#the wiki page said “Tim Drake (later known as Nightwing)” so another Scooby fan might wanna go fix that real quick
thevoidstaredback · 6 months
Because I'm thinking about it, and because I should be asleep, here's a list of every (not all) "Holy --- Batman!" I've found. (Pulled straight from the internet because I can only remember 1 off the top of my head)
Taken from Batman (1966-1968)
"Holy Oleo!"
"Holy Graf Zeppelin!"
"Holy IT&T!"
"Holy Pianola!"
"Holy Rheostat!"
"Holy Tintinnabulation!"
"Holy Bunions!"
"Holy Nightmare!"
"Holy Uncanny Photographic Mental Process!"
"Holy Contributing to the Deliquescy of Minors!"
"Holy Knit One, Purl Two!"
"Holy Cinderella!"
"Holy Bouncy Boiler Plate!"
"Holy Reshevsky!"
"Holy Paderewski!"
"Holy Luther Burbank!"
"Holy d'Artagnan!"
"Holy Priceless Collection of Etruscan Snoods!"
"Holy Hole in a Doughnut!"
"Holy Astringent Plum-Like Fruit!"
Now, the only one I can ever remember, taken from Batman Meets Scooby Doo
"Holy jumping jacks!"
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