#the way I understand mirio's quirk though
greenhappyseed · 8 months
I posted this image last night from MHA 412 — with Izuku down on the ground, literally in All Might’s shadow — and HAD to talk about it more. See, Izuku is remembering himself in All Might’s shadow, but that’s not how the scene actually looked. Izuku is the one imagining that shadow. Nobody is thinking or expecting him to be All Might 2.0 except himself.
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Way back in Chapter 97, All Might thinks how Izuku WAS walking in his shadow, but isn’t any longer. And that fact excites him — by the time we get to Kamino, All Might doesn’t WANT Izuku in his shadow. However, All Might doesn’t tell this to Izuku.
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When Izuku offers OFA to Mirio, All Might doesn’t interrupt OR say anything to Izuku afterwards. He won’t demand that Izuku be like him or keep OFA. (Also notice Mirio saying Izuku would be sad without his quirk.)
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All Might is proud when Izuku learns parallel processing from Endeavor and masters Blackwhip, something All Might never had to contend with and that is unique to Izuku. (Also notice the flashback to All Might saying Izuku earned OFA by being heroic.)
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But Izuku doesn’t know any of this. What about when All Might DOES talk to Izuku? WELL IT DOESN’T MATTER BECAUSE IZUKU DOESN’T UNDERSTAND! Going back to the ultimate moves lesson, All Might advises Izuku that he’s stuck trying to emulate All Might (which is the same thing Gran Torino told him before). But our big-brained chosen one MC [affectionate] STILL STRUGGLED FIGURING OUT WHAT ALL MIGHT MEANT. It was genuinely hard for Izuku to grasp All Might’s intent.
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You’d think this moment would give Izuku a clue, but no. Izuku’s moves continue to be derived from All Might, and he continues to think he’s “not just copying.” It culminates in the Dark Deku/Villain Hunt arc with Bakugo calling Izuku an All Might wannabe, and Izuku telling 1A that they can’t join his fight because they can’t keep up with the likes of him, Nana, All Might, and Shigaraki. Since then, Izuku has promised not to do things on his own, but we haven’t gotten an update on the idolization front.
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Izuku’s idolization and imitation of All Might remains strong even after hearing it directly from Gran Torino and All Might and Bakugo and 1A. It’s obvious to everyone, including All Might, but it’s just … not … to Izuku. What’s truly hilarious is that Izuku will talk back to the vestiges — he mouths off to Second and Fourth, and he withstands Nana’s challenge to kill her grandson (twice as of 412!!). Izuku also challenges Tomura, and even All for One. But not All Might.
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After everything, Izuku STILL envisions himself in All Might’s shadow from the moment All Might said he could be a hero and offered OFA to him. For all his status and his “triumphs,” Izuku sees himself as a nerd who needs a quirk — who would be sad without a quirk just like Mirio was — and THAT is what Izuku has yet to overcome. Izuku has never heard anyone tell him very bluntly and directly that he CAN be a hero without a quirk. (And that kind of blunt communication is exactly what he needs because, well, he’s a little slow to change his self-perception. Remember when Toga said she liked him?)
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Even though Izuku has seen quirkless Mirio protect Eri…and watched Iron Might and practically quirkless Aizawa fighting…and he knows quirkless Ragdoll helped with planning, and La Brava is playing her role as a computer expert (unrelated to her quirk)…Izuku is going to need to hear, plainly and bluntly, that he IS a hero without OFA. He’s BEEN a hero. He earned OFA “fair and square” in the first place BECAUSE he was a hero. If All Might was a madman for fighting quirkless and being willing to sacrifice his life to live his dream, then Izuku will have to be the craziest hero ever to put his quirk, his life, AND his dream on the line. I’m hoping we get some blunt verbal Izuku appreciation from All Might, Bakugo, 1A, and others so Izuku KNOWS, once and for all (ha!) he is a beloved friend and hero without One For All. Then he can go on to save Tomura (and the world).
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a-sadmilky · 1 month
Lets start at the beginning, just to clear the air. A lot of fans (including myself at one point) thought mha was a story on how midoriya was going to become the number one hero. Which is incorrect
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He says ‘This will be my story, the journey to become the best of all heroes’. Now to clear the air again. At this time Midoryia was 14. The Midoryia that is narrating had graduated from UA, I'm sure there has been a time where he (Midoryia at 14)  said he wanted to become number one, but in that time that's all he knew. Him, Bakugou and all aspiring heroes at a young age assume to become the greatest is to become number one, When thats not the case at all. 
When we first get introduced to this idea of true heroism is when we meet stain. We come to understand that iida’s motives to become a hero stems from his brother. Iida’s brother was left paralyzed via stain and unable to become a hero, this fueled iida’s passion to become a hero and to defeat the “hero killer”. 
What stain says really changed the course of MHA
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(for context, before stains tries to finish iida off, he calls him and his brother weak. Iida, upset, yells at stain for calling his brother weak and defends his honor. Iida states ‘ill kill you’ to which stain replies, “Save him first”. Stain continues, telling iida that what he is doing is the furthest thing from becoming a hero.) Stain then recognizes Midoriya as a true hero. And iida starts to find his sense of heroism
Eventually class 1-A finds their sense of heroism one by one. Leading to Momo, Kirishima, Midoryia, and Iida all go against authorities and rescue Bakugou after the attack on the forest training camp arc. 
The forest training arc had to be the most confusing for fans. This is because is Tsuyu Asui
A lot of fans (me included) wondered why Tsu compares the group to villains and discourages them from saving Bakugou. Well, this is the same reason why Mirio Toogata stopped Midoryia from saving Eri. 
These characters both found heroism in a similar way. Both are taught to follow the hero code, wait until the authorities either handle the situation, or until they are called in for help. 
THAT DOES NOT MAKE THEM BAD CHARACTERS!! Anyone that knows me KNOWS i love the big three. But this does make the story a little more interesting, you cant teach heroism. 
Both Mirio and Tsu are left feeling guilty in the aftermath
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Though they both felt distraught, we start to see Mirio and Tsu started to carve their path for heroism. Im not saying that Tsu and Mirio didnt have heroic traits since both are in the hero course to save others. But Midoryia demonstrated to them that to become a true hero is to act.
Lets talk about Dynamight 
Bakugo has been with Midoryia since childhood, and has seen midoryia want to become a hero. Even when he is quirkless. It (in my opinion) is not an easy thing to grasp for Bakugou. 
Imagine living in a world fulled with strong powers and amazing heroes. Where quirks that are “useless” dont get to become heroes, instead they have normal jobs. Crime is arising and heroes are fighting tooth and nail to save the world while losing loved ones in the process. You are now 4, and your quirk is explosion, you are praised by everyone since showing the classroom your new power. You can see it now, you becoming just as great as your idol. Imagine your face when you find out your best friend became unlucky, and became quirkless. Imagine your face when they still want to be a hero. Sounds like a death wish, right? 
I feel like bakgou cares about midoryia. Does he have a wrong way of showing it in childhood, yes. 
Baukgou states that he feels like hes always behind. Bakugou feels completely side wiped at the idea that his quirkless classmate actually had a very powerful quirk. This also makes him feel as though Midorya is the one looking down at him
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Bakugou has shown the MOST character development i have seen in MHA. (my opinion of course). I think its very refreshing to see them both learn from each other. Dynamight learns to become a true hero and Deku learns courage.
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[There are more examples of deku imitating bakugou.. I can not find them :( ]
I always see the same argument within the fandom, “Why does Mineta get to be in the hero course and not Shinsou”. Mineta has a strong physical quirk that allowed him to pass the entrance exam. (and not to mention he placed 9/20 in the end of the term test).
((To clear the air. i am NOT a Minteta fan. But the fans constantly fails to understand how he is in the hero course. it was never about 'How cool is your quirk?' it was 'Can you defeat a robot?'))
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I think what the fandom means to say is that quirks like Shinsou are often slept on.. But why?
In the society of MHA, there is a common conception that a strong quirk is the gateway to becoming a hero, especially number one. This is extremely emphasized when we are introduced to the entrance exam for Yuuei. This is completely rigged for characters with non physical quirks like; Aizawa, Shinsou, Monoma, and more.
Obviously this is not true. Even though he is not in the top 3, Aizawa has a powerful quirk that he had to learn how to strengthen and control on his own. He walked so that Shinsou can run. 
The reason why i mention Monoma is because him and Shinou are very similar. They’re quirks depends on someone else. They can activate it all they want but if the recipient is not interacted with they are both ‘useless’. 
I’m unsure if this is true, but I'm glad Monoma gets a statue. It opens up a window for those who don't have physical quirks. It shows that even they can become heroes. 
In my opinion, Midoryia having a statute instead would not have been as impactful. It would have pushed the same narrative. Strong physical quirk = success. ((Also! did everyone just forget that Monoma literally carried the war along with Aizawa by keeping Shigaraki’s quirk erased and was able to copy Kurogiri’s quirk and teleport the heroes to the field?? That kid deserves a metal. ))
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The only sad feeling i have about the ending is Midoryia losing the embers. Seeing him grown up and releasing the gifted power as if saying “thank you” still brings me to tears. To see him hon the powers and get stronger then to release them will always stab me in the heart. BUT THIS ENDING MAKES PERFECT SENSE. 
Why, would Midoryia, knowing the trouble it carries, the pain it can do to the human body, would give that quirk to another? Its a good ending to finally have that power rest. Imagine that quirk got passed on again. Whoever has it next would have become number one easily, society would have learned nothing. 
Midoryia becoming a teacher at Yuuei, and trying to open his own hero agency is the perfect ending for my hero academia. Teaching and aspiring others with different quirks. And we all know how he loves learning about other quirks and mutations. This is perfect for him!
‘So.. it was all for nothing?’ you might ask. If you do believe everything Midoryia did was for nothing then im sorry, you did not watch My Hero Academia. 
Midoryia did not become number 1. But he most definitely became the greatest hero. 
If you think being the greatest means to be number one then you have completely lost the plot of My hero. Being number 1 is not about heroism, its statistics. When you start bringing numbers into this, it starts to become a job. When you start to want to become a hero only for money you are not a true hero. Uraraka joined because she needed money, but her point of view changed. Sure now she gets money but that's not her main focus anymore. She wants to save, she wants to help others like Toga. When you want to become a hero for fame like Denki, you are not a true hero. Denki’s focus has changed. This is exactly what Stain was talking about in the beginning, society creating fake heroes.
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Those are my thoughts. I love this anime so much please feel free to comment your thoughts and feelings
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pimpedoutgreenears · 3 months
I haven’t actively stayed up to date with My Hero since, like, volume 19, but hearing that it’s coming to an end has me thinking about fic ideas that I never ended up writing. And I know I technically still could write them (fandom doesn’t end when the source material does!), but I also know that I probably won’t, especially ones that would involve probably rewriting how canon ended.
But that said, I still wanted to talk about my favorite bkdk fic that I’ll never write.
So, the start has a villain whose quirk is sending people into alternate dimensions. Deku and Bakugo end up fighting her and getting sent to an alternate dimension. The time period is kind of up for interpretation, but it’s obviously pre-final showdown but after Bakugo’s apology.
At first, things seem mostly the same, but they quickly find out there are a bunch of major differences which stem from one difference from their universe: AU!Izuku has his dad’s quirk.
He can breathe fire and is super powerful with it. He and AU!Bakugo are also dating and attached at the hip. They’re constantly pushing each other and talking about being the ultimate hero duo.
Seeing it is super hard for Deku, who is basically lamenting about how easy things could have been,
Meanwhile, Bakugo can’t stand these versions of them, and he keeps getting more and more pissed that Izuku seems to envy them because he doesn’t think they’re good people.
When they first meet their alternate selves, they’re kind of working together to get sent back home, but they’re also keeping a low profile. They realize that AU!Izuku never got OFA, so they want to keep that a secret. That said, they also find out that AFO has already been defeated by Mirio and some other heroes.
It’s a hard thing to take because Deku starts thinking about how him getting OFA ended up with an ongoing conflict.
However, they find out other things. For example, Ida got killed when he went after Stain.
In this universe, Deku never made friends with Ida and had a different internship, so he was never able to pitch in. He and Todoroki never becoming friends also led to him choosing a different agency to intern at.
As they explore more, they realize that their alternate selves aren’t friends with anyone in class. They both kind of have Bakugo’s old attitude that they’re the best and no one else can reach them. Even though AU!Izuku sometimes says things that are reminiscent of things our Deku would say, it’s obvious that he’s very different.
They end up having to fight their alternate selves for reasons (I never locked down why), and they’re losing badly. To protect the secret of OFA, Izuku pretended he inherited his mom’s quirk by only using float, so it’s the only thing he’s using.
The alternate versions of themselves fight together flawlessly. AU!Izuku uses his quirk to keep AU!Bakugo sweating, and they have obviously practiced fighting together.
Bakugo sees Izuku starting to give up and finally loses it and just starts screaming at him. He’s asking, “Is that who you want to be? Do you really wish we were them?” He then starts yelling at alternative them. He asks AU!Izuku, “Do you even realize that he doesn’t love you? He hasn’t learned how yet! If you got hurt or lost your quirk, he wouldn’t even be able to look at you! He’s too busy having his head shoved up his ass!” Then he turns on AU!Bakugo and really loses it. “You’re so full of yourself! The world doesn’t revolve around you! You aren’t the best hero yet! Hell, the way you are now, you never will be! You’re a spoiled brat who’s never learned any humility! You don’t even understand why heroes are important! All you care about is your own ego! You’ll never be worth anything until you learn to see the value in others!”
He then turns back to Izuku, almost whispering, “Have you even paid attention to their news? The crime rate is up. There are new threats every day. They got the villain, but they didn’t stop the problem.”
Izuku realizes what he means. They have a chance to do better. Their war might be taking longer, but they have a chance to end it better.
They have a chance to be better versions of themselves.
They manage to defeat their alternate versions just in time to get sent back home.
After they’re back and did their report of what happened they’re able to talk.
Izuku tells him that he’s glad they aren’t like those two. Kacchan saw what he didn’t. He was jealous of how easy their relationship was, but he hadn’t really thought about what they’d gained from all the strain.
Bakugo apologizes to him as well. He says he’s sorry that no matter what universe he’s in, he makes life worse for Izuki (bullying in theirs, and making AU!Izuku an egomaniac).
Izuki tells him it doesn’t change that he loves him no matter what universe they’re in.
Bakugo tells him he shouldn’t, but Izuku says there’s nothing he can do to make him stop and he should know that by now. He then tells Kacchan that instead of fighting him about it, he should just keep bettering himself. If he doesn’t think Izuku should love him now, then become someone that he should.
Kacchan doesn’t think he deserves Izuku’s love, but he had already planned on spending the rest of his life atoning for how he treated Izuku, so they’re at least on the same page there.
It ends with Izuku telling Bakugo to let him know when he’s ready to actually receive his love, it’ll be waiting for him when he is. Until then, they can just keep pushing each other to be better.
Bakugo doesn’t know if he’ll ever be ready, but he’ll never stop trying.
So, they end knowing each other’s feelings and understanding each other better. They also have the possibility of a future together.
So, yeah, that's my favorite mha fic that I never wrote. If something like it already exists, please feel free to link me to it!
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bokutosbabe · 2 years
Teardrops on my Guitar
Mirio Togata x Reader
CW; Angst, unrequited love, Mirio is an oblivious man, reader is in love with Mirio, based off of Taylor Swift’s “teardrops on my guitar” obviously, let me know if I missed anything!!
Synopsis; You’re in love with your best friend, Mirio Togata, who everyone wants, but you have. Or had. When he starts talking about another girl and how much he likes her to you, what are you meant to do besides sit aside and let him become happy.
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Mirio Togata was the boy that boys and girls alike wanted. His beautiful crystal blue eyes, blonde hair, and best of all, his sweet sweet smile made him the picture image of the “perfect boy.” You were just like everyone else, pining for the rather ditzy boy, but you had an advantage; You were one of Mirio’s best friends, someone he could come to with his problems and someone who got the privilege to hear about how he wasn’t looking for a relationship right now. 
While that may seem discouraging, you were actually relieved. The feelings you bore for Togata couldn’t be expressed, at least not in a way you were comfortable with. I mean, you had a quirk that seemed rather useless in your eyes; a music based quirk. Compared to Mirio, you felt like the shadow of a leaf falling to the ground while the sun stood in its place and shined, not once wavering. You held no comparison to him; you had no wish to build your own agency from the ground up. You would much rather stay a pro’s sidekick like you were now with Ryukyu, but Mirio seemed far past that. It simply wouldn’t work, but you could hope.
Even though Mirio Togata was the sun to you; you were simply just Pluto in his universe. You were close enough to be in his orbit, but never would you be close enough to actually be a part of his life. You would be lucky to even be remembered by Mirio after highschool, let alone be what you actually wanted to be to him; a girlfriend.
You wanted Mirio more than all might had wished to catch All-For-One. You wanted to write songs about him, to wake up to that giddy boyish smile every morning, and just be a bigger part of his life, just be with him. That wouldn’t happen though, Mirio was obsessed with another girl; someone in class 3-B who you had never really seen before.
“We’re gonna get married Y/N! I just know it!”
“You haven’t talked to her yet, Mirio, what are you talking about?”
“We’re gonna get married!”
Mirio was too much, it was like he never realized your feelings even though everyone else had. And if he had; then that was a cruel game to play just because he could, but you knew him too well to know he would never do that to you. So you began keeping your feelings locked up, now encouraging Mirio to talk to the girl, to go up to her, to just…be himself. Yes, it hurt like hell, but you couldn’t stop Mirio’s feelings for her; so why not try and help him and try to get over him this way?
Eventually, a month later, Mirio and the girl are together and they are oh so happy. As excited you were for him, it also became noticeable that Mirio was distancing from you; slowly going farther away until you could no longer reach him. That was okay, you knew Mirio was happy, so why were you always crying throughout the hours of the night? Your body was something you didn't understand; it made you cry for what you thought was no reason. You were tired of crying; so you came up with a plan, distract yourself.
You began picking up your cluttered room, taking the clothes to the hamper, dusting away the cobwebs,and moving stuff out from under your bed. That was where you found a crumpled piece of paper; unfolding it only to see a song that you had been writing for Mirio, well not for him, but about him. About how he talked about this girl to you, how perfect he looked, how his smile could make you melt. You got up and grabbed your guitar, slowly starting to strum the chords while softly singing along. Of course you started to cry; even with all your attempts to distract yourself, you couldn’t help it. 
Mirio Togata, the boy who everyone wanted but you had, was never meant to be yours. Life had other plans for you two, and they didn’t include each other. So you’d sit in your dorm, letting your mind wander to the boy who’s the reason for the teardrops on your guitar.
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i love mirio and hope i did him justice!
playing next...
A place in this world
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theetwinkleboy · 6 months
okay so random ramblings, do with them what you will.
when i was like....in the 250s/300s and seeing random spoilers about 'it's time to give up one for all' i was! sad about it! upset! because there had been no indication up to that point that like. people without quirks got to be in the story. like with mirio's storyline and the stuff in the rody movie i was like...where is the space for quirkless people to be heroes in this story, and is izuku losing his quirk going to be the death of his dream to be a hero too, etc.
but then i got into the actual final war arc and i was like. oh. Oh. i understand now. that was on me for making assumptions.
bakugou and all might's storylines addressing the ways that they hurt izuku at the beginning of the story
all might SPECIFICALLY saying 'yes you can be a hero without a quirk' right before we get to the point where izuku realizes he may need to give up his quirk
the fact that everyone is losing shit, and almost no one has been able to make any moves without giving up something in return. uraraka's bleeding out, toga might be following her, hawks lost his quirk, jirou lost an ear, bakugou fucking died and now he's got a screwed up arm and a heart that literally is causing him pain every time it beats, edgeshot has NO MORE BODY, endeavor finally reached out to his son and both of them lost arms
like. i see it. i get it now. izuku losing his quirk in the face of all that, izuku literally ripping himself apart to save shigaraki--it makes SENSE that it would come to this point, both in light of his own arc and everyone else's actions in the final war--it makes sense, storywise, even though it still makes me sad.
i just! this is silly but i just want him to be happy! he deserves it! i want him to get a happy ending, and more than that, i don't want it to be The End for him, you know? i want this story to give him an opportunity to live and grow beyond the end of it! so i'm stressing a bit.
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problemswithbooks · 1 year
I'm not really a fan of Hawks losing his Quirk to AfO. If it serves any purpose it will probably be used to help Izuku fight AfO in the vestige realm which is a fight I was never looking forward to in the first place. Otherwise I don't think it really serves much purpose for Hawks as a character because we're at the end of the story and we just won't get a big focus on how it effects him going forward.
I mean, I see people saying that him losing his Quirk has set him free from the HPSC but he was essentially free from them after the first War. They have been non-existent in the story since than besides passing mentions. From what the reports said last chapter it seems that all the Heroes fighting are doing so of their own pure desire to help, not because the HPSC is paying them or anything. Keigo isn't working for them and given the world ending stakes if he wanted to do anything but beat AfO it'd be a negative trait, not him finding his freedom.
I know people want Keigo to find himself outside of being a Hero and his Quirk but that doesn't really seem to be a theme in the story. If Hori wanted to tell that story he could have done so with Mirio or All Might but he didn't. Instead Mirio was given his Quirk back with little fan fair and All Might's inspiration and Hero heart was reinforced. The story is about people being Heroes not about themselves as just people.
Which is honestly how I see things going with Hawks. His Quirk will be a force for good that helps Izuku beat AfO from the inside proving that despite his saying his Quirk was dirty, he really did/does have the heart of a Hero.
Also, I do think it takes real Hawks out of the story most likely, which is a bit disappointing, though understandable. I never really understood where people got the idea he was going to have a full mental break down anyway and besides him flipping out because he can't help anymore I still don't really see it happening. I mean, Hori is going at light speed here, why would he take the time to focus on Hawks having a mental break when he hasn't even managed to do that for his main three villains yet, who actually need that for the story to end.
I could easily be proven wrong given that Hori's writing is unpredictable, but for the moment my guess is that Hori did this so he could take Hawks out of the fight so he wouldn't get involved with the Todoroki or Ochako/Toga stuff, while also leaving open the possibility to give Izuku a strong ally in Hawks Quirk if needed.
I know people wanted him in those fights, but Hori has a hard time juggling characters in fight scenes, something we've seen a lot in this arc and the one prior. And to be honest he doesn't serve much purpose in them either. I've seen theories of wanting him try and kill Dabi and being devastated because Enji saves his son, essentially picking Touya over him, but Hawks has been nothing but positive about Enji trying to change and help his family. He didn't try and attack Touya or even mention him when he came through the portal, so don't know why he'd suddenly decide to attack him Quirk or not.
When it comes to Toga/Ochako thing he only complicates it. Yes, he killed Twice, but as we've seen Toga's main problem isn't that Twice was killed, it's that Izuku and Ochako, kids around her age don't like her. She feels like no one cares about her because she has a bad Quirk. If getting revenge for Twice was her main objective than she wouldn't have been crying. She doesn't even think about Hawks or name dropped him to my knowledge. If anything she treats all Heroes as guilty. To add Hawks into this fight draws attention away from Ochako, Toga and her main issue of identity. Plus, again I don't see Hawks being upset if Ochako saves Toga in the way he couldn't save Twice. He liked Twice and did try to save him. At most I think we'd see him watching with a happy smile and some tears, not having a full existential crisis.
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galactic-space · 5 months
Eris quirk
Eris quirk name is “rewind” so it implies that she simply rewinds a scene, correct? Like she can reverse things, and that is the base of her quirk
Overhaul used her genetic dna to alter it- alter the way her quirk works, to make it permanent. That’s cool
And then he uses it on mirio, and mirio loses his quirk. Really sad, but nice Way his character ends….
But then it turns out eri can rewind his quirk to before he lost it [if I remember correctly] and that makes sense cuz her quirk caused it- even if it was modified- so theoretically she should be able to undo it and have it be permanent, like it never happened in the first place [like the way sega erased 06 LMAO]
But then during the battle between Izuku and overall, she constantly reminded his body to make it not break- which is nice!
Except for the fact it never seemed to come back, and i guess what I’m saying is that I kinda thought it would be temporary??? Or something???
And this also goes with his [SPOILER] missing arms too in the newest chapter..
I don’t know if I just don’t understand her quirk or not, but I thought when they said rewind it would be like pressing rewind on a tape and letting it play, but eventually you end up back where you started.
Like maybe I’m big stupid but I was under the thought that Eris quirk was temporary, and that overhaul made it permanent though changing the genetic code or something
Which implies that it def isn’t permanent
And I’m fine with mirio being rewind and it being back to normal. It was her quirk that caused it, so she’s basically undoing her quirk on him.
But like idk I feel like it shouldn’t work like that with Izuku simply cuz like her quirk didn’t cause him to break his shit in the first place?
Like maybe sense he was constantly breaking himself when she was rewinding it was kinda like a time paradox where she goes back, he breaks, and then she gots to go back even more
But then that would imply her quirk actually works in the way that people explain time changing when it comes to time travel
Like the theory that the smallest change in the river of time will cause it to go down a different path [like the meme “goes back in time and moves a chair” and the joke is that the entire timeline was changed because of the simple action] So that means that yes it is permanent because of the constant resets on his body forced a time changing flow???
And when you put it like that it would explain why when she erased her parents into thin air they wouldn’t come back because of the fact that if you rewind too far there’s just… no way for them to come back. Like rewinding on a tape so far back you just fucking break it
But like this entire theory is literally me trying to understand her quirk based on what I personally got from it. Maybe I’m super fucking wrong and it’s just a simple rewind thing that when she pauses, it’s like the time she rewind cease to exist which allows the person who’s been rewind to continue on without worry of it coming back
Which means overhaul just edited her quirk to erase other quirks.
Which. That’s probably cannon. Which is fine. I guess.
Ok now I’m starting to get why eri feels like plot convenience at times… 
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nemovanilla · 1 year
This is what I want to happen with bakugo for the rest of mha.
1. Edgeshot fails to revive him. Mirio tells midoriya, who stops being able to hold himself together and shigaraki manages to grab him. He tries to take ofa but it doesn’t work (like last time) so they both go into the vestige realm.
2. Midoriya, shigaraki, and bakugo are all in separate locations. I think bakugo is talking to all might, midoriya is in some kind of emotion-induced hellscape/memory thing/etc, and shigaraki is trying to find the holders so he can attack them. I guess afo could be there too.
3. When bakugo figured out that midoriya is here he immediately goes to look for him.
4. Midoriya doesn’t necessarily know everything that happened, or if he does, he’s very confused about it. Sort of like temporary amnesia. He might have a general understanding of the situation but he can’t recall specific events. He just knows there is a sense of urgency. There is one scene where he is walking through the woods and starts being chased down by shigaraki, or rather, the thing that is possessing him. It would be a monstrous form of afo’s consciousness. Midoriya runs away, and with every step he becomes younger and younger until he falls into the ravine. When he looks up, the monster is gone for the meanwhile, and teenage bakugo is offering him a hand up.
5. They talk about some things, but they get cut off by shigaraki chasing them down. They start to run, then get into some kind of really tense situation, for example if they’re about to fall off a cliff. Maybe it’s just midoriya who falls, but bakugo jumps to catch him. I don’t think they can use their quirks, so they are stuck.
6. Midoriya is telling bakugo he needs to let go of him so he can save himself. I don’t think either of them realize it isn’t real, or if they do, then they think they could still actually die if they die here. Bakugo tells him all sorts of sappy things to explain why he won’t let go, but midoriya still wants him to. When bakugo refuses, he lets go and starts to fall. Bakugo is in the middle of confessing to him, and midoriya hears these words as he is falling. This gives him enough presence of mind to find the usual vestige world before he hits the ground.
7. Midoriya is alone with the vestiges, except for all might, who is still missing. I think that the second user should berate midoriya, tell him seomtehing like “if you had learned to control your heart, he never would’ve died” and midoriya no longer believes him because now he knows he wasn’t crazy for loving bakugo. He would then tell the second user that he tried to warn bakugo of shigaraki targeting him, but the vestiges all said it was a bad idea. He finally gets to have his own say in how he experiences his emotions. Maybe halfway through this bakugo would show up with all might and he would watch in awe. Then he and midoriya would talk some more and (finally, FINALLY) hold hands.
8. The effects of this (according to the theory where bakugo tapped into ofa and used gear shift on accident) would be insane. Maybe ofa would properly resurrect bakugo.
9. Bakugo and midoriya work together in the vestige world to take out that monstrous afo and save shigaraki that way.
10. At some point during all of this, midoriya has to figure out that shigaraki deserves to be saved because he is a person, and not because he used to want to be a hero. As of right now, he still believes that villains don’t really count as people, and has yet to realize just how wrong he is. This is not lapse in judgement on horikoshi’s part because uraraka already came to this conclusion a long time ago.
11. When they both get out of this alive, bakugo tells midoriya “Im so glad you’re alive” thus completing his character arc. Whatever midorya answers would complete his own arc, though I’m not exactly sure what that would be. I suppose if he says “Im glad too” that could be signifying how he has learned to actually value his own life, but that feels a bit clunky and unlike midoriya.
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marimeeko · 2 years
So the premise I imagine around the doodles I posted last night(or particularly the one of Kacchan grabbing Izuku)
Katsuki gets revived, but is forced to stay down. And as he breathes and restores energy and oxygen to his system after Edgseshots surgery and Internal CPR, he feels the rumbles of UA shaking. He knows it's not over yet. He knows Izuku is there now, knows he is fighting, even if he still is being blocked from seeing.
Clarity comes to him as those around him keep looking over their shoulders and curse in hushed voices. Katsuki can tell though, something is wrong.
Not only has Togas clones overwhelmed Monoma and Aizawa, but the whispers insinuate that Izuku himself is losing ground, and is reaching exhaustion.
With more resolve than ever, Katsuki pushes himself into a position to see.
Izuku is breaking down, his 5 minutes up. His body seems to be locked up. Katsuki doesn't quite understand why, but he can see Izukus pained gasps for breath, hear murmuring from Best Jeanist and Mirio of
"He can't breathe..." "Does he... should we intervene?" "Is it part of OFA?"
Katsukis stomach sinks because he sees Shigaraki next, still not defeated, about to take advantage of the sudden break.
Before Jeanist can finish shouting for them to get to Izuku, Katsuki erupts. Through the pain of shattered limbs and broken pride, he tears forward to get to them. The exhausted, emotionally broken Izuku unmoving except for some weak tendrils of BW doesn't, can't move to get out of the way of Shigaraki in time, and even though he internally shouts at himself to move, do something...
A hand grips into the back of his suit and a body careens into him, they go flying, with the added propulsion of Katsuki aiming all he's got towards Shigaraki.
Being half broken as he is, the rescue is clumsy, and they land and tumble across the grass and rubble. Katsuki cringes from the pain and doubles over around Izuku, who realizes his rescuer with wide, tear brimmed eyes.
He is still fighting the consequences of the seconds Quirk, having trouble drawing breath. Katsuki sits them both up. He notices that Jeanist, Miruko and Mirio have rushed Shigaraki to run distraction, Nagant is still shooting from far away. So he grips Izuku tightly and tells him
"Just focus on breathing, you damn nerd!"
Izuku can't take his eyes off of Katsukis,
"Kacchan....you....you were..."
Katsuki nods "Yeah. I was."
"I'm sorry--I--" Izuku hiccups, shoulders shaking now from overflowing emotions.
"Hey! Shut it and breathe!" Katsuki scolds. Though his voice is breaking as well. He brings their foreheads together, keeping Izukus gaze. "I want you to breathe with me, dammit."
Izuku still feels reluctant in his grasp, he can tell that Izuku is trying to scope out the others and their fight with Shigaraki "Let them handle it, you just need a fucking second. Izuku. Breathe. With me."
Izuku finally melts and tries, drawing in a quivering breath with Katsuki. And then out. In, and out. As Izuku's breath turns from frantic and desperate to level and deep, with the exception of a few hiccups or quivers, Katsuki hooks his arm around Izuku, drawing him to his chest.
Izuku buries his face into Katsukis shoulder and clutches the back of his uniform.
Within moments, Izuku flares with energy and stronger arms of Black Whip surrounding him. The wind whirls around them, and Izuku pulls away. His eyes meet with Katsukis again, glowing a fierce, blinding green. For a moment, he swears that Katsukis eyes are full of awe, and something he can't quite put a name to.
"It's time to end this."
Katsuki nods, and the two get to their feet, hand in hand.
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rexscanonwife · 1 year
Thank you sm for letting me chat with you even if its over anon! I've been dying to talk about MHA and S/Is!!!! Mha was a big inspiration for me! It got me back into writing, drawing, and being active on my self shipping page :) I don't ship with anyone in mha but for a while I was really focused on All Might/Toshinori. I really admire him and I enjoy writing angst and battle scenes against AFO involving Toshi(THAT episode tho.. //SOBS)... Like I said I'm a sucker for angst haha. But my focus has gone to Mirio now... I'm just weak for sunshine boys and I think he's such a cool character. I consider him a platonic soulmate <3 He's silly and fun and his quirk animated is so cool!! I'm a complex person with complicated feelings- as is my s/i, so being around the positive bright people makes me really happy :) (and despite her great love for mirio she has extreme beef with Sir Nighteye) for her quirk she can basically convert her own energy into shocks of power but it can only be produced from the palms of her hands. she uses it to boost her own close-combat physical attacks(that was a bad description sorry I'm trying not to go on and on and spam your asks this message is already so long SORRY /Sobs im excited) I love writing fight scenes and anything angsty so my s/i is all in for combat. But since her quirk takes energy it makes her tired quickly- she can't handle long dragged out battles. Sleep helps her recover <3
A good friend of hers is Aizawa even though they buttheads a lot, he helped get her a small job at the UA. she helps with combat training every few days a week :) (gosh sorry again for the long message I tried to keep it vague) (i feel like im exposing myself a little with this ask but I NEED to talk mha so badly)
HIIIII AGAIN!!! :D 💖💖💖 gosh, first of all I understand what you mean about a piece of media inspiring you to create more!
But GODDD THE AFO/TOSHINORI FIGHT COMPLETELY WRECKED ME 😭😭 I have SO many thoughts about it, and I couldn't help but wonder how my s/i would react or play a part in it or the aftermath if she was there. I am VERY interested in your thoughts about it and about Toshi angst in general though! Tbh MAKE ME HURT, I love it!! 😂😂
That being said, I'm just starting to get to know Mirio in show and at first I was a little distrustful of his personality but I see he's just a genuine himbo after all!! I love how ppl are constantly pointing out that his grades are kinda below average but he's a fucking BRICK HOUSE!! Im also SUPER curious about your beef with Sir Nighteye 👀 he's so attached to Mirio, I love that his whole problem with Midoriya is "why did HE get to inherit OFA, what's wrong with MY boy? >:/" but barring that, I love seeing how he's actually very intelligent in other ways and I'm excited to see him in future arcs!
And about your s/i, I adore her already!! She sounds so fun, and her quirk sounds super cool and useful! Have you considered getting her any gear or anything to help her concentrate her energy blasts, or perhaps direct them in other ways she might not be able to by herself? :0 how long has she been a pro? Lots of fun things to think about!! And as a fellow Aizawa botherer I approve of that greatly! 😁💖💖
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years
13 Days of AUs- The Eleventh Day of Christmas: A MirioDeku AU
Summary: On the 13 days of Christmas, Music gave to me… 13 different POTSOD AUs! Each contains a different pairing and different plots but within: a collection of plot line that will appear in the main series… though have fun figuring them out! (Including a few pairings that will appear~)
 Togata Mirio sat in his office as he filled out paperwork, his cape removed for the day, and the top of his zipper slid down a small amount so that he could breathe. He did not understand how he kept getting hit with so much paperwork. It drove him crazy.
 The door opened, and a teenager stuck her head inside. The teen looked like a doll with two-toned skin appearing stitched together, button-like eyes and ribbon hair. She, however, talked and walked, beaming at Mirio.
 “Hi, Pops!” Togata Tomoe said, coming into the office. Like Mirio, she also wore her hero uniform. A black dress, leggings, boots and gloves gave her much more of a doll look. 
 “Hey, Tomoe. Done your own paperwork?” Mirio asked, putting down a pencil.
 “Yep! Everything’s all wrapped up, though you still suck for making me do it as an intern.” Tomoe said, going over to sit on his desk. Mirio snorted.
 “You’re the one who wanted to work here for your second internship. I know Hawks, and your uncle Hanta both offered. So did Fatgum. And Gang Orca. And-“
 “Grand-Rat!” Tomoe beamed. Mirio burst into laughter.
 “Ah yes, grand-rat wants to have his little pup under his paw.” Mirio shook his head. “Make you run through all the mazes.”
 “To get the cheese,” Tomoe agreed seriously. The two snickered a little longer before Tomoe stole some of his papers. “Why are you doing damage reports for Dynamight? I thought you said you'd file a complaint if Jeanist didn’t rein in his dumbass secretaries.” 
 “A favour. Jeanist finally got fed up and is cutting Bakugou loose. Too much damage, along with way too much swearing and bad PR.” Mirio explained. Tomoe hummed, looking at the paperwork before handing it back. “So… why are you hanging around rather than leaving since your intern duties are done.”
 “Grandma and Grandpa are at home, and I’d rather not deal right now.” Tomoe explained. “I mean, I love them! But with Ma pregnant, I’d rather not be involved in that cause Grandma would ask about boys, and I’ll have to repeat I’m gay and then she’ll ask if I thought about kids anyway, and Grandpa would step in, but I’ll still feel weird.”
 “You can blame the Populationist movement for your Grandma even if they went underground a few decades back. She was part of it. She has no issue with gay people, but she’s really focused on kids. Sir helped get her out of the mindset, but she still has some of the thoughts.” Mirio said. “She is way better than she used to be with the idea of normality.” Tomoe hummed, kicking her feet back and forth.
 “Hey, Pops,” she said after a moment. “How did you meet Ma? I mean, your old mentor is Grandpa, but like, I know that he and Grandma didn’t get together until Ma was fourteen, and you’d have already started UA then.” 
 “Well, I didn’t become Sir’s intern until my second year, and I did meet your mom then actually…”
Sixteen years ago…
 Mirio bounced into the agency. He had been picked!! Picked by Sir Nighteye!! He would be the best intern he could be and prove himself even with his terrible Quirk control!
 Bouncing into the lobby, he spotted Sir Nighteye standing by a secretary's desk where Centipeder was working. Along with him, though, was a green-haired girl carrying a toddler. 
 “Hello!” Mirio said eagerly, walking over. Sir Nighteye nodded at him as the girl turned around and gasped.
 “You! You’re the one with the permeation Quirk! Can you breathe or see while in that mode? What about-“ as the girl rambled, Mirio stared at her in shock at her spiel. Sir Nighteye seemed highly amused, and slowly the teenager felt a grin crossing his face. This girl was smart!
 “Wow! That’s so cool you thought of all of that!” He said after she slowed down. “Do you have an analysis Quirk?”
 “Oh no, I have my uncle’s. He had an energy stockpile Quirk that needed muscle mass, so I’m building my muscle.” The girl explained. 
 “Lemillion,” Sir Nighteye spoke up, and wow, it was so cool hearing his hero name. “This is my daughter Sasaki Izumi and my granddaughter Tomoe. She will be around to analyze your Quirk and for training.”
 “Whoa! Cool!” Mirio said. He didn’t react to her being a mom when she looked young.
 He didn’t know that it put him in a new light for the family.
 “Wait, that’s it?” Tomoe asked. “That’s how you guys met? Just… that feels so anticlimactic!”
 “Well, it wasn’t anti-cipated I’d fall for her.” Mirio said, waggling eyebrows.
 “… weak.” Tomoe decided. Mirio pouted at her. “But, like, how did you guys fall in love?!”
 “Well… your mother tells it way better.” Mirio mused. “It’s her story. I’m just the handsome trophy husband to her number one hero title.”
 “Can’t you tell me anything?!” Tomoe begged. 
 “A lot of it is very personal to your mother.” Mirio told her. Tomoe sighed and nodded, getting off the desk. “Going to ask?”
 “Why not?” Tomoe said, shrugging. 
 “Have fun, kiddo.” Mirio said. Tomoe waved at her father and walked out of his office. She headed to the changing room to change into her corset-style top and dark jeans. A jacket went over it, though she did also wear a black top under the corset. Her parents didn’t care what she wore but preferred her to dress semi-covered as a teenager. With that, she left the agency.
 It didn’t take long for Tomoe to get home. A thirty-minute train ride, and she was jogging to her house, opening the door to call out her greeting. Pattering feet drew her, and she squatted to catch the small blonde child who threw herself into her arms.
 “Hey, Himi!” Tomoe said, propping the child on her hip. The little girl beamed, flashing her sharp canines.
 “Hi, Tomoe! Grandma and Grandpa left, and Mama is sleeping!” Himiko told her older sister. “Touya and Tenko got into a fight,” Himiko frowned as she mentioned her triplets. “Mama said she would need to speak with the therapist.”
 “Sounds smart,” Tomoe said as she walked into the house fully. She spotted her white-haired and blue-haired brothers giving each other nasty looks when she entered the living room, but her eldest sister was sitting between them. “Hey, Eri,” Tomoe said. “You here for the night?”
 “Oh yes,” the horned girl said. “Mama and Papa insisted.” She shrugged. Tomoe put Himiko down, to the girl’s disappointment, but then she grabbed a doll to start playing. “How was your internship today?”
 “Boring mostly,” Tomoe said. “Lots of paperwork.”
 “When I’m a hero, I won’t do that!” Touya scoffed. 
 “You gotta do paperwork, Touya,” Eri told him. The boy pouted as Tenko snickered.
 “Well, I’m just going to be a streamer!” He declared.
 “I wanna be a taxidermist and make dead animals pretty!” Himiko said. The group burst into laughter as the eight-year-old just beamed.
 Tomoe loved her siblings
 Togata Izumi was a beautiful woman with long green curly hair that she let her kids play with all the time. In her husband's and children’s opinions, she looked even prettier pregnant.
 “Hello, Tomoe,” Izumi smiled at her daughter. “How are you?” Tomoe had heard her mother awake and gone to see her, leaving her siblings to continue the Mario Party game they’d started. 
 “I’m good, Ma,” Tomoe said as she flopped onto the bed beside her mother. She looked at Izumi thoughtfully. “I asked Pops how you guys met, and he told me but wouldn’t tell me how you guys fell in love. He said it was really your story.”
 “Huh…” Izumi looked thoughtful. “He’s not wrong.”
 “Will you tell me?” Tomoe asked. Izumi sighed.
 “It’s a very long story, baby. And a lot of it is painful.” Izumi paused and then nodded slowly. “Actually, I think you are old enough to know the whole story. It isn’t just a love story after all.” 
 “Really?!” Tomoe asked.
 “Indeed. It’s a story about how I had you and how I became a hero. As well as how the triplets came into my life,” Izumi told her daughter. Tomoe looked eager, so Izumi chuckled before beginning her story. “It started when my mother learned who my father was, around the time I discovered I was pregnant….”
-the basis of this AU is that Inko found out about AFO and went to Sir Nighteye due to his connection to All Might. Sir helps them out, and he falls for Inko. Izumi is pregnant at this time, and Sir learns this. He also sees the not-good relationship with Inko, and through him, they heal. Sir here also ends up latching onto Izumi as an option. He isn’t as toxic as in canon due to also going to therapy to convince Inko.
-Yeah, the triplets are whom you think. Deaged and being raised by the Mirio/Izumi couple. 
-Himiko’s comment is a reference to PastelGlitterPen’s story Building a Family: Through less than legal meals.
-While they pass Izumi off as being the bio kid of Nighteye to protect her, AFO is known to be her dad to her family and to those who need to know.
-Tomoe is 17 here. 
-Sir arranged it so Bakugou was in 1B, which he hated, but like there wasn’t anything he could do. Without his punching bag and the fact, no one liked his attitude, he ended up sort of calming down. Not much and he’s got a big head still. But he does smarten up after Jeanist cuts him. 
-Izumi is number one hero and Mirio runs his own agency that’s really focused on investigation and combat.
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mythicaldemonart · 4 months
So more spoilers for season 7 of MHA with Episode 3 being out now, but I have some thoughts.
Episode 3 is really fucking good though, and I do recommend watching it ASAP if you want to remain spoiler free.
So, we finally found out who the traitor is and honestly that was a bombshell. Honestly one of the best plot twists in the series. AND ALSO, Hagakure face reveal!!! She's cute! I do have exactly one complaint. Since the beginning of the show it's been kinda implied that Hagakure has just been running around naked with gloves and boots on. Then with the introduction of Mirio, we learned that costume designers can design costumes for heroes with certain types of quirks, where regular fabric would hinder their ability to use their quirk effectively, and instead make a costume by weaving the hero's hair into a fabric, and ultimately that costume will then act like a part of their body. Which could have been a neat explanation for why Hagakure's costume allows most of her body to remain invisible. And then the face reveal scene came in, and basically showed that she is in fact just naked, and her costume amounts to a pair of boots and a pair of gloves... Which means for a decent amount this show's runtime over 6 full seasons, there is literally a character who is almost completely naked whenever they are on screen, which would be fine if she was an adult... But the fact that she is a minor is fucking weird. This does beg even more questions, like, the school has to know that is her costume, and they are ok with that? They are just okay that one of their students is just running around completely naked? They didn't even try to make sure that she could get a full-body costume that would allow her to still remain invisible? But Mirio can get a costume that phases through objects with him? None of the teachers or the headmaster has any safety concerns about the invisible girl running around naked? None of the pro heroes she's worked with had any safety concerns about her running around naked? And I mean like, being a hero is a dangerous job and your costume has to provide at least some protection... But she's not wearing any protective clothing??? She could get seriously injured because she has nothing to protect her from getting hurt, and people wouldn't be able to tell cause a lot of serious injuries would be fucking invisible. I'm honestly more mad about this than I probably should be. I wouldn't even mind it that much if originally she thought it was a good idea and then at the same time as other people got their costumes redesigned, she saw an opportunity to request a similar costume to Mirio's. Especially as she's started refracting light more and making herself at least partially visible. It would still be a little weird, but it could at least be chalked upto like her not knowing that was an option and UA letting students find out on their own how to improve their costumes and letting them learn the hard way why certain ideas aren't as practical as they might seem on the surface. However in its current form, her costume is a really weird detail in this story that only gets weirder as the series goes on. And for the life of me, I do not understand why it was written this way, and in my head the only explanation that makes sense is this was done deliberately to sexualise the invisible teenage girl, which even if it's played for comedic effect is still really gross.
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 139: Deku and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Hallway
Previously on BnHA: The cops and Nighteye’s pro hero group took about nine pages to approach Overhaul’s house, only to be stopped by some massive troll of a man before they could ring the bell at the front gate. Everyone was all, “HOW DID THEY KNOW WE WERE COMING?” while ignoring the fact that there were like 70 guys all conspicuously gathered outside this place for like an hour prior to them getting started. Ryuukyuu turned into a dragon and I wanted it to be like this, but so far all she really did was hold the guy down with one of her big dragon claws. Which to be fair was still pretty cool. So she and her group are staying outside to deal with the cave troll while the rest of the heroes head on in. Meanwhile in the secret underground labyrinth beneath the house, Overhaul plotted to have his underlings stall the heroes while he made his getaway. And this is why you don’t ring the fucking doorbell before invading a mafia capo’s house. Just FYI.
Today on BnHA: The heroes finally make it inside the house! So thrilling. Nighteye uncovers a secret passage, and the heroes proceed down below. After smashing their way through a blocked wall, they discover a hallway doing its best impression of that Salvador Dali clock painting. This apparently is the work of one of Overhaul’s henchmen, Mimic, whose quirk allows him to enter objects and control them. Apparently he shot himself up with some Trigger and became a “living labyrinth.” Since Mirio is the only one not physically deterred by this, he activates his quirk and runs ahead before the others can stop him. The rest of the group suddenly falls into a big hole that opens up beneath their feet, landing in a room with three more henchmen. The pros get ready to fight, but Amajiki holds out a hand to stop them, saying he’ll be the one to take them down.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 171 now, so any ETAs will reflect that. My son the musical prodigy.) 
okay, time to get back on this. some holdover thoughts from the previous chapter since I’ve had a couple days to reflect on it:
why the hell didn’t everyone wear kevlar or some shit. you know you’re going up against enemies that will be shooting at you, and if they hit you you’ll lose your quirk. it blows my mind that the pros didn’t suit up with extra body armor knowing this
even worse, because of the way the house is designed, they’re basically going to be sitting ducks. they only know one way in and out of the lower levels of the house. seeing as it’s underground, that means lots of long, narrow tunnels and hallways. they’re in just about the worst strategic position they could be for a raid like this: the enemy knows they’re here, and unlike Nighteye’s team, they actually know their way around the hideout. meanwhile the raid team is inevitably going to either have to split up and get themselves lost, or stick to this stupid plan of taking the most direct route possible to get to Eri, and meanwhile have bad guys shooting quirk-destroying bullets at them the entire way
that being said, they should stick Kirishima out in front and use him as a human shield lol
(ETA: to be fair, the only one that actually ends up getting hit is another one who is normally for all intents and purposes bulletproof. and in his case kevlar wouldn’t have done jack shit because he would have ended up shedding the vest anyway due to his quirk. so fair enough, but the others should have still geared up. no one cares about safety huh)
all right. so let’s see just how screwed these guys actually are
okay so we’re opening with the mafia dudes demanding to know what’s going on, and the cops explaining that this is a raid suckas
the lower level pros are holding the mob guys back while the cooler pros go on ahead
FG’s apologizing for not stopping to take off his shoes since this is an urgent situation. how fucking rude. tracking in all that dirt
oh my god
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fucking kidding me with this shit. Bubble Girl in the lead? she barely even has a shirt, let alone any type of armor? is her quirk defensive in any way? let’s hope so
is Nighteye’s quirk even active again yet? right now he’s just a guy in a suit, isn’t he? although he did work with All Might for years, so he probably does have wicked combat skills that we just haven’t seen yet. hopefully
(ETA: wicked combat skills and a six-pack)
I can’t even see Kirishima in this shot. jeez. ridiculous
so as they run, they’re all discussing how the bad guys seem to have known they were coming, and that this is Not Good
I don’t really care about what Aizawa is saying in this panel, but I like that he’s right next to Deku
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taking that promise very seriously. well good, since we all know that literally the instant Aizawa lets him out of his sight, Deku is somehow going to end up facing the final boss or something
(ETA: fucking uncanny, though. every fucking time, Deku)
anyway, so they’re logically concluding that Overhaul and the top brass must already be in the basement either hiding all their shit or getting ready to escape
this makes Kirishima very angry
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well yeah, Kiri. but bad guys gonna bad guy
still, if it gets you fired up, you go ahead and feel that righteous anger boy
and now Nighteye’s stopping at a random panel in the wall and says this is it
oh, cool
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please be a secret door please be a secret door please be a secret dooooor...
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oh shit lol
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never mind. close it
ughhhhhhh the centipede guy is using his quirk nooo whyyyy
he’s picking up two of the guys with his centipede arms
to me this is a fate worse than death
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now Bubble Girl’s using her bubble quirk!
she’s... making bubbles. from her body
they’re floating over to the last bad guy
and they popped in his eyes and he’s screaming “my eyes!!!”
are these... are these just normal bubbles
I don’t really get it but hey! at least it’s not centipede arms!
so she’s restraining the dude and telling the others to go on ahead
and down they go. off to the garden of madness
except that almost immediately they’ve come to a dead end??
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this doesn’t look like a normal quirk though. maybe someone has a wall-building quirk? similar to what Cementoss has?
(ETA: this is most definitely Overhaul’s reassembly quirk)
anyway, Mirio says he’ll take a look
oh my god. I finally get to see just how Mirio deals with immediately shedding his elaborate costume and then having to put the whole thing back on again later
oh snap
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so if Mirio can have a costume that phases with his quirk, why can’t Hagakure have one woven out of her hair that turns invisible along with her? is it just because Horikoshi is a pervert. okay then
(ETA: I’m not even gonna bother getting into this anymore, but just know that I am rolling my eyes at this obnoxious fucking mangaka so damn hard)
anyway, so Mirio’s taking a peek and then reporting back that the path up ahead is exactly like Nighteye described. he says the wall is very thick though
oh, riiiiight
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I keep forgetting about the “reassemble” part of Overhaul’s quirk
oh well. time to bust a wall
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lol, FG and Static are like, “whoa”
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I think this is the first nice thing Static has said about any of the kids
oh shit. now there’s something else happening
the floor is getting all weird and uneven? like it’s getting all warped somehow
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well this is. annoying
(ETA: actually, “annoying” is the mildest, nicest, most undeservedly polite way possible to put it)
my god I hope none of them is claustrophobic. or ends up being claustrophobic after this, because I sure wouldn’t blame them
the head police guy says this has to be Irinaka’s quirk. that’s the HQ chief
so wait, is that the little guy from chapter 132 who made an arm grow out of his head??
and it doesn’t even sound like they’re sure it’s him
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although FG points out that if he got all doped up on quirk enhancers, this isn’t outside the realm of possibility
oh snap! it is him!
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oh my god. “I’m not on the ship. I’m in the ship. I am the ship”
LMAO at Fat Gum though
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what kind of pathetic excuse for a pro hero can’t even predict that a guy is going to turn into a basement
he’s asking Aizawa if he can erase the quirk, but Aizawa says he can’t without being able to see the quirk users’s body
hold up, does this mean illusionists would be immune to Aizawa’s quirk?? because that is some bullshit. (which I now really want to see)
Amajiki seems like he’s starting to psych himself out here. he’s muttering out loud that if the path keeps changing, they’ll never reach their goal, and the enemy can easily get away
oh shit, it seems like he’s starting to get overwhelmed...?
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hey, hey. easy there bud. you guys got this
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what a manly dude coming to the rescue of his bro who was starting to freak out. I love Mirio so much
ahhhhhhh he says he can still go on ahead as long as he knows the right direction
ahhhhhhhh I’m suddenly so fucking worried?!?! HE’S SO BRAVE AND I’M TERRIFIED FOR HIM
oh my god. in the first place, isn’t he blind whenever he uses his quirk? don’t all of his senses disappear? so he can keep pressing forward, but like what happens if he turns the quirk off because he thinks he’s made it through, only he hasn’t made it through? because this isn’t an illusion, as far as I understand it; the Mimic guy is actually warping the passageway
oh my god. forget just the characters; I’m going to end up becoming claustrophobic at this rate
(ETA: yeah this still nopes me out thinking about it. Mirio’s definitely braver than I am, that’s for sure)
but at the very least, Mirio bravely pressing forward seems to have snapped Amajiki out of it
hey guys, guess who ships the shit out of these two now btw. yeah that’s right. me that’s who
so Mimic is thinking that he can’t stop Mirio, but that even if he does make it through, “he won’t be able to do a thing by himself”
idk about that. you should’ve seen what this freak of nature did to almost the entirety of class 1-A in a matter of seconds. while naked no less
wait. this is starting to sound a bit eyebrow-raising. I promise you it was a g-rated beatdown though
oh snap, Mimic is warping the ground and dumping all of the important characters deeper into the basement while closing up the path back up
well that’s nice. so now they’re all sealed up in this death chamber. cool. that’s cool
not that I want it to happen, but a part of me is wondering why Mimic hasn’t just crushed them all yet if he has control over this entire basement
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so are they purposely trying to keep them alive? is it to avoid as much legal trouble as possible? are they hoping that if they just incapacitate them, Overhaul can later use his quirk to wipe their memories like he did with that Tarantino gang?
incidentally, every now and then I wonder to myself why someone as intensely rational as Aizawa would keep his hair so long and not just cut it short or tie it back to keep it out of his way. and then panels like this come along and it’s just, “oh yeah, because it’s hot”
(ETA: but ain’t it the truth)
so yeah, they’ve landed in this pit and now here’s some more bad guys!
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literally all they have to do is have Aizawa incapacitate them with his quirk one by one and have Deku or Kiri punch them. the rest can sit back and take it easy
(ETA: the fact that they refuse to follow this most sensible of plans throughout the entire arc is one of the more frustrating things about it)
oh snap, but it looks like someone else is finally ready to jump into action after seeing his boyfriend disappear down the enchanted hallway of doom
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also. that flashback panel though. that was a middle school uniform. these two have known each other since childhood just like Kacchan and Deku. omggggg
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glad to see the minds that brought us the yaoyorictionary and ochachakaleg are back at it again
so what exactly is the point of the lemilliohelm. I don’t get it. “it was designed so he could put it on quickly and then inevitably have it fall off again almost immediately”
consider my interest piqued at the mention of him being rescued by a hero in the past, though! I went back just now and looked at his flashback in chapter 152, and yeah! now that you mention it!
also! BnHA kids really need to be more careful on flashback bridges because those things are slippery as fuck
so can we get a name for this guy who saved him and inspired him to become a hero, then? I’m super curious about him now
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animeangsteng · 3 years
Tamaki Amajiki with an intimidating male s/o
▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Tamaki Amajiki with an intimidating male s/o
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
Warning: Punch, scary face (mentioned), NSFW (sexual habits and preferences)
Tamaki Amajiki x intimidating! taller! male! older! reader
This is quite a specific one so I’ll make a small character sheet:
Name: (Y/n)
Last name: (L/n)
Age: older than Amajiki
Quirk: a strong one (?) / not specified
Height: at least 180/185 cm
Body: sculpted and strong
Work: pro-hero
█ █ █ █ █ 100% *Tuning complete*
Kirishima Ejiro didn’t know how to stay out of other’s business.
One day the patrol he was on together with Tamaki-senpai and Fatgum ran late for the first time ever.
The redhead noticed right away that his shy senior was even more nervous and in a hurry than usual.
Once they stopped to part ways Tamaki left in a hurry, barely saying goodbye to them, and joined a tall and intimidating man.
The man grabbed the boy’s hand and they left, Tamaki still whispering apologies.
Kirishima, seeing his beloved senpai going away with such a shady man, decided to investigate, despite his mentors pleas to stay out of it.
Kirishima stealthily (or at least as much as he could with his hero costume on) followed them.
The boy watched as the two older men went around the market for a bit before going to the park.
There he met the other two Big Three.
He decided, then, to tell them about the shady scary man.
His two senpais chose to join him, Nejire giggling a bit, and they kept stalkering following the two men.
All of the sudden the older men, whom Kirishima had named “Shady-man”, grabbed Tamaki’s hand and pulled him toward his chest, whispering in his ears something the redhead couldn’t hear.
Seeing how his senpai began to shake, though, he presumed it was nothing good.
The three heroes followed the two men, who slid in a dark alley right away.
-Let’s go save Tamaki-Senpai!- shouted Kirishima, running behind the men.
Before entering the alley he eavesdropped to try understand better the situation, whether Shady-man was alone or not.
From there he heard some muffled whines he recognised being from Tamaki-senpai.
Weirdly enough the other two Big Three were quite calm but, despite that, he barged in the alley.
There was Shady-man, towering over a trembling Tamaki who held on the other’s tie.
Determined Kirishima hardened his fist and punched the older man, throwing him to the ground and freeing his senpai.
Unexpectedly, though, his shy senpai rushed by his “aggressor”’s side.
-A-A-Are y-y-y-you alr-alright? (Y/n)-san!- he stuttered, tears falling from his face.
-No worries, Amajiki. I got worse than a punch. A rock-like one- said (Y/n), getting up and caressing his now red cheek.
He then turned to a very confused Kirishima.
-Nice hit- he greeted the boy, keeping his straight face.
-You’re making the scary emotionless face, (Y/n)-chan!- laughed Nejire.
Sighing he waved at Mirio and the girl: -You could have stopped him, you know?-.
-We didn’t think he’d punch you like that!- laughed Mirio.
Rolling his eyes (Y/n) turned back to Kirishima: -(Y/n) (L/n). Amajiki’s boyfriend-.
And Kirishima.exe stopped working.
After that accident Kirishima apologised endlessly, Tamaki facing the wall, face as red as it could be.
“Kirishima saw me kissing (Y/n)-san!
Kirishima knows about (Y/n)-san!”
So his boyfried had to persuade him a lot to leave the corner and go home.
As Kirishima was going to bed a thought popped in his mind and he realised: -Tamaki-senpai has a boyfriend!-
This boy gets even shyer!
When he meets you he is very intimitated!
You scare him a lot with how tall you are and with your emotionless face.
When he sees you with kids, though, he changes his mind and falls in love with you!
He always goes on and on about how cool you are, annoying Nejire and Mirio.
Whenever he sees you he blushes and tries to turn away, only to be practically shoved in your arms by Nejire.
He always stutter with you and his face is always red!
Neiji and Mirio always try to get Tamaki to spend time with you, with the help of Fatgum.
Realisation & Confession
He realises thanks to Nejire, who made him notice.
He knew it before but he always ignored his feelings.
His two best friends send you an sms from his phone to meet at the park.
They then give Tamaki an appointment there at the same time and place.
There they hide behind a bush and hold up some signs, much to Tamaki’s embarrassment.
Before leaving him there Nejire had told him to say what he read and he didn’t get what that meant at all.
But now he did.
Behind a bush was a very badly hidden Fatgum and Nejire, together with Mirio, smiling while making his thumbs-up.
‘(Y/n)-senpai’ said a sign Nejire held up.
-(Y-Y/n)- s-s-san!- he stuttered, getting red.
‘I like you a lot!’
-I... I l-l-like y-you... a l-l-lot!- he continued, face getting even redder and his voice getting lighter and lighter.
‘Will you go out on a date with me?’
-W-W-Will... y-y-you da-dat-date m-m-me?- he asked with a whisper.
You smirked and lowered down, grabbing his chin and making him rise his gaze.
-Of course. Now... can I kiss you?- you asked.
Scribbled in a hurry Nejire showed Tamaki another sign: ‘Kiss him’.
As confused and frustrated as he was Tamaki repeated: -Kiss him!-.
At that you remained rather confused.
-I... I-I m-m-mean... Yes! T-that’s a... yes? Y-you want to d-date me?-
-Yes- you nodded.
Mustering up all his courage he tended towards you and kissed quickly your lips.
With a smirk you rose and smiled, like a wolf in front of a bunny.
-Well... how about we do that again?-
One would think he would stop being so nervous after beginning to date you but... nope!
He’s able to keep his cool a bit more but the second you try even the minimum PDA he shivers and redden.
You want to kiss him?
Better do it in private or he’ll die of embarrassment.
If you really can’t wait better find a nice empty area or street.
Will he be embarrassed? Yes. Will he mind while you make out? Nope.
Kabedon him and he’ll practically faint by how cool you are.
He’ll often slip into your things or on your desk little gifts but he won’t be able to own it if you ask him to.
If you give him something he will thank you endlessly, almost bursting into tears.
Rather than jealous he’ll get very insecure, seeing you with someone who has clear interest towards you.
He trusts you with his life and Fatgum often pairs him with you during missions and patrols, even if you’re in a different agency
He definitely acts as a househusband part-time, having to work as a hero too.
He always worries a lot whenever your name pops up in tv because he fears villain may do something to you.
If you tease him about his height he’ll call you “mean”.
Tell him you love him and he’ll whisper it back to you.
Please tell and show him how much you love him.
If you get in a fight he almost never shouts or speaks, expect for some whispers now and then, and just cries, leaving you there (if you haven’t already).
He’ll usually be the first to apologise, even if he’s right, in which case please apologise and have him understand it was you who was wrong.
He loves being the small spoon or letting you rest on his lap, though he’ll get as red as a rose.
As much of a sub as one could be
He loves being praised by you
Tell him how good he’s doing!
Have him ride you!
He’ll become a flustered needy mess he has to cockwarm you.
Kiss him gently and tell him how good he is!
Unfortunately he’ll be fast asleep once you’re both done.
He can go on for as long as you want although he usually prefers one good and long section.
He’s not against taking risks, being edged or overstimulated but expect him to be red all the time
If you edge or overstimulate he will cry, although he’ll be tearing up a bit even when he cums.
If you give him a vibrator and have him go in public he’ll be praying not to be caught.
Take care of this baby cinnamon roll, please!
He’ll also be in for dressing up for you, although he’ll be shy when showing it to you.
He loves to service you and do what you order.
Please gift him a cute collar to mark him as yours.
He’s too shy to go around with love bits and marks like that.
Only rule: always PRAISE HIM!!!
He’s against hurting you or getting hurt too much because it may influence his performance as a hero.
In fact, for the both of you, he wants to keep you sexual life from influencing your work on the field.
He also doesn’t like degrading, especially because he’ll actually believe what you say.
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shotorozu · 3 years
Hello. I got into a car accident and I was with my younger sister too. I got 2 surgeries and I don’t remember much. My younger sister got a few stitches😞 I feel horrible like an older sister.
Was wondering if I could request a head anon of where reader gets into a car accident and the characters react to it. (Tamaki, izuku, shoto and any of choice. Sad thing is my FUCKING Spanish teacher won’t respond to me and I have really bad grades on that class 😢 ( ´༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ`)
Thank you and take care also Safe driving
s/o getting into a car crash
character(s) : bakugou katsuki, amajiki tamaki, todoroki shouto (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, quirk’s not specific
headcanon type : fluff, comfort (x reader)
note(s) : 😦 omg i hope you’re doing okay, anon- your spanish teacher better respond to you or else >:T
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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bakugou katsuki
when he gets word that you’ve gotten into a car crash, his hands crack with mini explosions— dropping everything to literally run to wherever you’re at
“damnit, damnit, damnit! where the hell was i when that happened?!”
appears a lot pissier than usual, in reality— he’s just really worried, and he can’t slow down his heart palpitations!
“calm down bakugou!”
hm okay, so lets say that you were in the passengers seat when the crash happened
katsuki will probably want to find whoever was the driver, and just absolutely go ballistic on them, but probably ends up not doing that when he thinks about what you’d feel
and lets say another driver crashed into your car— katsuki will search high and low just to find that said driver, and he’ll show them hell
and if you crashed into a poll or something, he wouldn’t get too mad— but he’ll still scold you, and lecture you about driving safety
when he finds out you need surgery, he’ll be so upset
“what do you mean SURGERY? who the hell crashed into you, and why do they have a license?! they’re a danger to society!” he sounds angry but he’s quietly yet impatiently waiting outside for the surgery to be successfully completed
cleans and takes care of your remaining injuries, doesn’t matter if there’s a tiny little scrape on your forehead, or if you’re left with a bunch of broken bones.
he’ll be nursing you, like it or not.
he doesn’t let you leave your bed during your recovery, he insists— and you have an idea of what’ll happen if you try opposing katsuki 💀
don’t ever be worried about your grades! you have a smartie as a boyfriend, so he has probably made an extra copy of notes that you’ve missed
and he’ll probably argue with a teacher if they refuse to cooperate because,, YOU ALMOST PASSED AWAY?? is that not a valid excuse?
“i get that you’re really busy, but they literally almost died— how is that not an valid excuse? Y/N’s a hard worker, and a good one! and i will not rest until you understand!”
it might seem a little over protective of him to do this, but katsuki won’t EVER let you drive a car alone for who knows how long, he’ll be there with you just to monitor your driving.
that is, until you gain his trust back— that you could drive without almost losing yourself
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amajiki tamaki
for him, it feels like the world is going slower
when he gets a call that you’ve gotten into a car crash— his anxiousness shoots through the roof, and it’s causing him to assume the worst of the worst
he’ll feel so guilty though, tears welling up in his eyes as his entire body shakes just thinking about you in a hospital bed
because,, where was he when that happened? how did he only learn about this now?
eventually, mirio and nejire calm him down to the point that they could properly bring him to the hospital you’re staying at
without him shaking like an old nokia
knows not to blame anyone, regardless of who crashed the car (he’s not confrontational anyway)
yet, he can’t help but think about how things would’ve went differently if he was there
feels frustrated to the point that he starts tearing up when he finds out you needed surgery, and even when you tell him that he can’t be guilty because of you
he still is 😔
anyways, when your surgery is completed— he eventually musters the courage to just put all of his nervous feelings aside for now, and take care of you like the sweetheart he is!
knows a shit ton of food (courtesy to his quirk) so he cooks you something new everyday during recovery
during your recovery, tamaki isn’t fond of the idea of you walking around, doing things as if nothing happened. he ends up making sure you stay in bed, by staying in your room for days
it might take a while for him to be reassured that you won’t accidentally end up in a ditch again, but for now— you’re carpooling with the big three
worried about your grades because of the time you’ve missed during your recovery? no worries! tamaki made an extra copy of notes, and basically summarized it in a way you could understand!
it’s a rollercoaster 💀 but at least this made tamaki take initiative, even without being pushed to do so!
let’s just say, mirio and nejire are really proud of him :))
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todoroki shouto
he’s been wondering why he hasn’t seen you in a few hours, and on top of that— he hasn’t been able to contact you
like,, at all. but, he thought you were just feeling ill— so he decided that he was going to head over to your place after his tasks were taken care of.
but that’s all forgotten, when he finally gets word that you’ve gotten in a car crash— and that’s why you weren’t there
he literally freezes in place, and his reaction was almost like he saw the endeavor-nomu fight all over again.
the idea of his love being in critical state, made the normally calm todoroki placed in distress
after being calmed down by his fellow classmates, he quickly abandons whatever he was doing, so he could rush to the hospital
currently, you were in surgery. he appeared pretty calm on the outside, but internally— he was a mess. though, he did have to keep it together for you
when shouto finally meets you out of surgery, his gaze is soft “hi love— no, don’t stand up! just stay there. do you remember what happened?”
your description of it all isn’t the best, but he couldn’t blame you at all
if another driver crashed into you, it’ll be an intimidating encounter,, he won’t be physical, but his words will be harsh— not even caring about the fact that the driver is literally quaking in their shoes
and if you were in the passengers seat, shouto will briefly look at them with pure disappointment— he can’t really help it,,
but he can’t find himself being mad if you were the driver, he’s just glad that you’re still with him as you could tell, shouto’s only soft for you
immediately goes shopping for groceries after he takes you back, and you’ve guessed it! he makes you soba, since you’re fresh out of the hospital
insists that you stay bed ridden, and you can’t seem to oppose— since he’s giving you the softest of gazes.
unintentionally isolates you during the entire recovery stage, because he’s so absorbed with taking care of you— that he didn’t even think if you wanted to see your classmates
not that you’re complaining,, you get to see shouto and only shouto for an entire week or so!
he lets your classmates and friends see you after a bit, but he insists that they don’t speak too loudly— worried that they’ll accidentally ache your head
(that’s when everyone found out about shouto’s great caretaking ability)
worried about your grades and classes? shouto will handle it. he’ll reach out to your teachers/professors, and he’ll try to make some negotiations, he makes sure to tell them that you were taking time off because of a health emergency
will he immediately let you be in a car by yourself after? hm,, maybe not— it’ll take some time for you to be able to drive alone again. if you need to go somewhere by car, he’ll accompany you :))
he will NOT let another accident happen, not on his watch! his heart wouldn’t be able to handle it
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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codenamesazanka · 2 years
Toga has a blood-drinking quirk, and one can argue it even seems instinctual. Toga has strange ideas about love, and this is influenced by her blood-drinking quirk. Let’s also say Toga has poor impulse-control, and this would be true whether it’s because she can’t help her desire for blood, or she decides to ignore any inhibitions to live ‘more easily’ (which suggests living with those inhibition is hard for her, tough enough that she feels discomfort about it.)
She has these three things working against her inclusion into society - it’s true that she is (current in canon)/can be a potential danger, but I cannot see how her being killed by Heroes is in anyway just or necessary.
She was born with her quirk - she had absolutely no say in having this, that’s how the birth power lottery goes. This innate biological trait affects her behavior, and feeling her urges would be something she cannot just not feel. What she can control is allowing that behavior to manifest, deciding whether to act on it or not. This relies on her impulse control.
Thankfully, impulse control can be taught and improved, especially if the person gets treatment for it. If her impulse control just sucks, there are ways to train it better, to cope with her feelings and understand herself better to control her behavior. If she is willingly acting on those impulses… good news, there is also treatment for it, like showing her it’s more advantageous for her to control herself, that the rewards of repressing her desires is greater than using her quirk. It would be hard work, but it’s possible, especially if she has support.
From her POV, currently, stopping gives her no advantages and no rewards (in the psychological-behavior sense of the term), would make her feel worse. Additionally, she sees no future for herself, no chance at happiness in the future, and thus no incentive to follow wait for that someday. On the other hand, continuing to be a criminal is certain to give her advantages, even if temporarily. So the choices are: nothing, vs. at least something. why wouldn’t she choose villainy?
To put it simply, if she can get help and treatment, it’s possible for her to be rehabilitated. This should be the first option in dealing with Toga. So far, she actually has not receive any help, nor has she been offered any. Telling her to stop, telling her she must accept her consequences, is not it. Why give up on her without even trying?
One can say that this is a waste of effort to change someone ‘bad’, inherently or not. A good person should not depend on incentives and rewards to do good. That she has shown her morals, or lack thereof, and thus already has signed her fate. Yet, as noted above, no one has actually tried, so why not try helping her first? She is 17, a legal minor, still very young, and so still malleable with potential to be different. As for the 'rewards and incentives', I'm sorry to say everyone responds to this, and we all sacrifice varying level of morality in order to enjoy the benefits/lack of consequences of not acting as good as we should. This is the reason why we haven't full-blown revolted to force the world to implement life and planet-saving measures even though we're facing environmental collapse and future disaster. We are reluctant to lose our jobs and be arrested. We rather face a maybe death in the future, then the very-soon death of a police bullet. If that's too real, then consider when Mirio and Deku encountered Eri, then Nighteye told Deku off for wanting to rush in saving her. They gave up saving a child they knew were being abused, for their patrol to proceed smoothly - Mirio admits that.
There is indeed a difference between 'revolting to save the world' and 'suppressing biological instinct of blood drinking.' But the point is incentives work, and should be utilized.
Plus, where do you draw the line? What standards of morality are we using? When do we decide is enough effort? Who deserves treatment, and who doesn't? Condemning someone who stabs people to obtain their blood seems obvious to prevent further harm, but the same goal of 'preventing further harm' can be applied to someone who knew it was wrong to go rogue and engage in attempted vigilante murder, yet gone and did it anyways. Perhaps the reasoning in the latter is understandable, but the fact remains that such a person allowed their anger to get the better of them. Lashing out is one thing; planning a murder is another. They are capable of such darkness, and have embraced it, even if for one crime. Can we say for certain that this won't happen again in the future?
Hero society have already drawn very strict lines, and while it seems the majority of criminals are rightly condemned and thrown into Tartarus, we know for the fact that this can be abused. Muscular was thrown in Tartarus because he's a very violent murderer, but Overhaul was put there for 'ideological crimes', while Lady Nagant was blatantly jailed for refusing to follow orders of extrajudicial murder that she found morally wrong. Tartarus is a rough sentence, and already given to people without full consideration of their character, their potential for change, and the circumstances of their actions - plus with it's indefinite detention, it's already giving up on them to allow them to rot in there for the rest of their lives. Death by Hero is even rougher, and much more permanent and absolute, especially when it's entirely possible to capture the Villain without killing them. A society that agrees with - even desires - the death of a 17-year-old girl without full consideration of her circumstances, and refuses to give the possibility of rehabilitation, is not exactly a world Heroes who want to be just and kind and main ideal is saving people, should support.
There is a lot of irl examples and concepts here, applied to a science-fantasy shonen manga. It might be ridiculous to do so; but I think it's clear from the story that these concerns (or the implication of these concerns) have been raised. Quirk counseling didn't work, failing to live up to its name; Toga's parents shamed and disowned her, instead of getting help and support her; the human-rights violating Tartarus is a thing and we see no other alternative offered or considered; and finally the question has been asked over and over again: are villains worthy of being saved? They are considered a human who has potential to become better, or are they beasts in human skin to never be trusted and should be put down at first opportunity?
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