#theft prevention
howtobeaconartist · 1 year
Hi! I often see artists put at stacks of merch — like stickers, prints (sealed in envelope or not), and or having shirts on racks, or whatever — at cons. I know people say this allows for customers to freely and openly browse and shop without feeling awkward or shy around the artist, so this is obviously a good tactic to do. But what about the chance that someone steals something? I saw an artist once say they put their stickers in a tray, but doesn’t this make it more likely for people to steal?
Kiriska: Yes, and that's the trade off.
Personally, I'd rather optimise for sales than for theft prevention, because I think the former is more likely anyway, but also some amount of product loss from damage and theft should be factored in as the cost of doing business.
It is also the case that most of my items are pretty low cost from a production stand point. It's not a huge deal if a few prints or stickers walk. I'd be more wary of having higher ticket items loose on the table though.
If I carried acrylic charms or enamel pins with lots of fancy adornments or add-ons -- I'd probably just have a display copy out that was pinned down or clipped to something that would make removing it harder/more obvious, and keep stock behind the table.
Some shirts (and definitely other types of apparel) have high production costs too, but because size and fit is important for those, you may want to hand over something for someone to try before they commit to buying anyway, which is also a theft opportunity, I suppose. But I think theft of physically large items are also less likely to happen since they're more obvious?
There are also ways to deter theft other than locking everything down. Being attentive and greeting every customer helps, etc. You can learn to keep an eye on things without being overbearing.
But in the end, you really just need to decide for yourself what you value more. Do you want to prevent a potential theft more than you want to score potential sales? There isn't just one right answer! Whatever you decide for yourself is totally valid, and can also vary by item, con, con demographic, etc. Try a few setups and see what works for you!
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youabandonedthem · 1 year
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townpostin · 2 months
Scooter Thief Attacks Police in Mango, Arrested
Thief Caught with Community Help After Attempted Knife Attack on Police A man attempting to steal a scooter near the Shardul Factory in Daiguttu, Mango, late Sunday evening attacked a Tiger Mobile police officer with a knife. JAMSHEDPUR – Late Sunday evening, a man attempting to steal a scooter near the Shardul Factory in Daiguttu, Mango, attacked a Tiger Mobile police officer with a knife. The…
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detdeldragons · 4 months
I was sending letters to friends, and one friend mentioned that their mail was constantly being stolen and that it wasn't worth sending a letter. I decided to send it anyway, but with a bit of a safety system in place. This is just a random, wholesome story, and I felt like sharing it with other people. I think the world is a much kinder place than we like to pretend sometimes.
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b0tster · 11 days
back to the drawing board (studying mml expressions)
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apsfulfillmentinc · 11 months
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selfhelpradio · 1 year
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hope that works
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the-wolfbats · 11 months
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"Maybe we can try again in another 100 years."
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romanken · 23 days
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Anyway. Gojo and megumi ass quote. This truly was our lolita kaisen...
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natolesims · 8 months
✨I'm alive✨
Hi, yes, I went radio silence once again. December was a bit rough month and January, until today, has been super busy but... interesting? So far I've dealt with:
Wisdom teeth extraction 🦷
The winter blues (I'm okay now!)
The arrival of a new pet
A moving (I was supposed to be leaving this week, but there were some technical issues and I'm probably moving out early february. Yay!)
Unnatural heat in my country. Send help.
Approbation of my thesis article to get my degree 🎉
... A teacher trying to steal my thesis article 😒
Catching up with my uni friends!
Weeks of the flu (not covid, tho!)
My fianceé's high blood pressure (he's okaaay)
A couple of job offerings
AND setting up my own business (I'm freelancing as soon as I move out and I'm terrified)
So yeah. Life happened and I'm so relieved that I'm not static anymore, but oh my god. I'm tired. I want to sleep.
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rotzaprachim · 1 year
anyway the construct of the US as a monolingual anglophone nation is on multiple levels a white supremacist construct long before it is a reality
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cozyshoots · 6 months
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alwaysbewoke · 7 months
California residents! Please be aware and spread the word!
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townpostin · 2 months
Thieves Target Three Flats in Sakchi, Jamshedpur
Robbers broke into three flats in Sakchi, Jamshedpur, stealing cash and valuables. Three flats in Jamshedpur’s Sakchi area were targeted by thieves, who managed to steal cash and jewelry from one of them. JAMSHEDPUR – Three flats in Sakchi were broken into by thieves. They stole cash and jewelry from one of the flats, while the other two were not touched. On Friday night, thieves targeted three…
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intertexts · 3 months
gmmmm !!
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ljandersen · 1 year
hey girl 😭,
I just finished reading ur fanfic sideways and i was just wondering when part 5 is coming out, cos that cliffhanger left me ispeechless and i NEED more 😭😭😭💔
I'm so glad you enjoyed Sideways! I wrote it with so much love and emotion. I'm so gratified when readers are moved by it too!
For an update on Sideways Part 5, it's not currently on my front burner. That's not to say I'm no longer writing, and I haven't forgotten about it. In fact, my current project is distantly connected, so Sideways is never far from my mind.
There were many factors that influenced my decision to shift priorities. I spent two years writing Sideways. I spent an additional two years, not writing anything new, simply editing. And I hate editing.
Each part of Sideways has become progressively more labor-intensive. Part 5 will require the most work by far. It requires adjusting storylines, writing new scenes, and rewriting old scenes. I have to type it up from handwritten notebooks.
As the editing has grown more demanding, the fandom has grown more quiet (broadly speaking). It's only natural post-lockdown and MELE hype, but it's discouraging.
I came to the point where I was burned out. Having my work stolen and published on Amazon pushed me past the tipping point. I needed a break.
On the flip side, with the AI revolution, it felt like I needed to follow my dreams. If it's not now, it will literally be never.
Who knows where we'll be in five years or even just one? Will authors be displaced by prompt writers? Instead of devotion to craft and intricate storytelling, someone will push a key and churn out hundreds of novels from an algorithm? Quality is easily overwhelmed by quantity in the marketplace.
I've dreamed of being an author since before I knew how to write my first word. It's upsetting to fail at a dream, but what happens when that dream simply ceases to exist?
For those reasons, I chose to reprioritize my project. While I love Sideways and the readers who support me -- I miss them! -- I knew it was time to shift focus. I need a chance to write something new instead of only editing. Most important of all, the window for my dream is closing and I need to be there for it.
I have my first draft of Part 5 in a safe. It's waiting for me, and I'll be back for it soon. For now, I think about it every day and have every intention of finishing it.
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