x1633chefrick · 2 months
"Wubba Wubba Dub Dub?"
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keenie-bopper · 4 days
"You're so cute when you're angry.~"
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With a sharp gasp, Keenie could feel her face start to burn. "Well I’m about to look real f🐑*ing adorable! You little-"
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After a heated moment, her mouth clamped shut. She refused to give the troublemaker what they wanted.
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theherothestars · 10 days
✨ -gives you edible seaweed that grants ability to breathe underwater-
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"Thanks for the Seaweed. But I can turn myself into a shark man if I wanted to. But thanks anyway.
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paleobird · 1 month
"Can I blame you? You are part bird, Ava."
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"Full bird, actually! Naturally, I do have some 'bird-ish' habits and instincts, but I wouldn't say any of them are particularly odd, either. I've seen humans do some weird stuff."
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ask-carmenpondiego · 3 months
"Hello, Gorgeous.~"
“Hello, Handsome.~”
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askadultsweetiebelle · 6 months
"You're just like your sister, don't you know that?"
". . . who are you exactly?"
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"So Proto. How does it feel to be a stuffed animal like the smiling critters?"
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He stares at them for a moment before raising his hands and looking at them. There is a moment of silence before he answers in a slightly higher pitched tone than his normal deep voice.
"...Very odd..."
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finncomet · 1 year
"Kid, let me tell ya something. This hero business isn't just some Sunday Picnic."
☄️ "Okay?"
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"I've been at this for over a decade, so I'm well aware." 🦋
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Romeo: Never been to the Paldea region before but I did hear that they are some sort of spacetime continuum nonsense going on in there. Paradox Pokemons...is that the right term of it?
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"What do you smell like?"
"...." He takes a small whiff of himself. "...I dunno, burnt cloth and dirt?"
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asktheghosthost · 1 year
"So Madame Leota got mad at some human spirit medium performing a seance in their mansion?"
"To be fair, the medium was likely a charlatan looking for a grift...
"To be even more fair, Madame Leota becomes enraged at a great number of things, and sending people flying out of the room is her usual response.
"A remarkable skill for materializing the disembodied, but not so much for keeping her temper. You could say she doesn't have a... cool head, hm hm hm."
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keenie-bopper · 1 month
"Wait a minute, Ozzie is your boyfriend?"
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Keenie's head snapped away from the heckler to look at the bypassing denizen. At least this one had the decency to show their face. "Whaaat?" she whined awkwardly. "Nooo, come on you know these guys!"
"They won't go away unless you give them what they want! Right?"
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chopperpirate · 9 months
"So 'Straw Hat' Luffy winds up becoming one of the Four Emperors of the sea ever since Kaido's defeat?"
"Is... that a question for me?" Chopper was confused deeply by the arrival of this new individual.
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theherothestars · 3 months
"Have you ever… burped while you were kissing someone?"
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"Maybe once. But it was hilarious."
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bonkersdbobcat · 10 months
"From Cartoon TV Star to a Police Officer? How did that happen?"
"Once upon a time, looooong-but-not-too-long-ago, I was at the height of my fame, the peak of my prime, on top of the toony world! Aaaaand then our ratings went-"
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"There I was! Alone! Out in the cold! Until one fateful day- the same one even- whomst do I encounter but *gasp* Donald Duck. I gave him my reel right then and there in the park. I would've got a cameo in his next show if it hadn't been for a serial mugger holding him up and ruining my audition. With my quick wit and bravery," read: by accident, "I managed to apprehendify the criminal and save everyone's favourite daring duck!"
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"Chief Kanifky was so impressed he made a whole new department outta it! How could I say no to an offer for my true calling; keeping Hollywood safe for humans and toons alike? It was DESTINY!"
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"It was somethin' alright."
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scarletwingedking · 10 months
"Why would you need to run when you have wheels?"
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"Wheels? What wheels? Sprocket doesn't have wheels. Sprocket has legs, so Sprocket uses them!"
He puffs up his throat pouch and struts around, showing off.
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