#the water effect was rlly fun to draw :]]]
fikidufrog · 6 months
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greengirllover · 2 months
this is my comprehensive guide to acne
my qualifications: years ago i had a guy take a picture of me and play connect the dots on my face (it was actually pretty funny and i made fun of him too bc he was 5’1 so it’s okay)
first of all don’t pop ur pimples for the love of god, i know everyone says that but what could likely happen is a short term problem can turn into a long term problem with scarring and damage to the skin barrier due to trauma to that surface layer of the skin, instead use things like pimple patches, most brands that make those cute colorful ones don’t really stick to the skin and so they are practically useless, a pimple patch is supposed to mimic a hydrocolloid bandage which draws liquid out of a wound, if the patch isn’t sticking well to the skin because you didn’t clean the area of skin first or the patch just isn’t very high quality again it is going to be practically useless, also micro dart patches are great, the micro darts go into the pimple and so not only are u drawing out the sebum, u are also putting whatever acne fighting substance into that pimple, my favorite brand for these is hero cosmetics, u can also use a hot/cold compress on the pimple to draw it to a head which will help ur products work better on that pimple
now for the nerdy stuff, chemical exfoliants are ideal at least for me because they aren’t physically abrasive like a scrub which again can cause trauma to the skin and then possible scarring, the ingredients that u want to look for that will chemically exfoliate the skin and help acne are benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid and others, u don’t need expensive products, pay attention to the ingredients and find one without fragrance and has the ingredients you want, and for acne scarring other than the ones i mentioned which are more focused on helping acne but also can help scarring are vitamin c, niacinamide, azelaic acid, vitamin a and others, my favorites are panoxyl products with benzoyl peroxide, and ordinary has some good things for glycolic acid and others
now the way u treat ur body can have a big impact on ur skin, i won’t tell u to drink water bc i think someone might stab me for it and i wouldn’t blame them but rlly it won’t hurt, fueling ur body and having a balanced diet can be huge, this doesn’t mean cutting things out for the most part it means adding things in like healthy fats and protein, this can help balance hormones which are huge factors in acne, also if u have a period u can consider going on birth control, again it can rlly help balance ur hormones and talk to ur doctor about one that specifically has been known to help acne, now if u can go to see a derm it’s a good choice, they can prescribe treatments at a higher concentration than u can get over the counter, they can also give u things like antibiotics which can be very beneficial and aren’t likely to have side effects, but they might recommend things like accutane and spirolactone, these are more likely to have side effects and u mostly can’t get anything like it without a dermatologists permission, this will likely mean blood tests, pregnancy tests and regular visits to check up on ur overall health because they can be very abrasive treatments
finally, wearing sunscreen and keeping ur skin moisturized are going to be huge, sun exposure can worsen acne scarring and most of these treatments are very drying so on top of sun exposure ur skin is also constantly being dried out, if u are nervous about breaking out from a sunscreen then do ur research on the ingredients and others experiences, also u can get tinted sunscreen or bb cream with SPF in it so that u can have some coverage of acne or scaring while also protecting ur skin from further damage
i’m sure i missed some things so if u have questions i’ll do my best to answer, i know how frustrating this can be which is why i made this post, remember that the way that u look is the least important thing about u and that u will never see urself the way others see u, it isn’t even close to as big of a deal as we think it is just like any other physical insecurity
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tacoma-narrows · 1 year
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Decided I want to post this big project I did back in late May/early June! This was made to celebrate the 5 year anniversary of the release of Owl City's album Cinematic, on June 1st! It'll be a long post, so just be aware of that lmao
Since I started listening to Owl City again earlier this year, Cinematic has become my favorite album of his and one of my all time favs in general alongside Abandoned Pools’ Humanistic and Beat Crusaders’ EPop Making!
So with that, I wanted to draw something based around each song! With 15 songs on the album (not counting alt versions), they all translated nicely into pieces for this project! I also included a film border around each piece to tie them together, as well as due to the fact that on the album itself, each song is about a different experience or memory Adam Young has had throughout his life. He's said that he felt like writing these songs was like watching scenes from a movie, hence the name Cinematic!
As a sidenote, 4 of my characters (Shep, PBnJ, Rye and Pumpernickel) are in a cover band together called Let's Get Back!, and in addition to just celebrating Cinematic, this would also sort of be a cover album by them, hence why it says "Let's Get Back! presents" on the banner :] I'll post more abt Let's Get Back! down the line, but if you'd like to read about them now, you can check out their info hub! These pieces are almost all just Shep, despite Let’s Get Back! being a 4 member group. But since Owl City is just Adam Young, having most of these just be Shep made more sense haha
Piece by piece/song by song breakdown below the cut :]
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Track 1: Fiji Water!
A song about jumping into something new and going wherever the ride takes you, since it was about Adam’s experience with signing onto a record label. The water slide vibe just felt rlly fitting here and was really fun to work with!
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Track 2: The 5th of July!
Considering I was born in January rather than July like Adam was, I wanted to make this one as young Shep enjoying the fireworks, as they’ve always been something that’s fascinated me :]
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Track 3: All My Friends!
My second favorite song on the album!! It’s so joyous and fun I love it so much! Of course, had to draw Shep with all his friends! This piece by far took me the longest out of all of these at more than two days lmao. It features (from left to right): Starburst, Rye, Luau, Shep, PBnJ, Pumpernickel and Wilkołak!
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Track 4: House Wren!
Another joyous song about looking for a new house and having a song to sing while doing so. Just Shep listening to the house wren sing it’s happy song, simple yet effective :]
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Track 5: Not All Heroes Wear Capes!
A really sweet song Adam wrote about his dad. To capture that sort of innocent admiration, I drew something Shep would have drawn for his dad at 8 years old and I think it came out super sweet <33
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Track 6: Montana
I love the feeling of grandeur in this song, with lyrics about how enchanting and spectacular the landscape of Montana is! I’ve never been there myself, but I’ve seen pictures and yeah, it’s definitely amazing! So Shep is out there enjoying the amazing scenery
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Track 7: Lucid Dream!
A much more abstract song to balance out the others, I wanted to capture the very, floaty starry vibe of this song for lack of a better term haha. I really like the simplicity of it! I also love the line in the song about being a light sleeper, but a heavy dreamer
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Track 8: Always!
This is the one song on the album that doesn’t quite hit the mark for me, and that’s because it’s a song centered around faith. There’s nothing wrong with that of course, I’m just not a religious person. So I decided to interpret the meaning as always having a person you can love and count on to always be by your side, hence why I did it with Shep and PB, who in addition to being bandmates, are also bfs hehe :]
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Track 9: Cloud Nine!
Another one of my favs, this is such a PBnShep song <3 What I went for here was a look like they’re outside stargazing and Shep is telling PB how much he cares about him while pointing out some of the amazing things in space
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Track 10: Winners Never Quit!
A nice and cheerful song about never giving up and keeping on! I love the message of this one and it’s sort of retro chiptune vibe. Pretty straightforward here, just Shep with a big checkered flag for reaching your personal finish lines!
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Track 11: Madeline Island!
My personal favorite out of the three travel related songs on the album (this, Montana and New York City), this one has the same feeling of grandeur that Montana does, but even more so! I also love the story of a camping trip to this island in Lake Superior, so I decided to do that! I also stylized it a bit with colored lineart for the landscape and I rlly like how that came out! Another piece that's up there as one of my favs from this project hehe
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Track 12: Be Brave!
A song about the night Adam met his girlfriend at the movie theater, this is another very sweet song with a message about believing in yourself and well, being brave! Shep tends to get flustered and nervous sometimes when meeting up with PB, especially early on, so this song fits him well
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Track 13: New York City!
The boys take a trip to NYC and look up at the spectacular Empire State Building! Having grown up about an hour outside of NYC my whole life, I don’t quite have the same ethereal view about it that others might, but I won’t deny it’s impressive! The Empire State Building especially is one of my all time favorite buildings :]
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Track 14: Firebird!
A song about growing up, this is another one I really love. I feel like a staple of childhood is sitting with your friends outside at a wall or something similar and just talking abt life and enjoying each other’s company, so that’s what I went for. It’s another simple piece that I really enjoyed making as well as the final result!
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Track 15: Cinematic!
And the grand finale!! Cinematic is my favorite song from the album and my second favorite Owl City song overall, just behind Rainbow Veins!! After all of these songs that Adam wrote from his experiences, this song feels like a magnificent culmination of that and a passing of the torch to us to go and be the stars of our own movies and lives! It’s such an amazing song with a fantastic message and I can’t get enough of it! I also used some new brushes to make the film strip and I’m actually super happy with it!
So all in all, Cinematic is my favorite Owl City album and one of my all time favorites in general. Every song is unique and brings a great message and story. This project, although very time consuming, was an absolute blast to work on and brainstorm around. This album means so much to me and I really hope I was able to showcase some of that here. Please go give it a listen if you’ve never heard it before, or even if you have and it’s been awhile! I know there’s a lot of people who don’t like Owl City’s newer stuff, but give this one a fair shake! (Coco Moon is a fantastic follow up too btw hehe) So overall, thank you Adam for making such fantastic music for so long now and I can’t wait to see the show in Indianapolis later this year!!
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drinkinggblood · 3 years
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Decided to draw king Gill because I like him a lot + He doesn’t get drawn enough!! May do this for other wof characters I like/find interesting !!
this was rlly fun to draw + right <3 /g 
// Graphic gore + inhumane treatment mentioned 
His name comes from the Six-gill shark due to him being born with Six-gills instead of the average eight gills all Seawings usually have. 
The tip of his snout has darkened overtime to show his age, a bit like graying hair but for dragons.
Throughout his life his horns have been trimmed down and maintained to keep a consist ‘neat’ look, however, during his time in the Skywing Arena his horns began to twist from a lack of trimming and dragons yanking on them.
In one of the many fights Gill was placed into in the Arena, an Icewing prisoner blasted him with Frostbreath on his back causing severe scarring. Gill attempted to get the Icewing to stop but Scarlet promised him freedom if he was to defeat Gill, forcing Gill to kill the Icewing to survive.
Because of his months of Dehydration, Gill developed scale rot and various other diseases effecting his gills because of his time spent in the prisons and Arena. As well as this, Gill began to drink the blood of those he’d defeat in battle to survive the lack of water going into his body, aiding his descent into madness further.
He ended up in the Arena after his entire troop of Soldiers was ambushed from the coastline and taken into the arena. As punishment for attempting to ambush the Sky kingdom’s territory under Blister’s command, Queen scarlet had Gill execute most of his fellow Seawings in combat within the Arena. 
Most of his earrings and piercings had been ripped out in combat with the expectation of two, both made by Queen Coral herself with her name engraved onto them. 
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briarrosescurse · 4 years
Hi love your work you really inspire me💕 if it's not a bother do you have tips to start digital art and a app😖👉👈
hey there !!! im so sorry for the late reply, but im here now !! thank you so much for your kind words 🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖
tips for digital art! hoo boy, there is a lot to say, i don't think i'm gonna remember everything, but first of all; i know digital art can seem super overwhelming just because of how many options you got! you just can do so much to refine your work the way you wanna, but often art programs got so many tools and things to offer, it's just??? confusing.
what i'd recommend is to slowly work your way through it? you don't have to understand every thing right, just try out a few tools! that's what i did when i first started using clip studio paint. i just played around with the pens and brushes, so i could get a feeling for them as well as an idea on how they work. and usually, some programs offer official tutorials and guides themselves - if not, the internet is ur friend! take it easy, i'd say - i think that's smth that applies to several aspects of digital art.
in general though, there are plenty of digital art tutorials online, that suggest to you how you can draw smth - but ! don't feel like it's "the only right way". everyone has their own way of rendering illustrations or doing sketches, with which pencils or tools and all that.
furthermore, this also applies to the app/program question: you do not need any expensive drawing tablets or softwares. it doesn't have to be a brand like wacom with their fancy display tablets. there are plenty cheaper tablets out there, with no display but still plenty effective! hell, u can even use an ipad if u already got one. and if you're just starting out with digital art and testing the waters, i would avoid spending too much money on products you may end up not needing :(
other than that, make sure to stretch a lot, especially your wrists. god knows i don't do it as often as i should (which i genuinely regret), so please make sure to take frequent breaks to give your body a rest. not only will it help you avoid carpal tunnel syndrome, but it's also good for your eyes to take them away from the screen for a bit and come back to your work with a little fresher perspective! in general, don't feel like you have to finish the drawing in one go. it can be so helpful to take a break from the screen.
also !! try to get a hang of the shortcuts!! they're gonna be SUCH a great help, i promise you. every art program has different shortcuts settings, but you can always customize them to your liking. i'd also try to get an idea of how big your canvas should be and as what kind of file you should save your drawings. e.g. resizing a canvas that used to be large can make the drawing look more "pixel-ish", y'know? so keep that in mind while drawing! i usually work with 1500px to 2000px.
as for art programs: if you're on the pc, i'd wholeheartedly recommend clip studio paint and sai2 ! both cost money, but clip studio paint usually has sales that sell the program around 20 bucks (ur advantages are that it offers you plenty of tools that are a blessing if u want an anime-like art style, also offering u various patterns and tools, even some by the artist community! it has a whole shop, offering u free but also chargeable patterns, brushes and all that good jazz) and sai2 is a classic and relatively easy to understand program, really (which u can easily pirate if u rlly can't afford it, but u didn't hear that from me).
if ur on the ipad: i know procreate is the way to go ! i tried it out myself several times and it was so much fun!
on the phone? i heard ibis should be rlly good, i know plenty of moots and friends are using it!
personally though, i'd recommend you to stay away from adobe/photoshop. in my experience it's kinda hard to get the hang of it, if ur inexperienced with digital art + the monthly fees ain't worth it.
i hope i was able to answer your question! if you wanna know more, feel free to hit me up, i hope i didn't entirely miss what u wanted to hear 🥺 happy drawing and good luck!!! 💖
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m4rkshouse · 7 years
a kid!myungjin fic heavily inspired by this fic by @astrofireworks . shoutout to the anon who shared their story bc it rlly rlly inspired me to write this! uhh i definitely got a little carried away, pls enjoy the first part bc i had to split it up with how long it is. 
myungjun and jinwoo don’t even remember when they became friends bc they’ve always been friends
jinwoo’s parents moved in to the house next to myungjun’s parents the year before jinwoo was born and being the 2 youngest couples in the neighbourhood they really hit it off
jinwoo and myungjun’s parents are basically bffs and they go to each other’s houses all the time
jinwoo’s mom adores myungjun before she can even really know him 
the first time jinwoo’s parents meet him is just after his 1st birthday when they go to the kim residence for dinner
myungjun starts crying and freaking out when jinwoo’s dad tries to come near him so jinwoo’s mom shoos her husband away and begins talking with the toddler
the only things myungjun can say other than “mama” and “dada” are “yes” and “no” 
somehow they make the conversation work and soon enough they’re sitting in the middle of the living room playing with blocks with myungjun babbling and jinwoo’s mom beaming at the 1 year old
jinwoo’s dad is basically myungjun’s second dad and jinwoo’s mom is his second mom
every once in a while myungjun and jinwoo’s dad’s take him to baseball games on saturday afternoons to give myungjun’s mom a bit of a break
their wives will spend the afternoon relaxing somehow; they sometimes go shopping, get their nails done, just hang out at one of their houses, etc
this tradition continues once jinwoo is born and gets a little bit older
right after myungjun turns 2:
jinwoo is born
he’s old enough to understand that jinwoo is a baby but other than that he’s got nothing
is v gentle and caring when he’s around him though and really likes to sit in his mom’s lap and hold jinwoo with her
loves making jinwoo giggle
actually the first time jinwoo ever laughed was because of myungjun pulling his signature duck face at him
when jinwoo is 1.2 and myungjun is 3.2:
jinwoo starts walking
nobody really knows how jinwoo learned so quickly but they suspect he learned faster by following myungjun around all the time (crawling isn’t effective with how energetic myungjun is and so jinwoo had to adapt somehow)
jinwoo also can’t really say myungjun’s name very well so he starts calling him mj as prompted by their parents (the nickname sticks and to this day jinwoo still calls him mj)
when jinwoo is 2.7 and myungjun is 4.7:
it snows for the first time all winter
myungjun obviously wants to play outside and this means that jinwoo has to play outside too (jinwoo literally follows myungjun everywhere)
so their parents bundle them up in sweaters and long sleeve shirts, putting on their snow pants and hats and mitts and winter coats before sending them outside and sitting on myungjun’s porch to watch them
the boys try to run around in it but jinwoo is still a little clumsy when he walks and keeps tripping in his clunky boots
myungjun giggles each time he falls before helping him back to his feet and making sure he’s okay, brushing snow off his shoulders and anywhere else its gotten stuck
both boys are all bright smiles and wide eyes, trying to take as much in as possible before they have to go back inside
myungjun shows jinwoo how to make a snow angel and laughs loudly as jinwoo tries (and fails) to make one himself
their conversations mainly consist of myungjun talking in semi-full sentences and jinwoo babbling much of the time but the 2 understand each other so well anyways
both of their dads come down from the porch and start teaching the boys how to build a snowman
excitedly they begin helping, successfully completing a full snowman about the same height as myungjun in about 20 minutes
myungjun wants to name it but wants jinwoo to help him pick
myungjun: “jinwoo, what should we name our snowman?”
jinwoo, looking up at myungjun from where he’s sitting on the ground: “*talks about nonsense and unrelated things, just saying random sentences*”
myungjun, not at all frustrated bc he’s totally patient with jinwoo and understands that the boy is still learning and leaning down to his friend: “jinwoo, do you want to name our snowman?”
jinwoo, excitedly: “yeah, yeah, yeah”
myungjun, smiling: “okay, what should we name him?”
jinwoo begins concentrating hard, their parents can tell bc his tongue is sticking out of his mouth slightly, a habit he’s stolen from myungjun, who does the same thing
jinwoo: “we name him Bugs”
myungjun quickly agrees, willing to go along with whatever jinwoo suggests (and also bc he likes the Looney Toons cartoons too and it’s one of the only ones jinwoo watches with him)
myungjun: “then his name is Bugs!”
jinwoo claps excitedly and myungjun smiles widely at him
now that they’ve named it, its time to go inside bc they’ve been out for almost an hour and their moms don’t want them to get sick
they sit in myungjun’s living room on the couch watching cartoons and their parents bring some hot chocolate for myungjun and a tiny glass of warm milk for jinwoo
myungjun totally lets jinwoo have a sip of his hot chocolate when he asks for one (he’s a giant sucker for the boy)
when jinwoo is 3.2 and myungjun is 5.2:
jinwoo’s parents have a pool put in their backyard
myungjun and jinwoo spend the rest of the summer in their water wings (myungjun) and life jacket (jinwoo), climbing in and out of the pool and playing imaginary games
their favourite is to hop on to the pool floaties and pretend to be cruising through a river in the jungle and exploring for rare creatures
myungjun’s parents bought them each a pair of plastic binoculars to carry around with them
jinwoo is very easily distracted and so the game doesn’t always work but myungjun doesn’t even care bc as long as his best friend is having fun then so is he
usually end up falling asleep sometime during the late-afternoon on top of each other on jinwoo’s couch bc they’re tired from swimming and being out in the sun for so long
myungjun begins calling jinwoo jinjin that summer, no one really knows why, this nickname also sticks
when jinwoo is 4.5 and myungjun is 6.5:
myungjun starts school
jinwoo watches his friend get on the bus every morning from the park residence living room window with a pout, wanting to go with his best friend
bothers his mom all day about where myungjun is and when he’ll be back bc he misses him
tells his mom every single day that he “hates the bus for taking mj hyung away” and his mom just shakes her head with a smile bc myungjun will be back in just a few hours to see him but she can tell how much her son loves and admires the boy
most days, the two boys play in jinwoo’s driveway for just under an hour before jinwoo begins rubbing his eyes and yawning
even though he wants to keep up with myungjun and continue playing, the poor boy is still little and needs a nap most days (he could have one while myungjun is at school but he refuses to do anything except stay in the living room playing until he spots the bus bringing his best friend back)
as soon as myungjun sees him yawn he begins picking up whatever toy they had been using and grabs jinwoo’s hand, leading him into the house to find jinwoo’s mom
“jinjin is sleepy”
jinwoo’s mom thanks myungjun and tells him that if he wants to go watch some tv or play in the living room then he’s welcome to and when she comes back she’ll bring him a snack
he nods his head, hair bouncing around as he smiles widely at the mention of a snack and heads to the living room, searching the toy shelf for one of jinwoo’s colouring books and some crayons and kneeling down at the living room table
jinwoo’s mom walks in every day and spots him with his tongue poking out of his mouth in concentration as he colours whatever pictures he’s chosen, his hair messily flopping into his eyes and forcing him to push it out of his way every once in a while (she has a feeling that the boy is going to be a really great artist when he grows up bc of how much he colours and draws and how much he enjoys it)
around 5:00pm, myungjun’s mother will knock on the door to pick him up, thanking jinwoo’s mom for watching him
jinwoo often makes his way back down the stairs as myungjun is leaving and the two boys talk quietly while their moms are talking
jinwoo, pouting: “i just woke up and you’re already leaving”
myungjun, ruffling his friends already messy hair with a giggle, “i’ll be back tomorrow, silly”
jinwoo, still pouting: “but tomorrow is so far away hyung, i don’t want you to leave yet”
myungjun, smiling even wider at his younger friend: “you’ll see me before you know it”
myungjun’s mom, unknowingly interrupting their conversation: “okay myungjun, time to head home so i can start dinner, say goodbye to jinwoo”
both boys quickly mumble goodbyes before wrapping their small arms tightly around one another, their moms beaming down at them as they do
jinwoo running to the window after the door closes to watch them cross the lawn to their house and waving at myungjun one last time when he turns around, smiling goofily and waving back
when jinwoo is 5.4 and myungjun is 7.4:
they’re sitting on the floor in myungjun’s living room with blank paper spread out around them and various crayons and markers
jinwoo is happily scribbling and messily drawing random shapes, more concerned with the colours than anything else (definitely colouring on himself and myungjun with the markers, would get in trouble but myungjun’s mom couldn’t bring herself to be upset with him for drawing hearts all over himself and her son)
myungjun is drawing people and animals with pretty good skill for a 7 year old
myungjun, suddenly announces: “jinjin i’m going to draw you!”
jinwoo, giggling: “why would you draw me?”
myungjun: “bc you’re my best friend and i want to draw you!”
so jinwoo agrees and sits still across from myungjun for as long as he can while his friend draws him, watching the crayon move around on the paper and myungjun use various colours for different things like his hair and t-shirt
after about 20 minutes he’s finished and shows jinwoo who claps happily and tells myungjun how amazing it is before shouting that its his turn and proceeding to try drawing myungjun
he finishes after 10 minutes and its less of a person and more shapes put together to make a person but myungjun smiles widely nonetheless and tells jinwoo how good it is and that he’s so talented
they make one another sign the drawings and have myungjun’s mom put the date on it for them
both jinwoo and myungjun pin the drawings up on the walls of their bedrooms (the drawings remain there well into their teens)
when jinwoo is 6 and myungjun is 8:
a new family moves in across the street
both boys don’t know much about the family until their parents tell them that they’re coming over for a bbq at jinwoo’s house, and that they have a son a year younger than jinwoo
so the day for the bbq arrives and jinwoo and myungjun are excitedly running around the park family’s backyard and jumping into the pool while their dads are talking by the bbq when the lee family arrives
dongmin hasn’t yet turned 5 and is standing in his swim trunks and a shirt with pool goggles in his left hand, clutching onto his mom’s skirt with his right as he hides behind her leg
his mom grabs his hand off her skirt and motions for him to talk to the boys as myungjun and jinwoo, all messy hair and dripping water, walk up to him
dongmin is nervous for .3 seconds bc as soon as he sees myungjun smile at him he feels totally at ease (bc myungjun’s smile could make literally anyone feel welcome)
myungjun, shaking dongmin’s hand: “hi, i”m kim myungjun, i’m 8… what’s your name?”
dongmin smiles back sheepishly, still a little shy, “i’m lee dongmin, i’m 4, but i turn 5 in 6 days”
both myungjun and jinwoo are a little surprised at how soft-spoken dongmin is, his voice coming out crystal clear and small
they brush it off as jinwoo smiles too, also reaching for dongmin’s hand, “i’m park jinwoo, i’m 6 years old”
just like that, any shyness dongmin initially had is gone and he’s running after his 2 new friends to the edge of the pool, quickly (trying to) taking off his shirt and throwing it on a chair near the waters edge (after he finally get his head through the hole)
he puts his goggles over his head and follows myungjun and jinwoo when they jump into the water
jinwoo and myungjun’s parents are a little worried about him being in the water without any kind of flotation device as jinwoo had only started being able to swim without water wings at the end of the previous summer but quickly learn from dongmin’s parents that he’s been in swimming lessons for the last year so he’s okay
myungjun and jinwoo are curious about why he’s wearing goggles and decide to ask him
dongmin: “i like wearing them so my eyes don’t sting in the water”
suddenly jinwoo and myungjun are begging their parents to buy them goggles too so that they can be like dongmin
pretty soon its dinner time and all 3 are quickly wrapped in towels by their mothers and sat on the patio furniture in front of plates
they all begin rambling to each other about various things, myungjun and jinwoo talk about school and dongmin tells them stories about where he used to live
when its time to leave, dongmin, being that he’s only 4 (nearly 5) throws a bit of a fit bc he’s a bit sleepy and also wants to stay and hang out w his new friends
somehow the three convince their parents to let myungjun and dongmin sleepover
at 9:00pm (which according to the boys is so late) they head to jinwoo’s bedroom, sliding into his double bed and staring up at the glow-in-the-dark spaceship stickers on his ceiling, accompanied by a few stars and planets
myungjun: “i wish i could explore space”
dongmin: “but space is scary, its dark and there’s lots of scary things like aliens”
jinwoo: “i think it would be fun… but only if we went together”
myungjun: “of course, and i’d protect you from all the scary things dongmin, the aliens wouldn’t even be able to come near you”
dongmin, being only 4 and still afraid of monsters hiding in closets and under beds: “myungjun hyung, will you protect me from scary things here too? i mean, the scary things not in space?”
jinwoo: “myungjun and i will protect you from everything dongmin, nothing will get you while we’re here”
dongmin: “promise?”
myungjun: “always”
all 3 hold out their pinky fingers and swear on it, vowing to protect each other
dongmin then begins falling asleep bc he is 4 and tuckered out from running around and swimming all evening
myungjun and jinwoo try to stay awake talking but also fall asleep pretty quickly afterwards
when they wake up, jinwoo’s mom makes them breakfast (dongmin clumsily spills about a quarter of his breakfast into his lap as he eats)
each boy returns to their respective home for about 10 minutes before they’re back outside and ready to play
spend as much time together as they can on weekends bc myungjun and jinwoo have school during the week
they also begin calling themselves the 3 musketeers and go on adventures where they save people from monsters and evil villains like in movies
dongmin carries around a telescope and map to lead them places while myungjun ties bandanas around his head like a ninja and fights off bad guys and jinwoo wears a blanket as a cape and carries a foam sword around in order to kill monsters and slay dragons
and those 3 characters would never really be together but the boys make it work and run around their neighbourhood on crazy adventures
when myungjun is 9.4, jinwoo is 7.4, and dongmin is 6.2:
they watch their first horror movie
it’s the week before halloween and one of jinwoo’s classmates was talking about the movie Gremlins and so the boys want to watch it too
dongmin’s parents are hesitant to let them when the boys ask but after they beg for over an hour they finally let them bc they know its not too scary but enough for the 3 (but not without talking to myungjun and jinwoo’s parents first)
so the boys snuggle close together on the couch in dongmin’s living room under a blanket and his parents put the movie on
and whenever they’re scared, jinwoo and dongmin will hide their faces in myungjun’s shoulders as he’s sat in the middle, and eventually they just end up holding hands and squeezing one another’s hands tightly too
they laugh at the funnier parts but dongmin and jinwoo, being slightly younger, seem to be getting more freaked out by the gremlins than myungjun
once they finish the movie, the rest of their sleepover is spent with the lights in dongmin’s bedroom on and all of them triple-check that the doors are locked (and also that there are no gremlins playing with the electricity wiring outside)
when myungun is 10.6, jinwoo is 8.6, and dongmin is 7.4:
a boy in school begins picking on dongmin
myungjun and jinwoo don’t really know about it until one day, dongmin gets onto the bus crying
myungjun, extremely concerned for the younger boy: “dongmin, whats wrong? what happened?”
jinwoo, wrapping his arms tightly around him and gently wiping at his tears with his fingers: “its alright dongmin, me and mj hyung will protect you”
dongmin stutters out that a boy in his grade had been calling him names and he tried to ignore it but today as he was leaving school the boy had told him that jinwoo and myungjun didn’t even like him and just thought he was annoying
and this hit him pretty hard bc he didn’t like hearing people say things that he had worried about before, especially when he’s so much younger than myungjun (he’s little but he’s dongmin so of course he worries about this kinda thing)
myungjun, throwing his arms around dongmin too: “thats not true at all dongminnie! me and jinjin love you, you’re the third musketeer!”
jinwoo: “yeah, myungjun’s right… without you we wouldn’t be able to go on adventures or anything bc we wouldn’t have 3 of us!”
dongmin, smiling with tear tracks down his cheeks: “i love you guys”
and people might look at them a little funny bc of their exchanged i love you’s but they don’t really care bc its myungjun and jinwoo and dongmin and thats them, and they wouldn’t want their friendship any other way
when myungjun is 11.2, jinwoo is 9.2, and dongmin is 8:
by now all of their parents see the other 2 boys as their second and third sons
that being said, they agree to let them have a campout in myungjun’s backyard after the boys have been begging for a few weeks
myungjun’s parents set up a tent and the boys bring sleeping bags and pillows and pile them onto the air mattress myungjun’s parents have blown up
and they stay up late watching the stars overhead while laying on myungjun’s patio furniture and talking
dongmin: “will we be friends forever?”
jinwoo: “i hope so, dongminnie… i don’t want any other friends but you guys”
myungjun: “me too, you guys are my best friends, even better than my school friends”
dongmin: “i think i’d be sad if we weren’t friends anymore, you guys are my first friends ever and i don’t want new ones”
the boys sit in silence after that, each thinking to themselves
dongmin thinks that he wouldn’t rather have anyone else but myungjun and jinwoo help him with homework when he doesn’t understand, nor would he rather hit anyone else on the head with things whenever myungjun falls asleep
jinwoo thinks that he wouldn’t want to ride the bus with anyone else but myungjun and dongmin, nor would he like to play games and run around with anyone else
myungjun thinks that he wouldn’t want to protect anyone else except jinwoo and dongmin, nor would he rather come home to any other friends each night
they go to sleep in their tent not too much later, squishing as close together on the air mattress as they can in order to stay warm (and definitely not bc all of them are a little emotional about how much they love each other, its not that at all)
when myungjun is 13.2, jinwoo is 11.2, and dongmin is 10: 
dongmin’s family announces that they’re moving once again for his father’s work
they don’t really know how to react bc “what do you mean dongmin won’t live across the street anymore?? what about the 3 musketeers?? what about all our adventure plans??”
dongmin cries when he tells them bc he doesn’t want to leave them and myungjun and jinwoo just hug him and try not to cry themselves, insisting that it would all be okay
dongmin doesn’t know that when he leaves, jinwoo and myungjun embrace each other instead and cry to one another bc their third musketeer is leaving??
the day they leave, jinwoo and myungjun aren’t even really sure how they haven’t started crying yet
they stand on the curb with dongmin while their parents talk with his parents as the moving van finishes being packed and is closed 
and dongmin’s parents motion that its time for them to go and so dongmin hikes his backpack higher onto his back and wraps his arms as tightly as he can around jinwoo as tears begin sliding from his eyes
dongmin: “i’m going to miss you so much jinwoo hyung”
jinwoo: “i’ll miss you too, but its okay dongmin, we have our emails and you have my phone number, and myungjun’s too… we’ll still talk every day”
dongmin wants to tell him that it won’t be the same but he needs to hurry and finish his goodbye’s
so he turns to myungjun and throws his arms around him too, burying his face into the eldest boy’s neck
dongmin: “i’m going to miss you so much too myungjun hyung”
and myungjun has never really been one for words so he presses his lips to dongmin’s forehead instead just before they pull away
dongmin: “promise me you guys won’t stop protecting me”
and all of a sudden all of them are taken back to the first time they met and pinky promises made while talking about their plans to go on an adventure in space
jinwoo is trying really hard not to cry at that so myungjun takes over instead: “of course not dongmin, we’ll always be looking out for you! and next time we see each other, we’ll be ready to leave for space”
and then he smiles so widely, and pulls both boys in for one last group hug before dongmin rushes to his parents car and climbs in the backseat
his hands are pressed to the glass and he waves at myungjun and jinwoo until the car turns the corner and he can no longer see them standing at the end of what was once his driveway and then he cries even more bc now it’s real, and he won’t see them anymore
and myungjun continues smiling until the car turns the corner bc he wants to make sure that dongmin’s last memory of him is the same as his first and isn’t one of him crying, he doesn’t want dongmin to remember him like that
once their parents take them back to the park residence, jinwoo is crying into myungjun’s chest and tears are sliding down myungjun’s cheeks silently bc they really just had to say goodbye to their best friend of 5 years and they’re not ready for him to go
they fall asleep like that, huddled together on jinwoo’s bed, and once again it’s the 2 of them against the world, just like it had been when they were little
after that jinwoo and myungjun are closer than ever bc they may have lost dongmin but they were determined not to also lose each other 
the end of this had me crying as i wrote it but i had to have some kind of drama happen in their lives right? (thats what I’m trying to tell myself anyways). part 2 soon?? (hopefully)
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sourlittleflavour · 8 years
Rules: tag as many people as there are questions (fyi that’s not happening that’s insane) and add a question
Okay I’m finally getting to this because I’m on a long ass layover for my trip home. Thank you for the tag @bpdtransprince 💓💓
1. Coke or Pepsi? Not huge on either, but of the two, Coke
2. Disney or Dreamworks? Disney
3. Coffee or tea? Coffeeeee
4. Books or movies? I have a huge amount of love for both.
5. Windows or Mac? I am a slut for Mac just because it’s so PRETTY, but Windows for gaming
6. D.C. or Marvel? Marvel
7. Xbox or Playstation? Both? My main system is a PS3 so I guess PlayStation but both are good
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect? Not huge into either, but Mass Effect
9. Night owl or early riser? Night owl lol
10. Cards or chess? ummmmmm both tbh
11. Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla (I’m allergic to chocolate fun fact)
12. Vans or converse? Bothhhhhh are goood, but Vans takes a lil edge
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar? ….sure
14. Fluff or angst? both always both
15. Beach or forest? Depends on the mooood
16. Dogs or cats? Dogs
17. Clear skies or rain? Rain!!!! Rain!!! I!!!love!!!!rain!!!!!
18. Cooking or eating out? Cooking
19. Spicy or mild food? Spicy
20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas? Christmas
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little to hot? A little too cold. I have like huge issues with being hot it’s bad.
22. If you could have a superpower what would it be? Power to change anything about my look at will
23. Animation or live action? Animation
24. Paragon or renegade? I think I’m missing a reference
25. Bath or shower? Bath 26. Team Cap or Team Ironman? Ironman x1000998937493810
27. Fantasy or sci-fi? Fantasy but like both
28. Do you have 3 or 4 favorite quotes and if so what are they? The quotes I love are endless like this is too hard to answer rn srry
29. YouTube or Netflix? Netflix (but BOTH)
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson? Harry Potter, though I did love me some Percy Jackson back in the day.
31. When do you feel accomplished? When I do a rlly good drawing, or successfully work out or do a physical thing that’s hard with all the ~chronic illness~
32. Star Wars or Star Trek? Star Wars
33. Paperback books or hardcover books? Paper for reading, hardcover for collecting
34. Fantastic Beasts or Cursed Child? Fantastic Beasts
35. Rock or pop music? Both
36. What is the most important thing in your life? My partner/my dogs
37. Mountains or sea/ocean? Sea/ocean
38. How do you express yourself? Uh idk I’m pretty loud I think it just happens
39. Whats the first book/film that really counted to you? RENT movie
40. Whats your element (ex. water, fire, ect.)? I don’t know tbh
41. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Greece pls
42. If you had any job in the world, what would it be? Professional Actor (which I am but like, a busy successful one)
43. If granted three wishes, what would they be? Financial stability, change my body, get rid of my illnesses
44. If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be? If I could live on it, cheese fries.
45. Whats currently the most pressing issue on your mind and whats keeping you from fixing it? That I’m fucking fat and can’t lose the weight I gained when my brother died because my body SUCKS and won’t let me do ANYTHING
46. What is your dream companion animal? Pomeranian (living the dream lol)
47. Raptors or song birds? Both depending on circumstance
48. Do you think theres life on other planets on the universe? Yep
49. What is your strangest childhood memory? Dude so many… I can not possibly get near that
50. What is your perfect breakfast? Baked gooooods, cinnamon buns, croissants, ja feel
51. What is your zodiac? Taurus
52. Favorite song right now? Prolly…something from ed sheerans new album? Either Galway girl or perfect or okay I’m gonna list too many basically this album
53. what’s your favorite flower? Roses or tulips
I will tag @stariou @doublebubblediscoqueenxo @mxydayparade @feverofficial @kaw only if you want to of course 💓
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