#so close to dropping out of my masters degree
cost-of-chaos · 1 year
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bibxrbie · 7 months
Shouting into the void: Can anyone help me with write my Master's proposal in ten days??!
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spider-stark · 4 months
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Aegon II Targaryen x Velaryon!Reader
Summary - Your elder brother, Jace, attempts to teach you how to wield a sword. Aegon, your new betrothed, interrupts.
Warnings - slight Jace x Reader but you can ignore that alright
Word Count - 3.8k
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“You aren’t tucking your elbows!”  
Jacaerys shouted from across the training yard, sparing your horrid fighting stance a half-moment’s glance before shifting his focus back to the weapons table laid before him, enamored by all the fresh steel he had to choose from.  
Sweat dripped from your hairline, trickling down your temples and giving your reddened cheeks a glossy sheen. The sun’s rays felt particularly relentless today, blistering down upon the yard and reminding you of just how much you hated summers spent in King’s Landing, already dreading the thought of being stuck here.   
You had grown accustomed to the cool, dampness of the island you had called home for the last several years. Dragonstone was almost always engulfed in a cover of clouds, and the soft breeze rolling-in from the Blackwater ensured that the warmer months were never quite as stifling as they were in King’s Landing.  
“I am tucking my elbows!” You howled at him, gritting your teeth against the growing pain in your biceps.  
The two of you had been out in the yard since sunrise, going over the basics of swordplay over and over and over again. By this point it felt like your brother’s instructions had been all but carved into your mind—plant your feet, square your shoulders, bend your knees, and tuck your elbows.  
Remembering the steps hadn’t been the hard part, however. The hard part was actually doing them—and doing them right.  
“No,” Jace grinned as he plucked a delicately forged rapier from the table. “You’re not.”  
You blew out a breath, frustrated as you dropped the faulty form all together and let your arms hang limp at your sides. The training sword hung heavy from your hand, the tip of its blunt blade digging into the dirt.  
“This is ridiculous,” you huffed, watching as your brother drew closer to you, admiring the nimble blade in his hand. “I’ve bent my elbows a thousand different ways—and none of them have been right!”  
“That’s the issue! You’re bending your elbows, not tucking them!” Jace reprimanded, though his voice remained gentle, as it oft was when speaking to you.  
Your patience was wearing thin as your frustration grew, aggravated by not only the sweltering heat and swordplay, but also yourself. Your brothers had mastered the basics of fighting when they were less than half your age—and yet you couldn’t even manage a half-decent defensive stance.  
Exasperated and nearly at the end of your rope, you knew that you probably looked as miserable as you sounded. “Are bending and tucking not the same thing?”  
“Bending your elbows is a subtle movement,” Jace started to explain, “it helps you maintain some degree of flexibility. But tucking your elbows is more rigid, making for a better defense mechanism. By keeping your elbows close to your body, you’re tightening your posture and making it harder for your enemies to land a blow.”  
Adjusting your grip on the training sword, you brought it back up into a ready position, both hands now clutching the hilt. “So all I need to do is pull my elbows in closer?”  
Focusing on each of the movements, you slid one foot slightly ahead of the other, balancing yourself as he’d instructed earlier. You took care to keep your knees bent, just enough to ensure that you could easily dodge or leap out of the way of an incoming strike.  
Once you were confident that you had done those steps correctly, watching as Jace nodded along in silent approval, you lifted the sword so that the pommel fell just a few inches below your breastbone, the point rising high above your head.  
Then, finally, you tried tucking your elbows as close to your sides as you could, attempting to block as much of your torso as possible from incoming attacks.  
“Like this?” You asked him, gritting your teeth against the throbbing in your arms, still so unused to the weight of the weapon.  
Jace cocked his head, pressing his lips into a thin line. “Well…”  
“Seven Hells, Jace!” You howled at him, trying to hold the position, “There are only so many ways to move your elbows!”  
“Yes, but now it’s not your elbows causing the problem!” He retaliated, extending his arm and using the tip of his rapier to point to your legs. “Standing like you are now, if you had to dodge your legs would probably lock up and slow you down. You need to drive your knees further apart!”  
You did as you were told, albeit a bit begrudgingly. 
“Better?” You hissed through your teeth, ignoring the way your legs trembled beneath you.  
Jace studied you, eyes narrowing as he scanned every inch of your form. “Push your shoulders further back,” he instructed, “and straighten your back out a little bit.”  
Again, you shifted into the new movements, adjusting and tweaking the positions to his liking. Your fingers hurt now, too, and painful blisters had already begun to form on your palms.  
“Straighter,” Jace snapped, still finding your posture to be sub-par. “And try to keep your toes pointed towards-”  
Your frustration finally peaked as you fell out of the intricate form, nearly doubling over as an exhausted groan ripped from your throat. Jace’s eyes widened at the sound, doubling back slightly.  
“And what next?!” You cried loudly, letting your sword fall to the ground. Throwing your aching arms out to the side in a dramatic display, you sneered at him, “Shall I hop on one-fucking-leg and shake my ass?”  
A sigh escaped your brother's parted lips, shaking his head as he leaned down to pick up your discarded weapon. Regret already seeped into your mind and dulled your anger as you began to prepare for the lecture that was surely about to leave his mouth—one that was no doubt about the level of discipline required for swordsmanship, and how you needed to maintain a level head.  
But, before he had the chance, another voice broke through.  
“Well, it certainly couldn’t hurt to try,” Aegon quipped from somewhere behind you, sounding far too amused with himself. “Go on,” he urged, “give it a shot. I for one would love to watch.”  
With clenched fists you spun around to face him, glaring into his lilac eyes, resenting the way they sparkled with something like delight. It wasn’t until his gaze traveled south that you lost your cool, however, noticing how he eyed the low neckline of your tunic, watching as sweat slipped between your breasts.  
But as soon as you took a step towards him, fully prepared to strike the arrogant Prince, Jace snatched your wrist and held you back. Level-headed enough to think for the both of you, he refused to let you do anything that would give Queen Alicent further reason to despise you—even if he would have loved to watch his sister beat Aegon’s ass.  
“You’re interrupting our training,” Jace told him, keeping his voice respectful despite the undeniable edge of frustration.  
“Am I?” Aegon pursed his lips, staring at the training sword that was still discarded on the ground, abandoned when Jace realized he would have to hold you back from your uncle. “Doesn’t seem like you’re doing a very good job, then. It’s easier to fight when the sword is in your hand-”  
Jace interrupted, “We should really get back to work,”  
“No need,” your uncle swiftly retorted, flashing a cocky smirk that only served to make your rage grow further. “I actually came here hoping for a moment alone with my niece,” he continued, pinning your brother with a stare, “you wouldn’t mind, would you?”  
You recognized the trap that he had set for your brother. If it were anyone other than Aegon, Jace would have wasted little time in telling them off, but this was different. Rejecting Aegon would create conflict—the one thing your mother had asked you and your siblings to avoid, if only to avoid upsetting the beast that was your step-grandmother, the Queen Alicent.  
“Now isn’t a good time,” Jace tried to protest, searching for some peaceful way to turn Aegon away. “You saw her just now, didn’t you? She’s clearly in need of more practice.”  
You were silent, primarily because you could feel Jace’s fingernails digging into your skin, a warning to stay silent. When it came to you, Jace wasn’t violent by any means, but he was more than willing to be assertive if it meant keeping you safe.  
Aegon drew a breath, still wearing that sly smile that made your skin crawl. “Very well,” he said, and you felt Jace’s grip on your wrist loosen at his assumed victory. “Then I’ll teach her myself.”  
Jace’s eyes grew wide, a muscle in his jaw feathering. Refusing to back down, his mouth fell open to speak, trying to form some other nonsense excuse to keep you from being alone with Aegon—but you stopped him.  
“It’s fine, Jace,” you told him, slipping your wrist from his grasp. “If Aegon believes himself capable of teaching me, then let him.”  
The look on Jace’s face stubbornly pleaded with you to take it back— to say that you were done with training for the day, to say anything that would keep you from being stuck with him.  
But you refused, steeling yourself and meeting his gaze with an equally unrelenting stubbornness. You knew that you wouldn’t be able to avoid Aegon forever, and you refused to let your uncle think that he had enough of an effect on you that you would resort to cowardly excuses to get out of being alone with him.  
Jace leaned closer to you and asked in a low voice, “Are you sure?”  
You grimaced at the question. “Yes,” you snapped, not wanting to appear as the image of a helpless little girl in front of your uncle. But then you saw the hurt flash in your brother’s dark, doe eyes and immediately felt guilty for it. “I’ll come and find you when I’m done,” you reached for his hand, squeezing it in yours, “I promise.”  
His brows furrowed, still unconvinced that it was a good idea to leave you alone with Aegon, but aware that he wouldn’t be able to change your mind. You smiled, a sweet and gentle kind of smile that was reserved only for your older brother.  
“You heard the woman, Jacaerys,” Aegon waved an impatient hand, sneering at Jace. “Leave me and my betrothed.”  
The word betrothed seemed to drip from his tongue like tar—a nasty and vile sort of sound that was used only to further antagonize Jace.  
Jace went rigid beside you, his cheeks growing red with anger. But his hand was still clasped in yours, and so you gave it another squeeze. “Go,” you told him, having switched roles with him and now being the one to counsel him in restraint. “I’ll be fine.”  
You knew that Jace didn’t fully believe you—not because he didn’t trust you, but because he didn’t trust Aegon. And while you were surrounded by a plethora of weapons that could be used in self-defense should Aegon try something, Jace also knew just how lousy you were at properly using them.  
Even so, he didn’t argue, biting his tongue and stifling his rage in favor of the peace your mother so desperately wanted.  
But even the prospect of peace wasn’t enough to stop him from pulling his hand from your grip and replacing it with the rapier he had chosen earlier, his lips brushing against your ear as he leaned in, “If he tries something,” he whispered, “then shove the pointy end through his throat.”  
You held in a laugh, gripping the hilt tightly. “Got it.”  
With that, Jace stepped back and turned to take his leave, roughly knocking into your uncle’s shoulder as he pushed past him. Aegon cut his eyes, but you found it hard to tell whether it was because of Jace’s insolence or if it was because of how close you were with your brother.  
You didn’t care enough to ask.  
“Was there a need to provoke him?” You scoffed as soon as Jace was out of sight.  
Aegon feigned innocence. “Well, it’s not my fault that your brother is so easily provoked,” he said with a roguish grin. “He’s the one that’s so greedy with your time. I wouldn’t have to interrupt your pathetic sparring sessions if there was ever a time where Jace wasn’t stuck up your ass.”  
“Our betrothal was proposed five years ago,” you told him plainly, narrowing your eyes, “if you were that desperate to spend time with me, then I’m sure there were plenty of opportunities.”  
“You’ve been on Dragonstone.”  
“And you have a dragon,” you reminded him, fully aware that the flight to the island was quite short from King’s Landing.  
Aegon lifted one of his shoulders in a lazy gesture. “And you have a Jace. If I had been foolish enough to venture to Dragonstone these last few years, then I likely wouldn’t have left with my head.”  
A scowl etched onto your face at that, fully aware that he wasn’t entirely wrong for assuming that.  
While it had been five years since your betrothal to Aegon had been proposed by your mother, hoping that it might bridge the chasm that divided your family, it hadn’t been until this past month that the Queen Alicent had finally given way and consented to the match. And, if the rumors could be believed, then you had heard that her sudden change in heart was in part due to Aegon’s insistence. 
But regardless of any hearsay, you did know one thing for certain—Jace had always held onto the hope that the Queen would reject the proposal. You often told yourself that it was because he didn’t wish to see his little sister wed to your vile uncle, but many others—Aegon included, it seemed—believed that it was because your brother wished to have you for himself, as was the Targaryen way.  
You knew that there was merit to those claims, even if you sometimes didn’t want to admit it.  
“He wouldn’t have killed you,” you finally settled on an answer, your frustration mounting with each word. “Maimed, maybe, but Jace is no kinslayer.”  
Eyeing the rapier in your hand, Aegon asked, “And what about you?”  
You paused, glancing at the nimble blade of your weapon.  
It was thinner than the training sword you were using—and a lot sharper—but it was awkward to hold, all its weight concentrated towards the hilt rather than distributed throughout. Even if you did want to use it against Aegon, you were probably more likely to hurt yourself than him with how little experience you had and how poorly training with Jace had gone.  
After a moment, the corners of your mouth tilted upwards in a twisted imitation of a smile, flashing your teeth at him. “Let’s just say that I’m not my brother,” you answered, purposely vague.  
Aegon’s stare narrowed slightly, but he didn’t look intimidated by your declaration. “Then go ahead,” he responded coolly, spreading his arms out wide. “Give it your best shot.”  
Your eyes flickered around the yard, realizing for the first time that there were no guards around right now to witness your interaction. If you wanted to kill him, now would be as good a time as any—you could call it an accident, even if Queen Alicent would try to deny it. But due to your poor swordsmanship, it was a believable enough lie that you knew most would believe it; knew that your grandsire, King Viserys,  would believe it.  
If you killed Aegon now, then you wouldn’t be forced to marry him.  
If you killed him, then you knew your mother would sooner betroth you to Jace before ever even considering Aegon’s savage little brother, Aemond.  
And that would be a good thing, wouldn’t it? Jace was kind and pleasant and the heir to the Seven Kingdoms. Your brother would make you a Queen—a beloved Queen, at that.  
And yet…  
Aegon snorted a laugh, letting his hands fall when he saw your brow crease, your body unmoving as you refused to lunge for him. “You’re right, you’re not your brother. I might have little good to say about Jacaerys, but he’s undeniably Strong,” he quipped, the mischievous glint in his tone causing your blood to boil, “but not you—you’re just a coward.”  
Your heart thrummed wildly in your chest, knuckles turning white as you gripped the hilt of the rapier tighter. Then, without Jace here to hold you back, a primal scream of frustration ripped from your throat as you launched yourself at Aegon.  
The rapier’s blade led the way, your movements fueled by a rush of adrenaline. But your arms were weak and your footwork clumsy and predictable, and Aegon easily side-stepped your attack with a smirk.  
Breathing heavily, you went to swing the awkward blade again, but Aegon had already made his next move—taking advantage of your lack of speed and coming up beside you, snatching the hilt from your inexperienced grip and disarming you, tossing the weapon a few feet away so that you couldn’t try and get it back from him.  
But with your nerves still lit by frustration and a refusal to accept defeat, you curled your fists and aimed for his jaw.  
Aegon caught you by the wrists before your knuckles collided with his face. He held fast even as you struggled against his grip—firm but not rough.  
“Your brother was right,” he taunted with a laugh when you finally wore yourself out, “you do need practice.”  
“Shut up-” you snarled, your breaths coming in ragged gasps.  
You weren’t used to this.  
You weren’t used to fighting, you weren’t used to the heat, and you weren’t used to Aegon—or, at least, you weren’t used to being this close to Aegon.  
It suddenly hit you just how intimate the position seemed. Your heaving chest bumped against his as he held you close, his grip on your wrists never loosening, even once you had stopped fighting and he had been able to lower your arms to your sides.  
You weren’t sure that you had ever been this close to Aegon—close enough that you could smell the faint trace of mulled wine on his breath—and you felt your pulse skip at the realization, fear settling deep within your bones.  
You weren’t afraid of him, you realized, but of the fact that you didn’t quite mind being held by Aegon—not as much as you should have minded it, at least.  
“I could help you, you know.” He offered, his lilac eyes flashing with some distant emotion that you couldn’t recognize. “I wasn’t just trying to get rid of your brother when I said that I would teach you how to fight.”  
Still pressed close to his chest, you tilted your head back to look up at him, his jaw tightening when you asked, “What do you know about swordplay?”  
“I was trained by the Kingsguard,” Aegon reminded you sharply, his offense evident by the sharp crease in his brow.  
You gave a dry laugh, thinking back on your childhood prior to moving to Dragonstone. “If memory serves me, you spent more time parading around with courtesan’s than training.”  
Your laughter was cut short, breath catching in your throat when you felt Aegon release his hold on your wrists just before one of his hands snapped upwards, his fingers curling around your jaw. His thumb brushed gently against your cheek, and you couldn’t pretend that there wasn’t something intoxicating about the way he held you—his lilac eyes seeming to admire every contour of your face. 
“Even so,” he began, his voice hardly a whisper as he ignored your claim, “I still know more than enough about swordplay to teach my helpless little dragon how to defend herself.”  
A rush of heat flooded your cheeks as the pet name slipped his lips. It stirred a hunger within you that you hadn’t known existed, and certainly didn’t expect. Your muscles went slack, relaxing in his grip as your lips parted ever so slightly, your body suddenly urging you to lean in and taste the honey that seemed to drip from his tongue.  
But even as you began to oblige with your body’s urges, rising on your toes to meet Aegon’s sweet, wine-stained lips, you heard some familiar voice chime in the back of your mind—urging caution, reminding you of who was holding you right now.  
Your deviant uncle—the son of Queen Alicent, who was all but your sweet mother’s sworn enemy. She might have asked you to wed Aegon out of duty, but she certainly hadn’t expected or wanted you to like your uncle, did she? In some twisted way, it felt like a betrayal to her and your true family to allow yourself to find pleasure in this—and yet you couldn’t quite deny the warmth flooding in the pit of your stomach at the feel of his touch against your face. 
But, taking advantage of that swift moment of clarity, you forced yourself to take a step back and reclaim some sort of control over yourself. As his hand fell, Aegon stood frozen in the agony of his own perceived rejection as he watched you turn on your heel, walking away from him without so much as a single word.  
But to his surprise, instead of exiting the yard altogether, you leaned down and plucked the blunt training sword off the ground where it had been abandoned far earlier. You left the rapier where Aegon had tossed it when he disarmed you, thinking you had no use for a blade that could cause actual injury. 
“Alright,” you took a deep breath as you turned back around to face him, offering a weak smile as you swallowed your nerves and said, “If you’re so confident in your skill, then teach me.”  
It was Aegon’s turn to pause now, a flicker of doubt dancing in his lilac eyes as his own insecurities continued to bear down on him. While he hadn’t wanted you to walk away, he also hadn’t expected you to say yes.  
But here you were—standing in front of him, not rejecting him, and allowing him to help, regardless of how wrong it might have felt. 
He's to be my husband, you thought to yourself, biting back against your feelings and trying to rationalize your desire to spend a bit of time with him, I should at least learn to tolerate him.
“Okay,” Aegon eventually said, his voice more uncertain than you’d ever heard it sound before; but hopeful too, wearing the faintest hints of a smile. “Show me your form.”  
As you did as he instructed, clumsily moving through each of the movements that Jace had shown you and listening to him laugh and correct your failures, you couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty as you started to think that being stuck in King’s Landing wouldn’t be so bad after all. 
And that, maybe, Aegon wasn’t so bad either.
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a/n - had this sitting in my drafts for a bit cause i wasn't totally happy with it, but decided to polish it up and post it anyways cause why not lmao
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daisynik7 · 5 months
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Pairing: Ino Takuma x f!reader
Rating: Explicit - minors do not interact!
Word Count: ~2.5k
cw: next-door neighbor Ino, friends-to-lovers trope, explicit language, smut - cunnilingus
Summary: Ino is the cute guy next door that you’ve befriended ever since you moved in. He’s been nothing but kind to you, and sure, there’s attraction there, but you’ve never acted on it considering you’re already taken. When you find out your long-distance boyfriend is a good-for-nothing cheater, you turn to your friend for comfort, and maybe something more.
Author's Note: My adoration for this man grows everyday! This one is kind of a tease, but I hope you still enjoy it! MDNI divider credit to @/cafekitsune! Taglist: @slvt-for-smut @man-knees @batafuraikisu @neverlandlostchild @bloompompom @dprkento @a-listaire @antique-remains @aiyaaayei
part 5 of to all the boys who live next door anthology series
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It's a cold Friday night in the middle of winter when you find out your boyfriend of two years is cheating on you. 
Kenzo is studying for his master’s degree overseas while you remain in your hometown, patiently waiting for his return. You’ve been long distance for almost a year now and while it’s difficult being apart, it’s mostly been manageable. Or so you thought. 
You’re eating dinner with your next-door neighbor, Ino, when Kenzo finally texts you back. He’s been busy studying in the library for his upcoming exams and you haven’t heard much from him all day. When you see his name in your notifications, you can’t help but get excited, dropping your chopsticks to reply to him.
Kenzo: I’m finally home 
You: Yay! Let’s talk soon
Ino prepared hot pot this evening, offering to treat you for the dinner you cooked the other night. The two of you have grown close over these past several months, enough to call each other friends. You’ve never hidden your friendship from Kenzo, who isn’t typically the jealous type. So when you tell him that you’re finishing up with your meal with Ino, you’re surprised when he sends you a rather blunt reply.
Kenzo: Can you hurry up? I have somewhere to be and can’t talk long
Your heart sinks. He never mentioned having any plans later, so you have no idea where he’s going. Ino continues to slurp on his soup innocently across from you. 
You swallow hard, this sense of dread building in your stomach, making you lose your appetite. “Sorry, Ino. I have to go.”
He wipes his mouth with a napkin, looking at you, concerned. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah,” you answer, avoiding his gaze. “I just have to talk to Kenzo right now before he leaves. I guess he’s going out tonight.” You stand up, guilty about your boyfriend and about abandoning your friend. “Thank you for dinner. I’ll be back later to help you clean up.”
He waves it off, giving you a reassuring grin. “Don’t worry about it. Go do your thing with Kenzo. I’ve got all this taken care of.” 
You smile back at him, thankful to have a neighbor so understanding and so sweet. 
Back in your apartment, you rush into your bedroom, inspecting the mirror quickly to check your appearance before turning on your laptop for the video call. It takes him three rings to pick up. When he does, he greets you with a surly expression. “Hey.”
You smile hesitantly, nervous that he’s upset at you for whatever reason. “Hey. Is everything okay?”
He sighs heavily, running his fingers through his hair. In the two years you’ve been dating him, you recognize this habit of his when he’s bothered by something. “Long day.” 
“You want to talk about it?”
He contemplates, then shakes his head, deciding to change the subject all together. “Did you enjoy dinner?” 
It’s doesn’t seem like a genuine ask. Still, you relax a bit, hoping his bad attitude is from exhaustion and nothing to do with you. “Yeah. Ino made hot pot tonight. I wasn’t able to finish it, but everything I ate so far was really good.”
This seems to strike a nerve in him. There’s that distinguishable twitch in his right eye, another indicator that he’s irritated. “Well, I’m sorry for taking you away from him,” he sneers. “Maybe you should go back to your other boyfriend now to finish your fucking dinner.”
In the one year you’ve been long distance, he’s never snapped at you like this, so you’re startled by his current demeanor. “What?”
He rolls his eyes at you. “It’s obvious you want to fuck him.”
Flabbergasted by this accusation, you repeat, “What?! Kenzo!”
“Why do you spend so much time with him, huh? You really expect me to believe you’re just friends?” His tone is so condescending, your skin prickles, grossed out by his behavior
“Where is this coming from? You never had a problem with Ino before.” You’re completely baffled. Never has he mentioned that he’s suspicious of your neighbor. He’s never had a reason to be. Why now?
He continues to huff into the mic, clearly frazzled by the entire situation. “I think this whole thing is just fucked up. So fucked up.” There’s the sound of vibrating on his desk, most likely his phone. You can see his eyes glancing to the side, reading whatever notification he received.
Bringing his attention back to the matter at hand, you calmly explain, “Kenzo. I promise you, there is nothinggoing on between me and Ino. He’s just a friend. Please believe me.”
Still distracted, he mutters, “I have to go.”
You’re getting desperate now. “Kenzo, wait. We should talk about this – ”
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore, okay?” he snaps, glaring at you. “I’ve had a rough day and I need to relax.”
“Kenzo, please,” you beg him.
He considers it for a moment. Then, in the background, you can hear knocking, bringing him back from his thoughts. “I have to go.”
Defeated, you nod, not pushing it any further. Without a proper goodbye, he clicks on his keyboard and rushes off to answer whoever’s at his front door, thinking he properly left the call. However, he’s still logged on, and you can see everything. And soon, you’ll hear everything.
You don’t get the chance to end the call yourself. It all happens so quickly. The thud of the door closing, the unfamiliar voice of a woman, their footsteps and conversation growing louder as they enter the bedroom. You’re tuned in on the laptop, watching them with wide eyes, frozen. Like watching a trainwreck happening in front of you. Actually, it’s more like you’re the one getting trampled. 
His back faces the camera, arms wrapped around another girl, his lips smacking noisily from their careless kisses. You sit there, mouth agape at what you’re currently witnessing, holding your breath.
“I can’t wait to fuck this pussy,” he groans, unbuckling his pants. You resist the urge to dry heave at how disgusting he sounds.  
“Yeah?” she giggles. “It’s only been two days and you miss it already?”
“Fuck yeah,” he responds, sucking on her neck, groping her chest. 
Before they can strip any more of their clothes off, you yell out his name, startling the both of them. “Kenzo! What the fuck?!” You don’t realize until now that tears are streaming down your cheeks, your throat dry and tight, struggling to get the words out. 
He whips around towards the laptop, horror surrounding his face as he realizes, gawking at you through the screen, stammering his words. “What are you doing?!”
“What are you doing, asshole?!” 
“Ken, who is that?” she asks, genuinely confused, stepping closer to you to get a better look. 
“I’m his girlfriend,” you answer, trembling with anger. “Actually, I am now his ex-girlfriend.”
“You have a girlfriend?!” she shrieks, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“Had a girlfriend,” you correct her. “He’s all yours if you want him.”
He puts his face right up to the screen, his appearance making your skin crawl. “This is a big misunderstanding.”
“I heard what you said. I fucking saw what you did! How long?”
“This is the first time – ”
“A month,” the other woman answers, staring down at the floor, guilty. “We’ve been hooking up for a month. I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.”
Kenzo turns to her, then back to you, sputtering nonsense. Apologies, excuses, just complete and utter bullshit. His bizarre behavior from earlier starts to make sense now. He was projecting whatever guilt he was suffering onto you. But while your conscience remains clean, his is sullied. Defiled, dirty, and ruined by his own volitions. 
Having heard and seen enough, you hang up, slamming your laptop shut, sobbing into the palms of your hands. 
Half an hour later, you leave your apartment, dragging your feet towards next door. Your eyes are puffy, cheeks sticky from unwiped tears, overwhelmed with emotion. Anger, heartbreak, and betrayal all at once. Kenzo’s been trying to reach you since you hung up on him, but you’ve ignored him each time, tempted to block him and be done with it once and for all However, you can’t bring yourself to do it yet. Maybe there’s just a small part of you that wants to spite him; you just don’t know how.
When Ino answers, you immediately launch into him, burying your face in his shoulder, crying. It can’t be helped. You need a friend. He doesn’t need to process it; being sweet is second-nature to him. He wraps his arms around you, massaging your back gently, squeezing you snug in his embrace. “What happened?”
Between sobs, you manage to reply, “Kenzo cheated on me.”
He tenses up, outraged. “What?”
You nod, wiping your face on the cotton of his sweatshirt, making a note in your mind to apologize for this later. 
“I’m so sorry,” he says, hands still gentle along your spine. His touch is comforting, exactly what you need to dull the pain. He lets you indulge in his warmth for a moment, not speaking, listening to your ragged breathing steady. 
Once the tears stop and you’re composed enough, you remove yourself from him, wiping your wet cheeks with your sleeve. “I’m sorry,” you sniffle.
He laughs softly. “Why are you apologizing?”
“I feel bad for bothering you.”
“You’re not.” He holds his hand out. “Do you want to talk about it inside?”
You nod, taking his hand, following him into his apartment, where he leads you to the couch. He passes you a tissue box, though you’re sure you’ve run out of tears by now. You’re alone sulking for a few minutes while he brews you a hot mug of tea, setting it on the coffee table when he returns. “Thank you,” you say, smiling at him. His presence alone has been comforting enough, but you hold the porcelain cup in your hands, basking in its soothing heat. 
“Of course,” he grins, sitting next to you.
You rest your head on his shoulder. “You’re a great friend, Ino.”
He slides his fingers between yours, lacing them together. “You are too.”
This kind of intimacy feels natural with him, which is what surprises you. His hand fits so easily with yours, you begin to wonder why you haven’t held it before, why you haven’t been doing this from the start. Ino’s always treated you kindly, more than a neighbor should, better than your good-for-nothing ex-boyfriend ever did, and without asking for anything in return except your company. 
Your heart thumps loudly against your chest, you’re sure that even he can hear it. You turn your head to look at him, so close that your noses are nearly touching. Swallowing thickly, you try to say something, anything, but you can’t, unable to articulate what you’re feeling in this moment. 
He shrugs his beanie off, nuzzling his nose to yours. “Since we’re friends, let me take care of you. I’ll make you feel good. Make you forget about that asshole.”
It takes you a while to reply to him, but you do. “Okay, Ino,” you whisper, closing the small distance between you, staring at his mouth. “I trust you.” 
He kisses you, gentle and almost too sweet, you want to savor it. When his tongue grazes your lip, you moan into his mouth, letting your inhibitions loose. You’re no longer thinking about the events from earlier this night. Instead, all you focus on is Ino and how good he feels against you. He increases the pace, kisses growing sloppier, your hands running through his hair while his roam your back. He trails along your neck, then down to your stomach, lower and lower until his hands are on your knees, gradually spreading your legs apart. “Can I?”
He doesn’t have to spell it out. You know exactly what he’s offering. And who are you to deny his generosity? After all, what are friends for? 
“Please,” you beg him, brushing the hair away from his forehead, making sure he gets a good look at your pleading eyes. You need him to make you forget about everything. 
He makes quick work of your clothes, stripping your bottoms and underwear off in one fell swoop, positioning himself between your thighs. “Call me Takuma,” he tells you, smooching your plush skin. 
You let out a pathetic whimper as he flattens his tongue on your clit, stroking it slowly. He goes faster and messier the more his name pours out of your mouth in pleasured moans. It doesn’t take long for you to reach your first climax, grip tight in his hair, knees trembling from the stimulation. He doesn’t let up, though. Ino continues to eat you out until you’re pliant on the couch, yielding to every lick, suck, and stroke he delivers you. Your pussy throbs for him, wet and slick from your orgasms, ready to be filled with his cock.
Suddenly, your phone rings and you’re brought back to a grim reality, one where Kenzo still exists. His name flashes on the screen, requesting to video chat you for the umpteenth time tonight, trying to apologize for a sin that can’t be forgiven. You reach for the coffee table to silence your phone, wanting to ignore him. “Fuck, he’s calling me again. Sorry.”
“Answer it,” Ino says, still lapping at your puffy clit.
You laugh, looking down at him, certain that you heard him wrong. “What?”
He gazes up at you, lips all wet and swollen from devouring you. Drool leaks from the sides of his mouth, his chin shiny with spit and slick. His cheeks are rosy, eyes laden with lust. He smiles at you, endearing and sweet, with just the hint of wicked intent behind it. “Show him how good I treat you.”
Something stirs inside you. This is an opportunity to get your revenge. And sure, it’s petty and vindictive, but you’re a woman scorned by the man you loved, the man you thought loved you. Why shouldn’t you be?
Before you can chicken out, you point the camera towards Ino, who smirks, diving right back into your cunt, being extra loud this time. You answer the phone, Kenzo’s face maximizing on the screen, calling out your name, relieved you picked up. When he realizes what he’s watching, hearing you moan Ino’s name like you used to moan his, Kenzo’s expression contorts into one of rage, disgust. He starts cursing like a madman, shouting at Ino, at you. You drown it out with your own profanities. “Fuck, Takuma, right there! Right there! Oh fuck!”
Kenzo hangs up the call after he gets one more cruel remark in, but you don’t care. You’ve gotten your payback. Maybe it’s not enough, maybe it is. For now, all you want is to be with Ino, no more distractions. “Fuck me,” you whine, tugging on his brunette strands.
He crawls over you, kissing you passionately with wet lips. “Whatever you want, sweetheart. Whatever you want.”
It’s safe to say that you and Ino become much better friends after tonight. 
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gravestrain · 5 months
And he feels like home (j. hughes)
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Happy winter fic exchange! @one-night-story I am so thrilled to be able to have written this for you! I hope I created something that you love that you feel fully represented in and safe to read. 🩷
Demi @wyattjohnston, thank you as always for creating such a wonderful event for our community. Your hard work for these exchanges will never go unnoticed by me, I appreciate you so much.
And thank you to @thomasschabot for proofreading this for me and making sure it was accessible for all to read, I appreciate you so much my friend!
Title was taken from long story short by Taylor Swift. This is 4.7k words, gender neutral reader. It has been double checked by lovely c to ensure that it is safe for all to read <3
new neighbor
You considered yourself to be a very patient person. You were also extremely understanding. You didn't get upset or frustrated by much. You were a good person, sometimes you allowed people to get away with things for their own sake, even if it inconvenienced you in anyway. But at this point, you had had enough.
Since you moved into your apartment in August, you could probably count on one hand the amount of times you had talked to your neighbors. You were in the corner apartment, the last at the end of the hall, your only neighbors being two young men who you presumed to be brothers.
You ran into them a few times in the hallway, the two of them hardly ever separated. You knew they left in the mid afternoon, usually in suits. You assumed it was for work, but you never felt inclined to ask. They usually look rushed, the older one pestering the younger one to "hurry up" as he got out the door.
It was only this week that you had learned their names. A piece of their mail had accidentally been dropped in your box. The name addressed as "Jack Hughes." You contemplated what to do with it, standing at their door with the letter in your hands for a few minutes when the door suddenly burst open, the younger brother opening the door.
"Oh! Hello," he muttered out awkwardly. Neither of you had known the other's name, but you both knew each other as neighbors. "Hi! Are you Jack?" You asked awkwardly, not holding out the card, making your question seem like a random inquiry. "No, I'm Luke, Jack is my brother. Why do you ask? Do you need something?" He asked in an almost bothered tone, as if people frequently came to him asking for unwanted favors.
"Oh! Duh. A piece of Jack's mail got put in my box by accident. I assume it's okay if I drop it with you?" You asked, making you almost instantly face palm. "Yep, that works. Anyway, I'm late to something. Thanks for dropping it off..." He mumbled off at the end, not knowing what to insert for your name. You told him your name, and that was that.
That was earlier this week. This was now Friday. Occasionally, you could tell that they had some small parties. Nothing too outlandish for an apartment building that shared thin walls, but a decent amount of people resulting in a louder volume. You were young yourself, you were never going to complain for a small amount of volume on the occasional Saturday night. This however, had been far too much.
You swear this was the 3rd night in a row of their little parties, and you had dealt with far too much. It was mid April, you were studying for a big exam you had. Part of your move in August was to signal the start of your journey to get your masters degree. You were almost done with the semester, just a few big exams in between, this being one of them. You knew that it seemed a little lame, studying for exams on a Friday night, but part of the move was moving to New Jersey where there was a school that was one of the best in the country for your intended major, not super close to home. With all of your studying and academic work, including working to pay for the apartment and schooling, you didn't have much time to socialize. You had gone to coffee with some people from your classes, but not much beyond that, not enough to warrant Friday night plans towards the end of the semester.
Slamming your textbook, you decided you had officially reached your limit. You paced back and forth a bit, trying to calm down a bit in an attempt to hopefully not absolutely lose it on your neighbor. It wasn't that late, but you had been studying all day with minimal breaks. You couldn't see the end of the studying in sight if your neighbors kept the music at the volume they had. You wondered how the people on the other side of them weren't bothered by the noise, but then again you had probably seen them even less than you had seen Jack and Luke.
You slipped your feet into the pair of shoes closest to the door, banging on the door in an attempt for them to hear it over the blaring music. You took a small step back when a man you didn't recognize answered the door. "Can I help you?" A dark haired man with an accent asked. Before you could open your mouth, a very energetic Jack came bustling towards the door. "Y/N! To what do I owe this pleasure?" He asked with a charming smile, almost causing your reserve to break down. But when your brain came back after the sound of the music blared through your ears, you remembered why you were over here.
"Do you know what time it is?" You asked, crossing your arms over your chest. "It's only 11. It's a Friday night. But based on your casual attire, I doubt that matters much to you," Jack quipped at your casual pajamas. "For your information, Jack, I'm studying for a big exam. Clearly you don't know much about that." You snapped back.
"For your information, my team just made the playoffs. We have a lot to celebrate." Jack flexed, causing his chest to puff out a bit. "I don't care which of your beer league teams made the playoffs, but I would really like to pass my first year of my masters program and not have to repeat. That is, after all, how I ended up here, as your neighbor." You were starting to lose your patience, and instead of Jack surrendering, he started laughing.
"Beer league, huh. Do you not know?" You rolled your eyes. "If this is your attempt at a 'Do you know who I am?' moment, you're failing severely. Or even better, if it's going to be a 'do you know who my father is?' Just save me the time, I have an exam to study for," you had one foot out the door when Jack grabbed your arm, stopping you in your tracks.
"Relax, I just figured you knew because that seems to be all anyone wants from us who lives in this building. Favors relating to our job. Luke and I play for the New Jersey Devils, the NHL team around here. It's okay that you don't know, however I hope now that you do, you'll choose us to be your favorite team." Jack smirked at you, causing you to giggle, which resulted in you immediately covering your mouth. What was happening to you? You didn't giggle over charming guys.
"Oh, did you guys win or something? Seems like an awfully long time to be celebrating one win," you quipped. "We made it into the playoffs. We are the number one seed. We've been celebrating for a few days because we have a bit of time off. I am sorry, it is probably excessive. We'll turn it down and remind the guys that we aren't the only ones who live here." Jack put his tail between his legs. You did feel a bit bad, but you were glad the noise was going to at least quiet down.
"I hope I didn't come off like a jerk, I just got flustered. I know you didn't know. I shouldn't have come over attacking." You muttered, causing Jack to smile.
"I'll accept your apology on one condition. Do you think you can find some time in your busy finals schedule to come to one of our games? I can get you more details when the playoffs schedule comes out, but I would it if you could come. I think Luke might be a little jealous that I softened you up first, but it just adds for some more bragging rights on the kid."
You couldn't believe your ears. Your cute, albeit a little clueless neighbor, was not only a professional athlete, but he was also asking you on a date if you weren't mistaken.
"Well Jack, I'd love to, but you just better hope I pass this exam." You smiled, feeling your cheeks heat up.
"Good thing we're gonna turn the volume down."
2. first game
What do you wear to a hockey game that you were invited to by your neighbor who you have only talked to a few times but you think he may have been awkwardly potentially flirting with you when he invited you?
You were digging through your closet, looking for something appropriate to wear for probably one of the most awkward, unique events you have ever been to. You can't say that you had ever been to a professional hockey game. You weren't clueless to the rules and such, you just never had the opportunity to attend one in person.
Not to mention, you were going alone. You only had a few casual friends at school through this point in the year, and it didn't feel appropriate to bring any of them to this... interesting event you were going to. Plus, you were certain that you would be wrapped up in the game. You were nervous enough as is, and you can't imagine if you had to sit there and make awkward small talk with one of your classmates who might be able to say what your last name is.
Sitting in the uber on the way there made you start to question your choice of agreeing to go to the game. You had no idea how this would go other than you knew that Jack had slipped the ticket under your door earlier this morning and written on it was instructions on how to get to the gate. One thing that caused your cheeks to heat was that on the bottom of the post it note, was his phone number.
This made it feel almost official in a way, having his phone number. Before you could dwell on it too much, your uber pulled up to the door that Jack directed you to. You thanked the driver and walked in to the stadium, immediately overwhelmed by everything. For a second you considered turning around and making something up to Jack that you were sick, but when you took a second to look around, you saw so many happy people with Jack's last name plastered across their backs, number 86 standing proudly. You felt a sense of pride for Jack, though you weren't sure how to feel about that.
That sense of pride never went away once the game started. Your eyes were on Jack from the second his feet touched the ice, and the moment he sat on the bench. Your eyes followed him all the way to the bench, wishing the time he wasn't on the ice would go faster. You wondered why you had never been interested on hockey. Jack was so talented, and the game ended with him scoring a goal and getting two assists. You thought for a second that he was looking up at you when he scored, but you shook your head quickly to rid your brain of those thoughts.
As the game ended, it suddenly occurred to you that you weren't sure how this would end. You sat in your seat for a while letting the seats clear out, preparing to walk towards the gate that you entered in, opening the uber app. As soon as your phone unlocked, a message from Jack popped up on your phone.
"Meet me outside," it read. "I'd like to take you to dinner and drive you home. I'll meet you by the gate you entered in."
Your cheeks flushed at his admission, suddenly looking down at your outfit. Was this appropriate for a dinner date? You were not planning on this at all. You checked what you looked like in the front camera of your phone. Before you could decide whether or not you looked appropriate, you heard a familiar laugh. Your chest warmed at the idea that his laugh could be so familiar, so homey despite the fact that the two of you had not spent much time together.
Jack's feet sped up as he caught up to you, just excited to see you after a great win. His smile was contagious when he saw you standing there, staring at your sneakers in an attempt to not be noticed by the rest of the guys who might ask questions.
In the end, it wasn't Jack who spoke up first. It was Luke. "Y/N! I'm so glad you came! I wanted to score for you, but unfortunately this guy beat me to it," he smiled, throwing an arm around your shoulders. You tried to relax into his arms, telling yourself this was a new normal in your life. Casual banter with your neighbors who just so happen to be professional athletes making millions of dollars.
"Hey back off, I invited them. You dropped the ball. Your turn is up, by the way," Jack muttered, causing Luke to give a quizzical look. Taking advantage of Luke's moment of confusion, Jack sneaks around him and puts his arms around you, squeezing you tightly. A noise of surprise comes out of your mouth. Not discomfort, just surprise at his sudden display of physical affection. "That was awesome!" Jack yelled. "Did you have so much fun?" He asked, pulling away to see your face looking up at him.
"Well it would have been more fun if Luke scored for me but I guess I'll settle for your points," you teased. He smiled, his cheeks turning red at your teasing. "Y/N, is Jack blushing? Did you turn him into a shy mess?" Luke teased and Jack groaned, hiding his face in your shoulder. "I just want to impress you," he smiled which caused your entire body to heat up. It never occurred to you that he wanted to impress you. That you were there because he wanted you to be impressed with his game and how he played.
"Well don't worry, I was thoroughly impressed. Would you like to go to dinner now?" You asked. "Am I invited? Is this like a neighborly get together?" Luke was now teasing you both, causing both of you to get bashful. "Dude, clearly this is a date," Jack mumbled, causing your eyebrows to raise. "Clearly? Is that what we're calling it now. I mean I certainly thought it was, but you never asked me." You and Luke were truly just having fun with the teasing now.
"Jack, it's not very gentlemanly to assume it's a date. You really should ask, especially with someone like Y/N. They're a catch!" Jack was glaring daggers into Luke. "Yes, I should. Y/N, I would like tonight to be a date. Will you go out on a date with me?" Jack asked, grabbing your hand in his. You were grinning, nodding your head. "Well then, Luke I think it's past your bedtime. Why don't you go home with Holtzy and I will take Y/N out for dinner?" Luke shook his head, giggling. "Wouldn't you like that," he laughed. "Luke-" "Fine! Fine! I'm done. I'll go. Y/N, it was a pleasure to laugh with you. You kids enjoy yourself."
"I have a feeling we will."
3. first (real) date
Your dinner with Jack was perfect. You finally got the news back that you had passed the exam you were stressing about, and to celebrate, you got your favorite take out and watched Jack's game on the couch with a glass of wine. It was strange, to whole heartedly notice his absence when him and Luke were away for games. Right now, they were on a short West coast road trip, Denver, Arizona, and Seattle, and then heading back home for a few days off before a home game.
This was their last game being gone, and you found yourself waiting hopefully for Jack to come back. You had been texting a lot on the road trip, Jack even calling you once after he crawled into the empty bed next to Jesper's bed. According to Jack, his friend, teammate, and road roommate Jesper slept like the dead, even going as far as to wearing headphones when he slept, so there was no concern of the call waking him up. That didn't stop you from keeping your voice to a low volume, which Jack of course countered by yelling an obnoxious "What was that?" whenever he couldn't hear you.
After a Devils win, you crawled into bed for the night, finding yourself thinking of Jack, and how you couldn't wait to see him. You were in so deep.
As you cleaned up the remnants of your late afternoon lunch, a knock sounded on your door. You had a feeling you knew who it was, but you still checked the peephole to see Jack's face on the other side, nervously rocking back and forth on his feet, holding something in his hand.
"Hi, it's so good to see you!" You smiled, welcoming him inside. "These are for you. I wasn't sure if it was appropriate, but I wanted to ask you something, so I thought these might help. I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go to dinner with me on Friday? We have a game on Thursday night, and I thought a more formal, not after a game greasy pizza joint dinner would be fun. That is, if you are interested? If not, it's okay, I was just," you finally cut him off with a hand on his arm. "Jack! I'd love to. The flowers are beautiful. Thank you for thinking of me. I would love nothing more." You smiled, causing an audible sigh to come from Jack's lips.
"Oh thank God! Sorry, I didn't want to ramble, I just really got nervous. I wanted you to say yes but I didn't want to sound weird or make you uncomfortable." He smiled. Neither of you knew what was going on. Jack was stunned that his neighbor who he had barely talked to but admired from afar had turned him into a nervous, blushing mess. You also couldn't say you were expecting to fall for your neighbor. But when he was gone, you came to that conclusion: you were absolutely falling for Jack. You were falling for him, you couldn't understand how it had happened or why, but you absolutely were.
When it came time for your date to come, you felt more nervous than you did for the game. Jack had let you know that you were going to be going to a nicer restaurant. You picked his brain a bit at what to wear. What you didn't know is that he had preplanned his outfit, mannerisms, conversations, basically his every move for the date with his mom and brothers. Well, mostly Quinn. When Luke saw how nervous he was, he was constantly teasing him. Luke loved to tease him about how you should have fallen for him instead of Jack. Of course it was all jokes, as soon as the two of you started hanging out Luke could immediately see the chemistry between the two of you. He knew that your connection was much deeper than any sort of joke he could make. He was really happy for his older brother, finally seeing him fall for a person who made him truly happy.
When you decided on an outfit that was both appropriate for the occasion and made you feel good about yourself, you started pacing by the front door of your apartment, anxiously waiting for Jack to come. It was about 10 minutes before he said he would arrive. On the other side of the wall, Jack thought about coming a few minutes early, but his mom immediately shut that down. Jack argued that he wanted to seem timely and didn't want to keep you waiting. Ellen shut him down, though.
"How long does it take you to walk 10 steps next door? You never want to rush someone getting ready, especially for a first date." Luke was cackling in the background, of course.
At 6:00 on the dot, Jack was knocking on your door. He was almost more nervous than when he came by a few days before asking if you wanted to go to dinner with him, if that was even possible. When you opened the door, Jack planted his feet in the ground, willing himself to not fall over on his ass and make a complete fool of himself.
You were absolutely stunning. You looked so amazing in Jack's eyes. He felt himself blushing as soon as you opened the door. He was thanking his lucky stars, wondering how he had gotten so lucky as to find someone as special as you.
"Y/N..." he finally breathed out, his heart racing. "What? Do I look okay?" You began to feel nervous under his intense gaze, your hands instinctively picking at your fingernails. "Okay would be an insult. You look incredible. These are for you, by the way," Jack handed you the flowers he forgot he even had. "That's so sweet! You didn't have to bring me flowers. The ones you brought me a few days ago are still going strong. They will look beautiful together, though."
You took a minute to put the flowers in a vase. Jack was watching you from afar, you felt his eyes on you, following you around your small kitchen. Truthfully, he was admiring you. He couldn't help but blush at the sight of you, putting flowers in the vase that he bought for you, getting ready for the date that he was taking you out on. He felt like he won the lottery.
When you turned around, you saw him blushingly admiring you, causing your own cheeks to heat up. "What has you so smiley?" you asked, taking a step closer to him, bravely grabbing his hand in yours. You rubbed your thumb over his hand in an attempt to help him feel calm. Jack was certain no one had ever made him feel this nervous. Certainly not someone he was dating. "I just can't believe how beautiful you are. I feel so lucky that you are going out with me."
Both of you were nervous wrecks at this point. Before you could convince yourself otherwise, you were leaning forward, kissing him on the cheek. As soon as Jack felt your lips on his skin, he knew he had to kiss you. "Can I kiss you? Like, on the lips," he muttered, causing you to giggle. "Yes Jack, you can kiss me, like on the lips." He groaned at your teasing, but before he could throw his head back exasperatedly, you leaned forward, capturing his lips with your own.
Jack felt himself melt, holding onto your waist in an attempt to hold himself up straight. It was official. You had softened Jack into a gushy, pillowy mess. And Jack had never been so happy.
+1. as a couple
6 months later
"Jack, honey, if you keep stomping any louder, the people below us are gonna come complain," you muttered teasingly at him. "You really think they can hear you? Besides, if they came and complained, I would simply explain to them that my amazing partner, whom I care for very much, is meeting my family for the first time, and I think they would understand." He quipped back, causing you to laugh.
Jack's parents were coming in to town for the first time in the new season. Before you met Jack, you had long planned to spend the summer abroad with your closest friend. Jack was thrilled for you, but disappointed you wouldn't be able to spend time together over the summer at his summer house. He did however, jet off to meet you in Italy for a week, which was perfect. Ordinarily, you probably would have met Jack's parents already, but with the chaos of your summer, it was now the Devils home opener, and you had yet to meet your boyfriend's parents.
"If I'm so amazing, why are you so nervous for me to meet them?" Jack groaned, causing you to laugh. Teasing each other was something so common, but it was always done lovingly. It was almost a love language of sorts between the two of you.
"Babe, how many times have I talked to Quinn on FaceTime with you? And Luke is the best friend I have here in Jersey, besides you obviously, so it's just your parents. Who, by the way, we have also Facetimed with a handful of times together."
"I know, but in person it's different. They might get knocked on their ass by your good looks and charm, just like I was. And besides, if you think Luke's teasing and sarcasm is bad, just wait until you meet my dad. Where do you think he gets it from?" Jack continues to ramble. To an outsider, it might look like Jack didn't want you to meet his parents, but you both knew it was the complete opposite. The two of you hadn't been together for that long, but in a way that didn't matter. Jack was close to saying the "l word," and you probably weren't that far behind him. He wanted you to meet his parents because he wanted them to love you as much as he did. You felt the same way.
In an attempt to stop his never ending nerves, you took the few steps across the room towards him, putting your hand on his cheek and pulling him in for a soft kiss. "Jack, I am thrilled to meet your parents. If it makes you feel any better, I am a bit nervous too. I want them to like me. Although, I'm sure you've bored them to tears with stories making me seem like I'm the most amazing person on the Earth." "Because you are," Jack intervened, serious as a heart attack.
You laughed at his genuine tone, he was always buttering you up. "They'll love you, because you're amazing. Besides, Lukey and Quinn already love you. This will be easy work for you. The shock of me being in a serious relationship has already worn off. They're thrilled to meet you," you laughed at his half hearted attempt at a joke.
"Besides, I'm sure they will be so excited to meet the person who has turned you into a sap," you laughed, causing Jack's mouth to open in shock. "I am not a sap!" He tried to quip back, but you both knew he was absolutely lying. He was so soft on you, something none of his loved ones had ever seen. "Jack, yesterday you laid your nice jacket over a puddle in the nasty streets of Jersey for me to walk over because there was no way around it," you stared back at him. "That puddle was huge! Your pant legs would've been soaked, I know you would've hated that." You laughed at his kind hearted attempt at an explanation.
"You are one of a kind Jack Hughes," you started. "I truly love you." As soon as the words came out of your mouth, your hand covered it in shock. Of course you loved Jack, but you were so nervous to tell him. You had never said those words to someone romantically before, and you were both certain he would say it first, even though you hadn't talked about it before.
"You love me?" He asked, his voice quivering. "Of course I love you, did you miss the puddle story? I would be crazy not to have fallen in love with you." At this point, both of your eyes were watery, Jack's grip on your shoulders never wavering. "Oh my God, you love me. Oh my God, wait, I love you! I love you so much! I can't believe I haven't said it back yet! I love you!" Jack was over the moon, causing you to laugh wetly.
You had absolutely softened Jack to his core. But you were nothing but soft for him, the two of you a perfect match for each other. When you pulled each other in for a kiss, the love between the two of you was imminent, the nerves of the upcoming event melting away. Jack couldn't wait to introduce you to his parents as his partner whom he loved so much, and you couldn't wait to love them as much as you loved him.
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kenziesimsblog · 8 months
hi guys! I decided to make my very own legacy for sims 3! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
some traits are repeated because they fit!
you never really fit in when you lived in your small town so as soon as you became a young adult you moved to the bustling city where you began a new alternative band.
traits - over-emotional, loner, virtuous, shy, and night owl
lifetime wish-rock star
career- music
must fall in love with another emo. -must name kids after alternative band members / singers, albums or songs.
must have fun colored hair. -must have piercing (s)
dye hair at least 3 times during each life stage
must complete lifetime wish.
master guitar skill
start a band. -must be close to bandmates
perform every or most gig you get. -reach level 5 celeb status
you are the exact opposite of your parent but hey when you're the kid of a famous band member you're bound to be popular.
traits- diva, irresistible, social butterfly, party animal, and flirty
lifetime wish- super popular..
requirements must have 2 best friends. choose either being a mean popular or a nice one. throw tons of parties be in at least 3 relationships before finding the one. marry the nerdiest person. master the charisma skill. don't lose any friends. chat with friends at least once week have at least 1 boy and 1 girl
your parent always taught you to be yourself and to show how smart you are!
traits - genius, bookworm, socially awkward, eccentric, and loser
lifetime wish- perfect student
career- scientist requirements always have an "A" in school go to university. earn your degree with a perfect GPA. earn a scholarship. be a strict parent. if kid has lower than a yell at them meet your partner in university. make kids have daily chores. make kids have curfew of 7. master logic skill master inventor skill
your parent was super strict and you vowed to never be like them
traits good sense of humor, rebellious, easily impressed, inappropriate,and friendly.
lifetime wish- distinguished director.
career- director
requirements have a bad relationship with your parents. have a "D" in school. always pull pranks on school and home become a director for comedies (pretend) master street art skill have at least 1 girl steal partner from someone else
horses, horses, horses that's all you talk about traits - equestrian, loves the outdoors, ambitious, athletic ,and lucky
lifetime wish- the jockey
career- none all your time is spent with horses
requirements have a horse as a child. must be female. have at least 2 horses ride them every day. marry a cowboy/cowgirl. enter racing. live in a farmhouse. master riding skill have 1 kid that you have a bad relationship with.
your mom only paid attention to her horses and not you resulting in a bully
traits- evil, mean spirited , grumpy, brooding, and coward
lifetime wish- ceo of mega corporation
career - business requirements be hated by everyone. have one "friend" that is a sidekick. get pregnant or impregnate a one-night stand. have baby in your household. co parent with one night stand even though you hate it. marry one night stand at middle/end of adult life. have one more child/ or multiples before you reach elder status. at least perform two mean actions a day
your parents didnt care what you did they spent to much time hating each other so what better way to distract your self then video games
traits- couch potato, computer whiz, heavy sleeper, night owl and loner
lifetime wish- blog artist
career - video game developer
requirements attend university to master nerd social group. drop out when maxed nerd group. marry college sweetheart. cheat on college sweetheart with person you met online. have one kid with college sweetheart.
have more with new partner play video games every day. run a blog about games. master logic skill
you spent all of your childhood watching plays dreaming one day it would be you
traits- star quality, natural born performer , hopeless romantic , dramatic, and ambitious
lifetime wish- superstar actor.
career- actor
requirements name kids after real life actors woohoo 5 celebs. complete lifetime wish. get pregnant by 3 different celebs. have at least 3 kids have a bad reputation. ruin your reputation at least once. never get married. spoil your kids.
you lived in a booming town with a big gym where you spent most of your time
traits- handy, athletic, vegetarian, green thumb, and daredevil
lifetime wish- become a superstar athlete.
career- athletic
requirements master lifetime wish. be a vegetarian. have a garden of healthy vegetables. workout everyday max gardening skill max handy skill max athletic skill meet partner at gym. have a big family (4 kids)
traits- artistic, avant garde, adventurous, perfectionist, virtuoso
lifetime wish-master of arts
career- self employed artist
requirements master guitar skill master painting skill travel to different countries for inspiration meet partner in another country. perform for tips. sell paintings. at least always have one animal in house house is very colorful. do photography on the side. master lifetime wish. go out with family every holiday.
be sure to tag me in posts if you decide to play!
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youunravelme · 3 months
murphy's law sneak peek
author's note: this is just a look into what i've been working on the past few months (again, my b for being the most inconsistent writer ever). please let me know your thoughts! i'm hoping to finish this up VERY soon!! so here are the first two and a half pages of this fic! :))))))
mat barzal x beau's step-sister!reader (bc i'm not white and wanted to leave the reader racially neutral.)
summary:nothing good could come from sleeping with your (step) brother's best friend.
when anthony was traded to vancouver, you felt like the rug had been pulled out from under you. he was your rock since you were twelve when your mom and his dad got married. he was there when you finished your undergrad, and offered up the spare room in his apartment when you started your master's degree at columbia.
but with his new job back in your home country, you knew there was no way you could afford to stay in his apartment. after all, you were nowhere close to making the millions of dollars he did.
"don't worry about it," he said. "i have it taken care of."
what he didn't say was that the solution was staying in mat's extra room.
it wouldn't be that big of a deal, you knew mat just from the sheer amount of time he and anthony spent together. if it wasn't seeing him at games, it was out at bars, or in your shared apartment when you got home from class.
but despite all the interactions you had, almost none of them were meaningful. everything you knew about him started and ended with your connection to tito. and neither of you cared to remedy that.
it didn't mean you two were hostile, didn't even mean that you didn't like each other. it just meant that when tito wasn't around, you two didn't talk.
until you started living together.
the t-shirt incident
it wasn't intentional, you'd swear up and down that it wasn't. you recalled mat's text that he would be out that night and not to wait up for him (not that you ever did, but the sentiment was clearly communicated: stay out of the common areas).
you weren't even doing anything special that night, your boyfriend was out of town on a work trip and you hadn't met friends outside of the islander wags just yet (all of whom were busy that night). so you treated yourself to a shower and a face mask. you'd just finished washing it off when you heard the front door close.
truthfully, you almost stayed in your room until you realized your water cup was empty, and you might've let it go if it wasn't for the past few nights where you woke up craving a sip of water. but you'd like to think you were a considerate roommate, so you waited five minutes for mat to go to his room before you planned on going into the kitchen.
you didn't realize your mistake until you walked into the living room and caught mat and a girl, both shirtless.
to be honest, you weren't sure who screamed first, if it was you or the other girl. you managed to see her lunge for her shirt right as you covered your eyes with one hand and dropped your cup on the floor.
"oh my god," was all you could say.
but the other girl clearly wasn't rendered speechless like you were because she yelled "you didn't say you had a girlfriend, asshole!" before slamming the front door behind her.
you didn't move, couldn't move, too mortified to even acknowledge what you'd just interrupted. very slowly, like he couldn't see you, you bent down and fumbled around with one hand, blindly searching for the cup.
the couch creaked, followed by a heavy sigh from mat. "you can look, you know? nothing you probably haven't seen before."
you peeked between your fingers and saw mat pulling his shirt back on. you dropped your hand and stood up straight almost as soon as he was fully clothed.
cue the apology tour.
"oh my god, mat, i am so sorry! i totally wasn't thinking, i thought you were in your room by this point and i needed water. i didn't even think about what it would look like to your lady friend, if you'd like i can try to catch her before she gets in a cab and explain the situation?"
mat blinked at you. "lady friend?" he asked.
you shrugged. "well, she's a lady, and a friend."
he let out a dry laugh, though his lips didn't curl up in a smile. maybe it was more of a scoff? "friend is a bit of an overstatement. i don't even remember her name."
the room went silent before you caught mat staring at your chest. you glanced down and the urge to dig a hole and die in it crossed your mind.
the seattle thunderbirds logo was staring you in the face.
"oh god, our laundry must've gotten mixed up i'm sorry--"
"i was wondering where that shirt went."
you grabbed the bottom of the shirt before you remembered stripping in front of your new roommate was probably not the best thing to do.
"i can rewash it for you."
he nodded, but otherwise didn't offer anymore commentary.
so you scooped up the cup from the floor and sheepishly sidestepped your way into the kitchen.
and even though it took approximately four seconds to pour yourself a glass of water, you hid in the kitchen until you heard the telltale click of mat's bedroom door.
part of you thought it was best to stay out of his way the next morning, to let mat meander throughout the apartment before he went to his morning skate.
but then you thought about your childhood, and how you pissed anthony and francis off when you were fourteen so you baked them cookies after school and magically, everything was okay between the three of you by the end of the day.
so you woke up earlier than you normally would've to make mat breakfast. you'd made anthony breakfast before, surely mat's diet was about the same?
the eggs were nearly done when you heard his door open. it was only a matter of time before he joined you in the kitchen. you had his protein shaker bottle sitting on the island next to the plate of bacon you'd made. the toast had just popped out of the toaster.
"morning," mat said when he walked into the kitchen.
you whipped your head around to smile at him before focusing on the eggs in front of you. "hope you're hungry," you said. "i made breakfast."
you pulled the pan off the burner and placed them on a potholder. "wasn't sure how you liked your eggs, anthony likes his scrambled, so i just made them scrambled, hope that's okay."
he shrugged and mumbled a quiet thank you before helping himself to the meal you made and fixing his protein shake. you waited until he'd helped himself to the food and took a seat at the island before you said anything, just staring at his profile until he took a bite of the toast.
"i really am sorry about last night," you started. "it wasn't on purpose, i promise." you cleared your throat and made yourself busy by fixing your plate. "next time, i'll just go stay at someone else's place."
mat snorted into his protein shake. a sly smirk was on his lips when he pulled the drink away.
"what?" you asked, looking straight at him.
mat shook his head. "if you left every time i brought a girl over, you'd never be home."
you flushed and directed your eyes back to your plate. "oh."
you couldn't see mat run a hand down his face, but you could hear him sigh. "look," he said and you picked your head up to look into his eyes. "it's just going to be an adjustment. i'll make sure to text you when i'm coming home with a girl and i'll take her to my room as quickly as possible."
"and i'll make myself scarce until the morning."
mat shrugged. "i mean, you live here too, i'm not asking you to be holed up in your room, just maybe don't make an appearance in my shirt until i've at least told the girl about you?"
you nodded almost immediately. "i can do that. i swear, after today, i won't be a problem anymore! you can have literally all the girls over and you won't even know i'm here!"
if only that were true.
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margotw10bis · 7 months
Crashing On Crush. JJK 2 [m]
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crush!Jungkook x reader
Genre: smut; series; romance; angst
Words: 2.9k
Synopsis: What happens when your first encounter with your crush is Jungkook seeing your ass?
Warnings: sexual tension; alchool consumption; make out in public
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"You're close. Just hold on a little bit more"
You have dreamt about those words coming from Jungkook's mouth. However, you thought you would hear them in the bedroom, during a hot roll in the hay. Not in the hallway towards your apartment door with Jungkook carrying you because you're feeling weak.
Skillfully, he takes your keys in your bag and opens the door. He quickly takes off his shoes before helping you with your heels. You really, really wanted to bring him to your place tonight but not in this situation... Why is fate so unfair to you?
Jungkook helps you to walk to your bedroom and gently drops you on your bed. You close your eyes for several reasons. First, to try to feel better. Secondly, to not think about the fact that your crush is seeing you like that. Thirdly, to stop imaging how tonight could have been so much better than this, you and Jungkook in the bedroom.
"Do you want a glass of water or something?" Jungkook asks
You grumble, sluggishly shaking your hand to say no. Right now, you just want to be alone and die in peace from the humiliation. From start to finish, tonight was a catastrophe.
"Okay" Jungkook finally says after a few minutes of silence. "I give you my number, please call me if you're feeling bad, or if you need anything"
He grabs a little post-it pad and writes down his phone number before putting it on your nightstand. With a last worried glaze, he leaves.
Two weeks have passed since your first encounter with Jungkook. You kind of hoped this embarrassing night would have put an end to your stupid crush but it didn't. It is even worse now. You just keep waiting for an Instagram notification of a new post. And you keep thinking about his body pressed against yours at night, in your bed. And that leads to a harden arousal that can only go away with an orgasm you provide to yourself while you imagine his hand instead of yours on your wet pussy.
You never felt like that about a man. Of course, some of them like your ex-boyfriends excited you but never this much. You've never been so wet for someone, and Jungkook hasn't even touched you. At this point, you just hope you'll meet some guy who will take care of your horniness but you know you'll think about your crush all along.
The end of the school year and the fact that you have passed most of your exams now give you too much time to think - or more overthink - the situation.
Thankfully, starting today, your mind will be occupied: you finally begin your new job. This job in a famous art gallery in Seoul will be a great point on your resume and will definitely help you in a few weeks when you graduate with a master's degree in Cultural Business. To make a good first impression, you are wearing a brand new outfit: a light pink blouse and a white pencil skirt. You look professional and maybe a little sexy too, which boosts your confidence. And you really need it since you are stressed.
The building is very modern and it's clear that you are in an artistic place: the architecture is signed by a famous contemporary designer. The huge and minimalistic lobby is fancy and you feel quite impressed by it. But you don't have time to admire your new work place because a handsome, tall, blond haired man with glasses welcomes you.
"Hi! I'm Kim Namjoon, nice to meet you. I'm the assistant of the owner" His voice is deep and warm and you can't help blushing from his good-looking. His smile is so cute with his dimples.
"Hi, I'm Y/N. Thanks for hiring me. It's a great opportunity and I'm willing to prove you you made the right call"
"I have no doubt. Follow me, I'll introduce you to the team and I'll show you around so you can get familiar with the gallery"
And just like that, he walks you around everywhere: the two large exhibition halls, the staff lounge, the administration offices and the storage where some of the art pieces are safely kept for the next exhibitions. You are very impressed with the logistics. Of course, you had studied these things in college but it was theoretical. It's so different to experience it.
Then, you meet your new colleagues and you immediately feel good. Everyone seems so nice and is really careful about making you feel at ease. Yep, you'll be happy working here.
"Hi Giiirl! Let's celebrate your first day! Tonight, at 8? Danbam? 🥂" You smile reading Suzi's text message. She is your number 1 fan and she always makes your big - or little - accomplishments count. Thinking about how lucky you are to have her in your life, your heart is wrapped with love. Indeed, your first - and so good - day deserves to be toasted. And there is no better place than your and your best friend's HQ: Danbam bar in Itaewon.
At 8 sharp, you enter the bar. The nice and not too loud music immediately puts you in the mood. You don't take long to spot Suzi at your usual table. When she sees you, she smiles widely and hugs you.
"How is my favorite boss girl?"
"She is tired but so happy to see you" You answer with a laugh
You and Suzi don't waste time and order your drinks. She asks you questions about everything: the place, the people, the artists, ... She is so invested, just like she would be with her own career and you can't help but tell her, for the hundredth time, that she is the best-est best friend in the world.
"Well, keep that in mind then because I have a surprise for you"
You don't like her tone. She is plotting something and you know by experience that you won't like it. You know she means well but Suzi is a whimsical and unpredictable person so her 'surprises' can easily turn into chaos. This one is not an exception.
Your best friend looks over your shoulder and you turn around to discover - with anxiety - what she has planned. And oh-my-god. You choke on your spit when your eyes meet Jungkook and all his glory. He is not alone though: Taehyung is by his side but you barely notice him. The only thing you see is your crush. He looks so damn hot with his oversized black t-shirt that allows his tattoos to show and his black cargo pants. If handsomeness could kill, you'd be dead by now. His long hair is shiny and fluffy, you want to run your fingers in it.
You just have time to pull yourself back together before the two guys arrive at your table. You bow timidly and take a swig of your cocktail. You glare at Suzi, saying through your eyes how betrayed you feel. She responds with a half-apologetic half-teasing look.
"So, Y/N" Jungkook speaks after order his drink "Suzi told us you started a new job. How is it?"
"It's really nice" Your voice sounds so unsure, you clear your throat. "The place is very beautiful and everyone is very kind with me. I'm glad to work there"
"Congratulations then!" Jungkook exclaims, clinking your glass with his own that has just arrived.
You don't really know how it happened but with the alcohol blurring your mind, you didn't notice Suzi and Tae leaving, leading to a one-on-one with Jungkook. Suzi might be your best friend but right now you hate her. The silence between your crush and you is so embarrassing. You still don't know how to act with him. However, you know that your current mouth shut is no help.
"So, uhm, Jungkook" you start, unsteady. "Where do you work?"
Yes, just like you haven't stalked him on Instagram. You know exactly what's his work: graphic designer.
"I'm a freelance graphic designer" You notice how his doe eyes sparkle with passion. "I have some good partners now so I'm not as stressed as at the beginning. It's more settled now. Maybe I can show you some of my works on Instagram?"
Oh boy.
You gulp loudly. You've seen his work. A lot of times actually. But there is no way you'll confess that so a weak 'sure' escapes your lips. Your heart raises its pace when Jungkook moves his seat closer to you. Your shoulders almost touch each other's. He takes off his phone from his pocket and opens the well-known app. He scrolls through his profile, explaining the concept or telling you an anecdote about each project. However, you can't really focus on his words when you feel the heat of his body irradiating. And that's what explains your sudden heating for sure and definitely not the fact that you are imagining yourself riding his strong thighs while kissing his pretty lips passionately.
"Are you okay?"
Jungkook's concerned voice rips you off from your fantasy.
"I-I'm okay" You finish your drink to cool you down because, Lord, you're burning.
You look up at him and you are destabilized by his intense glance. He smacks his lips and the movement catches your eyes. You stare at his pulpy pretty mouth. It must be so soft. It must feel so good.
"Do you want to kiss me?" Jungkook asks
Your lips parted due to the surprise. Maybe he is trying to joke because he feels you tensed but he is not joking. He is goddamn serious. And even if you were a good liar - which you are not -, the blush of your cheeks would deny your words.
"I-No, I don't want it" Your voice is a whisper. Especially when Jungkook is getting closer.
His face is now only a few inches away, you can even feel his breath on your skin.
"But I think you do"
You don't know what to say because yes, you fucking want to kiss him. The simple thought of it starts your arousal and you feel your panties slowly getting wet. Anyway, you don't have to think about it because the sexiest man you've ever met closes the distance between you and kisses you.
He kisses so fucking good. His lips are soft, warm but the cold little metal of his piercing is like a delicious prickle of extra pleasure. It's not a chaste kiss but it's not an outrageous French kiss. It's the perfect center between the two and it's really, really good. It's so good that you can't help a little moan. Jungkook smirks when he hears it: what a beautiful music to his ears. It makes him want to kiss you deeply, just to hear it again. Your instinct controls your hands that grab the back of his head, not really to pull him closer but to feel more of him than his lips on yours. You feel his smooth hair, it's delightful. Jungkook's hands don't stay static either: his left arm grabs your waist to pull you closer - if that is even possible - while his tattooed hand delicately caresses your cheek. This is the best kiss of your life.
Jungkook's kiss conveys his desire for you and it's so fucking hot. Knowing you attract him makes you wet. You press your thighs together to prevent the leaking from your pussy. A gasp of surprise escapes your lips, but is silenced by Jungkook's mouth, when you feel his arm going down to grab your ass. The fact that you are in public makes the scene so scandalous but also so arousing. A small part of you is filled with pride that this attractive man is kissing you.
The magical, dream-comes-true moment is shut down by your phone. You both grunt in disappointment when you pull apart. You check your phone with annoyance and internally curse at the person who dared to disturb this fucking good kiss.
However, the euphoria of Jungkook's pulp lips on yours is quickly put aside when you read the message:
"Hi Y/N. I'm sorry to bother you but we really need your help at the gallery. You remember when I told you that working in art business could be handful? Well, your first day will prove it to you: the artist who was supposed to exhibit next month withdrew. Can you come please? Namjoon".
Your heart beating with horniness is replaced by your heart beating with stress. You look up at Jungkook. His lips are shiny and red due to your harsh kiss and his long black hair is a mess, but you also notice the concern in his big eyes.
"I'm sorry, I have to go to work" You don't even recognize your hoarse voice, effect of the arousal in your body
"Right now?" Jungkook exclaims with a clear disappointment
"Yes I'm sorry. There are some problems, they need me..."
You are so frustrated but you also have no choice. You are not going just because it's your first day and you don't want to make a bad impression, but you are going because you do care about the gallery and you are not willing to let your kind colleagues dealing with it alone.
"I'll drive you" Jungkook offers
Your cheeks redden. "Cute" Jungkook thinks. Gosh, he loves so much seeing how you physically respond to his actions. This kiss was one of his best ones. Your little moans turned him on, especially because he knew some other guys have seen and heard the way you two kissed. He can't help but feel possessive towards you. When you stood up earlier to go to the restroom, he knew he wasn't the only one to look at your beautiful ass in this tight white skirt. All your outfit is hot, he wishes he could work with you just to fuck you dressed like that. You look like a good girl he wants to do naughty things to and the fact that some guys looked at you the exact same way makes him mad. He has never been the jealous type but now, his cockiness is fully satisfied: the other men think you are his.
"Thank you, Jungkook. Let's go then"
You stand up and are ready to leave but Jungkook grabs your wrist.
"Can, uhm, can you wait just a few minutes?" He stammers
"Is everything okay?" You ask him, worried
"Yeah, yeah. It's just that..." He is groping for words, not wanting to be too crude. "I can't stand up right now"
He indicates his crotch with his eyes. When your own look down at the so-called area, they widen: there is a clear bulge. You'd dare to say a huge bulge. You blush even more by the sight of it but you also feel the wetness between your legs. You try not to think about how big Jungkook must be and how much you would like to feel him inside you.
So you just sit back down and send a message to Namjoon to tell him you'll be there in few minutes. While waiting for Jungkook's cock to... set down, you try to have a normal conversation with him. You don't know if you're released or disappointed that your crush doesn't seem to care much about the hottest moment of your life. He just keeps talking like nothing happened. Is this normal for him? Does he kiss a lot of girls like that? Because you surely don't and you kind of thought it was special... You hide your sadness behind a smile and thankfully, Jungkook tells you that you are good to go.
You're not surprised with Jungkook's car. His black Mercedes AMG matches his style. But you do feel a little intimidated by the vehicle. It looks so expensive and sporty. You're afraid to scratch the door... The interior of the car is breathtaking: all leather with blue and purple led lights. You spend the whole ride examining all the details. By the way Jungkook is speaking about his car, his 'Mimi' like he calls it, you can see how proud he is about it. And he definitely can. He explains to you that it was his dream car and that he saved all the money that he could when he started to work to buy it. You listen to him, a tender smile on your face that Jungkook can't see because of the night.
He pulls over on the parking lot and you both get out of the car. He walks you to the entrance.
"Thank you so much for the ride Jungkook. If you haven't been there, I would have had to take the bus"
"You're welcome"
You see him hesitate, looking at his feet. You can't guess that, in his head, Jungkook is wondering if he should kiss you goodbye or if you'd find it too intimate. However, he doesn't have time to decide since he sees a tall blond guy coming to you.
"Y/N! You're here, thanks God!"
Jungkook frowns when he watches you smile softy at the guy. 'Who is he?' He wonders. There is no doubt that the feeling squeezing his heart is possessiveness, he has just felt it few minutes ago in the bar when he was kissing you.
"Well, good luck Y/N" he finally decides to say
"Thanks, see you soon!" You hide your disappointment with a smile and wave him good bye. You wished he'd kiss you or hug you.
"Is he your boyfriend?" Namjoon asks when Jungkook is back in his Mercedes
"Jungkook? No, not at all" You blush.
Trying to cover your red cheeks with your hands, you don't notice Namjoon's slight relief.
Your mind is filled with questions after the kiss. Jungkook is not your boyfriend, for sure, but you did make out with him. In public. Eventually, you're glad to spend most of the night working because you won't have to think about what this kiss fucking means. 
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
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Yandere Demon x GN! Reader
Word count 2.3k 
Warning for swearing 
Needless to say, your new roommate was a pain in the neck. Less of a roommate and more of a demon waiting for the moment it can calm your soul, to be precise – but wasn’t much of a difference. A friend of yours had an interest in the dark arts. A bit too much of an interest; seeing as they showed up on your doorstep one day with a dusty, old book and babbling about how it could summon creatures of the damned and unknown. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the courage to try any of the spells on their on; which is why they called upon you to try it out. 
You were skeptical, as most people would be, but the second your drop of blood hit your bedroom floor your expectations were shattered. The surface spilt in two as if the droplet were the hand of Moses; cries of the wicked fleeing the chasm like sirens although far from harmonious. An ebony skeleton reached through, gripping at your rub; flesh and muscle forming over its bones as it crawled outward. It had two sets of jaws; one where a mouth would normally be and the other diagonal down its face between where it’s eyes would be down to where its normal one was. Four, eyeless sockets fall on you; dual irises that filled each space studying your small frame. 
The creature would stand to full height; inches from scraping your ceiling. Horns hindered its moving space further; two twisting masses that arched backwards against its skull. Swirls and other patterns covered its pinkish skin. Transform near complete; it lets out a loud screech – the flesh of its face creeping over its blackened tongue and sharp teeth. It brings two talons to its chin, cracking its neck to an ninety degree angle before it falls back in place. Despite its lack of lips, its chest exhales; finally finding words to speak. 
“Ah… It’s been so long since I’ve been to the mortal realm..” It chuckles darkly as it turns to you. You had been sitting in the corner the whole time, trying not to fall into the now closed hole in your floor.
“And who might you be?....”
You remain silent. 
“At a lost for words? I don’t blame you. Most people tend to doubt my existence, even when they summon me. Let’s not delay this encounter longer than we have to.”
It leans forward, offering a hand as its cheeks stretched in what you imagine to be a smile.
“Worry not, human. I shall lay you no harm, until the day of your demise. Upon death, your soul will be mine, but until then my power is yours. What is your first order, master?” 
You stare at his hand. “…. Leave.”
“As you wi- wait, excuse me?”
“Can you just – leave? Like you said I didn’t expect this to work and I’m not even the one who wanted to see if you were real in the first place.”
“You’re telling me, you used an ancient book of knowledge to summon me.”
“And that you don’t want me here.” 
“And the thought of unlimited wealth or power is meaningless to you?”
“Yes?.... Can you go now?”
Two weeks had passed since them. The demon tried everything to get you to use his power in any way  from offering things mankind should never witness, to hiding your household items in hopes you’d ask for his assistance. He couldn’t deny that you were interesting, but your dismissal was like a slap in the face to him. He’d swore to make you acknowledge him eventually and in a way that day did come. 
You had just come home from work; tired to all heck and aching for rest. Before you could get some much needed sleep, you had to fill your stomach first. You hadn’t gone grocery shopping and it was too late to order, so you’d just have to scrounge up whatever you could find. As you walked into the kitchen, you smelt something pleasant – like a mirage your overworked brain had conjured. One that blended with reality the further you entered the room. 
Resting on the table was a plate of your favorite food; heat radiating as if it had just came out fresh. You eye it cautiously; known that demon was up to something- but you were too hungry to care. You take your seat and pick up the utensil; taking a bite. As if you had just opened the portal to hell once more, the demon appeared at the other end of your table.
“I see you’ve eaten the meal I made for you. If you just used my power, you could have a personal chef making finer meals for you every-"
“It’s good.”
“You said you made this right? Like, no demon magic involved?”
“Well, of course. I’ve been a servant for mortals in the past and had to learn how to care for your kind – such as the ways of culinary arts.” 
“It’s not bad, good job. Make sure you clean up before you leave though.” 
The demon is at a lost for words. At this point he was loosing hope in gaining your attention, and he finally had it though briefly. Goosebumps raised his tuff skin. Why did it feel so different getting praise from you, and over something so small at that? He watches you eat your meal till you had your fill; one pair of eyes pointed at the silver passing your lips. He picks it up once you leave for bed, picking at the remains of your food. He takes a bite himself. It was good, as you stated. He knew it would be, but the utensil stayed at the roof of his mouth longer than needed not for the flavor.
After that day, he began doing more household chores for your favor. Cleaning, waking you up on time for work – even mending tears in your old clothes. The rules of the contract between you two required a verbal order from you for it to be pact, but he did all without asking no longer just to fulfill his role. The slouch in his back would straight for a while whenever you begrudgingly ate the food he made or took a clean shirt from his hands; standing tall with pride. He began following you when you left home too, claiming due to the contract he couldn’t be far. Fortunately, he was able to make himself invisible to others, but a seven foot tall demon in the corner of the room wasn’t the most pleasant thing to great customers in front of.
He made his affections known for you at the stroke of midnight one cool summer night; whispering words of loyalty to you while he thought you were asleep. 
All of this led to where you where today; sitting on your couch across from your bewildered friend as your oversized hound peeled fruit behind you with his talons. They watch in fearful awe as he hummed away, breaking the fruit off into pieces for you to eat. His large hands reach over the back of the couch to offer it to you; palm big enough to crush your head like a grape if he so pleased. 
“Open wide, Y/n~ Every human likes apples and they’re good for you.”
“..I’m good.”
He lets out a creaky whine. “But I’m not making dinner for another two hours and I want to make sure you’ll be fine until then.”
You look over at your friend. “You seen what I’ve had to deal with for the past three months?”
The demon takes your lack of a response as an ultimate refusal. Disheartened, he opens his mouth; the skin covering his teeth tearing open as his jaw unhinged. Two lines of flesh remained intact on either side of his lips, giving him the appearance of having three mouths. He shovels the entire fruit down his throat without evening chewing; remaining complete eye contact with your friend the entire time. He pulls the core from his mouth with a grin.
“I- uh…I.” They stammered; too afraid of the glare they were beneath to speak – going pale as the demon runs his tongue over his jagged teeth. Of course they didn’t think believe you when you called them over to deal with the demon you summoned, but now that they were here they were seconds away from shitting bricks. The air had been hostile from the second they stepped foot in your home. Your demon guard didn’t take too kindly to guests. Though they’d never mention it publicly, they were sure he even growled at them while you were in the bathroom. 
“Anyway.. I need your help to get rid of it.”
They freeze, eyes carefully shifting up to the demon. How could you be so bold right in front of him? He flinched. His eyes narrowed; hatred burning yet none of it directed towards you. His expression softens in an instance; followed by another displeased noise as he speaks.
“Baron. My name is Baron, Y/n. And stop talking about getting rid of me. I haven’t tried to take your soul in weeks.”
More of a recent feat, he had started going by the name Baron. He tried to get you to get him to give him one, but you refused. Good thing too, since it would only make your bond stronger.
“I’ll call you whatever I want.”
He perks up. “Does that mean you’ll give me a name?” 
“…Moving on. Do you think you can help?”
“What happened to the book?”
“Got burnt up when I summoned him.” You point at the charred booklet on the table, wilted pages barely held together by its leather. There even seemed to be a few claw marks in it. Baron looks away.
“I.. I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thank God..” You relax as if a boulder had been lifted off your shoulders. The conversation doesn’t last much longer after that. You lead them to the door, Baron standing post behind the couch. You pull them into a hug, to their surprise. 
“Thanks again. It’ll be nice to spend some time with you again.”
They slowly wrap their arms around you, blush tinting their face. “Yeah…”
What could have been a calm moment between friends becomes a horror filled nightmare for one as they look over your shoulder. Drilling rage in the form of a medusa like stare; freezing them into place. If looks could kill, your friend would be dead for several lifetimes. Baron lifts the core of the apple, crushing it to pulp in his hand. He licks its juices off his hand before pulling his digits into a shushing motion. They suddenly gain use of their legs again and run off.
You return to the couch, plopping down on it with a sigh. Baron continues to stare at the door, dark aura surrounding him. He suddenly snaps his head back to you, bubbly as can be.
“Hey, Y/n? Can we watch more of that show you were watching last night? I made sure to pause it after you fell asleep!”
The entire ride home your friend felt like something was watching them. In a state of paranoia, they had to make sure the front door was locked four times. In the confines of their room, they allow themself to relax slightly. They crawl under the blankets, cocooning within them in a need for safety. After a while, the comfort melts away. They couldn’t get over the feeling that something was watching, and – they were right. 
In the corner of their room, Baron stood in silence, eyes glowing in the dark. Their ceiling was lower than yours; giving him an even taller silhouette and making the room feel small. They couldn’t even bring themself to scream; a frightened whimper escaping their throat.
“W...what are you doing here?”
“Do you take me for a cuck?”
“I said….” He steps forward, the diagonal mouth on his face visible and baring teeth with a growl. His voice stays low, teetering on aggressive. “Do you think I’m a fucking cuck?”
“N-no… I don’t.”
“Then why the fuck are you trying to steal my mate?!” He slams his hands on the bed frame with an emphasis on the word “fuck", drawing another yelp from your friend.
“I don’t like them like that! I…. I thought you couldn’t be away from them!”
“That was just a lie I told them so we wouldn’t be apart. They’re mine.”
“Ok.. ok. Please just… don’t hurt me.”
Baron chuckles. “You’re pathetic. If you had been my master I would have rung your neck on the first day.”
In an act of rebellion, your friend speaks up. “Why do you even want them so badly in the first place.” 
“With age comes different needs. They’re that need I’ve awaited to quench for thousands of years. Stay away from Y/n or I swear I’ll drag you to hell by your tongue.”
Baron slips back into the darkness, leaving them shaking in fear for their life.
“Huh… Not answering again.”
You set your phone on the table, ending the call before voice-mail message could play; knowing it was already full. You were on the couch once more; trapped to the cushions by Baron. His head rested on your lap, horns against you chest and legs dangling off the side; trying not to pull all his weight on you. You reluctantly let him stay there due to said weight. You had been trying to call your friend for the past few days with no luck, even showing up to their vacant home when you began to worry.
Baron opens both left eyes. “Maybe they’re on vacation. Or got eaten by a bear. Who knows, who cares.”
“Did you have something to do with this?”
He gasps. “Y/n, I am offended…. But if you order me to answer, then I’ll have no choice but to.”
5K notes · View notes
Show You Off
Nanami Kento x Reader
(Song Inspiration: Agora Hills by Doja Cat)
You are happy. Happy with your life and happy with your relationship. Nanami Kento was more than you could ever ask for. He is a gentleman of his word and he always puts you first before himself. And so, you do the same. But you could tell that he didn’t want that from you. He wants you comfortable and happy from him.
In public, he is a reserved man. For the past two years, he would seldom hold your hand when you two walk around Tokyo. But the subtle gestures of him opening the door and the sidewalk rule was always enough for you. But when you two were alone, he wouldn’t let his hands off of you. So you didn’t mind it.
But it did bug you when women go up to him when you walk away to grab something or leave his side to go to the bathroom. Nanami would stand there with crossed arms. He would frown and shake his head every time, resulting disappointment in all the women that try to ask him out.
“You’re mad again,” he would say as he reached out to rest his hand on your thigh. You relaxed and smiled. He made sure that you were the only one for him.
“I want you to be more affectionate in public,” you said. Nanami was surprised with your simple request but he nodded with a smile.
“Anything for you, my love,” he said. You quickly turned to him in shock.
“Wait, what?” Nanami just shrugged.
“I mean, it’s not like I don’t care when I hold your hand or kiss you in public. I don’t mind it,” he said. You felt your heart race. You smiled and placed your hand on his.
“Then, we can hold hands often out in public?”
“And I can get kisses? Not make out sessions or anything.” You blushed at the thought of Nanami showing major PDA. Nanami chuckled, squeezing your hand.
“Little things, darling,” he said. “I thought you weren’t comfortable with it. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, Kento-kun!” you exclaimed. “I just…I want the women to know that you’re mine.” Nanami brought your hand up to his lips and kissed it.
“But you do know that I will always want you right? And that you’re mine?”
“Yes,” you answered shyly. You couldn’t stop blushing. “I just need them to know.”
“I’ll make sure that they’ll know.”
And he made sure. When the two of you were out on dates, he held your hand and pulled you in close to him. He would wrap his arm around your shoulders and he would steal kisses from you every now and then. He loves giving you forehead kisses in public.
You noticed he’s been stressed lately. He’ll arrive home with his body tense. He was quieter than usual. And when you worked your overnight shifts, his texts were short as he would head to bed early. So recently, you would clean up around the apartment you and Nanami shared and cook/buy dinner.
“I appreciate it, my love,” he would say and kiss you softly on the lips. “Didn’t you have an exam though?” You nodded but you kissed him reassuringly.
“Don’t worry about it, okay?” you said Nanami nodded. “You’ve seem stressed lately.” Nanami kissed your forehead tenderly.
“You’re amazing.”
You were studying in the cafe that you frequent since you decided to go for your master’s degree. Another exam was coming up. Nanami was still returning home stressed. Your schedule was getting busier. And you and Nanami weren’t able to go out on frequent dates. However, Nanami never failed to show his love to you. He’ll surprise you with snacks, lunches when you study, flowers, and cafe visits during his shift.
You quietly groaned to yourself. It has been almost two weeks and you missed him so much. You looked out the window and your heart dropped. Outside was Nanami wearing a scowl on his face when a woman was clinging on to his arm. You watched him pull away before turning inside the cafe. The woman pouted and chased after him.
The sudden feeling of insecurities hit you. She was taller and has long, slim legs. Her physique is slim and you can see that she was toned. She wore a dark blue uniform, similar to Gojo’s and Mei Mei’s. And come to think of it, you don’t recognize her and you met everyone already.
“Darling,” you heard Nanami call. His voice pulled you out of your insecure thoughts. You watched him walk up to you with a smile on his face. He took the seat next to you and kissed your lips.
“Kento-kun!” The two of you pulled away. You stared at the woman from earlier. “Oh…you weren’t lying.” Nanami sighed. The woman stared you up and down before glaring at you. “Kento-kun, aren’t we going on our mission?”
“It’s your mission,” he said. “I never agreed to go.”
“But then, why did you come all the way here?! I thought you were following me?”
“No, you followed me. I already planned to surprise my beautiful girlfriend here.” You blushed. She irritably stomped away from the cafe. You heard him sigh with relief. You placed your hand on his arm worriedly. Nanami gave you a soft smile. “Surprise.”
“Kento-kun,” you called. Nanami couldn’t help but kiss your lips softly.
“I love it when you call my name,” he said. “And I miss you. It’s been a while. You don’t mind me staying with you while you study?”
“Not at all, Kento-kun!” You were so happy to have him by your side. “Who is she anyway?”
“New faculty,” Nanami mumbled. “She’s going to get transferred to Kyoto in a couple of weeks.”
“That’s a relief. Is that why you were coming home stressed?” Nanami nodded.
“When you’re done studying, do you want to go on a date?”
“I would love to.”
“Maybe making out in public isn’t so bad,” he whispered in your ear. You blushed and Nanami chuckled as he lightly kissed your nose. “I noticed you were jealous.”
“I-I mean…yeah, I was.”
“But you know you’re the only one I love.”
“You never fail to.”
134 notes · View notes
courtingchaos · 1 year
Pure Academia
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Pairing: Older Professor!Eddie x Older Reader
Summary: You and Eddie get to have a little alone time in his office.
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: Not really a warning, but Eddie is 56 and reader is in their 30's, do with that what you will. Soft dom stuff if you squint, a little drinking. (18+ NSFW)
A/N: Hey besties, this is another one for @newlips milestone of love. I promise it's the last one, I just had a stroke of luck happen these past few days and was able to get these out. I rolled a 15 on @word-wytch list and got Professor!Eddie! There's like a lot of hands in mouths in this, I'm obviously going through something. Have fun out there kids!
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“You get dinner without me?”
He can see you sitting with your legs crossed, perched on the edge of his desk in the shadow of his dim office. He was sure he’d left the lights on when he left. 
“Why are you hiding in the dark?” When he pulls the door closed behind him, he makes sure to click the lock. Goes to flip the light switch and you let out an ‘ah!’, clicking your tongue at him. 
“Did that on purpose. I have a surprise for you.”
“We’re celebrating.”
“Oh we are?”
“Mhm.” The ambient light from outside casts through the blinds and over you. He can make out your outstretched arm, beckoning finger curling towards him. He smiles at you but doesn’t move forward, just takes his jacket off and hangs it on the hook behind the door. 
“What are we celebrating?”
“I just filed my paperwork for graduation.” 
He knows this, saw the email you CC’d him on before he left earlier. 
“Oh did you now?” 
You drop your hand and he takes a few steps forward, notices the open bottle of wine beside you, your shoes on the floor. His eyes trail up your bare feet swinging a little over the side of the desk, calves flexing with the movement. 
“Is that a new dress?” He’s got his hands in his pockets so you don’t see him clenching his fists. So you don’t see how quickly he’s falling for this little display. 
“Bought it this morning.” You sound so proud, and you should be. 7 years of school finally done, masters degree in your clutches. He thinks you deserve all the things you want actually, damn the price. 
Takes those final few steps, reaches out to run a finger over your bare knee. You circle his wrist and huff through your nose, playing with the leather banded watch there. 
“It looks good. Is this what you’re gonna wear under your gown?”
“Nope. This one’s just for you.” You look up at him through your lashes, eyes heavy and shining. You’re not drunk but you’ve obviously started the party without him. 
Your hand trails up his arm from his wrist, fingertips tracing over all the ink there. Stopping at the rolled cuff of his button up you slide your fingers under to gently grip at his elbow. “I saw it and thought of you.” Rubbing your fingers softly over his skin, your other hand moves to slide the hem up your thigh a little more, the black silk cool against you. 
It’s a slinky little thing, just long enough to cover your ass, the back wide open and dipping low. It clings to your shoulders with thin straps and drapes down low in the front to show off your deep cleavage. His eyes have been roaming all over you since he walked in, taking in your body under the cling of the silk. He dances his fingers up your thigh to clutch at the soft skin there. Watches your eyelashes flutter. 
“You think about me when you buy pretty things?” Voice deep and hushed he’s moved fully into your space now, breath ghosting over your cheek. You uncross your legs so you can scoot closer and cage his hips in with your knees. He keeps a grip on your thigh and you wish he’d just grab you up to him already. 
“Just me?”
“Only you.” The smirk on your face has him blushing while you move to unbutton his shirt, your fingers making him giddy and he feels like he’s 20 again and fumbling around in the dark for the first time. 
Only you.
He pulls his hands from your body, only to still yours at his buttons. 
“What?” You look a little confused, tilt your head at him and continue smirking. 
He pauses to smile back at you, eyes crinkling at the corners, taking a moment to just hold your hands in his. 
You can feel his heartbeat under his shirt, can feel it speed up a little when he smiles down at you and he’s just so handsome. You’ve seen photos of him in his 20’s and while you know you would have still fallen for him then, it can’t compare to now. The low light catches the silver shot through his dark brown hair, curls pulled back loose behind him. He’s covered in tattoos, though all placed to be hidden under a collar and cuffs. 
‘Such is the life of an English professor.’
The rings on his hands are more subtle now, more expensive, where they sit warm on yours. He’s a lot more put together, more presentable. Any time you’ve said that he pulls a face, crosses his eyes and sticks his tongue out at you. 
‘Only at work, Ed.’ 
The time you two spend alone outside of his office is sacred, no peerage around to stare and ask questions. No students knocking his office door down with questions that have answers in the syllabus. 
He’s relaxed and goofy; comfortable and engaged. 
Most importantly unbuttoned, which you set to work at again while his eyes roam your face. You can feel a blush starting to form at the crux of your chest. It blossoms up and over your neck, behind your ears. It isn’t just the wine making your neck hot, mostly it’s his intense stare keeping track of your movements. His hands fall and slide up to your hips, inching the already short slip further up. His thumbs nearly brush each other, hands splayed so wide across the tops of your thighs and when he swipes them up under the hem, he lets out a huff. Glances down and back up at you. “No underwear?”
You shake your head and grin, cheeks rosy and eyes glittering. “Told you I had a surprise.” 
Untucking his shirt to finally pull it off and throw it on the chair behind him, immediately trying to work your hands up inside his undershirt to touch his stomach. 
He’s all soft skin and softer belly, a thing he admonishes you for liking so much. You make it a point every time he rolls his eyes, to show him just how much it means to you. Tracing all his tattoos across his chest down to his hips, fingertips light and lips heavier, especially around the big scars that litter his body. He’s never fully explained, doesn’t need to for you to see how much they bother him so it’s no problem, your pleasure in fact, to remind him just how handsome he is. 
With your hands busy trailing hot across his chest he takes his opportunity to pull your hem up fully and hold the bunched fabric against your hip in his left hand. His right glides up between your thighs and he runs his index finger lightly up the middle of you. It makes you shiver, eyes falling shut for a moment. He does it again, this time slipping three fingers in to flutter through your folds and up and over your clit. Your nails dig in lightly at his pecks and he’s in love with the little noises you’re making. 
He keeps up the movement, gentle and light and repetitive until you’ve dropped your forehead on his chest, breath hot and damp against the cotton of his shirt. You can feel the laugh rumble out of him but you’re too busy watching his fingers move deftly between your legs to say anything. 
“You watchin’ me?” He leans his head down, whispers it into your hair and digs his left hand in a little tighter to your hip. 
“Yes.” You breath out, dropping your hands to grip at his belt to try and pull him closer. He won’t budge but he does bump your knee with his thigh, suggesting you open your legs wider. His fingers keep their light pace but only over your clit, the three fingers strumming over and over and you’d like to make a joke about not being one of his hollow bodies but it dies on your tongue when he tips your chin up to look at him.
Thumb running over your bottom lip, he pulls at it and leans in for a soft kiss. You let out a moan and he swallows it, takes the opportunity to sink two fingers into you and you buckle. His hand moves from your chin to your jaw to hold you in place while he curls his fingers upwards and there it is. He watches your eyes roll back, sees the shudder that rolls through your shoulders. 
You want to drop your head back and whine but he’s got a grip on you, gives your head a little shake. 
“Hey, look at me.” 
You bring your attention back to his face. His words are soft, tone quiet but the pressure from his hand keeps you still. Forces you to stare at him. He keeps eye contact and pulls your face closer so your lips ghost over each other, breath spilling between you two while he speeds up his movements. The slick sound of his fingers working you open fill the quiet of his office, your whimpers swallowed up by his mouth hovering. 
“You look beautiful baby.” He murmurs, slowing down his hand to drag his fingertips along that sensitive spot deep in your cunt, grinds the heel of his palm up against your clit. Your breath hitches in your chest with his movements but you smile, a quiet ‘thank you’ whispered up at him. 
His hand wanders from your jaw to hold the back of your neck and pin you in place, keeping you as still as he can when he moves his fingers faster. He can feel you clenching around him, can hear how close you’re getting. Between the near constant whine coming out of you and the grip you have on his belt he knows to pull back his hand. It takes a second for you to register, devastated, that he’s stopped. 
“You think I’m just going to finger you on my desk like we’re freshmen?” 
God, you were so close, he can see it in the glazed over confusion in your eyes. 
“I don’t care it felt good.” A quiver of your bottom lip, impatience laced in your words. 
“Oh I know baby, I’m sorry.” He coos at you. Runs the middle finger of his right hand, the one soaked in you, across your bottom lip. He wants to pinch the plushness between his fingers and pull it down, watch it pop back into place. Ed loves your mouth, all of it, but especially your lips. Soft and warm and pink-
Your tongue snakes out and wraps around his finger, drawing it in. The soft velvet of your mouth reminds him of where those fingers were a moment ago and he pushes his ring finger in too. You moan around his hand and while he’s distracted you finally get his belt undone, whipping it out of the loops and sending it clattering beside you. 
The hand on your neck tightens, “Do you taste good? Hm?” There’s a breathlessness to him now watching you suck on his fingers. “Gonna let me have a taste?”
He pulls his hand away with a wet pop from your lips. Where you think he’ll come in for a kiss he instead drops down to his knees, both hands kneading at the sensitive inside of your thighs. A last glance upward before he dives in to run the full flat of his tongue up your sex and over your clit. A gasp and a throaty laugh escape you and you thread a hand into his hair, pulling out the tie to let his curls loose. They’re soft where they fall against your legs and Ed shakes his head against you. The light dusting of stubble on his jaw scratches, a burn that you relish, and the contrast of it and his firm tongue put you right back on the precipice. 
“Ed-Eddie oh my god I missed you today.” You’re talking, trying to keep your focus so this isn’t all over too soon. You can feel him smile before he changes it up, licking up to suck on your clit. “Oh fuck-k me.” 
“Plan on it.” He mumbles against your skin. You have to lean back on your free hand so you don’t topple over off the desk. From this new angle you can watch him over your chest, his dark eyes flicking up to you when you shift back. One of his big hands slides up your dress and yanks down on the fabric. He only breaks the suction on you to tell you to move the straps of the dress. 
“Don’t want to rip this.”
Shimmying the top down to bunch at your waist, his hand finds your skin again, rough pads of his fingers skate over your nipple and you jump slightly. When he pinches one your head rolls back and you finally get to let out that whine. He takes that as a cue and brings his fingers back, circling your entrance to tease before dipping back in. 
That’s all it takes, one little brush upwards. Your hand in his hair tightens and pulls and his eyes roll back in his head. His senses full of you when your thighs squeeze around his ears and you gush on his fingers, taste as sweet as ever. 
He lets off of you sensitive bud with a pop, a shiver going up your spine when he keeps pumping his fingers in and out. 
“Eddie, I th-thought we-we weren’t fresh-man.” You stutter at him, overstimulated, hand coming from behind you to wind between your legs, grabbing his wrist in a weak attempt to stop him. 
“No, but you just feel so god damn good.” His voice is husky and he punctuates his statement with a final deep flutter of his fingers. Pulls them out and wiggles them in your face. 
You’re breathing heavy, hand still wrapped in his hair. You stare hard at him before opening your mouth again, eyelids drooping when he places three fingers on your tongue. 
He doesn’t need to tell you to suck. 
You thought he was done with you but his tongue is wicked when he licks at your cunt again, tip dipping in to taste. The groan vibrates out of him and you clench down. Thighs tight around his head, teeth digging into his knuckles. 
A few more broad tongued laps at you and he stands up, keeps his fingers in your mouth. Your hand drops from his head; wild eyes follow his movements where he leans over to grab the wine bottle. He takes a swig, eyes never leaving yours. He moves his fingers in your mouth and raises an eyebrow. 
Keep sucking.
You do and he takes another sip. Pulls the bottle down to squint at it in the dark, to mutter. 
“Need my fucking glasses…this my Sullivan Merlot?”
You shake your head and mumble around his hand ‘no I bought it this morning.’ Ed nods like he understood you. 
“Well it pairs well with you, don’t you think?”
A nod from you, a chuckle from him. One last sip and he sets the bottle down and removes his fingers suddenly. 
“Hold on babe.” He undoes his pants and pushes them down with his underwear just past his hips. Your breathing has picked up again at the sight of him, the tattoos on his thighs just peeking out over the band of his boxers. Cock heavy and flushed, he uses the hand covered in your spit to squeeze at the fat head before sliding back down, languidly giving himself a few strokes. 
“You know I’m proud of you, right?” He grins at you watching him stroke himself. Knows he’s got you right where he wants you. “Baby?”
“Yea.” Your eyes snap up to his. Soft hands grab for him and he lets you take over, a low groan when you wrap around his length. Your other hand grips his balls and the groan gets louder, longer. 
“Good girl.”
You love watching him break down like this. When he has to lean forward into you, hands braced on either side of your hips while you move your hand up and down. The subtle rocking of his hips. You try to lean your head down to spit on his cock but a firm ‘no’ makes you look back up at him. 
“C’mere.” Big hands pull you towards the edge, almost off the desk and he uses one to move your own hands off of him. With nothing to grab, they fall on his shoulders and wind up in his locks again to tug. 
“Keep doing that.”
Another pull and he slides the fat head of his cock against your folds and over your abused clit. It makes you gasp and he does it again a few times to feel your legs shake and jump around him. He taps your knee and you wrap your thighs around him. 
He sinks in like he’s never left, you both sigh like it’s been years. Fingers flex at his scalp and his eyes roll back again, snaps his hips back to slam into you. It punches out a cry and he knows he’s hitting you deep, feels how quick you squeeze down on him. 
“Jesus you feel amazing.” 
“Ed please move.” Your heels dig into his lower back and a hand moves down his front, splaying flat against his stomach. He rolls his hips again and watches your mouth fall open on a silent whimper. 
“Like that?”
You nod, hand scrambling to ruck the hem of his shirt up. Hot palm against his hot skin where it runs up and over the edge of one of the old scars. 
One last snap of his hips before he brings his right hand up to stuff fingers back on your tongue. Your laugh turns into a moan turns into something garbled around his hand when he starts fucking into you. Holding you in place with a hand planted behind you and the one gripping your jaw, he looses himself in you for a while. 
You pull at his hair when you feel yourself getting close again, another orgasm waiting to burn through you but it doesn’t slow him down. Mumbled string of his name in your already full mouth you go stiff for a moment and then loose, a long cry pitching high and whiny and he pulls you closer. He’s relentless, his cock hitting deep on every stroke and he starts to feel the building of his own release. 
Drops his head into the crook of your neck and kisses wherever he can reach. When he feels your jaw unclench he moves his hand to cradle your head, moves up your neck and to your swollen lips. You pull at him again, strands still wound around your fist, and he kisses you hard. Slips his tongue between your teeth and you taste like merlot and your own spend and he can hear himself desperately whimpering. He barely registers it, the stutter of his movements before it sneaks up on him. 
Your nails drag across his skin and his scar, the tugging on the back of his head and he’s undone. Eyes squeezing shut, a muttered ‘fuck fuck fuck’ punctuating the rock of his hips where he comes deep in you, can feel you pulling him in tighter with your legs. 
When the ringing of his ears starts to fade he feels your hands warm against his face, your lips dotting kisses. 
“I love you Ed.” Whispered against the bridge of his nose. “You’re so good to me.” Against the lines around his eyes. “Thank you thank you thank you.” Against the underside of his jaw, up against the slowing pulse point. 
He’s trying to catch his breath and stay close to you. Fully enjoying the soft doting of you while he comes back down to earth. 
He notices his knees first, the ache creeping the same way his back probably will soon. There’s a reason you two are always in a bed when you do this. 
“Hey, come back here with me.” He pulls out of you, hissing slightly, and leans back to fall into the plush visitor chair behind him. Waves a hand at you to follow. When you stand you let the dress fall off your hips and Eddie halfheartedly wolf whistles.
“You know, if I wasn’t such a fucking old man I’d say that’d set me up for round two.” It’s self depreciating, his own ageism against himself. 
“You need like two hours and you’re ready to go again. No big deal.” You wave him off and climb into his lap, legs draped over the arm of the chair and tucked up under his chin. 
“Two hours and a blue pill.”
“Oh you mean your aleve?”
He swats at your exposed tit and you yelp. Call him a dick and he just sticks his tongue out at you. A few minutes of bickering and you shut him up with a kiss. 
“Now’s the time to ask for a really nice graduation present.” He thinks he’s funny. You don’t know it but he’s got your copy of the key to his brownstone in his desk. Got a nice little box and everything. Put his own masters degree to good use and wrote you a good long letter about moving in and on with him. 
You fiddle with the watch on the arm that's wrapped around you. Cheeky, you ask, “Can I get a matching Breitling?”
“You know Steve got me that for my 50th, right?”
“Okay, can Steve get me a matching one?”
Eddie laughs and pulls you close again, your nose nestled against his throat. 
"I'll ask him."
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bethelighthalazia · 3 months
I was scared!
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Summary:  You and Jongho were a couple for almost a year, you visited a concert of his, standing in barricade spots. Noone could have imagined that you suddenly can't be found in the crowd anymore, which had suddenly started to push each other slightly. Completely written from Jongho´s point of view.
Pairing: bf!Jongho x fem!reader, established relationship
Word Count:  1233
Warnings: angsty (?), mentioned panic attack/anxiety, mentioned crowded place, description of fear (?), fluff in the end
[note: it´s not very long, but i had fun writing it from Jongho´s point of view. RE-UPLOAD from my old blog @/justsomedreaming]
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© by bethelighthalazia. Do not repost, copy or translate. Unless stated otherwise, those works are mine and born from my own ideas. I don't have any claim on the mentioned real existing Idols whatsoever.
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Y/n. She has been the light of my life for almost a year now. The both of us met during a fansign, I just fell in love with her that day and soon we had started dating. Even though it was hard at first with keeping it hidden, I soon decided to make it public. I didn't want to hide my feelings for her, nor how happy y/n made me. Hongjoong and the other hyungs were very supportive and welcomed y/n into our lives. She finished her fashion master's degree only shortly before we started dating and soon, Hongjoong hyung helped her with getting a job in our stylist team, mainly responsible for the outfits. That way, she was able to stay close with us. 
This time though, she wanted to see our performance from ATINY's view once again, so I made sure to get her a VIP ticket and backstage pass. We once customized a Lightiny for each other, which she took with her when we arrived at the location and she had to find her spot in the audience area. 
The moment we stepped out on stage, I found her gaze, never truly letting her out of sight, not only because I couldn't resist looking at my beautiful girlfriend, but also to check on her. I knew she struggles with crowded places and it was very clear to us that the host didn't meet all safety measures fully. The audience was squished into the rather tight space, I could see y/n slowly struggling and losing her calm expression. Even her eyes told me that she was terrified of all the people pushing and squeezing against each other. For a moment, only a few seconds, I looked at our captain to see his reaction to the situation, he had stopped the last performance to assess the problem. When I looked back to where y/n was standing, my heart stopped.
She wasn't there anymore. All of a sudden, I couldn't find y/n’s beautiful face anywhere in the crowd. Hongjoong hyung actually started to tell people to stop pushing into the areas, Mingi hyung told the security to open side gates, so the fans could get out safely since we finished the last song. The host really didn't plan it well and the hyungs were furious. But I couldn't focus on anything, a stinging pain in my chest when worry took over. What if y/n got hurt or was having a panic attack and I wasn't there for her? 
I didn't even realize that my body had moved until a hand around my upper arm stopped me from climbing down the stage to find her.
“Jongho, you can't.” It was Seonghwa hyung’s voice, and even though I knew he was right, I pulled against his grip. Only when another set of hands helped him to hold me back, they managed to navigate me from the stage and out of the building through one of the backstage doors. When the cold air hit me, I just dropped onto the stairs, a dry sob escaping me. “Sh- she was in the crowd there…y/n was- I didn't see her anymore-” 
My voice cracked, an icy feeling wrapped around my heart, my chest felt as if something coiled around it and squeezed all air out of my lungs. My hand was still clinging to my microphone, the little lucky charm that y/n made for me dangling from its end. I know that my eyes were aimlessly glancing around, it all felt like a blur of my vision, not able to make out a real thought aside of my worry for y/n. Well, that is until I noticed the Lightiny in the corner of my eyes. Y/n’s Lightiny. Holding my breath, I turned my head just a bit, another dry sob squeezed out between my lips when I saw that it was San holding it. He must have been standing with me all the time, because I could hear him thank someone for bringing it out to us and asking them to keep searching.
When he heard the sound I made, he sat down beside me, resting his empty hand on my shoulder, I could feel it squeeze comfortably. “Y/m, is she-” I whispered, my voice cracking once again, tears starting to sting in my eyes when San just shook his head. “Not yet. They found it with her stuff near one of the backstage doors. We hope that she slipped out and just hid backstage to calm down.” 
His words just increased my worries. What if she got pushed and got hurt physically? Did she maybe stumble and hit her head or worse? A quiet cracking sound got to my ears, but I didn't pay attention, only thinking about her. That is, until San's hand pried my hand open to release my microphone from it, I squeezed it hard enough to break it. I didn't even notice that a little piece of it had cut into my palm.
“Found y/n.” 
It was only quietly that I heard these words, my vision blurry as I stood up, almost knocking over San who was supporting me, because I must have swayed a little, when standing up, I got slightly dizzy from the sudden change of position. “T- they found her?” My voice still hoarse, I moved automatically, blinking quickly when I walked inside into the darker surroundings and out of the sunlight. San walked directly behind me, I could feel his hand on my back from time to time but when I saw her, I stopped. Seonghwa had his outfit jacket around her shoulders, speaking calmly at her. “Y/n…” 
She must've heard my voice, because y/n looked up and her eyes widened as she suddenly ran towards me. Her arms wrapping around my middle, I stumbled slightly backwards, falling onto my butt, pulling her with me. My own arms wrapped around her, I made sure to keep her on top of me, so she wouldn't possibly get hurt. I couldn't stop myself from hiding my face against her neck, just holding her close for now.
“Y/n…I- I was so scared-”
My voice cracked once again and I could feel her body being shaken by sobs, my hyungs just staring at me for what I had said. They never really witnessed me being scared, so this was a first for them. Behind us, I could hear Seonghwa telling San in a whispering voice, that they had found y/n in our backstage room where we had prepared, hiding under one of my coats that I wore on our way here. This actually let me chuckle a bit in between my own quiet sobs, of course she hid in the most obvious spot and yet no one found her for a while.
This day truly showed me what fear feels like, especially the fear of possibly losing the person who makes me whole. I had been so scared she could have gotten hurt or anything, that everything only felt like a blur for me. When I looked at her, I couldn't help but take her face in both my hands to kiss her, the first time I did so in front of anyone, but I didn't care. I was just so relieved that she was alright. 
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taglist: @mingis-mizu, @tinyelfperson
(if you want to be added to a taglist, follow the taglist-link in my pinned post)
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inthisvaleoftears · 27 days
(Urgent) I’m taking commissions
Hello my loves, I never thought I would have to do this again, but I really need help right now. I am doing art/translation commissions again, if you’ve known me since the pandemic you will remember I started to work in order to help my parents after my dad lost his job and got depressed, and was at the time too sad to do anything. I thought my parents were doing fine post pandemic since my dad got the will to study to get a masters degree, but my mom told me very recently that she is in debt (around S/ 20k peruvian soles or maybe more) and I’ve been weighing the options we currently have.
I know I haven’t been a good child to them. I dropped out of uni, and then dropped out of art school because I am too sick (clinical depression) to go. I am currently looking for a job as a waiter, and that money will go towards easing my mom’s debt. My best bet is looking for expensive restaurants, because foreigners come and go, and I’ve heard they leave big tips. I only speak spanish (mother tongue) and english (second language) fluently and I have faith that this privilege will help me. I’m trying, I really am.
Aside from doing this separately in order to help my parents, I am working on commissions (both art and translation) to help my partner. If I thought that my family had it bad, when I met and started dating my boyfriend it became clear that what we were going through is nothing. He is a very sweet boy, and he treats me like I am an angel, but he is my angel. He’s had it very rough. He’s struggling with addiction and I fret over him constantly, because he lives very far from where I do and if he were to be in any danger I wouldn’t be able to reach him in time.
Aside from struggling with drug addiction since he was a child, he left his home this year, and started living alone. I know that it is not ideal, but he was desperate to get away from his mom. I don’t want to be judgemental, but she is not a good person, he’s told me many things about her and I cannot trust her. To beat your son, to insult him, to make him feel like he’s a bad person, to make him feel like he’s nothing is so terrible. He once told me the last time she beat him he was sixteen years old, and she beat him so many times his back started to bleed.
Two days ago, he told me in tears that he’s scared of going back to that house because after he left his relationship with that woman started to improve, they had become friends. But apparently, his mom said after mother’s day that he only came back when he needed money (I honestly see nothing wrong with that. She is his mother, and it is her duty to take care of him until he is stable. She has abused him all his life, and I don’t understand how she expects better treatment from him after everything that she’s done. I don’t understand how he could forgive her, when I would have barely been able to even look at her in the eye. He truly is a sweetheart) and made him feel bad. And the worst part is, he had saved some money from his many jobs in order to take her and his grandmother out for dinner, and she never went. Only his grandmother was there. His mother went on a date with his stepfather.
Today, he has told me the landlord (landlady?) is kicking him out. I’m thinking this has something to do with his drug use or the fact that he’s been barely surviving, thus being unable to pay the woman consistently. She is insisting that he owes her and didn’t let him in since yesterday when he pleaded with her to open the door (he forgot his keys and phone in his room) and he had to sleep on a bench. It’s winter, and it is not safe where he lives.
I’ve pleaded with my family and they’re willing to help him find an actual apartment somewhere close to us, and a job. My mom told me she would help with rent until he was economically stable to do so himself. But until we find an apartment and a job and even after that, I know it’s going to be very difficult. His father is very irresponsible, and doesn’t help or even talk to him frequently (his father lives comfortably in Germany and can even travel abroad whenever he wants). I want to help him in any way that I can, whether it be food and groceries, shelter, anything. Right now I know he really needs it. And, perhaps, with enough help, he will be stable…
Please DM me for any information, my prices range from $15 to $45, no more, depending on the complexity of the piece. The only thing I will not draw is heavy gore and cp. I can also translate from english to spanish and spanish to english, if anyone’s interested. I’m charging $0.10 per word, because this is new for me despite being fluent. If you’re interested, you can check my tags: #my art // #translation for examples… I’ll tag them below to make accessing this information easier.
Please… help me help him. I am desperate. I don’t mean to bother anyone, I hope you can forgive me, friends.
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mcflymemes · 7 months
PROMPTS FROM CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION *  assorted dialogue from season 2 of the show, adjust as necessary
i told you i dropped them down the bathroom sink.
haven't you ever spilled a drink?
don't pin that on me.
my life's pretty routine.
when is this thing going to be done?
i remember the first time i saw you. you didn't have any clothes on.
i would've taken you home right then if i could have.
you can't make a deal if you keep your mouth shut.
oh, don't touch it. that's mine!
no one can predict more than a few seconds into the future.
where are we going with this?
i can't be everywhere, [name], and they've banned human cloning.
thanks for noticing. you're very observant.
you showered.
it's easier to get a master's degree than a parking spot on campus.
that would explain that smell.
what's the matter with you?
does that name mean anything?
so how's your new toy working out?
you just made yourself useful.
you never get a second chance to make a first impression.
i don't even know where to start with this one.
any of this sound familiar?
i'm going to forget you called me that.
you're too hard on yourself.
you wanna take a walk around the block? get some air?
i don't believe in rules that tell me how i should live.
how many crusades were fought in the name of god? how many people died because of someone's religion?
always thought you kept your porn in there.
that's not what i was thinking.
i take that as a compliment.
so how do you survive?
i'm that obvious, huh?
i just realized that you and i have a very healthy relationship.
the average american hotel room is covered with stains invisible to the naked eye.
you sound like you're making a commercial.
you've got to get out more.
oh look. one of your friends.
i've always wanted to go there. what was it like?
aren't you going to tell me anything?
how many dinners have we shared?
since when have you been interested in beauty?
what is victoria's secret, i wonder?
if you found a bomb in your car, would you close the hood?
i could have been a rock star.
have you ever been to a swingers party?
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stxrlng · 1 year
Harsh winter
Pairings: König - f!reader
Warning: smut, praise kink, size kink, size difference, unprotected sex, rough but also soft, sub könig, stomach bugles,
18+ please stay away minors
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Back late from a mission he didn’t think he’d be gone for long but he was wrong he left mid fall and came back early winter.
He walked through the front door around 12:30am taking off his boots and gear by the door nearly falling over with his heavy weight and height slamming into the wall.
Slowly but surely making his way to the master bedroom opening the door walking in then closing the door the window open but it under 20 degrees outside he shakes his head closing the window he know you get hot a lot but you shouldn’t keep the windows open in such weather.
Taking off his pants, socks, shirt, and mask, he pulls the covers back and slides in next to you pull you closer and tucking his head into your neck you slightly up your eyes then close them wrapping your body against him.
——————two hours later——————
You open your eyes looking around at the clock checking the time 2:45 you look at your husband seeing he’s looking right at you shock washes over was he looking at me the inter time your hand reaches up to his face caressing him.
He moves slightly then a heavy weight is laying on your leg you look down only to see a bulge in his Calvin Klein underwear you look up with a new found heat on your face he harshly turns you on your back then dropping his weight on you like he weighs nothing “mein süßes mädchen” his deep voice graces your ears as he grinds into you.
The deep moans and whimper that leave him have your panties wet while you run your hands threw his hair his eager thrust runt into you faster he yanks your panties down in one swift motion “I’ve missed you Schatz I’ll never leave you again I love you say you love me back please say you love me say you need me” his pleads for your love shock you because he’d never done that before.
“I love you könig” his name falls out of your lips way smoother then they ever have his thrust get sloppier you look down to see that he had came in his pants you look up at him he looks embarrassed face beat red and everything “you did so good my sweet boy” He smiles at what you said as you push him back yanking and ripping his underwear off.
His fat cock springs free slapping against his stomach the red angry tip dripping cum you take off your shirt in a flash jumping on him wrapping yourself around him he grabs your legs spreading them wide sliding his member in.
Your stomach bulges his hand slaps down on it feeling the way he thrust in and out of you your moans and skin slapping skin echos throughout the room “Ich liebe dich, ich liebe dich, ich liebe dich, Scheiße, du fühlst dich so gut” he sqriches out.
He slams into you with a speed unlike anything you’ve ever experienced your moans come out strained with the way his cock meets your cervix you try your best not to cry but you can’t stop the tears as you come undone sliver again cumming your body relaxes as if your husband wasn’t rearranging your guts.
His hips stuttered slightly his eyes roll into the back of his head his grip tightens he slammed into you then releases he paints your gummy walls white with his cum he pulls out looking at your abused cunt as his cum spills out “your so beautiful y/n” he says with love in his eyes.
He then rolls over laying next to you caging you in his arms he reaches over to the end of the bed pulling up a towel then cleaning you up then throwing it in the dirty clothes.
“Goodnight könig”
“Goodnight y/n”
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natashaslittlegirl · 1 year
I need an assistant - Romanoff's Assistant
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Summary: You find your dream job in a not-so-expected way.
Boss ! Natasha Romanoff x Assistant ! Reader
Warnings: none.
Natasha Romanoff's Masterlist RA Masterlist RA account Chapter I aesthetic
The morning started like any other, doing your skincare routine, going for a walk to your favorite coffee shop in the whole world, or well, at least in New York. With your beige coat, black dress pants and a white shirt. It's october, autumn is here, so the cold. You grabbed your handbag and your folder, say goodbye to Lena, your cat and start your way.
It's been a month since you graduated from uni in Psychology, so as you all may be thinking, yes, You're looking for a job.
You got in to The Barista, you've been coming here every day for about two years now, you'll see a student needs a lot of coffee and a quiet place to work, this is the ideal place.
"Y/N! Morning! the usual?" Kate asked you, she is a very special girl, always happy with a bright smile, you have known her since a year ago when she started working here, you became very close, you two go to get lunch or drinks together, fun fact, she loves to tease you even though you both know that you only share a beautiful friendship.
"Good morning, my favorite barista, yes please, I need your coffee." you wink at her, yes, you also like to tease her.
"I'm the only barista, of course I'm your favorite! Also, if you keep winking at me I'll start giving you free coffee every morning."
"Well, I think I'm going to keep doing it."
Kate moves to one side preparing your coffee to go, you have to go deliver your curriculum to some companies and studios that you have seen that need an assistant, yeah, you graduated in psychology, but first you have to make money to be able to have your own studio. Once you're called to pick up your drink, you hand Kate the money, but she tells you that's on the house, you thank her and continue your way to the front door. Distracted and without looking, you ended up bumping into a redhead making your folder with all your documents fall. Grateful that your coffee hasn't spilled, you see the woman in front of you bends down to pick up your things.
"I'm so sorry, let me help you." In your shorts twenty-one years on earth you have never seen a woman as beautiful as the one in front of me and for some reason you feel like you know her. You lock eyes as she stands up and hands you the papers, except for one. Your curriculum.
"Looking for a job, huh?" She says with raspy voice as she reads.
"Yeah, I was about to go deliver it."
"Well, I think today is your lucky day because, I need an assistant, Natasha Romanoff." And just like that your frozen in place, is this real? God, you seriously can't believe it. Since the beginning of your career you've been following her work, you have almost never seen photos just one, you think, that's why you feel strange about her, cause you do know who she is. Your dream was one day to be able to work with her. 
"I can't believe it, I was about to drop off my resume at your company, I'm Y/N Y/L/N, it's nice to finally meet you"
"Finally?" she asks you, confused.
"Uhm yes, since the beginning of my career I have followed your work, your research, you are my role model." You said excitedly, she smiles at you and looks at the sheet again.
"Okay, let me see," her gaze dropped to the written paper "So, you're just graduated in psychology with a master's degree in child psychology, criminology, neuropsychology and mindfulness. Impressive." You can't help but smile, at the same time you play with the rings on my fingers, a sign of your nervousness. "If you wait for me to get my coffee we can go to my company together. I'm very interested in what you have to offer and I would like to give you a chance."
You can't believe anything that is happening to you, the feel that at any moment your alarm is going to ring or you're going to fall out of my bed is tickling in your brain.
"Yes, of course, I'll wait, thank you very much, Miss Romanoff." And with nothing more to say, she hands you the foil and goes to order her coffee. You listened to her order, coffee with almond milk, extra hot, without sugar and only the cup 70% full, you made a mental reminder, just in case.
She hands Kate the money plus a generous tip once she receives her coffee, turns back and walks towards you. You open the door for her to go out first, turn your head to Kate, who is with a thumbs up and a smile from ear to ear muttering 'good luck'. You laughed at her enthusiasm, sure she heard everything
You get out and walk to Miss Romanoff's side. Her Company is only two avenues away, you go in silence, enjoying your coffee. As you get closer you see her building, tall mirrored glass floor to celling with at least 20 floors, Romanoff's company.
You go ahead and open the door for her, again she murmurs a thank you and leads your way. You entered to the elevator and as you thought, this building has more than twenty floors, twenty seven to be exact. That's the number Miss Romanoff rings, her office. When it opens the doors you see a long glass desk, behind a shelf with several folders, suppose are her patients. Computer, notebook and ipad, agenda and pens, highlighters, post it, everything an assistant would need.
Glass panels surround her office that separate it from the other one, although you can not see through it, they are mirrored.  She opens the door letting you in and closes it behind her, walks past you and sits at her large glass desk. Her office is minimalist. Excellent view towards central park, obviously, white sofa to one side, carpet under it, a small table in front and two armchairs. The furniture is white also the marble floor with shiny grayish tones without a trace of dust.
"Sit down, let's get started." She points to the chair in front of her desk. You sit and cross your legs, she scans you up and down until her eyes meet your, and you do no other than gulp, loud, Miss Romanoff smirks.
"Why do you want to work as an assistant and not as a psychologist?" She asks you and relaxes her posture by leaning back in her chair.
"I would like first to gain experience, gather all the knowledge I can to later develop myself better, I would like to open my own studio." You answer without hesitation, you're very clear about what you want.
"Why at Romanoff's company?" 
"As I said before, Miss Romanoff, I admire you, I admire your work, I would like to be able to learn as many things as possible and gain skills in the field. I would like to contribute all my knowledge and be able to be your help whenever you need it, I will do anything yo ask me."
"Anything I ask for?" She quicks an eyebrow.
"Yes, Miss Romanoff." She asks you for your foil again and you handed it to her, as she reads better than she did in the café, you take your time to scan her. Red straight hair, plump lips and green eyes with large lashes, delicate eyebrows, define jawline that looks it could cut. Her face is perfect, magazine worthy. Her large neck, adorned with a white shirt, two buttons undone, matching black suit and heels of the same color. She smells like vainilla, so intoxicating, you sigh and she looks at you, feeling the burn in your cheecks, shit.
Her eyes go back to the letters in the paper. "I'm massive impressive, Miss Y/L/N." and looks at you again, "How old are you exactly?"
"Twenty-one, Miss Romanoff." Her eyes open wide, she thought you were older.
"You're twenty-one and you already graduated from college with four masters degrees, always top of your class, Harvard. You have such a potencial" 
Now you can't believe what she's saying, it's what, 10am? And this day couldn't go any better. 
"I need you to know that I don't usually do this, but my previous assistant quit and I need one now. You got the Job, Miss Y/L/N, I want you here monday at 8am, you have a week-test, one day late, one mistake and your gone. Understand?" well, it went better.
"Yes, Miss Romanoff." You nodded.
"Great." She stands up and leads you to your new office. When you tell Kate all this she's not going to believe it. When you wake up this morning you didn't think that you were going to be hired, by no one else than the most powerful women on this country, if not the continent, to work for her in the company you always dreamed, all this happened too fast.
Miss Romanoff starts to tell you what you have to do. As you thought, receive calls, schedule appointments with patients, organize her agenda, see upcoming events and trips, nothing pretty much than the usual things an assistant does. She scolds you to the elevator door and that's the last glimpse of her until Monday, what a good form to start the day.
Next Chapter
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