littlerose13writes · 7 years
I can’t believe this is finished! ❤️ 
Also on FF
 THE BOY WHO WED by Rita Skeeter 
 If, like me, you remember the days when we all most avidly thumbed the pages of our world’s most esteemed publications to learn of the unravelling love life of Harry Potter, this article will act as a milestone. Secretive and withheld as ever, access to this prestigious event has been limited. Nevertheless, your resident risk taker Ms Rita Skeeter has managed to score what one might describe as ‘a scoop’ with several inside sources offering interviews to fill in the blanks where myself and my photographer were so unceremoniously asked ‘where our invitations were’.
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manolo-ssa · 6 years
[share author='BBC Press Office' profile='https://twitter.com/bbcpress' avatar='https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/883285902247723010/QuzjYov5.jpg' posted='2018-10-08 08:35:27' link='https://twitter.com/bbcpress/status/1049216693501874177']New @DavidBowieReal film #TheFirstFiveYears completes the trilogy for @BBCTwo, while his 2000 #Glastonbury performance will be revisited by @BBCFour this October: bbc.in/2yeiSCA https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1049216592314286080/pu/vid/720x720/QqDpKlQFl70DwPNC.mp4?tag=5
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newcountryradio · 7 years
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#GarthAntology #newcountry #thefirstfiveyears
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nblcanada · 8 years
#Repost @theaudman #ThePursuit ・・・ Sharing with Justin Prince what I'm most proud of after five years with @nbl_canada #BasketballPride #Canada #Hoops #TheFirstFiveYears
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littlerose13writes · 7 years
Updating later today!
Extract from chapter 2:
“How do I look?” Harry asked uncharacteristically, nervously straightening the collar of his dress robes and turning from the mirror to seek approval from his girlfriend.
Ginny appraised Harry from where she sat cross-legged on her bed, taking in his nervous posture. She cocked her head to one side, her brow furrowed slightly. “You look a bit like Sirius actually.”
“Sirius?” Harry looked surprised at her answer.
“Yeah, I think it’s the hair.” Harry scrutinised her for more of a response but when it was clear she wasn’t going to give him one, turned back to the mirror.
He ran a hand nervously through the long, dark waves, staring at his own reflection. “Maybe I should have let your mum cut it before tonight.” Ginny’s eyebrows shot up as Harry turned to one side, eyes still fixed on the mirror. “But, honestly, this is probably the tidiest it’s ever been.”
Ginny scrambled off the bed as he spoke and removed Harry’s hand from where it was still playing anxiously with the dark strands. “No! I love it like that.”
Harry smiled and pressed a kiss to the corner of Ginny’s mouth. “You need to put some proper clothes on.”
“You mean Harry, you don’t want me meeting all of your ministry colleagues wearing just this?” She gestured down at her oversized Harpies sweater with feigned, innocent shock.
“Not on this occasion.” He smirked and continued looking at her.
“I suppose I’ll have to take it off then.” She winked at him and went to pull the garment over her head.
“Gin.” Harry groaned. “I just got dressed.” But he sounded pleased as he half-heartedly checked his golden wristwatch.
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littlerose13writes · 7 years
Read the whole thing on AO3.
Ginny knew. Knew why her mother had insisted on exchanging their quiet tradition for this noisy, busy affair. It’s hard to stop and think when there are glasses to be filled and food to hand round. It’s almost impossible to notice the people who aren’t here when the kitchen is full to bursting, people spilling out into the freezing garden already. It might not have felt like any New Year’s Eve Ginny had experienced before, but then again, this year wouldn’t be like any Ginny had experienced before.
Ginny watched a particularly giddy pair stumble over the threshold, drawing her eyes to a tall, brooding figure outside, stood slightly away from the rest of the party-goers. She recognised that stance.
He jumped as she lightly touched his shoulder, turning his blank stare in her direction, immediately replacing it with a warm smile as he recognised who it was. Ginny didn’t think she would ever get over how it made her feel to see him smile.
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littlerose13writes · 7 years
Also on FF.net                               
It was Harry.
He looked much healthier than he had earlier, as if he’d had a few hours’ sleep. His hair was swept back in its usual knot and he’d changed out of his day-old Harpies stuff into a dark grey t-shirt with long sleeves.
“You’re up.” He said, coming to her side at once and taking her hand.
Ginny shrugged. “Just looking at the stars. Can’t see them all that well from here though.”
“Here.” Harry placed his arm around her waist and guided her over to the window, allowing her to lean against him. She breathed against his chest. “And even better.” A flick of his wand caused the window to magically expand, until it took over the entire side of the room, allowing them to look out across the constellations.
“Sorry again about the concert.” She murmured and he kissed the top of her head.
“I’ve thought of that.” He grinned, flicking his wand towards the magical speaker Ginny hadn’t noticed in the corner of the room. Music immediately came from the device, softly playing The Sex Pixies’ most recent hit. “It’s like they’re here in the room with us.”
Ginny smiled into him and he rubbed small circles over her back, the stars twinkling overhead. His eyes lit up as his favourite song began to play.
“I bet you were looking forward to hearing this tonight.” Ginny sighed wistfully, still feeling bad that it was because of her they were missing the concert.
Harry looked at her for a long time before speaking. “That wasn’t what I was looking forward to most about tonight.”
“It wasn’t?”
“No.” he said in a small voice, facing the ground. “Ask me what was.”
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littlerose13writes · 7 years
The war’s over but it’s just the beginning for Ginny and Harry.
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