#the worst thing is that i was actually doing ok this semester earlier on
cost-of-chaos · 1 year
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munamania · 7 months
um yall… sam’s roommate pulled up to coffee like. um. dressed like this. btw. and their hair is just like. a better fluffier mullet. is this surprising
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#just wanna express what i’m dealing with btw because the hair thing sort of hit me like a truck earlier and then i was like#well girl wait… literally… come on lmao… also we both wore sweatervests hashtag twinem#it’s so chill though coffee was really fun#we ended up hanging for like two hours and then i was like fuckkkkk g2g to class and they walked w me partway there#and then almost dapped me up gave me a hug at the worst possible intersection there were so many people walking fuck the construction fr#but like. yeah it was chill im glad i reached out even tho like idk things r... ok.. w sam but we’re certainly not like 🤞#and i think they just had a semi recent breakup and drama and im like. um. largely unwell#and need 2 just get through this semester so i rlly forced myself to chill and go in with no expectations and it was just :-)#i was charmed by how passionate he was talking abt the weather and stuff like within minutes of meeting#i was listening to a very excited spiel about el nino and the tornadoes in wisconsin and etc oh and they came up w an ocean fact for me#and also ugh they played piano for so long growing up and can still like. do it. fucckcjkkk. and demonstrated#this rlly odd chord. um. like stretching and flexing their hand. srrryy lol i’m just giggling#lol and i mentioned my hair journey at one point and they were like ‘yeah? tell me about it’ shut UP… oh and also#knew exactly the stairwell i was talking abt when i described my favorite and we managed to chat abt that ugh it was so dorky#like. aw wow this person is just really cool#i also think they’re stupid hot but like idk since we actually um communicated and etc it's taken out a lot of the#tendency i had/have to be like 'sigh what if -' and er mythologize ppl. i suppose could be said. like aw we're just yapping and we're loyal#story likers now and if they ever want to just like make out sometime that’s so chill but regardless like we ball 💪#yayyyyyayyyyy me when i can be normal about things!!!!! 🫶🙈#abby talks
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bobohu4eva · 4 years
Pink Lace - Chapter 2
Characters: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: College AU, stripper AU, fluff, smut, slow burn
Summary: Baekhyun, a philosophy professor with mysterious wealth, got himself completely fucked over a girl who can’t let him into her life.
Word count: 6.2k
Warnings: sex work, mentions of sexual assault, adult themes/situations, eventual smut
Tag list: @smolbeanmika @leave-me-in-the-summertime @totallynerdstuff @bbhmystar @nana-banan @kimyhappy @thegreatandi @geniusloey​ @deligxt​ 
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“God I’m so fucking sick of this semester and it hasn’t even started yet.” You complained, lying on your roommates bed flipping through one of your textbooks for the upcoming semester.
“Relax, at least you have money and you’re smart y/n, you’ll be fine.”
“Easy for you to say, you’re an arts major, not an architecture student.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!”
“Nothing! It’s just different!”
“Mhm sure I’d love to see you paint a landscape or sculpt something.”
You gave your best friend a dirty look before focusing your attention back to the textbook.
Mia had been your best friend since 2nd grade and she had lived with you since you were 18. She had always been the more artistic one, doing dance from a young age and taking all sorts of art classes whenever she could. Her overall view on life was quite different from yours. She saw the world through the lens of an artist, and an optimist. 
Her views on relationships were very different from yours as well, with quite the laundry list of exes, each one more thrilling than the last. You honestly loved hearing all her stories and found it impressive how well she seemed to have the dating game figured out. You on the other hand, could count the men you’d slept with on one hand, and aren’t one for parties or anything like that, preferring to stay home and study or watch a drama.
With your dislike for parties and dating apps, you stayed pretty single. Not that you minded, being too swamped with schoolwork to make time for a real boyfriend anyway. Sometimes you thought about going out to parties and trying to find yourself a hookup but you never followed through, not wanting that kind of intimacy with a stranger.
“Did you see Baekhyun again last night?” She asked casually, knowing all about your work. Although for her, asking if he was there really meant ‘are you going to buy me my lunches again this week’.
“Yeah...” You contemplated for a second if you should tell her, but you quickly decided to just say it, not wanting to keep things from your best friend. “I told him my name. Like my real name.”
Her eyes went wide, definitely surprised by your confession. “Wait seriously? Why?”
“He asked and I just couldn’t tell him no.” You replied, much quieter now.
“Well it’s your choice but that really wasn’t a good idea, he’s already way too into you and now he’s just gonna think he actually has a shot with you.”
“Yeah I know I just.. I can’t explain it but it felt different.”
“He’s just another pervy dude who wants tits in his face! There’s a reason he pays you.” 
“He’s not a perv! He’s still a guy of course, but he’s sweet.” You felt a twinge of embarrassment at how quick you were to defend him. 
“All that matters about this guy is that he gives you nearly a thousand dollars every night he sees you, right?” You nodded. “You don’t want him thinking he doesn’t have to pay you anymore do you?”
You stayed quiet, because you knew she was right. This was the nature of your relationship with Baekhyun, and straying from what you had with him now just meant opening yourself up to the possibility of losing a lot of money, money you needed.
You were kind of surprised by how opposite you and Mia seemed to be in this situation. Usually it was you talking to her about boys, telling her not to make reckless decisions.
“Yeah you’re right. I’m gonna go to bed. I have classes starting pretty early tomorrow.” You told her as you left her room for yours.
You needed to sleep, but your conversation with her left you with the same uneasy feeling you’d had after last seeing Baekhyun. The longer you stared at your ceiling, the more you felt like you did the right thing telling him your name. He really liked you and it probably made his day, and you knew he wouldn’t use it against you in any way. He was too nice for that.  What’s the worst that could happen, right?
The first few classes of the day had gone okay. Your physics and statics professors didn’t seem like complete assholes, and you only had one class left for the day, philosophy. Part of you was annoyed you even needed to take the class, since you wouldn’t exactly consider yourself a very “deep” person, but you figured it would be easy enough.
Being the good student you are, you decided to get there early to get a seat close to the front to make a good impression on the professor. When you arrived the previous class hadn’t finished yet, so you sat down on a bench nearby and opened a book.
“Hey, are you waiting for philosophy class too?”
You looked up to see a rather cute boy, books in hand, looking down at you with a smile on his face.
“Yeah, do I know you?”
“I’m Lucas.” He sticks his hand out for you to shake, so you do and he sits down next to you. “Are you a philosophy major?”
“No, architecture. And I’m y/n.”
“Damn you must be really smart then! I’m a business major.”
“You also just have to take this for the humanities credit?”
“Yeah, but I’m excited, the professor seems cool I met him earlier today.”
“Really? What’s he like?”
“Super cool and smart, kind of young, but like a genius.”
“Yeah well hopefully he’s nice too. Especially with grading”
Lucas laughed and you noticed the previous class leaving the lecture hall so you got up and made your way in, sitting down in the second row, Lucas sitting down next to you. The professor hadn’t showed up yet so you turned to Lucas again, making small talk to pass the time. As you talked to him you realized he was actually fairly funny, although not the smartest. You had to admit though, he was pretty damn handsome. He had to be an entire foot taller than you, with beautifully tanned skin and a smile that would make any girl weak in the knees. 
“Are you going to any parties this weekend? I’m going to one at my buddies frat Friday night if you wanna be my date.”
You frowned “Sorry, I don’t really do parties.”
You could see the disappointment on his face. “Damn really? Well if ever change your mind you can text me.” He said as he scribbled something down and slid a piece of paper with his number on it across the table to you.
You internally cringed, but took the paper anyway and give him a small thank you. You weren’t lying when you said you didn’t do parties, but you still felt bad shooting him down, especially since he was actually pretty cute. That was the problem with you and dating in college. No matter how cute a guy was, what they wanted and what you wanted rarely added up well.
You’d bought your textbook already so you decide to get back to looking through it before class started. You also just wanted an excuse to stop talking to Lucas. You got lost in the book, finding yourself surprisingly interested in different moral theories and types of ethical arguments.
You heard who you assumed to be your professor and looked up, not expecting to see Baekhyun of all people smirking back at you. Fucking smirking.
You almost choked on air when you realized who you were looking at. Not only was it Baekhyun of all people standing in front of you, but he was wearing a fitted white button down and slacks with his hair styled out of his face, and glasses abandoned on his podium. He looked hot. You felt your face getting warmer and warmer.
“Hey you ok?” Lucas asked, having seen your reaction to Professor Byun.
“What? Yeah I’m totally fine why wouldn’t I be?” You responded, too loudly. Loudly enough that Baekhyun noticed. And laughed.
“Do you guys know each other or something?”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” You told him while giving Baekhyun your best version of a death stare, but he didn’t seem to care.
“Hello everyone I’m Mr. Byun, I’ll be your philosophies of life professor.” He said, starting the lecture with a fairly neutral look on his face, although you noticed him looking in your direction often, and smiling.
You had to admit, he was smart. Not that you were particularly surprised, he seemed fairly intelligent from the conversations you’d had with him at work, but granted those weren’t always the most intellectual conversations either. The way he explained what you had read in the book was both interesting and informative, but you couldn’t focus on him talk about Socrates when just two days earlier you had been grinding on him, and had even let him touch you. Especially when he looked like that now. Your whole body felt hot and you knew you were probably as red as a tomato. 
You tried your best to focus on what he was saying for the sake of your grade, but he wasn’t making it easier by the way he kept looking in your direction with that smile on his face. Now, often looking you directly in the eyes with the same intensity from the club. Only this time, while sounding incredibly, frustratingly, smart.
As much as you tried, you couldn’t focus. Not when you had to process the fact that Baekhyun was now your college professor, and knew way more about you and your life than you ever wanted him to. You were hit with the realization that he now also knew you’d lied to him about nearly everything.
You became painfully aware of how you looked compared to him. While he looked exquisite in his business-casual attire, you had barely rolled out of bed in time to throw your hair up in a messy top knot and apply some mascara. Your hoodie and leggings combo wasn’t your best either, and you started feeling more and more embarrassed by the second.
Every other time Baekhyun had seen you, you had been dressed in expensive lingerie with your hair and makeup done perfectly. You had always been the one in control of the situation. Now, you only felt small and underdressed.
After what felt like hours he finally ended the lecture. But he wasn’t done yet, not with you at least. And you could tell by the way he was staring at you, smile now gone and replaced with a much more serious  expression. As soon as he dismissed everyone to leave, you frantically started shoving your things in your bag, trying to get out of the room as quickly as possible but your hands were shaking so badly that you ended up fumbling and dropping most of what you’d been holding.
“Shit, shit, shit” you whispered to yourself as you desperately reached for your belongings, feeling Baekhyun’s eyes on you, but it was too late and right after you saw the last student leave the lecture hall, you heard your name.
“Y/n come here.”
Not really having the option to say no, you walked up to him, trying to look as annoyed as possible.
“You look cute like this, without the heels and everything. I like it.” He said, now smiling down at you. Despite the mocking feeling of the statement, his face was soft now, the smug smirk from earlier gone.
Baekhyun was absolutely thrilled. The girl he usually looked forward to seeing all week long was right in front of him now, within reach. And he’d get to you see you much more now as well. He had to keep himself from looking too happy since he knew you weren’t in nearly as good a mood as him.  
You’d never wanted to disappear as badly as you did in that moment. Here, Baekhyun was the one with all the power, and you despised it. He was the one all dressed up and making all the rules. You felt small and embarrassed, having little choice but to listen to whatever it is was he had to say to you. You hated the feeling.
“What do you want?”
“You lied to me.” His face didn’t look angry at all, just blank, void of any emotion.
“Why are you making me do this can I please just leave?” You asked, hoping he’d have some sympathy but you have no such luck.
No answer
“Baekhyun, please. Just let me go home and switch into a different section.” You look at him with pleading eyes, wanting this nightmare to be over.
His face hardened, now slightly annoyed.
“Professor Byun, and I’m afraid you’re stuck with me y/n. I’m the only one teaching this class this semester.”
“Well, fuck” You muttered, looking down at the floor. 
“Is that how you speak to your professors?” 
Your head snapped back up, and you narrowed your eyes at him.
“You know, y/n, I’m not mad that you lied to me. I should’ve assumed as much. After you told me your name and I saw it on the attendance sheet I had been hoping you’d been lying.” He still looked annoyed, but his face had softened a bit. 
“Oh fuck off Baekhyun”
Immediately his expression went sour again, jaw clenched and brown furrowed.
“Here it’s Mr. Byun. And don’t use that language with me again, I’m serious.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“What do you mean? I didn’t know you’d be here. It was just yesterday that I even realized your name was on my roll sheet.” 
He had a point. He couldn’t have planned this, you’d signed up for the class months ago and he didn’t even know your name until two nights ago.
“Why aren’t you freaking out then? Shouldn’t you be worried about having me in your class?”
He only let out a chuckle.
“Why would I be worried? As far as I’m concerned this only means I get to see you more often, which I’m fine with. And you need to pass this class to graduate on time, so shouldn’t you be glad you’re already friends with your professor?”
You knew it wasn’t what he intended, but the smile on his face felt like it was mocking you.
“Yeah. Friends.” You scoffed. “Can I go home now?”
“So this is your last class of the day?”
You internally cursed yourself for giving up that bit of information.
“Yeah. Now can I leave?”
“Well you’re not in a hurry are you? Since you don’t have anywhere to be after this.”
“Baekhyuuun” you whined “please, this sucks, just let me go home.”
He smiled, seemingly amused by you begging him.
“Okay. I’m not gonna make you stay any longer since you obviously don’t want to. But let me make it clear, I’m not gonna go easy on you here just because I like you. You still have to try.”
“Okay, that’s fine.” You reply, picking your bag up to leave, wondering what exactly he meant by like you. 
“I’m really looking forward to reading your essays by the way.”
He flashed you a smile as you finally turned to leave, and you hated yourself for not doing a better job at looking mad. As much as you hated to admit it, he had a damn beautiful smile.
“See you on Wednesday!” He shouted after you as you left the room. You didn’t respond.
When you arrived back at your apartment your mind started to fill with panicked thoughts. He wouldn’t come to the club anymore now would he? That meant having to try to mingle with strangers again, something you hated about your work. It also meant less money. It’s not often that customers bought hour long dances.
And what if he did show up again? How would you even act around him? Part of you wanted him to for the easy money, but you just couldn’t imagine grinding on your professor. Your face heated up just at the thought, especially since you knew he could look that good now. Would you even be able to give him a lap dance without losing your own mind?
You had trouble processing the fact that this was even able to happen. You’d  never thought to ask Baekhyun for his last name, and since it had been summer break he didn’t mention his job. The whole situation seemed bizarre. 
And what about class? Will he make it more difficult if he doesn’t get what he wants? 
No. Baekhyun isn’t like that, you tell yourself. As much as you disliked having him in a position of power over you, you’d gotten to know him well enough to know that he wouldn’t abuse it.
The more you’d gotten to know him the more you liked spending time with him rather than other customers, regardless of the money. And for good reason. The longer you knew Baekhyun, the more you realized he wasn’t like the other guys who came to the club. You could tell he was good, decent guy.
He was always there to see you, and only you. You had several other regulars, but none of them had any qualms about talking to and getting dances from other girls. Not that you minded, but you’d never seen Baekhyun even speak to another dancer.
He’s also just nice. The kind of nice that you don’t see in people often anymore. He was always incredibly respectful and would never do anything you weren’t comfortable with. Very few of the guys you came in contact with cared at all if they made you uncomfortable. They’d just assume that’s a part of the job for you.
Baekhyun was actually interesting to talk to as well. Since you’d met him at the beginning of summer, he usually told you about adventures he went on with his friends, most of whom you knew from the night they’d dragged him into the club.
They were a genuinely cool group of people. The one he was closest with, Chanyeol, was a music producer, another named Kyungsoo was an up and coming actor, and the one who’d introduced himself as Jongin was a professional dancer. Chanyeol had been the one to come with the idea of taking Baekhyun to the club in the first place. 
Baekhyun would tell you anecdotes from nights out he’d had with them during college, as well as other wild stories and you’d often find yourself laughing and smiling so hard your face hurt. Ever since your first night with him, you noticed how good he was at making the people around him feel at ease. He always knew what to say and when to make people laugh. 
Baekhyun was different from the other men at work because you liked being around him. You’d be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t find him attractive either. If you’d met him anywhere else, and he wasn’t your professor, you’d probably be more than willing to go on a date with him. 
But unfortunately that wasn’t the case.
You tore yourself out of your thoughts and realized how late it had gotten. Although it was only the first day, you already had homework you needed to start on. You spent the rest of the evening trying to be productive, but you couldn’t stop thinking about Baekhyun. How good he had looked, how attractive he sounded giving the lecture, how he wouldn’t stop looking at you. 
He was going to be much more present in your life now, whether you liked it or not.
Wednesday morning Baekhyun felt stupid for how excited he was to see you. He’d decided to get up early to work some exercise into his day, and hopefully clear his mind, but even as he took a shower and started getting ready to leave for work, he couldn’t get you out of his head. He’d decided to wear something a bit more casual and stylish, opting for a new pair of glasses, striped red t shirt, and cream slacks. He tried to make other excuses for why he wanted to look nice but in the back of his mind, he knew he wore it because he wanted to look good in front of you.
During the class before yours he noticed a female student in the first row chewing on the back of her pencil as she very intentionally leaned over her desk to grab a pen, putting her cleavage on display to him.
He only rolled his eyes, but he was pleased to see that his outfit was getting good reactions. He just hoped you’d like it.
When the class before yours left, Baekhyun felt his heart rate go up. What if you’d found a way to get out of his class? Would you even show up? Or if you did, would you just end up sitting as far from him as possible?
Usually he’d leave to go get a coffee during his break between giving lectures, but today he stayed in case you came early again. As the minutes went by students started to fill the lecture hall. Baekhyun couldn’t help but keep his eyes fixed on the door every time he heard it open, but he just kept seeing everyone but you. 
A minute before class started, you walked in and sat down in the second to last row.
Baekhyun felt his face light up as soon as saw you, only to immediately turn into a frown when he saw where you chose to sit down. It was as he’d suspected, you wanted to be as far away from his as possible. But at least you were there.
As Baekhyun started the lecture, he couldn’t help looking in your direction every few seconds. Even though you were in casual clothes without any fancy hairstyle or makeup, this was the version of you Baekhyun loved seeing the most. He was used to the perfected product you presented yourself as at your job, and he knew that wasn’t the real you. This was. You in leggings and a t shirt, your hair messily falling over your shoulders as you scribbled down notes. He could watch you like this all day. He noticed how your brows would furrow in confusion whenever he’d bring up a new concept, and how you chewed on your bottom lip when you were concentrating. Ever since he’d seen you like this on Monday, he couldn’t get enough. It was you, the real you.
He also noticed how you seemed to look everywhere in the room except for at him. You spent as much time as possible with your head down taking notes, even when there wasn’t much to write down. Other times your eyes would stay glued to the power point slides, or wander around the walls and ceilings. He understood why you weren’t exactly comfortable looking at him.
Despite being on the other side of the room, he was still able to pick up on little things. He noticed your leg bouncing, fingers tapping on the desk, and how much you would fidget when you weren’t writing notes.
He knew you were uncomfortable, and he hated it. He hated himself for being the reason. He wished there was something he could do or say that would make you enjoy being in his class more. Anything that would make you feel more at ease with him in this situation. If he wasn’t the only one teaching the class he wouldn’t have minded if you’d switched to a different professor, if it meant you were more comfortable. Of course he would’ve missed seeing you, but he also knew that was a selfish thought. He felt guilty that you had to be there and be uncomfortable because of him.
At the end of the lecture he gave the class their first proper assignment, a short essay analyzing Plato's “The Ring of Gyges”. It was an assignment he always gave at the very beginning of the semester, since it was a quite difficult read and gave him a good idea of how everyone would do in the class.
He was especially excited to see how you would do.
When class ended, you were the first one to leave and this time he didn’t stop you. He knew you wanted to leave and didn’t want to bother you again, still feeling slightly sorry for how late he’d kept you the first day. He’d only done it to try to reassure you about having him as your professor, but he hadn’t been expecting you to be as distressed about it as you were. In hindsight he realized he’d probably only made things more stressful for you.
Once the room was empty aside from him he packed up his things and left as well, hoping that you could become less anxious over time, and eventually, maybe even enjoy being in his class.
For now though, class had not been something for you to look forward to at all. You’d been dreading it ever since Monday afternoon.
That morning as you were getting ready, you tried to make yourself look a bit more presentable than you’d looked Monday, not wanting to live through the embarrassment of seeing Baekhyun look so nice while you were basically wearing pajamas again.
For the first half of your day you threw yourself into your other class work, successfully taking him off your mind for a while, but when your physics class ended and your next class was with him you felt yourself starting to panic.
You thought about skipping class, but you cared too much about your grade. You decided your best choice was to just get there as late as possible and sit as close to the door as you could so he wouldn’t be able to get you to stay after class again.
As you walked across campus you felt yourself get more and more nervous. Despite being there 20 minutes early and the room being open to sit down in, you sat down outside. As the minutes drew closer to class starting you felt your heart start to race and had trouble controlling your breathing. One minute before class was to start you got up, walked over to the door, and took a few deep breaths to calm yourself down a bit. You pushed open the door with shaky hands, and the second you could see into the room you notice Baekhyun's eyes on you, and his beautiful smile. You quickly looked down and hurried to the closest available seat in the back of the room, cringing at yourself.
As much as you wished you could, you couldn’t just ignore Baekhyun. He was the professor, you had to listen to him. But you had a hard time doing anything when he looked like he did. His shirt showed off his broad shoulders and he was wearing different glasses now too. He looked even better than he had on Monday. Had it not been for you already knowing him, you probably would’ve found him distracting for different reasons. You did everything you could not to look at him directly, knowing he’d catch you and see you blush. But who wouldn’t blush if he was staring at them while looking like that? You could tell some of the other girls in the class liked his outfit as well by the way they whispered to each other while shooting glances his way.
You wondered if maybe this was something he did often, if he liked starting things with students. If maybe his whole nice guy persona was fake and he really was just another scumbag.
But you soon realized that was just the bitterness speaking. You wouldn’t admit it to yourself but the thought of other girls trying to seduce him was bothering you. Baekhyun wasn’t a scumbag, not when he’d dedicated his life to teaching people about ethical issues and moral arguments.
As the class went on you couldn’t help but fidget and shift around in your seat. Even though you were avoiding looking at him, you knew his eyes were on you for much of the lecture. You’d figured it would be like this.
As it got closer and closer to the end of class you felt yourself get more and more panicked at the thought of him keeping you after again. You didn’t know what he could possibly keep you after for, but you didn’t want to stick around and find out, so as soon as he dismissed the class you nearly ran out without looking back.
“Hey, y/n!”
The sound of your name nearly gave you a heart attack, thinking it was Baekhyun who was going to force you to talk to him like this again but when you saw Lucas waving at you, you let out a relieved sigh.
“Hi Lucas.”
“I thought you’d come sit by me again today what happened?” He asked.
“Sorry about that, I was almost late today so I didn’t want to walk out there in front of the whole class” you said, hoping he wouldn’t see through your lie.
“Well I hope next time you’ll sit with me again.”
You managed to give him a small smile and nod, still a bit too frazzled over everything to want to talk to him.
“I have to get home, but I’ll se you Friday. Bye Lucas.” You waved at him as you went in the opposite direction.
You felt bad for not talking to him any longer, but you just weren’t in the right headspace.
On your walk home you felt weird. Had it really been that bad? Or were you just overreacting? Although he did look at you a lot Baekhyun seemed to teach the class as if everything was normal, more or less unaffected by your presence. He hadn’t seemed to mind your leaving either. Maybe he’d hadn’t planned to make you stay again. Maybe, it seemed, he was going to leave you be.
You knew Lucas would bother you about it if you didn’t sit with him again next time, but would you be okay to sit that close to the front again? Or even worse what if Lucas caught on that there was something going on between you and Baekhyun? He’d already seemed suspicious on the first day.
You decided your best course of action was to just do it and tough it out. All you needed to do was act like you did in all your other classes and everything would be fine right?
First however, you had to go home and face your roommate and tell her about this nightmare, having bottled it up until now. You weren’t exactly sure why you hadn’t told her right away. Maybe you felt strange about it since she had already told you you needed to keep him from getting any closer to you. Obviously that wasn’t going to be easy now.
As soon as you got home and put your things away you knocked on her door.
“YEAH?” You heard her yell through the door.
“Can I come in?”
“One second!”
A little while later the door opened.
“What’s up?”
“Can we have a girls night? I have some shit I need to tell you.”
You couldn’t remember the last time you saw Mia look so excited.
“You?? Have tea for ME??? Fuck yes!”
You thought about it, and this was pretty rare. 90% of the time she was the one unloading her boy problems on you, or any other kind of drama too for that matter. Not that you minded, that was just the dynamic you had gotten used to.
“Wanna order some food and put on a movie?” You asked.
Your food eventually arrived and you put on a chick flick you’ve both seen a thousand times.
“So?? Are you gonna tell me what’s going on or what?” She asked turning to you, obviously looking forward to whatever you were about to fill her in on.
You sighed.
“So my philosophy professor this semester...” You swallowed, now having trouble getting yourself to say it.
“I know this sounds fucking insane but, Baekhyun’s my philosophy professor.”
The look on her face told you everything you need to know. The two of you had known each other for so long that words weren’t needed.
“I don’t know how it happened either. I signed up for the class forever ago anyway, before I even met him at the club. Just a bizarre coincidence. And he’s the only one teaching it and I need the credit to graduate so I'm stuck.”
“Shit dude.”
“Yeah I know. He kept me after class Monday and it was a fucking nightmare.”
“What did he say?”
“Basically just that I’m stuck with him. He also called me out for lying about what university I go to at work. And he said he liked me better ‘like this’ whatever the hell that means”
“He’s like obsessed with you isn’t he? He’s probably over the moon that he has a way into your personal life now which really fucking sucks for you.” She had a point. “Do you think he’ll still come see you at work?”
“I honestly really don’t wanna think about that right now.”
“Be careful, y/n. A customer having a crush on you is one thing but having him in charge of your grade is another. What if he starts trying to make moves on you and you shoot him down? He could fuck up your GPA just to get back at you or something.”
“No.” You responded, perhaps a bit too quickly. “No, Baekhyun isn’t like that. He’s not a bad guy, and I don’t think he’ll try anything anyway.”
“I’m not sure of course but he’s also a lot older than us and this is his job, I can’t see him risking his livelihood just for me.”
“He’s a college professor who’s giving you a thousand dollars a week, how does he even have that kind of money anyway? No way he gets paid enough as a professor to be giving you that much. He either has some other source of income or you’re already making him broke.”
You felt stupid for not having considered that yet. How the hell was he giving you so much? She was right, unless he was secretly rich or something there was no way he could afford to give you so much money every week without fucking himself over. Your stomach started to churn with the idea of him possibly even putting himself in debt just for your Saturday nights together. He couldn’t be that stupid right?
She could tell how much the conversation was stressing you out at that point.
“Listen,” she said, grabbing your hand “you just need to get through the semester. You can handle 16 weeks, class with him will get less awkward, and hopefully he’s at least smart enough not to come see you at work anymore now.”
The thought of him not coming anymore wasn’t a good one either though. You made much more money when he was there, and in under 2 hours. Staying at the club until 3am with school going on now, only to take home less money wasn’t really a good option either.
“I don’t wanna see him there but I need his money.”
“You’ll find some other guy who’s rich and in love with you soon enough, don’t worry, it’ll all be fine.” She said, pulling you in for a hug.
You knew she was just trying to make you feel better, but realistically you weren’t going to find another guy like Baekhyun at work, Even if someone came along who gave you as much money as he did, they wouldn’t be as fun to talk to, or as respectful as him. Guys like that just don’t come to strip clubs. You still didn’t even fully understand why he did.
“Just think of him as another one of your professors. It might be tough at first, but I think if you can do that you’ll be okay.” 
“You’re right, I just need to get my shit together and not let him distract me.” 
“See? Of course I’m right.” She grinned, and you couldn’t help but smile back. 
Eventually the movie ended, and by then it was late enough for the two of you to get ready for bed.
Talking to your best friend about it had made you feel slightly better. At least whatever happened, she would be there for you to talk it out with. Baekhyun wasn’t a bad person or anything either, it was just the situation that was stressing you out. As long as you could get ahold of yourself enough to focus on his lectures and do well in the class, you’d be fine. 
You kept reassuring yourself as you closed your eyes, and for the first night that week you didn’t stare at your ceiling for hours worrying, you went right to sleep.
Next Chapter
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
Build Me Up Buttercup *Part 5*
WARNING: This chapter contains mention of sexual assault, please read at your own discretion. Also, I’m sorry these last two chapters have been kind of dark but next chapter will be super fluff I promise!
If you need to catch up:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Tag List: @wanniiieeee
....And you just ran out?”
Your roommate’s judgement came through loud and clear, even through the phone.
“Yes! What the hell was I supposed to do?!” You tried defending your actions. You called them to feel better, not worse.
“Well, first of all you shouldn’t have LIED,” They kept their snarky tone.
“I didn’t LIE….per say,” You paced back and forth, twirling your hair in your fingers nervously. The silence after your statement was like you could SEE their faces just giving you “that” look.
“Oh okay what was I supposed to say? ‘Oh hey yeah you’re right Fin, I was an absolute party wreck until I couldn’t be anymore’?”
“I mean I don’t--” You heard footsteps coming up behind you, so you swung your phone to your side, cutting off their sentence.
You turned to see Rafael standing there, that permanent concerned look for you pasted on his face.
“Hey...are you ok?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. I just needed some air,” You tried your best to stay calm and nonchalant.
“Are you sure? Because you--” He started to say something but you quickly interjected.
“Actually you know what Barba I’m kind of on the phone right now, can I meet you back inside?” You motioned with your phone, kicking yourself for being cold to him right now but you couldn’t deal with anything else at the moment.
“I...uh...yeah, sure,” He shook his head with an awkward smile, and walked back inside. Relieved, you put the phone back up to your ear.
“Aww, how cute. Barba cares!” your BFF’s voice cooed through the speaker.
“Yeah, in like a ‘dad caring’ kind of way,” you rolled your eyes.
“Oooof, I wouldn’t start throwing that term around, we might have to start talking about ‘daddy issues’, Y/N,” they giggled.
“SERIOUSLY?” You practically screeched into the phone, thanking every god you could think of that Rafael had gone inside before that comment.
“I’m just sayin! I’m ALSO saying that you need to go back in there and tell your squad the truth,” they returned to a very serious tone.
“Yeah I guess…” You sighed, knowing they were right.
“And I’m sorry I can’t be there with you holding your hand while you do it babe. But…”
“But what?”
“But maybe Rafael can?”
“Jesus, can you please be serious right now?”
“I am being serious! You just told me he helped you calm down earlier, and that wasn’t even half traumatic as this is gonna be,” They insisted.
“I don’t….how…?” Your face scrunched up trying to think of NON creepy ways you'd ask for someone's hand.
“Whatever, do what you want; But I do suggest telling them. Clearly you're not going to be able to keep this under wraps, and I doubt you want to keep freaking out on your co-workers. Trust them, trust RAFAEL,”
You sighed again, you knew they were right. Olivia said it herself, it was important to have a squad you trusted.
“Alright I’ll call you later,”
“You better!”
You took a deep breath and walked back into the bar, your hands shaking as you reached your booth. The group all started to speak, but you put your hand up.
“No just-- Let me talk. Fin, I am so sorry,” You addressed Fin, who shook his head in a “don't worry about it” manner.
“No, I really am. I’m sorry I freaked out on you and I’m sorry...I lied. Kind of,” the squad again looked at you in total confusion.
“God….okay, how do I….? Um….”
You started trying to form sentences in your head, words jumbled around in your brain. You started to panic again, when you felt a hand grip yours under the table. You snapped your eyes open and looked next to you where Rafael had taken your hand. He gave a small, supportive smile making you suddenly feel at ease.
“Okay. So, like I said I was pretty much a ‘caged’ child. I was homeschooled, I didn’t have any friends, just academics. Being born a ‘prodigy’ sounds good on paper, but I just always felt like a show pony. Or an alien experiment. People were always coming by to check out the ‘genius 5 year old’ play Mozart, or ‘the brilliant 10 year old finish calculus problems in under 30 seconds’.”
You took a deep breath, watching their listening faces. Too much detail hon, get there faster.
“Um, anyway. I graduated ‘high school’ at fifteen years old. I had barely made it through puberty, and I was already done with my academic childhood. Obviously, I wanted to immediately enroll in college, if for no other reason than to get away from my insanely controlling parents. But big surprise, they had a problem with it. It took me a minute to convince them that it was the right next step, full ride scholarships to literally any school in the country helped. And I mean, ANY school. All the Ivy leagues sent out their top recruiters to speak with my parents about having the ‘prodigy’ attending their establishment.
So with that, I was able to convince my parents that I knew what was best for me. I told them I was smarter than them, so clearly I could parent myself better. And God help them, they believed me,” You had to pause again, tears catching your throat. Rafael gently started rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.
“So, I started at NYU that fall, just after my sixteenth birthday. Sixteen years old, the only child in a university full of adults,”
“I don’t like where this is going,” Sonny whispered to Amanda who nodded in agreement.
“So I got paired with this room mate Layla, who was the polar opposite of myself. She was gorgeous, totally socially gifted, but dumb as a rock. Her daddy had paid her way into the school,” you rolled your eyes just thinking about her.
“And truth be told I loved her at first, because she was the sweetest girl. My first ever real friend. She took me under her wing and gave me a complete makeover; socially and physically. I had NEVER had guys look at me the way they did after she helped me. It was....intoxicating.” You paused in shame, picking at your jacket.
“So, naturally, I wanted to hang out with my friend. My ONLY friend. And hanging out with her meant going to all the coolest parties, frats and sororities. I was SIXTEEN, I didn’t….I didn’t think,”  You bit your lip and stared at the floor for a moment before continuing.
“I lost my virginity at those parties,” you muttered quietly, and to your surprise the team started reacting.
“Wha-- Wait wait wait, guys that’s….that’s not even the bad part yet,” you gulped. Jesus the judgement was quickly getting real.
“Anyway I...was pretty much a huge party girl slut,” you shrugged. “I’d go and party, and hook up with random guys, and never thought twice about it because I thought ‘that’s what college girls do’,” You scoffed at your younger self for even having that notion. How could you be that smart and that stupid at the same time? It was baffling.
“And one night, it bit me in the ass,” You sighed, here comes the hard part.
“I don’t...I usually got so wasted that I didn’t CARE who I was having sex with and most of the time never remembered WHO it was anyway but-- but I’m pretty sure that night I didn’t want to,” You breathed out and looked up, willing the tears on the rims of your eyes to go back in where they came from. Rafael’s hand gripped yours tighter, making you feel safe.
“But it is what it is, this guy did what he did and left me on the floor in a frat house,” You scoffed again, this time tears dripping down your face. You couldn’t believe there was a time that you had been that pathetic, to just be left laying on the floor like a blow up doll.
“I guess Layla found me and took me home, because I woke up in my own bed. But I had bruises and hickeys ALL over my body, and just….brutal stuff,” You trailed off while you picked at your food, not wanting to go into any more detail.
Suddenly, as if turning on a light switch, your entire demeanor snapped back into ‘normal mode’, you wiped the stray tears away and cleared your throat. You were
“AHEM So...anyway, after….that, I told Layla that I couldn’t hang out with her anymore if that’s all we were going to do, and she understood. She didn’t like it, but she understood. The next semester I got a new roommate who was pretty much like myself, boring and socially inept, so I went back to the thing I knew best-- academics. I changed my major from biochemical engineering to law, because I didn’t want anyone else to go through what I went through without a voice. And after that, and a WHOLE lotta therapy, I just pushed that whole semester I lost deep, DEEP down, you know like a totally healthy person,” You tried playing it off with a laugh, but they weren’t amused.
“But...just thinking about Mary Fahey,” you sighed. “That girl had everything going for her, she was probably really smart and had a whole life ahead of her. She made the bad decision ONCE, to go to a frat party and she’s DEAD. Meanwhile, I was a stupid slut for a whole semester and the worst I got was bruised up and a pregnancy scare.”
“Please don’t tell me you’re saying what I think you’re saying,” Amanda gave you a look.
“What? That I should have been killed? Well why not? Why HER?” You protested, sipping your hurricane. It was unsettling to the squad how little you seemed to care about yourself.
“....I knew there was more to it in the bathroom,” you heard Rafael’s soft voice beside you.
“I’m sorry...I didn’t know how to tell you,” You looked at him with apologetic eyes. “I didn’t want you to think I was...trashy,”
“Ok now hold up” Fin interrupted.
“First of all, you need to stop throwing words like ‘slut’ and ‘trash’ around, especially about yourself, Y/N,” he took your hand.
“You said it yourself, people make mistakes. Hell if I worried about the amount of dumb shit I did when I was a kid I wouldn’t get out of bed in the morning,”
You had to break into a small sad smile after he said that, nodding your head in an understanding manner.
“And whether or not it was a one time thing or a ‘phase’, no one ever deserves to be assaulted for overdoing it at a party, or anywhere else,” Olivia chimed in. “EVER.”
“Exactly what the Sarge said. Assault is NEVER ok, in ANY circumstance. Even when you think you were ‘slutty’ by sleeping around, those guys are accountable too.” Sonny added. “Taking advantage of an inebriated woman is not okay,”
“AND it was statutory!” Rafael finally spoke up, his fists clenched. It was as if it had taken this entire time for him to fully process your story, and now that he did he was PISSED.
“Okay, Rafa, calm down,” Olivia placed a hand over his.
“No Liv, these guys should all be in prison for having sex with an incapacitated SIXTEEN YEAR OLD”
“Will you knock it off, counselor?” You hit his arm. “I didn’t tell you that story so you would go after a bunch of random idiots for something that happened over 10 years ago!”
“Well they should pay!” Rafael yelled again, but after you softly stroked his shoulder, he seemed to calm down.
“I appreciate the sentiment, Rafa,” you warily threw out the pet name, happy when he responded with a small smile. “But I’m over it. Mostly. On days that aren’t like this,” you added with a joking laugh, trying to ease the tension.
“Well, I really appreciate you telling us the truth, N/A,” Olivia nodded at you, the others followed suit. 
You gave the first genuine smile since you came back in, looking at Rafael. He took your hand once again under the table, giving it three small squeezes. Before you knew what you were doing, your head was dropping onto his shoulder and you were scooting closer into him.
“Get a squad you can trust, right?”
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shittylongcatposts · 4 years
Can I request P for the soulmate prompts with Jumin please?
Thank you for the request nonnie and i'm super sorry that it took so long! I gotta say my mind went blank for this one at first, i always ended up having a smol idea but then it vanished into the void again 😿 anyways!
I still hope you enjoy this one :3 (i dunno where this is going as I'm writing it now- surprise! Haha)
Soulmate Au: P - Passing senses (Jumin x Mc)
As long as Jumin could remember he never had any health issues. But a few days ago the teenager started to lose some of his senses on some days and others on another day. One day he woke up and couldn't see a thing, everything was just black and he couldn't even feel anything he touched nor taste his food.
He sat at the doctors office tapping his feet on the ground, waiting for the doctor and his father to come back inside again.
When the doctor finally opened door again, holding it open for Jumins dad he jolted up, an uneasy feeling spreading through his body and he knew something was up.
" What is it, doctor?", He asked, his voice breaking nervously.
"Nothing serious, see, your father and I spoke a lot and we came to the conclusion that you're stuck together with a soulmate. It's really unusual, but some soulmates pass their senses onto each other."
"How is that possible? Am I bound to a person, that can always steal my senses, how rude. I wish to stop this right now, father. How am I going to pass school, if I am not in full control of my body?"
"My son, all you have to do is find your soulmate and you're going to be fine~ Look at your mother and me, we found each other too, we broke up though but thats nothing you have to do with your soulmate..." The Chairman said and patted his sons head, who scoffed while hushing back from the touch of his father.
"yeah like that's how i am going to be happy" Jumin whispered, thinking about his soon stepmother to be who clearly didn't feel a thing for his father, her only interest was the money he had.
A few years later Jumin and his soulmate arranged each other pretty well, splitting up the senses was pretty exhausting but it was a fair thing to do. To him the worst days were the ones where he couldn't see, this black void he was left behind with scared him, and pulled these threads tighter and tighter. His thoughts ran wild and he had no one he could talk to. Not even Jihyun could help him in these moments.
Studying abroad was quite the expiriance for Jumin, he got to talk to a lot of interesting person, some gave him a really good insight of their live, peaking up his interest like Jihyun used to do. And then on one of the last days of his last semester abroad he met Mc.
It was on a party on a day where he couldn't see a thing. One of his fellow students threw a party and invited everybody as it seems. Sadly Jumin had no vision this day, so the massive noise level stressed him out. But then there was one voice that sounded not like the others, it was nice and warm and felt oddly familiar to him. He followed the voice, one hand always running along the walls guiding him towards his goal. Finding the voice.
But it disappeared so suddenly. A little disappointed he leaned himself with the back against the wall, checking the many different voices once more. But it was no where to be... Heard.
"You don't seem to be as drunk as the others." It was her. This voice. Warm, kind, soft. He didn't know if she was talking to him or somebody else though, so he decided not to speak up.
Then he felt somebody poking his shoulder. "Hey, you, I'm talking to you. Don't ignore me"
Jumin turned his head around, hoping it was somewhat pointing in her direction. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you were talking to me. No I'm not drinking, I need to find my way back to my dorm later."
"Hmm ... Wait are you... Blind?" The young man heard her sighing even without giving an answer she seemed to know. "I'm sorry, I hope I..."
"it's ok, you don't have to apologize." Jumin cut her off and offered her a weak smile.
After a long pause he wanted to break the ice again and asked for her name. While talking he found out that she couldn't hear and read his lips for the whole time, which was pretty impressive to him, she doesn't seem to have a big problem with it. The evening went on and the more drunk the people around them got, the more uncomfortable the both of them felt.
"Why don't we change our locations? To... Somewhere more peaceful?" Mc suggested and hooked her arm under his own, guiding him towards a small garden area, that seemed to be near by her dorm. " I love it here, it's so peaceful and quiet and on some days, the wind rushing through the leaves sound like waves."
He nodded along, carefully listening into the dark. And then he shook his head in disbelieve.
"Wait, didn't you explain to me earlier that you couldn't hear?"
"Only on some days, it changes day by day." She shrugged it off as if it was so.erhing completely normal and he nodded along.
"Hmm I know that, it changes for me too everyday. Actually you are the first person I met that has the same "problem" as me."
"Is this a soulmate thing for you too?" The young girl asked. Even though he couldn't see her face or anything right now but he could feel her gaze lingering on his features. Oh, How much he wished to see her right now, he was so intrigued by this person that stood right in front of him, how much he wished to take in her features, as she did with him right now.
He felt a strange tension building up in between them and a knot formed on his stomach, leaving an unknown feeling to him. Something he never felt before.
"yes, it is." He finally answered, hearing his own voice breaking.
"Hmm let's see, what kind of senses do you have today?" Mc asked.
"I can hear, and feel today, tomorrow my soulmate allows me to smell, taste and see then."
"that's.. odd" She stuttered, and he felt her shivering. With a quick move he offered her his jacket, thinking it came from the cold wind that came up. "I have those senses right now." She whispered, her voice barely making a sound.
"That... Really is odd." He felt his threads pulling tighter and he gasped for air. His hand grabbed her arm roughly in his panic, his thoughts ran wild again, jumping from thoughts of his parents and his stepmothers. What if she was his soulmate? Why did he have to find her now, right when he was about to go back home.
"Jumin? Are you alright?" His heartbeat slowed down when he felt her habds cupling his face. His skin burning under her touch. No this can't be. How could she calm him down like that?
He felt tears building up in his eyes, streaming down his face and over her hands.
"Stop crying, Jumin, you're safe. Breathe. Slowly." She told him, rubbing his tears away. "It'll be ok, I'm sure of it."
Still sobbing he pulled her into a hug, only now he realized that she had the perfect height for him too, he rested his head on the top of hers, holding on to her tightly.
"i'm here Jumin, my..." He could hear her sniffle into his shirt. Leaving wet spots with her own tears.
"soulmate." He completed her sentence with a sob. Both of them giggled, rubbing their tears away one last time.
Then he placed a kiss on her forehead. "Now that I know who you really are I would never let you go again."
She pulled him down to bring her lips up to his, they were soft and warm. "Do you think we both feel this at the same time one day?" Mc asked curiously.
"I really hope so. Let's find it out together."
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triplethreatsonic · 4 years
Triple Threat Drabble: The Stranger
Here it is, the drabble I said I’d share with you guys! I’ve done a sort of hybrid thing with this where there are one or two images integrated into the text that are basically like comic panels. (think Diary of a Wimpy Kid but hopefully more classy.) So make sure you pay attention to them as you read! 
Also, this is a work in progress. So please don’t judge it too harshly :) 
Hope you guys enjoy this! 
Sonic was not a slow eater. He hadn't been one as a child, and at age seventeen he certainly wasn't one now. The hedgehog rarely spent more than a few minutes to inhale his food during lunch period. Today was no different— after making quick work of the cafeteria's lasagna, Sonic had pushed his plate aside and was now settled with his left leg comfortably draped on top of his right, one hand fiddling with his shoelace. 
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Across the table from him sat his friend, Knuckles the Echidna. Knuckles, who was one of the slowest eaters Sonic had ever seen, still had half his meal on his tray and was gradually picking away at a small bunch of grapes. "Probably." His eyes stayed on his hands as he smiled. "I don't think it'll be too bad, though; I'm looking forward to the history paper."
Sonic smirked. "I bet you are. I wonder what you'll write about this time. Maybe"—he cocked an eyebrow—"the ancient echidnas?"
"How'd you guess?" Knuckles smile widened as he dropped the now-empty grape stem onto his tray. Then he sighed, stretching his shoulders back. "I doubt the library has any new books on the topic, though. Seriously, they need an upgrade."
“Man, you're telling me. The other day, I—!" Sonic's thought was suddenly cut short.  If you had asked him what he'd just been talking about, he probably couldn't have told you. 
"No way..."
Something, or rather someone, had caught his attention— someone on the opposite side of the cafeteria, who had just sat down at a faraway table perpendicular to Sonic's position. 
It was a male hedgehog— that much was obvious. Looking at him, Sonic could make out his dark jeans, white t-shirt, and thin red-and-black striped flannel with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. The stranger sat, seemingly in silence, listening to a white female bat sitting across from him. 
None of this was what made Sonic stare, however; it was his quills.
Their coloring wasn't necessarily unnatural for a hedgehog, but it was certainly unusual. They were black, the top of each quill traced by a long red stripe. Sonic had never seen anything like them. 
Except that he had-- several times. He'd seen them in his dream. 
"Hey, Sonic! You ok?"
Knuckles words yanked Sonic out of his trance and back into the buzzing world of the lunch room. "Wha—? Oh, sorry man. Heh, guess I kinda zoned out for a second."
"What were you staring at?" Knuckles turned in his seat to scan the room behind him. 
"Nothing!" The word flew out of Sonic's mouth much quicker than he would have liked. He quickly brushed it off with a shrug. "I just remembered something I gotta do before lunch is over. I'd better run—see you later, alright?"
Knuckles looked like he didn't quite believe him. "What do you gotta do?"
Sonic’s face smiled as his brain racked for an answer. "Uh, homework. Never ends, am I right?"
Now it was Knuckles turn to smirk. "Heh, right." He picked up his mini milk carton and took a swig. "Well, good luck. I'll see you in fifth."
"Later, Knux!" Sonic grinned and picked up his tray from the table, keeping his movements casual as he made his way to the garbage cans. Behind his calm exterior, however, Sonic's mind was racing. It was a coincidence. It was a weird coincidence. But that's all it could be, right? Just a really weird, off-putting coincidence that meant nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. 
So why was he so antsy all of a sudden? 
Frankly, Sonic didn't even know why he had left Knuckles in such a hurry with that dumb fib about homework. What was he hoping to do? Was he planning to talk to the Weird-Coincidence Guy? 
Well… it wasn't the worst idea. 
Sonic's eyes flicked upwards from his tray; the black-and-red hedgehog was easy to pick out now that he knew he was there. Sonic's hands moved automatically, scraping his plates as he kept his eyes fixed on the stranger. The white bat across from him finished her sentence, waved, and then left, walking out through the cafeteria's main double doors. The black hedgehog watched her leave, a soda can held tightly in his hands. He barely moved at all.  
Sonic dropped his plate unceremoniously into the designated bin. Now that the idea had entered his mind, he couldn’t shake it: he had to talk to him. As nonchalantly as he could, Sonic began weaving around chairs, backpacks and tables, gradually making his way to the strange hedgehog. 
He was practically on top of him now. Sonic stopped walking, the black hedgehog a mere four feet ahead of him. He was facing away, hands still holding that soda can. Without so much as a second thought, Sonic smiled and said the first, most natural thing that came to his mind: “Hey!” 
What happened next was the last thing Sonic had expected. The black hedgehog turned at his voice, saw him, and froze. His face paled and his eyes went wide. Something like an electric shock seemed to go through him, and the can in his hands crunched.  
Brrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiing! The five-minute bell shouted rudely across the cafeteria, startling them both, and they were drowned in a wave of standing students. The black hedgehog was instantly blocked from view as three hundred teenagers, Human and Animal, began gathering their things and preparing to leave for classes. 
“H-hey, wait a sec!” Sonic tried to see past the masses of knees and elbows, but quickly found that to be useless. He wasn’t one to give up easily, however; in seconds, Sonic had jumped onto the nearest table and was craning his neck to see over the sea of heads. Where could that guy have gone so quickly? Suddenly—there! Sonic barely caught sight of striped flannel as its wearer ducked around the corner of an adjacent hallway.
"Hey, dude, wait up!" Sonic was down in a flash. After shoving his way through the crowd he sprinted into the hall just as his target ran left down another. He called after him. "Yo, black hedgehog!" It became a game of cat and mouse as they chased each other down seemingly countless hallways and past endless classrooms. Sonic was fast on the track—the fastest in the state, in fact— but somehow this guy kept eluding him with all his constant turns. 
Sonic finally whipped right around the ten-billionth corner only to come to an abrupt halt— the hallway ended just twenty feet in front of him. Sonic looked over his shoulder, then back at the dead end. He was positive this was the direction the hedgehog had dodged... so where did he go? 
"Hello? Uh, you down here, man?" Sonic slowly walked forward as his question echoed in the empty hall. "I just wanna talk for a second."
Then out of nowhere a blur of movement slammed into Sonic's chest, smashing him against a line of lockers. Sonic's breath was knocked out of him, and it took him a second to realize what had happened: standing there, with his forearm crushing Sonic’s ribs, was the black hedgehog. His eyes were mere inches away from his own. They were a bight crimson— to Sonic's astonishment, the color he expected them to be— with a ferocious, wild expression in them. There was also the depth of something that Sonic couldn’t quite name. 
"Why are you following me?” he demanded. 
Sonic’s hands flew up like a man held at gunpoint. "Woah, dude! Chill! I'm … I'm sorry!” It was still difficult to breathe. "I'm just… I just wanna… wanna talk!"
They stood there locked in place for a moment, both hedgehogs panting. A minute passed, and gradually something seemed to shift in the black hedgehog's eyes. He glanced downward at the arm that pinned Sonic, then back up at the hedgehog's face. Then he backed a few paces, his hands lowering to his sides. 
Sonic pushed himself off the lockers and rubbed his chest. "Wow, you hit hard! You play football or something?" He gave the guy a smile. "Sorry. I probably really weirded you out back there—I said hi, but then the bell rang and you ran off and—"
"And you chased me." The hedgehog's voice was deeper than Sonic's when he spoke, with a sharp edge to it. The guy looked close to graduating— frankly, with his stern face, he barely looked like he belonged in high school at all. His arms moved to cross in front of his chest. "What do you want?" 
"Uh..." Sonics brain suddenly froze. In that moment he realized that beyond his first hello, he hadn't actually thought of what he wanted to say to this guy. "I… I'm not sure. I just wanted to say hi, I guess." 
"Well, um... aw, shoot, this sounds really stupid now." Sonic's smile turned sheepish. "I wanted to talk 'cause… you look kinda familiar?" 
Other than a slight eyebrow raise, the black hedgehog didn’t move. His voice dripped with contempt. "Where on earth would I have met you before?" 
"Heh, funny you should ask." Sonic shoved his thumbs in his pockets. "Uh, how long've you been at the school?"
"Three weeks." 
Sonic did a double take. “Wait— really? Like, it's your first semester? But… you look like a senior." 
"Oh, I dunno... I guess thats just kinda rare, you know? New seniors? I'm a junior, myself." Sonic smiled, but the black hedgehog didn't flinch. He cleared his throat. "Well, anyway… You really do look super familiar to me. It's kinda freaky, actually."
The dark hedgehog's eyes narrowed. "And why would you say that?"
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Sonic wasn't sure what reaction he'd been waiting for— maybe a good laugh, if anything— but it certainly wasn't what the black hedgehog was doing now. His shoulders hitched, fingers digging into his forearms. Even more surprising was his face; it had that same haunted look Sonic had glimpsed before— back in the cafeteria, right when the stranger had first seen him. 
And then all at once it was gone, replaced by the earlier scowl. "That's ridiculous.” 
Sonic’s hand dropped down from where it had been resting behind his head. “Um… yeah. Yeah, it is.”
They stood there in a heavy silence. The black hedgehog drummed his fingers against his arm. “Is that all?”  
Sonic stared back at him. “… Yes.” 
The other hedgehog looked at Sonic a moment longer, annoyed expression unchanging. Then with a ‘hmph’, he turned away abruptly, walking back towards the hallway through which they had come. 
Sonic watched him leave. He felt the urge to say something, but nothing came to mind. Well, that was weird. What had he been expecting though, really? The whole reason for him talking to the guy was weird to begin with. It was funny; though Sonic was usually very confident around strangers, this whole conversation— which he himself had initiated— had made even him uncomfortable. 
Sonic began to turn the in the opposite direction to head to his own class— only find himself staring at the dead-end hallway again. Whoops. There was only one other way to go. 
The black hedgehog’s ear perked as footsteps echoed behind him, and he turned his head sharply. Sonic’s hands shot back up in the air again upon being caught. “Sorry, ignore me—my class is this way too.” 
The stranger glared at Sonic a moment, then turned back and kept walking. Sonic waited a second, allowing for some space, then continued on behind. 
There was almost no other sound as the two of them made their way down the hall. Sonic slipped his thumbs back into his pockets, trying not to look at the stranger. Eventually, he let his eyes drift to the back of the hedgehog’s head. What was up with the guy, anyway? He sure was a tough nut to crack— tougher than even Knuckles had been when they’d first met, and that was saying something. This guy refused to be warmed up in any way, shape, or form. Sonic had nothing to work with here, and it left him at a loss. 
Eventually Sonic couldn’t stand the silence anymore. “Hey,” he ventured, “sorry I got on your nerves back there."
If the other hedgehog heard him, he gave no sign of it.
A few more seconds passed. Sonic took a breath. "I probably shouldn’t have bothered you. It was kinda silly to say anything at all, to be honest. I probably wouldn’t’ve, either, if I’d only had the dream once. It's just weird, you know? ‘Cause I don’t even know you, but this guy that looks exactly like you is in the dream every single time, along with that other hedgehog—”  
“I don’t care!” 
Instantly, the black hedgehog was in Sonic’s face. Teeth bared, fangs showing, a threatening finger nearly stabbed Sonic in the eye. “I’m going to say this once, Blue Hedgehog. I don’t care about your dreams. I don’t care if I was in it, or that white hedgehog, or you, or anybody! And I’m tired of hearing about it.” 
They stood there a moment, with Sonic for once in his life standing perfectly still. The black hedgehog’s finger lowered as he growled. “Are we clear?” 
With the finger out of his face, Sonic slowly straightened. Ok, talking more was definitely not going to take any tension out of the air. He opened his mouth to give a simple reply. 
Then something clicked. “Wait... How did you know the hedgehog was white?”
The scowl on the stranger’s face faded slightly, the air seeming to still. “What?” he breathed. 
“The other hedgehog,” said Sonic, "I never mentioned what color his fur was.” Now he leaned forward, studying the stranger. He met his eyes. "How did you know it was white?”
The stranger gave no response. The blood had slowly drained from his face, leaving it ghostly pale as his mouth hung open wordlessly. 
Then suddenly his face clenched, and a hand jerked out to slap Sonic away. “Enough!” 
He dashed off. It took Sonic a second to recover from the unexpected shove. “Wha- Hey, dude, wait!" He sprinted around the corner ahead. "Where are you going—?!"
The black hedgehog was gone. 
Sonic stood staring blankly down the empty hallway.  What the heck? Thoughts swirled around his brain—half of them were questions, and the other half were answers that didn’t make sense. He leaned his left arm against the rough brick wall next to him. 
Had “white” simply been a guess? A stab in the dark? Was that the color everybody thought of when they pictured the average hedgehog? 
Or did he know, too?
Another blaring brrrring! from the bell startled Sonic out of his thoughts. “Aw, shoot.” He was late for chemistry. He took off at a sprint. 
A few minutes later, Sonic would come rushing through his classroom door. He wouldn’t remember that he needed to grab his textbook from his locker until he was already inside. No excuse would be given when when his teacher scolded him, declaring solemnly that being the school’s track star did not justify him arriving late to class. Later, when everyone was paired up for experiments, Tails would ask him where he’d been; cutting it close was normal for Sonic, but arriving seven minutes after the bell was not. Sonic would hesitate a moment. Then he’d give his best friend a smile, ruffling the fur on his head. “It’s not really important,” he’d say, “no worries. Let’s just get these reactions done.” 
Hours later, in dark of his bedroom, Sonic would still be thinking about that black hedgehog. 
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2idiots · 4 years
Wave inspired!Seonghwa au x reader
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summary: Maybe just maybe the boy out in the water can make you loosen your stance up on the tourists crowding your town
word count: 2.1k-ish 
warnings: none
gender neutral!reader
The first time you see him you’re walking home from work along the sea wall, your work bag clutched tightly between your arm and polyester polo, a scowl weighing heavily across your face
Every year this time (summer) rockets you directly into a terrible mood, it is literally clockwork and here’s why:
these rich people and their bad manners flock to your town to spend their summer breaks at the resorts, littering your beaches, buying your groceries, taking your space, and just generally being pretenious dicks
last year you and the rest of town spent a full week cleaning the beaches after the last of the out-of-towners were gone
But this boy, this boy was different
After all it was sunset and he was out in the water fully clothed looking like he walked out of a calvin klein shoot or some shit
the light spilling through the sky cast a orange glow, lighting him up like angel 
you were kinda dumbstruck standing on the seawall staring at him for a good minute
he looked like an angel and you looked like someone smacked you over the head with a frying pan, primarily because you had spent the entire day (and all your energy) responding to terrible customers
No they can not just bargain the prices with you because guess what...
You D O N ‘ T set the prices
and as much as they complained about the price on beer you C O U L D N O T change the price, and even if you could you clocked that gold rolex and the expensive pressed polo the minute they walked in so you sure as hell W O U L D N O T
they could more than afford the price of your store’s beer and after they had it they were insufferable
Then there was a women who made you count back your change three times because she thought you were stealing from her, stealing insignificant change
Needless to say you also wanted to get into the ocean in your clothes too and maybe swim out to an island without any people and live the rest of your days as hermit lost in nature
because wow humanity S U C K S
But you had to save money up for the fall semester so that meant putting up with some of the worst of humanity for you bigger dream; that just didn’t leave a lot of space for seeing the good in many people especially out-of-towners
so this mysterious swimmer was probably just another annoying tourist, being pretty didn’t mean he was nice too
so you put him out of your mind that first night
but you kept seeing him on your walk home from work in the heat of the setting sun: always in the same spot, always sporting clothes that weren’t made for swimming
you saw him so much you were actually getting curious, some of your anger lessening, especially when you saw him picking up trash along the shoreline
It wasn’t until your day off that you finally spoke to him and by spoke you ran head first into him walking through the beachfront shops with your friends on your day off
he was surrounded by a group of friends with colorful hairstyles that were all laughing and playing around
you on the other hand were sporting your first non-customer service smile in weeks and you were holding a very precious cone of mint chocolate chip ice cream
Well you were holding it because now it was all over this boy’s shirt and you were mortified and grieving the loss of your ice cream
“oh my god, my ice cream” is the first and only thing out your mouth so maybe not mortified just grieving
Sure you should’ve said sorry but all your apologies had been used up on the customer that said you were mean for making her wait in line instead of cutting everyone after she said she couldn’t wait because it would give her acne
So EXCUSE you if you really wanted your ice cream on your day off
Caught up in your self righteous inner monologue about ice cream, you almost didn’t notice: “wait you’re the boy who’s always in the ocean at sundown?” 
Oh wow he was much pretty in person and that was saying a lot because you had been admiring him from afar for far too long
“lol at least you don’t have to worry about washing your shirt since you’re hoping in later anyway”
Oh my god, you could smack yourself; why did you just say that, why did you just expose yourself as a stalker?
He let out a little laugh “and you’re the person on the seawall, nice to see you’re cute up close too. I’m Seonghwa”
“y/n” Wait did that actually work? Did you not scare him away? Did he know who you were too?
Did? He? Say? Cute? 
“You should come down and talk to me next time”
his friends were oohing and aahing at him watching the awkward exchange, your friends were doing the same
And that you did, like clockwork he was down by in the ocean in the middle of the sunset while you were walking home from work
Only this time you didn’t just stop and look, you made your way down the stone stairs through the hot sand and to the edge of the beach. 
God why was your work uniform all black? it was hotttt out here and you were sweating while this boy looked like a sculpture in front of you
his acid washed jeans sticking to his calves as he walked through the tide pools searching through the sand, his arms on display in the pastel tie dye cut off
“um hey Seonghwa” that’s the best you could conjure up, trying to get in a carefree position but careful not to put your backpack on the ground for fear you would never get the sand out
your non-slip work shoes = already ruined
“Y/n you came?”  he stopped his search through the tide pools to smile up at you, nearly melting your customer service persona
“um yeah, sorry I just got off work though so I’m not really dressed from a swim” You looked down to your black slacks and black polo with the store logo on the upper left breast, god you shouldn’t have come maybe if you just slowly back away he won’t even notice you disappear 
“That seems like the best reason to get in” there was a soft smile on his face as he pulled up a lump of seaweed mixed with some shells from the sand
“Maybe next time, find any good mementos?”
Only next time you don’t get in either but you did roll up your slacks, take your shoes off, and stick your feet in
He was right, it was much a much needed break to just relax in the cool water and this way you could help him find whatever he was looking for
It doesn’t stop there though, you get a little further into the water every night after work when you meet but never like he was the first night
you also learned a little more about him and him about you
He is here with a group of friends, they are spending their last summer together before some of them head off to college, some go overseas, and some are stuck in high school. They were here the whole summer working on one of the resorts and this was the only time he could get away from everyone for some peace
“So you invite me?” Peaceful, all you did was stomp around in my work clothes and be loud “I’m not sure I fit what you’re going for”
“Nah but I like having you here.”
after that you start to see him outside of the actually water too, once he is picking up the trash on the beach, once he is just laying on the sand watching the sunset
And every time you would make your way next to him and spend all night talking to him 
So every year at the peak of tourist season, the locals throw a huge party on a section of the beach that only the locals know about
It’s a power move against the seasonals, one that you participate in every year. In fact you're dropped off some alcohol earlier in the week
Usually you go alone (read: with friends) but for some reason this year you invite Seonghwa, well more like you word vomited your invitation in a 10 minute long nervous ramble about beaches and parties while he smiled at you
normally you would cover your nervousness in a smirk with some sassy remarks but from some reason your stomach is fluttering too much this time, you can feel the nausea bubbling up
tense you throw in a quick "your friends can come too" then metaphorically smack yourself because you don't want his friends to come, you want to go with just him
this was supposed to be you confessing that your countless nights on the beach had kinda made your initial crush stronger but you messed it up
For your incessant rambles he responds with only a few words "Yeah that sounds fun"
"ok ok cool cool" nice save (oh my god you are actually acting like a middle schooler)
"But I don't think my friends can come, is that ok?"
"Oh yeah, um-" insert your nervous tick here- "i don't think my friends can come either so it'll just be us" cheesy smile
btw your friends could make it, they were there the whole time but you told them to stay away and they have not stopped teasing you about it since 
the night of the party you meet in your normal place and your jaw drops to the floor like in those movies when the princess comes out wearing the ball gown and looking regal
Only seonghwa isn't a princess but he sure as hell is beautiful and who gave him the right to look like that because your heart momentarily stops before you finally breath some sense back in and hold yourself together
"Are you ready? It's a bit of a hike"
You spend the whole night talking, and maybe you're a little tipsy but only enough to give you a confidence boost and a looser tongue
nothing serious 
Or at least you thought it was nothing serious but then you are prying into his life, asking some of the weirdest questions and finally "so why do you swim with your clothes on?"
Meanwhile this whole time he's been laughing at you, not the mean kind of way more like a "wow they really ramble a lot how cute"
"I don't know, normally I just don’t have my swimsuit and the water looks too beautiful to pass up"
"But if you do it every night then why don't you just pack ahead of time" *hiccup* nah jk but you might as well hiccup… maybe you should put that beer down before you embarrass yourself
"I don't know, if I bring my swimsuit everyone will want come with me and as much as I love my friends they're a little high energy" he let out a sweet laugh "speaking of them, I should probably admit…"
Oh god, what was wrong? Is this where you found out he was actually super creepy? Or like a murderer or something? Of course the cute ones always had to be the crazy ones, just your luck
"My friends aren't busy tonight I just said that because I didn't want them to come...”
Oh good not creepy at all (maybe you should stop watching dateline), that's what you did too
in fact your friends kept sending you snapchats of the both of you sitting by the bonfire talking
"I actually think one of them is here, he’s kinda hard to miss his hair is bright red"
Oh strawberry dude, you remembered seeing him wave when you first arrived (very confusing for a powerful tiny man who you had never seen wave at you)
But hold up, you're still caught up on the first thing he said, he wanted to come with you, just you. Did he?? like you??
"Do you like me?" Straight to the point, how in character for you
A rosy blush spread over his cheeks and down his neck and the confidence you had skyrocketed, that all but answered your question
and if that didn’t answer it then his little “ya” did
in a bout of confidence you grabbed him head and yanked him up from the lawn chairs by the crackling fire “Come on!”
 "what are you doing?!" he replied, calling out as you dragged him toward the dark water, glowing in the light of the moon
Splashing through the water, you settled on a place where the waves lapped up against your waist like they had the first night you saw him, it didn’t even matter that the warm salty water was soaking through your clothes (don't think about your soaked shoes, don't think about your soaked shoes)
"I'm not sure but the water just looked too beautiful to pass up" cue cliche cheese and a signature smirk provided by you
"Haha don't make fun of me"
"Why not? It’s too much fun" you leaned in closer, your hand still wrapped in his “and anyway I like you too much to stop”
about twenty minutes later you opened a snapchat from your friends of you and Hwa kissing in the ocean and turned bright red
read hongjoong's and yunho's
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emilycollins00 · 4 years
A3 actors! Art in bloom
Type: One shot
Pairing: Miyoshi Kazunari x Reader
Theme: Passion / Art / Clash
Contrary to what many people and even classmates of yours thought, being an art student was not something you should chose to do lightly.
Sure, it seemed enjoyable, cute even. But no one ever talked about how many hours you would spend with a single portrait, drafting about abstract concepts or trying to discern at two in the morning whether a sculpture should turn more sideways or look at the ground to create a deeper perspective. 
Art was wild.
But you loved it and, why not admit it, you took it pretty seriously. Maybe a tiny bit more than most people.
That’s why you had always liked how Kazunari Miyoshi, although being the loud person he was, frequently went on and on with you discussing ideas when there was some debate in class. That brain of his was something else. His works and usual approach when mixing modern and traditional Japanese culture fascinated you. It really did.
But that had been changing lately, and it angered you.
Up until this year you hadn't really cared about it. Everyone had their right to live however they wanted after all.
However, without being able to tell when it began, you started casually observing him. You watched him talk to your other classmates as soon as the lecture, frowned as he concentrated on the draft they had one hour and a half to finish or taking selfies and live videos of the works you all were demanded to do. You even discovered yourself staring and how the sun caressed his profile first hour in the morning.
He had a nice profile.
By that point, something inside you was getting frustrated. He participated in class and attended to the lectures, but at the same time…? you felt he was starting prioritising social media over art, or looking for people for one of his popular mixers, like so many of your other classmates, who had most likely entered this major without much thought, did.
You would understand if he would have a part-time job, but the thought of him being able to do so much more and deciding to stop midway left you speechless.
You wished for him to take more things seriously. 
“Miyoshi, were you able to clean all the supplies from last class?" you called him out between the break. Everyone in class traded places to carry the main boxes with brushes, paints and whatever main source they had to work with each week "Our teacher told me to take some clay from there. I'm planning to use them for my final project, but I can't seem to find the key in the secretary office”
The university student lifted his head from his mobile and tipped on his chin, trying to remember "Supplies from...? Oh man, THAT is why I had them in my working space!” He palped his jeans looking for it “My bad, I was totes in a hurry and just closed as soon as we were done!” 
You contained an exasperated groan “Why would you get the key unless it was to clean the practice room?” 
Kazunari laughed nervously under your intimidating glare “True, true! It's just that I was talking with some friends over the phone and they were in a hurry so…” he showed you the key taking it out of his pocket, maybe to show that at least he hadn’t lost it “Do you need them now? I could go clean for you” 
The vein you had tried so hard to maintain calm popped altogether. Not wanting to keep talking, you rapidly grabbed the key from his hand and headed to take the supplies. God grief how you hated that carefree attitude. 
“No prob, dude! Next time just hit me up with a DM and I’ll come running to your uni here! In exchange, I’ll need your help to finish the flyers so…” 
Recognizing the flashy voice, you slowly looked behind, witnessing the blond with another person. Was he meeting with people to play around here too? 
You couldn’t believe it. You all had your final projects deadlines almost spitting in your faces! That’s why you had to come to this other university to ask for permission to use a kiln for your final, as you didn’t have lectures prepared today and your university didn’t have any. Didn’t look like it was Kazunari’s case. 
“Uh? No way, Y/N-pyon!” he waved at you with both hands, confirming it was you indeed, as he got closer “Looking fleek today too! What are you doing here in Yosei?” the person walking next to him whispered something “They’re a friend from my major Tsuzuroon, I told you about them, dude!” 
You mentally scoffed. Without returning his greet and turning on your heels, you headed for the teacher’s office.
 “You said friend but…” Tsuzuru squinted his eyes, watching you leave “…It doesn't look like they like you very much” 
“No worries! Nowadays they are always like that. But their works are so lit! Y/N-pyon is the ultimate remix of you, Ten-ten and Yukki!” 
“That’s… not a good thing, Miyoshi-san”
“Y/N-pyon, about-”
“Miyoshi, sorry. I am on my way to Yosei University to finish my work and unlike your usual approach of work to play, I actually don’t have time to waste”
“Uh? My works are…”
“Are what? I’ve been seeing you doing half-assed things all over the semester. This last week you didn’t even come at the afternoon lectures” you were pretty sure this was just you venting at this point “You’re amazing Miyoshi, I honestly think that, so why? If… If you only put more of yourself into it, your art would be even more unbelievable!”
He went quiet, a rare sight.
“Art it’s not something you just do for laughs; I thought you were one of the few people here that felt the same and-” the phone in your bag started ringing. Head  teacher. Inhaling deeply, you answered it “Yes?”
“Y/N-san? I am so sorry. Could you come to Josey university?” 
Losing the eye contact you had been maintaining with the blond boy, your heart sank as you heard the words ‘kiln’ and ‘malfunction’. “…Please tell me my final project is ok” 
You stood in silence, looking at the mess when you heard a knock at the door.
“I know I shouldn’t have followed and am expecting you throw me out the door but…” you didn’t move an inch so Kazunari took that as a free pass.
Just as the teacher told you, the electricity in the small building had had an issue and there had been a combustion, meaning, the sculpture you had kept here while working for weeks was now cracked and in shreds. You sniffed, brushing away the tears that were trying to come out from your eyes. All your hard work. All the time spent, had been for nothing.
“The Kiln is burnt. I don’t have anything good to save” you felt emotionally exhausted “Damn, I should have used air dry clay since the beginning… or not tried to sculpt anything” your vision became blurry again “I don’t know why do I make everything more difficult that it is”
Kazunari contemplated the situation, studying the seemingly full cracked sculpture from afar.
“Teach probably told you she would wait for you to turn on the work, right?” He saw you vaguely nodding you head “You got this!” he put his hand on your shoulder, you barely glancing at him “Look, If you still wanna use this base I’ll go ask for some moisturize and clean water to mix. Then I will maintain the upper part as you work down there, not bad idea right?”
You stared at him, finally grasping that he had come all the way here and was now trying to help “Why are you here? I… was being a busybody telling you how to work in our major” you had realized you had crossed the line back then.
Kazunari laughed, shaking his head “You were not saying anything that was a lie though, I don't want to admit it, but it’s true I've been a mess for a while”
“I guess parties require a lot of work” you bite your tongue hard. He was being a decent person trying to help and you couldn’t stop for two seconds to pick on him? You wanted to punch yourself.
“Mmm? Ah, our theatre troupe is almost opening for performance and the next troupe is on practices so flyers and scripts are running at full gas”
You stopped looking at your sculpture. What did he just say about a theatre?
“You’ve never come, Y/N-pyon? Mankai company is the best theatre in Veludo way! You totes should come, I’ll even send you the tickets for our new performance!” before you knew it, he had already DM you what you imagined was all the background information.
The moment you unlocked it, you almost dropped the phone. The photos and drawings of the posters were amazing, and you just knew who it had done “You… never said you had a job”
Kazunari considered what you pointed out. Mankai had managed to recover from what they needed to pay but they still didn't have enough founds “I’ve never thought about our acts as a job thought”
Your mind was a mess. Being an actor and doing publicity didn’t count for him as he studied? No wonder he usually left early! Now you felt even worst. You had behaved like a… “Uh, are these original templates?” you browsed over the performances’ posters, each one more astonishing than the other “This is… wow and this one?” 
He blinked, noticing how the tone of your voice was now more soothing. You had somewhat calm down. He would high-key enjoy hearing you talk to him like that more often “Hey, enough about me. We have work to do”
You agreed, putting away your phone “You’re right but again I… I am sorry, Miyoshi. And thanks, for staying” 
“No prob, Y/N-pyon!” 
“Would you tell me what I could do so you stopped calling me that?” 
“Eeeeeeh why? I think it fits! It's super-duper cute, like you!” 
No. You told yourself.
Coming back to your senses you told yourself the warm you felt in your cheeks was due to summer starting earlier. It definitely wasn’t because of Kazunari smile directed at you, helped you or how the sun reflected on his perfect profile as you both started working on your work. 
Art was wild… but it was also an evocative of feelings.
This one has been a difficult one! I wanted Reader to kind of clash with his mindset
Hope you guys enjoy it. Have a wonderful day! 💕
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
I don't know if my ask was wipe off too but I'll rewrite it again ...what about a scenario where kai's s/o was adopted and when she got older she wanted to find her biological mother.. she finds her but she sees her mother pregnant and she over heard her mother say " yea it's my first one. Me and my husband is very excited." To a friend she was talking too. How would kai react to this..... And I hope your semester is going well
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He didn't understand it you one bit.
Your biological parents were... atrocities to his eyes. Not even knowing who were they, but already despising them with the same amount of hate he had towards his once biological father and what was suppose to be his mother.
You were abandoned. Discarded by those filth... luck you that you had found some decent family, they were sick but at least treated you right through the years you had... much like him.
Yet there you were, telling him that you were curious and quite determined to find your biological mother for the first time.
"Why?" He asked monoustly yet his eyes showed how shocked he was and the amount of disbelief he carried on them.
You shrugged with a serious look, looking at the ground numbly before smillung a bit, yet not returning to look at those golden eyes you loved to stare at.
"Curiosity I guess? I mean... I never knew where I came from or why exactly they didn't want me at the time... maybe they just couldn't take care of me or had me on a wrong age. I dunno." You sighed shakily before interviewing your fingers together "I... just want to meet the woman who put me into this world."
Yes. He surely didn't understand it a bit your thoughts. If he was in your place... he wouldn't know what to do actually.
Maybe you did have a point.
He let out a sigh before sitting besides you, staring you a bit before spilling the words.
"I will do the research. Maybe if we're lucky at least this week we discover where she is."
The way you widened your eyes was just so bright and pure to his eyes, he couldn't help to smirk a bit at the grateful smile and even if his muscles tensed a bit at feeling your sudden hug he only scoffed heartly and awkwardly patted your back twoce, a signal that was enough.
He didn't lie and was really smug when he found where the woman was and how was exactly her routine, showing it to you after three days of searching.
He absolutely refused to let you go alone, not also trusting bis subbordinates, neither Chrono, to accompany you on that... encounter.
"You sure you won't mind? It might kinda be awkward and-"
"If it is so important for you I might as well be there to just end her existence is she dares to speak some stupidity." He sayed numbly, smirking a bit at your gasp while still walkimg sides by sides.
"Kai!" You whispered shouted but ended up smilling no less, the way he subsconciously eased your nerves was just incredible.
You both continue walking until Chisaki abruptly stopped right in front of some cafe. Spotting the woman he had been searching for at least three days by now.
He pointed with his gaze and hesitantly carresed your shoulder a bit, walking besides you...
"I cant believe your pregnant!" The woman sitting in front of her exclaimed, not aware that you two were just waiting to have a chat with your mother. "Your husband must be ecstatic!"
The woman laughed before she spilled the words that left your body cold as ice and Chisaki's blood burning as the flames of hell itself.
"Yeah he is! Is our first ever child after all! Being pregnant for the first time is quite scary but also so exciting at the same time!"
His eye twitched before he let out a animalistic growl, grabbing the hem of his gloves as he took one step forward towards her... before he felt your hand grabbing his jacket.
"What?" He growled in pure hatred and irritation, before softening a but his eyes when you say your broken hearted face and teary eyes... but yet still a sad smile formed on your lips as you looked up at him.
"Is ok. Don't waste your energy with such a thing Kai, is not worth it."
Gosh how badly he wanted to just yank himself out of your gaze to kill that women on the worst and cruelest as possible...
He knew it. People like that always did those things. People like his and your biological parents didn't even deserved being alive for fucks sake.
He scoffed, a death glare on his eyes as he looked one last time at the table, the woman chatting with your mother flinched a bit before poking her colleague, whispering something before the woman took a quick look at you two before retreading back like a flash.
Coward. Fucking coward.
"Kai." Your hand on his arm finally made him break his glare as he stared at you for a few seconds "Please lets just go? I think ik done for today..."
"... alright." He muttered before leading almost the way to his house, noticing and cringing at seing the glommy state you were in... even despite claiming that you were happy at least to have found happines on a true family.
He wasn't taling that shit.
He asked for Pops and Chrono to distract you for a bit while you showered, saying only that he had a few things to get done, and luckily both had agreed on.
He didn't even waste time running back towards that place, letting Nemoto drive as he stepped out and immediately blicked the woman's path to entering her house with his quirk when he touched the ground.
She looked behind and widened her eyes at recognizing the dark brow haired man from earlier.
He only lifted his palm, signaling Nemoto's to start.
"Miss, is this your real first pregnancy?"
"No, is actually my second. When I had my first one I abandoned the child on a place that I didn't even know of without a care since neither me or my boyfriend at the time wanted it." She got out of her mindblow and gasped in horror, quickly putting her hands over her mouth.
Chisaki, without even blinking, started to make his way towards her. Taking slowly his gloves out of his hand as his psyco look only worsened when his eyes had darkned.
"What a nice confession to hear. I suppose I should introduce my self even if you are only a waste of my time."
The woman shivered before Chisaki was only a few steps away from her.
"Call me Overhaul. But for you to understand better why I am doing this with such garbage like yourself-" his eyes seemed to burn in rage even more the more he talked "I am your son in law. Is definitely not a pleasure." He growled the last part before merciless touching her forearm with his bare hand.
This was only the start... she woul pay for letting his angel hurt like that.
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our-time-is-now · 4 years
23.06.2019 (2): Do you still have topics, Mr Florenzi?
(previous play)
You can find more information about the authors, translators, content  warning and additional information about the plays in the pinned post on our blog.
Sunday, 08:41 pm
David: *went to Laura's apartment with Matteo where they didn't order pizza because Laura saved lasagna for them* *has taken off the binder in the bathroom while Matteo reheated the lasagna* *have eaten together in the living room in front of the TV and went to his room after doing the dishes* *could calm down a bit emotionally during the time and now lies quite relaxed on the bed on the side opposite Matteo and looks at him while reviewing the afternoon* *wonders how Matteo has experienced all this and what he would like to talk to him about and asks him quietly at some point* All good?
Matteo: *lies cozy and full on David's bed* *rolls onto his side and sees David looking at him* *smiles slightly* *hears his question and thinks about the events of the afternoon* *nods slightly* Yes... by the way I don't plan to apply in Halle... *takes David's hand that is between them and interlocks their fingers together* Are you afraid we won't make it?
David: *smiles when Matteo says he has no intention of applying in Halle and looks at their fingers that Matteo is just interlocking* *murmurs* Good... *draws circles over the back of M's hand with his thumb at his question and briefly presses his lips together* *doesn’t really know if Matteo means that he is afraid that they wouldn't be able to handle a long-distance relationship or that they wouldn't be able to handle the situation* *shakes his head slightly and looks at him again* When Carlos asked earlier what we would do in such a situation and I imagined you had something permanent in Berlin and me in Halle... or the other way around... *sighs softly and then continues* I know that we could somehow make it... *shakes his head then and laughs softly and a little desperate* ...but I don't want to make it at all. *lowers his gaze again and looks at their hands before continuing slightly embarrassed* I just don't want to be separated from you! *smiles slightly* And if I had answered Carlos honestly, I would have told him that I would quit my studies and find something else just to be with you... *smiles slightly and looks up to Matteo again* It's probably not really good advice for them... *slightly shrugs his shoulders again*
Matteo: *takes a good look at him* *sees how he presses his lips together and knows that he is thinking about how to say it* *gently runs his thumb over the back of his hand and waits* *nods slightly when David said that they would somehow make it* *also assumes this, but he still doesn't like the idea* *looks a little confused for a moment when he says he doesn't want to make it and panics for a moment about what that means* *is then relieved when he hears David and thinks that this happens more and more often, that he suspects the worst and David says the exact opposite* *says fast* Me neither! *nods as David continues, because he sees it the same way* Probably not good advice, nope... *squeezes his hand again lightly and looks at him* But listen, you have your dream, your goal, filmmaking... I don't even have a plan... we'll go where you can study filmmaking... it's easy.
David: *smiles slightly when Matteo says he doesn't want to be separated from him either, and grins a little when he agrees that he can't give good advice to Carlos and Kiki* *returns his gaze as he speaks, smiles slightly again, but then shrugs his shoulders* And what if next month /the/ idea comes to you what you want to do... or in two months... or next week?! And what if I have a place to study in Hamburg and what you want to do is only available in Berlin!? *grumbles frustrated* I know this may all be hypothetical, but... *shakes his head slightly and bites his lower lip briefly* ... you are more important to me than filmmaking! I can also wait one or two semesters for filmmaking or do something completely different if you find something you want to do...
Matteo: *laughs slightly and shakes his head* Something you can only do in Berlin? What is that? Picking up dog shit? Or selling drugs to hippies? *tilts his head slightly when David realizes that it's all just hypothetical* *then shakes his head* This is bullshit! You want to study filmmaking. Even if I find something, it's probably just a "yeah, I could do that" thing and I'm sure I can do it anywhere. *looks at him seriously* Why don't you want us to put you first?
David: *also smiles a little bit and shrugs when it comes to jobs in Berlin* No idea... maybe somebody knows someone who knows somebody and could give you some dream job here... *pulls a face when Matteo says it's bullshit because he actually knows that Matteo is right and that jobs are really everywhere* *sees his serious look and hears his question and thinks about what his problem really is* *it’s more like a gut feeling and he can’t put it into words* *shakes his head slightly and mumbles* I don't know... *sighs softly and then tries* I think it's okay when we put me first... but I just don't want you to... *looks at him seriously, too* Promise me that if - just hypothetically - something comes up in the next few weeks that interests you... that you won't take me into account, okay? I don't want you to back off just because we said we'd put me first, because you don't have any plans yet anyway. If you know something, then we'll discuss it again!
Matteo: *laughs when David thinks he might know someone* Quite unlikely... *then sighs softly as David says he doesn't know either* *tilts his head when he says he doesn't want him to cut back* Okay... *bites his lips slightly and for once he speaks directly without arranging his thoughts first* Or... we just say... it's not up to us... so it is up to us, but not like that... we just say Berlin is number one... not you or me or who gets accepted into a certain university or what dream job... we say if even one of us gets something in Berlin, we'll stay here, ok?
David: *smiles slightly when Matteo agrees to re-discuss if he finds something he's interested in and looks at him scrutinizing and a little skeptical because it was easier than he thought to talk to him into it* *thinks that Matteo assumes he won't find anything, anyway* *then listens to his flow of speech and raises his eyebrows skeptically when he says it's not about them at all* *grins slightly and is about to ask who it is about when Matteo continues speaking* *thinks about his suggestion, finally sighs softly and shrugs* Okay, um... *smiles slightly* *hopes that he will actually get a place to study in Berlin, but is also quite afraid that this will not work out* *repeats anyway* Okay... Berlin sounds good!
Matteo: *looks at him when he agrees* *wants to know if it's really okay* *then grins and moves a little bit to kiss him* And if nobody finds anything in Berlin... then we will discuss again. Deal?
David: *raises his eyebrows with a grin as Matteo checks him off and then comes towards him for the kiss* *nods to his words* Deal! *turns on his back and stretches slightly* *smiles again* You see - everything is very easy if you are just open... Nice that we now follow our tips to others in the meantime ourselves... *just turns his head to him and laughs softly * *then however gets more serious again and asks* Another topic you openly want to talk to me about, Mr. Florenzi?
Matteo: *grins as David lies on his back* *stays on his side and supports his head on his hand so that he can look at David better* *laughs at his next words* Hey, you heard it... we are the top relationship guides... and I think we've managed the being open thing for quite a while now... *looks at him slightly questioning as his face gets more serious* *listens to his question and thinks* *thinks about the Jonas thing from this afternoon and doesn't know if he should actually bring it up again* *shakes his head slowly* Maybe that you are looking very good again today, Mr. Schreibner. *smiles at him* Do you still have topics?
David: *laughs at Matteo's words to the topic relationship guide and shakes his head* Whatever the reason why they chose us... Kiki and Carlos have been together much longer... and Jonas and Hanna have basically been together for a few months already... *nods when Matteo says that they are doing quite well with the openness and smiles* *thinks that although it is still difficult for him sometimes, it is by far not as difficult as in the beginning and that it is getting easier each time* *nods as Matteo shakes his head and has no more topics* *then hears his compliment, turns slightly red, but imitates his grin with a slight secretary's-office-look* *looks briefly at the ceiling again at his question and considers* *then nods and says* Yup! Two! *looks at him and grins slightly* Do you want the nice or the serious topic first?
Matteo: *laughs as he talks about the other couples and shrugs his shoulders* They just know that we are the best. *just smiles smugly as he gets the secretary's-office-look* *now takes that as a compliment* *lifts his eyebrows when he says he has two topics* *thinks about it for an exaggeratedly long amount of time and then says* Serious first, please.
David: *somehow expected Matteo to want to hear the serious stuff first and turns back on his side to be able to look at him more comfortably* *briefly presses his lips together and searches for words* *just says* The thing with Jonas... I told you that it is okay for me and that I trust you. And it really helped me that you brought it up in front of Jonas when we were at Hanna’s. But I just don't want to... *hesitates briefly and then continues* ... maybe you could try not to look at me as if I was about to flee or collapse when something like this happens? *wonders if maybe that was somehow too harshly formulated and continues to explain himself* I mean, I probably wouldn't have even noticed today what Jonas actually said, if he hadn't corrected himself immediately and you hadn't looked at me like that... after all, it's not so bad with Carlos when he says things like that. *takes a deep breath and shakes his head slightly* I just don't want any special treatment because of it. If I still have a problem with it, then it has nothing to do with you or Jonas... *reluctantly reaches for his hand and mumbles* Sorry, I know you're just worried, but I just don't want to be treated with kid gloves on this one, okay? You told me that the subject is closed for you and that you don't feel about Jonas like that anymore and if it still feels weird to of me, it's not your fault!
Matteo: *looks at him as he turns on his side* *wonders what the serious topic can be* *but has no time to think about possibilities, because then he already hears it: Jonas* *immediately has that look again, which David obviously means when he continues speaking* *presses his lips together while he listens to him* *maybe he holds his hand a little tighter than usual when he gives it to him* *thinks that he can understand David, as he probably wouldn't like that himself either* *but also thinks that he doesn't know if he can just turn off his worries* *swallows heavily and then nods slowly when David seems to be finished* Okay... I'll try... but... even if it's not my fault... I still want you to be okay... *sighs slightly and shrugs with one shoulder* Maybe today was a bit overdone and I'm sorry about that, but I still want you to tell me if something is annoying you or makes you feel uncomfortable, ok?
David: *runs his thumb over the back of Matteo’s hand as he squeezes his hand harder than usual so that he somehow relaxes* *smiles when Matteo says that he still wants him to be okay and continues to listen to him* *shakes his head slightly and interrupts him with a mumble* You don't have to apologize... *thinks that Matteo couldn't have known that it was bothers him and that he was actually just worried* *nods when Matteo finishes and says softly* Okay. *to make Matteo understand it better he quietly adds in explanation* You know, if you look at me anxiously with Jonas’ every touch or says the wrong word, you're making a big deal out of it. And then I somehow think it's a big deal and you also say that it wasn't a big deal... or no longer is... but when such big things are always in the room, then I can't get past this stupid feeling... *pulls his hand out of Matteo’s and gently strokes his cheek* *smiles* The thing with us is a big thing - I prefer to think about that...
Matteo: *listens to him and nods slowly* *somehow thought he had to give him some kind of immediate reassurance when something like this happened* *just realizes now that he's only making it worse* *nods again* Makes sense... yeah... it's no big deal, okay... I can do it. *smiles slightly and then even more as David strokes his cheek* *looks at him lovingly while saying* You loon... *leans forward and gives him a quick kiss* And now the nice topic!
David: *just smiles even more when Matteo calls him a loon and moves a little closer for the kiss * *grins when he wants to hear the nice topic, leans back again and shrugs his shoulders briefly* *thinks that it is not really worth mentioning, but still wants to get rid of it* Carlos really surprised me with his speech today... the speech about you... how you are, how you treat each other and all that... and that the guys really want me to be there and they don't mind if we sit on each other like that. *just shrugs a shoulder again and says* Okay, maybe it's not worth mentioning, but in this moment it somehow clicked for me that it's actually the case. *laughs softly* I would never have thought that he could make such a serious statement.
Matteo: *listens to him and automatically smiles when he understands what he’s talking about* Yeah, they are like that... the guys... can really surprise you. *plays with David's fingers again and then looks at him* And let me put it this way: It was not my idea to invite you into the chat *smiles a little* So good that it has clicked for you ... because they do not make friends with just anyone like that ... *grins and gives him a kiss* They already know who is good.
David: *smiles slightly when Matteo says it wasn't his idea to invite him into the chat and annoys him* No!? Now I'm disappointed... *but laughs and then nods exaggeratedly at Matteo's next words* *does not quite believe that the boys already know who is good, thinks it was more of a coincidence that they like him and it somehow fits* *turns back on his back and smiles to himself* The guys are definitely a reason why staying in Berlin is not the worst idea...
(next play)
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noahhernandez · 4 years
2/9/2015 v. 8/11/2020
1:Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie. My favorite movie is Scream, and it started when I saw the midnight premier of Scream 4 with my dad back when I was in 8th grade, then Scream 1 came on AMC late on night and I just really like it
I still think Scream is one of my favorites, but Halloween has jumped up there just because I am obsessed with all things horror really lol. I started to love Halloween because of the new trilogy.
2:Talk about your first kiss. It’s really not that interesting but really like embarrassing. It was with my first boyfriend and I had just turned 15 and we were at the school just walking around and we went into the band hall and I was like ok im leaving and he was like wait and we kissed and i was like o
the same ! 
3:Talk about the person you’ve had the most intense romantic feelings for. I never really have had intense feelings for anyone. I d k
One my exes- I mean we were dating for awhile so that’s pretty intense to me. 
4:Talk about the thing you regret most so far. I regret… Nothing really I mean, I have done really bad things in my life, but i don’t regret them
I regret failing like 2 semesters of college lmao and almost dropping out. If i didn’t then I would 1- would have been done earlier and 2- would have already completed a year of grad school but IDK also another is wasting lots of money in 2017-2018
5:Talk about the best birthday you’ve had. The best birthday I’ve had was.. Idk This year was was nice I saw Iggy Azalea in concert, then I celebrated my friends’ birthday then mine and it was just everyone got to get together so ya this year my 18th
For my 21st birthday I went to Portland, Oregon and spent the weekend there and it was pretty and my first time there so it was nice despite what I think about PDX now. I don’t even know what I was doing for my 19 and 20th birthday lol. 
6:Talk about the worst birthday you’ve had. My 17th birthday because I was stuck 2 hours away from home with a bunch of nerds doing a band competition 
That is still probably my worst birthday. I forget to mention that I was gone literally from like 7am to midnight. They werent a bunch of loser nerds, they were my friends, but I still wish I was just at home lol. 
7:Talk about your biggest insecurity. I am skinny, but not fit. If I eat anything I get this like stomach and it makes me so sad. and ever since I got a job I work odd hours and I eat a lot of fast food and I’ve gained 10 pounds in 2 years and I guess i’m insecure about my weight
I am still insecure about my weight, and I probably weight like 5 pounds more than I did when I made this post 5 1/2 years ago. 
8:Talk about the thing you are most proud of. We have band banquets for band, and I only went my sophomore and junior year, and seniors give out awards to underclassmen that are just jokes really, and both years 4 different seniors gave me an award for being the biggest gossip in the entire band and I was proud of that lol
Well since then I have graduated both high school and college. I am proud that I finished college !! A BS in Psych. Proud of myself that I got promoted (in 2017) at my job; i’m proud of myself that I have my own apartment, and blah blah basically just doing regular adult shit. 
9:Talk about little things on your body that you like the most. I like my nose because of how perfectly fixed it is. I also really like my freckles/moles/dark marks idk what they are exactly, but they’re on my face and they look great
I still feel the same way about this, maybe add my eyebrows- they’re not like clean and nice they’re just expression markers on my face that i love.
10:Talk about the biggest fight you’ve ever had. I got into a fight with my old friend Angelica and that was almost 4 months ago and we used to be best friends and now we never talk.
When Janett didn’t talk to me all summer of 2019 because I told our other friend Angel something
11:Talk about the best dream you’ve ever had. I cant remember one 12:Talk about the worst dream you’ve ever had. I can’t remember one
13:Talk about the first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time. The closest thing i’ve had to like sex was being locked in a back of an SUV with a stranger drunk as fuck and naked and its embarrassing
Just awkward and nothing to which I expected. 
14:Talk about a vacation. When I was 16, the high school band took a trip to Hawaii, and all my friends were in band so it was great. We did a lot of things, we toured Pearl Harbor and even played a few patriotic songs on the USS Miss. and our hotel was on Wakiki beach. I went snorkeling in some beautiful water and shit and idk just walked all around Hawaii having a great time omg we got on stage at the Hard Rock Cafe and sang with German people i miss it
Hm that was fun. But I.. went to NY with my ex and that was pretty cool because I literally love New York, and I went to NOLA two years ago (today actually) and got miserably drunk so that was fun too 
15:Talk about the time you were most content in life. Probably just in the middle of junior year when everything and everyone was going with the flow
I feel like 2016 was a very content year because I remember nothing about it. 
16:Talk about the best party you’ve ever been to. Idk which one to talk about the one where I had a lot of fun and risked my life or the one where there was a lot of drama stirred up and drank myself to sadness. 
I haven’t really been to a party? I have gone out and had good times. Really anytime my friends and I go out I am having a good time 
17:Talk about someone you want to be friends with. I am already friends with people I want to be friends with
18:Talk about something that happened in elementary school. I kissed a boy on the back of the head and i told I just fell onto his head
Let me think of another one. Back in like fourth grade my friend was in a wheel chair and his backpack was falling from the back and I was trying to grab it and i was only 3 feet tall i couldnt see over or wasnt paying attention and i crashed him right into the bookshelves at the library. 
19:Talk about something that happened in middle school. A girl was mad at me because idk why lol and she pushed me in the hall way and I fucking flew across that hall on the floor and hit the wall she’s pregnant now
When I was in 5th grade (which is considered middle school in my district) I was standing on the play ground and someone threw a stick at my head and it knocked me the fuck out and I was bleeding from my temple.
20:Talk about something that happened in high school. In Jr. Year I was pulling into the parking lot but I was texting and I accidentally put half my car on grass area near the side walk luckily it was 7am and only one person saw me do it lol
One summer going into our senior year we had a party at Michelle’s house. First of all we were very drunk and Coby’s parents were like we are coming over and we cleaned TF UP so fast and sat on the couch and turned on I Know What You Did Last Summer and his parents were like interesting and and left and then we continued to drink anyways- we started playing truth or dare and my friend Angelica was like I dare u to kiss Anthony (someone I had liked prior) and he wouldnt and we started attacking him and calling him homophobic and hitting him with pillows lmao- him and I are still friend-ish
21:Talk about a time you had to turn someone down. I can’t think of something right now.
Literally anyone on grindr.
22:Talk about your worst fear. I’m afraid of having no career and being stuck doing something I hate and living paycheck to paycheck
Yeah, I’m scared of that still but I.. think just like being broke and jobless. RN with the pandemic we aren’t really working and still getting gov’t assistance, so.  IDK being a real real adult scares me a lot. 
23:Talk about a time someone turned you down. I can’t think of a time :)
One time in like 2016 maybe idk - this dude told me to come over and he lived far like not that far maybe 25 minutes lol far for me anyways I got to his apartment and there was a gate code and i asked him what it was and he didnt answer and it was like 2-3am and nobody was coming in or out and so i was like damn this sucks lmao
24:Talk about something someone told you that meant a lot. Nothing really has meant a lot to me. Everyone tells me the same thing over and over again and its so surface level
I still can’t think of anything but I’m sure the friends I have met since this and my friends Faith, Michelle, Peter, and Alisa have said something supportive that meant a lot to me. 
25:Talk about an ex-best friend. Angelica Ramirez. She was my best friend for only 3 years, but together we went through A LOT of shit. We started out senior year just fine, but she lied about a few things and made a lot of us feel like crap in October. I won’t lie, I do miss her. We have too many memories to just forget, too many funny stories and great adventures. She helped me with too much, and sometimes I think about how I cut her out of my life and I mad a bad choice. But only time can heal things and I have moved on and truly found people that won’t make me mad every 30 seconds. 
Brianna Pajak, I don’t remember anything about her except she was poor and we stopped being friends because she always wanted to fight and be annoying. 
26:Talk about things you do when you’re sick. Lay on bed on my computer and watch TV
I normally just suffer and cry about wishing I was healthy again.
27:Talk about your favorite part of someone else’s body. Their…!!>>>??? 
I must have nice hands and ur nose must be nice too! so nose and hands. lol
28:Talk about your fetishes. none
yeah I don’t have any lol not that I can think of. 
29:Talk about what turns you on. Idk i really like kissing and touching and this is awkward. 
30:Talk about what turns you off. bad breath by
that and ugly/rough hands, acne sorry i know it is natural but, shorter than me lol, white people, long hair on guys, and thats about it i think hm i am single yes 
31:Talk about what you think death is like. I think its like idk its scary tho
um idk i dont like thinking about death because i literally want to cry when i think about it. 
32:Talk about a place you remember from your childhood. I remember being in trees a lot
My step grandma’s a lot because my parents were working and she would watch us. She passed away about a month ago :( 
33:Talk about what you do when you are sad. I usually only tell one person and that person is Alisa and I cry sometimes to her and expect her to make things better and she does thank u
I be doing the same thing, I text someone and that person could really be anyone but it happened the other day and I texted Bri and she was very helpful. 
34:Talk about the worst physical pain you’ve endured. I have no idea, I’ve never broken pulled strained twisted fractures or anything i have no life
I still haven’t done any of that stuff to my body. I also have burn scars but I did not feel those when it was happening. I would just say i guess my wisdom teeth coming in because I did not get them removed. I have 3 out lol.
35:Talk about things you wish you could stop doing. Pushing potential love interests away 
I have had some ‘love interests’ since this post, but it’s been about a year now since and I kind of push away the opportunity of getting close to someone. I also need to stop being a bitch sometimes. 
36:Talk about your guilty pleasures. eating 
I would say idk eating was a stupid answer. 
37:Talk about someone you thought you were in love with. never
I was in love and i didn’t ‘think’ I was in love. I don’t know what you mean by talk about them, they were my partner but we broke up hehe.
38:Talk about songs that remind you of certain people. Fireflies by Owl City reminds me of my 7th grade crush Fancy by Iggy Azalea reminds me of my two friends Michelle and Alisa idk anything else
um Idk. i rly cant think  39:Talk about things you wish you’d known earlier. I wish I would have known that
That it’s okay to tell people you’re struggling lol . That is okay to fail sometimes (school).  40:Talk about the end of something in your life. everything is just about to start
When I ended how to get away with murder I wish I never did I love that show with all my heart. 
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lxveille · 5 years
hope u are ok, please take of urself in this current climate! 💗 do u think u could write some minghao fluff for me? maybe a university au one? it’s totally ok if not though! hope working from home doesn’t become too monotonous for u & u find time for self-care & healing, too. xxx
title: a changewc: ~ 1200warnings: casual mentions of alcohol; the return of svt frat aua/n: this was really the sweetest way someone’s ever requested something from me i think ?? anyway, i don’t know if this is exactly fluff or just a university au meet-fic (is it even meet cute? idk any more i haven’t properly finished writing a thing in ages who knows???)
This party is the worst.
There’s nothing but noise and sweating bodies, flushed from dancing or from alcohol. You only agreed to come because your roommate said she was finally ready to bounce back from her breakup. You should have guessed her idea of moving on would be going to a boisterous ΣΛT party. She may claim to be ‘over’ the heartbreak – but evidently not enough to not want to hook up with a member of her ex’s rival fraternity. 
The third time beer spills on you, you’re pretty sure you’re ready to scream. 
Somehow, though, nothing comes out of your mouth. All you manage is to hold your hands up and stare down at the wet patch down the front of your shirt.
A look around doesn’t show you who the culprit is, or where your roommate is. Perfect. Maybe you’ll cry instead. 
You make the more practical decision to try to find a bathroom where you can try to clean yourself up a bit.
The place is packed. You’re not exactly a regular at parties. Least of a frat parties. It would be a maze even if it were empty. Navigating it is only harder with all the people you have to wiggle through. And Joshua Hong – the quiet kid from one of your literature classes – is standing on top of a couch leading off some chant that’ll make someone else chug their drink. You wonder if maybe this is actually some alternate reality. Do people actually have fun here?
A long line in a narrow hallway signals that you have, in fact, found a bathroom. Except by the look of it, you won’t be getting in any time soon. You come to a stop, contemplating what to do. When you go to take a step back, your shoe sticks just slightly to the floor. With a grimace and a sound of disgust, you head in the direction of the stairs you’d seen earlier.
With the number of people that live in this place, there has to be more than one restroom. 
No one stops you from going upstairs, but it still feels like you shouldn’t be here. There’s still the distinct sounds of a party, but they’re all muffled, and suddenly there’s room to breathe. You look at the different doors carefully, and are grateful when you spot one left a crack open with tile flooring showing on the other side. 
It isn’t exactly what anyone would call a neat bathroom, but you imagine it must be leagues better than whatever the situation is downstairs.
You look into the mirror and let out a sigh. The beer stain on your shirt is truly unflattering, and you imagine anyone who looked your way would probably assume you did it to yourself. Still, you start with washing your hands and trying to splash water to get off the sticky patch on your arm from an earlier spill before trying to wash your shirt. 
Mostly, though, you just end up with even wetter fabric trying to stick to your skin.
“Everything going alright…?” 
“No,” you answer. It’s only a moment after that you even fully realize someone has spoken to you. You try not to look surprised when you turn to the doorway. Leaning against the open door is the lanky, dark-haired art major you’ve been trying not to have a crush on this semester. Sally had told you about him after the fifth time she caught you staring at him in the dining hall.  You think it’s the strangest thing that he’s here. Handsome, artsy types who spend their lunch risking spilling coffee on their sketchbooks are not the type to suddenly show up at a frat rager, are they? “I mean. Hi.” 
Minghao laughs. “Hi,” he echoes. “Anything I can do to help, then?”
“Not unless you have a spare shirt on hand.” You try to sound more upbeat about it than you feel. As if you’re fully capable of laughing it off.
He looks you over and you suddenly wish you hadn’t drawn any attention to your predicament. He nods sympathetically. “Yeah, I can arrange that.” 
It must be a joke. The skin above your tenses as you pull a puzzled expression. Then you force a small chuckle. “That’s fine,” you say, and give a casual wave of your hand. As if to say, yes, I’m in on the sarcasm. I can play along. 
“I’m serious.” Minghao straightens up. “I promise I do my laundry more often than some of the guys.” 
“And, what, you just… bring a spare outfit with you to outings?” 
This time he’s the one to pause to gauge the seriousness of your remark. “I mean, my room’s right down the hall. So.” 
“You live here?” The astonishment comes out before you can temper it. 
Thankfully, Minghao seems to get where it’s coming from, if the way he smiles is anything to judge. “It’s not always like this.” He glances around the bathroom, like there might be some proof lying around. His eyes settle back onto you, and you think you might be hallucinating when you hear him say your name. “…Right?” 
“Yeah.” You nod. 
“Sally talks about you in imaging,” he explains before holding out his hand. “I’m Minghao.” 
“She does?” Oh, god. Your dread must be evident, because Minghao laughs again. That sound alone could make someone fall head over heels, you’re sure. 
“Good things only,” Minghao reassures. “So, do you want something dry to put on?” 
So you end up in Minghao’s room. There isn’t much of a stark difference between his half of the room and his roommates. When he catches you staring at one of the paintings propped up on a desk, he tells you someone named Mingyu had painted it one night while drunk and waiting for a food delivery to arrive. 
“Black or gray?” he asks you shortly after, as though that was the obvious followup to that anecdote. It’s only once you look to his hands and see him holding too different shirts that you put the pieces together. 
“Honestly, anything’s fine,” you reply, “This is already really nice of you.” 
He hands you the black one. “Don’t worry about it.” He’s close now, and your nerves feel electrified. The sensation only lasts a moment, though, with how quickly he goes to leave you space to change. 
If this whole turn of events wasn’t already odd, it felt surreal to be alone in his room. You quickly pull your shirt off and, shrugging, use a dry patch of it to dab lingering moisture off your skin before slipping on Minghao’s shirt.
With your wet blouse balled up in one hand, you use the other to open his door. Honestly, you had half expected Minghao to have disappeared back into the party. Instead, he’s standing right there in the hallway. And his expression lights up when he spots you. 
“Looks good,” he compliments easily. You laugh, and hate to think of how those two words will ring in your head tonight as you try to fall asleep. “So… Can I get you a drink?” 
Maybe there is some fun to be had here.
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IncorrectHousamoQuotes in 2020
read me first please
so the blog anniversary was like... April 16. circumstances in 2020 made it so I feel like I owe an explanation for what I’m doing, and at one time I wondered if it’s necessary for a dumb meme blog but I know people care about this dumb meme blog. so this will be mainly 3 parts:
how narwhal had been feeling about the game in 2020
the future of incorrecthousamoquotes
closing remarks about the Tumblr community
how narwhal had been feeling about this game earlier this 2020 (spoiler alert: bad)
ok before I continue I want to say that I’ve been doing fine for myself in real life. I do acknowledge that I have the privilege of remaining financially stable this year and I am happy that I was able to keep my job I was just hired for in the beginning of the year. that being said please let me be internet melodramatic.
if you’ve known me personally and talk to me frequently in Discord servers then you may already know how I’m feeling in 2020. there’s a lot of people that don’t, though.
as part of me being internet melodramatic I do express the anger I felt toward the game and the fandom (outside of Tumblr) but I do not feel or say that the game, the fandom or anyone in particular did anything wrong. my purpose is not to criticize anything or anyone but just saying my feelings.
other than that, some of these feelings may be exaggerated and I do not guarantee my explanations of my feelings will make sense or be sufficient explanations for myself (then again since when did feelings make any sense)
basically me in 2020 was a result of major burnout in this game and the fandom.
my burnout technically began back in Christmas 2019 aka Mistake Christmas (I have feelings about this event but I choose not to elaborate right now) but I think the first thing that got me feeling burnout was late January with Main CH10 and translated CH9. until this point I liked to make self-deprecating jokes about how I haven’t read story yet but this was when I first began feeling I didn’t have a place in the fandom. like... who knew self-deprecating jokes could have a negative effect on my psyche if I think about them enough. how I can explain it is... in the past I wasn’t particularly crazy about new content in particular but I felt like I can vibe with people who were and I did have an interest towards new content. but CH10 was the first time I actively disliked new content and I took it really personally the fact I didn’t try to catch up with main story, so I started to mentally separate myself from the fandom even though I had no reason to. mostly because I held myself to more expectations than anyone would ever put on me.
so after Mistake Christmas & CH10 I ended up losing a lot of enthusiasm especially towards new content. I ended ignoring Val Timeslip completely but I did really like the Great Gendarme rerun. but my burnout hit an all-time low in April during New Semester 2020 which I will refer to as Worst Semester. now at this point I wasn’t looking forward to anything new at this point and the worst part about Worst Semester is that it was basically CH10 Part 2: about half of each banner was characters directly from CH10.
and this was when I started feeling angry at the fandom like an old entitled fan who hates change and can’t stand when people are having fun; basically it was a mix of envy and self-hatred that I couldn’t find anything to be excited about at that time. how could anyone like any of these characters, is what I felt.
that was even without considering the thing that tanked my mood for my blog in particular: summosnap. like even without considering the self-deprecating jokes about being cancelled it forced me to look back about how I’ve been running this blog and how I haven’t made a single new quote in 2020. long story short I kept comparing myself to the high expectations I put on myself and it ruined my motivation to work on what I’ve planned for the anniversary. so the blog anniversary passed completely burned out.
now I have been feeling better because the next few months weren’t particularly new content: May was just rerun month, and June was technically new but was basically from an old game that I liked a lot, so nostalgia has helped me feel better. now it’s July and we have completely new content and I’m feeling anxious over whether I’m willing to accept new content or not. right now in early July I’m actually focusing on other games right now (and reading main story on the side) so I’ll gradually start making more stuff for the fandom.
the future of incorrecthousamoquotes: the Tumblr
if you followed this blog in the past year, then you would know I didn’t have a regular schedule of making quotes in 2019, even though I did in 2018. in 2019 I did make quotes but it was released in batches every other month or so.
even in 2018 I’ve always made other Housamo content, so I’ve always given the impression that this blog is for whatever I feel like making (at least I hope I’ve given that impression) so when I remake my info pages, I will be taking the focus off of incorrect quotes. I can still make them when I get the motivation (and to clear my drafts of submissions I’m sorry) but my info pages won’t mainly talk about incorrect quotes as much as me just making whatever I want for Housamo.
I would like to make more personal posts like I did in 2018. For some reason I held off on the personal posts in 2019, but I think that contributed to my growing mental self-isolation and my eventual burnout. on a related note I’ve been ignoring my askbox and I’m sorry for that. one of the major reasons is that some of the asks I’ve been sent I have no answer to, but in the future if I have no answer to them I might just publish them anyway hopefully to start a discussion and have other people respond if they like.
I’m also going to be more open to just reblogging things because that’s something I’ve always been hesitant to do on this blog for some reason.
what hasn’t changed over the years is that I’ve always covered game news and game info and have taken time writing guides for this game. this will not change and I’ll continue to cover news in the future.
I still have unfinished projects in general and I hope to get them done this year.
the Twitter
as for my Twitter, I have mentioned before that I opened it again this April and will be using it just for uploading the video memes I make. growing the Twitter is not a priority for me, so I have no plans to change that right now.
--which is what I said before I clowned myself trying to make tweets that never took off so I’ve deleted them, sorry for trying to be an attention hoe
starting this month I’ve also permanently changed the name of the Twitter to summemepedia, which better fits the content I make.
closing remarks: I am so grateful for the Housamo Tumblr community
despite how I felt about this game in 2020 I’ve honestly never felt happier for the Housamo Tumblr community posting and writing about what they love. Tumblr as a blogging platform that encourages creativity is a website I will defend with my life and even though Japan mostly uses Twitter so it’s natural Housamo will revolve there, I will still be happy for anyone that still decides to use Tumblr.
I’ve made a list of blogs here that I’ve been saving for anniversary before I had my burnout so you can check out the list and suggest additions to it if you’d like.
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michaels-blackhat · 5 years
study buddies
day 12/32 of my massive holiday project
for @seeaddywrite, a wonderful writer, person, and my educational (study) buddy. Congrats on the end of your semester and the end of mine. Please enjoy study buddies Michael and Liz, with a little bit of bonus at high school romances
Liz sat her books down on the long library table and looked over at its sole occupant. Michael Guerin was bent over a notebook, pen moving quickly as he powered through whatever assignment he was working on. Liz watched his for a moment, waiting for his pen to lift.
“Hey Ortecho,” Michael said when he finally looked up from his paper. “You don’t normally study here.”
He was right, she didn’t. She normally took over a booth in the back corner of the Crashdown before her shift started.
“I know,” she said as she sat across from him. “I’m just having problems with the pre-calc assignment and Mrs. D is the worst at explaining things.”
Michael snorted, that was an understatement. “I don’t think she’s updated her notes since the 80s,” Michael complained as he set aside his physics homework and opened his pre-calc book. “Seriously, I have to go home and teach myself the concepts, or else I’d be failing her class like…” He trailed up and looked at Liz.
“Like almost everyone else,” Liz said with a grin. “I’m normally pretty good at picking these things up, but the textbook just doesn’t make any sense to me. I don’t understand how they go from…” Liz also trailed off as she pulled Michael’s textbook towards her and pointed at the example. “See here? It doesn’t even connect to the previous example and the chapter doesn’t even mention it!”
Michael scowled at the textbook. It was definitely directed at the textbook and not at Liz. “I know, it’s another thing Mrs. D didn’t actually teach us. Here, let me show you.”
He bookmarked the page and then turned to a page chapters earlier. Liz pulled out her notebook, ready to learn.
“I can’t do this,” Michael said as he threw his pen down, his head following slightly after, hitting his book with a slight thump.
“It’s an essay,” Liz started, but Michael cut her off.
“It’s an essay for a novel I could barely stay away through,” he said, voice still muffled. He turned his head so that Liz could hear him properly. “I know we’re meant to study chemistry together, but I’m seriously screwed if I don’t finish this.”
Liz looked up from her chemistry notes to look at Michael fully. His hair hid most of his face, but what she could see was exhausted. He had bags under his eyes, larger than were usually there, and his entire appearance was more unkempt than it usually was. Liz knew he took great care to look as put together as he could. She knew the rumors about him, knew what rumors in a town like theirs could do. Their town was big enough for rumors about everyone, but small enough that you knew which ones were true.
“Ok,” Liz said, still watching Michael’s tired face. “We still have a few days until the AP test. And honestly, I’m pretty sure we’re both going to ace it.” Michael nodded his head in agreement. They two of them were the top of their class, and they had been preparing for weeks. Both understood the importance of grades on scholarships. And how much those AP credits could help. “So, let’s see what this essay is about.”
“Hey Guerin, want the rest of my fries?” Liz asked when she was full. They had been sitting there all evening, trying to finish their group project for their sociology class. Liz still wasn’t sure why either of them took it, besides how a varied curriculum would look on their transcripts.
Michael barely looked up as he reached for a fry. It was the first time Liz had convinced him to eat with her when they worked together. Maybe it was because they were sharing. Or maybe because he was too tired and annoyed at their sociological experiment and how it had not gone the way their professor had thought it would.
Michael took another fry. “Thanks Liz,” he said, head still trying to make sense of their survey data. He quickly flashed her a grin before he looked back down. “So,” he said as he copied the data onto their worksheet. “You were getting all cozy with Max after prom.”
Liz stopped what she was doing to look at Michael.
“Are you trying to gossip with me Michael Guerin?” Liz asked in a shocked tone. It wasn’t feigned. She and Michael never really talked about anything beyond school. It was their main point of connection, for all that they at least had Max in common.
“No gossiping,” Michael mumbled into a fry. “Just asking a question.”
Liz gave him a suspicious glare.
“Is Max trying to get you to get me to tell you anything?”
This time Michael did raise his eyes and his eyebrows at her.
“Liz,” Michael said seriously, too seriously, “he’s had a crush on you forever and everyone knows it. If he was trying to get me to do anything, I’d laugh in his face because it would be so obvious. No, this is just me asking a question.” He ended his sentence with a shrug.
“He’s sweet,” Liz said after a few moments of silence. “And he’s caring. And he’s my friend and has been for years.” She shrugged and went back to her own data sheet. “He was just trying to make me feel better, you know? I mean, I knew Kyle and Alex weren’t exactly friends anymore, but I didn’t think it was that bad, you know?”
Michael breathed out of his nose loudly before he put his pencil down and looked directly at Liz.
“I think both of them tried really hard for you not to know. Kyle because he’s a dick who thought he could have you and still be a shithead, and Alex because he’s your friend and he didn’t want to make you choose.”
Liz smiled a little but her eyes were sad. “Way to be honest Guerin. God, how did I not notice?”
“Did you notice that Alex wasn’t the only person he was a dick to?”
Liz shook her head. “He was never like that around me. I didn’t like hanging around his friends though. I probably should have thought about why that was.”
“You liked him, and he was always sweet to you. He made sure you never saw him as anything else. You can’t beat yourself up about it, just gotta be a better friend.”
Liz smiled at him, this time without the lingering sadness. “How’d you get so wise Guerin?”
“I’m a genius Ortecho,” he said with a wink. “No, enough feelings. Let’s finish this shit.”
Michael looked down at the note left for him at the Crashdown counter.
Ditching the chemistry project. I have a date instead.
It was signed with a smiley face. Michael crushed it in his hand as he made his way toward the UFO museum. Hopefully he’d have his own date too.
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sweetfierceimagines · 5 years
He’s a fraaat guy... duh
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Steve Harrington x reader 
Request by @girl-next-door-writes , thanks so much !! 
/ Sorry for the title it’s so bad ahah but I’m obsessing over the parody of Billy Eilish’s Bad Guy so oops sorry / 
Summary : College Steve is at a party when the reader asks him to pretend to be her boyfriend to get some frat boy off her, and they end up getting a bit more close than expected *wink wink* 
Warnings : mentions of harassment, alcohol, Steve being hot AF 
Y/F/A : your favorite alcohol 
Y/H/C : your hair color 
Steve had work very hard to attend college. He had worked extra hours at boring jobs, he looked for every help he could to find to get a loan, to get a good flat in the campus, and now it was the moment to enjoy it. It was the end of the first semester, mid terms exams just ended and everyone was either back to their family or partying hard. Steve didn’t feel like going back to Hawkins, and honestly his parents didn’t ask for him too much either. He had spent the last 3 days going from a party to another, and he was holding his alcohol way better than expected. He didn’t have as many friends in college than he had in Hawkins High, but he didn’t care very much. What he wanted was pure fun : drink, dance, fall asleep somewhere, repeat. And that mission was a success. 
He was in a fraternity house, Delta Omega whatever. The place was dope, but the people not so much : Steve had never been interested in joining a fraternity, even though it would have ment help between members and maybe a slightly easier life. These guys were just too much : way too self-centered, keeping some nasty secrets, and apparently nurturing an unhealthy machist ideology. Steve was probably not the most aware dude, the most engaged feminist, but he respected women and he would never force anyone to do anything. These guys probably would. 
Anyway, he was enjoying the moment, dancing like a dork with some people he didn’t know but were kind of cool. When he went to reload his red cup in the kitchen, he noticed a girl. She had Y/H/C hair, beautiful eyes, and looked like she was the most badass independent woman on campus. For some reason, Steve started to stare and smiled a bit to himself, checking her out a bit too much. She realized it and turned to him, making an awkward eye contact with a completely out of his mind Steve. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows a bit but still kept a light smile on the corner of her mouth, scanning Steve and knowing instantly that he meant no harm. Steve was about to gather his courage to go and talk to her when a dude with a polo sweatshirt tied around his neck came to her and offered her a drink, apparently feeling quite confortable with her. Steve sighted and went back to the living room where the party was going on extra well, and though to himself it was logic that a girl like her already had a date. 
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It was nearly 2 am, Steve was by the pool, leaning on the little bar and scanning the crowd. Most of the people were completely wasted, and he was not even tipsy. He was thinking of living the place, not really having a blast, when he felt someone pulling him by the hand and bringing him away from the dancing crowd. He freed his hand and stopped, looking at the person who pulled him away like that. It was the girl he spotted earlier, and she seemed pissed off, the least to say. She looked at him with sorry eyes, and rubbed the back of her neck, visibly looking for the right words. 
- Hey, hu.. I don’t really know how to put this but, you know, that guy in the kitchen? 
Steve didn’t understand what the hell she was trying to get from him, so he just shrugged his shoulders. Y/N raised an eyebrow with a smirk. 
- Oh come on, I know you were looking.. 
Steve blushed a bit and scoffed, relaxing a bit. She carried on : 
- Look, this guy is a fucking harasser ok? He pretends not to understand the word “NO”, and I tried everything to get him away.. so at some point I panicked, and I said I had a boyfriend. And hu.. well you were around, so I pointed you as the bf. 
She said that and turned around a bit, feeling her cheeks get heated by the embarrassment and feeling of helplessness she hated so much. Steve smiled, and raised a bit, as if that information just gave him strength and pride. He bit his lower lip and nodded. 
- Yeah, well it’s a frat guy, not much brain in there. There’s nothing to feel embarrassed with, don’t worry. He’s the idiot, not you. And I’m glad you chose me as the fake boyfriend, even though I'd rather have you make your choice because of my insane charisma, and not only my presence in the room! 
He laughed a bit, pushing her shoulder a bit to signify that it was ok, and he was actually feeling good about this. 
- Yeah well.. I don’t like to “use” people. I promise you I’d rather avoid that.. But I'll have to ask you to cooperate as tonight’s boyfriend sir, will you accept the mission? 
- Yes ma’am ! 
He pretended to make a military salute and they both smiled a bit, returning to the party together. 
- What’s your name though? I love to call my girlfriends sweet names but it’s a bit stupid not to know the basics right? 
- Oh yeah ! I’m Y/N! You can call me that, or princess, or love, or the best thing that ever happened to you, I leave that to your choice! You? 
- I’m Steve, you can call me king, babe, the athletic guy who dedicated his night to protecting you from dicks, up to you.. 
They exchanged a smile and bit their lip at the same time, avoiding each other’s glance. They joined the dancing crowd, getting to know each other and staying by the pool. At some point Steve started to dance and took Y/N’s hand to make her spin. She burst out laughing, feeling the sweet rush of adrenaline of spending time with a funny guy. When she started to feel dizzy from the spins, she put her hands on Steve’s torso, then shoulders. They danced looking into each other’s eyes, and almost forgot that it was just a parade. 
- Hey Y/N, when will you give me that solo heh? 
They both turned around to see the frat guy, with is ugly rich kid style and the condescending face expression. Steve took Y/N’s hand in his, getting closer to her to play his role correctly. 
- Dude, you’re talking to my girlfriend right now, fuck off. 
The man looked at Steve from top to bottom, flexing his muscles to try to intimidate him. He was absurd, but from the way he was behaving, it was obvious that he though he was looking dope. 
- She played me all night man, turning me on like the hoe she is, and I won’t be left out like that ! 
Steve got in front of Y/N to protect her and stood up to the man, pushing him a bit. 
- I don’t care what she did or didn’t. She’s my girl and you’re going to stop bothering her right now. I’m not kidding.
The frat guy, clearly drunk, sent a mean look to them and left. Steve and Y/N looked at each other and sighted in relief. 
- Damn Y/N, that guy is the worst.. I would be frightened if I were you! 
Y/N shrugged her shoulders and poured herself and Steve a shot of Y/F/A and cheered with him, the burning liquid giving her a bit more energy to carry on that night. 
- Yeah well, why do you think I lied about my relationship status? He’s mental, I was honestly scared to leave, he might have followed me or something.. aaaaand he’s staring again. 
Steve looked and saw the man staring at them with an evil look, sipping his red cup to intoxicate himself even more than he already was. As he was looking at that dude, he felt Y/N turn around and grab his hands to put them on her hips. He felt some blush rising to his cheeks but tightened the grip, swaying to her rythm and getting closer to her. She whispered a “is it working?”, and it took him a few seconds to get out of his head to look in the guy’s direction, who was almost completely red. 
- Well, he’s about to explode. Can’t tell if it’s because he’s jealous or because we’re hot though. 
She laughed a bit and turned her head to him to look in his eyes and get a glimpse of the frat guy. 
- Clearly because we’re hot, Stevie boy. 
- Wasn’t part of the names I allowed, my dear Y/N. 
She raised an eyebrow, whispering a “what you’re going to do about it?”. He bit a bit more strongly his lip and restrained himself from crashing his lips to hers, remembering it was just a game and he couldn’t become the harasser he was protecting her from. Instead, he patted her pockets to make sure she didn’t have anything of value in it, and lifted her, taking her in his arms with a mischievous smile. 
- This, love. 
And all of a sudden he jumped in the pool with Y/N in his arms, helping her get back to the surface and laughing like crazy to her shocked look. 
- Stevie what the hell !! 
She had a hard time breathing but couldn’t help but laughing too, getting a grip on his shoulders and putting her legs around him to stabilize herself. 
- You’re mental I promise! You better have spare women clothes somewhere because I'm not going home fully wet like that. 
- That was too tempting I’m sorry, that look you gave me though, I had to put out the fire! 
She raised an eyebrow in question, sliding one hand on his hair and slowly massaging him. He smiled, sliding his own hands under her thighs, pretending it was to support her, but admitting to himself that he was dying for some contact. He looked at her face, every feature attracting him more and more, eventually becoming too much to handle. He looked around, pretending to see the frat guy again by furrowing his eyebrows, and suddenly cupped her jaw with one hand, crashing his lips on hers. Their kisses were heated, both grabbing to whatever they could to get closer to each other, to get some friction, and eventually even letting some soft moans out when they were reaching for air. At some point they broke the kiss and Y/N looked around, not seing the frat guy anywhere. She looked back at Steve who was glowing from excitement. 
- He was there so.. I just.. I got caught in the mood.. 
Y/N nodded, not daring to put his word in question, but feeling butterflies in her stomach, and thanking the pool for not making it obvious that she got wet only with the kiss. She could also swear that what she was feeling against her core was a hard Steve, but this she didn’t point out. She let go of her grip around his waist and neck and got out of the pool, Steve following her. He grabbed a towel and covered her up, trying to get her warmer. 
- You’re living on campus? 
She nodded, pointing to him the buildings about 10 minutes away. 
- Good! Seems like we’re neighbors. I'll take you home then, after all it’s my fault if you got all wet. 
They both looked at each other, pretending they didn’t understand the other meaning of that sentence, and left the house, passing by the frat guy sleeping on a couch. Steve brought her back to the entry of her building, literally across his own.
- Here we are ! I don’t know for you, but I really enjoyed that party after all, if you ever need an emergency boyfriend I'll be there!
He handed her a piece of paper, presumably with his chamber number and she smiled, nodding. 
- Yes, that was a good night.. Thank you for everything Stevie boy, sleep tight! 
She got in the building and went to the elevator, unwrapping the piece of paper to read what he wrote on it. There was his flat number, the building, and a phone number as well. Finally, there was a little note saying 
Thank you for tonight, Y/N, 
Hope I have been a pleasant bf. 
Watch out, my services will get more expensive! 
Good night, 
XOXO, Steve
The end ! 
Tell me what you thought about it, if you’d like a part 2 or anything ! Still accepting requests ! 
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taeken-my-heart · 5 years
Moirai Chapter 4
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Summary: On your 18th birthday a name appears on your wrist. The name of your soulmate. It’s a momentous day that everyone looks forward to, but you’ve always brushed aside; refusing to believe in a fickle mistress called destiny. But what happens when on the morning of your 18th birthday you wake to find the name of your mortal enemy? Jeon Jungkook. 
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Soulmates au/ Enemies to lovers au. Angst, fluff, bickering, romance, eventual smut.
Word Count: 5106
Notes: There is a read more placed after the first paragraph, but we all know tumblr is weird so if it doesn’t show up I’m sorry :(
Mondays sucked. You were pretty sure that was a hard and fast rule by now, but as you rolled up to school looking like an actual hot mess and with your sweatshirt on backwards (don’t ask, you weren’t actually sure how that happened but you did dress in the dark this morning so…) you were even more sure of that fact.
Ella complained the entire way about your mom not being able to drop you off and now you felt like your ears were bleeding as she rushed off in the direction of her friends; a new audience to voice her frustrations to.
You hiked your bag higher on your shoulder, aiming for the doors of the school. You had an AP bio test today that you’d spent the weekend studying for, which sucked because those were hours of your life you couldn’t get back and would rather have given to Lucas. As it was, he had only about a week and a half left before he had to go back for the next semester.
He insisted that when you graduated you could just go to college with him and then you’d get more time together…it just felt so far away. The hallways were filled with the zombies of the weekend and the others that were far too chipper this early in the morning. You liked to think you fell somewhere in between. You weren’t exactly happy to be awake, but you’d made it past the point of zombie thanks to a clumsy journey of dressing yourself in the darkness of your room.  
The sea green of your locker came into view and you shuffled up to it, twisting the combination into the lock and pulling it open. AP bio was first so at least you could get the test out of the way and breathe a little easier after.
“Hey there, sister in law.”
You turned to find Lillian, long strawberry blonde hair swept up into a ponytail and a goofy smile attached to her barbie pink lips. “Wow, that’s a statement.” You said, pointing at her mouth and she grinned wider, shrugging the books in her arms higher.
“Figured I’d give something new a try. Is it a good statement or a bad statement?”
You turned to look at your friend, frowning in dismay. “We’ve been over this, everything on you is a good statement, you rude girl. You can’t be smart, nice, and beautiful too. You need to share with the rest of us.”
“Oh stop,” Lillian chuckled, “you’re literally the entire package, Y/N, so I don’t even want to hear it.”
Noelle came strutting up beside you, hip pressed to the lower locker next to yours, sunglasses still covering her eyes and eyebrow raised. “Did I hear correctly? Is one Mr. Jeon Jungkook really your English tutor?”
“Wha-?” You spluttered, watching as Noelle pushed her sunglasses from the bridge of her nose and to the crown of her head. “Why would you even think that? Are people seriously saying that? The tea must be empty if that’s what people are concerned about.”
“I don’t hear a denial,” Noelle sing songed and you rolled your eyes, grabbing your AP Bio book and closing your locker.
"OK, no, I’m gonna go ahead and put a stop to that right now. He’s not my English tutor, I’d rather choke. I do take my education seriously, though, so I probably should find a tutor.”
“Seriously enough to take advice from your worst enemy?” Noelle asked, turning to walk beside you as you and Lillian began walking towards your classes. “Wow, this must be the real deal.”
“It’s really not.” You muttered darkly and you could see Noelle grinning from the corner of you eye. “And I just told you he’s not my tutor. Anyway, this is my class so I’ll see you guys later. Bye!” You waved quickly, stepping into the classroom and going to take your seat.
After lunch was finished and you retreated to your English lit class, you waited until Jungkook and pool party Barbie were seated before going and finding a seat as far away from him as possible. Unfortunately, that meant the back right corner, but beggars couldn’t be choosers in a situation like this.
Ms. Collins passed back the first draft of your essay, weaving her way around the room and you frowned down at the very average C written in dark blue ink. You would never get the hang of this crap. No matter what you did, you couldn’t figure out what you were doing wrong.
You sighed, shoving the essay into your backpack and scratching at the wood of your desk with your fingernail. “Remember,” she said, now standing back at the front of the room, “the second draft is due this time next week so make sure you’re doing your research and putting in the effort; you don’t have much time to slack off.”
The lesson passed with you taking a few measly notes and a new list of words you needed to memorize for a small spelling test next week. Ms. Collins then turned on the Kenneth Branagh version of Hamlet and you sat back to try and comprehend at least some of it. You weren’t sure what Shakespeare was on, but it had to be good considering he was making up words and crap and still managed to become one of the greatest playwrights of all time.
The bell rung, signaling the end of class and you lifted your bag onto the table, sliding your books into your bag as you allowed the rest of your classmates to trickle from the room. You just wanted some time to pout by yourself. What was the point in a second draft if you still had no clue what you were even doing wrong in the first draft?
Standing sluggishly, you made your way to the front of the room, eyes trained on the door as you began to prepare yourself for a refresher on the Civil war.
“Y/N, can I speak to you really quick?” Ms. Collins smiled and you nodded, pulling at the strap of your bag and walking to her desk.
“Everything OK?” You asked.
“Well, I’ve noticed you’re having a bit of a tough time with some of our assignments so I wanted to talk to you about the idea of me assigning you a tutor from class.”
“Yeah,” you nodded, “I have thought about getting a tutor but I wasn’t actually sure how to go about finding someone in the class with the time and skills to help me.”
“It’s no problem, I’ve already got someone in mind. Actually, I asked him earlier if he’d be willing to help out and he said he’d be happy to.”
“Oh!” You smiled in surprise. “That’s great, I really appreciate it.”
“Great, so I’ll let Jungkook know you are game and you guys can figure out the details.” She smiled, shuffling some papers around on her desk and you felt like your heart fell into the pit of your stomach.
“Jungkook?” You stuttered, and she looked up at you.
“Yeah, is that a problem?”
“Ah,” you hesitated, glancing around the room in discomfort, “It’s just, we…have our differences.”
“Well, he’s the highest in the class and he’s got time until the soccer season starts in the spring. He’s the best candidate. Perhaps it’s best to put differences aside. I’m all for positive collaboration and learning to work with people you don’t always get along with; you’ll need those skills when you’re older and going into the workforce.”
You sighed, nodding and pouting. “I know, it’s just…Jungkook and I have a weird history.” You mumbled, scuffing the toe of your shoe against the floor.
“Maybe it’s time to let bygones be bygones.” Ms. Collins smiled. “Anyway, you better run, class starts soon. Just give it a try for me, hmm?”
You sighed, nodding. There was no point in fighting against it; Ms. Collins was nice, but bullheaded. When she’d made up her mind, you couldn’t change it. “OK.”
After school you sulked your way to the courtyard. Ella had texted to tell you she was meeting up with friends and not to wait up and you still couldn’t get the whole Jungkook being your new tutor crap out of your head.
“Y/n!” Someone shouted and you turned to find Noelle running to your side, long dark curls swinging haphazardly around her face. “Are you walking home?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, looking over her shoulder, “you wanna join?”
“Yes please!” She grinned. Just as you started walking again another person was calling out your name and you turned your head just in time to see Jungkook coming to walk beside you.
“What do you want?” You grimaced. He smirked, nodding his head at Noelle in greeting before turning his attention back to you.
“Ms. Collins told me you agreed to tutoring. When did you want to set something up?”
You grumbled under your breath. Of course, she’d already told him. “I don’t know, to be honest I don’t think you could even take this seriously. Maybe we should just call it off. I’m fine with just skating by. English isn’t my thing, that’s ok.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes, bumping your shoulder with his and you frowned up at him. “Of course, I’ll take this seriously,” he said, “I do some paid tutoring on the side and it would hurt my reputation to mess it up with someone out of spite.”
“I’m not paying you, Jungkook.” You said, linking your arm with Noelle who was listening quietly by your side.
“No payment necessary, I’ll tutor you for free since we’re such good friends.” He grinned.
You scoffed. “Since when?”
“Come on, Y/N, help me build my tutoring portfolio. Besides, I already told my mom about it yesterday after Ms. Collins asked so your mom will probably be expecting it.”
“Geez, do you share everything with your mom?” You sneered.
“Absolutely.” He chuckled. “So, what do you say?”
Noelle nudged your side and you glanced at her. “Come on,” she smiled, “you were talking about needing a tutor anyway. Jungkook’s really smart, let him help you.”
“Fine.” You sighed, “But if you pull any funny business, I swear I’ll castrate you.”
“Scouts honor!” He saluted and Noelle giggled as he sent a wink her way.
“Well, anyway,” she said, pushing some hair from her face, “I need to head this way. I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N!”
“So really we can start anytime,” Jungkook continued as you resumed your walk home, “we could even start tonight if you wanted to. I could help you with the second draft.”
“I don’t know.” You mumbled, forcing your gaze anywhere but him. His hair was parted and swept off to each side, dark and slightly too long, reaching just passed his eyes. He pushed his hair back with his hand as though he could hear your thoughts and you sighed. Why was he so good looking? You hated him.
“Come on, no backing out now. I swear, I’ll be a good boy, just let me help you.” He smiled, three fingers up in a scout’s honor.
“Fine,” you acquiesced, “but any funny business and I swear I’ll punch you straight up the butthole.”
“Graphic,” Jungkook nodded, “I like it.”
You walked up the pathway to your house, Jungkook trailing behind you. Sliding the key from your pocket, you unlocked the door and made your way inside, kicking your shoes off at the threshold. Jungkook closed the door behind him, stepping from his shoes and into the hallway.
“Mom, I’m home!” He called, and you looked up at him with a frown.
“Jungkook?” Your mom called, stepping from the kitchen with a smile, “hey honey, what are you doing here?”
Your mom wrapped her arms around his waist, patting his back and you huffed. Your mom didn’t even show this much love to you. “Hi sweetie,” she smiled at you as an afterthought and you smiled tight.
“I’m here to tutor Y/N in English.” He smiled and your mom grinned, patting his arm.
“Oh, that’s right, your mom told me you were probably going to be doing that. That’s so kind of you! Did you say thank you, Y/N?”
You huffed deep in your chest while plastering a smile across your face, “of course mom. Jungkook knows I’m grateful.”
“Yeah, Y/N is great,” he said enthusiastically, slinging his arm around your shoulders and you tried your best to hold your squeal of disgust. “Actually, she even told me she wanted to make me dinner some time, as a thank you.”
“Really?” Your mom smiled at you and you smiled tightly at Jungkook.
“Oh, yeah.” You huffed; chest tight with indignation. “Wow, yeah, well, I’m just so grateful after all.”
“I’m so glad you two are such good friends.” Your mom smiled, squeezing your elbow. “How about you stay for dinner, Jungkook? I could text your mom.”
“That would be great, actually. They’re going out on a date so it’s fend for yourself night.” He chuckled and your mom practically belly laughed. Mortifying.
“Anyway,” you called loudly, grabbing Jungkook’s forearm, “we’re gonna get started on that English assignment.” Jungkook waved at your mom as you pulled him up the stairs, closing the door behind you and dropping your backpack on your bed.
“Man, haven’t been in here in years.” Jungkook whistled, dropping his bag at his feet and scanning the walls of your room.
“You haven’t exactly been welcome.” You muttered and he looked over at you with a smirk, eyebrows wiggling.
“But I am now?”
“I thought you said you were going to be good!” You seethed and he held up his hands in defeat.
“Fair enough. Ok, grab your stuff and let’s get started. Where should we sit?”
You sighed, looking around your room. “Let’s just sit on the bed, my desk only has one chair and the carpet is uncomfortable.”
He nodded, grabbing his bag and bringing it with him, sitting cross legged on the end of your bed and digging through his backpack for everything he needed.
You took your place at the top of the bed, a pillow behind your back and one in your lap. “Here, hand me your latest essay so I can see what I’m working with.” Jungkook said, taking a notebook from the front pocket of his backpack and clicking his pen to life.
You pulled your essay from your assignments folder, handing it over gingerly. “I swear, if you make fun of me…”
“I promise I won’t. I really meant it when I said I take this gig seriously. It’s how I’m making extra cash right now.” He stared down at your work, pen twirling between his fingers as he read. Every once in a while, he’d hum and make a note in his book before continuing on.
You watched in apprehension as he flipped the page in silence. After finishing the essay, he made more notes in his book, chewing on the end of his pen in thought. “OK, so one big problem that I see right away is that your paragraphs are not well connected. You have certain ideas you want to connect, right, but instead of connecting them from paragraph to paragraph you’ve kind of left them disjointed. So, it’s like, in paragraph one you’ve talked about how Hamlet’s goal is to avenge his father’s death and the consequences of that choice and then in paragraph 2 you’re suddenly talking about Ophelia’s death, which doesn’t necessarily connect, but you could connect it with the idea of foreshadowing the royal families demise. Then in paragraph three you continue on talking about why you think Ophelia and Hamlet’s relationship is significant, but again, it doesn’t exactly have a connection to Hamlets attempt at revenge or even her death so it feels disconnected. You also have a habit of telling and not showing. You’ve gotta let the evidence speak for itself.”
“Wow…” you breathed, lips pursed in thought, “that is not at all what I thought you’d say. OK…so then what would you suggest?”
“Well,” he sighed, “if I’m being honest, I’d suggest a complete overhaul. This was just the first draft so there’s of course going to be lots of room for growth. You’ve got some pretty solid ideas; I just need to help you find a better way of connecting those ideas together.”
“So, it’s not a complete loss?” You asked, shoulders loosening slightly.
“Naw,” he shrugged, “we can definitely work with this. Your writing voice is pretty decent, you just need to figure out how to get the ideas you have in your head down on paper in a better way. It’s almost mathematical, like how you build an equation.”
You laughed, shaking your head, “this is nothing like math, Jungkook.”
He grinned, shrugging, “I don’t know, you have to formulate ideas, make a base and build on top of that. There are formulas to writing, you know? You just have to solve them.”
“Ok, ok. I’ll take your word for it. So, what would you say I do now?” You asked, biting your bottom lip nervously.
“Let’s work on making an outline, we can even spider diagram it if you need to.”
“Sure,” you shrugged, “if that works.”
By the time your mother called you down for dinner, Jungkook had helped you to map out all your ideas on a spider diagram and even start writing down your first few paragraphs on your laptop, helping you to see how you could tie your different ideas together to make your essay more cohesive.
“The spider diagram seems to really help you,” Jungkook said, trailing after you down the hallway towards the kitchen, “you should use it more often to sort out your ideas so you have a basis of how you want to start and where you want to go from there.”
Stepping into the kitchen, you grabbed a plate, loading it with the food your mother had left on the island for you to pick through. “Hey Jungkook.” Ella smiled from across the countertop, grabbing some fruit for her own plate. “My mom mentioned you were here.”
“Yeah,” he grinned, “just helping Y/N with an essay she’s writing.”
“Completely hopeless, right?” Ella joked and you scowled at her.
“Actually, she’s doing pretty well. She’s got some really good ideas, it’s just all about finding the best way to get them down on paper. She’s picking it up pretty quickly.”
“Thanks, Jungkook.” You murmured, looking up at him in surprise.
“Wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true.” He grinned.
He made his way to the dining room, Ella hot on his tail with conversation he was a willing audience to and you watched him go in curiosity. Why was he being so…decent?
“How are your AP classes coming, Y/N?” You mom asked, taking a sip of her water as you pushed a piece of broccoli across your plate.
“They’re fine,” you shrugged, “pretty easy as long as I study the material.”
“And you came up with an idea for your science project?” She continued, taking a bite of her food.
“Yeah, I’ve got a general idea for what I want to do.” You said. Jungkook turned to look at you, eyebrows rising.
“You’ve already figured out your science project?” He asked, voice husky with surprise, “we don’t even have to start working on that until the spring.”
“Yeah,” you nodded, starring down at your plate in embarrassment. “I like to be prepared. I’m a bit of a nerd I guess.”
You could see Ella nodding out of the corner of your eye and just before you could extend your foot to kick her in the shin, Jungkook continued. “No way, I think that’s super cool. The science fair always takes so much time and preparation; it’s cool that you’re trying to get ahead of the game.”
You stared at Jungkook, eyebrows furrowed, but Ella distracted him with conversation about how prepared she was for all of her classes so you could only ruminate to yourself. What was Jungkook’s deal? Was he seriously trying to bury the hatched like he’d proclaimed? There was no way.
“What about you, Jungkook, honey?” Your mom said, turning her attention to him after asking Ella all about her school activities, “what have you been doing recently?”
“Mostly doing school work, but I’ve been doing some tutoring on the side to make money while I’m not in sports.”
“This is your last year playing soccer, do you think there are going to be scouts when you get into the season?” She inquired, finishing off her water and grabbing the pitcher to pour more.
“Yeah, maybe.” Jungkook nodded, “but we won’t know for sure until it’s closer to the season.”
“Well you never know, you could get a sports scholarship to a lot of different schools, pay your way through college!” Your mom smiled, offering the pitcher of water to your sister who shook her head, taking a bite of her food instead.
“That’s true.” He nodded.
“Where’s dad, by the way?” You asked, glancing back out the door to the kitchen.
“He’s just coming late from work; told us to eat without him.” Your mom remarked, finishing her plate and standing, “want me to take yours?” She asks, motioning to your plate and you nodded, allowing her to collect it from you and take it to the kitchen.
After the four of you finished dinner you cleaned the kitchen, putting away the food and dishes before Jungkook ran to grab his bag from your room and you showed him to the door. “You should try and finish the essay tonight so that you can show me tomorrow at school and I can give you some more pointers.” He said, slinging his bag over his shoulder and you held the door between the two of you as he put one foot over the threshold.
“By tonight?” You huffed, pouting down at the floor and he grinned.
“Better to be proactive, right?”
You shrugged, sighing, twisting the door knob in your hand. “Yeah, I guess.”
He nodded, backing out the door, “Cool, well, see you tomorrow.” He waved and turned to head towards his own place, just a few houses down the road.
You sighed, closing and locking the front door, staring up the staircase towards your room where you’d left your laptop with your essay on it. The last thing you wanted to do right now was go upstairs and work that essay.
With a huff, you grabbed hold of the railing, dragging yourself up the stairs and into your room. The paper wasn’t going to write itself and you needed to do it now while Jungkook’s advice was fresh in your head.
By the time you were finished, everyone else had already gone to bed so you were shuffling quietly into the bathroom to go brush your teeth. You had about 6 hours to sleep and you intended to make the most of it.
You dreamt of Jungkook dressed as Hamlet. Your mood was especially crabby because of it, but you managed to remember to print out your second draft for him to read so that was something positive, at least.
“You ready to go?” Your mom asked, peeking her head into your room as you finished packing your backpack.
You nodded, throwing your bag over your shoulder and following her down the stairs. Ella was already sat in the back of the car, which surprised you, but you figured your mother must have insisted since she was such a shotgun hog all the time.
Sliding into the passenger seat, you dropped your bag by your feet, fastening your seatbelt and leaning your head back against the rest with eyes closed. All you could picture was Jungkook in a stupidly good looking houppelande and puffy shorts, but he was wearing a hat with a feather sticking from the top and drooping down the back of his head and somehow that made you feel so much better about the whole thing.  
The ride was mostly silent. You could hear the music from Ella’s earphones, but there was no conversation and it gave you a few minutes to let the irritation from your dream wear off before you arrived at school. The last thing you wanted to do was take your frustrations out on your innocent friends.
“Have a good day at school!” Your mother called as the two of you stepped from the car and you waved. “I’ll be in the pick-up line at the end of the day, Ella.”
Jungkook was waiting at one of the outdoor tables when you and Ella made your way towards the front entrance and he waved you over. Ella continued on towards her friends and you grit your teeth, turning to make you way towards him as he pulled the notebook and pen from his backpack once again.
“Morning!” He smiled as you sat across from him. The sun was already blinding and you had to squint to see him from where you were sitting. You readjusted your shorts; the bench a little too cool on your skin and nodded in greeting towards him. “Did you manage to finish your essay?”
“Yeah.” You murmured, pulling it from your backpack and handing it across the table to him.
He grabbed it from your hand, reading through while clicking the tip of his pen absentmindedly. After what felt like forever of you shifting awkwardly in your seat and looking around the courtyard at all of the other students beginning to make their way into the building, he finally cleared his throat, looking up at you.
“This is much better. There’s still room for improvement, but for a second draft I’m pretty happy with what you’ve done. I’m gonna make some notes and we can go over them after school.” He said, handing you back your essay and standing to pack his own things.
“I can’t today, I’m actually meeting up with Lucas after school.” You said, sticking your essay back in your homework folder and sliding that back in your bag.
“Oh,” he faltered, looking down at you, eyebrows wrinkling in the center. “Ok…well, maybe after you guys are done hanging out?”
“I don’t know when that will be.”
Jungkook pursed his lips, tugging his backpack over his shoulders. “Here, let me see your phone really quick.”
“Why?” You asked, handing it to him anyway.
After messing with your phone for about 30 seconds he handed it back to you, one recent outgoing call on the screen. “Just text me when you’re done and I’ll come over.”
With that, he walked towards the school where you could see Rachel waiting, arms crossed and foot tapping impatiently. “Sucks to be him.” You mumbled, before packing up your own stuff and heading to your first class.
Thank you so much for waiting patiently for me to get this out! Now that my life has settled the next few chapters should come out much sooner than 6 months. My goodness, I’m so sorry you had to wait so long! I’m going to try and get myself back into a once a month posting schedule. Please be patient with me while I figure this out and please let me know what you think of this chapter! Your feedback means so much. 
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Copyright © 2018  by taeken-my-heart (Nora.) All rights reserved. 
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