leek-inherent · 1 year
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Lillian Hearne as Princess Mary from the Great Comet!! Seeing her in this musical reminded me how much I love the clarinet, it was so cool watching her play. And she was an absolutely amazing Mary <3
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thalassous · 1 year
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[ ID: A bust up, line-less drawing of Anatole Kuragin looking down with a smug expression. The background is various orange shapes with a shadow encircling his face. There is an orange tinge to the piece. Behind him, white text reads, "COMPLETE STRANGER?" END ID ]
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avengerraven · 2 years
I don’t know why, but at the end of Pierre&Anatole when Anatole sings “Petersburg” and holds the note for forever I always imagine he leaps off the stage and runs down the main aisle holding that note until he bursts out the theatre doors and is never seen again
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Pierre Humble-Brag Bezukhov
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swingingthehatchetnow · 10 months
Okay so here’s my Broadway nerd coming out, but if a Starkid show (especially hatchetfield) ever made it to Broadway, I think they should have the stage be something other than a standard proscenium stage.
What else could they do, you may ask. Well let me introduce my good friend: Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812.
Check this shit out:
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And if it’s not clear, here (marked in blue) is where some of the audience seats are:
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One of my favorite things is the Starkid actors interacting with the audience. If they did something like Great Comet did, this would allow for that, because with Broadway theatres, it’s so much harder to go from the stage to the audience and back.
In fact, part of me really really wants to make my own blocking for NPMD using the layout of the Great Comet stage.
This specific design worked well for Great Comet because they had a lot of spectacle and many more actors, and I believe this stage was built specifically inspired by Russian designs for the time, so it wouldn’t be the best option if, for example, NPMD went to Broadway with the cast size it had with Starkid. But, I really think this would be a really cool way to watch a Starkid show, if they got a funky stage like this.
Just imagine watching Hatchet Town, and when the blame is going around, not only is it going around in front of you, but the blame going around AROUND you. Max chasing Richie all around. Think about Ruth singing Just For Once, moving all around that big empty space meant for like,, two dozen or so people dancing, but she’s the only one. Ugh. I love theater.
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luckyartdrawer · 17 days
BEWITCHINGGG!!! And I love you
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*Flashbangs him at you and RUNS*
vvvv Extras and Yapping below! vvvv
Close up-! Hey, wait a minute...
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Tee-hee :3
For those who don't know, that outfit and pose actually is Anatole's from The Great Comet of 1812. Why give this look to Sun? Because when that mf Anatole isn't being a bastard scoundrel he acts/sings so amazingly, a bit fruity, and unhinged.
Honestly I just like imagining the goobers as the people singing when I listen to music sometimes and this just fit so perfectly. Moon would be Pierre and istg it works so well-
The shading was a bit hard because I was trying to use yellow light on a yellow goober, but then I added the blue light and it was smooth sailing from there.
Thank y'all for looking! I feel like not a lot of people know the musical online (or I'm just oblivious) so I feel like I just threw a flashbang into an unsuspecting crowd.
My favorite songs are Letters, Charming, and Pierre & Anatole, they're all pretty story heavy but I love it. (The Ball definitely has the most unhinged Anatole, though the wording can be a bit yikes a few times.)
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maaarine · 10 months
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How accurate is the new Napoleon film? Sorting fact from fiction (Andrew Roberts, The Sunday Times, Nov 19 2023)
"Sir Ridley Scott’s long-awaited movie Napoleon will have a great effect on how the French emperor is viewed in the popular imagination.
So it was with some trepidation that I watched it.
Would it reproduce the old Anglo-American historical stereotype of a jumped-up Corsican tyrant, or might it recognise that in fact Napoleon created the Enlightenment’s institutions, many of which last to this day?
For here was an opportunity to change the tired conventional view of Napoleon put forward by so many postwar Anglophone historians that Napoleon was essentially merely a prototype for Adolf Hitler.
Sadly and somewhat predictably for an 85-year-old whose mindset was formed by the Second World War, Scott has gone for the intellectually discredited stereotype of a dictator who goes mad with hubris. (…)
Scott has remarked before that “f***ing historians” don’t know what happened in Napoleonic times because “they weren’t there”.
But in fact there is a plethora of believable first-hand accounts from people who were indeed there, used by historians to discover what happened.
What these first-hand accounts tell us is that Napoleon was a witty, highly intellectual and attractive personality, whose reforms changed first France and then Europe for the better.
Whenever his armies entered European cities they liberated the Jews from their ghettos, giving them civil and religious liberties.
He was therefore precisely the opposite of the malignant, humourless, Jew-hating Führer. (…)
So firm is the assumption that Napoleon’s psyche had “run wild” that he is given the line to Joséphine: “I must begin my march to Moscow.”
Yet the whole point of the 1812 campaign was that Napoleon had no intention of going more than 50 miles inside Russia, in what was intended to be a three-week campaign.
As he crossed the river Niemen, there was no “march to Moscow”.
There are plenty of people in history who have a Napoleon complex, but Napoleon himself was not one of them, despite what Scott and Kirby might say.
This show also assumes Napoleon lost in Russia solely because the weather got cold in winter, as if the highly intelligent and well-read emperor did not know it would.
No mention is made of the typhus that killed 100,000 men, which Napoleon could not have foreseen.
At one point in the movie, Joséphine forces Napoleon to say: “I am just a brute that is nothing without you.”
Quite apart from the appalling syntax, the line, like so many in this visually stunning but historically tone-deaf film, fails to ring true.
Yet it is not from thousand-page biographies that the mass of people take their history today, but from movies like this.
Henceforth, therefore, Napoleon Bonaparte — the great world force of the Enlightenment who ended the French Revolution and dragged country after country out of ancien-regime torpor and into the vibrant 19th century — will merely be a brute who was nothing without his Joséphine."
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cakerybakery · 2 months
Trying to get to know Adam better was part of an effort by Charlie to make them friends. Lucifer made the mistake of asking Adam what some of his favourite songs and bands were to do just that. He’d been talking for about twenty minutes about bands, songs, or maybe even technical jargon Lucifer didn’t understand enough to know the difference between the three when Adam went, “and you just fucking know I love a good 1812 Overture.”
“What?” Lucifer was pulled from his confusion by the one music piece he could recognize. “You like the 1812 Overture?”
“Well duh. They use a fucking canon. Hardcore as shit.”
“You know they’re playing that this weekend at an opera house a few cities over. Real canons. I have a permanent box there, we could go-“
“Fuck, yeah!” Adam practically jumped out of his seat in excitement.
Unlike the drive, that answer was quick. Lucifer had been planning on thinking about going. He used to go with Lilith and she always liked to make the most of the trip instead of portalling or teleporting. A little weekend vacation, just the two of them.
It was an impulse to ask Adam. Now Lucifer was committed. Of course, it would feel good to go to a show again. He hadn’t been up to it but he couldn’t imagine not making the most of it. Maybe doing some things he’d always wanted to do, but he just never got around to.
“Did you want to get dinner first?”
“You buying?”
Lucifer almost made a comment about Adam being a mooch when he remembered, Adam didn’t have a normal job. He helped out around the hotel but that didn’t net him much pocket money. Adam had to actually budget his money to buy crap like clothing or meals outside of the hotel.
“It’s on me. There’s a place I’ve been dying to try that I’m told makes a mean steak.”
Adam grinned and nodded, “yeah, sure then. Do you know the times? Charlie was asking me about some replanting that needs to be done along the pathway and I was going to get to it this weekend.”
“I’ll look it up and send you the information. Then we can decide when a good time for me to pick you up would be.” Lucifer frowned for a moment. The city was a good three hours drive. “Maybe we should spend the night there. It’s a bit of a long trip. I have an apartment in the city we can stay in.”
Looking less sure now, Adam asked. “How long of a trip is it?”
“Three hours, but more depending on traffic. We could probably just take the town car. I haven’t driven in a while but I’m sure it’s like riding a bicycle.”
“I dunno. I really was looking forward to fixing up the flowers along the pathway.”
Lucifer didn’t want to have to drive back in the middle of the night. The 1812 Overture was part of a whole showcase of classics and the other times he’d gone it didn’t end until eleven at least. After dropping Adam off, he wouldn’t get home until like two thirty maybe three before he got to bed. But if they stayed in the city they could drop the car off at the apartment, take a cab around, maybe get a nightcap, and be in bed by midnight. He wouldn’t have to deal with city parking.
He could still just teleport them, open a portal even. But, he was kinda looking forward to a bit of guys trip. Adam could play his music in the car. They could get shitty road snacks they’d regret later. If they stayed up afterwards or decided to get drunk off their asses they didn’t have to worry about trying to teleport when he was drunk. They could just hail a cab.
“I make a killer stack of pancakes. Breakfast will be on me. Name how you like them and I’ll have the ingredients delivered to the apartment.”
That seemed to temp Adam into it, “aw fuck, why not? Sure. Send me the time and I’ll see what I can do about the plants this week instead. I better go talk to Charlie about what she wants done and get to it.” Adam left with a quick, later, over his shoulder and Lucifer was pleased.
They’d made great process in getting along. They were even going to a show that weekend.
‘This will be fun.’
He was barely to the door when Alastor slinked out of a shadow. “Planning an outing with the first man, are we?”
“We, are not. I am. And it’s none of your concern.” Lucifer went to brush past the asshole when Alastor’s staff swung out to stop him.
“I merely desired to wish you well on your date.” Alastor grinned wider and Lucifer knew he was up to something. “So, I hope it goes well. Very well indeed.” He melted back into the shadows and Lucifer wanted to take a shower just from being in that freak’s presence.
“‘I merely desired to wish you well on your date’.” Lucifer mocked for the empty room. “As if. As if he was want to wish me well on a date.”
“Wait. DATE?!”
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adastra121 · 7 months
Touchstarved Romance Themes (Musical Version)
I like musicals, so I paired each Touchstarved LI x MC pairing with songs from musicals! These will probably be inaccurate since I'm going off of vibes from the demo. If you guys have other musical songs that you think would fit, please feel free to reblog or comment (I always like to find new musical songs!).
Kuras x MC
“All I’ve Ever Known” (Hadestown) — I associate Kuras with sunlight and devotion, and this song has both. There are a lot of lyrics that remind me of his path in the demo.
"I was alone so long I didn't even know that I was lonely. Out in the cold so long, I didn't even know that I was cold."
"You take me in your arms And suddenly there's sunlight all around me Everything bright and warm And shining like it never did before And for a moment I forget Just how dark and cold it gets."
"I don't know how or why Who am I that I should get to hold you?"
"Suddenly the sunlight, bright and warm Suddenly I'm holding the world in my arms."
“No Good Deed” (Wicked) — Can you imagine Kuras healing us to this?
"Let their flesh not be torn Let their blood leave no stain Though they're beaten, Let them feel no pain. Let their bones never break And however they try to destroy them, Let them never die."
"My road of good intentions Led where such roads always lead No good deed Goes unpunished."
“The Hill” (Once) — I think it would be interesting if, as a foil to Vere, one of his flaws is that he doesn't actually see us as a person? MC is either a path to redemption or another tragedy.
"But where are you my angel now? Don't you see me crying?"
"I'm on my knees in front of him But he doesn't seem to see me. With all his troubles on his mind, He's looking right through me."
Leander x MC (sidenote, there are so many musical songs that fit this guy why is he so musical-coded, also why are so many musical songs terrifying when you imagine it with Leander? XD)
“All I Ask of You” (Phantom of the Opera) — To be fair, I guess this song is also still unsettling in its actual context, too, if you know the story. XD
"Let me be your shelter, Let me be your light. You're safe, no one will find you, Your fears are far behind you."
“Something Wonderful” (The King and I) — From MC's perspective, Leander being toxic af.
"The thoughtless things he'll do Will hurt and worry you Then all at once he'll do Something wonderful."
"He has a thousand dreams That won't come true You know that he believes in them And that's enough for you."
“Only Us” (Dear Evan Hansen) — This is the sweet song that is mildly concerning when you pair it with him.
"What if it's you And what if it's me And what if that's all that we need it to be And the rest of the world falls away?"
"I never thought there'd be someone like you who would want me. So I give you ten thousand reasons to not let me go."
"We can just watch the whole world disappear. 'Til you're the only one I still know how to see. It's just you and me."
“Our Love is God” (Heathers) — The Heathers songs are here because I cannot listen to these without imagining Leander anymore.
"They died because God said they must The new world needed room For me and you."
"I worship you. I'd trade my life for yours They all will disappear. We'll plant our garden here. Our love is God."
“Meant to Be Yours” (Heathers) — Leander outside the room he gave us.
"Those assholes are the key! They're keeping you away from me! They made you blind, messed up your mind But I can set you free!"
"You were meant to be mine. I am all that you need. You carved open my heart, Can't just leave me to bleed!"
Vere x MC
“Natasha & Anatole” (Natasha, Pierre, & The Great Comet of 1812) — This song is unsettling but there are so many lyrics that remind me of Vere. And I guess the unsettling vibe suits him well, it does feel like he's putting you in a trance before he devours you.
"And I never remove my smiling eyes From your face, your neck, your bare arms."
"And looking into his eyes, I am frightened There's not that barrier of modesty I've always felt with men I feel so terribly near I fear that he may seize me from behind And kiss me on the neck."
"Look straight into my eyes Nearness Tenderness Smile at me Gaze straight into my eyes There is no barrier between us There is nothing between us."
“Take Me or Leave Me” (Rent) — A more lighthearted song, and I think it suits his unapologetic attitude.
"Take me for what I am Who I was meant to be."
"A tiger in a cage Can never see the sun This diva needs her stage baby, let's have fun!"
"You are the one I choose Folks would kill to fill your shoes You love the limelight too now baby So be mine, And don’t waste my time."
Ais x MC
“You Matter to Me” (Waitress) — This song feels very straightforward and true and quietly comforting, like companionable silence. So it feels a bit like Ais's path in the demo.
"Come out of hiding, I'm right here beside you And I'll stay there as long as you let me."
"You matter to me, Simple and plain and not much to ask from somebody."
“Sunrise” (In the Heights) — Since one of his likes is learning new languages, I thought this would be a cute song with him and an MC who knows another language teaching him a few words. The lyric "promise me you'll stay" makes me think of the end of the demo where Ais asks MC not to choose the Seaspring so quickly.
"Calor. Heat. Anoche. Last night. Dolor. Pain."
"Promise me you'll stay beyond the sunrise I don't care at all what people say beyond the sunrise."
Mhin x MC
“Falling Slowly” (Once) — It seems to have a lot of yearning and a bittersweet ending, which I got from their demo path.
"I don't know you, but I want you All the more for that."
"Falling slowly, eyes that know me And I can't go back And moods that take me and erase me And I'm painted black."
"You have suffered enough And warred with yourself It's time that you won."
“What You Mean to Me” (Finding Neverland) — To be honest, I put this here mostly because they like stargazing. But I think it does fit Mhin when they don't have the words to express their feelings.
"I won't lie I'm a little bit frightened."
"Every star that's ever fallen Knows the way to where we're going Now I really know just what you mean to me."
Elyon x MC
"Epic III" (Hadestown) — I'm basing this off of the short description of him searching for the one thing money can't buy.
"What has become of the heart of that man Now that he has everything? The more he has, the more he holds The greater the weight of the world on his shoulders."
"He's grown so afraid that he'll lose what he owns But what he doesn't know is that what he's defending Is already gone."
Sen x MC
"The Next Ten Minutes" (The Last Five Years) — I feel like her ultimate goal being her own death adds another layer to this song, making it less about a proposal and more about treasuring the time you have together.
"Will you share your life with me For the next ten minutes? For the next ten minutes, We can handle that. We could watch the waves, We could watch the sky, Or just sit and wait As the time ticks by, And if we make it 'til then, Could I ask you again For another ten?"
"There are so many dreams I need to see with you. There are so many years I need to be with you."
*******Bonus********** I'm sorry
Ocudeus x MC
“Hey, Little Songbird” (Hadestown) — Okay. So, in all honesty, I think this could fit Elyon, too, but I thought this was funnier. Also Ocudeus using bird nicknames because Ais does that, like a petty eldritch horror. XD So. Ocudeus trying to convince MC to drink from the Seaspring.
"You'd shine like a diamond down in the mine. And the choice is yours, if you're willing to choose, Seeing as you've got nothing to lose, And I could use a canary."
"Strange is the call of this stranger I wanna fly down and feed at its hand. I want a nice soft place to land. I want to lie down forever."
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shellsinadune · 5 months
Harvey x Farmer playlist
I'm right because I said so. you may notice that a lot of these have sky themes, I love my not-pilot so much.
Things That Look Like Mistakes (Bears in Trees) - this is the song that led me to make this post. I imagine that Harvey has one of those 'always on' brains that just keep going, and the farmer can calm that down a bit. it's about not worrying for a second, despite the passage of time and getting closer to death.
Fly Me to the Moon (Frank Sinatra) - I'm so surprised people don't talk about this more. to me, this is The Harvey Song. it's jazz, it's about flying, it's a sweet love song. he likes this song, it's all but canon. there are probably more apt jazz songs for him, but I'm not that into jazz so if you have any recs...
Harvey (Pillow Queens) - I actually found this song through this post by shreddies-scribbles, and she's so correct. no explanation necessary.
Hey Lover (the Daughters of Eve) - Harvey thinks he's boring, and this song is about not caring about that. he's so sweet I'm losing my mind. 'true love and understanding for the rest of my days' is exactly what he'd give the farmer.
All You Get is Confetti (Bears in Trees) - this is actually more about the farmer, either pre-moving to the valley or early on when it's really tight financially. there's this exhaustion with life but the knowledge that they'll one day 'be everything to someone'. also 'I'm gonna die before you, it's the first race that I'll win' something something dying in the mines repeatedly.
Pierre and Natasha / the Great Comet of 1812 (Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812) - Pierre and Natasha reminds me of that Shane cutscene, and the Great Comet of 1812 is just a really beautiful image of someone looking at the sky while happy to be alive. something about the line 'I throw my fur coat on my shoulders, unable to find the sleeves' is so Harvey when it's performed live.
Honey, Honey (ABBA) - had a mental image of Harvey dancing around to ABBA. that's all.
Security (the Young Veins) - very similar to Hey Lover, with an added mention of not needing to have money. Harvey seems like someone who's always trying to prove that he deserves love, but the thing is he already does. he's stable and will love the farmer forever.
Heart of Mine (the Young Veins) - 'you should take this heart of mine, you'll always have that heart of mine'
I'm Just a Sidekick (Joey Richter / Starkid) - a song about saving someone you love's life after encountering something you wouldn't be able to fight yourself. I've already mentioned Harvey's low self esteem but this is literally so him. I mean he is strong and smart and all the things the song says he's not but I don't think he sees himself that way. 'I'm just a sidekick but I love being at your side' is such a malewife line, and we all know Harvey is the king of malewives.
Heaven Sent is a Coffee Cup (Bears in Trees) - something about the first few lines is so him. I can't fully articulate why I put this in here but I know I'm right. finding magic in the little things maybe?
Too Sweet (Hozier) - listen. I know. but I think this is another one of those songs where it's actually the farmer singing it. Harvey really is the sweetest person, and I think he does fit this song, just not in the way everyone says he does. That man is not a whiskey drinker, he's a port guy.
the Milkman of Human Kindness (Billy Bragg) - omg my favourite artist in a playlist I made. groundbreaking. but seriously Harvey just gives and gives to people, he cares so much for his community and the farmer. idk, this song just kind of has vibes of just now coming to a realisation about love.
I've Got a Crush on You (Ella Fitzgerald) - I started listening to jazz just for this playlist. the idea of choosing one specific person (who doesn't consider themself anything special) out of lots of options got to me, okay? the line 'it's not that you're attractive' made me laugh though.
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ale-draws-stuff · 3 months
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Can you imagine Stolas (a time before Blitz stole the grimoire) singing Dust and Ashes from the musical Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812? Well, I can, so here's this. 😊
- I love this Sketch <3
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deja-mew · 2 months
Here, take a bunch of Predaking, Skylynx and Darksteel headcanons!
As a treat!! They were a treat for me to write ✍️. Silly dragon guys I ❤️❤️ Love them.
- Of course he would never admit this to anyone who doesn’t already know, but Predaking is extremely ticklish on the bottom of his feet, only back towards his heels. Darksteel found this out the hard way one day when he thought it would be silly to try tickling him while he was having a snooze and accidentally got kicked into next Thursday.
- Skylynx likes to wake up extra early to see the sunrise. He sneaks away to be as alone as possible, just before dawn breaks, and finds a good place to watch the sun come up. He loves soaking in the first morning rays of sunshine. It’s usually his favorite part of the day! He never talks about it to anyone though, it would be spoiled if anyone else tried to come with.
- Darksteel loves tiny creatures. He just thinks they’re so cool (anything but scraplets). If he had ever met Lazerbeak he would have been a fan. In my AU, there’s all sorts of “tiny” (by cybertronian standards) bug-like creatures and he collects them! He gets so hyped up learning about new ones. Maybe he’d like humans, but who knows..
- Predaking, even if he had legions of subjects, is super attentive and has a very detailed memory. He’d remember everyone’s name, face, even things about their personality/things they’d mention liking. He is definitely one of those people who would gift someone something they had only just slightly mentioned wanting (and had probably forgotten they said anything about it in the first place).
- Darksteel counts it as a great victory if he ever gets Skylynx to full-on laugh with him. It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes they both get really silly over something and Darksteel likes not being the only one laughing for once.
- This isn’t much of a headcanon because it’s probably pretty true, but I’ll take it further. Predaking loves reading. Researching, yes of course, since he needs to know all he can to best serve his people; but aside from that he just loves to read. Novels, poems, news reports, you name it. He’s already read it. His particular favorite though, is novels. I once imagined him reading Jane Austen and I can’t get it out of my head now. I’m sure he was ready to throw down for Elizabeth when Mr. Darcy insulted her family in Pride and Prejudice. (Imagine the Autobots giving him some datapads filled with similar content from Earth for him to read, to help maintain a good relationship with the Predacons… And he’s genuinely so hyped but trying to be professional in the moment 😭)
- Probably nobody else on Cybertron does this but when Darksteel gets extra giddy about something he trots. At least in quadroped mode anyway, he doesn’t exactly skip in bipedal mode because well that would be too embarrassing and he’s too fierce for that… but it’s okay to do as a dragon in his own mind.
- Skylynx and Darksteel both like trying to blow smoke rings. Like how they do in movies, with cigars and such. Instead of needing to be smoking something, if they do something similar to a belch, they can naturally puff out smoke instead of fire. Sometimes they’re even able to get Predaking to play along and the three contend with each other on who can do the best ones.
- At some point, they get a hold of a great bunch of music files. Things get a little tense. While Predaking is trying to enjoy Tchaikovsky 1812 Overture (complete with cannons), Darksteel is playing Dragostea din tei too loud. Skylynx can’t stand any of it and just wants to listen to his Grizzly Bear playlist in peace, so to avoid confrontation everyone sort of splits off to mind their own music. Hopefully they get some custom headphones soon. (Basically, Predaking’s all about classical music, Darksteel loves meme songs, and Skylynx is an indie folk fan)
- Predaking usually doesn’t remember his dreams, but when he does they’re extremely abstract yet vivid. Mostly, they’re representations of whatever he has been feeling most. Because he sleeps rather lightly, they are pretty rare.
- Skylynx sleeps deeply, and has realistic dreams that have their own plots and everything. Sometimes he even has consecutive nights that are the same dream just continued on from where it left off the night before. He likes to keep track of these stories and writes down everything he can remember as soon as he gets a chance.
- Darksteel also gets good deep sleep most of the time. Though he never remembers his dreams enough to be able to talk about them or write them down, he knows they must be pretty good, because he never seems to wake up in a bad mood. Of all the three Predacons, he usually is the one to wake up most refreshed.
- All three take their morning energon (or whatever equivalent of breakfast there may be) together, usually in a comfortable silence. They do have their own routines to get ready for the day, but they also like to, actively like to, spend calm time together before the day officially starts. It’s one of the many subtle things they do naturally that shows that they’re getting quite close as bretheren after all.
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melliotwrites · 10 months
what would everyone’s favorite musicals be nowadays
Fun question!
Quincy: He'd be into Sondheims and music-forward shows but doesn't know the niche stuff. A Little Night Music, Passion, Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812, etc
Vincent: Hedwig and the Angry Inch and other rock musicals
Ambrose: I just can't imagine him listening to musical theater. But I think if you asked him he'd say Les Mis or The Sound of Music or a classic show he saw with his family as a kid
Beatrix: I think it's not her main interest, but she'd actually be into off-broadways and niche shows exclusively. Ghost Quartet, 35 MM, The Wild Party, etc.
Portia: The only one of them who would be genuinely, earnestly into musical theater, I think- she keeps up with modern musicals and maybe doesn't know the oldies as much. She'd be playing Six and Waitress and Ride the Cyclone in the dorms.
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clove-pinks · 1 year
I have been obsessed with Fort Meigs recently and the Ohio campaigns of the War of 1812, so this news article hit differently. The Ohio History Connection (the same organisation behind the Fort Meigs historic site) is trying to preserve a historic and culturally significant Indigenous earthworks from the golf course that has used it since 1910. The fact that this callous use of an ancient astronomy and ritual calendar site has been allowed to go on also reflects the violent removal of the Shawnee people who by all rights should have been there protecting and using the site. Imagine if they made Stonehenge a golf course!
This is all related to the War of 1812 and campaigns against the Shawnee, Potawatomi and Miami Nations. I have been thinking a lot about this since Indigenous Peoples' Day is Monday, and I have been thinking of writing up something with a predictable War of 1812 focus (there is a lot of material). It just goes to show how much the issues of the War of 1812 continue to affect the present day.
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dross-the-fish · 10 months
Meeting other people who were considered "gifted" is wild.
I have no idea how I got put in a class with people like them back in the day, they seem to have had a wholly different childhood experience from e. They started talking about literature and all of them were claiming that their favorite classic lit books were like "War and peace" or "Les Miserables" at the age of 11 and I can't imagine 11 year old me having been interested in either of those. I'm not even sure I'm up to enjoying "War and Peace" now and I'm almost 34.... Although I do like Natasha Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812.
Idk maybe I'm not the most intellectual person, the classic literature books I read for fun were things like Treasure Island or Peter Pan. I found them interesting, easy to read and the protagonists were close to my age. Idk at 11 I cared more about pirates and magical places than I did about French revolutions and the impact of the Napoleonic wars on Russian culture.
What I'm saying is that at 11 I would not have been able to grasp half of the concepts that make books Like Les Miserables enjoyable.
Assuming these people aren't lying to make themselves look smarter it just kind of proves that I was way out of my depth back in the day and didn't actually belong in a class for gifted children. When they talked about how hard they worked at their homework I didn't have much to say because thanks to my dyslexia I almost never actually read anything unless I was super interested, if we had a book report due I would skim the book just enough to get an idea of what it was about and then go find people who had read it and ask them what they thought if of the story. Then I'd just cobble all the information I had together and bullshit up an essay, especially after I caught on that if I seemed to have a wide vocabulary teachers were likely to overlook the fact that my thoughts weren't that well organized.
I wasn't actually good at anything, I just faked it.
It worked every time, I almost always aced my homework, (call it beneficiary of low-standards in the US education system) but the fact of the matter is that I only got the same grades as the people who worked for it because I was cheating.
Today, talking to people who actually studied and worked their asses off to get top grades was humbling and I just sat in quiet embarrassment the whole time feeling like fraud who didn't belong there.
Kind of a shame because as an adult I actually learned to enjoy doing research and I love having discussions about literature and I feel like I missed out on building crucial reading/writing skills when I was younger.
But tbh I don't know how else I would have gotten by, if I visibly struggled to read anything I got treated like I was slow which was humiliating.
In summary, I didn't realize how much school sucked and how much I actually resented it and my teachers until I talked to someone today who didn't.
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m0nochromem0use · 7 months
one person said i should so i’m going theatre kid on main here’s the musicals i associate with jrwi campaigns
riptide: anastasia. chip just Is dmitry idk what to tell you. my petersburg is the first song on my chibo playlist. also please imagine with me: pre ep 53 jay and still. imagine with me and sob
prime defenders: the easy answer is be more chill but anyone who’s followed me for more than a month can see my actual answer coming from a mile away because it’s nerdy prudes must die. listen to the summoning and tell me that isn’t ashe and the trickster. you literally can’t. also mid s2 ghostknife is SOOOOO if i loved you and closer to the finale they are so cool as i think i am reprise. alternative answer is the lighting thief because i think about dakota and good kid so so much
apotheosis: okay weird pick for this one. the bifrost incident by the mechanisms. which isn’t technically a musical but i think it fits well, i’m pretty sure i’ve talked about rumi and odin and peter and loki on here before? but thanatos is also very thor. ooo you wanna listen to this weird little steampunk space band sooooo bad
blood in the bayou: sorry for two starkid musicals on this list but like. i have no answer other than the guy who didn’t like musical. like otherworldly goop infecting and replacing people and they become part of a hivemind? how could i not. becky and kian singing join us and die. rolan singing let it out. come on. oh also bonus crazytown from 35mm is the rand song ever
the suckening: natasha pierre and the great comet of 1812. you have to hear me out on this one okay shilo is SO natasha rostova coded. also edward twilight is anatole kuragin coded but that’s much more cursed so i think about it less. arthur has the same depressed old man energy as pierre
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