#the way i screamed !!! ahhh the frame is gorgeous!!
eurydia · 1 year
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@andorappreciation week - underrated characters: Kleya
A few months ago, I painted this modified master study of John Singer Sargent's Madame X to be Kleya instead. My framed print from Canvas Champ arrived today in time for appreciation week and I thought I would share ❤️! This is 15 x 30" in, the Andor poster for scale is: 22.375 x 34" in
I think Kleya is such a compelling character and I can't wait to see more of her in season 2! This is my favorite artwork of this year, and I wanted a framed one similar to the actual painting.
If you're interested in purchasing one in the future, here's the interest check:
[Madame K - Gold Framed Canvas Interest Check]
Thank you for all the support! I still plan to make this available on my InPrnt later down the line.
Edit: Now available on InPrnt - Link
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petri808 · 3 years
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Prompt- Marking/Monster fucker @bkdkkinktober Day 5
Izuku woke up with a start, hand clutching over the heart racing frantically in his chest to the darkness of a witch’s hour. The sheen of sweat coating his body glistened in the moonlight flowing over his bed, and his breathing raggedly trying to find normalcy in the pungent scent of sex still lingering in the air. But how if this was just a dream? A dream perhaps, yet the strongest since they’d started two weeks ago. The sticky dampness between his thighs indicating anything but fiction.
A slight breeze through the window sent shivers along Izuku’s body still sensitive to the touch… the touch— his touch… The red eyes and blonde shadow emblazoned behind his eyelids. Who was he? This thing, this person haunting his dreams and sending his body into realms of ecstasy night after night to leave him wanting and drained the next morning. He couldn’t wait to get back to bed after a long day of work, ready for more like a drug addict jonesing for their next hit.
“I want more…” Izuku whimpered into the silent room. Of strong hands dominating his toned frame, sharp nails… or were they claws? Regardless, the way they dug into his skin and controlled his hips forcing him to behave… Izuku reached into his boxers and began stroking his cock through this trip down memory lane. “Yes…” he whined, “more, I want more…” of heated bodies entwined, feeling so safe below that scarlet gaze, yet frozen by their stare— and the bites… he remembered the canines that sent his heart stuttering. Izuku paused mid-stroke to reach up to his nape. Yes, the tenderness was there again, but skin still unbroken.
To experience being filled and fucked by this gorgeous dream man. Damn, he’d do anything to make this real! Take him, mark him, a willing slave if it meant nights of endless bliss! “Please—” Izuku groaned. “Be real…”
Each night that passed by left Izuku craving more, and body left spent and tired the next morning. He didn’t know how dreams could cause so much exhaustion, but the intensity was definitely increasing. The logical part of his brain knew damn well this wasn’t good for him, too bad his lonely heart was winning the fight.
“Y-Yeah, I’m heading out right now sir— literally running out the door as we speak… Yes, Mr. Aizawa, I know it’s the second time this week I’ve been late, I… I need to get a new alarm, I think mines broken— oh… of course, sir, I’ll grab that on my way to the office for you.”
As he rushed out of his apartment, Izuku clicked off the phone, repeating his bosses order. “Double macchiato, add cinnamon, double macchiato add cinnamon, don’t forget— OOF!” The phone went flying out of Izuku’s hand as he smacked right into a solid object and bounced back, falling on his ass. “Oh, my goodness, I’m so sorr—” Izuku gasped.
“Tch. What a way to welcome your new neighbor.” The stranger held out a hand to help Izuku up. “Just be more careful next time.”
“R-Right,” Izuku stammered, “sorry, mister?”
“Katsuki Bakugou.”
“Mr. Bakugou, thank you— I-I mean sorry, again!” Izuku bowed before rushing away.
Blonde hair, red eyes… It couldn’t be! This was the first time he’d met his obviously solid flesh neighbor, so there was no way he could’ve dreamt up the beefcake! “Couldn’t be,” Izuku mumbled to himself. The man was very new, moved in maybe a week ago… ‘right around the time the dreams started escalating…’ He shook his head. Ridiculous. Those were dreams and this man was real— they couldn’t be linked. By the time he got to work, Izuku put the whole event out of his mind and focused on his job before he lost it.
A guy that hot was out of his league, so why not just live in his dreamworld?
“Ka…cchan…” The name wisps out from Izuku’s lips as clawed hands guided the sharp rocking of his hips, ground firmly over the man’s cock. “I can’t—” Izuku whined, legs trembling and starting to give out. “Please…” It was the first time of any of the dreams that the mystery lover had him doing the work.
But in the blink of an eye, Izuku found himself on his back once more, his lovers low grunts to his moans echoing as he was filled over and over in rapid succession. The man’s face stayed buried in the crook of his neck— till a cry rang out, Izuku’s own from fangs sunk deeply into his skin. Familiar, delicious white-hot ache flowing through his system, sending stars flashing beneath his eyelids, and red glowing eyes burning in his mind, filling his soul with a sense of wholeness his life was lacking.
“Mine…” the male growled, “forever…”
“Ahhhh!” Izuku shot up in bed, drenched in the familiar sheen of sweat to the sound of a blaring alarm. “Fuck!” He groaned and dropped back down. Stupid alarm! But as amazing as these dreams were, they were seriously starting to drive him insane. His days were turning into endless cycles of unfulfilling work and fornication, work, and fornication— with a physical emptiness left in its wake.
As routine, he touched the painful spot on his neck expecting the same thing he’d endured for weeks— but this time, something wet and tacky hit his fingertips. “What the?”
Izuku scrambled to his bathroom, and there in the mirror— two fresh puncture wounds… a gasp broke free. “Oh, my god—”
That was the first time the dream blonde spoke to him. It’s deep raspy voice sending shivers through his body just thinking about it. But it was so embarrassing to walk into work with a large bandage on his neck to hide the wound! Lots of snickering and questions of who the lucky guy or girl must have been to mark him with a hickey. If only it had just been a hickey! All the other nights left the area tender for just a few minutes, and no evidence, but today the damn thing still throbbed. This was all becoming way too real for Izuku— and frankly, scared him a little. ‘Forever…’ The thought had even crossed his mind that someone was simply breaking in every night, but there was never any proof.
So, as he crawled into bed that Friday night, the throbbing spot on his neck a reminder, Izuku set his alarm to go off at 3am. If there was any truth to this nightly visitor, he was bound to catch him if could break free from the dream. This was it! He had to know what the hell was going on!
Izuku twisted in his bed, whimpering under the lustful gaze of his dream lover. “No, please…” he shivered as the long tongue teasingly flicked the tip of his over sensitized cock. His body was still coming down from a high that had left a sticky mess plastered all over his torso.
“Say it,” the husky voice demanded.
“Forever…” Izuku breathed out.
With a grunt, red eyes flashed, centered, and drove its cock all the way into Izuku. Growling, “forever mine,” as he leaned over to suckle the man’s mark with licks and tortured kisses. Each touch ignited the same soul-stealing connection that kept Izuku trapped and begging for more. Powerful hips rocked in measured cadence, filling the man over and over to finish what it’d started.
Izuku’s back arched and legs clamped around his lover’s waist, nails digging into the man’s shoulders as heat swirled and a familiar smoky scent grew in the room. He sensed his lover’s climax, could feel it coming like a sensor knowing a storm approached. Their connection… it felt so real… so good— different this time. Peaceful, no pain… “forever…” Izuku mewled as darkness overtook him.
The distant sounds of morning slowly crept into Izuku’s consciousness. Soft bird chirping, the muffled roar of cars on a nearby street. He moved to bury his face in his pillow to block the sunlight, shifting his body from its side to his stomach— only he couldn’t. Izuku’s eyes pop open as the awareness hit. He wasn’t alone. Without moving his head, his eyes looked down at what was around his waist and saw arms, hands— someone’s hands?! Wait! His alarm hadn��t gone off either!
He forced himself to shift so he could see who was spooned up behind him and found blonde hair. The neighbor?! Izuku screamed at the sleeping male. “What are you doing here?! How’d you get into my apartment?!”
“If you’re gonna wake up your mate, a good morning would’ve been nice.” Katsuki mumbled against Izuku’s back. “After all I’ve done for you.”
“Y-You? I, w-wait, the dreams, h-how?!”
“Shhh,” Katsuki clamped a hand over Izuku’s mouth. “Go back to sleep, talk when I’m up.”
“Maft?!” Izuku mumbled back.
“Forever, remember? I need more sleep, now shush.”
“I wilf nats sh— ahhh—”
A blinding white light hit Izuku’s mind again, followed with a dull ache in his neck as Katsuki’s mouth clamped over the mate mark on his neck. “Oh, my kami—”
“Now do you believe me?”
Izuku looked over again at Katsuki’s face and noticed the man’s eyes were glowing red and fang tips glinted from his mouth. “F-Forever?”
It was all real, and yet somehow… maybe this wasn’t so bad after all...
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Pool’s Closed
I got down to the pool after a hell of a drive and it was closed. After all that. I won't get into it but you can imagine what that would be like, to get to the pool and find it closed. You wouldn't be happy.
There was no one in the pool because it was closed. It was an outdoor pool so all around it there was lawn and chairs and tables and some barbecues. I got right up against the fence and looked around. I could see a guy in a cap and overalls cleaning a little way over. I called out, "Hey! Over here!"
He didn't hear me so I yelled again. I really yelled this time. I really gave it both barrels. I was pressed so hard against the fence at this point, leaning into it, grabbing at the links with my fingers in frustration, that it stopped me from saying the v in "over" properly. It probably sounded like "hggggh oh ahhh hee". That's probably why the guy brandished his rake at me when he came over. I can't blame him for that. I'm not going to say that my open throat scream mightn’t have sounded frightening. I'm not going to deny I had red lines on my face from pressing it into the chain links of the fence. I got where he was coming from.
"Pool's closed," he said when I told him what I wanted. "C'mon," I whined. I have no problem whining. I'll tell you that straight away. "It's right there. It looks great. Gorgeous water. What do you say?"
"I can't let you in," he said. "It's not safe. There's effluent in there."
I rolled up a $5 note and poked it through the fence. "I'm great at keeping my mouth closed in the pool," I told him. "I'm a vault. When I promise not to swallow any water and get sick from it you know I'm going to deliver. And if I accidentally drink a little bit I won't tell them it was the pool that made me sick. I'll tell them I fell in the toilet at home and a bit got in my mouth."
The guy looked at the money. I could tell he was tempted. I wiggled it in case he had the type of brain that forgets about things that aren't moving.
"What's your bathroom set up?" He asked. "I need to know your story will be believable."
I explained the whole thing to him. We squatted down on our haunches and I drew a floor plan in the dirt with my thumbnail. He nodded and asked a bunch of questions. In the end he stood up and said, "Well, you've convinced me... nearly. But there are still a lot of loose ends to this story, and in my line of work that spells trouble. I'll need to see the bathroom."
What choice did I have? We piled back into my car and got back on the highway. Traffic was terrible in both directions by this point. We were crawling. By the time we got home and back to the pool again it might not even be hot anymore. I was hating it. On top of all that the guy wasn't even doing anything. Just looking at his phone. "Hey, c'mon," I said, annoyed as hell, "is a little conversation too much to ask for?"
He ignored me and started fiddling around with the stereo. He was pairing a Bluetooth device. Unbelievable. Next thing I know he's got a YouTube video on his screen and he's turning the volume all the way up. "Hey, what're you..." I start, but before I know he's leaning across me to wind down the windows and hitting play on the video. It's a police siren. Amazingly loud. It blasts through the speakers and out the windows. On the screen is a flashing blue and red pattern and he holds it up against the windscreen. "What are you doing?" I scream, but he just points ahead to where other drivers are pulling over to let us pass. I zip through. Takes five more minutes to get home. Amazing.
At my place he takes his shoes off and steps delicately around admiring my light fittings and whatnot. "Beautiful," I hear him sniffle. In the bathroom he pulls out a tape measure and makes some notes. I pop through to the kitchen and make a smoothie.
When I get back he's crying. "Aww," I say, patting his shoulder cautiously. "It's OK."
He wipes his eyes and nose with the back of his hand. "No, it's not," he sobs. "It'll never be OK again."
I sit down on the edge of the tub. "Why don't you tell me all about it?" I ask.
He goes off on some sob story about how he left his wife when a glamourous lady journalist came to the pool to interview him about what it was like being a pool handyman.
"Why did you do that?" I ask, exasperated.
"It was fun at first," he sobbed. "The breeze in our hair, the sun, the lawn. The good times by the barbecues. Exploring the pump shed. But then the honeymoon ended. She went back to her job. I never saw her again." He's wailing now. Just bringing the house down. "So cruel. So cruel."
I can't believe the racket this guy's making. "How's it cruel?" I snap. "You met her, had your fun, she didn't want you. Life goes on. Time to toughen up."
"It's not that she didn't want me," he sobs, trying to dry his eyes and running nose on his sleeve, "and it's not even that I left my wife for nothing. It's that my self-perception has been wounded. It's easy, when you're in a long-term relationship with someone who likes you, to assume that everyone will like you just as much as they do. And then you leave the safety of that relationship and find out that most people don't like you." He starts to cry again.
Well, he's right. I clear out of the bathroom and get in the car. On the drive back to the pool he's listless and quiet. I try to get him to do the siren trick by framing it as a fond recollection, like, "Hey, remember when you made the cars pull over by doing that siren trick? Ha ha. Terrific stuff." but he doesn't go for it.
It takes forever to get back to the pool. When we pull into the parking lot night's fallen. Wordlessly he unlocks the gate and lets me through. I'm not going to let his sour mood get me down. I skip to the change rooms, then sprint to the pool in my swimmers. Just before I jump in the smell hits me. It stinks like shit and piss. No way I'm getting in there. No fucking way.
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rizlowwritessortof · 3 years
Meant To Be - Chapter 1
Dean and Jordan are each trying to escape their painful pasts. Their chance meeting and a dangerous encounter begins a relationship that may give them both a new start. (Tags will be on the fic masterlist post so y’all don’t get bombarded with each chapter.)
Pairing: Police Detective Dean Winchester/Jordan Taylor
Word Count: 3583
Warnings: Abusive relationship and related violence, nothing graphic. 
Aesthetic by @editsbymichele on Instagram; Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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The sudden stop sent the car skidding a little in the gravel, the dust cloud swirling to dissipate in the breeze as Jordan jumped out, slamming the door hard behind her as she yelled into her phone. “Kiss my ass, Darrel! No, you did this, don’t lay it on me! What?! Like hell I’m coming home! Just go back to your new little drinking buddy-slash-fucktoy and leave me alone. You can’t have it both ways. No, fuck you. Fuck you sideways, buddy. I’m done. Have a nice life.”
She let out a frustrated scream, slamming a fist down on the hood of the car, so pissed off that she was shaking. She whirled around, startled, as a deep masculine voice called out. “Poor car. Sounds like Darrel’s the one you should be punching.”
“Excuse me? That was a private conversation!” she spluttered, glaring at the source. He was standing in front of a beautiful black beast of a car, the hood up, wiping his hands on a shop rag. She could feel the heat in her face, and his appearance slowly filtering through her rage into her brain didn’t help. He was gorgeous.
He chuckled, shaking his head. “Sorry, sweetheart, but the way you were yelling, there wasn’t much private about it.” He dropped his chin a little, his eyes narrowing as he spoke again. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to butt in. Are you okay?”
Tears welled up in her eyes, and she turned to the car, jerking the back door open to grab her bag. “It’s okay, sorry I was such a bitch. And I’m not okay, but I will be. I’m gonna be fucking awesome.” She stuffed her phone in her back pocket and fished the key card out of her bag, fumbling with the door. “Thanks for asking, anyway.”
She glanced back at him before going in, watching his little nod of acknowledgment and rueful smile. She closed the door shut behind her and leaned against it, dropping her bag. “Well, that wasn’t embarrassing at all. Screaming like a crazy woman in the middle of a parking lot, in front of the most fucking attractive man you’ve ever seen in your life. Awesome start to your new life, Jordan.” She  moved to the window, peeking out the side of the curtains at him as he continued working under the hood of his car. He was tall, solid, in beat-up blue jeans and a well-worn grey t-shirt that was smeared with grease and dark in spots from perspiration. She watched the muscles in his biceps strain as he worked with some kind of tool, stopping for a moment to grab the rag from his back pocket and wipe his face. He was ridiculously good-looking, even with smudges of grease on his arms and face. Actually, somehow that made him even more attractive, a man’s man, a man who wasn’t afraid of hard work and getting dirty. He glanced her direction, and she backed away quickly, swearing under her breath.
She sighed, letting her eyes roam around her room. It was almost like a little bungalow, with a kitchenette and a couch against one wall, and she wandered over to take a look out the back door. Now wasn’t that convenient! Right across the street behind the motel was a little liquor store, and she began to smile to herself. “No guts, no glory, girl. Get over there and buy that fine man a cold beer to apologize for being a hag.”
A few minutes later, she was stepping back out the front door with two icy-cold long necks in her hands. He watched her approach, wiping his hands, a slow smile lighting up his handsome face. “Here. To say I’m sorry for yelling at you.”
“Well, no apology necessary, but I’ll be damned if I say no to that! Fuckin’ hot out here,” he rumbled, taking the beer gratefully and taking a long pull from the bottle.
“Fuckin’ hot anywhere you are,” Jordan thought to herself, joining him after a little salute with the bottle in his direction. “Nothing better than an ice-cold beer on a hot day,” she said out loud. “So – what’s wrong with your car?”
“Oh, nothin’, really. Just tuning her up a little. Killing time, actually. I’ve been here one night already, looks like it’s gonna be another couple. Just waiting for my brother to get back.”
“Ahhh, so you just like to tinker.”
“Oh, I just like to make her purr.” Jordan almost choked on the swallow of beer she had just taken. “She’s just like a woman, you treat her right, she’ll treat you right.”
She smiled at him, getting one back in return. “Well, I’m glad there’s a man in this world who knows that. I’m Jordan, by the way.”
“Dean. Nice to meet you, Jordan.” His voice was on her frequency, apparently, because every time he spoke she felt her breath catch. His eyes were green with hints of gold, framed by thick lashes that any woman would die for, and she looked down at her beer, peeling at the label, unable to withstand his candid gaze any longer. They chatted a little longer about how good the beer tasted, how hot it was, how comfy the rooms were. He finished his beer, setting the bottle down and reaching up to lower the hood and close it. The muscles of his back under that damp, clingy t-shirt raised Jordan’s temperature another notch, and she had to mentally prompt herself to close her mouth. She cleared her throat, taking a long, cool drink, surprised it didn’t just come out of her ears in billows of steam.
“Well, Jordan, thanks for the beer. I’d better hit the shower. Maybe we’ll run into each other again.”
“Yeah, maybe.” She smiled back at him, and then watched him walk back to his room, two doors down from hers. Those jeans hugged his body just right, and her eyes followed his bow-legged amble all the way to his door, finally forcing herself to focus on the ground before he could turn and see her staring again. Holy. Shit. She headed back to the room and opened another beer, scolding herself. Not really the best time to be lusting after some stranger, not with all the shit she’d been through the last few weeks. She plopped down on the sofa with a sigh, roaming through the channels on the TV while she finished her beer, then headed for the shower.
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Dean dropped the empty beer bottle into the trash and sat on the edge of the bed to untie his boots. He smiled to himself, Jordan’s dramatic entrance into the parking lot replaying in his head. “Little firecracker, that one,” he muttered. She was a little bit of nothing, but what was there was nicely arranged, he had to admit. Big brown eyes, hair short and sexy just like her, kissable lips…
He laughed quietly to himself as he imagined Donna’s teasing voice in his head saying, “Don’t even think about it, partner. Ain’t you had enough?” As soon as he was cleaned up, he needed to call and check on her, see how she was doing. He headed towards the bathroom as he stripped his t-shirt off, pushing the door with one foot to swing it closed.
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The bar and grill down the block looked like a good enough place to find some food, and Jordan walked that way, running her fingers through her tousled, short hair. The screen door squealed as she opened it, pushing hard to shove the heavy inner door open and walking into the bar, the air conditioning sending a refreshing chill over her arms. A waitress walking by gave her a pleasant smile and hello, telling her to sit wherever she pleased and she’d be right with her.
There was no one in the place at the moment but a table full of elderly men at the far back corner, playing cards and drinking coffee. She settled herself in a comfy booth by the wall, grabbing a menu.
“Can I get you somethin’ to drink, hon?” the waitress asked, and she smiled up at her.
“Yeah, a glass of whatever you’ve got on tap, please.”
“You got it, be right back to take your order. I’m Molly, by the way, if you need something.” It was a lovely place, simple, homey and welcoming. Small town friendly, which was always pleasant - as long as you weren’t from that small town so they didn’t know all your business. Sometimes being an anonymous stranger was really nice.
Molly came back with a frosted mug brim-full of beer, and she smiled. You don’t get those everywhere. “Awesome, thanks!”
“You ready to order?” the woman asked, brushing a graying lock of hair that had escaped her ponytail away from her face.
“Yeah, I think I’ll have a bacon cheeseburger and fries,” she said, and her stomach grumbled as she spoke. Things had been in such an uproar lately, she had barely been eating.
“Now, there’s a woman with good taste!” Jordan felt her heartbeat stop for a second, and she looked up into Dean’s smiling face, those stunning green eyes crinkling at the corners. “Molly, can I get the same, and a beer?” he asked, giving the older woman his full attention.
“You got it, Dean,” the waitress answered with a smile, and headed back towards the kitchen. He nodded his head towards the seat opposite Jordan’s and grinned.
“Mind if I sit? I mean, if you’re not expecting somebody...”
“No, I’m not, please sit,” she smiled back at him. “It’ll be nice to have somebody to talk to besides myself.”
He took a seat, an amused smirk on his face. “Well, I don’t want to interrupt your conversation.”
“It’s okay. Mostly waxing poetic about the frosted mug of beer,” she grinned back.
“Right? Gotta love that.” He looked up at the waitress as his beer appeared in front of him. “Molly, you’re a doll.”
“Oh, stop. Keep tellin’ you, I’m married,” she teased, turning to go. “And I’m too old for you.”
“Love a woman with experience,” he fired back, and she flapped a hand at him, blushing.
“You are a dangerous man. You watch out for that one, honey,” Molly aimed her parting remarks at Jordan and headed back to the kitchen.
“How long have you known her?” Jordan asked, raising her mug to her lips.
“Just met her yesterday. Why?”
Jordan stared back at him in surprise. “Really? Wow, you’ve got a way with people.”
“A friend of mine told me once that I just like to flirt. She might be right.”
Jordan laughed. “She might be.” His phone went off just then, and he grabbed it off the table.
���My brother. Be right back,” he smiled, swiping the screen as he rose to his feet and headed for the door. “Hey, Sammy,” she heard him say as he went outside.
She ordered them each another beer when Molly came over to check, and she had just taken a drink, focused on reading a message on her phone, when a rough hand landed on her shoulder. “Okay, Jordan. Time to come home.”
She froze, refusing to look up at him. “Darrel. How did you find me?”
“Wasn’t hard. I knew which way you were headed. Now, you’re gonna get up from that seat and come home with me, we have a lot to talk about.”
“We don’t have anything left to talk about, but I’m not making a scene in here. So let’s just go outside and get this over with,” she ground out quietly between clenched teeth. She stood up and winced a little at the brutal grip on her arm, biding her time until they left the bar.
“Miss? You okay?” Molly asked with a frown as they headed for the door, and Jordan nodded.
“I’m fine, Molly. Don’t worry.”
“Just keep movin’,”Darrel whispered behind her. They shoved their way through the door, and took several steps away from the building before Jordan began to struggle. She cried out as he shifted his hold, twisting her arm behind her back viciously. “None of your shit, now. Just move.”
“Hey, Darrel!” Dean’s voice rang out loud and clear behind them, and Jordan tensed at the sound.
Darrel gave her arm another tug as he turned them both around to face Dean. “Fucker!” she spat, her teeth clenched.
“You okay, Jordan?” Dean asked, and she looked into his eyes.
“I’m sure I will be shortly.” Dean nodded, a wicked little smirk curving his lips.  
“Who the hell are you?” Darrel demanded. “Who is this clown?” he growled into Jordan’s ear, and she jerked her head away.
“So, Darrel, tell me – is this usually the way you get women to go with you? Because I’m pretty sure she’s gonna cut off your balls first chance she gets.” He frowned a little, then continued. “Wait, that would assume you have balls, which is pretty unlikely, I’d guess.”
Darrel drew in a breath to respond, distracted for the moment, and Jordan jammed her free arm back, driving her elbow into his ribs, then stomped down hard on his instep. Darrel loosened his grip on her, groaning in pain, and she jerked herself free from his grasp, running towards Dean.
“Good girl,” he said, sweeping his arm out to place her behind him. “Well, Darrel. Looks like we have a situation here.”
Darrel pulled a knife from his back pocket, flipping it open. “Yeah. Bad one for you, asshole. You’re not armed.”
Dean nodded in agreement. “You’ve got a point there. So, whatcha waitin’ for, Darrel?” He said the man’s name with utter contempt, muttering, “Go inside” to Jordan as he headed towards the coward. “Bring it on.”
Jordan couldn’t force her feet to follow his command, staring in horror and shouting Dean’s name as he approached Darrel. There was a flurry of movement, punches thrown and Darrel’s swing with the blade blocked, his arm twisted violently until the weapon hit the ground with a thud, followed a few seconds later by Darrel, bruised and bleeding. Dean bent to pick up the knife, flipping it in his hand and standing over the fallen man with a snarl on his lips.  
“I suggest you get the fuck outta here before I finish kicking your ass. And you forget about her. Forget her name. Forget you ever knew her. You hear me?”
Darrel scooted away, scrambling to his feet at a safer distance. “Jordan, this ain’t over!” he yelled defiantly.
“What did I just say to you?!” Dean bellowed, moving quickly in his direction, and Darrel’s eyes widened as he turned to run. “That’s right, you fucking coward, get your ass away from here.” Dean watched the man run until he was out of sight, then turned quickly, striding back to Jordan’s side. “Did he hurt you? Are you all right?”
She nodded, her face pale, weaving a little as her knees gave way. Dean put an arm around her waist, leading her to the bench beside the door and sitting her down. Molly stuck her head out the door, concern on her face. “Is she all right?”
“Yeah, just a little shaky. Hey, Molly – can we get those burgers to go?”
“Of course, give me just a sec, hon. Just wait right there.”
Dean hunkered down in front of Jordan, taking hold of her cold hand. “Hey, Jordan? Look at me, sweetheart.” She finally raised her eyes, and he gave her a proud little smile. “You did great. Just exactly what I was hoping you’d do.” Molly came out the door just then, handing their food to Dean, and reaching over to put her hand on Jordan’s.
“Glad you’re okay. Both of you.” With a pat to her hand and a little squeeze to Dean’s shoulder, she turned and went back inside.
“Okay, think you can make it back to your room? Come on, I gotcha,” Dean encouraged, an arm around her waist, the food and Darrel’s knife in the other hand. “Man, can’t wait to dig in. Molly makes a mean bacon cheeseburger.” He kept talking, all the way back to the motel, taking Jordan’s key card and letting them both in before leading her to a chair. “I’m going to my room to grab something, I’ll be right back. Okay?” She nodded vacantly, staring down at her hands.
She looked up, eyes wide as she heard someone at the door a couple of moments later, but Dean called out. “It’s just me, Jordan, comin’ back in, okay?” He came in, closed and dead-bolted the door behind him, and set a bottle of whiskey on the table as he walked by. Soon he was back, two coffee mugs from the little kitchenette in his hand. He poured a generous splash of the amber liquid into the cup and scooted it over towards Jordan. “Drink that, it’ll help.” She nodded, taking the cup in hand and tipping it steadily back, letting the liquor burn its way down her throat. She shuddered a little, then held it out for more.
“One more, maybe,” she said, and he tipped the bottle again. She downed the second shot, then blew out a shaky breath.
She looked at him, the color beginning to come back into her cheeks. “Yeah. I think so. Dean, I don’t know what to say...”
“You don’t have to say anything. Just eat. You can talk later.” He grinned, shoving her food at her, and she dug in gratefully.
She moaned, her eyes closing. “This is amazing!” Dean smiled, watching her wolf that bite down and go after another. She stopped, suddenly looking alarmed. “Wait, I didn’t even pay!”
“Taken care of, don’t worry about it.”
“So it’s not enough that you chase off my asshole ex, now you’re buying me dinner? Where have you been all my life?” she teased, taking another bite, and then blushing at her own words. “Wow - maybe the whiskey’s kicking in.”
Dean laughed softly as he continued eating. “Good. Maybe you can relax a little.” He turned on the TV, surfing until he found an old sitcom, and they watched as they finished their meal. When the credits rolled, Dean stood up, gathering the trash and tossing it before turning back to smile at her. “So – I should get out of here, let you get some rest.”
“Do you have to leave?” She swallowed hard, blushing. He stared back at her, not sure how to respond, and she dropped her gaze to the floor. “I’m sorry, you’ve done too much for me already, I don’t blame you for wanting to get the hell away, like you need...”
“Hey.” He spoke softly to stop her rambling, and she looked up at him, biting nervously at her lip. “I just thought after what you’d been through you should get some rest.” She nodded silently, wishing the floor would open up and swallow her, and he spoke again, concern in his eyes. “Are you afraid he’ll come back, Jordan?”
“I don’t know. I hope not.” She swallowed hard, fighting not to cry in front of him.
“Listen, I’ve got two beds in my room, you’re welcome to come down there and stay if you want.”
“No, no… I’m just being crazy. I’m sure he’s gone. You probably scared him all the way back home.” She tried to sound like she was laughing it off, but her performance wasn’t convincing even her. “Really, Dean, thank you. I appreciate it. But I don’t want to be any more of a pain than I already have been.” She picked up her phone, avoiding eye contact, and looked up in surprise when he took hold of it, pulling it gently from her grasp.
He typed something into it, then handed it back. “There, I put my number in. If you get scared, or if you need anything, call me. No matter what time it is. Okay?”
Her eyes filled with tears. “Thank you.”
She felt his hand on her shoulder. “Get some sleep, sweetheart. How about I pick you up for breakfast in the morning?”
She nodded, looking steadily at the table top as he gave her shoulder a squeeze and headed out the door. As soon as the latch clicked shut, she buried her head in her arms and burst into tears.
She climbed into bed a little later, feeling somewhat better. Dean was right, she did need to sleep. The last few weeks had been harder than she’d realized, and then with Darrel showing up… yeah, the tough girl mask she tried to present to the world had slipped a little.
She fell asleep almost as soon as she settled in, the first deep sleep she’d had in days. A loud crash from the parking lot outside her door woke her, and she sat up, groggy and disoriented, trying to get her bearings before climbing out of bed to see what had caused the noise.
Her eyes widened as she peered out the window. Her car was engulfed in flames, and she stumbled back from the window in shock, running back to the bed to grab her phone from the night stand. Her hands shaking, she dialed Dean’s number, surprised when he answered immediately, not even letting her speak.
“Jordan, stay in your room. Don’t come out unless I come and get you, understand?”
Chapter 2
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blue-bird-kny · 4 years
For Thirsty Thursday can I ask for edging with Shinobu? I understand if you can’t do it. I really love your writings!
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dk if its because I don’t get enough of her (seriously if you have fics PLEASE send them over) or if its because she’s one of my top characters, but my little Bi heart soars every time I get a request for her. This is probably my favorite thing I’ve written so far so please enjoy~Amanda
Warning: NSFW, Fem!reader, edging, restraints,
( 1.1k+ words)
This all started as a fun game of teasing, Shinobu swearing that no matter what you did, you wouldn’t be able to bring her to her knees, get her to the point of being a trembling mess. “You're too soft for that hunny” she laughed. Well who was laughing now?
Shinobu’s hands were tied securely to the bedpost, her hair tousled haphazardly around her  flushed face. “Ahhh!” Shinobu shouted, desperate to finally reach her climax. You held the vibrating silicone stick to her clit, her legs twitching, literally chasing her sweet release. “Times up” you called again to Shinobu’s horror, her petty whines of protest filling the room; It felt like you’d been at this for a few, tortuous hours. A string of Shinobu’s arousal followed the toy as you popped it into your mouth, “I really thought you’d make it that time” you spoke around the object, “hmm you always taste so sweet.”
Shinobu’s thoughts were in a frenzy, when she offered to let you try after her stupid comment earlier, she didn’t think you’d be this successful. “That was what? Number 4? 5?” you questioned innocently, or at least as innocently as one could with a vibrator balanced against their lips. “Six” Shinobu corrected breathlessly; you both were fully aware that if she really wanted to, Shinobu could rip herself out of her confines, but that would ruin the fun. That would also mean that Shinobu would admit defeat and there was no way she was ready to give in. “Six? Aww I’m sure your poor kitty is tired” you straddled her stomach, caressing her face in mock sympathy. Shinobu flipped her bangs from in front of her face, sitting up as much as she could with a defiant smirk plastered against her plump lips, “ You sound a little too cocky for someone who’s as wet as I am, you haven’t even been touched”. A pout took over your features as you looked away embarrassed, the feel of your sticky juices lathering Shinobu’s stomach.
“Brats don’t get to come” you tried intimidating- that was her favorite nickname for you- “Eh? Is that true? But I’m always so good to you” she continued carelessly, “Just yesterday I-” the sound of the little machine whirring to life cut off her sentence, you turned it on to about half way. You both watched with bated breaths as you brought the pulsating toy against her perky nipple. “Ah-hmph” you swallowed the noise, pressing the toy against her bud. “You talk too much” you huffed, diving back into her hungry cavern, your tongues fighting frantically while you switched between each breasts. Even with your endless stimulation, you knew that this wasn’t enough to get her off, but it was enough to get her painfully close. You took your time exploring her mouth with your tongue, one hand holding your hovering frame while the other stayed tucked between your pressed chest, casually changing the setting of the vibrator with each switch, but never to its fullest voltage. You leisurely swivel your hips in small circles, using her waist as a source of friction, inciting small mewls to fill the air between you two.
You ended your make-out session after sometime, her breast a beautiful tender pink, “Aren’t you a nasty, trembling mess” you purred. Shinobu winced as your hand reached back, swabbing a long strip of nectar only to rummage between your own thighs, bringing the two sauces between your puffy lips. It was all too much; between the sight of you sucking your combined juices, the ever present pressure of your gushing cunt grinding against her, and the ache of her own mound, Shinobu was just about ready to do anything.
The poor girl uttered the word in defeat, barely audible over your exaggerated licking. “Huh?”. A rosy warmth spread along her cheeks as she turned away bashfully, “please let me cum” she repeated a little louder. A wide smile graced your features, you leaned forward, afraid that you would never be able to see such an adorably vulnerable expression on your girlfriend's face again. A moment passed before Shinobu moved, raising her face mere centimeters from yours, “Please fuck my dripping pussy” she begged. That’s it, that fucked out, wrecked expression was what you were working so hard for.
“Only because you asked so nicely” you teased, eagerly shuffling down her figure, face to face with her drenched heat; Finally, the main event. You held the thick vibrator, coating it in her natural lubricant before easing the toy in inch by inch. Shinobu groaned in pain, her glistening hole happily accepting the stretch. “Look at that, you took the whole thing in so easily”. You tugged at her clit first, smooching the sore bundle lovingly, before fucking it with your tongue. You switch the vibrator onto its highest setting as you thrust in and out of her throbbing pussy. She cried out loudly in pleasure, her fist clenched tightly in her palm causing little crescent moons to mold the skin, pulling roughly at the cotton binds.
Shinobu came harder than she ever had, the force of her climax causing her to tear through her restraints with a loud crack. Her hips snapped against your face as she rode off her high, the toy buzzing against her g-spot. Shinobu was tremoring from the aftershocks when you pulled the toy from inside her, cum leaking out onto the sheets. “Gorgeous” you marveled at the creamy mess.
“What are you doing?” Shinobu asked, finally regaining her breath. You adjusted yourself back on her waist, sitting on your knees. “Did you really forget about me? I thought you should get a front row seat while I fuck myself since you’ve been so good for me” you moaned softly, the toy was still colored in Shinobu’s cum when you lodged in inside you tight hole. Shinobu smiled fondly; you never failed to amaze her. Your whines grew higher in pitch with each stroke, the powerful vibrations shocked you to your core. Your eyes shut as you cried, fucking yourself onto the vibrator, your juices squlching delicously. With a view so sinful, Shinobu couldn’t help herself as her manicured finger freely roamed your tense muscles, sliding her way to your perfectly pink nub, playing with the small bundle. Your eyes screwed shut, your mouth agape whining loudly in ecstasy, you were sure that all the other girls in the estate could hear your deafening screams. Your body stuttered as you came, your cum puddling on Shinobu’s porcelain skin, dripping down the sides. Your hazy gaze fell on Shinobu’s amused one, the both of your busting out laughing. “Lets go shower, we’re sticky” you called affectionately, leading your spent bodies to your private bath.
After a long, warm bath and changing the filthy bedspread, You snuggled close to Shinobu, the both of you sporting matching pajamas (it was totally Shinobu’s idea). “I won” you taunt with a grin, staring into her brilliant lavender eyes. She shared her famous close mouth smile down at your, her nails lazily tracing random patterns into your bare arm. “Technically you didn’t have me on my knees” she retorted. “Babe!”
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Happy Birthday, Kuroo Tetsurou!
Ahhh! It's my darling Kuroo-chan's birthday today, and in order to hype it up, I've been taking a small break from requests (I hope everyone understands) in order to post this
Kuroo has always been a character I greatly admire, not only because of his strikingly gorgeous visuals (I mean sorry mate, S4 Kuroo just reinvented the word "pretty"), but also because he's a massive nerd who manages to balance both sports, and studies, whilst being the hugest sweetheart ever.
I'm a total Oikawa kinnie, but sometimes, I find myself wishing I were more like Kuroo too.
Anyways, he deserves lots of love and appreciation, because albeit being fictional, he has brought so much comfort and love to the hearts of many, and he deserves to be celebrated.
I love you, Kuroo-chan <3
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Sleeping over at his house.
Character: Kuroo
Warnings: none
Nekoma had just finished an extremely grueling practice session, and with the sky looking bleak and storm clouds threatening to pour, you hurried them to go home quickly.
“Guys, you need to go home! I don't want you caught up in the rain, so you'd better hurry.”
Yaku looked at you affectionately and ruffled your hair, leaving shortly after, and Lev and Fukuga ran out whilst screaming about something.
How chaotic, you thought fondly.
Kuroo walked over to you, concerned. He gently straightened your ponytail from behind and smiled.
“all better now, chibi-chan. Aren't you leaving too?”
You blushed. Although you were extremely close to everyone on the team, and it didn't affect you when the other members were affectionate with you, Kuroo seemed to always make your body heat up and your cheeks go warm, whenever he did the smallest of things.
“um yes, I'll be leaving now too”, you replied, softly, as you hitched your bag higher.
“Can I walk you home? I'd hate it if anything happened to our precious manager.”
You nodded silently, as Kuroo bid a quick goodbye to Kenma. That puzzled you. They always walked home together, but now Kuroo was leaving him just to walk you home?
“On second thought, you don't have to worry about me, Kuroo! I'll be fine. You and Kenma should walk home together.”
Kuroo pretended to not hear you and ruffled your hair, the same way Yaku did, pulling you along with him.
A few minutes later, you were in front of your house. You rang the doorbell, expecting your mother to be home, but only silence greeted you.
The storm clouds above grew darker with every passing minute, and Kuroo's concerned eyes were on you.
“is everything okay? Do you have a key?”
“no I don't” you confessed sadly.
You suddenly remembered that your parents wouldn't be home for the night as they've gone to visit someone, and would only be back the next morning.
They told you to take the house key in the morning, but because you were so frazzled and busy thinking about making breakfast for the team, it completely slipped your mind, all which you told Kuroo.
Kuroo immediately held your small hand in his huge one and pulled you along.
“you'll stay over with me, okay Chibi-chan?”
You wanted to refuse, seeing how you might be a burden to him, but you also knew Kuroo never made empty statements about things he didn't mean.
You gently rubbed the top of his hand with your thumb and smiled.
“thank you so much for the offer, Kuroo”
+.` |
You reached his house in a few minutes, and he opened the door, letting you go in first.
“my sister should be home soon, but you should take a shower and freshen up, Chibi-chan.”
You nodded quickly, immediately cheered up by the prospect of a hot shower, and walked into the bathroom Kuroo showed you to.
He gave you a pair of pants that belonged to his sister, and an unimaginably huge hoodie.
You kissed his cheek in thanks and closed the bathroom door, already begining to shower.
Kuroo blushed softly, as he sat by his desk and began doing chemistry homework to calm his nerves.
He thought you were beautiful, and as luck would have it, you were staying over. He didn't want you to feel uncomfortable, but at the same time, he hoped this would be a good opportunity to tell you how he felt.
His fingers touched the spot where your lips had kissed his cheek, and he smiled giddily.
Meanwhile, in the shower, you were singing and slowly cleaning yourself.
When you were done, you wore the clothes, but the hoodie seemed really big. Maybe Kuroo's sister likes wearing oversized clothing, you thought to yourself.
You walked out of the bathroom feeling much more cleaner and refreshed than before, as Kuroo saw you and his cheeks immediately went red.
“Is something wrong?” you asked tentatively, feeling awkward. Do I look bad? Is it my hair?
He shook his head, and took a few clothes from a drawer, silently walking to the bathroom to shower himself.
Once he was safely inside, he gasped. How did you manage to look so adorable in one of his hoodies like that? It was almost like it engulfed your tiny frame, and yet still kept you warm and cozy.
+.` |
A while later, you and Kuroo were cuddling whilst watching a movie on TV. Despite you refusing, he scooped you up in his arms, and that's how you were in his embrace, with a studio Ghibli original playing on screen.
Kuroo smiled, satisfied, as he saw your expression change with different parts of the movie, and his arms wound tighter around you.
He loved you, he really did, and he couldn't help but tip your chin to his face and look into your eyes with a deep and burning passion.
“chibi-chan, I love you.”
The movie played on, but you couldn't even focus. You only had eyes for Kuroo Tetsurou now, and in response to his confession, you gently kissed his lips.
He smiled into the kiss and continued, pulling the back of your head closer to him.
“I've been wanting to do that for the longest of times” he whispered softly as he buried his face in the crook of your neck, obviously feeling very satisfied with himself.
The two of you end up cuddling for a little while longer, just you in his arms, and him breathing in your addictive scent.
You eventually fell asleep in each others embrace.
.+` |
Kuroo woke up with a slight jolt. He heard a small noise come from below and saw you cuddled against his chest, turning in your sleep. Your hair was splayed over the couch and you had the most serene expression of peace on your face.
He thought you looked so beautiful.
Your hands suddenly seemed to be roaming around for something, as you groped the couch. You eventually found Kuroo's hand, and satisfied, you held his hand closer to you, sighing softly in your dream-like state.
Kuroo was ready to spontaneously combust. You were so adorable like that. He caressed your hair and whispered soft and sweet things into your ear,
“Chibi-chan, I've loved you since the moment I met you in third grade.”
“Oh shit, we forgot to have dinner. Nevermind, I'll cook you breakfast tomorrow.”
“i'll hold you tight and keep you warm, tonight”
As he smiled whilst rambling softly, his eyes began to close, and he was soon transported to the world of dreams, just like you were.
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ae0nx · 3 years
FRUITS BASKET S2 EPISODE 23 RECAP (’Cinderella-ish’ part 2/2)!
I’m back! Again. 😅 Tumblr’s editing bay for posts is driving me up the wall rn but never mind that! Ahhh, this episode had me rolling, howling in laughter, as I’d hoped! I’m so glad it delivered.
Let’s goooooo!
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... *sigh* anime...
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Haha! I love Hiro in this episode - there were many moments, like this one, that he gave me major ‘Haruhi from OHSHC’ vibes! (This whole episode felt very Ouran, in general) But, as I said a few recaps back, I’m really happy that Hiro recognises that acting like an ass isn’t smart and is trying to work on his temperament and is careful about the way he words stuff. Like, he’s actually trying! Of course, mostly for Kisa but it’s still nice ☺️
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I want a short spin off series about the Adventures of Hiro and Megumi. 😂 It’d be fun! It’d be like a mini ‘Sherlock and Watson’ except they’re both Sherlock 😅
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So painfully high school! 😂 Anyway, let the fashion show COMMENCE!
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No points for the Yuki fanclub girl. I kid, she gets 3 stars at least. The matching earrings and necklace is cute. TOHRU! Classic to her personal style while adding some flair with the knotted design and ruched arms and the corset! Of course, in pink. I really like it! I’d wear it. 4 STARS
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Lol, poor narrator. He’s just trying to hold the show together, man!
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Ah! Yuki! He’s giving me major Yue from Cardcaptor Sakura vibes here (which is personally funny cos I always compare Ayame to Yue)... But anyways, it’s very him, it compliments his personal style as well as adding a lot of glamour and Aya-ness to it. I love it but the addition of the broom feels kinda random and sticks out... Sorry, but that drops the outfit to a 4 STARS
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Kyo’s outfit is great too. Both him and Uo really look great in the thigh high boots! Thigh high boots are an automatic 3 stars for me personally! But, the jacket, the royal cloak that is worn like a ‘cowl’, even the ponytail are all great! Although, I do prefer the more ‘relaxed’ version of the outfit later on after the show as I feel that’s more so akin to Kyo’s style. 4 and a 1/2 STARS.
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Not Kyoru Season 1 😂
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So, I’m a bit torn. On one hand, this dress is gorgeous, definitely complimentary to Hana’s own style and I love how the glass slippers contrast against the dress (personally, I would’ve added a small, thin, silver, necklace to compliment it even more but that’s just me). But on the other hand... I’ve seen better and more dramatic Hana outfits from Hana’s own wardrobe so I was kind of expecting a bit more (e.g. her outfit at Kyoko’s grave!!! <3). But, as I still like it I’ll give it 3 and a half stars.
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I just thought this frame looked cool hahaa. I just love Hana and Kyo moments, in general.
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Oh wow, Hanajima. READ HIM!!
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Ah, you beautiful idiots. <3
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Yuki automatically gets Best Boi this episode just for this alone. I’m loving and identifying with him more and more with every passing episode <3
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I literally started screaming haha I know it’s weird cos age gap but ...honestly, Hana? Same <3
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SC-REAM-ING 🤣 I’m so sorry, Kyo ahahha
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First off, GODDAMMIT KYO 😖! Second off, I really love Dameon Clarke’s performance as Kazuma in general but I really loved his all-knowing way of saying ‘I see’. 
I realise I have been kind of short with Kyo lately and I’m still making my mind up whether it’s deservedly lol but this moment specifically really made me realise how important it is that Kyo has someone like Kazuma in his life aka a present parent. Nearly all the adults in the Soma estate treat Kyo like an adult or a creature so it’s nice that Kazuma is there to treat him not only as a child but as his child. He understands that Kyo is young so he’s going to mess up and get frustrated and say the wrong thing and deny his feelings and not realise he’s only just hurting himself and his love interest, and yet Kazuma stays so patient and willing to trust that Kyo will learn and grow. 
I guess, I should learn from that lol
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Kisa and Tohru injecting cuteness into the episode!!!
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MOGETA! Hiro’s reaction is adorable! <3 😂
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Aww, he’s trying!!! 🥺 It’s interesting how we’re seeing more parallels between Hiro and Rin and Kisa and Haru. It’s almost like a dark potential foreshadowing for the relationship between Kisa and Hiro. But, I really hope the whole ‘Kisa thinking Hiro has a crush on Rin’ thing doesn’t play out to be annoying. Although, I doubt it would cos the writing is always great in this story.
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Kakeru automatically giving in to Yuki is always great <3 haha
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Ugh, we live for accurate reads <3 👏🏾 I can’t wait to see how Yuki and Machi develop!
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I love a mutual awkward moment! And how easily it was just instantly smoothed over by their easy conversation and Kyo automatically carrying Tohru’s food for her... it’s great :)
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These stupid hoes... 🥰🤡
Again, sorry if this might have more errors than usual. Tumblr’s post editing page was messing with me and just made the process of creating these recaps longer. But, never mind that! This whole episode felt very Ouran, maybe because of the amount of dramedy or the weird school play, but I really liked that aspect of the episode. I love when a story knows to lighten things up a little, which makes me very nervous for what the last two episodes of season 2 will leave me with haha
I will be back with my last recap of season 2′s final two episodes and hopefully from then I’ll be back on track :)
See you soon!!!
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It’s All In The Execution (S2, E1)
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It happened. We got a second season. I’m living my best life...unfortunately Malcolm isn’t...
*** Content warning: brief mentions/allusions to depression, suicidal ideation, and Malcolm’s general poor mental health ****
0:00 -  OH HELL YES. I can’t believe we actually got a second season! <3 My heart is so full. 
0:18 – “This ledge is taken.” …..ok so I have lots of feelings about this scene. 1) Malcolm’s lines are iconic in this scene and I love it. 2) WHY THE ACTUAL HELL WOULD JT, DANI, AND EDRISA AGREE TO LET A (LET’S BE HONEST) MAN IN A VERY BAD MENTAL STATE WITH A HISTORY OF DEPRESSION STAND ON A LEDGE FOR A CASE?!? Like seriously, Gil wouldn’t have gone with this shit. 3) As soon as I saw Malcolm on the ledge I believed he was seriously considering jumping. He showed passive suicidality most of last season and after Endicott – well I don’t blame him for being a little depressed. 
0:26 – Damn. Malcolm is really manic in this scene. It’s reminiscent of the pilot episode in the sense that Malcolm really has no filter. 
0:40 – Ok so Tom Payne deserves a freaking Emmy. This performance is gorgeous. Look at his facial expression when he says “It got real dark for me though. Family issues.” The look on his face completely convinces me that Malcolm is riding the struggle bus more than usual right now…..also am I the only one who thinks this ‘penthouse slasher’ is kind of unbelievable? He strikes me as too anxious and jumpy to be a serial killer. 
1:18 – Is Malcolm even trying to hide the fact that he knows what happened to Endicott?!? I mean “I tried to fight it” can’t JT and Dani hear his usual ‘projecting his personal issues on the suspect shtick?’ 
1:30 – Did he really just scream “I am the Surgeon’s son” from a ledge?!? Dude – someone please give this boy a hug and get him to Gabrielle – like last month.
1:40 – Soooo… now Chester isn’t scared of the ledge? He looked like he was going to wet himself from fear a literal minute ago. 
1:49 – OH OF COURSE CHESTER SLIT THEIR THROATS. JUST LIKE AINSLEY SLIT ENDICOTT’S. Chris Fedak really loves to inject Malcolm’s personal issues into the ‘serial killer of the week’.
2:23 – I’m sorry – the team let Malcolm on the ledge without tethering him first?!? No. No. No. I refuse to believe it. Dani, JT, and Edrisa care too much about Malcolm to let him do that.  
2:28 – Why is Edrisa even on this stakeout?!? Did she fill in as the 4th team member while Gil was in the hospital?!? I love Edrisa – she’s hilarious but the fact that she’s in the field like this is absolute nonsense. Hahaha 
2:32 – hahaha OMG. JT is like the big brother forced to hang out with his younger sibling and their weird friends. He’s think’s they’re all crazy but he’d also die for them.  
2:42 – Yikes. Malcolm is questioning his moral code. This boy is headed for a real nasty downward mental spiral if someone doesn’t intervene quickly.  
2:46 – Am I really supposed to believe that a rope tied to a radiator can hold the weight of two grown men dangling off a building?!? I mean – I’ll suspend my disbelief because I know it’s fictional entertainment but I found it really distracting.  
2:48 – JT. Would. Not. Let. Go. Of. That. Rope. I REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT. If for no other reason than because he loves GIL too much to let Gil’s surrogate son fall to his death. I understand why this happened – tension and excitement for television in the first scene of a new season but honestly – this whole first scene is wildly unrealistic given what we know about JT, Dani, Edrisa and their respective roles on the team.
2:50 – Can we talk about JT’s facial hair for a sec? I like him with it (and without it). Part of me thinks he grew it because he’s trying to channel Gil while he’s temporarily in charge of the team.  
3:08 – Honestly, the second Malcolm picked up his phone all I could think was “You moron. What if you drop that thing off the side of the building!?!?!”…then I remembered that he’s rich.
3:20 – “Please say it’s cancer.” Hahahahahaha OMG. I have a love/hate relationship for Malcolm with no filter. That’s freaking comedic gold. 
3:57 – “I’m hanging in there.” Tom Payne is freaking incredible. Look at his facial expression here. Malcolm’s emotional pain is etched on that face. Ugh. I’m love. 
4:02 – soooo no updated title screen. Interesting. 
4:08 – Istg the writers only put Ainsley in this scene so she would be in the episode. I mean honestly – what kind of precinct lets reporters with a camera crew INSIDE?!?! 
 4:15 – hahaha I love JT in this scene. I love how he initially looks at Ainsley with a mixture of confusion, resignation, and fear. This is a man who does not like the camera.  
4:16 – Side note: is it just me or is Ainsley acting very manic in this scene? Something about her energy reminds me of Malcolm circa 1x05 when he’s not sleeping and trying to convince everyone that he’s fine.
4:38 – hahahaha OMG. That wink.  
4:48 – Even Malcolm looks surprised that Ainsley and a camera dude were let into the precinct.  
5:00 – Ahhh the hand tremor. <3 Love that they’re still using that. 
5:05 – also Malcolm is heartbreaking in this scene. Someone give him a hug. Look at how hard he’s trying to hide his pain, fear, and trauma. UGH.  
5:33 -  So we finally get to see it. The moments immediately after 1x20. Or do we? I have this crackpot theory (I posted it on my main blog, so you might’ve already seen it – “AllTimeBouvier”) that these flashbacks are only a fraction of the truth. I think Sophie walked followed Malcolm from the vet’s office to the hospital, then home. I think she hid when she heard Endicott’s voice due to fear but came out after Ainsley started screaming and stabbing.  Besides – anyone else notice how the portion of these flashbacks where Malcolm is saying “Ainsley, focus on me. You didn’t do this. I did.” Only his right hand is ever in the frame. So it’s impossible to tell if he’s holding his cell (on the phone with Martin) with his left hand or if he just hung up and put the phone back in his pocket? I think that Martin either phoned Malcolm back or Martin heard Sophie’s voice and demanded to talk to her. I think Sophie disposed of the body while Malcolm took care of Ainsley like a good big brother. I think Sophie went into hiding and Martin is gaslighting Malcolm into believing that he disposed of Endicott’s body.  
5:37 – Anyone else want to know what happened to the murder weapon? And Ainsley’s bloody clothes? Just me? 
6:00 – hahahahaha Jessica is so extra. I love it. 
6:29 – Wait. What? Why was Ainsley quarantined with Jessica? Ainsley has her own apartment. If Jessica forced Ainsley to come and live with her during quarantine – why didn’t she also force Malcolm? This doesn’t track for me. 
6:40 – I love that Jessica brought Malcolm food (you can see the grocery bag behind Malcolm in one of the shots) and went so far as to actually lay out the breakfast ingredients for him. <3 I mean. It’s extra but it’s also sweet.  
6:45 – Why is Jessica looking at Malcolm’s pill bottles? Is it just to avoid eye contact with Malcolm while she talks about Gil? Is she noticing that his dosage has changed (she’s extra so I’m assuming she knows exactly what meds he takes and how much of each). Is that part of the reason why she’s suspicious of Malcolm? His dosage has gone up and he’s clearly trying to hide his pain?
 6:52 – I love how Malcolm interacts with Jessica in this scene. It’s so cute. They’re adorable. AND seeing Malcolm in casual clothing is always nice.  
7:44 – “Oh about that.” Damn. Malcolm really can’t catch a break. Poor baby. : ( 
7:50 – hahaha Martin looks like a mountain man here. Completely deranged and un-groomed.  
7:51 – Glad Mr.David isn’t dead or evil. I had fears.  
8:35 – The tension between Dani and Malcolm seems to have lessened since 1x20. The trust seems to have been partially rebuilt. Partially. Dani is still suspicious.  
8:38 – Well at least Malcolm’s still going to therapy.  
9:06 – “The ‘Drise knows.” OMG hahahaha I love this show. Look at how Malcolm looks at her hahaha. 
9:17 – “I can fire these people right?” OMG. 10/10. JT REALLY SHINES IN THIS EPISODE. AND FRANK HARTS IS KILLING IT and the writers gave him so much well deserved screen time and great lines.  
9:53 – Malcolm and Edrisa getting excited about murder is honestly so freaking cute.  
10:34 – OMG. The way Malcolm perks up at the mention of rumours is hilarious. A learned behaviour from Jessica during his childhood? 
10:45 – I’ll say it again. Chris Fedak was wasting Frank Harts in season 1. This dude is shining in this episode. I hope they keep giving him more lines and screen time than they did last season. 
12:00 – I love seeing Malcolm this excited/happy but it’s pretty concerning that his passion is murder weapons.  
12:04 – This scene is really interesting to me for four reasons 1) Where the eff did Dani go? I guess she’s probably on her way to see Gil? 2) Even though Malcolm is getting excited about murder he’s way less manic than he was earlier this episode. 3) I love watching JT deal with Edrisa and Malcolm’s nerdy excitement. I could watch it all day. So fun. 4) I love watching JT and Malcolm in scenes together. Period. I can honestly say that watching their friendship evolve is one of the highlights of this show for me.  
12:30 – Heartbreaking. Malcolm had a few minutes where he forgot about Ainsley, Endicott, Martin, and the various traumas currently haunting him. Then he not only remembered but he saw Martin in himself. The crazy person collecting murder weapons. You can tell he feels embarrassed, ashamed, and sad. I genuinely believe that’s why JT says, “soooo weird.” with a look of sympathy and concern. JT doesn’t suspect that Malcolm has anything to do with Endicott’s murder at this point in time. Mark my words. 
12:55 – Edrisa gets Bright. I will never ship them together but I really hope they get more scenes together this season. Their friendship is beautiful. 
13:00 – Malcolm, baby, no. You don’t have to do this. Ugh. Poor baby. This is just going to make the night terrors worse. 
13:10 – They trimmed Martin’s beard but not his hair between the first scene in this episode and now. I think they just combed his hair? Why?!? Was this a Michael Sheen request? I must know!!! 
13:40 – hahaha OMG. Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how incredible Michael Sheen is?!? This man can go from downright terrifying to hilarious in a split second. Incredible actor.  
13:55 – Sooooo Mr. David doesn’t know about Endicott? Because he’s definitely heard Malcolm and Martin discuss some pretty sketchy stuff over the years. I’m pretty sure he heard about the Sophie stuff last season didn’t he? Why is Martin finally trying to hide something from Mr. David?  
14:03 – Look at Malcolm’s face. Ugh. He looks nauseous and scared. Someone hug him. Or better yet – get him away from Martin.  
14:18 – Sooooo is Jerry going to be a problem later? Martin ‘cures him’ later in this episode so will he be able to tell someone he heard Martin and Malcolm talking about Endicott’s murder? Would anyone believe him?  
14:40 – GO. TO. HELL. MARTIN. You’re not feeling it?!? Haven’t you caused enough emotional damage to your son. Stop. Trying. To. Manipulate. Malcolm.  
14:50 – Question 1000 about how Endicott’s body was disposed of: Where the hell did Malcolm get that yellow jumpsuit on such short notice? And….those gloves – anyone else notice that they’re practically the same as the gloves he puts on in Izzy’s sex dungeon in a few minutes? ALSO – THEY FOUND ENDICOTT’S BODY IN ESTONIA?!? LIKE ALL OF IT OR JUST PARTS OF IT? WOULDN’T IT BE SMARTER TO SCATTER HIS BODY IN MULTIPLE COUNTRIES IF IT’S ALREADY IN PIECES?!? Unless maybe Endicott’s body isn’t in pieces because we all know that Malcolm’s memory of traumatic events is fuzzy at best. 
15:07 – “Don’t. Say. That. Never, say that.” - I’m really proud of Malcolm here. He’s clearly in serious emotional distress throughout this whole conversation. He’s grappling with what he believes he did, what that means about him, his moral code, and his relationship with Martin. But yet – he found the strength to basically tell Martin to eff off.  
15:20 – AMAZING. Right after Martin says “Estonia?” there are a few seconds where it genuinely looks like Malcolm is going to cry. It’s moving as hell, heartbreaking, and some downright kickass acting. 
15:56 – Well, that’s not going to help Malcolm’s night terrors. But we definitely have confirmation that Jerry wasn’t as engrossed in the cartoons as Martin suggested.  
16:20 – I love this scene. Gil is the whole team’s surrogate father – not just Malcolm’s. Sometimes I forget that. Also – the fact that Chris Fedak waited 16 minutes to show us Gil Arroyo alive and well is a crime.  
16:28 – “He wouldn’t dare.” “I know.” How cute is this? Look at Dani’s smile. Ugh. I can’t decide if they know that JT doesn’t want Gil’s job because he loves working with Gil too much or he doesn’t like how much responsibility comes with Gil’s title. Probably a combination of both.  
16:35 – Sooo has Malcolm not been visiting Gil? I guess because of COVID he couldn’t but now he’s just not? I mean – Gil would be able to tell how Malcolm’s doing just by looking at him.  
17:05 – I’m sorry ‘multiple surgeries’?!? I want elaboration on this.  
17:09 – So I googled “British musician Izzy” and the top hit was the guitar player for Guns’n’Roses (who looks kinda like this guy). I have no idea what that means but I found it interesting. 
17:30 – Holy shit. Izzy is a nutcase. I love him. hahaha 
17:55 – Soooo Malcolm keeps a spray bottle of some sort of magic “show me the blood” water? Nah – the writers wrote it into the show for this scene’s convenience.  
18:05 – I love this. Malcolm’s nonchalant approach to his mother and Gil’s budding relationship. He’s like a little kid who doesn’t want to get his hopes up. He’s using the mentality of “If I don’t acknowledge it, it’s not happening. Therefore, if it goes wrong – I won’t get hurt by it.” It’s really sad and I wish he didn’t run away from something that will potentially be good but I also get it. 
18:06 – I also respect Malcolm a lot in this scene and am irritated by Dani. Look – they both adore Gil. They’re both protective of Gil (and in Malcolm’s case Jessica). Here’s where they’re different: Malcolm recognizes and respects that Gil and Jessica are adults who can make their own decisions. Dani doesn’t. Dani is acting like a preteen trying to break up Dad and the new step-mom she isn’t sure of. Dani and Malcolm both have their hearts in the right place but I disagree with Dani’s response to the relationship. I also understand where she’s coming from given what we know about Dani’s bio Dad.  
18:39 – It’s not supposed to be funny but holy hell. Malcolm putting his head on the floor to listen is hilarious.  
19:00 – I’m getting major John Watkins flashbacks. Malcolm breaks down a lot of walls where serial killers once hung out. Is that supposed to be some sort of subtle comment on Malcolm’s character? 
20:33 – Damn. Malcolm’s hair is long this season.  
20:55 – aannnnnd here are the murder gloves from the Endicott flashbacks. 
21:30 – Something about Malcolm dancing to this music in this supremely manic state is really upsetting to me. It just makes me uncomfortable.  
22:13 – I’m so worried about Malcolm right now. Holy hell. Get him to Gabrielle. NOW. 
23:00 – A skil saw. Pretty much a small version of what Malcolm thinks he dismembered Endicott with. Yikes. Fedak really loves making Malcolm project his issues on murder suspects.  
23:27 – Yep. Dani totally thinks Malcolm killed Endicott. She thinks he’s gone dark side and followed Martin’s footsteps. This is not going to be good for their friendship or the trust that they’re rebuilding.
23:50 – One of my favourite things about this show is that it can go from dark and creepy to family sitcom-esque drama in a second. It helps lighten the show’s tone a little. I mean honestly – most of the fans are here for the family drama as opposed to the ‘killer of the week’ storyline anyways. 
24:10 – I love this. Jessica admitting to Malcolm that she and Gil have been discussing him for almost 25 years. You can see that Malcolm is 1) a little freaked out and 2) a little touched. For a moment you can see how badly he wants Gil and his Mom to have a long-lasting romantic relationship.  
24:32 – OMG. Why did Jessica call Ainsley about Malcolm’s mental state before calling Malcolm? Is that standard Whitly family practice? I have questions. 
24:40 – Yep. Dani is Concerned and Scared.  
26:46 – Sooo we all agree that Martin was trying to electrocute Jerry to death right? I mean “You really shouldn’t have done that Jer-bear.”?!?!  And he’s literally a serial killer?! 
27:25 – Mr. David is having none of Martin’s bullshit – so how did Martin get away with it? What does Martin have on Mr. David? 
27:50 – “A miracle.” Omg. Hahahaha. I love this show. So. Much. 
28:09 – “clearing her brother’s name. Not murder.” Seriously, the parallels between this case and Malcolm’s personal issues are more obvious than usual this episode. Almost to the point where I’m annoyed that the other characters aren’t really catching on.  
28:35 – “What happened, his brain break?” I love the way JT can simultaneously tease and be concerned about Malcolm. Ugh. It’s beautiful (and hysterical). 
29:07 – Not again. Please stop putting JT in front of the camera. I’m getting second-hand embarrassment and anxiety on his behalf. It hurts to watch (funny too, but mostly painful). 
29:19 – Look at Gil. Hahaha he’s so amused by JT’s awkwardness in front of the camera – but you can also see how proud he is. <3 I love papa!Gil.  
29:33 – “Police work is patience.” Cute 1x05 callback. And can we all just take a minute to appreciate how much Gil loves Dani. Just look at his proud Dad face!! <3 Warms my cold, dead heart. 
30:00 – Oh yeah, Dani is suspicious.  
30:04 – I love how Gil seems to be the only person who truly understands Malcolm and all his quirks. <3 I love how much Gil loves Malcolm. <3 I just…ugh. <3 <3 <3 • 30:11 – “I’m a good big brother.” That line cut through my heart. He shouldn’t have been put in this position – choosing between his moral code and his brotherly instincts. It’s not fair and the stress of it is literally killing him.  
30:17 – “Messed them up.” Them!?!? I’m sorry Dani, when did you and Gil start talking about Malcolm AND Ainsley?!? Last I checked this was a 100% Malcolm conversation. …she’s not wrong though. 
30:33 – “There’s nothing we haven’t talked about.” I love what that suggests. To me – that means they when Dani has a bad break up, they talk about stupid stuff like what they’re cooking for dinner and songs that make them happy. I love that it suggests that Dani and Gil have talked about Jackie. Malcolm might be Gil’s fake-son but Dani is sooo Gil’s fake-daughter. <3 I can just see him getting all overprotective when she gets a new boyfriend even though he knows damn well that Dani is more than capable of taking care of herself – he can’t help it, Dani is his little girl. <3 <3 <3 
31:00 – Ugh….ok. So this scene. I’ve seen a lot of mixed reactions about it. I have a bit of a mixed reaction myself tbh. On one hand, I love that they have the type of relationship where they can openly discuss this. On the other hand – it feels forced and it really rubs me the wrong way. Dani is just way out of line here. She’s totally attacking Jessica and Gil is kind of letting her? I mean I think it upsets me so much because Gil isn’t even really defending Jessica.  Also, that line about Jackie thinking the Whitly’s are cursed?!? Wtf is that?!? No. No. We know that Jackie loved Malcolm like a son. Jessica has said that Jackie was kind. What is this cursed nonsense?!?!? I refuse to believe it. And the fact that Jessica heard it all breaks my heart. Like – it physically hurts me to watch this scene for all of the above reasons. But I also kind of understand why we got the scene – to further explore the Gil+Dani dynamic and to add some angst to the Jessica/Gil romance.  
33:00 – Oh hell yes. I love this danger. 
34:10 – Amazing how calm Malcolm is while the killer is literally going through his murder weapon collection. Like he hasn’t been this calm all episode? 
35:10 – Ahhhh here’s manic!Malcolm. 
35:25 – “Is it my hair?” Okay so totally hilarious, but Dani is listening to this. Can she tell that Malcolm is clearly (and weakly) deflecting the comment about him being a killer like Martin? 
35:40 – Malcolm is scared. :( Someone please hug him. This is the most honest he’s been all episode. My heart is broken.  
36:20 – Soooo did Malcolm just abstractly tell Dani that he’s a justice killer? Nahhhh I’m totally typing out of my ass.  
37:00 – He was on the Harvard fencing team?!? Why is that adorable? 
37:34 – Malcolm just cut a dude 3x. No remorse. No more fear. He’s calm. I’m terrified. Does he like hurting the killer?  
37:50 – I think Dani suspects that Malcolm killed Endicott. Yep. Definitely. 
38:00 – Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. This scene with JT and the cops is heart-wrenching. The fact that Dani and Malcolm come to his rescue is beautiful. The fact that JT is clearly terrified but not angry is perfect. I hate that this scene had to be made but I love how it was executed.  
38:31 – Look at Malcolm’s confused, white, rich face here. He genuinely can’t believe that cops just racial profiled one of the only good people who ever accepted a serial’s killer’s son as a friend.  
38:40 – I’m crying. JT’s fear (and Frank Harts’ acting) is so believable and completely haunting. I hear the subtext in this scene, “What if those cops killed JT? What would happen to his pregnant wife and unborn child?”, “How is JT going to financially support his family if he loses his job unfairly?”, “How messed up is it that a literal military veteran is terrified of fellow police officers?”. 
38:44 – “You didn’t do anything wrong.” This line gives me hope. Malcolm isn’t too far gone. Malcolm still knows right from wrong and he still has a heart of gold. 
38:55 – Ok. I LOVE that Gil magically shows up in this scene. BUT HOW DID HE KNOW TO COME TO THE PRECINCT?!?! LIKE WTF? Because Malcolm and JT look surprised to see Gil. Dani just looks relieved – did she call Gil?  
39:10 – Gil is an absolute A+ human being. I love him. I will die for him.
39:33 – OMG. JT’s big watery puppy dog eyes have ripped my heart to shreds. <3 :( 
39:45 – When I first saw this I thought Malcolm was hurt by Gil’s “and whatever Bright is”. But upon re-watching it – Malcolm looks surprised and so so touched. I’ll be honest – I don’t think Malcolm’s mental state would be so bad right now if he had had regular contact with Gil throughout COVID. Gil is Malcolm’s rock. His literal example of what a good man looks like – without him during a traumatic time Martin creeps back into Malcolm’s psyche.  
40:15 – Sooo Martin is still definitely lying to Malcolm.  
40:20 – Stupid little thing – there never used to be a toilet on Jerry’s side of the room. And what happened to all of Martin’s books and stuff? Did Claremont put it in storage? I mean he’s a serial killer? Jessica certainly didn’t store it for him. 
40:37 – Amazing. As soon as Malcolm physically sees Gil he comes to Martin with a renewed faith in his moral code. (“I stop killers. I don’t help them.”) 
41:30 – “Please don’t torture yourself for that.” Martin is right BUT that’s also why I hate him. Martin is manipulating Malcolm right now. He’s trying to convince Malcolm that he genuinely cares and loves his children. Thus destabilizing further Malcolm’s mental state.  
41:36 – Also – both Tom Payne and Michael Sheen are acting their asses off here. *chef’s kiss* 10/10. I love to see it.  
41:45 – Aaaannnnd there’s Martin the asshole. Completely screwing with Malcolm’s mind. Again. What a dick. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.  
42:00 – Look at how scared Malcolm is. I genuinely think Malcolm (whether or not he actually dismembered Endicott, I suspect he didn’t) feels good when he remembers doing it. This is BAD for Malcolm’s mental health. Yikes. : ( Poor baby.  
Ok. So that’s the first episode of season 2. I really liked it. It wasn’t perfect but I’m excited for what this season might bring. Be back next week.  
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cirvat · 4 years
Week 4- Creatober
(Ahhh! Week 3 drew a blank! But week 4 brought me back!)
Prompts: Obsession, Become, Repress, Dusk, Exsanguination, and Break
Havenwood Apartments, Maddie mused to herself, was like a feel good monster cartoon come to life. Everything, from the campus grounds to the general theme of the building, was like a bastardization of an Addam’s Family spinoff. 
It was the little things. 
The general color scheme of the building, a dark wood paired with sophisticated shades of teal and gray, evoked a feeling of perpetual dusk. The refusal of the sun to break through the clouds and shine on any part of the grounds. Even the quirks of the tenants were odd.
Ms. Pennyweather of apartment 2A never went anywhere without her needlepoint projects which were always complex collections of foreign words and dark imagery. She would smile in that sweet auntie way while embroidering gory scenes of war and death. Maddie quite liked the bloody embroidery she had done on one of her jackets. She’d called that one ‘Exsanguination’.
Mr. King, in apartment 2B, was never seen during daylight hours, or what passed for daylight hours here. A knock at his door elicited no response before 8pm and his cat, affectionately called Fido, was never in his apartment. The animal was always napping elsewhere, in the kitchen or library or sitting area.
The twins, Misters Warton (apartment 4A), on the other hand never slept. Whenever Maddie got up, be it 7am or 2am, either one or both of them would be up in the library dithering away in their books and debating some inane topic of history.
Finally, there was the Garcia family in 4B who were the most normal tenants in the whole building, and yes Maddie knew that included herself. Or, they seemed like it until she had witnessed Mr. Garcia say, completely unprompted, how chilly a midsummer day was going to be hours before the wind came. 
The only person that seemed halfway average was Regina, Mr. Garcia’s daughter and Maddie’s newly enforced best friend. She attended the same little private school Huang Mulan, Maddie’s latest guardian, had enrolled her in. She giggled like a teenager, watched makeup tutorials, and posted artful pictures of her food to her Instagram. 
The only weird thing about Regina Garcia was how determined she was to be Maddie’s friend. She was kind and helpful and it set Maddie’s teeth on edge like nothing else. She didn’t even complain when Maddie started staring off at the spirits that were haunting her shadow or glaring down the ones that got too close. 
Maddie shook her head, repressing that warmth that bubbled under her skin. She let her eyes refocus back on her newest obsession, although maybe that was too strong of a word.
Watching Huang Mulan, Ms. Huang as Maddie had taken to calling her, paint was quickly becoming one of her favorite pastimes. 
Ms. Huang was honestly the coolest adult Maddie had ever seen. She either dressed to the nines with collared shirts and slacks or she looked like she had just rolled out of bed. Tattoos traced their way from her neck down her arms and spine in waves of dragons and plant life. The septum piercing was pretty cool too. And the pet raven.
“Not a pet.” Ms. Huang said as she dipped her brush in a frankly gorgeous shade of robin’s egg blue.
“Have you gotten a chance to explore all that Havenwood has to offer?” Ms. Huang ignored her question as she traced the blue along the tree branches on her canvas. “Perhaps you could allow Ms. Garcia to give you a more in depth tour.”
“Are you really trying to get rid of me right now?” Maddie frowned. “I’ve already seen everything.”
“Yeah, everything I was allowed to see.”
“‘Allowed to see’?”
“Yeah, I’m not a creep!” She huffed. “I didn’t go digging in anyone’s apartments and Mr. Warton told me not to go snooping on the third floor.”
“Hm.” Ms. Huang smiled. “Charlie really should mind his own business on these kinds of matters.”
“Madeline. A-Ying. You can go through the third floor.” She turned to look her ward in the eye. “You have my blessing.”
“What, really?” Maddie’s shoulders tensed. 
“Of course.” Ms. Huang turned back to her painting. “Bring your friend along. Who knows what you’ll meet.”
Maddie, who had checked out of the conversation as soon as Ms. Huang had given permission, bolted out of the room. The door of their ground floor apartment slammed open and she turned to the stairs in her sock clad feet. 
She sprinted up the steps, two at a time, to the fourth floor and pounded on the door to apartment 4B. When Regina opened the door she grabbed her arm immediately.
“Huanggavepermissiontoraidthethirdfloor! Mr. Gracia! I’m stealing your daughter!” She screamed into the apartment, hearing something vaguely like an ‘ok’, before yanking Regina out into the hallway. 
“Wait, Maddie, what’s going on?!” Regina stumbled on the carpet. 
“Third floor!”
“What about the third floor? We can’t go there, remember?”
“Ms. Huang gave me permission and told me to bring you so that means you have permission too and we are gonna raid the place I bet there’s some cool shit like dead rats and rotten furniture and maybe you can take a picture for your Insta or some shit! Come on!” She barely spared the time to breathe as she pulled her snooping buddy back down the stairs to the floor beneath them. 
“Uh-Um.. A-are you sure she meant me?” Regina fumbled for her words. Maddie would never understand this girl’s fear of her guardian.
“Who else is forcing their friendship on me? Fido the cat?” She scoffed as she took Regina’s shoulders and frog-marched her to the door for apartment 3A. “He doesn’t give a shit. He’s probably in here all the time.”
“I-I don’t know, Maddie.” Regina rubbed her hands together. “Mr. Warton said that we shouldn’t-”
“And Ms. Huang, you know the owner of the fucking building, said that we could. So we’re gonna.” Maddie tried the door and immediately knelt to pick the lock when it didn’t turn. “She said that ‘Charlie’ should keep his nose out of it.”
“I doubt she said that.”
“Spiritually, she did.” Maddie smirked when the lock clicked and the door opened. 
“You can pick locks?” Regina blinked when she sprung back up to shove the door open. 
“Hell yeah, I can.” Maddie winked at her. “I gotta use these delinquent skills somehow. Come on!”
The room that they entered was nothing like Maddie had expected.
Instead of old wood and dust there were stacks and stacks of paintings. Canvases and frames covered every wall. Almost every square foot of floor space was taken up with statues and busts. There was a small winding path that led through the unlit room. 
The girls glanced at each other before making their way inside. 
“Is this just where she dumps all of the crap she doesn’t sell?” Maddie frowned as she tiptoed along the path. 
“Do you mean Ms. Huang?”
“Yeah. She paints, like, all the fuckin’ time. I just assumed she sold it all to afford shit like this house and art supplies. You ever look at the prices in those art stores? It’s crazy expensive!”
“I guess I didn’t think she had a hobby like that.” Regina shrugged. “I thought she just went around fixing broken stuff and collecting rent.”
“Don’t you do her dirty like th-! Stop!” Maddie threw out an arm, freezing in place. “Did you see that?!”
“See what?” Regina looked over her shoulder. “I didn’t see anything.”
“Sh!” She pointed. “There it was again! Something moved!”
“Oh, god. Do you think there’s actually rats in here?!” Her friend took a step back. 
“No, no! It was up high! Look, look!” Maddie pointed again. This time she caught the movement and watched as a ink-black goldfish slowly swam through the air. It floated over to a painting and disappeared into the canvas, becoming part of the image depicted there.
“What in the world?” 
“There’s more!” The two girls looked up and watched as a school of goldfish meandered through the ceiling beams. Regina glanced to the side staring at one fish as it sailed into another painting and tugged Maddie to watch as the painting itself began to change. 
A young girl swung on a rope swing as a storm slowly approached from behind her. Wind shuffled the leaves, changing their colors, and tugged at the girl’s hair. The fish made its way to her and she started to laugh, cupping the creature close.
Soon they noticed that each painting moved. A seascape patterned through a rushing tide. Ink slowly dribbled across fresh snow. A single wolf shifted in between forest trees. A young man blinked at them from his spot at a low table. 
“Maddie, what’s going on?” Regina tugged at her sleeve. 
“...” Maddie closed her gaping mouth and smiled. “My aunt is a fucking witch!”
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travellvogue · 5 years
The Gaffers Daughter
CHAPTER 1- Miss Southgate
You groaned as the taxi pulled up to St. George’s Park, the sun had barely risen from how early it was, you desperately didn’t want to be there, but your dad had insisted you ‘did something with your life’ now that you’d finished in education. So apparently coming to work for him was the best option. You could think of many better things then being stuck watching some stuck up footballers kick a ball around all day every day, bragging about how bloody brilliant they are as they earn your life salary in 2 hours.
You thanked the driver as he pulled your bags out of the boot, walking up the steps and through the door to be greeted by some old men in tracksuits, looking slightly confused when they didn’t see a muscular footballer walk in but instead a girl, “Y/N” you greeted them to put them out of there confusion, putting on fake smile as you shook both their hands. “Ahhh Miss Southgate” one of them sighs in realisation as you nod your head with a tight lip smile. “Yep” you replied simply as the desk manager hands you your room key, telling you to use the elevator then turn left once, and walk down the corridor until you find room 52. Yet again another thank you leaves your lips as you bid farewell to the two men who’s names you couldn’t be bothered to learn, knowing you weren’t going to stick around here long. Following the directions you were given you drag your suitcase along the corridor until you reach room 52, pushing the key card into the slot and opening the door, the sight of the bed the was the best thing that had happened all day as you collapsed onto it, throwing your rucksack onto the floor and helping yourself to the complimentary apple and grapes, eyes noticing the small card with Miss Southgate neatly scribed onto the back of it, as you flicked it open, reading the little note.
Miss Southgate, thank you for joining us at St. George’s Park, training starts at 9am. Your lanyard will be waiting at front desk when you come down to join.
9am! These losers expect you to be up at 9am to watch some middle aged men scream when one of them gets nutmegged... yeah dream on.
A text had interrupted you from your little day dream as you lifted your head off the mattress to read it,
lunch in 10. i expect you to be down here and introducing yourself to the lads- Dad
Despite caller ID he still felt the need to sign off every text with ‘dad’ just in case you couldn’t tell. You groaned at the thought of having to leave this gorgeous bed and actually make an effort to socialise.
But 10 minutes later your legs are forcing you to walk along the corridor, to the left and into the elevator as your go to the front desk first as they hand you a dark blue lanyard with your name printed on the badge, apparently according to the bit of plastic you were a ‘member of staff’, you manage to track down the dining hall, rows of tables and chairs empty as the boys queue up for their food. You joined the back of the queue, many small mumbles and whispers coming from the group of boys as you made your way to the end, hearing your dads name a few times because that’s all people knew you as; ‘the gaffers daughter’, you have a name... but never mind. You’d stood behind a tall frame, wide and extremely muscular as you looked up at the short hair on the back of his head, panicking when he turned around towards you, trying to make it look as though you weren’t just staring at him. He smiles at you as you make awkward eye contact, you have to stop yourself from asking how his teeth... and his face, were so perfect. “Y’alright” he nods his head upwards once as a greeting, “Yeah, you?” you reply back simply so not in the mood to talk to anyone, but that god damn smile made it hard not to get lost in his eyes. He’s nodding as he uses the kitchen tongs to pick up three pieces of bacon onto his plate, putting them down quickly after as he realises he never introduced himself; “I’m Ruben by the way” he’s pushing his spare hand out, and your shaking his hand- slightly sweaty- but he’s cute so you’ll let it pass. “Y/N” your smiling back, a genuine smile this time, he seems sweet enough. “Ahh the gaffers daughter” he’s speaking his thoughts as he reads your lanyard as you trying not to let your eyes roll back into your head, is that all everyone knew you as? “Wanna sit with me?” he’s asking with raised eyebrows as you finish picking out what you want for breakfast, plate featuring some egg, bacon and sausages. The question takes you by surprise as you look at him for a few seconds as he stands there awkwardly, “Uh, um... yeah, if you don’t mind” your stuttering as he smiles, leading you to a table pulling out a chair for you as you thank him, he’s sitting opposite you as you eat in comfortable silence. “Who’s ya new friend Rube?” you hear a loud voice from behind you as you flinch slightly from the volume, the chair next to you being pulled out as it scrapes against the floor, the stranger taking a seat next to you with a smirk on his face, fingers tapping at the table as he waits for Rubens reply, “Uh... Del this is Y/N. Y/N this is Dele” And this Dele boy is looking at you, slightly longer then you’d feel comfortable with as he gives you a small smile, a cheeky wink as you smile back. “Nice to meet you Y/N” his eyes are still on you, as if you were the only one in the room, ignoring Rubens existence as he studies your face, another smile coming onto his face once he’s looked at you long enough. And then, like nothing happened he’s pushing the seat back as he stands up, his and Rubens hands slapping together and fist bumping each other as he walks off, gone as quick as he arrived.
Breakfast finished, the team mates chatting away to one another, some noticing you and Ruben sitting together- you’d caught a few of them staring, thinking their subtle as they pull faces at Ruben who shoos them away with a quick glare of the eyes. Then they’re all hurrying off, like herded cattle as they all walk in the same direction. “You watching us train?” Ruben’s asking as he gets up, taking your empty plate for you as you think of how to answer the question- desperately not wanting to stand in the cold and watch a ball roll around on the grass, but the note in the room had mentioned training so surely you had to go anyway? “Yeah I think so” your replying not entirely sure either. “Come on then” he’s smiling, waiting for you to put your jumper on and quickly down the rest of your apple juice, showing you the way to the training ground
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boonesfarmsangria · 4 years
3, 4, 17 :)
thankuuu love🌺
best album art - discography *
well not to be so predictable but FOALS collective work is absolutely stunning. I was actually thinking about that earlier a week or two back cuz i saw a oh btw these are gonna be long cuz what else we doin?!?! anyway i saw an image of all of them together and it impressed upon me what is reflected in those images not even bearing their content in mind that much. I also love how stark and clean each image is. They could all be framed as pieces of art. They dont scream album cover at you (i might end up writing something about their cover art but i cant decide if it matters or not haha)
4. best liner notes *
ahhh i meant to look at some before i answered these and forgot hang on doing now
so one of the things i realized just now about myself is im very precious about vinyl unless i have multiple copies so most of mine i only slit the side and only remove the records and nothing more for preservation HOWEVER art inserts always go a long with me and Planetariums (i have three copies of this) are especially gorgeous. Sufs written bits are typically quite entertaining too esp on Illinois. (two) / (im not gonna count deluxe eds of anything because then of course anything foals)
17. first vinyl *
youre not even gonna believe this cuz i didnt until i looked but i really think it was WWD. I bought it at my first show of theirs i went to and i dont think id got into my own vinyl collecting yet really. tbf my parents have a ton of vinyl and i have free access (assumed ownership ha) to that so everything modern i just bought the typical ways until vinyl had this huge resurgence. while that cant be true about wwd at the same time i really think it is.
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Family Life
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(Gif credit @angels-reyes)
My first Mayans MC imagine and I hope you enjoy it. 
Happy reading Dollies! 
Tag List- @writingsforfandoms-multi, thank you for getting me into Nestor, he’s so lovely and I’m starting to like Mayans MC after all. ❤
"Ava, please stop slamming the door you're going to wake your father". "He got in late last night, please let him sleep". You groaned as she slammed the door again. She had just turned thirteen and she thinks she knows everything. There's so many hormones running through that kid that you thought Nestor and you were going to lose your minds.
"Come on baby, finish your breakfast so you aren't late for school". You handed Addley your five year old another pancake.
"MMMOOOTTTHHHEEERRR"!! Ava screamed to the top of her lungs, it echoed through the house making your ears ring. Knowing good and well she woke up Nestor. You were getting a headache make that You have a headache when she started stampeding through the house throwing pillows off the couch looking through drawers for something probably her cellphone that she got taken away for a week for talking to a boy with out her fathers permission. His father was a known partner of Nestors and he forbid her from talking to him because of his dads work.  
"Did I not tell you to be quiet Ava Grace Oceteva"? Your stern voice made her stop in her tracks, she knew when you said her whole name you meant business.
"I can't find my phone". She whined coming to the counter, folding her arms and laying her head on your shoulder.
"Do you not remember you got that taken away"?
"But mom, I need it". She pouted, her lower lip hanging out.
"You're going to school, you go there to learn not text your friends that are sitting right beside you". "You're not getting it".
"Grrrrrrr". Ava growled. You heard the door open from your bedroom and the patter of Nestors bare feet as he walked down the hallway. His hair was a messy birds nest, you saw the dark circles around his eyes and the slump of his back meaning he was exhausted out of his mind. He'd been working four days straight non-stop. You think he came home on the second night to get a fresh pair of clothes and to just see his family for a few minutes but that was the last time you had seen him until now.
"What the hell is all the screaming about and when did we get a bear in the house"? He asked, stealing a bite of pancake from Addley who was giggling with a chuckle.
"Daddy said hell". Addley repeated. You couldn't say anything around her without her mocking it. She would tell on anyone so you had to watch her.
"Addley that's a bad word and Daddy knows that". You smacked Nestors bare shoulder who was still munching on pieces of pancake that were on Addleys plate.
"Sorry kiddo". He kissed her temple. "Won't happen again".
"So what's the problem"?
"Your daughter wants her phone back and then when I told her no she turned into a bear". You told him, walking behind him slipping your arms around his chest. Giving him a peck to the cheek.
"Ava, you know the rules and you broke them, no phone". He was stern and the mix with his husky sleepy voice made you moan into his ear.  He reached around to your backside and squeezed your thigh.
"Ahhh Daddy, what happens if I get kidnapped or if there's a fire or if I get sick". She rambled off stuff that probably wouldn't happen.
"You're school will call us, you'll be fine".
"With your line of work I could easily get kidnapped". She pressed on and she knew that if she brought up his work than he may crumble but boy was she wrong.
"If someone kidnappes you they will return you as soon as you open your big mouth and if they don't I will hunt them down and do despicable things to them to get you home safetly, you're well protected". "You go to a private school, you can only get in with a ID and you have to verify that you are related to that said person and that's hard to come by unless you're a expert". "So you need to calm down and finish getting ready for school without your phone". Nestor demanded, stuffing a piece of pancake in his mouth to seal his argument.
"I hate my life". She screeched running down the hall to her room, he arms flaring around. You're surprised she didn't take down the pictures on the wall, on the way to her room.  
"Do you know someone who can kidnap her"? Addley asked, you didn't know if she was playing or serious it was a little scary but she is her fathers daughter.
"No ones taking your sister, go get your bag". You said cleaning up the dishes.
"Are you sure you want another one"? Nestor asked coming up from behind.
"Its a little to late for that". You replied, cradling your growing bump. Nestor laid his hands on yours, he rested his chin in the crease of your neck, leaving little butterfly kisses.
"Hopefully its a boy and we can stop". He mumbled into your skin.
Crash, boom, slam. The noises came from Ava's room. You huffed.
"Please let it be a boy". You playfully cried. Nestor rubbed your belly.
There was a knock at the door. Nestor groaned as he had to move from your warmth. He opened the door to one of his guys there to pick up the girls for school.
"Girls your ride is here". He sang happily. He was happy there would be silence and he could go back to bed in peace.
"Bye mommy, bye daddy". Addley kissed both of your cheeks and went to ran to the SUV. Stopping at the door and coming back to kiss your belly. "Bye bye baby". Then she was off again.
Out came Ava all sad like and her hair in her face but you think you could see a smile on her face.
Going to hug her she pulled away. Now you knew she was up to something.
"Ava give me a hug goodbye, remember you could be kidnapped at any time". Your mocking voice made her raise her head, sticking out her tongue at you.
She came into your arm with hers beside her like a statue, you rubbed her back, slowly feeling for something and there it was and it was vibrating. Taking it out of her jacket pocket there in your hand was Nestors cell phone she had taken it from his night stand.
"You're stealing now too"? You rolled your eyes directing her to the front door where Nestor was leaning on the door frame his arms crossed and he was mad.
"For this you get two months with out your phone, computer and T.V., young lady". "This has got to stop, no more". He demanded. You stood there proud of yours and Nestors parenting choices. You didn't want the girls in the life style that Nestor was in and you grew up with, you wanted better so you had to start young and stay with it to keep it from happening.
"Sorry daddy". Ava softly spoke. Walking to the SUV where Addley was laughing, which earned her a push.
"Mom, Ava pushed me".
"I did not, she's lying". Both Ava and Addley screamed from the car as the door was being shut. Nestor and you both waved and smiled.
"Think god that's over with". Nestor stretched out yawning. "I'd rather deal with a bunch of scummy bikers than have to deal with that all day".
"How do you do it"?
"Ear plugs". You both laughed.
"Get some sleep, cause when they get home you're going to have a chat with both of them about respecting their family". You said loading the dish washer.
"You want to come lay with me"? Nestor asked sweetly.
"You want snuggles"? Real meaning sex and spooning because he missed you like crazy.
"Come here Gorgeous".
He nodded happily. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, picking you up and carrying you to the bedroom.
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strange-spaghetti · 5 years
☽☼ King Crimson ♪ 
I don't think I've ever seen one of my original flautist/saxophonists before, so hearing Mel Collins play, my reaction was absurd & I had no means of toning down my enthusiasm because OhMyGod! Incredible! I went berserk! My entire being: enamored & amazed. Sometimes the sax & horn levels were too low & his monitor must have been too high (& he will gesture to the s.e.). But the flute! He sounded gorgeous. Every time he picked up the flute, I was beaming. FRAME BY FRAME! Having flute on Frame By Frame was my favorite aspect of the night. That! was So! good! Belew Crimson is my favorite (sorry, Greg- sorry, Wetton- sorry, dude I can't recall the name of because frankly I only really go to that era when I want Mel, Lizard, & crazy jazz textures X)... Definitely not enough Simmons *bongk-pingk* electronic drums, but maybe that's a novel Broof thing they don't want reflected on them now. I don't know, I think Simmons is kind of just as synonymous with Crimson as mellotron... which also was very mildly done, but psyched whenever Fripp went for his keyboard. TONY! Man, too cool. What a character & a player. Maybe because of my horrible car speakers I expected the chapman stick to be louder (haha, duhmb), but way cool & sounded (&felt) beautiful on Starless. Starless was pretty shaky getting into it. &! I think, unless he was on some SERIOUS delay or loop, The Sax Was Dubbed! he went to fix the mouth piece & uhh.., sax was still playing. The dudes in front of me noticed too, so I can't be making it up. A lot of the heavyheavyheavy metal-esq jams that ya know scatters out & then collectively comes back after a few minutes to f*cking HIT you back into the song AHHHH!!!!! I was so excited to experience that. I love the long tedious & sometimes dragged bits that are Absolutely necessary to play contrast to the build up & bring back, like I get psyched watching videos of them do that & it was SO! Great to live in one of those moments. Professionals, dudes. An honest to god skill being able to do that sh*t live, in one take, right before you. Super incredible.  "Who's doing this?" Oh, my god, Alice that's Fripp! Godddddd, I love him! His way of playing is out of this f*cking world & he can make a guitar sound like a synth or a percussive instrument. A craftsman. There was this moment, wish I could remember which song, where the lights went dark red (not much stage design or lighting, which for them, works). This red presence canvased all & then there was Fripp: a vision in front of green illumination coming from the screens of his rack interfaces. (Hi, I love lighting a lot) I soaked it up. Gorgeous & the longest of my memories because the sight of it was deeply beautiful & I was just. there. Living & truly in love with life in the present beautiful moment of looking upon Robert Fripp. Not just was it wonderful to hear King Crimson songs & watch them perform, but Robert Fripp, ya know? I love his style & solo work a lot, I admire him a lot & what moves him to do what he does & practice. A lot of what he has spoken of & speaks of resonates with me & makes sense to my way of being; musically, spiritually, just being a thoughtful human being. Ah, I saw Robert Fripp. : ) Ah! & Mel Collins☆, & Tony (again) which man oh man that man. He makes everything just a little bit brighter which is funny to say since ya  know bass, but definitely a key ingredient to full pieces of music... The singer reminded me of Billy Sherwood, that may sound daft. He just moved like him. I only know of the singer because of a photo of him & pH. His voice works, & I'm for sure hard to please in that area. Singers matter, not sorry to say. Unique one of a kind instruments that time will take & alter, you can't say that about any other musical device. Like EASY MONEY! Sounded so tight! & Even from the Bah-Dee-Dow-Dow's !!!#@$##^@#$! AHHH, Yes! So happy they did that one. They did Cat Food.. which f****ck Tony! Killer! THE.THREE.DRUMS. How in the World! That was some out of sight synchronization oh my god. From the tiniest little miscellaneous percussion, they were on it! Pat was fun to watch. Rhythmic motions within the silence & of the thundering sound. Very cool... Nice piano bits that found it's way in... "No matter how closely I study it, no matter how I take it apart." Indiscipline was very different, of course no one can beat Belew, but that was really good & HAVING. MEL. THERE! ughghhh oh mygod. F*ck your composition, SAX anywhere & everywhere! Flute in any song! Give.me.it! Like flute in Frame By Frame!!! Bonkers! Absolutely mad. So in love. How can I ever listen to that song now knowing what Mel Collins has done to it?♡ ... A lot of my night was actually really bad haha. I got lost so I missed the first 15 minutes. I entered when Pictures of a City was ending : ( Really bummed. Can't recall Moonchild or In the Court just know that of course Mel Collins took 80% of my attention. I love you Fripp, but don't put an original woodwind/horn player parallel from you.... Alright: Mel Collins. The red shoes, Dig. The glasses constantly going on & off- double dig. Pretending to throw your sax, shut up! you’re still as f*cking cute as ever. Watching him adjust his equipment was cool. Fripp really didn't fiddle about with his guitar sounds if I remember correctly. Oh! except a really out of place ~groovy~ psychedelic wah-wah pedal which could have been from the singer's guitar, but that was fun. I liked that a lot. There was a guy there with a Christian Death shirt a row in front of me. When walking out I talked to him, showed him my Rozz Williams tattoo. He was heavily tattooed everywhere. This crowd felt like a bizarre scene. a third of these folks were younger & really stylized, it was kind of a spectacle to me- so many interesting looking people. & when I got to my correct seat after intermission (yeah part of being late) like the row I was in - all young. The dude next to me was f*cking good looking. What the hell is that all about? I wonder if he was like god this chick is c*mming whenever the sax plays. UGH! MEL. I hate how far I was. He would do these incredible things & it's like I NEED to "woo!" ya know!? I was so close to screaming his name because OHMYGOD! He definitely gave me a new experience. I've heard live sax/flute before (hell, I’ve recorded jazz musicians) & I’ve heard/seen Winwood's flautist/saxophonist but it wasn't really anything, even being that they were Chris Wood's compositions; it was nice, but I didn’t feel AT ALL like how I felt here- it could not compare to how moved or how over the moon ecstatic I felt for Mel Collins playing his & McDonald’s parts. Goshh.  King Crimson was one of the first bands I got into after my decade & personality shift, & I started collecting their CDS in 2016. An immense & heavily decorated atmosphere within the music, they are one of the best bands on the planet & I'm beyond happy I got to see them. I meant to see them in 2016, but I was still new to them & I didn't want to take off work. I really really really hope to see Fripp & them again. Oh, god please let me have the chance to hear Mel Collins play again, holy f*ck. (she's still on ‘im)... I haven't stopped! But i will end this here & maybe do a Mel Collins rave the next time I watch a Bryan Ferry video or listen to Camel or Chris Squire. Oh! last thing (this massive entry was written two separate days) & today I listened to Poseidon in the car to & from work & I skipped Pictures of City because I'm going to be sour about that forever, but! then after work I listened to it & %$!#$%Y@ F*ck! Mel! I really wish I got to hear him start that song off. Still too scared to look up what I missed. Next time I'm taking a taxi to begin with from the train station... I walked south of a street when I needed to have gone north... 30 f*cking minutes walking in the WRONG direction. But I made it & King Crimson was wonderful.・`✧*☆’☽゜ ...Hm, I don’t think I mentioned Mel Collins enough. Robert Fripp, who’s that?
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221bshrlocked · 7 years
OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. MMA fighter seb where you go into his prep room before a fight to wish him good luck (because you're a huge fan and you two never met before) but things get steamy fast and he's eating you out on any random surface but he has to go fight so he leaves you without you having an orgasm and he puts up the best fight of his career and then he comes back filthy and (idk) fucks you in the shower.
A lot of you were looking forward to this so I hope I delivered ;) NSFW gifs under cut. Little easter egg (not a little at all) left there for you. I got 2 different anons asking for MMA so to the other anon that wanted reader waiting to take care of Seb after a fight, I put that here too :)
Your legs were shaking violently, the feeling of finally meeting him still not settling down. The locker room doors slammed open, your head snapping towards the men walking in and making their way around the lockers. He was standing in the middle, all sweaty and focused, his hands tapping his thighs along with the music blasting through his ears. When he finally looked up, you felt the breath get knocked out of you, literally!
“I thought this room was for employees only.” His voice was calm, the manager taking a few steps towards you looking like he was about to throw you outside. You held out your hands, about to apologize when he spoke again. “It’s fine Don. Leave us.” He nodded towards him, the other guys exiting with his manager and shutting the doors behind them.
“Alright what’ya want me to sign? Your boobs or-” his words made you clench your thighs, blushing at the prospect of actually having touch you anywhere. He trailed off the rest of the sentence, taking out his headphones and throwing his phone on the bleachers before taking a few steps towards you. Sebastian kept eyeing you up and down, loving how scared you looked, like a doe caught in a trap.
“I- god I can’t find the words. Just wanted to wish you good luck sir..I MEAN Sebastian. Ummm yeah good luck- I..I’ll just see my way o-”  You tried to go around him but he stepped in front of you, gaze locking on your heaving chest and teeth looking like a wolf’s. “What? No good luck kiss doll?” His hands blocked your escape route, the heat radiating off of his much larger frame making you shiver.
Standing on your tiptoes, you pecked his jaw and looked anywhere but at him. “Oh sweetheart…I meant I wanted a kiss you.” Without a warning, he slammed you against the wall and smashes his lips with yours, hands grabbing your thighs and supporting your weight with his own. You moaned into the kiss, fingers attempting to pull on his hair but remembering how he always got a haircut before every fight. As your nails scratched his neck, he growled, pushing off the wall and walking to the bleachers again. He fumbled with your skirt, hiking it up and pulling harshly on your panties until they ripped. The sight made you gasp, suddenly looking at him stuffing your panties in his nose and taking a long sniff. “Fucking sweet as candy sweetheart. All for me.” He shoved them in his shorts and pulled your shirt down, sucking and biting your nipples before kneeling in front of you. Between squeezing your ass and kissing your thighs, you were already feeling that buzz in your core, screaming his name when he licked harshly and bit just next to your wet lips. “Oh fuck yes sir yes sir- right there Sebastian…GOD shit yes yes-”
He got off listening to you, fingers slapping your pussy before moving past your lips.
“Is that,” he spat on your lips, curling his fingers upward and looking at your wrecked body, “what you wanted?” He winked at you, sucking on your clit when your hands flew to his head. “Answer me baby girl.” You felt his other hands tease your asshole, screaming your release.
And then he pulled away.
“Wh- I was..n-”
“Gotta match to win darling.” He smirked, standing up and fixing your clothes before reaching for your hand. “What’s your name doll?” Sebastian raised your chin to look at you, studying your almost blissed out face.
“Well, Y/N…mind waitin for me here?” He raised an eyebrow when you nodded quickly, smiling and kissing your cheek before walking away. “This match is for you doll.”
Ten minutes later, and you were dying to touch yourself. You wanted to finger yourself as the match played in the screen. You knew it would probably take you a few seconds to cum from just looking at him moving around the ring.
But somehow, the anticipation of having him fill you up made you wait.
The loud bell rang and snapped you out of your haze, frantically looking to see who won and sighing when you saw him raise his hand before checking on the other guy. Not two minutes later, you jumped at the sound of the door opening.
“No one fucking disturbs me. You understand?” You heard a someone agreeing before shutting the door, Sebastian walking around and focus landing on you as soon as he turned around.
He strutted towards you, pushing you up against the wall like earlier.
But this time, he was much more aggressive, barely letting you pull away to breathe. “Fuck- couldn’t end the match any sooner doll. Thinkin about you all the time.”
“No! I’ve done my waiting.” He nipped at your neck, screaming in your skin when you hands barely touched his head.
“Let me help you.Ahhh shit, please. Le-”
“I don’t fucking care if..”
“Just- please…please.” He couldn’t say no when you kept on whining. Pulling away reluctantly, he sat on the bleachers and motioned for you to come to him. “Alright doll. ‘M all yours.” You smiled before walking to the bathroom and getting the first aid kit, coming back and standing between his thighs. He kept on tickling your stomach and kissing you through your clothes the entire time, only stopping when you dabbed the alcohol on his head again. As soon as you pronounced you were done, he was pushing you away from him and stripping, telling you to do the same and huffing impatiently when you just looked like a lost puppy. He pulled on your clothes and threw them to the side, carrying you to the bathroom and stepping in one of the large stalls.
“Gorgeous.” He turned on the water and trailed his rough hands down your body, wanting to feel you everywhere.
“Just- fuck me already.” You frowned when he ignored you and kissed you again, small hands pumping his cock and massaging his balls. “Got me so hard Y/N…you know how tough it is to fight wit- ahh shit.”
“Must’ve been…so…hard.” You giggled at the stupid joke, finally breaking his resolve and squealing when he leaned down and carried you. With one thrust, he bottomed out, not even bothering to start out slow and fucking the adrenaline out of his system.
“So pretty my baby- those tits are gorgeous Y/N. Shit- fuck fuck ahhhh.” He licked his lips, loving how long your neck looked when you threw your head back in ecstasy. “Oh gah I..can’t- yes yes oh fuck me yes..”
“Thought I already was sugar.” He swallowed the lump in his throat, groaning and yelling filthy things every time you clenched around him.
“Fuck baby ‘m not gonna last-”
“Yes sir…yes Seb right there- shit right ahhh there.” You almost leaned too far backward, waiting for your head to hit the wall but remembering just how much bigger and stronger he was. You came with a cry, walls fluttering around him and back suddenly hitting the wall.
He was so close, just looking at you drove him mad and made him want to spend hours with your legs wrapped around him. With a few more thrusts, he pulled out and came on your stomach, still holding you close to him and biting your nipples while you held onto his shoulders.
A few minute later, he finally looked up and saw you still smiling. “Wanna go to dinner with me?” You whispered before kissing his forehead.
“That’s my line!”
“Hehe more like your punchline.” You snickered at the joke again, making him whisper something about how ridiculous your sense of humor was.
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herbivorousviolin · 6 years
I just , as in at this very moment, fucking finished all three seasons of Hannibal. What. The. Fuck.
I need more, damn it.
I have so much feelings. So I need to let it o u t.
1. Fucking MURDER HUSBANDS. They're so complex and perfect and i want m o r e.
(I cannot articulate everything, all i know is that this show is basically all about their romance shieeet.)
(Also, at the end!!! Bedelia is shown at the dinner table, with her leg cooked in Hannibal's recipe, and THERE WERE TWO EMPTY CHAIRS DOES THAT MEAN THAT MURDER HUSBANDS LIVE ON?!!!?!?! I CA NN OT AHSSFFSKAAL)
(The fight at the end, ghe song at the end and the hug and the way Will cut Dragon like how Hannibal cut him at season 2 ender and and AHHH I WANNA SCREAM AT THE MOON THESE TWO ARE IN LOVE FUUUUUUUUUCK EVERYTHING FEELS SO SEN S U AL)
Ok, i have to cut my murder husbands rant and continue with other topics.
2. Dr. Alana Friggin Bloom, at first, I was oh she's cute, she's ok. Then, season 2 Alana, I was like oh dear oh no bae.
Season 3 arrives and all of a sudden, BAM! I'm like who is this fucking gorgeous lady that i would totally sleep with?! She's evolved and she's so wonderful. I love her and her wife!!!! Margot is also fab as fuck. The way Alana dresses in Season 3 is just The Best.
3. Bedelia is also so gorgeous and hnnngh so so soooo cunning, i kinda pity her at the end.
4. Freddie Lounds and Jack, I think they'll be killed and eaten too by murder husbands.
5. I felt sorry for the Dragon. He's a brilliant character but it felt like for me that in the end, he was used by Hannibal and Will so that those two can evolve and their relationship will progress.
6. Dr. Chilton didn't get to chill. So fucking unfortunate life he has, gets disemboweled by Abel, lives, gets framed but Hannibal, gets shot in the face but lives, gets kidnapped by Dragon (thanks very much Will!), gets lips bitten off and set on fire, lives. He is so fuckinf unfortunate.
7. I loved Abel though, so charming.
8. What happened to Chiyoh? I loved that lady! Maybe she'll be the Abigail of Murder Husbands? Hahahaha!!
9. I seriously need more. And i'm cutting my rant cause it's too long now and i have the urge to drown myself in fics k bye
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veterveter · 3 years
Hi there, it's the anon who saw Gandía on the subway!
You're completely right, it had been kind of haunting me for days... My brain just travelled towards it every now and then, like "you saw Gandia in the subway, have fun dealing with that bout of knowledge". I'm glad you liked my trauma story!
Are you MAGIC? I truly am gay bike anon!!! I don't think I am why are annexes anon? But honestly, I am not sure, and I can have forgotten?? When I'll see the ask again, I'll probably know and I'll tell you whether that was me or not. I love how you realized it was me by the sheer weirdness of the asks, I love how my chaotic energy apparantly radiates even through the internet ehehehe
Your description of Gandia made me snort and then laugh so hard, I had to actually stifle my giggles so everyone in the train I was in whilst reading this wouldn't go "???" (I literally clasped my hand in front of my mouth, then realized how futile that was because of the face mask hahahaha)
So, I googled Promising Young Woman, and I directly knew who you meant, and he does look a lot like Moscow! Also, the movie looks great and I'm definitely going to watch it soon (after I finished my exams, or, y'know, to avoid having to study for those sksksk)
YOU'LL MAYBE WRITE ME A ANDRÉS X GANDÍA FIC??!!! AHHH I WOULD LOVE THAT!!!! I truly thought I was crazy when I realized that there was such weird energy between the two of them in that scene, with the way they were eyeing eachother, the way Gandía walked around Andrés, but turns out I'm not the only one who thought so :) And indeed, "gay bike anon" is not my birth given name, but I'll gladly take it as my second name/ as a nickname :)
Oh no! I hope you're okay and that you're not slowly melting away behind your computer... We've been having hot temperatures here as well, nothing close to a heatwave though, even if everyone acts like it is. (It has been around 26-27 degrees Celsius for a while, and everyone was going crazy about the national plan for heatwaves on Twitter...Like, no, just don't... For a nationality often portrayed as brutally honest and very matter-of-factly, we can get incredibly dramatic sometimes sksksk) It's colder now, though, we've had a few days with rain and now I think we're back to normal temperature for the time of the year.
I'll let you know! That is such a good idea, I'm going to practice Martín's speeches in the mirror right away, the eyepatch would make an interesting look... I'll wear my black suit and shirt with black brogues, my father probably has a dark gray tie which I can borrow. I'll just have to find a cane somewhere. Oh, and fill my bag with muffins. I'll practice my chaotic screaming (well, tbh I don't think much practice is necessary anymore) to channel my inner Martín. Maybe I'll even bring my Berlín funko pop, tell him "remember Alfredo Kesmann, you know, the risk analyst you looked at as if you were a lion and he was your prey, huh? Well, look at who he turned out to be..."
By the way, I just read you Little Mermaid AU and it was just so beautiful, so cute, whilst they still remained the assholes interesting characters they are <3 Martín thinking a fork looked like a weapon made me laugh so hard, because it definitely is a weapon to another version of Andrés sksks. Also, I was listening to MIKA on shuffle and when I was reading your Little Mermaid AU, 'Underwater' came on and ugh, the song was fitting so well for them, poetic cinema.
Gay bike anon ❤️❤️❤️ To quote some Motion City Soundtrack: It had to be you // I knew it was you. I'm happy you saw my stray ramblings @ you. Should you choose to continue talking to me (you should, I love you, gay bike anon, please continue to be my friend), I'll continue to tag them under # only love for gay bike anon. There, that is you.
I'll be surprised if you're not why are annexes anon [if you are a separate person, humble apologies, come @ me for my crimes] but I'm also going to gatekeep that ask for x number of weeks or months because prompts are hard to keep the mystery alive. I love how you say you'll maybe recognise it, if it is you. I also sometimes look at things I've said and I'm like "well it's my account so it must be me, but I could swear I am not me--" I'm so glad you're gay bike anon because it's literally your name now so if you weren't them??? It'd be like naming a child something peaceful and the child turns out to be everything but. Which almost happened to yours truly, I'll have you know. Dodge that bullet, I did. Also, if you were not gay bike anon, you'd be like "¿¿qué?? what does that even mean??". (I was so delighted by the ask that I sent a screenshot to my friend and since she didn't watch the semis, this was her reaction.) You have the perfect chaotic energy, dear friend. Recognisably so.
I love your phrasing, by the way. "My brain just travelled towards it every now and then". I can perfectly envision this scene, you're just trying to live your best life (travelling by the subway, buying cookies, that sort of thing) and your brain is just like hey guess what???? SUBWAY DRIVER GANDÍA!! thanks brain, that's nice, I guess. The plot twist is that now this story also lives rent-free in my head, but I truly do appreciate it. Thank you again for sharing it.
I'm glad you also feel me re: lawyer guy in Promising Young Woman!! I'll take all the reassurance I can get that I'm not simply too LCDP-obsessed. I really do recommend the film, it was really good and so nicely filmed. Her hairstyles? The outfits? The colours and the framing??? Gorgeous. Come @ me with your thoughts once you've seen it, please. ✨ Also, bestest of best luck for your exams!! I have all the faith in you. Do your best and reward yourself accordingly afterwards, the reward part very important! Maybe you can buy yourself a tricorne. This is foreshadowing for how you're going to be a pirate, by the end of this reply. And for the record, I'll consider myself prompted to write this subway driver! Gandía fic, and some day I will absolutely consider actually writing it. Just you wait.
We had like an entire week of 30+ degrees (and I'm from Finland, you know, so that's definitely illegal temperatures here) and it was just, ugh. But it was actually raining yesterday - I'm sure it started around the time you sent me this so I'll credit it to you, thank you for the rain, dear friend - bless!! everything was so dry. I'm glad to hear your temperatures are normalising too!! Climate change can go away, thanks.
I absolutely lost all coherent thought when you said "I'll practice my chaotic screaming" hgjrfkpfjeghr yes you do that, it sounds 100% legitimate. You'll make the perfect Martín, hanging out with your totally super platonic best friend in Funko pop form. Hissing at Gandía, should he come too close. Threatening him with the Funko. Leaning on your cane but like, menacingly. You might also need a Denver to lead you around, should the eyepatch impair you depth perception.
Also, after you've had all this practice with the eyepatch, you can become a pirate. Or a privateer, first, and then through a series of unfortunate events, you can be drawn to a life of crime. The money is just so much better. And guess what? Yeah, you bet the captain of the ship is the spitting image of Arturito. Good luck, you. :) At least you can mutiny.
Ahhh I'm glad you liked the Little Mermaid thing! Martín absolutely gets that the pointy thing look exactly like a weapon, even if he's not necessarily imagining Andrés to stab someone with it for insulting his clothes. You know, one of these days I was tagged in a tag thing and I mentioned about how much I currently love Underwater?? (mandatory shout-out to @es-imposible because I'm stealing her taste in music for my own) Manifestation. Or one brain energy. Poetic cinema.
I hope you'll have a great week, gay bike anon!! Take care of yourself!! Drink lots of water, eat lots of cookies, stay safe from Gandía / any lookalikes. Best of luck for your exams for a second time! All the best, dear friend. See you around! 💌
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