raurquiz · 1 year
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#otd #startrek #tas #theloreleisignal #kirk #spock #mccoy #bones #uhura #sulu #chapel #scotty #dara #davison #theela #ltcarver #startrek57 @TrekMovie @TrekCore @StarTrek @StarTrekOnPPlus @WilliamShatner
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kosmos2999 · 1 year
Star Trek: The Animted Series 50th Anniversary Episode Review
Episode: The Lorelei Signal
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Season: 1
Episode: 4
Stardate: 5483.7 – 5483.9
Original airdate: September 29, 1973
Written by: Margaret Armen
Directed by: Hal Sutherland
Music by: Yvette Blais and Jeff Michaels
Executive producers: Lou Scheimer and Norm Prescott
Studio: Filmation Associates
Network: NBC
Series created by: Gene Roddenberry
Captain James T. Kirk (voice by William Shatner)
Mr. Spock (voice by Leonard Nimoy)
Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy (voice by DeForest Kelly)
Lt. Uhura, Davidson, Dara, Computer Voice (voice by Nichelle Nichols)
Lt. Hikaru Sulu (voice by George Takei)
Eng. Montgomery Scott, Carver (voices by James Doohan)
Nurse Christine Chapel, Theela (voice by Majel Barrett)
The Enterprise was sent in a mission into an almost unknown space sector. In there, many starships –including Starfleet ships-- are mysteriously dissappearing at the rate of one every 27,346 star years for the last 150 years.
Right in the sector, Uhura receives a subspace radio signal wich has an hypnotical effect on the men of the Enterprise. After identifying its source (20 light years in the Taurean system), Spock describes it as sound of drums of a mating ritual. Other members like Captain Kirk percive it with mental images of beautiful women.
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Once in the planet of the Taurean system, a crew consisting of Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Lieutenant Carver beamed down to the surface where they have found an advanced civilization composed of women only. The crew were introduced to the leader of the planet, a female known as Theela. She revealed to the crew that she knows who they are thanks to a computer system installed in the temple.
Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Carver were invited to feast in their honor. During the celebration, they experiment a reaction from the drinks brougth to them. They are knocked out and when they awake, they are wearing a headband the causes them an extreme rapid aging.
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Meanwhile on the ship, Scott is at the helm but he also suffers from the reaction to the signal. Uhura and Chapel noticed the reaction earlier, but it was right on this moment that Uhura took the command of the ship and assigns Chapel to be the Chief Medical Officer. She orders a computer analysis of the phenomenom and orders a female security crew to be ready to beamed down at any moment.
The male landing crew escaped their captors and they realized the effects of the headbands lessen as they move away from the women. But they are trapped on an urn that are filled up with the rain water. Spock escapes to the temple and get one of the communicators to make contact with the Enterprise.
Uhura, Chapel and a handful of female security officers are beamed down to the planet's surface and had a hostile encounter with Theela and her following. They rescue Spock and they are beamed up to the vessel. There Spock theorizes a way to regain his crew's life force using the transporter.
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Uhura beams down again to search for Kirk, McCoy and Carver. Theela and her following surrenders and gave Uhura a glimpse on their own history using the computer system. And also the system gave the information on where Kirk and the rest of the crew are located to be rescued.
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Fascinating Facts:
It was based on an anicient German tale, The Legend of Lorelei.
Gene Roddenberry wrote a similar story for the Original Series titled “The Venus Planet”, but it never had been developed.
This is the only episode where the Lieutenant Uhura assumes the command of the Enterprise.
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lustenart · 2 years
I. A Foreword.
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Greetings, lovely souls. The name is Bibin. An Aries, as well as an INTP who has reached a legal age, and I prefer to be addressed with feminine pronouns: she/her.
This account is labeled with roleplayer’s writer. Together with holding Kim Doyeon, Lee Hyein and Yoo Karina for my persona— and they have OC name: Theresia Noelle. People often call me with Theela and Noelle. But anything is fine, it’d be lovely to hear the nickname coming from you though!
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johnbyrnedraws · 6 years
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Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor #2, page 5 by John Byrne & Lovern Kindzierski. 2010.
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brw · 2 years
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she's literally so girlboss im so glad he brought this murderous smurf with him. that's his daughter idc he's got four kids now and counting and i hope that number goes up by the time this series ends.
star trek: leonard mccoy, frontier doctor #2
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roninreverie · 5 years
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Jacen Sketch-dump #3:
Good friends, cousins, old flames, and potential love interests galore as I practice different couple references by Kibbitzer. (PS- Their Patreon is wonderful, and anyone who is interested/able should go donate!)
Some characters were requested, others made up on the fly, but all of them have names and headcanons now because that’s how I work! lol
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
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sequencefairy · 2 years
Growing up in the Temple has its advantages. 
Ryan knows all the best and least-travelled-by-teachers ways to get to the kitchens in order to get a snack, he knows where all the good hiding spots are for when you just need to go away from everyone for a couple of hours. He also knows all the ways to sneak out of the Temple grounds. 
Knowing these things is all well and good, but they don’t keep Ryan from fresh new disappointments. Including, but not limited to, Ryan’s new roommate in the Padawan dorms.
Ryan’s had his room to himself for nearly a whole solar cycle, which is a feat in and of itself, but Master Marchbank is indulgent and Ryan knows exactly how far to push out his lower lip in order to get what he wants. Unfortunately, there’s nothing to be done this time. So, Ryan is getting a roommate, whether he likes it or not. 
He really doesn’t like it. 
He knows it’s selfish, but he likes having his own space. He likes being able to retreat from the noise of the crèche, likes being able to close his door and keep everyone out while he picks apart his astrometrics homework and fights with the calculations for the aeronautics elective he’d decided to take this term. He doesn’t want to have to give that up. 
He’d complained to Master Marchbank about it and received nothing but a downturned mouth and a mandatory session in the meditation garden for his insolence. 
“He’s from some backwater outer rim planet,” Theela had whispered at dinner after the announcement had been made, lisping through the two missing front teeth in her upper mandible. 
Ryan reached across in front of her for the plate of soft cheese.
“He’s a teenager!” Devon had hissed, when their class of Padawans had been excused from the dining hall to return to their dorms for free time before lights out. “He’s never had any training. No one knows how the Council missed him in their sweep.” 
“I heard he doesn’t even know how to touch the force,” Steven tells a group of assembled Padawans the next morning, while they all stand huddled against the miserably cold wind coming off the city out on the parade grounds. 
“What do you think, Ryan?” 
“Whatever,” Ryan mutters, folding his hands more deeply into the sleeves of his robes. He takes a deep breath, trying to center himself in a place of acceptance. Resignation is close enough, he decides, as a cold wind sneaks in under the hood of his cloak, tangling in his still-growing curls.
The transport carrying the new padawan lands a quarter of an hour later. It lands with a screeching whine and the cargo hatch opens with a loud clang. Master Celestino takes the lead, hood of his cloak pulled up over his head. Behind him, wrapped in what Ryan thinks is probably the Master’s spare cloak, and huddled beneath it, is his new roommate.
Around Ryan, everyone erupts into whispers. He feels the sharp prod of one of Master Marchbank’s fingers in his spine and it shifts him forward out of the line of students. 
“Ah, Ryan.” Master Celestino lets his hood fall, and his face splits into a good natured grin. “This is Shane.” 
Ryan takes a long look. Shane is tall, of that he is sure. Already easily a half a head taller than Ryan and probably going to be taller than that. He’s whipcord lean, and looks exhausted and more than half-dead but he offers Ryan a smile from under the cowl of the hooded cloak and Ryan can’t help but smile back. The smile, small as it is, changes Shane’s whole face.
“Why don’t you take him back to the dormitory, get him settled? Orientation will start this afternoon.” 
Ryan nods and Shane steps around Master Celestino. The other students part like the sea as Ryan leads Shane off the parade ground and back towards the shelter of the temple proper. 
When they get out of the wind, Shane shakes the hood off and looks up. His jaw drops and he turns in a slow circle. 
“Oh,” Ryan says, “this is nothing. Wait til I show you the Great Hall.” 
“Yeah?” Shane asks. Ryan nods, but before he can say anything else, Eugene melts out of the shadows on the far side of the anteroom. 
“New blood?” Eugene’s eyes glitter. 
“Madej,” Shane says, sticking out his hand to shake. Across the back of Shane’s hand is a curving red line that disappears under the cuff of his sleeve. An older hurt, Ryan thinks, but not one that has scarred over quite yet. Ryan wonders just what Master Celestino picked Shane up from. 
“Yang,” Eugene says, as he takes Shane’s hand. Shane’s chin comes up at the moment their palms meet and Eugene meets his stare. Ryan hangs back, hands clutched in the folds of his cloak. There’s a moment of silence and then Eugene lets go of Shane’s hand, and steps back. “Be welcome,” he says and turns on his heel, disappearing down one of the corridors that branch off for other parts of the temple. 
Shane shakes himself. “That was weird,” he says, looking down at his hand. 
“Everything okay?” Ryan asks, stepping closer.
“Yeah, I--” Shane says, turning his hand over to examine the backside before shoving it into the pocket of his pants. He doesn’t say anything else, just looks off in the same direction Eugene went. 
After a moment, Ryan reaches out, touching Shane’s shoulder. “C’mon,” he says, “I’ll show you where you’ll be staying.” 
“Oh no,” Shane says, “I’m not staying.” 
Ryan stops short, nearly tripping Shane in the process. “What d’you mean?”
“I’m not a–a whatever you call it, a Jedi or anything, there’s been some kind of mistake.” 
“The temple receives all who wish its refuge,” Ryan recites. Shane scoffs, but Ryan ignores him. “Master Celestino went to get you, so they must have some reason to keep you,” he says, and leads Shane out of the anteroom and down towards the Padawan dorms. 
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ship-o-rama · 3 years
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Name: Joanna
Registry: CRN-1841
Type: Medical Courier
Affiliation: Starfleet
Crew: 2
Year: 2271-72
Background: Federation Medical Courier, on loan to Dr. Leonard McCoy and Dr. Jon Mikael Duncan. Older vessel that still uses chemical rockets for sublight travel. Dr. Duncan also serves as ship’s pilot. Part of the Frontier Medics Program which saw them travel to all corners of the Federation and beyond. They picked up an Andorian stowaway and were redirected to a medical emergency at Ophiucus III. The colony was victim to a pandemic from the local flora, found to be one single intelligent organism. They devised a cure with the help of their stowaway but the colonist would either have to change their farming methods or move. Theela, the Andorian stowaway, turned out to have serious clout back home and was allowed to remain aboard as a medic. 
They later responded to a request for aid from Gamma Tarses VII and Montgomery Scott. People were dying there without any causes. After some creative investigation they found that the inhabitants had been living for millennia by way of their own transporters but in doing so accumulated a particle like a toxin that just made them drop dead in the end. They refused further help.
Around 2272, by which time they’d all been working together for a year, Federation HQ assigned them to investigate an unnamed planet as it was scheduled for a checkup and they were the closest ship in hand. Briefing materials indicated that the planet was at a bronze age level but arriving there the planet had industrial age pollution. They came under attack by planetary missiles. They successfully evaded them but took shrapnel from the explosion and performed an emergency landing. McCoy, Duncan and Theela evacuated the ship and it was destroyed by another missile shortly afterwards. 
Appeared in Leonard McCoy, Frontier Medicine #1-3, IDW Comics
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aventheela-story · 2 years
— “..𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘯𝘦 : 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥.” ଓ ׁ ˚₊
𝘪. | I love the way Kak Avent shows his love to me. I love how he fulfill all my idiotic and childish demands. But, beside that, he also don’t talk to many girls or flirt with any. Thank you for makes me less insecure, love. Hehe.
𝘪𝘪. | Kak Avent is the best thing in himself. He is an epitome of “gentle” in a man. He does everything for me that I’ve always been most grateful for.
𝘪𝘪𝘪. | Having Kak Avent as my boyfriend will always be my best achievement for me. He is the calmest soul I know. He is a best friend, my bestest best friend. A best friend I can always rely on.
𝘪𝘷. | Kak Avent looks at me like I’m the most beautiful woman to ever walk on this earth.
𝘷. | Kak Avent pushes me to do my best and always helps me grow. He knows me the best and has the confidence in me that even I don’t have for most of the things.
𝘷𝘪. | Anyways, the simple thing is : I love how he calls me with his “ayaaaang”.
I can list more of things which are my favorite, but let me just write few. — However, Kak Avent’s been a fantastic source of strength for his girlfriend and they’re still going strong! Thank you for always loving your girlfriend like she always do to you, Kak Avent! ♡
And!!! Don’t forget to always remember that :
Theela loves you always and forever!\\(//∇//)\\
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sameskysamestars · 3 years
The ocean seemed slow-going that day, with the waves splashing against the cold sand. It was as if it was expecting something, like a delivery, a gift, or perhaps a message from a far-away civilization that knew more than the Aris knew.
As if.
Theela van Thoris was one of those Arisians. You know—those, those Arisians. The ones that still believed in aliens, or life-bearing planets beyond Thiera.
“What a waste of time,” her friends had said. “Are you still a guppy?”
Theela flicked her fishtail against the sand, legs curling in on themselves, perhaps out of shame. Was it such a crime to still believe in the stories, the little tales that her mother would tell her before bed about fantastic creatures who walked and talked like they did?
She supposed it was. At least, it wasn’t a crime in the law-sense, but in the social sense. Only guppies believed in aliens, not fully-grown Arisians.
Until a thing came crashing down into Thiera’s oceans, nearly destroying the birthing pools below.
Theela was the first to retrieve it, diving beneath the water with ease. She was relieved to see the birthing pools remained intact, as the surrounding reefs took most of the damage. What she found, though, was beyond her wildest dreams, something from beyond the skies, beyond the—the—
Simply put: beyond.
When Theela hauled what was left of the thing out on to the shore, she was instantly surrounded by what seemed like every Arisian in existence. Questions burbled from the crowd as they picked and prodded at Theela as if she had all the answers in the universe. In her claws was a shiny disc etched with foreign-looking symbols. On one side were strange drawings of curls and shapes and squiggly, sharp lines; the other side was engraved with circles until it reached the center, which, in one large circle, featured a strange language.
It was a hotly debated topic for a while. This thing that Theela found. Theira’s scientists concluded that it was a device sent from another planet.
But then, as quickly as the thing crashed from the sky, it was dismissed.
Theela had done her best to convince her people that it was a sign that other intelligent life was out there, but not many were convinced.
“I think it’s a prank,” one of her friends said. “That Immra van Olig is always doing stuff like this.”
Theela retreated to the beach. Along the shoreline where she first dove beneath the waves to discover the famed thing, she floated and stared up at the vast night sky. The stars twinkled mischievously, and all she could think about was how she was going to send a message back to those strange aliens who gifted her with proof that they existed. Maybe she’d make a thing similar to their thing. Maybe she’d send a rocket. Maybe—just maybe—she’d go out there herself, tell them that they all lived under the same night sky and saw the same stars, and ask all the questions that bubbled in her chest.
Theela reached a scaly claw into the sky and knew that the stars looked the same from another planet.
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kintatsujo · 8 years
I need a reaction video from that one episode of Star Trek the Animated Series where Theela the Head Female of the siren planet tells Uhura and Nurse Chapel “You are not wanted here”
Not a GIF, a VIDEO
A gif could never bring across the way she SAYS it, just shoves those syllables up into the roof of her mouth and spits ‘em out like she’d hit Uhura in the face with ‘em if she could
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johnbyrnedraws · 7 years
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Star Trek: Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor #2, page 16 by John Byrne & Lovern Kindzierski. 2010.
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brw · 2 years
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star trek: leonard mccoy, frontier doctor #2
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nb-in-sf · 5 years
Mars Evacuees by Sophia McDougall
This is a pretty fun middle-grade book about some kids being evacuated to Mars due to alien invasion and the adventures they end up having there, including meeting and befriending an alien kid of the invaders' species.
The aliens, the Morrors, have five sexes: suth-laaa, quth-laaa, ruul, thuul and ma-lashnath. The kid, a quth-laaa, refuses to be categorized according to human concepts of gender:
"Okay, fine. Are you a boy or a girl?" Carl asked. "No," said Thsaaa. "Oh." There was a small silence. Carl considered. "Are you more... both, or more neither?" "No," said Thsaaa.
Of course we're not given a full explanation of how reproduction works for the Morrors, other than that it's ridiculously complicated:
It turned out that though there were five sexes, it was actually really rare to have five parents -- it was good if you did, because you'd probably be extra healthy and live a long time, but it was only really possible when there was peace and plenty for all Morrorkind, which hadn't happened in a while. But no one had fewer than three, and though Thsaaa didn't actually say, "And that's another reason why we think you humans are so primitive," it was pretty clear. But then it just went on and on, and Thsaaa kept stopping and explaining that though usually, most Morrors did it this way, there were like twenty percent or something of them who did it that way. And after a while, without meaning to, I sort of stopped listening, and when I started again I'd completely lost track of who was supposed to Harvest the Genetic Material from whom, and who else would then Absorb It through Their Sensory Tendrils, and what climatic conditions were required for a thuul to give birth alone, and when they wouldn't be able to without a ma-lashnath.
Terms for parents of various sexes: ruul-ama, thuul-lan, suth-laaa-hum, quth-laaa-mi (I'm guessing the inconsistent italicization is a typo). Thsaaa had all four of these (but no ma-lashnath parent), and they all lived together as one big family (though two of their parents have been killed by the beginning of the story). We're not told if they have any siblings.
One term for a grandparent is mentioned, suth-laaa-hun-ruul -- presumably either a ruul parent's suth-laaa parent, or vice versa. Thsaaa's language doesn't have pronouns; the protagonist calls all Morrors "they" for convenience.
We get a bit of a Morror fairytale:
"I will tell you the story of the Bridge of Tham-thol-Tharaa. In the land of Ee-ee-Lathwama, there was a beautiful suth-laaa who loved a beautiful ruul. The suth-laaa had a mane of tendrils as delicate as patterns of frost on a window, and their arms flowed as elegantly in the air as weed in the water, and the ruul's colors changed as gracefully as theela-va in the sky. But they were alone, for the thirty turns before there had been many warm winters, and so very few ma-lashnath had been born. The ruul and the suth-laaa met quth-laaa and thuul sometimes, but without a ma-lashnath, the ruul and the suth-laaa could not have children. So they set out for the land of Safwalaa-aa...." The storytelling didn't go totally smoothly; Thsaaa soon got annoyed with us because we didn't always know which bits were normal Morror society and which were magic (apparently Safwalaa-aa was not a real place -- even baby Morrors knows that -- but the thing about warm winters was totally true). But basically the beautiful suth-laaa and the beautiful ruul didn't find any beautiful ma-lashnath in Safwalaa-aa, but they didn't realize it was because all the ma-lashnath had headed for Ee-ee-Lathwama, looking for ruul and suth-laaa. Then there was a series of misunderstandings that were probably more hilarious if you were a Morror, but before we could get to the happy ending, Noel interrupted.
Since the suth-laaa and the ruul only seem to need a ma-lashnath in order to breed, I'm guessing the thuul isn't the only sex capable of giving birth. Also that the other childbearing sex must also need a ma-lashnath to help only in certain climatic conditions, since the story treats a ma-lashnath as absolutely necessary but Thsaaa's family doesn't have one.
At the end of the story, we get a brief mention of interspecies romance:
And Dad particularly hated that newspaper, and since then some human and a suth-laaa Morror fell in love and now it's doing a campaign about OUTLAW MORROR-HUMAN MARRIAGE SHAM.
There are also robots and AIs whose level of sapience is somewhat ambiguous (i.e. they're generally treated as property but they seem about as intelligent as humans and the kids befriend a couple of them), at least some of whom are seen as genderless and called "it".
The sequel, Space Hostages, doesn't reveal anything more about the Morror sexes, but it does introduce another alien species that's apparently born neuter and gets to choose its sex. Non-gendered members of this species are also called "they".
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sequencefairy · 3 years
i GOTTA ask abt the kyber crystals one plz
For you, my love.
“He’s from some backwater outer rim planet,” Theela had whispered at dinner after the announcement had been made, lisping through the two missing front teeth in her upper mandible.
Ryan reached across in front of her for the plate of soft cheese.
“He’s a teenager!” Devon had hissed, when their class of Padawans had been excused from the dining hall to return to their dorms for free time before lights out. “He’s never had any training. No one knows how the Council missed him in their sweep.”
“I heard he doesn’t even know how to touch the force,” Steven tells a group of assembled Padawans the next morning, while they all stand huddled against the miserably cold wind coming off the city out on the parade grounds.
“What do you think, Ryan?”
“Whatever,” Ryan mutters, folding his hands more deeply into the sleeves of his robes.
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ship-o-rama · 4 years
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Name: U.S.S. Yorktown
Registry: NCC-1717 Class: Constitution
Captain: Commodore Una
Affiliation: Starfleet
Year: 2269
Background: Fitted with a prototype cloaking device based on the designs stolen from the Romulans. The power requirements were enormous and often played havoc with their sensors. Commodore Una protested the measures enacted to combat the Romulans but was overruled by top brass. Travelled to Neutral Zone Monitoring Base 108 where they were received by the personnel there.
It didn’t take long before a message from another base reported a fleet of Romulan ships going past them, Yorktown rushed to investigate. The Romulan fleet cloaked as they approached and Yorktown did the same. Believing the fleet to be very close to them she had the ship’s cloak flicker for a moment, and they were hit with disruptor fire. The Romulan commander hailed them, informing them that this was now Romulan space, as ordered by the Praetor. The Romulans fired a new miasma weapon, a update to their feared plasma weapons, which Yorktown was just out of range of. Yorktown returned fire, guessing correctly that some of the ships were below the plane of the weapon, scoring three hits. More conventional weapons fire was exchanged, straining the ship’s system and overloading consoles. They were able to retreat under cloak.
They intercepted an unmarked starship crossing into Romulan space. Although a Klingon D7 in design, they assumed it to be Romulan,given what was known of the two Empires’ technological exchanges. They decloaked and fired immediately, striking a crippling blow, and the enemy ship jettisoned their damaged nacelle before cloaking. Una baited the other ship into attacking them again by dropping their cloak and shields. The other vessel took the bait but not the way they expected, they raised their shields, snapping the battlecruiser’s neck as the forward portions were inside their shield envelope. They demanded the battlecruiser’s surrender as the aft section of that ship was exploding. The remaining portion of the ship rammed the top of the Yorktown’s saucer, causing massive damage. 
Unbeknownst to both parties, their actions were being monitored by a cloaked Romulan ship, which beamed off the Yorktown’s bridge crew and the Klingon survivors prior to the ships colliding. The surviving senior officer (the first officer, who wasn’t on the bridge at the time) relocated backup crews in auxiliary control. They disentangled themselves from the Klingon wreck, and attempted to move away, but there was damage to key systems and power fluctuations across all decks. Yorktown was later taken to a Starbase for repairs.
Christine Chapel joined the medical staff in 2271.
In 2272 Yorktown was still under the command of now-Admiral Una. They had received partial upgrades to interior spaces such as the bridge and transporter room during their last refit.
Surveyed the forest moon of Sigma Thernia 3B, in the Orion sector. The landing party reported odd structures and mathematics being performed by the local insects and birds. When they left members of the landing party starting exhibiting unusual symptoms like dismantling consoles and heightened senses.
Responded to the Joanna’s distress call, a medical courier. They beamed aboard Leonard McCoy, Jon Duncan, Theela, Gary Seven and Roberta Lincoln from a twentieth-century equivalent warzone that had been supplied weapons by the Klingons and populated by clones made from a secret 1960s experiment back on Earth. They engaged the Klingon Kloor’s ship, with intent of disabling it, but as soon as it took at direct hit it self-destructed.
Theela and Jon Duncan made requests to stay behind on the planet, to help the inhabitants with the various medical sciences they desperately needed. Six Yorktown medical personnel also volunteered and the mission was approved by Starfleet Command. Gary Seven and Roberta Lincoln used the transporter to return to their own time period.
The two crew members who’d experienced the earlier symptoms prior to the Joanna’s distress call died as if their brains exploded and a third one who wasn’t on the landing party started getting similar symptoms.
The infection quickly spread to over half the crew, and the effects were accelerating. McCoy along with Yorktown’s medical staff discovered a second intelligence living inside the brainwaves of those infected and once communication was established and the situation explained, the intelligence agreed to restrict itself until they returned to Sigma Thernia 3B where it could flourish again. It had been distraught by what it had done.
Appeared in Star Trek: Romulans Schisms, and Leonard McCoy: Frontier Doctor #3-4, IDW Comics
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