#theese rambles
sin-ari · 5 months
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The pixel art discussion reminded me these exist so uhhh pixel animation i did when i was 13-14 upon ye
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morally-gray-omens · 1 year
I love being friendly.
I love complimenting people.
I love having inconsequential short conversations that the other person likley wont remember, but also may just brighten their day all the same.
I love giving people a chance to talk about somthing they're exited about.
I love being the first person to notice a new pair of shoes a stranger bought, and had been waiting for sombody to notice all day long.
I love doing small favors for people that could be done by anybody, that I would do no matter who asked me, but i just so happend to be the one asked and they just so happend to be the one asking me.
I dont know theese people. I dont know their identity, their beliefs, their past, and i wont be apart of their future. But for this brief instance, our lives crossed paths. For this small moment in time our days were brightend thanks to the other person existing. So, if you see this, I hope you have a good day. Keep existing. Keep asking for help, keep wearing thoose new shoes, keep talking about things that exite you.
I love you. And thank you.
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desultory-novice · 23 days
Hey, Noir! Finally figured out to use one of theese phone things...I think. Humans from Shiver Star who have Dark Matter.... Problems, I guess. We're pretty alike! Although you're still human and I'm.... This thing. Now that I think about it, there's someone really similar to you here at my planet! He acts all tough, but he's really soft once you get to know him... Especially around his little sister~! Always seemed... Oddly familiar, though.
Anyways, sorry for rambling! I hope you're doing okay! - Cari
((for context, I used the "dark matter blade used to be human" thing for my headcanons! Even though my version differs some from Noir, I thought it would be neat if they knew eachother while they were both on Shiver Star. Maybe even meeting her near fate at his possessed hands...))
//cw: body horror (mild)
(How are people even calling me?) (What's the phone number on this thing? It's a literal toy.) 
((...Why do I keep answering?))
"'…Still human...'"
"Hah... hahaha..."
"...Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm NOT. You know what else EYE'M not? Thrilled to hear more people talk like they KNOW ME from some other timeline!!"
(Like there's...)
((Like there's one in which my life wasn’t all a living nightmare...))
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AN: My son Noir he has every disease...
This probably takes place pre-Emotional Support Waddle Dee? Tbh I’m having trouble keeping track of my own timelines. You’re just going to have to go with it.
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seerterror · 4 months
Kin Memories!!! (Infected)
(I just super rlly wanted 2 ramble about theese hgh it's nice to have things to think back on and be happy instead of sad)
Laughing in the elevator with Split!! I don't remember what we were laughing about though but that's fine since we laughed about a lot of things before ^_^
Listening to the Teapot theme on my computer! All of the music in-game existed in-universe online.
My illness caused hypersalivation and I think that's why gumballs would always lose their flavor super fast unlike they used to. DrRetro said that if I wouldn't medicate I should at least chew on those since they'd make the illness more tolerable.
Speaking of DrRetro I might've had a small crush on her at one point but I dunno whether or not I actually did or it was just delirium from the illness. Probably the latter.
I wanted to prove Gnarpy wrong on something so I chugged an entire Fizz Jug in front of xem. I think the drink had gone flat since it had a more juice-like consistency? Either way xe kept calling me an idiot the whole time :P
Hanging out in the happy home party with Poob... I love Poob I miss 'em so much...
Also!!!! Their homemade pizza was the BOMB even though they weren't the biggest fan of making it iir they said it was worth it to make their parties special. I liked the food at Reddy's ofc ofc but oh everything Poob tried to make just. Amazing :3 I think I offered to help them at some points? Idr but I'd have gotten declined anyway lawl.
I somewhat knew Jeremy since he was friends with Split but I don't think there was a lot more to it. I think he liked my pink.
Lying in bed. Not tired but cozy definitely. DrRetro probably told me to do that.
Cuddling and petting Poptart!!!!!!! She was soooo soft.
Wearing borrowed earmuffs as I watched the snow fall. They weren't specifically Retro's pair but I think she did lend me the ones I wore.
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supersharkgentlemen · 2 years
So the usual dynamic with Percy and Marcus-and/orOliver is Massive Nerd x Fit Jock. But what do you think about it being Massive Nerd (who is secretly also a fit jock) x Fit Jock (who is secretly a massive nerd) like they're both feeding into this side of each other that is supposedly "out of character" for everyone else?
Thanks for the ask! <333
I guess you are right! Bigger public tends to view people as one dimensional beings, especially if introduced to theese characters thru magazine articles and gossip. And with the people in question being percy, marcus and/or oliver you can clearly see why. Each of them is a determined hard worker, maybe even obsessive towards their field of interests. And while what does it for percy is ministry and law regulations, to which he indulges in on his office job, oliver and/or marcus are focused on a sports game, not just flying but coming up with strategies and analysing plays. They would have to have the patience to sit down and spill their thoughts in a coherent form on paper. So that makes all 3 of them huge nerds by technicality)
As for a secretly fit nerd... Y'know that PE in schools and uni's is less for real physical provess and moreso that your butt doesnt turn into a squashed square after sitting on it all day long? And since percy throws himself in his studies more than an average student (12 OWLs and NEWTs, thats my boy!) he would need more than 45 minutes a day spent halfheartedly stretching. And i guess oliver was an athletic kid even prior to hogwarts, so he would rope in percy into, i dunno, running laps and exercising on their own? Later oliver would up his load due to actively playing quidditch and percy would just go along, not noticing how fit he became. And even after hogwarts i assume he would want keep the benefit of his fit body as an office worker, so he could sign up to a gym, maybe with his boyfriends ;)
I hope my ramblings answered your ask))
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I'm so sick of seeing crochet artists and artists in general underprice thier work. Like you made that shit!!!!!! It's handmade and should be expensive!!!
Like I saw someone price a crocheted blanket at like 40$, and considering the fact that crochet can't be made by machines like knitting can, it makes that so much worse!! ( no shade to hand knitted items thoose should be expensive too) not only does this hurt small businesses, people in poorer countries and be exploited for this work( this is exactly what shien, temu, etc.. do)
Please please don't be afraid to fairly price your art. You made it, you deserve to be compensated. Just beacuse it's out of someone's price range doesn't mean it's unfairly priced
And to people buying from theese businesses, please think before you comment of thier set price. They often factor in cost of materials AND labor, and materials now a days are expensive, especially high quality ones. For example high quality yarn can cost 12-15$ a skien, and you need about 7 of thoose to make a throw size blanket
Anyway, I'm done rambling, if anyone wants to add something, please do!!!!!
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endergirlplayz · 5 months
some of my fave drawings
some of my favorite drawings I've ever made, I felt a need to show you, it may be set from oldest to newwest . I don't know how Tumblr will load them in
Also as of right now I decided I need to write detailed descriptions of each of theese so imma ramble a bit, also TW FOR GORE FOR THE FIRST DRAWING!! BE AWARE
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this is a pair of angst filled drawings. So the girl on the top is my gem oc royal purple saphrine (saphrines made by spookiemora) and saphrines eat saphires to steal there abilitys of future vision. So I have a human hybrid oc who's half saphire, and I wondered "what would happen if a saphrine tried to eat a hlsaphire human hybrid" and thus agst insued. The character with the gun on the bottom is Irene, who is the girlfriend of Sophie (the aforementioned saphire human hybrid). So yeah just some angst for angsts sake lol
Next one
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I made this in Dec 2021( I think) it's a redraw of something I made in dec 2020. ( or something to that effect) here's the original
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The character is my gem human hybrid oc black amber. I'm very fond of both but generally like the new one better
Next one
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this is my magical girl oc Katy! I drew her around valentine's day last year and I wanted to draw here being the absolute beauty she is ! I'm still trying to learn how to draw bigger bodys but this was a pretty good attempt.
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This is my oc fancy pink saphire, I just really like the background and the texture on this one man :3 it's really pretty
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This is my oc Omega purple pearl, she is the pearl of Omega purple diamond, I like the sahding and lighting on her , I think it gives ot a different vibe than my other art.
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This is two ocs I made based on songs. I picked one song for look and another for personality so I got theese (btw when I say picked I mean I was listening to my liked music and just letting whatever song came on next pick the vibes )
left is
Desighn based on :banana bread-cave town Personality based on: this is home -Cave town
Right is
Desighn -copy cat- crusher-pPersonality - hell fire -annapantsu
Thats right we got an extremely abusive relationship here folks (mm angst time >:3)
Alright next drawing
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Alcoholic rabbit man, idk I think I made this after having an odd dream. I just really like the vibes on this one man idk
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Ive shown this drawing b4, it's my pfp , cupid is my boy and I love him lots
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This is my oc Brooke, I made this of her when I first desighned the character and it was one of the more complex early art projects I took on.
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This is another more random one. Something about this drawing always stuck with me tho and now I wanna draw more like it
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I drew this for holloween either 2021 or 2022, I don't remember anymore, time isn't real. Anyway it's was a project for school but I ended up not showing my art teacher bc he didn't want blood in the drawing, but I did so I just never showed it to him. Lol, this took me at least two hours but I don't recall how long specifically
So it turns out I have way more images than I do energy to write good posts so were stopping here for tonight. I'll get some rest and maybe be back to normal posts in a few days, I just need some. Rest rn
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lucyl626 · 5 months
Rambling about The Sims
You might have noticed, that I rebloged two The Sims 2 posts, and I haven't posted about The Sims 4 in a while. So let me just pour out my thoughts on the current state of The Sims 4 here, since this my Sims Journal.
I admit, I made a mistake when I updated my game back in December. I always make this mistake. I should have waited, but it happened, and after that I didn't dare to open my main save. Even tho I have multiple back-ups, I back-up like crazy, I use 'save as' instead of 'save' at the end of every sim week (there was a time when I used it all the time, and ended up with 1000+ save files, so I reduced it to once/sim week for back-up).
Before I updated, I started to furnish a mansion for the Hargreaves family, but then I saw people getting lot corruption, I was scared to continue. I don't wanna lose hours of furnishing because the lot decides not to load anymore for some random reason, and it's a big lot 40x30, and the house is the whole lot basicly. I HOPE that the corrupted lots are not completely lost if the developers find the root of the problem and we get a fix, but this situation just discourages me to continue. Gallery lots are also affected. No one really knows what's causing this. To much objects, or particular objects? Who knows?
January patch came, and it was a disappointment. We got no fixes for the really game breaking bugs. And I get it, theese bugs are tough! Save and lot corruptions are not just a normal 'oopsie' in a script. I'm sure they are working on it full time, that's why we got so little fixes this month. But I was hoping my hiatus from my main save will be only a month. It looks like it will be longer.
I started a new save just to test out some mods I might wanna use in my main save later. I played a little rags to riches, I tried Padasama's Child Birth Mod. I wouldn't minded corruption at first, but then I got too attached. After the patch this month, I wanted to update my mods, but modders are so quiet. I tried to find info on what's broken, and what's compatible, but I couldn't. I didn't wanna bother modders because they might be busy and/or tired.
So, I decided to switch games until we get the monthly update in February then we will see from there. I made a poll on Twitter, and The Sims 2 won, so my next month will be about The Sims 2.
I still love The Sims 4 and I wanna play it. But I know myself. I don't have the patience like years ago when I spent days migrating my sims into a new save every time I broke it with a mod. That's why I went to no mods for almost a year and started to slowly and safely put mods into my game again. The fear that I have to start over again is real. And this time it's not a mod that I put in without reading a description. The game itself is a ticking time-bomb.
I know, someone might ask, but what about The Sims 2? Isn't that an unstable mess that can be corrupted so easily? Well, no. Just watch April Black's video about the topic. She completely erased my fear about The Sims 2 corruption, because now I know what to do if it happens, why it happens and how to prevent it.
I don't have that ambitious plans with The Sims 2. My The Sims 4 main save plans were to play the whole 4 seasons of the original story I wrote with my husband. It will take me years. For The Sims 2, I made a monthly plan: I will play the Stories games first, then I will continue their stories in The Sims 2, and I play as long as I wanna or can.
I also have plans for playing The Sims Medieval and that plan is much more ambitious: completing all the ambitions before entering the endless game mode with a kingdom that formed through the ambitions. But we will get to it if February's patch couldn't fix the major issues of The Sims 4.
I wanted to make videos about The Sims 2, but I just can't filter out the noise. My laptop is like a hybrid between a coffee grinder and an airplane, I live next to a busy street, trafic is crazy, everything is so noisy I'm gonna go insane! And it's even worse on recording.
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animnightmare · 1 year
Ramble / rant below
Tldr being i like learning about cultures a whole bunch and politics and so many things but also some like, even taboo topics? Or parts of them?And im afraid to make mistakes and cancel culture scares me
Read below if you wanna hear my thoughts akhakqhqoq
God i love everywhere so much. I honestly still think i owe it to ben brainard and his series welcome to the table for first opening my eyes to it, oddly enough.
But since then ive slowly begun to be more and more enamored with the beauty of different communities. Different states and countries and religions, ive always been intrested in it but last year it just took a whole new level.
Id say some of its a bit weird too because it also seeps into my interest in politics, where now even people whose ideals i absolutely dissagree with and even make me sick, i find myself enjoying hearing them out and learning about it.
On the oposite side ive been raised by the internet so im absolutely petrified of talking about absolutely anything ive learned or outright asking anybody any questions because i dont want to accidently say somthing wrong.
I love learning about theese things, so so much. I love debating about them and talking about it i love teaching what i know i love being wrong and being corrected, i love it all so much!
But i hate the fact i could easily say one wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person and then loose everything. Political correctness i think is what im thinking of. It scares me. Trying to abide by it, trying not to stick to it so hard i become part of the problem and alienate people.
Im still learning and growing and i want to keep doing so. Im going to make mistakes, its impossible not to and its harmful to live only trying to avoid it. Theres only so much you can learn without making mistakes.
Im not entirely sure where im going with all this, to be honest. But thanks for reading anyway :]
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jackspamifold · 3 years
kin assign me, for the lols
Sapnap. Take it. Idk why. Just. Sapnap.
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sin-ari · 8 months
Whats with all the weird controversies i've seen lately?? why are yall arguing abt slimey slugcats vs fluffy? Just draw them however you want!!! slugcat characterization? There's like... scraps at best,,, shove whatever headcannons you want at em!
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morally-gray-omens · 1 year
I love the part of the lgbtq comunity that lets you try on lables. The people that don't require proof that you are one way or another, and dont judge you if you figure out you were wrong about a label or find somthing no longer aplies.
It makes me feel good inside.
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anika-ann · 3 years
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But also: I bet he'd LOVE reading that 😂😂😂
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minijenn · 5 years
KH male characters fall into three categories: twinks, hench, and... whatever the fuck ya wanna classify the anthro Disney characters as. 
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syiqah97 · 5 years
Anyone know any vld actor au? Hmu
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tiredchaoss · 2 years
Josniffy is an English major???? What.
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