltonthekanima @anna1523 @fandomshit6000 @shutup-sorry @a-crowd-of-newsies @butterfliesflewaway @ultrunning @unicorntrooper @digicharr​ @howmanymoregalileos @sargent-barnes @sincereleygmg​ 
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eremika-forever12 · 5 years
//Eremika Fanfic : Remember Me!?//
Chapter- 1 click here
Chapter: 2
Pouring some water over the flower pot.....Mikasa finishes off her gardening in the small court yard behind her house....
As she was about to enter....inside the house....she notices someone standing far away....probably waiting for her...
Glancing over the person, Mikasa’s eyes brighten with surprise...
Mikasa looking at the person- Armin! What a pleasent surprise!
Armin foolishly grins- Ahhh....Hi! Errmm...Mikasa!
Mikasa smiles slightly- So what brings you....here? In such an early morning? I suppose you should be with your scouts at the moment ...Captain Armin Arlert!
Armins nervously Chuckles – Well ya....I do have a meeting with commander Hanjee today! So....well....but I came here to talk something important with you!
Mikasa stares at Armin blankly as she says- Go On!
Armin nervously- Wont you ask me to come inside? I guess....too much heat today...Outside!
Mikasa with a blank nod- Oh yes....Sorry for keeping you standing outside! Come in...
Saying this Mikasa goes in while Armin follows her as he whispers silently- Its Okay!
That silhouette.....some one is right behind him!
Eli eyes widen as he stares at that silhouette....who is that? Who must be standing behind him?
Oh my god is he in danger? His mom has always told him to be careful about child kidnappers which roam in corner of every silent place....
Oh god the place is so silent....Eli thinks suddenly...he has started to feel nervous already!
Should he look back or should he....Run!
The silhouette was still there....
Gaining lots of courage...Eli swiftly looks behind his back...
To his shock he absolutely finds no one there...
Eli looks back to the wall where the silhouette was present....to his surprise, there wasnt any presence of silhouette either...
Eli was confused....Was he dreaming or something?
He tries to glance behind to notice if someone is still there or not!
Wind starts blowing around the area as Eli hears the wheezing sound of it....making him kind of shake in fear as he realised he is sitting all alone in this whole destructed area with no sight of any single person.
Mikasa glances back at Armin from kitchen who was sitting around the small round table with a nervous look.
"Whats wrong with him? Why does he look tense? "
Thinks Mikasa....
With two cups of tea in a tray...Mikasa sits opposite Armin face to face.
Armin looks up at her and smiles...
Mikasa sipping the tea as she says boringly- So Armin? Whats the matter? You wanted to say somthing...What is it?
Armin hesitantly stares at Mikasa- Yeah....err....Its...Its about Eli!
Mikasa's eyes widen as she stops drinking the tea and stares at Armin while he continues- Your Son!
Before he could say a word more , Mikasa interrupted as she looked desperate- What about Eli? Is he alright? Did he do anything in school again?
Armin trying to calm Mikasa- Hey calm down! There isnt anything like that but....
Mikasa calming down a bit- But What?
Armin taking deep breath- Mikasa listen! Whatever I am gonna tell you...dont take it other wise! You know very well....Right from his birth I have always looked at him as my own Son!
Mikasa keeps on staring at Armin with no expression as he continues- I have never seen him different even when Alina was born...the thing is actually....I think you need to deal with him carefully Mikasa!
Mikasa frowns as she at Armin- What do you mean by that?
Armin taking deep breath- Today I saw him walking in tense mood....more like he was upset on something! As my meeting was in the afternoon...I decided to follow him to check on him if he was actually fine! He seemed okay after sometime from his expression though I decided to bid him a Hi! He was quite happy seeing me until I mentioned about you telling me to check on him whenever I can last week! He was furious....he almost reminded me of Eren! Well I dont blame his rudeness after all its all about genes...
Armin chuckles a bit then suddenly turning serious he looks at Mikasa- I think you are being too harsh on Him Mikasa!
Mikasa kept looking at Armin blankly when she said coldly- What do you mean by being harsh? Are you gonna tell me he is being rude due to me? Or his feisty behaviour is due to me? I know what I am doing & What is good for him! I am his mother!
Armin sternly- that's not the point Mikasa! You know it! More Over didnt you two had an argument before he left for school? Dont lie to me!
Mikasa coldly- it wasnt an argument! I was simply trying to put some sense in his head! I cant let him be like Eren! I cant let that anger thing control him! He needs to understand the world is cruel but beautiful too which his father never understood! (Whispers Mikasa)
Armin sighing- You know what is the main problem! You are taking his freedom away! Making him sit in the home all day wont solve anything....people wont stop saying crap about him! You both need to live freely! You need to let him open to people! By trying to make him home sick....you cant anyway control his anger! You are simply worsening it!
Mikasa glares- Let him open to people? Yeah right! So that he could kick their butts everytime they open their filthy mouth! Armin....just incase let me remind you! The people around here dont really like our presence! And I dont want my baby to suffer their hatred! Anyways he is indeed going to school....he is learning things there! What he isnt understanding is....loosing his cool wont help him! Its better to ignore people rather than pushing ourselves into hell! Let people say whatever they want....We are happy in our own small world!
Armin raising his voice- Really Mikasa? That what you think? Hiding yourself into this small house....letting Eli be bored all alone in this home! Doing such! What difference are you making? As You Said People Will Speak Shit! Why do you care? What are you afraid off? Its better to live a life the way you want rather than crawling into darkness!
Armin freaks out- Stop it Mikasa! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? IT HAS BEEN 6 DAMN YEARS! EREN IS DEAD! And Humanity Needs Back Their Strongest Soilder!
Mikasa glares as she raises her voice coldly- No he isnt....my heart doesnt believe it! I am sure he is alive...somewhere...
Tears welled up in her eyes- He is just running from us again & again! And I dont understand Why! He promised me for the final time....He will come back to me! If he was here....Eli & me wouldnt have been this much miserable!
Armin shocked- Can you stop it Mikasa? I know you miss him....We miss him too....But he is gone! Accept the reality! Move forward Mikasa! You are only ruining Eli ‘s life! Lastly....You do know how the people acknowledges Eren Now! He is known as Humanity's Biggest Threat in History! Doesnt matter what result has brought from that rumbling! Killing thousands of lives! A murderer is always a murderer!
Mikasa stares at Armin coldly but says nothing as he continues- Eli is still a kid....he doesnt know about his father even! While the people suspects him of Eren's kid! Though they only suspect but have no confirmation! I suggest you....
Mikasa retorts back- I dont need your suggestion Armin! And What proof do you have that Eren is dead? Did you see his body? Or his titanic form again? What makes you so sure of it! Well I dont take any of it....He was your best freind....And you only speak of him being dead! WHY!
Mikasa suddenly holds Armins collar freaking the hell out of him as she shouts- Why? Did you kill him by your own hands? To save humnaity....you were the one who suggested his death!
Armin shocked trying to get rid of her clutch around his collar- Hell No! Whats wrong with you?
Mikasa leaves him with a jerk- I dont care what anyone says....I believe he is alive! Only if he returns to us one day....
Armin sharply as he says hesitantly- Will you be able to forgive him even if he returns from his grave?
Eli is walking hurriedly all alone towards his home....he has gone bit far today....
Moreover he just bunked his school today, he honestly prays.....none of the teachers notices him all of sudden from no where....
The Sun was just on top of him shining brightly....it was quite hot due to the sun rays...
Eli keeps on looking behind at times for some wierd reason....
From a time being, he felt he was being followed by someone! But he couldn't notice anyone keeping an eye on him...
Eli was taking his steps faster....a creepy feeling was eating him out. He was feeling nervous...
Someone is definitely following him....or was it just his intution!
Eli was walking hurriedly without looking infront when suddenly he bumped into someone and fell on the ground....
Eli while rubbing his nose looks upwards and finds two men with hat staring at him angrily.
One man says- Heyyy you little brat! Whats up with you? Are you blind or something!
Suddenly the other man eyes shone brightly as he grinned wickedly- Oh look who is here! The child of the devil.....! ELI....ACKREMAN! THE LITTLE BASTARD....SON OF THAT FREAK!
While other man whispers – Wait....Ackerman? I dont think or remember that monster name as of some Ackraman....it was Yeager!
Eli was scowling at them while still being sitting on ground but not understanding a single thing about what they were talking about but it was definitely something about his name!
Eli angrily- Hey! Whom are you talking to?
The two guys glared at him as one of them pulled him up holding his collar freaking the hell out of him- Hey You Shut Your Filthy Mouth Up! Who even gave you permission to wander in these streets! If the rumours are true of you being the son of that BASTARD! You & your filthy mom should be extint!
Saying this he threw Eli away letting him fall again....
After that both of the men left while laughing loudly making Eli angry more....at that moment he felt like punching the faces of those two old creeps.
He was about to stand and run after them when suddenly a young lad came infront of him....his hair was quite long and the long bangs he had were covering his one eye....he had a stretcher in his one hand which was supporting him to stand still....
Eli notices closely and realises....the guy has a bandage too around his head....
As Eli was lost in noticing, the stranger brings a water bottle infront of him....making him snap out of his senses...
The stranger with deep voice as he stares deeply into Eli eyes while bending a bit- Hey You! You left it there in the bench! I had been following you with my broken leg till here....Kid You Run So Fast! What's the hurry? Here Put it back in your Bag!
Eli blinks his eyes nervously as suddenly it clicked him....Was it this guy following him all the way till here! But back then....there was no one in that barren land!
Eli with shaking hands takes the bottle away from the stranger's hand...
The guy then stands straight from his bending position as he glances back at Eli....
The Sunrays fell on his body as his face shone bright....while Eli eyes widen as he still kept on staring at him while still being on the ground!
While Eli was all numb, the guy asks coldly- Do you think you can stand....Kid?
Eli was scared....he didn't know Why! But he was....all he could do was nod his head swiftly in positive way..
The stranger with blank look replies- Great Then!
Saying so he started limping away slowly while Eli kept on staring at him....
There was something about this person which was bothering little Eli so much....
While at a distance the man halts and glances back at Eli as THEIR GREEN EYES STARED BACK AT EACH OTHER!
Chapter - 3
P.S So How Was The Chapter? Do Like , Share & Comment!😎
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queenscoolcat · 5 years
Soulmates - Brian May x Reader x Roger Taylor
Request:  @mrsmazzellotaylor​ (y/n) soulmate is x member but she doesnt love them, and instead loves y member ?? (u can choose the members)
Pairing:  Brian May x Reader x Roger Taylor or Gwilym lee!Brian May x reader x Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor
Word count: 2757
Warning: I kinda change it so it has a happy ending, hope you like it, though almost everything is angsts.
A/n:sorry if you find errors.
Tags: @destiel-stucky4ever-loki-queen​ @reedusteinrambles
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The first kiss. A taunting moment that came just once, and yet it could change your entire life forever.
You first hear soulmates was when you ask your mother about it, you were so curious about it and surprise when you heard for the first time what a soulmate was.
"Mommy... I don't get it?" you asked, making your mother chuckle as she sits you on her legs.
"You know what kissing is, don't you?" you slowly nod and stare at your mother waiting for her to continue "well.. when two people like each other they kiss, and if they are lucky enough then they can find if they are soulmates."
"And how they know if they are soulmates?" you still ask curiously about the entire situation.
"It's like if the eyes of them light up, almost as if they had fireworks in their eyes," you mother continue explaining you, not being able to stop smiling as she watches your face processing everything.
"Did dad and you... are you soulmates?" you whispered, staring at your mother eyes hoping the answer would be a yes.
With the biggest smile your mother nod making you giggle like the little girl you were, you didn't ask anything more, you just hop off your mother's legs running to play with your best friends and tell him all about what you just learn.
"Mommy..." you suddenly stop and turn to look at her "I cant wait to find my soulmate."
Your mother nod at you and before she could say anything more, you start running again.
"... And then they have to kiss, and they can see fireworks in their eyes," you told your best friend almost speaking to fast for anyone to understand you "are you even listening, Brian?"
"Of course I am!" he almost yelled, feeling a little exasperated that you thought that "it's just that kissing is gross." 
"It's not!" you yelled back narrowing your eyes ready to go home and tell your mother about how rude Brian was being "Okay..." Brian whispered, not wanting to argue with you, "maybe we should try it."
"No," you mutter, not noticing the disappointment on Brian's eyes, "I will wait for the right person."
Just like that time went by, Brian watching you kissing people and then running back to him sad that you haven't found your soulmate, always breaking Brian heart cause he knew that if he kisses you then both of you would find your match, but he never did it, afraid that you would be disappointed about it.
It all changed when he met Roger, it seemed as if the moment you locked eyes with him the world completely changed, both of you almost knew you were soulmates even though you hadn't kiss yet.
Today you were watching them practice since they had a gig that weekend, the entire time Roger and you steal some glances from each other, neither of you noticing how Brian saw how you were acting and how hurt he seemed.
"I think we are done," Brian said after they finish playing the last song of the setlist, "we should all head home and rest."
hey all agree and nod, and as you watched everyone talk and collect their things, you couldn't help but stare at Roger as he winks at you before he turns around to continue with what he was doing.
"Are you ready, love?" Brian asked when everything was ready, you nod just as Brian placed his hand on your lower back, guiding you to where you would grab a cab.
It didn't surprise your parent when you told them you would be moving with Brian and being honest it probably as one of the best decision you had ever made, you always had fun with each other, and you were there whenever the other needed.
From time to time the thought that he might be your soulmate cross your mind, but after a few seconds, you always threw that thought away, knowing you weren't his type and not wanting to ruin the friendship you had for almost your entire life.
Though from time to time, the thought would haunt you making you shake your head as you try your best to think of something else.
“You know..." Roger said almost as you were about to leave, you stop and turn to look at Roger, "a friend of mine is having a party tonight if you want to come."
You knew the invitation was for everyone, but Roger's eyes were only on you, making you feel butterflies as the shy smile adorned your face.
"I don't thi..." Brian started to say, but you interrupted him, knowing he would pass on the opportunity.
"I'm in if you are," you mutter raiding an eyebrow almost as if you were challenging Roger.
"Then I'm definitely going," Brian look between you and Roger as you exchange those flirtatious comments "what about you, Bri?"
"Let's go!" you told Brian flashing him one of your most beautiful smiles that he would never be able to resist.
"Okay..." he finally mutters, looking at you with tender eyes almost forgetting that the band was still there.
For Brian it almost seemed like torture to be in that party, he regretted deeply to accept your offer, but he knew that if he travelled back in time, he would still be there with you because he wasn't able to say no to you.
The entire night he watched you talk with Roger, inches away from each other and feeling so terrified that in any moment you would kiss and find out you were soulmates.
Its want until Brian saw you walk towards him, that for the first time he tried to hide that he was looking at you.
"You are having a terrible time, don't you?" you mutter sitting next to him and handing him another beer to replace the empty one he had on his hand.
"Not at all, this party is the best I ever attended," he joked, loving that he just made you laugh with him and glad that he had your attention back again.
"Well, this party is about to turn even more fun,"  you joked as well while you place your hand on Brian's knee, "we are playing spin the bottle."
Brian opened his eyes as he felt his heart starting to beat faster, he didn't even think about the possibility of kissing you, all he could imagine was of what would happen if you kiss Roger.
"That is so lame," he suddenly said, making you chuckle.
"I know right!" you mutter rolling your eyes, "but its the best idea other than drinking."
Brian stares at you, and as he looks into your eyes, he knew there wasn't anything more he could say so you wouldn't play, so after a second more of debating it all, he finally follows you to where the game was taking place.
The first person he saw was Roger, he smiles at him and before he could turn around you sat next to him, Brian sighed just as he realized the only other place left was in front of you and Roger, the perfect place to watch you flirt and wait for your turn to kiss his best friend.
The game seemed to take forever, Brian already kissed two girls, and neither of them were you, so he wasn't happy at all, for Roger it had been a really shy guy and a gorgeous blonde so at least he hadn't kiss you either.
You had the biggest smile on your face as you watched how the game was going, but feeling a little disappointed that you hadn't kissed anyone yet.
When it was finally your turn you were biting your lip kind of nervous and excited, watching the bottle spin, you were almost sure it took longer than everyone, and as you saw how it was slowing down, you felt your heart beat faster.
When it came to an end, you were shocked to see who it landed on, you heard everyone laugh and cheer as you waited for the courage to look at Brian in the eyes.
Brian was just the same, his eyes were glued to the bottle, not sure how to feel about it all.
Slowly both of you turn to look at each other, your expressions were so shocked almost feeling dumb that neither of you thought that that could happen.
"You don't have to do it..." Brian whispered just as you were already standing up to walk towards him.
"We won't be the first ones to bail out," you tried to joke to lighten the mood, but as you were inches away all the nervousness came back again "its just a kiss, isn't it?"
"Yes... just a kiss," Brian mumbled, as one of his hand moved to cup your cheek. Both of you lean closer until you felt your lips touch, the kiss was better than what you had ever imagined, his lips felt so soft against yours, and you moved almost as if you have done it thousands of times.
When you finally move apart you look into Brian's eyes, only to find as if the colour they had on them changed into what looked like a galaxy full with fireworks, your breath hitch as the room went quiet.
Everyone was staring at you, they all were eager to see what could happen and before you or Brian could say anything, you stand up, and ran to the balcony where you started to breathe heavily.
You hear the glass door slide, making you know someone was there to see how you were.
"I am sorry I run away, Bri," you said, closing your eyes not fully understanding how everything suddenly turned around.
"Don't worry, I believe Brian is having the same mental breakdown, but in the bathroom," Roger said making you know it was him and not your best friend that now seemed he as your soulmate too "are you okay?"
"I am not sure," you mutter truthfully, as you turn around to face him "how would you feel if your best friend that you knew forever was all along your soulmate?" "I don't think there are words to express it,"  Roger mutter walking to be next to you.
You nod and close your eyes just as replay everything that happened.
"you know... I always thought it..." you start talking, but shaking your head, you realize this wasn't the moment to confess your feelings "nevermind."
"That it would be me?" Roger said almost as if he was reading your mind, you nod shyly making Roger smile, "I thought that too."
"Me too," you hear Brians voice as he joins you in the balcony. You suddenly stand straight not sure what would happen or how this changed everything.
Brian slowly walks to your side as he smiles at you making you feel better. Suddenly you felt a tear slide down your face, you weren't sure why cause at the end of the day everyone wanted their best friends to be their soulmates.
Brian saw that and with a sweet motion, he gently clean that tear off your face. "We don't have to be anything if you don't want to," Brian says after a long time of silence "you can date Rog if you want."
"I would never do that to you, mate," Roger interrupted Brian before he could say anything more.
"I do love you, Brian," you say turning to face him, cupping his cheeks just as he did it a few minutes ago "and if we are soulmates then I am the happiest person ever, just... let me do..."
You weren't sure how to phrase it, your eyes keep moving from Brian to Roger not sure how you would tell them you just wanted to make sure Roger wasn't anything more.
"let me do one thing," you mutter while your eyes look into Rogers' eyes. “Go on,” Brian whispered, already knowing what you would do.
After staring at Brian to make sure his answer was genuine, you took a step to be in front of Roger.
He stares at you not sure of what you would do, though he had some clues.
You stare into his eyes and taking another step closer, you kiss him, it was totally different from Brian’s kiss, but as Roger pull you closer, you move your head to deepen the kiss.
What you didn’t expect after you move away, was to see the same thing in Roger's eyes just like you saw with Brian's.
Your mouth was wide open, and you were sure Brian and Roger were the same, you had never heard of something like that to happen before anyone could say anything more, you look at both of them for answers.
“So both of us are your soulmates?” Roger said though it sounded more like a question.
You didn’t have an answer, and by the looks of the boys in front of you, you knew they were just as clueless.
“Maybe… maybe you are soulmates too,” you muttered as you laugh when they turn to look at each other with even more shock if that was possible.
“I mean… maybe,” Brian mumbles as his face started to turn red.
“Yeah… maybe….” Roger said just as he came closer to his bandmate to share a kiss he would never think it would happen.
You stare at them, not sure of what was happening, but as the kiss between them ended, you were glad to see the same thing in their eyes. “So… we are all soulmates?” You question again though nobody had an actual answer.
“I guess so,” Roger whispered, lighting a cigarette and taking a full drag out of it.
“Well at least you kiss us before you turn that crap on,” Brian joked pointing at the cigarette in between Roger's fingers.
The joke seemed to lighten the mood, slowly everyone started to laugh until neither of you could say nothing more, not even breath properly. “What should we do now?” Brian mutter when the laughs died out.
“I can think of something we could all do,” Roger says with a devilish smile on his face.
You started to laugh again while Brian tried to hide his blush under his hands.
Suddenly you look at Roger and Brian, both of them had the biggest smile on their face, you were sure neither of you had ever been this happy ever before. Your smile was as big as theirs, and without even thinking about it,  some of the most important words slip out of your mouth. “What should we do now?” Brian mutter when the laughs died out.
“I can think of something we could all do,” Roger says with a devilish smile on his face.
You started to laugh again while Brian tried to hide his blush under his hands.
Suddenly you look at Roger and Brian, both of them had the biggest smile on their face, you were sure neither of you had ever been this happy ever before, your smile was as biggest as theirs, and without even thinking about it, suddenly some of the most important words slip out of your mouth.
“Fuck… I love you so much,” you whisper, not even processing what you said until they turn to look at you with fondness in their eyes. “What should we do now?” Brian mutter when the laughs died out.
“I can think of something we could all do,” Roger says with a devilish smile on his face.
You started to laugh again while Brian tried to hide his blush under his hands.
Suddenly you look at Roger and Brian, both of them had the biggest smile on their face, you were sure neither of you had ever been this happy ever before, your smile was as biggest as theirs, and without even thinking about it, suddenly some of the most important words slip out of your mouth.
“Fuck… I love you so much,” you whispered not even processing what you said until they turn to look at you.
Roger chuckle and wrapping you in his arms, he said it back to both of you, the taller guy stares at you and not feeling an inch of jealousy he kisses your forehead and Rogers' cheek.
“I love both of you too,” Brian whispered before Roger's eyes light up again as he brought his suggestion again making you blush, but not able to say no to that.
A/n2: If you enjoy it, please like it and reblog it
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chiroyu · 5 years
Memories Before Us
chapter 1: The Archangel and The Principality
Raphael sighs, a relaxed smile on his lips as he returns from finishing a bit more of his job. Creating the stars was always a peaceful experience for him, watching as the universe expanded around him to hold his creations. The feeling of warmth surrounding him as he placed the stars in intricate patterns always chased away the slight loneliness that always sat heavily in his chest. Though it never lasted long.
Raphael's wings flapped behind him as he landed, sighing out as he rests for a moment. There was nothing on this 'Earth' yet, except for something God called plants. He looked around at these 'plants' and smiled, cupping one of the hanging 'leaves' in his hand. He could feel it teeming with life, gently caressing it. These 'plants' seemed interesting, he'd have to watch over them to see how they end up.
After resting for a few minutes more, Raphael gets up. He lets his wings stretch out behind him, his feathers rustling softly as he does so. As he is about to take off to go back to his work in the dark sky, he sees someone he has never seen before. He watches the person carefully for a moment.
The person is kneeling in front of a 'river', their hand dipping into the 'water' and letting it push past the palm of his hand. He seems to be quite interested in what he is doing, for he continued to stare at his hand for many moments.
Raphael runs his eyes over the person, taking in how they looked. They were quite different from himself, he might even say they were opposites. For while his own hair was long and red, this person's was short and almost white. And while he was tall, skinny and sharp, this person was short, plump, and round. Truly they were opposites.
But Raphael has become interested in this person and can no longer just fly back to continue his work, he feels he must go over and greet this person. And so he does, gently flapping his wings to carry himself over to the person. He lands softly a little before the person. "Hello?" He asks.
The person jumps, not expecting the sudden sound of someone speaking. The person looks around, his eyes finally coming to a stop as he gazes upon Raphael. "Oh, hello!" The person says cheerily, standing up to face the person with a wide smile.
Raphael watches as the person runs their eyes over his body before stopping and looking at his face. The person wasnt exactly looking into his eyes, it was just a little to the right of them. He chuckles. "I'm Raphael." He says, with a smile. "I dont think I've seen you around before, mind telling me your name?" He asks, tilting his head a little.
The person looks surprised for a moment. "Raphael, the archangel?" He breathes the words out in a mixture of surprise and wonder.
Rapahel cringes slightly. "Yeah... that's me, I guess..." he mumbles, uncomfortable suddenly. Everyone always treated him differently when they found out who he was...
The person breathes out a quiet oh before smiling suddenly. "Its nice to meet you, archangel Raphael! I'm Aziraphale, a principality!" He exclaims excitedly.
Raphael blinks at the overwhelming and sudden greeting and introduction. He nods stupidly. "Nice to meet you, Aziraphale. And please, just Raphael. Archangel is..." he couldn't find the words on how uncomfortable it made him when others treated him like he was better than them just because of his title.
Aziraphale seems to understand and nods with a small smile. "Alright, Raphael it is then."
Raphael smiles appreciatively, slightly surprised the principality actually listened to him. Usually the others just continue to call him by his title. It was.... nice, refreshing. "Thank you, Aziraphale." He says gently.
The principality tilts his head. "Why are you thanking me? I was just abiding by your request!" He exclaims, confused by the thanks.
Raphael chuckles softly. "I'm thanking you because you listened to my request... Usually the others dont." He says with a sweet smile, though it seemed slightly sad.
Aziraphale said another soft oh. "I'm sorry, that's quite rude of them..." he says gently.
Raphael shakes his head. "Its fine. Now tell me, what is a principality like you doing down here? I dont see anyone you are supposed to be looking after." He says, looking around quickly just to make sure.
Aziraphale hums, chuckling softly "I havent been given my orders yet I'm afraid. Though I've been told it should be soon, that God is making the ones I should look after at this very moment."
Raphael nods. "You should enjoy your time then. Before you have to follow orders for the rest of your existence." He says solemnly.
Aziraphale raises his brows. "Why do you say it like its unenjoyable to follow orders?" He asks slowly, uncertain.
Raphael smiles sadly. "It... it isn't unenjoyable, per se but... its lacking something... it gets monotonous I suppose."
Aziraphale looks even more confused. "Lacking something? Like what?" He asks, genuinely not understanding what Raphael was going on about.
Raphael sighs gently, looking up at the sky. "Its... its lonely. You'll be all by yourself, following orders that eventually might mean nothing..." he says softly, barley audible.
Aziraphale let's out an oh, turning to look at the ground. "I-i never thought about it like that..." he says softly, suddenly looking afraid and apprehensive.
Raphael shakes his head to clear himself of his thoughts before turning his view away from the sky and back to the principalityin front of hin. "Sorry, you shouldnt have to hear this when you havent even experienced being given an order before..." he mumbles in guilt.
Aziraphale shakes his head, tearing his gaze from the earth to the archangel. "No, no need to apologize... Perhaps your words will help prepare me for when that time comes?" He asks softly, sounding small.
Raphael smiles gently. "Perhaps." He answers softly. "Though I'm sure you will enjoy it. Being given your order feels... well it feels nice. Better than nice actually. It feels wonderful." He says slowly, though his voice wavers ever so slightly like he doesnt even really believe himself.
The principality doesnt notice how unsure Raphael is of his own words, smiling with cheer up at the taller Angel. "I cannot wait." He declares softly.
Raphael smiles gently down at the principality, a soft snort escaping him. "Well, I'm afraid you'll have to." He jokes hesitantly. His jokes weren't ever really understood by the others, but it was always worth trying he supposes.
It takes Aziraphale a moment before he lets out and ph followed by soft chuckles. "Yes, you're right, I guess I should say I can wait then?"
Raphael smiles, a large smile that looks odd on his angular face and sort of off putting if you looked at him a certain way. But it was genuine, probably the most genuine smile he had smiled thus far. All due to the principality in front of him actaully understanding his silly little joke.
The principality stares up in awe at the archangel's smile. It looking a little odd, like he wasnt used to smiling so wide, but it made him feel warm. He wanted to see the archangel smile like that more. "Oh my.." he breathes out, staring longer than what could be considered normal, longer than perhaps he should have.
But Raphael only raises a brow, still smilind wide. "What, is something wrong with my face?" He asks, reaching up to see if maybe he had wiped 'dirt' on himself.
Aziraphale felt his face heat up, turning a light shade of pink as he pulled his eyes away. "T-theres nothing wrong with your face!" He mumbles out quickly to assure the taller angel.
Raphael raised a brow, moving hai hand from his own face to reach out and gently touch Aziraphale's cheek. "You've changed colors." He states simply. "I've never seen an angel do that before." He says in concern. "Are you... alright?"
Aziraphale feels his face go warm even more, the color on his cheeks darkening to red. "I-i-i'm fine! I-i just feel a little warm is all, no need to fret over this little ol principality!" He stutters out.
Raphael runs his thumb over Aziraphale's cheek. "But your face has gone red! Are you sure you're alright?" He asks in concern, staring intently into the principality's eyes.
Aziraphale pauses for a moment, getting lost in the archangel's eyes. "I-im sure..." he mumbles, still staring into endless golden eyes.
Raphael stared back into light blue orbs, searching to make sure the principality was truly okay. What he found must have pleased him as he sighs out, pulling back and letting his hand drop from Aziraphale's cheek as he broke eye contact. "That's relieving. It wouldnt have been good if something was wrong with you and the others found out." He states offhandedly, like the mention of the others doing something if he wasnt okay was common place and nothing too important.
Aziraphale feels his eyes widen in concern. "Why wouldnt it have been good?" He asks quietly, afraid of the answer.
Raphale frowns slightly. "Its- well- ngk- i-it's nothing... They wouldn't do anything. They'd just think your a bit weird is all." He stutters out in a mumble, clearly lying.
Aziraphale looks at the archangel in worry. "That's a lie, i-i can tell Raphael... what would they do? Really?"
Raphael sighs, he was never good at lying. Guess it came with the whole angel thing. "I-it's only rumors, there isn't any proof and really, frankly, its probably all lies-" hes cut off by the principality reaching out to grab his hand.
"Please, Raphael, just tell me." He needed to know. His mind wouldnt stop running with all kinds of scenarios.
Raphael gulps. "T-they say that if something is wrong with you, t-that they get rid of you..." he mumbles, looking away.
Aziraphale stares at Raphale in horror. "Get rid? L-like dea-" hes interrupted by Raphael shaking his own head, looking on with horror.
"No, no, not death!" Raphael exclaims quickly to try and ease the principality's anxiety that he can feel ever growing. "Theyd just-"
"They would what?! Please just say it!" Aziraphale exclaims, gripping the archangel's hand tightly.
Raphael gulps, shaking his head. "Theyd make you... make you leave heaven." He says softly. "B-but it's just rumors."
Aziraphale stares at Raphael with wide eyes. "Make you leave heaven? I-is that possible, i-ive never heard of-"
Raphael shrugs. "I'm not sure... lots of us think it could be possible, but it's all based on rumors. Besides, many angels are weird or off, but they're still here. They havent been made to leave." Yet, his mind supplied as he gulped.
Aziraphale sighs. "Oh, it hasnt actually- oh my, I'm so glad. That was terrifying to even imagine, I'm glad it's just a rumor!" He exclaims, breathing out a sigh in relief as he let's go of the archangels hand. "I-im sorry I acted like that, I-im not sure why, but it-"
Raphael forces a small smile to his lips. "I-it's alright, I understand... i reacted similarly when i first heard about it as well." He says gently.
Aziraphale sighs softly before a smile takes over his lips. "Thank you- for telling me... even though it's bit terrifying to think about, and even though its just a rumor, I'm glad to know." He says softly, staring up at the archangel but not quite making complete eye contact.
Rapahel nods once. He felt guilty, ruining the peace that the principality was feeling before he had to go and mess it up. "Right, well I should get back to work... the stars wont create themselves." He says, forcing a chuckle.
The principality chuckles as well, nodding slightly and stepping back. "Right, of course. It was nice meeting you, Raphael." He says softly with a kind smile.
Raphael nods, turning and stretching out his wings to take off. But he stops for a second, turning his head to look at the principality. "I hope we meet again." He says softly, uncertain the principality would even now at that.
But the principality just smiles wide, looking excited. "Yes, I hope so too!" He exclaims.
Raphael smiles gently before taking off into the sky, letting his wings carry him to where he left off last when creating the stars.
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niall-is-my-dream · 6 years
You & Me - Part Two
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2645 words
August 2017
Getting up at 6am was definitely not a perk of the job. When your alarm rang, you snoozed it twice before finally pulling yourself out of bed and taking a shower.
Even though it was a warm August morning, you dressed yourself in black skinny jeans and a fitted black t-shirt. No room for glamour when you're lugging equipment around. 
You quickly made yourself a coffee to go in your travel mug before leaving a note for Bex reminding her to get milk on her way home tonight. Bex had a comfortable 9-5 job. You however, had no clue when you would be back and didn't fancy waking up to no milk tomorrow. 
Arriving at the studio for rehearsals you saw your boss Martin getting out of his car.
"Morning Martin."
"Morning Cal, enjoy your time off?"
"I did thank you, went to Portugal with Bex. How about you?"
"Joan had me decorating the lounge!"
You laughed at his facial expression, clearly he had been hoping to relax a bit before the tour when it would all get crazy.
"Don't worry Martin, we will go slowly for you today!" You replied patting his back.
Walking into the studio, you saw all the equipment had been loaded into the far corner. Martin, yourself and the team had done a few set ups already so got to work making sure everything was in place before Niall and the band arrived.
John, one of the guitarists, was first to arrive, greeting everyone with a hand shake or hug and placing a massive box of pastries on the table.
 "Gotta keep the workers happy!" He smiled and he gave you a hug.
 "Thanks Bird!"
 The rest of the lads arrived and you knew when Tara did that Niall wasn't too far behind. He was dressed casual like everyone else, dark jeans and a t-shirt, his soft brown hair messy and sticking up.
He shook hands with all the team, hugging you like he hadn't seen you in ages when in reality you saw him just a few days ago. You attempted to sort out his hair as you moved away from his embrace. 
 "Honestly Niall, your hair has a mind of its own."
 He chuckled at your words and was secretly enjoying feeling your fingers running through them. You weren't to know that was one of his favourite things. He loves nothing more than a woman running their fingers through his hair.
 "I know, I'm going to get it cut this week in preparation for being away so long."
 "Yeah you need to, Sienree won't be pleased with this mess!"
 "Hey, it's not that bad!"
 "Yeah it is!"
 "Cal, you really need to get some better come back than 'whatever'!"
 "Why? It worked didn't it?!" You replied as you walked away to carry on setting up his guitars. He watched you walk away, looking at your bum for longer than appropriate. Glancing around he noticed that no one has seen what he'd done.
You'd heard some of his album already from when you'd been doing some events in the U.S. this spring/summer. However this would be the first time that you'd heard them all.
Putting your banter aside, you sat down with him, tuning each guitar and working out what order you were going to need to get each instrument ready for, having now received the set list. 
The next couple of days were spent rehearsing, assisting Niall in any way that he needed. The album sounded amazing and you could see that he had worked hard on it. The true magnitude of the tour was laid out in front of you in one morning meeting. The full plan for travelling with him, the band, the whole background team and the equipment had been sorted down to the final detail. Martin had asked you to double check some details for him but there was something you were unsure about with one of Nialls guitars.
Most of the team had dispersed for lunch, heading out or sitting in the food area, Niall was nowhere to be seen. Thinking that he was probably still in the lounge answering his emails you made your way down the hall. Not bothering to knock you opened the door to find Niall standing with his hands on his hips with a very pissed off looking Saskia.
"Shit, sorry Ni! I didn't realise you had company." You mumbled, completely shocked to see Saskia stood there.
"Is it because of her?!" Saskia almost screamed at him.
"For fuck sake Saskia. No it isn't!"
Because of me? Ok, you definitely needed to make a quick exit.
"I'll catch up with you later Ni." You said and retreated quickly, closing the door behind you.
You hurried down the hall to the main rehearsal area, and began sorting through some paperwork. Doing anything to try and keep yourself busy and hidden away. It was then that you found out the answer to your question, you hadn't even needed to go ask Niall the question. You just hadn't looked at the paperwork correctly. If you'd just looked properly you wouldn't have interrupted him in that totally embarrassing situation. You were completely mortified that you'd walked in on him clearly arguing with Saskia. What was she even doing here? You let out a massive sigh as you leaned against the wall, closing your eyes and trying to forget the look on her face.
"Hey." You heard him say, opening your eyes to find him looking sheepish.
"Ni, I'm so sorry, I should've knocked. I had no idea she was here."
"Cal, its fine. I'm sorry that once again she was rude to you."
 "It's honestly fine."
"Its not, and I told her so."
You nodded nervously, biting down on your lower lip, your eyes looking anywhere but at him. But then you heard him sigh in a sad and exhausted way.
"Are you ok?" You ask him, your eyes meeting his and seeing the sadness and frustration behind them.
"Yeah I suppose." He replied, it being clear he wasnt. You'd spent a lot of time with him the last ten months and knew when he was lying or bending the truth.
"Well if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here." You said sincerely.
It clearly hadn't been a good conversation that you'd walked in on.
"Thanks, I appreciate it." He replied as you turned towards the paperwork.
"Um so anyway, I was just going to ask you about your guitar choice for You and Me but I found my answer when I went back over the paperwork again."
"Ah ok, so it's sorted?" He asked.
"Yeah it is. I'm sorry I should have been more thorough when I looked the first time."
"Doesn't matter."
God you were so embarrassed by what you'd walked in on and Niall did not seem ok. There was a lingering tension in the air, so you began unnecessarily stacking up your paperwork.
"Are you busy tonight?" he asked you nervously.
"Apart from my usual Friday night fun of browsing Netflix and eating my weight in ice cream - nothing!" You said, turning around to face him.
"Well Willie is out with Bex tonight so do you fancy coming over and browsing my Netflix with me?"
You burst out laughing, a massive smile appearing on both your lips as you realised how that had sounded. The tension suddenly eased and you were back to your usual banter.
"Ok, that sounded like a really bad chat up line! I'm sorry! What I meant is, I could really use a friend to talk to if you're free and want to hang out at mine tonight?"
"Yeah sure, as long as we aren't here too late tonight, that should be ok." 
"I'll make sure we leave at a decent time tonight, maybe grab some food and go straight to mine?"
"Sounds good. Bex took the car this morning so is it ok if I ride with you?"
"Yes of course, I presumed you would. I saw your car wasn't in the car park this morning."
"Bex wanted to get home from work quickly today so she could prepare for her date!"
"So pleased we set those two up!"
"Me to!"
Everyone slowly made their way back to the main rehearsal area after lunch. They were rehearsing a song called You & Me when Tara approached you as you stood by Nialls guitars.
"So....." She started in a low voice so no one could hear her.
"So what?" You replied, confused as to what she might be referring to.
"Heard you had a run in with Saskia earlier."
"Oh god, yes. Was so awkward, I didn't knock and just walked in on them. Saskia was not happy."
"I've walked in on worse things with Niall!" She replied laughing.
"I don't want to know!" You said waving your hand and laughing to indicate you didn't want to hear the story.
She laughed to.
"Saskia doesnt like me either. Thinks every female who works with Niall is a threat." Tara whispered.
"Really?! She does know she's a Victoria Secret model doesn't she?!"
"Yes, but a very insecure one. Might help if she actually ate and drank regularly, think it effects her personality. She's so tired and overworked from her fitness regime too. It just makes her grumpy and rude."
You nodded in agreement, knowing how you feel when you're hungry or tired from the gym.
"Look, don't say I said anything to Niall, although I see him looking so I guess he knows what we are probably discussing."
"I won't say anything, sad really though isn't it? I mean he's pictured with females all the time in the press and gets hounded about it and even his own girlfriend hassles him about it."
"She was never his girlfriend, just someone he hangs out with, dates, looks good for both of them. The last few months though he's just not been happy when he's been with her."
"She seems like hard work."
"Yes she is. Look, I know you two are hanging out later so I thought I'd just give you the heads up."
"He said he needed a friend." You replied, hoping she understood that was what it was.
"Don't need to explain to me, it's obvious you both get on well. He trusts you."
You nodded in agreement and left it at that.
6pm arrived and Niall called time on rehearsal. Even though the distraction of Saskia had disrupted it for a while, you'd actually achieved loads today.
Once you were sorted, you checked with Martin if you needed to do anything else before heading out with Niall. A few of the team looked but no one said anything, they knew you were just friends.
Sliding into Niall's Audi, you fastened your seatbelt while he fiddled with the music. The intro of Gavin James' song 'coming home' came flowing out of the speakers.
"I cannot wait to meet him on tour." You said excitedly.
"You like him do you?!"
"Absolutely love him!"
You both hummed away to the music, Niall tapping his hands on the wheel as you made your way across the city. You'd placed an order at Nialls local Chinese takeout place that wasn't far from his, just before you left.
"I'll go grab the food." He said as he pulled up outside the restaurant. 
"Ok, sure."
He got out the car but ducked his head back in. "Shall I get us some wine from the shop next door to?"
"I can do that." You replied undoing your seat belt.
"Its fine, I'll go. What do you prefer?"
"Um white please."
"Cool, won't be long." He said as he closed the car door.
You knew it was best to stay in the car. Being spotted buying takeout and wine with Niall wouldn't be the best idea.
He returned ten minutes later with both. Your stomach was rumbling as he drove the short distance to his. The smell of the food was delicious.
Walking into Niall's apartment he began walking around and switching on some lights.
"Wow! This apartment is gorgeous!" You blurted out. "Very manly!"
"Yeah, you know masculine colours. You can tell guys live here!"
"I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not!" He laughed, as he got out some plates.
He grabbed some glasses and poured you some wine, before placing the bottle and another one into the fridge.
"Take a seat." He said gesturing towards his dining table. He grabbed his phone and put Gavin James back on so that is sounded throughout apartment on the sound system.
Opening all the boxes of food, you began sharing it amongst you both. "So rehearsals are going well." You said, hoping to start a light conversation with him. You weren't sure if he was planning on opening up to you about Saskia but you hoped he felt he could.
"Yeah they are. It's exciting to see my songs being sung by the lads. Bit nervous about Dublin though. First date and everything."
"Are your family coming down?"
"Yep, loads of them!"
"You'll be fine! Stop worrying!"
You continued to eat and drink your wine, chatting easily about tour and then what you thought Willie and Bex were getting up to.
"You know I am really sorry about Saskia today." He said, the wine clearly loosening him up.
"Ni, honestly I get it."
"The whole thing with her is just a mess." He continued.
"You want to talk about it? I mean its ok if you dont. But I'll listen if you need me to."
"If I'm honest I'm not really sure what I was doing with her. Just one bad dating experience after another."
"Babe, we've all been there!" You laughed trying to lighten the mood.
"What was it that you didn't like about her?"  He asked you.
"Um.......doesn't matter what I thought of her Ni." You replied shocked that he would ask you outright.
"It matters to me. And I know you'll give me an honest answer."
He stared at you for a few seconds as you finished your food and took a long sip of your wine 
"Well......um..... just a clash of personalities I suppose. I got the impression she didn't like me and kind of looked down at me. It seemed like she thought she was better than me because she was beautiful, skinny and famous and I'm not. I don't actually want to be famous, I'm quite happy being in the background looking after you."
He nodded. "I like that you look after me, you always have my best interest at heart."
"That's my job as your guitar tech and your friend."
He nodded again, clearly taking in everything you had said.
"I know you've got more to say Cal. I can tell, I know you well enough to know when you're holding back." He said, leaning back in his chair with his drink in his hand.
You smiled and shook your head.
"No-one else been honest with you then?!"
"Not really! They tell me what they think I want to hear. The only one who's honest is Willie and he has a theory about everything."
"What theory is that then?!" You asked him, intrigued by what Willie thought of the Saskia situation.
"Can't tell you that." He replied shaking his head.
"Now I'm super intrigued! Just have to get you drunk and make you confess Willie's wild theory!" You said as you stood up and grabbed the bottle of wine and filled up his glass with a smirk.
Part Three
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ruffiorocks · 6 years
Supergirl Season 2 episode 1 review. The Kara and James relationship. (Or lack of) FYI. Long Post and NOT James friendly!)  In this essay i will.... actually write an essay!😅
 OK so the parts in bold are what i deemed the most important parts of James and Kara non relationship in this episode. In case you don't want to read it all!
2.28 into the episode and Kara sees Mon El for the first time. (IF i was a Karamel shipper i would say this is where James went out of the window. But one look at at an unconscious guy and falling for him is super creepy! )
3.55 in and Kara is over enthusiastic and rambling about her date with James. While the whole time  Alex looks awkward as hell.
4.14 in and Alex is telling Kara she is doing that thing where she is super over eager which means she really isn't but she's trying to convince herself that she is.
4.20 in and Kara is trying to convince Alex that she is excited but seems to be trying to convince herself more than Alex. Alex just isn't buying it.
7.27 in and Kara is rushing to get ready.
7.35 in and Kara is struggling to find the correct outfit.
7.43- There’s a knock in the door and Kara looks in the mirror, takes a breath and looks like she is mentally preparing for this. 
7.58 - Awkward ‘do you want to come in or go out?'
8.03 - James produces Pizza and Pot stickers, Kara snatches the food and honestly looks more excited about the food than she has about James the entire episode so far! 
8.10 - Kara says pot stickers and Pizza are her favorite. To which James replies ‘Which i know about you!’ Well why wouldn't he know that? They have been friends for a whole year, is this supposed to be impressive?
8.17 - James is surprised Kara isn’t watching the Venture launch because ‘I know how into the Space program you are’. TWICE! Twice in the last 6 minutes he felt the need to point out to Kara two things he knew about her. Who are you trying to convince here James? 
8.25 - Kara puts the TV on, seemingly more interested in the food and it than James. She’s way more excited James said she could put it on than she has been about their date so far. 
11.22 - Kara shows way more excitement about seeing Clark than anything she has shown in regards to James and her date. 
11.37 - Kara shows more excitement and joy in teaming up with Clark than she has ever shown in regards to anything about dating James. This here is what real excitement looks like.
12.43 - Winn shows more excitement and heart eyes in meeting Clark than Kara has EVER shown towards James. 
13.29 - Alex, who in a few episodes will realize she’s gay tells Kara ‘your cousin smells terrific’. Alex the soon to be lesbian shows more interest in Clark than Kara has towards James. 
14.19- Winn tells Clark he looks fantastic. (I ship it!) 
15.28 - Clark is telling James that everyone at the Daily Planet has missed him, and he says he missed them to but he likes it in National City. He says this while glancing at Kara who is nervously touching her glasses and looking really awkward. Thankfully Cat rescued Kara from this situation. 
16.44 - James and Kara have another awkward chat about their rushed date, Kara rambles on about how it isn't OK and it was an important step for them and how they will make a plan, execute the plan fully. Even James says ‘that sounds errr. romantic’. Kara is clearly over compensating here, she doesn't want to do this. 
17.15 - Kara says she wants it to work, James does to aaaaaand cue another interruption. 
18.50 Kara meets Lena
19.02 - Lena turns around and makes eye contact with Kara. 
19.06 - Lena smirks at Kara and asks who she is. 
19.09 - Kara is having trouble remembering her own name! 
19.37 - Clark tells Lena her name isnt Smith its Luthor. Cue Kara glancing at Clark  and giving him a curious look, like ‘Come on, thats not fair’. 
19.44 - Lena tells her back story, but she tells it directly to Kara, not to Clark.
20.12 - ‘Im just a woman trying to make a name for herself outside her family, you understand that?’ Kara ‘YES!’ Lena's already showing she has more in common with Kara than i think James has ever had! 
20.33 Lena ‘Just give me a chance Mr Kent, im here for a fresh start, let me have one’. 
20.38 - Clark tells Lena to have a good day, while in the back ground Kara nods approval at Clark’s answer. Almost as if to say, good job for not being harsh on her again. 
20.52 - Kara asks Clark what he thinks about Lena, he says he's learned not to trust what Luthors say. 
20.59 - Kara tells Clark she isnt a reporter but she kind of believed Lena. 
21.17 - Kara asks Clark how he does it all, the Supergirl part of her life is clear but the rest of it isnt. 
20.32 - Clark says You mean Jimmy?’ Cue Kara’s utter (and quite frankly odd) surprise that he knew about this. 
22.22 - Clark tells Kara to trust her heart and if things are right with James she will know it. Kudos to Clark here, he didnt try to push her towards James. (Like Alex will later do with Mon El) 
25.59 - Kara saves Lena and the helicopter and tells Lena she is safe. 
26.13 -back at Cat Co Kara runs into James stating she’s been looking for him, cue more Kara rambling (i swear this is the most rambling in a single episode we have see so far). She goes on about how nothing is getting in the way of their date. All the while James is looking so done with this situation. While Kara is suggesting Italian and she’ll even fly there he interrupts her. 
26.26 - James says its OK, and asks her to just admit that something has changed for her. 
26.30 - Kara gets as far as saying ‘James’ before she is rudely interrupted  by him saying ‘dont tell me im wrong, or im imagining something because i know you, i thought its what you wanted’. Ignoring the fact that this is the third time in this episode alone James has felt the need to tell Kara he knows her or something about her. He isnt even allowing her to speak.
26.39 - Kara finally stops trying to convince herself she want to be with James. 
26.53 - Kara says she doesnt know what she wants. 
26.54 - The smile James had is now gone, even though he was the one who told her from the start of this conversation to admit something is different. Kara does him the curtsy of doing what he just asked her to do and his response is ‘ Well thats honest at least’ and then he walks off, leaving her in the middle of Cat Co. Dude!! You can’t tell people to admit something is wrong, then act all butt hurt when something is in fact wrong. Instead of acting like a mature adult and not a teenager, he doesn't try to discuss it further, no he walks away butt hurt and wounded like she owed him something. 
(honestly if Kara hadn’t realized James isnt what she wants already, then this should have been the thing that convinced her. I would say she doesn't want to be dating a man child, but we all know what she ends up doing later this season!) 
28.06 - Cat Grant tells Kara to dive! 
28.57 - Cat tells Kara they are used to their comfort zones, but in order to live they have to keep daring and diving. Im curious, does this mean that James was simply a comfort zone for Kara? If she had gotten with him would she have been settling? 
30.29 - Kara is comfortable enough with Lena to walk to the naming ceremony with her and Lena is already confiding in Kara. 
31.30 - Lena is attacked (again), James is at the naming ceremony for some reason. I still dont know why, all he does is ‘save’ someone by helping someone stand up who was already about to do it anyway. Then we dont see him again here. Was this some Guardian foreshadowing? If it was it was s**t!
31.57 - Alex saves Lena from Corbin.
33.22 - Lena returns the favor and saves Alex from Corbin when Kara couldn't. Lena is already showing she is more useful than James has been this whole episode. First she handed over the flash drive, then she saved Alex’s life.
33.36 - Far from looking pissed at Lena for shooting someone, Kara looks impressed. 
33.49 - Alex says ‘ nice work Supergirl’ Er.... Alex? are you forgetting that it was Lena who just saved your ass and she is still standing right there?!! Kara ‘i had help’ she says while looking at Clark in the sky! Err... Kara? again Lena is stood right there! You may have saved the building but Alex is alive because of Lena. This right here unfortunately is just the beginning of Lena saving lives and the world and it either being under appreciated, ignored or Kara getting the credit. A trend that has lasted all the way up to the current season. 
33. Back at L Corp, Lena thanks Clark for writing about how she shot Corbin, Yes Clark! At least you noticed and gave her the credit she deserved! Clark even says he was wrong about Lena. A lesson that will take James a lot longer to learn, while using Clark’s experiences as his reasons. Ironic that Clark was cool with Lena by the end of the first episode. 
34.18 - Lena looks at Kara in THAT way and flusters her once again. She essentially tells her she should be a reporter. Kara in response looks like she just had a religious experience. 
34.31 - Lena. ‘I hope this isn't the last time we talk?’ Kara still flustered ‘ I hope not either’. 
34.40 - Literally the next scene and Kara is telling Cat she wants to be a reporter. Lena, a woman Kara met that day told her she could be a reporter and suddenly she wants to be one. 
Ironically, James spent the whole episode telling Kara all the things he ‘knew about her’ while getting no where. Yet Lena says she thought she was a reporter and suddenly Kara is ecstatic and wants to be one. Lena, a woman who doesn't know Kara, knows Kara better than James does! 
35.20 - Cat gives Kara her CV, it has ‘Reporter’ written across it. Wow.. Cat and Lena had the same realization about Kara the moment they met her! Clever women! Yet Kara’s family, friends and the guy she is about to date were NO help at all in this situation. (Well Clark was a bit! )
36.11 - Cat tells Kara that she inspires her and she sees the hero in her. Lena will later say the same things to both Kara and Supergirl. 
36.53-  Kara meets James on the Cat Co balcony. She tells him that back on Krypton she would be a spinster, something to lighten the mood. But instead of appreciating this, or even acknowledging the fact that, joke or not, Kara just shared some Kryptonian heritage, James is still butt hurt and sulking and he IGNORES her! This prompts Kara into saying she knows she should have things figure out but she doesn't. Last year was about Supergirl, and now its time to figure out who Kara is. 
37.22 - Kara tells James he was right, something has changed. She wanted them together but now her heart is telling her they are best as friends. (and you know what? Thats OK! you can have a failed date with a friend and realize you should stay friends). 
37.41 - James, finally realizes that he has lost this battle and his sulking wont change that, he tells her that they will always be friends and gives her shoulder a squeeze. (Weirdly he does the same shoulder grab/squeeze on Lena’s bare shoulder, but that time is super creepy!)
37.49 - Kara tells James shes’s off to see Clark and invites him to join her, James obviously still sulking says no, but tells her to say hi to Clark for him. Wow... mature James, mature. 
38.03 - Winn is invited to become a permanent member of the DEO. Alex even requested his help at the start of the episode. Id like to take this opportunity to point out that James will NEVER be invited to join the DEO. He simply turns up there and people tolerate his presence. Alex only ever acts annoyed and puts up with James at the DEO,  and pissed at the Guardian nonsense. Winn she wanted there. Even Lena is invited to come and help at the DEO and is welcome there. Why? Because she is actually useful!
39.00 - Clark says he likes it want Kara talks about Krypton. A fact that went over James’ head earlier who didnt appreciate that at all. 
OK! That was a lot. But ive concluded that throughout this entire episode Kara did NOT want to date James. She tried to convince herself she did and that is not good, even Alex noticed this immediately.
Kara rambled and didnt look comfortable with James at all!
Kara had more chemistry with Lena than she did with James the entire episode (or the  previous season). She even showed more interest in her than anything James had to say. 
Kara didnt deliberately mess up her time with James, but he acted like she did. She didnt ask to have the whole Venture, Lena, Corbin emergencies. She even went out of her way to try and fix this. But it was ALL about him. 
James even told Kara to admit there was an issue, he didn't let her speak before going on at her again. Then when she respected him (something he hadn't done) enough to do as he asked, he got butt hurt and walked off like the mature adult he is. 
The writers really went out of their way to destroy whatever spark had been there huh? they couldnt even drag it across two episodes. I have to be honest. I never liked that ship anyway. It took me a while to even remember their ship name! 
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sollea · 6 years
Kingdom Hearts Mermaids AU Characters: Lea, Isa, Sora, Riku Relationship: LeaIsa, (non-mentioned) SoRiKai Word Count: 1583
Note: I’m gonna be doing more of this AU, keep an eye out. I have a lot planned. Lea + Isa picture here. Other mermaid information here. I’m reposting to try to get this into the search because for some reason the first try wasn’t.
“Hey, Isa, you remember that time I almost killed you?”
“You’re going to have to be more specific than that, Lea. You do that regularly.”
Lea rolled his eyes and swam up and above Isa, reaching down and dangling his arms in front of his best friend as they swam together. He silently recalled when he had to be more careful around Isa, glad for that time being over. “Nah, you know what I mean. I’ve never actually almost killed you.”
“Didn’t you just ask about the time you did?”
“Yeah, yeah. I know.”
“I need you to think for a second, just a second. Why would I forget one of the most painful experiences I’ve ever had?” Isa paused his swimming and let Lea circle back so he could still be talking to Isa while looking down from above.
“I was kinda hoping you’d still be unwilling to say it like that, but you’re right. I was just thinking about how glad I am that I can touch you now.”
Isa reached up to prick his finger against one of Lea’s spines, it barely felt like anything after years of getting used to it.“It’s been ages, aren’t you used to being able to touch me without being incredibly careful by now?”
“Doesn’t mean it doesn’t make me happy.”
Isa laughed and looked up at Lea, reaching up and cupping his face to make sure they locked eyes. He couldn’t deny Lea being so outwardly sentimental was something he loved about him. “What was your point, Lea? Did you have one or did you just want to be a dork?”
Lea moved his hand over Isa’s and smiled. “I’m just thinking about it. I was really scared you weren’t going to be my friend anymore because of that and here we are, you’re in love with me and-”
“Don’t know who said that.”
“And I love you.”
“As you should.”
“You refused to let me know you were hurting that bad, you were really strong. You’re always so strong. I just love you.”
“Sappy. Is something going on?”
“No. I really was just thinking about how nice it is to not have that happen anymore. No poisoning my friend with hugs. Now I just bother my boyfriend by being clingy.”
“Sounds like you’ve had a couple changes, then. Why are we just talking about the almost killing me part of the story?”
“Because I’m trying to get to a point.”
“You said you didn’t have one.”
“Ugh! Just stop making fun of me for two seconds. You’re obnoxious.”
“Oh? Am I really the obnoxious one?”
“Yes! Why do I even like you?”
“I’m told you’re in love.”
“Wish I wasn’t in love with someone so mean to me.”
“I’m not mean to you. I could be. Do you want me to be mean to you?”
“No. Isa.”
“Then you know I’m being as nice as I can be?”
“Isa, can you just shut up and let me talk?”
“Hah, you think I’m able to keep you from talking? You?”
“Alright, shut up.”
“Really rude to keep saying that.” Moving up in the water to press his lips to Lea’s for a moment, Isa laughed. “You like hearing me talk. You enjoy my voice.”
“If you’d let me get to my point, Isa.” He left emphasis on the second syllable as he waited to be interrupted. When there was no interruption, he sighed. “I’ve been thinking about that because of how many things we still do come from not being able to touch you. When you kiss me outside of saying hey, it makes me remember watching Aeleus help you into the castle when I hugged you. Y’know, that should’ve had you paralyzed?”
“Yes, I’m aware. Are we really going over some backstory? Can’t we just continue this swim, head up to the beach, and relax there while it’s empty?”
“Am I not allowed to talk to my best friend anymore?”
“You are, but your boyfriend is getting impatient.”
“Then tell him to stop being an asshole.”
“He’s not about to listen, he’s just as stubborn as you are. Now, seriously, come on. There’s nothing we can’t talk about while relaxing somewhere even just a little safer than open ocean between islands.”
“And I bet you don’t remember what your point was anyways.”
“I just told you what it was.”
“Oh? Was that it?”
“I hate you.”
Isa laughed and rolled his eyes, deciding to let that empty statement stand, returning to the other part of what he’d been saying. “We wouldn’t be between islands if you just remembered where we were going.”
“You could’ve told me I was swimming the wrong way.”
“You’re almost always ahead of me. It’s your fault for going so far so fast.”
“You could’ve noticed.”
“Excuse me for trusting the one who decided to take the lead.”
“You weren’t even trusting me, I know you better than that.”
“Fine, I was laughing at you for going the wrong way, but we didn’t run into any humans with nets, so it’s fine.”
“If that’s your metric, then, yeah, I guess. You sure you’re going to be fine doing your job when we get back?”
“If I’m too tired for the day, the world won’t fall apart if I don’t go in.”
“But you will.”
“Yes, I will. Of course I will. You will too.”
“Nah, I’m gonna skip out. Be irresponsible and sleep all day. Place won’t fall apart without me.”
Isa rolled his eyes and wrapped his hands around Lea’s wrists carefully, webbing between his fingers getting in the way of a full and comfortable grasp. He wasn’t going to say it aloud, but he really did want to just sit on the beach with Lea and look up at the moon until they were too dry to stay on land. “Lea, start moving, I want to get home eventually, but the moon is full tonight.”
“You’re the one who stopped?”
Isa didn’t respond to Lea and instead opted to swimming forward with a small tug of Lea’s arms before letting go to continue swimming. He could be much faster when he wanted to be, a tuna tail was much better suited to going quickly than anyone who had only met Isa alone would be led to believe. Lea had to fight to keep up with Isa.
“Hey, Isa, slow down.”
“You can keep up, I believe in you.”
“Why am I dating you?”
“Why am I dating someone so slow?”
“Ugh! Fine. I don’t want to race, though, so slow down a little bit?”
Isa fell back, swimming at Lea’s pace and bumping their hips together. Lea still had the tendency to be careful around other people, despite Isa being all but completely immune to his sting because of the constant exposure. Isa had no such care. Lea responded to the bump by wrapping his tail around Isa’s, taking a position most used for comfortable relaxing while not moving.
“You really don’t want to let me see the moon above the water tonight, do you?”
“We’re still moving. You know how to pull me around, I know you do.”
“You’re lucky your tail isn’t as short as your dad’s is.”
“And you’re not. Pull me along.”
“Don’t be lazy.”
“Too late. I’m comfortable. And I know you can do this for a significantly longer time.”
Isa just sighed, shaking his head at Lea’s dorky actions. He loved Lea a great deal, but sometimes it was difficult… this was not one of those times, Isa found, as he glanced back to look at Lea’s smirk.
They didn’t have that far to go, so the rest of their swim was in silence. They pulled themselves onto the deserted beach carefully and hacked the water up out of their lungs.
As soon as they were comfortably on the beach and breathing air, Lea flopped backwards into the sand and groaned. “I will never be used to that.”
“Having to cough up that much water.”
“You’ll never get used to anything different than your first two years alive, will you?”
“Oh, shut up. You wanted to lay here and talk and look at the moon, so lay down with me.”
Isa rolled his eyes and laid down next to Lea, holding his arm out so he could be leaned against if Lea decided he wanted to. And of course Lea wanted to.
Just as Lea got comfortable, there was a sound of footsteps that was just too close for comfort. Lea moved away and began to slide back into the water and Isa followed behind him.
They got into the water just as a pair of human children locked eyes with them.
“Wait, no, don’t go!” One of the children called out to the mermaids, reaching his hand out only to have the other grab him and hold him back.
“Sora, leave them alone. Kairi didn’t want to be seen either.”
“Yeah, but… We’re friendly.”
The mermaids stared at the gently arguing children in confusion, slowly backing up in the water so they could have a good distance between them. Where had they picked up this human language?
Suddenly, Lea realized the humans had said a name.
“...Did you say Kairi?” Lea was too curious to continue the act of self preservation Isa was still anxious to do, but not without Lea. He knew that and he could see Isa ready to bolt, but he needed to know.
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The Reluctant Countess: Chapter Five
Also available to read on Fictionpress under the same name. (There’s a link in my sidebar.)
Story Summary: When another plague outbreak arrives on the shores of the Black Sea in 1667, wealthy merchant’s daughter Rosalind is forced to flee her comfortable life for the relative safety of a remote village in the Carpathian Mountains. But she soon finds the humble village harbors a sinister secret and a haunted past.
A “Beauty and the Beast”-inspired vampire story, rated T for some violence. (The romance itself is going to be rated PG.)
Rosalind did not know what else to say to her aunt without contradicting her. They finished their gruel in prickly silence, broken only by the clink of their spoons. She could feel Ioana watching her with a frustrated intensity, but she chose not to acknowledge it. She could try to respect the superstitions of others, but she could not agree to live in fear and ignorance like her neighbors did.
           The world is much wider and greater than any of these people will ever know, Rosalind thought. Maybe if they traveled more than a few miles from home once in a while, or read a book other than the Bible, they would understand.
           As they washed up the dishes from their breakfast, they heard a voice outside that signified Faruk was also awake. Ioana drew aside the threadbare curtain. Faruk was on his prayer mat, presumably facing Mecca, and bowed in prayer.
           Rosalind could hear her aunt muttering something under her breath about “heathen worship” and “devilry,” but before Ioana could march over and interrupt Faruk’s invocations, Rosalind held her back by the elbow.
           “He’s saying his morning prayers, as we just did ourselves,” she pointed out quietly. “There’s no harm in it.”
           “I said he could stay in this house,” Ioana said in a clipped tone. “That doesn’t mean his foreign rituals are welcome.”
           Dear God, I hope Faruk cannot hear our conversation from here, Rosalind thought, groaning internally. The walls of this house were meager enough that it seemed likely.
           Rosalind could only speak a little Arabic that she had picked up from her tutors, but it was enough to understand the substance of Faruk’s prayers. If an appeal to reason and tolerance did not move her aunt, then perhaps an appeal to her familial duty would.
           “Aunt Ioana, it’s a prayer for the dead. He’s praying for my father’s soul; they were good friends. Please leave him be.”
           I know you aren’t as cold and hard as you pretend to be, Rosalind wished she could say, pleading instead with her eyes. Her aunt exhaled in a sharp gust, and as if expelling her annoyance in the same breath, her taut posture relaxed.
           “When he’s finished, tell him the stable needs cleaning,” Ioana said.
           “So what will you do now?”
           Faruk paused in his shoveling and looked back at Rosalind over his shoulder. “What do you mean?”
           Rosalind shrugged, keeping her eyes fixed on the fresh straw she was strewing over the stable floors. “I mean, you’ve fulfilled the promise you made to my father, haven’t you? You’ve delivered me safely to my family. But I doubt you were planning on remaining here indefinitely. Your education and skillset aren’t exactly in high demand here.”
           “No, I suppose they are not,” he agreed with a wry smile.
           “So will you…will you be going back?” Rosalind could not keep her tone as nonchalant as she wanted.
           Faruk sighed heavily. “Constanta is not safe at present. The quarantine is likely still in effect. But you are right, I did not intend to live permanently in Vseník.”
           She bit her lip. She wanted to ask him, please don’t leave me alone here, you’re my only friend, but she knew how selfish a request it would be. He had a life of his own to lead, and he had no reason to sequester himself in some backward alpine village that did not welcome him.
           “Of course, it would be a waste if your vast knowledge and inquiring mind was trapped here, where they won’t be appreciated,” she said, forcing a smile. “Will you be going home to Istanbul, then?”
           He hesitated. “I will. But not yet. There is still a portion of my promise that I have yet to fulfill.”
           She looked at him inquiringly.
           “I told your father that I would see you well-married and settled before I moved on,” he admitted, his eyes crinkling at the corners as if anticipating her displeasure. “Since he was not able to discharge that paternal duty himself.”
           “Ah.” Rosalind felt her stomach sinking. “I’m sorry, Faruk. You might be waiting a long time.”
           She was not utterly opposed to matrimony, or even to the idea of a practical match. She had always assumed that someday she would need to choose someone level-headed, financially stable, and preferably from a good family. Her father had hoped their money, tainted though it was by trade, might even tempt a landowning family to make an offer.
           But he had always, always insisted they would find a husband Rosalind could respect, and even grow to care for.
           Passion is what drew your mother and I together, her father had told her when she turned sixteen. It wasn’t sensible and we were much too young, too poor. I don’t want that kind of uncertainty and danger for you. But I don’t want you trapped in a union that suffocates you, either. Your mind is too sharp to throw it away on some dull clod. We’ll find a happy medium, my girl, I know we will.
           At the time, that prospect had seemed realistic. Under the present circumstances, however…
           “Somehow I doubt there’s a suitable husband for me among the dozen or so bachelors in this village,” Rosalind said with a nervous laugh. “At least, by my father’s standards.”
            Faruk sighed, leaning on his shovel thoughtfully. “Perhaps we will both be pleasantly surprised.”
           After the stables were cleaned out and the horses fed, Rosalind was sent to the cistern in the town square to fetch water. It must have been a customary chore at this point in the morning, for there was already a long queue of women, young and old, with jugs and jars balanced on their hips or on top of their heads. There was much chattering and friendly gossip among those waiting their turn. But when Rosalind joined the line, the two women nearest ceased their spirited discussion and stole furtive glances at her.
           Rosalind stood tall and firm, refusing to blush or appear cowed. She would not be embarrassed by the rudeness of others.
           She had almost reached the front of the queue when a hush fell suddenly over the women. They all seemed to be looking at someone behind Rosalind. She did not seem remarkable to Rosalind—a woman of about thirty, auburn hair tucked back into a white kerchief, muscular arms from lifting and laboring. She wore a homespun gown and apron just like the other women here. So why did the crowd part at her arrival, and silently let her pass to the front of the line?
           It did not seem like they favored her out of respect, for the other women watched her with narrowed eyes. As the stranger passed, Rosalind saw a silver charm gleaming at her neck: a hand reaching out with pinky and thumb extended, an eye inscribed in its palm. It was a symbol to ward off the Evil Eye, which Rosalind had seen Jewish women wear back home.
           When the Jewish woman passed her again with a full jug of water, she briefly caught Rosalind’s gaze. She had largely ignored her rude Christian neighbors with placid defiance, but she paused for a moment at Rosalind. The expression in her hazel eyes was not one of curiosity, or even hostility, but seemed oddly like recognition and pity. Before Rosalind could unscramble her thoughts enough to speak to the woman, she shook her head once as if resigned, and continued on.
           What was that all about? Rosalind wondered. There was something unsettling about the interaction, as if the woman had known something she herself did not.
           One of the matrons in front of Rosalind bent toward her and whispered, “That’s Judith. She works for Him. Our Lord, I mean.”
           On her walk home, Rosalind tried to simply focus on not spilling her precariously full jug of water, but she could not shake the prickling feeling on the back of her neck. She did not believe in omens; she was a skeptic. She was inclined to search for natural and rational explanations before turning to superstition and magic. But the atmosphere of this village was so strange and disconcerting that her stomach twisted constantly with apprehension.
           Something was wrong here. And she almost dreaded finding out what.
              Exhausted by her chores that day, Rosalind fell asleep almost the moment her aunt blew out the feeble candle. But she did not find rest or oblivion.
           Her dreams were meandering and endless. She felt like she was falling backwards through a deep, narrow shaft in the earth, the sunlight up above fading to a tiny pinprick, nothing to catch her fall but empty space. And as she tumbled through that dark tunnel, the air grew colder until she lost all feeling in her fingers and toes. There was nothing but the dark and the cold and the smell of freshly-turned earth.
           Her dream-self screamed and screamed, but no sound escaped her dry throat.
           Waking was a sluggish, gradual process. First she became aware of how stiff and rigid she seemed to be lying. It felt as if her bed beneath her had been replaced with a slab of stone. The surface beneath her fingertips was damp and slick. The air smelled musty and stale. Rosalind was disoriented from her dreams, and before she dared open her eyes, she tried to sort through what was real and what was just a nightmare.
           It was all just in my head, she thought with a swell of relief. How ridiculous I was to be so terrified! But it felt so real at the time. When I open my eyes, I’ll be in the bedroom with my aunt and Faruk.
           Dim, flickering golden light met her eyes when she managed to wrench them open.
           She didn’t know this place.
           She was still in her fine linen nightdress, but someone had placed a woolen blanket over her. The hard, smooth surface under her turned out to be a stone dais; the flickering light came from the circle of half-melted candles around her. On either side of her were two stone sarcophagi topped with intricate marble effigies—on her right, a veiled noblewoman holding a rosary studded with glimmering rubies, and on her left, an armored knight clutching a sword in his only hand.
           On the clammy rock-hewn walls was a bas-relief carving of skeletons holding hands in a courtly dance. Beneath it, the admonition Memento Mori.
           Rosalind sat up slowly, trying to get her bearings. What am I doing here? Looking at the moisture on the rough walls, she wondered, Is this some kind of…tomb or catacomb underground?
           Before she could contemplate the potential horror of a premature burial, her roaming eyes were drawn to a dark corner. Someone was watching her in silence.
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wayward--writings · 6 years
Chapter 2
  You sat in the cafeteria reading over your notes for a chemistry test coming up, as Sweet Pea and Fangs sat on either side of you.  Sweet Pea made a grab for your paper but you were too quick for him.  
“Nerd,” he teased. 
  You jabbed him in the side with your fork making him jump. 
“Bitch,” he said smirking.
“Jerk,” you eyed him over the paper.  He took a fry off your plate and popped it in his mouth.  Fangs just eyed the pair of you before rolling his eyes.  
“Have you thought about the serpents any?” Asked Fangs.
“No, not really, just trying to keep my grades somewhat decent.” you replied giving up on your notes and setting the back into your bag.  Slumping on the table and letting out a sigh, Fangs placed his hand on yours.  
“What is it little sweetie?” he asked giving you a pouty face.  
“Im never going to pass chemistry.” you admitted. 
“I can help you.” he replied.  
Raising your eyebrows, “You’re good at chemistry?” 
“Well I can definitely read whats going on between you two, soooo” he trailed off.  His comments made you and Sweet Pea shift a little bit. “Im kidding, relax, jeez. I can take you home and help you study.”
  Nodding, you agreed.  The bell rang signaling all the students to file out for the pep rally.  The three of you stayed sitting, eating the last bit of french fries before falling behind the rest of the kids.  Sitting up front, the boys wanted to be sure that Toni could hear them cheering. You couldnt help but smile as Toni and the other Vixens did their dance.  She looked so out of place and at home all at the same time.  It was odd to see her without her serpent jacket but she shined bright in her blue and gold cheer uniform.  Sweet Pea’s voice boomed throughout the gym as Toni did a somersault.  Even Cheryl had to stop and watch her girlfriend do her thing.  
  The school was booming with school spirit as Reggie Mantle, a tall jock with dark hair, gave his pep talk about how the bulldogs were going to eat the Greendale kids for dinner and all of that.  You werent really paying attention.  Toni was making faces at the three of you during it until Cheryl gave her a look. 
“Do you want to go the game later?” Fangs asked as you both walked over to his motorcycle.  
Shaking your head, “No, I dont really like sportsball. Ya’ know the whole home run and the go team go, its not really my thing.”
“What the hell just came out of your mouth?” He laughed as you aproached his bike.  Sliding on the helmet and slipping on the back the two of you roared off towards the Southside.
“Where’s your mom?” Fangs asked as you walked into the house. 
“She works nights at the hospital.” you replied throwing your keys in the bowl on the entry table.  “You want anything to drink?” you ask grabbing a water from the fridge.  He nods.  Picking up another water bottle and tossing it over to him before plopping on the couch with your book bag.  He joined you.
  Just as you were getting started with the homework, he blurted, “So you like Sweet Pea?” 
Shifting uncomfortably again,”What? No, why would you say that?” 
  He just stares at you. Then raising his eyebrow, which makes you sigh. “I mean sure he’s cute, but were friends.  Just friends. Im still new and ya know,”
“Yeah just friends, okay.” he says not convinced. 
  He changed the subject back to the homework.  The way he broke everything down was extremely helpful.  You even solved a few equations yourself.  Just as the pair of you were wrapping everything up your phone lit up from Toni.
TT: hey girl, cheryl is having a kick back after the game....u in?
“So Cheryl is having a party.” you stated to Fangs.  He looks up from his papers.
“Who’s going?” He asked eagerly. 
M: fangs wants to know who is going
TT: tell him to get his serpent ass there and stop obsessing over kevin
  You let out a chuckle as he grabbed your phone.  
“Well thats just rude,” he said blushing a bit.  “You wanna go?” he asked.
“Yeah sure. I just need to tell my mom.” you say texting her.  “Let me change really quick.”  
  He nodded as you made your way to the bedroom.  Rummaging through the clothes in your closet you couldnt decide on anything to wear. 
“Fangs, what do I wear?” you yelled down the hall.
“Im coming,” He said sighing.  
  Fangs tore through your wardrobe and found an outfit the was suitable.  You layered the flannel over a plain grey t shirt and black skinny jeans. He threw some booties at you.
“Cuff the bottom of your pants,” he said pointing to your ankles. You obliged with no argument before slipping into the boots.
Skipping down the trail to his bike, you slipped on the helmet he gave you and gripped onto his waist as you jolted away into the darkness.  
  Thistle House was booming with noise, as the music and people spilled out through every nook and cranny.  Fangs pulled the motorcycle to a halt. 
“You good?” he asked. 
“What?” you asked confused, and then it clicked. “Go find your man, Fangs.”
  He smiled and kissed your cheek with a big ‘MUAH!’ 
  Leaving you laughing, he trotted inside, you followed but on a different mission. Maybe you did like Sweet Pea, you just didnt realize it until someone called you out on it.  Wandering through the swarms of people, you craned through the different faces. Just looking for the familiar one you yearned for.  You stopped in the kitchen to grab some of the punch and take a shot. You know, for some liquid courage.  Suddenly, there were hands on your waist.  You smiled and turned, only for that smile to fall immediately.  Reggie Mantle had his hands resting on your hips as he peered down at you with an intoxicated smile.  
“I dont think we have actually had the pleasure of meeting.” he said.  You could feel his confidence oozing from him, when a hand appeared on his shoulder.  The silver rings glinting in the light of the chandelier.  Your heart skipped as Sweet Pea appeared.  Reggie turned and his face slipped.  
“Serpent,” he spat.
“Yeah, I wouldnt touch her if I were you.  She doesnt really like that.” Sweet Pea said towering over the jock.  
“pshh whatever take your girlfriend.” he said leaving.  
  You smiled up at him as he rubbed your head.  
“Glad you made it,” he said winking and picking up the bottle you had in front of you.  You put out an extra glass for yourself and he poured you a shot. You took it and made a sour face, making him laugh.  
“How do you take shots so easily?!” you exclaim as the vodka burned down your throat.  
“Youre doing it wrong. What you do is inhale. shot. exhale. Look!” he said pouring himself another one and demonstrating before pouring you another one.  Taking the shot in one hand you eyed him.  Inhale. And you shot it back before letting out the air.  It was so much smoother than before and he explained you literally blow out that alcohol taste which is what most people hate.  
“Makes sense.” You say as you feel the alcohol warm your veins.  
“Come on drunkey,” he said laughing at you as he took you to another crowded room, but this one had a couch, where you both sat and laughed as people acted like fools.
“Have you thought anymore about the serpents,” he asked.
“You already asked me that today.” you said looking over to him.  
He shrugged. “ I just think you would do well in the serpents.” 
“Excuse me party people!” Cheryl yelled over all the noise and interrupting your talk with Sweet Pea.  “I want to play a game! How about 7 minutes in heaven.”  She clapped her hands together.  It seemed that it was torn right down the middle, with some people loving this idea, but most groaning in protest. 
Your heart was racing as she scanned the room, when finally her finger landed on you. Your face turned bright red and you could feel Sweet pea tighten in his seat. But her finger kept moving after she called your name. Your eyes narrowed. What is her game, you thought to yourself.
She settled a few seats down, on Reggie.  Of course she did.  
“Ok you two, go go go.”Cheryl said taking both your hands and shoving you in a closet. You stood there in near darkness in silence.
“Well you don’t have to be so stiff. What’s your name?” He asked while placing a hand on your hip.
“Molly. Remove your hand. “ you said taking a step back.
“Oh come on, sweetness,” he said coming closer again.
“If you don’t back the fuck away from me,” you started but he cut you.
“What? You’re going to have your serpent boyfriend kick my ass? Newsflash we already fought. Ask him how that went.” He lunged forward for a kiss and as his lips pressed hard against yours, your knee presses hard against his groin. Making him double over in pain.
“I don’t need anyone to fight my battles for me. I can handle myself, dick!” Throwing open the door, everyone’s eyes fell on you and Reggie’s slumped body.
You took off running for outside where it felt like you could finally breathe. You leaned against sweet peas bike and took a sharp inhale in and out, when you heard footsteps approaching behind you. You turned to see Fang’s tilted head looking at you. Standing up straight as he approached.
“Hey killer, you alright?” He asked placing a hand on your back.
“Yeah,” you couldn’t help but feel the disappointment waft through you.
“What’s wrong,” he nudged.
“It’s nothing,” you said shrugging him off.
“Alright…….But you’re missing your chance!” He dragged it out as he turned slowly.
“I like sweet pea!” You shouted.
He put his hand on his cheek dramatically. “Nooooo.”
You shove him as he laughed.
“Do you want me to take you home?” He asks putting his arm around you.
“Yeah don’t think I really want to go back in there.” You say imagining Reggie still on his knees in pain.
He nods and hands you the helmet again.
You tossed and turned since you got home and laid down. Why could it not have been sweet pea she called on. What was the whole point of putting you with Reggie? It really didn’t matter you’re just thankful Fangs took you home. Your mom is working late shift at the hospital again so the house is extremely quiet. So quiet that when your phone buzzed you nearly jumped out of your skin. You turn to grab it off the night stand and see his name light up the screen.
SP: hey I’m outside
M: wait what?
SP: open the door!
You put your slippers on and slipped through the house. You can make out Sweet Peas silhouette through the glass door. He’s shifting side to side as you open the door only to see him standing there with a huge black eye.
“Sweet Pea What the hell happened?!” You shrieked reaching up to touch his face. He winced as you pressed a gentle hand to the bruise. Grabbing his hand and leading him inside, you set home down on the couch before grabbing a pack of frozen peas for his face.“What happened?!” You repeated. 
He shrugged.
 “No, what the hell happened?”you asked a third time.
“I beat up Reggie,” he said hanging his head.
“Why the hell would you do that,” folding your arms across you chest and eyeing him. He shrugged again.Approaching slowly, you lifted his head with your index finger and kissed his forehead.“Well thank you. But again you didn’t have to do that. I can manage.” You say while placing the bag on his face.He winced but didn’t make a sound.“Just please tell me he looks worse than you do?”
  He raises his eyes to yours and flashes a devilish grin and then nods.
“Good,” You say as he yawns. “Do you want to stay here tonight? You have to be gone before my mom gets home but I can make you a palette on the floor?”
“Yeah that would be awesome.” He nods while rubbing his eyes.
   You get up and he follows as you walk down the hall, stopping at the linen closet.
“Soooooo we have two extra blankets….” you say to him.
“It’s ok I can just go home.” He says.
“Or you can just sleep in the bed, with me?” You offer.
“Uhhhm, oh-okay, Yeah, that’s fine, we’re good, yeah.” He stammered.
“Oh come on like you’ve never slept in the same bed with fangs or Toni?” You tease while leading him into your bedroom.
“Yeah but-“ he cuts himself off.
  Kicking off your slippers you slid to the inside of the bed.  You eyed him as he was unmoved from the doorway. Sighing and rolling your eyes, you tap the bed.  He smiled and removed his jacket and boots. 
“Are you sure because I can just sleep on the floor?” he said as he stood at the edge of the bed.
“Get in the damn bed, Sweet Pea.” you said before turning towards the wall.  The mattress shifted with his weight, and you couldnt help but to admit, it felt nice to have him there with you.  
“Hey, Pea,” you said in the darkness. 
“Hmm,” he grumbled groggily. 
“Do you really think I would make a good serpent?” 
“The best serpent.” he said without hesitation. 
  You laid back and sighed, barely holding back a wild grin.  “Alright, Im in.”
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imaginingspiderman · 7 years
Some time (Peter Parker x Reader)
Request: Could you please do an imagine where Peter and you become lab partners and shortly afterwards friends and you think he likes you but he doesnt. You tell him but he turns you down. Then at the Honecoming dance you go alone after weeks of not talking and he sees you and suddenly regrets everything. And could the Vulture or someone attack the school and he saves everyone then he shows up at her house in his Spidey costume and tells her and she then turns him down. Im sorry I know its a lot but plz!
A/N: I don’t really like how this turned out, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. It feels nice being back after so many months. All the love xx
Going to prom alone was something you had dreaded since you started high-school; and yet, there you were, standing in the corner and looking at everybody dancing together. You look at Peter, dancing next to Liz and laughing at whatever she’s saying. Looking at them, you can only think about the day you told Peter you liked him, convinced he would tell you that he liked you too after weeks of -what you had considered intentionally- touching your hands and looking at you during lab hours. He had been surprised when you told him, and you had thought that to be something good. It was not. He turned you down; softly and sweetly, but he turned you down. You had already bought your prom ticket and dress, so you had no other option than to attend. What would you have told your parents, who so kindly had paid for everything in hopes of seeing you with a date? You huffed and looked at your watch, deciding it was late enough to go home without your parents thinking anything had gone wrong. You quickly said goodbye to your friends and walked towards the door, not noticing Peter’s gaze on you. Just as you were about to open the door, a window broke. Everyone began screaming, and when you turned around you saw a man flying across the gym. The Vulture, you thought. You didn’t know what to do. Your eyes quickly scanned the gym trying to find your friends, but there was no luck. Everybody kept running around trying to hide and you were stuck next to the door, people around you trying to open them, but they were locked. ‘’Spider-man,’’ the Vulture said, ‘’I know you are here. If you don’t want me to ruin everything around here and kill everyone, I’d suggest you come out and give me a little bit of a fight.’’ Everybody opened their eyes at the mention of Spider-man being there and heads started to turn. A second later the superhero appeared, hanging on his webs. ‘’Leave everyone out of this,’’ the masked superhero shouted, not getting too close to the Vulture. His voice sounded familiar, but you noticed that he was trying to make it lower. ‘’This fight is between you and I’’ he said. After that, both of them started fighting, everyone in the gym looking at them. You heard the police cars approaching the school and saw Spider-man stick the Vulture to the wall with his webs right before the police came in, opening the doors to the gym from outside. You quickly got out, stressed, shocked and scared. Running home as fast as you could with your high heels on your hands, you changed into your pajamas right as you got into your room. You quickly messaged your friends, trying to make sure everyone was okay, and sighed when you got messages assuring you of their wellbeing. You lie on your bed, looking at the ceiling and finally processing everything that had happened after the shock had worn out. You finally let out a sigh and run your hand through your hair, not knowing how to react at the way the night had turned out. Your thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on your window, and you turned your head, furrowing your eyebrows as to who would be there. Much to your surprise, you were faced with Spider-man. You didn’t move, not knowing what to do. He finally motioned for you to open the window, and you guessed there was nothing wrong in doing that, so you did. ‘’Hey’’ he whispered. You didn’t say anything, narrowing your eyes and waiting for him to say something else. He started taking off his mask and you opened your mouth, wanting to say something but not knowing what. When his mask was finally off, you were faced with Peter. You didn’t move, shocked. It kind of made sense -the voice, the skipping class; yet you still didn’t know what to do. ‘’Aren’t you gonna say anything?’’ he softly asked. You shook your head and waited for him to continue. ‘’I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.’’ You walked to your bed and sat there, still looking at him. He stood in the middle of your room, mask on his hand and looking around, trying to figure out what words to say. ‘’I came because I wanted to apologize’’ he finally said. ‘’I shouldn’t have rejected you. I know realize it was a mistake and I… I actually like you a lot.’’ You looked at him, processing everything. ‘’I…’’ you started. ‘’I don’t know what to say. I don’t mean to be rude, but I can’t be with you.’’ He looked surprised and lost, and he opened and closed his mouth repeatedly, not knowing what to say. ‘’You see,’’ you continued, ‘’I have finally accepted that you didn’t like me, and I’m fine with it. I also can’t be with you knowing you are Spider-man. I can’t live worrying about you being okay; I just can’t.’’ He run a hand through his hair and looked at the ground. ‘’Okay’’ he whispered, turning around to live through the window, already putting on his mask. ‘’Peter,’’ you said before he left. He turned around and looked at you, the mask only covering his eyes, ‘’I would like for us to keep talking. Maybe in some time I’ll decide that I’m ready to be with you. Until then, I would like it if you came here whenever you need help with anything. Please.’’ He smiled softly and nodded, finally putting on his mask completely. ‘’I’ll look forward to that day’’ he said before slinging off your window and into the night.
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