#the way i already have some headcanon in this department
starmocha · 4 months
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Zayne: calm down
Xavier: go ahead
Rafayel: reminiscing old artworks
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fumifooms · 23 days
Dungeon lord Chilchuck
What would his wish as a dungeon lord be? What would he be like? Headcanons & speculation post for fun. But I’ll start with analytic lead up because that’s always fun for me, though feel free to skip and skim.
When it comes to what Chilchuck’s dungeon lord desires could/would be like we have mainly 3 hints: His nightmare, his succubus and what the winged lion says to him.
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Why: — From what we see nightmares are based on the person’s worst fears and insecurities, both Laios’ and Marcille’s nightmare were closely tied to their dungeon lord wishes (Laios’ dream monster being summoned to crush the ghosts of relationships that represented the pressure to fit in and belong, Marcille seeking control over death and aging through magic to avoid loss), the fuel behind their desire/goal if you will. Fear and deep-seated desires are seemingly closely tied, something also supported by Thistle and Mithrun’s reigns as dungeon lords (Thistle proving his worth through fulfilling his given duty + protecting his loved ones, being listened to instead of having to listen, Mithrun escaping rigid two-faced elven society and living in a wonderland where he has no enemies and he’s loved, free from everyone he knew yet propped up by the person symbolizing his brother being chosen over him, the bastard child).
— I’ve talked about the significance I assign to the succubi often by now, but rundown: What we see of each character is all very telling if you care to listen, it shows not only someone’s "ideal form" but what they want from it. Izutsumi’s is familial, offering a hug and comfort, Marcille’s is romantic with a character she knows and loves, offering a kiss on a hand and a connection regardless of how distant it actually is, and Laios’ is platonic, arguable at first but then Laios’ fear of judgement is placated and he is offered the picture perfect friend group that accepts his interest (if you want my full look at Laios’ succubus go here). They take on the most alluring form, most ideal person of their victim, even uncovering deep subconscious desires, so precisely and effectively to the point it leaves victims physically frozen before the object of their desire. Succubi and the demon are themselves tied in lore and it’s easy to see how similar their core skill are. Succubi don’t give a good idea of what a character would wish for on their own but they certainly give hints on what they crave, regardless of how you want to read it.
— Last bit is self-explanatory. To placate Chilchuck and win his compliance over, the monster that reads your soul like an open book offers to give him something specific. But! It’s also important to remember that the lion isn’t offering to fulfill Chilchuck’s dream world wish here, it’s a second prize, because his goal with what he promised Laios is that they’d stay in this world, away from everyone and everything else. Chilchuck wants to get away but is kept back, and it’s here the lion placates him with "hey it’s okay! You can’t do that but I can still give you this! This is enough right? It’ll make everything easier on you".
What each bit says: — Long version in another post. Tldlr: His daughters and family are obviously important to him, and this reinforces that he takes on the role of protector a lot, he’s constantly worried for his party members’ lives and implicitly his family’s. Safety and stability, both economical and otherwise, are his core values and goals, and he berates both others and himself if someone fails on those fronts. Here, there’s the fear of not being enough, of not having been able to protect, and of course of loss.
— Chil’s succubi are obviously sexual, and not only that but agressively and straightforwardly so. It’s not like Marcille’s where there’s personality involved, all they do is give him sultry looks and pretty smiles before jumping on him. His succubi aren’t like Izutsumi’s, always the same exact person and appearance, so it’s not someone but an appealing general idea. The idea of a sexual being he can regard as simply a gorgeous piece of meat and a good time no strings attached. In my interpretation, especially with my reading of Laios’ succubus where even with deep-seated desires negative emotions can be too intense to effectively freeze a victim, I think this doesn’t contradict his character. Relationships have been painful to him in the past, in the succubus scene when his wife gets mentioned his immediate reaction is to yell "Don’t bring her up now!", like with his habit of drinking and as a tallman liking his senses feeling dulled, it’s about not having to feel emotions with how difficult they are to deal with sometimes and just feeling good, or at least not having to think, for a while. If a succubus showcases someone’s ideal connection with an ideal person, then Chilchuck’s is with a pretty person that doesn’t stir any negative memory or drama, someone low stakes and low maintenance that doesn’t require him to manage or talk out feelings because there’s none involved in the first place.
— Once more, wife and family are important! He does long for his family, not only his wife but his daughters, and vice versa. This suggests not only that he wants good relationships with them but that he wants them to be with him, a family life. Far from the cut communication they all more of less have during canon, and perhaps far from their life pre-canon when he worked away from home a significant amount of time. We’ve seen recreations of people by the winged lion before with doppelgangers and monsters (naga), and though he claims he can make satisfying imitations, what we’ve seen is that they base themselves on the best memories of that person, like with Marcille’s dad, or twist behavior to be more pleasant, like Mithrun’s lover (and possibly twist appearances depending on the person’s view of them, but that’s Mithrun analysis). The line does suggest Chilchuck would want his family members as they are in reality and not idealized versions, but the circumstances are chaotic and urgent enough in the scene (and again the lion isn’t fulfilling Chilchuck’s wish but trying to make him content for Laios’) that it could just be the winged lion saying what he needs to to convince him the fastest possible, and like we see with Laios that can crumble to give way to deeper or more complex desires.
On top of that we just have general info on Chil. How does Chilchuck deal w his issues? What does he like to do? He likes alcohol and ignoring his problems. We have to remember there is a split between what someone would consciously wish for and what their soul uncontrollably irrationally craves. As always with Dunmeshi, there’s a narrative of irrational deep-seated desires vs active wants, what you crave vs what you strive for, what you dream of vs what’s actually good for you, the animal vs the human inside you, heart vs mind. Chilchuck craving a harem of hot babes in his fantasies but wanting his family life & wife back again is not mutually exclusive. You may crave becoming a monster and tasting what humans are like a little but still want to save the world & your friends more.
Btw can we adress the irony of him terrified of being the last one alive, of being left by his daughters and wife, of having left and coming back home one day to see everything gone or rampaged, yet not caring about dying of liver failure himself, knowing every time that he enters a dungeon there’s a real risk he may not come out. Die somewhere I can’t see you. I prefer leaving you than being left behind. He’s selfish and shortsighted like that… Chilchuck is selfless in many ways of course, but perhaps also due to his own relationship with his parents, he often undermines the effects he has on others in his relationships, both the good and the bad (he talks himself down about being cowardly and greedy yes, but never hints at his bad health habits, alcoholism and starving himself, may have affected his loved ones, doesn’t question his wife falling into a bad mood the night before she left, and talks about the possibility of dying here and there very casually, though obviously he tries his best to stay alive when it doesn’t concern his health).
Chilchuck king of "Let me just avoid and ignore my problems surely they’ll go away, things might work out and if they don’t well tough luck I’ll survive and I probably deserve it anyways". If I don’t look at it it will dissapear <3 Why care when you can simply not think about it.
You might not understand Mister "my love will stay strong through months of work travel and also 4 years of separation" and Mister "well idk my siblings and me are kinda strangers and my dad is dead but that’s kinda whatever", but typically relationships need some form of maintenance and emotional availability…
The actual headcanons finally
I kinda have 2 routes in mind for dunlord Chil and both of them are centered on "I care too much, i wish things were easy", so first is a lot like his succubi, it’s full on indulging in his guilty pleasures like alcohol and bodies and it’s to keep him in a constant state of thrill and euphoria and distracted, unfeeling about stuff that really matters. "Nothing matters except that I’m enjoying the moment!" vibe. He gets to live a life worthy of Dionysus, with alcohol and women and debauchery and like— never having to think again, never having to feel anything but pleasure again, never have to feel guilty or shitty or angry or sad. He has a harem and gets everything on a silver platter.
Breaking news demon magic-induced rush of euphoria and power still not enough to cure this man of his self-hatred nor his capacity for thought!! But in his case a state of euphoria is what he seeks I think, to kinda mask or replace the Everything Else.
The other is what I think closer to what canon suggests, with what WL implied too with "I’ll make you a new wife and kids like the originals!! 😊", it’s a (spoilers) Wandavision type thing where it’s a slice of life where he’s never at work and always at home and the family eats lunches at the dinner table together and everything and everyone at any moment is just. Happy. No issues. It was all a dream, this is real and everything is fine and your family is perfect and happy. I like to think the timeline would be wonky, his daughters would fluctuate in age, but he’d want to be there for what he missed, would want them to still rely on him and look up to him like when they were young, would like to forget that they’re now independent adults and the distance that grew between Chilchuck and his siblings is happening between them as well. Chil would want doppelgangers of his family imo, at its core just a general wish for a peaceful happy family life with no drama, no need to compromise, a little paradise of unconditional love and no consequences. It’s for sure straightforward, but Chilchuck is a man with straightforward desires…
But see Chilchuck is a greedy man, and he wants it both ways without having to sacrifice anything or expanding any efforts himself. He wants to have his cake and eat it too. I think playing with these two opposite directions and mixing and matching is most fun. Him leading a life where he indulges in all his worst habits while still having everything he wants… Him getting to have BOTH his wife and any woman he can imagine up, his life like two sides of a coin he can flip at any moment where he’s partying then he’s at home enjoying the quiet and his toddler daughters playing with toys on the carpet. Christ when you remember it’s all an illusion that’s terrifying, the doppelgangers and succubi from the winged lion playing chilchuck ping pong.
A safe little haven both security-stability wise and emotionally. Gets to have both the relaxing and the thrilling in any dose he wants, mixed or separatedly. What I’d argue he had pre-canon too: Can live it up in taverns away from home, stays away from home for long periods of time, and can come back to home aka the symbol of relaxation and safety whenever he decides to. Something he can leave and come back to at will, an anchor he can trust in (until it’s taken from him and his wife leaves. Or in his worse nightmare people rush in and kill his daughters). The ideal of a house and family to a working man, perhaps…
I think it’s fun to think on wether or not these desires would be interesting at all to the winged lion… In canon he seeks out "rare/complex desires", common simple things like I imagine riches, sex, substances and pleasure would be are boring to him, he’s eaten those so many times already. So perhaps he wouldn’t last long as a dunlord, the WL would want to eat him fully quick, can’t keep him interested or waiting long for a meager meal, too much effort raising the cattle and too low quality meat. By making it more twisted or layered Chil’s desire would become more desirable to the demon, it’s part of what’s fun with the third option to me. But whatever. Has he ever eaten a guy with this much repression and self-sabotage... Like trying to get the meat out of a walnut, enrichment…
Other dunlord Chil takes I’ve seen that are fun and good:
@feelo-fick and @pluvio-floret have a dunlord Chilchuck AU project dubbed "tragedy AU" where Chilchuck is said to be "on vacation", in a weird delirious state, only half-there half of the time… From which he doesn’t want to wake up </3 Quoting Feelo, this is why the vacation thing is only a half-joke cause he is 1) letting all his responsibilities go 2) indulging in himself and 3) "spending time with his family" <- lie but you get what i mean. Additional comments that have me vigorously nodding: because changing is hard why cant things just be okay right now without the effort !!! Life is hard he’s so so tired he just wants to feel good… he just wants life to feel nice and easy for a sec while he can learn to breathe again and lose the stress and trauma he’s accumulated…….. spoiler alert yes !!! in fact a depressed person can suck themselves into their job and lock out the world who wouldve thought !!!
And then Cabinette I know posted about his dunlord take once but I don’t have the link, in which Chil has a lot of nosebleeds because of mana overload which is fun and interesting to think about imo~
In dunmeshi, where characters get underground pockets of the world as their playground disconnected from everything outside and the rest of the world, it’s important to remember to face reality even if it has conflict and people with different views and stances from you, it’s something Chilchuck and Marcille and everyone needed to learn, and the thing with a dungeon lord AU is that you imagine a timeline where he fails to <3
A timeline where his dungeon lord wish is to desire nothing bc hope and want has only ever hurt him would also go so hard. Very universal thing though I suppose.
… And this is why a Chilchuck-centric Coraline AU is really really interesting and fitting and topical— Ok that’ll go in a separate reblog/post at @Fumiku I need to let this end
#Dungeon meshi#chilchuck tims#Analysis#dungeon lord chilchuck#Spoilers#dungeon meshi manga spoilers#Wish we could put just parts of a post under a ‘click to read more’ box that scrolls open and closes neatly#Bc 3/4th of the post is just extra explanation for ppl who don’t See The Vision already but like that’s not what i wanted most of the post#to be really gdbdg#Headcanons#You could say the family also represents something he’s built up with how own hands. If he has self-worth issues and thinks he’s a screw-up#in the virtue/honor and likability department especially— his family destroyed/killed also represents the one biggest good thing#he’s done/created crumbling also. Like his wife leaving without a word while he trusted their relationship this can hugely impact#one’s sense of identity and self-worth and what you’re living life for. In his case it’s not too surprising he turned to simple#physical pleasures for comfort and enjoyment. Like with tasting good food having moments feeling good keeps you going#He always focuses on the bad relationships bring and never the good aghhhh#The reverse of Marcille who often idealizes. They both ignore problems in their relationships in opposite ways.#What do you mean why do i bring up marcille. Okay yes this’ll get a marchil Fumiku short brainstorm reblog as well#Chilchuck is so… curse of having feelings and not realizing the extent of them. Underestimating how much you care#It’s either ‘i’m fine who cares’ or falling into the pits of despair and blaming himself n spilling his whole bag no inbetween#Dunmeshi succubus#Fumi rambles#boy that’s what this boils down to i suppose#Family angst “Hey I came back home from work and i’m tired so don’t talk to me about problems or anything k? I’m here to relax smh damn”#< unwilling to admit he has issues he should be working on or that some things are affecting others negatively#Chil you are so enneagram 6w7 <3
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laenyrasdarling · 2 months
Hiii! Can i ask for an Haelena/ fem! Targaryen reader headcanons? No nsfw but romantic. Reader is the daughter of Rhea Royce and Daemon
.ೃ࿐helaena targaryen x fem!targaryen/royce!reader 
✦ some notes on the setting; pre-dance, with helaegon and the twins (+ aegon’s debauchery) still present, daemyra being alluded to whilst he’s married (frostily) to rhea and she to laenor, vizzy t’s in a somewhat fortunate state of health, i am here for helaena her only and the worldbuilding Shall reflect it
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ׂׂૢ having spent much all of your formative years residing in the grassy hills and wild thatches of runestone with your mother and her family, your varyingly absent father’s request to depart to king’s landing not long after your coming of eight and ten felt like something not very far between a dare and a terror. 
ׂׂૢ as abbarantly furious as this suggestion had initially made your dear mother and grandsire, over the course of some weeks your gentle insinuations that some winters in the red-roofed capital may be of benefit to a silver-haired, violet-eyed lady such as yourself before she returned to her homeland to continue her path ontoward ruling runestone in her mother’s footsteps, you successfully found enough cracks in your doting family’s bronzed armour to see them abate. 
ׂׂૢ so armed with enough belongings to last you from late spring to the following summer and the strongly pressed guidance from your grandsire that this temporary dalliance was only so you���d return equipped with better skills and knowledge with which to one day rule over your true homeland, you set sail for king’s landing. knowing all at once that you were only permitted to embark on this journey for varying ploys that were not yours - your grandsire’s to see you evolve to a competent ruler, your father’s to better his standings in your all but estranged uncle viserys’ eyes - you tried to not let these meddling hands of fate dissuade you from also using this time for your own endeavours.
ׂׂૢ and none so prevalent was that mission made to you than when you first laid eyes on the princess helaena upon your arrival to the red keep.
ׂׂૢ this was around the time you first found yourself thankful for your father’s meddling, as his suggesting in his letter that you make yourself of use to your hosts and aid the lady helaena in her childrearing and courtly duties meant that you arrived pre-prepared with a reason to find yourself in her company so often. as frostily as things began, with you nervously hovering around the edge of the room as the twins played and she sewed stiffly, with suppertimes just as cold with the added intrusions of her fool husband and snide-tongued younger brother, summer had barely begun to depart on your first year when things began brightening.
ׂׂૢ your transition from outcast to dearly-held began in benign ways - jaehaera growing familiar with your shadow-still presence in the family’s quarters and growing bold enough to beckon you forth with a chubby-fisted hand, that held aloft a dragon figurine for you to join her in play with. then came your wine-fuelled back-and-forths with aemond at the dinnertable, earning you both your cousins’ delicately-balanced respect, along with that of ser otto - and later, when helaena would find herself peering from over parapets to catch a glimpse of you besting even some of the kingsguard in the training yard with your bow skills.
ׂׂૢ the gradual quality with which you immerse yourself into her life escapes even her, until she begins to find herself noticing when your relentless energy and imaginative ploys are absent from the twins’ mornings and when you deem to take ale with aemond and his goons instead of joining her and alicent for supper. 
ׂׂૢ her status as a crown princess, and one betrothed to the king’s eldest son at that, taken into account, means that it’s probably once in a blood moon that helaena needs to ask for anything. which is what makes it mean all the more than it already does when she starts asking for your company.
ׂׂૢ and oh, how unendingly glad is she that she did.
ׂׂૢ her droll mornings become filled with your endlessly interesting talk of runestone, and your studies, and the things you’ve noticed since your arrival here (much of which she may not quite understand, but loves to listen to all the same). you’re by her side for each meandering stroll through the gardens that seems to take longer and longer each passing day, for every family meal that you manage to instill life and laughter into, for each lavish ball that she no longer fears now that she has you on her arm to keep her grounded and safe.
ׂׂૢ it’s the confident ease that you carry yourself with that endears helaena to you so much. how no task, no conversation, no idea is below or above you; that you’ll see the good and the worth in everything and everyone like it’s as easy as breathing.
ׂׂૢ so really, it’s no wonder that when it’s drawing late one night and you haven’t swung by her quarters with that darling smile of yours to wish her goodnight like you always do that when she goes in search of you, she finds you having dismissed the handmaids for the night and taken to tidying up the twins’ toys and study materials yourself. in the light of the still-flickering hearth, you look as heavenly a woman as helaena’s ever seen; so she’d be forgiven for finding herself kneeling so very close to you on the stone floor as she helps you stow figurines and charcoals away, and for losing herself in your lilac eyes that she doesn’t realise she’s leaning in until her lips are already on yours.
ׂׂૢ from there, it’s another slow descent - but helaena ensures not to miss a second of it this time around.
ׂׂૢ linked arms as you stroll through the gardens become held hands and guiding palms on the smalls of backs when no-one’s looking. the sewing lessons she’s insisted on walking you through end up looking more like you sitting back against her legs, as she loops her arms around yours and guides you through each stitch with her own hand, and now it’s a heatwave in the north before you’ll trade an evening with her for drinking with her fool brothers.
ׂׂૢ and you best believe, that’s only the very beginning.
ׂׂૢ she has dreamfyre saddled for two, and laughs through your terrified screams as she takes you so high into the clouds that you fear she’ll never possibly find her way back down. but really that’s your fault, as if you didn’t hand so tight onto her waist and bury your face into the crook of her neck, she would have no reason to delight in your flights as much as she does.
ׂׂૢ none of the articles of clothing you arrived with are now without alterations from her hand. a tiny, glittering arrow on a dress sleeve, a bronze-threaded neckline that seems to merge with an emerald-toned green as it sweeps down your back, all so subtle but done with love that they ease a smile onto your face every time they catch your notice again. and that’s not even taking into account the garments that are her design and commission alone, which now make up more than half of your wardrobe - rich, silken robes in every colour you could dream of, soft undershirts better suited to the warm climate of king’s landing than the heavy cotton ones you brought with you, gowns to match hers for all the balls she now drags you to on her arm.
ׂׂૢ her demure nature accounted for, she personally rejects any talks of vows for your hand - right down to seeing to it that all visiting noblewomen who appear to find too much interest in your bright eyes or warm laughter won’t find themselves having any business being in your company again.
ׂׂૢ on nights where she really just can’t bear to part with you until the morning, she’ll have her most trusted maidservants beguile her guards with a lie about her feeling poorly and asking you to stay with her for company; ensuring there’ll be no questions if anyone were to find the princess and a noblewoman entwined in bed together, cuddled so close it’s doubtful they could ever be parted.
ׂׂૢ it’s in moments like those, so sweet and so sacred, where the safety of your arms emboldens her so that she’ll dare to speak beyond the here and now. about her dreams of renouncing aegon, of taking the twins and you and flying as far as dreamfyre will take you, until you find a place that’s safe. safe for her to take you as your wife, for all the issues of succession and war to be a distant memory, where she can be a seamstress and you a farmer and the twins whatever they so want to be.
ׂׂૢ and torturously, those moments where she feels brave enough to speak plainly are the ones you find you just don't have the heart to give her the same honesty. so you kiss her forehead, brushing back silvery strands of hair as you settle in against one another and pray that your dreams lead you both to the same place where you may be able to live out that fantasy if only for a night.
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anantaru · 2 years
˚✧⁎⁺˳ sfw alhaitham boyfriend headcanons
some sweet boyfriend hcs about the scribe since he’s finally getting released, enjoy everyone ૮꒰ྀི ´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
꒰ a/n ꒱ — some instances in this are inspired by a couple hcs i have written about him in the past!
꒰ genre ꒱ — fluff, gn! reader
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+ ˚ matching rings
for alhaitham, having a sense of bond with his significant other aside from an— already exceptional, emotional connection, didn‘t seem like an item he would‘ve spend nor waste any time on.
though a while later, after one day when he had sauntered through the midst of sumeru city, his eyes had suddenly caught a glimpse of a glowing jewel on a small table, being sold by a vendor from another nation.
it wasn‘t until later when he realised that the ring had a little stone embedded into it which held onto your most favorable color, next to it a larger version of the same product, a little different, but still carrying on the same intensity of beauty.
in the end he decided to buy it for you both, there wasn‘t a specific day or a special occasion that alhaitham had waited for to gift you his little present.
in reality he one day, brought the small gift with him to meet you, at last showing it to you in his large hand, the glow of the radiant stone on top of the golden frame had taken in the grand total of your pure attention.
he was well aware that you liked it, it was clearly written all over your sweet expression, how your eyes had widened in mere seconds, fixed with a certain luminosity of being so utterly grateful to him.
slowly, he rolled the ring on its desired destination and it fit you perfectly, of course it did.
after all, it was him who had your love, had fully acquired it and if he would remember and dwell back on it, alhaitham surely didn‘t regret buying the little gold since it was now an element part of his love for you, you who was his priceless possession.
+ ˚ slow, lazy make out sessions and his love
with the freedom he had obtained due to his job as the akademiya‘s scribe, alhaitham could gather enough spare time for you both to share with each other.
the comfort he sought after a long day was forthwith found in your arms with his head snugly leaning into your warm chest, listlessly paying attention to the low thumps of your heart.
although the two of you would engage in conversation at first, carelessly rattling onto numerous topics that just so happened over the past few hours, it'd aways end with you both getting closer.
for some unexplained reason, alhaitham tried to justify the comfort that consumed him whenever his lips would touch yours. It might have to do something with the dopamine releasing in him, with it setting free euphoric sensations in both his body and soul.
you were so sweet, so soft and squishy when your breathing went a tone lower, worldly wise and at a standstill, you were both relaxing under your touches, the romantic atmosphere that gnawed itself into the air, your surroundings adapting a fire as he gently took your chin in between his thumb and pointer finger, drawing you close just a bit more, a little.
there was no doubt that you have greatly helped him improve in the relationship department, not only with you sharing an intimate, romantic connection but as well as when it came to friendships in its complete glory, to illustrate further as indicated with his colleagues of the sumeru akademiya.
in this moment, you do not speak, neither of you.
it's those nanoseconds where alhaitham would be plagued by words or letters he wouldn't be the best person to speak them out loud, though in his mind, they ran freely and in tandem with his feelings.
i need you by my side, all eternity, i am better because of you, i love you unconditionally, all of you.
+ ˚ reading to you while cuddling
alhaitham had always preferred to stay in with you, to keep a low profile, in a finer way dedicating his time to you.
obviously, some of the books he had stored away in his home could become quite difficult for you to read and although sometimes— alhaitham would explain them to you in great detail, you will not understand a single syllable that was escaping that pretty mouth of his.
yet he was still trying for you and archons:
the way his bright eyes would carefully ghost over each page in concentration, or how he deciphered every definition in his brain, individually breaching out one and all meanings to gather the right one or how he was easily deducting the words with his cleverness.
to say he was cute while being surrounded by his thoughts was an understatement.
yes, it was apparent that as a result of some of the topics he'd try to make you understand, you'd end up falling asleep on top of him, more often than you'd actually prefer to do so.
It's not like you wanted to, also you didn't want alhaitham to feel like he was boring you to death because in truth it wasn't him who did— but the overly tedious subjects at hand specific books would display.
at this, he wouldn't fault you, at all.
meanwhile he had already pleasingly tucked a blanket over your resting frame, gently making sure you were extra comfortable while moving his body only as little as possible so he wouldn't accidentally stir you off your precious slumber.
as for how this day would end, well, alhaitham would continue to page through his book before at last, placing it onto the nightstand, dimming the lights before encircling you in his broad arms, compassionately positioning his head on top of yours and drifting off to a silent, secured doze next to you.
+ ˚ conclusion and alhaitham‘s ways of handling arguments
befitting of his character, alhaitham could become quite difficult to deal with when it came to arguments that would occur just as much as in any other relationship.
it was bound to happen and to him, it was mind numbing.
seldomly he would actively engage in an argument, which wasn't always the best route to take because it was important for both parties in a relationship to be open about their corresponding feelings and emotions.
deep trust was what had defined your relationship, since it was one, if not the most important factor. He was a great listener and once the situation had been properly calmed down alhaitham would appear to go through great lengths to make whatever seemed to had happened, right again.
however, he was quite uncomfortable whenever he witnessed you cry, unmistakably it wasn't in a belittling kind of way, rather did it too, push him into a soul destroying current, masticating him from the inside out.
it was a learning process, a wholly overtaxing one at that, but he did not seek perfection of you and neither did you.
to put it into a different perspective, in the end alhaitham— though it may not always seem this way, did whatever it required for you to be happy again.
he belonged to you just as much as you belonged to him and he wanted, more so desired, to keep it that exact way.
to live a peaceful, tranquil life with his soulmate was something he, no matter what, fancied.
on top of that, he'd make it his top priority to be unconditionally transparent with you, not daring to hide any aspects of his life with you in order for this to work out until the very end.
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©2023 anantaru do not share, copy, translate any of my work
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hells-wasabii · 7 months
So I came down with Covid yesterday :(
I was seeing if you were open to do one with Alastor and a sick reader? I don’t do requests often, this is so new to me💕❤️
Hi! I hope you’re feeling better by the time you read this! Covid isn���t fun at ALL, but I hope you enjoy the read!
Character: Alastor
Type: Headcanons+Drabble (Alastor x sick!reader, Fluff)
Alastor as a caretaker would honestly be a sight to behold. And he’s surprisingly good at it? Then again whenever his mother would fall ill he was right there to nurse her back to health, so he’s got a little bit of experience in that department.
Speaking of his mother, he would go out of his way to cook something for you, more specifically soups and the like that she would make for him when he was sick. Something full of nutrients to help you get back on your feet. When he would get sick as a child he had his mother to rely on, and now, you would have him. You were his partner after all. He couldn’t just leave you in such a state.
He would personally oversee that you’re well taken care of. Whether it be fresh linens for your bed or water to drink should you wake up thirsty. Whatever you needed, he would have it to you just as quickly as he could. It was odd seeing him so… nurturing, but then again the radio demon did have a habit of showing you sides of him that the rest of hell would never see.
You were sick, there was no doubt about that. You had been for nearly two days now. The first day hadn’t been that bad, at least at first. You didn’t even know it was possible to get sick in hell, and yet here you were, laid up in bed recovering from one of the worst fevers you’d ever experienced. It made you wonder if hell had some sort of super-flu or something of the like
It had quickly escalated to the point that it felt as if you could feel your bones. The second day you had spent much of asleep, a fact that had been a small relief on your aching body. That is until the fitful fever dreams came along. Oddly enough you found yourself trying to solve puzzles as a means to break the fever. It never worked.
The only thing that really kept you grounded when you were conscious had been the chills that left your muscles aching. Of course, you knew that sickness couldn’t kill you in hell, especially not a sinner, but by god did it feel like you were dying. 
Everything had been a haze up until a couple of hours ago. 
You had already decided by that point that the only thing worse than actually being in hell was being sick as hell in hell. But you did count yourself lucky, you did have one hell of a caretaker, after all. Groggily you opened your eyes to look over at the demon reading in the plush armchair in the corner of your room. You’re not sure how exactly he knew that you were awake, but the radio demon lifted his gaze to meet yours not even moments later. You noticed his smile softened just a bit before he spoke.
“Glad to see you’re awake, darling.” The radio demon said gently, sliding a bookmark between the pages of his book and setting it down on the seat of the chair as he got up. “Give me a moment to fetch you something to eat, I imagine you’re quite famished. I’ve prepared a soup I know you’re just going to love, my mother's recipe!”
The soft lull of a radio playing music from your bedside table met your ears. You thought you could recognize that song, you were sure it was one you had heard Alastor humming before. It brought a smile to your lips. You decided that you quite liked that song, as well.
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zairene · 11 months
hey girl i loved your dazai relationship headcanons SM, can I please ask for a version with Chuuya? YOUR WRITING IS LITERALLY AMAZING.
AS A BOYFRIEND. chuuya nakahara
* ˚ ✦ synopsis: how chuuya nakahara would be like as a significant other.
* ˚ ✦ genre: headcanons !
* ˚ ✦ warnings: spoiler free + a fem reader is also very heavily implied / stated !
* ˚ ✦ author’s note: sure you can ! and ty so much that means a lot <333 i did write as y/n still in the ADA, if you don’t mind !
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chuuya nakahara, the hot-headed and impulsive young man who you were interested in when you first met him.
he’s very arrogant when it comes to his abilities and his remarkable skills revolving around the port mafia. he may talk a lot of shit, but he can still definitely beat your ass at any time any day, no doubt. and this personality does NOT come off as pleasing to women, hence his failure in the romance department. so, when he realized that you weren’t immediately disgusted with him after knowing him for such a little time, he already developed some appreciation for you.
with chuuya, there is also a lot of patience with him too—but not in the way you would think. chuuya had a difficult time trusting you. chuuya despises dazai, and it’s very well known, and knowing that you were a part of the armed detective agency and was on dazai’s side put him off. yes, even in their years of rivalry and multiple times of working together, he just doesn’t find himself truly trusting him or you.
it’s not like you weren’t trustworthy or showed signs of being dishonest, he just knew that if he became too vulnerable with you, it would open up an opportunity for you to betray him and he doesn’t do well with betrayal. he knows that it’s not impossible to gain his trust, so he respects you at first, but he keeps his distance.
so yes, you have to chase him, he doesn’t chase you.
think of the trope of, she falls first but he falls harder… sort of.
this started with subtle flirting from you, very subtle to the point where it had him going insane on the fact whether or not you were interested in him. it’s not like he could go to someone with advice so he was seriously stressing himself out over it. there were times even when dazai pointed it out but chuuya would brush it off as dazai trying to poke fun at him.
after you did it multiple times, he finally decided he would reciprocate it because it’s not like he didn’t like you, he was just surprised at the fact HE DID? so, the one time he came back with an even risker line with you, you were shocked. this had you excited because you finally had some type of confirmation that he liked you! now the next step, asking him out.
it was hard catching him in his free time with being the port mafia’s strongest martial artist. he was constantly sent out on missions and meetings. just to your luck, you found him strolling the streets one random day, and that encouraged you to just go up to him knowing this moment would not occur again.
this confession was just you talking and him staring at you with his widened eyes and his lips slightly parted. and when you were done speaking, he could only spit out one thing. “yeah… yeah sure.”
and that started your relationship with him!
i honestly don’t believe it would be filled with arguments, at least not real ones. because the PETTY ARGUMENTS you guys have is an hourly occurrence. no joke. the playful banter between the both of you is amazing, but his competitive spirit can get overwhelming and it causes petty arguments. at this point, you kinda just believe that he likes to hear himself talk.
i feel that the biggest problem you would have in a relationship is his major trust issues. mentioned before, he doesn’t do well with shady or shifty behavior. this doesn’t pair well with situations where you want to have a surprise party for him for his birthday, but he’s under the impression that you’re doing something behind his back that isn’t as innocent as it is.
the product of this is arguments and a lot of breaks between you two. he’s not difficult to talk to, but incredibly difficult to get to, if that makes sense. it would take a lot for him to believe that you’re being truthful. you can sense he takes loyalty very seriously, so after the birthday party incident, you took a mental note that surprises don’t sit well with chuuya and to make sure to not do them again.
other than that, your relationship with him is pretty smooth!
however, he also has his moments where he makes weird comments toward you trying to suggest that you’re “inferior” to him and that you can’t handle yourself. he always feels like he has to protect you or things will go downhill even when you have proved countless amount of times that you were extremely capable.
those times when you have to give him a reality check and bring him back down to earth for a second. his apologies are him bringing you a bouquet and a long talk about how sorry he is why he made those comments and how he would never make them again. you forgave him and he really stood by his word! he always gave you credit when it was due, maybe too much sometimes, but you can tell he was sorry.
other than that, some general things would be that he isn’t a big fan of PDA. he doesn’t hate it but doesn’t prefer it. he wouldn’t mind if you just held his hand or kissed him on the cheek (maybe lips) but would much rather save everything else for in private. he’s all for separating his work life from his relationship with you, especially since both of your workplaces are against each other. he’s very awkward when it comes to intimacy, but once you’re together for a while he likes it, especially getting home after a very rough mission that day.
he likes to act like he hates pet names, even the silly ones you give him, but he likes them. he would never admit that you calling him pookie bear makes his heart happy each time.
overall, chuuya is a pretty good guy who has his moments. he can be painfully unaware of himself and his actions sometimes so you have to handle the liberty of telling him off and putting himself in his place when it’s needed. but don’t worry, he never takes it to heart when he realizes he’s wrong. he loves you and as the relationship goes on, he learns to trust you a little more every day.
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nekovmancer · 3 days
overwatch headcanons: how they say "I love you" with Ramattra, Reaper, Reinhardt, Cassidy and Hanzo
a bit angsty and some curse words ahead, but still sfw. don’t blame me, I enjoy the suffering and since you're still reading I bet you also do
also silly little juno was SMASHED by writer’s block again, please help sending a headcanon request, but read rules first
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doesn’t say it at all, actually
he was shaped for violence, hands carefully constructed to murder
the sentience came with grief, sorrow, rage… but love? this big fella doesn’t even love himself, to begin with
it’s hard for him to cope with affection, to learn the aspects of it, mostly the very subtle nuances of reciprocation
but it’s you, and since you came along, this foreign feeling haunts him 
and when you say “I love you” first… he’s so silent you’re scared you’ve broken him with this three words alone
“How is it possible for you to love a being as myself?”
he feels the urge to say something back, but simply can’t vocalize the words he’s dying to say
you know he’s overwhelmed already, his pride contrasting his feelings, so you don’t push him too far: Ramattra shows you enough
but your words echoes in his systems for days
in one of these, he’s with you as he always do before you fall asleep, and the words just came out
“I may not have a heart, and even if I did, it wouldn’t be mine: it would be yours. It always has been.”
it’s not an explicit I love you
no, it’s much better
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you know what happens between you two must stay secretive
it’s… casual, if you can name it such
I mean, he comes to you every damn night, and most of them aren’t for sex, but for company 
and the cuddles, of course
you see him past the scars, the shadows… what lies beneath it as the ghost of a man 
and you love him nonetheless
despite all the danger that comes along with him being one of Talon’s counselors and a declared enemy to Overwatch
until one night, when he doesn’t show up and never let you know why
and this one night turns into tons
you’re broken, to say at least
he avoids you, not even a single stolen glance through briefings, no more missions together
you don’t know where you manage to find the courage to confront him, but somehow you do, so you’re cornering Reaper himself and demanding an answer 
“Isn’t it obvious?”
well, of course: you were dumb enough to get to attached
but he steps closer, so surprisingly close you can hear a shallow breath muffled by his mask
the shadows engulf you both before you can blink, and his ghostly touch stops just inches away from your cheek
“I’ve risked too much so far… but not you, not anymore”
you know what he means, you just wish you didn’t
he departs with a last glance over his shoulder, to never look back again 
if he wasn’t who he was, maybe things would be different
yet if things weren’t the same, you two wouldn’t even met
in the end, you’re left to grief in the graveyard he paths on his way away from you
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he’s a hero and will always be
but that doesn’t mean Reinhardt is invincible
that’s why you’re laying by his side, taking extra care to not accidentally touch the bandages covering his torso
you’re little injured from the last mission, a few scratches maybe
thanks to him, who jumped right into the moment to keep your head glued to your neck
per usual, he would be flourishing the battle tales and his epic acts, his thunderous laugh echoing through the HQ, but now?
the sadness contorting his face breaks your heart 
he stares down at you, one calloused thumb tracing under the thin line of the stitches on your cheekbone
“I’ve let them hurt you”
oh… so that’s it
“If I was a second late… I hate to even think of what could've happened”
he groans, retreating his hand and looking away 
if he could ever be more dearing, you would’ve exploded 
you cup his face and make Reinhardt look at you once again, reassuring him you’re here, safe and sound, thanks to him 
it takes a bit of convincing, but soon enough you hear one of his deep chuckles resonating in his chest and know that you’ll be just fine
“I will always be there to protect you, liebling, no matter what it takes. For I could never live in a world where there is no you by my side.”
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he’s always flirting and teasing, so you would assume it’s all a joke
despite him throwing his arm over your shoulder and resting his head on yours every goddamn time he has a chance
and if you’re quiet and close enough, you can hear his fast heartbeats pulsing
maybe… he’s just affectionate, yeah
not that you see Cole like that with anyone else, but
you could never take him seriously, because he can never be serious for once
it’s always a wink here, a smooth darlin’ there
yet he never makes a move on you that gives you the clarity you need
so it’s it, an eternal what if
until one days he comes from a mission, all dirty and hurt
you’re surprised to see he came straightforward to you, still trying to catch his breath while holding to his injured side
but before you can drop any question, Cole smashes his lips against yours
and it feels holy 
he keeps you close when you break the kiss, trying to remind yourself how to breath
his breath is so warm against your face, and that familiar scent of smoke makes your knees weak
“I fucking meant everything I’ve ever said, doll”
for the way he just kissed you, you’re now sure he does 
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Hanzo isn’t one to speak about his feelings openly
you’re actually surprised you’re now tiptoeing around some sort of serious relationship
at least, you think it’s serious since you barely leave each other’s side
it’s extremely hard for him to be vocal about his affection, though
sometimes, he would still flinch when you touch him out of blue
but he loves to run his fingers along your hair, your face…
your body is his to worship
and there’s this lazy morning, where he’s kissing your knuckles and embracing your waist…
you just feel you could melt right here, into him
until something cold circles your finger and your eyes snap open
a ring
a FUCKING ring
you stare at him in pure disbelief, eyes so wide they must pop out by any second
Hanzo shows the most loving smile you had ever seen, kissing your ring finger
that now has an actual engagement ring 
“Being with you everyday is still too little time. I wish nothing but foreverness with you”
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The Eternal Night (Part 1)
Summary: You ask for protection from the Night Lord in the hope of being saved from other space marines. Not realizing that you yourself walked into a mousetrap.
Jago Sevatarion/fem!Reader
Warnings: yandere, power imbalance, violence, body horror, torture, predator/prey
Word count: 2560
Song: She Wants Revenge - Out Of Control
But then she noticed me glance at her I had no choice but to dance with her
The funny thing is that mothiir just recently released headcanons about the first captain. Today is Sevatar's day.
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The very thought of serving on a Night Lords ship was terrifying. Many remembrancers chose Fulgrim or Horus Lupercal. Some ventured to the Conqueror. But as your lady noted, only the bravest and courageous are ready to board the Nightfall.
Stupid and naive, you wanted to tell her. But your mistress was too self-confident, too spoiled to listen to anyone. She justified her reckless action by arguing that the Night Lords were still Astartes, the Space Marines of the Imperium. And you…
What are you? You were her personal maid. You weren't supposed to have an opinion. You kind of missed freedom. But is it better to be a healthy serf than a hungry child? You are already lucky that her kind family took you into their home.
But while cleaning the mistress’s room on Nightfall, you want to return to the depths of poverty. It was dark here. Cold. And scary. No matter how much you smelled the chlorine or your lady's perfume, you couldn't get rid of the smell of blood. It seemed to be absorbed into the ship.
You behaved as quiet as a mouse. Didn’t interfere, didn’t talk too much. Made friends with a couple of serfs without distracting them from their work. Tried not to tremble in the presence of the Astartes passing by. The main thing is to continue to remain invisible. Hide in the darkness and it doesn’t matter what these lords rule the night.
The lady was an easy prey. She just asked to be gutted. You shouldn't think that way, but it was true. The way her knees shook and she sweated out of fear. Although it was difficult not to do so when even in the quietest corners of the ship distant cries of pain could be heard.
“I'm so scared. They look like that, as if a little longer and they will twist my head.” - the lady once complained to you before going to bed.
“You shouldn’t be afraid. This won't happen." - you calmly notice. The girl’s calm face, full of hope, changes to horror and disgust as soon as you continue your thought. - “First they will skin you alive.”
Compared to her, you seemed so gloomy and strange. Weird. The other servants jokingly called you lady crow. Although you didn't understand the humor. Nightfall looked more like a burial ground. How could you want to stay here for even one minute if you are not a scavenger? Besides, you are not a bird, you are a human.
And despite this, your mistress tried to gain respect among mortals who had seen the real horrors of war. And her desperate attempts to personally meet Konrad Curze are akin to a desire to quickly depart to the afterworld.
And she achieved her goal. Even more. The primarch himself decided to visit the chambers of the restless scribe. Either out of idle curiosity or out of a desire to calm down the annoying woman. Just the knock on the door sent a shiver down your spine, and his massive black figure in the doorway sent a terrible feeling of foreboding.
Konrad Curze, in his grim elegance, entered the chamber and greeted the woman. And then he looked at you. Long and drawn out, cold and concentrated. His black eyes probed every piece of your flesh and soul. And then he smiled.
The lips stretched to the ears, revealing clawed teeth. But the worst thing was when he laughed a nasty laugh. The kind that makes your bones crack. He continued to look at you and laugh, putting the lady in a stupor. And scaring you terribly. A gloomy foreboding clouded the little mortal heart, and the words only nailed you more firmly to the floor.
“How interesting~” - the primarch grinned carnivorously while saliva collected in the corners of his mouth. - “The little mouse will offer itself to the crow. And he will only be glad. What's worse? To be eaten by scoundrels or to be protected by a monster?”
He bursts out laughing again, this time quiet. He sighs, disgustingly satisfied. Until he finally pays attention to your mistress. And something in his face changes. You can’t explain it, but it’s as if doom and anticipatory bloodthirstiness have merged into one. As if Konrad Curze saw something terrible. And he liked it.
“Perhaps we should discuss everything in private,” his voice softly envelops you like night. It is impossible to explain how a man turned from madman to primarch. Although no one knows whether the Emperor's son can go mad.
Your mistress nods and with a wave of her hand kicks you out of the chambers. You quickly leave the room, closing the door behind you. The primal desire to hide increased a hundredfold. You rush to one of your secluded places, which you discovered by accident. For the first time in your life, not watching the road and not hiding too much from prying eyes.
You should never give in to fear. You must always be on your guard. A momentary weakness can and does lighten the soul. But you will definitely have to pay later. And you understand this as soon as you hit your forehead on something iron at a turn.
A characteristic sound is heard and you whine and grab your forehead. There will be a bump and most likely a huge one. But the pain just vanishes when you understand where it came from. And especially when you hear an unpleasant chuckle.
He looked intimidating. Outstretched wings of a gargoyle and a skull on a huge armor not intended for an ordinary mortal. The characteristic appearance of the Nostraman did not frighten you. As well as the scars on the eyebrow and lip.
But his smile was scary. How his black eyes filled with sparkle, and the corners of his lips twitched strangely. It’s as if someone is touching the threads sewn into the skin of a corpse, imitating human living emotions. All the sons of Curze were terrifying, their “smiles” were more like the grin of animals. But this one was different.
“Careful, little one. If you had met one of my brothers, you would already be hanging on a hook” - his eyes sparkled with mischief, but nothing more. - “Where are you going in such a hurry?”
You swallowed. Didn’t want to answer, but silence could only provoke.
“My lady is speaking with Konrad Curze.” - the unpleasant meeting still echoed in your brain. It became more uncomfortable. - “I was told not to interfere.”
“Oh, that annoying scribe still managed to snag a meeting with the primarch. Your mistress talks too much and goes where she shouldn't. These usually end up with their guts out.” The man smirked and looked at you. Attentively. Like a carcass ready for slaughter. - “And where are you going?”
That's why you didn't want to get caught by the Night Lords. They played with mortals as if they were food. Important people for the Legion were still protected, but the serfs were meat. One is gone, it’s easy to replace it with a second one. The only thing that saved you was to be the remembrancer’s serf, her personal maid. Although judging by the attitude of the Space Marines towards her, this could only egg them on.
“To the compartment” - you don’t want to say where you’re going, but there’s no choice. In addition, it is unlikely that the Astartes will specify the exact location of your secret home. - “Into the trash compartment.”
A strange range of surprise spreads across the man’s face. Not disgust, but misunderstanding.
“Why the hell did you decide to go there?”
“There are a lot of rats there. They are my friends” - you almost calmed down as soon as you remembered the familiar sounds coming from under the garbage. You almost whisper a confession. - “They calm me down with their rustling.”
It was true. They listened to your stories, entertained you with fights between each other. They were soft and fluffy, although dirty. They were not evil from birth, they simply survived as best they could in such a place. And alas, the rats were much better than some of the people here.
The man just chuckled at these words. Did it seem to you or did a strange understanding flash in his eyes? And curiosity.
“Well then go.”
Not believing your luck, you open your mouth in amazement and blink your eyes. But you obey. While he gives you a head start, you need to run. There is no need to waste your luck. Especially when the one who could easily break you and not notice, lets you go while the going's good.
“And since they calm you down, mouse,” you turn around sharply and notice the same terrifying smile. But this time it's not scared. Something in a man changes when he calls out to you. - “It’s worth thanking them. Bring them meat... and fresh is best.”
Good advice. Maybe you're already used to Nightfall or this Night Lord seems less terrible. Or maybe you should really bring your little friends a well-deserved reward. You'll try to find something fresh and something... not made from human flesh.
You nod and quickly, trying not to attract attention, walk further down the corridor. You wish you could say that you didn’t feel the Space Marine’s gaze on you. But you felt it even when your figure disappeared from his gaze. Dead, mischievous, carnivorous. It was as if he had just found an interesting prey, but decided to let it go.
For a while.
You started to notice him. Previously all Space Marines looked alike. You just didn't look closely. Why the hell do you need this if they will torture you almost equally. But he wasn't like that. Or rather, a little more... humane? Kind? No, those are suitable. Wrong. Yes, that's much better.
First captain. Jago Sevatarion. You learned the name and title from one of the local serfs. You immediately became friends with him when you saw him. He was old. That's why you called him grandpa. He lasted a long time. Good sign.
Grandpa said that you were very lucky that the captain didn’t touch you. He did not participate in the local amusements so often, talking more with the primarch. Or keeping an eye on other Space Marines and a Atramentar. But still he was just as sadistic as the others. He killed, dismembered, skinned with grim pleasure. You couldn’t help but notice that he was the most feared of all. Unpleasant vibrations emanated from him.
It seemed like you were scared too. But it seems not. Alas, just as you were strange in childhood, you remains so. Although the local inhabitants even liked it. As if you almost one of them, unlike the other servants of the scribe. But you really couldn’t understand why no one noticed.
His weirdness. How he communicates with a couple of mortals. The same ones. You were sure he was keeping an eye on them. He made sure nothing bad happened to them. And he didn't touch you either. It is unlikely that your “status” would in any way prevent Sevatarion from quenching his thirst for murder. And he didn't laugh at your friendship with rats. Didn't find it disgusting or weird. It was nice gesture.
He also began to notice you. On distance. Didn't come up to you, didn't call you. No need. It’s just that now he knew what kind of new person was running around here. The Astartes began to notice you in the shadows, as you headed towards the rats or the local serfs. You didn’t see, but you were almost sure that at such moments he smiled unpleasantly.
Although probably all the Space Marines smiled when Curze called your mistress a traitor. He said that she decided to steal something and violated the Imperial Truth. You still couldn’t understand the words of the old serf who caught you in the corridor.
Rave. Your mistress was spoiled and annoying, but she would never betray the Imperium. She wouldn't even have such a thought. Is this a mistake or some kind of joke? The primarch could not blame her for something she had not done. Did he really decide to come up with justice just to send her to her death? She was kind. She didn't deserve it.
But a judgment is a judgment. Grandpa wasn't making fun of you. Now you and the other servants belonged to the Legion. But given the way this happened, you are unlikely to stay here for long. Alive.
With a feeling of guilt and tears in your eyes, you look at her mutilated corpse, nailed to one of the gates. They removed the skin from her, and then they squeezed out the body so that all the bones were broken, and most of the blood flowed away. Now her eyeless body, folded like a rag, looked at you accusingly.
Once you said that they would skin her, don't you?
Footsteps are heard behind you. Not lurking, but quiet. If you can say so, taking into account the armor of the Space Marines. You turn around and see Jago Sevatarion behind. The captain looks...tired. It was like he hadn't slept for days or weeks. A little bored. But quite happy with his work.
Apparently he also took part in the verdict.
“Your screaming scribe got into trouble herself, little mouse. You shouldn't mourn her when your life hangs by a thread. You will serve the Legion well and we will not touch you. Maybe." - the man falls silent and looks at you carefully. - “Or are you so used to being a personal servant?”
Maybe. If this world were a little kinder, you would even call your mistress a friend. But the Galaxy is full of horrors, and your patroness has turned into a leather rag. And you will be the same if you get caught. Or if you are not protected...
Grandpa said he was lucky. He had a tattoo. The ink mixed with the blood of the Space Marine he served. And no one touched him. Nobody offended him. Because he was not a “free” serf. He was no one's toy on the road. He had his own tormentor. But it's better than the unknown. Isn't it?
The First Captain raised an eyebrow. Apparently a little hope slipped across your sad face. It’s alarming to ask, scary to beg. But what choice do you have? Sooner or later you will be found and gutted. So you have to take risks.
“Take me to you,” you almost devour the man with your eyes, trying not to cower in fear. - “I will serve you. I'll be obedient. Will not interfere. I'm very quiet. Please."
You didn’t know why you mentioned that you are quiet. It came out on its own. The Night Lords rather like screaming, begging, and crying. The louder the better. But before your eyes was the tired appearance of the first captain. Even now he didn't look his best. Although something lights up in his eyes. For a moment, the walking corpse looks almost alive. A terrible sight.
“Call me Sevatar.” - the voice is surprisingly soft and relaxed. You look at him in disbelief. The man just grins at your funny look.
"This means?"
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
Teacher’s Pet
PAIRING: Professor!Aegon ii Targaryen x Student!fem!Reader University AU
WORDS: 2,278.
SUMMARY: Obedient, well-mannered and overall, a role-model student, it’s only when your newly appointed Professor waltz’s into your life, that you begin to struggle with maintaining focus day-to-day...
WARNINGS: age-gap, power dynamic/imbalance, p in v intercourse, praise kink, slight degradation, mentions of spanking, mentions of voyeurism, cock-warming, swearing, NSFW. 
A/N - this AU specifically will never leave me in peace, nor do I want it to... hope ya’ll enjoy xx
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Aegon was the newly appointed human anatomy professor within the science department of your elite University [or even Criminology]. 
The first time you’d actually met or seen him was in attendance of his first lecture of the semester, he walked in after most students had promptly arrived, five minutes after the class had commenced: a black, leather suitcase in one hand, and a glazed doughnut in the other, that he was hastily munching on as he prepped himself.
Soft around his edges with a subtle gut below his woollen sweater, thick arms padded beneath the tightly fitted blazer and stocky thighs that his trousers fell snug around, he was still quite handsome. His features looked ethereal, with the vibrant, lilac eyes and short platinum, silver hair [although unkept] framed his face well. 
Butterflies began to churn in the pit of your stomach, as you readjusted in your seat. 
And the way he spoke: he had such an enthralling deep, husky voice, that you’d become almost hypnotised by, you could listen to him for hours on end, always disheartened when class would come to an anticipated end. And he oozed of a certain charisma, although he seemed unbeknownst to him.
Although it seemed, your professor had a similar effect on most of his pupils. 
Throughout the semester, many would arrive to the lessons early, eager to reserve their seats at the front, as close as possible to earn a look or some ounce of recognition from Aegon. Slowly they began to interact with him, those that normally did not participate began to ask their questions (with the most obvious answers), although he did not seemed phased by this. 
Soon enough, they began to bring little goodies and treats to gift the newly beloved professor, mostly pastries as they often found one in his hand most of the time or in the cafeteria. 
You began to gradually struggle with paying attention and maintaining focus during lectures and tutorials: often day dreaming, caught in some dirty fantasy of all the things you’d wish for your professor to do with you. At times you’d get so flustered you’d have to excuse yourself to the bathroom, where it got to the point that he asked you to stay back after a lesson, questioning why you’d often leave.
“Is there something more pressing to attend to or have I simply bored you out already before the semester’s ended?” 
Stuttering a response out, you sincerely apologised although could not fathom a proper reason. Seeing your flustered state, Aegon refused interrogating you further, reassuring you that you must not have been avoiding his lessons, for your grades spoke highly of themselves.
“You are one of my finest, Y/N... It would be a shame if I heard you’d wish to drop them. I much enjoy seeing you around.” 
Having been dismissed from that point on, you could not fathom what Aegon meant exactly by his words, although, it made you want him even more. 
Much to your displeasure, you became just as adamant as the other Aegon fanatics, that you felt the carnal urge to sate the man in every possible way. Bringing him home made baked goodies for lunch, that you lovingly took the time to make, often alongside a small, handwritten card with words of gratitude, often thanking him for his intellect, his classes and overall, hard work. Signed with your initials, although you could never stand around like the others did, observing him for a immediate reaction, dropping these little, heartfelt gifts on his desk, running off before he got the chance to stop you. 
You felt he wouldn’t notice you, as he was encircled by his fans, managing to sneak off although it seemed you did not go unnoticed completely. 
Once more, he called you to meet with him, although this time, after hours and in the privacy of his office. 
Entering his private  sector, it was a dim, small, stuffy room even for the likes of him. A wooden, ancient-looking desk situated in the centre and cupboards filled to the brim with papers, books and folders scattered all around, just like his appearance, it was unkept. 
Meekly knocking on the door, he instinctively knew it was you, and summoned you in, plopping his glasses onto the desk, as he folded his arms across his broad chest, gesturing you to seat yourself.
“I’m well aware of the effect I’ve had on some of the pupils this semester it seems, although I would have never expected it from you, Y/N.”
“I-I was only trying to be welcoming, Sir. I do not mean anything ill by it, although I can stop if it pleases you.”
Something deeply buried in the violet orbs of his stern eyes, sent chills to coarse through your body, down to the throbbing entrance between your thighs. You felt vulnerable yet avid for him, for his touch. Perhaps his tongue between your thighs, lapping at your sweet spot. It was thoughts like this that intoxicated you.
You felt your breathing become heavy and fast-paced, unsteady, as you struggled to maintain direct eye contact. 
You could feel his firm eyes lingering over your body, you might as well have been naked, for it felt like he could see every inch of you even beneath your clothes.
“Fuck, you make it so hard for me to say no to. Was that your objective this entire time-” 
Standing up from his desk, slowly striding towards you as he knelt before you, one hand tightly gripping your thigh, frozen beneath his grip and the other hesitantly reaching for your face (although much on your part, you felt yourself lean in to his bare touch). 
“My sweet, sweet girl.” 
“You think you’re just some wall-flower that I wouldn’t notice? Sneaking off before I get the chance to thank my best girl? Fuck, I have to control myself when I see you sitting up there, looking all innocent and dumb.” 
That night would change the trajectory of your life, and it ended with a wonderful, passionate makeout session, where the both of you had openly confessed your mutual feelings and infatuation with one another, promising to keep this whole affair and relationship a secret. 
Despite being of an adult, consenting age, teacher and student relationships where often frowned upon. Aegon’s contract was listed for a few years and he was determined on keeping his job and you in his reach.
That meant continuing to falsely act as if the pleasurable attention he naturally earned from other pupils did not bother you int he slightest. Still being gifted with all sorts of treats and still meeting with pupils after class, you’d often “punish” Aegon afterwards, making him work for your attention, to the point he was practically begging for your love. 
He would gain more weight from all the snacking and eating, growing rounder and more rotund in size, although it had only deepened your obsession with the man. 
“Maybe you ought not to devour everything in one seating, my love.” 
“Ugh- But it makes the grading go by quicker. I treat myself to a pastry after marking one paper at a time.” 
Regardless, you knew that he did truly admire you and you only. Often making the continuous effort to familiarise himself with your timetable, seeking you out whenever you both shared free periods to drive you out of the campus to some isolated, distant cafe/restaurant [where neither of you would be recognised], or scheduling you to meet for an after hour rendezvous’ in his office.
He would even intentionally leave small, unprecedented gifts on your regular seat and dorm, signed by some nickname/pet name only you two would figure, like some inside joke.
Mutually, if Aegon found some random boy attempting to engage with you, especially during class, he’d earnestly call them out, without even a slight tinge of mercy, he would sentence them to detention, or punish them with an extra assignment, of his own free will.
“That ought to keep them little shits busy, next time they’ll think again before trying to chat up my girl.”
The secrecy kept both of you on your toes, although it was most thrilling. You’d never been in such a relationship like this before, and it was quite exhilarating. 
Aegon did honestly admit, that this was not his first encounter with pupils showering him with attention and affections, although he had never been tempted to seduce one, until you. 
Nonetheless, he had many previous relationships with other staff colleagues, and years of experience ahead of you. 
Impressively, although being a scholar in human anatomy, he confidently knew his way around your body, he could fuck you senseless anywhere, whether it be in the confining back seat of his car, deviously in your dorm [if you knew for certain that your flatmate was absent for the weekend], or more so your favourite, atop his desk, snuck away in his office. He could and would fuck you anywhere. He was simply just that eager for you. 
You loved to tease him though: often wearing something skimpy, easy to lift, as you spread your legs teasingly, showcasing your new lace, sheer panties [or even if you were bold enough, your bare, wet cunt] to him across the class, mid-way a lecture. 
Now the tables turned, intently watching him grow flustered by the second, more distraught as he tried to ignore your flirtatious attempts, coughing, readjusting his tie around his neck, you could’ve sworn you’d noticed a fair few times, a bulge growing against his fabric, as he excused himself to his desk, or repositioned himself standing behind the podium. 
As punishment, you’d learn that your Professor was devout to traditional methods of discipline: demanding you to bend over his solid, steady lap, prepping you for some good, hearty spanking. Leaving your bare ass cheeks, red, raw, too sore to sit down the following class. Watching you squirm in your seat, as you were desperate for an ounce of comfort. 
He would even keep the soaking panties you showed off earlier, in his pocket or suitcase, souvenir for his endeavours. 
Even more so, you had this ongoing game, where if you were in the midst of studying for an exam, he prompt you with questions in the after hours of his office, tutoring you one-on-one. Each question you answered correctly, he would undress himself and then you, followed by inserting a thick, long digit one at a time. If you aced his revision quiz, he’d eat you out right there and then, as you sat atop his desk, him on his grand seat, as he buried his face between your legs. His tongue hungrily lapping and circling your walls.
In return, for each gruelling paper he’d obnoxiously grade, you’d undress yourself bit by bit, until you were completely naked, bent mindlessly over his desk where he could spank or fuck you from behind. Or if he was too tiresome, mentally exhausted, he devoured the thought of watching you reward him, you putting in the effort, as you would grind over his sturdy, dense thigh or stomach, wet enough to plunge yourself over his cock, as he stretched your sensitive walls out beyond comfort.
If he had been longingly away for faculty conferences, you’d teach him of sexting, often sending him promiscuous pictures of yourself in lingerie or in the nude, occasionally even touching yourself, for him to masturbate to. In return, you’d earn a short, vivid video of him, pleasuring himself, helplessly moaning your name.
Desperate for him even after a few short days, he would allow for you to cock-warm him, comfortably seated and plopped over his thick cock/wide lap, as you laid against him, the swell of his rotund stomach perfectly rested against the curve of your spine, as he continued to grade papers and plan the semester’s curriculum. 
“Such a good, obedient baby. Look at you, so well-behaved for me.”
You occasionally did experience close-calls: the worst was when another member of faculty, had knocked on his office door, unplanned nor was Aegon notified of this uncalled arrival, he hid you hastily shove you beneath his desk, as he professionally engaged in conversation. You took matters into your own hands, undoing his trousers [he tried poorly to flick you off, not wanting to draw anymore attention to his actions], as you began to mouth him off, his girthy cock filling your mouth to the brim, it was a challenge not to gag. Although watching him struggle to remain decently composed from below, was most entertaining. 
Once more, he would punish you again. 
“God, you can be so devious, Y/N. Fucking little slut for me, so desperate for my cock, huh, you couldn’t wait?” 
Regardless, you were Aegon’s golden pupil and most importantly his main girl. He was devoted to waiting for you to graduate, or if it came to it, he would resign from the contract just to freely be with you. Many a times, he’d been tempted, desperate to hold your hand openly as you walked down the corridors together, and yet you encouraged him otherwise.
“B-But you worked so hard for this position, Aeg. I would hate to be the reason you regret losing it or worse, you even hating me for it...”
Cupping your saddened face in his hands tenderly, he lovingly watched over you, a half-hearted smile jerked across his handsome, pudgy face, planting a soft kiss on your forehead, before resuming his sole attention once more on you. 
“This position brought me to you, my dearest, and that is more than anything I can earn. I love you.” 
general taglist - @evenstaris  @chompchompluke @fan-goddess​ @malfoytargaryen​ @ilikeitbetterangsty​ @bibli0thecary​ @m1ndbrand​ @randomdragonfires
Aegon taglist - @who-told-you-this-was-butter
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hanaruri-tunes · 1 year
How the Demons taste like (headcanons)
Okay I may be going into a weird trip with this but you CANNOT convince me that demons have "normal" tasting cum. So after all the monster cock headcanons I went through for the seven brothers (and I suppose that if you’re here you may have come across them as well) I present to you these "taste" headcanons.
I won’t be including the side characters in this (like Diavolo or Solomon). Sorry but I don’t think I know them well enough to do this for them as well but you’re very welcome to share your thoughts dushdhshdh
To add onto this whole idea: I think it would make sense for demon cum to taste good because it would encourage and strengthen the sin of lust in-between demons and humans as well (if they fuck one and we damn well know they will). Taste aside I also imagine they all have aphrodisiac-like side-effects and maybe even sweet smell.
This is all silly and in good fun so don’t take any of this too seriously aha, though it IS technically "adult content" so please ⚠️MDNI⚠️!!!!
This one was probably the easiest. He tastes like sweet wine, no cap. Probably a Rosé and smells intoxicating like one too. Drinking him literally makes you drunk (as it is his aphrodisiac effect taking a toll on you), you become more giddy and playful with him which he loves. As for how it looks like, I have no idea. I’m not super imaginative in that department so I sort of assume all demon cum looks like human cum but "thicker" and "richer" like condensed milk.
Believe it or not but right after the easiest one to imagine (being Lucifer) Mammon’s was the hardest for me. I went through multiple ideas, those being apple juice, flat lemonade or even a cocktail but for some reason I ended up stopping at warm chocolate. And I PROMISE it’s not because of his skin color idhedhsu I know it’s suspicious since he’s the only one amongst his brothers with actual melanin but really, when you think about it, Mammon is MC’s "first" in every single way, first one to love MC, first one to form a pact, first one to kiss. In every single universe/game, in everything, he’s the first. He’s MC’s "home", and what screams home? Warm choco milk. Yup. As for the aphrodisiac aspect... I suppose it would be pretty standard? Making you more possessive of him, needy and clingy. All the things he would love to see you be like usually.
Okay listen. You know those cartons that look like regular juice at first glance because of the fruits on the packaging? But then you read what’s written on it and it's actually a "nectar", not juice. I suppose everyone knows what it is or at least has already accidentally bought nectar in the past instead of juice but BASICALLY it’s just thicker and heavier "juice". If you add water into it it’s legit just regular juice, kind of like a grenadine which is the same-ish concept. It’s syrup and you add a lot of water on top to make it into juice. Well Leviachan is in between juice and syrup, thus nectar! He tastes sweet and refreshing. And I imagine his aphrodisiac effect could possibly have some hypnotic side effects, making it easier for him to "control" you and making you his.
Alright. On this one I’m a bit stuck again aha. But I imagine something like sweet and spicy tea, as weird as it sounds. Kind of like nettle tea or herbal tea in general. Dude tastes like a warm and spicy arizona drink (the brand, not the state haha) As for his aphrodisiac property, I imagine his cum would have the same effect on others as catnip does on cats. So like, drugs. Yeah. On that note, the aphrodisiac side-effects would also include you becoming more agitated, more "rough" and assertive. Almost as if you’re hate-fucking him.
His sin being lust, the aphrodisiac property of his cum is the strongest, tripling down on the pleasure sensation. And not only his cum but his saliva as well so it’s overkill. I think his cum would have a "magical" feature that allows it to taste different depending on the person that’s tasting it, as to change to this person’s favorite flavor and completely satisfy them. Thus ending with them succumbing to Asmo entirely. Everyone knows Asmo is a menace but especially in bed.
Tastes like honey, 100%. And does it not only taste like it but his aphrodisiac effect makes you hungry for his cum in particular, making you seek his dick. Desperately stroking him to get more of his juice into your mouth. Definitely has one of the tastiest and most filling juices, pretty fitting as the avatar of gluttony.
Belphie is a pretty standard guy, his cum looks like condensed milk AND tastes like condensed milk. All thick, sweet and dense. His semen may or may not have some sort of hallucinogen effect, (only a little though) enhancing the experience. One second you’re in a bedroom, the next you’re tripping I mean, having sex in a surreal setting, stars lighting up and dancing all around while you’re being fucked senseless.
Thank you for readinggg🫰 I’m considering opening up prompts for this summer btw, not sure how well that’s gonna go ahaha. In any case, don’t hesitate to interact with my silly posts or even leaving some messages in my askbox if you’re too shy to do it with your account, it’s really encouraging seeing any type of reaction!
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gamergirl-niffler · 10 months
Hey there, sweetheart! ❤️💜💙 Yours truly is back in action. Now, I'm feeling like requesting headcanons, you know? Specifically, Dabi, Shoto, and Endeavour navigating the challenges with a girlfriend who's on a bit of a struggle bus in the orgasm department 😕
It's probably not as NSFW as you would like it to be, but I did my best!
Warning - Aged-up Shoto
Todoroki men & s/o having troubles orgasming
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 🔥 Dabi 🔥
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- Welcome to the fucking club, sweetheart! 
- You aren't the only one struggling here. Touya is struggling as well.
- Just don't blame him. His body isn't in the best shape ever since he almost got burnt alive. So Touya himself has problems in this department as well.
- He is ashamed of it as much as you are but no he is not struggling alone. 
- As frustrated with himself as he is… he completely pushes himself to the side. You are more important than he is.
- He searches through the Internet to find something to help you with reaching your climax.
- He orders toys, meds, weird gels, basically everything just to help you.
- Touya is ready for a longer seasons of fun just to slowly bring you two to the sweet release.
- He also goes through the whole Kamasutra book just to find the position that can make it better for you.
- He is a thoughtful partner who puts your pleasure first.
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🔥 Shoto 🧊 
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- Poor thing is confused and worried. Are you sick? Or maybe he is the problem? Isn't he good enough? Is it even possible to have such problems?
- You two have a serious talk about those matters. He wants to understand what's happening.
- Shoto is a good listener, so he listens to you, analyzing each word and already thinking about ways of helping you. 
- He really does everything to help with your pleasure, putting himself right after you and even if somehow he gets there first? Shoto is not stopping until he knows your climax.
- Shoto eats you out and touches you for hours just to ensure your pleasure.
- Not a fan of toys. Sure, they are useful and helpful, but for him, it feels fake. Of course, if you insist on trying, he might try those.
- He praises you each time your co-operated work is successful! He gives you sweet kisses and even sweeter touches, just because you are his good, little girl.
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🔥 Enji 🔥
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- He is the worst out of the three Todoroki! 
- Are you having a problem? Or are you just a stubborn brat?!
- He isn't interested in hearing about your problem. Idiotic and excuses.
- Enji is going to force it out of you, regardless of your discomfort.
- Sadly for you, he is selfish and doesn't really care about your pleasure. You can beg, you can scream. There is no point.
- Your ailment proves to be too much of a problem? He slowly drops you.
- At first, he is cold toward you, but then after some more time he stops sleeping with you at all. 
- Your problems aren't his. You can't deal with them? Then that's only your problem. Enji has enough problems of his own to bother himself with someone like you.
- So one day he drops you completely. He just sends you a simple message: “It's over. Don't contact me.”
- As painful as it is, you grant his wish.
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lezzballer · 4 months
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Diana Taurasi sleepover headcanons
(Completely SFW!! I just wanted to use that picture to get your attention 😇)
(That picture is from 2010 so these headcanons are from that era too)
∞ Diana's place is cute enough to be on HGTV. But there's more clutter than you expected
∞ There's art and family pictures on her walls. She has a nice glass case full of old momentos. But she doesn't have any trophies anywhere
∞ Her living room has a DVD shelf and some old game consoles. The coffee table is piled high with lifestyle and sports magazines
∞ She chats with her mom on the phone in Spanish for a few minutes while you thumb through her magazines
∞ Her kitchen cupboards are stocked with unopened bottles of fancy liquor that she doesn't really drink anymore. Her fridge is stocked with hard seltzer and regular seltzer. And her recycling bin is full of empty bottles of fancy wine. She can't cook anything besides cereal, toast, sandwiches, sliced fruit, and coffee. She offers to make all five of those things for you
∞ Her room looks clean but only because she hastily tidied it up while making you wait outside. On her bedside table is a biography of Julius Caesar. There's an old stuffed animal sitting on the bench at the foot of her bed
∞ Her huge walk-in closet resembles a department store with the men's section and women's section all mixed together. There's a glass box displaying watches sitting on top of a locked safe containing even more watches. The shoe situation is reasonable because she stores most of her shoes elsewhere. In the back of the closet is the door to her bathroom. That bathroom contains a lifetime supply of hairspray. By the sink, there's a colorful glass bong she forgot to put away
∞ At dusk, she goes around and checks to make sure all the doors and windows are locked
∞ She'll cuddle up with anyone whether you're just a friend or something more. During the day, she's always on the move and she's larger than life. But as she's sitting by your side at night, you notice she's suddenly very small
∞ If you spend the night at her place, she does not shut up the entire time. She will just keep talking and talking unless you bluntly tell her to be quiet so you can sleep. You need to be assertive about making her be quiet or else she'll keep thinking of things to say
∞ She's an insomniac. She does not sleep all through the night. She just lies there with her eyes closed replaying basketball games in her head. But once she finds the right person to sleep next to, she'll sleep more soundly
∞ She wakes up at 5am and makes coffee every morning. You don't hear her alarm because she wakes up 3 minutes before it goes off and silences it
∞ She makes her bed every morning and neurotically changes her sheets more than necessary. But she can't make her bed this morning because you're sleeping in it
∞ By the time you wake up, she's already showered, dressed, and bunned. And the coffee is cold. She won't reheat your coffee because reheating coffee goes against her values. She insists on taking you to a cafe on the way to the gym
∞ She drives to the cafe and finishes the story she was telling last night right before you fell asleep. You don't remember the first half of the story very well but the conclusion is entertaining
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mouwrites · 11 months
hi i was the one who asked ab the character match up thing but i also have a request!
could you write headcanons of being best friends with lloyd garmadon (and a slight unaddressed undertone of them having crushes on each other maybe)
like they’re really dumb and make fun of each other all the time but would die for each other easily and they have starfarrer marathons and play video games together and all that junk
totally fine if not though!! ⭐️🌟
Ninjago - Being Lloyd’s Best Friend (?) ;)
You guys met when he was on a mission
The ninjas were on the hunt for an ancient magical artifact, which you just happened to remember finding as a child
You guided them through the wilderness, secretly doubting your own navigational skills
That and the fact that you weren’t sure it was even there anymore made you obviously anxious
Lloyd, who was following the closest behind you, noticed the way you chewed your cheek and wiggled your fingers
You locked eyes once, and the look he gave you was the gentlest, most trusting yet understanding look you’d ever seen
Your anxiety melted away as you gazed into his deep green eyes
Then, realizing you were staring, you giggled awkwardly and apologized
That was how your very first conversation began
Lloyd was just trying to keep you calm so you could focus, but he completely forgot his goal when you mentioned Starfarer
“You like Starfarer?”
“Yeah, haha. I know it’s a little childish—”
“I love Starfarer!”
“No kidding?!”
Honestly, you had no idea where you were at that point
You were just taking random turns while you gushed about the series
(Much to the annoyance of the others following close behind)
By some miracle, you eventually found the artifact
On the way back, Lloyd explained what it was and what he needed it for
You thought he was so cool
You demanded to have him update you when the mission was completed
You exchanged numbers before finally departing
Less than five minutes after he left, you guys were already texting up a storm
You found out you actually had much more in common than being Starfarer fans; for one, you both loved video games
You compared which games you’d played and which you hadn’t, making vague promises to get together and play the ones you hadn’t
Needless to say, you guys text a lot
Lloyd is frequently gone on missions, but he always keeps his phone nearby
Calling you is his favorite way to pass the time when traveling
You keep him updated on more worldly matters, like when a new Starfarer comic is going to be released
He tells you about his fantastic adventures in return
Secretly, you both think to yourselves as the other speaks: Man, they’re the coolest person in the whole world…
Lloyd tries to visit whenever he can
Playing video games and goofing off with you always makes his day
He’ll lie awake at night recollecting your jokes and bursting into laughter all over again
You lie awake at night envisioning him on his missions, your heart racing as you picture him escaping peril time and time again
So, when one of you texts the other late at night, you’re both awake anyway
Your late night texts are different from daytime texts
You talk about deeper things: life, death, your pasts, anything and everything
You don’t really do this when you meet up; no, that time is reserved for teasing and goofing off ONLY
But you both sort of wish you did talk like that in real life, though neither of you bring it up
You just push down that stirring in your chests when you sit just a bit too close, or when you stare for half a second too long at your friend’s face
A rather pleasing face…
anYWAY you guys also share a huge sweet tooth
Snacks are a must whenever you hang out
And if you bake… oh man
You will immediately become Lloyd’s favorite cook
Even if you’re nowhere near Cole’s or Zane’s level, Lloyd will stand by his opinion that your goodies are better than theirs
You guys would ABSOLUTELY go to fan conventions together
Matching cosplays!!
If you cosplay a ship, you’ll awkwardly agree to do cute poses together when people want a picture
Again, just push down that stirring in your chest when you hold each other…
The other ninjas don’t tease Lloyd about you being his s/o
Mostly because they aren’t sure if you guys are actually dating or what
Lloyd doesn’t notice their skepticism though, he’s too focused on being silly with you :)
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Thanks for reading! And thank you anon for the request :) take care guys <33
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dozing-marshmallow · 1 year
could i maybe request some yandere!chris mclean headcanons if thats alright with you? (bonus points if its with a reader that lowkey fears him)
ps love ur work, you're one of the very small amount of people that write for my man chris
Helloo, and of course it’s alright!! Thank you for the request, I hope these headcanons below are good enough, and aw thank you, I appreciate that! 💗 (Don’t worry, I plan on posting Chris McLean content for a long time ;).) YANDERE!CHRIS MCLEAN HEADCANONS 
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Chris didn’t know what to do. He had never cared so much about another living person before.
But here he was, hiring a private investigator to find out everything he could about you.
For someone who was meant to be his personal assistant, you noticed he was way too proud to showcase you to the public and showered you with more gifts than you had received your entire childhood.
Because of this uncontrollable hearts for eyes he had for you, he had an internal conflict pulling him from both sides of his head. Should he use you as a punching bag for laughs or should he reserve your body as its natural state?
Nahh he already had those moronic teenagers to feed his sadism- Alright, but imagine how good it’ll feel to see you cry...and hear your pleads...for him to stop...
Such that human life was too cheap for him.
Don’t worry, Chris isn’t the type of yandere to tie you down in a dark basement whenever he has to leave for extended periods: instead, he was more than happy to still have you on the show, as long as you played along for the cameras. Now that you knew the full truth behind his continuous gift showering and sweeter treatment, hearing him hide the lovesickness in his voice everyday to the others made you nauseous.
Another day of agony led you to his same heavenly bed.
Nothing was as enjoyable as it used to be.
At least the guy was loyal- he gave up on attending parties and social events, unless he arranged his own with you, and was immune to alternative admiration.
That doesn’t mean it got better. Occasionally, Chris appears to have let his darker conscience win, seeing how he would stick his saliva into your wounds with his tongue where your warm blood cried, or caught it to use as an ingredient for his coffee.
One day, he must have wondered what it’d look like for the roles to be reversed, openly admitting it as you drank your hot chocolate that he had mixed some of his blood in it so that “you could always have a piece of me inside of you.”
“How...can you give me something with your blood in it to drink!?” You spluttered horrified, wiping your mouth.
For a second, it’s like he gained a realising glimpse at what he’s done, but then happily turns it into a milestone,“Haha okay, I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t think about how messed up that was until I heard you say it. Soooo, I might be a bit of a masochist? Whoo! Love really does teach you things you never knew about yourself, doesn’t it, my love, (Y/N)? I love that name, by the way. (Y/N). It suits you reaaaaaaally well!”
Yeah and thanks to him, you grew to hate it.
It spirals to the sickening point where Chris didn’t even want anyone else to look at you, whether it was from the screen or in person. How did he ensure this? Simple. You were going to make one final appearance on Total Drama to bid your departure from show business so nobody would suspect your absence in future episodes.
Well, it worked. So authentic that no one thought of anything more when you started sobbing right there and then or how Chris came to escort you away.
Albeit your friends and family weren’t deceived for long when they never heard from you again.
And it’s going to stay that way, for Chris paid the police department situated in Ontario to ignore, close, reject all reports filed in your name. He may as well have removed your citizenship.
The frightening power of the bourgeoisie.
Now you were truly prohibited from leaving his grounds.
“Why the long face, (Y/N)? Aren’t you happy?”
“No...” You tremble,“I... I want to go home...so badly.”
“Home?” He twirls you around, hands gripped on your shoulders in true puzzlement,“This is your home.”
“No, it’s...not. I...don’t belong here... You scare me.”
“Huh? Me? Scare you? (Y/N), whatever do you mean? Everything I’ve been doing so far...is for you! Now that we don’t have to worry about the police, it’s way easier for us to be together in peace! See how thoughtful I am, (Y/N)? No need to thank me.”
“Chris I’m sorry, but...” you wince, knowing such bold answer may trigger a dangerous reaction,“I can’t...reciprocate. See, I didn’t know th...there was something else you wanted from me other than me working for you... I...think you’d be better off spending your time and love on someone else.”
“Oh (Y/N),” he chuckles darkly, sprinkling your disbelieved face with kisses,“It’s all these well meaning, pure hearted things you say that has me falling more and more in love with you... I’m not worried you don’t feel the same. In fact, I honestly couldn’t care less. As long as I can hear you breathe...”
He could hear it alright. Just the same in his sleep... Perfect.
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ken-dom · 1 year
Ken Comfort Headcanons
Ken x reader
Summary and warnings: a few headcanons of Ken being supportive when you’re in need of comfort. It’s Ken, so that does sometimes cross over into him being a little... obsessive. Also, I’ve tried to leave this ambiguous as to the time and setting so it’s up to how you want to read it! Includes mentions of kisses.
I originally posted this to my main blog but I'm re-posting all my work here to have everything in one place due to an unresolved tagging issue on my main
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He tries SO hard when he knows you've had a bad day because he can't stand the thought of you feeling anything other than as perfect as he thinks you are
Will give you space but is never far away, usually watching from a distance just incase you need something he can provide
He’s so soft and gentle with you, brushing your hair while he tells you all the things he loves most about you to give you a boost
The list of compliments is long and far from exhaustive; he rarely gives you the same compliment twice and never runs out of new ones
Truly excellent at pep talks if you need one
Holds your face in his palms and looks deep into your eyes to tell you some variation of how sublime or brave or wonderful or kind you are, hoping you’ll believe him and trying to send some positive Kenergy straight to you via his intense gaze
‘Would you like to go for a walk? You can hold my hand…’
Of course, he walks you to the beach (after taking a moment to compose himself at the hand holding) to watch the sunset together
If you squeeze his hand he giggles or let’s out a delighted little ‘Ooh!’
After finding the perfect place to sit together on the sand, he lights a little fire to get cosy beside, smiling at you all the while, and asks, ‘Do you want to talk about it? Or you can just rest with me if that’s what you need?’
Either way, it ends with you laid together on the sand with you resting on his chest, listening to the soothing sounds of his heartbeat and steady breathing
You feel so safe and content with his strong arms wrapped around your shoulders and his fingers playing lovingly with your hair
There’s no rush. He’s content for you to remain silent or take all the time you need in talking to him. He really has all the time in the world for you
It makes his heart race a little to be so close with you, but he contains the feelings it stirs within him so that he can focus entirely on you
Does give you tender little kisses at least every five minutes though, just to remind you how wanted you are
He’s such a good listener. He usually hangs on your every word, but at times like these, it's not just that. When you need him, he is so supportive and always surprises you with new perspectives on whatever is bothering you
If you tell Ken a secret he will guard that secret with his life (but he may flex on some other Kens that you confide in him. He would be really proud of that)
When you begin to feel tired, he will walk you back home, eagerly offering his hand again. He always hopes you’ll invite him inside and to sleep over, but his main priority tonight is helping you feel yourself again
‘Would you like me to come in and read to you?’
He doesn’t so much read as look at pictures with you and excitedly read out the bits he thinks are most exciting, but his heart is in the right place and it warms yours to know that he wants to spend his free time making you feel better and not just vying for your attention
Makes you tea and tucks you in even if he’s not staying over, with one final kiss to your forehead before he departs
‘I’m your Ken no matter what.’
Literally does not sleep. Worries all night that you might not have sweet dreams or will wake feeling anything other than great
Will be back first thing in the morning with breakfast already made and a hot bath drawn for you, ready for when you wake up to make sure you’re off to a perfect start the next day
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fruitsoxs · 1 year
hi socks just wanna let u know i have been thinking about those vashwood as roommates headcanons and i always come back to it cz it’s somehow??? so comforting??? 10/10 chef’s kiss thank u!
it's honestly my comfort au-- so here's a part two ! (here's part one)
Having Vash and Wolfwood as roommates would include(part two);;
warnings;; I included some nsfw headcanons this time. they're at the end and have a warning. This also has a bit of fighting/angst that ends in fluff notes: i have a couple of fics in the work for this au. let me know if there any big moments you would like to see written out into a full fic! (also possibly a knives spin off??)
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Their jobs/majors
I kind of feel like Vash is studying in the science department. Specifically something that has to do with plant science? Botany, Environmental science, maybe even biology? I know it’s a little on the nose but I really do think it would work perfectly for him
Maybe he even opens up his own little flower shop in the future??
No matter what he has a lot of labs and he is always tired after them.
He probably has a part-time job as a barista at a little cafe on campus
No thoughts just Vash in a cute little apron
He’s a fan favorite among the college kids. They say he makes the best coffee, and he sometimes gives people little freebies when they look sad
His manager Meryl actively yells at him for it, but she doesn’t actually care that much.
He ALWAYS will give you freebies if you come in to visit him. He gets a free drink as an employee, and he’ll save it for you just in case you come in. Sometimes he’ll even take it to go and drop it off for you
Wolfwood gives huge phycology vibes. Mans had a messed up childhood and wants nothing more than to help other people through that stuff
Either that or he’s an art student. I can see that too
He takes school very seriously, but he is horrible at math. He cannot divide to save his life. He’s had to retake his math class like three times
His job? Well nobody knows and at this point everyone is too scared to ask. (He’s a security guard lol)
Whatever it is, he hates it. He comes home grumpy and needs lots of hugs and kisses.
He’ll be all pouty and pissed off, and then you’ll give him a little kiss on the cheek and a small smile will break out 
Bonus; Knives is on the track to becoming a surgeon. I will die on the hill that he is going into the medical field. (he’d look so good in scrubs) and i know McDonalds knives is kind of funny, but I'm thinking he’s actually and EMT. Imagine getting hurt and having Knives be your first responder (id die on the spot)
First Date
It’s not really a date- well you don’t call it a date. Vash just walks in with a couple of free tickets to a haunted house event thing  and asks if you and Wolfwood want to come
You’re like hell yeah
The drive there is like the calm before the storm. You listen to some music, seated in front with wolfwood driving. He definitely has his hand on your thigh. Vash is super excited about finally doing something that isn’t getting high and playing games
You all thought it was gonna be some dumb little spooky house. They’re never that scary. It’s just fun to see all the decorations and actors
Oh boy were you wrong
It’s so well put together. The actors are really into it, and they have amazing make up. When you’re standing in line, some clown girl walks up to Vash and you watch the regret build up on his face. The guy is already terrified
The first hallway is pitch black, and you have to rely on a feeling your way through it. Vash is mumbling about how much he hates it the entire time
Wolfwood is like “Don’t worry guys I’ll protect you.” And then proceeds to let out the loudest scream when the lights come on and there’s a girl dressed up as a ghost standing there
Soon all three of you are huddled up, holding hands, and shaking
These things should not be that scary!!!
It’s Vash who gets you kicked out
He gets so spooked that he runs into a bunch of boxes and knocks one of the fake walls down. The entire thing has to stop to fix it
You’re all banned
After that you go eat pancakes and complain about how scary it was
When things get tense
Fights can happen sometimes
None of you are perfect, and those boys have gone through some shit
Vash tends to shut himself away from you when he’s upset. He doesn’t come out of his room, and when he does he pretends like he’s fine. 
He doesn’t like burdening other people with his problems.
Eventually it just starts to feel like he doesn’t trust you enough to let you in. SIt gets really bad when he tells you to go away one day, and you watch Wolfwood walk into his room 30 minutes later
It doesn’t really turn into a fight. You just get sad, and even a little insecure. So, you avoid him back. Not because you’re vengeful, just because you feel hurt
A few days of the two of you not talking and Vash is in tears by your door
He begs for forgiveness and explains why he’s like this
You tell him it’s okay, but what he does really hurt you. He promises to work on it, and he does
That night the two of you make up for loss time
Wolfwood and you fight a lot more
Most of the time it’s silly little arguments that you solve pretty fast
Wolfwood is bad at communicating in general. But especially when it comes to his feelings
He has really bad days sometimes, and he can get grumpy really fast these days, and one day you really piss him off
He won’t tell you what you did though, he just gives you the cold shoulder
That pisses you off because you’d so be willing to talk it out and apologize, but he won’t tell you what you did 
So you’re mad now too
Things are tense between you too, and it all comes to an end on movie night when you start arguing about what movie to watch
You want to watch one of your favorite movies from your childhood and he says that it’s a stupid movie
Things get heated fast, while Vash just disappears into the background. He that the two of you need to workout your problems on your own (but he really wants to intervene) 
When the tears start falling, Wolfwood immediately stops
He takes a breath, and the two of you sit down and just talk. 
You talk ALL night about what happened, and what the two of you could have done better. In the end, you fall asleep on his chest while he plays with your hair. 
You have movie night the next night to make up for it, and he puts the movie you wanted to watch in before you can even talk about it ( he ends up loving the movie and after that you two watch it all the time)
Id have to make an entire other thing for when Vash and Wolfwood fight because it’s no fun for anyone
NSFW stuff
After the three of you finally get past the awkward stages and start fucking, you find out these two are…horny
They’ll grab you and go to town any time
They really like to share you, but there’s no jealousy in the relationship so it’s okay for one on one time as well!
Wolfwood will pull you into steamy make out sessions whenever. He’ll do it out of nowhere. I imagine he just really likes you, and can’t get enough
He’s very handsy. He’ll constantly have his hand on your hips, or your thigh, and your waist. He likes touching you
He’s the type to sneak risqué touches in public. He like watching you struggle to not let anyone else know what he’s doing
Quickies everywhere with Wolfwood
Vash is a lot more loving (not that Wolfwood isn’t loving– he probably has cried during sex) 
Vash takes his time though. He wants every moment with you to be special. He likes to do stuff like rubbing your back, and peppering kisses down your shoulders. He’ll run his hand up your shirt, and kiss your neck softly. He builds up to it
He really likes shower/bath sex. It’s intimate and relaxing
He also like when you take control (i know he’s a whimperer)
He is so bad at any type of public sex though. He gets embarrassed way too easily (and i think Wolfwood has fun with that) 
When the three of you do it together it’s fucking electric 
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