#the way he smiled at him? 🥺
Chains of Heart is going to be one of those dramas that drives me crazy because I want to know what’s going on so badly. I’m already desperate to know how it ends.
Is Peter actually Din? But they found Din’s body. But it was Peter in the mask who broke into the house, right? Why did he kiss Ken (first of all while he was asleep) when his mouth was covered by his mask. Why did he pull down his comforter to check his tattoos? Was he verifying that was him? Does he not fully remember things? IS HE DIN?! Because otherwise what was the stargazing parallel for? They were at a bridge connecting them even though something is keeping them apart! And is Ken’s dad not his real dad? His friends said he left his parents back in Thailand, so why does he call him dad? Wouldn’t both his friends leaving immediately after finding Din’s body be suspicious and lead the bad guys to Ken? Why does Peter wear gloves? Will that underworld doctor, who clearly does not care for hygiene or the wellbeing of his patients, show up again? How could that be Din though? His whole face is different? And who is Shoes Guy? The one who actually shot Din off the cliff and then seemed to be in the crowd in whatever place Ken is now?
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mettywiththenotes · 5 months
I'm late to post this but I realized Aoyama is shaking when he holds Izuku's hand because he is scared, and the way he is frowning before turning to him... the fact that he actually IS still scared but holds Izuku's hand and smiles at him regardless because he knows this is what Izuku needs right now and that despite being afraid he STILL wants to be there and support him 😭
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aelswiths · 6 months
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Aelswith x Alfred (being so cute and married) in 2x05
For @kingslionheart, @ladyfenring, @garunsdottir
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palismet · 1 year
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the alt. thanks to them opening boards are going to emotionally scar me for life. look at his face. luz is terrified but desperate with a hope she feels is unfounded, needing that optimism to imagine a way out of this that doesn't hurt; that doesn't end in more tragedy?
she thinks they're on the same level of bad but sad. that she did as much as hunter in the name of helping belos, without knowing the whole truth of who belos was, who he is. she's traumatized by it.
she needs to not be alone in it.
the i'll keep your secret if you keep mine is a knife to the heart. we are in this together, she is saying. whether we like it or not, at least we have each other. at least i'm not alone.
but what do you say to that? how do you make a witch's oath without magic? you take it to heart. you hold it closer to anything. there aren't words for a devotion like that, the kind of devotion hunter has led with his entire life, and now, here, it's for luz. it's for everyone, for protecting them, to be able for them to get home again.
it's reminiscent of that good old golden guard loyalty, but remade in the light of this new world, new life. it's a cause to live by, a goal, a dream; and as the story goes, we can see - there isn't much he isn't willing to sacrifice for it, especially if the cost is only himself.
(he has nothing to return for, after all. he has a graveyard, filled to the brim with bones and masks and a future he only narrowly escaped.)
sacrifice - that is something he's been waiting for his whole life. so of course he's willing to risk everything for them. what better ending is there, where at the very least, his friends can go home to where they are loved? where no one has to be afraid, anymore?
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seiwas · 7 months
my bf is my #1 fan and it’s the sweetest thing 🥺☹️
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
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he’s my whole world
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boop-le-snoot · 10 months
okay bimbo homelander nation where??
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twistedappletree · 1 year
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[CN] Victor’s Trend Date (Eng Translation)
⌚Warning⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 潮流之约, that is yet to be released in the global server! ♡
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[Translation Under The Cut]
✧ [Chapter 1] ✧
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MC: It’s the efforts of all of us that have made [MC’s Company Name]’s today’s achievements possible…
In the splendid banquet hall, I look ardently at the employees off the stage as I hold the microphone.
MC: Thanks to everyone that the ensign of “Finding Miracles” has not collapsed in the pursuit of continuing the trademark of [MC’s Company Name];
MC: It’s also thanks to the subsequent addition of new blood and the introduction of various projects that [MC’s Company Name] has been able to rise above others in the fierce competition;
MC: So, I’d like to share the good news with everyone present here––
MC: Our [MC’s Company Name] has been selected as the best media brand in Loveland City!
Thunderous applause erupts from the audience. I no longer say those words of polite greetings, raising my wine glass to everyone.
MC: It’s an honor worth celebrating, and also worth raising our glasses like this!
When the party starts, I make my way to the table where Anna and others are seated.
MC: Phew, I’m tired to death… pour me a glass of water first.
Willow: Boss, Vivian wrote you a speech of nearly a thousand words. Why did you only say so little?
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MC: I thought some of the words were a little too corny, like— “With the spring in full bloom, [MC’s Company Name] embarks on a new expedition”...
MC: Well, why don’t we just get to the business! It’s the good food and tasty drinks that will say all!
Kiki: That’s right. In any case, we did come here to freeload on Boss’ great feast of a treat!
Everyone merrily engages in cheerful laughter. I lower my head and take a look at my phone. The last text message on it is from Victor, which I received five minutes ago.
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Victor’s Text: “Looking for a parking spot.”
MC: He’s been looking for five minutes; why hasn’t he come up yet? Is the parking lot full…
As I’m muttering to myself, the staff from the other tables approach my table one after another to toast. Unable to withstand the enthusiasm, I end up drinking several glasses.
When I’ve finally sent them off with great difficulty, I suddenly realize that something is a bit amiss.
MC: Anna, didn’t we arrange for the same department to sit at the same table beforehand?
Anna: Yeah, what’s wrong?
MC: Then how come Brother Zhang and Sister Liu are sitting over there with the editing department? And the new recruits from the planning and the operations departments are sitting together?
MC: They don’t have some kind of conflict going on between them, do they?
Anna: I don’t think so? I guess it’s just that people feel more at ease chatting and being close to their acquaintances for such a lively event as a dinner party.
Anna: Just like us…
Anna’s expression freezes slightly as she finishes, as though she, too, has realized something.
Anna: However, regarding gathering the departmental cases recently, there indeed is a bit of stark contrast between the newcomers and seniors in the company.
Anna: Both parties seem to feel that they can’t have a conversation together, and the proposals they delivered are also vastly different in style.
I reflect on this closely. In recent meetings, although everyone preached freely on their favored topics, it’s indeed true that the approach and style of proposals of the new and old employees were as different as black and white.
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MC: That does seem to be the case. And I remember the acceptance rate of the proposals from the new recruits being a bit higher?
Kiki: It is. Also, they didn’t seem to have much interaction aside from work when I ran into them in the pantry these days.
MC: Mm… the age gap between the employees in the company is a bit big now. So, maybe they really find it hard to get along with each other.
MC: But it can’t keep going on like this. We need to find a way to tune the atmosphere…
?? (Victor): It’s actually the first time I’ve seen a certain someone working so actively while eating.
MC: Victor! Why did you sneak up on me!
I turn my head, and sure enough, I'm met with the familiar, tall, and straight figure.
Victor: Seeing how invested you guys were in the discussion, I didn’t want to interrupt.
He scans the hall with his gaze, the corners of his lips arching upward.
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Victor: [proudly]  A certain someone has quite a lot of people working for her now.
MC: Of course! I’m a big boss now! Although not as big as you, the big, big, big boss…
Beaming, I pull out the chair at my hand, motioning for him to sit next to me.
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MC: Big, big, big boss, please take a seat~
Victor: …
The “big, big, big boss” shoots me a rather speechless glance, then nods to the others at the table before sitting down.
MC: By the way, aren’t you going to say a few words to everyone as an investor? There are still many people in our company who have never met you!
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Victor: [sulking-mode alert]  Did you invite me here as an investor?
Before I can even answer, Victor has already unhurriedly snatched away my wine glass, stressing certain words while appearing as if it were nothing.
Victor: [and the sulking-mode is ON]  I won’t say anything.
Victor: Because I can’t get along with people who are a bit too far apart from me in age.
MC: Okay… wait, what?
✧ [Chapter 2] ✧
What did Victor mean by that sentence?
Is he upset?
But he seemed quite normal throughout the party. Could it be that he merely said it offhandedly, and I’m the one who is being oversensitive?
These questions are still swirling in my head even after the banquet has ended and I’ve gotten into Victor’s car.
However, the parching of the alcohol continues to unceasingly surge within my body, making me unable to ponder properly.
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Victor: We’re home. Get off.
MC: Uhm… Victor, are you angry with me?
I tug on Victor’s sleeve, finally speaking up.
Victor: No.
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MC: You must be!
Victor: …
Victor: What makes you think that?
MC: Intuition!
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Victor: [helplessly]  …don’t talk about intuition when you’re drunk.
Victor leans over and presses the safety buckle for me. I take advantage of this opportunity and circle my arms around his neck, pouring out all the words in a gushing torrent.
MC: Victor, did the comment I made to Anna about age upset you?
MC: I repent it. I’m sorry. That was a very inappropriate thing for me to say.
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MC: After all, we are six years apart. But you and I get along very well. We have a very harmonious relationship, and we chat with each other about anything, isn’t that right~
I kiss Victor ardently, fixing my eyes on him anxiously.
Victor looks at me with downcast eyes and leans forward a little more.
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Victor: [extremely softly]  Do you not think about why we can get along and have a harmonious relationship even when we are six years apart, not to mention that we are colleagues?
MC: Of course not!
I rest my head against the back of the seat, shaking my head to declare it untrue immediately. Victor half-squints his eyes.
Victor: [even softer]  Is that so?
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MC: We are Souvenir’s chef and the line cook, Pudding’s guardians and the ones it complains to, the Omnipotent CEO Victor and his thoughtful counterpart, the empty-headed and the sulky!
MC: And each other’s one and only partner for life!
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Victor: [laughs softly]  …just keep the last one, the rest is quite excessive.
Feeling that I must run my fingers through Victor’s hair, I become more and more reluctant to let go of him.
MC: I want [MC’s Company Name] to always be a harmonious big family where everyone can communicate with each other on equal footing without the existing age gap…
MC: So, can the Omnipotent CEO Victor give me some advice? How do you guys handle the communication barrier between the old and new employees at LFG?
Victor: I don’t know. The HR department deals with communication problems between employees. Moreover, LFG is not a “big family” style company like yours.
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MC: …
MC: Dammit, showing off again that LFG is an elite company.
When I pout and mutter, Victor also laughs along with me, akin to an obscure and ambiguous soothing kiss sent to me through the airflow.
Victor: However, there is indeed a clear gap between the employees of your company.
Victor: The group of employees when your father was there came out of traditional media; and the ones recruited after [MC’s Company Name] expanded are young people educated in new media.
Victor: When two viewpoints collide, some invisible friction is bound to arise.
Victor: The higher acceptance rate of the new employees’ proposals will inevitably bring an adverse effect on the mentality of the older employees, creating a sense of crisis regarding working age.
Victor: If it were other companies, they might have seized the opportunity of the trend to lay off old employees on the grounds of “Survival of the fittest.”
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MC: I don’t want to lay off…
Victor: And you don’t want to lay them off, and you’ve never even considered that option, is that correct?
Victor speaks the words in my mind aloud almost at the same time. My heart smoothens because of his low and mellow voice, and I nod hard.
Victor: In that case, you have to make them feel that they are not “old.”
MC: So, how am I gonna do that?
Victor: Think about it yourself.
With a click, Victor opens the car door, and the fresh air rushes in from outside. His index finger softly draws a line across my cheek.
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Victor: [heavenly laughter spilling from his voice]  If you have to trouble the Omnipotent CEO Victor to help you with this kind of thing, that’s not exactly being the “thoughtful counterpart,” is it?
✧ [Chapter 3] ✧
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Victor: …put together a copy of the budget on page 4, as I’ve suggested just now, and submit it again next Monday.
MC: Okay~
I nod with a beaming smile on my face, brisk walk to Victor, and take the document. He can’t help but glance up at me.
Victor: [sulking-mode alert]  Why do you seem especially lively today?
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MC: Because I’m happy!
Victor lifts his eyebrows, hinting at me to continue.
I prop myself on the table with one hand and raise a finger.
MC: Cough, cough. Allow me to report one more piece of info on the latest situation of [MC’s Company Name].
MC: With my great efforts in communication and a series of team-building activities, the relationship between our new and old employees is gradually becoming more harmonious.
MC: And in order to improve the mindset among the former employees even better, we’ve decided to organize a “hipster party”!
Victor: ...hipster party?
MC: Mm! We’ve planned to invite everyone to have fun at the newly opened PUB called “STRAY” tomorrow.
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MC: Willow was the one who recommended it. She said that they have loads of handsome men and beautiful ladies, and the environment is cool too!
MC: There is only one problem now though, and that is that some of the older employees said they might not be able to adapt to that kind of atmosphere, and they really don’t want to go...
MC: But if they don’t come, there will be no point in me hosting this party.
MC: Victor, what do you think I should do?
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Victor: [and the sulking-mode is FULL ON] ...asking me to be your consultant again?
MC: You are the Omnipotent Victor~ Worst comes to worst, help me settle this difficult problem, and I’ll be your ox for next week!
[Anika’s Notes]: MC uses an idiom here– “当牛做马” which means “working hard and without complaints like oxen and horses.” i.e. “doing whatever is asked of you”. I definitely could’ve gone for a more polished wording in the dialogue, but I really just wanted to keep the hilarity of MC’s speech 😂
Victor: Every time a certain someone says something like this, she always ends up creating a bit of trouble.
MC: I don’t…
Despite quipping about me, Victor still smiles and points to the proposal in my hand.
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Victor: The way you persuaded me regarding the feasibility of the proposal is how you can convince them.
Victor: Adopt special measures for the stubborn crew members.
Victor: As long as the other party does not firmly refuse, there is still a chance to continue inviting them.
MC: I think I’ve got it… thank you for the pointers, CEO Victor. I’ll go back and re-compile my persuasion talk!
Victor: Wait, MC.
Just as I’m about to leave, Victor suddenly stops me by calling out to me.
MC: What’s wrong?
A little unnaturally, Victor sits up straight and lifts his eyes to me.
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Victor: That party of yours… what time is it tomorrow?
MC: Mm… around 8 or 9 pm?
Victor: How long are you planning to have fun?
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MC: I’m the organizer, so I guess I’ll have to wait until everyone leaves…
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Victor: [OH GOD THAT 100x SULKIER VOICE]  Owh. It seems I can cancel your midnight snack that day.
MC: That’s not necessary. So long as the party ends early, I can…
Staff Member: CEO Victor, the partners are already in the conference room.
Victor: Got it.
The employee outside the door interrupts my words, and Victor doesn’t give me a chance to wrangle as he stands up and walks straight to the door.
MC: Victor…!
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As it turns out, I don’t get to see even the shadow of the “busy bee Victor” until the following evening. Although he already reported his itinerary to me, I still can’t help feeling a little depressed.
MC: Is everyone here?
Anna: Everyone except Brother Zhang.
Brother Zhang is one of the earliest employees to come into the company and is the “elderly” who most often engages in disagreement with newcomers.
After everyone else agreed to attend, he was the only one left. Anna and I did a lot of ideological work on him, but we don’t know if we’ve been able to talk him into it.
Anna sends another text message to Brother Zhang, then shifts her gaze to my phone.
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Anna: Are you still warring with Victor?
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MC: Well, of course. How could he cancel my midnight snack just like that!
Even though the words in my mouth are very fierce, in reality, I dare myself and type on my phone, “Nothing in this PUB is delicious. Chef Victor’s craftsmanship is the best QAQ~”
…damn it. He is not texting me back.
I sigh, consistently having this thought in my head that I may have touched the whiskers of a certain big cat again, which is clearly not to be meddled with. But I’m unable to figure out what exactly went wrong.
And at this moment, Anna waves toward the other end.
Anna: Brother Zhang is here!
Brother Zhang’s expression is still a little hesitant when he meets our gaze, but the others have already pulled him to a table with cheerful laughter.
Brother Zhang: Ah, I just came over to say hello.
Brother Zhang scratches his head, waving his hand repeatedly.
Brother Zhang: Mainly, I felt that I couldn’t have fun the way you young people do, so this kind of occasion wouldn’t be appropriate for me to come…
MC: You mustn’t say that. There is no occasion for which a person cannot be “appropriate.”
MC: If you always keep thinking about the age gap and don’t wish to communicate with each other, won’t the barrier keep growing deeper and deeper?
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MC: And what’s more, Brother Zhang may not know what we young people do for fun nowadays, but we also don’t know the things Brother Zhang used to do when he was young.
MC: I heard from our sister-in-law that you won her heart with your breakdance back then!
Intern: Wow, Brother Zhang can breakdance! That’s so amazing!
Intern: Brother Zhang, we happen to be working on a feature about dance and specific periods. Can you please tell us more about the days of your youth?
Brother Zhang: That… there isn’t much to talk about from when I was young…
Despite saying so, Brother Zhang’s face rises to a smile as he talks about his affairs, crowded by the youngsters.
Anna: Are you relieved now?
I nod, smiling knowingly together with Anna as we clink our glasses. At this time, Anna’s gaze suddenly crosses over my shoulders, and she raises an eyebrow in astonishment.
Anna: Hey? MC, is that a new recruit from our company sitting over there at the bar? Looks… pretty handsome.
I follow her line of sight, and there really is a tall and straight figure sitting near the bar in front of me. It’s just that the light in the pub is too dusky, making me unable to see his facial features clearly.
MC: His figure from behind really is very handsome… but why do I feel that he seems a little familiar?
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As though sensing my gaze, the other party turns around and takes off his sunglasses.
The neon lights overhead project a bewitching splendor in that pair of slender eyes, his gaze firmly locking itself upon me.
MC: ––Victor?!
✧ [Chapter 4] ✧
I prance up to my feet with a start.
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When did Victor come here? And… why is he dressed like this?
In my impression, Victor is always either attired in a neat and tidy suit or an understated outfit, never failing to look like an elegant and meticulous gentleman.
But the Victor before my eyes at this very moment is wearing an unruly leather jacket, and inside is a printed shirt I’ve never seen before.
Two delicate silver-colored chains fall to his collarbones, glinting with a shimmering light as he turns around.
There are a few rings on his slender fingers, and the light draws the outlines of the rough patterns of the rings as he rubs the frame of the eyeglasses.
He is akin to a lion lying dormant in the darkness, inharmonious with this noisy environment yet blending in perfectly.
MC: Victor, you…
Just as I’m about to open my mouth, the music in the room reaches its climax, and a large group of people from the next table also rushes over at this moment.
Employees: Brother Zhang, we are short of people to play games here. Come to our table, hurry!
Employees: Boss, you come too!
MC: I…
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Anna: MC can’t go right now.
Amidst the tumultuous pulling, Anna steadies my shoulders and says to the employees with a beaming smile on her face.
Anna: Your Boss fancies a certain handsome guy and is on her way to talk to him.
Anna makes a signal at the group with her gaze. Puzzled, everyone turns their heads, followed by letting out an “oooh” of realization.
Employees: He is indeed a really handsome guy who is super rich, gentle, and considerate. You go, Boss!
–– These guys!
I stifle my laughter, wave at them, and then quickly walk up to Victor.
MC: Hello, Mr. Handsome. May I have your contact information?
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Victor: …
Victor shoots me a rather speechless glance, half-squinting his eyes.
Victor: You’re very proficient with your pick-up lines.
MC: [nervously]  Hehe, I learned them all from TV. And usually, I don’t have the opportunity to practice…
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Victor: [HELP THE WAY HIS VOICE GOES—]  What? Where do you want to practice?
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MC: No! No! I only want to practice on you!
I immediately express my loyalty and take his arm, swaying it as I pretentiously throw coquettish glances at him.
MC: So, Mr. Handsome, would you be willing to give me your contact information?
Victor: …you really are addicted.
Victor arches his eyebrows and changes his sitting posture, followed by a hint of interest suddenly gracing the corners of his lips.
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Victor: My apologies, Miss. You’re not the type of girl I like.
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MC: Victor! How dare you!
I break character in a heartbeat, causing Victor to laugh out loud in a low voice.
Victor: Not playing anymore?
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MC: …humph, I can’t deal with you, so I’m not playing anymore.
I pull another bar stool over and sit on it, kicking him gently in the shin with my toes.
MC: Why didn’t you tell me that you were coming here? You didn’t even reply to my messages.
Victor: My phone was on silent, so I didn’t notice.
MC: Humph, fine, that’s a good enough reason.
Curious, I once again poke at the leather jacket he is wearing.
MC: Why did you suddenly dress like this? I almost didn’t even recognize you just now.
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Victor: It’s common sense to don the most suitable outfit according to the corresponding setting.
Victor: Do I have to wear a three-piece suit here as well?
MC: I mean… I never imagined that you’d show up at the PUB.
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Victor: [OH GOD THE WAY HE SULKILY MUTTERS UNDER HIS BREATH]  “Wouldn’t show up.” That’s because a certain someone didn’t invite me.
Victor speaks in a low voice and very speedily, and I’m unable to catch it properly through the beats of the music.
However, Victor has already leaned in slightly, looking straight at me.
Victor: [how do you sound 🥺 so while sulking]  Or do you think I’m not a fit for this kind of setting?
MC: Huh?
Suddenly, I vaguely understand something.
No wonder he asked me about my schedule like that yesterday, deliberately canceled my midnight snack, and appeared fully armed in front of me like this today…
Staring at his pursed-up lips beneath the intertwined light and shadow, my heart feels a little itchy, as if it’s being gently stroked by Pudding’s paw.
I pick up a glass of wine and speak solemnly.
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MC: I have received CEO Victor’s protest.
MC: From this day forward, we must always be together no matter what the setting is, okay?
Victor doesn’t answer me, but his eyebrows have clearly donned the curvature of satisfaction.
He sits up straight again, raising his glass to me.
Victor: Since this is a rare visit, let’s sit for a while longer.
MC: Okay! I also want to look at more of this version of you, but… I also want to eat the midnight snack you’ve prepared for tonight.
Our wine glasses clink, producing a crisp and pleasant sound.
Victor’s smile prevails amid the rich aroma of the cocktail, his low and mellow voice carrying an indolence of satisfaction.
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Victor: [VOICE DROPS TO HIS SEXY WHISPER]  That will depend on your performance tonight, and then I’ll consider again whether to cancel it or not.
📞 Call and Moments: HERE!  (! Fair warning, they are equally gold)
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httpiastri · 6 months
JUST READ bunny bandaids and forehead kisses!!! you have it out for me don’t you, how’d you know i have soft spots for boys who are good with kids !!!!! 🫠
if i have to curl up in bed all day and think about pepe, who am i to say no ?! thank you jack for blessing all the pepe girlies once again, your efforts don’t go unnoticed 🫶🏻🫶🏻
- 🎀
sweetheart!!! im so so so glad you liked it 🥺 pls i really think pepe would be great with kids for some reason, very gentle and sweet. he's probs every little kid's favorite cousin/second cousin/etc., the one they're all so excited to see at family parties. he's never allowed to sit at the adults' table or even have a chat with his adult family members because there's always some kid dragging him away 😭 but he enjoys it, he loves those little ones just as much as they love him <33
honestly that sounds like a great day 🥺 what could be better?? thank you sm for this my darling, youre blessing us too with your thoughts and messages 🥺🫶 hope u have a great day lovely!!
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okay buck would definitely be like hey eddie let's spar together and eddie would be like okay!! sparring is so much fun!! and so they would go to a gym after their shift and spar and it would be Fine for about 5 minutes. before buck realizes he's in over his head and his size is Not an advantage with eddie because eddie is able to pin him down no matter what buck does. and buck would be so horny and frustrated the entire time and eddie would be confused because I thought you could fight buck??? why are you giving up once I pin your hands down??? and buck would try to be all ha ha I guess I can't compete against a former street fighter while actively trying to hide his erection
#buck wants eddie to rough him up#like thats actually canon you cannot twll me otherwise#its also canon outside of buddie (buck wants mr im not gonna say his name to teach him a method of fighting)#like buck canonically wants to spar with men he thinks are sexy so you know hes gonna ask eddie#like eddie can we spar 🥺🥺🥺#sure why not buck#and buck would be like okay yay!! dont take it easy on me btw i can take it#and so ofc eddie would take it easy on him but hed still come out on top every time because yeah buck has size and strength to his advantage#but eddie has actual experience fighting people and bucks only ever hit a punching bag#so buck would end up pinned to the ground everytime and eddie would tease him in a way that feels good and hes dizzy because eddies pinning#him down and smiling above him and holding his wrists against the floor and kinda straddling his hips and what else can buck so except get#hard#so he does and eddie doesnt notice at first but then he shifts and oh#buck are you#and maybe buck tries to muscle his way out of eddies hold but fails and stares up at eddie with flushed cheeks and a hard dick and hopes#eddie just brushes it off#but eddie doesnt and buck almost passes out when eddies hips shift and he can feel how hard eddie is#and so maybe they sit there for a moment#feeling each others erection and hot gaze and wanting and yearning and desire#before eddie says what if we should go home#and bucks nodding before he even finishes the sentence because hes follow buck anywhere
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jaeyooniverse · 1 year
HWIYOUNG’s first digital single, “Drive5,” is an R&B song with a familiar composition, an emotional guitar theme and a catchy beat, in which he expresses the brief moment of a breakup after a long relationship by using “Drive” as a metaphor.
“I hope this song conveys to you the youth I thought and felt”
Comparing meeting and breaking up to speed, the lyrics of "Drive5" resonate with many who have experienced a breakup. With HWIYOUNG'S sensational rapping and vocals, this track will be the perfect addition to any fan's playlist.
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sparfloxacin · 7 months
I’ve been thinking about doing a list of something like ”olli/allu things I can’t believe have actually happened” but there are so many things it almost feels too overwhelming to do 😂😭
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waitingforminjae · 1 year
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i'm obsessed with him
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0ccuria · 8 months
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"Within these walls, we will find the balance in each other, my fire."
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