#the whole time i was making this i just kept cooing at my screen
dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
The Aftermath || LN4 {12}
Pairing: Lando Norris x widow!reader Summary: daddy!Lando struggles with balancing work and parenthood Warnings: 18+ only, fluff, mentions of pregnancy and birth WC: 2.3k
F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight || Nine || Ten || Eleven || Twelve || Thirteen || Epilogue
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Lando was uneasy as he made his first appearance for the new race season, arriving in Bahrain alone. He could constantly be found on his phone, distracted, and every spare moment he had was spent on a facetime call to you. 
“Good morning, love. How are my favourite girls?” he asked quietly as the video connected.
You smiled at the sight of your husband and panned the camera to the newborn asleep in the crook of your arm. “Missing daddy.”
“I miss you too.” The exhaustion in his blue eyes faded as he watched his daughter’s chest rise and fall for a few moments. “She looks like she’s grown.”
“You’ve only been gone one night, Lan,” you chuckled softly. 
“It feels like more.” He took a seat on the bed in his hotel and leaned against the headboard with a heavy sigh. “I thought I would actually be able to sleep through but I kept waking up because it was too quiet.”
“If it makes you feel better, I was the same,” you giggled. “She slept for a whole four hours straight last night but I still woke up after two. My boobs were huge by the time she woke up for a feed.”
“Pics or it didn’t happen.”
“You have a million pictures of my boobs on your phone.”
“And I want one more. I miss them too. And your lips, and your neck, and your thighs, and your-”
“I get it, you miss me,” you laughed, accidentally waking Renleigh. 
“Hi, princess, it’s daddy,” Lando cooed softly as her eyes fluttered open, giving him a peek of the blue irises they shared. “I wish I could hold you and give you the biggest kisses.”
He clutched the necklace hanging over his shirt and his finger ran over the engraving of her name and the date she was born, only six weeks ago. Those six weeks had gone by so fast, it was almost unbelievable. Everyone said that children grow up so quickly but he hadn’t believed it until in the blink of an eye he was packing his bag, leaving you and Renleigh safely at home. It felt like only yesterday he had held her for the first time.
“What am I doing?”
You knew he hadn’t meant to ask that aloud but you humoured him anyway. “Exactly what we planned. Four more sleeps and you will be right back where you belong, baby.”
Lando groaned at the thought of another four nights sleeping apart but he knew it was safer for Renleigh at home. The thought of bringing her to the races where thousands of people roamed the paddock induced panic into him and he took a shuddering breath. “I don’t think I can do this,” he whispered.
“Yes, you can,” you assured him, shifting Ren on your shoulder so you could talk to her and he could see both of your faces on the small screen. “Your daddy doesn’t know how to give up. He never gave up on me, even when I pushed him away, and he never gave up on us when everyone told him he was crazy. He is the bravest man I know and you, my darling, are so lucky to have a daddy like that.” 
Lando blinked rapidly as his eyes started to water and the visible relief shimmered on the surface of those tears. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” 
Renleigh started to wriggle and grunt until you moved her to your other shoulder. The change in position must have been exactly what she needed as her body tensed and a horrific sound escaped her onesie. 
“Little lady!” Lando gasped before chuckling. “I’ll let you go deal with that, love.”
“Thanks,” you drawled as you rolled your eyes. “I’m keeping a tally of all the diaper changes you have missed so you can catch up when you get home.”
“That’s fair,” he agreed with a laugh as he wiped his eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay on your own? If you need a break just to catch up on sleep Maria said she can be there in a few hours, mum too.”
“I’m alright at the minute, Lan,” you said with a little smile to Ren. “It won’t be long before we have to share her with the world, I’m savouring these moments.”
“Okay, but call me if you need anything. There’s more diapers in the garage and the groceries I ordered should be delivered this morning-”
“Lando, relax, I’ve got things locked down here,” you assured him one again as you heard the doubt creeping into his tone. “You focus on your job.”
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The tv was playing quietly as you saved time and multitasked, folding the washing on the sofa while your foot gently moved the baby rocker where Renleigh slept. You just finished folding the latest load of baby clothes when the Formula One theme song began and you sat back to see what media day would bring.
A key turned in the front door before it swung open and Max waltzed in with his arms full of grocery bags, his eyes lighting up as he saw the new opening video start. “Hey Mama! Made it just in time,” he said with a grin as Lando came across the screen. “Oh, there’s our boy. Looking dapper, ol’ Bob.”
“Hey Max,” you greeted as he walked by to the kitchen. “When Lando said he had ordered groceries, I didn’t think he meant he ordered you to get them.”
“He probably didn’t want anyone seeing these get delivered,” Max said as he unpacked the bags and lifted up a pack of breast pads to frown at them. “What do these even do?”
“Catch the milk that leaks.”
His nose wrinkled and he dropped them back down. “That actually happens?”
“At the most inconvenient times too,” you muttered wistfully. No one told you that getting aroused could trigger a letdown, but you and Lando certainly found out the hard way before he left. Thankfully Lando was Lando and he found it hilarious, laughing it off to save you from utter embarrassment. 
“You’re really not selling this baby thing for me,” he stated as he tossed a tube of diaper cream over to you. 
“I’m sorry, what I meant to say was…those are just nipple pasties and my body hasn’t completely changed since I pushed an 8lb human out of my-”
“Yeah, yeah, okay, I get it.” He shivered at the thought and finished his unpacking before dropping down into ‘his’ chair and stealing the rocker away from you. “It’s not as glamorous as I imagined, but she’s pretty cute. Aren’t you, sweetheart? Wake up for Uncle Maxie.”
You chuckled softly as he unbuckled her and picked her up, but she slept as heavily as Lando and didn’t even stir. 
“Have you spoken to him?” you asked as a clip of Lando signing autographs for fans came across the screen.
Max’s lips turned down as he nodded. “He’s struggling.”
You sighed and turned the volume up as the interviews started to begin. “I don’t know how to help. If I say I’m fine without him it makes him feel like a spare part and if I say I’m not then he worries even more.”
“He just needs time to settle into the change, especially before the news breaks.” Max looked down at Ren and grinned. “You are going to break the internet, yes you are.”
“I’m surprised the secret hasn’t already come out in all honesty. Lando isn’t exactly good at keeping them.”
“This is different though, it’s for your guys' privacy. But it was funny to see you sneaking around under baggy hoodies, can’t do that now that the weather’s warming up and she’s on the outside.”
“I was incognito!”
He looked like he was going to argue before he pointed to the screen and you saw Lando in front of a Sky News reporter.
“Welcome back, Lando, how was your winter break?”
A bright smile lit up his face and it felt like it was just for you as he stared down the camera lens. “It was the best one yet.”
“Your social media updates were noticeably empty of your wife and we haven’t seen her yet around the paddock. Is she well? Is everything alright?”
“She’s good, really good.” His nervous mannerisms started to leak through as he scratched the back of his neck before fidgeting with his necklace. “She wishes she could be here. She has something more important happening at the moment to make any of the overseas races but they’ll come to Imola.”
“Whomp, there it is,” Max chuffed as you both heard the slip up.
“Maybe they missed it?”
The droll stare he gave you showed just how little he believed that. “Yeah and I’m a unicorn.”
“There was that one time,” you pointed out, reminding him of the time Lando and Mila had drawn on his face while he slept. “It was a dick on your forehead, not a horn, but it’s really the same thing.”
“They?” the reporter prompted, the microphone pushing even closer to Lando’s pink cheeks.
You bit your lip as your husband grew more uncomfortable and you pulled your phone out, knowing he would answer no matter what.
“One sec,” Lando said as held up a finger and stepped back from the mic to answer. “Hi, love, everything okay?”
“Are you?”
His sigh was answer enough and you saw him comb a hand through his curls. “I think we need to change strategies. I fucked A up.”
“It was an accident,” you said softly. “That’s why there’s a plan B. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
“Now go on, you’ve been itching to post it for months.”
Lando was smiling as he ended the call and walked back to the reporter with his phone in hand. “So, they,” he stopped to giggle with excitement. “That would be in regards to this.”
Lando turned his phone to the screen just as he hit post on the Instagram picture, sharing your news with the world. Going on your honeymoon for two weeks had been sublime but what you had returned home with was even better.
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“Congratulations! Any hint as to the due date?”
 “I think I’ve given you enough already, haven’t I?” he shot back, still riding the high of adrenaline after posting the picture. “But we would really appreciate some privacy, I can’t exaggerate it enough. If you see us on the street, I’m happy to sign autographs and take a picture with you but please respect my family and only take photos of me.”
“He’s jealous of sharing the attention,” Carlos called out behind him. 
“Yeah, that’s exactly it, you caught me.” Lando immediately covered his crotch as Carlos passed by and tried to hit him in the nuts. “Ah, no, stop that, I want another kid or two before you damage them.” 
“That’s news to me. My stitches have barely healed and he wants me to go through that again.” Max looked at you confused. “It’s called an episiotomy, look it up if you want nightmares.”
“No thanks.”
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You were wearing the rug thin in the living room as you impatiently waited for Lando’s return. You had paced back and forth for an hour since seeing Lando’s plane land on the flight radar app. Ren was tucked snugly against your chest in a baby wrap and had quickly fallen asleep with the rocking movement but you started to unwrap her when you saw the pair of headlights coming up the drive.
Renleigh wasn’t too happy at being woken up but you softly cooed to her as she settled back down, “Daddy’s home, baby girl.”
It took a moment for him to see you as he came in from the garage, his suitcase trailing behind him. Dark circles surrounded his eyes and he pulled his cap off as he walked through the doorway, combing a hand into the curls that had been flattened.
“Hi baby,” you greeted when he spotted you in the dimly lit living room despite the late hour. “You didn’t think we would miss your homecoming, did you?”
He crossed the room with a few long strides, his suitcase clattering to the floor as it was forgotten, and he enveloped you both in his arms. “I missed you,” he repeated over and over as he kissed your lips and then Renleigh’s forehead. His eyes fluttered shut and his face relaxed as he buried his nose in her hair and inhaled deeply like he had forgotten her baby scent. “I missed you.”
“We missed you too,” you said as you handed Ren over. “Someone is ready for bed, and I think her daddy is too.”
“Yeah? You want daddy to put you to bed?” he asked as he nuzzled her nose. “One more minute, I need my cuddles first.”
He took a seat on the couch and settled Renleigh on top of his chest as they both yawned. “I can’t wait until you are bigger, baby girl. It breaks my heart to be away from you and mama.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat as you sat beside him and draped your arm over his shoulders, combing your fingers through his hair. He hummed softly as you massaged his head and you felt his head growing heavier as his whispered conversation grew quieter. A soft snore finally escaped and his head rolled onto your shoulder as the exhaustion from his travels won and you kissed his forehead.
“It breaks my heart too.”
Click here for chapter thirteen.
Tagging: @yunnie-f1 @neiich @zendayabelova @stillbreathin @dr3lover @writerscurse @christianpulisic10 @alwaysclassyeagle @alexisquinnlee-bc @purplephantomwolf @lightsoutletsgo @pleasantducktimetravel @pierre-gasllllllyyyyyy @holy-macncheese-balls @belennasif @ophcelia @love4lando @ryiamarie @mickslover @tyna-19
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what do you say abouttt caregiver!Wanda comforting little!reader after a nightmare?
The Monster's Gone
Caregiver!Wanda Maximoff x little!gn!reader
Summary: You have a nightmare, but it's okay, Mama is here.
Word Count: 545
Warnings: age regression, mentions of nightmare, a comfort fic
Authors Notes: I've written Mommy Wanda before but not in a situation like this of just caring for her little like this and I enjoyed it
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Wanda stirred awake when she heard the muffled whimpers coming from your side of the bed. She immediately knew what had happened. You had another nightmare, and even in your early twenties, these moments still brought out your little side, the part of you that needed comfort and care.
"Shh, it's okay, I'm here, Mama’s here." Wanda whispered softly, pulling you close. Her touch was gentle, a comforting presence that began to soothe the lingering fears from your dream.
Tears streamed down your face as you clung to her, your body shaking slightly. "It was so scary, Mama," you managed to say, your voice small and trembling.
"I know, dorogoya," she cooed, rubbing your back in slow, soothing circles. "But it was just a bad dream. It can't hurt you. Mama’s right here, and I'm not going anywhere."
Wanda gently guided you to sit up, reaching for the soft, fleece blanket at the foot of the bed. She wrapped it around your shoulders, cocooning you in its warmth. "How about we get you some warm milk? Would that help?" she asked, her eyes filled with concern and love.
You nodded, still feeling the residual fear from the nightmare, but knowing that Wanda's presence was already making things better. She picked you up and brought you to the kitchen. Once there she set you down, but kept an arm around you the whole time, her touch a constant reminder that you were safe.
While the milk was warming on the stove, Wanda stood in front of you, holding your face in her hands softly. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked gently. "Sometimes it helps to get it out."
You shook your head, feeling the tears welling up again. "Just want to be close to you Mama," you whispered.
Wanda smiled softly and stood up to press a kiss to your forehead. "I'm not going anywhere, little one," she promised.
The warm milk was ready soon, and she poured it into one of your sippy cups, adding a touch of honey just the way you liked it. She handed it to you carefully, and you took a sip, the warmth spreading through your chest and helping to calm your racing heart.
Once you finished, Wanda led you back to the living room, where she had set up a cozy nest of blankets and pillows on the couch. She settled in beside you, pulling you close so you could rest your head on her shoulder. "Let's watch something light and fun," she suggested, grabbing the remote and turning on your favorite animated movie.
As the familiar scenes played out on the screen, Wanda's hand continued to stroke your hair, her presence a constant source of comfort. Gradually, the fear from the nightmare began to fade, replaced by the security and love that Wanda always made sure you felt.
"Feeling better, Lyubov’?" she asked after a while, glancing down at you.
You nodded, snuggling closer to her. "Yeah, much better. Thank you, Mama."
She smiled, kissing the top of your head. "Anything for you, my little one. Now, let's enjoy the movie, okay?"
With Wanda by your side, the rest of the night passed peacefully, the nightmare a distant memory in the face of her unwavering care and love.
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roturo · 9 months
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warnings: smut, blowjob (m receiving), semi-public sex, exhibitionism, gamer!gojo satoru, sub!gojo satoru, mentions of breeding, getting caught...
reblogs are appreciated :)
gamer gojo!satoru who...
...taught you to play his favorite video games so the both of you could “spend more time together” even if that wasn’t what you asked him.
...decides to spend all his night with his friends on discord, grinding games all day until it was midnight. the only reason he got off from his gaming chair was for snacks, sleep, and bathroom.
...did spend some time with you, but not as much he spent on his games and friends. you understood how much he wanted to play games during school, but this was too much, too sorrowful for his needy girlfriend. every night you would fantasize about your boyfriend’s dick who was literally next door.
...was in a call with his friends— shouting for backups and attacks. you rolled your eyes just until you came across an idea. the only way to get gojo’s attention. nothing’s gonna harm anything since you took birth control pills, waiting for your boyfriend to breed you all night long.
“what’s up baby?” he says, eyes still glued to the screen. you felt your thighs clenched when you saw eren’s spread thighs, his back lazily rested on the chair with his elbow relaxing on the armrest.
“nothing, just wanted to see you. couldn’t sleep” you mumbled as you walked over to the back of his chair, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulder and buried your face into his neck.
“oh okay, wait for a while, ‘m almost done” gojo replies while raising his mic on his headset, barring his voice from his friends. this time gojo makes direct eye contact with you when you pushed his mic back down to his mouth.
gojo raised his eyebrows at you. “keep the call going babe” you hum as you slowly kneeled down and moved down his desk. he was about to speak but you cut him as your fingers traveled across his thighs, making him shiver. “shhhh” you coo
only seconds later your palm was brushing against gojo’s clothed cock, him not knowing to control himself as he breathed heavier against his mic. “bro can you shut the fuck up” geto’s voice was heard through gojo’s headset. “shut up” you smirked at his words as you slowly pulled his pants off, noticing his hard cock franticly wanting to emerge from the boxer. you could see a clear silhouette of his veins and his head. your thighs tense as your hand slipped into his boxers, feeling his warm cock around your palm.
“b-baby” gojo gripes after muting himself. “baby unmute yourself please?” you plead below him on your knees as gojo followed your call. you begin to pump his harden length, initiating gojo’s thighs to twitch.
his precum began to cover his length along with your fingers. you brushed his tip with your thumb, earning a soft groan from gojo. he tried his best to focus on his match but really, he was focusing on the girl below his table.
“can I…’toru?” looking up at him with puppy eyes, waiting for his approval before you blow into his tip, gojo shivers at sudden stimulate, his thighs rapaciously rocked when severe air brushed his sensitive tip. he mouthed yeah as you tucked strands of your soft hair behind your ears, wrapping your pretty lips around his cock.
“mmh..” gojo grieve while sweat begins to welling up on his palms. he doesn’t even look away, he kept eye contact with you the whole time while you pump his dick. his attention for the game is far gone now, what he wants now is to fill you up with his greedy cock.
his pretty blue eyes start to grow faint as pretty gags left your mouth when he slightly thrust his hips on the seat. at this point, geto would surely assume there is something going on over their call with gojo.
“‘m gonna come so hard in your face babygirl…”he then promptly pulled himself out and stroked his cock once or twice just before his thick white cum landed on your pretty face. “then i’ll mark what’s mine and fill you up with my cum… heh”
“hah… that’s it- you look fucking pretty” gojo groans, as his loads paint your face, he smiles when he saw your mouth opened to take more. “i want more ‘toru… give me another one, yeah?” you mewl, begging for his cock.
“are the both of you over now?” a sudden voice coming from gojo’s headset was all you needed to come back to reality and look back at gojo who seems like he just saw a ghost. “uh… suguru?…”
“yes ‘toru?” he said with a mimicking voice, pitch more higher than his usual tone. 
“fuck off” he sighed out.
“why don’t you go fuck your girlfriend then we continue playing mhm? i rather wait some time instead of listening the both of you fuck.”
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bratzforchris · 11 months
Sick Days
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Summary: Luke has a chronic illness called PFAPA, which causes him to have periodic fevers and sore throats, but when he's with you, his flare ups are just a tiny bit better
Pairing: Luke x gender neutral reader
Warnings: Slight depression (?) over being chronically ill
Word Count: 1556
A/N: PFAPA is usually a childhood syndrome that people outgrow, but in rare cases like mine, it can last into or start in adulthood. You can read more about it here :)
You woke up when you heard slight sniffles coming from the opposite side of the bed. Luke was sitting up, wrapped up in his favorite blanket, and desperately trying to massage his knees. That could only mean one thing: he was having a flare up.
“Oh honey,” You cooed, moving to rub his back. “Flare up?”
Luke nodded softly, sniffling and wiping his tears with the heels of his hands. “I’m cold.” he croaked.
“Let’s take that temperature, bub.” You sighed softly, pulling the thermometer Luke kept in his nightstand out. 
Luke whimpered, but stuck his tongue out, allowing you to insert the metal device. You rubbed his back and aching joints as the thermometer ticked away, hoping to provide him with any sort of comfort. You knew how much pain these flare ups caused him. 
“101.2 (38.4 ºC),” You said gently. “That’s getting up there, sweetie. Have you had something to drink yet? I don’t want you to get really sick…”
There had been far too many times where you’d had to take Luke to urgent care during a flare up because he’d gotten dehydrated from refusing to drink anything due to his sore throat. You’d really prefer to not have to do that today, especially as rainy and cold as it was outside. 
Sure enough, your boyfriend shook his head, tears pricking his baby blue eyes. “Hurts to swallow.” he cried. 
“Baby…” You pouted, running your fingers through his tangly curls. 
Luke never, ever slept well the night before a flare up, meaning he always woke up with his curls extremely tangled from tossing and turning. In fact, the poor boy’s whole body looked exhausted and run down. He had large purple bags under his eyes and his face had been drained of color,
save for a few spots of acne dotting his chin and forehead. Not to mention how awfully he was shivering from the fever. 
Tears started running down Luke’s face as he crawled under the comforter, burrowing next to you. “I hate this. Every fucking month I’m sick.” he sobbed, already losing his voice from those two sentences. 
“Shhh, love. Don’t talk. That’s going to make your throat hurt worse.” You told him, kissing his warm forehead gently. 
That sent Luke into another flurry of tears, snuggling into your side as his tears soaked your shirt. It broke your heart to see the guy you loved in so much pain, especially when there wasn’t much you could do about it. The fevers from his condition didn’t usually respond to pain relievers and there wasn’t really a cure, so the best you could do was at least try to help him get comfortable during his flare ups. 
“Does a popsicle sound good?” You asked, hoping the sweet treat would take his mind off his pain. 
Luke grabbed his phone from the nightstand and began to type. You waited until he showed you the screen and cooed. 
‘can you look in my throat first?’ he had typed. 
You smiled, taking his phone from him. “Of course, baby. Open wide.” 
You shone the flashlight down his throat, wincing internally when you noticed how red and swollen his throat and tonsils were. The back of his throat was coated in white spots and sores, yet another symptom that came along with his flare ups. “Yeah, it’s red and swollen and you have the spots again. I’m sorry, darling.” 
Luke pouted and sniffled, but took his phone back from you to type another note. 
‘i want a grape popsicle please’ this one read. 
Smiling, you tucked your boyfriend in gently and left the room to retrieve the items you would need to care for a sick Luke. These included a popsicle, his comfort water bottle, some liquid pain reliever, and his stuffed dog that turned into a heating pack. After being with him for three years, you were pretty well-versed in how to take care of Luke during his flare ups. It killed you to see him in pain, thus you tried your hardest to make sure he was semi-comfortable. 
You tiptoed back upstairs softly, just in case Luke had fallen asleep. Much to your sadness, he was still awake when you entered the room, watching something on Netflix with bleary eyes. “I got your popsicle, baby.” You whispered, rubbing his blanket-covered belly. 
Luke half-smiled, reaching one hand out of the blanket to take the treat from you. He tried to croak out a thank you, before realizing how much pain that was putting his throat in. 
“Don’t talk, baby. Rest your throat,” You said gently, kissing his forehead. “I’ll make you some soup later.” 
The blond nodded and shivered, cuddling under the blanket with his popsicle to watch TV. Much to your sadness, you didn’t miss the way he grimaced every time he moved, his joints clicking. You joined Luke in bed, sipping on your hot coffee. Most of Luke’s flare up days were spent in bed, watching movies and cuddling since the poor boy didn’t have the strength nor the energy to do much else. 
“‘M done.” Luke whispered softly after a few minutes of silence, handing the empty popsicle stick to you. 
As much as you wanted to chastise Luke for talking, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. It really wasn’t fair that he had to deal with this every month, between the coldness from the fevers, the joint pain, and the fact that he was unable to talk to you without being in immense pain. 
You kissed his lips gently, frowning internally when you felt how warm his lips were. Luke moved to cuddle into you, laying his head in your lap. 
“My joints hurt.” he sniffled, trying his hardest not to cry. 
“I know, love, I know. Do you wanna try some liquid Tylenol? I know it doesn’t usually work, but it might make you more comfortable?” You asked, rubbing his back. “It’s only ten, baby. The day is still long and I don’t want you to be in more pain than you have to.”
Luke didn’t answer, instead opting to burrow his face into your side. As the seconds passed, you felt his large body scoot ever closer to yours, desperate for warmth. When he stilled, you honestly thought he had fallen asleep. That is until you heard a soft sniffle, followed by a wet
spot on your shirt. 
“Lu?” You asked, softly rubbing his side. 
“I’m sorry,” came the faint sob. “I’m sorry you have to take care of me. I’m a burden”
“Oh baby,” Your voice immediately softened. “Can you look at me?”
The blond looked up at you, his nose running and eyes teary. He looked beyond sick and miserable and it was honestly breaking your heart, especially since he thought he was burdening you by you taking care of him. 
“Sweetie, you are not a burden, okay? I knew what I was signing up for when we started dating. If I didn’t want to take care of you, I would’ve left a long time ago. I love you, Luke.” You stroked his burning cheek gently. 
Luke began to cry harder, making you worried you had said the wrong thing until he sobbed out a sniffly, croaky “love you too”. By this point, he was practically laying on top of you, his overheated body warming your own. 
“I know we aren’t married yet, but in sickness and in health, right?” You asked him. 
The blond nodded softly, resting against you. “Want Tunia to cuddle with me,” he whispered. 
You smiled to yourself, running your hand along his back. The boy loved his dog so much and you knew cuddling with Petunia was always bound to make Luke feel just a tiny bit better. “Let me go find her.” You cooed, sliding him off your lap before kissing his forehead and tucking him in. 
You had fed the bulldog earlier in the morning when you were grabbing Luke’s sick “essentials”, so you were pretty sure she was back on her bed now, snoozing the day away. Sure enough, Petunia was sprawled out on her bed when you reached the bottom of the stares, snoring heavily. “Wake up, sweet girl,” You chuckled, rubbing her side. “Your dad needs you.” 
Now that she was up and awake, Petunia followed you back up the stairs in hopes of getting a treat. “Be quiet, girl.” You whispered as you opened the bedroom door. 
You had been right in telling the dog to be quiet, for Luke had finally fallen back to sleep, curled up in a nest of blankets and pillows with his stuffed dog. You smiled softly to yourself, patting the bed so Petunia could hop up. With a bit of struggle–she was a chunky girl, after all–Petunia jumped onto the bed, immediately romping over to Luke’s side. 
Smiling to yourself, you crawled into the bed with your two loves, watching as Petunia cuddled up against Luke’s side, resting her head on his hip. Your blond boyfriend snored softly, finally getting the rest he needed after a long, exhausting night. You made a mental note to give Luke some pain reliever and make him some soup when he woke up, but for now, you simply soaked in the moment of cuddling up with your lover and your dog. 
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amazingmsme · 1 year
Mine For The Taking
AN: Another commission, this time for the lovely @quantumwittness who wanted a lil somethin' somethin' with Stanley and the Narrator. I can't thank you enough for being so patient with me, this past semester was the busiest one I've had in years & writer's block hit hard. So glad I could write this for you, hope you all enjoy! I plan to post a lot more over the summer, so keep an eye out!
The Narrator had a bit of an... obsessive personality. When he found something he loved, he devoted all his energy into that one thing. And ever since he set his sights on Stanley, he's thought about nothing else.
Needless to say, he'd been thrilled when the desk jockey returned his feelings. Stanley was more shy about showing his affection, but the Narrator was flamboyant enough for the both of them.
As it turns out, there were some pretty sweet perks that came with dating an omnipotent entity that controlled the world around you as you knew it. For instance, Stanley could sleep in however long he wants and still make it to work on time. But if he was being honest, the best part of dating the Narrator was the way he seemed to know exactly what Stanley wanted, even when he himself wasn't so sure.
Today he was feeling particularly restless, but he couldn't pinpoint the exact reason as to why. He was twitchy and kept fidgeting in his spot on the couch, casting a glance to his boyfriend every now and then. The Narrator studied his movements carefully, trying to piece together the puzzle that is Stanley.
They were currently cuddling on the bed in his apartment, the sound of rain gently hitting the windows setting the mood for a cozy sort of day. The Narrator watched one of Stanley's legs shake absentmindedly as he stared at the tv screen.
"Stanley dear, you're shaking the whole bed," he teased, resting a hand atop his knee in an attempt to calm his nerves. The leg stilled, going completely rigid under the touch. He noticed how he pressed into his hand ever so slightly. Stanley purposefully avoided meeting his gaze, so he tilted his chin up ever so gently to lock eyes. The Narrator wore a gentle, yet smug smile as he looked him up and down.
"Is there a particular reason you're so restless?" he purred, leaning into his personal space. Stanley shook his head, biting his lip to keep his smile at bay.
"No? There's nothing wrong? No reason for you to be so twitchy and squirmy? Absolutely nothing at all?" he asked, feigning innocence as he pinned him against the bed. Stanley gulped, and in a moment of weakness, his eyes flickered over to his hands.
The Narrator gave a humming chuckle, one that made a shiver run down Stanley's spine. "I think you're lying... You know what I do to liars, Stanley?" He nodded slowly, not bothering to hide his smile now.
"You know what I think?" he asked, not waiting for an answer before continuing. "I think that's what you wanted all along. Well you could've just asked, you know. No need to make yourself suffer in silence," he cooed, reaching out to pinch his cheek. Stanley chuckled and rolled his eyes, swatting the hand away.
"My my, so testy. Lucky for you, I have just the thing for that," he mused, reaching for the drawer of their nightstand. He returned holding a pair of fuzzy handcuffs, switching it to his other hand and suddenly one became four. Stanley's eyes widened and he pressed himself against the bed frame, a wobbly smile plastered on his face.
The Narrator held out a hand and Stanley placed his wrist in his open palm. He chuckled, shaking his head, "A bit eager, are we?"
Stanley blushed, weakly smacking his shoulder. The Narrator caught his wrist, tutting as he wagged a disapproving finger. He latched the cuff onto his wrist, raising it above Stanley's head to fasten it to the headboard. He did the same to the other arm, pausing to inspect his handiwork.
He ran his hands down Stanley's arms to his pits, down his ribs and sides to rest on his hips, relishing in the full body shudder he gave off. He drummed his fingers against his skin, eliciting a gasp as he squirmed into the touch. The Narrator squeezed his hips and he chuckled when he bucked and let out a startled giggle.
He crawled to the foot of the bed, raking his hands down Stanley's legs. The anticipation was building in his chest, and the look the Narrator was giving him wasn't helping at all. The soft cuffs latched around his ankles, his legs spread apart as they were fastened to the bed frame.
"Are you comfortable?" he asked and received a wordless nod in response. "Good. Now, are you ready?" Another nod.
The Narrator smirked down at him as he slowly began unbuttoning his shirt. Stanley bit his lip as he watched his hands fiddle with the buttons, his anticipation growing with each passing second. As he reached the last button, he spread open his shirt to reveal a pale torso. He let out a low whistle as he looked Stanley up and down, causing a blush to spread across his cheeks.
He huffed and rolled his eyes, wiggling enticingly. "Just get on with it," he spoke softly, but his impatiently. Stanley rarely spoke, but when he did, he could be quite demanding. His defining trait was arguably his stubbornness, after all.
"My my, so demanding. You're lucky I love you so much," he cooed, leaning in to kiss his forehead, cupping either side of his face. He pulled back, staring at him with complete adoration before striking, scratching either side of his neck. Stanley immediately burst into giggles, scrunching up like a turtle.
The Narrator chuckled at his reactions. "Not expecting that, eh Stanley?" he teased, fluttering his fingers against soft skin. He shook his head, fighting to contain his laughter.
"Stanley, ever the brave soldier, desperately tried to contain his laughter, but to no avail. Because it was at that very moment that his cruel boyfriend launched a surprise attack!" He didn't know if announcing his plans took away the surprise aspect, but judging by Stanley's squeal, he'd say it was rather effective.
"Oh yes, try as he might, he just can't seem to stop giggling," he cooed, kneading into his sides. "It just tickle tickle tickled soooo much, he just couldn't stop laughing!" Stanley whined at his words and twisted from side to side in an attempt to dislodge the Narrator's persistent hands.
"Ah ah ah Stanley, you're not getting out of this one. You quite literally asked for this," he pointed out, snickering to himself. Stanley's blush darkened and his deep chuckles took on a desperate pitch. The Narrator slowly crawled his way up from his sides to his ribs.
He scratched just beneath his ribcage, making him jolt beneath him and tug on his bonds. "Uh oh Stanley. I think I found your tickle spot. Oh wait, I forgot! Everywhere is your tickle spot!" he cheered, spidering up to his armpits and down to his hips before repeating the process multiple times.
Stanley snorted and shook his head. The Narrator cocked his head as he stared down at him.
"No, you don't think so? Then please, by all means Stanley, show me somewhere, anywhere, on your body that isn't painstakingly sensitive," he requested in a soft voice that wasn't condescending in the least.
His boyfriend was laughing too hard to answer, not that he would have anyway. He chose instead to flip him off, earning a dramatic gasp in response.
"Well now that's just rude," he huffed, fingers grazing over bare skin. "But, if you insist."
Stanley furrowed his brows, not sure what he meant. He didn't have much time to ponder before the Narrator was stretching his fingers back to grant access to his palm. He scraped his teeth against the soft skin, and a shriek pierced through the air. His mouth fell open in a wide smile, his nose scrunched adorably.
"You're not really proving your point, I'm afraid," the Narrator said, feigning sympathy. Stanley whined and flapped his hands around in an attempt to escape. "Quit squirming, you're making my job difficult," he chastised playfully and held his wrist in place and pulled his fingers back to keep his palm exposed. Stanley squeaked and fought to close his hands in a tight fist, but the Narrator proved to be stronger.
He alternated which hand he targeted at random, peppering soft kisses, teasing nips, and even a few raspberries against his skin, earning a plethora of giggles, squeals, and snorts. He pulled back to admire Stanley's reactions, watching him with a soft smile.
He traced idle circles on his wrists, keeping him in a fit of giggles. He pressed his fingertips into his flesh, barely enough pressure to be felt. Then he raked his hands down the length of his arms at an agonizingly slow rate. Stanley let out a giggly whine, tugging on the restraints weakly. He repeated the process a few times, smiling fondly at him all the while.
He gave him a moment to catch his breath as he made a show of reaching behind his back, an expression of utter delight overtaking his features. "As the Narrator reached behind him, he felt something soft. And as he pulled it into view, Stanley realized with great terror that he was utterly screwed," he spoke as he waved a long, fluffy feather in the air. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is your favorite feather, right Stanley?" he asked innocently.
The bound man blushed and turned his head away. The Narrator chuckled, "I'll take that as a yes." He twirled it over his neck and ears, earning a string of breathy laughter and embarrassed snorts. He chuckled along with him, adoring ever reaction he drew forth. He wore a evil smirk as he cradled Stanley's head, holding him still so he could torment his sensitive ears to his hearts content with his pesky squirming.
Stanley's laugh was shrill and high pitched as he desperately tried to shield his ear with his shoulder, but to no avail. The Narrator shifted his head to the other side, giggly protests falling from his lover's lips. He squealed when the feather touched back down.
"For as much as he thrashed around and spat threats and half hearted pleas, not once did Stanley actually tell his boyfriend to stop," the Narrator rudely pointed out. Stanley was already blushing a fair amount, but his astute observation turned his face from a warm pink to a cherry red. Stanley could only flip him off as he giggled to his heart's content.
"Again with the rude gestures? Really Stanley, I thought you were above such childish provocations. If you wanted me to kick it up a notch, you could've just said so," he teased, switching spots without warning and swiping the feather in slow, agonizing strokes in his exposed pits. Stanley whined and flexed his muscles, knowing it would do nothing to lessen the sensation.
Without warning, he ditched the feathers and drilled his thumbs in the center of his hollows, eliciting a loud shriek from the man beneath him. He thrashed from side to side, bright laughter filling the room as he continued to lose his mind.
"Yes, this was what Stanley had been after all along. Oh sure he might beg for mercy, or thrash and scream, but if I were to actually stop, he'd be utterly disappointed," the Narrator cooed. "In fact, I think I could go on forever, what do you think Stanley?"
Stanley wheezed, shaking his head. He was laughing too hard to answer, not that he would anyways.
"Y'know, all this tickling is making me hungry. I mean, I don't know about you, but I'm absolutely famished! I could eat a whole rack of ribs right about now... Oh look, how convenient, there's some right in front of me," he hummed, trying not to sound as eager as he felt. Stanley's eyes widened, weak protests flying from his mouth before the Narrator dug into his "meal." The reaction was instantaneous.
If it weren't for the restraints holding him down, he would've folded like a cheap lawn chair, a new wave of hysterics overtaking him. The Narrator nuzzled and growled in his skin as he scraped his teeth over each and every rib. He raised his head to admire the mess Stanley had become. The mess he made him become.
He used Stanley's shirt as a napkin to wipe away barbecue sauce that wasn't there and made a show of licking his fingers. "Mm-mm these are some good ribs. I venture to say they're the best ribs I've ever had," he even talked like his mouth was full, chewing and smacking between words." Stanley would roll his eyes if he wasn't so occupied.
The Narrator returned to his feast, relishing in the giggly shrieks that met his ears. He made obnoxious nomming sounds as he nibbled along his ribcage, reaching down to squeeze his hips just so his hands had something to do. Stanley arched his back as a giddy scream ripped from his throat before he collapsed back onto the bed.
The Narrator worked his way up from the bottom of his ribs to his underarms on one side and from the top down on his other.
"That was delicious, really Stanley, you outdid yourself," he praised as he caught his breath. "But I could go for dessert. You know what goes great with ribs Stanley?" He didn't even wait for an answer before barreling on, "Raspberries."
"No no wait!"
But there was no time for waiting.
He bent down to blow a raspberry just under his ribs, fingers scratching at the dip of his sides. He took a deep breath and blew another, followed by another, peppering his chest and tummy with raspberries that kept him in a constant array of shrieks and cackles. The last raspberry was delivered just above his pant line on the soft stretch of skin below his bellybutton, Stanley's laugh growing a tinge more desperate and whiny. The Narrator drummed his impatient fingers on his stomach as he let him catch his breath. His tummy twitched under every touch, the smile never once left his face.
"Stanley laid there staring at his incredibly handsome boyfriend wondering how in the world he got so lucky while also pondering what the hell he must've done to deserve such evil torment," he playfully growled, vibrating clawed hands on his sides. An ear piercing shriek shot through the air, followed by uncontrollable belly laughter.
The Narrator reached behind him in search of a new tool to aid him on his quest, growing a devilish smirk when he felt a handle and soft bristles. With his free hand, he knocked in the air as if he were at someone's door. Surprisingly, three knocks rang out.
"Who is it, can't you see I'm busy?" he snapped at no one. His expression morphed into one of fond excitement, as if he were seeing an old friend after a long time. All the while, his hands squeezed and kneaded up Stanley's thighs. He was a writhing, desperate excuse of a man, just the way he liked him.
"Oh my goodness, it's been ages since I've seen you! Stanley, our good friend the Adventure Line has decided to drop by for a visit, I hope you don't mind," he teased, pulling the brush out from behind his back and twirling it between his fingers. Stanley shook his head frantically, nervous giggles building up in his throat. "Let's see where it takes us shall we? Oh this'll be fun, don't you agree?"
"Mm mm," he hummed in disagreement, eyes squeezed shut and lips pressed into a thin line attempting to keep his grin at bay. The Narrator smirked, leaning into his personal space and started tracing the brush over the shell of his ear. Stanley squeaked, scrunching his neck in a feeble attempt at protection.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" the Narrator asked, cupping his ear. When he didn't respond, he gave a satisfied huff, "That's what I thought." The trailed the brush down his neck and over his collarbone, oddly enough leaving behind a thin yellow line despite having no paint. In true Adventure Line fashion, it seemed to have a mind of its own, following no rhyme or reason as it swept over Stanley's body. The soft bristles made his skin crawl as shrill giggles and squeals continued to slip past his lips. He writhed and twitched at every touch, whining when a particularly sensitive spot was honed in on. The brush jumped from spot to spot, swirling in repeated patterns and zigzags all over his bound torso and heading for his legs.
"Hm these pesky pants are in the way... I wish you were wearing shorts." No sooner than he voiced his opinions did his wish come true. Stanley shifted his legs on the bed as he realized his boyfriend was only just getting started.
"Nononohoho!" his protest melted into bubbly giggles. The mischievous yellow line traced back and forth between his hips, making him twitch and rock from side to side, loud belly laughter filling the air. The Narrator chuckled along, rolling up his shorts to reveal his pale, skinny legs. He held down his leg with a hand resting on his knee, squeezing sporadically and drawing out a few embarrassed snorts.
When the brush touched down on the soft, supple skin on his inner thigh Stanley practically convulsed. His legs strained against their bonds and he twisted any way he could to try and close them. His laughter took on a desperate pitch the farther down he traveled, much to the Narrator's amusement. He constantly swapped between which leg he targeted just to keep him on edge, and his giggles were all the more sweeter for it.
Snickers poured freely from his lips like a waterfall as the adventure line formed a closing spiral over his kneecap. The touch was maddeningly soft, each flick of the brush caressed his nerves in an unbearably ticklish manner. He let out a sudden gasp when he felt it graze the back of his knee. He shook his head adamantly, having to bite his lip to keep his giddy smile at bay. The Narrator arched a brow in amusement, continuing the lazy brush strokes that took away a piece of Stanley's sanity with every swipe.
"I must say Stanley, I'm rather impressed that you're so ticklish in such odd places," he cooed, teasing the delicate skin as he trailed down his calf. He jerked under the touch, a giggly yelp followed by a nervous glance.
"Oh you've got to be kidding me- here? You're ticklish here of all places? Is there anywhere you aren't devastatingly sensitive?" he taunted, kneading the muscles on his leg. He was rewarded with mirthful hysterics as Stanley fumbled for a retort, but came up short.
Holding his leg in his tickly grip, he picked up the brush and carried on from where he left off. Stanley scrunched his feet as the brush worked over his soles, and by the time the Narrator was done, the bottoms of his feet were solid yellow. He made sure to get every nook and cranny, even spreading his toes apart so he could swipe the silky bristles between each one.
Stanley was wheezing and snorting between bouts of helpless cackles. His body went stiff and he screamed when the brush passed over his ankle. The Narrator arched a brow, intrigued by the new discovery. He drew slow circles around the bone, relishing the breathy snickers and occasional snorts the spot drew out.
"Well Stanley, I think it's safe to say we've reached the end of the Adventure Line. For once," he joked, chuckling under his breath. He twirled the tool between his fingers and in a flash it became an electric toothbrush.
"Now we just have to clean you up." Stanley's eyes bugged out of his head, shaking his head despite the clear excitement written all over his face. "Now I know you might think the toothbrush is too small and tedious for such a task, but I think you'll find it to be rather effective for what I have planned," he purred. He shot him a devious wink as he turned it on, and a foreboding buzz filled Stanley with a giggly dread.
The Narrator started from the bottom up, and his laughter reached new heights. The brush worked surprisingly well, erasing any trace of the yellow line from before. The only thing it left in its wake was an extremely giggly Stanley thrashing around on the bed. He followed the line he had drawn just as carefully as did before, lingering around the back of his knees just for good measure.
"I'm not stalling Stanley, I'm trying to make sure I get you nice and clean!" he insisted, drilling the spinning bristles in the center. He shrieked, shaking his leg as much as he could, though it did little to help. His laugh got a little faster and breathier when the toothbrush met his inner thighs, whines and a few moans slipping in every once in a while. And what kind of boyfriend would he be if he just ignored that?
"Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself," he purred, trailing up his other leg. He got an embarrassed moan in response and he tried to his blushing face behind his raised arm. He traced the toothbrush along his waistline, taking his sweet time despite Stanley's wild bucking.
His laugh went into silent hysterics when the Narrator dipped the bristles in his bellybutton and held it there for a full minute before continuing on his cruel journey. When he noticed the shade of red his face had turned, he decided to show him some mercy by cutting to the chase wrapped up. He scrubbed off the last scraps of the line from his skin and turned the device off. Stanley panted heavily, resting his head on the pillow with a tired smile plastered on his face. The Narrator rubbed his palms over his arms and down his chest to soothe his nerves.
"You were wonderful dear," the Narrator spoke softly as he leaned in for a kiss. He uncuffed him and reached across the nightstand for a glass of water, offering it to him as he sat up. The Narrator took his seat next to him, resting an arm around his shoulders as he snuggled close. He peppered his face and neck with sweet kisses that ghosted over his skin, keeping him feeling happy and tingly. His hands still wondered over his body offering a soothing massage wherever they went.
"Next time don't be afraid to ask."
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lovelyrocker · 10 months
Like Me Pt.9
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Bones & All (AU)
Warnings: Blood, Worry, Angst, Language
Characters: Lee, Reader, Liam(OMC)
Pairings: Lee x Reader
Word Count: 1,056
Y/N and Lee swung the bedroom door open to find little Liam lying on the bed curled in a ball, holding his belly. Y/N rushed to his side, pulling him in her arms. 
“Baby, what’s wrong?!”
“It hurts!” The boy cried with tears falling from his eyes. He looked up and his eyes landed on Lee. “Lee, make it go away, please!”
Lee reached, taking the child from his mother’s arms. “Come on.” He pulled him up and held him close, walking out of the room. 
“Where are you going?!” Y/N jumped up, following. “Where are you going?!”
“He needs to feed. Now.” Lee tells her as he hurries down the stairs. 
“What?! Again?!” Her voice is panicked and drenched in concern. “Stop!” She tries as Lee hurries through the house, rustling for his keys, Liam crying in his arms. “Lee!” She grabs his arm stopping him.
He grabs his keys and looks at her. “Y/N, do you trust me?” He asks calmly.
“I- I-” She searched his eyes as he stood there, cradling her son. Their son. “Yes!”
He said nothing. He just turned and walked out. The sound of the screen door slamming shut seemed to echo through the house. 
Eight hours. They stayed gone for eight hours. Y/N was going crazy by the time Lee pulled up in the pick up truck. It was seven in the morning and Liam ran into the house with a sling shot in his hands. 
“Mommy!” Liam ran into her arms. “Look what Lee got me!” She grabbed the boy and hugged him tightly. “Mommy, too tight!”
“I’m sorry baby.” She said, holding back the tears. “That’s a cool toy!” She brushed his curls from his face. “How’s your tummy?”
“Better!” He yawned. “Can I watch cartoons?”
“Sure, baby.” She told him as she looked towards Lee. Liam ran into the house as she stood. “What happened!? I’ve been worried sick!”
“It happens sometimes. Sudden need to feed.” Lee explains as they walk into the kitchen. He walks to the coffee maker, touching the glass pot feeling if it was still hot. Of course it was. She no doubt stayed up all night. “I drove a couple hours out of the way.” He poured the steaming liquid into a cup. “I took care of it.” He took a long sip. “I’m sorry it took so long.” He placed his cup down , looking at her, expecting yelling. “I know you must have been worried sick and I’m sorry. I didn’t exactly have a way to get in contact with you. Couple hours there, time to hunt, feed.” He ran a tired hand over his face. “We cleaned off swimming in a lake. Few hours back here.”
“Where did the slingshot come in?” She asked, to his surprise. 
“It- it came with the meal.” Lee said sheepishly.
“Please tell me you didn’t-” 
“It wasn’t. It was an adult.” Lee assured her. 
“Oh- okay.” He saw her shoulder untense. “So, he’ll be okay now?”
Lee nodded. “For now.” 
She nodded, walking over to the counter, grabbing her cup of coffee and refilling it. “Are you okay?” She asked not, looking at Lee.
“Are you?” Lee returned the question. He saw her nod but she wouldn’t face him. “Y/N?” He stepped towards her and he saw her quickly wipe a stray tear from her cheek as she began to walk away. “Hey,” Lee wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. “Come here.” She buried her face into his chest. “It’s okay.” He cooed as she began to cry. “I know. It's scary.” He rested his cheek on top of her head. “You were terrified and this whole thing is-”
“Thank you.” She said into his chest.
“What?” Lee looked down at her. She kept her face buried in his chest. “For what?”
“Taking care of him.” Finally she backed away, wiping her face. “For being here.”
“No, baby.” He placed his hands on her face. “It’s my job. He’s my son. Don’t thank me for doing what I should be.”
“Does- des what happened last night happen a lot?”
“No.” He brushed her hair from her face. “It’s just because it's so new to him. He’ll adjust.” He places his index finger beneath her chin. “It’ll get better.” She nodded as he leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to her lips. 
Liam took a late morning nap, falling asleep with Lee in the armchair watching The Flintstones. After about an hour Lee woke up and carefully placed Liam on the couch. He made his way through the house and found Y/N out back hanging clothes on the line. 
“How was your nap?” She asked as she unpinned the t-shirt.
“Good.” He reached, pulling a pair of jeans from the line. “Liam is still asleep.”
“Good.” SHe smiled at him. “He is grumpy when tired.”
“I’ve noticed.” Lee returned the smirk. “I could have washed my own clothes.”
“I don’t mind.” She told him as she folded another shirt and dropped it into the basket. “I got the blood stains out of your shirt.”
He chuckled. “Thanks.” 
“Word of advice.” She shook out another shirt and placed it in the basket. “Don’t wear white when you. . . go out to eat.”
“Noted.” He chuckled. He cleared his throat. “So, I’m gonna go to the slaughter house on the edge of town. See if I can’t get back on. I worked there in high school.”
“I remember.” She looked up at him. “You used to always smell like hay.” She smiled. “That something you want to do?” He nodded, taking Liam’s footie pajamas off of the line. “Are you sure?”
“No, I mean,” She looked up at Lee. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Are you asking if I’m sure I want my family?”
“I guess.” She takes a breath. “Yeah, that’s what I’m asking.”
Lee drops the clothes into the basket and takes the clothes out of her hands. He steps closer, placing his hands on her face, not stopping till their lips are pressed together. 
“I haven’t been this sure about anything in a really long time.”
“You say that, Lee, but-”
“I’ll show you.” His thumbs caress her cheeks. “I promise I’ll show you how much I want it.” 
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𝙹𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜
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A/N: so I thought to try my hand with Dreamcatcher, I really hope you like it. I got really inspired by Jeepers Creeper and I really want to go on a road trip, so I’ll be living through Siyeon except for the whole scary dying thing of course. If you like this, please do a favor and reblog it. That really helps. This is very gendered. I picked male for no particular reason. Next one I’ll work to keep it gender neutral. Hopefully there’s minimal grammar and spelling mistakes, as this wasn’t proofread. Hopefully its bearable. Also this is an AU/non-idol Siyeon
Warning: Death, blood, sensual themed, and creepy trucks.
A bead of sweat left a trail down the length of her neck, as she wiped it off of her chest. He watched the now missing bead on the top of her chest right before it had gotten to the curve of her breast. “Stop staring. Your job is to drive me to the dealership across country.” She slid on her sunglasses, as she closed the compact of her mirror. “Hot?” He asked in a teasing tone. “Apparently as much as you.” She shot back, as she checked the driving route on his phone that was mounted on the dashboard.
“Why would they make us drive this car that has no air conditioning in it during the middle of the summer?” She asked, as she returned the screen of his phone back to the electric rode they were on. He let out a soft chuckle at her complain. “Siyeon you could’ve gone on the plane.” His tone was light and playful, which resulted her to smile. He returned the smile, as he knew why she had chosen this route. It was to spend time with him and he was planning on taking every back rode from Louisiana to North Carolina. The ride stretched out in front of them, as he drove.
A few hours into the day drive, Siyeon was napping in the passenger seat. Silence bored him, it the radio wasn’t working either, as this was a project car she had hoped he would help her in. It was a vintage mustang that needed vanity repair and some mechanical repairs. She didn’t have an interest in car, but she did know what she liked and how to get those things. It was something he loved about her. Today, he thought this trip could change their entire relationship with her. He noticed the gas level signaling that it was nearing the empty line.
Siyeon was sound asleep, so he decided it was best to just stop by a gas station without waking her up. He turned into a gas station that seemed to be dated way back to the 1950’s. He was surprised that gas stations like this still worked tomorrow. He parked next to a gas pump near the store, then he confusingly examined the pump. He realized that he would have to pay before he could he pump. He pulled his wallet out of his dark brown wallet that had his name engraved on the top layer.
He disappeared into the gas station, he came back to fill the gas tank, but he saw an old Ford truck parked outside the station, but by the only other pump in the grounds. The windows were so tinted it was hard to even tell if someone was there in the driver’s seat. He pumped the gas, as he kept his eyes on the old rustic truck. He placed the handle to back to the pump, as he heard the truck start up. He slowed his pace to the driver’s side, but the truck made no move to leave. He entered the car, as he cautiously pulled out of the gas station. He recalled no one coming into the gas station after him, but he was certain no one did.
He checked the rear view mirror to make sure they were being followed. Nothing, so he settled down. He eased on the gas pedal, then he heard rustling. He snapped his head to the sound, Siyeon sleepily examined the forgotten paper bag of breakfast sandwiches he’d bought for them, but she seemed to not noticed the weird truck in the parking space. “Did you get any drinks?”she said with a yawn, as she grabbed a small bag of hash browns rounds. A soft coo of excitement whistled pass her lips. She popped one in her mouth, then she fed another round to him.
He smiled as he accepted the fried chip. “I forgot them on the counter.” He mentally kicked himself. She smiled with ease, “and I knew that could happen, so I packed some drinks in this cooler.” She unlatched her seatbelt, then she climbed over the back of the conjoined seats to reach the small cooler. He looked up at the rear view mirror to watch until he noticed the same brown old truck following them. “Shit, Siyeon get back in the seat and put your seatbelt on.” He demanded, as he pulled at the belt loop of her jeans to get her to sit back in the seat.
“What are you doing?” She said, as she fell back into the seat. Her hands held a bottle of water and a soda. “I was looking for an orange soda for you.” Her was disgruntled and annoyed. She put the drinks to the side, as she latched the seatbelt around her. “This truck. It’s this truck behind us that’s been following us.” He said, as he checked the mirrors he could use. She turned to look through the back window, as her fear spiked. The truck sped to ram them from behind, she braced herself for the impact. It was jolted the car forward, as he tried to keep the car in control from the impact. She held on tightly to everything around her, as he finally go out of the way.
The truck sped off into the road, as he struggled to slow it down. The truck was seen turning into a side road and disappeared. Siyeon jumped out of the car on to shaky legs, as she watched the truck disappear. He turned off the car, as he hung out of the car. His head in his hand, she raced to his side, and she wrapped her arms around her. “Are you okay?” She asked, as he wrapped his own arms around her waist. “Yeah. I should be asking you.” He could feel how shaky she was, as she held him “What was that creep’s problem?” She asked as she looked down at him.
“No idea,” he looked up at her, her face held so many questions, but irritation flared through her. “Well that’s something to add to the list of things that needs to be fixed.” She griped as she let him go to examine the damage on her car. He followed her as she brought a hand to her forehead, as if the sight itself gave her a headache. “At least we’re away from that creep.” He grimaced but he reminder her of what matter. She sighed as she tried to calm herself down. “Yeah you’re right.” She said finally. “Can we fix it now? The trunk won’t shut now.” She tried to use her weight to close the trunk. It popped open after she landed on her feet.
She was going to try again, but he softly grabbed her by the waist to let her move out of his way. “I have kinetic rope that I can use to tie it down for now.” He opened the trunk, as she looked around to see if anyone was driving around. “At least it was just the trunk and we can still drive it right?” She asked worried, as if she didn’t want to be here any longer than they needed to be. “Yeah this thing is like a tank.” He wrapped the rope around the the notch and the keyhole to hold together, as he drove.
Her sunglasses were enough to shield but she still made a shield with her hand, as she turned to face him. “Should we report him?” She asked, as she walked back to him and the car. He tightly tied the trunk together as much as he could. He tried to pull up the trunk to see if it would give with his strength. “Yeah that’ll do it and if we see a highway patrol station, as long as you remember the details of the car.” He looked at him, as he walk to the driver while she walked to the passenger seat. “I remember the license plate number.” She smiled happily, as she waved her phone.
He should’ve known she would be prepared. “Come on there. Let’s go.” She peered over her sunglasses at him, then she tapped the steering wheel. He started the car back up, as he was handed his sandwich. He took it with one hand, as she began eating hers. The rode stretched out for miles, as they began to continue their journey. He balled the wrapper of his breakfast, then he handed it to her to compile the trash. He slowed at the sight of a stop sign approaching, the sun was dipped into the horizon, as she promised the nearest gas station would call for a switch of drivers.
The stop sign was at a crossroads, fields of grass surrounded it and a church not too far from them. Siyeon got his attention, as she pointed to the church. The same truck parked by the side of the church, as he carried what suspiciously looked like a body to a in ground tunnel entrance. Her breathing caught in her throat, as they watched the scene of this stranger tossing this massive object into the abyss. Her mouth dropped, as the head of this stranger snapped at our direction. She yelled for him go.
He jabbed his foot on the gas pedal to the floor of the car. The car screeched at the extreme velocity, as he drove from the church. She was frantically looking behind them, as he drove as fast as this car would allow. The sound of a supersonic horn blared through the quiet of the evening, Siyeon continued to hold on to the back of the seat, so she could watch the truck. The blinding lights of the truck made it hard to drive, as it approached with the horn blaring. Whimpers escaped her in fear, as the truck came dangerously close.
They braced themselves for the impact, as it came. It was much harder, that the metal of the bumper latched onto the truck’s. His hands were tense and tight against the steering wheel, as he fought to keep control of the car. The speedometer raising with every distance that the truck forced them to go. The car lost control, then it was driven off the road. He braced himself, as he could see that even Siyeon did the same. A ditch was coming too fast to them.
She woke up to the sight of the crash sight, blood smeared her face, as she looked groggily for him. The driver’s seat was empty, the moon now out and covered by clouds. She slowly tried to get out of the car, as she shouted his name. The door latch seemed stuck, so she climbed out the window. Her head throbbed from the impact, as she walked around the car to see if he’d been thrown out of the car. She shouted loudly, as she looked around. Fear covered her completely, as she began realizing that she was alone. Thoughts of possibilities of what could have happened to her ran through her mind, as she saw a sign of a local truck stop and diner in less than a mile.
She was sore, but she needed to get help. She turned around to grab a phone to help illuminate her way. Once her phone was in her hand. She checked for a signal to call out. Yet there was not any, so she used the flashlight to help guide to this place for a phone. She kept her eyes on the signal in case she could make a call to help her find him. Even as she made her way to this diner, she shouted for him. Desperation chilled her spine, as she neared the brown truck further than she was from the diner.
She began running to the diner, as she gripped her phone tightly in her hand. She practically stumbled into the diner, as the few patrons and waitresses turned to look at her. She had looked like she’d survived from a car crash, wounds, bruises and blood all over her splattered body. A waitress helped her sit in a near table, as Siyeon tried to explain that someone ran her and her friend off and she thought that this same person took her friend. The waitress was confused, but she called for police. She reported the accident and a missing person.
“I’m telling you the license plate number. That’s the same truck that ran my friend and I off the road.” Siyeon explained desperately as she was receiving medical care. The police officers took the information of the number, make and model down. They spoke through the walkie attached to their shoulders. Siyeon was given a cup of water, as well as a small plate of food. The waitress gave her sympathetic look, as she set the food down. Siyeon could count the amount of patrons, officers, waitresses and cook in both her hands.
She forget it was a holiday for the United States, so most people would go to beach or theme parks. A few would stay in small towns due to demands of money or no plans to go anywhere. The lighting here was soft to compliment the moonlight outside. They waitress waited until the police returned to their car to make plans on what to do with Siyeon. “The truck you described, was it playing music?” The question sounded ludicrous to Siyeon, so she gave her a bewildered look. “When he picks who he wants, there’s no escaping him.” The waitress continues, “they won’t find him you know? Your friend. He was picked.” She explained to Siyeon, her mouth dropped at the words, as she was listened to the small town tale of this family.
“They’ll take his eyes. Like they did my friend” Siyeon shook her head, as she cupped her ears. “Stop it. He alive and I’m going to find him.” She said in disbelief, as she didn’t want to hear it. The waitress stopped her tale, as she noticed how distressed Siyeon was. “It’s best you just let them be and go on to where you come from.” The waitress cleared the table and she took the dishes to the back room. The police came back to inform Siyeon that they would take her to the accident site for her to grab her things and take her to the nearest hotel.
She stood up to follow them to their police car, they drove back to the car crash, and the site looked like someone had gone through the whole car. They examined the car first before allowing Siyeon to collect what she could. “Any explanations on why this could happen without any people around for miles on end?” She asked, as she picked up the article of clothing for the two of them. The officers were speechless, which further confirmed to her of the hideaway family targeting them could be real. “What about my friend? What are you going do about that?” She asked, as she carried their bags to the car.
They assured her that they are having people investigate the area and surrounding areas for him. She showed a photo she’d taken of the two of this day before the trip even started. They approached a motel that was more in town, but it gave her a chill. She wasn’t sure if it was because it remained her of the Norman Bates motel or the fact that no one was there. She sighed, as they escorted to the front desk. The vibe of the hotel seemed off, but it’s an attempt at being cozy. I was given a key, as I began to threaten them that I would be staying until my friend was found.
They said that they would be there the next morning and that the best thing to do was for her to sleep. She scoffed, as she unlocked the door, the room was basic, a tv that seemed dated to the late 90’s and that was the most “up to date” technology. She sighed in frustration muddled with fear, as the officers left her. She locked the door behind her, then she moved some things in front of the door. The neon light gave an eerie ambiance to the room, as she settled in the bed. She checked her bag to see if she had her phone charger, which in luck she did. She checked to see if there was an outlet for her to phone charger.
She noticed one behind the bed, so she grumbled as she moved the bed to the side. A small crawl space was just behind the bed, but she couldn’t move the bed by herself. She stopped her curiosity from getting to her, as she just connected her phone. She heard the soft melody that her phone was charging. She closed the blinds, as she got ready for bed, and she examined the bruises on her body. She clicked her tongue at the sights of the wounds from the crash. She laid on the bed so she could relax and fall asleep eventually.
A flood of light bleed through the cracks of the curtain from the window facing the parking lot interrupted her sleep. She stood up, then she made her way to the window to peek. An audible gasp escaped her, as she hid from the view of the window. The same truck was there parked right in front of her hotel room. A hand clasped over her mouth, as she tried to gather what to do next. She hurriedly went to her phone, then she dialed for emergency. As the phone rang, she heard slow footsteps coming from the bathroom. Immediately she turned to see the silhouette of a tall figure looming in the darkness of the bathroom. She began to make her way to the door, as she push what she could put of the way of the door.
The figure lunged at her, but she moved out the way. She back away, climbed the bed to put something in between them. “What did you do with him?” She yelled, as he kind he at her again. She tried to jump towards the door, but he got a hold of her ankle and pulled her hard on the bed. She fell with a hard thud against the bed, as she hit her face against the bed frame. She screamed for help, as she struggled to get away from him. The figure keep her still, as he pinned her down. Finally she gave into unconsciousness, the figure took from the hotel. The stillness of the hotel returned once the truck left.
She awoke to being tied, the wind of being in the back of a truck blew her hair around, so she sat up groggily. Her face and body hurt, as she looked around. She was on the back of the brown truck, as she saw they were driving to the crash site. Fear leaped in her heart, as she looked around the truck to use to cut herself free. She found a metal stake that she could use. She rubbed the rope against the stake, as she did it quickly before they would get the destination. She sighed in relief as she was cut free. Now she just needed get off the moving truck, she looked out and over the edge of the truck, and she looked around.
Under the moonlight, she spotted a blood splatter checkered cloth van. Her eyes followed the pant leg to the hem of the shirt she recognized, a soft suppressed sob escaped her lips, as she inside of the sulk of her friend. She could the inside of his head through the socket of his eyes, the sight made her nauseous, as she processed what she was seeing. A hand tightly held her mouth, as she tried to control the sob that rattled her body. She knew she had to get out of there as soon as she could. The truck slowed its pace, as she looked around to see they had made it to the crash site.
She shook as she readied herself to fight. She would fight to run, as she held on to the stake. Her back to the caddy, as she waited. Her ready to strike the moment he was close enough. He came into view, so she attacked. She used the momentum of her jumping at him to plunge the edge into the side of the strangers neck. The impact caused them to fall to the ground, she pulled out the stake, and she began running back to the direction of the motel. Her pace was fast, as she could feel this stranger running after her. She knew this was impossible, she stabbed him right in the neck, and that should’ve resulted into some sort of slowing down.
She was ready for another confrontation, as she could hear the steps right behind her. She was pushed to the ground, as she landed with a loud smack to the gravel from the side of the road. She rolled quickly to her back, as she plunged into the fleshy mass on her. A scream she emitted was terrified, as she continued to keep plunging the metal piece into it. It wasn’t until her screams turn to pain, as she felt this figure bite into her leg. Now more desperate to get this thing off of her. She had to use her legs to kick him off.
With one strong kick, the figure flew off of her, and she took the chance to start running. Now to the truck. Her leg where it was bitten the thin fabric of her pajamas did nothing to protect her. She limped as quickly as she could. She heard the footsteps behind, as she neared the truck. The second she could throw herself into the truck and she started it. She made the quickest U-turn she could manage. She thought that she might tip over the truck, as she did the turn. There in rays of the car lights, was man-like figure, as his face more insect like than man, but he stood on two foot like any human. She switched the gears to go full speed to the truck could have.
The impact caused the figure to be rolled under the cars, she stopped to see if she could see the body just laying there. Something told her to back up into it to make sure to kill this thing. Maybe it was rage, but the tired screamed in protest at the amount of speed she’d floored the tire. The bump of the body satisfied her, as she ran it over one last time. She speed to the police station, as she parked the truck. She came into the police station, as she recognized one of the officers at the front desk. She threw the keys at him, “I want out of here now.” She demanded, “the truck you thought I made up is out there along with the body of my friend. It came back for me.” She explained at the flabbergasted officer.
The officer order for back up, as they checked the truck. A note pinned to his shirt, sprawled, “Jeepers Creepers where’d you get those peepers?” Siyeon staggered back, then fell to the concrete. A cry of fear shudder through her. That note was not there earlier.
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goodlesson · 4 years
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random bastille gifs 4/?
anonymous requested: could you gif the bits where dan's laughing / smiling in this vid 🥺
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izjeon · 2 years
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idol!jungkook x fem!reader
genre: smut, established relationship, pwp (kinda)
word count: 1k
warnings: MINORS GET OUT!! not proofread, consensual sex, d&s (dominance & submission), s&m (sadism and masochism), oral (m receiving), fingering (f receiving), dom!jk & sub!reader, beefy kook, unrealistic sex, extreme overstimulation, multiple orgasms, copious amounts of cum, mentioned unprotected sex, unaware audience, and reader’s cooch has been through it ⛲️
+a/n: this is a repost of an old drabble for somebody who used to read my old ffs ♡ . also, this is one of my favourites from my old writing so i hope you enjoy! btw… there’s no impreg kink in this one 🙏🏾.
++ “anything for my angel.”
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jungkook gripped the leather arms of his desk chair and forced a smile for the vlive he'd switched on ages ago. bts' new song, dis-ease echoed around the room and through his screen to the millions of people watching his live. "arm—” he paused and glanced underneath the desk. his breath hitched in his throat.
gosh, the sight was amazing.
with your teary eyes looking up at him so beautifully, he could just see the begging and need for mercy in your eyes as you pleased his sadistic ways as part of your punishment. he eyed the runny mascara mixing in with the hot and sticky ropes of his blissful orgasms that had pooled inside your mouth instead of shooting down your throat.
he almost came at the sight of your puffy, swollen lips perfectly swallowing the whole of his large cock. he could even feel the outline of him inside your throat with the one hand he'd kept down there to provide comfort and pet your head or push your head down even further, leaning forward to hide it from your unaware audience.
he brought himself back to reality within a second or two, "ah, my apologies, army! i thought it was getting a bit messy down there with all my devices and was thinking of ways to organise— the mind of a cleaning-freak, haha!" your hands tied behind your back with his belt didn't help at all when he suddenly bucked into your mouth twice, hiding it with him just 'adjusting himself' on the chair.
"ah, i only wanted to come on for a short while before i went back to punishing you—" your core quivered around the vibrating length inside of you and you muffled a whimper by voluntarily deepthroating him. "—...punishing you all with my handsome face."
he grinned before throwing his head back with a laugh, "that was so embarrassing, i apologise." jungkook's right fist hidden from the camera clenched and unclenched as his thumb repeatedly pushed against the plus symbol on the small pink button until he knew he'd reached the highest level.
not being able to see the devious smirk your boyfriend had on his face, your eyes bulged out of their sockets as you were forced to take in the device’s small vibrator on your clit as well as the twitching, plastic length inside of your cunt. drunk on your climax, you involuntarily squirted all over the hotel room’s carpet.
and to hide the sound of you brutally coming undone for the 13th time under the desk, jungkook continued speaking to his fans as if nothing was happening. "oh, wow," he mumbled with a glance at his phone and feigned innocence, looking back to the camera, "guys, have i really been on here with you for 35 minutes?"
"hm, i guess i'll go now since it's been a while." he smiled at the camera with a wave, "bye guys!"
you patiently waited, your hips stuttering and grinding against air in need for a fat cock to stuff your pussy. jungkook remained silent, making sure everything was off, before wheeling his desk chair backwards.
slowly, he petted your head and looked down upon you with a coo. "my little sweetheart." you whimpered and shuffled closer to him on your knees, giving his hard and erect cock a twirl of your trained tongue. you were pleading so innocently: ‘daddy, please?'. he could almost hear it.
jungkook hurriedly shoved your head flush against his inner thighs and placed his both hands against the back of your head. he started to buck relentlessly into your warm fuckhole. "so f-fucking pretty—!" and with a pained shout, he shot his third load straight down your willing throat.
you didn't even have to put in work to swallow it as it all just shot rope after rope down your throat. with heavy eyes, you moaned around his cock at the beautiful view you had of jungkook falling apart because of your mouth. your mouth. nobody else could please him as you did. nobody.
he groaned as he pulled out of your battered fuckhole, strings of white following after his pink tip. "so fucking perfect..." he mumbled, rubbing his mess all over your pouting lips with his length.
jungkook grabbed your face from under your jaw, his thumb pressing into your cheek, and pulled you up to stand. his fingers fell onto your breasts, ghosting over the nipples that he loved so much. then with a u-turn, his fingers traced over your back, giving you chills. his hands did a quick job of unbuckling your wrists. he gave you freedom.
your legs felt as if they were going to give way when you reached a shaky hand down between your legs. you cried out, fingers grazing over your swollen clit, but you slowly pulled out the vibrating intruder and held it up to his view.
"suck it clean," jungkook ordered and turned off the vibrator. his curious fingers trailed down to your own mess. covered in your juices and jungkook’s cum, the pink vibrator slid past your lips, welcomed by an eager tongue.
"oh, baby," he groaned as his fingers felt around your inner thighs. three of his fingers slipped in with little to no struggle and even though he was terribly overstimulated, he was beginning to twitch back to life.
"how many times?"
you pulled out the device and swallowed before whispering, "t-thirteen..." you cried out at the increase in his pace as he fucked you with his fingers. you collapsed onto his chest, fingers gripping tightly onto the hoodie he wore.
"p-please," you begged before biting harshly on your lip; you knew better than to ask for something from him when it was your punishment. but jungkook grinned, turning the both of you around and throwing you onto the bed.
"anything for my angel."
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#livestream; fin.
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all rights reserved. © izjeon
do not steal, modify, or publish my work.
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buckys-little-belle · 2 years
Bucky x Little!Reader (They/Them pronouns used)
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Warnings - Internet hate, insecure reader, sad reader, crying, Bucky gets sad, happy ending.
Note - This is so self indulgent <3, also this is kinda short i’m sorry!
SFW - My blog and my writing is all SFW, please keep your interactions with this post any my account SFW.
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“Baby what’s wrong?” bucky called out, y/n sat on the floor crying, a few blankets covering their body, making them look more like a blob than a human.
Y/n’s eyes met Bucky’s, tears streaming down their cheeks. Holding up her phone towards Bucky she began to sob harder. “Dey are so mean!”
Bucky grabbed the phone and looked at the screen, a photo of Bucky and Y/n was posted to a gossip website, the photo showing Y/n holding a stuffy with a large smile on their face as they looked up to Bucky. Bucky on the other hand had an annoyed look plastered on his face.
He remembered that day, he had just bought Y/n a mushroom stuffy that they had been wanting forever. The reason why he looked annoyed was because so many people were surrounding them and bombarding them with pictures, Y/n just talked about their stuffy, completely unbothered during the run in. But Bucky was fed up and he let the people who were taking the pictures know that he wasn’t happy with their behaviour.
Of course this gossip site made it seem like Y/n was the issue, “Their over excitement over a child toy clearly upsets The Winter Soldier.”, the comments filled with many more comments bashing Y/n, people claiming they would act like adults and treat “The Winter Soldier” the “right” way.
Those people didn’t know Bucky liked neck rubs, or that he liked it when someone played with his hair. They had no clue that Bucky liked to sleep with white noise, or that he liked to wear cartoon socks because they made him smile. These people didn’t even know that he hated being called “The Winter Soldier” and he has said that publicly multiple times. How could they know what he wants? how could they know how to treat him “right”? Why did they think they could assume correctly how he felt at that moment?
Before he could get even more heated, before he could start responding to the comments or write a statement of his own, Y/n’s crying began to get quieter, their breathing becoming rapid. Bucky sprung into caregiver mode, quickly shutting off the phone and sitting on the floor infront of Y/n.
“Come here baby.” He cooed, his arms opening, waiting for Y/n to crawl into them. As Y/n situated themselves in his lap he wrapped his arms around them, tucking their head into the crook of his neck and rubbing their scalp soothingly. “The people who are making those comments are bad people, okay? They are lying, no one, absolutely no one, could treat me any better than you do. No one does and no one could make me happier.” Bucky’s tone was soft and reassuring, his one arm that was wrapped around them squeezed them harder every once in a while to emphasize his point. “I was annoyed that people were taking pictures of us, I wasn’t annoyed with you.” He paused, quickly letting out a short breath. “You were the only thing keeping me from lashing out. Your sweet voice kept me grounded that whole time.”
Bucky’s demeanour changed, clearly saddened that Y/n was believing the rude comments, but he knew they couldn’t help it, their mind vulnerable and suggestible. Truly he was just mad that people would write these things about his baby. “Do you mean wat you say?” Y/n whispered, their words no quite matching what they meant to say but their message still clear.
Bucky moved to hold their head in his hands, making sure the two of them were making eye contact. “Of course baby, I love you and only you, and all of these comments are lies.” Y/n’s crying had stopped but they still looked utterly sad.
“Otay, I belibe you.” Y/n said, reassuring Bucky. “De people in my phone are lying.”
“Yes baby, they are just liars.” Bucky said before kissing Y/n’s forehead. “Why don’t we snuggle up and watch a movie huh?”
“Nemo?” Y/n asked, a huge smile on their face.
“Sure baby, why don’t you grab the DVD and I’ll grab some snacks?” Bucky asked, Y/n nodding before the two of them went their separate ways. Bucky knew this day would come, the day his relationship was laid out for all to see and dissect, but he still wasn’t ready for all of the issues, conversations, and feeling that this situation would bring. But at the same time he knew as long as he had his baby by his side he could get through it, the two of them against the world.
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captains-simp · 3 years
can you do a fic where reader unintentionally breaks one of the rules by accident so she has to be punished but the punishment is being ignored by BOTH wanda AND nat and reader is uncomfortable with being ignored because it makes her feel invisible and like she's a ghost so like this is what happens, reader breaks a rule in front of wanda and nat but reader doesn't realize she broke a rule but wanda and nat punish reader without telling reader first, and they punish her by not acknowledging her presence and stuff then reader just breaks and starts crying and stuff, she's really upset until nat and wanda cave in and see what's wrong with reader because they didnt know that reader didnt realize she broke a rule and her punishment was being ignored by them
also nat is dom, wanda is switch (like wanda is sub to nat but dom to reader) and reader is sub also nat, wanda and reader are in a poly dom/sub relationship and dating
Oh my god is this ✨smut with a developed storyline✨?
Wanda Maximoff & Natasha Romanoff ~ 3rd Wheel
Warnings: debatable toxic traits, feelings of abandonment and unlove, fingering, praise, oral and hints of overstimulation
2.4k words
[ masterlist ]
Buy me a coffee ☕
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You giggled as Sam made stupid sound effects every time he paused in telling his story. You were pretty sure the story wasn’t true but hearing him tell it was entertaining enough. He put his hand on your forearm as he laughed at his own comeback to some apparently ‘very real’ character in the story and you couldn’t help but laugh along with him. That was until your other arm was grabbed and pulled you to your feet. 
“It’s late, we should go.” Natasha said curtly. You nodded and said goodbye to Sam with a tight hug and followed after the Russian as Wanda joined her at her side. 
“How did your meeting go?” You teased the redheads. Officially, what you had just attended was a party. Unofficially, it was a chance for Natasha and Wanda to gather more intel for a future mission that they had been working on for months. Tony, to no one’s surprise, was more than happy to help by hosting the party and it was just like any other to everyone else. You had missed your girlfriend’s company at first, but had eventually started socializing with the others and the night had flown by. 
When you were met with silence you assumed you didn’t hear either of their responses over the music so you sped up your steps slightly to stick close by. Once you got to the car you knew they were in a bad mood. It was one thing when one of them was mad but both of them was a whole other storm. Not that it was always bad. Sometimes they would take that anger out on you in the bedroom and you had secretly been dying to be fucked like that for a while. 
You tried to make conversation a few times, telling the pair about Sam’s story and how it was probably about as real as fairies but they still didn’t respond. Of course, you had no idea that these things were just making them madder and that Wanda and Natasha were communicating silently most of the time, discussing the meeting as they ignored you. You gave up eventually and gazed out the window as you fiddled with the fabric of your dress. 
Once you were home things only seemed to get worse. “I made dinner before we left.” You said as you looked under the grill to find that the three served plates were still fine and put them on the counter. You had cooked before getting ready because you knew your girlfriends were busy and were going to be hungry when they got home. You glanced at the two women to see Natasha undoing her girlfriend’s zipper and placing a soft kiss between her shoulder blades. You smiled at the tender site. 
“Hey, where’s my kiss?” You teased as Natasha started towards the bedroom but shouldered right past you. You looked to Wanda but she didn’t spare you a glance either as she strolled through the apartment to your shared bedroom. You watched them go with a dry mouth and dragged yourself to the bathroom where you struggled to undo the zipper of your dress before finally succeeding after five minutes of struggling and sore arms. One of the redheads usually did it for you before you could even think to ask.  
You stepped into the shower and tried to focus on the feeling of the hot water running down your body, hoping it would distract you from the dull ache near your heart. It didn’t work. You wondered if you had done anything to annoy them at the party but could think of nothing. With a disgruntled sigh, you turned off the water and stepped out of the safety of the shower. You quickly dried off and tiptoed to your now-empty bedroom to change into your pajamas. 
When you went back into the kitchen you found only one of the plates was left. You glanced over at the living area to see Wanda and Natasha curled up together on the couch under a blanket as they watched TV and ate the food you made. They could have at least warmed mine up. You grumbled to yourself as you put it in the microwave and made yourself a drink. You trudged over to the couch but Wanda extended her legs to cover the free space just as you were about to sit down. You looked up at them both but their eyes were still glued to the TV. 
You sat down tentatively on the armchair closest to the couch and started taking small bites of your food. You weren’t paying attention to the screen at all. Instead, your eyes kept flickering to the two redheads curled up on the couch together. They looked so warm and tender laying together. You wished so desperately you could be with them, but instead you just felt like an outsider. That had always been a big insecurity for you. Wanda and Natasha were both Avengers and you were just a normal citizen. You often wondered if you ever felt like a burden, the weak part of their relationship. You could never understand their lives the way they could, you could only watch. Usually, you would voice your concerns and insecurities to them and they would assure you to no end that they loved you more than anything. However speaking had gotten you nowhere that night, so you kept it to yourself. 
You sat in the living room for hours. You wanted to go to bed so badly. You were utterly exhausted and your eyes were starting to hurt from the lights in the room you wanted to be shielded from. But you were determined not to go until the other two did. You wanted to be curled up between them both like you always were. You wanted to feel safe and secure and most of all loved. 
Finally, Natasha turned off the television and stretched out like a cat on the couch before standing and making her way to the bedroom, leading Wanda by the hand. You put your uneaten plate of food on the side to deal with the next day, too tired to even think about it at that moment. The pair instantly dropped down into bed and Natasha held Wanda tightly as she rested her head on the Russian’s chest. You gazed down at them longingly but forced yourself into bed besides them. You reached out your hand to tug weakly on their shirts, desperate for any kind of acknowledgement but received none. You withdrew your hand and held it up to your chest as you watched the pair. How long had they been craving time to themselves? 
You slowly got out from under the covers and left the room without feeling their usual fond gazes on your back. You lingered in the hallway before glancing back and saw Natasha tracing circles on Wanda’s back. You gulped back tears and made your way to the spare bedroom where you slept alone for the first time in months. 
You didn’t get up until lunch the next day. You didn’t feel like doing anything, especially not facing your girlfriend. You wanted to stay out of their way to give them the alone time they so clearly needed.
When you had finally dragged yourself out of bed and into the hallway you froze. Wanda’s moans could be heard clearly from your bedroom followed by sharp cries of Natasha’s name. You stood rooted to the spot as the pain in your chest grew worse. Since they had so keenly invited you into their relationship. The pair had never once done anything sexual without you. At first you had been flattered and insisted that you were okay if they wanted to do things by themselves every once in a while but eventually you had grown used to how things were. You had grown used to being included in everything. 
Numbly, you made yourself a hot chocolate in hopes of it raising your spirits. Not long after you had finished, your girlfriends came wandering into the kitchen with a new glow. 
“Do you want a drink?” You piped up, you could at least be helpful. Wanda grabbed something from the fridge as Natasha took out a glass from the cupboard and spun around to kiss her girlfriend on the lips with a soft giggle. Wanda smiled against her and hummed when Natasha’s tongue teased the Sokovian’s lower lip. 
“I love you.” Natasha hummed and Wanda smiled with a blush as she said the words back. 
“I- I love you too.” You added and took a desperate step towards them both, holding out your hands to them but they separated and started to stroll back into the living room. You watched on as tears sprung to your eyes. They didn’t say it back. They always said it back. “Please.” You whispered though you may have well have been talking to a wall. You whimpered quietly and weakly made your way to the guest room where you closed the door and fell down onto the bed, not being able to stop the tears streaming down your face. You curled up on yourself and hugged your duvet as close to your body as possible, needing something to cling onto like a lifeline. 
You didn’t hear the door open through your muffled weeping. You did feel the gentle pair of hands on your waist and the dip in the bed either side of you. Your head shot up and you looked between the pair in panic, fearing they were going to tell you to go elsewhere for the day or even forever. Wanda shushed you softly and held your dampened cheeks in her hands. 
“It’s okay, honey.” Wanda cooed and you whimpered as you tried to enjoy what you assumed was the last time she would hold you. “We’re not going anywhere and neither are you.” You peered at her cautiously and then Natasha who nodded gently. 
“We’re sorry, baby. Sam was getting a little too handsy last night and you didn’t seem to notice.” Natasha explained carefully. You remembered the brief moment he had touched your waist and frowned at the memory. 
“And you know letting people touch what isn’t theirs is breaking a rule.” You nodded slowly as Wanda added on.
“So your punishment was being ignored by us so you could learn but we took it too far.” Natasha admitted.
“And we never told you what was happening. We’re so sorry we made you feel this way, sweetie. We love you so much.” Wanda said as she kissed you softly on the lips as Natasha lay down behind you and wrapped her arms protectively around your waist. 
“So so much.” She added. 
“Promise?” You asked and Wanda lay down to join you and wipe your tears away. 
“Let us show you.” Natasha whispered against your neck and you nodded as she rolled you gently onto your back and began planting soft kisses along your neck, occasionally lingering on patches of skin to suck dark bruises into them. Wanda titled your head towards you and kissed you slowly, cherishing the taste of you and wanting to reclaim all that she could. 
Natasha’s hands started to wander down your stomach and landed at the hem of your sweatpants that she easily surpassed along with your panties. You gasped when you felt her fingers run along your folds and up to your clit. You bucked your hips and moaned against Wanda when she applied some pressure, all while the Sokovian started to retrace her girlfriend’s steps by running her hands across your breasts. Her thumbs brushed against your hardened nipples and she hummed against you. 
Natasha finally pushed two fingers past your folds and relished in the slick that coated them instantly. She curled them gently inside you and withdrew to start about making a consistent pace that had you melting beneath them both. 
“That’s it, sweetie.” Wanda assured in the most loving tone you had ever heard from her. 
“Taking me so well. Our best girl.” Natasha hummed and withdrew her fingers. You whined softly but shushed when Natasha brought her fingers up to Wanda’s lips and slid them inside. The Sokovian hummed in delight around Natasha’s fingers, eagerly licking her slender digits before retreating to start down your body, determined to gain an unfiltered taste. 
Wanda pulled your sweatpants and panties off completely and kissed up your thighs softly, taking her time in treasuring you just as Natasha had done with your neck. She gleamed at the sight before her and didn’t hesitate to lick a long strip between your folds. You mewled in Natasha’s hold as Wanda moaned against you. “Always so sweet.” She dipped her tongue inside of you and you clenched around her muscle with a gasp.
“That’s it, you’re doing so good for us.” Natasha praised softly as she started to rub your clit with her free hand. You bucked against both their movements, feeling beautifully overwhelmed by it all. Wanda’s tongue flicked inside you and you moaned loudly into the air, tempting Natasha to quieten you with a kiss while your other girlfriend continued to work between your legs that were beginning to shake. 
“Please.” You whined as you felt your high approaching. The pair smiled at one another as they continued to please you. 
“I can feel you clenching my tongue.” Wanda mused.
“Go ahead and cum for us, baby.” You did as you were told without a second’s delay. You moaned loudly into the air as you shuddered against the bed and came undone on Wanda’s tongue. The pair helped you ride out your high and into another orgasm relentlessly. They didn’t let up, making you cum again and once more, leaving you feeling utterly exhausted and overworked. 
“That’s it, darling. You did so good for us.” Wanda praised as she fell down besides you and they both held you protectively. 
“We love you.” Natasha muttered softly and you smiled.
“I love you both too.” You hummed, enjoying the warmth of your girlfriends’ comfort.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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dearbraus · 2 years
— Can You Hear Me?
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Starring; Hitch Dreyse.
Warnings; 18+ minors dni + afab r eader + phone sex + pillow humping + modern au + praise + established relationship.
Word count; 1.8k
Note; Happy aot day!! We’ve been fed so well with Hitch content I had to share this older drabble <3 Enjoy!
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The ice floating in your glass clinked against each other as you sprawled out on your sofa, the liquid nearly sloshing over the side when you sink into the cushions. Tension melts from your shoulders as you settle in for a night of relaxation after a long and gruelling week, some nineties rom-com playing over the television. You pay no mind to it; it’s one you’ve seen a hundred times over, if you wanted to, you could have received the whole thing word for word without even trying. Your phone is what steals your attention away, well rather it’s the messages your girlfriend Hitch is sending you that has you staring so intently at the dimly lit screen. She sent you a dozen or so across the span of five minutes, all some variation or other of “I miss you.”
Taking a sip from your drink you set it aside, your phone squished between your ear and shoulder as it rings. “Hi princess,” you coo on the third ring, her heavy pants crackling over the line as the phone connects, “How are you? Did you just get back from your lab?”
“I did!” she squeaks, shushing her mattress as the cheap metal frame squeaks obnoxiously loud, “Hange my T.A kept us late to show us some experiment they thought was cool so I treated myself to some takeout,” You laugh at the image of Hange in your mind, shaking your head as you ponder just what rabbit hole they feel into this week, “I swear I was seconds away from tearing my hair out, the whole the was ridiculous and now it’s too late for me to come over!”
Hitch whines in your ear, the pout she’s surely sporting tugs at your heartstrings.
“We always tomorrow,” you remind her, “If you stay over I’ll drive you back to campus on Sunday.”
There’s more shuffling on her end, a soft groan leaving her lips for a moment before she noisily clears her throat, “I know but I was hoping to see you today,” she whines, her breath catching on her words, “Didn’t you read my texts.”
Biting your lip you hum in acknowledgement, your fingers absentmindedly tracing over the bit of bare skin exposed by your shirt riding up. Hitch remains quiet, a small gasp and what you think to be a heavy pant just barely reaches your ears. Your eyes flicker over to the commercial lighting up your ill-lit living room, the moment it’s over you’ve already forgotten whatever product was trying to be pushed. Your eyebrows furrow when another minute passes and Hitch still hasn’t responded.
“Hitch?” you call out, checking to see if the call had dropped, “Are you still there?”
“Yes!” she shouts a little too quickly, her breath growing heavier, “Sorry what were you saying?” she forces out a chuckle, “I got distracted by uh- by an email!”
The sigh she lets out is interrupted by what was most certainly a moan. Hitch slaps her hand over her mouth so roughly you can hear the impact and the small hiss of pain she releases when she’s released what she’s done. Pressing your phone as close as you possibly can to your ear, you find yourself sitting up, your interest piquing as she angrily curses at herself under her breath.
“You alright princess?”
Biting your lip you can’t help but smirk, “Yup, ‘m fine just stubbed my toe,” she says, stumbling over each and every word, “So what were you saying baby?” she asks, her voice growing higher in pitch, “You have my full and undivided attention!”
Her bed squeaks, it’s followed by a grunt she tries to disguise with a cough but it wasn’t enough to throw you off her scent. She had to have been touching herself; Hitch was a horrible liar, even if she could make up an excuse for all the strange sounds she was making, you knew for certain what her moans sounded like. No matter how hard she tried to hide it, you’d know exactly what she was up to.
“I do?” you smile to yourself, “But you’re so terrible at multitasking,” a giggle slips out as you imagine the look on her face, “How are you going to cum if you’re paying attention to me.”
She sputters in shock, an incredulous laugh leaving her as she searches for another excuse to give you, “baby what on earth are you talking about?” she says, her voice is tight and nearing robotic, “Did you leave the t.v on again and forget?”
“You’re horrible!” you shout, maniacally cackling as Hitch struggles to keep her embarrassment in check, “You’re clearly masturbating, stop lying and own up to it!”
“I am not! You’re hearing things!”
Shaking your head you roll your eyes, “Oh princess you’re such a bad girl,” you hum, “Lying to me and using my voice to get off,” scoffing you sigh, “I must not be giving you enough attention?”
“But if I’m just hearing things I suppose I’ll just drop it if that's what you want?”
Hitch whimpers at the shift in your tone, and your body grows flushed. It had been too long since you properly spent anything with her, your opposite schedules cursing the two of you to a semester’s long game of phone tag. It was cruel and unfair but for now, you’d be thankful for your sweet girlfriend’s insatiable desire and her penchant for bad ideas. This wasn’t so bad though, not for you but maybe for Hitch and her pride.
You’d tease her endlessly, that was only fair.
“No!” she cries, her bedframe groaning with the presumed rock of her hips, “I’m not touching myself, I didn’t lie … I’m humping that teddy you gave me for our three-month anniversary.”
Flopping onto your back, your fingertips dance above your waistband daring to eagerly dip just below it. “That’s so lewd,” you giggle, shuddering in anticipation, “Who knew you were dirty, heh my dirty girl huh, princess?” Hitch whines at your words, “Tell me exactly what you’re doing, I wanna know.”
“I can’t-”
“Is the big button nose what you’re grinding your clit on?”
“Yes,” she mutters pathetically.
“Does it feel good?” you ask with a grin, “I bet it does, you were having such trouble holding back your moans weren’t you?”
Hitch grunts in affirmation, “Are you?” she questions with a pant.
“Am I, what?”
The teasing lilt in your voice drives Hitch mad. If looks could kill you’d be dead ten times over, you didn’t have to see the exasperated expression she wore to know that. The annoyed whine she releases is enough to tell you. Dropping your leg off the side of the couch you spread them further apart, your hips lifting as you push your hand into the waistband of your underwear.
“Are you touching yourself?” Hitch growls, scoffing at the miffed sound of surprise that leaves you, as if you’re above phone sex, “Tell me, baby! I need to know.”
You ponder aloud, humming in faux contemplation “I might be,” you casually mention, sighing a bit as you lightly caress your vulva, “Would you like it if I were?”
“Yes,” she breaths, “And I want you to tell me all the things you’d do if I was there.”
Chuckling you bite your lip, “Well if you were here princess I’d be taking my sweet time with you,” you start, your eyes fluttering shut as you picture her and that lacy pink set you adore, “Sucking on your neck, maybe leaving a hickey or two … You love it when I leave hickeys they make you so wet,” Hitch sighs to herself eagerly listening to your words, “Mhm, and I’d have you on my lap, you’re pretty pussy on my thigh, grinding on it. Your panties sticky, all for me and only for me.”
Circling your clit with two fingers you keen at the soft sounds Hitch emits, they’re distorted with the way she’s clutching her phone, her hand slightly covering the speaker. You can hear her acrylics tap against the screen as she tightens her grip.
“Then what?”
“I think then I’d want to taste you,” Hitch all but wails into your ear, “As much as I love playing and sucking on your tits I don’t think anything compares to your perfect pussy,” you muse, your chest growing hot, “I could never resisting, not that you’d want me too. Maybe I’d have you sit on my face. How does that sound, love?”
You don’t understand the barrage of cries that Hitch sends you.
“Princess I need you to speak up.”
Hitch mumbles a small, “Okay,” it’s barely audible but you’re able to catch it, “It sounds good baby,” she says, “It sounds so good, I wanna sit on your face and I want you to kiss and bite my thighs all over!” Hitch moans, “Oh ‘m so close.”
“Are you?” you ask, “But I’m not finished,” chuckling to yourself, you push back the pleasured sound that tries to fall past your lips, “Because after I get you to cum all over my cum I think I’d want you to fuck yourself on that feeldoe.”
Heat spreads across your body, it’s unbearable, the heat making you uncomfortable with all the layers covering you but you’re too focused on getting Hitch closer and closer to the edge to toss your phone aside and strip down. Your back arches upwards, your clit steadily hardening with each coquettish squeal your girlfriend makes; even growing the slightest bit flustered at your own words, the images dancing across your eyelids. You wish they weren’t just fantasy, Hitch does too but the frustrations and feelings of loneliness aren’t enough to stop a puddle of drool from dribbling down the corner of your mouth.
“Mhm want you to squirt all over my cunt,” you moan, shiver as your nipples pebble from the cool breeze drifting through the window, “You’d make sure I cum too right? Of course you would, my princess is such a good girl,” your laughter is muddled, a throating whine cutting in, “And then you’d clean me up, make me cum again, then clean me up once more?”
You’re sure she’s cum, it’s the tremble in her voice and the audible plop which carries over the phone as she crumples into the mattress, “I wanna taste you so badly baby,” she whines, kicking her feet in frustration, “I miss you so much, this didn’t even feel good,” Hitch huffs, “Did you cum?”
“I haven’t,” you said, “But turn on your camera and let me go grab a toy and I might.”
She gasps, as you hoist yourself up from the couch the loss of contact to your clit sends a pang through you.
“You gonna put on a show for me baby?” she whisper-shouts in excitement.
Your drink’s abandoned on the coffee table, your slippers left in the living room as you pad down the hall, “Only if you tell me all the things you wish you were doing to me,” you mutter, “Maybe make s’more pretty sounds for me, sound good?”
“We have a deal, baby.”
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© all content belongs to dearbraus. do not modify, repost, or redistribute.
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ptergwen · 3 years
how about a blurb where peter and the reader are always exchanging notes, like cute little handwritten notes 🗒️ tysm
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a/n: ahhhhh love this :,) i haven’t written in ages so it’s good to be back hehe enjoy
you squint down at your trigonometry handout, trying to make sense of its complicated equations. eyes scanning over the letters, you mumble to yourself.
“sin to the fourth power times six is-”
a piece of paper suddenly lands on your desk. it’s followed by a pssst from ned, who sits next to you. you curiously glance from the handout over to ned, to which he replies with a thumb jabbed back at peter.
peter gives you one of his dorky, giddy grins and points at the paper.
“read it,” he mouthes.
you and peter practically hang off of each other the whole day, whether you’re sneaking kisses between classes or walking with your pinkies linked in the hallways. however, you’re not able to do that in trig because you two sit on opposite sides of the room.
your solution was the idea to pass notes because it’s low-key and quite romantic in your opinion. peter is a sucker for romance, so he was in.
since you’re lucky enough to have ned right in the middle of the room, he’s yours and peter’s messenger for the period.
giggling to yourself, you grab the paper to read it.
it’s ripped right from peter’s notebook and covered in cross-outs, making it very authentic to him.
are you less than 90 degrees? because you’re acute
get it? you’re cute!
yeah yeah that was cheesy… but i bet it made you smile anyways
love you
- peter <3
surely enough, you’re beaming when you finish reading peter’s note. you meet his gaze once again. peter is looking at you expectantly, quirking his eyebrows in anticipation of your response.
“love you, too,” you whisper.
peter blows you a quick kiss that you catch, ned cooing at the two of you.
you three get back to work after that, and you keep the note held tightly to your chest.
“ugh, this has been the longest week of my life,” you complain as you trudge into peter’s apartment. “and it’s only monday,” peter finishes for you in a grumble.
he tosses his keys on the kitchen counter, you taking it upon yourself to splay out on the couch.
it always warms peter’s heart to see you so comfortable at his place.
“i’m so tired, pete… i’m exhausted,” you whine to your boyfriend.
peter makes his way over to the couch, sighing sympathetically. he sits down beside you, and you instantly crawl into his lap.
“i know, baby,” peter speaks with his lips pressed to your hair. “school’s pretty draining. we got a lot to do.”
your face is hidden in peter’s shoulder, his arms around your lower back. he chuckles when he feels you groan against him.
“don’t remind me,” you demand.
“as much as i wanna snuggle you all afternoon…” peter trails off to kiss the side of your head. “i should probably get started on that essay.”
having already done yours, you end up scribbling in your english binder while peter types away on his laptop.
he’s been at it for so long that his eyes are tearing and his natural curls are showing from having kept running his hands through them in distress. he seems even more exhausted than you now.
you unclip your binder and remove a sheet of paper, wordlessly padding over to peter’s desk. bending over, you loop your arms around his neck and dangle the paper in front of his laptop screen.
“what’s this?” peter wonders, a yawn trapped in his throat. “guess you’ll have to open it and find out,” you hum.
you rest your chin on his shoulder in the meantime.
he gingerly grasps the folded sheet between his fingers.
i just wanna c_ddle, but i can’t cuz i’m missing u :(
like the letter
not as good as yours
you get the point tho
take a break petey
“mm, can’t say no to that,” peter decides, the corners of his lips turning up in a smile.
he folds your note up again and tucks it in his pocket, turning his head to plant a soft kiss on your cheek.
“cuddles?” you repeat your note.
your arms tighten around peter’s neck. finally, peter closes his laptop and nods toward his bed.
“yeah, baby. cuddles.”
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bokuroskitten · 3 years
your piece about oral fixation was just 🤤 so now im super curious as to what kinda of gags you think the haikyuu captains + iwa would use on their partners.
oh anon, truly I'm grateful for this one. Because as a rope bunny, I think about it constantly. I didn't do every single haikyuu captain, just ones I feel I know the best. Enjoy the filth. ❦
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〈what kind of gags would the haikyuu captains (Bokuto, Terushima, Ushijima, Oikawa, Daichi, Kuroo, Kita) + Iwa enjoy using on their partner.
⋆genre: 18+ NSFW (Minors DNI)
⋆warnings: BDSM themes (use of bondage and gags), dom/sub dynamics (daddy & master title used), oral (female receiving), spit, degradation & dumbification
Bokuto couldn’t be bothered with gags. He likes to hear you falling apart on his cock, the whimpers, the cries, the begging. It’s all music to Bokuto’s ears. Although if you do want to be gagged Bokuto just uses his thick fingers down your throat or slaps his palm across your lips. Both methods effectively render you silent and he still gets the joy of feeling your moans vibrating along his skin.
“You’re so fucking loud, Birdy. The whole neighbourhood is gonna know you’re a desperate little cock whore. Isn’t that right baby Bird?” Bokuto’s voice was nothing but a growl up against your ear, his heavy balls still slapping ruthlessly against your ass as he plunged himself faster into your tight cunt. He went in at the perfect angel this time, his cock head pressing to that sweet spot that would have you screaming. Before the sound could slip out Bokuto pushed three fingers into your mouth, grinning as he watched drool bubble between his knuckles, your cries getting muffled into his skin.
“Yeaaa, suck away baby and take what’s given to you.”
Terushima is a horny one, typically just wants to get the job done quickly and easily, so he likes to use what’s around. This typically means he’s using his tie. He usually wears one to his job, or sometimes finds himself keeping a spare in his back pocket when you’re being extra annoying. He always ties a knot in the middle first, pressing it between your teeth before knotting the material behind your head. It’s effective enough to keep you muffled but simple enough that he can still see your lips tremble, watch drool darken the fabric and dribble down your chin.
“Careful princess, you want the boys to know I’m stuffing you full of cock?” He spoke through a wicked grin, his lips pressed to your pulse as his hands held your hips in a death grip. The subtle slap of your ass into his pelvis kept him on beat, along with the muffled cries you let out into his tie. One of his hands slithered up your bent form, making sure to squeeze one of your breasts on the way up before taking hold of your jaw. His long fingers brushed over your chin, the drool already gathering there making him pick up his pace. He pressed the knot he made in his tie further between your teeth, making you whimper a plea that had him chuckling.
“Messy fuckin thing, by the time I fill you up there’s gonna be a mess on your face and between your thighs.”
Ushijima is a simple man with simple desires. Despite that, he actually enjoys using a gag on you because it gives him even more power over you than you already give him. He typically won’t use one unless other BDSM elements are in play (his favourite is ropes because he likes to make intricate patterns over your skin) but his favourite type to use is a deep throat gag. In every sense of the word, Ushi is big and wants to make sure your tight little throat is ready to be used when he wants it to use it. There’s a couple of different sizes he uses that he has you build up with, but each one comes with a reward when you’re able to swallow it down without gagging.
Although his face was usually calm during sessions today was an exception as he worked the length of the gag between your lips. “Baby, tap out if you need to—“ But you just furrowed your brows at him, fists tightening in determination which were currently bound above your head. It was a sign for him to keep going, so he did. He pushed the slick silicon between your lips until the hilt rested against your lips. He didn’t do up the leather strap just yet, waited to see if you’d gag or choke with such a big size being shoved down your throat. But there you were, sitting pretty with tears riming your lashes, the gag pressing snuggly down on your tongue. Ushijima hummed out, pleased with such progress as he was slow to buckle up the leather strap. He pressed kisses along your jaw, a small smile creeping its way onto his lips.
“I’m so proud of you, little one.”
Oikawa will only use ring gags because it keeps your mouth wide open and ready to use whenever he feels he needs it. Plus it allows for him to still be able to hear you when you moan and cry for him. He also loves the mess you make with a ring gag, helpless to the drool and bubbling spit that falls from your chin. Sometimes as a form of punishment he’ll leave you between his thighs, arms bound and a ring gag held snuggly between your lips. He’ll stroke his cock lazily while watching tv, only grabbing a fist full of your hair to shove that sloppy mouth of yours onto his cock when he feels the need.
The whines you let out are ignored completely by Oikawa, a little huff leaving his lips as his eyes slowly slip from the screen down to between his legs. There you sat, eyes wide and mascara streak marks down your cheeks. Your body was already trembling, sitting on your hunches for whenever Oikawa decided to take hold of your hair once more. He could see the way your tongue tried to pick up some of the drool that fell from the ring, only making matters worse as a new little stream of spit fell off your chin to continue to dampen your tank top. Oikawa just couldn’t help himself, and in one swift motion, his hips were pressing his cock back between the ring, burying deep within your throat that had it constricting. He hissed softly before a small flutter of laughter escaped him.
“Fuck, at least this fucking throat is good for something. Maybe I should keep this ring on all the time so you’ll always be ready for my dick? You like the sound of that baby?” He was only met by muffled whines and gags as he bobbed your head along this length.
Daichi hates when you talk back to him, it makes him so tense because all he does is treat you like his perfect little princess. So when you do get mouthy he has no problem getting you worked up whenever you are. He’ll tease, whisper into your ear about how naughty your being, grab handfuls of your ass until you make a mess of your panties. He’ll then shove the filthy material between your lips. Not only will get to humiliate you then, but he’ll also get to punish you properly without having to hear a single peep from you.
“You think good little girls talk back to their daddy’s like you do? No. They listen, and they behave. Since you wanna use such a filthy mouth I’ll keep it filthy for you.” Your previous cries were brought down to muffles as Daichi forced your damp panties between your lips. Balled up and soaked from your precious arousal you can’t even help but let your eyes flutter, the taste of your own desire making your cheeks burn bright pink. Daichi has to scoff, fingers pressing into your cheeks as giving your jaw a little shake. “Taste that? That’s your filthy little cum stains. Imagine staining your own panties from a few promises of punishment?” His cock was heavy as he quickly freed it from his boxers, making you Yelp softly as it slapped down against your already soaked slit. He rubbed it along you a few moments, pressing into your cheeks harder to keep your panties in place.
“Maybe if I just fuck you stupid, you’ll stop talking altogether?”
Kuroo likes to keep with the classics, and there’s nothing more classic than a ball gag. He started off with wiffleball first, wanting you to feel nothing but comfortable before he moved on to solid silicon, balls that would leave your jaw aching after sessions. He loved the way you looked, sitting on your knees for him on the bed with a bright red ball gag wedged in your mouth, already covered in spit. He would the type to put on you whenever you felt like it just so he could coo about how pretty you looked. He also took many many pictures of your mouth stuffed, keeping a secret folder just for it.
“Stay still kitten,” Kuroo mumbled close to your ear, pressing a couple playful kisses to your lobe as he secured the black leather behind your head. He slipped two fingers into the band, making sure it was loose enough to pull off if needed but tighten to hold. Once he was pleased he pulled away, the most satisfying groan leaving his lips as yours were stretched around the bright red. “Perfect, my perfect fucking kitten...” he spoke, his thumb pressing along the ball as you blinked up at him with wide, needy eyes. Your hands stay still on your lap exactly where he instructed them, a little whine coming out muffled only when Kuroo pulled away from you fully. He rose a brow at that, the flash of disappointment in his gaze enough to have you resting back down on your hunches.
“Ah, I said stay still, Kitty. I’ll play with you soon I promise. But Daddy needs a few pictures of his beautiful baby before we can get started. So keep sitting pretty for me.”
Kita only uses any form of BDSM with you because you’re interested in it. When you brought it up to him he was very much unaware but did as much research as possible. He decides to start off with a bite gag because, unlike ball gags, it allows for more relaxation of the jaw, as well as causes less mess in terms of drool. Plus he’s always enjoyed watching you bite down on the sheets when you're feeling a lot of pleasure, so the bite gag allows for him to watch your teeth sink on so perfectly into the rubber.
Kita’s thrusts slowed almost too much for you, your pussy desperately fluttering around his length to bring back that friction. You wanted to beg him to keep going, pick the pace back up but all you could do was let out muffled cries, press your teeth further into the bite forced between your lips. Kita watched it all, the way your face twisted up with need, the way your back arched, the way your hips jutted forwards in hopes to feel more of him. He just let out a soft little groan, planting a firm palm on your hip to keep you in place as he continued his slow, dragged out thrusts into your throbbing cunt.
“Just a little longer like this, kay Darlin? I love seeing you bite into that gag, we’re gonna have to use it more often.”
Iwaizumi was used to using his hand, slapping it over your lips when he found you were getting too loud. But he never knew what to do with all your squirming. Cuffs were too simple and ropes just weren’t his vibe, but when he discovered bondage tape it was a whole other ball game. Not only was it perfect because it only stuck to itself, resulting in safer play, but it was very much effective in shutting you up when he needed you quiet. His favourite part is watching you flinch when he rips a piece away from the roll, the way you shiver in anticipation as he hovers the piece over your lips. It only when you're about to whine at him that he presses it against your lips, a grin curling on his lips.
“Fuck Princess, you’re tighter than usual? Excited?” Iwaizumi murmured, his grin growing as he watched your eyes roll up in pleasure. He brought a large palm up to your cheek, bringing your blurry vision back to his own. His thrusts slowed, allowing his thick cock to drag along that throbbing spot within you. That had your back arching, muffled little pleas melting into the tape that was held firm over your lips. Iwaizumi sighed softly, his thumb rubbing over the tape to feel out the outline of your pretty lips. The action had you nuzzling into his palm, another string of muffled nonsense trying to escape the tape and failing miserably.
“I know you’re begging me to move faster under here... but remember princess, Master makes the rules. So let’s keep you quiet and I’m gonna fuck you nice and slow.”
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hyuckilstan · 2 years
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[10:10 pm] - S.Mg
Pairing: Mingi x gn!reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
Wc: 494 words
a/n: this has been on my mind for a while so here you gooo
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You looked at your boyfriend sitting beside you, his whole posture was tense, he seemed restless and he tried his best to keep his eyes open.
Smirking you look back at the screen of the television, a horror movie, that’s right, cause he said he had never been scared in his entire life you decided to do a little test.
Of course you knew just how much of a scaredy cat he was, that was the whole point of doing this, but you decided to have a little fun, and wanting to stand upto his words, Mingi agreed with a gulp.
One, two, three.
Mingi shouted at the top of his lungs as a (not so) jumpscare appeared on the screen, heck his scream was way louder than the girl’s in the movie. And now he was hugging you from the side clinging onto you.
He looked at you slowly as you looked at him with your eyebrows raised in a smug questioning way, if that even makes sense. “Not so tough are we big guy?” he timidly lets go of you with an awkward smile.
“I shouted because I wanted to scare you,” he still denied while you kept looking at him with the same expression as if you’re asking for more. “Then...I guess you won’t be needing cuddles after all since you’re so brave.”
Mingi’s eyes went wide protesting immediately, “Okay fine! I get your point,” he crosses his arms like a little kid. You cooed at him, pinching his cheeks while he sat there embarrassed but you found him so cute, especially like this.
“Well why did she go in there?! No person with common sense would!” He still kind of defended himself, “It’s a movie Mingi, it’s not real,” you said but you no longer cared about the movie, all you did care about now was how much you love him and spending time with him, he never failed to put a smile to your face just by his company alone.
“Yes baby?”
“Shut the fuck up and spoon with me,” you said turning off the T.V, Mingi looks at you with a warm smile, his eyes melting at seeing you offering him a hug.
He moves closer pulling your body close to the hug, his whole build making you feel even more smaller than him, and he loves that. Slowly he lays down with you, handling you like a delicate cup he is scared to break.
Hugging you close Mingi pulls the small blanket up to cover your bodies. After he does, he looks at you, giving you another smile which you returned, he gives a long peck on your forehead and you snuggled closer against his chest, inhaling his sweet scent.
While he combs his hands through your hair lovingly letting out a long relieved sigh, “I love you Mingi,” those words bring a wide smile to his face, making his stomach dance.
“I love you too baby, to the moon and back.”
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Taglist: @amangooo, @yeo-hehet, @zen626, @enivivs, @yungisstar1117 (lemme know if you wanna be added, removed or if I forgot you)
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©hyuckilstan 2022. All rights reserved.
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ysljoon · 2 years
Not in The Same Way|Tutor!Yoongi x Reader x Ex!Jungkook 02
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♡ This fanfic contains mature themes so please avoid if you are not 18+
♡ Warnings: A lot of angst and some swearing
♡ Summary: You’re absolutely infatuated with your tutor and everything is going well until your ex from a year ago is back in the picture.
♡ Word Count: .9k
Prev.|Next|Series Masterlist
The hour seemed to creep by slowly. It was excruciating, but you just had to power through, you had about 25 minutes left. The movies on Hulu and the TikToks couldn’t keep your attention. You kept switching between apps and decided to give up. You ended up deciding to take a short nap. You set a timer on your phone and close your eyes hoping the nap will make the time pass quickly.
“Hyung, do you wanna go out to dinner after you're done tutoring me?” Jungkook was busy scribbling down his answers on the worksheet Yoongi provided while he was on his phone scrolling through Twitter waiting for Jungkook to finish. “Not tonight Jeon. I got an early day tomorrow with class. Go ask Jin, you know that buffoon loves to waste time with you.” Jungkook pouts at Yoongi’s response but doesn’t press on any further with the topic. “Alright, I’m all done.” He pushes the worksheet forward and waits for Yoongi to finish it. Jungkook also really admires Yoongi. He thinks of him as a role model and he takes his advice and criticism to heart. His opinions mean so much to him. Yoongi checked away at the answers with a red pen. He wrote a large 90% at the top of the paper with a smiley face next to it like how a teacher would. It made Jungkook giggle. “You seem ready for the exam at the end of this week Kook, I’m proud of how much progress you made so quickly.” 
Jungkook beams at the praise and starts to pack up. He then hears the standard Apple alarm go off being muffled from behind Yoongi’s door. This suddenly has Yoongi bolting up from his seat, but Jungkook moves quickly and stands in front of the door blocking him from getting in first. “Does my Yoongi Hyung have someone over?” He quirks his eyebrow and smirks and Yoongi doesn’t respond. “It’s my phone. I forgot to turn it off.” Jungkook’s expression drops into an unamused flat look. “Hyung, your phone is in your pocket. I just saw it. What are you hiding in here? Do you have a girl over? Oh wow, Hyung that’s scandalous.” 
In a couple of swift movements, Jungkook is unlocking the door, and Yoongi cusses under his breath about you not locking the door even though he had told you to. You were the one that was so worried about Jungkook being here more than him too. The cover is drawn over your head so your identity is hidden for now. Jungkook turns over to Yoongi the smirk has reappeared on his face and Yoongi is pleading with him to get out of his room. Jungkook picks up the ringing and turns off the alarm, the lock screen that he is greeted with makes his mouth go dry. It’s a selfie you took a couple of months ago when you went to the beach. He only knows this because you posted the same selfie on your Instagram. 
“No fucking way.” He yanks the sheets out of your grip and your whole figure is exposed. Your blood is ice cold and you’re afraid to look up because you know what face you’re going to be greeted with and the thought makes your stomach twist and turn. “Looks like my dove found another nest to fly to.” The nickname makes you wince. “Don’t fucking call me that Jungkook. You have no right to call me that.” You grit your teeth still afraid to make eye contact with him. You try to hide from embarrassment. Your ass is out and only being covered by your panties and the hem of Yoongi’s hoodie you decided to steal. Yoongi would’ve found the sight endearing under different circumstances. Right now he’s tense watching the scene unfold in front of him. 
“Aw, she can speak.” He coos at you condescendingly and you can’t help, but feel a little bad for your actions. “Does it make you feel better to jump around my friend group huh? Do you think fucking my friends is gonna get you close to me? What’s next huh you’re gonna fuck Jin? Ooh, what about Namjoon? I think he had some heart eyes for you while we were dating.” He sneers and Yoongi has had enough of his antics. “Alright enough! Jungkook, I think it's time for you to leave.” Yoongi ushers him back into the living room where his belongings are and he leaves the apartment with a scowl on his face. Yoongi locks his door and comes back to his room seeing you sobbing on his bed. He doesn’t know the full extent of what happened between you and Jungkook, but he can tell the relationship didn’t end on amicable terms. He does vaguely remember you saying earlier that it ended terribly, but he thought it was you being dramatic. Now he’s aware that that wasn’t the case.
“I’m sorry you had to see that Yoongi, I'm so embarrassed.” He pulls you into a tight hug and rubs your back to console you. He hates to see you like this and he hates that his friend was the reason for it. He sighs and pulls you even closer and he can feel your labored, shallow breaths turn into calmer ones. “I can talk to Jungkook about this tomorrow if you want.” You don’t lift your head, but Yoongi can feel you shaking your head in his chest. “Don’t bother as you can tell any conversation about me is pointless, he doesn't want to hear it.” He holds for as long as you need him to while he mulls over in his head what he should do in this situation.
Notes: Honestly I was gonna wait till next week to posted, but I was so excited to post this chapter! I also wanted to take advantage of the free time that I have because I have finals coming up at the end of April and I started a new job so I might lose my free time as soon as I got it sigh. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you want to be added to the taglist let me know! <3
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