purplesauris · 3 years
I couldn’t pick one so I’ll do my top 3 instead:
1) fool me once, fool me twice: king din being suspicious and like accidentally being so bright in the force grogu is drawn to him? The angst? The tension? The tattoos? The happy ending? Perfection
2) I want a moment to be real: din adopts a sad memory-less jedi and takes him on a galactic road trip to become himself again? Luke looking super mandalorian in his armor? All the Mandalorians immediately adopting Luke and him setting up shop on mandalore and taking care of himself? Definite re-read 💜
3) unspoken secrecy: I’m always a suck for bobadinluke and I love when they share a brain cell metaphorically and in this case also literally. Plus a little whump never hurt anybody ;)
I'm so so so glad you like these so much!! Fool me Once will always have a place in my heart as the first longfic (and plot) i attempted, even if there are a hundred things I would love to go back and fix (if not rewrite entirely)
IWAMTBR really just... was such a labor of love, and is my longest fic to date- I was obsessed with the concept, and had so much fun playing with his character and how his memories/experiences shaped him.
As for Unspoken Secrecy? That idea was all @kyberpistol talking- I can't take ANY of the credit for the idea, merely the execution. Kyle is the one with the big brain, she just let me borrow the idea 😳 That being said, it makes me so happy that people are enjoying it, since it IS bobadinluke and I know that's... a rare pair compared to dinluke (or anything else, really)
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
legally blonde anon here again and i have a response to that adorable proposal idea: quinn's elation at being engaged VS. quinn's horror at nando essentially hijacking the end of his last show at samwell FIGHT
Legally blonde anon, hi!!!! It’s very good to hear from you!!!
So for context, those of you who did not see the post: I got an ask about Quinn being proposed to onstage at the end of Legally Blonde his senior year, and then Brenna @theblogrunner proceeded to galaxy-brain on that post in the best way by suggesting that Nando “hijack” the performance to actually propose to Quinn on closing night (here’s the post).
So now let us consider this ask, because.... I’m laughing so hard. You’re absolutely right!!! The duality of emotions inside Quinn would be unmatched.😂😂😂😂😂 I feel like this is the kind of thing Quinn would be bringing up for literally the rest of their lives.
Quinn, to their children: ... and when your papa asked me to marry him, he invaded my last show at college—
Nando: BabyyyYYYyyy, you loved it....
Quinn: Of course I did, Sebastián, my goodness. (To the children. Why do I feel like this has the energy of a bedtime story.) But he marched right out onstage in the middle of the finale— can you believe it??
Nando, 30 years old, still hearing about this, is going to be hearing about it for the rest of his life: Baby.
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sapphosapprentice · 7 years
I was tagged for this t h i n g by @the-dayman-cometh, it’s 20 questions and I’m supposed to tag 20 followers but let’s be honest I don’t have 20 active followers
Name: Christina
Nickname: ........... None, shut up
Birth Month: October
Height: 5′3
Ethnicity: Super Hella White™
Orientation: Asexual and Aro-something
Favorite Fruit: Pineapple
Favorite Season: Spring
Favorite Book: Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira
Favorite Flower: Peony
Favorite Scent: Bonfire
Favorite Animal: Chinchilla
Favorite Beverage: Dr Pepper
Average Hours of Sleep: Ranges from 3 to 12 hours so idk
Favorite Fictional Character: Spencer Hastings wow
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: 2 or 3
Dream Trip: Paris, Venice, or Rio
Blog Created: November 2013
Number of Followers: 362 (on this blog, anyway)
uhh I guess I’ll go with the usuals
@maxwellthemajestickoala @shattering-society @one-weird-little-canadian @basementtreasure @fandomgoddess @corvaecorp @black-seas-of-infinity @wayward-jedi-501 @chatchevalier @quincyisawreckingball
and um some more
@kerouacinspace @jehorel @jemapleleaf @lapisfucker @tacobellbliss @sailorversa @davidhoovers @theblogrunner @tragicmishap @smol-beaned-lion
I did it, there’s 20!!! go me
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For the ask word prompt "books" :)
All is quiet when they return to Monmouth Manufacturing. No signs of life materializes before them but for a single light shining off Gansey’s work desk in the corner.
A small “oh” forms around the curve of Blue’s mouth as they spot Gansey, fast asleep amongst his journals, papers, and books. He’s slumped forward, head framed by his arms. His glasses have snuck up crooked into his thicket of not-so-perfectly-coiffed-anymore hair and his left hand has come dangerously close to absently knocking over a mug of presumably cold tea. 
Blue approaches the desk cautiously. “Gansey,” she calls in a quiet sing-song, afraid to jolt him out of his slumber completely. This is the first he’s slept in days, Ronan and Noah can attest. She runs a hand tentatively up and down between his shoulder blades, the soft cotton of his sweater rucking up ever so slightly under her delicate palm. “Gansey,” she coaxes again, up against his ear.
With the help of the boys, she gently maneuvers him out of the chair and onto his bed. He blinks blearily back at them as they hover in a loose circle around his reclining form. A half-drunk smile forms across his lips and he greets them all with a lazy swat of a hand before tumbling back into the arms of sleep. 
Blue is the first to clamber up onto the mattress, curling up against Gansey on one side. Noah doesn’t hesitate, joining them on Gansey’s other side. Ronan and Adam exchange a glance. With a if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em shrug, Ronan convinces Noah to budge over. Adam splays out at Gansey’s feet, still close enough in proximity to reach for Ronan’s hand when his arm stretches out in silent request. Blue and Noah’s arms already cross one over the other across Gansey’s shoulders. 
And for the first time all week, every single one of them sleep through the night, together, in a heap on Gansey’s bed.
Send me a headcanon and I will aggressively flesh it out!
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bokkuroo · 9 years
theblogrunner replied to your post: theblogrunner asked:Hey hey real ...
Yeah pretty much. Probably not as bad as oikawa but in canon bokuto has been shown to practice tons. He probably just finds it easier to wear compression shorts that alleviate fatigue and soreness constantly than to deal with it after every prac.
yeah makes sense
also he’s been shown doing some reckless movements/ spikes as well in the manga so far so... he definitely is someone who cares a lot about scoring/ winning, body care comes afterwards. I even like to go a step further now and say it wasn’t his idea to wear protection. maybe it was one of his senpais? the coach? maybe even akaashi? who knows aaah
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mamacrows · 9 years
Hey if your stomach hurts from drinking coffee right away in the morning it could be because it's messing with your stomach's chemistry. Try eating something with your coffee so that the coffee has something to be digested with.
Oh thankyuu for the advice, I’ll try that from now on… I’m getting tired of stomach ache every morning
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basementtreasure · 10 years
Matt is dead and so am I.
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
By the way!!!! In other “people making really cool cricket stuff” news!!! @theblogrunner, who regularly blesses my life, made this ‘pregame’ playlist (term possibly has dual meanings) for the crickets and it’s everything I need in my life. The party hype is SO REAL my friends. For all your cricket clubbing needs: give it a listen!!!! Thank you Brenna!!!!
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sapphosapprentice · 7 years
@quincyisawreckingball made an appreciation post (which is sort of like a follow forever I suppose) but I thought it was a cute idea and a great way to start the year. Here are all the people I love seeing on my dash, and in real life for most as well!
@114-stardust, @aldoragrimm, @aroacehogwarts, @arofaithlehane, @black-seas-of-infinity, @books-are-my-aus, @camisadophan, @chatchevalier, @davidhoovers, @detalis, @fandomgoddess, @haircutsandsurgery, @hella-poser, @ilovekatemckinnon, @jehorel, @jemapleleaf, @kerouacinspace, @lapisfucker, @maxwellthemajestickoala, @meowthiroth, @one-weird-little-canadian, @quincyisawreckingball, @sailorversa, @shattering-society, @sparklebubbleblonde, @tacobellbliss, @theblogrunner, @tragicmishap, @tvvinssuck, @wayward-jedi-501, @whenthefandomsattack
In alphabetical order, because what else.
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bokkuroo · 9 years
Hey hey real life volleyball player here to shed some light on the enigma that is bokuts legs. So one of the other anon was right about the watermelon pic, those are compression shorts meant to help legs recover. But here's the plot twist, bokutos playing leg wear is compression too (or leg braces). Not sure if there's kneepads in em but I'd assume so. So this means that our tiny son, unfortunately, probably has a history of muscle overextertion, like our other tiny son oikawa. Poor bo :(
aaah so you mean he always has to wear either his kneepads or these extra shorts??? omg no my poor baby... YOU STUPID THING WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS OVERDOING YOURSELF AAAAH 
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secrettunnelyeah · 11 years
fantasticdinos said: It was sooooooooo good. omg, Rick’s not crazy anymore and Carl is getting uncomfortably attractive. His voice is so low! you must watch now. 10/10 would recommend.
oh god carl im nOT READY
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
Thank you @birlcholtz and @birdsordeath for tagging me!!!🤍🤍🤍🤍
are you staying home for school/work? Unfortunately not anymore, because my summer job is ‘essential’ and just started back up— but I did finish up my semester with online classes that ended a few weeks ago!!
if you’re staying home, who’s with you? My parents, my two siblings, and our 6 month old dog & 16 year old cat (who are constantly squaring up with each other)
are you a homebody? Yes, I totally am, but I will say that quarantine has made me miss going out to do the simple things (like... I miss grocery shopping?????)
an event you were looking forward to that got cancelled? Besides the end of my school year, I’m unable to see someone I was really hoping to see, which has got me :((
what movies have you watched recently? I finally got to watch 1917, but that was actually at least six weeks ago now. I also watched The Odd Couple and it had me dying
what shows are you watching? My family is really into Better Call Saul but that’s super not my jam; I’ve been trying to rewatch Prison Break
what are you reading? Not as much as I’d like to be!!!!! I want the library to come back. I have a few nonfiction history books I’ve been going through, mostly about medieval Spain and World War II.
what are you doing for self-care? This!!! I have four summer jobs, two in-person and two remote, and they are taking a lot out of me, as it turns out. Writing fic and making cricket content on this blog is my escape. I am extremely grateful for the fact that I’m able to retreat into my little creative corner and decompress.
tagging if you guys want to!!
@hockeysometimes @somethingnurseywoulddo @omgdexnursey @gay-comic-bot @motoroilfanta @bitsfordays @randomnoteforfuturereference @theblogrunner
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
Tumblr media
Rules: Type “[Your name] + core + aesthetic” into search on pinterest and use 9 images to make a mood board
I think this tag game cycled through a bunch of my tumblr friends within a very brief period, because I was tagged, like, five or six times.😂😂😂 I loved doing this! Thank you, guys!
I tag @hockeysometimes​ @gay-comic-bot​ @bitsfordays​ @theblogrunner​ @randomnoteforfuturereference​ @earthsquirm​
Have fun!!!!
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