#i recorded an unboxing too but it was so well boxed i had to stop recording to open it xD
eurydia · 1 year
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@andorappreciation week - underrated characters: Kleya
A few months ago, I painted this modified master study of John Singer Sargent's Madame X to be Kleya instead. My framed print from Canvas Champ arrived today in time for appreciation week and I thought I would share ❤️! This is 15 x 30" in, the Andor poster for scale is: 22.375 x 34" in
I think Kleya is such a compelling character and I can't wait to see more of her in season 2! This is my favorite artwork of this year, and I wanted a framed one similar to the actual painting.
If you're interested in purchasing one in the future, here's the interest check:
[Madame K - Gold Framed Canvas Interest Check]
Thank you for all the support! I still plan to make this available on my InPrnt later down the line.
Edit: Now available on InPrnt - Link
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wellthebardsdead · 2 years
Follow up from the last emperors dragon??
Tai Lung: *calmed down after eating something vaguely familiar from his old life, quietly unboxing more gifts with the help of Wu Long* This is? *holds up a very ornate gold cuff with a long pin, both decorated with small carnelians*
Wu Long: *seated beside him on a cushion* that’s a hair pin the emperor had intended to gift to the king of zhao, but considering how expensive it is and the rarity of the gemstones he felt it more fitting a gift for you.
Tai Lung: king? You mean there’s other kingdoms here?
Wu Long: of course there is. I’m from the kingdom of Wu, as is my mother who is a concubine under his highness… though I’m not allowed to tell anyone that. If he finds out she surely will be executed.
Tai Lung: so… why are you telling me this?
Wu Long: because I trust you your highn- Tai Lung. Forgive me that’s going to take some getting used to.
Tai Lung: *smiles sadly and gently pats his hand with his tail* I promise. Your secret is safe with me.
Wu Long: *smiles and gently strokes the silky fur along the tails spine* would you like me to put your hair up? It’s easier having someone else do it. It also looks a bit funny seeing you so well dressed but your hair is, well, pretty as it is it’s all over the place.
Tai Lung: oh- *blushes a little* I- I guess I did get a bit carried away trying to run away and all-
Wu Long: *snickers and sits behind him gently brushing his hair and putting it up in a bun with the crown pin and leaving the rest to drape down his shoulders and back* all done. It suits you.
Tai Lung: *reaches up a little feeling the crown holding his hair* thank you… *looks at the rest of the boxes and the mountain of sweets* What am I going to do with all this though? There’s no way I can eat it all.
Wu Long: so much sugar will certainly be poorly for you. Her highness the Empress even warned his majesty the emperor of it but, once he has his mind made up there’s no stopping him… *pauses getting an idea* His highness… I know!
Tai Lung: you do?
Wu Long: the emperor has many children to the ladies of the harem! If you wish to get rid of all these sweets maybe you can bless them with these gifts?
Tai Lung: I? Yeah, let’s do that!
*A few hours later*
Emperor Tengfei: *walking through the courtyard* a fractured wrist then?
Chief Physician Li: Yes your highness, it’s best it remains tightly bandaged and splintered at all times until it’s safe for us to reassess it. It’s very important the great dragon does not strain himself too hard in the mean time.
Emperor Tengfei: hm, easier said than done I’m afraid. He tried climbing out the window in search of a potato this morning. Speaking of which, have the necessary dietary records brought to the imperial kitchen, if it is good enough for a heavenly body than I wish for all in the palace to enjoy it.
Chief Physician Li: *bows* yes your majest- what on earth-
Emperor Tengfei: *tilts his head in confusion before turning around upon hearing children and women laughing* hm? *pauses seeing Tai Lung handing a box of sweets to one of the young princesses*
Tai Lung: don’t eat them all at once.
3rd princess Xi Shi: *bows very clumsily but as best as she can* th-thank you qweat dwagon!
Guifei jia: (guifei meaning noble consort) Thank you so very much great Dragon for blessing my child. *bows and ushers her daughter over*
Tai Lung: *very uncomfortable being praised like this* d-don’t mention i-
Chief Steward Li Yu: The emperor has arrived!!
Emperor Tengfei: *steps forward making everyone drop to one knee to greet him* Rise.
Everyone: *stands back up*
Emperor Tengfei: What’s going on here? Why are you all pestering the great dragon when he should be resting?
Guifei Gao: Addressing the emperor, the great dragon summoned all the mothers of your children here to gift them with his blessing.
Emperor Tengfei: *stares down at his children who all stand there nervously holding the gifts*
Tai Lung: *stands up with a grunt, still in a bit of pain from his rough landing* As much as I appreciate your gifts- *pauses having no clue how he should address him when everyone sees him as higher than the emperor* um, your highness. I’m afraid even I can’t enjoy all of them without some repercussions to my health. And I felt they’d be better enjoyed and appreciated by the young ones than myself.
Emperor Tengfei: is that so… *glances at Wu Long standing nervously beside the dragon and narrowing his gaze*
Wu Long: *suddenly drops down into a kowtow* your majesty! Please forgive me! It was my idea! I suggested the dragon distribute your gifts to him! Please direct your displeasure towards me!!
Tai Lung: *Looking at him in utter disbelief* I- H-Hold on a minute what?!
Emperor Tengfei: *shakes his head* Wu Long, I assigned you to him thinking you’d be more responsible and devoted towards the dragons health, and yet barely a few hours into your service here you are directing him to gift blessings rather than rest! I should have you flogged!!
Tai Lung: I?! Hold on a minute I wanted to do this! *kneels down and helps Wu Long up hiding the smaller man behind himself* Nobody is getting any punishment never mind something so barbaric as that!!!-i- *covers his own mouth in suprise hearing it change to such a deep, inhuman and angry tone*
Emperor Tengfei: *standing there in shock*
Literally everyone else: *shut up so hard Tai lung can practically hear their assholes pucker in fear*
Tai Lung: I… I’m sorry, I lost my tem-
Emperor Tengfei: *bows deeply* You need not apologise your grace, forgive me for displeasing you so. *stands back up right* Please do rest once you are done here, I will see you this evening at the banquet. *turns and walks off towards the inner palace*
Chief Steward Li Yu: The emperor is leaving!
Consorts: *all bow as he passes* wishing health to the emperor.
Tai Lung: *watches him go before looking back at Wu Long* what the fuck was that about man are you okay?!
Wu Long: I? I don’t understand half of what you just said but yes I’m okay.
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For a concept, Auston trying to teach Mia how to skate for the first time?!
A/N: ok, so I was actually going to include this scene in an upcoming part of Just What I Needed, wrote some of it, didn’t love it and then scratched the idea entirely lol. But, you made me want to bring it back from the graveyard that is my google docs and so I finished it and don’t hate it hahaha. Hope it does what you were thinking justice!
Word Count: 2.1k
"You must be joking."
"I assure you that I'm not," Auston replied with a massive grin as he took what looked like a standard shoebox, but you knew better than assuming they'd be something as simple as a pair of shoes with the large CCM logo printed across it. "These are for Mia."
"Auston, she's two," you told him, not being able to keep yourself from smiling at how excited your husband seemed.
"I know, but she's a freaking walking machine, babe. I wouldn't be surprised if she picked up on skating pretty quick too."
At that, you had to laugh because he had a point.
It was the middle of March, and your now two-year-old daughter was all over the place. She loved moving and just being active in any possible way she could. With you being 25 weeks pregnant, it was sometimes tough to keep up with her. But luckily, Auston could, and you weren't even surprised that he'd try teaching her how to skate as soon as he felt she was ready.
"Could you bring her to practice tomorrow, please?" Auston asked, breaking your train of thought. "I haven't told the guys yet, but once we're done, I figured I could try skating around with her a bit and see how she likes it."
"Of course," you told him and pushed away from the doorframe you were leaning against. You then walked further into the kitchen, going right up behind him and wrapping your arms around his middle before leaning against him and placing a soft kiss on his shoulder as you watched him unbox the skates. "How do you know these will fit her?"
"When I took her downtown last week, we went and got her sized for them," he explained, still grinning as he looked over his shoulder at you and leaned down so he could peck your lips. "Then, I ordered a custom pair. I also got her a helmet."
"So extra. But at least you're making sure she's protected," you teased and rested your head against his shoulder as you waited to see what the skated looked like.
Needless to say, you were impressed.
They were a classic pair of black skates, but also the tiniest and cutest pair you had ever seen. The ordinarily white patches that were on the skates were red on these and were paired with a set of light blue laces, coinciding with the two colours Mia had been claiming to be her favourites as of late. But that wasn't what really caught your eye. What stood out the most to you was how the tongue's inner part on each skate had a little AM stitched into them.
"AM?" You asked and glanced up at your husband, expectantly.
"Amelia Matthews," Auston said proudly before closing the box and turning around in your hold so that he could wrap his arms around you. "What do you think?"
"I think they're adorable," you told him honestly. "She's going to love them."
"I guess we'll find out tomorrow," he responded and leaned down to catch your lips in a much longer but very sweet kiss. However, the moment was short-lived when a rustling noise sounded through the monitor that was sitting nearby on the counter, followed by Mia's groggy voice calling for you. "Looks like our girl is up from her nap."
"Looks like it," you agreed and stood on your tiptoes to place one more peck on his lips. "She doesn't know you're home yet. Wanna go surprise her?"
The next day around the time you knew practice would be ending, you and Mia headed to the Ford Performance Centre to pick up Auston. Mia was very excited to see her dad, Mitchy and the other guys, but you were looking forward to seeing how this whole skating lesson Auston had planned would play out.
Once the two of you went inside, it was obvious the guys were just finishing up and would soon be getting ready to leave. They were all huddled up, going over some final things, when a distinctive noise sounded over the guys' muffled chatter on the ice.
"Daddy!" Mia exclaimed excitedly as soon as she spotted Auston, loud enough for everyone to hear. And it wasn't long before Auston's previous sombre-looking demeanour melted away at the sight of his daughter.
Everyone laughed before accepting that it was now the end of practice, and there was nothing else to go over for now.
Auston then skated over to the boards as you set down the bag with Mia's skates in them and other belongings on the bench before turning back around to face your husband.
"Hi, Mini," Auston greeted as he took Mia from you and kissed her on the cheek, making her smile widely before wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him.
"Hi, daddy."
Auston then looked back at you and leaned over the boards to peck your lips. "And hello to you too."
You rolled your eyes at his cheesiness but couldn't keep yourself from blushing a little bit. It was ridiculously easy for Auston to get those butterflies that resided in your stomach to flutter like crazy, and he knew it.
Just as you were about to say something back, another voice ruined the moment as they approached.
"Miaaaaaa!" Mitchy exclaimed as he skated up to them, holding his arms out so that Auston could pass his goddaughter to him, not stopping at all, just taking her and skating around a bit as she giggled and clung on to him.
You and Auston watched the two go, grinning widely before he turned back to face you and winked.
"You're looking mighty fine today, Mrs. Matthews," he flirted and leaned against the boards again, smirking at you. "That's a nice hoodie. Where'd you get it?"
"Your side of the closet," you replied and winked suggestively. "Looks better on me, anyways."
"You're not wrong."
A moment later, Mitch returned with your daughter but didn't give her back as more guys came over to say hi to her.
"Whaley, mommy," Mia said as she leaned against Mitch's shoulder and pointed towards her stuffed whale that was resting on the bench beside everything else. "Please."
"Are those skates?" Mo asked as he nodded towards the bag as you moved it to grab the whale and handed it to Mia.
"They are," you confirmed, making all the guys standing nearby light right up.
"No way," Mitchy said as he held onto Mia's whale so she wouldn't drop it. "Are you going to try skating Meems?"
"Uh, huh," she replied before waving to Freddie as he skated over too.
"Well, this should be good," the goalie said as he came to a stop and reached over to ruffle Mia's curls.
"We'll see how it goes," Auston chuckled and took Mia back from Mitch. "C'mon, baby girl, let's get you laced up."
You watched with a smile as he came off the ice and set Mia down on the bench so that he could put her skates and helmet on for her. The guys just about melted over how freaking cute she looked wearing skates for the first time, Mitchy even going to the extent of grabbing your phone from your hand so that he could snap a couple of pictures as Auston finished tying up the first skate.
"You better send those to me," he told you firmly as he handed the device back.
"Yes, Mitch, I will," you responded with a pointed gaze. He then glanced towards the other guys, who were now closer to Auston and Mia, before leaning near you and lowering his voice a bit.
"How're you doing?" He asked and gave you a sympathetic look.
"I'm ok," you told him honestly. "I've been feeling better lately. Just trying to take it easy, so this little one doesn't give me any more troubles."
You then smiled at your cousin and rubbed a hand over your growing belly, making him smile too.
"Good, please keep me posted about everything. I worry about you, and if you ever need Steph or me for anything, we're only a text away."
"I know, Mitchy. Thank you."
Before he could say anything else, Auston was picking Mia up from the bench and taking her onto the ice, which soon captured all of his attention again.
"Steph's going to be so mad you didn't tell her this was happening," he stated before skating off towards your husband and daughter.
A slight feeling of panic washed over you because you knew Steph would most definitely not be impressed by you not telling her that Auston was trying to teach Mia how to skate for the first time but then figured sending her some videos would make up for it.
However, even that plan was soon scrapped when another set of footsteps approached and soon enough, Steph herself was brushing past you.
"Can't believe you were going to let me miss my goddaughter skating for the first time," she grumbled as she set down her bag and grabbed her phone before walking towards you and giving you a sideways hug. "But hi, I missed you. Feeling better?"
"Much," you told her with a chuckle and returned the hug before nodding towards the ice. "Missed you too. Are you ready for this all to go down?"
The two of you then leaned against the boards, side by side and started recording as Auston set Mia down on the ice.
"Daddy," she gasped nervously as she slipped a little bit once her blades touched the slick surface, but Auston was still holding on to her.
"It's ok, Mini," he told her. "I got you; just keep your feet down. I won't let you fall."
He then started pushing off the ice slowly and continued holding her up as the two glided across the ice together. She wobbled a bit, but the longer they did it for, the steadier she became. And she was having the best time going around like that with all her guys out there with her.
Eventually, Auston let go of her once he was positive she could stand in the skates on her own without falling. He stayed level with her, though, ready to catch her if need be as they moved onto the next part of the so-called lesson.
"Ok, baby," Auston started as Mitchy sat on the ice in front of her, no more than two feet away with his arms extended towards her. "Try to get to Mitchy."
"Ok!" She replied excitedly and went to take a step towards him, but slipped and increased your heart rate. "Woah!"
But Auston caught her, causing you to let out an audible sigh of relief as Steph snickered from beside you.
"Told you I got you," Auston told Mia as he helped her stand upright again, then got down on the ice too just so it'd be easier to catch her again, which everyone knew was inevitable. "Always."
For the next ten minutes or so, she tried to make it across the small space that separated her from her Mitchy. She wasn't too successful, which was to be expected, but she gradually became more confident and was genuinely having fun.
Mitch moved a little bit closer as they were getting ready to wrap it up for the day, and on Mia's very last try, she managed to shuffle across the ice into Mitchy's arms.
The other guys, who were now joined by Will and a few others, had skated away a little bit and were gathering pucks left from practice all stopped to watch her final attempt, then cheered and hollered as they watched her do it.
"Yeah, Mia!" They all yelled before quickly skating over to them again, not leading up on their cheering as they approached your very excited toddler.
"I did it!" She squealed happily and smiled at each of her guys as she held onto Mitch so she wouldn't fall.
"You did!" Mo said while taking her from Mitch and sat her on his shoulder as he began skating around. "We'll make a hockey out of you, now won't we?"
"Only if she wants to," Auston chuckled as he stood back up and skated towards them to take his daughter back. "Good job, Mia!"
The way she was absolutely beaming as Auston held her close again, and she immediately clung onto him as he skated back towards the bench had you feeling so happy, it was unexplainable.
You loved everything about your little family and those who have become the most important to your little girl. It was moments like those that reminded you just how loved she was. And that thought alone made everything seem right.
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thirsthourdemon · 4 years
Headcanon on their online platforms but mainly on Twitch, onlyfans stuff, patreon, tumblr
Includes: Demon bros + undateablesss
Genre: Crack, Fluff and slight smut
Warnings: NSFW mentions
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-He didn’t have a big online presence because he was active, no no
-He had an online presence cause everyone always sees him on Diavolo s pictures and such so for a time they shared an audience
-One time Diavolo and Barbatos were doing a thing where they read a book aloud for some sort of game
-Diavolo kind of recorded that for a little bit
-People liked it so much they suggested for “the one with the deep cold voice”, luci, to do asmr on youtube or something
-He doesn’t know what an Onlyfans is however he does have a patreon.
-Diavolo was interested in the idea and discussed it with him
-His fandom consists of either people who are interested in what he reads or...Horny people who get off at how proper and low his voice is
-His profile picture is a picture of him with his head cropped out where he’s fixing his gloves
-Luci isnt like super famous but he has a loyal fanbase that appreciates him a lot also lots of simps with daddy issues
-He was confused as to why someone would ask him to be their father
-He gets the daddy kink but why???
-Last post: A picture MC took where he’s holding a whip cause mammon fucked something up 🙂
-Bold of us to assume he didn’t already have one
-You already know why he’s on here.
-He has random content but he mainly got his audience since he kind of tried modeling thing for a while. It was for a big brand on their new jock type jackets
-Mammon really wanted cash at that time and he got the thing over and done with making him a couple more grims richer
-The photographers told him they could transfer the pictures though! So he just saved his pictures because “Who wouldn’t want a picture of THE mammon?”
-That gave him the idea
-His audience? Whoreknee
-They even accept the fact that his captions for some pictures are “You should be honored you get pictures of me”
-He posts that with a blushing face half of the time HAHAHAHA
-Levi found it and just laughed at the pictures
-Surprisingly enough the pictures were actually well taken because MC was forced into em
-His most popular picture was the one with him was actually a picture that the brothers took of him tucking in what appeared to be goldie on a seperate MINI BED WITH A SMALL TOY LAMP BESIDE IT
-He did a QnA for his followers to celebrate on his instagram
-PFFTT He got so many questions about Goldie
-Was dubbed “Goldie’s Daddy” after that
-Last post: A picture of him wearing the new Luxury brand jacket he got and his keys in front of his car with the caption “Daddy’s going for a ride”
-I’ve always head canon that Levi knows how to draw digital emotes. Like he just picked it up cause he wanted to make fanart of him in henry together 😔
-Also has a red bubble or an etsy where he sells some prints and stickers of fanart 👀
-He went on twitch since there were so many TSL streamers there who just played games while they discussed theories as well
-Levi is an emote artist and while he draws he sometimes just discusses the theories with his fellow Yucky Otakus
-He’s the type to really interact with everyone even though he barely does that in real life
-Sometimes though when he gets packages that fans sent or ones that he ordered he’d stream unboxing them.
-He hates showing his face? Oh dont worry He’s wearing a facemask and all that
-His fandom is genuinely into him. Like they actually like him as a person but kinda once got into a scandal on gatekeeping
-He took a break for a bit but he kind of said sorry and everyone just forgave him because he isn’t really the type to do drama and it was just that one instance-
-Overall loved by the community due to how chill he is and how invested he is on fan theories
-He has a twitter btw and lemme tell you it’s just threads and threads of discussions
-Whenever he does stream unboxing videos though and he shows his shelves everyone freaks out how he has EVERY FUCKING VOLUME OF EVERY ANIME AND GAME
-People sometimes ask him personal questions and he tries his best to try to answer them but he shows a face where he looks uncomfy
-Everyone just bullies anyone who makes him uncomfy giving his fanbase a very protective reputation
-Last post: “Unboxing fanmail L8er @ 10pm LOL CYA GUYS XD”
-He has a tumblr. You cant tell me he doesn’t have one.
-He had tumblr like back in the old day though like when porn was still available here.
-Get this...He’s known all through out the academia blogs. He INVENTED Academia
-Satan has 1 blog and that’s it. It’s his main blog and he just posts pictures of the book cover and does essays, reviews or sometimes he writes the ending he wanted to happen.
-Dont get me wrong he has a patreon but only because people loved getting more exclusive takes of stuff like his book notes on certain pages or sometimes his notes and thoughts on Artistic Erotica
-Probably has a Ko-Fi because he though he needed it after most of the blogs he followed had it
-He thinks it should be “Table of Content” and not “Masterlist” so he uses just that
-Profile picture is him wearing his signature washed out green grandma sweater while he has a book in hand and a cup of earl grey on his table
-People go to him falling in love with his aesthetic and Book reviews but they stay in love with him because he is big on one on one discussions actually
-He goes for one on one voice calls where he just...He talks to you about any book of your choosing
-Fans send him tea but he knows better than to eat something a stranger gives so he makes beel take a taste first sometimes but ultimately scolds the boy when he takes too much
-He wasn’t supposed to have merch but everyone liked the idea of small packages (More like letters) that really do look old and vintage
-He usually only give those to the people who pay for the top tier stuff
-It usually contains 1 type of tea, a letter he wrote for them himself and a bookmark with his name stamped on it
-He got the stamp custom made ❤️
-Last post: (Insert 5k word essay)
This is what I thought of Edgar Allan Poe’s “A cask of Amatillado”
Playlist: (Insert soft classic Music playlist on Spotify)
Tea: Black Currant
-Is a brand influencer as well
-The brand ambassador of this pretty well known semi-luxury skin care brand
-His devilgram? Perfectly made by his PR team which is just him and solomon
-Before I move onto the NSFW stuff I want to emphasize how Beautiful his instagram is and his aesthetic
-His aesthetic is romantic/sexual tension/Unparalleled beauty
-Also a make up brand influencer and has his own make up line
-something along the lines of “The Devil’s box of charms 🖤”
-The type to DG live whenever he’s just showing off the make up look he did or the outfit he got
-The house of lamentation may have PR packages stacking up due to how most of them have an online influence but out of 10 boxes 7 of them would be for Asmo
-Lemme tell you this...He has a specific drawer and space in his closet just for the sexy outfits he has.
-The demon’s onlyfans has pictures of him just teasing his audience where he’s wearing a black skintight get up and his bulge is showing
-Nudes are for mid and top tiers
-His fandom loves seeing in stocking and chokers
-“The choker is from etsy and here’s the link to their shop~”
-He doesnt completely show his body but...Him in suggestive clothing gets everyone pre cumming
-His fandom is just filled with simps 😔
-He loves them and blows a kiss towards the camera everytime he ends a live
-Probably has had a scandal or 4
-Posted an Ahegao once and everyone lost it
-Has been the face for Ahegaos ever since
-Belle delphine who?
-Definitely tik tok famous too 😎
-Has memorized all of Doja Cat’s songs
-Last post: “Hope you guys are ready for tonight’s session~ 😈” With a picture of him in an Fuchsia and black themed lingerie set. A collar with a bell on it.
-Bonus: One time Solomon summoned him while he was taking pictures and he was still in his lingerie set. 😛
-Was originally inspired by Mukbangs Channels so he did them on youtube too
-You get his Mukbangs on your recommended, You subscribe because of his cute and funny reactions whenever someone in the backgrounds is astounded to how much he’s eating
-Everyone knew beel as a cute guy who just does Mukbangs and loves to eat
-He once did a fridge raid and ended up eating everything in the fridge
-That was THE MOST CHAOTIC VIDEO on his channel cause you can just see luci and MC trying to make him stop
-He eventually got a patreon because mammon told him people will give him more money for food like that and to be honest he made a patreon but mammon takes care of it from time to time
-Oh you knew him as this sweet beautiful boy who just likes eating? hERe HavE sOmE WorKOUt pICs
-His body got everyone thirsty or may I say Starving
-S I M P S everywhere
-His patreon content is just him making small videos eating or pictures of him being all sweaty from the gym 😛💦
-“Eh? You should feed me instead” *opens his mouth*
-Fans send him lots of boxes of weird food to see his reaction sometimes
-Did the fire noodle challenge a bit late but everyone is surprised to how he isn’t giving the reaction like they expected him
-Spice tolerance? Unmatched
-His fandom is either “UwU Beel please eat try this!” Or “Daddy Please FEED US WITH YOUR DELICIOUS THIGHS! 😩🥵💦💦💦”
-He does the service where he sends you his body building pictures except he isn’t sending them, Mammon is.
-Manager Mammon 😎 Gets a half of the profit
-Can I just...BeelProbablyHasnevergottenintoanyscandalbuthasalotofhaterssayingthefansonlylikehimforhishandsomefaceandgreatbodyandnicevoicebutlikewhatiswrongwithlikinghimbecauseofthosethings?Itisntbadtolikethatstuffatall
-Last post: “🍙 Thank you to @(Your Username) for the Onigiri! I finished the whole batch! Please send more food”
-Sleep Guru
-Im sorry but I cant see him having any other social media aside from tumblr, twitter and Devilgram
-Belphie barely checks his phone but he has tumblr because apparently there’s a thing called the SandMan’s Box Community
-It’s like LootCrate, a subscription service that gives you stuff like Comfy Pillow sheets and tea for better sleeping
-This even gives you something like sleeping masks or ear muffs.
-The community is well...nocturnal
-His ask box is always full of his 100+ mutuals who just discuss stuff with him
-Whenever he actually does try to type online he makes articles about the best sleep positions or stuff like that
-His fandom is just loving mutuals who sleep and take care of each other
-They have a discord server where it just plays soft music to help everyone sleep
-Last post: “Humans aren’t so bad when they’re asleep”
||Luke and Simeon
-He has a big following on twitch where he just bakes sweets in his cute little hat and-
-Clearly you can tell I follow him on twitch
-The type of twitch streamer that no one hates on because why would you? He is literally just baking and cute comments
-Sometimes he streams with Simeon and everyone loves both of them
-When people give money they dont give “money” no no...they call donating headpats
-Luke is just so adorable that everyone just...
-“Angel Lulu’s Protection Squad⭐️”
-He got famous when he...He doesnt want to call it a collab but He made a lot of sweets and gave them to beel so everyone freaked out and thought
-He is now pissed that everyone thinks they’re friends 😠
-Basically his fans started making dishes and candy inspired by him
-Sometimes they send it in and Simeon has to confiscate some because
-“Im sorry, guys. You are all really sweet and I know that you mean well but Luke isn’t allowed much sweets yet”
-No one ever EVER lewds luke
-Fortunately Luke’s fandom has the least amount of pedophiles because everyone drives them away the moment they try something
-Whenever luke does fan mail/unboxing videos people just adore how Simeon places a glass of water at the table below the camera and the scissors or cutter he uses is child proof
-Even though Luke is the main person on his account everyone also notices Simeon.
-How couldn’t they? He looked like he wanted to make everyone in the audience live a better life
-Add that with luke’s wholesome baking and BOOM! You are now ready for a better life🌟
-Last post: It’s a picture of Luke shyly showing of his new batch of sun and moon shaped sugar cookies. “Sun and Moon. Tune in later at 3 pm to see how we made these!”
-He barely posts but he helps asmodeus with his stuff
-Too busy with anything else but helps out when things get interesting
-Proposes Ideas for Asmo sometimes when the demon doesn’t know what to wear for a live or a story
-Laughs at Asmo sometimes when he gets into scandals and drama
-Happy cameraman ❤️
-People follow him because 1.) He’s hot 2.) The fans ship him with Asmodeus
-Last Post: “When will you learn 🙂”
-He is a vlogger~ Not a very active vlogger but a vlogger nonetheless
-He films anything he can but he’s more known on tik tok and devilgram rather than twitch or youtube
-People have been thirsting for him ever since and no one can convince me that they dont just shamelessly call him daddy whenever he goes on live
-Barbatos makes sure however that whenever it isnt appropriate anymore that he would tell diavolo to turn the camera off
-Wranggled Luci into his mess and now everyone knows the face of that one dude who just reads documents
-Everyone lowkey ships them
-Diavolo is the type to take a picture of a big meeting or a retreat out of instinct to just document his life
-He actually didnt know about vloggers before but he just liked the thought of documenting it
-Everyone picks up “Master” vibes as they say from him hehehe
-He doesnt have an Onlyfans or patreon 😔😔😔
-I honestly would have subscribed to his services
-Last post: “Barbatos made a delicious meal for us at the retreat today” Along with a picture of the Beautiful Demon Delicacy Spread in the table.
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Taglist: No one yet (Please be part of the taglist for more content like this ☹️ It’s getting really discouraging)
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five-miles-over · 4 years
Heyyyy I saw you take requests for Willie, I'm so happy!!! we really lack fics with him. Could you please write an imagine (or HC ) about Willie needing comfort, he feels lonely, perhaps rejected and judged by most people around him and reader comfort him pretty please? can be pure fluff or end nsfw. Thank you so much and I really love your writing <3
Hi, @darknessisafriend ! Thank you so much for your request and your compliments (and thank you for your patience as well). I’m starting to enjoy writing for Willie, and I’d love to do it more often. Hope you like this fic, my friend :)
The Light Blinking at the End of the Tunnel
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Pairing: Willie Gutierrez x Reader
Warnings: swearing, mentions of violence, references to the film The Yards.
"I suppose you want to ask me why I killed him,"
You lowered your eyes while Willie took a large bite of a pizza slice, chewing slowly and glaring. Almost as if he dared you to say something back to him, knowing fully well that you weren't expecting him to get so defensive all of a sudden. The surprise was clear in your body language - the shortness of your breath, the partition of your lips, and the way your eyebrows curved - that you'd never even thought about how dangerous his past could possibly be.
Ever since the blackout a few months ago, when you'd accidentally knocked on Willie's door to borrow some candles, he had become your closest confidante, possibly your only ally in your new neighborhood situated the shady heart of the Bronx.
The two of you bumped into each other again in the hallway another morning after that fateful night. That time, you exchanged phone numbers and promised again to hang out sometime. At the time, you told yourself that he was just saying those things to be nice to you, that he couldn't really be serious about spending more time with you.
Much to your surprise, Willie showed up at your door the next Friday with a bottle of your favorite liquor - the one he saw you drinking when he came over to your place during the blackout - and a pack of beer for himself. From the scent of his breath, you could already tell that he'd already had a drink or two before coming over, but who cared? You had to give him points for the liquid courage.
After to let him inside, you and Willie spent the entire night talking, ranting about your horrible jobs, and laughing at the world. And soon enough, it became a tradition for you to spend Friday nights together. Even thought Willie eventually gained the zeal to go clubbing and try new places with strangers around town, you both had an implicit agreement to keep Friday nights reserved for each other.
And so today, like any other Friday night, you came over to his place carrying a box of pizza and some garlic bread with dipping sauces. That was always the arrangement between the two of you. Since you didn't have much to spend, one of you would always bring the food while the other brought the alcohol. It didn't matter who was hosting.
"Come on in." He joyfully opened the door, saying your name as if it were one of his favorite words or the way that a game show host would announce the winner. Willie hugged you tight, trying not to damage the food, humming contentedly. "Rough week?"
You nodded, entering his apartment. You had just begun telling him about your dreary week at the office when someone knocked at Willie's door. "Don't worry, I'll take care of it." He quickly told you before answering.
From the corner of your eye, you could see Willie and a man of almost equal height talking about something important. The smile that greeted you disappeared faster than the man could state the words 'New York Police Department', and Willie's eyebrows seemed to furrow with each word the man said after that.The man continued to inform Willie of something in a hushed tone, and curtly left when he was done.
"Who was that?" You asked absent-mindedly, turning to face Willie after he closed the door.
"No one. Could you maybe keep the fries on the table over there?"
You raised you eyebrow, wondering if he might've been referring to the garlic bread instead. "Willie…I didn't order any fries."
"Well maybe you should have!" Willie yelled.
Startled by his sudden raise in voice, you swallowed and went back to unboxing the food. "If you want fries, I'll go over to the place in Erben Avenue."
"No, it's too late. Just…forget this fucking thing ever happened."
Not wanting to push the matter any further, you put the food out as normal and began to help yourself. And Willie brought out the liquor he'd promised to get for the both of you. As the sun began to set, you tried to make small talk with him, asking about his week and whether his bathroom sink finally stopped leaking.
He answered you with short,  almost one-word answers. You didn't have to be a psychic to realize that he was still thinking about what happened earlier with the man. Normally, you would've tried your best to brush the whole thing off, but it was alarming to see your typically-enthusiastic, extroverted friend talk in short sentences. It had gone so far that Willie was barely looking you in the eye, almost as if he were speaking to the pizza instead of you.
"Okay, I'm going to ask you again. Who the hell was that guy?" You inquired with a hint of exasperation, "Because he seemed to take your tongue with him."
"You saw his uniform." He snapped back. "He was a policeman."
"What was he doing here?"
"That's none of your business. It's my apartment, and I can have whomever the fuck I want."
"Right." You sarcastically retorted, "Because it's your apartment, you just decided to invite a policeman over."
With a scoff, Willie took a large bite of pizza. "It's my parole officer." He muttered begrudgingly through a mouthful of dough and sauce. "That's not a damn policeman."
"You have a parole officer…" You did your best not to gasp loudly. Having a parole officer usually meant that a someone had a criminal record, possibly a heavy one.
"Yeah. Did some time years ago." Willie tried to remain casual as he confessed to you.
"What did you do…if I may ask?"
"Murder." He bit into his slice again, taking his time chewing and swallowing before speaking. "I suppose you want to ask me why I killed him,"
It was definitely tempting to try and get more information out of him. Whom did he kill? Was it family, was it a friend, was it a stranger? Could it be…could it be a former neighbor, one who lived in the place you live now?
Instead, you took a cue from his downcast, green eyes and his unprecedented silence. With a deep breath, you quietly responded to his statement. "No…I actually don't want to know why."
Taking it as a sign you  were pretty much done with him, Willie finished his pizza slice and stood up to open the door for you. When you asked him what he was doing, he told you that nobody like you should be in the same room as a murderer. That you were a decent person with a bright future ahead of you, deserving of much better than a convict for company.
You stood your ground and protested, saying that you weren't going to leave. Willie continued to persuade you to leave, saying that leaving him would be the best thing for you. And you still refused.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He punched the crumbling wall and cursed your name while a little blood trickled from his knuckles. "I just fucking told you that I'm a murderer…and you still can't take a fucking hint?!"
"Because you're my friend!" Slamming Willie's door, it was your turn to yell now. "You're my friend…"
He blinked in disbelief at your declaration, completely taken aback by this turn of events. "You see?!" Willie repeated, addressing your name. "You see your problem?! You see too much good. You fucking still see good, and that's why you've got to go. You've got to go before you get hurt."
Telling you to shut up, Willie turned away from you. With his back facing the door, he ran a hand through his thick, jet-black hair and muttered under his breath that he killed a rail yard master with a pocketknife and his girlfriend with brute force. The second case was a complete accident, but it left him completely alone.
"After she died, her stepfather - my boss - cut me off." His eyes began to sting with tears as he slumped onto the couch. "None of his guys offered to bail me out or vouch for me…I got out on parole after five years because I was good. I was good to the guards and all, not causing trouble or shit like the others. But…nobody 'xcept for my high school friend offered to get in touch with me or talk to me. I was pretty much alone, and thrown out here."
You gently placed a hand on his shoulder, sitting carefully near him. "Thanks for sharing with me, Willie," you whispered. "I…it really means a lot to me."
"I could hurt you too."
"Yeah…but you haven't." And it was the truth. Since you'd met him, Willie had been nothing but warm and loyal to you. Outside of your usual Friday night hang-outs,  he always said 'hi' whenever you passed by in the hallway, he offered to plunge your toilet when there was water trouble, and even taught you to haggle with the electricians when they tried to charge you too much to fix a bad outlet. He was like your 'knight in shining armor', always trying to help you and expecting nothing in return.
Sometimes, you even thought about asking him out on a date, maybe to see if something more could happen between the two of you. The only reason you hesitated for months to make a move was because of how good-looking and charming he seemed. There was no way that a guy like him could be available. None of the cute guys usually were.
"There's good in you, Willie. I've seen it for myself," You confided, rubbing circles on his back. "You told me yourself that it was good behavior that got you out of prison after five years. And I'm sure lots of others will see how good you are on the inside, just like I do."
"You don't have to be nice to me." He sniffed, giving you a tired glance.
"No, I don't,"You admitted. "But I want to be nice to you. Because you're nice to me." Closing your eyes, you wrapped your arms around Willie and inhaled the scent of fabric softener from his shirt. In return, he held your arms and accepted your hug.
"You're seriously the best thing in this goddamn place." Willie muttered with a sigh.
"You too, Willie." The two of you remained silent before he offered to let you spend the night, and maybe watch a movie after dinner was over.
"Fine," you agreed, promising to leave early so as not to give him trouble in the morning.
The truth was, after seeing how calm and accepting you were about his past, Willie wouldn't have minded you staying over until noon the next day...maybe even inviting you to have dinner with him again, somewhere nicer where the two of you could treat yourselves.
But all that was a bit far ahead. Right now, all Willie wanted was to enjoy the fact that there really was a light blinking at the end of the long, dark tunnel…and that he could see it sitting next to him on the couch.
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buddiewho · 4 years
What’s it to you?
*Long post ahead
There is something on my mind. It’s called Occam’s Razor. The definition I know is, or rather the interpretation in my head is, it’s a gray area, a fine line. So for example, when it comes to Buck and Eddie, I do believe they play right on the Occam’s Razor. The fact that they could be this or they could be that, riding that fine line, which one is true? 
Picture this and imagine you’re seeing jealous Buck:
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Option 1: Jealous Buck idea pushes the razor to the more romantic, buried feelings thing we Buddie clowns are thinking about. 
Option 2: If you don't view it that way, you could then simply see Buck maybe panicking because of his abandonment issues. For example, Buck’s reaction face becomes more like heyo Eddie doesn’t just get to so easily partner off with another firefighter outside the 118 like that [in this case being him or Hen as Eddie’s only option Buck accepts] until they finally ease into helping the 126 with these fires, Buck himself even. 
Option 3: We’re speculating our asses off no matter if you believe in option 1 and/or 2, and we do not yet know what’s going on in this scene...
Therefore we’re split down the razor’s edge. Then I also think of this video. The fact that Buck and Eddie fall under the “just let the bromos be homos?” category. They have the cooked up potential for something more and not to just remain a “healthy male friendship.” When we have proper queer representation in combination with “healthy male friendship” then we can talk about the latter. I’m trying to rack my brain for healthy male friendships, but I come back to that video and the laundry list of mlm couples in the just let the bromos be homos category. My brain wanted to say FinnPoe from Star Wars as a healthy male friendship, but then that’s still part of the same category and all I can hear is Oscar Isaac praising the notion that these two characters could be falling in love during wartime...but apparently Disney/the world isn’t ready for that...? 
The problem is I cannot think of any representation for healthy male friendships. I keep thinking Shawn Spencer and Burton “Gus” Guster from Psych, but even then there were definite issues surrounding their friendship...if you watched that show. Now, with that show I did believe that Shawn Spencer is bisexual, but I don't headcanon that his awakening happened with Gus. It just happened and he’s known about it for most of his life (like since 18 probably) and Gus knows it too. But again it’s never explicitly made so, it’s always hinted at though. Also, don't get started on Teen Wolf if you’re thinking about that one. I don't pay any attention and maybe it’s because I may not be seeking it out...but I cannot think of a single thing I’ve watched with healthy friendships, save for perhaps in Thor Ragnarok the trio that is Hulk/Banner, Thor and Valkyrie when they’re not fighting each other. Though, there is the case of Gary and Miranda in the BBC show called Miranda. They could’ve had a good run as just friends, but clearly it wasn’t unheard of to think of a hetero pairing starting off as just friends to become more, obvi. Back to 911...
As we teeter this Occam’s Razor, all I ask for is explicit admittance from Buck that he is bisexual. Just for him to say it to close friends and family.  For him to feel okay with the fact that he likes boys too. So yes, he has little or no experience, but he can’t help but feel attracted to men as well. Banking on the South America exploration/runaway to expound on this some more. That yes, Buck has known about his bisexuality and does know how he truly feels, but for whatever reasons he’s not ready to show/tell those true feelings to anyone else. For whatever reasons he had to build/hide behind the chaotic sex addicted punk persona that he named Buck 1.0. 
I also don't believe that everything needs to be boxed into a corner. 911 was the show that sparked a procedural TV drama to life and thus it created 911 Lonestar as a way to probably showcase a different state and how they handle these emergencies/fires. Who the hell knows, perhaps it’s just for more money? It’s just I don't think it’s a matter of 911 is the mostly “hetero show” whereas 911 Lonestar is “the show for the gays” because it has the canon gay couple. Well, for the record 911 also has a canon lesbian/gay couple; Hen and Karen. What I mean to say is that irl there are LGBT+ folk everywhere, therefore more of them can appear as characters in 911, or even in Lonestar as well. LGBT+ people live in CA and TX; sometimes 911 did the peripheral gay couples who found themselves caught in an emergency situation (the boy with the crush outside the coffee shop, that couple in which one of them had tapeworm and Buck nonchalantly just yanked that thing out...and then of course the older couple who were so graciously paralleled to Buck…). Oh, you can’t forget Josh in 911, who also seemingly thought Maddie was once setting him up with Buck. Also note it wasn’t written as Buck denying Josh on that thought. He just ran with it, no qualms, and we didn’t have some unnecessary “no homo” backlash which leaves room for us to say wait, a gosh darn minute? Are we still leaving room for Buck figuring something out and/or coming closer to accepting himself? Ps. It also wasn’t written for Maddie to decline the notion either. She of course jokingly said her brother wasn’t good enough for Josh and honestly, I think we got {Oliver playing} Buck as a bit offended by Maddie doing that. 
Buck is also a double edged sword. So is Eddie. You have two men presented as so strong, so masculine that the instant it’s thought they might like men, it’s damaging to their masculinity somehow. That’s called toxic masculinity which is something Buck and even Eddie occasionally fall into. I think they’ve definitely grown out of that with the help of others and each other even, but I think this is why us crazy shippers wanting Buddie and/or Buck revealed as bisexual is so jarring to others- Toxic masculinity? Fragility? The fact that if men like Buck and Eddie are viewed to be gay/bi then it hurts this notion of what it means to be a strong man. But let’s box it into a corner because 911 Lonestar is the gay show and thus we think less of the characters TK and Carlos because they are gay- not all equivalent in strength to the “healthy male friendship” that is Buck and Eddie? When in fact the four of these characters have similarities? TK and Buck are so very reckless, dive in no questions asked kind of thing and it seems to me that Eddie and Carlos would be the take orders kind of men. They will fall in line with the occasional reckless decision...so therefore they have more similarities than just the four of them belonging to the LGBT+ community...or regardless of if they do all belong in that community together- the whole point is that in real life the Buck and Eddie dynamic of a friendship (or the possibility of something more, as one or both characters coming to terms with their sexuality) exists in the same world with relationships that are similar to TK and Carlos’. So the two supposed bromos (just friends) exist in the same world as the homos...therefore unboxing the shows from their corners entirely.
Another thing that I think this thing around Buck is falling prey to, is that bi guys are just faking it. It’s one stop on the way to figuring out that “they’re actually just gay.” Except no that’s not the case with bisexuality. For some people, it could be, but from what I see with Buck it’s not that at all. He’s bisexual, that’s that. 
Also, most everyone thinks those who ship Buddie want Buck revealed as bisexual to only be with Eddie and to see two sexy men get it on. Honestly, 911 Lonestar did provide sufficiently with that, because them TK and Carlos scenes are downright drool worthy, but that’s not all I came for. Anyway, I clocked Buck as possibly bi in season 1- the full moon ep, where yes he’s getting closer to Abby, but damn does he get on well with that gay guy who had tapeworm. Well, shit. Then after Eddie’s introduction they go on to parallel Buck to that older gay couple...anyhow, it’s just why keep putting Buck in a queer space and then not run with that? Yes, sure there are strong straight allies to the LGBT+ community, but Buck doesn’t read heterosexual ally to me, it feels more like the LGBT+ community is where he belongs. I’d say Eddie Diaz belongs there too, but he’s like a mystery on this front. I think he understands his feelings/attractions towards men and he’d respond like yeah, sure, they’ve been there, but I haven’t done shit about them and I haven’t labelled them [gay/bi]. What’s it to you? And if eventually this involved Buck, he’d be like yeah, so I’m head over heels for that smart and lovable reckless idiot, what else do you want me to say?
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heartbreakgrill · 4 years
That Smile; Luke Hemmings, Pt. 3
description: feelings are being felt, songwriting is coming to an end, and the time is slipping by.
a/n: pt 4.
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“Calum, I actually fucking love this idea.”
Painted fingernails clenched a similar blue mechanical pencil, tapping relentlessly on a lined, worn out notebook. The studio was chilly, which was why you were wrapped up in a hoodie, zip-up jacket, fuzzy socks, and a blanket. Your legs were tucked underneath, sinking deep into the couch of the studio. Calum was slumped beside you with his own pen and paper. Michael was across the room from you, in a rolling chair, guitar in hand.
Ashton and Luke were in a different room, working through their own ideas. You decided it would be good to split groups up today. The dynamic needed to change, you had said, because its a Monday and we need to not let ourselves get into a phase. You’d chosen the groups, eager to work with one-half of the rhythm section and a killer guitarist. And, maybe, perhaps, you had put Luke into a different group because you were avoiding him.
It had been over a week and a half since that stupid party. You were ashamed, embarrassed, and so, so disappointed in yourself for getting emotionally drunk and crying in the arms of a client. Though it wasn’t obvious avoidance, Luke noticed. And he dished to Ashton, Michael, and Calum because he was also noticing growing feelings for you.
You had barely know each other for four months, but he knew he was getting too attached to your talent, pretty eyes, and bubbly personality. You reminded him of the good things in life, as weird as it sounded. He knew he couldn’t make advances without some kind of signal from you, which he couldn’t receive if you wouldn’t talk to him. And time was running out.
“Yeah? Thanks,” Calum replied, chewing on the inside of his cheek. He shared a glance with Michael, questions in his eyes, and Michael nodded. “Y/N?”
You hummed as you scribbled a few words, “Huh? Oh, how does, “I wont break your heart...Again! Can’t be another monster among men. No, that doesn’t work with the rhythm.”
Michael took over, “Y/N, why are you avoiding Luke?”
Luke liked your bubbliness, which shined through as you continued talking, “Are we going along with the counting idea? I like it being a reoccurring pattern, but kinda different each-“
“Y/N, c’mon,” Calum nudged her with his foot. “What happened?”
You suddenly stood up, notebook falling to the ground, pencil gripped so hard your knuckles turned white. “I’m getting coffee. I’m thirsty for coffee. Do you guys want coffee? Ill get you some coffee.”
They sat, shocked at how quickly you left the room, while you pushed open the door and sped to the break room. Your hand landed on the handle to the coffee pot before you could assess the room. Breath was short, eyes were bleary, and your stomach twisted in knots.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” Luke spoke from his spot at the table, sipping his own coffee. He didn’t care, in that moment, that you were ignoring him. He just cared if you were okay.
You took a deep breath and spun on your heel. “I’m sorry for ignoring you. I’m embarrassed and kinda scared and I’m not doing well, like, ever. When something like you happens, I get overwhelmed and step back. Its unhealthy, but its just what I do. I’m sorry.”
Luke stood up, approaching you with slow feet, “Woah, hey, its okay. It wasn’t that big of a deal. I was just afraid you were angry with me for the party.”
“Why would I be angry?” You looked up at him as your hand grasped the necklace on your throat.
“For holding you or giving you drinks or something. I’m sorry I let you get out of hand.” He shrugged.
You shook your head, the tears going away, “No, no. I needed it. I-“
You stopped yourself from spilling too much. Luke lightly grabbed your palm with his fingers, and he told himself it was friendly, the way your skin electrified and your eyes blew up. “You can trust me. I know we haven’t known each other long, but we’ve gotten to know each other pretty well. You can trust me.”
“Okay,” you took a deep breath. “Truth be told, I wasn’t just overwhelmed because of the whole songwriting thing. I was overwhelmed because my boyfriend broke up with me. It was a few weeks before that night, but I was letting it build. He said he hadn’t loved me in a while. And, I...I did love him. I do love him somewhat. It hurts so bad, but I haven’t had anyone because he...he was the only person I really knew here in LA. He was kinda controlling, so I didn’t have, like any friends when we moved here and he wouldn’t let me make them. So, I’m now in an empty apartment, with a bunch of unboxed boxes. And...”
Luke felt drawn away from it all. He couldn’t let himself love you in the first place, but even more so now. You were getting over someone, a fresh break up from two weeks ago. He would be a rebound, if you could even get yourself to touch someone else.
“Its okay,” he persisted, gulping the disappointment and chasing it down with another squeeze to your hand. “Keep going.”
“I got upset because I realized that, that night, a bunch of feelings were surfacing for somebody who wasn’t him. I wasn’t sad for a few hours and I let myself get infatuated with this stupid idea. I felt guilty and then I felt gross because its unprofessional to like a client. Its also impossible for it to work. I mean, I’m a slummy songwriter. Hes- Hes a rockstar.” You felt ashamed, letting your head hang low, and your eyes fall from his gaze.
Lukes own eyes lit up, pupils dilated with adoration, hope. The lump disappeared, instead replaced by this ungodly squeal that he couldn’t let out. This is it. Here it was, you liked-
“Calum,” You said it quickly, almost too soon for him to register and comprehend. “I-I like Ash-Ashton.”
He squared his shoulders, his jaw set, and the grip on your hand almost stopped the blood flow to his fingers. He realized he was tightening his hold, so he let up. The size of his eyes became small again, diluted with glistening tears.
Why did he left himself get hopeful? He couldn’t blame it on the fact that he barely knew you, you him. You’d gotten to know each other. Couldn’t blame you. You were human, going through receding heartbreak. Couldn’t blame Calum, who was clueless to the ideas. He could only blame himself for getting attached again, for getting this idea in his head of holding you, kissing you, loving you.
“Oh,” Luke didn’t let himself look disappointed. After everything, he couldn’t allow himself to look like a fool.
Your face fell at his reaction. “Yeah,” you quickly added. “Don’t tell him, or anyone. I dont think I want to, to be in a relationship. Right now, at least. Plus, I think he’s talking to somebody. Hes been writing hopeful love songs.”
He wasn’t. Those were Lukes ideas that Calum covered up because he knew his friend too well. He was protecting him.
You shared a chuckle. Lukes eyes tore from the cupboard above you, to the shapes of broken hearts in your eyes. He was sure they matched his own, but you couldn’t tell.
“I’m...here for you. If you need me, I’m here.”
You nodded solemnly, lifting yourself on your toes to wrap your arms around his shoulders. He cradled your waist, nearly reflexively nuzzling his head into your neck. You stopped yourself from kissing his cheek when you pulled away.
He walked you back the room, then back to his own area, already grabbing the pen he had abandoned and scribbling out a stupid sad song.
It was in the following weeks in which he found himself falling head over heels for you. The album was nearly done after almost six months, but you all knew there songs to be written. It didn’t feel complete to neither you nor the rest of the band. For Luke, it was because he didn’t have you.
What he had was moments. You laughing, leaning over your lap and your forehead crashing against his shoulder. You laughing, after a glance from Luke that was silly, after a joke Michael told, after a meme aum showed you. You, smiling, when Luke suggested a lyric, when he held open the door for you, handed you a cup of coffee. You, dancing, to a completed song you and him had written together one night after the boys left.
You had had an idea that day, but felt flushed out by the crazy amount of inspiration coming from every other person in the studio. Luke noticed you lingering behind when everyone walked out and decided to stay, too. You ordered in Chinese food, got carried away and discussed your star signs.
When you finally bid goodbye in the parking lot, Luke was lingering over your car door like that day he invited you to the party. When he finally slipped off to his car, he sat there for a moment and Googled something. He discovered your star signs were compatible.
The song was finished, lyrics wise. Neither of you were talented with the rhythm section, and the next week was spent with Calum and Ashton, writing and rewriting. A week after that, it was recorded.
You pressed play on the track, immediately bouncing up and down to the song, “Meet You There.” Luke already loved it when you wrote it, but watching you dance around, watching you as you pulled him off the couch and spun him around, he realized it was favorite song. Ever.
But, then you wiggled over to Calum, pulled him up in a similar movement. Calum grabbed your waist, dancing with you across the room. When he lifted you over his shoulder and spun in quick circles, Luke found himself frowning. He fell onto the couch, the soundtrack of the song and your heart-wrenching giggles like a depressing movie staple.
Luke had moments of you and Calum engrained in his memory. Calum offering his lap for you to put your legs, offering to grab you and Luke cups of coffee because he, “was thinking of getting one, too.”
Calum, taking silly selfies with you, singing your name funnily through the microphones whenever he was recording a part. Calum writing a song about you, albeit a twenty second bass line with your name and your personality the lyrics.
Luke had written you songs. Of course he had. He hadn’t shared them, but still. Why won’t you jump up from your spot on the floor, wrap your arms around his neck, kiss his cheek?
Why won’t you look to him when you’re cold, take his hoodie instead of Calums? Why wont you get a ride from him to the restaraunt for dinner? Why won’t you ruffle his hair, call him your best friend, wrap your arm around his bicep in a drunk haze? Why won’t you ask him for help on a specific song lyric?
Maybe you did these things with him a few times, but you won’t let it last long, as if you were purposefully pulling away. Luke didn’t want you to. He wanted to wrap his hoodie around you, pull on the sleeves, pull you into his chest. He wanted to grip your thigh, dance in the drivers seat as you bounced in the passenger side, hair fluffing in the wind. He wanted to steal a kiss when you stood on your toes to ruffle his hair, call you his girlfriend, not just his friend, carry you in his arms when drunk, write love songs with. Entire albums.
Why won’t you love him? He wanted to love you.
He wrote a song that night, a sad song with an upbeat tempo so he could disguise himself from the tears. A song about running, something he couldn’t wait to do when this was over. About letting the sky carry him to home, to actual good things he could have. Away from you and your stupid beautiful light.
In the moments when Luke was longingly staring after you, you were forcing yourself. You forced yourself towards Calum, made your heart gravitate to his own. At first, you knew you were using him when you asked for rides, held onto him, leaned close so he could smell your perfume.
He saw past the charade, sat you down for dinner, forced you to spill your guts. After that, you weren’t purposefully making Calum like you. After that, you were becoming close with Calum, using his friendship to make your aching heart feel better. You didn’t even know Luke was hurting in the first place. You were afraid to admit that he was the one you were talking about, scared he’d be weirded out or confused. So, you said Calums name.
You had your own moments. Lukes laugh when you told him a story from high school, when Michael was caught playing video games instead of writing, when Ashton would pick you up and slam you down on the couch. His eyes, lighting up when he finished a lyric, plucked a particularly satisfying chord on the guitar.
His smile. His smile when he said good morning, good night, and goodbye. His smile when you showed him a new dress you bought, his smile when you wore it the next day. His smile when you told him you bought a couch, his smile when he helped you set it up. His smile when you finished unpacking and told him excitedly. His grin when you told him you burned the last photo of your ex, when you sent his clothes to Goodwill. His grin when he saw your phone on a Pinterest hair style, when he said it would look pretty on you, when you wore it the next day proudly.
You wrote a song that night, a sad song about unrequited love. Slow piano music highlighted its soft notes. It wasn’t a song for anybody but you, something to get you through it all when this was over. When you wouldn’t see Calum, let alone Luke, when you were done.
They would forget about you. He would forget about you. You were sure of it.
If only your compability would help you turn your faces, so he could see those eyes light up, and you could see that smile.
TAG LIST: @oopsiedoopsie23
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bwayfan25 · 4 years
ER Appreciation Week Day 7: Free Space
This is based off of something Annie tells Susan during one of their very first conversations in the “matriarchs” AU, which takes places approximately twenty-three years before this scene does. (More notes at the bottom.)
r/wholesome posted fourteen hours ago
After 29 years, my sister finally has a doll like her
[Transcript: A group of people are sitting around a dining room table. They have just eaten dinner. The camera is focused on a White woman with freckles and red hair sitting at the end of the table just to the camerperson’s right. There are two wrapped gifts in front of her, one large and one small.
Young woman: - get two presents. You must really like me. [Glances at the camera, does double take] Are you recording this?
Sister #1 who is behind camera (off-screen): Maybe
Mom #1 (off-screen): You have to open the one on the bottom first. 
The young woman unwraps the gift. It is a long rectangular brown box with the remnants of Amazon tape on it. The woman opens it and looks confused. She pulls out a Felicity Merriman American Girl doll. The doll has red hair, which is in two braids, and is wearing a 1700s green dress.
Young woman: My Felicity doll? Uh… thanks? But I don’t know if it counts as a gift if I already own it. Not to mention I’m pretty sure that I asked for her for my ninth birthday, not my twenty-ninth birthday.
Mom #2 (off-screen): We found her in the basement when we were cleaning last month. 
Mom #1 (off-screen): And given how long you begged us to get her for you, you’re taking her home with you. 
Sister #2 (partially off-screen): Plus you need her so you understand the second part. 
The young woman glances back at the camera, her brow furrowed in confusion. She rolls her eyes. 
Young woman: You are recording this, aren’t you?
Sister #1 (off-screen): Yes, I am. Now open your box.
Young woman: [glancing at camera out of the corner of her eye] Should I do an unboxing video? Like an American Girl unboxing video? [Beat] Should I greet YouTube first?
Mom #1 (off-screen): Annalise, just open it.
Young woman: Alright, alright. [muttering] Just ruin my fun.
The young woman unwraps the gift. The camera can’t see what it is, but once she sees what it is, she looks like she’s going to cry. Her hand flies to her mouth. She looks down at it and then up at her moms off-screen and then back down.
Sister #1 (off-screen): [softly but happily] What’d you get, Annie? Annie, what’d you get?
Younger woman: [through tears] It’s-it’s-it’s… crutches. For… For the...
The young woman’s words are cut off as she is crying now. She picks up the gift with shaky hands and then holds it up to the camera. It is an American Girl accessory box with a wide maroon border and blue and pink stars. Through the clear plastic in the front, you can see two doll-sized forearm crutches with light blue bodies and gray cuffs.  
Mom #1 (off-screen): [Also clearly crying] We never stopped looking for them. As-as far as we can tell, Barbie still doesn’t make them. But we saw those in the window when we were walking down the Mile and we… we had to get them. 
The young woman nods. She’s still crying. 
Sister #2 (off-screen): Come on, Annie. Open them up. Put them on her! The young woman nods and wipes at her eyes. She stands the Felicity doll up on the table in front of her. She opens the accessory box and puts the crutches on the doll, but as soon as she does, she starts crying even harder. You can see Mom #1 pass through the shot behind her and then wrap her arms around the young woman from behind. 
Young woman: [through her sobs] She… she looks… She looks like me.  The young woman continues to cry but it’s happy tears. A couple seconds pass and she reaches out to the doll. She shakily turns it towards the camera. 
End transcript]
EDIT: WOW!!! When I posted this here (with Annie’s permission), we did not think that it would get so popular. Thank you all for your positive comments. In our opinion, these are the kind of videos about disability we should be seeing on r/wholesome instead of inspiration porn-type stuff fueled by ableism and “overcoming your disability.”
That being said, we want to reiterate that, while this is heartwarming, it only proves why representation matters!!! It shouldn’t take until someone turns 29 to have a doll or a character or even leaders that look like them. Kids (and grownups too!) of all colors, genders, sexualities, abilities, religions, etc., deserve to see themselves in toys and media. Shout out to American Girl for always having a lot of diversity in their dolls and books, so that kids can learn about different backgrounds and experiences in age-friendly ways. 
After this video was filmed, we went down to the basement to dig out our other American Girl stuff. Apparently our moms still had my doll (Kit) and our younger sister’s doll (Molly) too, as well as all the stuff we had for them. We had a lot of fun for the rest of the afternoon playing with them for the first time in probably ten to fifteen years. 
Thank you all again for your kind words! When I told Annie how popular this had gotten and that I was going to write an edit note, she insisted that I also share the picture she sent to me later that day. 
[Picture ID: Annie, the young woman from the video, stands in her living room with her Felicity doll. Felicity is wearing an American Girl soccer uniform with a white jersey, purple shorts, and pink socks. She has her forearm crutches on. Annie is wearing her purple Northwestern University women’s soccer uniform with purple jersey, shorts, and socks. She is using one yellow and black forearm crutch in her right hand. A matching one hangs from her left arm as she holds up Felicity to the camera. Annie is smiling broadly with excitement.]
* * *
This was borne out of two things: 1) The headcanon knowledge that Kerry Weaver would never stop searching for doll crutches for Annie even long after Annie got too old to play with the dolls, and 2) My being tired of ‘heartwarming’ viral videos about disability that are really just ableist. In my opinion, something like this would actually be heartwarming, while also actively calling out the ableism that makes something like this take over twenty years. Like ‘this is nice and shows we live in a different world, but also why did it take this long for this to happen?’ I feel like that’s definitely something Kerry would point out and it would be something she would teach her children to do as well (and not just about ability).
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haro-whumps · 5 years
Box Boy Order Form
(Inspired by @shameless-whumper and @sweetwhumpandhellacomf
CW: slavery, brainwashing, dehumanization, implied noncon)
Ren knew, Ren knew that the reason companies sent out free products to popular youtubers was to get fans to buy said products. Ren knew that. And they absolutely hated that it was working. They loved Host, they’d been an avid follower since well before Colton had entered the picture, but nooooow. 
It wasn’t like they couldn’t. Ren was a real momma’s-child, and had the vast depths of her pockets at their disposal, plus the job they’d inherited--pardon, utilized their connections in order to acquire--paid well. And the way Host played with Colton, it just looked so… terribly fun.
So here Ren was, staring down a couple different websites, filtering their searches and scrolling through half-mindlessly, @just-horrible-things‘ unboxing video playing as a quiet form of background noise. Ren had been consuming all sorts of Box Boy unboxing videos ever since Host had done it, and it just made the itch of want worse and worse.
They almost scrolled past him.
It was the hair, hilariously enough, that made them double take, scrolling back up so the top half was re-exposed on their screen, and then they just stared, disbelieving, for a long moment, eyes locked on the image. That was Soren. Ren clicked on the thumbnail and clicked through the pictures, zooming in on the birthmark on his jaw. That was definitely Soren.
Sweet Soren, gentle Soren, darling precious Soren who’d had a hard time of it when they were teenagers. Soren had always been so nice to everyone he met, with the most beautiful long hair, a sort of dusty gold, and heavy freckles. He’d never been proud, either, he’d never called the nice things Ren did for him charity or rejected their generosity like those other washed-up, penniless nobodies. Soren had always been grateful and thankful and sweet.
Ren had tried, really really tried, back when they were teens, but they’d been fumbling, their efforts graceless and new. They’d tried their hand at manipulating Soren, but it never seemed to stick. He’d put up with Ren’s gentle teasing and playful roughhousing, but always called Ren out whenever he felt they’d pushed too far, and trying to guilt him with how nice they’d otherwise been never worked. He’d been… too secure. Poor and a little underfed, but still confident that he’d have a warm home to go back to that night with a nice family, nice like him. Ren had never gotten him eating out of their palm like the brown-nosers and the toads. And when Ren had blown their lid when he cut his hair, he’d cut them off. 
Oh, but Soren wasn’t so secure now, was he? He, ha, he wouldn’t even remember who Ren was! Oh that was perfect! A second chance. But this time, he’d love them the way they deserved, he would adore them, them exclusively. He’d grow his hair out as long as they wanted him to, nothing like the short and charming mockery staring up at them from the promotional photographs. 
They put their name and credit card down on his profile the moment they stopped being shocked by that cute little birthmark, and went into the customization options.
“You don’t get to reject me this time…” Ren muttered to themself, indicating that they wanted the processors to make him grow his hair out nice and long. They probably had products that promoted hair-growth?
I’d like it if you could make him, I guess touch-starved is a good word? Clingy? Needy! Needy’s the word. I want him hanging off of me. Sweet and doe-eyed, yeah?
They opened each photograph in a new tab, and saved them to their computer. They didn’t hit buy just yet, didn’t want to send off the customization requests before they’d had a chance to specify everything.
Eager and accommodating would also be nice, though I’m sure I can train that myself if you feel like that’s going to take up too much time. But then again, I’m not exactly in a rush.
It was true, Ren hadn’t seen sweet Soren in years, but they weren’t in any hurry. They wanted this to be perfect. They pulled up Host’s unboxing video with little fawnish Colton, who didn’t even have his name yet in that one. They’d seen it a dozen times, but now they were watching it like it was a rehearsal. Soon, they’d be doing this with Soren, and he would be their Soren.
They weren’t a youtuber, personally, but Ren thought about all the unboxing videos they’d been watching and decided to order a high quality camera while they were in a spending mood. They wanted to immortalize the moments when Soren first came to them. Ren also searched for subtle “elf on the shelf” type nannycams, but discreet. They didn’t actually want Soren to know that they were recording him, that they’d be saving the footage, watching his every move, keeping it like a dragon with its hoard. They found some cute decorative pieces, the camera holes so small or seamlessly integrated into the design that Soren would never know. Plus the items themselves were cute. Ren had been thinking of adding some more decoration to their home, anyway. They hit order.
I know you keep yourselves to stringent standards of ethics, and I of course would never doubt that. But if you feel like you need to, I won’t mind if you rough him up a little during training. It might make him even more grateful to be owned by me, haha! Don’t tell him I said that though ;)
The playlist automatically went to “First day with my box boy” and Ren watched it, nerves alight. They watched Host strike Colton, their own breath catching and a pleasant little shiver crawling up their spine, imagining doing that to Soren. They would be doing that to Soren, soon. They wondered what number Soren would have, but discarded the thought. It would never matter.
Could you also please make sure he doesn’t remember his old name, at all? I know sometimes your pretty box boys have foggy memories, at least the quick turnarounds do, but I would like mine to be as blank as possible.
Host went over the positions with Colton, and Ren’s mouth watered. They’d get a whole booklet of positions they could just say and Soren would do them. When Ren told Soren position twenty-three, would he flush and hesitate? Would he smile and duck his head, loose lock of hair falling over his left eye, like how he used to do when Ren bought him roasted almonds or offered to share their fleece when it got unexpectedly cold out?
What had happened to Soren? Sure, he’d never been well-off, but it was hard to imagine life getting so hard for sweet, precious Soren that he would sign himself over to who-knew-what. He could’ve always come crawling back to Ren! They would have forgiven him for acting unreasonable, just because they got mad. He could’ve been their pet and kept his memories, if he’d only asked.
Well, too bad, Soren. He was a pet now, and people that used to know him knew. One person specifically, knew, and now, he would be theirs.
Submit order.
They grinned, and clicked.
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rainandhotchocolate · 5 years
Christmas Day
A/N Here is some pure sirius x reader fluff, spending their first christmas together :)))) Enjoy lovelies!! 
Y/N blinked in the light coming through the window beside their bed. The snow outside had made it blindingly white and it took a second before Y/N could properly see what was sitting in front of her.
“Merry Christmas!” Sirius was sitting on the bed in front of her, holding a large tray of food in on his knees.
“Merry Christmas! What is all this?” Y/N sat up carefully to avoid accidentally hitting the tray and pushed the pillows up so that they could lean against the back wall.
“Well I remember you telling me that your mum used to always make breakfast for you Christmas morning, and I wanted to thank you for spending it with me instead.” He smiled at her, the one he saved for when they were alone, when he was certain he wasn’t about to be mocked mercilessly by the boys.
“Well, it’s not like there’s anywhere else I’d rather be,” Y/N smiled back at him, feeling his arm curl around her waist to lean in and give her a soft kiss. He tasted like maple syrup and coffee.
“Sampling the goods already?”
“Well you were asleep for ages,” Sirius winked, sliding beside her and back under the covers, placing the tray on top of their legs. There was a large array of plates, a stack of pancakes, a bowl of strawberries, blueberries, and apples, toast with butter, orange juice, and two mugs of coffee.
“Well it’s not my fault you had James over until 4am last night,” Y/N rolled her eyes, feeling her mouth drool at the sight of the food. He remembered
Sirius had found her about a few weeks before Christmas sitting on the roof of her apartment. Marlene had shown him up, having not been able to get her down for 4 hours, and he’d joined her on the roof for another 30 minutes without speaking. She knew that Christmas would be hard. Her mum had loved it, spent weeks decorating the house and setting up the Christmas tree, going shopping for their cousins and Y/N. It was the first holiday without her.
“What are you thinking about, love?” Sirius was watching her, and tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear.
“Mum,” Y/N said shortly. If she spoke too much about her it still made her feel like she was choking. “She would have loved this.”
“Yeah?” Sirius smiled, “Well good, I do not want to be disappointing as the new Christmas organiser.”
“Oh, you organise Christmas now?” Y/N snorted, piling on pancakes and fruit onto a plate. Sirius followed suit, pouring a large amount of maple syrup onto his pancakes, barely missing the sheets.
“Yep, I have taken it into my care, you will never be without an incredible Christmas day,” Sirius placed his hand over his heart, his face in mock sincerity. Y/N laughed loudly but felt a warmth come up into her stomach.
“Oh man, I almost forgot!” Sirius shuffled slightly and pulled out his wand, flicking at the record player sitting in the far corner of Sirius’ room. The soft melody of Frosty the Snowman began to play through the room, making Y/N immediately chuckle.
“What is this?”
“Just a cheeky record of classic muggle Christmas songs.” Sirius’ grin seemed to cover his whole face, crinkles forming in the sides of his eyes and mouth.
“I just… I fucking love you,” Y/N laughed at his boyish expression and dug into her food. After they’d finished breakfast and Y/N had persuaded Sirius out of a food fight, Sirius picked up the tray and moved it off the bed so that they could get jumpers on to go downstairs.
“No, no no no, you have to wear this one,” Sirius was rummaging around his closet, his head deep in a pile of unfolded clothes.
“I don’t even remember the last time I left a jumper here,” Y/N raised an eyebrow, watching him continue to search, muttering to himself. If Y/N was honest with herself she might have also been watching his ass move around in front of her.
“Aha!” Sirius pulled up suddenly, spinning around and holding up an oversized dark green sweater. It had an embroidered image of a pug on the front who was covered in sparkling Christmas lights and had embroidered lettering above saying “Merry Pugmas!”
“Oh my god,” Y/N stared, eyes wide, at the jumper momentarily before bursting into laughter. “What on earth is that! Where did you find it?”
“At some vintage store that James showed Lily! We charmed the lights to sparkle.” Sirius thrust it forward to Y/N, “And I request that you must wear it during present time.”
“I honestly want to wear this, this is the most quality bad Christmas jumper I’ve ever seen.”
“Bad, Bad!” Sirius looked affronted, placing a hand to his head, “That’s it, you can’t have it now.”
“You are the most melodramatic person I have ever met.” Y/N rolled her eyes and pulled it away from him, putting it on quickly before he could take it back. “Too late punk!”
“Never too late,” Sirius’ eyes twinkled mischievously as he stalked forwards, grabbing Y/N around the waist and picking her up, throwing her carefully onto the bed and tickling her around the stomach
“Ahhh… stop! Stop!” Y/N cackled loudly as he grinned at her, pulling away so he still had his arms around her head, hands spread across the sheets. Y/N looked up at him looming over her and felt her heart skip a beat. As if he knew, his lip curled and he leaned down to kiss her softly, parting his lips and pressing them harder to hers.
“Presents?” Y/N grinned at Sirius as he pulled away.
“Definitely.” Sirius took each of Y/N’s hands and pulled her upright, leading her out of the bedroom and into the living room. There was a large fake Christmas tree standing next to Sirius’ fireplace, which had been decorated by Sirius and Y/N a week earlier and had ended with them both covered in marshmallows and naked on the rug.
There was a large stack of presents underneath the tree and Sirius slipped ahead of Y/N in order to grab some egg nog and bring it into the living room for the unwrapping. He poured Y/N a large glass and sat on the rub, crossed legged, looking ridiculously eager.
“Ok, you go first.” He took a sip of egg nog and passed Y/N a present from her stack. Y/N smiled, getting increasingly excited as she started to unwrap the present in her lap whilst Sirius watched.
“Oh my god!” Y/N gasped as she took out the gift. It was a small pendant that had a large black dog inside, tongue out and bounding around playfully. “It’s beautiful, Sirius.”
“I know you’ve been worried with me gone on missions a lot of the time, this way you’ll always know I’m safe.” Sirius had bowed his head, looking abashed. Y/N reached over and took his chin in her hand, lifting it up and kissing him.
“It’s the best present I’ve ever gotten.” Y/N lifted it from the box and clasped it around her neck. “Ok, your turn.”
Y/N found her present and pulled it out for Sirius to unwrap. He grinned at her, tearing at it impatiently, finding a large packaged box.
“Holy shit is this…?” Sirius lifted it up, checking every side of it. Y/N nodded, relief washing over her when she saw his smile get a little wider.
“Yep, magical tattoo kit, pre-charmed.” Y/N watched him unbox it and feel around the edge of the needle and boxes of ink.
“This is the best! It’s my dream to do my own tattoos!”
“I know, you dork, you’ve been talking about it for like four years.”
He beamed at her, putting the box aside and jumping on top of her, giving her a hug, peppering kisses along her cheek and neck.
“I’m glad you like it,” Y/N giggled, leaning her neck back to give him more access. He sat up, still beaming at her.
“Let’s get to the rest of them, I think I can smell fudge.”
They spent the rest of the morning unwrapping gifts and drinking the majority of Sirius’ eggnog. Remus had sent both of them books on advanced defensive and dark spells,  Peter a dog collar for Sirius and leash for Y/N, and Lily sent large baked treacle tart and fudge as well as a huge patch of healing potions and a cashmere sweater for Y/N. James had sent Sirius a miniature working Quidditch pitch with mini players that flew where you told them to go, and Y/N had to stop him from playing for the next two hours, and sent Y/N a set of golden chess with a note prepare to be destroyed.
Soon it was time to get dressed to go over to Lily and James’ for Christmas lunch, and they walked upstairs slowly, Sirius playing with Y/N’s hand.
Y/N pulled off her pyjamas, reaching for the dress she had set out for the day when Sirius wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against his bare chest.
“You’re beautiful, you know that?”
“I do, you like to inform me regularly,” Y/N smiled, leaning back into him.
“Well I just wanted to make sure you were aware.”
“That’s very kind of you,” Y/N twisted herself around in his arms so she could face him, looking up at his deep grey eyes, dark curls falling into his face as he met her gaze. He leaned down and kissed her forehead slowly, rubbing his hands along her back.
“I kind of wish we could spend all day just the two of us,” Sirius placed a hand by Y/N’s chin and rubbed his thumb against her cheek. Y/N leaned her face into him, closing her eyes and letting out a soft sigh.
“I think Lily would stab us.”
“Oh, she definitely would.” Sirius laughed and took a step back, his hands still on her waist. He gave her a sweeping look, sighing exaggeratedly before reaching behind and throwing Y/N’s dress at her.
“Put that on before I go insane,” Sirius shook his head, turning to get his clothes as well. Y/N rolled her eyes but couldn’t stop smiling whilst she put on her dress, getting Sirius to zip it up. He watched as she pulled up her tights, poking her tongue out at him as he groaned and clapped loudly.
“You’re a complete idiot.” Y/N gave Sirius a soft shove as she put on her boots and followed him out of the room.
“Well then you're an even bigger idiot for loving me.” Sirius shrugged, moving to the fireplace and grabbing a handful of floo powder. “You ready?”
Y/N nodded stepping into the fire behind him.
“The Potter Residence,” Sirius called loudly, throwing the floo powder down, a flash of green flame licking at their feet. As Y/N felt the sucking sensation as she was about to be sent across to another fireplace Sirius grabbed her hand and squeezed tight.
Taglist:  @averytruerayofsunshine @siriuslyjanhvi  @blushingskywalker @blackpinkdolan @thebabblingbookworm @cherrie511  @imlukesnirvana​ @avengersassemblee​ @maraudersandco​ @sly-vixen-up2nogood​ @katbernoulli @sirius-lysad​  @evyiione​ @minerva26love​ @aikeia​  @gollyderek​ @greatwombatblaze​  @songforhema​  @your-typical-giggle @myownviperroom @hermionie-is-my-queen @demiwitch527
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Bookshop AU + The Missus and the Ex for Galadrilake?
Blinky is in the back room unboxing some new stock when he hears the bell above his shop door jingle.
“Be right out!”  He places a stack of books down on a shelf, wipes his brow, and stands up.  “Feel free to browse!”  He calls over his shoulder.  Blinky brushes his hands off on his pants.  There’s not much else to do here.  He’ll record the new stock on the computer tonight and then get the books out on the shelves tomorrow before opening.  One perk of being his own boss; he gets to decide his own schedule.
Footsteps approach the back room and a hand knocks gently on the open door.
“Hello, Mr. Blinky.”  Barbara Lake pokes her head in the room.  She smiles and Blinky’s heart skips a beat.  He dismisses the feeling.  It’s no use to dream about such things.  
“I had some free time,” Barbara continues.  “I thought I’d stop by for a visit.”  She looks around at the opened boxes and the stacks of books on every surface in the room.  “If you’re busy, I can come back another time?”  She takes a step back.
“Oh no, don’t mind all this.”  Blinky waves a hand dismissively at the books.  “I’m due for a break anyway.  Though, I’m afraid I don’t have the next installment of the Hidden Trolls Saga in yet.”  He approaches Barbara.  “I did, however, set a few other things aside for Jim that I believe he’ll absolutely enjoy reading.”  Blinky looks over her shoulder.  “Is he out in the shop?”
“Err, no, Jim isn’t with me today,” Barbara starts.  “He’s at a friend’s for a sleepover,” She adds hastily, while not making eye contact.  “We’ve never really talked, you and I, just the two of us.  I thought, that is, if you don’t mind…no, I’m sorry, you probably don’t have the time.  I should go—” she steps away.
“No.”  Blinky reaches after Barbara.  He hesitates before grabbing her arm.  He knows how pushy her ex used to be.  “I was going to put on a pot of tea anyway,” he tells her.  “And, I’d love the company.”
“Alright.”  Barbara smiles again, and Blinky’s heart takes the liberty of skipping another beat.
Blinky goes and makes tea in his apartment above the bookshop.  While she waits, Barbara meanders through the labyrinthine aisles of shelves.  When Blinky comes back downstairs with teapot and cups on a tray, he catches sight of Barbara running her fingertips over the spines of the tomes in the Romance section.
Huh, he’d never take her for that sort of reader.  Then again, for all the times she’s visited his bookshop, Barbara’s never picked anything out for herself.  The first time she came in, it was due to her hoping to find a delightful tale to read to Jim so he could fall asleep at night.  That was a couple years ago now, and Barbara has never strayed from focusing on her son since.
Blinky pauses midway down the stairs.  He makes a mental note to learn precisely what sort of book Barbara would enjoy and ensue she walks out with it that day.  Then, he approaches her.
They settle to drink their tea in their favorite set of big, comfy armchairs situated by the one of the large windows at the front of the store.
It’s a slow, sunny afternoon.  No one else enters the shop.  For once, Blinky’s glad.  Sure, he needs business from other patrons too, but, getting the chance to just sit with Barbara and talk with her, it’s…well, it’s lovely.
Barbara is clever, witty, and attentive.  And, of course, she does that thing to Blinky’s heart that makes it flutter.  Blinky doesn’t dare think that there can be anything more between them.  He’ll simply cherish their friendship, and the wonderful moments between them that happen like these.
But, great gronka morka, the way the sunlight filters down upon her hair, almost making it shine, and the dazzling, hypnotizing blue of of her eyes…
“Blinky, Blinky are you alright?”
He really needs to focus, Blinky knows that, but he can’t.
Someone walks in the shop.  
“Barbara?  I knew that was you I saw in the window—”
The man has a ruggedly handsome look going.  Unlike Blinky, he’s not comfortably chubby.
And, just like that, the moment is ruined.
“—But I didn’t want to believe you’d be caught dead in a boring, old place like this,” the man goes on, ignorant of the discomfort he’s causing the proprietor of the shop.
Barbara presses her lips together.  “I, errr…James, what are you doing here?”  She asks the man, James, with an unreadable expression on her face.
“Just out running errands.  You know, same old, same old.”  James shrugs and grins.  “I was thinking, it’s been a while and I’m not the same guy I was back when we were together and—”
Barbara cuts him off with a long sigh.  She pinches the bridge of her nose, closes her eyes, and then opens them.  “How old is Jim?”
“How.  Old.  Is.  Our.  Son.”  Barbara pauses for emphasis after each word.  She looks up and glares at her ex.  “Tell me, or have you forgotten like you did his birthday?”
James sputters, “I, what, no, I came in here to see you.”
“I know.  And I thought I made it clear at our divorce proceedings that we are through, but you clearly haven’t matured enough to recognize what’s right in front of your face.”  Barbara stops to glance at Blinky a long second, and then turns her attention back to her ex.  “I am in the middle of a date, which I’d like to finish without you ruining, so kindly leave before I kick you out not-so-kindly.”
“Fine!”  James throws up his hands.  “I didn’t want to sleep with you that much ANYWAY!”  He storms out of the bookshop and slams the door.
Barbara sighs again.  She looks at Blinky and cringes.  “…sorry.  If I’d known he’d show up here, I would have…I honestly don’t know what I would have done, but I’m sorry you had to witness that.”
“Don’t worry about it.”  Blinky leans forward.  He takes one of her hands between his and gives it a comforting squeeze.  “I’m sorry you still have to deal with him.”
How such a sweet boy like Jim could ever be related to such a person is utterly confounding, Blinky thinks, but doesn’t say.
“So.”  Barbara purses her lips.  “About that part where I told him we’re on a date, would you like to go out with me on a real one this Friday night?”
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17mounteens · 6 years
Birthday blushes (Jihoon)
10k drabbles 💕
"I like your laugh."  + "Happy birthday." + any type of skinship except kiss
A knock on your front door made you jump, and you quickly took a glance at yourself from the mirror before opening the door, revealing your boyfriend Jihoon.
“Hey,” he grinned, holding a cake box in his hands. “You look good,” he said in visible awe and stepped in. “You too,” was the only answer you could come up with in the moment. 
Chills coursed through your body as he gently grabbed your waist with his free hand as he walked past you after taking his shoes off. Somehow, you weren’t prepared for his touch and his slightly flirty mood.
“Where can I put this?” He asked but quickly found a spot for the cake himself before you could give him an answer.
“You remembered,” you said happily when you followed him to the kitchen, trying to get your composure back. It was your birthday today and although he had promised to take you out for dinner later during the week, you didn’t expect him to remember the actual date your birthday was on due to his busy schedule.
“Of course I did,” he said with a proud grin. You smiled happily and felt your cheeks with your hands - still hot after his lingering touch on your waist. However, you couldn’t hide your blushed cheeks for long when Jihoon gently brushed a strand of hair behind your ear to get a better look at you.
“You’re blushing?” He said with a surprised, slightly teasing tone. You sighed and switched the subject back to the cake and how you should take it out of the box. To avoid the conversation of your blushing even further you sat down on the kitchen dining table and unboxed the cake in front of you.
“You’re so cute, you know that?” Jihoon said after a moment of silence, moving to stand behind you. You blushed even harder but to your luck, he couldn’t see your expression.
“I don’t know about that,” you mumbled, followed by an awkward laughter that came involuntarily from your mouth. You put your hands on top of your mouth, starting to giggle at your unexpectedly stupid laugh. “What was that?” Jihoon asked, cracking up at your laugh as well, turning a little to see your face from behind you.
“I don’t know,” you said and fanned yourself with your hands, trying to calm down.
“I like your laugh,” Jihoon commented absentmindedly as he moved on to massaging your shoulders, fingers pressing all your sore spots. “Why thank you,” you said with a scoff and shook your head. It was finally time for the cake.
“Wait, I forgot the candles!” Jihoon exclaimed when you lifted the cake on top of the box. He immediately stopped massaging your shoulders, eliciting a soft sigh from you - he had been doing so well. 
He ran to his bag which he had left by the door and grabbed the candles he had bought with the cake. He then proceeded to swiftly place them on the cake and lit them on fire after you both scrambled for matches around your house for a while.
You sat back down and looked at the beautiful cake covered in fruits and berries and now - candles.
“I’ll record you blowing out the candles, okay?”
You nodded and checked when he was ready to film, getting a nod as a response back from him. So, you closed your eyes and made a wish and successfully blew out the candles soon after.
“Happy birthday Y/N,” Jihoon said softly before ending his recording. You thanked him with a smile, touched that he had gone out of his way to make time for you on your actual birthday. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” he assured and brushed your hair with his hand, cupping your cheek for just a moment. “Let’s see if you blush this time.”
“Oh, stop with that you tease!”
Admin Memesol
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tedddy-exe · 5 years
[Inspired off the movie Annie 1982. This book is an H20VANOSS. Other ships will be included]
Characters replaced 
Annie – Jonathan
Sandy – Squirrel Bryce – Molly
Ryan – Pepper 
[All other characters will be the same, others have been added. I’d like to say this story is in between 2010 to 2014.]
Chapter 4
A car engine could be heard from outside, it was very loud. Jonathan looked to the front door from the main hall with a confused face. “It’s only Mr. Warbucks don’t worry now.”, and off went Grace.
“Bark bark!”, Squirrel ran down the stairs in the main hall, running past two men who were unloading a box and the camera man. He was covered in soap and bubbles from jumping out the bath when Drake was cleaning him. Jonathan grabbed the dog before he could leave anymore trails, a small smile fixed on his face. Jonathan watched as Grace greeted the man who came storming in, “Good afternoon sir”.
A butler also came out from one of the many doors in the main hall and held a tray.
“Did my painting arrive?”, the older man strutted with a bad attitude. “They’re just unpacking it sir”.
It kind of scared Jonathan, so he hid behind one of the pillars with Squirrel. The men that were unboxing something from the stairs were now at the bottom holding up the painting with a cloth when Mr. Warbucks came to a stop to look at it, they removed the cloth and there on the painting was the one and only, Mona Lisa. Jonathan looked closely at it from afar, it was actually really nice, but Jonathan thinks Mr. Warbucks doesn’t think the same as him. “Hm”, a grunt from Mr. Warbucks, he started walking backwards to get a far away look at it, Jonathan had too move over a bit.
“I don’t like it! Send it back!” He waved fingers. The men started going back up stairs to put it in its box, “Any messages?”.
“Uh, yes sir. Mr. Rosenberg called 3 times today, he said it was very urgent.”
“Everything is urgent to a democrat, what else?”
“Uh well-”
Mr. Warbucks bald head suddenly shifted its gaze toward the Mona Lisa, “Wait! There is something interesting about that woman’s smile, I think I might learn to like her. Put her in my bathroom!”.
The two men carrying the painting changed their route and headed for the bathroom. “Now tell-”
“Wait, I’d like you to me-”, “And send it up to my room at midnight!”. Mr. Warbucks moved around him, and the camera man took a photo of him, “Arrugh!”. Mr. Warbucks took the camera from his hands and threw it away, Punjab had come in not so long ago to watch the scene unfold, Grace let out a few cries of panic, “What the devil is going on here!”.
“Oh, Mr. Warbucks, the press sent him to take photos of your image!”
Mr. Warbucks angered face disappeared, and he put on a smile. “Oh yeah”, Mr. Warbucks laughed, “Pick him up Punjab and get him a new camera”.
Mr. Warbucks started sniffing the air, “Why do I smell wet dog?”
That’s when Jonathan thought it would be perfect timing to come out from behind the pillar, “Because we gave Squirrel a bath”, his face displayed worry, the man’s face reminded him of Ryan’s grumpy one.
Mr. Warbucks looked him up and down, “What is this?”.
Grace laughed slightly, “Jonathan, sir. This is the orphan who will be staying with us for a week”
“Orphan? What are you talking about?”, his eyes still trained on Jonathan, “Well, they wanted to take photographs of you sharing your home with an orphan, don’t you remember. Its only for a week!”
Jonathan watched as they talked back and forth, “this doesn’t look like a boy!”, Jonathan touched his hair, gosh; people really did mistake him for a girl too much. “Sir, Jonathan is a boy”.
Mr. Warbucks gave Jonathan another look, nodding. “So, he is”, he noticed his mistake.
Jonathan stepped forward, “I’ve got an interesting smile too, sir. Don’t you think you can learn to like me too sir? Hang me in the bathroom?”, Jonathan smiled big and his own joke.
“Take him back!” Mr. Warbucks yelled; Jonathan shrank away from him loud voice.
“But, sir! He only just got here!” Grace fought against his order.
“it’s okay Miss Farrell, we’re okay. Anyhow it was really nice meeting you, I sure do like your place”, Jonathan swung his arms around while looking around. “Thank you, Jordan”.
“Jonathan, I’ve already had swell time already. The car that took us here was as big a train, Mr. Warbucks, and Punjab put a spell on Squirrel, we made Drake sneeze, played your pipe organ, Squirrel got a bubble bath and well I’ve had enough fun to last me for years. it’s a very clever idea, a wonderful idea to have an orphan over for a week Mr. Warbucks, really, even if its only for your image, even if I’m not an orphan. I’m glad you’re doing it!”
Mr. Warbucks nodded, “I’m glad you approve”.
It was silent for a few moments before Mr. Warbucks screamed again, “Alright back to work!”.
Two men and Grace followed him, men holding suit cases.
“Oh, couldn’t he stay, please Mr. Warbucks!”
“Whatever, but only for the week!”. Grace turned to give Jonathan thumbs up, his goofy smile returned to his face. He was going to stay at a billionaire’s home for a week!
Rooster made chicken noises, Startling Miss Hannigan. Lily sat beside him, “Rooster?”. He stood up and gave her a kiss on the cheek, “Hi Sister”.
“You’re supposed to be in jail”.
“They let me out early”
Lily butted in, “in account of his good behavior”. Her posh accent burning like cigarettes. “I want you too meet a friend of mine, Lily St. Regis”
“Name from the hotel”, he expensive outfit was also burning its way through, so was her hair, bleached blond and frizzed up into curls. “Room service”, it is what Miss Hannigan replied with.
The two began talking to each other as Lily started rummaging through Miss Hannigan’s stuff, taking some things and stuffing it down her bra.
“-So, I need money”, Miss Hannigan shook her head, she took a swig from the bottle she was holding. “But I’m sure Miss sticky hands over here could lend you some”.
“Excuse me?”
Miss Hannigan put out her hand. “Give me back my stuff, toots”
Lily rolled her eyes and pulled out the bracelet from her bra handing it over, Agatha coughed starting her boobs. Lily reached in again pulling out a couple of long necklaces.
“Right, Rooster. If I give you five bucks will ya take hotel and get outta here?”
“Sorry sis”, And they left. Miss Hannigan hiccupped, and she walked over to her bag to see her purse was taken.  “ROOSTER!”
Upstairs where all the other orphans slept were wide awake, Ryan signing. It was odd, but he knew if Jonathan wasn’t here to sing, who would?
“Betcha he reads, betcha she sews. Maybe she’s made a closet of clothes for me, maybe they’re strict as a line, don’t really care as long as their mine. So maybe now it’s time, and maybe when I wake. They’ll be calling my ‘baby’, maybe”.
Jonathan felt wide awake in his new bed, Squirrel under the covers with him, he sat up. The wind has hollowing from the open widows. “This rooms bigger than anything I’ve ever seen”, Squirrel barked his thoughts agreeing, A plant fell over which gave Jonathan a fright, He grabbed onto Squirrel pulling him and running out and into the hallway, “C’mon Squirrel, c’mon!”
Jonathan ran his long nightgown following behind him, he ran into Mr. Warbucks’s office, passes Punjab and Asp who were playing chess just outside Mr. Warbucks’s office. Punjab placed his piece and leaned over the table watching Jonathan rush by, Jonathan could now hear Mr. Warbucks’s loud voice, Squirrel was the first to enter the door of the office then Jonathan who looked around the fancy room filled with decorations and more fancy stuff.
Squirrel was up at the table sniffing everything he could his tan tail flicking everywhere, Grace was sat in front of Mr. Warbucks’s table, writing things down as quick as she could.
Jonathan gazed upon the two, his nose scrunched up and eyebrows low, confused.
Mr. Warbucks spotted Jonathan as he came up to his desk, “What’s this?”, he asked, it was way past 12:30 and Jonathan was put to bed by Grace almost 3 hours ago, which would have been 9 pm. An early time to be put to bed but Jonathan thought it was just right for him, he was one to get sleepy very quick after a day of being such an energetic ball of light.
But he was having a hard time falling asleep without Bryce and Ryan. And because it was a new environment.
“Uh, Squirrel’s not used to sleeping on his own, he gets lonesome”. That was a lie, Squirrel was underneath Jonathan’s covers before running into the office after getting scared of a plant falling over, truth was he was the lonesome one without his close friends, he wonders if Ryan and Bryce are sleeping well.
“Awh, well, where were we?”, was his reply.
“Uh, advisers. Sir”, was Grace’s reply.
Jonathan butted in, “Are you getting a lot done?”
“I’d get a lot more done if certain-”. Squirrel’s barks interrupted Mr. Warbucks answer, “-Sandy, Scroll, Squirrel would leave me alone!”. But Squirrel’s barks were only getting louder.
“Hm, whatcha talking about anyways?”. Mr. Warbucks liked Jonathan’s interest and told him then shouted on Punjab, “Punjab!”.
He walked in, stone cold face. “Remove this animal and this young man with it”.
Mr. Warbucks started recording a message on his recorder, suddenly a smoke bomb came flying in through the window, Asp picked it up throwing it to Punjab who threw it over the balcony, where it exploded.
Both Grace and Jonathan jumped watching the thing explode, Squirrel jumped through the hole now in the window grabbing the hooded mans leg in his mouth, growling.
Asp then came out made a weird warrior cry, jumped kicked him in the face and then punched him in the stomach, all the while Mr. Warbucks kept recording his talk.
Punjab grabbed the man and pulled the intruder away into the halls to go back downstairs and chuck him out, Asp also followed, his black hair still slicked up.
Grace held onto Jonathan watching the man get dragged away, he seemed to be chanting something, but none could make out what he was saying, it was all slurred. Must be drunk.
Squirrel jumped up on the other side of the table were Mr. Warbucks ended his message, Mr. Warbucks patted the dogs head with a smile.
Jonathan looked around, “What was that all about?”.
“Well done, Squirrel”. Mr. Warbucks praised the German shepherd.
“Is that man trying to kill you?” Jonathan started asking more questions, “That’ll be all Miss Farrell”, And with that she nodded and pulled Jonathan away. “Come along dear”, She pushed him gently by his shoulders leading him back to his room, Squirrel followed.
“It is way past your bed time, I put you to sleep almost 4 hours ago”, She checked the clock that the past on the way down the hallway. It was now midnight. “I know, but I’m finding it hard to sleep without Ryan or Bryce”, Grace smiled at him.
“I’m sure your friends miss you too”.
“yeah”, Jonathan’s reply was sad. They had entered Jonathan’s room by now, Grace knelt and hugged Jonathan. “Go to sleep Jonathan, we need you up and early for breakfast in bed”.
She helped Jonathan back into bed, Squirrel seated at the bottom, she had just tucked him in.
“Your 16 and act too much like a 10-year-old on a sugar high, I’m literally tucking you in”, She laughed silently.
Jonathan looked up to her, “Is that a bad thing, Ryan says I’m to hyper”. Grace smiled even more, she kissed his forehead, “Definitely not, I think it defines you greatly. Now sleep”. She picked up the fallen plant, “Maids will clean up the dirt, Goodnight”, and with that she left closing the door behind her.
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Steven Universe So Far: One Sentence Summaries For Each Episode! [The Way I Saw It At Least] (Post-April and Pre-May Episodes Edition)
Thankfully, my Crohn’s flare-up hasn’t truly stopped me from updating the one-sentence summary episode guide to Steven Universe before next week! But it’s gotten so long that I’ve had to put a ‘Read More’ link to save your dashboard from overloading! :P
Gem Glow: His first episode. Laser Light Cannon: Amethyst loves being used as ammo. Cheeseburger Backpack: Now available to buy online! Together Breakfast: His first Memetic Mutation. Frybo: Steven defies Broadcast Standards and Practices. Cat Fingers: WOMP WOMP. Bubble Buddies: A ship sails. Serious Steven: Strawberry Fields Forever. Tiger Millionaire: Better than John Cena, that’s for sure. Steven’s Lion: A companionship is formed. Arcade Mania: Meat Beat Mania too much for the UK, apparently. Giant Woman: His first encounter with a fusion. So Many Birthdays: In which Rebecca Sugar reveals her diabolical plan to make everyone watching cry their eyes out for the first time. Lars and the Cool Kids: Whatever you do, DON’T insult Steven’s mum! Onion Trade: In which everyone begins making theories about Onion being the actual Big Bad of the franchise. Steven the Sword Fighter: “Where there’s life, there’s…..” Lion 2: The Movie: Lion is a well-behaved movie patron. Beach Party: Garnet fails at telling lies. Rose’s Room: Nightmare fuel comes as standard. Coach Steven: The song will never get out of your head. Joking Victim: His first work experience session. Steven and the Stevens: Steven makes the Time Lords cry. Monster Buddies: Sponsored by CHAAAAPS potato crisps. An Indirect Kiss: The ship travels at a fine lick. Mirror Gem: Where the franchise changes course and becomes a drama. Ocean Gem: His first close encounter with other Gems. House Guest: Healing spit, we hardly knew ye. Space Race: Ground control to Major Tom, your circuits’ dead, there’s something wrong. Secret Team: Sssh, Secret Team! Island Adventure: Makes the Steven/Connie ship look like a raft. Keep Beach City Weird: At least we got to talk with Ronaldo afterwards, even though he wasn’t prepared for it in hindsight. Fusion Cuisine: Steven gets into the biggest amount of trouble yet. Garnet’s Universe: Estelle works that microphone for ten minutes. Watermelon Steven: His first business deal. Lion 3: Straight to Video: Pass the tissues. Warp Tour: The Dorito debuts. Alone Together: The ship reaches maximum speed. The Test: Time to cry your eyes out again, fans! Future Vision: Wild Beedrill appeared! On the Run: Amethyst makes the Crystal Gems guilty and the fanbase cry. Horror Club: Or ‘Do You Want Fries With That Doughnut?’ Winter Forecast: The ship gains an icebreaker. Maximum Capacity: Amethyst unintentionally causes controversy. Marble Madness: The Dorito debates with Steven. Rose’s Scabbard: You can fit any piece of music with the final scene. Open Book: Cartoon Network buggers up continuity and Rose’s Room makes the situation worse. Shirt Club: Steven gets away with referencing the Kennedy assassination. Story for Steven: His origin story. The Message: Steven inspires a Youtube musician. Political Power: MAY-OR DEW-EY! Say Uncle: Uncle Grandpa tries to inject one last bout of comedy into the show before it all goes down, only to divide the fanbase in his attempt. The Return: “It’s the end, but the moment has been prepared for…” Jail Break: His final stand.
Full Disclosure: The ship steers through jagged rocks. Joy Ride: The Dorito’s driving vehicle is discovered. Love Letters: A mailman wishes to become Garnet’s American Boy. Reformed: “Physician, heal thyself.” Sworn to the Sword: The ship gets equipped. Rising Tides, Crashing Skies: Or ‘Keep Beach City Weird: The Animated Series’. Keeping it Together: The Dorito disturbs Garnet. We Need to Talk: Pearl’s salty 90s period. Chille Tid: So disturbing a Hiatus had to be reinstated. We Are the Crystal Gems [1/6]: The National Anthem of Steven Universe Lovers. What Are Gems? [2/6]: In which Steven becomes even more cuter in chibi form. How Are Gems Made? [3/6]: Amethyst debunks dozens of fan theories in one lecture. Fusion [4/6]: "The Answer" in ballet form. Unboxing [5/6]: His first TubeTube video. Lion Loves to Fit in a Box [6/6]: Beach City gets hit by the cat video bug. Cry for Help: The Dorito distributes dissension in the ranks….or does she? Keystone Motel: A handy guide to understanding an autistic person’s mindset, so I discovered. Onion Friend: In which everyone begins making MORE theories about Onion being the actual Big Bad of the franchise. Historical Friction: Jamie provides the fanbase with ideas on how to make an “Ember Island Players” version of the show. Friend Ship: The Dorito dislikes dusty old Gem tech. Nightmare Hospital: The ship’s secrets are brought to light. Sadie’s Song: Steven becomes increasingly popular on Tumblr for a week, and makes Cartoon Network history at the same time. Catch and Release: The Dorito comes out of her chip-based shell. When it Rains: Peridot panics over precarious precipitation. Back to the Barn: Peridot and Pearl pettifog, pummel, and pacify. Too Far: Peridot practically plows predicaments into a Hiatus. The Answer: Ruby, Sapphire, and Garnet's origin stories. Steven's Birthday: The ship departs after refueling [OR: The reason Steven had his own week-long event]. It Could've Been Great: The Turning Point of Steven Quartz Universe. Message Received: Steven rocks the hoodie look. Log Date 7 15 2: Peridot's player gets pawned and perused.
Super Watermelon Island: In which Cartoon Network UK cocks up big time and completely spoils the episode for everyone else. Gem Drill: Our cinnamon roll journeys to the center of the Earth. Same Old World: Steven can show you the world...! Barn Mates: I always wear a leak on St. David's Day! Hit the Diamond: Romance in the Outfield. Steven Floats: It does exactly what it says on the tin. Drop Beat Dad: Such an important event, even the Crewniverse had to check it out! Mr. Greg: His first musical [OR: Pearl's salty-tearful reconciliation]. Too Short to Ride: If you know where to look, you can actually Cheep Peridot right now! The New Lars: Matthew Moy makes up for lost time. Beach City Drift: The ship gains the ability to run on land [OR: Ronaldo auditions for Top Gear]. Restaurant Wars: Ronaldo is finally accepted by (a vast majority of) the fanbase. Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service: Steven uses up his pun quota for the season. Monster Reunion: Leaked from the servers, still sponsored by CHAAAAPS potato crisps. Alone at Sea: No fish were harmed during the making of this episode. Greg the Babysitter: "Meh." Gem Hunt: The ship survives the wilderness. Crack the Whip: "Stop, you're making me giddy...!" Steven vs. Amethyst: Pearl makes good use of traditional seaside shops. Bismuth, Part 1: Rainbow is the new Gem. [OR: His 100th episode!] Bismuth, Part 2: Vengeance is an old vice. Beta: Bow ties are cool! Earthlings: Two heads are better than one, but all bets are off when you and your co-worker's jobs are to protect episodes from being leaked. Back to the Moon: On the moon, no one can hear a thousand Tumblr moms scream. Bubbled: In space, no one can hear a thousand Tumblr moms cry.
Kindergarten Kid: Corruptius Geminius vs. Doritus Clodius Know Your Fusion: Smoky Quartz and Sardonyx take over the Network from the Titans for 11 minutes. Buddy's Book: Jamie's fledgling theatrical career begins to pay off. Mindful Education: Two months' worth of summer adventures finally take their toll on the ship. Future Boy Zoltron: Featuring Neil Gaiman in a role you won't see coming! Last One Out of Beach City: Pearl attempts to roleplay a popular AU version of herself. [OR: Pearl's salty night out] Onion Gang: We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun, but the wine and the song, like the seasons, have all gone. Cooking With Lion [1/5]: "But, Your Honor, he stole my act!" - Francis Gem Karaoke [2/5]: All singing, no crying. Steven Reacts [3/5]: Even Steven can't stand Hiatuses! Video Chat [4/5]: Skype Chats Between Gems. Steven Song Time [5/5]: Or "Summer of Steven: Epilogue" Gem Harvest, Part 1: Steven ditches his Knife for a common or garden Trowel. Gem Harvest, Part 2: Steven and Lapis take to the air and some Steventhusiasts take to petitioning Mr. Enter for an Animated Atrocity entry. Three Gems & a Baby: Peace and goodwill to all Steventhusiasts, and love for the cinnamon roll... Steven's Dream: Three days into 2017 and the entire Stevenbomb gets leaked - that's gotta be a record! Adventures in Light Distortion: The Shorty Squad gets two new members. Gem Heist: Steven is obviously a Mysterious Cities of Gold fan. The Zoo: Ronaldo's not so stupid now, is he, Steventhusiasts!? That Will Be All: Blue and Yellow make Green melodies. The New Crystal Gems: Connie helps to promote the second wave of Funko Pop vinyl figures. Storm in the Room: "Why don't you ask her yourself?" Rocknaldo: In which it's beddy-bye-bo's time for (a vast majority of) Ronaldo's fanbase. Tiger Philanthropist: Tiger Millionaire raises his fists, Purple Puma raises the roof, and Lars raises up a stink! Room for Ruby: Lapis and Peridot regret not watching "The Wrong Trousers" the night before. Lion 4: Alternate Ending: This episode not being leaked in the first place is the actual alternate ending! Doug Out: In which the thoughts of a Super Mario/Steven Universe crossover game that never will be make this blogger cry to sleep. The Good Lars: Jenny plays a mean melodia. Are You My Dad?: We love our bread, we love our butter, but most of all we love each other! I Am My Mom: There's nothing I could do, a total eclipse of the heart.
Stuck Together: Forever's gonna start tonight. The Trial: TEAR DOWN THE WALL!!! Off Colors: Every now and then Lars gets a little bit tired of listening to the sound of his tears. Lars' Head: Every now and then we get a little bit terrified of Hiatuses, and then we see the look in the show's eyes! Dewey Wins: As the ship sinks, Steven learns the definition of the word 'Repercussion'. [OR: Not actually a repeat of 'Off Colors' this time!] Raising the Barn: Onion sets his stakes high by cornering the agricultural market. Gemcation: Steven projects his angst, Pearl projects her hatred of reptiles, and Ronaldo projects his voice. Back to the Kindergarten: The Shorty Squad get their Ground Force on! Sadie Killer: Steven is a bad, bad boy, apparently. Kevin Party: Rebecca Sugar finds some inspiration for her next story meeting, but can the ship be salvaged in time? [OR: I don't care what you say, Steven doesn't look anything like that boy from Aberdale!] Steven's Secret Rap Career: His first official/unofficial fan video. [OR: The franchise transcends cultdom, thanks to MKatwood.] Lars of the Stars: In which the next Gem to debut has a little Chaos in her. [OR: As 2018 gets under way, the fans petition for a Captain Lars miniseries.] Jungle Moon: Stevonnie gets caught on the crossfire of childhood and stardom. Your Mother and Mine: Garnet wipes out the canonicity of every Steventhusiast's theories and fan media in a matter of minutes. The Big Show: Pearl misses an opportunity to visit Empire City with Steven. Pool Hopping: Square Mom spends some quality time with her favourite cinnamon roll. Letters to Lars: It may be all change, but the next batch of episodes will still be released the good ol' fashioned Stevenbomb way!
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nerdarchy-blog · 6 years
Hello gamers! Our crate unboxing segments are moving from our video series to a new home here on the website as we shuffle things around to best provide all the things we want to offer between here and the Nerdarchy YouTube channel. Check back every month should you wish to learn of the awesome stuff that comes in that month crate. This time we are unboxing the March 2018 Dungeon Crate.
  March 2018 Dungeon Crate unboxing
From the insert
March is a well-known month for drinking holidays, so we offer a tavern themed crate this month.  Taverns are the best place for adventurers to get the scoop on the local area, find new quests, and settle in for some rest and relaxation. The items in this crate revolve around some of our favorite Halcyon establishments.
Check out the gallery below for some images of the cool stuff included in the March 2018 Dungeon Crate.
The first item is Epic Encounters: Tavern Builder. Normally we get a small folded card with a ready-made encounter to use right away in your fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons game.  However, this is a great insert that you can use to make a tavern. I do a lot of improv as a Dungeon Master and when players want to go to a tavern I struggle at times coming up with a good name. This Tavern Builder card can be a major asset to solving this issue. But it does not stop with a name chart. You have options for an inn, the tavern, a pub, and the dive. You get options for the size of the building, descriptions, notable occupants – even a menu. This is a good get for a DM to use either on the fly or during your prep time to make exactly what you want. I am happy to have something like this to aid in my gaming.
The images that appear on the pint glasses are also available as T-shirts! Click the image to check out the Dungeon Crate shirt shop for these and others. [Art by Dungeon Doodles]
Going along with the tavern theme, the next item is the Etched Steel Tavern Logo Pint Glass. Made by Advanced Deployment and with art by Dungeon Doodles, this glass has one of four design options. I am not sure of what all the options are but the one I received is from the Shady Lady. It is a cool design and I wonder if maybe the Dungeon Crate shop will eventually have for sale all the options so you can collect them all.
If you know anything about Nerdarchist Ted, you know I like miniatures and dice. And the next handful of items are right up my ally. Next are two miniatures from the Reaper Bones line. We get a dwarven brewer and a townsfolk innkeeper. The dwarf stands next to a keg almost as big as he is with some great detail.
The notion that brewing and dwarves go well together is represented in this detailed mini. I am happy to add this to my collection and I am set for the next dwarf I play who specializes in brewing supplies. The innkeeper is another great asset. Maybe not as a player character mini but one that if you want to set the scene and have a combat in the tavern, you have something to represent the barkeeper so those monsters can threaten your NPCs as well as the adventurers.
Minis, check. But I said dice as well and this crate has those as well. You get three in fact. First by GameScience you get a d10. GameScience dice are known for their precision balance and quality. This is number three in a set as we got the d20 and the d12 in the previous two crates so I suspected that this one was coming.  It is cool to be able to get the whole collection over time, really adding extra value to getting the crate every month. But if you missed something there are options.
You know the manufacturer of the thing and if it is not available over at the Dungeon Crate shop you can always check out the GameScience store and get it from them directly. But that is not all for dice. While GameScience is cool these d4s, in my honest opinion, blow them out of the water. I know many people love and are used to the typical triangle “caltrop” d4 but the company Doublesix Dice has made these super amazing d4s that are essentially a 12-sided die marked with one through four, three times each.
For a bit of hilarity, the first one of these I got months ago, also in a Dungeon Crate, was gold with black triangles for pips. It looked really cool, but because it had 12 sides I did not know what it was. Once I figured out what it was it became my favorite d4. From the same company we get two more of this style d4. One is black with gold triangles as pips, while the other is an orangish gold with black swirls as pips. I’m super happy to have more of this awesome style of dice to add to my growing collection.
And the last item in the box, which I would have missed buried in the packaging had it not been for the insert saying what all the items were, is a set of coins. For those of you who do not know, the guy behind Dungeon Crate is a fanatic for coins, so they do not come in every crate but in a bunch of them. These ones are a three piece set from Rare Elements Foundry.
Coins are a great thing to have at the gaming table. They can be cool props for when the adventurers travel to a new land or when they uncover a treasure horde. They can be used as inspiration tokens, or heck, if you ever have the need to roll a d2. Lastly they can be used as atmosphere or roleplaying tools. Your rogue, or any gold-loving character, could constantly fiddle with their coins. Here you have props to provide that sound and help you get into character. You could of course just have them around the table adding to the atmosphere or environment of your gaming table.
So if you think these are cool and want in on the next crate feel free to head over to the Dungeon Crate site. Make sure you use the promo code Nerdarchy to get 10 percent off your first month’s subscription. If you want to check out the store and maybe see what they have from past months you can do that too. You never know what you are going to get.
Thanks for reading and check out this great create service and until next time, stay nerdy!
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Everything you need to build an epic tavern for your #DnD game in this @Dungeoncrate Hello gamers! Our crate unboxing segments are moving from our video series to a new home here on the website as we shuffle things around to best provide all the things we want to offer between here and the 
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narutofoxlover · 7 years
Ghost in the Machine: A Googleplier story Ch. 1
           Jack sat in his living room, absentmindedly scrolling through Tumblr on his phone. It had been ten months since Mark went missing. Two months after he dissapeared Jack moved to L.A. to help search for Mark. They still have yet to find any trace of what happened, and the authorites had stopped looking long ago. Jack sighed, running a hand through his hair. He really missed the big doof. Youtube wasn't the same without him. Jack still made videos, without Mark the fans relied on him more then ever and he didn't want to let them down.
            But between Youtube and spending almost all of his free time trying to find out what happened to Mark, he was getting pretty run down. He didn't sleep much and had taken to just eating take out or anything that didn't take much effort to cook since he didn't have much spare time these days.  At this point, he essentially needed a maid or something to deal with things so that he could actually relax a little. Which brings us to why he's currently in his living room.
           A few weeks ago, an ad went viral on the internet. A former Google employee that was an expert in robotics had put up an ad asking for people who would be interested in testing out a highly advanced robot he had made, the first ever android. It was supposed to be able to answer questions, do just about any task, and even monitor the health of whoever owned it. The only requirement was to send in a review after a week and then you could keep it if you liked it. Jack had ended up entering, figuring if he won it could help him around the house so he would have more free time. Low and behold, he had won. It was supposed to be arriving soon.
              He looked up from his phone when he heard someone ring the doorbell. "Coming!" He said, getting to his feet and heading over to the front door. He opened it and was surprised to see no one was there, just a very large box sitting on his doorstep. He looked around, trying to see if he could spot anyone. Nope, not a single person in sight. He looked at the box again and smiled when he saw the large blue G on it. This must have the android in it. The box was tall, about two to three inches taller than himself. 
              He groaned in annoyance as he drug the box inside. It was so heavy! Less than he would expect considering it had a robot inside, but still. He silently cursed the delivery man for not staying and helping him bring it in. Scratch that, his cursing wasn't silent in the slightest. He heaved a sigh of relief after he finally managed to drag it all the way to the living room. "Okay, now to go grab my equipment so I can make an unboxing video," He said to himself. He went to his recording room and grabbed his camera, his trypod, and the pin on mic he usually wore in his VR videos.
              He set everything up and went over to the box, pulling off some papers that had been stapled to it. Instructions, should probably read them before he starts. His brow raised when he saw what the android was called. Google Android #01 Googleplier Model. Googleplier, the person who made the android was a fan of Mark's? Huh. That was unexpected. He doubted it would look exactly like Mark though, advanced technology or not. Still, it would be weird having a robot based on one of Mark's characters when the man himself was missing. 
               He read through the instructions before setting the papers aside, going over to the camera and pressing record. "3.  2. 1. *clap* TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES! MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE AND WELCOME TO A VERY SPECIAL UNBOXING VIDEO! Those of you who follow me on Tumblr and Twitter will know that a few weeks ago I entered a contest to win a prototype robot, supposedly the world's first android. And I won! I decided to record me unboxing it and checking it out for the first time. So lets open this puppy up!" Jack said, grabbing a box cutter.
                He went over to the box and cut through the tape, opening the two flaps of cardboard. He froze, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape in shock. What looked like an exact copy of Mark was inside, seemingly asleep. Everything was on point, the skin, the hair, everything! It looked real! N-no, it isn't real, no way. If it was Mark then it would have woken up from all the jostling of the box when he had brought it inside. He glanced at the camera and went over and turned it off, too unnerved to continue recording.He definitely wasn't gonna upload this. It took him a few minutes to calm down. 
                Once calm he decided he might as well see if it worked. The instructions said you were supposed to give a voice command to turn it in. "Okay Google," He said somewhat nervously. Something lit up under the androids shirt, a soft white glow coming through the fabric. Blue lines glowed beneath it's synthetic skin, running from the eyes and down it's neck. Jack stepped back a bit when it's eyes fluttered open, revealing chocolate brown irises that were quickly overtaken by a blue glow. It looked at him and took a step, coming out of the box and approaching him. "I am Google, your personal android assistant. My purpose is to anwer questions and complete any and all tasks that you assign to me. How may I be of assistance," He, er, it said, voice void of emotion. Jaysus, it even sounded like Mark. 
POV change
                     Google stared at him, his scanners running facial recognition and assigning Jack's appearance into his data banks as his owner. "Your body language indicates that you are unnerved. Is something wrong?" He asked. The green haired man shook his head. "No, I'm fine. You just remind me a lot of friend of mine," The man spoke. Google detected the hint of an Irish accent in his voice. Overall he seemed, familiar somehow. 
                     "I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Sean but I also go by Jack so you can call me by either name. Whichever you prefer," The man said. "Sean, nickname Jack registered as name of owner. As stated earlier, I am Google. However you may change my name at any time if you decide you would prefer to call me something else," Google said. He felt an inclination more towards the name Jack and silently decided that he would call him that. 
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