#the way harper has to touch her as she walks by I'M FINE
wistfulwatcher · 1 year
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cosmo-lexies · 1 year
Dylan Season 1 (4/7)
6: Technically, I'm not eco-friendly
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I continued my walk. There is an electric tower in the middle of the forest, which I used to rechange. It was a remote place, near a back road. No one can see me there.
My powers are absorption, accumulation, and transformation of almost any type of energy; kinetic, electric, thermal, radiation... I can liberate this energy in different ways, sometimes consciously and others unconsciously. For example, if anything makes contact with me, I create an equal and opposite force to protect myself. So if someone tries to throw hands and punch me, it's gonna feel like hitting a brick wall or something. I know it's mad cool.
I have limits like a battery, although this's not a problem usually. Around each month I need a good recharge. Solar power could work, but being a nudist is gonna make me any less noticeable. The fastest way, high voltage power.
I jumped until the part of the wires. You don't expect some spectacular. I touched the sub-transmission line for one sec. With this, I had sixty-nine kilovolts extra. I let myself fall slowly, thanks to my powers it seemed that I was floating. Maybe, I was pushing my limits, but I wasn't in overload, so no worries.
I returned to my aunt's house, but it was late. If I hadn't sprinted, I wouldn't have gotten in time. I had already dealt with a ton of drama that week. Tomas was watching TV in my room when I arrive.
"Hi Tomas," he turned around and glanced at me.
He made a grin, "Give me the lowdown. How did it go?"
"I don't feel like a slumber party."
"You never feel up to anything. Please, don't make me beg." He glanced at me with puppy eyes.
"Okey, the movie was well, I didn't get a lot of. It's not my type of movie, but the main actress is great, besides the photograph was ..."
"This's bulshit," he yelled. "Did you even get to first base?"
"Yo, you're hella rude," he continued to glance at me; he was waiting. I won't be able to dodge him unless I spill the deets, "Okey, okay, we kissed in the movie."
"Really, when will you date again?"
"Nah, not happening. She's fine as hell and brilliant, but I'm not ready for a relationship. This was our first and last date. I'm going to send a text to her tomorrow."
"You're a jerk," Elena said while going up the stairs. I don't know how long she has been there. "Let's summarize, you finally date a girl who fell in love with you since you move on. You were super nice and funny. When started the movie you and she kissed. Then you went into the bath, she gets nervous and you behave like a gentleman, her words, for me this is basic decency. And now you say that she doesn't like you and that you going to send a message, a fucking message."
Ohh shit, she was right. "Shit, I don't know, when? how? We only speak a few times," I babbled.
"Dylan, she comes here constantly, she always tries to speak with you and you're on the guest list every time she makes plans."
I drop onto my bed, " I thought she was trying to be nice to the new guy. I'm focused on my own; I'm not flirting with anyone. Ahhh!" I covered my face with a cushion to silence my frustration.
"This is the other thing. You're the mysterious new student, who's mad good-looking and friendly with everyone, but like, nobody really knows your deal. You have half high school in love because you seem like the main character of a teen romance movie."
"Not, I don't. Do I?" I said looking at Tomas
"She's right. My friend Alisa asked me if I could get her a date with you; and Ava, Mia, Harper, oh and Lucas when he came out a few months ago.  But, I don't understand the problem with Victoria, you never speak about one relationship," Tomas said.
"Be quiet little brother, this's a conversation for adults. I will explain to you what is the affective responsibility another day, meanwhile, you don't approach a girl," they started to argue.
They were bothering me. I fucked up, I shouldn't have listened to Andrew. They didn't stop arguing and I couldn't hear my own thoughts.
"Shut up both of you. I must speak with Victoria the Monday and explain it to her."
"Not, you will talk with her tomorrow, with time, not in a twenty-minute break. You will have a long conversation in which you explain your feelings and apologize to be a jerk, Why? because she is my friend, and if I have to choose between you and her, I'll kill you, Dylan Torres," she gave me a really angry and intense look like she was about to wreck me.
She had a point. Not only because she'd hate me but also because Victoria deserves a sincere conversation.
"I could meet with her at a party tomorrow night," I said in a lower voice and didn't want to botter more to Elena.
"I like it. First, you break her heart, and then I treat it with alcohol. I'm in. Who throws the party?"
"Jackson Lee, in his lake house,"
"Please, nooot," she said while huffing and puffing.
"What's the problem?" I asked.
"Elena is been curving him since seventh grade, even though he had a crush on her," Tomas replied.
"What do you want? He doesn't want to date me. He wanna win over me as if I'm a prize or something. It's frustrating."
"I feel you," I said accidentally, my bad. They both gave me a look like they were hella interested. "I don't say anything, it's private."
"C'mon, mam, we wanna know. You never talk with us about anything of your past," Tomas insisted.
"This's not the issue," Elena said taking pity on me, "I go. I will sacrifice myself for Victoria, Tomas you should come,"
"Not, thank you. I have a D&D game at Peter's. Besides, I don't feel like being your distraction for Jackson."
7: If you're on time, you're late
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I was ready, but Elena was still in the shower. Time wasn't moving fast enough. I was nervous, and when I was nervous, I need movement. Waiting was eternal.
Tomas appeared in the corridor with a Viking hat and a plastic axe. I never tried D&D, but it seems interesting. How simple my life would be if my decision to make 'more teenager things' had been to play a role with Tomas.
"Do you go yet?" I asked him.
"Yes, the game will start in thirty minutes. I see that you don't go yet. I know Elene, she won't be ready until nine."
I sighed, "I don't want to wait so long. I will walk."
"But Lee's house is so far,"
"Not so far, I guess that it was three kilometers."
"Can you speak to me like a normal person?" it's funny that he thought the miles were 'normal'.
"Over one point eight miles," I said.
"It's too, besides you'd have to walk alone through the woods. It's more lit if you wait for Elene. Well, I'm dipping, see you later." He went downstairs.
Then Elena went out of the bathroom with a bathrobe. "Elena, I go yet. See you there?"
"Sure, send me the location. I see you later," and she gets in his room. She didn't look concerned about my solo hike.
I was listening to music on my phone until I arrived. The ride was over in a flash, especially because I used my powers to be faster. Sometimes, it's really hard to control these things. It's not my fault that people can't hit 15 km/h easily.
When I saw Lee's house, well, house is not the word, it's more like a mansion. I had heard that Jackson's parents had money, but I didn't imagine they have money at this level.
In the driveway was the friend of Jackson who was with him in the cinema. He was in a white pickup trying to down some beer barrels. I still didn't remember his name, but I was sure that we went to biology together.
"Do you need help?" I asked him
"Yes, thanks Dylan," shit he remembered my name. I looked at his face but nothing.
He picks up two barrels with difficulty. It was clear that he goes to the gym. His arm was like my leg, and I don't have thin legs.
He wasn't a heartthrob exactly; his hair was excessively engomido and his round face didn't help. His body on another side; although muscular isn't the type of body that girls love, it's the men's idea about the body that the girls love it. But, for some reason which I don't know what it's, I was hotter every time he flexed his biceps.
"Where do the barrels go?" I asked.
"It's a lot of weight, you take only one," I wasn't aware of his words; I was absorbed in my own thinking about other things about him. I took two barrels easily, and he stared surprised.
"What? I make something wrong." I asked, still didn't understand the situation.
"Not, it's, wow, you're stronger than you appear it,"
I had to make it look like I was lifting heavy loads. I always forget about which are my real physical capacities and which must be my capacities like a normal 16-years teen.
"Don't judge a book by its cover," I tried to muddle through.
"I see. Do you go to the gym?" we carried on our path.
"Nah, I'm doing my own exercise thing. You know, push-ups, running, sit-ups."
I wished that he didn't ask more, because I haven't made exercise out of PE class ever. And for me, PE is more like a theater class. My good form is mainly due to my powers. The benefit of your power can turn your caloric surplus into other things that it's not fat in an easy way is an extremely healthy and muscular body.
"By the way, why do you come?"
I didn't understand the question, he was there. "Jackson invited me."
"Yes, I know, but this's the fourth time that we invited you to our parties and you never come."
'Our parties', of course, 'our parties', he was Jackson's big brother, Percival. We went to Englis together. "I don't remember other invitations, Percival"
"Call me Percy; only my grandmother calls me Percival. And yes, for example, I invited you to another party for my birthday one month ago when we were in math class," okay, I perhaps have a problem remembering people and remembering classes. Maybe I need to speak with my psychologist about it.
"Well, parties aren't my thing. You know, a lot of people, noise, alcohol..."
"Then, what is your thing?"
I didn't know what to say; fortunately, we arrived at the backyard where Jackson was juggling fire with his hands while two girls were looking closely.
I wasn't moved, the fire powers are common between HEA, and although the flames were blue, this's less common. Anyway, my powers are rarer and more impressive, although it's not a competition. But if it was, I would win.
He said bye to the girls and came to help us out. He took one of my barrels, although I think that Percey needed more help than me.
"Hi, Dylan," he started to look around while we carried the barrels to the table. "How are you?"
"Great. If you're searching for my cousin, she arrived later," he made a disappointed face
"and so?"
"She was going to take an hour to be ready, and I don't have patience."
"I feel ya, bro. I have the same problem with Percy, he needs a lot of time to get pretty; for this reason, we prefer to organize the parties." He said trying to be funny.
"You're a real comedian," Percy said with a sarcastic tone. He left the barrels on the table and help me with mine. Then he went to the house.
"Well, we go prepare some things for the party. Enjoy it. See you later." Jackson said while following his brother. "Percy wait."
I took advantage of the situation and had a quick peek at Percy's back. At this moment I remembered the reason why I went to the party. And I felt guilty, I don't have to think of other people. After screwing up with Victoria, I should have learned my lesson.
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vegandoughnut · 5 years
PART 5: Are You Kitting Me?
"You're good to go, Anekke" says Stephen, scribbling on his clipboard as if he were actually using it for something. Anekke frowns.
"I can't just finish the hour?" She presses, nearly pouting.
"Fine but make sure you clock out on the dot. I just don't have the patience this evening" Stephen says, voice laden with an exhaustion that doesn't even make sense. Anekke continues to spray some of the food prep surfaces with the natural mint scented surface cleaner and wipes with the cleaning rag.
Humbert hums in a whiny pitch as he adds the finishing touches to another serving of the Fall Special. Black anise waffles, vibrant orange pumpkin ice cream, chocolate chips and raisins, cat face drawn with chocolate or molasses. The ingredients seem to have plastered themselves all over Anekke's brain. She mutters them to herself as she cleans.
"What's that?" Comes Humbert's voice.
She ignores him, almost laughing with relief when Kitt joins them behind the counter. Kitt looks tired, with dark circles forming under her eyes. She flashes a smile to counter it.
"You need a coffee" Anekke says.
"You've never been more right" Kitt replies, picking up the staff french press off the ceramic hot plate, and pouring herself a mug of aromatic medium roast. "I have like five minutes to snag Gary Nygard's autograph but I just can't bring myself to. This is a once in a lifetime thing. Like. He's going back to Finland at some point. The band doesn't even tour anymore. Today literally feels like a weird dream and I don't know how to move. Like I'm walking through invisible cake batter or something"
"This is not a therapy session. You have a customer Kittie" says Humbert. Kitt sucks her teeth before turning to face the rest of the cafe to take a customer's order.
"You know we already have a supervisor and a manager right?" Anekke says through clenched teeth. Even if Humbert had said it to Kumlyun instead of Kitt, she would still jump in on the defense. She was getting tired of Humbert's antics, and was glad she'd be going home soon.
Humbert grunts and gets back to putting together a catering box.
"Wow" says Anekke, shaking her head.
A customer walks up to the bar holding Salem, the chill black cat purred softly in his arms. He orders an oat milk vanilla shake. She let's Kitt take that order, then goes back to cleaning, annoyed that earlier Kumlyun had implied the mess was made by her, when really it was probably Harper who was often sloppy with the food prep and forgetful of cleaning up. But at least she made Kumlyun look bad by implying she came in on her day off on purpose.
Finally some serenity blankets the cafe when all the customers are seated and eating, drinking or petting or feeding the cats they were paired with. Anekke quickly checks her pocket planner and crosses off a few things she remembered to do.
Memorize the recipe for the blueberry muffins by heart. Check. Disinfect the sink. Check. Renew library checkouts online. Check. Schedule a dentist appointment for next week. Check. Organize the discarded customer cards into her little file folder. Check.
Anekke nearly jumps out of her skin when Kitt places a hand on her shoulder from behind.
"You scared me Kitt" she says, stealthily shrugging out from under her hand.
"I seem to do that for a lot of people" she says with a frown. "Anyway, what time are you leaving? so I know when to mentally prepare for the next few grueling hours behind this counter"
"Honestly just 30 minutes to go" says Anekke, taking a sneaky bite of the energy bar she hid in her half apron.
"Okay. Thanks" says Kitt.
Carl turns to look at the counter and smiles warmly when he coincidentally catches Anekke's eye. She smiles back quickly but goes back to her resting face just as soon.
"Hey Carl, want to cover for me real quick?" Kitt calls from the bar, undoing her waist apron.
Carl walks over immediately, and almost trips over a feathered pet toy but regains his balance without much embarrassment. Anekke watches intently. Still nervous, that one.
"You'll be working with the pretty blond, she should have no problem drawing in lots of orders so you can take a few pointers" says Kitt to Carl. Anekke's head spins upon hearing the strange sentence, and she wonders what Kitt was really saying. She had to force herself not to spiral into the whirlpool forming inside of her. What does she mean? What does that mean? Is it face value? Is there a joke or jab hidden in the arrangement of the words? Why does Kumlyun complain so much? Does Kumlyun whisper lies about Anekke to Kitt? Is Kitt trustworthy? Is Kitt priming Carl against her? She said "pretty blond". Maybe she should go to HR about Kitt. That'll make things make sense.
Carl and Kitt switch places. Carl ties a waist apron on and picks up a few beechwood mixing spoons. Why?
"Break a leg" Anekke tells Kitt who walks carefully towards Gary Nygard. Kitt flashes a confident cheese smile before heading straight for the Special Guest, the charming gothic rock star who had been in the cafe since before noon.
Anekke had thought he'd looked familiar, then realized he was a member of a band that had been really popular back when she was in high school. Yuck, she thinks, picturing those cringey teenage years in her mind with distaste. It was hard to imagine Kitt was one of the spooky kids who were obsessed with vampires and fingerless gloves, but who would've imagined that "pretty blond" Anekke was a nerd with no friends? The one who, even if she tried to make a joke, it came off as awkward or distasteful? Why were these things bothering her so suddenly?
20 minutes pass. Two customers came. Carl had watched eagerly when Anekke operated the waffle maker which she hated completely. The waffles would sometimes have holes in the outer pockets around the edges if the batter didn't spread perfectly. That's why she hated it.
"See you guys on Thursday" Anekke says, gathering her khaki trench coat, personal mug and backpack. It was without really looking at anyone in particular.
A few co-workers say bye in friendly voices. Why so friendly? Do they think she's stupid? Childish?
Then Carl says, "thanks for the tip about the waffle maker. I'm sure people prefer a perfect waffle over the skeleton of one" he says with a warm smile, trying to make her laugh probably. Anekke nods then goes out the door, relieved beyond words.
Kitt pulls her fingers through her dreads, which were the color of fallen leaves--- the characteristic Autumn hue between plum and red. She felt just slightly embarrassed to meet one of her teenage rock idols looking like a millennial-barista-spoken-word-slam-night-attendee-who-keeps-a-million-potted -succulents-around-their-house person, but so it goes. Some of teen-life's craziest caterpillars emerged from their cocoons as less stand-outy butterflies.
But there he was. Gary Nygard looking exactly the same, though less dressy, as she remembered during the heyday of Finnish metal's popularity in her generation. Jetty curtains of hair. The cozy cat skull sweatshirt over the pants with the boots. Gosh his legs were so perfectly thin. Kitt shakes her head.
"Darling" Nygard's voice steals Kitt's attention as he strokes just under the fuzzy siamese cat Sandra's chin. He is smiling slightly. "Is all well?" he says nodding towards her, like he could sense her trepidation, "this is a lovely place, beautiful really. Tell your boss, see, to keep doing whatever he or she is doing to keep it going. The cats are so dear, and you, all of you, have been lovely hosts"
He's so sweet and down to earth and candid and Scandinavian and beautiful and what inspired that song.... and will the band ever get back together and what does he do now that the band is... omg stop brain, stop it.... Kitt thinks.
"How long has the place been running for? It seems like a very hip sort of thing, an import, from Japan maybe... lovely country, Japan. They're very nice there" he continues as Sandra squirms and scratches at his sweater. But Gary Nygard is on to the silly cat, trying to distract her by scratching behind her ears while her head is turned in the opposite directions.
Kitt's mouth opens and closes. She blinks a mile a minute yet there's no wind in her face.
"Just a few years" Kitt responds, finding her composure again and holding onto it for dear life. "Yeah cat cafes, well, themed cafes in general, seem to be way more popular over there. This is kind of a knock---"
"A knock-off, but very nice" he finishes for her with a chuckle. He scratches his head then throws back the last of his green smoothie, Sandra sitting snugly nuzzled into his side on the velvet highback chair. Kitt watches the bob of his Adam's apple as he swallows the drink, the pale white of his throat exposed and blinding.
Suddenly she forgets that she can language, and just clasps and un-clasps her hands.
"It was lovely. Truly" he says, getting up from the chair. All 5'10 of him. Sandra scampers off across the cafe to bother some of the other kitties. "Kittie? Was that your name? Good girl" he mutters, pulling on his faux fur jacket. Kitt stands there dumbly.
She is frozen as he crosses the room towards the front door. She pretends to go fix tables near there then discreetly says, "wait. Sorry just a minute"
He stops and turns to face her, pulling a dark grey beanie over his hair and looking more and more like a mysterious pedestrian, becoming less and less real at the same despite. He was crossing the threshold of Kitt's world, reality, back into the far away world of teen angst nostalgia and dreams come true and old fires doused.
"I was a big fan when I was high school..." she says, quietly, softly, only he could hear.
He grins. A warm and genuine smile that touches his eyes that turn up slightly at the outer corners, like a cat's. He hands her his VIP customer lanyard and tag with his name and personality notes on there in his real life, almost-neat handwriting. The one thing customers usually toss.
"Thank you for today, Kittie" he says, with a brief, too light pat on her shoulder.
Then he's out the door.
Just like that.
A dream.
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