wooahaes · 2 years
Hi Daisy, ik you got a soft ask earlier but I've had a bit of a rough last part of my day so I would love something really soft and Joshua for the member (I love Joshua Hong okay). Thank you.
hi brin <3 sorry for responding to this late!!
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pairing: non-idol!joshua x gn!reader
word count: ~0.4k
warnings: none, just fluff <3 (vague reference to marriage in the future). intentional lowercase + no proofreading
daisy's notes: i had this idea an hour ago but had errands to run. sorry that this is rly short tho!! :( btw fun fact: i took a ballroom dance class in college for a gen ed credit... it was actually kinda fun despite how much i hate dancing
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“just follow my lead, okay?”
joshua never thought he was the kind of person to dance with you in the kitchen late at night. the idea always felt a little silly: if he wanted to slow dance with you in the living room, just to hold you close, he’d set it up a little better. yet when he stumbled across you making cookies late at night (the smell was what woke him up and enticed him to investigate), music playing softly over your speakers, he suddenly saw the appeal. he wordlessly slipped on a pair of plastic gloves to help you roll out balls of cookie dough (”that way we can bake them sooner, right?” was his excuse to help you), and hummed along to the songs he’d heard time and time again from this playlist. the cookies were in the oven soon enough, a timer set, and joshua had leaned against the counter as he watched you finish cleaning up. you’d started cleaning up as you went along ever since you started dating him: less mess to deal with in the end. when he called out a “c’mere,” you expected him to kiss you.
instead, he had taken your hands to position them correctly. with one sentence and a hum of acknowledgement from you, joshua began to guide you into a slow waltz.
“i’m not good at this.”
“it’s easier if you count,” he said, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze. “don’t worry... we can practice,” he smiled at you, “we’ll be ready in time.”
you gave him a confused look. “for...?”
“our first dance?”
he laughed softly as realization dawned on you, gaze averting as you buried your face into his shirt. “shua...”
“we’ve got time,” he promised you. “i just think about it sometimes. c’mon,” he nudged you away, repositioning your hands and taking the correct stance. he guided you with a slow “one, two, three...” to each step, and smiled to himself when he heard you count alongside him.
joshua would much rather dance with you where everyone could see just how deeply he loved you... but to dance with you in the kitchen, late at night while the cookies baked? he wouldn’t trade for the world.
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sluttyminghao · 2 years
I think my ask got ate!!! It was basically just one cheering you up after that really rude anon a couple weeks ago??? I don't remember but you're amazing Alicia and keep on going. As for a horny thought teasing Joshua and him having this evil smirk on his face cause he knows exactly what you're doing and he just lets you tease him and then he just rails you after. I have such bad Joshua brainrot like 24/7 and it's so frustrating sometimes.
joshua is a fucking menace bc he has jeonghan as his best friend he definitely picks up ideas from him like... man
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hoshiyoshis · 2 years
I saw you posted an update on your rhythm hive cards, and I really wish I could show you mine but my stupid phone won't let me screenshot them! So you just have to trust me that I have them. I have a card for every member on "Love & Letter Repackage", "Heng:garae", and "Attacca". All the other albums I'm missing some. Most of them are "A" or higher, I do have some "B" but it's majority "A" or higher. The highest I have is an XR Heng:garae S.Coups.
ooo XR heng:garae coups is such a pretty one to have!! all cards from that set are honestly some of my faves they all look So good there 🥰
hell yeah i support u and ur collection so far!! theres so many pretty cards plus i love collecting them
ngl literally the only reason i have so many high level cards (im p sure i only showed my complete collections in tht post) is bc i play daily and i kinda constantly level up cards n evolve them >:3 sorry to anyone who has to play live against me tbh but i only do live stuff w other players to complete tasks
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gamerwoo · 1 year
18 for the ask game please!
18) What's the most obscure thing you've researched for a fic?
i did already answer this here but i did have to research something really weird the other day so i'm answering it again hehe
i had to search how much money porn stars make lmfao
hehe send me numbers <3
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lesbiancarat · 2 years
#23 for top songs
23: this wandering day - bear mccreary, megan richards
send me a number 1-100 and I'll tell you what song it was on my top spotify songs of 2022! :3
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pepperonidk · 2 years
Can I be added to the all of my love tag list? Thank you
of course! thank you for reading! :)
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gfcheol · 2 years
Can I be added to the late blooming taglist but @weakforsvt please, I can only ask on my main for some reason? thank you!
oh sure!!! sorry tumblr for some reason didn't even notify me of asks anymore so it took me a bit to see this </3
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emeraldenha · 2 years
Can I be added to the to you tag list, thank you?
yes, of course! tysm for joining💗
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heartkyeom · 2 years
now or never pt. 5 (finale)
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xu minghao x fem!reader
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 (finale)
word count: 12.3k
synopsis: when you make a chance encounter with your ex, you end up saying that you're engaged to your estranged neighbor xu minghao. when you find out your ex is coming to your friend's wedding, you've only got a month to become a convincing couple.
warnings: cursing, oral sex, slight dumbification, alcohol, asshole ex!joshua, fighting, mostly domestic shit idk lmao
notes: after 5 months of restarting and almost giving up on this chapter entirely, the now or never series is complete. thank you all for loving this story so much, now or never is unlike anything I've ever written and I am so happy that it's finally done. I was scared that making the story so simple would turn people away, but I am grateful for all the support! shoutout to @maijunejuly + @flowerwonu for supporting this story so much <3 and thank you all for loving these two and watching them fall in love! I hope this is a satisfying ending, longtime readers I'm giving you a big smooch on the cheek
taglist: @kwonranghae @butterfliesinthenightsky @sugarrimajins @cosmicwintr @lztespring @justasoftstan @lilactangerine @jeongiegram @hoohoohope @trashygigi @itzelise06 @bonsaijoons @playboygeniusphilanthropist @thedeeppoet @mo-onlar @kyoko-22 @thesunsfullmoon @jungish @twancingyunhao @knucklesdeepmingi @crystal-phoenix-and-silver-fox @jaehyunfilms @awyunh @fiantomartell @milk-leaves @junoluvr @rhia-clyde
The morning of the wedding is particularly quiet in your shared hotel room. Since the wedding didn’t start until later that afternoon, it gave both of you an opportunity to settle into the day.
Thus, you’re not rushing out of bed, you’re interested in watching the sunlight filter through the curtains instead, insisting on letting yourself wake up slowly. You eventually turn your attention to your lover who is still sleeping peacefully beside you. You decide to stir up some movement with slow touches to his hair, trying not to move too harshly against his skin. 
He replies with a soft hum, idly turning his head towards you. His eyes are still closed though, it seems like a silent invitation for you to keep going. 
You decide to kick it up a notch with a few kisses along the side of his face, you feel his cheeks pull into a smile from the contact and you launch into giggles, resting your head on his neck.
“Well, good morning,” His voice is raspy in the way you love it, right on the edge of sleep. 
“Good morning,” You reply, you can’t help but kiss his neck and he lets out a gentle sigh.
“Big day, huh?” He asks softly. The anticipation stirs in your chest, but truthfully a medley of emotions seems to swarm there. 
You hum in confirmation, but it wasn’t your big day, not by any stretch of the imagination. Yet, your mind tries to play out all possible outcomes to the evening’s events due to your anxiety.
First, you could confront Joshua, verbally or physically, but likely the former since you don’t want to be kicked out of the wedding over him. You could approach him or he could come to you, it’s a matter of how the events unfold. 
Second, he could try to initiate confrontation, but you could refuse to engage. You could argue it’s not the time or place to hash out personal drama, especially not at a friend’s wedding, which would be correct. Sure, there would be about 100 other guests there and the booming music could cover up the conflict so seamlessly that no one is made aware of the situation, but you fear that it’s not worth the risk.
Third, you could end up avoiding each other altogether. Again, there were enough people attending that you could somehow not cross paths the entire night. This was the most likely option, as you probably wouldn’t muster up the courage to do anything. The tension would remain unaddressed and you’d likely still have a good night watching your friend get married, bolstered by free alcohol and Minghao’s companionship.
Fourth, the entirely fantastical option, Minghao would confront Joshua himself.
The odds are quite slim, but Minghao might not have the patience to engage in Joshua’s fake niceties. You don’t think it would turn physical, but Joshua would likely leave with his feelings hurt. Although you’ve never been caught in the crossfire of Minghao’s anger, it was best to avoid this option if at all possible. 
He adjusts himself so that he’s partially sitting up against the headboard of the bed, his eyes meeting yours. “Are you feeling okay about everything?” He inquires with a slight raise of his eyebrows.
“I am. Are you?”
“Yeah. Whatever you want to do, I’m fine with that,” He offers. Minghao had been quite compliant with your feelings about the situation in the past month, enough that it wasn’t surprising that he’d go full throttle on Joshua if needed. 
“So if I ask you to beat him up, you’ll do it?”
“Not sure about that,” he scoffs, “but if you want to escalate things, I’m fully supportive.” 
You nod to yourself in satisfaction, it was enough to push the fears to the back of your mind temporarily.
He ended up getting out of bed before you, of course, but you’re up soon enough, the both of you naturally weaving between each other to get ready for the morning. Before going to bed last night, you both agreed to ditch the hotel breakfast in favor of exploring the local restaurants in order to maximize your vacation time. 
You both settle on a seaside cafe with sweeping windows that overlook the coveted ocean, the main attraction of the small town. It’s not as busy as you expected, but there’s still lots of movement once you arrive. The combination of patrons talking over pastries with hot drinks, baristas manning the noisy coffee machines, and the indie pop music in the background are all just tolerable enough to make the venture outside of the hotel worth it.
You decide to indulge in chocolate chip pancakes while he opts for oatmeal with assorted berries on top. While eating across from him, it occurs to you that being out with Minghao in public is still such a foreign sensation.
The past month of getting to know him had been so insular, so concentrated on the apartment complex that you were almost enveloped in the relationship completely, it almost felt suspicious for it to exist in the real world.
Sure, you’ve been out in public together numerous times.
Yet, there’s a way his eyes fixed on yours, the way he dissolved into giggles just from looking at you. When you ask him what’s wrong, he just shakes his head and looks down at his plate again, but you’re sure it’s love.
His hands aren’t hesitant when they grab yours out of habit, forcing you to place down your fork.
He plants kisses on the back of your hands, insisting that he had to do it right that second. Yet, he concedes by feeding you a few bites of your pancakes.
You’re sure it’s love by the way you move his hair out of his eyes, you call him handsome when he least expects it just to see the blush creep onto his cheeks.
It was a quiet yet showy affection all at the same time. There was a silent sense that you were both waiting to change the trajectory of your relationship, but you decided it can’t happen in the café.
As you finish the meal and the check is handled, it’s back to holding hands with a tight grip, barely restraining your romantic thoughts through such a simple gesture.
The walk back to the hotel is once again quite short, but any moment spent with Minghao felt worthy of experiencing.
“Can you zip me up?” 
“Of course,” Minghao is behind your back before you can get the question out, hands gently tugging up the black zipper. The late morning had slowly spun into the afternoon and he decided it would be best to start getting ready earlier rather than later.
You aren’t in a position to argue, seeing as your routines took a considerable amount of time no matter how formal or casual an event was. You figure it’s just him accounting for the inevitable second-guessing about accessories or the possible existential dread about attending the wedding altogether. 
Your dress is still incredibly bold, you think to yourself as you study your figure in the mirror. Minghao decided to make you a matching pair of gloves that only emphasized the beauty of the look.
“You look so beautiful,” He emphasizes it with a gentle kiss on the lips, craning his neck slightly to meet your face.
“Thank you,” You reach up to cradle his head and turn him toward the mirror. “You don’t look too bad yourself,” You tease, but it was a complete understatement. He was nearly done getting ready by the time he walked over to see you, but his black suit made him look even more handsome than you expected. 
He opted for his regular middle part, letting his shaggy black hair hang in front of his eyes. You asked him a few days ago if he wanted to get it cut for the wedding, but he knew you liked it too much to do anything. 
“Let me see your piercings,” You touched his ear and he moved to reveal the few pieces of silver jewelry that led down the shell of his ear. His piercings are something you always forget are there until he tucks a piece of hair behind his ear, but he lets you pick out the set he would wear today.  
“Gorgeous,” you affirm with a kiss on the cheek. 
“Do you have everything in your bag?” He gestures toward the desk, it currently has too many things strewn across it in your efforts to get ready.
“Shit,” You rush over to fill your clutch with the essentials you needed for the night and he laughs at your frantic energy.
“Relax, baby, we won’t be late,” He reassures you with a quiet voice. You notice that you’re clutching the lip gloss in your hand a bit too tight and relax your grip, dropping the item into your purse before zipping it up.
“Right,” you shut your eyes for a moment.
“We’ll be fine,” You feel his hands snake around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest. He could sense the tension in your muscles, he steadies your breathing with his own deep breaths, and you naturally follow his pattern.
“Thank you,” Your voice is barely above a whisper, you take another moment before turning around in his arms. 
“I just have to tell you again how sexy you look right now,” He admits with a sly grin. It makes you laugh with your whole body, nearly falling out of his arms from the combination of embarrassment and joy. 
You cock your eyebrow at him. “Don’t praise me too much or else we’re not making it out of here at all,” He lets out a short laugh. 
“I have no problem with that,” He grabs your face and peppers kisses all over your cheeks, despite your immediate protests.  
It helps you remember that no matter what happens at the wedding, this is what’s waiting for you afterward.
The venue is only a few minutes away from the hotel, so the drive is much shorter than you wanted it to be. You tried to wrench away the last of your nerves as you stared at the entrance of the country club, you noticed the other well-dressed guests and their occasional stares at you, your chest, and your hips.
He catches on and squeezes your hand. “Come on, we don’t wanna be late,” He pulls you gently into motion, and you instinctively wrap your arm around his. 
The venue is stunning, if not expensive, it definitely costs an arm and a leg to get married near the beach during peak wedding season. The wedding ceremony is outside, and the heat hits you the moment you make it through the back exit with Minghao. The late afternoon sun bore itself down on the guests, but you couldn’t exactly be upset when the atmosphere was so beautiful.
The space was a converted lawn that overlooked the nearby beach, the venue’s most anticipated view, and now prime wedding location. 
The arch, aisle, and individual seats were ivory-colored, each adorned with white floral arrangements. Most of the guests had filed in by the time you made it to your seats, but Minghao led you both to seats right near the aisle toward the back of the seating arrangements. 
There were a few things to keep your interest within the scenery itself, but Minghao mostly stayed quiet. Besides checking in once to see how you were feeling before the ceremony, he mostly observed the people around him. 
Namely, a baby that was in the row ahead of you. The infant was slightly fussy, understandably with the heat and noise from the live orchestra. The mother seemed slightly flustered trying to keep the baby under control, but Minghao’s interest seemed to catch the baby’s focus once he made himself known.
He babbled and made funny faces that made the baby stop crying, their watery eyes watching him in surprise. The cries soon turned to laughs as he gently pinched the baby’s cheek with his fingers, his cooing soothed their nerves almost instantly. There was something that stirred in your chest at the sight of him, your “not really fake” boyfriend being so gentle with the baby and the sight of his engagement ring could’ve made you cry on the spot.
It was almost like a glimpse into the future, a memory that you captured in your heart instantly. You hadn’t discussed anything past marriage yet, but this made you want to have the conversation soon.
Not that anything could happen in the immediate future, but something in you wondered if he would want to start a family with you someday. You’re snapped out of the daydream when you hear the mother thank him and he turns his attention toward you.
“What’s wrong?”
You shake your head. “Nothing,” You choose not to elaborate, to keep the feeling sacred in your chest. 
He notices how high your cheeks are from smiling and clutches your hand tighter than before.
A few minutes pass before the procession officially begins, the guests all rise from their seats and watch as the bridesmaids, groomsmen, the ring bearer, and the flower girl each have their moment walking down the aisle.
Mingyu is then escorted down the aisle with his mother, and you realize this is the first time you’ve seen him in so long.. He settles at the altar and anxiously waits for his bride to join him, the entire crowd also holds an air of anticipation.
Once she steps into view, Mingyu looks absolutely enamored with the bride, he can’t stop beaming while watching her. You even see a few tears fall from his cheeks and it makes the moment even more precious.
You wonder how that feeling would settle into your bones, knowing that you’ve built such a strong bond with someone that there’s no other option than to marry them. 
Despite your initially rash decision, the longer you were living with the concept of getting married, the more it started to scare you.
Sure, you liked the idea of wedding planning, picking out a dress, and all the other decisions that were meant to be a dream come true, but being at a wedding was completely different. It was a visualization of months of effort to bring so many different elements together that you feel almost intimidated by it.
Yet, there’s no reason for you to even have cold feet, you two aren’t even formally in a relationship! You have all the time in the world to let the relationship bloom completely, you know he wouldn’t jump into anything too quickly.
You sit with all these feelings as the ceremony goes on, their vows to each other are filled to the brim with adoration and care for one another. 
This was a result of years invested into a relationship, but how could you feel nearly the same way, truly feel the descriptions of being cared for and protected beyond measure, after a few weeks? 
You tear up at how they speak so highly of each other because you love Minghao in this way, you love this person who has enriched your life so deeply that you can’t even recognize yourself from a few weeks ago.
As soon as they’re pronounced husband and wife, you watch them exchange that first kiss as if their bodies couldn’t bear to be apart for another second. You cry silently as you watch them through slightly blurry eyes, the realization is all a bit too much to bear at the moment. 
You force yourself to keep sniffling occasionally until the ceremony is over, but the moment Minghao holds your hand as the rest of the crowd disperses, you lose the rest of your composure. 
Minghao glances over at you in slight shock. 
“Darling, what’s wrong?” His tone is especially warm tonight, and you know you can’t wait any longer to tell him.
“I love you,” You face him and cup his face in your hands. “I love everything about you and I mean that,” Your voice is choked by sobs, but you manage to get it all out.
You wanted this moment to be more private, but when you see the relief hit his face, the tension melts from his shoulders and he smiles so wide that you know he’s only focused on you.
“I love you too,” He can’t stop grinning, he’s on the brink of tears when you observe his eyes and you pull him into your arms immediately.
You stay there for a little while, just silently rocking each other in a tight hug. 
He finally whispers in your ear. “I think we’re missing the party,” He looks back at the brightly lit venue before facing you again. You finally hear the music thumping and come to your senses.
“Yeah, I think so. We don’t want to miss the speeches, right?” You ask with a tilt of your head, a hint of a smile playing on your lips. 
The inside of the venue feels especially cozy now that the ceremony is over, the room is dimly lit and almost lulls you into a false sense of security. 
You’re acutely aware of Minghao’s hand around your waist, his fingers are idly running across the fabric of your dress and it eases your nerves once again. The room is lively, music and conversation fill the space to a decently loud volume that you still have to adjust to. You don’t spot Mingyu or the bride, but you’re sure they’re mingling happily amongst their guests. 
Your eyes scan across the room to find your table, but you turn to face Minghao in confusion. “Do you remember our table number?”
“It was 13,” He speaks over the music and turns to look for the table in question, letting out a quiet hum when he spots it. He points to the table and you both head over, not seeing the other guests in view quite yet. You can tell it’s fairly full, and you decide that you weren’t against getting to know new people. 
That’s what you tell yourself until he’s the first person you spot at your table. 
Fucking hell. 
Of course, he’s at your table, looking at you expectantly. You can almost see a glint of regret in his eyes when you adjust your posture, but you look at her before you can fixate on his expression for too long. 
She’s glowing in that expectant mother kind of way, you almost feel uneasy when she offers you a smile. You’re certain that your thoughts are pulling you too far back into your brain when Seokmin makes himself known.
“Look at you two, it’s been a while,” He chats excitedly, eyes disappearing with that brilliant smile of his. He directs his attention at you first.
“You look absolutely stunning!” He opens his arms for a hug and you happily oblige, placing your arms on his back in a tight embrace. “Thank you,” You’re nearly breathless by the time he pulls away, but still happy nonetheless. 
“I need to know where you got this dress, I can’t get over it,” Seokmin gushes, he gives you a once over before smiling up at you again. 
“Oh, he made it for me,” You respond easily, you’re determined not to shy away from the compliment. You look at Minghao briefly and he returns a smirk, but it’s affirming, you’re grateful that your confidence has yet to waver.
“I’m not shocked at all,” He pulls Minghao into a hug and pats him on the back, “he’s always had a good eye.” Minghao laughs and pulls himself into conversation with the journalist easily. You realize that it’s rude to not at least acknowledge the other people at the table, but you’re pleasantly surprised by the sight of Soonyoung and Chan, who are both equally excited to see you.
The table arrangement is overwhelmingly positive besides the obvious, but it was likely out of convenience that Mingyu’s college friends were all arranged together at one table. 
Soonyoung and Chan sweep you away from the table in a hurry, giving you no room to look at Joshua for even a second longer. “I feel like it’s been ages since I’ve seen you,” Chan is beaming when he pulls you into a tight hug. Weeks felt like months now that you were out of the hypothetical bubble, but you start to feel guilt in the pit of your stomach. 
“Yeah, your man really pulled you away from your friends,” Soonyoung jokes as you embrace him toward your chest. You laugh into his suit jacket, but the fact still remains. You hadn’t updated them nearly enough on the situation recently, especially not about your revelation toward Minghao. 
You didn’t want to become that person who neglected their friends once you got into a relationship, you didn’t want to be consumed by him that you forget to live outside of him. You pull away from the hug and look at both of them with wistful eyes. You don’t have any excuses, to be honest. 
“Sorry that I’ve been hiding, it wasn’t intentional,” You shake your head pathetically, shifting your eyes down to your feet before looking up at them again.
“It’s not okay, we’ve been starving for details,” Chan replied with a cheeky grin. “But we’re happy you’re okay,” Soonyoung interjects. 
“You two look like you’re in love,” Soonyoung leads the two of you further away from the table to make sure Minghao is completely out of earshot. 
“Wait, are you in love with him?” Soonyoung clutches your arm and you see that Chan is anxiously awaiting the answer too. 
You chuckle lightly and lower your voice. “I confessed to him earlier,” you whisper. The men both gasp in excitement, giving you proud smiles that invite you in so easily. 
“I knew it,” Chan pats Soonyoung’s shoulder as a sly smile plays on his lips. 
“We both did,” Soonyoung puts a hand on your shoulder, “there was no way you were getting out of this without catching feelings.” You start to blush and look for a way out, taking a glance around the room.
You want to focus on other guests, what they’re wearing, the gossip that’s on their lips, but you can only look for him. He’s not too far, of course, but your heart can’t slow until you see him. 
You lock eyes with him and his face noticeably softens. You watch his smile spread to his cheeks before turning away. “Let’s get drinks before the speeches start,” You nod in the guys’ direction and they approve the decision immediately.
You settle on a vodka soda from the bar and lazily nurse your first drink in your hand, occasionally taking a sip while talking to Soonyoung and Chan.
It was ultimately a good idea to drink now, you thought it best to have your senses slightly blurred when facing the elephant in the room. 
You needed just a bit of liquid courage, not too much to make it through whatever the night had yet to present. Once all three of you had mingled to your heart’s content, you made your way back to the table with a newfound confidence. 
As you took a seat next to Minghao, his hand found your thigh instantly. 
He leans in to whisper against your ear. “Enjoying yourself?” 
You feel yourself blush. “Yeah, just needed a little pick me up,” You reciprocate the action and he runs his hand along your leg in affirmation.
“Good,” He pulls away with a nod. It’s a bit cheeky, but you wouldn’t fold for him like this, not yet at least.
“More importantly, how are you holding up?” You place your chin in the palm of your hand, gazing at him softly. The upbeat music and distant conversations from other tables make you feel a bit fuzzier while making eye contact with him.
“I’m good, Seokmin kept me pretty occupied thankfully,” He sucks his teeth and lets out a sigh. You nod in a silent understanding, you wish you had the ability to diffuse tension like he could. 
“Hopefully it’s smooth sailing,” You reassure him with a gentle smile, one that he accepts with a small grin. You say it in an effort to soothe the hint of doubt in your own mind, but you were getting ahead of yourself. 
There weren’t any problems yet, so why create them out of thin air? 
You only had to idle for a few more minutes before the speeches got into full swing. The maid of honor and best man both had emotionally touching speeches that kept everyone’s spirits high. It was emotional for both the bride and groom, who you noticed wiping stray tears on occasion while listening to their loved ones. It was clear that they were surrounded by a supportive circle who were excited to send them off on their new journey as newlyweds. 
The real trouble was dinner.
You learned that Mingyu loved cooking, so the spread for the meal was quite thorough enough to suit a variety of dietary restrictions and tastes. Once each of you had gone up to get food, and in your case extra alcohol, you could no longer delay the inevitable.
The tension was unbearably thick.
The sound of utensils scraping against plates and the occasional clink of glassware were the only noises that filled the silence amongst the table. 
As much as your second and third drinks were continuing to soothe your nerves, the presence of alcohol could only do so much. Each person at the table had varying levels of familiarity with the situation at hand, but it wasn’t their place to instigate anything, so the silence endured.
“How was your trip up here, Y/N?” Joshua asked suddenly.
“It was fine, we drove up,” You held your composure at the question, making eye contact with him briefly before looking down at your plate to take another bite of your food.
“Nice, so you got to prepare how you were going to lie to everyone, right?”
“What?” You look up at him with a deadpan expression. You notice Minghao shifting in his seat  next to you. He seriously wasn’t trying to do this over dinner, right?
“You know what I’m talking about, Y/N, don’t play dumb,” He scoffed at you. You glance at Seokmin, who is clearly confused at his apparent line of questioning. Soonyoung and Chan both seemed to catch on immediately.
“No, Joshua. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Enlighten me,” You smile at the end of your response. You lean back in your chair and tilt your head slightly.
If he wanted to embarrass you, he was going to have to work for it.  
“When did you get engaged, Y/N?”
“Joshua, what the hell are you doing?” His girlfriend interjected.
“No, it’s okay,” You reassure her with a nod but she still looks concerned on your behalf. “It was 2 months ago. He set up a picnic for us like our first date, it was lovely.”
“When are you getting married?”
The detail you discussed with Minghao during the road trip immediately came to mind. “This time next year, so sometime during the summer, we’re still early in the planning phase. Anything else?”
“You didn’t even have your ring on when I met him with you,” Joshua stutters through his words.
“I knew I had a long day of work ahead of me without much sleep the night before so I naturally forgot. Minghao told you that I forgot it. You knew I had terrible sleep issues while we were together, or did you conveniently forget that so it could fit your narrative about me?” You tilt your head slightly, the answer comes together almost too easily.
That response earned a light chuckle from Minghao, and everyone else at the table knew they were in for a show.
“Your relationship is fake, no matter how much you delude yourself or him. I honestly can’t believe you got him to do this in the first place,” Joshua sets his jaw in frustration. You adjust your posture once more so you can properly read Joshua to filth. It was fun being a bit underhanded with Joshua, but now he was getting unnecessary.
“First of all, you don’t speak for him or me. The fact that you have nothing better to do than to interrogate me about my relationship is a sign that you can’t bear to think of me being happy without you,” Your tone remains firm as you let out your innermost thoughts.
“I’m clearly in love with him and that bothers the shit out of you because you’re miserable as fuck. The fact that you’re an emotionally stunted dickhead is not my problem. You should be worrying about becoming a father and minding your business, but here you are making a fool out of yourself,” Joshua seems to shrink slightly behind your words, but you don’t lose your momentum.
“I don’t know what your goal was in trying to humiliate me in front of my friends and my fiancé, but you’re a fucking loser and I suggest you spend some time getting your head out of your ass. Fuck you.”
You take a sharp exhale. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom,” You don’t hesitate to stand up and make a beeline away from the table.
You don’t stop walking through the seemingly endless halls until you’re in the comfort of the bathroom, clutching the edge of the sink and letting out a shaky breath.
You did it.
You let him have it in front of Minghao, his girlfriend, and your friends.
It felt good as hell. 
It was long overdue, but the feeling of freedom in your skin felt too good to ignore. 
You take a moment to assess if there was any damage to your makeup. Thankfully, nothing looked out of place once you spent a few moments admiring your features. 
It felt like your mind was finally catching up to your body now that you were alone.
First, you said that you were in love with Minghao and you truly meant it. Defending him was so natural to you that it felt like you’d done it for ages.
Second, Joshua knew the original setup was fake. It didn’t really matter now that you had actively gaslit him into oblivion, but you had clearly made up for a less than stellar performance when you first introduced Joshua to Minghao. 
Lastly, you still had to go back out there. Sure, you were tipsy, but you still had to perform for a bit longer. It weighed on you the longer you looked at yourself in the mirror.
You brought yourself back to reality with a shake of your head, you turn to open the door and are shocked to see Minghao’s face.
“Hao,” You breathe out. 
“I wanted to come check on you. You really went off back there,” He gave you a kind smile and a pat on the shoulder.
“I did. It felt good,” You let out a chuckle.
“Are you anxious? Do you wanna go back to the hotel?” His comforting tone makes you smile, but shockingly, you don't feel completely overwhelmed by your surroundings. 
“I’m fine, babe,” You lower your head slightly at the questions. Most times, you think you would’ve preferred going home after being so confrontational, but you wanted to have fun. You didn’t want to hide anymore.
He pulls you into a hug and mumbles into your ear. “I’m proud of you,” His words melt into you so easily, it makes you feel at ease. You spend a few more moments with your head against his shoulder, savoring the silence away from the commotion of the wedding party. It didn’t matter what anyone thought about the two of you, you were determined to enjoy yourself. 
You lift your head up and find his hand to intertwine with your own. He gives you a reassuring look before you make your way back through the corridors into the main ballroom. The party is far more lively than when you first left a few minutes ago, the DJ is playing some party song that was popular when you were younger.
The dance floor is noticeably fuller as well, the atmosphere makes you grateful that you decided to stick around for the rest of the reception. You briefly tried to look for the other guys, but Soonyoung was the only one that made himself known to you once you reentered the ballroom.
“There you are!” He exclaimed in relief at the sight of you. He was yelling above the music to catch your attention, even when both you and Minghao eventually got closer to him.
“That was really intense, huh?” He furrowed his brows, his face slightly concerned. 
“Yeah, but he deserved it,” You rolled your eyes and scoffed. If anything, you could’ve gone harder on him and expressed every single inch of your rage, but your composure was commendable considering the circumstances. 
“Definitely, you should’ve seen how pale he was after you left,” Soonyoung shook his head in disbelief at the thought of it.
“He was definitely shitting himself, I didn’t know you could be that lethal,” Minghao pinched your arm and you smirked. It made you happy that your goal was accomplished, it made the trouble of making a scene worth it knowing how much it affected him. 
“I’m only lethal when I need to be,” You clarify with a chuckle, averting your gaze toward the rest of the dancefloor, “and we should go dance. Enough Joshua talk for now,” You whined into Minghao’s shoulder.
“Okay, okay, we can go,” Minghao kissed the back of your hand and gave a sympathetic look to Soonyoung. 
“Don’t go too crazy,” Soonyoung winked and walked away, working himself back into the hustle and bustle of the party. You lead Minghao into a free space on the dance floor, immediately feeling the vibe of the dance track in your body. You weren’t a spectacular dancer by any means, but you figured you didn’t look too awkward compared to everyone else around you.
Minghao naturally snakes his hands around your hips and you don’t resist his touch, it only elevates your mood. He falls into a natural rhythm with you, falling away to make you laugh with his dance moves before pulling you in again. When one song gets particularly heated, he pulls you against his chest and lets his hands wander further down to graze the curve of your ass. 
The lights are dim enough where people can’t see unless they’re being particularly nosy. 
He doesn’t linger for much longer before bringing his hands up to cup your face briefly before leaning in towards your ear.
“I wanna fuck you so badly,” He hums into your ear. You feel a blush creeping up your neck, you didn’t expect him to be so forward about it. He had never expressed desperation like this before, it almost made you lose it right then and there.
“You’ll have me soon enough, babe,” You respond as evenly as you could with the mounting tension between you. He doesn’t seem satisfied, his energy becoming a bit bratty in your hold. 
“One more hour, baby, can you make it until then?” You tease. He averts his glance from you and sighs deeply.
“Yes, of course I can,” He scoffed. His behavior only made you laugh, you had no idea how you’d managed to pull this reaction out of him. 
You held to your word, sticking around the party for exactly one more hour, but he wasn’t exactly concealing his reaction. As you started to make your final goodbyes around the party, his eagerness started to make its way to the surface. 
When you exchanged goodbyes with Seokmin, Soonyoung, and Chan, his grip got a bit tighter on your arm. 
You notice the way his hands wander across your lower back. He’s still cordial with the guys, of course, but every time you lock eyes with him you feel butterflies in your stomach.
Surprisingly, you even got to meet Mingyu and his wife for a moment right before you left.
Yet, Minghao is still lingering on you as if Joshua is right around the corner. When you feel him nestle his face in the crook of your neck to leave a prolonged kiss against your skin, you assume he’s nearby. 
The tension keeps itself incredibly high at every point until you’re in the car.
“Don’t look at me or else we’re not gonna make it out of the car,” He shifts the car into drive and your skin suddenly feels like it’s on fire.
“Fuck fuck fuck,” All other words are lost by the feeling of Minghao’s tongue on your cunt.
He didn’t even undress you or anything, he simply instructed you to lay back against the bed and let him take over which you could never be mad at.
He doesn’t let up at all, leaving you slightly torn at the contact. You’re enjoying yourself without a doubt, but the structured form of the dress starts to show its discomfort after a few moments.
“Minghao,” You breathe out. 
“I’m still in the dress,” You stare at him in confusion.
“Is that okay?”
“I just want to get out of it, my boobs hurt,” It comes out more like a whine than a statement, but the point still stands.
“I promise I’ll undress you soon, okay? I just want to enjoy the way my darling looks wearing my masterpiece since I couldn’t do that in public,” He gently rubs the black fabric that adorns your legs. It gets you to soften up a bit.
“I look that gorgeous?” You ask quietly. You didn’t realize it had that much of an effect on him, but you’d probably be freaking out if you were in his position. He lets out a soft laugh and crawls up to your mouth, a wandering hand finds its way to your cheek. 
“Baby, you look incredible. You don’t know how many times I wanted to tear it apart tonight just to taste you,” He whispers against your mouth. “But it’s a gift,” He leaves a kiss on your jaw. “And I want you to remember how well I’m about to fuck you in it,” He moves back to your mouth and your moan gets trapped in a kiss.
His words make your cheeks flush with warmth. He sits up slightly to pull your gloves off one by one. “Okay, hands above your head,” He instructs you gently.
You follow his orders with curious eyes. He proceeds to use the gloves to tie your wrists together, the increasing tightness against your skin makes your heart pound in anticipation.
“Is it too tight?”
“No, I’m fine,” You admit. You’ve never had your hands restrained before, but you trust him to not hurt you. 
He lets you adjust to the new feeling for a moment before disappearing under the fabric of your skirt and resume his previous movements, but it’s not long before he hikes your skirt up with forceful hands.
“Shit,” You whimper.
He replaces his tongue with two of his fingers, the sudden pressure forces out a moan that almost makes you ashamed.
“Gonna work you open just how you like it, ok?” His eyes are noticeably darker when they meet yours, the lust seems to overtake him completely. You get lost in the feeling of his fingers repeatedly hitting that spongy spot, your walls keep clenching around him out of habit. He’s just too good at it, his slender fingers always have you seeing stars pretty quickly.
His speed increases and your arms fall slightly. He’s getting noises out of you that you’ve never heard before, the cries of his name are all you can register in your brain beside the pounding in your ears.
“My pretty little brat, always so needy for me huh?” The resurgence of the nickname makes the coil in your stomach tighten even more, you can barely hold yourself together. 
You want to say something, anything on your mind, but you’re simply reduced to babbling. 
“Come on, tell me how much you wanted me to touch you,” His low voice has a complete hold on you at the moment. He wants to work you up as much as possible before you break, and you could only force yourself to submit.
“So badly, please, I thought about you all night,” You squeeze your eyes shut to hold yourself together, his fingers haven’t slowed their pace yet.
“Look at me,” His voice is so gentle, but the moment you meet his eyes, you know that you need to cum.
“You wanna cum?”
“Yes, please, I’ve been good tonight,” You beg him for mercy knowing you’re at the point of no return.
“You’re close, aren’t you, baby?” He smirks at the mess in front of him, how desperate you are as your legs start to shake from the pressure. You can only nod at this point. 
“Holding on for me like a good girl?” He curls his fingers tighter and it rips a scream from your throat.
“Yes!” Your reply comes out just as loudly.
“Then you can cum,” His instructions send you over the edge, you feel yourself coat his fingers repeatedly and you can barely keep your eyes open.
You take a few heaving breaths and you feel his lips against your thigh.
“You did so well,” He offers praise in between kisses, his mouth against your skin helps ground you again.
“Are you good for some more?” He’s up to untie your restraints before you can think about it, and you revel in the feeling of your wrists being untied.
“Yeah, I’m good,” You nod. He tosses your gloves to the floor before moving to straddle you.
You can feel his erection against you and your breath hitches. He captures your lips in a kiss before you can call him out on it, you can taste traces of your cum against his lips. He moans against your neck and you wish you could hold him there for the rest of the night.
“Want you to cum in me so badly,” You whisper.
“I’m on it, angel,” He leaves one last kiss against your lips before he stands up.
“Wait,” You rush to sit up, adjusting your position on the bed a bit too quickly.
“Let me help you get undressed,” You soften your voice, placing your hands on his hips.
He grins at your touch and guides your fingers to his zipper. You take the hint and unbuckle his belt, throwing it to the side before unzipping his pants. He strips out of his pants and you already have your hands tugging on his boxers.
You force them down to reveal his very irritated cock. He’s clearly been holding his restraint for far too long, so you don’t think too hard before you stroke him gently.
His knees almost buckle from the contact, and he forces your hand away.
“Shit, don’t make me cum, I’m not supposed to cum on you, right?” He asks with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
“No,” You shake your head with an unassuming smile.
“Exactly, I can’t ruin this beautiful dress, now can I?” He straddles you once again, helping you gather your skirt up as far as it’ll go before it hits the bodice.
He lines himself up at your entrance and you’re already bracing yourself for the intensity of it all. 
The initial push isn’t as bad as you thought, but it still makes you groan as you clutch onto his arm. He pushes through until he’s bottomed out, but you both sigh audibly the moment it stops. 
You’re just so full that it’s hard to focus on anything else, so much so that he notices.
“Yeah,” You force your eyes open to look at him.
“Are you ok?”
“Yes, it’s just you,” You place emphasis on the last word and he’s lowering his head in surprise.
“I’m gonna move now,” He confirms his plan and you nod.
His strokes are incredibly slow at first, you’re sure that you’ll cum if he adjusts himself any further. He soon finds his rhythm though, you notice how intently he’s watching you when you look at his face again. 
He’s obsessed with you, the way your face scrunches up in pleasure, and how your moans sound heavenly in response to him.
“I love you so much,” The words sound blurred with pleasure as he tries to fight the groans escaping from his mouth. You’re not faring much better, he manages to render you speechless as the sound of his skin hitting yours echoes throughout the hotel room.
“I love you,” You breathe out, your arms draped around his neck and you pull him closer until he’s nearly laying on your chest.
“Is this what you want, baby? Do you want me to cover every inch of you like this?” His voice is gravelly in your ear, begging you to give in to him.
“Yes, fuck, stay low like this please,” You pull yourself onto his mouth and lose yourself to him. He moves his head to the crook of your neck to help him gain some control, he’s able to cage you in slightly to hit you even deeper than before.
You can only grasp his hair and whine through it all. Your nerves are ready to let go at any moment, but you’re trying to savor how close he is to you. His cologne, the feeling of his skin on yours, his voice, your brain can only process pieces of him.
“Minghao, fuck,” You can’t even begin to form a coherent sentence, just mumbling his name over and over again. 
“Gonna cum?”
“Yes, yes yes,” He picks up the pace slightly to accommodate you and lets your orgasm hit full force, his cum fills you up so well that you can barely breathe. You clutch him even tighter than before and he fucks you through the orgasm, mumbling sweet nothings in your ear to calm you down.
“You’re always so good for me,” He whispers against your skin. He takes a moment to admire you despite your heavy panting.
His orgasm hits soon after and you feel him still around you, inhaling a sharp breath beside you.
You don’t separate for a long while, you just bring him back down to earth with soft touches. He’s always taking care of you, so you figure it’s time to do the same for him.
“Ready to get up, baby?” You rub his shoulder with encouragement.
“Not really,” His laugh vibrates against your chest. He was very cute, but you knew you had to convince him because it was getting a bit too hot in this position.
“Well, you have to take me out of the dress since you put me in it,” You try to sway him. “And it’s gonna feel so good to be in our pajamas, right?”
“Mhm,” He agrees.
“So let’s get up before I lose feeling in my legs,” You joke with him, but you’re rapidly feeling more and more tethered to the bed. 
“Shit, I’m sorry,” He pulls out of you swiftly and falls to the other pillow beside you. You finally feel like you can breathe once you sit up. 
You take a moment to remove your jewelry and place it on the nightstand before turning back to him. You’re sure that he’s been looking at you the whole time by the way he grins at your attention.
“Hi,” You turn your head over your shoulder, his eye contact makes you shy.
“Hi, love.”
“Can you unzip me? Pretty please?” You raise your voice slightly, pursing your lips to make him smile.
“Yes, sorry I kept you waiting,” It succeeds when he grins at you, he finally scoots toward you and pulls down the zipper, which allows you to slip out of the dress. 
“Thank god,” You sigh a bit too loud. You have to steady your nerves before standing up, but you’re still a bit wobbly when you’re stumbling around the room looking for a shirt.
“Felt that good?”
“Feel like my boobs were held hostage all night,” He looks slightly worried and you have to backtrack slightly, “which was not your fault, it’s just naturally a bit uncomfortable,” You slip an oversized shirt over his head, one that you stole from the back of his t-shirt drawer. 
“Okay,” He still watches you hesitantly. “Wait, that’s my shirt,” He points at you in fake shock.
“Yeah, I’ve stolen quite a few of your shirts. I’m shocked you haven’t noticed yet,” You sift through your bag to find clean underwear and slip them on with your back turned to him.
“I have noticed,” You hear him get off the bed to find clothes, “and I don’t care, you look pretty in them.” You realize he’s fully dressed when he hugs you from behind and kisses you on the cheek. 
You hum in affirmation, closing your eyes and you naturally start to rock back and forth in his arms. You feel him kiss the top of your head and you revel in the moment, the silence that always speaks volumes between you.
“Hey,” You speak up.
“I love you,” You’re getting used to saying it out loud more often, you force yourself to fight past the nerves of expressing it to him more often now.
“I love you too,” He responds immediately, it makes your heart sing. 
It feels like a new chapter has unofficially begun, one where you have to address the future standing in front of you. How do you not let yourself get lost in this relationship? 
How do you love when you’ve never been in a healthy relationship before?
It’s something that lingers when you fall asleep curled up next to him, trying to quiet the fears creeping up in your mind.
The next morning moves far more slowly than the day before. You can’t help but hold onto him a bit longer in bed, your fingertips just want to feel the warmth of his skin, your mind feels at ease when you feel his heartbeat against your ear. 
By the way he tightens his arms around you, you figure he’s not itching to let you go either. The beach day you’ve both thought about seems like it’s drifting away with each passing moment. 
“Baby?” He rasps.
“You’re awake.”
“So are you,” You sit up to get a better look at him. His hair is completely messy, and you watch him try to smooth it out but to no avail. 
“Do you still wanna go out today? We don’t have to,” His offer is definitely inviting, but you figure you should make the most of your trip before the inevitably long ride home. 
“No, we should. I wanna see you in that outfit you packed,” You giggle.
“You’ve just got ulterior motives, huh?”
“Maybe,” You bite your lip and concentrate on his eyes.
“That’s okay, I was thinking about what you’d wear too,” He admits with a shake of his head. You give him a peck on the lips and push on his chest lightly.
“Come on, let’s get going then,” You kiss him on the cheek before forcing yourself out of bed to get ready. You both fall into separate routines, only converging to eat breakfast and brush your teeth while getting yourselves together. 
Minghao does end up wearing the outfit he showed you back at his apartment, the baby blue set is slightly oversized on him but it works against his skin tone. You opt for a similar coverup layout, wearing a tropical print shirt and a pair of shorts to cover your bikini. 
The beach isn’t too far from the hotel, but the walk feels especially crisp with the late summer air on your skin. The day was breaking into early afternoon by the time you both left, it was bright enough that you both ended up needing your sunglasses. 
Just like the day before, you strolled arm in arm taking in the sights of the neighborhood. You were grateful that there wasn’t any internal pressure anymore now that the wedding was over, you were still trying to adjust to not being on defense the entire time.
As you approached the beach, it dawned on you that despite enjoying yourself last night, fighting with Joshua made you realize just how hard you were willing to fight for Minghao. It’s easy to say what you might do when you’ve spent a month ruminating on the moment, but the pressure made your anger hard to ignore.
Since it was the weekend, there were a moderate amount of people enjoying themselves along the beach. Couples, families, and friend groups were sunbathing, playing around, eating food, or just enjoying each other’s company.
Somehow, you were able to find a spot to lay down your old beach towel for the both of you to sit on top of. It was thankfully out of the way from the crowds, so you were able to observe people without too much trouble. 
You were able to sit in silence with each other for a few moments, absorbing the white noise of the people and the distant noise of the waves on the horizon.
“When does your lease end?” He asks you suddenly.
“January. Why?” 
“Do you still want to live there? You know, after everything?” His questions make you shrink in on yourself once you hear them.
You honestly hadn’t thought that far ahead. You figured that if you managed to avoid Joshua for this long, you could continue to make it happen. Yet, you couldn’t imagine how that could possibly work now knowing how badly you’d gone off on him.
“Shit,” You let out a shaky breath, concentrating on the ocean that sat at the edge of your sight.
“We don’t have to do anything,” He reminds you gently.
“No, you’re right. If I want it to be completely over, I need to move,” You affirm your decision. You need to be firm with your own boundaries, mostly for your own sake. 
“How do you feel about moving though?” You posit the question and he’s already adjusting himself on the beach towel.
“I mean, aside from everything else, the apartment is getting kinda small for me. I just need more space in general,” He sighs at the thought.
“What’s top priority?” You humor him and he smiles for a moment before answering.
“An actual home office. I think not having enough space to get work done is bothering me,” His thought seems unfinished by the way he looks up at the sky, trying to conjure more ideas.
“But I’m trying to keep my work and home life more separate, especially now that we’re together,” He says it without thinking and your eyes widen.
“We’re together, huh?” You joke.
It seems to hit him immediately. You’ve both said I love you, so it just seemed natural that you were together already.
Yet, he hasn’t asked. You haven’t asked.
“Y/N,” He reaches out for your hands and you gladly let him hold them. 
“Will you be my girlfriend?” He’s grinning so hard just waiting for your reply, you don’t think that you could ever tell him no. 
“Of course, Minghao,” You cup his face and pull him into a kiss. 
He’s noticeably shyer than before once he pulls away from you, his cheeks are slightly pink. “Anyway, I just want it to be our space now that we’re together. I want it to feel like home.” 
You can only imagine what an apartment mixed with both of your tastes looks like, but it still makes your heart feel warm. 
“That makes sense, so I assume your lease ends around the same time?” You lean back onto your palms, letting out a quiet sigh. 
“Yeah, mid January. It seems so far away just thinking about it,” His words make you think of how brutal winter is back in the city. You hate having to trudge home in the snow, boots covered in sludge all while trying to stay warm with too many layers on.
You push it to the back of your head once you look up at the bright blue sky, drawing you back into the feeling of summer. 
Silence falls over the two of you again. The idea of planning a future with him feels foreign, how do you begin to process all of that?
“Scary,” You shiver from the breeze passing by.
“It is scary,” He doesn’t comfort you this time, instead confirming the fear of it. 
“Honestly, Minghao, I’m just scared of us,” You cross your arms and let out a deep sigh, focusing your eyes on the ocean ahead. 
“How so? I want to know what you’re feeling,” His voice is so inviting, you know that you can’t hold back from him anymore.
“I’m scared that I’m gonna fuck this up. I’ve never been in this kind of relationship and it scares me so much,” You clear your throat to avoid the tears threatening to spill out. “I don’t want to sabotage this because I’ve never felt this safe with someone before.” 
“Baby,” He places a hand on your arms, gently trying to pry them apart. You let him hold your hand, but you still can’t look at him. You’re not sure why it’s so embarrassing to be so vulnerable with him.
“I’m scared too. We’re still learning about each other’s boundaries, and it’s honestly still hard for me to express things to you. We’re gonna make mistakes with each other, but that’s natural. But, I know you’re bringing this up because you want us to start on a good foundation, right?”
“Yeah,” Your voice is still shaky, but you nod in agreement.
“Exactly, and that’s a great first step. I know it’s hard for both of us to open up, but I’m happy you told me,” He validates your fears and you finally look him in the eyes.
“Thank you, I just didn’t want to hide that when we’re about to truly start the relationship. I trust that we can call each other out on things if we cross a line, you know?” You still tried your best to hold eye contact, but you can’t help but focus on anything but his face.
“Yeah, absolutely. We’ll get there,” He finds your hand and squeezes it gently. The burden wasn’t completely resolved, but it was shared and that felt much better than keeping it all bottled up.
You found yourself staring out at the sea once again, eyes sometimes wandering to the people that would pass by. The silence wasn’t heavy this time, but rather full of mutual understanding. You soon felt a pull to explore the beach.
“Do you want to go down to the water?” You speak up.
“Yeah,” His face brightens and he helps you up off of the towel before standing up on his own.
You strip down out of your cover up, fold your clothes and place them in a neat pile near your shoes. “Race you there!” You yell suddenly and break out into a sprint.
“That’s not fair, you got a head start!” He’s close behind you, you can hear him catching up to you but you’re still running your hardest. 
He passes you soon enough, sticking his tongue out at you before breezing past you. You’re out of breath by the time you reach the waves, but he’s waiting for you with open arms.
His embrace is as welcoming as always, and you spend a few moments catching your breath against his shoulder. He instinctively holds you a bit tighter and it feels heavenly. The moment you’re alright, you both wade deeper into the ocean, splashing each other until you’re both laughing uncontrollably.
You don’t realize how long you’ve been out in the water until you feel the heat of the sun against your skin more harshly than before.
You both retreat and dry off in your designated corner before covering up again. The walk back to the car is quiet, but you’re learning to embrace those moments with him a bit more. 
After grabbing lunch at a nearby restaurant, the road-trip begins once again, with you in the passenger seat while he drives. It’s more or less the same as when you first drove up, he entertains you with conversation until you fall asleep, only to wake up dazed hours later.
This time, you manage to fall asleep for the rest of the ride, only waking up when Minghao tells you that you’re home. 
You mutually decide to spend the night apart to properly prepare for the first day of your new jobs the next day, plus you need a bit of space to recharge from the trip.
You wouldn’t be apart for much longer though, you mutually agreed that Minghao would carpool you both to and from work each day unless he had to head in early or stay late at his office. However, he reassured you that he’d always let you know about those kinds of things early on. 
It was a reliable routine that you could look forward to, you thought to yourself as you unpacked your clothes from your compact suitcase. 
Once you text Soonyoung and Chan to let them know that you made it back safely, you delve into your nightly routine. It’s odd not to have him around, you feel his absence at every point of the night. 
You’re able to fall asleep that night, but not as easily, silently hoping that he misses you all the same.
“Minghao? Are you okay?”
“All good,” He nods at you, staring at your shared workplace the next morning. The building seems a bit more intimidating when you’re about to begin the biggest job you’ve both had thus far.
“You seem nervous, love,” You see past his neutral expression and catch the slight tension in his brows.
“I am, I thought I’d be okay since I’ve already started the new work, but it’s different now. Everyone’s looking to me for all of the answers,” His brows furrow while he rants, but you notice the tension in his shoulders as he clutches his bag tighter in his fist.
“Hey, look at me,” You force him to meet your gaze, turning him around gently. “It’s okay to be nervous. You are perfectly capable and if you have any concerns, you’ve got people there to help right?”
He nods silently and your eyebrows perk up in support. “That’s great! You won’t be alone. I’ll be there in spirit, okay? Take this,” You give him a small frog statue that you’d been holding in your coat pocket and he smiles so wide that he breaks into laughter.
“This is cute, where’d you get it?” He admires the glazed figurine with care.
“I went to the hotel gift shop. I know you like frogs, I saw something on your desk,” You took a moment to look at the few items on his desk while you were there for the dress fitting and noticed a small frog plush, so you figured it needed a friend. 
“This is really sweet, babe, thank you. I feel a bit better about it,” His smile doesn’t go away as he tucks the figurine into his pocket.
“You’re welcome, I’m happy that I could help a little bit,” You kiss him briefly and he gives a kiss on your cheek in return.
“I’m really glad that I have you to rely on,” His words are so sincere that they make you blush. You’re always worried that you’re not doing enough for him, but you remember your conversation on the beach and realize that you’re both trying to be better. 
“I’m just glad that I can be there for you,” You offer the sentiment and it’s clear that it means a lot to him by the way he squeezes your hand and kisses it sweetly. The small gesture is enough to carry you through the rest of your day. 
The first full day is quite long, and you’re still overwhelmed by the full scope of your department, but you’re not meant to understand everything in the first day.
Your coworkers seem nice, your supervisors are intimidating, but you’re actually able to do some design work the first day. It’s far more than you expected out of the job, but it feels meant to be once you think back on your day.
You tried your best, and that’s all you can do. 
The best part of the day is watching him come outside to meet you, noticeably more tired than the morning, but he’s clearly excited to see you. He doesn’t say a word, silently enveloping you in a hug while he collects his thoughts. 
“Good first day?” You ask quietly.
“Yeah,” He mumbles into your ear, he pulls away soon enough and grabs your hand, leading you both to his car.
The drive home is far more talkative than normal, both of you swapping first day stories that gain laughs and surprised expressions from each other while looking back on the day.
The routine starts to fall into place naturally in your mind, you’re excited to get used to hearing him hum along to music in the car and asking you what he should make for dinner.
You’re worthy of this, worthy of being in a calm and healthy dynamic. It may seem boring to other people, but the comfort of knowing your partner trusts you and understanding that they genuinely enjoy your company is far more valuable than you originally thought.
January rolls around and apartment hunting is moderately stressful, but you end up with a two bedroom apartment that both of you like. You both agree to make a detailed spreadsheet with all your options, comparing all of them while nestled in bed together. Your lease ends before his, so his apartment is crowded for a few weeks before you’re both able to move out. 
Furniture shopping is far more stressful, and there’s plenty of small arguments about your styles, but the end product is worth it. This apartment is far more cozy than your last living situation, far more inviting than before and you’re not scared to be yourself around him. 
You’re not afraid to be at home knowing you’re both ready and willing to support each other.
The first year of your relationship is naturally filled with ups and downs, but the downs are especially frightening.
Complications with your medicine put you in the hospital and Minghao has never been more terrified, he isn’t able to think of anything else except if his love is safe and sound. 
The incident pulls you both back from work, but you’re able to make it through. Knowing how easily he could’ve lost you, Minghao doesn’t want to waste any more time.
You think nothing of him asking about if you prefer gold or silver or when you find him exploring your jewelry box, he just explains that he left one of his own rings in there. 
He was just eager, eager to make you a more permanent fixture in his life.
Minghao is incredibly nervous, all things considered. 
Your one year anniversary is today and he wants, no he needs, to propose to you tonight. The ring has been burning a hole in the back of one of his drawers for months now. He’s not sure how he’s managed to keep you off his tracks, but he’s grateful that you’ve had a bit more work to deal with lately. 
He had managed to pull a few strings and was able to rent out your favorite botanical garden in the city for the evening, it was something he’s wanted to do for you ever since you mentioned your affinity for gardens on the road trip last summer.
You were under the impression that you were both invited for a self guided tour, but you were blissfully unaware of his ulterior motives. 
If his timing was right, he’d be able to propose right as the sun was setting against the glass panes of the expansive greenhouse towards the end of the tour.
The tour had gone according to plan, you were enthralled by seeing the various kinds of plants and flowers that were displayed through each of the rooms. You were both on the way to the last room when you gushed over the experience once again.
“Everything is just so beautiful, I can’t believe you did this for us,” You lean your head against his shoulder.
“Of course, I figured it would be nice to not do a traditional dinner, but something we’ll remember,” He hints unknowingly and kisses you on the forehead. 
It’s not too far ahead now, and the sounds of your heels clicking along the tiles make him exponentially more nervous.
You reach the double doors and you stop walking.
You look down to see a path of roses leading into the greenhouse. Your eyes widen slightly and you turn to offer Minghao a hesitant smile. “What’s all this?” You ask quietly.
“Just a little something for you,” Minghao responds calmly, but he can barely keep it together internally. It’s hitting him all at once you walk in, your eyes immediately hitting the centerpiece in the middle of the room. 
“Oh my god,” Your eyes nearly pop out of their head at the sight of the words staring directly at you on a big sign.
Marry me.
“What are you doing,” Your voice is slightly shaky already, but he continues to walk you towards the setup.
“Hao, seriously,” You ask him again, but he simply holds your hand and starts to speak from the heart.
“This has been such an amazing year with you, and I honestly don’t think my life has ever felt so joyful before. You’re so supportive of me that as a result, I’ve been able to be much kinder to myself,” He stops to wipe his eyes. He lets out a shaky breath before continuing again. 
“Every day, I think about how I’ve been lucky enough to find someone who cares so deeply about me. I know this relationship didn’t start in the ideal way, but I would be your fake boyfriend 100 times over if it meant we could find each other again, if we could grow together. I want to take care of you for the rest of my life, if you’ll let me. So with that said,” He finally kneels and it breaks any of the resolve you might've had left in your body.
He opens the black velvet box to reveal a gold floral shaped diamond ring that knocks the wind out of you.
It’s so startlingly beautiful that you almost forget he hasn’t said the words yet. 
“Y/N, will you marry me?”
“Yes, what the fuck,” You sob at him and he’s beaming, you can barely see his smile through your tears. 
He instinctively grabs your hand to place the ring on your finger. It feels like your body is floating the moment he stands up to kiss you, your hands instinctively find the back of his neck and nestle into his hair.
“Glad I put on a shit ton of setting spray,” You whisper in his ear and pull away from him. He giggles and wipes the stray tears that are strewn across your cheeks.
“You still look beautiful, love,” He reassures you with a soft swipe against your cheek.
“You’re handsome too. I didn’t think you’d cry during the speech,” You push his shoulder lightly and he blushes.
“I basically blacked out, I practiced it so much,” He shakes his head at the thought of it all. 
“It was worth it, that was beautiful,” You pat his hair lovingly. 
“I have another surprise though,” He offers.
“Wait, what is it?”
“Well, the director of the gardens is a Semicolon fan, and I happened to be working as assistant creative director on her favorite collection. So, she’s letting us get married here for free,” He raises his eyebrows and looks at you with a playful glance. “Minghao,” You’re practically in tears again. You couldn’t be happier. 
“I told her this was your favorite place in the entire city, and she was quite happy to hear that,” He reaches to tuck a stray hair behind your ear and you melt into his touch.
“You’re so perfect, thank you baby,” You don’t let him get a word out before you’re kissing him much deeper this time, all the love and passion seems to come through immediately.
He reciprocated with the same level of commitment, holding you tenderly as you led him through the kiss.
“You’re welcome,” He mumbles into your ear.
It’s difficult to capture just how much has changed in a year. You’d like to think you’re much easier on yourself, now that you’re focused on what’s ahead of you instead of being so fixated on the past. It seems impractical that you were able to give yourself so easily to love, but you can’t deny how much it’s softened you.
When Minghao holds you in the aftermath of the proposal, you think you could stay there forever.
In that moment, you were simply grateful to be understood, grateful to be loved, and grateful to start a life with someone who saw the potential in you despite everything in the world that made you feel the opposite.
You can’t help but feel excited at the prospect of a life where there’s always love waiting for you when you least expect it.
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 2 years
♡ August 20, 2020 {9:43PM}
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♡ Word Count : 1.9k ♡ TW : none I think ; it's just soft ;
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taglist : @butterfliesinthenightsky @thedeeppoet @seungkwan-s @yuzuxq @jcngh0-hq @raevyng
He remembers the conversation clearly, mainly because it had been something that irritated him to no end and it was only made worse by the fact that he was trying his best to be excited because he knew you were coming the very next day and the last thing he wanted to greet you with was an attitude because the management team failed to realize that even idols fall victim to that very strong feeling called love.
“Both of your contracts clearly state that you’re not allowed to date. This was made clear to the both of you when you signed your contracts because for some reason it’s the one rule that many idols just love to break. You both clearly stated that you didn’t mind and signed away the rights to date when you wrote your names at the bottoms of each of your contracts. If you continue to see both of those girls, your contracts will be nullified and you’ll both be the ones explaining to the other members and your fans that your love lives are more important than both the group and the fans happiness. Is that something that you’d like to do?” And just to make it more clear, the man at the table pulled out the folder with both Soonyoungs and Seungkwans contract in it, tapping their names that were signed by them at the very bottom. 
“Both of your contracts clearly state that you’re not allowed to date. This was made clear to the both of you when you signed your contracts because for some reason it’s the one rule that many idols just love to break. You both clearly stated that you didn’t mind and signed away the rights to date when you wrote your names at the bottoms of each of your contracts. If you continue to see both of those girls, your contracts will be nullified and you’ll both be the ones explaining to the other members and your fans that your love lives are more important than both the group and the fans happiness. Is that something that you’d like to do?” And just to make it more clear, the man at the table pulled out the folder with both Soonyoungs and Seungkwans contract in it, tapping their names that were signed by them at the very bottom. 
“Both of your contracts clearly state that you’re not allowed to date. This was made clear to the both of you when you signed your contracts because for some reason it’s the one rule that many idols just love to break. You both clearly stated that you didn’t mind and signed away the rights to date when you wrote your names at the bottoms of each of your contracts. If you continue to see both of those girls, your contracts will be nullified and you’ll both be the ones explaining to the other members and your fans that your love lives are more important than both the group and the fans happiness. Is that something that you’d like to do?” And just to make it more clear, the man at the table pulled out the folder with both Soonyoungs and Seungkwans contract in it, tapping their names that were signed by them at the very bottom. 
“Both of your contracts clearly state that you’re not allowed to date. This was made clear to the both of you when you signed your contracts because for some reason it’s the one rule that many idols just love to break. You both clearly stated that you didn’t mind and signed away the rights to date when you wrote your names at the bottoms of each of your contracts. If you continue to see both of those girls, your contracts will be nullified and you’ll both be the ones explaining to the other members and your fans that your love lives are more important than both the group and the fans happiness. Is that something that you’d like to do?” And just to make it more clear, the man at the table pulled out the folder with both Soonyoungs and Seungkwans contract in it, tapping their names that were signed by them at the very bottom. 
“Both of your contracts clearly state that you’re not allowed to date. This was made clear to the both of you when you signed your contracts because for some reason it’s the one rule that many idols just love to break. You both clearly stated that you didn’t mind and signed away the rights to date when you wrote your names at the bottoms of each of your contracts. If you continue to see both of those girls, your contracts will be nullified and you’ll both be the ones explaining to the other members and your fans that your love lives are more important than both the group and the fans happiness. Is that something that you’d like to do?” And just to make it more clear, the man at the table pulled out the folder with both Soonyoungs and Seungkwans contract in it, tapping their names that were signed by them at the very bottom. 
He was fuming at this point, and Soonyoung had nothing to say, his mouth hanging open as his eyes scanned over the contract, reading over the line that they had politely highlighted for the both of them prior to the meeting. “Do you really think people follow the rules that strictly?” Seungkwan asked, knowing damn well that he wasn’t the only idol in the business that had begun a relationship under a contract that strictly forbade it. 
“As long as we don’t see them breaking the rules, it doesn’t count. As long as the fans don’t know, it doesn’t matter. Does this make sense to you?” The man said, slipping the paper away and sliding it back into the folder before pushing it off to the side. “You two are careless and reckless when it comes to your relationships, and to be brutally honest, I don’t think either of you are ready for a real relationship, so you should be thankful for the contract.” 
Furious failed to explain just how Seungkwan was feeling at the words that were said to him, and he didn’t care who he was talking to, he didn’t care for respect, especially when the man sitting across from him didn’t care much for it either. “I know what I’m ready for, and Soonyoung knows as well. Your contract has been nothing but a hindrance on our happiness and I quite honestly don’t care for the sheet of paper. Our fans love us, our band members love us, and so do our girlfriends. If you want to put one silly rule above all of that, that’s on you. I won’t let that change my mind, and better yet, I’ll bring my girlfriend onto one of my streams just to introduce her to the fans because I’m sure they’ll love her just as much as I do.” He took a deep breath, cracking his neck as he rolled it before tapping his fingers against the table top, trying his best to hold back from lunging at the man across from him. “What you fail to understand is that our fans, the ones that truly love us and care for us, want nothing more than for us to be happy, and those are the only fans that matter to us. You only care for money, and money can’t buy happiness… Maybe that’s why you’re so miserable and have no ring on your finger in your fifties.” 
The smug look on the man's face immediately dropped and even Soonyoung let out a loud gasp as Seungkwan stood up from his chair and headed to the door, leaving the man rendered speechless, and neither of the boys wanted to stay behind to hear whatever it was that he could think to say once he did think of anything. The both of them had things to do, and the company policy was the last thing on their minds as they headed back to the dorms to prepare for the next day. 
“Can’t believe you risked everything like that…” You murmured as you laid in his arms, the dim light of the moon dusting your room in the softest white light. It had been a week since he had gone off on the man behind the desk, and he hadn’t lost his job, he hadn’t been told to leave the group and neither had Hoshi. It had actually come as a shock to him considering he was ready for the ball to drop like that, but instead, the two of them had actually gotten the blessings of PD Bang for a long lasting, healthy, happy, and loving relationship. 
“For you…” He whispered, letting his fingers trail delicately along your skin, the image of your body perfectly ingrained in his mind. The tips of his fingers lingered along the spot where the fresh scar had formed, a constant reminder of what you had gone through, only making him want to protect you more. “I’d risk it all over again. All of it means nothing if I don’t have you to talk to about it at the end of the day. How are you feeling?” 
Your only response was a content hum before pecking a quick kiss to his lips and settling into your pillow while scooting closer to him. “You know what’s funny?” You mused, walking your fingers up and down his arm absentmindedly as you looked over his features that looked even more perfect in the soft glow of the moon. “If I hadn’t been sent back home… I’d be in my last week here… I’d have to go home soon.” 
Even though his smile fell at the mention of such a sad truth, it was one that he didn’t have to worry about now. “I wouldn’t have let you go back home anyway. I meant what I said before…” He reminded you, moving his hand up to your waist to your shoulder and then down your arm before catching your hand, positioning it perfectly so that the diamond faceted ring on your finger would catch the beams of light, reflecting them into perfect prisms on the walls of the pristine white room. “This ring would have ended up on your finger whether I had to get you from LA or if you had stayed here the entire time.” 
He brought your hand to his lips, kissing along each of your fingers before letting it drop around his waist and allowing you to hide your flustered face in his chest, finding it adorable how shy you got whenever he acted like this, which only made him do it more often. “The fans seemed really happy to see me… especially when you pulled me on your lap, I’m pretty sure most of them went crazy. The chat was moving too fast to read all the comments.” You mumbled against his chest, but he remembered it well, and it had been such a relief to see the fans so calm about the announcement of not only your relationship, but the engagement as well. Of course, no one could escape the hate comments, but he made sure to catch your attention with something else whenever one would scroll across the screen. “I think ours was way more casual than Hoshis and Tillys announcement.” 
Seungkwan snorted loudly, hiding his face in your hair to muffle his laughter as his chest vibrated and shook with his silent chuckles. “It was awful but I loved it.” He said between small snorts, pulling you closer to him. “There’s actually a poll up on twitter from one of our carats about who the cuter couple is, and obviously I’ve been voting every day for us. I think Hoshi is doing the same thing for him and Tilly though.” 
You rolled your eyes as you shook your head, giggling softly as you playfully shoved at his shoulder. “You both are so competitive for no reason.” You teased, and he didn’t even disagree because it had been like this the entire time. Competing for who was the softest couple, who was the cringiest couple, who had the coolest ship name, and this was only one more of the many competitions they’d have. 
“How long do you have to be engaged in order to get married?” He asked as nonchalantly as possible, but you scoffed loudly, rolling over so your back was towards him, whispering out a quiet “Goodnight”, but he wasn’t going to let it go that easily. “It’s not to compete with him, I swear. I just want to make sure I don’t lose you again. You can be my Boo, my little Boo Bear, my Boo Boo…” 
You rolled over quickly and pressed your lips to his to quiet his rambling of cheesy nicknames, and the way his entire body seemed to relax as soon as your lips were against his just showed how much he loved you, how comfortable he was with you. “You talk so much when you’re excited, it’s adorable, but you also need to sleep. The last thing I want to hear is that I won’t let you sleep or that I’m keeping you up all night.”
He stuck his tongue out, the tip of it pressing against your nose causing your face to scrunch up as you tried to pull back, but his arms only tightened around you to hold you where you were. “I can’t sleep until you say it…” He dramatically whined but the act was only kept up for a fraction of a second before he started laughing at himself. 
“I love you… Now get some sleep, your makeup artist is going to kill me if you go in with eyebags tomorrow.” He let out a sigh of content, like his life was complete, those three words were just what he needed to hear and whenever he heard them it was like everything fell into place. 
The company policy was there for a reason, or so he had thought at the beginning of all of this, but now he knew that it was nothing, the rules meant nothing, not when they were put in place to keep him from you. He couldn’t imagine a single day without you in it, and while there was still a lot to be done to get your lives together started, he was grateful that he had taken that first step, or better yet, that he had been pushed to you. It was the greatest thing that had happened to him, you were the greatest thing that had happened to him. 
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weakforskz · 11 months
Intro Post!
Hi and welcome! I’m Brin! If I seem familiar that’s because I was @weakforsvt and @thedeeppoet but I am unable to access that account on my new phone so I have a new one! I hope to be more active on this one than the old one!
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wooahaes · 2 years
I have what I think all of the members of SVT would be if they were supernatural creatures and it's on my list of fics to write. I don't have Jun as a vampire but I do have Minghao as one, so we're on the same page with for the most part. Obviously I'm not going to say too much, I'm not a person who spoils a lot.
ooo thats entirely valid tbh!! vampire jun is purely inspired by the recent promo pics for his solo lol rly gave me vamp vibes >:3 idk what i'd personally put jun as, but i don't think he'd be a vampire in a general supernatural creature au :0
minghao on the other hand 100% fits the vampire vibe!! literally could pull off any decade imo and he Knows It.
thank u for sharing what u did tho!! its very fun to see hehe >:3
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hoshiyoshis · 1 year
I FINALLY BEAT LEVEL 19 OF RHYTHM HIVE!!!!!! I kinda screamed in excitement cause ya know been working on that level for months now! just thought you ought to know cause we've been talking about it some! also super excited that boomboom is on there now too!
omg congrats!! fr some of the levels are so hard 😭 im so happy for u tho!!
oh im still thriving over boomboom btw fjsjfkf i love her sm
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lesbiancarat · 2 years
totally agree with you on the new rhythm hive mode, I just tried playing it and it makes no sense. I had no idea you played though, which makes me excited cause now I know someone else who plays.
yeah i've been playing it on and off since they added svt since i missed superstar pledis 😔 I've been dealing with wrist pain for the last year or so though so i can't play it all the time, sometimes i just log on to get the daily reward and don't do anything else
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emeraldenha · 2 years
chapter 6 | “we need to talk”
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SUMMARY: how to save a bad song in three simple (yet not-so-simple) steps: a guide for struggling musicians.
TAGLIST: @kwonranghae @ihrtadri @mx-insert-fandom-here @squishy-maimon @ayoseventeencarat @shuaslvr @thedeeppoet @shiningstar-byulxx @renjunphile @favehoshiposts @hochipochi @turnipthe-beet @younjunie @kuleo26 @1122ljh @kookiedesi @ineedaherosavemeenow @theduvetpirate @nomniki @luvvelxy @smuchsmut @jxnem @17kwans @enhacolor @erodemyedges
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heartkyeom · 2 years
now or never pt. 4
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xu minghao x fem!reader
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 (finale)
word count: 10.4k
synopsis: when you make a chance encounter with your ex, you end up saying that you’re engaged to your estranged neighbor xu minghao. when you find out your ex is coming to your friend’s wedding, you’ve only got a month to become a convincing couple.
warnings: chronic illness talk, so much fluff, filthy oral sex lmao, descriptions of female anatomy blowjobs, long car rides, etc.
notes: part 4 is here! finally! longest chapter yet!!! took me exactly a month but I needed to make sure it was perfect. this chapter is building out minghao's character a bit more with some more relationship progress! this covers the last week before the wedding, so there's only one more chapter left !!! thank you for all the love on this series, it feels like it's getting bigger and bigger with every part which is so incredible! please enjoy as always 💓
tag list: @lavenderautumnx @mangogyu @idyllic-ghost @thetigeragenda @sleeplessdawn @bfwonu @soffrine @kwonranghae @butterfliesinthenightsky @sugarrimajins @hitorijanaikara-blog-blog @cosmicwintr @lztespring @justasoftstan @lilactangerine @jeongiegram @hoohoohope @itzelise06 @bonsaijoons @trashygigi @playboygeniusphilanthropist @thedeeppoet @mo-onlar @kyoko-22 @thesunsfullmoon
You wish that the rest of the day could’ve gone well, but Joshua’s confession just floats in your brain, leaving you unable to do much else with yourself.
Minghao drops you off back at your front door after your outing, revenge dress still not revealed. You wanted to see it, but he can sense you’re too tired to deal with it all.
“No, I’m ready, I can look at it,” You reply half heartedly. You try to muster up your enthusiasm, but he can see right through it.
“No, I’m making you go back to sleep. We can just wait on it. I need you to be excited, and I don’t think your mood is anywhere near there,” He pulls your hand to his mouth, leaving a kiss on your palm. You close your eyes and take a breath before glaring at him again.
“Fine,” you pout.
“Let me know if you wanna see me again today, ok?” He pulls you into a hug and you seem to melt into his arms.
“Okay,” You whisper into his ear. You linger in the hug a bit longer than you expected, it feels like a silent plea for him to stay. Yet, you pull away, exchange goodbyes, and tuck yourself into your apartment before you can cry in front of him. You don’t even get to wallow in your sadness for very long before that familiar pain seizes your body without much warning.
Flare ups never give you much time to prepare for impact, you just have to hope you’re lucky enough to catch them in a place where you can sit for an extended period of time.
The rest of the day is a blur, you don’t even remember trying to change clothes or freshen up. You ignore your phone to focus on your comfort show playing on your laptop screen, moving only to charge your computer when prompted.
You knew it was bad to push everyone away for something you couldn’t control, but you still felt the need to process things like this alone.
You forget that the front door was unlocked, so you don’t hear anyone come in until you hear his voice. “Brat, where are you?” You hear the door lock behind him.
The pet name makes you pause the show and close your laptop. You push yourself further into your blanket, tucking your face away into the soft fabric.
“Hello?” You hear him call out again, but you still don’t move. It felt so childish to hide from him, but you couldn’t make yourself stand up to meet him even if you wanted to.
You hear him walk through the living room into your bedroom. His footsteps stop at the sight of you. Before he sits, he goes to turn on the lamp near your side of the bed before making his way to you. You see the pitch black room illuminate with that recognizable soft warmth and you start to feel even worse.
You feel the other side of the bed dip as he settles onto the comforter.
“What’s going on?” His voice is low.
He’s close enough that you can smell his cologne and you realize it’s the most comforting scent in your life. There were traces of him around your apartment, but nothing beat the real thing.
“I can’t move at all,” You push the blanket off your face, but you can’t look at him. You just focus your eyes on the creases in your sheets. He seems to understand exactly what you mean by the way he shifts his weight towards you.
“Shit,” His voice turns frantic, and he grabs your face without a second thought. You finally make eye contact with him and his eyes are nervous. It unnerves you to see him so scared of you, you feel like you have to comfort him instead.
“I’m fine, Hao,” You whisper. He’s not convinced at all, if anything he looks more scared.
“Please, darling, don’t think about your pride, I need to know how I can help you,” His voice shakes and you feel a pang of guilt in your stomach. How could you try to deny how much pain you’re in around him when he’s done nothing but try to understand you? His pleading ultimately convinces you to let your guard down.
“I haven’t taken any of my medicine. It feels much worse when I don’t,” Your face twists into discomfort.
“Okay, where is it?” His voice is now stable, he seems resolute in his quest to be strong for you.
“Top shelf of my cabinet in the bathroom, there are two big bottles with red labels on them. They should be right next to each other,” Your eyes are closed by the time you finish giving him instructions, and you assume Minghao is anxiously searching by the way the bed lets up.
He only rummages in the bathroom for a minute or so before returning. He puts everything down on the nightstand before grabbing your attention, holding your face in his hands.
“Hey, can you sit up at all? Is that too hard right now?”
“I can try,” You barely move an inch before his arms are anchored to your side, slowly helping you sit up before you could do anything yourself.
You’re surprisingly comfortable now, and he takes the initiative to remove the blanket from your face. “You seemed overheated,” His brows are knitted in concern as he strokes your cheek with his fingers. You’re definitely sweating, so you’re glad he did something.
“Is there an order you’re supposed to take these in?” He holds one of the bottles up and you nod.
“The bigger one first or else I could die,” You reply nonchalantly, but his eyes read as very concerned. He’s staring at you with that same frantic look from before, but you relieve his worries almost immediately.
“Kidding,” you offer a small smile and he scoffs.
“Don’t joke right now, I’m worried sick about you,” He points an accusing finger, but his face melts into a nervous smile. His worried energy makes you feel much worse the second time around.
“But I do take that one first,” You confirm and he’s nodding his head. He grabs your water bottle from the nightstand, setting it between his legs. As he sits with crossed legs, reading your pill bottles with attentive eyes while his hair hangs in front of his face, you want to cry.
You realize the man in front of you deserves to be let in.
He doesn’t deserve to be ghosted for 12 hours while you’re in excruciating pain, only wanting to help you in your time of need. Even though you’re used to a concerning level of hyper-independence and self-sufficiency, his actions start to convince you that it shouldn’t be that way.
Why do you need to suffer when someone is waiting to help you?
Wouldn’t he have dropped everything to come take care of you hours ago?
The thought of pushing him away without considering his feelings eats at you on the inside.
He gets the first bottle open and feeds you the first two pills one by one, holding your water bottle up for you so you can sip without moving a finger.
“Your bedside manner is really good,” You nod at him once you’ve finished drinking your water and he runs his fingers through his hair with a gentle smile pulling at the corner of his lips.
“You think so?”
“Yeah, you treat me better than some of the nurses I’ve had.”
You’re not lying either which makes the hint of concern on his face hurt even more.
“Okay, one more,” You didn’t notice that he already opened the second bottle, but you accepted the pill from his fingers once again. He holds up the water for you one last time, waiting for you to swallow before his eyes ease up on you.
“All done,” He runs his hand across your cheek again. “I’m sure you haven’t eaten anything, right?” It’s not an intruding question when he asks it, there’s no judgment behind his eyes.
You shake your head no and the embarrassment washes over you. “I’m sorry,” You start sobbing and he scrambles to move everything in his lap to get closer to you.
“You just wanted to know how I was feeling and you didn’t even ask for any of this,” You wipe your eyes with your sleeves, your words start to get lost between hiccups. He gently moves your hands out of the way to wipe your tears. The moment he puts his hands down, you pull him in close and he lets you cry into his chest. He whispers comforting words into your ear, cradling your head with his arm. He waits for you to stop sniffling before he speaks up again.
“I don’t like you because I pity you. You have to know that,” He whispers in your ear before pulling back to face you. “You’re so determined and kind, there’s so many things I admire about you when you’re not worrying me half to death,” He makes a jokingly frustrated glance that makes you blush.
“But seriously, I’m happy to help you. You don’t bother me, taking care of you is not a chore. I want to take care of you as long as you want me here. Okay?” He’s got that soft adoring tone in his voice, the one that’s reserved for pulling you out of your overthinking. It works like a charm every time.
“Okay, I believe you,” You nod, letting his words sink into your subconscious slowly. Compassion is still so foreign to you, but you can tell he is determined to change that.
“Let’s have some food and get washed up. I’m gonna make you some tea as well,” The look on his face shows that he’s already got everything laid out in his mind.
“I don’t know what you did, but my muscles already feel better.” It would always take far too long for your medicine to kick in, but Minghao seemed to be gentle enough to make a significant difference. It seemed your body seemed to know the difference when you were being treated gently as well.
“I have magic powers,” He winks and you let him go to start his dinner prep.
He ended up doing everything for you, to say he pampered you is definitely an understatement. He doesn’t let you lift a single finger for the rest of the night, only letting you go when you demand to brush your teeth on your own. You didn’t expect him to be so attentive, but you think he’s just trying to make up for not being able to take care of you before.
When you’re finished eating dinner and your tea is gone, he’s practically attached to you in bed. He can’t stop himself from burying his face into the side of your neck, only moving to nestle himself closer to you. Minghao always starts off sleeping on his own side whenever you’re in bed together, so to start off very close to you is a nice dynamic shift. You’re slowly discovering how important physical contact is for him, it makes you feel even more connected to him.
He somehow convinced you to change into new pajamas, but you do feel more like a human being now. You should’ve spoken up before you were both attempting to sleep, but your brain makes it impossible to settle without bringing your thoughts up.
“Yeah?” He rasps out, blinking his eyes open at you. You immediately felt bad knowing he needed the rest, but you didn’t want to ignore the chance to speak your mind now that he was awake.
“I didn’t mean to wake you up,” You pressed a kiss to his hair for the trouble.
“I wasn’t really asleep yet,” You hear him take a deep breath and he pulls himself closer to you. “What’s up?”
“I don’t want to stop seeing you after the wedding. I’ve been trying to find a good way to tell you officially, but I don’t think the agreement holds up much anymore,” You finish ranting and he’s surprisingly quiet. You feel him let go of your hold and your first instinct thinks you might have fucked up.
He didn’t want to be serious with you.
The lamp suddenly flashes on, forcing you to blink to adjust to the new light. He seems lost in thought until he meets your eyes.
“I don’t wanna stop seeing you either,” He smiles so brightly that it spreads to his eyes, “I think you’ve got a little too much of my heart for me to say no.”
You could’ve cried from relief. You had a suspicion that someone who took a dress commission from you for free didn’t want to be just friends.
“Thank god,” You put your head in your hands and sigh to yourself. Was it too soon to think you could be in love with him? Absolutely.
Yet, did those feelings grow when you saw how giddy he got at the thought of you? Yes.
“So you were nervous to ask me?” He reaches out for your hold and you do your best to crawl over to him. He closes the distance when he notices a hint of struggle on your face and wraps his arms around you tightly.
“A little bit,” You mumble into his chest. You feel his giggles vibrate across your body and he runs his hands down your back.
“You make me nervous too, for the record. I figured if I fucked up the dress, that was it,” He sighed loudly. It was nice to know the feeling was mutual though, that you were both feeling so excited yet nervous about the connection that it stopped you both in your tracks.
“You couldn’t possibly fuck up the dress, though,” You knew he was far too talented for that, especially after seeing his vision for other projects in his studio.
“You’re right, I didn’t,” He admitted, making you both burst into laughter. It was nice to see him hype himself up for a second despite the humble attitude he adopted most times when complimented on his work.
You both talked about fashion related things until you felt pulled toward sleep once again. Your head is nestled on his chest and you’re almost certain that his idle touches to your skin knock you out quickly.
You almost think you’re dreaming things when you hear him whisper to you.
“Don’t scare me like that again, I can’t lose you,” It’s so faint but it’s enough to push you into sleep completely.
You don’t want to scare him like that either, especially since he’s proven how much he can be there for you.
You figure it’s time to show him how much you care for him too.
“I don’t want to be there when you try it on,” Minghao remains insistent at your front door.
You’re not exactly convinced with the garment bag hanging over your shoulder. Minghao had finally given you permission to see the dress, but with one stipulation that you couldn’t exactly wrap your head around.
“Why not?” You try to stop your face from twisting into a discontent expression.
“I imagine it’ll be kinda emotional, I don’t want to get in the way of that. I know, it sounds stupid, but I’ve done it for so long with my commissions. Just trust me,” He raises his eyebrows at you.
You give him an anxious glance and he smiles at you. “You can come over once you’ve tried it on. You can tell me all your reactions and everything, I promise!” He exclaims.
“Okay, I trust you,” You nod through the response. You exchange quick goodbyes and you shut the door behind you.
You give yourself a few seconds before you’re practically running into your bedroom.
You lay the bag down gently onto your bed and unzip down the front until the dress is partially exposed. From first glance, you can tell it’s dramatic. The sight of a strapless gown takes your breath away.
Before you can even take it out of the bag, you notice a note attached to the front of the plastic. You read it to yourself:
To my muse-
I hope I made you the perfect revenge dress. If you don’t like it, then feel free to drag me through the mall to find you something better. It’ll only hurt my feelings a little bit.
The end of the note left you laughing, but a few things make your heart clench.
First, muse. You don’t know why it pulls so much at your heart to hear him call you that. It’s probably the weight of the situation, how quickly you’ve grown together, it all feels so precious to you.
Second, the idea that whatever he made you could be worse than a department store dress didn’t make sense at all. You’re sure whatever he made would be nestled in your heart forever, the intimacy of making you something this personal was not lost on you.
You don’t want to mull on the note for too long, so you place it on your dresser before coming back to look at the dress again.
You carefully unwrap it out of the plastic and hold it up to get a better look at it.
It’s breathtaking, even just on a hanger. The black sheen fabric feels so lush in your fingers, you can’t describe how it makes you feel.
You expected it to be a bit revealing, but the combination of the strapless neckline and the high slit are almost lethal.
It takes you a few minutes to actually get dressed, but once it’s on, you feel like a new person. The moment you see yourself in the mirror, you’re speechless.
First of all, the dress fits perfectly. It hugs your hips and compliments your figure so well that you don’t think you’ve ever seen your body look so at ease in a garment.
The strapless neckline compliments your chest, slightly bolstered by the structured corset bodice. The slit is almost dangerously high, you’re staring at just how exposed your leg is.
It feels dangerous to even wear it in the comfort of your bedroom. You can only imagine what power it would give you in public.
You don’t think any of the jewelry you have in your closet would be good enough to match it, but something would have to do.
Minghao was right that wearing the dress brings something out of you. It wasn’t about feeling desirable by Joshua anymore, it was a rebirth of your identity without him. It was cathartic to see yourself wear something that would force you to grab attention instead of hiding away.
This dress reminds you that weren’t going to minimize yourself for anyone anymore.
After a few more glances at yourself, you’re itching to get back in your sweatpants so you can run to Minghao’s door.
Once you get out of the dress, you get dressed in your other clothes in record speed. You barely remember to put on your slides before you’re out the front door.
You’re nearly breathless when you arrive at his door. You end up knocking on the door so loudly that he’s almost shocked to see you on the other side.
You push yourself past him, and he’s watching you with a mischievous eye while closing the door behind him.
You kiss him before he can say anything, capturing his lips so quickly that he nearly stumbles into the hallway closet.
“It’s so perfect,” you say between kisses, “I just wanna kiss you because I can’t pay you for it.” You’re moaning into the kisses at this point, so much so that Minghao pulls away with a dazed expression.
“You love it that much?” He bites his lip at how eager you are.
“Yes, I’m fucking obsessed with it. Thank you so much,” You rest your head in the crook of his neck for a second before looking at him again.
“You’re welcome, darling. I’m really glad you like it.”
He admires your face for a bit too long that you start to feel pulled in by his glance. The longer you look at him, desire overtakes any of the rationality you have left.
“I don’t think I’ve said thank you enough,” Your hands land on his chest, you can barely stop yourself from wandering down to his nipples.
“Show me then,” He can’t help himself when he teases you, taking your hands and snaking them underneath his shirt.
His skin still feels like a surprise to you despite your previous encounters. Suddenly, everything in you wants to take things much slower than your hasty entrance.
You’ll have so much time to go hard and fast with him, but capturing your unspoken showing of gratitude feels much more paramount.
Although having time to figure out your career was nice, the threat of not having money for rent was much bigger. You thought carefully about Minghao’s words, how the idea of wanting to start over with fashion was enough at the moment, but you were tired of sitting and waiting.
You needed to take action.
You didn’t want to rely on Minghao to get your foot in the door, despite him probably wanting to help you out.
Your portfolios from college didn’t exactly reflect your current vision as a designer, but they had enough material for you to present to any potential employers. You didn’t have much to lose, so you spent hours trying to scour through resources online for any possible leads on apprenticeships or openings for residencies.
You sent far too many emails to fashion houses around the city within one day, including Minghao’s employer Semicolon. You get so wrapped up in typing that Minghao has to pry your laptop away from you in the middle of you drafting an email, much to your dismay. He reassures you that whoever responds back will be lucky to have you, which is true, but you still try not to get your hopes up about anything.
Thus, when you receive an email the next day from the head of Minghao’s department, to say you’re shocked is an understatement.
You wouldn’t be working directly with runway clients, but in the print department instead. You had more experience with magazine work anyways, back when you used to get involved with a few different student magazines on campus as an underclassmen.
It’s a lower level designer job, but a job nonetheless. You weren’t exactly in a position to turn down the interview, especially when you knew how well they paid at all levels.
Your interview happened to be on the big day of Minghao’s consideration for a promotion as well.
He mentioned it in his sleepy ramblings a few nights ago, how he was up for a promotion to head designer. He would be the lead designer on any national and international runway collections that the company created, positioning him as one of the most established in-house designers at Semicolon.
It was a major deal, especially since he would be the youngest person to be head designer in Semicolon’s history. All eyes were on him, and you were certain that the pressure was getting to him.
You both stood outside the company building on the day of, 15 minutes before your meetings, hands intertwined with similar levels of nerves accompanying you. You turn to face him with a nervous look in your eyes.
“We’ll be fine, right?” You ask quietly.
“We have to be,” He nods at you, absentmindedly biting his lip. You look at the building again with scattered eyes, your brain doesn’t even feel remotely prepared for this.
“The worst we can get is a no,” It sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself as you say it, but you need to hear it out loud.
“Exactly,” He affirms you with a gentle squeeze to your hand. “We’ll walk in together, take the same elevator and no matter what happens, it’ll be okay.”
You nod and take one last deep breath before he starts leading you both inside the building. Your senses are too focused on the task at hand to look around the lobby this time, you don’t seem to relax until you both step inside the elevator.
You’re going to floor 8 while he goes to floor 19. He presses both buttons and faces you again. “You’re gonna do perfect, darling. You have everything you need,” He leaves a kiss on your forehead and pulls you into a short yet tight hug.
“You too. You’re gonna make the best head designer this company has ever seen,” You kiss his cheek the moment you’re out of the hug. He nods with a silent certainty that things will go well. The 8th floor chime comes sooner than you want, but you step out, clutching your portfolio for dear life. You look at him one last time before the elevator closes and he blows you a kiss with a short wave.
You can barely smile back before the elevator doors close and you’re alone again. You figure that you’ll never be 100% ready for whatever happens, so you look for the designated office before you can question yourself any longer.
45 minutes later, you’re left a bit unnerved as you close the office door behind you. The elevator ride back down to the lobby has your mind completely swimming, but you know that you can’t process any of it until Minghao is out of his meeting.
You both agreed to wait outside for each other once the interviews were over. You figured that you’d be out before him, and your suspicions were correct when you didn’t notice anyone sitting outside on the benches near the entrance.
It feels like you’re waiting a lifetime until you finally see his figure walk out of the revolving doors. His face is unreadable when he approaches you with a small wave.
“Okay, we’re gonna say yes or no if we got the job on the count of 3,” You brace yourself for whatever he says and he agrees to your proposition immediately.
“1, 2, 3,” He counts slowly.
“Yes,” You both speak in unison.
His eyes go wide and you nearly drop your bag.
“Oh my fucking god,” You scream into his ear, wrapping your arms around him until you can barely feel your fingertips. He reciprocates the hug immediately and nearly tackles you in the process. You’re both just waddling around in this hug for a few minutes, drinking in each other’s success until you can barely breathe.
“You deserve this so fucking much,” He comes up for air and almost knocks you over with a kiss. Your mouth melts into his instantly, you can’t stop your tongue from pushing into his mouth. You can feel just how excited he is by the way he holds your face with his hands.
He’s quite good at the push and pull, he still knows how to make you flustered after each kiss. He pulls away with a giggle, leaving you completely breathless.
“You do too, head designer,” You push his shoulder playfully and you can see the tips of his ears turn red.
“Come on, let’s go home so we can get wasted,” He pouts and you can’t exactly say no to that face.
“Can we drink the cheap wine I have in my fridge? I think I have too much to drink on my own,” You ask him as you both walk back to his car arm in arm.
“Absolutely, we can do anything you want. We deserve to celebrate,” He can’t help himself as he leaves a kiss on your cheek.
You want to bottle up this feeling so badly. Yet, you’re sure that you’ll always remember the way the light summer breeze hitting your face, holding hands with your lover, smiling until your cheeks hurt because you both got lucky on the exact same day in the same building.
It feels like nothing else really matters in the moment besides the way Minghao kisses you, as if he’ll never be able to taste your lips again.
You hold him to the promise of drinking and making out, the former coming first. You arrange a few bottles of wine on your living room floor, slowly making your way through them together until you’re too giggly to keep going.
You give up on drinking out of wine glasses and you decide to periodically switch bottles instead, taking a few sips of one bottle before switching flavors.
Soon enough, he was pushing your hand away from the bottle with a small giggle.
“Stop it,” He swats your hand lightly and quickly captures it between his hands. The swift movement makes you scream and he’s shushing you, but you both fall right back into laughter.
“You’re drinking just as much as me!” You exclaim. He pushes his lips out to deflect your statement, but it’s true. His cheeks are flushed and he’s laughing at everything you’re saying, a classic tell that he’s drunk.
“Maybe I just wanted to look at you, how about that darling?” He tilts his head and your playful frustration comes out.
“Where did this darling thing come from? You started doing it out of nowhere,” You scrunch your face at him and he’s slightly embarrassed.
“Didn’t want to call you brat forever. Do you not like it?” He gets slightly quiet and you hit his shoulder. There’s absolutely no way you could ever hate his nicknames, they feel too comfortable for him to ever stop.
“I love it! I just like brat too,” You shrug your shoulders and he smirks at you. “No, not like that, you’re so gross,” You push him again and he puts his arms around you before you can touch him again.
“I didn’t mean it in that way, brat,” He presses lots of kisses to your cheek, enough that you want to squirm away out of fake discomfort.
“That’s what I like to hear,” Your words start slurring to the point where Minghao is stumbling to get you both some water.
“Where are you going?” You shut your eyes but reach out for him, making grabby hands that he can’t help but coo at.
“You’re so fucking cute, but you need water. We both do,” You hear him come back and sit next to you again. He taps your face to get you to open your eyes and he’s handing you the cup of water carefully. He can’t even let you hold it completely, he’s cupping your hands and helping you drink the entire cup. You don’t want to admit that it’s easier to have him help, so you keep it to yourself.
He gulps down his own cup of water and moves them out of the way so that you don’t knock them over.
“Let me take care of you,” You sigh, your shoulders visibly lowering with the release of air. Your eyes are not shy about wandering to his crotch and he laughs a bit too loudly.
“You don’t have to do anything, it’s okay,” He insists.
“I want to,” You fight back immediately, the desire taking over when you lay your hands flat on his thighs. There’s a beat of silence before you ask him for permission.
“Can I?” It’s a whisper that you’re not even sure he heard, you can’t even look in his eyes. He lifts your chin to meet your gaze. His eyes are so forgiving that you know he wants it before he can even speak out loud.
“Go ahead, baby,” He nods and your hands are already unzipping his pants, you don’t have to give him time before he’s taking off both his pants and boxers at once.
The sight of his cock still leaves you speechless, no matter if he’s giving you one quick round before he’s going to work or if he gets to take his time with you. Precum is already leaking from his tip, you wish you had the patience to tease him like you wanted to, but you just want the taste of him too badly.
He’s visibly hard, so much so that the moment you touch him he flinches.
“It’s okay, love, just relax,” You reassure him. You lick the underside of his cock and he lets out a shaky breath, he clearly didn’t expect it which makes it even better.
You settle yourself between his legs, your nails draw light scratches down his thighs and his eyes are already fluttering shut.
You don’t give him a warning before you take his length in your mouth. You hear him moan and it spurs you on to take him completely, he hits the back of your throat and the sting you feel doesn’t matter when his reactions are so pretty. It makes him hiss and he grabs your shoulder out of desperation. “Baby, please, I’m gonna cum if you keep going this hard,” He whispers, his grip tightening slightly.
You pull off briefly to give him an innocent smile and he returns it quickly. “Okay,” You take him into your mouth again after your reply, slowly moving your head back and forth until he’s completely comfortable. His desperate groans are your kryptonite, so you subconsciously speed up and let him adjust to it. The taste of his precum mixed with your saliva is intoxicating, it definitely helps to hear him whining.
You feel him clutch your hair, guiding you slightly further onto him. “Your mouth feels so fucking good, baby,” His voice is laced with so much pleasure that it drives you crazy. This is definitely the messiest blowjob you’ve ever given, but he doesn’t seem to mind how sloppy it is.
You experimentally push his cock to the back of your throat again and he lets out a strangled groan, nearly letting go of your hair. His noises are the only thing filling the room, a mix of whines and moans filling your ears.
“Fuck, you’re so hot,” His reply is barely coherent, but it’s enough to know he’s coming towards the edge. You suck him a bit more before you move your mouth off of him again and he complains.
“I’m so close,” He whispers. He watches you stand up and straddle yourself onto his lap. The new friction makes him throw his head back in pleasure, screwing his eyes shut. He’s willing himself to not cum on the spot, focusing instead on your face.
You want to be rational, you should still be between his legs sucking him off so that he can just cum in your mouth. Yet, your core feels so neglected that selfishness takes over.
“I want you to cum in me,” You put on your best innocent voice to try and convince him. His eyebrows raise in suspicion.
“Are you on birth control?” He questions and you nod immediately, leaning down to place kisses in the crook of his neck. You hadn’t had a proper conversation about experimenting during sex, but your drunk subconscious mind decided to speedrun it with him tonight.
“I’m clean, I promise. I’m gonna feel so tight on you, Hao, please,” You put on the charm when you whisper in his ear. When he doesn’t respond immediately, you roll your hips down onto him. He tightens his arms around you with a loud moan that surprises you.
“You’re such a little shit,” He slips his hands underneath your shirt to unhook your bra, throwing it across the room. He squeezes your breasts, kneading them roughly. You let out a breathless moan, the feeling of him finally touching your skin feels more satisfying than you thought it would.
He watches you get undressed before forcing you back onto his lap.
You let him lower you down onto his cock and you both let out filthy moans at the sensation of being inside each other without any barriers. You can feel how sensitive he is inside you, every movement feels far more intense than all the other times you’ve fucked.
“Gonna let you cum first,” You sigh, slowly moving yourself on his cock. He lets out a bitter sounding laugh that you can’t tell if it’s a joke or not.
“So nice of you,” He scratches his nails down your back with a bit of a mean streak. It doesn’t take long before his moans are picking up again, and you think you’d like to return that mean energy of his.
You kiss down his neck, hips still moving rapidly. You pick a random visible spot to suck a mark on his neck, not taking the pain into consideration at all. He stutters out in agony, whining so loudly that it makes you smile against his skin.
“Fucking hell,” He sighs out loud enough for you to contemplate doing it again. You don’t have time to make a decision before he clutches your hips, you feel him clench around you and his cum fills you up quickly. You both still your movements and his mouth is fully agape, his chest heaving from how hard his orgasm hit.
“Don’t move,” He grits out, he’s still panting but he knows he has to act quickly. You know he’s slightly annoyed, but his fingers move to your clit, rubbing you so quickly that your brain can barely catch up.
You can already feel yourself clenching around his cock, he knows how to work you up so intensely that a proper orgasm can hit you out of nowhere.
“Please Hao, please let me,” Your words trail off and you can barely look at him, much less keep still around him.
“Let you do what? You need to tell me,” That teasingly sweet voice of his is anything but helpful at the moment. You’re nearly crying from the pressure on your core, his fingers just won’t stop moving and it makes it so hard not to disobey him.
“Fuck, please let me cum, I can’t hold it,” You’re panting, you think you can feel his cum seeping out of you onto the floor. You look down and it’s true, his cum ended up near your feet. It shouldn’t feel that satisfying, but it is, the overstimulation of fluids makes it hard to deny yourself any more pleasure.
“Then cum,” He makes it sound like it’s nothing, but his nonchalance works so easily on you. You let yourself cum almost immediately, clamping your hand over your mouth to restrain the wildly unpredictable moans coming out of you. The clenching feels so intense that you have to move, you have to do something to combat the pain radiating throughout your body.
After a few moments, he helps you get off of his lap and your legs are shaking, you’ve definitely sobered up a bit from all the action. He finally kisses you, letting his mouth linger on your lips for a few moments so you can savor him. “You did well, darling,” He kisses your cheek before getting up to start your joint aftercare routine.
You watch him with heavy eyelids, and the aftercare seems to happen without much effort on your part. He always dotes on you to a point where you stop trying to fight it, especially now when you’re not exactly drunk or sober to do anything at all.
You’re just lucky to eventually be put in bed with fresh pajamas on. He definitely had to coax you to take your medicine, but things went relatively easily.
It’s only when you’re both falling towards sleep that you feel the urge to hold a conversation again. “Sorry for not finishing you off,” you mumble. You hear him laugh under his breath.
“It’s okay, you’re really keeping me on my toes,” You feel him curl tighter into your side. You hum in response, and you let another minute go by.
“Are you scared things might not work out between us?” You ask suddenly. Your voice comes out much smaller than you wanted it to.
“Sometimes. The month went by pretty quickly,” His response makes you feel less alone in your anxiety. It felt like such a whirlwind romance that you didn’t have much time to enjoy the little intricacies of getting to know each other.
You learned about each other out of desperation, surprised that something fruitful came out of that need to look acceptable as a couple to others.
“I think so too. But whatever happens, it’s still worth it that I got to know you,” You offer, you wish you could see his face so that he saw just how much you meant it.
You didn’t want to picture the past month without him, you can’t imagine a reality where Minghao isn’t there by your side to take care of you.
“Do you think I’m worth all the effort? Do you regret meeting me?” His questions leave a pang of guilt in your heart. He’s usually quite self-sufficient with his worries, typically isolating for a while before coming back to silently ask for kisses and cuddles. Thus, you don’t get many chances to verbalize how much you like him when he’s feeling upset.
“You’re completely worth it, Hao. I don’t regret any of this. You’re so special to me,” You soothe his worries with such sweet words. He takes a moment to process them, until you hear a sniffle.
You grow concerned, so you turn on your lamp. A teary eyed Minghao looks at you with a slight pout. His eyes are slightly puffy and you try not to let any surprise cross your face.
“My baby,” You instinctively pull him into your chest like he’s done it for you so many times. His cries are so quiet, but you can still feel his body shake in your arms.
“You mean a lot to me. I hate hiding my feelings from you,” His tone is somewhat even, most of the emotion doesn’t spill through.
“Whenever you want to tell me anything, I’m here. I like hearing whatever is on your mind,” You leave soft touches on his shoulder. He’s always been quite practical and objective, letting you know exactly how he feels about things, so to see him with his guard down means he trusts you so deeply.
“Okay, I promise I will,” He pulls his face back from your hold to wipe his tears. He grabs your hands and holds them to his chest instead.
“Y/N?” He calls out to you again.
“I don’t like sleeping without you,” He blinks at you with a small smile. His voice nearly breaks your heart from how cute he sounds.
“I don’t either, and I’m not going anywhere, okay?” Your response makes him close his eyes, nodding softly. You wipe the stray tears still left on his cheeks.
He takes the chance to leave a few pecks on your lips, but you know you need more.
You press your lips to his for a few moments and you can almost feel him melt into your touch. He lets out a quiet satisfied hum the moment you pull away from him.
You turn away to turn off the lamp and he’s already whining, pulling at your arm to stop your movements. “I’m right here, love,” You giggle into his chest, you quickly lie down again to face him in the darkness.
You fall asleep with a few more kisses pressed to your lips, your mutual affection seems to radiate off each other so easily.
You figure this feeling is enough to keep you happy for the rest of your life.
The next day, packing your own clothes for the wedding wasn’t hard, but getting Minghao to pack was a bit more difficult.
He insisted that he already put some clothes aside for his suitcase a few days ago, but you don’t notice anything when you enter his closet.
Instead, you’re drawn to his impressive array of clothing. You’re definitely overwhelmed by how cool his pieces are. You figure it’s a mix of clothes he’s made for himself, pieces he’s made for collections that he stole for his own closet, archival designer clothes, and a medley of thrifted clothes sprinkled in.
It was completely foreign to your own closet, it felt like its own little world that you could spend forever in.
When you retreat out of the closet, you notice Minghao is at his desk, hands and body completely still.
He has lots of sketches organized across his desk, but he seems to be staring at one in particular.
“Hao, are you ok, love?” You try. You place your hand on his shoulder and he still doesn’t move.
“My hands aren’t doing what I need them to do,” He hums, blinking at the papers before him.
“Let’s take a break, yeah?” You grab his hands and massage them gently. His eyes flutter shut and he takes a deep breath, slowly leaning into your touch.
“Yeah,” He opens his eyes and slowly stands up from his desk. The promotion is already giving him far more work than before. Despite his position not officially starting until after the wedding, you can sense it’s taking a toll on him already.
You know he’s told you about being a workaholic, but watching him work from home today has made that personality trait even more real in your brain. He gets so focused that it’s hard to break him out of that trance, especially when you try to make him take breaks.
You discover it’s best not to bother him since he has his own internal productivity clock, but you figured it had been a few hours too long since the last break.
You came over to his apartment with the intention of not doing much together anyways, but you didn’t expect him to work the entire time.
“How about we pick out clothes instead?” You suggest, rubbing your hands up and down his arms in a feeble effort to ground him.
“We’re only there for a few days, there’s not much for me to pick out,” He giggles to himself as he looks back at the closet.
Mingyu’s wedding had a formal dress code, but you and Minghao had decided to take an extra day to stay in the vicinity of the small beach town to relax before coming back into town to start the new phases of your professional lives.
“Well, show me these outfits you allegedly picked out, idiot,” You playfully shove him toward the closet and he puts his hands up in defense.
“Fine, fine,” He backs into the closet and turns his attention to the clothes slightly above his eyeline. He grabs a sleek black suit to prop up in his arms.
“Wedding outfit with a nice tie,” He looks at his picks before looking at you for feedback.
The suit was nice, muted enough so that your dress could be the real showstopper. Yet, his tie was still decorated with an intricate pattern that caught your attention.
“Very nice,” You nod and he nods as well before placing it back in the closet. He stays in the closet for a few moments before emerging again with a pastel blue set, a solid button up with matching linen shorts. It was the perfect lazy weekend beach attire.
“And my beach day outfit,” He looks up at you with a proud smile.
“That’s gonna look so pretty on you, especially that color,” You coo at him, your tone gets high at the possibility of seeing him in bright colors. He bites back a smile, but ultimately gives into the compliment with a smirk.
“Thank you,” His voice is a bit smaller now, you notice the tips of his ears are red, but you don’t point it out.
He goes to put the clothes back before your gaze can linger on him for too long, but it’s too late.
You’re already concocting more ways that you can catch him off guard with a compliment.
He pulls out a small black industrial type suitcase out onto the floor of the bedroom, and it suits him completely.
You decide to sit on his bed and watch him pack the suitcase carefully. You’re sure he’s done it countless times that it feels like second nature. You wonder what the inside of his passport looks like, what he’s like on an international flight, the first thing he does in a new country, so many questions about his travel habits plagued you.
His hands treat his clothes so delicately, you can only admire the way he folds his clothes, smoothing his palm across the top to rid any lingering wrinkles before placing them gingerly into the suitcase.
You watch him wander back and forth from the bathroom, casually collecting items to place into side pockets and pouches.
You think you’ve unlocked a new kind of domesticity with him, a silent one where you can adore him from afar without constantly needing to fill the silence. The way his eyes scan the case is enough to keep you captivated.
“Are you enjoying the show?” He brushes his hair back from his forehead, looking up at you suddenly.
“Definitely,” You smile at him with a particular fondness, he senses it with a closed mouth smile.
He closes the top of the suitcase, he’s definitely not done packing for sure, but it’s enough for now when he gets up and sits next to you on the bed.
“Are you nervous about the trip?” His hand finds the nape of your neck easily, slowly rubbing his fingers against your skin.
“Slightly,” You close your eyes for a moment before blinking back at him. He hums in understanding.
“Besides him being there, do you like weddings?” He continues his soft movements, but tries to engage with you further.
“I do,” You can’t help the smile that makes its way onto your face, it’s hard to contain yourself.
“Tell me more,” He giggles at your sudden excitement, he shifts his weight to account for your now perky mood, now absentmindedly playing with your hands.
“Everything about them just makes me happy, I like seeing people in love,” Your tone of voice is so far up in the clouds that he can tell you’re daydreaming.
“Do you think you’ll ever be in love?” His question grounds your dreams instantly.
It shouldn’t unnerve you this much.
You want to tell him that you’re already in love with him, but the words are lodged in your throat so tightly that you can’t do much about it. You can only take a breath and hope he doesn’t notice how much that question affects you.
Yet, you know how he is. He notices something happening with you before you do.
“I’m sure I will,” You nod in affirmation in hopes that he leaves it alone, that he won’t press you any further about the topic.
He doesn’t ask you verbally, but his eyes search yours with a hope that you mean you’ll fall in love with him.
“I know you will. You’re perfect,” His words are laced with so much affection that it almost hurts to hear, so sickly sweet that your heart practically feels weighed down from the kindness of it.
It’s enough to pull him in for a kiss, to help him achieve that feeling in your chest. His lips slot into yours so naturally at this point, you don’t have to try too hard at it before he senses your needs.
He deepens the kiss ever so slightly, but it still leaves your heart fluttering. The tension recreates itself the moment he looks into your eyes. He leaves you breathless and you can feel the slight puffiness of your lips now that you’re away from his mouth.
No matter what he just did, you can’t make each other say what you truly mean.
It’s too much when you’re both packing for a trip where you’re meant to play up a lie that no longer feels like a lie. The relationship is so fragile that it has to keep unfolding in its own time, it’s not meant to handle a rushed confession.
You both deserve better than that.
“You think I’m perfect?” You finally respond to his statement. He sighs with a particularly sweet smile on his face.
“Absolutely,” He examines your face long enough for you to feel safe under his gaze. After a while, you watch him get up to finish organizing his suitcase and you’re not sure what makes you upset.
You wrestle with your feelings as he zips up his suitcase, pushing it to a corner in his room. He convinces you to get ready for bed with him, and it helps you push away the thoughts for now.
No matter what happens this weekend, he’ll be with you. You can only hope that’s enough for you to feel safe.
Road trips were a rare occasion for Minghao. It’s not that he didn’t enjoy them, but he never had a good reason to spontaneously travel or the time to take them very often.
Thus, the trip up to the wedding would be momentous. Minghao has read that the strength of relationships are tested when you travel with your partner, and it’s the first time he’s properly done it with anyone he’s dating.
He wants to do it right, so he hopes to make the weekend perfect, starting with getting off work early to mentally prepare himself for the journey.
He would be driving, not that he didn’t trust you, but he was slightly protective of his car. He would’ve insisted on driving you both regardless if you tried to fight him on it, not wanting you to overexert yourself a few days after such a big flare up.
He makes sure you’re as comfortable as possible in the passenger seat, confirming that you have snacks and your comfort items to keep you interested. He triple checks that you have your engagement ring on and you’re nearly cackling at him for being so worried. When he estimated the trip to be a few hours, he didn’t expect it to be 3.5 hours instead.
Yet, the hotel reservations were booked and there’s no viable way to fly to the small town, so he comes to terms with the parameters of the trip.
He’s grateful that you’re actively engaging him in conversation, he needs the mental stimulation to keep himself awake. He already let you pick the playlist to soundtrack the trip which kept you even more energetic.
“So when are we hypothetically getting married?” You ask without warning. “Just in case somebody asks, which I know they will,” He can tell your voice has that little self assured tone to it which makes him smile.
“This time next year, in the summer,” He takes a quick look at you before focusing on the road again.
“Ooh, a summer wedding would be pretty,” You affirm his thoughts. “Where would it be though?”
“Where would you like it to be?” He counters and it catches you off guard. He listens to you ponder your answer with a quiet hum before speaking up.
“I love the idea of it in a garden, like either outside in a garden or in those beautiful indoor greenhouse rooms with the garden outside of it,” The hypothetical details start to build a mental image that makes him excited.
“That sounds beautiful. So it sounds like it won’t be a destination wedding?”
“Absolutely not. It’s nice in theory, but logistically it might be hard for people to get there,” Your tone is resolute, making Minghao giggle as he clutches the steering wheel.
“You’re thinking of our future guests’ well-being already, you’re so sweet,” He coos at you with a pinch to your cheek, his gaze still focused on the road ahead. You were always thinking of other people, never yourself. Even if you wanted an international wedding, you should be able to put your foot down about what you want instead of centering others.
“It’s just a nice thing to do! Besides, there are plenty of nice gardens here,” You reply softly. He wonders if you’ve mentally picked out a venue yet, if you know the ins and outs of the best gardens around the country. He wants to know more, but he decides to keep moving.
“Ok, how many people would be coming to the wedding then?” He raises his eyebrows.
“No more than 300,” The reply comes almost immediately, “I don’t think I even know 100 people,” Your voice turns slightly concerned at the thought, but he’s quick to reassure you.
“That makes sense, bigger weddings kind of become more of a spectacle than focusing on the marriage itself. It’s weird,” He shakes his head at the idea of it. To him, weddings should feel somewhat intimate, and having over 1,000 people watch you get married makes him feel a bit unsettled.
“Exactly! We’re not celebrities, just people. Please keep the fashion industry invites to a minimum,” You joke and it makes him laugh.
“Trust me, most of them would not be coming,” He rolls his eyes and repositions his hands on the wheel. As much as he likes his work, it had to be separate from his personal life as much as possible now that you worked there too. There had to be some distance, even if this wedding wouldn’t be a problem in the immediate future.
“Sounds like you'd like to be involved in wedding planning then.”
“Yes, for sure. You shouldn’t have to do that alone, it’s my wedding too,” He whines lightly at the end of the sentence and now it’s your turn to fawn over him.
“Of course, love. I can’t imagine doing it alone,” You card your fingers through his hair and he sighs gently at your touch. This kind of daydreaming makes Minghao want to propose all over again just to give you that perfect garden wedding.
He can already picture you both on your not so hypothetical wedding day, it all aligns in his brain so perfectly that it feels too good to be true. He knows he’s jumping too far into the future, but he can’t help it when you give him so much to work with. He knows the timeline in between matters as well, everything about you matters to him.
The wedding banter goes on for a bit longer until you fall asleep. That makes up the bulk of the trip, him driving with your music playing softly in the background while you’re cuddled up against the window. He prefers driving in relative silence, it gives him the space to think about everything coming within the next day.
He honestly doesn’t know how you’ll fare when you see Joshua again, considering how difficult the entire situation has been for you. Frankly, he doesn’t know how he’ll act around Joshua either knowing just how much he’s hurt you. He can only hope you choose yourself and your own feelings first.
He knows you’re a heavy sleeper, but he discovers it even more now. When someone tries to cut him off on the highway, he’s forced to honk his horn but he looks over to discover you’re still dead asleep.
The slight dips in the road and any slight swerves he makes to avoid potholes don’t disturb you much at all besides the occasional stirring in your sleep.
He eventually stops about 2 and a half hours into the journey to get gas and stretch his legs, but he’s still in good spirits overall. Somehow, the stopped car doesn’t wake you up, something he uses to his advantage.
He grabs his phone to take photos of you, angling himself in as many different ways possible to capture you. He smiles to himself as he quickly scrolls through the photos to choose a new one for his lockscreen. He still hadn’t changed it, he felt like none of his pictures captured that unspeakable feeling you give him until now.
He thinks you’re absolutely adorable, your arms are tightly crossed across your chest with your hands hidden by your hoodie sleeves. At some point before you fell asleep, you pulled the strings tight enough that your head was almost swallowed up by the fabric, to him you looked like a little egg. It was definitely picture worthy in his mind, and he was lucky enough that he got the pictures before you woke up.
“Hao? Are we there yet?” You ask him sleepily, eyes blinking open slowly.
“Not yet, darling. We’ve got another hour or so,” He rubs your thigh gently. You only nod and settle back into a comfortable position, facing your body away from Minghao towards the window.
He realizes something as he starts the car again, pulling back onto the roads to finish the last leg of the drive.
It sets in more as the sun sets on the horizon, even further when he parks the car and takes a deep breath to himself. He helps you wake up completely so you can both get your luggage out of the car. The check in process goes easily, but it’s not until you’re both in the elevator that it hits him.
He loves you.
He loves the way you always lean into his touch, how you give him the space to be himself, the subtle ways you look after him that he can’t always verbalize.
He loves that despite everything, you still love so fiercely.
He grew into his love for you, the pieces of it came together without him even realizing it. He didn’t want to admit it when Soonyoung and Chan kept telling him how head over heels he was for you, especially when he found a way to come over to your apartment almost every day just so he could see you.
He didn’t want to admit how many times he restarted the sketching process for the dress, how he held a meticulous eye over his sewing machine so that every stitch held a bit of his love for you. He wanted to make sure that all of the extra time he spent on small details would show even a fraction of his adoration for you.
He loves you and he wonders if he’ll be able to say it out loud before you go back home.
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