#the way he jumped down you can see his ass for a sec
dicktat · 6 months
Everybody shut the fuck up THEY RENEWED THE CHURCH FIGHT ANIMATIONS now Hakon gets to be choked by Aiden
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tojisun · 8 months
biker!simon is slowly rotting my brain and i’m all here for it !! the way you write him makes me want to giggle and kick my feet 😵‍💫🫶🏼
so i just wanted to throw this idea out there…there was a tiktok video i saw (i couldn’t find it 😔) but it’s this couple on a bike and the backpack reaches forward and like…palms the the guy through his jeans and he holds her hand there for a sec and 👀 i just thought that fit for biker!simon
anyways !! love you and your writing
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AHHHHH THATS SO HOT WHAT THE HELLLL??? no yea reader def does that <33 also? luv how u call her backpack!!! its such a cute nickname omgg!!! and thank u so so much my starlight <33 i love you too!
biker!simon mlist // suggestive - minors dni!! hinted exhibitionism bc simon n reader are nastily in luv!
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you are simon’s good girl so, naturally, you usually don’t do this. but in your defence, it is dark outside, the roads empty except for sprinkles of other night riders that you two briefly share the road with.
it’s yet another late drive, you and simon having just left the meet up – easily one of the rowdiest you’ve ever been to. 
when you told simon how heedy you’re feeling from the buzzing energy, he laughed and told you that it’s even more packed this time because of the upcoming rally. you oohed and aahed, and simon fondly rolled his eyes at your obvious cluelessness before steering you past strangers to introduce you to his other friends – alejandro, rudy, and that one big guy who insists on being called konig. 
“nice to meet you katzchen,” he said, taking your arm up to bump it on the mouth of his helmet – something he never took off for the whole day. 
“nice to meet you too! although i didn’t quite catch that- what’s it that you said last?” 
konig’s eyes crinkled, his smile hidden by his helmet, before he let go of your hand and then disappeared into the masses.
what the fuck?
you turned to simon only to see him glaring at where konig used to stand. 
“it’s nothin’, sweet girl. wanna come meet up with mactavish?”
simon slows down to a stop in front of a red light, one of his hands leaving his handlebar to reach back to your thigh. it is a routine at this point – simon’s hand caressing your leg, gently massaging, his thumb pressing into tensed muscle, before squeezing once, twice, three times, before pulling away to hold his handlebar again once the light turns green. 
it is a routine, but it still makes your heart jump to your throat, feeling the way his palm leaves burning trails at each glide. your arms tighten around his waist and you are sure that simon felt the way your breath hitched, but he continues on anyway – teasing touches gaining purpose, sliding up-down, before gripping whatever flesh he can. you bump your helmet to his back, a muffled whine sitting in the base of your throat, feeling your lungs wobble at his touch. 
then, he hikes his hand up higher – this is new, something simon has never done before. has never dared to try, especially on the open road.
he tickles his touch up, kneading your muscle until his hand bumps into the swell of your ass. he gives it a squeeze, just a quick pressure, then he rips his hand off now that the light turns green. he revs his bike as a warning – just enough that you tighten your arms around him again – before speeding away, acting like he didn’t just send heat coursing through your veins.
you feel his stomach contract, muscles moving underneath his shirt, and-
simon’s laughing.
the haze in you shifts, snapping into something playful. teasing.
you wait until his silent chuckles dissipate, pretending to still be overtaken by his slyness and making him think that you are still unable to move on. well, perhaps there is truth to your lie because yes you are unable to move on, but you hope to hell he wouldn’t be able to as well.
he takes a right turn, his bike dipping close to the asphalt, the sound of his engine purring beautifully, and you think: this is it.
time to reward your big boy.
your touches start off slow. gradual. 
you loosen your arms around his waist, easing your gloved hands off from where they laid tangled together to plant the flat of your palms on simon’s stomach. you feel his abdomen jump, not anticipating the shift in your hold, and you bite on your bottom lip to smother a giggle. 
simon tilts his helmeted head, confused, but you ignore him, busy mapping the hard muscles of his abdomen with kitten-light swipes. one of your hands rises up to caress his chest, swiping a hand between his pecs before falling back to his belly. the other – and this one makes you breathless too – falls to his lap, rubbing at his thigh before swiping it towards his pelvis only to swipe it back out as though you weren’t close to cupping him through his jeans.
your chest vibrates with something guttural and it takes you a heartbeat to realize you were not the one emitting the sound. it was coming from simon, a sound so deep it reverberates between where the two of you are pressed.
the chuckles leave your lips this time around, unable to hold it in anymore. unconsciously, your hand grazes the half-formed tent underneath his jeans, and simon does that rumbling sound again that just heightens your elation.
you are still reeling over your mini revenge that you don’t notice simon taking a new turn, his bike roaring as it speeds through narrow roads and into a dimly-lit and certainly abandoned parking lot.
“si?” you ask, confusion rising when simon turns his engine off before tapping your leg to signal you to get off.
you do, clamouring up, eyes wide as you watch simon follow. he pulls his helmet off and straps it on his bike before twisting his body to face you.
his eyes crinkle, glinting with something dangerous, and you know he’s grinning underneath his balaclava. desire shoots through your spine, realizing where he’s going with this.
simon laughs, seeing the way you straightened up, alert even when something carnal thrums within your veins.  
“that’s right, princess,” he rumbles, his voice thick with want, as he unbuckles his belt. “y’r gonna finish what y’started, aren’t you?”
you nod, already pulling your helmet off your head and wobbling towards him on weak knees. simon takes your helmet from you, his hands brushing against yours, and just before you can kneel down in front of him, simon coos, “knew you are my good girl.”
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teyums · 1 year
ok ur last post made me think of this
can u do another human reader x neteyam where he meets her cat
this is so funny bc they would absolutely hate each other. it took my first cat two months to even tolerate her new sister when i first introduced them even though i let them sniff each other through a door for two weeks 🥲 it was terrible. it’s def impossible for a cat to make it through cryo to Pandora but let’s just imagine for a sec
neteyam x human!reader
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“Just pet him for two seconds. He’s super sweet, I promise!” You assure a shifty Neteyam as his tail swishes behind him, his back leaned against the wall of your reserved section in the lab and his eyes glued to the moving ball of fur a few feet away from him.
“Why… Why does it look like that?” He mumbles with a slight squint of his eyes, the small grimace on his face indicating his displeasure as he watches your cat groom itself. He’s stood off to the side, arms folded across his chest, distanced demeanor matching his continuous refusal of getting any closer to the strange animal he’s never seen before.
Your jaw drops as you fake being offended and you lightly shove his arm, eyes rolling when you lean down to stroke your cat’s head, scratching under his chin and smiling when he purrs.
“What do you mean why does he look like that? You and him are basically cousins, the only difference is you don’t have fur and whiskers.”
A scoff sounds from above you almost instantly.
“Me and that thing are not cousins. I harbor way too much decorum to lick my ass and call it a bath.”
Since it’s clear Neteyam won’t move any closer, you gently pick Loki up and set him back down at Neteyam’s feet, so he can get a whiff of his scent. Your cat has always been friendly with others and loves attention, so your brows instantly furrow when you watch Loki’s ears pin back against his head, and as if he could understand what Neteyam had just said, his back arches, hair standing up off his body and he hisses up at the Na’vi male, followed by a loud, drawn out guttural meow you’ve never once heard him make at any of the scientists who he’s met. Neteyam’s eyes go wide and he immediately jumps to the side, tail standing straight behind him in alert.
“Loki!” You gasp, shocked at his unusual reaction.
“See, I told you he wouldn’t like me!” Neteyam gestures down at your fluffed up feline, only for his own ears to fall back against his braids when he mimics your cat’s behavior and hisses right back at the small creature, as if he couldn’t control himself.
“Don’t hiss at him!” You scold your 8-foot tall boyfriend, swatting at his leg while you’re crouched down to try and soothe an agitated Loki.
“He did it first!“
For a split second it’d completely slipped your mind that while Neteyam is an alien with very obvious feline attributes, introducing two cats to each other like this is pretty much always a recipe for disaster.
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Likes + Comments + Reblogs are much appreciated 💗
©teyums 2023
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princessbrunette · 22 days
okay random thought, but ik you mentioned that kitty’s older sister briefly dated barry. so kitty and rafe probably met through barry im assuming? like one day kitty’s and her sister are over at barry’s and rafe walks in and kitty’s probably tryna convince herself he’s just a smug asshole 😒💔
🎀≽^• ⩊ •^≼୧ ‧₊˚
you’d only tagged along to get out the house for a little while, too cooped up — and there’s only so many tarot readings a girl can give herself before she gets bored. the lovers, four of wands — you’re going to meet someone soon! whatever.
your sister is smoking with barry out on the porch and you’re exiting your sisters boyfriends bathroom when you hear a semi-familiar voice. you try and be sneaky about it, something you can usually get away with — notorious for creeping up on people and slinking about undetected, and yet as you casually stroll the kitchen, peering out the patio doors you lock eyes with rafe cameron, stuffing his hands into his pockets. his eyes jump all across you as he attempts to identify you.
barry is rattling off about something to him, complaining about rafe overcharging unnecessarily and shooing off customers when the kook interrupts him, waving a hand as his eyes follow your form through the house, seeing you in that black mini skirt reaching up to get a glass from the cabinet. “yeah, yeah-yeah look shut up a sec. who’s that in the kitchen?” he drawls, and if your sister wasn’t so high she’d have been quicker to snap at him.
“nah, nah you’re not gonna go botherin’ that lil ass girl rafe. you’ here on business, act like it.” barry dismisses, putting his joint out in a half empty beer can and listening to it sizzle. your older sister lifts her head from the couch, frowning in disorientation at the sandy blonde.
“i didn’t say shit, okay — i just wanted to know who she is.” rafe defends irritably, ripping his eyes off you to blink at barry, wiping clammy hands down his shorts. not even a second passes before he asks another question. “how uh— how old is she anyway?”
“old enough for a real man, aka — not you.” your sister pushes her hands into the worn down patio seat and forces herself to her feet. “on that note we’re getting out of here. gonna get food.” she has the decency to alert barry of her plans for once, turning her head to watch you enter the patio with a nearly empty glass in your hand, looking a little wide eyed and curious as you swallow down your drink. you set it on the table, furrowing your eyebrows at barry.
people always thought you were fiesty, but compared to your sister you always seemed pretty meek and inoffensive.
“you finished the joint already?” you huff in a whiny tone, directed mostly towards your sisters boyfriend who lazily shrugs and gestures at your sister — pinning the blame. rafe huffs out an awkward chuckle, making his presence known and holding a hand out to you to shake.
“hey uh, i don’t think we’ve met — rafe cameron.” he introduces in that rich boy drawl. curiosity gets the better of you, and you slowly reach out to shake his hand only for your sister to smack your wrist away from his.
“c’mon. i’m hungry. don’t waste your time on him.” she rolls her red eyes, swaying her hips as she sashays off the patio somewhat elegantly for someone wearing chunky stompers.
you grab his hand before he can pull it away, muttering something along the lines of “i can shake his hand if i want to.” before rushing off to follow her without a glance behind you. rafe doesn’t miss certain things about you; the way your skirt has ridden up your ass cheeks a little as you bounce away, the slight brattiness in your tone that he couldn’t help but wanna correct, and the way his smirk lingered, only to warrant a long stare from barry.
“whatever you thinkin’ bro i suggest you don’t.”
“shit, i can’t just look at her? m’not doing anything.” rafe smiles simply, going to sit down opposite his friend on the patio seats. something about his tone made barry believe the opposite.
🎀≽^• ⩊ •^≼୧ ‧₊˚
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mattitties · 5 months
welcome to paradise - matt sturniolo
drummer!matt is my new favorite matt.
smutty af 😘
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I walk down the hallway towards my boyfriend Matt’s room, hearing the familiar sound of drumming. I can’t quite recognize the song today, but it does sound a bit reminiscent of “Welcome to Paradise” by Green Day. I open the door ever so slightly and poke my head in. His drum kit faces the wall, so he’s completely turned away from me, and he has his headset on as he pounds onto the kit.
He’s not one to enjoy having an audience when he drums, but he’s more used to me watching him now, so I close the door quietly, tiptoe to his bed, and sit down to watch the rest of the song. 
Matt is obviously attractive, anyone with eyes can see that, but when he drums, he only gets hotter. The amount of passion and energy he puts into it, the way his hair gets all messy as he starts to sweat and his cheeks get flushed, the way his fingers hold the drumsticks; there’s nothing that turns me on more than watching him drum.
I’m lost in my own world thinking about him that my eyes glaze over, stuck on him. I don’t even realize when he finishes the song and turns around and sees me.
“Babeeee?” he calls out, finally catching my attention. “You get lost in your thoughts over there?”
I blush and nod. “Yeah, a little. Sorry.”
He comes over to the bed and lays on top of me, giving me small kisses on my cheeks and lips. “When did you get here?”
“Just a minute ago. Was that Welcome to Paradise?” I ask.
His face lights up. “Yeah!! Oh my God, I can’t believe you recognized it. I thought I was getting it all wrong.”
“Of course I did! You don’t give yourself enough credit, baby, you’re really fucking good.”
“Well I just learned that song this morning so…” he shrugs before kissing me deeper. “You like watching me play?”
“Mhm,” I say into his lips. “It’s sooooo hot. Gets me all worked up.”
“Yeah?” he asks teasingly. I’m about to slip my tongue into his mouth when he gets up. 
“Ay! Come back!” I say.
“No, no, it’s fine, come here a sec.” He sits back on his drumming stool and motions me to come over, so I get up and stand next to him. He looks up at me, then at his lap, then me again. “Sit.”
“Like, facing you, or…?” 
He grabs my hips and sets me down on his lap so I’m straddling him. “I’m gonna start to play a song, and every time you guess correctly you get a kiss. And maybe I take off my shirt or something,” he smirks.
“Okay, okay. I’m ready,” I tell him excitedly.
He starts drumming a song, and I know immediately what it is. 
“Come Together, but that was too easy. Make them harder!” I say, smiling when he pulls me in for a kiss.
“Well I want to kiss you, so no, they’re gonna stay easy. Next!” He starts drumming again, and this one takes me a little longer.
“Ummmm…” I listen for a few more seconds. “Oh! Walk This Way!”
“Good job!” He kisses me again. This goes on for a few more songs, but each kiss gets longer and deeper, and we both get needier. By the 6th song I guess, I’m ready to jump his bones, so when he kisses me again, I wrap my arms around his neck and move my hips. I’m already sat directly on his crotch, so my movements aren’t missed by him.
He sets the drumsticks down without opening his eyes and grabs my ass with both hands, helping me grind more. 
We’re breathing heavier into each other, subtly whining and groaning every so often. I’m getting wetter by the second, and he’s rock hard. 
“Matt,” I whine. “I need you.”
“Yeah?” He asks. “You wanna ride me baby? Right here?”
“Uh huh,” I say, lifting up for a second so I can pull my skirt up and push my underwear to the side. As I’m doing this, he pulls his dick out of his sweatpants and briefs, jerking it a few times to spread his precum down. I’m about to sink back down, but instead I get on my knees on the floor in front of him.
I lick a stripe up his shaft as my thumb runs over his slit. 
“Ohhhh, fuck baby,” he groans, collecting my hair into a loose ponytail. 
I moan as I take him in my mouth, swirling my tongue and sucking just his tip at first, then getting lower and lower each time I come back. His stomach is heaving as he hits the back of my throat. 
“Baby- fuck, I’m gonna cum.” 
My eyes are watering as I look up at him, feeling his cock twitch in my mouth. I pull off of him and stand up, taking my underwear off completely. His dick is throbbing, leaking, and red, and he groans at the loss of contact.
“Poor baby,” I say. “Thought you were gonna cum in my mouth?”
I don’t give him any time to respond before I straddle him again and sink down, completely bottoming out on him as we gasp together.
“Ohhh, that’s it, baby girl,” he mumbles. “Mmmmm, so fucking tight for me.”
I nod and stay still for a moment, putting my head in his neck as I let myself adjust to his size.
“You okay baby?” he asks.
“Mhm.” I begin moving my hips rhythmically, and he runs his hands, calloused from the drumsticks, up my back, lifting my shirt off in the process. 
His eyes light up the second he sees I’m not wearing a bra, and he immediately dips his head and starts sucking on my right nipple, rolling my left between his thumb and index finger. 
“So perfect, angel,” he talks into my skin, his tongue lapping at my nipple.
I moan at the contact and run my fingers into his long hair, somewhat damp and curly from the sweat of him drumming, as I start to bounce on his lap. 
He groans in pleasure. “Yeah baby. Ride my cock just like that.” 
All I can do is moan and whine, the sounds of our thighs slapping filling the room as I come down harder and harder with each thrust. He’s holding my ass with one hand and my hip with the other, thrusting his hips up to meet mine.
He’s filling me up so deep that I can’t focus on anything else. He tries to kiss me, but I can’t even align my lips with his, so he opts for sucking and kissing my neck instead.
“Fuck,” I whine. “I’m gonna cum, oh god.”
“Yeah? So am I. Gonna fill you up and watch it drip out of you after, got it?”
I nod in response as I feel myself get closer and closer to my end. I’m moaning with every thrust, and before I can stop myself, I’m clenching around him, crying out in pleasure into his neck.
“Mmmmmm, fuck, gonna cum inside you angel,” he mutters.
He’s pounding up into me like a wild animal, squeezing my hips as I feel his dick twitch inside of me. 
He slows down, wrapping his arms tightly around me. We sit there for a few moments, just breathing each other in. 
“You really like me drumming, huh?” he says into my neck.
“Uh huh,” I reply. “It’s so fucking hot.”
He pulls his head back and kisses me, deep and hard. “I’ll drum for you every fuckin day if this is the kind of treatment I get from it.”
I laugh and slowly stand up, both of us hissing at the loss of contact. He stares at my pussy, still clenching and leaking our cum down my thighs, then touches me lightly to collect it all before sucking it off his fingers. 
I lean down and give him a soft kiss, enveloping his tongue, then pull my underwear back on as he puts his dick back in his own underwear.
“Come sit back down, I’ll teach you how to play something.”
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deathbecomesthem · 7 months
Roomies 2 |
+18 ONLY
Part 1
Eddie Munson x Best friend!reader | ~2.6K
Summary: It's the perfect solution. You need a place to stay, he needs someone to help with the rent.
Warnings: Blood, fighting, a homophobic slur. A very problematic and obsessive ex boyfriend.
Drew started calling once in the morning and once in the evening when he figured out where you’ve been staying. His first thought was your sister’s place, and it wasn’t until after the 20th call in an hour that she finally caved and told him where you were. For the life of you, you can’t understand why he’s trying so hard - maybe Janey got boring or something. Maybe with everything out in the open, the affair lost its appeal. All you know is that the idea of having to talk to him makes your skin crawl. Just the thought of the sound of his voice sends a flash of red across your vision.
But you want your shit, and you need the calls to stop.
Brrrrrnnnnnggg - it’s 7:00, evening call time. Eddie looks at you from across the room. He’s sprawled out on the couch with a well worn paperback - The Talisman - held in one hand. His big toe, pushed through a hole in his white sock, is pointing at you accusingly at the sound of the ringing phone. Eddie sighs loudly, and turns a page.
Brrrrrrrnnnnggg - you sip your tea and pretend to ignore the shrill sound, but Eddie’s laying his book on the coffee table and heads to the kitchen with heavy footfalls. You reach your hand out to stop him, but with a clenched jaw he sidesteps your fingers.
“Eddie, just let it go.” You’re up on your feet now, arms wrapped around your waist. Protective and calming. “Please.”
Eddie doesn’t look back at you, he grabs the receiver, knuckles white with his grip, and answers. “Hello?” You hope it’s not Drew, not this time, but you know it is by the way the vein in Eddie’s neck is standing out. “Listen, man, I’ve been very fucking patient. Stop calling here. She doesn't want to talk to you.”
Drew’s voice is loud enough for you to make out the words, “slut” and “motherfucker” - the rest is muffled shouting through the telephone line. Eddie’s face and neck are on fire, and  his eyes are closed while he listens to your ex vomit his rage at him. 
You stride over and try to grab the phone from Eddie’s hand but he holds up his hand, one finger up in a just a sec gesture. He grabs your forearm and gives it a squeeze in reassurance. He’s been doing this lately, stepping into the line of fire so you don’t have to face this thing down. But it’s all coming to a head.
“Listen to me,” Eddie’s voice is calm, but every muscle in his body is tensed, “if you want to talk to her, you’re going to have to fucking kill me first.” You can hear Drew’s voice again, muffled but loud. Eddie booms out loud enough to make you jump back, “Yeah? Big words coming from you, motherfucker!” Eddie slams the receiver back onto the jack, nostrils flaring.
You both stand there for a minute, staring at the phone on its receiver willing it to stay quiet. This is the first time Eddie’s confronted Drew like this, and you don’t like it. You get a flash of Eddie and Drew with bloody knuckles and know that either and both of them have it in them to go too far. All three of you do, it’s a powderkeg of a situation. 
Brrrrnnnngggg - Eddie laughs. He’s quick to slap your hand away from the phone when you reach out for it. 
“Come on, let’s get out of here for a while. Wanna get some food?” Eddie’s back is still to you, but he turns his head and looks for your face with his peripheral vision.
Brrrrnnnnngggg - you’re frozen in the spot, unable to answer his question. Neither of you move for a second, waiting to see what the other person will do. You remember that just a couple of weeks ago you and Drew were sitting at the kitchen table in this apartment with Eddie and his little piece of ass from the bar, laughing and passing a joint. 
Brrrr - the sound is cut off when Eddie grabs the phone set with one hand and yanks it off the wall, unplugging the phone line from the jack. You can hear the other set ring from the bedroom down the hall, but it sounds less persistent with so many walls between you and it. 
Gino’s is quiet this late on a Sunday evening, and you’re glad for it. The corner booth is darker than the rest of the place, one of the bulbs in the Tiffany style lamp above your heads is burnt out. It’s nice, though, it feels quieter. It’s easier to talk about things when Eddie can’t see every expression written clearly across the lines of your face. The shadows hold your secrets a little better.
“You’re not going over there, that’s a fucking stupid idea.” Eddie wipes grease from his chin and shakes his head. He’s been singing the same tune all week, and you’re at the end of your rope. “That dude is seriously unstable, and he’s got it in his stupid head that he owns you or something.” He shakes his head again, “Jesus-fucking-Christ, he fucked that girl in your bed and he’s still acting like this.”
He’s still acting like this - Eddie’s hated Drew all along, and you’ve known that. He did his best to keep it friendly, but all bets are off now. And you’re not arguing any of this with him, you agree with him. You don’t know who he’s trying to convince. Drew could be choking to death in front of you, and you wouldn’t even give him a pat on the back to help.
But you want your shit. It’s yours.
“Yeah, well, fuck Drew. And fuck you too, Munson, if you think you can tell me I can’t go over there to get my shit.” You’re done tiptoeing around this. It’s time to have it out. Eddie huffs and drops his grease stained napkin. He sits back against the high wooden back bench and crosses his arms. You can hear the leather of his jacket groan under his biceps. “I’m serious. I love you, Eddie, but for fuck’s sake - you know goddamn well I can take care of myself.”
“Yeah. I know.” Eddie’s biting something back, you can tell. He’s got a barb sitting on the end of his tongue that he wants to throw in your direction, but he’s holding it back. Something along the lines of, you took care of yourself so well you ended up with the biggest psycho in town. “But that guy,” Eddie cocks his head to the side and leans in so you can see his face better under the dim lighting, “can you at least let me get some of the guys together so we can go with you?”
You pick a mushroom off of the last piece of the pie sitting between the two of you, and Eddie sits stock still - only his eyes shooting across the face waiting for you to show something. You pop it in your mouth and meet his eyes. The concern is plain, Eddie is begging you with those soulful brown pools and you soften a little. There’s so much love between you. You’ve been through things worse than Drew in the past, and you’ve done it together.
“Yeah, Eddie. I want you guys to be there to help.” Eddie closes his eyes and lets out a deep breath, “but this has to be as quick and chill as possible. I’m dead serious, I just want my shit. I don’t care what he says to me while I get it. Do you understand?”
“Yeah, I get it,” Eddie reaches a hand across the table to squeeze your arm again. You think about how nice it would be to scoot over to his side of the booth and lean your head on his shoulder. Feel his arm wrap around you. “I’m here for you, however you want me.”
The drive to the house is quiet. Jeff’s shotgun, and you’re in the back with Gareth. You were surprised he was able to pull himself away from the new girl’s pussy, but all it took was a quick phone call from Eddie and he’s here with bells on. You told them you don’t care about the bed, you just want your clothes and records - the thought of multiple trips makes you nauseous. In and out, no heavy lifting. The furniture that’s technically yours was all from the curb or the Goodwill - either way, not worth the trouble. Just the stuff that’s really yours.
“Shit.” You whisper it under your breath, but Eddie’s eyes flick up to the rear view mirror at you. Drew’s car is in the driveway. He’s supposed to be working. You knew he’d be here, you knew it. “Listen. We’re getting my shit and leaving. Do not engage with the psychotic ex, ok?”
“No problem, Angel. I’m not looking for any trouble.” Eddie’s words don’t quite match the way he’s holding his shoulders. You noticed it this morning, the way he’s holding himself is tighter. It’s ready. It makes you nervous to see. Eddie’s never looking for trouble, and neither are you - and yet it always finds the both of you.
Drew’s sitting on the sofa when you open the front door. He’s just sitting there, waiting. You wonder how he knew you’d be here today, but then it makes sense. He knows your schedule, and you know his. Thursday afternoon while he’s still in the office and you’re not at the coffee house. 
“Hey, Baby.” Drew’s words are slow, and you think there’s more than coffee in the cup he’s holding. “You come to see me?”
You don’t engage. You walk past him and down the hall to the bedroom you shared with Drew for the last 2 years. You can feel Eddie behind you, Jeff and Gareth stay in the living room to pull your records from the rack by the stereo. All in the plan - in and out. One quick trip. Easy as pie.
“The bathroom,” you point to the door next to the bedroom, “grab my stuff while I get my clothes.” Eddie sighs, squeezes your arm, and turns. You drop the big duffel bag, a leftover from Wayne’s time in the service, onto the bed - your bed - and start opening drawers. You’re happy to see your nice sweaters are still whole. You’d forgotten about the box of pictures up on the top shelf of the closet, and stretched your arm to reach it. 
You smell him, whiskey and sweat, before you notice anything else. “So, Munson finally got what he wanted? He fuckin’ you?” Drew’s long arm is reaching over you to pull the shoe box of memories down, purposely dropping to so the images of your past scatter on the floor in front of you. “You stupid cunt.”
The blood in your mouth is what clues you into the fact that your teeth are biting down on your tongue. Good. Bleed. Keep your mouth shut. Quick and easy. Steady. You bend down to pick up the photos. Drew’s booted foot is standing on one of you and your sister, so you pull on the corner and let out a strangled gasp when it rips in half. 
“Gareth?” You need backup, someone to get Drew to stand down long enough to get your stuff. Except, it’s not Gareth or Jeff that comes to stand between you and the drunken man hovering over you, it’s Eddie. 
“Hey, Ed,” you keep your voice steady, steady, “I just need a little help getting the rest of my stuff in here. I’m almost done.”
“I’m right here, Angel. Let’s get your shit and get the fuck outta here.” Eddie doesn’t touch Drew, he just sidles up next to him. Same height, but Drew’s built like a truck. Both men have unsettling smiles on their faces. You shake your head and get back to work. 
Shoes, pictures, underwear. You look at Drew and open the top drawer of your old nightstand and pull out your vibrator. No time for embarrassment, it’s yours. Drew’s grin turns sour at the sight. 
“What’s a’matter, Munson? You leaving my girl unsatisfied?” Eddie ignores the jab, and gets to work throwing random candles and bottles of lotion from the top of the dresser into the bag he’s holding. “I’m not surprised, ya know. She’s been gettin’ weird on me. Dressing like a dyke.” 
Drew’s spitting venom, but you’re immune. This is nothing he hasn’t already said to you in the last month. You’ve been living in this private hell looking for a way out, and the cheating was the shove you needed. It was a relief. This isn’t the person you are, you don’t let men talk to you like this, and yet. Here you are.
“We good?” Eddie’s voice snaps your mind back into the present. Drew’s sitting on the edge of the bed now. Your bag is full. You take a quick scan of the bedroom and calculate the losses, the things you’re choosing to not take with you, and decide it’s worth it to be out of this thing.
“Yep. Let’s get the fuck out of here and go home.” Drew snorts at your words, but you and Eddie ignore it. Jeff and Gareth are coming back through the front door for one last load of records, and you notice the tv is gone. 
It’s your tv, you bought it last year. The boys know it. You told them how you saved up for the 6 months to be able to afford it. You can’t even be mad at them for taking it, because you should fucking get that thing. You wave the boys on, because it’s time to go before things can start to unravel.
“What the fuck?” Drew’s slurred words come from behind your back, and you mouth “go” to Gareth. “Fine. Trailer trash ass bitch, get the fuck out of my house. Dirty whore.” 
Eddie walks back to the door frame between the kitchen and living room while the other boys move in the opposition direction through the front door. And then everyone freezes. Eddie’s arms are wide and the smile on his face sits wrong on his lips. 
“Hey man, we’re cool, right? You’re gonna leave my girl alone now? Enjoy fucking that girl from the office? Because, when we walk out of that door, none of us want to see or hear from you again. Cool?” The tone of Eddie’s voice, gentle and calm, sets you at ease. For just a second, you thought things were about to go very wrong.
Drew looks at Eddie right in his face, and he smiles back at him. He furrows his eyebrows and nods in a way that says, “oh, sure. No problem, man.” And then in a flash you see Eddie rear his head back.
Crack. Eddie’s skull smashes into Drew’s face in a shockingly swift movement. And then it’s met with the dull thud of Eddie’s fist in Drew’s face. He’s on the ground before you fully realize what’s happening, and Eddie’s booted foot is kicking him in the side.
Blood on Eddie’s knuckles. Blood flowing from Drew’s already swollen nose. Eddie’s legs seem to be moving in slow motion, but Drew’s long arms do little to protect himself from the onslaught. You don’t register the figures that push past you. Four hands grip Eddie’s arms and struggle to pull him away from the man on the ground in front of you.
“Come on, man.” Drew’s voice is wet with blood and tears. He’s crying on the ground, holding himself around his middle, protecting himself from more kicks and stomps that aren’t coming. “Fuck.”
Eddie’s smile, tinged pink with blood, is still on his lips while he looks down at Drew. He shakes Jeff and Gareth from his shoulders and says, “Alright, Bud. I think we’re on the same page. You call my place again, and I’ll kill you.”
“I wish you hadn’t done that,” your words are unconvincing even to yourself, but they’re all you have. 
“I’m sorry, Angel, but I don’t think he was getting the message. He needed a couple of bruises as a reminder.” Eddie hisses at the feeling of the cotton ball on the bridge of his nose. You’re happy to see that smile wiped from his face. You’re happy to see your Eddie in front of you.
“Yeah. I just hope he doesn’t call the cops.” You run a cotton ball along the side of his mouth where a couple of drops of blood have dried. “I need you here with me. He’s not worth the trouble.”
Eddie’s closed eyes flutter at your gentle touch, and you soak up the opportunity to scan his face. Up close, you can see each individual hair on his upper lip. That cupid’s bow, perfectly formed for kissing. 
“No, he’s not worth shit, Angel.” You don’t know when Eddie’s eyes opened, but he’s watching you study him. “But you are. I need you here. It’s worth a couple of cuts.”
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sc0tters · 9 months
Fool For You | Vince Dunn
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summary: when Vince sees you with another guy he can’t sit by when you get too close.
request: yes/no
warnings: sexual themes, p in v, oral (fem receiving), choking, swearing.
word count: 2.38k
authors note: I have never written for Vince until now, so I don’t know if any of this made sense… I like this man though so I hope you guys can sit through reading this.
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You and Vince went around in circles.
One month you couldn’t stand the boy and the next you were practically living in his bed.
It was a cycle that your friends couldn’t stand as they watched your heart remain in the hands of the man who didn’t know how to deal with it.
They had brought you out to a bar after rumours of Vince having a new girl in his life came out “I want you to meet someone!” Heidi called out motioning to a guy who had been staring at you for the last fifteen minutes.
He seemed much quieter than what you would go for “hey.” You smiled swirling your drink in your hand.
Tonight you were meant to be saying goodbye to Vince for good as you moved on to someone new “I’m y/n!” You introduced yourself over the sound of blaring music in the speakers.
From across the bar sat on a seat alone Vince was pissed. Watching you smile as the boy you were with leaned down to whisper something into your ear. That little dress you wore was something that the hockey player hated on you.
Not because it barely went over your ass but because Vince didn’t like other guys getting to see you looking the way you did in that dress.
Vince fixed his bow tie as he waited for you to come out of your bathroom “we’re gonna be late!” He groaned looking up from his watch “should I wear these or those?” You asked holding up two different sets of high heels.
The hockey player felt his jaw tense staring at your body from head to toe “you aren’t wearing that.” Vince shook his head getting up from your bed “what’s wrong with this?” You frowned thinking that you looked cute.
It wasn’t often that you got the chance to get all dressed up and you really liked the dress “look I’m not going if you’re going to wear that.” He raised his hands not wanting to argue “give me a sec.” You sighed dropping both pairs of heels as you turned back to your bathroom.
Vince couldn’t help it as that night went through his mind watching you laugh at whatever stupid thing that guy said “are you even listening to me?” The girl who sat next to him scoffed seeing where his eyes had gone.
She was the one who had been rumoured to be his new love connection “you are totally unbelievable,” she added getting off of the chair next to him as she made her way to find someone new.
The hockey player remained sat in his seat until the boy leaned forward to kiss your lips. Vince swore he saw red as he practically took two long strides before he got to your side “hey-” the boy in front of you groaned as he was pulled away from you.
Before they could have a conversation where you could tell Vince to fuck off he instead landed a blow to the boys cheek sending him back tumbling “Vince!” Your eyes went wide as you sent him a harsh glare “c’mon.” The hockey player grumbled wrapping his hand around your arm as he pulled you off of your seat and in the direction of the door.
The humid Seattle September air hit your face “where are we going?” You asked furrowing your eyebrows “get in,” Vince opened the passenger door to his black G-Wagon.
You feet remained stuck to the sidewalk “I’ve only had one beer and I know that you’ve only had one drink.” That was true, despite being at the bar for an hour you had been nursing the same drink all night.
The mental coin toss went on in your head as you contemplated putting up a fight “listen baby, you look so fucking good right now that I just want to get my head between your thighs.” Vince’s words sent shivers down your spine “but I can’t do that if you’re going to be difficult.” He pressed a kiss to your jaw causing you to practically jump into his car.
It shouldn’t have been this easy for him to get you where he wanted it but you were always going to have to try harder to not fall into his hands like putty “what about her?” Your voice was soft as he slammed his car door behind him.
Vince sighed as he turned to face you “she doesn’t matter.” He mumbled hooking his fingers under your jaw “yeah she does.” You nodded letting your lips form a frown.
The hockey player rubbed his calloused thumb against your cheek “you are the one in my car baby.” Vince’s words made your hand land on top of his as you nodded.
That moment felt foreign as his eyes stared into yours “wanted you all to myself,” his confession made you smile “really?” The boy nodded as he kissed your lips.
His over hand went to your leg tracing up your skirt “Vince,” you whimpered pulling your lips from his “what do you say we go back to mine?” The hockey player smiled as you nodded.
The drive back to his was quiet, you looked out at the road for the most part silently hating how wet your panties grew at the thought of what Vince was going to do to you “penny for your thoughts princess?” He asked watching you turn around to him with nothing more than a nod “you were a fucking idiot tonight.” You spat sending Vince a glare.
It made him laugh “‘m fucking crazy about you baby.” He confessed pulling into his garage before his car came to a stop.
Your palms grew sweaty as the boy came around to your side to let him open your door for you “shouldn’t even let you get what you want with the way you acted tonight.” Vince ran his fingers through your hair “thinking you are could find someone better than me?” His words continued as your body pressed up against the side of his car.
A whimper left your lips “why don’t you go be a good girl and go sit upstairs for me?” His hand tapped at your thigh as you nodded listening to his instructions as you made your way upstairs.
You removed your shoes reaching behind your back to undo the zipper “keep on disappointing me today baby.” Vince clicked his tongue as he leaned against the frame of his door “sorry Vincey,” you apologised letting your head drop.
Vince smiled as he walked over to you “don’t be,” he forced your head up to look at him “gives me an excuse to fucking rip this dress up now.” Before you could attempt to protest the sound of fabric ripping made you gasp.
You were surprised at how little effort it took from the boy to rip a straight line down the back of the dress “fucking hell baby.” Vince groaned seeing your matching lingerie that was hidden between by the fabric of your dress.
The boy smiled running his fingers over the straps of your bra “you’re so fucking beautiful.” He cooed pressing a kiss on your shoulder “all mine too.” The hockey player added smirking as you looked at his reflection in the mirror.
Vince pushed you onto his bed watching as your body bounced on the comforter “you know that if I was with him he would already be fucking me?” You blinked repeatedly not enjoying the way your body basked in his sight.
Naturally one of your talents was to piss Vince off as you pressed at his buttons “that mouth is forever going to get you in trouble.” He sighed letting his knees fall between your legs “such a pretty baby.” Vince mumbled pecking your lips.
His mouth nipped at your jaw pressing soft marks against your bone. He moved on the journey down to your core sucking at the valley of your breasts, before he moved to your stomach “fuck Vince.” You cried seeing his eyes staring right back up at yours.
Vince smiled as he was faced with your clothed core “let’s get these off baby?” The hockey player asked hooking his fingers in your waistband.
The thong drove down your legs before he threw it across the room “been waiting to see this all fucking day.” Vince let out a grunt as he placed a kiss on your clit.
The sensitive nub sent shivers up your body “Jesus Vince,” you gasped locking your fingers in his hair as his tongue licked up your slit “just me baby.” The hockey player laughed driving his tongue into your core as it lay flat “don’t stop!” You begged as his lips wrapped around your clit making sure to focus most of its attention there as his fingers curled into your cunt.
It was hot has the boy seemed like he was working for his harder than he had worked for his Stanley Cup win. Vince watched as you drove your hips into his face “you’re so hot.” You blurted out making him smirk as your hands dragged through his hair giving it the occasional tug when the pleasure grew too much for you.
Vince felt his cock grow hard as it throbbed against his boxers “I know baby, I know.” He used his free hand to lightly slap your clit repeatedly “shit Vince!” You gasped screwing your eyes shut as your pussy clenched around his fingers.
Before you knew it you were given a rude awakening when Vince retracted his fingers from your core as he smiled seeing you try to protest “you really think you could act like that all night and then get away with it?” The hockey player let out a laugh as he shook his head “want to finally be a good girl and listen to me?” Vince sat up straight as he ran his hands down your thighs.
You whimpered nodding your head repeatedly “please Vince.” You knew your were getting your way when he pulled his shirt over his head.
Within seconds a messy pile of clothes formed serving as a contrast from his clean wooden floor “don’t know how much I missed you.” Vince’s words were soft as he ran his painfully hard cock over your clit “gor a weird way of showing it.” You mumbled sending him a glare “you’re lucky that I need you.” The hockey player let out a grunt as his cock slid into your cunt.
You needed little to no time to adjust to his size, which was good because he wasn’t going to give you it “fuck Vince.” Your head dug into the mattress as he brought your legs up to your sides “not so mouthy now?” Vince smirked picking up the pace of his thrusts as the new angle caused his cock to slide deeper into your pussy.
Your hips tried to ride his in an attempt to help relieve the pressure between your legs “you really think he could have done this for you?” The hockey player scoffed growing annoyed as he thought back to how that guy from the bar ran his fingers across your neck “could have had you gasping for air like this?” Vince let his hand wrap around your throat as he let his calloused fingers squeeze the sides.
Vince smiled to himself as you nodded moaning when his cold chain landed on your chin “only you V.” Your eyelids grew heavy with your brain only focusing on your cunt clenching around his cock “all yours.” Those words made an animalistic switch go off in his head.
The sound of skin slapping suddenly erupted in the room as your cries of pleasure became a mere background noise to it “shit Vince.” You groaned bringing your hands to cup his as you wanted to kiss his lips.
His tongue dragged along your lower lip “my pretty little girl.” Vince cooed as your soaked cunt squelched each time his throbbing cock drove further deeper into it.
Your head pushed back when your breath went shaky “feeling good?” The hockey player smirked as he saw how swollen your lips had become.
It was needy as you whined “so fucking good.” His hand from your throat went to your clit “let the world hear who makes you feel like this.” Vince always liked hearing you scream especially when it was in your apartment where your neighbour was forced to listen through the wall that stood between your bedrooms.
But his bedroom always made him feel differently as it seemed that his walls soaked in your sounds to then speak of the story later “don’t stop Vince.” You begged as the sensations between his cock and his fingers suddenly started to become too much for you.
As your eyes screwed shut you couldn’t help it when your brain went back to how this always ends, you leave in the morning and to your friends annoyance their same lecture then has to be delivered “beg for it baby.” Vince ordered drawing your attention away from your thoughts.
You huffed your chest out “please Vince,” you cried out “only get like this for you.” Your statement was true as no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t get rid of him.
How his fingers felt on your skin “fuck I’m coming.” As Vince shot his hot ropes of release into your cunt it caused your orgasm to come over you as the boy made sure to fuck you through it.
Both sets of breaths were heavy “did so good princess.” Vince kissed your lips as his cock slid out of your pussy making your body shudder.
The hockey player watched in amusement as his come oozed out of your cunt “fuck!” You almost jumped when the boys fingers scooped up the release and shoved it back into your pussy “had to make sure none went to waste.” Vince shrugged sending you a grin before he came to lay next to you.
Your fucked out state was enough to make him hard all over again “you were stupid tonight.” Your tone was serious as you knew you had to talk about what he had done “for you I’m a fucking idiot.”
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babygirlboeser · 19 days
munch matt thoughts…
this man would LOVE going down on you. could live between your legs and will go for hours if you let him. he just wants to make you feel good and loves watching you fall apart for him. he’s always ready too, it would take literally nothing to get him going. i feel like you could just randomly walk into whatever room he’s in and say “matty i want head” and it might catch him off guard for a sec but he would NOT be asking questions. he actually finds it so hot when you’re straightforward like that, know what you want and aren’t afraid to communicate it. then he would practically be jumping up and dragging you to bed, or just scooping you up in his arms and carrying you to the bedroom and tossing you on the bed. or you’re pushing him down and climbing on top of him and riding his face. no matter what, if you’re ready he’s ready. this man would never pass up the opportunity. he just loves it.
head between your legs for hours and him making you cum so many times, “cmon baby you can give me one more.” he never wants to stop because he just loves seeing you all fucked out and whining his name.
PRAISE. from both of you. you’re literally just laying there but he keeps calling you good girl and telling you how good you taste. if he’s really going at it and overstimulating you he’d tell you you’re taking it so well, doing such a good job, “look so pretty like this”, etc. you’re of course also praising him, constantly reminding him how good he’s making you feel and that’s he’s so good at this. though between your gasps, moans, shaking legs and crying his name, he gets the point.
first time with him; whether he’s confident or nervous, he’s damn good at it. either he’s had lots of experience, or he’s just a fucking natural. as for the first time, on one hand i feel like he would be mr. confident right off the bat BUT i could potentially see it either way. maybe the first couple times he’s worried he’s not doing well because he just wants to please you but he doesn’t know your body yet. he’s constantly asking for reassurance and you can tell he’s nervous. you keep reminding him that it feels so good and praising him between moans. if he was nervous at all, well, between the praise, the sound of your moans, the way your thighs shake and clench around him, and the way you tug on his hair and grind against his face, it would not take long for him to become confident in his abilities.
like i said i could see him being confident right off the bat however if he wasn’t then just imagine after he eats you out for the first time and him looking up at you with those pretty doe eyes asking if he did okay and you’re just laying there trying to catch your breath and whimpering out a “y-yeah” like fuck yes u did okay was that not evident by the screaming your name and my whole body shaking?
he’s a fast learner. if you told him to do something differently or that you didn’t like something, he would listen and change what he’s doing right away. he just wants to do whatever is gonna make you feel best. i feel like communicating what you do and don’t like would be so easy with him and you would both learn each others bodies really fast.
moaning against your pussy and thighs. also kissing your inner thighs before and after he eats you out. whispering sweet things against your thighs like how beautiful you are, that he loves u, etc.
would 10000% wrap his arms around your legs to hold you in place, but how could you not squirm when he’s making you feel so good?
don’t even get me started on those long ass fingers fucking into you while he’s sucking on your clit.
FACESITTING. i cant even form a coherent thought about this. just. facesitting. and him grabbing your hips to hold you still and telling you to stop squirming. you cum so fast when you’re on his face. he looks so pretty underneath you and he thinks you look so pretty on top of him.
if you were being bratty he’s either pinning you down and pulling as many orgasms from you as he can or he’s just edging you for so long until you’re shaking and begging him to let you cum. he would love to hear you beg and whimper. ur an overstimulated mess but that’s your payment for giving him attitude. he of course does eventually give in and make you cum, he’ll never actually just leave you hanging, he loves you too much and wants you to feel good but he did have to have his fun with it first.
he would get so turned on just by your moans and knowing that he’s making you feel so good but man is practically finishing in his pants but you of course are always willing to return the favour and give him some mind blowing head but he’s already so worked up from pleasing you that he cums so fast the second you take him in your mouth.
i could honestly probably keep going but in conclusion matt is hot as fuck and would give you the best head of your life and there’s nothing he loves as much as he loves making you feel good.
ok this was supposed to be just a couple quick thoughts but i just couldn’t stop and literally sat here writing these for an hour i’m so sorry i’m omw to horny jail now bye
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ribread03 · 1 month
Dance Party! M.Sturniolo x Reader
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Bread talk: I came up with this idea while writing my Nick Sturniolo head cannons.. so yeah. I hope you like this... A HUGE thank you to @6ix9inewiturmom with helping me pick out songs for this. ILY thank you. Also this is a LOOOONG one.
WC: 2597 [just stick with it]
CW: Smut, cursing, unprotected sex [wrap before you tap], idk what else honestly. let me know if I missed anything important..
"Don't ya wish your girlfriend was hot like me?" Nick sings loudly with the music.
"Don't ya wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?" You're singing the next line of the song.
"Dont Cha" by the Pussycat Dolls plays loudly in the kitchen of the triplets house. Me and Nick dancing our hearts out not having a care in the world of what we look like to the outside eye.
Dancing and laughing with Nick and you spin around the kitchen, bumping into him every once and a while. Rolling your shoulders to the beat of the song. Moving your hips in a sexual way not thinking about anything but you a Nick.
"I probably be just as crazy about you if you were my old man" Both of you singing this line together. While you point at Nick with your finger.
Laughing as the song ends and the next one comes on. You look over the the couch and see Matt sitting there on his phone. Looking over at Nick you now see Chris behind him.
Cheering as the next song starts because it's one of your favorites. "Get Low" by Lil Jon feat. Ying Yang Twins comes on. You start to sing the song. Getting low when it says to get low still singing.
"Till the sweat drops down my balls!" You sing loudly in the house.
"Let me see you get low you scared you, scared you." Chris now singing the part of the song. Dropping down to the floor at this point you bounce back up shaking your ass.
Still singing the song still you move your hips to the left and to the right when that part of the song comes on, wiggling when they song says so.
"To the window, To the wall!" All three of you sing. Pointing to to the window and the wall.
You now feel someone behind you. Knowing the only other person that could have joined you guys would be Matt. The lyrics "Bend over to he front touch toes back dat ass up and down and get low" come on and you do that as you have been with the rest of the song.
Not realizing how close Matt really was to you. You end up hitting his crotch. Him immediately grabbing your hip so you don't rub against him, but you do anyway. You know what you are doing to him. You and Matt have always had a flirty relationship, agreeing that you guys where just friends. Everyone knew that you both kinda liked each other or thought the other one was cute.
Plastering a smile on your face when you feel Matt grip your hips tighter when you directly rub up against his growing boner. Backing up a little more when the same lyric is said again.
The song now ending you step forward going to make away from Matt but his hands are still on you. He quickly pulls his hands away from you and moves them to cover the small bulge that is now in his pants.
The next song starts with some whistling. "Moves Like Jagger" is now playing over the speakers. You start to jump up and down to the beat of the song. Spinning in a circle as you sing the song. Nick and Chris in their own world dancing with each other.
You feel hands on your shoulders stopping you from dancing. You huff and turn your head seeing Matt's faces close to your ear. You can feel his hot jagged breath on your neck as he talks.
"Wanna see my moves?" He pauses for a sec, but continues when you don't move. "They're just like Jaggers."
Now spinning to face him, he winks and walks off to his room. Leaving you there to finish dancing thinking about what he has just said to you.
Knocking on Matt's door it quickly opens and he pulls you inside. Gasping at the sudden jolt you lose your balance falling right into Matt's chest. You are thinking about whether or not it was a good idea to come down here.
Matt chuckling, he looks at you. You now realize how long you have been standing holding onto his shirt in silence. Stepping back from Matt you look up. "hi." You speak at almost a whisper.
"hey." He says back almost as quite as you.
The tension in the room is so thick you could see it. The dim lights of Matt's room not helping. The mood seems to be set, his bed has silk sheets on it, paired with a matching quilt.
You finally decide to speak up about what Matt had said to you 5 minutes prior. "What's with this 'wanna see my moves' thing?" You question, seriously not knowing what he was talking about.
Matt sits and stares at you for a few seconds before finally taking two steps towards you, grabbing your face and planting his lips on yours. You are shocked at his sudden action. You slowly start to kiss him back when you realize what is happening. Matt pulls away from you lips and looks you in the eyes.
"That help?"
You answer him by kissing him back, this time he is the one that is caught off guard. Pulling away you answer with a breathy "yeah" and a quite giggle. Matt pulls you closer to him with his hands on your waist.
You cant stop smiling. You never thought this day would come when you would be able to kiss Matt. Not wanting to push Matt to do anything you just put your arms around his neck and wait for him to make the next move.
Matt without any warning picks you up, walks across his room and places you on his bed. Standing in front of you he bends down to be level with your face "You have no idea what you do to me, do you?" He whispers in your ear.
His hot breath fanning your neck sends shivers down your spine, making you let out a low whimper. Chuckling Matt moves his face so now he is making eye contact with you. Deciding hes not going to do something about the obvious tension in the room, you kiss him again.
This time it gets heated. Your back is pushed against the bed, Matt on top of you. Matt's hands are on your waist. Your hands rest on his chest, playing with the fabric of his shirt. His grip is strong making it so you cant move. He is leaving wet kisses down your jaw and neck, then moving back up to your face.
Matt's hands are traveling up your sides, making you squirm at his touch. He pulls away and lifts his shirt up and over his head. You've seen Matt shirtless before, but you cant help and stare right now, taking in every detail of his torso. Matt clears his throat becoming nervous under your gaze.
"sor-." You go to say. Matt cuts you off by kissing you again. His hands playing with the bottom of your shirt now. Taking the hint you break the kiss and slide your thin top up and over your head. Matt is the one staring now, as your chest is now only covered by your lacy bra. Giggling quietly "My eyes are up here silly." Grabbing his chin and bringing his eyes back up to yours.
"You're so beautiful." Matt is kissing you again not giving you time to even say anything back. Smiling in the kiss at the compliment. You go to toy with his belt. Matt pulls back from the kiss looking down at where your hands are, so close to where he needs them but so far away.
You drop your hands as quickly as you can thinking that he is uncomfortable with what you're doing. Matt quickly grabs them and puts them back, letting you know to keep going. You quickly unbuckle his belt, throwing it somewhere on the floor. Still kissing Matt you feel his hands at the waist band out your pants. Nodding yes to let him know it's ok to take them off.
Matt rips your pants down your legs, along with his own leaving you both in your underwear. Your arms go to wrap around your waist to hide from Matt but he stops you by holding your hands above your head, interlocking your fingers. He gives you a quick peck on the lips before moving down to your jaw and neck.
Your breath hitches when he kisses your collar bone. He looks up at you, making eye contact. "Can I take this off?" He ask playing with the strap of your bra. Shaking you head yes. "Words now please." He says. Instant butterfly's enter your tummy.
"Yes, take it off Matt." You say slightly moaning his name when he kisses the top of your breast.
Matt takes your bra off and his mouth quickly finds your nipple swirling it around with his tongue. Whimpering as he does this you can feel him smiling onto your skin. Hands flying to his hair to try and push him down to where you need him the most. "Matt."
"Hm" He responds not taking his mouth off of your body traveling farther down. "What do you need sweetheart."
"I need y-you, Matt, I need you so bad." You confess.
"All you had to do was ask." He starts to move down your body, now at the top of your panties. He loops his finger under the top of them and looks at you once again in the eyes asking for permission to take your final piece of clothing off.
"Matt, just take them off already." You beg slightly, becoming needy. "Please, I need you inside of me already." This makes Matt's cheeks turn a slight shade of pink as if his not undressing you.
Ripping your panties off Matt stares at your naked body laying in front of him. "How did I get so lucky?" He ask himself. He's now face to face with you pussy. You feel his warm breath on your heat. You can feel you heart rate pick up, this is something you never thought would be happening to you.
Gasping when you feel his tongue lick a strip through your folds. You can feel him smirking against you as his tongue moves at a fast speed now. You are becoming a mess from just his tongue, how would it feel when he is pounding into you, his dick hitting the right spot every time.
"M-matt" His name comes out of your mouth louder than you thought because he stops his movements and puts his finger to his lip tell you to be quite. His chin is covered in your juices.
"shh. Wouldn't want them to hear." He says nodding his head towards the door implying he was talking about his brothers.
Quickly nodding your head Matt gets back to work. Your legs start to shake not to long after he starts again. Your hands are pulling on his hair. "Matt-I ug- Im close." You manage to moan out. Matt quickens his pace when he hears this.
"Cum for me, let it all go pretty girl" Hearing his words you cum all over his face. Your legs are shaking, your thighs squeezing around his head as your organism washes over you.
As you are trying to catch your breath Matt's face comes out from in-between your legs. Wiping his chin with the back of his hand, he comes up to your face and gives you a quick little peck on the lips. His lips travel from your lips to the top of your breast.
His hard on presses against your thigh, pressing your thigh up into his cock. He whimpers at the feeling when you do this, lightly biting down on your chest. You do this again, this time earning a moan from Matt. Smirking at what you do to him, you quickly flip so now you are on top of him.
You loop your fingers in the waist band of his underwear and he takes the hit and pulls them down. You can't help but stare for a second, thinking about how it will fit. Matt clears his throat and you bring your attention back to his face.
"Are you sure about this?" Matt ask you.
"Yeah." You tell him. "What about you? Do you want this to?"
"Most defiantly."
With that you kiss Matt. Pulling away Matt flips you guys over again so he is on top once again. He lines up his tip with your entrance. He slowly pushes into. You wince at this pain as he stretches you out. He slowly starts to thrust into you.
Little sounds escape your lips when the pain becomes pleasure. Matt starts to move his hips. You feel over the moon right now, never in a billion years would you think this would be happening, all because of a stupid song.
Matt's lips reconnect with yours. His hips are moving slowly still. "Mhp- Matt." You let quiets moans and whimpers of his name leave your mouth, pushing Matt to move his hips faster.
"You're so pretty." He lets out. "I hope you know that." Blushing at his comments his name slips past your lips again.
Matt hits the spot that makes you crumble every time. You can't hold back your moans anymore, letting the whole house know what is going on. Matt is quick to put his fingers in your mouth. Picking up his pace as his rams into you.
You're close to cumming again, you can tell Matt is as well. His thrust are become sloppy and uneven. "C-close." is all you can mumble out.
"Me to, me to." He tells you as he takes his fingers out of your mouth wanting to hear the noises he causes you to make. "Cum with me y/n?"
Before the whole sentence leaves his mouth your cumming, him not far after you. Matt pulls out and falls down on the bed next to you. You look over at him, his face slightly sweaty from the events that just had happened. "That was..." You start but trail off.
"Yeah it was." He knows what you mean, you just smile at the fact he thinks that same. He looks over at you, making eye contact with you. He leans over and gives you a quick peck on the lips before getting out of bed and walking into his bathroom. He walks back into the room with a washcloth.
Walking over to you he drags the cloth all over your thighs being careful around your more sensitive parts as he cleans you up. Peppering kisses all around your body as he does this.
Once he is done he throws the cloth in his dirty clothes bin and grabs you a sweatshirt and underwear from his dresser. After helping you put them on, and his own pair, he climbs back into bed with you. Snuggling up close to you, you can feel his hot breath on your neck.
"Soo-" you start before Matt cuts you off.
"Can we talk in the morning? I just want to cuddle right now..." Matt shamelessly admits.
Laughing lightly at his small confession, "Yeah." You answer. "I like that idea" Snuggling back into his chest. Slowly you start to drift asleep, in arms you're used to sleeping in but this time it's different. A good difference, one that you like and could get used to.
ANpt2.: I hoped you guys like this. This took me forever to write but I really enjoyed it. this is so long so thanks for reading the whole thing. OKAY BYE LOVE YOU <3!!!
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kissitbttr · 7 months
can’t stop thinking about simon falling for harley quinn reader typa beat
it’s a slow burn for sure, definitely not love at first right because he hates her guts the first time price introduced her during debrief session. she's fucking deranged. has murdered countless of innocent people before and not to mention shoplifting?? like why would price think it'd be a good idea to have her as a temporary addition to tf141? this woman is a criminal. he hates how cheery and giddy she is, always waving her hand to greet the team, acting like she hadn’t done some very questionable things, dropping offhanded comments that makes him choke in his own spit, parading herself in short black and red outfits that barely covers her ass and chest EVEN during the mission. it annoys him to the fucking bone.
but then as time slowly goes by, he begins to warm up to her existence. he’s starting to care about her well-being, putting a mental note on what she likes and dislikes, stealing glances at her way to see if she’s comfortable ever so often. he notices how she carries a red lipstick wherever she goes. black if she’s not feeling herself. his lips often twitches into a small smile whenever she does something cute to him and always always making sure she's okay during every single mission. ‘you okay, love?’ or ‘tell me if something’s bothering you, yeah?’ is what he always says. sometimes when the team has to split up, he’d be the first one to say ‘she’s with me’ and it makes her heart warms.
he's amazed at how well she handles rifles, all while looking and acting pretty. (he finds her adorable overtime too but he'd die before admitting that to her). when he lent her his signature AAC Honey Badger, he was impressed by how smoothly she used it, but nothing beats the way she kills enemies with her pink oversized mallet.
‘i can kill them in five, boys ! just give me a sec’ is what she says in a cheerful tone with a giggle after price had notified that there’s too much guards for them to handle. before price could even protest, she already loaded up her gun and walk towards where the guards are. it was something ghost had never found so attractive before but the way she said it? the confidence? her strutting like she owns the shit? considered him rock hard at that point.
before she goes, she tells the boys to wait while she does her thing. but not before sending a wink to ghost’s direction. she has a spot for him, she makes sure he knows that.
the team watch her gracefully killing the enemies through the cameras. small splash of blood painted her face as she smiles up at the camera to give the boys a small wave. she then jumps to one of the guard and put them in a headlock, suffocating him with her thighs to crack his neck in one swift motion (oh he’d do anything to let her do that to him)
‘fucking hell… look at this lass go’ soap tsked, others agreed. especially simon. this is the first time he had found a woman looking incredibly sexy and sophisticated while blowing someone's head off. it’s almost impossible a woman like her actually exists.
so the moment he hears her being held captured by the enemies, his blood runs cold. ghost. goes fucking. BALLISTIC. like 100% feral, no one could stop this man from tearing down the whole fucking sky to save her. so he makes up a plan to save her with the team. from there, add this scene while we're on it. safe to say she was truly moved by it.
‘oh… you were actually going to save me?’ she asks giving him her puppy dog eyes,
he grumbled while nodding sheepishly, his grip around the rifle tighten. ‘yeah.. and it was a pretty damn good plan too’
‘i’m sorry... well, i can go back in again if you still want to do it..’ her voice coming out soft and tender,
he smiles softly underneath the mask. even with dried up blood decorating her nose and the corner of her lips, he still finds her beautiful,
mentally ill but beautiful.
‘no—no that’s okay. ‘m just glad you’re safe, sweetheart’
he finds being with her is easy. just as easy as breathing. his once cold heart now softened because of her. and it is reserved only for her
i’m a firm believer that ghost is into batshit crazy women he can’t fix
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bradshawssugarbaby · 6 months
Don't Be A Tease - Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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summary: It's a hot summer day in San Diego, and you and Bradley are struggling to stay cool. Things only heat up further when Bradley sees your solution to beating the heat.
pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x reader
warnings/content: masturbating (m), swearing, unprotected p in v, praise kink,
word count: 1.1k
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You sat out on the back porch of your house, the sun beating down on you as you licked your popsicle. It was ridiculously hot out in San Diego today, and you and your boyfriend were trying your best to beat the summer heat. Bradley  was out, getting a few groceries and some floor fans to help keep the house cool where the air conditioner couldn’t reach.
You pushed your sunglasses up higher on your nose, leaning back in your lawn chair as you continued to eat your popsicle. You were dressed as coolly as possible - a pale blue halter top and skirt, your hair in braids to keep it off of your neck.
You dragged your tongue along your popsicle, the cherry flavoured, pink juice refreshing as you tried to keep cool.
“Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?” 
You turned your head to see Bradley’s tall, tanned frame standing to your left, his arms full of of groceries, his tight fitting sleeveless top, Hawaiian shirt and cargo short combo fitting his muscular body just right. 
“I don’t know, baby,” you grinned at him, “you tell me.”
Bradley  raised an eyebrow, laughing softly, “I’ll be out in a minute, babe. I’m just going to put this stuff away first.” 
He walked back into the house and you continued to finish eating your popsicle before tossing the stick in the garbage can outside. You headed back inside to wash your hands, seeing that Bradley  had finished putting everything away already. You called his name, trying to see where he’d gone to, but there was no response.
You wandered around the house, checking the bathroom and the living room before heading upstairs. You figured he was probably setting the fans up in your bedroom, because it was almost always so hot up there.
You reached for the handle, about to open the door, when you heard a soft grunting sound coming from the other side. You raised an eyebrow, opening it. 
“Bradley? What are you..,oh,” you laughed softly, seeing Bradley with his hand down his boxers, his curls sticking to his forehead, dampened with sweat as he jumped, his hand remaining in place. 
“Sorry, just, uh, just a sec, ok?” he started, his cheeks reddening as he spoke.
“Do you want some help?” you smirked, watching as he continued to stroke his cock, biting his lip hard as he stared at you standing in front of him.
You strolled over to the bed, sitting beside him as you watched him touch himself. You were getting way too much enjoyment out of this, and he knew it too. You were completely driving him wild, and you loved it.
“You know, you need to stop touching yourself if you want my help, baby.” you teased.
“If i have to stop what i’m doing, you won't be able to walk for the next week.” Bradley hissed.
You shrugged your shoulders, your grin matching his as you watched him, “I’ll take that.”
He grinned at you, his hazel eyes burning with lust as he pulled his hand out from underneath his boxer shorts, getting up onto his knees as he watched you. He gestured for you to get up onto your knees, your back facing him. You knew exactly what he wanted to do.
His hand rested on your lower back as you got on all fours in front of him, the other hand giving your ass a hard, firm smack as he watched you react. He slid your skirt up, revealing your lace thong. He slid them off down your legs, tilting his head down between them. He gently pushed your thighs open, his tongue dragging over your wet slit. You let out a loud moan as he flicked his tongue out at your clit.
You felt Bradley run the hardened tip of his cock along your slit, a soft groan escaping your lips. 
Suddenly, Bradley pushed his tip inside of you, causing your body to jerk forward slightly. You took in a sharp breath as you adjusted to his size - he wasn’t small by any means, in more ways than one.
“You like that, pretty girl? Gonna be good for me now, honey?” he hissed, grinning as you gripped the sheets tightly.
You were about to answer him, but he began to thrust sharply into you, his body moving rhythmically with you, his tip hitting your spot with each and every thrust. He pounded into you, giving it to you as hard as you had ever gotten it before, and you were being driven completely wild by it.
“Fuck, Bradley!” you screamed as he continued to thrust into you.
You threw your head back, and you felt his hand grab a hold of your hair. He gave your hair a tug, pulling your head back to face his as he thrusted harder into you. He wanted to see your face, he loved seeing every look, every reaction, he loved seeing you when you were having sex. He’d watch so intently, and today was no exception.
“You feel so fucking good, honey, and you look like a fucking dream from here.” he grunted.
“Y-you’re gonna make me -” you started, your voice cut off by screams.
Bradley  continued to thrust hard and fast, his movements becoming sloppier as he got closer to his own climax. You knew you were almost as your breaking point, and you could feel your whole body shake with ecstasy as he pounded into your spot. 
“Let go for me, pretty girl”,  he hissed into your ear, his hand pulling your hair tightly again.
Practically on cue, you felt your body tense up, unable to control yourself any longer. Bradley  grunted loudly as your juices covered his cock, his own orgasm following not far behind yours.
Your bodies moved simultaneously together as you rode it out, a flurry of moans and swear words escaping both of your mouths as you finished together. You whined softly as Bradley pulled out of you, his lips gently kissing your shoulder as he stroked your hair.
He leaned forward to your ear, whispering softly into it, you could practically hear his signature cheeky grin in his words.
“Next time, beautiful, don’t tease me like that.”
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art-missy · 2 months
Overwhelmed (Gekko x Reader)
Part. 1 Part. 3
Part. 2
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Sorry in advance for my terrible English. I'm actually more of an English reader and listener than an actual speaker or writer. I also apologize for the dull writing style that could seem quite childish. I just wanted to test something by posting this.
If a few months ago somebody had told you that you would be spotted by a secret organization whose job is to protect your world against the threat of agents from another dimension, you would have laughed so hard that your guts would have spitted out. If that ‘somebody’ had continued with the fact that this organization would contact you in some way to recruit you just because you maybe took down a K-SEC facility by yourself and also because your skills interested them, you would have told them to sell their idea to a filmmaker. If that ‘somebody’ had then insisted that you would spend one of your days off with a few other agents of that organization by watching Disney movies and hearing them sing their guts out, you would have told them to stop.
Well, look at you now, exchanging astounded glances with Iso as Neon reached a note so terrifying that you were pretty sure she could have won the Oscar of the best scream in a horror movie. You were slightly worried about the state of her vocal cords. 
“And she’s not even drunk.” Muttered Yoru when he saw your dumbfounded expression as he finished his can of soda. Phoenix let out a booming laugh and nudged your and Iso’s arms playfully.
What the hell were you doing here ? You were so at peace in your hideout. How did Valorant find you ? Oh yeah. Cypher. No one can hide from the Moroccan sentinel and you understood it quite quickly when he appeared in each of your hideouts everytime you tried to run away. Hard to hide from someone whose eyes are literally everywhere. It has been quite hard for him too to convince you that the intentions of Valorant were noble when he appeared each time in the middle of the night like a sleep paralysis demon. The process of convincing you had been long and hard but Cypher was patient and quite stubborn. Especially when it came to visiting each of your hideouts (even the one under the Mediterranean Sea) and finishing all your different packs of tea. Well, at least you had now Big Brother as a mentor.
You jolted a little, startled when Raze and Killjoy suddenly stood up to start a duet while waltzing around the room. The level of love and affection in their eyes made you wonder if they weren't from a Disney movie themselves. You could literally see their eyes changing form to turn into hearts as their souls were screaming ‘I love you’ in their respective languages. And you found it adorable despite your exhaustion.
Jett playfully threw some popcorn at the couple, telling them to get a room. You’re pretty sure she didn't notice the few candy and crumbs of snacks in her ponytail. 
Clove were jumping on the different bean bag chairs, singing as if their life depended on it while Wingman cheered at their antics.
And you, you let out a small sigh as you took a sip of your bubbletea. All this chaos because of Frozen.
You swore that if you heard the songs ‘Love is an open door’ or ‘Let it go’ again, you would go apeshit.
You maybe should have join Deadlock for a reading session in her quarters instead of accepting Gekko’s invitation. Or just listening to music in your room. Or maybe drawing. You were certain that it would have been more peaceful and less mentally draining than this Disney night. And when you shared another glance with Iso, you knew he thought the same thing. It was visibly way too much for your introverted asses.
“Hey,” Gekko put a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Are you okay ?”
You shot him a tired look. 
You sometimes miss your old life. You missed your different hideouts where you could see the sunset over the mountains, the sea creatures under the Mediterranean Sea, the snow in the Siberian desert or the rain falling on the trees of a random forest. Where you didn't have to interact with people every single day of the week.
You loved the Valorant protocol and you got along with the people you met there. But sometimes it was too much. You took down this K-SEC facility because you knew how shady the experimentations they were running were, not because you wanted to attract the attention of a secret organization. You sometimes resented Cypher for finding you, for stealing you from these calm moments, even though you knew that you accepted to be an agent of Valorant of your own free will and for a good cause. 
“Hey,” Repeated Gekko. “Are you okay ?”
You gently pushed his hand off your shoulder and stood up from your bean bag chair.
“Sorry.” You muttered.
And you rushed out of the room as Gekko called for you, his tone full of worry. You speed-walked towards the garden of the base, putting your headphones on your ears and slightly relaxing when the music reached your brain. You took a deep breath and the wind caressed your skin as you finally walked into the gardens. You took off your shoes and let the grass tickle your bare feet. The night sky watched over you as you finally took a seat on a bench.
You felt better. You breathed better. You lived better. The music in your ears relaxed your muscles, and the wind murmured on your skin, bringing the fragrance of the different flowers of the garden. You definitely had to compliment Sky and Sage. 
Your phone suddenly vibrated and you noticed that Iso sent you a link to a playlist. 
⟨Here. To relax your nerves.⟩
You internally smiled and sent a text message to the Chinese duelist to thank him. You started the playlist and relaxed even more when the first note of the first song reached your ears. Iso really did have good taste in music.
You were about to close your eyes when you suddenly felt a finger patting your shoulder. You jolted a little and turned your head to the side to see Cypher’s blue lenses staring back at you. You pulled your headphones down and raised an eyebrow at him.
“Big Brother is watching me ?” 
The sentinel let out a small chuckle and sat down beside you, a trap wire traveling on his knuckles.
“Overwhelmed ?”
“No shit, Sherlock.”
“I thought I was Big Brother.”
You rolled your eyes but a small smile tugged the corners of your lips. You leaned on the backrest of the bench and let out a deep sigh.
“I’m not in the mood for a game of chess, Cypher.” 
The masked man nodded and hummed softly.
“I suspected it.”
“Then why are you here, Optimus Prime ?” You groaned, stretching your arms over your head.
Cypher’s head tilted slightly and by his body language you suspected a smirk to be present under his mask.
“To check on you, dear.”
You raised a skeptical eyebrow and your eyes squinted slightly.
“Right. And may I ask why, dear ?” You scoffed as you rolled your eyes again. “Wait. Let me guess. You saw me walking away from the common room through these cute little cameras of yours, got curious when you couldn't see me then came here.” You interrupted yourself then shook your head. “Nope. There are also cameras in the garden. Then why did you come here ?”
Cypher let out another small chuckle and patted your head with an odd but paternal affection. 
“Look who’s playing Sherlock, now.” 
You let out an annoyed groan as you tried to push his hand away from your head but Cypher’s mood stayed playful.
“What kind of mentor would I be if I didn't worry about my protégé ?”
You snorted but nodded with a sarcastic smile.“More of a stalker than a mentor.” 
“A stalker who is worried about you, then.”
You couldn't see it but you heard the soft smile in his voice. He leaned a bit more towards you, the brim of his long hat hid you from the night sky and the usual faint glow of his blue lenses looked like two little will-o’-the-wisps in the obscurity of the garden. It reminded you of the first time you met each other, a few days after you took down this K-SEC facility. It was in a dark alleyway and the first thing you saw was these blue lenses before you could make out his long and slender figure. But because of his long hat and the darkness of the alleyway, you had almost taken him for a mutated palm tree. Even today you facepalmed yourself when you remembered those thoughts as your eyes stared into his lenses.
“Who eats alone, chokes alone.” He finally whispered with a conspiratorial tone. Something was telling you that he winked under his mask.
“What ?” You facepalmed.
“It’s an Arabic proverb.” He leaned back and his head tilted again. “Loneliness is neither your ally, nor your enemy. It is impartial. In your case, you use it to recharge yourself, but it can also drain you without you noticing, making you depend on it. Use your loneliness but don’t be alone.” His voice dropped a few octaves lower and you felt his eyes sinking deeply into yours. “Use your balance.”
Something was telling you that he was speaking from experience. A slight twitch in his body language maybe. Or a tiny heaviness in his already thick accent, indication of the unusual emotions in his voice. And you realized just now how little you knew about your mentor.
Cypher nodded, as if satisfied by your visible confusion, stood up from the bench and started to walk away.
“Wait a minute, Darth Vader !” You exclaimed, pointing a frustrated finger at him. “I don't speak proverbial shit and neither does google translate. Come back here or I’ll tell Sky you put cameras in the garden !”
Cypher kept walking away, humming a soft tune.
“Speaking of balance…”
“I don’t understand the proverbial shit, you cheap Cyberpunk shit !”
“Have a good night, dear.” He turned towards you briefly. “Oh, and your strawberry teas are delicious.”
This fucker.
He kept walking away until going back inside and you suddenly heard hurried footsteps. You turned your head and saw Gekko and Wingman running in your direction before stopping in front of you. 
How did you know it was Gekko with the lack of light ? First of all, Wingman. Second of all, his hair.
Gekko was catching his breath with his hands on his knees while Wingman jumped on your lap, making a few garbling sounds. You raised an eyebrow and looked at them, confused.
“Are you dying ?” You asked Gekko and your eyes widened slightly when he started to wheeze. “Gekko ?”
“Dios !” He exclaimed as he finally caught his breath. “I looked for you throughout the whole base !”
“Did you have to run a marathon for that ?” 
Despite your dry tone, your eyes only showed concern for him. You patted the space beside you on the bench and he gladly sat down. He then looked at you and despite the obscurity, you were certain his brows furrowed in worry.
“Are you okay ?”
You shot him a deadpanned look.
“You put your legs through a nocturnal torture by running like a possessed fool throughout the whole base, found me here relaxing in the garden while the soft fragrance of flowers and the night sky kept me company, and ended up wheezing like a dying man about to spew his lungs out and you are asking me if I’m okay ?” 
You looked at his figure from head to toe as he chuckled at your small outburst. He was still a bit out of breath from his little run but he seemed quite fine.
“Damn ! Your descriptions are always so…special. Clove would definitely love you to be the Dungeon Master of their next DnD game.” His laugh calmed down and he nervously cleared his throat. “Anyway. I wanted to check on you. You didn't seem fine in the common room. Are you feeling a bit better now ?”
You shot him a bored look and let a deep sigh out of your lungs. Wingman made a few high chirped noises indicating his worry.
“You really love wasting your time, don’t you ?” Your eyes wandered on the night sky. “Aren't you missing the end of the movie ? Shouldn't you be inside with your friends ?”
Gekko frowned and looked at you funny.
“You’re my friend too.”
You let out a small snort that only deepened his frown.
“I’m serious.” He insisted. “We’re maybe not as close as you are with Cypher or Deadlock or… Iso, but I see you as my friend and I will always have your back.”
You looked back at him and even though you couldn't see him clearly because of the obscurity, you felt his eyes looking at you with a fierce determination.
“Plus,” he continued, “you always have my back on the field, fighting like a total badass against the enemies. Remember our last mission in Lotus ? I would have been dead meat if you weren't there.”
Wingman (who had gotten comfy on your lap) nodded with vehemence, agreeing with Gekko’s words.
“I’m not quite sure if you can be ‘dead meat’ when someone like Sage is around.” You said, raising a skeptical eyebrow.
Gekko made a noise between an amused chuckle and a sigh of frustration. You couldn't figure out what was on his mind, which is quite surprising since he was usually so expressive. He then suddenly got closer to you on the bench, grabbed your shoulders and leaned a bit more towards you.
“My point is : you got my back and I got yours. You're my friend and I won’t leave you alone.” His fingers gently squeezed your shoulders. “And I’m sorry.”
It was now your turn to frown as you did not understand why he was apologizing for.
“I invited you to this movie night so I could have an occasion to get to know you better, so we could get to know each other and bond on something that is not mission related.” He explained. “But you clearly weren't at ease. I thought you were about to have a panic attack, back there.”
You felt his thumbs caressing your shoulders as his hands squeezed you a bit more tightly.
“I’m sorry.”
You shook your head and let out another sigh. “Don’t apologize. Your intentions were innocent and sweet.”
You couldn't see the blush on his cheeks but you noticed the slight twitch in his body language.
“Everything's fine.” You insisted. “I’m perfectly fine. Plus, with the new playlist Iso sent me, I can just relax and enjoy the quietude of the garden.”
“Oh.” He said simply.
His voice showed disappointment, sadness even. You vaguely felt his grip on your shoulder faltering a little while Wingman made a few sad garbling sounds.
“Gekko ?”
You couldn't see his face, but his body language showed a slight dispiritedness that didn't match his usual playful and confident personality.
“You and Iso are really close, huh.” He said with an uncharacteristically neutral tone.
His shoulders were now slightly slumped.
“Well, we had heard about each other before we joined Valorant. It was funny to finally meet the infamous ‘Dead Lilac’ in this secret organization.” You chuckled a little, finding the circumstances of your first meeting with the Chinese duelist quite embarrassing. You remembered knocking your head so hard against his chest that it spinned a little.
“That’s…uhm…kinda cute, I guess.”
You wondered what was on the mind of the piece of sweet-woman-heartthrob-trope that Gekko was.
“Well I don't know if it’s cute, but we’ve been exchanging playlists and book recommendations since.” You shrugged and Gekko’s hands slided down your arms at your action. “He’s cool. He has a sweet ‘older sibling’ vibe that put me at ease.”
The young initiator seemed to perk at your words and so was his radivore critter.
“‘Older sibling’ vibe ?” He repeated. “What do you mean ?”
“Well, you see how siblings sometimes banter with each other but always have each other's back ?” You started to explain and you saw his figure tilting his head. “Well that's our relationship with Iso. You probably know what I’m talking about. I noticed that you had quite the same thing with Neon.” You shrugged again.
His whole demeanor seemed to relax when he let out a laugh filled with relief. You frowned a little, not understanding this sudden outburst of joy.
“You alright ?” You raised a worried eyebrow and squinted your eyes a little. “Maybe you should get some sleep.”
It was at this moment that the moon finally decided to come out of behind the clouds, illuminating both of your faces. You both looked at each other, admiring your features. Your eyes wandered on his freckles without noticing his lovestruck gaze on you. 
“Maybe I'm a bit tired.” He whispered with a lost tone, as if he didn't understand what he just said.
“Hm.” You looked down on your lap to notice Wingman shrinking and hopping towards Gekko’s shoulder. “Wanna go back inside ?”
“You’re going back inside ?” Gekko asked.
“Then I’ll stay with you.” He got more comfortable on the bench and you felt him lean a bit more towards you. “Unless my presence is overwhelming.”
You shook your head and leaned against the backrest of the bench. 
“No. You’re fine.”
“Cool.” He nodded and let out a small sigh of relief.
A comfortable silence settled between you, slightly disturbed by the faint music from your headphones. Your eyes wandered on the night sky, unaware of Gekko’s longing glances in your direction. You were completely oblivious to his poor heart beating so fast and so loud that he feared you could hear it. You did not notice. You never did. Ever since you set your foot into the base for the first time, his eyes were always on you. At first it was curiosity. Curious about the agent recommended by the mysterious man that was Cypher. Then it was admiration for the fierce fighter that you turned into once on the field. And finally, it bloomed to be a small crush that never ceased to grow. Your charisma hypnotized him. His feelings for you were so obvious that his friends never stopped to tease him. Even Reyna said that he looked like a lost puppy everytime you were around and Harbor often asked him to focus when you were in his field of view. And of course, he was jealous of how close Iso was with you. The duelist could talk to you without any problem, he could receive your smiles, your laughs, your friendly fist-bumps while the only times Gekko could have a proper interaction with you was during missions or briefings. Even during training you stayed in your corner, avoiding interactions.
But right now, he felt so happy. This was the longest interaction you’ve ever had with each other and he couldn't help but smile.
He turned his head in your direction and softly called you.
“Yeah ?”
“I heard that you love to draw.” He nervously rubbed his neck but kept his eyes on yours. “We could someday, you know, draw together while chilling in my room. If it’s okay with you of course.”
You shot him an indescribable glance and he suddenly felt so stupid for not using drawing as a way to bond with you sooner instead of the movie night. But he relaxed a little when you ended up shrugging.
“Why not.”
It was a start. He will not confess his feelings for now. It was way too soon. But he will certainly enjoy these moments with you. He will enjoy bonding with you and get to know you better.
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Anecdote : the Arabic proverb mentioned by Cypher is something the father of a friend once told me when I was a kid. It's stuck in my mind, ever since.
I'm not proud of the ending ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ But it's fine. It is just a test, after all.
I don't know if I'll post the part. 2. I'll most probably keep it in my drafts.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I wish you a lovely day/night.
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matan4il · 1 month
911 ep 706 first watch reactions
Buck and Eddie setting up the bachelor party are so funny. They're married to a degree that the bride and groom can only aspire to one day achieve. And Madney are raising a kid together! Then again, so are Buddie, and have been since day 2... (day 1 is forever Buck ogling Eddie at the station, and Eddie strutting his stuff for him, with Buck's now canonically jealou-traction being the, ummm, lubricant)
Oh, Tommy just arrived, Buck and him have done nothing but hug, and Eddie's already bringing on the jealousy jealou-traction. IDK what is the etiquette about bringing your date to a bachelor party, but what's the rule about bringing your hubby who's jealous of your bf?
Oh, and an extra jab at Buck bringing Tommy officially as his date to the wedding. I love me a jealous Eddie. My dude, your closet is shaking so hard, it's about to push you out of itself if you don't make the move already.
Okay, in all seriousness, Tommy not dressing like the 80's, Buck showing that he really cared about that silly party theme, Eddie rolling with it, the two of them being dressed more as a couple than the actual guys dating, Buddie seeing things so much in the same way (down to both seeing themselves as the same character from Miami Vice) while Buck and Tommy are totally out of sync... I love that Tommy is there to help Buck figure himself out, but also, this is the stuff that will forever keep me shipping Buddie.
I know the flashback is mainly to show that the bachelor party is Buck's idea, and goes against Chim's wishes, but Eddie suggests the couple costume? And Buck was so readily on board? Even when he knew Tommy would also be invited? This is my house catching fire, while I sit here, mumbling to myself how fine it all is...
Okay, everyone leaving the bachelor party, even the guy Buck is dating, while Eddie stays, sure is something. And by "something" I mean "a couple." That's a couple. That's Buck's partner in everything, even dumb ass 80's costumes and failed bachelor parties, he's the one who jumps in whatever stupid plan Buck comes up with, and stays to deal with the mess.
LOL And then we got some REAL mess. Again, dumb Buck idea, and Eddie just rolling with it. Making it worse even, by suggesting how to take the party (made up of people who don't even know the groom) to Chimney. These two deserve each other. XD
Buck was behind Eddie while his shirt was being torn? Presumably helping with the tearing? That's it, 911 does not want me to make it to the end of the season with my sanity intact. I guess it's good that I'm not even trying...
I'm glad there was a representation of Chim and Kevin, and a Korean tradition, I just hope it was a truthful one. (do we have Korean viewers in our midst to chime in on this?)
Maddie using her 911 skills to find and help Chim is pretty badass (and a nice gender reversal of the 'damsel in distress needing to be saved a sec before her wedding' tale). Love it!
Maddie and Chim looked so happy during their wedding. Honestly, at the end of the day, my little hopelessly romantic heart doesn't need more than that. <3
Awwww, the Buck and Tommy kiss was nice. I think the most important part of it is we got to see Buck for the first time daring to kiss another guy, rather than wait to be kissed. I may bbe a Buddie shipper, but I think this r/s is important to Buck as well, to his ability to find what he wants, to not be scared of it, to not wait for others to want him as was the case with all the women he'd dated, but rather figure out what he wants in a certain moment, and that it's okay for him to go get it.
(I still don't think Tommy is Buck's endgame, though. Much as his probably my fave Buck r/s so far other than Eddie. Tommy not being there for Buck when the bachelor party flunked, him not being there at the wedding itself, to share this significant moment with Buck, being almost incidental to Buck's coming out to his colleagues and parents, other than being a gay that was obviously kissed by Buck just a short while ago... Again, just not the stuff great love stories are made of)
Hen going, "Finally!" to Karen was funny and cute. Everyone (almost) just smiling at Buck's coming out was nice. But the way his mom reacted in particular felt more realistic, and made me wish that at least with his parents, who we know he has a strained r/s with, the should would have allowed this to be more explored. Hopefully in a future ep if not now.
Thank you for reading! If you're looking for more, you can find my s7 reactions tag here, and more of my Buddie meta and content in my pinned post. xoxox
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kitkathatesu · 1 year
𝙇𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙮 𝙮𝙤𝙪
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𝙋𝘼𝙄𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂: Billy Hargrove x Fem!reader + Eddie/Steve
𝙒𝘼𝙍𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙂𝙎: ❕SMUT❕❗️MDNI❗️Use of she/her pronouns, drug use, degradation, dom!Billy, sub!reader, voyeurism, slight cucking, fingering (f receiving) overstimulation, short and filthy
𝙎𝙐𝙈𝙈𝘼𝙍𝙔: Billy dominates you in front of Eddie and Steve to show them how much power he holds, and knowing that their eyes are glued to you as you fall apart in his arms only makes it better. Because only 𝙝𝙚 can make you feel this good.
After School you and Billy head straight back to his place, more so Neil’s place, but you never see him much. He’s always working, so you’ve got the house to yourselves most of the time. Sitting around watching your favorite films and eating popcorn while Max and El head to the mall with Lucas and Mike. It’s part of your daily routine, and you’ve gotta admit.. Being alone with Billy every day is not only the most fun you’ve had in years, it’s also the most intense relationship you’ve ever been in. And even though you enjoy every second you can get with him, today you’re feeling more than just sex and screen time.
“What’sa matter baby?”
Billy quizzes you, tugging at your waist with his free hand as you’re sat on the couch beside him. Pressing his face against your cheek to further pry an answer out of you, he gently grazes your skin with his teeth causing a loud giggle to echo out into the room.
“Nothing, today’s just kinda stale ya know? I feel like there’s other things we could do.”
You tilt your head to the side, throwing an arm over Billy’s lap forcing him to pull back and look at you. Immediately shooting him those puppy dog eyes he can’t resist, he lets out a long sigh. His fingers coursing through those messy curls that lay perfectly on either side of his head, leaning himself back against the couch. His white cut off shirt showing off just how toned his arms are as he stretches one over the back of the couch behind you, keeping the other one wrapped around you.
“Let’s do something fun.” You say with a soft voice.
“Whad’dya mean doll face? You telling me this isn’t fun?” He scoffs. A smug grin playing across his lips, making you roll your eyes at him.
“Of course it is, but I think I know something that’ll make it better. Gimme just a sec.”
You quickly jump from Billy’s grasp making your way into the kitchen, pulling your shorts down a bit as they seem to always ride up your thighs when you wear them. Dialing Eddie’s number first, you declare that his services are required at the Hargrove household. MORS code for “I need some flower.” And you don’t have to say much else, he’s on his way. Then you dial Steve’s number directly after, letting him know that there will be a fat sack of green waiting for him if he comes to hang out with you. Besides, you haven’t seen either of them in a hot minute. It’d be good to catch up!
You stand there for a moment, slight excitement running through your body realizing that three of your favorite people will be in the same room. Billy’s shadow suddenly overlapping yours on the wall in front of you that’s lit up with bright beams of sunlight.
“Miss me that much?” You chaff. His arms snaking around your waist once more, warm lips pressing small kisses along the crook of your neck and up to your jawline. His hands wandering your body selflessly as you take in the scent of his cheap cologne.
“You gonna tell me why you were on the phone when I could’ve already had my way with you?” He all but grunts into your ear.
That raspy tone in his voice sending chills down your spine like always, making you smile to yourself and turn to face him. Those bright blue eyes pull you in and trap you there like you’ve stepped in cement, all you can do is wrap both of your arms around his neck. One of his hands slowly traces down the arch of your back and over your shorts. Gripping underneath your ass to pull you up into him, his lips attaching to yours in a hungry kiss.
“Well..” You say between pecks, trying to choke out a few words as his tongue fights for entrance to your mouth.
“I called Eddie for some smoke, and-“ Billy chuckles darkly, cocking an eyebrow upward as his arms leave your waist and now drape over his stomach. Gaze fixated on yours, burning through you like flame put to paper.
“And what?” Billy asks, demeanor changing instantly.
“I also invited Steve.” You squeak, hand darting into the ends of your hair. Finger looping the loose strands nervously as you watch his facial expression distort into something you can’t quite explain.
“Ah, so you invited Harrington huh?” Billy clears his throat, the sides of his mouth curling up into a cat like grin as his eyes dart to the floor. He doesn’t say anything just pushes past your small frame, walking back towards the living room. His hand reaching out to tap your shoulder twice.
“This’ll be real fun.” He mumbles out. A wave of anxiety rushing over you, causing you to trip over your own feet as you follow behind him.
Him and Steve are by no means friends, or even acquaintances. But since he’s coming along with Eddie you know Billy will at least tolerate it, especially since he’ll be buzzed the whole time. But Billy is also possessive, and very ego driven. He sees any other man in your life as competition, which means he’ll do 𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 to prove that you’re his, even if it’s a little off the walls.
Fast forward about an hour later. Eddie screeches up the road in his Corroded Coffin van, Steve in the passenger seat hanging his head out the window to hopefully catch a glimpse of you. Metallica’s For Whom The Bell Tolls blasting from the radio as they pull into Billy’s driveway causing you to come running outside to greet them, your denim shorts riding up your thighs again. You’re slow on your feet as you try to pull them down nonchalantly, Steve’s eyes meeting yours with a bright smile stretched across his face.
“Hey legs, been a minute!” He howls out to you. Billy standing about a foot or two away from you pressed against his Camaro. Cigarette hanging from his lips, eyebrows furrowed as he watches both boys hop out onto the pavement. He’s definitely not happy with the remark Steve let slip, but for your sake he keeps his mouth shut.
“Well hello there pretty girl.” Eddie says, avidly jogging up to you with a baggy in hand. Steve following alongside him.
Billy pushes himself off his Camaro, the look in his eyes making you a bit weary as his face never leaves theirs while making his way over to you. He brings a hand up tightly wrapping it around your waist, fingers squishing into the skin there harshly while Steve and Eddie stand in an awkward stance.
“Y’all come here to smoke, or gawk at my girl?” Billy spits, giving your waist another good squeeze. The signal he has set to let you know that he’s not the happiest camper, and that he could do something stupid any minute because he doesn’t like what’s going on.
After all, Steve and Eddie have both seemed to be crushing on you since about Junior year. So you can’t really blame Billy for being somewhat defensive, but they are your friends and you only want to have a good time. You’d rather not have to clean up the mess after Billy decides it’s time to fight for something as small as a flirty comment.
“Alright alright.” You sigh, nudging him with your elbow.
“Let’s head to the backyard, it’s nice and peaceful back there. No one should bother us.” You smile, taking Billy’s hand in yours as you turn on your feet to lead the way.
You hear what sounds like muffled words behind you, knowing that it’s most likely Steve making small gestures to Eddie about you. All you can do is hope and pray that they’d be smart enough not to let Billy hear what you can’t make out. So you continue on till you get to the squeaky screen door and Billy grabs your hips out of nowhere pushing you out onto the small strip of pavement. Causing you to stumble slightly, his fingers catch you by slipping into the belt loops on either side of your shorts. With one quick movement he’s turned you around so that you’re facing both Eddie and Steve, standing you still.
“She’s a dime boys, that’s for sure.” Billy purrs directly into your ear as he places his chin on your shoulder, eyes glued to them as his fingers stay tightly laced into the loops on your shorts.
Billy’s comely face in your peripherals, you can’t help but notice that same odd expression he’d given you earlier making another appearance. You still can’t put your finger on what exactly is going on inside his head, but it probably isn’t good and it turns your stomach.
You’re swiftly ripped from thought as he yanks hard on the small denim coils causing you to gasp, motioning you to sit down directly where you stand.
Eddie is already stretched out across from you, small black tray sat in his lap as he twists up a pinky sized joint. Steve’s body reclined against an old metal toolbox that Neil’s had sat outside for some months rusting away to nothing.
You plop down onto the hard ground beneath you, Billy’s chest now pressed against your back. His callused hands resting on the tops of your thighs as your legs lay partially spread across the warm asphalt.
“Done!” Eddie shouts, holding up the joint he’s so clearly proud of between three fingers. Steve chuckling to himself, clapping for him like some teenagers at a Homecoming game.
“Good, spark it up Munson. Let’s get to buzzing before I change my mind.”
Billy exclaims, his words hanging in the air as his hands climb higher up your legs. His fingers gently pressing into your inner thighs. Rubbing random patterns into them with his thumbs, causing your cheeks to flush a dark shade of red.
The anxiety you were feeling earlier slowly starts to turn into regret because he knows little things like this turn you on. And if you wouldn’t have called Eddie and Steve, you could’ve had his fingers buried inside you rather than teasing you in front of two of your best friends.
Eddie places the joint in his mouth, shielding it with one hand while he lights it with the other. Taking a long drag before reaching it out to you first.
You sit up so that you’re not completely confined to Billy, trying your best to keep composure as you grab the joint and bring it up to your mouth. But he pulls you right back into him. This time his hand reaches around your throat, causing you to let out a soft but audible whimper. Taking the joint into his fingers, he pulls it directly out of your mouth and holds it above your slightly agape lips.
“Hit it real slow, don’t stop until I tell you.”
Billy’s voice soft and sweet but dripping with lust, you now know what’s been on his mind. 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙡. That primal need to challenge others has taken over, and you know this is just the beginning of what you can only assume is your punishment for not giving yourself over to him.
You watch as Eddie and Steve shoot each other a glance, Billy’s hand still wrapped around your throat while you lay there against him not sure of what to do or how to feel. You go to say something but it’s replaced with a breathless sigh as his grip tightens, fingers pressing deeper into the sides of your throat blocking off proper air flow.
“C’mon baby, we don’t wanna disappoint our guests now do we?”
He asks, his eyes dark with desire as he lowers the joint between your lips. Loosening his hold on your pulse points as his words travel through your body like electricity. A new feeling starts to rise up, one you’ve never felt before. And instead of pushing it down you allow it to wash over you as you realize that whatever is going on here 𝙖𝙡𝙡 of you are enjoying it.
So you take the hit and blow it out real slow as Billy’s signature smirk engulfs his features. Pausing a minute to take a hit himself, before handing it over to Steve. He focuses his attention back onto you.
“Good girl.”
He chuckles, glinting over at Eddie and Steve as he removes his hand from your throat. Now placing his fingers on both sides of your face. Moving your head all around, squishing your cheeks into a pout as if to show you off to them in some smart ass way.
“Ain’t she the prettiest when she does what she’s told?”
You begin to squirm again, glimpsing over at the boys you once looked at so innocently. Their faces flushed, eyes glazed over at the sight of your shorts rolled so far up your thighs that they’re pressing into you.
It’s making you ache, the thought of them seeing you so vulnerable and desperate. It’s dirty and off putting but you can’t help but relish in the the moment. Even though you’ve been friends with them for so long, you can’t act as if you’ve not enjoyed the attention from them. All three boys so attractive in their own ways, it’s hard not to let your mind wander to places it normally wouldn’t.
All the filthy things flashing through your mind drive you crazy, your thighs unconsciously try and clamp together searching for any kind of friction. But Billy notices instantly and brings a harsh smack down onto both of your legs. Tsking through his teeth.
“I don’t think so slut.” He hisses, wrapping both of his hands around the tops of your knees. Putting just enough pressure on them to where you can’t move.
“Don’t go getting greedy on me. That’s not what good bitches do, is it?”
The mix of praise and degrading words being spat into your ear as you lie there helpless makes you feel like you’re melting. Skin hot to the touch as Billy’s fingers slip into the bend of your knees and pull them up towards your chest. Forcing them to stay there. Daring you to move.
“Billy.. Please-“ You whine, words beginning to crack in your throat as Steve cuts you off. He starts to stand up and say something to Billy, but he is instantly met with Billy shouting at him to sit back down.
Steve’s mouth hangs open, glancing to Eddie as he slowly sits back down. Placing his head into his hands for a moment before bursting out with, “What exactly are you trying to prove Hargrove?”
Billy completely avoids the question. Sadistic laughter filling in the infelicitous silence that had been there a second before.
“You see this?” Billy banters. Replacing his hands with one of his forearms, still holding your legs to you. Your brain starting to feel like it’s short circuiting as the pads of Billy’s fingers start to outline the crease where the shorts are sitting pressed into your core. The fluffy print of your pussy on display for everyone to see.
“This is mine to use.” He pauses, glaring at both of them with a devilish grin. Making sure their attention is on him as his fingers continue to gently glide up and down your pussy through the tough fabric that’s still straining against you. A little wet spot starting to form right in the middle as you grind your hips thoughtlessly into his hand. Every nerve in your body feeling like it has been set on fire.
“You cucks think it’s fine to sit and fuck her with your eyes, or whisper back and forth like a couple bitches at a sleepover about how bad you wanna get into her pants. So.. I’m gonna show you why that’ll never fucking happen.”
His words have your head spinning, not knowing whether to try and fight this or let it happen. Mind telling you no, but the throbbing between your legs screaming yes as you’re sat writhing from desperation. It’s becoming unbearable.
Steve is speechless, he doesn’t say a word. But the look of pure confusion and sexual frustration on his face matches Eddie’s perfectly as you look to both of them, scanning how they react as Billy continues to tease you in front of them.
Billy moves his head down pressing his lips against your neck. Placing sloppy kisses anywhere that his mouth can reach, feeling your wetness continue to soak through against his fingers. He lets his tongue drag a long stripe back up your jawline. Teeth nipping at your skin as his breath picks up, his cock starting to strain against his zipper. You can feel just how hard he is right against your lower back.
You’re lost in the moment, feeling all eyes on you as you lay there a whimpering mess against Billy’s chest. Your hands grasping at anything within reach, Billy’s legs. His arms, wrists.. But then you remember something. One of the things that seems to drive him off the deep end in the bedroom.
That gorgeous head of hair. It is one of his many weaknesses when it comes to you. So you decide to take this as an opportunity to get him back.
You lift your hand to Billy’s face. Gently grazing the stubbled skin before lacing your fingers into his hair. Tugging at the soft curls, twisting them between your fingers as a low growl rumbles in his throat making you smirk to yourself. But all it gets you in return is a loss of sensation.
He quickly drops your knees, letting the back of your legs hit the rough ground beneath you.
“Well now that I’ve got your attention, I think it’s time for the real show.”
He’s toying with them. Saying anything he can to further manipulate the situation to his liking as he places a hand on the ground beside him. Moving his head back and to the side a bit to get a good look at your face.
You look up at him, not a word is spoken or a thought behind your eyes. All you can do is wonder what will happen next. And without warning he grabs your jaw pulling your face to his. His eyes threatening to swallow you up as his tongue darts out to wet the vulgar words that fall from his lips.
“Open your legs and show them that this cunt belongs to me.”
He gives you a small kiss before pushing your head back with his hand, watching as you slowly start to move your hands down your body. Doing exactly as you’re told.
Steve and Eddie are practically drooling. You and Billy both know they’ve been dying to see you all riled up and ready to fuck, but it never occurred to them that it’d be anything like this. Both boys are star struck, hard ons very noticeable in their pants. Eyes never leaving you as you unbutton your shorts.
You can’t help but giggle at how sexy they look all hot and bothered at the sight of you.
So you decide to put on somewhat of a show yourself, moving your hands back up your body painfully slow. Teasing your nipples through the thin fabric of your tank top before lifting it to reveal your breasts to them. Leaning yourself all the way back against Billy, giving them a good view as you waste no time slipping your shorts down a bit. The thin straps of the thong you’re wearing sitting on top of your hip bones.
Billy hums in approval, taking his bottom lip between his teeth as he brings his hands up to cup your breasts. Pinching your nipples between his fingers. Steve and Eddie watching like their lives depended on what happens next.
You know that they’re going feral trying not to touch themselves. So you moan Billy's name, giving them a little taste of what it’d be like to have their name on your lips instead.
“Good fucking girl.”
He smiles. Pressing a kiss to your cheek as he brings two fingers up to his mouth, coating them in saliva before pushing them into your underwear.
Your back arches as one of his fingers begins wandering your folds, sliding it up and down real slow just to get a rise out of you. Admiring the fact that all of this is just for him as he collects your juices, gliding them up to your clit as he replaces one finger with two. Rubbing small circles into the ball of nerves with the tips of his middle and ring finger.
You can feel him smirking against your skin as he picks up the pace causing your face to contort as you throw your head back in overwhelming pleasure. Heat waves falling over your body as Billy’s cock continues to press into your lower back, making you chase your high even more. Starting to grind yourself against his hand.
“You like having your pussy played with in front of your friends? Huh?”
Billy grunts into your ear. Moving his hand side to side against your clit now, the sounds of slick coated skin filling the air around you as you whine out. Your body starting to tremble uncontrollably as your first orgasm immediately washes over you.
“Answer me you fucking whore.” Billy spits, tapping your clit with his fingers harshly. Causing a broken moan to leave your lips.
“Y-Yes I like it. Please just-“
“Just what? Take it easy on you?” He asks, chuckling to himself as he presses his hand flat against you. Cupping your pussy before pushing two fingers deep inside you without warning. The sudden stretching of your walls causing you to let out a loud yelp.
“Awhh sweetheart. Don’t you know that whores don’t get a say so?”
He hisses through his teeth, a strained groan pooling out of him as he feels your walls clench around his fingers.
“That’s what I like 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙝𝙝𝙝.” He sighs out.
His fingers pumping in and out of you at a quick pace. Loving every sound, every pretty face you make at how good they feel inside you.
He glances over at Steve, then to Eddie. Shooting both of them a wink as he continues to plow your pussy with his fingers, once again showing them just how much control he has over you as your moans reverberate through their heads. The images of you all fucked out staining their memory.
You squeeze your eyes shut. Trying to adjust to his fingers fucking in and out of you so fast but the sound of him curling them inside you is obvious at how wet you are. You can feel it dripping down your inner thighs as your body begins to tense. That familiar feeling rising in the pit of your stomach again as he hits that sweet spot over and over.
“F-Fuck Billy, I think I’m gonna-“
“Cum? Yeah I thought so.”
Billy smiles ear to ear as he wraps his free hand around your throat adding a third finger inside you. Another yelp escaping your lips as he pushes them as deep as they’ll go. Now knuckle deep inside you, he continues at that same pace. Your juices starting to splash up onto his wrist.
“That’s a good fucking slut, cum all over my fingers. Put on a good show for me and these fucking pussies you call friends.”
Billy’s words jumble together in your mind as everything goes fuzzy, seeing nothing but white as your whole body goes into a state of euphoria. Small whimpers breaking through your lips as Billy pulls his hand out of your underwear, wiping your cum off on his pants leg while you lay there lifeless against him.
“Holy shit.” Steve mumbles. Eddie sitting on the other side of him with a blank stare on his face.
Billy claps his hands together, causing Eddie to jump a bit as he snaps out of the little trance he’s been in for the last two and a half hours.
“What’sa matter Munson? Cat got your tongue?”
He blinks a couple times, sucking in a sharp breath. Not saying shit as he peers over at Steve.
They both stand up adjusting their waistbands. Trying their best not to make things more awkward than they already seem to be.
“It was uh, nice to see you.” Steve blurts out, looking down at you as Eddie gathers his tray and lighter off the ground.
You’re still out of breath, brain foggy as fuck as you lie there unable to form any kind of sentence or argument. So you wave them off, completely melted into Billy’s arms as they’re tightly wrapped around you.
“Hope it was worth it boys.” Billy yells out to them with a loud chuckle following after.
No longer hearing their footsteps, the sound of Eddie’s van squeals off in the distance.
Billy’s ego is absolutely off the walls as he lays his head against yours, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple.
“Maybe this’ll teach you not to invite people over without my permission.”
“Yeah 𝙢𝙖𝙮𝙗𝙚."
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raenizza · 1 year
Synopsis: The reader finally gets the chance to Facetime Roman as he awaits her all alone on his tour bus.
Roman x Black OC reader, Roman x Black Reader
Word Count: 2522
Warnings: Masturbation? Curse words, wet slushy ushy gushy sounds, dick slapping on cam, edging
Author’s Note: Happy New Year!! And what better way to start the New Year off than with a little E-sex. Enjoy my loves.
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Happy New Year!!! 
So you know what that means, it is the last smackdown of 2022. With this historic event at bay, you know exactly what is expected of your time spent with your man and that it is very limited. You have been patiently waiting for weeks now on end to see him.  Watching him on TV does not count entirely and cute little selfies don’t do enough justice. You want to see him, even though you can’t physically be there, seeing him interact with you one on one is something so special. For the past few weeks, Roman has only communicated with you only through phone calls, text, and voice messages. His busy schedule has been insane lately and you can barely keep up, but the good news is that he makes time for you. He always has and always will. No matter what it is, your man will always do his best to respond to every message or call as soon as possible even if it's a quick “baby I'm a little busy give me a sec”. You know that his attention will always be focused on you, hence you’re his number one priority and he made sure of that.
You stared gracefully at your 75-inch TV screen, which played the famous Netflix film, 365 DNI. Although you are not entirely interested in the movie as a whole, you decided to put something on as background noise in order to distract you for a while. You then glanced at the large clock on the wall checking the time. 10:55 p.m. “Ok I got 5 more minutes.” you said to yourself and you prepared for the Facetime call.
Propping the pillows up in front of you to hold your phone, you decided to get comfortable quickly sitting criss-cross on the bed. You had slid on one of Roman’s T-shirts matching it with Christmas-themed fuzzy socks.
Looking around the room, making sure it’s clean and organized. Which lead to everything being in place.
“10:59, wheww almost there.” you kept thinking to yourself. You and Roman agreed to Facetime around 11:00 p.m.It was better for both of you hence he’s got done with rehearsing for Smackdown and can have plenty of free time.
 “11:00 p.m. FINALLYY!!” you yelped out and went straight to the Contacts app, slid through your favorites, quickly tapped “Papí💖” and hit the ‘Facetime’ button. You waited patiently as the phone began to ring. Nervous as you are, you shift in a couple of different positions but looked awkward in each one so you just settled down a bit.
The phone finally answered in the middle of you twisting your back a little to the side. Roman opens up with a big smile on his face.
“HEY BABY!!” he screamed loudly on his end. You jumped out of excitement but also embarrassment. “HII BABYY!!” you responded quickly adjusting your posture back to an erect position.
“What are you doing?” he giggled.
“Nothing, just getting comfortable. Anyways, What’s up?? How you doing boo?” you asked quickly derailing the conversation.
“Just came from the arena and I am burned out,” he said in a stressed manner.
“Babe, my body is so sore. I need a deep massage, a hot bubble bath, and possibly 2 or 3 beers.” 
“Well when you come home, I can make all of your wishes come true,” you replied with a cheeky smile. He returned the favor. 
“Where are you by the way? Have you reached the Hotel?” 
“Oh no, I’m on the bus,” he said as he looked around lifting his camera up to make sure she can see it too.
“The bus? You mean RV?” you laughed. Roman rolled his eyes instantly knowing where this is headed. He knows you like to joke about that big ass house on wheels he calls a bus and his tiny obsession with being it all the time.
“First off, you not goin' come for my ride, this baby is expensive and cozy.” He replied jokingly as pats the armchair next to him. 
“Baby, that shit is literally a studio apartment on 4 wheels. I’m surprised you’re not carrying a mini garage with it.” 
“Yea, yea whatever.” He replied annoyingly.
“Speaking of the house on the road, where’s your little road buddies?” You asked looking all through the screen to see if you can catch a glimpse of the Twins or even Paul.
“Oh they…they not here yet. Still in the locker room getting a couple of stuff done.” He replied as laid back in the chair.
“So you have the place all to yourself?” you said with a cheeky smile. Glaring at him on that phone screen. You watched him seemingly adjust himself in his chair. Then you heard moans coming from the TV screen forgetting that you still had that porno of a movie playing. 
“What the hell are you watchin” he says as you try to quickly find the remote on the bed nearly falling over. “Nothin' its just this random movie I started playing.” 
“You mean PORN.” he giggled out as you found your position back on the bed. You couldn’t help but stop and watch the vulgar sex scene as Massimo continues fuck the absolute mess out of Laura. Watching the repeated sex scene got you so hot and bothered that you forgot that Roman was still on the call. 
“Babe,” he said interrupting you. You looked down at him with a smirk. “Hey, sorry. I …I think I have an idea,” you stated seductively. “Hold on where is this going?” he says in a warning tone.
“Well since you are all alone in that big ole bus of yours and I haven’t seen you what feels like ages I thought maybe you and I could finally have some fun.= tonight.”
You positioned your phone further away from the bed and started to slowly undress. “Y/N, I know you’re not-”
 “Hush, and let me do what I need to do.” Shutting him up instantly. 
You began taking off the oversized T-shirt, revealing your bare skin and black lace bra. You made direct eye contact with him as you massaged your breasts. Then, you worked way down your stomach to the top of your panty line. Roman watched your movements closely without uttering a word. 
Your hands reach the edge of your panties and you slowly pull them down. You watched him watch you for seconds, then abruptly stopping in your tracks.
“Hold on, Babe I forgot something,” you said as you got up with a cheeky smile teasing your man all the way. Roman rolled his eyes immediately
“Really,” he said annoyed with your playfulness.
“Yes really” you responded as you stood, awkwardly in front of your nightstand looking for your rose toy. 
After a couple of quick nips and nags, you finally found the super soaker 3000 and could not wait to show your man what that piece of machinery can do. “Yes,” You said as you carefully jumped back into the bed and going right back into position in front of your phone.
“Babe, what’s that?” Roman asked. “Don’t worry about it just watch me.” You told him immediately concentrating on him and also the movie that is still currently playing in the background. 
You proceeded to remove your bra and undergarments, showing your beautiful wet brown lips and round perky breasts. Roman began licking his own lips watching everything fall into place and at the very sight of your pearl, he immediately began to shift in his seat. Covered in sweet, clear, and thick juices you placed the rose toy at the very center of your pussy, looking back at Roman on your phone as you can see him slightly grow in his sweatpants.
 “You like me like this baby?” You asked him in a seductive tone. “Mmmh hmmm” he growled as a response, sending you into oblivion. 
Roman moved his phone to a stand nearby his chair. He quickly looked around the bus to make sure no one was coming in. He laid back into his recliner chair and unbuckled his pants pulling them a few inches down by his waist. His bright red Nike boxers slid down slightly showing his brown-tanned abdomen. You watched him undress as he watched you. 
Roman smirked at the thought of you applying more pressure on your folds, so to tease you some more he started to rub his crotch area. He started with the base, slowly rubbing his balls as he watched you put the toy directly over your clit. He growled once again, thinking about rubbing his balls against your folds and feeling all of your wetness. Roman then proceeds to work his way from his base to the very tip of his dick, stroking every inch through his boxers. 
You then placed the rose toy closer to the entrance of your pussy, feeling every bit of vibration coming in. Roman, see this and shifted his position once more as his dick began to poke out in his underwear. His warm precum starts to slowly pour out from his tip, he rubs it against his garments watching your hips buck at every movement from the vibrations. 
“Fuckkkk” he whispered under his breath as he grinds against his own movements. “Take them off, baby” you moaned to him. “Please.” Breathily, as you can’t withstand the rose toy’s motions. Roman follows suit and pulls down his underwear. His caramel-colored dick springs out freely, smacking against his abdomen. 
“You like this shit, huh?” He says as he smacks it against his hand. With no lube in sight, Roman then spits on his hand and started to stroke his dick slowly up and down. “Mmmmhhm, Fuck babe” He says watching you on his tiny screen. 
“So fuckin’ sexy.” He whispered between each stroke. Turning you on, even more, you upped the setting on the toy, matching his speed. You moaned a little louder than before as this speed on the rose shocked you. You felt a small warm feeling in your stomach, getting closer to your climax, you had to slow it down. 
“Shit!” You said trying not to come too quickly. You remove the toy away from you a bit, taking a second to catch your breath. He stopped his movements as well. “What? Can’t keep up, baby?” He says as he smirks at you trying to meet up with him. Roman knew exactly what he was doing. 
Roman positioned the camera closer to him, the light from the lamp on the stand showcased his full bottom half. His soft brown, tattooed skin illuminated in the dark. He looked so heavenly in the light. He pulled his pants all the way down and lifted up his shirt a bit showing his stomach. Roman continued on to stroking himself again and instead of spitting on his hand as he did before, he spat directly on his tip. But first try wasn’t enough to cover, so he did it once again, but this time he spat on it with less aggression. Allowing the saliva to slowly, drip from his mouth all the way down to his thick veiny dick  Doing so he without breaking any form of contact. 
“Mmmhhmm” he moaned as he watched the substance cover every inch of his penis. The slushy noises from his strokes echoed in his tour bus. Roman began to grind against his strokes, his hips bucking in the air with every moment. He began to close his eyes picturing himself fucking into you on the bed. 
You couldn’t help yourself but to place the rose toy back onto your clit following suit and matching his strokes. Fuck this was so hot you thought to yourself. Watching himself masutrabte in front of you was so sexy.
Once again, feeling yourself reaching your edge, you wanted to wait once more, edging yourself, but this time Roman wasn’t feeling it. “No, babygirl keep goin’,” he said as he saw you repeatedly move the toy way to catch yourself. 
“Keep it on there, I wanna watch you cum for me” He says as he strokes his dick even faster, reaching his own climax. You placed rose right back on your clit and began to grind against it, nearly seconds away from reaching your big ‘O’. 
“Are you gonna cum for me, baby?” Roman says in a heated breath. “Yes, Daddy.” You replied shakingly as you felt yourself release.
“Ooooooooouu shittt!!” You screamed out. Your fluids dripping all over your folds and making a giant wet spot on your bed. 
“Attagirl” Roman says in between moans.
Your legs began to shake as you watch Roman grinding into the air. You rolled your eyes back picturing him on top of you pounding your pussy into smithereens. God, that felt amazing, but it wasn’t over yet. 
“Fuckkkkkk!!!” You heard from the other side of the screen. You watched as Roman stood up from his chair jacked his dick right in from the camera making sure you are not missing anything. 
You tried to look away for a brief moment because you were getting yourself riled up again but he immediately took notice. “Uhn Uhn Look at me.” He says to you as he nears his climax. The sounds of his precum mixed with his personal lube gathered around his dick as he strokes it up and down, repeatedly fills the quietness in your bedroom. You continued to look directly at him as you feel the heartbeat in your pussy beginning to fasten. Roman pulled his phone closer to him to where his dick was practically touching the screen. 
“You want this nut baby?” He says breathlessly. “Yes.” You instantly replied to him. 
“Yea?” He says before releasing.”Shitt!!” He screamed out as he ropes of creamy white substance exploded everywhere. His dick pulsated with every drip of cum released from his dick. “Awwww fuckkkkkk” he moaned deeply. Roman, breathing heavily looked down at to his crotch era at the mess he made.
“Damn baby, look at what you did.” He said through a cheeky grin, showing his pearly whites. You watched him cum before, and every time it it’s a different experience. It was something so satisfying, watching him release himself in front of you and then looking back at the damage that he’d caused. 
You giggles at his response and then started to get up to put your little flower gadget away. Roman picked up a paper towel nearby and cleaned up his own mess quickly as he looked at the time. “Damn, it’s already midnight.” He said sliding back on his pants and sitting right back into his chair. 
“Alright baby, I know you have to go..” you began to trail off, not wanting to keep him.
 “No it’s ok baby, we can chat for a little longer, I don’t think anyone is coming in for a while.” He responded shortly after.
“Are you sure? ” 
“Yes, now tell me, how was your day?” He asked with the biggest grin.
“Well, it was great.”
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kawaikylian · 1 year
A TWO PACK fanfic for my amorcitos 😮‍💨•njr
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Wrote this one a long time ago enjoy!
Neymar wasn’t always home, busy at games or training, but when he was he’d be asleep snoring right beside you, it’d leave you mesmerized having his presence right beside you possibly dreaming about you .
You were tired but needed Neymar’s arms around you, it was 9:34 and Neymar had a big meeting right after practice, he said he’d come at 9:30!, you texted billions of times waiting for an answer but got none, it was now 9:50 and you were to tired you didn’t hear the door open and footsteps coming up into your room.
Everything sounded blurry if that makes sense but you heard the water faucet turn on realizing Neymar was brushing his teeth and getting ready for bed, yours eyes lit up and you jumped out the bed “Neymar!” He must’ve heard you after he finished brushing his teeth because he turned back to you “your awake baby!” He runs hugging you.
He lifts your legs up to wrap around his waist as you give him millions of neck kisses “I missed you so much” he says and you let go off his neck to glance at him for a sec, “why didn’t you answer my messages” he laughs, he lets you down and goes to grab his bag leaving you confused.
As he does he pulls out a completely broken phone “Kylian thought it would be funny to grab my phone and run away, he dropped it” I gasp, “oh shit, I was so worried for you baby when you wouldn’t answer” you wrap your arms around his body, your head only reaches to his chest, you stand still for a second “I just needed to hug you for a second”.
“Let’s go to bed Lindinha” he says kissing the top of your head grabbing at your ass, he picks you up bridal style, he carefully places your body onto the mattress, he lays his body next to yours, with his other hand he uses it to wrap a soft blanket around the both of you.
“Cuddle me baby”.
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No,you and Neymar hadn’t been away from each other for too long, it just so happens the entire day you had been unable to see each other,Neymar was busy training and now had a game, you were in the stands cheering for him, a long side was davi and neymars sister Rafaella, you missed him deeply.
Rafaella had assured you everything would be fine, finally came halftime and your eyes gleamed seeing Neymar walking into the tunnel, then there you realized you could go see him.
“Ney!” You run jumping into his arms the other of his arm grabbing at your waist pressing you deeply, you head “wooos” in attempt to tease.”te extrañe tanto mi amorcito”, “eu também linda” he says kissing at your neck, you let go and he goes to hug his sister and his son, you smile, “davi go pose with your dad and let me take a picture!”, Neymar picks him up leading to davi posing with a funny smile.
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Pertend he’s wearing whatever jersey you want<3
The camera clicks and leaves you and rafaella smiling and squealing at how adorable davi was, “oh my god! Send me that!” She says and you nod,it’s been 10 minutes of you all talking and meeting up with everyone, “baby I have to go now, te amo” he says kissing you on the lips delicately, you have a warm smile telling him to go on.
You feel like crying when he leaves but you can’t do anything about it.
10 minutes into the game and Neymar scores leaving you screaming as loud as you can “LETS GOOO!!!!” You, davi, and rafaella all scream at the same time waving your Brazilian flags, there’s a huge screen in the stadium.
You take a glance at Neymar before taking a full closer look, you see him throwing a kiss at you, right at you, specifically at you, he doesn’t do it to the screen, he still finds your figure, considering how far away you both were he still found you.
He points at you at first and then sends a imaginary kiss, you smile and pretend as if your head over heels for the camera,the moment goes on the news and social media goes wild the first 20 minutes, after the game you find your way towards Neymar.
You hug him “I’m so proud of you baby” you say kissing his lips , “ I wouldn’t be kissing you so delicately right now but there’s too much people” you say in his ear making him blush, you had never seen him blush so hard.
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