#the waffles thing is from that bit with aubrey
vivitalks · 4 months
i don't know how much of this is good character acting and how much is just pure justin mcelroy but i think it's cute how duck has such finely honed big brother instincts. rest assured if you leave a young woman under his supervision he WILL provide her with waffles and a lateral thinking puzzle
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blessedwithabadomen · 8 months
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in love with the mess - day one
summary : Aubrey is going on tour and, for once, she's decided to focus on having as much fun as possible. Oli can be a little shit but he does nothing short of adore Audrey and... well, maybe Noah a little, too. Noah likes the flirting, as long as no one gets too close, emotionally. But what will happen when the three of them take it too far?
content : fluff and flirting
length : 3.1k
tags (let me know if you want to be tagged!) : @veronicaphoenix @cookiesupplier @lma1986 @jilliemiw86 @bngurngheart @lacktoesandtoddlerants @narcissisticbehavior81 @flowery-mess @shilohrosechicken
a/n: I'm not home this week so I hope this posts correctly from my phone 😬 enjoy the chapter!!
day one
If there was one thing to know about me it was that I was an absolute whore for a breakfast buffet. And the one at this hotel had both a waffle station and a chef to make you omelettes on demand so really, I couldn't be to blame. It was simply unfortunate that I was elbows deep in a plate of chocolate croissants I’d balanced on my table when Noah appeared.
For a singular moment I still had hope that he would not see me or even then, decide to ignore me and enjoy the quiet morning by himself, but after a quick detour to the coffee machine, he confidently took the seat across from me.
“You stuff everything in your mouth with that much vigour?”
Both of us froze in the middle of our movements. From the look in his eyes, I was pretty sure that he was not insinuating what we were both thinking now, the realisation of what his words could mean hitting him only after they’d already been spoken. I was trying so hard not to let my face twist into a grin, or full on laughter, and it was becoming increasingly difficult with every second of horror passing through his eyes.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Finally realising that I was very much seeing the humour in his slip-up, he cracked a handsome smile, half-hidden by the hand that was rubbing his face as he groaned. I had half a mind to throw another remark at him, tease him about his faux pas a little further, but my eyes were trained on the back of his hand and the dark flower design inked into the skin.
Carefully reaching for him, I pulled the hand away from his face, lying it palm-down on the table between us between my plate of sweets and his coffee, just to study the tattoo further. Tracing every line on every patel, I committed the design to memory. It was gorgeous and it was perfect on him.
“You got any tattoos?” Noah tried very hard to sound normal, but I heard the huskiness in his voice, one that hadn’t been there before. I hoped it had to do with my touch. It was why I didn’t quite let go of him when I answered.
“A couple,” I mused. “Most of them hidden away though. Had some, quite ridiculous I can say now, ideas about wanting to have the option of a normal job that might not like to see me covered in ink. Although I’m pretty sure that ship’s sailed, so I’m definitely looking to get started on my arms soon.”
“Where’s the ones you have so far?”
He was probably expecting my legs, my shoulders, something easily shown with barely any clothes removal. Something I could let him see right now. He wasn’t entirely wrong. I did have a couple in those spots, too.
“I don’t think I can show you in a public place without becoming a menace.”
Noah’s hand visibly flinched underneath mine and he pulled back, immediately making me miss his warmth. He took a long sip of his coffee and I wondered if it was an attempt to buy some time.
“This was, um,” he coughed in between his words, “a great talk but you’re a fucking flirt and I need a bit more caffeine to deal with you.”
Disappointment flooded my veins as he got up from the table - had I been too much? Said the wrong thing? Come on too strongly? I knew I had vowed to take Lia’s advice at being a little more offensive and letting myself do whatever I was in the mood for, but that didn’t mean it was appreciated. Maybe I should back down. Keep more to myself after all. Not be so damn-
“Find me later?” He asked with a grin as he stopped next to my chair on the way out.
Well. Maybe I didn’t need to change much at all.
I had forgotten how much running around was involved in a job like that. I wasn't complaining really, I did enjoy that it kept me on my toes, but I was thoroughly exhausted by the time I basically dropped Oli off for soundcheck. He'd had several appointments beforehand that I accompanied him to and even when he was busy, he still found time to think of fifteen different things he had forgotten in some place or other and needed immediately, making me cross the arena and the hotel several times more than necessary. He had way too much fun with it too.
Now I finally saw a chance to take a breather, so I grabbed a couple of things from catering (surprisingly good catering actually, Bring Me The Horizon had really moved up in the world it seemed) and went on a hunt for a quiet backstage room. I was fully planning on bunking up in one of Bring Me’s dressing rooms as they should all technically be empty now, but when I walked past a different door, half open, half closed, I couldnt help but stop as I looked inside. Noah was sitting on a couch - well, I said sitting, I really meant he was halfway to sliding down off it, his head collapsed onto the back ledge, eyes closed, looking ridiculously uncomfortable.
I didn’t mean to disturb him. In fact, I didn’t quite know what the plan was at all, but in one split decision, I walked into the room, quietly closing the door behind me and sitting down on the couch next to him. Balancing my stuff on the table, I scooped some of my (honestly deliciously smelling pasta) on a fork and carefully held it under Noah’s nose.
It was like watching a dog sleep that suddenly started dreaming of the very smell that surrounded him in real life. His nose was starting to twitch in the most adorable way, then his breathing changed a little. One by one, his body was waking up, not quite sure yet why, but pulled from his sleep anyway.
His eyes finally opened, a little at first, then more, slightly swollen from the nap had seemingly had taken him by force, as he tried to focus on where we was. Blinking, then blinking again, he finally set sight on the fork in front of him, brows furrowing as he pulled his head back to look at it better in utter confusion.
“What the-”
Noah finally sat up properly, only just now noticing me sitting next to him, amused beyond belief as I finally pushed the fork in my mouth. The pasta was a little cool already, but still surprisingly tasty. Good venues came with good catering apparently.
“Want one?” I asked, scoopin up some more pasta and holding it out to him. Still a little dazed, he simply opened his mouth and let me carefully feed him a portion.
“Didn’t you two meet, like, yesterday?” I looked up in surprise as someone entered the room. Folio, I think his name was, drummer for Bad Omens, currently looking at us with an questioning, but not unkind smile. “What’s with the married couple behaviour?”
“Very funny,” Noah commented, but there wasn’t the usual playfulness in his voice. I instinctively pulled back a little.
Both men exchanged looks I couldn’t quite interpret. I didn’t know either of them well enough to know what they were silently communicating, but I knew there was a conversation happening that I wasn’t part of. The intensity of it was felt in the whole room though. If I was the reason for it, I wanted to never be put in this position again. It even put me off the pasta I’d been shovelling in my mouth with vigour.
Then Folio turned away from him and toward me, once again showing his smile which seemed so out of place for a moment that I wondered if I had purely imagined the unease I had felt before.
“Oli’s looking for you, by the way. Apparently he left his phone in his dressing room.”
“I’d wondered why it was so quiet,” I mumbled with a look toward my own mobile. “Not sure why I thought I could escape him.”
Folio sent me a pitiful look, even though I was sure he knew as well as I did that I wasn’t really complaining. Getting up from the sofa, I cradled my pasta again, determined to finish it one way or another, putting my phone into the pocket of my jeans, when I felt a hand on me.
Noah’s fingers were wrapped around my wrist. He had sat up slightly just to reach me. I both wanted to lean into his touch and pull away, almost overwhelmed by the sensations running through my body with his fingers on my pulse point.
“Are you watching the set later?”
“Yeah, I… Oli said I could watch the show from the sound desk.”
“Good. I hope you enjoy it. I’d say I’ll look for you but I don’t think I can see that far.”
And then he sent me a smile that had my heart soaring and I was once again ready to throw all caution in the wind.
“Are you sure this is okay?”
I carefully slid into a designated spot at the sound desk, giving everyone around me smiles that I hoped would convince them not to hate me for intruding into their workspace.
“Well if you touch anything, we’ll have to burn you at the stake… Other than that, welcome to the sound desk!” The woman next to me cheerfully explained. “Don’t worry, Oli vouched for you, so unless you’re extraordinarily clumsy and manage to undo all our work with the sweep of a hand over our stuff, you’re grand.”
“I’ll try my very best,” I promised. “And if I fuck anything up, take it from Oli’s wages please.”
“Oh, gladly!”
I watched as she went back to work, preparing for the upcoming Bad Omens set, and I couldn’t help but study her a little bit. If I hadn’t known from the AAA pass around her neck and, well, the fact that she seemed to know what she was doing and wasn’t in the process of getting kicked out, I couldn’t have told her from the fans that were starting to crowd around us in the venue.
She hadn’t overdone it by any measure and her face, as far as I could see, was blank of any make-up, but she had dressed the part with ease. Heavy boots accompanied her black shorts perfectly, making her look both tough and delicate somehow, her black top was wrapped in a corset, she was wearing a choker and several earrings. It just made sense. Looking down at myself, I was suddenly less thrilled with my hastily put-on choice of clothing from that morning. A simple pair of dark jeans, a non-descript shirt, no accessories whatsoever.
I didn’t know why I hadn’t made more of an effort. It wasn’t that I thought it was expected of me or necessary in any way, but looking at the sound tech reminded me of how much fun I usually had dressing up. In fact, half of my wardrobe at home was stuffed with elaborate pairs of trousers, laced tops, skater skirts, platform boots. Only I hadn’t really packed any of it.
Pulling out my phone, I shot a text to Lia.
Have I been hiding myself away lately
context pls
I can’t remember the last time I dressed up and it’s just hit me with everyone in this venue looking so fucking fab
For a moment, I wondered if she was already giving up on messaging me, but when I looked back at my phone, I realised that she was instead recording an audio message. Oh dear. Checking the time, I made sure I would manage to get a good listen before the lights dimmed and Bad Omen’s show began.
“Babe, since you’re finally realising it yourself now, yes, you’ve been letting yourself go. I didn’t want to push you too hard - well, I would have if you’d gotten really bad, you know that but then Oli called so that was off the table. But since… you know, you had that girlfriend and it was all fucked up and your family basically - well, let me just say I’m still available to beat any of them up. The ex and the family. You know that. But yeah. It’s taken a toll on you and you’ve not been yourself lately and it’s been painful to watch. Which is why I’ve been telling you to have some fucking fun on this tour. Put on that dress and that lipstick and get back to being yourself, yeah? And now enjoy the show and give Noah some air kisses from me, love you, bye!”
I felt dumbstruck. Had it really gotten that bad? Had everyone noticed but me? I knew I’d been struggling a bit since my last relationship drama and everything that followed (and technically preceeded) it, but… Lia’s words were ringing in my head. Maybe I had been letting myself go. It wasn’t worryingly bad, surely, but had I been my usual self? I thought I was seeing glimpses of it again now that I was on tour.
Quickly checking the schedule on my phone I realised that after today it was one more gig before a day off between Bournemouth and Birmingham. I shot Oli a message.
I don’t care what kinda disguise you need to go out but you need to take me clothes shopping in two days xoxo
I’ll get a fake moustache
Bad Omens were a force to behold on stage. I couldn’t help but keep my eyes on Noah as much as the distance would allow me to, hanging onto his every word, studying his every movement. It was mesmerising. I’d never had the pleasure of seeing them live before but I already knew I’d make sure to catch them several more times on this tour. There was simply no way around it.
The break was spent chatting to the sound tech whose name I finally learned was Becky. It turned out she was extremely passionate when it came to talking about her craft and I was a willing listener. Nothing she said made a lot of sense so far as she threw all kinds of technical terms at me, but it was fascinating to hear her explain how much of a part she and her team really played in making this an experience, rather than just a live show.
She barely managed to stop talking by the time she was nudged by someone else on her team to notify her of the performance being about to start, which left her busy for the next one hundred minutes and me with too many thoughts and no one to voice them to. So I did the only sensible thing I could think of. I spam-texted Oli all of them for him to find after the show.
Opening with darkside is bold but I love a bold man
I love this setlist so much
I know you showed it to me yesterday but it doesn’t compare
Also the visuals wow
You look very good in red btw and so does your ass
Cause you got a taste noooow drank the kool-aid by the juuuuug
Oh dear I hope everyone’s ok
I’m glad you’re stopping shows liberally these days to make sure
I said it before and I’ll say it again, strangers into diamonds is fucking insane and I don’t know who allowed you to do that
Antiviiiiiiist!! Tell Noah he looks good in that mask
Also why were you getting a headrush after that song hmmm was it performing with Noah do you love him I’d get a headrush to if I screamed with him like that and got to give him two hugs
Yeah the doomed montage is making me cry, fuck you
I hope you have fun whenever you find these messages
I promise I wasn’t drunk when I wrote them just high on live music heyyyy
Walking backstage, I immediately ran into the band leaving the stage. Lee held out his hand for a high five, massive smiles all around from a successful start to the tour, and I wasn’t one to leave him hanging. It ended with everyone who came up behind him following suit on the high fives, until Oli appeared at last, who instead grabbed onto my hand and clumsily twirled me around myself. I was still stumbling over my feet, uncoordinated feet unable to keep up with the sudden movement, when he pulled me into his chest for a hug.
Oli was made of pure adrenaline. I could basically smell it radiating off him. There was laughter in my ear, exhilaration from the first show having gone well, his hands pushing against my back so tightly I had no choice but to melt into him. Any attempt at not touching his bare skin were futile as my fingers slipped under his cropped jacket. He was hot and sweaty, but I didn’t mind one bit. If anything, it awakened something more primal in me. Something that begged to claw at his skin, push him against the nearest wall, have a taste of the droplets running down his chest. I was almost glad when he let me go for fear of what my hands would do if he didn’t.
“I sent you a couple of messages during the set by the way. You can read them as a slightly unhinged bedtime story,” I explained as he nudged me to get a move on toward the dressing rooms.
“Oh I bet those will put me right to sleep,” he laughed.
“Did you actually say that you had a headrush on stage after performing with Noah?”
“Fuck, yeah, my head was fucking spinning, thought I was gonna faint.”
“Was it so stimulating be around him?” I teased, moving to tickle his side, but he quickly dodged me and fell onto the sofa alone. “Does he make your heart race?”
Oli eyed me for a moment, pushing his hair back. I tried my best to ignore how good it looked on him.
“See, you talk about him so much, I can’t tell if you wanna hook up with him or if you want to set me up with him.”
I genuinely didn’t know how to answer that. I didn’t think I quite knew it myself.
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ducknewtonscoolhat · 1 year
No daily duck art today, working on some suggestions as well as another thing (All Duck related LMAO) but I will share my thoughts this evening! I had a few more thoughts about Aubrey and Duck, and their wonderful sibling relationship. I was planning on having a uhhh- a post about this whole idea but I decided to talk about it a little bit here just about Aubrey and Duck because they make me smile more than I realized. It's very likely that their sibling relationship very much stirs from the fact that Justin and Travis are brothers, but yk. Anyways, I was looking at Taz tiktoks and I saw a cosplay of Duck / some art of the scene were Aubrey asks Duck if she can have the last waffle and he tells her they a'int vegan, it is one of the funniest things in my personal and professional opinion. The idea that even though they've known each other like. I dont remember how long it is, I'm gonna bet like around 2 years at this point and Duck just assumes she's vegan and she's just like, "duck... what????" and is like so confused about it. That is the most sibling thing ever, "I swear to all that's holy you said you were Vegan at SOME point." "Duck, I never said that." And (if you haven't read my other posts this might not make a bunch of sense but yk) the years between the end of Amnesty and when they head to the Amazon, I think Aubrey and Duck spend a LOT of time together. Be it the just hang out with one another, sleep over kinda style, or even going on double dates with Dani and Minerva. I think that they helped each other cope through the grief of Ned passing, and, while it was most definitely hard on Aubrey, I can imagine she took it real fucking hard especially after reading her letter from Ned and realizing that everything wasn't the way she thought it was and also the whole thing with seeing Ned's death? Yeah I'm sure she had a lot in her head, but also I think Duck took a pretty big hit too. We read in the letter that Ned and Duck are old friends and I really believe that losing Ned hurt a lot for Duck. Aubrey was there to help him heal, and even if Ned was gone he had Aubrey, and of course the rest of the lodge, but Aubrey meant and means a lot to him as his family. Again I think she reminds him a lot of his sister and some day he ends up introducing them and they hit it off as besties. But like when he goes to the Amazon, I think he misses Aubrey the absolute most. He misses Mama and Indrid and the rest of the lodge, but being away from Aubrey after all those years is probably a really difficult change for him. I think he gets through it just fine, especially externally, but internally I think he thinks about her a lot. That's all I'm saying.
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
for the meet ugly asks, 18 with the ot4? nsfw, if possible? thanks
Here you go! It is indeed NSFW.
18: we were just introduced at a party by our mutual friend and when my partner comes to join us, you freak out because you were just outside making out with them and you pull me aside to tell me
“Duck! Over here!” Aubrey waves him through the crowd, pointing to the lumberjack lookalike next to her, “this is the guy I was telling you about. Barclay’s an old friend of Dani's and, get this, he and Indrid know each other too. Wait, where is mr. mothman?” Aubrey cranes her neck.
“He had to work a late shift, but he says hi. Literally” He fumbles his phone, “fuck, sorry, first thing to go when I’ve been drinkin is my coordination.” He eventually triumphs, showing them the photo of Indrid, silver hair tied back and Void the Rat perched on the sleeve of his ‘Waffle House’ shirt. The sticker on the photo says “Hi!”
“Aww” Barclay’s voice is the epitome of gentle giant, “he always wanted a rat. I’m glad he got one.”
“Whelp, now that I got you two talking, I’m gonna go spend some ‘quality time’ with my girlfriend.”
“Just don't get caught makin’ out in a closet again.” Duck calls. Aubrey flips him off with a smile.
“So how did you and Indrid--oh, there you are babe. Thought you mighta snuck out to take a work call.”
“No, just had to de-escalate a shoving match on the back porch. I know you love Jake, but maybe next time we should just have him over rather than coming to the kind of party we outgrew in undergrad. I’m discovering I don’t enjoy being under the influence in this kind of cramped party anymore."
“Yeah, not really loving the noise. I lose my voice enough in the kitchen. Duck, this is my boyfriend, Joseph. Joseph, this is Duck, he’s a friend of Dani and Aubrey’s.”
Duck crunches his cup as his mind takes a violent spin an hour into the past.
He’d been out on the side deck getting some air and sipping his beer when a guy who looks like he walked in from the set of some splashy T.V show where everyone is hot joined him. His lips looked damn good whenever he sipped his beer and Duck did his best to turn on the southern charm. It was sort of working, until he complimented the guys button up; it was covered in drawings of cryptids--including mothman, Indrid’s favorite--and fit him in the way that made Duck want to rip the buttons off with his teeth. As soon as he demonstrated his enjoyment of listening to a hot guy talk about monsters, the taller man moved gradually closer, bumping shoulders and locking eyes with growing boldness. When Duck said the song booming out of the house was his go-to for putting the moves on someone, the other man asked to see his technique.
They spent the next three songs in the darkest corner of the porch, Duck’s back pressing into metal slats as his new friend wove his fingers into his hair and teased their tongues together with an experts touch.
When Duck breathlessly asked if he wanted to go somewhere more private, he murmured, “Only after we’ve had a chance to talk about some things.”
Then his phone buzzed and he was gone, leaving Duck horny and tipsy under the stars.
Back in the present, he does everything possible to keep from meeting Joseph’s eyes as he mumbles, “I, uh, I, I need some help with somethin in the kitchen? Fuck, yeah, kitchen, Barclay can you come help?”
“Sure. Be right back, babe.”
The kitchen is packed with people doing ill-advised things with drinks, so Duck keeps Barclay in the hall as he whispers, “Man, I, I’m so fuckin sorry but I gotta say somethin’. Joe and I, we, uh, we already met.”
“Makes sense, he’s been in town a year. I just got here.”
“That ain’t the kind of meetin I mean. We got a little, uh, friendly on the porch tonight.”
Barclay gives an “ah” of understanding. Then he chuckles, “thought he looked a little ruffled when he passed me earlier.”
“I’m real fuckin sorry, I didn’t know. ‘Drid and I got an, an agreement, but I shoulda checked to see if he was datin someone.”
“That would have been smart.” Joe appears at Barclay’s shoulder, “but that’s why I said we needed to talk before we did anything else.” He strokes Barclay’s beard, “you and Indrid aren’t the only ones with an open relationship of sorts.”
“Ohthankfuck.” Duck slumps against the wall.
“While I was making sure no one made a punch that could give them alcohol poisoning, you were getting hot and heavy? That’s not fair, babe.” Barclay teases.
“I’ll make it up to you, big guy. Are you safe to drive?”
“Gonna give it another half-hour, just to be safe. You need a ride home, Duck?”
“Uh, sure, that’d be great.”
Soon, he’s bundled in the back of a Subaru, Joe sitting beside him while Barclay navigates through Saturday night traffic. They luck out; the game ran long, so they’re not fighting the throng coming out of the football stadium. When they reach his apartment, Joe stops him and hands Duck his phone. Duck didn’t even feel him take it in the first place. As he waves goodnight, he spots a new number sitting in his contacts and smiles.
“...the point is, it amuses me that Joseph shares my taste in me.” Indrid sips his white chocolate mocha, then yawns wide enough for Barclay to spot his tongue piercing, “apologies, I didn’t get to bed until three.”
“Jesus, man, gonna tell Duck to start knocking you out.”
“I was working on commissions.”
Barclay gives him a disbelieving look.
“....I was working on commissions until midnight. Then I spent three hours watching videos on the finer points of home entomology.”
“There it is. You can’t fool me, I remember what you were like at sleepovers.”
“It was very important to read every single Eyewitness book your parents generously bought you.” Indrid takes another sip with an imperious tilt of his head.
Barclay bumps his unoccupied hand, “It’s so fucking nice to see you again.”
Indrid looks at him over his glasses, brown eyes as beautiful as they were when he was sixteen, “Likewise. Oh!” He perks up, “do you know what this means? We can have a double-date! I’ve always wanted to try that.”
“Sure Joseph will be into it; he has a spreadsheet of optimal date locations. Bet he’ll have fun making one for double-dates.”
“That is...exceptionally geeky.”
Barclay sends a love-struck smile into his coffee cup, “Yeah, he is.”
Joe is more diabolical than Duck gave him credit for. And he thought he was pretty fucking cunning after he suggest seeing the local hockey team; the chilly arena gave Indrid and excuse to cuddle up to anyone who held still for too long and gave Joe plenty of opportunities to make double entendres about sticks in Duck’s ear.
But a night out at “Woofs” AKA the kind of gay bar where Duck and Barclay get hit on constantly is a whole new level of torment. Especially because Indrid hangs off Duck proudly (when he’s not teasing Barclay for the number of free drinks he’s getting) and Joseph even asks him to dance. When he peeks over the taller man’s shoulder, he sees Barclay resting his hand on Indrid’s arm while whispering something that makes him grin.
Dancing really is the most fitting thing he could be doing, because it’s what all four of them have chosen to do about this; dance around the fact that Indrid and Barclay dated, dance around the fact Joe and Duck kissed, danced around the fact that they’re more or less acting like a polycule already.
“Oh no.” Joe mutters, eyes on the door, “things are about to get loud.”
Duck’s about to point out that the club is already loud when he’s pulled out of the path of not one, but two bachelorette parties. They opt to stay, although Barclay gets hit on by someone who doesn’t believe he’s gay. Joe takes him onto the floor for a slow dance while Duck steps into the bathroom. When he comes out, his boyfriend is nowhere to be found.
“You guys seen ‘Drid?”
Joe shakes his head, all three of them already moving for the door. They find Indrid across the street on a bench, hunched over and tapping on his knees.
“‘Drid?” Duck sits gently beside him, “you get overwhelmed?”
Indrid nods.
“You wanna head home?”
Another nod. Duck suspects the overstimulation spiked without warning, which usually means…
“You need to be nonverbal for a bit?”
This time Indrid looks at him when he nods, then cringes when he sees Joe and Barclay are watching.
“Our place is closer.” Joe offers, copying Duck’s tone, “we can all bus back there so you can be somewhere quiet. Or, um, if you need it to just be you two, that’s fine too.”
Indrid holds up a finger, indicating option one. Duck helps him up and let’s him stay hidden against his shoulder while they wait for the bus.
This used to terrify Barclay. He and Indrid would be hanging out, would be stealthily holding hands in the top row of the football stadium, and his boyfriend would shut down. Barclay, sensing distress, would try to figure out what was wrong, would start to panic when Indrid couldn’t communicate the things happening in his mind and body. They had more than one fight where his attempts to help only made Indrid more overstimulated to the point he snapped at him to fuck off (and, on one occasion, hissed at him).
They worked it out eventually, Barclay keeping a mental list of things that soothed his friend. Watching Duck do some of them, how calm and loving he was, makes something complex bloom in his chest, as vibrant and beautiful as the Dahlias Duck brought them from the garden (“weather’s been so fuckin weird things are bloomin when they shouldn’t”).
When they make it home, Duck stops in the living room and looks between Indrid and Barclay for a moment. Then he murmurs, “‘Drid, you want Barclay to keep you company for a bit?”
Indrid smiles and nods, takes Barclay’s hand and follows him to the bedroom. He lets his memories drive, keeps the light off, arranges his body so Indrid can relax against him, and pets his hair with slow, light motions. His friend hums, meaning he’s on the right track. As he strokes his head he notices the black roots peeking through the silver; it was jarring to see Indrid with pale hair when all his memories were of dark locks of it falling over his face or catching on Barclays hands.
He looks good with the silver. More like himself.
Metal pokes his chest. He takes the glasses Indrid hands him, sets them on Joseph’s stack of library books, then gives a startled, “nnfph” as his friend pulls Barclay on top of him.
“Like the weight” Indrid mumbles, wrapping his arms around him. The longer they lay there, the easier it is to overhear the conversation in the other room.
“I feel awful, if I’d known I’d have never recommended we go somewhere like a loud bar.”
“S’okay, Joe. ‘Drid is still a little wary of tellin people that’s something he has to consider when goin’ out; Dani and them get it, but other folks think he’s bein’ a buzzkill.
“That’s ridiculous.”
“You’re tellin me. Besides, sometimes it comes up so fast, or happens in places he ain’t anticipatin it. He’ll be okay, especially with Barclay takin’ care of him.”
A pause, then, “Do you need someone to, um, take care of you?”
“It’s alright if the answer is no. But part of my plan was to get everyone in a, um, bit of a frisky mood.”
A snicker, “Frisky?”
“I was trying not to be too crude.”
“Joe, you know how I feel about you. But we gotta check with the others to be sure everythin is on the level.”
“Tell them to come in.” Indrid whispers, a smile plain in his voice.
“Uh, babe? Could you and Duck come in here a sec?”
“Everythin oka--ffft” Duck snorts a laugh, “guess he improvised not havin a weighted blanket.”
“That I did.”
Duck bursts into a grin, hurrying to settle on the bed near Indrid’s head, “Hey, sugar. How you feelin’?”
“Much better. It helps that this one is very soothing.” He toys with Barclay’s hair, sending goosebumps up his arms, “though it seems he had a slighty different reaction to our contact.”
Barclay was so distracted by the conversation that he hadn’t realized his cock was hardening along the familiar warmth of Indrid’s thigh whenever one of them shifted.
“Fuck, Indrid, I’m sorry-”
“It’s alright. In fact, it is rather relevant to what you two were discussing in the hall. Am I correct that we all wish to be in some form of polyamorous relationship with each other?”
“Yes” say two voices along with his own.
“Wonderful. I suggest we hash out details later. Right now, it seems you two have, ah, unfinished business.”
“Fuckin finallyAH” Duck cackles as Joseph knocks him backwards, kissing him frantically while yanking up his shirt. As soon as his belly is exposed Joseph begins pawing and groping from there up his sides. Indrid nudges Barclay so they can sit up, allowing the other two more room to disrobe. Or, more accurately, for Joseph to disrobe both himself and Duck, since the shorter man is having trouble moving his limbs between bursts of laughter and moaning.
Joseph crawls backwards, shoving Duck’s legs apart and groping his thighs, “I’ve wanted to get my hands on these since the party. Lord almighty did you look good in those jeans.” He kisses his way up the left thigh, moaning and mouthing at the skin. His posture puts his perfect ass in the air, which happens to be one of Barclay’s favorite views in the whole world. He unzips his pants, fights to get his cock out as Indrid begins offering commentary from beside him.
“Mmmm, were I not still rather exhausted, I’d make him do that to us both.”
Joseph raises an eyebrow, but doesn’t move his mouth from where it’s teasing Duck’s inner thigh.
“Know you would.” He reaches down to play with Joseph’s hair, “‘Drid’s got a whole fantasy where you blow him while I sit on his face.”
“Funny” Barclay’s voice is turning rough with desire,“he’s got one where he takes all three of us at once.”
Joseph’s face lacks any trace of self-consciousness, a rare thing for him, which means this whole arrangement is fucking brilliant. He simply nods, then takes Duck’s dick into his mouth.
“JEsus, fuck, Joe, ohfuckyeah.” Duck holds Joseph’s head encouragingly, “shoulda known you’d be good at this, you’re so fuckin good at everythin, fuck, fuck.”
Barclay grips his cock, trying to stroke in time with movements of Joseph’s head. Slender fingers carefully push his aside as Indrid purrs, “allow me.”
“You, you don’t have to, you said you were tired-”
“Not too tired for this” he strokes up more firmly, then brushes their lips together, “or this.”
It’s like tasting Hershey Chocolate or Marionberry Pie, transporting him back to their shitty hometown in Eastern Oregon, to summer heat on his skin and basement air in his nose as Indrid proved that yes, kissing boys was what he wanted to do.
Indrid’s certainly gotten better at it since then. Barclay likes to think he has, hopes the other man is feeling even half the things currently piling up in Barclay’s chest.
“Oh.” Indrid sighs as he pulls back, “that’s even better than I remember.”
A particularly loud moan from Joseph, underscored by Duck cursing happily, brings them back to the present.
Barclay moans as Indrid’s hand moves more deliberately.
“Do you remember the first time we did this?”
“Uh huh, c-couch, in that, fuck, that basement rec room at my house.”
“You came so fast.”
“Can’t really blame me.”
“Given the sounds he’s making, he might do the same thing now.” Joseph smiles at them from over Duck’s knee, “that’s one of the best things about you. You’re so sensitive, big guy.”
Barclay whines his name. His boyfriend winks, then dives back down to render Duck speechless.
“You really are” Indrid nips his ear, “remember when we, ah, lost it to each other?”
“Mmmhmm” he whimpers, squeezing his eyes shut as if that might make all this last longer. Joseph echoes the noise, making Duck groan.
“Just picture it, Joseph” Indrid is getting into it now, panting and pink-cheeked, “Barclay, eighteen and even shyer than he is now, in my lap, begging me to fuck him.”
‘I, I wasn’t the only one begging.” He grins.
“Of course not. I was desperate to get to it because just seeing you naked had me certain I was going to--one moment” he releases Barclay’s cock, ignoring his whimper to clamber into a position that allows him to kiss Duck as the shorter man grinds into Joseph’s mouth. He doesn’t pull back until Duck’s hips slow and Joseph is busy wiping his lips.
“I can never resist kissing you while you cum.”
“Fuck I love you.” Duck cups Indrid’s cheek. The silver haired man rubs against his palm a moment, then retreats. Duck growls at Joseph, “as for you, you got ten seconds to open your legs so I can show you a good time.”
“So thoughtful” Indrid pecks his cheek, returns to Barclay, “now, where was I…”
“Shy, AHshit, fuckingchristthat’s good.” Joseph’s legs sprawl open as Duck finger-fucks him, sitting on his side to kiss him without obstructing Barclay’s view.
“Ah yes.” He kisses Barclays neck, hand teasing the head of his cock, “you insisted on bottoming because you were so scared you might hurt me. I can still see it, you on your hands and knees, asking me to take you--those were your exact words--then whimpering when I finally got my cock in.”
“Fuck” Joseph is clearly enjoying the story; if Barclay had known he was into this, he would have made all his exes record voicemails describing their exploits.
“If memory serves I came very fast, because you were so much tighter than I expected and you, you felt so good. I used my hands to get you off-”
“Uh huh, fuck, you hadn’t pulled out yet and it was so fucking good, fuck, Indrid-”
“You made such cute noises when you came” a slow, deep kiss as heat floods him, “I wonder if you’ll do the same now.”
“Probably” is all he grunts out before he’s cumming hard enough that most of it hits Joseph’s stomach rather than Indrid’s fingers. His head lolls as his cock pulses, and beneath his own heartbeat he picks up Duck ordering Joseph to be good and cum for him. After a moment, there’s the distinct moan his boyfriend makes during his climax. It’s followed, confusingly, by weak laughter. His eyes flutter open to see Indrid licking his cum off Joseph’s chest, which happens to be ticklish.
He scoots over to join them, Joseph kissing him sleepily the instant he’s close enough.
“You sure you don’t need to cum, sugar?”
“I’m only half-hard, and I know I’m too tired to make it the rest of the way. Not that this wasn’t supremely satisfying. But you each owe me an orgasm sometime in the future.”
“All in favor of blowin ‘Drids mind tomorrow mornin’”
He and the other two raise their hands in sync. Then the four of them collapse, laughing, in each others arms.
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where to start-Ch 1(TAZ Amnesty)
Now on AO3!
I will be updating this every other Sunday, hopefully. Please yell at me if I don’t.
They choose Earth.
Well. Duck chooses Earth.
It's not a big decision for any of them-Aubrey follows Dani, Thacker follows his dreams. Mama and Vincent follow their occupations, settling back to defend their home planets from-well, nothing, anymore.
Duck just wants to go home.
He says his goodbyes to everyone, buoyed by the possibility of reuniting-but he's not holding his breath about it just yet. He thumps Vincent on the back, grinning at the goatman, this minister of defense who was too curious for his own good. He shakes hands with Thacker, thanking and congratulating one another for surviving the short while they fought together. "We'll be in touch, Duck," He says, tapping a thin finger to his temple. He doesn't doubt it.
He hugs Aubrey tight, pretending not to notice the tears pricking at the sides of her eyes. "Take care, okay?" He says softly, and she nods at him, smiling. "Don't do anything too crazy."
"Nothing is too crazy! I'm a literal goddess!" She jokes, waving her hands to produce sparkles that settle on both their noses before blinking out. He laughs, mostly to relieve the squeezing in his chest as she grins back at him. God, she's still just a kid, and she's been through so much. He hopes life treats her well.
His laughter dies down as she hugs him again, squeezing him hard and fast. "Take care of Ned's shit, okay?" She says softly. "He'll probably haunt us forever if the Cryptonomica gets shut down."
There's a lump in his throat, but he manages a nod and a squeeze of her hand. "I'll be seeing you soon, you arsonist."
"I was a camper! I was camping!"
"Eh, matter of scale."
Aubrey laughs, and he feels his chest relax.
He turns around and sees Minerva. She's staring at the two portals, a perplexed and thoughtful look on her face. He goes up to her, reaching up and tapping her on the shoulder. "Minerva?" He says, and she turns to face him. "Yes, Wayne Newton?" She replies, her voice booming through the room. "Have you made your decision? Which world shall you choose?"
"Well, the Earth is a bit of a no brainer," He says, gesturing to the dilapidated room shimmering through the space-time-whatever rip. "I mean, I got a cat to feed, rent to pay, a job, you know?" He ticks them off with his hand, one by one. "So as cool as Sylvain is, I can stand being away from it for-uh, a while, as Billy fixes it."
(At the mention of his name Billy perks up, waving and typing out a "Tight, dude," into his voice generator.)
"Hmm! A wise and thoughtful choice, Wayne Newton!" Minerva grins, and Duck manages to smile back at her through the cringe of being called by his first name. "And, uh, what about you, Minerva? Where you headed, hm?" He asks, and her face grows pensive again.
"Well, I am drawn to Sylvain." She looks back at the portal leading to the city. "Its' architecture and magic system are quite similar to my own, you see, and is an interesting enough place for a warrior such as myself." She mirrors his previous gesture, ticking off her reasons with her six fingered hand. All reasons to leave Earth. All reasons to leave him.
He is not surprised-Earth can be pretty boring by anyone's standards, especially an alien's. But it doesn't stop the pang of hurt and fear that flashes through his chest.
But then she looks at him, and her calculating expression softens, for just a moment. "However, I think I shall choose Earth, Duck Newton. I shall be coming with you." She puts a hand on his shoulder. "I think that I would much rather live in a world that has you in it."
He gapes at her for a second, and she hurriedly adds, "And I must taste those frozen waffles once more! They are a delight!"
He chuckles softly at this. "Yeah, I'll make sure we stock up on 'em once we get home."
They smile at each other.
And then they step through the rift.
Mama drives them home, pulling up to Duck's apartment complex after making a quick pit stop for one waffle box, paid for by the loose change that miraculously did not fall out of his pocket. She puts the car in idle as they step out, looking out at the two of them from the passenger side. "Minerva, you sure you dont want to stay at Amnesty for the time being?" She asks warmly. "I ain't got much, but I do have a bed and some hot springs that ya might find to yer likin'."
"Many thanks, Madeline Cobb!" Minerva replies, and Duck sees Mama visibly wince at the use of her full name. At least she got it. "But I will be staying with Wayne Newton for tonight."
He is not sure why she chose to stay with him, only that she did and that he preferred it that way, anyway.
Mama nods, and pulls out of the driveway.
Duck takes a shower first, which leaves Minerva to toast the waffles. She's got the hang of it now-simply rip open the packaging and place the pastry into the double slotted box that Duck calls a "toaster". She pushes the little tab down-gently,gently-and waits. She can hear the pounding of water hitting the tiles from the bathroom. She focuses on it. She'd rather focus on it that on the nothing that clouds her mind, the void where there should be planning for the next battle.
There are no battles to plan. They have won them all.
The waffles pop up.
She's spreading some Nutella on them (a heavenly condiment! what an ingenious use of modern technology!) when she hears Duck come out of the bathroom and head to his room. She looks at the waffles on her plate and, loathe to give them away, puts two new ones in the toaster.
She spreads these ones with honey (Duck's usual choice, though she is not sure why anyone would pass up Nutella) and is just about to enter his room when she hears him saying something.
She peeks in. He's lying on his bed, back towards her and phone in hand. The phone screen is lit up, dancing with colors for a moment before a face comes into focus. It's a familiar face, but not one she's seen in person. It's the face that's on the photos that litter Duck's living room, the one that's smiling with him on his phone screen.
It's the one that she saw encased in glass, eyes closed and mouth slack as they floated in the liquid that was the organic printer.
"Hey, Janey."
Duck's voice is soft, tired. The phone crackles before the woman-Jane, answers.
"Hey hey, Ducky." She sounds tired too. "What's up?" She yawns. "Why're you callin' at 12 AM, doofus?"
"It's 2 AM here, goofus."
"Ah, semantics." She sees Jane smile through the screen. It's very similar to Duck's, all soft with teeth just barely peeking out. "So, what's up? Wildfire or something? I heard about the blockades." Her voice shifts, sounding more awake. "Wait, is something wrong? Your signal is good, did the feds pop up a signal tower again? What's happening over there?"
"It's all good, Jane. Nothing's wrong." Even with his sister's alarm, he's still calm-relieved, even. "Just...just wanted to see your face."
A pause. Then, she hears Jane laugh nervously. "God, Duck, you give me a heart attack sometimes, checking up on me like this," she says. "I'm worried about you, you know? You never used to do this."
Duck is silent for a while, contemplative. "Do you...can you get away for a while?" He asks her, and this time his voice is soft, timid in a way Minerva has never heard him be before. "A weekend. Come visit Kepler. I...I have some things to explain."
She agrees immediately, settling on a date two weeks from now. "I'll see you soon, Ducky," She says softly, and the screen cuts to black.
Minerva hears Duck sigh, and the rustling of a duvet. When she peeks back in again, he is laying on his side, away from the door.
She decides to eat the waffles.
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Butterflies - Bechloe (Pt 11)
Part 11/?
Beca was lying there in bed wide awake trying to figure out the perfect date for the two of them, she wanted it to be just right but had a million places that she wanted to take Chloe. She lay awake most of the night working out the fine details of the day until she eventually fell asleep exhausted.
Beca's alarm woke her at 8:30 and she got up immediately, know she needed the time to get everything ready. She showered before standing in her towel looking in her wardrobe for the right outfit. Shit! She hadn't even thought about what to wear!
It was warm enough so she didn't have to worry about taking a coat, she took out about four separate outfits and placed them on her bed. She stared at them intently trying to decide which to wear, damn she just wanted to look nice, well she wanted Chloe to think she looked nice.
Fuck it! Beca picked up her black skinny jeans, black vest top and blue flannel and decided that they would have to do and got ready. Next Beca ran downstairs and prepared the picnic before shoving everything into a hamper and quickly walking over to her fathers house which luckily was only about 15 minutes away.
She knocked on the door and her father opened the door shocked to see Beca stood there "Oh, hey Beca what are you doing here?" He asked clearly confused "Well you know you said I could have the other car once I'd moved into the Bella house? Well, I moved in like a month ago I was wondering if I could pick it up?" Beca said impatiently "Sure thing Beca wait a second" He rooted through a draw and handed Beca the key "Want to stay for breakfast?" He asked hopefully. "Sorry no can do I'm going on a date in-" She glanced at her phone "Like 25 minutes so I've got to get going" She smiled and turned to leave. "Wait a minute who is this guy you're dating?" he called but Beca didn't even turn around "I don't have time for this right now dad, thanks for the car" She unlocked the car and quickly drove off.
Beca drove to the local florist and created her own bouquet of flowers for Chloe, smiling at the thought of giving Chloe the flowers, before rushing home. She only just had enough time to put the picnic stuff in the boot and check that she looked okay.
She stood outside of Chloe's room and looked at the time 10:31. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her heart that was thundering against her chest, this was the most nervous the girl had ever felt. "Suck it up dude" she whispered to herself before knocking on Chloe's door.
"One second" Chloe called through the door and checked she looked okay before taking a deep breath and opening her own door to Beca stood there looking adorably nervous. "Hey Chlo you look, wow" Beca breathed out her eyes soaking in every inch of Chloe in that blue dress that Beca adored so much, it made her blue eyes look impossibly brighter "You look gorgeous too Beca" Chloe said with a genuine smile. Beca smiled back and brought her hand from behind her back "Oh I um, got you these" she said looking down in embarrassment as she held the flowers out to Chloe who melted on the spot "Becs, they're beautiful" Chloe managed to choke out as Beca looked back up.
"They all have special meanings, like these the orange Gerbera mean sunshine of my life and the yellow Lisianthus are a symbol of happiness. The purple Lisianthus represent someone special who completely occupies your thoughts and my favourite here is the purple Dahlia because you're supposed to give them to someone that you think is beautiful and represents perfection so ta-da" Beca smiled awkwardly at Chloe who had tears in her eyes that she quickly blinked away "Oh Beca" Chloe placed the flowers on her desk and brought Beca closer to kiss her deeply. When they pulled away Beca was beaming "So you like them then?" Beca grinned, Chloe shrugged "They're okay I suppose" She said with a laugh as Beca continued to grin.
Chloe quickly put the flowers in some water before taking Beca's hand and walking to the top of the stairs before Beca spotted the Bellas sat around the corner clearly spying on them. "Guys!" Beca yelled as she rolled her eyes, embarrassed that they might have overheard Beca being mushy. "That was aca-dorable" Aubrey said as Beca went bright red "I know isn't she" Chloe said with a huge smile "We're going now" Beca said loudly and took a firm grip on Chloe's hand, leading her downstairs.
Once they were in the car, Beca leaned her head on the steering wheel and groaned "God I hate how nosey they can be" she groaned out as Chloe rubbed Beca's back and giggled "It's cute, you're cute" Beca sat up "I'm not cute. I'm a badass" she frowned at Chloe "Sure thing sweetie" Beca couldn't help but smile at Chloe calling her sweetie which didn't go unnoticed.
Beca started the car towards their first part of the date "I didn't know you knew about flowers" Chloe mentioned as they were driving "Yeah I know it's nerdy but my grandmother was a florist and she taught me all about them when I was little, it was like our thing, well that and singing" Beca smiled at the memory.
"So you guys are close?" Chloe asked happy to be learning more about Beca's family "We were super close, she was my best friend for years I didn't really have many friends when I was younger so I was devastated when she died. She was like the one person I could tell anything to you know? I wouldn't go to my mom or dad it would always be her, I sort of became quite closed off when she passed away" Chloe held onto Beca's hand that was resting on the gearstick, Beca quickly glanced over to Chloe and smiled before concentrating on the road again. "Sorry enough of this depressing talk" Beca muttered "No Beca I like hearing about you and your family, I mean you know all about mine" Chloe reasoned. "Thanks Chloe but it's not really date chat is it, besides were about 30 seconds away from our first stop".
Shortly after they pulled up at a diner "Thought we could get breakfast and this is the only place around here that does good milkshakes" She looked knowingly at Chloe whose eyes shot open. "They don't do mine do they?" Beca beamed back and nodded as Chloe actually started bouncing up and down like a child "Lets go!" She squealed as the pair got out and Chloe skipped over and took Beca's hand in hers, swinging them softly as they entered the diner. The girls sat at a booth and Chloe quickly scoured the menu to look for the milkshake section, her face lit up as she saw the unicorn milkshake.
Beca smiled at Chloe and the way that her smile could light up the whole room, she was an actual ray of sunshine. Beca couldn't believe how lucky she was to be on a date with this girl. Chloe looked up and spotted Beca staring at her and pulled tongues at her which made Beca laugh.
"Have you picked what you want for breakfast?" Beca asked her "Oh no I was a bit fixated on the milkshakes" Chloe giggled before scouring the menu. The waitress came over not long later and asked what they wanted "I'll have a unicorn milkshake and a banoffee waffle and Becs will have an oreo milkshake and chocolate chip pancakes please" Chloe told the waitress and Beca couldn't help but smile at the fact that Chloe had known what she wanted without even asking her.
Chloe's eyes lit up once again as the unicorn milkshake arrived along with the food and Beca sneakily snapped a picture of the girl with that beaming smile she adored so much. The girls ate their breakfast and Beca paid before they returned to their car. "Where are we going?" Chloe asked "It's a surprise" Beca smiled back at her before turning the radio on and the girls sang along loudly.
"Shut up! No!" Chloe yelled as she saw the sign to the zoo "Oh my god are we going to the zoo?" she almost yelled as Beca nodded with a smile. Chloe squealed like a child and Beca mentally congratulated herself before parking the car.
Beca got out and Chloe jumped into Beca's arms for a hug and wrapped her legs around the smaller girl which made Beca laugh, Chloe began to kiss all over Beca's face before standing back up and holding her hand. "So do you like the zoo? You're kinda giving me mixed signals here" Beca joked "This is literally perfect" Chloe beamed and kissed her cheek once more before they set off to the entrance.
Chloe was like a kid in a candy store, Beca knew that she loved animals but not this much, she was dragging Beca from enclosure to enclosure. "Oh my god Becs look at the little red panda's" She cooed as Beca just smiled at how adorable Chloe was being.
It truly was a perfect day Beca mused, the sun was shining and she was with the most beautiful and amazing girl in the world who was holding her hand, Beca couldn't remember a time she had felt this content and happy before. Chloe looked up and spotted Beca smiling at her "What?" She giggled "Nothing, I'm just really happy" Chloe smiled back at Beca "Same" she hugged the smaller girl tightly before pulling her away to look at different animals.
As they walked Chloe spotted the face painting booth as Beca looked at one of the animals "Becaaaaaa" Chloe said "What do you want?" Beca laughed "Can we get our faces painted? Pleeeeeaaaase" Beca rolled her eyes "We're going to look like dorks" she laughed "So? I am a dork" Chloe countered "A very cute dork" Beca said pulling her in for a peck on the lips "You can get yours done if you want" she said to the ginger who pouted at her before pulling out the puppy dog eyes.
"Pleeeeeaaaase babe" Beca mentally cursed her inability to say no to Chloe's puppy dog eyes and also realised just how cute Chloe was when calling her babe "Fiiiiiine, but you owe me one" Beca said rolling her eyes as Chloe kissed her cheek but lingered. "Owe you one what?" she whispered seductively which made Beca splutter, Chloe laughed at Beca's awkwardness before taking her hand and pulling her towards the stall.
15 minutes later and Chloe was a giraffe and Beca a tiger, Beca groaned as she saw her reflection "Happy?" She asked Chloe who nodded vigorously before having a mini photoshoot with Beca who looked like the worlds grumpiest tiger. Chloe managed to snap one shot of Beca genuinely smiling and was very happy with her work.
The two held hands once more and continued to walk around the zoo. When they walked passed the toilets Chloe nipped in as Beca walked over to a stand selling animal balloons and bought her a giraffe balloon, knowing that that was her favourite animal. It was a funny little balloon with an inflated body and head and little dangly down legs that made Beca smile and she just knew that Chloe would love it.
When Chloe came out her face split into a beaming smile as she ran over to hug Beca "And I shall call him Gerald the giraffe" Chloe said pretending to christen the giraffe causing Beca to burst out laughing. Chloe took Gerald in one hand and Beca in the other in pursuit of the real giraffe enclosure. When they eventually found it Chloe couldn't help but oooh and ahhhh over the giraffes and made Beca take multiple photos of Chloe and Gerald with the giraffes before the pair took a few selfies.
They must have hung around the giraffe enclosure for a good half an hour with Chloe in her element telling Beca loads of random facts about giraffes "Did you know a group of giraffes is called a tower? Did you also know that giraffes also have the same amount of vertebrae in their neck as humans, so we have the same number of bones in our necks as giraffes?" She rabbited on and Beca thought it was adorable seeing Chloe so passionate about something other than the Bellas.
"Also have you ever seen a giraffe drink? They have to stand like this" she went into the splits "because they are so tall and they can't reach it otherwise" Beca smiled at Chloe "You are adorable" she said as Chloe blushed "Most people don't like my giraffe facts" she admitted looking down "Well I love them and I'm sure the tower of giraffes over there did too" Beca told her as Chloe beamed at Beca having remembered one of her facts.
Beca dragged Chloe away from the giraffes after a while "Come on the zoo closes in like half an hour and you said you still wanted to see the penguins, meerkats and elephants" Beca said as Chloe reluctantly nodded and they made their way to the rest of the animals. They stayed looking at the different animals until the voice over the speakers said that they had to leave.
Chloe pouted at this and Beca thought it was the most adorable thing ever "God you're cute when you pout" she chuckled causing Chloe to smile "Well you're cute all the time" Chloe countered and Beca put a serious look on her face. "I'm so not cute" Beca said matter of factly "You literally have your face painted like a tiger how could you not be cute right now?" Beca rolled her eyes "I may have forgotten about that" she conceded as the pair got into her car.
Beca drove them to their final destination, it was a grassy area near a beautiful lake "What are we doing here?" Chloe questioned Beca who leant back and grabbed the picnic stuff "Picnic of course" Beca smiled over to the beaming Chloe. The pair got out and found a nice spot to sit as Becca pulled everything out of the picnic basket, before finally picking out the orange rose in there and giving it to Chloe "What do roses mean?" Chloe asked smiling and taking it off Beca.
"Well it depends on the colour, red means love for example and yellow means friendship. Orange however is in between the yellow and red and so in between love and friendship, it shows passion and desire and enthusiasm. Oh and orange is also my new favourite colour" Beca smiled brushing some of Chloe's fiery locks out of her eyes. Chloe leaned in and kissed Beca again. God she loved it when Beca was all romantic with her, she hadn't expected her to be so it was a pleasant surprise.
When they eventually pulled away Chloe laughed as Beca no longer looked like a tiger with her face paint all smooshed around her mouth. "Good thing I brought baby wipes and napkins" Beca chuckled before digging in the basket and pulling them out. "Want some?" She asked "I suppose since you ruined my face paint" Chloe said trying to sound moody but failing miserably "Well then don't kiss me" quipped Beca "Well that's not going to happen is it" Chloe leaned in and kissed Beca again before the pair wiped the face paint from the lower half of their faces. "You look funny as half a tiger" Chloe giggled "Well you're an adorable half a giraffe" Beca replied as the two of them began to eat the picnic.
The sun began to set just as Beca had predicted as the girls were finishing the food and it had started to become chilly. Beca took her leather jacket off and wrapped it around Chloe who smiled gratefully and snuggled in closer to Beca, resting her head on the younger girl's shoulder who slipped her arm around her to pull her in even closer. They watched the sun setting peacefully together in a comfortable silence.
This date had been even better than Beca had planned and far exceeded Chloe's expectations, Chloe was used to Netflix and Chill or maybe a movie and make out session in the back if they were feeling adventurous. Nobody had ever cared enough for Chloe to organise a date to a place that she would like. Nobody had ever bought Chloe flowers. Even her old boyfriends wouldn't hold hands with her for more than a few minutes. And here she had Beca, a gorgeous, talented and funny woman who had put so much thought into planning the perfect date. Beca who usually didn't like being touched, holding hands with her the entire day and cuddling up to her now. She felt so damn lucky.
Eventually when it started getting dark Beca decided that they should probably go home, she sighed lightly not wanting the day to be over and reluctantly packed everything away. Beca drove the pair home and reluctantly entered the Bella house, hand in hand to see the Bellas pause the movie they were watching as all eyes fell on the pair. "Why is half of your face an animal?" Cynthia Rose asked "We got our faces painted at the zoo, it was Beca's idea she practically begged me" Chloe said then giggled at Becas protesting "No she forced me!" She spluttered "And because you're already so whipped you had to say yes gotcha" Fat amy winked as Beca rolled her eyes once more.
"So we want details" Stacey asked "Well, Beca took me to a diner that does unicorn milkshakes to get breakfast" Beca started packing the picnic stuff away, eavesdropping whilst doing so.  "Then she took me to the zoo and we looked at all the cute little animals and we got our faces painted and she bought me Gerald the balloon giraffe. We must have spent a good half an hour at the giraffes and I told Beca all of my giraffe facts and she didn't even tell me to shut up or anything. Then we had a picnic by this gorgeous lake and the sun was setting and she gave me her jacket and it was just the most magical day ever" Chloe sighed as Beca walked back in "Damn, I need to get me a man like Beca!" Stacey exclaimed and the rest of the Bellas laughed.
"Anyway I'm off to bed" Beca said "Me too" Chloe said smiling suggestively at Beca "Wear protection!" Fat Amy shouted over her shoulder as the two girls walked upstairs. Chloe stopped at her door "Want to come in and chill for a bit?" Chloe smiled and of course Beca couldn't turn down spending time with her favourite person so agreed.
Beca flung herself on the bed and Chloe lay down, resting her head on Beca's stomach. "That was my favourite ever date" Chloe sighed "Thank you so much Becs" Beca smiled at this, her hand lightly combing through Chloe's hair. "Thanks for saying yes, I had the best day" she said sincerely "And best ever date huh? At least I know I'm going something right" she smirked down at the ginger "The best by a longshot before this the only other dates I'd been on were Netflix and Chill and the cinema to watch Transformers" Chloe chuckled "But our date was absolutely perfect" she sighed dreamily.
"Guys are such dicks" Beca sighed unable to believe Chloe had never been taken on a proper date before, Chloe murmured in assent. Beca suddenly became nervous, unsure of how to phrase the next question and hoping she got the answer that she wanted. "So um Chlo... would you maybe want to go out again sometime soon? Like another date?" Beca stuttered as Chloe beamed at her "I'd like nothing more than that" Chloe said taking hold of Beca's hand and kissing it causing Beca to blush.   
The girls chatted for a while longer about all sorts of random things as they often did. "Hey Becs can you hand me the makeup wipes in the top draw?" Chloe asked and Beca did as she was told, Chloe began to remove the rest of her face paint and Beca did the same. "As cute as you were as a tiger, I missed your beautiful face" Chloe said sitting up next to Beca. "Beautiful? Please I don't even have makeup on right now" Beca chuckled "And yet here you are, still gorgeous" Chloe smiled before leaning in to kiss Beca.
Chloe quickly kicked one leg over Beca so that she was straddling the younger girl whilst kissing her deeply, her arms immediately wrapping around Beca's neck. Beca held Chloe firmly by the waist and kissed her passionately, god this was hot. Beca felt every part of her body heat up as her tongue slid against Chloe's, causing her to moan slightly into the older girls mouth.
Beca pulled Chloe impossibly closer as one of Chloe's hands tangled in her brunette hair, one of Beca's hands slid up Chloe's back and without thinking tugged the zip of her dress down. Chloe pulled away and instead began to kiss Beca's neck whilst tugging her dress down to her torso. Beca's head fell back and she moaned loudly, fuck that felt good, Chloe smirked against Beca's neck and made a mental note to add that to the list of things Beca liked.
Chloe kissed her way back up to Beca's lips and kissed her with renewed passion, Beca's hands flying to the newly exposed skin of Chloe's, running her hands up the redhead's side causing Chloe to moan softly and grind into Beca. Beca had never felt more turned on in her life, hearing Chloe's moan and the feeling of her skin as she grinded on her. Jesus.
It took every part of her self-control but Beca managed to break their kiss, she leant her head back for a second before looking back at Chloe. "How the fuck are you that sexy?" Beca managed to say as Chloe bit her bottom lip "Jesus dude" her eyes crept down to her chest and torso "Shit" Beca's resolve began to crumble.
Chloe leant down to whisper in Beca's ear "You're so hot when you swear like that babe" Beca's stomach flipped and heat flared between her legs. The older girl kissed her cheek before pulling away "Want to stay over?" Chloe whispered seductively, every part of Beca screamed yes "I.. I can't" She stuttered out "Afraid you wouldn't be able to control yourself?" Chloe purred "Yeah" Beca breathed out truthfully. Chloe grinned as she leaned down to peck Beca before getting off her lap "Night then Becs" Beca nodded back "Night Chlo" she quickly got up and left, rushing to her bedroom.
Jesus that was something else entirely, Beca still felt like she was on fire, her whole body was so hot. She lay on her bed staring at the ceiling trying to think clean thoughts "You not staying in Chloe's room tonight?" Fat Amy asked entering their shared room as Beca shook her head. "Did you guys have a fight?" Beca half sat up "No, why?" She asked sceptically "Just thought that you and her would be you know" she made a crude scissoring gesture with her hands and Beca laughed as she shook her head.
"Wait should we? How long are you supposed to wait? Surely longer than the first date?" Beca began to panic slightly, what if she was moving too slowly and Chloe would become disinterested? "Well I mean you guys are different you're Bhloe! How long do you normally wait?" Fat Amy asked Beca who began to panic even more, hating admitting her virgin status. "I dunno, anyway I should be going to bed I have a lecture in the morning" Beca quickly stood up and entered the closet to get her pyjamas.
"Wait a minute, is the big BM a virgin?" Fat Amy asked rather too loudly for Becas liking "Oh my god dude shut up your voice is like a foghorn" Beca half shouted becoming very red with embarrassment "So you are a virgin, you should go talk to Cynthia Rose and get some tips" Fat Amy wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. "Oh my god I am not having this conversation with you or her" Beca said firmly before getting dressed and into bed quickly. "Fine your funeral when you try and bone Chloe and do it totally wrong" Fat Amy shrugged. Beca turned over to face away from Amy. Shit. She hadn't even thought of that.
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beca-mitchell · 6 years
Little Miracles
Written for @merry-pitchmas 2018. This is my gift to @snowblizzard47. I hope you enjoy. I went with fluff and romance. <3
summary: Seven year-old Abigail Melody Mitchell-Beale has only one request from Santa this Christmas. Fairly canon-compliant future fic.
word count: 5.8k
a/n: Merry Christmas everybody and especially to @snowblizzard47! This officially marks one year since I've been "in" the fandom and I've enjoyed every second of it. Thanks for all the feedback and the love. ❤️
Read on AO3 or below the cut.
Abigail puts her plan into motion near the end of November.
“Mama?” she calls over the kitchen counter.
Chloe hums, depositing waffles in front of her. She smiles, leaning on the surface so she can give her daughter her undivided attention.
Once she’s sure that Chloe’s attention is lasered in on her, Abigail pounces. “Do you still love mommy?” Abigail quickly picks up her waffle and nibbles on the edge, adopting a wide-eyed expression as she takes in the emotions that pass across Chloe’s face the moment she asks the question.
“Of course I do,” Chloe says after a long moment. She straightens, eyes downcast. “Why are you…” Trailing off, she shakes her head. “Abigail, it’s not that simple okay? I know what you’re going to say.”
Abigail scowls, a near imitation of Beca. “What am I gonna say?” she challenges. She puts her waffle down quickly and crosses her arms.
Chloe smiles sadly, reaching out to brush a crumb away from Abigail’s chin. “That you want me to forgive your mommy.”
Abigail’s brow furrows. “Forgive? Did mommy say sorry for something?”
Chloe sighs. “Yes,” she says, turning back to the sink. “Many times. Mommy did something that I’m very angry about. That’s why she’s staying at the beach house for now, okay?”
Abigail is quiet for a moment. She needs more information. “What did mommy do? Why are you so angry at her?”
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Dear Santa,
My name is Abigail Melody Mitchell-Beale and I am seven years old. I just turned seven, actually! I’m sure you know that. I’m going to draw you a picture of myself and attach it to this letter. I would send you a photo but I don’t know your email so I can’t attach it in an email.
I live in Los Angeles in a really nice house with a pool! My cat, Butter, likes to stay inside but my two dogs, Arlo and Jax love playing in the pool. Mommy hates it when Arlo and Jax jump in the pool and then they run back in the house because they bring the water everywhere. Mama usually says they’re just having fun!
I love when Mommy and Mama play with me in the pool because they always look so happy when we’re all together. Mommy works late and sometimes she’s away for a long time. Mama doesn’t play with me in the pool as often when Mommy’s away but she still reads me stories. Sometimes mama sings as well, but I like it when they sing together!
Mommy is famous, but she says we shouldn’t think about that, especially when we’re at home. She’s a really good singer! Lots of people pay money to hear her sing and mama sometimes cries whenever she hears mommy singing on those big shows that play on the TV. I’m sure you’ve heard of her! She has really long brown hair like mine! Except hers is a bit darker. She’s shorter than mama but taller than me. Mommy has blue eyes like me, but she says that I have mama’s blue eyes. It’s all blue to me!
Aunt Aubrey told me that my mommies met each other at school and that they sang a lot of songs together. Aunt Amy told me they met in the shower, but that’s silly because you don’t meet people in the shower. Mommy always laughs really loudly when Aunt Amy says that.
You’re probably wondering why I’m writing to you so early Santa. It’s because I want mommy to come home. Mama has been sad a lot because Mommy was away for work. I know I’ve been really good this year so maybe if I keep sending you letters, this will make it to the top of the list!
I just want mommy to come home and live with us again. That’s all I want for Christmas this year, even though I really thought I wanted a new baking set to use with mama. I want mama to smile again and I know she will when mommy comes home!
Abigail Melody
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"Mommy,” Abigail drawls, kicking her legs a little. She’s a little tired from dance class, but she’s excited to spend time with her mother today.
"Hm? Yes, baby, what is it?" Beca says distractedly, looking at her mirrors carefully for a good moment to pull out of the busy parking lot. She honestly hates parking in downtown Los Angeles, but this is where Abigail’s dance lessons are and she’s not going to give up an opportunity to spend time with her daughter.
Taking a deep breath, Abigail stares hard at her clasped hands. "Do you still love mama?"
Beca fumbles and brakes, a little abruptly. Abigail watches as her bag crashes to the floor of the car before she meets Beca’s gaze in the rear-view mirror. She remembers Beca saying something about how her eyes remind her of Chloe’s – so much so that she finds herself unable to say no sometimes.
"Damnit," Beca mutters. Abigail decides to let that go. Beca puts the car in park and is silent for a moment. “I…of course I do. Yes, I still love your mommy.”
"I knew it," Abigail whispers to herself. Her plan continues to formulate.
"Why did you ask that?" Beca twists in her seat to look at Abigail briefly before turning back around and starting the car again. She pulls out of the parking lot slowly. Chloe will kill her if she gets a scratch.
"I don’t want you guys to...to get a divorce," Abigail says slowly, testing the word aloud. She only overheard some of the older girls talking about over the past few weeks in dance class because apparently Hannah’s mother was divorcing her father and it was a big thing. It sounded bad and Hannah was upset because her parents didn’t love each other anymore.
Beca grits her teeth. “Where did you learn that word?”
Abigail huffs, a perfect imitation of Chloe. “I’m seven,” she replies.
"Well," Beca starts, but can't find a suitable rebuttal for that. "I guess," she mutters."
"I know that you love her," Abigail clarifies. "I asked Mama, too," Abigail admits.
"You did? What did she say?" Beca asks, trying not to sound too eager.
"That she loves you but she doesn't trust you right now because you didn’t play fair," Abigail answers promptly.
Beca winces. “What? What does that mean?” She’s not sure she wants to know what Chloe said, but she also knows Chloe would never lie to their daughter.
Abigail giggles. She knew Beca would find it funny too. “She said you cheated on a game! I told her that you cheat all the time – especially when you help me win in Mono…monopoly.”
“It’s a different kind of cheating,” Beca murmurs, guilt lacing her voice.
"But Mommy, can't you fix it? You fix everything! Make mommy one of your mash-ups! Or – or sing to her! She loves it when you sing to her.”
“Abigail,” Beca starts to say.
“I want us to be a family again," she demands. Beca is quiet, then. Abigail lowers her voice to a whisper. “I even asked Santa.”
Beca’s eyes threaten to spill over. “Abby, I –”
“Please, mommy.”
"I don't know, baby… I don't know, anymore." Beca whispers. She could never lie to her daughter.
Abigail feels something strange in her chest. She takes in the sight of her mother gripping the steering wheel a little too tightly and the way Beca’s eyes are tight around the edges.
She chooses to say nothing else about it for the moment.
The rest of the ride is quiet.
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“Hey,” Beca says, walking into the kitchen once Abigail runs upstairs to play with Arlo. Jax sniffs around her feet like he’s not sure if she’s there to stay. It’s fine - Beca’s not sure either. “Can we talk, Chlo?”
Chloe doesn’t even turn from the stove. “What do you want?”
“Chloe,” Beca says in a strained tone. “Come on.”
“I gave you so many chances,” Chloe says in a deadly quiet voice. “So many opportunities to just come clean.”
“Okay, first, it didn’t mean anything. You know that! You have to know that. You are truly the only person I’m in love with. Second, on top of all of that, she kissed me.”
“And you let it happen!” Chloe exclaims, finally turning around. Beca is horrified to see the tears welling up in her wife’s eyes. “You kept up this flirtatious act and kept her around even though you knew she’d try to drive a wedge into this family.”
A flash of defensiveness rushes through her. “Oh please, Chloe. It was-”
“I swear to God, Beca Mitchell, if you tell me it was all part of an act or part of the job, I will fling this pan at you.”
Beca clamps her mouth shut and Chloe resumes her stirring. Chloe tries not to let the sting of her tears manifest in any audible form.
“I’m sorry,” Beca says quietly. “I...I know you both deserve so much better. I just want you to know how sorry I am. For everything.”
Abigail rushes back into the kitchen and nearly shrieks upon seeing them both in the same room. “Is mommy staying for dinner?”
The question is so innocent but it sends a ripple through both Beca and Chloe at the thought of Beca no longer being welcome in her own home.
Beca tries to make eye contact with Chloe who absolutely refuses to look in her direction.
“Chloe,” she tries.
“Abby, why don’t you go wash up for dinner,” Chloe says quickly, talking over Beca.
”Mama,” Abigail whines.
Chloe can’t bear the sight of both Beca and Abigail, both staring at her with hope in their eyes.
“Beca,” Chloe says quietly after a long, hopeful silence. “Would you like to stay for dinner?”
Abigail squeals and rushes to Chloe to hug her legs and then runs to Beca who quickly sweeps her up in a hug. Over Abigail’s chattering, Beca mouths ‘thank you’ to her wife.
Chloe says nothing in return and turns back to finish cooking.
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Hi Santa,
It’s me, Abigail again. Can I ask for gifts for my mommy? I think she really needs some new rule books because she’s not very good at playing games with mama.
I’m not sure which games she’s bad at, so just send me as many as you can!
Lots of love,
Abigail Melody Mitchell-Beale
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After dinner, Beca helps Chloe wash up. It had been a rather quiet dinner with only Abigail chatting incessantly between prolonged silences. Chloe had barely spoken two whole sentences to Beca.
Beca tries to start a conversation over the sound of running water. “Are you going to put more decorations up?” she asks in her attempt to break the tense silence.
Chloe sighs. “Yeah. Abby really wants to see some Christmas lights up, so I’ll have to figure that out.”
“I can help you with that.”
“I’ll be fine, Beca.”
“Chlo, I-”
“Why did you do it?” Chloe asks quietly.
“Do wh-” Beca trails off, realizing what Chloe is talking about. “Chloe, I didn’t kiss her.”
“But you waited weeks to tell me about it. And I only found out because I walked in on your conversation.” She grips the edge of the sink. “Do you know how humiliated I felt? Realizing right then and there that this woman had more insight into your life than me? Your wife?”
“I didn’t know how to...I didn’t know what to say or do,” Beca says desperately. She wants to badly to reach out and touch Chloe’s hand, but she knows her wife and she knows Chloe will pull away. “You know I’m so bad at sorting out what goes on in my head.”
“Then you tell me and we figure it out together!” Chloe exclaims. “You tell me and treat me like your partner, not like the other half of a secret!”
“I made a mistake,” Beca says in a strained voice. “God, I think about it everyday. And knowing that you were right all along about her and how I should have just let it go, I…” Shame rises up in her. “I would never do anything to jeopardize you and Abigail or - or how we were trying to-”
Chloe squeezes her eyes shut. “Beca.”
“Just, you have to know that.”
“I need time,” Chloe says, finally. Her voice is thick, on the verge of tears. “I...I just think we need space. This arrangement is fine.”
“It’s going to be Christmas, Chloe. This is going to be really hard on Abigail.”
“Do not tell me how to raise my daughter.”
Beca’s throat nearly closes. “She’s my daughter too.”
Chloe heaves a breath, trying to clear her head. “I’m sorry. I just…” She lets out the barest hint of a sob. “Can you go?”
Beca carefully places the plate down, feeling helpless and a little broken. “I’m going to say goodnight to Abby and I’ll be on my way. Goodbye.”
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“Are you ready for a fun weekend at the beach house?”
Abigail smiles, tugging her little roller bag along. “I brought games so you can get better at them, mommy.”
Beca has to laugh, even if a flash of pain cuts through her. She tightens her grip on her daughter’s hand. Abigail is sometimes just the absolute perfect mix of her and Chloe. “What’d you bring?”
“I brought some cards so we can play Go Fish! But I think there are some cards missing because Butter ate them. Or maybe Jax did. Also, I brought Candyland!”
Beca internalizes her groan and outwardly smiles enthusiastically. “Amazing! We’re going to have so much fun.”
“I also brought some photo albums because I want to hear stories about you and mama.”
Beca can’t stop her expression from dropping at that. “Abby, why?”
“I want to hear stories! You always tell me stories! Tell me about Barben.”
“It’s Barden, baby.” Beca squints. “Did your mama put you up to this?”
Abigail is offended that her own mother would think so lowly of her. “No, mommy. I just want to hear stories. You’re never home and I miss when you would tell me stories.” She watches as Beca turns on the light in the house. “And why are we at the beach house without mama? We always used to come here together as a family! Since I was born!”
Beca’s eyes crinkle a little around the edges. “Honey, I don’t think you could even remember that.”
“When are you coming home?” Abigail asks, steamrolling over Beca with her questions.
Beca sighs. “Abby…”
“No! You guys always tell me it’s for grownups or tell me confusing words so I don’t understand them.”
Beca watches warily as the tantrum continues to brew. “These things take time,” she says slowly. “Abby, let’s just lie down for a bit, okay? It was kind of a long drive.”
Abigail stomps her foot. “No! You made me come out here and now you won’t even do what I want to do! Why can’t you just come home!”
“Because I messed up!” Beca exclaims, too weary to fight it. Abigail has always known exactly which buttons to push, not unlike Chloe. “I made a mistake and I regret it so much.”
“You’re not trying hard enough!” Abigail yells, frustration lacing her tone. She’s tired and dance practice was hard today. Also, Chloe had refused to see Beca when she came to pick up Abigail which was distressing. She had merely kissed Abigail on the cheek and said “I love you” without a glance in Beca’s direction.
“Abigail Melody,” Beca says firmly. “Do you want to talk about this or do you want to sit down quietly for a few minutes?”
Abigail breathes in deeply - in and out, just like how Chloe taught her - and centers herself. When she opens her eyes again, Beca is staring at her curiously.
“I want to talk,” Abigail says quietly. “I’m sorry, mommy.” She throws herself into Beca’s arms, nestling into Beca’s shoulder. “I just want you and mama to be together again. It’s what I want most for Christmas.”
The sniffle breaks Beca’s heart. She knows Abigail wears her heart on her sleeve as much as Chloe does.
“What...what stories do you want to hear?”
“I dunno,” Abigail says quietly. She resettles herself on Beca’s lap as they both recline a little on the couch. “Anything. You always tell me fun stories about you and mama.”
Beca thinks about it for a while, resting her cheek against soft brown hair. “I think you’ve heard most of them, baby. How about a story about our first Christmas together?”
Abigail sighs. “Mommy, I’ve heard that one. You said mama got you a really cool case for your headphones.”
“Oh, no. That was way before we started dating. I meant our first Christmas together when we were dating.” She taps Abigail’s leg. “Before you were even born.”
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“What’s all this?”
Beca spins around quickly from where she had been putting the last decoration on the tree. “You weren’t supposed to come home yet!”
Chloe pauses, her foot halfway out her shoe. “I can leave,” she teases. Her eyes quickly assess the boxes and plastic wrap strewn everywhere across Beca’s living room. “Did you buy out the entire holiday section at Target?”
Beca huffs, dusting her hands in a vain attempt to rid herself of the glitter now permanently fused with her body. “No, I just...called in a few favors and had some coworkers bring me spare decorations.”
“It looks really festive,” Chloe says, finally making her way towards Beca.
“Yeah, I knew how sad you were about being unable to go with your parents to Europe for Christmas, so I figured I’d just make your Christmas here as amazing as possible.” Beca then looks mildly embarrassed. “I mean, the tree isn’t really big or anything or - or the food isn’t really amazing, but I figured we could just sit on the couch together and watch whatever movie you want.”
Chloe’s entire body seems to glow with happiness. “Beca, that sounds perfect. ”
Beca sags in relief. “Really?”
Chloe laughs, reaching Beca. She places her hands on Beca’s cheeks, using her thumbs to stroke soft skin. “I’m just...always excited to spend time with you. I want to build more traditions with you. I can’t wait,” she promises before leaning in to brush a soft kiss across Beca’s lips. “Also,” she continues, resting her forehead against Beca’s. “I can’t believe you beat me to ‘surprise Christmas decorations’ in this relationship.”
“I love you,” Beca murmurs, lifting her arms to hold Chloe closer to her.
“And that was when I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with your mama,” Beca says, trailing off wistfully. She wisely cut some choice moments from that Christmas, deciding to go with the leaner version of the story. “I mean, I guess I always knew on some level, but just spending a quiet Christmas in with just her and listening to her sing every Christmas carol she knew...I don’t know. Something about it.”
Beca trails off into pensive silence, forgetting momentarily that she had been relaying a story to a seven-year old. When she catches Abigail’s eyes again, Abigail is staring at her with adoration and Beca is reminded of how much she loves her daughter, her wife, and the family they created together.
Bellas included.
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Dear Santa,
I think it’s been a while since my mommies have asked you for anything, so I want to tell you a little bit about them.
You already know mommy! She’s the best singer in the whole world. I really like when she sings Aunt Emily’s lullaby to me because she always looks really happy when she does it. She tells me that me and mama are her favorite people to sing to! But I’m sure she’ll make an exception for you if you ask nicely or pay her lots of money! When mama talks about mommy, she always talks about how mommy made her a better person. Mommy helps a lot of people, but she really loves mama a lot. Mama likes to brush mommy’s hair because she says it calms her down. Mommy just lets her even if her hair person always gives her a weird look after.
Mama is also the best singer in the whole world! She doesn’t sing as much as mommy does, though. I think mama’s hair is so pretty. She says when she was younger, people made fun of her and that made me sad. I asked her if mommy ever made fun of her and she said that mommy was her best friend, but that confused me because I thought Aunt Aubrey was mama’s best friend. Mama works with animals, by the way. She could totally do a check up for Rudolph and Prancer if you want to come by earlier! Mama lets me come into work sometimes when it’s quiet and we just watch the cute dogs and cats! Mama adopted Butter from work actually. Mommy says mama made her have an epic phony! She said it was mama who made her see that she was super talented or something like that and now she’s famous! Mommy smiles a lot at mama - more than she does when people take photos of her.
Mommy and mama used to tell me all these great stories about when they were in school together, but I like the stories they tell me about how they started dating. I used to get really squirmy about hearing it but that was when I was six and I’m older now. Mama said she asked mommy out but mommy said she definitely asked her out. Then they usually start laughing and staring at each other and maybe kissing, which is still gross. It’s okay, I’m usually there to stop them.
I think mommy really did something to hurt mama’s feelings, but I can tell they both love each other a lot. I know that I should be writing to Cupid since this is about love, but Santa do you think maybe you can make an exception and help my mommies be in love again? I want to sit with mama and mommy at the piano and sing and laugh and play but we haven’t done that in a while. At least three weeks! A month!
Abigail Melody Mitchell-Beale
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“I just don’t know what to do,” Abigail laments to Bella. Bella feels like an older sister. She’s eleven , so she knows way more than Abigail does.
“Have you tried making them kiss under the mistletoe?”
Abigail’s nose scrunches. “Why would I want to make them kiss ?” She pretends to gag.
Bella snickers. “That means they like each other, silly! My mom told me that kissing is for grown-ups, but that when I’m older, I can kiss people if I like them and they like me back. It’s important that they like each other!”
“My mommies love each other,” Abigail corrects.
Bella shrugs. “I don’t think it makes a difference. If they love each other, maybe they should figure out how to like each other.”
Abigail thinks about that for a moment. “Where do I get the...the mittletoe thing?”
“Mistletoe,” Bella corrects quickly. “And I think my mom has some around We can find some!”
Before they can sneak into the basement, Stacie and Beca appear in the doorway of Bella’s room. “Where are you two going?” Stacie asks quickly, raising an eyebrow.
“To look for mistletoe,” Abigail says before Bella can nudge her or shush her.
Beca looks like she might choke on air and the look she shoots Stacie is comical.
“Ah,” Stacie says in an understanding tone. “Well, we can do that later. Right now, your mom has a favor to ask of you,” she says to Abigail.
“You up for it?” Beca asks.
“Are you moving back in?” Abigail asks, leaping forward towards Beca excitedly.
Beca’s smile is gentle and loving. “I’m doing my best, baby.”
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Dear Santa,
Please help my mommies meet each other under the mistletoe! Also, you should really get Bella that sled she really wants.
All my love,
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“Why is there mistletoe everywhere?” Amy asks. She smirks at Beca. “Not being subtle tonight, I see.”
Beca rolls her eyes. “I don’t know. Abigail’s been obsessed with it lately. I feel like I’m about to be ambushed at any moment.”
“She’s obviously trying to get you and Chloe to…” Amy gestures vaguely with her hands.
Beca isn’t sure she wants to unpack those hand gestures at the moment. Instead, her brow furrows as she focuses on slicing the ridiculously gigantic slab of ham. “You don’t think I know that?” she asks softly.
“You know we’re all here for both of you, right?” Amy says with sudden warmth in her tone. “If you guys ever need anything...I’m sure Aubrey or Stacie would be down to help.”
Beca laughs. “I’m sure they would.”
“Is Chloe going to kill you when she gets home?”
Aubrey chooses that moment to walk into the kitchen balancing a pie, two wine bottles, and a bowl of mashed potatoes. “Of course Chloe won’t kill Beca. If she wanted to, she would have done it already.” She settles everything carefully on the counter before moving to give Beca a quick hug. “How are you?”
Seeing Aubrey brings warmth to Beca’s life - something she might not have previously expected. However, Aubrey has proven to be a stellar choice as Abigail’s godmother and Beca adores Aubrey with all her heart. She’s not sure where she and Chloe would be without Aubrey.
“Could be better,” Beca responds. “Chloe hasn’t been as cold recently, but I really…” she trails off, blinking as an unexpected stinging manifests in her eyes. “I just miss her and I miss being home.”
Aubrey’s expression flickers into sadness. “I know, Beca. But Chloe has probably long forgiven you, you know that right? She’s just...processing her own feelings.”
“It doesn’t mean that I still don’t feel like shit every time I see how upset she looks.”
“Language,” Aubrey chides softly, on instinct.
Beca loves having a full house for the holidays.
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By the time Chloe gets home, everybody is settled in. The moment Chloe walks into the house, she freezes, taking in the sight of the amount of people gathered in the foyer of the house, all smiling and holding various gifts and drinks. Her eyes lock onto Beca who is just off-center from everybody. She’s smiling a little sheepishly, but holding Abigail’s hand who is positively giddy.
“Oh my God,” Chloe says quietly. “Beca, what-?”
“I thought we could have a quiet night in,” Beca says finally, once Chloe’s staring has gone on for long enough. “Well, as quiet as it can get with...” she gestures with her free hand at the still smiling Bellas.
Abigail cheers quietly and runs forward to grab Chloe’s hands. “Mama, are you surprised?”
“Infinitely so,” Chloe murmurs, bending down to quickly press a kiss to her daughter’s forehead. “You look beautiful, baby.” Her eyes lift to meet Beca’s once more. “Everything looks beautiful.”
Beca swallows. "Yeah," she murmurs, just under her breath. "It really does."
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“You didn’t have to do all of this, Beca,” Chloe says quietly, once she finds a quiet moment with Beca in the kitchen. “I know you’ve been busy with producing that latest album and meetings with the upper management. Hosting a Christmas party isn’t exactly relaxing.”
“I know you’ve been stressed with work too, Chloe. It’s been hard...with everything. I thought it’d be nice to have all our friends together for just one night this holiday season. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
Chloe stifles a smile. She knows how much Beca hates organizing Bellas get-togethers. “How many bribes did you have to hand out?”
Beca’s entire posture relaxes. “Just one. To Amy. She just wanted me to help her meet Britney Spears.”
Chloe laughs at that and it’s so free and unrestrained that Beca finds herself falling in love with Chloe all over again. She watches Chloe for a moment, just taking in the sight of her laughing in their beautiful kitchen.
Once Chloe resteadies herself, she takes a long, hard look at Beca, really assessing her. She wonders if it’s the holiday spirit, but she feels warmth well up inside her. She has been in love with Beca Mitchell for so long. She just wants to be able to hold Beca again without the sharp, stinging reminder that Beca contributed to the fracturing of the trust in their relationship.
It had been so easy to forgive Beca for everything back then. Beca would just have to fix her gaze on her and apologize and Chloe would melt right in Beca’s embrace.
Now, however, they’ve grown up and come so far from then. Since their university days they got married. They have a child together. Chloe marvels at the path they’ve embarked on.
She still can’t imagine doing any of this without Beca by her side.
“We should...talk about everything,” Chloe says slowly. “I want to talk about things, okay, Beca? I mean, I guess we could talk now, but our friends are...” She looks around the empty kitchen, listening to the sounds of their friends laughing elsewhere in the house. “I’d love for this conversation to be private.”
The happiness that shines in Beca’s eyes is contagious because Chloe finds herself smiling hesitantly in response.
"I know. I wasn’t...expecting to talk about anything, really,” Beca says honestly. “I invited our friends because I knew you’d want to see them, not because I think they deserve a show or anything.”
Chloe smiles. Beca hated it when their friends got too nosy. “I believe you,” she tells Beca.
Beca takes a deep breath at that. “I want to be happy again and I’ve long since figured out that I just can't be happy without you, Chlo.” A million memories of her life with Chloe flash through her mind, starting with Chloe’s bright smile on a warm August day all those years ago, and ending with Chloe tearfully smiling at Beca, holding their little bundle of joy in her arms. “I'll never apologize enough for messing up, but please…you’ve always given me the benefit of the doubt even when I know - when we both know - I don’t deserve it.” Beca heaves a breath, watching Chloe’s eyes carefully. “I promise to do better, baby. I would never do anything to hurt you like that again."
The memory is still so fresh in Chloe’s mind. Deep down, she knows that Beca meant no harm - that Beca was likely just being a little too unassuming. But a part of her knows that Beca had some idea of what was going on. She has spent years in the industry. Still, she credits Beca with her generally honest nature and the fact that Beca’s responses to critical situation are still born out of the best intentions and the goodness of her heart.
"Let me make you fall in love with me again,” Beca continues when Chloe doesn’t respond immediately. “You can…just, please. I’ll - I'll be better this time. I’ll do anything." Beca implores. She feels her throat tighten as she watches Chloe’s eyes. She’s looking for some kind of tell, other than the moisture in both their eyes. “I was so stupid,” she says softly. “Please, let me keep this family, Chloe.” Trying to keep a steady hand, she slowly brushes her fingers down Chloe’s jaw.
“Beca,” Chloe croaks.
Beca nods, encouraging her to continue, but the words stick somewhere in Chloe’s chest, unable to come forth. Her thumb comes to rest at the corner of Chloe’s mouth before slowly dragging across the soft flesh of her lip.
Beca always made her want to do things that were outside her comfort zone; it was always Beca who made the Bellas better. Chloe fell in love with Beca so slowly that she didn’t realize it had happened until it was too late and she knew she had fallen too far and too deeply to get out.
Shutting her eyes, Chloe waits – always just waiting for Beca to do something.
Before another thought can plague Chloe’s mind, Beca’s lips meet hers softly and gently, as tentative as their first kiss had been.
Slowly, they begin to start anew: they relearn each other’s mouths and trace familiar paths and slowly come together once more. Beca couldn’t believe she had almost let this all slip through her fingers. Chloe was all she needed; she knew that then and she knows that now.
Chloe hadn’t forgotten how happy Beca made her – she would never forget. But now, kissing the love of her life, she feels every feeling - every emotion - rush back into her body, happy to have finally found their way home now that she’s back into Beca’s arms.
Neither of them has time to pull away in time when the footsteps rush down the hall and into the kitchen.
“Oh my God!" Abigail shrieks upon seeing her mothers in the kitchen. "You're kissing! On the mouth! And there’s no mistletoe! You’re just kissing! I have to tell Bella! And Aunt Aubrey!" Her screams eventually reach a pitch so shrill that Beca feels Chloe tense and wince in her arms. She has to laugh and presses a kiss against Chloe’s cheek, half to appease Abigail again and half to make Chloe blush. She delights when she succeeds in making Abigail collapse into another peal of screaming and laughing as well as ensuring Chloe’s cheek stays a little flushed.
“Did you plan that?” Chloe asks, raising an eyebrow. The playfulness is not lost in Beca. “I don’t want to…” She leans back, trying to tear her sight away from Beca’s mouth. “We still have to...talk.”
Beca’s heart races at the return of her nickname. Coming from Chloe’s mouth, it sounds so natural, perfect, and beautiful. Chloe’s words however strike a more serious chord and Beca lets her hands drop from Chloe’s waist to hold her hands instead. The simple act of holding Chloe’s hands and not having her pull away is incredibly remarkable to Beca.
“I love you,” she says sincerely. “That’s all I know and that’s all I want you to know. I want you to be comfortable, Chlo. Just know that I love you and I want this to work. I’ll do anything.”
“You know,” Chloe says after a moment of just standing together. “I never fell out of love with you. That would be impossible.”
Around them, the sounds of their daughter screaming and the Bellas' laughter, combined with the faint hint of Christmas music fades to nothing as Beca thinks that all this love - Chloe's, their daughter's, the Bellas' - are the only gifts she'll ever need for the rest of her life.
Staring into Chloe's eyes, she sees the same love reflected back at her.
They're going to be just fine.
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Fin // fic tag
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bechloeislegit · 6 years
A to Z BeChloe
Beca Mitchell was considered by many to be Barden High School's resident badass. She wasn't really a bad kid. She stood up to bullies and protected those who were bullied. She had a tendency to talk back to the teachers and yet still managed to be on the Academic Honor Roll every semester. She hated to get up early in the morning and still managed to have perfect attendance every school year.
Beca's father, Warren Mitchell, knew she was a good kid. But there were times when she really tried his patience. Today was one of those times.
"Grounded?! You can't ground me. I'm almost eighteen years old," Beca screamed at her father.
"I believe I just did," Warren said. "For the next two weeks, you will go to school and come straight home. No hanging out with your friends. No going over to their house. School and home, that's it."
"I have a job," Beca said. "There is no way I'm calling out because my father grounded me. I'll be the laughing stock of the store."
"Fine," Warren said. "You can go to your job, but that's it."
"I don't even know what the big deal is," Beca said. "It's not like I killed anyone."
"You broke a store window," Warren said. "You're lucky the store owner didn't press charges. And it's going to cost me close to $600 to have it fixed. Do you have $600 to pay for it?" Beca just glared at him. "I didn't think so." He sighed. "Look, Beca, You have to learn there are consequences for your actions. You're really lucky that it was just the window and nobody got hurt."
"It was an accident," Beca said. "It's not like I did it on purpose."
"I understand that," Warren said. "But you're still grounded. Understand?"
Beca sat on her bed with the arms crossed over her chest. She would not give him the satisfaction of saying anything more, so she just stared at the wall across from her.
Warren finally gave up and left Beca sitting alone in her room. As soon as he was gone, she pulled out her phone and opened up a group chat.
BMitch: I'm grounded.
CBeale: For how long?
BMitch: 2 weeks
CBeale: What about our date? It's our first.
APosen: What happened?
SConrad: That sucks, B!
AHobart: That's what happens when you don't do vertical running.
BMitch: Shut up, Amy! This is all your fault. I'm sorry, Chlo. I guess we'll have to reschedule if you still want to go out with me (please say you still want to go out with me).
CBeale: Of course, we can reschedule. I have to go. Call me later.
BMitch: I broke a window.
APosen: And you're grounded for two weeks? That seems a bit extreme for a broken window.
Mitchell: It was the window of the hardware store.
APosen: Oh. You'll definitely have to tell us how that happened.
"Beca, dinner's ready," Warren yells from downstairs.
BMitch: I have to go. I'll see you at school tomorrow.
Beca puts her phone away and walks downstairs to dinner.
~gGg~ ~gGg~ ~gGg~
The next day at lunch, Beca was explaining why she was grounded.
"It really is all Amy's fault," Beca said glaring at the Australian exchange student.
"It wasn't my fault," Amy said unperturbed.
"Just tell us exactly what happened," Aubrey said.
"Okay," Beca said. "So, I was riding my skateboard back from the skate park and saw Amy outside Mason's Ice Cream shop, so I stopped to talk to her. I had my board in my hands while we talked and she asked about riding it. She said something about how she was the best skateboarder in Tasmania with teeth, or something equally as weird. Anyway, I told her no one rides my board but me. She tried to grab it from me, and I turned so she couldn't get to it. This went on for a minute or two when she managed to get her hands on it. By now we had moved and were in front of Mr. Danes' hardware store. She pulled really hard, and it came out of my hands. The next thing I know the board is flying through the air and right into Mr. Danes' storefront window. The glass broke leaving a huge hole and glass everywhere. I stood there in shock and saw Mr. Danes looking out the hole it made right at me. Amy was running away."
Beca took a moment to glare at Amy.
"Vertical running, I'm vertical running," Beca mimicked Amy's voice causing everyone except Amy to laugh.
"I don't sound like that," Amy said.
"Yeah, you do," Stacie said still laughing.
"Then what happened?," Chloe asked.
"Well, Mr. Danes was pretty cool about it all," Beca said. "He called my dad, and then they agreed that as long as the replacement window was paid for, he wouldn't call the police and press charges. My dad agreed, and now I'm grounded for two weeks. I can only leave the house to go to school and my job at the record store."
"Still don't see how it's my fault," Amy mumbled.
"Amy," Aubrey said. "If you had left Beca's skateboard alone, none of this would have happened. We all know how Beca is about her stuff and people touching it."
"I think we should ground Amy," Stacie said.
"How would we do that?," Chloe asked with a laugh.
"I say," Stacie started and stopped to think. "I say, she is grounded and cannot sit with us at lunch for the two weeks Beca is grounded."
"You can't do that," Amy said looking worried.
"I like it," Beca said with a mischievous grin. "Let's do that."
"Everyone in favor of grounding Amy, raise your hand," Aubrey said and raised her hand.
Stacie and Beca shot their hands up as well. Chloe bit her lip and looked at Amy. Amy gave her a pleading look.
Beca, sensing that Chloe was waffling, leaned in and whispered, "She caused us to have to reschedule our first official date."
Chloe's hand shot up and at Amy's surprised look said, "Sorry, Amy. Your recklessness is messing with my love life."
"Looks like it's official, Amy," Aubrey said. "Starting tomorrow and for the next two weeks you cannot sit with us at lunch."
"I don't know why I'm being punished when it wasn't my fault," Amy said. She got up and stomped away from the table.
Aubrey sighed. "I wish she'd understand that the things she does causes problems for everyone. She never takes responsibility for her actions."
"I just thought of something," Stacie said. "My birthday party is a week from Friday. Will you be able to make it?"
"I don't know," Beca said. "I'll have to ask my dad when my grounding ends. Don't worry; I'll plead my case and do everything I can to be there."
"Maybe we can make the party our first official date," Chloe said with a smile and looked at Beca. "Would you do me the honor of being my date for Stacie's party?"
"You do know that it will probably end with everyone making out, right?," Aubrey asked. "Are you sure you want that for a first date?"
"I stand by my offer," Chloe said given Beca a wink.
"I will definitely be there," Beca said red-faced.
"Good," Stacie said. "I'd better go. I have to stop by my locker before my next class."
"I'll walk with you," Aubrey said.
~gGg~ ~gGg~ ~gGg~
That night at dinner Beca brought up Stacie's birthday party. Warren thought about it and told her she could go. Beca smiled and jumped up to hug her dad. Sheila smiled at him, knowing how much the hug meant to him.
As she sat back down, Beca thought about something. "Dad? If I pay for half the window, can I take Chloe out for our first date on Friday like we had originally planned?"
"I thought you were saving your money for Prom?," Warren asked.
"I was. I am," Beca said. "But Chloe's the one I want to take to Prom, and that's not going to happen if I can't get the relationship started. No one wants their first date to be at Prom."
"Keep your money," Warren said. "And you can take Chloe out on Friday night. I think you've learned your lesson."
"You're such a softie," Sheila said with a smile. She looked at Beca. "Where are you taking Chloe on your first date?"
"I don't know," Beca said. "I was thinking some maybe just pizza and a movie."
"You hate movies," Sheila said.
"I know," Beca said. "But Chloe loves going to the movies. And it should be about what she likes, right?"
"That's true," Warren said. "You're grounded until Friday. Then you're free to go on your date and to have your friends over."
"Thanks, dad," Beca said. "I really am sorry about the window." She suddenly jumped up from the table and said, "I have to call Chloe. May I be excused?"
"Go ahead," Sheila said.
Beca ran out and went to her room. She pulled out her phone and immediately called Chloe.
"Hey, Becs," Chloe said answering the phone.
"Hey," Beca said. "So, what movie would you like to see Friday night?"
"What?," Chloe asked.
"Don't tell me you forgot about our date on Friday," Beca said with a smile on her face.
"I thought you couldn't go because you were grounded," Chloe said.
"My dad lifted it," Beca said. "I asked about Stacie's party and then asked if I could still take you out on Friday. He said yes and that I was only grounded until Friday. So, what movie do you want to see?"
"Let's talk about it tomorrow," Chloe said. "I'm really excited about going out with you."
"Yeah?" Beca's smile grew even wider. "I'm just glad you said yes."
"I'm glad you finally asked me," Chloe said. "Don't tell Stacie I told you, but she told me you liked me and wanted to ask me out."
"I'm sorry it took me so long," Beca said. "I was afraid you'd say no."
"That was never going to happen," Chloe said. "I've had a crush on you since last year."
"Last year! Why didn't you ask me out?"
"Same reason. I was afraid you didn't feel the same way. Then when Stacie said you wanted to ask me, I decided to let you do it in your own time. I didn't want to scare you off."
"Fair enough," Beca said.
"Beca! Someone's here to see you," Sheila's voice called from downstairs
"I have to go," Beca said. "We'll definitely talk more tomorrow. Good night, Chlo."
"Good night, Becs," Chloe said, and they ended the call.
Beca went downstairs and was surprised to see Amy standing by the door chatting with her dad and Sheila.
"Hey, Ames," Beca said. "What's up?"
"Here," Amy said and held out an envelope toward Beca.
Beca looked at the envelope and then at Amy. "What's this?"
"Just take it," Amy said thrusting the envelope into Beca's hands.
Beca opened the envelope and looked inside. "Amy?"
"It's for the window," Amy said. "I was talking to my mum, and she said that you were right and that I was at least partially responsible for the window breaking and should help pay for it."
"Amy," Warren said. "That's very generous of you."
"Amy, there is six hundred dollars here," Beca said. "Your share would only be three hundred."
"My dad gave me the money and said I should just pay it all," Amy said. "I know you're saving up for something special and it's my way of saying I'm sorry."
"Thank you, Amy," Beca said as she handed the envelope to her dad. "I'll see you at lunch tomorrow."
"You mean I'm no longer grounded anymore and can eat lunch with you guys?," Amy asked excitedly.
"I'm only grounded until Friday, so I'm lifting your punishment as well," Beca said.
"Yes!," Amy said with a small fist pump. "I like eating lunch with you guys. I should get going."
"I'll see you tomorrow," Beca said, and she showed Amy out.
~gGg~ ~gGg~ ~gGg~
The next day at lunch, Amy sat with the girls and Aubrey looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
"It's okay, Aubrey," Beca said. "Amy apologized AND paid for the window, so I told her she was allowed back at our table."
"I'm glad," Aubrey said and smiled at Amy. "Lunch would be really boring without you regaling us with one of your dingo-wrestling stories."
The other girls laughed and started talking. Beca turned toward Chloe.
"Thought of a movie yet?," Beca asked.
"I was thinking maybe a comedy," Chloe said.
"You're taking Chloe to a movie?," Stacie asked overhearing. "You don't like movies."
"So? Chloe does, and that's what matters," Beca said with a shrug.
"Whipped," Amy said and made a whip cracking sound.
Stacie and Aubrey laughed.
"I think it's sweet," Chloe said.
~gGg~ ~gGg~ ~gGg~
It's finally Friday, and Beca and Chloe are enjoying pizza after their movie date.
"Did you like the movie?" Beca took another slice and looked at Chloe.
"I did," Chloe said. "It was pretty funny. I love Kate McKinnon; she's hilarious."
"I have to admit I liked it, too," Beca said.
"I'm having a really good time," Chloe said with a small smile. "I hope we can do this again. A lot!"
"Yeah? In that case, what are you doing tomorrow night?"
"Why? Are you asking me out?"
"Yep," Beca said. "I thought we could go to the mini-golf place."
"Hey, Beca," a voice said causing both girls to look up.
"Hey, Tammy," Beca said somewhat annoyed by the interruption.
"Tammy," Chloe said through gritted teeth.
"Oh, hey Chloe," Tammy said dismissively. She then turned her back to Chloe and spoke directly to Beca. "I was wondering if you were busy tomorrow night? I'm thinking we should go to a movie. You and me in a dark theater. Think of all the things we could do in the dark."
Beca just looked at the girl. "No."
"Why not?," Tammy said. "We would be so good together."
"Oh, hell no," Chloe said. She stood and grabbed Tammy's arm pulling her away from Beca. "Beca is with me, and I don't appreciate you hitting on my girlfriend."
"Girlfriend?," Tammy asked and looked at Beca for confirmation.
Beca smiled and said, "Yes, girlfriend. So, see you around, Tammy."
Tammy looked between the two and then stormed off with a huff. Chloe waited until she was out of sight before she sat back down.
"Girlfriend, huh?," Beca said with a grin.
"Don't act surprised," Chloe said. "We both know that's where this was going."
"I'm not complaining," Beca said with a smile.
"Good," Chloe said and smiled. "And, as your girlfriend, I am officially grounding you from dating anyone but me."
"I thought being grounded was supposed to be a punishment. I feel like I'm being rewarded."
"Can we leave now?," Chloe asked. "I really want to give you another kind of reward, but I don't want to do it in front of all these people."
"Can I get my reward now?," Beca asked. "I don't care if you do it in front of all these people."
"Absolutely," Chloe said as she leaned in and kissed Beca.
"I think I'm going to like being grounded with you."
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unholyhelbig · 6 years
Based on the anon ask, prompt: “Aubrey Posen believed in lots of things, but love was not one of them. That is, until she met Emily.”
Aubrey Posen believed in a lot of things. When she was ten years old, she started to believe in ghosts. Her mother was driving down a long-winded path and fog seemed to take up every inch of spare expanse that North Carolina had to offer. It was cliché, really. But the man she saw standing on the side of the road dressed in a slate grey uniform convinced her that ghosts were real, as real as the clothes on her back and the blanket that was covering her lap. She didn’t’ say a word, but she knew her mother had seen him too.
When she was sixteen she believed that things happened for a reason. A letter coming in the mail stating that her father was going back into the infantry. He would travel and see the world. He would write, and he would stop writing. And she would sit between her two older siblings, blindly reaching for their comforting touch when they got the news that he was coming home. But only to pack his things.
She crashed a car when she skidded on black ice at nineteen, learning to believe that it was okay to make mistakes. Her older brother pulling her into a minty embrace instead of screaming about his wrecked jeep. He wasn’t angry, instead, he squeezed her shoulders and hastily warned her never to scare him like that again.
Aubrey Posen believed in a lot of things, but love wasn’t one of them. That is until she met Emily.
She had felt the light like never before that day; a star that hung high in the sky pressing heated rays against exposed skin. It was a warmth that she couldn’t ignore, the atmosphere clear despite the musty scent of rain taking up home in her lungs. Aubrey loved the smell of the rain and the even sharper scent of incoming snow. That thankfully didn’t present itself this early into October.
Booths lined her on either side, some of them boasting signs that were carved expertly. They advertised peaches and corn. Sweetgrass baskets that had been so expertly woven in the spare time of their crafters. Aubrey bit into an apple, her teeth pressing past soft green flesh as sticky juices dripped down her chin. This was home, for her, this had always been home.
Aubrey didn’t’ miss the stuffy suits or the smog that coated New York Cities risen air. The cases that stacked against her desk were long forgotten as her mind buzzed with nothing other than making her way carefully through the farmers market. Everything was muted and enhanced all at once. She loved her visits home and loved the stillness of them even more.
“Oh, shi-“The voice pulled through the low buzz of the market, not many people looking up from examining their tomato’s, poking and prodding until it looked bruised enough to beg for a discount. But there she was, struggling to lift a case of mason jars from the back of a rusted old ford.
They dripped in a golden syrup, bubbles catching a certain aim of lighting from the very sun that warmed Aubrey’s cheeks. She could practically taste the sweet substance as it barely sloshed around. The booth simple stated: Honey. Little symmetrical combs were slathered in yellow at the corner of the board. It was simple, and at this rate, it was going to lose all of its merchandise.
“Here, let me help you,” She said.
Aubrey wasn’t one to rush towards a stranger. She wasn’t one to try and show off by lifting something that was a little too heavy, even for her. She could feel the subtle burn in her arms, and the moisture that collected against her collarbone. None of that could make up from the bright, almost impish, smile she received in return.
She set them down on the shaded countertop, rolling her shoulders back as she looked at the stranger. She was tall, even with mud-stained converse on, sporting a worn t-shirt and a flannel. The girl’s features were soft and kind, and damn, did they feel like the sun. The flower that bees were drawn to driven by the very nature instilled upon them.
“Thank you so much,” She panted, pulling the red baseball cap from her forehead, she dragged her forearm against it, smearing dirt and sweat. “You have no idea how much trouble I’d be in if I dropped those.”
“It was really no problem.” Aubrey just chuckled at the girl’s frantic words, she was still panting in the heat. Watching as the stranger ripped into the box that she had just set down. “What are you-?”  
“Here,” She produced an amber colored jar. “It’s on the house. Assuming that you actually like honey, this here is the best stuff. Homegrown. Well, home harvested.”
“Thank you,”
Aubrey absently ran her fingers over the printed label. It had that soft yellow background that her booth occupied. The same logo too, but up close, Aubrey could see the tiny script of Emily’s right above the bulky text. She glanced up, Emily suited her. She started to take the rest of the mason jars out of the cardboard box, humming along to an odd tune that the lawyer couldn’t quite place.
She walked away that day, the weighted glass of honey still prominent in her hand as she shifted its contents. There were little flakes of yellow pollen swimming in the stagnant warmth. A certain heat pressed against her abdomen, an odd place for the sun to reach, but she swallowed it back.
The coffee coated her throat, it’s bitter edge never too strong. Willow Heights was never known for an intoxicating brew. Instead, she settled for the burnt flavor and the washed-out white mugs that used to have logos sprawled against them. Now it was just little black spots where the paint hadn’t exactly faded yet.
Still, Aubrey gulped it down hungrily to wash away the taste of the pie that she had eaten, nothing but crumbs were left on her plate and the waitress dressed in a sickly mint green ensemble took that as enough of a sign to clear it and refill the mug with little conversation. She almost liked it that way, the quiet.
There was a mother watching her son destroy an ice cream Sunday in the corner of the diner. He was missing his mouth, coating his fingers in a sugary mess of black syrup and cherry juice. She winced at the thought of how sticky he would be, but the woman seemed not to fret too much. She gave her a knowing glance. It practically screamed kids will be kids.
There was, of course, the cook, but his focus was on spraying clean dishes in the back of the house. The waitress smacking her gum like the blood that rushed past Aubrey’s ears. It was rhythmic in a gross kind of way. The bell above the door was accompanied by the deadpan cold that ran through town when the sunset.
The girl from the farmers market.
It had in fact rained. She was quick to peel off her soiled jacket and hang it on the small coat rack by the door. An unused umbrella rested against the glass door frame. A missing cat poster with eminent water damage dog-eared at the excess of wind.  
“Hey, Em” The waitress mustered a sunny disposition. “The usual?”
“You bet,” She rubbed her hands together in the heat of the restaurant. Aubrey couldn’t help but stare, her expression was soft and captivating all at once. She had seen beauty before, really, she had. But Emily had a certain rawness like unsweetened honey. It was smooth but had a bitter kick that she craved the taste of. “Oh hey,”
Aubrey blinked dumbly for a second, licking her lips. They tasted burnt, the coffee still lingering as she registered that she was actually being spoken to. “Hi”
“Mind if I?”
Emily gestured to the stool next to hers. There were other seats available at the counter, but Aubrey had the feeling that if she had taken any of those, she would be caught staring violently at the girl. Not out of lust (Not entirely anyway) but out of pure captivation. She gulped down the sour taste in her mouth as she nodded.
The waitress eyed Aubrey as she set down a big glass of what smelled like root beer in front of Emily. The girl denied a straw before downing a quarter of it in one fail sweep.
“I’ve never seen you around before, stranger.”
“Stranger? Oh. I’m not from round’ these parts.”
She laid on the southern accent thickly, a hint of a smirk pulling at her lips. Emily seemed to redden at this. Aubrey supposed they did sound a little too dramatic for her taste, almost as if she could reach into her belt and find a pearl embossed pistol at the ready. All she would have to do is spin the barrel and hope she didn’t’ load it.
“Very funny,” Emily nudged her shoulder. She smelled like rain. “I just don’t know what a girl like you is doing in a town like this one.”
“I’ll have you know, I grew up here.” Aubrey straightened her back and raised her own mug to her lips, taking another long gulp of stale caffeine. “What gave it away?”
“That you haven’t been home in a long while?” Emily quirked a brow “No one in Willow Heights has a manicure.”
Aubrey’s grey stare flicked to her nails instinctively. They were painted in a nude color, but they had been done professionally. Half of her wardrobe was pressed and trimmed and tailored just to fit the standards of a courtroom. A small farming town like this one didn’t’ even have a nail salon. But Aubrey liked it that way.  
“You’re very observational for a beekeeper.”
“Thank you,” she straightened her stance, drawing in another gulp of her soda like the heat of the carbonation didn’t bother her at all. “You kind of have to in my position.”
Aubrey could only imagine. One false move and little insects with sharp stingers would find their way past a strong suited woman. It wasn’t like dealing with slimy defense lawyers who had slicked back hair and venom dripping past their teeth- no, this was something delicate.
The waitress chewed her gum silently as she set a large plate of chocolate chip waffles in front of Emily with some silverware. Whipped cream was stacked to the very top, a few strawberries made dents in the mountain. “Thanks, Erica!”
She hummed in response and filled up Aubrey’s cup once more, earning a grateful nod in response before she went back to playing some matching game on her phone. The mother in the corner of the diner hastily tried to wipe away the syrup on her sons’ fingers.
“Oh my god, how can you eat that?” Aubrey chuckled into her cup.
“What? You mean this?” She shoved a strawberry into her mouth, chewing happily “Easy. Breakfast for dinner is the best.”
Aubrey cocked a brow, sitting back in the bar stool as she watched the woman slather her food in a coat of maple before cutting it into small little pieces. Breakfast was something that was limited to a protein bar, lunch a lack-luster salad, and dinner was something from the vending machines at the office. Certainly not a mountain of cornstarch and syrup. Emily didn’t’ seem deterred in the slightest as she shoved her fork into the bite she had just cut.
It was a demand, not a question, Emily holding up the fork as she watched Aubrey expectantly. The blonde let out a heaving sigh, close to rolling her eyes as she leaned forward and took the bite that Emily so easily offered. She could barely stop the moan that slipped past her lungs, blood rising to her cheeks as she got a triumphant smile in return.
“The secret is the honey in the batter,” Emily wiggled in her seat, letting the fork drop onto the plate as she beamed “Technically it’s mine so I’m biased but-“
She was interrupted by a fit of giggles, her body turning to face Aubrey, almost completely. Emily beamed, covering her mouth to muffle a snort. “What? Seriously?”
“Nothing, it’s just” She leaned forward.
 This moment wasn’t perfect, not by a long shot. The chairs that they were sitting in creaked and groaned under their weight. The light in the far corner of the restaurant was buzzing away like the very moths that they attracted. The rain was pressing against the window and blurring the downtown streets. And Aubrey had whipped cream all over her nose.
“Here, let me get it.”
Emily’s touch was soft. Her fingers cold against Aubrey’s cheek as she brushed her thumb easily against the whipped cream on Aubrey’s nose. The sugary substance coated the pad of her finger. She brought it to her lips, licking it clean with a stray smile and a simple shrug.
“Thank you,” Aubrey rasped.
Aubrey Posen believed in a lot of things. The ghost that she saw on the side of the highway in North Carolina. The way her father still sent Christmas cards every other year, still containing blatant wishes and a twenty-dollar bill. How her older brother still laughed at the wrecked jeep that he let her borrow for one night too many.
Most importantly, Aubrey Posen believed in Emily.
The way she would tell the story of how they met for years to come. The box of honey would grow in size and the jars in weight. She would change the small storm outside to a monsoon and the kid in the corner digging into an ice cream Sunday had vanished altogether.
She had bought Emily a bouquet of sunflowers. Then a waffle maker, even a dog. But the most important thing was a ring. A simple gold band with two green stones and a flashing diamond. Because she made Aubrey believe enough to drop down to one knee, to envision a future never imagined.
Yeah, Aubrey Posen believed in a lot of things, but love was not one of them. That is until she met Emily.    
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monstersandmaw · 6 years
hey Im kind of a dumb as in I completely forget how your ko-fi commissions work - whats the deets on those? and how are they different from your regular commissions?
Not a dumb question, don’t worry! 
Basically, they’re the same, but Ko-fi commissions tend to be shorter than full commissions. Full story commissions take a Long Time™ to plan and can often be up to 5000 words, which takes a decent chunk of time and energy to write. At the moment, I don’t have the mental capacity to do that on a regular basis right now, let alone the time. Partly this is because of my Patreon commitments, and partly because of Real Life™. 
Anyway, back to the question: Ko-fi allows people to show their support for me in a small way (£3 actually I usually only get £2.60 or so because of conversion fees when folks in other currencies donate, but hey) and they can also do it anonymously, whilst getting a little something in return! Usually these donations tend to be much smaller than my normal writing commissions, but I have been known to have a 3000 word story commission come up via ko-fi (Haunted Armour boy Aubrey’s Part II).
For one ko-fi (£3) I will write a chunky 10 sentences. For 2 donations, (£6) I will write 20 sentences, etc. etc. If it gets impractical to count sentences (as with Aubrey’s Part II, where I was given £30), I switch to my usual commissions rate, where it’s £10 per 1000 words. With ko-fi donations, I’m very strict with myself and don’t go over the sentence-count (or under!!), but with big story commissions, I’m a bit more relaxed, and will often sail way past the ‘limit’… 
Here’s my ko-fi commissions mini-post which might cover things a little more succinctly? 
The same rules for what I will and won’t write apply for all commissions and requests, and the details of which can be found here on my commissions page. 
Does that make any sense at all? Ask me again if you’re still unclear because, good god, I have a tendency to waffle on, don’t I? I’m so sorry, and congratulations if you made it through this post. Here’s a trophy for you. And a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit. Because I’m English. 
13 notes · View notes
chloes-yellow-cup · 6 years
Nowish - Part 6
Bechloe. Staubrey. Bellas Squared/Stechlobree.
A story in which I convinced myself by accident that this could work. Let me try and convince you too.
Nowish Master Post  - Everything on one page.
A Shared Lifetime - All my fics
Recommended Mood Music on Spotify. Artistic license taken with song release years.
Note on the links: The ones about music lead to YouTube vids for fun. Rest are GIFs or links to whatever gift idea I have.
Chloe’s Birthday and an accidental live sex show.
Only a tiny bit of smut in this one, but it’s there!
Wednesday, June 7th, 2017
Beca worked quietly in the hallway outside her room, trying to arrange her surprise while it was still hot and not wake up the sleeping birthday girl. Per her self-created birthday tradition, she was serving Chloe breakfast in bed and after last year’s almost debacle bringing things up the stairs, she’d decided to carry them up in stages and put it together out here. Currently she was arranging a covered plate, glass of orange juice and a single rose in a small vase on the tray for Chloe. Carefully she lifted it and nudged the bedroom door open with her foot, smiling as she saw Chloe buried in a huddle of blankets and pillows.
Setting the tray down on the dresser, she stealth crawled her way up until she was propped up on her right arm next to her sleeping wife. Slowly she leaned down and pressed feather light kisses all over Chloe’s face until she stirred, then captured her lips to ease her gently awake.
Chloe’s arms slid from the blankets and around Beca’s neck, humming in approval. “Mmm… Morning.”
The kiss broke as Chloe gave a sleepy stretch and Beca whispered softly into her ear. “Happy Birthday, Chlo.” She ran the back of her fingers across Chloe’s cheek, watching as those gorgeous cerulean eyes blinked open. She wasn’t sure how she could be more in love with this woman every day, but she was. Even though she’d been falling since that first day at the activities fair, she never took it for granted.
Chloe nuzzled under Beca’s chin and placed a kiss on her neck. “Thanks, love.” She pulled Beca down tight against her body. “Are you my present?” Her hand ran down Beca’s side until her fingertips slid under the elastic of Beca’s shorts and nails scraped lightly at her hips.
Beca moaned softly, pushing her body even closer. “I mean, I do consider myself a gift to mankind…” She hissed as teeth nipped at her neck. “But I did make you breakfast.”
“What if I want you for my breakfast?” Chloe’s hand moved to rest against her stomach, dipping further under her shorts and stroking lightly just above the juncture between her legs.
“Ungh… Breakfast…” Beca briefly wondered how many times she’d squeaked that word in the time since she’d met Chloe. It seemed like a lot. She swallowed. “I would consider… Sweet baby Jesus, Chlo… myself more of a dessert.” Against her will she found herself angling her body to give Chloe better access as her hand slipped lower.  She could always just remake breakfast, right? Then Chloe’s hand stopped.
“Do I smell bacon?” Chloe sniffed the air. “Did you actually make me bacon?”
“What?” Beca blinked. “I… Yes.” She swallowed and tried to refocus again. “Do you… should I get…” She twitched a thumb over her shoulder. “Tray?” Words were complex when the blood was rushing elsewhere.
Chloe laughed as she kissed her one more time. “I love that you make me breakfast in bed, Becs.” She pulled her hand out of Beca’s shorts. “Huh. That’s… well that’s a phrase with two meanings.” Chloe giggled wickedly.
Beca rolled her way off the bed and groaned, sticking with the original intent of Chloe’s words. “I love that you all finally taught me how to cook things without burning the place down.” Beca had always been horrible in the kitchen; it was a long standing joke that all she was good for was coffee. But she had wanted to contribute more to the cooking while they were in college, for reasons she still wasn’t sure she understood, so the Bellas had taken turns teaching her one breakfast food throughout that first year in the house.
 Chloe had taught her to make bacon after several weeks and false fire alarms. Beca still flinched every time it popped, grease screen or not. The day she discovered there was a company that made actually good microwavable bacon in a pouch, she was set for life. Unless it was something special, like for Chloe’s birthday, then she did it the traditional way.
Stacie had taught her how to make eggs, scrambled, fried and over easy, as well as bacon and cheese omelets, which had become Beca’s signature go to. She still wasn’t sure about adding milk to it, it went against everything she’d seen growing up, but she did it rather than face her wrath. Plus, they were eggcellent, if she said so herself. Which she did, often, to the groans of the others.
Jessica and Ashley had taught her pancakes, though they never turned out a perfect circle. Chloe said that just meant they were unique, like Beca.
Flo had taught her how to make Huevos rancheros, which sounded intimidating until she was told it basically eggs and a few other things mixed with chorizo, which also intimidated her until she found out it was essentially a spicy sausage.
Cynthia Rose had tried to teach her waffles, but after several failed attempts, Beca stuck with Eggos. Once in a while she’d help Chloe make them, but she’d accepted it was never going to be something she did well.
Amy said she would teach Beca a food from her homeland, but that just turned out to be the fact that she put the milk in the bowl before the cereal. “What kind of monster does that, Amy?”
No one could understand what Lilly was trying to teach, but when she pulled out a steak knife, most of them evacuated the kitchen, including Beca.
When they first moved into the condos, Aubrey had offered to teach Beca how to make French toast. Hesitantly, mostly out of PTSD from Bellas training, Beca had agreed. She had been more than pleasantly surprised to find that Aubrey was a patient teacher in the kitchen. She took her ability to break down a routine and used it to make the steps easy to remember. Beca didn’t do it that often, her slices turned out soggy more often than not, but on several occasions where Stacie would travel with Chloe, Beca would surprise Aubrey with French toast for breakfast. Beca always tucked away the shy, pleased smiles whenever Aubrey would come out and find a plate being loaded for her.
 As Chloe sat up and arranged their mass of pillows as a backrest, Beca paused as she admired how that put her wife’s naked form on display. Since Beca had taken the day off, she had woken Chloe up just after midnight with a whispered “Happy Birthday on Hump Day.”  Chloe had let out a sleepy laugh and let Beca thoroughly make love to her until they passed out in a warm mass in the center of their bed. That was another tradition Beca hoped to be able to continue and her favorite so far.
Beca brought the tray over to the bed and set it down as far as her arms could reach. “Wait!” She stopped Chloe from grabbing it. Beca climbed carefully on the bed and shuffled on her knees until she was able to lift it and set it gently over Chloe’s lap. She took the cloth napkin and flicked it open, draping it across her chest like a bib. “There.” When Chloe arched her eyebrow Beca shrugged. “Gotta protect the girls from any spillage.”
“Our hero.” Chloe deadpanned as she rolled her eyes.
“Breakfast is served.” Beca lifted the lid off the plate with a flourish. She’d made Aubrey’s French toast recipe, taking extra care to avoid her sometimes soggy results, with a couple scrambled eggs and a side of bacon. Sitting beside the plate was a small container of syrup and the tiny salt and pepper shakers they’d stolen from their many hotel stays.
“Becs, that’s real bacon. Not your microwavable pouch bacon.” Chloe’s eyes sparkled. “You do love me!”  She poured syrup over her pre-buttered – Beca had the amount memorized at this point – French toast with a small pool to dip her bacon in.
“Until my last breath and probably beyond.” Beca smiled and leaned down for a kiss. She watched as Chloe took her first bite and moaned appreciatively. “I’ll be right back.” She scuttled off the bed and to the hall table where she’d left her own tray. She came back in, repeating the process to settle on Chloe’s left. Her own plate held her normal omelet and she applied the salt and pepper liberally.
“So, what do you want to do today, birthday girl?” Beca watched as Chloe thoughtfully finished her bite of food.
“You mean other than you?” Chloe wiggled her eyebrows. “That joke never gets old, by the way.”
“I hope not.” Beca’s voice was scandalized. “And yes, other than me.”
Chloe dunked some bacon in syrup and ate it. “I didn’t actually have anything in mind this year.”
“Chlo, you’re too young to be treating this as ‘just another day’ like my grandma.”
“I know. But. I just feel like things are perfect. I can’t think of anything I want to add. I do wish I’d have thought about a day trip to Disney earlier, it might not be so bad this early in June on a weekday.”
Beca’s mouth dropped open. “Oh man! Disney on Hump Day? That… I’m so disappointed in myself for not thinking of that!”
“Stacie would kill us if we went without them, especially on my birthday. I didn’t think of it until yesterday, way too late for either of them to arrange the day off.”
Beca nodded, her mind filing the idea away for future celebrations. “Alright. So. If you have no plans… Let’s spend a leisurely morning here, and I’ll take you out to lunch. Then we have dinner with the girls.”
“Sounds like a perfect day to me.” Chloe reached over and took Beca’s right hand, bringing it up to her mouth for a kiss. “Thank you, love.”
As Beca went to respond, Chloe’s phone started to ring. Beca pushed Chloe’s tray down so she could pull her legs free and gingerly roll to the side of the bed to grab it. Beca swallowed, helpless to stop her eyes from roving over the view as Chloe pushed to her hands and knees to reach her phone. Beca’s pulse beat harder and desire stood up and started waving to get her attention, which was already firmly on Chloe’s ass.
“It’s Emily!” Chloe bounced a little and Beca’s mouth went dry.
“Chlo, you can’t FaceTime – you’re naked.” Beca was still trying to wrestle with her desire to ravish her wife again.
“Oh, yeah.” She tossed the phone to Beca. “Answer, I’ll put on a shirt.” She slid off the bed and pulled a drawer open on their dresser.
Beca nodded absently, eyes still distracted by smooth skin. “Yeah, sure.” She looked down and hit answer before it went to voice mail. “Yo, Legacy.”
Emily’s smiling face filled the screen before her eyebrows furrowed. Her mouth was open, probably to sing ‘Happy Birthday.’ “You’re not Chloe.”
“I’m so glad college is helping train that sharp brain of yours.” Beca forked up another small bite of her food.
“Shut up.”  Emily stuck out her tongue.
“She’s getting dressed.” Beca’s tone was sly. “She wasn’t camera ready.” She loved watching that disconcerted look cross Emily’s face. She waited, knowing what was coming. It was one of her favorite things about Emily and Beca loved to provoke her into saying it.
“Gross.”  But Emily was smiling, her tone affectionate.
“Beca, don’t scar Emily with that sex talk.” Chloe said as she crawled back onto the bed, grabbing a stand for the phone as she did so.
“Aca-mom 2, you can’t say sex when I know you’re naked!” Now Emily sounded, and looked, to Beca’s amusement, scandalized.
Chloe settled back in, pushing her tray against Beca’s. She balanced the phone in the stand so it sat on both trays and they could both see Emily and she them.
“Happy Birthday, Chloe!” Emily waved at her.
“Thanks, sweetie!” And she devoted her attention to the phone when Emily began to sing to her.
Beca waited half a heartbeat before she joined in. It had been too long since she’d sung with Emily, the girl – young woman, she corrected herself – she’d taken under her wing her senior year. Well, eventually. It was more accurate to say ‘when Beca finally got her shit together after the retreat’. She smiled at Emily’s excited grin as their voices blended. She heard a sniffle and looked over as Chloe wiped a few tears from her eyes.
“I love you guys.” Chloe smiled. “I don’t know how much more perfect this day can get, and it’s barely started.”
Beca squeezed her hand and went back to eating, letting them catch up. After a bit, she heard Chloe ask something she’d been wondering at for a while.
“How come I’m ‘Aca-mom 2’?”
“Well…” Emily’s voice trailed off and she squinted a bit.
“Spit it out, Legacy.” Beca nodded. “You know she’ll get it out of you anyway.”
Emily took a deep breath. “You kinda scared me my first year, Chlo.”
Beca interjected. “Because of the crazy eyes she’d get over Worlds and DSM?”
Chloe still looked a little mortified every time it came up. “I’m so sorry about trying to kill you with my eyes after the riff-off! I never really wanted you to crawl under a rock and die.”
Emily still flushed faintly at the memory. “I know, Chloe. It’s… I forgave you a long time ago. Like the next day when you made me cupcakes.” She grinned. “Though, you were still always nice to me…  Beca kept running out of practice before the retreat. Maybe I’ve had it backwards this whole time.”
“You can’t just choose who your aca-moms are, Legacy.” Beca’s expression was stern, though her lips twitched.
“But, Beca. I technically met Chloe first. So really…”
Beca sighed. “You’re probably right. Plus, she is older. So I guess it-“ Chloe’s hand hitting her in the stomach stopped her words with a gasp. “Though she doesn’t look a day older than when we first met.” Beca said quickly.
Emily beamed at them, her happiness actually radiating through the screen to bathe them both in its warmth.
They spent the next half hour catching up while Beca and Chloe finished their breakfasts, before Emily finally had to go for class.
“I can’t wait to see you guys at the Reunion. And in October!” Emily bounced in her seat. “I miss you guys so much.”
“You miss Disneyland, you mean.” Beca pointed at her. “That’s ok. I get it. We’re second on your list.”
“Shut up.  Disney is just like, a bonus to seeing all of you.”
“Don’t let her fool you; she’s bummed because we didn’t think about a day trip to Disney for today.” Chloe leaned her head onto Beca’s shoulder, careful not to bump the trays.
Emily’s eyes widened. “Oh. Em. Aca. Gee! That would have been amazing.” Her eyes darted over to Beca who nodded slightly. She knew Emily was thinking of next year just like Beca. They really were an aca-family. “I love you, Aca-Moms! Happy Birthday, again, Chloe! Tell my Aca-Aunts I said hello for me! I’ll call them this weekend.”
“Wouldn’t Aubrey be more of your aca-grandmother?” Beca pondered out loud before she could stop herself.
“I am not calling her that!” Emily gasped, shocked. “She’d make me do cardio or something!”  Her voice dropped into a whisper. “For life!”
“Besides, she’s as old as me. What’re you trying to say Beca? Again, I might add.” Chloe’s voice purred in her ear.
“Uh…” Beca swallowed. “It’s cause she gradua-… firs… Heh-” and she trailed off as Chloe’s eyes narrowed dangerously.
“Uh huh. Keep going.”
“No, I think I’m good just dropping this here. Aca-Aunts it is.”
“Probably best.” Chloe looked back at Emily. “Love you, Em!” She blew her a kiss.
“Make good choices, Legacy.” Beca grunted at the elbow in her side. “What? She knows that’s how I say ‘I love you’!” Emily laughed, nodding.
“Beca.” Something in her voice made Beca meet her eyes and she saw Chloe’s eyebrow wing its way up. “You said that to me on your first Hood Night. Like, literally the fourth day we ever saw each other.” Her tone was almost shy and definitely quietly pleased.
Beca stopped, aware that Emily’s face shot had shot closer to her phone. She ran through that night in her mind, her lips twisting slightly as she hit that moment. “I… Oh. I did. Huh. Right after that whole jiggle juice thing.” Beca grinned as Chloe blushed. “I was so fucking stupid.”  Chloe’s soft look was starting doing things to her insides, pulling and tugging, demanding she get closer.
Emily’s squeal would have made Ashley proud. “You guys are perfect.”
“Bye, Legacy. I’m about to do something that would scandalize you completely.” Beca’s hand reached blindly for the phone. She turned in time to see Emily’s face change, caught between horror and delight.
“Oh, GROS-“ The laughter cut off as Beca ended the call.
“Why, Mrs. Mitchell…” Chloe ran her hand down Beca’s arm as Beca handed her the phone. “Whatever could you have in mind?” She set it out of the way.
Beca was silent for a moment, as she moved out from under her tray and scooted to the edge of the bed, tugging it after her. “I’m going to make last night look like a warm up to the main event.”
“Oh. My.” Chloe bit her lip, her eyes darkening. “That’s a mighty big claim.” She lifted her tray to the side as Beca came around to get it after setting her own on the dresser. Setting Chloe’s next to it, she faced the bed.
“You’ll have to grade me later.” Beca moved closer and stripped out of her clothes, feeling Chloe’s eyes on her. “Let me know if I lived up to your expectations.” She stalked across The Expanse as Chloe pulled her shirt back off.
“You usually do.” She tugged Beca over until she was straddling Chloe’s leg.
Beca lowered herself slowly, savoring the pressure sliding between her thighs. “Usually?”
“Oh yeah.” Chloe pulled their bodies together. “Okay, maybe more like, all the time.”
Beca leaned her head down, stopping to whisper against her lips. “Happy Birthday, Chlo.”
 Chloe sighed happily as she leaned back in the passenger seat of Beca’s convertible. After a completely wonderful breakfast in bed, a conversation with her aca-child and a second bout of birthday sex, she really couldn’t have planned the day any better than this. She smiled to herself. She was going to have to do some thinking about how to celebrate Beca’s. Beca did need a new laptop, but... It was on a Saturday this year, so maybe… She’d think on that a bit longer, maybe talk it over with Aubrey and Stacie.
She stretched a bit, all the right muscles just a little bit sore; Beca certainly had made good on her promise after breakfast. She’d never admit it, but Chloe kind of needed a nap after all that. Especially after the lunch they’d just eaten. So it was with surprise that she noticed they were driving past their exit. “Is this a kidnapping?”
“Maybe.” Beca kept her eyes on the road but turned down Lauv’s ‘I Like Me Better’ that she’d been singing with. “Maybe I’m taking you to my secret lair.”
Chloe leaned on the arm rest between them. “Beca, the only places you’d call your lair is your studio at work or at home.”
“Rats. This is true.” Beca snapped her fingers. “Curses, foiled again.”
Chloe settled back against the seat, eyes closed as the sun warmed her while the breeze blew over them. Beca had gotten the BMW 4 series convertible – in black sapphire metallic, of course – when she’d gotten promoted to full time producer last year. The bonus she’d gotten had made the perfect down payment. Originally she wanted to get something more practical for them, but Chloe had insisted they get something fitting for Beca’s new title. She was perfectly happy with the car they’d gotten upon reaching LA. It’s not like she had to impress artists or anything, just haul around a bunch of singing teenagers to their dance competitions or for pizza and ice cream.
They had fun picking out the bells and whistles – the M sport design, executive package, night blue Dakota leather upholstery, aluminum dark carbon trim, the driving assistance package that Beca thought ridiculously unnecessary – and literally every single option the car came with.
Chloe opened her eyes as they slowed to make a turn. “What…” She looked at Beca. “Why are we in a Cadillac dealership?”
Beca parked her car. “Sec.” She got out and moved around the back to Chloe’s side. “Madame.” She opened the door and held out her hand.
“Becs?” Chloe felt excitement beginning to bubble up.
Beca stepped back until the whole of the lot was behind her. She held out her arms. “Pick one.”
“What?” Chloe was sure she’d heard wrong. “Did you just say…”
“Pick one. Happy Birthday!” Beca rocked back on her heels, clearly pleased with herself.
Chloe had to whisper it. “For serious?”
Beca whispered back. “Dixie Chicks serious.”
Chloe squealed and launched herself forward, almost bringing them both to the pavement. She dropped kisses all over Beca’s face before planting several very thorough ones on her lips.
Beca laughed and spun her around. “Seriously though… Pick one. Whatever catches your eye. Whatever you want to put in it. On it, whatever.”
“Careful, Mitchell. I’ll take you up on that.” Chloe stepped back and tilted her head.
Beca leaned forward. “Dare you.”
And Chloe had taken her up on it, boy had she.
Once she settled on the Escalade, the salesman had finally come over after Beca had waved him off the first time.  He kept showing her different options, and she kept adding them and Beca kept smiling. At the end of it, what she’d come up with was a 4WD Platinum trim (which seemed to be just a super luxury package) Escalade in Crystal White. She’d selected every option like they’d done with Beca’s, including a 4 bike carrier that could added to their trailer hitch, as well as innumerable roof carriers for whatever was required for Chloe’s competition trips and hauling her kids and their outfits. She may also have been envisioning various road trips the four of them could take when she added the ski carrier.
When they were all done, and she saw the price, she’d barely kept her gasp contained. She fully expected Beca to laugh and tell her ‘ok, funny joke, let’s get real now.’ But what Beca had said was…
“We’ll take it.”
Chloe had had been unable to speak, her ears filling with white noise for a second as the world faded out. “Becs..?”  There was no way –
But the salesman was already shaking hands with her wife. “We actually have a fully loaded one on the lot, in that color. It won’t take long to get the carriers together; we can load them in the cargo area for you.”
The world came back in an instant. “Wait. That’s – Beca. How can we?”
Beca reached over and took her hand. “Yes. We can. Joel Cain signed with the label Monday. I got a bonus. This one’s for you. But I’d have done it anyway without it.”
Chloe barely restrained from throwing herself in Beca’s lap out of excitement. The news that Beca had actually gotten Joel to sign with the label was aca-mazing and she was so proud of her. The prospect of a new car was just a cherry on top.
She turned around. “So, wait.” The salesman looked up from gathering the paperwork. “You have one of these, with all this.” She pointed at all the checkmarks she’d made on a list. “In stock. Now. On this lot.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He smiled at her. “You’ll get to drive it out of here once we get the paperwork done.” He stood. “I’ll go work with the finance guys. I’ll be back.”
Beca nodded. “Thanks, Barry.”
Chloe was up the second he was out of the office and pulling Beca to her feet. She hugged her tightly before pulling back to look her in the eyes. “Are you-“
Beca shut her up with a kiss. “Positive. We got this, love.”
Chloe let out another squeal and pulled her into another tight hug.
Best. Birthday. Ever.
Stopping at home to drop off Beca’s car, the two of them were going to go for a drive in Chloe’s new car. Beca took advantage of it and ran up to their room to brush her teeth. Midway she wandered over to her closet, thinking about changing to a lighter top, and as she turned around, she happened to look out her window, thinking she’d get Stacie to help her take out all the carriers and store them in the garage.
Her head slowly tilted, the brush idly held in her mouth. “Huh. So. Aubrey’s a boob woman. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised.”
She continued to watch, without really thinking about it, as across the way a topless Stacie was standing at the foot of their bed, head thrown back, while an equally topless Aubrey nuzzled at her breasts. Beca noted the way Aubrey would pull back a little before swooping back in and –
“HOLY FUCK! WHAT AM I DOING?!” Beca’s eyes shot wide in panic, the toothbrush angled out of one corner of her mouth, forgotten. “WhatdoIdoohgod.”
Beca, was in full prudish panic mode, and spun to look back into her own room. This was something she should not be seeing right now. Though, really, to be more honest, this was something she wasn’t sure if she was allowed to see… yet. That was a different animal all together and one she didn’t really have time to work out right then thanks to her current level of freak out.
Cautiously, she closed her eyes and turned around, fumbling for the string to close the blinds. She finally found it by blind luck and started to close them. Until it jerked to a halt. “Oh of COURSE you get stuck right now. Jesus Christ.” Beca jerked at the cords in her frustration. “Goddamned…. Blinds… fuckery… always happens… when it’s least convenient. Which is always.” The blinds snapped all the way up with a crash. “Fucking…”
Beca opened her eyes in frustration, momentarily forgetting why she had closed them. Until a vivid reminder sprang into view as Aubrey’s arm looked like it was moving back and forth, hand below Beca’s line of sight, and Stacie had wound her own hand into the back of Bree’s hair, pulling her head back, bringing Aubrey’s chest into sharp relief.  “Oh my God. They’re totally sexing in front of my eyes.”  She frantically tried to get the blinds down, but every time they got halfway they would stick and she would have to rake them to the top and start again.
She was so caught up in her curse laden and ongoing battle with the window treatments that it took her a minute to realize something had changed. Against her will, she looked across their yards before she could stop herself.
Aubrey and Stacie, still TOPLESS for fucks sake, were standing in the window, watching her. Beca watched as Aubrey’s hand came up, but it felt like everything was moving in slow motion like some film about an existential crisis Jesse had made her watch in college. The hand waved back and forth and Beca’s eyes shifted over as Stacie started laughing. Beca didn’t think her eyes could get wider as the panic mixed with mortification at being caught and, well yes, hello there lust. She swallowed as Stacie stepped behind Aubrey, her hands coming up to cover Aubrey’s breasts until Aubrey grabbed one, pushing it down over her stomach. And lower. Aubrey’s head leaned back against Stacie’s shoulder and that’s about when Beca mentally slapped herself. Repeatedly.
Completely unsure which emotion swirling through was stronger, though mortification was tying with too-rapidly-rising lust, she flattened herself against the wall like a cat burglar caught in the act. A high pitched hysterical giggle filled the room. “Maybe... yeah, no... Maybe they didn’t see me… Maybe?”
“Becs?” She could hear Chloe’s voice coming up the stairs. “Are you ok, babe?”
“Yes! Yeah. Yep. Everything is fine. Here. In our room. Nothing. Uh. Nothing is going on across the way. Nope.”  Beca’s eyes darted around the room even though she wasn’t sure what she was looking for. Maybe just an escape from the moment.
“I…” Chloe stopped in the doorway. Beca knew how she must look, pressed into the wall. Her eyes felt wide and probably crazy and, oh yeah, she had been brushing her teeth, so she probably looked rabid on top of it.
‘Fuck, I totally look like a rabid fucking cat burglar right now.’
“What’s all this?” Chloe’s finger wiggled at her. “This is new.” She walked into the room.
Beca waved her back as she hissed, “No, they’ll see you!”
“Who?” Chloe moved over and looked through the window. “And why are you whispering?”
“Aubrey and Stacie! They’re –” Her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth, unable to say the words. Chloe just stared at her, waiting. “TheyarehavingthesexandIthinktheysawmelooking.”
Chloe looked at her like she’d just grown horns. “Did you just say ‘having the sex’ like an old person?”
Had she? “Oh my god. Maybe?”
Chloe said, slowly. “I thought you were interested in this kinda thing. Isn’t that why we had our big talk?”
“We had our talk. I don’t know if they did! I don’t know if we’re allowed!” Beca flailed her arms. “This is like - sacred stuff if you’re not allowed!”
“Well – Oh.” Chloe stopped, her inflection changing to greatly intrigued as she leaned toward the window. “Are they naked?” She didn’t sound scandalized, like Beca thought she should, but this was Chloe and she was always more open with the ‘sex stuff’ as Beca had once called it.
“OH MY GOD. DON’T LOOK. Close the blinds, they’re not working for me again!”
Chloe stepped closer to the window.  “Oh. Why, yes they are. Aubrey just turned her back to us and pushed Stacie down on her knees.” She sounded curious, more than anything, and Beca couldn’t believe she was standing their calmly like she was describing a golf game. “And… OK. Bree obviously keeps up her training more than I thought. I didn’t know that her leg could go that far to the side. Maybe Stacie’s been working with her on her splits.” After a pause, Chloe cracked up at her own statement. “In more ways than one.”
Beca felt trapped between two very strong emotions. She still firmly believed that she wasn’t allowed to see any of that because the four of them haven’t had a talk about it. But, ok, yeah. She kinda wanted to look.
Instead she just looked up as Chloe asked her, “Do you think we should get a notepad and offer scores on the most difficult positions? Or take notes, in case, you know.”
Beca eyes slipped closed. “Oh. My. God.”
“Like, I feel I should get popcorn and take the drive later.” Chloe snickered. “We’ll just watch Stacie take Bree for a drive.”
“Dude! Privacy!”
Chloe scoffed. “Hey, they’re the ones that didn’t close the blinds once they realized you were ogling them.”
Beca’s response was instant and indignant. “I was not ogling!” Except she was fully aware that was a lie. She totally had been. And, if she were to start being honest with herself, maybe wanted to do again.
“We’re not allowed yet!” But, Bree had been standing there, letting Stacie touch her, knowing Beca was watching. Maybe they were allowed. Curiosity was now rising beside the other emotions clamoring for her attention.
“Yet?” Chloe turned to look at her, one hip resting against the window sill.
“IF EVER. Oh my god.” Beca idly wondered how many times had she said ‘oh my god’ in the last five minutes alone.
Chloe’s eyes turned back to the window and widened. “Oh, my.”
Beca couldn’t fight it anymore, she had to look. She was only human after all. She leaned forward and peeked around the window frame. The window across the way was empty. She turned her eyes to Chloe, who quickly stepped back out of range, laughing.
“You should see your face right now.” Chloe’s eyes sparkled in the sunlight.
“You’re lucky it’s your birthday.” Beca paused and had to take a deep breath as Chloe’s smile widened. “And still that pretty.” She closed her eyes and took another breath. “I can’t believe you punked me like that.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t say that. Most of it was true.”
“What?” Beca blinked at her, feeling like she was still running a few steps behind.
“Yeah, no. They dropped to their bed just before you looked. But everything else totes happened.”
“So. They’re totally having sex. Right now. While we’re talking about it.” Beca said it slowly, as if she were processing at half speed. “Just… out of sight.
Chloe was already nodding. “Oh, totes. If we got the step stool we’d probably be able to look over and down onto the bed. We could always ask them to move it in front of the window for next time.”
Beca stared at her. “You… can’t be serious?”
Chloe stepped up to her and gently took the toothbrush that Beca had forgotten about out of her mouth. “Can’t I?” She placed a kiss to the corner of Beca’s mouth and put the toothbrush in her hand. “Why don’t you finish that up and we’ll go for a ride, yeah?” She spun on her heel and sashayed out the door, with far more hip sway than was necessary outside of a strip tease or catwalk.
“Uh…” Beca felt what was left of her brain melt and settle between her thighs.  She called after her, “I mean… we could always give a return show…?”  She ignored the quiver the thought of the others watching her and Chloe sent through her. There was already too much going on in her head to add that to the mix.
But Chloe was already downstairs, leaving Beca alone with her toothbrush and the knowledge of what was going on in the house behind her.
“Maybe I have time for a cold shower before we leave.” Beca muttered to herself as she went back in the bathroom to rinse out her mouth.
 Aubrey pushed her chair back from her dining room table and stretched her legs out. “I can’t eat another bite.”
“Dinner was amazing, Bree, thank you.” Chloe reached over and squeezed her hand.
“Anything for the birthday girl.” Aubrey smiled at her before cutting a look at Beca. “Nice ride you got your girl.”
Beca jumped, a guilty look flashing over her face. “What?”
“The Caddy.” Stacie let out a whistle. “That is one nice looking tank you picked, Chloe.”
Beca leaned on the table. “I couldn’t tell you liked it, what with the lying on the hood like you were at a car show. Again.”
Chloe snorted with laughter but ignored her. “I know, right? Totally over the top. But… The ride was so smooth.” Chloe winked as Stacie leered at her. “But, it’ll keep me and the kids safe in the event that something stupid happens.” She sat up in her chair. “Plus, we can totally take all our gear in one car now, including our bikes, when we want to torture Beca with nature.”
Beca’s face morphed into a frown. “I don’t mind nature.” She scratched her nose. “I like sitting by the pool. It’s the ‘peddling through heat’ thing that gets me.”
“Cardio is good for you, Becs.” Stacie leaned over to ruffle her hair but Beca ducked out of the way.
“Why am I always saying ‘why cardio’ to you people?” Beca huffed and drank the last of her wine.
“Because you love us.” Aubrey said it simply. It was a fact that could still surprise her once in a while.
“Touché.” Beca shrugged. “Fine, we’ll take a trip soon. And I won’t even bitch about it. Much.”
“I’ll believe that when I see it.” Stacie leaned one elbow on the table. Aubrey recognized the look on her face and tried to keep hers expressionless. Stacie had already talked to her about what was going to happen next. Aubrey was kind of looking forward to it. “Speaking of seeing.” Beca froze in the act of picking up the wine bottle to pour them all a bit more. Chloe reached over and took it, doing it for her.
“I don’t suppose we could all agree to never speak of this?” Beca’s face was turning an interesting shade of red that Aubrey hadn’t seen before.
“Isn’t the phrase ‘never speak of this again’.” Aubrey nodded her thanks at Chloe and picked up her refilled glass.
“No, ‘again’. Period. I would really like to not…”
Stacie interrupted. “Talk about how you totally were getting off on-“
“I WAS NOT.” Beca looked embarrassed. “I didn’t even mean… It was an accident… The blinds wouldn’t close…”
Aubrey started to laugh. “That’s what gave you away, by the way.” Chloe looked at her quizzically as she sat down. “The blinds were just going up and down.”
Stacie snickered. “It was like some sort of fucked up Morse code and went on for like - ever.”
“Oh god, please let me die right now.” Beca slumped forward and put her head in her hands.
“Aww.” Chloe reached over and rubbed her arm. “It’s ok, Becs. We’re all friends here. Very close friends apparently.” Beca just groaned again.
Aubrey took pity on her. “Beca.” Her tone pulled Beca’s eyes up immediately. “It’s ok.” The echo to her conversation with Stacie wasn’t lost on her. “I’m not mad. I mean, obviously. We waved at you.” She decided to leave it unspoken that they just as obviously were putting on a show.
“Me either, if anyone cares.” Stacie waved at the table.
“I’ve seen you parade through the Bella house when you forgot a towel,” Beca said dryly.
Stacie waved her hand across the table. “Like Aubrey said. We’re not mad.” And her voice changed at the last word, making Aubrey narrow her eyes. “It was ridiculously hot, actually.”
Aubrey laughed as Beca took a huge gulp of wine. “Stace,” she chided, though she thought it was obvious she didn’t mind.
Stacie held up her hands. “What?! It was!” 
Stacie was absolutely right, and it still greatly surprised Aubrey that she had felt the same way. It was hot enough that Aubrey didn’t even think about pulling away or closing their blinds, which was what she would have done before her talk with Stacie the month before. But today… and she didn’t really know what all Beca had seen before they saw her, though she could guess. The thought that Beca might have been watching when Aubrey had slid her fingers into Stacie – well that was enough to cause more than a little arousal even all these hours later. It had made her bold enough to stand there, proudly. Agree to let Stacie cup her breast from behind, to push Stacie’s hand down between her legs to see how long Beca would watch them. To wonder how it had made Beca feel to watch it. If she… enjoyed it and was affected as strongly as Aubrey was by knowing Beca was there.
Aubrey smiled to herself. Though even in that moment, she had known that Beca’s top emotion was going to be panic. So it didn’t surprise her when Beca had quickly darted out of view, but it may have disappointed her just a little, which did surprise her a bit. And while they had chuckled over it, it hadn’t changed what they were doing. Not even when Chloe took Beca’s place. Though, she admitted, she had turned her back, not quite ready to be that open. Literally, considering what Stacie was doing with her mouth at the time.
‘Lord, we really all need to talk about this soon. There are too many different ways this could fall apart if we don’t.’ Aubrey shifted in her chair, both hating and enjoying the frission of desire stretching its claws down her spine. ‘Not tonight, but soon.’
Chloe traced the rim of her glass. “You guys were just celebrating the holiday.”
All of them looked at her, confused, but it was Beca who asked it. “What holiday?”
Chloe shrugged. “Hump Day.”
As the others cracked up, Chloe simply sipped her wine, looking beyond pleased with herself.
Beca wiped a tear from her eye. “I walked right into that.”
Chloe nodded. “Both eyes. Wide open.”
Aubrey stood up. “Alright, I’ll clean the table, you guys go sit on the couch.”
Beca stood and stretched. “I’ll help.” She waved her hand dismissively when Aubrey tried to stop her. “Whatever, it’ll get done faster. Besides, it’s not like the Bella house days, you guys have a dishwasher. I just gotta rinse and throw them in.”
Aubrey shook her head but relented. With Beca’s help they were done quickly, which Aubrey kind of wished they weren’t. She and Beca didn’t get to spend quiet time like this together very often. Maybe that needed to be another thing that happened soon. Find some reason to send their wives out to play while she and Beca… Well, she wasn’t sure yet, exactly, but she had a half image of Beca working on music while Aubrey read over contracts on the couch in Beca’s studio. It was a warmly domestic image that she usually associated with Stacie or, back in their college days, studying with Chloe. It helped tamp down the lingering desire into simple contentment.
The thought made Aubrey smile as she walked back into the living room and found Stacie braiding Chloe’s hair. She settled on the other side of the sectional with Beca. “Birthday braids. Good choice.” She’d just leaned back when she remembered that they still had to give their gifts. “Oh! I’ll be right back.” She set down the wine glass she’d brought in with her and went upstairs to her office. She had to lift a few folders until she found what she was looking for.
She laughed as she came back down. “We almost forgot.” Aubrey set the two envelopes on Chloe’s lap before sitting down again. “Happy birthday, Chlo.” She sat back down beside Beca who handed her the wine glass again. “Thanks, B.”
Chloe ran her fingers over them. “Aw, you guys. You didn’t have to.”
Beca snorted into her glass. “She’s on this ‘it’s just another day’ kick today.”
“Except it wasn’t just another day. You guys have all made it kind of perfect. I need to find a word better than ‘perfect.’” Chloe smiled. “Guess I haven’t reached Grandma Stage after all.”
Aubrey was indignant. “I certainly hope not. I don’t like to think what that’d say about me.”
“That you’re old.” Beca deadpanned beside her before grinning impishly as Aubrey’s jaw dropped. “Which you most definitely are not.”
“Nice save.” Aubrey raised her glass slightly before turning back to Chloe expectantly. “Well?”
“Hold on, just gotta do the ends.” Stacie finished her braid and sat back to admire her handiwork. “There. Perfect.” She nodded. “Go on.”
Chloe picked up the first envelope, her name in Aubrey’s neat handwriting, and opened it eagerly. “Ooh. A spa day before the reunion?!” She looked up at Aubrey, eyes dancing. “I love you!”
Aubrey laughed. “Glad you like it. I wasn’t sure-“
“Are you kidding? A day being pampered with my bestie? What’s not to love?” Chloe looked back down at the reservation and ran her fingertips across it. “Seriously Bree, I can’t wait.” She folded the paper and put it back in the envelope before turning to the other, unlabeled, envelope in her lap.
Beca nudged Aubrey. “You did good. The timing on that is perfect. She always worries, though she won’t admit it, about the reunion.”
“That’s cause of Alice.” Aubrey’s lip curled. She wasn’t always as thrilled about her reunions as she once thought she would be. There was always that bit of tension when they walked in, waiting to see if she’d hear ‘Oh, it’s you slut bags’ from the side. It hadn’t happened yet, which made the rest of the night more enjoyable. Well, and that and all the rest of her Bellas, new and old. She was learning to just enjoy watching Beca scan the area before leading them in and stop letting it get to her. Once the pressure was off, they always had a good time.
“You mean That Whore Alice™.” Beca’s lip curled to match.
“Let’s… not think of her now.” With Beca nodding, Aubrey turned back as Chloe started laughing and threw her arms around Stacie.
 “You’re welcome.”
Beca looked confused as Stacie’s words were directed at her instead of Chloe. “What?” She looked from her wife to her friend as Chloe continued to giggle helplessly. “I’m missing something.”
Her words caused Chloe to laugh harder and Aubrey couldn’t help but laugh with her. “Chlo, you’ll have to show her.”
Chloe handed over the card she’d opened. Aubrey watched Beca scan the flowery and sentiment laden Hallmark moment.
“Yeah?” Beca shook her head. “I don’t get it.” She took the paper that Chloe then handed over.
The font for the first two lines was huge, Stacie was just obviously trying to fill the entire page in landscape mode. The rest of the lines were in slightly smaller print below.
 One IOU for Chloe Beale Sex Toy Shopping Sextravaganza And some lunch if we work up an appetite being hot. Which, let’s face it. We will. Because we’re hot. From Stacie Conrad
 “Oh for the love of…” Beca began to laugh helplessly, leaning on Aubrey.
Stacie beamed as she patted Chloe’s back and pulled away. “Exactly, B. For the love.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “Making.”
They were interrupted by Chloe’s phone, and they knew it was hers because “Makeba – Dirty Ridin’ Remix” was the ringtone blasting from the kitchen. Beca had made it for her last month and Chloe hadn’t gotten bored yet. She wiped her eyes as she got up, kissing Stacie once before heading into the other room to answer it.
“Are you saying you think I need help in bed, Stacie?” Beca mock glared.
Aubrey’s eyes widened. “Oh Beca, I don’t think you wanna start…” but Stacie grinned wickedly.
“I dunno, B. Yet.”
“Oh… Jesus.” Beca’s face instantly turned red. “I… Yeah, nope. I surrender. Right now.”
Whatever else they might have said was interrupted by a loud squeal of joy from the kitchen. “You are!? WHEN!” Chloe rushed out into the living room. “Guys! It’s Jessica and Ashley, they’re moving to LA!”
“That’s aca-mazing!” Aubrey clapped once and echoed Chloe, “When!?” while Stacie and Beca let out a cheer at the same time.
Chloe just waved her hand. “Shhh. Uh huh… Yeah… No. Oh totes!” She was nodding and smiling like a bobblehead; it always made Aubrey happy to see Chloe so excited. “Definitely. I’ll call you tomorrow when I find his card.” A short pause, then, “No, we’re at Staubrey’s having dinner.” She looked back at the rest of them who were watching her with various degrees of affection.
Aubrey felt her heart thump at the nickname. It may have started as a joke but she loved how it tied her to Stacie. Beca, of all people, said she felt the same way about Bloe, even though it had come up at one of the lowest points of their relationship.
Chloe was nodding, “Sure, one sec. Girls, Jessley wants to say hi.” That was another Amy nickname that had stuck. She often joked that her nicknames had the power to make couples, and with a 3 out of 4 success rate, she might be on to something. She’d tried to make “LillyRose” a thing in college and while everyone had known that was doomed to failure, they were all not-so-secretly happy it had crashed before it left the gate.
Chloe switched from a voice call to FaceTime and Jessica and Ashley appeared on the screen as she turned it toward the couch. Their faces were pressed together as they yelled, “We love you guys! We won’t have to miss you anymore!”
Aubrey, Beca and Stacie yelled “We love you!” at the phone, trying to see who could be louder.
Beca threw herself at Stacie and tried to cover her mouth. “No fair, your lungs are bigger because you’re taller and they have to support your giant boobs!”
“That’s not how bodies work, Beca!” Stacie pushed her back and they fell into an impromptu wrestling match on the couch. It seemed to be more tickling and squealing than headlocks. Aubrey watched them, smiling with affection.
Aubrey heard Ashley ask, “Do they do that often?”
“Unfortunately.” Chloe mock sighed. “They’re like teenagers sometimes.”
“What, like all horny all the time? What, ow, stop hitting me Jessica. It’s a legit question for those two!” Ashley rubbed her arm.
“Perv.” Jessica wrapped her arm around Ashley’s head from behind and covered her mouth. “Sorry about her.”
“It’s not like she’s wrong.” Chloe turned the phone around and winked.
“Ha.” Ashely pulled the hand away from her mouth. “But we’ll let you guys get back to your after dinner wrestling whatever. Happy Birthday again, Chloe.”
“Wait! We have to sing! Chloe, go sit with the girls.” Jessica cleared her throat.
“When did you get so bossy?” Beca asked as she waved Aubrey over to the couch on the other side of Stacie as she flopped breathlessly back into her spot.
Aubrey rose and went were directed. “Hi. Would you like to be pot or kettle?” She laughed as Beca stuck out her tongue when Chloe sat down between Beca and Stacie. “Shall I count us down for old time’s sake?”
“Thanks, Bree.” Ashley said as Jessica smiled widely.
Aubrey switched her gaze from the screen to her best friend.
She counted, softly, “1, 2, 3, 4.”
By the end of the beautifully, if she said so herself, harmonized rendition of “Happy Birthday” Chloe was a sniffling mess. Aubrey reached behind Stacie to give a soft tug on Chloe’s braid and got a watery smile in response.
As they all wished Jessley a good night, Aubrey once again thanked the Universe for putting these women in her life. She couldn’t imagine anything different or anything that could make her life more complete.
“What was that about finding a card?” Beca ran her knuckles down Chloe’s cheek,  smiling when Chloe captured it in her own and brought it to her lips.
“Oh. Uh.” She sniffed once, clearing her throat. “They’re moving. Like, soon. End of July soon. So they wanted to know if there was any housing here.”
“Oh there’s totally empty houses!” Aubrey sat up on the couch. “That would be aca-awesome.”
“Totes, right? I’m going to call them tomorrow when I find that guys number.”
“Oh I have it in my rolodex! I’ll give it to you before you head home for the night.”
“Of course you still have a rolodex.” Beca rolled her eyes.
“That’s saved your bacon once or twice, DJ Titanium. Like when you lost the number for AND forgot the name of the client you were supposed to show around the office last year?”
“Oh. Yeah. Right.” Beca shrugged. “One of us has to be an adult, I suppose.”
Stacie asked, “I really like adult things, does that count?”
Beca answered, “No” at the same time Chloe and Aubrey said, “Yes.”
Stacie was smug. “You’re outvoted, B.”
“Yeah yeah. I’m getting used to it.” Beca rubbed at the side of her nose with her middle finger.
“Real mature.” Aubrey raised an eyebrow.
“You still love me.”
Aubrey sighed. “Unfortunately.”
“Ha.” Beca sat back against the couch. “I win.”
Aubrey grinned to herself as Stacie spoke up, not-so-subtly redirecting the conversation. “Hey, Chloe. Are you getting a personalized license plate?”
“Oh man.” Beca leaned forward again. “This is going to require alcohol.” She leaned over and grabbed her glass from the other side of the table. “For the record, I still think ACA AWES would be fine.”
Aubrey laughed looked at her quizzically and back at Chloe, who perked up. “That does sound like you, so what else could you be thinking of?”
“I’m just having problems deciding between two.” Aubrey just twirled her finger, asking her to keep going. “OK, here they are. I-M-T-H-T-T-S.” She watched as they tried to put it together.
After a second of silence, Beca offered. “I’m the tits.”
Aubrey choked out a laugh. “Chloe!”
Chloe giggled and waved a hand. “No wait. There’s one more. W-R-T-H-T-T-S.”
“’We are the tits’?” Stacie laughed. “That’s actually more perfect than ACA AWES, Becs.”
“Bingo!” Chloe laughed. “I lean more toward the second, because of the whole ‘we’ thing. That could be my team or my wife, and it’s always going to mean the Bellas. Or all of the above.”
Aubrey winced. “But, Chlo… What will your kids’ parents think?”
Beca pointed at her. “See? Adult.”
Chloe’s face fell and Aubrey felt bad. “Oh. I didn’t think of that.”
“Who cares?” They all looked at Stacie. “They’re not paying for it. And she’s already established herself as a responsible, and trophy winning I might add, instructor. That suddenly won’t change cause she quasi has ‘tits’ on her license plate.” Chloe’s smile was getting wider by the second. “They’re not the ones in her bed. Who cares what they think?”
“What does the bed have to do with anything?” Beca asked but now Aubrey was nodding.
“All good points, hon.”
Stacie waited the slightest fraction of a beat. “No, those are on her chest.”
It was just long enough that both Aubrey and Beca were taking a drink and it caused them to simultaneously snort and almost shoot wine out through their nose.
Chloe looked coyly at Stacie and smiled. “Thanks.”
Stacie just leaned back and smiled smugly.
Chloe bounced in place. “So, Bree. What all does this spa have?”
Aubrey jumped up and grabbed her hand. “Oh! I forgot to include the brochure in the card. C’mere, it’s upstairs. I can get you that number too.” She tugged until Chloe got to her feet. “We’ll be back. Behave while we’re gone, will you?”
Beca groaned as they headed upstairs. “You know that just makes Stacie think inappropriate things, Bree.”
After she watched them head out of the room, Stacie looked back and smirked as Beca eyed her narrowly. “It’s like you expect me to jump your bones immediately or something.”
“I ain’t givin’ you no ideas.” Beca sipped from her glass and Stacie saw something shifting behind her eyes. “So, that party that I stupidly suggested we throw.”
Stacie scooted back until she could lean on the arm of the couch. “Yeesss. Not one of your smartest moves, inviting all our offices.”
Beca groaned. “I know. I was in a good mood. Or drunk. Or in a good mood while drunk, I don’t know. Whatever. I think we need to plan better this time, though.”
“What do you mean?”
Beca ticked them off on her fingers. “Last time we ran out of chips before the sun even went down. There was an emergency ice delivery that had to be made by 8. We almost ran out of beer. The last person didn’t Uber their ass out until like 3 in the morning.” That last was said just a little too casually, but Stacie couldn’t find anything in it that felt like it needed to be hidden.
She tilted her head. “You think they’ll be here late again?”
“The party is bigger.” Beca shrugged. “I mean, the invite said to be ready to Uber, no exceptions.” Beca rolled her eyes. “But in a more… office politics correct way. Thanks to Bree and her lawyer-ese.”
Stacie laughed. “You gotta admit it does come in handy sometimes.”
“Whatever. But…” And her eyes did that shifting again. “Yeah. I think it’s going to be really late before we get the last one out the door.” She cleared her throat. “Thankfully we have both Sunday and Monday to recover. I had one mother of a hangover last year.”
Stacie thought she was starting to see what Beca might be getting at peeking around the edges. It had crossed her mind that the party was a perfect time to see if they were all ready to maybe do this thing. Or start the actual talk about it. And, if the past few weeks had been any indication – hell, today alone was like a giant signal fire - it really was just a matter of time. But Beca had a point. They were all super drunk last year. Stacie actually didn’t remember the last person leaving or going to bed. She had woken up in her party outfit, makeup smeared all over her pillow like a cheap whore on a bender. Even Aubrey, while she’d managed to wash off her makeup and change into pj’s, took at least another hour to wake up after Stacie had crawled her way to hug their toilet.
Maybe… this was Beca’s way of telling her to wait. That the answer would be ‘yes’. Eventually.
Or Stacie was totally full of shit and reading things that weren’t there.
She decided to ignore it for tonight and focus on what she could answer without asking potentially awkward questions. “You’re right. Ok, so how about this year…” She thought a minute while Beca waited. “I know Bree has that full list of food and drink. I’ll look at it and see if she accounted for those random outages. Knowing her, she probably did, but I’ll check.” Stacie suddenly grinned. “Have you gotten the playlist ready?”
Beca groaned. “No! Chloe keeps adding things and now Aubrey keeps texting me her ideas.”
Stacie laughed. “That doesn’t surprise me. Is this too much for you, DJ Titanium?” And for once she didn’t mean any of the underlying things that could, and usually did, mean.
Beca glared at her. “Don’t insult my honor, Legs.”
Stacie dodged the decorative pillow thrown at her, laughing easily.
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waywardsignns-a · 6 years
13. what’s a weird headcanon you have for each of your muses?
multimuse asks || accepting
Alright Satan, here we go (not gonna lie had to pull up my list to not leave some out). Also! I’m substituting weird for random because idk what counts as weird and what doesn’t so … anyways!
EMMA- She’s overly dramatic about bacon, and biscuits and gravy. They’re about the only breakfast food she’ll eat outside of an apple if she’s in a hurry. Otherwise she doesn’t eat anything at allEZRA- They are one smooth mother fucker in a club or bar setting, but once you get them out of it, their flirting goes down hill and becomes super awkward and adorable. They come across as a bit more dorky / bashful rather than confident and sexy. AUBREY- She’s lactose intolerant but she’ll still eat ice cream from time to time because she just really doesn’t care and the benefits outweigh the consequences. RAHUL- He really likes birds for whatever reason.ANNA- She LOVES liquid cheese. Nachos, cheese in a can, basically if it has liquid cheese or even melted cheese, she is going to eat that first. Sometimes if she wants a snack, she’ll just take a block of it to eat … how the woman isn’t blocked up half the time I will never knowINAYA - She loves chilling out as a lion. There are many times where you’ll walk into her and Zafir’s club, and if you happen to look, you’ll see her overlooking the place from her “perch” in lion form. KARAN - He’s a secret art lover. He never openly talks about it or really discusses it, but his home is definitely filled with art from local artists, and one of his favorite things to do on his time off are to visit local galleries.PAIGE - She listens to violin music when she’s tattooing because its settling not only to herself but to others as well (generally its kept to be at a very soft background noise level), but outside? She’s a metal head through and through.KOBE - He really hates getting his hands dirty. He doesn’t like the feeling of it, which definitely is kind of a bad thing considering his line of work just before his Dad passes away is being a mechanic. MICHAEL - Despite being an angel, Michael isn’t too terribly fond of flying. Yeah, they don’t mind it, and they’re not afraid of heights, but they definitely prefer to keep their feet on the ground. Which is funny considering they were a messenger angel when they were in heaven still …SARABI - She loves to accessorize. Rings, necklaces, hair pins, ankle bracelets, you name it, she probably has it on. Sometimes they match, sometimes they don’t.GABRIEL - He has a ridiculous amount of fluffy / fuzzy blankets. Like he actually had to have an intervention to talk to him and discuss with him that he can’t keep spending all his money on soft things, because at one point it was putting him in financial distress.MIKAYLA - She has considered MULTIPLE times adopting a child together with Joey, but each time she realizes that she’s old, and she really doesn’t want to spend the next 18 years of her life raising another child. She would rather retire and have some money leftover thank you very much. SERAPHINA - She hates going out in public without having makeup on. Besides dance, makeup is definitely next on her list of things that she loves to do, so at the very least she has her foundation on and her eyeliner all done up. If you see her without it, she’s either sick or you caught her at home.NANAMI - She absolutely LOVES peanut butter. She pretty much puts it on everything … waffles, burgers, crackers, etc etc.
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unholyhelbiglinked · 6 years
Serpent | Chapter Six
The chair groaned under Chloe’s weight, her fingers tracing the crystal glass that was filled with nothing more but a buttery alcohol. It was amber against the morning sun, the flute fragile just like her father’s massive ego. Though, she wasn’t one to object to breakfast outside of the school’s massive stone walls.
She pressed her metal edged fork into the soft middle of the waffles that she had ordered. It cut through them easily enough, it’s fluffy exterior crumbling under the added weight- syrup bubbling over the sides as the sweet scent filled her lungs.
“Is this okay for you?” Warren asked, his words muffled as he stared down at the eggs in front of him, dragging a bereted edge of the knife that sliced easily through the yolk- it’s own contents spilling over a porcelain plate.
“It’s perfect,” Chloe cocked her head to the side, scratching the back of her neck as she lifted her gaze to her fathers. “What’s the occasion?”
“There needs to be an occasion to take you out to breakfast?”
“Mm,” She hummed, raising the glass to her lips as she downed at least half of the champagne that she despised the taste of in the first place. The bubbles burned and prodded at her throat, but she ignored them. “I heard you and mom talking the other day. You two doubt me?”
He cleared his throat, letting his fork fall softly on the edge of the plate, running his fingers against the edge of the knit napkin. His eyes were such a deep silver, a silver that was jarring, but kind in a way. The man had his lenient moments, but never any that would show during school hours.
“No, Chlo.” He shook his head “You haven’t failed us for years, but darling, you must understand, Beca Mitchell is a distraction.”
“Beca Mitchell is onto us.” Chloe pointed the end of her fork towards her father accusingly. “She’s smart, dad. Smarter than people give her credit for, you know?”
He let out a thick sigh, drawing his own mug of coffee to his lips. It burned his tongue, the molten liquid hot and unforgiving. He blinked the pain away continuing to stare at his daughter with nothing more than amusement.
“Your mother… she won’t be very amused with your sudden infatuation. I was just doing a favor for her father, Chloe. She’s not bloodline.”
“Neither was Aubrey.” The ginger cringed away from her food, not feeling so hungry anymore, quickly remembering how much pain she had put her friend through. Even if it wasn’t intentional.
“Aubrey Posen is a natural born leader.” He spoke smoothly “Beca Mitchell is an alternative girl with ear monstrosities and tattoos.”
Chloe fought off the urge to scoff. She technically had tattoos too- although, her father would chalk them up to an ancient prophecy and the fact that it was a mark of pride and not one of drunken mess. She subconsciously ran her fingers over the edge of her shirt but didn’t catch her father's attention with the slight movement.
“Listen,” Chloe adjusted her position in her seat “I promise I will keep a better eye on the legacy. Just… just let me keep an eye on Beca too. The last thing we need is some headstrong music major running things for us. It’s an insurance plan.”
“An insurance plan?” He sounded out the words carefully.  
She cocked her head to the side, lifting her eyebrow at her father. Her mother wouldn’t e so easy to convince. She was a traditionalist- someone who cared only about the old texts and rules that her whole entire family had to keep up.
“She won’t find out about us,” She smiled simply “And neither will Emily.”
The locker slammed loudly against Beca’s ears, her stormy eyes flashing towards whoever had pushed it closed. It had garnered a couple of stares from across the small hallway- but once they caught a glimpse of Chloe Beale they averted their gazes.
Emily Junk was shifting uncomfortably behind the ginger, her hands tucked around a textbook as she gave a sheepish smile towards a few onlooking students, getting a knowing look back. The hallway returning to its normal buzz as Beca parted her lips slightly as she turned a bit towards the girl who looped her fingers around the knot she had tied around her neck.
“That’s a bit aggressive, isn’t it?” She said teasingly, clenching her jaw as she nodded softly at Emily, catching the deep caramel gaze. “Hi, Emily.”
“Hi, Beca.” She chirped, shoving her hands into her pockets. It was clear that the girl had been forcefully dragged along on this adventure- whatever this adventure was. Either way, she had a fake smile plastered on her features, one that only Beca seemed to catch onto. Chloe cleared her throat, drawing attention back to her.
“Something you need, Kaa?” She cocked an eyebrow, the hint of a smirk on her lips.
“Beale, actually.” The redhead snipped.
“Oh, I know.” Beca nodded with exaggeration. Of course, she knew, the words above the auditorium were in a deep gold lettering; a lettering that showed who had donated funds towards the school. The only other one she caught a glance of was the Junk wing- something Emily’s family had undoubtedly donated themselves. Beca just didn’t know why the prestigious alum of this boarding school gave her the time of day.
“Then why-“Chloe started to speak before Emily cut her off.
“The Jungle Book,” Emily spoke hastily, “Rudyard Kipling wrote the character of Kaa as an Indian python, but he really was parallel to the snake from the Garden of Eden.”
“Oh,” Beca said bemusedly “You mean the one that ushered in all of the sins of the world?”
“Technically, the woman who sunk her teeth into that Apple changed the world,” Chloe said with a bit of growl in her voice. It was seductive and velvety. “Not the one who offered it to her.”
“Troche.” The squinted her eyes, running the pads of her fingers over the chilled metal locker edge. Her mouth was dry, tired from the long day of classes. Everyone had such high standards here- and for some unknown reason, the brunette felt immense pressure to actually try her best at this place. Not only because her father pulled some strings, but because she wanted to do better for herself, though, she would never admit it. “What’s up, Chloe?” She cut her losses.
“You two are fairly new here,” She started out, forgetting the heavy ridge in the air. “That’s why you’re coming to the Kappa Theta party.”
“I thought there weren’t any frats here?” Emily asked, hugging her textbooks closer to her chest.
“Oh, there aren’t, but this town is tiny and we’re not the only college. So we’re going to blow off a little steam.”
Beca drew in a large breath, pressing her back against the locker. It was cold, even through the stuffy uniform that was so easily tucked into her jeans- the belt digging roughly into the edge of her stomach. She had grown used to it. Had learned to ignore it. “I don’t know, it’s a Wednesday.”
“Come on!” Chloe barked out a laugh, one that was a treat for the ears. It was devoid of sarcasm for once. “I expected some resistance from Emily over here, but not the girl with a criminal record.”
“Should I be offended?” Emily grumbled out.
Beca nodded thoughtfully “You should be.”
“This isn’t up for discussion, you two.” Chloe pointed a finger at the both of them, her voice taking on a deep and possessive nature. “We’re going to that party, and you’re going to have fun.”  
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roxsannel · 4 years
Corporate Christmas by Bernadette Marie.
Chloe Richardson is a lady with ambition and puts the work in to get what she wants, she has just missed thanksgiving so that she could finalise the contract of her biggest client to date and hopefully land the promotion she has been working towards, plus she has the mother of all headaches, she has been out of the office briefly to look at the window decorations and festivities, including something she has on top of her Christmas list, she is now preparing the last bits of the contract, two of her bosses come into her office, one to ask how she is and how her thanksgiving was, the other to badger her about the contract. All of a sudden, another voice interrupts her, it is an attractive man with dark hair and blue eyes which make her choke on her painkiller, after he offers her his bottle of water, he introduces himself as Jason Mitchel and asks to see her boss, l and so she takes him to see the second one, however, when he says what he is there for, she is reeling, it is the job she was angling for, he then gets hurried out of the door to go to dinner with the boss, this is the last straw for Chloe, she rips up the contract, leaves the office, packs a bag and heads straight to her mums in the most festive town she knows, Aubrey Heights. 
Jason is wondering why his reception at his new job was frosty at best and why he had been hired, he is also thinking about Chloe, why she may have passed up the opportunity he now has, but also in a non-work related capacity as well, this is something he doesn’t want to happen after last time. Meanwhile, as Chloe arrives at her mum's house, she is waiting with a cup of tea and ready to listen to all that has happened, Chloe tells her everything and listens to her advice in return, after that, she goes to bed and decides to enjoy her Saturday with her family.
Jason wakes the next day and goes for a run before choosing how he would spend his Saturday, he receives a call from his mother and after talking to her about arrangements for christmas, decides to go through the stuff he brought from his old office and decide what he was going to keep, mainly to keep his mind off of the other person who keeps calling him. After a good night's sleep, she wakes up to family, waffles and being questioned as to why she hasn’t settled down.
After heading home early on Sunday morning due to realising that she made a mistake shredding the contract and after a phone call from the woman in charge of the company this contract is dealing with, she goes back to the office on Sunday to reprint it, finish up the corrections and personally hand it in on Monday. While she is there Jason happens to be setting up his desk and hearing someone else there goes to investigate, but startles Chloe and she ends up throwing a stapler at his head and taking him to the emergency room for stitches, this takes hours and is where they start to talk properly to each other and get to know the other a bit more, they discuss the contract then end up working together to repitch it the next day, but Chloe is still annoyed that she has been passed up, so goes to the client without him, much to Jason’s annoyance. 
This is just the beginning of the trouble which Chloe and Jason find themselves in on the run up to Christmas, one thing after another happens and nothing is what it originally seemed, but can Christmas bring the miracle that they both want, or will the water flowing under the bridge break it down before they have the chance? The only way to find out is to read their story and experience it with them.
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jomiddlemarch · 7 years
We tripped the light
Inspired by @kivrin and the song playing on the radio as I drove home that always reminds me of an old friend...
“I spoke to Uncle Aubrey today,” Sam said. Andrew smiled at her, just for speaking it seemed, as she hadn’t said anything truly noteworthy yet and his father gave her the quick nod she remembered from a thousand days, a million hours of moments.
 “He asked to be remembered to you, sir,” she added. Sir slipped out before she could stop it, though she bit her lip as if she could bite the word itself back. Andrew shook his head at her, still grinning, and she waited for the reminder.
 “Christopher. They say practice makes perfect,” Foyle said. Once she would have given her eye-teeth to hear him say such a thing and now she only blushed to be told again. And to imagine actually saying it without any self-consciousness. She glanced at him and saw he understood it all, her consternation and embarrassment and how it had been the secret wish of her heart and she felt something devilish take hold of her. The Stewart vicars did not run much to angels and devils, but Sam felt they had perhaps been unfairly discarded with Popishness. They would explain a lot and could be held responsible for the irresistible idea that popped into her head.
 “Well, then, Christopher, Uncle Aubrey said he looked forward very much to seeing you again and as you’d enjoyed it so the last time he visited, he’d be sure to bring you an entire case of his greengage liqueur the next time he comes up,” Sam replied. Andrew only followed the outline of the exchange, she could see that in his expression, he hadn’t the faintest about the true import of what she’d said, but he liked her spirit and the volley. Christopher only looked bemused and, she could not help thinking, somehow palely viridian at the memory of the sticky, stinging, emerald alcohol, the distillation of nausea and acid.
 “I’ll make sure to set some space aside then when he comes for the ecumenical convocation. Next year,” Foyle said, rallying. Perhaps he reassured himself Uncle Aubrey would forget by then. He didn’t know him all that well to imagine it, Uncle Aubrey never forgot a trick her mother always said, and he certainly never forgot anything to do with his brewing. One might almost think him a misplaced wizard with his potions and still.
 “Not next year. Next week,” Sam said, keeping her mouth prim but aware her cheeks were flushed again, even redder than before. “He was rather waffling about whether to come up on another errand and I told him how much you’d like to see him, how much you liked the liqueur.”
 “Exceedingly,” Christopher said, his own eyes bright. “I must say, you’ve the makings of a perfect daughter-in-law, Sam. As such, you might help me decide just what to do with your uncle’s generous…gift.”
 “I might,” she agreed and then she and Andrew burst out laughing and Christopher chuckled, a sound she’d never heard before, a sound that made him Christopher and not sir.
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